#literally just identify as sapphic then LIKE??
oh-my-im-ply · 7 months
Recently was told that being attracted to women and enbies "doesn't count as attraction to multiple genders," and that if you're attracted to women and enbies, you "should just identify as lesbian or straight."
As if nonbinary people are just an extension of women. As if nonbinary genders aren't real genders. As if enbian attraction is just an extension of sapphic or romeric attraction instead of a valid and beautiful experience in its own right.
And the person who told me this shit was also nonbinary.
I'm so tired.
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sanguinaryrot · 1 year
gender can be so confusing :/
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falinscloaca · 11 months
i do find it really funny actually that lots of sapphic terminology tends to evolve as a game of "spot-the-problem" whack-a-mole
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moeitsu · 4 months
Since it's pride month I wanna talk about something I've noticed in the Red Dead Redemption fandom:
The Bisexual erasure of Sadie Adler and Arthur Morgan.
I apologize if this comes across as harsh, but it's something that's been on my mind since I started interacting w/ this media. And as a bisexual, I wanted to discuss it further.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with shipping these characters with the same sex. Personally, I am a Charthur shipper till the day I die. I don't ship Sadie with anyone but her husband, but I still enjoy seeing the fanart and headcanons of the women she's shipped with.
That being said, these characters are not lesbian or gay. That's literally a fact, and if you think otherwise it is bisexual erasure.
Let's start with Sadie Adler. Her entire character arc is getting revenge on the O'Driscolls for killing her husband. Whom she mourns for years, and talks about frequently with Arthur/other camp members. Now, if you want to ship her w/ Abigail or Molly or whomever, go for it!! But she has loved and still loves her husband. She is not a lesbian, and she didn't just magically turn into a lesbian after Jake's death. If she had any love interests other than Jake, this would make her bisexual. (even Sapphic is still a more appropriate term than lesbian)
The same goes for women in real life who have dated men first, then dated a woman. Just because their current partner is the same sex doesn't mean we can assume they are suddenly lesbian. Calling characters lesbians even if they have been in a relationship with men before is bisexual erasure.
This same concept is applied to Arthur Morgan. He had previous relationships with women. (one of whom he still has strong feelings for) and he is attracted to women. We see this with his greeting dialogue and when he compliments people. I believe Arthur's character is more likely to be bisexual than Sadie's, given his interactions w/ some of the men in the game. But that doesn't erase the fact that he's still attracted to the opposite sex. Arthur is not a gay man. Disregarding his past relationships w/ women is a form of bisexual erasure.
There is a huge double standard here because if these character's were actually lesbian/gay and the fandom decided to ship them with people of the opposite sex (i.e headcanon they are bi), there would be a major discourse.
Whenever bisexual women and men are presented in the media I always notice a few things:
Bi women are "secretly straight"
Bi women "don't know their lesbian yet"
Bi men are "secretly gay"
As well as this funny little graphic below ↓
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Like I said before, I am bisexual. And if I'm being honest this years pride month has been exhausting and mildly infuriating with how the community seems to disregard bisexuals in a hetero relationship.
I stopped talking about my bisexuality with people because once they know I have been in a committed relationship with a man for seven years, I am suddenly excluded from the conversation.
I've had ex-friends tell me that I only identify as bisexual to "fit in" with the queer community. I've had people in college assume I was lesbian bc of the way I dressed, and then try to tell me that I must be secretly lesbian when I tell them I'm Bi. (Ppl also assumed I was non-binary bc of the way I presented but that's another story)
This stuff doesn't just happen to fictional characters, it happens to real people every single day. I'm honestly tired of ppl saying "well my headcanon doesn't hurt anybody, they're not real." Yes it does!! You are supporting Bi erasure!!
That's all I'm gonna say on this topic for now. I'd love to leave it open for discussion, but please be nice. This isn't a call-out or me trying to antagonize the queer rdr community. I just wanted to get it off my mind.
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fixing-bad-posts · 7 months
Heya, I really really hope this doesn't come off as particularly rude, but I was wondering, why would bisexual women be considered lesbians sometimes and I think you also brought up transgender men and genderqueer ppl? For bisexual women, I just am kinda confused, they can be in lesbian relationships and lesbian spaces, but just describing them as lesbians seems kinda confusing because lesbian denotes specifically sapphic attraction at least from where I've always heard it, so wouldn't it be kinda confusing. And for the genderqueer folks or trans folks, wouldn't that just bring their genders closer to feminine and at least from what I've heard from some pple I know, they don't like non binary being seen as more womanly (I've heard it being described as woman-lite before annoying) and instead seen as a more inbetween which it sometimes isn't, because of bigotry and other things since nbs can be both fem or masc or androgynous, but wouldn't non woman lesbians kinda push it to be seen as kinda more fem or that person as more fem? I don't know and frankly I'm just kinda confused. I'm really really sorry that this probably comes off as super rude and I hope you forgive me. I frankly just want to learn a little more and have been reading up but wanted to know what you thought. And I just realized how long this was, so so sorry
hello anon! these days, i usually don’t answer asks like these because i’ve already done so several times, but you seem very well-meaning and confused, so i’ll do my best to help. first of all, please check my faq for resources and links about mspec labels and bi lesbians.
second of all—generally—here is my advice for when you encounter a queer label that confuses you:
1) literally just ignore it until you...
2) meet someone in your life who uses that label, at which point you might (respectfully) ask them what using that label means to them specifically, and why it’s important. i’ve done this in real life. the script is something like,
“it’s really cool to get to talk to someone in real life about this stuff—if i may ask, what does identifying as [insert label] mean to you, personally?”
you might also say,
“i’ve never met someone who identifies with [their label] before. would you mind giving me some pointers on the important things to keep in mind in order to respect your identity/make sure you feel respected by me?”
i’ve also never asked anyone to correct me if i mess up and say something rude, but i’m working on the confidence and charisma to be able to say that, because i owe that to others.
all of that said, i wanted to respond to some of your specific questions, and clarify a couple of things below the cut. to clarify:
1. “describing [bisexual women] as lesbians seems kinda confusing because lesbian denotes specifically sapphic attraction”. to be clear i am not the one describing bisexual women as lesbians, in this hypothetical situation. when i post about bi-lesbians, i am posting in support of people who—for whatever reason—chose that label for themselves. what i am not doing: advocating to redefine the classically understood definition of lesbian for the entire populous.
