#like... or are deserts only a bad thing that happens because of bad events and innately morally negative
fatuismooches · 11 months
Imagine the 3.8 Secret Summer Paradise event but with Wanderer and you. Nahida sends Wanderer to investigate something in the desert and you tag along for fun but you two get sucked into a magic bottle somehow?! Klee dubs his title as the “Sorcerer” - her mage sidekick - and yours as the “Soldier” - her protecter! (Or whatever you want, I’m bad at this.)
The rollercoasters are nothing compared to Wanderer’s flights of fright. He will do loops, twists, turns, upside downs in the air all while holding YOU… at least in the rollercoaster there are seats. Klee is amazed by your endurance and wants to try flying too! (Wanderer reluctantly gives her a piggy back ride and flies a safe distance up from the ground… Kaeya’s watching him very carefully, but you vehemently reassure him that Wanderer would never hurt a child. The cavalry captain actually grows to like him!) Though you manage to convince Wanderer to ride a slow rollercoaster with you. There’s no one else in the Choo-Choo Cart, and it’s late at night. Wanderer lays on your lap as you play with his hair, the both of you silent as you stare out the window, taking in the lovely sights of this realm.
Idyia’s quite scared of Wanderer at first but overtime she comes to fawn over and admire how deep your love is, she’s met many people in her little bottle, but no one has ever had a relationship like yours! Not to mention, Zosimos takes inspiration from the two of you for his characters. And speaking of plays, I think despite the fact the one the group acted out had poor plot, Wanderer finds joy in it, because I believe he likes the arts/dance/performances, and also he found Klee’s acting endearing. (When Kaeya runs out of stories for her, Wanderer takes over and tells her Inazuman folktales!)
Collei is extremely nervous speaking to Wanderer, but finds herself liking him more than she expected. She feels like she can… relate to him, for some strange reason? She doesn’t really understand, since she’s never met him before, but she doesn’t question it. Plus, she knows you’re a really nice person, so you wouldn’t date someone who’s mean, anyway. Eula is suspicious of him at first too, but seeing Collei warm up to him makes her tolerate him, while Kokomi finds the stranger very interesting. She has a few chats with Wanderer, and the things he says about Inazuma has her only more curious. The most important part is, Klee wants to be the flower girl at your wedding, whenever that happens.
Moving on, Wanderer has a soft spot for the Hydro Eidolons because they remind him a bit of the Aranara. He acts all annoyed when they want to play hide and seek with him but secretly he enjoys it (and you’re enjoying his fervent denial at being soft.) You two play all of the games together, although Wanderer is less enthusiastic about it than you (as usual of course) but he actually enjoys Bing-Bang Finchball! :3 (He wonders if his creator and that kitsune would like it, too.) Most of all, Wanderer especially enjoys the solitude he gets at certain places of the realm. Sometimes you’re with him, sometimes you’re not, but when you are, during these moments he’s oddly quiet and clingy. Sometimes he still struggles to accept his life and what he’s been through. But making memories like these with you make him happy.
At the end of your stay, when you have to bury a treasure to leave behind, you put in two dolls of Wanderer and you that you quickly made in the mirage! (Wanderer had taught you how to make them that nicely.) You didn’t show your lover at first, a bit embarrassed and scared of his reaction, but he found out anyway and sighed, but pulled down his hat to cover his blush. He flew you to a beautiful spot with the best view, and you two buried it together. You wonder if it would still be there if you ever visited again.
Even after many years pass, Idyia never fails to tell the engrossing tale of the grouchy puppet and his darling lover, an unlikely but loving couple. Maybe if you’re lucky, you could meet them spending their days strolling the streets of Sumeru with the young Archon.
Overall, an unplanned but very necessary vacation that Wanderer needed. Nahida had a blast listening to all of your stories! (And happy he has made some more friends, which he of course denies that accusation.) 
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linkspooky · 3 months
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The Death of Kenjaku
So I was planning to write this meta the week that Kenjaku died, but decided to delay until we got full confirmation of his death. Something I didn't believe in even after Kenjaku passed the merger onto Sukuna. However, watching this video about death in Jujutsu Kaisen inspired me to finish this post. Not because I disagree with anything the YouTuber is saying, but because they can speculate on the meaning of so many deaths in Jujutsu Kaisen but can't find the meaning in Kenjaku's sudden death. This has led me to speculate why Gege made the choice to kill Kenjaku in the way that he did. What meaning is there in Kenjaku's abrupt and unsatisfying death?
Who is Kenjaku?
The first step in understanding Kenjaku's death is of course understanding how he lived. We actually know incredibly little about Kenjaku's character by design. Despite the fact he's literally in Geto's body, he's not meant to have sympathetic or human motivations to his actions (though hold onto that "human motivation" in your head for a moment). No flashback sequence shows the audience why this guy is the way he is, no single event seems to have driven him to do what he did.
This is what we know about Kenjaku in brief. He is a sorcerer who is over a thousand years old who was around in Sukuna's day. He once had a friendship with Tengen, but found her original self boring and unambitious. He also contrasts heavily with Tengen, who lives outside of humanity, because he has lived among humanity for 1,000 years. One of those lifetimes was Noritoshi Kamo who violated a woman and conducted heinous experiments. He produced ten children in his one thousand years, the nine death painting siblings and Yuji Itadori. He considers the first children boring, because human and curse hybrids turned out too normal.
He also partially blames himself for how boring they are, because he can't create anything that will exceed his expectations, the only thing that can exceed his expectations is born in chaos. He spent a thousand years organizing the culling games, and wants to use the games to create a merger, because he thinks creating a merger between Tengen and Humanity will create something entirely new and interesting. He also believes the way towards the future lies in further optimizing cursed energy, not in breaking away from it the way Yuki Tsukumo tried to do and Maki has.
The only people whose word we have on Kenjaku's motivations are Kenjaku himself, and Tengen's word and Tengen themselves who claims to not know what goes on in the human heart.
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From all of the above Kenjaku seems to be a shallow character who's motivations can be summed up as "because I can" and "I want to see what happens." This shallowness is intentional however, as Gege who once praised the minimalist storytelling of Nasu and Evangelion likes to pick and choose what crumbs of backstory he gives out for his characters. We've never gotten any exposition on the Gojo clan, but we have an entire chapter about Takaba's failed career as a stand-up comic. This isn't a judgement of good or bad writing, this is just how Gege writes as minimalist as possible. This is in line with how Gege writes the ancient sorcerers as well, they are all much more shallow driven by instinct or Freudian Id (I desire) rather than the higher reasoning of modern-day sorcerers. Takaba uses comedy as a means of communication and bridging the gaps between people, Higuruma's backstory is the critique of the modern day justice system. Ishigori apparently lived a satisfying life where he was succesful and had good women, but that wasn't enough so he wants to get into a fight with Yuta to satisfy his hunger and feel like he's eaten desert.
It sounds shallow when I summarize it in text, but in the context of the fight with Yuta, it's a challenge for Yuta who for the most part only cares about his loved ones and sees the world through his love goggles to be more selfish and fight for his own desires. It's also reflective of a more basic and instinctual kind of thinking, as opposed to the higher reasoning and logic that modern-day sorcerers apply.
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I'm keeping most of this first part to text for this reason, like go back and read the fight with Ishigori and Yuta. If I summarize Ishigori's character reasoning out of context it sounds stupid, but read the fight and it works because it's ID (I Desire) vs. Yuta's superego in not only having to collect points to help rescue Tsumiki, find a way to protect all the innocent people in the Culling Games, and also collect enough points to take on Kenjaku himself so Gojo won't have to. Meanwhile Ishigori's just fighting to get some of that sweet desert, the shallow works in contrast to the more layered motivations of our heroes.
Kenjaku is a shallow archetype fighting to satisfy his baser impulses (in his case curiosity) in comparison to the main characters who are fighting for more complicated reasons and often people besides themselves.
The question then becomes what archetype is Kenjaku. In that case answering who Kenjaku is is quite simple.
Kenjaku is a clown.
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It might be more accurate to say that Kenjaku embodies what's commonly known as the "trickster archetype" but I'mma go with clown.
The most obvious example of a clown villain is what most consider the joker to be, that is a silly little clown man who challenges the straight faced and grim batman and sews chaos where Batman attempts to establish law and order in Gotham and make the city into a better place.
From the book Batman and Psychology:
More than any other villains, the Joker and Two-face reflect Batman himself as funhouse distortions, converses of who and what he is. The laughing, jesting, brightly colored Joker contrasts with grim, dark Batman. The Joker is the Joker. No alter ego. The film's opening bank robbery shows him wearing a clown mask over clown makeup, Under the surface there's only more Joker. He gives no history except inconsistent lies. When he finally considers the impact of his demand Batman unmask, he retracts the threat and demands that Batman's identity remain undisclosed. He wants a batman who has no other self, a Dark Knight whose only deeper layer is further darkness.
Is there a better descriptor for Kenjaku then these words?
Kenjaku is Kenjaku. No alter ego. A clown mask over clown makeup., Under the surface there's only more Kenjaku.
In other words, what you see is what you get.
Kenjaku even mirrors Joker's opinion of Batman, he thinks people should be more like him, not the other way around. He's not the outlier, he's being true to humanity's basic impulses of curiousity and discovery.
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A more apt comparison as a clown though would probably be Loki, one of the most classic examples of clowning in the shared mythology of humanity. The character who challenges the common wisdom of gods like Odin who suspended themselves from the world tree for eleven days in order to gain wisdom. Loki, who through his trickery manages to bring about the events of Ragnarok for no deeper reason than because he can. Everyone swore not to harm Balder and Loki goes to find something that can harm him because BET.
Mythological Loki doesn't need a deeper motivation because what he represents in the mythology is someone who challenges authority and brings about a change, because in Norse Mythology nothing lasts forever and no era is permanent. Jujutsu Kaisen is also a story about how things should not in fact stay the same and tradition is bad sometimes.
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When Kenjaku finds Tengen's true body he's curled up in a tree root in the fetal position, and he killed what is basically the all-knowing, all-seeing supposedly immortal sorcerer that maintains the status quo of japan, it's not exactly subtle.
Kenjaku is a clown, and clown's gotta clown. We don't need any more explanation that, it's more about what he does for the story. However, what he represents, the deep intellectual curiosity, and also a drive to disrupt the status quo in an attempt to see something more interesting can also be analyzed more deeply because they are human emotions that motivate us as well. The same way that Mahito is an inhuman monster, but he's created and motivated by the fear of other humans, something all of us have. '
Before moving onto his death though, I wanna hammer in how Kenjaku really is just motivated by these two things, a desire to see something interesting, and intellectual curiosity by comparing him to other characters.
The Clown in Fiction
I've already compared Kenjaku to Loki and the Joker, but when it comes to someone who wants to disrupt the entire order of the world simply because they're bored we've got to go to the original girlboss.
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So there are plenty of villains who go "I'm evil because I'm bored" but they usually tend to be pretty shallow, either shallowly written for the lulz evil characters who just exist for shock value or just kinda dull. No one has ever done it as good as Junko Enoshima and no one ever will again.
For those who need context DanganRonpa is a death game series where the main villain basically has caused the apocalypse, wiped out most of humanity, and then induces survivors in a bunker to kill each other in a death game, where if someone commits a succesful murder they can escape the bunker, but if they're caught in a trial they're executed. Also, if they're not convicted in the trial everyone else is killed, motivating the jury to find and execute the guilty murderer.
Junko Enoshima the main villain and orchestrator of this death game ended the world because despair. She wants to inflict despair on everyone because despair. Because hope sucks and despair is where it's at.
It sounds shallow and it is and Kodaka has said in interview he wrote Junko to be a villain character with zero redeeming character traits, and no sympathetic backstory to describe why she is the way she is, but there is still something motivating her.
If you go a bit deeper into the lore and read Dangan Ronpa Zero, there is an entire book which explains the lengths which Junko goes to feel normal human emotions. The thing is much like Kenjaku Junko is too smart for her own good, everything is predictable and therefore everything bores her. Once in an attempt to live normally, she literally lobotomizes herself, makes it so that she can't remember anything and has continual amnesia constantly forgetting what just happened to her, because that's the only way she can live without knowing everything that's going to happen and constantly predicting everyone's actions.
Junko has whatever her universe's version of the six-eyes is, but instead of lording it over other people like Gojo and basking in her superiority she wants to feel normal, and connected to the world. If she can't have that she tries to make the world as unpredictable place as possible so she can experience it the same way that everyone else does.
Hope is harmony. A just heart, moving toward the light. That is all. Despair is hope's polar opposite. It is messy and confusing. It swallows up love, hatred, and everything else. Because not knowing where you will end up is despair. Despair is even what you cannot predict. Only despair's unpredictability can save you from a boring future.
I'm still not describing it properly because I don't want to go into a Danganronpa essay in this post about Jujutsu Kaisen, but one example I always use is two characters from American Dragon Jake Long. They're a pair of twins who see the future, one always sees happy things, and one always sees sad things. The one who has happy visions is a goth who's very depressed and the one who sees disaster is an incredibly peppy girl.
Jake is so confused as to why the twin who always sees good visions is so depressed, and she basically tells him to imagine having every good thing, every small little surprise, every pleasure taken out of life.
Kara: When you only see good things, nothing's special anymore. All the pleasant surprises are taken out of life. Sara: But, when you only see bad stuff, even the smallest bit of good news makes you happy!
