#lol snail race
bebx · 2 years
only tumblr people will understand the Great War of worms, snails and caterpillars
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forgotn1 · 2 years
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This is why I love tumblr. Staff finally introduces something people have been asking for for years and then it's immediately used incorrectly to do something weird and/or fun.
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corruptimles · 2 years
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A MayRin date through Waterfall for Kender20 🦢💙 Thank you for commissioning!
1010 EX design based on previous UT/NSR crossover art
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willkimurashat · 2 years
In honor of tumblr creating polls (waiting impatiently for tumblr to give me some too) and the Great Bug Race of 2023 (that I MISSED😭), here’s who I think litg characters would vote for:
Worm 🪱
S1: Levi, Miles, Rohan, Sammi, Tim
S2: Gary, Rocco, Jakub, Carl, Graham, Kassam
S3: AJ, Bill, Rafi
S4: Bruno, Kobi, Najuma
S5: Finn, Pete
Snail 🐌
S1: Cherry, Jake, Jasper, Lucy, Mason
S2: Hope, Marisol, Lucas, Arjun, Elijah, Shannon, Jo
S3: Camilo, Harry, Miki, Nicky, Seb, Yasmin
S4: Angie, Dylan, Juliet, Thabi, Tiffany, Tom, Youcef
S5: Arlo, Eddie, Kat, Suresh
Caterpillar 🐛
S1: Allegra, Erikah, Jen, Reese, Talia
S2: Bobby, Hannah, Ibrahim, Lottie, Noah, Priya, Henrik, Chelsea, Blake, Felix, Elisa
S3: Elladine, Genevieve, Iona, Ciaran, Tai, Lily
S4: Cora, Hazeem, James, Kelly, Lexi, Oliver, Valentina, Will
S5: Alfie, Dana, Gabi, Johnny, Lulu, Meera, Nicolas
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bugeyedfreaks · 2 years
I was watching some of the results of the polls I posted here on Tumblr, and I really wish you could hit a play button and see how the results were recorded throughout the history of the poll once it ends, kind of like this sort of thing:
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It doesn’t have to be organized with the winner at the top or anything, I just want the little bars to move.
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fbfh · 2 months
Curiosity is a Wonderful thing ch. 10
wc: 1.8k
genre: slow burn, little angst, childhood best friends to lovers
pairing: slow burn bff!ben x fem daughter of alice!reader, previously audrey x ben, mal x ben???? yikes!
warnings: political lore and descendants world building from yours truly lol, I think that's it??? minor angst???
summary: determined to figure out what's going on with ben, you remember that many paws make light work.
song recs: dirty paws - of monsters and men, hartebeest - yaelokre, a world of my own - kathryn beaumont
a/n: HI HELLO DADDIES HELLO MY DADDIES HI HELLO also I started watching it's always sunny and every goddamn thing out of charlie's mouth is a vocal stim. I can't go more than two seconds without going HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY. LOOK AT ME GIVE ME EYES. COOL YOUR JETS. NOW GET OUTTA HERE. I love him.
ALSO!!!!!!!! happy 23rd b-day to meself!!!! does a little jester dance while I simultaneously give a thumbs down from the king chair, opening a trapped door and throwing my jester self into a deep dark pit full of lions and poorly made iced americanos.
tags @yesv01@magcon7280 @hopefullhearts @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sunshineangel-reads @dustyinkpages @inejsknifes @tulipmagnoliaisme @ev3ningrain @yokolesbianism lmk if I missed you and I'll add you to the tag list yell at me in the notes /j (also my dearest yokolesbianism!!!!! thank you so fuckin much for the feedback!!!!!! based on your tags I assumed you'd wanna be tagged?? just shoot me an ask or message if this is not the case lol <333)
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You haven’t given much thought to anything besides your research since it began, but if you had, you suppose you would notice you’ve been holed up in the library for every hour it’s been open for a few days, at least. Each waking moment has been spent pouring through text after text, desperately seeking anything that could prove useful in answering the question of Ben’s behavior. 
The first few books proved to be utterly useless for anything besides sharpening your researching skills. You slam the most recent book closed and lean back in your chair, letting out a sigh of frustration. As much as you hate to admit it - even to yourself - you must begrudgingly admit that you need help. 
You let out another sigh, and stand up. A good long sigh seems to be your only weapon against the inconsolable frustration burbling within you turmoilously. You stretch your aching legs and arms, hoping your blood hasn’t stopped circulating entirely, and throw the window open. You take in a big, deep breath of spring air. 
The scent of gardenia and hibiscus floats along the breeze and into your chest, and you glance down at the flowering culprits below the window. 
Your mind wanders and races in a blurry stumble. There must be some way for you to get information, to get some extra hands on this without getting anyone else directly involved. You never expected to find yourself facing such a fragile, treacherous situation, much less having to navigate it yourself. Without Ben. 
You rub at your aching head, trying to make heads or snails of all this. Your mind reels in a blurry stupor at the dangerous situation your country has found itself in without even realizing this to be the case. You take another big, deep breath. 
“Alright.” You tell yourself with a note of finality, like perhaps if you say it enough things will be just that. Alright. 
There are two heads to this chimera of a situation you’ve found yourself in. Firstly, you have to figure out how to monitor Ben. His words, his actions, if he suddenly decides to shave his head and run about nude. Whatever it is, you must be the first to know. Perhaps if you find a way to stay on top of whatever his next erratic decisions will be, you can find a way to smooth things over, to fix things before they have a chance to snowball wildly out of control. 
The other thing you must consider - arguably, of more importance - is why? Why is he acting like this? As much as you resist confronting the feeling, you can’t shake the sense that this is some sort of political sabotage. It wouldn’t be the first time Ben was caught in the crossfires of political unrest. There was a very tense 8 days when you were both nearly too young to remember where Ben had been kidnapped by a group of radicalist former henchmen. They were convinced that Chernabog was sending them secret messages, and were responsible for the next villain uprising.
This, of course, was untrue and Ben was returned unscathed. The henchmen were understandably sent to the Isle, and Chernabog’s whereabouts are still unknown. There’s some debate over the nature of his crimes, if he’s truly evil or just appears to be scary. You and your mother know right where you stand on the issue - while he appears terrifying, and has incredible amounts of power, you have yet to find any evidence that he wants to cause harm. 
You understand why Overlandians are so quick to fear what they don’t know, but one cannot control their size nor the strength of their power, so your mother has urged the Auradon government to let sleeping gods lie. Besides, Chernabog hasn’t been around for half a century, and won’t be seen for another half century at least, so it’s really the least of anyone’s worries right now. 
You snap from your train of thought, returning to the matter afoot. You must keep tabs on Ben, and find some explanation for why he could be acting like this. You already have so many bites that are far too big, and you have no clue how you’ll chew your way through this by yourself. You’re about to go back when you see a bluebird sitting on the tree branch outside the window. She preens her feathers, enjoying the warm sunlight dappling through the lush green leaves that partially hide her from view. You lean out of the window, your sleeves rippling in the breeze. 
“Excuse me!” You call out. She chirps inquisitively as you get her attention. 
“I do hate to bother you, but I’m stuck in quite a muddling lurch. It’s all quite convoluted you see, and as much as I hate to admit it, I fear I’ve reached a point where I simply don’t have enough hands to handle it all.”
She quirks her head at you, hopping a little closer and lending an ear as you begin to explain the whole kerfuffle. You try to be as concise and clear as you can, but you take after your mother quite well. You get a little sidetracked here or worked up there, and find yourself rambling a great good deal more than you would have liked to. 
By the time you’re just about through with your explanation, you’ve had to pull out a lacy embroidered handkerchief, then soon after, another one for the bluebird. She’s grown quite invested in your woes, and it feels so good to be able to weep wetly over this with someone who shares your feelings. You try in vain to dry your eyes, and she holds her hankie tightly with her feathers, blowing her beak with a loud noise. 
“So you see, this whole thing is quite unusual. I just don’t know what to do, or how to fix things.” You look at her compassionate face, nodding and chirping in sympathy. 
“Do you think…” You begin, “Do you perhaps have any friends that could keep ears and eyes open for anything odd, or relating to all this? If you could possibly keep an ear to the ground - or sky - and let me know if there’s anything unusual, I would be most grateful.”
She nods, tweeting in agreement before you can even finish your proposal. She fluffs her feathers and wrings out your hankie, sprinkling salty tears onto the walkway below and hangs it up on a  branch to dry out. She salutes you, and you wave at her as she flies off to spread the word. 
