#misogynistic mother
cybernightwanderer · 2 years
How to contemplate suicide early in the morning
Yesterday at 3am, i once again went to the kitchen to wash the ridiculous piles of dirty dishes. I washes the dishes yesterday like 5 difrent times, early in the morning ( their dishes ), mid morning ( my plate and mug and my moms dishes ), afternoon ( my moms dishes ) , dinner ( my dishes and my moms dishes ) , and at 3am ( my brothers dishes and my moms dishes ). Today i woke up, the sink is filled with dirty dishes and trash. I get ready to make my breakfast, and theres no bread left, my brother literally ate 9 big slices of bread during the night and left none for others... again. I just make my tea, and my mother orders me to go buy bread and take out the trash. I simply say no and tell her to message him to buy bread, and go to the kicthen, she then sights loudly and goes again with the " shes in a mad mood again how surprising ". My brother doesnt pay rent or even pay half the bills, yet stays at home freely, ( i pay the house bills fully and even the internet by meself, and 20 euros of her phone ), he uses everything, dirtys everything, and cleans or helps with nothing. All my life i payed rent and did everything at home.
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tibbycaps · 2 months
“omg gem is so mom coded” “pearl is so sibling coded” ok well i think gem and pearl are this
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outoftimewriting · 11 days
asking in a very neutral, gen way: what talia ever did in the comics to manage to gain fans/defenders? because everything i read just paints her as a villain and a bad mother, so...
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marysblo0d · 10 days
Every time I see a Daemyra stan posting about how the portrayal of Daemon is unfair because he’s supposed to be the best husband in the world:
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4remus · 1 year
every time i see someone write lily as a horrible parent or an absent one to fit some kind of a storyline i lose five years of my lifespan
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bitchdafuqyousay · 18 days
i cannot stand you hoes
you fuckers will really just find any reason n excuse at all to hate on female characters, huh. like damned if she does damned if she doesn’t. they cannot win with you bitches smh
she’s upfront n emotional? ugh she’s so annoying she’s always in hysterics she needs to calm down. she’s levelheaded n even faced? god that woman is such a cold hearted bitch she doesn’t care about anyone she’s practically a villain! she’s got a temper? she’s always angry she’s so mean. she’s jovial all the time? she’s so annoying whys she always so happy it’s not realistic!! she’s super smart? she’s such a know it all she thinks she’s so clever n better than everyone else. she’s not a super genius? oh lord she’s sooo stupid what a ditz. she’s open n trusting? how can she be so naive n forwards she’s such an idiot! she’s reserved n keeps things to her chest? she’s so dishonest n a total snake i bet she’s secretly a villain!!
she’s super strong? she’s way too op it’s all just plot armor n makes no sense she needs to be knocked down a peg! she’s not as strong as the other (male) characters? god she’s useless she’s a total drag an absolute burden on the other characters!! she’s conventionally attractive n sexy? the over-sexualization is terrible she’s just pointless eye candy it’s annoying. she doesn’t meet conventional beauty standards? that bitch is so ugly haha look at the size of her forehead n her flat chest!
let’s not even get fucking started on the way y’all scream “villain” at any female character who isn’t a saintess of pure n unrestrained morality, but then throw a bitch fit about “mary sues” when another one is. female characters cannot do anything right in y’all’s eyes n you’ll take any chance to hop on them n drag em through the dirt by their necks. you hate a woman for the same qualities that make you love a man it’s pathetic.
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bonefall · 9 months
Lizardstripe Continued: The Fading Echoes Scene
I'm not done, actually. I just finished talking about how Yellowfang's Secret villainizes Lizardstripe SOLELY on being a woman who didn't want children, with there being no direct evidence of physical abuse because of Sagewhisker forcing Yellowfang to stay away from them. Even Brokenkit says nothing about specific instances of being hurt or insulted, but mentions overhearing Lizardstripe talking to Amberleaf that she feels he is stealing milk from her other children.
