#more points for my birdboys
silvaradragontear · 2 years
Omg Nordman got their third 12 points.
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egophiliac · 2 months
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I DID IT I GOT MY PINK HAYATE now I am never doing that again!
(at least until they give me, like, a frilly unicorn Kamui or something)
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hanasnx · 8 months
brucie and his 19 year old girlfriend who he flaunts around Gotham like it’s no big deal. he takes her everywhere and anywhere there will be press. everyone is so shocked and they don’t even know what to say. especially the kids. dick and jason are (high key) jealous of it… -🍓
BRUCE WAYNE has been keeping you around to garner attention around himself and off of his dealings as the Batman. You were the perfect candidate given your social influence, your popularity, and it helped you were easy on the eyes. If Bruce Wayne was the center of controversy for dating someone half his age, Batman could keep a lookout on Penguin’s latest caches without distractions like the Cobblepots releasing a statement that Batman is wrongfully investigating a man based on appearance. Prejudice doesn’t make the news, but an age gap does.
You practically float off the floor when Bruce is around, whether it be an arm around your waist; leading you or twirling you like a dance with music he hums; sweeping you off your feet, easily up over his head. It becomes clear why he’s so dangerous, he’s such a charmer. Somehow he has romance dialed in, and you fell for someone so put-together. You love going everywhere with him, and when a fan asks for a picture, he’s the first to hug you from behind and curl his huge body around you, cheek-to-cheek with his chin over your shoulder. He’s so shamelessly touchy. It gets to a point where he likes when you scold him with a pat. Hitting his sturdy bicep when he tugs the neckline of your dress to him for a peek at your tits, and all he does is growl at you playfully, like you’re asking for it later.
To be honest, you are. Yet, Bruce won’t get it to you. He dangles it over your head in public, but alone he makes up some excuse and calls his butler to drive you home.
One time when you’ve been invited to the Manor, it was so you could get ready and drive to a gala with Bruce. Arriving together is a big statement, and you’re excited, but in a much realer sense there’s a tickle of dread in your stomach. Bruce told you to make yourself comfortable and wait for him, he’s terribly sorry that he has to attend to something first and if he’d had it his way a lady wouldn’t wait on a gentleman. You’ve already fantasized this might be it, he’s finally going to ask you. Sitting on this chaise in front of a fire you clench your legs together at the reminder. Perhaps he’s getting ready so he’ll finally sleep with you. Briefly, you imagine what the paparazzi would bark at you if you arrived to the gala with sex hair. It brings a smile to your face.
Just in case, you had outfitted yourself with a tasteful nightgown underneath your clothes, and you decide now is the time to enact it. Shimmying off your garments, you then arrange yourself seductively on the chaise. Bruce’ll be here any minute, and he always acts so insatiable in public. Maybe if you surprise him, he won’t be able to steel himself. Your fingers play with the hem, already short but your ride it up even more, and trace circles onto your bare hip. You’ve felt his hands on your hips when you wore a stringy little bikini for him on his yacht, and those callused hands had pulled you right down on his lap to stick his tongue in your mouth. You can still taste it, closing your eyes to revisualize it. He was so big underneath you—
“… and this is a one time thing, understand? My debt is paid.”
“Don’t worry, birdboy, I won’t tell your old man—“
Voices come into focus, alerting you as the door opens and not one but two people come in. Two people you do not recognize. Without thinking it through, you stand to conceal your seductive pose meant for someone else, and everything else slips your mind.
Two men. Boyish. Both with black hair that’s grown out, and one of them with a white stripe sprouting from the front of his hairline.
“Oh,” DICK GRAYSON says. He’s no stranger to walking in on something he shouldn’t see. “Sorry, didn’t see you there.”
“Nice outfit.” JASON TODD adds, and you can tell he’s making fun of you. Your cheeks grow red hot, and you scramble for something to cover yourself up. A thin throw blanket folded over the back of the chaise is hastily straightened out to cover yourself.
Wary he might cause you grief, Dick points to a bookshelf behind you. “We just have to… get something.” He waits for something, and you realize he wants you to reply. You nod, hoping to just end this as soon as possible.
The blanket covers most, but a lot of your thigh is exposed. You try to turn with them as you they pass you, but Jason cranes his neck to catch a glance of your ass. The undersides of it hang out of your tiny nightgown. An indignant crease in your brow forms, and you make an obvious move to yank the blanket over your ass, turning it away from him. Dick keeps going, Jason hangs behind. “What’re you doing here, missy? You look a little young.” Condescension. The last thing you need right now is a conversation.
“Yeah, are you looking for someone?” Dick asks over his shoulder, more polite than his companion as he searches the spines of books with a finger.
You hesitate to say anything, you don’t know these people. “I’m waiting on someone.” A tremble shivers through you, the back of you cold from being away from the fire, and your nerves didn’t help.
“You’re not a hooker, are you?” Jason’s blunt nature shines through in his question, not that he’s intrigued or judgmental, just curious.
Your first instinct is to be offended he’d say something like that to a lady, frowning at him with a scoff. “What? No! And—!” It dawns on you that you shouldn’t put down sex work, you’re overreacting. So you wiggle your shoulders and stick your nose in the air, prissing up your attitude. “It wouldn’t matter if I was.” you say, quieter this time.
“Sure, it does. I’ve got cash on me.” Jason replies, only to get that cute offended look back on your face.
“Jason, shut up. She doesn’t know you’re trying to get under her skin.” Dick plucks out the book, and flips through it. He joins you and Jason, and you take a wary step back. He doesn’t notice, snapping the book shut and handing it off to Jason. Those blue eyes are back on you again, and you swear you see him give you a quick once-over. “Whoever you’re waiting on is a lucky guy.” he says, and by his tone you’re unsure if it’s a genuine flirt. When he smiles, dimples define, and for a brief second you’re weak in the knees.
A third voice pipes up, deeper than them both. “She’s with me.” Bruce says, walking in as he adjusts his cuff links. “Jason, always a pleasure to find you sneaking around my house.”
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lacrimosathedark · 7 months
Bat-Family Nicknames and Insults
So I went off the other day because fans keep having people who aren't Roy Harper call Jason Todd "Jaybird" and now I'm thinking about all the other nickname misconceptions so here's a probably non-comprehensive list of nicknames among the Bat Fam.
(Special thanks to @sohotthateveryonedied for a bunch of my data, she made a whole powerpoint with actual comic panels! Go check that out! Also got some info from @kiragecko who was writing some lists with more specific references.)
This list is an active document and will be edited in the event I find more nicknames or have more to say
Addendum note: I'm more than willing to add something I forgot, but you must have receipts. I'm not just going off of memory. Nothing will be added to this list without proof. If you don't have a source, please don't make a suggestion.
This is aside from assorted common insults and nicknames like jerk, ass, shorty, dude, idiot, etc.. Sidenote, every not-Steph Robin has been called “Little Bird”, “Birdboy” and/or “Wonder Boy” at some point. It’s kinda part of the job lol Secondary side-note, the only ones who REALLY use nicknames for people are Barbara and Jason. And Tim specifically in reference to Damian. Everyone else pretty much uses their names 98% of the time. Final note (sorryyyyyy) generally unless they're funny to me, I'm not including things used only once unless I have gotten vibes that it's a trend. This is an attempt to compile recurring nicknames. So ones noted to be used once are either I can only confirm it happened once but could happen multiple times, or I think it's hilarious.
Alfred Pennyworth
Al/Alf Seems to be a common nickname among the boys.
Alfie Dick, Tim, and Jason have all called him this.
Alfredo Jason called him this at least once and I think that’s funny. Not sure it’s exclusive though.
Mom Dick seems to have referred to him as such once…I’m sorry but that’s so funny.
Alfred also has specific ways of referring to everyone: Bruce: Master Bruce, Mister Wayne, Lad, Bruce, My Son Barbara: Mistress Barbara, Miss Barbara, Miss Gordon, Miss Oracle Dick: Master Dick, Master Richard, Master Grayson, Dear Boy, Young Sir, Young Man, Richard, Dick Cassandra: Miss Cassandra, Young Cassandra, My Dear Jason: Master Jason, Young Sir, Lad, Jason Tim: Master Tim, Master Timothy, Young Master Tim, Lad, Young Sir, Young Man, Timothy, Tim Damian: Master Damian, Young Master Damian, Young Sir, Young Man, Son, Damian
Bruce Wayne
Spooky Oliver Queen calls him this, others might as well but I legitimately have no idea.
Batsy Everyone and their goddamn dog, but Joker uses this notably a lot.
Detective RA'S AL GHUL EXCLUSIVE. I think? But this is how Ra's generally refers to Bruce.
B-Man HARLEY QUINN EXCLUSIVE...I think. She calls him this a lot though.