2. “wouldn’t it be kinda confusing”? yes! i understand it can be confusing, and i commend you for expressing your confusion instead of reacting in disgust or anger. there are so many things in the queer community that are confusing, even to me, and you don’t need to feel guilty for asking questions as long as you come from a place of genuine curiosity. being confused isn’t bad, and defining yourself in a way that confuses others is, likewise, no transgression.
3. “for the genderqueer folks or trans folks, wouldn’t [identifying as a lesbian] just bring their genders closer to feminine […] wouldn’t non woman lesbians […] be seen as kinda more fem”? the answer is: sort of. it depends entirely on how and why the person using this label came to these words. you wrote, “i’ve heard from some pple i know, they don’t like non binary being seen as more womanly”, and i have definitely also heard that! so, for people who feel that way, they probably wouldn’t want a label that evokes womanhood and/or aligns them with femininity assigned to them. but every person is different—so for some nonbinary people, they absolutely do not want to be seen as “woman-lite”, whereas for other nonbinary people, they might want to be seen closer to femme than masc, while still nonbinary. this goes back to what i said at the beginning: best practice is to ask the people in your life how they want you to respect them.
closing thoughts: i hope this clarified some things, but i understand that the topic may still be confusing—feel free to message me if you want a non-judgmental queer to talk things through with. i promise i’ll take you in good faith <3
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womenaremypriority · 1 year
You can call me whatever you want I don’t care but I’m going to continue feeling upset and dehumanized that so many GNC and lesbian/bi young women are now identifying as nonbinary or using she/they pronouns or whatever. It’s literally everywhere. And you can say anything you want about me “making it about myself” but in my experience it’s about running from your womanhood. It’s from this new cultural idea that somehow just being a woman isn’t enough. And yeah I’m gonna be upset that people are calling womanhood a cage as if the fact I’m comfortable staying in it means I’m lesser or deserve to be oppressed. I’m going to be upset if any sapphic artist I find uses they/them pronouns or whatever. I’m gonna be upset if a GNC celebrity says “I’m not a woman, just a person”. Like this isn’t progressive or transgressive anyway, you’re not making humanity more colorful, you’re making womanhood less so. You can be a woman, just a woman, and still be interesting, still be a full human being. And yeah I think that’s what’s driving most younger women to identify this way! In many cases especially for transgender men it’s sincere dysphoria but women are just running from their womanhood and thinking women isn’t good enough for them, that they’re too big and wellrounded for that. It’s not escaping oppression nor is it going into some new oppression, you’re just further dehumanizing women by saying people who are ‘just women’ aren’t cool or interesting enough now, or don’t feel human, or are fine performing femininity.
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alluralater · 7 months
“bi-lesbian” explain this to me in a way that isn’t inherently lesbophobic (challenge level: impossible)
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never in ALL my experience as a person out in the wild have i encountered a bi-lesbian in my extremely dense and saturated population of lgbt+. not once. not a single time. would you like to know why? because it’s for the sake of online discourse. go out and ask a lesbian that isn’t chronically online (even one that is) what a bi-lesbian is and they will awkwardly laugh and question if you’re serious. the first thought would probably be a bigender lesbian, not a lesbian that fucks/dates men. bi-lesbian isn’t a thing because there’s already a fucking WORD for this sexuality. there’s nothing wrong with being bisexual! you don’t need to “make space” for including self-identified men in a sexuality (the ONE sexuality) that doesn’t include men.
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to be like “oh but you’re asking us to define what a man is and that’s a slippery terfy slope” no it’s fucking not. a man is someone that identifies as a man. yeah someone’s gender can be complex and that’s their own deal, but it’s still the same principle. no one is excluded from lesbianism to the degree in which bi-lesbians would have people believe. the likelihood that you’ll see someone out in the streets as a bi-lesbian is lower than the likelihood those same people will be outside touching grass. to nitpick away at gender and sexuality just to give yourself a podium to scream homophobic and transphobic bullshit from while online, is not revolutionary.
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plus i’ll be even more deadass with you— this bi-lesbian thing is primarily a white hyper-individualized concept. it’s like what peta is to animal activism except peta does occasionally get shit done and their radical intentions are for the good of all people and creatures. bi-lesbians purposefully do not want to be called sapphic, they don’t want to be called bisexual, they don’t want to be in or under any other umbrella because truly it’s like PAINFUL to be kept in a box of what they deem “oppressive labels” as if your proclivity toward men makes you oppressed. sorry baddies, it doesn’t. to reject community in the spaces that would otherwise take you in is wild as hell. you can like men, it’s okay. i’m telling you right now, it’s OKAY to like men. it’s OKAY to include men in your sexuality. lesbianism has literally only one fucking rule and if you find it doesn’t work for you, just slide over to another sexuality like damn. this need for hyper-individualism over community is toxic as fuck. lack of identity doesn’t mean you should be attempting a coup of other sexualities. it’s a journey and it’s a process, there’s nothing wrong with admitting you like men and not knowing what your label is. the world has undefined gray areas, you don’t have to label yourself a lesbian if it doesn’t fit
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i’ve had the bi-lesbian conversation with SOOO many people like a huge number of people (because i’m curious and i like to see if online discourse is facts or false) and 95% don’t know what it is, the rest laugh and ask me if i’m serious. because really— it’s not a problem of visibility, it’s a problem of irl people knowing how fucking offensive bi-lesbianism is. not wanting to admit they’re simply bisexual or umbrella-sapphic is odd as fuck. i even bring up points made (transphobic points) about how mspec genders apparently don’t count for lesbians since lesbian sexuality to a bi-lesbian means *one* attraction to a gender, not more. and people find that shit to be repulsive because lesbianism is a historically broad spectrum of non-men attracted to other non-men. there is no rigorous whittling down of someone’s gender so much that you decide they’ve been excluded from lesbianism.
