#mannequin carving
nicothedingus · 6 months
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mannequin mark stimboard!!! with woodcarving!!! woohoo! might make a wallmark stimboard if enough people want it, i had some ideas lol credits: x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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starstruckstufful · 4 months
Please wallmark stimboard im on my knees begging
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wallmark (wallter x mannequin_mark) stimboard for anon
sure (∩_∩)O - icons made by me using offical renderz
🚧 gray and brown stimboard !! 🧱 requests open ✔
x | x | xo | x | ox | x | x
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sskk-manifesto · 1 year
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Did Tachihara take an infinity of metal mannequins and hid them in every corner of Yokohama just to make sure everywhere Yosano went he could psychologically torment her or
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fadedfuneral · 6 months
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kukin-maniquies · 2 years
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A vintage style female mannequin made of eco-friendly solid wood with flexible joints.
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just-some-user-hunny · 9 months
Soft Pinocchio X reader headcanons
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~ he is just so sweet :(
~ he's always very careful with you. It took him a while before he felt it was alright even laying a hand on you, wary of his unbridled strength. Humans are so fragile compared to the force he wields as a being made up of carved wood and steel. He has felt bones snap and flesh tear beneath his hands, and the thought of ever inflicting the same to you had him frightened.
~ just guide his hands to gently lay upon your check, or cradle them within your own and he'd be putty
<3 his eyes go wide the moment you guide him to touch you, but the moment he feels your warmth and softness press against his palms, he becomes addicted. Pino will attempt to be subtle about it, silently guiding you with light touches and gestures.
~ will carry you if the opportunity arises. The heel of your shoe is broken? Guess you'll have to be carried around on his hip till you get it fixed 😔
You've somehow managed to twist your ankle in a scuffle? He's on his knees before you can attempt to limp, his broad back facing you as his hands gesture you to climb on. You're so light as well to him, no matter how heavy you think you are (I mean have you seen the things this man lifts? You are practically air to him).
~ Pino has so much fascination over you. From the soft curves of your face, to the soul in your eyes and the warmth of your hands, it stokes the fire of desire he holds within himself to become human too. He wants to be warm, like you.
~ he's not great at asking for affection however. His way of asking for a hug is to stare at you quietly and wait for you to somehow catch the hint. You'll have this man loitering and hovering over you like a puppy at your heels, hands folded politely as he waits very patiently for your attention. (Meanwhile Gemini is going insane and hissing at the man to do something before he shrieks in frustration 😭)
~ he loves spending time with you when he can, and it usually involves very quiet and calm activities- ones that contrast with the chaos he has to endure in the city. You are his sanctuary just as much as the hotel is, bringing safety and security.
Pino especially enjoys reading with you in the library. He'll wander after you with chosen books balanced in his arms, sending soft smiles and looks whenever you pick out another one and show it to him. Eventually you'll both huddle together on a loveseat or sofa, and you either read aloud to him, or you both read in silence- finding a rythm of reading and flipping the pages. The two of you could spend hours reading and resting together. It usually ends with you falling asleep on his shoulder, and him carrying you to your room to sleep <3
~ his hair is so soft and fluffy, and he secretly (not so secretly) likes it when you play with it. He'll close his eyes and silently relish in the feeling of you playing with his hair, your movements gentle and tender, and it makes him feel very cared for :((
~ he probably smells really nice? He smells of earthy pine and book-dust, maybe leather. It's just a very pleasant scent.
~ you may convince him to let you inspect his arm out of curiosity, his gaze carefully watching you as you inspect the intricate metal designs and cogs. He stays so still as well, a little cautious in case of harming you in any way. The moment you smile and cradle his metal hand to your face and lean into it, his expression breaks into soft puppy eyes :(( his thumb oh so lightly stroking your cheek, he loves your smile. He's discovered it's one of his favourite things.
~ hugging him kind of feels like hugging a mannequin- sturdy and cold, his clothes offering a little comfort and softness. He'll try his best to be as comforting as he can however, attempting to recreate the feelings you give him whenever you hold him. Things like stroking your hair gently or petting your back. If you press your ear to his chest, you can hear the slight clicks and whirs of his springs, which noticeably tick louder whenever you're near like this.
~ after long and grueling missions where Pino encounters tragedy and peril in his wake, you are the first one he resides in once he's back. He'll go  looking for you the moment he steps through the grand hotel doors, frantically searching till he finds his haven.
Once you are within his sights, he's on you in seconds. Arms wound gently around your waist, his face tucked into your shoulder, and his ear pressed against your pulse so he can feel that you're alive and well.
You always seem to know what to do as well, holding him back tightly and guiding him off to do something relaxing like sitting in the garden or reading in the library. Pino's expression will soften and relax, now happy he's back.
~ occasionally you may wake up to find Pino in bed with you, and usually a little worse for wear. It'd look like he had barely crawled under the covers beside you, legs and a section on his back uncovered, and his arms hugging your waist firmly and with his face nuzzled into your stomach or chest. The slightest move will wake him up at once, stunning sapphire eyes blinking up at you before a soft smile befalls his freckled face. Happy to see you.
(He's a bit like a clingy cat when he's like this as well. His head would be rested against your tummy/chest, and his brow would knit whenever you'd shuffle away. You'd have a clingy and affectionate Pino following after you)
~ he's just so cuddly, and loves it when you play with his hair whenever he's lain beside you with your sleepy form in his arms. Everything just feels so at peace, a contrast to the chaos and hostility outside in the city of Krat.
(His hair is so soft and silky and fluffy, and it's long enough to twist your fingers in). Even though he cannot necessarily sleep, just being to relax with your form sleeping soundly in his arms is the closest he can get to dreaming. He will more often than not just lay still and observe you, from the soothing beats of your heart against his ear, to the rise and fall of your chest beneath his cheek with every slow methodic breath, he takes this time to relish in the new emotions and feelings that flicker inside his chest.
~ definitely kisses the back of your hand, I'm sure of it, just look at him. He does it out of respect and love for you, and he probably learnt about it from a book or something. In more secluded settings, his lips explore the curves and ridges of your hand- pale rosy lips smoothing over your knuckles and wrist-bone, gently flipping your hand over to pepper soft slow kisses upon your palm, almost following the lines with a trail of kisses. He usually does this when his head is lounged in your lap, listening to you talk.
~ giving his freckled face fluttery butterfly kisses :( <3 just cupping his pretty face and complimenting him, calling him a pretty boy. If he was capable to he would blush, but you can tell he's a little shy by his flustered body language.
~ when his hair grows longer, he will absolutely let you tie it back for him
<3 Pino loves the feeling of you running your fingers through his hair, bowing his head a little for you to comb it back with your fingers and gather it into a ponytail. 
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villain-crown · 2 months
forbid | @jegulus-microfic | words: 657
critical care, part 3 (part 1, part 2, part 4, part 5, part 6)
a Jegulus nurse!AU
The thing about calling a code blue was that it could quickly turn into social hour if you weren’t careful. Mates that you hadn’t seen in awhile came out of the woodwork from all over the hospital to get in on the action, leading to a sort of impromptu reunion over the patient you were working to snatch from the claws of death.
“Lily! Oh my god, I haven’t seen you in ages—“
“Dorcas! What unit are you on these days?”
“Oi, Barty, I thought they fired you!”
Like now, apparently, as every person James had ever fucking met decided to grab a front row seat to spectate as he tried to make small talk with Regulus Black.
“It was a lovely day yesterday,” James began when they’d finished delivering a second shock to their patient. “The sun was out. Do you get out much, Regulus?”
James could feel Sirius’s suspicious gaze as Regulus glanced incredulously away from the new rhythm tracing itself on the cardiac monitor.
Still v. fib.
“…No. Sirius locks me in my bedroom and just lets me out four days a week when it’s time for me to be here—what the fuck kind of question is that, Potter!?”
Bloody hell, but Dorcas had clearly lied to Marlene about Regulus’s personality.
Sweet, Dorcas had called him.
No. This was a feral devil cat with a mouth full of knives and Merlin save him but James was so fucking into it.
“I wouldn’t rule that out,” Barty Crouch Jr. butted in unnecessary, watching Regulus’s vitriol land with an entertained expression. “One time I asked Reg if he wanted to check out my new apartment and Black threatened to peel my face off and put it on the CPR mannequin. I still haven’t gotten a proper answer.”
“There’s no need for him to go anywhere with you unsupervised, Crouch,” Sirius scowled, turning up the energy level of the defibrillator for their next attempt. “Just describe it to him.”
“Describe it? Well, okay. Picture it, Reg. You and Evan, in my bed—“
“Stop messing with him, idiot,” Regulus rolled his eyes, finally shoving Crouch’s arm off his delicate shoulders as Sirius picked up a spare saline flush and squirted it right in the blond’s face. To Sirius, he added, “he’s just trying to get a rise out of you, you know.”
“I’m calling HR you fucking asshole!”
“Fine, if you want to play that game. I’m sure they’d love to hear about you taking it from Lupin in the supply room last month.”
“Reggie! You can’t say dirty things like that! I forbid it!”
“I say a lot worse under the right circumstances, Sirius.”
James felt a flash of lightning race down his spine as Regulus maintained unwavering eye contact with him as he said so, ignoring Sirius’s outraged sputtering.
“I told you not to let Sirius catch you looking at his baby brother,” Marlene pointed out in an undertone, sidling up to James in the already crowded room.