“Thank you!” You call after her. She chirps back at you, and you watch her land a few trees over, discussing the topic with some other birds in the branches. You grip the windowsill resolutely. This is good. This was a good plan. Animal communication takes a great deal of work on both ends, so as long as no particularly gossipy stoats or chickadees get a hold of this, you’ll be alright. 
Besides, animals generally tend to prefer gossiping with other animals rather than humans. Overlandians never seem to understand the gravitas of the social politics of the forest. Despite the word traveling fast, you can’t shake the feeling you need more. More eyes, more ears, more furry feet and paws and claws spreading the word. You straighten up abruptly, returning to your table. You scribble a hasty note on a piece of paper, and prop it up against your stacks and stacks of useless - in this instance, anyway - books. 
gone for tea, be back in three 
You’re known for ducking in and out for tea now and again, and you’re sure this will come as no surprise to the librarians. You rush down the steps and out of the library, into the grassy courtyard. It feels like forever since you’ve been outside, and you miss leisurely strolls and reading in the dappled sunlight. But regrettably, now is simply not the time for leisure. You walk around for a few minutes, searching and looking until you see a cat lying on a garden wall, bathing in the sun. 
 “I beg your pardon,” you start, and the cat opens one sleepy eye. You take a breath and begin explaining the situation all over again. You’re pleased to find a little bit of the sting is gone this time. Just a little. Soon you have his full attention, and his tail flicks in sympathetic irritation for you, for having gone through all this. 
“So if you could spread the word to some friends, keep me informed on anything you think might prove useful” You ask hopefully. 
He pretends to consider for a moment, then agrees, hopping down from the wall and arching his back in a big stretch. He scurries off to spread the word as you make your way into the gardens for similar reasons. You traipse through the hedge maze, feeling a momentary solace in becoming lost so quickly. Soon you find just what you’re looking for, and after a similar conversation with a mother rabbit, you allow yourself to return to the library. 
You return to your research with more gumption than you had had before. You feel a sense of reassurance - a much needed one, at that - that all these kind animals and their friends and relations had agreed to help you and your cause. Soon after, nearly every cat and rabbit are doing reconnaissance for you. Dozens of bluebirds follow students and linger by windows in hopes of overhearing something useful. With all these ears to the ground and sky, you lose yourself in your fruitless research once again. 
When the words begin to look jumbled and meaningless (and not in the good way) you know you absolutely must call it a day. You close your books and place them neatly in the return cart, scratching out titles from your list of Potentially Helpful Books in your journal. More and more pages have become dedicated to this heart aching mystery, though you have few clues, and fewer leads. You ruminate on this as you begin to head for your dorm, nearly tripping over a speckled rabbit. 
He thumps his foot loudly to get your attention, and you startle. “Oh, hello,” you say apologetically, crouching down to speak with him. You listen intently to what he tells you, your stomach dropping in the early evening light. 
Ben and Mal are on a date at the enchanted lake as you speak. 
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Batfam X One Piece Crossover AU
Someone mentioned this sort of au and I went Insane a bit ^-^' hope you guys enjoy!
Okay so a Batfam in the One Piece world au and how I think it would work/go;
I imagine the Batfam were whammied into an entirely new dimension while on patrol so we have the full costumed roster (but not the full extended clan cuz that's so many people lol) so we have Bruce/Batman, Dick/Nightwing, Jason/Red Hood, Tim/Red Robbin, Damian/Robin, Cass/Black Bat, Stephanie/Batgirl (you can pry Steph still being batgirl out of my cold dead hands), and Duke/Signal.
The First thing they do is figure out where they are, an island in something called the ___ blue (idk which they should be in lol, but it's best if they start in a blue I think), and are very obviously not in their world. (I'm gonna say for the sake of Plot either One Piece doesn't exist in their world or none of them have watched/read it because that would be too easy lol)
Ofc the second thing they do is try to find a way home and gather info but uh, they quickly realize this world doesn't have the best tech around to build something to take them home, and places/people they can get to would be either hard to find or in a place that's very dangerous to get to (Vegapunk is their best bet but... not really an option for right away due to mentioned reasons).
They think of asking this "World Government" for help for all of two seconds, before finding out how fucking awful and corrupt the whole system this world has and nixes that idea right in the bud. They're Vigilantes for a reason, after all, and know corruption in governments very well. So honestly, their best bet is either trying to go along and find someone that can help and materials, or waiting for their people from their world to come and get them.
(SO much more under cut im sorry Brain went Brrr)
Tbh it must be so wild to be in this world too tho, for some many reasons. It's close enough, but then you factor in all the different races and species, and how the world is set up. Add the fact most of it not as advanced as their world, except in some places which it is? And how half their technology runs on... snails?????? What a baffling world. Also, people can have powers and are gained from something called Devil Fruits which give you powers in exchange that the sea can and will kill you, except for some races have natural powers due to their biology.
They decide pretty quickly in world of water to not eat the Devil Fruits. Also keep an eye on Duke because his powers, while not too flashy, arnt a devil fruit, and they have no way to explain how he has them, and how he can manipulate both light and shadows.
Its probs also so jarring because like, in their world, they are used to being the peak of what humans can do. They keep up with metas and aliens and are cosidered among the best of the best for a reason, and while they often have to compensate with gear and tech, at the end of the day they can only go so far as humans.
However, it's different in this world. Clearly even though there are humans, their biological standards are different then their Earth, and even just humans without powers can go far beyond their own norm if they train and work hard enough for it.
The Batfam could easily handle the Blue's pirates and marines, and probs all cannon fodder marines, and while I think they could deal with a good chunk if not most people in Paradise baring the strongest in the first half of the grand line, there's no way they could deal with the New World even with their best gear and in peak condition for them. Which sucks because their best bets are likely in that Sea.
Idk where I'd see them, my heart wants them to be pirates of their own little run pirate crew, but I could easily see them being picked up by a canon crew or turning Revolutionaries in exchange for getting help find a way home, or pirates with connections to Revs. The only thing I can't see is them as Marines, as stated a few paragraphs above, lol, but also I figure they run into the law and go fuck you guys and what you stand for and end up with bounties so they are wanted anyways. But either way they are gonna be progressing and trying to find a way home while getting stronger.
I imagine Haki is the first thing they really try to get down after leanring about it. Idk how they managed to find out about it either in the blues or so early in the grand line, but they are expert information gatherers so they do and immediately try to learn it (either tracking someone down who knows it or how to unlock it, or finding adequate documentation in how to do it) and get to work. It's their best chances in getting a leg up in this world.
And they do unlock it! They're pretty much all geniuses, and they already have experience learning weird skills and manipulating their mental will (they can block out telepaths and have strong willpower in general against mind control canonically), so learning to manifest it into Observation and Armament Haki is less about how hard it is and more just if they can (After all they aren't from this world) and how to apply it. Thankfully, it seems they can.
Duke's Observation makes his future vision so much more powerful, so much he actually has adverse effects to it at first before he gets used to it. Observation is great, just helps what they already natrually know but Armament is very much beloved, instant armor that helps you hit harder even against normal people, let alone devil fruit users!! They are big fans.
Conquerors Haki off the table rn because A.) they don't know if they have it and B.) Who or whatever they learned Haki from didn't explain it or have it to explain so that's put to the side for now, but I'm unsure who, if any of them, have it. Maybe Bruce and Jason, and maybe Damian? I feel?? I could also see Dick unlocking his use of it in a fit of protective rage? Im largely Unsure.
I also think it would be neat if the longer they are here, their bodies adapt to this world more and more until they start being able to past their peak of what they could do before and just... keep going. It varies from each batfam member how they feel on their biology changing over time, but they can't do more than just accept it. At least it will help them survive.
Also, they have to adapt in more ways than one. They arrive and their best gear, fully stocked and mostly undamaged, but the longer they are here the more they run out of supplies and things wear down so they have to figure out how to get/make more or alternate for something better. Batarangs thankfully, while having to be made of a different material, can be made from any island with a good blacksmith who's willing to let them use their forges to make them themselves (cuz having to commission them would take money they don't actually have)
Their suits thankfully are fine and reinforced, but over time they're gonna have to likely find a fabric that could replace the stuff their suits are made of or just switch to diffrent outfits inspired by their suits. Dick's Escrima Sticks can't be charged, so they end up not electrified until they find a way to do it later. Jason's guns inevitably run out of ammo then even if he makes his own, they get just damaged so he's forced to switch to the local pirate guns, thankfully not all are just flintlocks.
Damian's sword is apparently very high grade here and is very smug about it, though annoyed other "Swordsmen" keep wanting to know more about his blade and where he learned to use his "weird style". Tim gets a boa staff that has the ends tipped in sea stone.
