#marvel taglist
yeollie-plz · 6 months
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Hello my lovely followers! So I know a lot of other writers make taglists for their stories so I wanted to offer my own to all of you!
I am going to have three different taglists. The first is Pedro Pascal taglist. The second is the Marvel taglist. The third is the F1 taglist. More taglists might be added as I write for more and more people!
Here is how to get added:
Send me a message with your username and an ask about which specific taglist you would like to be added to! Thats it!
Also! If you have any specific icks or triggers that you feel needs to be stated to me, feel free to include that in your message!
Don't be shy to ask me any questions! Happy reading!
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darkdemeter · 5 months
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—- not my gifs, credit to original posters! -—
Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader
A/N — I thought that this idea would be my smut ice breaker after it popped into my head when listening to some music. I have written smut before but it's been a while, especially in a form for others to read; so please excuse me if I'm a little rusty. This isn't exactly tied to anything particular regarding either Habits or Convict, but you may interpret this x reader however you wish. Have fun with the oneshot! I've tried to keep this as both descriptive and gender neutral as possible, but it may not be as on par with people who have become well accustomed to writing gn smut.
READER DISCRETION — Enemies to lovers trope — profanity — wounded reader, mention of scars and blood — semi dom! Wanda and sub! reader & reversal — smut 18+, minors DNI** — angry/aggressive sex — dry humping — bondage — hinted breeding kink — semi-clothed sex — fingering and mouth oral receiving (Wanda recieving) — Wanda is just a tease to reader — maybe dubious consent? (I feel like I should put this in here, just to be safe) — minor choking — talk of marking — potential grammar and punctuation errors — I think that's it?
SUMMARY — Of course this had to happen right before this mission. Wanda Maximoff had to pry inside your mind, searching for who knows what, the little witch did this to you. And now you will cash in on your promise - your one and only warning to her if she ever fucked with your mind: that you'll be a wolf at her door. Little do you know that you're a wolf walking into a trap.
‘Fucking dammit!’
You cringe to hide the snarl snaking up your throat, your palm harshly pressing into the bullet wound at your shoulder. A real fucking close call this time and all because of her. Yes, everything would have been fine had Wanda not pried into your mind, invaded the personal sanctity of your thoughts. 
But no. No, she had to just take a little peek didn’t she? And because of that, your mind was elsewhere - distracted - and your cover was blown before you could get the information you needed. In short, the mission was a complete fucking bust. Your report will undoubtedly be met by less than impressed superiors. When they brought you on, they expected the job done. 
It was your way to operate. You always got the job done successfully. Has Wanda purposely sabotaged you? Is that her goal?
You’re planning to confront her on the matter right now. You had stumbled all the way back to the compound because the car you took there was blown to pieces when you were compromised. Tony wasn’t going to be very pleased about that either. Shit, it’s like she’s trying to get everyone against you. 
‘Who does she think she is? Fucking me over like this!’
You enter the compound, the main level vacant except the night shift receptionist. She glances up at you and the sheer gasp of horror from her, you point a finger at her. “I’m fucking fine,” you snarl as you strut past her. Your hand leaves your shoulder to the large cut across your stomach. You allow a pained whimper to escape when you enter the privacy of the elevator to take you up to your chosen floor. 
Your ears ring in the deafening silence, breath fast paced and light. The wounds were of no dire measure to pay a trip to the medical ward. They only fuelled your anger towards Wanda. Ever since you first joined the team, Wanda always had a way to test your limits and push your buttons. 
It was just a common sight to see you both butting heads, whether that was during missions or at the compound. You both were always at each other, hackles raised and snarky comments. Of course, what was your conflict but a cover up to fatal attraction? That was the running theory of your fellow teammates, anyway. Never would you admit anything to them in any case. 
Wanda was a pain in your arse as much as you were a mongrel to her. 
Ah, that word: mongrel. Wanda favoured the use of that word for you. It was her name for you. The way you feel the fur beneath your skin bristle each time she calls you that is the reason why you now have to wear a shock collar. Anytime that the device would detect your body’s indicating factors of shifting, the shock would startle you and evade the transformation. 
Was it humane? No, not really. But did it give Wanda the power to only torment you further without repercussions? You fucking bet it did. 
The elevator pings and the doors open with a faint whoosh as you arrive on your floor. You immediately make your way towards her dormitory, which by incident, is temporarily yours as well. 
There was a small situation last week that left your own dormitory in such a wreck that Tony had you bunk with Wanda until he could fix and reinstate stronger materials to withstand your rage episodes. 
And you have only one person to blame for that particular incident. 
Your fist pounds on the door enough to shake it against the hinges. Your key didn’t work. She had the security chain engaged to keep you out. You can hear her inside, her voice is soft and fuck, if it didn’t aggravate you anymore than you already were it surely made something in your abdomen twitch and churn. 
‘That little–’
“Wanda!” you bark behind bared teeth, fangs pronounced in the mix of your frustration, you pound on the door again. “Open this fucking door, now!”
After a moment, and she was taking her time, you can hear the leisurely patter of her feet as she opens the door for you. She stands before you and the scent hits you. For a few seconds it disorientates you, you huff to regain control of your senses. 
“You fucking bitch,” you rasp, voice laced with your utter disdain for the woman who stood in your way; blocking your path. 
Her eyes were smirking first before the corner of her lips twitched into position. “How was the mission, mongrel?”
“A bust, thanks to you.” You growl down at her as you brush beside her to let yourself in. She closes and locks the door. 
“Why’d you do it, Wanda?” You watch her as she walks past you. When she doesn’t answer, you snatch hold of her wrist as you ask her again, tone far more venomous than before. 
“I didn’t do anything.” She pulls her wrist from your grip and continues on her merry way.
“Don’t you fucking lie to me, witch! You did it on purpose, I know you did.” You point at her accusingly, the shake in your arm causes a streak of pain to shoot through your shoulder and you yelp. You press a blood stained glove to it again, teeth clenched hard that your jaw flexes. 
Wanda holds up her hands in mock surrender. “Right, blame me, of course that’s the logical thing to do. You just can’t admit that you failed to do the job.”
That’s struck a deep nerve because you’re pulled away from your original plan to grab a glass and your whiskey and head for the shower. Instead, you engage Wanda. Your hands encircle her wrists and the entirety of your body pins her against the back of the couch. 
The aftershock of the collar is a distant sting in the heat of the moment. Wanda is close, so close against you that with a breathy intake of air, her breasts push up into your ribcage. She eyes the vibrant hue of your glowing eyes. 
Still, she silently denies she had anything to do with it. Did she do it on purpose? You have to know.
“You– you read my fucking mind, Maximoff!” you hiss your accusation, “I told you to keep your magic away from there, but no, you had to go poking around.” 
Your hands move to grip her forearms and for the first time ever, she flinches. Your breath hitches in your throat and the glow dissipates from your eyes. 
There was much more you wanted to say. But the way her body flinched beneath your iron grip, how for a sliver of a second you swear you saw the ember of fear. Did you really scare her?
But then why did she smell like that?
‘Fuck, she smells like…’
With a deep breath through your nose, you lean forward until your lips brush the shell of her ear. “Stay out of my head, Maximoff.”