“He’s bloody perfect.” James replied, unrepentant. “I’m going to marry him.”
“Dorcas called him sweet. I’m not getting that vibe.”
“Maybe he just needs a little… persuading.”
Marlene rolled her eyes, opening the airway drawer of the crash cart at Dorcas’s behest. “He’s mean, James.”
“He’s pretty, Marlene.”
“…You aren’t going to see reason, are you?”
“Absolutely not. Regulus Black is going to have my children.”
She looked back at the petite man with obvious misgivings. “If he doesn’t kill you first.”
“He could carve his initials into me with a scalpel and I’d thank him.”
“…You’re fucking crazy.”
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yeuc-c · 4 months
Is Glevil related to Mannequin mark
Kinda, yes!
They are both carved by the same company
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corviddrawsstuff · 9 months
Thinking about armour stands in HermitCraft
I love when hermits include armour stands in their builds and I headcanon it as a very intricate craft, creating the mannequin’s structure and their faces.
But I was also thinking about the faces that they choose…
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A very overwhelming majority of armour stands on HermitCraft feature the other server member’s faces. Yknow how they say that when we see people in our dreams, it’s actually a face we’ve seen before because our brains are incapable of coming up with new ones?
I think a huge part of Minecraft in general is the loneliness. It’s not a bad loneliness, just the knowledge that you’re the only person in this infinite world. That’s a bit different in multiplayer servers because you see people and the things they create; but at the end of the day, HermitCraft only has 26 members and that’s not a lot of people.
Singleplayer survival worlds rarely feature armour stands as decoration. When they do, they use mob heads, because the player has never seen another human’s face.
I think there’s a ton of headcanon potential here. Something about Cleo spending hours learning how to sew/carve/paint another players face, then repeating that one face so many times it’s second nature. Teaching that technique to Scar, who seems to know exactly how to pose the mannequin frames to make them look alive (there’s definitely some elf magic involved). Tango creating his own armour stands with conductive materials so he can hook them up to redstone.
I just loove worldbuilding and unique crafts and minecraft’s lonely atmosphere… I’d love to hear some other peoples headcanons about armour stands!
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tswhiisftteedr · 5 months
Hair Prank! ☆ One Shot
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☆Dorm Leader!Vil Schoenheit x Choatic!Pomfiore Student!Female!Reader:
After pulling a prank causing Vil’s appearance to change, you try to your best to run away from his now angered self. But isn’t hate and love two side of the same coin, at least passion wise…
Warnings: Making out, Graphic language, suggestive tones but nothing happens. Not proofread.
Note: This is based from this ask, also I’m sorry I didn’t know how to incorporate the clothing style into the fic, maybe I’ll rewrite it. Sorry again, but I hope you still like it! Mentions of Yuu but reader is not them.
| Part 1 | Part 2 |
☆ More under the cut. ☆
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It was your daily dance lesson after school with Vil as your instructor. Epel had skipped out on practice, making your strict instructor, even stricter than the usual due to his irritation. But his constant critique of your technique was getting on your nerves.
"You made a mistake again. We'll start from the beginning once more," Vil sighs as he walks over to the speaker. On his phone, he restarts the same song that you've been dancing to in your lessons.
Ever since being assigned to Pomefiore, your life had been but relaxing. Being the only official female student admitted this year, after the school board had decided to transition from an all-boys to a unisex school, you were sure to attract eyes, Vil’s included. In his mind he would’ve brought you by his side to unlock your potential, even if you’d have been assigned to another dorm. But goody him, as the dark mirror had chooses to put you in his care. But to you it was all a waste of time and energy, you already did skincare and took care of yourself, you truly needed him to interject. Well that was your opinion, but it was plain obvious that it wasn’t his.
Even when you had try to coax him into taking Yuu under his wing instead of yourself, bless her heart, he had shot down the idea right in front of her. Saying something along the line that she was too much of a potato to be able to shine the way he was sure he’ll make you do.
"Don’t even think about, don’t you dare try to leaving again," he turns to glare at you. You were so close to the exit... It's like he had eyes behind his head.
“Lisent Vil. hon’, darling.” You say to him with a faux kindness and sympathy “You’re really starting to piss me off.” You continue, but this time, with a tone of voice that actually carried your sentiments.
"Shut it!" Vil's face is full of disgust. He cannot stand how easily you dismiss his words as if they don't carry any weight at all.
"I don't care how hard it is or how much you despise dancing," he continues in a demanding voice, "You WILL become an ideal beauty or else..."
“Or what my ‘Queen’? Gonna make me dance on hot burning coal, maybe carve my face off and place it on Mannequin head so you can play dress up with it, or make me all old and wrinkly with one your potions as a punishment, yeah the third one seems more like your style. You pussy.” You say to him spitefully, following it with a snicker.
His eyes widen with anger as he steps closer to you, invading your personal space. "Do you have any idea what I'm capable of doing to you?"His tone is cold and threatening.
“Oh I don’t know, since you actually never do shit. You just talk and talk, you must really like the sound of your own voice, and not in the regular person type of way, no that’s not it, you like it and yourself in the narcissistic type a way, you probably get off on simply hearing the sound of your own voice or looking at your reflection.” You continue taunting him, with a snicker that is irritating the shit out of him.
Vil's anger boils over as he grabs your arm sharply and pulls you up against his body. "I warn you. Never, EVER insult my ego again. I'm done taking your attitude lightly. The next sentence you utter from your pathetic mouth had better be filled with an apology. Do you understand me, worm?"
As he says that you secretly take out a pouch full of powder out of your many pants pockets. ‘Cargo pants are the best’ you think to yourself. The powder was enchanted, it made the person it lands on, temporarily change hair colour, about 24 hours.
As he finishes, “I’m sorry Vil,” you tell him apologetically. But in the reality of things, gears wear turning in your mind. “I’m really sorry about this!” you shout at him, as you open the pouch and throw the contents of it on Vil.  The shock from the situation causes Vil to let you go, and you start booking it, running out of the room as fast as possible. “See ya later handsome!” You say teasingly, knowing he would be displeased with his current appearance.
Vil's eyes widen as his beautiful blonde locks turn a dark shade of purple. His face grows contorted in outrage as he screams, "Get back here!" without thinking of the fact you've probably already left.
Suddenly, his expression turns into one of disbelief and horror. Vil looks at himself in the mirror. His heart skips a beat as he takes in his new look. "... No," he says in a strained voice.
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After leaving the dorm through the magic mirror, you head towards the Ramshackle to tell Yuu and Grim about what had transcended, and probably Epel too, that’s were he usually hides to skip out on Vil’s lessons.
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Meanwhile, Vil is still looking at himself in the mirror with a shocked expression on his face. After what felt like hours, Vil finally begins to process what just happened. "I can't believe she did this to me."
Vil's mind races as his hands tremble slightly. He clenches his fists in anger as he thinks to himself, "That girl... that ungrateful, selfish little...!"
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You were sat on a couch in the Ramshackle, retelling the events to Epel and Grim, Yuu wasn’t there, apparently she was with the Ignihyde dorm leader right now.
“And then he grabbed me, and I was like literally against him, body to body type of shit. He started going on about ‘Never’ insult his ego again and that the next words that came out of my mouth should be ones of apology.” I tell them, 
“So he at did you do next??” Epel asks, wondering if this story was headed where he anticipated it to go, after all he was the one who helped you craft the magic powder. 
“Well then I secretly pulled out the beautiful, hair color changing magic powder we crafted, I was all like ‘I’m sorry Vil’. After I opened the pouch the powder was in and threw it on him, with a ‘I’m sorry for this!’. The look of horror on his face was priceless.” You tell them with a victorious laugh.
Grim raises an eyebrow as he listens to your retelling of the event and lets out a sarcastic chuckle at your story. "You must've really struck a nerve." He turns to look at Epel and prompts him to respond to the story.
Epel nods eagerly. He looks excited as he waits for you to continue.
“After everything I ran away to come to you guys, but as I was leaving I could his screech in the distance lol”
Grim begins laughing heartily. "I bet you could hear him all the way from here, huh?"
In the distance, you could still hear Vil's shouts of anger. Grim and Epel continue to laugh at your hilarious prank.
But then you all simultaneously realized that it was impossible to hear his voice, since the magic mirror connecting each dorm to campus didn’t project noise for within the dorm. This meaning only one thing, Vil was here on campus and he was headings towards you…
The laughter quickly dies down as the three of you come to terms with the fact that Vil had just followed you here. Grim gets up to brace himself for a confrontation. "Well, it seems our little game has finally caught up to us," he says in a resigned tone.
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A little bit earlier,
Vil was standing in front of a mirror, trying his best to hide his new appearance in a hood, in order not to attract too much attention(too bad the angered noise he was making did the opposite affect). He thinks back to the incident, a look of rage and embarrassment on his face. "That girl thinks that she can one-up me, does she?"
His face curls in anger, "She's going to pay for humiliating me!” he shouts to himself. Vil turns away from the mirror and quickly leaves the room to find you. He then heads towards the lounge of the dorm to pass through the mirror chamber and arrives campus, he guessed you probably wouldn’t have stayed on dorm site with the stunt you just pulled.
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Now back to the present.
Vil is walking through campus, his mind full of thoughts ranging from fury and rage to confusion and disbelief. As he walks through the crowds, he tries his best to maintain a neutral or at least stern expression in order to not draw attention to himself.
