#like wouldn't it be terrible if right at the end of something you were enjoying
not-poignant · 2 years
jesus Pia that sounds fucking rough.. I've been following you and reading your stories from 2015, and I never knew about this. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Sending you all the best <3
I didn't speak about it openly at the time because I had a policy of not shit-talking on my Tumblr, and I knew at the time if I mentioned what was happening specifically re: the self-harm photos, everyone would know who I was talking about, and I worried it might create backlash for this person. And while I felt manipulated and abused by her, I was genuinely worried for her mental health, and I didn't want her getting hate from people who saw what was happening to me. (Because like, I did carry some influence in that fandom, and that would have been fucking terrible).
The person who sent me most of the hate messages actually emailed me to apologise months later, which was bizarre, but... it didn't surprise me to know she was good friends with this other person. Because she always sent them under anon, I had no idea who she was until she apologised.
But yeah the reason a lot of people don't know is because I just...was only talking about it behind closed doors to cope, and trying to keep it away from anywhere other people could see it. I wasn't always successful, and I think I did mention I was having a tough time because of some of the people in the fandom, but that was the extent of what I tried to say.
Now that a lot of time has gone by, no one really knows who that person is anymore (though I think a very few people who were super active in the tags at the time might have some suspicions), and so I don't have to worry about her getting any hate, and she's a lot harder to identify. I don't even know if she's on Tumblr anymore.
I have a general policy of keeping that stuff off my blog, so I turned off anon sometimes, and I deleted (and tried to block) a lot of anon messages, I responded to very few. I have a general 'delete anything that I can't turn into something useful' policy. Sometimes messages from antis I can turn into a teaching/education moment, but if it's just repeated 'KYS' messages, there's nothing for that except the bin.
I do have a lot of screenshotted receipts though, lol. I got in the habit of screenshotting things, because I became quite paranoid at the time (esp because I didn't know how many people were sending me all the anons, so it felt for a while like it was a LOT of people vs. I think just a few very disturbed dedicated people lol), so I have a folder in my RotG writing folder literally of just...Tumblr drama, lol. It's sad to think about. I think it's one of the reasons I don't really go as deep into fandoms anymore like I used to. :( But that might change with time. :)
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alchemistc · 1 month
It's not something he thinks about terribly often - no real reason to, until this moment, with an arm slung over Evan's waist and a pair of eyes blinking at him out of the darkness.
Maddie and Howie are significantly smaller than Buck and Tommy. They are. There's no denying it. The bed that probably fits the two of them neatly with plenty of room to spare is just no match for Evan's mile-long legs, their broad chests and wide shoulders. Evan's tendency to kick one leg out from under the duvet and Tommy's habit of sprawling are just no match for this perfectly normal sized bed.
He'd said so even as they were turning out lights, voices low as they bypassed the frankly laughable double in the spare room in favor of the master, and Evan had joked that it wasn't like they didn't end most nights practically on top of one another, anyway, so what did it matter if they were a little cramped?
And he'd been right - at the time. In a California king they barely used half the bed - some combination of torsos and limbs always sliding together, heads tucked under chins and legs tangled together, arms slung over waists and pillows shared between them. Six months past the argument that had tipped them straight out of the honeymoon phase and firmly into 'actually we're just like this and that's clearly not going to change' and Tommy can't think of a single night they've actually laid down to sleep and not ended up a sprawl of interconnected pieces.
And they'd made it work, even though Maddie and Howie's bed is not large enough for two 6'2" men.
It wouldn't be a problem, except for the shadow hovering just a few feet in front of a softly snoring Evan - wet eyes and messy hair and a trembling bottom lip that Tommy is sure other people also find as devastating as he does, in this moment. "I sleep with you?" Jee Yun murmurs, wiping at her snotty nose and blinking her eyes like she doesn't already know Tommy would do pretty much anything to wipe the sad little frown off her face.
It's just.
There's no fucking room in this bed. Sure, if she'd had a bad dream and gone to seek comfort from her parents, there'd have been room, but, as Tommy has come to understand, her parents are significantly smaller than he and Evan and if Tommy shifts his weight in the wrong direction the both of them are tumbling off one end of this bed.
Jee's lip trembles.
"Did you have a nightmare, bug?" Tommy asks softly, and Jee shakes her head fiercely, tucking her chin towards her chest, a hand reaching out to dig tiny hands into the duvet. Stubborn, like the rest of her family, a refusal to admit weakness he's been in an uphill battle to stomp out of her uncle for going on a year now. Evan mumbles incomprehensibly in his sleep, and Jee turns still-wet eyes on Tommy.
"I sleep here with Uncle Tommy?"
Which is not playing fair at all.
When they'd all but shoved Maddie and Howie out the door to go enjoy a long weekend, insistent that it would be easier on Jee if they watched her in her own home, Jee had been ecstatic. She'd bounced off the walls for hours, dragged Tommy around with all the resolve of a child aware she had him wrapped both figuratively and literally around her tiny little fingers (her whole hand could wrap around two of his fingers at a time), insisted on piggy back rides when it became clear that riding on either of their shoulders was just a recipe for bonked heads. She'd tired herself out before the sun had even set, and passed out with her head pillowed on Evan's thigh and one foot tucked in Tommy's armpit, the other shoved under his knee on the couch.
She'd barely stirred when Tommy swung her up into his arms and tucked her into bed, and Tommy had spent a good twenty minutes after the fact furiously reminding Evan that they were not having sex in his sisters bed.
("The biological impossibility of knocking me up aside, you know what it does to me when I see you with kids, Tommy."
"Yeah, well, let your non-existent ovaries quiver with excitement for a few more days and I'll make it up to you.")
The Uncle Tommy thing is new. As in, she's never used it before this evening, nodding off in her seat while she picked at her chicken nuggets, and maybe Tommy had gone so still when she'd murmured it that Evan had actually been a little concerned, and maybe he'd indulged her request for a third episode of Bluey because of it, but he's a grown ass man who can surely let her down gently - sweep her off her feet and tuck her back in to her own bed and sit with her until she passes out again.
Or Jee can employ an absolutely deadly combo of trembling lip and tears at the corner of her eyes and Tommy can cave like the idiot he is.
Tommy assesses the scant space on Evan's side of the bed - knee curled up towards his torso and ankle dangling off the side of the bed, a hand under his cheek as he continues to snuffle in his sleep. No go there. Tommy's flush against him, knees tucked behind Evan's, arm still settled against his waist, and at his back there's plenty of space but if Tommy rolls sideways he's got maybe six inches of leeway between himself and the end of the mattress.
Tommy sighs and rolls. Jee's face lights up. Evan snorts awake and grunts in pain as he gets an elbow to the sternum and a knobbly knee to the give of his stomach when Jee climbs right up over him to shove into the newly opened space between them.
"Jee?" comes the tired voice as Evan shuffles onto his left side to face Tommy and their new company, rubbing at his eyes and smacking his lips like he's thirsty.
"Bad dream," Tommy intones softly even as Jee settles herself between them. There's a sharp knee dangerously close to his groin and a tiny little hand fisted in his sleep shirt and a face shoved into his rib cage, and Evan is giving him that look again.
Evan rests a hand against Jee's back, fingers shifting back and forth across her shoulders while she shifts her weight to find the optimal position. Jee sighs into Tommy's shirt, hot wet breath fanning out over the little spot, and kicks a leg back at an angle that must just miss something soft of Evan's, if the look in his face is anything to go by.
She's asleep before Tommy can count to ten - out like a fucking light in the space between them.
Evan's eyes meet his. It's a conversation they've had in fits and starts for months, now - since the first time he caught sight of Evan holding a baby and nearly had a meltdown in aisle three of Trader Joe's because he'd tucked that idea away years ago.
It's one they really need to have in full. Soon.
Evan's hand shifts, fingers reaching for the bolt of Tommy's jaw, thumb pressing into his cleft and then shifting sideways. "She played you like a fiddle," Evan says, voice soft, grin going wide, and Tommy glances down at the shock of dark hair tucked between them with the sudden realization that of the two of them, Evan is gonna end up being the disciplinarian.
Christ, they're fucking screwed.
He breathes, rubs his face into the pillow, reaches up to cup Evan's hand in his palm, enjoying the stretch of heat across his cheek and jaw.
"Go back to sleep," Tommy tells him, and doesn't fight the pull of a few more hours for himself when Evan sighs and lets his eyes drift closed.
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hellisharchive · 7 months
The Most Divine
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▬ Drabbles of how Lucifer and Adam would fight over gender neutral reader!
・C/TW! ▬ 18+, NSFW
・NOTES! ▬ Literally did not mean to this post now but whatever hope you enjoy it. It's also 3 am yay
♡...... LUCIFER would take notice of you immediately in the Hotel, from your voice to your body to your eyes, you were beautiful in every sense of the word. He treated you like royalty, like you were the best thing he could have found ever in all his billions of years of existence. He never made any moves on you though, the mental scars from Lillith leaving him still fresh in his mind and heart. You two were both really good friends though and he wouldn't trade that for the world.
♡...... ADAM would take notice of you during your first year in Hell as you were out during extermination day. He hates sinners with his very being due to a certain fallen angel, but something about you enamored him. He managed to find you alone and decides to take his chance. He hit on you and he ended up throughly fucking you in exchange for being spared this year.
♡...... LUCIFER makes sure you're ok after extermination day, you tell him that you ran into Adam and that he spared you, but not the true reason why. It made Lucifer incredibly angry as he knew you were lying, but played it off as he didn't want to be too overbearing and controlling. He was just concerned for you as Adam wasn't the best guy, regardless if he spared you or not
♡...... ADAM decides to watch you from heaven, keeping it a secret from Lute as she would surely scold him and never let him live another day without her disproving self. But seeing you talk and laugh with Lucifer made his blood boil. How dare you move onto that bastard after you just got fucked by the original dick? He didn't expect his attraction to you grow this bad, but it every passing moment when he didn't have important shit do, he watched you and Lucifer be all buddy-buddy.
♡...... LUCIFER would finally confront you about Adam, feeling jealous that he would be so much better in bed than that man. He knew he would treat you right. He watched as you stared up at the sky, knowing you were missing that angel for some odd reason. You admitted it right away, the guilt eating away so badly it was hard to contain. You did miss him despite him really being a terrible person, you did miss him. He shushed you and told you it was ok and that he wasn't mad, he was just concerned if he hurt you in anyway.
♡...... ADAM would reach his breaking point when he sees Lucifer tllt your chin up and say that he would always be there for you. Always make you feel better and always make you feel loved. He couldn't take it. Watching the scene play out with a hug, you two parted ways. Watching and waiting until Heaven's mistake was alone, the first man opened up a portal to Lucifer lounging on his couch on his phone when he looked up, not surprised at the sight before him.
♡...... "Well if it isn't the first man. Been a while since Eden? How've been? Fucking my people you swore to kill every year?"
♡...... "Shut the hell up! You stole Lillith from me. You stole Eve from me. You will NOT steal them from me!"
♡...... LUCIFER stood up then, despite his shorter stature, he walked right up to Adam with a smirk. He wasn't going to back down. He wasn't scared of this asshole. Even if he was scared to let you in, he still loved you very much and didn't want you wasting your time here in Hell with this man.
♡...... ADAM simply looked down at him, letting his anger be very known to the fallen angel. The key word is fallen. He was a traitor to everything good, and Adam would show you everything good and more if you let him instead of Lucifer.
♡...... "You think they were screaming your name? Last night, we were going so hard they cummed multiple times on my face just from my tounge" It was a lie, you both never had any sex at all, but he wanted Adam to feel intimated.
♡...... "That's a fucking lie. I've been watching them and you laugh and joke but never fuck. At least I actually fucked them unlike your coward ass. How's Lillith by the way? She really seems to love being with you, prick"
♡...... LUCIFER was going to quip back as the snide about his ex-wife especially upset him, but the door opened and you walked in sleepily and asked what was going on while rubbing your eye. Every one of you froze as the situation was becoming apparent to you as you woke up. He watched as you started to panic, knowing that this situation got too out of hand. You rushed up and demanded what was going on in a half sleep state. He was too angry to fully appreciate how adorable you were like that.
♡...... ADAM didn't feel threatened by your prescence at all, in fact, this was going to work in his favor. Smirking, he sauntered up behind your smaller form and wrapped his hands around your shoulders, leaning down and asking in a soft voice if Lucifer ever fucked you. You said no and shook your head. He could tell by the fact that you were shaking that you were very anxious yet thrilled at what was happening. He knew you liked Lucifer, he was just too much of a pussy to take what he wants. It's ok though, more for him.
♡...... LUCIFER hated how Adam defaulted to sex instead of what a real relationship is and its far more than lust. It was always being there for them, helping them, ensuring they were safe and loved. Not someone who fucked them and stalked them. But the ruler of Hell would play his game. Walking closer to your caged in self, he got right up in front of your face with a certain type of smirk you've never seen him wear before. However, his attention was turned above your head to Adam as the taller angel rested his head on top of yours.
♡...... "What's big shot doing now huh?"
♡...... "How about this? We both fuck them at the same time and see which one of us they like better"
♡...... "Deal"
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thevoidstaredback · 5 months
Okay, so maybe giving his calling card to a kid was a bad idea. He sees that now. Unfortunately, it's too late to take it back. On the bright side, the kid wasn't going to be able to figure out who he is yet based solely on a summoning circle. In the pitch black void of things, Danny can sense the card and the person who's holding it.
Maybe if he leaves Fawcett fast enough he can keep plausible deniability because there's no way that the tiny homeless kid he just met is Captain Marvel. Nope, no way. Not his circus, not his monkeys. He's leaving now.
"What happened to you?" Deadman had an insufferable grin on his face. Did he have the House drop him in Gotham? Danny wouldn't put it past him.
"Don't wanna talk about it."
"Where ya going?"
"To the basement."
Was the other ghost always this annoying? "Because leaving was a terrible idea. I'm going to go hide in the basement until the day I fully die."
"Aw," Deadman tried to pout, but he failed and started to cackle. "Don't be like that. Did you not enjoy your trip to Gotham?"
Danny was a lot of things. Violent usually didn't make it onto that list. However, he was willing to make an assumption. "So it was your fault."
Another cackle. "Don't be like that! You've never been to Gotham before. You can't tell me you at least didn't have fun."
They were at the basement stairs now. "For your information, I have been to Gotham. I didn't get to do much exploring this time because Batman and his gaggle of sidekicks surrounded me!"
"You've been to Gotham?"
"Not important."
"Oh?" The glee on the full ghost's face made Danny uneasy. "I sense a story behind that."
Oh, no. "No. I'm not telling you." He marched past and down the stairs, not bothering to unlock or open the door.
"Why not?"
"Because I said 'no'."
"Party pooper." he huffed. "You know I'm just going to keep asking, right?"
A sigh. "I'm not gonna cave. No."
"Ah, but you will!" That was the confidence of a ghost who knew he was right. Danny did not like how that bodes for him. "You, my friend, are a younger sibling. I am also a younger sibling."
Shit. "That....That means nothing. My answer will stay 'no'."
Deadman had the gall to chuckle darkly. "We'll see." Then, he disappeared.
Danny didn't sigh because he doesn't need to breathe. He was not going to tell what happened because what happens in Gotham stays in Gotham. It's a rule of thumb that people don't cross. Besides, Deadman doesn't know that Danny's actually the middle sibling. Dani, introduced to his parents soon after he'd told them he was a Halfa, was the embodiment of younger sibling because he had once been the embodiment of younger sibling.
"Please get Deadman to stop!" Danny begged Zatanna three weeks later. Maybe he'd overestimated himself a little bit.
The sorcerer raised an eyebrow as she looked up from the book she'd been reading. Something on runes? "What's he doing this time?"
"He won't stop asking me to tell him about my first trip to Gotham."
"You've been to Gotham?"
Danny groaned into the throw pillow he was clutching. "Yes. Please make him stop!"
"Sorry, hun," she focused back on her book, "But I can't see him."
"Oh. I forgot about that."
"Why don't you just tell him?"
Danny shot up, appalled by the very idea. "It's a matter of principle!" he exclaimed, "I am both the older and younger sibling: The middle child. If I give in, I'll have failed! I can't do that. Do you want me to fail?!"
"Okay, okay, geez!" she surrendered, "Don't gotta be so overdramatic about it."
"I'm not being overdramatic! I'm being just dramatic enough!"
"Sure, sure. Whatever you say, kid."
"I'm not a kid!"
"You look like one."
"Yeah, but I'm not! I'm-"
"King of the Infinite Realms," Constantine interrupted, "We know."
"Then don't call me a kid."
"Yeah, yeah, kid,"
"I'm not-!"
"Look, we can have this argument all day and we'll still end in a tie. I've got a case in San Francisco near Titan's Tower. Raven's coming along. Do you want to come with?"
"Don't you normally work solo?" Danny asked. Zatanna still hadn't looked back up from her book and he was pretty sure she'd tuned them out.
"Is that a 'no'?"
"No! No, I'll come with." Maybe having Constantine with him will deter the JL from hounding him. What do they even want with him? If they're upset that he died at fourteen, he's gonna scream.
The Brit smirked. "You sound almost desperate to get out."
"Shut up and let's go."
"Alright, alright."
Part 3 Part 5
Tag List: @zaiothe4th @someonebored0100 @wolfeyedwitch @angelheartgamer @nymanders
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amomentsescape · 9 months
I love your writing! Could I possibly get a Slasher X reader. One of the Reader ending up in the hospital for whatever reason. It could be over sickness or getting injured/hunt.
Slashers React to Reader Ending Up in the Hospital
Slashers x Reader (Separate)
Warnings: Mentions of injury, illness, and killings
A/N: Thank you so much! Some of the Slashers were written outside of the hospital setting since I don't think all of them would be comfortable stepping out into public. I hope you still enjoy though!
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Freddy Krueger
Freddy decided to pay you a visit in the real world when he hadn't heard from you in a few days
It wasn't like you to not say anything, and he was starting to get worried
But when he checked into your bedroom and found you nowhere in sight, he quite literally freaked out
(He may have visited some of your friends that night and threatened them to find out where you were)
When he finally found you in the hospital, he was even more worried
You could barely talk and your eyes were horribly bloodshot
It was only when you began coughing did he realize what was going on
"I haven't been able to close my eyes for more than 20 minutes without coughing" you hoarsely whispered to him
Despite wanting to take you back home with him, he knew better
He wasn't exactly a doctor, and he cared more about you getting better than you visiting him
So he let you be
He did help you with falling asleep though
And he visited you every night until you got better
He killed a couple nurses that he stated weren't taking care of you well enough though
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Michael Myers
Yeah, he's pissed
He comes home, and you're not there?
Mostly at the idea that something happened to you, but he won't admit that the idea of you leaving him may have crossed his mind a couple times
But when he finds a note stating you were going to get yourself checked out at the hospital, he immediately heads out without a second thought
You have no idea how, but he sneaks in without anyone noticing him?
