#multi gender poll
Okay, if this isn’t good, tell me what to fix and I’ll redo it.
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im passing out bracelets at pride on Saturday so I kinda want an idea of how popular each will be, I know it'll be different on Tumblr than irl but it still gives me a better idea (also yes I was gonna make aro and ace and agender and flags with gray but I dont have gray currently)
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youareinlovetv · 9 months
How Queer Is Tumblr?: Year 2 (Gender Identity Poll)
read below the cut for the backstory/update on last years polls
sexual orientation poll || romantic orientation poll || gender identity poll
ok, so hi! this is my main blog. i’m tom, formerly known as t0mbles on this main blog (now the url is moved to my secondary blog), and last year, around this time, i made a ‘how queer is tumblr’ poll asking people which queer identity they are and seeing which one is the most popular. the poll blew up and people liked it but some identified with multiple identities (like a trans lesbian for example) and so i made two separate polls; one for gender and one for sexuality. and that worked out well!
its been a year now; and i want to see if the results will change. a lot of people from twitter and other platforms came in, fandoms changed, and some people have changed their identities altogether! so i’m making 3 polls this year. a sexuality poll, a romantic orientation poll, and a gender poll. i added the romantic poll because i put aromantic on my sexuality poll last year, but that isn’t really a sexuality, is it? so i want to see how that effects things now. that’s the jist of it!
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penny-anna · 2 months
Hello I have a gay people question!
This is a question for people who have been on gay dates OR would like to go on gay dates that involve going out for drinks.
I'm gonna say gay rather than 'same gender'; if you're nonbinary and feel that some or all of your dates are gay then this poll includes you. Bi/pan/otherwise multi gender attracted people also included obviously.
This poll also includes non-alcoholic drink dates such as coffee dates but doesn't include any other kind of date that costs money.
Phew that was a lot of preamble!! Okay:
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
While perhaps it's too early to call it a "masterstroke", Joe Biden stepping aside for Kamala Harris will probably turn out much better than any Democrat would have predicted a month ago.
Kamala Harris will likely be the next president of the United States – and that’s overall good news if you care about democracy, justice and equality. Joe Biden’s decision on Sunday to bow out of the presidential race clears the path for the country to elect its first woman and first woman of color as president.
For people who need a historical reminder...
[M]ost people in this country typically choose the Democratic nominee for president over the Republican nominee time and time again. With the sole exception of 2004, in every presidential election since 1992, the Democratic nominee has won the popular vote (Biden bested Donald Trump by 7m votes in 2020).
Now for more recent events.
If, in fact, support for Democrats among people of color is the principal problem, then putting Harris at the top of the ticket is a master stroke. The enthusiasm for electing the first woman of color as president will likely be a thunderclap across the country that consolidates the support of voters of color, and, equally important, motivates them to turn out in large numbers at the polls, much as they did for Barack Obama in 2008. The challenge the party will face in November is holding the support of Democratic-leaning and other “gettable” whites, especially given the electorate’s tortured history in embracing supremely qualified female candidates such as Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams. (The primary difference between Abrams, who lost in Georgia, and Senator Raphael Warnock, who won, is gender.) Sexism, misogyny and sexist attitudes about who should be the leader of the free world are real and Democrats will have to work hard to address that challenge. One critical step to solidifying the Democratic base is for all political leaders to quickly and forcefully endorse and embrace Harris’s candidacy. Mathematically, it is likely – and certainly possible, if massive investments are made in getting out the vote of people of color and young people as soon as possible – that the gains for Democrats will offset any losses among whites worried about a woman (and one of color, no less) occupying the Oval Office and becoming our nation’s commander in chief.
We shouldn't forget that the VP's mom was born in India. A number of people in the growing South Asian community in the US who may not be especially interested in politics will be tempted to pause their disinterest and vote for Kamala. India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh have all had female prime ministers – so there's not exactly a taboo about women in power.
One way to measure enthusiasm for Kamala is to look at how much money is being raised by ActBlue. Not all the money ActBlue raises goes to the national ticket. I donated to a US Senate campaign in June via ActBlue. BUT the timing of recent donations leaves little doubt what the cause of the recent spike is.
For context, first some recent weekly totals (source)...
Week of June 30 through July 6 — $65,220,920
Week of July 7 through July 13 — $48,669,913
Week of July 14 through July 20 — $61,349,601
As of Noon today (CDT): Week of July 21 through July 27th — $150,042,360 and the third day of the week is just a little over half over. In the previous hour alone, roughly $2.44 million was raised.
These are small donations, not like the $45 million per month promised by multi-billionaire Elon Putz to Trump. So grassroots Dems are stoked and are out for a win.
ActBlue is fairly no-nonsense, it's not exactly Amazon in layout. So people are not drawn there by flashy graphics.