Vil finally reaches the Ramshackle and he takes off his hood, deciding to face you and whoever was in there without hiding himself. Still, he is visibly pissed as he glares at the thought you.
You hear knocking. And you shush your to friends up, you’re now as quite as mouses.
There is a moment of silence as you hear Vil knock again on the door. His voice can be faintly heard, "Open the damn door, girl! I know you're in there!" The knocking then become more aggressive as he continues, "Come out here this instant!"
It felt like he was going to soon break the door down, so while he continue his knocking you sneakily left the ramshackle through a window at the back.
Vil grows even louder upon realizing that you aren't responding to his calls and knocks. He starts banging on the door in a fit of rage. "I know you’re in there! Come on out. Now!"
He decides that he had enough of the wait, and breaks the door down with magic not damage his manicure, he was still an actor and beauty influencer afterall.
But you was obliviously gone by then, Vil steps into the ramshackle, seeing his two classmates sitting before him. His eyes narrow as he searches the room for any signs of you. He looks at Grim and Epel with disdain and contempt in his eyes. "Where is she?" His voice is demanding.
“We don’t know.” They tell him at the same time.
Vil's eyes flicker with annoyance as the two of them blandly lie to him. "She can't have simply vanished off the face of the world." His tone is angry and condescending. He knows what they are doing and he knows that you are nearby, or at least that was what he thought in the moment. He walks right up to the two of them, his presence imposing itself as he gets closer.
But then Vil decided that it was a waste of time to talk to them, they were only going to back you up afterall, probably give him wrong information. So he decides to search around for you instead. As he snoops around, he sees that the back window was open, then he realized how that’s the way you made your escape.
By then you was already far away, in the mirror chamber, making your way to Savanaclaw to hideout.
As Vil paces around the ramshackle to collect his thoughts on where you could’ve gone and what to do now. He over hears Epel and Grim whispering to each other.
“So you think she made it there already?” Epel asks grim, “Yeah she probably at Savanaclaw by now.” Grim answers him.
What had happened was that, when Vil was still knocking you had whispered to them about your plan to go and hideout at the warmed temperature dorm, before you had made your escape.
Vil's eyes narrow as he watches Grim and Epel converse with each other. He has a strong suspicion of what they are talking about based on their demeanor. "She thinks she's funny. And these two idiots are helping her." Vil mumbles to himself.
He walks over to the window once more and looks outside to see if you is anywhere in sight. When he sees the empty space, his rage only grows in intensity. His face contorts into a bitter scowl as he clenchs his hands into fists.
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By now you had a pack of candy in hand, trying to bribe Ruggie into letting you stay in his dorm for cover.
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Vil walks back over to Grim and Epel after not being able to spot you anywhere.
He glares at both of them while trying his best to restrain his temper. "So, you decided to help her with her little prank? What a surprise you two were so happy to assist an ungrateful little girl in humiliating me."
Vil glares at the two of them one more time as he storms out of the ramshackle.
Meanwhile, you're still bribing Ruggie with candy. "Let me hide in your dorm, and I'll give you this candy." Your words are accompanied by an innocent smile.
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By the time he had arrived to Savanaclaw, you were already well hidden in Ruggie’s room, more specifically, under his bed.
Vil searches all over the Savanaclaw dorm building, but he can't find any trace of you. "Where is she hiding? I KNOW she's around here somewhere!" Vil thinks, as his anger grows. He starts pacing back and forth in front of the dorm with gritted teeth.
Vil's eyebrows twitch and his jaw clenchs tightly as he sees Savanaclaw dorm leader, Leona Kingscholar lying down on a nice sofa, without a care in the world. He glares as his eyes narrow. "Have you seen a student named F/n L/n around here by any chance?"
“Why? Did your favourite doll go missing?” The lazy lion teases with his eyes still closed.
Vil rolls his eyes. His patience is worn thin by this point. The mere mention of that stupid nickname makes his blood boil. "This is no game Kingscholar. Have you seen her or not?!"
“Hm? I see, well I can tell you that i saw her talking to Ruggie about staying in his dorm about 15 minutes ago, though I don’t know if he actually accepted or not.” He tells him nonchalantly not wanting the angry dorm leader to pester him even more, rolls around ready to back to his nap.
Vil sighs with frustration. He knows he can't go into Ruggie's room to look without possibly getting into trouble. "Damn it all." Vil thinks. His tone is sarcastic and irritated as he responds. "Oh really? You think he let her in?"
“Don’t know, don’t care, maybe he did, but she had some candy on her person, and that guy sure loves free food.” Leona finishes, before falling back asleep.
‘Of course she would offer him candy. Something she’s not even supposed to have if she was properly following the meal plan I made for her! She really is an absolute menace.’ Vil thinks with a scoff, his tone dripping with cynicism.
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Vils asks around for Ruggie’s dorm number as Leona already headed back to sleep before he could ask anymore questions.
As he arrives at the room Vil knocks on the door a bit sharply, making it clear that he is not happy to be outside of Ruggie's dorm in the first place.
It seems he's already lost a ton of patience and is becoming more agitated with each passing moment. His face is twisted into a scowl as he waits for someone to answer.
“Yes?” Ruggie asks as he slightly opens the door.
Vil's eyes narrow even more, it's not a good sign. His tone is tight and impatient as he responds. “I'm looking for someone. They were supposed to be here. Have you seen anyone by the name of f/n l/n?"
“Maybe, what’s in it for me if if tell you?” He says to him with his signature snicker.
Vil scoffs in annoyance, this situation was growing even more aggravating for him. He was used to being in the upper hand, being the one to call the shots. Now he's reduced to begging some low-life delinquent for information about someone that should be under his jurisdiction. Vil is NOT pleased. "Oh come on, will you stop with your nonsense already? This is serious business." He tries to coax him but Ruggie doesn’t budge.
Vil's anger grows stronger but he refrains himself from lashing out. ‘This insolent bastard. As if the information is wordly classified. What a selfish prick.’ Vil thinks. "Fine. What do you want?" His tone is tense, he's gritting his teeth as he asks him.
“Well, you got something tasty for me?” Ruggie inquires, after candy is great and all but it doesn’t have a long lasting effect for soothing hunger. So he would be opposed to selling you out if he got something better than the sweets you gave him, in exchange.
Vil sighs in annoyance. He's not the type to give in to someone else's childish demands. But he must admit that these demands are quite reasonable for someone like Ruggie. ‘Of course he wants sweets.’ Vil thinks. ‘I'll play his stupid game.’ "I suppose I could spare a small piece of candy or two. Would that be enough to get a straight answer from you?" He offers the hyena beastmen.
“One or two pieces? You got to better than that, afterall I got a full bag of them for my silence. Buying me dinner is bare minimum for what you’re asking.” Ruggie shoot down his proposal,
Vil's eyes narrow as he frowns. He can't believe this stupid bastard has the nerve to ask him for this much. But he's running out of options. Reluctantly, he nods his head in defeat. "Dinner. Alright, whatever you want. Just give me an answer already."
“Okay then!” He snickers once more. “You can look around my room for her, if you want, but that’s it.” He tells Vil.
Vil sighs in annoyance. He can't believe he has to stoop this low. He glances at Ruggie with disdain as he responds. "That is absolutely ridiculous, you know that right?"
“I don’t know what your talking about~” The hyena says, then heads out.
Vil's eyes twitch in annoyance as he searches the room for the slightest hint of your presence here. However, the room is in its usual state of messiness, making it impossible for a casual observer to find anything of value. Vil seems more agitated than before as he continues to look for you. He even opens the closet to look for you in there. He was about to head out until you accidentally made a noise.
Vil pauses mid search, hearing the noise he heard. He turns his head in your direction, instantly knowing that the little sound he heard was due to you. He glares at the location from where the sound came from. "I know you're under that bed little girl," he says, his tone sarcastic as he addresses you, his scowl only growing in intensity.
But you decide to play with him more, and stay quiet.
Vil steps forward, getting closer to the bed. He stands up and leans over it, looking under it. The scowl on his face is so intense, his expression is almost terrifying. He spots your body hiding under the bed and glaces down at you. "I know you're in there, so you can come out now. Or do you prefer me making that decision for you?" He asks and his tone is angry and condescending.
But even after being caugh, you don’t say anything or more for about 3 minutes, so Vil drags you out from under the bed by the ankles. An expression of satisfaction covers his face. He was getting tired of this game. Vil's eyes glare at you, his expression a mix of irritation and annoyance. The moment he has you in his grasp is when he finally speaks. "Now listen, I've had enough of this. You're coming with me."
“Whatever, you’re no fun” tell him, still messing with his temper.
"You think this is supposed to be fun? This was never meant to be entertaining. I just want to get the job done." Vil glares at you, his tone becoming even more agitated. "Now stop your pathetic whining and get moving."
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As you were heading back to Pomefiore, you had decided to pull another stunt, by ‘pulling’ hood down. His new hair colour in plain view for all students to see. That pissed him off so he drag you to his room to scream your ear off…
Vil was already getting impatient, and your actions only made him even more irritated. The moment he gets you into his dorm, he locks the door behind you and starts glaring at you once again. His tone is stern and cold as he speaks to you. "Just what did you think you were doing? You think you're clever, but you're nothing but a nuisance."
“Chill out, it was just a joke.” You tell him, not taking him seriously at all.
