#lois lane being badass
frownyalfred · 5 months
Are Cheating Clark: this grabbed my brain and won’t let go, but Lois is a very good, badass reporter. She’s been to war zones, and to military camps. Once she realizes what’s going on (because she’s too smart to not figure it out), she sits Clark down and shows him just how much homoerotic subtext/implications there are through history between soldiers/warriors.
“There’s no shame in finding something special with someone who fights along beside you, Clark. Honestly, I expected it sooner. Am I a little upset that your biology didn’t pick me? Yeah, sure. But it’s not anything I can control, or you. I’ll get over it. It just means you’re human after all.”
She puts her hands on her hips and stares down one of the most powerful beings on her planet.
“If you fuck anyone else, though, I will NOT be happy.”
Lois Lane giving her husband the most frightening, overly-detailed hall pass of all time is SO funny to me, even though it's angsty. Like, alright, you get a pass this ONE time because your Kryptonian cells say you need to fuck your best friend! But if your little cells keep saying you need to fuck the rest of your friends, I will carve them out of you with Bruce's Kryptonite :)
Girlbossing and managing her husband's affair, that's absolutely Lois.
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nanaonmars · 1 year
one of my fav things about the superbat fandom is the treatment of lois lane. in almost every single fic i read she’s very much her own person and i love that. sure, she’s usually clark’s ex, but that’s typically mentioned once or twice and then the rest of the story is just her being her. she’s badass and a great reporter, and she’s clark’s best friend. it’s really nice to see a woman not be written as a bitch/evil in order to have the mlm couple get together.
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trappednyourheart · 4 months
Another life of a clone
(maybe not clone? Yeah reincarnation is weird and simple at the same time)
You see it was too late, Danny couldn't save his clone- a female clone of his that was like a daughter/sister/clone to him....
He did everything to let her stabilise but she needed a drop of Vlad's DNA, but it was impossible- Vlad wasn't being cooperative and was just stuck there at his room after Maddie had almost killed him again like fully dead...maybe his head got the thought that Maddie wasn't exactly worth to be fucking obsessed in the old guy's head.
“my king, we've done everything but...this time it's out of our capabilities even as such as our tradition of Health, even with Vlad's DNA she might not actually last longer- she has the soul but her body would not last long” Frostbite settled in the truth to his majesty's mind, the truth that Ellie doesn't have more time to enjoy her existence...
Her existence was bound to not last long than after all she wasn't the original.
Maybe It was the tense atmosphere of the medical room that clockwork intervened,
“But there could be a way my king...How about reincarnating the mirror-born?” Clockwork was always the scheming type and I guess he's ideas were insane and probably the best for old times sake
Yes...Ellie having a second life was much more preferable,didn't Ellie wanted to travel the world right? She was always a troublemaking one...and been the most kindest even at that shitty chaotic grin of hers.
“Clockwork your a genius” Danny grin as he look towards the capsule containing Ellie's sleeping figure, surviving off in that capsule,
Danny would ignore the remark clockwork muttered “As I should be my king😀”.
(well Dani could be Lois lane ( Superman's badass wife) Diana prince (Wonder woman like Queen) or Richard Grayson (Nightwing literal big wing)
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puppiesandnightlock · 3 months
Thanks lex now jimmys going to be living with that guilt forever.
poor baby poor boy aww sweetheart he’s tired of being alone KARA KARA KARA KARAAAAA
oh past Lois and her dad that was admittedly a fucked up thing to do
that transition was pretty nice tho (Percy Jackson core LMFAO)
oh nooooo task force x is gaining followers 😭 they’re gonna freak when they find out there’s more
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Gail's Blorbo Showdown
One boss up against another, smh
On the contenders:
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Lois Lane is primarily known for being Superman's girlfriend - now wife, in the comics - but she's got so much more to her than that. She's in this bracket mainly for Erica Durance's portrayal in the TV show Smallville, which is witty and charming and charismatic and who has an insane amount of chemistry with Tom Welling's Clark Kent, but I have to give it to comics!Lois, who's everything Erica Durance portrays and more, including being a badass mom and a Pulitzer winner. Blorbo feelings can truly transcend medium fr!!!
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Jaskier (also known as Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount of Lettenhove) is a recurring character in the Netflix show The Witcher. He's a bard and a pretty damn good one at that, and basically Geralt's PR team to boot. He's played by Joey Batey who himself is a talented musician (check out The Amazing Devil, for real) and who gives the character that lil fruity subtext we all enjoy. I am talking specifically about the Netflix version, because I only managed to read one book and my computer can't run the games.
