#lotr recs
captainkirkk · 1 year
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading
Do You Still Believe In Love I Wonder? by PrinceJakeFireCake
Tim Drake has always known he would die young. The how and why were vague, but it would be young. He’s prepared for that.
He’s a bit less prepared for how worried his family and friends are.
all these stars are silent by distracted_dragon
If there is one singular truth in the universe, it is this: Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne will never allow any harm to be inflicted on Conner Kent ever again.
Lord of the Rings
Endearment by smilebackwards
Legolas and Gimli refer to each other by elvish and dwarvish terms of endearment. They do not, however, translate these words for each other.
How to Train Your Dragon
Empirical by GalaxyThreads
Five times the riders realized they didn't know Hiccup as well as they thought, and the one time they knew him better than the rest of Berk. (Riders!Fam)(Gen, no smut) Whump! (One-shot)
Clone Wars
Foelu by MerlynBane
Foelu [fo.e.lu] v. Dai Bendu 1. To change.
As the only one of his kind in the Order and perhaps only the third in its history, almost all of what they know about Obi-Wan's people is limited what they've been able to observe as he's grown up. When his implant expires and wartime shortages make it impossible to get their hands on a replacement, Obi-Wan learns about something else his body can do--for better or worse.
flowers for my beloved by texturralize
Time travel, from the perspective of the man living in the past.
After seeing the other world's happy, good Shen Qingqiu, Bingge comes up with a plan: go back in time himself to when his Shen Qingqiu was younger and seduce him. And seducing him, it seems, is all too easy.
The Peak Lords of Cang Qiong are nonplussed, to say the least, when a mysterious man begins appearing around the sect, hounding Shen Qingqiu's steps. Flattering him, making him laugh, bringing out a side of him they've never seen before. And very blatantly trying to steal their Qing Jing Lord and make off with him.
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alkalinefrog · 2 years
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The Lights of Avalon
The Legend of King Arthur is Jackson Overland’s favourite fairytale to tell the children in his village—and he wishes it had stayed just that. But Jack’s world is changed forever when he is deemed worthy of the Legendary Sword Excalibur, should he choose to accept it. Darkness threatens the land, and its people will need a hero. And although Excalibur’s powers are great, so too is the cost of wielding it—so much so that Jack would rather become a traveling bard who spends his days running as far away as possible. Little does he know, on the road to avoiding his destiny, Jack will only meet it—or rather, him.
WOOOO hi everyone, long time no see! I’m super stoked to say that I’ve been writing a Hijack Arthuriana AU and the first two chapters are up now! This is the prologue comic!
Special thanks to @jjackfrost for beta-ing and @twiafom for clowning! This wouldn't have been possible without you guys cheering me on the whole way!
The link’s in the title or you can click over here!
I hope you guys have as much fun reading it as I am writing it! More to come!
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likesdoodling · 2 months
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So. I read a really cool fic recently called The Harrowing by Chthonion which I would highly highly recommend-
I absolutely love it so much-
I'm gonna go with how my sister recommended it to me, since that was what got me excited about it-
Imagine~ Sauron trying to be a good person. And having a very hard time of it because he has these things... I've heard they're called 'feelings'... Anyway. He's finding it a bit hard to deal with, but long story short, think Sauron getting a second chance and go from there.
And if you have read it-
Then you probably know exactly which moments I'm referencing here, but just in case,
No. 1 is Finrod, just before Annatar is about to have his first full on emotional breakdown, and the No.2 is Maedhros saying thank you. Which is fairly obvious. But still.
I love this fic so much!!!
(this is definitely not the last fanart I'm gonna do from this. Chapter 39 has some amazing moments that I am so gonna draw when I next have time~)
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retellingthehobbit · 1 year
Tolkien Webcomic Recommendations!
I know people here follow me for my webcomic adaptation of the Hobbit. So I thought I’d share recommendations for my favorite similar Tolkien comic projects, in case people are looking for other Tolkien webcomics to read! :D
My recs will be mainly Tolkien comics that adapt portions of the original books, just with their own unique spin on them.
1. Sam and Frodo Comics, by Molly Knox Ostertag
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Ostertag is probably the most well known artist on this list! She is a professional graphic novel artist who does gorgeous adaptations of scenes from Lord of the Rings, read through a queer lens, in order to tell the story of Frodo and Sam’s love for each other. This is mixed in with comics based on her own Tolkien-inspired writing. I’m focusing on comics in this rec list, but I’ll add that Ostertag has also written a lot of engaging prose fanfic with illustrations.
“Sam and Frodo Comics”
“In All the Ways There Were” (illustrated prose fanfic adaptation)
2.Lord of the Rings Book Canon Comics, by @yambits
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Yambits does beautiful adaptations of scenes from the original lord of the rings books that do not appear in the New Line Cinema films, hewing very close to the original prose, and focusing on the love between Frodo and Sam. I especially love the way they depict the magical temptation of the Ring.
