#mer danny fenton
brekitten · 5 months
Siren Hunters
For @meowmeowmeowmeow4x
Siren hunting is not a profession befitting of someone of Jack and Janet Drake's elite status. Those who have publicly expressed their desire to hunt creatures found only in fairytales have been ridiculed and belittled, mocked for their foolish passions and desires. And yet.
Jack and Janet have always been fascinated by those tales of sirens, and sailors being lured to their deaths by the song of a monstrous creature that disguised itself as a beautiful woman. But they could never pursue these interests for fear of being disgraced by their peers and family. That was, until they met Jack Fenton and Maddie Walker in college.
They became fast friends, with their shared interest in sirens and passion for uncovering the truth. After college, they went on numerous hunts (and as far as Gotham's citizens knew, they were going to archeological sites), and though not every hunt was successful, many were, and that only made them more determined.
All of this, however, only left poor Tim Drake home alone for months on end, with no clue as to what his parents were really doing on their "archeological digs" - because he was just as clueless as the rest of Gotham City. (The Drakes didn't want little Timmy to ruin their reputation by blabbing about how they hunted sirens, now did they?)
The only bright side to Tim's otherwise crappy and lonely life was Danny.
Danny was the Fenton's son, and he would babysit Tim whenever his parents went with Tim's on their hunts. He was six years older than Tim, and his self-proclaimed cousin - though Tim couldn't help but feel like Danny was more of a brother to him. Danny certainly cared more about him than his own parents did, never once denying him the love and affection he craved. Tim had a feeling that it was because Danny understood what it was like to have parents that completely forgot about your existence in favor of their jobs. But he never asked.
Danny wasn't there when it happened. Danny wasn't there when Tim drowned in Gotham Harbor, having slipped and fallen into the water while trying to photograph the Bats' fight on the docks.
Danny wasn't there when the Bats turned him to save his life.
Tim couldn't bring himself to be upset that he was a siren now. His new family was amazing, and gave him all of the love and attention he could ever want. For the first time in a long time, he was happy. Tim couldn't help but think that Danny would like to live with the Bats and get a nice family, too.
Then his parents - plus the Fentons and Danny, surprisingly, though Tim certainly wasn't complaining - came home for the summer.
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blueboybot · 4 months
Fish Are Friends Not Abominations
The entire Justice League have been on edge lately watching as a giant creature the size of planet dart around the Milky Way galaxy in an almost panicked state. Despite it's very appearent size it hasn't done anything harmful, passing through planets and stars with intangibility.
Constantine on the other hand was freaking the fuck out. There was a giant realms being with a crazy amount of power searching for something and it felt like the universe itself was holding its breath. He was honestly at his witts end when he felt it.
"YOU! What do you have?" He stopped his pacing to look at Batman's traffic light child.
"That's none of your concern." Robin snapped back.
"Robin." Batman's voice cut through their little conversation. By now every JL memeber was watching them.
"It's nothing–"
"Oh yes it is, now let me see it."
As if on que a tiny glowing humanoid creature popped into view ontop of Robin's head cooing and making warbled noises.
Constantine paled.
Robin took the being from his head and held it in his arms, pulling out a batarang and giving it to the thing which then began to bite it.
"Robin." Batman started, voice firm but sounding tired.
"This one found me first." He countered.
"It doesn't matter how you found it, we need to–" Constantine's words were cut off as the large creature released a noise that sounded almost like a whale but something like warbled speech mixed into it. What happened next sent his heartbeat into a marathon and his stomach to a deep trench.
Robin's little creature stopped chewing on its toy and responded with a cry of its own.
Welp they were fucked now.
The large creature's head snapped to their direction, eyes directly on the watchtower as if it could perfectly see them from such a distance and sped towards their location.
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impyssadobsessions · 2 months
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I decided to finish one of my doodles from WWT Mer Edition. The Business of the Deep by Karnia Queen
<33 I was in a painting mood Not happy how dami turned out but oh well =w=b this was a 2-3 hr thing so quick >w<
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vladdyissues · 5 months
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Day 1: Anchor
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satoshy12 · 10 months
The Aqua-Toddler
DC (Harley Quinn Cartoon) + DP Danny is accidentally de-aged to a toddler and lands in the DC Universe Ocean. To adept to the water, his ghost tail seemed to have turned into a Sharkfish tail, and he had fins, but hey, he is having fun. It made him think of that childhood cartoon he loved!