The glow returns to your eyes and the urge to shift right there crawls beneath, it feels like your skin is on fire. The collar whirrs in warning to keep your transformation at bay, lest you need another shocking reminder.
“So you’re really going to ignore the fact you heard me moaning your name before?” You hear the challenge in her light, accented voice.
The animalistic growl in your throat ceases immediately, eyes wide and despite your dominating position, you feel like the one under her. She smirks again. “Come on, what’s wrong?” 
She arches her neck - baring it to you - as she tries to press her lips to your own ear. She whispers with a sultry purr. “Don’t you want to mark me anymore, Wolf?”
Now it was your turn to be the one that flinches. Why is she doing this?
You retract yourself swiftly as if she caused you some semblance of physical pain that made you release her. In some form, she did. That pang of arousal deep within you begins to awaken and you don’t like the smug look on her face as she sits herself up. 
She tries to act cute and innocent when she is anything but that. But her eyes compel you with the flutter of her dark lashes. Was she casting a spell on you?
You back off slowly, eyes trained on her as she takes one step forward. Then another. And another few after that. You watch her hand gingerly play with the tight knot of her short, silky bathrobe. Only now did you realise exactly how short it was on her, the hem of it grazing just above the middle of her thighs. No wonder her scent was so strong, there were barely any layers to conceal it.
She wanted this to happen.
“You know what they say about us,” she tries but you’re quick to shut it down. “There is nothing between us.” Your conviction is absolute on the matter. Even if there was a hint of attraction towards the woman in front of you, surely the others would have something to say about it; all of which would disapprove. You’d not gained a wisdom linking you to your supposed mate which gave you ample opportunity to sleep with whoever and however many you wanted. 
But you never did. You continue to stare at Wanda, unblinking with a narrowed gaze. She shakes her head. Of course, she isn’t going to take your word for it easily. No, like always, she would fight you over it. 
“But you want there to be.” She sounds so sure of herself. She is still stalking towards you. When did you become a prey and her the hunter? You give no response and this only gives her more power to do as she sees fit. 
“If it weren’t for that collar around your neck, you would have me bent over the couch right now.” You hold a hand out as you call for her to stop. She halts in her advance, head tilting to the side like a confused puppy. She flutters those lashes again and your breath feels heavy, swollen because of your conflicted arousal and confusion. 
“That is one of your fantasies, isn’t it?”
“I said stop,” you warn, slowly lowering your hand, “whatever you’re playing at right now, I want no part.” You see her lips fall open as she offers a toothy grin. “I’m just trying to understand why you fight this.”
“I’m not fighting anything,” you say quickly with a shake of your head. “No?” she purrs lowly with a quirk of her brow. Shrugging, she raises a hand up. “Then you won’t fight this.” 
The ambient glow of her magic orbits around her hand as she swipes her arm to the side. Your brows furrow and mouth falls agape, the clicking of your belt looped around your tactical pants is quick before the strap of leather is flying to the side, to some forgotten corner of the common area. 
Your eyes that bore witness to your belt coming undone fly up to meet Wanda’s, a protest on the tip of your tongue, you’re stopped short when you’re knocked back. Your arse, which you expect to get planted on the floor, is instead caught by one of the dining table’s chairs. Your arms are restrained by her magic to keep them pinned behind you.
“W-Wanda, what are you–”
She shushes you while she catches up to you, her steps slow and methodical. Her stare penetrates the darkest recess of your soul and you recoil beneath it. The pain of your wounds as they begin their process of healing are long forgotten now. You have other things to worry about, how much Wanda actually knows about you and what she intends to do with you. 
“I want you to admit it,” she hums in a low whisper that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand. She was playing on your fantasies. The fucking witch. 
“Admit what?” You force the words out through the biting of your clenched jaws.
“That there is something between us. That each time we fight it’s because we’re denying that attraction. That the wolf needs me to satiate its appetite because we both know I am the only thing that can.” 
Wanda stands between the gap of your spread legs, she swipes her hand quickly and the lapels of your coat and tactical vest are torn open by the will of her magic. You exhale sharply, a growl pulling through your teeth as you glare at Wanda between the narrowed slits of your eyes. She drinks in the sight of your bare chest before her, the way each of the muscles flex beneath the skin, the heat of your body practically rising off your skin like hot springs. The red streaks of blood from your wound peeking out just beneath the fabric of your gear.
“Wanda.” You’re panting now, anger turned into the vulnerability that was your aroused state of mind. 
That was why you never gave into those temptations. Why you dismiss that flirtatious bartender at every turn whenever she sees you in that bar, why those who have asked for your number, you give them either the number of some Chinese takeout restaurant or even one of your teammates. 
The threat of such vulnerability and intimacy was too great of a target on your back. She moves to straddle your lap, hands pressed to your exposed chest. 
“Admit it,” she says again and you snarl at her. “Never! There’s nothing to admit!” 
She giggles then and rolls her hips forward and down against your crotch. 
“F-fuck!” you stutter, your arms and chest strain forward but Wanda has you contained. Trapped. Like some common dog. A mongrel. 
“Still nothing between us?” she asks, voice laden with a soft whimper, her purpose is to make you crack; to give in and admit to everything she knows. As if lying would spurn her when she knows the truth. 
Why does she want you to admit it so badly? Because she wants to torment you, it’s so simple. 
“N-no,” you grunt only to hiss beneath your breath when she rolls her hips again, this time with more pressure. You swear you feel the pulsing of her clit against the coarse fabric of your pants. 
You do all you can to refrain from bucking your hips or else you were done for. 
“So you mean to tell me that you haven’t fantasised about…,” she trails off with a pout of her lips, feigning that innocent look of contemplation. “For fuck’s sake,” you drawl as your head falls back. 
She’s killing you. Slowly but surely she is killing you. 
She continues, “being out here in the kitchen, late at night, drinking your whiskey alone before I come out here in a short, little bathrobe…” 
‘Oh… fuck.’ 
That was a recent fantasy.
Her fingers drag down the ravine of your heated skin on show for her to then fiddle with the two threads that held her bathrobe together. “Wearing this?” You shouldn’t have looked but fucking hell, you were always the a little too curious for your own good. 
She’s tugged the knot loose and lets the silky fabric roll off her shoulders and down to her elbows. If this was all to be considered as some strange, aroused induced coincidence then that is out the window now. Because there is no fucking way she knew to pick a lingerie set in your favourite colour. 
You tilt your chin toward her only slightly and let your glowing eyes take in her form. The moment she arches her neck the slightest is when you lose it. 
You lunge your neck forward, your canines bared and at the ready to mark the junction between neck and shoulder, to litter her neck with dark bruises so she wouldn’t be able to hide them. But you’re stopped short yet again in your advance. Her magic prevents you, mere inches away. To top it all off, she chuckles. 
She’s cracked you.
You growl, the sound husky and deep in your chest. 
“Fucking– let me–” Your muscles strain and flex as you fight the barrier of her magic to no avail. She tuts you softly, moving herself slightly forward so that her arms push her breasts up to elevate her cleavage to become more pronounced. Damn her. She continues to roll her hips in a slowed motion, riding you out into your confession. 