Their styles also adapt over time. I have this vision of Dick getting his hands on these boots, probs with Dial technology, that let him jump higher and bounce off of walls if he times it right. Jason with Dial guns. They start picking up the 6 powers as well, not all, but Geppo and Soru become very heavily utilized. I think one of them should end up with Voice of all Things, either Cass or Duke, because it's fun lol.
Im... unsure about devilfruits, but I think it would be intrestin to explore if somone ate one, likely out of despration or having little choice. Unsure who or what fruit but just would be neat i think, expecially dealin with the side effects. Tho Dick with a Wind Logia or a winged Zoan of sorts sounds SO interesting. (Can you tell who my favorite batfam memeber is? ^-^')
As for Ponyglaph Runes, Bruce and Tim def find out about it and try their best to tackle it, but It's REALLY hard to learn an entirely different language with unfamiliar sentence structure when you have absolutely no keys or references to work with. They learn of Nico Robin, and aren't stupid so figure it's likely an awful cover-up or more to the story, and decide to lowkey make it one of their goals to track her or any other knowledge on how to learn it down. If they get even a bare hint of a clue on how to translate, I'm sure they'd figure it out over time, but Robin is their best bet.
They find out about Whitebeard, and they are quietly glad Bruce's adoption problem isn't that bad but think its funny. Dick is beloved by all and makes enough friends and allies to rival Luffy's charisma, it's a skill man. I can't decide if their Epithets in this world are just their Vigilante names, and they stay masked, or they get knew Epithets and decide there's no point in hiding, or a mix of both but yee.
The OP world either speaks "Common" they can all magically speak now with some diffrent launages in diff parts of the world, OR Japanese, which some of them know and have to teach the others, OR a weird mix of English and Japanese. There's a point in time that people think Damian is Nico Robin's child or sibling because of the Robin thing, and he's a little demon child. Or hell they still do, and he's very livid while Robin is both amused but also scared for this child who is being tied to her.
They still dont kill for the most part, baring Jason, but some of them are pushed into it and they have to figure out what that means for them and what it means moving fowrard with their no kill policy. Some do better with it, some dont. Bruce still hasnt and wont kill, same with Cass, and Damian decides he doesnt want to but will if absolutly no other choice is offered, thankfully they havnt let him had to make this choice yet. (I just have so much thoughts about a assassin raised child deciding they dont want their hands more red now they have the choice).
One or more of them should end up pulled into the War at Marineford and Ace should be saved because I will try to fit a Ace Lives plot into everything lol
Overall I think if this was a fanfic the plot would be a lot of exploring the differences in their worlds, how they adapt and overcome, and trying to find a way home while also coming to like this world and overturning corruption and fucking over the government. I think them with the Strawhats or another crew would be fun, either as allies or joined idk, but I think with them as their own crew would be cool as well. If they join or ally with a crew Bruce lowkey adopts everyone, and he's given SO much shit for it but christ so many of them have such sad backstories and he wants to help
I think in the end they should get to find their way home and like no time has passed, but they're so changed, and arguably considered powered now because lol, but find a way to go back and visit safely.
Sorry for the word vomit but man im in love with this idea. Feel free to comment or send Asks with questions or comments about the au! Please Reblog, and not just like, as they do nothing <3
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frnkir · 6 months
silly lab rats / mighty med headcanons!!
adam seems like the type of guy to say ‘lmao’ out loud like “L-M-A-O” when he hears something funny
he definitely also says "YOLO" unironically
chase and adam used to race each other up the rock wall in the lab when they were kids, and whoever got to the top first would get first dibs on the xbox
whenever bree gets into a heated rant she starts talking so fast that she ends up being completely incomprehensible. and when she's done with the rant, she'll say, "well, thanks for listening," and chase or adam or leo (or whoever) will just awkwardly nod because they have no idea what she said lmao
adam is inexplicably good at making balloon animals: from a dog to a snail to a phoenix, he can do it all. no one knows how or why, but he just says it's one of his bionic abilities lol
kaz really loves the sound those springy doorstoppers make and always checks behind doors to see if there's one there, and if there is, he'll tap it with his foot and laugh as it goes boioioioioioioioioioioioioioioing (he's very easily amused)
chase was probably too busy with missions and stuff to join a school club in canon but i bet he would've KILLED IT on the high school debate team
jordan would love the bands war on women and destroy boys
bree and leo loved to gossip with each other about their classmates when they were in school
i think skylar would like yoga, it would be a fun hobby for her, especially since she’s so flexible
kaz laughs out loud every time someone says the word "balls" in any context
oliver has a stuffed penguin plushie (he’s had it since he was a kid) on his bed because it helps him fall asleep easier
idk if he would have a name for it or not but if he did it would probably be something boring like “mr. penguin”
bree and leo bond over watching reality tv shows together
skylar and bree go on a run together every morning (not in a competitive way lol but just so they can spend time together)
leo likes to paint his nails fun colors like purple or green
that’s all :) thank you for reading my little thoughts <3
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samscartoonsofficial · 6 months
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We got silly in a discord call and I threw all these up.
thank you @toastraccoon for your shrike glasshole theory because then these doodles came out from it lol. And also that one Spongebob episode with the snail race. the seabunny race.
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also @houseofdoodles made this along with the doodles and the sea bunny race AU lol. seams and ricket :3. I love that seams belongs to @monoclairx also added @coprolitemoment 's oc belle's scythe to Oni's pile of "treasures" and @haileybirdart 's oc Jexa playing dressup with oni shrike lol
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diminuel · 1 month
Dragon has bug secret stupid vibes energy to me. The most self aware man of his family. Get him drunk enough though and he WILL start blabbering about how like. The $2000000 disney star wars hotel WASN’T stupid. Man is stupid about things that are stupider than anyone else in his family. Reverse autism. Secret interests he secretly feels very strongly about but only retains incorrect information about.
What a vision *lol*
I think he simply doesn't have the best attention span to listen to all the information when he gets excited about something. His mind's already racing at the speed of light about... I don't know... transponder snail mating rituals and how it is linked to the migratory path of some bug that fertilizes a plant they use for courtship and he hears nothing else about what he was actually supposed to listen to.
(I can also kind of imagine him just doing a lot of shit talking if he gets drunk. Confidently lying about stuff. Nobody ever knows what is true. He's a pain in the ass to be around when he's drunk *lol* Crocodile would know. Sorry.)
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turtletaubwrites · 8 months
My Crew Needs Me ~ Part 25
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader, Robin x Fem!Reader, Sanji X Robin
This is part 25 of the poly series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
Word Count: 3593
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link (Ch. 15 of We've All Got Needs cont.)
!!SPOILER WARNING!! Spoilers for the anime for the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc (through episode 288).
Summary: The Straw Hats infiltrate the Tower of Justice, and they race against time to find Robin before she's taken through the Gates. CP9 holds the keys to her freedom, and the crew will win or die trying to get her back.
Rating/Warnings: AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Polyamory, Kissing, Canon Typical Violence, Blood, Injuries, Pet Names, Swearing, Angst, Mild Body Horror (I guess? it's in the show)
A/N: Sorry for the longer wait on these chapters, friends! Apparently action takes me longer to write than smut, lol.
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Luffy’s rallying call was followed by the creaking and scraping of the drawbridge, excitement and hope stunning you.
“Our reinforcements pulled it together after all. And just in time too,” Sanji praised, his words fading out at the sound of the Franky Family yelling that it was up to all of you now.
Luffy crouched down, yelling one more time to your crewmate across the waterfall.
“Hey Robin! We’ll save you no matter what!”
Shouts from marines below were followed by the booming of weapons against wood and stone that dashed your hopes. 
Luffy and Sanji yelled down at the enemies, and you saw the bridge stop halfway, all of that work for naught. 
You almost didn’t catch the sight of Franky lighting something on fire, burning pieces of paper floating away in the wind. 
“We were passing down the blueprints to that ancient weapon to make sure it wouldn’t get used by scumbags like you. But I know Tom would have done the same thing.”
You saw Spandam, and all of CP9, staring open mouthed at the blue haired shipwright, and you knew you were missing something big.
“If you guys make a weapon now, we won’t be able to fight back,” Franky continued, ignoring Spandam’s quivering threats.
“But that’s only possible if you take Nico Robin through the Gates of Justice. I was wrong about you, Robin. You’re not a monster. And you’ve got friends willing to fight for you. Everything’s resting on the Straw Hats now.”
He looked over at you all with a nod, and you swore you saw him wink.
“And I’m betting on them.”