He immediately rips the blanket off of you and scans your body, trying to pinpoint what is wrong
It's only when he sees your bandaged leg that he meets your eyes
"I was trying to clean your knife, and it slipped..." you said like a kid about to be scolded
He shook his head at you and then lifted you into his arms, carrying you out of the room
While walking out, you happen to notice several dead bodies laying on the ground, blood pooling around them
Ah, so that's how he got in
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Jason Voorhees
It was after the 5th night of not being able to breathe fully that you gave in, deciding to go to the hospital
You told Jason it would be super quick, but after a few hours, you still hadn't returned
Instead of just waiting a little longer like a normal person, Jason assumed that something terrible had happened and decided to make a public appearance
(Something he doesn't do often)
He headed into town and located the nearest hospital
Luckily, it was late by now, and the hospital wasn't quite as busy as normal
When he stepped inside, he just slammed down a piece of paper with your name on it, the front desk worker frantically typing in the computer
With how Jason looked and the size of his machete in tow, nobody even bothered to question him
When he was finally pointed to your room, he immediately picked you up and walked back out with you
After finding your doctor and making them give him your prescriptions, he was off to take you back home with him
He wouldn't dare spend even a single night without you
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Thomas Hewitt
With the amount of meat hooks, knives, and scrapped bones around, it was a surprise you hadn't gotten into an accident sooner
You were a pretty clumsy person in general, so when you stumbled over a little dip in the tile floor of the kitchen, you instinctively reached your hand out to stop yourself
You managed to not hit the ground, but you sacrificed the palm of your hand in the process
A large butcher's knife was sitting on the counter, and it had sliced right into your skin
Thomas was rushing to your side in a hurry, frantically smooshing towels onto your wound to stop the bleeding
Despite his protests, you insisted on going to get looked at in the hospital
You were certain your hand was going to need stitches
While you were out, he just sat on the couch the whole time, staring at the wall
You promised to be back later, and so he trusted you
But there was no way he was going to be productive with you gone
Once were finally back, Thomas was quick to give you princess treatment
He makes you lay in bed while he brings you food, treats, and cuddles
He'll be watching you like a hawk for the weeks to come, that's for sure
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Bubba Sawyer
Bubba was quite literally hanging onto your ankles as you tried to make your way through the door
He was blubbering like crazy
But this stomach flu you've been dealing with was making you miserable
You needed some type of medicine to sort yourself out, although Bubba disagreed
You told him you'd be back soon before giving one last shake and running out the door, leaving Bubba whining after you
He was yelling at basically everything and everyone, frantically storming around the house until you came back
He knew he wouldn't be able to go with you, but he hated you going anywhere by yourself
He was only calm again when you walked back through the door a couple hours later, some weird looking pills in hand
He'd be all over you after that, refusing to even let you go to the bathroom by yourself
And unfortunately for him, this attachment to you resulted in him waking up with the same stomach pains you had just a day later
At least you still had some medicine left, right?
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Brahms Heelshire
So there's no way in hell Brahms would ever let you go to the hospital
When you accidentally tripped on the stairs, knocking yourself unconscious during the fall, Brahms was going through a mental breakdown
He didn't know how to help you
And despite all the shaking and slaps he could muster, nothing would wake you up
He finally gave up and decided to call 911
When the ambulance showed up, they were met with a grisly surprise
One of the medics was immediately killed upon entry, and the other was held at knife point, forced to call back and say everything was fine
Brahms then forced them to help you, watching their every move
It was only once your eyes fluttered open that his body relaxed
He quickly disposed of the other medic, immediately tending to you
But don't worry, Brahms would deal with the bodies and the ambulance later
He did it for you after all
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Norman Bates
It was actually Norman's idea for you to go to the hospital in the first place
It wasn't like you to be dealing with a cold for this long, and he was beginning to get worried
He happily drove you there, patiently sitting in the waiting room as the doctor took you back to check you out
With a couple prescriptions (and a hefty payment) later, you were back at home with him, relaxing in bed
Norman made sure you always had some tea to drink and soup to eat throughout the night
He even ran the bath for you in hopes of opening your sinuses
He just seems like a normal, doting partner
But if the medicine doesn't seem to help soon, Norman supposes he may need to pay the doctor another visit...
Just to talk things over, of course
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Billy Loomis
It's just a little cut, why do you need to go to the hospital?
You shouldn't have been playing with his knife in general
He told you it was dangerous
But he can take care of you himself, he's sure of it
But when he finds you gone just a few minutes later, he immediately becomes tense
With a loud sigh and a few curse words later, Billy is out the door and driving after you
When he makes it to the hospital, he just storms inside
He ignores all the calls from staff to "come back" and to "not go in there"
He finds you talking with the doctor, a look of shock on your face
(You're not exactly sure how he knew which room you were in)
"Are we done here?" Billy grumbles
"You shouldn't be back here"
Billy rolls his eyes at the doctor
"Does it look like I give a shit?"
And with that he, grabs your hand and walks you out, being mindful of your bandaged arm
You're still not sure how you haven't received a bill from the hospital yet
In fact, you haven't heard back from the doctor at all in the past few days
Huh, weird
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Stu Macher
Nothing about Stu is calm... ever
So the moment he realizes you aren't home at your normal time, he flips
Probably tries to call and text you numerous times
He even calls Billy who's like "how am I supposed to know??"
When you finally send a text back saying that you went to the doctor's, he quickly responds back saying he's coming to get you
He storms into the hospital like he owns the place, immediately asking the staff where you were
If any of them refuse, he gives them a wicked smile that makes them all uncomfortable
They give in quickly
Stu suddenly barges into your room asking "what's wrong" and "who hurt you?"
You almost laugh at his worry since all that happened was you falling due to being clumsy
He just sighs and shakes his head
"You should have called me"
Once you're all ready to go, he just walks out with you with your arm wrapped in his
He says goodbye to all the staff like nothing ever happened, but they all look a bit fearful
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Eric Draven
After fighting with the flu for a good week, Eric decides he should take you to get checked out
Despite your protests, he insists he needs to take you and stay with you (just to make sure they hear you out and give you what you need)
Eric wouldn't hurt or threaten any of the hospital staff, but his presence alone is enough to make them feel intimidated
You're practically in and out within just 20 minutes
"That wasn't so bad, right?" he teased
You just give him a little shove
He pretty much dotes on you for the time being until you get better
Unlike most of the Slashers, Eric has no issues with you going to the occasional doctor's visit
He cares a great deal about your health and always wants what's best for you
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tsxkkis · 3 months
omg omg can i request? pls ignore if you dont!
s3 of haikyuu will always be my favourite season, maybe due to the fact that tsukishima realizes his potential in playing volleyball? (him having his MOMENT is my favouriteee scene)
so could you write gf manager reader x tsukki, where reader witnesses him having his first moment (blocking ushijima's spike), injuring his hand etc etc up until they receive their throphy and medals in the end ?🥹🥹💕 shes a proudddd reader and literally just smooch smooch hug hug tsukki because hes the mvp of karasuno x shiratorizawa 🥰😤
i realized that theres nobody includes this scene in their fics and i wonder why? 🤔🧐
# tsukishima kei - mvp
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a/n: i am terribly sorry anon bcs this took so long T-T i'm not quite sure about some parts of this fic but overall i really enjoyed writing this request!! tsukishima is my fav for many reasons, one of which being the fact that i see myself in him a lot, and the particular moment during the shiratorizawa vs karasuno match is also my fav from the entire series!! i hope u enjoy reading this fic^^ i feel like it's not exactly what you asked for, so i'm sorry if i went too far away from your idea....
summary: tsukishima finally regains his love for volleyball.
warnings: a few swear words here and there, the fic doesn't exactly portray what happened in the series (i switched it up a bit)
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'are you stressed?'
'not even a bit.'
'you're lying. i can read you like a book.'
tsukishima kei let out a deep breath, rolling his eyes as he looked away from your face. you were obviously right; there was no way he wouldn't be stressed before the game that determined whether or not karasuno would go to nationals. as much as he hated to admit it, he was almost as stressed as others. he was just better at controlling which of his emotions are shown.
you squeezed his hand, his fingers instinctively intertwining with yours. all it took was a reassuring smile from you to help with his nerves, his muscles finally relaxing after being tensed up for the last twenty minutes or so. he still tried to get used to you being more than a friend. your relationship was quite awkward and fresh, so much so in fact that you never even had your first kiss yet.
'i'm sure you'll do great.' you stated calmly, trying to hide the fact that you were even more stressed about the match than him. 'in fact, i'm positive that you'll win.'
'even if we do, it won't be because of me.' he mumbled, letting out a silent laugh when he saw the angry look on your face. 'oh, come on. it's not like i'm the greatest player this team has.'
'you know i hate it when you talk down on yourself.' you said, the tone serious and sharp, rather unusual for you. it stayed like that for only a short while, taken over by a softer, understanding one. 'you're a vital part of this team, tsukishima. winning this match is not up to a single person. it's a team effort. your input is as important as that of kageyama or hinata.'
he opened his mouth to say something but was instantly stopped by the voice of his captain, daichi, calling the team up to quickly warm up as the match was about to start.
you smiled at the boy, letting go of his hand before lightly patting him on the back.
'do your best for me, alright?'
'i will.' a barely noticeable smile appeared on his face, his hand affectionately ruffling your hair. 'don't worry too much about it.'
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you finally realized why tsukishima kei never tried more. why he would never stay longer like other karasuno players to polish his skills, why he didn't truly seem to love the sport he chose to play in high school.
'you're insufferable, you know?' his words sent shivers down your spine. 'why don't you leave it the fuck alone?'
opposite forces, some might say. no one really knew what drew you and tsukishima to eachother - both of you completely different from one another, and yet oh so similar at the same time. frustration took over you every time you looked at him, and now you knew why.
he was like a mirror in which you could see all your flaws, and it irritated you a great deal.
his outlook on life and the way he viewed himself made you furious. how can someone be so full of contradictions? so cocky and confident, and yet so vulnerable and self depreciating at the same time. so full of himself and yet so hateful towards the person he saw in the reflection of every window, every mirror.
how can someone so great at what they do, so intelligent and talented, be so critical?
'because i can't! i can't leave it alone, you absolute moron.' the thought of how loud you were didn't stop you from continuing to shout, a mixed look on your face that tsukishima couldn't quite decipher. were you angry or sad? and why the hell would it bug you so much to evoke such strong emotions within you?
'you're saying i'm insufferable? from the moment i laid my eyes on you, you've been nothing but insufferable. so much so, that i want to gouge them out every time they spot you.' you ignored your watery eyes and tsukishima's surprised face, almost as if he didn't expect you to blow up like this. 'it pains me to see you be so full of doubt and hatred and i- i can't understand why you would think so lowly of yourself, why you feel inferior to the other guys in every way possible, when you could be so much more than them. do you even realize your potential, tsukishima?'
he stayed silent. for the first time since knowing you, tsukishima kei did not have an answer to your words.
'your doubts are so irrational i don't know if it makes me angry or sad. you're truly incredible on the court. you're intelligent, you can read the opponents well, you have the physical predispositions for volleyball and a natural talent that you choose to ignore because-'
'but what is talent without passion?'
that singular sentence managed to catch you off guard so much you had no idea how to answer him. such a simple question, and yet such a philosophical, confusing one.
'why should i put my all into something i'm not even passionate about, huh?' tsukishima tried to keep his composed nature, but it was hard to stay intact after what you've said. as much as he did not want to admit it, your words hit him deeply. 'why waste my time and energy for something that does not give me any satisfaction at all? tell me that, because i have no fucking idea.'
'passion is not something that dissapears once and never shows up again, you idiot.' you took a step closer, as if that was going to help you get your point across. 'if your passion is genuine, it will always be there. whether small or big, it will always crawl around in the back of your mind. if you ever truly loved volleyball, the moment where you fall in love with it again will come sooner or later.'
your words were met with complete silence, but you didn't mind. tsukishima slowly processed your words, a focused look gracing his face, lips in a tight line. even though it was only a couple of minutes, for you it felt like hours - awaiting an answer, any answer at all.
tsukishima moved closer, his tall frame hovering over you as he wrapped his arms around you, catching you in a tight hug, much to your surprise.
'thank you.' he mumbled quietly, glad that in this very moment you couldn't see his face, and the stupid smile plastered to it.
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the moment where you fall in love with it again will come sooner or later.
tsukishima's mind lingered over these words whenever he played, awaiting this moment to come almost eagerly. the match was particularly hard - with ushijima wakatoshi as their opponent, the chances of winning were incredibly slim. every spike of his went through the block, his serves were absolutely killer, and his teammates did everything to deliver the ball to him at all costs.
what a hassle.
you noticed that his demeanor on the court changed from what it used to be. tsukishima seemed more invested now - almost as if he was trying to impress you, to keep his word. as happy as it made you, you were still anxious about the match and it's final score, hand shaky and a bit sweaty as your eyes followed the ball flying around from one side of the net to another.
another spike from ushijima, it'll probably be another point for shiratoriza-
and that's when you realized.
you saw the ball hit the ground on shiratorizawa's side of the net surprised gasps from everyone watching the match. you saw the shocked look on ushijima's face, the horror in the eyes of his teammates as the ball bounced off of the floor for the second, third, fourth time.
silence took over the court for just a mere second, quickly interrupted by tsukishima's triumphant scream.
he looked more than content with his performance. he looked... happy.
the rest of the boys joined him, screaming in unison. it was just one point, right? but for some reason, for both you and tsukishima, this one was worth a thousand.
for the first time in years, tsukishima kei felt that his spark for volleyball came back.
you noticed that his eyes were now focused on you, a full, cheeky smile gracing his face, and it only made you tear up. a short moment, probably insignificant for people around, but for the two of you it was like a breath of fresh air, like getting rid of the shackles that once held you in place, enabling you from moving forward.
'y/n, are you... alright?' coach ukai looked with his brows slightly furrowed, confused by your teary eyes and big grin plastered to your face.
'yeah, yeah, i'm fine. sorry, coach.' you mumbled, bowing a little as your eyes focused on the court. 'actually, could kiyoko replace me here for the rest of the match? i'm not quite feeling well.'
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'tsukishima is injured.'
'what?' akiteru spoke in unison with you, terrified voices mixing together as you looked down from the stands to see the boy walking off of the court and rushing to the medical office along with kiyoko. your instincts took over you - feet moving on their own as you quickly ran towards the same place.
the two blondes followed right behind you, stopping only when in front of the door to the medical office, gasping for air after such a short run. as athletic as your boyfriend was, you were quite the opposite; getting tired after a little to no physical activity at times.
tsukishima saw your head peeking through the doorframe, a small smile on his face the moment he laid eyes on you.before you opened your mouth to say something, he already gave you an answer.
'yes, i feel fine.' he stated quietly, sitting down on the edge of a chair. 'you don't need to worry.'
'are you going back on court?' he only gave you a small nod in response, seemingly feeling better already as he stood up, his hand taped up.
you looked up at him, taking in the expression on his face, just how focused he already was. he looked almost as if he already had a plan to defeat shiratorizawa in this match. seeing him so eager to go back and play almost made you laugh a little - you swore you never saw him get this invested into something ever.
'go and win then.' you mumbled, patting him on the shoulder as he headed towards the gym hall.
'oh don't worry. we will.'
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you couldn't stop the tears rolling down your cheeks as you saw karasuno emerge victorious from the hardest volleyball match they had to play this year, hugging yachi tightly as both of you celebrated the win of your team.
the triumphant screams filled the gym hall, the team emotional after doing what many deemed impossible. as most of them enjoyed themselves, not planning on leaving the euphoric state for a long while, tsukishima could only think of doing one thing - going to you.
you were the only person he truly wanted to celebrate with.
after the ceremony of getting the medals, to everyone's utmost shock, considering your relationship wasn't exactly public, tsukishima went up to you almost immediately, a cocky smile on his face as he ruffled your hair, looking down at you from behind his glasses.
'you didn't exactly look quite as content with your performance before getting the prize.' you mumbled, looking at the blonde haired boy with your head tilted to the side.
'well, i could've blocked more of ushijima's spikes.' he started, rolling his eyes at the sole idea of not being able to do that during today's match. 'i only managed to block one and-'
you decided to use the only method that was for sure going to shut him up in that moment, lightly grabbing him by the tshirt and pulling him closer, lips clashing for a split second in a short, sweet kiss.
'no talking down on yourself today, kei.' you said, unconsciously smiling as you saw his face getting red at what you just did, cheeks covered by a tomato-like red colour. 'i'm proud of you no matter what you think about today's match.'
he stood still for a few seconds, as if processing what had just happened seconds ago, the redness on his face deepening with each passing moment. his hand was quick to grab yours, almost dragging you away from the team and to a more private, less occupied area of the building.
'do that again.' he mumbled, after he finally led you to a quiet hallway.
'it was... nice.'
your eyes lit up, a cheeky smile gracing your face as you finally realized what he was on about.
'ohh, you want another kiss?' you said teasingly, eyes quickly glancing from his face down to his lips. he rolled his eyes, unamused by your act of playing dumb.
'come on, don't make me repeat myself.' still somewhat embarrassed of what he was asking for, tsukishima stood in one place, awaiting your next action.
a sigh left your lips as you took a step towards your boyfriend, standing on your tippy toes to be able to reach his face.
'alright. i guess you deserve it, match mvp.'
your arms were wrapped around his neck in no time as your lips gently touched his, tsukishima immediately kissing you back, hands positioned on your waist as you felt a smile creeping up on his face. he let out a short laugh, seeing your face being just as red as his was moments ago, hand reaching to squeeze yours.
'what?' you mumbled, as he hasn't spoken a word since breaking the kiss.
'that's surely the best prize i got today.'
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taglist: @moonswolfie @wyrcan @kitsune-kita
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fandoms-x-reader · 2 months
Love is More than Lust
Requested By: @number-1-obey-me-brother-simp
Headcannons + Oneshot
Summary: The brothers' reactions to MC being afraid to confess their love to Asmo because they have a low sex drive + the confession to Asmo at the end. Headcannons for the brothers / Oneshot for Asmo Asmo's part is at the end to make sense with the story! Word Count: 2,927
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Lucifer is the one who almost always knows what his brothers are thinking, and that includes Asmo. 
He’s been there since the beginning - when Asmo was an angel - and through his transformation into a demon. He’s been there for all of the highs and the lows.
One thing that never changed about Asmo was his want for love.
Asmo surrounded himself with people he called his “fans”. He had tons of followers on social media that he always kept happy and coming back for more. 
And he did all of that to satiate his need to feel loved.
But Lucifer knew that wasn’t the kind of love Asmo needed. Asmo may have been the Avatar of Lust, but he was so much more than that. So much more than what he let people see. 
Lucifer could see how you felt about him, and he had hope for his brother. Hope that he would finally be able to find the love that he had so desperately wanted.