But we do have ONE place where it's said that Lizardstripe bit Brokenkit; Omen of the Stars Book 2: Fading Echoes. A book released in 2010-- two years before Yellowfang's Secret.
Yellowfang's Secret was released in 2012 and gives us the FULL backstory, so it's safe to assume that any inconsistencies should be ruled in YS's favor... or at least make you question, "If this was so important, why did they choose to change it?"
The scene in Fading Echoes happens on page 292.
Jayfeather enters Yellowfang's memories, and sees this;
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These are supposed to be Yellowfang's memories, with Jayfeather living through her paws and feeling her emotions.
But we see in Yellowfang's Secret that she never saw any biting or nipping. No one ever mentions it in Yellowfang's Secret, not Sagewhisker, not Brokenkit, no one. The ONLY thing that we see is that Lizardstripe did not want children and felt trapped in motherhood.
How does Yellowfang have a memory of this, if there's no way she saw it?
In Yellowfang's Secret, why was it not shown? Why did Brokenkit cite Lizardstripe talking to Amberleaf for why he feels Lizardstripe doesn't like him (and thus will not stop his littermates from bullying him) over actually being bitten and starved?
Why did the writer believe that Lizardstripe being vaguely "ambitious," resenting her unplanned pregnancy, and having another child she didn't want forced on her would be evidence enough of abuse, to the point of not having to show real cruelty?
This covers all of Lizardstripe's canonical interactions with Brokenkit so far, except for the 2007 field guide which is just a beta version of the Yellowfang's Secret scene. For the 20 years this character has existed, there has been ONE scene that states she hurt him "as punishment for being born," retconned out of existence 2 years later.
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antianakin · 5 months
I recognize that this mostly happens because Obi-Wan is and always has been a direct foil for Anakin, but I am SO tired of all of Obi-Wan's more canon love interests ending up being more about making commentary on Anakin and Anidala than they are on exploring OBI-WAN. It's just sad and I'm so tired of it and I think that until people are willing to write a romance for Obi-Wan that isn't actually about Anakin at all, Obi-Wan should just be made off-limits for romance plot lines entirely. Leave the man alone, please, I am begging you.
#star wars#obi-wan kenobi#i just finished reading the first half of secrets of the jedi with the siriwan relationship#and holy mother of god was it anidala coded all to hell and back#obi-wan is turned into a mighty prude and siri into this sweet motherly character just to make it work#everything from the reaction obi-wan has on seeing her at the beginning to how quickly the relationship moves to the secrecy#it's all anidala#it's all ABOUT anidala#obi-wan is so ooc in this that it's not even funny#he's not even in character to previous works written about him BY THE SAME AUTHOR#and yet somehow it is STILL miles better than whatever the fuck obitine was supposed to be#where obi-wan is given a love interest specifically designed to be killed off so that they could compare that to anidala#and honestly the scene where she dies is probably their ONLY good scene together#it's certainly the only scene where they seem to genuinely understand or even LIKE each other#like siriwan has obi-wan acting ooc but at least he's not literally misogynistic towards his love interest#unlike the way tcw chose to write him#like yeah sure i really feel the romance in obi-wan calling satine 'hysterical' over her perfectly reasonable political views#and at least siri respects and understands the jedi life and LOVES the jedi order unlike satine#so despite how frustrating siriwan is - obitine is 10x worse still#it makes me SO so glad that tala ended up losing the romantic aspect of her relationship with obi-wan#because you KNOW that that would've just ended up another anidala parallel#again#as obi-wan loses yet another female love interest to death at the hands of the sith. again.#honestly tala's relationship with obi-wan is IMPROVED by the lack of a romantic love interest#there's a lot of interesting meaning in that relationship that i honestly believe would be lost if it had been romantic#obi-wan and love interests just don't seem to mix well in canon or anything canon-adjacent#free my man from terrible romantic storylines that aren't even about him#obitine critical#siriwan critical#anti obitine
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fromtheseventhhell · 11 months
Saying that non-conforming female characters don't face as much misogyny as their "feminine" counterparts is so funny cause literally the misogyny in their treatment is more overt because they aren't staying "in their place" like men think they should. The disdain for women + misogynistic societal ideals are so much more blatant in male characters interacting with these women. Countless times they are, in essence, told they need to sit down, shut up, and know their place but somehow that translates into them having "masculine privilege". I can only assume that people with this take haven't actually read the books and only get their information from second-hand sources.