While Dick and Jason will internally think of Bruce as their father, Dick rarely says so and extremely rarely calls him “Dad”. Jason would only say so mockingly or under pain of a second death. Tim rarely even thinks of Bruce as his father (he didn’t become Robin to be Bruce’s kid, and he doesn’t want to replace his own father—much the same way Dana didn’t replace Janet) and never refers to him as such outside of WE work (where he very much uses that to his advantage). Damian almost exclusively refers to Bruce as “Father” but has called him "Dad". Steph sometimes calls him “Boss”. Everyone usually calls him "Bruce".
He refers to ALL of the boys as “chum” and “lad” at some point. It’s just how he used to talk honestly. He DOES NOT call them “sweetie” or “honey” or anything like that. He DOES, however, speak to small children this way. There are multiple instances of him using "sweetheart" and similar terms when dealing with young children. This differentiation I think is for two reasons. One, Bruce is emotionally stunted and being open with anyone outside of actively comforting is difficult for him, and two, the youngest child he has ever had himself was 9 years old so he's never had a small child he'd be likely more inclined to be extra super soft with.
Barbara Gordon
Babs Most people call her this. Bruce doesn’t seem to though, oddly enough.
Babsy/Babsie Both Dick and Jim Gordon have called her this. Very cute.
Barb/Barbie Nearly exclusive to Jason Todd, actually. I think her dad calls her this once in a while, but specifically Jason calls her this.
Babes A few of her friends call her this, but mostly Luke Fox when they were dating.
Red A few people call her this, but mostly Jason and not real often. Probably cuz we already have a red-head often referred to as “Red” (Pam Isely by Harley) and as to not be confused with the other two Reds in the family (Red Hood and Red Robin).
The High Priestess of Tech More of a reference than a nickname, but I think it’s funny. Dick referred to her as such.
O For Oracle!
Dick Grayson Exclusives because Boyfriend Baby Love Beautiful
Richard Grayson
Dick Everyone calls him this. Almost no one calls him Richard.
Dickie His parents also called him this, along with other people who knew him from Haly’s Circus, but otherwise it’s mostly just Jason.
Dickster I…hate that this is canon lmao. Dick has thought this one in his inner monologue, but Jason has also said it at least once. It’s…Something.
Circus Boy Common insult, Jason uses it a few times.
Tight Ass No comment.
Rob Kinda rare for him and more a Tim thing, but his Titans team call him this sometimes. I specifically remember Wally doing so, and Roy too I think.
Boy Wonderful Not marking this as exclusive because Babs probably used it at one point but, shockingly (or not) this comes from Wally West! Wally has also called his Titans team as a group “Dear Hearts” at least once which is just so fucking cute. Neeeeeerd.
Kid Not exclusive to him, but consistently called this by Slade Wilson/Deathstroke over most anything else.
Marcia TIM DRAKE EXCLUSIVE. A joke between him and Tim, assigning each Bat-boy a Brady Bunch member.
Little Robin MARY GRAYSON EXCLUSIVE. This is where the hero name Robin came from; Dick’s mom used to call him this.
Dickie-Bird JASON TODD EXCLUSIVE. Jason calls Dick this a lot during his weird appearances in Nightwing that I pretend never happened because it was weird and dumb. But it is a canonical nickname. And it’s funny.
Amy Rohrbach Exclusives because Partner Rookie Stud Cowboy Sherlock Mr. Confident
Barbara Gordon Exclusives because Girlfriend (and because she’s funny) Flatterer Boyfriend The Brightest, Sweetest, Most Handsome, Wealthiest Young Bachelor on the Entire East Coast Buckaroo Bucko Candy-Gram Darling Lover Love Hunk Wonder Man Wonder Hound Wonder Former Teen Wonder Twenty Something Wonder Blue Wonder Poor Lovable Naïve Dope Pixie Boots
Cassandra Cain
Cass Pretty much everyone calls her this.
Cassie Some people call her this, specifically the people closest to her; Stephanie, Tim, Barbara, Bruce, and Duke. It’s generally used sparingly, especially considering Tim is close to ANOTHER Cassandra who goes by “Cassie” almost exclusively, so Cass is generally preferred to avoid confusion. But Cassie is tossed around.
Batghoul Possibly Stephanie Brown exclusive, though easy enough that I wouldn’t be surprised if others called her that. She is notoriously spooky.
Bat-Babe KON-EL/CONNER KENT EXCLUSIVE. These two are actually good friends and dated for a short time. They’re very cute. And they met at the time Kon was just…Like That.
Jason Todd
Jay Literally everyone calls him this sometimes. It’s a common nickname.
Jace/Jase Also pretty common, but seems to mostly be among family. Dick and Bruce have at least both called him this.
The Toddster Was called such by Danny Chase, implying they were friends somehow? (Jason didn't have many Titans missions so idk how they were close enough for him to call him that). He calls him that when he discovers Jason’s status in the system is “unknown”, leading him to find out he’s dead.
Rojo Referred to himself as this once while he was still a crime boss, so presumably some of his gang called him this too. Obviously Spanish for red because Red Hood.
Little Bird Possibly exclusive to Barbara Gordon, she called him this in a flashback.
Jan That Dick and Tim Brady Bunch joke. Just imagine one of them looking Jason dead in the eye and saying “Sure, Jan.”
Little Wing DICK GRAYSON EXCLUSIVE. Called Robin Jason this in Nightwing Year 1 and it’s very cute.
Jaybird ROY HARPER EXCLUSIVE. The reason I’m making this post because no one seems to remember that Roy and only Roy has ever called Jason this. But any time these two appear together, it’s usually said at least once.
Stephanie Brown
Steph Pretty much everyone calls her this at one point.
Stephie A few people if I recall, but I know Tim’s called her that.
Blondie Pretty sure a few people call her this, but notably Harper Row.
Damian Wayne Exclusives because He Was A Brat Wench Fatgirl Girl Blunder
Timothy Drake
Tim Everyone to the point where it’s just his name.
Timmy A lot of people call him this pretty teasingly. Dick, Jason, and Babs do it consistently, but that’s older siblings for ya. Bernard has done it too.
Timbo Dick and Jason as well as his friend Ives have called Tim this at the very least. Tim notably doesn't seem to like it, though he has used it himself in a derogatory way in his inner monologue.
Timbers I’ve only ever seen Jason call him this, but I could be missing things. Would not be surprised if Dick did too, but it’s very Jason.
Rob Most of Young Justice called him that up until he revealed his name (which took a while because Bruce was being controlling and overprotective, as he does). Short for “Robin”, obviously, which is all they knew him as.
My Robin I’m pretty sure each member of Young Justice has said this about Tim, though Conner does it the most and has the biggest negative reaction to literally anyone but Tim being Robin.
Cindy DICK GRAYSON EXCLUSIVE. It’s that Brady Bunch joke again!
Little Brother DICK GRAYSON EXCLUSIVE. I didn't originally include it because it had the same vibes as like "dude" or "jerk"; something that's easily tossed around, y'know? And it feels like a descriptor, but it is actually used as a title/nickname several times, especially when Dick is messing with Tim.
Pretender JASON TODD EXCLUSIVE. Though it should be noted, he only directly called him this one time. Aside from that, he more refers to Tim as A pretender, not as like a nickname or title. It’s a description. (like “replacement” was but fandom made that a nickname yes I am in fact bitter)
Duckboy HARLEY QUINN EXCLUSIVE. She says this once, but it’s hilarious so I’m keeping it.
Detective RA’S AL GHUL EXCLUSIVE. Ra’s is very particular about titles. The only other person he refers to as “Detective” is Bruce, and Dick one time in his internal monologue, so he is acknowledging Tim’s competence. And then proceeds to get a large portion of his resources obliterated by Tim <3
Stephanie Brown Exclusives because Girlfriend Sweetie Muffin Boy Virgin
Duke Thomas
Narrows Almost Jason exclusively, though I think Harper has called him this once or twice. In reference to the neighborhood he grew up in, as opposed to Jason and Harper's Park Row aka Crime Alley upbringing.
Newbie Jason calls him this frequently, though it's likely the others have too.
Baby Bird ELAINE THOMAS EXCLUSIVE. Yeah, surprisingly Duke is actually called this by his mom.
Damian Wayne
Gremlin Mostly exclusive to Tim, but Jason has called him this too. This also seems to be Tim’s go-to for Damian when not using his name or codename.
Dami Used by Jon Kent and Talia al Ghul, so presumably those closest to him.
Little D I think Barbara Gordon exclusive but I’m not sure.
Cousin Oliver Not said to his face to my knowledge, but the Brady Bunch in-joke between Dick and Tim.
Prince/Your Highness (other royal variations) A common way to mock Damian for his haughty air and stuck-up attitude. More common in the past because Damian was The Worst and never shut up about being the heir to Batman and the Demon's Head. He's grown a lot since then and this kind of joke is used less. He is still pretty snooty though.
