#mer false star
amphiptere-art · 1 year
Come on dad. I saw the fishes over here. I don't want to miss the school.
I don't want to eat a fish. I want a baby mer.
Dad says we can't eat mer. Not unless they do a bad thing.
But I want to eat one!
Later! Look! Look! Look! Fish! Fish! Hehehe! Eat the fish! Chase!
Chase!? hunt!?
Yes! Yes! Hunt!
Wait no, come back! not so fast! I want some!
Kids! Stop it! It's a whole school. It's not going to just vanish. Take your time. It's got a scatter if you're too fast.
Mer Red Moon, False star, Annular, Blue Moon
I have grown a mini love for mer Blue Moon's pups. I think it's cuz they're not really connected to anything. You're just some pups with doing different shenanigans. They're fun.
Again a lot of my mer RBB is based on @artoutoftheblue mer stuff.
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ashspecter · 5 months
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Phic Phight 2024 Master Post;
I participated in Phic Phight this year on Team Ghost!
Please see the links to all my fics below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you click on a fic, please read the tags! Some themes may not be suitable for some. Trigger Warnings are provided.
Total Words: 62k+
@pennerjones's prompt: Clockwork tends Pariah Dark’s wounds after a hard battle.
All We Wanted (CW patches up PD's wounds) || Tumblr; Ao3
TW: needles, wounds, etc.
@ashesoriley & @underforeversgrace's prompts: A look through Mr lancers eyes as he tries to figure out what's up with the Fenton kid (&) Lancer notices Something is up with the Fenton kid and intervenes.
Didn't You Know (Mr. Lancer Helps Danny) || Tumblr; Ao3
@lavendarlily's prompt: Who knew Danny Fenton was so agile? Paulina makes it her personal mission to get him on the cheer squad.
Gonna Make You a Star (Cheer AU) || Tumblr; Ao3
@aggressivelyclueless's prompt: Backstory: pick your favorite ghost and flesh out their history a little. How did they die? What do they miss most about being alive?
All Boxed Up (Crack fic about BG's death) || Tumblr
TW: character death
@greatbigolhampuckjustforme and @bellsandmischief's prompts: Danny is a merperson who has always been fascinated by humans (&) Danny, but make it Disney prince/princess.
The Little Phintom (Mer AU) || Tumblr; Ao3
TW: Dark Magic, Body "Horror" (Danny gets legs), Body Modification
@duchi-nesten's prompt: Danny’s been enjoying spending time with Nocturn lately, even with the unfortunate side effect of his skin being replaced by stars. That’s… probably fine, right?
Becoming (Mentor Nocturn AU) || Tumblr; Ao3
TW: Body Horror, Body Modification
@fangirlwriting-stories, @xscarletsakurax, @summerssixecho, @46-reasonable-hamsters, & @ikiracake prompts (I'm not going to post the prompts here lol):
I'll Be Your Hero (No One Knows Except Dash AU) || Tumblr; Ao3
@greatbigolhampuckjustforme and @bellsandmischief's prompts: Danny is a merperson who has always been fascinated by humans (&) Danny, but make it Disney prince/princess.
J.O.Y. (Just One Yesterday) (Vlad Time Travels) || Tumblr; Ao3
TW: False Hope
@currentlylurking & @duchi-nesten's prompt: Nobody really knew anything about how the Ghost King was determined, but that didn’t change how sure they were that Danny Phantom would be the next king. It didn’t change how wrong they were, either. (&) Who knew being the ghost king included having to hold a tea party for all the still-existing, previous ghost kings? Surely not Danny.
Peace of Mind (Ghost King Danny) || Tumblr; Ao3
@jackdraw-spwrite & @ave-aria's prompts: There are more rooms in Clockwork's lair, Danny thinks, than he could find in a week of looking. So he opens doors, flies through windows. Explores. Clockwork lets him, and that means he can't get in too much trouble doing it, right? (&) "Someone once told me you can bring a person back to life just by remembering them."
A Haunting Melody (CW has a painful secret) || Ao3
TW: Implied Child Loss
Chrysanthemum, @sidewalkgloom, @scarletsaphire, @hannahmanderr, @ghostlyhabato's prompts (I'm not going to post the prompts here either lol):
Boundaries & Baggage (CW has a curious past with PD) || Ao3
Dekalkomania, @kinglazrus, Saphir, @raaorqtpbpdy, @TourettesDog, @littlebadger, @fangirlwriting-stories, Lumi, @fentoaster, Ghxstkids, & @Anguished-Lurker's prompts (not posting prompts here):
Lightning In a Bottle (Danny is dying slowly) || Ao3
TW: Heavy Angst, Anxiety, Trauma, Abandonment, Character Death
@aggressivelyClueless & @bloggerspam's prompts: "Backstory: pick your favorite ghost and flesh out their history a little. How did they die? What do they miss most about being alive?" (&) Danny and Ellie Parent Trap a Fighting/Divorced Johnny and Kitty:
Fate Deals In Bad Luck || Tumblr; Ao3
If links are broken or incorrect, please let me know! I'll fix them right away!
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idolnarc · 3 months
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╭   usernames :
|  pukaranger
|  ryuseatai
|  markofmystery
|  revolu5tar
|  farawaysea
|  humanrebound
|  peculiarwaves
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╭   prns :
|  no prns
|  mer/mers
|  sie/hir/hirs
|  sho/shor/shores
|  floa/float/floats
|  gi/gill/gills
|  drea/dream/dreams
|  tide/tides
|  bubble/bubbles
|  splish/splash
|  🐠/🐠s
|  🌊/🌊s
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╭   titles :
| the deep-sea jellyfish
| the blue shooting star
| one who can save prnself
| the living false god
| the heartbeat of the ocean
| the sea-dweller who cannot swim
| one who yearns for the water
| the luminous supernova
| the eccentric hero
| the mysterious envoy 
| prn who found where prn belongs
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♪ upt pack for : anon ♪
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lullabyes22-blog · 8 months
Snippet - A Jealous Man - Mal de Mer
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Mel learns the hard way that wounded pride comes at a high price.
At least, where Silco is concerned.
tw: possessive behavior, conflict.
Mal de Mer on AO3
Trust me, he'd said.
I do, she'd replied.
The irony is not lost on her: her trust, like her marriage, has led her into a trap.
And, like any trapped animal, she lashes out.
"This your idea of compromise? An ambush in plain sight?" She hears her voice crack, and hates herself for it. "I would've given you anything. All you had to do was ask. But no—you'd rather skulk around in the shadows. Scheming like a—"
"You call it scheming. I call it strategy."  Silco's hands, guiding the wheel, are steady. "Or did you expect me to stay on sufferance? My city's trade—its lifeblood—tied for generations to your Hexgates. My future hinging—year after year—on accords written by your Council. Bureaucracy, backtracking, backstabbing. A charade of concessions, with Zaun's dignity as the cost?"
"Charade?" Her face goes hot, then cold. "Is that what you see this voyage as?"
"Worse. I see it as a farce." His knuckles, she notices, are whitening. "You, playing at being my wife. Putting on a show for all your guests. The men and women who've undermined my city at every turn. And what do you do? Peddle your smiles to grease their palms. Force my hand, and force yours, and force everyone else's—all to keep the peace." His laugh is pitched low. And yet it slices through the air. "Peace. If this is the price, I'd rather go to war."
The pain, like a needle, pierces Mel's skull.
She'd known, since the voyage began, that he was angry. That he was sick of the hollow platitudes and hidden barbs. But she'd thought, with her efforts this morning, that she'd successfully mitigated the damage. Diplomacy, rather than daggers—all to the goal of keeping the status quo.
A false premise, she realizes.
Zaun no longer recognizes the status quo. Not when the city has an undersea fortress, and a fleet of ships, and a web of trade routes.
"This—this is politics," she tries to reason. "You've seen me do this countless times!"
"That's precisely the point."
"What point?"
"You." It is a sibilant hiss. "Doing this. Every. Damn. Time."
"You have a gift for it, Mel. I won't deny." The wheel spins beneath his fingertips.  The craft veers into a narrow canal, bordered on both sides by towering cranes. "I've always enjoyed it. How you can turn a crooked cause into a straight road. Turn a cutthroat into a charity case. But have you stopped to consider—just once—that I don't want to be your charity case? That watching you play nice with those leeches and bootlickers, day after day, makes me sick? That I'd rather toss the lot of them overboard than have you sacrifice a shred of yourself for my city's coffers."
"I am a Councilor," Mel protests. "My duty is—"
"Your duty is to be my wife!"
The whipcrack timbre cuts off the words in her throat. For a moment, Mel can do nothing but stare. His expression—the slow hardening of muscles, the creeping chill of mismatched eyes—is as remote as a dying star.
In her mind's eye, she sees their wedding night: her ruined silk underthings a breadcrumb trail between parlor and bedroom. Thinks of Silco, a phantom silhouette in the gloom: on top of her, inside her, filling her, all burning eyes and biting kisses and sweat-slick skin. Thinks of the aftermath: of him cradling her in his arms, his fingertips tracing the scratches his teeth had gouged, his whispers a cool balm to the fire his touch had lit.
"We'll get there," he'd promised her, again and again. "Just give it time."
"Time," Mel had whispered, clinging to his neck.
"All we need. All I ask."
"You could ask for more."
His chuckle had grated deliciously against her skin. "I'm greedy, my sweet wife. I take what I want."
And she'd smiled, and let him take.
The word, entwining with sensuous tenderness, now constricts like a noose.
"My wife," Silco repeats, quieter, but with an unmerciful intensity that cuts her to the quick. "Not the prop to humanize me in front of hysterical prudes like the Dennings. Not the pincushion to hide behind when Cevila Ferros slings barbs about my bloodline. Not the bargaining chip to trot out when Hector wants to renegotiate a loan, in exchange for a few harmless gropes. Certainly not a piece of meat for Garlen and his pack of jackals to paw at in full view—all for the good of my city." A vein pulses dangerously in his forehead. "My wife, Mel. Mine."