Blorbo Showdown masterpost here
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superman86to99 · 5 months
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Superman: The Man of Steel #35 (July 1994)
"WORLDS COLLIDE," Part 1! And "THE FALL OF METROPOLIS," Part 2! And a Wonder Woman crossover! And a long-time character dies, as spoiled by the cover! This issue might be peak '90s. This is the most '90s you can cram into 22 pages without the comic exploding.
Things are a bit rough in Metropolis after Lex Luthor's main lackey launched some missiles that destroyed almost every building in the city (Action #700). Keith the Unlucky Orphan and his friends are trying to gather food from what's left of their orphanage, when a bunch of gangsters with machine guns show up to steal everything, reminding us why we call him Keith the Unlucky Orphan. Luckily, though, the kids are protected not just by Keith's pal Superman but by Myra, the Orphanage Lady, who decides to keep a couple of those machine guns in case the ruffians return.
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Combined with the scars she got on her face after saving Keith from an hypnotic lizard lady last issue, Myra is only some shoulder pads away from looking like a badass '90s anti-hero.
While Superman tries to help people around the ruins of Metropolis, a Giant Robot That Shoots Death Lasers From Its Chest (GRTSDLFIC) emerges from the ground and starts creating more ruins. The monster runs into Keith and the other orphans, so Myra bravely stands in front of it with her new toys and tries to distract it.
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And she does! For about a second.
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As he holds Myra's body, Keith yells out for Superman, who arrives right in time to save him from getting death lasered too. The Special Crimes Unit also stops by to help, and the GRTSDLFIC turns out to be smart enough to target Maggie Sawyer out of all of the officers because it can tell she's the top dog (or maybe it's just homophobic, dunno). Superman saves her, because one strong female supporting character death is enough for this issue.
Superman realizes the GRTSDLFIC is alive and needs to breathe, so he flies it up into orbit to take out its air and leaves it suspended there while he goes deal with other problems. (Presumably by also throwing them into orbit, like usual.) Meanwhile, Keith begs Maggie and SCU to take Myra to the hospital, but it's too late for her. The kid has an understandably tough time accepting that another mother figure has left him.
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RIP, Myra the no-nonsense orphanage lady. When we met her back in Man of Steel #1 (1991), I don't think anyone guessed that she'd die wielding dual machine guns while facing a Giant Robot That Shoots Death Lasers From Its Chest. But we should have, dammit. We should have.
So, wait, why is this part of a crossover called "Worlds Collide"? Because a whole 5 pages are devoted to Lois Lane's mailman, Fred Bentson, who is still having weird nightmares where he finds himself in another universe. Professor Hamilton meets Bentson at a Red Cross shelter and takes him to a clinic to treat his sleep disorder, which involves becoming immaterial while he sleeps and being haunted by an inter-dimensional monster. At the clinic, some rather shady psychologists hook Bentson up to a machine that can project his dreams, and they all see him naked as he's chased by the nightmare monster and tries to get help from... STATIC?!
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By the way, the shady sleep clinic happens to be located right under the bridge that was half-destroyed during Superboy's fight with that Spider-Man wannabe called Stinger almost a year ago, which is still half-destroyed. At least it doesn't stand out from the rest of the city anymore (thanks, Dr. Happersen!). The half-bridge will be a relevant plot point during this storyline.
And why is this a Wonder Woman crossover? Because she appears for a single panel while Superman is fighting the Giant Robot and wishes she'd picked another issue to come ask for his advice. The comic tells us to buy Wonder Woman #88 (which briefly shows WW helping Superman against the robot) for the rest of the story.
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On that subject, Don Sparrow says: "Superman doesn’t appear very prominently in the connected issue of Wonder Woman #88. All that happens is Wonder Woman requests that Superman stop her if she ever loses control of herself. It’s not a great issue, largely because Christopher Priest writes both Diana and Superman fairly out of character throughout, and the art in the issue manages to depict Wonder Woman as both matronly and pervy. (The issue also features the choice line of dialogue “female be trippin’”, so if you don’t rush out and find the issue, you’re not missing much, apart from another great Bolland cover featuring Superman)."
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Yes, the Keith stuff is pretty depressing, and could be seen as another example of Superman comics going all "Dark Age," but at least it'll lead to positive things for the character in the near future. Now, those other orphans who lost Myra, not so sure...
The results of the Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey bonus artwork poll are in, and after tallying up the votes here and at Patreon, the character who will get drawn by the great Don Sparrow is... Maxima, in her post-Doomsday purple suit! Who won by a whole vote! (For those keeping count: 5 votes for Red Cyborg, 10 for Pouch Superman, and 11 for Purple Maxima.)
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Don's work will be posted for all to see, but the original artwork will be given away to one of our patrons, Aaron, Chris “Ace” Hendrix, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Patrick D. Ryall, Bheki Latha, Mark Syp, Ryan Bush, Raphael Fischer, Kit, Sam, Bol, Gaetano Barreca, and Dave Shevlin. If you'd like to decrease their chances, join them at https://www.patreon.com/superman86to99!
