#my bro asked me to take care of his cat
nekoning · 1 year
my autistic ass whenever i blindly believe something someone tells me despite how unlikely and questionable it is:
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auroreliis · 2 months
Imagine reader slipping up & call them the Catboys/Catfamily
They would be so bitter lol
If you called Bruce Catman, or something like that, he would be so confused, I'd love to see it. Jason would laugh, of course, but Bruce would remain stern,"Who is that? Where did you hear that name?" It implies that you were going to say Batman, which is also a big no-no.
Dad, Father, parental figure and Papa (and maybe a few other niche ones) are the only ones allowed. He is not Batman in front of you, only your father. And it BETTER stay that way >:(
Dick would freak out if you called him Catbro.
"NOOOOO NONONONONOOOOOO IT'S BIG BROTHER, OKAY??? BIG BROTHER!!!!", he would whine, with tears in his eyes. How could you do this to him? He's Richard, your dear elder brother. Well...actually, don't call him Richard either...just big brother, okay?
Jason has been called many things by you: Nuisance, asshole, jackass, weird guy who won't leave me alone...you get the point. However, never in his life would he have imagined being called Catbro. His reaction is one of disgust. With a scrunched up face he would tell you to stop. Right away. And don't do it again.
Tim, like Jason, has been called a plethora of insults by you, so just the fact that you talked to him at all makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. If he knows who you're talking to, he really doesn't care what you call him. He would certainly correct you and say,"No, no. I am neither Robin, nor a cat in your presence, okay? It's either Tim or big bro, alright?" He would try to be gentle about it.
Damian would stare at you silently untl you correct yourself. He wil NOT take this disrespect. He is either Damian or My dear younger brother to you, nothing else.
Duke would just laugh awkwardly,"Yeah, haha, whatever you say" He definitely wants to correct you, but is rather hesitant in fear of making you angry.
Barbara and Cassandra would both politely ask you to refer to them as big sister. Since they ask so politely, you cannot help but agree.
Stephanie just starts laughing like a maniac. You end up being so confused...does she...find it that funny? Is she being sarcastic? Why is she laughing so much? It kinda freaks you out. She throws her head back and starts hitting you on the shoulder. Like...It can't be that funny, right?
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mochinomnoms · 9 months
Hello I saw your event and got interested! I was wondering if you could do #24 with Idia (romantic, fluff, and suggestive if possible) with fem!reader?
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idia shroud x f!reader [tags] – romantic, fluff, suggestive [wc} – 3, 241 prompt 24: “I'm so happy that you confessed first.” “Why?” “If I had to dig out another hydrangea petal from my teeth, I was gonna lose it.” notes - the only way to write idia is kind pathetic like a wet cat. i love pathetic men a floral inconvenience
According to legend, a Japanese emperor gave blue hydrangeas to the girl he loved, to apologize for neglecting her and to show how much he really cared for her. Their petal shape resembles a beating heart. 
Idia thinks that he was cursed in a past life for doing something awful. Maybe he kidnapped someone’s kid and tried to kill them. Maybe he tried to overthrow the gods and take over himself, but failed miserably. Or maybe, worst of all: broke someone’s limited-edition, vintage Tokyo Mew Mew Ichigo figurine. 
He sure as the underworld that he did something, why else would he be puking up hanahaki flowers like some cringey Canon x Reader fanfic? 
“Big Bro! You really should go to the school infirmary, the petals and stems can cause irritation and damage to the trachea and nasopharynx if not treated properly!”
Ortho was currently hovering over him, fretting like a mother hen over her chick. How ironic, Idia thought as he picked at the petals still in his teeth, it was for the little brother to be caring for the elder. 
“Why do that when I can just have the school delivery bots bring me medicine. Then I won’t have to interact with anyone, I’d literally DIE if anyone saw me like this…”
Especially if the Prefect saw him. The image of her sweet face, and beaming smile…like a scene from a shoujo manga, flooded his mind. He could practically hear her voice, full of concern, asking, “Are you okay, Idia?”
Idia fell into a sneezing fit, petals flying from his mouth and nose as his sneezes continued, one after the other, until he was also thrown into a hoarse, wet-sounding cough. 