The word, like a key, unlocks the full dimension of his rage.
She'd known he was a jealous man. Had assumed, in her naïveté, that it was born of a bruised male ego. Because he was a powerful man, who'd risen from nothing. And, like all power-hungry men, he'd sooner hoard her attention than share it.
Now, she sees her mistake: the root cause of his jealousy was never the sharing.
It was the humiliation.
Having a shipful of strangers, in all their privilege, look down their noses at him. To treat him, publicly, with varying degrees of hostility—all because he'd been born in the wrong place, and raised by the wrong people, and bested his own fate with his bare hands. To be regarded, in turns, as a volatile threat, an exotic savage, or a useful commodity—but never as an equal.
And Mel, in the course of a single evening, had condoned the whole circus.
In her mind, she was protecting his interests. In her heart, she was trying to make amends. In her actions, she was keeping the peace.
But in Silco's eyes, she was making a mockery of her vows.
And with this voyage, selling his soul. All to keep Piltover's good standing at Zaun's expense.
Mel's throat hitches. She can feel the miserable tremors of childhood bubbling up. Her fingers clench the rail; the only thing left to cling to. For a terrifying heartbeat, she is a girl again, condemned beneath her mother's shadow.
But Silco is not Ambessa.
And she is no longer a girl.
"I did this," she grits out, "for us."
"No," Silco says, flatly. "You did this for them."
"They're our guests."
"They are the enemy."
"Silco, they—"
"My enemies," he says. "By word. By deed. The difference, Mel, is that both of mine have teeth."
The salt-spray stings Mel's eyes. Adrenaline, cold as seawater, sluices down her spine.
And it hits her:
I am in hostile territory.
"Why have you brought us here?" she says. "What are you planning?"
At the word—us—there is a change in his expression. It is subtle, but unmistakable. Suddenly,  the fluid animation that powers his every move is gone. The man left behind is—not an effigy—but a facsimile of human life. Skin and bones and blood, but nothing more.
Beneath, there is a bottomless void.
And it is very, very hungry.
"I told you," he says. "This is a treasure hunt."
"I've given them the bait. Now, they're hooked. All that's left is to reel them in."
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I would really appreciate some help with interpretation on this deity identification reading! I didn't use a specific spread, but pulled one card from every deck I own - usually this works really well for me, but this time I can't quite put my finger on who this deity is. I have some vague ideas, but I would love to hear your interpretations.
Thank you in advance!
Here are the cards I drew (plus some notes from the imagery and the guidebooks):
Demon of the Day - Camio:
"Be mindful of arguments and disputes. It can feel good to win but not at the cost of a relationship."
Birds, blackbird, trush
Gaelic, Irish or Welsh origin
Dispute, eloquent verbal debate, persuasive argument
Understanding the language of animals and the noise of the water
Angels Among Us - Jesus:
Forgiveness, compassion, love, peace, kindness
Spiritual teacher, spiritual activist, healer
Christian origin
Higher wisdom
Without judgement
Goddesses Among Us - Atargatis:
Mermaids, mer-magic
Transformation, change
Deep diving
Assyrian or Mediterranean origin
Heartbreak, challenge, powerful emotions
Ocean, water, depth
Shadow work
Legendary Ladies - Estsanatlehi:
Native American origin
Sky and earth
Linestrider Tarot - Five of Swords:
Inflexibility black-and-white thinking
Defeat, failure
Interpersonal difficulties
Hollow victory
Selfishness, hurtful behavior
Trust issues
Numbers: 5, 59, 14
Associated birthdays: January 20 to January 30
Associated plants: mistletoe, capsicum, calamus root
Pastel Mini Magic Tarot - Ace of Pentacles:
New beginnings
New financial or career opportunity
Cat Tarot - Ten of Cups:
Divine love
Blissful relationships
Star Spinner Tarot - The Hermit:
Seeking the truth
Being alone
Inner guidance
Mondays Tarot - Death:
Under the Roses Lenormand - The Snake:
Deception, lies, tricks
Seduction, temptation
“The other women”
Arcana Lenormand - Lily:
Bees and butterflies
Thera-pets - “You don't have to be perfect to be lovable”:
Red panda
Mushroom Spirit - Rosy Bonnet:
Mycena rosea
Looking closely
Not making assumptions
Don't be fooled by appearances
Looks can be deceiving
The Citadel - The Walker:
The Unknown
New experiences
Transition, transformation
Finding answers
Moving on
Voice of the Souls - Learning:
Palm reading hand
Learning new things, new abilities and skills
Number 13
SOTW Imbolc - Consecrate tools:
"I will claim what is mine, what I see beyond the hidden. Gifted spirit, by tongue my words spill with purpose."
Displaying spirit
Claiming ownership
Conscious decisions
Taking what is meant to be yours
Embracing what is before you
No doubts
Fully invested
Permanent fixture
SOTW Beltane - Maiden:
"Demand what is yours and take back what was taken. Reclaim until you've gathered all of you."
Bees and butterflies
Divine manifestation on earth
Powerful, sacred beings
Direct channels to the gods
Embracing your freedom
Inner warrior
Divine feminine
Primal force of creativity
SOTW Litha - Sunbathing:
"The dance of stillness is calling for you to live in its embrace."
Spiritual strength
Spiritual nourishment
SOTW Mabon - Crow:
"Pay close attention to the winds; there's a message making its way."
Something's coming
Pay attention
Important signs and clues
Trust your intuition
SOTW Samhain - Elders:
"Birthed from seed within the belly of the moon, they are the wise felt touches over our hearts and felt deep within the marrow of our spirit."
Keepers of knowledge
Sage advice
Slowing down
SOTW Yule - Father Christmas:
"How did thy get here? Lost perhaps? No worries at all! Gather yourself and clear the frost for the good still lives in you dear."
Naughty or nice?
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kagrenacs · 11 months
Analysis of The Soft Doctrines of Magnus Invisible
Recently Douglas Goodall released a follow up to his lore text The Soft Doctrines of Magnus invisible, this is an attempt to analyze the text. You can read it here
I: The Source and the Serpent
It's clear this section is about Auri-el and Lorkhan creating the worlds, mentioning Auri-el as creating the 'twelve' presumably the twelve worlds of creation. Lorkhan creates the 'twenty-two', which brings us to thirty-four. The next paragraph mentions the 'Thirty-six and The Hoard That Never Rests. These numbers don't add up, however thirty six is likely a reference to Lorkhan, the Scarab, as mentioned in Sermon 29.
The Thirty-Six are still Eight and One, twice removed, even if man and mer no longer recognize the quarters.
This line seems to link the 12 worlds to the nine divines, indicating their creation by proxy of Auri-el and Lorkhan.
An additional thing I find interesting is the mention of the twelve and twenty-two existing under a starless sky, as the stars haven't formed yet. This seems to indicate to me that this current Kalpa (or series of them) may be different, actively binding the spirits to Nirn rather than allowing them to move freely, otherwise the Magne-Ge wouldn't have fled yet. This idea is further supported by this line:
We are slaves to the star-clock, which beats faster in every age. Only the drummer can stop the beat.
Indicating the beat of time seems to be moving faster.
II: Enantiodromia
This section is about the enantiomorph, with roles of power switching between two people.
Every hero is an image, a reflection, a tone played on the tightest string between the ur-mirrors of sky and sea. False heroes are the shattered reflections of the jailed jailer; a three-headed beast gnashing its own throats.
This line may be about Shezzarines. False heroes as shattered reflections of the jailed jailer- Lorkhan and the incarnations of his souls. A three-headed beast gnashing at it's own throats seems to be Talos.
Mer came down from the sky. Men rose up from the mountain. The god of mer climbed to the stars. The god of men descended into the ground.
This discusses the schism between the gods of men and mer. Anui-el ascends, leaving behind the Aldmer. Lorkhan descends, dying like his subjects and leaving his heart within Red Mountain.
Only the shape-taker's respiration emptied the arc for the thief's eye.
UESP labels shape-taker as Trinimac and the thief's eye as Arkay. Together these two gods contribute to the Nordic god Orkey, the god who reduced the lifespan of the Nords by six years. Taken literally this line seems to indicate Trinimac's exhale allowed for Arkay to steal time from Lorkhan and his people. @tindomizel gave a really interesting idea that Lorkhan's murder allowed for the creation of death, that I quite like, and perhaps carried over to his people.
Magnus and Sithis are tears to the prior world and the next. When they meet the prisoner, the story ends.
Taken with the subject of this section, Magnus and Sithis are presented as two sides of the enantiomorph. My interpretation is Magnus represents energy and creation, while Sithis is the necessary death of things.
The Magna-Ge expand as the Earth Bones diminish.
This line is incredibly eerie. My only thoughts here are Earth Bones are diminishing as people manipulate them, or the towers. But what this has to do with the Magna-Ge I'm not sure.
III: The Roads
In my interpretation, this discusses the roads individuals follow as they live their lives. The first paragraph here discusses a road of violence, fire and swings, that pilgrims and children walk. It seems to be living a simple, peaceful but difficult life/
The second road is shorter, filled with dishonest labour, paved with gold, trodden by the feet of giants and glued by the slime of forked tongues. It's destination is despair. This road seems to be the road that kings and lords walk, trodding on others, enslaving others, living as a large presence.
The road of beauty never reveals the grey veil to it's followers. This is a road of living entranced by the lie, and not seeing reality for what it truly is. Interestingly it is said to be unwalked by heroes, who perhaps have a better semblance of what the world really is.
The longest road is filled with pestilence and disease. This seems to be the road of a natural life, living and then dying by failing health.
The final road is not walked. The wretched gather up their ghosts and go. This seems to me to be the road of life after death.
The doors are stuck, the curtains drawn, the constellations firm, the planets unerring in their courses. Twelve and One have an illusion of movement. Twenty-Two and One have an illusion of choice. Only the Serpent slides.