“Ithilien,” an adaptation of Frodo & Sam’s encounter with Faramir
“In the Lair,” an adaptation of Sam & Frodo journeying together into Shelob’s lair
“The Tower,” an adaptation of Sam journeying to the tower of Cirith Ungol to rescue Frodo
“Escape from the Tower,” an adaptation of Sam and Frodo leaving Cirith Ungol to journey into Mordor
The Ringbearers, a comic about the One Ring reflecting on the resilience of hobbits
3. Sansukh the Webcomic, by @fishfingersandscarves and @determamfidd
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Sansukh is a well-loved Bagginshield fanfiction that is now getting a webcomic adaptation co-created by the original author. The premise is that after his death, Thorin Oakenshield is not able to speak to his surviving loved ones, but can influence them in subtle ways; he uses this power to help inspire Gimli to join the Fellowship of the Ring and protect Bilbo’s nephew. From there the fic becomes an “adaptation” of Lord of the Rings, retelling the trilogy through its new lens until the very end.
This is a bit of an outlier on this list because it’s an adaptation of a fanfic that’s an adaptation of the books, rather than an adaptation of the book. However, if you’re into the Hobbit fandom/Bagginshield, I recommend checking it out! It’s also one of the few comics on this list that is currently updating. :)
@sansukhcomic (tumblr blog)
Chapter one
Original fanfic the comic is based on
4. The Ainulindalae from the Silmarillion, by Evan Palmer Comics
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People who know me, know that I’m *usually* not a big Silmarillion person. However!
Comic artist Evan Palmer did a gorgeous adaptation of the Ainulindale. This section of the Silmarillion describes the elven myth of creation, the ancient years where the world was created through a divine magical song. Palmer’s Fantasia-inspired expressive watercolor art really helps bring this section of the story to life!
Full comic
5.The 1989 Hobbit Comic adaptation, by Chuck Dixon and David T Wenzel
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This is another outlier because it’s a physical comic book, rather than a webcomic- and unlike all the other recs this is an “official” adaptation produced by an actual publishing company rather than a zero-budget work made by an indie creator working alone/with a partner. I’m unsure if it can be found online.
It’s an adaptation of the Hobbit that hews extremely close to the original book, making practically no changes at all. It has very gorgeous watercolor illustrations! ( It’s been a big inspiration for me on my own little comic adaptation of the hobbit shsjd.) This is also the only comic on the list I’ll offer critique of, because it’s the only one made by an actual company with a budget— so I’ll say that because of page limits imposed on the comic many of the pages can feel overcrowded with prose, and emotional beats/comedy beats sometimes aren’t given the time to properly land. At times it feels less like a comic adaptation and more like reading the original prose of the Hobbit accompanied by some very beautiful illustrations. But if that’s what you’re into it’s great!
It’s a fun well-illustrated read that I recommend. I’m not sure where people can find copies; I stumbled across it in my library, so they’re definitely still around.
If anyone has additional tolkien comic recommendations,especially ones that can be found easily online, feel free to add them to this list! : D
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spasmsofthought · 3 months
starlight (legolas x reader)
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A bit (or a lot) philosophical. Indirect allusions to depression/melancholy. Please take care reading and take care of yourself.
IDK word count LOL but not super long, I think.
This idea has been in my drafts for a while, but inspiration came this evening. I hope it's executed well for you. I haven't felt so creative in such a long time and this piece was such a treat to write.
Enjoy and please let me know what you think! Please like, comment, and reblog xo
“My friend, what ails you?” Legolas has not been sure of you, try as he might.
Even though it is just the beginning of the Fellowship’s journey, you walk already battle-weary. You are heavy, it seems, in comparison to your fellow human companions. Aragorn nor Boromir carry themselves this way. Even Frodo, despite the responsibility he carries, retains some of the Hobbit carefree way. It had caused Legolas to wonder, apprehensively in the beginning, if it was the Ring. The more he watched and waited, the more clear it became that it wasn’t. Relief then became mixed with confusion, for if it wasn’t the Ring, what could cause such weight for you to carry? The brief conversations he has shared with you so far have not provided him further insight.
You turn towards him from where you sit. Your face is not unhealthy in anyway, but your eyes are not bright. There is something deep in them for which Legolas does not have the words to explain. You are close enough to be seen from camp, but far enough away that no one has had the heart to disturb you. It is a quiet evening, but even as he approaches, there is something that mixes in with the stillness that is foreign to him.
“Hello, Legolas,” He stands for a moment, unsure. “Please, you are welcome to join.”
You pat the stone next to you as if it is an inviting cushion. It is not.