Voices of the Franky Family carried up to the tower, cheering, yelling that they were coming for him. He leaned over the edge to call back to his people, still ignoring the wails of Spandam as he mourned over the loss of those burnt papers.
Ignoring that pathetic man was a mistake, and you gasped as Franky was flung over the side of the building, Spandam’s arms shaking after shoving him over. 
You watched in horror, hoping he would survive, until a voice called out of your pocket. 
With a jolt, you pulled out the snail, Nami frowning at the grating voice berating you.
“Kokoro,” Nami questioned as you lifted the snail so you could hear her better.
“I left it on, I heard everything. Why are you all just standing around?”
“The bridge broke.”
“There’s no way over!”
You and Nami explained at the same time, yelling over the shouting voices of the rest of the crew.
“Jump into the waterfall! Give it all you’ve got, trust me!”
A train whistle blasted from below, moving closer.
“It’s the sea train,” Luffy laughed, the mischievous sound sending off alarm bells in your mind.
“What’s with that devious chuckle,” Usopp questioned, but he was too late.
Luffy’s arms stretched out behind the whole group, shoving you off the building.`
Plummeting toward death with nothing but Luffy’s arm at your back, and the screaming and crying forms of your crew, you braced for the end. 
The end appeared as the beat up train charging over the half lowered bridge, flinging through the air toward the tower.
Tears were streaming from your eyes as you landed on top of the train, body aching with more bruises as you scrambled to hold onto something. 
Nothing ever felt real with this crew. Especially as the train slammed through the wall, stone bricks turning to dust and debris as this miracle train skidded to a halt.
Your head swam, dizziness and nausea making you feel like you were still flying after your body left the train, scraping through the rubble.
“Hey, hey, Granny? You okay? Answer me!”
Franky’s voice confused you, and you groaned as you heard Kokoro answering him. 
“Alright, we made it! Come on, you guys, get up already!”
You groaned louder at Luffy’s enthusiasm, hearing your hesitation echoed amongst the crew.
“Come on, you’ve been through worse than that!”
“We’re not all made of rubber, you know,” Sanji grumbled, more groans filling the room.
You didn’t know where to hold, pain dotting across your body. You could feel the tickle of blood from a scrape on your shoulder, and your right knee felt like it was hit with a hammer.
She was waiting. You stood up, shaking it off, watching your crew do the same. 
Chopper and Usopp yelled, hyping themselves up, while Zoro growled, preparing to draw his swords.
You couldn’t help but smile at everyone, determination set on all your dusty, bruised faces.
“See, you’re all just fine,” Luffy complained. 
“You know, you guys are a bunch of weirdos. I felt like I should point that out,” said the blue haired man in a speedo with guns in his arms. 
“There’s a staircase,” Luffy pointed, already running. “We’d better move it if we’re gonna find Robin.”
“Not so fast,” came a strained voice, high, but rough. 
The group spun, finding the source of the voice in the corner of the room, pressed against the ceiling. He was dressed in a black suit, his body so round that your mind couldn’t shake the image of a balloon that had lost its string as he stared down at you. 
As he began to speak again, you noticed the dangling of what looked like a golden zipper pull at the corner of his mouth, and wondered what sort of teeth you were seeing behind his lips. 
“So you’ve invaded the Tower. There’s no point in going on. Lucci’s already taken Nico Robin to the Gates of Justice, along with Chief.”
“Oh really,” Nami asked with a smirk. “Thanks for telling us where we should start looking.”
You tried to cover your laugh with a cough, but didn’t think you were successful.
Why do so many bad guys love to just tell us everything?
“Why’d I tell them that,” the zippered man muttered to himself.
“He’s not too bright,” Chopper grumbled your thoughts, and you started to get angry again. 
Angry at the stupid, evil government, and their stupid, evil agents.
He pulled himself together, puffing his already puffed up chest before spewing threats down at you.
“If you want Nico Robin, you’ll have to fight through all five of our agents.”
“Duh,” Luffy said, and you had to turn around, chewing on your lip to fight your laughter this time. 
I’m going insane. 
Zoro touched your shoulder, pulling his fingers away with blood from that fresh scrape.
You tried to listen as the group kept talking to that idiot, but Zoro’s worried look distracted you, his eyes and gentle fingers roaming over your banged up body. 
“I’m okay,” you whispered as he kissed your forehead.
We don’t have time for this. 
“This might be the key to Nico Robin’s sea prism stone handcuffs,” the ceiling creep teased as he held an ornate key up into the light.
“Sea prism stone,” Franky questioned.
“It’s a stone that nullifies devil fruit powers,” Nami explained. “It’s like she’s trapped in sea water.”
Ice filled your gut at the thought of your powerful Robin, so helpless with these monsters.
“So be my guest. Go try to save her if you think you can. But without the right key, she’ll be trapped in those cuffs for the rest of her life. Mine might be the right key, but you’ll have to fight all the other agents for their keys just to be sure–”
Luffy’s fist was there, smashing into the stone, dust falling from the ceiling. 
“Damn,” he complained, as the man had escaped at the last second. “I guess all the CP9 guys can use that move.”
“So we’ve gotta beat every CP9 agent, and get all their keys before we can grab Robin,” Zoro asked, frustration in every word.
“What a stupid way to keep us busy,” Sanji grumbled. “While we’re wasting time on this key hunting game, the chief is going to escape with Robin.”
The zipper man was kicking through the air, floating somehow as he continued to taunt you. 
“Our first priority is Robin. Let’s ignore that weirdo, and get her first.”
You nodded at Nami’s words, the group already moving toward the stairs.
He tsked at you all, dangling the key out before him.
“If you do that, you’ll leave me no choice. I’ll toss this key into the ocean. We’re kind enough to give you a sporting chance. See ya!”
He buzzed off through the air, as if the balloon just released its air, quickly flying away.
Zoro grabbed onto Luffy before he could follow, trying to wrangle Luffy into deciding on a plan before splitting up. 
We’re splitting up.
“He said there’s 5 agents with keys, we need to spread out. Let’s take them down, then meet up.”
Sanji’s voice was strong, reassuring, especially when his warm hand found yours. 
Zoro gripped Luffy’s shoulders, tilting his head down to look in his captain's eyes.
“That pigeon guy, Lucci, is with Robin. You take care of him, and we’ll meet you up there. 
“If they drag her across those gates, we’ll never get her back! It’s a race against time!”
Usopp’s Sniper King voice had practically echoed, and it rallied the group.
“We’ll take ‘em down, or we’ll die trying.”
Zoro’s eyes fell on yours as he made that vow. You nodded with him, and felt that nothing in this moment mattered except for those words. 
The Straw Hats would save Robin. Or you’d all die here. No going back.
Fire burned through you as you charged toward the stairs with your friends, your family. 
Sanji still held your hand, but you pulled it away. 
“Angel, let’s–”
“I’ll go with Chopper,” you said, waving your friend down.
“No, we can–”
“No, Sanji. I need you to fight. I need you to save Robin. I won’t be a distraction for you.”
You turned, jogging toward Chopper to get away from Sanji’s pleading eyes. He caught you, pulling you to him in a desperate kiss. It lasted just a moment, but the heat of it was in your throat, and you shook your head to fight the tears. 
“We’ll get her back, Angel. I promise.”
You gave him the best smile you could, shaky breath leaving faster as you watched the group dispersing. 
You turned so you wouldn’t have to watch your boys running away from you. Chopper was waiting, and he patted your back with his big human form hand before running up the stairs.
“This way?”
More fucking stairs. 
If CP9 didn’t kill you, it felt like a heart attack just might. 
But adrenaline was doing its thing as you and Chopper made your way room by empty room. The floor you’d chosen seemed to be a bust.
Heading back for the stairs, you stumbled into each other as the building rumbled, something crashing up above.
“What do you think that is,” Chopper asked, eyes wide. 
“Hopefully it's our friends kicking someone’s ass,” you replied, trying to sound more confident than you were.
More stairs, more empty rooms, and so on.
Until more crashes and yells filled the hall. Nothing could have prepared you for the sight you saw when you looked through the noisy door. 
It was a large room, with high ceilings, making the cacophony of noises bounce off the walls. 
Zoro and Usopp were together. They were running side by side, yelling and looking back toward…
A humanoid wolf, and a fucking giraffe? With a baseball cap? 
Did I accidentally dose myself with Daydream?
Your worry was cut short when they caught sight of the both of you in the doorway. Zoro and Usopp started screaming for you, waving their arms in the air.
Chopper raised his hand in the air, laughing, and you touched his arm to pull it down. 
“We’re handcuffed together,” Zoro yelled, waving the hand that was stuck to Usopp.