Kamala Harris — Donate via ActBlue
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lesbian-polls · 6 months
Wait sorry, what’s wrong with m-spec lesbians? I thought that was what lots of butches were? 😭 sorry I’m from a conservative area + wasn’t allowed internet until I left home so I haven’t had much interaction with the queer community
Since you ask in good faith I'll give you a good faith answer.
M-spec doesn't mean "masculine presenting" it means your attraction is in the masculine spectrum of the gender spectrum, so men and male aligned-NB people (non-binary is not a third gender, it's a collection of every gender that I'd neither 100% woman or 100% man)
Butches tend to present masculine, this doesn't make them men.
A lesbian is a woman or woman-aligned NB person who is attracted to the same gender. That is, other women and woman aligned NB people.
The problem with m-spec and bi "lesbians" is that they're not lesbians at all, they're bi or pan people most of the time who are attracted to men but try to usurp the lesbian label and turn it into a synonym for sapphic or woman-loving-woman.
Lesbianism is the only sexuality that excludes men, both as targets of attraction and emitters of that attraction. Therefore we are being shamed into being attracted to men by this group of people. Hell, they even try to take the reclaimed d-slur.
It's an act of lesbophobia, homophobia (two different kinds of oppression btw) biphobia (bi and pan people have a history of fighting for their own label and protested against being called gays or lesbians) and transphobia since many of m-spec 'lesbians' and their supporters are trans men who claim they have a connection to womanhood by having the "right parts" which isn't true in the slightest and also hurts trans women, many of whom are lesbians as well.
Even misogyny, since m-spec and bi 'lesbians' can't stand the fact that we don't need men in our lives and that bothers them since in their mind everyone needs to center men in their lives.
Would you see gay men being told to include women in their sexuality? No, right? It's the misogyny as well.
Most bi 'lesbians' and their supporters also happen to be white, shielding themselves with their privilege.
To sum it up: m-spec 'lesbians' aren't butches or lesbians at all, they're bi and pan people who disregard their own history and struggle to try and steal our label from us, inspired by homophobia, biphobia, lesbophobia, misogyny and transphobia. They'll call us TERFs (many of us are trans women mind you) while employing TERF points themselves like with the trans man argument.
If you have more questions feel free to DM me. And, if you are not a lesbian please don't vote in the polls since they're for lesbians only. I made this blog as a safe space for lesbians due to our safe spaces on this accursed website being eroded (if you say you're a bi lesbian in a lesbian bar they'll laugh at you since this is online-only problem) and I'd like to keep it that way
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This user is right, I got the two mixed up. M-spec is multi-spectrum
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welivetodream · 11 months
This is gonna be controversial 😅....... anyways~~~
I don't really like to use the word "queer". But for the purposes of the poll that would be used (I am not meaning to be offensive!)
I was really curious as to what people think about this since almost half of the posts I see are about the gay stuff in BSD (most of which are really good posts). The shipping is also mostly leaning towards m/m and w/w (and I am a multi-shippers)
So I wondered what the actual fuck is going on? What do you people think about it? I am not long enough here to form an opinion so I wouldn't state mine.
What is it that makes bsd so.......gay?
(I know about Rimlaine being an actual couple. Nikolai and Ranpo I heard are also gay. I know irl Dazai had a crush on a boy and other BSD authors having questionable sexualities. But this poll is ONLY about BSD anime, manga etc. And not concerning the real life authors)
(Also Q is referred to as they/them and are non-binary with no one knowing their gender. I am pretty sure Higuchi says something about that in Wan)
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actress4him · 4 months
Empires Rise, Kingdoms Fall - Chapter 1 - Calamity
Attention, everyone who voted for the winning choice on my “what should I write next” poll! It took me a bit longer than I anticipated, but the first chapter of my new series is here!
This will feature a female main whumpee, because it’s me so of course it will, but I do plan on bringing in at least one male whumpee later. So, if you enjoy multi-gender royal whump, this series is for you! Let me know if you’d like to be on a tag list for this series.
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Contains: lady whump, dude whump, lots of blood, lots of death, murder, war, royal whump
The kingdom is falling. 
From her bedroom window, Maela can see thousands of soldiers, crawling like ants over the hillsides. Smoke furls up into the sky from the nearest towns and villages. Her ladies-in-waiting have assured her time and time again that the war will never reach them here, that even if it did, the city walls are too strong, that Highlea cannot possibly fall.
Yet as she stands in enraptured horror, skirts clutched tightly in her fists, the entire castle is in an uproar. Servants are throwing jewels and tapestries into trunks in a desperate attempt to save them. The last of the Highlean army, those who have not already gone out to fight, are swarming along the tops of the walls, finding their positions to defend the keep. Somewhere down the corridor, someone is weeping loudly.