All of this to say what Junko feels isn't just boredom, or a desire to commit evil for evil's sake, but also a full on existential crisis where she's simply too smart so she doesn't feel any connection to other people or the world around her. In order to feel that connection, that connection that everyone else has, to feel like she is actually a participant in her life not an observer she's willing to go to extremes to make the world a more interesting place, to therefore make her own life feel satisfying.
Kenjaku vs. The World (Kenjaku Pilgrim's sad little life)
To connect all this back to Kenjaku imagine the profound existential despair of a person who's lived for a thousand years, and felt bored all that time. Sukuna is at least a hedonist, he gets his fun by getting into fights, humans might be bugs to him but they're tasty bugs.
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Kenjaku goes to similiar motivations and has similiar extremes, he's uninvested in the world around him, he's lived a thousand years but has no attachment to the world, to life, to the people around him. I said that Junko wants to be a participant in life not an all seeing observer and that was purposeful language because to bring back an old post. I rambled on this post about Gojo that part of Gojo's problem is that he only experiences observer-to-object relationships or I to it.
Ich and Du, translated as I and Thou is a book by philosopher Martin Buber. His two main porositions is that we may address existence in two ways:
The attitude of the “I” towards “it” towards an object that is separate in itself, which we either use or experience.
The attitude of “I” towards “Thou” in a relationship in which the other is not separated by discrete bounds.
In Buber's terms, those who only experience the first type of relationships are only observing the world around them not relating to them. Kenjaku doesn't relate to other human beings because they are objects, he only experiences subject -> object relationships and never subject -> subject.
Buber also goes on to theorize that meaning in our lives comes from subject -> subject relationships we form with other people.
Kenjaku jokingly says that to be his friend you have to never bore him and be his equal, but there's no one considers his equal because he's the subject and everyone else are just objects.
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He regrets he can't sit down and talk theories with Tsukumo Yuki because she's one of the few people who think like him.
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Kenjaku is a paradox of an incredibly brilliant man who is also shallow as a puddle that you can stand in and not get your socks wet. However, he tragically can't really form a more complex identity because our identities are formed by our relationships to other people and Kenjaku doesn't relate to anybody.
That's basically the theme of the whole Choso and Kenjaku fight, Choso is a weird aborted fetus of a curse who still has a strong identity and is able to feel unconditional love for Yuji because of the connection of family and the ideas of brotherhood that binds the two. Kenjaku is a bad father who abandoned Choso because they were "boring" but also never really gave them a chance to grow up or be interesting, he just dismissed them offhand and moved on to the next weird science project.
However, his reason for dismissing Choso isn't Choso's fault but rather a case of Psychological projection. It's not Choso who is boring, but rather Kenjaku himself, he said so earlier.
"What I can create, does not exceed the bounds of my own potential. The answer is always flickering darkly in chaos."
Kenjaku cannot look within to find anything satisfying abput his life because there's nothing inside of him. He doesn't have a fully formed identiy he's just ID, and because he tramples all over other people to form his desires he also cannot ever form a full ego. Just like Sukuna and most of the ancient sorcerers he's a paradox of being all ego, and yet having an underdeveloped ego with shallow motivators.
Kenjaku cannot look within because he's a boring person, and he cannot look for other people to find worth in his life because they're just objects, so instead he looks into the void, he tries to change the world around him by spreading more chaos hoping that it will make something unpredictable happen in front of his eyes - and that will give him the meaning and investment in his life he's deprived himself of because he refuses to form relationships with other people.
It's the Gojo problem. It's the Kashimo problem. It's not the Sukuna problem, because Sukuna admits he doesn't care about and rejects things like love and meaning.
If Kenjaku makes the world around him a more interesting place, he will be able to live in it. It's the same as Gojo trying to raise people up to his level by creating stronger students.
So after going to great length to demonstrate how powerful and all-consuming Kenjaku's boredom is, and how cut off he is from his own humanity, here's the part where I sort of defend his death.
Wouldn't it be funny if the joke character killed the main villain?
Let's be honest it was Takaba's kill here, Yuta just camped and killstole. I think part of the problem with people not understanding the meaning behind Kenjaku's sudden and unexpected death is attributing the death to Yuta cutting his head off out of nowhere, and not Takaba's thematic victory over Kenjaku.
Takaba represents a blindspot for Kenjaku which is why the main characters use him as a weapon against him, and he also calls out in a fashion Kenjaku's hypocrisy. First and foremost, Kenjaku presents himself as an agent of change, but he actually has no interest in many of the modern sorcerers and holds a bias towards the heian era as the peak of sorcery. He even says that he's going to bring back the Heian Golden Age to Sukuna at the end of Shibuya arc.
Because that's what Chaos is Kenjaku, things being the same as they were 1,000 years ago. Kenjaku is an agent of change and chaos and somehow his definition of change is... resetting things back to the past because the sorcerers of the past were so much better than today.
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Kenjaku goes out of his way to awaken hundreds of modern day sorcerers, and then dismisses literally off of them except for Hiromi because they don't have enough potential for him compared to ancient sorcerers. He essentially did the same with the Death Painting Bros, he went through all of the trouble to create them, then dismissed them as not having enough potential BEFORE THEY EVEN GOT THE CHANCE TO GROW UP.
Kenjaku has a habit of just going BORED NOW and leaving before he even gives things the time to impress him. He does the same with the Culling Game, he set up the death game to push sorcerers to fight each other and bring out their powers, but he never actually intended to watch the sorcerers evolve. He just wanted to slaughter everyone inside to start the merger.
He goes through a lot of potential to set up these situations and then abandons them before they have the chance to even evolve, because they do not have enough "potential" in his opinion, but like his opinion is often shown to be wrong. Takaba represents that blindspot because he was one of the modern sorcerers that Kenjaku underestimated and dismissed offhand as boring without giving him a chance to shine.
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That is the joke that Takaba introduces himself with "Wouldn't it be funny if a random comic relief side character suddenly defeated the big bad?"
He's immediately pointing out a blindspot, because Kenjaku automatically believes himself to be an important character, he underestimates Takaba because he's a side character, one of the people Kenjaku has dismissed as boring and uninteresting (before they even had a chance to evolve into something else). Like that's the other thing Kenjaku wants things to evolve but he doesn't... let them. He abandoned Choso and the rest before they even grew up, they were literally fetuses and he threw them away. Kenjaku is the protagonist of reality, and Takaba is a side character, and therefore Takaba couldn't possibly harm him because Kenjaku and his boundless curiosity are the center of the world.
It's not just about subverting the audience's expectations to have the main villain die in such an anti-climactic way before the final act even starts, but it's pointing out how narrow Kenjaku's viewpoints really were all along. He wants everything to be surprised but he never lets anything surprise him, because either he gets bored right away, or he looks down on others before giving them the chance to evolve, or the third thing he just straight up has to control everything. He can't let the culling game evolve naturally he's going to slaughter all the players by hand so he can move onto the next part.
It's the contradiction between a schemer who needs to control everything and everyone to bring about his intended result and everything needs to be a part of his big plans, to someone who wants to be surprised by others and have things go off the rails. You can't have both of these things at once, Kenjaku cannot have things surprise him if he rigs everything to go his way with his overly elaborate schemes and his tight-fisted control of everyone in the story.
Like, in comparison to Kenjaku the joker just blows things up and sprays people with laughing gas. They're both playing the same game but the joker is having fun and Kenjaku isn't.
Kenjaku wants an unexpected future, but he doesn't care about any of the modern sorcerers and has a bias towards the heiean era that he considers the height and wants to reset things to bring back the heian era. He wants to be surprised but won't give up control.
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Kenjaku's boast is that unlike Tengen he's spent a thousand years living on the ground instead of lording up on them from above like some deity, but is that true? Has Kenjaku lived? Has he engaged with the world? Formed relationships with people? Or does he just sit in the corner rubbing his hands together menacingly and scheming his schemes.
Takaba unironically gives Kenjaku what he wants, something he's never seen before in a thousand years, and it's from a place Kenjaku never expected. Some random guy, who he dismissed as one of the boring modern sorcerers with no potential like Higuruma.
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Takaba not only exists in Kenjaku's blindspot, he almost immediately points out Kenjaku's second hypocrisy. If he's willing to resort to mass murder just to feel entertained, then if he found something else to entertain him there'd be no reason to get violent and scheme his schemes.
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In other words Kenjaku hasn't really gone looking for other places to try to find what makes life worth living, or at least enertaining, he hasn't really tried any alternatives to finding joy in life because Jujutsu is all he cares about. Takaba says that if he found something else even more entertaining than the merger there'd be no need to go through with the merger, and he turns out to be right. Kenjaku could have found meaning and entertainment with the world someplace else, he was just too narrow minded and never looked anywhere else.
As I said from the beginning Kenjaku's existential crisis comes from his inability to relate to other people and viewing them all as objects, but in Kenjaku's mind of course he can't relate to others they're too boring, so therefore it's the world's fault, and the fault of others and not himself.
However, right away one of those boring people starts relating to Kenjaku.
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I joked about how we know nothing about the Gojo clan but Takaba gets an entire backstory chapter about his failed comedy career, but this chapter is plot important because jokes are the way that Takaba relates to and forms relationships with other people. Takaba makes jokes to relate to others but has a fallout with a comedy partner and has never been able to form a lasting relationship with a comedic partner because comedy doesn't mean the same to them as it does to him - because to Takaba comedy is about forming relationships with people. Which is why he thinks he's failed if he's failed to make everyone in the audience laugh because he wants to make comedy that will make other people relate to him and understand him.
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However, he almost gives up on comedy because he's afraid that he might fail on that endeavor. He gives up on striving to make everybody in the audience laugh, because of self-affirmation and a desire to protect himself. He didn't want to fail so he started distancing himself from the audience under the excuse "Well, I can't make everyone laugh so it's okay if not everyone understands me."
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Takaba at some point gave up on trying to use comedy as a means of understanding and relating to others, because of his fear of failure and at that point he nearly lost - but he rallies himself by saying that he won't give up on making someone like Kenjaku laugh. If his comedy is about connecting to others, about understanding others and having others understand him then he can't just give up on Kenjaku and say it's Kenjaku's fault that Kenjaku can't relate to his sense of humor. He's got to try even harder to make Kenjaku laugh.
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This is also pretty much the opposite of Kenjaku's point of view. For Kenjaku it's everyone else's fault for being so boring that's why he can't relate to them. Wheras, Takaba takes personal responsibility, he wasn't funny enough, he has to try harder, he's the one who's going to make Kenjaku laugh by improving himself. Takaba looks inward, and Kenjaku looks outwards because there's nothing inside Kenjaku.
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This is a parallel to this.
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The difference however, is that Sukuna did not betray his ideology. Sukuna lives for the kicks that battle provides him and wants to face strong opponents so he can eventually devoured them and be momentarily entertained.
Like Sukuna is not bored the way Kenjaku is. The world is his playground. He may refer to living as just killing time until you die, but he also says that there's an infinite variety of humans to entertain yourself with. The world is Sukuna's toybox and he's satisfied with just that. In fact he doesn't even care about the merger, until his frustration with Yuji makes him think a little deeper about himself.
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Kenjaku is not the Sukuna in this scene, he's the Gojo. He believed he was above others, only to be reminded suddenly that he was just the same as everyone else and brought back down to humanity. I mean, they even die off panel the same anticlimactic way. Gojo's infinity meant nothing in the face of one surprise attack a world-cleaving slash Gojo didn't see coming. All of Kenjaku's backup plans meant nothing in the face of Yuta camping and kill-stealing.
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Kenjaku didn't lose because Yuta's plan of camping and killstealing was simply too brilliant for him to prepare for however, we're given the exact reason kenjaku lost - because he was having too much fun with Takaba.
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Which meant what Takaba said earlier was true, if Kenjaku found something funnier, something other than the merger that could make him laugh there'd be no need to go through with the merger to begin with.
Kenjaku loses because all along he could have related to people, formed meaningful relationships with others, looked for meaning in life outside of Jujutsu but just chose not to. Which is also a parallel to this.
Sukuna says that Kashimo and Gojo both lost because they were greedy. They already received love in a way, they had the love of everyone who regarded them as the strongest, they had people who earnestly wanted to challenge them and respected them - which Sukuna sees as a form of love, and yet they still wanted more.
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They were the ones who put themselves up on that pedestal and decided to stand above all of humanity, they don't get to whine about being lonely on top of that.
To add my interpretation to Sukuna's speech, what he's outlining is a general conflict in Jujutsu Kaisen, you can choose to be all ego to put personal development above everything else but it comes at the cost of not being able to form relationships. Maki's as powerful as Toji now, but the sister she always wanted to protect is dead and basically committed suicide. Meanwhile Noritoshi Kamo didn't participate in the final battle, but he reconnected with his mother and half-brother.
There are plenty of characters who die and suffer in jujutsu kaisen because they chose to value other people above themselves, because Jujutsu Kaisen rewards selfishness and punishes selflessness / having an underdeveloped sense of self.
I'll pick Mechamaru as my biggest example, he lived to protect Miwa, and not only does he die an unsatisfying death, he also breaks her heart.
However, at least Mechamaru experienced love. His desire to protect Miwa is granted, because Miwa is also out of the final conflict. Mechamaru is one of the most miserable characters in the manga, and yet he experienced love in his life for someone else that made his brief life meaningful. The characters who choose love, and other people over strength tend to get stepped on, but they at least had that love in their life to begin with.
It's a having your cake and eating it too situation. Kashimo chose strength over love, and he got to be so strong he was unbeatable and lived to old age, but not only is he unfulfilled but he whines about being unable to relate to the people around him - you're the one who chose to step on everyone like bugs.