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to forcibly include lesbianism in the title of “bi-lesbian” is wild as fuck and super offensive considering the amount of history, pain, and oppression that lesbians deal with. so yeah, i’m gonna talk my shit
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anyway it just all feels a lot like hyper-individualism and white concepts of people needing to be more special than anyone else because god forbid you be anything but extraordinary and eye-catching and somehow all the while, calling yourselves oppressed. like even by definition bi-lesbians would be less oppressed than lesbians. and this need to be INCLUDED in lesbians spaces even though they deem themselves to be of a different sexuality, is wack as fuck. trynna have your cake and eat it too. well you can eat my ass. lesbians aren’t automatically bigots because you feel excluded. if you don’t feel like our sexuality matches up to your inner self, there are a myriad of others to choose from should you like/care to label yourself with one <3
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yourfavismspechomohet · 9 months
love, there’s no such thing as a “bi lesbian.” someone can’t be bi and a lesbian. Coming from a lesbian myself it just doesn’t happen that way. Being a bisexual means that you like BOTH, being a lesbian means you ONLY like non men. It’s a mockery of real lesbians, it’s not a real sexuality.
Let’s take this apart separately, shall we?
“There’s no such thing as a Bi Lesbian”
Tell that to all the Bi Lesbians that follow me, and like my posts, and request for posts.
Tell that to the Bi Lesbians I reblog from and talk to occasionally.
Tell that to the older queers that identify as Bi Lesbians.
I guess apparently they don’t exist then. 🤷
“Someone can’t be Bi and a Lesbian”
Ah, this is a very popular one on this blog that I keep getting. I could link you to those, but I won’t. Here’s some ways you can be Bi and a Lesbian at the same time:
Biromantic Homosexuals
Homoromantic Bisexuals
Bi people who label themselves as Lesbians, to reclaim queer history. Because ALL Sapphics, regardless of if they were attracted to men or not, were referred to as Lesbians.
Bi people may also label themselves as Lesbians to reclaim being called a Lesbian by Biphobes trying to get them to pick one.
Bi people who lean more towards women, may call themselves Bi Lesbians.
Abroromantics/Abrosexuals may label themselves as Bi Lesbians because their orientation only swings back and forth between those two.
“Coming from a Lesbian myself, it just doesn’t happen that way.”
Well, for the second part, “It doesn’t happen that way”, just go back to the previous comments on “Someone can’t be Bi and a Lesbian”. It does and can happen.
Now for the first part “Coming from a Lesbian myself”. I hear this a lot. Not just from Lesbians, not just from queer people, but people of all different communities, one thing I hear all the time is “Coming from a [Blank] myself”. You need to understand that you are not the only Lesbian on earth. And Lesbians are not a hive-mind. You’re not all the same, and you’re not all going to have the same opinions. If that were the case, all Lesbians would look, talk, act the same way, and have the same views. But you don’t, because you’re not a hive-mind. Simply implying that all people of the same sexuality should have the same opinions is wrong. Believe it or not, I’ve seen all different kinds of lesbians who were Pro-Mspec Lesbian, who were Anti-Mspec Lesbian, and were neutral on Mspec Lesbians. And if all Lesbians had the same opinions, you would not be separated on these different opinions.
“Being a bisexual means that you like BOTH, being a lesbian means you ONLY like non men.”
Being Bi means that you could just about like any gender. It doesn’t just mean both, as in men and women. Bi people could definitely just be attracted to women and men, but they’re also Bi people attracted to all different kinds of genders under the Nonbinary umbrella.
As for being a Lesbian, it means that you’re attracted to women and Nonbinary people. And if we can agree on that, we also have to agree that there are other Nonbinary genders where one identifies as a woman AND a man, that you may also be attracted to. Saying that Lesbians don’t like men excludes Multigender people. Even if that’s not how you mean for it to sound, I can tell you that a lot of Multigender people feel that way.
Also, a common misconception is that Non-Men and Non-Women is okay to use for Gay and Lesbian definitions. It’s not. What you probably didn’t know, is that the terms have racist origins. Black and indigenous queer people have literally been talking about this since this definition was coined. “Non-Men” and “Non-Women” are terms that have been historically used to describe the degendering of black people.
Forcing these terms for queer definitions is Anti-Black, I could forgive you if you didn’t know that and stop using those definitions after now knowing the origins.
But if you still use these definitions even after knowing this, congratulations! You’re racist! Pretty sure there was a book about this, “Bad faith and anti-black racism” by Lewis R. Gordon.
“It’s a mockery of real lesbians, it’s not a real sexuality.”
Mspecs have just as big a part in Lesbian history as Lesbians.
All sapphics were Lesbians regardless of if they liked men.
The term “Bi Lesbian” has been around since the 70s. I’d like to see you try and tell an older queer Bi Lesbian, that they’re “mocking” Lesbians and that their sexuality isn’t real. They probably accomplished more than you have in your entire life, because you want to fight with people on queer labels that you think are and aren’t valid because apparently no queer identity is acceptable unless you agree with it.