“Get key number two, or we’re gonna die!”
Usopp’s wails died down as they continued to run from what had to be devil fruit users. 
Giraffe’s aren’t supposed to look like that…
“But we can help–” 
“No,” Zoro shouted, cutting Chopper off. “We can’t fight ‘til you get the key, and if they take you down, we’re screwed. Somebody else has to have key number two, just find it!”
You’d never heard that level of frustration in Zoro’s voice before.
“Got it,” you agreed, dragging Chopper from the room. 
More stairs, more rooms, until you heard voices. Nami’s voice.
Nami’s scream!
Skidding around a corner, you raised your tonfa, but couldn’t tell where to shoot. There was a swirling mass of what looked like pink hair. Nami was held up in the air, twisted and writhing in it. 
You charged forward, but Chopper was faster. 
“Cloven Roseo!”
He leapt through the air, his hoof smacking into the face of a huge man, his pink hair swirling aside as blood shot out of his mouth. 
Nami crumpled to the ground, coughing as you helped her to her feet. 
Chopper rushed to her, looking her over.
“Are you okay Nami?”
“I’m okay. Thank you for saving me.”
“How was he attacking you,” you asked, leaning to look where the man had fallen across the room. “Was that his hair?”
“Could be a devil fruit,” Nami rushed, picking up her Clima-Tact. “Don’t know, don’t care. Once he grabs you, you’re done for. Come on, this is our chance to get away. The less we see of that guy, the better.”
You grabbed her elbow as she moved toward the hall. 
“We can’t, we need to get his key,” you reminded her, Zoro’s demand ringing through your head.
“Oh, you mean this little thing?”
Nami’s smirk as she held up the key made you love her even more.
“Stealing the key was the easy part,” she bragged, leading the way out of the room. “I just couldn’t deal with that guy’s hair.”
“What number is it,” Chopper asked, his hooves tapping a frantic beat as he ran in his reindeer form. 
“Uh, three,” she said, squinting at it while she ran.
“Damn,” you cursed, picturing Zoro and Usopp running from those beasts. “It’s the wrong one.”
“What do you me–”
Nami’s voice cut off, just as the three of you skidded to a stop. You’d reached the massive tower room of seemingly endless staircases climbing toward the sky.
From floors above, something fell hard, crashing onto the stone at your feet.
Covering your eyes from the dust, you leaned forward at whatever it was that had fallen.
“This place is falling apart,” Nami complained, coughing.
Chopper was closest, and let out a horrified gasp, his eyes wide as he shook his head slowly.
“What is it…” you trailed off, mind unable to process what you were seeing.
“Is it a doll?”
You wished that Nami’s question had been true, but then Chopper said the words you didn’t want to believe.
“No. It’s Sanji!”
Disgust and horror almost spilled out your throat in noxious bile. You stumbled, falling to your knees beside this figure that couldn’t be your Sanji. It couldn’t be.
It looked like a poorly drawn picture of him, his hair, his suit, his blood pouring down his face. But it was deformed, almost balloon like, completely smooth and shining in the light.
You were frozen, staring down at him with your mouth opening and closing uselessly. Your hands were just above his chest, but you couldn’t touch him. It can't be him!
Nami and Chopper joined you, yelling for him. Chopper pushed against his chest, and you sobbed as this unreal figure moved, turning its head to cough blood beside you. 
“N-No, Sanji? Fuck, baby, is that you?”
Nami and Chopper joined you in your cries for him, and you sat back on your heels as he rolled on his side, pitifully failing to lift himself up with his stretched and wobbling limbs.
“I’m sorry… I lost,” he choked out, every word sounding painful as blood kept dribbling from his lips.
“I couldn’t get the k-key.”
“Hold on, okay,” Chopper comforted him, looking over Sanji’s body as if there was something he could do to help. 
You were too stunned, still scared to touch him, when Nami’s sharp voice cut through.
“Hey, Sanji,” she started, standing with her weapon gripped in her hands. You followed her gaze up floors of stairs. Your blood ran cold at the sight of Kalifa, the blonde CP9 agent smiling down at you all.
“You really couldn’t win,” Nami continued, her questioning tone forcing denial to build in your stomach, but her words felt too true. 
“You really gave it your all? You fought that blonde woman, didn’t you? I see. You must have gone easy on her.”
“Sanji, please,” you denied, shaking your head.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t get the key,” he choked out.
“Forget the key,” Nami yelled, anger flinging toward the man at her feet. “This fight is a matter of life and death. You can’t stick to your stupid code of honor, okay? Is chivalry really worth dying for? People are counting on you!”
Your mouth opened and closed again, but nothing came out. Part of you wanted to defend him, and part of you wanted to slap him for not giving his all for Robin, for everyone, for himself.
But mainly you just wanted to fall onto him and cry, to find some way to fix him.
“I don’t want this,” he coughed again, voice so weak, it hurt. “I don’t want to die. But I was raised to never hit a lady, no matter what. So even at a time like this, even if it kills me, I won’t kick a woman.”
“I see... That’s stupid,” Nami judged, voice deadly calm. Then she hit him on the head with her Clima-Tact, and you choked out a surprised laugh as Chopper yelled at her for hitting him while he’s wounded.
“Is running away against your code of honor too? Because that’s not worth dying over either. Nobody wants to see you throw your life away in vain. Leave that woman to me. You try to get better.” She looked back down at him with a soft smile. “And by the way, even if it’s dumb, I do like that chivalry of yours.”
You looked down at him, and shook your head, disagreeing.
“I don’t think I like it anymore.”
He tilted toward you, voice soft.
“What was that, Angel? Did you say you love me?”
Before you could kiss him, or wring his neck, Nami cleared her throat. You turned to her as she stared up at the woman that had done this to Sanji.
“For the record, I won't play nice,” Nami threatened, confidence radiating from her as she smiled.
“Neither will I. We’ll get along fine.”
“Nami, hold on,” you called, rushing to her side.
“We’re running out of time, Y/N,” she reminded you, holding her palm out to stop your movement. “You guys go get more keys. I’ll be okay, noodle arms.”
You huffed a laugh as she frowned at Sanji.
“Well, I guess he’s noodle arms now.”
You gripped her in a quick hug, hating letting her go. Your mouth was dry as you watched her run up the stairs. 
“Hold it! I won’t let you get away!”
You swiveled around, blocking Sanji from the new voice.
“Don’t worry, Nami. We’ve got this one,” Chopper shouted, facing off with the large man from before, that mass of pink hair swirling around him as he brandished a staff.
Readying your tonfa, your heart raced through you. You wanted to run up and help Chopper, but you were terrified of leaving Sanji’s limp body exposed for attacks.
I never thought I’d be the one worried about protecting my partners in battle. 
Gritting your teeth, you watched Chopper land a powerful hit with two hooves, preventing the agent from getting past him to chase after Nami.
Pride filled you as Chopper stood strong, staring the man down.
“That’s right, now you’ll be fighting me. Bring it!”
Chopper using his rumble balls was always a sight to behold, and you hoped that it would be enough. You felt your hands shaking as you held your weapons, wondering if you could use the darts without risking Chopper. 
The agent landed some heavy hits on your friend, and you itched to move in, but felt trapped in place.
“Angel, go. I’ll be fi–”
“No,” you cut him off, not taking your eyes off the fight as they slammed each other into the wall.
“Please, mon coeur, I look dead already. No one will care about me. I just need to rest. The crew needs you.”
Chewing your lip, you hated that those words you’d wanted to be true for so long came at the cost of all this danger and pain. 
You looked away from the fight just long enough to touch his face, your skin crawling at the sickly smooth feel of his. 
“I love you. I’ll be back.”
“Love you, Angel,” he coughed, what looked like a smile pulling weakly at his lips. “I know you will.”
Running toward the fight, Chopper caught your eyes for a moment and shouted.
“Two minutes!”
Two minutes? Two minutes…
The rumble ball!
“Got it,” you yelled, calling out your poison thorns.
Two minutes left for Chopper’s rumble ball. You had no idea if you could defeat this CP9 agent in two minutes.
But I’ll do whatever it takes. My crew needs me.
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Likes and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you so much!
a/n: Oh our sweet, pathetic Sanji 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia | @cyberaestheticals | @nothing-but-brass
Part 26
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| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 | ko-fi |
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gallapiech · 2 months
im held hostage to do this tag game
thank u @spookygingerr for making this week's tag game heeeheeee and thank you @lingy910y @sleepyheadgallavich & @creepkinginc for tagging me!
favourite nickname someone gave you: NOT GREG. hm, maybe Fernsie? People usually just call me Pie lol.
favourite thing in your room/house: my computer :3c
your favourite thing about a friend/partner/family member: the joking jokester you make me laugh so much for the next challenge we will be painting using mythica's blood
what is something you’re grateful for today? The people who ordered a keychain :)
what’s your favourite thing about this fandom? The creativity!!!!!
if one song could describe your day today, what would it be? I'm so ass at doing these kind of things uhhh
pick one of your pocket pals and tell them something you admire about them: I'm gonna do this one a little differently, and use it for my tags at the same time!