“Thank you for your inquiry. I am only sad, Legolas.” Your hands settle in your lap. Legolas grows even more confused. Often human weep to express their grief, in his understanding. He has not seen, or heard, you cry once.
You clarify after a moment, sighing and then glancing at him. “There is no cause for it, unfortunately. Otherwise I would ask aid of our Fellowship. It is simply a—” You pause for a moment, trying to find the right words. It takes your brain a short time to unscramble to find something suitable, “condition I endure.”
“The understanding of the complexity of human nature escapes me at this time.”
You laugh is small, “It confounds me often.”
There is a moment, halfway between awkward and friendly, in which you sit together. Trying to explain your feelings to an Elf has not been something anyone ever thought to prepare you for.
Legolas has been an intimidating individual to try and engage for yourself. It has been your own inexperience and reluctance that has caused some of your avoidance of him. Elves had been figures of myths and folklore in the small village where you had been raised. To confront your youth’s inadequate tales against a far different reality has already been mentally exhausting. You always thought Elves would be the kind of stern and serious beings that immortality seemed to produce. Instead, Legolas was often cheery, reveling in merriment.
“There is a type of sadness for humans,” You try to explain. Legolas pays attention, “that can come for us regardless of circumstance or atmosphere. It is different than missing one’s family or saying goodbye, and it is hard to explain and justify even amongst my own kin. What I am feeling now is not something that carries a name for my people; there are a lot who do not try to understand. Some types of human sadness come and go. This type of sadness can be long-lasting. I carry mine with me, it seems, no matter what I go. It stays, though I do not ask it to.”
There is a little bit of shame to your countenance it seems to Legolas, as you glance down at your hands. You are meek in the fading light of the evening.
Legolas is not sure he has seen someone who looks as human as you do, against the backdrop of the trees and earth.
“Your mind seems fragile,” He says.
His words come as a frank observation, although gentled in tone. It is a paradox for something so piercing to be soft. Legolas takes great care to not offend you, even now. You would be offended if another of your race said the same, but there’s something about the way the words come from his mouth that do not make them a personal affront. These words do not seem to change whatever opinion he has of you. (An opinion that seems more positive than one you would give of yourself to him.)
“I suppose you could say that,” Your eyes drift up again to look at the dark sky, small glinting stars beginning to appear through the cracks of the trees. “Most human minds are fragile in some way, I think. We are not made to endure the long passing of time the same as you and your race. We are more effected… more vulnerable, I think. Or rather, vulnerable in different ways.”
Your words are met with Legolas’s silence. The light-hearted elf has turned contemplative. “The burden of human life is not what I have thought it was.”
“I don’t think I quite fully understand it either, thought I bear it,” You respond, lips quirking to the side for a moment. As they meet yours for a short time, Legolas’s eyes shine in the dark. “Although I fear comparison will still leave us lacking. I know little of what it is to be an elf, but I know you and your kind carry grief of your own. It is hard for me to conceive of what it must like to see so much, for so long, and still remain so physically unchanged.”
Legolas hums but then chooses to say nothing about the subject.
“I love the stars,” You say after a brief pause. Legolas does not object, so you continue to talk. “Even in the darkness, when I have had no one else with me, they have comforted me. Sometimes, like tonight, when my heart pulls me inward, they seem to whisper to me and cause my gaze upward.”
There is a companionable silence that follows. You sit next to Legolas, he next to you, as you stare up at the stars glittering across the black expanse of the night.
There is scant touch that comes across your cheek, like a breeze against your skin. A brief warmth follows, fading as quickly as it comes. As you turn your face, Legolas’s hand comes to rest against his side. Your eyes meet and he nods towards the forest path that leads to the camp where the others rest. His gaze is soft on your face.
You don’t think anyone has looked at you as he is now.
“Sleep, ithildin nîn.” You do not know what the words mean but they feel as a balm does, only for your heart and not for your body. “I will keep watch.”
For a little while, you hold his eyes. Legolas does not shy away even though he does not know what the immediate future holds; though he does not know what will become of you, or of him. You nod at his words, gathering your things and standing. You feel his gaze, even through the path you take to camp, on you until you fall asleep.
Translation: Ithildin nîn — my starlight.