Love, wether you like it or not, Bi Lesbians and even male Lesbians have always existed and will continue existing. And they don’t need your permission to be themselves.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Transfem bigender Percy Jackson headcanons ft.my Pjo s/i Lex de los Santos.If you're anti selfship just DNI i literally don't care
Starter:It's founded in canon.Percy went on a quest to prove herself as unlike cis men to Zoe and it's potrayed as being true and proven to be true because Percy is transfem-coded,almost all her friends(including Lex)growing up were girls,Nico realized he's not actually in love with her after finding she's not the ideal man he thought she was and she compared her treatment of him to acting like Sally/a mother,Piper said she's unimpressive in terms of masculinity compared to Jason and what she'd heard of her at Camp Half-Blood and then it turned out she's sapphic,she's an actual punk instead of just Edgy™️ and punk history is inherently transgender(and black,which Percy is also coded as and that only adds to how punk she is!)and there's something very fitting about Percy 'The sea does not like to be reestrained' Jackson being both a man and a woman.She has femme bigender swag in every way
Now onto the actual hcs:Percy's highkey a glass closet but the lack of transfem figures in her life minus Thalia and Rachel kept her from cracking until she was 19,Lex being the one to crack her egg completely accidentally by having her participate in their femme activities since they'd been dating since the BOO finale.Lex ironically enough isn't transfem but transmasc genderfluid and bigender but femme with the same tastes as and similar mannerisms and behavior to Percy so they made her consider she could be a girl too and some consideration later,she came out to them and they showered her in gender validating words and hugs and kisses.She identified as just 'transfem' for about a month to settle into her gender until she tried out the bigender label and it felt right so she stuck to it
Sally was the second person she came out to and she was even more enthutiastic and supportive because as it turns out,Sally is also a trans woman!!But unlike Percy,her egg cracked so early she dosen't really remember thinking she was male or even her deadname and she was able to have Percy at 21 because Poseidon payed for a full transition for her.Percy was beyond shocked and asked why she never told her,a bit hurt,and Sally reassured her she just never thought to because there wasn't really a moment where it came up but admits she should've said it way earlier considering how Percy turned out and that she spotted some egg behavior but was worried about confusing her.Percy hugs her tightly and tells her she loves her even more now and they lay on eachother as they sit to talk about Sally's experiences with transfeminism as mother-daughter bonding,sipping their blue hot chocolate and munching on their blue cookies together as they did
Next up was Nico and Hazel at the same time,who're also trans and Sally's kids by adoption and Percy's found siblings she's a pseudo-parent to.They were super happy and Nico poked fun at the fact the Outcast Godlings(them and Lex)were no longer a token cis but the rest trans friend group and Hazel joined in by saying they would've had to force Percy to transition if she didn't tell them earlier.Rachel's not the last person she comes out but she is the most important last one in her circle and Percy is teary when she does out of happiness at how much support she'd gotten and Rachel freaks out over her reveal but in an excited ecstatic way,not negatively at all and The Loser Trio(Percy,Rachel and Lex's reclaimed nickname from their Goode High days)have a Girls Night at her insistence
Percy uses any pronouns and a set of neos,blue/cookie/dude/paw/scale,and has the mermaidcore hair dye style,the job done by Lex at her request.She gripped their waist tightly in nervousness of possibly looking ridicilous and Lex reassured her and walked her through it,kissing her face too and telling her how good she looked already.She had long locs at his point and the colors are yellow,sea blue,pink and purple and her base colors(black with a faded from gray to white streak)stay as per the required style of it and Lex also has an afrobubble ponytail and forest green bangs they gave themself in the BOO finale too
Lex lended Percy their clothes because they're both afrosolarpunk so they share a lot of similarities in fashion sense but the size difference between them(6'4 with a healthy mix of muscle and fat/5' and pint-sized but thick)made them too small on her and she refused to not wear them anyway.Once Percy got to making her own clothes with her diy skills,she dresses in a mix of solarpunk and old fashion afropunk-i.e Crop tops with radicalist designs/messages on them,long flowy skirts with fun designs,thrifted ripped jeans,doc martens and demonias,rings that're edgy ahh and those indie girl ones on the same hand,spiked bracelets and chokers with pendants and her battle jacket that's stacked with patches made to represent her loved ones and a dominican flag pin and tons more pins to show her beliefs and aligments(read:punk tastes like her favorite bands and an anarchy symbol)
Blue laces(she killed Luke in Tlo and Zeus in Elysium on Earth,my 1 year later Hoo sequel which is the first of four book in Tales of Dead Seas that takes place over four years and is about the Outcast Godlings revolutionizing the greco-roman mythos world)
Lex diy'd Percy's estrogen.Diversity win:Local tgirl has big boobs and her trans boyfriend wants tits but small ones and is naturally flatchested!!
Polly Pocket,Ghibli and W.i.t.ch. are her vibe,she loves energy drinks and blue burgers so SO much,she makes her own makeup,she's a Team Parent but actually instead of tropeified toxic bullshit so she breaks the break the cycle of abuse so she's super tough and never backs down from standing up to gross men in addition to her parental instincts,she's heavily invested in sea knowledge and authentic ocean aesthetics as the daughter of the sea god and her piercings are a spider bite,an eyebrow piercing,a tongue ring and forward helix on both ears
His manhood is very much a feminine one.He's like a male girl but genuinely and only feels connection to manhood in a gender fuckery/femme and lowkey reclamation kinda way.If you call him the fb slur to 'compromise' he'll roast you so hard with so little effort you'll have to move states to recover.He has a zero transadrodorks policy and i bet all the Hp guys would be ones for those of y'all who keep associating him and his verse with them
Shark kin and catgyal!!His specific kin types are whale shark and calico cat-the latter of which are 99% female because being transfem is Percy's Canon Event.Him and Lex are therian4therian and discovered it together in the dead of night while doing research on Lex's bed together and kept it a little secret between them they gave eachother a lot of validation for and Lex is the same cat type as him and mermaidkin soulmately-i mean coincidentally enough and also dragonkin,ghostkin and plantkin!Percy has a whole Blahaj collection,basically everybody thought to buy him one as a transition gift so they're stacked as a pile in a corner of his room and Poseidon genes made him development retractable sharp teeth to his joy and his bonnets/durags flop down on his head in the shape of a shark fin and he already owned a few calico cat plushies/figures by gift of Lex and acts like a cat in canon and he can also purr,always lands on his feet and loves scritches and pats.Eventually Perlex get matching Otherkin symbol tattoos!