#Men actually love it when the group they're oppressing doesn't conform with their restrictive measures that's exactly how things work 🙄#George saying that his non-conforming female characters were outcasts was really just overkill cause this is explicitly stated in the books#It's such a stupid take to have or try to argue cause there's literally no basis for it anywhere in the books#the inherit misogyny in othering women for not conforming to a misogynistic and patriarchal society though...I have to laugh#Coming from the so-called feminists in fandom make a career of throwing female characters under the bus to prop up their faves#Brienne literally gets told not to go crying if she gets raped because she's asking for it by /acting like a man/#and her mistreatment by both genders for her looks and behavior is well documented in her POV and those who interact with her#Asha gets denied her claim for being a women and repeatedly treated like an idiot for pushing for it anyways#Arya is an outcast in her own family and her behavior is lamented by her father mother and sister lol#I would just really like to know where this supposed privilege comes in??? where is it actually at??#cause it doesn't get them better treatment...better access to their claims...security from being assaulted...so where exactly is it?#just another fandom idea that can never be backed up but people treat like an absolute fact anways#obligatory this isn't me that feminine female characters don't face misogyny cause people love misinterpreting my points#asoiaf#brienne of tarth#asha greyjoy#arya stark#daenerys targaryen#fandom nonsense
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cybernightwanderer · 2 years
Idk wether to break something, or someones face.
This is how i left the dishes i cleaned after my dinner.
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After the incident the other day, wich is something very reocurring, and im very, verrryyy tired of it. VERY TIRED. So i've been washing my own dishes and the kitchen in general, and on the note that i left him when he ate my food, i noted : "wash your own dishes, mom's not home and im not your slave." So i went to the kitchen a bit ago to wash my tea cup. And i saw this...
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This motherfucker cant even fathom to scrape his butter knife... And he left it there, he couldnt just fucking wash it?? what it takes not even like a 1 minute to wash it. This motherfucker left the spoon there for me to wash it .... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME????!!!! OMGGGGGG
Seriously ...
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goldammerchen · 5 months
Gilbert, taunting young Ludwig: You haven't "graduated" from horse riding until you have a nasty accident!
(Ludwig has an horrific riding accident)
(High pitched) LUTZ!
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jules-ln · 3 months
I'm so tired of people complaining about MM's portrayal of Thetis, like I generally don't like to post negativity because no. And I'm not the type to complain about "media literacy" because half of the people who complain about it don't even know what media literacy and critical thinking is, and the other half are just self important arseholes who believe that their only redeeming quality is that someone in high school told them that they were smart
But to anyone who ever said that MM was demonizing Thetis. I'm taking away all the complex women characters until you learn how to be nice
MM wrote about how a woman that was forced to have a child she probably didn't even want, then come to love him, only to learn that she was going to lose him very soon anyway
She was panicking, so she tried to be controlling in hopes that she could achieve this one thing that maybe could prevent her child from dying
And she was so focused on protecting him, that she didn't realized that she was hurting him
In the end, she has to come to terms that in her way to protect this image she had of him in her head, she ended up hurting her real son and didn't even knew him
Thats why she asks Patroclus to tell her about Achilles in the end, to understand who was he beyond what she wanted him to be and comes to terms with the fact that she could've spend all that time being happy with him
But then I see people going "ThEtIs ShOUlD bE a GoOd mOm"
Like of course, reduce this complex character that this woman is, an imperfect person and an even more imperfect mother to just a stereotypical good mom without other personality trait other than being a good mom; thats sooo feminist 🙄 (it's sarcasm)
(And why should she ever be kind to Patroclus when shes A GODDESS!?!?!? Patroclus is like an insect to her!!!!)
