#mary marvel and billy batson
I have other polls in my pinned post.
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fawcetttweets · 2 months
Do Billy being saved by the Flash from lightning strikes... when he has to turn into Captain Marvel
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The Flash, holding Billy: Phew! That was a close one, kiddo!
Billy, trying to explode him with his mind: Haha sure was! :)
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wwprice1 · 3 months
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Stunning Dan Mora and Alejandro Sanchez art from Absolute Power 1!
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chaoticallyfluffy · 5 months
I absolutely love the idea of Captain Marvel introducing Mary (in costume, of course) to the Justice League and confusing the hell out of them.
Bonus points if she’s clearly a teenager while powered up like in the comics.
He brings in a teenage girl who looks a lot like him so they obviously assume she’s his daughter and he laughs and is like “we’re identical twins, silly!”
They look back and forth between the mountain of a man with a huge smile on his face and the tiny girl boss standing in front of him defensively who looks like she can, will, and has destroyed anyone that questions it so they just smile and nod while freaking out internally.
The bet on Captain Marvels age that has been getting more and more scrambled and absurd over the years is deemed a lost cause and they finally call it off as soon as the Marvels leave the room.
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puppetwoman17 · 19 days
Imagine if the JL ever need to get passage into Hell, whether it’s to get something or pass through to get somewhere else. They call in Constantine and he’s got a bunch of backwater ways and tunnels and all around illegal ways to access Hell.
Billy just laughs and tells them that he knows a perfectly legal, easy way to get in that won’t leave them in debt. Everyone’s not sure, but they tell him to give it a go.
So Billy takes out his phone and goes to a certain number.
And Constantine hears the voice on the other side and nearly faints because WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK THAT IS SATANUS.
The JL ask if he’s okay and he vehemently says no and explains how he just heard one of the lords of hell himself on the other line. Everyone is confused at this point because it sounds like he’s talking to an old friend.
That’s when Clark uses his hearing and by Rao he’s right! There’s a deep voice on the other end that he recognizes. Lord Satanus himself is talking to Billy about setting up another luncheon for next month with him, Mary, and Freddy. And Billy at his end looks totally unnerved by this.
Once the call ends, Billy says they’re ready to go and to wait ten minutes.
Literally everyone has questions. Billy just rolls his eyes and says “oh nothing, it’s just my uncle.”
See, now everyone has even MORE questions.
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teehhhhhhhhhhh · 1 month
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Captain Marvel really does have a son! No one really believed that his son Billy existed, mostly because the rumors were spread by the Flash, who is known for not having the most reliable information about gossip. Apparently, he saw a photo of this so-called “Billy” on Cap’s phone. Captain never denied the rumors, but seemed hesitant to confirm them so it led to people not believing the rumor at all. In the latest watchtower party, Captain Marvel finally introduces his son to the team. Now it just seemed that Captain didn’t want his son to be in the hero life, which was understandable considering how the robins turned out.
Batman thought that Billy was the Captain at first, but this made more sense. After finding out about C.C Batson’s archaeological discoveries, it looked like the answer was right in front of Batman’s face. His children laugh at him for missing it. He puts the title of “Greatest Detective in the world” to shame. (As Nightwing would say.) At least now he finally knows the Captain’s true identity is C.C Batson, though for some reason, his paranoia isn’t settling.
Billy doesn’t really want his civilian identity involved with his hero one, so he doesn’t comment on the situation at first. Later on, he realizes how easy this rumor covers up his secret identity perfectly, and uses this to his advantage. However, he cannot be both Cap and Billy at once. So guess who fills in as Billy? Mary disguised as Billy. Turns out being identical twins was a good thing after all!
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fleshmonk · 6 months
15. Mary Marvel
went for a more greek/roman inspired vibe, looked at a lot of Jen Zee’s Hades work
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dailydccomics · 3 months
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Absolute Power artwork by Dan Mora
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kenandeliza · 4 months
billy drinking boba tea
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several dot-eyed billys were sacrificed to make a boba tea, how could you billy!?