@ian-galagher I admire the fact that despite also being Dutch you still haven't come to my house and beaten the ever loving shit out of me, yet. ♥ Also the Africa fic is so good I love it and you.
@lee-ow ur ok ig.
@deathclassic Molllyyy I always get excited when our paths cross! I admire your work ethic because I would've exploded 100 times already if I had the same work hours that you do LOL.
@thepupperino I love talking to you sooo much omg! I manifest you having insomnia every morning just so I can catch you in the discord server :) Also your stories are always so crazy and amazing oh my god.
@deedala I love it whenever we struggle at trivia together <3 What's the dps number of the shit toilet in fallout 4? hint: 0 vowels @doshiart I admire your dedication to art so much!!! Your art is so fucking good and I love your backgrounds and rendering I got much to learn from you.
@roryonic I admire your work ethic and I love your fics sooo much, your dry sense of humor is also very funny. @jrooc Your big sister energy is ooffff the charts Jess I love talking to you and I always feel like you give me a safe space. Also your writing is bomb dot com I eat all your words up. @heymacy YOUR GIFS AHHHH tyheyre so amazing macy, I also love it whenever I can catch you in the server. I always feel like you bring the sun with you wherever you go. @transmurderbug Sky I love talking to you, seeing you fail so miserably with the snail race commands and then giving up. I can't wait to hang out again next netflix n chill.
I can go on forever so I'll force myself to stop here, LOL. If I didn't mention you then you probably already tagged me :3, or I'm too lazy to add you but i still see u and appreciate u muah muah muah
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amadholes-lostre · 4 months
Countries - North America
I currently working on denominations in Califinity, mainly the two biggest ones. However, I hit a snail due to just trying to think up names for it. Like, GRR Martin said he doesn't bother with it for Westeros' names like The North and King Landing, but I am obsessed with namings. If the name doesn't have meaning, or doesn't looks right, I gonna fucking throw myself off a bridge.
Anyways, right now I focusing on North America states because there are a lot more countries than ours today. And I including Central America and the Caribbeans, because it's still part of North America. I will also talk about UNAC, which is a supernational union similar to today EU (EU was already federalized in bhna contemporary) and superseded NAFTA.
United States of Fredoia
I already talked about Fredoia briefly on my last post, only that it superseded the USA. Fredoia inherited the majority of USA lands (there were time they didn't, thanks to Neo-Confedercy). They did lose many lands due to many Native tribes declaring independence (I will elaborate that later).
Like USA before, Fredoia kept it capital city where Washington, DC was, and like Washington state, its name is change (maybe Unionpolis, very original lol). It incorporated Arlington Country and Alexandra City, giving DC a total land area of 270 km². It population should be around 3 million. It administration level will be called a metropolis-state level: it status is equal along with other states (they are represented at congress), but it functions more as a city.
New York City is also a metropolis-state, incorporating counties and cities in its surroundings, including Hudson Country, NJ(yep, Jersey City included). However, it lost being the biggest in the US (being now 18 mil), Metropolis of Los Angeles is bigger, far bigger (24 mil). Also, they rebuilt Penn Station, now called Empire State Central Station.
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Also, voting systems and constituents' representation are different. It is a proportional representation by parties, meaning Fredoia has a multi-party system. The head of state and head of government is separated, and its government structure is a parliamentary republic like Germany.
Thanks due to quirks, immigration, civil wars, geographical barriers, and the fact that this takes place hundreds of years later, Western and Eastern Fredoia have very different cultures compared to today. How people differentiate West and East is by geographic barriers like how we do so with Mississippi River. The Rocky Mountains Range helped differentiate the two regions.
For one, Latines are now the majority in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and other Western states (maybe not Oregon nor Washington). There are already articles that projected this will happen. What is unique due to the mixture of Latine and Anglo culture, especially the language, created a new ethnicity called Californians (Kalifornán written as gender neutral). They even developed a unique language called Kalifornán in its native language (Kalidán if you read my other post for Dune). It's a mixture of Spanish and English, mainly that Spanish superceded English phonetics and any words that were originally French. However, many English words still remain, words like ín (and), islán (island), lán (land), ríf (river), and such. Also, some letters change due to pronunciations, like Spanish J is now Hr (Juan will spell Hruan), Spanish and English Ch, along with English J is now Ç. The C that pronunced similar to the word city is now S (reason why Frinsica has an S now). I gonna write a post for this.
One key factor for Californians' ethnicity is that the majority are Califinitans. The majority of Fredoia Califinitans are located beyond the Rocky Mountains, with exceptional of Upland South-
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-due to The Great Blooming and the Neo War. Almost all of those in Upland are what I called Deitist: believing that Califia is someway a deity.
There is also a new ethnicity/race called Biras (Birace?Biase?). They are the English version of Mestizos. I was thinking that since interracial is more acceptable, and therefore more biracial children, that will be far more biracial in the future. I will think they will be the majority (maybe 1/3?), though they will likely have different groups depending on their background. Sasha Waybright is likely a Biras, however, this will depend on if her one or both her parents are from the Eastern. She probably will view herself as a Mestiza since she will be a Kalifornana.
I also want to create a different post that focuses only on the State of California.
Native American States
After the Second Civil War, many Native American tribes declared independence. How many, I don't know, and to be honest, I don't think it is more than 10. Right now, I gonna create ones from the US since I more familiar with it. There likely are independent First Nation states in Canada, and there definitely is a Mayan state in the Yucatán Peninsula (and maybe whatever the Zapatistas are controlling now).
Kingdom of Hawaii
This was already a no-brainer as there is already a sovereign movement by Native Hawaiians. Honestly, it is rather they would have a monarchy or republic is the question.
This part is going a bit controversial, but once the USA government kinda just collapsed, there was a lot of chaos in the islands. There was a massive exodus, many who were non-native, who went back to the states. However, there was also an expulsion of other non-native, even those were not white, by Native Hawaiians; there were conflicts between two groups who wanted to either remain in the union or become independent, which led into this. Hawaiia also has a right of return for diaspora Hawaiian like many other countries do.
The capital is still Honolulu. They are a member of UNAC. When Amphibia was transported at the Pacific, Hawaii claimed some islands in its southern water that were uninhibited. There are political tension between the and the Kingdom of Newtopia due to this, and also the fucking megafaunas they traveled to the islands.
Navajo-Hopi Nation
Again, a no-brainer, however, the thing that was a bit shockingto me was that there is another tribe reservation inside Navajo. I was wondering why there was a hole in Navajo until I look at a proper map and saw Hopi in it lol
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(Other reservations in the East likely will be incorporated simply because Navajo-Hopi ask them "hey you wanna join us?")
Honestly, it likely they had the most peaceful transition: it isolated thanks to being in a desert (and behind the Rocky Mountains), there is not that many non-native in it to begin with, there are other issue happening for the USA government to worry about, and the most hilarious reason, is that they never publicly declared independence. They decided to ignore DC and acted like an independent country for either half to nearly a century.
I don't know if Navajo-Hopi should be a binational state or not. Binations don't usually last that long, and there are other non Navajo-Hopis that live in the nation. The capital city is Jeddito, an actual place in Navajo that is inside Hopi. Population in the nation should be around 10-15 mil. NH is part of UNEC.
Republic of Lakotah
Likely the biggest Native country if Alaska isn't independent. It is actually based on a proposal state for Lakota.
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It capital and largest city is Omaha (will go by a different name). The city is right on the tip, and it is the most important city as it is connected with the Mississippi River.
Even though Lakotah is meant for Lakota, there are other Native tribes who emigrated to it. There is likely ethnic tension between Lakota and the other non-Lakotas, but I don't think it won't be as awful as other places.
Of all the native states, Lakotah was the most violent; the country situated in five Republican states. The likely reason how they managed to gain independence is due other tribes from the surrounding coming over to help (similar to Bleeding Kansas). And anti-quirks were not as pivotal or heated compared to Whites (especially Republicans), so while Whites were fighting among themselves about quirks, quirks and non-quirks Native were teaming up.