Characters in Jujutsu Kaisen don't just experience death when they try to be selfless however, like yeah there's a disproportionate amont of selfless minor characters who die, but like Yuji is the most selfless character in the manga and he's continually punished for it and yet he's the one referred to as a person with an unbreakable will.
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Rather instead of Jujutsu Kiasen preferring the selfish side on the scale of selfishness / selflessness, the kind of messy, deaths that get handed out to people like Mechamaru happen when you betray the ideals you were living for. Whether they were selfish or selfless.
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It goes back to Toji's internal monologue. You lose when you lose sight of yourself - like there's some deaths that don't fit the mould but for the most part, Gojo, Kashimo, Toji's and then Kenjaku's deaths all follow this pattern. By coincidence they also all take place offscreen for the most part (I suppose we see Yuta cut off Kenjaku's head but it's quick and unsatisfying compared to all the rest).
Kenjaku died because he betrayed what he was living for and he temporarily lost sight of himself. As I said Kenjaku's airtight principles were that everyone was boring and people weren't worth relating too so the only way to find enertainment in life is to cause chaos - but he found himself relating to some nobody he wrote off as a minor character Takaba and having fun with him. Which meant the belief he was false, he could have tried relating to other people all along he just didn't.
He warped his sense of self to reaffirm his identity. Takaba almost did that too, he tried to blame other people for not finding him funny to protect himself, but he moved past that and redoubled his efforts to make Kenjaku laugh.
There's also the added layer of irony that Kenjaku's sudden death brings about, the person who spent a thousand years trying to make the merger happen doesn't get to see it.
However, here's my assertion on why Kenjaku's death before the merger always had to happen.
Because, even if Kenjaku had seen the merger he still would have been bored.
Literally everything about Kenjaku's character and previous actions shows that even if he made his big scheme come true, he would have gone "meh" and moved onto the next scheme because that's how he always reacts.
He got bored of the death painting siblings, he presumably got bored of Yuji, he got bored of all the ancient sorcerers and new sorcerers he made for the culling game, he worked with the disaster curses and got bored of them and dismissed them as inferior primitive curses, he goes out of the way to engineer these chaotic situations and then never feels any satisfaction from them so why would the Merger be any different?
Not only did Kenjaku die before he saw the merger, he was basically doomed to never see the merger, because it would not have fixed whatever is wrong inside of him.
Because it's not the world that's boring, it's Kenjaku himself.
He gets a brief glimpse of what he could have done in life, that he could have tried to forge connections with the people around him and related to them on a personal level - and then he dies the way he lived, in a kind of boring and unsatisfying way.
It's the narrative punishing him in a way, the same way it punished Gojo, and Kashimo, by not letting him see the big explosion after he went to all the trouble rigging the bombs. It's punishing him for the same reason too - by deviating from his true self and showing what he thought were his reasons were shallow all along. Gojo could have always related to people he just chose to stand on his pedestal alone, and Kenjaku could have always found the world to be more enertaining he was the one dismissing other people as boring without giving them a chance to grow.
Takaba confronted his beliefs and then stayed true to his ideology of making everyone, 100% of the people in the crowd laugh. Kenjaku didn't confront his beliefs, he strayed from them because he didn't have the strength of character to evaluate himself the way Takaba did.
Hence, he's finished off by one of those boring people who used their power in a way he never expected. The main villain is defeated by the comic relief character and it's hilarious.
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kazvha · 1 year
Hi! May I request headcanons of Yoru, Gekko, and Phoenix (separately) trying to confess their romantic feelings to VP agent![Reader] [Gender Neutral], but some situations kept blocking their attempts to do so like last minute missions and other chaotic events that happen at the Valorant Protocol; then towards the end, they finally confess their feelings to them?
Summary: They want to confess to you, but they get interrupted.
Including: Phoenix, Yoru & Gekko.
Notes: Hi and thanks for the request! I'm new to the Valorant fandom and this is also my first time writing for it. I had some trouble bc of that, but I hope it's alright?👉👈 Enjoy!
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• He's so down bad for you
• When you joined the Valorant Protocol the two of you instantly clicked, mostly because of his social and welcoming nature
• Since he was way longer in the Protocol, he showed you around and taught you all the different stuff
• It didn't take long until he fell for you after you spent so much time together
• And as impatient as Phoenix is, he wanted to confess his feelings to you as soon as possible
• But every single time, the odds were against him
• For example, one time you were in the common room in the early morning, eating your cereal when Phoenix joined you on the couch
• The room was deserted and you were in a good mood, which made this moment a perfect time to confess.
• This man got so nervous all of a sudden and asked you some random question instead of saying the three words. "Yoo, is the cereal tasting good?"
• You gave him a side glance and hummed because you had the cereal in your mouth
• Phoenix wanted to say more, but Jett walked into the room and started a conversation with you, ruining his opportunity
• He was losing his mind the more time passed
• So eventually, he decided to confess to you in front of your room in the middle of the night
• Before anything could happen he blurted the words out as soon as you opened the door. "I like you. I like you more than a friend."
• Instead of watching your reaction, he looked around as if he was waiting for something to happen.
• When nothing happened, he whispered a silent "Ohh yeah baby, I won this time!", which only made you more confused
• "So what's your answer?" He ran his fingers through his locks and gave you a professional smile
• "Phoenix, please, it's 3 AM. Ask me again in the morning, I'm too tired to think straight." You closed the door on him
• But after thinking about the things Phoenix said for a few minutes, you opened the door to give him a positive answer
• To your surprise he was still standing there
• "I like you too."
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• It was how you treated him seriously and genuinely heard him out compared to the others
• When he first realized his feelings for you, he suppressed them. What good would come out of this?
• But he couldn't stop thinking about you. Every little thing reminded him of you. And it didn't help that you often had missions together.
• These bottled-up feelings would hinder his performance to the point he would panic every time on the inside when you faced an enemy
• It couldn't go on like this
• He tried to confess to you on the flight back from a mission. The others were in the front and you were the only two in the back
• "Listen, I-"
• Yoru couldn't say more since Brimstone had another mission for you
• "Mirrors have been sighted in that area. We have to get there quickly. Yoru, [A/n] make yourselves ready."
• A heavy sigh escaped him
• Next time he tried to convey his feelings to you in the range. However, Killjoy and Raze interrupted your moment to test out their new machines and bombs
• Even if they left you two alone again, you wouldn't be able to hear Yoru because of the ringing in your ears😭
• At this rate, Yoru got the feeling that he would never be able to find the right moment. This noticeably soured his mood for a few weeks. The other agents thought he lost a bet or smth
• In the end, he said it in the middle of the battlefield. He was done waiting, and you needed to know. So, before everyone went to their positions, he walked up to you
• "Hey, you're the person I like. So don't die on me now. I need to hear your answer later."
• With burning cheeks, Yoru fastly teleported to his position and left you with a surprised Pikachu face
• You also came clean after the mission. "Hey, I didn't die!", you smiled, "and I have feelings for you too. Possibly more than you can imagine."
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• When Gekko joined the Valorant Protocol, he stuck to you and Neon like glue
• In addition to being assigned to various missions together, you three also spent most of your free time together
• When there was nothing to do, you hung out in each other's room, went to a boba place, sparred together, etc.
• You three and Gekko's little buddies, quickly became close friends
• With time, Gekko developed romantic feelings for you. Of course, Neon noticed this fact which resulted in you and Gekko spending more time together because she gave you two some space
• Whenever he was near you, he felt giddy and nervous. Even his little crew became more touchy with you
• He wanted to confess to you when you two were drinking boba in a cafe. He waited till you finished your drink. "[Name], I gotta tell you something big."
• You shifted your attention to him, curious about what he was going to say. But suddenly a man who passed your table spilled his coffee on your shirt
• Let's just say, it got heated between you and this stranger, and Gekko had no moment to confess
• Next time, you were chatting with Neon in the common room, and Gekko wanted to ask you if you could speak in private. However, Phoenix dragged him off, so that Gekko could see his new moves. "Pheonix can't you show me your moves later, I'm reaaaaally busy right now..." He dramatically reached his hand out to you, but you didn't see him
• At this point he lost all hope
• But, Wingman came to his rescue!
• When Gekko's bored, he draws in his sketchbook. This book had tons of sketches of you (with lots of hearts😏). Wingman ripped out a drawing to give it to you
• When Gekko realized this and ran after him, it was already too late. You looked at the paper with surprise in your eyes then you turned around to Mateo, who was a blushing mess
• "Did you draw this?" "Yeah..." He gathered up all of his courage and finally told you his feelings with a nervous grin. "You know, I liked you for a very long time now, haha."
• "I kinda noticed that because I feel the same. Let's go out?"
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girlwithamissingpearl · 9 months
I understand things have been dry in Outlander land but even desert dry has me smh. Ladies, if you have to try that hard to shit all over SH, I’m not saying it makes you a hater but it sure as shit doesn’t make you a liker.
Back after a bit- admit it, we all need to occasionally take a break- I feel I needed to pace myself during the drought. But after a bit of scrolling, I felt compelled to dive right in. Isn’t this fandom about fun, entertainment and guilty pleasure? That’s why I’m here. So why the endless posts from the SH haters? Do people dislike SH, enjoy the snark or just think the man is stupid?
So just for fun (or insomnia) I thought I would play a short game of SH: Stupid, Smart or just SMH?
1. SH and Cons/Private events for $
Why do people have such a problem with SH trying to make a living? Most if not all actors part of a series or movie franchise participate. In my opinion SH is doing it now, so he won’t need to in his 60’s to pay the rent. While most fans are priced out of the more exclusive events, all I can say is the paying fans are the only ones that never complain. Supply and demand. If any charitable component is part of the deal, great. So can we finally put a line under this?
Verdict: Smart as hell
2. SH always “Shilling” SS to his Fans and on SM
Uhm, he is the brand. It’s his company. Can it be a bit much? Yes. Promotion to the fan base and the use of sm is marketing 101. In order for people to try the product they need to know about the product. We can disagree as to his methods or success to date, but fans are not the only ones buying bottles. As for the constant and consistent presence of AN with SH during events? Suddenly they are a couple? WTF. AN is a business partner. He owns part of the business. They both work hard promoting SS, and so far it looks like they will continue to release more SS. Ladies, don’t put your lawn chairs away yet!😉
Verdict: Smart
3. SH and boundaries with his fans
Regardless of the letter you attach to SH, he is a recognized actor around the world. Definitely a people pleaser, in imho, he will happily take a selfie with anyone. Obviously, he never wants to disappoint any fan, but his lack of boundaries and security at events can be cringe worthy at times. If a female actor was touched, mauled, or asked to sign fans boobs or t-shirts it would be a #me too moment. Someone, anyone in security or a handler needs to be bad cop if he won’t. How far is too far?
Verdict: Stupid with a side of SMH
4. SH as a Philanthropist and Charitable Causes
This one really bugs me. MPC has raised over $6m for charity. SH’s name attached to any cause raises awareness and $. The BS from the haters who discount this based on the fact SH apparently never donates his own money is petty nonsense. Gentleman’s ride is one example. Agree it was his female fans that made it happen. And? This is my only fandom but SH is held to an impossible standard. Apparently he is a hypocrite in his support for clean oceans because someone on his team had a catered lunch using single use plastics. Great topic for discussion, but the man didn’t throw the containers in the ocean. Also let’s not judge a person’s commitment based on sm posts. SH can literally, yes ladies literally never win. Thankfully the causes he supports do. I dare you to disagree.
Verdict: Smart
5A. SH’s dating life
According to an extremely ardent part of this fandom, SH has dated😉 every fit blonde 👱‍♀️ within a 250 mile radius of everywhere. I wish that someone would keep track of all the mysterious initials and lack of any literal proof of these women. This is where I separate the snark from the hater’s. While I’m in owe of the investigative skills of some, and enjoy the gossip-even though mom thought gossip was a sin, sorry mom- not all women aka initials welcome the attention. Any woman save CB that SH is remotely warranted or not attached to, has an avalanche of hate comments and 💩emoji in their future, welcome or not. Personally, I believe SH, goes out of his way to protect the people he cares about, and perhaps even those he may not. I think we can agree he is not a monk. However an actor is entitled to privacy. Ginger Jesus included.
5B. SH ‘s Sexuality
From the beginning, 3 years for me, I’ve read posts about someone who knew a friend of a friend of a bartender’s friend who knew for a fact SH had a boyfriend. WTF. You know the drought is real when this bullshit gets recycled. We all know the question has been asked and answered by SH. More than once. Next.
Verdict: SH keeping his private life private: Smart as hell.
6. SH and the use of all things Outlander related
If you don’t get it, I don’t have the time and am too lazy to explain it to you.
Verdict: Smart. Smart as hell
7. SH and CB
The only real problem here is obvious. And I don’t know why the fans or even the haters- btw, I use the term haters like I do profanity- perhaps not the best word, but like GFY, FU, MF, C, etc. I’m lazy and it saves time and no confusion to whom I address. So where the actual f&ck is the audition tape we all want to see? You know the part of which I speak. If only the fandom investigators could put aside any petty differences and uncover the SH, CB chemistry kiss tape? I’m not saying it will be a unifying and CTJ moment, but it would give SH fans something to make the drought less….thirsty.