D JON KENT EXCLUSIVE. I have yet to see anyone else call him this at least, and this is how Jon almost always refers to him.
Baby Bird TALIA AL GHUL EXCLUSIVE. I’ve seen her call him this once, and I don’t recall ever seeing anyone else call him this. Just wanted it known that Talia is the only one to call Damian this.
Tim Drake Exclusives because Tim is Petty and Damian was a Brat Little Monster Hobbit Homunculus Little snot Spoiled, vicious and homicidal little punk Heir to the Kingdom of the Damned
Note on how Damian refers to others: Damian usually uses full first names or surnames, depending on circumstance and closeness. He occasionally calls Dick “Dick” or “Richard”, but often calls him “Grayson”. He almost always refers to Tim as “Drake”, but occasionally as “Timothy”.
Fanon names that I dislike
Replacement Jason never once calls Tim this, and refers to Tim as A replacement about as much as Dick did about Jason (Yes Dick has at least once when talking to Bruce referred to Jason as his replacement). How common it is in this fandom to call Tim "Replacement" (with a capital R like it's a name or title!!!) drives me absolutely insane. It's not canon and tbh you can do better. Hell, "pretender" is right there! And Jason's a nerd, he would do better.
Baby Bird Like…it’s cute, but given it’s used in fanon almost exclusively for Tim, and POST DAMIAN, it just feels infantalizing. Especially when the only canon uses are mothers towards their kids. I see this a lot with Dick and Jason using it, which is...just no. Like, Dick, I get it, but he's more likely to call Tim "Little Brother". Jason would never allow himself to be seen as this soft to Tim. If he were trying to be gentle with him, he'd probably call him "kid". He's done that before.
Baby Bat(s) I have seen this used literally twice. Once where a goon mockingly called Tim that, and once in an AU where Harley said it to Damian. "Baby Bat" isn't a thing. Sorry.
Big Bird More amusing than anything but a little annoying. No one ever calls Dick that in canon and whenever I read it all I can think of is Sesame Street so unless a giant yellow muppet bird is what you're going for, maybe don't do that lol
Demon Brat/Demon Spawn Not the most egregious thing, especially considering the numerous nicknames Tim comes up with, but the consistency of its usage in fanon is a little frustrating. This is never used in-canon, and if you want to use it in your fanworks, just maybe intersperse it with other more creative nicknames, yeah? It's just unoriginal at this point.
Jaylad I don’t hate this one, but it’s such a huge misconception that it’s canon. Bruce has said “Jay, lad” a couple times because he calls like every boy he meets “lad” and people made up “Jaylad”. Not the worst thing ever, but it's not canon.
Golden Boy I don't actually have a problem with this one, but I may as well clear up that this is canon as a descriptor but not as a nickname for Dick. Like calling Jason "the dead Robin". Like, people have said that about him in-canon, but they haven't called him that. The common derivative "Goldie" is entirely fanon.
Non-canon nicknames I think are funny
Dick-face/Dickhead I’m sorry, I find it hilarious whenever someone (usually Jason) in fanfic calls him this. It’s also to me just a silly exaggeration of the obvious joke that has been made at least once (but probably several times by now) in canon about someone being about to call Nightwing a dick and someone else reminding them not to use names in the field. I think it’s hilarious.
Timberly I can’t tell you why this specific deviation of Tim is funny to me but it is. And I'm surprised I haven't seen Jason call Tim this in canon.
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suzukiblu · 1 month
WIP excerpt for S; the puzzle trap sex-room. tw: discussion of past dubcon/underage sex, past grooming, unhealthy coping mechanisms. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
"It's fine, Jesus," Superboy says, more than a little frustrated with literally every-fucking-thing at this point. "I mean the pollen and the livestreaming and the deathtrap were all extremely fucking shitty but for, like, the millionth time, it was just sex." 
"Sex with someone that you aren't attracted to who is a gender that you aren't attracted to," Robin says tightly, clenching his fists down by his sides. Superboy does not look anywhere near Superman. 
Goddammit, he thinks. 
"No," he says, just pretending they're alone in this stupid cave because it's not actually cool to make Robin think the situation is any worse than it already is, and Robin's the one who already got upset enough to fucking puke over the situation, so . . . "Like I was kinda annoyed over the hair-pulling thing and you were pretty pushy and I definitely did want a condom involved, but–just, look, that problem is not a problem, alright? Neither of those problems are, uh . . . problems. And what do you care, anyway, nobody's gonna think you're into dick just because you got roofied into oblivion and fucked the only convenient mouth in the room." 
God, though, only he could ever possibly be enough of a fucking loser to end up having to confess to the stupid sexuality crisis he's been having in the fucking Batcave. In front of Batman. In front of Superman! Like–sure, why not, this might as well happen. Why not! 
Robin stares at him. 
"You have a crush on me?" he asks in obvious disbelief. 
"I didn't say I had a crush on you, Jesus," Superboy grumbles, re-folding his arms and very, very firmly still not looking anywhere near Superman. Or anywhere near Batman either, just while he's at it. But admittedly it's mostly Superman he's not looking at. "Ego much, birdboy?" 
"You have a crush on me," Robin repeats, covering his face with his hands again, and Superboy scowls at him and does not blush. "You have a crush on me and I made you go down on me in a deathtrap without even kissing you first." 
"Brush your teeth and we'll talk," Superboy says with a dismissive shrug, since Robin again did very literally just puke in that trash can and all. And like, yeah, the guy doesn't even like guys, but the flippancy is just a reflex at this point. 
Robin splays his fingers and stares at him. 
"Go to therapy and we'll talk," he says. Superboy scowls at him again. Rude. 
“Look who’s fucking talking, Bat-boy,” he says. “Are we all done freaking out about nothing now? Can I go get back to my life, please?” 
“Superboy, if you would be willing to talk to . . . someone . . .” Superman starts in a very careful tone that Superboy immediately hates the sound of. 
“Yeah, no,” he says in exasperation, just–not looking at him, still. “Therapy is for supervillains in Gotham and civilians fresh out of crisis situations, not for perfectly fine active duty superheroes who are just bad at problem-solving under pressure.” 
“You solved the puzzle perfectly, actually,” Batman says, just as neutral as before. 
“How are you making that sound like a bad thing?!” Superboy demands, shooting him a dirty look.
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topguncortez · 2 years
Dog Fight Football - J. Seresin
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pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x shy!wife warnings: a bit smutty, Jake can't keep his hands to himself word count: 1k Hangman Masterlist | Main Masterlist prompt request: “I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice”
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Y/N had only ever watched the made up sport that was ‘Dog Fight Football’. The first time she had ever been witness to it, she was pregnant, and wasn’t really trying to get tackled by sweaty aviators. Now that she had had the beautiful little girl that was Ella Seresin, and somewhat back to her regular self, she was totally down for the game. Jake was excited, planning a whole beach day with the Dagger squad. Everyone had slowly started to move back to San Diego, where their permanent attachment was going to be located. Jake nor Y/N hadn’t seen a lot of the members since becoming a permanent squad. 
            Penny had agreed to watch the kids while Jake and Y/N relaxed with the team. She loved spending time with the little ones, and had become another name to the babysitting list. Amelia was also there, and Alex was bursting at the seams to build a sand castle with her. 
            “Y/N, you’re on my team!” Rooster called. 
            “What?! No! She’s my wife!” Jake called out as Y/N happily jogged over to Rooster’s side of the beach.
            “That’s why she can’t be on your team! It’s cheating,” Rooster gave Y/N a high five as she ran over to his side, “Besides, I know she can distract you.” 
            Y/N nodded, and stripped off her t-shirt, leaving her just in her gym shorts and black bikini top. Jake groaned and rolled his eyes, pointing at his wife. 
            “Evil,” He said and Y/N just giggled. 
            “Alright, let’s play!” Maverick said, clapping his hands. 
            Jake and Rooster placed both of the footballs down on the line, getting face to face with each other. Y/N stood next to Rooster, lining up with Bob. When Hondo blew the whistle both of the men snapped the footballs up, and looked for their team mate. Y/N took off running to the otherside, as Bob chased after her. She was quick, and got around Bob easily, being wide open. Rooster threw the ball to her, and she caught it, only to be tackled by Coyote. 
            “Uh! Javy, you lug!” Y/N grunted as she hit the sand. 
            “Sorry, mama,” Javy said, offering her his hand. 
            “Y/N, you’re on the line,” Fanboy said and tossed her the ball, “Let’s see if you’re a better QB than Birdboy.” 
            Y/N squatted down in position with the ball, coming face to face with her husband. Jake grinned at her, his eyes shamelessly looking down at her breasts in her bikini top. 
            “Eyes up here, Seresin,” Y/N said. 
            “Can say that same to you, Seresin,” Jake said. Y/N bit her lip, she couldn’t help but admire her husband’s naked torso. He spent time on his body, working out every single day and eating right. Y/N could tell that his body had changed over the years, the once hard planes of his body had started to come a bit softer. He also was supporting chest hair that made him even more irresistible. 