Swiming under the Sea where The seaweed is always greenere. +
King Shark discovers him as he listens to the tiny voice singing a Song of the Surface, which no one should really know. Imagine his surprise as he saw a Tiny Mer Toddler playing and singing between fish. And what fun Nanaue had to join in his singing... If only he noticed faster that his tiny friend has no home, not after like 5 weeks. +
And it seems to be for the tiny one to be part shark, his fangs showed him that. But what shark he isn't sure yet. Maybe a bull shark? Nope can't be that teeth are wrong, he should ask his father the Shark God or similiar about it later. + At the base they have a massive pool of Water. It didn't take him long to change it so Daniel could life in it with them! The Crew had not problem with it. - Ivy has good deal, he takes care of her Sea/Water plants she get him the snacks.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 6 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 4
Damian's face twisted in disgust at the offending object.
Phantom's quirked in confusion. He nudged the massive striped bass towards the smaller siren. "What's wrong?"
"I am a vegetarian." Damian huffed. "And it's raw."
"Oh. Uh, whoops." Phantom shrugged. "I don't know how to break it to you, dude, but, like... There's not much better to eat out there."
Damian glared at him. "I would rather starve."
Perhaps he was being too stubborn. With a buffoon of a companion such as this, the situation was better treated as a survival scenario than a mere mission. Damian was no fool. Vegetarianism was a luxury afforded to those with the food abundance to choose.
That, and it had been a solid sixteen hours since his last meal. His tail felt sore and aching in a way he hadn't felt in years. His stomach growled and groaned, demanding something to fill it.
The last time he felt a hunger like this was when he was still in the League, when they sent him out on weeks long missions where he starved under moonlight and ate birds and rats to survive.
"Come on, Damian, you need to eat something." Phantom cajoled, as if his puppy-eyed look could ever match that of Richard's. "And the seaweed's not gonna sustain you. Believe me I tried."
"Are sirens obligate carnivores?"
"No, but-"
"Then tell me why I cannot sustain myself off of kelp and seaweed?"
"Dude, those things have literally no calories in them."
A valid point, but just because he was right did not mean Damian had to cede the point so easily. "Is the siren species so primitive as to not have cultivated plants in order to sustain their population?"
"I literally don't know how to answer that dude. Do I look like an ambassador or something to you?"
Damian frowned.
"Look, it's getting late and we'll need all the rest we can get. I promise it doesn't taste that bad. We'll try and work something out tomorrow, how's that?"
Damian sighed. "Very well, but only because I very my life, thank you very much."
"Thank god for that..."
Damian unwrapped himself from his tail, and approached the poor fish. "I am terribly sorry, fish. I will not let your sacrifice be in vain." He muttered.
He looked up to find Phantom with a small knife, cutting up the fish into messy fillets, like this was the first time he'd done so. Peculiar. Surely he had lived off fish his entire life, and had deboned many before this moment.
"Just so you don't get poked in the mouth by a bone or two. Those things suck."
Phantom offered a strip of meat. Shutting his eyes, Damian took the food, and shoved it into his mouth, chewing minimally before swallowing.
The taste was... acceptable.
More than acceptable. perhaps.
It would be a shame to let the fish's death go to waste.
Damian sank his teeth into the side of the fish, eyes almost rolling into the back of his head from the taste.
Some time later...
Danny floats back into the cave, a handful of kelp bundled up in his arms. "Hey Damian, look I know this situation sucks for you, like in every way, so I went out and got some greens for you, just so it's not all meat and- Wait, Damian?"
The boy in question slept fastly, his fins gently drifting back in forth in the small currents caused by Danny's entrance. His head was slumped against the bass he'd brought in earlier, little strips of fish still stuck in his teeth.
Now that he wasn't making faces and being angry at Danny, he was honestly pretty cute.
