#lotsa possibilities here
8ball-wizard · 1 year
i'm w4ms (wizard 4 mad scientist)
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123pixieaod · 1 year
"I care, I care, I care"
The weirdest brainrot pairing I've ever gotten lol. Set in the aftermath of the sprint today. Please enjoy this Oscar/Logan fic
You ’ll get it soon.
Unspoken words, hovering above his head. Like a lightbulb in a cartoon, just waiting for the idea to strike. Talent finally awakening. Light flicking on.
James, telling him that he’ll get it soon. The car is different, it’s new, and it’s a beast which Logan still needs to tame. But soon. Soon he’ll get it, whatever it is. The ability to finish, to get out, to smile. To be something other than an embarrassment, a pay-in, a stupid American.
“You’ll get it soon baby,” Lacy runs her fingers through his hair. He hums, scrolling through Instagram. Blue light, burning his eyes. Mindless. Anything not to look up, to not see her pity. She’s two years younger than him. A part-time student, full-time model. Oscar had raised his eyebrows at Logan when he first saw her. Blond hair as straight as rain, skin perfect, tight white tea with a neat skirt. Ticking all the boxes. An influencer and he’s a driver, and they look so good together, everyone says it.
“You sure caught yourself a good one with her, didn’t you?” He joked later. Elbow knocked into Logan’s side, and he forced himself to look up, offer a small smile. Wait for the joke, the barb tangled into his flesh.
“Lucky”, Oscar had simply said. A quick wink, as if it wasn’t just the two of them.
Who? Logan had imagined saying. Cut his tongue out. No need for words in a car anyway.
“You’ll get it soon,” his mother tells him. Voice soft, even over the line. About two continents and three oceans between them. Lacy still beside him. Updating her own Instagram, and Logan watches her edit the photos. Manicured nails in the pattern of a chequered flag tap on the screen, zooming in and out. I’m surprised you even know what a chequered flag looks like.
“Thanks,” he says. She zooms in on her skirt, dragging her finger over the material, instantly smoothing out the wrinkles. Saturation turned up slightly. In other life, I think I’d like to be an artist, he had once said. Laughter. Turning to look at him, eyes bright even in the darkness. Why wait for another lifetime? Why not this one Loge?
Maybe when I’m older, he had conceded. But for now, I’m too busy winning races to bother with sketching.
Don’t you mean too busy losing to me? Oscar giggled. An arm out, hand playfully pushing him in the darkness. Night heavy. Thirteen, heart too big in his chest.
“It’s just unlucky,” his mother continues. It’s dawn back home. He wonders has she slept at all. “Quali set you back, and the car isn’t good overtaking in circuits like these. You couldn’t do anything else, Logan. The car isn’t good with grip, you’re just getting the hang of it. It’s unlucky, could’ve happened to anyone.” He nods, even though she can’t see him. Lacy is now zoomed in on her face, softening her skin texture and smoothing the imperfections away. Filter only her lips, brightening them.
“Are you tired?”
He nods again, and then feels stupid when the silence stretches. “Yes. A race is always tiring, you know?”
Of course, she knows. She’s the one who stood with his dad at the side of every race, every go-karting competition. American wind and American rain and American sun. Home saturated on the track, accents matching his own.
“Yes, sweetheart. Are you going to the after-party?”
“No, I don’t think so.” Logan pretends not to notice how Lacy stills.
“Really?” His mother tries to keep any inflexion from her tone. “Not even with Oscar?”
Logan huffs a laugh. “Oscar will be way too busy mom. He won the sprint.”
“I know, that’s what I meant. Not even to celebrate his first podium?”
He swallows, looking down at his trousers. Thumb fingernail trailing up and down the seam, made to perfection. India, China? Mass-produced, workers whose names he’ll never know. He wears and uses and discards their work, move on to the next thing to taint with his touch. Always new shirts, new trousers.
Oscar wrinkling his nose. Eleven. Carting academy in Brexton/ Brixton. Both are the only non-Europeans there. Locked as roommates, these foreigners who speak English differently. Logan’s first time sharing a room. Oscar’s first time meeting someone like Logan.
“That’s a waste,” he told him, watching as Logan sorted through his wardrobe. His parents had left him to unpack. His father telling him he was growing up, he was taking the first step in his career. His mother’s tight hug, promising to call every night, promising that he can come home whenever he wants. “You don’t need all those clothes.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t.” Incessant. Australian accent foreign and harsh against his ears. Bouncing through tones. Up and down. Higher-pitched than Logan’s.
“I don’t have half as many clothes as you have, and I’m fine,” he continued. Logan just shrugged. “I keep my clothes until they fall apart.” Proud, and Logan couldn’t help but turn, nose wrinkled in disgust.
Oscar nodded, happy to finally have his attention. Cross-legged on the bed, skin still warm from Australian weather. Freckles. Front tooth missing, young for his age. “My mum even stitches them, if the tear isn’t bad. It’s a waste. It’s bad for the environment. Why buy new things when the old things are working fine? Plus, it’s an easy way to save money.”
Saving money. As if money was a finite source, something to be counted and hoarded and saved. Saving time, saving face, saving money.
Logan had never thought about that before.
“Tell him we’re happy for him, will you?” His mom is continuing. “I remember when he was just so small I just wanted to put him in my pocket.” She laughs, and Logan wrinkles his nose.
“Whatever mom.”
“I’ll text his mother too. She was always nice to us. Don’t tell Daddy, you know what he’s like.”
Another laugh. Like it’s nothing, just a joke. Logan continues to run his thumb along the seam of his pants.  His mother always the one to ring him after the races. DNF, fighting with HAAS for the bottom three places. An investment. That’s what his dad used to call it. Carting is a creature surviving on a steady diet of money, and his dad is always there to provide for it. Up to F1, and success brushes against his fingertips before racing away.
“You made it to the family fridge,” Oscar once told him. Grinning, tone pitched lower, finally broken. Spots and acne. Seventeen and on the edge of something great.
“Oh yeah?” Logan replied, smirking. “Nicole couldn’t get enough of me, could she?”
Oscar laughed, pressing his side against Logan’s. A wall of warmth, his gentle sandalwood aftershave lingering in their shared space. Then pulling back, telling him he’s an idiot, the smile shaping his words.
“You’ll get it soon,” his mom says, the quiet stretching. She always had a knack for knowing what he was feeling, even though he’s lived away for longer than lived with her.
“Yeah,” he says, still picking at his jeans. “I better.”
Part 2
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
how they act around reader! you know the usual, how horny they get and how the reader is potentially uncomfortable because not even they can handle the harems hormones.
Hoo boy we have a lot of characters to go through and I haven’t even named all of them so *cracks knuckles* Let’s go with my favorite children for now.
warnings: dead dove do not eat territory here. yandere themes (lotsa violence). please don’t read this if you have a wild imagination like me oh god im aboutta faint at darling’s section. cannibalism. knife play. necrophillia. a transphobic society.
[previous ask for more context]
[next part] - yandere! faculty
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Let’s start with our boy Justin Del Rosario [Yan Jock]
He’s incredibly sweet and caring. At least when you two were dating. The type to always check in on you. Always makes sure you’re hydrated and keeping up with your self-care routines.
As if popular! reader isn’t completely meticulous when it comes to their image.
Looks like a bad boy but is an actual sweetheart. Your relationship started off as a transaction of sorts. Being the softie he is though he developed feelings. Quick. The masochist.
Is a whole ass push-over when it comes to you.
Now post break-up Justin is a bit of a freak.
Like I said in my previous post of his experience as your boyfriend, he has gone through shit.
Suddenly his grades are perfect. People are actually tolerating if not appreciating his presence.
He’s becoming a threat to your place as the ruler of the campus.
But unlike you his fans aren’t declined atrocious yet.
How does Popular! Reader feel about him? Not much really. Their whole relationship was a transaction to them. I can’t emphasize how much of an apathetic bitch I wrote reader to be ya’ll I’m sorry. But in order for their harem to thrive they gotta turn a blind eye.
In terms of Horni Levels it’s uh - not so bad. Once he lost his virginity to you (yes you took his virginity) he found it to be the best stress relief and got addicted. But he’s also super respectful of your boundaries.
That was when you were originally dating though. He’d probably pound you to oblivion if you ever got back together. Pent up horni does that.
Actually, that event might not even need them getting back together. I won’t be surprised if current Justin just takes you even with his relationship with Darling.
For your favorite, Darling De Leon [yan good girl] . . .
Hella shy around you. You almost didn’t know she existed if it weren’t for her consistent placement as second. At least before Isabel came and Justin’s grades shot up.
She has a pretty shit past.
Has always been a little scared of you.
Extremely possessive. She had always been overshadowed by her siblings, and her time abroad without you had really shattered her self confidence. Although she’s deathly afraid her past actions would be revealed, she’s more scared of losing you to someone else.
She thought that by agreeing to date Justin, you’d think of him as disgusting for moving on so fast.
Definitely enjoyed her time on your lap a little too much.
Which brings me to Horni Levels.
If you think Justin is bad. Darling is just the worst out of all the yanderes. She’s the kinkiest one too. She has been saving herself for you, waiting for the time you corrupt her. Hoping that by that time, every obstacle has been removed.
The type to have you fuck her atop the corpses of her rivals kind of kinky. The type to fantasize about you using a knife and inserting in every way possible inside her type of kinky. The type of kinky to fuck your dead body or eat any and every part of you to fully make you two as one.
She’ll own you, dead or alive, one way or another.
How popular! reader feels about her is again, indifference. Maybe a little horni for her soft aesthetic and cute demeanor. Definitely plans to gobble her up once Justin is done playing pretend.
A character that hasn’t been mentioned yet is Isabel Labrador [yan! nerd]
Isabel used to go by the name Isaiah. She used to be pretty alright with being assigned male at birth until popular! reader suddenly announced one day that she’s more horni towards women.
She got disowned for transitioning, and like Darling, disappeared from your life for quite a bit that you forgot about her.
Similar to many of the harem members, she’s very pliant to your whims. She does many of the assignments and projects that aren’t worth your time or would lead to you lacking sleep.
Not like the professors assign you much.
A bit of a whiny brat. Used to be hella spoiled when she was younger so she’s a lot more outspoken when it comes to your sexual escapades. This leads to you beating her up the most out of everyone in the harem.
Popular! Reader is the only one who knows she’s a trans and is surprisingly very respectful about that part about her.
The two of you are mostly amicable.
Horni Levels: Pretty normal for a young adult. Loves to tease you by showing more skin sometimes. Though she always covers up when anyone else is in the picture.
Her hella religious upbringing made her pretty conservative about sex and all that but it’s often balls to the wall when they see you. Literally. Never knew she was into pegging til you took her one day.
How popular! reader feels about her? Mostly a means to an end. She’s the least careful when it comes to her simpery. It gets tiring having to discipline her every time but the angry sex makes up for it.
This one will be short since I plan on him and the rest to be minor characters. Nobody knows how Ricardo Peralta [yan! president] became the President with how much he hates your ass.
People who voted for him were probably like. ‘If a person who doesn’t even want [Y/N] became president. We won’t have a threat.’
Jokes on them he has more notes on you than the entire student body combined.
Boy is the Candace to your Phineas/Ferb. His entire mission is to bust your ass. (and for you to bust a nut in his-)
You don’t even know he exists.
It was almost as if you were made to be the apple of everyone’s eye. Not one person in campus could remember a time where they didn’t know you.
No, it was more like they didn’t want to. Why imagine a terrible era such as that?
A lot of the students from the college are spoiled brats that absolutely adored how cut throat you were. How you weren’t afraid to put them in their place unlike those push-overs they usually meet. Some were just drawn to your charisma and confidence.
Or well, just general fuckability.
People think you’re also rich but you just get a lot of stuff from the students with money.
Your birthday is a bloodbath and a half. You started celebrating it alone so that people wouldn’t see your reactions to the gifts. Both because you wanted to keep them guessing and ‘cause the person whose gift is liked will probably get murdered.
You have to routinely check for cameras or tracking devices.
It takes you every bit of your self control not to just twerk in front of the camera if not give it the finger by fucking someone who you know is innocent right in front of it. They don’t even get to see you properly in the angle.
You strategically use pussy as both a punishment and incentive.
It’s super effective!
It’s super effective.
You often use pussy to discipline or incentivize your harem. It’s super effective. At least, considering you haven’t been kidnapped and/or killed yet.
You’re a bit of a sadist.
Yeah you’re a bit of a sadist.
Popular! Reader uses pussy a lot to keep everyone in check. You’re used to giving your body away to get what you want that you’ve become numb to it.
No one is normal in this College. Not even you.
You don’t even know he exists.
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shinjisdone · 1 year
If it's possible can I get a f!mc with Riddle? As in the events like how you did with deuce. Take your time.
Choosing this one first since Ive been dealing with quite a few things recently and this is the easiest one for me.
The Thorfinn one is gonna be next
Excellent cuz I actually thought about making a Riddle Version ^^
Might have gone overboard so pls treat this as another part of the female!MC and friends series and as a request ^^
tried to focus on the 'female!MC' part but lotsa things ended up pretty neutral...
TW: Mentions of Riddle's strict diet introduced by his mother and his hesitancy to eat food as well as counting calories in the 'When He Cooks For You...' Part
Female!MC and Friends - Riddle Rosehearts
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Oh, the upright and feared Riddle Rosehearts.
Let's not talk about his first meeting and overblot 'cause there he was just c r a zy.