“Big Bro! That’s it, you’re going to the nurse!” Ortho, despite being quite small, grabbed Idia by the back of his striped pajama shirt, much like one grabs a wet cat by the scruff of its neck. 
“UUuuuuuuuuuughghuguguguhidonwannaaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHh!” Idia cried out in a whiney, high-pitched tone. 
His brother, perhaps taking pity on his brother, took the shortcut to the infirmary, cutting directly pass the buildings and fields as Idia’s arms and legs loosely flew like cooked spaghetti noodles. Flying through the window that Nurse Goethel often kept open for fresh air, Ortho plopped Idia into a spare bed, who collapsed like a ragdoll into the thin mattress. 
“I’ll go check you in with the Nurse, I’ll be right back, please make yourself comfortable Idia!”
Idia gave a muffled grumble as a response, shoving his face further into the hard surface of the bed with a sense of dread. He could hear Ortho speak with Goethel at her desk. 
Well, he thought, at least she won’t see me looking all gross and lovesick like some normie—
“Idia, oh my god, are you sick?” 
A shrill, ear-splitting shriek left his mouth as the flames of his hair blew up into a blazing hot pink. Idia bolted him, a sharp pain hitting the top of his head as he heard you yelp. As he rubbed the pained spot, Idia noticed that you too were rubbing your chin. Oh Sevens, he hit your chin with his big, stupid head. 
“Ooowwwww, damn Idia, you hit hard…” you hissed, though you gave him a sweet smile in reassurance. 
“It’s fine, I shouldn’t have scared you…though why are you covered in flowers?”
Idia froze, debating on whether or not he should open his mouth and potentially say something damning, or just stay quiet and hope you’d just get weirded out and leave. 
“Because he’s an idiot who didn’t come to immediately see me at the first petal cough!” 
The nurse came up to Idia with a disapproving glare, handing you a clipboard and pen before slipping on a clean pair of gloves. 
“Prefect, please check the boxes for every symptom I find. I believe I know what it is, but we need to check all our bases.” 
Idia peeked at you from the corner of his eye as you smiled at him, waving your fingers as the nurse whispered a spell to turn her magic pen into a makeshift flashlight. 
“Now, open up and say ‘ah’ so I can see what those flowers are doing to you.” 
Following her instructions, Idia tried his best to be a cooperative and willing patient, if just to get out of here faster. Unfortunately, your presence only seemed to make it harder to do so, as hydrangea flowers bloomed from the pores of his skin, focusing particularly around his hands and neck. 
The nurse, he’s sure, could also see the magic sparkles forming as a new bouquet formed through his throat and shot up his mouth. She tsked, leaning back to allow Idia to hack out the now decent sized hydrangea bouquet. They were a vibrant blue, much like his hair. 
“Ah, go, go on and let it out.” The nurse waved a hand at Ortho. “Dear, please fetch your brother a cup of the tea I have brewing at my desk. Prefect? Please note that the patient has no evidence of root growth in his throat.”
“Root growth!? Is my brother going to be okay?” Ortho worriedly rushed over, the tea spilling over the rim of the foam cup. “Is it a curse or disease? Is my brother growing a plant in his lungs!?”
“Ortho, you scanned me earlier this week, remember?” Idia hoarsely replied, taking the tea to gingerly sip at it. “Nothing in ‘em, or my stomach ‘cept ramen noods.”
“A WEEK?!” The three of you flinched at the shrill gasp of Goethel, who was glaring daggers at Idia. “Mr. Shroud, you’ve been sick with an unknown flora disease and you didn’t even bother to let the staff know? What if you were contagious!!”
Idia shrank into himself as he whispered, “It’s not like I leave my room…” 
“Bateria or the pollen could’ve gotten into the air vents and infected the rest of your dorm, ugh.” The nurse sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose before addressing you. “Miss Y/N, if you mark down the lack of root growth, fever, and magical origin of the flowers, what do you get?”
He watched as you flipped through the clipboard, smile slightly faltering as you read one of the papers. You cleared your face briefly, before smiling politely back at the nurse and Idia.
“Based on everything, it seems that Idia most likely has the flower sickness, also known as the love sickness, petal fever, or, most commonly, hanahaki.”