Danny wiped some of the bits of meat off Damian's cheek, careful not to scratch his soft scales with a misplaced claw. Despite being so small, Damian managed to chew through a sizable portion of the fish that was easily half his size or more.
Setting the child's body to the side, and draping a small blanket over him, Danny set to finishing off the rest.
He hoped everyone back home wouldn't worry too much. If the GiW boats didn't clear out by tomorrow, then they were in for a big problem. He and Tucker were working on making waterproof earpieces, but they weren't ready yet, and his waterproof phone had been left in his room when he'd rushed out to get Damian back. That meant no communication with Amity Island whatsoever. No way to get in contact with Bruce Wayne, and no way for his friends to know he and Damian were ok.
He was really in over his head, wasn't he?
The morning came with a very loud wake up call.
Danny jolted awake and bumped his head into the nearest desk overhead. "Who's attacking us?!"
Beside him, Damian jerked himself into a defensive stance (or as close to one as he could manage.)
The curtains of the cave were pushed open, allowing streams of sunlight to stream in and blind the boy with its glare. Peeking into the cave was the head of one Ember McClain, a vicious grin plastering her face.
"You never told me you got a kid!"
Damian chirped indignantly.
Danny sputtered. "Whawhwh Wh Wait a second!"
Ember pulled out of the cave, and squealed. "Yo Kitty! Dipstick's got himself a kid!"
A woosh of water rushed past, and Kitty's neon green and teal scales showed themselves. "Omg! Phantom aren't you like fifteen? What the heck?!"
Danny blushed deeply teal. "He's not mine I swear!"
Ember pushed Kitty out of the way. "Oh my gosh he's so tiny. Who's the lucky woman?? Or man??? Phantom what have you been getting up to without us?!"
Damian hissed at him from behind Danny's shoulder (when did he get there?) "Begone, harpies! And cease your accusations! I would sooner perish than be related in any way to this incompetent fool."
Ember trilled in adoration. "He's so freaking adorable. Where did you get him, Babypop? An orphanage??"
Danny would've done a spittake, if he was above water. "W-what?! Dude, literally where would even find an orphanage around here?"
"Did his parents dump you on him like Johnny was?"
"Uh I'm not even gonna question that."
Ember clasped her hands to her mouth in scandalous shock. "No way, did you finally turn to the dark side and kidnap him?"
Damian piped up again, gripping on Danny's shoulders with his unsheathed claws and rising higher. "Nonsense, I claim no familial relationship with this person, not by blood, law, or emotion. He is as close to me as any stranger would."
"Ouch Damian. I literally saved your life."
Ember and Kitty chortled and shorted. They clutched their bellies and lead against the walls of the cave. "It's just... PFPFTT Phantom you total scoundrel, ahah!"
"Yeah yeah, look I gotta get this kid back to his dad on Amity, and quick. He's probably losing his mind over there."
Kitty gasped. "So you did turn him."
Danny shushed them. "Don't scream it out for the whole ocean to hear!"
He rushed out the entrance of the cave and shooed them in, covering the doorway up as they entered.
"Look I'd really, really rather you guys keep this on the down low. This is kind of a huge deal right now." Danny said.
He turned to Damian, still perched on his shoulder, his little tail brushing against Danny's ghostly white sail. "Is it ok if I tell them?"
"if it will convince them to vacate the premises."
"If you have to know, Damian's the son of some ultra rich guy. Skulker got him for whatever reason, and I was forced to turn him."
"Dude, Skulker went for a literal child?!" Ember clenched her first, likely hiding her extending claws. Right, Skulker was a bit of a touchy subject for her. "Of his own kind, no less?!"
"That's fucking low, girl."
"And now the GiW are going crazy too. Probalby got a huge donation or whatever. We're just waiting untli they go away so I can get Damian back to his dad, without any dissections. That also means none of you guys should be going near the place either."
"Pfft, too late for that."
Danny froze. "Who did they get?"
"Relaaxx, Dipstick. I was just preparing another concert, only for like fifty boats to show up out of fuckin' nowhere. Luckily I heard them before they saw me, but come on! I was miles from Amity at that point!"
"Miles?" Damian whispered.
Danny felt the same way too. They were only increasing their patrols now, shit.
