#many thoughts but also no thoughts at all
akanemnon · 1 day
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I don't like this place. It's turning everyone edgy and sad.
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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luveline · 23 hours
can I pls pls pls get an other single dad Spencer I'm on my knees here jade baby! I would love a fic where they r dating and reader comes over and basically Amy is like ur his gf?? But I thought u were my best friend?! And she's upset and reader is just like babe I can be both! Obvs we r bffs! And then May be she asks Spencer if she can take amy out of ice cream or something just the girls
thank you for your request! fem, 1.4k
Peeling Amy’s grapes is a repetitive, calming task. You press your nail to the top of the grape where the stalk had been, carving away a sliver of the fruit as you pinch the skin and pull. It comes away in small, triangular pieces that you put in the bowl on your lap. 
You put the naked grape in Amy’s hand. They’re seedless, so all she has to do is chew. 
“Thank you,” she says, distracted by the TV. 
“You’re welcome.” You move to another grape. 
You’re sitting together on the couch in Spencer’s apartment. Spencer sits at the dining table across the way, writing a letter, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Bright afternoon sunlight ebbs in through the window behind the kitchen sink to kiss his arms and illuminate his workspace, a beam of it catching his arm, his fine hairs like strands of gold. 
“Are we still going to the library?” 
“Yeah…” His writing gets very fast. He finishes it off with a smile and a resounding period, picking the paper up and folding it in a clean half. “I can post my letter at the same time.” 
You watch him give his hair a vigorous scratching as he stands. “I’m gonna go get a sweater,” he says, making for his bedroom. 
You follow him until he’s gone. Amy hums, kid-talk for please pay attention to me. 
“Oh, sorry. Forgot your grapes.” 
“Why do you look at him like that?” 
You smile shyly. “Uh, like what?” 
Her brown eyes widen as her eyebrows pinch together. “I don’t know. You looked at him for a long time.” 
“I guess I like looking at him, ‘cos I really like him. You’re beautiful because of so many things, but your dad is part of the reason. He’s beautiful, so you’re beautiful.” 
She wrinkles her nose, but she’s smiling. “You really like him?” she whispers. 
“Of course I do,” you whisper back, “he’s my boyfriend.” 
Amy winces hard. “What?” she asks. 
She’s suddenly and emphatically incredulous. You take her hand, but she takes it right back and stands up on the couch. She gives you a weird look as she backs away, sitting heavily on the armrest. “He’s your boyfriend?” 
“Why do you think I’m always here these days?” 
You know you’ve said the complete wrong thing the moment it leaves your mouth. You’re honestly shocked she didn’t know; Amy is a very smart little girl, and you were under the impression she knew about you and her father being a couple. But she’s also just a little girl, with big feelings. 
“I thought you were here to see me,” she says softly. 
You push the bowl of grapes across the coffee table, remorseful. “Amy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I come here to see you, too, of course I do, I love spending time with you.” 
Her eyes fill with tears. She’s not a crocodile crier, at least not when you’re around. You know these to be the genuine deal, and that makes it much worse for you. 
“Babe, I’m sorry! I really didn’t mean it like that, I promise. I’m here to see you, too, it’s not just to see your dad.” 
“Because we’re best friends,” she says. 
“Of course we are.” You open your hands. “Of course.” 
She finally takes your hands, despite her tears. Her face has turned dark with a hot flush, embarrassment twisting her lips into an expression that turns your heart. 
“I’m sorry for what I said,” you whisper. “Can you forgive me? You’re so important to me, Amanda.” 
Spencer appears behind her looking like a deer caught in bright headlights. You ignore him, giving Amy’s fingers a rolling squeeze. 
“I thought we were best friends– and– and–” She sucks in a shaky breath as a fresh crest of tears fall. “I thought you were here to see me.” 
“I am here to see you.” 
You’ve done loads of things with Amy without Spencer’s involvement. If he sleeps in, you and Amy watch cartoons together in your pyjamas eating breakfast burritos. You’ve babysat her on short notice, you had her for a sleepover once so he could give a talk in Michigan. You and Amy do tons of things without her father, like eating peeled grapes, and jigsaw puzzles while he reads, and girl talk. You cuddle. 
Poor girl. 
“Amy, I love you.” 
“You do?” 
“So much!” You wipe the tears from her chin. 
“I didn’t know that– that dad was your boyfriend,” she says bashfully. 
“Me and your dad started as best friends, that’s why. He’s my second bestest friend ever.” 
“Who’s number one?” she asks. 
You poke her chest gently. “Who do you think?” 
She nods and looks down. She wipes her cheeks, and that’s what upsets you the most in the whole ordeal. Her hands look small and uncoordinated. 
“You okay, angel?” Spencer asks, coming up from behind to hug her. 
“Sorry,” she says. 
“It’s okay. Crying is okay,” he murmurs. “What happened?” 
“I didn’t know you were boyfriend and girlfriend.” 
“I’m sorry, I thought you knew,” Spencer says, giving her arm a soft up and down, “when I told you we were dating I should’ve been more clear about what that means. I’m very sorry we confused you.” 
“It’s good!” she says, sniffling, pressing a little sob into Spencer’s chest. 
You bite your cheek. You really hadn’t meant to do this to her, just she’s as empathetic as her father. She’s a bubbling mess against him. 
You look at Spencer. It’s your fault, you misspoke, and you’re asking him to save you as a kindness. 
“What’s making you cry, sweetheart?” he whispers, pulling her right into his chest. 
“I just wanted to be her best friend.” 
“You are,” he whispers, nose against her temple, “I might be her boyfriend, but you think she likes me so much she’s here every single weekend? No way. She sees me every day at work, she doesn’t need to come over if all she wants to do is see me. But you know who she doesn’t see at work?” 
“Exactly. She comes here every weekend to be with you, so we can all be together. Okay?” 
“Okay,” she says, taking in another shaky breath. 
“Are you crying because you’re still upset, or because it’s just a feeling?” he asks softly, slowly. “It’s okay if you’re still sad, but maybe we need to have some water?” 
“Okay,” she says, stretching it into one big cry. 
“Could I give you a hug?” you ask. You’re lost. 
She nods. Spencer says, “Okay, you guys hug and I’ll go get my Amy a glass of water.” 
You fold Amy into an embrace carefully. She’s heavy with her upset but she wants the hug, her arms at your sides as she rubs her nose against your shoulder. “Amy,” You say, taking a pause to brush her hair from her warm neck, “I’m sorry, angel. I really am. I didn’t mean to upset you.” 
She sounds just like her dad as she replies. “I didn’t mean to cry.” 
“Well, that’s okay! If I thought you didn’t want to be my friend either I would be just as upset.” 
“You would?” 
“Amy, do you know how much I love seeing you? I would sit here and watch TV and peel grapes with you every day of the week, I’d love to…” You hope Spencer won’t mind what you’re about to suggest. “In fact, maybe you and I need to do more things together, what do you think? When was the last time we went to Penny’s Ice Cream Parlour?” 
She looks up at you with love and apt suspicion. “You just want me to feel better.” 
“Of course I do. I should be allowed to take my favourite girl for ice cream, right?” 
Spencer hesitates in the kitchen with the fairy glass half full. You’re stroking Amy’s hair away from her neck, so sorry, and so lovely. He couldn’t want anything more in life than Amy, but if he got to choose, he would love to have you, and to have you treat her as you are now, nothing but affection in your touch as you soothe her overstimulation. “We can go alone?” Amy asks. 
“Sure, bubby, we can go just you and me. Banana splits?” 
Spencer loves her, but he loves ice cream, too. “Wait, why can’t I come?”
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nightingale-prompts · 24 hours
God's TV- DC x DP prompt
Accidentally summoning a god from another dimension can happen, especially when cults are involved. However, no can could predict that the not only was the god a teenage boy but also a very bored teenage boy who didn't want to leave.
So he stayed and moved into Titans tower.
Danny is helpful (when he wants to be) but rarely goes out on missions. He says they are boring and nothing is dangerous enough to exert the effort. Instead, he minds the medical bay. Having a healer more than made up for the lack of help.
It's not like anyone disliked Danny or thought he didn't do anything it was just that he was unpredictable. Danny could be nice, considerate, and even sweet if he was working in the medbay. He could also be a pain in the ass anywhere else. He loved pranks and scaring people with his powers. He was harmless though.
No one really knew what he did all day. He was usually in his room doing something they guested. Said room was an anomaly. It was larger on the inside having been made into a pocket dimension. The appearance and organization of the room changed every time you went in.
It was after one mission that the team learned what was in the room.
A rogue had used their invention to erase Superboy's memories and they didn't know what to do. They took him to Danny who was currently rearranging the medicine by color. They hoped that his powers covered mind-altering afflictions. Unfortunately, Danny couldn't wave a hand and fix this.
Instead, Danny took the group to his room. The decor was neon Tokyo meets space right now. The furniture was currently floating and almost hitting Wonder Girl in the head with an end table. Of course, there was no gravity here.
"Stay here while I grab it," Danny said flying up the vertical corridor.
While he was gone the room rearranged itself into a contemporary format. The furniture grounded itself and shifted into a normal living room.
Danny returned with a cart and a headset. He placed a card he pulled out of the cart into the headset and put it on the dazed Superboy's head.
"Wait what is that?" Tim asked.
"It's his memories. I kept a backup in case this happened." Danny shrugged.
Immediately everyone began asking what the hell does that mean and why does he have that.
"Oh please, this dimension has this happened all the time. Amnesia is so cliché and cheap. I saw a pattern and decided the easiest way to prevent you from losing the entirety of your lives was to make save states of your memories." Danny said matter of fact.
Robin pinched the bridge of his nose.
Impulse studied the rack of cases and looking for the card with his name on it.
Wondergirl sighed, she was used to this from Robin but even he wouldn't go this far.
"What? It's not like just anyone can find these. Only you can access your own memories anyways. I just decided to repurpose my RE:Viewer." Danny pouted.
"What is a reviewer?" Wally asked flipping through the cases. Each one had titles like moves or shows with an arrangement of stickers.
"The RE:Viewer is something I created to catalog things I've seen looking into other dimensions. I don't have an infinite memory you know. But the longer I have my title the more I'll lose touch with my mortality. These things help me stay close to people by giving me the chance to remember how it feels. I also have been using them to get the stories of others. Keeping their experiences like you'd keep a TV show or movie. So many stories could have been lost to time but now they are saved. I use them to teach myself." Danny smiled.
The concept genuinely sounded interesting. Like experiencing a movie in 4d.
It had been 3 minutes before Kon took off the headset and back to his old self.
Danny pulled the input card out and it disappeared into another realm with a flick of the wrist. Danny was completely honest that the copies were inaccessible to everyone but him.
"You feeling alright Superboy? Your memory should be backed up until a week ago." Danny said shining a light in his eye.
"I'm fine. I think. What happened?" Kon asked batting the light out of his eyes.
"Explanation later. Take a nap first. You aren't concussed at least." Danny informed.
"What are the stickers for?" Wally said pointing at the rainbow of colors the card cases had.
"Just the emotions associated with the experiences. Orange is comedy, red is action, pink is romance, and blue is tragedy." Danny listed. "That one with the pink is one of my favorites. I meddled a bit in that world. Two people who had never met fell in love at two points at different times. One of them was doomed to die but I worked my magic on a mirror that allowed them to meet once. They shared notes left in different places for the other months ahead. Makes you believe in true love. A real tear-jerker."
"What about the black stickers?" Wally asked.
"Don't touch the black ones," Danny said darkly, smacking his hand away. "You don't need to know about those. I don't like thinking about them."
"So you just take the memories of others and put them inside your machine to replay later?" Batgirl asked. "Isn't that kind of wrong?"
"No, I asked permission. I usually pull them aside at some point and ask. If it's my memories (that's the green stickers) I don't need to. The rainbow ones are simulations. Like a video games." Danny responded patting her on the back for not being to hard on him about this admittedly weird situation.
"So what's the black one with the rainbow sticker?" Wally asked picking up the case that was obviously stuffed in the back.
"STOP TOUCHING THOSE!" Danny yelled pulling him away.
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lustspren · 13 hours
All Of The Lights ft Mina, Sana, Momo.
length: 27,1k words✦
Flashing Lights sequel.
Male reader, Male character x Mina, Sana, Momo.
genres: fivesome, anal, voyeur, hard sex, double/triple blowjob, creampie, double penetration, striptease, oral sex, facefuck, squirt, facial, bi, footjob, titjob, thighjob, butt play, daddy kink, sauna, sweaty sex ✧
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The stars had aligned. The opportunity had presented itself to you, once again. With a promotion of stratospheric proportions and a long, well-deserved vacation. You had every reason to aim high. Budapest. You had to go back to Budapest. Your body was begging you, the universe itself was begging you. It was an imperative need. That damn place seemed to attract you like an industrial magnet, and you had no intention of resisting that call.
Besides, you had a promise to keep. A promise you had made over a year ago to a gorgeous Japanese girl who managed to win your heart in just three days. You remembered her face every day, and not just hers, but also the girl who had stopped you from getting beaten up in the first place.
You needed them. In the UK you felt incomplete, counting the days and hours. Not living, just killing time. The only way was to go back.
And there you were, in front of that place again. You had to admit that during the flight to Budapest you had an irrational fear that for some reason the establishment no longer existed. But no, it was still there, standing tall, mysterious and elegant. You could also hear the loud music booming just a few meters below. It was still operational, thank God.
And still not a single damn security guard at the door. Who knows how many other poor bastards with less luck than you have already been beaten out.
Your stomach was in knots, but you went in anyway.
Inside everything was exactly the same as you remembered it, except that this time you didn't know what you were getting into, with a mixture of fear, uncertainty and curiosity. This time you knew exactly what you were doing, and as you went down those stairs you could do nothing but think about that girl. Was she still there? There was no reason to believe otherwise, but when you got downstairs you didn't see her anywhere.
Another girl, however, immediately caught your attention. Among all the dancers, waitresses and assistants, she gave off a very different aura and kind of beauty, standing on one of the small circular platforms for everyone to see her dancing to Dua Lipa's New Rules. Her light brown hair ran free, shiny and silky. Slim body, but full of perfect curves in every possible place, covered by a black lace outfit, under which she wore a black top and shorts. And damn, her face was downright a gift from the gods.
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The way she moved was hypnotic, mesmerizing, with the energy of a person who was confident of herself and her charms. And bloody hell... those facial expressions were everything. She had every single man's mouth watering. Many offered bills in exchange for touching her, but she only mocked them with an incredulous laugh and a haughty look. You had never seen anything like that before; you were stunned. She…
"You here again?" A male voice said from your left, snapping you out of your trance. “You’re a fucking pain, kid.”
You never thought you’d be glad to see the man you turned around to see.
“And you’re a fucking grouch, Takashi,” you said with a smirk, looking at the burly man who nearly killed you a year ago. He looked better this time, with a visibly more expensive suit and a decent haircut. “Still no security guards at the door?”
“Still not learning Japanese?”
A laugh escaped you.
“If you’re looking for the bosses, they’re not here right now,” he said, crossing his arms.
You frowned.
“The bosses?” you asked. “Plural?”
“Yeah, bosses. Miss Myoui now runs this club in conjunction with Miss Hirai.”
You knew a lot could change in a year, but that wasn't part of your assumptions. A pleasant surprise, indeed.
"And where are they? Momo was always here."
"It's none of your business, boy!" Takashi pointed at you with his finger. "Wait as long as it takes or fuck off!"
Takashi didn't let you finish, he just glared at you and went into the club to do his respective patrol. What a grumpy fucking lad.
With no other option but to wait, you went straight to the bar, this time without any Japanese bouncers to stop you. The girl was still dancing a few meters to the right, but all you could think about was refreshing your throat with something really cold.
There were a couple of not-so-friendly-looking men sitting at the bar, chatting between arrogant laughs. You took the stool as far away from them as possible, not because you were scared, but to avoid controversy over the fact that you were the only non-Asian there.
As soon as you sat down, a cute, slim girl in a sleeveless black dress, with her dark hair down, approached you. The bartender.
"Shitsurei itashimasu ga, go-chūmon wa nani ni nasaimasu ka?" she said, of course, in Japanese.
"Uh..." you scratched your eyebrow. "Do you know any English, dear?"
The girl stared at you with a frown, one elbow on the bar.
"English," you repeated more slowly.
"Oh, eigo!" she nodded quickly. "Little bit," she finally replied.
You sighed. Well, you'd have to be clear and concise.
"Uhm... whiskey?" you asked under her watchful gaze. "Scotch?"
"Scotch whiski?" she asked, and turned to the shelf of bottles to give it a quick glance. "Oh! That one?"
She pointed, thankfully, to a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label.
"Yes!" you nodded. "One, with tonic water, please."
The girl got to work, with frankly surprising speed. She had your drink ready in less than a minute, without a single hint of error. You didn't remember seeing her a year ago, but she most likely had quite a bit of experience already.
"Thank you very much, dear," you smiled at her once she handed you the drink.
She just smiled back, and after a small bow she went to serve the other customers. So you were left alone with your glass of whiskey, which like a good Brit you knew how to appreciate once the first sip went down your throat. It was just what you needed to relax your body.
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed someone sitting next to you. You only saw the shadow, so you didn't know if it was a man or a woman. You, minding your own business, decided not to turn around so as not to attract attention.
"Moka-chan!" the person said. A woman. "Osake wo ippai choudai, onegai. Tsukarechatta!"
She said that last word with a tired tone and a sigh. You frowned and turned your head just a little. This time you managed to see the silhouette, pale and darkly dressed. Was it...?
"Ah! Sana-chan!" said the bartender, who you deduced was called Moka, with a smile. "Sugu ni ne! Asoko de sugokatta yo!"
The girl next to you, Sana, let out a cute giggle.
"Arigato, arigato!"
Her voice was extremely sweet, like a sugary melody made for tired ears. You stared at your glass still full of whiskey, but curiosity had you by the neck, and in the end forced you to turn to look at her, as discreetly as you could.
She was, indeed, the girl you had seen dancing a few minutes ago, and if she looked beautiful from so many meters away, from this distance it was like seeing the love child between two angels. Her gaze was fixed straight ahead, attentive as Moka served her whatever she had ordered, her chin resting on her knuckles.
"Hai, douzo!" said Moka, handing Sana a small glass with a clear liquid that could well have been vodka, tequila, or who knows what. "Uchi no sutā ni ippai!"
Sana accepted the small glass with a nod of her head and a charming smirk. She then took it and, without even thinking twice, drank it all in one gulp before tapping the bar with the empty glass.
"Ah, oishii!" exclaimed Sana, visibly happier.
But what you didn't notice was that you had been staring at her for too long, so as soon as she turned her head slightly, she caught you. You quickly looked back at your glass, and tried to cover it up by taking a sip while looking in the opposite direction. With a bit of luck, she would forget about it and...
"Nee..." she said. "Nani miteru no?"
Shit. The implied question tone made it clear that she was talking to you. You couldn't just ignore her; that would be rude, but you also didn't know how to look at her after you'd been doing it in secret.
"Hm? Matte..." she paused, and you noticed how she leaned forward a little to get a better look at you. "You're not Japanese, are you?"
You sighed and looked at your whiskey, with no other option but to give up.
"You got me, I guess," you replied, and now you looked at her. Bad mistake. That only made you nervous, as she was too close and her beauty worked twice as effectively.
"You are aware of where you are, sweetheart?" she asked.
"Quite aware, yes," you nodded with a chuckle. "Do you speak English?"
"I do, and apparently you too..." she picked up her stool and moved it closer to yours. "Which leads me to think that you are definitely not Hungarian, you are a foreigner."
"What makes you think that I am not just a Hungarian who speaks very good English?" you asked, and took a sip of your whiskey with your gaze fixed straight ahead.
"No one here has that accent," Sana replied with a smirk. "But okay, let’s say you’re actually Hungarian. That doesn't answer the most important question of all..." she moved even closer, her face on the side of your shoulder. "What are you doing here?"
"Why, does my presence bother you?" you asked, glancing at her.
"Not at all, sweetheart," she said, shaking her head. "But I'm surprised you're still sitting here without Takashi-kun kicking your ass."
"Well..." you swirled the whiskey in your glass. "Let's just say I'm not an unfamiliar face to him. I've been here before."
"That doesn't answer my question, in fact it gives me a better one: what did you do that time to not get your ass kicked and why are you back?" she asked, tilting her head to meet your gaze. "You don't seem interested in us dancers... even though you should definitely be interested in me."
"To start off, darling, that's two questions and one self-centered statement," you replied, shoving your hands into the pockets of your windbreaker, then turning the stool around to face her. "That time your boss saved my ass."
Sana frowned and opened her mouth in surprise.
You nodded.
"Back then Miss Myoui was still a dancer," you said. "I'm waiting for them right now."
"Are you a business partner or something?" she asked.
"I don't remember at what point this turned into an interrogation," you picked up your glass of whiskey on your left and took a sip, looking at Sana. "Anyway, it's my turn to ask the questions now."
"And what if I don't want to answer them?" she asked, shifting her crossed legs.
"Oh, you'll want to answer this one," you said with a smile. "You said I should definitely be interested in you, why?"
"The answer to that question lies in how you were looking at me before I caught you red-handed," she subtly took the glass from your hand. "So you tell me," she then took a sip of your whiskey, her eyes fixed on you.
You looked into her eyes and then away to her now whiskey-wet, tantalizingly kissable lips.
"Because you're a delight. You look like the real thing..." you took the glass back from her and drank from the same side as her. "And I'm sure you must taste like the real thing."
Sana smiled.
"There's your answer. Still, I have one last question..." she took the glass from you, but this time she set it on the bar to stand up and between your legs, her hands on your thighs and her face inches from yours. "Do you want to taste me?"
Having her up close put all your senses on full spurt. Your heart began to beat faster, and her hands on your thighs caused the bulge in your pants to stir as you woke up. You were supposed to sit there waiting for the girls to come, but it was rare to see such tempting Japanese candy like that.
"Aren't you going to get in trouble?" you asked, taking the liberty of putting your hands on that small waist. "You seem pretty famous around here."
"Trouble?" She laughed out loud, as if the question offended her. "I'm the star of this club, I can do whatever I want..." She brought one of her hands to your bulge to give it a gentle squeeze. "Even fuck a cute foreign boy who's maybe too god damn lucky."
"Too lucky, indeed…”
Then she kissed you.
Sana only needed five seconds to prove that she was the hell of a good kisser. Your lips were wrapped in a sensual exchange of saliva, her hand constantly massaging your bulge until your cock was hard under your pants. She was smart; she did it knowing that from the other side of the bar no one could see what she was doing with her hand, so Moka couldn't stop you.
You put your arms around her in the middle of the kiss, delighted to be able to feel that sexy slim body under the tip of your fingers. When you lowered one of your hands to grab her ass she squeezed your cock harder, and as you began to massage one of her butt cheeks she let out a small moan against your lips.
"To give you an idea of ​​how lucky you are..." she said between kisses. "The last time a man tried to do what you're doing..." another hard squeeze to your now painfully hard cock. "He left with broken wrists."
"Ouch..." you said.
"Shall we go to the bathroom? To your place?" she asked.
"The bathroom suits my urge to bury my cock deep inside you better," you replied.
Sana let out a sly smile.
"You're a bold son of a bitch, have you been told that?"
"A couple of times," you admitted.
She let go of you to walk away from the bar, but not before looking over her shoulder at you, indicating for you to follow her. You did so, after taking a last sip of your whiskey.
"Oi, omae!" a female voice called out from behind you, as you were halfway to the bathroom.
You stood very still, staring at the floor. Sana had also stopped to turn around. You knew that voice, more than perfectly. You ended up turning around, very slowly.
Standing at the bottom of the stairs was she. Myoui Mina. As beautiful and graceful as ever. It was the first time you saw her dressed like that, in black shorts, a turtleneck sweater, and a black trench coat with beautiful silver engravings on it, a clear sign of her now well-deserved new status. Her countenance was stern, unyielding. Like that of a supreme empress who knew she could have a mountain moved for her with just one word.
But still, that countenance softened and transformed into something completely new the moment she recognized you.
Mina took slow steps towards you, and you towards her. Instantly she quickened her pace, and a smile formed on both her face and yours. The last few meters she shortened with long strides, until finally, you wrapped each other in a strong embrace.
"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" She squealed against your shoulder, her arms wrapped around your neck, and yours around her waist. “I knew you were coming back!”
“I had to, didn’t I?” you replied, and buried your face in her hair to breathe in her familiar scent. “A promise is a promise.”
A few feet ahead, just down the stairs, the woman who had made it all possible in the first place appeared. Hirai Momo looked as sexy and alluring as ever, dressed in a two-piece outfit that looked like a full-body dress, her body as delicious looking as you remembered, only now she had shorter hair.
Her expression was a bit different from Mina’s. Funny, to say the least. She looked like she had seen a ghost, but you still managed to notice small hints of a smile. She was pleased, but she couldn’t seem to believe it as she slowly walked towards you.
“One year and four months, you jerk…” she muttered, clinging to you like a koala to its branch. "You took too long."
"I know, sweetheart, I'm sorry..." you murmured back, rubbing her back with your hand. "But there wasn't a single day that I didn't think about you... and here I am."
Mina pulled away from you slightly, to look you in the eyes up close. She then cupped your face with her soft hands, and without warning, she kissed you. It wasn't something that bothered you at all, of course, but the surprise lay in where she was doing it, not caring what her employees or her customers thought. You didn't care either, that's why you gladly accepted the kiss.
The remorse of conscience, however, made you break the kiss a few seconds earlier than you would have liked. Meters behind you the cause must have still been standing, maybe confused, maybe angry, maybe disappointed, or a mix of all three. You really had no idea.
“Damn, you two can’t wait for a moment of privacy, can you?” Momo asked, standing behind Mina before shifting her gaze behind you. “Soko de nani shiteru no? Ojō-san. Nanika matteru no?”
That last bit was for Sana. You pulled away from Mina to turn and look at her. Sana had her arms crossed, a mischievous smile plastered on her face as she watched you and Mina. That ruled out your previous assumptions; she looked satisfied.
“Oh, nothing, boss,” Sana replied directly in English. She took a few steps towards the two of you, but kept her gaze locked on you. “Definitely not a business partner, huh?”
Mina furrowed her brow, and looked at you and Sana.
“I assume you two have met already.”
“Hai, at the bar,” Sana pointed at it with her chin, her hands behind her back. “Your cute boyfriend was waiting for you like a good boy.”
On your quest to find a place to look without looking suspicious, you met the knowing eyes of Momo, who was watching you with a small, sly smile. She nodded at Sana, which you interpreted as a yes or no question. You just shrugged and nodded, a yes.
“I see,” Mina crossed her arms. “But you two seemed to be going somewhere. May I know where?”
Sana gave you furtive glances.
“Well, he asked me very nicely to show him where the bathroom was,” she replied before fixing you with a look. “Right?”
“Ah yeah yeah,” you laughed. “That whiskey filled my bladder faster than I anticipated.”
That didn’t seem to convince Mina, who raised her eyebrows and nodded slowly to look at you.
"Lucky, huh? Thank goodness our Sana-chan is so kind," she stared at you without blinking, hoping to fluster you so you'd give yourself away.
You didn't know how to respond, so you gave Momo a quick glance to signal her to stop holding back her laughter and help you out.
"Oi, Mina-chan," she finally chimed in, standing next to the three of you. "I really need a seat and a drink, let's go inside."
"You're right, I'm thirsty too," Mina replied without taking her eyes off you. "Will you join us, sweetie?" she raised an eyebrow.
"What do you think?"
She smiled.
"Come on then."
Mina was the one who took the lead. You then looked at Sana, who winked at you once Mina's back was turned.
"Alright, you two," Momo said, standing very close to the two of you. She put one hand on your back and the other around Sana's waist. "I don't like being lied to. Who's going to tell me the truth first?"
"We were going to fuck in the bathroom until you two came along, boss," Sana replied, bluntly, without mincing words, unfazed.
You glared at her, and gave Mina a quick glance to see if she had heard; she didn't seem to have, she was watching you at the entrance to the hallway leading to the office, expectantly.