It's after a while after things and he have calmed down where he can even approach you and properly 'meet' you for the first time. Riddle cannot believe how careless he was that he noticed only just now that you are a girl in an all-boys-academy - the only one here probably as well.
His first thought was: 'This breaks a rule.'
But he is quick to scold and correct himself. This kind of thinking earned him the most embarrassing and stressful meltdown he has ever experienced. Clearly no one got out happy with this kind of thinking.
Not Riddle. Not his dorm. Maybe only his mother...
In secret, there were some rules he didn't like...
He likes to have milk in his tea. He likes chestnuts in his sweets...and he would like to have free time to spend with his friends...
He is sure you would like to have that, too.
When You Are Invited To The Unbirthday Party...
Well, this most likely happens after the overblot, as an apology.
It is also the first Unbirthady Party you have been invited to.
It will most likely go as it did in the game...and Riddle is apologizing to you too, since you got dragged into his mess as a bystander.
As a new student! You just got here at NRC and have had to deal with his mess, his problems.
You also helped Ace make the 'apology' nut tart...so you definitely deserve an apology.
There might be a bit of confusion within the normal Heartslabyul dormmates who do not know you...they might also notice that you are a girl.
There might be a few whispers in a group on what you are doing here. It can be hard to notice if someone is magicless on first glance but it can be easy to notice a girl, if you present yourself as such in a way.
There is a sliiiiight chance you are gonna get asked about or talked to about this. If there are some negative claims or responses to you being at NRC or at the party, Riddle will be sure to correct them quickly.
"Do not disregard anyone here! She is still a guest!"
Riddle will go back to his old habit and the students will nervously ask if that is a rule.
"No, not a rule," He softens his voice, "It goes without saying that no one shall be misjudged or disregarded, no matter who they are!"
Continuing his apology, he will treat everyone for a bit. He will ask what tea you like (you can have any tea, no matter the rule!) and if you'd like to play with the hedgehogs (he can turn a blind eye for that one today).
You can take advantage of it like Ace totally did/would. Or you could be considerate of his...weird overblot situation.
At the former he will be annoyed but allow it ONLY FOR TODAY, and for the second one, he will be perplexed but decides, yeah, he should gracefully accept your kindness.
Riddle will make sure to treat you equally, in and out of Heartslabyul.
But, if he finds himself fond of you, favoritism might follow...
When He Cooks For You...
Cooking is...hard.
Riddle truly wants to improve. If he likes you, he could try cooking for you to taste-test his dishes. He doesn't wanna go through the oyster-sauce-situation again...
Depending on your own skills, he might ask for a liiiittle bit of help. What is this spice? How much is a 'spoonful'? What do they mean when they say 'cook with love'?
You will quickly find out that he is a terrible cook. You could be a chef or someone who wouldn't be able to cook to save your own life, but at least you'd still be better than Riddle.
So when he starts asking these small questions...you can expect to give him full on lessons.
He...feels weird being taught by another student but grows to appreaciate it. He will remember your instructions and use them wisely (as he literally states after each explanation) so you can expect a delicious dish!
Nothing is perfect at the beginning but the more he tries, and the more he learns from you (or Trey), the better he gets at it! He lets you try it and once he has made something actually tasty, he will be quite proud!
He never knew how nice it is to see someone enjoy the meals you make...especially with a smile such as yours.
He might make more for you - just for fun and not to learn. Just for you...
B-But as th-thanks, of course! For what other reason could it be?!
If YOU make HIM something, he will be...confused...then realizes...and then feels touched...and then confused again.
You...made him a meal? Just like that? Why?
When he does it for you, he does not question anything. But here the roles are reversed and it's strange to him...
Riddle hesitates a little. This meal was not planned for today and he might not follow exactly as his mother intended his diet to be...but you made this for him.
He eats it...and no matter the taste, he will thank you. Eating slowly as he digests (literally and figuratively) this gesture of yours.
No one has ever done this for him. It was all his mother, who noted down the calories instead of thinking if he'll actually enjoy the dish or not.
If you make him a STRAWBERRY T A R T oooooh man, expect some silence.
Riddle is. So. confused. But. In a good way.
But also in. A. Perplexing way.
You...you did this to please him, right? To make him happy?
There cannot be any other explanation as to why.
Out of every little thing, you decided to make him his favorite food...he will stare at it in awe...and actually ponder if he is even allowed to eat it.
One, because of old habits. Two, because it looks so nice. And you baked it for him.
You went out of your way to get the ingredients, wash and cut the strawberries, knet the doe, put in the oven...
He calls out to you midway and will mutter with a flustered face that he will gladly eat it. Would you...like to accompany him? It could be like an small, unofficial, Unbrithday Party...a private one.
Riddle feels so weird eating the tart. Its great and he loves it...but it's not from a bakery, it's not made by Trey for everyone - it was made by you; For him.
Riddle will thank you with flushed cheeks.
When He...Proposes To A Ghost!?
Oh boy. Ghost wedding, huh?
Well, strange and weird, but nothing Riddle cannot manage!
It is fake-proposing anyway and he was to a lot of parties when he was younger. Perhaps he even witnessed a proposal in one of them!
Safe to say, someone as gentleman-ly and sophisticated as Riddle has a high chance of winning a bride's heart - even if it doesn't beat anymore.
Riddle prepares himself perfectly and has the confidence to suit it to. He doesn't believe he is flawless but knows that his attempt will at least help get Idia out of there.
You could aid him though he doesn't think he needs the help.
But if you want to propose to Eliza as well? Certainly you know that makes you two…uh…rivals?
He doesn't like the thought of that even if it is just fake proposing.
To impress the bride you must wear something formal. No matter if suit or dress, Riddle will feel flustered seeing you like this.
If you wear a suit, expect him to scrutinize you. He is very familiar with wearing suits and look at that, your tie is crooked again! Is the jacket even ironed? And those colors don't align…
He will fix every little thing until you're presentable. This just won't do, you know?
Might realize later that he helped you have a better chance at getting the bride? That's bad. RIDDLE is supposed to be the groom for one. And second…he…doesn't want you to become her wife.
If you wear a dress however, Riddle will definitely feel flustered. He doesn't know much about how dresses are 'properly' worn…and you look nice in it, too.
Are you sure you want to compete in general actually? Riddle got this, you know? You don't need to put yourself out there!
The thought of you winning and becoming a bride yourself? Its…so unpleasant.
Will keep telling you to not worry about this. Don't participate…Riddle is the dormhead and he can take care of this. You can help him if you want…
Or maybe dont. Because rehearsing his proposal and gifting you a bouquet of RED ROSES (he knows they mean true love!) And looking at you with one knee while YOU DRESSED LIKE A BRIDE IS
Before all of this, he would have gladly taught you…but here, he finds himself too flustered to do it. His eyes barely make contact to yours as he sways you in a waltz and even HE starts to make mistakes.
Perhaps he'll show you another time, yeah?
When You Are Stranded On An Island Together...
Wh-what is this? First he's staring into a book and now here he is with you on a beach?! With a...strange, blue creature...
Suddenly being stranded on an island can already be a stressful situation for anyone but for Riddle, it is outrageous. There are no rules, no etiquette, no order...and they left the campus without saying! Sure, it was in accident and sudden and through magical means, but still!
But well...if you two are already here (with that Stitch thing), might as well try to make most of this situation.
Riddle will be a bit at loss when making a cot or a tool or anything like that...but he will get the hang of it eventually. Magic still exists in any case of emergency.
Not being able to freely follow the rules of the Queen of Hearts (how ironic), leaves him a bit anxious and he WILL ALWAYS try his best to follow them. However, he realizes the situation he is in and will not be hard on himself when he cannot do so well or perfectly.
He also would not expect you to follow the rules (maybe Ace though).
Riddle is not used to the beach or vacation itself. Since he is so used to rules and etiquette, you might have to show him how to relax. Swimming, building sand castles, collecting sea shells...anything really.
It's strange...but nice. He slowly finds enjoyment in simply doing unproductive things.
With such casual and revealing clothes, he might feel a bit unsure. Though, well, this is proper 'clothing' for a vacation so...
The dormhead might look for you for any direction on how to...'properly' wear vacation clothes. But! If you were to wear revealing clothing fitting for the beach or heat as well (let alone a *gasp* swimwear or a bikini!) Riddle will turn a bright red. What are you doing wearing that?! No, wait...you're doing it correctly, right?It's fitting for a beach...sorry then...but he will still be as red as a goldfish (in Floyd's words) just not out of rage this time. He's flustered seeing you like this.
It doesn't help that you get into the water...
In a swimwear obviously all of your....feminine ways are showing! (In his words. He just doesn't have the gall to say it outright). Don't you...? He means doesn't this...?
Ugh. He gives up. Too embarrassed to communicate his thoughts and Ace is laughing at him.
Yet...this might be a good opportunity to try out this 'relaxing' with you...
When You Dance At A Masquerade...
An activity Riddle is quite familiar with!
It is an honor to be invited by Noble Bell College, so as a dormleader Riddle will do his utmost to leave an perfect impression from beginning to end.
He will be quite sociable and set his 'rule above all'-mindset aside. He is a guest after all.
You will find yourself asked for a dance by him. He is quite confident in his dancing skills and, regarding the ghost wedding (and Helloween if you partook in it with him), this isn't the first time you have danced together, so there isn't really a reason for Riddle to be nervous.
Even if it was the first time, he'd still assure you that he will show you the ropes.
If you are knowledgable in it yourself, he will expect a good perfomance. Especially if he was the one who taught you.
Riddle quite likes the aesthatic of the masquerade. It has such an mysterious vibe to it and he admits to himself that you seem quite charming and intruiging with that mysterious mask on.
Even if he knows that it's you.
Will act a bit more playful and like a 'prince from far, far away' as he asks you for 'the honor of a dance'. If you laugh and oblige with a bit of playfulness yourself, you scored 100 points.
No matter what you wear, Riddle will compliment your get-up. Do compliment his as well. In fact, it suits him and his personality perfectly! With how sophisticated Riddle is, nobody else could pull off the entire 'masked-prince' aesthatic!
He will blush and clear his throat. Although he will agree with you.
Would truly like to have your first dance but if he does not get the chance, he won't complain. But he will be sure to be on look-out for you to get at least one dance.
If you are??? Very much enjoying the dancing??? With giggles and laughter??? OH man, he doesn't know what to do.
On one hand, he tries really hard not to scold you. This isn't proper etiquette for dancing, you aren't supposed to have f u n. You have to be graceful and impressive and elegant and...
But on the other hand...you have so much fun. You're like a shining sunflower princess blooming amidst these other flowers as if you had seen the sunlight for the first time...he cannot take that fun away from you.
Uh-oh, did he just really think that?
Though his face is blooming just as much in red, he keeps his mouth shut and twirls you as much as you like.
It's nice seeing you enjoy yourself so much. Riddle enjoys himself too.
Yet besides the dancing, he doesn't know what else to do...seems like he does not need to uphold a reputation all the time through the festivity, so he will seek you out for some guidance but also because he enjoys your company.
If you ask him out of curiousity and fun what it means to have 'proper ballroom etiquette', he will gladly tell you but be confused that you might find it fun? He certainly didn't as a kid.
If you, again, play around like some kind of noble or princess, he is biting his tongue. You are just playing around...and it's just for tonight. As long as you don't embarass yourself (or him) then...be as much of a princess as you want.
Ah, to have some tea and dance all night...it would be nice.
Only if you were there though.
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A Stray Concubine
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Pairings: Prince!Lee Know/You, Prince!Bangchan/You, RivalNoble!Hyunjin/You? We are all about possibility here. Summary: Entering into a harem choosing was something you have been groomed for since you were young. Your aim is to make Crown Prince Christopher fall at your heels in order to restore your ruined family name and fortune, but games of love are much harder than games of lies and deceit. Content: Angst (is it me if it's not?), slow burn, smut(warnings below when applicable), fictional historical universe, dark themes, second person perspective, historical-typical gender roles, imperial harem-inspired concubine system, multi-pov, lotsa plot/world building, political intrigue WC: 5246 Minors do not interact. Do not repost my content to other websites.
Taglist: @blondechannie @torialefay
Notes: Things got out of hand. Side note, our main character now has a last name to avoid the excessive use of 'Y/N.'
“I’ve heard the young Lord Hwang is here in the Capital for the festivities.” 
“I do wonder what the the Lord is up to now. 'Twas a nasty business with his parents' death and all.” 
A flutter of feminine words carried by the cool breeze of dusk. They were as hollow as the chirping of birds, but with the weight of lords clanging swords. 
“I suppose that's why he's here,” the middle aged gentleman said conspiratorially to his companion. He was dressed in the fine, rich fabrics of the upper class, but his dress did not hide the lascivious glances he would steal at the young woman he spoke to. 
It was another lesson you had learned: social standing was meaningless when it came to the lustful notions of men. It didn't matter King, priest or commoner; all men floundered their morals when presented with something pretty dressed in silks. This gentleman was no different. 
“It's such a shame to have felt such tragedy so young,” the woman said softly. It was another flutter, a fine beating of appropriate sympathy and poise. Whatever lot she had hailed from, she had been trained well. 
“Oh,” the gentleman intoned with a glance around him. He seemed to be looking for something, or someone. He scanned the ladies and lords who conversed and drank around him quickly before his eyes settled. He was looking directly at you. 