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untilnextchapter · 1 year
Masterlist of Masterlists: By Fandom (A - M)
More Masterlists by Fandom : Here
Alice in Borderland
@aliceinborderlandscrolls -> Masterlist
@aliceinborderlandsquidgame -> Masterlist
@riseatlantisss -> Masterlist
@vin-taege -> Masterlist
@werelosingdaylight -> Masterlist
Avatar The Last Airbender
@just-jordie-things -> Masterlist
@specialagentlokitty -> Masterlist
Criminal Minds
@aperrywilliams -> Masterlist
@boldlyvoid -> Masterlist SR & Masterlist AH
@bruh--wtf -> Masterlist
@dr-spencer-reids-queen -> Masterlist
@fortheloveofwonderland -> Masterlist
@foxy-eva -> Masterlist
@homoose -> Masterlist
@imagining-in-the-margins -> Masterlist
@ofstarsandvibranium -> Masterlist
@reidsaurora -> Masterlist
@thyme-in-a-bubble -> Masterlist
@weird-is-life -> Masterlist
Harry Potter
@atlas-of-a-human-soul -> Masterlist
@blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms -> Masterlist
@bruh--wtf -> Masterlist
@curseofaphrodite -> Masterlist Marauder & Masterlist Golden Trio
@dreaming-about-fanfictions -> Masterlist
@futurewriter2000 -> Masterlist
@heliads -> Masterlist
@ofstarsandvibranium -> Masterlist
@s1ater -> Masterlist
@thyme-in-a-bubble -> Masterlist
@undiscovered-horizon -> Masterlist
Lord of the Rings
@blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms -> Masterlist
@make-me-imagine -> Masterlist
@ofstarsandvibranium -> Masterlist
@atlas-of-a-human-soul -> Masterlist
@curseofaphrodite -> Masterlist & Masterlist
@intrepidacious -> Masterlist
@justkending -> Masterlist
@just-some-random-blogger -> Masterlist
@make-me-imagine -> Masterlist
@ofstarsandvibranium -> Masterlist
@riseatlantisss -> Masterlist
@sinner-as-saint -> Masterlist
@theidiotwhowritesthings -> Masterlist
@thyme-in-a-bubble -> Masterlist SR & Masterlist BB
@undiscovered-horizon -> Masterlist
Merlin BBC
@bruh--wtf -> Masterlist
@imagines-all-day-everyday -> Masterlist
@make-me-imagine -> Masterlist
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sweetshire · 3 months
for @genworkjune i’ve put together some of the fics i’ve loved reading (ignore that it’s the last day of the month please). as usual, don’t forget to leave a kudos or a comment if u enjoyed them! oh also, if this formatting seems familiar — that’s because i’ve shamelessly copied it off of @emyn-arnens; i just think it’s neat XD! onward, and enjoy :)
O Wandering Winds by yet_intrepid (G, Faramir & Boromir, 3.5k):
By the time Faramir is told in his sleep of Isildur's Bane, he is already accustomed to seeing with more than his eyes.
The Darkest Lord by rhymer23 (G, Sauron, ~600 words):
Sauron sings us a summary of his nefarious deeds, in an attempt to prove that he is the ultimate Dark Lord of fantasy fiction.
Home Fires Burning by starryeyedknight (G, Hobbits, 5.2k):
The War of the Ring rages on and, in the Shire, the hobbits learn to live without those they love.
Eowyn’s New Toy by @torchwood-99 (Éowyn & Gimli, 1.1k, cw gore):
Gimli, son of Gloin, pays a visit to the White Lady of Rohan, and brings with him a very welcome gift.
Something of Home by @emyn-arnens (G, Faramir & Finduilas, ~800 words):
Faramir never stops bringing his mother flowers.
with every seed you sow, let it wash away, wash away by @afaramir (G, Faramir & Legolas, Éowyn & Faramir & Legolas, 3.9k):
In which an elf and a prince of Gondor speak of grief and death and the sea, and life and song and brothers.
Looking for Dragons by Raksha_The_Demon (G, Gandalf & Belladonna Took & Bungo Baggins, 1.3k):
Gandalf makes a new friend, in an unanticipated and fruitful meeting.
Too Burdened to Fly by @hobbitwrangler (G, Finduilas, 3k):
A look at Finduilas' thoughts during her final moments.
On Gardens and Growing Things by rhymer23 (G, Sam & Aragorn, 2.5k):
En route to Weathertop, Aragorn tries to ease Sam's distrust of him. It doesn't go quite as planned.
Bitter Was Their Parting by @dreamingthroughthenoise (G, Arwen & Elrond, 2.2k):
“You knew,” Arwen said, unable to meet her father’s gaze. “You’ve always known what path I would follow.”
On These Hither Shores by @emyn-arnens (G, Frodo & Boromir, 3.2k):
As the Fellowship travels south, Frodo and Boromir speak of their homes and families and come to understand one another, for a time.
The complexity of bachelorhood by unknownlifeform (G, Gimli & Boromir & the Hobbits, 1.5k):
Gimli explains to the Hobbits and Boromir that marriage is for Dwarves only one of the paths that can be taken.
The Horn of Gondor by @saentorine (T, Boromir, 3.5k):
Five-year-old Boromir receives the horn of Gondor, which goes about exactly how you'd expect.