Momo couldn't help but laugh.
"You work fast, huh?" she looked at you. "At this rate you're going to fuck even Moka."
"Actually," Sana chimed in. "I was the one who seduced him and made him drool all over me. It wasn't his doing, boss."
"Oh my god..." you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. She was only making you look worse with every single thing she said.
"Did you see his cock already?" Momo asked, biting her own lip and looking at you.
"Actually no," Sana giggled and looked at you too. "But I did touch it... and I wanted it deep inside me right away."
"You're coming with us then?" Momo looked at Sana, and you noticed how she squeezed her waist. "You know... we'll drink something, chat, and maybe put on a great little show."
"A great little show?" Sana gasped in surprise. "I'll get to dance for my bosses?"
"With your bosses," Momo corrected, and looked at you. "The dance will be for our extra exclusive customer."
"I see..." Sana nodded slowly, before giving a quick glance to Mina, who was already getting impatient. "His girlfriend won't be upset?"
Momo let out a laugh.
"She's not even his damn girlfriend," she paused to think about it. "Well, not for now at least. But in the meantime he can do whatever he wants. He’s single."
Sana shrugged with her head cocked to the side, showing false innocence.
"Then I don't see why not, boss."
"Saikō!" Momo clapped her hands, grinning from ear to ear. "Follow me then."
You were about to complain about the hasty decision, but held back as you assumed there was nothing you disagreed with. You wanted that more than any of the three of them. The only drawback was Mina; you didn't know how she was going to take it, but you didn't think she was going to put up too many obstacles either. After all, you only had an emotional bond, nothing formal: she wasn't your girlfriend.
Yet. Who knows what was going to happen in those four days.
"Come on, sweetheart," Sana urged you as Momo walked towards the office. She leaned close to your ear. "I'm dying to taste that juicy cock."
Sana pulled away from you with a mischievous smirk, and winked at you before turning around and following Momo. You followed her as well.
To your surprise, the entire office had been remodeled, so nothing was in the place you remembered. The floor, now level and without steps, was made of elegant dark wood planks that made a soft creaking sound under your feet. The famous pole was no longer at the back of the room, it was now near the entrance, in front of the large semi-rectangular shaped couch, where Mina was now comfortably seated, cross-legged, while eating peanuts from a glass bowl.
The ceiling was still as high as before, made of a beautiful wooden facade with warm bulbs embedded in it. On each side of the room extended long, low chests of drawers, on which they displayed objects of all kinds, from books to small gadgets. The walls were decorated with paintings, the most notable one on the back wall. The corners, meanwhile, were adorned with tall plants and a majestic marble statue, representing a swan in full flight.
And of course, there were now two desks instead of one.
"I was going to ask what you were talking about without me, but I don't think I need to," Mina said, seeing Sana enter with you.
You took a few steps forward, carefully observing the entire space. The gold color was everywhere, especially in the details of the furniture and the ceiling. Even the pole seemed to be made of the precious metal. You doubted its authenticity, but with the amount of money Momo handled, you wouldn't be surprised if it was real.
"Sana-chan will be joining us to celebrate tonight, my dear," Momo announced, walking past the couch towards her desk, to set her handbag down.
Sana, still near the entrance, gave a small bow to Mina.
"It's an honor, Mina-sama," she said, her hands clasped together on her belly.
You sat down next to Mina, who immediately offered you peanuts. You grabbed a couple and ate them. The couch was considerably more comfortable than the old one, and the lilac velvet gave it the perfect touch. The only drawback was that the backrest was lower, making it difficult to fully support your back.
“Please call me Mina, sweetie,” she waved her hand casually, leaving the bowl of peanuts on the coffee table. “Come sit with us.”
“Hai!” Sana bowed again, and with slow steps went to sit right next to you.
“What are you celebrating for?” you looked at Mina. “Is that why you were out?”
“That’s right!” Momo appeared again, now with a bottle of chilled champagne in one hand and four glasses skillfully held in the other. “We bought an apartment!”
She set the bottle and glasses down on the coffee table around the bowl of peanuts, then walked past Sana, sitting on the right side of your lap to wrap her arms around your head and hug you. You hugged her back.
"Our dream apartment," Mina clarified, watching as Momo pressed your face into her big melons. "What better reason to celebrate than that? Besides, your return is a good reason too."
"Damn, you've been doing well, haven't you?" you managed to say against Momo's breasts, then turned your face to look at Mina with a smile. "That's great sweetie, congratulations."
Mina smiled back, looking at you with a cute sparkle in her eyes.
"Thanks baby," she leaned forward to look at Sana beside you. "Though you have to give our cute star dancer a lot of credit; she's a money-making machine."
Sana leaned over to look at Mina as well, a proud smile on her face. She took some peanuts from the bowl.
"Thank the horny brained men too, boss, they're pretty pathetic."
Mina and Momo laughed.
"You're certainly not wrong," Mina said. "But I've never been handed as much money as you."
Sana shrugged, munching on some peanuts.
"I'm really good at sweet-talking them, and they seem to have never had any female contact in their life. They drop like flies."
"Sana, cutie, could you pour the champagne?" Momo asked. "I'd do it myself, but I missed my big boy and want to hug him some more."
At this point you felt like you were going to get a crick in your neck at any moment, but anything was worth it to have Momo's gorgeous ass on your lap and her breasts in your face. You had to be grateful for the privileges you had.
"Hai!" Sana nodded, and picked up the bottle as she examined the table. "Where's the corkscrew?"
"Right there," Momo pointed to the drawer of the coffee table. "It's electric, so you won't have to leave your wrist."
Sana opened the drawer and took out the corkscrew, then put the bottle on the table and got to work.
"Honey, sorry for the question," you moved away from Momo's breasts so you could look at Mina comfortably. "But how did you come to run the business with Momo?"
"Well, it's an easy question actually," she looked at Momo. "Do you want to answer it yourself?"
Momo finally removed her arms from around your neck and rested both hands on your right shoulder.
"She's a real beast at negotiating; she's much better with people than I am," she paused to look at Sana as she poured the champagne into the glasses. "As soon as I noticed, I gave her a few tests, and she passed them all with flying colors."
As she finished pouring the champagne, Sana took each glass and handed it to you one by one. You and Momo nodded in thanks.
"Thank you, dear," Mina told her with a smirk, then looked at you. "Well, yeah, I basically went back to college for a day."
"But it was worth it, wasn't it?" Momo raised an eyebrow. "Look at us now, we've taken the club to a whole other level thanks to you joining."
Mina nodded proudly.
"It was totally worth it."
"Cheers to that, girls, I really couldn't be more proud of you," you raised your glass with a smile.
Momo grabbed your face and planted her lips on your cheek. Mina leaned over to you as well and planted hers on the other one.
"Thank you, sweetheart," Momo raised her glass to the center. "Kanpai!"
"Kanpai!" you, Mina, and Sana said in unison, raising your glasses before taking a sip of the champagne.
"Baby, as much as I love having you on my lap, I can't feel my leg anymore," you patted Momo's lower back, your thigh growing numb.
Momo giggled.
"Woopsies, I'm sorry," she stood up from your thigh with an innocent little smile and went to sit on Sana's right. "Blame my big ass."
Mina took another sip of her champagne glass, set it down on the coffee table, and turned to raise one knee on top of your thighs. She then crossed her arms, looking at Sana.
"So? How was your evening, darling?" She raised an eyebrow. "You're in a good mood."
Now the real fun began. You knew Mina wasn't going to sit back and take the answer she got from Sana a few minutes ago; she'd try to get the truth out of her. 
Sana raised her eyebrows for a moment. The question had caught her taking a sip of champagne.
"Really fun, boss," she set her glass down on the coffee table. You still had yours in your hand, as did Momo. "But I was hoping it would be a little more... spicy."
"You've got quite a spicy dance routine already, what do you mean?"
"I don't know," Sana shrugged, then clasped her hands on her knee to lean towards you. "Don't you sometimes feel like your night is missing something?"
Mina frowned.
"Every night since he's not here, why?"
You stared at Mina with a half smile. Apparently you weren't the only one who was feeling that way this whole time.
Sana let out a silly giggle.
"Aw, that's adorable! So you understand how I feel tonight."
"So that's how you found him then?"
"Oh, I didn't find him," Sana said, reaching for her champagne glass. "In fact, if it were up to me I would never have noticed his existence, you already know me. He gave himself away," she sipped from the glass.
The smile on your face faded. You sipped champagne to keep from saying anything. At that moment you met Momo's gaze. She was holding back her laughter again.
"He gave himself away?"
"Yeah!" Sana nodded. "I was minding my own business, ordering my usual sip of sake from Moka-chan, when I happened to notice this…" she leaned over to you and placed her hand on your chest. "cute gentleman gaze!"
You cleared your throat.
"I literally only looked at her for a second because she was sitting next to me and she happened to look back," you said, hoping to maybe clean up your image a bit.
Sana laughed out loud, as if you'd told a really good joke.
"For a second?" she raised her eyebrows. "You looked like you were about to pierce me with your eyes!"
You shrugged, skeptical.
"Your imagination, surely."
"So you met him purely by chance?" Mina asked.
"Hai! Although I must say, it seemed like he wanted us to meet," Sana replied, giving you sidelong glances. One of them went down; you knew exactly where.
Mina looked at you, and it seemed like she also looked where Sana had. She most likely already knew the truth at this point, but she seemed to be playing with you as if she were a cat and you were a mouse.
"Is that true?" she asked, and her knee tightened on your thighs.
You were between a rock and a hard place. You had to tell the truth, but the dilemma was how you were going to do it, whether to disguise it so as not to make yourself look so needy or to cut the crap and tell things as they were.
But fuck it. If you didn't get straight to the point, the only thing you would achieve was to delay the inevitable even further.
"Yeah, I saw her dancing when I got here and she left me stunned," you leaned back, propping yourself up with your elbows on the back of the couch to look at the two of them. "When she talked to me at the bar I jumped at the chance."
A small smile formed on Sana's face as she took another sip of her champagne. She looked only at you, eager for you to spill the beans.
"The chance for what?" Mina asked.
"To take my shots."
You watched Mina's reaction closely. You expected her to be upset by it, but you only managed to catch a tiny hint of a smile. She looked down, then back at Sana.
"You weren't showing him where the bathroom was, huh?"
"Nope," you shook your head, responding for Sana. "You know what we were going to do in there, sweetheart."
Mina didn't even look at you, she was still intent on Sana, arms crossed and unblinking.
"What do you have to say about that, Sana-chan?"
"That his shots hit the mark," Sana downed the last of the champagne in her glass in one gulp, then set it down on the coffee table. "We were headed straight for fucking until you came along, boss."
"Oh, do I have to apologize, then?" Mina raised an eyebrow.
Sana gently shook her head.
"Not at all. I don't think you could have known."
The office fell into a deep silence. Mina and Sana stared at each other without saying a word, and you could perfectly imagine the lightning bolts striking between their heads. However, you didn't notice an air of confrontation, but rather a defiant one.
"Go on, then," Mina broke the silence, after a few long seconds. "You must be eager to get back to it."
"Fuck, it was about time," you heard Momo say.
"Right now?" Sana laughed.
“Yeah,” Mina moved her knee off you and moved a small distance to the left, crossing her legs again. “But I’ll decide when you two stop.”
“Ahhh!” Sana whined, pouting. “How am I supposed to focus like that?”
“That’s your problem, sweetie, not mine. Come on.”
Sana looked at you and, after kicking off her heels, straddled your lap, her hands on your abdomen. She made to lean forward, but stopped to look at Mina.
“Can I at least ask for some music?”
“As you prefer,” Mina looked at Momo. “Would you?”
“I’d be happy to,” Momo nodded, and pulled her phone out of her handbag to connect to the office sound system, set up on four large speakers positioned at each corner of the ceiling. She put on Britney Spears’ Gimme More first.
Sana then turned to look at you again. She smiled and bit her lip, and began to move her hips ever so slowly to the music, grinding against your bulge. After a few short seconds she leaned into you, her hands now on your collarbone, and with her face inches from yours, she kissed you.
Between Sana’s sweet lips and the satisfying rumble of the music it wasn’t hard to enclose yourself with her in a bubble of passion and lust. You wrapped your arms around her small waist, pressing your bodies together as she moved her hips. She cradled your face in her hands, your tongues swirling together until she pulled away to attack the right side of your neck with wet kisses and licks.
Mina’s gaze met yours, and you held it as your hands left Sana’s waist to roam the rest of her body. You touched every corner you could reach, but ended up focused on her pretty ass, which you noticed was bigger and softer than it seemed at first glance. Mina followed each movement attentively to the next, probably eager to see more.
"Damn, they really wanted each other," you heard Momo say followed by a giggle, watching as Sana kissed your neck and face and you groped her ass.
Sana untied the zipper of your parka and opened it to the sides to put her hands under your sweater. She caressed your chest and abdomen with her fingers, then kissed you again and proceeded to take off your upper garments. With your torso already naked, she lowered the kisses to your pectorals and then to your abdomen, where she stayed for a few seconds in which she grabbed the hem of your sweatpants and your boxers and pulled them down together to release your hard cock.
“Oh god, I knew I wasn’t wrong…” Sana smiled, exhaling hot breath against the back of your cock. “This thing is massive.”
The song changed to 50 Cent’s Candy Shop, perfect timing as she climbed off the couch, kneeled between your legs and took your cock in one hand to press it against her lips as she peppered it with kisses; after spreading them all over your shaft, she moved on to licking your tip in slow swirls, until finally she took you into her warm mouth.
You gifted Sana with your first moan of the night. She sucked on your tip gently for the first few seconds, still using her tongue to lick around it. Then her eyes met yours as she slowly lowered her lips halfway down your cock, one hand at your base and the other kneading your balls.
Her head movements were gentle and calculated, soon accompanied by a small series of moans that Sana let out every few seconds that made your shaft vibrate. You looked straight into her eyes, amazed at how they could change so drastically from one moment to the next: first they looked like two cute bubbles, but now they seemed to be able to see through your soul.
She gave you a few more sucks and pulled you out of her mouth, her hand moving up and down your cock.
"You want me to take my clothes off huh?" she asked, caressing your thigh with her other hand. "You've wanted to since you saw me out there."
"Then you're going to help me with it."
Sana let go of your cock and stood up so she had her back to you. She had taken off her lace dress in a flash, and when she was left in her shorts and top, she leaned on your thighs and sat fully on top of your cock. The song changed to Sock It 2 ​​Me by Missy Elliott and she started moving her hips to the beat, then looked over her shoulder at you.
"Come on pretty boy, undress me," she said, looking at you with those stupidly sexy eyes.
You brought your hands to her waist and let her dance against your cock for a few seconds, but soon you lost patience and pulled down the zipper on the side of her shorts, which you then grabbed the hem to pull down and slowly reveal her ass cheeks. Sana lifted her hips for a moment, and finally you were able to slide her shorts down her legs. Her panties were also semi-transparent black lace, and made her ass look like a real treat. Next was her top, easier to remove than the bottoms. Underneath she was wearing absolutely nothing, but you couldn't see anything until she stood up and turned to kneel between your legs again. They were a pair of tits that were close to perfection: pretty, round and the size of an apple.
Sana took your cock and brought it back to her mouth, sucked it up and down a few times and pulled it out to jerk you off, her eyes on yours.
"Well?" She smiled, her hand moving in a steady rhythm over your throbbing cock. “Am I just like you pictured me naked in your head?”
“Even fucking better,” you gasped, still unable to stop staring at her tits.
She noticed your gaze and reached up to rub your cock against her tits, consequently smearing them with saliva.
“You like them?” Sana giggled.
“They’re so fucking pretty…” you leaned forward to cup and squeeze one of her breasts in your hand. “I want them in my mouth.”
“And I still want your cock in my mouth,” she rubbed your tip against her nipple. “Now what do we do?”
“After I taste your tits you can ride me however you want,” you moved your hand up to her neck and then up to her chin to slide a thumb into her mouth. She sucked on it, “Is that okay with you, darling?”
“Mmmmm,” she sucked on your finger for a few seconds until she pulled it out, “We have a deal, gorgeous.”
Sana stood up to straddle your lap, her crotch pressed against your cock. You straightened your back, and now with that pair of gorgeous breasts in front of your face, you brought your hands to her ass and plunged your mouth into one of them. She let out a cute moan and gently held onto your head, rocking her hips back and forth against your cock with her fingers tangled in your hair.
You spent the next long seconds sucking on her tits and groping her ass. Your hands moved from her ass cheeks to her legs, and back up to rub her lower back. All the while, you licked and kissed her nipples, using your free hand to massage the free breast that you didn’t have in your mouth at the moment. They were a delicious, fluffy pair of tits, and if Momo didn't exist, they would definitely be the best tits you'd ever suck on in your life.
"S-stop it..." Sana moaned against your cheek. "I want that cock inside me..."
"Then put those panties aside and ride me, you little slut," you said against one of her tits.
Sana wasted no time in lifting her hips and bringing one of her hands to her crotch. You felt her pull the panties to the side, your cock now rubbing against her wet folds. She then used her other hand to grab your shaft and straighten it out to align it with her pussy. When she lowered her hips...
"Alright, stop," Mina chimed in, standing up.
Damn woman.
"Ughhh! This has to be a joke!" you groaned, bringing your hands to your face. You had completely forgotten that neither you nor Sana were in charge of what was going on.
"Boss!" Sana shrieked, forced to release your cock. "Don't be so fucking cruel!"
Mina crossed her arms as she stood in front of you.
"I said I'd decide when you were going to stop," she said. "You should have remembered that. Now stand up, girl, we've got work to do."
Sana frowned and turned to look at her. Momo seemed to know what she was talking about, judging by her smile.
"Work to do?" Sana asked.
"Remember what I said about a great little show?" Momo said, and stood up as well. "I think it's time, sweetheart."
"But I wanted to get fucked!" Sana protested. "Couldn't you have picked a better time?"
"You'll get what you want, darling," Mina said. "But on our terms."
Sana climbed off your lap and adjusted her panties, then stood up to face Mina. The bolts between foreheads again.
"Boss, with all due respect, I didn't come in here because you asked me to," Sana said. "I just wanted to do it because I want to have fun. So, if you want me to do this on your terms, you'll have to grant me one wish."
You never thought you'd hear someone speak that way to Mina or Momo, so you immediately feared for Sana. But to your surprise, neither of them took it the wrong way. Mina just smiled and looked her straight in the eyes, steely.
"And what wish could that be, chibi kōrogi-chan?"
"Like I said, I came here to have fun," Sana replied, holding her gaze. "And what better fun than two cocks instead of one? That makes it up to me for taking one of them away the first time."
Both you and Mina were about to protest, but Momo held up her hand.
"We can fulfill that wish," she said. "But again, you're on our terms."
She looked at you and Mina.
"What rules do you want to set for our guest? Not for you, for the other idiot we're bringing."
"He won't be able to touch me. Or look at me," Mina replied, visibly angry. "And I'm being too damn generous because I'm in a good mood today, Hirai."
"Blindfolded eyes and hands tied behind his back, got it," Momo then looked at you. "Anything to add?"
You didn't want to share any of the three of them with some unknown bastard. But seeing as you would keep 90% of your privileges and there was no other option, you decided to give in.
"Condom always. Even for blowjobs."
Mina nodded in satisfaction, her rigid face now a little calmer.
Sana laughed in disbelief.
"You don't happen to want to cut off his balls too?" she asked. "He won't even be able to watch the show."
"You want him to fuck, not watch the show," Mina said. "Why do you care?"
"I don't care," Sana rebutted. "I'd be disgusted if an ordinary Japanese guy touched me."
Momo clapped her hands together in applause, just like a few minutes ago.
"Then there's nothing more to discuss!" she said. "You two go get ready. I'll send for the lucky bastard."
"And what about me?" you asked. "I just wait here with a hard-on with nothing else to do?"
"Hai!" Momo said with a smirk, then walked over to her desk.
"You'll have music, at least," Mina said, stepping out of the couch space to walk to the side of the office with Sana holding her hand. "Any requests?"
"How long will it take?"
"About fifteen minutes if we're being optimistic."
"Aight, give me Supersonic by Oasis, Jigsaw Falling Into Place by Radiohead and..." you thought for a moment. "I don't fucking know, Cemetry Gates by the Smiths. Yeah, that'll do."
"Fine. As long as you don't get drunk in the meantime."
Mina blew you a kiss, and turned with Sana to go through the door to the left of Momo's desk.
Momo, who you heard on the phone just a few seconds ago, came back to you.
"Takashi will bring the poor bastard over any minute," she said. "Don't worry, neither he nor Takashi will see your dick. One is blindfolded and the other has no interest."
Supersonic started playing at that moment. Mina had to have played it from inside.
"And what do I have to do?"
"Get him to undress and put the handcuffs on him that are in the second drawer of my desk," she pointed at it. "Don't ask why I have them."
"I'm not gonna touch that dude."
"You don't have to touch him, you just need to tell him two things: Fuku wo nuide," she held up a finger. "That means undress. And damatte," she held up the other finger. "Which basically means shut up. Can you pronounce them correctly?"
"I've watched enough anime, yeah."
"Alright, see you in a bit!"
She walked over to you, gave you a peck on the cheek and walked with quick steps to the door Mina and Sana were behind.
So you were left alone, listening to one of the best songs ever written, naked and with your arms crossed. There was no sign of Takashi or the other man until the second song you had requested was halfway through, when they both came storming in. Out of instinct you covered your crotch with a nearby pillow, but it was unnecessary, Takashi was facing the opposite direction and the man he was holding by the forearm was blindfolded.
You sighed and stood up.
"Thank you, Mr. Takashi," you said, walking towards them. "I'll take it from here."
Takashi let go of the man and stood with his back to you.
"Tell Miss Hirai that I'll leave what she ordered me to do on her doorstep," he said. "And that I'm expecting my raise tomorrow."
"Uh... okay."
With nothing else to do, Takashi walked out the door and closed it. That left you alone with the man. He wasn't taller than you; he was a bit shorter, but slightly stockier and older. The way he swayed was indicative of his disorientation.
"Hey, you, do you understand English?"
"U-uh... little bit," he made the same damn gesture with his fingers as Moka.
"Fucking wonderful," you said under your breath. "Walk forward mate."
He complied, taking fearful steps forward. You had to move out of his way as you watched.
"Keep going... keep going."
The man was approaching the couch area, but he was going to crash into the coffee table.
"Stop stop!" you took strides towards him and kept your hands near his back in case he actually fell. "Take two steps to the left and then forward again."
Luckily for you, the man understood your commands and managed to successfully reach the couch. Now it was time to show off your Japanese skills.
"Aight..." you took a deep breath. "What was it like? Ah yeah, uh... Fuku wo nuide."
"Eh? Nani? Nan no tame ni?" the man looked around.
"Don't make it harder, pal," you said with a sigh. "Just o-be-y."
With that said, you went and sat on the couch, facing forward, arms crossed. Cemetry Gates had already started. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that the man was already undressing. You avoided looking at him for now.
"What's your name, mate?" you asked, your gaze wandering between different decorations.
"R-Rizuri," the man replied, taking off his shoes and pants.
You stood up and walked over to Momo's desk.
"Alright, Rizuri," you said as you went through the second drawer, which had mostly papers, a stapler, and several pens. You found the handcuffs at the bottom; they looked perfect and of good quality, with well-polished stainless steel. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't protest."
Looking up, you saw that Rizuri had already sat down without you asking him to. What a fucking problem.
"Oh no no, stand up," you grabbed the handcuffs, closed the drawer, and walked back to him. He didn't understand you at first. "Stand-up!"
"U-uh hai!" he nodded, and then stood up.
As much as you hated to do it, you had to touch him. You grabbed his hands and put them behind his back, but he immediately freaked out and hesitated.
"Eh! Nani shiten no?!" He tried to break free from your grip, but you quickly locked the cuffs and threw the key onto the coffee table.
“Damatte!” you bellowed, and grabbed his arm tightly. “No one will hurt you, you bloody idiot. Consider yourself lucky instead.”
The song had ended a few seconds ago, and now the office was enveloped in silence. The only thing you could hear was the distant rumble of the club music on the other side of the walls.
However, the silence was suddenly interrupted when a song you hadn’t asked for, but that you knew marked the start of the show, began to play. Immediately, the ceiling lights went out, only to turn back on following the rhythm of the song that you soon recognized as Ariana Grande’s Bloodline. The pink, purple, and light blue hues alternated in dim flashes.
“Oh boy, now the fun begins,” you smiled, and pulled Rizuri back to sit on the couch. You did the same, considerably away from him.
Not even ten seconds into the song had passed when Mina appeared from your left. You were near that end of the couch, so she put her hand on your shoulder and gently slid it as she modeled the music to her position.
Your jaw nearly dropped to the floor at the sight of her dressed like that, yet another reminder of why you were so crazy about that woman. The most striking thing was her black top, adorned with shimmering purple straps, held up by three thin straps that revealed her completely bare back. She also wore high heeled boots that reached halfway up her thighs, and black denim shorts.
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She stared at you, as she performed the first steps of the choreography she had prepared for that song. Each move was designed to highlight two things primarily: her back and her ass, so they were mostly sequences where she turned her back to you and looked at you over her shoulder, a half smile on her face as she watched your cock awaken again thanks to her hip movements and her hypnotizing twerk.
When the song ended, things didn't end there; another one played immediately. Lights On by Normani, slower and with the vibes that the situation demanded the most. Mina's face changed completely; just a moment ago you noticed her spicy, playful. Now it was the opposite: her face exuded pure lust, and the desire for you to put your hands on her as soon as you had the chance.
She finally approached you when the beat of the song broke, with slow steps and her hands on her back. You didn't really know why she had them there until she stopped between your legs and her top fell to the floor. And after a year and three months, that pair of small, pretty tits were at your mercy.
You reached out to put your hand on her abdomen, but Mina grabbed your wrist to stop you. She then turned around and moved her ass slowly from side to side, lowering herself until she could lean on your knees and then coming back up with a sensual movement that made her ass pass inches from your face. You noticed how she put her hands on her shorts, which without turning around, and without stopping her subtle movement of her hips, she slowly pulled down her legs with her body bent forward. Now that delicious ass, round and perfect, was also uncovered in front of you, adorned by a cute light blue thong.
As if she were reading your mind, she went straight down to sit on top of your already hard cock, which was crushed between her two buttocks in such a sublime way that it made you moan. You noticed a small, hard bulge between her buttocks, but before you could ask, Mina had pulled back, wrapped an arm around your neck, and started grinding her ass to the beat of the music against your shaft.
She brought her face close to your ear. Her hot breath sent shivers down your spine. You brought your hands to her waist, then slowly moved up to her tits to rub her nipples with your fingers. Mina let out a small moan, and bit your earlobe.
"Yeah baby... touch me," she panted against your ear, now moving her ass in slow circles, kneading your cock between her buttocks. "Feel your girl... show how much you missed doing that."
Turning your face to look at her, you were met with her lips, which merged with yours in a heated kiss filled with moans from both sides. Your hands kneaded her tits for a second, then moved back down her belly to reach her thighs, which you caressed up and down to her knees and back up. Your right hand went to her pussy to rub it over the soft fabric, and your left arm wrapped around the front of her abdomen to press her against you.
Mina, not happy with feeling your fingers only over a piece of fabric, lifted her hips and desperately pulled her panties off. Perhaps she breaked the dynamic a bit, but you were grateful for it, as now you could not only feel her buttocks, but also a bit of her wet pussy every time she moved her hips in the right way.
This, on the other hand, also made you confirm your initial suspicions. The hard bulge you felt a second ago turned out to be nothing but a butt plug, you could feel the cold metal every few seconds. But you didn't say anything for now, focused on rubbing between Mina's soft wet folds, her little bush rubbing against your palm.
The moment was too fucking hot for you, and you were about to lift her hips and take your cock inside her until the song finally stopped. As a result, she stopped moving as well. She broke the kiss, and looked into your eyes between heavy panting breaths. Just then another song started playing, Womanizer by Britney Spears. You knew exactly who was next.
"The show isn't over, baby," she murmured against your lips. "You enjoy it and leave the rest to me."