No verdict necessary. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨😚😉
And last but definitely not least…
8. SH and Thirst Traps
Ladies, because of Outlander and all things Outlander related, we’ve had the pleasure to observe SH from every view and lovely angle. Come on, if you 👀 closely it’s all there. Why the actual f&ck people in this fandom have a problem with his shirtless posts is beyond me. Not only is he promoting the results a good fitness regime can produce, he is literally, yes literally giving his fans something they want. And don’t even try me with- you’re treating him like an object. This is a 100% consensual relationship. And if the word “hater” seems harsh about the same gang that complains and shits all over his shirtless thirst traps, then please find me a better name.
Verdict: Smart as hell and thank you
So for those who may not get it, this post is silly and something for my handful of friends or any SH fan to have a laugh. If anyone has the patience to read the entire thing😉 So any comments are welcome, but to the people or person sending awful and cowardly anon messages: save your time. Or GFY. See what I did there?🤓
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machinesonix · 2 months
Somehow I have made it this long without realizing that none of the screen adoptions of Dune so much as mention the Butlerian Jihad. Like I guess it's burned into my brain so hard I sort of assumed it was part and parcel of the universe. Don't get me wrong, I think that's probably the first thing you learn if you want to dive deeper into the setting, but it still hits me like if the LotR movies showed us the big flaming eyeball tower and was like ‘Oh, that's why there are bad things, but don't worry, that's just background stuff.’ Yeah, you can understand the movie, but if the story is just like Frodo vs. The Witch King you are losing out on any of the conversation about the corruptive allure of power or theological undertones. So without further ado let's pretend this is for the benefit of interested new fans roped in by the movies and not part of my desperate attempt to silence the howling specters of literary analysis that live in my blood.
The Butlerian Jihad is an event set ~10k years prior to the events of Dune in which humanity won their freedom from the machines that they had enslaved themselves to. As a result, it is a religious taboo to create a machine that thinks like a human. That's frankly the bulk of the information presented by Frank Herbert in the text without dipping into books 7+, but whether or not those are canon is frankly an enormous can of worms, which really makes sense when you consider the size of the worms. But boy howdy, Frank loved his subtext and parallelism. Everyone has a foil character, every theme is hit from multiple angles, and Villinueve has been doing an excellent job of capturing a lot of that in repeated imagery and dialogue. The Butlerian Jihad happens off camera, but it's themes are absolutely critical to the big picture.
The Butlerian Jihad was a holy war. It was not merely a rebellion against the machines, it was a crusade against them. The prohibition against thinking machines isn't just a law, it's in the pan-universal Bible. Absolute psychopath Pieter DeVries himself claps back at the Baron for insinuating he might have a use for a computer, and this is a guy who has been hired specifically for his preternatural absence of morals. Let's hold onto that idea for a minute. 
Probably my favorite scene in the first book is the one where planetologist Liet-Kynes is dying out in the desert. As the last of his strength fades to dehydration he hallucinates conversations he had with his father concerning terraforming Arakkis for human habitability. He's told that the means are not complicated. There is already enough water on the planet, the Little Makers just have it all trapped deep underground as part of the sandworm reproductive cycle. You just need to isolate enough water to start irrigating plant life, and once it's established that'll keep the water on the surface on its own. The hard part is making sure everyone on the planet is environmentally conscious enough to foster a developing ecosystem. Nobody can drink any of that water while it's being collected, because they'll just introduce it back into the water cycle where the Little Makers are. It's going to take generations, so that sort of water discipline is going to have to go above and beyond a social convention. People need to be willing to die before they'll take a sip and compromise the plan. Ghost Dad Kynes concludes that the only mechanism in the human experience to enforce this consensus is religion. 
In the context of this whole parallelism thing, you have probably noticed that the Butlerian Jihad is not the only holy war in the narrative. Paul sees a new jihad as the only way of creating a future where humans can flourish. Now you might be saying ‘Wait now, Machines. I thought the point of Paul’s holy war was to avenge Leto and disempower established power structures by taking away the control of the spice!’ And you’d be right. The thing is, without getting into spoiler territory, Dune Messiah is not going to be about how everything just gets so much better now that Paul has destroyed the economy, government, and untold billions of human lives. This isn’t the endgame. Dude can see the future and the way he does it involves looking into the past. Paul lives in a society defined by a holy war and his goal is to redefine society. 
Putting it all together you can see what I mean about the Butlerian Jihad being essential to the themes even though the story never shows us a thinking machine or a narrative beat where the absence of computers changes the outcome. It helps us see the big picture. I’ve seen a lot of dialogue lately on whether Paul is a tragic hero or a consummate villain and I’m not here to answer that, but I am here to underline the critical detail. Paul intends to be seen as a tyrant. Just like Kynes’ hallucination says, religion is the lever to make a value stick around forever. He wants to traumatize humanity to hate chosen ones and emperors the same way the machines traumatized humanity to change them forever. The Water of Life ritual doesn’t invert his values, it lets him realize these visions of war are the means, not the ends. He is absolutely not happy about it, but this is Paul’s terrible purpose. 
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pommunist · 2 months
This is mostly gonna be just a rant but it just baffles me how everything Qstudios has done since the beginning of the admins situation is a terrible pr move. So yeah this is just gonna talk how, even if you forget the immoral and potential illegal stuff that went on, I don’t think their strategy is doing any good for the studio’s image.
-Going radio silent publicly and privately : Kinda the original sin of all this mess tbh. This obviously just leaves the space for the ex admins to share their stories, even more so since they have been ignored privately beforehand when they tried to handle things internally. This also allowed for the union to publicly intervene and more ccs talking about it, and actual news article being made on it.
-Leaving the server open : Tbh I get wanting to leave it open, maybe to allow minecraft centered ccs to still make content or maybe because it’d be weird to close it right after new people got in but also I think it would have be better to close it temporarily while they focus on the changes they promised rather than having it getting deserted little by little until it feels like a ghost town. This + also not a good look to have so many npcs online when Q said there would be none until things get better (The current npcs are likely non volunteers, once again not a bad or illegal thing per say but not a good look). Closing it would also have made it so that the reopening would have been a big and probably positive event.
-Welcoming new ccs/new languages : This might just be because of scheduling necessities or whatever and something they couldn’t do later but it still made the community go :/// to get new people while on the flip side you had parts of the fandom leaving because of what was happening. Also not great for the new arrivals to start in such a weird climate, without admins help and with few people online on the server.
-Releasing merch at the worst time possible : This might have been something they couldn’t change, just like the arrival of the Koreans/Hugo, but it still isn’t a good look for them to release egg merch after it came out that some of the egg admins were poorly treated, especially when they haven’t stated clearly that benefits from the merch would go towards paying staff. It’s also not a good look for them to release new discounts every day, barely ten days after release. (Also the Qstudios Twt account retweeting every egg figures announcement except for Pomme will never not make me laugh)
-Making the twitter updates accounts active again : Yes it may just be that they’re using a bot or that it’s the people who are in charge of the Qstudios twitter account posting on it, both of which are not wrong per say. But of course people are gonna wonder if it’s new people being hired, of course speculation will happen when there’s a lack of transparency, of course ex admins are gonna be upset when it seems like things are continuing as if nothing happened, when they were fired without a warning, a thanks or even a sorry.
And now we have the two points that are kinda in a « you fucked up so bad it’s almost funny and I almost feel bad for you guys » category
-« Hey guys out of all the people we exploited and treated poorly you know which ones we’re gonna make eat dirt the most ? Hell yeah the ones that are from a part of the world who literally have a whole cliche about them complaining and rioting for anything and everything. Also happen to be the same ones whose community we alienated for months by sidelining them. Also happen to be a community who, during this time, has grown quite close to our most active community (who are themselves quite mad at us by now) to the point that they are making memes about the two of them being in love with each other. Yeah surely this can only go well »
-« Oh no, people actually really care » : QSMP Fans in general just loved and appreciated all the work the admins did, whether they were twitter admins, builders, actors, writers… This is even more true since the situation also revealed that some admins things people have been most critical on (lore being weirdly interrupted, french being ignored…) were not these admins fault. And of course, you have the eggs admins case. How do you make viewers and ccs alike get SO attached to these kid characters, as if it was their children, while mistreating the people playing them and not expect this to blow up in your face at some point. It’s like you managed to catch lightning in a bottle and then left it to rot thinking this wouldn’t end up badly. Weirdly this one makes me kinda hopeful bc Qstudios kinda HAVE to fix it or else they lose on of their main selling points.
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radiosummons · 1 year
My sister has been showing me episodes of OG Trigun--mostly in preparation for Trigun Stampede--but also because it's one of her favorite manga of all time.
And holy SHIT I cannot even begin to explain how fucking batshit this show is. Just hearing Johnny Yong Bosch's voice alone immediately sent me back at least fifteen years.
I have watched all episodes of OG Trigun while drunk, high and sober. And regardless of my state of inebreiation, I was always left with the exact, inescapable feeling of wanting to fucking die from the sheer nostalgic cringe and insanity of it all. I hate this show. I love this show. I'm fucking obsessed.
So, to all those who are curious (or would just like a mini idea of how to compare OG Trigun with Trigun Stampede)--here is my comprehensive list of things that ACTUALLY happened in Trigun that make me go absolutely batshit just thinking about them:
The sheer insanity of the--balls to the walls, barely held together with ducktape, spit and shoestring--of a plot, all with apparently little to no accuracy to the manga whatsoever. This both amuses and horrifies my sister.
The absolute refusal on the part of the anime to actually explain literally anything. Like the fact that the show takes place in space. Or why humanity is on a desert planet. Or what Plants are, why they're important, why they're there, literally ANYTHING.
Seriously, if you've only ever watched the anime you would have no fucking clue what the Plants are or what they even do. And THEY'RE LITERALLY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT BITS OF LORE/A HUGE PART OF THE PLOT OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING MANGA.
A major bit of Trigun's lore/setting is just straight up the events of Wall-E.
Johnny Yong fucking Bosch as Vash's English VA. Enough said.
Vash--by simply existing and (mostly) through no direct fault of his own--is capable of wrecking such sheer and complete utter devastation that there's an actual insurance policy people can file after their town is destroyed in the aftermath of him visiting. Iconic.
Monev is just Spiderman's Venom but with a purple and orange reskin. This was intentional on part of the creator as he is obsessed with Venom. Good on him.
This is only specific to the English Dub (we switched to the original sub for the more "serious" episodes, calm down), but HOLY FUCK the absolutely atrocious line deliveries somehow make the show even worse and yet ultimately so much funnier all at the same time!
Millions Knives is the name of Vash's twin brother.
Vash is bisexual. There are multiple occassions where he will call a random male character "Cute" or "Cutie." Somehow, I am not the least bit surprised.
Christianity exists. And the Church trains orphans to be assassins. This makes perfect sense.
In the second episode of the series (English Dub), there's an actual scene where an old man and his grandson LOUDLY lament the absolute devastation of their home in the most inappropriately cheerful and candid way possible. And then the fucking kid follows that up by just singing out of fucking nowhere "~Bad times are here LALALALALA!!!!!~"
Vash is part gun.
According to "company regulations," as insurance workers Milly and Meryl are not allowed to take part time jobs. They later take part time jobs. My broke ass resonated too fucking hard with this bit.
"Oh, maaaan! Why can't I just get a break?! Death and poverty like me so much, they've brought friends!" Fucking. Mood.
At one point, Vash does the crab walk to dodge a barrage of bullets. This is, surprisingly, quite effective.
"I'll whack you, mister!"
Legato's introduction is him sitting down on a bench and then PULLING A HOT DOG OUT OF A PAPER BAG WITH A HUMAN HEAD IN IT!!!!
Legato has his own personal saxophone player that just follows him everywhere???????
"Oh my. I'm about to go down in ~fllaaaaaammeesssss!~"
In EP 16, someone just starts randomly scatting in the background for no reason. No explanation is ever offered.
"My name is .... VASH DA STAMPEDE-DUUUH!!!!!"
Also in EP 16, one of the villains for that episode sounds, deadass, exactly like Jar Jar Binks. I am not joking.
Legato can blood bend.
There's a mini episode dedicated to Milly and Meryl. Vash shows up for five seconds hiding in a trash can. The joke writes itself.
"The DEADLY DODGEBALL HEAD!!! A simple technique to hold the ball in place with INTENSE SUUUCTION!! Try this at home! ;)"
Knives eats an apple, cuts his own hair and enters his impromptu emo arc.
Legato gets horny over the idea of Vash crying. Idk what to tell you, man.
Wolfwood shoots a child. Granted, said child was gonna try to kill Vash and a bunch of orphans. But still.
Vash makes up a dark song about murdering and killing people. The villains of that episode proceed to roast him for his shit lyrics.
Wolfwood doesn't understand why everyone is mad at him for KILLING A CHILD.
"I meditate diligently every morning. The subjects are life and love ... I quit after three seconds."
The actually downright amazing OST, that has no right to be as good as it is. No joke, one of the best anime OSTs I have ever heard in my life.
"And if you're still having doubts, check out my 100% accurate gunmanship!" *proceeds to shoot directly at the sky only then for a black cat to fall directly on his head. The cat's fine btw*
At a certain point, Vash fakes his identity, gets a disguise and goes under a false name. Said false name being "Eriks." He looks like if someone ran Hohenheim through the washer and then hung him on a clothesline for a week. I have ... no fucking words.
"What is this strange phenomena? Is it some sort of strange and twisted Christian science!?"
For as menacing as they make Legato out to be, he sure does shit all in the grand scheme of things. Also he looks like he raids Seto Kaiba's closet on the DL and duels monsters on weekends.