            The team played for nearly an hour, finding themselves in a tie game. They decided that the next score would be the end of the game. When Hondo blew the whistle, Y/N snapped the ball up quickly. Her eyes looking around for a teammate to be open. Phoenix held her arms up to signal to Y/N, and she threw the ball to the pilot with ease. 
            “Run, Nix!” Y/N yelled to her friend. Phoenix didn’t dare look back as she crossed over the imaginary endzone line to score for their team, “Touchdown! In your face!” Y/N said to her husband. 
            “Oh yeah?” Jake smirked, and Y/N could see the gears turning in her head. She squealed and turned to run towards the Hard Deck, but Jake was quicker, grabbing her body in his strong arms and throwing her over his shoulder. She wiggled in his grip, pounding her hands on his back. 
            “Let me down, you oaf!” Y/N laughed. 
            “Nah! You called me an oaf!” Jake said, and playfully smacked her ass. Y/N giggled as he carried her towards the ocean, getting deep enough to toss her in. She let out a yelp as her body hit the cold water and Jake laughed. 
            “Jerkface,” Y/N said, coming up to him. Jake wrapped her in his arms and pulled her back flush to his chest. Her body was cold but was slowly warming thanks to Jake’s sunkissed body against hers. 
            “I love you,” Jake said, leaning his head into the crook of her neck, “And you look so sexy in this.” His hands skimmed the bottom of her bikini top, right under her breasts. 
            “Your friends are up the beach,” Y/N said. 
            “And?” Jake asked and pulled her hips back to meet his. Her eyes widened as she felt his hard-on against her ass. Y/N wiggled her hips against him and Jake groaned, “We could do it right here, just go a little farther out, I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice.” 
            Y/N tilted her head as Jake placed kisses on her neck, and lazily ran his hands up and down her body. The feeling of his lips on her skin had her mind blanking for a moment, before she realized where they were and what they were lacking. 
            “We can’t,” Y/N said and turned in his arms, “We have no condoms, and I am not sure I want to have three kiddos under the age of four.” Jake frowned and Y/N leaned up to kiss the corner of his mouth, “Penny has our kids for the night so- JACOB!” 
            Jake put Y/N back on his shoulder and made his way back to where everyone was at. The squad had taken a break on the beach, drinking water and lemonade that Penny had brought down for them. Rooster was the first to notice they had come back from the water and called out to them. 
            “Where are you going?” 
            “To make another baby!” Jake said and Y/N lifted her head up and waved a Rooster as Jake carried her towards his truck. 
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literaryavenger · 8 months
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Summary: You and Sam are disconnected from the world during a mission in the Amazon while following a lead to track down Bucky. How much stuff can really happen in a week?
Pairing: platonic!Steve Rogers x F!Reader, platonic!Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader, platonic!Sam Wilson x F!Reader
Warnings: Language. Reader being dramatic. My poor attempts at being funny. Nothing much, really.
Word Count: 1.6K
A/N: I know in the gif there's a random woman (right in the middle) and I think it may be an edit, but this is the best gif I found for this scene so just pretend that's you, the reader lol.
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After the fall of Shield you're stuck with Sam to look for Bucky while Steve teamed up once again with the Avengers to retrieve Loki’s staff and bring Hydra down once and for all.
They’ve been doing a good job apparently, unlike you and Sam that have had no luck tracking down your missing supersoldier.
Tonight you get a break, though, as you got invited to the party Stark is throwing to ‘celebrate the revels of victory’, as the Captain so normally put it in his text.
When you step out of the elevator you see Natasha on the couch talking to Colonel Rhodes and you walk over to say hi.
You chat a bit with them before Rhodey, as he told you to call him, goes to look for Tony and you make your way to the bar with Nat.
“So... how’s the testosterone filled team treating you?” you ask her while she makes you your favorite drink without you even having to ask.
“If you saw how much time those guys spend on their hair, you’d know you and I bring more testosterone to the table than them.” She tells you smirking and you laugh as you take the drink she hands you.
You look around you and notice Bruce making his way to the bar, so you turn back to Natasha and say “Here comes your damsel in distress.” and you wink at her as walk away, going to find someone you know.
You find Sam at the pool tables. “Hey, you just missed me kicking Steve’s ass.” he says when he sees you.
“Are you sure you weren’t just daydreaming, birdboy?” he tries to glare at you but ends up laughing with you, inviting you to play with him.
Obviously, you beat him and then suddenly he’s not in the mood to play anymore.
“Aww, are you mad I kicked your ass?” you coo at him and giggle at his pout.
You guys find Steve and start making your way to the second floor as he tells you about the team’s last mission.
“Sounds like a hell of a fight, sorry we missed it.” Sam says.
“If I had known it was going to be a firefight I absolutely would have called you.” Steve said.
“No, we’re not actually sorry.” you clarify ”He’s just trying to sound tough.” they both laugh with you.
“Yeah, we’re very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons case. Avenging is your world.” Sam says as you make it to the overlook.
“Your world is crazy.” you add, seeing the whole room from your elevated point of view.
“Be it ever so humble.” Steve says, looking around too.
“You find a place in Brooklyn yet?” you ask after a moment of silence.
“I don't think I can afford a place in Brooklyn.” he says, glancing at you and you laugh.
“Well, home is home, you know?” Sam says.
You keep talking for a bit, then make your way downstairs where you meet new people here and there and chat with various Avengers, until eventually it gets late.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay here tonight?” Steve asks you and Sam while you wait for the elevator “We have guest rooms.”
“As much as I’d like to see how Stark lives,” you start “we have an early flight tomorrow.”
“We’re following some breadcrumbs on our missing robot.” Sam clarifies at Steve’s confused look, making both him and you roll your eyes.
“Gotcha. Good luck.” he says directly to you, glancing at Sam that's now glaring at you both while you chuckle.
You say your goodnights and step into the elevator. You give Sam a ride to his apartment and then drive to your own, going to bed right away.
You begrudgingly wake up earlier than you would’ve liked to and meet up with Sam to catch your flight.
“Morning, sunshine.” he says, chuckling at your hangover state.
“Bite me, Wilson.” is all you can muster the energy to say.
“Why did you drink so much last night if you knew we had to wake up early?” he's not even trying to hide his amusement.
“It’s not how much, it’s what.” you say while sipping the coffee he thankfully brought you. “This is the last time I let Romanoff make my drinks.”
“Well, have a long flight so you’ll have time to sleep.” he says, letting you rest your head on his shoulder while wrapping his arm around you, stroking your arm as you wait for your plane to start boarding.
“Thank fucking god.” you mumble and you hear him laugh quietly.
You’ve gotten close with Sam since you started your manhunt for the Winter Soldier previously known as Sergeant James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes. 
You already spent a lot of time together when you started with both Sam and Steve, but ever since the Captain started taking down Hydra bases with the Avengers all your time is now spent solely with the Falcon. 
You fly together everywhere your leads take you, you spend days on end in each other’s company and you research together as much as you can about Bucky and Hydra in between missions when you’re home.
You’re basically best friends now.
Sometimes you think the only good thing that honestly has come from your search is your friendship with Sam at this point, but you’re trying to stay positive knowing how much this means to Steve.
You board the plane and, once again, rest your head on Sam’s shoulder as you fall asleep.
When you wake up, about an hour before landing, you notice Sam fell asleep too. You smile at his peaceful face, it’s always nicer to be around him when he’s not talking shit. 
You finally land and get ready to spend a whole week in the middle of the Amazon with no reception and just Sam’s dumb ass for company.
“We really don’t get paid enough for this shit.” you say as you sit back in your seat with your eyes closed, your body almost giving out because of exhaustion. 
“Now, that’s something we can agree on.” Sam chuckles, as tired as you and still a fucking ray of sunshine. How does he do it, you don’t know.
You’ve just spent a hellish week in the depths of the Amazon forest. You almost died about three thousand and sixteen times and all you have to show for it is scars and bruises and bites of insects the size of cats. 
You didn’t even have time to clean up before your flight, the closest thing to a shower you had all week being when you fell into a river trying to help Sam out and then both of you almost fell down a waterfall.
A. Fucking. Waterfall.
You both basically passed out during the flight, being awakened suddenly after what felt like only a second by a flight attendant. Both of you were so startled that you almost pulled your guns on her.
You're already waiting in line for a taxi before it even crosses your mind to check your phone. Really, how much stuff could have happened in the seven days you were gone?
Turns out, a lot.
Like literally the robot uprisings and flying cities kind of a lot.
You were frozen staring at your phone when Sam’s voice finally registers as he says your name and shakes you a little, effectively taking you out of your daze.
“Have you checked your phone?” you ask, ignoring all his questions, still scrolling through the hundreds of texts from both Natasha and Steve.