You had been wandering through the throngs, seeing and being seen for most of the festivities. You had to ensure you played your part of a well-bred lady making connections. It also served to listen; gauging the mood of the nobles who inhabited the palace alongside the royal residents. You had expected attention, but none so blatant. 
“But I do hear the daughter of the Wicked Witch of House Sterling is in attendance,” the man stated, loudly enough for his feminine companion, you, and everyone within the breadth of the long table he occupied to hear. Lords and ladies alike recoiled as if hit. Some laughed with unease, but most seemed unsettled by the reminder of years past. 
“My Lord,” she exclaimed with exaggerated scandal covering her classically attractive features. She fanned herself as if the wave of her hand could rid her of the shock of his statement. “Is it true?”
“It is, my dear. They say The Witch and her daughter ensorcel men with the bat of their lashes, and use their livelihood to keep themselves young and beautiful. I fear for the young bucks of the court.”
The woman saw her cue, and like any well trained woman – she took it. She leaned in with the bat of her own lashes to whisper into the man's ear. At her attention, his own wandered from you back to her and her hands on his weak shoulders. She pulled back just far enough to wink directly at you. She was playing the game, and she was playing it well. 
Grateful for her intervention, you gathered your skirts loosely in hand and set off through the crowds. 
The banquet hall of the palace was large enough to house the entirety of the nobles in the realm and most of their major retainers as well. It was a grand structure with elegance and richness built into the very walls. Tapestries with the heraldry of the Bangs hung from every beam and nook— The yellow eyes of the black and white wolf following all those who dared their presence with a sly keenness. 
The women who made up the King's Harem had their own heraldry, passed down from the families they hailed from and kept if only as a token of fondness from their lives before. They were not permitted to hang in places of state, nor were they permitted to even be within eyesight of the Wolf. It was a threat to their power to place such importance on lower houses, and could be seen as an act of treason to even suggest such. 
It was a shame. The banners of houses Seo and Yang in particular were vibrant and colorful. They would have brought life to the white, gray and black of House Bang but nothing could overshadow the crowned wolves. 
Your thoughts of banners and symbols were a distraction from what you planned. The beating of your heart had its own flutter, one far less beautiful and flattering than the woman from earlier. It's crescendo sped as you stepped into the line of courtiers that neatly led up to the dais where the royal family sat like pretty paintings. The line moved, but painstakingly slow. It inched forward like the crawling of a slug after a hard rain, and you could only wish someone would salt you and be done with it. 
Those in front and behind you chatted and carried about merrily as they waited their turn. They were of two sorts: simple creatures who had neither hide nor hair in the affairs of court or sordid schemers whose flattery and lies were concealed enough to be on the winning end. They had no fears of how their presence would be received by the rulers of their realm. They were safe, while your head was already placed on the metaphorical chopping block. 
Your only hope at calm were the banners.
Every time the herald at the head of the procession called out names and titles, you brought their banners to mind. House Jeon, Lords of the Anpanman Woods: a wooded forest with an archer riding atop a monstrous hare at its forefront. House Wang, Wardens of the Southern Border: a thin sword with a snarling hound’s head as the pommel. House Kwon, Protectors of the Treasures of the East Sea: an extravagantly colorful sea dragon dripping in molten gold as it ascends from a deep blue ocean. House Min, Keepers of the Western Jungles: a rare, white tiger stalking amongst a dark green growth.
Every Great Lord was in attendance with their minor counterparts, and every one of them had their proud banners and symbols with deep rooted history and lore. You had been taught all of them by your tutors in your childhood, growing up with stories of their conquests and lineages.
You remembered that House Jeon was one of the youngest of the great houses, rising to power by claiming the timber bounty of their woods. House Wang was older and more storied, a history of mismatched allegiances with the King across the wastes and ancient claims to the Crown of Miroh. House Kwon was even older and as powerful as it was queer: Sea Lords with ties to the Free Isles in the West. House Min was the most shrouded. They were covered in the mythos of legends, with fact and fiction blurring reality.
“Lord Hyunjin, of House Hwang, Keepers of the Heartlands,” the Herald called. Their banners depict a common ferret curling around a brilliant sapphire. They were upstarts who had risen with the Bang's rule; they were no friends of you or yours.
You watched as the handsome Lord smiled and jested with the Royals, even with stern King Bang himself. He seemed to pay close attention to the Princes’ Christopher and Felix. It would not do to dwell, but you noted his connections with a keen interest. 
The Hwang's had been close to the crown for more than two centuries, since the House Bang had risen from their ancestral home of the Forded Rivers to claim the throne through blood and war. The Hwang's had been Champions of the cause, steadfast allies of the offensive in the Red Rebellion . Their loyalty had not been forgotten and their rise had been meteoric and quick compared to the lengthy reigns of other Great Houses. In a matter of a few generations, they had risen from titles minor landholders to a major power in the politics of the realm. You had no doubt that Lord Hwang sought even more favors with the friendships he curried with the Princes. 
As you continued your wait, you watched the man in question lobby about. He was tall, but graceful and as elegant as any old house could be. Even as he spoke to fellow couriers, he was refined but approachable in a way that most were not. He smiled coyly at another courtier before his eyes met yours and his lips fell flat. You averted your gaze quickly, your mind faltering. You had not killed Princess Mai, but his stare suggested otherwise. 
“Young Lady Sterling,” was all you received from the Herald when your time came. There were no titles, no honors, no places of power. All you had was a family name that was dying, connected to a murderous traitor. 
Relying on your training in graces and decorum, you dropped to your knees and bowed to the family who ruled the lands you called home and recited words from a distant memory. “Of bravery and courage, of rule and might; blessed and long be your reign.”
“You may rise,” King Bang commanded.
And so you rose to regard the man who condemned your father to death.
He sat in the middle of the dais with his queen to his right and his Most Favored, Beauty Lee, to his left. She was as resplendent as ever in expensive silks with her hair coiffed into the most stylish fashion with a pleasant smile curving her rouged lips. The queen was more somber. She wore the dark purple hues of royalty, and kept a regality that was unapproachable to say the least. She regarded you coolly, but you could see the hostility in her eyes. Princess Mai had been her natural daughter. 
“You certainly favor your mother,” King Bang commented gruffly. It was not an exclamation of emotion, it was a simple observation.
“I’m pleased to hear I have my mother's charms, Your Majesty,” you replied with eloquence. You spoke softly, keeping a demure coyness about yourself that you had honed to a fine art.
“She was always a welcome sight,” the King added. Courtly arrogance mixed with courtly love. He too was playing the game. He blessed you with a smile that had the scar at the corner of his mouth standing to prominence before posing a question that had you caught off guard. “Which one of my sons is it then?”
“I'm sorry your majesty, I don't–”
“Is it the laughing and fierce Prince Jeongin? Or mayhaps the shy and courtly Prince Jisung? Or do you prefer the bold and strong Prince Changbin?” 
“Or perhaps your mother plans to aim higher?” He barreled along, his words never losing the flirting intrigue of courtly love but gaining the edge of a longsword. He glanced down the table of the dais, past his queen and to the silver crown threaded with dark iron wolves that sat atop Price Christopher’s head. He made no comment, but he did give you a look akin to pity. You hated it that look and everything it stood for.
“Your Majesty,” you spoke, inflicting an intentional waver to your voice and forcing your eyes to water with tears. It was not hard to fein being the weak, scared girl that King Bang required of you. “I would never dare to presume any grand intentions. I a humble servant of the crown, and I will do whatever you require to earn your love back for the House Sterling.”
“I owe no love to your family, young lady, and I never intend to. House Sterling is dying, and I will not save the family of Traitors. It's only by the good graces of your Mother that you both were not banished across the northern border.” The edge was dulling. One flutter. Two flutters. A few more until it wouldn't even be able to cut butter. 
“My mother has retaken her maiden name, returning to the mantle of the Jeons. I have no such luxury, Your Majesty. I will forever be cursed by the sins of my father, but I will forever work to make amends.” A flutter of a sweet song. Honeyed with the naivety of a girl, and blessed to come from pretty lips. The blade was dulled, but you were set on making it crumble to iron dust. 
“And how would you do that?”
“Put me to work, Your Majesty. I will slave as a Maid until I earn your love, or my death.”
A rumble went up behind you at your proclamation. You paid them no mind. Your attention was on the King. 
He's the king of a realm. Make him feel like the King of the world. The only man within your sights. The highest of them all– a God.
“The youngest of the formerly Great House Sterling content to scrub floors and empty chamber pots?”
“My House’s pride is nothing to me. I serve the crown before all others. My duty is to to realm, Your Majesty– to you.” You dropped to your knees to peform the formal bow again. It was a sign of respect, a sign of your servitude. 
“You may outdo your mother's charms yet,” the King remarked with a hidden smile playing in the shadows his golden, heavily bejewelled crown cast upon his face. “I will discuss your plight with my Councilors, Lady Sterling. Until a decision is made, you are welcome to feast and revel in the glory of the Royal Court.”
“You are most kind and just, Your Majesty.” You stood from the ground with the help of the Herald. He touched you delicately and respectfully as the flutters stirred up the dust of iron. You had won. It was a small victory, the first of many, but it was still a victory. 
In the haze of the glittering particles, the court watched.
Beauty Lee regarded you with renewed interest. Queen Bang was stony, her murderous eyes portraying her displeasure but no words leaving her pursed lips. The Princes all watched with varying levels of interest in their Father's affairs, but the only one whom mattered still looked at you with pity. 
It stoked your anger. You were a daughter of the Great Sterlings, former Wardens of the war torn Northern Borders. Your family was fierce and proud, tempered by the harsh climate and the even harsher hands of the war torn barbarians. You had the blood of warlords, conquers, and leaders. You may strip your pride to appease the King, but it would always be in your heart. You hated the Princes' pity, but you could use it in the same way you used the King's fondness for beautiful damsels.
His son would be no different. He would fall at your feet, ready to restore you and your family for no other reason than the love of being a hero for a the songs of singers across the continent. It was as simple as playing him like the harp you spent so many hours practicing. His tune would be notes of restoration and riches. 
“Lady Sterling!” A boy called as you made for the Hall’s exit for a breath of fresh air and to revel in your victory. He was young, freshed faced with the hint of acne playing across his forehead. He dressed in the livery of House Wang: the metallic glint of iron present on all the accents of his dark clothing. He bowed politely before handing you a scratch of gray fabric.
It was rimmed with shiny silver thread and had intricate wolves with gems inlaid into the fabric for eyes at all four corners. The initials LMH elegantly scrawled along the center in delicate lines and swirls. 
It was a royal favor, but not the one you had desired.
To the great ire of their father, Minho had refused his place on the dais. 
The refusal had led to a screaming match that could be heard in the next wing. The roars of his brother and father filled the halls with curses and anger. It only worsened when Minho refused to attend the festivities all together. King Bang had threatened to have him whipped, to which Minho had laughed maniacally and downed the rest of the fire whiskey he insisted on having on hand with his father. 
“Do it! I've learned well how to bear pain, Father,” Minho screamed in rage at the threat. 
Christopher wasn't certain on what lengths King Bang would have gone had he not stepped in with a sobbing Beauty Lee at his heels. He wasn't even certain on which had calmed the King; his intervention and promises to handle his wayward brother or the tears drenching Beauty Lee's silks. Either way, he had relented and Minho had avoided the whip. 
It was the beginning of a deadly dance. He would have to balance the both of them: his father's hot headed rages, and his brother’s own uncontrolled hatred. The price of losing would not be a simple sore foot. A wrong step could ripple across the floor and disrupt the entire performance; sending everyone toppling to their dooms. 
“That was the murderer?” Changbin asked from his side. The third prince had been too preoccupied with his food and the ladies milling about to pay much attention to the King's audiences. He had only taken note when the girl had fallen to her knees to prostrate herself in desperation.
“She's no murderer,” Christopher chided. 
“Did her family kill our sister or not, Chris?” Changbin countered with annoyance. Anger simmered just under the surface. Princess Mai was a sore topic even so many years later. 
“They did. She did not. She was just a kid when it happened.” They had all been young then. A child's blissful ignorance was no place for the blame of their parents’ faults. All of the Princes' should know that, but Christopher knew it most. 
“Mai was just a kid, too. An innocent, sweet, lively and damn charming kid. Had she lived, I would probably be in debt for sweets and dresses. I would have been a beggar proudly for our baby sister, yet you take up in defense for the blood of her murderer?”
“I miss Mai as much as you do, more even, but her murderer was executed. There's nothing else for us to do,” Christopher shot back. He was feeling his own anger rise. There were few things that he wouldn't do for his family, his siblings. Changing the past was not within his realm of capabilities. 
“Are you truly that much of a fool?” Changbin asked incredulously. His anger was still held tightly in check. 
“Is it foolishness to allow a person to pave their own path?” Christopher returned. He lacked the heat of his younger brother. He could never be mad at any of the boys who shared his blood. They were all young, still finding their way into manhood and rule with the black and white lens of good and evil. If only the world were so simply colored. 
“It's foolishness that could end in an early grave.”
It was not Changbin who answered. The voice was feminine, but hard. It was the voice of a woman who had seen too much, been forced to harden her edges at the behest of those in power around her. 
Queen Bang regarded her natural son and his brother with a stern stare. The panes of her face were sharp, severe even. Hers was a beauty that didn't often mesh with the other ladies of the palace. It was refined but not delicate; the type of face that would strike fear in a man's heart as much as lust. It had both Christopher and Changbin sealing their lips tight to stave off any protest that bubbled.