Vash will randomly have Bishie eyes. Arguably, his most Bishie moment is right after Wolfwood punches him in the face. I'll let you infer what you want from this.
Rem randomly appears out of nowhere to taunt Vash with nonsense riddles and haikus. No explanation is ever given until EP 17 for who Rem is, why she keeps reappearing in Vash's mind, if she's even a real person or just someone Vash made up, etc. Because of this, it just looks like Vash keeps receiving American Beauty-style rose shower psychic attacks while a random woman just spouts absolute nonsense at him. There is no way this explanation will prepare you for the actual experience of watching it.
 "I am known as Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz-" *prolonged pause* "-Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser the Third. Don't hestitate to call."
Vash gets adopted by an old woman and her granddaughter. It's actually kind of sweet.
A minor villain in EP 18 demands that Vash strip and then act like a dog. He proceeds to do both without a single objection. Wolfwood pulls down his sunglasses and leers at Vash's naked ass. My sister has informed me that this is actually canonical.
Rem is a hyper Christian.
Wolfwood takes personal offense to a burlesque dancer being absolute shit at dancing. Honestly ... I can't even argue with him.
"Hey, 'Thou Shalt Not Kill,' REMEMBER!? WHAT KIND OF CHURCH MAN ARE YOU!!!?"
Vash saves a town's Plant through the power of Bishie.
While trying to save a child, Vash and Wolfwood both get sucked into quicksand. Said child just watches them go into the ground. I would have done the same.
Milly, Vash and Wolfwood decide to share drinks and before any of them even take a single shot, Milly decides to strip naked. Vash and Wolfwood are very pleased by this. Meryl is not.
"WHOSE idea was it to USE THE GRENADE!!!?? He can't be identified for the reward if he's a pile of pulp, YOU DUMBASS!!!!"
Wolfwood calls Vash pathetic. This kickstarts yet another existential crisis within Vash.
"Thank GOD you asked! It's a long story, although it's kind of a short one."
For literally no reason at all, child Knives decides to embrace his Anti-Christ symbolism and goes full Joker mode. This is not at all accurate to the manga.
Vash and Knives are aliens/Plants. Rem thinks they're actual Christian angels. Deadass.
Milly forces Wolfwood to pretend to be her baby daddy for a whole episode. For pudding. Yup.
Vash enters a dom/sub relationship with a Pokemon gym leader looking lady and they engage in extremely explicit pet play.
Anyway, watch OG Trigun. If you've ever watched any sort of anime abridged series, it will definitely make things a little easier for you. There are definitely too many points at which this show feels like a YouTube Poop and I mean in that best and worst possible way.
Also Meryl is Best Girl. I will not budge on this.
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of course
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***Spoilers for the Stitch summer event below the cut!***
Of coooourse Azul and Floyd jump on the opportunity to extort their classmates while they’re stranded on a deserted island 😭 Such an Ursula moment when Azul asks the group what they’re willing to do to be rescued… 😭 Not Floyd suggesting they all be Octa’s errand boys until the end of time 😭 AnD NOT hIM CALLiNG AzUL NICE FOR LOWERInG iT TO “just” A WEEk???? 😭 Why are fish like this—
This is even funnier when you look back at Birthday Union/Jacket vignettes, where some characters are asked “If you could bring one person with you on a deserted island, who would you choose?”. Of the 6 characters featured in Lost in the Book with Stitch, Jack is the only one who was asked this question. He at first says he can survive on his own, and though he eventually provides Epel as his answer. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT??? Jack also states in the interview that he would not want to be stuck with anyone in Octavinelle because “they seem like the types to ask for compensation whenever they have to do something” 🤡 Which. Isn’t far from the reality they’re now experiencing…
Addendum: In Jack’s Labwear vignettes, Floyd asks Azul if they can “keep him”, as though Jack were a stray dog. Again, Floyd’s affinity for dogs reappears in the Stitch event, where he doesn’t want to hand Stitch over to Gantu.
Other related points from Union Birthday/Birthday Jacket vignettes (the other 5 were asked “if you could pick any student from NRC to be your sibling, who would you choose?”): Ace would pick Azul to essentially get free stuff I bet he’s regretting his decision right about now, eh, Floyd would pick Ace so Ace can take the fall for him in sticky situations why do I suddenly have a bad feeling for what’s to come, and Lilia would pick… FLOYD 😂 because Floyd is mischievous, challenges people, and keeps surprising him with unexpected things… Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure plenty of “unexpected things” are going to happen, whether the boys like it or not 💦
On a more serious note, I do find it interesting that we get formal confirmation that merpeople in human forms need to remove their clothes before returning to their true forms. (This was always assumed before, but was never explicitly brought up in scenes where they actually had to revert back, such as book 4, Vargas Camp, and the first Halloween event.) However, Azul and Floyd say that the Beachwear clothes must be magic because they can’t be removed. I’m assuming either it’s unsafe to revert while still wearing clothes or the magical clothes just prevent them from bursting out of it a la Vanessa to Ursula in The Little Mermaid:
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It’s also implied that their human forms are not suited for swimming long distances (or at least they are not used to swimming long distances in human forms yet)?? Which makes me think their anatomy and physiology must become entirely human when they drink their usual transformation potion??? Like, I’m assuming there aren’t gills on their human forms (because they’d serve zero purpose) which could hinder swimming as a human. (For that one scene in book 3 where Azul joins the group at the Atlantica Museum, I always assumed he just drank one of those “breathing underwater” potions he gave out earlier in the book!)
Side note: thanks to this event for gatekeeping us from potentially getting a peak at Azul’s non-OB octomer form/j 🙄
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blues824 · 9 months
Could I request Ace, Leona, Sebek, and Jamil with an s/o who's like the Egyptian god of war, deserts, storms, disorder, violence, and chaos, Set?
Egyptian mythology is just as (if not more) confusing than Greek and Roman mythology, but I’ve always loved learning about it.
Gender-neutral reader. Animal head on Set is a helmet instead here.
TW: Toxic relationship… kinda???
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Ace Trappola
You both are chaotic bad, to say the least, and a headache for Riddle.
The only difference is that you have much more power than he does
Also, you have an animal helmet in the shape of an unspecified animal that you couldn’t even explain
You also wear a lot more gold in your dorm uniform than he did, as it was a symbol of you being a deity
Ace was your first experience in a healthy relationship
However, whenever you both fight, you create a huge storm in anger, and Grim has to rush over to Heartslabyul and beg the first year to apologize
In the same way that you protected Ra from Apophis, you protect your oh-so-lovely boyfriend from trouble
The only thing that you didn’t do was help him during Riddle’s overblot, as you were thriving in the chaos and disorder of it all
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Leona Kingscholar
The only time I can see you both getting along is when you helped him and Ruggie sabotage the competition
After all, you are a bringer of chaos, and seeing the other teams lose their shit amused you
If we are going back to the beginning, you used your helmet to keep your anonymity 
You stepped on his tail that day, and when he yelled at you, you summoned your staff and demanded he bow to you
That started a rivalry between the two of you, as you both were cast aside for the king’s son to be the heir
The difference is that you can’t be the ruler of the gods, and Leona can’t be the king of a measly kingdom
Anyways, the only time where you both can actually be perceived as a couple is when you both are seen cuddling with each other and taking a nap instead of attending class
You did not help during his overblot, as you called it payback
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Jamil Viper
Could you possibly not make it so hot in the dorm?
All the people are struggling with the heat, especially when Kalim was forcing everyone into the extra practice time
You could see right through his bullshit, and because of years fighting with your nephew, you were able to escape Scarabia rather easily
However, you did not help the Scarabia dorm. It’s their canon event.
Also, you knew what would happen if you didn’t interfere, and you loved the possible chaos in the upcoming days.
When he overblots, however, you could see that the Octavinelle trio and Kalim did not deserve this, so you used your powers to fight
One infirmary visit after Jamil passed out was enough to get you and him talking about how you knew what he was going through 
After all, you both have had to step out of the spotlight because someone close to you was present (even though you killed that someone, his wife resurrected him)
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Sebek Zigvolt
Totally didn’t freak out about how it was so disrespectful to be more powerful than the great Waka-sama
Even though it was out of your control as you couldn’t choose who your parents were
Sebek was a stickler for the rules, meaning he was your complete opposite, and he absolutely loathed it
You were overly confident, but he made it a point to point out that you couldn’t even inherit the throne without Horus getting in your way, thus you could never equate to His Royal Highness.
That really got on your nerves, so you once caused a storm to reign over Diasomnia, and Sebek spent hours repenting for his sins because he thought Malleus was angry
Everyone laughed because they could tell that the storm clouds were not of the prince’s doing, but rather yours
The angry crocodile then goes to you, questioning your audacity, and you’re just standing there like ‘I killed my own brother and this is what gets you mad?’
As to why you would date this man, nobody knows, but it’s very funny because you both go head-to-head very often
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howlingday · 1 month
AU idea. Adam instead of being how he is actually wants out of the Fang so he goes to Beacon with Blake and becomes apart of JNPR so it's just JNAPR and his relationships eith the characters are just
Ruby: friends
Weiss: freinmies at first and then good friends
Blake: brother sister relationship
Yang: pun buds/Wingman for Yang to get Blake
Jaune: honestly with Jaune he thinks he is crazy for enrolling without Arua but gains a respect for Jaune
Pyrrha: Rivals
Ren: meditating buddies
Nora: eating buddies
He would also get rid of his Fang mask and train himself to fight blindfolded so if he ever gets blinded temporarily he still can throw dem hands without problems
I do like the premise, and I can see it happen, BUT I also think that a few things should be tweaked so it's not just rewriting Adam as an OC insert.
First of all, let's start with WHY Adam would leave the White Fang at all. For this, I suggest the same reason he attacks Beacon with them; Blake. As Blake attempts to leave the White Fang, what if Adam makes it over to where Blake is and demands she explains herself. Blake, steeling herself, tells Adam that she's done with the White Fang going on their murder spree, and if Adam thinks he can change her mind, then he should just kill her right now. Adam decides to humor Blake and leaves the White Fang with her. The two then flee to Beacon, the closest academy, and enroll to become students.
However, due to Adam's much more recognizable appearance, he decides to stay in the shadows of Vale while Blake attends Beacon. Assuming there's a primarily Faunus neighborhood in Vale, I'll assume this is where he's hiding out. But he still needs lien, so he calls on an old friend, a fellow deserter by the name of Tukson, and gets a job stocking books for him while keeping an eye and ear out for Blake.
During the events of the Volume 1 finale, I'd assume Blake runs back to Adam, who welcomes her with open arms, but the tender moment is broken by the arrival of Sun, who tries to convince her that not all humans are bad. Adam is about to argue when Tukson joins in. Adam swallows his pride, and some bile, and keeps his mouth shut, though he does get a kick out of the fact that Blake stood up to a Schnee.
During Volume 2, I can see Adam pitching in to help Team RWBY with their investigation of the White Fang. Adam keeps out of sight of Emerald and Mercury as Tukson is murdered. With nowhere else to hide, he flees for Beacon to warn Blake, where he meets Team RWBY. It's here that I'll discuss what their relationships would be like.
Ruby - I can see Ruby giving Adam a chance since he's a friend of Blake. She also doesn't really understand why there's so much animosity between Adam and Weiss, so she chalks it up to both parties having negative opinions of the other. To Adam, Ruby is just an ignorant child with no understanding of how the real world works.
Weiss - The two have a mutual distaste for one another. Weiss hates Adam because he's responsible for her turbulent home life and how he's suddenly forgiven just because he's "Blake's friend". He despises her because of the horrible atrocities committed by her father. At one point, their argument gets so heated that Adam reveals his scar, leaving Weiss stunned at her legacy branded across his face. This is where I feel like the two could start getting along better with Weiss apologizing for her company maiming him. Adam says it doesn't change all the horrible things that they did, but he does accept her apology, but only her and not the SDC. They're still hostile, but much less so than when they started.
Blake - I feel like Blake is caught between two worlds with her history in the White Fang and her friendships with Teams RWBY and JNPR. This also puts her in a great position to be a mediator between him and them, giving his side of the story to them and their side to him.
Yang - Yang TRIED to be friends for Blake, but the looks Adam gives her are the same she'd gotten from Raven growing up. To her, he sees her as an obstacle to what he wants, which is Blake. Since meeting, Yang's grown less friendly with him, but she can still put on a smile to keep Blake happy. And in her defense, she's not wrong for thinking something that's true.
JNPR - I'll summarize it into one section and say that Adam and Team JNPR are at opposite ends of indifference. Adam sees JNPR as a bunch of humans who will go on to support the SDC and subjugate more Faunus for the kingdoms, but takes Blake's word that they're nothing like that. Jaune doesn't know a thing about Adam or the White Fang, so he just trusts the judgement of his friends. Jaune does get a bit of brownie points when Adam hears that he stood up to Cardin for Velvet. Pyrrha knows about Adam and is especially cautious around the former White Fang member, mostly because he was at a higher rank than Blake, which means he's a lot stronger than her. Adam also knows about Pyrrha and just sees her as someone as bad as Weiss or Ruby; an ignorant human living blissfully unaware of the plights of Faunus around them. Nora and Ren don't really have much of an opinion on Adam, though they understand the danger of having a former White Fang member nearby. Adam doesn't have much to dislike about the two, other than the fact that they're both humans.