“Shall I continue?”
“No!” The single word sends a thrilling chill down her spine. “Then admit it.”
“No,” you answer again, this time with a more levelled tone. 
Her fingers move to the fly of your pants as you let out a confused whine as she loosens them slightly. Her palm presses flush against the junction between your thighs and you moan. And that sound is the most exquisite sound Wanda has ever heard you make. For a battle-hardened wolf, wild and untamed and a proven danger to the public, nobody would suspect that you were capable of such noises. But Wanda knew. 
Her palm is small in comparison to you, and as much force as she uses now there is a level of delicacy she retains. Your resolve is crumbling quickly. You jolt forward again with your mouth ajar to mark her but she stops you and arches back. 
“Let me have you!” 
“I’ll let you have me, play out all your little fantasies with me. But I want you to indulge in mine, first. So… admit it and I’m all yours.” 
Was she fucking serious? This is her fantasy? Well, you never expected her to be into something like this. “Ah, fuck…” She hears your mumbling, any moment now you are about to surrender. 
She just needs to push that last little bit. 
“Just think about it, Wolf,” she whispers, lips dancing over yours, one of her hands placing a single finger between your lips to keep them from meeting. “I’m all yours if you just say it. Tell me what I want to hear, and you can have your little midnight snack right here. You can have me over the couch, in the shower and in your bed until the tousled sheets smell of nothing but sex.” 
Fuck, where did she learn to talk so filthy? 
“I can’t,” you say behind a heavy pant. She whines quietly in your ear as her other hand that’s palming you stops, but her hips continue to roll against that sensitive region. At this point, you’re chasing your climax right there. Who knows if she will keep to her word after she indulges in her twisted fantasy. 
You shift your eyes to watch her hand that rests between your bodies and you almost lose yourself to your high. Her hand dips beneath the lacey fabric of her lingerie, her fingers sliding over her folds and thumb rolling her clit in circles; all of which is left to the beauty of your imagination.
“Wanda, don’t test me!” Your words are a command; a warning that she doesn’t heed. “But this is a test.” Your brows furrow, confusion etched into your face. “To see if you can be broken in.”
Was that all you were to her? Something to be broken in?
She begins to make those sounds again. The same chorus of moans and pleas with your name as a choked gasp on the edge of her vocals. You overheard her masturbating when you first banged on the door to be let in. 
And she was doing it to the thought of you.
“Wanda!” you hiss, your hips finally buck up to meet the hunger of her own that roll with such fervour, you believe she was so close to getting off right there in your lap. “Y/N, oh f-fuck, Y/N!” she gasps out, “right there, just like that– oh shit!” 
“Fuck, I admit it!” 
Everything stops all at once and your chest heaves numerous times. The air is thick to your lungs and each intake makes you feel like you’re drowning more than anything. Wanda stares at you, silently, her eyes searching yours when you finally look back at her beneath that wolfish glare. How that stare made her wet in her panties every time. 
“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” You scowl at her teasing words. The moment you feel her magic cease is when you pin her against the dining table behind her. She props herself up on her elbows, the loose fabric of her robe still clinging to her form but she was exposed in that cute lingerie set.
Like a hungry wolf, your tongue licks over your teeth and along the top of your lips. You groan as her aroused scent wafts up, the smell irresistible. 
“You’re a damn tease, you know that?” She chuckles beneath her airy breaths. “It was the only way to get you to confess.”
Your hand clasps hold of her throat. Oh, how you love the look of fear and lust on her face all at once. It was a sight only you would get to see. “And I have a million ways to ruin you,” you growl lowly, “now you’re in my fantasy, Maximoff and if you have any idea what you’ve gotten yourself into by letting the wolf at your door inside, then you know I’m always rough.”
“I’m counting on it,” she wheezes behind the firm pressure you apply to her throat. “Good. Now keep them spread, Maximoff or you’ll learn what rough is real quick.” 
She does as you say and spreads her legs open and you sink to your knees, even then given your height difference, you are at perfect level with her soaked cunt, the large, dark patch evident of how badly she wanted this all along. This whole time. 
Your clawed fingers none too gently rip the panties aside, fabric tearing from the sheer force of it. Wanda’s hands find themselves clenching fistfuls of your hair, tugging you in closer with a needy whimper of your name.
Her legs hook over your shoulders, mewling when you pepper her inner thighs with kisses and playful bites with your sharp canines, a rumble of a groan reverberating between her legs causes her to quiver. “Y/N, please!” she pleads. 
“Ooh, what’s this?” you chuckle, “don’t worry, Sweetheart, I’ll give you a taste.”
You slide a finger past her slick folds, her walls tighten around your single digit. You groan when her moan makes her pussy clench your finger tighter. “Shit, Wanda, I’ve barely done a thing yet.”
“Then do something!” she hisses and you give her that same, wolfish glare. “D-don’t look at me like– ahh!”
She is at your mercy now when you begin thrusting your finger back and forth, soon adding another two through the folds. She whines and moans, cursing your name and praising your work. When you pull your now slick covered fingers from her pussy, she tries to protest but the replacement is swift; and in her lust-ridden opinion, far better. Her eyes roll back and she lays flat on her back against the table as your tongue laps at her cunt, tip teasing the bud of nerves. You growl again and fuck, if she didn’t make the sexiest, neediest sound ever at that. You continue with what’s working at getting your little witch off. Her breath comes in short pants and her legs quiver as they move to circle around your head. Her fingers curl tighter against your roots as she chokes out, “I-I’m cum–cumming!”
You purr against the flood of her orgasm, lapping her divine juices up with your tongue. She breathes heavily for a moment in regaining her composure. You pull your head, albeit, struggling to pry her hands and legs from around you, you crash your lips against hers. The kiss is passionate, fuelled by hunger shared by both parties. Her mouth invites you and you gladly force your tongue past her parted lips, letting her taste herself on your tongue. 
You rut your hips between her still spread legs and they envelop you, encouraging the rocking motion with eagerness. “I still fucking hate that you read my mind and all,” you mumble into the kiss. 
‘Even when I say that I've also thought about carrying your pups?’
Your smirk with a coarse chuckle, dark in its intentions and your eyes glow that colour that brings Wanda to her knees. “Naughty witch, don’t test me there. Those will be my pups you're swollen with.” 
She tilts her head again but this time, you see no intent to tease in her eyes. No intent to…
“This isn’t a test.”
Fucking hell, that wolfish smirk of yours could make anyone wet at the drop of a hat. Too bad for others, because Wanda had you wrapped around her witchy, little finger that danced with magic.
Magic that just so happens to unlock the shackle around your neck. Well, the wolf at the door is now off its chain.
Thank you for Reading! (◕ ᴥ x)
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lives-in-midgard · 8 months
I decided to make a taglist for anyone who wants to be tagged in my fics.
If you want to be tagged in my fics so you don't miss anything let me know in the comments. Please also let me know for which character you want to be tagged.
This are the characters and celebrities I currently write for:
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Belova
Chris Evans
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
If you only want to be tagged in my musician AU please comment here.