Vil's eyes flicker in a mixture of frustration and rage as you talk back to him. He stares down at you, his eyes narrowing to narrow slits. He can't possibly find any aspect of you or your actions to be amusing at all, instead he feels only a deep loathing and hatred. His tone is harsh as he responds. "Oh you think this is some sort of joke? That you can just get away with messing with me like this"
“Yeah, pretty much.” You say nonchalantly.
Vil's fist tightens as he glares at you, a vein on his forehead is visibly twitching. His eyes are so intense that they seem like they can burn right through you. His tone is filled with cold and hatred, he's getting angrier by the second. His lips curl up in disgust as he responds. "Listen to me. You think you have been annoying enough, but trust me. I can make you suffer worse in a million ways. So I suggest you stop being such an irritating little girl and start behaving properly."
“God, you’re so hot when you’re mad.” You admit out of nowhere, looking up at him with mischief.
Vil stares down at you with sheer disgust and disbelief. He can't believe that you would actually tell him something so ridiculous, let alone at a time like this. His eyes narrow and his jaw tightly clenches. "Are you out of your mind? Just who do you think you're talking to?" his tone is harsh and condescending, his scowl is even more intense now.
“Duh, I’m taking to the hottest and sexiest man in all of Pomefiore.” You keep pushing.
Vil seems stunned by your ridiculous compliment, his eyes flicker with rage once again and he snarls at you. "Do you think you are actually seducing me? There is not a single thing about you that I find attractive or appealing. So if you have nothing of value to say, I suggest you shut your mouth before I shut it for you."
“Please do so, I’d love to how this scenario could escalate into something more spicy~” You tell him.
Vil's eyes narrow as he raises an eyebrow. He can't believe how bold you have become now that you were in his room, behind locked doors. He glares at you in indignation, unable to hide his disdain for your actions. "That's it. I had enough. You want spicy? Than spicy it shall become"
Perhaps it was the want to put you in your place, perhaps it was it was the fact that Vil had been crushing on you for quite a while but didn’t confess because your antics, or perhaps it was just a spurt of the moment type of thing that cause Vil do to do what he did.
In one swift motion, Vil grabs you and pins you against the wall.
“Yeah, I like we’re this is going” You say not letting up the teasing.
Vil stares down at you with a fiery-glow in his eyes. His voice becomes smooth as his tone grows more intimate. One of his hands moves down your body to grab you by the waist, holding you close to him. "You really do know how to push my buttons, you little pest."
“It’s one my best traits”
Vil lets his thoughts go wild and allows himself to surrender to the rush of emotions that are overwhelming him right now. His facial expressions soften as his grip on you becomes a little bit looser, he's more relaxed now. His tone is almost as silky as his skin."Perhaps, that is one of your best traits. Perhaps, you are more than just some troublemaking little thing."
“So are y’a going to kiss me or just stare at my dazzling face.” You say with a wink.
Vil pauses for a moment. His eyes are darkening and his lips curl up in a slight smirk. He leans down until he can feel your breath on his skin. His voice is a husky whisper. "Oh, I'm definitely about to kiss you alright. But not because you requested it, but because I wanted to."
Vil's lips press themselves against yours with a lot of force, almost as if he can't wait to get a taste of you, and of course the emotions of anger you caused the man. His tongue quickly moves into your mouth and his hands wrap themselves around you in tight grips. His body is plastered against you, and every movement he makes is smooth like butter. His kisses are passionate and full of aggression, but somehow still very tender. He moans, his sounds being low and husky.
Vil pulls away, his breathing is heavy and he looks you deep in the eyes. The expression on his face is calm and tranquil now, his lips curling into a light smile."You know, you're not so bad after all. Your ability to get me so riled really is quite fascinating."
“Thanks! So are you still mad me my queen?” You inquire.
Vil laughs softly, his voice is almost a purr. A playful grin forms on his lips as he responds. "Mad? No, I don't think that's correct anymore. Irritated? Yes, very much so. After what you did earlier, it'll take a lot more than this to compensate for that."
“I guess I’ll get punished tomorrow, huh. But it doesn’t seem so bad of a though anymore.” You say to him all sweetly.
Vil smirks, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He's starting to get used to your antics and is starting to respond with sarcasm. “Oh, you bet I'll have lots of fun with you tomorrow. I think I've found the right kind of punishment for you. And I'll make sure that I'm really thorough."
“Oh yes, I wonder what the big bad evil queen will do me as for punishment.” You say semi-seductively, it’s more to mess with him then anything else.
“Well starting with extra dance practice to make up for today sounds like a plan.” He states, shooting down any type of sensuality that might been a couple seconds prior.
“Oh come on!” You complained.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 2 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun
Contento warning: violencia and blood and mild cannibalismo
Distant search horns shook Danny's ear fins, but he kept his eyes on the sun over the horizon, where mountain peeks emerged. He had to move quickly. Danny thrust forth with all his fins and gripped the still, small body in his arms. Stupid rich kids and their stupid ignorance about Amity Island. Danny cut through the water, and didn't bother to slow down upon reaching the shore. Crashing and tumbling through the sand, Danny recovered in seconds, and sat up in his arms. The kid's shirt gave way to Danny's claws, and he pressed his palms upon the kid's chest, and pumped like his life depended on it.
This innocent kid's life did.
He, Sam and Tucker had trained for hours on mannequins and real people out in the field, but who knows how long Damian had been underwater, how long he had been calling for help. Salty seawater gurgled out of the kid's mouth, but no more movement was to be found. Danny pressed his lips upon Damian's and exhaled. He pressed down on Damian's chest with just enough strength to avoid cracking every rib. Kiss of life. Press. Press. Kiss of life.
Most people would've been woken up by now. The crashing waves and wind over the lifeless body roared like a death toll. Six months as Phantom, dozens of attacks, and Danny was able to save everyone, everyone. He had to.
His arms, trained and honed from hundreds of hours in the water, burned as if stabbed by hot knives. His body was beginning to dry off, pearlescent white scales fading into pink skin. Glasslike flesh filling and hiding away internal organs and bones. Fins receding into bone. Tail snapping into and bones resetting. A human teenage boy kneeled over a child, tears rolling down his eyes. Why wasn't it working?
A rib cracked thunderous, and Danny hesitated for a brief second, but Damian stirred not. Danny continued. He could barely see his own arms, couldn't tell if the rhythm was even right. Despite arms growing wearier and wearier, strained and more strained. How could he ever look anyone in the face again, knowing Damian was right here, right now, and yet-
crack, another rib broke. He had to keep going. So many people were counting on him, even if they didn't know it. From Sam's parent's gossip, this kid apparently had a dozen and a half siblings, and a father who'd already lost his own parents.
Danny collapsed on the sand, naked and shivering. His fingertips felt numb. His toes felt numb. His body felt numb and his heart felt like it was harpooned and his brain was erratically screaming into the walls of his skull. There was no denying, no more.
Even if- Even if he could magically restart Damian's heart, and get his lungs pumping again, there was no human on earth who would not suffer irrevocable brain damage. The kid would be a vegetable for his entire life.
Not like it matters.
Danny wrenched a sob. He grabbed a handful of sand and throw it into the ocean. He slammed his fit into a rock and didn't even care when it came back bloody.
How could he return to Amity now? And tell Bruce Wayne to his face what he let happen.
Danny fell to the sand, numb again. It was his death, his drowning. He vowed it would be the last one, the last in Amity, and now...
And now...
Danny shot up. He leaned over Damian's corpse. Lightning fired off in his mind, and new anxiety gripped him, but above all, hope.
"I'm sorry." He said.
Danny dipped his hand into a tide pool, letting scales and webbing over take it. He opened his claws, and and sank them into damian's arm. Blood seeped out and coated the white scales. Twisting the claws he carved out a chunk of human flesh, and brought it to his mouth. Danny swallowed it in one gulp.
Next, he brought the claws to his own shoulders. In as swift a motion and much shriller a pained scream, strings of fresh siren meat were produced.
"Please forgive me." Danny prayed, to whatever unfeeling god was listening. He opened Damian's move, and shoved the bloody strips down the hatch.
The effect was instantaneous. Danny had to work quickly. Painful memories tied up in a cave resurface. The urge to push them down was ignored; now they had to be studied. He tore off the remainder of Damian's clothing, and carried him closer to the water line. Green scales emerged from Damian's belly like blades unearthed from a long-forgotten battle. Danny sank his claws into the gaps of Damian's ribs and tore long gashes in them. The scales climbed up Damian's chest. Danny rolled the child's body on its side as they swept over his back. Bones cracked and snapped and broke, as spikes pushed out from underneath his spinal column, slimy thin webbing already connecting them.
Beneath, Damian's toes elongated as if stretched by a black hole. Bones shattered into dust underneath, all to be more malleable for the final product. The skin wasn't much better off either. As it stretched to its paper-thin limits and tore, more and more scales came forth to cover the damage.
Danny felt green in the gills. He couldn't bear the strain of those memories, and erupted with bile, hunched over. He couldn't bare to spectate as Damian twisted and bended like putty anymore. He'd already failed and violated the kid enough.
Danny dived into the water. The least he could do was make sure he didn't wake up hungry.
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littlxpxtal · 3 months
Little Dove | Chapter 1
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You sat in the fitting room, picking at your fingers, legs bobbing up and down waiting for Tigris to bring out the dress she hand sewn for the ceremony.
“Ta-da!” she announced pleased with herself as she wheeled the gown out on a mannequin carved to your measurements.
You gasped in awe. It was a deep red with a provocative sweetheart neckline. The length was past the floor, sprawling out. A good excuse to use the new platform heels you bought a few weeks ago. 