Greenleaf’s Tree by @sotwk (G, Legolas & Thranduil, 2.8k):
Six-year-old Legolas goes on royal progress with Thranduil for the first time and learns more about the sort of king his father truly is.
The Fathers of Fools by Carlandrea (G, Glóin & Thranduil, 1.3k):
Gloín, on the way home to the Mountain, tells the Elvenking what has happened to his son.
The Adventures of Peregrine Took by bunn (G, Pippin & Sam & Merry, ~450 words):
A Poem by Samwise Gamgee (Mayor) and Merry Brandybuck on the occasion of Peregrine Took, Knight of Gondor, becoming Thain of the Shire.
What Keeps Us Here by @sallysavestheday (G, Celeborn & Thranduil, 1k):
Celeborn and Thranduil after the War. To sail or not to sail.
Different Ways To Light A Path by baby_bat_98 (G, Gimli & Legolas, 5.1k):
Legolas has a hard time in Khazad-dûm. Gimli helps.
For Want of a Ring by @tathrin (G, Gimli & Legolas, 4k):
The aftermath of the Battle of the Hornburg is a time for the survivors to rest and heal, a brief pause in the long march to war. The same is true of the lone Dwarf and Elf who fought there—but the members of the Fellowship of the Ring faced peril long before this bitter night, and some scars sit deeper than any mere bandage might soothe.
The Ring has gone beyond their reach now, with but one casualty from their Company to its name so far; but that does not mean its dark whispers do not linger still within the hearts that heard it.
But what could tempt an Elf of Mirkwood to look upon that terrible Shadow with aught but loathing?
the innermost life of my life by pinkmoon (G, Frodo & Sam, 1.5k):
Sam meets Frodo for the first time.
A Corner of the Hall by Zdenka (G, Aragorn & Bilbo, ~550 words):
Aragorn gives Bilbo the promised help with his song.
a red book pressed into his hands by dirgewithoutmusic (G, Bilbo & Frodo, Sam & Frodo, 2.4k):
Even on the sweet walks of the Shire, things come along that sweep you off your feet—adventures, wizards, children. Bilbo came down, a month after he’d adopted this strange, quiet boy on a whim and a wonder, and found his whole (second) living room scattered with some unholy combination of paint, jam, and mud. Frodo sat in the middle of the mess, with dirty hands and innocence plastered all over his face.
Bilbo leaned on the door because something in that bright grin had taken his balance from him. He went for a mop. He had not felt so at home since thirteen dwarves had tumbled through his round green door. He felt like Frodo had stolen something from him and then given it back better than it had left.
Thievery, perhaps, ran in the family.
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sotwk · 10 months
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About This Recommended Fics List:
All the Tolkien fanfics in this list meet the following qualifications:
Fandom: All-inclusive Tolkien (LotR, Hobbit, Silm, RoP) Type: One-shot Length: approx. 1,000-6,000 words Ship/Pairing: Any, including OCs and Reader Inserts Rating: G or PG-13 Content: No excessive angst, violence, or death. No unresolved stress. Happy endings only!
Disclaimer: I (@sotwk) have not personally screened all of these fics for their content. There may be triggers. Please read descriptions, take responsibility for your own media consumption, and observe the Golden Rule: Don't Like, Don't Read!
Link sources are either Tumblr or Ao3. Some Ao3 works are locked to registered users only.
This list of comfort fics is a collaboration and compiled through the recommendations of Readers. Thank you to everyone who contributed!
This remains a work in progress, and I will continue to accept recommendations. Please send them via DM, Ask, or Reblog. We need more, please!
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Last updated: 1/23/2024
Hush Now by @entishramblings
Mirage @sileastral
You’re the one who’s calling me to heaven by @cauliflowertree
A Shield Against the Snow by @scyllas-revenge
A Thief in the Night by @scyllas-revenge
The Floor Is Molasses by @scyllas-revenge
Anything But This by @minaturefics
Just a Little Longer by @theelvenhaven 
The Weft Between the World by Antarctica_or_bust
Alive and Alight by @minaturefics
Fair Enough by @middleearthpixie
Wildest Dreams by @scyllas-revenge
Blue Moon by @epilogue-and-prologue/@absentmindeduniverse
An Idiot's Guide to Gift-Giving by @scyllas-revenge
Wrong Conclusions by @minaturefics
Arda University by @lady-of-imladris
Over Joy by PurpleProsaist
Days for which they sit and wait by BloodwingBlackbird
Mahal's Gift by @lemonsprite
Unfairness by @errruvande
Serenade by @glassgulls
Three Weeks on the Nimrodel by @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras
Sending Memes by @ironmandeficiency
Elucidative by @shrubdaddy
Winter Forest by @wordbunch
The Cruel Nature of the World by @entishramblings
What Haunts Your Heart by @entishramblings
Bottled Up by @heilith
Merry [Seeking recommendations!]