“What the hell…” is all you hear from him a minute later and you don't need to look up to know his actions are now mirroring your own.
Before you know it you're entering a taxi and giving the address of the Avengers Tower while ignoring the skeptical look on the driver’s face once he takes notice of your disheveled appearance.
You're both on your phones in a second, you with Natasha and Sam with Steve, letting them know you're alive and assuring yourselves that they're okay too.
They greet you at the front door of the Tower, offering you to stay here for the night and this time you both accept. 
After a much needed shower, you sit down with the rest of the team for dinner and they tell you in more detail about what happened.
Natasha waits until you're alone in her room to tell you about Bruce, and you do your best to comfort her resulting in both of you falling asleep in her bed. 
The morning after Steve tells you and Sam that the remaining Avengers are be relocating to a new facility in Upstate New York, and asks you both to join the team.
Needless to say, neither of you need more than a second to think about it. Obviously you're both in.
You spend the next few months getting to know the Avengers both old and new while the new building was being restructured, and now here you are at the new Avengers Compound for your first day as an official Avenger.
Clint’s home with his family, you and Nat visited when Laura gave birth to little Nathaniel.
Thor’s got some big space adventure, Banner is still nowhere to be found and Tony’s on his way home to Pepper.
So now it’s up to Natasha and Steve to train the new Avengers: Rhodey aka War Machine, Vision, Sam aka the Falcon, Wanda and, proudly, you.
Steve and Natasha enter the room you were all waiting in and everyone falls silent, very eager to try you new suits and gadgets, courtesy of Stark Industries. 
“Avengers…” Steve says, in his captain voice.
This is gonna be fun. 
Requested taglist: @sapphirebarnes
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lakesbian · 7 months
what are your animorphs thoughts on how the characters have been changing over the course of the series so far? also, do you have a favorite animal moment in the ones you’ve read?
okay this got long due to my rambling so its going under a cut
well i can't say i have any profound analysis on how they've been changing but it's fun...jake rocks because he very rapidly went from "why are you guys saying im the leader im not the leader stop saying im the leader" -> someone has to be the leader, they want it to be me, i'll take the responsibility for making the calls that could get people killed and he Is becoming more repressed and solemn over time about it but he's also great at like. having internal spirals over it and shaking like a leaf and becoming very reactively resentful of both himself for not knowing what to do and everyone else for expecting him to know what to do. & sometimes people are like aww jake it's not your fault but sometimes they yell about how he's the one that got them into this mess so he has to get him out of it while internally regarding him as genuinely being the facade he puts up (<- even marco does this it's dire for jake) so you know. he's not doing so hot. shoutout to when cassie is like so what you're not supposed to be human? and he's like that's exactly right i'm not supposed to be human. it's fucking over for him marco has started calling him Prematurely Middle-Aged. he is turning into brian laborn. i like how they know they can still strategically coerce Whimsy and Immaturity out of him (e.g. 'letting' them sneak into a hollywood concert thing) by appealing to specific teenagerisms of his (shaq will be there).
veryfunny how they. put an arc about tobias navigating [checks notes] accepting his therian identity in the 90s children novels. just straight up. they gave birdboy a stomach-fluttering creeping lack of ability to stay in denial while a higher being was showing him his ideal body moment. They gave birdboy a "rachel is forced to accept who he is and stop solely thinking of him as a human tragically locked away by finding that only appealing to his true self as a red-tailed hawk rather than as a human can bring him out of being lost in a morph" moment. Also, he was autistic about dinosaurs as a child. i fear perhaps he'll have less focus for the rest of the series because his personal arc has like. more or less been sorted already. he's good now. there is the chosen one™️thing coming up still but i like that significantly less than him being just some guy so that's not really exciting. it's nice for him that his life is cool and awesome now though. i will say it's funny how almost every time the animorphs describe each other in their books they're just so wildly off-base (generally in the 'falling for the facade' way but it was funny when marco just confidently rattled off statements about rachels purported secret insecurities that were not even remotely accurate) and with tobias everyone is still like. poor soul. forever trapped in the body of a hawk. and then you cut to tobias and every time he's not in hawk morph he's complaining and bitching and moaning about how he wants to be back in his REAL body with his REAL eyes because they're SO MUCH MORE AWESOME. he's good, guys. he's fine. he's chill.
i am on the. checks notes. second chapter of the Cassie's Spontaneous Mental Break Over Doing Violence book. i like how she had an entire book dedicated to that one specific experience some kids have of being A Kid Who Loves Animals (TM) and then processes that bad things happen all the time in nature + human morality with regards to caring for animals is complicated and biased and gets really distressed about pondering the matter. like you know that type of experience. love that she gets an entire book dedicated to having it. fantastic character trait that she's the most prone out of all of them to having morality debates with herself and distress over the idea of choosing wrong to the point where she genuinely needs someone (marco) to explain to her that inaction is in itself a decision. girl who is very sick and tired of bloodshed, and also keeps accidentally murdering people. remember when she's like [trying 2 joke] i dont want to decide...could you just decide for me jake and jake is like [seriously, completely aware she wasn't kidding on a deeper level] do you Want me to decide for you? it is perhaps most necessary for her over all the other morphs that she gets to Not Be The Person Making The Final Calls. this does not stop her from having increasingly many little moments of nervous breaks before she gets so upset she tries to hard-quit though. should be interesting to see where that goes over the course of the entire series because she has a lot more books to suffer badly through
rachel is like. i think she's the slowest boiling pot here. she's had one (1) moment of really getting snappish about her role being The Brave One but other than that she's largely going "unfortunately i cant stop talking (instinctively immediately calling marco a pussy when he says something is scary and then throwing myself into it to motivate everyone even if i am also so very scared)" and then continuing to play out her role. it's been cute to watch her friendship with marco develop they're by no means each others favorite but they're playful with each other and they're learning how to read each other. i like when rachel is like hmm i think i hear your mom on a submarine and hes like thanks rachel [thinking] if she says youre welcome shes lying to be nice and shes like. Thank you for having better hearing than you? Loser. and hes like oh thank god. it's also very cute when he steals the tv remote while they're all hanging out in a hotel room and acts like he's gonna turn it to baywatch and she gets annoyed and then he puts it to xena warrior princess for her and shes like oh ok :). she is always getting ripped and torn to shreds and almost dying and it may actually be traumatizing the other animorphs marginally more than it traumatizes her. i think thus far my favorite scene with her is when she's traveling with tobias during megamorphs 2
aximili is like. he can be kind of nothing when it's not his book but his characterization is overall really solid. kind of enamored with how much having dinner with cassie impacted him. i want to see more of his developing friendship with tobias...i like how in his head he's like "and we're Best friends :)" without checking to see whether or not tobias also thinks this. deeply deeply funny character in terms of literally being a jock who didnt pay very much attention in school sent back 400 years and expected by everyone he meets there to, like, explain how to invent electricity when all he knows is what electricity is. i think during the dinosaur episode he should have started insufferably asking the other animorphs to explain how to invent a cellphone/water purifier/etc to make a point. bonus points because he comes from a society where being considered more technologically knowledgeable than other warriors is literally a huge diss. he wants to be a jock but he's being considered a nerd by all of his friends just for knowing what is to him basic fact. which obscures the truth that cassie is the real nerd of the group. sad! i disagree with the people who think he's genuinely weird compared to other andalites and not just on earth btw. just a side note. i really like his character development and internal struggles over geopolitics while being Extremely Fifteen. he is fifteen and they are making him undergo the horrors. i would like to see more scenes like where he's invited to dinner at cassie's or where he remembers the dinner at cassie's as smth very fond/important to him but at the same time i can get behind him having a like...undersiders-type relationship to the other animorphs where the connection is simultaneously very superficial and very deep because he wouldn't be in proximity to them if not for Being In A War Together and they don't really have any intimate interactions with him but they still have the intrinsic closeness of constantly fighting for each others lives. i like how he's objectively rachel's least favorite & least trusted and they would still bite claw maim for each other!
marco is becoming increasingly complicated 4 sure. kind of enamored with his character trait where he's completely fine with going "ATTENTION EVERYONE: i am so terrified and scared and afraid that i am shivering and crying hysterically and peeing myself and i've almost fainted as well" but he simultaneously considers the idea of anyone finding out about deeper emotional vulnerabilities of his and pitying him to be intolerable. which kind of clashes in an interesting way w/ how the other animorphs are all pathologically obsessed with the notion that it's fine for anyone Else to be afraid, but They can't be afraid or they're a coward and should be ashamed of themselves. i forgot the specific context but shoutout to when marco fully genuinely says that something is very scary/he's very scared and he wouldn't blame anyone who decided to go home and then cassie projects her own insecurities onto the statement and makes a kind of snippy remark about how she's not going to back down despite the fact that it was in no way targeted at anyone. i like how it's sort of his job to be The Sensible One (although this has shifted over the course of the series now it's more his job to be The Funny One i.e. the emotional medic) but his brain just completely shits out when he's scared and he frequently has to be reminded of common sense things during fights. i like how this does not stop him from being extremely impulsively angry and violent and poorly restrained around things that hit home for him. i like how when jake tries to go "are you ok? asking because you have not made a singular jest and thats worrying to people" marco takes it as "alright fucking fine i'll do better at doing my job and making jokes" instead of emotionally engaging. it's gonna be interesting to see where he goes he's one of the more complicated ones to see the perspective of
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shadowsndaisies · 2 years
robin catching feelings
so someone sent me an ask but tumblr glitched and I can't find it but here's a little headcannon/my thought process on it:
ok so when does our birdboy realize??
