#look at i am not okay with this and also robin's coming out scene. like COME ONNNNNNNN
This was originally from a larger fic idea that in retrospect wouldn't have worked, but I really liked this one scene, so it's getting posted on its own!
Damian Wayne is ten years old and trapped in a country he doesn't know with a Batman he was never supposed to be heir to and he is learning how to fall.
"I know how to fall," he snaps, irritated already -- he has already been trained, by people better than Grayson will ever be. It's more than muscle memory at this point -- it's more like running, breathing, the step and flex and roll to come back up already swinging.
"Do you now," Grayson says, trying for amused and interested and ending up with tired instead. "Off of buildings?"
"Yes," because how different can it be, really, except they're up on the pinnacle of Wayne Tower already, so high he can barely make out the shapes of the cars below them, looking out on the wide stretch of the city, darkened smoky stone and warm golden lighting and the great black expanse of the sea beyond it all. He has seen the images of his Father surveying his city, settled on the snarling head of a gargoyle or in the darkness behind neon lights, wrapped in shadow. Grayson is no master of stealth, no darkly watchful presence -- he leans wildly out over the gap, cape bannering out behind him in the wind, and looks up.
"Okay," Grayson says, still sounding tired, and turns to look at him. The cowl does not suit him; his chin is too narrow. "Wayne Tower's a good reference point if you need to get somewhere fast -- it's got good access to most of the major roads, and it's high enough you can grapple pretty much anywhere without slowing down too much."
"Yes," says Damian, "obviously."
"So, we're going to use it as practice," and Grayson fires a grapple at the neighboring skyscraper, checks it with a hard tug, and hands the gun over to Damian. "Like we did in the Bunker--"
"Release at apex, reset, fire again. I am aware." He is trained in all the things his father was trained in, during his time before he became the Bat, but he was not trained in this. This was something he learned in Gotham, on buildings such as this one, and Damian was not born to this city, to the home of Batman -- but he has been named Robin, and he has seen how all the rest of them fly. He sets his feet, braces for the leap -- below him, the city rumbles, never sleeping -- the line is almost invisible in the dark.
Grayson shifts, stepping closer, cape snapping in the wind.
"Going to tell me not to look down?" Damian gives his own tug on the line, which refuses to budge, and looks up, and out, and down, at the impossible plummet under his feet.
"Robin," Grayson says, tired and grieving and still somehow full of that infinite, impossible gentleness, that disgustingly soft core of him that Damian has wanted to plunge a knife into since the day they met, and "I am not afraid," Damian snaps, and leaps.
It's -- terrifying, paralyzing, the rush and plummet, the wind catching in his ears and howling, the thin rubber grip of the grapple gun in his palms all too slick for when his weight catches against the line and pulls him back upward, and yet it's also-- amazing, and he whoops sudden and startled and delighted when the arc runs out and he is flying, hanging weightless at the top of the world with all the lights of the city and the sea around him, black and gold and brilliant.
And then gravity reasserts her grip and hauls him back down to the Earth, backwards. He clings instinctively tighter to the gun, cape twisting, flapping, tangling with his legs as he falls blindly back towards the uncaring streets -- and an arm hooks around his waist and hauls him back up again with the benefit of greater mass and greater momentum, and with a jolt he finally hits the release and lets Grayson sweep him up onto the roof of the next building, landing without a breath of a sound.
Damian shoves his way free and Grayson lets him go, lets him shove the grappling gun back in the holster on his belt and stride off to the middle of the roof, glaring down at the smoke-stained concrete. He has practiced this a hundred times over in the Bunker, the changeover, the weightlessness -- he has done it perfectly on the practice course, again and again, until Grayson finally agreed to take him out into the city without the Batmobile, and he froze--
"You're not the only one, you know," Grayson says, and Damian pauses. He doesn't look back, but he pauses, and Grayson sighs. "Tim did the same thing all the time when he was learning. It takes practice."
"I have had practice."
"Not on the streets."
"What difference should that make?"
Damian can feel Grayson's Look, boring in between his shoulder blades, and he clicks his tongue and turns back to the edge of the roof. This building isn't quite so tall, and flatter on top. Any leap will be reliant more on the winch feature of the grappling guns to haul him up to the next roof in the chain.
"Damian," Grayson says, stepping up next to him.
"Fine, then, Robin," and he actually manages to hit amused. "You want to know a secret?"
Grayson leans in, conspiratorial, and Damian refrains from tilting himself away. Grayson's secrets are... varied, in terms of how secret they must be kept, and frequently inane, but occasionally... occasionally they are his father's secrets, and Damian-- holds tight to those. 
They are his birthright, after all.
"Bruce didn't know how to do this either," Grayson whispers, close and quiet in his ear.
"I am aware of that." There was, after all, a time when his father was not Batman, Damian knows, and his lack of training then does not excuse Damian's current inability--
"No, I mean even as Batman," and Damian whips his head up to look at him, but Grayson is looking out over the shining lights of the city, unreadable behind the cowl. "
In the early days, he didn't-- leap like this."
"He didn't have the training. Who would be crazy enough to teach him how to-- throw himself off skyscrapers?"
"Surely there would have been someone--"
"Before all of this? Before the Justice League? Before Superman? Bruce--
"--your father knew a lot of things, but he didn't know this." Grayson shrugs, shoulders drooping as though the cape is dragging them down. "Back then -- well, actually, back then we mostly used the Batmobile, but when we did do rooftop patrols it was a different technique. Lower buildings, narrower streets, different line attachments, no midair switches and no big drops like that. I spent a lot of time using a grapple like an elevator as a kid," and he-- laughs, soft and quiet and wistful. "I learned a lot from him, but I didn't learn how to fly."
"But the others--" He has seen the recordings of his-- predecessors, of Drake's careless confidence in the air, Todd's reckless swoops -- even Brown is better at this than Damian, and that cannot stand. His mother told him that Batman would close the gaps in his education (what small ones there were), that he would be the greatest of his students, and yet he cannot do this, and his father is not here to teach him -- and yet his father did not teach Grayson, either--
"They learned from me," Grayson says. "Bruce did too, sort of -- it wasn't exactly like trapeze, I had to figure out a lot of it, heh, on the fly, and I worked out the technique with him -- but the basics? That's all me. Robin flew before Batman ever did."
"...tt," Damian says, because he has no idea what else to do, but he looks out over Gotham's neon-and-gold and wonders, briefly, what it must have been like, all those years ago, to take that first leap. To look up to the sky and see Batman and Robin, aloft.
"Trust me, Robin, you'll pick it up," Grayson says, resettling the cape on his shoulders, and Damian looks up at him again. He's smiling, now, and the cowl still doesn't suit him but it's less about the shape of his face or the tilt of his chin and more that Richard Grayson, perhaps, should not be wearing the cowl at all. "You've already got the hardest step down."
"Which is?"
"Don't be afraid to fall," Grayson says, and gestures out at the city in front of them, alive with light. "All you've gotta do is keep moving forward. I'll be right behind you," and English isn't Damian's first language but Mother found him only the best of the best to be his tutors, and he hears the second meaning underneath the words. I'll be there to catch you.
"Tt," says Damian, and leaps.
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hollyethecurious · 2 days
CS AU: Once Upon A Grimm (2/?)
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Summary: The world was far more complex than most people realized. Humans went about their lives, completely ignorant of the fact that there was a world of fairytales existing right alongside them. Well, not really fairytales. Not in the Disney sense, anyway. Many, like the Grimm brothers, had woven the truth into their stories, but the creatures they wrote about were even more nightmarish than their macabre and monstrous depictions. Creatures known as wesen. Supernatural, other-worldly beings who have always lived among humans and have always been hunted by those who had come to be known as Grimms. A struggle of secrecy, balance, and power among these species has existed since the beginning of time. This is a story of a man with his own struggle. The internal struggle of being a human, a wesen, and a Grimm, and the external forces that seek to eradicate one or all of his natures, especially those he tries to keep hidden. Fortunately, Killian Jones is not alone in his struggles nor his secrets. His personal savior, Emma Swan, has secrets and struggles of her own.
A/N: This fic is inspired by and will borrow from the NBC show Grimm. I confess I did not watch Grimm when it first aired, but absolutely fell in love with the show during a binge fest years later. If you have not seen the show, no worries! My beta - who has not seen the show either - assures me that it is not necessary. If you have seen the show, then I hope you’ll forgive the huge creative license I am taking with the material. This is not a strict Grimm retelling with Once characters. This is my own spin on the lore and cannon of both shows.
Sorry I am so late with this update. I underestimated how demanding real life was gonna be now that we are back in full swing with school. I'll do my best to stay on track going forward!
I cannot express how much I have enjoyed being a part of the @cssns all these years. Thank you to the mods who have kept it going year after year. We've had a terrific run! Huge shout out to @kmomof4 for always being my cheerleader and for her exceptional beta skills. A HUGE thank you and many fangirl squeals to my artist @eastwesthomeisbest for the amazing job she did on the cover art that accompanies this fic. Please go show her some love!
FYI: Because the show took cues from the Grimm brothers’ works, much of the vocabulary associated with the supernatural creatures was based on German or German coded language. For words like wesen and woge (which will be explained in the text) the w is pronounced with a v sound on the show. I’ll be using terminology from the show and more common creature names interchangeably within the fic.
Rated E (eventually) / Also available on ao3 and ff.net / buy me a coffee / add to tag list / Curious? Come Ask Me!  / Prologue
Chapter One
Two and Half Years Later…
“What have we got?”
Killian approached the scene with his partner, Robin. Their mate and uniformed officer, Will, brought them up to speed, keeping his voice low as the men conversed on the walkway that led to the grand house towering before them.
“Grace Hatter. Eight years old. Never made it to school this morning,” Will informed them, reading over his notes. “Father says she left the house at a quarter to eight like usual. An hour later he got the call from the school telling him she was absent.”
“Do we know if he’s clean?” Killian asked, assessing the distraught man who was being questioned by other officers.
“No,” Will replied. “Dad’s name is Jefferson Hatter. We're looking into him.”
“Okay. Thanks, mate. We’ll go have a talk with him.”
Killian and Robin continued up the walkway. When the father caught sight of them, he rushed down the front steps to meet them halfway.
“Are you the detectives?”
“Yes, sir,” Robin responded. “Detectives Locksley and Jones. Can you tell us more about your daughter? When you last her? What she was wearing?”
“Yeah, um…” The man took a moment to try and compose himself. His hand shook as he brought it up to run down his face. A shuddering breath filled his lungs and a sob caught in the back of his throat. “She uh, she left here about 7:45. She’s wearing purple leggings and an oversized, purple top that has a white rabbit on the front of it. She also had on a red hoodie and her backpack is pink and purple with her name on it.”
“Does she often walk by herself to school?”
The man, Jefferson, nodded, tears welling in his eyes. “Ever since the beginning of the school year. She wanted… She wanted to be a big girl this year.” He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the freshly fallen tears drops from his face. “I was reluctant, but the school isn’t far and normally she walks with another little girl and her brother down the block.”
“But not today?” Killian inquired.
“No,” Jefferson answered. “Ava and her brother are both out sick this week. Grace walked alone yesterday, so I didn’t see an issue with her walking alone again today.” His face reddened, the tears now cascading down his cheeks as he pleaded, “Please. You have to find my little girl, please!”
“We’re going to do everything we can,” Robin promised him, digging a card from his pocket. “An officer is going to stay with you as we canvas the neighborhood, but if you think of anything else, give us a call.”
“Th-Thank you, detectives,” Jefferson said, taking the card then following one of the officers back to the house.
“So, what do you think?” Robin said under his breath as they turned back towards the street and surveyed their surroundings.
“If he’s involved then he’s an excellent actor,” Killian replied. “I think it more likely she was grabbed on her way to school. The question is… where?”
The street was lined with houses on one side, facing a wooded park area. The little girl would have made her way to the end of the block then turned to go around the woods. The school was located on the other side, about seven blocks away.
“We’ve spoken with all the neighbors who are home along the route she would have taken,” Will said, joining the detectives. “No one saw anything.”
“Maybe she didn’t take the usual route,” Killian said, jutting his chin towards the woods. “Maybe she took a shortcut.”
“Dad was very specific about the route,” Will told him. “He said Grace wasn’t allowed to cut through the woods.”
“Yeah, and we all know you did everything you were told when you were a kid,” Robin quipped, slapping Will on the back before heading towards the woods.
The three of them followed the worn path, carved out of the foliage by those who had used the woods as a shortcut over the years. Although focused on the task before him, Killian could not help but acknowledge how fortunate he was to do this job with his two best mates at his side.
It had been a series of unfortunate events that had led them here. Two and half years ago, he and Robin had been uniformed officers at different precincts and Will, after washing out of the academy years before, owned a local bar. After being attacked and having his life, once again, turned upside down, Killian had spiraled a bit. Neglectful of his duty and spending too much time at Will’s bar had made him a less than stellar candidate for detective, despite his high scores on the exam. However, everything changed once more the night Will’s bar went up in flames.
Though it had been deemed arson, they still weren’t sure how it had happened. The explosion and fire claimed the lives of more than a dozen officers and detectives from both Storybrooke and Glowerhaven. In the aftermath, personnel had been reshuffled, reassigned, and reevaluated, giving Killian a second chance at a detective slot and transferring Robin to the Storybrooke precinct. Will, determined to bring the perpetrator to justice, had reapplied to the academy and finished top of his class before being assigned to the Storybrooke PD.
Although the arson case had gone cold, Killian and Robin, with an assist from their favorite uniformed patrolman, had managed to garner the highest number of closed cases of any rookie or veteran detectives within the city or its outlying suburbs. Robin often joked that the reason the three of them were so good at this job was because in another life they would have been criminals themselves - and therefore knew how their perps thought - dubbing themselves the pirate, the bandit, and the thief.
Of course, he had no idea that Killian possessed abilities beyond those of a normal human detective which gave him an advantage. Abilities he was currently applying in the hopes of bringing this little girl home safely.
When the trail forked, the trio branched off in separate directions. Once out of sight from his mates, Killian crouched down and closed his eyes, homing in on the sounds around him as he inhaled deeply. Over the years he’d made peace with his wolf side. It wasn’t always easy to keep the wesen reined in, or explain away how he’d been able to accomplish some of the things his supernatural abilities allowed him to do, but as time went on he found ways to balance his human and wesen side.
Not able to pick up anything out of the ordinary, Killian resumed his search further up the path. A moment later, Robin’s voice called out.
“I’ve got something!”
Killian rushed towards Robin’s voice, arriving alongside an out of breath Will. Both men were too focused on the pink and purple backpack laying among the ferns to notice Killian’s lack of exertion.
“Grace Hatter.” Will read the name where it had been monogrammed in bright pink, confirming it belonged to their missing girl. “She must have been grabbed somewhere in this area.”
“Careful where you step,” Killian reminded them. “Will, call it in and inform the others that we have a crime scene in Wonderland Woods Park across from the victim’s house.”
Will stepped away to radio it in, leaving the detectives to peruse the area.
“Killian, we got boot prints here. They look fresh.”
Killian noted the direction of the prints and commented, “He took her this way.” Setting off down the path, he shouted over his shoulder, “Stay with Will until CSU arrives. I’ll see where the prints lead.”
Once out of sight, Killian crouched down again and took in a deep breath. The hairs on the back of his neck stood at attention and a primal growl rumbled in the center of his chest. He could tell the scent was wesen, although he wasn’t sure what species. There was something vaguely familiar about it, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on why.
Never before, since his transition, had he ever wished for the moon to be in its full cycle. If it were, then his sense of smell would be stronger. He’d be able to discern the little girl’s scent better, as well as her abductor’s, and he’d be able to tell which direction the two had gone once they’d reached the road on the other side of the woods.
Cursing under his breath, Killian made his way back to Robin and Will. The Crime Scene Unit had already arrived and the area was being cordoned off so they could work making casts of the boot prints. Killian eyed Grace’s backpack as it was being bagged and tagged so it could be processed for fingerprints. He wished he’d gotten a chance to scent it, but the K-9 unit was already seeing to the task.
“There isn’t much more we can do here,” Robin told him. “Will and the other officers will follow up on the neighbors they didn’t get a chance to speak with earlier. Maybe one of their security cameras will have caught them coming out of the park.”
“Aye,” Killian said with a resigned sigh.
Clapping Killian on the back, Robin suggested, “Let’s go get some lunch. By the time we’re done, more evidence will have been collected and processed, then we can focus on whatever they found.”
“I suppose I could eat,” Killian relented. Robin was right. There was nothing more they could do that the other officers didn’t already have handled. They’d need their strength and their wits about them for the long afternoon and evening ahead. “Where did you have in mind?”
“How about Aesop’s?”
Killian cocked a brow his partner’s way. “Aesop’s? A bit swanky for lunch isn’t it?”
Robin shrugged. “I hear they have a great burger menu.”
“Mhmm,” Killian hummed. Something in Robin’s demeanor had him dubious as to whether that was the real reason. “I suppose we could check it out,” he replied with a shrug of his own, followed by a wolfish grin. “So long as you’re buying.”
“So that’s the real reason you wanted to come here,” Killian ribbed in a sing-song tone. “The lovely and elusive Miss Mills.”
Robin’s cheeks flamed pink behind the bun of his burger as he took as long as he possibly could to bite off then chew a mouthful.
“You know this constitutes stalking, right? Why not just ask her out?”
Robin swallowed and chased the bite with a sip of water, once again taking his time running his napkin over his mouth before placing it back in his lap.
“You’re hopeless,” Killian exasperated, getting up from his seat. He shot a wink over his shoulder to his mortified partner as he approached the nearby table, teeming with lawyers in their power suits. “Miss Mills?” he said in a feigned tone of surprise.
“Detective Jones,” she said in a friendly yet reserved greeting. “Funny running into you here?”
“Aye,” he said. “The lunch burger menu was recommended to Robin and me, so we thought we’d give it a go.” He gestured back towards the table Robin was metaphorically trying to hide beneath. Miss Mills - Regina - gave him a wave which he awkwardly reciprocated. “I won’t keep you,” Killian continued. “I was on my way to the facilities when I spotted you and just wanted to say hello. Enjoy your lunch.”
“Thank you, detective. A pleasure seeing you,” she replied, though her attention was not set on him but rather still subtly fixated on his partner.
When Killian exited the lavatory hall on his way back to the table, he slowed his steps and his lips twitched up in a smile. Robin and Regina were standing at the table conversing as the prosecutor’s colleagues were filing past, on their way out the door. Regina slipped Robin her card, her painted lip caught between her teeth, and he accepted it with a full, bright smile. Killian chuckled to himself, eager to take the mickey out of his friend, when something in Regina’s countenance shifted.
She’d turned towards the door, prepared to follow her colleagues, when her entire body went rigid. Something rippled through her expression and Killian was taken aback by what he saw.
She woged.
Regina Mills was… a hexenbeist?
No. He had to be seeing things. She couldn’t have woged. If she had, the entire restaurant would be in an uproar, especially Robin. There’s no way anyone would have missed the gruesome sight of a hexenbeist revealing her true form. Unless…
No. That wasn’t a possibility either. The full moon wasn’t in cycle yet, so there was no way he could have witnessed a demi-woge. Could he?