Idia cringed at the cold, monotone sound of your voice. Now he’d done it. You knew, somehow you knew that he had the biggest, fattest, most twitterpated-full crush on you. No, crush was understated. He had dreams of you, the cringiest, domestic fantasy-based shit where he’d imagine you, waking up in bed with him back at the Island of Woe. You had given him a sleepy smile as you curled into side, naked. With a smile and a kiss to his lips, dream you turned over to hover over him, trailing small kisses and love bites down his body, further and further as you whispered to him, over and over, “I love you, Idia—”
A queasy, dizzying feeling fell over Idia as a particularly painful croup caused him to double over and vomit last night's dinner alongside blue, heart-shaped petals. 
“Big Brother!”
“Shroud—Prefect, hold his hair back! Ortho, grab the trashcan, I’ll go get some cleaning supplies and new sheets.”
Nurse Goethel barked orders to the other two, who quickly jumped into action. Idia could feel a shiver as he felt your hands softly grasp his flaming hair, fingers grazing his cheek as you tucked his bangs behind his ears. He could barely make out your coos, no doubt comforting him. You must be disgusted seeing him like this, having to care for a sopping wet cat of a man. Ortho was holding the trash can, right on time for Idia to hurl some more flowers and stomach acid. 
“Oh, Idia…you poor thing.” You whispered into his ear, unintentionally causing his body to warm up and a chill go down his spine to settle in his abdomen. He was very aware that if he turned his head to look at you, he’d get a faceful of your chest like some harem isekai protag, the thought making him warm further and his tips pink again. 
“I didn’t realize you were feeling this bad, Idia…” Ortho murmured, guilt in his voice. “I should’ve brought you sooner…”
“N-no…” Idia gravelly replied, wiping his mouth clean. “It’s not your fault Ortho, don’t beat yourself over it.”
Ortho still looked guilty, but nodded in affirmation, glancing at briefly at the Prefect. His gaze flitted between the two, and Idia could briefly see Ortho’s eyes go blank, as they did when searching through his knowledge database.
“Miss Prefect!” Ortho chirped, voice now perky much to Idia’s concern. “May I ask for a spare infirmary shirt for my brother? He must be very uncomfortable in his soiled one!”
Idia was now firmly and acutely aware of your hands still on him, thumb rubbing soothingly into his temple. 
“Oh, of course Ortho.” You moved away, hands hovering for just a moment, as you replied, “They’re in the storage, I’ll be right back!”
Idia watched as you walked away into the infirmary storage. Ortho did as well, waiting until you were out of earshot to excitedly whisper, “Idia! I know it’ll be an easy fix!”
“Huh?” Idia rose an eyebrow at his brother, confusion setting in.
“It’s a love sickness, and you love the Prefect—Idia stop looking at me like that—so if you confess to them, the flowers will go away!”
Idia was still giving Ortho a horrified look, as he continued. 
“Based on the timing of your reactions in correlation with close proximity within the Prefect, along with your increased heart rate at their touch, speech, and glances, and the fact that the Prefect stated on December 15th at 11:18:53 pm that she likes hydrangeas, she is the cause of the sickness. Right?”
“Ortho!’ Idia hissed, grabbing at his brother to shut him up despite Ortho not technically having a mouth. 
“Quiet down, this isn’t some otome game where I can cheat and look online for the right responses. Did you see how she reacted earlier when she found out it was hanahaki, how disappointed she looked? There’s no way Y/N—I mean the Prefect, didn’t connect the dots. 
“But, Big Brother!” Ortho whined, “Based on her heart rate and increased body temperature—”
“No is no, Ortho! It’s not going to be such an easy fix, I’ll just get rejected!”
“Technically speaking—” Idia and Ortho both jumped at the nurse’s voice, who was coming back from storage with clean linens. The Prefect followed with a new shirt.
“—you don’t need your beloved to accept your feelings, just confess them. Though it’s quite rare that it’s not reciprocated.”
The nurse motioned for Idia to get up as the Prefect handed him the shirt. She began taking the sheets off as the nurse addressed the two brothers. 