already set that birdy had a small crush in ep 1 so what if robin did too? 
but what if he’s not fully aware until later, developing his feelings throughout all the things that are happening
but like more to come on the kernel of his crush from when they first met...
chapter 6 (infiltrated)
Robin had some interesting feelings about wally and birdy’s kiss
Maybe he's not exactly sure why— just that it bothered him, and he kind of leaves the emoting alone for a bit. bc he does like her but mb he doesnt realize how much he likes her…. yet.
wally on the other hand notices the slightest hints of jealousy and will be supporting the information away for later
chapters 9 (bereft) and 11 (terrors)
so, in episode 9, they had the brain blast amnesia, and Kaldur got super sick. 
Robin was all jealous. Which is something he had to come to terms with it, especially because ain't no way Wally would let him go. 
So maybe wally presses on it a little bit and Robin gets defensive, so he decides to let it go… for now…
But after 11, when Robin and Birdy had their little moment on the sofa, he brings it up again because now he knows some things. 
That was when birdy did her reveal to him, so maybe he's like maybe… I…. am… into…. her...
also he called her beautiful… sooooo
so at this point homeboy knows he has a crush, but he's not exactly down bad
chapters 14 (revelations) & 15 (humanity)
so based off what was said just before, this is why 14 and 15 have such a big role. 14 gives us birdy’s big chance with Dr. fate. 
I mean the boys almost lost her, and that drives home for him because holy shit I could've lost her. 
so now he’s thinking about it…
he does not like the feeling he gets because he's lost plenty of people in his life already. 
And then in 15, right? Enter Z? It's common knowledge that zatanna’s pretty and she seems to have a little minor crush on him too 
because she's flirting with him, but maybe this is the distraction he needs because he doesn't want to fall for birdy. i mean look at B right? he doesn't have attachments bc they only end up in pain, and with all rob’s already lost he's not trying to make new ones.
which is why he's so dumb and flirts w zatanna— to keep his mind of birdy
which puts us at chapter 16 (failsafe) - when birdy reveals how she feels, outright and clearly
and his distraction tactic goes out the window bc fuck birdy is pretty and smart and tough and oh fuck. oh shit. this is more than just a crush
chapter 17 (disordered) 
his admission of being into her following therapy w dinah and his realization of not wanting to be batman. 
of wanting to be in her life, wanting to be a part of her life, actively.
of being there for her, there to catch her, whatever she needs
not wanting to be bruce- especially the isolation of it all
aka when we see birdboy is, in fact, down bad
from that point on we see his feelings grow
18 (secrets)
homeboy's got heart eyes watching ng stand up to the bat
19 (misplaced)
HUGE for their development bc birdy meets dick grayson for the first time
and he's out here showing the most secretive part of himself to her
21 (agendas)
our love birds go on a date (kinda) and they get to be yn and dick, and see how they do with each other over ng and robin, and it just reaffirms the feelings for both of them
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everything tags: 
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@grey-water-colors​ @batarella​ @loninctzencarat​ ​​@escapenightmare
cnng taglist: 
@babymango-writes​​​​​​ @smile-more19​​​​​​ @bruiscdlikeviolets​​​​​ @truly-dionysus​​​​​​ @farfromjustordinary​​​​​ @sometimeseverythingsucks​​​​​ @dweeb-central​​​ @lucy-roo​​​​​ @casedoina​​​​​ @cipheress-to-k-pop​​​​​ @anonomano​​​​​ @seninjakitey​​​​​ @explodingwaffle789​​​​​ @whelmedparker @bigtimesexhaving​​​​​ @officiallydarkgeek​​​​​ @midnxghtblue​​​​​ @unini​​​​ ​ @blackwhiteandshadesofgradient​​​​​ @dontmesswithbeebo​​​​​ @raggedyoldwitch​​​​​ ​​​​​ @amans-te-amo @tinybeantm​​​​​​​​​​ @unicorn-mya​​​​​ @bouqet-of-gay​​​​​ @duckmylife18 @kendallambrosio​​​​​ @hanbetired​​​​ @torchbearerkyle​ @cynthiarose07​​ @lolsnacks​​​​ ​ @mono--moonchild @emo-space-tea​ @notsostraightweeb​ @cryingnotcrying​  @sassyspanishartist​ @ahyeonah​ @acceber1313​ @abuliawrites @onepieceformeplease @whatislifeandhowdoidoit @luvelyxp​ @lovelyartemisa @evermoore580 @mischiefmanaged71
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How Cuddleable Are Your OCs?
I got tagged by @jev-urisk, so might as well :D
Premise: Answer the title question using a scale of 1-10 and give context.
These are the "main six" from Party of Three.
(also im re-flavoring the prompt to how huggable as in b1 Taka is 15, Beriyl is 16, and while they might be adults in their world its weird asf by our worlds standards, and i have 0 idea how cuddle-able they'd be, but i have more than enough figured out for hugs!)
fun little fact: i used the color of the persons soul for their text color here :D
(and i wrote up some what-ifs just for the prompt, the descriptions beneath the scored stuff. for everyone but qlul and eirairr :p)
7/10 I think he's kind of an awkward hugger, but otherwise it'd be like getting a normal hug from your friend. I think sometimes he struggles with knowing what to say, so if he was trying to give you a comforting hug, hopefully the hug itself helps lol. It was a strange feeling, being hugged by yourself. Yet it wasn't a bad one-- Taka felt oddly calm in his copies embrace. "It's nice..." He murmured. His face nestled in his other self's scarf, he remained there for a time. The faint scent of cinnamon lingered in the air. "Yeah." It finally answered. 'Kinda creepy though. How is this even happening? Well... whatever.'
7/10 This really, really depends tbh. If Beriyl's in a bad mood, good luck getting him to hug you at all. Other than that, his robes are probably really soft and he uses expensive cologne/perfume so I imagine it'd smell good. He's the best-groomed out of the six (not to say that Taka or Arthur neglect themselves, i think both of them do a good job too), so... like hugging a fresh, fluffy towel I guess? Beriyl wrapped his arms around Taka, pulling him close. "Wh- B- Beriyl?!" "..." "Uh..." For a moment, Taka hesitated, his arms stuck outward. But then, he wrapped them around Beriyl and returned the gesture. His mind swam in a pool of anxiety as his heart pounded in his chest, countless worries making themselves known-- was his posture too awkward? Did he smell bad? Did he remember to reapply the cinnamon stuff to his scarf? He did not remember. Uh... Hm. His robe was soft. And it smelled like flowers. 'Control yourself.' He commanded himself. 'Don't get a... Don't. Do not.' The hug was still happening. It was beginning to make Taka antsy. "U- uh... Beriyl?" In reply, the half-elf only squeezed him tighter. Taka exhaled a shaky breath and tried to steady his nerves. He returned the squeeze. It had felt comforting. He wanted to make sure Beriyl felt that, too. When Beriyl finally released him, Taka just smiled. A hug from your best friend was always nice. "Thanks." Beriyl beamed back. "The pleasure is mine."
8.5/10 Well, first of all... Arthur is huge. He's like, 6'3? It'd be like hugging your dad. Except you'd probably be a little scared he'd accidentally crush you to death, despite knowing he wouldn't ever. (The thing with Arthur is... if he really wanted to, he probably could. He's that strong.) That's the best way I can describe it. I think he gives really good, warm hugs. "Come here, Taka." Taka approached as told, and immediately found himself swooped up by Arthur's imposing form. "Whaagh!" "I'm so proud of you." Arthur was so warm. That was the thought pushing itself to the forefront of his mind as this happened. 'He really is like my dad. I guess I have two dads, huh? I mean, three, but... Wait, no. Arthur isn't my dad. That's weird. Well, no it isn't, but...' His thoughts meandered and spun about uselessly as they tended to do, and before long Taka was back on his feet, looking up at Arthur who was grinning down at him. "You've come so far." "...Yeah." Then, he turned to Beriyl, who immediately shrunk away. "You too, Beriyl. But you don't have to hug me if you don't want to."