'I was a Teenage Anarchist' by Against Me! speaks to him on a spiritual level and she's not trans but Leanna Firestone is her favorite non-punk artist because her music is so relatable to her kind of womanhood and it helps that Leanna is fat like her and her favorite actual punk artists are Meet Me @ The Altar(Edith reminds her so much of Thalia),Alt Black Era and Teezo Touchdown.Goes without saying but y'all don't so i will:Percy grew up on My Chemical Romance and Gerard Way is his biggest idol and he kins Mike Milligram.I'm doing Mcr fan Percy hcs on their own so no more expansion rn but Soon
Him and Lex worked together to diy Nico and Hazel's hrt and wardrobes for them and are their certified trans parents.Nico and Hazel were both early crackers like Sally,Nico at the Lotus Casino and Hazel in 3rd grade and her transness is why she was isolated even from other black kids and her and her brother go to a Special ED school which greatly helped them fit in more.Nico is SUCH a disabled goth tboy,i literally have a Nico to my Percy irl not only in our relathionship but he IS Nico in every way and i have a Hazel too(Dead Sea Siblings in every universe fr fr)and while he's transmasc nonbinary,i project his gender presentation onto her because he's super femme and into edgy shit too so Hazel is pastel goth punk canonically <3 She runs a supernatural hunting bussiness website,plays indie games and draws fanart and makes sonas,beats up bullies,pulls all the wlw,has memes saved you couldn't even begin to comprehend,is a softgirl who's coated in and surrounded pink AND black and spreads kindness and chaos and has anger at her core but only unleashes it on people who deserve it.Lex moved into La Residencia Jackson when they turned 18 as did their dad Emil so they're literally a real family
Lex's godly parent is Demeter so like with Percy's Poseidon thing,them going afrosolarpunk is out of a deep care about enviormentalism and a connection to nature based aesthetics and lifestyles.Perlex are plant parents too and Percy has a sparkly pink sunflower hair charm he made to represent Lex he saves for special occasions like their wedding and Lex went solarpunk first so they gave Percy the downlow and ins and outs and literally guided them by the hand in some aspects of it(he played dumb so they'd be on him lmao)and they have a raspy rocker girl voice to his soft androgynous one and their dates consist of cat cafes,boba shops,skateboarding and rollerblading,underground shows and parties,petty crime sprees,aquarium visits,diy sessions and femme self-care(doing their nails and makeup,watching girlypop media,eating desserts,playing y2k games,etc).Cotton Candy-coded too because Lex's colors are pink and green to Percy's blue and black and matching kidcore and anarchy special interests
Their nicknames for eachother are 'Blue' and 'Bubbles' since TLT but in adulthood they also get 'Princesa Azul' and 'Strawberry Pop'('Principe Azul' is spanish for 'Prince Charming' but also 'Blue Prince' so duh and 'Strawberry Pop' is a ref to how they met,Percy going to the strawberry fields and jokingly asking Lex for blue strawberries only for it to turn out they actually CAN turn strawberries blue and bluestrawberries taste sweeter than the normal ones,and their bubbly girlish attitude).Percy's not a fan of most feminine nicknames but Lex is so he indulges them and feels the urge to call them stuff like that anyway so win-win
Wears scrunchies unironically and claims even they're punk than Hot Topic
Lex got Percy into Shopkins and indie horror
He has a special dirt cup recipe he created for Nico
Hazel calls Percy her 'Punk Dad' and sends him videos all the time
Perlex=Flutterdash.Loyal blue punk ass tgirl and shy soft nature boygirl who're childhood best friends to lovers and autistic4autistic and black monoracial 4 black biracial(Percy is afro-dominican darkskin and super strongfeatured,Rainbow Dash is black brownskin,Lex is black-greek/chinese-dominican and Fluttershy is a half white afrolatina).Percy and Lex are huge MLP fans so they have matching Flutterdash icons on all social media and associate their relathionship with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in general
Percy 🤝🏿 🤝🏿 Bluey 🤝🏿🤝🏿 Blue from Blues Clues:Misgendered blue childhood girls
She also kins Shego👆🏼Black haired green eyed sour outside sweet inside badass transfems
He has a vlog channel where he spreads positivity and info on punk culture and does shitposts,recipes,makeup tutorials and video game analysis too.Owns a pair of blue cat ear headphones like he does a pair of regular blue cat ears for therian reasons
Dysphoria free as he has his perfect body for his identity now-He was on estrogen but for a short amount of time compared to full transitions and got no surgeries and dosen't shave except his upper lip because mustaches are ugly(but stubble is hot)but presents and acts femme so he feels so bigender even looking at himself!!
He picked to be a girl in Pokemon as a kid each time.Iykyk
And Animal Crossing was gender euphoria help in addition to the autism stimulus
He loves podcasts,her favorite being Midnight Burger,and collecting seashells,even chewing on the pearls to stim
Percy Jackson is NOT Peter Parker.Percy Jackson is Hobie Brown and Gwen Stacy and wears the 616 Gwen hairstyle but in locs sometimes and could pass for Hobie's older brother
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iwanthermidnightz · 1 month
I would not go so far to say that kissing a girl in her video is a lowkey coming out for Sabrina. if anything, I would say it’s more just a clear indicator that she’s accepting of everyone, especially since it’s technically acting. not being disgusted by kissing a girl doesn’t make someone not straight. I am very much a lesbian but would be fine kissing a boy for a part, even if I wrote the role myself.
I’m not trying to say this is true for everyone all the time, but in this case in particular I really don’t think it’s indicative of her sexuality and hesitate to call it that. she literally even says “the lord forgot my gay awakening” in a song.
oh boy. respectfully, it was highkey something. it was a choice to represent *her* art (in a pretty gay ass song I might add, or are people just calling it girl crush 2.0?)
everyone mostly knows that she is supportive of the lgbtqia+ community already. is it really helpful if a straight girl kisses another girl to show they “aren’t disgusted by it” for the purpose of their art? are we going back to 2008?
is it that hard to believe she could be into girls? like femme invisibility is real — being super femme doesn’t make anyone less queer. however she identifies.
I’m also a lesbian, and for me, representation matters. it could be different for other queer people but in a world where representation is important (and delicate), I think this was carefully considered given the nature of the song. when sapphics see girls kissing while one of them sings ‘you’ll just have to taste me when he's kissin' you’, yeah, we’re going to gleefully think it’s pretty gay.