And speaking of Don, stick around for his section, after the jump...
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow):
It’s an interesting cover, with the protagonist and even the title trade dress obscured by shadow.  It’s not really an action-type pose, but Superman’s angry expression indicates that action will follow.  We also get a hint at the tragedy within, with an injured Myra Allen below Superman.
Inside the book, we get our first glimpses of post-cataclysm Metropolis, seen through the eyes of hard-luck Keith.  The double page spread on pages 2 and 3 is a great drawing of Superman, exuding power even in a static pose. 
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The cybernetic monster, who in this issue gets neither a name, nor an origin (unless the story’s title, Afterburn, is maybe the robot’s name?) but it’s an appropriately Fleischer studios-like design for Bogdanove to draw. 
Normally I quite dislike photo-stat backgrounds, but the panel with Superman carrying survivors gets a pass from me, because I love images of Superman saving kids—especially the way Bogdanove draws it. 
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Myra Allen’s last stand against the robot is stirringly drawn, and to me visually recalls Frank Miller and Dave Gibbons’ “Martha Washington Goes to War” which was hitting newsstands around this time.   It’s interesting to see Bogdanove’s version of the famed Brian Bolland pose from Wonder Woman #72, even if she’s facing away. 
Keith’s grief at Myra’s passing is as powerful and sad an image as we’ve ever seen in these books, and my heart breaks for the poor little guy (look at his little hand clutching the cape!  What an astonishing detail!).  Though he’s fictional, it’s hard not to feel for him, when he’s endured so much tragedy in his young life.  I appreciate the restraint here, from a story standpoint—Superman offers no words of comfort, or guidance at what comes next, because they would only be trite and empty in a moment such as this.  All Superman can do, he does—which is to hold Keith, and let him weep.
Our final cameo of the book is Milestone’s Static, another character Bogdanove seems born to draw.  The introduction to him, as the milquetoast Bentson jumps to the Milestone world is fittingly energetic.   
I appreciate the detail early on that Superman has put “a lot of time into locating” gas leaks and shutting them down.  It’s nice that the writer considered something like that.
We’ve known for a while that the DCU version of Coca-Cola is Soder, but nice to be informed that Sprite is called “Spritz” here. 
Professor Hamilton is perhaps a bit casual about the fact that Bentson was briefly immaterial! [Max: Maybe he's like "Have I been immaterial before? Maybe during the Husque storyline? Don't remember..."]
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The great Jose-Luis Garcia Lopez gets a sort of shout out on page 7, as a fresh fruit stand bears his name.
At the time of this issue’s release I remember being very curious about the Milestone characters, and excited about them crossing over with my favourite character, but I still question the choice of having an uninteresting character like Bentson be the initial conduit between the worlds.  Maybe if the previous issues had established him as a recognizable Metropolis fixture (as well as Dakota City) like Whit or Allie or someone, it would have a little more impact (though they do try to build up his importance here, as the mailman who delivered the damaging evidence about Lex Jr.).  But I find it hard to really care about the Egon-looking guy, particularly when he’s running around naked.
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inlovewithrain · 2 years
am i the only one who mildly hates nancy wheeler?
like hear me out; i couldn't stand her in s1 and s2, because she's just so selfish, and that carries on in the other seasons.
she practically blamed steve that barb went missing
(she also failed to realize he was also affected)
she cheated on him and then told him in a life-threatening moment
she got jonathan fired and then guilt-tripped him into thinking it was his fault.
she treated barb like absolute shit
she stayed with steve because she couldn't have jonathan
(that plays out in s4 as well. a lot of people say that she didn't; it was obvious that she was jealous of robin for being close to him)
her entire story line is so annoying. i'm sorry to say this but she needs a proper coping mechanism because she's been grieving for like 3 fucking years.
every single season, it's like clockwork. nancy finds something out, she gets mad nobody's believing her, she goes and gets them into MORE trouble.
however, what annoys me the most, is that nancy never apologizes, and she almost NEVER learns from her mistakes. she basically demands respect. in fact she almost basically tells jonathan that 'yeah you're poor but i'm a woman so i have it worse'
however, this also plays into the duffers' brothers writing.
nancy is written incredibly realistically. (she does something, focuses on something, and never realizes that she hurts people along the way.)
but when you rewatch stranger things, forget the 'girl power' and 'omg she's so badass' nancy is an incredibly shitty person and deserves to be called out by it. (she's like lois lane from superman)
honest to god help me if jancy OR stancy happens in s5 i'm actually shitting on the duffer's brother's doorstep.
is it just the duffers brothers poor attempt at writing feminism?
not quite; el or max had very big plotlines, but they were no way as much as an ass as nancy.