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kitkatd7 · 3 months
Queen of a Lonely Court
Possible series teaser below :))
I know I've been MIA for literally over a year but I'm back! Got a new phone during college, never re-downloaded Tumblr and forgot😅 anyway, please lmk what you think and if I should continue this story or not! I'm thinking of making it a Loki/Thor pre ragnorok story
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She sat in her throne room, lounging on the stairs in the absence of her subjects, having no one to poise for. Good. Let them leave, she thought. The silent halls seemed to agree in their peace, undisturbed by bustling maids and couriers, chefs, seamstresses, and courters. To hell with them all. All she ever wanted was peace. If it took a kingdom with a queen as the only soul, so be it. Who said it took a people to rule to be ruler?
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Tags below! Please dm me or send an ask to be added/removed from the taglist. If your name is not tagged I couldn't find you.
Forever tags:
@leahs-reading-nook @saiyanprincessswanie @buckys-other-punk @kind-sober-fullydressed @notwithoutbarnes​ @malloryharris @itsunclebucky @teenagereadersciencenerd @chaotic-fae-queen @bugsbucky-blog1 @imma-new-soul @wonderlandfandomkingdom @fablesrose @coffeebooksandfandom @tom-hlover @rebekahdawkins
@buckys-other-punk @hermoinesalvatore84 @chaoticpete @cheeky-foxx @babygurlbarnes @msgreenverse @maddeningmentalmess @mmm-tatre-tots @js3639 @peterpanfromlemonland @bonky-and-steeb @c-emma098 @imaspecialpersonwhoneedshelp
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midnightstar-90 · 2 years
Other Actors/Characters Masterlist
Taglist | Request | Wattpad
Main Masterlist
Aaron Taylor Johnson
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Love Story~ Requested
Summary: You and Aaron are high school sweethearts. After they went their separate ways, they meet up again, 7 years later.
Dave Lizewski (Kickass)
Summary: You’re Todd’s popular little sister, and you like one of his not-so-popular friends. What happens when a couple of words leaves the two on non-speaking terms?
Tutor~ Requested
Summary: When Y/N Y/L/N's dad learns that she’s failing her classes, he hires a boy to tutor her. But he doesn’t know that the boy is a nerd and Valerie’s weakness.
New Girl~ Requested
Summary: Valerie Hazelwood is new to Millard Fillmore High School, and becomes fascinated with Dave Lizewski.
My Hero (Part 2 of New Girl)~ Requested
Summary: It’s Valerie’s first month at her new school, and it’s time for the Club Fair.
Evan Peters
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Todd Haynes (Kickass)
Like a Princess~ Requested Oneshot
Summary: After Y/N’s birthday is ruined, Todd comes over, making the girl feel better. He ends up doing her hair and a little more.
Russell Hayes (Sleepover)
More Than Best Friends
Summary: You like Russell, but he keeps chasing after Julie.
Not Without You~ Requested
Summary: Y/N gets sick right before the Winter Haven dance their school was holding. She’s sad, leading her best friend to do the one thing any true best friend would do.
Tom Holland
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Birthday Suprise
Summary: The day is Tom’s birthday. Y/N and Tom’s family and friends are throwing a party for Tom.
Tom Ellis
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
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Summary: The Goddess of Pain and Suffering herself is trapped in a world that is not hers. She’s in a world of one god. What type of trouble will she get into when she meets Lucifer.
Georgie Cooper (Young Sheldon)
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Hidden Messages~ Requested Oneshot
Summary: No matter how hard she tries, Georgie can’t see that Y/N likes him.
I Got You~ Request Oneshot
Summary: Y/N has her first time with the one and only Georgie Cooper, and he makes sure to take care of her.
Make You Proud~ Requested Oneshot
Summary: In order to graduate, Sheldon must pass his P.E. class, the only subject Sheldon is not a master at. His brother sees him struggling.
By Your Side~ Requested Oneshot
Summary: After the death of her grandmother, Y/N goes to Georgie Cooper for comfort.
In Charge~ Requested Oneshot
Summary: The reader’s in charge and all she wants is Peace, which leads to an interesting conversation between her and Georgie.
Prologue, Pilot, Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System, Poker, Faith, and Eggs, A Therapist, A Comic Book, and A Breakfast Sausage, A Solar Calculator, A Game Ball, and a Cheerleader’s Bosom, A Patch, A Modem, and A Zantac, A Brisket, Voodoo, and Cannonball Run, Cape Canaveral, Shrodinger’s Cat, and Cyndi Lauper’s Hair, Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia
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oliwrites · 6 months
hey all! i have returned from the dead (shocker, right?) and i was absolutely SHOCKED when i opened tumblr and saw that someone wanted me to put them on my taglist! (kudos to @asgards-princess-of-mischief for being the victim lovely person who asked)
i haven’t started a taglist just yet but this post is an announcement saying that i am officially starting one! so if you want to be tagged in my fics that come out once every blue moon then just comment on this post (and follow me) and i will write your name down and you will be tagged!
p.s. tysm for 200 followers💗💗
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ellabsprincess · 11 months
𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐞'𝐬 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 ✿
i am now creating new taglists since i am expanding my fandoms!! everyone on my previous taglist has now just been kept in my tlou taglist.
if you want to be added to my arcane and/or wanda taglist as well, please comment, send an ask to my inbox, or dm me!
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what does it mean to be on my taglist?
you get tagged on every fic, drabble, or series posted! this is a way for you to be notified of my posts so you never miss a new fic!!
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nothing here yet.....
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malevolent-muse · 5 months
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As I work on cultivating connections within the community, I would invite anyone who’d like to get notified when I post fan art/fiction to join the tag list -> here. I’ll tag the fandoms in which I tend to create fan work.
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cumulo-stratus · 4 months
guess who’s doing a taglist!! if you could take the time pls pls pls fill out the form below bc it helps make things so much easier for both of us!
(credit to @strawbeerossi for being the bestest at helping me w/ this!)
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prompt 30 from the list with peter parker 👉👈
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Thank you for requesting! I'm spending the day watching Christmas movies so please feel free to send more! This was very cheesy and very fun to write. It doesn't follow canon MCU events though.
wc: 1k
You sighed and looked up from where you had been baking cookies to be met with the famous Peter Parker puppy dog eyes. He knew they were your kryptonite. 
“Pete, couldn’t you have picked a less embarrassing sweater to wear?” You giggled and continued to cut out your Christmas cookies in the shape of different avengers wearing Santa hats. Peter’s choice of cookie cutter. 
It was your first christmas together in your new apartment and Tony had invited you to his regular christmas party at the tower. You were excited to see Peter’s old room that was still there from when he had joined the Avengers as a teenager and he was just as excited to introduce you to the team. A little too excited. 
Peter had brought you matching sweaters for the occasion, a cute thought if it wasn’t for the light up red noses and the melody of jingle bells that rang out if you pressed a button on the sweater. In short, it was worse than a stereotypical cheesy Christmas sweater. 
“I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of the Avengers!” You pouted after placing your cookies in the oven, making a pleading face towards your boyfriend. Peter walked over and wrapped his arms around you, kissing your head. 
“I promise you won’t. You should see Thor’s Christmas jumpers!” Peter laughed and played with your hair, smiling as you giggled. “Plus I’ll make you hot cocoa when we get back and we can order Chinese food.” 