Immediately undressing, Tigris helped you step into the dress, fitting perfectly to your curves as always. The fabric was a soft crushed velvet, lined with a slippery satin that made it comfortable to move around in.
“You’ve outdone yourself this time, Tigris”
“It was nothing! All I could think about was you on that stage wearing it.”
You blushed and kissed her cheek. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you exclaimed. “Do you think he will like it?”
“He’s already seen it.” she winked. You stared at her quizzically. 
“He wanted me to raise the neckline. I told him I would but”
“But you didnt” you laughed
“He just doesn’t get it. He’ll forgive me someday”
You watched yourself in the mirror, heart starting to race at the thought of actually winning this award.
She showed you the different hairstyles and accessories she envisioned with her dress and you let her do her magic, saying yes to almost everything she proposed due to excitement and the inability to actually think straight from the nervousness. 
You were against 3 other candidates, 2 from the gamemaker committee and one from the presidents cabinet. You constantly ridiculed your mind with doubts, these other people had far more important jobs and positions in Panem. Plus you were the only female nominee. 
“Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?” She asked as she removed the last necklace option. 
“Do you really think I can win?”
Her face immediately crossed at your silly inquiry.
“Are you joking? No women in Panem has had the balls to do what you’ve done. You’ve gone out of your way to get these billionaires to donate to your campaign. You went to the districts personally to see the televisions installed. You designed the campaign ads yourself and gave dozens of speeches infronts of hundreds of people to support your initiative. You did all of that ideating and creating by yourself and made it happen. None of those other losers came close to the amount of work you put in this year to make a name for yourself. If you lose this award to one of them I’ll make their wives lives hell.”
You looked down and smiled at her outburst, grabbing her hand over your shoulder and squeezing it. 
“I couldn’t do this without you.”
There was a knock at the door 
“Miss Y/L/N, your driver is here.” One of Tigris’s assistants announced through the door.
“That’s my cue” you said standing up preparing to have Tigris unzip the dress off of you. 
“Tell Coriolanus I said hello.” she said flatly. 
It was the day of the awards ceremony and you woke up to an empty bed. Coryo had mentioned he had some duties to attend before the ceremony, but you were not expecting to him to leave so early. You hadn’t been very vocal about your anxiety surrounding the event that night, in fact you rarely spoke about it with him. 
It was only spoken about once during dinner with some of Coriolanus’s old peers that he would occasionally have over. Keeping them in good spirits in case he needed their support down the road. 
“So did Y/N tell you about her nomination?” Clemensia asked across the table at Coriolanus, sitting at the head of the table.
His eyebrow quirked up.
“Nomination for what?”
“Innovator of the year!” She cheered, tipping her wine glass at you. You politely dabbed your mouth from the spoonful of soup you just swallowed. A blush creeping up your neck to your face you sat as still as possible, not moving your eyes away from Clemmie. 
“I nominated her.” Festus chimed in. “The work shes done at the firm has been stupendous” He added. 
You finally gained the courage to look over at your boyfriend and his jaw was clenched. The room was silent before he forced a smile. 
“That’s lovely, congratulations Y/N” you smiled softly back at him and placed a hand over his. He didnt move, or acknowledge the touch, he kept his forced smile and used his other hand to raise his glass. 
“To Y/N”
“TO Y/N” Everyone exclaimed. 
It was previously planned before the dinner that you would be staying at Coryo’s that night, but after dinner you wished there had been a car waiting to take you home. The silence in the apartment after the guests left was suffocating. The clinks of glasses and dishes as you and Coryo cleaned up the table were the only sounds to be heard. 
You were wiping the counter as he starting to losen his tie and uncuff his links. 
“Why didn’t you tell me about this award?” He asked with no emotion. 
Without turning to face him you sighed. 
“It’s not really that big of a deal, it’s just a nomination. I doubt I’ll even get it.”
He huffed and walked over, standing inches infront of you. 
“Tell me about it.” He looked hard at you, furrowing his brows, eyes piercing into yours. 
“It’s one of the newer ones they’ve come up with for this years ceremony before the reapings begin. Its a way to celebrate everyone who’s played a part, they’re making them bigger and bigger every year.”
“Yes I know about this ceremony, we’re invited to it and I’ve gone every year since University. I’m asking you about your nomination and how you qualified.”
“I was nominated for Innovator of the year -” he interrupted “By Festus Creed” stating annoyed. He walked over to the fridge to get a glass of water.
“Well yes, I didn’t ask him to, if thats what your thinking.” He let out a dark laugh. 
“No thats not what im thinking. Im thinking he did it to get under my skin. He’s always trying to find ways to undermine me, he probably knew I wasnt nominated for anything.” He sat the cup down forcefully.
That’s when you realized this anger was not from you not telling him, perhaps he even knew. He didn’t seem surprised when it was announced at dinner, he seemed annoyed if anything. The attention turning from him hosting his guests to them toasting to you. He was jealous.
“I was nominated for my implementation of the Hunger Games being televised in the homes of every district resident, and my hardwork at campaigning to get people to advertise and put money behind the games.” You simply stated. Turning to finish wiping off the counter and walking to the sink to rinse your hands.
“I don’t think I’m even going to win Coriolanus.” you sighed wiping your hands on a towel. “Im against 3 other strong candidates who have done much more important and serious jobs than this. Plus I’m a woman, there has never been a female winner in any of the categories since the beginning of the games and these ceremonies. In all honesty, I think it was Festus who was trying to get under my skin and humiliate me infront of all of Panem. For me to think I even have a chance to have my name on a screen among those who have a bigger legacy in the history of our country. I just made some flyers and put up some TVs in the districts.” Tears brimmed your eyes at the reality of it all. The shame you felt from getting your hopes up.
You heard his footsteps creep behind you, quickly wiping your tears before he could see how pathetically emotional you were getting over this. He touched the back of your arm and kissed the top of your head.
“You’re going to win.” He stated plainly, then left the room. 
An Avox brought breakfast to your bedside as requested. Unable to get most of it down, you slowly sipped the tea as you flicked through the TV, finally settling on a kids cartoon just to have some background noise as you tried to calm your nerves before having to start tonights preparations. 
“I can’t believe you made me come here” Tigris whispered, annoyed. 
“I’m sorry he wanted us to arrive together and I couldn’t convince him to get ready at my apartment.” you shrugged. 
Tigris and her crew of makeup artists got to work, putting heat on your hair and moisturizing your face. 
The sun was beginning to set, and you had about a full bottle of champagne down the hatch by the time they were done. Slipping on the gold strappy platform heels you’ve been daydreaming about, you walked over to the full body mirror Coryo had hanging in the guest bedroom. 
“WOW” you exclaimed. “I can’t believe you made me this pretty”
Tigris shushed you with her hands and picked up the train of your dress to lay around you, as designed. She handed you the box of the final necklace that was decided upon before whisking her assistants and tools away. 
“See you at the ceremony Y/N” she cheered before shutting the door. 
Taking the next few minutes of silence to admire yourself in the mirror, you were so absorbed in your own beauty that you didn’t even hear the door open, or his footsteps walking toward you. 
Only until you heard his voice did you notice his presence. 
“Need some help with that?” He motioned towards the jewlery box set on the stand by the mirror. 
You nodded your head excitedly and he opened it, smirking at the large piece of jewlery.
You eyed the exquisite gold necklace, lined with small diamonds around the base. 
“Tigris has a taste for the extravagant doesn’t she” you laughed sheepishly, not remembering it being an option she provided during your last visit. 
“I actually picked this one out.” he whispered in your ear. He motioned for you to lift your hair, and he placed it gently against your collarbones, fingers tracing lightly around your neck as he clasped it. 
You turned to face him, your nerves easing looking into his familiar eyes. “Thank you, I love it.”
He placed a small kiss on your cheek, avoiding the lipgloss that was applied a few moments before the team left. 
“The car is here” he said standing back up straight and eyeing himself in the mirror, making sure he was in check for the event. Sweeping a hand over the side of his hair to calm a strayaway that had popped out. 
“Coryo I’m nervous” you squeaked out.
He didn’t react, still staring at himself in the mirror to make sure all was put together. 
“Don’t be love, you’re going to win.”
His eyes flickered over to you for a second before placing a hand on your waist. 
“C’mon now, don’t work yourself up over this. Let’s just have a good time.”
Coryo wasn’t always the best at comforting your ailments, but tonight he was being particularly insensitive. Now no longer nervous, but frustrated you huffed, grabbing your purse and pulling up the train of your own dress to the car. Fiddling with your idle hands again, since he wasnt holding them, burrowing into deep thought of the morbid embarrassment you feel if you didn’t win. How sad it would be for Coriolanus to be seen with someone who was a loser. Your throat tightened, letting out a sob you had been holding the whole car ride.
“Pull over.” he demanded to the driver. 
“Dove, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t think I can do this, I can’t bare to humiliate you like this. Can we please go home and forget this. If anyone should be winning anything its you. Im so silly to think-”
“I need you to listen to me right now. You will not humiliate me, you should be proud of yourself for being nominated. Its an honor, one that you have rightfully been nominated for. You wouldn’t be here if there werent people behind those doors who didnt believe that. Please pull yourself together, for me?” He held your hand, fingers tracing the side of your face as you stared into his eyes, searching for more. You wanted him to be proud of you, to be more open. About anything. 