“Princess!” Her chief lady-in-waiting, Semira, appears at her side and grasps her elbow. “Come, we must get you somewhere safe.”
They were supposed to be safe here. 
Semira seems to sense the protest in her gaze, forcing a smile that is meant to be comforting. “It’s alright. This is all just precautions, I’m sure none of it will be necessary in the end. But your mother is already on her way to the great hall, we should join her there.”
Maela allows herself to be led away from the window. Her eyes drag across her room, taking in the canopied bed, the books, the painting of her with her family as if in a dream. There’s a sense of dread weighing down her steps, something telling her that she’ll never see this room again.
“What about Father? And…and Adler and Eiran?”
“The king and princes have gone out to make their stand with the soldiers,” Semira answers gently. “But you shouldn’t worry about them. They’re strong. They’ll want you safe and protected, though.”
She knows they’re strong. They’ve been trained well, and her father has been to war many times. Adler, too, has marched out to battle before, and come back unscathed.
But Eiran, like herself, has never seen war. He’s only seventeen, a year her senior. All they’ve known is the aftermath, when soldiers are brought back on stretchers and draped over the shoulders of their comrades, bleeding and missing limbs and dying.
Will that be her family’s fate before the day is over?
Semira practically drags her through the corridors. They pass multiple servants, but none of them bother to pause and bow or even nod to the princess, too caught up in their urgent tasks. 
The great hall is in the centermost part of the keep, with no windows and great wooden doors that can be barred shut. They’ve never had to do so before. But now, as soon as Maela and Semira are inside, two guards drop the large crossbar into place with a thud that echoes through the cavernous room. 
Queen Haelyn stands in the very center of the hall, her back turned to them. She looks lost, and small. 
Taking a step forward, hands clasped anxiously in front of her, Maela calls out with a slight tremor in her voice. “Mother?”
The queen spins around, smiling with relief. It doesn’t quite cover the worry that’s etched into her face. “Maela. Good, you’re here. Thank you, Semira.”
“Of course, Your Majesty.” Semira curtsies in response. 
Maela lifts her skirts so she can hurry across the floor to where her mother stands. She searches her face, finding lines in her normally perfect brown skin, and strands of black hair that aren’t quite as neatly tucked away as usual. “Mother…I’m afraid for Father and the boys.”
Queen Haelyn’s attention has already been drawn elsewhere, her gaze seeming to pierce through the stone walls and out to where the fighting continues, but she drags it almost reluctantly back to her daughter. “Hm? Oh. I’m…certain they’ll be alright, dear. The city has never been breached before, and certainly they won’t make it here, to the keep. This castle was built to be easily defended.” 
It’s all just repetition of the same things Maela’s ladies-in-waiting have been telling her. As if she’s quoting something from a book, or information that has been passed to her that she has no choice but to believe. 
“If there’s no way for them to breach, then…why are we barricading ourselves here?” She waves a hand toward the locked doors. “Why are all the servants packing away our valuables as if the keep may be looted or burned?”
“It’s just a precaution, dear.” Again, she repeats Semira’s words, in a hazy voice that speaks the opposite of her words. She’s afraid, too. 
Everyone is afraid. The fear permeates the air, and has been growing thicker with each passing day. This army…it’s not like others who have marched against them before. Rumors precede it - of a number of soldiers beyond count, of ruthless followers and a far more ruthless leader, of kingdom after kingdom crumbling in its path.
So many towns and villages of Highlea have already been decimated. Now, it seems, it’s their turn.
Maela isn’t ready to die. Nor is she ready to lose everything she knows and everyone she loves.
But she’s not going to receive comfort from her mother. Giving the expected half-curtsy, despite the fact that no one is paying attention, she backs away and returns to Semira. She’s the only one of her ladies-in-waiting that she’s seen since the chaos began, and she’s afraid to ask where the others are. The only other people in the hall are the two guards by the doors, and a few of the highest officials of the court. 
Everyone else is out there somewhere, left to their own devices and the hands of fate. Inside this room, cut off from the rest of the world, it’s hard to keep her imagination from running wild of what that fate might be. 
Minutes stretch into hours. Semira, always vigilant about her princess’ wellbeing, tries to convince Maela to sit and rest, but she can’t. Anxiety has seized every inch of her body, thrumming through her veins. She can’t even stay still, much less sit down.
The silence from beyond the doors is nearly unbearable, until it’s broken and she finds herself wishing that it would return. At first, it’s thumping and banging. The fight isn’t close enough for them to actually hear the clanging of swords, but it has obviously moved much closer to the keep. Far too close. 