10/10 Feathery birdboi, but most of my evidence for him points towards being great. Taka describes him as a "beacon of warmth" or something to that extent iirc, so. He's a master of comforting/seducing smiles, he's definitely very flirtatious. I think his score goes up or down based on this, but i'd put him up on a 10 because of how hot he is. And also i bet his plumage is soft :p Taka found himself being suddenly pulled upward into the towering birdfolk's feathery embrace. As he was practically cradled against Ecirr's form, he felt a steady blush wash over his face. He tried to hide it, to no avail. Ecirr noticed this, and smiled like he tended to do down at him. Which only made him blush harder. 'Gods. Why the hells does he have to be so cool? And why do I feel like this every time he smiles at me?! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!!!!!' Yet, when those feelings subsided, all that remained was warmth and happiness. It was truly comforting. Like resting in a cloud of feathers, or something. Something like that... Taka could almost swear he was being lulled to sleep. ...
Same as Ecirr, he's warm and caring. I think he takes extra good care of his feathers and is very proud of him, so they're probably super soft, like Ecirr's. As a healer, he is a very genuine, kind person. I think that reflects in his hugs. And hey, maybe he can cast some healing magic on you while he hugs you :p
"This too, shall pass."
"....Qlul. Is there a specific reason you're doing that?"
Good luck getting him to stand still long enough, maybe if he was in a serious mood and there was a reason he'd hug you... It'd probably be pretty nice, because he's an elf. I imagine his hair is really soft and literally perfect.
But otherwise... I think he's going to be too busy climbing around everything like he's a 2 year old who just discovered a jungle gym for the first time.
"Uh... Eirairr?"
"Hold on! I wanna see what this is... See ya!"
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cilil · 2 months
For birdboy week, ask nos. 3 and 10 please
Relationships with Manwë, Varda and Ilmarë
I'm going to answer this for the default verse; if anyone would like alternate takes feel free to ask for number 3 again :)
Manwë is very much a mentor figure to Eönwë and someone he greatly admires. Depending on the fic in question, this can be a paternal or otherwise familial relationship or more like Angbang with romantic/sexual undercurrents.
Eönwë feels comfortable coming to Manwë for help and advice regarding most things, but one topic he will leave out with almost complete certainty is anything related to war and violence. At this point he's old and wise enough to understand that there's a fundamental different between a warrior spirit who was designed to fight and kill (like him) and a spirit so good and holy that he has trouble even grasping the concept of evil (like his lord). To be clear, he doesn't fear anger, violence or punishment from Manwë if he found out about what happened during the war, but he fears that Manwë could be worried about him or disappointed.
Varda is the queen. Eönwë respects and reveres her, perhaps even so much so that he hasn't even begun thinking about her canonically legendary beauty; then again he would never dare thinking such thoughts about his queen and lord's wife.
When it's a more familial connection between Manwë, Varda and their Maiar in fics/verses, the relationship is still not very maternal because Varda can be intimidating, demanding and distant. Eönwë definitely prefers to stick to Manwë, not because he holds any of these traits against Varda, but because he's a little scared. He doesn't like disappointing a lady.
Ilmarë is one of his closest companions. In my default verse they're the kind of duo who've known each other since birth, already played together in the sandpit, grew up together, you name it. When they were named chiefs of the Maiar, this also gave them a close working relationship on top of it; Ilmarë especially appreciates the gossip Eönwë picks up while on herald duty.
Due to this close relationship, a sort of expectation grew around them, with others thinking there was budding romance between them and waiting for Eönwë to start courting Ilmarë officially (yes, Manwë was among those people). Eönwë wasn't really sure what he felt and if there was something on Ilmarë's part, but felt pressured to at least try - and was kindly rejected (I usually write Ilmarë as heavily female-leaning in her attraction). This was more relieving than upsetting for Eönwë, since he could now continue to just be friends with her.
In different verses I sometimes also write Eönwë and Ilmarë as siblings, based on Lost Tales.
Snippet time - this one's from the monastery AU
"Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Filius Dei..."
The feeling remained even as he spoke. Eönwë glanced up at the statue of the Holy Virgin Mother, almost expecting her to look down at him with contempt, yet her artfully sculpted features remained as soft, sweet and benevolent as ever. He could only hope that she found find it within her boundless grace to forgive him, even though he would sin again - was already thinking about it, in fact.
Every day, every night he prayed. Yet each time his faithless heart returned to that book and the demon he had summoned, and his mind was flooded with filthy fantasies that drowned his resolve until he gave in again.
"Sancta Virgo, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus... nunc... et in hora... mortis nostrae."
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canmom · 10 months
Animation Night 178: Alberto Vázquez
Hiii everyone! Animation night is back. And I've a treat for you tonight...
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So. One of the best things about running Animation Night is that doing this (almost) every week gives me a motivation to go roving out looking for stuff I'd probably never watch otherwise. And sometimes the stuff you discover ends up being just insanely good.
This was the case way back on Animation Night 25, the very first Halloween Animation Night. On that night, we took a chance on a film by Spanish director Alberto Vasquez called Psiconautas, los niños olvidados - known in English as Birdboy: The Forgotten Children. I'll tell you a little about that movie in a minute, but it completely blew us all away: emotionally overwhelming, deft in its handling of the heavy shit, and gorgeously animated. (4C were involved).
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So. Psiconautas is set on an island inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. It is a land in a state of general decline - its industry collapsed, the land choked with gigantic rubbish dumps, and the people in spirals of futility. Birdboy is a kind of spirit of the land; his father, Birdman, was shot down by police on suspicion of drug trafficking and he now struggles to keep a monster contained inside him and protect the one tiny shred of nature and life. His friends, who steal the pills he needs to keep it in check, are dealing variously with intrusive violent thoughts, uncaring fundamentalist parents, and a parent's addiction manifesting physically in the form of a huge spider. They want out of this hellish island - and they have a plan: with a bit of money, they might be able to buy passage to the city.
But it isn't that easy. Their money goes only so far as a tiny inflatable raft. And in the vast rubbish dump they encounter the Forgotten Children, abandoned by this society and left feral. Birdboy is forced to let his rage manifest. I won't spoil how it ends but - it's not an easy one.
Born 1980, Vázquez got his start in book and magazine illustration, with a style of distorted proportions and watercolours, or murky black, textured shapes as in these illustrations of Lovecraft. He turned to comics in the mid 2000s - which is where Psiconautas was born, along with other works like El evangelio de Judas (Judas the Catholic Squirrel) (2007) and Alter Ego (2008). In comics his style is very heavy, with big blocks of dark hatching. Within a few years he got the animation bug, working together with Pedro Rivero.
At the time, my knowledge of Vázquez's style was limited to short films such as Decorado, which should give you a pretty strong sense of his style.
At first it seems like a series of brief joke vignettes - but soon of course the threads start weaving together, characters from one skit come back in another, the threads of causality start to break down as the main character goes to pieces. It's clever and striking, but of course the deliberate artificiality which is the point means it is all wrapped in a layer of irony, which blunts the impact a bit.
The short films were made with a tiny team, with Vázquez hmself filling in just about every role from writing through layout to cleanup, with only a few other people on board. His later works became much larger projects, pulling in artists from as far afield as the great Studio 4°C in Japan, though I believe the bulk of the animation is still done in Spain.
The result is something great. Psiconautas has its share of black humour, but it's more willing to go for real drama, taking the vibe from 'unsettling' to full on 'fooooof'. I'm so excited to see it again.
But the main reason to return to Vázquez tonight is... he's gone and made another movie!
Just as with Birdboy, Unicorn Wars takes a short film and expands it. This is actually one of Vázquez's earliest animated works, Unicorn Blood (2013) - a work with a rougher cutout animation style, depicting teddy bears who hunt unicorns to try to fuel their cuteness. In the short we see a condescending teddy bear Moffy lecturing and fatshaming his brother Gregorio, as they hunt a unicorn, with abruptly segues into montages of violent religious imagery as a voice sermonises on the necessity of slaughtering the unicorns. They encounter a unicorn, but Gregorio can't shoot before the unicorn throws itself off a cliff - and as Moffy rounds on him, he gets motivation to, well, do a murder. It's a highly stylish work as with anything Vázquez touches, with gorgeous music textures and great use of watercolour.
Unicorn Wars returns to these themes about a decade later. Now the teddy bears are fully in a Vietnam-style war against the unicorns. A troop of teddy bairs are recruited to the war, and we are introduced to the conflicts between brothers Gordi and Azulín and top recruit Coco. Naturally the deployment goes south fast, and these three bears are the only ones left alive. Things get very violent and occult very quickly. There's more than a little cannibalism.
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I've been excited to watch this movie for like three years now. It dropped last year, and became available on BD this year, so I've finally been able to get my hands on a copy. Together with that, we'll revisit some of Vázquez's older works. I'm really excited, I've been wanting to run this one for aaaaaages. Now's our chance!