“Okay.” you whispered. “I’m ready”
“Go on.” Coryo instructed the driver. He held onto your hand until the car came to a stop again infornt of the parade of photographers outside of the building. He released your hand to step out, waving the cameras away so he could come around to your side of the car. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and flashes blinding you slightly, making you forget where you were, what you were there for and what you were wearing. Immediately becoming self conscious, you gave a small smile to the cameras before grabbing Coryo’s hand to lift yourself from the car seat.
After regaining your composure, you put on the performance you usually gave to those outside of your close circle, a radiating confidence that had people swooning at the sight. You gave a smirk at the cameras before leaning over to give Coryo a kiss on the cheek. He rolled his eyes, only slight enough for you to see. The camera men cheered, begging for more. 
This was what originally attracted Coriolanus to you. Your confidence and way with people. You couldn manipulate people with your smile, sarcasm and humour. People would fight for your attention in conversation, dying for you to hear what they have to say. You were such a people person it made him sick. You were also better at networking than him, which would make his blood boil if you took it too far. 
Your flirtatious manners have gotten you into trouble a few times with him. Taking just a little too far for his liking, but he could never stay mad at you, since he knew it was all an act. All a performance. Behind closed doors your were doubtful, over thinking every interaction you had. An intense anxiety over every decision you made. On the outside you were so sure of yourself. But on the inside you were always second guessing and frightened. 
That was the difference between you two. 
As for Coriolanus, his confidence outside was just an expression of how he felt inside. He was more sure of himself than anyone you had ever met, which is what attracted you to him. 
Together you were a force to be reckoned with. 
He let you have your time with the cameras, letting them get shots of all angles of your dress and accessories. 
“Who designed your outfit this evening Y/N”
“Tigris Snow of course, who else?” You smiled brightly, placing your hands on your hips and winking at the camera man the question had been asked from. 
“But this necklace is from my lover, Coriolanus.” You gesture over to the man standing to the side. The cameras began to flash and point at him. They began shouting questions at him, except they weren’t the normal questions he’s usually asked at these events. 
Like what new laws hes proposing, or when he will run for president. 
Tonight they were all questions about you. 
You tried reading his face to see what he was thinking, but just like you, Coryo put on an act for the cameras. 
“Do you think Y/N is going to win Innovator of the year?” One shouted.
Unable to read his expression as you guys strode up the stairs, him holding onto your train for you this time, he stops and turns to look over his shoulder
“Hell yes she is.”
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aka things from my rewrite
idea from @xerith-42 <- <- <-
They have pointed ears. They’re not as large as an elf’s or half elf’s ears, really just the size of a human’s ear… But pointed.
They’re skin sparkles. (Edward who?) Idk why I added this I just like the idea of Laury lookin like he’s rocking body glitter 24/7 ig. It’s most noticeable in direct sunlight.
They’re eyes are reflective, like a cats, and often glow in the dark. They’re eyes also appear more… empty… than a regular person’s. Almost uncanny.
When in their full Shadow Knight form, their irises become red, and the whites of their eyes turn black. The skin around their eyes also becomes red and cracked, almost irritated looking.
They have fangs. Much like this v
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They each have a scar pertaining to the way in which they died. (Assuming it wasn’t something like poison). It is usually a dark grey or black color, but not always.
When they are premature, their fingers and toes are blacken. This is called the corruption. Each SK has at least some, but the amount tells you how long they resisted gaining their immortality. The longer they go without gaining their immortality, the further up the corruption creeps, only stopping at the shoulders and hips.
They have Rune Scars and Tattoos. The tattoo is located on their palms and is the source of their SK abilities. It’s embedded with the curse of binding so it cannot be removed or carved out. The scars are on their face, three claw marks on each cheek. These are referred to as The Tears. These scars enhance their SK abilities.
While in their full SK form, their scar runes turn black and emanate pure darkness. Their fingernails also grow into claws that are extremely sharp and nearly unbreakable.
All SKs appear pale, no matter their skin tone. They have no red/pink/orange undertones bc their blood technically no longer flows.
They often appear very ridged or mannequin like. Standing either too perfectly or too hunched over. Again, uncanny.
Because of all these physical traits, Shadow Knights are very easy to spot, assuming you know what to look for. Many trying to hide or blend in, will hide their heads, faces, and hands.
Their body temperature fluctuates quite a bit. Generally, theyre cold to the touch, because yk their dead. But when they feel strong emotions like anger or happiness their temp rises, possibly to the point where they feel feverish. The only emotions that actively make them colder are sadness and fear.
Their temp also rises when the Calling comes a knocking. Rising hotter and hotter the longer they try to ignore or fight it.
^ Inspired by a convo with @xerith-42
It’s impossible to sleep in the Nether, though the reason is unknown. Because of this, Shadow Knights don’t require sleep. They still can sleep, but it’s not a necessity. Premature Shadow Knights however, still become tired and can still feel the physical repercussions of having no sleep.
Similarly, SKs also no longer need to eat or drink. However again, prematures do. Since not much grows in the nether, they’re forced to eat Nether Wart. It’s essentially a very tough, charcoal tasting mushroom. It’s their only source of food OR water as water cannot be found anywhere else in the Nether.
While they’re in the Nether, their blood becomes cold to accommodate for the extreme heat. Because of this they need to be careful about regulating their emotions while in the nether so their blood doesn’t overheat.
Nether time is faster than Overworld time. A year in the Nether is only a few months in the Overworld, if that.
Premature SKs can be killed the same ways a human can be, due to their lack of immortality. A full SK however, is a bit more tricky. Their physical form can be killed, though it is more difficult due to a combination of things, but they respawn. If their body dies, is will *poof* disappear and reappear back in the Nether on an alter. The amount of time it takes to respawn depends on the severity of their injury. A full SK can only be permanently killed with an enchanted Netherite weapon (hehe minecraft reference). These are extremely rare and hard to come by. …Zenix has one…
When a PMSK (Premature Shadow Knight) is trained, they fight against real, full SKs. They could very well be killed during their training, call it natural selection. The PM is expected to kill the Full SKs they’re fighting against.
Soul sand houses the souls of innocent lives taken by Shadow Knights. Their souls not only add fuel to their power, but also gives strength to the Shadow Lord/Shad.
In Shad’s eyes, someone with magicks or brains is often more valuable than someone who is physically strong. Though physical strength is needed in order to be a SK, if they are not particularly clever and they have no magicks, they aren’t very useful. Often used as simple pawns or sacrifices.
The first ever Shadow Knight was some random guy named Randal. He didn’t fit any of the criteria, in fact he was just some farmer who ate a bad potato and suffered the consequences. Shad only resurrected him to experiment a bit.
A Shadow Knight’s armor isn’t actually armor. It’s more like a shell that pops out when their body recognizes it’s needed. Or at least when it thinks it does. These shells are generally identical, but they do each have some variations depending on the person and their alignment. Their weapons are an extension of this shell as well, and can be any hand held weapon. Weather is a sword, hammer, mace, or even daggers. Swords are just most people’s go-to. Along with this, they cannot drop their weapons as they are basically a part of them. The only way to rid of it is by… sucking?? it back into the shell. Think of venom. But less… slimy.
They’re impervious to fire/lava. At any stage, full or pm.
Oooookay that’s all I got
Thanks for reading this far love ya mwah mwah
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sunshinevanfleet · 1 year
reflections - s. kiszka
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pairing: sam x reader
a/n: i'm back again to feed sammy lane >:) this is possibly some of the filthiest shit i've ever written and it's all sammy nation's fault. thank you for inspiring my naughty thoughts and keeping the gears turning y'all. i tried to incorporate some kind of plot into this, but it is mostly just... straight porn... so there's that. the reader struggles with some insecurities in this one so if that's not for you then i'll see you for the next one. ok love you byeee<3
genre: kinda angsty, smut (18+ ONLY, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT).
word count: 3.5k
summary: the reader struggles with a few insecurities, but sammy's there to show her just how much she means to him.
warnings: negative self-image, swearing, explicit sex scenes, fingering, unprotected sex, squirting, etc.
“What are you doing, my love?” The appearance of Sam’s warm brown eyes from behind the bedroom door startled you. He peeked at you from the hallway, eyes scanning your dolled up frame as you looked yourself up and down in the mirror across from your bed. You fiddled with the neckline of your dress, the fabric plunging just enough to show off a tasteful amount of cleavage. The dress draped over the curves and valleys of your body, in what you thought was a flattering way, until now.
You should have known this would happen. You were notorious for picking dresses that you loved until you had to wear them. At least, that was what you told yourself. Realistically, it wasn’t the dress. Seeing your figure wrapped all up in silk and chiffon, every little detail carved out in the silhouette… You imagined the types of looks you would likely get from his peers, little old you just dragged along to mingle with the talented and famous. Your face and neck flushed, and you turned away from the mirror, stomach churning.
“Can’t you just go without me?” you asked, brushing a loose strand of hair off of your shoulder. A frown shadowed your features as you met his eager eyes, and you felt worse for it. He was looking forward to going to the party, wanting to introduce you to his friends. It shamed you, but you knew you would feel even worse being shown off by him. Absentmindedly, you tugged at the fabric bunching around your hips, trying to loosen it a tad. You were beginning to wish you’d bought something ugly and shapeless; at least then you wouldn’t feel as if your every flaw was on display.
“But I don’t want to go without you.” His gaze fell. 