"Oi! Nani ga okiterun da?! Nande ore wo koko ni tsurete kita n da?!" Rizuri shrieked to your right. You had forgotten about the poor bastard's presence.
"Damare!" Mina shrieked back, not too pleased with his presence. "Koko ni irareru dake demo kansha shiro. Mou sugu omae no nozomi ga kanau!"
You didn't know what the hell she had said to him, but judging by his silence, you assumed it was something convincing enough to keep his mouth shut.
But soon you didn't have to pay attention to him anymore. Sana appeared from the right, with quick steps that matched the rhythm of the song. It looked like something similar to the first part of Mina's performance: a sexy and playful choreography to highlight her beauty and features. But she didn't just highlight that, but also her magnificent dancing skills, which were downright impressive.
Of course she also had you salivating in a matter of seconds. Just like Mina, Sana had made a complete outfit change: she now sported an olive green outfit that consisted of a semi-transparent long-sleeved top, and a short, tight skirt low enough at the waist to show off that delicious belly. On the other hand, she was wearing high boots in a lighter shade of green, which highlighted her beautiful legs.
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Mina had gotten off you to sit at your left, her body pressed against your side and a thigh above yours, and while Sana left you stunned with those sequences full of sharp, fast and sexy movements, she spit on her hand and brought it straight to your cock to rub it slowly up and down. She also buried her face in your neck to fill it with kisses and subtle licks.
You moaned and put your arms on the low back of the couch, forcing yourself to focus your gaze on Sana, who was also staring at you while doing a sequence on the floor in which you could see under her skirt. She wasn't wearing anything underneath, so you had a quick glimpse of her pussy until she stood up again.
After a few seconds Sana pulled an astonishing movement out of her sleeve and took off one of the two tops she was wearing, the semi-transparent one, leaving her only in the tight one she was wearing underneath. When the song ended you thought she would go into the next part like that, but she then also took off that top, now being naked from the waist up.
In sequence came the next song: Let Me Love You, another Ariana Grande song. Sana followed Mina's trend and transformed into another whole person, but in her the change was more noticeable, especially in her gaze, now predatory and thirsty. Kinda scary if you had to be honest.
She walked slowly towards you, while Mina continued to move her hand steadily along your cock and rubbed your thighs together. When Sana was between your legs, the first thing she did was bring her fingers to your lips to rub them, the other hand on one of her breasts and her hips moving to the slow beat of the music. She put two of those fingers inside your mouth, and you gladly sucked them, reaching out one hand to place it on her waist. You put the other around Mina's body, to squeeze one of her buttocks and caress her waist.
Within seconds, Sana pulled her fingers out of your mouth and let you grope her tits with your hand as she grabbed the hem of her miniskirt and pulled it up very slowly. When you were about to see her pussy, she turned around, and finished pulling up her miniskirt with her back arched and her ass pushed towards you, so that you could see that magnificent piece of meat just inches away.
It didn't surprise you that she was also wearing a butt plug, a shiny purple one.
Opportunely, Mina moved her hand a little faster on your cock, now littering the side of your face with kisses. You reached between her buttocks with your hand and rubbed her pussy, your fingers now soaked by her wet folds. She moaned in your ear, and in one subtle movement she settled herself down with her legs spread out on the couch and the side of her upper body on top of your thigh. This way she could grab your cock, spit on it, and take it straight to her mouth.
You moaned as you felt Mina's warm mouth halfway down your shaft, and Sana turned over her shoulder to watch the scene with a lewd little smirk. She brought her hands to her own buttocks to squeeze them, urging you to grab them yourself. You didn't hesitate to do so, and then she took a couple of steps back, her ass now so close to your face that all you had to do was...
Sana buried your face in her ass, right between her buttocks. She had stolen your idea.
The anal plug blocked your access to her butt hole, but you didn't care; it wasn't your main objective. You squeezed both of her buttocks and separated them, to go down to her pussy and give her a long lick from bottom to top. Sana moaned, and remembering that she was supposed to be dancing, she ground her ass against your face, both hands gripping your head.
Mina on the other hand was in a completely different focus. She pumped her head up and down, slurping on your cock in a slow, sensual blowjob that had you moaning against Sana's pussy. You kept moving your fingers between her folds, but since you wanted to reward her for such a delicious head, you brought those two fingers inside her pussy, making her moan around your shaft.
The song ended without you realizing it, and Sana was forced to move her ass away from your face. When you looked up at her she had already turned around, to grab your face with both hands and crash her lips against yours. You kissed during those seconds of silence, with nothing but Mina's moans around your cock as you fingered her.
"You eat pussy so fucking well, you know that?" Sana murmured against your lips, biting the bottom one. “I see why Mina-sama fell in love with you.”
The lights went out for a second, and came back on a moment later as another song started. Call Out My Name by The Weeknd. It was the boss lady’s turn to take the stage.
Sana started to shower the right side of your face with kisses and sat down next to you, quickly taking off her boots, not an easy task given the amount of laces they had. But she was skilled at the task, and as soon as she could, she kicked off the boots and adopted the same position as Mina to grab that side of your cock, showering kisses on every area Mina didn't cover with her mouth.
Momo made her appearance a few seconds later, on the right side of the room. She looked stupidly hot in the outfit she was wearing, which consisted only of a short, strapless red dress and a pair of long red lace gloves. She walked straight to the pole in front of you, and as she watched Sana and Mina suck your cock, she let out a little smile and began her act.
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The first few seconds of the performance were on the floor, using the pole for every move. She was still as magnificent at it as you remembered, and even better. You didn't doubt that she had been practicing non-stop all this time, because the damn woman seemed to be one with that thing.
She stared into your eyes every moment, and you forced yourself to hold her gaze amidst the moans that Sana and Mina, who turned out to be a great duo, drew from you. Now it was Sana who had you inside her mouth, also with slow and sensual pumps, while Mina salivated on your balls and kissed your lower abdomen.
Sana seemed to be the only one who remembered Rizuri's existence; the poor man remained completely still and confused, not knowing what to do or say. Luckily for him, Sana's feet were quite close. She only had to spread her legs a little, to be able to reach Rizuri's cock and caress it with the sole of her foot. Rizuri was slightly startled, but calmed down and sighed as soon as Sana's feet began to do their work.
A little over halfway through the song, Momo stopped to step aside and put her hands behind her back. The cute red dress fell to the floor a second later. What was underneath—or rather, what wasn't—made you question all the sexy things you'd ever seen in your life. Her pair of melons were free, round and perfect. But underneath she was wearing a piece of red crotchless lingerie, which perfectly showed off her little bush.
Momo then resumed the show, but this time she finally got on the pole to begin her routine.
Getting to see her pole dance naked was something that only existed within your deepest fantasies, and boy was it exactly how you expected it to be. That pair of wonderful tits bouncing, hanging and squeezing against the pole felt like a hypnosis method that your mind was unable to resist. If that wasn't enough, the lingerie piece showed way too much from behind, so her round, toned ass was also exposed and free for your delight.
Sana and Mina each now took a side of your shaft to lick and suck, until they moved up and their tongues met at your tip. You pumped your fingers faster in and out of Mina's pussy, and with your other hand you soon reached Sana's as well to finger it. Mina let out a louder moan and took your cock down her throat, holding it there for a few seconds and pulling it out for Sana to continue sucking.
Rizuri's moans had joined yours. Sana had made him hard in a matter of seconds. Now her feet were moving up and down his cock, at the steadiest pace she could between her moans and her pumps.
The song ended, but no other followed. The office fell into partial silence, accompanied by the sounds of sucking, fingers going in and out of wet flesh, and moans. Momo got off the pole in one deft move, and you noticed in her eyes that she had enough of the show.
She walked with quick steps towards you and dropped to her knees on the floor between your legs. You held each other's gaze, as she brought her lace-covered hands to your knees to caress them up and down, passing over your thighs as well. Her eyes then dropped to your cock, which Mina and Sana were still having a juicy feast on.
"Enjoying yourself so far, darling?" she asked, and brought a hand to your balls to fondle them gently. You were unable to formulate a response. "I know you are... but now you must feed us."
Momo removed her hand from your balls and leaned forward, planting her tongue on the back of your cock and teaming up with Sana and Mina to slowly drive you down into complete madness. You couldn't do anything but close your eyes and let your head fall back, moving both of your wrists as fast as you could to get more and more moans out of Sana and Mina.
Mina exploded into moans and spasms a few seconds later, pushing her ass against your fingers, which left Momo and Sana with a clear path to have your cock for themselves. It was Momo who was quick-witted and took you inside her mouth, and unlike the other two, she was like a hungry monster and gave you a sloppy, messy blowjob for the entire time she had you.
Sana fell victim to your fingering not long after. Her orgasm, however, was more frenzied than Mina's, since she had been teased for a while longer and must have felt close to exploding for an hour. The only one affected by this was Rizuri. She couldn't concentrate on continuing to move her feet, so for a few long seconds he was left without receiving any kind of pleasure.
When Sana's orgasm had passed, the three of them were back on your cock. A hand—you didn't know whose it was—wrapped around you and moved quickly up and down, while the three tongues and pairs of lips swirled and kissed near your tip. Another hand also went to your balls to keep them tight.
Opening your eyes and looking down you found that the hand stroking you was Momo's, and the hand on your balls was Mina's. If you hadn't been looking at anything you might have lasted a few seconds longer, but the lewd image, coupled with the hot naked bodies of the three on stage, made you explode immediately.
You let out a loud moan as you felt your thick streams of cum shoot up and then spill out the sides of your cock. Momo, Sana, and Mina made sure to catch and swallow every drop possible from their respective sides, but several of those drops had splashed onto their faces, so all three had either smeared cheeks or noses.
When the cum stopped pouring out of your cock, the three of them finally separated so you could see their faces. Momo had a couple of drops running down her forehead; Sana had one from her upper lip, and Mina had one from her cheek. The three of them looked at each other, and in a stupidly hot act they began cleaning each other up, using only their tongues to do so.
Mina and Sana finally sat up. Sana hugged your side and planted a kiss on your neck.
"Your cock is fucking delicious... fuck," she gasped. "And on top of that your cum is thick and hot... don't you want to plant a load like that inside me?"
"I'm sorry to say you'll have to wait, darling," Mina said from your left. "If I don't get him first I'll kill you both."
"But I'm sure he'll want a little break, won't he?" Momo asked with a smirk. "He came too fucking much, and he's been staring at my tits this whole time."
"Because I need them in my mouth as soon as possible," you replied between gasps. "Come fucking here."
"Fuck yeah daddy," she said, and stood up to straddle you, her thighs pressed tightly on either side of your hips.
Now with Momo's tits in front of your face it was your turn to feast. You wrapped one arm around her waist, pressed her against you and took one of those juicy melons into your mouth, followed by a satisfied moan. Momo wrapped both hands around your head and let out a moan as well, but soon sought out Mina's lips, who had knelt up to grope her all over.
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed that Sana had gone to Rizuri. She was murmuring things to him in Japanese, one hand moving slowly up and down his cock. But it seemed the man wasn't in his strongest mental state, because judging by the way he squirmed, you deduced that he had cum way too early.
"Oh my god!" you heard her complain, annoyed. "He didn't even last a minute! Tsugi wa motto nagaku motasero yo, baka!"
You clearly didn't understand, but she didn't sound happy, so it was most likely a threat.
"H-Hai! Hai!" Rizuri replied, embarrassed. "Gomen, mou shinai!"
"You fucking better!" Sana turned to you. "Momo-sama! Where are the condoms?"
Momo didn't know. You were forced to pull her nipple out of your mouth to answer her.
"Takashi left them outside the door, go see," you replied, and continued to eat and massage Momo's perfect tits.
Mina's job had been to grope Momo's ass and rub her pussy, while their lips danced in a fiery, sloppy kiss. But after a minute she used her right hand to grab your cock and stroke it, with the other behind Momo, teasing with a finger inside her pussy.
Your cock came back to life within seconds inside her hand, and then you pulled away from Momo's tits to look at Mina.
"Ready to ride daddy's cock again, my love?" you asked, and leaned in to kiss her.
"Mmm yeah," she moaned against your lips, and pulled back to look at Momo. "Get out of the way right now, woman."
“Let’s go to the floor,” Momo panted, and gestured to the mat that covered the entire space. “I remind you that we no longer have the couch to ourselves.”
To your right Sana had already returned with Rizuri. She was lying on the couch, her feet close to you, giving the man a blowjob while lazily fingering her pussy. On the table was an open box of condoms; one was missing. The torn envelope was on the floor, and you quickly deduced that Rizuri was wearing it. Good.
You pushed Momo off you and stood up. The coffee table took up more space than you would have liked, so you took a moment to move it to the corner of the mat. There was now a large free space that you didn’t hesitate to lay down on, the soft velvet serving as a perfect bedspread.
Mina climbed off the couch and immediately went to straddle your abdomen. She leaned forward and cupped your face in her hands to kiss you. You wrapped your arms around her slim body, then brought your hands up to her ass to squeeze it hard. Her pussy was rubbing against your shaft, and you couldn't take another minute without being in there, so you grabbed your cock, rubbed it between her folds, and pressed it against her entrance to get her hips to lower.
"Mmmgh!" she moaned against your lips; she bit the bottom one a little harder than you expected. "Fuck yeah..."
Your cock pushed through her folds easily, due to how wet she already was and how slippery your cock was. You hadn't noticed it until now, but not being able to be inside her for all that time had given you severe withdrawal symptoms that were relieved when you were buried all the way in.
Mina began to move her hips up and down, slow and nice, her hands resting on your chest. Your cock slid smoothly, all the way in and out with each movement.
“God… I missed you so much, baby,” she moaned against your lips, and grabbed your face again to pepper it with kisses. “You’re as fucking big as I remember.”
“And you as tight, honey,” you panted, your hands on her waist.
She let out a moan against your cheek and moved down to your chin to bite it. Her hip movements became faster and more uncontrolled, until she simply planted her feet on the floor and began bouncing up and down on your cock.
“Hey, you two will have time to get intimate later,” you heard Momo say behind your head. “I want my piece of the pie too.”
Mina looked up at Momo and didn't protest, she just straightened her back and rested her hands on your lower abdomen to continue bouncing on your cock. But then your vision was obstructed by a beautiful wet pussy just inches above your face, which then lowered until it was pressed against your mouth. Momo had squatted down, her hands resting on your chest and her ass—which also had an anal plug embedded in it—choking you.
Now you didn't know where to put your hands, so you opted to leave one attached to Momo's thigh and the other on Mina's waist. You ate that piece of tender meat as if your life depended on it—and maybe it did, because that massive ass didn't allow you to breathe properly—with fast and hungry licks that had Momo's nails digging into your chest and trembling between moans.
Mina, on the other hand, was jumping so fast that you feared she might break her own tailbone from all the aggressive slamming against your pelvis. She also had her nails digging into your lower abdomen, but she was careful compared to Momo, whose nails you thought were going to pierce your fucking heart.
The first to cum after a little over a minute and a half was Mina, with a high-pitched scream and a downward thrust that made you moan against Momo's pussy. Mina lowered her knees and pressed her thighs on either side of your hips, slowly fucking herself against your cock through her orgasm.
Momo followed a few seconds later, and like Mina, she lowered her knees to sit completely on your face the moment her body exploded. Now you weren't breathing at all. You brought your hands to Momo's buttocks and squeezed them together before giving one a hard spank. She just ground herself against your face between moans, caring little if you were breathing or not.
A couple seconds later she finally got off your face, her orgasm having passed. You took a deep breath, your chest rising and falling violently. You were sure your face must be red.
“God, I’m sorry baby!” Momo gasped, and leaned over to give you pecks on the cheeks. “I couldn’t control myself.”
“I noticed,” you replied, regulating your breathing. “I’m not done with you two yet. Get on top of each other.”
Mina immediately got off your cock and laid down on her back beside you, legs spread wide. Momo climbed on top of her, thighs on either side of her waist and her melons pressed against Mina's small tits. You stood up to position yourself behind her, to delight in the hot sight of both of their pussies stacked on top of each other.
Momo looked over her shoulder at you with a mischievous little smile, subtly shaking your ass, and that alone was enough to make your choice clear. You put your hand on one of her buttocks, and with the other you took your cock and brought it to her pussy, to push your hips forward and slowly penetrate her.
"Oh fuck!" Momo squealed, and pursed her lips. "Slow, slow! I haven't had anything that big since the last time you were here, mmmgh."
“That flatters me, Hirai,” you smiled, and let out a groan as your cock was halfway inside. “This backshot is still immaculate, I must say.”
You dropped both hands on her waist and gave one last push to get the last few inches of your shaft in. Momo let out a moan and clung to Mina’s shoulders, who placed pecks on the side of her face.
“I’ve been working out,” she moaned, and bit her bottom lip as you began to slowly pump your hips. “Thanks for noticing, sweetheart.”
Momo then gave in to the pleasure and turned her head to meet Mina’s lips. Your slow pumps continued for the next few seconds, as you wanted to admire how your cock disappeared and reappeared from between that pair of pretty ass cheeks. But when your body demanded more you pursed your lips and dropped another hard spank on Momo’s ass. She squealed in the middle of the kiss with Mina, and you grabbed onto her ass to fuck her hard now.
After almost a minute Momo broke away from the kiss with Mina and buried her face in her neck, showering it with kisses and bites, a way to muffle her own moans. Mina's eyes then met yours. Her gaze was pleading, full of wanting you to fuck her that hard too, and you didn't want to make her wait too long, so you let Momo's ass jiggle for a little while until you pulled out of her pussy and moved on to Mina's.
Momo didn't complain. Instead, she cooperated with you and lowered her body a little to suck on Mina's tits, while you pumped rapidly in and out of her tight pussy. Mina became a quivering mess of moans and hugged Momo's head, urging her to continue kissing her tits. You, for your part, were holding onto Mina's thighs; you had them pressed back, so that they were almost intertwined with Momo's.
You fucked Mina for almost the same amount of time as Momo—maybe a little longer—and by the time you switched pussies again you were already completely feral; Momo was the only possible victim of this, as as soon as you were fucking her, you grabbed her hair in a fistful and pulled it back hard, giving her another spank with your free hand. The arch of Momo's back let her tits bounce constantly, and Mina, not wasting any opportunity, took them into her mouth and hugged Momo around the waist.
Half a minute later you returned to Mina's pussy, and fucked it with exactly the same fury and effort. This brought her to a sudden orgasm under Momo's body, who held her by the neck while kissing her. You waited for her orgasm to pass, not slowing down, before you returned inside Momo.
The spanking and hair pulling continued, as did the ass jiggles you constantly caused with your frantic pumping. She soon came too, in a violent whirlwind of spasms and screams through which you fucked her mercilessly.
Soon you felt yourself very close to your peak. You brought your hands to her waist, your fingers clenched there tightly. Momo remained still and relaxed-muscled, making herself look like a piece of meat made only for fucking. You groaned and gritted your teeth, when you then felt the tickle.
You quickly pulled out of Momo's pussy and masturbated as hard and fast as you could, until you exploded in thick jets of cum. The first few drops went down Momo's back, while the vast majority went between her buttocks, spilling between them to go around the butt plug, through her slit, and into Mina's pussy.
Behind you, you heard another loud squeal of pleasure. When you looked over your shoulder, you found that Sana had been watching you all this time with Rizuri's cock in her mouth, and had made herself cum with her own fingers. Her eyes were on you, and just like Mina's had been a moment ago, they were begging you to fuck her.
"Come clean up your bosses, cutie," you ordered between gasps.
Sana obeyed without a word. She pulled Rizuri's cock out of her mouth and climbed down from the couch to join you. She first knelt down beside Momo to lick your cum off her back, and then gently pushed you away to lick the rest of it, from Momo's buttocks to Mina's pussy, leaving every little corner completely clean.
Sana then hugged your arm and pressed her tits against it. She gave you a couple of kisses on the neck.
"It's my turn with you now, sweetheart," Sana murmured. "And don't you even dare refuse."
"I wasn't going to," you replied, and turned your head to kiss her. "But since I need a break, I'm going to eat that pretty pussy of yours first."
You grabbed Sana by the arm and pushed her. She fell onto her back, and you quickly laid face down with your face in front of her pussy. You grabbed her thighs and roughly pressed them back, then planted your mouth there to devour her. Sana squealed and brought a hand to your hair to tangle her fingers in it, arching her back.
“Aw, our poor guest looks helpless,” you heard Momo say. “He deserves some consideration.”
You didn’t see what happened next since you had your eyes closed, focused on devouring and tasting every inch of wet flesh and making those thighs tremble, but the next thing you heard was a moan from Rizuri followed by one from Momo.
When you considered your break over, you pulled away from Sana’s pussy and got on top of her to kiss her. She immediately brought a hand between your bodies and reached for your cock, which she brought back to life with gentle strokes and caresses of your balls. Her legs wrapped around your torso, and then she guided your cock inside herself.
"Mmmgh, fucking finally!" she sensually moaned against your lips, and arched her back as your cock was engulfed between her folds. "It feels so big... and so fucking thick, fuck... fuck!"
Sana's pussy was a fucking wonder; it was warm, almost as tight as Mina's and wet like no other. Your cock soon reached the bottom, and in between kisses and bites to her chin, you began to move your hips in a steady rhythm.
She held you close and dug her nails into your back, hers now straight so that you could kiss her and she could muffle moan after moan against your lips. Her legs clung tighter around your body as well, prompting you to grab her thighs and pump as fast as that position would let you now.
In that little flurry of moans and sweat you remembered Mina. You pulled away from Sana's lips and looked to your left. Mina was watching you two, propped up on one elbow and rubbing her pussy, her brow furrowed in pleasure and her lips parted.
"Go to the couch, sweetheart," you said between gasps. "We'll put Sana's pretty little mouth to work on that pussy of yours."
Mina nodded and stood up on shaky legs, walking over to the couch. You then turned your gaze to Sana and pecked her lips.
"Come on cutie," you forced her to let go of your torso and pulled out of her. "Let's go with Mina-chan; I think she wants some attention too."
You stood up and helped Sana onto all fours. Mina was already sitting on the couch, her legs spread wide near the edge; you positioned Sana with her face between them. Sana then spread her knees, lifted her ass and arched her back for you, before planting her mouth on Mina's pussy to eat it out.
Now you could finally see what was going on between Momo and Rizuri. She was on top of him, her back to him, her feet planted on the sides of his thighs as she rapidly rose and fell on his cock. She must have been in a very good mood, because a year ago you would have laughed your head off at the thought of her letting another man fuck her.
However your focus right now wasn't on that, but on Sana's pretty ass presented to you, her pussy ready for you to destroy.
You grabbed your cock and with one hand on Sana's lower back you went back inside her. She moaned against Mina's pussy, who had her hand on Sana's head, her fingers caressing and tangling in her brown strands. Sana held onto Mina's thighs, her moans increasing in volume as you moved on to hammering her pussy as hard as you could.
"That's it darling..." Mina moaned, watching Sana eat her pussy. The hold she had on her hair looked tight and painful. "Be a good girl and make your boss cum!"
Sana could only nod between uncontrolled moans, being roughly shaken by your frantic pumping in and out of her pussy. You couldn't pull her hair because that would interrupt Mina's pleasure, so you opted to simply squeeze her ass cheeks hard and treat her like a living fleshlight.
She came a few moments later, and with the vibrations of her moans Mina came as well. Both of them exploded into violent contractions, Mina with her thighs now around Sana's head, and Sana holding onto those thighs as the only possible point of grip as you fucked her through her orgasm.
To your left you heard Rizuri moan louder than usual. You turned to find Momo now riding him from the front, her arms around his head. Momo seemed glad that he had come, but she didn't look satisfied at all. You could tell she needed a lot more than that.
You pulled out of Sana's pussy a few seconds later, her thighs still shaking. Mina released her head from between her thighs, her breathing ragged as she looked at you and then at her.
"You sure know how to use that pretty little mouth huh?" Mina asked, brushing Sana's hair out of her face before caressing her cheek with her thumb.
"I like being a good girl and always doing my best," Sana replied, moving on to give Mina pecks on her thighs.
You sat back on your heels and rested your hands on your thighs. Shortly after, you saw Momo get up from the couch out of the corner of your eye. She stood behind you and grabbed your chin to tilt your head back and make you look up at her.
"Hey, pretty boy," she smiled, and caressed your cheek with her thumb. "You wanna fuck my ass? You must miss it."
"For sure I fucking do," you replied, and pointed at Rizuri with your finger. "You gonna put him to work?"
Momo looked at him, and when she looked back at you, she shrugged.
"I've always wanted to know what it feels like to have two cocks fucking me in two different holes, so why not?"
"Where do you keep the lube?"
"Not me; Mina," she looked at the desk. "Search in the top drawer."
You turned to look at Mina. Sana had climbed onto the couch with her, both of them resting snuggled up against each other. Who knew that up until an hour ago you thought they'd end up hating each other.
"Can I?" you asked.
"Why are you asking if you'll do it anyway?" she replied.
You shrugged and stood up.
"I feel like if I didn't you'd yell at me."
"I would never yell at you!" she yelled at you, as you walked to her desk. You couldn't help but laugh.
When you got to the desk you opened the drawer and the first thing you saw was the little black bottle, it wasn't completely full, and you smiled at the thought of Mina having her little moments of fun when she was alone in the office.
You grabbed the bottle, closed the drawer and went back to the center of the office. Momo was already lying on her side on the mat, Rizuri next to her with a new condom already on. He was on his knees, apparently ready for whatever was coming. The only missing piece was you.
You laid down next to Momo, who had her back to you. You stayed propped up on one elbow, and brought your hand between her buttocks to grab the anal plug.
"Ready?" you asked, and gave her a little kiss on the shoulder.
She turned her head to look at you.
"To take a big cock in my ass? Always."
You smiled and proceeded to pull the anal plug out carefully. Momo moaned, one hand on her own thigh. With the path now clear you grabbed the lube, opened it and poured it onto your two fingers and brought them straight inside her butthole, stretching it as much as possible. Within seconds you pulled them out.
“And now?” she asked, already panting.
“You ride me,” you replied, lying on your back as you poured lube now onto your cock. “In reverse so our little friend can get his share of the action.”
Momo complied and mounted you facing Rizuri, both feet planted on the sides of your hips and her hands on your thighs. Your cock was already lubed and ready, so you just grabbed it, rubbed it between her ass cheeks and lined it up with her butthole so she only had to lower her hips and slowly impale herself.
“Oh my fucking god…” she muttered, as your cock was engulfed inch by inch by her ass; when it was halfway in, it only took one smooth movement to get it all the way in. “Fuck!!”
With your cock already buried inside her, Momo dropped down to rest half her back on your chest and spread her legs, placing them behind yours. She gave a quick instruction to Rizuri in Japanese, and he moved over to position himself between your legs and hers. All Momo had to do was grab Rizuri’s cock and take it inside her pussy.
“Mmmgh fuck!” Momo squealed, supporting herself with her hands on the floor. “Fucking use me!”
You and Rizuri began pumping in and out. You weren't exactly being coordinated; Rizuri was going fast from the start, focused on his own pleasure. But you made sure Momo felt every single upward thrust with every fiber of her body. This ultimately resulted in her going crazy with pleasure in no time.
"Girls, come over here and serve the boss," you said to Sana and Mina, who you didn't have in your line of vision but you knew were waiting expectantly. "Do whatever you want with her."
You placed your hands on Momo's waist and slowly matched Rizuri's pace, hard thrusts making your pelvis bump against her big ass. Sana and Mina came within seconds, one on your left and one on your right, respectively. Mina immediately kissed Momo and groped one of her breasts, while Sana brought the other to her mouth, one hand caressing the inside of her thigh.
"Slap her tits," you panted to the girls. "I'm sure that'll drive her crazy."
"Oh yeah?" Sana asked, her tone seductive, then squeezed one of Momo's breasts and gave it a sharp slap. Momo squealed. "Does the boss like that?"
"Of course she does," Mina replied, and slapped the other breast harder. "The boss is a little slut who loves having her tits played with."