I'll finish this up by explaining how I think he'd be involved in the White Fang in Vale. I could see him swooping in during the events of Volume 2 and taking back the White Fang after Roman Torchwick is arrested. He'd offer them a place in his new White Fang, promising them a piece of the humans who tricked them into attacking like they did. The White Fang then cheer for Adam as he smiles and looks over Vale, plotting and scheming how best to bring Blake back to his side.
What do you think? Does this sound pretty good?
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fatuismooches · 3 months
Random Dot analysis:
The interesting thing about Dottore is that while the most popular fanon about him is that his underlings fear him, canonically it's the complete opposite.
He deadass has an army of simps working for him, I had never ran into a Fatui NPC that has expressed fear about him, and instead they speak about him in reverence.
The most obvious one is during the AQ where a fatui agent expressed disappointment upon realising that Dottore would be leaving Sumeru soon, saying that he had only seen the lord once.
And it seems that Dottore actually talks to his subordinates often, especially when in the same conversation, the agents (who didn't know about the segment's existence thus not realising that they spoke to different versions of the Doctor) casually compared how their conversations went, one said that Dottore was dismissive while the other said he was all smiles.
The people who work for him are ridiculously dedicated, the fungi event with that one guy who for some reason - thought that a device that controls fungi would impress Dottore, he did all that to earn his recognition. (It would have been more impressive if the device controlled literally ANYTHING besides fungi, but eh whatever) Note: The guy has said in CN expressively something along the lines of "beloved/dear" lord, not the direct translation but it was affectionate.
Then there's that one dude who stayed behind after the (failed) aranara lure experiments, I don't remember much about him but I don't think he said anything bad about Dottore, other than saying that he had stayed behind because he felt responsibility to take care of the kids after subjecting them into a mission like that.
Cut to the two Fatui peeps on Mondstadt who gush about him after the Sumeru quest, and I'm pretty sure we met another fatui dude in the desert who decided to go against orders and go the extra mile of attempting to kidnap desert dwellers to present as test subjects to again - impress Dottore. I think this was a Jeht quest?
Oh, and in the manwha, it's briefly mentioned that Dottore does reward efforts handsomely.
Fanon - Dottore is cruel, he terrifies everyone who works under him and they always walk around eggshells with him.
Canon: Dottore gives high reward for efforts, he has too many simps that sings him praises and they're literally scrambling to be in the same room as him.
Conclusion, we need more dottore simps in fan content. Because not only is it more accurate, but its also funnier for Dottore to be followed by a hoard of fans.
ALRIGHT YOU HAVE ME THERE... I went back and reread the dialogue for the agents for when Dottore was leaving and phew you're right, lol now that i realize it's pretty entertaining!!
But now i have questions. How many agents know that Dottore has segments? The ones that do know, are they not allowed to spread this...? I'd think the news would be all over the recruits but I guess not. And I guess these segments are ridiculously similar physically/appearance wise too. 😭 And the ones that don't know, do they just think their Harbinger has multiple different personalities or something?? I need more NPCs talking about Dottore.
ELCHIGEN. THE FUNGI NPC GUY WAS SO FUNNY. I still have screenshots of when he spoke about Dottore omg, bro was DEDICATED. Literally created a whole scheme and put his life on the line just to get Dottore to notice him... i respect the energy tbh. I do wonder why he loved Dottore so much in the first place, i really think there's a lot more to his character than we've seen firsthand. I also went back and reread the other stuff you mentioned on the wiki and omg 😭😭 i cant believe i forgot this stuff happened, it's been so long since Sumeru 😭 it's so funny to think about how they're piling more crimes on themselves just for Dottore 😭 i wonder if he's aware of how favorable these agents view him?
Though I do think it may differ from segment to segment. Krupp was pretty scared of Webttore. It's also kind of funny to think people were more scared of Scaramouche than Dottore. 💀
You have me thinking many thoughts, and this has given me much brainrot, will keep in mind for future fics, i have been enlightened.
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rowans-thoughts · 6 months
Is it late? Yes... do I care? No.
Anyways I had this haikaveh headcanon that I must share.
Alhaitham comes home one day and to his surprise there is a random cat in his home, followed by a kaveh running into the living room since he heard alhaithams arrival.
"alhaitham I swear I can explain!!"
Alhaitham just looks between the cat and kaveh for a moment before responding.
"kaveh you can't just bring random animals into our home. Especially not without discussing it with me first"
Kaveh looks up at alhaitham with puppy dog eyes "but she was abandoned!! I couldn't just leave her!!"
Alhaitham sighs and looks at the cat again. "Fine... But if that cat causes any trouble it's out of here."
Kaveh is pleased with this turn of events and he decides to name her pita, because kaveh was eating a pita pocket when he found her.
Alhaitham always acts like he hates that they have a cat now be he secretly loves her. Kaveh sometimes catches pita snuggling up to alhaitham and him just sitting there petting her as she does. Kaveh sometimes complains that pita likes alhaitham more than him and that's it's not fair since he was the one that rescued her.
About a month later alhaitham is very used to having a cat around. But he comes home one day to kaveh sounding desperate as he says "now don't be mad alhaitham but I couldn't leave the poor thing out all alone!" There was now a dog in the living room.
"kaveh. you can't bring a wild dog into our home!!"
"he's not wild! Look he's so tame and sweet" kaveh says this while petting the dog on the head.
Alhaitham sighs. "Are you sure he isn't someone's lost pet?"
"well... No I'm not sure but what was I supposed to do? Leave him there?"
"kaveh... Actually nevermind." And alhaitham turned to leave without another word. Kaveh wasn't sure if this meant he was fine to keep the dog but a little while later alhaitham returns.
"I asked around and I found the dogs owners."
Kaveh looked up slightly disappointed. "Oh... You did?"
"yes. They're coming by in a little while to pick him up."
And so kaveh had to give up the dog back to it's owners. And alhaitham told kaveh not to bring any more animals home and kaveh slightly protested but ended up agreeing.
Not even a few weeks later and this time it was a rabbit with an injured foot. That alhaitham ended up taking to the vet, leaving them to do the rest.
The time after that it was a fox. And alhaitham scolded kaveh for bringing a wild animal like that in their home. This kept happening for months where kaveh would feel bad for any lost or injured animals he found and alhaitham would be the one having to actually deal with them.
Finally after yet another animal alhaitham had reached his limit "kaveh. For the thousandth time I don't want you bringing animals in here!!"
"well what else am I supposed to do haitham? I can't just leave them there when I see them..."
Alhaitham loved how kind and caring kaveh was but sometimes it was too much. But he knew no matter how much he tried to reason with kaveh that just leaving it up to fate is the best option that he wouldn't listen. And so alhaitham came up with an idea
"kaveh what if I asked the akademiya for resources to build an animal rescue center. A place where lost or injured animals can be taken care of."
Kavehs eyes immediately lit up at this "really?! And you think they'll approve it??"
"only one way to find out"
And so with that the project did end up being approved and it was named "pita's rescue" and now whenever kaveh found animals, he had a place he could take them that wasn't his and alhaithams apartment. And kaveh was allowed to visit the rescue whenever he wanted and he also would help out when he was there. Alhaitham drops by every now and then but he mainly just goes to play with whatever cats are there at the time.
(i came up with this because I was explaining kaveh and alhaitham to my friend and I was talking about the desert event where kaveh ended up helping the foxes to his own detriment. and from what I remembered I think he almost passed out trying to help them. And then I had the thought he would definitely be the type to bring home animals and so yeah that's where this came from, hope y'all enjoyed it!)
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absurdumsid · 3 months
Sid's AUs/OCs/Series Masterlist !!
intro post was starting to look long (<- guy who noticed too late) so i decided to make this !
ill be updating this every now and then because i um i love lists teehee
Bar Sanses/BS AU - It's based off of an ancient fanfic I wrote where a deserted Dusttale Grillby's becomes Nightmare's hideout. Dust is the bartender, Horror got kidnapped, Saejun is an accomplice, and the only really "bad" sanses are Nightmare and Killer lmao
@dustbar is the askblog for this !! unfortunately it's a bit inactive right now because i'm.... playing minecraft...
lore: main "lore" post second lore-ish post old outfits lore-ish posts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 vaguely bs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 fic snippets: 1 2 3
Jacketswap Saga - My most favourite thing ever, I switch my ships' jackets, that's it. You can interpret this as part of BS AU if you'd like ! (So far I've done MTTPoly, HorrorDust, and ColourKiller !)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
III Classic - Fell finds out he has three boyfriends (idk where I was going with this one ngl) never mind fell gets ALL the boyfriends (not updatin the name though because um. im lazy ?)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Sanses Stage AU/ALNST AU - basically alien stage but i force sanses into it <3
1 2 3 4
KeeperTale - An AU where the Justice and Perseverance humans were childhood friends with the First Human. Upon learning about their death, the two set out on an adventure to Mt. Ebott. Unfortunately, while one of them sought reason, the other wanted vengeance... and thus the monsters are forced into another war.
main lore post 1 2 3
UnderPills - An AU where after Asriel and Chara's deaths, the Underground grieved and monsters started turning into dust unprovoked. The Royal Scientist created a CURE that would preserve monsters' life, but… they grew too dependent on the drug.
lore: part 1 doodles: 1 2 3 4 5 6 text: 1 2 3
UnderAngel - An AU where Asgore and the monsters did not fight the humans and surrendered themselves to be sealed in Mt. Ebott. Patiently waiting for the angel from the prophecy, they live peacefully underground. (There isn't exactly a full lore post, as this is my biggest work in progress, so feel free to speculate about it !)
main "lore" post 1 2
Copyverse - A story that happens in-between and after the events of KeeperTale, UnderPills, and UnderAngel ! I'd like to make a comic for it after I properly write the lore and canon events for the AUs involved in it. (So far, KeeperTale has been finished !)
characters: sanses skeleton families lore-ish: 1 2 3 4 5 6 in universe-ish: 1 2 3
Outcode Counselling - Basically a tiny corner of the void that belongs to Angel! Gaster, where he counsels Outcodes. Currently, his patients are Pills! Gaster, HorrorPills! Sans, Keeper! Grillby, and Recover! Sans (@grinn1ng-ma5k's sans)
1 2 3 4 5
Steamverse [Express] - a train that runs through the entire multiverse, the conductors are Grillby and Gaster ! They are friends with Replica, an Outcode !
1 2
last update: 4/20/2024
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 9 months
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Francis Drake Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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The day after Mozart told me the story of The Flying Dutchman, I knocked on Drake’s door to wake him up.
Mitsuki: “Drake, morning. Breakfast is ready.”
I waited for a while, but there was no response from inside.
(Is he still sleeping? But it’s strangely quiet.)
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He didn’t follow a strict routine but would typically wake up around this time, often complaining of hunger or mumbling something like “Hmm” or “Oh.”
Mitsuki: “Sorry, I’m coming in.”
I said this as I opened the door, only to see that his bed was already empty.
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When I returned alone to the dining room, Sebastian tilted his head upon seeing me.
Sebastian: “Is Drake still sleeping?”
Mitsuki: “No, it seems like he’s awake, but I couldn’t find him anywhere.”
Sebastian: “I didn’t see him earlier either. Perhaps he has already gone out?”
Sebastian woke up early every morning to take a quick look around the mansion, opening the windows and watering the garden.
(Maybe he left while we weren’t looking?)
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Arthur: “Good morning. Something wrong?”
Mitsuki: “Morning, Arthur. Drake’s been missing since this morning. Have you seen him?”
Arthur: “Hmm? I haven’t seen him. Maybe he’s taking a stroll like Dazai usually does?”
After Arthur said that,
Dazai: “I didn’t see him in the garden or the woods either.”
Mitsuki: “D-Dazai!?”
Dazai climbed over the window sill and joined our conversation.
Dazai: "I heard Drake started working on a boat tour. Maybe he's already in the city."
Mitsuki: "Maybe. But it would've been nice if he had said something."
I mumbled these words, and Arthur grinned mischievously.
Arthur: "What's the matter, Mitsuki? Are you lonely because you didn't see Drake?"
Mitsuki: "Of course not. I'm just worried."
Mitsuki: "After all, it's been less than a month since he came to this world."
(I'm just concerned, not lonely or anything.)
Arthur: "I don't think you need to worry about him."
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Dazai: "Yeah, he used to be a pirate. Even if something happens, he'll probably just laugh it off."
I blushed slightly as Arthur and Dazai teased me.
(Why am I blushing? This is bad. I might start overthinking things a bit too much from now on.)
Sebastian: "Let's stop by the Seine River after shopping and check on Drake."
Sebastian: "Shall I prepare breakfast for everyone now?"
Mitsuki: "Yes."
With Sebastian taking charge again, I returned to my duties at the mansion.
However, that day, I didn't see Drake at the place he was supposed to work.
Even at night, when everyone was asleep, he didn't return to the mansion.
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In a corner of the deserted town stood a certain building.
The dome-shaped ceiling was adorned with artificial stars, and right next to the window was a man gazing through a telescope.
Drake spoke to the man while sitting on the sofa.
Drake: "Did you see something unusual, Galileo?"
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Galileo: "No."
Galileo: "The stars move predictably in the sky."
Galileo: "It's different from the fate that this world will follow."
Galileo averted his purple eyes from the telescope, gazed at the sky, and turned to Drake.
Galileo: "Drake, it has been almost half a month since you entered the mansion through the door."
Galileo: "Have you gained any insights about the vampires in that mansion?"
Drake: "Not really. Everyone seems to be enjoying their second life."
Drake: "I don't know what triggered the change in the future, so it's a bit disappointing."
Drake: "Hey, if we don't know anything, I might as well try to create an unprecedented event."