“This is not appropriate banquet conversation,” she stated with a final withering stare before turning her attention back to the audiences entertaining the King. He was deep in conversation with a Captain from the Free Isles about some strange sea beast that had been spotted. From the look of the table, he was also deep in his cups as he boasted about hunts from his youth of beasts of yore. 
Taking the reprieve, Christopher searched the room for Minho. He had promised he would at least be present, wandering the room discreetly so as not to raise gossip about the Second Prince being excluded from the dais. He was to have his first pick of any Lady that caught his eye, and he had only to choose one– one gentlelady to give his father the illusion that the wayward Prince had been subdued into court life.
Of course, Minho had to make even a simple task an effort in patience and persistence. 
However, Christopher could not have patience. It went against everything he knew and everything he was, but he had to act. There was no room for error, nor weakness in the Court of Miroh. 
At a look, the page was running towards him. He was well dressed in the colors of his Liege, the fabric glinting in the light like polished iron. With a well placed command and Changbin watching curiously, the boy took off with quick feet and vigor for a promised knighthood.
A future King had to be a man of action. 
The palace library was a place of wonder for any intrepid mind. It was filled with the works of great scholars and war strategists renowned for their taciturn. Works from all across the world, they told of histories, battles, and gentleman's philosophy. It was all knowledge that any young man should know, approved by the crown and kept up by an army of ever present eunuchs who dusted the shelves and kept the sight fit for royalty.
Tomes upon tomes of knowledge lined the high walls with ladders placed at intervals to reach the topmost shelves. The tops of the ladders ended in marbled ceilings that supported the second floor balcony. It was a wide open walkway lined with yet more books that opened up to show the floor below. 
Minho had spent a lot of his youth in the brightly lit rotunda. He studied with his appointed tutors, absorbing the knowledge a spare must have like a sponge desperate for hydration. Even when the old men would give him leave, he would stay. Day would turn to dusk as he poured over the words of wise men.
But Minho had learned what the library could teach him. When he had reached out for more, he had been denied. The Library eunuchs had told him that they held all the knowledge in the world in their shelves. His tutors had brushed off his queries with well mannered hands. His father had outright scoffed and berated him to work harder at his swordsmanship instead of wasting his time with yet more books.
Desperate for more, Minho had sought knowledge through travel.
His early years had seen him guesting the courts of Great and Lesser Lords, browsing their own shelves for things he had yet to learn. Each time, he was disappointed. Each time, he moved on with more vigor. It wasn't until his desperation took him to the city taverns, art houses, and lone monasteries in tall, reclusive mountains that he learned the greatest lesson of his life: through understanding of life could never be found until one experienced the people of the world itself. 
He had come to hate the palace library, disdaining the time he had wasted learning what was deemed appropriate for a Prince. It was unfortunate that it was an excellent place to find a quiet and unassuming corner with few ears that listened. It was even more deserted with the Selection happening. No Lords browsed the shelves, and few eunuchs were on duty. 
“How have you been, old friend?” Hwang Hyunjin asked as he slid into the seat next to Minho. They were cushioned and pushed into an empty corner, meant for spending hours reading. 
“Better,” Minho answered. The table between them held a silvered platter complete with three tumblers and a decanter of liquor. He poured them both a drink and took a healthy swallow of his own. 
“Does the idea of Miroh court life distress you so much?” 
“As much as having my manhood chopped off,” he answered wryly.
“I'm sure our glorious King would love to have that arranged if you don't fall in line,” Jackson Wang joked as he took a third seat. He squeezed in next to Hyunjin, the table separating the Prince from his guests. 
“Yes. He would,” Minho agreed grimly. Another sip of the liquor had fire burning in his throat. He poured some for the new arrival in the empty glass. 
“It needs not be that way,” Hyunjin stated. “It's as simple as doing what he asks.”
“I will not, and I'm surprised you would even suggest such.” 
Minho had spent time with almost all the Lords of Miroh. He had supped in their dining halls, listened in on their councils, advocated for reform favoring the small folk with what attention he curried. He was familiar with them all, but none more so than Lords Wang and Hwang. They were as close to him as his own brothers. They knew his views and he knew theirs. 
“We have discussed this before. If you want to seek change, you have to be in a position to do so,” Jackson said. He picked up his tumbler and sniffed the liquid indulgently before taking a healthy swallow. 
“And it shall not be by so blatantly ignoring your father's wishes,” Hyunjin added. His own glass remained untouched. 
“You wish me to abandon everything I believe and play the part?” Minho was annoyed, but not surprised. This was a normal point of contention in the trio. 
“Jackson controls the Southern Border. I have dominion over most of the Midland Plains. We have influence, but with a Prince advocating to our ends, we could scarcely be denied”, Hyunjin said, passion deepening with every word. It was the same old conversation, but never had he pushed so blatantly. Minho's return to Court seemed to heighten his resolve. 
“We could not risk altering the realm within a fortnight. We have to play the long Game. Even revealing our cards too soon could lose us royal favor, and power. Your father is not so inclined to a liberal nature,” Jackson added. He had abandoned his seat all together, glass of liquor in hand.
“The long game is waiting until Christopher is crow–”
“Your brother is a strong and moral Prince, but he is a traditionalist. Even in him, you will not find the ally you think,” Hyunjin cut off Minho's protest. 
“If you are suggesting we overthrow my brother, you won't have to deal with my father. I'll have your head of my own accord,” Minho spat, sudden anger getting the best of him. His brother's all had their faults, but he would forever be loyal to them. 
“We would never suggest such a thing, but he will need the right people around him when he ascends. The current Council, baring myself and Lord Wang, are all bootlicking yes-men with traditionalist loyalties. They would see the same wars and the same laws in place for eternity,” Hyunjin countered. 
“Ah, the Late Lord Jeon’s writ on the rights of a nobleman. What a crock of shit,” Jackson hummed as he browsed the shelves. He was sipping his liquor as Minho and Hyunjin spoke, browsing through the tomes on the shelves next to their group as he did. Even though he didn't seem too invested, Minho knew it would be unwise to think so. 
The Wang were an old name and had ancestral rights to the Southern Border. Across that border, was an endless stretch of desert ruled by a King shunned and forgotten by all except the Wang’s. It was said the family's outlandish politics were an extension of that King's will, and the Wang's did not hide it. If anything, they flaunted it and were the only Great House to push for liberal reform– at least with any visibility. 
“He needs you to be his right hand, but the other Lords would never accept you as you are now,” Hyunjin advised, ignoring his friend's outburst. 
“What our ever so serious Hyunjin is suggesting is a mummers’ farce. Do your father's bidding where the world can see, while playing your hand behind the scenes,” Jackson said, still making the odd disproving noise as he browsed the books written by less inclined individuals. “It's not ideal, but it's become necessity.”
Minho did not like anything that was being said. 
He had spent his whole life concentrating on the belief that rule and power could never end without corruption. It didn't matter how just and moral you were, the reigns of an entire people would callous and blacken your beliefs until your life revolved around cowing populations into submission with the threat of a sword. That was simply how human nature worked. 
His beliefs had not come without cause.
The Red Rebellions had torn the realm asunder. It had been all in the name of ridding themselves of a tyrant King Kim. When the Bang's had won, the Kingdom entered a golden age. Arts and philosophy flourished and laws changed to usher in a new world for the people of the time, but history had proven to be cyclic. Even being his own family, Minho could not deny that the reign of the Bang family was heading in the direction of the Kim’s. 
His only consolation had been Christopher. He was a just and upright man, but he had been raised to rule under the constant traditionally forged sword of their father. He had never seen the world outside of the Capital, and likely never would.
He would never see the villages in the dense Jungles of the West. The deeper you went into the verdant green, the more sparse populations got until civilization gave way to angry wildness that had retaken abandoned towns; their peoples forever lost to disease. Many still living remained under constant quarantine, never able to leave their homes for fear of spreading illness and death by the swords of those who held them there. They would not be helped. They would die and be forgotten like the others. 
He would never know the desperation of the poachers in the Anpanman Woods. They were injured soldiers who had served the realm only to be discarded when they were no longer of use. They were green boys who were forced to support their families. They were the downtrodden no one cared for until they stepped on the toes of a Lord. 
He would never see the sorrow of the wives of the Eastern Coast. Their husbands left them with babes still at the breast to mine gold in the crown controlled Free Isles. For the cost of the Crown's coffers, a lot of them would perish at sea or in the mines. They would never see their children grow. 
Christopher would have to connect with his people. He would have to live amongst them to remember that it was not a Nation he ruled, but living humans with lives and stories of their own. Forgetting that was often the fall of a good King. He could not forget. Minho would not let him. 
“Give me a script and dress me in motley, damnit.”
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astarionancuntnin · 4 days
Dancing on the Edge of a Knife
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summary: ever since his ascension, Malva was convinced that Astarion was the only person who could understand her every twisted desire. well, almost. there are some things she still keeps to herself, he simply wouldn't understand this part of her, the one who dances on the very edge of her knife.
or Ascended Astarion learns how real punishments work
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rating: E
word count: 2.8k
pairing: ascended astarion x consort malva (oc, evil!sorcerer!tav)
cw: 18+. KNIFE PLAY (big warning cause the whole fic will turn around this specific one), smut, post-game setting a few years later, mention of violence/murder, mentions of and actual self-harm, slight voyeurism, shared sensations, blood play, bdsm relationship (Master/Pet, punishment), teasing, overstimulation, orgasm denial. full list on ao3
a/n: i just dont pick where the inspo comes from but malva lives rent free in my head
a/n2: decided to make the stories about malva and astarion into a series, they can be read independently but if you wanna read the first one featuring lotsa spanking, here it is (they also get to cum in that one)
read on ao3
or keep reading down below~
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It was just another day of bloody business for Malva and her Master. 
Another party used as distraction; another life to take; another bloodshed.
Another reason to dive her pretty blade into the chest of yet another unfortunate soul.
She remembers back when Orin had mentioned her potential to join the ranks of the bhaalists, and of course, she would’ve; Malva’s talent to murder people came as naturally to her as her powers had, but the mere idea of being attached to any godly entity made Malva retch.
And Bhaal out of all of them? The same one who sent his minions to do his dirty work? Really, what was the point in becoming a God if you didn’t use that power for yourself?
No, Malva acted sinfully within her own code based on her own goals; no Gods or voices guiding her blade, only her inner bloodthirst and the knowledge that she was mightier than any other mortal crossing her path. Compared to other species, she was already considered immortal, but now, as a vampire? A spawn of the Vampire Ascendant, out of all of them? She might be even greater than the Gods themselves.
Even then, killing was just a job, something that needed to be done nevertheless, and knowing how much she had to do, she just decided to take pleasure in it. After all, the line between pleasure and pain had been blurry ever since Malva could remember, even at a young age.
Ever since her mentor had shown her how to master her powers.
“You will need to use your powers for the greater good,” he had said. “They come with responsibilities. Wield them to perfection so they serve you on every occasion. Those powers are a part of you.”
Obviously, she remembers thinking, they're what makes me better than the others.
“But you need to know that, as much good they can do, they can also harm, and to fully understand this, you'll need to feel them yourself.” 
She recalls how he had grabbed her arm and inflicted a benign version of a lighting spell on her, just to show her how it would feel to receive it — the impact of it, even on a smaller scale.
“Now, every time you inflict this pain on someone, you'll carry the weight of it as if you felt it yourself.”
He couldn't have been as right and wrong at the same time.
Yes — the spark lighting up her skin had burned, and she had flinched and pulled her arm back the second the shock hit her. 
But what a delectable sensation it had been.
How the burn had tingled and resonated through her entire body, lingering long after, introducing her to a new world of possibilities, one she hadn't even considered.
She had spent the rest of her life chasing that feeling.
Using her powers on herself as she was still learning them, gradually increasing the intensity as she became numb to the minor pain to still feel the hurt but relishing the burn of the wound, that sweet tingle rippling on her skin.
Venturing into taverns as she grew older, looking for easy strangers with whom to spend the night to easily discard them once morning came, until one night led to her first kill, and instead of fear she had felt a thrill. The same one as her self-inflicted burns.
Picking up dangerous bounties only to use her powers on others without holding back, see the light leave their eyes as she felt the blood from her own wounds drip from her body, smearing her pale skin.
A knife held at her throat, her life hanging by a thread — the burn of the blade penetrating her skin even better than any cock could ever feel.
The rush of heightened pleasure that clouded her mind for those brief moments was better than any sketchy potion on the market, and yet, the conclusion always turned out the same.
This rush was short-lived. 
Every kill was done with the next one already in mind.
Pain was her pleasure, and no one had understood that about her in the past. She even led herself to believe that Astarion didn't understand how far her limits went. Believing he couldn't satisfy all of her needs — and he would go far; spank her hard, choke her, bite her — all things she adored, but there was still something… missing. 
Something she would just need to take care of by herself.
So that night, a night that felt as meaningless as the others — or that should’ve been — she let her mind wander after disposing of this nuisance of a man. With her spirit  clouded with lust from the blood now warming her veins, she eyed her dagger in her hand with a different intention.
Her dark, yet see-through long dress didn’t allow for under clothing — like most of her other dresses, she had noticed — and the skirt, which split in the middle only to be covered by a thin layer of fabric, made it easy for her to pull the slit of her skirt aside and slide the blade of her knife along her plump thigh.
The tip just ghosted over her skin at first, teasing herself with the weapon that had taken so many lives already. A shiver ran down her back at the promise of what was to come — finally, feeling somewhat alive once again — getting wet from the mere memories of the last time she had touched herself like so.