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jojosjunk · 1 year
Okay, so first of all, this is in fact a crochet blog, but I'm also a huge Batfam nerd and I just watched the Supersons movie, so I have some feelings about it.
Alright, so the fact that Jon had no fucking clue that Clark is Superman while Damian knew that Bruce was Batman before he was even aware that his son existed is absolutely hilarious.
The fact that Jon knows that Conner exists and even acknowledges that the name Superboy is taken, but has no idea that Conner is technically his brother/uncle depending on how you look at it, is even funnier. Also, Conner is the clone of Superman and Lex Luther, which I would have loved to see him find out about.
Lois fucking Lane being badass. That's it.
We don't see Alfred or any of the others, it's just the four of them and some cameos, even funnier in my eyes.
Lex Luthor as president. I know it was probably done that way so that the stuff couldn't be specifically dated, but the entire concept is amusing to me.
The amazing way they develop Jon's powers over time.
The animation.
The acknowledgement of what Damian went through because of Talia (however brief it was) and how he acts because of it.
The dichotomy of Bruce and Clark versus Damian and Jon perfectly reflect each other but show clear differences between both partnerships.
Like, literally. Bruce is the calm and collected one while Clark is a feral gremlin, whereas it's flipped between Jon and Damian. In practically every media you see Batman and Superman in, Superman is the first one to go off while Batman reins him in, but you can see in the movie that while Damian tries to attack everything they come across, Jon takes the time to figure things out.
But they still reflect theirs parents. Damian has Bruce's gruff manner, while Jon is a ball of sunshine like Clark.
I just- I love seeing DC comics media where they actually explore the interpersonal relationships between the child characters as opposed to the same old concept of the adults fighting until they figure out they can with with the power of friendship.
I might be a bit bitter about the live action superhero movies and the lack of personality in them.
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greatpain · 5 months
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𝟶𝟶𝟷.   𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙲𝚂   ...
FULL NAME:   guinevere lovelace. NICKNAME(S):   neve (if you must use a nickname, this is preferred), winnie (reserved for family). ALIAS:  previously known as agent bloodhunter. AGE:   twenty9. DATE OF BIRTH:   august 5. PLACE OF BIRTH:   seattle. CURRENT LOCATION:   apex city, washington. GENDER:   questioning. PRONOUNS:   she/they. ORIENTATION:   bisexual. OCCUPATION:   reporter for apex news network. EDUCATION LEVEL:   bachelor's degrees in journalism and political science. 
HEIGHT:   5'10. TATTOOS:   none. PIERCINGS:   ears. SCARS: many on her left shoulder / arm and others scattered about. STYLE:   sleek, striking, bold. enjoys a dramatic overcoat or statement piece. incredibly fond of accessorizing.
⋯⋯⋯   HEALTH.
ALLERGIES:   none. SLEEPING HABITS:   average. incredibly light sleeper. never sets an alarm as she just seems to wake up when she needs to.  EATING HABITS:   well. meal preps. SOCIABILITY:   7/10.  interrogative and prying though she keeps a front up to make herself / her questions seem unassuming DRINKING / SMOKING / DRUGS:   socially   /   no   /   no. RADIANT STATUS:  n/a. solaris failed to work. OTHER:   hard of hearing in left ear.
LABELS / TROPES:   intrepid reporter, reluctant hero, fallen hero, action survivor, undercover as herself, badass normal, deadpan snarker, hidden heart of gold, undying loyalty INSPIRATIONS:   lois lane (dc comics), veronica mars (veronica mars), karen page (marvel) TRAITS:   determined, resourceful, compassionate, scrupulous, stubborn, distrustful, impulsive, resentful, envious, closed-off, pragmatic, adaptable, observant, driven, independent LIKES:   coffee, traveling, martial arts. DISLIKES:   red tape, being underestimated, sensationalism. WEAKNESSES:  impulsivity, severe trust issues, difficulty with authority, emotional guardedness, tendency to shoulder burdens alone. STRENGTHS:   investigative skills, resilience, adaptability, resourcefulness, negotiation, martial arts. FEARS:   betrayal, powerlessness, loud noises. HABITS:   checking her surroundings / checking for exits, strict routine, double/triple checking any information, carrying a weapon at all times, limiting true / deep personal connection. HOBBIES:   martial arts, cooking, cryptic / logic puzzles, urban exploration.