Galileo: "Don't act recklessly."
Galileo: "If you interfere with the course of destiny, you never know what might happen to you. Be cautious."
Drake immediately changed his tone and shrugged his shoulders.
Drake: "I was just joking. I just want to explore the unknown fate that lies ahead and see what those guys will become."
Drake: "Besides, for now, things are going reasonably well in the mansion."
Drake: "Unintentionally, I've found a new group of companions who are trying to find a purpose in resurrected life."
Galileo: "There are two purebloods in that mansion. Make sure not to pry too much."
Drake: "Yeah. We have to lay low during full moons, like today, since they can sense both human and vampire presence."
Drake frowned slightly and then looked at Galileo.
Drake: "How about you? Are you doing well, Professor Maury?"
Drake mentioned the alias Galileo used.
Drake: "Isaac is also at the university, right?"
Galileo: "It's not a problem. He just asked me for some insights on his research."
Galileo: "Heh, are you enjoying working at the university more than you thought you would?"
Galileo: "Unthinkable."
Galileo: "Information gathers in crowded places. That place is just convenient for various reasons."
Drake: "Hm. It must be tough to use a fake name because you're so famous."
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Drake: "Well, even if you were to call yourself Galileo Galilei, I doubt anyone would think you're the real deal."
Ignoring Drake's comments, Galileo sat down on an empty sofa.
Galileo: "I saw that girl at the university the other day."
Drake: "Mitsuki?"
Galileo: "Yeah. She seemed to have come to 'deliver a meal' to Isaac Newton."
Both Galileo and Drake understood what "meal" meant to them.
After mentioning Mitsuki's name, Drake fell into a momentary silence, lost in thought.
Drake: "Hey, Galileo."
Drake: "How did Mitsuki appear to you?"
Galileo: ".........."
Galileo clasped his hands on top of his crossed legs and remained silent for a while.
Galileo: "We exchanged words for only a moment. There's too little information to make a judgment."
Galileo: "But she seemed like an ordinary woman."
Drake: "Really? Just an ordinary woman, huh?"
Drake muttered and playfully spun the globe on the table with his fingertips.
Galileo: "However, the fact that she exists means that the twisted fate is becoming even more twisted."
Galileo: "There's a good chance that the devastation brought by the vampires will lead to another fate."
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Drake: "Yeah. I was curious about what kind of woman holds such a fate in her hands."
Drake stopped turning the globe and let his gaze wander, recalling the expressions, words, and gestures of Mitsuki that he'd seen since they met.
Drake: "She worries about little things and cares about people's feelings."
Drake: "She's an incredibly ordinary woman."
Drake: "But, yeah. When you think about it the other way around, I wonder how Mitsuki will change her destiny. Is she really capable of doing something like that?"
Drake grinned mischievously. It was a smile of anticipation before the impending storm.
Galileo sighed in apparent exasperation at Drake's attempt to find enjoyment in the current situation.
Galileo: "I'm not seeking pleasure like you."
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Galileo: "I only wish for that future I once saw."
Drake: "Yeah, I understand. I'll accompany you on your journey, Galileo."
Drake: "I'm probably one of the few who can understand that desire of yours."
Drake: "Being neither fully human nor fully vampire, but something in between."
Their amethyst and aquamarine eyes met.
Although they have lived in different countries and eras, under different ideologies, and led different ways of life, they were able to become traveling companions precisely because they both carried the despair born from their shared origin.
Galileo: "The full moon is coming in half a month. There's a new moon tonight, but be especially cautious during the full moon, Drake."
Drake: "Well, we're in the same boat. But seriously, having a body that's in between is really a pain in the ass."
Galileo stood up, his footsteps echoing as he headed towards the back of the room.
Galileo: "The existence of vampires, which goes against the principles of the world, distorts fate."
Drake: "Haha! It's funny how having a second life full of dreams and hopes is nothing but a nuisance to the world."
Drake: "For me, I find it enjoyable."
Drake: "I want to experience firsthand what kind of destruction awaits the world."
While hearing Drake's detached laughter from behind, Galileo stared at the "thing" before him.
Galileo: "I will reach that place, that future that I once saw beyond time, and I will accomplish my desire."
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Before him stood a door identical to those in the mansion and Vlad's ancient castle.
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clawsofakiller · 4 months
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I was rereading Sabretooth (2022) and every time I watch this my heart aches. The context here is Sabretooth was dying, and his body led his mind into a sanctuary where he can hide when his body does the job of healing, however the shelter itself is a scene of desolation with no one in here bc there's nobody Sabretooth can trust. Yet there was one thing. One single creature that was once alive and vivid, now just a cold dead body. The little songbird and the blood stained big gun represents Victor's long lost assistant Birdy, in the 90s he sought for telepathical help to control his killing urge so he kidnapped her to be his therapist and due to his morbid nature a toxic relationship was formed between the two. He needed her so bad emotionally and mentally, you can even tell he was very fond of her, but his mind is too twisted he had no idea how to show his affection appropriately I guess he doesn't even know he had any feelings for her. Eventually Birdy was killed by his own son because he wanted his father to suffer, Victor seemed indifferent to her death before him but this event became one of his major trauma. When he lost his memory and personality, he smiled at her holographic projection, later he was frightened by the fact that he caused her death; On the last panel he looks so painful when he sees just the metaphor of her death.
My point is, the writing here is a subtle and humane expression of strong feelings. The deserted sanctuary, the dead bird and Victor's pain, the scenario isn't hardcore or gorey at all but it gives out more information. Those ingredients combined and tell us what is like inside Sabretooth's heart, it proves he's not just a bloodlusted mass murderer/irredeemable Wolverine simp with only one single brain cell, he is also a person that aches and bleeds aaaaand has his own story and life experience. But I don't see similar expression in Sabretooth War. In THAT comics he is like "Murder! Wolverine, bemoan! BTW I'm the boss!" Even Bhaal's spawn does less murder than him a day, and it wasn't even for murder itself, it was for pissing Logan off. It shouldn't be doubted if one of Wolverine's friend fears to become gay more than become dead and torn he would have Pretty Boy to suck his friend's ding-a-ling. Sorry Pretty Boy. Anyway it's hard to believe Victor LaValle actually takes part in writing of Sabretooth War, what I could recall he's a brilliant writer that focuses on character exploration and eliciting controversial political thinking, I really like his Sabretooth and Sabretooth & The Exiles. They're gorey and explicit, yes, but all of the blood and guts stand for something meaningful. None of the series sells this simple Wolverine torture porn stuff. What happened to him?
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Charming Her Dad
Part 11 of Sometimes All You Need (A Getaway Car)
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Description: Jake Seresin's faced the worst things a man has ever had to face, both in and out of a jet. But staring up at the glossy wooden doors of Gorgeous's childhood home, he's sure he's never faced anything scarier. How's he going to convince her dad that he's the man his daughter deserves?
Disclaimers: Smut
Warnings: Female Reader
Word Count: 4439
Author Note: So for Chapter 11 I decided to venture into yet another perspective that I've never written before - Jake's. His voice was surprisingly challenging to capture, and I hope I did it justice. All my love to @desert-fern for beta-reading this chapter! Sorry this chapter is out a bit later than what my schedule started - life happened.
AO3: Cross-posted Here!
Wattpad: Cross-posted Here!
My Masterlist
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What’s that old adage they say about too much of a good thing? They say that it’s bad, right? You’ve never once believed it. You love your job and your life in San Diego couldn’t be better. You’re in the same place as your best friend for the first time since she joined the Navy, and you now have Jake. Jake Seresin, the love of your life. Your fiancé. The man you are going to marry. The man you can’t wait to marry. So all in all, life is looking pretty good.
In the months since that disastrous Christmas Dinner at Seresin Ranch, you’ve come to feel like a part of the Seresin family. Mama Georgie treats you like one of her brood and each time you talk to her you feel a little like you're levitating. You've never been so accepted and appreciated by a partner’s family before. It makes it all the more special that it's Jake's family who loves you, too.
But at the same time, you can't help feeling just a little guilty. Jake's been nothing but welcoming, but you haven't told him much about your family. In part, that's because in comparison to the multitudinous arms waiting to welcome you home to Seresin Ranch, there is only one set of arms waiting to welcome Jake home. You're not sure about the reception he'll have, though.
Your dad, the closest thing you have to one, that is, may not like Jake very much at all. He's only told you a million times to never fall in love with a Navy Man. The emphasis has always so clearly been on the word never. He's said it so vehemently and forcefully that it may as well be written in bold red with pen lines scored through the sheet. You'd successfully abided by that one rule all of your life.
Then Jake waltzed into your life, demolishing that rule into shreds of confetti as he did so. It's not going to matter one whit to your dad that you didn't know Jake was Navy until your first date. You'd found out and then agreed to go out with him again anyway. That those events happened nearly a year ago doesn’t help. You gave your heart to Jake, completely. But now you have to introduce him to your dad. Not your birth father, but your father nonetheless.
Your mom and dad had a fairytale kind of love. Sparks flew and it was really, truly, love at first sight. The two of them and their love story were the literal legends that you remember hearing about when you were still small enough to sit in your godfather's lap. The way he told it, they loved each other enough to have you. Then their love was tragically cut short, leaving you all alone at only two years old. That's when your Uncle Ron stepped in. He was probably your favorite person other than your dad. He bought a small house in Maine and devoted his life to making yours as full and rich as your parents would have wanted it to be. Even spending a childhood on Naval Bases across the country had been fun with your dad around.
You can still remember the look on his face the first time you called him dad. The way his eyes had seemed to go gooey and soft when your still chubby fingers had splayed over his cheeks, trying to brush away the tears dripping from his eyes. Since then he's been your dad in every way. The only way he isn't is in your name. He'd adopted you six months after he became your caregiver, but left your name as your parents gave it to you, knowing you'd want to feel the love they felt for you every time someone said your name.
It's probably a bad thing that you haven’t told your dad about your very serious relationship, right? He's just been so busy. First he was still flying for an airline, working crazy hours at airports all over the world. Then after he'd retired six months ago he'd been settling back into the big house in Maine, completing much needed repairs and falling asleep exhausted in his armchair with a beer dangling from his fingertips. You can't count the number of phone calls you've gotten from the housekeeper, Mrs. Mayfair, when she'd found beer on her immaculate floors.
Of course, just as you're thinking about him, his profile picture comes up on your phone along with the buzzing and ringing of a phone call.
"Hey, Kiddo." He sounds gruff - gruff, tired, and so fond all at once.
"Hey, Dad." Just hearing his voice, crackly and deep through the phone makes you feel at home. But he doesn't call very often. The last time he'd called was over Christmas, when you'd told him about Jake. He still doesn't know what Jake does, but he knows who Jake is and what he means to you. "What's up?"
"Nothing's up, Honey Bee. Do I need to have a reason to call my only kid?"
"No, sir!" You don't think his laugh could ever keep you from laughing a little too.
"Honey Bee, when are you going to come home and bring your boy home to meet your old man?"
You try to dissemble, really you do, but no matter what you do, he's adamant.
"I have to check with Jake, daddy. See when's the earliest he can take some leave."
His grumble at your words has a cold sweat dripping down your spine.
"Taking leave, huh, sweetheart? So you ended up with a military man after all, did you?"
"Yeah, daddy, I did." The picture of Jake you keep on your desk fills you with so much joy as you trace your finger over his smiling cheek. "I know you told me not to, but I love him, daddy. So much - and he's good to me. So good to me."
"Sweetheart, that rule was just to keep you from getting hurt. But you're a thirty-year-old adult. I trust your judgment. So talk to your Jake and we'll set something up. I love you, honey bee."
"Love you, daddy." Time to text Jake and see if he’s ready to meet your dad, you guess.
Jake agrees, the two of you make plans to fly to Maine in the spring. But, you can’t get a read on how he truly feels, his agreement is less than enthusiastic. In truth there is a sick pit at the base of your own stomach. Will your dad like Jake as much as you do? Will he be able to see how wonderful your fiancé is despite his reputation?
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Maine is different. Jake’s had postings all over the world over the past decade. Texas has always been home and now San Diego feels like home too. Especially now that he has his gorgeous girl. But, Jake’s only been in and around cities. So the sleepy little town they got off the ferry at in Maine feels like taking a trip back in time. It’s an idyllic little town, complete with little white washed houses and fenced gardens. There are houses dotted up a hill at the center of town, the vista wind-swept and green for miles around them. The early spring air brushes past his face with little bursts of cool salty air and the ocean is an unreal, crystal clear blue. Everyone knows each other and it seems like everyone knows Gorgeous by name.
Speaking of Gorgeous, Jake’s never seen her this nervous. His beautiful gorgeous fiancée, Jake’s never seen her scared about anything. Even when he woke up in that hospital room all those months ago, she hadn’t looked scared. She’d been worried, angry, and relieved all at once. He can still remember how it had felt to hold her when he was sure he’d never get the chance to ever again. That day he’d promised himself to never take her for granted. And that he was going to marry her someday. They’re one step closer to the day he’s going to marry her, but now that Jake’s in Maine, he has to ask her dad for permission. Not permission to marry her so much as permission to take care of her. He has to promise that she’ll never be without a thing she needs so long as she’s his. Jake needs Gorgeous’ father to know that he loves her and that he’ll treat her as she deserves and that he will love her the way her parents loved each other.