“Mr. Shroud, if you are insisting on keeping this sickness intact for fear of rejection, then I will have to ask Professor Crewel for some more potent ingredients for your prescription. Little Shroud?”
“Oh, yes Nurse Goethel?” 
“I could use your assistance, please come with me, Miss Y/N will tend to your brother,” She had a smug tone and smirk as she said this, motioning for Ortho to follow. “Mr. Shroud, please have no worry, she makes an excellent student nurse!” 
Idia let out a defeated, low, whiney groan as he moped over behind one of the privacy screens. You remained quiet as you collected the dirty sheets. He could hear Goethel’s footsteps and Ortho’s fans fade away as they left further and further down the hall. Idia yanked his shirt off, slipping the clean one over his head, noting it was a tad bit too small. He grumbled in annoyance as he pulled the shirt down to cover his stomach. 
“Eeep!” Idia yelped, your voice coming from right behind the screen. “Y-yes?”
“Are you done changing? I can take your shirt to the hamper.”
He hummed in response, peeking his hand from behind the screen with the shirt in hand. As you took the shirt and walked away, Idia slowly moved to look at you. Once he was sure your eyes were firmly ahead (and briefly taking a look at your ass), he launched himself back into bed, the smell of clean linen filling his nose. 
Idia sighed, a faux exhaustion settling into his bones as he sunk into the bed. He tensed as he felt you sit on the edge to this right. 
“Idia?” you hummed as he closed his eyes to focus on the darkness behind them, instead of you worried expression. 
He hummed in response. 
“Nurse Goethel said that the remedy is actually quick and easy, right?”
He hummed again.  
“You’ll just keep coughing hydrangeas until you do something, right?”
“...Yea.” Idia replied in a monotone voice. 
You sighed, a bit in frustration he thinks. “So?”
“Why don’t you?” You stretched out the last vowel with a questioning sound.
“Why don’t I?” Idia mimicked you. 
"Why don't you just confess?"
“Wha?” He yelped, looking at you like you’d grown heads like a hydra. “W-what do y-you mean, confess!? Are you crazy?”
You rolled your eyes and sighed, “It would help, wouldn’t it? And Nurse Goethel said it’s rare for it to not be reciprocated, so what do you have to lose?”
“First of all, what’s left of my dignity. Second, I’m not some ML in a romance manhwa. And, third!” Idia straightened up to look you in the eyes, a burst of confidence filling his veins in pure frustration and annoyance. “There’s no way that anyone would be interested in some loser like me, so what’s the point—”
“But I like you!”
Silence fell between you two as the realization of your words settled into both your minds. You, with a growing blush and look of embarrassment, and Idia gaping at you like a fish out of water.”
“I said,” You murmured, twiddling with the ends of your hair. “That I like you. A lot. I think you’re really fun to be around, you’re even though you're shy and kinda geeky, you’re really passionate about the stuff you like. Idia.”
Your hand reached for his, hesitantly like you were afraid you’d burn him. As you laced your fingers together, Idia felt a lump form in his throat. He kept silent though, watching as you smiled shyly. 
“You’re sweet to your brother, and I notice, to me sometimes too. Did you think I wouldn’t notice you coming out to class more often so we could hang? I missed you this week…it was really lonely without you, even with all my friends.”
Still holding his hand, you leaned in closer to his face, looking at him earnestly. Was this real? Did he unlock a secret route with you without noticing? Why did you keep looking at his lips? OMG WAS THIS REAL—
“Idia,” You snapped him out of his thoughts as the distance between you two kept closing. “If the person you like doesn’t return your feelings, then they didn’t deserve you in the first place. I’ll be there to support you, even if you don’t like me the same way, I’ll always care for you as your friend—”
“But it is you.” Idia blurted out. Whether it was due to a mysterious burst of energy or just a slip of the tongue, he didn’t know. 
“W-what! Idia, you don’t have to try and make me feel—” you tried to stutter an excuse, cheeks pink like the fiery tips of his hair. 
“It’s you! I got this cause of you, cause I knew—I thought,” Idia started to ramble, getting up to grab you by the shoulders and shake. “I thought that you couldn’t like some weirdo like me. Are you telling me I could’ve snatched an SSR level kiss scene with you at any time??!!”