The numerology changes here, with twelve worlds and one (referring to the constellations), and Twenty-Two and one. Bringing us up to 36, the number of Vivec's lessons.
The doors are stuck, the curtains drawn, the constellations firm, the planets unerring in their courses. Twelve and One have an illusion of movement. Twenty-Two and One have an illusion of choice. Only the Serpent slides.
The Twelve and One are the stars, giving the illusion of movement in the sky. The Twenty-Two and one are possibly Lorkhan's spawn, indicating his children live predestined lives as mortals. Only the Serpent is free to move through time and fate with ease.
Hue is governed by momentum. As much as manifold Meridia loves the Blind, even orphans cannot change their color.
This seems to further confirm my belief that Meridia is one of the Star Orphans. Leaving her ultimately still a daughter of Magnus, even if she is a Daedric Prince.
IV The Tower
The Tower is the first word, spoken by the second. Indicating Lorkhan's observation that the tower forms the letter 'I'.
All who find The Tower are infected with tyranny. Some succumb. All who find The Tower are condemned to transcendence. Some succumb.
This line seems to indicate the dominance a person must possess to speak the word 'I' and recognize oneself as ruler of the world, without equal. Yet doing so allows one to recognize the power of CHIM and alter the course of the world irrevocably.
V: _
This section is a cipher, when deciphered, it discusses things one ought not to worship. Not to look at the moons, the towers, the wheel and the grey, or the jailer. Instead look to the invisible, who is earlier mentioned as Magnus, despite his flawed love. Which ultimately wraps this up as a text intended to worship Magnus.
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boethiah · 11 months
some connections between the soft doctrines of magnus invisible and the 36 lessons of vivec, sermon 10
working on the theory that one is the response to the other
"The Thirty-Six and the Horde That Never Rests are hollow, unworthy of worship. They birthed us, created us, made us their children, their slaves, their prisoners, a mockery of their shortcomings. The Thirty-Six are still Eight and One, twice removed, even if man and mer no longer recognize the quarters. [...] Aurbis is a prison. We are condemned to half-lives, recapitulating false creation. [...] We are slaves to the star-clock, which beats faster in every age. Only the drummer can stop the beat." (soft doctrines I)
responded to in sermon 10
"'The eyelid of the kingdom shall fill thirty and six folios, but the eye shall read the world.' [...] A short season of towers, a rundown absolution, and what is this, what is this but fire under your eyelid? [...] SITHISIT is the start of all true Houses, built against stasis and lazy slaves. Turn from your predilections, broken like false maps. Move and move like this. Quicken against false fathers, mothers left in corners weeping for glass and rain. Stasis asks merely for nothing, for itself, which is nothing, as you were in the eight everlasting imperfections."
there's a lot of shared wording here and shared imagery. which is probably unsurprising for lorebooks written at the same time, but this feels very direct. more connections
then, on love:
"Loving is more perilous than a dragon, harder than steel. Returning love is more perilous than a nine province army, harder than ebony. Love for love's sake is meaningless. Love for one's own sake is emptiness. To the clerk in the counting-house, coins have no value. The poor man knows the shape and weight and flaws of each." (soft doctrines)
and sermon 10: "We pledge ourselves to you, the Frame-maker, the Scarab: a world for us to love you in, a cloak of dirt to cherish."
also from sermon 10:
vs soft doctrines V
"This is the lesson of The Tower and The Serpent: every Wheel needs an Axis. This is the lesson of Magnus and The Twins: every Reflection needs a Mirror."
and soft doctrines I
"Every hero is an image, a reflection, a tone played on the tightest string between the ur-mirrors of sky and sea. False heroes are the shattered reflections of the jailed jailer; a three-headed beast gnashing its own throats."
this is not anything more than me trying to jot my running thoughts down on paper, but these parallels jumped out at me immediately
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Shamat: *sighs and stands up removing the mask of the sharmat he was forced to wear upon being brought back to morrowind to serve in the temple by nerevar* … *stares at the golden face staring back at him* … *sits it down on his altar and creeps from the room before the guards can return to take him back to his chambers*
*a few moments later after sneaking through corridors and by priests who’d gladly reprimand him or drag him kicking and screaming back to nerevar*
Shamat: *stares up at the temple doors leading to the shrine of Azura, knowing full well he’s not allowed to enter* …I’m not a god, I’m not who they say I am… please let me speak with you… *looks both ways to see the guards missing, clearly in the middle of changing shifts* please… *places his hands on the door handles and steps inside to find it empty, only him and a statue of the lady of twilight* …Lady azura?…
Azura: *projecting her voice through her statue* Voryn Dagoth. Why have you come to speak with me?…
Shamat: *shakily steps forward knowing full well he’s not allowed to be here* That is not who I am my lady…
Azura: You deny your past iterations right to reincarnation then?…
Shamat: my past iteration was a cruel mer, a monster who hurt innocent people, who stole power that didn’t belong to him just as the tribunal did… I may have his face, his voice, his eyes… but I am not him… I deny his name. I will not walk as the false dreamer…
Azura: Then who will you walk as?…
Shamat: As me. As a healer for the hurt. As the father of my children, as the husband of my beloved. As friend to anyone who needs me… as family to my found family… I’ve not yet decided on what name I wish for… But I am not voryn dagoth. I am not Ur Dagoth. I am not the sharmat. I am not a god… I’m me…
Azura: *falls silent for a moment before suddenly manifesting in place of her statue, towering over him with a warm and gentle smile* You have truely done what the tribunal could never fully do… what your past iteration was incapable of doing…
Shamat: *drops down into a kowtow before her* wh-what is that my lady?…
Azura: *shifts her stance, lowering the star and raising the moon* You care about others. What is it you wish from me, nameless one?…
Shamat: *shakily looks up at her as he hears banging on the door from the priests outside* I want to go home… back to skyrim. To my family…
Azura: *smiles and nods* very well. *holds out the star towards him as it glows a radient light* Goodbye, Nameless one. *absorbs him into the star, teleporting him from the temple before disappearing herself as the door busts open*
Nerevar: *staggers in with the priests, holding the mask Shamat left behind in his hand as he looks around to see the room empty, only the lingering glimmer of azuras magic in sight* VORYN!!!
Khash: *pulling on her backpack* I’m ready!
Kaidan: *looking exhausted after weeks of tireless tracking and searching* no lass. Morrowind is a very dangerous place for argonians still and I don’t want you getting kidnapped. You stay here with inigo and the other kids okay?
Khash: But I can help find-
Caryalind: Khash, this isn’t up for debate. If you get kidnapped by a slaver I’ll never forgive myself. House Dres might have little power after the uprising but they’re still active in their cruelty. We need you to stay h- *quickly stands in front of her as a blinding white light shines from the middle of the room before suddenly disappearing, leaving a very confused Shamat sitting on the floor* …oh.
Shamat: *sits up and smiles with relief seeing his friends, his found family* See Kaidan? Daedra aren’t all bad…
Kaidan: MY LOVE! *scoops him up covering him with kisses* I thought I’d lost you I thought I’d never see you ag-… when did you get a third eyeball? What are you wearing?
Shamat: *looks down at the robes of house dagoth* I’m not a fan of them either… and the forehead eye was an unwanted gift too… *blinks it a couple times* I hope it’s not too distracting.
Kaidan: *smiles looking into it* Not at all, just a surprise is all… *sighs* I’m so happy you’re home darling, we were all so afraid…
???: I’m afraid he’s not out of the woods yet.
Shamat: *turns his head to see a half gold and half bluish grey elf leaning against the wall* I- lord vivec?!
Vivec: *nods and smiles* hello friend… I’m glad you saved us the journey to morrowind… but I’m afraid we have another journey ahead of us… Nerevar will come looking for you again. We need to hide… Well help you and your family stay hidden.
Shamat: We? *pauses hearing gears clicking and steam releasing as an ornate automaton steps forward in the shape of a dunmer, wearing a familiar ceremonial mask*
Sotha Sil: It is good to see you again my friend.
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imasloid · 7 months
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This is PART TWO of the L'Antica fashion analysis thread (had to separate because of picture limit)! For part one, go here.
Blæc Series | Ruler / Blanc / Ambition / Mask / Rosa (ブライクシリーズ | ルーラーブライク ・ ブライクブラン ・ アンビションブライク ・ ブライクマクス ・ ローザブライク)
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The Blæc Series is the fourth L’Antica unit costume and like the “Planetes Series” of illumination STARS, each costume has a different name and unique look. “Blæc” is Old English for “black,” with this costume having an “evil” motif.
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Key points include the “evil fantasy” theming and a heavy Gothic and Victorian influence. By far, this costume series is the farthest away from their regular “steampunk” aesthetic, instead focusing on a darker and mysterious side of their unit.
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“Ruler Blæc” is Kogane’s unit costume and positions her as an evil queen who can give personhood to things using rose magic. In context of real unit dynamics, this costume references her as the dependable leader of L’Antica as well as the glue that holds everyone together.
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Key points of “Ruler Blæc” include shared elements with Queen Victoria’s royal garb, specifically her dresses. Additionally, this costume has heavy rose theming but little steampunk elements other than small accessories.
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“Blæc Blanc” is Mamimi’s unit costume, depicting her a fallen angel corrupted by Kogane’s magic. In context of real unit dynamics, this costume references her impish, devilish persona who often uses her words to get what she wants or for a situation to go her way.
It also represents her rebellious side, as Mamimi was a clean-cut and normal girl who later acted rebellious and styled herself differently to get attention from others.
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Key points of “Blæc Blanc” include many religious elements, as most Britons during the Victorian era were Christian. As she is singing in a Gothic church, she could be spreading false dogma or evil words in favor of the Kogane, the evil empress.
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“Ambition Blæc” is Sakuya’s unit costume and depicts her as a personified hawk who serves as a general of war under Kogane. In context of real unit dynamics, this costume references her charisma, model-like demeanor and the cool planner/go-getter of L’Antica.