But, there was one problem, you had sworn off admitting your feelings to Asmo because of your low sex drive.
You knew what Asmo’s sin was all about and you were afraid that because of your low sex drive, Asmo wouldn’t want you or that you wouldn't be enough.
Lucifer liked helping his brothers, but he didn’t want them to know he was involved. So, he’ll try to encourage you to admit your feelings and he’ll try to help you see past having a low sex drive.
But, he won’t be directly involved when you finally do admit your feelings to Asmo.
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Even though Mammon makes a big deal about being your first man and all that, at the end of the day, he just wants the best for you.
So, when he sees that you’re upset about something, he immediately asks you what’s wrong. And he won’t stop until you finally tell him.
Mammon does his best to be sympathetic towards you. He could see your love for his brother and how much not being able to tell him is killing you.
He’ll instantly become your number-one hype man. He went into a long rant telling you everything about you that’s so great and how a relationship is more than just sex.
He’ll also assure you that Asmo is so much more than that as well. Lust may be his sin, but that’s not the only thing Asmo is good for.
He would never admit it, but Mammon is a great big brother when he wants to be. And he genuinely wants to see his little brother happy. 
So, he’ll offer to help you come up with ideas on how you could tell Asmo your love. They're all pretty terrible, and some of them are really just schemes for Mammon to make money off of it, but nonetheless, you appreciated his help.
He’ll also definitely tease you about it in public. He won’t say anything too obvious in front of Asmo himself, but he enjoys watching you get flustered after he makes a side comment or two.
He claimed it was compensation for him “helping you out with this problem.”
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Levi is not big on helping others with their love life. He tends to shy away from that kind of thing in public and claims that being in love is something a “normie” would do.
But, when he notices how distraught his Henry is feeling, he has to do something.
He couldn’t be considered your true friend if he left you in your time of need. 
He doesn’t know how to bring it up though. He can tell that you’re upset and that you need someone to talk to and that it involved Asmo. But he wasn’t sure what the right question to ask was.
So he simply told you he was there if you needed to talk. And you gratefully took him up on his offer, needing someone to talk to.
You explained everything to Levi, and although part of him wanted to close his ears, the other part of him wanted to be there for you. 
That was it? You were scared to tell Asmo how you felt because you didn’t want him to reject you for your low sex drive?
Levi lists off a bunch of couples from the mangas the two of you have read together and points out the fact that none of them had to be together in that way to realize how much they loved each other. And they were iconic couples!
He then demands the two of you have an anime marathon, starting immediately. He wants to inspire you to admit your love to Asmo. Both of you deserve to be happy!
And while you’re watching these anime, he’ll make notes for you on what to say and what not to say for it to be a perfect confession.
He wants to be there to help you. That’s what a true friend would do!
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As usual, Satan figures out what’s going on all on his own. 
He noticed something was up with you when you zoned out in class one day and used his “detective skills” to study you. Your body language, your expressions, your emotions.
He noted when you looked happy and when you looked sad and that all led him to the conclusion of unrequited love.
Except, the person of interest was his brother Asmo and it definitely was not unrequited love when it came to the two of you. Couldn’t you see that?
Satan will watch the situation unfold for a bit until it gets painful to watch. Then, one day, when you’re studying in the library, he just asks you why you haven’t confessed your love to Asmo yet.
You’re a blushing mess. Were your feelings for the fifth-born really that obvious?
When you tell Satan the reason you haven’t confessed your feelings for Asmo, he’s a bit surprised at first.
It made sense that you would think that way. After all, Asmo was the Avatar of Lust. But, Satan had known his brother for centuries. 
He had seen the way Asmo looked at you longingly and he had seen that same look reflected in your eyes.
Your feelings for each other were strong and a low sex drive wasn’t going to change that.
Like Levi, Satan has read many romance stories and he is more than happy to share all of the tricks he has learned from them to help you confess your feelings for Asmo.
He is now treating this like his own personal study. He had his observations, his analysis, and his theory. He had his subjects, and he had formed an idea for a catalyst event.
Now, all he had to do was watch and hope it played out in everyone’s favor.
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Oblivious wasn’t the right word to describe Beel. A better word was distracted. Either distracted by his hunger or by eating.
But who could blame him? It was food! Everyone should be able to enjoy it when they’re eating!
That’s exactly what he was thinking when he looked up at you and saw that you weren’t eating your food. You were just poking it with your fork, looking between it and Asmo who was standing across the room.
Beel could see the sad expression on your face and he hated it. Who could look so sad when they were eating?
“Are you not going to eat that?” Beel asked, his big eyes looking at you with concern.
You finally snapped out of your thoughts at his question and made eye contact with him. “Oh, no, here you can have it,” you replied, pushing your food over to him and opting to look back at Asmo.
You hadn’t eaten anything all day and you just willingly gave your food away like you were throwing away trash!
“What’s wrong?” Beel asked. You let out a small sigh, debating on speaking up. But Beel had the best puppy-dog eyes and you could see he was worried about you.
You confessed your secret to Beel and he munched on the food while he thoughtfully listened to you. For once, he wasn’t completely distracted by eating and he was giving you his attention.
When you were done speaking you let out a gasp of surprise as Beel engulfed you in his arms. He hugged you to him closely so that you knew he was genuine when he told you how amazing you were and that you and Asmo would be great together.
He never wanted you to feel like you weren’t enough because you had done so much for him and his family. 
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Belphie loved you but he was starting to get annoyed with you.
He was lying with his head in your lap, just trying to get his afternoon nap in; but, every time he was about to fall asleep, you let out a loud sigh that woke him right back up.
The first time you did it, he didn’t think much of it. But after the third or fourth time, Belphie was ready to lose it.
You had stayed silent for a longer period of time now and Belphie had stayed awake a bit longer to make sure that you weren’t going to do it again.
He thought he was safe and let himself drift off once again but right as he was on the verge of dreaming, another loud sigh snapped him back to reality.
Belphie quickly sat up, surprising you with his movement. “What is it?” Belphie asked you, peering at you with curious and tired eyes.
“Oh, it’s nothing, sorry. I’ll try and be quiet,” you replied, mistaking his question as him being annoyed by you.
And while he wanted to sleep, if something was genuinely bothering you this much, then he wanted to know. 
Belphie didn’t back down, encouraging you to talk to him. When you finally told him what was bothering you, Belphie was shocked and then let out a small laugh.
You were embarrassed that he was laughing and he apologized. It’s just if that was what was bothering you, then you had nothing to be worried about.
All of the brothers could see how much Asmo loved you without the two of you even being intimate with each other. So it didn’t matter if you only did it sometimes, Asmo would love it, and you either way.
After telling you this, Belphie then plopped back down on your lap and told you to stop worrying so he could go to sleep. 
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Asmo didn’t understand your and his relationship. He could feel the attraction between the two of you when you were alone together. But, no matter how many times he’s tried to tell you that he loved you, you always played it off as a joke or shied away from him.
For once, Asmo dared to question his looks and charm. Was he not good enough for you? No, he couldn’t let himself go down that spiral.
He focused on a different approach. Maybe he had done something that made you question your feelings for him.
Or maybe you thought he would be good in bed but a bad boyfriend. That’s what everyone else thought about him so it wouldn’t surprise him if you shared those same feelings. 
But he had hope that maybe you didn’t. Maybe you could see past his sin and see how much he wanted love. And how much he had fallen in love with you.
Asmo did his best to keep his composure around you. He always wore a smile and stayed strong in his facade. The same facade he wore around others.
He didn’t want you to see the way he wanted to kiss you and hold you. He just wanted you to see the calm and cool side of him. The side everyone else loved. 
But you didn’t love Asmo just for that side of him. You loved him for his vulnerable side. The side that only you got to see.
After much convincing from the brothers, you finally decided to tell Asmo your feelings for him. What’s the worst that could happen? 
Asmo loved everyone for the most part. It was just to what extent. And you had confidence that even if Asmo didn’t love you to the extent that you loved him, your confession wouldn’t ruin your friendship with Asmo.
Satan and Levi were heavily involved in the place and time of the confession. While Mammon and the twins were your emotional support, claiming they would be there the whole time. Even Lucifer was quietly supporting you from a distance.
It was simple. Asmo would be coming home from the Fall and you would meet him in the living room of the House of the Lamentation where you would confess your love for him.
The brothers were standing in the other room where they could hear and see everything without being overbearing. 
You took in a nervous breath as the door opened and Asmo came walking in. He got a smile as soon as he saw you and you couldn’t help but smile back. 
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” Asmo asked, approaching you and throwing his arms around you. He pulled you into a hug and you gladly accepted his embrace.
You opened your mouth to say something in response when you felt something wet hit your shoulder. You furrowed your eyebrows as Asmo suddenly started making quiet noises.
“Asmo, are you crying?” you asked him. He only responded by crying louder. You looked at the brothers in the other room with a look of panic in your eyes. They were all looking back at you with the same expression. This was not part of the plan.
“Asmo, what’s wrong?” you asked him, gently rubbing his back. No response. You once again looked to your helpers and you were only met with an array of shrugged shoulders. Helpful.
You let out a small sigh before helping Asmo up this room. You sat him down on the bed before pulling away from him to look into his eyes. You were desperate to know what was wrong and Asmo knew it, he just wasn’t sure how to say what was on his mind.
He opened his mouth to speak multiple times, but each time he closed it again, reconsidering the words he was about to say. 
“Do you think I would be bad in a relationship?” Asmo finally asked, casting his gaze away from you as he waited for your answer. He wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to hear it. 
You gently wiped away a couple of Asmo’s tears before replying, “No, Asmo, of course not. You have so much love to give.” 
“Then, why don’t you love me?” Asmo asked, finally locking eyes with you. You were taken aback by his words. This wasn’t how you were supposed to confess your love to him. But - he looked so dejected as his eyes begged you for an answer to his question.
“It’s not that, Asmo. I do love you. I just don’t think we would work in a relationship,” you admitted. Asmo took a deep breath to reply, but you stopped him, wanting to finish your thought.
“I wouldn’t be enough for you. You’re the Avatar of Lust, and I would never ask you to change. But, I wouldn’t be able to keep up with your needs,” you added and it seemed like Asmo understood what you were trying to tell him.
Asmo’s mind raced with thoughts and you let him take the time he needed to process. This whole time Asmo thought you didn’t love him because he wasn’t good enough for you. But, in reality, you thought you weren’t good enough for him. 
And that broke his heart more than you rejecting him. Because he thought you were perfect the way you were. And he never wanted you to feel like you were anything less.
The truth was that Asmo already knew that you had a low sex drive. When it comes to his sin, he can see it in everyone. In some people, it burns bright, others not so much. But, Asmo never loved you any less because of it. 
If anything, it would help your relationship because Asmo wouldn’t feel like you’re using him just for sex. You want to be with him because of who he is. And it goes both ways. He loved you for you not because of how frequently he wanted to sleep with you.
He can’t promise he’ll be able to hide when he’s turned on - which is often. But, he would never force you into doing anything. And, if you only have sex every so often, he’ll make sure those nights are special. 
Asmo finally pulled you into his arms, holding your body close to his. The way he’s been dying to hold you for so long now. “I love you,” he told you softly, multiple times, as he placed gentle kisses on your face. 
He pulled away after a moment and cupped your face, lifting your head slightly to make eye contact. “Don’t ever think you’re not enough,” he told you sincerely.
The brothers may or may not have been on the other side of the door silently celebrating as if they were the ones that caused the confession to happen.
In reality, it was the amount of alcohol Asmo had at the club that pushed him to finally say something.
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imababblekat · 2 months
Scars That Bind
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**WARNINGS**: implied ptsd, scarring, angst (but w/ happy ending)
@httpvomitello ,"Hi Hi, how are you? So I was wondering if you could do a one shot with Donnie x f! reader who is his girlfriend. It would be after the event of the second film, where she helps with the fight and everything. However, she ends up with a big scar on her back, but she never got around to revealing it to the others because she was ashamed to show it, and because of that, in those weeks she almost didn't let Donnie touch her, whether it was a hug or a kiss. Until one day, he accidentally sees the scar, and after her explanation, he comforts her and things get better.
A/N: oh boy this is much longer than i had planned it to be! hope y'all still enjoy though! im just gonna go cry in a corner after having written this ╮(T▽T)╭
It had been weeks, and yet the events of the Kraang attacks still effected you. Effected your life. It hadn't been as often as early on, but you still had nightmares. Still awoke sweaty and fearful from a nightmare that played out way differently and more devastating than how the real battle had ended victoriously. Well, mostly victoriously. Yes, the four ninja brothers you had helped and fought alongside went home with some new scars that they would no doubt proudly brandish, but the one you took home made you feel anything but proud. Anything but strong like how the turtles felt about theirs.
The large, healed but still freshly ugly wound across your middle back would be a forever reminder of how things could have gone terribly wrong for you that day. You were lucky to make it out alive in the end, but you had not only been physically scarred, but mentally as well.
What if you hadn't made it out of that slippery situation? What if it had happened and then Donnie, your everything, wouldn't have even known, to busy off fighting the big bad boss? How could you leave him, leave everyone, so suddenly in your foolishness to be more than what you were? A fragile human, trying to be a hero like her mutated boyfriend who had been training to fight his entire life?
The near death experience left you thinking and imaging the worst nearly every waking moment, and it seemed to effect more than just your lonesome. It had started to effect your relationship with Donnie. You can't remember the first moment it happened, but you remember every other time you had rejected his touches. The poor man couldn't get a kiss from you, much less a hug, and he had no idea why. The hurt in his eyes always tugged at your heart strings, but not as much as if he were to find out about the permanent alteration to your body.
If he found out, he would surely blame himself for not being there to protect you. Something you wanted him to not do. He along with his super brothers had more pressing things to be worried about, not a single human when they had the whole of New York on their shoulders. Your horrific dreams of death had also instilled in you that very great possibility of just how much danger you truly were in being with them. Yes, it was something that you had all known. April, Casey, and even Vern were just as in likely danger simply by being friends with the turtles, but no one really realizes the weight of something till it comes crashing down on them. Like it had to you.
If one day something happened to you, you didn't want to leave behind a deeply heartbroken and changed Donnie. Making distance would surely make such a casualty easier to deal with if there was nothing no longer there right?
You chocked on a sob, eyes screwed shut with clasped hands against your reddened face. The staggered cry quietly echoed off your bathroom walls, the only other sound being the slight slush of water in the tub you had planned to get into before you had caught a glance of the cursed marking on your back in the mirror. Now, you sat on the edge, trying your best to reason with your recent actions, but your heart and subconscious knew the truth and would not let you get away so easily.
Images of Donnie's hurt face only a couple hours ago still projected freshly in your mind. The pain in his eyes when you stepped back from his open embrace and rejected his goodbye kiss before you departed for home. You've seen the genius sad before, but never had you seen him so dejected. Knowing that you were the cause, hurt even more.
"But it's for his own good.", you sobbed aloud.
Than why did it feel so wrong?
Suddenly, something had fumbled and hit the tiled floor loudly, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin as you swiftly turned on the edge of the tub to see the last person you wanted to in this exact moment.
There, standing in the entrance straight as a pillar and eyes so wide they might pop out of his head, was Donatello. He had come to return back your phone, that of which he had called deciding it was finally time to talk about your standoff behavior towards him when it rang from the lair lounge. Now though, a call to work out the reason was no longer warranted, the off color patch of new skin and flesh on your back still crystal clear in his mind.
"I. . .", Donnie faltered, one usually a dictionary of speech, now speechless.
You on the other hand, were much more reactive. Your heart picking up pace, as you were quick to grab your towel and wrap it around, stepping out of your forgotten bath and racing to get out of this situation.
"I-I wondered if I had forgotten that, thanks Don, you can go-"
You had tried and failed to push your way past Donnie after swiftly grabbing your phone off the bathroom floor, but the turtle in purple was much faster and had grabbed hold of your arm just as you entered the hallway.
"How. . .how long have you. . .", Donnie swallowed, still struggling to find the words.
You felt your heart drop in your chest seeing the agony in Donnie's knowledgeable gaze.
"Donnie, please. . .", you mutter barely above a whisper, lip beginning to quiver.
"When you said you went to the hospital to check on a friend, did you really go for yourself?", he questioned, brows furrowed as he looked down at you, but you were careful to avoid his gaze.
You tried to pull your arm from his grasp, but Donnie held firm. He wasn't letting you go this time.
"(Y,n), please, I'm just trying to understand."
"There is nothing to understand.", you gritted out, angry with yourself for the tears that threatened to spill once again.
"How could you say that? You have a-"
"I know!", you finally snapped, glare flashing up towards Donatello.
Said turtle was stunned, but soon relaxed his expression, slowly letting go of your arm to take a step back. You cursed yourself internally, looking back to your hallway's carpet and holding yourself tight. A moment of tense silence befell the both of you, neither speaking and both refusing to look at the other. Your heart ached, and so did his, but it was not you who apologized first.
With a tight throat, Donnie was first to speak quietly.
"I'm sorry. . ."
"Don't say that.", you thought to yourself, another stinging pang shooting straight through your chest. Fighting back the urge to cry, you shook your head, chancing a glance at your slumped boyfriend.
"No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. It's just. . ."
Donnie looked up just as you looked down the hall, but your gaze was else where. It was a look he was all to familiar with, one he'd seen after terrifying incidents he and his brothers had experienced.
"Is that why you've been so distant?"
By that, you knew Donatello meant your scar.
The reference broke you, nodding as you started to sob and weep, new tears making new streaks down your face. Donnie muttered a quiet 'oh', opening his arms as you quickly crossed the short distance to fall against his plastron. The moment his strong arms wrapped around you, your heart had exploded, cries racking your body as you sobbed loudly, not caring if the neighbors heard. It had been so long since you had embraced each other, since you had been this close to the person you fell so deeply in love with, that the sensation of Donnie holding you felt as though you had finally returned home after an arduous journey across rough seas.
The entire time you cried Donnie stood cradling you, rubbing your arms softly and murmuring quiet whispers of "its okay" and "let it out" against the top of your messy hair. Neither of you knew how much time had passed, Donnie undoubtedly willing to hold you up if your legs no longer could, but soon you had calmed, only letting out shaking breaths and a few soft sobs here and there. Once you felt you had regained enough strength you gingerly used Donnie's strong plastron as leverage to push your self back, just enough to still remain close but also peer up into his worried gaze.
"I'm sorry Donnie. I never wanted to hurt you. I was so scared about how something happening to me would effect you, when I've been causing you that pain this entire time. I'm so, so sorry Donnie.", you choked out, feeling as though you were ripping off a band-aid and at the same time having heavy weights lifted from your shoulders.
"Oh, (y,n).," Donnie muttered, reaching up to move a strand of hair from your sticky, tear stained face. "I only wish I had realized sooner what you were going through. You shouldn't have faced this alone. I should have been there to help."
You bit your bottom lip, shaking your head slowly.