“I know it’s just—“ you breathed a deep sigh, “well, I just don’t think I’m going to fit in. There’s gonna be dozens of beautiful women, all of them fit and dressed to the nines… Supermodels, probably.” You scoffed, shaking your head. It was ridiculous that you’d even tried to get dressed up for this stupid party. How could you ever think you’d look nice enough to mingle with those girls?
“What are you talking about?”
Your voice shook as you spoke, “I’m talking about me, in this stupid dress.” You gestured down at it, eyeing the creamy silk and embroidered florals on the dress. It had been magnificent in the store, draped over the tiny mannequin’s frame like something out of a movie. But here you were, imagining the Instagram models and musicians at the party—all of them long and lithe and graceful.  
He finally stepped into the room, fingers brushing yours as he reached for your hand. You pulled away, wiping tears from your eyes before they could smear the makeup you worked so hard on. 
“I love you in this dress,” he said softly. Not thwarted by your attempt in avoiding him, he slid his hands gently up your arms. He grasped you by the shoulders, and met your eyes. “You look so pretty, like a fairy.”
You laughed bitterly. It was sweet of him to say, but you weren’t going for fairy. You wanted to be dazzlingly gorgeous like the rest of the women who perused alongside him, fashionable and en vogue. Instead, you felt juvenile. Like you were trying too hard to earn brownie points. 
“I don’t feel pretty,” you muttered, your voice dark. You refused to meet his eyes, feeling uglier by the second. The irritation and attitude were doing nothing to make things better; you knew you were being unfair in taking it out on him. You were frustrated that he wasn’t seeing your point.
He sighed, one hand tracing up to lift your chin so your gaze met his. “Is this going to make you feel better? Staying home while I go out?” His eyes were curious, but firm. He wasn’t going to allow you to act unreasonably.
“Yes,” you said, though it was a lie. You knew you would feel worse if he left you behind, but you thought it would give you some form of grim satisfaction. He could go out and mingle with beautiful women all night, and at least then you would have some sort of justification for the insecurity you were feeling.
“You’re a terrible liar,” he said. “I’m not letting you sit here alone, pouting all night.” He released you from his grasp, and removed his suit jacket carefully. He kicked out of his loafers, leaving them haphazardly in the closet doorway.
You watched miserably. “If you want to go—“
“I’m not going without you. Now, we’re going to stand here until you tell me what’s wrong.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Uh-uh,” he shook his head. “After all of that, you’re not blowing me off because you don’t want to talk about it.”
The tears were back, worse than before, now coupled with fresh waves of guilt. You were acting like such a brat. How could you deprive him of a night out with his friends because of your stupid insecurities? Your lip quivered as you looked at him, the words caught in your throat.
“It’s not the dress, is it?” he asked, voice soft. 
You shook your head. “No—It’s me… I just—looking in the mirror and noticing how much I don’t look like the other girls that hang out with your friends… I mean, they’re all super skinny and tall and have perfect makeup…” You trailed off, ashamed. You were jealous of them, envy burning deep in your chest each time you saw a candid photo of Sam crowded with a ton of his friends. You couldn’t go a day without comparing yourself, and you hated it. 
“Y/N,” he sighed, “I don’t care about any of those other girls.” He sat on the edge of the bed, grasping your hand and pulling you into the space between his legs. His knees caged you in, hands running comfortingly up and down your arms.
“How could you not?” you breathed, restraining yourself from breaking into sobs. Hot tears streamed over your cheeks, smearing your carefully applied cosmetics and making your eyes burn. “I’m nothing like them.”
He laughed humorlessly. “That’s why I love you, babydoll. If I wanted any of those girls I could have them, but I don’t. I only want you.” His fingers danced across your skin, the warmth of his touch comforting you slightly. 
You frowned, feeling worse at the affection that bloomed behind his irises. You knew you were ruining your night over nothing. You knew Sam loved you more than anything, yet here you were, hating yourself in this beautiful dress that you had been so excited to wear. The shame worsened your crying. At this, Sam’s arms snaked around your waist, pulling you even closer. He pulled you down onto his lap, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. His lips ghosted over the skin.
“Don’t cry, please,” he said, pleading. “You are so perfect, Y/N, I promise.”
You sniffled, trying to stifle your tears. “I’m sorry,” you muttered, wiping your face. “I-I didn’t mean to ruin our night.”
“You didn’t ruin anything.” His voice was gentle, his touch even more so. You felt his hand skimming down the open back of your dress, finding the zipper. “Let’s take this off, hmm?”
You nodded, standing to let him unzip the dress. Once unzipped, his hands trailed beneath the fabric, kneading the skin of your back and hips as he pushed it off of you. You let the straps fall down over your shoulders, sighing at the feeling of his touch. The dress slipped down to the floor. You stood there, bare chested and wearing nothing but a pair of no-show panties. 
“Is this okay?” Sam asked softly, his hands sliding up and down your sides. 
“Yes,” you breathed. You closed your eyes as his hands massaged your skin. The mirror in front of the bed was no friend to you now, and you didn’t want to see your own ruined gazed in the reflection. Eyes shut, you could just focus on the feeling of Sam’s careful touches.
His breath fanned over your skin, lips meeting your skin in slow, deliberate kisses. A shiver traveled over your body. Your hands found his, grasping them gently as he held you by the hips. His thumbs toyed with the waistband of your panties, as his mouth paid close attention to every inch of your back. 
“C’mere,” he said softly, pulling you down onto the bed. You perched between his legs, head leaning back on his shoulder. He hooked his hands beneath your knees, spreading your legs over his own to hold them open. You flushed, still refusing to open your eyes. He took in the sight of you in the reflection before you, eyes drinking in every detail of your exposed body. One of his large hands spread over your lower stomach, holding you steady, while the other trailed up to your chest. His fingers dipped between the valley of your breasts, then moved to brush over one of your hardened nipples. You sighed, settling into his embrace as he petted you gently. 
“Hey,” his voice was silken in your ear, “why won’t you look at me, doll?” His hand abandoned your chest, rising to cup your cheek and pull your face towards his. You forced your eyes open, finding his loving gaze. He kissed you delicately, as if you might break, and you relaxed into his touch. You tried to make peace with being vulnerable with him–he’d already seen all the best and worst parts of you, hadn’t he?
“Sorry,” you mumbled against his lips.
“Don’t be,” he responded, the hand on your stomach slipping down to your clothed center. His fingers circled the damp spot blooming through your panties, and you sighed against him. Your neck was craned in his direction, eyes on his concentrated face as he watched you in the mirror. Whimpers fell from your parted lips, his touch sending butterflies blooming through your lower half. His own mouth fell open, panting as he watched himself pleasure you in the reflection. 
The hand still cupping your cheek directed your gaze to the mirror; he moved the soaked fabric of your panties to the side, exposing your dripping folds to the air. You saw his fingers swirl around your clit, then dip into your center timidly. Your back arched against him, hips bucking out to meet his touch. You tore your eyes away from your own body, meeting his lustful gaze in the reflection. A tiny smirk played on his lips, noticing the way you began to writhe and twitch upon seeing yourself crumble beneath his skilled fingers. The intensity of his gaze elicited a moan from your lips, and you couldn’t help but look away. Your cheeks stained pink as sweat began to trail down over your temple.
“Don’t look away, my love,” his breath tickled the shell of your ear. “Keep your eyes on me, or I’ll stop.”
“Sammy, please–”
“Beg all you want, doll. If I don’t see those pretty little eyes soon, I’ll leave you here aching for me.”
You breathed sharply at his words; the warmth spreading through your center was incredible. The last thing you needed him to do was stop touching you. Forcing your eyes open, you met his salacious gaze in the mirror, his lip tucked between his teeth. He held your gaze for a moment, but you couldn’t help the way your eyes trailed down your own body. He had one hand holding you close, fingers twisting and rolling one of your nipples. His other fingers thrusted into you, curling up into your sweet spot. You mewled under his touch, reveling in the look that flashed over his face; the veins and muscles in his arm bulged as he increased his speed. 
The ill thoughts of your body were long gone now, as you watched the way your body rolled into his touch. You held eye contact with him as you approached your release, a fire bubbling in your stomach as you got closer and closer. He held you in place against him without any trouble. His arms were secure around you, even as you shook and writhed in his grasp. Your chest heaved, your entire lower body clenching as he fingered you with more intensity. He was grunting behind you, your ass grazing his clothed cock with each tiny movement.
“That’s it, sweet girl,” he muttered in your ear, his voice throaty. The sound of it sent a jolt through you, your center tightening around his digits. He moaned at the feeling, attaching his lips to your neck to suck a dark mark into the skin. “You gonna give it to me, honey? Gonna cum all over my fingers? Make a mess for me?”
You whined in reply, nodding your head. He grinned, teeth grazing your skin. If possible, he increased the speed of his ministrations more. You thrashed in his grasp at the feeling, crying out, “Sammy– fuck, I’m so close…”
“I know,” he murmured in that low, saccharine tone. “Make a mess for me, doll. Let go for me–”
A high-pitched cry tore from your lips as you finally reached your release. Warmth spread through your seizing muscles, ecstasy blooming over your entire body as you came. His fingers never slowed once, guiding you through your orgasm as you clenched and tightened around them. His eyes were pleased, cocky as you fucked yourself desperately onto his fingers. He loved having you spread open, the mess of your release dripping down onto the sheets beneath you, soaking them through. 