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Key points of “Ambition Blæc” include many Victorian general garb that shows her prowess and command as a leader of Kogane’s military forces.
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“Blæc Mask” is Mitsumine’s unit costume and depicts her as a personified chest turned jester/clown in a cabinet of curiosities. In context of real unit dynamics, this costume references her eccentric love of subcultures and her desire to entertain and make everyone happy.
Though she is not wearing a mask in this costume, the name still calls back to Mitsumine’s real personality as someone who uses humor or eccentricity to cover up what she’s actually feeling, finding it hard to be honest about herself.
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Key points of “Blæc Mask” include clown/jester/pierrot influences as clowns were rising in popularity in the Victorian era as entertainers. In general, her role in this costume series is more lighthearted than the other members which points to her role as moodmaker in this unit.
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“Rosa Blæc” is Kiriko’s unit costume as depicts her as a bisque doll that has come to life under Kogane’s magic, controlled by rose briars. In context of real unit dynamics, this costume references her fantastical state of mind and timid/reserved nature.
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Key points of “Rosa Blæc” include typical Gothic Lolita elements, a heavy rose motif, and characteristics of a bisque doll. Other than Victorian porcelain dolls, there’s a heavy Japanese influence in her costume that makes it more modern.
Le Fond de la Mer (ルフォンドゥ・ラメール)
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“Le Fond de la Mer” is L’Antica’s fifth unit costume, translating from French to “the bottom of the sea.” Their cards feature the members singing at the bottom of a sunken city, surrounded by dilapidated buildings and jellyfish.
As stated earlier, the Victorian era was an era of revivialism. One of the main revivals of this time was Neoclassicism, a return to the aesthetics of classical antiquity. From that time, Plato wrote about a fictional kingdom of Atlantis, submerged in the ocean a long time ago.
The city of Atlantis would inspire a future fixation on lost civilizations, especially in the Victorian era. The “lost world” genre began in the late-Victorian era, where authors were inspired by archeologists finding remnants of lost civilizations across the world (e.g. King Solomon's Mines by Sir H. Rider Haggard).
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The setting of “Le Fond de la Mer” is clearly based on Atlantis, as the sunken ruins around them are based on classical architecture. White marble or travertine columns, arches, and domes’ infrastructure and remnants can be seen surrounding the members as they perform underwater.
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Additionally, the setting of “Le Fond de la Mer” is also injected with Greco-Roman mythology, featuring large statues of gods like Posiedon/Neptune submerged underwater as well as Kogane rowing a boat like Charon taking souls down the River Styx.
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Key points of “Le Fond de la Mer” are its referencing to Atlantis and a general underwater theme as well as Kogane’s costume being completely different from the other four members, signaling her as the center and leader of L’Antica.
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“La Fond de la Mer” uses the usual “similar look” method to make the members look united but also to showcase their unique personalities. However, this costume takes this to another level by using the silhouettes, features, & aesthetics from clothes they wear in their daily life.
Papillonner Féerique (パピロニアフェリーク)
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“Papillonner Féerique” is L’Antica’s sixth unit costume, translating from French to “fairy-like fluttering.” Out of all of their costumes, it leans into the macabre of their Gothic aesthetic the most, depicting them as ghosts inhabiting the grounds of a mansion or estate.
Ghosts were a popular phenomenon in the Victorian Era, with “classic” ghost stories originating around this time inspired by Gothic fiction. As stated before, Gothic castles or manor were often a common setting for these stories due to its innate feeling of terror and mystery.
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The setting of “Papillonner Féerique” is no different, with the girls haunting a overgrown, abandoned estate. As ghosts, they are tethered to the house as popular oral tradition says that if someone dies in a specific place, they stay there until their spirit is avenged.
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Key points of “Papillonner Féerique” include usual Victorian style inspirations in the costume as well as heavy ghost or spirit imagery and symbolism. Notable symbols are the colored gems representing the soul and the white chrysanthemums on their costumes representing death.
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Another very important symbol are the butterflies floating around them, sharing their color with their respective gems on their costume. In Victorian symbology, butterflies were an omen of death and often represented a physical manifestation of a departed person’s soul.
(If you wanna know more about butterfly symbology and fashion in the Victorian era, this blog post really helped me a lot putting this section together!)
The visuals and descriptions here are kinda scary if you don’t like dolls or creepy things or death so proceed with caution!
In the animation, the girls’ scenes are introduced with an intertitle alluding to how they passed away akin to a silent movie (which originated in the Victorian era!). More details will be shown in their individual sections following this paragraph.
In their unalive state, their bodies are represented by cracked ball-jointed bisque dolls that are positioned in the way that they passed away. After the butterfly (soul) touches the doll, they are reborn into a ghost form with their soul intact, but not with their body.
Kogane Tsukioka
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Intertitles: “You are cordially invited to the dinner” & “Let’s have a good time together”
Cause of death: Invited to dinner at manor, then poisoned with a spiked drink
Area of haunting: Dining room
Mamimi Tanaka
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Intertitles: “Deep forest” & “Lost child”
Cause of death: Ran into forest being chased by something/trying to escape and got lost
Area of haunting: Manor yard/surrounding forest
Sakuya Shirase
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Intertitles: “You can’t go back” & “Just like a nectar addict”
Cause of death: Bled out due to blunt force trauma done by someone else
Area of haunting: Manor gates & outdoor corridors
Yuika Mitsumine
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Intertitles: “Thank you for coming” & “Please watch your step”
Cause of death: Pushed/fell down stairs without having a light to see
Area of haunting: Manor stairway
Kiriko Yukoku
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Intertitles: “Promise to love” & “Stay with us forever”
Cause of death: Willing to pass away and stay in the manor by her own choice (because of love)
Area of haunting: Concert room/chapel
Encadrement Coupé (アンカードルモンクーペ)
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“Encadrement Coupé” is L’antica’s seventh unit costume, translating from French to mean “Cut Frame.” The costumes feature the members fighting in an Colosseum-like arena with giant robot opponents.
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As the Victorian era was an era of revivialism, many people were fixated on the myths and aesethics of the Middle Ages, especially Arthurian legends. Britain at the time was enamored by the heroism and chivalry of knights and were the subject of many Victorian paintings (above: Onward by John Gilbert (1890)).
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The animation shows L’Antica dueling giant metal suits of armor, reminiscent of the armor worn during the Medieval or Arthurian age of knights.
GO HERE FOR PART THREE (i hit picture limit)
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cryptidinspace · 1 year
Dangerous Waters, Ch 4
No vore in this chapter, sorry, just discussions of it ;-;
“Welcome, students, to Oceans United’s opening ceremony…year one.” The old merman on stage gave the restless crowd a lazy grin. He didn’t seem especially touched by his own school’s first year in business. Presumably, he was the guy in charge…he had a sash with “Principal” written on it. 
In the midst of the crowd, Sol gazed blankly into the ceiling. He was only halfway listening, and halfway mapping out the room in his head. Sea monsters had been seated in the back, mermaids on the right, and sirens on the left. On one side, a young siren with a strange hairdo picked at her nails. On his other, that worried teacher from their journey here was rubbing his eyes. Sol idly tried to recall his name, and gave up after a few seconds. 
None of this mattered, really. The reasoning behind the school’s creation, the confusing governments acts behind it all, the probably-false sob stories. Sol was only there for vengeance. If he could just send a spear through the culprit's heart…
In truth, there was almost no chance of them being here. But such thoughts had been buried at the very start of this venture. 
“-Enclosed in your welcome package, you’ll find our class schedule, as well as our rules of conduct-” That old fart was still talking. Out of sheer boredom, Sol opened the booklet. He had no intention to actually attend his classes, or sleep in the dorm rooms. The subjects looked pretty basic anyway…this place was certainly not meant to foster academic excellence. 
On the other side of the auditorium, Irridessed scowled at her booklet, brow twisted in confusion. Her heart was slowly sinking…this was not what she thought it was. Her parents had said it was a top institution, with a program that would help her climb government rankings. Why didn’t I look at it myself?! What kind of joke is this…. It was just the basic “core” classes, with a handful of clubs. This was lower quality than her middle school.
She turned to Lacey, shooting the merperson a furious look, and gestured at the booklet. Lacey shrugged helplessly, looking lost. “Lace, what did your mom say this school was for, again?” 
“Uh…” Lacey squinted, trying to recall the exact reason. Their mom wanted them to meet a nice boy at uni, and they had gone because they wanted to be with Irridesse. “....l-liberal arts?” 
Iridesse seemed to believe that, surprisingly. “There’s nothing on here. Everyone just has the same five classes, plus a bunch of random clubs. And they’re student lead.”  She looked up sharply at the sudden sound of half-hearted clapping. Was it over already? That was it? Even if her main goal was to terrorize sea monsters, academic failure was not to be tolerated. 
Lacey tapped her shoulder, looking worried. “Iridesse? Are you coming?” 
The girl blinked, before sighing. “Sorry, what’re we doing..?” 
“He said to go meet our counselors. They’re like, to help with Mer-related stuff, I think? I think we all just share one…” 
Yet another sign of mediocrity. They couldn’t even hire multiple merperson counselors. Her parents had always encouraged her to excel in schooling, even when her “grandiose delusions” spiraled out of control. They wouldn’t knowingly send her to a place like this. 
A few minutes later, the two of them were riding the currents through the dark waters, toward yet another stone building. “So.” Iridesse broke the silence, her voice no-nonsense as usual. “The sea monsters. I’m rooming with one, as it turns out. She called herself Magna, and-” Her face wrinkled in disgust, and Lacey shot her a sudden look of alarm. 