Queen Haelyn, across the room on her throne, goes from staring aimlessly at the walls to squeezing her eyes tightly shut. Maela grasps Semira’s hand so hard that she’s probably crushing it.
When the first scream erupts from somewhere across the castle, Maela jolts, then claps a hand to her mouth. She can feel the blood draining from her face. The screams multiply - some pained, some frightened, some dragging on in agony. Each one is like a knife to her gut. Tears stream down her face.
The army is here. They’re inside the castle. 
She finds herself looking to her mother again, but there’s still nothing to draw from her. The queen’s eyes are still closed, and now her lips are moving. Whispering prayers, most likely. Maela instead glances at Semira, hoping for comfort from the one source she can usually count on it from, but she’s gone just as pale and is staring wide-eyed at the doors.
Any second now, they’ll arrive here, at the great hall. And if towering stone walls and an entire army couldn’t stop them, then what are two wooden doors going to do?
They’re going to die. Highlea has fallen, their people are slaughtered, and they’re next.
Something slams against the doors, and the wood shudders. Maela cries out in fear. She wants desperately to turn and bury her face in Semira’s shoulder, but that’s unbecoming of a princess, even one who’s about to die. 
Another hit, and Semira drags her toward the thrones so that they can stand close to her mother. The other nobles and officials are clustered together on one side of the room, the guards facing the doors with their swords drawn as if the mere two of them can stop what no army has been able to.
The doors splinter on the third hit. 
On the fourth, they fly wide open. Soldiers in foreign armor pour into the hall past the battering ram. Maela stumbles backwards, clinging to the arm of her father’s empty throne.
The two guards are down within seconds, their blood leaking out onto the polished wooden floor. The officials are next, surrounded and murdered without even a chance to fight back. Their strangled gasps and cries imbed into Maela’s chest.
Then everything stops. The soldiers spread out across the room, filling up the corners yet leaving an open pathway down the center, and they simply stand there, facing the three remaining women. No one speaks, no one moves. Maela’s not sure she’s even breathing.
Footsteps click down the corridor, breaking the silence. A moment later, a woman sweeps into the room, her golden crown glinting in the torchlight. Her train, a brilliant red that nearly perfectly matches the blood on the floor, drags across the bodies of the guards as if they’re merely part of the landscape. 
There’s no mistaking who she is, even if Maela has never actually seen her before. She’s heard enough. The woman’s black hair is cropped close to her scalp in the style of the warm southern kingdom of Seland, her golden eyes outlined in kohl. 
There have been many rumors about those eyes, mostly from superstitious townsfolk who whisper that she can burn down entire kingdoms just from the force of her gaze. Standing here right now, watching the way they bore into both her and her mother in turn, Maela almost believes them. 
“Queen Haelyn,” the woman purrs. “A pleasure to finally meet you.”
The queen sits stiff and poised on her throne. “Queen Edrice.”
“Actually, it’s Empress now, haven’t you heard?” Her smile makes Maela’s skin crawl. “Yours is only the latest in the line of kingdoms that are now under my rule.”
Without waiting for a response, she makes a motion with one hand and the soldiers closest to the doors immediately turn and walk back out of the room. A moment later, they return leading yet more soldiers. These, however, are dragging bodies behind them. 
The first is tossed roughly at the empress’ feet, and Maela’s gasp echoes through the room. 
“The king is dead,” Empress Edrice announces without breaking eye contact with Queen Haelyn. She raises one slender eyebrow. “Long live the king?”
The second body is dropped, then the third. 
“No,” Maela whispers. Her eyes dart back and forth between the three, grief seizing her chest until it feels like it will be crushed.  
“Oops.” Edrice gives a brief glance toward Adler, the eldest prince. “The king is dead…again.” 
She turns her head to consider Eiran, the youngest. “Oh. Well, this one is still alive.” 
Hope surges inside of Maela, despite how still and bloody her brother looks, only to falter when the empress speaks again. 
“Can any of you provide a reason that I should keep him that way?”
For an agonizingly long moment, complete silence falls over the crowded room. Maela looks desperately to her mother, afraid that she’s going to just sit there and allow this to happen. 
Her father is dead. Adler is dead. But Eiran is still alive, he can still be saved. Out of all the loss that has happened today, perhaps this one can be prevented. 
She and her brother are a long way from their days of sneaking treats to her father’s dogs and going on long horse rides together and making fun of nobility behind their backs. Their time now is spent in more appropriate pursuits for their titles, and very rarely in each other’s company. 
But she still loves him. 
Queen Haelyn finally speaks up, her voice a shadow of what it was a moment ago. “He’s…he’s just a boy.”
The empress hums in response. “Yes. A boy who is technically now the king. And unfortunately, I really don’t have a need for kings.”