It was your turn to be shocked, a bewildered look in your eyes and Idia rapidly spoke, taking little breaths between sentences.
“Do you know what you do to me?? The thoughts, the dreams I have about you? I see you and get all hot and bothered and you’re telling me that I didn’t have to be some maidenless normie this entire time? I could’ve been lockin’ lips and getting my dick we—”
A sharp shriek leaving Idia’s mouth was muffled as you shoved your lips into his, effectively shutting up his rant. He whimpered as you swiped your tongue along his lips, deepening the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Idia, perhaps in the throes of passion, or not wanting to miss out on this once in a lifetime pull, reciprocated, albeit with a nervous hesitation. 
You seemed to approve, pressing your chest against his as your mouth moved against his, tongues dancing and moans being shared between half taken breaths. His hands hovered over you until you let go of his neck to guide his hands and place them over your hips. An arousing moan left your lips as your hands gently pushed his chest. 
Idia’s world slightly shifted as he fell back first into the bed, your hair creating a curtain as you separated from him. A line of shiny spit followed you, breaking as he gasped for breath while you leaned back down to press kisses against his neck, flowering the disappearing hydrangeas. 
He yelped as your teeth scraped a particularly sensitive spot, opening his mouth to blurt out, “I'm so happy that you confessed first.” 
You let out a breathless giggle, turning your head and resting your chin on his neck to look up at him with, he swears on the Star Rouge sequel, hearts in your eyes. “Why?” 
“If I had to dig out another hydrangea petal from my teeth, I was gonna lose it.” Idia chuckled, “I’m sorry you have to deal with such a coward like me.”
“Idia.” You firmly responded, “Don’t. I like you as you are. We’re both young, we have time to grow. I’ll grow with you, if you’ll have me?
Looking down at you, practically on top of him, Idia opened his mouth to tease your softness, and suddenly froze. The mortifying, though wonderful he had to admit, scene was dawning on him as his entire body heated up and turned red. 
You effectively shut him up with another kiss to his lips, smiling as Idia was shocked into silence with a dopy, wobbly smile forming on his lips.
“Relax, Idia, I’ll take the lead on all the romance stuff until you get the hang of it. For now you can be my player two!”
Idia snorted, smirking at you as he teased, “That’s such a cringey thing to say~”
“You say things like that all the time!” 
The two of you shared a soft laugh, unaware of the audience of two at the door watching. Ortho recorded the memory for the wedding he was already planning in his head, while the nurse muttered to herself about wasting time gathering ingredients for a prescription potion she no longer needed. Despite this, she smiled, happy that her little words of encouragement to the Prefect earlier worked. 
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boxofshadows · 10 months
How Pro-Heroes would react to y/n getting attacked by a villain and ending up in the hospital
✦Includes: Midnight, Eraserhead, All Might, Ms. Joke✦
A/N: sfw!! requests are open if your fav isn't here! I'll write for anyone~★
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Midnight is incredibly good at hiding her emotions, I believe. Shes used to wearing a mask 24/7 in her hero role, so when she finds out you'd been hospitalized by a villain, she puts on a mask of levelheadedness. She would feel guilty if you had to comfort her after you'd just been traumatized.
Course, you aren't used to this side of her, so you assume she doesn't care. You end up breaking down and asking if she even cares.
"Of course I care, love, did I make it seem like I didn't?" "I'm so sorry baby, I just didn't want to stress you more."
After that, things smooth out. If you don't mind the eventual scar, she'll make it into a joke and flirt about it. "Y'know, I always thought scars were attractive~" and similar things.
If you don't like the idea of a scar, she offers comfort, and a way to hide it until you're more comfortable. "If you want, I can help you hide it and minimize it."
Shes very affectionate the entire time, she doesn't leave the hospital until you basically force her to go check on your cat and get some actual sleep.
Secretly blames herself for not being able to protect you.
After you get out of the hospital she doesn't treat you like glass, persay, but she does NOT let you do anything against your doctor's orders.
She also helps you sign up for therapy and reminds you that whatever happened wasn't your fault. (Hypocrite much?)
Kisses you and reassures you 24/7
It takes a bit for her to stop blaming herself, but you work together:)
Most emotional man I know of. "logical" my ass.