MOTHER:   evelyn lovelace,  biomedical agent, whereabouts unknown. FATHER:   marcus lovelace,  psychiatrist, alive. SIGNIFICANT OTHER:   n/a. BEST FRIEND:   none.  EXES:   womp womp.  SIBLING(S):   elidyr lovelace, field agent, deceased.  CHILDREN:   none.  PET(S):   a betta fish, unnamed.
marcus and evelyn lovelace were part of mercy organization from its inception. evelyn in particular was a young researcher in biomedical who was part of the team that made solaris what it is today. a couple years before project genesis, she gave birth to her second child, guinevere. marcus was more hesitant about mercy and decided that it was best for him to raise her and her older brother, elidyr, in seattle while evelyn continued her work in apex city.
when guinevere turned fourteen, marcus was offered a position as a therapist in apex city, and the family was properly reunited. it wasn't surprising when eli joined mercy as a legacy junior agent a couple years later.
neve practically idolized both her parents and older brother and always assumed she'd follow in their footsteps. she excelled in her studies, driven mostly by an eagerness to make them all proud.
she studied journalism and political science before joining mercy as well. eli wasn't shy about being related to her, going as far as to help her train whenever he had the availability. their mother, however, decided it would be best if she stay out of the way of her children, though she occasionally checked up on them when possible and without raising suspicion of favoritism.
during her time as a junior agent, she forged a close bond with an agent who was in the same joining class as eli. both neve and this agent were driven by a shared sense of idealism and a desire to make a strong difference. when it was possible for them, the agent volunteered for project genesis and underwent the solaris treatment.
unfortunately they underwent a practically catastrophic transformation, emerging a changed person. when they'd previously been quite bright and optimistic, they'd become cold, calculating, and ruthless. they were given incredible powers but to neve on the outside, it seemed that it cost them their humanity.
neve began to distance herself from them out of concern for them as well as herself. still, she was chosen to come on what should have been a relatively easy mission that included their (former?) friend as well as elidyr along with another agent.
what should have been a routine recon mission spiraled out of control when the four agents' cover was blown and they were ambushed. off guard and outnumbered, the team were forced to fight for their lives as they fled. guinevere watched as the fourth agent fell dead, and then as their (former?) friend used elidyr as cover for the two of them to escape the immediate fight and find a way out. neve made the split second decision to detonate a cache of explosives they had discovered earlier, allowing them a distraction to escape the carnage, though the mission had clearly been an absolute failure as valuable intelligence was lost along with two agent lives.
haunted by these events, wallowing in blame, and tormented by the knowledge that she was somehow responsible for the death of her brother and another agent, she knew she should have left right then. however, she figured that if she was already so close to graduating from junior agent status, she may as well see it through and take solaris.
yeah... solaris didn't work for her. they waited weeks and it amounted to absolute zilch.
horrified by everything she experienced and disillusioned by project genesis and mercy as a whole, her decision to leave mercy behind and forge her own path was reinforced. she cut ties quickly and started up an anonymous blog regarding apex city as a whole.
also um at some point her mom went missing???? so she's also using what remains of her connections to figure that out.
a year ago, she was given a job interview at apex news network, and was hired as a reporter. she's determined to uncover what the hell is really going on, though she keeps that very much on the downlow as she doesn't want to seem too conspiracy theorist. for now she does her due diligence as a reporter and ex-mercy agent by utilizing what remains of her connection to mercy to get information that will be useful to the network.
𝟶𝟶𝟹.    𝙲𝙾𝙽𝙽𝙴𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂   ...
coming soon but $10 to anyone who wants to take up either marcus lovelace or the (former?) friend / current mercy agent. mwah <3
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implausiblyjosh · 1 year
Been watching Superman & Lois recently, and with the 3rd season wrapping up, I wanted to talk about what I saw as "Drama Busywork" in this season.
One of the b-plots in this season is that Jordan, one of Clark & Lois's sons, is dealing with Teenage Issues. In episode S3 E12, he sees people make fun of his superhero alter ego right in front of him & he responds like most kid superheroes do in these types of shows, basically saying "so what if this new superhero is a kid and wears goggles? seems like this new superhero is kinda badass and saved some kids!"
That exchange makes his ex, Sarah, think that Jordan doesn't care about his secret and having a secret identity… despite the fact that she saw the entire conversation start to finish and saw him keep the secret, all he did was kinda go "whoa hold on peers, what if the kid hero is cool and awesome instead???" Sarah, going off of this wild interpretation of events laid out in front of her, tells her mom, Lana Lang.
But this game of telephone telephones-back? It starts as "heyyy what if the new kid superhero is cool haha", then Sarah sees this as "Jordan doesn't care about his secret, so I shouldn't have to care about keeping his powers a secret", which Lana Lang takes to Clark and Lois as "he cares too much about his alter ego", and finally Clark & Lois go to Jordan with "you don't think people knowing about your alter ego is bad". And this last point isn't in a "People should know Superman and Clark Kent are the same person" way, it's in a "People should know Superman exists" way.