How do I even describe it? “She put me in her mouth.” Bluntly. “And then spit me out again.” Her earlier feelings of shame came flooding back, and she glared into the ground. Water rushed around them, filling the silence, while lantern fish bumbled by. “She…said it was a greeting. Maybe among sea monsters, those freaks, but obviously not me…obviously…” 
Lacey stared in shock, feeling petrified all over again. Their mind rushed back to Carcharious, and the sheer terror they felt just being near him. They couldn’t imagine what they would have felt if that giant had stuck them in his mouth…the thought was enough to make them feel queasy. Forcing themself to meet Iridesse’s eyes, their brows drew together tightly. “That's terrible…” Their voice was still shaky, and they swallowed hard. “Hey, do you think maybe this was a bad idea?” 
The current came to an end, and another set of doors opened. A simple meeting room, where twenty-or-so other Mers were already gathered. Just like the two of them, the others all looked shaken. One was openly crying in the corner, whispering something to herself. 
They’re all so weak. Iridesse’s fins twitched, and her hands tightened. I can’t show fear. Breaking away from Lacey, she darted up to the counselor's desk. A middle aged woman, with bright red hair, and emerald-green scales. Her makeup was flawless, and her gaze piercing. Unlike the younger Mers, she seemed calm, with an oddly upbeat smile. 
“Welcome, welcome, go ahead and grab some name tags!” She shoved pens and tags into their hands. “We’re all going to talk over some Mer-specific stuff, okay?” 
Her own name tag read “Coral Dulcette.” Such a prim name, for such an apparently prim woman. Iridesse didn’t know what to make of her, mustering a polite smile before backing off. 
Lacey hovered just behind, anxiously picking at something. “Can we talk about-”
They were cut off by the lights dimming. Coral swam up to the front, where a projection flickered to life on the stone wall. A collage of images, including a food chain illustration, an image of two differently-sized beings shaking hands, internal anatomy of a shark, and more. The woman grabbed a polished wooden pointer, and gently tapped the projection. “Alright, students. I’m Miss Coral Dulcette, but please, just call me Coral. I’m your counselor, and I’ll be guiding you through this new and thrilling experience. Specifically, as a Mermaid.” Her happy expression seemed to dim as she switched to the next slide; A cartoonish illustration of aquatic food chains, with a fish, shark, and plankton. “Let’s start with the elephant in the room.” 
In another, somewhat smaller room, siren students watched a similar projection. That same anxious teacher from before stood at the front; maybe Sol would finally learn his name. 
“Good evening, students. Now I’m sure you all are very tired, its been an exciting day for everyone.” There was a murmur of agreement. “We just need to get through this one presentation first-” His voice cracked, and his face flushed slightly. Sol, at the back of the group, sighed quietly. This stuttering moron didn’t look the least bit like a leader. Thankfully, Sol didn’t intend to ever speak with him again. 
“My name is Hermit Quin, Professor Quin is fine. I’ll be helping ya’ll with anything siren-related. First up, the school does *not* want you using hypnosis.” Several complaintive groans sounded, and Hermit gave them sympathetic looks. “I know, I know…” He tapped the wall, where an illustration of a siren lay sprawled on a rock. The classic “siren song” pose. Sol’s own song was rarely used…he didn’t have time to bother with hunting sailors. 
“You;ll have time on the weekends, if you want to leave campus on sing on the surface. But while you’re here, the school discourages speaking about hunting or hypnosis with Mermaids.”
At this, Sol leaned forward slightly. The others seemed uncomfortable as well, looking at each other uneasily. “Hey, hang on, Hermit?” He glanced over at the girl who spoke, a short siren with unusually bright scales  Her eyes were such an odd shape and color, hard to describe. 
The disgruntled teacher hesitated, before nodding to her. “Miss…De’Lune?”
“The whole point of this is to understand each other better, right? Isn’t this counterproductive? Shouldn’t they know more about us?” Sol slowly turned to look at her, arching one eyebrow. Interesting…she was outspoken. De’Lune…
The poor teacher clutched his pointer, eyes widening. “Well, uh, integration is difficult, right?”
De’Lune stared back at him. “Is it?” 
“Uh, well, yes,,,” Hermit looked away, still bashfully gripping the pointer. “We need to be courteous to Mermaids, and not disturb them with unpleasant siren business-”
“We aren’t unpleasant!” Someone else protested. “This is so dumb” 
Sol watched in silence, interested in spite of himself. Mermaids weren’t something he thought about often. They were common prey for Sea Monsters, but as far as he could tell, they didn’t have any way to fight back. They were known mostly for being pretty and liking humans. Were they afraid of sirens too? He’d heard rumors of sirens eating them, but he couldn’t imagine it being true. 
Hermit had his back against the wall now, fidgeting with a loose scale. “W-well, it’s just…the school…just, please don’t…” 
Sol looked over at the clock, blocking out Hermit’s stammering once again. When is this going to be over?
“When do you think they’re gonna show up?” Rosia whispered to Carcharious, her face looking pained. “I can’t decide if I wanna go right to sleep, or try setting up a party. But I’m not gonna get to do either if our counselor doesn’t show up!” She hovered over his shoulder, spinning in lazy circles. 
Their fellow sea monsters hung around awkwardly, waiting for someone to come in and order them around. Were the others all experiencing the same thing? What if they didn’t have a counselor? 
At the front of the room, Spike was talking in hushed tones with a few others. Arms folded, he looked at the door. “I say if he doesn’t show up in the next five minutes, we just go back to the dorms.” 
Everyone else murmured their agreements, and Rosia nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, thank god, I have so much to do!” 
Carcharious kept silent, noting how everyone seemed to hang on his words. Sea monsters tended to live close to each other, preferring a sense of community. Was it hard-wired into their brains, to follow a leader? Were they hard-wired to hunt, too? He thought about that merperson he had met already, so tiny and scared of him. Lacey. I wouldn’t hurt them. I’m not going to. 
The minutes ticked by. Rosia began swimming laps around his head, and he tracked her movements without thinking. “Do you really want to have a party already? We just got here.” 
“What, do you not like parties? I think it’s a good way to build comradery, and whatnot. Since that’s the whole reason we’re here, maybe I’ll even get extra credit!”
“Ooh…” He suddenly felt a lot more open to the idea. “I didn’t think of it like that!” 
“It’s been five minutes!” Spike suddenly announced, making Carcharious jump a little. “Let’s just leave. I bet there’s someone we can report the incident to.” 
“He’s a smart guy.” Rosia commented, as everyone filtered out the door. “It’s good to have a guy like him.” Carcharious nodded in agreement, sneaking a glance back at his new classmate. Short blonde hair, spiny ridges down his back, and golden-brown scales. “So…I’m gonna round up some friends and start setting up for a party.” *So she had decided to throw a party after all.* “You can come too, if you want! Or just explore, or whatever.” 
“Uh…Carcharious paused, gazing out into the dark ocean. Moonlight filtered down from far overhead, yet most of the school was lit only by soft lantern-light. He had to admit, he was curious. Especially when everyone else was occupied, it was the perfect time to explore. “I think I’ll look around, actually.” He gave Rosia a quick smile. “I’ll see you after.” 
She nodded and darted away, leaving Carcharious alone among the towering stone buildings. Even to him, this place was huge. For a moment, he imagined what it must look like through the eyes of his Mer roommate…he couldn’t wrap his mind around it. 
With a faint smile, he set off toward the main building. 
“As we all know, Sea Monsters are known for eating Merpeople.” 
Coral certainly got right to the point, Iridesse had to give her that. She felt the water ripple as Lacey shuddered silently beside her. What was it they were trying to say earlier…? She’d ask once this was over. 
“Many of you may be rooming with Sea Monsters during your time here.” Iridesse spotted Atlantic, nodding fervently as she spoke. “Luckily for you, I’ve done extensive research on the relationship between Sea Monsters and Merpeople. Despite being largely a predatory relationship, there have been cases of cooperation between the species. Vegetarian Sea Monsters, merpeople living with them for protection, and much more! This school is looking to foster more relationships like that. However, there is no denying the risk it presents.” 
She flipped to another slide, which showed the internal anatomy of a Sea Monster. “For your own protection, you should be informed about Sea Monsters. For instance, many have an instinctual ‘bite’ reflex. Anything swimming at high speed near their head may trigger hunting behaviors. So, stay away from the head region. Swim slowly and calmly, and remember to take deep breaths. In general, don’t get too physically close. Try to keep at a distance where both of you can see the other’s entire body.” 
The entire class had gone silent as she spoke. As if a sudden sense of despair had settled over them. It wasn’t until Iridesse heard a teacher talking about them like this, like she was prepping them for a natural disaster, that she felt a hint of that despair. Were they just lambs to the slaughter here? 
A hand suddenly grabbed her arm, and she almost slapped it away on reflex. But it was Lacey..they were shaking, sending tremors through the water, eyes wide. She wasn’t one for physical comfort, but…Iridesse scooted closer silently, wrapping her arm around the other’s waist. We can handle this.
“Of course, none of your classmates want to eat you. But you can make it easier for everyone by being aware of biology and instinct. You may find that your own instincts tell you to run and hide, but you’ll need to set that aside as well. For change to be made, you must have courage!” She sounded like something out of a storybook, even as twenty terrified students stared back at her. “Alright, uh-next up, what happens if you do find yourself in a dangerous situation with a Sea Monster.” 
Iridesse leaned forward slightly, listening intently. If Magna kept up this ridiculous behavior, it might just be important to know this. She didn’t hurt me, though. I was just a bit gooey. But she still could. “Now, all Sea Monster anatomy is different, due to their unique DNA makeup. Generally, however, most have a complex digestive system. Like us, most ingest food through the mouth. If you somehow find yourself in a Sea Monster’s mouth, the first thing you should do is find a secure spot. Placing yourself between the lower teeth and the inner lining of the cheek is your best bet-” 
Without warning, Atlantic suddenly shot up from his seat, teary-eyed. He was trembling, clearly at the end of his rope. Coral’s eyebrows furrowed, as she slowly lowered her pointer. “Mr Mura, are you-”
“I can’t do this anymore!” He screeched, his tail nervously whipping up a storm of bubbles. “Just admit it, we’re all gonna get killed out here! I’m going home, this has to be a mistake, my parents wouldn’t send me here!” Before Coral could grab him, he fled out of the room. 