Even now, when he’s tired and hot and hungry and he knows she is too, she’s still the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Her hair’s in a loose messy bun at the back of her head and the golden summer sun catches on each glistening strand until she’s framed in gold like a priceless painting in a museum somewhere. But it’s her smile, tremulous and small but still so perfectly gorgeous that takes his breath away. He steals that moment to get right into her personal space. Jake’s sure he’ll never get tired of how she responds to his touch, like he’s everything she’s ever wanted, that he’s all she’ll ever need. Her lips when he captures them taste like cherries and as her arms wind around his neck, it feels like the world falls away. This is it, the world screams, every cell in his body sure, this is her. The one.
“Not that I mind, Jay, but what was that for?” Her chest heaves softly and while Jake would love nothing more than to kiss the soft skin, he settles for taking her hand.
“Because I love you, gorgeous. No matter how this meeting with your dad goes, it’s not going to change a thing. I don’t think I could stop loving you if I tried.” Her eyes mist up, and that’s enough to have him tug her close again.
“Now take me home, pretty girl.” He grabs the one big suitcase from her hand and tucks her under his arm, shifting the duffel to the shoulder of the arm pulling the suitcase. “It’s real pretty here, baby doll. Is this where you grew up?”
As he chatters away, Jake slowly sees her relax. She’s smiling and laughing and as she leads him up the hill, telling stories at a mile a minute, he can almost see her tiny baby self ricocheting up and down this very hill. He’s not seen any pictures, but he just knows that she was a tiny little thing, all mischief and big grins. The closer they get to the big white house, nearly at the top of the hill, the more tense Jake can feel himself get. There’s an imposing aura surrounding the property, something which sends prickles of quasi-recognition through him. He hasn’t felt like this since the last time an admiral made the rounds at Top Gun when he was there the first time.
That feeling compounds as Gorgeous opens the gate and pulls him towards the big shiny Oak doors. She lets his hand go, and he wants nothing more than to drag her back into his embrace again. His fingers itch with the feeling, because she’s not in reach anymore and that means that she isn’t keeping the nerves at bay. He’s faced down literal missiles and gunfire, SAMs and anti-aircraft munitions, but he’s never been as scared as he is staring the glossy wood down.
When it opens, Jake can barely breathe, because there is a man standing on the other side, dark hair melting into white at the sides. He’s grim and taciturn, a frown curling the corners of his mouth down at the sight of Jake standing there. That frown turns into a huge grin at the sight of Gorgeous, which Jake understands. He can't hide his smile around her either. So maybe he has more in common with Gorgeous’ dad than he thinks?
But more than his smile or obvious love in his eyes for Gorgeous, there's something oddly familiar about him. Jake's seen him before. He's sure of it. As sure as he is that he could pick out his mama blindfolded and that the sky is blue and that his Gorgeous Girl is the prettiest woman in the whole wide world.
"I'm Ron, c'mon in." Jake grabs the suitcase and pulls it and his duffel in, grateful for once that he's never needed much baggage.
"Jake Seresin, sir. Pleased to meet you." He holds his hand out for a handshake, his body as tense as it was for his first flight inspection. But the answering shake never comes. He's left standing there and Gorgeous is glaring and Ron is staring into his eyes. In that moment Jake is sure he's lost Gorgeous when he thought he finally had won her heart. It's obvious from everything she's ever said that she loves her dad. She adores him and believes that he strung the stars up in the sky just for her. If Ron doesn't approve, this relationship is sunk. Jake’s sweating under the strain, he can feel the sweat droplets dripping down the back of his shirt.
“I wish I could say the same, Hangman.” That tone, the way Gorgeous’ dad says his callsign. That strikes a chord. Where the hell has he heard it before? That’s a wholly disapproving tone, something which makes every muscle convulse into a salute rather than the relaxed stance he was in before.
“You’ve got quite the reputation, son.” He feels like he can barely breathe, focusing instead on the rage on his beautiful fiancée’s face. The problem is, he can’t quite tell if the rage on her face is on his behalf or if it’s because he’s pissed her dad off on the first day of their visit. His nod is abortive, quick as he focuses on the wall between father and daughter. “Why the hell should I let you marry my daughter? When, based on everything that I’ve heard, you’re exactly the kind of Navy pilot that I would never have wanted her to end up with?”
“Admiral,” Because he knows exactly who this is, suddenly, like a missile getting tone-lock. Retired Rear-Admiral Ron ‘Slider’ Kerner. “I’d be lying to you and your daughter both if I said that I haven’t thought about exactly what to say to you if you asked me that question. And the truth is, I don’t know. I don’t know why your daughter, your beautiful, sweet, kind, lovely daughter decided to give a womanizing idiot like me a chance. You have to ask her why.”
His throat is tight and it feels like he’s barely breathing. “But I know why I love your daughter. Sir, she’s the only person in the longest time who’s seen Jake and not Hangman. She’s the only person who’s ever been willing to find out who Jake is. And I love her for it. Your daughter saved me. She didn’t save my life, though I know she’s more than capable of doing so.”
Gorgeous’ watery giggle makes a fleeting smile flit across his face. “She saved the man I was. The one before the Navy, before the air-to-air kill. She saved that man, brought him back to life. She does it every time she smiles. I can’t promise you, sir, that I won’t act like Hangman ever again. He’s saved more lives than he’s taken. But I can promise you that your daughter will never see Hangman. Because she’s too good for him, and both of us know that.”
For several moments, all Jake can hear is the thudding of his heart. Then Admiral Kerner turns and walks away without saying another word. He can’t quite believe that he’s going to be allowed to stay in the house, not when things are so indescribably tense.
“Darlin’ let me take your bag upstairs for you.” She’s quiet as she leads him up the wide white stairs to her childhood bedroom. And somehow, that one bright little room is exactly what he expected it to be. He can see his Gorgeous Girl all over. He doesn’t even have to close his eyes to see the sweet little girl she was, or the sassy teenager or even the college-aged woman ruling this house with her little, deceptively strong fist. But when he’s set her bag down and turned to head back downstairs, still holding the duffel bag, he’s a little shocked to see tears in her eyes.
“Where are you going?” Her voice is soft as she wraps her arms around him. His arms open to let her in like there is nothing they’d rather do other than have her pressed up against his heart. “Are you leaving already? Jake, my dad didn’t mean that. He’s just got this thing against the Navy. It’s not against you. Please don’t leave. Don’t head back to San Diego without me. Or if you want to head back, we’ll go together.”
“No, sweetheart. I’m not leavin’ town. I was just going to find an inn or hotel with a room I can rent for the week.” Her skin feels like silk against the pads of his fingers as he brushes a stray tear away. “I’m not leaving, baby doll. I love you. You and only you.”
Her eyes flutter closed at the gentle press of his fingers across her cheeks. In that moment he can’t resist kissing her again, slow and sweet until it feels like he’s bitten into the sweetest of cherries and all he wants to do is chase that tart sweetness on her tongue for the rest of all time. But he doesn’t get the chance to, because before he can blink, she’s out of his arms and leaning against the wall.
“You are not leaving this house, Jake.” There’s a stubborn set to her body posture. From the look she’s giving him alone, he sits down on the bed. “For one, the Bed & Bread isn’t open yet for the season. And I don’t want to fight with you, handsome, but I’m marrying you. No matter what my dad says, I’m marrying you. But you need to get along with him, Jay. He’s my family - the only family I’ve got left, mind you.”
When she steps forward and settles into his lap, his hands fly to her hips like they're magnetized to the feeling of her supple skin. Her tiny soft hands cup his cheeks, her ring pleasantly warm against his cheeks as she runs her fingers over his face and into his hair. His eyes keep finding her plush lips, pleading for a kiss when he’s at her mercy. What he’s not expecting is the way her crimson tipped nail taps against his nose.
“So you are going to get along with my dad, every day for the next week, and if you’re good…” Her voice drops to a sensual murmur into his ear. “I’ll give you a blowjob right here and you can pretend you’re taking my virginity right in my childhood bedroom.”
He can’t control his immediate physical reaction to Gorgeous, not anymore, not that he ever has been able to. He can feel himself plumping up in his jeans just at the thought. But just when he’d like nothing more than to lock the door and get his beautiful, gorgeous, perfect fiancée on her stomach on her frilly white bedspread in her childhood bedroom, she’s gone. Left him alone in the bedroom with a painfully hard dick and the scent of her perfume.
If only it were as easy to get Admiral Kerner on his side as it was to charm Gorgeous on that first date. Not that it was easy to charm Gorgeous. On the contrary in fact. But he’d made her laugh. The first sight of that beautiful smile had nearly knocked him on his ass. Getting Admiral Kerner to smile at anything but his daughter is like trying to move a mountain with a shovel. Three days, Jake has been trying. Three full days. No matter the jokes or how helpful he is, Slider Kerner has the same expression at the sight of him.
At least they’re halfway through this visit. Halfway, though it’s felt like years. Is it bad to want it to be the night before they get back on the ferry to go home? At least then that means that the torture is over. Jake's lying supine on the floor, and it's because everything hurts. He's been up since four in the morning when Admiral Kerner had knocked on the door. It had been torture dragging himself away from Gorgeous, all sleepy and soft in just one of his soft t-shirts, the supple curve of her hip exposed as he’d dragged the sheets off to get out of bed. To add insult to injury he hadn't seen her all day. Admiral Kerner had dragged him all around town, having him help whitewash houses and fix fences. There's an aching stitch in his side and a bruise somewhere on his back from when a wheelbarrow had barreled right into him. He's also covered in mud and flecks of paint, hence why he's on the floor. Gorgeous would murder him for getting her pretty lavender-smelling sheets dirty.
He must doze off because it feels like he just blinked yet the room is dimly lit by a lamp and he's looking up into Gorgeous' pretty eyes.
"Hey, Jay." His hand cups her cheek, tangling in the soft cascade of her hair. "Why're you sleeping on the floor, silly? You're covered in paint and mud, too. C'mon handsome, let's get you all cleaned up, yeah?"
He only manages a grunt in response, his limbs uncooperative as he lets her manhandle him into the bathroom. It's even worse in the shower. The last time he felt this tired was that first shower after he was released from the hospital. He'd stayed wrapped around his girlfriend, his beautiful heart and she'd done all the hard work. Tonight goes a bit better at least, in that he at least gets his hands on her perfect tits and can help wash himself. What can he say? Jake knows what he likes and with his Gorgeous Girl, it's everything about her. Were he fully awake, he’d have that pretty mouth parted in an O of pleasure because of him.
So naturally, he doesn't fully wake up until he's standing shivering on the bathmat and sees the mountain of bubbles taking over the bathtub. Gorgeous is facing away from him, her beautiful hair in a bun on top of her head and there’s droplets of water sliding down her back. All he wants to do is trace the path of one of those drops down her skin. It’s enough of a thought to have other parts of himself take notice. But before he can act on that urge, she’s slipping beneath the bubbles and looking up at him. Her lips are slightly parted and with the steam sticking her hair to her skin, she’s never looked more beautiful. Sue him, he loves this woman so much that he thinks she’s never looked more beautiful in basically everything she’s ever worn or not worn. But he can pick a favorite look on her. Nowadays, that look is when she’s just wearing his ring. Of course, tonight the ring is on the nightstand, but this is his second-favorite look.
It’s not a decision at all to settle into the bath in front of her. Her hands are incredibly soft and gentle trailing through his hair and over his pecs as the hot water soothes each aching muscle. He dozes, cradled in her arms, hypnotized by the slow drag of her fingers across his skin, smiling dopily as they pet the sparse hair carpeting his chest. He probably purrs outright at the scratch of her nails across his scalp. This is relaxation - he’s probably closer to a melted puddle than a man at the moment. What he doesn’t expect is the hand which wraps around his length, pumping it languidly beneath the bubbles.
“Darlin’?” His voice is a slur, because just tonight, he can’t take any teasing. Not when he’s been living with blue balls at the sight of her pretty body showcased in those floaty sundresses every day since they got here.
“Hmm?” Her voice is gentle and sweet, hypnotically so. If he didn’t know exactly how well her hands were working him over, he’d think she wasn’t up to anything at all.
“What’re you doing, baby doll?” His voice slurs even as he tips his head back so he can see the concentration on her face. Her nose is scrunched and her lips are parted just a little.
“I’m making you feel good, Jay.” His growl at her words turns into a near whine as her hand tightens just a little. “You’ve been so good for me, after all. I just want to show you how much I appreciate that.”
Just like that, he’s captive to the slow glide of her skin against his. Enraptured by the flutter of her eyelashes while wholly unprepared for the heat rising in his gut. Each soft loving word and sweet murmur into his ear has his balls tightening. Eventually, all Jake wants, all he needs, well other than the obvious, is a kiss. He breaks her concentration by tugging her in, her hands leaving his skin and cupping his face. When she pulls away, her eyes are molten and her hands a bit more forceful as she wraps them around him again. All too soon, the slap of water against the edge of the tub harmonizes with the sounds of his moans ricocheting off the tiles.
“Shit, sweetheart.” The words leave him in a harsh hiss, barely words at all. “Y’keep putting those pretty hands on me like that and I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”
“Who said I want you to stop yourself, Jay?” Those honeyed words have him grunting his orgasm into the delicate column of her neck, his body twisting as he moans. When he comes back to himself he peppers kisses across Gorgeous’ flushed skin. But sadly, he’s too exhausted to return the favor. All he can do is paw gently at her skin as she drains the tub, rinses him off, and helps him dress. Sleep when it tugs him under is even sweeter when he’s got his fiancée in his arms. Maybe in the morning he can return the favor? And later, much later, mind you, win her dad over?
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