"No Donnie, that's exactly part of why I acted the way I did. I don't want you to blame yourself for what happened."
Donnie's grip on you tightened, a pit forming in his chest. That scar. It grabbed him by the throat and had him in a choke hold the second he stepped into your bathroom. When had you gotten it during the Kraang attack? Were you alone the whole time? How did you get such a wound?
Donatello had to be quick to stop his thoughts before they spiraled into picturing unsavory images of just how exactly you had been hurt. He hated it, this revelation that something seriously bad had happened to the person he loved and he wasn't there to do anything about it. If he'd lost you, he'd surely would have lost himself.
Leaning forward with tightly shut eyes, holding back his own tears for your sake, Donnie's lips pressed firmly to your forehead before slowly pulling back. His beautiful gold eyes found yours, a comforting smile gracing his features as you tiredly peered back at him inquisitively.
"Sorry, dove. I can't say that I won't, but I promise I'll try to as long as you promise me something."
"Anything, Donnie."
"Promise me that you'll always remember I'm here for you. That you can come to me about anything, and to please let me help fight your battles with you, just as you so bravely have done for me."
Your lips formed into a smile, the first genuine one in who knows how long. Your head fell against Donnie's strong chest once more, your arms squeezing him this time and feeling your soul being filled with a warm, positive feeling for once as the tallest ninja turtle returned your embrace with just as much love.
"I promise.", you spoke just above where Donnie's heart lay protected by plastron, the feeling of another gentle, loving kiss being placed against the top of your hair.
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lesbianrobin · 1 month
we are playing in the “tommy asks buck for an open relationship” sandbox rn. just go with me on this. ok? ok. he is entirely asking for his own purposes (perhaps trying to hook up with eddie perhaps not who’s to say!) but he frames it like well YOU deserve to experiment and be with other guys :) and so buck agrees despite being a diehard monogamist bc he's desperate to be loved and make this relationship work and tommy makes it sound reasonable.
so for a few weeks tommy like casually hooks up with a few people while buck hangs back uncomfortably and eventually buck is like SIGH well i guess i SHOULD get more experience with guys. and he asks eddie to come with him to a gay bar and buck absolutely knocks it out of the park like he's Killing it he and eddie r having fun and he hooks up with someone new every weekend and unlike his buck 1.0 days he's actually just having fun with it bc he isn't looking for emotional intimacy w these people that he'll never find! he's just letting himself explore things and be happy! meanwhile tommy is going for like shitty grindr hookups that don't even show up half the time. he tries asking eddie to Hang Out and eddie leaves him on read. like he is Not doing too hot.
and i think that buck is completely oblivious to the fact that tommy is not having fun like he is. but eddie does know and he's fucking Thrilled. he's just gonna let this shit play out. eddie knows that he loves buck at this point, but he's watching buck actually enjoy himself and kinda revise the terrible relationship he has with sex and find something liberating in it so eddie's okay with sitting back for awhile and letting buck have this while also laughing at tommy. maybe eddie is also finding hookups when they go out maybe not who's to say.
so after a couple months of this buck and eddie are hanging out and buck is like sigh yknow this open relationship thing was fun for a while but i just don't know if i see this thing with tommy going anywhere... like i don't really care when he hooks up with other people and i don't think it's because i'm cool and polyamorous i think it's because i just don't like him that much. and eddie's like well you shouldn't settle for a relationship where you don't really love your partner. yknow he does his sage advice thing. and buck is like yeah you're right...
and later buck goes to tommy and he's like hey man you're really great and i do like you but i think this just isn't really working. i think we both deserve something better. and tommy's like it's eddie isn't it. and buck's like huh? and tommy's like you were with eddie last night. and buck's like oh well yeah he and i were talking and he said- and tommy's like evan stop bullshitting me we're grown-ups you can just say you're dumping me for him. and buck's like sorry Huh. and tommy's like oh come on he was just "wingmanning" all those times you two went out? and buck is like ...yeah?? he's my friend?? and tommy's like sure. whatever fine. this was fun. have a good life evan. and buck's like what da hell...
and then when he tells eddie about the breakup, he mentions it and eddie's like ha 🙄 and buck's like oh haha yeah like that's crazy right! and eddie's like 🙄 as if you'd still be with him if we had been sleeping together. and buck's like . what. and eddie's like i mean. well it's us. we wouldn't... not as some side thing. if it was us, it'd be real.
and buck's like oh. yeah. do you, uh. think about that? if it was... us? and eddie's like ...once or twice. and buck's like ...once or twice? and eddie's like yeah. each time lasts a few years though. and buck laughs and he's tearing up and eddie grins at him and he says so. us? and buck says yeah. yeah, us.
and then they are in love and get married and are happy forever and ever the end 🫶🏻
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bossbtch1 · 10 months
Hi there 🫶🏻
I read Shadow of the past and it was awesome oh my god!!!
If you are taking requests, I have actually two prompts that I would love to see it, written by you 🥹
1- just a smut, pure smut, lovely smut. Bucky being an angry dom, frustrated coming to home and giving his frustration on female reader
and he's to obsessed and rough that reader need to you safe word, and then its a bit angst, cause Bucky feels terrible, but fem Reader reassures him that everything is okay 🥰
2th prompt in next ask 👁️
A Bad Day
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Summary : Basically "you pissed me out, I'm going to fuck the shit out of you."
Pairings : Bucky x F!Reader
Words : 5,7k
General Tags : NSFW, Smut, 18+
Tags : Angst, Hurt, Comfort, P in V, Unprotected Sex, Safe Word, Bucky is a dom, Choking, Spanking, Angry sex, After care, Make up sex, Shower sex, Slight Handjob, Fingering, Playful Banter, Fluff at the end
A/N : Hi, thank you for the request. While this still leans into the smutty side, I've woven in some plot and fluff to enhance the overall experience. Enjoy!
My masterlist
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It was one of those days. When you could tell Bucky was stressed about something, but wouldn't tell you what it was. You knew not to push him, but you wished he'd talk to you instead of keeping it bottled up.
You were sitting at home watching a show on Netflix, while you waited for him to get back. It was almost 10 o'clock. You'd made dinner earlier, but since he hadn't eaten it yet, you had put the plate of food in the microwave. It was probably cold by now, but you were sure he was hungry and would eat it anyway.
It had been days since he talked to you. You missed his voice and his touch. But the way he had been treating you lately was making you angry. You knew he was stressed and needed to be left alone, but you needed attention too. You couldn't remember the last time he'd kissed you. The last time he'd told you he loved you.
When you heard the front door open and shut, you stood from the couch and walked to the kitchen. He was just taking his coat off.
"Welcome home," you greeted, leaning against the counter.
"Hey," he mumbled, hanging his coat up and walking past you to the microwave. He grabbed the plate of food and pulled it out, before grabbing a fork. "Thank you for dinner."
"You're welcome." You watched as he sat down at the table and started eating. "Are you okay?"
Pausing mid-bite, he raised an eyebrow and met your gaze. "Why do you ask?"
"I was just wondering. You've been a little distant lately," you mentioned, making your way over to the table and taking a seat across from him.
"I'm fine," he replied, before shoving another forkful into his mouth.
"Are you sure? Because you've been acting differently," you pointed out, as you looked at him, studying his expressions.
He put his fork down and let out a deep breath. "Look, I'm not really in the mood for this. Can we just drop it?"
"Drop what? I'm worried about you," you expressed, leaning in slightly.
"I'm fine," he said with a hint of irritation in his tone. "I don't want to talk about it."
A moment of silence hung between you two as you looked at him. "Do you want to talk about us? About how you've barely talked to me for the past week? Or about how I haven't gotten so much as a kiss or an 'I love you' from you?” You paused, your words lingering in the space between you. "Is that something you'd like to talk about?"
"Jesus Christ, what's your problem?" he asked, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.
"I don't have a problem. I just miss my boyfriend," you said, trying to keep the hurt from your voice. "I don't even know what's going on with you anymore. You won't tell me. It's like I don't matter to you."
"I said I don't want to talk about it," he muttered.
"Well, I want to," you shot back, crossing your arms.
"What do you want me to say? That I'm stressed? That I don't have time for anything other than work right now?” He looked at you with frustration. “Do you want me to admit that I'm a fucking failure? That I'm a piece of shit for not being able to give you the life you deserve?"
You blinked at him, stunned at his action. "Bucky-"
"Don't," he snapped, standing up. His fork clattered as it hit the table, the sound echoing through the apartment. "Don't give me the sad eyes."
"I'm not-"
"Yes, you are! You're pitying me," he yelled, the frustration in his voice escalating. "Why don't you just step away so I can have some damn peace during my dinner?" His outburst echoed in the space.
"Fine," you declared, rising from your seat. "If that's how you want to be, then I'll leave you alone."
"Fine." He crossed his arms defiantly as you walked past him, heading toward the bedroom.
You slammed the door behind you and flopped down on the bed. You felt tears welling up in your eyes and you tried not to cry. You were pissed off at him.  You started scrolling through your Instagram feed, hoping to take your mind off of Bucky and whatever he was going through. You'd never seen him act like this before. Normally he would vent to you or you would talk him through it. He'd never completely shut you out before.
After a few minutes, you heard the microwave again. Bucky was heating up more food. You continued looking through your phone, until you heard him walk into the bedroom. You locked your phone and set it down, sitting up. You were expecting him to start undressing and getting ready for bed, but instead he walked over to you and grabbed you by the arm.
"Buck," you exclaimed, surprised by his actions. "What are you doing?"
"You want me to act like myself?" he asked, his hand tightening around your arm. "You want me to talk to you and be affectionate?"
"Yes," you answered, not knowing where this was going.
With an abrupt pull, he brought you to your feet. "Well, this is how I'm going to treat you."
Before you could ask what he meant, he threw you down onto the bed, causing you to let out a squeal. "Buck, what the hell?"
He didn’t answer and got on top of you. His hands held your wrists against the bed and he leaned in to kiss you. The kiss was hard and demanding. He forced his tongue into your mouth and began exploring.
When he finally pulled away, he looked into your eyes. "Bucky... we can talk about this..."
"No, Y/N. I want to fuck. I want to take my anger out on you. Will you let me do that? Will you let me fuck you like an animal?" he asked. He had never been this rough. But you couldn't deny how aroused it made you. You could feel your panties getting wet. “I’ll show you the real me.”
"Yes," you breathed out and braced yourself.
He grabbed your wrists and pinned them down above your head. His body was hovering over yours. "I'll give you a safe word. How about 'peach'? Say it and I'll stop."
"Peach?" you questioned.
"Say the word and I'll stop," he repeated, before crashing his lips onto yours.
The kiss was sloppy and harsh. He bit your bottom lip hard, pulling a cry from your lips. It felt like he was trying to suck the breath out of you. You felt out of breath when he finally pulled away. He moved his hands away from your wrists, but you kept them in place.
He brought his right hand down to your throat and lightly pressed his fingers into your flesh. You moaned at the feeling and he began to squeeze. It wasn't enough to hurt, but it was definitely making it harder to breathe. You could feel the pleasure building in your lower stomach.
You had never explored breath play. You didn't think it would do much for you, but this was incredible. He knew exactly how to make it feel amazing. Your eyes fluttered shut and your body started to writhe against the bed.
He finally released you and you sucked in a deep breath. He sat up and grabbed the waistband with both hands. With a quick yank, he ripped them right off of your body, revealing your bra underneath. Your eyes widened in shock. "Buck, what the -"
"Shut up," he growled, as he moved his hand and began unbuttoning your pants. He yanked them down, along with your panties.
He quickly pulled off his shirt, pants, and boxers. His hard cock sprung free, precum leaking out of the tip. "Hands and knees, now," he commanded.
"Bucky -"
He gripped your chin tightly. "What did I say? I said hands and knees," he ordered, voice thick with arousal. "Don't make me repeat myself."
You swallowed hard, and nodded, doing as he said. You raised yourself on all fours as he moved behind you and grabbed your hips. He smacked your ass, causing you to jump. "Don't move," he said, his metal hand moving to wrap in your hair and tug making you cried out, and he pushed your face into the mattress.
You could feel his hand rubbing your pussy. Then his fingers were pushing inside you. "Look at you, all ready for me. So wet. I'm going to fuck you so hard. I'm not gonna hold back. I'm going to fuck you like you deserve to be fucked. Do you understand me?"
You could hear him spitting and then he was thrusting inside of you. "Ah, fuck," he groaned, as he bottomed out. He held onto your hips tightly, and didn't give you a moment to adjust. His fingers dug into your hips and he began pounding into you. "Is this what you wanted, Y/N?"
"Yes, yes," you moaned. He began fucking you harder, his hand leaving your hair and moving to your back. He pushed down, arching your back as his cock filled you again and again.
His flesh hand left your hip and he slapped your ass, hard. You whimpered at the pain, the sting of the slap turning to pleasure. Your eyes closed as his cock stretched you over and over. He slapped your ass again, his flesh hand gripping your hip again. He was pounding into you relentlessly now, his pace unrelenting. You gripped the bed sheets, his cock hitting that perfect spot.
"I can feel your pussy getting wetter. You're enjoying this, aren't you?" he asked. He was thrusting in and out of you hard. He was rougher than he'd ever been before. It almost hurt, but there was something else there. It was pleasure and lust. You liked the way he was using your body. "Such a tight little pussy," he grunted, as he rammed into you.
He held you still as he fucked you hard. You could hear him grunting and moaning, and the sound was so erotic, it made your pussy throb. You tried to keep your voice down, but you couldn't stop yourself from crying out.
"That's it, baby. Let me hear you. You want me to fuck you like this? You want me to make you scream? You like when I pound your little pussy?"
"Yes! Please!"
He wrapped his hand around your neck and started pulling you up against his chest. You could feel his cock slamming inside you, and it felt amazing. "Remember to use the safe word, if it's too much."
You looked at him over your shoulder. His face was flushed, and his pupils were dilated. He had a wild look in his eyes, and the sight made your heart beat faster. His pace was relentless. He was like a wild animal, his body slamming against yours. You could feel the pressure building up inside of you.
Your fingers curled around the sheets and you whimpered. He reached around, and pressed his metal fingers against your clit. You jolted and gasped. He didn't stop moving, even as he rubbed circles against your bundle of nerves.
He was thrusting harder and faster, and the feeling was so incredible, you started screaming. You were getting louder and louder, and the sounds coming out of you were animalistic. "Are you close, baby?" he asked.
"Yessss," you hissed.
"Come on, baby. Cum all over my cock. I want to feel your pussy clenching around me." he demanded, his voice gravelly.
His words sent you over the edge, you could feel the tension in your lower stomach and then the flood gates were open. Your orgasm hit you hard, your pussy clenching around him. He gripped your hips and kept pounding you until you were a trembling mess.
You collapsed onto your forearms, unable to hold yourself up anymore. Your orgasm had made you weak.
"Turn over," he ordered, pulling out. You obeyed, moving so that you were lying on your back, legs spread for him. He moved back in, pushing your knees up until they were almost to your shoulders. He entered you again and began pounding into you, his hips slamming against yours. You could feel him hitting all the right places.
He was groaning and moaning. He grabbed your throat and squeezed. You gasped for air and the lack of oxygen heightened your pleasure. "I love this. You're so beautiful when you're gasping for air," he groaned.
He didn't stop thrusting, his hips rocking in a steady rhythm. Your pussy was clenching around him, and he grunted in pleasure. "Your pussy feels so fucking good."
You were starting to get light-headed, and he finally released your throat. He moved his hands to your thighs and spread your legs open wide. You were panting heavily, and he leaned down and kissed you. The kiss was softer than the previous ones, and his tongue gently slid into your mouth.
Bucky kept fucking you harder and harder. He was like an animal. He was using you for his own pleasure. You closed your eyes, the sensation was overwhelming. Your mind was swimming with thoughts and feelings. You were completely at his mercy.
"Look at me." he ordered while cupping your cheek.
You opened your eyes and gazed up at him. He was looking down at you with a mixture of lust and admiration, his pupils dilated and his eyes dark. “Keep your eyes on me while I'm fucking you." he grunted, as he thrust into you again.
You nodded, your breath catching in your throat. He had such control over your body. He knew just how to move his hips, how to angle himself so he was hitting the spot that would make you see stars.
His hand then was squeezing your breast. You moaned and arched your back. He squeezed and massaged your breasts, and you felt your nipples hardening. You moaned as he pinched your nipple.
"Your tits are so perfect, baby. I could play with them all day." he said as he lowered his head and took your nipple in his mouth. He flicked his tongue over it, and you gasped. He sucked on it, his teeth grazing over it. You felt your pussy tighten around his cock making him groaned.
"Gonna come for me again?", He continued touching and teasing your breasts, and the sensation was incredible. He pinched your nipple between his teeth, and the pain mixed with pleasure, was so intense, you screamed.
You nodded. You were close. So close.
He grabbed your chin, holding you still as his hips moved against yours. "I can't hear you."
"Yes, I'm gonna come again," you cried, your body arching against his.
"Good," he breathed. His fingers moved to rub against your clit.
You moaned loudly, your hips moving against his hand. "Oh god, baby, I'm so close. Please make me come, please," you begged.
He rubbed your clit in slow circles, his cock pumping into you. You could feel your orgasm approaching and you closed your eyes. "Look at me," he growled, his voice harsh. Your eyes flew open and you stared at him, panting.
"I'm gonna -" you broke off as your orgasm hit. You screamed, your body arching against his as he continued his relentless pace, drawing it out as long as he could.
He moaned, his hips jerking erratically. He was close. You could feel it. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "Oh fuck." he groaned, and with one last thrust, he came. You could feel him filling you up, and you cried out in pleasure. He kept thrusting into you, as you both came down from your high. He collapsed on top of you, and you could feel him softening inside you.
He collapsed on top of you, his breathing ragged. Your heart was pounding, and you were pretty sure your soul had just left your body. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips before he rolled off of you and lay down beside you. "Shit, doll, I've missed that," he sighed.
You laughed, as Bucky slowly moving to lay your head on his chest. His flesh hand stroked your hair. "So have I, Buck."
You both lay in comfortable silence for a few minutes. You could feel his heartbeat begin to return to normal, as yours finally did. "Are you okay, doll? Was I too rough?" he asked.
"No." you said breathlessly, kissing his chest. "You were perfect."
“Are you really okay? I’m sorry if I was being too rough, I-”
Cutting off his words with a lingering kiss, you pulled away with a smile. "I have a safe word, remember? If I didn't like it, I would have used it," you assured him.
He sighed. "I'm sorry, doll. You know I’d never hurt you right?”
"I know," you whispered, your fingers tracing patterns on his skin. You felt another sigh escape him, and you could sense his relief. "It's okay. You don't need to apologize. I'm the one who wanted you to act like yourself."
"But I shouldn't have taken it out on you." He sat up, cupping your cheek with a gentleness that contrasted with the intensity of moments ago. "You deserve better than that."