Pippin [Seeking recommendations!]
Better Company by @wordbunch
Let Met Take You Dancing by RaisingCaiin
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Primary Sources by bunn (@cycas)
Why Hobbits Eat So much by Madkat89
Sweets by @blairsanne
Lost My Way by @lathalea
Sapphires by @lathalea
Catch Her by a_daydreaming_writer
Porridge by @fili-urzudel
Insecurities by @bookworm-with-coffee
Royal Jar Opener, Reporting for Duty by @unendingwanderlust
Heavenly Inferno by midearthwritings
The Pairing Ceremony by dumbassunderthemountain
You Are My Happy Place by SmartassUndertheMountain
Liantë by WritingsOfAHobbit
In The Woods of Ered Luin by @enchantzz
A Long Lost Home by @babe-bombadil
Dead End by @fizzyxcustard
The Arrival by @lathalea
Strong by @lathalea
Nothing by @entishramblings
Goodnight by @heilith
Under A Starless Sky by My_Marvel_Musings and RinzlersGhost
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here, at the end of all things by Dalliansss
Warmth by @on-a-hill-by-the-sea
Stay the Night by @theelvenhaven
Golden by molerein 
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My shadows by @thesolarangel
Dating shy Elrond by @thesolarangel
Perfectly Proper by @wordbunch
Stay by @scriberated
Covered in Colours by myfavouritelunatic
It’s the Last Thing I Wanted (It’s the First Thing I Do) by Helholden
Stay by @scriberated
Covered in Colours by myfavouritelunatic
It’s the Last Thing I Wanted (It’s the First Thing I Do) by Helholden
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Divider credit: @saradika-graphics
Please remember to Support Your Writers and consider leaving a kudos/like or comment/reblog!
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emilybeemartin · 8 months
Do you have any fic recs? :D
I recently got back into LOTR, and whenever I get into a fandom, fics are my favorite content to consume! But I'm having a bit of trouble finding anything, especially having to do with Boromir and Faramir, but I figured you must have some recommendations!! :D
(btw LOVE your art, I think it's amazing :D I especially love how you draw Legolas!!!! )
Oh man, I'm really sorry I dropped the ball on this, you asked me this forever ago. I'm also only just getting back into Tolkien fics, so I don't have a treasure trove of recs, but! I know some people who do. These folks have written great fics of their own and frequently post others' as well, so definitely follow them and check out their pinned masterposts:
And like, soooo many others. Apologies to those I missed---that's part of why it took me so long to reply, I knew I would miss people! But this is a good start; read their stuff, they're amaaazingg!
Edit: oh, and @nihilizzzm, for sure. I told you I'd forget people!
@lucifers-legions too!
Drop yours or others' in the comments if you like!
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thelordofgifs · 5 months
Friday Fic Recs: Long WIP edition
I’ve been thinking a little bit about the (very arduous) process of writing longfic, and how much of a difference support and cheerleading can make on that particular journey; so, although it’s been a while since I’ve made a Friday rec list, I thought I’d put one together celebrating all the incredible in-progress longfics in the Tolkien fandom I’m keeping up with at the moment!
Atandil series by @eilinelsghost. Such a gorgeous graceful moving exploration of Finrod and his relationship with Men, and the slowest and most sensual of slow burns in his romance with Bëor. The amount this series has made me THINK – about love, and hope, and memory, and Taliska grammar – is off the charts, and to top it off it’s written in the loveliest most Tolkienesque prose.
we will make this place our home by @leucisticpuffin. Ohh this AU is just like a warm gentle hug after a long day. The “kidnap fam but make it a classic children’s novel” concept is so so inspired, all the characterisations are so nuanced and moving (Maglor my beloved!!) and the OCs will steal your heart.
And Love Grew by @polutrope. On the other end of the kidnap fam spectrum, this complex and careful examination of the time after the Third Kinslaying is SO brilliant. Incredible characterisations of all the key players, some truly fascinating OCs (Dornil!!) and of course beautiful graceful prose.
tongues of the sky series by @welcomingdisaster. The first fic in this series, seabird, was written for me and I can be SO obnoxious about this :) but also it’s a wonderful moving ultimately hopeful fix-it AU with note-perfect russingon and m&m dynamics. The sequel, sparrowhawk, is currently in progress and soooo good.
ashes, ashes, dust to dust — the devil’s after both of us by @that-angry-noldo. This is SUCH an original and fascinating take on an AU where Maedhros and Maglor take Finarfin captive to bargain for the Silmarils, featuring incredible character dynamics and a terrifyingly eldritch Eönwë.
and all his towers cast down by @actual-bill-potts. What if Finrod survived the events of the Leithian? Well, angst and trauma, to start off with. And also beautiful beautiful writing, impeccable characterisation and a Maglor-Lúthien teamup!! I adore this AU.