Aizawa is immediately at your side. Like he will run across rooftops to get to you. He has NO chill. Part of me believes he gets to the hospital at the same time as you.
Clingiest motherfucker alive. Every ten minutes in the waiting room it's "Can I go in yet?" To the nurses. He doesn't sit down once.
Once he gets to you literally nothing is capable of getting him away from you.
He comforts you whenever you need it, deep down he knows there was nothing he really could've done to get there sooner. He's completely and totally focused on you.
When your other friends get the clear to see you, Joke takes pictures of you and him sleeping in the most awkward position
Brings your favorite blankets and foods
Makes you a playlist of classical music to help you sleep
Anything you need, bro is on it immediately
Once you're released he refuses to let you do anything strenuous. He opens the car door for you, helps you get buckled, etc etc.
He does take the hint when you ask to shower alone, and backs off a bit after that.
He offers to ask Recovery Girl to heal you, and brings you painkillers when you need them.
He understands your paranoia after the incident and helps you learn basic ways to keep yourself safe.
All Might
Would get to the hospital as soon as he could, but knows that you'd want him to stay and finish any responsibilities.
If he's in the middle of something, he finishes it as fast as he can and then gets to the hospital.
He gets there just as you're being taken to a room
Instantly asking if you're okay, if you need anything. The second you say you need something he's on it.
Also a clingy motherfucker
But he knows how to distract you from whatever hurts with dumb jokes and pictures of his student's progress.
Knows how to fill dead air basically. Doesn't really ask about the villain unless you bring it up, just to make sure he doesn't potentially trigger anything.
Listens empathetically when you tell him about what happened.
Offers to get you food, but you're both indecisive so it's just a back and forth of:
"what do you want to eat?"
"idk, I'm good with whatever, what do you want"
"you're the one in the hospital bed, what do you want?"
"you have to go get it, so-"
"fine, (food you hate) it is."
Won't treat you like glass, he knows what it's like and fuckin hated it.
Still offers to help you though, he just doesn't want to suffocate you
Takes you on drives across the coast to get a break from the city
Ms. Joke
Tries to act like she wasn't worried and knew you'd be fine the whole time
She didnt
She had to call Midnight to calm her down
Makes jokes about you "being apart of the club now" (having been attacked by villains) and then apologizes for what happened
Brings you treats and things to make you smile (comfort items, silly things she saw at the store, etc)
Has Nemuri smuggle your guy's tiny dog in and out like twice
Sits in silence and watches you sleep
Brings you headphones to drown out the annoying beeping
A little over protective afterwards
Clingy, but not Shouta clingy.
"you should go home"
"why, is something wrong?"
"you haven't left the hospital in a week, you clown."
"oh yeah. Oops!"
"ok ok I'm going!"
Showers, but also washes the exact same clothes and rewears them just to fuck with you "you didn't say I had to change"
"tell me you washed those, em, or you're on the couch and the dog gets your pillows."
"Of course I did!"
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yoon-kooks · 2 years
on mute | jjk
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🦈pairing: fuckboy!gamer!jjk x reader
🦈genre: friends to lovers, office!au, coworker!au, smut, fluff
🦈summary: You always assumed your handsome coworker was down to fuck anyone in the office except for you. He always assumed you weren’t interested in a guy like him. And both of you were content with never admitting your feelings… until he unknowingly confides in you in the realms of a certain tactical FPS game.
🦈word count: 10.7k
🦈warnings: mutual pining, shooter game references, soft fuckboy vibes, fingering, doggy style, protected sex bc bro aint taking no chances🤠
a/n: i wasnt planning on including smut so thats a bonus✨
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You press a hand to your mouth to suppress a yawn as the department meeting finally comes to an end. Your boss had gone over the schedule for next quarter, alluded to a few new projects, and gave a few shoutouts to people on your team who apparently “went the extra mile” this week. You couldn’t care less about being acknowledged for your work, but it does kind of irk you that Jeon Jungkook got a shoutout when you’ve never seen him do extra work in the office. All he’s done this week is take your pretty lady boss out to lunch. If that’s considered extra work, you suppose Jungkook works the hardest. After all, he’s the type to make time for anyone he wants to sleep with aka everyone in the office except for you.