"Hey," you whispered, placing your hand over his. "You were just frustrated. It's okay. I know you'd never hurt me."
"But -"
You silenced him by pressing a finger to his lips. "I'm fine, Buck. And we're okay," you reassured him, looking him straight in the eyes, making sure he could see you were telling the truth.
"Thank you. For everything." He kissed you softly.
You pulled him back down onto the bed and cuddled up to him. You laid there, enjoying each other's warmth. You felt like things were finally going to be okay, as if the storm had passed and left a calm in its wake. Bucky then broke the silence. "It was a rough mission.”
"I can tell. Wanna talk about it?" you asked, your fingers playing with his hair.
He sighed, and you could feel him tense up slightly. "Hydra." He said the word like it felt a bitter taste in his mouth. "There was a group of Hydra agents. I recognized one of them."
"One of the agents?"
"He was my handler, for a while." He looked at you, and you saw pain and fear in his eyes. "He was a bastard. He was always the one to do the worst experiments on me."
"That explains the anger," you sighed. "I'm sorry. It must have been hard to see them again."
"It was. It still is." He closed his eyes. "I hate that he's out there. And it's my fault. I should have captured him. But instead, I let him get away."
"How did that happen?” You tried to comfort him, but you didn't really know how to help him with his emotional pain.
"He managed to escape, and I couldn't let him get away. I had to bring him in. So I chased him." He took a deep breath, and you could feel him trembling slightly. "We fought, and I was winning. Then, I got a call from Sam. The team was under attack."
"And you had to choose between saving the team and capturing that son of a bitch?" You felt bad for him.
He nodded. "I chose the team. The Hydra agents escaped, but the team is safe."
You kissed him, gently. "Bucky, that was the right thing to do. The team needed your help, and I'm glad you were there for them. That man, he's not worth your guilt."
"But I let him get away. And if he gets away, he'll be able to continue his work." You could tell Bucky regretted that a lot, his eyes were filled with pain and regret.
"It's not your fault. You chose to save your team, and that's what matters." You sat up and put your hand on his chest. “Buck, I promise. I know you can't forget what happened, and I would never want you to, but don't let the past ruin your future. He may be free now, but that's only temporary. We'll catch him, and all the other bastards. You're the most capable person I know. I trust you."
He didn't look convinced, he played with your hair not looking straight to your eyes, "Hey, look at me." you cupped his face. "I know me just being beside you won’t help much, but let me try to help ease your worry… talk to me whenever you’re facing hardship. We’re a team remember?”
He smiled at you, "I know, sweetheart.” He went up to pulled you into a kiss, his hand slowly went to your neck as he deepened the kiss. "Thank you, doll. You always know what to say to make me feel better."
"I try." You smiled and kissed his nose.
"I'm gonna get a shower. Do you wanna come with me?" He asked.
You nodded and let him lead you to the bathroom, he was still holding your hand from when he had been dragging you out of bed.
Bucky pulled you into the shower as he turned the shower on, but the surprise of cold water made you yelp. "Cold!" you complained.
"Sorry, doll." He quickly adjusted the temperature, and as the warmth enveloped you both, he stepped under the spray, pulling you in with him.
You giggled. "We should have checked the temperature first."
He chuckled. "Yeah, we should have." You both laughed as the water warmed you up. "Better?"
"Mhmm, a lot better." You smiled and affectionately kissed his cheek.
He grinned and you went to grabbed the shampoo. "Here, let me help."
"Sure." You let him take the shampoo bottle.
Bucky squeezed some onto his hands and gently rubbed his hands in your hair, his fingers were massaging your scalp as he washed your hair. "How's that feel?"
"Really nice. You can do my hair every day." You grinned.
"I'll keep that in mind." He smirked and kept washing your hair. His hands moved gently, and you relaxed under his touch. You moaned as your eyes fluttered close. Bucky chuckled, "I think someone likes her scalp massaged." He teased, his fingers moving across your head.
"You're really good at this." You murmured, you were in heaven.
"Does it?" He asked, his fingers working on getting the soap out.
"Yeah, I love your hands." You moaned. "You're so good with your hands."
He laughed. "I've been told that many times."
Opening your eyes, you caught the cheeky grin on his face. "I'm sure there are other things that your hands are good at."
He grinned wider. "Why don't you tell me about those?" His playful tone invited your banter.
"Well," you started. "If I recall correctly. Those hands can make a girl orgasm like nothing else." You purred.
"Really? I thought it was my cock that did that." He smirked and rinsed the shampoo out.
You moaned, his fingers were still working their magic. "Oh no, it's definitely the hands."
"Maybe I need to check your theory," he mused. "Is it just the hands or is it something else that could be done to you?" He asked with a playful glint in his eye.
"I don't know." You moaned as his fingers found their way further down. "But you might have to experiment. For science."
"I might just have to do that." Bucky's hand wrapped around the back of your neck and pulled you into a hungry kiss. Your hands tangled in his hair, and you kissed him back. He pushed you up against the wall and ground his hips against yours, his hardening length sliding over your clit.
"Fuck, I need you, Bucky." You whimpered.
"Not yet, doll" He smirked. "I need to wash your body first." He grabbed the soap and rubbed it between his hands to create a lather. His hands started rubbing all over your body.
You sighed in bliss as his hands glided over you. The soap made it even more enjoyable as his hands slid across your body. "Turn around." He murmured and you did as he asked.
"Good girl." He said as his hands glided over your shoulders, he slowly massaged the soap into your skin and moved down your back. His hands moved further down and gripped your ass, his fingers digging into your soft skin.
"Your ass is so amazing." He said.
"Why, thank you." You grinned. "Yours is pretty spectacular too." You looked over your shoulder and winked.
He smirked. "You like my ass?"
"Hell yeah, it's gorgeous." You smiled.
He laughed. "Good, I like yours more."
He moved his hands to the front of you and cupped your breasts. He squeezed them and his thumb and forefinger rolled your nipples. You arched your back and pressed your ass against him, feeling his hard cock between your ass cheeks.
"So responsive." He chuckled and moved his hands down. "Lean against the wall."
You did as he asked and leaned against the wall. He moved one hand around your waist and the other went down your body and rubbed between your thighs. "Fuck, Bucky. I need you." You moaned.
"Hmm, you're so wet already, doll." He asked as his finger slid between your folds and rubbed over your clit.
"Always wet for you." You replied, his fingers rubbing against your clit making your breath hitch.
"Damn right." He added another finger and his thumb found your clit. He circled the bundle of nerves as his fingers pumped in and out of you.
You moaned and rocked your hips, trying to get him to go faster. "Please, Bucky."
He kissed your shoulder and then bit down, his teeth grazing over your skin. His fingers pumped harder and faster, hitting that perfect spot. "Fuck, Bucky. You're going to make me cum." You cried out.
His other hand left your breast and moved up to grip your throat, squeezing slightly. "That's the idea, doll." He said in your ear.
Your breathing became erratic, and you felt yourself getting close. "Bucky..." You whimpered.
"Yeah, I've got you, doll." He said, his fingers still pumping. "Come for me."
Your hips bucked as his fingers continued their assault. "Ah, fuck! Fuck, Bucky!" You screamed as your orgasm ripped through you. Your legs almost gave out, but Bucky's arms kept you upright.
"That's my good girl." He cooed, his fingers slowing their movements.
"Bucky..." You moaned, trying to catch your breath. Your hand went down to stroke his cock making him groan. You turned your head and looked at him closing his eyes and moaning at the feeling of your hands on him.
"You're gonna be the death of me, Y/N." He said as you pumped him.
You chuckled. "You know you love it."
He groaned. "Yes, I do." He looked down and watched as your hand moved up and down his length. "Fuck." He stopped your hand, "You're going to make me cum, and I want to be inside of you when I do."
"Well, what are you waiting for then?" You grinned and turned to face him.
"I was being a gentleman." He smirked. He pulled you into a searing kiss and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Your fingers were tangling in his hair and his hands were on your waist, he lifted you up and pushed you up against the tiled wall. You gasped and broke the kiss. "Fuck, yes." You moaned.
"Hold on to me." He said, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He grabbed his cock and lined himself up with your entrance. He slowly slid into you, his eyes never leaving yours. You moaned and threw your head back, enjoying the feeling of him inside of you.
"You feel so good, doll." He said.
"So do you, baby." You whimpered.
He began thrusting his hips and you cried out. "Harder!" You moaned. His hands held you up and he started to thrust into you. "Is this what you wanted?" He asked, his voice low and husky.
"Yes! Oh god, yes!" You moaned, he was hitting all the right spots and it was driving you crazy.
"That's my good girl. Let me hear you, doll." He grunted.
You were panting and moaning loudly as he thrust into you. Your eyes closed as you focused on the feeling of him inside you. His cock was hitting the spot that made your toes curl.
"Fuck, Bucky! Right there!" You screamed.
"That's it, baby. Take my cock." He growled. His hands tightened around your waist as he slammed into you. You put your hands around his neck and held on as he fucked you.
"Shit, I'm close, baby." He said, his hips were still moving and his cock was slamming into you. "Come with me, Y/N."
Your walls started to flutter and you felt yourself coming undone. "Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum!" You cried out.
Bucky groaned. "That's it, doll. Cum for me."
You screamed his name as you came hard. Your walls clamped down on him and your nails dug into his skin. He cursed and followed after you. "Fuck, Y/N." He thrust into you a few more times and came inside of you. His hips still moving as he rode out his orgasm.
He gently put you down, but kept his arms around you to hold you up. You were panting, trying to catch your breath.
"I fucking love shower sex." You grinned.
Bucky laughed. "I can tell. That was fucking hot." He kissed you, his tongue slipping into your mouth and dominating the kiss.
"Mmm, that was so good." You sighed, resting your head against his chest.
"Yeah, it was." He smiled and stroked your hair. You closed your eyes and relaxed against him. "You okay, doll?"
"Hmmm, yeah." You said. "I'm all clean, but you aren't. Come here."
You grabbed the shampoo and squeezed some into your hand. You massaged the shampoo into his hair and he groaned. "That feels so good, doll."
You giggled and continued to wash his hair. "I'm glad."
"Give my back some attention," he requested, and you eagerly complied, taking your time to wash his back, relishing the tactile pleasure of the soap meeting his skin. You enjoyed the feel of his muscles under your fingertips.
"There. All clean." You beamed with satisfaction at the completion of the task.
"Thanks, doll." His smirk reflected a playful appreciation for your efforts.
"Anytime, baby." You responded with a teasing affection.
"Let's get out of here before we get cold," he suggested, breaking the cozy spell of the shower. You agreed, the warmth of the water now juxtaposed with the cooler air outside the shower enclosure. You stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around your body.
"I love it when you're all wet." Bucky said, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you.
"You're so corny." You giggled.
"Yeah, but you love it." He smirked.
You rolled your eyes and walked out of the bathroom, grabbing a fresh pair of clothes from your dresser. You put the towel back and dressed in your new clothes.
He led you back to the bedroom, and you got dressed. "I'm really sorry, doll for snapping at you earlier."
"It's okay, Bucky." You smiled and gave him a kiss.
He frowned. "No, I was a dick."
"Well, that's not new." You playfully teased, giving a bit of humor into the moment.
He chuckled. "True, but I was an extra big dick."
"So, I should have you measured?" You quipped, a mischievous smirk gracing your face.
"You've been spending too much time with me." He shook his head, appreciating the banter.
"You say that like it's a bad thing." You teased.
"No, not at all. It's just you're becoming more like me." He laughed, but the levity faded as he grew serious. "I don't ever want you to be like me. You're a good person, Y/N, and I don't want you to become jaded and bitter."
"Bucky, it's okay. I know you're trying to be better. You're changing for the better. And if we're both together, I'm sure that we'll keep each other on the right path." You told him.
He gave you a smile and a kiss. "That's my girl."
A blush tinted your cheeks. Despite the time you'd spent together, compliments from Bucky still sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"I'm sorry for keeping all of this from you," he admitted, his gaze carrying the weight of his confession.
"I get why you did. But it's not easy for me to see you like this and not be able to help. You are the person I care most about, and I don't like seeing you hurt," you confessed.
"I know. And I hate to see you hurt. It kills me." He replied.
"I think you're forgetting that I'm a badass." You winked, injecting a moment of playfulness into the serious conversation.
"That's true. You're my tough cookie." He grinned, appreciating the effort to lighten the mood.
"And don't you forget it." You pointed at him.
"I never could." He kissed you softly. "I love you, Y/N."
You felt your cheeks heat up. No matter how many times he told you, the impact of those three words never faded, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest. "I love you, Bucky."
You climbed onto the bed and Bucky wrapped his arms around you. He sighed, contently. "I think this is where I belong."
"Where?" You asked, confused.
"In bed with you. It's like I'm home when I'm with you." He told you, his fingers traced absentminded patterns on your back.
A small smile played on your lips. "You are home, Bucky," you gently reminded him, your touch tracing along his arm.
Bucky pressed a tender kiss to the top of your head, "You're right. You're my home, Y/N."
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Hi, just wanted to let you know that I'm open to requests. However, due to my ongoing commitments with school, work, and my own projects, it might take a while for me to get to them. I appreciate your understanding and am truly grateful for all the requests I've received! Thank you! xx
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Secret Smokes
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, teacher-student relationship (but like it’s all legal chill), SLOWburn we’re in for a long ride
Word Count: Just over 1k
This story takes place in a AU where Harry's parents are still alive so Remus Lupin still has all his friends and there is no war however that doesn't make him any less angsty. Everything else is pretty much the same as the canon universe! Enjoy!
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The wizarding world and the muggle world have always felt like two completely different worlds, maybe that's why Witches and Wizards who are muggle-born become outcasts. It's hard adjusting to a school but adjusting to a whole world at 11 is even harder. Even in your last year of Hogwarts you still didn't feel like you belonged, each summer going back to the muggle life that you have always known, working a summer job at a coffee shop and hanging out with muggles rather than wizards. You had friends in Hogwarts of course, some closer than others and even though it helped you feel more at home you knew that after Hogwarts you'd end up working a muggle job.
Maybe that's why entering your last year at Hogwarts didn't seem as intimidating because at the end of the day it didn't really matter what results you got in your N.E.W.T.S. Still in its own way you knew you'll miss the castle and the life you've lived in it. So your final train ride to Hogwarts felt a bit bittersweet. One thing didn't change, once again a new Defence against the dark arts teacher got introduced, this time one called Remus Lupin. He looked a lot kinder and nicer than the last one.
Your first week went by extremely quickly, quidditch practice hadn't started yet so you had more time to just hang out with your friends. All your lessons were easy so far as everyone was settling to being back. The new profesor was quickly becoming everyone's favourite due to his friendly nature, he seemed to befriend every student something no other profesor really did. You didn't really get to interact with him too much one-to-one during lessons as whenever he had free time the girls with a crush on him would jump onto the opportunity. You didn't really care about DADA as you wouldn't need it in the muggle world but you did understand why everyone was developing a crush, you had your own brewing for him.
It didn't take long for you to get home sick, homesick for the muggle world. Nothing really felt right to you, not even the food it just never tasted as good as what your mother would make, you missed your parents terribly it was a lot harder sending them owls than sending owls to wizard families, they didn't really grasp the concept. The twins could see that you were getting down again, they knew this happened every year after summer, and they've always tried to help lift your spirit. "Y/N we were thinking it was a good time to plan the first prank of the year what do you say?" Fred said. "Y/N is in her last year, she can't be participating in your silly games." Percy answered for you. "Who invited him?" George snapped back.
"Percy might be right I can't get in as much trouble as I did last year I don't want to get suspended, I'm on thin ice with old Minnie after the last prank we pulled before summer." You admitted, maybe you didn't care about your exam results but you didn't want to get suspended. The debate continued and you ended up agreeing to planning a prank that you may or may not help with. After dinner you decided to take a quick detour to the covered bridge, at the end of your fifth year you discovered it was empty in the evenings as it didn't lead to anywhere people would go at that time of night, it instantly became somewhere you would go for peace, and once you discovered smoking, it also got added to the list of secret smoking spots.
When you approached the middle of the bridge you saw a figure standing smoking a cigarette, you felt a bit gutted someone was using your spot but also excited at the idea of someone being so alike you. You approached them and they quickly put out the cigarette. "Don't worry man, I'm not a teacher I won't snitch." You claimed as you walked up to them before you could make out who it was.
"I know but I am." The figure replied, you were now close enough to make out that it was Professor Lupin. He was no longer leaning over the edge but standing straight with his hands in his pockets.
"I won't snitch if you won't?" You said pulling out your own packet of cigarettes. And his face turned to a gentle smile.
"I really shouldn't-" He protested. "Oh come on, you're new. This is normal." You preached. "Yeah Minerva and I do this all the time but don't tell her I told you." This got a laugh out of him.
"I may have believed you up until that point Y/N. But that's where you've lost me." He remembered your name and for some reason it made your heart skip for a second, he had so many students that he's met in one week and he still managed to memorise yours.
"Come on I'll give you a smoke if you don't tell anyone?" You reached out the pack to him "Camels?" He questioned while taking one. "You know them?" You took one out the packed for yourself before putting it away. "They're muggle smokes." He stated nonchalant, there wasn't any hate in those words which was rare around these halls. "I like them." You pulled out a lighter to light your cigarette while he snapped his fingers and it was instantly lit. "How did you do that? You instantly snapped back . "Do what?" He smiled while holding the cigarette in his mouth, he was attractive in the moon light. "Light it with a snap." You replicated his previous action. "It's a simple arson spell, just a small flame. I used wand less magic." He explained "If it's wand less why did you snap your fingers? Surely you could've just done it." You pressed. "Yes. You've got me there." He admitted. "So you were just trying to impress me?" Slipped out before you realised how those words could sound flirty, you barely knew the man. Truthfully if he wasn't your profesor and this was an interaction with a student you would be developing a stupid crush on them.
"You could say that." He said, with half a smile on his lips. "I'm the new profesor who you've just caught spending the evening by himself smoking, I don't want you to tell everyone I'm boring now I seem impressive."
"Or insecure." You shot back and he bit his lip and shook his head in disbelief at your words. He decided not to reply, instead went back to leaning over the bridge looking out into the darkness and smoking his cigarette and silence fell upon you both.
"I like the camel ones, just because the camel is cute." You broke the silence after a while, you felt bad for calling him insecure and wanted to kill the awkwardness. He laughed at your comment. "You know smokings bad for you? Even if the camel is cute." He said flicking the butt of his cigarette into the darkness. "I know." You quietly replied.
He checked his watch before standing up straight"Curfew has already started so don't stay out here too long as Snape is the one on duty today." He began to walk away. "Professor-" He turned around at your words. "This didn't happen right?" You questioned nervously. "What are camels?" He replied with a wink. "Have a good evening Y/N."
"You too Professor."