He knew you too well. 
“Fine. Go get the sweaters.” You sighed playfully, a smile playing on your lips as Peter practically jumped for joy and ran to get them. Your boyfriend was such a dork but you loved him very much, so much so you were willing to wear an atrocity of a sweater for him. 
Once you were both ready, sweaters worn in all their glory, you both made your way to the tower in a car that picked you up. The driver was a familiar face who laughed as soon as you both entered the car. 
“What are you two wearing?” 
Happy Hogan turned to look at you both in the back seat and raised his brows, an amused smile on his face. Not that he should be surprised anymore, knowing Peter. 
“Christmas sweaters!” Peter cheerfully replied, gaining a giggle from you as you took his hand. Happy just shook his head and started to drive. 
You cuddled into Peter’s side on the journey, trying your best not to feel too nervous as Peter busied himself with pointing out the beautiful decorations that lined the streets. He soon noticed you were quieter than usual and kissed your head. 
“You okay princess?” 
You looked up at Peter’s kind smile and nodded, already feeling more relaxed. “Just a bit nervous I guess.” 
“They’re gonna love you.” Peter pecked your lips and told you not to worry, stroking your hair. It was a gesture that always made you feel better, plus the promise of one of Tony’s famous hot chocolates that you had heard so much about. 
As you pulled up there was no mistaking you were at the right place. The tower gleamed with festive cheer from top to bottom and you could hear music playing from the tall building. 
Peter held your hand as you walked in, taking the elevator to the correct floor and putting on your best smile despite the reminder of the terrible sweater you were wearing. 
Festive cheer welcomed you as soon as the elevator door opened, a giant Christmas tree stood in the middle of the foyer and decorations hung on every available surface as holiday music filled your ears. 
“Well if it isn’t Rudolph and Comet.” 
You could have recognised that voice from anywhere. Tony Stark came to greet you, wearing an Iron Man Christmas sweater and a pair of festive glasses. Peter and him exchanged a hug which triggered the tune of Jingle Bells to play from Peter’s sweater. 
“Very festive. Let me guess your idea Pete?” Tony laughed and patted Peter on the shoulder as he nodded before turning to you. “It’s nice to finally meet you Y/n, we all had bets on if you were real or not. I just won 20 bucks.” 
Peter blushed bright red, matching the shade of his jumper and laughed sheepishly. You awed and kissed his cheek before shaking Tony’s hand. 
“I assure you I’m very real and it’s very nice to meet you Mr Stark.” 
He insisted you call him Tony but it was almost instinct after hearing Peter call him Mr Stark all this time to do the same. Everyone enjoyed the cookies as you put them on the snack table, some even posting selfies of them with their own lookalike cookie. 
Peter nudged you whilst you were talking to Natasha and pointed out Thor who was wearing a bright green jumper with a 3D elf on it that jingled as he walked. His brother, Loki, had obviously been forced into wearing a green Grinch jumper which matched his own sullen expression. 
When you finally got a moment between the two of you as everyone settled down for a drink of hot chocolate or stronger for some, Peter snuggled into you and whispered gently into your ear. “I told you they’d love you.” 
And sure enough all of the team had been lovely, poking polite fun at your sweaters and sharing a joke or two about Peter finally having a girlfriend who went along with his ideas. Both of your cheeks were well and truly scarlet by the end of the night. 
“You know what?” You nudged Peter as you finally got back home, feeling a bit more merry and tipsy than when you had left. Peter hummed in response and nuzzled his cold nose against yours, becoming sappy when he was tipsy. 
“I love my sweater.” You giggled, pressing the small button that let Jingle Bells play as the nose lit up. Peter laughed as he pressed his own sweater too and kissed you happily.
tags: @glowunderthemoon @the-girl-in-the-chair @spideyspeaches @parkersdahlia @seolaseoul @love-peterparker
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Won't You Be My Bodygaurd? - Steve Rogers X Female (Celebrity) Reader
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Won't You Be My Bodyguard? Series
Title: Rolling With The Stones
Steve Rogers X Female (Celebrity) Reader
Additional Characters: Stalker (Mentioned), and photographers (Mentioned)
| Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
WC: 1,377
Warnings: Mentions of being stalked, spooky letters, crying, Reader is scared, and fluff
It had been a couple of days since you had posted the picture with you and Steve. Your phone had been blowing up since then, with many people liking and commenting on it. Some asked who the man in the picture was while others just complimented and congratulated you. Even some of your celebrity friends commented on how great you looked, they themselves were curious about the man you were with.
But, today felt... Off. There was no other word to describe it. After making that post, you felt uneasy about the fact that your stalker might see it. It didn't help that they seemed to know when you were going out or coming home. You had tried changing your schedule but that didn't seem to stop them. You were thankful you had Steve around, him only being around the block at some hotel, having researched him last night, you've come to know how good of a bodyguard he was. Now, you were not stalking him, you just wanted to know who else he's worked for and how successful he was. And, true to what he said. He was good.
Getting up and off your couch, stretching your arms up in the air, you notice something move in the corner of your eye. Looking over, you see a small piece of paper in front of your door, obviously having been slid under it. You stare at it for a moment, your mind racing with so many thoughts and worries, as you pick it up and look at it closer.
"What is this?" You ask yourself quietly before reading it aloud. "You are mine!" It read in dark red ink, startling you.
You're breathing picked up as you read the letter, seeing that the words, 'You are mine!' were written over and over again. The letters near the end being scrambled and jumbled to the point you couldn't understand them. Your eyes went wide as you put the letter down on your kitchen island, staring at it. Your stalker knew where you lived? That scared you. What if they got in here? You quickly moved back to your couch, grabbing your phone from its spot and dialing Steve's number.
Steve picks up his phone after two rings, answering it quickly. "Hello?" He says into the phone, sounding like he's tired.
"Hey, Steve." You say, trying to sound calm.
"Yeah, Y/N? What's wrong? Has something happened? Are you alright?" He asked, sounding worried.
"I... I don't know! I got this weird note that just came through my door saying..." You pause for a second. "...'You are mine!' Over and over again." You finish.
"Do you think it's your stalker?" Steve asks calmly.
Your eyes widen, nodding slowly. "Y... Yes. Yeah, it could be," You reply softly.
He takes a deep breath, sighs loudly, and then replies, "Alright. I'm going to come over there, alright. I don't think it's safe for you to be alone. I'll be there soon."
"Okay..." You murmur, hanging up the phone and looking at the letter once more. "Crap."
Steve shows up right away, you let him in once he arrived and stood there nervously as he picked up the letter. His deep blue eyes stared down at the piece of paper, a deep frown on his face as his eyes scanned the words. "This isn't a joke, is it?" He growled.
"No. It's definitely real," You replied, sitting down on your couch and watching him.
His eyes widened, "He knows where you live..." Steve mumbles, his voice filled with worry.
"Yes," You nod. "That's why I called you."
Steve's eyes narrowed as he thought hard for a few moments. Then, he sighed, running a hand through his hair, giving you time to see what he was wearing.
Steve was wearing a plain white shirt, tight around the chest, showing off his muscular physique. He wore black pants that fit tightly against his legs and waistline. You gulped silently. Why did your bodyguard have to be so attractive?