Mina and Sana each sank down on the side of Momo's neck to shower it with less than gentle kisses and bites. The slaps on her tits continued, getting more frequent and harder. Momo just squealed with each one, almost screaming.
"See?" Mina said against Momo's cheek. "I bet she loves that... doesn't she?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah!!" Momo nodded between moans. Sana rewarded her with two quick, hard slaps to her breast. "I love how you fucking play with my big tits, keep going! Fuck!"
Mina smiled and took Momo's nipple between her index finger and thumb to pinch and flick it. She then gave her another slap, the hardest one yet, which made Momo scream. You and Rizuri were still focused on your task, you hammering her ass and him her pussy. Between all these pleasure inputs Momo was quick to explode.
"Mmmgh yeahhh!!" Momo dropped back against your chest, and you reached around her torso to slowly fuck her through her orgasm. "So good, fuck!!"
Mina and Sana apparently hadn't had enough fun, because while Momo was still writhing in pleasure on top of you, they kept pinching her nipples and giving her tits painful slaps. Rizuri had been considerate enough to slow down as well, until Momo's orgasm finally passed.
Momo put a hand on Rizuri's abdomen and pushed him out of her. She then raised her hips so you pulled out of her and dropped to your side. When you turned to look at her, you found that her tits looked like two tomatoes. 
God damn, Sana and Mina had been hard.
"Stay exactly where you are," Sana said, adopting the same position as Momo on top of you. You noticed that she had already removed the anal plug. "Because now it's my turn."
Neither of you objected. You repeated the same process as with Momo, and when Sana's ass was nice and lubed up and ready, you had her fully impale herself on your cock.
"Mmmgh fuck, that thing feels even better inside my ass," she moaned, fully lying on your chest and holding onto your head. "Momo-sama, would you put our guest's cock inside me?"
Momo was more dead than alive, but she somehow managed to gather the strength to sit up and take Rizuri's cock and guide it into Sana's pussy. By this point you weren't much more energized than Momo, but Sana's ass felt too fucking tight to come down on.
You and Rizuri began pumping fast and hard from the start, and Sana's squeals blossomed one after another. She turned her head to find your lips and kiss them, one hand tangled in your hair and the other on the floor. You gave her body a quick run with your hands until you found her legs, which you grabbed behind the knees to press them towards you.
This time you didn't have to give the order for Mina to get into action. She and Momo knew exactly what to do from the start. Mina leaned down to kiss her abdomen, one hand circling Sana's clit. Momo, meanwhile, returned the favor to Sana and began to suck on her tits.
But then you heard a slap; something dry hitting wet flesh, followed by a squeal that made Sana pull away from your lips.
"Mmm, what do we have here," you heard Momo say with a giggle. "The little whore likes her pussy slapped."
"I-I didn't..." another slap to her pussy, quick and dry, another squeal. "Mmmmgh!!"
You smiled at the discovery made by Momo, and pressed Sana's thighs hard against her own torso, now fucking her ass as fast and hard as you could. Rizuri matched your pace, quite impressive considering his hands were tied behind his back and his eyes were blindfolded; his pelvis was slamming into Sana's crotch as hard as yours was slamming into her ass.
Just like the slaps to Momo's tits, the slaps to Sana's pussy fell one after another like a meteor shower; each one made Sana shudder and squeal, and soon the moans turned into whimpers accompanied by tears of pleasure.
"Look at the little fucking slut..." Mina said, and let out an evil giggle. "So fucking slutty. You like that, whore?" she gave her a hard slap and then frantically rubbed her clit. "Huh?"
"Yes, Mina-sama!!" Sana squealed, her fingers clenching in your hair. "I fucking love it!"
"Who's our little whore? Huh?" Momo asked. "Who's our little sex doll?"
"Me! Me! I fucking am, me!!" she whimpered in response. "Ahhhh!!!"
Sana suddenly exploded, and the orgasm came with a little surprise, as while she writhed in pleasure like a cute rag doll, intense jets of squirt came out of her pussy, staining Rizuri's entire torso.
You heard Momo gasp in surprise.
"She even knows how to squirt!" she said. "You're quite the fucking treasure huh?"
Mina didn't say anything, she simply leaned down to put her face in front of Sana's pussy and lick it, collecting as many squirt jets as she could. Sana continued to writhe on top of you; her thighs trembled beneath your fingers.
“Kuso… hontōni sugoi,” Sana moaned under her breath, weak-eyed and sweat-stained. She turned kissed you again. “You’re fucking wonderful, honey.”
“Just like you…” you panted against her lips. “I truly am a very lucky bastard.”
“Don’t even mention it,” she smirked, and like Momo, made you both get out of her so she could climb down and lay down on your side. She looked at Mina. “Boss, there’s only you left.”
“Don’t even think about it,” she refused immediately. “My pussy is reserved solely and exclusively for him.”
“But not your ass huh?” Momo chimed in with a giggle. “Come on, Mina-chan, just this once.”
Mina frowned and glared at her.
"Hirai Momo, you owe me big time after all this," she threatened, with a finger in the air. "And it won't happen again!"
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, love," Momo nodded disinterestedly. "Now ride him and finish them off."
Mina huffed in annoyance and pulled out the light blue anal plug herself, then straddled you. In comparison to Momo and Sana, she was facing you, her back to Rizuri. Her thighs adjusted to your hips, and she placed her hands on your chest. Sana meanwhile was lubing up Rizuri's cock, then did the same to Mina's ass.
"You're gonna put that hot fucking load all the way inside my pussy, you understand me?" she asked you, giving you affectionate pecks on the lips. She then turned to look at Rizuri with a frown. "Eh! Omae mo ki wo tsukero, samonaito korosu zo!"
Another threat, surely. How fucking scary. If you were Rizuri you would be shitting yourself alive if Mina had spoken to you in that tone and in her language.
You grabbed your cock and took it straight into her pussy, Mina moaned and lowered her hips, impaling herself as deep as possible. Momo then helped Rizuri, taking his cock and guiding it into Mina's ass. It was a bit of a difficult process, as Mina kept insulting him in Japanese for not doing the job the way she wanted, but eventually both cocks were buried deep in both holes, and soon they were going in and out.
Even though Mina's pride weighed more than two cargo ships together, she was quick to let go and show that she was enjoying it as much as Momo or Sana. You wrapped your arms around her body, one arm around her lower waist and the other around her back. You held her tight against you, and she kissed you, as you pumped faster and faster.
Momo and Sana didn't have much to do; just one thing. A few seconds of moaning sounds and flesh crashing against flesh passed, until you heard flesh being spanked. Mina squealed and turned to see the two of them on their knees on either side of her ass, both peppering each butt cheek with kisses.
"What? Are you going to say you don't like that, boss?" Sana asked with a giggle, and gave her another spank that made her squirm.
"She's so haughty that she'll never admit that she loves it, but I can tell you she does," Momo replied, as you watched her bite one of her butt cheeks and then spank it.
Momo was right: Mina was enjoying every single second of it, you could see it in her eyes and the tone of her cheeks, and the way her nails dug into your chest as she moaned louder and louder. Her neck was accessible to you, and you didn't hesitate to kiss it while caressing her back and waist.
"Harder, fuck!!" Mina shrieked. "Don't be weak bitches and spank that ass properly!!"
Momo and Sana took it as a challenge, because the spanks started to fall one after another, each one harder and more violent than the last. The interval between spanks became shorter, until they sounded like a small round of applause. Mina couldn't find anything to hold on to to scream, so she opted for the easy way of cupping your face and kissing you to muffle the shrieks against your lips.
"That hard is fine, you arrogant fucking whore?" you heard Momo say.
"Yeah, just like that, you stupid fucking bitch!!" Mina yelled, clinging to your neck. "And you better not stop unless you want a punch in your stupid face!"
Again, fucking scary.
It wasn't surprising to you that Rizuri was the first to cum. The man gave his last few thrusts until with a loud moan he pushed in as he drained himself. After a few seconds he just pulled out of Mina and let himself fall back, the condom on his cock filled with cum.
That left you alone. But not entirely, because Sana made up for the lack of Rizuri's cock with her own fingers. You weren't sure you saw right, but you swore you saw her use three fingers. This brought Mina quickly to her orgasm, which came in a tidal wave of spasms and screams into the air.
Mina's pussy clenched hard around your cock, and you were close too, so you kept fucking her through her orgasm without slowing down. It wasn't long until you joined her and exploded with an upward thrust, unloading all your seed inside her warm pussy.
"Oh yes baby yes!!" Mina moaned sensually, and she went on to do the work, moving her hips up and down as you shot spurt after spurt inside her walls. "Fill me up, fuck... Fucking missed this feeling."
Your lips met again, this time in a kiss filled with passion and adorable little moans from her. Mina caressed your hair and cheeks, and you just held her between your arms.
"Fuck, they're being cheesy again," you heard Momo say.
"Do they like each other or...?" Sana said.
"Shut up both of you!" Mina snapped, then pointed at Rizuri, who was lying on his side on the floor. "Now get him out of here!"
While Sana and Momo were busy getting Rizuri to stand up and get dressed, you and Mina continued kissing until your cock came out of her pussy, so all your cum could come out. Neither Sana nor Momo bothered to clean it up since they were doing a harder job, so you two had to find a towel to clean up yourselves.
When you finished, Mina intertwined her hand with yours and led you to the couch. She made you lie down, so she could lie between you and the backrest, her body pressed against your side. You put your left arm around her, the other hand on your chest. You both watched as Momo and Sana took Rizuri out of the office with his hands now free.
"And there goes the poor bastard," Momo said with a smile, walking over to you. She sat down at your feet.
"He's not poor at all," Sana said, sitting on Momo's lap with complete confidence. Momo put her arms around her and looked at her with shining eyes. How curious. "He got to fuck the three hottest Japanese girls in the entire country."
"Yeah, but he didn't know," Mina laughed. "He only knows that he fucked three Japanese women; he doesn't know what kind."
"I don't think he cares either," you laughed as well. "He came out of here pretty drained."
"Hey, get some rest and get dressed," Momo said. "We're going to the apartment," she then looked at Sana, caressing her lower back. "Do you have something to do, sweetheart?"
"Not really, why?" she asked, and cocked her head. "Are you inviting me to spend the night with you, Momo-sama?"
Momo shrugged.
"If you want, of course."
"Of course I do," she smiled.
Sana then grabbed Momo by the chin and leaned over to give her a small kiss. She then stood up with a smirk and started to get her clothes. Momo stared at her, and you and Mina looked at each other with a frown. Suspicious to say the least.
After Sana, Momo was the next to stand up to go get her clothes and get dressed. Mina and you were in no hurry; you were exhausted, and she was more of the same. You spent at least another five minutes just lying there cuddled up against each other, feeling nothing but each other's breathing.
"Cuties, sorry to break the mood but it's getting late and I want to take a shower," Momo said, already dressed in her previous outfit, the one from before the show.
"I have to go get my stuff from the hotel and cancel the nights I already had paid for," you said, and after giving Mina a peck on the forehead, you stood up with a sigh.
"Do you want me to pay for the taxi?" Momo asked.
Sana appeared as well, dressed in part of her performance outfit and Mina's coat over her to cover herself.
"I'll do it," Mina said, also standing up. "I'll go with him and we'll meet you at the apartment."
"Honey, there's no need..." you tried to protest, but she raised a finger at you.
"I didn't ask you, it's mandatory."
You shrugged and gave in. You searched for your clothes, which were scattered around the carpet, and as you got dressed you made sure you had all your things in order. Mina had gone into the room to get dressed; she came out a few minutes later, wearing the outfit she was wearing when you met up earlier.
"Ready then?" Momo asked, fixing her hair.
"Yeah, let's get out of here," Mina nodded. "I'll tell Takashi-kun to close the club and send the girls home safely."
Mina got on the phone for a minute, and then she motioned for you to leave. You followed Momo and Sana, but waited for her under the door frame until she caught up to you and linked her arm with yours.
As you walked out of the club Momo walked hand in hand with Sana to a sedan parked on the side of the road. A black chrome Mazda 3. She unlocked the doors with the remote and opened the passenger door for Sana to get in.
"Come on, get in," Momo nodded at you. "I'll take you to the hotel and then I'll head to the apartment."
"Sounds good," you nodded, and went to open the back door for Mina to get in. You followed her.
Momo got you to the hotel in a matter of about ten minutes, and even though you tried to tell her that you didn't think it would take long and that she could wait for you, she ignored you and just drove off with Sana to the apartment. You and Mina agreed that those two were really into each other.
Mina walked you to your room and helped you gather your things to put in your suitcase, then went to the lobby to cancel the nights you had booked. For some reason the hotel didn't do refunds, and Mina nearly jumped over the counter to beat the hell out of the receptionist. But you just put your arm around her waist and pulled her out of the lobby amid Japanese insults.
Outside, Mina took charge of ordering the taxi, which arrived in less than five minutes ready to take you to your destination. After about ten minutes you finally arrived at the street of the building, near the parliament and also the Danube river, which was only a couple of blocks away.
It was a beautiful street, full of small shops and tall, thin trees, with small, sparse leaves that allowed you to see the windows and balconies. The buildings, all at least five stories high and built of light stone, stood imposing and elegant, with classic ornamental facades in the purest European style.
Mina led you inside one of them, which was exclusively residential. You climbed the stairs to the fourth floor, and walked through a wide hallway until you reached the last door. She first opened the outer gate, then the varnished wooden door that led you inside.
"Welcome to my new home, darling," Mina said behind you as she closed the door.
This apartment was a clear example of all the hard work the girls had put in over the past year or so. It was simply gorgeous, modern and cozy, very much the style of the two of them. The aesthetic was minimalist, yet sophisticated and elegant, with a shiny marble floor and white walls, which were complemented by the warm brown tones of the furniture.
You passed through the doorway on the left of the small lobby you were in, which led you to the wide open hallway with the dining table on the left wall; it was made of a shiny, polished wood, which reflected the dim light from the hanging lamps. Just to the right was the kitchen, perfectly integrated into the space thanks to the shiny wood finish of the cabinets, the long black countertop and the built-in appliances.
But after taking a few more steps you were in the main attraction of the apartment. The living room featured brown leather furniture: a large sofa at the back and two individual armchairs, arranged on a fluffy light gray rug. The ceiling was double-height, with a recessed lighting rectangle built in, and the large window at the back, covered by white curtains, completed a more than perfect, comfortable space.
"Honey, this is gorgeous," you said, hands clasped behind your back, admiring the abstract paintings on the walls. Then you turned to look at her. She was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, and looking at you with a smirk. "I'm proud of you, really."
Mina smiled from ear to ear and walked over to you to wrap her arms around your neck. She pecked you on the lips and looked into your eyes. You put your hands on her waist.
"Thanks, baby," she said in a cute tone of voice. "It was fucking hard to haggle with the owner, but it was worth it."
You laughed and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"I never thought you'd end up being Jordan Belfort."
She laughed, and you were dazzled by that beautiful gummy smile.
"But I don't launder money," she pointed out. "Huge difference."
Your reply was cut off by the sound of a door opening behind you. You turned to see Sana and Mina exiting what you could see was a bedroom. The comfortable outfits they got on consisted of shorts and a loose hoodie. That led you to deduce that they had already showered. Together, apparently.
“You two sure took a while, didn’t you?” Momo asked with a goofy little grin that she shared with Sana. Those two were up to something until you two arrived, you were sure.
“I got into a little argument with a damn bitch, but it’s okay,” Mina let go of you and walked over to them. “Can I use the bathroom? I could use a shower too.”
“Yeah, go,” Momo stepped away from the door to let Mina through. She then looked at you. "You can use the bathroom in my room if you want, sweetie.”
"And that's...?"
"Over there," she pointed down the hallway behind you. "The door at the very back."
"Got it," you nodded. "I assume this is Mina's room, then?"
"Perfect, I'll leave my suitcase here."
She rolled her eyes as you picked up your suitcase and walked past her into the room.
"Don't you dare deny that you're crazy about that woman, my god."
You left your suitcase inside the room and from inside you took out the clothes you would wear after your shower, listening to the sound of water falling behind the door to your left.
With your things in hand you walked out of the room to find Sana on top of Momo on the wide leather couch. They didn't mind your presence, so you simply ignored them and went where Momo had indicated.
You walked down the hall and into Momo's room, then into her bathroom. The shower you took was a bit intensive as you were exhausted and sticky, and you also needed to relax your muscles with some cold water. When you finished you felt like you were made of clouds, a completely new man.
You walked back into the living room, drying the inside of your ears with the towel, dressed but barefoot. Mina had already come out of the shower, she was sitting on the couch with Sana and Momo, who had moved to the far end so they could be comfortable.
You went to sit next to Mina, who clung to you with her arms and legs like a koala. Her pajamas were some small shorts and a loose black t-shirt. You snuggled her against you.
"What a day, huh?" you asked. "Bloody hell. I feel like an elephant ran over me."
"Tell me about it," Momo replied, now she was the one snuggled up against Sana's chest and arms. "Doing all the paperwork for this place was an ordeal."
"On top of that, the stinky man kept pestering us with cheap compliments and pathetic laughs," Mina added in a dismissive tone, as if she was disgusted by talking about him.
Sana suddenly yawned hilariously loudly. Momo raised her head to look at her with an amused smile.
"Sleepy, sweetie?" she asked.
Sana could only nod. Her face was that of a person who just wanted to hibernate like a marmot, her eyes weak and half-closed.
"Let's go to sleep then," Momo pulled away from her and nodded towards the hallway.
Sana nodded again and stood up, and as she walked towards the hallway she gave the two of you a lazy wave goodbye, too tired to speak.
You and Mina then stared at Momo. She looked back at you, and seeing your judging eyes made her smile fade.
"You like her?" Mina asked.
The question immediately made Momo nervous. She let out an awkward giggle.
"Sana? Nah. I'm just being nice."
"I don't know about you, but I don't just cuddle up in the arms of a person I'm just being nice to," Mina attacked again.
"Alright, this conversation is over," she stood up. "Goodnight, darlings."
You shared a smile with Mina, and waited for her to leave before continuing to talk.
"She likes her, right?" you asked.
"Yeah, it's been going on for months, it's just that today they had the chance to be together. And it seems that they have a thing for each other."
"They look cute together, you have to admit," you said, shrugging.
"Yeah, but I've told Momo many times not to get her hopes up too high."
"Because boss-employee relationships don't usually work out all that well most of the time," she then yawned as well. "But anyway, it's between the two of them."
"Time for cuddles in bed and sleep?"
"Fuck, yes please," she sighed.
You stood up and offered Mina your hand. She took it, and together you walked into her room. She was quick to turn on the air conditioning, while you got into bed and under the blanket, then joined you. You immediately pulled her into your arms, and she hugged your chest.
All the accumulated tiredness knocked you out in a matter of minutes.
The next morning felt like a lucid dream. You didn't know what had woken you up first, the rays of sunlight filtering through the white curtains or the pots clanking together and the sound of the sink opening and closing outside.
But none of that was relevant when you woke up with that angel by your side.
Mina was a gift from the gods, you confirmed it when you saw her face illuminated from the side by the morning light. She was an unmatched beauty, worthy of a princess from a fairy tale. Even her voice sounded like that (even when she was angry).
You couldn't find a better way to wake her than with kisses all over her face, as subtle and affectionate as you could. They worked a few seconds later, when she stirred and snuggled up against your chest. Mina then opened one eye, looked at you, and closed it again.
"Nice way to wake me up..." she murmured. "But I don't see why you should stop giving me kisses."
You smiled and gave her more and more kisses, several of them on the lips, until she finally opened both eyes and cupped your face in her hands to kiss you. After a few seconds you pulled away from her lips and pulled her up to your side, wrapping your arms around her.
"I could see that pretty face of yours every day when I wake up and never get tired of it, you know?" you gave her a peck on the nose.
"Oh yeah?" she caressed your cheek with her thumb, looking into your eyes from very close. "That could be arranged."
"Ask me. I know you want to."
She hesitated for a moment, and nibbled on her lower lip nervously.
"Honey, stay, please..." she cupped your face in her gentle hands. "Stay here with me and let's be happy. I..." she looked down. "God, it's been a year and three months where I couldn't get you out of my head, and I can't go through that again."
You thought for a moment about your answer, licking your lips before doing so.
"Honey... you know it's not easy," you said.
"I know it's not easy, fuck," she looked you in the eyes. "But you have us here. We have contacts; we can help you! Hell, you can even bring your parents if you want, I don't care."
"Baby, I need you to relax," you said, noticing that she was getting a little tense for no reason. "My parents aren't a problem."
"I do want to stay," you interrupted her, and that lit up her face like a beacon. "But it will take about a month to get all the paperwork done, and in the meantime you two have to help me with the residency and work permit. With the whole UK leaving the European Union thing, things got a bit screwed up."
Mina's only response was to let out an excited squeal and kiss you, kicking your feet so excitedly that they made the bed shake. You laughed and kissed back.
"Are you serious?" she asked. "Aren't you messing with me?"
"I'm serious. But you two have to put in a lot of effort too."
"No problem with that," she waved her hand. "We can employ you as a secretary first and move from there."
"Well, going from accounting director to secretary isn't something I was planning on but I'm in."
Mina's face changed. She frowned.
"Wait a minute, are you an accountant?"
"Uh... yes?"
"You'll be our accountant!" she announced, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. "Holy crap... thank goodness."
"Wait, you didn't have an accountant?"
"No! Can you believe that? Momo and I are barely keeping track!"
"How the hell haven't you been fined? Or worse, how have you not gone bankrupt?"
She shrugged.
"I don't know, we make a lot of fucking money and we're not stupid either."
"Fuck..." you sighed. "Fine, I'll be your accountant. Have you thought about expanding the business?"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, make a more general bar, maybe, and less hidden," you said. "You're wasting Moka's talents on a bunch of stinky Japanese men."
"I mean... you're right. But right now we have to get back on our feet financially after buying the apartment."
"I can check your account book today, so you'll know where you stand exactly. Do you have an Excel file?"
"Yeah but..." she scratched her temple. "It's a bit messy."
"I'll fix it, no problem."
"God, thanks sweetie..." she sighed, and put her cheek against your chest. "Wait a minute..."
She lifted her head and stared at you with half-lidded eyes.
"Why don't I have your fucking phone number?"
You were absolute idiots. The two of you. Momo included. The most basic thing had slipped your mind a year and three fucking months ago.
"I..." you thought about it for a second, your gaze lost somewhere on the curtains. In the end you shrugged and shook your head.
"Fucking hell..." she snorted. "I forgot that this isn't the fucking 1960s. Let's go get breakfast before I start banging my head against the wall."
"Yeah, same."
You and Mina got out of bed feeling like a couple of retards. Neither of you brought it up again, you'd do it with Momo in a moment to see how stupid her face would be too.
Going outside and into the kitchen confirmed what you already suspected: Sana and Momo were already preparing something. One was at the counter whisking some eggs and the other near the sink, chopping vegetables.
Sana was the first to notice your presence.
"Ohayou!" she said with a smile, looking at you for a moment before looking back at the eggs she was whisking. "Did you sleep well?"
Momo turned around for a second and smiled too.
"Of course they slept well, look at those cute little faces in love."
Mina walked into the kitchen and walked over to the fridge. You stood leaning against the wall behind Sana.
“What are you two cooking?” she asked.
“Tamagoyaki and tsukemono,” Momo replied.
“Waa!” Mina grinned, pulling out a bottle of cold water from the fridge. “Oishii!”
Mina walked over to you, drank from the bottle, and offered it to you.
“What’s that supposed to be?” you asked, taking the bottle of water and then opening it and taking a long drink.
“Omelet and pickled vegetables,” Sana replied. “Nothing fancy, but it’s delicious.”
“Oh, by the way,” Momo set her knife aside and turned around to face you. “I have some errands to run, so I’ll be gone for the better part of the afternoon.”
“I have to get going, too,” Sana said, pouring the eggs into the pan. "I have a condo meeting and my landlord is coming to see the apartment."
"But you have the night off, right?" Momo asked.
"Uh..." Sana looked at her and tilted her head. "I have to go to the club, right?"
"Wrong. You're going out with us."
"You made plans without telling us?" Mina asked from beside you.
"I made them because I know you wouldn't say no," Momo turned around again to continue chopping vegetables. "We're going to a sauna. A nice, private one."
"Well, I certainly wasn't going to say no to that."
"You see? I always have everything under control. Now go set the table, please. This will be ready soon."
You and Mina got to work, and the table was ready in no time. Breakfast was ready just a couple of minutes later; Momo and Sana took care of serving it to everyone, accompanied by a delicious glass of soy milk. Everything was delicious: the omelet was kind of sweet and fluffy, and the vegetables tasted fresh.
After finishing breakfast, Sana and Momo got up from the table ready to go change and go out to do their errands. You and Mina stayed chatting at the table, while she showed you some files she had on her phone about the club's accounting. You couldn't do much with it, but it served to give you a first idea.
It was only when the girls left that you were free to discuss the matter more calmly. She took out her laptop, and accessed her Drive file to get all the files from there. You were fully expecting what you found in them: lack of control over income and expenses, lack of clear categorization, and problems with cash flow. It was a problem, but everything was perfectly reversible; it would take a few months to be solved.
With that matter sorted out for now, you and Mina were free to spend the afternoon spending quality time together.
Your favorite moment was the conversation you had while putting together a 500-piece puzzle, because the chemistry flowed like a calm river, and you couldn't have been more relieved. You both delved into each other's lives, slowly opening the doors to a growing mutual trust. This was easy, as Mina was open to answering every question without reservation, and you didn't hesitate to do the same. All of this led to a point where you felt that your relationship would only get stronger, on a horizon that looked fulfilling for both of you.
You even took a short nap on the couch, interrupted by the arrival of Momo, who gently shook you awake. You opened your eyes to find her standing beside you, handbag still in her hand. 
The sun had dipped considerably, and the room was now morose. It had to be close to 6 already. You and Mina had fallen asleep at 4.
"Wakey wakey," she told you. Mina woke up seconds later, rubbing her eyes. "Go get ready. We have to go."
"Already?" Mina asked in a small voice, followed by a yawn. She sat up.
"Our appointment is at 7, and it's going to be almost 6. So yeah, get moving."
Momo left you and walked down the hall, checking her phone. You and Mina hurried to stand up and go get dressed. It wasn't a formal occasion, and you weren't going to a crowded place either, so you didn't put too much effort into your outfit. Mina was kind of different, she always tried to look her best, no matter where she went, so you had to wait a couple more minutes for her.
By 6:30 the three of you were ready to go to the car. As you walked down the stairs Momo told you that you would pick up Sana at her apartment, and that's what you did. In no time you were all heading to the establishment where Momo had rented the sauna, which you arrived at just in time.
It was a place somewhat far from the city center, picturesque looking and full of beautiful cabins connected to small sheds on the side. Shortly after, you learned that those cabins were also part of the establishment, and that one of those sheds—specifically one of the furthest ones, almost touching the forest on top of a small hill—, was the space assigned to you.
Momo stayed talking to the receptionist while you admired the green landscape, and after a few small adjustments and details to clarify, you were assigned a worker who would accompany you to the cabin to explain how the sauna worked and what you would have to do if you wanted to adjust certain aspects such as the temperature, the lights or the music. It was a brief instruction, but effective enough to make everything easy for you.
Then the worker left, and left you alone in the cabin, which consisted of only one floor and an attic. The guy emphasized that you take a shower first to prepare your bodies for the heat. After doing so, you came out with the towels already rolled around your bodies to get into the cabin.
It was a relatively small space, perfect for four people to fit comfortably without being too crowded. Light wood walls surrounded everything, with a single decorative panel of textured concrete lit from behind. The ceiling was adorned with discs of cut wooden logs, giving the place a rustic feel. Soft, warm light emerged from hidden strips beneath the seats, arranged in three different tiered levels. In front of them, a circular stove loaded with rocks waited and was already lit. The heat immediately hit you.
“Fuck, how hot is it in here?” Sana asked, going to sit on the second level, where there was a bowl of water. The worker had explained that if you wanted to add a little steam you would just have to pour some on the rocks.
You reached for the touch panel in the booth to corroborate that information and adjust the lights in the process.