The blood of her previous victim still coating the blade as she pushed it deeper, breaking into her skin — just enough to draw blood and for her breathing to turn into whimpers.
Just enough to feel that same burn, that pain that turned into pleasure so quickly for her.
She had thought she had been subtle, that her time away wouldn't cause Astarion to come looking for her. Afterall, the kill had taken her mere seconds, she still had plenty of time to take care of herself and go back to her Master. She could always use the excuse that he had been a difficult target — either way, she’d come up with something.
Little did she know, he had felt it. 
Their connection was greater than with his regular spawns; he was able to feel any sensation she felt as well as accessing her mind at any time — not that she knew about the former — and the second that knife slid across her skin, Astarion had known.
The pain in the inside of her thigh, this familiar burn; one he recognized instantly.
Oh, and he ran to find her, expecting the worst, only to find her with her legs spread open, leaning against the wall of the hallway with a body at her feet, and the hilt of her knife sliding across her wet slit, with sinful moans escaping her luscious lips.
He couldn’t say he was surprised at the sight, this was Malva after all, the woman who took a malicious pleasure in the murders she committed — ones she never questioned. The same woman who smiled as she took each and every of his punishments.
And yet, that was the last thing he expected to see when he ran for her.
So here he stood, watching as she pleasured herself with the soiled weapon she had visibly used on the corpse lying nearby, her other hand holding back the fabric of her dress as leaned back against the wall, her chest heaving as her pleasure overtook her.
Worry aside, he was now fixated on her every move. Watching, learning, so he could use it on her later. This was just one more thing to add to his library of possibilities when it came to her.
What was unacceptable was how she took those liberties without involving him, how she so easily broke those chains, and dismissed his authority.
Not only that, but she had been cutting herself — cutting him. 
He only had himself to blame, after all he had never made her aware of this part of their connection, but now the consequences of his actions had caught up to him. The same cuts he remembered suffering, that made him bleed out to near unconsciousness years ago, and all because of their connection, he was reliving these moments all over again. 
No, no, this time was different — this time he was in control, he had a say in how this would go. If his consort wanted to play, he would play along.
He leaned back and away from her eyesight, a flicker of malice flashed in his ruby eyes as he opened his mind to reach out to hers.
“Enjoying yourself, pet?”
He smirked when he heard the clink of her dagger as it fell to the floor.
“Master?” She answered back through their connection. “I was just finishing up with this—”
“Oh no, dearest, you are far from done.” He cut her off. “Pick that dagger up, and cut through your other thigh, the same way you did the other.”
She briefly remained silent as she collected her thoughts, “How did you…”
“The dagger, pet.”
“Y– Yes, sir.”
He felt the ghost of the blade over his own thigh at the same time he heard her breathy moans echo in the hallway. 
He didn’t expect the vivid flashes of his past coming back to him, the burn of the scars in his back searing through his skin. He was all powerful now, this was long in the past, why was he still affected?
“Enough, pet.”
He needed to change his approach, no matter what, Malva was going to inflict this pain onto herself. He just needed to control it — make it feel good — for both of them.
He closed his eyes, banishing the remaining memories of his past to conjure the image of his consort instead.
“Take the hilt of your dagger and smear it with your blood.”
He imagined her in her long-sleeved black dress — the one he had picked for the night, with the embroidered red dragons partly covering her chest, matching his own ensemble — legs apart and cunt exposed with her dark blood slowly dripping from her thighs getting smeared over her skin as she ran the hilt of her weapon across it, coating it in her crimson.
“Now, guide it towards your slit, but don’t push it into you.” he paused, giving her time to follow his instructions, “And up to your clit. There, good girl. You’re gonna be rubbing yourself with it until I tell you to stop.”
He sensed a hint of doubt from her when she remained unmoving, “Do you not trust me, pet?”
“I… I simply didn't expect this from you.”
“Are you not glad I’m making the effort to keep your days exciting?”She bit her lip, remembering her dread of the previous dull days, “Yes, Sir.’
“Good, then close your eyes, and start rubbing that dagger over yourself.”
He heard her loud sigh before she finally let the bloody weapon touch her sensitive spot, allowing himself to feel her pleasure in his groin as she made it twirl and slide over it.
He let his head fall back against the wall as the sensation took place between his legs, only taking in the feeling temporarily before he shot his eyes open, ready to take the matter in his hands.
With her eyes still closed, Malva didn’t see Astarion approach her. She didn't feel the weight of his gaze as he stared her down like prey. But she did hear the pounding of his heartbeat against his chest as he grew closer, and her throat bobbed in anticipation between two raspy breaths, the movement between her legs relentlessly accelerating, her juices mixing with her blood as she neared her collapse.
“Tell me,” he purred down their connection. “How do you feel?”
“Good. Really good.”
“Don’t shy away from details now, I want to know exactly how you feel, dear.”
“The cuts… they burn deliciously, Sir. I’ve— missed this feeling, ah—” She became increasingly sensitive as she rubbed her swollen bud ceaselessly. “How… my wounds feel as the blood rises to the surface. When the burn spreads through my thighs and between my legs, fuck—”
Her breath accelerated and her mind blanked out as she focused on the growing ache between her legs.
“I’m— I’m close,” she panted.
Astarion might have to learn more about his dark consort after tonight, but if there was one thing he knew without a doubt, it was the clear signs of her collapse. With her head thrown back, her body messily leaning against the wall as her legs quivered from the excessive stimulation, and her pace getting sloppier as she was reaching her climax, he knew exactly how long until she reached the edge. Some time, right about…
“Stop,” he finally spoke up as he stood in front of her.
“What?!” She exclaimed, shooting her eyes open as she lifted her head back up, staring right into his eyes.
“Drop the knife, now.”
Reluctantly, Malva plunged her blade into the luxurious carpet, grunting as she did so. 
“Still feeling good, my dear?”
She shot him a frowning glare, chest heaving and lips parted as she panted.
“What do you think?!” She shouted. “I was so damned close– fuck!”
He snickered, stepping forward to meet her stare, “So you truly believe you deserve this? That you deserve more than what I've already allowed you, when you’ve been touching yourself behind my back?”
She lifted her head and without breaking eye contact, retorted with a growl, “You wouldn’t grasp how to please me, even if I showed you precisely how.”
He wouldn’t usually accept this behaviour from her, but this time around, he wanted to see how far he could take it.
“Is that so?” He smiled as he closed the gap between them, his stance hovering over her. “In all the years we've spent together, have I not proved you wrong already?” 
She backed into the wall as he pushed her against it, one hand caging her beneath him, while the other reached for his waist to pull out his signature dagger, bringing it up and pushing Malva's head upwards as he pressed the tip right under her chin.
“Do I need to prove my point again?” 
Her frown softened, “You seem to have underestimated me, my Lord.” 
Their lips were but a whisper apart, the threat of the blade restraining Malva in this position, leaving Astarion in complete control once again. All his consort could do in this position was talk back, something she was annoyingly well versed into.
“I'll have you know that it'll take me more than a few spankings to be truly satiated.”
He chuckled, “My beautiful, dark consort. I should've known you grew from the thorniest vines.”
His vision dropped from her eyes to her lips, trailing the tip of his dagger along her jaw and down her neck, stopping right at the valley between her breasts.
“Is this what you want?” He leaned his head above the crook of her neck, whispering roughly in her ear. “For me to slice you open and bleed you out, right here, in the middle of this hallway with our guests still waiting in the main room?” 
As he slid the blade down, partly slicing open the front of her dress, a faint line of blood appeared in its wake. The knife travelled down her chest, just past her navel, where it paused, leaving the dress only partially cut through.
He brought the blade back up with the same agonising pace, resting it right over her breast, barely pushing against her to pierce the skin, “Answer me, pet.”
Malva was already lost in the feeling of the blade hovering right above her heart, the word barely slipping between her lips as she held in her breath, one she kept forgetting wasn’t necessary anymore.
He pressed deeper into her, just enough for the blade to penetrate her supple skin, pushing a deeper moan out of her, “And do you think you deserve it?”
“Y– Yes, Master.”
“Mmh…” He let his knife slide back down where her pleasure had accumulated, pressing its flat side against her glistening cunt, just enough for her to believe in the promise of what would come… 
Only to remove it completely right after, licking her blood and juices off from his weapon before pushing himself off the wall.
Malva blinked as her breathing came back to her, watching as her Master walked away from her, leaving her in an even messier state than he found her in.
“Maybe next time I’ll believe you.” He made sure to pick up the blade she had thrown down earlier as well, “You'll have to use your powers to carry out your tasks from now on, I’m sure you’ll manage though. After all, I can't trust you to carry around a blade if you risk to hurt yourself, can I? It would be unwise on my part, I’m sure you understand.”
Without knowing it, his consort had opened up a whole world of possibilities for him, and it all started with her first, real, punishment.
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Thank you for reading! Comments, reblogs, and likes are very much appreciated, I love reading your feedback! <3 (tag list will be in the comments moving forward!)
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forgottenroisin · 8 months
OOC | Malconaires (OG & Step)
hi, guys! here's smth absolutely no one asked for! heehee so, since we've been talking heraldry (my fav subject! alksjdfklsjdf) i wondered if anyone had any thoughts on the malconaires' heraldic devices etc? both re: the og malconaires AND valentina's formerly-royal birth fam?
i know that kate the great had mentioned asp that she envisions eithne in cool colors and esp greens? in heraldry, green is emblematic of hope, joy, and loyalty in love all of which feels v them to me! honestly, i also associate them w green a lot, too, bc they give lotsa plant and nature symbolism for me <3 but im open to any/everything!! i just thought that might be a place to start talking abt it if we're interested heehee
for valentina's fam...i tend to associate both val and cassimir w black just bc i think they both dress that way a lot hahaha (in heraldry that stands for constancy or grief which alsjdfkjsf but anyway) but yeah obv this is also just a jumping-off point for chatting abt it there're endless possibilities!
yknow what...imma put a list here of colors and their heraldic meanings for us:
or (yellow/gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
argent (white/silver): peace and sincerity
gules (red): warrior or martyr; military strength and magnanimity
azure (blue): truth and loyalty
vert (green): hope, joy, and loyalty in love
sable (black): constancy or grief
pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
tawny/tenné (orange/brown): worthy ambition
sanguine/murray (maroon): patience in battle, and yet victorious
furs (ermines, erminois, vair, counter vair, pean, potentnt counter potent): dignity
DIFFERENCES/MARKS OF CADENCY (often used to delineate cadet branches so this probs allies to valentina and her brood but pls note that these symbols do not ~always indicate these things mostly only do so when used in conjuction w another charge -- for example if we take, say, house lannister from asoiaf, a lion w a crescent [usually placed almost like an asterisk or a period] would indicate that person is either themselves the second son or descended from a second son from house lannister -- tho the way grrm tends to handle this is the other way of doing it which is switching colors and things like that similar to what we did w house varmont so!! lots of possibilities but here's another way to do it if we want)
label: eldest son
crescent: second son
mullet: third son
marlet: fourth son
annulet: fifth son
fleur-de-lis: sixth son
rose: seventh son
cross moline: eighth son
double quatrefoil: ninth son
imma add a pic of these for reference since the meaning of these is somewhat obscure for a number of them (and it even shows how to do branches ~within cadet houses which could also be valuable for valentina and her kids alksjdfkjsdf):
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i also have a v extensive list of charges and their meanings but its sooooo long i think id have to publish that as its own document hahaha or else i can just list possibilities if we choose a category (ex: birds, trees), if you like!
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corviisquire · 7 months
Creatures have colors!!
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Left to Right: @moonchild-in-blue @leonsleftbicep @ghxstly-death
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Left to Right: @a-s-levynn @foundationsofdecay @polteergeistt
They have been colored along with making some minor adjustments. If anyone wants anything changed please let me know! These creatures are yours so name them whatever you want, develop lore if ya want, and do whatever you want with them. Possible next batch will probably be made later next week.
Art notes under cut :D
I put some music drops because music inspires me too much.
Moonchild-in-blue: The blues and purples!! Opals and the insides of muscle shells inspired me a lot with the coloring (particularly the stars and moon). There’s another shell that has that shiny blue and green lining on the inside but I can’t remember the name of it. It was a full moon last night but I forgot to take a picture! Thought of you but anyways I loved coloring the lady. It was fun but I first I struggled on deciding if I wanted more blue or purple.
Some songs I listened to a lot while coloring this:
Sweet Disposition - Temper Trap
Moon Child - F16s
The Night Does Not Belong to God - you know who
Leonsleftbicep: Colors go crazy! Idk what your favorite colors are but I chose The Blue. I also incorporated some red (for yummy contrast and complementary colors). I realized this looked very vampire media core. EyAH enjoy the critter!
Some songs I listened to while coloring this:
Blue Monday - Orgy
Military Fashion Show - And One
The Apparition - do I really need to say who?
Ghxstly-death: Per your request, red and black was incorporated! Was inspired by Mohg, Lord of Blood, from Elden ring cause he has cool robes and a trident thingy. I really like how it turned out. Like I’ve been doing with every design is adding the bling and I felt gold would work well.
Was resisting the urge to put the entire One EP right here:
Get The Balance Right! - Depeche Mode
Mascara - Deftones
Jaws - Slep tonka
SEVEN HOUR SHITTER (pearisland/perryisle): You use bright colors in your art all the time so we got the colors goingggg. Little guy reminds me of Pumpkin Patch protagonist or Hollow Knight. Idk. Not much to say except TRIPLE DEATH SLIME BARRAGE!!!