Regina’s features returned to normal, but her posture was still stiff and on guard. He followed her eyes to try and determine what had prompted such a response and was stunned to see another woged hexenbeist casually standing by the hostess stand. She had flaming red hair and was dressed in a tight, green dress. When her human face presented itself once more, she wore a smug, slightly challenging smirk.
Finally collecting herself, Regina marched past the woman without a word or backward glance, but the red-haired witch watched her all the way out the door and down the block.
“Did you see that?”
Robin’s question shook Killian from his shock, but a fresh, confused panic spiked within him. “See what?”
“The text,” Robin said, lifting his phone for Killian to see. “We’ve got a body.”
“A body?” Killian parroted, attempting to get his racing heart under control while processing what his partner said.
He didn’t see it, then. Didn’t see them change. Then why did I?
“Not Grace Hatter?” Killian’s heart dropped a little as his mind finally caught up.
“No,” Robin assured him. “Not the missing girl, but the captain wants us to take point on this one, too.” He beckoned Killian to follow him through the tables towards the exit. “I’ve already settled the bill. Will’s waiting for us at the scene.”
Before heading out the door, Killian scanned the restaurant for the red-headed hexenbeist, but saw no sign of her. He tried to shake off the unnerving feeling her and Regina’s woge had elicited in him. The mystery of why he had been able to see it at all would have to wait. He had more pressing issues to concern himself with.
“Are you sure this is even a homicide?” Killian heard Will ask under his breath. “Looks more like an animal attack?”
For the second time that day, Killian’s hackles rose. The scene before him was familiar. Too familiar. He could remember, as though it were yesterday, making the same inquiry to the detectives working a similar scene. A scene that had led to Killian being attacked and transformed. A scene that had been declared an animal attack after the DNA had come back as inconclusive. A scene where no other evidence had been left behind except…
“We got a boot print!”
Killian’s entire body reacted in a ripple of goose bumps and a sharp inhale confirmed the truth as a familiar scent penetrated his sinuses.
It’s him! He’s back. The blutbad who attacked me. The blutbad who made me. He’s back and he’s killed again. He’s killed again and… HE’S TAKEN GRACE HATTER!
“Oi! Kill, er… detective. You alright?”
“You look as though you’ve seen a ghost, mate.”
Killian’s Apple apple bobbed painfully. “We need to go see the Captain. Now.”
It was a quick ride back to the precinct, though Killian’s silent stewing had probably made it feel longer to his partner. Robin knew him well enough to not pepper him with questions when he was like this, allowing him space to get his thoughts together. It didn’t mean his mate didn’t side-eye him with furtive glances the entire way back to the station, though.
“Captain Gold, do you have a minute?” Killian asked at the open doorway of their captain’s office.
“For my two best detectives? Of course,” Captain Gold said, gesturing them forward. “How’s the investigation going into the missing girl? Or is this about the body we found? A jogger who was a student at the local university?”
“Actually,” Killian hedged, still unsure how he was going to convince his captain and his partner of what he knew to be fact. “It may be about both.”
“Go on.”
Killian and Robin took a seat in front of the captain’s desk. Leaning forward, Killian began to fill them in on what he’d pieced together.
“A little over two years ago, there was a hiker who was attacked in a similar fashion to how we found the jogger today.”
“I remember,” Gold said, nodding his head. “That was ruled an animal attack, wasn’t it?”
“Aye,” Killian said. “The DNA was inconclusive, but that wasn’t the only evidence left at the scene.” Flicking his eyes towards Robin, he said, “There was a boot print. Just like the one at the scene today. And that’s not all…” Sitting back, Killian wiped his hand down his face and let go a heavy breath. “The same day the hiker was attacked and killed, a little girl went missing in Glowerhaven.” Robin’s eyes widened and Killian knew he didn’t need reminding, but the Captain still needed to know. “I know because Robin helped work that case and we were mates back then.” Setting his attention back on his captain, Killian continued. “Look. I’m not saying all these cases are connected, but we did find boot prints where we suspect Grace Hatter was abducted, and it all feels a little suspect to just be coincidence.”
Captain Gold tented his fingers in front of him, and his eyes narrowed at Killian. “I’m inclined to agree,” he said, after a few agonizing seconds. “It’s all too coincidental to not look into.” His eyes shifted to Robin. “Locksley, reach out to Glowerhaven and see if you can get a copy of the missing girls file from two years ago. Check it for any similarities to the Grace Hatter case. Jones,” he continued, focusing his attention back on Killian. “Follow-up on the boot print. See if the one from the hiker’s scene matches the jogger’s, then compare it to the ones we found at the abduction site.” With a dismissing nod, he added, “Keep me informed.”
“Yes, Captain,” the two detectives replied on their way out of Gold’s office.
“How did you put all of that together?” Robin asked. “Remembering that girl from more than two years ago who went missing the same day a hiker was mauled? I don’t think I would have put that together.”
“I don’t know,” Killian deflected. “Something about that night just… stuck with me, I guess.”
“Well, good pick up,” Robin said, clapping him on the back. “I’m gonna call GPD, then head over to collect those files. Check in later?”
“Aye,” Killian told him. “Later.”
It took Killian less time to confirm the boot prints were a match at all three scenes than it did for Robin to make it back with the files. Although it proved the crimes may be connected, the boots that matched the prints were a very common brand. It would be nearly impossible to find their suspect that way. Frustrated, Killian shot off a text to Robin and Will, letting them know he was gonna go out for some air.
There had to be a way of finding this monster.
Not that he hadn’t already tried. He’d gone back to the scene of the hiker’s mauling time and time again in search of any clues, hoping to discover the identity of the killer and the wesen who had turned him. Once the case had been cleared from homicide, investigators believing a wolf or mountain lion had caused the grizzly death, there had been little Killian could do inside the law. He’d been too preoccupied with the changes he was facing as a newly made wesen to pursue the blutbad on his own, and too worried about what his brother’s reaction might have been if he’d turned the case over to a Grimm. A Grimm who might have been able to detect such changes in his little brother.
Now, he couldn’t help but feel as though the jogger’s death and the missing girl were his fault. He should have told Liam about the rogue blutbad or gone after it himself.
He wouldn’t make the same mistake this time.
Digging his phone from his pocket, Killian dialed his brother’s number and held his breath as the call rang.
This is Liam Jones. I’m not available to take your call. Leave me a message.
“Liam. It’s Killian. Call me back. I’ve got a situation here that might require your expertise.”
Killian’s phone vibrated in his hand. He glanced at the screen, expecting it to be Liam returning the call. Instead, the caller ID displayed Will’s name. Killian knew he’d been pouring over videos collected from neighborhood cameras, and he was eager to hear if he’d found anything that might help them locate the missing girl.
“Will? What you got?”
“Not much,” Will confessed over the phone. “I’ve checked all the cameras we collected from Tweedle Drive, the street the perp would have exited the woods from, and there’s nothing out of the ordinary.”
“Nothing?” Killian asked, defeated. “From the whole street?”
“Well, there’s a bit we don’t have footage of, but none of the videos show any car, truck, or van he may have used to move the girl. The only vehicle on the street at that time was the mail truck.”
“The mail truck?” Killian repeated, an idea coming to him. “Do me a favor. Find out who was working that route today and whether the postal service issues a certain type of boot for their employees' uniforms.”
“You think it was the postman?”
“It’s the only lead we’ve got,” he told Will. “If nothing else, the postal worker may have seen something. We should track them down as a potential witness.”
“I’ll get right on it.”
“Text me the name when you’ve got it.”
“Will do.”
A renewed rush of hope filled Killian as he made his way back to the precinct, but it was hindered by a fresh realization.
If the postal worker did turn out to be their suspect, then he wouldn’t be going up against their usual perp. He’d be going up against a wesen. A blutbad. And not just any blutbad… his sire. The one who had turned him. Would he know? Even without the full moon bringing out his wesen characteristics, would his sire be able to tell what he was?
Killian stopped short of the station door and did an about face. He needed to better prepare himself for this confrontation, and there was only one person who would be able to help him do so.
Searching his contacts as he made his way to his vehicle, he prayed this call would not go to voicemail.
His prayer was answered.
“Swan. It’s me. I need your help.”
The fingers of her left hand drummed against the counter as the nails on her right were being assaulted by her teeth. Normally, Emma Swan would not allow a situation to unnerve her this way. Of course, it wasn’t the situation, not really, it was the man involved in the situation. The man who only came in once a month to pick up his wolfsbane tonic and share polite pleasantries with her or her brother, who assisted her at the shop. The man who had agreed to keep things between them strictly professional after the one time thing incident that had occurred early on in their association. The man who had kept to that promise… until now.
He wasn’t coming here for his tonic - the full moon was still over a week away. He wasn’t coming here for tea, or spices, or herbal remedies, or anything within the purview of her business. No. He was coming here because he needed help on a case. He was coming here because he had nowhere else to turn. He was coming here because he needed… her.
Although they had managed to keep one another at arm’s length these past two years, it hadn’t been that way at first. The month following his attack and introduction into the wesen world, they had texted and chatted numerous times, having built a rapport by the time of the next full moon.
A rapport that simmered with attraction and temptation.
Fortunately, they had both understood the seriousness underlying his stay with her during that first full moon. Setting aside the obvious chemistry between them, they focused instead on the alchemy of finding the right balance of wolfsbane. Everything had gone as expected… until it hadn’t.
“Emma, sweetie,” Granny said in her admonishing tone. “Are you trying to drive us both mad with your fidgeting?”
“Sorry, Granny,” Emma mumbled, removing her nail from her teeth and flattening both hands on the counter.
The elderly woman’s soft, weathered hand covered hers and she gave it a light, comforting squeeze. “What’s got you all riled up? You said he was a regular customer.” Her eyes narrowed and her head tilted to the side. “Is it because he’s a lycanthrope?” Patting Emma’s hand she assured, “I may not look it, but I can still hold my own. If he gets unruly, then--”
“No, it’s not like that,” Emma said, cutting the woman off in a rush, not wishing her to get the wrong impression. “Detective Jones is much more disciplined than lycanthropes are believed to be. He’s… he’s a good man.”
“Then why on earth are you worked up in such a state?” Granny inquired. “I can practically smell the anxiety and tension wafting off of you.”
Emma chewed her bottom lip, then silently cursed herself. Get a grip, Emma. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she straightened her posture and schooled her features. “It’s nothing.”
Granny let out a dubious hum. “Try again,” she said. “If you want me to help a lycanthrope - and a detective to boot - that has you all tied up in knots then you’re gonna have to give me a reason.”
Emma released a heavy sigh. She knew Granny was right. The woman was going out on a limb for her, the least she could do was give her the truth.
Given that she expected the detective to arrive at any moment, Emma quickly told Granny about her and Killian’s first meeting, and the subsequent month that had followed.
“Sounds like the two of you became fast friends,” Granny remarked, though Emma thought she could detect something slightly off in the woman’s tone. “What happened?”
Glancing at the door, Emma wasn’t sure if she was irritated or relieved that he hadn’t arrived yet. She’d never told anyone what had happened.
“He came to stay with me for the full moon, as planned,” she began.
“Here?” Granny asked, knowing the proprietor lived above her shop.
“Yes,” Emma confirmed. “In my spare room. I wanted us to be close to the workshop so I could make adjustments on the fly.”
“What do you mean?”
Swallowing, Emma told Granny about the experiments they did, testing the effectiveness of the wolfsbane. “Things like, provoking his temper and trying to elicit responses that were more primal,” she hedged, with half a shrug of her shoulder, “to see how well he could keep control under such stimuli.”
“And?” Granny prompted. “How did he do?”
“He did great,” Emma said, then winced slightly as she added, “Until August showed up.”
A knowing huff left Granny. “Yeah. I’d imagine the presence of another male might have set him off a bit. Did your brother come away unscathed?”
“Barely,” Emma replied. “Killian didn’t know who August was and when he saw him hugging me he… woged.”
“As in… fully?”
“That must have been intense for all of you.”
“It was,” Emma sighed. “I had to use magic to diffuse the situation, but once cooler heads prevailed and I was able to introduce the two of them, I thought things were resolved.”
Emma’s mind flashed back to the morning after he’d woged and tried to attack August. The morning after the final full moon.
“So… you made it through your first full moon.”
“Aye. Thanks to you, love.”
“No need to thank me,” she told him. “I should be thanking you.”
“For not ripping out my idiot brother’s throat,” she said in a tone mixed with amusement and annoyance. “I told him not to come here this weekend, but does he listen?”
Killian hummed, a sultry, toe-curling sound, and sauntered forward. “Perhaps gratitude is in order then?” he murmured, tapping his lips suggestively with a raised brow and challenging smirk.
“Yeah,” she said, a little breathlessly. “That’s what the thank you was for.”
Another sinful sound echoed past his lips as he pressed further into her personal space. “Is that all your brother’s life is worth to you?”
“Please,” she scoffed with an eye roll, trying, and failing, to get her heart rate under control, knowing full well he could probably hear its erratic beat. “You couldn’t handle it.”
The corner of his lips lifted in a feral and taunting manner. “Perhaps you’re the one who couldn’t handle it.”
The crack of the t against his tongue reverberated through her, and without thought she grabbed the lapels of his jacket, fusing her mouth to his. It took him the briefest of seconds to respond, inhaling deeply before thoroughly devouring her.
It was hot. It was primal. It was all-consuming.
“That was…”
It was a big fucking mistake.
“A one time thing,” she murmured, pulling back from his chasing lips. “We… we can’t do this. I… I can’t do this.”
Releasing him, she took several steps back, unable to meet his eye or look upon his confused expression.
“Swan,” he panted, both of them still working to catch their breath. “Have I… Have I done something? I know attacking your brother was bad form. Please don’t think I’m unaware of the seriousness of that--”
“No, it’s… it’s not that,” she said. “I know you didn’t really have control over--”
“Then what?” he asked. “What’s changed?”
Crossing her arms over her chest, Emma rocked back on her heels and said, “I just don’t think it’s a good idea for us to… I mean… this is all new to you and the last thing we both need is to complicate an already complex situation. I think it would be best if we… kept things professional between us.”
She braced herself for his response, expecting him to be angry. Expecting him to accuse her of leading him on, or taking advantage of him while he was vulnerable. She hadn’t expected him to run a hand through his hair while letting go a heavy sigh before agreeing with her.
“Aye,” he said, softly. “Perhaps you’re right. Perhaps now is not the best time to…” Flicking his too blue gaze up to hers, he gave her an earnest smile. “I appreciate all you’ve done for me, Swan. I think I’ll be able to manage on my own now, thanks to you.”
“You’ll still need the tonic each month,” she reminded him with a slight edge of panic in her voice. She didn’t mean for their association to end altogether. “And you can still call or text me if you have questions about--”
“Thank you,” he interjected, cutting her off before she could continue with her offer. “I’ll swing in for the tonic in a month’s time. I’ll be sure to let you know if there are any issues regarding the treatment.” Reaching up, he pawed at a patch of skin behind his ear. “I, uh… I should go. I have a shift in an hour.”
“Right,” she said, letting him pass so he could collect his things from where he’d set them by the door. “See you next month?”
“Aye, Swan,” he said over his shoulder as he exited the shop. “See you then.”
“Only… I didn’t see him then,” she told Granny. “I chickened out and left the order with August.”
“Are you telling me,” Granny chastised, “that you haven’t seen that young man since--”
“No!” Emma replied, indignantly. “Of course I’ve seen him. We just… it’s been…” Another heavy sigh expelled out of her lungs. “After our… shared moment, I did avoid him for a bit and I know he struggled to cope with his transition, which made me feel worse about how we left things, but then there was this fire at his friend’s bar, and he made detective, and I don’t know… something about him changed. Things were less weird when he came in and we managed to carve out this nice, albeit superficial, relationship and yet--”
“The feelings are still there?”
Emma laughed a rather hysterical sounding laugh. “Uh, no. No feelings. I mean, obviously I care about him, as a person, but my current demeanor has nothing to do with feelings.”
“Oh? What does it have to do with, then?”
Emma didn’t get a chance to answer the woman’s smug question. The bell over the door chimed and the two women's heads snapped in its direction. In walked Killian Jones, as handsome and alluring as ever.
“Swan,” he greeted with a reverential nod. “Thank you for seeing me.”
“Of course,” she managed to choke out, her mouth having gone dry. Clearing her throat, she gestured towards Granny and introduced, “This is, uh, Granny Lucas. She runs the new B&B and diner up the street. I thought she might be able to help. Granny, this is Detective Jones.”
“Please,” he said, taking Granny’s hand and offering it a polite shake. “Killian will do.”
“A pleasure to meet you, detective,” Granny said, obviously sizing him up. “You’re not at all what I expected.”
Her gaze still assessing him, Granny quipped, “Most lycanthropes have me wanting to rip out their throats within seconds of meeting them, but you… you’re different.”
Killian’s brows shot up and his eyes flicked to Emma even as he continued to address Granny. “It seems you have me at a disadvantage,” he said a little too calmly. “You know about me, yet I have no idea why Swan brought you in on--”
“Granny’s a blutbad,” Emma blurted out, causing his brows to raise even higher as his head snapped back to the elderly woman. “I thought, seeing as you said your case had something to do with a blutbad, and that you needed more information about them, that you’d like to have your questions answered by someone who--”
“Not just any blutbad,” he said, cutting her off in a tone laced with menace and anger. “The blutbad.”
Emma gasped. “The one who turned you?”
“Aye.” His gaze turned dark and his features hardened. “He’s back and he’s killed again. He’s even taken a little girl captive.”
“That’s terrible,” Emma said, keeping herself from reaching out to offer him a hand of comfort. “When did you--”
“Today,” he told her, catching both women up on the case of the little girl and the jogger and how he’d connected them to the cases from over two years ago.
“We found matching boot prints at the crime scenes, but I also detected his scent at each location. I knew there was something familiar about it, but didn’t put it together until I smelled it mixed with the jogger’s blood. It brought back the olfactory memory of that night,” he said, momentarily getting lost in thought until he shook his head and added, “Of course… I can’t enter that into evidence. Fortunately, we have a lead, but I am wary of confronting him without knowing more.”
“More?” Granny said, her countenance a bit stand-offish and very imposing. “Like what?”
“Like,” Killian hedged, wetting his lips and taking a moment to assess Granny as she had him. “Whether I’ll be able to know him by scent even if he isn’t woged. Typically, I can’t detect wesen by scent whilst they’re in their human form or see them demi-woge unless it's the full moon, so I can only assume he was in full woge when he abducted the girl and attacked the jogger.”
Granny remained stoic and stone-faced, still unsure whether she should trust the gemacht wesen in front of her.
“Look,” Killian said with a tone of authority Emma imagined he employed often in his line of work. “I know there’s a code among wesen. This desire to look after one's own kind. But this guy is a killer. He’s killed two people that we know of and may, even now, be holding a little girl captive, so please. Help me find him. Help me find her.”