“Oh, please–” you hissed, his digits still curling inside of you. The overstimulation made your thighs tremble weakly. Your mind spun, the drunken haze of your orgasm muddying your thoughts. “Sammy, ah, I’m sensitive…”
He chuckled lightly. “I can see that, pretty girl,” he whispered against your neck. His fingers slipped out of you, leaving you feeling empty. You whined at the feeling, grasping his wrist as he trailed up to your clit, circling it slowly. “Are you too sensitive for me to fuck you?” He asked, his tone teasing.
You sighed, shaking your head. “No, no, please, I need it.”
“What do you need, hm?” You felt his eyes on you in the reflection, gauging your reaction to his words. “Tell me what you need…”
“Your cock, please–” you pleaded, your voice hoarse. “I want you to fuck me, Sammy. Please fuck me.” 
His cock strained against his pants at the sound of your begging. He seemed to be satisfied. It took him half a second to free his cock from his pants, not even bothering to remove them completely. One hand guided his length to your entrance, while the other gripped your thigh to hold your legs open. The muscles of your legs trembled at being in the same position for so long, but the pain was numbed by the stretch of him pushing inside of you. A sharp cry echoed from your mouth, and your eyes fluttered closed.
“Ah, ah,” he said, “Remember my rules, honey.”
You nodded, peeling your eyes open. “I–I’m sorry,” you gasped, your nails digging into his arm as he fucked up into you. “Sorry, Sammy. Please don’t stop…”
He smiled. “There’s my sweet girl,” he cooed. “So obedient for me, aren’t you?”
“Y-yes,” you said, holding his gaze. His eyes drank you in, enthralled by the sight of you being split open by his cock. You saw his eyes trail down to his cock driving into your center, the mess of fluids glistening on your thighs and pelvic bone. His brows furrowed as he watched himself fucking you; you groaned at the sight. 
“Look at yourself,” he commanded, nodding towards your limp frame in the mirror. “All pretty crying like this for me… How could you ever think I’d want anyone else spread open for me, hm?”
“I-I don’t know,” you whined, the feeling of his length hitting so deep inside of you making your vision go spotty.
“I only want you, are we clear?” He snapped his hips up into yours, his thrusts growing sharper.
You nodded.
“Words, honey,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Yes, we’re clear,” your voice tore from your throat, and he made a satisfied sound. Somehow, he seemed to be going deeper and deeper with each thrust, driving all the thoughts from your head. You could barely function, garbled moans of his name and other praise ringing through the room. It was taking everything in you to keep your eyes open and on the mirror; the view of the two of you in the reflection was doing nothing to help you hold on, either. You were barrelling quickly towards your second orgasm. 
“Gonna cum again? All pretty around my cock?”
“Yes,” you cried out, throat burning. He swirled a couple fingers around your clit, sending your entire body shaking at the feeling. That, coupled with his length brushing your g-spot had you disintegrating into his touch. Your mouth went slack, eyes locked on his as you approached your second orgasm. There was an intense pressure blooming in your lower stomach. 
“Look at that,” he said, voice dripping with sweetness as he urged you towards your release. “You like watching yourself fall apart on my cock, don’t you, my love?”
You opened your mouth, but couldn’t form any words. Only lewd, mewling noises.
“That’s okay, honey… You don’t have to say it. This pussy tightening around me says it all,” he said, still smug. Then, he moaned quietly at the feeling of you clenching hard around him. “There it is… Let go for me again.”
You did as he said, your entire body going lax as your second orgasm washed over you. The pressure in your lower belly expelled all at once, a feeling unlike anything you’d experienced before. There was a surprised sound from Sam behind you, then an unfamiliar groan from him. Waves of euphoria washed over you, your hips bucking at Sam’s touch as you rode out your orgasm. As you came down, you noticed that things were messier than usual, the sheets and legs of Sam’s pants soaked through with your arousal.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he groaned, still fucking you. “You looked so sweet, squirting all over my fingers and my cock…” His brows pulled together as his pace began to stutter. You felt his cock twitching inside of you, still brushing the spot that made your head spin. You were practically drooling, your eyelids drooping closed as he chased his high.
“Feels too good,” you mumbled drunkenly, your head falling onto his shoulder. You did your best to hold yourself up as he thrusted up into you, but he was doing the majority of the work. You eyed the bulging muscles of his arms as he held you up, your mouth watering. 
“You can take it, sweet girl,” he said, concentrated. He was so close, you could tell by the waver in his silken voice. “You can take my cum, can’t you?”
“Y-yes,” you confirmed. “I can take it. Please…”
A contented chuckle left his lips, and he snapped his hips up into you a couple more times. You began to roll your hips down onto him as you felt the muscles of his abdomen clenching harshly.
“Oh, fuck, take it,” he groaned, the warmth of his release spreading inside of you as he finally reached his high. Your pussy clenched around him, urging him through his orgasm as he held you in place. You cried out his name, still rutting against him as the final waves of his release rolled over him. “You’re so good for me, doll,” he mumbled, pressing his lips against your shoulder as the two of you were finally still.
The two of you were quiet for a moment, unmoving as you both caught your breath. Then, you felt him shift underneath you, and his hand cupped your cheek again. He directed your attention to the mirror, where you could see the mess dripping out of your swollen cunt, a mixture of his cum and your own release. The sheets around you and a small portion of the floor at the end of the bed were soaked with your squirt, and your face flushed pink.
“I really made a mess, huh?” you asked, slightly embarrassed. 
“You looked so beautiful doing it,” he said, amused. “Fuck, the look on your face while you were squirting all over my cock. Better than any fucking party.” He placed a sloppy kiss against your cheek, holding you gently as he pulled out of you. 
You laughed softly, settling back onto the bed. He ran a hand over your stomach, caressing the skin gently. He leaned down and placed a kiss against the soft skin, nipping softly at the place beneath your navel.
“Think you can do it again?” He asked, face framed by your legs as he pushed them open. 
Your cheeks burned, but you nodded. “Anything for you, Sammy.”
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kukin-maniquies · 2 years
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A poseable female wooden mannequin with articulated joints.
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One of my friends asked what some of my favorite moment in Worm are and I've narrowed it down to just a few but how am I supposed to choose between "they seem like good people" I lied, or the second lung fight with the caterpillar in the eye to win, or Taylor breaking out of the burning building Coil trapped her in, or her terrorizing people while drinking tea, or when Taylor tries to 1v1 Leviathan to save people and gets her back shattered, or when Rachel saves her afterwards, or when we learn Rachel carved the names of her dogs into the monument, or when Taylor almost kills Triumph with bees, or the Mannequin fight, or running through the streets to warn people about Shatterbird's scream, or the fridge, or cutting Noelle in half, or just how hopeless the Noelle fight seemed before that with Eidolon caught, or Eidolon and Glaistig Uaine's fight with Scion, or Phir Sé's time bomb engulfing Behemoth and just obliterating him only for Behemoth to keep going, or Chevalier's interlude where he goes out to fight Behemoth alone despite being injured, or String Theory, or the wards therapy interlude where Lily can't get over how Taylor's words are stuck in her head, or Labyrinth and Burnscar reuniting, or Legend looking at the lie detector after the meeting, or Taylor hovering over the ocean knowing she doesn't have the battery in her flight pack to get back, or Aster getting shot, or the oil rig fight when Taylor crawls back up as a monster after being cut in half, or the horror of Alec's interlude, or Bonesaw having a crisis because Contessa said like 4 words to her and oh hey that parallels with you needed worthy opponents I never noticed that, or Taylor telling Eidolon and Scion to fuck off and leave, or Scion's entire interlude, or Number Man's interlude when he thinks about what it means of powers if Jack Slash's loves how he does stuff, or Kevin Norton, or Taylor ruining the chili, or the cafeteria scene where she's outed but talks her way out, or maggots in his eyes monday, or her turning herself in, or her talk with Dinah when she realizes that there's a solid chance she becomes Coil and keeps Dinah around because it's useful, or her killing Coil, or her killing Alexandria and Tagg, or the Cauldron raid where she swings a death knife through a crowd to hit one guy, or her requesting Lung cauterize her arm, or when Piggot is kidnapped and she fucks up the Undersiders just by talking, or Taylor's attempt to become besties with the Simurgh, or the Simurgh singing a lullaby to Lisa and Taylor, or the tea party with Nilbog, Taylor, Jack, and Riley, or the moment she reunites with her team post-timeskip, or when Glenn shows her a video of her being horrifying and she only thinks about her passenger moving her in it, or when her passenger makes her choke on a cockroach to save her, or going shopping with Lisa for fun, or when she helps Rachel at the shelter, or when she goes home with Brian and meets Aisha, or when we see Dinah for the first time and it's fucked, or when Taylor has Amy fuck with her brain knowing she won't come back from it, or when Lisa finally opens up and tells Taylor about her trigger, or when Taylor goes blind, or when Clockblocker keeps asking her questions in the car ride to Echdina, or when Scapegoat takes her injuries and freaks out, or when Sundancer tears off her costume and walks through the portal after killing Noelle but the pavement is cooling around her because she'll never escape her power or what she just did, or Fortuna's interlude, or Rachel stepping into Khepri's range because she trusts her, or Lisa tearing into Taylor with words after she sees what happened, or the realization she can't read anymore, or the fight with Dragon where she thinks she killed her, or all of the fight with Scion where she's controlling thousands of people while her brain deteriorates, or "finally, everyone was working together," or the talk with Contessa at the very end? How am I supposed to choose?
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