No normal music for you. only Kevin Macleod and Pizza Tower ST.
A-s-levynn: More Dark Sun Gwyndolin inspiration… (you can tell I have my dark souls art books open next to me right now). As requested, tendrils/tentacles were added! I think it improved the design a whole lot because it was originally very symmetrical and the tentacles added just the right amount of asymmetry to balance out the overall look. I’m a huge fromsoft fan (playing Elden Ring, waiting for new DLC, have dark souls 1 remastered but haven’t started it yet, have bloodborne Elden ring and DS1/3 art books) so lots of my art has elements from Fromsoft games (neutron activation).
And just like everyone else, some music for the soul:
Too Late - 311
Scared Together - Silversun Pickups
Dark Signs - eepy coin
Foundationsofdecay: Again, taking more inspiration from your blog, colors and stuff. The design had subconscious influence from the game sky: children of the light. Had lotsa fun coloring it. I don’t know much about you like favorite colors or flowers but I tried my best!
Songs that inspired me:
Let It Happen - Tame Impala
Flux - Bloc Party
Rain - tired currency
Polteergeistt: The oarfish colors… A lot Of these characters have cool blues so I tried to use some teal blues to contrast the red/pink(?). “Nintendo switch core” I’m sobbing. I fixed the feet. Now my Pinterest is filled to the brim with fish images (specifically oarfish, sea jellies, and blue lobsters).
The music!!!!!:
The Illness (Teenagers Remix) - GoodBooks
Descending - exhausted dollar
Thank you so much. All of you are such lovely people. 🫂💕🫶
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jjungxkook · 2 years
blackout (pt3) | jjk | teaser
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⇥ pairing: roommate/best friend!jungkook x reader
⇥ genre: best friends to lovers, fwb, roommate and college au, fluff, angst, smut
⇥ rating: 18+
⇥ warnings: more angst!, still lovesick for your best friend, yearning, swearing, slight jealousy, pov switch!, marvel and endgame references..., so much happens i don’t wanna spoil anything rip, deep rooted emotions, sexual content (like oral, big dick/dom kook, spanks, lotsa kissing, praising, bit of choking, more but i really don’t want to spoil!!!)
⇥ wc: around 15-16k?; 428 for the teaser
⇥ author’s notes: banner’s gonna change, summary might too! I’ve been taking so long to write pt3, so i figured i could give you guys a lil sneak peek!! hope you like!! if you haven’t yet, feel free to read pt1 & pt2 first :D tysm for being so sweet y’all ily🥰 
⇥ summary: The man and the town you knew have changed, but your craving heart still beats the same.
pt1 || pt2 || pt3
It looks like rain when you close your bedroom door behind you. The straps of your holdall clutched tight, you walk toward the exit leisurely. You have plenty of time to get to the train station, but the small room and flat feel suffocating to you.
And in any case, it might be ideal to reach the station before it starts pouring down on you.
Setting the bag next to the living room door, you brush your fingers through your hair and then rub your tired eyes. Jungkook doesn’t say much as you walk over to the coffee table, sitting cross-legged on the couch; seemingly only snapping out of his distraction (his phone) when you speak to him.
“I told you already, but I’ll be back in around a week, okay?” You gather your things laid out on the table haphazardly, pushing your phone into the pocket of your jacket along with your lip balm, earphones and keys. “Don’t forget to water the plants, or you’ll be a triple murderer this fall alone.”
Jungkook tilts his head and smirks, and when he clicks his tongue, murmuring a “Yeah yeah”, you add, “Plants are expensive! And we need some healthy air in here.”
He allows himself one small chuckle, letting his feet fall onto the carpet. For a moment, he doesn’t say anything, and you smile back weakly. And when you turn around, he finally opens up.
You’d keep your smile if the foreboding hint in his voice wasn’t so obvious. Your heart slowly climbs to your throat and lingers there just to beat like a bitch when he asks, “Can we talk?”
If it was up to you, you’d have a thousand things to say that you’ve been keeping locked in your head; but what he could possibly still have to say is a mystery to you. That is, until you allow him the conversation.
“Yeah, but hurry. I really need to catch the train.”
A glance of his to the clock on the wall immediately reveals that he knows as much as you that there’s still plenty of time. But he nods, licking his lips. Pushing himself off the couch, he stands in the middle of the room, looking at the dust in the air; staring at you as you put the keyring around your forefinger.
“I need to tell you something and it’s… important,” he admits quietly.
Taking in his slow movements attentively, you think they suggest almost something like a quiet apology.
And whatever it is… You really don’t think you’re ready for it.
author’s note: lmk if you want to be on the taglist!! pt3 is a challenging and emotional one, so i really hope i can deliver it well n it’s worth the wait<3
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
5 Times You Meet Kensei +1 Time He Gets Your Number | Kensei Muguruma x Reader |
author's note: this structure is horribly outdated but i give no fucks!! thank you to @yeowangies for the help and support on this!
pairing: kensei muguruma x fem!reader
warnings: buncha meet cutes, alcohol mentions, lotsa flustering kensei
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Speed dating.
What in the fuck is he doing here.
Kensei pinches the bridge of his nose as he sits at a table, waiting for the event to start just so it can end that much sooner. Mashiro forced this damn thing on him, that little shit. She knows just how to annoy him and get her way: why does he keep her around??
"I guess this isn't really your thing, huh?"
Kensei's brown eyes flick up; dammit, he zoned out and made a fool of himself on the very first 'date'. His silver brow twitches involuntarily as he responds. "You got me."
Your laugh twinkles as you slide into the seat across from him, a fruity cocktail in hand. Kensei's struck immediately by your beauty, for sure, and he's suddenly feeling underdressed in his black Henley and jeans while he's up against your, emphasis on little, black dress and golden accessories. "I've done a few of these before; it's not really anybody's thing, honestly. You're not as out of place as you feel."
"Oh, yes the hell I am." An odd laugh accompanies his shaky assertion— and he hates that he's nervous!
"You should have a drink, calm your nerves a little." The black straw from your brightly colored drink settles in the center of your gorgeously painted lips, demonstrating how you can possibly bear such an event without so much as batting an eye while your gaze flicks to the name tag stuck onto his chest.
Kensei rubs the back of his neck, his muscles deliciously hugged by that too-small Henley. "Good idea. But I don't know if I should be taking advice from someone with more sugar than alcohol in her drink."
Your laugh does more to calm his nerves than a drink would, that's for sure.
You continue to chuckle to yourself as he goes to the bar, watching him order his scotch on the rocks from the rather busy bar. The red numbers tick down on the clock, and he's not likely to return before the time is up. It is speed dating after all. Fishing out a pen from your purse, you scribble a little note on the cocktail napkin before moving onto the next table.
Kensei is rather relieved when he returns to an empty table— but only briefly, since your seat is taken damn near immediately by a new stranger. He has a pull from the drink, smirking into the tumbler as he reads your note and tunes out the new 'date' introducing themselves.
Get it with a twist next time, you wimp!
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"This shouldn't have been so controversial." Kensei's arms are crossed and the vein that's famously seen amongst his infuriating friend group is throbbing so hard that they may as well pay for an entire extra seat just for it.
Shinji and Hiyori, as per fucking usual, cannot decide what movie to watch. The group is split entirely, and it's up to his tie breaking vote to get the evening moving along. They're arguing harshly, the two factions, and he has not a care in the world to the actual film. He just wants his popcorn and peanut M&M's that'll cost him a solid thirty dollars and to take a nap.
"Shut up!" He stands tall, brown eyes furious and just a tad crazy as he fishes a coin from his pocket. "Heads or tails, you jackasses!"
He flips the coin easily, not even sure who called what side as he catches it and flips it into the back of his hand. "Tails. I'm getting a snack now."
Hiyori's taunting Shinji as they purchase the tickets, and Kensei tucks his box of candy into one of his pockets (he told Mashiro his cargo shorts are useful!!) so he can better hold his popcorn bucket out of Hiyori's reach as they stand in line to have their tickets scanned. "Hey, you little rat! Knock it off!"
The giggle behind him is familiar, and his eyes widen rather comically upon sight of you and what he presumes is your gaggle of friends. He never saw you again during that disaster of a night, and it was definitely for the best— he was hammered by the end of it and had to be, literally, picked up by Hachi just to make it home.
"Nice to see you again, Ken." You tease, laughing at Hiyori's ability to snatch a handful of his popcorn during his stunned daze.
"K-Ken?" He stumbles on the word— nobody has ever called him that.
"What movie are you seeing?" You breeze on by his confusion, though the gears in his head have come to a complete standstill. Listen closely enough and you'll hear the internet dial up tone.
"Ah…" He shows his ticket to you, ignoring the snickers of his friends behind him. He'll never live this down. Kensei, their resident, stone-faced asshole, is flustered??
"Oh, we saw that last weekend! Not a bad movie; I think you'll like it." You smile and the line moves up, Kensei's group getting their tickets scanned next.
"Not sure if I trust the opinion of someone who agrees with Hiyori's tastes." Kensei grumbles, worried that the heat on his cheeks is visible to you; or worse, his friends.
"Hey!" Hiyori kicks at Kensei's shin, though it hurts her far more than Kensei himself. You scan your ticket, the teen at the stand pointing your theater in the opposite direction of Kensei's movie.
"You'll trust me enough after you see it." You wink and start to head to your movie, glancing over your shoulder to smile at Kensei once more before disappearing into the theater. Ignoring the snickers of his friends, Kensei growls and heads into their own designated theater.
I should've fucking flipped heads.
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The chill of the air is rather inconsequential to Kensei as he runs security at the door of the nightclub, his nice suit and gloves keeping him as warm as he is stylish. He's never been one to say no to extra cash, and though his days as a doorman are far behind him, he's still got it, evidently. He's stopped several fake IDs, weapons, drugs and more, all while making his much-higher hourly rate than he did back when this was his living.
Just after busting a teen with the worst fake ID he's ever seen, Kensei's line finally starts fizzling out. The club is booming, half of the city must be inside by this point, with the other half having been kicked swiftly to the curb. He checks the expensive watch on his wrist; just a few more hours and he's all done, his favor to the club owner fulfilled and his next monthly car note paid off. Huffing out a breath, the cold air lingers for a moment, and as it dissipates, he's met with his next crowd of people.
So much for a moment of peace.
The group is split between himself and the other doorman, and it's the routine pat downs and ID checks as usual. He's gotten through a third of the group before you're before him, smirking with twinkly eyes as you present your ID to him— it's only now that he actually gets your name.
"Funny how we keep meeting." You tease, tucking the ID card back into your wallet and stepping aside for his pat down, rather eager for those strong-looking hands to get a touch of you.
Kensei's brown eyes flick to meet your gaze, and his face warms just at the sight of you. You truly are a stunning woman. "Careful; I might just think you're stalking me."
"You think I like you that much, Ken? Interesting…" Your teeth graze your lower lip, just a little, as you spread your arms and legs.
"Don't call me Ken." He grumbles, appreciating the way your perfume masks the cigarettes those in line have been smoking all night.
"It's cute." You shrug and Kensei pats you down without another word, perking a pierced brow as he snags a small bottle of whiskey concealed in your waistband.
"I don't think you know what 'cute' is if you're talking about me in the same sentence. Better luck next time, princess."
"Guess you're good at your job, huh?" You murmur, gazing up and over your shoulder to better see his handsome face. He's got a pet name for you now, hm? Interesting.
"Shoulda got in the other guy's line." Kensei mutters, tossing and subsequently shattering the glass on the cold sidewalk.
"I like this line." Slowly, your fingertip drags along the length of his sharp jaw and it's then that Kensei's aware of his other hand still holding your hip— how in the hell do you have the ability to make him forget himself so easily? "But since you took my whiskey… Can I go inside now? I could use a drink."
The taller man's Adam's apple bobs and he releases you, practically pushing you into the doors of the booming club and the arms of your giggling friends. His face is pink, and at least he can try to pass it off on the cold temperatures if anyone asks.
He should've saved that damn whiskey for later.
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Kensei's sweating like a whore in church as he finishes his workout, his body glistening with sweat as he pulls off his tank top for a taste of refreshing air. Cardio was a particular killer for him today, though it made the weight training a little bit easier too. He'd been slacking off for a few weeks, and the moment he had just a little difficulty yeeting Mashiro and Lisa (simultaneously, and while dealing with Hiyori doing her best to knock him over) into that pit of foam at the trampoline place was a reminder to get back to the gym.
He's more of a primadonna than he admits.
He takes a long pull from his water bottle, pouring the remainder over his heated face and shoulders and scans the room. It's habit to him, partially as a former special forces commander and also due to the number of times he's caught others incorrectly using equipment and aided them for better workouts. The gym is the only place he's remotely social in, oddly enough.
His brown eyes narrow at the sight of a woman (that can't be who he thinks it is) on a stair stepper. There's a man beside her, one that he noticed following her around before. They could be friends, though Kensei doubts it greatly as the loser continues to stand beside you, talking about gains while you remain the only one actually working out.
The guy's talking with his hands, and Kensei's witnessed this brand of harassment enough to tell where this is going. Wasting a breath no more, he's walking over with a meaner face than usual. It is you, and that makes him just a little more angry at this harassment than he'd normally be. You turn your head away from the man that's been annoying you, eyes lighting up at your savior. "Ken!"
