#mer jonathan
helpimhyperfixating · 8 months
Would merman Jonathan be in the mer! AU?
He actually already is 👀
I’ve talked about him before but never much in detail.
Jonathan absolutely is in the Mer au. He was the pod patriarch before Joseph - and George (sr.) was the patriarch before him.
Because Mer live longer than us humans, Jonathan was around long enough to see Joseph grow up strong enough to become patriarch.
However, a Mer’s lifespan is around 120-130 years. So, while longer than a human, not insanely so.
I don’t talk about him much because usually, by the time Jotaro is adult enough to go search for romance (which I mainly write about) Jonathan is gone.
Either that, or he is living out his retirement in his grotto.
When they get older, Mer get a lot more sluggish and inactive, usually staying within the inner rings of the pod territory.
Most movement he gets is when the pod goes sunbathing.
If not by appearance - because they’re too far away - that’s how researchers can tell which member is younger or older, given the old/senior Mer tend to stay closer to the shore of the beach when basking.
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farfaras · 1 year
Okay but what about fake dating AU but NOT the way you think. Hear me out okay.
Steve being tired of Dustin telling him over and over to ask out Robin bc they’re obviously in love. Steve has enough and says the only thing that he thinks will get Dustin off his back.
“That’s not true!”
“I have a boyfriend!”
Jonathan is chill and agrees to fake date. They tell the party they’re dating. Steve has a gay awakening. But Jonathan is not his type really. Realizes he likes metal heads when he and Eddie bond about being queer. Eddie Munson is incredibly jealous. ‘HES ACTUALLY GAY BUT TAKEN KILL ME NOW’ Eddie and Jonathan almost get into a fight. Chaos, man, chaos.
First part now > here < !!
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mlim8 · 5 months
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May 1st, 2024 - HAPPY MERMAY!!!!!
I've had this ready for a while lmao just really wanted to draw mers 😌🧜‍♂️ - Enjoy a widdle Jon that decided to go snorkeling and made eye contact with something... a little bigger than a fish lol
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acrylcii · 2 months
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jonmartin mer au <3
martin is a seal merperson and jon is a marine biologist and is also a total nerd
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impyssadobsessions · 2 months
WWT Mer Edition Doodles !
Here's my Collection of doodles from Haunting Heroes Discord event Who Wrote That? Mer Edition. I drew doodles of everyone's fics >w< Probably will break these down in separate posts. But I will go back and add links to this post <3 there was like 22 fics XD Also slight spoilers ahead. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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This one has batfamily entirely different types of mers. So many descriptions in a fun fluffy way.
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I love the description of Danny in this one >w< And the cute flirting between Kaldur and Danny <3
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This one was so bittersweet- I love it ;w; Two creatures of sky and ocean and neither can really be with each other except on the shore <3
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This one is so interesting! Changing Amity to shore/island like city. Ghosts being sirens instead- just such a good switch up. Its refreshing! Love all the detection work.
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I love the interactions in this one XD Danny's disbelief that crying is not him just dying. Kind of wished I done a more detailed doodle ;w; but still <3 And it has a happy ending ;w; Demon twins back together even if Danny still works for Vlad XD just very nice <3
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This one is short and funny- though also like Noooo don't flush the baby mans!!! XD
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This one is so cute. Danny/Tim >w< Tim just enamored <3 Its sweet, just a tale of them growing closer despite Danny being stuck in a tank and Tim being a biologist. <3
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This was so sweet at the end. Jason in fight mode the whole time and then gets family he needs >w< <3 Also the mers are tiny in this one.
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The only fic where Jazz was not doing so hot! Jazz became human and then ill- So Danny doing whatever he can to help her. ;w; Its a bit ambiguous as her fate- but I still enjoyed the oh shit realization XD <3
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Cujo is a shark pup in this one >w< He found Danny's twin. This was so cute- don't be too put off by the uwu language- the second chapter is the same story just not with the uwu language XD I had to read that version. Dialogue still in uwu <3
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isthisloss · 1 month
HELP i'm remembering some time ago i saw fanart of jon and tim as mermen and i lost it!! if anyone knows what i'm talking about please send a link, i am so desparate 🙏🙏
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peapodsinspace · 4 months
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[Image ID in alt text]
here another drawing on my computer! i messed with the brush settings and it looks really bad quality on my phone so if its pixilated badly im sorry :,[
this is for my mermaid jonathan au :] its been living rent free in my head recently so i drew a comic cover inspired piece!
anyway, enjoy!