"It's bad enough that the rest of the Pod are freaking migrating. We haven't migrated in years!"
"Yeah, actually, Phantom you wanna join us? I know you have this whole, err, thing, with Amity Island, but we hardly see you. And Johnny's been itching for a rematch."
Danny looked over his shoulder, to where Damian was lost in thought. This might have been the first them he'd seen the kid not glaring.
"Thanks for the offer, but I need to get Damian home. It's my fault he's like this, and he's got a whole family out there waiting for him."
"Don't you too?"
Danny swallowed a thick of water. He did have a family, a family that was probably going crazy. But at least part of that family, and his friends, knew he could take care of himself, knew that he was a siren, knew that the water was his element. Damian's family didn't have that luxury.
"We'll figure it out."
The girls shared a look, and shrugged. "The offer still stands, Babypop. Oh, and i'll be sure to fuckin' dice Skulker next time i see him, lying, cheatin' bastard.
For a moment, the boys watched the two siren teens' trailing tails, before they turned a corner and disappeared.
"What was that?" Danny asked.
"If Amity Island is inaccessible to us, then we have to go to Gotham."
"Isn't Gotham-"
"On the East Coast? Yes, it is. It's our only option."
"That's thousands of miles, and you can't even walk!"
"Would you rather we stay here, waiting for the GiW to approach us and kill us both?"
Danny clenched his jaw. Damian was right, wasn't he.
"The only way to reunite me with Father is to go to Gotham. They will not be expecting us there."
"How can you be so sure?"
Damian dislodged himself from Danny's shoulder and floated in front of him. "Because they are unaware of the sirens' power of transformation, am I correct?"
"Good point, but wait, how did you know that?"
"I did some cursory research before coming here. The prevailing theories put forth by the supposed 'experts' on the matter asserted that sirens eat their human victims, with no mentions of turning. They have no reason to believe I am not dead., and no reason to suspect any siren activity in Gotham."
"And you're ok with that. Thousands of miles of swimming in the endless ocean full of things wanting to eat you?"
"Are you not?"
"Ok ok, calm down." Danny had to chuckle though. Rich as this kid may be, he was definitely not spoilt enough to sit still and wait for his dad to save him.
"And the fastest way to get to Gotham is via the Panama Canal." Damian puffed his chest out in what was probably pride. Danny stared at him, dumbfounded.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Have I ever jested to you before?"
"No seriously. The Panama Canal. You realise that place is monitored up and down, right? Literally the moment we get spotted, the locks are gonna, you know, lock down, and then we'll be stranded and sitting ducks to be chopped up by the GiW."
"That will not be an issue. You possess the power of camouflage, do you not? And again, they will not be expecting us in Panama, so they will have no reason to bring any sonars there."
Danny wanted to bang his head against the wall. This idea sounded so stupid, but not stupid enough that it was unfeasable.
"In addition, you said it yourself. Your negligence resulted in my permanent loss of humanity, so it is your responsibility to do whatever you can do right your wrong."
Shit. Came with being the son of a businessman, didn't it? This kid was guilttripping the hell out of him and Danny could honestly not say he didn't deserve it.
"Fiiiine. We're going to Panama."
"Excellent." Damian grinned. "Let us leave immediately."
Danny could only pray that none of the 50 things that could go wrong, did go wrong, but when was his luck ever that good?
No, instead, Danny strapped in whatever supplies he had laying around in the cave. To Panama we go...
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chasingrabbits-art · 1 year
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DannyMay day 11: underwater
Heavily inspired by @the-stove-is-on-fire 's eel Danny!
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astermagnolia · 1 month
all your wips sound interesting but tell me more about deaging and mer/avain au
the deage one was inspired by a Tumblr prompt and fic where the first three/all Robin's de-aged and Batman as takes care of them. So I decided to throw Danny into the mix. How it all started was a cult summoning gone wrong and now Bruce has to take of the first three robins and a now de-aged ghost king (Danny). All the kids have their memories but it's mixed/foggy with their whatever mentality age they're at. It's gonna kinda be a slice of life as Bruce takes care of his kids and this other black-haired blue-eyed child who is also the ghost king, mixed with angst and a little bit of plot
Mer/avian: all the DC characters are avians and DP characters are mers but Danny can transform between avian and mer (idk how weird magic shit). I kinda wanna do star-crossed lovers, the whole avians hate mers and vice versa, but I can't decide between Danny/Tim or Danny/Damian (leaning towards Deadtired) haven't figured everything out for this fic but that's some of the overarching points.