“Please!” The word bursts from Maela before she can stop it, and she almost regrets it once she has Edrice’s full attention on her, shrinking back a little. She has to try, though, foolish as it may be. “Please…Your Majesty. Spare him.”
There’s that smile again, cruel and far too humored by the whole situation. “As pretty as your pleas are, dear, I’m afraid they’re not enough to stay my hand.”
She gives her wrist a flick, and the soldier who’d dragged Eiran in draws his sword, plunging it through the small gap in the prince’s armor. His body flails for only an instant before falling still again, blood spilling out from around the sword and coating his armor in a red sheen. 
With a wail, Maela crumples to her knees. It’s not proper behavior, but she doesn’t care. Her brothers and father are dead. Everything in her world is coming crashing down around her, and she has the horrifying feeling that it’s not about to stop. 
“Well that’s taken care of.” The nonchalance in her voice is maddening. “Now I suppose that leaves the queen.”
“No,” Maela sobs. “No, no, no…”
Another gesture from Empress Edrice, and two soldiers charge forward, seizing Queen Haelyn by both arms and jerking her from her throne. She doesn’t fight them, only stumbles forward as gracefully as possible under the circumstances, her chin lifted high as she’s planted in front of the empress. 
Maela lunges toward her, but is stopped by Semira’s arm thrown around her waist. She falls back to her knees, tears pouring down her cheeks. 
Even facing death in utter defeat, her mother is beautiful. She’s always been beautiful, always perfect, the picture of what a queen should be and what Maela must strive to be. Somehow she always knew that she could never be that perfect, though, and she feels it now more than ever. There’s no possible way that she will stare death in the face with that same poise and grace.
“Any last words, Your Majesty?”
Maela can see her mother’s shoulders rise and fall slightly as she takes in a breath, but the words that follow take her by surprise. “My daughter. She’s a child still, she’s no threat to you.”
Edrice’s lips purse in amusement. “Touching.” 
As much as she doesn’t want to watch, Maela can’t tear her eyes away. Another sword is drawn and thrust through Queen Haelyn’s middle, protruding bright red out her back. When it’s yanked back again, the soldiers let go of her arms, and she collapses to the floor. 
Maela’s whole family is lying dead in front of her. There’s so much blood, the wood underneath is barely visible anymore. 
Time warps, and she somehow spends an eternity staring at those four dead bodies while she weeps until her stomach hurts and her throat is raw. 
Meanwhile, Semira is pulled away from her, fighting desperately to keep hold but ultimately failing. Maela cries even harder at her loss. She wants to turn, to find out if her closest friend’s fate is the same as the others, but she’s trapped in this moment of unending grief, unable to move and too afraid to face yet another bloody death of a loved one. 
For an instant she thinks, a bit hysterically, that this can’t possibly be real. This whole day has been a dream, surely, a nightmare that she’ll wake from at any moment. 
But then the scent of blood hits her all over again, and she’s forced to face the terrifying truth. This is all very, very real. 
Suddenly Empress Edrice is standing directly in front of her. Maela can’t help flinching back. This is it, her time has now come. She wishes, selfishly, that she could have been first, that she wouldn’t have had to endure seeing everyone else’s deaths before her own. 
At least this way, her parents won’t have to witness her cowardice.
“Come now, dear, you’re alright.” The empress reaches out with long, slender fingers and tips Maela’s chin upwards so that she can look into her tear-soaked face. Her mouth twists into an expression that Maela doesn’t quite understand. 
“Such a pretty, pitiful little thing. Your mother was right, you’re no threat to me.” The fingers leave her chin and gracefully swipe some of the tears away before tracing her jawline. Maela shudders involuntarily. The touch is gentle, even kind. But she’s keenly aware that this same hand ordered the murder of her family just minutes ago. 
She’s also keenly aware that she doesn’t seem like she’s about to order hers. 
The expression on Empress Edrice’s face turns back into a smile. “Don’t worry. I’m going to take very good care of you.”
Maela stares up at her with watery, bewildered black eyes. She’s…not going to kill her. Why? She should be glad, should feel at least some form of relief at knowing she doesn’t have to die. 
But somehow, living now seems like the more frightening option. 
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potsiefaerie · 11 months
*For the purposes of this poll, bi+ includes pansexual, omnisexual, etc, anything multi-gender-attracted. And also includes asexual but multi-gender romantic attraction (ie, biromantic, panromantic, etc).
Please reblog for better reach!
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acourtofladydeath · 11 months
Multi/Poly X Reader ACOTAR Poll
I'd love to see you comment and/or tag your favorites! I know I personally would struggle to pick just one myself. Let me know if you prefer the pairing as poly or multi as well (poly being they all love each other, multi being one person is the center of all the love). What gender identity (if any) do you prefer for the reader to have with each ship? If your favorite option isn't there, please add it in the comments! There wasn't room for an "other" option, but I'm aware there's a lot more possibilities here!