“70 degrees,” you read, dimming the lights a little and putting on a lo-fi playlist perfect for relaxing. "But with you three in that tiny towel, about 80."
The three of them laughed as they settled in. Momo sat on the top level, and Mina sat next to Sana, leaving a space between them that you sat in, hands braced at your sides. The dry heat took its toll quickly, and the four of you were practically covered in sweat within five minutes.
"So? What are your plans, sweetie?" Momo asked from behind you. She had her legs crossed just behind your head. "When are you leaving?"
You turned your head to look up at her. You'd be a liar if you didn't admit that you first saw that pair of toned legs and her cleavage on the towel before you saw her eyes.
"Day after tomorrow, 8 fucking morning," you replied.
"We can go out to lunch tomorrow then," she suggested. "And then go partying. I know a couple of good places."
"Yeah, that sounds cool. The nightlife is hella fun here."
"Hey, and you're not planning on staying?" Sana asked from beside you.
"Well, actually..." you gave a quick glance to Mina, who had a small smirk on her face. "I'll probably end up moving here. Sooner rather than later."
"Wait what?!" Momo squealed behind you, leaning forward to look at you, holding onto your shoulders. Her mouth was agape.
"I mean, you won't see me for a few months, but you'll be helping me with all the necessary paperwork," you replied with a smile, looking up at her. "Mina will fill you in on the details."
You and Mina spent the next few minutes explaining to Momo everything that needed to be done. You inevitably came up with the subject of the club's accounting, a topic she stared into space throughout your explanation of the things that were wrong and needed to be corrected.
"Damn, that's what I get for being stingy," she muttered, dismayed, but then her face changed to a smile. "But oh my god, I can't believe you're actually going to move here!"
She hugged your head from behind, you smiled and took her forearms. Sana seemed happy about it too.
"It's advantageous for everyone," she said. "Now Mina-sama won't have a sour face everywhere."
"I don't wear a sour face everywhere, you fucking-" Mina tried to go past you to pinch Sana's thigh, but you stopped her and pulled her back as Sana giggled.
A couple of minutes passed when Mina stood up and poured a little water on the stones, so that the steam emerged and covered the cabin. It was light, nothing too overwhelming. Your body certainly appreciated it.
"Fuck, it's already getting too hot," Sana said with a sigh, and then she unrolled her towel, which fell behind her and revealed her sexy, naked, sweaty body.
It was a move you were more than expecting, so it didn't surprise you. You did try to look at her as little as possible, though, so you wouldn't get an instant boner. It wasn't like they would care, but you thought that maybe it would just be an intimate moment without any lewdness involved.
How naive of you. Of course there was going to be lewdness involved; you were in a fucking sauna with three women you'd already fucked previously.
"Ah! Sana-chan's right," Momo said from behind you, and you didn't need to turn around and look at her to know she'd taken off her towel as well.
"I'm not that hot," Mina said from your left. "But it would be rude of me to still be covered up with you two naked."
Mina then took off her towel as well. You couldn't help but stare at her, and damn, her pale, shiny, sexy body looked like a fucking snack. Turning your head you were met with another stupidly hot piece of meat, but what stood out the most about Momo were those perfect pair of tits covered in sweat.
"What?" she asked, her gaze somewhere other than your eyes. "Aren't you going to take it off too? I think that thing wants to breathe."
You followed her gaze, to find that you were already harder than the wooden discs on the ceiling. Your cock was sticking out of the towel with slight throbbing, and screaming for release. It was clear that you two had already gotten into the little game, so you weren't going to bother playing dumb.
"Oh right, my bad," you nodded, and unrolled your towel to take it off, thereby freeing your cock.
All three pairs of eyes went straight to it. Sana giggled, and sat as close to you as possible, thigh to thigh. Mina imitated her.
"It hasn't even been a minute since the three of us got naked..." Sana said to your right, close to your ear, her finger scribbling on your shoulder. "That horny we make you, daddy?"
"How crazy you are about us, daddy?" Mina asked to your left, one hand caressing your thigh, quite close to your cock. "I hope not too much... that boner looks painfully hard."
Momo climbed down from the seats behind you and made a spot right behind your back. She knelt up and hugged you at pec level, her slick tits pressing against your back.
"I think he wants us to take care of it," she said in your ear, caressing your nipples and pecs. "Right daddy?"
"Oh I sure do," you replied with a gasp, and turned around to find Sana's face and parted lips inches away. Kissing her made everything go downhill.
The first thing Sana did was bring her hand to your cock, her fingers gripping tightly before slowly moving her wrist up and down, in the middle of a kiss that got heated from the start. Mina kissed your neck, her hand going from your abdomen to your balls. Momo, for her part, kissed your neck and shoulder blades, her hands still making circles on your pecs.
A couple of seconds later you moved on to kiss Mina. She added her hand to Sana's on your cock, and now you had both of them moving slowly up and down. Momo took care of your balls, extending an arm under yours to reach them and knead them carefully, purposely moving her tits up and down your back.
Sana was the first to give in to her desires and she settled back on the seat to take your cock straight into her mouth, with light suctions on the first few inches. Mina got into a similar position, to reach the side of your shaft and lick it in every way possible. Momo then came out from behind you and went to kneel between your legs to start sucking on your balls.
It was an act exactly like the one at the club last night, but this time you wanted to take a different tack.
"On your knees, all three of you," you ordered between gasps, hands on Sana and Mina's heads as they sucked your cock. "I'm gonna fuck your mouths."
"Mmm, yes daddy," Sana replied as she pulled you out of her mouth.
The three of them went to kneel on the floor, somewhat close to the stove with the stones. Mina on the left, Momo in the middle, and Sana on the right. You stood in front of Momo, who stuck her tongue out as soon as you grabbed her head to smack your cock against it several times, only to then take it inside her mouth.
You knew what they were capable of, so you weren't planning on being gentle. You shoved your cock into Momo's throat on the first thrust, and she took it like a champ, just gagging a few times before you started pumping in and out. Slow at first, fast and steady within a few seconds, not letting up until she started spilling her own saliva.
Next up was Mina, seeing as she was the one begging for it. You weren't gentle with her either, and you were fast from the start, one hand on the back of her neck and the other on her jaw. She was just as good as Momo, but every thrust you made into her throat made her gag and scrunch up her face.
With your cock now soaked to the base with a thick layer of Momo and Mina's combined saliva, you moved on to Sana. If with the previous two you had dispensed with any kind of gentleness, with Sana you went straight to being a fucking animal. She luckily took it all like an expert, with no signs of gagging even though you were destroying her mouth and making her salivate on your cock.
"Momo, make me fuck those tits, will you?" you asked, taking your cock out of Sana's mouth. "Let's take advantage of the natural lubrication."
"Mmm. of course," she nodded with a little smile. "Have a seat daddy."
You went to sit on the second step, and she went straight between your legs. Mina went to sit right behind you, wrapping her legs around your torso and pressing her slit against your lower back. Sana stayed on the floor, only to get on all fours so she could get level with Momo's ass to kiss and grope it.
Momo bit her lower lip and let out a small moan as she felt Sana's tongue between her buttocks, but she focused on what you had asked her for in the first place. She grabbed your cock, lifted her torso and placed it between her tits and then squeezed it between them.
She began to move up and down slowly, looking into your eyes between small moans that Sana elicited from her. Mina meanwhile kissed your back and neck, her hands roaming all over your sweaty body and her hips moving against your lower back so that you could feel how wet she was.
You brought your hand to Momo's chin and made her suck your thumb. She increased the speed, between louder moans since Sana was now on her knees, fingering her from behind, kissing and groping her buttocks.
Moans also escaped from you. Momo's tits had never felt this good, lubricated by a combination of saliva and sweat that in addition to their natural sponginess made your cock feel like it was inside two clouds.
"Do you want my feet or my thighs, daddy?" Mina asked in your ear with a small moan. "I'm completely yours to choose..."
"Give me your feet, baby," you replied between labored breaths. Momo was moving at her fastest pace yet. "Sana will give me her thighs and finish me off."
"Does that mean I have to stop daddy? Mmmgh," Momo moaned, her brow furrowed and her bottom lip bitten.
"For now," you added, and then she stopped to go and engage in a heated kiss with Sana, who continued to finger her as hard as her wrist would go.
Mina's feet instantly caught your cock. They moved up and down slowly at first, her toes caressing your balls and tip in circles as they went up.
"You chose my feet because you know they're magical, don't you daddy?" Mina asked in your ear, her arms wrapped around your torso, as she gave you a toe curling footjob.
"Of course I did sweetie," you managed to reply, your hips squirming slightly.
"And you like my nails?" she bit your neck and peppered it with kisses. "I got a pedicure a few days ago, so they're perfect for you."
"I can fucking feel it baby, oh my god," you moaned. Her feet were now moving rapidly up and down.
You let Mina continue to jerk you off with her feet for a few long seconds that felt like aligning all your fucking chakras. But you knew your body and you felt close, so it was time to take Sana's turn.
She and Momo were on the floor. Momo was lying down with her legs spread wide, while Sana was on the side, three fingers pumping in and out of her with one of her tits in her mouth.
"Sana, come here right now," you ordered as Mina slowed down the footjob. "Momo, baby, I'll fuck you first to make up for the interruption."
Sana gave Momo a sexy kiss and caressed her bottom lip with her thumb before standing up and going with you. Mina moved out from behind you, and knelt to your right. Momo, still agitated and visibly very horny, knelt on the opposite side. Sana meanwhile sat on her back on top of your cock, and you made her lift her hips to put your shaft between her slender, soft thighs.
"Come on baby, do the work and finish me off," you ordered, hands on her waist with kisses on her back.
"Yes daddy," she moaned, moving slowly up and down and then picking up the pace. "Is that good?" she asked between labored breaths. "You love that, daddy?"
You didn't love it, you were so fascinated that you couldn't do anything else but leave your mouth slightly ajar and lift your face to the ceiling with your eyes closed. Your fingers gripped her waist firmly, and then you moved your hands up to squeeze her tits as your cock went in and out of those perfect, slippery thighs.
As if that wasn't enough, Momo and Mina had gotten on their hands and knees, their faces just inches away from the action. They then stuck their tongues out and lingered above Sana's thighs, so that every time she went down and your tip was exposed, they would lick it.
That took you to another level of pleasure, and on top of that, Sana's ass bouncing against your pelvis felt amazing too. You couldn't help but explode a few seconds later.
"Mmmgh fuck, fuck!!" you groaned, feeling your cum jets being shot out one after another.
"Mmm yes! That's it daddy..." Sana moaned, twisting her body a little to wrap an arm around your head and kiss you. "You like how my pretty thighs drain you?"
You didn't manage to formulate a response, instead you wrapped your arms around Sana and pressed your forehead against her back between uncontrollable gasps. You could feel Mina and Momo's tongues already working, swirling around your tip and down your shaft.
When you opened your eyes and looked over Sana's shoulder you saw the mess you had made. Not only were her thighs covered in cum, but Mina and Momo's faces as well, who didn't bother to clean up until they made sure you had seen them.
Momo then grabbed Mina's face and used her tongue to clean it all over. Mina then returned the favor, but you didn't notice that either of them had swallowed what she collected. You got your answer when they knelt up, Momo grabbed Sana's chin and made her open her mouth and stick her tongue out. They both then opened their mouths and let all the cum that had accumulated inside them fall into Sana's mouth.
"Oh god..." you gasped, admiring the lewd scene up close.
Sana took every drop and swallowed it like a good girl, then scooped up what was left on her thighs with her fingers and shoved them into Mina and Momo's mouths.
"Play with each other, go on," you ordered. "I need a little break."
They happily obeyed. Sana climbed off your lap and picked up the other two to guide them to the floor. There they shared a three-way kiss, and the three pairs of hands roamed over each other's bodies. Sana touched Momo's pussy, who touched Mina's, who in turn touched Sana's.
After a few seconds they broke the kiss so that Sana and Mina focused on Momo's tits. Each took a breast into their mouths, sucking and licking. Mina brought a hand to Momo's clit, and together with Sana they began to touch her until she melted between moans. Momo didn't keep her hands still, she had both pairs of fingers now inside Sana and Mina's pussies, pumping them as fast as her own shaky, uncoordinated body would let her.
The lewd scene had you hard and ready to go within minutes. You felt bad for interrupting Momo again, but it would be worth it for her.
"Alright, come ride me, Hirai," you said, one hand on your slick cock, moving it up and down.
"Oh fuck!" she moaned, opening her eyes to look at your hard cock. "I'll gladly go, daddy."
She separated from the two of them and went with you. You made her climb with you to the last step, which was the highest and the one that had the most difference from the middle one. Momo turned her back to you and got between your legs, her ass hovering above your cock, which you took straight and rubbed between her buttocks until you found her pussy. She only had to lower her ass, and in a matter of seconds she was impaled on your shaft.
Momo moaned and clung to your knees, her wonderful round ass resting against your pelvis. Mina and Sana climbed up to the second step, where your feet were, just to continue pleasuring each other. Mina put Sana against the step and made her rest her head on it, then she climbed up to the step where you were sitting and sat on top of her face so Sana could eat her pussy.
You would have loved to see what was happening to your right, but Hirai Momo was bouncing like crazy on your cock, and you had a beautiful, privileged view of her ass bouncing and jiggling against your pelvis. Your hands went to her waist and held on there as hard as you could, but then you moved them around the front of her body and brought them to her heavy tits to squeeze them as they bounced.
After about a minute you decided to take control, given in to your carnal impulses. You stood up with Momo still impaled on your cock, and you made her climb onto the step with you to get her on all fours. She moaned and immediately arched her back, one hand resting on the floor and the other on the wall at the side of the cabin. Now you were the one moving your hips, fast and hard, filling the cabin with sounds of flesh slapping together.
"Mmmgh fuck yeah!" Momo squealed, looking over her shoulder at you, making her gleaming muscled back look even sexier. “Fuck me like that daddy! Fuck fuck fuck don’t stop!!”
You reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked it back hard, your other hand locked on her waist. Your violent thrusts had her moaning louder than either of you had yet, and drove her crazy with pleasure until she finally exploded.
“Oh fucking hell!” she growled, and you let go of her hair so she fell with her hands flat on the wood beneath her, her ass still perfectly raised as you slowly fucked her through her orgasm, which had her writhing.
Behind you, you heard Mina squeal as well. Looking over your shoulder, you found her grinding her hips against Sana’s face in the midst of an orgasm, her hands braced against the wall while Sana held her ass tightly. You then had decided who would get the next turn.
You pulled out of Momo's pussy and went to the bottom step to sit with your back against the one behind you. You wrapped an arm around Sana's waist and made her pressed against you, consequently leaving Mina's pussy. She looked at you somewhat disoriented, her chin and lips soaked with Mina's fluids.
"You still want to ride me, cutie?" you asked, licking from her chin up to taste Mina's fluids as well.
"You could ask me that any time of the day and I would run like crazy to do it, daddy," she replied, then climbed on top of you to grab your cock and take it inside her stiflingly tight pussy. "Mmmgh, and now your cute little girlfriend can't stop me, hehe."
Sana wrapped her arms around your neck and adjusted her thighs on either side of your hips before starting to move up and down. She let her head fall back, brow furrowed and mouth parted as moans began to flow out of her. You left your hands on her waist and then lowered them to her thighs, just admiring how absurdly sexy she was riding a cock.
It didn't take long for her to pick up speed and become a complete demon. Sana was an excellent dancer, you might even say prodigious, so you fully expected all that hip technique to be directly reflected in that moment. She certainly didn't disappoint, moving her hips so well and so fast that it left you paralyzed for a few seconds.
"Fuck... you really wanted to ride daddy's cock huh?" you teased, both hands on her ass as it moved on your cock. You gave her a small spank.
"I wanted it, I needed it!" she replied between moans, and lowered her head to kiss you.
With your lips dancing with each other and your tongues swirling you stopped her and stood up with her tightly wrapped around your waist with her legs. Then you walked down the couple of steps with her carried and leaned her legs wide open against the door of the cabin, now fucking her at full speed.
Sana squealed into the kiss and bit your bottom lip a little too hard, her arms now under yours and her hands on your back, nails scratching you mercilessly.
“Yes daddy yes! Fuck!!” she squealed. “Fuck my tight little pussy like the fucking little whore I am, mmmgh!!”
You moaned and buried your face in her neck to bite it, your hands gripping her thighs to both hold her against the wall and keep her legs spread wide. The constant hammering of her pussy took its toll a few short seconds later as Sana arched her back and dug her nails into your back as she came.
“Yes!! Oh god!!” she growled, hands now on your head to tangle her fingers in your hair. “Daddy makes my slutty pussy feel so good, fuck!”
You gave Sana the last few thrusts before pulling out of her and kissing her again, as you led her to one of the steps to rest. There you found Mina on top of Momo, in a sexy 69 where both of them were eating each other's pussy. Mina's ass was facing you, and you certainly weren't going to waste that opportunity.
Without warning her and without her noticing that you had gotten behind her, you knelt down and grabbed your cock to press it directly against her butthole. Mina startled and looked over her shoulder at you, and bit her lip when she noticed what you were doing.
"It's about time you came to fuck my cute ass, daddy," she said shaking it from side to side. "Come on, hard and deep, don't think about it."
You obeyed her command and slowly took your cock, still soaked in Sana's creamy fluids, into Mina's tight butthole. Momo was right below, so she caught one of your balls in her mouth as you sank deep into Mina's ass. When your cock had disappeared between that pair of bubble butt cheeks, you grabbed onto her waist and began pumping in and out.
As the seconds passed, you went straight to pumping with the sole intention of destroying her ass. That, along with Momo's mouth also on her pussy, brought her to a quick orgasm that wasn't a sign for you to stop. On the contrary, you went harder, between spankings and hair pulling that had her screaming.
But even though you loved fucking Mina from behind, you loved even more looking her straight in the eyes while you did it. So you grabbed her waist with both hands and made her get up from Momo's body to take her to the last step, where there was more room to maneuver. Up there you put her face up and with her legs wide open, to kneel in front of her and penetrate her ass again.
"You can't go five minutes without looking me in the eyes, right honey?" she asked in the middle of a moan while you fucked her hard and fast again. "Is that because you're obsessed with me?"
You put your hands on her fleshy thighs and pushed them back, pressing them against her body, to rest your hands on the wood on either side of her and lean forward.
"Obsessed is an understatement for what I am, Myoui Mina," you managed to answer between moans, your drops of sweat falling on her. "You have me fucking in love."
"Really?" Mina held eye contact with you, between squeals and labored breathing.
"I would never lie to you about that sweetie, you drive me fucking insane and I want you only" you replied, and then she closed her eyes, arched her back, and came again with screams of pleasure.
"Mmm fucking god!!" she growled. "I would scream for you to put a baby in me if only I wasn't on fucking birth control, ugh!!"
You didn't know if that was a bullet dodged or a real pity for you. Honestly, you didn't even know how to take it, so you just changed the subject.
"How about the three of you give me your pretty faces to paint?" you asked, loud enough for Momo and Sana to hear as well.
"Yeah, do that before I rip out my uterus and hand it to you on a silver platter," Mina said beneath you. If that was the start of a time where she was obsessively in love with you, you were completely down for it, tho.
You pulled out of Mina and helped her to the floor with Sana and Momo, who were already on their knees waiting for you. Mina knelt to the far right, and the three of them put their faces together under your cock with their tongues out. You just had to jerk yourself off as fast as you could, since you were also close, until you exploded in a maelstrom of moans and grunts.
The jets of thick cum shot out with force to fall directly on the sweaty faces of the three of them. You made sure to leave each face painted equally, from chin, to tongue and even forehead. Satisfactorily for you, your orgasm passed when those three beautiful faces resembled a messy canvas covered in white paint.
"God, how could you not want to stay here in Budapest..." Momo asked, still finding her breath. "Aren't we perfect, daddy?"
"You fucking are... fuck," you gasped.
"And just wait until we teach Moka-chan English," Sana said with a giggle.
You just narrowed your eyes and stared at her.
You were downright drained and exhausted, so you just went to the bottom step and sat there to rest. The girls joined you shortly after Momo had turned off the heater, also exhausted. It took about ten minutes until the heat had decreased considerably and all the steam had disappeared.
You then made sure to leave everything in there clean, and with nothing else to do, you walked out with your towels on as if nothing had happened and went into the cabin to take cold showers and get dressed again. Within a half hour you were on your way home again.
That night was the quietest night for the four of you. Sana had stayed with you, and this time you made popcorn and ordered food to watch a movie. However, you went to bed early, since you all felt like your bones were aching.
The next day was the most normal of all: you had a delicious, cute and fun breakfast, played a couple of board games and then went out to lunch at a beautiful establishment that Momo took you to. Later in the evening you went to a nightclub, and you came back home with a fun drunkenness that mainly affected Sana, who had a bit too much to drink and was acting more goofy than usual.
The next morning it was time for you to leave for the United Kingdom. But it wasn't as sad as the last time, both Mina and you knew perfectly well that you didn't have to be; you would be together again, very soon.
This time there would be no more goodbyes, no more long waits to hold each other in each other's arms.
And who knows, maybe you would even get married to give birth to a mini you or a mini her.
Only time was going to tell.
Spren Notes: Hehe. As always. Thanks for reading! MASTERLIST HERE!
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bunnis-monsters · 1 day
cw: centipede(so lots of limbs), dubcon, yandere behavior
Yandere!centipede hybrid that is always using his multitude of arms to keep you close by, to catch you when you trip, and most importantly, touch every part of you during sex.
One of his limbs is holding you still while another probes your warm cunt, and another set keeps your thighs spread apart so he can have full access to you.
His antennae twitch, rubbing against you as he moves his mouth to your neck. “Be still, love. I don’t want to bite you.”
A centipede hybrid’s bite can either cause mild pain and swelling, or temporary paralysis and act as a mild aphrodisiac.
When you don’t behave, he bites down, waiting for your body to slow before he sinks his cock into your fat pussy.
He only has two hands, his other limbs ending in a full point or tentacle like appendage. The slimy, slippery limbs push into your ass, fucking in and out if you as his cock fucks you in tandem.
It’s overwhelming, feelings so many light touches all over your body, unable to move or do anything… but god it also feels like heaven.
He kissed you, his tongue feeling wet and rough against your own, but weirdly slimy as well. Cum spurts into your womb, and for a moment… all of his limbs stop moving.
He’s quiet, peering down at you with his cheeks flushed and sweat bedding at his forehead.
Then he smiles, cooing.
“You thought it was over? Oh my little one, it’s just begun.”
YANDERE TAGLIST: @katerinaval @sunset-214 @avalordream @atransmuter @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @aliceattheart @mssmil3y @spicyspicyliving @namjoons-t1ddies @izarosf1833 @healanette @lem-hhn @spufflepuff @zyettemoon1800 @exodiam @vexillum-moeru @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @enchantedsylveon @readeryn68 @danielle143 @kittenlover614 @annavittoria-mm @makimamybelovedwife @toocollectionchaos-universe-blog @fruk-you-usuk-fans @wil10wthetree @hammerhead96-blog @slightlyusedfloormat @bubblez-blop @sunshineangel-reads @heroneki-neko @soapybabyboop @sandramalikstyles-blog @anonymouskiwi @pedropascalbabygirl @flamefoxx @swasti8854 @an-ever-angry-bi
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scarletcomalies · 1 day
Hear. Me. Out! Wanda has been your best friend for almost ten years now, meaning you could trust her to chat about anything, without restricting yourself by prudeness or filters. But that trust went too far one day.
Word count: 1,119
Warnings: 18+ content, guided masturbation through phone call, kind of innocent and inexperienced reader.
A/N: I promise I'm NOT procrastinating this story, you'll have it sooner than you think, but, well, college... 💔
It was a big step, considering that you failed to enjoy every time you explored yourself with your fingers alone. As much as you tried to play music, lie down, and imagine exciting scenes, you ended up frustrated because it wasn't enough. So you opted to buy a little help. Maybe this way you would be able to explore your tastes and to please yourself properly.
Your best friend, Wanda, had recommended an online site. It had all kinds of artefacts, many of which you didn't know existed, or considered too potent a level for a newbie like you. So you went with the safest option; a simple ten centimeter vibrator, with three levels of intensity.
And nothing...
You felt the tingle of the vibration inside you, but nothing built up. It was just a pleasurable sensation that led to nothing.
You had sent a message to Wanda, telling her that you had already received it, and just when you turned off the toy and put it aside, your phone notified a message from the redhead, where she asked you to tell her about your experience.
"It's useless, Wanda!" You answered, such a simple message but all your frustration could be transmitted in this one.
"What do you mean it's useless?" She replied.
"Maybe I'm anorgasmic or something, because I can't finish. I didn't feel it helped me."
You were perplexed when your phone screen displayed her name, indicating that you were receiving a call. This was unusual of her, but you didn't hesitate to answer.
"Honey," she let out a giggle, as soon as you picked up. "What exactly are you doing?"
"Well, when I feel needy, no matter how much I stimulate myself, I don't orgasm. Not even with the toy. It's horrible," you answered honestly.
These kind of talks were frequent between you, and that was something you loved about your friendship. No judgments, no prejudice, much less in the face of topics that, at the end of the day, were completely normal.
"Yeah, but what did you do with the vibrator?" She inquired.
"Well, I put it inside, the usual," you replied matter-of-factly. You didn't understand why other girls did get to feel something when they had something in there, and you didn't. Why you were more complex about everything?
"Just like that?" She exclaimed, and at your confirmation, she let out another laugh. "No, darling, you have to tease yourself, make yourself desperate for your own touch."
"And how do I even do that?" you asked curiously, but also with a hint of relief. She seemed to have the solution to your problem.
"It's complicated, do you want to try it now? I'll guide you through every step," she proposed.
The thought of hearing her voice guiding you, that she would be listening to you as you pleasured yourself, made the anticipation take over, again initiating that feeling that was begging to be satisfied.
When you thought of Wanda, or when you spent many hours together with her, that feeling came no matter how hard you tried to ignore it. It was no surprise when you realized that this was not something usual and that you definitely felt attraction towards her.
But you didn't want to ruin the friendship you treasured so much.
"No, that would be weird," you replied, feigning aversion to such a thing, when really, that was all you needed.
"Oh, come on!" Wanda exclaimed. "It wouldn't. I'd be helping you get to know yourself, please yourself. I won't even see you."
You sighed softly in resignation. She was right, maybe a lot of friends have given each other advice like that.
"Okay, fine," you agreed. "What do I do?"
Wanda was glad you couldn't see her smile of victory when you agreed, or else, she would've also given herself away.
"First, spread your legs, and place the tip of the vibrator on your clit," she instructed you.
You did as she asked, and no sooner had you pressed, when you felt an electric current run through your body in a matter of a fraction of a second.
"Oh, shit!" You exclaimed, withdrawing it as if by reflex.
"What do you feel?" She inquired curiously. She was aware such a cute little thing like you wouldn't be able to take it first time. But that was what she was there for.
"Weird, like a swift current!"
"Exactly! Please try to place it again, and little by little, apply pressure," she replied. "At your pace, there is no rush, darling," she purred, making your core throb in desperation at her raspy voice calling you that pet name.
Again, you did as she asked.
The intense vibration made all the nerve endings in that area react deliciously to the stimulus, and again, it sent that current through your body.
You let out a little murmur of pleasure, feeling yourself lose control over your body. Your back arched, your eyes closed, and your free hand fisted your sheets in an attempt to keep you grounded and resistant.
"Good girl, apply more pressure for me," Wanda added, noting from your murmurs that you were becoming familiar with the sensation.
Applying a little more pressure caused you to emanate your first moan since forever. That snapped you out of your trance briefly, and you realized you moaned with your friend on the other end of the phone.
"I'm sorry," you apologized, beginning to feel your cheeks heat up.
"None of that," she countered. "Don't hold back, let me hear you."
In a matter of minutes, you alone learned to listen to your body. You explored different areas and found your most sensitive spots. You were so focused on not leaving a single inch untouched, that you even forgot that Wanda was listening to the mess of moans, whimpers, and murmurs of her name that you were letting out.