✨and that’s ok✨
also, did we forget her covering good luck babe or
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ddejavvu · 2 years
the ultimate boyfriend james potter in my head will forevermore be big beefy rugby jamie because that is SO boyfriend material so here i am projecting <33
James with a bestfriend (wink) or s/o that has cold hands 90% of the time. like, cold hands and cold feet . but cold hands so it takes so long to text back sometimes if they’re out n hes like “oh god am i in trouble she’s been typing for three whole minutes now” but it’s literally just ice fingers taking ages to work
very clear image of him being like - like you’ll both be out somewhere so he’ll ‘accidentally’ brush ur hand but when he notices how cold it actually is he drops all coyness and he’s just like “bug what??? ur hands r freezing why wouldnt you tell me 😡😡👎” while he’s blowing into em and then he gets to use the excuse allllll the time to hold ur hands cus he’s just being a good friend, wouldn’t want ur hands to freeze off! (even if ur hands r warm like ur sat watching a movie he’ll just hold em, and if u give him a look he just :]] )
oh god he’d probably also use it as a way to flirt even harder. like he’d notice ur hands are ice and ur maybe sat on em to warm em up so he’ll drop in a cheeky comment about how his tummys(abs he means his abs feel em it’s okay) always super warm and to use it as a heater. okay fine 🙄🙄 my arms are red hot too, go on, i suppose u can use them instead and ur like “james i am not going to feel u up” and he just :]
he definitely sends u lovey dovey taylor swift songs all the time cus he heard u humming one ONCE. he sends u wonderland, enchanted, U BELONG WITH ME, invisible string, lover, cardigan (he makes a playlist with these + others on and ur sat there like ‘🤨🤨🤨 is this..platonic?’)
(other honourable mentions on the playlist that I love and James would think he’s so sneaky and smart for adding: vanilla baby by billie marten, here you come again by Dolly Parton, uptown girl, build me up buttercup, hopelessly devoted to you, be my baby, i know it’s sapphic but he’d add she by dodie, cant take my eyes off you, my kind of woman, kiss me) n he would jokingly sing them to u randomly even when he knows you’ll get embarrassed and try and escape the area as soon as he starts up but that then gives him a reason to silly sing and hold onto u so ur now close to him, in his arms, and he can see u all cringing and embarrassed but at least ur attentions alllll on him [ie you’ll all be out at a pub and you hear the first four words from “cant take my eyes off you” come out of James’ mouth and ur immediately up n ready to bolt]
i thjnk i just enjoy the pining too much so all of this is James Potter Pining Pre Relationship thoughts because as nice as relationships are, the little bit before them is so sweet too <33 especially when reader is a bit blind lmao like UR SO STUPID HE OBVIOUSLY LIKES U (sirius would definitely shout this repeated from the get go, he’s like “babe he added paper rings and willow by Taylor fucking Swift to ur fucking COUPLES playlist after hanging out today - all he did was make moon eyes at u as he rubbed ur hands pls OPEN UR FUCKIN EYES” and Remus would have to redirect him cus he’s going a bit red in the face from lack of oxygen 💀💀)
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
BIG !! BEEFY !! RUGBY !! JAMES !! i actually got this ask like.. 9 seconds after u sent it.. bc i was obsessively refreshing tumblr while waiting for my dad in the car.. and the way that i giggled and kicked my feet and twirled my hair and skgsndjfanfkskjnakfnSNGKSJFNJFSND every single thought you send me scratches my brain in just the right way, i know when i see you pop up in my inbox i'm in for the treat of a lifetime <333
ICE FINGERS!!! i swear my poor best friend has to wait 20 minutes for little responses, i totally identify with that <33 no sometimes he just calls you like 'honey baby love darling are you hurt? are you okay?' and you're like >:(( i'm cold >:((
“bug what??? ur hands r freezing why wouldnt you tell me 😡😡👎”
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he totally gets snippy about it!!! like 'that's my job, y'know, as your best friend. can't believe you'd lie to me.' / 'i didn't lie?' / ' you didn't tell the truth either!'
so he grabs em and gives em a good rub, and you swear you're about to short circuit when he raises them to his lips and blows hot air into them, rubbing them together with his own large, calloused ones <33
LMFAO SGKJDNFD NO BC he's like did u know my abs r actually so warm. they're a heater. biceps, too, it's a natural heating pack. and oh, god, don't get me started 'bout between my legs- and ur like JAMES!!!! NO!!!!! but he's >:)) why not sweetheart, afraid you'll like it??
HEHE i don't listen to much of her music but i know a few songs on there and yes, they're all on my james playlist!!! he slaps 'em on there, definitely plays love story at parties so he can kneel and pretend to propose to you and if you do not say yes he gets so butthurt. but not mean butthurt, pouty butthurt, and you'll have to rub his back and promise you didn't mean to hurt his feelings <33
NO BC SO MANY OF THOSE SONGS ARE ON MY JAMES PLAYLIST??? he's a loverboy fr, and he can't stop embarrassing you in public by singing to you. it's two birds with one stone, yk? one because he gets to basically confess to you, serenade you in front of a crowd and treat you like a princess the way you deserve, but two, because you always get all flustered!! and it means that you'll bury your burning face into his chest so no one can see you, and he can spin you around and sing about how much he adores you :')
no you are so right!! that's why i love slow burns so much, because the build up is so sweet!! i shit you not, the majority of my roommate!marauders fic plans are literally just reader and james growing sickeningly close and pining all the time because it's what i want in life!!! james potter loves hard and he should love me.
LMFAO SIRIUS IS LIKE REALLY.. REALLY BABE? AND I THOUGHT REMUS WAS SLOW ON THE ROMANTIC UPTAKE.. he definitely locks you in rooms together or ditches you on walks or pushes you into james so the big beefy guy can catch you <3333
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Only part way through, but I just want to give this book a shout out. As an indigenous trans demisexual stone butch, this book has been just a joy to read so far. It's insightful, reflective, well researched, and most importantly imo easy to digest. Even if you don't identify with the ace spectrum I highly recommend it. (Actually, perhaps especially if you don't).