The reminder of the little girl softened Granny’s features. “If he’s done what you say he has, then he’s putting us all at risk.” Quickly, she flicked her gaze to Emma then back to him, conceding, “You’re right. There is a code among wesen, but it only extends so far. It sounds to me like this blutbad has gone feral, and his behavior is only going to escalate the longer he’s allowed to run wild.”
“Then… you’ll help me?”
Her posture relaxed further and she stepped up to the counter, bringing her closer to both Killian and Emma. Nodding, she said, “Yes, I’ll help you.”
A relieved breath fell from Emma’s lips and she took Granny’s hand, giving it a squeeze. “Thank you, Granny.”
Granny patted her hand then straightened her shoulders, getting down to business. “Now, I’m no expert on lycanthropes, but unless he fully woges, I don’t think you’ll be able to tell whether your suspect is the blutbad you’re looking for. If he is feral, then it wouldn’t take too much to provoke a response, but you’d have to be ready. Once he woges… he’ll be out for blood.”
Emma saw a shudder pass over the detective and she wondered if he was remembering his own experience with an uncontrolled woge.
“What about the girl?” Killian asked. “What motive would he have for taking her?”
Granny pursed her lips together then hesitantly replied. “If he’s feral, and attacked someone before, then he’s likely gotten a taste for human blood.” Killian and Emma both grimaced, sickened by the notion. “I’d wager he attacked and fed on that jogger first. Probably lost control. He knows he’ll be good for another week until the urge takes hold again, but by then it’ll be the full moon and it’ll be risky for him to be out and about. He probably took the girl in preparation of making a meal of her later. Taking her now gives him time to fatten her up.”
Emma thought she might be sick, and while she could see the shared disgust in Killian’s face, she also saw rage.
Granny caught his eye and imparted, “Having her will make him even more territorial and dangerous. So you’ll need to be ready for anything.”
“Will he, uh…” Killian began, haltingly. “Will he be able to discern who I am? What I am?”
“No,” Granny said, shaking her head. “I only made that quip about lycanthropes because Emma had already told me what you are… and I wanted to see how you’d react. You ought to know by now that wesen can only sense you during the full moon.”
“Aye, but he isn’t just any wesen,” Killian countered. “He’s my maker. Are you sure that won’t have an effect?”
“I don’t see why it would.”
Killian’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, a reluctant question seemed to pause at the tip of his tongue.
“So there won’t be any… connection between us, then? No weird side effort of my turning that would make me sympathetic towards him or beholden in some way?”
Granny scoffed and cocked an amused brow at him. “Such sire bonds only exist in fiction.”
Killian’s head fell in relief and Emma could now detect how much tension he must have been carrying over that worry.
“Gemacht sometimes latch on to those who aid and guide them through their transition, and many times that is the wesen who turned them, so if you were to have bonded onto someone it would have been the person who was there for you at the beginning of and during your first change.”
Killian’s head snapped up, his eyes locking onto Emma’s. Her heart stuttered, then began pounding in her chest while her breath remained trapped in her lungs.
Granny’s gaze volleyed between the two of them, her heading tilting to one side as she quipped, “I suppose that explains the pent up tension I’ve been sensing between you two.” A warm smile lifted the corners of her mouth in response to their awkward reaction to the call out, and she assured them, “Don’t worry. The bond was temporary. I dare say enough time has passed that it would be gone altogether.” Her no nonsense demeanor returned as she focused her attention solely back on Killian and asked, “Anything else?”
Unsticking his tongue from the roof of his mouth, Killian cleared his throat and said, “Just one last thing… Do you know who this blutbad might be?”
“Afraid not,” Granny told him with obvious regret in not being able to provide him a name. “I only relocated to Storybrooke a few months ago, and I find it best to avoid my kind as much as possible.” Her eyes fell down to the counter and on a bit of a grumble she added, “Bad things happen when we get into a pack. Especially when we see red.”
Killian’s eyes went wide.
“What?” Emma asked. “What is it?”
Killian locked eyes with her once more. “The little girl. Grace. She was last seen wearing a red hoodie. And the jogger and hiker both had on red jackets when their remains were found.”
“So, red provokes him?” Emma said, shaking her head in confusion. “But you weren’t wearing red when he attacked you. You were in uniform.”
“Which,” Granny interjected, “along with your natural demeanor of dominance and authority, he would have seen as a threat.”
“Which means he’ll likely view me as a threat when I confront him.”
“Most likely,” Granny warned. She glanced at the clock on the wall, and Emma knew she needed to get going so she could get back to the diner before the evening rush. “My advice,” she said, rounding the counter on her way out. “When you do confront him, do it alone. You don’t want him to feel trapped or backed into a corner, and if things go badly…”
“Aye,” Killian agreed. “I don’t want anyone else getting hurt.”
Extending her hand, Granny offered him a sincere expression as he accepted the gesture. “Take care of yourself, Detective. I hope you can bring him to justice, but if not… bring him down any way you can.”
With that, she said a quick goodbye to Emma then exited the shop.
“Tough old bird,” Killian said in her wake, causing Emma to huff out an amused breath.
“Yeah. Granny is… something else.”
“Terrifying, I believe is the word you’re looking for,” he quipped with a light chuckle.
The two shared a laugh then stood awkwardly regarding one another for a long moment before Killian cleared his throat and said, “Um… thank you, Swan. I truly appreciate your help. I didn’t know who else to--”
“It was nothing,” Emma blurted out, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I mean… I was happy you called and that I could…”
Her words fell away and a wash of something akin to embarrassment or bashfulness swept over her. Her face was hot and her palms were starting to get slick.
You're being ridiculous, Emma. You’re not a silly school girl unsure of what to say to her crush. In fact… you don’t have a crush. This isn’t a crush. This is--
Killian’s phone chimed with a notification. Pulling it from his pocket, he checked the text and his grip tightened to the point that Emma feared he’d crack the screen.
“Killian? What is it?”
Slowly, Killian’s eyes lifted and met hers. The look that swirled in those blue depths made her breath hitch.
“We found him, Swan.” His voice was low, almost a growl, and it made the hair on the back of her neck stand in a way that caused her to shiver.
“Who is he?” she asked in a whisper, only vaguely aware that she was rounding the counter to move towards him.
His eyes never left hers and once she was standing before him, they flickered between her own as he answered. “His name is Quinn Adair. His address puts him outside of the city. Out in the woods.”
Emma swallowed hard as an eruption of worry filled her chest. “Are you… You’re not going to go after him now are you?”
“I have to, Swan,” he insisted. “He has Grace, remember? I have to get to her before he…”
Emma nodded, knowing that time was of the essence for that poor girl who was probably terrified out of her mind.
“Just… be careful?” she said, wetting her lips, which caused his gaze to drop down briefly. “And, um… Call me later so I know how it… so I know the girl is okay… and you.”
“Aye,” he said, pocketing his phone. “I will. I promise.”
She expected him to rush out after that, but he continued to stand there. Conflicted.
“Swan, I know this isn’t the time, but… what Granny said earlier. About us. About the bond that might have been created between us. Was that… Was that the reason you pulled away? Did you suspect?”
“Killian, I…” Emma didn’t know what to say. It would certainly be a plausible reason to give him. One that was safer than the truth.
It would be a lie, though.
“It doesn’t matter,” he said, waving off the question and sparing her from having to answer. “As Granny said, whatever was going on between us at the time, it’s likely run its course, so…”
Stepping forward, Killian grabbed her hand and lightly held it in his. A rush of goosebumps swept up her arm when his thumb brushed over her knuckles.
“So… Maybe when this case is solved and things go back to relative normalcy, we could… try again?”
“Try again?” Emma parroted. A contradictory cocktail of hope, elation, dread, and panic collided within her as her good sense warred with her wants and desires.
“As friends, I mean,” he clarified, and in tamping down her own disappointment she missed the tone of it in his voice. “We had the start of something I was beginning to cherish and I miss…”
“Me, too,” she told him, turning her hand in his so she could give it a squeeze. Maybe it was reckless. She’d avoided close relationships all her life for a reason, and yet… “I’d love to start again. As friends.”
His smile took her breath away, but it was quickly schooled so he could focus on the dangerous task that lay before him.
“Do you want me to come with you?” she asked, filled with concern about him facing his maker alone. “I know Granny said not to make him feel trapped or backed into a corner, but I doubt he’d see me as a threat. And I doubt he’d be expecting a witch.”
His lip curled up on one side. “As much as I would love to see him go up against your magic, I won’t put you in harm's way like that.” When she opened her mouth to argue, he quickly added, “Besides. I need to try and do this by the book. I’m a cop before anything else.”
“I get that,” Emma relented, begrudgingly. “But I’m going to keep my phone close by in case you get in over your head and change your mind.”
“In over my head?” he said in feigned offense. “I’ll have you know, love,” he murmured in a low timber, edging a bit closer to her. “If there is one thing I’m good at… it’s surviving.”
“Mhmm,” Emma hummed, meeting his taunting expression of challenge with one of her own. “Well, I’m going to insist that you stop by afterward in order to prove that to me.”
He smiled down at her, another message alerting from his phone, indicating it was past time for him to go.
“As you wish.”
Chapter Two - Coming Soon!
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hauntingblue · 6 months
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Ace...?? they cloned my beautiful wife...
#ace if he was born with his mother's hair but without freckles.......#this 3d intro... damn they spent their coins here but didnt age that well xd#i love how there is nearly a movie for every character that joins since usopp.... sanji got the last one. chopper has one i havent seen#and robin now.... i mean its not their movie but you know what i mean#zoro and nami on the same wavelength i miss you.... my fag and hag sisters....#robin old design i miss you.... her and nami look so different.... not like now....#I MISS CHOPPER OLD DESIGN HE LOOKS SO SILLY!!!#the goofy scenes are too good..... 'luffy what are you doing''nothing just a fight' 'okay dont get lost'#also sanji with robin and nami while the others fight... the girls AND sanji#this guy looks like ace with his kinds long middle part hair and eyes.... and luffy likes seeing hum fight#i am seeing things where there are non but my beautiful not dead yet wife keeps haunting me once again#seeing luffy talk about how if he dies fighting to be pirate king then so be it and like HE DID!!!! AND THAT DIDN'T STOP HIM!!#kids with guns TUN TUN kids with guns TUN TUN#robin made a gigantesco mano.... this was visionary#ROBIN giving back the gun to the child so he shoots luffy and he can bounce it back.... luffy enabler num 1.#nami threatening a child with zoros sword.... i needed this so bad.#shryer.... your drip too hard.... your swag too different.... your smoke too hot.... they will kill you#NOOOOOOO the clone of my beautiful dead wife died just like him.... face down...#the old man is dying and zoro knows....#shryer is alive who woulda thot.....#'be serious' 'im always serious... didnt i get out?' this is him. omg#sanji with the cooking hacks for the fight.... i am sure of it... also sanji spy come back to me....#THE BOY IS THE SISTER??? AND THE OLD MAN AND ACE CLONE ARE BLOWN UP???#it is flour lmao they got their ideas from the fight with crocodile#everyone is alive and well 👍🏻including the hat#that was kinda beautiful with that plot twist and everyone wanting to live and all....#nami strangling zoro!!!! more!!!#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies
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miwiheroes · 12 days
Byler + Closet Imagery
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Just wanted to show just how much closet imagery and references there are in stranger things and how it's super obvious, that it's kind of insane that it goes over the GA's heads so much. It's mostly with Mike as well, funnily enough.
Closet imagery has been used in media over the years to show that a character might be gay but the audience/the other characters just don't know it yet.
For example, it was used here in Paper Girls (2022) for KJ who was not out as gay yet.
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It was also used for Eyewitness (2016) with Lukas who also has internalised homophobia and we already know that Byler has had a parallel to Eyewitness before.
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So, it's interesting that this closet imagery has been used for Mike and Byler ever since the show began in Season 1. Let's look at all the ways it has been used and how insane these are that some people deny them because UHHHH....
1. Mike hides El in his closet
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Karen: "With all this that's been going on, with Will, I can't imagine what it's been like for you... i just-- want you to feel like you can talk to me. i never want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me. i'm here for you. okay?"
Mike: *is hiding El in the closet* *a noise comes from the closet after Karen says these things* *he lies about it* *Karen then hugs Mike later on when Will 'dies' HADGSJHDG*
2. Argues with El in a closet
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I find it so funny how the framing here is El literally between Mike and some male dummy and then she grabs it from him LMAOO i love cinematography.
Mike: 'You are the most important thing to me in the worl-'
El: *interrupts him* 'What if [Hopper's] right?'
Mike: *feels attacked as she questions the legitimacy of their relationship while she holds a male dummy in the closet* "No, no no no. He's just some angry old man who hates joy."
Why are you questioning the sanity of someone instead of using actual arguments for your relationship?? Oh that's right, you're in the closet <3
3. Kisses El in front of a closet
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Particularly, this is Will's closet as well.
El: "I love you too" *kisses Mike*
Mike: *makes disgusted/ confused face* *doesn't kiss back and has his eyes open* *has the light coming from the closet framed on his head as if he's realised something.*
El: *walks away smiling*
Mike: *looks to the side confused with an open closet next to him* *thinks What is wrong with me?/ What just happened here? (original script)*
Also the music is "The First I love You" which is the same music they use in a scene where Robin comes out of the closet.
4. Mike reads a letter from El in front of a lit up closet
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Bro is reading a note with RAINBOWS ON IT and then the camera pans to him reading with a literal open closet which is lit up right next to him. How is this not blatant queer-coding??
Also Mike: *panics in front of a closet which has a ray of light shining on him* *has a one-way sign pointing into the closet which is revealed when he bends down*
I am going insane at this it's so funny
5. Argues with his bestie bro when a song called "In The Closet" plays
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aka arguing with Will about how he sabotaged your day by ignoring you instead of your gf getting bullied x
Will: "Well we used to be best friends!"
Mike: *looks devastated as a song called "In The Closet (at Rink O' Mania)" plays when the camera goes back to him* "Well maybe you should've reached out more, I don't know. Why is this on me? Why am I the bad guy?"
El: *is hiding from Mike in a closet*
Why are you suddenly switching the blame Mike??? Oh girl you're a little too defensive
6. Mike and Will have a heart-to-heart in front of an open closet
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Mike: "No, no you didn't deserve anything... Hawkins isn't the same without you... Maybe I was worrying too much about El... felt like I lost you or something... Friends, 🥺❤️ best friends."
All while Will is tearing up in front of a closet (also the picture here on the left literally has them framed on either side of an open closet WDYMMM)
Byler Endgame
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findafight · 2 years
Okay I kept thinking about this post and Steve being a BNF of Corroded Coffin message board of the internet of yore.
Alright so way back in the nineties Suzie hooks everyone up with the internet, yes? Yes. Eddie and Steve got together in '92 after some mutual pining and a few disastrous relationships that couldn't handle 1) Steve and Robin's general QPR clinginess 2) Eddie's intensity 3) the secrecy required if having multiple years of monster fighting and subsequent NDAs and the trauma associated therein. They're older and more settled and ready for an Adult Relationship.
Corroded Coffin is gaining traction and doing really well and the internet is still a brave new frontier, so Steve says to Eddie something like "I'm going to see if there's some message boards about you 🥰" and find them he sure does. So he makes accounts and posts under the username EddiesOnlyGroupie because he's hilarious and also the mods banned him from using EddieMunsonsHusband (he figured it was fine on the internet because nobody actually knew who he was but APPARENTLY NOT homophobia lives on in the digital age). He gets pretty well known in the Corroded Coffin fandom, most assuming he's a woman because he will go off on how hot Eddie looked at a gig. Like. Saying unhinged internet shit because 1) true and 2) he and Eddie think it's so funny. Everyone kinda believes the groupie thing too because of all the performance pics he's able to post and how he'll sometimes offer tidbits if knowledge about the band.
When they transition from chatrooms to livejournal etc he follows, with the same username. He's kind of a legend by the mid aughts. EOG is the acronym people use when discussing theories on his identity, and he's like "guys I'm literally his only groupie it's self explanatory. Guys why don't you believe me Eddie hasn't slept with anyone but me since 1992. We're basically married". He goes "it's not a mystery we literally are in love and Jeff and I go to Cubs games and cry when they inevitably lose together. Gareth is Godfather to my cats" (Eddie is still offended that he was not named Sassafras and Moonshine's godfather when Steve and Robin adopted them in '89). No one believes him.
Possibly because he still thirsts after Eddie and whenever someone posts a new Eddie pic those in the know wait for him to pop up with comments like "I want to bite his neck omg" "he has no ass but nobody is perfect I'll settle between his thighs anyway" and "literally a crime I am not married to him right now what the fuck" As twitter grows he swoops in to grab his handle, and follows a bunch of other CC fan accounts (some of them old friends, some of them new to the scene)(EOG 100% has his own fanlore page, which also has speculation on who he is and how he gets all the bts pics. It also doesn't believe when he says what it says on the tin. He's Eddie's only groupie.)
tumblr and tiktok come round and Steve is like. Openly horny on main. He's seen some shit go down on the internet but he's still commenting on Eddie fan edits that are title shit like "why am I attracted to this middle-aged white man" and "retro cc fancam" with things like "I'd let him lick the inside of my ear and only bring it up to tease him on special occasions" "his FINGERS" "back in '89 Jeff and Howie and Claire staged a mutany over this song because they were 'sick of Eddie only writing about biting bats' lmao" and "Jeff is my favourite member of cc"(just to stir the pot)
Eddie comes out in the 2010's and he's like "yeah I've been in a long term relationship with someone who is usually mostly a man kinda (gender is fucky) for the past twenty years, lol. His name's Steve. I love him a lot even if he mocks me online." and of course EOG comments "the mods of that old message board should have let me keep my original handle of EddieMunsonsHusband. When're you gonna make it reality, Munson? smh" and everyone is like Huh?? EOG is a MAN? And he's like yeah? Sometimes?? Not always?
(He 100% thinks this is him telling people he's Eddie's Steve. They don't get the message)
Anyways life goes on Steve continues to thirst under pictures of Eddie, he has his pronouns and name in his bio on twitter (Steve, he/him, she/her, Eddie Munson's first and only groupie 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ ) and continues to post behind the scenes photos that shockingly few people question (she always says "because I'm his groupie" though. He and Eddie think this is VERY funny and also true. Robin groans. They've been making the same joke for two decades.) and people believe it because Eddie has interacted EOG sometimes, liking photos or videos, commenting sometimes. (Steve has a more professional realname account that he rarely uses but Eddie usually tags Steve there)
And THEN Internet user EddiesOnlyGroupie says he's taking a few weeks off for her honeymoon because "I'm finally marrying the man of my dreams!" And people are happy for him but also bummed because Eddie is also taking a two week hiatus but EOG promises wedding and honeymoon photos. (Face reveal! Sorta!)((he doesn't get why people are excited because he's pretty sure he's been in a lot of Eddie's recent pictures, but whatever)
Imagine the Internet's surprise when Eddie Munson posts a collection of pictures spanning '86 to his 2016 wedding of him and Steve, including one of Steve looking seriously at an old desktop computer, captioned "Steve starting his internet career" and tags EOG.