Coral shook her head, sighing heavily. “Oh dear, uh…could someone please go fetch him?” The class remained silent, and she gestured at Iridesse. “Miss…Azraq. Could you please go find Mister Mura?” 
This would have been useful information… Maybe she could bother Coral for more information later. Nodding reluctantly, she swam to the door. Lacey watched her go in silence, eyes wide. Their hands twitched, wishing she was still beside them. But of course, she was charging off again, without a fear. Fear. Iridesse never felt fear. From the moment they first met, as tiny children, she was so reckless and so determined. And for better or for worse, Lacey always fell in her shadow. And now, they couldn’t shake the terror that gripped her. I should follow her. I should…but I can’t. 
Carcharious found himself in a vast auditorium, a massive stone globe, hung with vibrant banners and soft lights. His hands ran over the smooth walls, claws grating softly. Was this space for performances of some kind? He tried to imagine a play with mermaids and sirens and sea monsters all involved, and snorted out loud. It would be a logistical nightmare. 
He turned in a slow circle, wondering who built this place. To fit someone as big as him, plus all the other Sea Monsters, surely Sea Monsters had helped build it. But as far as he knew, this whole idea was set in motion by Mermaids. 
I wonder what backstage looks like… He brushed aside the curtain with one hand, gazing into a rather small space behind. It was cast in shadow, but he could spot various unused props and stage lights sitting around. Still curious, he wriggled forward, getting his head and shoulders into the backstage area. Rummaging through the piles of props, he grabbed a couch. Just like Lacey and Rosia’s furniture, it looked like a doll’s. They’re basically the size of dolls to me…Is it scary? Well, it must be scary, but…is it just the history of Sea Monsters, or something more? Sighing faintly, he tossed the couch away, letting it sink slowly back to the ground. 
He’d never seen merpeople or sirens before now. And he’d never really talked to Sea Monsters either, aside from his family. They lived in the vast pacific ocean, in a place so remote, that no humans or any other humanoid creature bothered to visit. But he’d read stories, and his curiosity only grew over the years. Now that he was here…he wished he could take it all back. He was too big, too unsightly, too…dangerous? 
Me? Dangerous? It sounded like such a joke. 
Are the rest of them dangerous? Spike, and Rosia…they both seemed friendly, and kind. But he had no idea why they were here. Perhaps…were the others right to be scared of them? But I’m not like that!
He flinched as something moved deeper in the backstage wing. It was pitch black, but he breathed in, and the scent of a merperson flowed over his tongue. Shit, i need to leave-* He braced his hands against the wooden floors, and began to push himself backwards out of the stage…only to halt as his hips were lodged in the stage’s entrance. You’ve got to be kidding me.
“Who's there?!” Charcarious froze as a young man’s voice rang out from the shadows. Fear, rich and oddly sweet, filled the water. How do I…why do I know that smell so well? Why’s it smell…good? Oh, gross- His lip curled, and he looked away. Of all the messed up things, he was not going to salivate over some poor man’s terror. There was a grunt, and a chair tumbled through the air, before lightly hitting Charcharious in the nose.He swatted it away, looking around nervously. “I don’t want to hurt you.” His voice was a low rumble, attempting to sound comforting. “I-I mean, I’m not going to hurt you.” His tail trashed, trying in vain to get him unstuck from this cramped stage. “My tail’s stuck…” 
There was a long moment of silence, in which Carcharious could only hear the frantic pounding of a miniature heart. Finally, someone crept out of the dark, edging closer. The light was still awfully dim, but he could see flowing blonde hair, and a tail that was blue like sapphires. He blinked slowly, momentarily entranced by the color, before a sharp voice drew his eyes upward. 
“W-what the the hell are you looking at, Sea Monster?!” The man’s voice was tremulous, and he was literally clutching his pearls. Two delicate strands, draped around his shoulders. Layered over a see-through shirt,..it was genuine jellyfish-leather, from the look of it. His amber eyes were wide, betraying his bold words…as well as the prop swords clutched in his shaking hands. 
“Please…don’t hit me with that. Um, I’m sorry…” He averted his gaze, before giving himself another slight shove. The stage creaked around his waist, and he winced. If possible, he didn’t want to break the entire theater on day one. “Uh…” This was exactly why he wanted to leave. All his goals for understanding…but he couldn’t stand the fear in their eyes when they looked at him. But you literally can’t leave right now. So… “Um. What’s your name?” He offered a wobbly smile at the merman, who just backed away. 
And yet…his makeshift weapon lowered slightly. The fear in his face seemed to fade, if only the tiniest bit. “You’re only asking that to lure me in, or something. Because you can’t reach me from here, because your fat ass got stuck!” 
“Hey! Don’t…that’s not even…” Every retort he could think of faltered on his lips, and he sighed. He definitely could reach the guy, he still had hands, which were now tucked awkwardly beneath his chest, as far away from the mer as they could get. “That’s kind of rude. I’m just making conversation.”
Another painful silence stretched between them, and the mer glanced over his shoulder. “The door’s stuck.” He mumbled. “I think something fell behind it, and I can’t get it open. So we’re both stuck.” Every word out of his mouth seemed to be said with great reluctance. “I’m Atlantic.” Carcharias let out a soft, relieved sigh. Even just having a name made this whole encounter less horrible. “I’m Carcharias.” 
“Car…charias?” Atlantic arched one eyebrow folding his arms. “ Like…car-nivorous?” “Um, well, it’s the scientific name for sand sharks…” He paused for a moment, then frowned. He’d never actually thought about the meaning of his name. But his parents were like him, peace loving vegetarians, isolated in an empty ocean. It didn’t make any sense for them to name him after such a thing. “I guess so…but I’m actually a vegetarian.” 
At this, Atlantic scoffed, and dramatically flung his blade to the ground. “Preposterous! Another lie. Our counselor told us all about your kind. Predatory instincts…biting reflexes…and you can’t survive without  meat.” He hesitated, then sighed. “I didn’t hear all of it, though.” 
“Well, not me. I’m fine, clearly. Wait, you guys have a counselor?” He leaned closer, and Atlantic bristled, darting backwards. “Keep your distance. And yeah, didn’t you hear that old fart a couple hours ago? He said we all had to see our counselors. Except ours is clearly insane.” Carcharias tilted his head, listening intently. “She told us, practically in the same breath, that Sea Monsters could eat us without even meaning to, and that we can be friends with them. I don’t devour my friends! I don’t make friends with people that could swallow me whole whenever they feel a bit peckish!” His tail trashed, and his face grew red. A new scent wafted from him, something savory. Damn my nose…
“I mean…I wouldn’t eat you..” Carcharias mumbled, looking at the ground once more. 
“Oh, but you would. Miss Dulcette said you couldn’t even help it.” Atlantic sank downward, his tail coiling on the dusty floors. “If you touch them, swim too close to their head, move around too much, turn your back…basically do *anything,* they can’t help but snap you up.” He chuckled dryly. “I’m fucking irresistable.” 
“Well, she’s wrong.” Carcharias grumbled, shaking his head. “I don’t know about the others. But I have more self control than that…and I’m not tempted to eat you anyway.” He smells good, but… “I would never.” 
“You…look honest.” Atlantic murmured after a moment. “You don’t want to eat me. For now.” His anger turned to sadness, and that scent faded away. Oddly enough, nothing seemed to come from him now. “Which…I guess…I can appreciate.” Carcharias smiled suddenly, and Atlantic shot him a glare. “Stop that.” 
Charcharious looked away, still smiling. This was quite an unexpected development. Despite everything…he had actually made a friend out of a merperson. Or, if not quite a friend, something a little bit positive, at the very least. Maybe…maybe I could stay.
“Hey…” Atlantic glanced down at his arms, as if suddenly noticing that the sea monster’s hands were completely free. “Have your hands been there the whole time?”
“Mmmhm.” Charcharious chuckled. “But I didn’t want to alarm you.” 
Atlantic scowled and folded his arms, but apparently didn’t have any more complaints at the ready. “Okay..well, I’ve got an idea. To get both of us out of here.” He turned and pointed at a massive door in the back, mostly hidden by spare curtains. “There’s stuff blocking it, but you can probably push it open.” He backed away, with a hint of nervousness still present in his face. 
He’s trusting me not to hurt him. Charcharious swallowed nervously, before nodding. He dragged himself forward, scales and shark-like fins scraping along the ceiling. He could feel Atlantic’s eyes on him, and his face reddened. What could he be thinking? Clawed hands reached out, pressing into the door in front of him. With ease, like toppling a tower of blocks, the doors swung open. Stale water billowed into the room, making him cough a little. “Well. I guess your behemoth size is good for something.” Atlantic grumbled, although Carcharias could swear he saw a smile on the man’s face. 
With a final grunt of effort, the Sea Monster heaved himself forward, jetting through the open doors. Water rushed around him, stirring up bubbles. Atlantic darted out just beneath him, almost brushing his rust-red fins. Carcharias looked down at him in surprise. The two were finally out…into a massive classroom. Atlantic had gotten so close, apparently in too much of a hurry to notice. The mermaid sighed loudly, swimming up further, and stretching his fins. Carcharias found he couldn’t move, frozen in place, looming over his new friend. “U-um, Atlantic-” “Wait. Do you smell that?” Atlantic sniffed loudly, folding his arms. “And…is it just me or is the water kind of murky in…in here…” He slowly looked up, eyes stretching wide at the sight of Carcharias’s face inches away from his own tiny body. “What’re you-?!” 
But before Carcharias could hear him finish, before he could back away with a thousand apologies, the world started to dim unnaturally. He squinted as everything became a blur, and Atlantic’s voice became distorted beyond recognition. He was tired…so tired…his body felt so heavy, and he was suddenly too tired to even speak. “Wha…”
And the world went black. 
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
Yes this is mer blue moons pups.
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Two of them are based on the fact that in normal RBB, he is made of a lunar and a blood moon. The last one is just someone I made up.