Would be so grateful if you reblogged so this can reach as many people as possible! I've left the poll open for a week to see what results I get. LET ME KNOW ALL YOUR THOUGHTS!
Visit the Canon Character sister post here to cast your vote there as well!
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purlturtle · 5 months
This is only one poll of a set that I'm making, in order to get more nuance. You can find the masterpost of polls here.
This poll is about smut/porn, be it a novel, a movie, a show, a fanfic, or as one storyline within a different story.
This poll is for people who identify as wlw, sapphic, lesbian
or mlm, gay not as an umbrella term but as in "man who loves men"
or as closely enough aligned with these concepts/labels that taking part in this poll makes sense to you.
There are different polls for people who are straight, who are pan/bi/multi etc., as well as for people who don't identify as male or female closely enough to feel comfortable answering here. You can find them in the above-linked masterpost.
There are different polls about ROMANCE, which you can also find in the above masterpost.
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Irl group I go to said it would be homophobic. What does the internet think?
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kyruskumiho27 · 9 months
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Ageless or Minor blogs will be blocked
Please do not steal my works!!! Re-Blogging is ok:)
Polls drop on Tuesdays, I write for the two(2) most popular vote
About me😋
Ao3 link
() included
💔 Angst
🫶🏽Self indulgent.
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•Miguel Ohara
✿ Leave my mans alone-🫶🏽
✿ Miguel Ohara who acts like he hates you(pt.2)-🥰 (bits of angst)
✿ Miguel Ohara who acts like he hates you(pt.1)-🥰 (bits of angst)
✿ Miguel Ohara who acts like he hates you(pt.3) -🥰 (bits of angst)
✿ Self confidence *coming soon🥰
✿ The incident *coming soon🥰
✿ Damn (smut)🫶🏽😈
✿ Miguel x pregnant reader🥰😈
✿ Enemies to lovers🥰😈 *coming soon
✿ In love Miguel🥰💔
✿ Self confidence🥰😈
✿ Self confidence (just the fic)🥰😈
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•Katsuki Bakugou
✿ He thinks you can’t cook🥰
✿ Soft Bakugou🥰
✿ My favorite character🫶🏽🥰
✿ He loves you~🥰
✿ Pregnant reader🥰
✿ Rich husband *coming soon🥰
✿ Perfect (Ao3)🥰
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•Bucky Barnes
✿ Bucky time🫶🏽🥰
✿ Self indulgent🫶🏽🥰
✿ Imagine🥰
✿ 40s Bucky *coming soon😈🥰
✿ Self indulgent *coming soon🫶🏽🥰
✿ Lemons 🍋 (Ao3) 🥰
✿ Artist Bucky 🥰
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• Ao3 fics
✿ Lemons 🍋
✿ Curiosity
✿ You smell like spring (bits of angst)
•Ao3 author/fic recs
Bakugou x reader
Transparency -@Csmurf🥰
Cracked- (orphan account)😈
Baachu -@Madelynfrost🥰
Even if there’s nothing left of me- @queenlittlelion🥰
Hear those bells ring deep in the soul- @queenlittlelion🥰
Bucky x reader
Close- @221bshrlocked 🥰😈
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✿ Needy (smut) 😈
✿ Soft choso(smut) *coming soon🥰😈
✿ Virgin choso(smut) *coming soon🥰😈
✿ Spend the night away *coming soon🥰
✿‘To much’ 🥰😈
✿ ‘To much’ (the fluffy bit) 🥰
✿ Begging (smut)😈
✿ Jjk master list (smut)
✿ Lover (smut)🥰😈
✿ Clingy 💔🥰 (bits of angst) *coming soon
Tumblr media
•Voltron Legendary Defender
✿ Curiosity (Ao3)🥰
• Theon of Glass
✿ You smell like spring (Ao3 multi-chapter)🥰
•Tumblr blog Recs
🎀Bucky Barnes
@buckyalpine (smut/fluff)
@buckyalpine (smut/fluff)
@buckmepapi (smut)
🎀Miguel Ohara
@fangswbenefits (currently making fics for baldurs gate)
@nanaslutt (smut)
@pseudowho (smut/fluff)
🎀Bakugou Katsuki
•Other master list
Needy Masterlist😈
Original Works
I swear I’ll name them properly:)
KyruswithaK do not copy works
Ask are open :)
Reader is not specified, I imagine them as black cuz’, you know, I’m black. I try not to put any specific body parts or gender, if I do plsssssssssss let me know and I’ll change it as quick as possible:) unless specified in the tags or warnings
Thank you🙏🏾
*idk what’s happening but my ask me page is not showing up on my blog. So if you have any requests or question just directly message me :)*
(Y’all if anyone I know finds this account I’m cooked)
Tumblr media
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clarityroses · 1 year
Okay finally doing this cuz boredom (sorry if this sucks idk exactly how to do an intro lmao. Gonna add a meet the artist drawing along with this later):
Shitpost blog
Writing blog
OC blog
‼️Commision info‼️
They are open!!!