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bunnyluvx · 5 months
the arcana characters and their favorite ways to spend time with you! ♡
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featuring: the romanceable cast of the arcana minus lucio x gn!reader.
summary: the cast and their favorite ways to spend time with you!! <3
warnings: brief death mention in portia's part. nothing else! <3
a/n: WOWIEEE HAIII EVERYONE!! i just wanted to say thank you again to everyone who loved on my last post. it was really scary for me to make that, but i did it and all of the interaction means the complete world!!!! i know that this is a very different fandom than the last post so i don't know how many people will see this but to any readers, i hope that you enjoy this!!! i worked super hard and got a bit tired towards the end so i hope you can forgive me if it isn't as detailed eyfvibu i wanted to do more but mannnn i am so tired. i didn't write lucio, as i will not be writing any lucio content on my page at all. mentions of him for story reasons and maybe if i ever write a fanfic, he'll probably show up but other than that, i will not be making any content of him at all. i am a proud lucio hater so if you want lucio content please go somewhere else. i just finished asra's route today, i got the upright ending and AAAAAAAAAA?????? I LOVE THEM SMMM SYFVIUBIOE!!!! asra is literally such a cutie patootie and i am so in love with him. i cannot deal with it. i have done muriel and julian's routes too, both with the result of the upright ending, and i plan to do nadia's next!!!! very excited and nervous to see what happens. nadia and portia may be a bit ooc, so apologies for that. i have yet to do their routes so i have yet to see their characters in action. very mildly proofread, so please forgive any errors. character banners were edited together by me! any and all requests/ideas for my next post are appreciated! i don't think i have anything else to mention so enjoy!!!!!!
divider credit: @isisjupiter
date started: 7:46PM, april 11th, 2024. date finished: 2:07AM, april 22nd, 2024.
wc: 3.9k
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asra ♡ traveling.
i really struggled to find something for asra that suited, because they would honestly enjoy doing anything with you. it doesn't matter where you are or what time of day it is, as long as he has you by his side, then he's happy. and that is super evident in their route. and having just finished asra's route, i have been thinking; we all know that asra does a lot of traveling. and we all know that during those times, asra misses you terribly. they don't like being away from you for a long time, and as we go through asra's route, having all of these adventures and seeing so many new and cool places, we can see just how happy asra is to have you at their side. the joy shines through the screen, and i can feel just how happy he is to have you with him wherever you are. ergo, their favorite thing to do with you is to travel.
when the two of you started to travel together, asra was a bit nervous. he didn't know what to expect when you agreed to travel together without a destination in mind, and he was worried that somehow, some way, something would happen to you. what if you got kidnapped? what if you got hurt? what if you got sick? all sorts of thoughts were running through asra's head, but the more that they watched you grow and allowed you to take chances, the more that they realized that you would be okay. yes, any of those things could happen, but he is right there if you need him. they know that they will always be by your side to help you through any challenge, and care for you however you need it.
however, as the travels go on, he is reminded everyday that you are a strong, capable individual. they knew that before, of course, but seeing you solve all of the riddles and puzzles put in front of you, helping so many people and growing so much made it hit them like a truck. he was always too afraid to allow you to take chances before, in fear that you would get hurt. but they learned that if you didn't take chances, that you wouldn't grow. and the last thing that he wants is to stop you from being the best version of you that you can be.
so, they let you off of the leash. and just like a bird taking flight, you soared and took everything that came at you by storm. he watched you as you became braver, smarter, kinder and stronger. they always expected for you to be great, and they always had faith in you. he just needed to learn that in order to achieve that greatness, that he needed to let you do some things on your own. they needed to let you make your own mistakes and win your own battles, so that you could learn. and it was one of the best decisions that he's ever made. watching you become more independent and confident within yourself is one of the best feelings that they could ever be blessed to have. he feels so grateful that he is the person that you choose every single day, and no matter what, he will always choose you.
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julian ♡ dancing.
at heart, julian is a romantic. almost every cliche romantic thing that you can think of, you have done with julian. picnics. karaoke, aquariums, painting classes, shopping, craft nights, not to mention all of the crazy adventures that you guys would get into together. every day, he wants to remind you why you fell for him, and in his opinion, keeping things lively is the best way to do that! above all, though, julian's favorite thing to do with you is to dance. he knew that you were a prodigy at dancing after the masquerade, but one night changes everything.
the two of you had actually taken dancing classes before this. you were actually the one who suggested it, and after teasingly accusing you of thinking that the two of you are horrible dancers, he agreed. he honestly didn't think that he could be more in love with you after that. you two went to the class, and julian could hardly ever tear his eyes off of you. the way that you moved was so naturally graceful, as if you had been a dancer your whole life. he most definitely showered you in attention and love after the class was over, and he knew that he had to arrange for the two of you to dance together more often.
oh but that night was not the night that he realized that this was his favorite thing to do with you, no no no no no. the night that he realized that dancing was his favorite activity to do with you was a night like many others; dinner at portia's. it was you, julian, portia and nadia, and you all decided to eat outside so that you could watch the stars. portia went into the cottage to check on the food, with nadia following close behind her, and julian figured that it was the perfect time to steal a sweet moment with you. so, he stood from his seat and knelt to one knee before you. with one hand on his chest and the other extended to you, he asked, "will you have this dance with me, my dear?"
you giggled and told him that there wasn't any music playing. what could you possibly dance to? oh how sweet you are. a chuckle symphonized from his chest, and he responded with, "oh my dear, we do have music." a gloved hand took yours and placed it over his heart, "right here." oh my gods, this absolute cheeseball. you playfully shoved his chest, moving backwards under the force but not falling onto his butt. he swiftly leans forward and takes the hand that shoved him, pulling you to your feet as he stood. one pair of hands intertwined while the others lay on your waist on his shoulder. you two started to sway together, as if you were in the masquerade. yes, you did technically dance at the masquerade, but julian wanted a more intimate experience. you didn't get to have a romantic ballroom dance thanks to the one we do not speak, and julian finds that absolutely outrageous!
your bodies glide beautifully amongst the grass and bushes, you take turns spinning each other around and laughing throughout. fireflies spring from the greenery wherever you set your feet, giving your figures a tender glow that julian found absolutely enchanting on you. after spinning through almost all of portia's front lawn, you find yourselves right back at group sitting spot. his arms have encircled your waist, keeping you close to him as your arms encircle his neck carefully. there are no long strides in this dance, no dramatic flair; just you and him rocking back and forth. his eyes stare into yours and his lips are curved into an adoring smile, as if by looking into your eyes, he could pour all of his love from him to you just through eye contact.
you mutter his name, he mutters yours, you lean in, and..portia pipes up. both her and nadia hold two bowls of soup, hot and ready. portia is mischievously smirking at the two of you while nadia admires your connection. julian tries to usher them away so that he can have more alone time with you, but you're quick to shut him down. begrudgingly, julian did, but all he could think about for the rest of the night was how beautiful you were dancing with him. your laughter singing into the air, the smile on your face, your gaze carving through the very core of his being. somehow, he was able to stay focused on the conversations that occurred that evening, but everyone, including you, could tell that he was going to be hung up on tonight for the next several weeks. when you got home, he was sure to steal a kiss from you later, and another dance.
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nadia ♡ fashion shows.
ah, our beloved countess. at first, i planned on giving her shopping, seeing as her love language is gift giving, she would love to spoil the crap out of you with anything that you even glanced out. however, i wasn't happy with that idea. my boyfriend was actually the one who came up with the idea of fashion shows (hi vinny honey, i love you <3). he is such a freaking genius for this one bc OH MY GOSH YES. nadia has such beautiful taste in clothing, so she would absolutely love to host little fashion shows with you. she does like to share her clothes with her friends, but with you, it's special.
the original thought was you trying on nadia's clothes, and nadia trying on your clothes. nadia would feel like she is falling in love with you all over again if you tried on her clothes. all of the fabric would embrace you in such a perfect way, accentuating all of the things that she loves the most about you. gosh she would just be so head over heels,, she would clap every time you would walk out to show her what you chose, or what she selected for you because she just wanted to see you in it so bad. this woman is literally your number one supporter, she thinks that you are absolutely drop-dead gorgeous in everything that you choose to try on and cannot get enough of you in her clothes. she will shower you in compliments and praise of just how celestial you look, and it makes you super duper flustered because she just flatters you so much.
she also gets really shy when she tries on your clothes. all of her life, she has had the most expensive, well-made, stunning clothes that anyone could ever dream of. so, trying on clothes that do not fit under those categories is new to her. while she isn't used to not wearing the most lavish clothes to be found, she likes your sense of style and is always excited when you ask her to try on an ensemble of yours. what she worries about is what you think. she frets that you think it won't look good on her, if that isn't the farthest thing from the truth. when she walks out to you, you are in absolute awe of how beautiful she is. you already think that she can't get any prettier when she wears other outfits, but now this???? her in your clothes???? oh lord almighty you must be SAVED bc this woman has swept you off of your feet. she asks you what you think, and all you can do is walk up to her and smooch the ever-loving life out of her. you just love each other so much!!!!!
when your group of friends have sleepovers at the palace, or when you all go out shopping together, it is unavoidable that you all will be having a fashion show where you all show off the clothes that you bought. nadia loves these so much because she gets to watch her friends all enjoy themselves and feel confident in their clothes, especially if she was the one who bought them. but with you, they just feel so different. to her, it is an intimate experience of being able to share your joy with one another. something that you value in your relationship with nadia is self-esteem, both yours and hers. not only do you both want to make each other feel good. but you also want to feel good within yourself. and nadia thinks that fashion shows are an important part of that. clothes are part of how one may express themselves and their identity, and that is something that nadia treasures. so, if showing off the clothes that you got is going to make you feel good about yourself, then she wants to be there to watch you. there is nothing more important to her than your happiness, and if going through outfit by outfit is what will make you happy, then so be it.
admittedly, she..also really likes to show you the new clothes she gets. when you first started dating, she was a bit nervous about it. she knew that you knew of her riches and lifestyle; it was lavish, and she only got the best of the best. she's the countess for crying out loud, so of course you knew that she was going to have everything that she wanted at her feet, even if it meant something that took literal years to find. but there was part of her that worried that you would see her money and think differently of her. she feared that you would judge her person based on her money, instead of the woman you fell in love with. when she told you this, you automatically reassured her that you wouldn't think differently of her at all. you would love her regardless of the amount of money she has, you told her. and this put her heart at ease, so she progressively became more comfortable showing off her wardrobe when you hosted your shows to each other. now, she doesn't hesitate to declare a fashion show after a shopping spree so that she can show you the lovely things that she got for herself. and every single time that you have one, you cannot believe that that is your girlfriend. you are just the luckiest person in the whole world to have someone like her, and she feels infinitely more lucky to have you.
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portia ♡ watching the sunset.
this kind of feels like a given to me. portia is always talking about how she wants to sail the world and explore, both in the actual routes and in heart hunter. so sitting on the docks with you, watching the sun disappear behind the sea and talking about your dreams??? oh heck yes, count her in. she is really tired when she isn't working, so usually she spends her time trying to rest up and take care of things around her cottage. however, she wants to spend all of the time that she can with you. so, the two of you go on all sorts of lovely dates! shopping in the marketplace, teaching her about new herbs in the shop, seeing the new shows in the theater and heckling julian, all sorts of stuff!!!!! but portia's all time favorite part of your days together is when you go to the docks, take off your shoes, sit on the edge and talk while watching the sunset together.
portia has so many dreams, and so many things that she wants to do in her life. and she loves to tell you about all of them. she spends hours just ranting to you about all of the things that she wants to do, the places that she wants to see, the types of adventures that she wants to go on, and of course they all include you being there with her. oh gods you love listening to her,, every single word that she speaks are words that you carve into the stones of your memories. listening to her talk about her dreams is like watching the sun shine. greenery smiles under the glorious warmth and embraces her glimmer gratefully, her passion burns brightly and she is the most beautiful being in any realm to ever exist. she has no time to wonder if she's talking too much because she is far too focused on being with you, and loving every single moment of it. you truly hope that you are able to go on all of the adventures that she wants, so that you can experience every ounce of the world with her, until it all falls apart.
of course, she loves to listen to you. the time that you two spend at the docks is time to talk about anything that comes to mind, and she cannot help but adore you as you pour your heart out to her. when you speak of all of the things that you want to do before your time in this realm comes to a close, she watches and listens very intently. your voice to her is like a river, running smoothly through the canals of her mind and soothing the battering howl of her heart. her eyes twinkle with adoration as her elbow rests on her knee, her face leaning against her hand as she stares at you. everything that you tell her only makes her more excited for your future, because in your future, you include her. and that is all that she could ever truly want. you both truly love to listen to each other talk, not even just about your dreams, but about anything. even if it's something as small as dinner options or something that you saw at the market that you liked, you both love to hear anything and everything from each other. can you tell that the two of you are head over heels in love??
the first time that you sat at the docks together was a magical moment that portia will never forget. you two had just spent an amazing day together, and you wanted to rest by somewhere pretty before heading back home. so, portia suggested the docks to watch the sunset. you agreed, then took your shoes off and sat down. you conversed for hours, laughing and teasing each other. it is so obvious that you both are the other's favorite person to be around to everyone around you, you are both so comfortable with each other in the purest, most loving way. portia had taken her hair down, long curly locks of red flowing carefully down her back. as the sun caressed the ocean for a farewell kiss, the light made her look like she was a celestial being. freckled, pale skin bathes in orange, your own skin making you look just as radiant as she. you locked eyes with her, and all you could think about is just how much you love her. and her you, for she thought in that moment, that you were the most gorgeous person she had ever seen. she thinks that all of the time, but everything about that time was too perfect. your hands cupped her cheek, and her hands held your arms as you exchanged a beautifully passionate kiss. all of her love dumped into it as did yours, and it is something that portia will always remember. you two go to the docks a lot more to watch the sunset, and exchange plenty more kisses worth treasuring for the rest of your lives.
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muriel ♡ nature walks.
OHHHHHH MURIEL!!! MY SHMOOPY POOPY DOOPY BEAR!! i love this man with all of my heart,, no one understands my love for him syufigubine. i didn't even have to think about this one, because i KNEW for a fact this our sweet boy would absolutely LOVE to go on nature walks with you. he isn't much of a people-person, so he doesn't really like going anywhere that crowds gather. which, in vesuvia, is a pretty hard thing to do, considering the fact that people are almost always out, doing something. so muriel doesn't like going anywhere where people are. the time that he spends with you is meant for you and you alone, not to be spent around a crap ton of strangers that push and shove and cram him into tight spaces. so anytime alone with you is time that he greatly cherishes. you had been wanting to find an activity that both you and muriel love doing that wouldn't make muriel anxious or uncomfortable, so you came up with the idea of nature walks.
when you brought it up to muriel, he accepted it right away. he would get to be around nature and spend time with you? that's all he ever really needs, honestly. he has been through the forest time and time again, he knows every crevice of it like the lines on his palms, yet when you went on your first nature walk together, everything about the forest seemed to change. the colors were brighter, the plants smelt richer, heck even the animals were out and about more when you two went out together. he didn't understand why, but it felt so much better being in the forest with you. you walked along and let the path take you wherever fate demanded. the sun peered through the leaves of the trees to allow life to breathe underneath it, the warmth of the day wrapping around you both like a blanket. he's gotten used to this forest after living in it for so many years, but with you, it felt like the most fascinating place to be.
he was a little worried because he figured that you would want to go out. not just to the forest, but to somewhere like the marketplace, the town square or even the rowdy raven. when he expressed his concerns, you reassured him that you didn't need to go out and do something. all you need is to be with him, and if this is the way that he is most comfortable spending time together, then so be it. you could walk all day, all night, for the rest of your lives in this forest together, as long as it meant that he was comfortable and happy. he smiled and thanked you for your reassurance, giving you a little kiss on the cheek before taking your hand and continuing your journey.
from that point forward, nature walks became a very regular part of your routine with muriel. it always starts with "wanna go on a walk?", and from that point forward, who knows what could happen. you two have found a lot of new things in that forest together. you've found lots of pretty flowers, greenery, rocks and animals that you didn't see before, new spots to relax in and even found little burrows and nests a couple of times!!! it's like a little adventure that isn't too far away from home, and muriel is more than happy to go on a walk at any time. it's almost always something new when the two of you go out together, and he thinks that that's what makes you so lovely. on most days, on his own, he wouldn't think twice about any of the things that you do. so, when you stop him to look at a pattern on a rock, or to admire a dandelion that you call a flower even though it's a weed, he takes his time to admire it with you, and he can't stop that sweet smile from curling onto his lips. seeing you in his favorite place is the most wonderful experience that he could ever ask for. he didn't believe that he was deserving of wonderful experiences before, but now that he has you, he wants to think differently.
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@BUNNYLUVX ,, all rights reserved. do not copy/plagiarize any of my works or submit it into ai. any and all support is so very appreciated! <3
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anundyingfidelity · 5 months
YES, MA’AM — Sam Winchester/Sam Wesson ft. Dean Winchester/Dean Smith (Chapter I)
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Summary: Sam is the new tech support guy at Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc., and he thinks you, his supervisor, are related to him in ways more than professional. He not only dreams of ghosts and Dean Smith, the sales and marketing director, but you, the pretty boss who seems very fond of him, maybe a little too much.
Word count: 1.3k.
Pairing: Sam W./Sam Wesson x female reader (main), Dean W./Dean Smith x female reader. Situated in 4x17 - It's a Terrible Life.
Warnings for this series: smut with plot, sexual tension, sub!Sam, dom!reader, switch!Dean, co-workers with benefits with Dean, boss/employee dynamics, canon violence and stuff. Slow updates oops.
Notes: welcome to my very first spn fanfic, hope you enjoy this short series of Sam and Dean!
If you'd like to be added, the taglist is here!
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Chapter I | Chapter II
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Chapter I: A Boring Life
Taking a quick look at the clock on the corner of the screen of his computer, Sam let out a long sigh. Lunch hour was far from near. He continued drawing the monsters he saw in his dreams on the notebook, those who wouldn't let him continue his abnormally boring and stupid life.
"Hey, Sam," a voice called, making him jump slightly on his seat.
He cleared his throat shutting the notebook and sitting right this time as he took in your figure towering over him in the cubicle with a smile on your lips.
"Hi, uhm... Is something wrong?"
You chuckled slightly. He wanted to slap himself for saying that. For Sam, bosses coming to him meant he might have done something wrong. He didn't want to know what he screwed up. Barely three weeks have passed since he started working there. As much as things were strange and weird around, Sam just wanted a quiet life.
"Not at all," you answered in a friendly manner. "Actually I just wanted to give you kudos. I've received good compliments from customers who called for help, you're doing excellent!"
Sam breathed out, feeling a heavy weight on his back dropping. He smiled. "Well, thank you. It feels good doing that."
But a raise or something would feel absolutely better, he thought.
"Sure! You're brilliant, have you ever been told that?"
"Uhm, not here. I mean- I want to say you're the first one. Sorry, the first one to say I'm brilliant, I- uhm I never really got kudos before? I don't think so but it does feel great."