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piscesboar25 · 1 month
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I was possessed by the idea of Mer!Jon and an hour and a half of brainrot, and here it is. Jon is absolutely amazed to be in close proximity of an actual human. Martin is stunned, but mostly he's drowning.
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starsinger · 4 months
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Been working on this off and on all month.
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earthbovndmisfit · 1 year
can you draw merman jonawagon except jonathan is the human and speedwagon is the merman
Looks like this morning's catch was pretty good~~ 🎣
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Yes, that's Jonathan's hat (or should I say ''that was Jonathan's hat''? 🤭)
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mxmooniper · 11 months
Martin wrapped the dazed man in his coat and lifted him into a bridal carry, hugging Jon to his chest in hopes of warming him up.
He wondered at how light and small he was. Martin remembered the force with which Jon had pulled him through the water; his larger than life, looming presence at dawn on the beach.
Now he was just a frail, too cold bundle of limbs in Martin’s arms, bare legs cramping with painful looking spasms. Beside his shallow, straining breath, he had not made a sound.
There was something very wrong with the man who had saved his life.
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hell-heron · 1 year
Jack, Quincey and Arthur met in university doing several fieldwork biology projects together which involved a lot of Restraining and Tagging Large Dangerous Beasts. Quincey obviously is the bat expert. He refuses to accept any method of interaction with animals that progressed a little past Steve Irwin times. Arthur I'm thinking didn't stay in academia and is more working in environmental science education and outreach in England, esp as he comes from the sort of money/class that tends to spearhead charities. His pet cause is eco-friendly methods of pest control to combat the spread of poisons up the food chain to foxes and birds of prey and he re-trains rescue hunting dogs for the purpose. Jack is still a psychiatrist, he probably has a personal interest in mental illness that leads him to that despite his unsuited personality, he got involved with the other two pursuing research on potential applications of snake venom to psychiatric medication (its mostly used for anticoagulants cancer and neurodegenerative disease). Hey maybe thats what he was sucking out of Van Helsing too, not that you're supposed to do that but I doubt sucking gangrene out of someone is a thing either. He is in contact with Renfield in the context of him being a volunteer in a legal, licensed testing campaign and its really his first time working in contact with patients. They're still all a little Mal Practice but to an ethically bearable extent.
Jonno's still a lawyer lmao
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farfaras · 1 year
First part to this prompt I posted the other day. This is gonna be eventual steddie (sorry, stonathan) and I’m really excited. Title from the song ‘nonsense’ by Sabrina Carpenter.
I think I got an ex but I forgot him
Part 1. (You’re here)
Part 2.
If he heard the words: Robin and in love, in the same sentence, with the melodious voice of one Dustin Henderson, one more time. Steve was sure he was gonna lose it.
Listen, he understands where he’s coming from. The kid just wants him to be happy. But he is! Dustin just doesn’t seem to get that. Happiness doesn’t only come in the form of a relationship. His teenage brain can’t comprehend that fact just yet. He wishes he did though, because he’s absolutely insufferable about getting Steve and Robin together.
No excuse or explanation he gives is good enough. Dustin still insists that he needs to try, that this is his chance at true love. Robin is kind of the love of his life, sure, but the platonic love of his life. His best friend, his soulmate, sister from another mister. All that jazz. Dustin doesn’t buy it though.
And Steve’s tried everything! He even told Dustin about that time in starcourt when they were high off his asses. Told him that he confessed his crush to Robin but that she rejected him, and that they were best friends now and nothing else. He obviously left out the part where Robin came out to him. He’s never gonna reveal Robin’s secret to anyone. The only answer he got was that “It doesn’t even matter now! Things could’ve changed! You never know.” Steve knew. He knew that he would never be into his best friend like that, and she would never be into him. Apparently they were the only ones who knew that.
Because of all the fuss Dustin was constantly making, other people started giving their input. Thanks Dustin. They didn’t get it either, didn’t believe they were just Platonic with a capital P. They made sure they knew it too, the whole party, Nancy, Jonathan, Eddie. Not Argyle, he said that the energy between Steve and Robin was intense but completely friendly, almost like they were twins. Steve liked Argyle. Of course he had to be miles away.
Most of their friends dropped the subject after the second time Steve or Robin explained the nature of their relationship. Even if they weren’t convinced, they didn’t push. Except for one person. Yep. Dustin.