Steve qrt with "I told yall. I'm his only groupie, and they should've let me keep EddieMunsonsHusband even if they WERE homophobic. Because now it's TRUE"
Niche internet community drama chaos ensues.
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love-byers · 1 month
stancy + mlvn music coding
this is probably gonna be messy but i will try my hardest to keep it comprehensible
okay so recently i was rewatching the robin/vickie/vickie's bf scene in the gun store (4x08) because i felt like i'd heard the song that plays there before. it reminded me of the song that plays during this scene in 2x01
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the song that plays in the s4 scene is actually 2 songs back to back, the first called 'Kids Two' (a variation of 'Kids" from the s1 sound track) and the second called 'Choices', originally from the s2 soundtrack. 'Choices' plays in the scene in 2x08 where dustin apologizes to lucas for lying about dart and suggests max take his place in the party and also says he felt the electricity between lucas and max-- and it leads into the scene where max and mike talk about el, and mike reminds max that she's still not in their party. i find that interesting because no one in that scene says choice, and no one in either scene is making a choice. that name does make sense for the s4 scene, because vickie is torn between her boyfriend and robin, clearly implying she must make a choice. 'Choices' is the song that sounded familiar to me.
the songs aren't exactly the same, but they are definitely similar and the one in s4 is likely an edited version of the one from the stancy scene.
those scenes are obviously parallels, steve sneaks up behind nancy and scares her and they kiss, just like vickie and her bf. then nancy/vickie look at jonathan/robin in a seemingly yearning way. love triangle stuff.
i always figured the song in the stancy scene was an original track from season 2. but turns out it isn't from s2, its from s1. its called 'First Kiss', and, you guessed it, it plays during mike and el's first kiss in 1x08.
i am not lying, go and watch the scenes.
after discovering this, i watched some more stancy scenes to listen for more similarities in the music. and i came across this scene from 1x05, where nancy almost hits steve with her bat and he apologizes to her over dismissing her concern over barb, and nancy gives him a kiss.
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i went through the s1 tracklist and even tried shazam-ing the scene, but nothing turned up. i thought it sounded like 'First Kiss', but i wasn't sure if it was my own bias feeding into that. so i went to reddit, where all the people with way too much time on their hands hang out, and asked if anyone knew which ost was playing in that scene. this is what i got back
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the reddit gurus agree with me.
as they said, first kiss also plays when mike and el make up in the hospital in 3x05. makes sense, since it's supposed to be their song.
i will also add that the stancy scene in 1x05 is immediately followed by the scene of joyce kicking lonnie out. that speaks for itself. AND, the mlvn scene in 3x05 cuts directly from el smiling at mike to a dead body. take that as you will
so lets recap
'First Kiss', or a section/version of it, has played during
1x05 steve apologizes to nancy 1x08 mike and el kiss 2x01 steve scares nancy and stancy kiss, nancy yearns over jonathan 3x05 mike and el make up via m&ms
2 stancy scenes and 2 mlvn scenes.
and 'Choices', which i strongly believe is derived from 'First Kiss', plays during
2x08 dustin apologizes to lucas and points out the electricity between lucas and max 2x08 mike and max talk about el 4x08 robin watches vickie and her boyfriend kiss
2 references to a love triangle (dustin,lucas,max & robin,vickie,dan)
and a nod towards mlvn involving max, who in the next season will come between mike and el's relationship.
im not sure if any of these besides 'Choices' play in s4, but once i do a rewatch i will let you guys know. im pretty sure they don't because i have a weirdly good memory when it comes to my hyperfixations so i think i'd remember it. like i knew the music from the stancy scene in 2x01 just from watching it like four different times since 2017.
all of this coupled with the countless times byler has had music parallels with jancy and lumax, i'm pretty sure this means byler endgame.
if anyone tries to say that it doesn't matter that they reused mike and el's first kiss song for a loveless relationship, i wholeheartedly disagree with you. they make songs that are specifically for one scene and are never played again. for example 'The First Lie', the song that played during jonathan and nancy's first kiss has only played during that scene. never again.
so if mlvn is what the fans say it is, the main couple, the epic love story of stranger things, why can't they just have a song to themselves? jonathan and nancy do. im sure they could've found another song that fit for the stancy/jancy scene in 2x01, knowing the implications it would give if they used it. but nope, they had to use 'First Kiss', which takes place an episode before the stancy scene. 1x08 -> 2x01
one more example, 'On The Bus' is from the s2 soundtrack. it plays once during s2, when lucas and max talk on top of the bus. it doesn't play at all in s3, and then randomly in 4x04, it plays during a byler scene. THAT. HAS. IMPLICATIONS.
take this however you'd like
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You Like That?
My Masterlist
Okay yall, I’ve read too many at this point and they were hot, so I’m trying a Stranger Things fic. Please don’t come for me, I know nothing about the show itself as I haven’t watched it and have no plans to, and my only knowledge of canon comes through the fics I’ve read. So enjoy this self indulgent semi-smutty fic that I couldn’t really finish the sex scene in because my brain left so. Yeah. Don’t hate me for this, my brain didn’t want to do this after I wrote the one scene it wanted.
Pairing(s): Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader, Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson, Fem!Reader
Warnings: Reader has a huge praise kink, so many mentions of sexual things, smut, bi!steve harrington, bi!eddie munson. probably bi!reader, never explicitly mentioned, but let’s be real, i’m writing it, she’s probably bi. oral sex, fem!receiving. implied but not explicit p in v!sex. aftercare & cuddles.
Word Count: 4155
Summary: You’ve been dating your two boyfriends for about a year, and the three of you have had sex a few times, but nothing major. However, while they’ve been a little more open about what they want to do, you’ve been hiding one thing from them. Your major praise kink.
You were making KD for the boys when they got home, as today was your day off. Thank goodness, as you hadn’t slept well at all last night. “Rob, I had a nightmare about telling them, I can’t!” 
Steve and Eddie stood in the kitchen doorway together glancing back and forth between each other, you, and the phone. What the hell had happened while they were at work? They heard Robin say something to you, but couldn’t make out what it was over the phone. “What the hell am I supposed to do, Rob? How am I supposed to tell my two boyfriends I have a major fucking praise kink?” You asked into the phone.
“That’s one way to do it, sweetheart.” Steve said while Eddie groaned softly in response to your revelation.
You spun around so fast you almost ripped the phone cord out of the wall. “Uh, Rob, I’m gonna have to talk to you later.” You said, cutting off whatever reply she was gonna give you by slamming the phone back on the receiver.
“So what, baby? Just call you cute and you’ll get all turned on for us?” Steve asked, reaching out for you because he wanted his “home from work” hug.
You gave Steve his hug, shaking your head while blushing out of your mind. “No? I-uh, I don’t really know.”
Eddie nodded slowly in understanding. “Ah, so like calling you a good girl.”
“Yeah,” You nodded softly. “And fuck, don’t do that.”
“It worked, didn’t it?” Eddie asked. 
“..Maybe.” You agreed.
Steve rubbed your back softly. “I know this wasn’t how you wanted to tell us, but we’re happy you did, princess. We’re proud of you.” Your thighs instinctively clenched together.
“That works too, baby girl?” Eddie asked, coming up behind you and holding your hips gently.
“Looks like it.” You muttered into Steve’s chest, embarrassed.
Eddie rubbed his thumbs in small circles on your hips. “There’s no need to be embarrassed, princess. But why don’t you finish dinner while we wash up and we can all talk about this later?”
You nodded, pecking them both on the cheek as you turned back to the stove so that you wouldn’t burn anything. It wouldn’t be the first time they had distracted you so badly that you had burnt dinner.
After dinner, Steve and Eddie took you into the bedroom you all shared and sat you on the bed. “There’s no need to be embarrassed in front of us, baby girl.” Steve said. “We’ve told you in explicit detail what we want to do with you and each other.” 
Eddie wanted to be gently tied (or handcuffed, depending on where you were) to the bed while either Steve fucked him or either of you rode him (or Steve fucked him while you rode him). But he also wanted to maybe try tying or handcuffing either of you, but only if you were okay with it. Steve wanted you to try riding his thigh one day, which you were not opposed to at all because god damn your men had some nice thighs, and he wanted to definitely try you sitting on his face. You honestly couldn’t even remember everything they said they wanted to try. Apparently, your boys were a bit adventurous. 
He was telling the truth, a couple of months ago the three of you had had a conversation in bed about what all of you wanted. You spent a good portion of that talk hiding your face in either Steve’s or Eddie’s chest at any given point while blushing like a complete virgin. 
During that whole conversation, you barely said a word; you knew at that point that you liked it when they told you they were proud of you, or you’d worked so hard and to let them pamper you, or that you had done a good job. That had always lit something in you, but you were scared to say it. You didn’t want to know what their reaction would be, and since you guys had just had sex right before, if it was a good reaction, you were also too sore to want to find out.
“I know.” You mumbled.
“Did you figure it out after that conversation?” Eddie asked, softly, sitting next to you. You shook your head. “During?” You shook your head again.
Steve sat on your other side, rubbing your back soothingly. “You knew before then?” You nodded, sniffling back tears.
“Hey, princess, don’t cry.” Eddie said, stroking your cheek softly. “We’re not mad at you.”
“You’re not?” You asked, looking up at Eddie.
His heart broke a little seeing the tears running down your cheeks. “Of course not, pretty girl. You weren’t ready to tell us yet. That’s okay.” 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder with both of them rubbing your back for a few minutes before your tears subsided. “I thought I was broken.” You mumbled.
“Why do you say that, honey?” Steve asked, resting his head against your back.
“Every time you guys would say that you were proud of me, or I had worked too hard and you needed to take care of me, or that I did a good job I’d get all..” You trailed off, not having found the word you wanted to use.
“Horny?” Eddie asked bluntly.
You nodded. “Yeah.” You said softly.
Steve stood from the bed, grabbing some clothes. “Why don’t we rest now and we can handle this more tomorrow?” He asked, tossing you each something to sleep in.
“More talking?” You asked softly.
“We don’t have to, honey. It’s not like we’re going to go through every second of your life and psychoanalyze you to figure out when this originated.” Eddie answered, stripping down to his boxers to sleep in. “But if you want to, maybe we can explore this a little tomorrow.” 
“I’m covering Robin’s shift.” You said, changing into what Steve had thrown at you.
Eddie smiled softly at your need to always please and help everyone. “When’s the shift?”
“8-5.” You answered, crawling under the covers.
“I work until 4, I can make dinner tomorrow?” Steve asked you both, climbing under the covers next to you.
“Well I work until 5:30, so I say yes.” Eddie said.
You curled into Steve’s chest. “Me too, Stevie, although we should still have some leftovers.”
Steve wrapped his arm around you, pulling Eddie into the both of you. “It could be, but we all know it’ll be a better after-sex snack than dinner.”
When you got home from work the next day, Steve was already cooking. It didn’t seem like much though, maybe frozen pizza? You weren’t sure. Either way, you made a beeline for the kitchen and wrapped your arms around Steve’s waist.
“Hi, my beautiful baby girl.” He said, turning around in your arms and kissing your forehead.
“Hi Stevie.” You mumbled, pressing your face further into his shirt.
“Are you okay?” He asked, looking up in confusion at Eddie who had appeared in the kitchen doorway. 
You nodded. “Need you to say it.” You mumbled into his chest.
“Say it? Say what, princess?” He asked again, increasingly confused.
“Don’t make me say it, baby.” You said.
A look of understanding crossed Steve’s face. “You want me to call you a good girl?” You nodded into his chest. “Good girl.” He said appreciatively, knowing how hard it must’ve been for you to come to him for that. Steve and Eddie watched the tension leave your shoulders as a sigh of relief came out of your mouth.
“Thank you.” You whispered as a soft smile appeared on your face.
“You okay, baby girl?” Steve asked.
You nodded. “Rough day. Long day. Just wanted to come back home as soon as I got there.”
“You’ve been such a good girl for us, princess. We know how hard that was for you.” Eddie said, kissing the top of your head as you nuzzled into his chest instead of Steve’s. The sound that left your throat was unlike any noise that they had heard you make before. You were very quiet in bed, unless you were asking for ‘more’ or calling one of their names. “Baby girl?” Eddie asked quietly.
You cleared your throat softly, blushing. “I’m gonna go wash up before dinner. I had to clean the storage room today and it was disgusting.” You hurried into the large bathroom the three of you shared, shutting the door behind you and leaning against it. What the fuck was that noise? You thought, starting the shower and stripping off.
Eddie suddenly appeared behind you, wrapping you in a hug in the mirror. “Hey, pretty girl. Mind if I save some water with you?” You shook your head, still blushing from before. 
“No, Eds, we can save water but you have to help me wash my hair.”
He nodded, stripping himself and pulling you under the stream of water with him. “You know nothing you can possibly do will make us love you any less?”
You traced your fingers over his tattoos, nodding. “I know, I’m just-”
“A little nervous? Insecure? Scared?” He asked, rubbing small circles on your lower back.
“Yeah.” You said softly, hiding your face in his chest again. 
Eddie turned you around so you wouldn’t have to hide and squeezed some of your shampoo into his hand before rubbing it into your hair. “It’s okay to feel that way. God knows Stevie and I do sometimes too.” You nodded, relaxing into the feeling of Eddie’s hands moving through your hair and rinsing out the shampoo. “You okay? Feeling any better?”
You hummed in agreement, wishing you could stay under the warm water forever. “Hey lovebirds, dinner’s ready!” Steve called through the door, causing the two of you to break out of the little bubble you had formed and all of your anxiety to come rushing back. Eddie turned off the water and wrapped you in a towel, ushering you back into the bedroom to grab some clothes to go eat in.
“Thank you for making dinner, Stevie.” You said, giving him a hug in the kitchen once you were dressed.
“Of course, princess. You know we all take turns doing it. Even when dinner is just frozen pizza.” He replied, kissing the top of your head and leading you over to the table. “Dinner is served, m’lady.” Steve had set the table and even put pizza on all the plates, knowing which kind each of you liked best and where you each sat around the table.
Eddie walked in, sitting with the two of you as Steve rested a hand on your thigh. This was a common occurrence when they wanted sex, one hand each, slowly sliding up higher until you told them to knock it off. Eddie gave Steve a look, having seen into your brain a bit in the shower and Steve moved his hand off your thigh, kicking you both lightly under the table.
“How was your shift, hun?” You asked Steve, kicking him back lightly.
“Wasn’t bad, just wanted to come home and sleep, really.” You and Eddie nodded in agreement, just having to wake up to an alarm any morning made any of you want to stay in bed and snuggle. “How was yours, Eds?” He asked, taking a bite of his pizza.
Eddie chuckled, trying not to choke as he told you two the story of Jason coming in with a flat tire, a missing side mirror, and all of his turning signals burnt out as just the visible problems. This was followed by the fact that Jason had to be nice to Eddie to not get him to pawn off the car onto another mechanic at the shop just for all the shit in high school. Plus, Jason needed an oil change, had no brake fluid, and only had winter washer fluid in, despite the fact that he had a bottle of the summer stuff in his trunk. 
You almost spit out your pop as Steve choked on his pizza while Eddie regaled the look on Jason’s face when he told him the price. “Dude, you can’t let this much damage happen to a car before you bring it in. How long haven’t you had turn signals? When did the mirror go missing? When were you due for an oil change? You have washer fluid in your trunk, why isn’t it in your engine? Did you really only bring in the car because the tire went flat?” Yeah, he racked up quite the bill with that one. 
“You would think for the biggest bully in school who was always raving about his car, that he would take better care of it.” You said, standing up for a refill as you passed Steve and Eddie the pizza they each wanted more of.
You turned around to walk back to the table with the boys but realized that Steve had cornered you gently against the counter. “Baby girl, I know you’re nervous.”
“And you’re allowed to be.” Eddie said from behind him. 
“And we don’t have to play with this at all if you don’t want to. We never have to play with it. But if and when you’re ready, we’re here for as long as you trust us to be.”
“I know.” You said, looking down at the kitchen tile. “I do trust you guys, I just-”
Eddie interjected softly. “Don’t know what to do?”
You nodded. “Princess, that’s okay. Thank you for sharing this with us anyways.” Steve started. “We know it isn’t always easy to communicate wants and needs, and we want to remind you that we aren’t mad at you.”
“And you’re most definitely not broken. Whether it be for something that you think is weird making you horny, or it’s anything else your brain is telling you; we love you no matter what.” Eddie said, resting his chin on Steve’s shoulder.
“And,” Steve said, leaning towards you with a stage whisper, “we fuck good girls better.” You gripped onto the counter a little harder with one hand as you felt your knees almost buckle underneath you.
“I-” You started softly. “I don’t want to be punished or anything. If I fuck up, I don’t want spankings or punishments. And I don’t want like extra rules I have to follow either.”
Steve’s posture softened visibly as you said this, still not looking at either of them. Eddie grabbed one of your hands softly, bending over to kiss it gently. “Baby of course.” Eddie said. “We do not have to turn this into a BDSM relationship just because you have a praise kink and we want to play with some things eventually. This will not affect our entire dynamic.”
“Okay.” You said, nodding.
“Okay?” Steve asked. “You trust us?”
You looked up at him smiling hopefully at you and giggled softly. “Of course I trust you, Stevie.” Eddie raised an eyebrow, smirking softly. “Yeah, yeah. You too, Eds.” You let him pull you into a hug as Steve kissed your hands lightly. “Do good girls really get fucked better?” You asked softly, blushing as you did.
“Oh yeah.” Eddie said, kissing your cheek and wiggling his eyebrows. “Good girls get fucked the absolute best.”
Steve cupped your other cheek, resting his forehead against yours. “Do you wanna be our good girl, princess?” You nodded, trying not to make any noises you weren’t used to making. “Words, baby girl.”
“Yes, Steve.” You said breathily, he raised an eyebrow. “Wanna be yours and Ed’s good girl. Wanna be good for you.”
“I’m proud of you, sweetheart.” Eddie said in your ear. “I know that can’t have been easy for you.” You let out a high pitched whine and Eddie picked you up, carrying you into the bedroom and laying you down on the bed. “Want you to make more of those noises, baby.”
“Yeah?” You asked softly, pulling at the collar of his shirt.
Eddie pulled off your leggings and his shirt before throwing your thighs over his shoulders. “Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” He said, groaning.
“What is it?” Steve asked.
“Our good girl has been soaking through just her leggings this whole time.” You involuntarily tensed a little, covering your face with your hands to hide your continuous blush.
Steve sat next to your head, pulling your torso up onto him, resting you in between his thighs, and pulled your hands away from your face. “Yeah, princess? You hoped we’d do this tonight?” You nodded, not looking at either of them. 
Eddie slapped your thigh lightly causing you to look at him. “Are you sure you want this, baby girl?” You nodded again. “Words.”
“Yes, Eddie. I want this.” Eddie looked at you skeptically. “Just ‘cause I’m a lil’ nervous doesn’t mean that I don’t want this, sweetheart.”