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You have red moon. (Who is the Blood Moon representative in RBB) He based on a gulper eel. Which gives him an uncharacteristic ear to ear grin. He also is the craziest about eating other mer. Mostly unable to control himself around others especially if they are bleeding. Lives mostly in the deep sea. Not enjoying the light.
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You have what is essentially Sun copy (RBB lunar) but we are going to call him false star. False star is the only one of the three that did not gain the gene that makes other Mers seem delectable. He still has to eat an egregious amount of food but mers are only on his menu in desperation. He also is the kindest. Trying to keep his siblings out of trouble. Based on a moray eel.
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Then you have angular. Referencing to an eclipse where it does not go total. She acts mostly like Blue Moon. Sharing a lot of his traits. Able to mentally grow out of mer eating but at this age she's still pretty ignorant to the standard social acceptance of that sort of thing. Is based on the same species Blue Moon is but more focused on the seahorse and leafy sea dragon traits.
The more dca designs are of course based on @artoutoftheblue mer designs. But here are my beast ones down below.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 11 months
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*Warning Adult Content*
For several heartbeats, no one moves as the Queen of Thassos rises slowly from below, like some Angel of the Sea, her long hair and delicate fins catching the light from above.
Natalis and her guards remain frozen with shock and only Shanti continues to move, her long coils undulating as she maintains her position at my side.
Most eyes are on the Queen but Skylar West's are on his mate, Martin Hunter.
Spurred by concern for him, Skylar breaks free of the hold his mother's voice has on him and approaches.
"Mother. Do you know me?"
She looks up, locking star-bright eyes with his.
"Yes, Scyllian, I know you, as I know my daughters, sweet Anemone and Natalis, whose ambitions have gotten the better of her, it seems"
As she speaks, Natalis' guards regroup and look on in awe.
Other mer-folk approach as well, drawn by the commotion and spectacle.
The shockwaves of Skylar's mother's awakening were likely felt across the whole of Thassos.
"You have done well, Scyllian," his mother says.
"You brought me a pure heart, one who gives himself willingly to the sea."
She looks down on Martin's face, the stillness of which makes Skylar's own heart seize with dread and smiles sadly.
"Please," he says, moving a little closer and reaching towards Martin.
"He gave everything to free you. You must help him now."
She inclines her head.
"I will do what I can but first there is another matter to attend."
As she speaks, her gaze shifts to something behind and above Skylar, who turns to see the unholy simulacrum of his father drawing nigh, no doubt summoned by its master.
He wears the full, regal armor of his rank and cuts an impressive and imposing figure.
The other mer-folk fall back before him and Skylar has to give Natalis credit where it's due.
She had created his likeness so true to life that it had fooled him completely the first time he encountered him.
Now, confronted with the mockery of a noble man, condemned by malice and folly to an ignoble end, his heart constricts with guilt and as he glances back at his mother, Skylar sees her face marked by pain.
"It isn't him," he says quietly.
"I know," she whispers.
Taking advantage of our momentary distraction, Natalis makes a last, desperate attempt to salvage her swiftly sinking plans.
"Do not believe your eyes," she commands, putting enough power in her voice to make it ring in Skylar's ears.
"The traitor has created a blasphemous illusion in the image of our Queen. Destroy him and his false servants."
She raises her spear and casts it at the center of her brother's chest.
Skylar's mother raises one hand, still supporting Martin with the other and flicks her wrist almost casually, as if batting aside a troublesome fly.
The spear veers to the side, pushed by the force of water like an airborne missile nudged off course by a gust of wind and passes his harmlessly before sinking out of sight.
His mother bows her head.
"So may all deceptions fall away."
Once again, she waves her hand and as all magic in the sea is her magic, Natalis' spells come undone.
Skylar's father's simulacrum disintegrates, his hair turning back into the seaweed from which it was made, his armor and clothing falling away as audible gasps and cries of dismay rise from the gathered crowd.
At last, the shape loses cohesion and the thing at the heart of the dark spell tumbles free.
Skylar's father's skull sinks, the white bone flashing in the sunlit blue water, eyeless sockets turned to the sky.
Anemone swims after it, having recovered from her battle with Natalis and catches it bravely in her outstretched hands.
Spear or not, a pain lances Skylar's chest, their father died dishonored, his remains were desecrated and he will always carry guilt for his part in it.
That can't be undone or put right but he makes himself a promise that his father's memory will be honored, henceforth.
Meanwhile, as shock and horror ripple through the gathering, more and more eyes turn to Natalis, as the significance of this revelation dawns.
For her part, she appears unrepentant and turns to her brother with an expression of deep and abiding hatred.
"You think you're so much better than I?" she asks. "You did nothing to earn father's love. He gave it to you anyway, his precious firstborn son."
She sneers at him.
"I was always at his side. I was his protégé. I fought my way through the ranks, I earned my place fair and square. And yet it was you he praised. Scyllian and his art. How talented," she scoffs. "He loved you and you barely spared him the time of day. I loved him and he barely acknowledged I existed, much less listened to my advice. I worked hard for what he gave you for free. I wanted what you took for granted. But when I brought my ideas to him, to take the power from the throne, separate what protects us from what makes us strong, strengthen our ties to our realm while keeping our people safe, he dismissed me as if I were a prattling child. So, yes, I betrayed him but you broke his heart. You turned him in without a second thought. So, which of us is really worse, brother?"
"Well, to be fair, I didn't kill him," I say. "Or retrieve his bones and turn him into a puppet."
He makes himself a mental note that if he ends up forced to take the throne, his first decree will be to send everyone to the surface for therapy.
"No. But you're the reason he's dead."
"And you're the reason I'll never have the chance to set things right."
My mother sighs.
"How long has it been, Scyllian? How long was I a captive of my own short-sightedness?"
"Many years, Mother," he says.
"And yet the two of you still bicker as children. Come... this one is out of time," she says, looking down at Martin's limp form. "And I must ponder the meaning and measure of justice."
She looks to the guards.
"Do you recognize your queen?"
Bowing their heads, they speak in unison.
"Your majesty."
"Secure my daughter. Listen to nothing she may say. You are immune to her words. Do you understand?"
They nod.
"Yes, your majesty."
As they move towards her, however, Natalis backs away, shaking her head.
"No... No, I won't surrender. I refuse to bow before everything I despise. I won't."
She pulls something from a recess of her armor and Skylar recognizes a weapon he thought only existed in legend.
It's small, resembling a sea-urchin in both shape and size but if it's what I think it is, it packs a punch that would put the most powerful naval mines to shame. If it goes off, it will kill them all.
Wild-eyed, Natalis raises it overhead.
Amid the shouts of alarm and attempts to flee, Skylar turns aside in a vain hope of shielding his mother and Martin from the blast.
Before he can do anything, however, a blur of motion disrupts the water in a froth of bubbles and something rushes by so fast Skylar is cast aside, caught in a vortex swirl.
Righting himself, he discovers he's uninjured.
Natalis, however, is gone.
Or rather, he just glimpses the end of her tail as it disappears inside Shanti's enormous snake's jaws.
The other mer-folk have backed off to a safe distance but Skylar's mother stays at his side as Shanti rejoins them.
"Did you... did you just eat her?" he asks.
Shanti's serpent's tongue, as long as my arm, flicks forth and her voice reverberates in the water.
'No. I merely sent her to another realm.'
"Is that different from killing her?"
Shanti inclines her spade-shaped head.
'It depends on your perspective but I like to think that the balance of Karma or as you might say, her fate, will take her where she needs to go. Perhaps you will see her again someday, perhaps you will not.'
"I'm not complaining but I thought your kind was against direct action."
'We abstain from judgment, from reaction and yes, from action but only when the harm resulting from such judgment, reaction or action is unclear. Nonaction is often the best way to avoid harm but not always. Sometimes, action is called for. This was one of those times.'
Skylar rests a hand on the jeweled scales between her wide snake's eyes.
"Thank you, Shanti. It is fortunate we have made your acquaintance, I think."
'My interest is perhaps too personal, she says. After reconnecting with my cousin, I have formed strong ties with this realm and those whom my cousin cares for, I have come to care for, as well.'
Her attention moves to Martin and at last, Skylar gives his mate his full attention, though he fears what he will see.
The Queen of the Sea's hair covers Martin as a shroud.
The fragmented light, cut by the prism of the waves, plays upon his face and his features hold the timeless beauty of art and the marbled stillness of death.
Despair closes its fist around Skylar's heart but his mother rests a more comforting hand on his arm.
"He lives, Scyllian," she says. "The sea has accepted his sacrifice and in return it has given its grace. But now his life hangs by a thread and you must make a choice."
"What choice?" he shakes his head. "I gave myself to the sea. I can never leave it now."
She meets her son's eyes and he sees the power of the whole ocean looking back at him.
"You are as much your father's son as you are mine," she says.
"You are of the land as much as you are of the sea. I could not give my heart to the land, so my love gave his to the sea, he gave himself willingly, completely and for a time we were happy. But as the years passed, the weight of duty outweighed the wisdom of my heart, until when my son accused his own father of treachery, I did not see through the deception in time to discover its root."
She turns her gaze on Martin, cradled like a child in her arms.
"My heart is broken, Scyllian and I am no longer fit to rule. Meanwhile, your own love lies at the mercy of the tides. Only you can decide your own heart's fate. Accept his sacrifice and grant him the gift of the sea, as I did your father, make him your consort and ascend the throne. Or let him go, give up what the sea has given you, release him and let the sea take back its own."
Two futures rise before him, one where Skylar is Lord of the Deep, King beneath the Waves, with this beautiful man ruling at his side and another...
Four pairs of bright eyes and four little smiles flash in his mind and the choice is made.
"Will he remember me?" he asks, meeting his mother's eyes.
She smiles.
"That, my son, is entirely up to you."
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sparrolina · 3 days
The Stars and the Sky Lore Guide
(This is new and in progress!)