- Hello I’m Clarity (clarityroses_ and claritys_art_things on instagram)
- he/any pronouns
- minor
- gender-fluid and abrosexual
- very multi fandom just like look through featured tags watch me go insane 😔😔
- I do a lot of art
- I went to vidcon 2022, 2023, and 2024‼️ it’s so silly and fun.
- I secretly rp as ro from kotlc on @hunkyhairs-backup but I’m not very active at all shhhhh
✅ Using art for pfp or wallpaper or whatever (pfp has to have credit though!)
✅ drawing my ocs or aus. I’d actually love that oml-
✅ tagging me and spamming likes or reblogs
✅ spammy asks
❌ Reposting (even with credit)
❌ Any like blatant hate for no reason. Like you’re free to critique and such but I don’t want a negative blog
❌ Homophobia, transphobia, ableism, racism, or any of the other weirdos and rude & angry people of the internet
❌ blank blogs. Add something my guy. I’ll most likely just block them cuz they look like bots 😃
❌ weird like. 18+ blogs. Not just if you’re over 18, I mean specifically THOSE types of blogs. The weird kinky ones or if it says “minors dni” in ur bio don’t follow meeee ew ty
(I’ll probably add more once I remember stuff lol)
Just keep this a nice positive space please 🙃
Feel free to send asks and such, I don’t bite :3
Silly comic thing beginning (old): IT’S GENDERBEND STYLE WOAH
Hazbin Hotel fic that’s currently on hiatus:
Johnnyboy oneshot thingy (Outsiders)
Oceanside is one of my oc stories, tags will be #oceanside #oceanside characters. The otehr story is #other world. You can check #the creatures of my brain, plus any generic #oc tags. I have a separate blog for ocs now.
Character list
Art tag is #clarity’s arts
Rambling tag is #clarity speaks
Asks are #clarity’s asks
Writing tag is #clarity’s ramblings
WIPs are #me when the work is progressing
Ahem anyways
Misc. tags are #shitpostss, #wowie a poll, #anon :3, #woahh a video, but I forget to use them a lot
Have a nice day :D
(I’ll edit this as I feel like I should)
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cove propaganda! i know how long this is but i saw your post approving someone's multi-paragraph anti-propaganda so here goes:
[spoilers ig, not major spoilers]
Our Life is the game, no, the literary work that has made me feel the most loved and cared for. Like, it's pretty much the only dating sim i've played where i feel like it's me that is playing it and not some other character. it's just that customizable 
and cove is so sentimental and caring and loving and emotional/pos, like he's so committed and like a dream bc for so many hopeless romantics
-like you'll continuously visit the hill that you first met on growing up and ten years after you meet, you cuddle and fall asleep on the grass there together and it's the cutest most wholesome thing
-you can also get married there
-cove constantly gives words of affirmation and is loving to the point of being clingy but eh, i'm clingy too and it's better than the alternative
-also he's obsessed with the ocean and is so happy and giddy if you visit the aquarium with him. he also loves his pet fish
-and there are moments in this game where you address things that are... less happy. whether that's gender dysphoria or leaving for college or other things, cove and your family and everyone else is so supportive. these moments also made me cry, multiple times haha. this game gives you the supportive family that lgbtq+ people like me can only dream of. also you have two moms in-game :D
the game (and him, by extension) also hugely impacted my life! there's a personal story down below so scroll over this part if you don't want to read all that 
-so i first played this game as a fifteen y/o who got rejected after my crush was nice and cute and amazing and flirty with me for months
-and that hit me so hard and made me scared as fuck about being vulnerable and having crushes on people
-when we were 13 in-game, i genuinely didn't know whether cove had a crush on me or not (he was being so obvious) and i cried when he did and after we kissed bc that never happened to me
-and esp during the moments where we would go on dates and generally be together i would blush and smile so much. and cry happy tears sometimes
-and i was going through a tough time and every day, i would look forward to playing olba whenever i came home from school
-and yeah i know that there are two other love interests but cove was the only free one and although i had a debit card, i didn't want to explain to my parents that i was paying for a dating simulator
-and now thanks to cove, i can actually tell when people have crushes on me now and not constantly doubt myself!!