“Are you sure, you’re sure?” You pulled Eddie into a kiss, trying to convey as much as possible that you were okay. “Yeah, okay. I can believe that.” Eddie said, pulling back and resituating himself between your legs. 
Steve raised an eyebrow at the two of you and you looked at him sheepishly. “I’m bad with words.”
“We know, princess. I love you.”
“I love you too. And you too, Eddie.”
“Love you too, baby.” He said, muffled by your thighs as he kissed them. Eddie kissed up one thigh and down the other, not stopping where you wanted him to, causing you to buck your hips up slightly. “Hold your horses there, princess. I’m getting to what you want.”
You whined. “Please, Eddie.”
“Be a good girl for me, yeah?” He asked, kissing just below your belly button. “I know you can do it.”
“Yeah, I’ll be good, Eds.” You said as Steve spread your legs further for Eddie to lay between. You pulled at Steve’s collar too, “Wanna feel you against me.”
“Of course, princess.” Steve pulled both his and your shirts off, gently squeezing your tits while you grabbed one of Eddie’s hands, wanting to just feel close to him. Steve used one of his hands to hold your hand that was holding Eddie’s so the three of you were all connected at one point. 
Eddie used you being distracted by Steve to finally put his mouth on you right where you wanted him. “Oh my god, Eddie!” You squealed, thighs closing around his head.
“Keep them open, sweetheart.” He said with a dangerous look in his eye. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.” You nodded frantically, opening your legs even further and letting them dangle off of Eddie’s shoulders. “Good girl.” Eddie said appreciatively. You keened, bucking your hips into Eddie, letting your head fall back against Steve’s chest, and unintentionally tensing, which of course Eddie noticed. “Oh you like that, huh?”
“Yes, yes, Eddie please.” You chanted, squeezing his and Steve’s hands. Steve gently used his hand that wasn’t holding yours to scratch against your skin so your nerves would light up. “Fuck, Steve, please.”
Eddie sucked your clit into his mouth, running his tongue in circles around it and slowly pushing in two of his ringed fingers causing your mouth to drop open. “Come on, princess.” Steve said, “Cum for us. Be a good girl for us.”
“Eddie, Stevie, gonna cum!” You whined, arching your back as your hips raised themselves closer to Eddie’s mouth. “Little more, please!” Steve pulled you into a kiss as Eddie curled his fingers in the way you liked. “Cumming!” You exclaimed, thighs shaking around Eddie’s ears as you lost your grip on their hands, scratching at the sheets.
Eddie rubbed your thighs gently as he fingered you through your orgasm while Steve held your hands, not wanting to have to buy new sheets because you clawed through these ones. “There you go. Good girl. ‘M so proud of you.” Eddie said, finally releasing your clit from the pleasurable torture he had it under.
“Fuck.” You said, exhaling, taking deep breaths so you could slow your heartbeat back to normal. 
“Yeah, pretty baby?” Steve asked, stroking your hair. “Was that good?”
You nodded, resting your head back against his chest. “Yeah, fucking shit, Eddie, that was so good.”
“I’m very happy it was good for you, sweetheart.” He said, offering his slick fingers to Steve to lick off.
“Shit, honey, you taste so good.” Steve said, sucking Eddie’s fingers further into his mouth.
Eddie moaned loudly as Steve’s tongue swirled around his fingers. “Fuck, Stevie, why don’t you ever do that to my dick?”
“You never asked.” Steve said, releasing Eddie’s fingers with a pop. You squeezed your thighs together, as watching your two boys never failed to turn you on. “Oh, princess. Did we forget about you?” Steve asked, pointing your face up towards him by sliding a finger under your chin.
You blushed, your eyes not meeting Steve’s as you shook your head. The look you felt from Eddie reminded you to use your words. “No, Stevie. Like watching you guys.” You said, curling into his chest and drawing shapes into it with your fingers. 
“You like watching us together, sweet girl?” Steve asked, hand migrating from your back to your tits.
“Yes. Fuck, it’s hot.” You said, not making eye contact with either of them.
Eddie cupped your cheek softly and pulled you into a kiss. “Is this all it takes to get you vocal in bed, baby? Letting stuff slip out you never would before? Such a good girl for us, teaching us all this about you.”
“Fuck.” You whined softly. “Eddie.”
“I’m right here, baby. What do you want?”
“You and Stevie. In me. Please.” Your pupils were blown wide as you looked up at the two of them, and even the fact that you were speaking to them in bed was new and turning them both on.
Steve palmed himself softly, groaning. “Both of us?” You nodded. “At once?”
You blushed. “I don’t know if that would work.”
“But you’d be willing to try?” Eddie asked.
“Maybe not tonight.” You said, palming Eddie through his boxers.
Steve pulled you onto his lap. “So what do you want, sweetheart?”
You paused, trying to figure out how to word what you want before it just falls out of your mouth in a jumbled mess. “Stevie in me first, and while he fucks me, Eddie gets himself off. But you can’t cum until you’re in me.” You said the last sentence while jamming your pointer finger into Eddie’s chest.
“Fuck.” The two men said together.
“Yes.” Eddie said. “I can do that for you, my good girl.”
You groaned softly. “You can do that, Eds?”
“I’d do anything for you, baby.” He said, kissing your forehead and going to sit on the desk chair.
“Whatever you want from me, princess.” Steve said, pulling off his boxers. “You wanna ride me or what are you thinking?” You crawled off Steve’s lap and laid next to him on the bed, pulling him down into you for a kiss. “Oh, you want me on top today?”
You nodded. “Feels safer when one of you is on top.” You said, resting your hands on the back of Steve’s neck and running your fingers through the hair there.
Steve braced himself on his elbows on either side of you, leaning down to kiss you again. “We like it when you feel safe.”
“Fuck yeah we do, sweetheart.” Eddie said, stroking himself.
~~~~~~~~~~~(Time skip because I can’t do a full sex scene today)~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After you, Steve, and Eddie were all cleaned up, you curled up in bed with your boys, letting them talk while your head was still pleasantly floaty.
“Hey, pretty girl, you with us?” Eddie asked softly.
You nodded into his chest. “I’m awake.”
“Can we ask you something?” Steve asked.
“Yeah, you know that.” You answered. “Always.”
Eddie rubbed your back gently as Steve shifted to rest his hand on your stomach. “Was everything we did today okay?” Steve asked, kissing your head softly.
You nodded. “Yeah, it was really good. You guys made me feel really good.”
“You like that? Us calling you a good girl and telling you that you were doing a good job for us?” Eddie asked. His chest rumbled under your ear as he asked and you did your best to not let out a whimper at his words.
“I-” You cleared your throat in an attempt to get the words out. “Yes. I like that. Can you say it more?”
Steve kissed your head again. “Of course, princess. We can try whatever you want in bed.” 
“Okay.” You closed your eyes, smiling, as you placed a small kiss against Eddie’s chest. “Can we go to sleep now? I’m really tired.”
“Yeah, princess.” Steve said, giving both you and Eddie small kisses. “We can sleep now.”
Taglist: @chrisevansdaughter, @buckybarnesandmarvel, @sarahrogersevans, @nana1000night
Let me know if you want to be added or removed!
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Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley and Nancy Wheeler have a well-known channel on YouTube (the name is something horrible and punny that Eddie and Robin made up, way before they blew up - Four Some (just some four guys and gals you perv). They cover pretty much everything - music reviews, various activities like ice skating, pole dancing or sculpting, they do tasting videos, social experiments and much more. Their personalities are so different but somehow that only makes their content more appealing. It doesn't matter if their videos contain Steve and Eddie replicating the famous pottery scene from the Ghost (and Robin's screeches that they ruined a completely fine vase) or Robin testing whether Nancy's vocal range increases proportionately to how many wine glasses she drinks
Gradually they grow their audience and gather a small crew that works with them. Barb Holland does a lot of editing and directing and she is getting recognized for her achievements, just like Gareth Emerson for his work with sound. Everyone in their crew are friends and are supporting each other in growing and promoting their talents.
There is only one person who has always remained a mystery. The person filming them, always hidden behind a camera. Credits always mention Chris C. and the fanbase tries to pry and figure out who they are, they really do, but the group shuts down their attempts almost instantly. "Chris has been instrumental to this channel's success," Eddie says and there is something hard behind his eyes, something that almost never makes it past his laid-back attitude and usual theatrics. "They have decided to stay out of our videos for a reason and we'd like you to respect their decision."
Not everyone drops it, but the four creators assume a united front and eventually, people stop prying. So it comes as a shock when around a year later, a new video drops on the channel. But the face in it is unknown.
"Hi guys," the young woman smiles and she looks so dejected, so scared, but the sound guy Garreth sits next to her and squeezes her hand, grounding her. "I swore I'd never sit in front of a camera again, but...I think it's time. So let me introduce myself. I am Chrissy Cunningham, but you know me as Chris C. And also..." she takes a deep breath, "I am also Chrissy from the Cunningham family channel."
Chrissy goes through it all. She talks about her life with her mother, an obsessive family blogger, who had Chrissy give up all her hobbies, her friends, her privacy from a young age. How her only friend became the school outcast, Eddie, and she had to keep him a secret too - not because she was ashamed, he meant everything to her, but because her mother would steal him too. How she could never have anything of her own, was always on camera, always tested for reactions, always forced to perform and mocked for it at school. How she couldn't handle it anymore and as soon as she was eighteen, she moved in with Eddie and his uncle. How it was only then that she started learning about herself, about who she was and what she wanted to do. "Now that you know who I am, I hope you can look past what I was made to do years ago and see me as...me. Just me."
She and Gareth leave their seats and are replaced with Eddie and Nancy. While Eddie mostly sits quietly, Nancy introduces their newest project that Chrissy suggested - documentaries on dangers of YouTube, TikTok and their insufficient regulations, especially when it comes to family vloggers and loss of privacy. "It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but that is exactly the point", says Nancy and looks directly at the camera. "We're here on camera, showing you parts of our lives that we want to show. But there are many who didn't consent to this, many who are being exploited for views. And on behalf of this chanel, let me address those who think this is okay. We're coming for you."
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nburkhardt · 2 years
Maybe he’ll blame it on his wording or maybe blame it on the lack of romantic setting. Maybe he could blame it on the crowd around them.
Because he didn’t want to think of the answer being no. If that were the case, he might just die of a broken heart.
Steve’s first ‘girlfriend’ was this adorable little red head girl when he was five. Actually, when he thinks about it she wasn’t his ‘girlfriend’ but actually his little ‘boyfriend’ because she thought it was funny to call him ‘girlfriend’ instead and she wanted to be called ‘boyfriend’ which he gladly did. He remembers her pretty clearly because she was also his best friend at the time, her name is Delilah. He hasn’t seen her in years, hopes she’s okay and happy. The way she called him ‘girlfriend’ is probably what started his secret love of feminine names for himself.
He thinks that was probably his easiest “relationship” mostly because well, he was five. He remembers asking her to play and that was it. They were attached at the hip, Delilah’s mom would pick him up from his house when demanded and then he’d spend the rest of his day with Delilah and her family. Some of his best childhood memories are with them.
It’s probably the blueprint for his relationship to Eddie.
Expect, Eddie asked him to smoke one random day and then suddenly he’s being called ‘baby girl’ and ‘darling’. It made his heart beat so much faster and his cheeks run hot. Eddie wouldn’t demand him to come over, just wouldn’t let him leave most nights. They’d have late dinners with Wayne and enjoy quiet nights together and lazy mornings. He’s truly his happiest with the Munson family.
So, despite the fact that legally they can’t get married, he decided to get a ring and ask Eddie anyway.
Finding the perfect ring wasn’t as hard as he’s heard. Maybe it’s because he knows Eddie, knows what he hates and loves. Or maybe it’s just that the first ring he saw was perfect for Eddie. As soon as he saw it, his brain immediately came up with images of Eddie wearing it. When the sells person asked about his own ring, he declined and said he’ll pick something out later.
Eddie’s the one that’s good with creating a story, especially off the top of his head. So instead of coming up with anything like that, he’s planning on just laying it all out and hoping for the best. He swears to mention how much he loves Eddie, talk about their future and so much more.
He doesn’t bother hiding that he’s with Eddie when they get into the restaurant, it’s pretty common now for the two of them to be seen together. Most people don’t even look twice at them anymore, there’s of course still one or two. But it doesn’t bother them much.
It’s not the most romantic restaurant, just the little diner in town. Because Enzo’s was already busy plus the owner shoots glares at them even though Robin ripped a new one into him for being homophobic. So instead of the romantic scene, they’re in the little diner with checkered floors and terrible teal blue walls with pink accents. There’s sad looking daisies on the tables with old worn broken menus, and music neither of them actually like. Some old country song that Steve can’t even remember the name.
Their waiter is some senior from high school that looks bored. Repeating their orders back to them before walking off and Steve finally takes a chance to reach over at Eddie’s hands, “Eds, I got something for you”
Eddie brightens up at that, his smile is addicting and Steve smiles just to match him even if his nerves are making him squirm. Letting go of one of Eddie’s hands, he goes to pull out the tiny little black box that’s been making his pockets burn all day.
“What is it, Stevie?” Eddie’s voice goes up a notch and before he knows it, starts to ramble. “Is today a special day? I know it’s not my birthday and it’s not yours either, there’s no anniversary that I can think of. You also don’t celebrate many holidays lately, so it can’t be that. Or am I forgetting something? Is it an anniversary? Should I be getting you something-“
Usually he loves hearing Eddie ramble but his voice is getting higher and it’s starting to crack, so he shoves the box back into his pocket and grabs Eddie’s hands again in a tight grip. “Eds, baby, calm down! It’s okay”
Before either of them can say anything more their food is there and they let go of each other to eat. In between bites, he tries again, “I was thinking, maybe in the future, if we uh- we could go and get my last name to be…”
He gets cut off by waiters loudly and annoyingly singing ‘happy birthday’ to the table next to them and he wants to kick himself for his wording already. It’s turning out to be a disaster, and he doesn’t exactly know how to come back from it. So, they continue to eat their food quietly with some small talk instead. Once the badly singing waiters leave and their food is mostly gone, he tries again.
“Eddie, I have something to ask you” his nerves are showing in his voice, even to his own ears. Hopefully he looks aren’t reflecting how nervous he is, but he can’t see himself anywhere and he knows looking away would not be good. Without messing with the box in his pocket, “Would you want to share a last name?”
Internally cringing at his words, he hopes that Eddie understands. Looking at him, with the silence going that feels like the world has stopped, it seems like maybe that it…doesn’t. He knows it comes out wrong and that Eddie doesn’t get it. Because his face is full of confusion, normally he loves it. Normally Eddie being confused is always cute and Steve loves it, especially when he gets to explain something to Eddie.
But right now? He hates it.
“Like, you uhh” Eddie speechless is a wonder usually. Steve hates it right now, much like how much he hates his own wording. “Wouldn’t it be weird if Wayne adopted you? Since we’re dating?”
He’s speechless himself, of all the options Eddie picks that one? He shakes his head and his hand goes for the box in his pocket, “no, no. That’s- just, no. Eddie, I’d like to-“
“Stevie, are you okay?” The question comes out of left field and it makes him wonder why, until he feels a wetness to his cheeks and, damnit. He’s tearing up from all his nerves. He didn’t even notice, sighing he just nods. “Are- are you sure?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. Let’s just go home, yeah?”
Eddie doesn’t quite agree but also doesn’t say anything else. Just moves next to him and loops his arm with Steve’s. Then they’re off to the car and all Steve needs now is a moment alone to figure out how he went so wrong when he had a plan.
Part 2
This was originally suppose to be the full fic but uhh tumblr kept deleting my last thing i'd type up. So now I'm splitting it into two parts. Anyway, I completely blame @i-less-than-three-you and this post for this. So thanks @undreaming-fanfiction for this idea bug I seriously couldn’t stop thinking about it, when I should be writing more of part 6 for my angst fic.
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Royal Pain Part 28
Hello! This is the last chapter before the epilogue. I'm so grateful for everyone who's still reading this little big story. Longest thing I've ever written. It caps out at nearly 60k words. I want to thank the people who have been reading this since day one and all the people that joined us for the ride along the way.
I love reading your comments and theories. I especially loved reading the freak outs over cliffhangers and the abuse I piled on our poor boys. But I am a sucker for happy endings.
Also a little treat for @goodolefashionedloverboi who wanted this way back in part 21.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11 Pt 12 Pt 13 Pt 14 Pt 15 Pt 16 Pt 17 Pt 18 Pt 19 Pt 20 Pt 21 Meta Pt 22 Pt 23 Pt 24  Pt 25 Pt 26 Pt 27
“Steve!” Robin called out. “Your boyfriend is here!”
Steve came running out of the back room. His grin nearly split his face in two.
He lifted Eddie up and spun him around. Eddie laughed out loud.
“Put me down, you menace!” Eddie said between gasps of giggles.
Steve gently put him down. And then kissed him right in front of Robin.
Who promptly fake gagged.
“Shush you,” Steve said. “You should be grateful I didn’t let him keep me in bed this morning.”
Robin gasped. “Betrayal! And in front of my coffee no less!” She covered her coffee with her hands as if to shield it from the scene in front of her.
Eddie laughed. “Sorry there Birdie, it was a very near thing. I had to be bribed!”
She shook her head. “Go on, get! Before you ruin my coffee with your sugary sweetness.”
Steve and Eddie just smiled and walked back to Steve’s room, hands in each other’s back pockets.
Once they got to the room, Eddie was all over Steve. Hands tangled in his hair, lips on that perfect mouth. Gripping the back of Eddie’s shirt was all he could do to keep upright.
“Baby,” Eddie whined when they finally broke apart. “I missed you so much. I promise to never leave you like that again.”
Steve nuzzled their noses together and sighed happily. “I know, Eds. I missed you too.”
Eddie stepped back to take off his shirt and Steve scanned over the expanse of his chest.
Eddie caught the look and grinned. “No new tattoos, sweetheart. I don’t trust anyone else but you.”
Steve blushed. “That’s nice to hear, beautiful. But I was just ogling my boyfriend.”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah, okay that’s fair.” He walked over the chair and straddled it, resting his head on his folded arms.
“Let’s get this bad boy done, shall we?” Steve sighed happily.
“Sure thing, darlin’,” Eddie murmured. “Can’t wait.”
Steve started up his gun and got to work. All the while they chatted about the lighter stuff of the last three weeks. Eddie caught up on all the shop gossip.
“Honestly,” Steve said, “if Robin doesn’t pick soon, she’s going to be in the world’s most awkward polycule.”
Eddie laughed. “She’ll figure it out. But I guess Birdie really has a thing for redheads.”
Steve chuckled too. “Oh, yeah. Pretty much always had. Except once with Nancy back in high school. But that was more a ‘everyone had a crush on Nancy’ thing then a specific crush.”
Eddie hummed. “You said you had a thing for curly haired smart people with soulful eyes. You were talking about me too, right?”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Oh yeah. I’m not a subtle person when it comes to my crushes. Pretty much everyone figures it out before I do. Except in your case. I’ve had a crush on you since high school.”
“Me too, Stevie.”
“It’s about time we got our heads out of our asses, then.”