So Jordan doesn't actually get to address the core problems here, which are:
1) he is a bit of a Teen Weirdo dealing with Teenage Adolescence on top of being a Teen Hero
2) His relationship with his ex, Sarah, is Bad
Watching the season finale right now, and we haven't gotten any meaningful closure on this Jordan arc. So, like, what's the point?
It really feels like meaningless drama that isn't really adding much to the story or the characters, it's just giving them something to do. Just a lot of characters handling things horribly, AND characters who aren't handling things poorly have the memories of goldfish.
One of the other characters, DOD Grandpa (cannot remember his character's name, but he's Lois Lane's dad) is the one who got Jordan on this whole alter ego track! But when everything comes to blows about Jordan wanting recognition as his alter ego, he gets to just kinda peace out of that whole conflict.
Another example from this same episode is a Clark and Kyle interaction, part of the C-Plot of Jonathan (Lois & Clark's other son) feeling kinda left out of the whole family because he doesn't have powers like his brother and he's not someone of worldwide importance like his mom.
Jonathan has been working as a firefighter in-training with Kyle, Lana Lang's ex. Recent developments have made it so Kyle knows Clark is Superman. This has had an impact on how Kyle treats Jonathan, since Kyle knows that not only is this Superman's son, but also Kyle used to be Clark's biggest bully. Clark goes to Kyle and asks to not treat Jonathan any different because Clark is Superman, and clearly and concisely states that this is about Jonathan not wanting special treatment and Jonathan wants to make it on his own merits.
Kyle would literally not be receptive to that idea from anyone other than Superman, he's still in "this man could kill me and coulda killed me in high school when I was his biggest bully" mode of thinking. So, how does Kyle take this new info to Jonathan? like Jonathan went and ratted to his dad! Even though Jonathan clearly states that's not what happened, Clark just overheard him talking about work! Jonathan's obviously comfortable talking to Kyle about these issues, or else he wouldn't expand on them and defend himself by basically saying "what, you expect me to never talk about work outside of work?"
This is the drama equivalent of worksheets. This is busywork. I don't feel like anything productive is happening here in these interactions, either as character work or as narrative. This doesn't get into the fact that a lot of underlying issues here are just… not really brought up again!
If we focus back on my two points with Jordan, there's one that's just normal High School Drama Stuff. The second is his relationship with Sarah, his ex. Despite this second point being a huge driving force in a lot of Jordan's B-Plot (I'd argue the reason he wants to be recognized as his alter ego is directly caused by this awful relationship) there isn't much movement on dealing with the relationship.
This angle is completely unresolved. The Sarah & Jordan angle starts going sour because Sarah cheats on Jordan over summer camp. They talk it out, and are still together despite it, until Sarah decides because of her own cheating she just wants to be friends. Jordan is (understandably!) heartbroken about this, and tries to continue to be friends with her and it bleeds into that first point. Now he's gotta deal with this heartbreak, on top of the usual High School Drama Stuff. It is the catalyst for all these other things in his life, and all his actions, but like… nothing satisfying is happening there!
(Additionally, this plot point hits really close to home for me! I've been on the cheated-on end of a situation, and watching all this knowing it comes from this unresolved issue that hits close to home makes watching Jordan's B-plot hard! However, that's a Josh-Issue not a Writing-Issue, but I felt it needed to be said so you can take that together with my criticisms)
Again, this all feels like busywork. I don't think any character development is happening, and I don't think the character work being done is good in these scenes. It's just… nothing. I know "Filler" gets thrown around a lot, but this feels like that! This feels like padding. It feels like taking up time to hit a word count.