I may have a special interest in sexology. I may have some particularly "out there" kinks. A lot of what I post on this blog may be shameless sapphic horniness. But the thing a lot of allosexual people forget with demisexuality is that my sexuality is only given to those I choose to give it to. Those who "jumped" the demisexual hurdle so to speak. Our sex-obsessed society has otherwise boggled and fascinated me, often feeling like an outsider looking in. Constantly finding allure in it, but always thinking I was missing something as well. This led to a long sexual history of feeling guilty that I wasn't doing it right, I wasn't providing enough, I wasn't partying the right way, I wasn't living in my 20s the way you're supposed to, feeling guilty when I didn't orgasm by the end of a scene and needing to reassure my partner so much after that it's not their fault, etc. This resulted in compromising my own boundaries, as well as feeling othered in the relationship world, even amongst my own queer peers.
I'm now at a point of listening to myself and loving myself that I can celebrate how I experience and perceive sexuality. I can look at the fact that I will have a 5-hour scene where literally nothing happens to my own body, and not only is that alright, that is a beautiful experience of sexuality worthy of celebration. This book is proving validating and eye-opening at the same time. It is providing a large reminder that I am sacred, and only I dictate that.
My Two-Spirit body is sacred. My trans body is sacred. My demisexuality is sacred. My stone butch-ness is sacred. I am sacred.
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tlouconfidential · 4 months
people have got to stop crying about "not treating ellie/abby like the WOMEN they are!!"- do you all realize that butches/stone butches do exist?? that stone tops exist??? that lesbians who use he/him pronouns and masculine terms like "husband" or "boyfriend" exist??? and thats perfectly okay??? and also that doesnt mean they are men??? yes its an issue when those things are projected onto people without their consent and say-so, but the keyword there is people. abby and ellie are fictional characters, therefore just about everything about them that isnt canon is up to interpretation. i literally saw a post headcanoning abby as nonbinary (i believe thats what the post said, i forgot) because of the whole "you said ladies first" interaction with manny is seattle day 1. COOL
i think we as sapphics are kindve losing the plot when it comes to gender expression and identity- letting masc sapphics not be boxed into the whole masculine image is great, because no gender expression should feel like a box- but in doing so, some of yall are inadvertently boxing presentation back in lmao. saying things like "shes a woman, so she should be called pretty! if youre calling a woman handsome, youre treating her like a man!" is not all that productive as you may think it is (not only that but it sounds a little terfy, just saying)
why? because psa: no sapphic identifying person can ever have proximity to a cis man (bc thats who you all are referring to when you say that) sapphic masculinity ≠ masculinity performed by cishet men- and that is the reason. our masculinity is not a performance we are pressured to keep up- its a sense of self, it makes us feel comfortable; if anything we are socially pressured outve it
(sidenote where is this sentiment with abby and ellie even coming from???💀 no one ever claimed them to be stone tops, theres just a lot of fics with them topping the reader cs a lotve ppl want to be topped and or dommed by them??? (hashtag relatable??) and sometimes those fics arent all that well written so the character feels flat?? that doesnt mean theyre being “treated like a man”- there are many fics where either of them are subbing or bottoming (tbh i cant rlly speak for ellie fics cs i dont dabble in them much, im an abby girl🤞) on top of that, there are many posts delving into their characters!! into their EMOTIONS (gasp ! i thought people who "treat masc women like men" didnt do that)
sorry for the yapathon but um moral of the story guys!! masculinity isnt owned by cis men, let abby and ellie be headcanoned as handsome boyfriend husbands or something cs its not like they came outve your screen and told you "save me from these FREAKS who keep calling me HANDSOME on tumblr dot com!! i want to be treated like a pretty princess"
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punkitt-is-here · 2 years
idk i thought the reason ppl identified as bi lesbians or mspec lesbians was due to the fact that they didnt see it as lesbian to date nonbinary people
this is the first anon and sorry for my weird takes im just confused
bc it honestly just feels like instead of bi/pan/omni folks using sapphic/queer/neptunic/etc to describe themselves, they're using something that has at least at *some* point i think meant an exclusive attraction to women/nonbinary ppl/etc. but if not you can correct me ofc
i guess the issue i have is that there are no other terms i know of to describe exclusive liking of women or nb peeps
Honestly here's my thing. The sooner you can accept that labels for sexual identities hold no intrinsic power and are much more like names or clothing or haircuts in that they are ways to express and define yourself then the sooner you will understand why people who have lived outside the cishet binary understanding of sexuality and gender want to play with the intrinsically more flexible nature of being queer. Any and all queer discourse over labels immediately becomes redundant when you understand that 99% of the time the labels will have literally zero affect on how you interact with someone irl. If some people want lesbian to mean exclusively women attracted to women, I get it. But the thing is you're gonna run into lesbians who don't define it that way and there's no way to decide what's the "definitive" take on the word because the end goal of all self-made identities is to label yourself in a way that makes you happy. If it makes you unhappy to identify exclusively as a lesbian, why do it? If it makes you unhappy to identify as bisexual, why do it? If it makes you HAPPY to identify as a bi lesbian and it is literally hurting no one? Why NOT do it? The English language is only trying to get decent approximations of the idea expressed by queerness and these labels were never going to be rigidly defined terms. After all, if we wanted to put all queer people in little clearly defined boxes, we'd just be making CisHet 2. Let yourself live free and realize that fretting over the specifics of how people identify is unneeded stress and jam out with some cool gay people ❤️
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edwardallenpoe · 8 months
i've been seeing some posts by butches saying that putting "men dni" in your bio is terfy and honestly I didn't even consider that. Like. Literally for months I would be going through different butch/lesbian/sapphic blogs and wanting to follow them but then see "men dni" in their bio/posts and being super disappointed bc I identify with manhood. I don't call myself a man but I do feel very connected to it. So it never felt right to interact. And I just never thought that "men dni" would be terfy bc no, not possibly gnc enby butches being terfy, that can't possibly make sense, but honestly?? Yeah. Sort of. It is. I don't know. I'm sleepy and I have more thoughts about this but other butches can explain this way better than I can.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