After thinking for a bit longer, he spoke up, "Well, we can't do anything now, until morning."
"M... Morning?" You blink, confused.
Steve nods, "We can't do anything tonight. It's getting late, and who knows if this person is out there waiting for you to leave or something." He spoke, dropping the letter back on the island before turning to you with his hands planted firmly on his waist.
"Oh. Right." You nod, looking down at your lap. "Can I ask you for a favor?" You ask.
"Sure. Anything." Steve nods, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Could you... Stay the night... Here?" You ask curiously.
Steve stares at you for a moment, blinking rapidly before speaking up. "If you want me to, I can, but I'll just be down the street."
"Please, Steve... I'm scared." You whisper, tears beginning to form in your eyes.
You were scared, you didn't want to be alone with the fact that your stalker knew where you lived.
Steve's eyes soften slightly as he looks at you before he sighed and nodded. "I'll stay. it'd be safer for me to stay here with you for the time being anyway. If you like, I'll call the hotel and cancel my reservations, and tomorrow you and I can pick up my things before I drop you off at your photoshoot." He offered.
You smiled, wiping away your tears and nodding. "Thanks, Steve. I really appreciate it."
Steve smiles, "No problem."
That night, you grabbed some extra pillows and a few blankets and set up Steve's bed on your couch, feeling sort of bad that he was downgraded to a couch, rather than sleeping in a nice hotel bed.
Once you finished setting everything up, you turned when Steve stepped out of your bathroom, and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. Stopping yourself from staring too long, you smiled at the man, and gestured to the made couch.
"Here you go." You offer him, which he accepts gratefully. "I hope it's alright. Let me know if you need more blankets or pillows or anything." You smile.
"This will work great, thank you, Y/N."
He grabs one of the pillows and lays it behind himself, propping up his head while he drapes the blankets across himself.
"Alright then, good night Steve." You murmur, turning off the living room light.
"Good night." He replied before you headed to your room, shutting the door.
You sit on your bed, and you lay down, curling up into a ball and closing your eyes.
♥ ♥ ♥
Dressed in a black Gucci jumpsuit, you posed in front of the camera for the Rolling Stones magazine. You had been doing a photo shoot for their latest issue and you were loving every moment of it, posing in front of the cameras as they snapped photos. They would give you a little direction and just told you to act like yourself.
The photographer smiled. "Don't forget to smile!" He calls out to you, snapping a picture. "Perfect!"
Steve was standing near the exit of the room, arms crossed, surveying the area. His eyes go to you periodically. He was dressed in a simple black t-shirt and dark jeans, again. He looked good in anything you realized. You always found yourself staring at his arms when he was wearing that tank top, noticing how toned and well-defined they were. Him in that black shirt, was making your heart race. You just wanted to touch him. Distractingly, your eyes trailed up his body, resting on his face. You loved his big, expressive eyes. His full, pink lips. The way he pursued them when he was thinking.
"Y/N, do you need a break?" The photographer called out to you.
"Yeah," You snap out of your gaze, nodding. "Let's take a short break."
"Alright! We'll be back in fifteen!" He cheered, turning around and heading towards the back.
"Come on, Y/N. You can do this. You've been around cute guys before." You mumbled to yourself, but slowly, your gaze went back to him.
"But they were never this cute." You thought to yourself, biting your lip before sighing.
These couple of weeks were going to be interesting.
@lucifersnipnips @princess-paramour
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist
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darkdemeter · 3 months
Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader
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Take a seat, we're learning a little bit more of (headcanon) mcu werewolf anatomy and biology.
PORN + PLOT / SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI — monster fucking — sex pollen — unprotected sex — knotting — breeding kink — marking — profanity — oral (fem receive) — implication of ovulation — maybe slight excessive cum? — pet name "little lamb" — I think that's it?
Imagine being exposed to a sex pollen. You track and reunite with Wanda at the apartment as the rain begins to fall...
@alexawynters @alyciaddict (Additionally, this part's for you): @maladaptive-daydreamz @donnietarantino
I.  A beast that ravishes the lamb is often depicted as a monster. In humanity’s original and adapted stories, oftentimes, the wolf is the culprit. In its hunger and greed for food, the wolf preys upon what can’t defend itself. Because of this, it’s branded as a monster.
  But what if the wolf doesn’t ravish for the greed of food, but for the hunger of companionship? 
  The rain pelts harder now, your fur drenched, slick with the droplets that now run rivulets down the curvature of your muscles. Your tail swishes from side to side in your hungering curiosity, the power in your haunches holds you atop the balcony’s railing. 
  Your head is bowed and turned to your side before it raises up, nose twitching in resistance to the raindrops trying to hinder the alluring scent in the air, coming from inside the apartment. Her body is sudden to flinch, the muscles and nerves twitching in a response to fight or flight when your head moves; turning your gaze inward to the apartment.
  Wanda stares with her mouth agape, the way your amber eyes beam hotly against the glass, reflective orbs dancing over the wide window panel as you tilt your head slightly. 
Her eyes travel downwards, following the flowing river that leaves you soaking wet. A flutter takes over her stomach then. The way your eyes search through the glass pane, she wonders if you’re able to see her completely or if you only take notice of your own reflection. To test her theory, she moves slowly, her body shifts around one of the couches. 
  Your head ever so slightly follows along with her. You can see her. 
  Your eyes analyse her through the barrier between you both. The dark stockings that hug her legs tight, to the point that the exposed skin at the top of her thighs is only visible by an inch, before the rest is hidden beneath her scarlet dress. In your wolf mind, you’re left to the primal beauty of your unsatiated fantasies. And that red dress and those stockings - amongst other things - were making the wait worse for you. Tortuously so. 
  With a husk-drawn growl, your muzzle wrinkles to bare your elongated teeth, the heat of your body only increases as she nears closer to the glass. 
  One powerful leg stoops down off the ledge, muscles flexing, the pads of your pawed feet scuffing against the balcony’s floor. Wanda’s eyes watch with an infectious amount of intent and delight, her chest rises and forces her breasts to push up with a deep breath. 
  Seeing her lungs deflate, you can read her sigh of relief. 
  “I thought… I thought I’d lost you,” she says behind the glass, pressing a hand up, reaching out for you. Your other leg moves down and you stalk forward, the rain that ran down your form follows you in a wet trail. 
  “But you’re here,” she gasps, “you’re alive.”
  An obscurity paints itself on the glassy surface when your hot breath hits it, misting over the outline of her hand. 
  She notices how your fiery eyes rake up and down her form and she’s reminded of what toxic chemical attacks your system. The mound juncture between your powerful, muscular thighs also proves just how far along since it’s invaded your body. 
  But strangely enough, you appear… calm. It brings a cause of curiosity, your calmness, and Wanda tilts her head to the left slightly and leaves the curve of her neck exposed.
  That’s when she sees that composure leave you at the drop of a hat. The formation of your browline scrunches and your muzzle wrinkles into a snarl, you snap your jaws with a growl at the glass, your claws hatch aggressive lines into the window’s surface. She’s taken aback and stumbles, backing away from the window a few steps. 