Foreword: After getting into too much trouble with the Elders (again), Sun, Moon and Celeste have been asked to help some newcomers get settled into the Reef.
Sun took charge before Moon got the chance to. So it was decided that they would create a collection of documents, musings and personal stories. Which would (hopefully) help the visitors to better understand the Reef’s community and their culture.
It’s a monumental task. So to make this experience easier for the poor souls placed in their care, High Overlord Sun (Moon and Celeste’s words, not mine) announced that the information would be split into categories. Allowing the newcomers to choose what they wanted to learn, whenever they wanted to learn it.
All they need to do is pick their guide, and then the trio will teach them everything they know. There’s no way that this can go wrong!
Categories and Masterlists
Celeste's Guides
Celeste knows that settling into the Reef is no small task. So here's a few guides, tips and some general information to help you get started! She knows all the best places to find food and shinies, so she'll be more than happy to show you around.
Sun's very helpful advice
Everyone knows that Sun wants to be a respected member of the Reef's community. But he’s also known for his love of playing games too! If you want to know the most popular games being played in the Meadows, the best ways to enjoy some quiet time, or the latest trends in interior design, then he’s your guy! He's also become very interested in art lately, so if you're lucky he might give you some tips.
Moon's lessons on good behaviour
This one's for all the troublemakers out there! With Moon as your guide, you can learn all about the best ways to cause a bit of mischief in the Reef. Don't worry if you get in trouble, he's got a few helpful ideas on how you can get out of it again.*
Michael's Research Notes
Have you ever wanted to learn more about the Fazbear Aquarium? Or maybe you're curious about Sun and Moon's old life there? If the answer is yes then you're in luck, because here you can find a collection of reports, diary entries, emails and other important documents. All of which have been stolen from kindly prepared by the head caretaker of Fazbear’s Celestial Mer: Michael Afton!
* NOTE: There is no guarantee that you can get out of trouble when using these methods. There are some Mer (Like SUN) who believe that Moon is ridiculously lucky. So his promises are just false advertising and another scheme that he has planned.
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ao3feed-ds9 · 5 months
https://ift.tt/FCyGfLN by TigerPrawn Garak makes Julian a merman costume, with a surprising addition. NOTE: I'm really sorry to all the guests who enjoy and comment on my works, but due to the ongoing threat of theft and plagiarism by AI tech, I have made the decision to lock all my works. THIS WORK WILL REMAIN UNLOCKED FOR ONE WEEK. Words: 2239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 8 of Star Trek Fics/Crossovers/AUs, Part 3 of Garashir - Trans Julian, Part 53 of Non Cis Fics Fandoms: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Julian Bashir, Elim Garak Relationships: Julian Bashir/Elim Garak Additional Tags: Trans Julian Bashir, Trans Character, Trans Male Character, Mer Anatomy, MerMay, MerMay 2024, merman costume, Established Relationship, false emergency, costume fitting, Semi-Public Sex, Fingering, front hole penetration, Squirting, Prompt Fill, this might be crack?, do not copy to another site, Podfic Welcome
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steviesmarigold · 2 years
M’s Week on AO3
First Reads
A Breath Beneath: 18k words
Bucky is a lot of things. He's a strong swimmer. He's got a good eye for treasure. His song has been known to lure in the toughest sailors.
Right now, though, Bucky is in pain.
A reimagining of the helicarrier scene in which mer!Bucky saves Steve and for the first time in a long time, everything falls into place for them both.
As long as they can survive a little adventure first, of course.
re(dis)covery: 7k words
Wherein Bucky Barnes, SHIELD operative, discovers he has feelings for the nurse down in medbay and rediscovers a few more things about himself along the way.
Ollie Meets Bagel: 5.5k words
He was a skater boy, Steve said let's get bagels, boy.
Steve wants to start doing this twenty-first century thing properly. He gets help in the form of skateboarding, skateboarders, bagels, and Sam Wilson.
Anywhere the Wind Blows: 8.8k words
After a catastrophic fire that shakes him to his core, Steve Rogers quits his job as a Brooklyn firefighter and relocates to a cabin in the remote Canadian wilderness, wanting quiet and solitude and to maybe never have to speak to another human being ever again. He gets his wish, more or less, until a recently injured Bucky Barnes is discharged from the Army and rents the cabin next door.
Hungry for the Reckoning: 11k words
After the conflict of the Sokovia Accords, Bucky Barnes falls reclused by the FBI.
It's only a matter of time until Steve Rogers, formerly known as Captain America, breaks into the facility to get his long-life friend out of there.
There is a hell of a lot more running to do, and Bucky can't stop conjuring all sorts of garden-like flowers every time he feels afraid.
Only Steve is a medium and can see that there are not only federal agents haunting after them.
be kind, rewind: 14k words *WIP*
It’s 1994 and Bucky Barnes is stuck in a dead-end job at Blockbuster trying to figure his life out. Until a recently unfrozen Steve Rogers walks through the door and asks him for film recommendations.
How Buzzfeed Helped Bucky Barnes Get A Boyfriend: 35k words
In which Bucky Barnes, Iraq war veteran and bicycle enthusiast, streams Overwatch on the side for fun under the handle President15, and one day his friend-of-a-friend FalconKnight introduces a new player to the crew, THECapRogers. It would be totally absurd for the actual Captain America to hang out in his stream and argue about baseball, right? ...right?
Kiss me and take off your clothes: 9.9k words
Steve Rogers is dared to send a dick pic to a blog which critiques dick pics (run by none other than Bucky Barnes). Hilarity ensues.
progressively bigger keys
“A very little key will open a very heavy door.”
― Charles Dickens, Hunted Down
Steve and Bucky, it appears, have less need for a key and more use for a battering ram in trying to come out of the closet.
(The one where Steve tries to do one thing (one thing!) without causing a national ruckus, but the press are determined to see Bucky as Steve's best friend. And nothing more.)
Catfish: 28k words
Catfish /ˈkatˌfiSH/ - A catfish is someone who pretends to be someone they're not using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances.
Steve Rogers is a famous movie star, known for his role as Captain America. Bucky Barnes is a bored law student who drinks too much wine. Bucky gets on match.com to boost his confidence. What he doesn't expect is a guy using Steve Rogers' pictures on a dating profile. Bucky decides to mess with the guy. After all, what idiot uses Steve Rogers' pictures on a dating site?
Not like it's really him, right? Bucky may need more wine.
Breathe Underwater: 8.1k words
“He’s had it tough,” Steve forced himself to say. “Stuff like that changes you. I think – I think for him I’m just a bad memory now.” It was gutting to say out loud. It was Wednesday and Steve was miserable.
Natasha studied Steve for a moment, the way she studied a tactical mission. Finally she shook her head. “That sucks.”
It was Wednesday and Steve was blindsided by how much he appreciated Natasha Romanoff’s friendship.
That Ass (Property of James Barnes): 6k words
Bucky Barnes, world's biggest troll.
Five times Bucky traumatized the future with overshare about Steve's ass and the one time someone wasn't phased.
The Winter Soldier vs. Twitter (hashtag BuckRogers): 4.6k words
“Remember what I said about internet trolls?”
“Don’t feed the trolls.”
“Exactly. Did I not say the same thing to Barnes?” Tony asked rhetorically. “Were those not my exact words? I could have sworn they were, and yet.”
“Bucky’s feeding the trolls?”
“He’s throwing a goddamn seven-course troll banquet. Every time someone on Twitter asks if your relationship announcement is real, he replies. Colorfully.”
Steve opened his mouth to ask what “colorfully” meant, then caught the gleam in Tony’s eye and put two and two together. He blushed. Colorfully. “Oh.”
(Steve and Bucky announce their relationship in a very dignified press conference. Bucky then replies to every goddamn tweet asking him to confirm it with a different dirty euphemism. Things escalate from there.)
The Wedding Planner(‘s Assistant): 40k words
Bucky Barnes is in a bit of a conundrum.
For example, on the one hand, he’s the former extremely polished, brutally efficient, and impressively ruthless brainwashed weapon of mass murder for the secret Nazi arm of the United States government.
On the other hand, he has an uncontrollable crush on the cute blond wedding planner who lives next door.
What do you do when HYDRA agents keep climbing through your window and the Avengers can’t seem to leave you the fuck alone? Volunteer to help with wedding planning, he guesses.
This won’t be difficult to balance at all.
Taxi: 5.1k words
Bucky Barnes was, he hoped, a good taxi driver.
He's so good, he actually tries to return lost property that ends up left in his car and... well. It has some unexpected consequences involving a National Icon.
Enough said.
To Believe in Tomorrow: 3.9k words
Bucky's mornings at the community garden get a little more interesting when the new guy shows up.
The Envelopes: 2.4k words
No one said anything about how love is shown in any ways. Hospital rooms, love letters, and kisses ensue; but not necessarily in that order.
Or, Winter Soldier Bucky crushes over SHEILD agent Steve
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meiusoo-twistedtwst · 2 years
[Twisted Wonderland Theory] Titan Battle Pairs
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(Image snipped from Kimiko Ch. on YouTube)
Pomefiore Trio + MC:
Rook probably used that huddle with everyone to cast his unique magic on them, so it'll be easier for them to reunite later on.
Vil had to play the game Star Rouge: Road to Hero. They will be fighting the Earth Titan there. So maybe the fight will be similar to the game, and they'll have to fight with like those high-tech spaceships in those arcade alien spaceship shooting games?
Leona + Jamil:
Leona played the Counterattack of the Hydra. So, him and Jamil will probably have to fight the Ice/Crystal Titan like one of those carnival games where the target pops out of a hole, but you can't hit the false puppet/wrong target.
Riddle + Azul:
They both played Legend of the Underworld. So, they will probably be on a boat paddling down a river, and they'll have to avoid obstacles or even teasing attacks from the flame/magma Titan itself. Azul might get really desperate and turn into his natural octopus mer form too!!
I'm listening to C-pop right now. It's highly recommended!
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