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dio-niisio · 4 months
Ok we all know the idea that billy Batson gets discovered as just a little boy by the Justice League, and don't get me wrong I also love that, but imagine if they never find out...
Billy continues to hide his secret identity, and the JL makes peace with it, sure they don't know what their colleague does in his off time or if he has a family, but that's for the best I guess, he has his reasons to not say it to us right.
And it's eating poor Billy inside! He's a grown up! He should be able to tell his friends about himself! So after thinking for a very long time, he just agrees to do stuff he usually created excuses not to do.
Like "Yeah Arthur! I would like a drink with you! First round is on me!" or "Hahaha! That reminds me of my sister Mary!" and everyone is so weirded out! It's been 10+ years and Cap is finally letting us in!?!? Sure the league is happy, Captain Marvel the heart of the League it's a good thing that he's finally open up a little bit!
But some Bat is not that convinced. Why the suden change in behavior? Is something going on? Is Marvel ok? So he decides to have some alone time with Marvel. And he finds the results 'inconclusive'.
So he just point blank asks "Who are you?"
"Oh! me? I'm Billy Batson! I though that you already knew that, old friend!"
And Batman just nods, like he already knew that (he doesn't know, he'll run to the Batcomputer to look it up!!) and leaves.
The next day a emergency meeting is called.
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why-i-love-comics · 2 months
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Absolute Power: Task Force VII #1 - "Last Son" (2024)
written by Leah Williams art by Caitlin Yarsky & Alex Guimaraes
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cerealboxlore · 8 months
Do you think Billy Batson is allowed to enter Olympus???
Would Zeus vouch for him and let him in?
Is there a door in the Rock of Eternity that opens up to Olympus?
Just imagine. This small boy in a red sweater, walking into Olympus, surrounded by ethereal and immortal gods and goddesses, just to like, pick some nice flowers for his adopted mom on Mother's Day. Or, maybe he's having lunch with some gods or deities, like that one comic panel where Billy is eating ice cream on the moon with powerful mages/people.
Would Billy Batson share a pizza with Hades? Would he have lemonade with Hera? Would Billy invite Mary to have breakfast with Artemis and Apollo?
There are so many questions, and not enough time in the day to write a cute little domestic fic about Billy Batson and his adventures in Olympus.
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fawcetttweets · 2 months
You should do a tweet about Mr. Mind!! I think it’s really funny how one of his oldest nemesis is a caterpillar 🤸
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I refuse to call Mary “Mary Marvel” or “Shazam” so I’m just gonna call her Mrs Marvel lol
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puffinpatrol · 2 months
Day 3784773 of Billy neglected the wisdom of Solomon
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spawnnfrog · 1 month
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The original file was too big for tumblr, so I had to compress it :(
Here's a few diff versions of the page! I'm not sure if I'll ever fully illustrate my little story I have of a Robin/SHAZAM! adventure, probably not, but drawing them is loads fun.
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I draw Billy differently every time. He's just a funky fellow.
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puppetwoman17 · 2 months
The day Billy was chosen must’ve been so life changing for the magic world.
I have a headcanon that before he was chosen, since Adam was the only champion he was still, unofficially, champion. He didn’t have duties or respect or anything like that, but he had the title.
Magic was different back then. It felt hollow to them. Darker. They performed it and they performed it well, but they felt jaded. For more powerful users like Fate, it was like touching fire. Writing with magic resulted in sparks and pain.
And then Billy was chosen, and everything just felt so different.
Everyone from Fate, Giovanni, Constantine, Xanadu, Spectre, you name it. They could all feel that something had changed. A ripple, if you will.
Suddenly, magic was more in tune with the soul of its user than ever. There was a lightness to it. A fluidity that wasn’t there before. And, for just a few seconds, they could feel the curiousness, the happiness, the intense emotions of a child.
For everyone else, it was probably the best day of their life.
Mary saw it from her window one day and felt a tug towards it. Adam seethed knowingly.
And Billy? Billy ran all the way back to his hideout and freaked out for the next 24 hours.
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