  When she looks again, between your legs at the pitifully aroused location, her breath becomes light and short lived in her lungs, a slickness pools between her thighs, threatening to drool and seep out from her panties. Wanda’s often fantasised about you fucking her raw and hard until she cannot take it any longer many times - in your human form - but now, all she can conjure in her mind is the desirable idea of having you take her like this.
  And the way your eyes linger on her form in hunger does little to ease her own for you. She hears the muffled tone of your guttural purr, "Let me in, little Lamb..."
  Would it be wise to feed the wolf? For Wanda, assuredly so, if the rumour was to be believed. And if tonight had any meaning behind it, it would only articulate what she’s about to do is unwise. Through the tunnel of your throat, a whine escapes you, ears folded flat. She bears witness to your suffering in turmoil because of the pollen that drives you to the very edge of pure, unbridled instinct. 
  An instinct she is more than willing to satisfy. It will mean only one thing at the end of the night. A confession. The truth. 
  The bent line centering your canine forehead moves, the brow ridges rising as your eyes stalk her every move, taking into account every minute shift of her breasts straining against the bust of her dress. That dress that caught the attention of a few strangers in particular, unfamiliar scents tainted by their betraying aroma, giving you a not-so-pleasant glimpse into their intentions with her. 
  Her hands move to the handle and with a click that between you two, the whole of New York could’ve heard, she slides the balcony door open. In doing so, she invites inside something akin to a monster. Feared as one. Not only that, but the intrusive waterfall of rain, the once ballet of weather pitter pattering softly now brings to life just how cold and unfair the weather had been on your fur. 
  She lets her still heeled feet carry her backwards, slowly chased inside by your towering frame that looms through the doorway as a blackened shadow. The burning amber ever so prominent and hungry in their hunting gaze. 
  Between the shaggy carpet and the wooden floorboards, the wet trail paints your every step, evidently giving away how you prowl towards her slowly. 
  She summons your name on the tip of her tongue that moves to bounce over her teeth and the roof of her mouth, red stained lips moving in their pronunciation. A sharpened snarl recoils in the back of your throat like a plucked musical chord. You all but lunge at her until her palms meet the drenched surface of your front, relishing momentarily in the still burning heat she can feel. It’s like your body never understood the idea of going cold. 
  The back of her thighs meet against the arm of the couch, knocking her backwards, a breathless gasp is the only noise she’s capable of. 
  Before, your movements had been slow. Methodical and calculating. But now that you were inside, you had your prey in your grasp now. Already your teeth, each one a blade of its own accord, snatches hold of the black laced thong Wanda wore, a sneaky little detail that had no place being in your way. 
  She says your name, voice far more carrying the airiness of breathless haste, “C-calm down, I’m not going anywh–ahh!”
  The hot pillar of your tongue laps her soaking folds, tasting the bare minimum of her sweet, alluring nectar.   “S–sl-slow down!” she squeaks only for it to falter into a low moan, her hips rising up to meet the next deep lashing of your tongue, roughly rubbing over her delicate pearl. 
  She mutters a string of curses under her breath, each one followed by a gulp of breath, hands just out of reach from her position to clutch hold of the thick mane of fur. 
  All the while, she endures the pleasures of her cunt being savagely pleasured beyond what she originally thought possible. Her hands run through her own hair, fingers snagging the locks of hair until the roots ached and stung with each pull. 
  And this is before your tongue breaks through her folds. And when you finally do, she drowns in the sensation of her climax already, lingering just there, right on the verge of deliverance; but you’d only just started. She can’t lose it now. So she holds it back to get her fix of this bliss. 
  The obscene noises that reside between her thighs is cause for the deep, scarlet flush to paint beneath her skin, teeth embedded into her bottom teeth until she can taste the tartness of blood. 
  “Right there!” she cries out, hips jerking forward, “Ahh! Right… there…”
  She cannot know for sure if you’re listening to her. Even if you’re not, you seem to be on the same wavelength given that your tongue continues to flick back and forth, hunger driving you to lap at that one spot that has her writhing and squirming. To keep her from getting too carried away, with a hoarse growl that sends a rattling shiver to creep through her searing core, your clawed hands wrench her legs apart and pin them to a still. 
  Her orgasm builds into a heavy snowball but she refrains from letting it go. Not yet. Just a little longer. She needs you between her legs, just like this, for a little bit longer. She whines you name, lightly pitched as the wet surface of your nose nuzzles her clit, applying just the right amount of pressure to really get her off. 
  Never have you both been together like this before, but it’s like you know what to do to her. Like this is the usual at the end of a long day, the two of you enjoying the pleasurable company of one another. 
  “Please… Please!” she mewls softly, tears brimming her waterline with uncontrollable heat. You growl again and her hips buck, your tongue delves further into her, however that is possible, you reach that spot that has her on the edge, clinging on tightly. She moans louder this time, a chorus of strung breaths working air into her lungs to keep her alive. 
  You groan in protest when her body locks up right as you feel her body momentarily relax, ready and pliant to give you that sweet release you both crave. 
  “Cum, little Lamb.” The command is answered instantaneously. She exhales sharply, whimpering at the intense wave of her orgasm, flooding your mouth with her arousal. Greedily, you lap every single drop she gives, the tears now free slide down her temples and into her hairline, plump lips parted with her erotic sighs and songs. All her muscles are frozen, her skin is riddled in the shocking heat that combats the wet smears of your drenched fur painting her exposed, quivering legs.   “Y-Y/N?” she swallows thickly. She drowns beneath your black shadow, eyes wide and pupils blown wide, admiring the sight before her. Your large head resurfaces, the long, pink tendril of your tongue cleans the gums and teeth slick with the thicket of her juices. 
  Lying to herself at that moment is impossible. Sinful. She’s been missing out on so much because of her fear that you’d reject her. All it’s taken now to let the bottle of repressed desire and longing is a drug that courses through your veins like a river, poisoning your rational mind with the beast’s feverish needs. 
  Your eyes - your attention - lays with her gaze until it’s stolen away. Nose twitching and ears pricking with interest, your eyes trail down between her thighs, a rumble echoing in the chamber of your chest thoughtfully. Two, long and clawed digits lift, and those razors could terrify anyone; even Wanda. But you’re gentle. You spread her folds wide open, the warmth of your breath coats her pussy, clit once again coming to life with need. 
  A final, slow swipe of your tongue, you collect the last remnants of her juices and let your eyes lock with hers, you make sure she watches you gulp it down. She tastes exquisite. Divine. In season. 
  She’s seen that look in your eyes only once before. You’d seen a girl who struck your fancy. Cute nose, beautiful, long curly hair that was a reddish brown, sweet and enticing like a lamb for the slaughter. Wanda never wanted to admit it, but seeing you chase that girl into the crowd a year ago made her heart ache, her stomach clench and anger seethe. Many of her fellow friends had to advise her against using her magic on the girl, that you were not hers. 
  Only around a month later you’d dropped the news that the girl wasn’t interested in you after she found out what you were. Wanda had been ecstatic only for it to turn into guilt, seeing how the low blow had hit you.