I'm not saying that MM is beyond criticism, like why are Menoetius and Pyrrhus soooo one dimensional. But when you're criticizing some part of the book that's not even true, it makes me think that some of you went "I personally don't like it therefore it's bad iabdkabhsishsysk"
Shocking, but you don't liking something doesn't mean it's inherently bad
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kagrenacs · 1 year
Every day i think about the bdsmcore cover of The Elder Scrolls Arena. I know it was the 90s but you really don't appreciate how far feminism has come until you look back on it.
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comradekatara · 1 year
it bothers me when people say sokka never got “closure” over the loss of kya the way katara did when facing yon rha, because that was such an important moment for katara personally, and sokka simply didn’t need that. of course losing kya was devastating for sokka, but her death wasn’t personal for him the way it was for katara. she literally died to protect katara.
to sokka, kya’s death was a casualty of the war, a loss at the hands of the fire nation, and he got “closure” when he won the war. but he didn’t need to face his mother’s killer the way katara did because he never built up an entire personal mythology of avenging her not only through facing her killer (he never saw yon rha, unlike katara) but also through working as hard as possible to become a master waterbender so as to be “worthy” of such a sacrifice.
katara carries the burden of being the last waterbender of her tribe not only on a cultural level, but also a personal one. it is an enormous burden that she must contend with on many levels, and katara needed to face yon rha because seeing his humanity, his vulnerability, helped her to confront and embrace her own.
when sokka says “she was my mother too” and katara responds “then you didn’t love her the way i did,” she’s wrong to say that, but only because what she really means is “then you didn’t grieve her the way i did.” which is true. sokka did not have that personal connection to kya’s death, and therefore did not feel the need to avenge her, to prove that her sacrifice was not in vain.
if anything, sokka felt more impacted by hakoda’s absence, because he felt the need to inhabit his role. katara felt the need to inhabit kya’s role because she knows that kya is gone because of her, she died for her. of course, neither of them are very good at pretending to be their parents, and over course of the show they both learn how to be their own people and embrace their humanity outside of the roles the war forced them into.
but facing yon rha was a crucial step in katara’s journey, because this man took up so much space in katara’s narrative, and looking him in the eyes helped katara realize that he didn’t need to. that he was nothing, actually, and she is everything.
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sponsoredbyanxiety · 3 months
always found the allegations that Dune is sexist because the women have no power funny because it’s really that the women are extremely powerful in the most sexist way possible
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valyrfia · 6 months
alright, check it out
Charles blames the Instagram algorithm, when one day she’s scrolling aimlessly only to come across pictures of Max Verstappen in a bikini. 
Max lounging on her stomach across a sunbed under the European sun next to a cerulean sea, the band of her dark blue bikini riding up, sitting snug across her muscular shoulders peppered with moles and the unmistakable shape of a fading wine-coloured mark high up on the curve of her shoulder that makes something in Charles's throat curdle and sets something strange and deep in her core alight.
She sends it to Pierre immediately, because of course she does. 
Charles Look at this shit. She probably called the paps on herself. 
And that’s the odd feeling deep in her stomach, it’s anger, the fact that Max can be snapped near naked on a strange foreign beach without consequence and Charles has to be careful that the knee-length skirt she wears on errands in Monaco doesn’t get blown up, lest she gets another embarrassing lecture from Mattia on her public image. Be careful Charletta, he would say, Santina is a better nickname than Puttana. Puttana, a fitting word to describe Max’s recent endeavours, really. Charles’s socials have been pushing her the pictures all week. Max outside bars, hanging onto tall men who make more in a year than Charles would care to mention, their young pretty wives off to the side with them, seemingly resigned to the fate of what’s happening. After all, who could compete with Max Verstappen, champion of the world?
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