As you scoot your chair out, you back into something very solid. Surely no one is dumb enough to stand right behind your chair when they know how eager everyone is to get out of here for the weekend. But when you turn around, you know exactly who it is without even seeing his face—Employee of the Week Jeon Jungkook. 
You stare at the back of his shoulders in that mustard button-down, and it occurs to you that it was his nice ass that you’d bumped into. He didn’t even stumble forward from the impact or at least step aside so you can leave like everyone else. You just want to get home, soak in a nice hot bubble bath, and play a few games with your calico all curled up in your lap—that’s the ideal Friday night that Jeon Jungkook is keeping you from.
“Excuse me, kind sir,” you say as your nude acrylics tap the armrest.
The boy turns around with fake astonishment. And a handsome smile. “Oh, Y/N, I didn’t know you were still here.”
“I mean, yeah, I’d be gone too if someone wasn’t blocking my way out.” In the year that you’ve been on the same team as Jungkook, the two of you somehow developed this sarcastic and aggressive way of speaking without actually being mad at each other. Some call it banter, but you dislike the possible romantic implications of that.
“What’s the rush? Got plans tonight?” He still doesn’t move out of the way. You didn’t expect him pinning you against a table in the office to be so underwhelming. You imagine a fuck boy like him could try a little harder, be a little rougher. Not that you’ve ever fantasized about it.
“Yeah, I just bought some cute new lingerie for when I hop into bed with Christina Lauren and my cat.” You leave out the gaming part of your Friday night plans. If he knew you played the same game as him, he’d probably use it against you somehow.
“Who’s Christina Lauren?” he asks. You love the thought of him imagining you in lingerie with some mystery woman. Or maybe that’d just encourage a threesome.
“My cat’s favorite romance writer?” You say it like it should be common sense to know that your cat purrs himself to sleep when you read to him.
“And you’re going to waste your cute new lingerie on reading a Lauren Christina bedtime story to your cat?”
“It’s Christina Lauren, not Lauren Christina.”
“Christina Lauren doesn’t care about your lingerie.” It amuses you how he keeps bringing up the lingerie. You wonder what he’d think if he saw you in that skimpy mesh fabric. It’d probably come as a shock to him considering he’s only ever seen you in your preppy office attire. He has no idea what you’re capable of beneath those cream blouses and mocha mini skirts.
If only he knew.
“Tldr, yes I have very urgent plans tonight.” That reminds you, you need to check your in-game shop to see if any pretty skins are on sale this time around. You’ve been eyeing the one with the cute whale shark design.
“What a coincidence, Lauren Christina is my favorite writer too. I really liked that one book she wrote.” You don’t hate that he’s prolonging the conversation, but if he says “Lauren Christina” one more time, you’re gonna report him to HR.
“Same,” you chuckle. “Now please move so I can leave.”
He finally steps aside. Before he can pull a fast one and trap you again, you throw your tiny bag over your shoulder and scurry for the exit. You stop just outside the conference room and spin around. The boy’s eyes quickly shift up from your skirt.
“Coming or not?” you ask with a head tilt. If there’s one good thing about having a local fuck boy in the office, it’s that you always have someone who’ll walk you to your car when it’s dark out. That’s one of the things you know he does just for you.
On the elevator ride down, it’s just you and him because everyone else has already vacated the building. You sneak a peek at your handsome colleague. It’s a shame that he spends more time in your coworkers’ beds than in actual relationships. If not for that, you’d—
“You should recommend a book for me,” he says, catching you mindlessly staring at him. Oops.
“You don’t look like a reader.” You doubt he’d ever pick up a book over girls.
“I’ll read a book if you say it’s good.” Now he’s just sweet talking you, and you’re not going to fall for it. Except, you would love someone to gush to about your favorite books.
“Dating You/Hating You.” The book title just sort of slips out of your mouth. Though you can’t exactly vouch for how good it is since it’s the one you’re currently reading.
“Give me your best elevator pitch for it.” Haha, he thinks he’s so funny. (You laugh anyway.)