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pikakaistudios · 1 year
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Ahh I had to make more of him 🥹
Our Little Baby Mer ♡
Please let's start this trend again but this time with the lil Mer boy 🙏
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Guess what you gremlins
I’m back with another fic hunt
Ok so it’s about how something happened to the moon and needed to be replaced but as they were doing that Danny got fully dead(I think) so anyway then Danny is found crying moonstones in the sea and is found by
I will never stop saying this YOU GUYS WORK FAST
Anyway here it is its called “The moon child”
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dragonshoardofworks · 4 months
DannyMerMay 2024
Day 1: Insect/Anchor
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The return of Little Baby Moth! (From last year DannyMay)
Something happened since last time the two of them met, so LBMo is reasonably surprised to see Little Baby Man Mer's new form... or is this just an alternative dimension iteration of LBM (by @tourettesdog)? 🤔
(Keep reading to find the answer!)
@pikakaistudios Little Baby Mer inspired me in doing my own, so Kudos and credits where are due!
More fanarts and lore under the cut because it was getting long...
Prompt for DannyMay by @dannymayevent and MerMay by @vladdyissues.
Since I'm a serial procrastinator and I wanted to be sure the art pieces were at least decent/accurate, I was almost late (but thank CW that I did, because some of them had the wrong orca-pattern and I would have brought disgrace upon myself if I published anything not done right since orcas are one of my favorite animals).
That being said, let's continue the DannyMerMay journey!
Day 12: Time Travel/Seafood
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My poor Mer-boy got yoinked temporalily into the past when he was still Danny (so even before the "normal" LBM-fication) and he's feeling reeeaaally distressed at the act of practically cannibalism that his past-self is committing...
Day 2+4+29: Wish/Starfish + Wander/Night + Fireworks/Bioluminescence
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Wandering in the night, some interesting encounters are bound to happen...
I wonder what would happen if you wish upon a(n alien) star(fish)...
Day 19+20: Iron/Pearl + Pitch AU/Abyss
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LBMer found a his rightful Crown (of Fire) sunk into the depths of the ocean!
But since it was rusty and forgotten, what better way to restore it than ghostly mother pearl?
(Works like ghostly ice, but it's an exclusive power of LBMer.)
(The Crown got bigger than canon, but he smol!)
Day 26: Shoes/Camouflage
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They say that imitation is one of the best form of flattery, but when you don't want to get caught by a certain dimensional hopper (and be mistaken for one of his foes), it's the best way to blend in!
(Octopi can camouflage in ways that make you think that magic is real...)
(Little Baby Terror unfortunately got caught in the same "accident" that LBM did, so they generally prefer to stick together-ish in case they need help.)
Day 16+22: Glowing Veins/Courtship + Song Lyrics/Songs
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I couldn't help myself and sneaked in some Everlasting Trio for the soul.
After all, LBM (and therefore LBMer) is still Danny, even if he has new form(s) and instincts.
They do incarnate the "Would you still love me if I was a worm?", don't they?
Song: A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay
(It feels such a Danny song to use, plus I checked how orcas court and while there's some posturing, they also sing! It felt only natural from there... >:3c)
Day 11: Mutation/Shell(s)
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And finally: the answer!
LBM found this weird shell on the beach while they were on vacation, but when he checked it (read: nibbed it), it reacted and tooted a magical cloud that mutated our Little Baby Man into a Mer!
(The same fate happened to Dani/Little Baby Menace and Dan/Little Baby Terror, changing them into a Seahorse Mer and Octopus Mer respectively.
I've got a lineart done of them for another prompt, but I didn't manage in time to clean and color it yet, along with a couple of others... ( ≧Д≦) )
This has two versions because I couldn't decide which was better. @teacupsandstarlight suggested the first because of the transforming smoke around our boi, but since I saved both, I told myself: why not upload both?