All That Glitters Gold Rush AU series by @allthatglittersisnotgoldrush. This one is LONG LONG LONG, but also SO worth it. Ever wanted to see the entire Silmarillion retold as a western, complete with a terribly tragic and complicated Maedhros, Morgoth the terrifying slave-owner, and a beautifully multicultural Doriath? The authors have you covered.
And the Stars Shine the Same series by @runawaymun. OC-centric fic is such a rare delight and this series set in early Third Age Rivendell is just wonderful, tender and complicated and with a truly incredible Elrond.
Retelling the Hobbit comic by @retellingthehobbit. Something a little different, but I binged all of this comic retelling of The Hobbit on a plane recently and GOD it’s so so beautiful. A truly gorgeous art style, and slowly converting me from a Bilbo/Thorin sceptic into an enjoyer!
In Heart by @tanoraqui. An AU where Fëanor takes the Doom of the Noldor as a what-not-to-do manual and ends up making better choices! Featuring incredible worldbuilding and fantastic characterisation.
Please add on the longfics you love in the reblogs! Let’s get some love going for these difficult beasts!
(Couple of incest recs under the cut.)
naught green upon the oak series by @welcomingdisaster. A CoH-inspired Maedhros/Maglor AU in which Maglor winds up with amnesia after his encounter with Glaurung. I’m SO insane about this series that I can’t be coherent but it is fantastic and chilling and devastating with the most beautiful prose aahhh.
Strange Currencies by @jouissants. Maedhros is re-embodied at last only to learn that he is married to Maglor: a touching and painful post-canon fic interleaved with incredible flashbacks to the First Age.
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gandalf-the-fool · 8 months
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kiiwiigii · 11 months
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Heartbeat - Alec x OC - by awriterwithnostory (ff.net)
Summary: "Watch your tongue." He murmured dangerously as he trailed his nose along my collar bone. The pounding of my heart was picking up speed and his eyes grew darker with every beat. "You first."
Jasper Hale
Dandelions - Jasper Hale Reader - by @junkdrawerfics
Redamancy- Jasper Hale x Reader - by @bless-my-demons
Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Collar Bones - Jasper Hale x Reader - by @ashcal99
Summary: Camila Johnson was only 16 when she was diagnosed with leukemia. By the time she had turned 17, the doctors had tried everything to save her. Her family is close to giving up hope when they hear of a doctor who may be able to help her. The only problem is, he lives on the opposite side of the country. The small family soon decides to move to the small town in Washington, in efforts to prolong her life. In doing so, her life changes forever.
The Jasper & Danielle Trilogy - Jasper Hale x OC - by Carrot Top (ff.net)
Summary: When Danielle Clark moved to Forks, Washington, she hadn't really known what to expect. But she definitely hadn't planned on falling in love with Jasper Hale, and she certainly hadn't known he would turn her life completely upside down. 
HEAVY - Jasper Hale x OC - by bluemountainbayou (ao3)
Summary: Jasper really wanted nothing to do with Abigail Finley. Until he did.
BLUE MOON pt. One - Jasper Hale x OC - by xdeserteyes (wattpad)
Summary: "The smell of her hair, the taste of her mouth, the feeling of her skin seemed to have gotten inside him, or into the air all around him. She had become a physical necessity." [George Orwell] "I've waited for you for a long time, Evelyn Masen. I don't wish to be without you again."
SUPERNOVA pt. Two - Jasper Hale x OC - by xdeserteyes (wattpad)
Summary: "They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered." [F. Scott Fitzgerald] "Do you hate him? For what he did?" Despite wanting to say yes, she knew that she couldn't. "No, I don't hate him." "But you don't love him anymore?" Evelyn shook her head, fresh tears threatening to fall. "I don't know."
INTERSTELLAR pt. Three - Jasper Hale x OC - by xdeserteyes (wattpad)
Summary: "𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙢𝙚." Jasper could taste the salt of Evelyn's tears on her lips, feel her shaking beneath his hands, hear her heart beating wildly in her chest as he touched her. Perhaps they were moving too fast now, but neither of them seemed to care. He kissed her deeply, drinking her in as if he were a man dying of thirst and she was the only thing that could sate him. *:・゚✧
Secretarial Desk Series - Demetri x Reader x Felix - by @alecvolturi
Summary: Multiple Summaries & delicious smut.