Next season a lot of these characters are leaving the show. On the one hand, it sucks cause I think they're good on-screen! I don't necessarily dislike these characters! On the other, I think having a smaller cast with less of this writing baggage will likely be for the best, or at the very least we get a different type of bad writing.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 months
Our love can change the world
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zoBeNlm by mari_cammi What if Kara had leaned in, or maybe taken Lena and finally told her what she felt for her, and Lena told her back? And if Lex had done something so terrible that not even Lilian could forgive him, especially after she started therapy with the craziest psychologist in all the DC world? Well, this is the story of Kara and Lena, as I think could have gone after Kara returned from the Phantom Zone. Something that happened in the show didn't happen or is a little different and I don't like the way Alex and Eliza treat Kara for a long time, so I won't be so gentle with them in the beginning, so if you don't like it don't read this FF. I hate Mon-EL and James, so as I said before don't read this FF if they are your favorite characters. Words: 9517, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), Wonder Woman - All Media Types, The Flash (TV 2014), Arrow (TV 2012), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Batwoman (TV 2019), Titans (TV 2018) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Diana (Wonder Woman), Alex Danvers, Cat Grant, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Andrea Rojas, Nia Nal, Querl Dox, Eliza Danvers, Zor-El, Alura In-Ze | Alura Zor-El, Ruby Arias, Original Danvers-Luthor Child(ren), Esme (Supergirl TV 2015), Lex Luthor, Kelex (DCU), Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Lillian Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Bruce Wayne, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Zala Jor-El, Querl Dox/Nia Nal, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen, Astra/Cat Grant Additional Tags: not a slow burn, take place After Kara's rescue from the Phantom zone, Kara is the badass that she should had always had been, from 0 to 100 in the first chapter, Alex Danvers Being An Asshole, Bad Parent Eliza Danvers, but they can be redimed, Lillian Luthor Redemption, Good Parent Lillian Luthor, Fix-It of Sorts, almost canon compliant, I don't really like Mon-El read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zoBeNlm
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glompcat · 1 year
Do you watch My Adventures With Superman? I feel like you would like it
I have been, and the first six episodes very much were my jam, they felt like after years of being burnt by DC to a point where I actively trained myself to stop caring - and more recently feeling like they specifically felt queer Jews should fuck off (Batwoman followed immediately by the Harley Quinn animated show was such a gut stab and very loud announcement on their part that if any of their queer Jewish characters were to star in something outside of comics they must leave their Jewishness behind) they were starting to redeem themselves.
However I really disliked a lot of "Kiss Kiss Fall in Portal" and it makes me wary of the show moving forward. Granted I basically have been doing my best to ignore DC since the insult that was the new 52, but back when I was a superfan of DC comics one of the key events in any timeline where Superman went evil was Lois died horribly and Clark was twisted up over it. Suggesting that throughout the multiverse Clark goes evil in enough timelines where Lois is alive and well that a collective of Lois's from across the multiverse would be packing Kryptonite and refuse to give him the benefit of the doubt really left a horrible taste in my mouth.
Additionally the way the multiverse Lois's behaved towards the one we are currently following did not feel true to the character to me. That is without getting into why I disliked the League of Lois's in the first place! Lois is not a scifi hero, and the idea that she actually is one in all the other universes - including ones we have followed in the past ourselves such as the DCAU and the dang Fleishman cartoons - really falls flat for me. Lois Lane is the greatest journalist of any universe she is in, defined by her unhinged willingness to do anything to get a story and bravery in the face of danger that puts metahumans to shame. Lois does not need any sort of dimension hopping craft or kryptonite guns or anything like that to be a badass.
Obviously I have no issue with the multiverse itself, DC has had a very well established and robust multiverse ever since the Silver Age when the Silver Age characters and the Golden Age characters would travel from Earth-1 to Earth-2 to have meetings, the only way to get rid of that multiverse is a Crisis and no one wants that, but the whole episode felt badly constructed to me and a truly badly thought out way to introduce doubts in Lois's mind about Superman's innate goodness, and probably also Krypton and Clark learning more about himself. There are far easier ways to establish these things, and even tie them directly to Lois's conflicted feelings about Sam Lane while setting up the big reveal that ~The General~ is General Sam Lane, Lois's father.
What made the show a delight up to that point was a sense that the creators really got what makes these particular characters so iconic they have stood the test of time. Clark being the most powerful man in the universe and also a total sweetheart. This is a character who was literally designed by Jewish immigrants in the 1930s to be a symbol of hope! He is supposed to cut through the noise of a toxic society to show a better way while also of course being an outsider trying to fit in. Lois being tenacious in the pursuit of a story to the point where it puts herself and everyone around her in danger - and that being exactly what Clark loves about her. Jimmy being a chipper and perpetually kinda youthful figure who loves his friends and they love him too (even if, lbr, Jimmy often also kinda annoys the often much older Lois and Clark) and rolls with the punches.
However the set up of that last ep went out of its way to single these versions of the characters out and say they are different from other versions of themselves.
I am not giving up on the show yet - I am hopeful with time the writers will find a way to redeem this plot they are setting up, but for right now? I felt like that episode missed the mark in a way that casts a long shadow over the rest of the show.
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So I watched 3x02. I…have thoughts on Lois having cancer, but I don’t know how to write it all together in a way that makes sense? So I’m just gonna ramble my thoughts *shrug*
I guess I’ll start off with the blunt truth (in true Lois-Lane-style): I don’t want this.