For now, that's all! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
I still have some linearts to finish/digitalize/color, but at least I contributed to these two fantastic events, hope y'all enjoyed them and my works!
Hope to type ya soon! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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fuyuthefoxwriter · 6 months
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Ancients I love mer!aus so much it’s not healthy lol
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Beautiful lineart by @tourettesdog
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ghostblobbletea · 5 months
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Happy Mermay!
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impyssadobsessions · 2 months
WWT Mer Edition Doodles PART 2
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3 Lets continue with the other 10 >w<
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This one I'm so proud of hehe Danny looking so cool ;3. THIS STORY IS SOO GOOD- felt like a real pirate's tale. The reveal of Jason's true form. Tim being impulsive. I just mmmm and the imagery >w< This is a good fic. 100% recommend.
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This one is locked to registered users. Its such a cute Danny/Tim story. Danny's a selkie on the run- and then he gets found out and his pelt stolen- so Tim goes to find his bf. uwu very cute.
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A lot of Jason and Danny in this one >w<. I love how Dick just wanted to give them something he couldn't before. Damian so cute at the end- holding Jason's hand. Showing how worth it this was >w<.
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Another one where all the batfamily were mers- and so was Danny >w<. Just so very sweet- ;w; how they all care for each other and enjoy living there at the facility. The baby imagery >w< That's baby danny btw in the pic >w<
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Another Tim and Danny interaction. I love this. Where Danny was itching for a swim. So desperate he takes up in someone's pond- but now might have someone to help look after him. <3 just very cute. Though tragic what happened to Jerry. (Not the turkey)
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One of the few that was dc only. I love this so much. So sad- but you can really see how things unfold. Bruce being bruce- Jason just full of anger. >w< Gorgeous fic.
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Another Tim/Danny and I love this set up. How Tim is just a good boy photographer cleaning up the beaches and helping the local merboy out. I'm so invested to read more. I wonder how this will turn out >w< Also poor Tim being kind- and nothing to show for it- yet ;3
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I related to Jazz in this one. Oof- sexually repulsed Jazz is married to Dick grayson. Jazz wants a child- but isn't able to bring herself to do the act to conceive one. Then they both end up loving Babs the mer ;w; which helps them have a baby. Its just so sweet. Read it. XD
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This is so short and good >w< Jason finally able to seek out the mer that haunts his dreams >w< Jazz/Jason one. >w<
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This one was so unique!!! We follow Bart- who finds a sickly Danielle and goes to get her help. Its just soo good >w< I love Bart in this so much >w<
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vladdyissues · 5 months
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Day 9: Bait
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satoshy12 · 10 months
Flashpoint Baby Danny.
It had been all the Flash's fault—the trigger that disrupted the time stream as he created the Flashpoint.
And it had been Danny's luck that he existed outside of the time line that did this to him. True, the new powers were cool, but man, he wasn't happy about it. So he tried to find out who it was that was the fault for this and punch them!! It hurt his head to have many different kinds of memories in his head and to be forced to change his body again! He is tiny could't attack as he was kidnapped by a Speedster person.
That Danny asked Clockwork to fix it, and what does Clockwork do? He gives him a riddle and throws him into the ocean. Learn about you, 2 Father (Jack's counterpart), he says. It would be fun, he says! Well, time to find people. But man, being a fish person is fun! CW was right! Till he fixes the time line he could have fun after all! It didn't take long for Atleaneans to find the toddler Atantean so far away from Atalantis, as they brought him back with them. There, it was found in the hospital that he is directly related to the royal family. So either the parents are: Flashpoint Wonder Woman + Flaspoint Aquaman Or Flashpoint Orm Marius and Flashpoint Penthesilea (they are together in the comic) + So or so, i say Black Manta is dead if he tried touch danny. Moms would do it, Orm would do it anyways) +
For the Flashpoint timeline, if it exists,
Well, they want the baby back that was kidnapped by the outside world. So not Amazon vs. Atantean War, but Amazon and Atantean vs. Outside War if the baby isn't returned.
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