Who was currently harassing Steve at his job. He didn’t know what else to tell him. If family video wasn’t empty he would just ignore him to do his job but there was nothing to do. He couldn’t even sweep or anything because everything was already done.
“Okay well! There must be a good reason why you guys haven’t gotten together!” Dustin exclaimed. He is so fucking stubborn.
“I already told you, Henderson. We’re. Just. Friends.” He knew it wasn’t gonna do anything. It was just a routine at this point.
Dustin’s expression changed to determination. “Nuh uh. There’s a reason there. And I’m gonna find out!” Shit. Could Dustin figure out Robin? He doesn’t think so. But he’s starting to panic. What if he finds out? Robin doesn’t deserve that. He’d feel like it was his fault, and everything would go to shit.
“Okay! Okay! There is a reason.”
“I knew it! You have to tell me.” Dustin demanded. Well, Steve hasn’t thought that much ahead. He needs to come up with something and he needs to do it fast if Dustin is gonna believe it.
“Look, I haven’t told anyone this before.” Building suspense, nice.
Then, an idea popped into his head and it seemed like the perfect response to all of this. Or maybe it’s the only thing he could think of in such short notice. “I’m gay.” He blurts out. It made sense in his head, really. Robin doesn’t get outed, but she can still look at the reaction she might get when she comes out. (It doesn’t hold any kind of truth at all. Not one Steve can see right now at least.)
Dustin is just staring at him. “What? I don’t, you’re not, since when?”
“Since I was born?” It sounds like a question. Steve didn’t prepare for follow up questions to the reply he literally just crafted.
“There’s no way you’re gay.” At least he didn’t seem disgusted or upset? Is this a good or bad reaction?
“Are you not okay with it?” Steve dared to ask.
“What?! Of course I’m okay with it, I’m just. I don’t care, but you don’t really seem gay. It’s hard to believe.” At least he’s okay with it. He’s still being stubborn.
“Way to stereotype, Henderson.”
Dustin sputters. “Wha- can you even blame me? Who could believe you?”
The next words that came out of Steve’s mouth didn’t actually ask for permission to be said. “My boyfriend can believe it.” He said it so matter of fact that he surprised himself a little. The way he usually took the route of action before thinking was gonna bite him in the ass some day. Would that be today?
“Boyfriend?!! And you didn’t tell me? You don’t have a boyfriend!” He accused Steve. “Who is it?”
Oh. Shoot. Quick, brain. Who could be his boyfriend? Someone his age, that was single, and could be believed to be in a gay relationship.
“It’s Jonathan.” Why did he say that? He just broke up with Nancy, that would just seem like a messy situation. Also is he literally just doing what he scolded Dustin for and stereotyping?
“But he just broke up with Nancy.” Hmm. Did Dustin read his mind or something.
“It’s new. That’s why I haven’t told anyone.”
“Not even Robin?” Oh, crap. Is he gonna have to tell this to people? Well, he should probably tell Jonathan first that he is apparently in a relationship with him now.
“Not even Robin.” Dustin beamed at this.
“You know, even if you and Jonathan are kind of a weird sounding couple, and this is surprising�� if you’re happy then I’m happy for you, Steve.” That was weirdly sweet of Dustin.
“Thanks, bud.”
After that and renting a movie, Dustin was on his way. He gave Steve a hug goodbye and hopped on his bike to go home.
Steve had a lot of things to get done now. And he hoped that the first one went well because he didn’t really have a plan B if it didn’t. What had he gotten himself into?
First things first. Asking Jonathan to be his fake boyfriend.
At least for a while.
What could go wrong?
Step 1. Get Jonathan to be his fake boyfriend.
Step 2. Probably get Robin in on it?
He’s not sure about that one. This situation was kind of embarrassing, he’d rather just share his embarrassment with the one person who is absolutely necessary. Also Robin doesn’t seem like the type to lie to their friends. Even if it was harmless.
Step 2. Probably get Robin in on it?
Step 2. Make a game plan.
They’d probably need to talk about how this was gonna go. Get all their facts straight in case there were any questions, which there were going to be. Plan how long this was gonna be for. He was getting a bit ahead of himself, but there was no plan B.
Step 3. Hope it’s believable.
He was already outside of the Hopper-Byers home. This shouldn’t be hard, Jonathan is a pretty understanding guy. He wouldn’t judge Steve, or make fun of him. At least that’s what Steve hoped. They’ve been developing a friendship for a while. Which has been going surprisingly well. Fuck. Was this gonna mess it up?