Eddie murmured his agreement and they settled into a comfortable silence.
Robin was still going to kick Eddie’s ass for making Steve sad for two weeks, but after hearing it from him how much he hated touring and how much he missed Steve, she forgave him for the most part. He sounded like he had been more miserable than Steve and that was honestly saying something.
So she went to Corroded Coffin’s return concert at the Nightmare Holes and cheered loudly for them.
She also knew she had to chose between Chrissy and Vickie soon otherwise they were going to have a cat fight.
But Robin didn’t want to chose. She liked the attention from both girls plus it would be super awkward if she chose Vickie and Chrissy stayed at the shop. But it would also be awkward working with Vickie at the front desk if she picked Chrissy.
It was a mess.
But then a lightbulb dawned over her head. Maybe she didn’t have to chose.
She spoke to them on their way to the club and ended up dancing with both of them all night.
Steve waved at the rest of the band as Eddie dragged him to his car, eager to get back to Steve’s apartment.
Steve laughed as Eddie shoved him into the passenger seat of his own car and got in the driver’s seat.
“Someone’s in a hurry there,” Steve teased.
“Stevie darling,” Eddie said. “I am vibrating out of my skin here with anticipation and if I don’t see that tattoo of yours soon, I’m might go absolutely feral. Do you understand?”
He laughed. “Yeah, baby, I hear you.”
Eddie breathed out and drove to the apartment. They walked up the stairs and once the door was closed behind they were all over each other. Hands and mouths all over as they tumbled onto the sofa.
Shirts were the first to fly, Steve careful with Eddie’s still healing tattoo.
“Baby,” Eddie whined. “Is your tattoo healed?”
Steve wiggled underneath him. “For the most part, it’s been about two weeks.”
Eddie let out another whine. “This won’t hurt you?”
Steve shook his head. “The scab is already gone. I heal fast.”
Eddie undid Steve’s jeans and slid them down his legs. He looked up at Steve for permission for the final layer of clothes to be removed. Steve nodded and lifted his hips for Eddie to slide off his underwear.
Eddie gasped when he saw it.
His thumb gently rubbed over the tattoo. It wasn’t very large, about the size of a half dollar. It was a simple heart with bat wings and a little crown.
“Baby, is this us?” he asked, breathless.
Steve nodded. “Yeah, do you like it?”
“I love it, sweetheart,” Eddie whispered. “And when my back is done, I am going to get it done on me, too.”
Steve’s eyes glistened with happy tears. “Okay, yeah. Suddenly I need that.”
Eddie kissed him deeply. “Me, too. I need you so much.”
They got Eddie’s pants and underwear off and Steve moaned at the long, graceful lines of his boyfriend’s lean body.
“Fuck, Eds,” Steve murmured. “I can’t wait to taste you.”
Eddie threw his head back and moaned. They had to be careful with Eddie’s still healing back, but they managed to make do and had a great time.
Once they had cleaned up and dressed, Steve began making dinner.
“So how did your meeting with Murray Bauman go?” he asked as he fried up the chicken for fajitas.
“It went great,” Eddie said. “Cec is still going to bring the contract to one of his law professors to make sure he didn’t miss any hidden bullshit, but yeah. It seems like Corroded Coffin is going to make an EP.”
Steve hummed. “And that different than a full record, right?”
“Yeah,” Eddie said, nodding. “It’s about five songs. But it’s what most new artists get. The record company doesn’t want to spend a boat load of money on an LP only for the band to not go anywhere.”
“That makes sense,” Steve murmured. “And you guys are going to keep working at the Nightmare Holes?”
Eddie nodded again. “Yeah, and if the record hits big, we can renegotiate our contract with Rick to get more money each week.”
“That’s great,” Steve said with a smile.
“And you and your genius schedule is going to work out great,” Eddie said with an answering grin. “They’ll even send a car for us every time, too.”
“Wow,” Steve said. “That’s awesome. Looks like I’m going have a rockstar boyfriend.”
“A perfect compliment to my tattoo artist boyfriend.”
Steve came over to where Eddie was seated at the table to kiss him. “Perfect indeed.”
They had dinner and sat down to watch a movie. They curled up on the sofa and just enjoyed each other’s company. Like they had so many times before.
Other than the sex, they were still Eddie and Steve. They still enjoyed the same movies, food, and music that they did before they got together.
They were just finally on the same page.
Once the movie was over, Eddie pulled out his guitar.
“You ready for this, baby?” he asked as Steve turned to face him on the couch.
Eddie played the first song he wrote on the road, the one that made Jeff and the others cry.
Tears streamed down Steve’s cheeks, too. “I’m sorry you were so lonely, Eds. I’m glad you’re home now.”
“Me too, sweetheart,” he murmured. “But I think you’ll like this one more.”
And he play the most beautiful, heart-stoppingly romantic song Steve had ever heard and it was for him. About them. And he was crying for a completely different reason now.
“Sunshine,” Steve said through his tears. “That was amazing. They both were. Thank you for sharing them with me.”
Eddie kissed him fiercely over the guitar. “Just you wait, Stevie. You’re going to get a life time of sappy love songs.”
“And I’ll cherish every single one.”
They got ready for bed and snuggled up together, falling asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning led to morning sex, showers, and breakfast, never too far apart.
They were getting ready for a walk in the park when they got to witness a Robin Buckley walk of shame.
She opened the door and jumped when she saw them. “Shit!”
Eddie and Steve shared a glance.
“And what time do you call this, young lady,” Eddie teased.
Robin blushed all the way to her roots. She pulled out her phone. “Uh...11:13am?”
Eddie cackled as Steve grinned.
“And which lovely lady did you go home with last night?” Steve asked.
Robin’s blush deepened. “Both?”
Eddie and Steve glanced at each other again.
“You want to repeat that?” Eddie asked.
She shrugged. “I couldn’t decide. And Chrissy had hit on Vickie before, which lead to us talking to Vickie and once it was made clear that it wasn’t just a one time threesome she decided she was down for poly relationship.”
Eddie and Steve both held up their fists for her to bump and she fist bumped them both at the same time.
“You go girl!” Eddie crowed.
“Hell, yeah, Robs,” Steve said. “That’s awesome!”
“Where are you two love birds going?” Robin asked.
“Just for a walk in the park.”
“Have fun.”
Tag list: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@bookworm0690 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @aizawa-emma @yikes-a-bee @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @archermightbegay @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella @jonesn4coffee @slowandsteddie @awkwardgravity1 @steaddie-on
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candiedspit · 8 months
when I was lucid
Tomas fucked like a girl. 
This was disappointing. I wanted him to wrap his muscles–pink, buoyant muscles–around me until I disappeared. I wanted to make use of my legs. But he mewled like a kitten and hardly touched me. 
Am I hurting you? He asked every few seconds. 
No, I said and said. 
A cigarette was still burning on the nightstand. The sunlight outside waned like a feeling. When he finished, he rolled off of me and I got up to get dressed. 
I’ve gotta go, I said, snagging my coat on. 
And left him with his vapors and dirty skin. 
There was a cab outside waiting for me. Life was like this, one magic act. I yawned and a man offered me champagne. Things appeared. I did my lipstick in the backseat, caught the driver looking at me in the rearview mirror. 
What? I asked, popping my lips. 
He didn’t say anything. I rolled my eyes. He left me at my family’s restaurant where I met the rest of the boogaloos. I entered through the back door, smelling of sex and strawberry perfume. I liked making scenes. Another reason Tomas disappointed me–no bruises to coat with foundation, no angered calls from my brothers. I’m the youngest in our family; the only girl, too. This allows me many advantages. Everyone treats me as though I’m made of glass. 
Where you been, dope? Nick asked. 
I had four older brothers and Nick was the closest to me in age. He had spent his recent twenty fifth birthday in the white gallows of Hawaii, dodging waterfalls. I was twenty years old. It was only the brothers there. Dad was working. I never knew what that meant, though there were hints. All that really mattered was his mood when he came home. Sometimes, he went to his office and drank. Nothing could stir him, his misery like a furnace heating the entire house. Other times, he came home bearing gifts, stories and quick cracks at everyone. He was a laser beam. I take after him in some respects. For example, my beautiful, long nose. And my green, slanted eyes. I’m also a natural depressive. Prone to fits, slamming doors, refusing to eat for days. Once, I told a shrink I feel like as empty as a clock. He told me everybody feels like that. 
Not like me, I told him. Not like me. 
I was with Tomas, I told Nick as I took a seat at the table. 
It was quiet. Robin, Frank and my oldest brother Jonathan fiddled with their fingers, sniffling. I made a face. 
What is this? I asked. A fucking funeral parlor? What’s going on?
Dad lost a bet, Jonathan said. A big one.
Shit, I said. What do we do?
Not you. Nick said. But we’ve got till this evening to get it sorted. 
I was never allowed out on any ventures. This upset me. I could handle anything the boys could. A little blood. A little guts. It didn’t bother me much. I had a strong stomach. 
There’s a cab coming for you, Robin said. Just stay at the house. 
Can’t we play a game first? I asked. I loved beating them at cards, the dimwits. 
No time, Jonathan said. 
I got up and grabbed a soda from the fridge before heading towards the door. 
Be safe, I said. 
I never knew what time it was. It was probably around one in the morning when the boys came back with dad. I’d spent the afternoon watching TV with mom while she did my nails. Dad was furious, cursing anyone that came to mind; Mickey Mouse, God, Judy Dame. As Nick slinked upstairs, I caught his arm. His shirt was rimmed with what I knew was blood. 
Are you okay? I asked. 
He nodded. I kissed his cheek and let him go. 
I wasn’t in school. I filled my time with house parties, dungeons, anything that sparkled. That weekend, I was in the basement with Katie-Marie, a girl I’ve known since we were four. I didn’t have many friends. But I had good ones, the ones I had. Katie-Marie was wonderful to be around. I could tell her anything. Most of the time, I complained about Tomas. 
Let go of him, Katie-Marie said. He’s nothing but a pain. Not worth the time. 
I’m compelled, I said. There’s something about him I can’t get enough of. 
Katie-Marie did another line, I followed suit and laid back down on the couch, drank some soda. I often imagined burning my nose off; sulfur and love confessions. I listened to Katie-Marie sing along to some girl pop band until I felt as though someone had thrown me into the electric chair except I was innocent. All of my nerves were on high alert. I fluttered my eyes, seeing the faint image of a lamb on the ceiling. There was a cosmic rhinestone in the very center of my forehead. I could feel every one of my thoughts like arrows shot from the other side. I laughed and laughed, couldn’t tell when I wasn’t laughing. Katie-Marie kissed my cheek. I licked her palm. I began speaking. 
Are we not the damndest? Are we not the ones? I could drink my youth from a shot glass. It’s going to rain. I’m the first horse who realized he can run. And I’m running and I’m never stopping. I’m a cunt. I’m Daddy. He thinks he’s so big, I’m bigger. 
I looked over at Katie-Marie. 
He thinks he’s big but I’m bigger, I said over and over. 
I have this dream, I found myself telling Tomas. That dud, dull sparkler; magic amulet with no power within it. I didn’t like him. How many times could I rap at his door? A shift, I expected him to be someone else every time. The person I loved. And each time, it was only him in his boy shorts, grease king, cigarette burns in the blankets, ashtrays on the carpet, the scent of a life lived far too long. It had been four days since we’d seen each other; I’d spent the time crying, masturbating and crying, punching his number into the phone and then chickening out. He looked at me, rubbed my cheek with his bandaged thumb. 
What do you dream? He asked. 
I’m Christ at the table. And the skies are made of lace, there are gingerbread cookies, rugs made of skin, a thousand diamonds, an itch in my teeth. A cock between my hands. Psalms rising and falling beneath my eyelids. I am the son of God. I am going to be betrayed by the phony who loves me as the wind loves to tickle the trees. I am going to die for you. 
I pointed towards the ceiling. 
But for the moment, I am full of wine, singing drunk. And the colors explode. Someone is speaking. A beautiful woman with her breasts exposed. And I hear the sound of what comes next. I hear the crackle of electricity; lightning bolts, rashes of rain pissing from above. I hear a hundred languages, babbling over one another like threads in a wicker basket, streams of fish. I hear a thumping, a grinding, ecstatic horsepower. I see the black coughs of genocide. I see Americans on the street, hiding from a wall of ash. I see America. 
You’re insane, he said as though astonished. Absolutely insane. 
It was a Tuesday evening. I was at the restaurant with Nick, playing cards. The other boys were upstairs, running dishes, cleaning tables. Outside, I could hear the fantastic drip of rain. I beat Nick at cards for the third time in a row. 
You’re letting me win, I complained. 
He laughed. 
I’m really that bad, he said. That’s the truth. 
It got quiet as I got up to get another soda, one for me and one for him. I cracked open the can and sat back down. Nick was looking at me. 
Julia, he said. 
I looked at him. He never called me by my name. 
 Why don’t you get away from here? You could. Dad would pay for school, somewhere upstate. You could leave all this shit behind. It’s not good for you to be in the periphery of what we do. Why don’t you? 
I looked at his hands, a cross tattooed on his wrist. I loved him like a mother does, like a knife.
Why don't you go fuck yourself? I asked. And said nothing else.
I set up another card game. And let him win.
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that1emowitch · 6 months
At the end of the world / Or the last thing I see / You are never coming home, never coming home
Prompt from @tuna-f-b: Do you still do request? If yes and angst is o.k: what would happend i all the bats died? Like how would the hero community react. The supers alone. Clark having to deal with losing his best friend(?) and the kids he basically co parented- as well as seeing his sons lose their best friends(?) Specially as ships that would be awesome angst
A/N: I'm not crying you're crying (Also, for those who don't know, Izzy is Duke's canon gf and one of the Robins from We Are Robin)
Words: 2504
TW: Mentions of blood, Major character death, Coping with loss, Self-blame, Mentions of relapse (drugs)
“If you’re watching this, I am either deceased or indefinitely unable to continue my duties as Batman. But the world still needs Batman. Gotham still needs Batman. My son Damian Wayne, if he is an adult, shall inherit my mantle— if not, Dick Grayson will take over until he is. In the event that he, too, is unavailable for any reason, the mantle goes to Tim Drake, after him, to Cassandra Cain, then Duke Thomas, then Stephanie Brown, then Jason Todd, should he accept it.”
In the video recording, Batman pauses, taking a deep breath.
“In the unfortunate event that the entire family is… deceased… I have a list of contingency plans on both the Bat-Computer and the Justice League’s primary databases. Oracle will help you access it, but in her… absence… the password is “a6ghr83kc02m”.”
Then video-Bruce takes off the cowl, his pale blue eyes looking straight into the camera.
“I know I was never the best with feelings. But I would like my children, my allies, and friends to know that I’m proud of you. And to my fellow Justice Leaguers… Diana and Clark, I am truly grateful for your companionship. I would never have made it this far without you. Barry, Arthur, Dinah, J’onn, you’ve all been good friends. Oliver, Hal… you’re not so bad either.”
Bruce turns around, and looks over his shoulder, the shadows of the Batcave making the scene even more dramatic.
“I wish you good luck.”
Then the clip ends.
A shuddering breath leaves Clark.
It’s real.
He’s really… They’re all…
He can’t do this anymore. He turns around and walks out the door, leaving the other core Justice Leaguers staring sombrely at the now-blank screen.
He doesn’t know when he started flying, when he started trying to escape. The walls of the Watchtower seem to be suffocating him, but he has enough sense not to just leave the airlock yet.
Instead he finds a corner by a window, far, far away from the others, where he can see a majestic view of Earth, the moon, and the Sun in perfect sync with each other.
He falls to his knees.
His breathing’s uneven, a tear rolls down his cheeks.
Then he feels a hand on his shoulder— soft, trembling, yet steady.
“Kal,” Diana whispers, sitting on the floor next to him. She doesn’t continue— she isn’t sure what to say.
“They’re all going to die, you know? We’re going to bury all of them. Everyone on Earth, everyone we know.” Clark’s voice trembles, in a way Superman’s never does. “It scares me so much.”
“Kal,” Diana says again, pulling Clark into a hug. “It’s okay. We’ve lost… We’ve lost so many of our friends. It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to grieve.”
“How are you— how are you so—” Clark can’t form his words properly. He turns to Diana, to see her face tight with grief, eyes misty with unshed tears.
Her voice breaks slightly as she speaks. “I don’t want to believe they’re gone. But… we have to carry on. We’re the Justice League. Our people need us, Kal.”
“So we just go on and on? Forever?” Another tear runs down his cheek. “Ollie, Hal, Dinah, Lois, Jon, they’re all going to… they’re all going to die one day and we just have to… to go on?”
“I’m sorry, but it is the truth,” Diana whispers, her eyes stinging with hot tears. “We must find peace in the fact, right now, that Batman— Bruce, the Robins, they— they were so brave. Brave till the end. And they fell as warriors, defending our world. I’m sure they’ll all reach Elysium.”
“And Dickie, Damian, Jason, Tim, Cass, Duke—” Clark’s voice is hoarse. “They were so young, just kids… I… I know Dick, Jay, Tim, Cass… they were adults, but… they’re gone, they’re gone…”
“They were heroes, like you and me. Don’t forget that.”
“I… I know, I just—” Another shuddering breath escapes Clark. “I just— I…”
“It’s okay,” Her voice is forcefully steady, but with an undertone of heartbreak. “It’s okay…”
Dinah looks around the room, her heart heavy.
Clark has left, Diana’s gone after him— both of them need their space, she knows. They were close to Bruce and the other Bats in a way no one else in this room was.
The word still weighs down on her.
Hal speaks up finally, breaking the deafening silence. “I always thought he hated me.”
No one replies for a long moment.
“I miss the kids,” Barry says finally, his voice quiet. “They were just… Robin was only 14. The others, even Nightwing, they had… they had their whole lives ahead of them.”
More silence.
“Jason, when he was Robin— do y'all remember? Kid was always my favorite,” Ollie says finally. “Was always so sassy. Roy loves him.”
Loves. Dinah winces, but doesn’t correct him. It’s easier to believe they’re just gone for a little while.
“Bruce was a good man,” Arthur adds. “They all were.”
“Tim was, I believe, the smartest,” J’onn says, somber. “It was his plan that allowed us to save Earth.”
“Damian!” Dinah says suddenly, jumping from her seat. “His… his mother. She shouldn’t have to find out from someone else.”
Everyone freezes, faces tight.
Dinah sighs, looking down. “I’ll do it.”
Then she leaves the room, dragging what feels like a heavy weight tied to her soul. She has to do this.
Roy’s sitting in a corner of his apartment, hugging his knees. All he can think of is Jason.
He’s never coming back.
He can still feel the lingering ‘goodbye’ kiss Jason gave him not two days ago, he can still hear him say, “I’ll be back before you know it, babe.”
He never came back.
He’s dead. Dead— dead dead dead DEAD DEAD—
“Small Red not okay?” A booming voice snaps Roy out of his thoughts. He looks up to see Bizarro’s pale blue skin and cold eyes looming over him. He’s crying. “Red him coming back.”