Kensei places himself between you and the strange man, his impressive size and build enough to make the other guy nervous. "You like harassing women at the gym?" He crosses those deliciously thick arms, and you're frankly more concerned with viewing his toned back than dealing with the situation at hand.
"I told you I had a boyfriend." You tease, peeking over Kensei's shoulder at the now very intimidated mark.
Kensei frowns just a tad deeper after that— so many things are wrong with that statement. Namely, you thinking you had to have a boyfriend, real or not, for this guy to leave you alone. Unbeknownst to him, the back of his neck flushes a light, rosy color that makes you snicker.
"If I ever see you harassing a woman again, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you. Understood?"
Kensei doesn't waste time hearing any lame excuses or apologies before turning to face you, who smirks proudly in his wake. "I'm here most days a week around this time. If anyone bothers you again, just come find me and I'll take care of it. And don't call me Ken."
"You're more bothered by me calling you Ken than my boyfriend?" You raise a brow, an entertained smirk on your face.
"Like I'd date someone who wears a pink bodysuit to the gym." Kensei grumbles lamely, blushing from the tips of his ears to the center of his chest.
"That's a lot of talk coming from someone that's blushing pinker than a Barbie dream house." You laugh, poking one of his pectorals.
He's red now as he looks away from you, his jaw tight as you tease him. "Stop bothering me and finish your workout." He retreats before you can manage to get under his skin again, though his plan doesn't pan out like he hoped as your voice follows him.
"Nice tattoo, by the way!"
"Get your mind outta the gutter!" He hollers back, practically running to hide in the locker room, all while you grin and wonder if that was the hint of a Long Island accent slipping through.
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"Come on, let's go!" Kensei claps his hands harshly, ushering his friends (and those they brought along that he merely tolerates) towards the stadium. The baseball game is due to start shortly and goddammit he's not gonna miss a thing because of these unorganized fucks. He's still got a hot dog to get!
"Relax, friend." Shinji shakes his head at Kensei's impatience, not that it was unexpected of the hothead.
"No! They might actually win this one!" Kensei's excitement is hard to contain, and he actually smiles at the idea of his favorite team not being losers!
"Oh yeah? Confident enough to put your money on it?"
Kensei snorts, leading the charge into the stadium amongst the throngs of people. "Not a chance."
Half of the group is sent to their seats while the other takes on the responsibility of securing food and drink, Kensei at the ready with the entire order memorized. The lines are dense, the entire area packed and noisy. Under normal circumstances he'd be overstimulated quickly and heavily irritated, but even those ticks of his can be overlooked for a ballgame.
He's next in line and fires off the order with precision, handing off the drinks to Shinji and Ichigo to run to deliver them to the rest of the group, Kensei more than capable of carrying all the food himself. His thick arms full, he steps away and makes for the stands just as the person in the line beside him exits at the same time.
"Woah there!" You steady yourself against Kensei's strong build, gripping his sleeveless jersey tightly to keep yourself standing as the hot dogs and nachos in his arms crash onto the floor.
"Jesus!" He grumbles, grasping your hip with a strong hand now that the food is gone.
"Oh, Kensei, I'm sorry." You glance at the floor before looking back up at the not-so-strange stranger.
""s just food, no worries." He mutters. "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah." You wave off his concern easily. "Here, let me buy you your food again."
Kensei snorts, tugging at your own jersey that's for the rival team. "I don't need a Bears fan buying me a hot dog. That's how people choke."
"Ha!" You smile despite your offended scoff. "As if a Panthers fan could do anything but! They learned from the best!"
"You take that back!" Kensei pokes your shoulder.
"You gonna make me?" You smirk in the face of the handsome man, and he smirks right back at you.
"You will by the end of the game, princess."
"Guess we'll see, Ken. That is, if you make it to your seat by the end." Winking slyly, you saunter off and Kensei's left to realize just how much longer the line is now.
"Don't… Don't call me Ken." He grumbles out, heading for the back of the line.
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Hell has frozen over: his friends all have plans on a Friday night, between dates and familial commitments and whatnot, and he's left to do whatever the hell he likes in peace. It's been years since he's had such an opportunity, and there's nowhere else in the world he'd rather be than here at his favorite dive, enjoying a basket of fish and chips with a mug of ice cold beer.
That was the plan, anyhow. And it started off that way easily enough.
But then you walked in with someone else.
Ever since he met you, you've popped up at the most random times and he's never expected not one of them, this time being the absolute furthest from expecting it he could be. Seeing you was one thing… Seeing you with another guy, in Kensei's favorite bar, was… So fucking rage-inducing that he's still contemplating throwing the guy through the window even an hour after seeing you come in.
Lookin' so pretty… For a fuckin' schmuck that took her to the shittiest dive in town.
Who the hell does the guy think he is? With the prettiest woman for miles on his arm, he's at a dive bar for a first date. The disrespect is insane, the lack of thought or care simply ludicrous. Kensei doesn't date anymore because it's just so stupid but damn if he wouldn't do better than this, by a lot.
"Awfully pouty tonight, Ken."
Kensei blinks out of his salty stupor, turning his head. "Don't call me Ken."
You laugh at his offense to the nickname and order two drinks from the bartender before looking back at him. "What's got you so worked up?"
Kensei feels like his brows will forever be stuck frowning, the vein at his temple about to burst. "Did you just order that grown man a drink?"
"Mhm. Is that an issue?"
He snorts, shaking his head at the bitter laugh he can't control. "No, if you like bums who can't show a pretty woman a good time."
Your teeth sink into your lip, tugging while enjoying how this big, tough guy seems to be jealous that you're with someone else. "Well, when you put it like that, I can't help but wanna see how you'd do it better."
And fuck, there it is. Kensei can't turn down such a golden opportunity; he's already a sucker for being challenged, add a beautiful woman into the mix, one that's mischievous and crafty like you, and he's got no choice but to jump in headfirst. "Then I'll show you. You'd do well to learn what a good date is."
Your grin is bright and you dive into your purse for a pen. "Call me anytime."
Kensei holds the napkin with your number carefully as you retreat to your horrible excuse for a date with the drinks, his heart pumping quicker than normal. Now he can access you intentionally, with ease.
A slow smirk spreads on his lips as he types the number into his phone, nearly wearing a shit-eating grin as he holds it to his ear and watches you politely step away from your sleazy date to answer the call.
"I'm ready to show you a better time."
Your laugh echoes across the room, and for once he's not embarrassed to laugh with you.
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barblaz-arts · 1 year
I've been doing research recently on monsters & myths/legends from my own culture (and from different cultures, as well.) And here's an interesting fact, my mom's hometown in Mexico has a legend of a creature that shares some similarities with the Manananggal. Mainly in the whole, detaching their upper body from their legs.
It's called the "Tlahuelpuchia," & it's a type of vampire or witch that lives with its human family. It's able to shape shift and sucks the blood of infants at night. Tlahuelpuchi are born with their curse and can't avoid it. They first learn of what they are sometime around puberty. Most tlahuelpuchi are female & the female tlahuelpuchi are more powerful than males, apparently.
Tlahuelpuchi are able to change form by detaching their body from their legs (which are left behind in their house) while they hunt, usually in the form of some bird like a turkey or a vulture. The tlahuelpuchi has to perform a ritual before she can enter the house of a victim: they must fly over the house in the shape of a cross from north to south, then east to west.
Tlahuelpuchi must feast on blood at least once a month or they die. Their victim of choice are infants. There's no way to really detect a tlahuelpuchi except by catching them in the act. If anyone identifies a tlahuelpuchi, they must be killed on the spot. However, if a tlahuelpuchi's family discovers them, they'll protect them out of shame because if a family member is responsible for the death of a tlahuelpuchi, the curse will be passed down to them. It's also said that garlic, onions, and metal repel the tlahuelpuchi.
Anyway, I just wanted to share that cuz I find it so fascinating when different cultures share similarities with legends/stories/folklore even if it's just tiny stuff. Kinda how a lot of cultures have legends of a woman dresses in white clothes with long dark hair wandering around at night.
(PS I'm not just talking about Mexico's famous legend of "La Llorona." If you're interested, you can ask me about "La Yeguatzihuatl" from Chiapas.
That is genuinely so cool tho. Similarities in different cultures are fascinating af, but I didnt realize that could also happen for folklore monsters. Lotsa people here genuinely believe that the aswang(umbrella term for Filipino folklore monsters) are real, including me tbh to some degree, so possible implications with all that considered are interesting.
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questionable-chnt-hc · 8 months
helloo hands u lotsa silly thingz :3
-sydney has explained warrior cats lore to jeddie and jeddie has explained skyrim lore to syd but syd was paying more attention; syd makes warrior cats references sometimes to see if jeddie gets them, he doesnt :( syd also makes skyrim references and it just embarrasses jeddie (idk shit abt skyrim theres lore right)
-sydney wears kitty stockings but the kitty ears & faces are often covered up by long skirts and such
-adam LOVES those really sweet lil frozen strawberry cups from school lunches (no idea if those are just a The Little Florida Skools Ive Gone To thing or not but uh yummm :9) who knows where he gets them matthew perhaps
-adam will immediately bite anything you put in front of him on instinct like a fucking animal
-rowan hums often :) his humming is really nice and calming
-joshua cried when syd told him to take care in the last announcement
-soren chews on pencils or pretty much anything he holds. rocks and bones included
-eli likes possibly in michigan idk where he wouldve gotten the chance to watch it but he did and it greatly affected him
-yvonne gave sydney a tamagotchi she got from wherever she gets her games!!! he named it a warrior cat name and during the summer it goes thru a cycle of sydney cherishing it for a little while and eventually he gets too busy or too distraught and it dies and he resets it when he feels like he can take care of it again. when camps over he takes especially vigorous care of it cuz he doesnt have much else to do. once or twice when rlly going thru it he may have let it die so he could blame his sad mood on "my tamagotchi died :(" im kinda projecting here
-juniper wears a shit ton of lanyards ok bye 😀
Love these!!!!!
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gachawolfiebloom · 6 months
Your Pursuit of Perfection
Story and Artwork By: @GachaWolfieBloom
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Chapter 9: Nothing is What it Seems
Summary: A few months after the events of WOTFI 2023, SMG4 starts having really bad dreams about the "Its gotta be perfect" incident. One night however, his fear allows the nightmares to break through and he gets taken to a horrific dimension. He finally meets the tv adware, who manipulates him into returning to his insane ways, intent on claiming much more than the perfect video. Now it's up to his friends to stop this madness and save SMG4. Can they do it in time or will they lose SMG4 forever? (In case you are unaware this is a sequel to the its gotta be perfect movie)
Tags: angst, its gotta be perfect, love confession, luigi, mario, meggy, melony, nightmares, scary, smg3, smg4, smg34, smg3 x smg4, tari, tv adware
Our hero's were in a bit of a pickle. Three was gone, There was still no reply from Smg1 and Smg2, who had gone back to protect the Mushroom Kingdom, and the rest of them were locked in a cold and damp dungeon.
Bob tried to use a crowbar he made from the environment around him, but it broke on the bars. "DANG IT!" Turns out whatever was lying around was of no use in escape. "Really Bob?" Saiko asked with her arms crossed. "WHAT!? DO YOU WANT TO ESCAPE OR NOT!?"
"What can we do now?" Tari asked. "One and Two aren't here to help us and we aren't strong enough without Three and Four." Meggy tried putting a hand on Tari's to encourage her. "We have to be strong for our friends. I'm sure that One and Two are doing everything they can and I bet Three is on his way right now."
"Well if he is coming...CAN HE HURRY UP! I'M CLAUSTROPHOBIC!" Luigi was hyperventilating as this enclosed space made him think he was going to go lightheaded or something. "Mario do you have any ideas?" Meggy asked. Mario was drawing a picture in the dirt while humming to himself.
Meggy took a closer look and saw that the picture was stick-drawings of him and Four. "Are you okay Red?" Mario turned up to her and said "Mario's having lotsa fun! We will escape and turn Smg4 back to normal!" The others went quiet. Even if there was a possibility they could escape, Four was long gone. How could they bring him back now? "Mario look...there's something I need to tell you. Smg4's not-"
"Wait!" Meggy turned to see Tari kneeling down by the bars and sticking her hand out. "It's okay little guy. We won't hurt you." The crew watched closely as a sad, goopy creature came out of the shadows and sniffed Tari's hand. Bob made disgusted face and yelled "DID SHE GET HIT ON THE HEAD OR SOMETHING!? THAT PIECE OF CRAP CAN'T HELP US! THREE COULDN'T EVEN SAVE US!" Meggy decided to trust Tari's instincts and watched sweetly as Tari cuddled the poor thing. "Three...I hope he's okay."
~Back on the other side of the realm~
Three was laying unconscious on the ground. He suddenly started twitching and woke up in a state of panic. He looked around and observed his surroundings. "Where the hell am I?" Things finally settled into him as he recalled his friends in danger, being flung by that stupid tentacle (he would have to kick his butt later), and Four... didn't even listen to his reasoning this time.
No. Not again. He's still in there...somewhere. He got up and made his way to a dark castle in the distance. No doubt that it was where the TV Adware lives. "You can do this Smg3.  Sure you're stuck in this hellhole, but your friends need you. This is the time to show everyone that you've changed." The castle slowly got closer in view and every time it did, Three could feel his heart pumping. "Did Smg1 or Smg2 ever tell us his name?" Three thought to himself. Probably something real full of himself like Mr. Puzzles.