in celebration of me getting my first anon hate comment that just so happens to be transphobic I want to hear more about your headcanons abt the gaang and the characters u think are trans :3
SO Zuko is Link level trans to me.I want to get my transmasc version out first,he was an early egg cracker and Ozai is a sexist ass so he was happy to have a son instead of a daughter and Ursa was happy to have a son because Zuko was happy to BE her son.Zuko's transition happened no hassle thanks to being a prince giving him easy resources and he has top surgery scars and his voice is like That because of T and voice training to sound 'intimidating' and he identifies as dragongender since he says 'he's a guy in the way a dragon is'.There's a Zunia moment where Zuko is feeling dysphoric and Nia says he's never known him as anything but a guy and Zuko snarks that they met after he realized he is one and Nia points out they actually met when he was still just figuring it out and insisting he was a guy in the way he talked about himself and that he'd just rolled with it while everybody else dismissed it as him being a tomboy.Cue 10+ gender euphoria for Zuko
And TRANSFEM ZUKO MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE <333 She keeps her birth name because 'Princess Zuko' goes hard and just has an in-universe attachment to it because Ursa named her(/hc)and her storyline in the show has major tgirl swag with letting go of toxicity to not force herself to be Ozai's son,what a Team Mom she is to Aang,Maiko and Ty Luko feel so sapphic to me and she's lowkey kinda a misandrist lmao(instantly beefing with guys for talking to Mai because she thought they were creeps just for being guys,her Iroh roasts that're worse than her Azula ones,how realistically she hates men and trust women because of having a bad dad and a good mom,etc).She's femme presenting in a japanese way and the first people she comes to out to would obviously be Nia and Aang and she was being super jittery and even teary but they showered her in love and acceptance and nobody could really say anything about the Fire Lord being transfem because hello,FIRE LORD.Her transition went as smoothly as her transmasc variant's and she's him but cooler cause she's a girl /lh
KATARA HAS TGIRL SWAG!!!She tries to emulate motherhood despite being 14 so she can be 'a real girl' but still fights against other gender stereotypes like that feminine women can't be strong or else they aren't feminine or even female and her getting so excited to finally have another girl in the Gaang :'))) Her reinforcements of her gender identity are her being transfem and proud of it and rightfully demanding she be aknowledged as female being a core part of who she is and wanting to experience the good parts of girlhood including being thought of desirable FOR being a girl(Thank you gender validation king Aang)and she's mermaidgender.Also 'I was a Teenage Anarchist' by Against Me! is Katara core and so is Punk Tactics by Joey Valence & Brae,I'm just a girl by Cassidy Mackenzie and Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls.Normie Katara truthers wild asf,that is a punk native trans girl,end.of.discussion!
Aang is transmasc genderfluid and i once described his gender as 'tboy swag in the sense that's so feminine she's a girl but in a guy way'.Any pronouns and obviously the Air Nomads had their own transgender parts of their culture so that's why he's so openly gnc and is only embarrased about it when mocked for it and Nia also practices into Air Nomad transgenderism because Aang teaches him about since it's his heritage like being half Fire Nation(the black subgroup)is!!He physically transitions but Nia dosen't,solidarity🤝🏾🤝🏼
Sokka is a trans man and the token binary of the Gaang.Nothing much to say on this one,it's just vibes and he overmasculinized himself out of trans male insecurity and he transitions physically as well!!Him and Yue were t4t obvs i mean she's literally the moon in addition to her personality????
I consider transmasc girl Toph quasi-canon since she expresses wanting to be seen as a girl but also uses male titles for herself and the Ember Island Player scene deadass had her getting overjoyed to sound like a huge burly guy so testosterone could've saved her.Any pronouns like Aang and hrt but no surgeries for extra gender fuckery
Jet is a trans Team Dad to the Freedom Fighters and diy'd his own hrt with stolen resources from the goverment,KING!!!He was working on doing the same for Smellerbee who is transfem but we didn't get to see it because the 2000s😔She gets her full transition in my verse though and finally is seen as the beautiful girl she's always been♡Also Jet's rizz comes from his brownskin tboy swag /hj
Nia to expand a bit is afab and bigender so he's transmasc and happily uses the trans man label but also he's a black femme so his experiences with gender are really similar to that of trans women's and he relates the most to them when it comes to girlhood next to other black women so he's transmascfem too!He's naturally androgynous so that's why he never wants physically transition and it took him a hot sec to find his style due to his complex gender but Otome Kei was the perfect fit and he's also dragonkin and pinkgender!Zunia is extremely goth4pastel t4t childhood best friends to lovers and The Peace Trio is literally trans parents and their adoptive trans sondaughter
Ty Lee is such a typical femme trans girl(complimentary).She's a girlypop who's super peppy and goofy but she's also mentally hardend due to trauma and dosen't actually know how to approach guys but DOES girls-A lot of Atla lesbians say this is a lesbian thing and i'm like that one 'Why not both?' meme,transbian Ty Lee supremacy.Anybody who slutshames her for her body type is automatically transmisogynistic and hates to see a trans queen winning(and is also probs a conservative who'd rather pin the blame on her than the writers🙄)
Mai is giving tradgoth transfemme.If i'd seen her design as an adult instead of growing up with the series i would've thought she's canonically trans and especially Maiko pics because they're your average alt4alt transmasc4transfem couple.Like Zuko her transition was easy breezy but fitting in with other girls not so much because she was never taught how to,thanks a lot Ukano and Michi /s.Her dysphoria was crazy bad until her and Ty Lee reunited and got to be trans girl best friends again.I think she'd be batkin also!!
And finally,Azula!!She's a nonbinary trans girl and Ozai choose her as his perfect child soldier subject so she'd 'prove' herself as truly worthy to 'fail' by being useful to him.He gave her all the hrt but none of the needed love every child does💀Azula considered herself 'the perfect trans girl' out of a mix of genuine pride and being taught to be traditionalist with her girlhood but learns to let herself stop being a perfect illusion and just a tgirl after her Nia induced redemption arc that was also a healing arc and dating and eventually marrying Ty Lee let her see that there's no one way to be perfectly trans and that she dosen't have to fit herself into a box.She added nonbinary to it because she likes being masc sometimes!
And not related but they're also all autistic.Ty
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