  She promised herself that she’d confess her feelings to you when she was ready. Then the rumours happened. She comes back from her reverie to be smothered by that look. Now it’s turned on her. She is the one bathed by that wolf’s smoulder.
  Your muzzle wrinkles up, snarling, “Take it off.”
  Her eyes lower to her dress as if inspecting it for the first time that evening, despite having all but flaunted it in front of you, almost teasing you with that wicked glint in her bright green eyes, asking ‘How do I look?’.
  “The dress?” she asks. Your head brushes against her, teeth tugging at the fabric to drag it down her shoulder.“Off.”
  You needed her now. Time is tickling as she works to pry her dress off her body, you growl when she takes a few extra seconds too long, you snatch hold and rip her bra off just as she flings the dress to the couch’s side. She yelps in surprise as the lacy black accessory is naught but a meshy piece of material between your teeth. 
  You huff, now satisfied and you tug her closer. 
  “W-what are you doing?” she stutters, looking over her shoulder when you turn and pin her stomach over the couch arm. She drawls your name when you don’t answer her either verbally, physically, your actions are confusing. 
  “Getting this shit out of my fucking system.” Wanda tasted heavenly, there’s no doubt that you enjoyed it, but it isn’t enough. It only triggered the pollen more and tasting the sweetness of her cycle that still lingers on your tongue, you’re hellbent on filling her with your pups. And if you don’t commit to it now, your wolf sure will, and that is an unchained massacre waiting to happen. 
  Wanda feels the breath in her lungs vanish as you wrench her legs apart for your leisure, the glistening of her swollen sex an alluring, intoxicating sight to behold, you groan deeply. Your tongue mocks the action of kissing along her shoulder and back, properly lining yourself up behind her with your hands encircled around her hips, your prominently aroused mound pushed flush against her. Her head falls forward with a low sigh. 
  Her core awaits, she shivers with anticipation, she moans softly into the air as a husky growl sounds right beside her ear, “I want your pups…”
With the final adjustments, you’re lined up and you rut your hips forward. Behind every thrust, she feels the raw intensity of power. A rasped, low howl emits from you. Her lips fall wide and apart, a scream is strangled in her throat. 
  “You can take it.”
  “Y–ou’re just… s-so…,” she pants. Your lips stretch into a wolfish smirk. 
  “So what, little Lamb?”
  She moans lowly as you continue to ruthlessly pound into her from your mounted stance. “F–uck!”
  Your hips stutter out of instinct, railing into Wanda without a second thought. She makes a small noise, a whiney sound that you take as encouragement to keep going. With a more than glad huff, you rut your hips back and forth harder, angling her that little bit more and her back arches like a cat, mewling and begging.
  “Yes! Y–es! Right there, oh shit, don’t stop!” 
  You weren’t planning to any time soon. Not when your fucking into her tiny cunt. Your voice is shredded between animalistic and human, engrossed with the woman beneath you who said it clear as day: she wants your pups. You can picture it now, her womb swollen with your growing offspring, how beautiful she’d be glowing, you groan particularly louder than before as she sneaks a hand behind her and tugs at the fur of your neck.
  “Don’t pull away… don’t—”
  “I’m fucking knotting you. We’re not– fuck! Parting for a–while…”
  You feel that coil of arousal build up, your release stirring in the bowels of your core whilst Wanda succumbs to the second deliverance of her next release, she chases it relentlessly, as do you, to feel her finally after all this time. Your thrusts grow heavier, much faster than your set pace before as the climax of your orgasms becomes a prominent factor of when.
  “I’m close,” hiccups, “I-I’m gonna… gonna cum.”
  “Cum for me, Lamb. W-wanna feel you…”
  “I’m there! I’m there—!”
  One hand releases her to grasp the couch, claws tearing and rendering the furniture into ruin, she pleads for you to go harder. Faster. To fuck her raw until she’s swollen with your pups. 
  “Yeah? You want to mother my pups?” you husk and she nods like an eager bitch in heat. “I’ll breed you over and over again— sh-shit…”
  She screams your name, shrill and blissed out, she meets against the strength of your rutting hips that slam into her with wild drive. 
  Your teeth bare over the soft dew of her milky skin, she whimpers a soft, “Yes…”
  Sinking your teeth into the curve between her shoulder and neck, she moans as she rides out her high, lulled by your rhythmical thrusts. 
  The beating of your hearts syncs, she can hear the blood and pollen rush through your body, feel the burning heat of your body transfer over to her and seep into her skin laced with sweat. 
  It hits you suddenly and you slam your hips forward, spurting your seething load into her tight cunt that robs you, the base of your mound inflating, locking you inside her pulsing pussy. 
  “T-too much! There’s… there’s too much…” 
  The load of your orgasm fills her, slightly bloating her fertile womb until she could have fooled you she was already pregnant. 
  “A–ahh! What… what was that?” she asks. You can hear the grit in her confused words.   “The knot,” you answer beneath a deep chuckle, slowing your thrusts until you’re grinding slowly into her. 
  From the way you purr, low in content, she figures that you both will be sharing this moment for quite some time until the knot deflates. Pulling her lip between her teeth, she bites the bullet with a deep breath. 
  “Are the rumours true?”
  She hears nothing but she feel something. Gone is the warm, silky and rain drenched fur, replaced by skin. Your lips that she finds difficult to ignore whenever you’re so much in the same room as her, incapable of keeping her eyes from trailing down to them. They caress her skin delicately. 
  “Rumours?” She can hear the test in your tone of voice. She huffs quietly. 
  “That you have a thing for me.”
  Wanda remains to wait for your answer. Her skin tingles from the way she feels your lips turn upwards into a smile. “I do. I’m down bad for you.”
 She giggles at your playful undertone. “Are you sure that’s not just a cold from being out in the cold rain?”
  “Nope. If I’m coming down with anything, it’s you, little Lamb.”
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lives-in-midgard · 9 months
If anyone wants to be tagged in my musician AU let me know in the comments! And if you only want to be tagged for a specific character please let me know.
For the general taglist please comment here
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Tag list link
Please feel free to add your username under any tag list you want!
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hey y’all💗
I made a new taglist link, it’s open to everyone!
if you’re already on my taglist, no worries but do feel free to fill it out if you want to, there’s space for choosing what fics you’d like to be tagged in, another way to send requests, and leave feedback.
It’s linked in my bio now!
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but also, here’s the link!
love you stink🩷
also, s/o to @pantherheart, your taglist format helped me straighten mine out! go join hers and read all her work right neowww!!!!
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multiversalwh0re · 2 years
I’m thinking about making a tag list for each character i write for, so I’ll list them all out and you guys can comment who you want to be on a tag list for.
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Wanda Maximoff
Matt Murdock
Sam Wilson
Poly fics (Stucky x Reader, Winterwidow x Reader, WandaNat x Reader)
Top Gun: Maverick
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Natasha "Phoenix" Trace
Robert "Bob" Floyd
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank
John B. Routledge
Sarah Cameron
Kiara Carrera
Pope Heyward
Alex Danvers
Kara Zor-El/Danvers
Hunger Games
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mallark
Finnick Odair
The Rookie
John Nolan
Lucy Chen
Tim Bradford
Angela Lopez
Nyla Harper
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