Pt. One | Two | Three 
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The Lord of the Rings
Sweet Metamorphosis - Aragorn x OC - by WhileISleep (ff.net)
Summary: "That, miss, is the root of bravery. You worry about survival, about being a burden. Consider this: you have been thrown into a world unfamiliar to you. Even more challenging, you were left to fend for yourself in a cave with no light, resources, or knowledge of your whereabouts, and yet you live. That is a feat. You are stronger than you think." Tenth walker; Eventual Aragorn/OC
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mithrilhearts · 9 months
Razzy Recs 01.
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I wanted to bring some attention to my fellow writers, and showcase the various fics I've been enjoying lately! I'll try to do these as often as I can, as reading is a big 2024 goal for me. I hope you all enjoy these fics as much as I do!
Here are the fics I've read lately, and I can't recommend them enough!!
As You Say by @scriberated - Bagginshield/Parentshield [T]
All Those Who Wander by @lightqueer - Ghost!Boromir [T]
The Different Shades of Bilbo’s Love by @sunnyrosewritesstuff - Bagginshield [G]
All Good Things Must Pass by @i-did-not-mean-to - Bagginshield [G]
The Danger In Missing You by @fantasyinallforms - Bagginshield [E]
Letters from the Mountain by @middleearthmama - Bagginshield [G]
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Hobbit/Lord of the Rings
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Thorin Oakenshield
Courting and Braiding
Soft Kitty
Fili Durin
Kili Durin
Hearts entwined
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vamp-ress · 1 month
Fic Rec: LOTR
Title: My Bow Shall Sing With Your Sword Author: dollylux Summary: Taking Thranduil's advice, Legolas sets out to find the man known as Strider. Pairing: Aragorn/Legolas
Well, I haven't seen "The Hobbit". I have heard about that strange bit that's in there where Thranduil sends Legolas off to find this Strider fellow. On the one hand, I'm thrilled that the writers put that in purely as fanservice. On the other hand, it makes absolutely no sense in terms of timeline. Aragorn should be about 10 when "The Hobbit" takes place.
That said, the author acknowledges this problem and goes with it anyway (as fanfic is allowed to do). I'm still having problems with the timeline-issue. But the story is beautifully written, very quiet and introspective. No big drama and no action sequences. Just two people meeting. It takes the risk of maybe feeling "too slow" for some readers or like "nothing happens", but what happens mostly happens internally. That's what I like best anyways.
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spasmsofthought · 8 months
let there be light (let me be right) [legolas x reader]
New to writing for this space and I have no idea what I'm doing or what this is, really. this was all written at once, so please excuse any mistakes. I really didn't research much - this all comes from memories or things I found on tumblr. I couldn't find the right Elvish to copy, and it would have stolen my mojo if I searched for too long, so I gave up. Sorry!
IDK word count, but it's not very long.
A bittersweet parting. Inspired by Sun by Sleeping At Last.
Enjoy and please let me know what you think! Please like, comment, and reblog xo
It was his last night here, for the darkness had now even reached Imladris and in the morning he would depart with the Fellowship and begin a long, arduous journey to finally destroy the One Ring.
Even the shadows the barest sliver of moon brought as it rose above the background of the inky sky could not dim the brightness of his gaze as it rested on you.
There were no words to be spoken. There would never be enough to bridge the void between where he must go and where you had to stay.
In all your years alive you could depend on the constancy of life in the valley. The seasons came and went, the sun and moon did their eternal dance across the sky; the stars continued to shine, glimmering even in the darkest of nights. But home was more than the rushing waters and fog rolling over the Misty Mountains early in the morning.
His very smile seemed to eclipse the sun, especially when he was smiling at you. Glorious and noble and magnificent, Legolas was the safest, sturdiest home your heart had ever known. And, you were sure, the only one it would ever know; the only one that really mattered.
Separation could be painful, but you had endured that before. It was the reason for this particular leaving that produced a new kind of ache. You had given him up before, for period of time which passed by with little consequence, but you had never been confronted with the possibility that you might have to give him up forever.
"My love," A gentle touch to your chin turns your eyes away from the scenery. "Put the worry in your heart away. I will return to you."
Your hand lightly sweeps over his before it rests on his forearm.
"Yes, I know," You say. You take in his eyes and his hair. "I know you will."
You, again, look over the shape of his face, "But even you cannot predict the future or guarantee an outcome."
The shine in his eyes softens and he breathes out a long sigh. You breathe in as his forehead tenderly rests against yours. The burden is heavy but there is a little relief that the weight is shared.
"I love you," You whisper gingerly to him. The gap lessens as you move to him, bridging the distance you can before you are unable to at all. The sound of your voice fades, but your lips continue to move.
You know time is running out. The sun will rise very soon and then -- then this will be all you have of him.
I love you your lips say against his skin. With your whole heart, as full and melancholic as it is, you mean it. Legolas must know it for his mouth steals your words and your love before the dawn can take them.
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