-so please vote cove, he holds a special place in my heart and probably many other peoples' too. and no this is not a tumblr fake story trust me i suck at making stuff up. 
if you've read this far, thanks so much!! and to the owner of this account, i am aware that this is long as fuck so feel free to exclude the personal story/include only some parts of this rant in the polls :D have a great rest of your day, hydrate, and VOTE COVE
My blog is always welcoming Cove propaganda, no matter the length <3
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lowcallyfruity · 11 months
Hihi! Welcome to my blog!
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
localanimeidiot -> lowcallyfruity
⟡ You can call me Lux or Honeydew !
⟡I am a MINOR!! Soo like- pls don’t be creepy 😋 please and thank you 👍
╰┈➤ Please do not follow me if you ONLY post N.S.FW. You will get blocked.
╰┈➤ I SOMETIMES make inappropriate jokes and reblog suggestive stuff. Sorry about that.
PLEASE. Let me know if you need something tagged.
↳ I’m also terribly sorry if my tagging is messy and inconsistent sometimes.
Pronouns page💥💥 | My art fight 🎨🖌️ | My strawpage 🍓🥤
⋆🇲🇽… Eng + Esp
⟡ My blog is a MESS. I post lots of different stuff, but it’s mostly twisted wonderland centered. With some P5(R)
⤷ But you’ll see stuff from other fandoms as well sometimes :) (most often reblogs)
╰┈➤ Speaking of TWST, I hc all of the characters (students) as queer, and most of them as neurodivergent, and I talk about it ALOT ALOT. So if you don’t like/are uncomfortable with constant talk about neurodivergence/gay stuff then maybe don’t follow me, but yeah just a heads up 👍
⟡ 😔 I’m cringe, annoying, I talk a lot and I’m very enthusiastic about lots of things!!!! I’m also very freaky and intense
⟢ I use gendered terms like bro,dude, girl and boy often as a joke and gender neutrally. Please let me know if you’re not okay with it
↳ I say slurs. (Faggot, Beaner, Dyke, Lesbo)
⟢ I can be REALLY bad at understanding and interpreting tone sometimes, so I apologize if I do not understand something!
Tags below ᵎᵎ
જ⁀➴ general tags 𓂃
Z’s art💛?! (All my art!)
My creations💛! (Stuff I make that isn’t art. Shitposts/incorrect quotes, edits, videos etc.)
💛!me talking💀 (posts where I talk to my non-existent audience)
💛! reblogs
💛⏰! queued (WOW! I queue stuff when I’m in post limit)
​💛! asks (Anyone who sends me an ask will get 1 moneys)
જ⁀➴ Fandom tags𓂃
​💛! Z’s TWST adventures (TWST gameplay images)
​💛! Z and Young Sheldon (young Sheldon stuffs)
💛! Z and KNY (Demon slayer stuffs)
💛! Z and Persona 5R (P5R stuffs. SPOILERS!)
💛! me and trolls 4ever (trolls stuff baybee)
💛! Z and Scott Pilgrim (Scott pilgrim stuff)
💛! Z and Obey me (obey me stuffs. Currently for both OG and NB)
​🎉! transfem twst polls (the polls that are drove me insane)
🎉! genderfluid twst polls (I’m actually insane)
🎉! twst tism poll (Rubs hands evily)
AROACE JADE SUPREMACY‼️‼️‼️‼️ (my Aroace Jade adventures)
Non-binary ruggie 🤪 (Non-binary ruggie adventures)
Modern Leovil(???) AU (AU where Leona and Vil are divorced. Epel is their son. Hijinks ensue)
My twst ocs🪞💛 (TWST oc things)
Mc 💛: Lapis Ávalos (My Main TWST MC<3)
જ⁀➴ ship tags 𓂃
~I’m a multi-shipper! These are just my main ships/ones I post about a lot!~
sebeppy…..i love them… (My Sebek x Epel posts!)
idiasil…my beloved… (My Idia x Silver posts!)
ridtreykei (My Riddle x Trey x Cater posts! → this tag is specifically for all 3 of them, so it won’t contain posts that just talk about Trey x Riddle or Trey x Cater! [And on the rare occasion Riddle x Cater] and don’t mention ridtreykei!)
azujami…my sillies… (My azul x Jamil posts)
​Leovil…the slays… (My Leona x Vil posts)
Kalirug…the pookies (My Kalim x Ruggie posts)
​jaderuggie…so silly (My Jade x Ruggie posts. They are queerplatonic to me)
​💛! Jadeotter (Jade + Kalim! They are platonic/queerplatonic to me💛 also includes stuff by other people!! )
💛! Bleeding Hearts (Rollo x August [Vice President NPC])
Flonei…so cool… (Floyd x Neige)
Akeshu…crazy… (Akechi x Joker/Akira)
₊˚⊹⋆ Thanks for reading :3 💛!
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