He got out of his car and walked to the door, knocking. El answered the door, she gave him a smile and let him in.
“Is Jonathan home?” Him asking for Jonathan wasn’t a rare occurrence nowadays, so El just nodded and pointed to his room.
He knocked to make his presence known. “Hey, Jon?” He opened the door and stepped inside the room.
“Hiya. What’s up, Harrington?” Jonathan grinned at Steve. Ah. Shit. He didn’t look completely sober. Must’ve smoked something earlier.
“Well, I wanted to talk to you. I’d rather wait until you sober up though.” Jonathan just gave him a thumbs up.
“Happy to have company.” Steve knew Jonathan was having trouble dealing with the break up. They had been together for a while and he thought that those two were gonna beat all the odds and marry each other or something. Maybe they still could find their way back to each other someday. Right now though, it probably sucked.
Nancy was off to college, Jonathan stayed here in Hawkins doing community college. There was no way of knowing how Nancy was taking it, she barely called and when she did it was kinda cut and dry. Although Steve supposed that was a way of telling she wasn’t doing so good either.
They hung out, doing nothing in particular. Just talking, listening to music and Steve sobering him up.
“Did you say you wanted to talk about something?” Jon asked. He looked sober now. Or as sober as his perpetual stoner face could look.
“Yeah… I kinda did something stupid.”
“Don’t we all.” Cute. Was he trying to make him feel better? It would’ve worked if what he did wasn’t as stupid as it was.
“No, seriously. I think this is the dumbest thing I have done.” Understatement.
“It can’t be that bad.” Jon’s words weren’t aligned with his face because it looked like he was starting to worry.
“It has something to do with you too.” With those words, Steve definitely made Jonathan start to worry. “Hear me out first!”
Retelling the events from earlier was excruciating. Steve has never felt this embarrassed before. It sounded so dumb saying it out loud.
“You really couldn’t come up with anything else? Like oh I don’t know. Saying you don’t like Robin like that?” It was like he wasn’t even listening.
“I tried that thousands of times! He wouldn’t buy it!”
“Why haven’t you just dated anyone else? To prove that you’re not hung up on her?” Interesting line of questioning. Honestly, it’s been a long time since someone has made him feel anything at all. No girl caught his attention like before. Has the upside down messed him up so bad that he can’t form romantic connections anymore?
“I just, I don’t really. Taking a break from dating sounded good to me.”
“Uh huh. Sure.” Jon didn’t believe him, whatever.
“Look I just panicked, spoke without thinking.”
“You know, I actually thought that Dustin was right about you and Robin before. But if you’re so determined to prove you’re not, to even come up with something like that.” Steve hated this. Was Jonathan getting a kick out of this?
“Are you amused? I’m kinda suffering here.” Steve lamented. “Can you just please help me?
“Oh god, what do you expect me to do? Pretend to date you to get Dustin off your back?” Yes. Please.
“Look! I only ask for a few weeks! It doesn’t have to be for long. Just, a few weeks of fake dating and then just say it didn’t work out and we decided to stay friends. All that cheesy stuff.” God, he was not being convincing at all.
Jonathan still looked skeptical. But at least he was considering it now. “I’ll owe you, big time. Whatever favor you want.” Steve offered.
Jon looked resigned now. He huffed out a breath. “I never thought my first boyfriend was gonna be Steve Harrington.”
“Yeah. I always pictured a nerd or maybe a stoner.” He was confused now. Was Jonathan? “Yes, Steve. You should probably know if we’re gonna do this. I also like guys. And I’m assuming you’re okay with it, considering what you just asked.”
“Of course! Thanks for telling me. I’m glad you could trust me.” He was being genuine. Even if Steve was a little surprised, and now felt even more guilty about words he used in the past to insult Jonathan. All the past apologies seemed insufficient. Even so, he was happy that their friendship could develop into this.
“So? How is this gonna work? You really owe me now, you know.”
“Trust me, I know.”
So their friendship wasn’t ruined. Who knows? Maybe this could make it stronger.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
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I’ll never not be a fan of mer aus
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
Either 1. In hand holding or 50. In touching for John x Sabrina :3
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50. Putting a hand over the other’s mouth to shut them up / Prompt from this post.
