#misuse of terms
autopsyfreak · 24 days
‘letting my intrusive thoughts win’
shut the fuck up.
you’re referring to impulsive thoughts, intrusive thoughts are undesirable and often horrific for the person experiencing them. you dying your hair randomly is not an intrusive thought.
if i let my intrusive thoughts dictate my actions, id be in jail for a long fucking time.
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writey-unicorn · 2 years
Ok, so I have a question.
I was reading this post talking about TikTok and the misuse of the term "Intrusive Thoughts".
Now I have intrusive thoughts. I have one specifically that I call Dave that is so horrifying to me that I've had a meltdown over it at one point. I've dealt with them for a while, and I've figured out that my intrusive thoughts have a very distinct feel that other thoughts I actually think don't have.
They feel quicker
They're often in pictures despite me normally thinking in words
They have details that aren't technically in words, but that I still understand and can translate into words after the thought has already come
They're something I would never actually do
It's a far different feeling from the normal thoughts that I have.
I was once in a diner and just talking with the people I came with, and the waitress brought us a syrup dispenser. I glanced at it while I was talking and had the thought of guzzling it down and seeing the look on her face when she came back. I laughed at the objectively funny thought and joked about it with my friends before moving on.
It didn't disturb me, but it came quicker, was in a picture, had too much detail for how long it was in my head, and was something I would never actually do. It was clearly an intrusive thought, but it didn't disturb me in the slightest because it was funny.
Op said, among other things, “lol I had an intrusive thought to jump on the table” was not an intrusive thought. I haven't had that thought in particular, but I would say the story I told above compares.
So, my question is: if it looks like an intrusive thought, walks like an intrusive thought, and talks like an intrusive thought, why am I not allowed to call it one?
There was literally no difference between the thought about the syrup and one about my friend popping my eye out with an offset spatula except instead of cringing, I laughed, so it isn't real? I really looked at the dispenser and thought, "It would be a really good idea to drink all of that syrup!"? What they're saying here is that, deep down, despite the fact that it would make me sick, it's antisocial, it would make my friends worry, it would disturb the waitress, it would be deeply embarrassing and stupid, and I don't really have a sweet tooth, I actually wanted to drink the entire dispenser of syrup.
The thing I'm saying is that I disagree with op. The core of intrusive thoughts is not, thoughts/images/“urges”/ideas that are unwanted and distressing to the person having them. It's thoughts you wouldn't ever have otherwise. And I don't understand why I'm not allowed to call my intrusive thoughts, intrusive thoughts.
If anyone can explain why then do so! I would love to know! But I don't understand why we have to narrow this term down when it shouldn't be this narrow.
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menalez · 3 months
Don't mind me just dropping receipts of JK Rowling engaging in holocaust denial~ Tee hee! :3
really, the receipts you had to drop were a man’s 30 minute youtube video? i think it would’ve been more normal to just. idk. link the tweets.
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this isn’t holocaust denialism. unless u seriously believe trans people were the first & perhaps even the main targets of the holocaust?
i think what’s more vile is that y’all are pretending hirschfeld being a gay jewish man had nothing to do with the attack on his institute, and that the institute having a lot to do with sexuality & homosexuality specifically didn’t play a role. & to pretend that the first targets were trans ppl is gross, sorry but not everything is about u. frankly making the attacks on him & his works about trans ppl specifically feels closer to that then jkr mocking the idea that the nazis were specifically seeking out to burn books on “trans healthcare” and that trans ppl were “the nazis first targets”.
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nuzzle · 9 months
normies that say “the intrusive thoughts won 🤪” in reaction to some perfectly socially acceptable and mildly quirky situation would have me not only institutionalized but locked behind a series of doors and perhaps thrown into an inescapable labyrinth with the minotaur never again to be seen by the world if they knew what my ocd made me think
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ambivartence · 9 months
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how fucked up would you be if you were told the embodiment of the worst parts of you was capable of killing members of your family
[ID: A sketchy two panel sepia comic. In the first panel, Sun Wukong is dressed in traditional deep mourning garb and kneeling before a grave, back to the viewer. The second panel is a close-up on his face. He has a hollow, terrified wide-eyed expression and half of his face is in deep shadow. He thinks, "Could I have done the same?" End ID]
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lesbiancorvoattano · 1 year
what purity culture is: beliefs and attitudes within christianity in which women must remain virgins until marriage and after marriage they must be sexually available to their husbands at all times. within purity culture, only virgins can be raped. believing in purity culture is associated with believing in rape myths. it makes rape survivors feel worthless.  purity culture causes trauma in girls and women. purity culture also involves chastity rings, virginity pledges, and abstinence only sex education 
what purity culture is NOT: someone disagreeing with you on fandom discourse or disliking ur fanfiction 
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mime-rodeo · 1 month
what is it with people nowadays using the word “narcissistic” as a replacement for toxic or abusive? even if we are ignoring the fact that this sounds ableist towards people with NPD (which we shouldn’t ignore btw but just for the sake of this argument) y’all are not even using it in its ORIGINAL definition, as in “a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves”. you’re just using the word for whoever slightly pisses you off. “my friend was kinda rude to me yesterday, she’s so narcissistic” IM BEGGING YOU DO EVERYONE A FAVOR AND PICK UP A DICTIONARY
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havealotonmymind · 2 months
Listen, Astarion cannot be deemed a Tumblr sexyman because he is actually sexy. A Tumblr sexyman is a character that the wider userbase hornily foams at the mouth over that absolutely has no reason to be foamed over.