"Mmm, Wanda!" They became more audible tones, signaling that you were close. There was too much to process, but Wanda decided to quiet her thoughts and allow herself to be delighted by the wonderful sounds you were making.
Hearing you cum for the first time was the most beautiful of all, by far.
A scream of pleasure too desperate, even animalistic, for your own good. Your so innocent set could not withstand that longing finally reaching its highest exponent, after so much stagnation. She was even surprised your little lungs allowed you to scream like that.
Wanda provoked all that in you, without having touched you... yet. But she made up her mind that it would change.
"Start over, but don't you dare cum," she commanded you. "I'm coming over in ten," she established, before hanging out.
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ain't no love in oklahoma // op81 smau
description: twisters actress!reader x op81 but lando is convinced oscar is lying (from request)
a/n: sorry for being completely inactive. life happened and it didn't happen in a good way! i have a huge exam coming up soon so i will most likely still be inactive besides maybe a few short things here and there. anyways first oscar fic so enjoy! all pics found on pinterest, i don't own any
a/n pt2: might do something fun for each day in october but im not sure what so send me some ideas. also might do some more headcannons/blurbs soon here!
requests: closed but feel free to send me some messages since i love talking to you guys
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liked by oscarpiastri, glenpowell, and 2,927,641 others
youruser: go see twisters!! if you don’t, you suck and you better hope you don’t get stuck in a tornado because there’s useful information in our movie
tagged: glenpowell
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oscarpiastri: proud of you!!
↳ youruser: 🧡
glenpowell: caption is so real of you
user1: doesn’t yn have a boyfriend? why is she so close to glen?
↳ user2: yes but probably because there’s limited space. yn isn’t like that
↳ oscarpiastri: exactly what user2 said
landonorris: cute!
↳ user3: what are you doing here??
↳ user4: lando in the comments?
user5: such a good movie
user6: yn + glen = power duo
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liked by youruser, landonorris, and 3,951,750 others
oscarpiastri: proud boyfriend award goes to me 🏆 thx for all the bts selfies
tagged: youruser, glenpowell
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landonorris: i just laughed out loud
landonorris: “boyfriend” lmaooo
↳ user7: i cant tell if he’s joking or serious
user8: cutest couple ever
glenpowell: aww so glad you remembered the time you took me to the aquarium, what a romantic!
↳ youruser: get your own boyfriend capybara
↳ user9: yn CLOCKED him
// lando’s phone//
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liked by mclaren, oscarpiastri, and 4,027,835 others
landonorris: POLE BABYYYY!!! everyone ignore my teammates instagram posts, i have told him to stop. i think he took a hit to the head or something
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oscarpiastri: do you want to go to the farm or not?
↳ landonorris: you already said i could go so no take backs
↳ user10: lando is going to yn's farm??
↳ user11: LANDO'S MEETING YN?!
↳ user12: oh i know he's going to fangirl so hard
user13: get me someone who looks at me the way oscar looks at lando
↳ user14: are we sure that they aren't the ones dating?
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 3,017,426 others
youruser: back home finally! pic 1: yeehaw. pic 2: my cat cora had her babies!!! pic 3: dinner date :)
tagged: oscarpiastri
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↳ youruser: i am officially a grandma. i feel the gray hairs coming in now
user16: oscar and yn are endgame
oscarpiastri: the best company
↳ landonorris: STOP, idk how you got her in on this joke either
↳ user16: i can't tell if lando knows they are actually dating and is joking or if he truly does not believe oscar
user17: boyfriend is back on the feed!
↳ user18: farmer yn is back on the feed!
glenpowell: miss you lady
↳ youruser: you miss my animals more
↳ glenpowell: and what about it.
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liked by youruser, oscarpiastri, and 4,209,384 others
landonorris: OMG HE WASN'T LYING i got to feed so many animals, got to channel my inner cowboy, AND get drunk with the yn? i can die a happy man
tagged: youruser
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oscarpiastri: believe me now?
↳ landonorris: never doubted you
↳ user19: lando seriously didn't believe oscar lol
↳ user20: i fully thought he was joking the entire time
user21: how hard did you fangirl to meet yn, lando?
↳ landonorris: surprised i didn't pass out honestly. i facetimed GLEN POWELL
youruser: so glad you had a fun time!!
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liked by youruser, landonorris, and 3,298,361 others
oscarpiastri: everyone clear that this is my girlfriend?
tagged: youruser
view all comments
user22: sassy oscar
↳ user23: channeling his inner lando
landonorris: yes sir 🫡
↳ oscarpiastri: stop being weird ?
youruser: MY MANNNNN
↳ user24: oh she's in deep
user25: there is one thing oscar doesn't play about in life: yn
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 4,208,763 others
youruser: didn't even know there was confusion that this was my boyfriend lol
tagged: oscarpiastri
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landonorris: how was i meant to know?!
↳ user26: literally how everyone else knew, instagram.
glenpowell: yn stop posting pics of me and my boyfriend and acting like he's yours
↳ youruser: i dont like this joke.
↳ oscarpiastri: bromance or whatever
↳ user27: they're in a throuple
↳ youruser: ew
↳ glenpowell: disgusting
↳ oscarpiastri: huhhh
user28: couple goals forever and ever
user29: if they don't get married... love isn't real
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bindeds · 2 days
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⭑ — the duke shows you unending generosity when you visit your inmate father often and long past visiting hours due to your long shifts at work. Your father blows up at you again and wriothesley is more worried than he should be. As he walks you back to the surface, you find out why. 
wc. 8.5k cw.   nsfw 18+ , fem reader ,  hints of reader having a toxic family , reader’s father doesn’t trust wrio , reader probably has daddy issues , pent up wrio , soft wrio , fwb , wrio being courteous as hell , nicknames used: good girl, princess
៳ note.   I haven’t played genshin in years so I’m probably going to get something wrong despite my research (wasn’t sure if transport in fontaine was 24/7 and if submarines/boats are used often or easily accessible), apologies in advance. And also, I think this is a very specific flavor of wrio I have barely seen others write so I hope you enjoy anyhow. I actually have more headcanons abt this fic so if you want a part 2 lmk! :D oh shit I’ve been working on this for a week straight too and I didn’t proofread it so AGH sorry for many mistakes! (p.s. I take requests too!) here’s the ao3 link if you prefer to read on there <3
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“Agh, forget it. You know what? Since you’re always coming back here, you ought to know one thing; that duke? He’s bad news.” 
You pressed your lips into a thin line. Your grip on the phone against your ear tightened.
You frowned at your father from across the clear plastic between you both, refusing to look at him properly as you lowered your head. 
You sighed, shutting your eyes for a moment. “What’s wrong with the duke?”
“He’s corrupt, I’m telling you. He favors some prisoners over others. Everyone will tell you he’s just but he’s not!” Your father hissed, the microphone dulling the low noises he made. 
“Dad. Why are we even—” you sighed again, this time pressing your fingers on your temples, and part of you thinks maybe this was your subconscious shielding you from him since you refused to leave yourself. “First of all, I am always here way past visiting hours. Who do you think allows that?”
Your father grumbled something under his breath, probably a curse—but it was hard for you to care.
“Second of all, we’re always dodging the topic. Why don’t you ever want to talk about our fam—”
“I’ve told you a million times!”
You flinched away from the metal desk, your father practically baring his teeth at you with wild eyes that seemed to set his complexion on fire.
“Alright, that’s enough,” a guard from behind him chimed in, clutching your father firmly by the elbows and upper arms. He scowled at you before turning back to where the guard was leading him.
When your name was called you nearly jumped out of your seat, both your hands clutching the thick-wired telephone to your chest.
“Hey, you okay?” 
The Duke gave you a once over and returned to your eyes. His brows furrowed, and for a moment, looking into his eyes felt too revealing.
“Yeah, sorry,” you replied as you returned the phone to its hook and curtly stood up. 
“Don’t apologize.”
You gave him a puzzled look, but he wasn’t looking as he escorted you down the halls and towards the lifts. “No, I insist. I keep staying past the visiting hours despite knowing them well—”
“Yes, and, you work for over twelve hours nearly everyday. I don’t think I want you getting up at four in the morning just to be able to visit either.”
The duke clenched his jaw just then. Your hands grew clammy. Other than his legs, he barely moved at all. His muscles were ice and his veins were held in place with coats of steel. 
You remembered you had told him the reason for your late night visits early on, but his response stunned you to the point of being unable to get your thoughts right. He had thought about your situation much more than you thought he would. Though, come to think of it, the visits after you told him this, he’s always by the entrance of the visiting room just to give you a small nod of permittance. A nod you came to appreciate, and eventually miss when he stopped coming by. 
“Why did you stop by today?”
He looked at you this time, silent for a moment. The lift doors dinged open, and he gestured for you to enter before him. 
“Your father has been … irritable these past few days—”
“Oh, shit I am so sorry for him—”
“Hey, don’t apologize for your old man’s behavior. You’re the last person who should be apologizing.”
There it is again. That … look he has on you. The gaze he put on you weighed heavier than you could carry. Though, you couldn’t understand what about it made your knees melt. You nodded slowly. When you swallowed, your heartbeat reverberated in your ears. 
Even if he was tense, your demeanor would make things worse. You knew you were making a bigger deal out of this than you should have been; you hadn’t entirely dodged the topic of the duke of Meropide purely for family’s sake. The duke … was difficult. Though, not that he was causing you any sort of trouble. Evidently, it was quite the opposite.
“Anyway, I have my men observe him closely whenever you visit. Got the memo that he was already starting to blow a fuse a few minutes before he yelled at you.”
The lift arrived at the entrance floor and you exited rigidly, your mind unable to juggle basic motor control and the bewilderment of the situation.
He continued to walk you through to the exit of the fortress.
“Thank you, Your Grace. But I hate to have troubled you.”
“I’m the one who should be worried about troubling you,” he corrected. “Your father doesn’t come close to the worst convicts here. And yet, he’s one of the most difficult to manage. Prisoners who have committed the most heinous crimes are more amiable with me than your father has been, and he’s been here longer than some of said prisoners. Now, you visit him twice or even thrice a week, I don’t want him to cause trouble for you too. Especially with how often you visit? He should be—”
He clenched his jaw again, much more conscientiously this time, turning away for a second. 
“ … What?” You walked slightly in front of him as you tried to catch his expression. 
“No, that was … way out of line.”
You placed a hand on his shoulder—though, with how careful you were, it was really just your fingertips.
“Please, I want to hear it,” you said, almost in a mutter. “I know my dad is an asshole.”
The duke gave you a soft smile that seemed to muddle the edges of his pond blue irises. This was a gaze you were unfamiliar with, across all the kinds he’s given you, you knew, just from the shift in the air alone—this was somehow different.
“He’s lucky to have a daughter who visits him despite … well,” the duke chuffed ruefully. “Himself.”
You parted your lips to say something.
“But besides that—I got word he was talking about me again, and he gets worked up whenever I’m brought up so I rushed over. In any case, it’s late. Later than usual; I’m trying to see if I can get you home safe.”
With all the things he’d just said swimming in your mind, it was hard to think about rest or even getting home. It was a long travel, and having someone else worry—the Duke of Meropide, no less—was unbecoming.
He clenched his jaw again and for some reason, you hooked onto that to start. 
You held him back by the arm, stopping in the middle of a room. “Your Grace … listen, I just—I see that you’re tense and it’s embarrassing that I’ve made you worry about me to this degree. I can handle the commute home. Again, I’m sorry to be such a bother for the fortress and—”
“Please, you’re not … you’re not a bother.”
“Then … what am I?” 
“ … I’m sorry?”
“You had your guards update you on what goes on with my father when I visit. You’re always giving me extra time and now you’re helping me with transport. I mean, you even …”
He cocked a brow. Wriothesley’s shoe clicked loudly against the floor as he took a step closer.
“Go on.” He tilted his head ever so slightly, his hair falling over his face at an angle that seemed to accentuate his jaw. 
This was all a mistake. Surely. 
But for some reason, mustering the words to apologize tied knots in your stomach.
“Maybe you were just being nice,” you murmured. He was so close now, and you had to crane your neck just to look at him, which didn’t last long at all. “I’m sorry Your Grace, I didn’t mean to—”
“No no, no need for that now,” he interjected in a tranquil tone. “I want to know what you mean.”
Your heart could crack your ribs open for how hard it shook against its bars. 
The Duke was difficult, absolutely—but not in the way he treated you. 
He was difficult because he seemed to display a certain kind of softness unexercised with anyone else. 
Something you now realized you clung onto for ammunition to your wild desires.
“No, I’m afraid I am the one who’s out of line this time, Your Grace. I was going to imply something completely absurd.”
“Are you put off by it?” 
You shook your head, almost like a knee jerk reaction.
“Definitely not. You’ve been nothing but kind towards me,” you insisted without hesitance.
“Okay. Then what’s on your mind?”
The silence of the fortress laid heavy on the floor, quickly rising up to your chest. The dust whispered of the gaps between your unspoken words. Both of you might have known just what hung in the air between you but without your explicit validation, external factors could easily be to blame for tension that spanned two or more months. You both were busy, working adults. And you both were mature, of course. Tension is and can realistically be caused by work stress. However …
With the way he had never once broken eye contact with you, always hanging by the cusp of your response, your approval … it gets to your skin.
“I could be imagining things …”
“You’re not,” Wriothesley chimed in. “I want to hear it.”
Your name left his lips like a breath of cold air in winter. Sentence after sentence, word after word—it was all but one start after the other. You tried to recall the last time he said your name, but you came up with one moment only; the day you first visited the fortress of Meropide.
“I can’t help but think you’ve taken a liking to me,” you confessed quickly. “Which, of course I am more than thankful for.”
“‘Taken a liking’ … that’s one way to phrase it,” the duke scratched the side of his neck with the opposite hand, angling his jaw away for better access. A small grin rose to his lips. “I would like to think I’d use more … direct vocabulary but I understand this is a delicate situation.”
You clutched onto the sides of your pants, wiping the sweat off your palms.
He noticed, however, his eyes following the movement of your hands then giving you a discerning look. 
His adam’s apple bobbed slowly before he spoke up. 
“If things were simple, I would have you tell me yourself what exactly it is that you want. But sadly, they’re not, and that’s mostly to do with me so I apologize,” Wriothesley began rigidly. “You were right about me being tense. But it’s not about … you.”
Silence drifted at the tail of his sentence as you waited for him to say more.
“Okay …”
“Well, actually … it is, but it’s not because of anything bad you’ve done. It’s …” 
When he struggled to choke up the words, he cleared his throat and tried again. 
“Can I be frank with you?” He asked with a lowered head. “The truth is rather indecent, but you deserve it regardless. Nothing has to change between us, you have my word.”
You nodded eagerly.
 “You’ve been visiting very often within the last few months and every time I come down to see you I … don’t know how exactly to put this. I see moments when you’re trying to reason with your father who’s just—excuse my impertinence—beyond talking to, and the patience you have, the ability to be gentle in moments where he threatens you, to still care for him like that, it’s … it’s … too much for me. The reason I allowed you to stay here so late was because you’re the only outsider who came here and didn’t act like they owned the place. Besides the fact that you already know I allow you past visiting hours, this was another reason I stopped coming down to supervise. It was bad for me to think about you like that. I rarely come up to the surface as is, and even when I do, it’s usually still for matters regarding work. I know I don’t have any time for any relationships beyond friends and, well, I haven’t had much time to … let off steam either.”
Your heart was just about ready to splatter itself all over the walls of Meropide at this moment, rattling violently in your chest you could barely hold yourself up, even if you were only standing.
This was a fever dream, surely. 
You parted your lips again but he stopped you before you could speak.
“Please, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t want to involve someone I barely know with my petty inconveniences. And I don’t mean to imply that I only ever think of you crudely, I just—”
“Stop. Don’t say anything else.”
“No I must insist—”
You caught his lips chastely, tiptoeing as you pulled him in by his tie. 
His hands wrapped around your waist almost as quickly as you had taken him, slightly pushing against you to roughen the kiss.
You nearly chased his lips when he pulled away eventually. His eyes were lost in the haze of what had just happened but he blinked a few times and refocused himself on you.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked, and the words left him lazily like they were dangling off of your kiss.
“Yes. I’m fucking tired—of life, of my dad, my family, my job, and I have thought about you a lot more than I’d like to admit. And I know we barely know each other, but fuck you’ve been so so fucking nice an-and you’re so fucking hot with your handcuffs, your tie, your vest, your everything. Oh, archons and the fucking—worrying about my commute home was my last straw. I can barely breathe around you. Please,” you confessed listlessly, your head spinning as you held him tighter. This caused him to tighten his grip around you, too.
Wriothesley grinned. “While I enjoy it, you don’t have to beg. Not for this.”
He drew the smallest circles on the small of your back, and there was something else he wanted to say. But judging from his averted gaze, it wasn’t easy. Though, to be fair—none of what was just exchanged was easy either. Your heartbeat still reverberated throughout your whole body, still wavering at the fact that you had literally just initiated a kiss with the Duke of Meropide.
“I need to warn you, I mean all of what I said. I can’t give you the relationship you deserve—any guy would be lucky to have you, but that comes with the responsibility of treating you right, and I can’t give you all of my undivided attention for where I am in life right now. But what I can do my best on is, well …” he cocked his head to the side. 
“Giving you the best fucking night of your life.”
That was all you needed to hear. 
“Where’s your office?”
“My office? Don’t you want to head home to …?”
“I need you so bad, Your Grace. I don’t know if I can wait until we get to my place.” You clung onto him like a lifeline, it was almost embarrassing—except, for every muscle flexed to have him closer, he reeled you in even more. 
Wriothesley huffed, giving you a small smile and that stupid gaze you couldn’t help but see every time you blink or close your eyes.
“You don’t know what you do to me when you say that.”
. . .
It took distraction, much distraction on the smallest of sounds, the faintest of smells just to keep your hands off of the duke as you both were back in the elevator, side by side. You would have laughed at the larger physical distance between you if you had seen this from third person, but the lift was charged with a silence that both of you felt was impenetrable and the sweat from your palms was being washed away by a cold breeze. 
It almost suffocated you to have waited this long—even if it had only been a minute or two. And you had already taken off your shoes by the time you arrived at the top of the stairs to his office. You thought you would tackle him then and there, but alas, the urge to be the civilized being you were taught to be reined just one point higher than your urge to take him all at once. After all, wouldn’t it be that much more enticing to see how exactly he wants to have you?
He caught you almost immediately by the lips, just as you had previously with him, this time his large hands almost cradling the back of your head as your hair fell between the gaps of his fingers. 
His other hand was busy taking your hips flush against his, and holy shit, there was a bulge larger than you anticipated pressing against you. You lost yourself in the warmth his kiss brought you anyway, fingertips feeling the smooth texture of his vest and the cold metal of his chain.
A tight grip on your waist caused you to yelp and suddenly, Wriothesley carried you by the ass and placed you down on the edge of his desk. His arms cornered you around him, and you continued to kiss him again—though this time, he lightly nipped at your bottom lip for permission which you gladly granted. 
Your arms floated then landed like petals on a pond upon his shoulders, hands like paper around his neck.
Much like him, his tongue was eager; while his hands crept up your shoulder blades only to begin its slow trek down, his tongue touched every surface you allowed in your mouth, brushing your tongue against his. 
Fuck, at this angle your legs were wide open and wrapped loosely around him while his tent pressed intimately against you. 
You hummed, trying to suppress the soft noise that burned from the depths of your lungs, fueled by months of illicit fantasies that dripped into your disposition towards him—and finally, it seems, his dam broke with the help of your nudging. 
It began to pulsate against him, but you didn’t think he could tell from how he seemed to need you tangled in his arms this instant, how each inhale he took was only luring him deeper into the promise he had made to you for tonight.
You angled your jaw away when he bit your neck and sucked and kissed the pillowy ache away. You whined as he had done so, lightly kicking the back of his leg with your heel.
“Oh, come now princess. Don’t tell me you’re impatient now when you’ve waited months for this,” he rasped against your neck, his hot breath sending chills down your arms. 
“I told you I need you. I need you so fucking bad, Your Grace.”
Wriothesley held you tightly in his arms as he grinded in one, slow stroke against the gap between your legs which made him groan, and you held back your own noise.
“Don’t tempt me, please don’t tempt me. I wanna treat you well, take you softly—but you’re making it impossible not to fuck you right now without restraint whatsoever,” he hissed between kisses down your jaw. 
“But …” you whimpered. You couldn’t muster the strength to finish your sentence as you had already melted in his firm arms long ago.
He’s right; he was undeniably pent up, hands arm chest and arms shaking and twitching every now and then with what seemed to be the urge to just have you as he mentioned. But even after all his kindness, all his patience—he still had more to give, unwilling to crumple you for his pleasure. 
He fiddled with the button of your pants with one hand, and just like that it was undone. 
The zipping sound cut through your thoughts and the breeze blew past your exposed skin. 
His eyes, heavy and brimming with intent concealed from you, locked with your own as he lowered himself painstakingly before you. His fingers barely brushed your skin when he peeled your clothes off your legs, sinking lower and lower. His actions hypnotized you on him, on the lines of his clothes, his curves—the way he looked up at you as the dim light of his office glistened by the edges of his shadows. 
All this time spent having to look up at him had caused this moment to flutter within both your lungs and mind. The many looks he’d given you, one after the other, each of different unnamable qualities that always left you unable to think of the decent thing to say. But this? 
He looked at you not only as if you were something to be worshiped; he gazed upon you as if he’d known you all his life, and now has rediscovered you, getting the opportunity to refine his memory of how the light traversed your features as he bathed in the grace of your eyes.
“You’re even more enchanting from down here.”
His wide-eyed stare seemed to have caught the tip of this tongue as he cleared his throat.
“You can call me Wriothesley,” he concluded with a rough exhale and a nod. “If you’d like.”
He sustained his gaze on you, waiting for a response. 
“Yes, I would like that very much,” you said. “Amongst calling you other things, too.”
“Yeah?” He smiled, and it was the kind of smile you could hear in someone’s tone; when they speak, you don’t have to look to know they have a smile that completes their tender expression. 
“Like what?” He had you boxed in with his ropy arms rooted on either side of you. He blocked out the light from your view, bronze shadows rose like thin sheets on both of you. 
“Please me and maybe you’ll find out,” you chuckled and played with his tie between your fingers. 
He let out a weakened huff as he lowered his head. He looked up at you at that angle then shook his head. 
“To think I have learned of proper self restraint,” Wriothesley muttered. “This is self restraint. You test me in ways that have me failing before I even get to touch you.”
He pressed his middle finger between your clothed folds before you could quip back, causing you to gasp and cling onto him for support. He brought himself closer to you and snickered wryly. 
“Cute. Impressive, even. Now, what if I …”
His hand slipped into your underwear and his finger rubbed more intimately against your slit. It was almost completely submerged between your folds. 
You let out a hint of a moan, and with him hunched over you as you hugged him, you were right by his ear. Your mouth hung open but you still had control over the sounds rising in your throat, and you would let none of them pass over your tongue.
With his entire finger between your folds, his shoulder moved with each swipe that only grew vigorous by the second. 
“C’mon …” he said in a low voice. “You gotta give me something, princess. Now I know you like what I’m doing. You’re shaking so much I’m scared you’ll break.”
Something you haven’t even noticed—but it made you bunch his clothing in your fist. 
This time, he rubbed circles into that nub, his other fingers resting over your folds but pressing anxiously every now and then. You bit your lip, even squeaking once or twice at how he sparked your nerves alive between your legs.  
“No dice?” He asked again. He exhaled audibly through his nose. “Alright.”
He draped his arm around to the opposite shoulder, laying your back delicately on his desk. With your hair splayed out, a halo formed with the ring of light waxed around your head. 
His middle finger slipped into your cunt and you whimpered as a crease formed in your brow and you tightened around him—both your entrance and your arms.
“That’s it, atta girl,” he praised too sweetly for a rust-wrought voice. “Mm, you’re spilling for me. Why, I’m honored.”
“Sh-shut up,” you gritted out of embarrassment.
He littered kisses along your neck, deciding that lying like this with you was more warm than any stance with better access, because he kept his arm around you even when you assumed it to be cumbersome. 
“Do you really want me to?”
He curled his finger into that sopping, textured wall that made you cry out.
You shook your head.
“Use your words, princess.”
“Fuck—why-ngh!—why do you c-call me that?” You barely managed the sentence out.
“Let’s see,” he grunted, beginning to pump his finger in and out of you, the cold silver of his glove hitting you in time with the noises you made. “Staying far past Meropide’s visiting hours, monitoring your fathers’ behavior days before, during and after your visits which means all the time just to make sure he at least treats you with the bare minimum of respect any decent human being deserves, escorting you to and from the entrance every time you visit and supervising the visiting room but really only having my eyes on you—of course, I say this all to express my pleasure to serve you. Be reminded of just how gorgeous you are every time you walk down these halls.”
“Your Grace!” You squealed, feeling something coil in your stomach. 
He must’ve felt you squeeze around his finger because he chuckled.
“‘More’, you say? Gladly.”
His ring finger plunged into you, and it gave so easily with how much you gushed from your entrance. Your cry climbed higher in pitch as he curled both his fingers repeatedly, watching you squirm and squeeze beneath him. 
“You okay?” He asked, and he had asked the same way—if not a little breathier—than he had when he saw you in the visiting room that night. 
“Yes,” you exhaled. His face was only an inch or two away from yours. 
“Tell me if it hurts or if you want to stop, yeah?” 
You nodded.
“I’m just trying to warm you up to it. Believe me, I’d put it in right now if I knew it wouldn’t hurt you.”
You reached up to cup his cheeks. They’re softer than you imagined they’d ever be for the Duke of a renowned prison who barely goes outside.
“What are you … are you saying th—”
“Don’t worry about that now. I’ll take care of you.”
His pumping resumed in and out of you, his strokes spanning longer this time with his fingers almost completely exiting you this time around. You threw your head back, unable to bear looking him directly in the eye with how you were already being driven off a wet cliff to incoherence, and he hasn’t even fucked you yet.
With how much he seeked a full view of your complexion without directly asking, there was no way he didn’t know he was rubbing against that spongey wall with every languid yet firm stroke into you. 
“Oh, we can’t forget this, can we?”
He pressed his thumb on your clit, keeping a steady pace that matched the fingers thrusting in and out of you. 
Your legs jolted in a shock of a new layer of pleasure, both your cunt and nub retracting to the stimulation his fingers treated you to.
Your muscles staggered, a growing ache making them give out and drop dead.
With his fingers still stretching you out overtime, he lifted your leg by the back of your knee.
Feeling him do that, his clothes running past your chilled skin, his grip a silent plea to have you wrapped around him accompanied by a softer kiss by your ear—your stomach coiled and flexed without much control and your cunt throbbed.
“Rest your legs on my back for me,” he grunted, his fingers stretching the boundaries of your walls faster as that silver hitting your entrance would start to bruise. You did as you were told, crying out all the same and in messy succession. He kissed your temple. “Good girl.”
His fingers juddered in and out of you making you shake to its command.
“Y-Your Grace—gonna—please—”
“Sh, sh sh—you’ve been so good for me. You deserve this and so much more,” Wriothesley praised airily. “Come on. Let go.”
He had nearly rearranged your insides from his fingers alone, and upon his command, you came all over him, pouring and pouring—even as he was slowing down, you kept coming.
He kissed you again without warning, this time his tongue making sloppy brushes against your own. He tilted his head to have more of you, your arms weak yet slithering around his shoulders.
His fingers left you, and even then it seemed your cunt was still trying to push your juices out. 
When he pulled away, he licked up what was left of you on his fingers and wiped away the access that stained his gloves.
“Shit, I’m sorry about your gloves.”
He peeled the tip of the black dressing wrapped around his wrist area. “Hey, don’t worry about it. I’ll just clean them when—”
“Don’t take them off.”
You placed a hand over your mouth the instant those words left you, eyes widened and breath hitched. Even he had snapped in your direction.
“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”
He cocked a brow at you as he reworked the dressing on his gloves. 
“As you wish, princess.”
Fucking hell, you think you just came again just from the petname alone.
As he had just begun to walk around to the other side of his desk, you sat up swiftly with pain writhing all over—mainly on your stomach and thighs. 