Whatever his name is, Three knew one thing about him for sure. He wouldn't keep Smg4 for much longer if he had anything to do with it. He ran, and ran, and ran. "God this castle looked much closer from my view." His legs started to wear out and Three thought he was going to collapse. "Note to self: I should have Eggdog set up a home gym when I get home."
He then realized he was at the foot of the castle and took a deep breath. "Four and the others have to be in there somewhere." He looked for an opening, but there was none to be found. Wait! There was a balcony. "Okay Three, time to do a bit of climbing.
"There is no time to waste! If we want the Showgrounds and the Mushroom Kingdom, we must go now while those meddling mortals are locked up." As Mr. Puzzles stared into the abyss from the balcony, Four raised an eyebrow. "But master, aren't they still a threat to us?"
Mr. Puzzled turned around and softly raised Four's chin to meet his gazing eyes. "Oh Four. My dear, sweet, perfect Four. I picked you for a reason. To render your friends powerless!" Four shook his head and looked down at the ground, but then looked back up. "Master? May I ask you something?"
"Of course!"
"Why did you choose me in particular? Isn't Three the one you are worried about." Speaking of the man and doth he appears. He was about to climb over the rails until he saw the two talking and quickly ducked. "What was that?" The two dismissed it as Mr. Puzzles continued. Curiosity got the better of Three as he peaked over to hear their conversation. "I chose you specifically because...shall we say you have some self-esteem issues?"
Four was quipped with inquiry as he wanted to hear more. "I needed someone who was willing to be able to break through my bonds. That old self of yours was so eager to make his suffering end. So stressed with perfection. But he had a deep underwhelming fear that I just knew would make him cave."
Three gasped. His nightmare was right. That TV was right. Four was right. If he had just prevented this from the start then all of this could have been avoided. "Darn your selfishness Three!" He thought to himself. He then spiraled out of his thoughts when he heard the corrupted being say "What do we do with the prisoners when we win?"
"Leave them in the dungeon for now."
"Dungeon? They're still okay?" Alright, better help them first if he wants to save Four. Mr. Puzzles went back inside and started laughing. "Or we could lock them up and throw away the key!" He gave a small shiny key to Four and Three watched him put it in his pocket.
Once the coast was clear, Three snuck through the door to find a hallway lined with doors. "Well this won't take hours to find them." He said in a sarcastic tone. A staircase caught his eye has he snuck down. "Well dungeons are always downstairs right?" When he got to the bottom, that thick black fog was covering the room. He stepped through only to be found back at the main lobby of Four's castle.
"The Showgrounds again?" A figure crept out from the door in front of him. Once he saw it, he could tell this wasn't a nightmare.
I have a little proposition for you Smg3...
Chapter 10: Don't Believe it's Deceptions
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cupidspup · 1 month
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Hi hi!! Sorry it's been a while guys!!
For whatever reason the app won't let me post like ANYTHING but here's to hoping it posts stuff this time!!
So!! Here isssss questions 6 - 12 (I think-) for my birthday countdown agere questions!! :3
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6. "What is your favorite little hairstyle?"
Okay so - I know I haven't talked about my flip in depth a lot but he is actually thr bestesy caregiver ever and I love him to death AND because of that I love it when he does anything to me. Especially when it comes to picking my outfits n stuff!! He does my hair sometimes and makes it all cute so I don't really have a favorite! Just whatever my papa thinks is cutest on his little doll (me) =w= BUTTTTT!!!! I do draw myself in the teeniest tiniest pigtails mostly!!! OwO
7. "What's your favorite color?"
ALL OF THEM!!! >:3 (I only like pastels but with the inclusion of vermillion I think kts so fancy and classy and I love the way you say it n how it's spelled :3)
8. "Do you have a talent?"
Waaaah!! I never wanna sound full of myself so I dunno if any of the things I do are talents or make me talented QwQ but!! I do think I'm good at some things!! Like drawing, baking stuff and writing!! :> I also love to do makeup and fashion stuff!!
9. "What's your favorite little space song?"
LIGHTS ON BY KYLE ALLEN MUSIC!!!! ITS ALWAYS MY MOST FAVORITE HEHEHEHE ALSO THE ORIGINAL DAYCARE THEME FROM FNAF SB ALONG WITH THE FAN-MADE NIGHT TIME VERSION!!! (Also fun fact I love sun and moon equally they both deserve equal love and I love them biblically and fanon!!)
10. "What's your favorite holiday?"
This one is super easy these are my top 3 in order >:3
1. Valentine's Day
2. Christmas
3. Halloween!! (I'm super duper skittish ;w;)
11. "What's your ideal little date?"
WAAAAAH SO MANY POSSIBILITIES I DUNNO WHAT TO PICK UHM!!! In terms with my papa, a play date all day me and him!! With drawing and plushies and cuddles and cartoons!! Lotsa snacks!! Lots of attentions òwó anything is always fun and perfect with him around hehehe OH AND IF HE MAKES ME A BLANKET FORT WITH A TEA PARTY!!! I love tea parties :3
With my sibbies anything like games n stuff to play together!! And we would have matching outfits!!! And we could do a sleepover too!! (Me n my papa live together so every day is the bestest sleepover!) Anything would be okay with me as long as it's super fun with cute clothes!! :D
12. "What's your favorite type of food?"
Hmmm I dunno!! I have a lotta favorite stuff when I'm big but when I'm small I dunno!! Anything but no spicy!!! I suck at eating spicy :< but I love sweet!! Like boba!! :3 OOOOO AND PUDDING!! I LOVE PUDDINGS AND CAKES AND PIES AND TARTS AND CUPCAKES!!!
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I hope you guys liked my answers n questions!! I'm sorry I'm not more decisive but I hope it helps understand me more x) it's fun doing this!! :3 hopefully this posts and I can see you guys super soon!!
Kewpie ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚🐾₊˚ෆ
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an-impulsive-pen · 10 months
Dick Gumshoe x gn reader
Your loving boyfriend takes you on what seems like a normal date, but his mind seems to be occupied by something...
Lotsa fluff, I love him<3
    Okay, deep breath, he thought, sweating. This couldn’t be that hard, could it? If he had managed to work up the courage to tell them how he felt, surely he could do this… Ah, and the whole cop thing, too. 
    “Dick?” he flailed a bit as their voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “You good there?”
    “Y-Yeah! No worries, pal!” he chuckled nervously. They gave him a look.
    “Alright, enough. You’ve been sweating through your coat all night- What’s bugging you? Work stuff or something?” they nudged him with a caring smile, but there was a note of concern behind their eyes. God, something about those eyes always got to him… He hated the thought that he might be worrying them, but he wanted the moment to be perfect. He sighed and gave them a tiny smile.
    “H-Hey, uh… Let’s head over this way, huh?”
    They blinked, but grinned and nodded, slipping theit hand into his in the way that he couldn’t help but blush at. He just hoped they didn’t notice how sweaty his palms were…
    He led them to a somewhat secluded area of the park, his stomach turning the whole way. Every time he glanced at them, he wasn’t sure if he felt more comforted by their presence, or if it just made him more nervous for what he was about to do.    
    “... You’re doing it again.”
    He startled and looked down at them.
    “D-Doing what? I-I’m not doing anything! Nothing at all!” he stammered, face flushing. They sighed and stepped in front of him to meet his eyes, taking both his hands into theirs.
    “Dick, something is going on- Whatever it is, you don’t have to keep it from me. I never want you to feel like you have to hide things, and I just want to be here for you. So… Please… What’s going on?” they asked, their tone soft yet firm. He hesitated, but eventually, his shoulders slumped with a sigh. Here goes nothing…
    “... I, uh… Th-The thing is, I…” he wracked his mind for words, but nothing came to mind. He had wanted so badly to make this as eloquent and poetic as possible, to make his words as perfect as he found them to be. But now, in the moment, nothing came. His heart was racing, and he felt almost dizzy. God, why did he think he could do this? He-
    Then he felt it. A soft, gentle pressure as they squeezed his hand. They looked up at him with a kind, patient expression, eyes filled with reassurance. He took a deep breath.
    “I… I-I wanted to make this perfect, a-and to give you everything you deserve- but… But all I’ve got right now is… W-Well… Me,” he sighed. He closed his eyes. He doubted he’d be able to do this otherwise. “Y-You deserve t-to be happy, a-and to be with someone who loves you, a-and… I wanna be the one to give that to ya’.”
    Okay, okay, now’s the time- You’ve got this…
    He took a deep breath and, with all the courage he could muster, got down on one knee. Their eyes went wide.
    “I… I love ya’. I really, really do. A-And… I wanna keep loving you forever. So…” he gulped and reached into his pocket, retrieving a small box. He held his breath as he opened it to reveal a thin engagement ring.
    “Would you make me the happiest detective in the entire world… And marry me…?” he tensed up as he finally got the words out. He was suddenly very self-conscious about the size of the ring. He had spent months saving up to get it, but he was all too aware of how small it was.
    “I-I know it’s not much, b-but I-”
    “Dick,” a small, shaky whisper cut him off. He glanced up at them to find them covering their mouth with their hands, tears in her eyes. “I… Yes… God, yes!” they cried as their face broke into a massive smile. All at once, all other thoughts vanished from his head. He felt himself smiling as tears began blurring the corners of his vision. He couldn’t help a small, overjoyed laugh. As soon as his mind returned to him, he held out a hand to take theirs.
    “M-May I?” he asked, voice shaking. They nodded immediately and held out their hand excitedly. He carefully took the ring from the box and slipped it onto their finger. As soon as he did they grabbed his hands, urging him to stand up. He chuckled and rose to his feet, only to almost be knocked over again by how quickly and forcefully they threw herself into his arms. 
    “I love you so much, I love you, I love you,” they repeated into his chest. He pulled away just enough to see their face, opening his mouth to say something, but before he could, they leaped up and pressed their lips to his. He could feel them smiling into the kiss, and couldn’t help doing the same as he wrapped his arms tightly around them.
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maxiesweetzieluvzie · 2 months
So I just literally rn found out what Alterhumanz are, n after reading up n finding out some stuff... I'm like.... extremely sure am an Alterhuman... specifically a Polymorph.... but I hab sum qvestionz 2 ask straight from Alterhumanz instead of just googlin!!!!!!!! Just 2 make sure, cuz I rlly dont wanna b disrespektful....
4 contxt: For a long while I've been identifyin as a Genderfluid male-leaning femboy who was an Xtreme kinner (as like a public identity!!!), but some yearz ago I also found out I rlly feel like more than dat!!! So by myself, where no one else saw, I would identify n act in a Godly manner cuz it felt so right 2 identify as a God!!! But then othr dayz I felt more like animalistic, most frequentz I can only describe as like a bunny ghost (timid yet curious lil guy!!), reaper dog (aka like an anthro dog who's mostly void n fluid, very dark n gloomy, so I came 2 call them da reaper dog!) And some form of magical fox!!! There's lotsa othrz as well, but those r da most frequent animalz alongside sum otherz... then therez also sentient objectz, fictional charactrz, THERE'S SO MUCH!!!!!! But somehow Godliness/Xtreme power/supernaturality in sum form is always present as well, Xcept 4 a veri few formz... Long story short, I feel like a buncha different beingz AND NONE OF EM FEEL HUMAN!!!!! N IT FEELZ GOOD!!!!!!! IT FEELZ SO RIGHT!!!!!! Earlier I just thought 2 myself "I'm just an actor, so I like 2 get in2 specific rolez", but now dat I know the terming n I know itz a thing it just rlly feelz right,,,,,,
SO HERE R MY ACTUAL QVESTIONZ, plz I rlly wanna know from actual Alterhumanz on what y'all think/know as individualz!!!!
1. Can an Alterhuman be a single person, as in one being rather than multiple people in one body? So the one person is all the different identities and not different people?
2. Is there a limit to Alterhuman (specifially Polymorph) identities? Can they be anything that feels right? ARE they everything that feels right?
3. How do people who aren't Alterhuman react to Alterhumans? And are you in particular Alterhuman privately or publically? I'd love to hear some experiences, if you'd be comfortable.
4. If I am a Polymorph, how accepting is the community online? I'd love to hear experiences on this as well.
5. How do Alterhumans with, for example, the same identity / multiple same identities get along? This is mostly to kind of clear it up for me!
6. Is it normal to illustrate your own different identities, tag posts depending on what identity posted it, list your identities on your profile, ect?
7. What is it like communicating with people when Alterhuman? (again, specifically Polymorph or otherwise multiple identities!)
8. What are some things I should know about Alterhumans before I am 100% ready to start being open about it? Because currently I am 100% sure I'm a Polymorph, but I just want to know just in case.
9. Is it normal to have a 'public identity' for real life stuff if you're not ready to or don't want to make that stuff public in real life for reason or another?
10. If being a single person Polymorph is possible, do you remain aware of each different identity's/form's actions once they change as a Polymorph?
11. Are there things that are frowned upon/hated in the community, other than the very basic things everyone should shun? (Racism, sexism, ect.) And are there things that are encouraged/loved more than usual in the community?
Last, and most important...
12. Will y'all have me in the community?
TYSM 4 readin thiz post.... plz answer any qvestionz u have answrz 2, I rlly would luv 2 hear it all n neex 2 hear it 4 reassurance as well... plz have a wonderful day, and thank u again!!!!!!!
At da end of da day my identity is mine alone, but I just dunt wanna disrespekt any1!!!!! So thiz is all 4 dat... tysm!!!!
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