Minutes ticked by where Sabrina found herself wide awake and unable to shake off the stress caused by the dinner Joseph had insisted on. Beside her, John was fast asleep, and after trying and failing to follow suit, she lifted his arm off her waist and got up. She quietly tiptoed over to the door leading to his bedroom's balcony, slipping on the shirt he was wearing earlier that night and stepped outside after a final look in his direction while he instinctively felt around the sheets in his sleep, no doubt searching for her. A sigh escaped her when the cool air hit her bare legs and she leaned over the railing as she took a deep breath, willing for the heavy feeling in her chest to subside. Her eyes initially focused on the moon and how it peeked inbetween the gathered clouds, then moved down to the dark tree line and faint lights in the distance before eventually shifting to the set of patio chairs by the side door of the house. To her surprise, one of them wasn't empty as expected, instead she could make out the faint outline of a woman wearing a white dress lounging in it, the overhead lights on the porch making her fair hair stand out as she stared off at the greenery surrounding the ranch. If it wasn't for the knowledge that they had a guest staying over, Sabrina would have described the sight as ethereal, concerning to a degree and slightly reminiscent of the youngest member of the Seed family, Faith. The decision for Mercedes, as she had introduced herself to her, or Mercy, as everyone else kept calling her, to spend the night there instead of returning to the Compound with Joseph was made last minute. She was the woman 'The Father' kept looking at throughout dinner as she led the conversation and charmed everyone with her easygoing personality.
The woman whose existence Faith refused to acknowledge from the moment she stepped a foot in the house, instead choosing to embrace 'John's Deputy' and whisper to her how she had always wanted to have another female around. "We will be just like sisters.", she had added with a small laugh while twirling a lock of her hair. The woman that as John insisted was strongly despised by Jacob, yet Sabrina had seen otherwise when her fork decided to take an embarrassing dive under the table. The signs were there, no matter how much the Seeds refused to admit it. After the tense and frankly strange evening, she couldn't help but wonder how they found no issue in having a feast while the County did its hardest to overthrow them. She took somewhat of a comfort in the fact Mercedes at least seemed to be struggling with something as well and maybe wasn't as unbothered as the rest if she was sitting outside at such late hour. The time passed in silence only filled by the low buzzing of insects around the house, then as Sabrina finally talked herself into heading back inside, a sight below stopped her in her tracks. She squinted her eyes, trying to better make out the dark figure that had passed through the trees as unease took over her system in anticipation of potential danger. "I thought you left.", Mercedes' voice carried over, taking a strange note when she addresses the man that had emerged from the shadows. "I did. Then I changed my mind halfway to the Whitetails.", Jacob eventually uttered out as he remained standing up and a couple of feet away from her, hands stuck in his jeans pockets. "Why? And you can sit down, you know. I will be on my best behavior, brother.", she said slowly, adding a bite to the last word that made her sound nothing like 'Mercy'. "Do we have to talk about you using that word again, Mercedes?", his tone was full of warning when he finally lowered himself in the chair next to hers. "No, I'm just pulling your leg, though, I certainly enjoyed the last time we had to.", a laugh left Mercedes just as footsteps sounded behind Sabrina. "You're going to catch a cold, Deputy.", John called out way too loudly, and plastered his body to hers. Before she could think better of it, she spun around and cupped a hand over his mouth, effectively muffling his next sentence. He stared down at her in amusement as he gripped the railing and caged her in between his arms, seeming completely oblivious to the two people below them and how close he had gotten to drawing their attention. Sabrina rose on her tip-toes, breath fanning over his skin when she whispered in his ear, "Don't talk. Just…listen." His nod made her remove her hand from his mouth and he grasped it in his, bringing it back to his lips to place a kiss to her palm. "So, you missed me?", Mercedes remarked playfully, causing John's eyes to widen as Sabrina faced forward again and snuggled into his body and the warmth it was offering her. "No, I just felt like trekking back to the ranch for no reason. What do you think, sweetheart?" Jacob's question was loaded, and it seemed like his younger brother was holding his breath as he waited for a response to it. "I think I'm going back to bed.", Mercedes got out of her seat and came to a brief stop in front of him as she added, "Are you coming too or planning on camping out in the woods?" Jacob held her gaze in silence for a couple of beats, then stood up too, the side door of the ranch slamming shut behind them as he followed her in. "What did I just witness, Deputy?", John muttered out quietly, no doubt shaken by the new revelation. Sabrina swiveled around again, smirking his way when she whispered, "Do you believe me now?"
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Playing the is it the flu or covid game but I did manage to finish a mer Stonathan fic I started for last mermay. Hopefully come this may I'll edit it 😷
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