“Are you sore?” He reeled back towards you.
“A little. Not like I wasn’t going to be,” you jested. The duke snickered with you. 
“Naturally,” he smiled, and again you could hear it as he exhaled sharply. Smiles like that were always the ones that thrum against the strings in your chest. 
“Okay, so … how do you want to do this?” 
Wriothesley strolled around to his chair and sat. 
“You could sit on my lap, but I’m not sure how comfortable you’d be,” he suggested. “Or you could sit there too, but that can’t be comfortable either.”
You got off from his desk and walked around it to join him. You turned around so that your back faced him and you sat snugly.
“Your lap is plenty comfortable,” you concluded with your hands on your knees and your thighs pressed together.
Wriothesley chuckled lowly, and your breath hitched when his hands slithered to your waist and kept sliding steadily.
“I’m glad to hear it.” 
By this time, he had pulled you closer, thick forearms wrapped around your torso as your boobs sat on top. He had buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathy kisses left in a meticulous trail.
The longer this whole thing went on, this little … agreement between you and wriothesley—the less this seemed to be letting off steam and a little more of making up for years of disregarded passion. 
But you were far from complaining. In fact if you could have it your way … oh, you’d send the duke running out the door.
“I want you,” he murmured into your skin as if you could hear through it. “I want to see your face when you sit on it.”
Speak of the devil. 
“Oh?” You muttered. Your fingers fell between the gaps of his own, and his knuckles poked your palms. “You want to see me come undone on your cock, hm?”
“Yes, yes absolutely,” he breathed heavily against you and your shoulders tensed at the chills crossing your spine. “I want—no, need to ease you into it.”
“I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.”
“Uh huh. I’ve never doubted that,” he replied instantly. “But you’re not the only one.”
You grinded against him just as he said that, your ass pressing into his bulge and his lower stomach as he hunched over and groaned.
He bit into your shoulder then, and you moaned again before chuckling.
“Stand up,” he commanded for what you recalled to be the first time that night, and after all his service, who were you to deny him?
His belt had come undone and his fingers worked the zippers of his pants. You moved them away to handle it yourself. 
You teased him, though, the zipping sound buzzing through the air as you took your time over each metal tooth in the zipper. He didn’t say a word of it, even if he gripped the armrests so hard you could hear the friction. When his zipper was all the way down he shifted so you could peel his underwear back. 
Oh, fuck.
You couldn’t even estimate the length because you hadn’t quite processed the girth.
You immediately rose to your feet at the sight.
He looked up at you expectantly. Goddamn, his eyes were crystals in this light. Indecisive ones that didn’t know what to think, yet held hope, adoration and possibly something more in the large pool of light it nurses.
“Your Grace, it’s …”
He reached out for you again, and for a second there was absolutely no way the hands that fell on your waist were the very same ones that have spilled the blood of others. Not when he held you like his touch would scorch you.
“You can take it. I’ll help you.” 
He held the hem of your shirt but your hand grappled his wrist. 
“Can I … leave it on?” You asked gingerly. “I’ll remove my bra. You can touch them underneath. I just …”
“Of course.”
He let go of your shirt. You both gave each other looks you couldn’t recognize before you reached behind tk unclasp your bra.
“May I?” He spoke up after a few seconds of you fumbling with it.
You froze. 
You could just be seeing things that weren’t there, but in this moment, his gaze was … wistful, yet sanguine. A white glow poured into his irises that surely wasn’t from his office’s bad lighting.
You gave him a warm smile and lowered your head. “Sure.”
You turned around, and he prompted you to sit on his knee as his fingertip climbed your back and your bra fell to the floor within the next three seconds.
When you stood up again, his fingers brushed your inner thigh and lingered as if he wanted to draw something there, stirring up chills on your leg before two of his fingers disappeared into you again. 
You cried out as your hands clutched the edges of his chair for support. His other hand squeezed firm on your hip. 
He thrusted a few times before going, “tell me if this hurts.”
And he slipped a third finger into you. 
“Your Grace!” You cried. “Fuck.”
“Does it hurt? Should I pull out?”
“No, no.” You shook your head. “Please.”
“Please what?”
If you went on any longer like this, your legs would give out and drool would cover your chin.
“I want you.”
“You have me.” His grip squeezed tighter on your hip as his eyes narrowed on you.
“No, you.”
He caught how your eyes shifted to his erection. 
He looked back at you and nodded. When he pulled his fingers out, you would have fallen on your knees had his hands not been there to support you.
You quickly cross one leg to his other side and luckily, his chair was spacious enough for your calves to rest on either side of his thighs. You on him with his erection on your stomach. 
Seeing its length against your body …
Both of you stared at it for a second, measurements filling your heads as your thoughts ran free about how exactly this was going to go. How noisy you’d be. How noisy he’d be. 
His silken tip was a pulsing red, blending into his pale skin color as a few veins branched up from the base
“You’re … fuck …” you whispered. 
“Is everything alright?” He asked as if you both weren’t looking at the same thing between you two.
“Yeah. It’s just—intimidating, is all.” Your playful tone fell flat with the heated air you both exhaled moments ago. “But fuck, I’ll never forgive myself if you don’t make a fucking mess of me.”
“Good, because I really don’t know how much more I can take,” he added fervently. His hands wandered over your hips and dipped into your waist, careful not to squeeze in any capacity. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
That was all the encouragement you needed as you shifted closer on your knees. He held you tightly on the hips which each move you made, one hand moving to align him to your entrance. 
“Don’t rush, okay? I’ll do my best not to move until you tell me to.”
You grinned. “Stop being so nice. It just makes me wanna swallow you whole.”
You lowered yourself on him and both of you moaned out, his sounding almost like a growl. The pain clawed at the walls as you were being pried in two.
“Fuck,” he cursed sharply. If he had longer nails, they would have maimed you by now. 
And that was just the tip.
“Think you can swallow me whole still?” He quipped with his hands still holding your hips up. 
“I’m tougher than you think,” you couldn’t help but remark as you sank deeper in—his entire body steeled and another strained groan escaped him. 
The pain took its place in the backseat in this moment, his delectable reactions causing the butterflies in your stomach to jolt awake. That was something you hadn’t felt in a while; it would steer you to a higher state of mind you couldn’t recall ever being in.
It only took a few more minutes before you had indeed swallowed him whole, his tip pressing against your cervix as you shifted to get comfortable.
His hands slithered around your waist once more only to tighten against him, your torso flush against his as his eyes wandered you. Even if you still had top on, it seemed as though he was getting lost in the folds of the fabric, frequently coming back to the swell of your breasts.
“Hey.” You placed a hand on one of his bulky arms tightly slung around you.
“Are you okay?” You tilted your head. 
There was something in the way he was holding you, a warmth that rose like steam that caressed your skin—but you weren’t sure this was that kind of scene. You wanted to say it felt out of place but somehow you only felt yourself dripping wetter at the thought of it. 
He swallowed. “Yeah. I’m more than okay, I mean—fuck just—can’t believe my dick is in you right now. You feel so good. This feels good. I can’t even begin to explain how many times this very scene has played in my head in the most inconvenient times.”
He laughed softly, and you laughed with him. 
“How many times I dreamed of fucking you like this. Having you all to myself. Thinking I’d make sure I am the best you’ll ever have.”
He pressed his nose into your clothes as it reached your sternum, his face sitting comfortably between your breasts.
“You smell like … black tea.” His comment was muffled as his eyes were closed.
“Well yeah, that’s because you always give me some when the visiting rooms get busy or if it’s raining outside,” you replied with a lighter chuckle, running your fingers through his hair. How can something be so rough and soft at the same time?
What, exactly, you were referring to when that thought flitted right by you—you didn’t care to reaccess. 
“Please fuck me,” you said, lace and pink bow ties intertwined in your words.
“You’re ready?”
His arms unraveled from you, and it seemed like his grip had worked knots on its own; ages passed before his hands rejoined either side of your waist. He was reluctant to part from you, even in the slightest degree as he was no longer pressed into you. 
“Be good for me, yeah?”
And with that, he lifted you up and down on him with ease. He started out at a reasonable pace, though it was one faster than you expected. Your moans spun the room once more, each at their highest when his tip hits your cervix. Pain slipped out and away with each sodden thrust in you.
One hand covered your mouth and the other rested on his shoulder—and even as he rubbed hot, liquid pleasure into you, you caught the precise moment he realized what you’d done.
“Agh—please princess. Haven’t I earned this? What else will it take for me to hear your precious voice, hm?” He hummed, pleasured groans weaving through his strained words. 
“That—mm fuck!—damned nickname again,” you cursed under your breath, causing the duke to smile. 
He slowed his pace to a near stop. “What can I say?” 
Then he pounded so hard into you, the wet slap along with your scream echoing in the safe confines office.
“You make me want to pamper you.”
He clenched his jaw as he continued to fuck you at the same pace, though this time each thrust left a sting on your ass. 
You felt as though your nerves swam and writhed in each layer of flesh beneath your skin, pleasure following the way sound follows shortly after light. The butterflies panicked in your stomach, almost tickling you with the shrouded embarrassment of the duke of Meropide seeing you this way—how you could barely keep your lips together as your jaw lost its zeal a long time ago.
“Mmm c’mon,” he encouraged as your name left his lips again as an exhalation of sampled affection. “If I don’t get to hear you, I’m going to do something I’m not sure you’ll like.”
His thrusts picked up its pace slightly, as if to try and get the noises bubbling in throat to spill. You stayed resilient, however, even shaking your head as you offered a choked whimper instead.
“Alright then.”
His grip on your hand was gentle as he moved it to his shoulder, his fingers brushing your arm as he stopped moving altogether.
You whined irritably, and of course the duke laughed it off with that low and sadly attractive voice of his. Your gut dropped at the very sound of it.
“I told you I’d do something you wouldn’t like,” he reminded, and he sounded perfectly fine, as if he didn’t have his cock buried deep in you and twitching from the lack of friction. His hand was warm and soothing over your own, the other sliding up your waist. 
“Ride me.”
“Please, ride me,” he repeated. 
You didn’t follow his request immediately as you knew what it would entail; your entire face, fucked out and reacting to every thrust you made down on him. You couldn’t muster a reply so instead you buried your face in his neck, pressing shallow kisses on his scars.
He laughed again. “Come now, princess. I asked nicely, didn’t I?”
“You didn’t the first time,” you pouted without meaning to.
It was almost like a knee-jerk reaction when his fingers ran through your hair, kissing your head as he cooed. It felt as though his fingers left a trail of butterflies where it combed, and the nectar of his kiss seeped straight to your mind. 
“I’m sorry. I know I didn’t. But I needed to see your face,” he said. His fingers still laid in the strands of your hair. “How shall I make up for it?”
And so he nodded. 
“Please,” he stressed, your name placed on the throne of his saccharine plea. “Please, ride me. I need you so, so bad—I promise I won’t be mean again. I’ll do anything.”
You heard him loud and clear the first time, but part of you needed to hear him say it again. A confirmation of what it would mean if he asked this of you—what exactly it is he wanted.
And so you lifted your hips off him slowly, and even in that little bit of movement pleasure ran down his every inch where your cunt hugged. He made soft noises, ones you would keep like small souvenirs in a jar as he shut his eyes for a moment.
Then you dropped down on him, moans shared between the both of you as yours reigned louder.
"I love hearing you moan, fuck," he cursed.
You repeated what you'd done, this time getting faster as the feeling of him filling you grew as addicting as it was pleasurable. Seeing him restrain his sounds and bite his lip was more than a reward for doing as he asked. You wanted him all the way in, even if it bruised your cervix—and his chivalry had only impassioned the carnal thoughts spinning in your mind, chained to the wall as you couldn't have done anything about it without seeming downright sick. 
That is, until now.
Oh, to think he'd been pent up before this, and now you're the only one who can bring him brain-hazing pleasure in this moment. Your fingers clawed at his clothes, legs cramping but the hot pleasure burned brighter in you than anything else. 
"I want to fuck you," he moaned. "I want to see you, hear you, make you feel good—please let me fuck you over the table—ngh—please.”
"How bad?" You panted as you refused to stop.
"What?" He perked up.
"How bad do you want me?"
He wasted no time in wrapping himself around you again, sweat on sweat as he laid you back on his desk, careful not to let your head fall. 
"I hope this answers your question," he whispered in your ear before he backed away to gaze at you again. He had naturally pulled out a little from the movement, but he didn't mind—he wrapped your lips in a heated kiss once more, his tongue a little more gentle this time as he pushes in and you gasped in his mouth. 
More wet slaps ensued as his thrusts grew needy. He drew out slowly only to jerk back in and nearly choke your body in bursts of pleasure, your nerves tingling again as those coils reformed in your gut. They were going to give out. It was approaching sloppily and even your mouth went limp when you tried to pull away. 
You tapped his jaw, and he pulled away instead, with the fog in his half-lidded eyes you could hardly say it was any easier for him than it was for you.
"I'm c-close.”
"Me too," he panted as he straightened his back, hands finding purchase back on your waist. “You’re so pretty like this.” 
Your tailbone had already begun to ache, remnants of your body ache plaguing the rest of you.
His finger wounded up back beneath your folds, and dancing with your clit as you screamed again. Shit, it was approaching before you could catch up to it. Your hands flew to his wrist out of instinct and your knuckles turned white in an instant, but your grip was wind to him.
Your eyes squeezed shut and you erupted, quickly falling off that cliff as you clenched around him and caused him to moan. 
“Fuck! I’m coming!”
He pounded quicker into you, your waist bruised in his grip as your ass stinged a bright red—he pulled out just in time for his cum to spill on the desk and floors. 
Your body went limp. Your clit still pulsed, and both you and the duke panted for a few moments. 
It took a while before the daze of the orgasm cleared, and some of your thoughts had come back coherent to you again.
The first one that took you by the throat was that you had just had sex with the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide, the warden of a highly-regarded prison, a man known to be intimidating and a force you should never cross. 
“Hey, hey hey—you okay?” 
Wriothesley rushed to your side when you sat up and winced. His hold on your arm would have hurt if it wasn’t out of concern and the failed attempt to support you on time.
“Yeah, just cramping. I’ll be fine.” You dropped onto the floor, whipping around to find your pants. He didn’t let go of your forearm nor let his eyes leave your face—you didn’t fight it.
“I was thinking of offering to let you rest, but I realize you start work early tomorrow,” he said as he cleaned himself off, then fixed the belt and fasteners on his pants. “I’ll send you home.”
You turned back to him. “What?”
“I’ll see if I can get us private transport so it’s quicker.”
Your other hand fell over his arm. “I don’t want to trouble you.”
“I was the one who brought you back here, so I’ll get you back safely.”
“And if I invited you over?” You raised a brow at him.
He paused for a few seconds as shock reached his gaze. His eyes examined each of your own as if to wonder just how serious you were. 
“I’d go back to the Fortress on my own.” Wriothesley cleared his throat when he handed you your pants. 
“That’s hardly fair,” you scoffed as you rested your sore ass against his desk to put on your clothes. 
“I have never said this about ‘fair’ before, but I think I’m okay with that,” he grinned. You frowned.
He said your name back to you in a laugh.
“You don’t have to do … all this for me. You’re a very busy man.”
“Indeed, so I’d better hurry and make sure you get home safe and quick.” He tucked some of your hair behind your ear, and for a moment his eyes seemed to draw your features, the way light met your eyes or how your lips crumpled in a certain way when you were in thought or observing something intently.
Just like you had been now, with him. 
You gave up at his persistence, simply shaking your head and then gathering your things before leaving his office with him. 
The fact of the matter is that despite the coils that had broken loose in your gut just a while ago, your pores rippled with goosebumps at the brush of his fingertips down your shoulder when he followed so close behind you. He closed the door behind him and his touch had fled just as soon as it had arrived. 
“Did you mean what you said?” He started, “when you said you’d … invite me over.”
“Mmm, why do you ask?” You teased.
“Because if your word is true we’d stop when the Fortress of Meropide meets the surface.”
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note. don’t ask me why I have a backstory for reader and more ideas for this fic oml. Idk why I am rotting sm over this. Tysm for reading!
taglist: @mun-in-rain @neverlandlostchild @mmmairon
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nipuni · 2 days
A little life update!
I'm back from our latest trip and leaving again in a couple of days but! I can finally say we are officially moving! 😄
We've been looking for houses travelling back and forth from Galicia weekly these last few months. It was an ordeal in many ways, a logistical and bureaucratic nightmare honestly, we found and lost many houses and spent so much money, time and braincells in the process. But in the end we found the most amazing house so it was worth it!! In our favorite city, beautiful antique furniture, several floors, extra rooms for hobbies, enclosed balcony, a fireplace, a whole garden with a lemon tree!! and for the same rent price than what we are paying for our small apartment in Madrid now lmao, big city prices are nonsensical 😭
We met the neighbors over the garden fence one morning and they are so lovely, they have apple trees and offered some to us and we met their dog too and they told us the story of the house and the people who have lived in it and places and customs of the town and offered to take us to the farmers markets to teach us about the best choices 🥺
We also met our landlady's family and they are so nice and friendly too. They helped us out with furniture, all their children and husband helped too and we offered to invite them all for dinner sometime to thank them when we are settled and they said they would invite us instead because they are six and we are two lmao Ahhh I just can't believe this is all real, it feels like a dream.
The weather is also colder and way rainier and we can finally enjoy summer like the earth intended, I'm no longer a summer hater!! We have wildflowers and mushrooms and magpies in our garden!! and chestnuts!! and an attic!! and a stone grill!! and a big bright kitchen aaaaa I can't stop gushing about everything
Nicolas is so happy too, he has been teaching himself everything about gardening and house keeping and the animals and plant species of the area. We already told all our friends and family to plan their trips to visit us since now we can host them more comfortably and for longer stays!!
I can't wait to be done with the move and start our new town life close to the sea in a beautiful house with friendly people and peace and quiet what the hell!! I never thought I could ever have something like this in my life I'm so serious 😭
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pomefioredove · 2 days
helloo! ^^ can I req hcs of dorm leaders + Rollo and neige with a fencer reader? If it's okay with you, ofc!! I really enjoy and love your writing 🫶
ofc and thank you! ^-^
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fencer reader
type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, leona, azul, kalim, vil, neige, idia, malleus, rollo additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, short
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Riddle would be into it. he goes on and on about what a dignified choice of sport that is, how he's always wanted to try it, on and onnn. I just think he's really into swords. he'll ask to watch you practice, all giddy and cute. the guy is genuinely fangirling
Leona is like... okayyy. and? you can play with sharp objects? he grew up in a palace surrounded by guards and nobility, he probably had his first sword when he was three
defo challenges you to a duel because he thinks it would be funny. and he WINS
(then he buys you whatever you want as a consolation prize bc he's soft for you)
[Azul voice] please no weapons or magic in the lounge
...you'll have to demonstrate for the (very eager and interested) tweels outside from now on
Azul will, of course, come to watch. he'd be interested in anything you do, really, because it's you. and watching you try to tell the tweels they can't really kill each other with these kinds of swords is amusing
Kalim is somehow 100% convinced he can teach himself how to fence within in a week. he thinks you're that cool, and, sevens does he want to play with swords. he probably has a lot of them, too, which Jamil very strongly advises him not to touch (because he has little regard for himself or his surroundings).
Kalim will let you take as many as you want when you come over. he does not know that these aren't the swords you use in fencing
still... um, it's the thought that counts, right?
like with any sport, Vil can respect your dedication to your passion. and you have really good posture. he would get Epel to join you, but the thought of that boy with access to weapons of any kind, safe or not... yeah
he's nowhere near your level, of course, but he's always happy to help you with any aches or pains from bouts. in return, you can help him rehearse for roles that require swordsmanship. fair enough
the Neige Leblanche, swooning? yes, actually!! I can't overstate how much of a sucker he is for the whole... dashing and chivalrous thing. it's the sword, yes, but it's also the outfit, the rules, the way you're so... charming. you could pull him 100%
Idia is a simple man. he sees someone being really good at a niche sport he knows from his fav manga and anime, and he absolutely trips over himself. literally head over heels. blushing, giggling, et cetera, he's just such a freak about this sort of thing (affectionately)
ah, Malleus. if anyone here can appreciate swordsmanship in all its forms, it's him. with his royal guard and his knights and his freaky gothic castle...
he'll probably invite you to fence with him, and he completely wipes the floor with you (this is Malleus Draconia we're talking about, after all). but lovingly!
he's having the time of his life :)
wakey wakey Rollo fans
to be engaged in a non-magical activity, based on agility, wit, and, arguably intelligence, in which there is form and order and rules...
of course, you have his full support
he somehow shows up at all your bouts, is with you before and after practice, and takes his duties as your companion very, very seriously
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When you point out how neurodiversity affects whole areas of the brain, not just what we see as the presentation symptoms, it seems so obvious. I've known that many neurodivergent conditions have high rate of co-morbidities, but haven't thought about what that would mean. I really liked your explanation of what else dyslexia affects, it made me recategorise some of my sister's mom behaviours. I see time blindness, some executive dysfunction, organisation difficulties and go, yup, I've got that too, it's normal, and forget that most people don't struggle with that (I've suspected I have undiagnosed ADHD for years, but never got checked for it, since I suggested it my dad freaked out, insisting there was nothing wrong with me. I really should though)
May I ask how your synaesthesia manifests for you? I'm always curious about how neurodiversity manifests in people and how it affects them, because there are so many minor and major things not talked about. I apologise if that question makes you uncomfortable, you don't have yo answer it.
Anyway, thank you for your explanation! It made a lot of things click all at once for me.
If you want lots of examples of how my synaesthesia works, I have a tag you could trawl here. But, I have a few different types; the common numbers-have-colours one, but I also get textures and sensations and feelings, and about... literally everything. Numbers, words, people's voices, names, personalities, the plots of media, images, everything.
Soooo, yeah. Sensory overload is the big impact; trial and error over the years has shown me it's primarily auditory, so if I can wear earplugs I can cope for longer in 'busy' environments. The other thing is that it really does a number on my mathematical ability, though, because, I shit you not, the colours get in the way. When I was a small child I was shown that 3 + 5 = 8, and my brain went "Yes, orange + pink = brown, got it" and ever since then if I see a 3 and a 5 together in a sum it DOES NOT MATTER what the operator is, I immediately assume the answer is 8. 3 plus 5? 8. 3 minus 5? Also 8. 3 times 5? Buddy you'll never guess. But it's 8.
It takes conscious effort not to do this T_T
The other thing is that I really, REALLY suffer from this thing where someone goes "Hey, we should watch Program X" but the problem is, you see, the problem is, I cannot stand the sensation I get from the name Program X, and therefore I will not watch it out of disgust that is totally unrelated to the actual show. This applies to all media, places, human beings, etc. (It is obviously a thing I have to be careful of when it's human beings.)
I think everything else I have is ADHD-related though, so that's probably everything I can put down to the synaesthesia.
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habken · 2 days
Can you please tell me about your Fusion Au? It sounds awesome, and I want to know more about it!
sure!! :D There's a few versions of it, but the one I think about the most, they fuse like right before the entrance exam for ua. They were both individually making their way to UA and got caught up in the same villain attack, and in the chaos of it all, someone used their quirk on them and bam, fusion.
Because of the mayhem, they didn't actually see who hit them and nobody stopped to be like "oh heyyy sorry about that whoopsie daisies" so the newly formed fusion just has to figure out how to exist ?? and then also take an exam and battle giant robots? (they still save uraraka which is where the bakugou half finds out about ofa) I haven't pondered much on the logistics of how the exam would work identity-wise, I assume they take it under one of their names (probably bakugou) and get it sorted out later with nezu
Anyways time passes, it doesn't seem like it's going to wear off or whatever so "Katzuku" just has to work under the assumption it's permanent. So he starts his time at ua as two nerds in a trenchcoat!
In terms of who's in control or whatever, it's an amalgamation of them, not two people operating one body, but their thoughts and actions get disjointed the less the two agree with each other. It's very rocky at the start because of the animosity between them (even if it's one sided), they just have so many conflicting thoughts and emotions that it's hard to stay in sync. So it really does feel almost like "mom said it's my turn to pilot the body" in the beginning when the fusion is still figuring itself out, but as they learn to accept the two parts of them more, things start to sync up more.
I also like think the two still exist individually somewhere up there, almost similar to the ofa vestiges lol. So when they dream, they see each other
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Okay bear with me folks, I have some ~thoughts~ about the Vanessa/Wade relationship (or frankly lack thereof) in Deadpool & Wolverine. I should start by saying that I am analyzing this with the (likely erroneous) assumption that everything on screen is 100% intentional and mindfully written to deepen the characters and inform their arcs. For the record, I don't necessarily believe that's true - there is certainly room for mistakes, lazy writing, confusing plot elements, or in this case, sidelining a potentially strong and important character for nebulous reasons (I'm guessing scheduling conflicts + run time concerns + actor's strike complications but idk for sure). (Also thanks to @gossippool and @kendyroy for encouraging me to post my thoughts instead of just rambling in the tags in the first place, y'all are the realest)
Long rambly post below the cut fyi
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Now, granted, it has been a while since I watched the original Deadpool so I am not as well-versed in their early relationship as I am in the handful of scenes Morena Baccarin has in dp3, but I do think it is pretty canon that Wade generally struggles to express his deeper worries and feelings (without filtering it heavily through crude humor, sex, and pop culture references of course), especially after the events of dp1 and the physical and mental damage he sustains, and Vanessa is frankly no exception despite how much he cares for her. The entire first movie hinges on the fact that he doesn't really believe she could love him in his post-Francis mangled state, which is pretty contrived imo given that the film has established already how bonded they are, and she doesn't strike me as being written to be so shallow as to reject him based on a physical deformity. I mean iirc she wanted to stick around through chemo despite him being literally riddled with inoperable cancer, so she clearly is in it for the long haul (at least in dp1), messiness and all.
Now, in dp2, obviously she is shot and killed early in the film, and Wade spends much of the rest of the film wallowing in his very profound grief, trauma, and guilt over losing her due directly to his violent lifestyle. He goes to prison, he basically gives up on life and seems very resigned to dying once he has the power suppressant collar on, even excited to do so so he can be reunited with her. She is mostly sidelined as a Fuzzy Dead Wife trope basically, but the important thing here is that he spends weeks if not months in the throes of despair over losing the love of his life just as they were trying to start a family, and trying to reach across the boundaries of death to be with her.
Now, my first couple times watching dp3 I was frustrated by the trite narrative presented in the interview scene towards the beginning - specifically Wade's whole "my girl is getting tired of my shtick and I need to show her I matter". It felt contrived and disingenuous, and I just brushed it off as iffy writing, a means to an end, but the more I reflect upon it the more I think it is based in an emotional reality that is just handled with a very light touch by the film in favor of fanservice and Poolverine content (NOT that I'm complaining in the slightest - I think this movie is a masterpiece in many ways, albeit a flawed one but that's beside the point here), which for the record I am not against because I think it lends it an air of realism. This is Wade's story after all, Vanessa is a part of it but it is ultimately about him and his journey.
Basically, I think the combination of what happened to him in dp1 (the brain damage, the trauma, the awareness of the fourth wall, etc) followed by the events of dp2 (Vanessa's death, his grief and the associated guilt and trauma of being the direct cause of her death) led to an unbridgeable emotional gap between the two of them that ultimately leads to their breakup.
It's important to note that I don't think Vanessa has any recollection of her own death, given that Wade goes back and saves her before she can take the bullet, and so of course she can never fully fathom what Wade went through grieving her and their life together and their potential family, for however long he spent between her death and bringing her back with Cable's device. She can try (and she clearly does in the one scene I'll talk about next) but I fear she accepts, maybe even in that scene, that she can never succeed. He is beyond her reach by this point, and vice versa, his experiences having fundamentally changed him.