Now, I need to get some food before the shops shut, so the plan is to start in about an hour, at 10pm UK time - in the usual place, https://twitch.tv/canmom. Hope to see you there!
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waifu-13 · 1 year
I’m not sure if take request or not but I had request idea but if u aren’t taking request it’s ok aslo are famailar with charcter Uta from one piece just wondering?
an- this lovely follower here is a creative genius so my part here is just putting everything together. I give credit where credit is due.
tw bullying.
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your Face to face with the red-winged man in the void of self-destruction you made to get back him and the hero commission.. but no good fight starts at the main point let's go back a few lyrics shall we?
You stare at the white walls every day in this god-forsaken place. The lie of it being a "wonderful" training place for future heroes is bullshit. 24/7 vocal rest unless you're in training so you can't "run out of sound" whatever that means. white walls white clothes and constantly being compared to others. Ever since you got your quirk, you can't even sing or feel anything with someone slapping a muzzle-like contraption on you. at this point, you've mostly given up the only thing... well, the person that had made this bearable is the bird guy named Hawks. the adult at the hero commission swoons over him. As kids, it never got to his head but as you've gotten older it got to his head.. cocky man.. getting all this praise and you sit here looking like a lost puppy most of the time.
As time went on your hatred towards your past friend and this shity place that claimed to make the "best heroes" only grew. Your dreams of being number one have died out only to be left with the goal of bringing this place down as soon as possible. Wishing to of never learned how corrupt your own dream can be. Papers on top of paperwork on you from every single experiment you've been through are stacked in the corner of your "room" which can be better described as a jail cell.
"We can't do anything with them without risking damage"
"dump them. we have the bird to use from this round of test subjects anyways" a harsh tone you hear from outside the door. We're they talking about you? Are you finally gonna get revenge-
Which brings us to now your quirk in question? Euphonious Voice. it allows you to make a virtual space for yourself or others making you the main puppetry with your own voice. downside? once your energy is out the world collapses. You still don't remember what happened on the day you were let free. Can't remember how you got a new life all you knew from the moment you woke up you had to work, so you did. training every day. practicing vocal scales. Growing strong to become a force that can't be stopped running on pure revenge. Using his stupid face and red wings as motivation for this very moment.
Face to face, limb to limb with your old friend turned enemy. You can't understand how someone who claims to stand up for peace can sit back and not speak out about the tortures of your childhoods. As darkness floods around you incasing all signs of light to form your own personal revenge world.
"yn, CUT IT OUT YOU'LL HURT EVERYONE" hawks calls out distressed trying to break your rhythm of rage
"over my dead body birdboy" your words like Venum spitting out nothing will stop you now.
You and him the only signs of any form of hero or human life in the world you've made, as tension builds in the fight he gets closer then just as hawks is about to lay what he thinks is a finally blow the end to this madness...
A large flash grows across The black relm as it grows to a different shade of black almost void like. All life seems...gone as the sounds of your songs flatten almost lost in the void of what can only be described as self-destruction but did it really end that way?
Wait..no..my..my story can't end like this..can it? Everything I worked for..just over?! All the pain? That fight? Just gone? C'mon give more to the story! give more to MY story!
The end... Or is it
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Hey birdboy, tell me about your ocs, I’m interested
youre getting a ramble about the characters from my wip: built on bones and flowers!!! i would explain the worldbuilding and stuff but im tired and dont have the time to type all that out when this is about the characters
the first character we're going to be talking is antoine villeneuve :) he/him, about 32 years old. basically he was a nobleman, raised to be the perfect gentleman–the perfect son, then his parents died when he was around 18 and he was forced to find an identity outside of that which hes having trouble doing. hes like overly formal to the point where it loops right back around to socially awkward.
next up is vixen valentine! any pronouns, anywhere from 12 to older than time itself.(this is a joke. in actuality they're anywhere from mid 20s to mid 30s probably) local openly genderfluid and polyamorous goth, i wrote her to force antoine to have friends if im being quite honest, everyone either loves him or hates them, xe refuses to go to therapy. lives in a constant state of moral crisis over wanting to fuck antoine. most iconic and hilarious character ive ever written.
celestine maxwell :) they/fae/she, mid 30s. proof everything you need in life is a transfem inventor girl, proudly aromantic and pansexual. has a sexual relationship with vixen but otherwise the two are friends who find eachother unbearable to be around. raised by her two loving dads, grew up in poverty, had to claw her way up the social ladder. out of the characters, fae is the most vocal about activism and politics.
arden clayborne my beloved <3 xe/he/they, late 20s. autistic, dyslexic, and tired of being babied because of it. in a casual open relationship with vixen, has something gay going on with celestine. ace and biromantic :) had like the exact opposite childhood to celestine, she grew up a trans girl with two dads in poverty, xe grew up a trans boy with two moms in a relatively rich family. sort of the "happy, carefree, silly goofy friend whos there when you need a break from the world" of the group
melian doyle (beautiful wet cat of a man) he/him, anyone where from mid 30s to early 40s. bisexual, homoromantic, and somewhere on the aromantic spectrum; uses bi and gay interchangeably for himself. had a failed relationship with vixen a few years ago. depressed and exhausted coffee addict. tired dad of the group. grew up in an orphanage. needs a hug, a warm blanket, and some chocolate milk if im being quite honest.
i would talk about analie, alexandria, and silas as well but im tired and words are kinda hard right now so um. have this. and know you might get more later
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that post on about uncomfortable media makes me think a lot of about things
Honestly, some of my favourite films are ones that have made me cry and feel something for a long time, even as someone who is very mentally unwell and with such specific triggers and troubles, it ends up being more cathartic to me to watch them especially if they adhere to said troubles, because it feels like I am then able to confront them in a way after feeling ‘seen’. When I see something that distresses me, I often think about why it distresses me, and how it makes me feel, I’m often not able to articulate it, but I end up appreciating any media thats able to make me feel emotions of a kind, good or bad.
Even if I can’t reccommend any of such media as a casual viewing, if you can prepare yourself and are willing to try them out, I do say they are worth watching once.
One film I mentioned in the tags, Kill It And Leave This Town, is not a film I can reccommend to a lot of people, not only for its really uncomfortable subject matters, but also due to it being very slow and disjointed as a film with a very unclear narrative, theres a long scene of one character muttering to himself as he does crossword puzzles for example, yet its themes of death, seeing loved ones die and realising your memories with them weren’t all that great, and trying to make amends your own way in your own mind, was something that touched me in a way that no other media about death and mortality made me feel, and its a massive comfort film that way despite its uncomfortable subjects. Due to how disjointed my mind works the disjointment of the film and its narrative felt more suitable to me as well, but I understand when someone says they can’t get through the film either because its too much in its themes or is just too slow for them to get through.
Another film I mentioned, ‘Threads’, is something I can’t reccommend either, its a brutal film that tries to be as accurate as it can be on nuclear warfare, it also hits a little personal to me, as a lot of the characters being working class northeners in England remind me of northerners I’ve known and a lot of them feel like people I know (even if I’m more southern), which makes it all the more painful for me. But the way it brutally yet realistically depicts everything honestly ruined a lot of ‘post-nuclear-apocalypse’ media for me like Fallout, because now I can only think ‘please, it wouldn’t be nearly as optimistic!’ and I mean that in a good way! It really is a film that puts into perspective on how nuclear warfare is a very VERY bad idea (to put it lightly) and just how everything will collapse as a result. It’s to the point its a film that actively discouraged a lot of ‘pro-nuke’ sentiment at the time. It’s a film to definitely watch once and even if I did not ‘enjoy’ or was ‘entertained’ by it, I am glad I watched it, and I appreciate it for not pulling any punches, but hopefully I won’t see it again.
Last I mentioned was Birdboy: The Forgotten Children, its a bit more ‘mild’ compared to these other ones but still incredibly brutal, it dabbles into drugs, mental health, and wanting to escape a dying and oppressive community when there’s barely any chance of surviving in the first place. I can’t explain how this film makes me feel, mostly because I haven’t watched it in so long despite it being a film that has come to mean a lot to me, but also because theres so much emotion that the little animal kids make me feel and how they all try and survive and escape their island as you see all their individual struggles. The film like Kill It And Leave This Town is animated, bleak, and very metaphorical, and it portrays them all in ways where they have as much impact as things that are ‘real’, though this ends on a more hopeful note than Kill It. I feel if you are trying to get into upsetting films, this one is a good start.
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florosprouts · 2 years
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My little shapeshifting Birdboy does not have a very stable existence, his kind are very strange and unoptimized. The more forms he learns to copy, the more his original body mutates and his mind begins to break under the stress of it. I was told in advance that he was about to hit this point, so I made a bunch of doodles and art in preparation for this, but it was so painful not being able to share it w the rest of the people in the campaign other than the storyteller lol. I have to schedule this weeks in advance in the rare chance anyone checks my tumblr
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