It takes Roy a second to register that Bizarro speaks backwards. It takes everything in him to not punch him for saying that, for giving him false hope.
He feels something he hasn’t felt in years— feels that whisper in his mind— one hit and it’ll all feel better. Just one hit.
NO! He screams mentally. He feels like bashing his head open.
Instead he lifts his dead eyes to survey the rest of the room— Kori’s on the couch, staring into space. Artemis has a crying Lian in her arms, she’s showing her something— old photos of Jason. Talking, whispering in a broken voice.
No, no he should be the one comforting Lian—
What’s he gonna say?
That— That Jason— That her Papa’s gone forever? That he’s never— he’s never coming back?
No— Jay— Jay deserved so much better, he— he already died once before, he’s been through so much, things were supposed to be better now— not— no, he’s— 
Roy feels Bizarro sit beside him, gently patting his arm.
He snaps out of his thoughts again, turning to Jason’s former teammate, his eyes red-rimmed. His voice raw, he whispers, “Jay’s gone…”
Wally’s standing in the Hall of Heroes, staring up at the holographic projection of Dick— he looks so majestic, so mighty, staring ahead with nothing but hope and courage in his eyes.
Nothing like the cold, dead body that Wally held in his arms just two days ago.
He’s surrounded by his teammates, his friends— Kaldur, M’gann, Artemis, Zatanna, L’gann, Garth— yet he feels so alone.
He sees it again— Dick bleeding out it his arms, his wounds so fatal he died before help arrived. Wally’s the fastest man alive, damn it, yet he couldn’t even save his best friend— his boyfriend. He feels the moment when Dick’s breathing stopped, when his body went limp, when his grip on Wally’s hand loosened.
Everyone’s quiet. M’gann’s stress baking again, L’gann by her side. Artemis and Zatanna are sitting together, Garth’s lingering in a corner, and Kaldur’s standing right beside Wally— close enough for comfort but not so close he’s lurking. He’s shaking.
He can still hear it, hear Dick forcing out his last words, telling Wally it’s okay, that he loves him, that it’ll be fine.
It’s not fine. Not without you.
He wants to scream.
He wants to cry, yell, hit something, do anything.
But he can’t move.
So he just stands there, almost as still as the holographic projection of Dick before him.
Kon is left reeling.
Tim… Tim is…
Tim’s dead.
Tim’s really gone.
He thinks, for just a second, that this is how Tim and Cassie must have felt when he and Bart “died”.
Bart is sitting beside him on the couch, leaning on his side, Cassie’s got her head on his lap. Neither of them speak— Bart’s not even fidgeting— they’re all just trying to be there for each other.
The other Titans are up and about, but staying close for comfort. Jaime and Gar are making food for everyone in the kitchen, Raven and Vic have come back to the tower to make sure the others are okay, and he’s sure Karen’s around too, somewhere.
Yet he feels so empty.
Feels nothing at all.
How can he, when his best friend is dead?
Jon hasn’t spoken in a bit. Not when his Mom brought him his favorite soup, not when Grandma and Grandpa showed up to ‘help’ him and Dad through this, not when Krypto plopped down beside him to comfort him.
He hugs the dog close.
Krypto’s technically Kon’s, but Jon’s sure Kon wouldn’t mind if he stole Krypto for a day.
Another sob escapes him, and he buries his head in Krypto’s back. The dog whines, licking Jon’s hand.
He can’t believe Damian’s gone. 
Really gone.
And he didn’t know just how much he would miss his friend.
Dinah finds Talia Al Ghul on a building in Metropolis, overlooking the city. Her face is tight with sorrow, but she keeps herself in check, her back straight, head held high.
She already knows, Dinah deduces.
“I… I’m sorry,” Dinah starts, unsure of what to say. She knows, from her experience as a psychologist, that ‘sorry’ is the last thing a grieving person wants to hear, but she doesn’t have anything else to say.
Talia doesn’t reply for a long time. Then she says, her voice numb, “I should have known, when bringing Damian into this life, that I would also be bringing him amidst the dangers that come with.”
Dinah’s brows furrow. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have done anything at all.”
“I should have trained him better, I should have kept him close, I should—” Talia takes a shuddering breath. “I should have never brought him into this life.”
Dinah can’t argue with that— she knows how Damian had come to be, and it… wasn’t the best birth ever.
“Now leave, hero,” Talia says, her voice numb and cold. “Go back to protecting the world. Leave me be.”
Dinah wants to say something better, comfort the woman, but she can’t. So she just turns back, and leaves.
By the time Harper Row makes her way to the Clock Tower, there’s already quite a crowd there— Kate, Renee Montoya, Harley, Ivy, Silena, and Helena Bertinili— they’re crowding around Babs, comforting her. Luke Fox and Isabella Ortiz are at the computer, looking through something.
Harper tries to open her mouth to speak, but she can’t get the words out.
She makes her way over to Luke and Izzy, shoulders hunched.
Just three days ago she’d been hanging out with Duke and Izzy and Cass and Steph— they’d all been so carefree, so happy…
And now…
Once she gets close enough she realizes Izzy’s crying, and immediately wraps her arms around the shorter girl. Harper’s trying to hold back tears of her own, too. She feels Luke putting a hesitant hand on her shoulder, squeezing tight.
No one speaks for a long time, they just stand together, seeking comfort in each other.
Then Babs rolls her wheelchair to the center of the room, wiping at her bloodshot eyes. But when she speaks, she sounds surprisingly steady. She’s compartmentalizing, Harper realizes. Putting away Barbara and bringing Oracle back.
“Gotham needs her heroes, now more than ever,” Oracle says, head held high. “We must honor our friends by doing the one thing they’d have wanted— to keep fighting. Keep Gotham safe.”
She sighs, her face tight to fight away tears. “Luke. Batman’s contingency plan, in the Robins’ absence, was to pass you the mantle of Batman. Do you accept?”
Luke’s eyes grow wide slightly, but he straightens himself, looking away. “I… I accept. Dad isn’t going to be happy, but… Gotham needs Batman.”
“Thank you.” Oracle nods at him. “As per Bruce’s will, all Wayne assets, the Manor, and the Batcave are split between Kate, me, Alfred, and Lucius. I… Lucius and I are still figuring out who’s going to take over Wayne Enterprises, but on the vigilante side, I’ve got a plan.”
She turns to Ivy, Harley, Kate, Silena and Helena. “The Birds of Prey are needed here, now more than ever. Dinah— Black canary has offered to help us with Gotham, too.” 
Harley nods, sniffling. Beside her, Ivy speaks up, “The… Most Rogues aren’t happy about this. They’re not rampaging— Bane has fashioned his own version of the Batsuit, he’s going around ‘saving’ people, screaming that Batman never dies. The Joker’s searching for Lazarus Pits and Bruce’s body. Jervis Tetch and Nygma held a get-together yesterday, in the memory of the Bats. I… I think they might help us.”
Harper’s gotta admit, she’s quite surprised about this. Even Babs freezes, taking in this information.
“Gotham needs Robin as much as she needs Batman,” Izzy speaks up from beside her, her voice small but firm. “The Robins can come back, this time you can give us formal training so we can actually help.”
Oracle turns to Luke. “Taking on Robins is your decision, Batman.”
Luke winces at that title— it doesn’t feel like an honor to him, it just feels like an incessant reminder that he’s the last one left. Because his friends are dead. But he nods, anyway, not trusting himself to speak right now.
Then Oracle addresses Harper. “I… would you like to be Batgirl?”
Harper’s heart stops. Memories flash into her head— seeing Steph in the Batgirl costume, seeing Cass in the Batgirl suit, both of whom are now gone.
“N— No,” Harper stutters out, eyes tearful. “I can’t— I’m sorry, Babs. I appreciate the offer, but… Cass was Batgirl. I can’t take her place.”
“I understand.” Babs just nods, lips pursed, misty-eyed. “We will all need to work hand-in-hand until everything settles, we will need to be vigilant. Carry on Batman’s legacy, for as long as we may need to.”
No one speaks again.
They all just let it sink in, hearts heavy.
They’re going to have to do this alone now.
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
1 with Steve on the obscure friends to lovers list
1) We’re having a movie night, just like we’ve always done. Your thigh is touching mine, and my thoughts won’t stop wandering. 
Warnings: friends to lovers, flirting, first kisses, love confessions
word count: 1.4k
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“Movie night?” Robin knows all too well when Steve starts ringing out movies for himself at the end of the shift. 
He nods, “it is Thursday after all.” 
“What do you have this week?” She takes his pile off the desk and flicks through them. “rom-coms… these two have sex scenes in them and this is friends to lovers. Stephen Harrington, what are you insinuating here?” 
He blushes a deep red. “What?” 
“I mean, I know you’re madly in love with her, but I didn’t think you were a man of subtlety?” She teases. “Just tell her…” 
“I’m still trying to tell if she even likes me,” he admits. “That’s why I picked these… with what she’s been doing lately I think it could spark a conversation or something.” 
“What’s she been doing?” Robin leans in, loving the gossip that she got from his insane crush on his childhood friend. 
“She has a shower before I come over and she shaves her legs and wears shorts and she’s always like ‘feel how smooth I am’ and she sits so close to me so our legs touch and— and I like to rub her leg cause they are so soft and she doesn’t mind,” he explains. 
“She’s trying to get you to fuck her you idiot,” she laughs. “Oh my god, the smooth leg trick is the oldest in the book. It’s almost as old as you pretending not to be interested in her to drive her crazy. Just kiss her already.” 
“I thought so but I didn’t want to assume,” he panics. “God, the worst fucking thing I could do is be a whore with my best friend and lose her forever.” 
She clears her throat, “um, what am I?” 
“Will you accept sister?” 
She pretends to sigh, “I guess… but I better be best man at the wedding.” 
“If you lock up tonight you can be?” He raises a brow in the hopes she’ll take him up on it. 
“Only cause Nancy’s driving me home,�� she agrees. “Go be with your girl, I want all the details tomorrow!” 
“You got it!” He grabs his VHS cases and hops over the counter on his way to the staff room for his coat and keys. “I’ll see you later!” 
He hears her call back something about wrapping it before he taps it but ignores her, he throws the tapes into his passenger seat and takes off quickly. 
He arrives just a few minutes early, which is fine. He doesn’t need to knock, he just kicks his shoes off and says hello to her parents in the living room like he did every week. They loved seeing him, hell, they’ve watched him grow up and he was now an honorary member of their household. Before he heads down to her room, he knocks on the basement door and calls down to insure she was decent. 
“You can come down!” She calls back. 
She has one leg hiked up on the bed as she rubs cream into her skin, her hair in a towel and a huge baggy shirt draped over her. “Hey, you’re early?” 
“Robin closed for me,” he tries to say even though he feels like he’s out of breath. “You smell good?” 
“Thanks,” she smiles, reaching out her hands so he can smell her new cream. “I got it at bath and body works the other day, you like it?” 
He loves it, “it smells so fresh and homey.” And very you.
“Thanks,” she looks so happy with her choice. “Whatcha got there?” 
“Our choices for tonight,” he holds up the movies. “You get the snacks?” 
She nods, “Of course, and I’m here too,” she teases. 
“Noted,” he smirks back, not stonewalling her from his emotions, per Robins advice. “But uh, I’ve got when harry met sally, dirty dancing and can’t buy me love.” 
“Oh my god,” she lights right up. “I think Patrick Dempsey is so cute, we have to watch that one.” 
“Okay,” he feels a little twinge of jealousy but it’s also fun seeing her get flustered by cute men on screen. 
So they get cozy, they open their snacks and cuddle up in her bed with the tiny tv on her dresser playing the tape just loud enough for them to hear over their chewing. 
“You know, he’s so cute and sweet I don’t get why it took her so long to see he’s perfect for her,” she commentates on the movie. “Like, what normal boy would work all summer cutting lawns trying to save up for a telescope and help some girl who’s mean to him most of the time? He’s a sweetheart.” 
“You want me to buy you a suede outfit?” Steve suggests on a leap of faith, “or a telescope, I don’t care.” 
“It’s not about buying something for another person, it’s the fact that he saw she needed someone on her side and helped,” she explains. “It’s a dickhead move to use her to be popular but I understand why he wouldn’t expect anything more from her, she’s never been nice to him.” 
“Was I that bad in high school?” He asks, earnestly. Brushing his leg against hers, she was so much softer than the suede outfit on the screen everyone raves about. “Is that why you won’t tell me if you like me back or not?” 
“Back?” Her eyes grow impossibly large. “Steve… since fucking when?” 
She laughs, “no, you’re always with other girls how the fuck was I supposed to clue in that you liked me?” 
“You never said you wanted me so I had to find love somewhere,” he admits. Confusing closeness with love. Using sex for intimacy. He thought about her with every girl and always felt bad. “How was I supposed to know you wanted me?” 
“I’ve been trying since grade 7, Steve!” She finally lets it out. “You’ve had girlfriend after girlfriend our whole friendship, at what point was I supposed to slip in oh by the way I’m in love with you, pick me please?” 
“I’m dumb,” he whispers, reminding her with a stupid smile on his face. “I’m like the biggest idiot, you have to smack me in the head to get something through it, I literally had no fucking clue you liked me, you treat me so differently from the girls I’m with?”
“Cause I love you, they like your reputation,” she explains. “I treat you like Steve and they treat you like a dollar store whore.” 
“Hey, I’m worth at least 5 bucks,” he teases to deflect. “I still wish you told me.” 
“I’ve been trying,” she admits. “You’ve been single longer than normal and I thought maybe if I slipped in some hints that you’d start crushing on me or something, I know it sounds stupid.” 
“No, no, cause it worked. I had no idea you even wanted me to touch you until you started doing the soft leg thing.” 
She smirks and rests her leg over his, “I am soft.” 
He runs his hands from her ankle up to the hem of her shorts, “the softest.” 
“You’re pretty soft too,” she whispers, wrapping her arm under his and resting her head against his shoulder. 
He spends a good 15 minutes feeling her up as she snuggles into his neck, kissing his skin softly as they bask in each other's touch. It’s so innocent and soft, she eventually straddles his hips and wraps herself around him like a koala.  
With her face still in the crook of his neck, he can feel her open her mouth to talk a few times but she keeps losing the battle to herself. He kisses the top of her head and rubs her back, quietly letting her know it’s okay. And then she says it. 
“I love you, Steve.” 
He takes her face in his hands so that he can look into her eyes when he says it, finally.
“I love you, so much.” 
She lunges for his lips, kissing him so deeply the wind is knocked from him once again. Holding each other's faces in place the kiss quickly becomes a hungry make session full of years and years of tension that continues to build inside of them. They weren’t going to be satisfied with just a few kisses and him leaving later… she wanted all of him, and he couldn’t wait to give it to her. 
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@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @wroteclassicaly @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @eddiemunson-rp 
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xoxo-sarah · 1 year
Bye Bye Baby // First Heartbreak
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↝a/n: I kinda enjoyed writing this. Feedback is appreciated. ALSO next part of I Wanna Yours will be coming out soon!
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!reader
↝ Warning: angst, break up, first heartbreak, out of character Robin (?), Mention of a character death, not correctly lined up lyrics with the Moments, timelines are all over the place- bare with me, not proofread
↝⎙ 7.5.24
(Lyrics are Bold.)
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It wasn't just like a movie
The rain didn't soak through my clothes, down to my skin
Usually in movies, when the main character gets their heart broken, it is raining, becoming a dramatic scene that every teen girl was supposed to cry their eyes out over when seeing.
Your heart laid in a million pieces and there wasn't a rain drop in sight. This wasn't what you expected your first heartbreak to be like.
I'm driving away and I, I guess you could say
This is the last time I'll drive this way again
2 weeks later, no word from anyone. Not Robin, not your friends. You were tempting to get in your car and at drive until Hawkins and the memories faded into the far, far distance.
Lost in the gray and I try to grab at the fray
'Cause I, I still love you but I can't
"Robin, I..." The phone was held tightly by your hand close to your ear. You seemed to stay by the phone for the past week. Waiting for someone, anyone to reach out. Most of your hope was for the girl you prayed to see-hold...again. Before you could say anything else, you put the phone back into its holder, like you have at least 10 times.
Bye, bye, to everything I thought was on my side
The movie you used to rent, the one you loved so much you eventually bought- skipped. Many nights sitting on the couch of your family home, cuddled up with the person you loved, watching and laughing, maybe crying until it hurt, skipped. Bits and pieces breaking out on the VHS. The tape was glitching until the tape broke, the actual tape inside becoming a mess. It was as if the black block looked up at you, laughing. Mocking.
Bye, bye, baby
The pillow she'd barely sleep on, opting to sleep laying on your chest, somehow smelt like her. Not a purfume of cologne, her scent. One of the many things you loved, craved about her. You didn't know if you should wash it or hold it close, wishing with every ounce of your being that it was her instead. If it was her, the scent would never fade.
I want you bad but it's come down to nothing
You promised yourself to stop trying to contact her. If you had any self-respect, you'd stop. However, you couldn't help the feeling you'd get when the phone rang. It was embarrassing.
And all I have is your sympathy
Robin stood in front of you, fiddling with her rings, not looking you in the eye. She couldn't bring herself to do so.
"So, you're breaking up with me?" After a moment, she slowly nodded. "Can I ask why?"
Her heart broke for you when your voice broke.
You didn't blame her, you never could do such a thing. She didn't feel the same and that's okay.
It didn't make it hurt any less.
'Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me
"Y/n/n, I really am sorry." Walking towards your house, it was pure silence, only the sniffles from you and the rock that would slide under Robin's shoes, making her kick it along the side walk. Coming up to your drive way, she broke the silence.
Bye, bye, baby
Bye, bye, baby
Nodding, you continued towards the porch, wanting nothing more than drag yourself into your room and sob into your pillow, or maybe in the shower where you could blame the water for the liquid rolling down your face instead.
The picture frame is empty
On the dresser, vacant just like me
Week 1 your mom had done you the favor of getting everything of hers out of the room. Well, first she wanted you to get out of your room, but deciding on plan b as she sympathized with your first heartbreak. Thankfully she didn't think of Robin's pillow, but she took the picture. It was of you and Robin before a pep rally. She was in her band outfit while you were in normal clothes, ready to stare at your girlfriend in adoration at her talent, not paying attention to whoever was supposed to be the center of attention at the event. Your mother had caught the photo, always being one for capturing moments. It honestly hurt her to get rid of the picture. She really adored her.
I see your writing on the dash
"This car is literally ancient."
The old Chevrolet Bel Air was all dusty, your father not having cleaned it in probably 20 years, where the car sat in the garage, untouched. He had given it to you after you finally got your license, a spur of the moment. The car was a gift, so you didn't gripe about the dust. What did concern you was the way the car could probably fall apart from not running for so long, but surprisingly held up well. "Obviously." Robin sat forward, rubbing her finger on the dash, writing something, her finger coming back with a black mark.
Your nose scrunched in disgust. "Don't do that."
She made a sound of disgust before wiping it on her jeans.
"All jokes aside, it's a pretty car."
You couldn't agree more. The pretty red paint job was shiny after the car wash, almost blinding.