Purple Guy FNAF and Sans Undertale and Bill Cipher and that one clock from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared-level of deranged. Do you all even remember your roots. Do you remember how people turned actual shapes into edgy white men in suits and tophats.
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jancysmixtape · 1 year
The Twitter side of the Wednesday fandom is insane. People are trying so hard to make Tyler seem like some sort of predator… saying he’s 18 and that she’s 15 so he’s a predator.
Wednesday is 16, Tyler is at the most 17. Can people, PLEASE, just hate a ship just to hate it? You don’t have to make up some problematic reason on why u dont ship them.
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marcsnuffy · 28 days
no thanks twitter I don't want to see that guy shirtless, beefed up and sweating. I do want to see him scampering like a mouse or writhing in pain though thanks for that
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ace-to-the-face · 5 months
As annoying as I find the "x is my roman empire" trend to be, im glad neurotypicals are saying that instead of misusing "special interest" or "hyperfixation" now
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beetlebane · 1 year
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Left -> Right
Inspired by all those fic writers who dont actually know what a pillow princess is
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cod-dump · 1 year
No to make the ‘am I ugly’ post angsty…. Buuuuuut to make the ‘am I ugly’ post angsty I imagine that both Ghost and Gaz were actually upset when asking Price that, but Soap wasn’t so it was a joke, but imagine Soap actually needs comfort and is scared Price will think he’s joking so he goes to Nik (hope that’s the right spelling) for comfort (due to the ‘Soap is Nik’s favorite’ post). Pretty much I just imagine that Laswell and Price is Gaz and Ghost’s favorite parents but Nik and Laswell’s wife is Soap’s favorite parents. Anyway thanks for listening!
-Anon 🎧
I was hoping someone would have an angsty idea for that post
Soap enjoyed joking around with everyone. A good joke was a good way to make friends so he often made his way through life with jokes and smiles. He was good at just joking his way out of things... and joking through the pain.
He joked so much that Price didn't take a lot of things he said seriously, anymore. That was Soap's fault. Gaz joked a lot, too. But, unlike Soap, Gaz was believed when something was wrong. Soap didn't blame Price for not listening. Soap had cried wolf far too many times for the man to recognize when something was actually wrong.
So Soap chose to hide when the past came back to haunt him. It was a mistake he made ages ago that costed several lives of good men. Soap, again and again, believed he should've payed more for what happened. But, here he was, walking free. He wanted to talk about it, but Price was pissed at the world at the moment and Soap knew he probably wouldn't take what he had to say seriously.
So he hid in the hanger, tears in his eyes as regret tears at his chest like a caged, wild animal.
He didn't expect anyone to find him. Anyone to notice he was missing. But, Soap would be wrong about that.
Soap jerked from his fetal position, wiping his tears at the sudden voice. He looked over the crate he hid behind, surprised to see Nik standing there. Man wasn't due to be back on 141 base until next week. What was he doing here?
"A-Ah, Nik! What-What are you doing here?"
"Mission was completed ahead of schedule. Something wrong?"
Soap quickly tried to deflect the question, "Oh? Better tell Price. Be warned, he's in a bad mood, today."
Nik walks over, "Did he snap at you?"
Soap sees the anger in Nik's eyes, "What? No! Just, he's not in a good mood today."
Nik sits next to Soap, "What is wrong, Солнце?"
Soap swallows, looking away from Nik. The man looked tired and probably wanted to get some rest after completing the mission early.
"Nothing is wrong."
Soap sniffs, feeling a tear slip down his face. Nik pulls him into a hung and Soap can't hold back the tears. He ended up telling Nik everything about what happened, about how it was his fault and he should've paid for those men's lives. Nik held him, not saying a word and just letting Soap cry his heart out.
Eventually, Soap stopped crying and was just leaning again Nik. Nik rubbed his back, still quiet, as Soap's breathing slowly became even. After his mind became more clear, Soap realized his phone was ringing. He pulled away from Nik and dug it out. He had seven missed calls from Price with double the amount of texts.
He was worried, wondering where he was and if he was alright.
"Shit... I better go see Price before he loses his mind."
"I'll come with you."
"You don't need to-"
"I do need to see, Price. And if he tries to say anything about you disappearing, I'll punch him for you."
Soap smiles, "Thanks, Nik."
"Anytime, Солнце."
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blackgoliath · 1 month
and when i say they call ppl pointing out they're pieces of shit for bringing a potentially fatal allergen near someone who's allergic "blood libel" i mean it
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luxlightly · 8 months
Someone saying something clearly and honestly is not a "dog whistle" just because you disagree with it. I just saw a post about "proship dog whistles" and one was like "my work includes dark and sometimes upsetting things that not everyone will be comfortable with". That's the opposite of a dog whistle. That's someone very clearly stating exactly what they mean and everyone, in or out of their communities, is meant to understand it. You just disagree with their stance that those topics should be allowed to be explored in fiction. A dog whistle is a term, symbol, phrase, etc. that is meant to appear completely benign to those outside of a specific group they're meant to be recognized by. "1488" and "ballpoint pen" are nazi dog whistles. They mean nothing to someone unaware of their alternative interpretations. They are intended to mean nothing to anyone but another nazi. "Purity culture" is not a dog whistle. The people saying it fully intend for you to recognize what they mean by it and it is not only meant to be recognized by members of a particular group. You just don't agree that your viewpoints are puritanical. Terms or stances you disagree with are not "dog whistles". That term means something specific and that ain't it, chief.
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