There is a unique architecture in Lakotah, buildings which are called Tipi. Tipi are small, arcological buildings that are meant to house either 2,000 to 10,000 people. They primarily house people without hurting the environment. They are small, 1/4 to the size of a square kilometer. What is unique is that it is a commune, allowing people to share and control resources via democratically. It's the only place on Earth where they have true communism. How Tipi interspersed the lands is unique because I got the idea from Not Just Bike on his video of Switzerland. Lakotah is a sprawling country, where half the population lived in 5 major cities, and the other half lived in Tipi in said city's region or somewhere else. Instead of having sprawling suburban like the USA and Canada, Lakotah is sprawled by Tipi.
Lakotah land area is 200,00 km², with a population of 55 mil., and Omaha population is 10 mil.
It is also a member of UNAC
Country around Oklahoma
I know for a fact that tribes in Oklahoma declared independence too, the only issue is I don't know a name for it. There are multiple ethnicities in Oklahoma, and there likely need to have a lingua franca.
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I still gonna call it Oklahoma. Oklahoma City is the capital, with a population of around 1-2 mil. The country itself is 15-20 mil. Oklahoma is a member in UNAC.
Maya Republic
Mayas initiated their country during the Dark Age/Vigilant Era, like the four other countries I mentioned. And when i said Maya, I mean Indigenous Mayas , not Mestizos who don't identify as such. The Maya Republic controls Chiapas, Yucatán Peninsula, Belize, and Northern Guatemala.
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I don't know where the capital city will be. Either Mérida in Yucantán, Jovel, or Tuxtla Gutiérrez. Population is likely at 30 million. Maya is a member in UNAC.
The majority of Mayas are likely Califinitans, though I don't know if they will be deitists or nondeitists.
UNAC, or United North America Confederacy, is what I said before: a supernational union similar to EU. And I mean similar in many ways.
Border between UNAC members are open, there is a singular currency (called Uneso), no visa required for nationals when working in different countries, UNAC Nationals allowed to vote and stand in office in local government, no restrictions in trading, etc. There is not much standard when it comes to infrastructure. However, they do have major projects for UNAC to feel more connected. Almost all railways in mainland North America are electrified (25kv/50hz), all have standard gauge, have uniformed signals, and are connected. It's theoretically possible to take an hsr (450 kph) line or two from New York City to Panama City. But a more preferrable opition is a Maglev (750 kph) line, which goes directly to either city.
The capital city is at Rio Grande mouth, called Rio Grande City. It picked for a symbolic reason: Rio Grande separated Latin and Anglo culture, the treatment of Mexican, and proxy Latines, by the former USA, and picking the capital on the mouth bonds the two cultures together.
The city population is around 20-25 million. Some interesting things i think up is that there is a lot of bodies of water in Rio Grande City, like what it is today-
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-so the city kinda looks like Venice. There are artificial islands similar to I-Island off the coast, though they are much smaller, likely at average of 10-50 km². There is a pro-hero academy meant for UNAC national students. There is also a Triwizard-like tournament for Pro-heros academies, and it is always hailed in the city.
I think the UNAC government is similar to the EU along with Switzerland. It has two legislative, one voted by population, another by it state government. There is also a commission committee that handed making laws, but I too lazy to look it up. UNAC Senate, the one elected by population, has a degressive proportionality when giving each state senator. Let's be honest, Fredoia will fucking out vote every countries due to having the highest population. Mexico comes in second by population, with maybe a population of either 250-300 mil, but even then, adding all the other countries, they still won't outnumbered Fredoia, even if Fredoia did lost many states before. So, small countries (maybe less of 10 mil?) automatically have 5 senators, and the Senate will apportioned senators accordingly. Likely Fredoia only filled 1/3 of the Senate. The executive branch is a council of each countries head of state and government, like the EU.
Amphibia and the Boiling Isles
Amphibia can't be a member due to it government and representation. Even though Amphibians could elect local leaders, non-Newts can't vote for the supreme legislative body, and the kingdom is a semi-constitution monarchy. Like, UNAC is okay with Hawaii being a monarchy (if Hawaiians choose it) as it government is very much a constitution monarchy. The monarch has restricted power, similar to the British monarch. Andrias has far more privileges that will make UNAC very uncomfortable. There is some trade right between the two, and the Amphibians do have an easier time getting a visa (this I imagine how Hop Pop and two kids manage to enter California).
For BI, it is complicated. BI is situated in the middle of the Atlantic, and therefore does not feel connected to North America. Actually, there's likely tension between UNAC and BI (and likely other countries, especially EU and West Africa countries). Many of the islands block shipping lanes, so conflicts between BI and other countries are likely to happen. Doesn't help they are also do magic and far more non-humanoid like.
Not only that, but BIS are very isolationist. Rarely do they connect with the outside world. Even when Belos becomes emperor, it didn't really change its isolational policy other than scaring other countries because now they are united and far more powerful.
There's nothing else much to talk about. In the EU, they have a similar international pro-hero academy for EU national students to learn together -this is the premise for snk/bnha fic, where 104th class are a pro-hero class (Eren was a non-quirk until his father gifted him one, and not only Ymir (freckles) is from a famous and loving pro-hero parents, but she also in an arranged marriage with Historia, her childhood best friend).
Anyways, that's it.
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cryptids-streaming · 8 months
Boss Music
Here's the second part ( I guess lol) of the Bowser fanfic I've got going on fjsdisfidfh) It's not really edited but here we go!
'This is...less than ideal.' Surrounded by thick stone walls, torches that barely illuminated the space, and empty cells; it wasn't decor that inspired hope. Nor did the realization that I was the only one in any of the cells beneath the castle. 'Literally, where did I sign up for any of this? What did I do?' The only thing to keep me company, outside of your my musings, was the echoing of water dripping somewhere in the darkness to the right. Any time I tried to move my arms or legs, my movements were rewarded with the harsh clanking of chains. A dismal reminder that I was, indeed, stuck. Outside of the occasional visit from the guards that made their rounds to check that I was where I was supposed to be, or to deliver meals, I hadn't seen another soul. Not even my captor.
A sour feeling settled in my stomach as I rested my chin on my chest, trying to ignore the way my arms ached from being held in an upright position above my head. Knees bent, I pulled my legs in closer so the fabric of my dress would keep the dampness out. It was cold, but not to an extreme. It was just bearable enough to ignore it. Time seemed to drag at a snail's pace. My thoughts spiraled in an endless loop as I tried to make sense of the situation I was in. Trying to make sense of the irrational. Thudding footsteps arrested my attention, scattering my reverie like bugs running for cover.
I lifted my head up slowly, heart racing as the light from the torches cast shadows over the approaching figure. His entire presence, both physical and otherwise, was unmistakable. His ruby eyes were full of fire, a sense of cunning laying in their depths. The red mane, the horns and the scales, the spikes on his back all further illustrated to me who I was dealing with. Claws as sharp as knives ran along the iron bars of the cage, the noise making me shudder and cringe. He chuckled lowly, the corners of his mouth curling up into a grin. Still, he remained on the other side of the door to the cell. There was a false sense of security that I felt, even though I knew that the bars wouldn't hinder him from entering the cell should he want to. He wouldn't need a key to get in, he could use his raw strength if he chose.
His tail swayed slowly behind him, like a cat as they readied to pounce and play with their prey. My heartbeat sped up, eyes locking on his face as I took in the sight of him. Every inch of him was solid, fairly impenetrable. The air felt electric, charged with an unspoken tension between us both. “Bowser.”, I said, breaking the silence. “In the flesh.”, he replied, his voice surprisingly soft considering the mannerisms he had chosen to adopt. “Why am I here!?”, I demanded, rushing forward before meeting the resistance of the chains that held me fast. “I think the better question would be, why wouldn't you be? You've given me quite the headache, after all.” My eyes narrowed, “I did what I had to. But what I don't understand is why, instead of Princess Peach, you've decided to suddenly turn your sights on me.”
He chuckled, as if amused by what I'd said. “After Peach decided to rescue you and make you one of her guards, you've been nothing but a pain in my ass. But those days are over.” I cocked a brow at him, “Even so, you are no closer to getting what you want. My absence doesn't change the fact Mario and Luigi both are still in play. Or the fact that Princess Peach herself is.” “You know, after I captured you, I went back. The power-star is gone from the Mushroom Kingdom. And so is Princess Peach, along with her annoying companions.” His sharp claws curled around the iron bars, gleaming in the light cast by the torches. Bowser leaned forward, his ruby red eyes glowing in the dim lighting of the dungeon. “Yes, well, the affairs of the Mushroom Kingdom don't concern you.”