He stumbled so much with his words that it made you laugh a little but he noticed you tried to suppress it. So you gave him a nod.
"Yeah, of course. I also see you're very organized with your stuff and reports," you remarked before taking a quick glance around and leaning a little bit toward him, your face morphing into a shy look. "Probably I shouldn't but could you help me with some reports today? You'd be off the phone, I just really need to send them by the end of the day and I'm extremely busy."
You bit your painted lower lip with big doe eyes, waiting for an answer. Since the first day he saw you around the company, he thought you looked extremely familiar. Like he had seen you before. Hell, it was like he knew you ages ago. But he wouldn't say it out loud, he might look like a creep.
You'd usually come like this to his spot just to talk and get into business, sometimes he'd go to ask you something he wasn't sure about from a call, but he never, ever herd from a complaint or that his work was shit from you. In fact, you were very kind and smart, always letting him know you were there if he needed anything. And you were pretty. So damn beautiful that you got his heart agitated and his body aching when you bent over a desk wearing tight black pencil skirts and those matching high stockings. He began to think probably you liked him but you used to get close to all of your employees on the tech support floor. You were just being nice to everyone.
"Uh, sure. I can do that," Sam curved his lips into a smile.
"Thank you, you're a lifesaver! I'll send you those in your email, ask me anything if it's difficult, okay?"
You responded with happy demeanour and quickly walked away back to your office, leaving him alone before he had the moment to say something. Just two minutes later he received an email from you with a bunch of reports and data to organize.
Sam scanned the files quickly while hearing the sounds of a chair rolling to his side.
"I think she likes you, man," Ian, the messy and chill coworker of his, teased. Sam chuckled.
"Nah, she's just nice to everyone. Besides, she needs help."
Suddenly, a notification popped from the side of his screen on the computer.
It was a message from you. It read:
Put on the headphones and listen to some music if you want ;)
"You were saying?" Ian joked again.
He smiled. Well, at least he'd be off the phone. Shouldn't be that hard, right?
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The night fell and Sam found himself alone on his desk at eight o'clock working on your reports. Seeing the long reports and files he thought could make it on time to finish his shift at four and leave on time. It was fucking Friday. Poor him.
At least you ordered delivery for dinner for both of you. The good thing was that he wasn't really alone on the floor, you were in your office but soft music played as you worked on your stuff. Moments later, you found yourself sitting by Sam's side as he worked the final things on the last report.
"It's done," he announced, his body falling to the backrest of his chair.
"Thanks," you whispered shyly as he sent the finished files back to you. "I'm so sorry though, it's so late."
"Well, didn't have anything to do either."
Your surprise made his eyes fall on you. He shrugged. "Just sleep."
You raised your eyebrows. "I thought maybe a girlfriend was waiting for you or something?"
He shook his head, pressing his lips together. "No, nothing like that."
The question was odd coming from you, so he decided to play a little.
"What about you?"
This time you shook your head. "Just my books and my TV."
Sam hummed. "It's a boring life, isn't it?"
"Yeah, well I get to pay my bills by the end of the month... And I meet nice people here... And I see you- Sorry."
You cut off your words all of a sudden, your eyes blinking rapidly saying you realized what you just said.
"My bad. We should get going."
You gave him a smile to try and brush off your words, but they were strong enough to get in Sam's head unnoticed. He watched you walk away, turning your computer and lights off on your office as Sam did the same on his spot. Once done, you walked out the floor together in silence.
"Thank you again. I don't think no one would ever do this for me here," you admitted with a deep exhale.
"Yeah, no problem," Sam smiled kindly as you got closer to the elevator.
"Really, I owe you. Do you have a car to get home or something? I can give you a ride if you need."
"I do, don't worry," he said as you stopped in front of the elevator, the doors opening.
"Great, so I think this is it," you grinned at him. "Have a good night."
"Thanks. I hope you have a good weekend, boss."
You nodded. "You too, Sam. Take care."
He saw you disappearing inside the elevator with a wave of your hand and a beautiful smile on your face. With a sigh, he made his way to the locker room and took his briefcase and stuff out. It was just a couple of minutes that he saw you leaving when he went back to the elevator. Checking his watch, the lift arrived and before he could get inside, he got a shocking picture in front of him.
Dean Smith, the marketing director, had you pinned against the wall and kissing down your neck. Your blouse unbuttoned, skirt up, lips open and eyes closed in bliss. Dean noticed the doors were open, pulling away his plump lips from your skin.
"Sorry buddy, wrong floor," he beamed and pushed the right button.
When you opened your eyes once again, you met Sam's open mouth and wide eyes as the doors closed. Great, now he might think you're a slut. 
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starlightandfairies · 6 months
Omg i looooove you !! I might have another idea, just something simple like, the reader and Elijah are dating but his calls won't get any reply for nearly a whole day. So as worried as he is, he comes to your house, finding you terribly sick and immediately turns into nurse mode to take care of you and making sure you get better soon ? 🥺
Description: The reader becomes unwell with a cold and due to missing calls this worries Elijah and once he discovers the truth he ends up playing nurse.
Warnings: she/her pronouns, fluff, swearing
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, check my character list and requesting rules.*
Thank you for another request! I hope you enjoy this one too! Sorry it's a short one
Key: Y/N = Your Name, L/N = Last name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 822
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First Person's POV
When Elijah and I didn't see each other we would have an hour-long phone call if it were possible. Even if we had seen each other all day, before I would go to bed he'd practically talk to me until I fell asleep. I loved listening to his loving, gentle, tender and handsome voice. I love the fact that of all people, Elijah chose me. A human. At first, when our relationship started getting more serious, he was scared of getting carried away and forgetting that I am a human... so he was gentle and I mean he's still incredibly gentle with me but he's less hesitant when we're being more intimate. 
Another thing that I adored about Elijah was how he looked after my every need, he was thoughtful and would remember things about me that I don't even remember mentioning to him but the fact that he knew me inside and out about my likes and dislikes it made me feel special and cared for. 
I got think, I hated being sick, half the time when I'm sick I can hardly look at the light and pretty much have to sit in a dark room. My bedroom floor was decorated with tissues, I looked gross and I felt gross. I hadn't been on my phone all day, forgetting to tell Elijah about the fact that I was sick and wouldn't be on the phone. 
I groaned, burying my face into the pillow as my headache banged against my head, the doorbell rang a few times and it took me longer than normal to get to the front door. I jumped seeing Elijah about to walk in with concern and worry covering his features. I cannot imagine how I looked, I am sure that I looked just as bad as I felt. My nose must be all red and my eyes must be puffy. He instantly pulled me into his arms, stepped into my home and rested a gentle kiss on my forehead. 
"Oh, sweetheart, I wished you would've told me that you were sick." He cooed, easily picking me up, resting my head on his shoulder and carried me back to my room. The vampire proceeded to rest his suit coat on my dresser chair and rested me on my bed. 
"I'll run a shower for you, you know they help and make you feel fresher." I pathetically nodded, leaning into him as he rested another kiss on my forehead. Elijah got the warm water running, the steam from the bathroom sneaking into my bedroom as I waddled into the bathroom. Once I managed to leave the warm cocoon of the water I smiled seeing new pyjamas resting on the counter. I dressed myself and curled back into bed, waiting for Elijah to come back. 
"I got some Vicks, sore throat lozenge, pain killers, water and chicken soup with the noodles drained out." 
"Oh, you really love me," I whispered, pushing myself up and smiling tiredly at Elijah as he rested the soup on my bedside table, placed the water down and sat down beside me gesturing to the Vicks vapour rub, asking permission to rub it on. I stared at him as he began rubbing it across my chest, he had a kind smile on his lips and whispered softly. 
"You must think I am attractive right now," I mumbled, buttoning my shirt back up as he finished rubbing the stuff on me. 
"I think you're absolutely stunning every day I lay my eyes on you. There's never a time when you're not stunning." 
"You're a liar." 
"I never lie." He whispers. Kissing my forehead, smiling softly and grabbing the bowl of soup. Elijah proceeded to feed me a spoonful of the soup. Elijah would take pauses when I needed a break, he would stare at me with adoration in his eyes and would whisper words of love. 
After having me take painkillers, then had me have the lozenge. Elijah brought me into his arms, stroking my cheek with a small smile. I fell asleep wrapped in his arms, my head aching once I woke up once more. I groaned, feeling hot and stuffy. I pushed myself out of bed, jumping to find Elijah right at my side. 
"What can I do for you, my love?" 
"I need fresh air, I feel all hot and yucky again." He picked me up as if I were a fragile piece of glass, I clutched onto him gently, letting him easily carry me out to the sitting area outside and rested me on the lounge chair. I hummed gently as Elijah began reading a passage from his book, a loving look in his eyes and his voice soothing enough to make me feel better and the low hum made the headache go away and everything seem okay. 
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niningtori · 7 months
to know him is to love him, and i do | chapter two: he can't keep living like this
pairing(s): choi beomgyu x you, kang taehyun x you
summary: you love beomgyu more than anything. you just wish he loved you, too. or you finally break up with beomgyu and move on, but as for him? maybe he's starting to realize too little too late.
genre: romance, angst, angst with a happy ending (?)
word count: 2.3k
notes: hello again :) here is chapter two! i'm actually really nervous to post this, so i hope you all like it! check the ending for more notes <3 also, shout out to user woncheecks for being my test audience! anyway, enjoy!
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the first time beomgyu realizes just how impactful your absence is, nothing in particular happens. it's a regular tuesday night a week or so after your "breakup" and he's bored out of his mind. he showers, listens to music, texts his friends and makes himself dinner, but something is missing.
as he sits on his couch, he realizes what it is: you. right about now, you should be pestering him to hang out and showing up on his doorstep to watch a movie. he'd roll his eyes at first but eventually relent, as long as he got to pick the movie, of course. he wouldn't say it, but he'd actually enjoy glancing over and seeing your reactions. you were comically expressive and every twist and turn of the plot had your eyes bulging and mouth agape, turning to him for confirmation that he was seeing the same things you were. when you watched inception for the first time it absolutely rocked your world.
he's alone, but he puts on a movie, anyway. every so often, his head turns to the side with the corner of his mouth raised, but you're not there to give a reaction. he should be used to your absence by the third twist, but he still finds himself subconsciously turning to you throughout the rest of the movie. when the credits roll, he's half expecting to hear you chatter on about how crazy it was, but it's silent. the only time that would happen would be when you'd accidentally drift off in spite of how engrossed you were. you'd try to fight it off like a stubborn kid, but would succumb by the final act. he smiles at the memory before shaking his head in disbelief. what's wrong with him?
moments like these plague him more and more frequently, but the most notable one is the night before his first day at a new job. he briefly talks to his friends about his excitement, but he's too embarrassed to divulge just how anxious he is. times like this, he'd come over and complain for however long he needed. you'd sit and nod, asking questions during his pauses to encourage him to continue, always adding appropriate and thoughtful commentary.
his thoughts wander to how you're doing alone. you really love him, it seems, so he can only imagine how you're faring without him. he wishes you hadn't blocked his number so he could at least ask how you are. maybe you'd even tell him you miss him. not for the first time, he begins to wonder if he pushed you too far this time around. you've gotten angry and given him the silent treatment before, sure, but you've never blocked him and you've certainly never done it for so long.
he looks you up on instagram for the first time since your breakup. he's not terribly surprised when he sees he's blocked on there too, but all it takes is a switch to his photography account, which you had forgotten to block, to see what you're up to now.
the first thing he notices is a picture of you sitting outside with an ice cream cone in hand, face flushed and sun encircling you like an angel. your smile is beaming and your eyes are crinkled and he can almost hear your giggle through the screen. the caption reads "ice cream date with my best friend! <3"
he scrambles through his memories to try to remember a time in recent history when you two did something similar, but he comes up blank. what he does recall, though, is you mentioning a new frozen yogurt place you wanted to visit with him for your birthday. he nodded in response but he knew he wouldn't go with you, opting instead to get shitfaced with his friends. in retrospect, maybe you knew it too. he had checked his phone the next morning and saw he had at least half a dozen missed calls and well over a dozen texts from you. when he finally texted you back, you took almost a full 5 hours to respond, which was uncommon. usually, you'd text back within minutes. it occurred to him later on that that was your version of the silent treatment and it amused him that you could only hold out for a few hours. he honestly found it kind of cute.
he remembers what you did for his birthday. how you had secretly invited his friends over to his apartment to surprise him after an especially shitty day at work. he came home to an elaborately decorated apartment and all of his favorite people greeting him. he remembers how happy you looked when he opened up your present to him, which was the guitar he had always secretly wanted but could never quite justify buying for himself. you were so excited, any spectator would think he had gotten you the gift of your dreams and not the other way around. you were practically buzzing with excitement when he pulled you in for a kiss. his friends had whooped at the display of affection and you had felt your cheeks heat up. what did he get you for your birthday again? anything?
he spends days pondering over this and similar circumstances, which eventually turn into weeks upon weeks. what starts as a nagging feeling that he may have gone too far in his neglect for you becomes pure, unadulterated guilt and anxiety. he recalls just how torn up you seemed the last time he saw you. to be honest, at the time, he was mostly just irritated. but he never thought you'd actually leave. all he can see is that awful look on your face when you finally ended everything and all he can remember is the fact that he put it there. he knows in his heart that he has no right to feel this way, but he feels it all the same.
you would have never imagined you'd actually like somebody other than beomgyu, but taehyun makes it as easy as possible given the sticky circumstances. you met at a club your best friend dragged you to, both you and taehyun had to remain sober (hello designated drivers) and ended up having a surprisingly engaging conversation amidst the smell of beer, sweat, and sex. after that, the rest is history.
he can tell you've been hurt before, but he gently coaxes you into opening up as you spend more and more time with him. you're afraid of being overbearing and coming across as a lovesick puppy again, but taehyun is gentle and seems to enjoy your attention and affection, even if he's a surface level tsundere. more than that, he actually reciprocates it.
do you still think about beomgyu? of course. do you miss him? well, you'd never admit it to a single soul, but the way you see him in everything has to be an indicator that you do. it's getting better, though. more bearable.
a month or so into your relationship, you post about taehyun for the first time. you don't know why you're so nervous about announcing to the world that you have a boyfriend again, but happiness overwhelms your fear when you're met with nothing but positivity.
beomgyu is shellshocked, to put it mildly. the picture of you and your so-called boyfriend is sickly sweet. it's not over the top or anything—just a candid of you in a café holding hands with him while looking over the same menu. the caption is nothing other than a heart and squirrel emoji (why?) and both he and your best friend are tagged. his finger jumps to the boy's profile and he sees the same photo. he scoffs at the cheesiness of it all, but his heart aches at the way all of your friends have commented on the post expressing their happiness for you. they had never approved of him for reasons he's only now beginning to understand.
you always defended him in front of your friends no matter what he did or didn't do. you'd "comfort" him after your friends said something snarky and explain that they just didn't understand him. you'd say that if they knew the real him, they'd see him differently. at the time, he'd scoff and say something along the lines of "i don't need for them to see me differently because i couldn't give less of a fuck about what they think." you'd be hurt, of course you would be, but you'd never say so.
more and more, like an outsider looking in, he can see just how awful he was to you. it's to his horror that he realizes this must be the case for you, too. the chances of you getting back together with him seem slimmer and slimmer, especially now that you've got that pretty boy on your arm. your words echo in his mind as if to haunt him: "what can i do to make you give a fuck about me?" leave, apparently, and don't look back.
he can't keep living like this.
a knock on your door is all it takes to ruin your night — you had actually had a really good day up until now. you and taehyun had gone on a breakfast date and napped together until he had to leave in the afternoon, so you're humming now in contentment while applying your nightly skincare, thinking relentlessly about the boy you think you might be starting to love. it feels different from the love you felt for beomgyu, but in a good way. you still think about him and wonder how he's doing, but you always derail that train of thought with a god-given force previously unknown to you. he doesn't care about you, you chant to yourself. it's almost like your daily mantra. in the midst of your thoughts, you hear a knock on the door. you smile widely when you surmise that it's probably taehyun again. you don't realize just how big your grin is until it drops.
standing before you is not your lovely boyfriend, but the man who made you question whether or not you were even lovable in the first place. he has a small smile on his face, and if you were to look a little more carefully, you'd notice that he actually seems a little nervous.
"hi," he says, breaking the silence. his heart was racing a mile a minute. potential scenarios battered his mind the entire way here. what would you do when you saw him? smile? he could handle that. cry? he could also handle that, even if he didn't want to see your tears. what he is not prepared for is the blankness of your features when you ask: "what are you doing here?"
his smile falters almost imperceptibly.
"i, uh. i just wanted to see you." you're merciful enough to give him a nod of encouragement to continue. "a-and i wanted to tell you that i haven't stopped thinking about you for the past few months. and that i think i'm finally ready to be with you," he finishes with a shaky breath.
you're quiet for a moment and squint your eyes as if you're deep in thought.
"but i thought you were dating someone now? your ex?"
"i'm not!" he says almost a little too quickly.
"i heard you were," you counter, not quite believing him. you heard he had been seeing his ex from one of your friends who happened to live in her apartment complex. she had seen his car in the parking lot a few times in the last couple of weeks and had no reason to lie to you.
"w-well, i've seen her a few times, but not seriously. i — to be honest, i was just trying to get over you. but i've finally realized that i can't becau—"
"so, just to make sure i understand, you're not over me so you're seeing her?" his eyes widen in shock before his head hangs in shame as he realizes exactly what he's done and how he must look to you right about now, but you're not finished. "isn't that what you were doing with me?" your voice is low and indifferent, but each word feels tailor-made to slash at his heart. "wow, i guess some things really never change, but don't worry, i'm sure once she moves on you'll finally see the good in her instead of me," you spit out.
"can you listen to me? please?" beomgyu is so ashamed he wants to die. he fumbles for the right words, but when he accidentally makes eye contact with you, they die on his lips. he wishes you would give him time to process what you were saying and mull over what to respond with because you always knew he was bad with words, but he supposes he lost the right to your patience a long time ago.
"you want me to listen to you so you can fuck with my head until the next person rolls around?" the latter words are strangled by the tightness in your throat and he can't help but wince. when he thinks it's over, you continue.
"nobody has ever made me feel as small as you have. i hated myself because of you," your lip trembles and before he can say a word, you're raising your hand to shut the door.
"wait, wait, wait! just let me say this," he pleads as he gently grasps the doorframe. "i... i love you." he almost thinks he hears you gasp, but he's too busy looking into your unreadable eyes to know for sure. he had never said anything like this to you before. you're completely silent for a few moments before breaking the tense atmosphere.