The one scene we really see from their relationship between dp2 and dp3 is the one where Cassandra mind-gropes Wade in the Void and we see Vanessa struggling to reach Wade across this aforementioned gap - she wants him to open up, she wants him to share what he's going through, she wants him to be the person she initially fell in love with (not even selfishly - to her nothing has changed really, because to her no time has passed). But not only does he not understand what she's really asking for but he responds in such a way that makes me think he has unprocessed issues that are only tangentially related to what she's saying - ie the stuff about mattering, about asking her if she even wants to be with him, etc. And he's not the Wade Wilson she met back in dp1 anymore. He watched her die and grieved her and brought her back, believing it would make everything go back to normal and they could resume their life together as if nothing had changed, but he has been fundamentally changed in a way that she can't grasp, even if he WAS good at externally processing his trauma openly without the artifice of wry jokes. She didn't "come back wrong" - instead, she came back exactly the same as before, but HE'S different now. Not wrong, per se. But changed.
It's an interesting scene because it's obviously a memory, and a crucial one at that, but you can see how Wade is misunderstanding what she's saying, viewing it through the prism of his own lack of self-worth and his own hopelessness - he takes away that she thinks he doesn't matter (even though like he says she didn't actually say that, but I don't think Cassandra invented that wholecloth - I think she pulled it out of his psyche because that's what he believes deep down, hence why his fixation on mattering even though she never said those words exactly), he takes away that she doesn't want to be with him, that she thinks he's nothing. Which would be frustrating as an audience member to witness as a pretty simple misunderstanding which could potentially be solved with one conversation, but it feels believable to me that these two people who have shared a great love would be fundamentally separated by unimaginable, cosmic trauma, and the on conversation they would need to have to rectify the misunderstanding is one that is impossible for Wade to verbalize and equally impossible for Vanessa to conceive of. It was one thing when they had shared trauma like violence and SA in dp1, but what Wade has gone through in dp1 and dp2, humor aside, is unfathomably traumatic, brain-breakingly so even, and that's not even factoring in the possible mental illnesses he now struggles with (I've seen folks suggest schizophrenia, DID, depression, etc. but I won't get into armchair diagnosing a fictional character here - suffice it to say he is canonically unwell as a result of what has happened to him, and yes it manifests as quirky fourth wall breaks and cheeky one-liners, but within the universe of the movies he is undeniably profoundly mentally ill, and that includes this humorous alter ego he created to cope with his trauma).
I think off-screen Vanessa probably really tried to reach him, maybe for years (the six year gap implies to me that they didn't break up immediately, that they tried for a while to stay together), trying to get her Wade back, but that Wade is gone. He struggled to express that to her until eventually he started to feel rejected because he couldn't express his trauma or how much he has changed, because even he can't fully conceive of the gulf that has formed between them. The truth is, he WANTS to be that Wade again, for her and for himself, but that Wade died when she died. Or maybe he had already started dying when Francis got a hold of him in dp1.
Anyway, all this is to say, I think Morena Baccarin WAS criminally underutilized in dp2 and dp3, but I think there is a strong argument to be made for the believability of their breakup regardless. I think even relationships built on enormous love can crumble due to trauma, and what Wade suffers over these movies is mind-bogglingly enormous trauma. It's especially heartbreaking that he blames himself for their relationship ending, talks like she just got tired of him, thought he didn't matter, whatever. But it is a credit to him that he never seems to feel anger towards her about it. He doesn't seem to feel entitled to her, though he longs for her and what they had and what she represented (hope, love, a future, a family), but ultimately she becomes more of a symbol of what he lost when he gained his powers, because let's be super fr right now - even if they had succeeded in having a baby, not only would they have lived in fear of her or the kid getting killed, but ultimately Wade would likely outlive both of them even if they managed to die natural deaths. The moment he gained his powers he was already destined to lose her, which is heartbreaking because she was the only reason he opted for the treatment in the first place - so he could stay with her.
I think a big part of Deadpool & Wolverine is watching Wade continue to process his own motivations (vis-a-vis Vanessa but also his other friends) and how he does eventually let go of the idea of "mattering" in favor of just saving the people he cares about (*cough* and being saved right back *cough* by Wolvie, as the final line and shot implies). And in the process he finds someone new who cares about him, who thinks he matters, who tries to sacrifice himself for him and his friends after mere days of knowing him, who comes home with him at the end of the story, who breaks his own centuries-old patterns, who has also experienced unimaginable grief and trauma, who has struggled with wanting to die and being unable to, who not only matches his crazy but matches his FREAK and also not only won't die on him but CAN'T die on him - and more importantly cannot be randomly killed by a stray bullet.
Idk if any of this makes much sense but I do think if you read between the lines and consider the potency of trauma and grief, guilt and emotional damage at play here, Vanessa and Wade's off-screen breakup is actually pretty realistic, and really heart-breaking to boot.
You can tell she still cares about him in so many ways - she shows up for his birthday party, she shows up to his welcome home party at the end, she finds excuses for physical contact multiple times, her eyes get soft when she looks at him, but there is a distance there that Morena Baccarin does an incredible job of portraying. She cares about him deeply, she has mourned the loss of their potential life together, she has let him go and accepted that the Wade she fell in love with is gone, but she wants him in her life even though she's moving on because she realizes he's gone somewhere she can't follow (literally and figuratively). And she wants him to be happy which is why I fully believe she would immediately clock the Poolverine of it all and not-so-subtly encourage them to make it official.
Anyway. Poolverine forever. Nothing against Vanessa at all - I think she delivers a nuanced and beautiful performance, I think their relationship is sweet and heart-wrenching in large part due to her acting chops, especially given how little she is given to work with - but I think their relationship was sadly doomed from almost the very start, because Wade becomes this traumatized superhuman and Vanessa would always be at risk in his orbit, but also would always on the outside of his multiverse superhero experiences. I think it's weirdly beautiful, even if I am filling in a lot of gaps and giving the writers maybe undue credit.
Anyway... thoughts? Please DM me or write in the tags, I am feral about this movie and just want to talk about it with anyone haha. If you have further insight into these characters too I'd love to hear it - I am by no means an expert in these movies or characters!
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cool-island-songs · 2 days
Analysis of ALNST Character Relationship Metrics
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My art book won't be here for a minute, but I ran some screenshots I saw on twt through an image translator and have a lot of thoughts:
TILL: Despite claiming to hate everyone in the world, Till ranks Ivan at 70% intimacy even as he identifies perturbing behaviors of Ivan's going back years and refers to him as "a bother". He also ranks Sua at 10% in spite of having little to say about her and finding it uncomfortable to be around her.
Though he postures at being misanthropic and has all the manners you'd expect of a boy who was half off at the human child pound, he's actually quite gentle and sensitive. This is reflected in one of the graduation messages he's left by a classmate as well:
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The person he feels closest to is an unattainable crush, and someone who doesn't feel that close with him in return, likely because he's too shy to really approach her or carry on a conversation.
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MIZI: That's Mizi, of course, who's rather childlike and naive initially. She likes everyone, but since Till chokes when he tries to speak to her and often keeps his distance, she wonders if he's avoiding her because he dislikes her.
Mizi gravitates towards people who she sees as "perfect", which is how she describes Ivan and Sua in her graduation message to Ivan:
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She doesn't see the darker side of Ivan's personality (which has been described on several occasions, even by himself, as "twisted") because he's attractive, successful, and helpful to her.
Though she likes everyone, Sua is her "God", and the only thing that can keep them apart is the tragedy of their situation, which forces Mizi to grow up in a brutally painful way.
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SUA: Sua is far less idealistic and naive than Mizi, and has clearly thought about sacrificing herself to save Mizi, since Ivan picks on her for thinking of doing so in an official comic. Accordingly, her feelings about Mizi are far more tinged by the knowledge that they will one day be torn apart by external circumstances. She laments that reciprocating her feelings will one day cause Mizi great pain.
She's always been more somber, and despite her surface similarities to Ivan (which he notes in a follow-up comic wherein he realizes he was wrong about Sua's feelings for Mizi being unrequited), she's quite different on the inside. Sua's more sensitive and thus her colder exterior serves to protect her, whereas Ivan's outward persona creates an illusion of normalcy that doesn't reflect his reality.
Sua views Ivan and Till as a threat and a nuisance, respectively. Like Till, she senses something strange about Ivan, and when it comes to Till, it's just one person too many around for her. This is fascinating to me, because I thought she might pity Till! Her feelings about Ivan were already pretty clear from this panel of the 'piggyback' comic, and she seems deeply hurt in the first comic linked by his prodding.
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IVAN: For his part, Ivan is fascinated by Till even though he's content to sit back and observe, pestering him to get a reaction or his attention for a brief time. He doesn't expect anything in return but wants more than anything to be on Till's mind (hence behaviors like stealing Till's belongings and returning them to him, pretending he had found them).
He prefers Sua to Mizi despite his awareness that Sua doesn't particularly like him, seeing her as a sister and even telling her she's "twisted" like he is. He likes Mizi well enough, especially her sincerity, but seems to find her optimism a bit much at times.
The fact that Mizi and the others would likely consider Ivan and Mizi quite close while Ivan does not reflects how much he postures even in his closest relationships. He struggles to connect with those he's most compelled by and it's not clear if he really wants to.
Some Ivantill thoughts before I go:
There seems to be a common sentiment that it's tragic Till was unable to see how much Ivan loved him, and I think we'll likely get more of Till's perspective on Ivan and their relationship in round 7. But it may not be the case that Ivan even wanted his true feelings to be seen, or would have known what to do if Till had reciprocated them.
There's something almost voyeuristic and self-negating in his feelings for Till (see: "I can’t reach you, so I imagine alone/You who shines, I stand next to you" from 'Black Sorrow'). He has far more self-awareness and willingness to accept things as they are than Till, who doesn't see that Mizi only has eyes for Sua and who would likely struggle to accept that reality.
Ivan, on the other hand, is well aware that his feelings for Till are "shallow", a bright fantasy to get him through his dark reality, and he seems to sincerely believe that his death won't scar Till because he's never really broken through to him. He's a schemer, and comments he makes in his graduation message to Till and the interview he gives in advance of round 6 suggest that he may have been planning to sacrifice himself for some time.
Part of me wonders if he hoped it would leave a mark on Till. Choking, kissing, and violently sacrificing oneself are all aggressive, forward acts, especially from someone who used to toy with people to get his kicks but was otherwise quite passive and unfeeling.
There are a lot of parallels in the one-sided loves, like Till acting out of his usual character for Mizi, and Ivan doing the same because of Till, putting all hopes of being saved in something just out of reach, staying in chains for that one special person. But Ivan's psychology is quite different from Till's, and in fact closest to Luka's re: low or no empathy. Both Ivan and Till are significantly traumatized by their upbringings but Ivan's difficult early life in the slums and his experience being dangled off that rooftop seem to have damaged his ability to connect to others or feel much of anything.
Till is the first person for whom he feels anything while for Till, Mizi is an early crush he puts on a pedestal in a much more commonplace way. I think the shared trauma of competing on that stage makes it much more difficult for either of them to imagine moving on, but Ivan is not wrong in identifying that he won't find that feeling again.
The thing that intrigues me most about this series is the way the contestants' differences play out, particularly with regard to how they view love and how they respond to their individual and shared challenges. I'd love to get into it further another time but this is quite long already so thanks for sticking with it if any have (haha)
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coldfanbou · 20 hours
Be Sure Of It
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Here we are with Eunha. In the end, I kept it as only her because I had this idea. Honestly, though, I may use the building mentioned for some other smuts. It would be pretty easy to insert other idols there and just have a universe around it. Also, it was a little tricky to write this because I had to think about whether to refer to Eunha using the stage name versus her real name.
Length 3.2K
Eunha X Mreader
You waited nervously at the restaurant, tapping your fingers on the table as you waited for your date's arrival. You peered out the large windows, hoping to spot her; her profile was on your phone, so you didn’t mistake someone else for her. Then, you saw her across the street, her bag slung over her shoulder as she hurried towards you. Relief washed over you as you recognized her, and she noticed you, too, waving with a bright smile. She walked around the corner, stepped inside, and headed straight toward you. “Hi! I’m Eunbi; sorry for keeping you waiting!” She exclaimed, slightly out of breath, as she sat down and reached over the table to shake your hand.
“It’s nice to meet you too. I was a little worried you wouldn’t show up,” you admit, feeling a mix of relief and nervousness. Your heart was pounding, and you couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same way.
“I’d never no-show a date. It’s hard enough to get one with my job.” 
You nod your head, trying to remember what her job was. “It was as a-”
“A health girl,” Eunbi interrupts, “I’m glad you remember,”
“Yeah, I tried to remember everything you had on your profile. I must have gone over it a hundred times before today.” You feel immediate embarrassment as those words leave your mouth, and you hang your head, feeling like you just made a big mistake.
Eunbi laughs, though, “Really? Were you that interested in me?” Looking up, you see Eunbi resting her head on her hand, her cheek squished. 
“Um, yes,” You say quietly, feeling a warm flush spread across your cheeks as Eunbi's laughter fills the air. You could feel your cheeks turning red, and you were sure she could see it, too.
“Don’t be shy; that makes me pretty happy. I don’t get many matches because of my profession. Those that I do get usually only want one thing. So, what made you interested in me?
“I thought you were cute and saw all the pictures of you cosplaying. I thought it was cool.” You say shyly. 
“Ah! You looked at them?!” The excitement in her voice was evident, “Which one was your favorite?”
“I liked you as Haruko from Slam Dunk,” you reply, pulling up the picture. “I liked your smile; you looked really happy in it.”
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Eunbi purses her lips, trying to hide her smile. “Thanks,” she giggles. “No one really likes those old shows anymore, but I think they’re pretty fun.” You and Eunbi spent the date discussing old shows and sharing that interest. It was enjoyable; the two of you enjoyed sharing your thoughts about which shows should be remade and which should remain classics. As your time together came to a close, you ordered an ice cream and headed out the door together. You walked around, continuing your chat until you found yourselves in the city’s central park. 
Eunbi came to a stop, sitting on a nearby bench and waiting for you to sit next to her. “Tonight has been really fun, and I want to go on another date.” She says quietly, her happy energy from earlier fading as she becomes serious. “But are you sure you are okay with dating someone like me? It’s just- I mean, a lot of guys say they’re okay with it, but they really aren’t. They try to get me to quit as soon as we’re together.” It’s clear to you this was something Eunbi had gone through multiple times; the anxiety in her voice and the fact she was staring at the ground the entire time she spoke was enough. “I-I just…”
“Eunbi, I’m okay with it.” You say, placing your hand on hers. Eunbi raises her head, turning to face you. “It must be hard on you, looking for someone, but I’m okay with you having that sort of job. I’ll never make you quit; that’s your decision.” You take a deep breath, “I’d like to take you on another date, Eunbi.”
Eunbi sniffles, and a small smile appears on her face. “Thanks for saying that, but,” she pulls her hand away and reaches into her bag, pulling out a small business card. “I think you should see me at work before you decide if you want to go on another date with me.” Eunbi pushes herself off the bench and stands up. “Anyway, thanks for tonight. I had a lot of fun. You know where to find me, " she says softly. 
You rise slowly and walk over to Eunbi with the business card still in hand. “Yes, I do. Thanks for tonight, Eunbi.” You wrap your arms around her and hug her, feeling her arms hesitantly wrap around you before cinching in. After a moment, the two of you break apart and head separate ways for the night.
That night, you looked at the card before going to bed, feeling excited about the next step. You wanted to go on another date with Eunbi, so you had to visit her first. You notice the name change on it; she didn’t use her real name. She used Eunha.
A few nights passed when you decided to visit Eunbi at her workplace.  While the place was open all day, Eunbi worked in the evenings and nights, so that’s when you had to go. It was in the red-light district. You weren’t familiar with it and wandered around, trying to find the place. Neon lights glowed from every building, painting the street with various colors. You continued past the barkers, trying to get you to walk into their establishment. You turn your head, viewing both sides so you won’t have to do another lap. Then you spotted it; it was a large building that took up an entire block. Much like the other buildings in the area, it bathed the street in bright pink neon lights. You cross the street, getting closer, when you notice the women dancing inside, inviting men to enter. They wore revealing outfits, from bunny suits and sexy maids to wedding dresses, with some just in lingerie. The ground level had them separated into their own rooms. You come to a stop, though, as you pass by a crowd; glancing at the window, you see one of the women having sex, fucking like a rabbit in heat with her breasts pressed against the glance. You pry your eyes away and look ahead, noticing she isn’t the only one. Other women in the rooms ahead were also having sex. 
You refocused yourself and continued toward the entrance, heading inside and finding a similar situation, with women in rooms, some dancing and others having sex. On occasion, there would be room blacked out, giving you the hint that some people wanted to be watched. Once down the hall, you found a board of faces—a picture of a woman and their face on it. Some were greyed out, signifying they were with a client. “You have to put money in first, sir.” You hear from behind you. Turning around, you find a staff member sharply dressed in a suit behind the counter. The man repeats himself, pointing to the bottom left of the giant screen. You notice a smaller pad was there to take payment. “If you’d like any information about the ladies before choosing, please feel free to ask me.” 
“Is Eunha here?” You ask nervously. 
The staff member looked down at something before meeting your gaze and responding matter-of-factly, “Yes, she is. She is on the top left-hand side of the board.” You nod and pay for an hour's session before returning to the larger screen and looking for Eunha. You spot her picture at the top and press it, confirming your choice after.
“Good choice, sir. Here is your room key, " the staff member says, pulling out a keycard. “She is on the second floor; once up the stairs, go to the right side at the end of the hall, turn to the left, and she will be at the end of that hall.” The man extends his arm, showing you the staircase. You take the keycard and give the man a nod before heading up the spiral staircase, finding a large lounge with a couple of men sitting idly. You glance at the other two hallways before heading to the right. You feel your heart beat faster as you make the final turn and head to the end of the hall. You stand outside the door and take a deep breath before tapping the keycard and opening it. You step inside and find Eunha waiting on the other side. She’s in a school uniform that’s been cropped and is wrinkled. The skirt, if you could call it that at this point, ended a few inches from the waist. Eunha had on a pair of crotchless panties, and you could see how slick her thighs were with her; there was cum running down her legs. On the top half of her body was an open button-up shirt that she had tied together in a loose knot, her nipples poking through the thin fabric.
“Oh! It’s you!” Eunha says with a smile on her face. “You actually came.”
You nod, “I said I would.”
Eunha chuckles, “I guess you did.” You both stand there awkwardly, unable to continue. “Please have a seat.” Eunha moved back to the kingsized bed. She throws herself on it and pats the spot next to her. After sitting beside her, Eunha places her hand on your thigh. “I guess you can see what my last customer did to me,” Eunha says, looking between her legs. “I barely had time to get the room ready again.” She sighs, looking down at the floor and kicking her feet softly. “This is what I meant; I understand if you don’t want to date me. Who would want to have a girlfriend that’s constantly getting fucked by others.” You feel the sadness begin to seep through into her voice. 
You shake your head, “Eunbi, I told you I don’t care. I knew that going into this, I’d have to be okay with you having this job. Look, I know we’ve just been on a single date, but I like you, and I want to see where this goes.”
“You mean that?” Eunha asks, her voice wavering. You nod at Eunha and place your other hand on hers. Though small, your action was enough to give Eunha some confidence in you. She sniffles before giving you a bright smile. “I guess we should get started then, right?”  
“I guess so.” Eunha presses her lips against yours, pushing you onto the bed and straddling you. You feel the passion behind the kiss, the corners of her mouth pulled into a smile. She lifts your shirt past your arms and over your head. Eunha was confident in every action. She moved down slowly, raising her ass in the air as she worked at getting your pants down, unbuckling your belt, and unbuttoning your pants. She stares you down as she bites down on the zipper tab and pulls it down. You can see a growing hunger in her eyes as she crawls over you and steals another kiss from you. You feel her hands move down your side as she tries to pull your pants off you.
You help her get them off, along with your underwear. Eunha’s hand grasps your shaft, moving up and down slowly as she meets your gaze. “You’re already nice and hard for me.” She whispers, her grip growing tighter. You see her smile grow as you moan her name. Eunha moves her other hand down, cupping your balls. “These are so big and heavy. I haven’t eaten all day. You have a lot of cum for me, right?” She gives you a pout before moving down your body and pressing her face against your cock, letting the tip rest against her forehead. She kisses the shaft and takes in your scent before wrapping her hand around it again. Eunha shuts her eyes and presses her lips against the base of your cock, inching upward toward the tip. She was moving toward more sensitive areas, and with each kiss, precum leaks from the tip of your cock.
Finally reaching the tip, Eunha opens her eyes again. She smiles at you before pushing the tip against her lips, slowly spreading them and allowing you inside her warm mouth. You feel her tongue run up and down your shaft as she rubs the head against the inside of your cheek. Her hand strokes the base of your cock, ensuring you’re getting the most out of it. She pulls back slowly, letting her saliva drip onto your cock, her tongue sticking out. 
Running her hand up and down your shaft, Eunha spreads her saliva across your cock. “This is going to be good,” she mutters, leaning down and wrapping her lips around your cock. You groan, enjoying as Eunha bobs her head, her tongue running along the underside of your shaft. You rest on your elbows, watching Eunha, noticing as she moves one hand down and fingers herself, occasionally pulling out to rub her clit. You place your hand on her head, earning you a glance from Eunha. She continued, slowly down and taking more of you in. You lean back and groan loudly as you feel yourself hit the back of her throat. 
Eunha pulls back slowly, slobber running down her chin and onto your cock. She slaps herself with it, dirtying herself further. She strokes your cock quickly as she speaks, “You’re so close; I felt your cock twitch. You can cum whenever you want; you don’t even have to warn me. I’ll be able to drink it all up.” Eunha smiles at you before making your cock disappear again. 
You struggle to hold on as her tongue lashes at the tip of your cock. Eventually, you’re forced to cum; you buck your hips upward into Eunha’s mouth and cum inside. She presses her hand against your pelvis, pushing you down as her lips form a seal around your cock, and she drinks every drop. She bobs her head slightly as you cool down from your climax. Eunha slowly comes to a halt and leaves your cock with a pop, “Ahh, that was so good,” She moans, licking her lips. 
Eunha places her hand on your cock, stroking it to get you hard again. “That must’ve felt really good for you; you came a lot.”
“It was amazing,” you groan, her grip tightening as you get hard again.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now it’s time for the best part.” Eunha straddles you, rubbing your cock between her folds as she aligns you to her entrance. She reaches forward, grabbing your hands and interlacing her fingers with yours as she lowers herself onto your cock. You slip in easily, her warm and slippery walls snuggly wrapping around your cock as she rests against your pelvis. Eunha’s soft moan fills the room, and you move up her body until you meet Eunha’s gaze. She gives you a soft smile that you can’t help but return. She keeps her hands with yours as she begins to bounce on your cock, soft moans flowing from her lips. Eunha leans against you, your hand holding becoming the only thing keeping her up. You lowered your eyes, noticing the knot that kept her shirt together come loose. Your eyes became glued to Eunha’s chest, watching her tits bounce as she rode you. “Ah, hold on,” she moaned, letting you off your hands to throw off her shirt. Eunha placed her hands on your chest and began moving again, her slow movements picking up speed with time. You placed your hands on her waist, holding her as she rode you. Eunha kept her eyes shut and threw her head back, groaning as she felt your cock go deep inside her. “You’re…going to… make me cum,” Eunha said, struggling to get her words out.
“I’m going to cum too.” You grunted, your cock throbbing against her tightening walls. You begin thrusting into Eunha, going deeper as your bodies collide. “I want us to cum together,” Eunha nods her head, biting her bottom lip as she nears her climax. You both cry out as you reach your peak; Eunha slams herself down on you, impaling herself on your cock and cumming with you. You pull Eunha into a kiss as she collapses on top of you, her chest heaving as you both slowly come down. 
“That was amazing,” she says, still out of breath. Eunha unmounts you and places herself on your bicep, taking a few deep breaths before looking into your eyes as you lay there together. 
“I’ve seen you at your work now. So I can ask you out on another date, right?” After a few minutes of staring into your eyes, her face turns red. She covers it with her hands and turns her back to you. “Eunbi? What’s wrong?” You ask, trying to turn her back around.
“It’s embarrassing!” She shouts into her hands.
“Ahh! I said all those things in front of you!” Eunbi buries her face into the mattress and kicks her feet. 
“Those things?” You ask curiously.
“Those things about your cock and balls. It’s so dirty!” You laugh at her answer, making her raise her head. “Don’t laugh! I only say those things here because people like to hear that!” She explains, her tiny fists knocking on your chest. “You’re never going to hear me repeat those things! They’re too embarrassing to say to someone I’m dating!” 
You laugh again, enjoying how embarrassed she was. “So, does that mean we’re going on another date?” Eunbi pauses her tantrum, realizing what she said. She peers up at you, and you ask again, “Eunbi, would you like to go out on another date?”
Eunbi feels a warmth in her heart as she hears your question being asked so sincerely and nods. “I’d like that; yeah, let’s go on another date,” she says softly before embracing you. You spend the rest of your time lying together. When your time runs out, and you're forced to separate, Eunbi kisses you on the cheek. “I’ll text you, okay?”
“Yeah, of course.” You respond before kissing Eunbi one more time before you go. “Have a good day at work.” She smiles and waves as you shut the door behind you. You get home sometime past midnight and lay in bed. You couldn’t sleep, though; your body was filled with energy after your night with Eunbi. You thought you would feel tired, but that wasn't the case, and just as your mind began to drift, you got a single-word message from Eunbi. 
“Breakfast?” It made you chuckle, and you agreed to meet her for breakfast in the morning. The two of you met for breakfast, chatting about old cartoons like you had on your first date. Eunbi felt content, happy to have found you, and hoping the relationship continues. The wariness of a new relationship was still on her mind, but seeing that you went further than many others had dared to, she felt a sense of comfort with you.
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beforetimes · 3 days
telepathy kink is always talked about but i loveee the way erik's relationship with charles' mutation is dependant on how much he trusts charles + how willing he would be to submit to charles should he ever use it. like in first class charles spends time flicking in and out of erik's head no issue because erik trusts charles and also when charles was in erik's head, he brought out a piece of happiness that erik no longer thought he had. so he's more willing to submit to charles' telepathy. and he puts the helmet on because he's more vulnerable directly after killing the man who was such a direct source of violence in his life and realizing that it wasn't enough—which probably shook erik to his core, because his whole life he's been hunting this one guy just to find that it's not over yet?
and then in days of future past, erik once again goes back to saying 'i don't have my helmet i couldn't disobey you if i wanted' which some people read as a taunt, some people read as him not accepting charles' mutation (which like? i don't think erik has ever not accepted him, but whatever) but i personally read it as erik once more trying to find his footing with charles after a decade apart.
anyway now that i talked about canon stuff i think specifically in the context of a sexual relationship, the telepathy stuff would be a way for erik to give up control over the situation and put his full trust in charles. which is important because a) erik is someone who thrives on being in control and finds it very important because so much of his agency was robbed of him and choosing to submit to a higher power than his own is something that insinuates a great deal of trust in the other party and b) charles is the only one who he could do this with because charles proved that he had the capacity to invade erik's mind and know him wholly and didn't take advantage of that and has shown time and time again he will help erik no matter what.
its also the fact that erik repeatedly implies that charles' telepathy will be used to control him when its a much more surface-level/baseline understanding that telepathy is the reading of minds rather than outright taking control of them. it's even in the definition of telepathy. but knowing charles can take control of him and constantly inviting him to (in an assumed sexual context, in this case) highlights how erik sort of longs to have responsibility for his actions taken away from him. which again can only be done by charles. not just because of his powers but because so many of his actions have directly hurt charles and he's the only one who can both metaphorically and physically relieve him of the culpability behind the consequences of what he's done when in complete control of himself. so again erik is someone who wants to relieve himself of his overly-controlling nature, his responsibilities, be completely vulnerable to someone who's seen him at his worst and loved him anyway.
and the only way erik can be all these things at once is by being under charles' control. (under the control of someone stronger than erik who has proven he will never hurt him with the power charles can exert over him).
so like sexually yes it's fun to say haha erik telepathy kink but also i think it is something much more tender which encapsulates the fact that erik is only this vulnerable with someone he has so much trust in and that person can only ever be charles because its only around charles he can truly be wholly himself. and so submissive erik is real to me #tbh
hope this makes sense i am kind of just rambling
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