His eyes narrowed, his grip around the bars tightening. “Where did they go?”, he growled. 'Does he really expect me to tell him anything? Not that I am privy to the details to begin with.' Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell him. Silence reigned as we eyed one another. His patience wouldn't last forever. It wasn't a personality trait he possessed. Apprehension churned my stomach as his frown turned into a sickening grin. “Then, I suppose you will remain here. Either until you're ready to tell me what I need to know, or until Peach herself comes looking for you.” Rushing forward again, I grunted in annoyance as the chains prevented me from going further. “Screw you!”, I snapped, tossing my head back to move my hair from my face. I wanted him to see the anger in my eyes, to let him know he didn't scare me.
Without skipping a beat, as if it required zero effort from him, he bent the bars apart and stepped inside once the opening was large enough for him to pass through. I scrambled backward, intent on keeping what distance I could between us. Backing up until the wall behind me prevented me from retreating further, I pressed myself against the cold stone. Bowser took deliberate, measured steps forward until he loomed over me. My breath caught in my throat. It was one thing to face him in the open, with the ability to move about and fight back. Things were different when chains hampered any movement and the confines of a damp, dark cell restricted options of escape. Not to mention his hulking form that took up a good portion of the cell itself.
He reached out, as if he was going to touch me. Panic bubbled up under my skin, sending my heart rate through the roof. Eyes widening, I inhaled sharply and held my breath as I stared up at him. Alarm bells clanged in my head, mixing with the thundering sound of my heartbeat in my head. Surprise flickered across Bowser's face, and he stood there without moving an inch. “Fuckin' hell, where did all that fight you had go?” His voice was lower now, and lost it's edge. My chest rose and fell rapidly with each harried breath I took, unable to tear my eyes away from his. As if breaking eye contact would invite an attack. He squinted at me, eyes roaming my face as if to try and discern what had changed. With a deep breath, he lowered himself so we were on the same level.
“You touch me and I swear on every star in the galaxy it will be the last thing you do!”, I shouted, my whole body bristling. A lofty, bold threat that I had no way of carrying out at the moment. Askance, Bowser blinked as if still processing the switch in my demeanor. Realizing he wasn't going to move closer or try and touch me again, the tension and adrenaline left my body. I slumped forward, closing my eyes and exhaling a shaky breath. 'Get a hold of yourself. You've fought him without hesitation before...get a grip!' His gravelly voice interrupted my self-scolding. “Well, shit, I didn't want to scare you that badly.”, he muttered.
Tilting my head, I looked up at him. “Could've fooled me, acting as tough as you do.”, He added, still speaking in that softer tone. “Don't you dare try and act like you give two shits about anything but getting your hands on the power star, or your twisted desires for Princess Peach! Give it up already! She just doesn't want you! But you're too thick headed to get that! She's not into you! But instead of, oh I don't know, focusing on your own kingdom you keep inserting yourself into her life!” It all came tumbling out before I knew what I was saying, anger becoming a camouflage for my fear and embarrassment. “You can't bring yourself to acknowledge the facts! Your ego is larger than you are!” The more I spoke, the louder my voice rose.
“You're egotistical, you have a serious case of tunnel vision, you can't see the forest for the trees!”, I added, taking his stunned silence as a que to keep going. I didn't even know why I was saying half the things I was. At rock bottom, what did I have to lose? Someone needed to tell him, it may as well be me. Anything to prevent him from trying to use the fear I'd shown against me. His expression twisted into disbelief, and then anger. Instinctively, every muscle I had tensed. In a blink, a large fist buried itself into the wall next to my head. Claws digging into the wall with minimal resistance, stones from the wall giving way to his brute strength. I yelped, my eyes widening as I threw up my arms to shield my face. The outburst draining me of my anger as the icy grip of fear dug into me.
We were both breathing heavily; I could sense his outrage rolling off of him in massive, hot waves. His breath hitting my face as he leaned over me. My body trembled like a leaf despite my arrogantly brave words moments before. Bowser let out an irritated grunt, withdrawing his hand from the wall. Pebbles and small remnants of stone dropped to the floor of the cell, the noise of them falling causing me to flinch. Without a word, he stepped back, eyes locked on me. Lowering my hands from my pale face, I peered at him with an expression of shock and distrust. He turned and I side stepped to avoid his tail as he stomped out of the cell.
Throwing a single glance over his shoulder, his red eyes glowing in the shadows of the hallway of the dungeon, Bowser left without a word. Even with distance between us, I could feel his barely-contained anger. 'How am I not dead?' It wasn't until I could no longer hear his retreating footsteps that I allowed myself to fall to the floor of the cell. On my hands and knees, I gasped for air. Unaware I had been holding my breath the first place. 'I thought I was dead. That that was it.' Once again, my tongue could have been my undoing. Lifting my head, I stared at the gap in the bars of the cell. 'Why didn't he say anything?' Not one damn retort. Not one scathing reply. Not even a shout of anger or protest.
I sat up, my knees bent under me as I looked at the dent in the stonework of the wall. Unable to tear my eyes away from the evidence of his strength and ire. 'That could have been my face.' Unbidden, tears filled my eyes. I covered my face with my hands, unable to hold back the inexplicable rush of emotion. Curling up into a ball, I leaned into the wall and sobbed. 'Why didn't he? Where is Princess Peach? What is going on?' Countless questions tore at my subconsciousness. How had I gone from a random, everyday person one moment to someone locked up in the bowels of Bowser's castle? Memories of my past life seemed more like figments of my imagination as reality came crashing down around me. Allowing myself to feel the truth of the situation, I was in over my head. This wasn't my world. This wasn't the same game with the same rules I'd grown up with. I was in over my head, like an under-leveled and woefully unprepared player that stumbled across the endgame boss by accident. Princess Peach was going to be so disappointed in me.
Bowser's POV:
Fear. That's all he could smell coming off her. Pure, unadulterated fear. Not at him, though. It couldn't be. He'd faced off against her before, numerous times when his attempts to reach Peach had been thwarted. Not once had the new-comer shown an ounce of fear back then. She'd proven herself to be every bit of brave (stupid but brave) as that red-clad bastard, Mario. What was more, he couldn't shake the words she'd hurled at him without batting an eyelash. Things no one had the gall to say to his face before. He narrowed his eyes, leaning forward as he sat upon his thrown. Staring ahead at nothing, his brows furrowed, expression unreadable. 'I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.', He decided. 'But for now...Peaches, where have you gone? What are you up to?'
The more he thought about it, the less clear anything was. He flexed his hands in irritation. The Mushroom Kingdom was unguarded. Nothing was stopping him from laying waste to it as a sort of calling card to Peach when she did inevitably return. She cared far too much about her Toads to just abandon them. The knot of unease in his gut grew, as did his anger. His hand curled into a tight fist, frustrated at the lack of answers. What could possibly have possessed Princess Peach up and leave her kingdom, placing it in the hands of an inexperienced and insolent fool of a guard? What's more, wherever the Princess had went, she had brought along those bumbling idiot brothers with her. He slowly ran a finger along his upper lip in thought, glaring at nothing across the thrown room.
Unbidden, an irked growl left him. “Kamek!”, He roared. “Yes, sire?”, the magikoopa materialized from seemingly no where. “When's the last time we heard from King Boo?” Surprise flickered across Kamek's face. Had the world suddenly gone mad? “King Boo, sire?”, he echoed. Bowser turned his head slowly toward him, lifting a brow in a manner that let it be known he wouldn't be repeating himself. “A-ah, well, it's been some time....I thought...I thought you two weren't on speaking terms?”, Kamek croaked nervously. “Find him. Find him now!”
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
Happy freedom day festival!
Today is the day ebott celebrates the start of their country, escaping the barrier and the crash! This festival includes:
Tons of fair games. Some rigged, some not!
A small little market selling art and treats!
Lots of sports competitions! Wrestling, pickleball, diving contests, a rodeo, fencing, racing, and many more!
An animal show! Best in show for several categories like cats, dogs, snails, and some livestock
The biggest attraction will be the sparring, an all day event where ebotts finest fighters put on a show
And of course, the after party, nothing but drinking and dancing. Parents are advised to take their kids home before this part lol
Anyways have fun guys! I’ll answer rps whenever I’m online! All day today and some of tomorrow if I hit my post limit!
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johnnytoons · 4 months
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Happy “Monday Morning Monster Commute” my friends! Yesterday our town hosted the very first (and last) GRANNY PRIX RACE! Sunday drivers from around the world participated including local favorite “Snail Gail”! Unfortunately she’s still trying to finish the first lap. Lol! I hope everyone has a MONSTROUSLY GOOD MONDAY! 🚗✍🏻📒
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