Then back to your hesitation
Reaching across, your hand making contact with hers, fingertips running up the inside of her wrist, moving up to intertwine with her slender fingers. She hesitated, looking down at your hand as you continued paying attention to the road in front of you. She relaxed her hand, letting your fingers intertwine into one comforting moment.
I was so sure of everything
As your fingers met, your lips twitched into a small smile, glancing over at her looking out at the blurred trees and houses. God, you would never get over her side profile.
Everything I thought we'd always have
Your eyes watched the old couple hold each other as they walked over to the bence a little aways from the park. As long as you went to this park, even as a kid, the couple had walked to the park, talking about whatever they wished, never seeming to run out of things to talk about. The women's wrinkled old hand moved to throw bread crumbs around, struggling to bend her knees to sit down on the old wooden bench, having her husband attempt to help. The old man tried to smile. Although it might have been a struggle to get placed, or do much of anything, you could tell the old couple loved every second of it because they did it together, they went through it together. Hearing commotion from beside you, you turned, seeing Robin's blushing face as she tried to clean the juice stain on the picnic quilt. She apologized profusely, trying to dab and drag with the napkins. The stain wasn't budging but you didn't mind, simply staring at her before you assured her it was fine.
Guess I never doubted it
"I adore you." You noticed every highlight she had gotten from the sun as you laid in your bed, the early sun lighting your room as you ran your hand through her hair. She hummed from her spot of your chest, sounding sleepy.
Then the here and the now floods in
Feels like I'm becoming a part of your past
Walking through the park, something made you look up, you didn't really know what.
A familiar brown head of hair was standing not that far away from the walking trail that you were on, subconsciously walking past where you had sat for a picnic with the person you would've easily grown old with, fed the bird with. She smiled at a red head, keeping a proximity that was obviously forced due to the peoples possible opinions that stood around.
Bye, bye, to everything I thought was on my side
Bye, bye, baby
You had to fight with yourself to turn away, look anywhere but her- them. For your heart's sake.
Your eyes landed on the bench. The empty bench.
I want you bad but it's come down to nothing
And all I have is your sympathy
When you went home, you couldn't help but ask your mom at dinner. "Mom, you know the couple who would go to the park and feed the birds?"
She looked up, her chewing slowing as she stared at you, before nodding. She swallowed before clearing her throat.
"Yes, Honey. Have you heard?"
"Heard what?"
Your mom glanced at your father from his spot at the table.
"The woman died a week ago, sweetie."
'Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me
Bye, bye, baby
As soon as you opened the door, you mother looked up from her place on the couch, smiling at your back. She always loved seeing how happy you were after dates with your girlfriend.
She was about to ask all about it before you turned around, lips trembling and tears cascading down your face. Her face fell as she got up, moving to comfort you.
"She broke up with me, mom." You sobbed in her arms, like you have plenty of times in your life. But this was different.
There's so much that I can't touch
Your sweet mother had put everything of Robin's in a cardboard box in the garage, ready anytime you wanted to do whatever- give it back or burn it, totally up to you. But every time you went into the garage, you ignored it. According to you, there wasn't even a box.
You're all I want but it's not enough this time
Speaking of the nonexistent box, you had reached for something hanging up behind it on the wall, something your father asked for when your arm bent, knocking the box forward and off the shelf. Everything scattered on the cold concrete floor. You huffed, bending down to pick everything up. Your fingers skimming over the soft clothing and knickknacks you bought her. Sitting the knocked over box upright, you began throwing everything in, trying not to pay too much attention to the old memories you were throwing without a care.
And all the pages are just slipping through my hands
And I'm so scared of how this ends
Your father stood in the garage door, after not hearing from you after asking you to get the thing - that was long forgotten now- he came looking. He stopped, watching as you hunched over a cardboard box, looking up into the roof, trying to hold tears at bay. He frowned, moving forward and helping you up, leaving the box to deal with later, only wanting you to get inside.
Bye, bye, to everything I thought was on my side
"Steve," Acknowledging the man you saw before you, you couldn't help feeling a little happy about seeing an old friend, even if it was running into him in a store. You two had gotten along great, you considered him a friends. Robin trusted him with her life, so you would too.
He sent back a tight-lipped smile, seeming slightly uncomfortable with the whole interaction before he slipped past you.
Bye, bye, baby
"I'm doing great." Robin beamed, seemingly believing the smile you plastered on your face before she started up a conversation. It didn't help it was in the park yet again. There wasn't really any reason for you being here, the memories not doing you any good, but maybe a walk would. Atleast, that's what you told yourself. "Really great."
The lovesick expression she had in her face quite obviously wasn't for you, you're not sure it had ever been.
But she was happy.
I want you bad but it's come down to nothing
And all I have is your sympathy
Feeling weak at the knees after Robin walked off, you took refuge in the old bench. Oh the irony.
You were supposed to grow old with Robin and sit here. Grow old and feed the stupid bird with stupid bread that you'd eventually had trouble with with age. But Robin would help, smiling lovingly.
'Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me
Bye, bye, to everything I thought was on my side
"Hon?" Wiping at your eyes, you looked up. The old man kindly smiled, his old, shaky hands trying to motion to the spot beside you. "Oh no,-god. No- please. Sit." You scooted over more, wiping more at your eyes as he sat. You two sat in silence, not the usual uncomfortable silence most old men would have happening. This old man seemed like the sweetest man to ever walk this earth.
"She wasn't my first."
"What?" You asked because 1, you had barely heard him with how his voice wavered and 2, you weren't really sure what he was talking about.
"Becky, she wasn't my first girlfriend, or even my first wife."
"Oh." That had to be the old lady's name.
"I know you know of her, you'd watch with a smile as she fed the birds ever since you were little. Most people did." Above his lip wrinkled as he fondly smiled. "So many people have commented on our trip here. On our love."
"I'm sorry for your loss." You couldn't help but feel bad. He lost his woman who he loved so dearly that many people were as inspired by them as you were.
"Thank you, dear." He went back to before, going through the many comments people have made on the cute couple. "It took time. I had just got divorced. Becky nearly ripped my head off as I used a couple of my Pop's old pickup lines while I still wore a wedding ring. But she listened, she believed me. I'm thankful we both met that day, even under difficult circumstances. That girl might not have been the one, and that's okay. You'll find a Becky. Everyone will."
Bye, bye, baby
"They're adorable, aren't they?" You had turned behind, looking at your newly girlfriend, after seeing the old couple walk away, back to wherever they come from every evening. Robin hummed, running her fingers absentmindedly over the back of your hand, mind elsewhere. You two sat under the usual tree you always sat under.
I want you bad but it's come down to nothing
And all I have is your sympathy
"Thanks." Robin awkwardly grabbed the box out of your hand, moving deeper into her home to put the box down, seeing the top layer of everything she had left, not quite having the nerve to ask for everything back. Truthfully, she would've been fine if you threw it away or burned it.
'Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me
Oh, you took me home, I thought you were gonna keep me
"I'm proud of you, sweetie." You mother smiled at you across the table, reaching across the table to squeeze you hand before picking her fork up again. The proud smile never left her face. Your first heartbreak feels the worst for most people, the tears, the overthinking- scenarios running through your head of what you could've done to make her leave, what you could've done to make her stay. But you got over it. You're trying to heal and she couldn't be more proud.
Bye, bye, baby
Bye, bye, baby
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•© 2021-2023 by xoxo-sarah•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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captainjacklyn · 9 months
Another DOL post..I'm never stopping with these, it's just fun for me to share my characters which I am disappointed to not be able to draw. My art skills can be easily bested by that of a six year old's hand paint.
He indeed identifies as a male though if you saw the previous post about him (the first post about him really) Elias can change his genitals, due to his human DNA being mixed with several different animals.
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Degrees of Lewdity :
ReLaTiOnShIpS :
"Robin? You better be careful with him, if I find out that you're planning something- Uh? Oh, you just want to get to know him? Very well, I guess that's alright, I'm not even sure why I got worked up. It's his fault if he gets into trouble...doesn't mean I wouldn't go out of my way to protect him."
Looks after Robin.
Acts like a mother for him, highly strict and demanding when interacting face to face but behind the scenes, he does everything he can to look after him and make sure he's safe.
The only one Elias genuinely cares for.
*pat pat* you stay there and play games while I sell my body to take your debt okay?
Manipulates this one like crazy, "I'M DOING ALL OF THIS FOR YOU HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK TO ME-"
His words not mine.
"He's my partner if that's what you were wondering, I've spent quite a good amount of time with him. Don't fill his mind with too many lewd thoughts if you plan on seducing him, his purity is rather useful. He even gifted me a dress last week..Mhm? Yes..I am fond of Sydney."
Elias doesn't particularly understand his own emotions.
He just likes having Sydney since his privileged life/status makes it easier for him as well.
Did go out of his way to spend time with him at the beach, proceeded to question every single idea which led him to do so.
"Whitney tried to use me for quick money making on multiple occasions, you ram your knee in the balls and run, he doesn't take hits there very nicely."
Yeah no.
They don't get along.
Elias just ignores him whenever he tries to interact, will dismiss him when the time comes.
I've tried to allow it, but from the shaming to the constant abusive scenarios, there isn't much to allow.
"He got his ass thrown into prison, and for all I know, he just belongs to the asylum. I assure you that I attempted to aid him, he wasn't treated very kindly so I assumed to have found someone I can understand and relate to. Turns out he was a perverted psycho...Oh really ? I'll give you this one fact, Kylar never loved me, he just wanted to keep me as a possession."
Dismissed Kylar.
You think this guy wants to make out with the equivalent of a pathetic wet rat ? He doesn't even know if he likes the librarian who treats him with kindness.
Stans are coming after me, but my boy openly defended a dude who decided to stalk him in response.
"...What about Bailey? He has done many things for me as a child, I know that our hearts have never been one, I see that now. But if it means seeing her again..I'll pay him off, I'll pay Robin's debt along with my own and we'll run from this god forsaken swill of a town."
The first reason as to why Elias is so hardworking is because he believes that once his debt is fully repaid, he'll be able to see Monika.
Otto Hightower and Alicent toxic dad and daughter~
Woohoo and the line of trauma doesn't stop there cause Elias also treats Robin like SHIT-
The pressure of needing to save those he cares for is so great that it causes him to install his own suffering on them as well.
You're stronger than you think Elias, you're strong enough to stand as a wall between Robin and Bailey, between Sydney and Himself, between the Orphans and this Fucked up Place.
Burn your feelings to the ground and carry on.
Woah too emotional on the last one chill-
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aloneinthehellfire · 1 year
OMG OMG OMG if we get the bathroom scene for RH3 can we pleaaaaaase also get the following mall scene in Steve's pov too!!! 🙏🙏🙏 It's so sad but I am invested in finding out what is going through Steve's mind when he hears the gunshot!!!
whew, i wrote this in one sitting and relived jack's fate. no... no i am not okay
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Word Count: 1751
Warnings: death, guns, very sad things my friends
Set in RH3: Chapter 12: Uncle Jack
Find all Raining Hellfire works here <3
Summary: The Scoops Troop are backed into a corner and Steve doesn't think there could be anything worse... until you're facing danger he can't protect you from.
[A/N: I threw in a little flashback because I didn't feel like I gave enough in this pov, so I hope you all enjoy or, at least, are okay with it]
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We’re all going to die.
Is all that runs through Steve’s mind as he slips behind the counter. Robin, Dustin, and Erica, are right beside him, all panting heavy breaths as they sense the Russians creeping closer and closer.
Steve squeezes his eyes shut, lips tight. They wouldn’t be in this mess if he had just listened to them and gotten out when they had the chance. But he wanted to find you, to make sure you were okay.
Someone yells out behind them and they turn to eachother with wide eyes. They didn’t sound Russian.
Steve slowly turns on his sneakers, still crouched down behind their last-minute hiding place. It wasn’t very effective considering their attackers saw them jump behind it. He’s about to poke his head up when Erica shakes her head violently, a stern look on her face. She was holding a lot of attitude for a ten year old.
So he looks to Dustin and Robin, both of their faces distraught with fear. And he decides not to risk it.
“Found you, American.”
They all freeze, eyes wide. The voice was too far away to be talking to them. Which only meant…
Four heads poke up from behind the counter almost immediately, searching. It was too late for them anyway, the plastic barrier not providing much comfort in an escape.
Steve’s eyes sweep the floor of Russian soldiers before his breath hitches, finding a pair of eyes lock with his. The eyes that always made an array of butterflies swim around, his heart beat deliciously faster. Your eyes.
And in front of you, a man with a ponytail is pointing a gun directly at your chest.
No, no, no, no, no. His mind repeated the same word over and over. He was prepared to jump over the counter, run to you. Scream, yell, do anything that might distract the man’s attention. Take the bullet if he had to.
And then he’s suddenly being tugged back down, a grip on his shirt that brought him to the floor, Dustin’s wide eyes staring down at him.
“What are you doing?!” Steve hisses quietly, already trying to scramble to his feet. Not without the strain of fighting of his friend with freakish strength.
“They’re already coming for us!” Dustin hisses back, shaking his head. “You’re gonna get killed!”
“I need to get to her.” Steve pants, hands already gripping the edge of the counter, ready to run.
“Steve.” Robin insists, wide eyed.
“No, I need to-”
And then the gunshot rings out.
And his heart drops fifty feet below.
There was a rush of noises behind them, some loud crash that had their hands flying to cover their ears, a loud scraping noise like metal against concrete.
Once it stopped, they slowly lower their arms and sit in silent shock.
The silent screaming inside his head was endless. Steve doesn’t think he can move. It’s like this plastic counter was the only thing keeping him from reality. Like that thing Dustin always rambled about, the cat in the box. If he didn’t look, if he didn’t remove that blockade of thick plastic, then you weren’t dead. But you weren’t alive either.
Dustin’s eyes were already filled with tears and he realises he has to break his shield.
“Stay with Erica.” Steve says, placing a hand on his shoulder and standing on shaky legs. He turns around.
The place you once stood was no longer visible to him. There was a wreckage, a car laying on its side while a rubble of shop memorabilia lay scattered around it. Any remains of Russian soldiers were lifeless or non-existent. But his last worry was figuring out how the car ended up there.
Steve heard someone screaming and a chill ran down his spine. They were your screams.
His sneakers squeak harshly against the once polished floors, taking off like he was running track at full speed towards the wreckage.
He doesn’t start breathing until he sees you, very much alive. His heart is jumping at the sight, a silent relief washing over him.
But you’re crouched on the floor, tears streaming down your face with an agonising expression he’s never seen before. And that’s when he sees the body laying at your feet. He can tell by your cries alone that it’s exactly who he thinks it is.
The squeak of Robin’s shoes join him merely a second later, a gasp leaving his friend’s mouth as she sees you, covering her mouth.
Steve wanted to revel in the relief that you weren’t dead. But Jack was.
He remembers the first time he met him, way back in freshman year. You had been nervous, trying to find an excuse to study at his house instead. But Steve wanted to know you better, and he figured the best place to start was your house. Jack hadn’t showed up until later, looking very confused at the sight of a boy stood in your kitchen. He didn’t say much to him, a simple hello, a snide comment on the ‘Harrington boys’ but ultimately grabbing a beer and slinking off to his armchair in the living room. Your face had said it all, and Steve didn’t ever pressure you like that again.
Then there was that night. The one you don’t remember. How could you? You didn’t even know it had happened.
Sophmore year, and Steve had lost himself. It had tore you both apart by the end, Tommy and Carol attacking you with words Steve hadn’t bothered listening to. He had done that a lot, ignoring what his new ‘friendship’ were doing to you because it wasn’t affecting him. But as soon as you stopped showing up at his table, as soon as he heard nothing from you for days, he knew he had to do something. And so he did.
One night, he went to your house and looked for your window, hoping and praying that you’d talk to him. But before he could even find a safe way to climb up, the front door had opened and out stepped Jack, looking surprised.
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“Sir.” Steve greets quickly, suddenly forgetting how he usually stood. He hadn’t expected to be caught.
“I don’t think you should be here, son.” Jack warns, not with a menacing tone but with enough authority to have Steve feel intimidated.
“I just need to talk to Y/n-”
Jack’s sigh cuts him off. The man closes the door gently and makes his way off the porch to stand in front of him, hands shoved into his coat pockets. Maybe he was off to work? You had mentioned before that he was taking shifts at the factory.
“Have you been talking lately?” He asks and Steve blinks. He was expecting something a little different than a conversation.
“Uh…” He frowns, shaking his head. “No, not really.”
“Was that her decision?” Jack questions further and Steve isn’t sure how to respond. But he doesn’t have to. “You need to leave.”
Steve’s eyes widen. “But-”
“If she doesn’t want to talk to you, then she doesn’t want to talk to you.” He says so matter of factly, Steve scoffs.
“How would you know?” He mutters before his breath hitches, looking back up in a panic. “I didn’t mean-”
“Just because I’m not there doesn’t mean I don’t know stuff.” Jack squints his eyes. “She is capable of making her own decisions when it comes to her life. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you ain’t been coming around here lately.”
“I just need to know what I did wrong.” Steve pleads, changing his tactic. But Jack’s expression doesn’t budge.
He simply shakes his head, walking around him. “You know. But until you’ve accepted what you did or what you’re doing, she won’t talk to you. Trust me, son.”
And then he leaves him stood there just like that, climbing into his truck and turning on the engine. But he doesn’t drive away. Steve knows he’s watching.
And he can’t explain it, but Jack’s words didn’t feel like a warning but instead advice. So, Steve turns around and heads back down the street, trying not to glance back at your window.
Jack’s truck only passes him by when he’s already turning off Maple Street, content in knowing Steve hadn’t gone back and forced you into a conversation you clearly didn’t want to have.
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Even when you had thought Jack didn’t care, Steve had seen it all along. And he had helped him. That talk lingered in the back of his mind for a while, even more so whenever you were around him.
He had felt so proud showing Jack the man he had become after that night. When you and he were starting to become the best friends you once were again, and he joined you for dinners at your house, and he watched Jack gift you your first car… all of that made him feel safe. Made him feel like maybe, just maybe, he had someone to look up to. And his heart was happy knowing that you had someone you could trust, that loved you.
And now you were crying on the floor, sobbing into the chest of a lifeless ghost that once used to be your father.
Once Steve snaps out of his shock, he’s running to you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
He tries to pull you away from Jack’s body, but you fight back, trying to push him away. But he won’t let go. He knows he never could.
Your shoves turn into measly fists against his chest, the fight leaving you as quickly as it came. You bury your face into his chest, sobbing in his arms, and he feels his heart shatter against your broken frame.
“I’ve got you.” He whispered, his arms never loosening their hold on you as you cried, stroking your hair.
As you cried, his eyes squeezed shut, the sound alone too much for his soul to bear. He never wanted to hear it again, but he would be there if need be.
Jack took a bullet for you, and he died saving someone he loved. Steve hated seeing you in so much pain, a vow to himself that he’d never make you feel that way again. But in the end, it was hopeless.
He would take a thousand bullets if it meant you could live. Because there wasn’t really a life for him if you weren’t in it.
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