"j-jesus, i mean, i guess i just don't know what to say," you sputter and his eyes alight with what looks suspiciously like hope. "except maybe that... i'm sorry you feel that way?" you finish with a sardonic smile and a roll of your eyes. before he can respond, which he actually intends to do this time around, you slam the door in his face.
notes pt. 2: yeah... sorry ;-; i know this was a lot of background, but i felt it was necessary. also, if you didn't get the memo, there will be a part 3. stay tuned <3
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mashiraostail · 7 months
hello best friend!!!!!!! no way you thought you were gonna end that Halsin turn on's hc on that disgustingly horny note, then share that photoset of him and get away with out anyone asking for more!!!! feed the girls!!! super horny fic please PLEASE
the devil works quick but I am quicker.
The sun was high in the sky, too high in Halsin's opinion. For all the moments he languished the beautiful gifts of nature, bathed in a warm sunlight there were many where he cursed it, and the sun itself. He was hung back in the shade, assessing the now bloodied battlefield. The ambush was poorly planned on the enemy’s part, still despite this the sun was scorching him from the sky creating an oppressive heat  that made for an entirely unenjoyable battle. 
"Oh gods-" He hears you cry out, "I can't go on like this! Karlach! Catch me!" Despite the disgusting heat you seemed in good spirits.
"Easy solider, if you think you're hot now...." Karlach too, she's grinning at you, freshly tuned up she's enjoyed playfully fighting with you but even with her tune up she doubts touching you would help your temperature problem at all.
"You both should save your energy for the walk back to camp." Lae'zel seems to be handling the heat the best, though even she wipes a bead of sweat off her brow.
Halsin has found that lately it is incredibly easy to look at you. Even without imagining you in a sorts of terribly debauched scenarios it was a pleasurable pass time. He was looking at you now. You were heaving as you turned over the littered corpses and rooted through their things. Your skin was coated in a thin layer of sweat that made you look like you were glistening all over when the sun hit you right. Your cheeks were flushed and your lips parted taking in deep, thankful breaths every so often. He feels a sort of pit forming in his stomach, not unpleasant but certainly unwanted given your current location. He needs to take his mind off things, otherwise it wouldn't be long until he's imagining the way the sweat on your inner thighs would taste, or how beautifully you'd sing for him when he took it upon himself to find out.
"Can I help?" He walks towards you and you look up, bent at the waist as you rummage through an enemies armor set.
"Halsin," his name rolled off you tongue like an exhausted exhale, it took more strength than he had to suppress the shiver it sent up his spine. He watched you wipe a stream of blood off your jaw, smearing down your neck. He wondered how many different ways he could get you to call out his name.
"I'm a bit banged up I think." You straighten up to be closer to level with him, he watches the sweat drip down your neck sliding past the chest plate of your armor. He feels the lust and want creeping up his spine like a pleasant chill. He takes a deep breath in through his nose, tried to pry his mind away from the thought of chasing that bead of sweat down your chest with his lips and tongue. It was most certainly futile.
"Is the heat getting to you?" You look sympathetic and thank the gods he can blame his behavior on something rational. A stronger man would turn away.
"I'm...afraid so." He nods, using the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, "I can't imagine you're faring much better, under all that armor."
Getting closer to you had been his worst mistake yet, up close you were shining with sweat, your hair stuck to the skin at the sides of your face, your lips glistened from the water you'd been downing and the swipe of your tongue over them did nothing to help his cause. He wanted to devour you, to be devoured by you, to feel your swollen, glistening lips on every part of his body and to feel your heaving breath against his bare skin when you called out his name.
"No," You laugh a little, he watches your throat, he furrows his brows. "I'm cooking in here." You fan yourself for emphasis, even your knuckles were tinged and flushed from the heat. He wanted, terribly, to put your fingers in his mouth, then watch you slide them inside yourself.
"I have to," He looks around, anything else to do, a reason to flee, "go." He doesn't find one so he simply turns and leaves, and plays busy by packing up the supplies everyone was looting.
Worst of all he didn't even feel bad, no, he wanted, he yearned almost pathetically. He imagined you, a dear friend and confidant doing, and having done to you, such dirty, head spinning, mind-numbing things, and he couldn't even feel slightly guilty. No he just felt...lustful, it felt indulgent, sticky and sweet and satisfying. He supposed he couldn't hold it against himself, what was a man in sick, world ending lust to do?
If you thought his behavior or unceremonious exit odd, you said nothing. Though he's doing a terrible job at keeping his eyes off you. Presently his attention has been pulled by your thighs, uncovered above your armored boots and looking even more supple than usual, glistening from the heat. He would do anything, he would beg, cry, get on his knees. If that’s what it took, if you would let him even graze his lips against your inner thigh, he would do it.
Gods he’d be sure you never considered a different set of armor again… Looting those Githyanki was a brilliant idea even though it pissed Lae'zel off. 
He drags his hand over his lips and chin, tries to tear his eyes away. To think of anything else, gods anything would be better than this.
"I don't think I can take anymore!" You're whining when you say it, it makes him want to jump you right there.
"Alright solider," Karlach chuckles, "why don't you start on back then? We can finish up here, right?" She looks to Lae'zel, then to Halsin.
"Chk," Lae'zel looks away from her and you, "you're endurance is laughable. We'll take care of this."
"I don't think we should travel alone." Halsin cuts in. To get you alone, that would be perfect. He was sure he could chip away at you then, gain back control. Or at the very least indulge himself. 
"Alright." Karlach nods, "that's true, you can take back this part of the loot." She kicks at a few bags, "sound good?"
"Thank you!" You warble and grab the bags, splitting them between the pair of you. "I'll fill up on water too." You promise. "Let's go, Halsin."
He walks a few steps behind you, allowing all the lust in his chest to brew for a bit. He listens to your heaving breaths and sighs.
"I'm sorry, I'm terrible in the heat." You sigh, "I whine like a child."
"I don't mind." Halsin shakes his head, "whine all you like." You turn to laugh at him, but when you do you can see the unmistakable wanting etched into his features. Surely he wasn't attracted to you like this?
"Maybe I will then." You feel a pit in your stomach so you elect to ignore it.
"We might not last the walk home then." He warns you and realization shoots through you like a bolt of lightning.
"What, I'll annoy you to death?" You rub the nape of your neck willing the embarrassment away.
"Hardly." You can feel his eyes on you from behind, you feel like your being burned alive, thought it's not unpleasant by any means.
"Then what?" You reach for your water, something to do with your hands, a reason to close your eyes, it's empty. You curse yourself.
"I can barely hold back as it is." Halsin laughs, mostly at himself, "and you intend to torture me by gasping and whining the whole way to camp?"
It feels like being zapped with a cattle prod, a silly, and frankly insane jolt of pleasure shoots up your spine. You swallow, scrub your eyes, try everything to quell the mix of nervousness and arousal pooling in your lower stomach.
"Look." Halsin changes the subject, you feel a 2 ton weight lift off you. "Some shade, and water. You look like you could do with a moment of respite." You nod and follow him down to the narrow ravine, the shade of the tangled trees above does provide a wonderful cooling feeling. You decide to dip your feet in, it cools you almost instantly.
"I wouldn't torture you." You say it quietly, under your breath once you've settled for a rest.
"What?" He's standing a bit aways from you, leaning against a tree. He cranes closer to you.
"I wouldn't torture you, you know." You look down at your feet in the water. You hear him let out a quiet laugh.
"Really?" He's walking towards you, the nervousness begins to flutter again. "I didn't know that. Perhaps that changes things." You feel him standing much closer than before. For some reason you can tell he's urging you to stand and face him. So you do.
"And how would you intend to put me at ease?" He's standing much closer than you had anticipated, you're almost chest to chest.
"However you ask." You search his face, wondering if you'd misunderstood yet also sure you haven't.
"How generous." You watch his features crack into a grin before his speaks again, "are you sure?"
You don't know exactly what to say to that so you kiss him, he honest to gods groans into it, it feels good, powerful and it certainly does wonders for your ego. It feels like he barely wastes anytime, he's attacking your jaw and neck with hot, open-mouthed kisses trailing as far down as he can until he's stopped by the confines of your armor. He's making quick work of that problem though and as quickly as you noted him starting to remove it, your chest plate was clanking on the ground, a shining pile of metal.
You can tell he's thrilled to finally have hands on you, he's touching you everywhere, his hands dragging over the hem of your underwear, unabashedly exploring every inch of you, covered or not.
"This is a disaster," He's breathing, heavy into your neck when you find the wherewithal to start removing his armor.
"Why?" You allow him to walk you backwards, you feel your back hit a tree.
"I think I've gone mad, Silvanus guide me." He's gliding his lips up your throat, licking and nibbling on the skin desperately, you swear you can feel him rutting against you already, pulling your leg around him, anchoring you as close as he could.
"What do you mean?" When your card your hands through the back of his hair you feel his hips stutter into you. He groans, his hands fumble to remove the last bits of fabric separating your bodies.
"I've been thinking about you since I saw you this morning, wanting you, imagining having you. This was all I could think about, all day."
He’s taking in deep breaths of you when he asks, “why don’t you come to me? I feel the way you look at me. I know.” He’s managed his way out of his own armor and now with so little fabric separating you from him you’re sure he’s rutting against you, desperate like an animal, if you’d had any more of a hold on yourself you’re sure you could have gotten him to beg. You seemed to be the one who had what he wanted, in an ideal world you would be able to hold it over him, this is not an ideal world.
“I didn't think you felt that way, back then, at the party-” You’re breathless, his hands seem to know their way around flawlessly, he hooks one of your legs around his waist, giving himself more purchase to press the growing bulge in his underwear against you.
"You're too modest, look at yourself." He's kneeling, dragging his lips over your chest and stomach as he goes, then your thighs, "you'll be my undoing." He's breathing deeply, guiding your leg over his shoulder and smattering your inner thighs with kisses and bites that make you hold your breath in the most delightful way. When he finally puts his mouth on you your knees buckle, you swear you'd have fallen if he didn't hold you.
"I wanted you then," he assures you, "I want you now."
"Then why did you turn me away?" You barely find it in you to question him, you're arching your back trying desperately to get closer to him.
"Another time." You feel his hands slide up the small of your back, "I'm glad I have you now."
You twist a strand of his hair around your fingers, rolling your hips into his mouth. Yon feel his eyes looking up at you, at your lips and chest. The feeling of his tongue inside you makes you pull him impossibly closer by his hair, the noise he makes against your skin tells you he doesn't mind a guiding hand at all..
Once he's started you find him to be almost relentless, he gives you no respite. He keeps his mouth on you for as long as he can, and when he can't he's using his fingers. It doesn't taking long for your breath to start hitching in your throat, or for the way you buck your hips to become erratic and telling.
"Halsin! Halsin I-"
"I know." His fingers are inside you, curling at the knuckle, you can feel every move they make acutely, "that's good."
"I don't want to finish yet I want to finish with you-" You're gasping it out, trying to stave yourself off almost painfully.
"Oh.." He slows but doesn't stop, he holds you on the edge, "is one all I deserve from you? Is that all you'll give me?" You swear it's the exhaustion making your legs shake.
"No-" You shake your head, "no I can... more-" You cover your face, unsure of when your brain disconnected from your mouth. It doesn't take him long to finish you off, even as you try to hold yourself back.
"Just like that is perfect," You can barely hear him through the ringing in your ears, you feel his lips against your hip bones his fingers still inside you but slowing around your orgasm, "you're so beautiful, gods I love your smell."
"Oh fuck-" Your leg just can't hold your weight anymore. He catches you with a heavy hand on the back of your thigh that relights the fire in your stomach wonderfully.
"I'm right here." He's kissing around your stomach, "stay with me." The day's heat is still sweltering to you, you imagined you'd have been better off staying with Karlach if avoiding a work out was your goal.
When he finally pulls his fingers away you join him on the ground, he steadies you on your way down. Being at eye level is enough to drive Halsin near feral. You look at him with pupils blown out to almost totally eclipse your iris, you're sweaty, naked, breathless and looking right at him, your sweaty hair sticking to your temples and flushed cheeks. He kisses you earnestly, easily sliding his tongue past your lips and pulling you closer by the small of your back. Then stands and casts a gaze down onto you that sends an arrow through your heart and a jolt of something obscene between your legs. You feel his hand on your chin and you're bent at his will, you look up at him.
"I could devour you." All you can do is nod, and he grins at you, "should I? Is that what you want?"
"Yes." The syllable meets his ears a breathless moan, your hands are fumbling with the last of the fabric covering him, and the only thing on the planet separating the pair of you, "yes, please, Halsin-"
"I'd never make you beg." He drags the hair off your forehead, "don't worry, everything you want, you'll get it, in due time."
It sucks all the air from your stomach, he brushes the fingers of his other hand, still wet from you, against your lips. If it had been a wordless command to open your mouth to him, you obeyed. If it hadn't been you must have looked particularly desperate.
He makes a grateful noise as your lips close around his two fingers, "calm down." His thumb brushes over your chin, "I'll take my time, but I won't deny you." When he pulls his fingers away he turns his hand to hold your face, gently squeezing your warm cheeks under his pointer finger and thumb.
"Halsin-" You wonder how he'd managed to turn the tables on you so quickly.
"What do you want, my love?" There's a sort of lustful tenderness in his voice when he says it, it makes you preen up at him.
Wordlessly you take him into your mouth, and as if on instinct you feel him gather and twist your hair in his fist, the other hand bracing on the tree behind you. He keeps his eyes on you, letting out thankful groans every time you take him in.
"Touch yourself." You feel his free hand, the one not fisting your hair, come down to rest heavily on the back of your neck, squeezing the curve the connects your neck and shoulder. All you can do is yield to him, of course you bring a hand between your legs. He bucks into your lips every time you moan.
When you look up at him the hand in your hair turns from an almost possessive hold to a firm guiding hand. His groans get lower and rumble from his chest. He's practically growling out his praises, egging you on.
"Do you want me?" You hear his breath hitch, he catches a choked off sort of noise in his throat, "quickly."
You nod against the tight hold of his hand and he lets you go.
"Come here. Please," he's pulling you up to stand, "come here to me." He lifts you up with ease, wrapping your legs around his middle and easily sheathing himself inside you. You let out a long, keening moan at the sensation and tilt your head back,
He's there, taking up the space immediately, kissing and nipping the sweat-slick skin, one hand holding your back the other in an almost bruising grip on your thigh.
"I know," he mutters it into your skin, starting to roll his hips into you, "i know, I know." He sounds almost sympathetic for your plight, but not quite.
Your moans are breathless gasps, some of his name, and some pleading for nothing in particular. You hold one hand on the side of his neck, the other searches for purchase in his hair.
"That's it," He's breathless himself, you can feel him heaving against your collar, you can feel his broad chest expanding with heaving breaths against you, "that's it, hold onto me."
You roll your hips desperately against him and he rewards your effort with teeth and tongue against your neck, favoring the soft skin at the base of your throat.
"Halsin," You're sliding your hands desperately along his body, yearning to touch every and anywhere, "please, Halsin-"
"I know," his other hand comes down to grip your thigh, "I'll take care of you, I promise I will." He's nosing at the tender flesh of your throat, accosted by his teeth, "come closer to me, please, closer-" He's wrapping your legs tighter around his middle, "you're doing so well." He praises you endlessly, between kisses and low groans.
First he kneels, then he lays you on your back, you were already on the cusp of an orgasm, the way he pulls your legs apart just makes you topple over the edge. He talks you through it, happy to watch and even happier to feel it. You feel his hand on your face again,
"Don't turn from me, don't deny me the sight of you. Look at me." Of course you do, it's all you can do actually, that and practically cry at the orgasm ripping through you. You can tell he's cumming when he's let your face go, you feel it smatter your inner thigh.
"Gods, Halsin-" He's already lowering himself between your legs, gliding lips up your thighs.
"You're right." He pulls you by your waist, guides you up and then down again, onto your chest. You burn with embarrassment from the exposure, and the feeling of his fingers gliding over your dripping sex.
He's dipping a finger into you, then another, it sends you keening.
"I know, I know I'm not being very....forgiving with you. You have to understand." It's not a bruising pace, but your sensitivity makes it feel that way. "I've been denying myself far too long. But, tell me if you can't give anymore."
You shake your head, "I can." You aren't sure why you say so, exhaustion made your arms and legs shake from holding your own weight, your whole body was slick with sweat from the bruising heat of the sun, and the unforgiving touch of Halsin. You were equally parts melted into his palms from his touch and the scorching rays of the sun. You liked it though, you wanted it, and every time he pulled away you found you immediately missed the touch.
You feel the sweat dripping between your shoulder blades, sliding to the small of your back. You feel his lips and tongue against your skin, following the divot of your spine.
"Tell me if it's all too much." He murmurs it into the low of your back, then he' guiding himself inside you again. You fist the ground below you as he does, you can feel your arms shaking, you will yourself to stay upright.
"That's it my love," he mutters it, almost under his breath, "that's perfect, you take it so well. Just like that." He holds the bend of your hips and snaps you backwards into him. You feel your arm start to buckle with your weight. You feel his eyes travel down your back, you listen to him groan.
"The gods spared no expense with you," he's squeezing your hip, using his hold to guide the pace of your rocking against him.
"Halsin-" You're heaving, he can hear the hitching in your breath, he can tell he's worn you thin and it pleases him. You arms give out underneath you and you swear to every god you can think of that you hear him laugh at you.
"I'll help," He twists your hair in his hand again and uses it to pull you up, pulling with it a wrecked sounding moan that he feels immediately in his cock.
You're practically weeping from the exhaustion, between the heat and the orgasms you felt melted into the floor, yet you begged for him to continue.
"You have," his grip on your hair tightens, pulling you up a bit more, "such a beautiful back, I don't think I've seen it before now." He uses your hair to pull you to your knees, seated in his lap. His hand holds your head by your chin now, tilting you to expose your throat to him.
"You do so wonderfully like this." His voice makes the your skin below his lips tremble, "did the gods make you just for this? For me?"
"Yes-" He could get you agree to total world demise right now, he seems amused by your answer none the less.
"They have?" His free hand is gliding easily between your heaving chest and stomach, occasionally dipping between your legs, "I'll need to make use of you more often, then."
You turn into him when your orgasm begins to spill over, nosing at his cheek and taking a deep breath of his scent. You feel his lips on the soft flesh behind your ear.
When you both finish you practically crumple into him, an arm slung over his shoulder.
"Was that all too much?" You feel his hand smoothing your hair, a tender almost delicate touch.
"No," You wrap your other arm around him too, "no it wasn't." You feel his lips on your temple, then your cheek. You're taking in deep thankful breaths, leaning all your weight on him.
"You're alright." His other hand is rubbing between your shoulder blades, calming your heaving breaths, "you're alright my love."
You card your hands into his hair, taking a thankful breath of him, "let's stay here a bit."
"Of course." His hand is massaging the nape of your neck wonderfully, "whatever pleases you my heart. I'll help you clean up, when you're ready."
He can tell you're dozing off, he'll let you rest for a bit he decides, leaning against a tree trunk.
He pulls your legs over his lap, and curls you as close to him as he can get you, "you must need the rest."
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