Something that’s being said a lot by a good number of fans about this, is that, after both seasons 1 & 2 - S2 especially - this really does not work. Lois has pretty much only had really traumatic and/or emotionally devastating focus, if it’s just hers I mean. Obviously there’s been some fluff in this show, but…first we had Lois feeling less important to Clark in S1 to his other stuff, then her miscarriage storyline, then the almost dying because of Tal and losing her husband to brainwashing and begging for his life, then S2 starts and she’s reliving her trauma with her mother abandoning her, her sister betraying her and her career+integrity being questioned (no resolution to the Ally plot WRT Lois, honestly, which still tastes bitter to me). The whole of season 2 for Lois following that - like. do I truly need to go point by point? Literally S2 was Awful to her.
And now, S3 opens, and she discovers she wants another baby. But not only can she not have that right now (and Clark seemed hesitant but playing along, so maybe not at all and she’s gonna havefta find out later, as she’s dealing with Everything Else), she’s got aggressive, deadly cancer! Hooray 😒 /s.
Like. Why the fuck is it only this? Always?
I hate it. And don’t mistake me: I am very, very chronically ill myself, I KNOW what kind of strength it takes to be THIS sick, to be so weak in the limbs, having to lock yourself in the bathroom for hours because of the more gross stuff, being so fatigued you just can’t shower without help, etc. This is absolutely a storyline that can show strength, because, frankly, the mental fortitude required, and having to completely reshape the way you think, all while grieving losing the autonomy, the functioning of your body, is MASSIVE.
But Lois has been through E-FUCKING-NOUGH ALREADY. We know her strength! We know she’s badass! This is just. It’s just utterly unnecessary and painful and cruel.
This isn’t the storyline she should’ve had.
That’s it. That’s my post.
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wonderbatbvs · 1 year
The Trinity vs. Lex Luthor basically happened in BVS just in their civilian identities.
His main target is, of course, Superman.
But his plan kill Superman has to be the most compelling & fucked up scheme I've seen in any superhero movie. To think it all got unraveled & foiled by Lois Lane. Nightmare Timeline!Barry said she was the key to saving the multiverse & all of existence from Darkseid. She's proving that statement true in BVS by being the best badass reporter in DC Comics.
Lex's plan is sooo layered, yet at the same time, very easy to understand for people actually taking a second to pay attention to the devil in the details.
He's manipulating Batman using his rage at Superman & failure to save his employees during the destruction of Metropolis. He forced Wonder Woman out of hiding by getting an old photo of her during WW1.
Keep in mind that Diana is disillusioned with man's world at this point, so his potential blackmail material just further pushes Diana to get involved in a world she's lost faith in. She's clinging to her mission like a safety blanket.
Lex's party really had all The Trinity in their secret identities & I LOVED IT
Lex orchestrating the murders of all the branded prisoners to fuel the conflict between Clark & The Batman was a stroke of evil genius. This also highlights a very important point. The citizens of Gotham still believe in Batman despite everything that's happened over his 20 years in fighting criminals.
Jesse Eisenberg is definitely my favorite version of Lex. His backstory of abuse at the hands of his father, Lex Luthor Sr. He's such a phenomenally done version of Lex. He is one of the best love to hate villains we've had in a long time. It's too bad people just wanted him to be the typical businessman version of Lex when this version of Lex is so much more fascinating imo. Also the fact that he definitely starts becoming more like the Lex we know from the comics at the end of BVS & ZSJL is chef's kiss.
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Gail's Blorbo Showdown
On the contenders:
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Lois Lane is primarily known for being Superman's girlfriend - now wife, in the comics - but she's got so much more to her than that. She's in this bracket mainly for Erica Durance's portrayal in the TV show Smallville, which is witty and charming and charismatic and who has an insane amount of chemistry with Tom Welling's Clark Kent, but I have to give it to comics!Lois, who's everything Erica Durance portrays and more, including being a badass mom and a Pulitzer winner. Blorbo feelings can truly transcend medium fr!!!
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Murderdock is Matt Murdock turned on his head. In Spider-Gwen's universe, Earth 65, Matt Murdock's mentor, Stick, was killed while he was in training, and he got taken in by the Hand and raised to be a proper ninja. When he comes back to NYC from Japan to study law, he ends up becoming right hand to the Kingpin, eventually secretly arranging for Fisk's arrest and becoming the Kingpin himself. He has an unhealthy obsession with Spider-Gwen, some suicidal tendencies, and a completely healthy dislike for shoes, so I relate to him a lot.
Blorbo Showdown masterpost here
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rogueyami · 2 years
honestly i should not be watching the dcau movies out of order. the first one i watched? justice league dark: apoklips war. there i was wondering why everyone was dying left and right, but the damian/raven romance tho? and damian being the leader of the league of assassins? chef’s kiss. and then the next one i watched? reign of the supermen? do i know how superman “died?” no. but i got to see conner kent and lois lane be badasses. i swear i will watch these movies in some semblance of an order.
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