Persuasion is your thing, but you can’t give a proper elevator pitch for a book you haven’t actually finished yet. Moreover, you don’t know what kinds of genres he’d be into or if this book would be a good fit for him. You don’t even know any of his interests outside of sex and video games. 
When you really think about it, there’s not much you know about Jeon Jungkook. He’s a mystery, but a charming one.
“It’ll give us something to talk about,” you say softly as the loud ding interrupts. “That’s my elevator pitch to you.”
“Not bad,” he nods as you both exit the elevator. That was way easier than expected. “Is it by your cat’s favorite romance author?”
“It is,” you smile. It’s hard not to smile when you’re with him. “I can lend you my copy next week after I fin—”
“Jungkook!” The new recruiting coordinator blocks your way out of the building with eager eyes and a smile brighter than your own. “Still down for drinks later at that place we talked about?”
You try not to roll your eyes as you step around yet another coworker who ignores you standing right next to the boy they want to ask out. You and Jungkook aren’t a thing, but it does hurt to know that not a single person thinks of you as worthy competition. He’s probably made it very clear to everyone in the office that you and him are just friends and that your nightly walks to the parking lot are for safety purposes only.
Thankfully, you get out of the building before you can hear Jungkook accept the invitation into someone else’s bed. The last thing you want is to be jealous of the people he’d rather be spending time with. You and your silly little book recommendations mean nothing to him.
Nothing at all.
“Sorry about that.” He catches up to you a minute later in the dimly lit parking lot.
You shake your head. “It’s alright. That’s what happens when you’re the popular guy.” And you mean it, too. You’re not the type to fault people for being who they are, nor would you ever ask them to change for you. Besides, there’s really nothing between you and him. There’s nothing he should feel sorry for.
“Hey, why do you always park in the furthest corner of the parking lot?” he teases, probably as a way to change the subject. You see his car parked just a few spots down from you, so he doesn’t really have a right to criticize your decisions. Looks like your habit has rubbed off on him. “It’d be safer if you parked closer to the building.”
You shrug even though the parking placement and slightly longer walks are intentional. He doesn’t need to know it’s your subtle way of prolonging the time you spend with him. You always look forward to those few extra minutes where he’s all yours.
“It doesn’t feel dangerous here at all.” Not when you’re with him. You unlock your car and hop into the driver’s seat.
“Yeah, totally not dangerous.” Jungkook holds your door as he scans the dark and empty lot for anything suspicious. He listens as a few sirens screech in the distance and does a double-take at the lone soda can rolling around in the wind. When the coast is clear, he turns back to you. “I look forward to reading the Lauren Christina book when your cat’s done with it.”
He waits for your seatbelt to click before closing the door. You roll the window down and glare. “It’s Christina Lauren! And have fun on your date.”
With a wave of your manicure, you’re off to your “urgent” Friday night plans.
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When you return home, you get what you want. You strip off your work clothes and soak in a lavender bubble bath for a good 30 minutes before admiring the new lingerie Jungkook wouldn’t stop mentioning earlier. 
It’s tempting to try it on now, but you wish someone else could see it on you. Jungkook is right. Christina Lauren doesn’t care about your lingerie. If the boy were here to see it for himself, you want to know what he’d think, what he’d say, and what he’d do to your body. It’d probably be incredible—for one night—but that’d be the end of it. That’s how all of his flings go, and a hypothetical one with you would be no different. With a sigh, you set the lingerie aside, throw on an oversized sweatshirt that just barely covers your ass, and load into your game.
The first thing you do is check the shop for the cute gun skin with the whale shark design. The RNG gods give you a couple of good knives, an awful pistol, a subpar rifle, and no shark. It’s fine, you tell yourself. You didn’t want to spend real money on pretty pixels anyway.
As soon as your first match starts, your four teammates are quick to use their mics. Apparently, they all know each other. Can’t relate.
“So… How’d the date go?” asks the healer. The two duelists place their bets on whether the date went incredibly well or horribly wrong. You silently cast your vote for horribly wrong since you lean toward pessimism.
“I didn’t end up going,” says the initiator. He sounds a lot like a certain Jeon Jungkook, but you shouldn’t assume. As far as you know, he doesn’t have a reason to cancel the date with that recruiting coordinator. In fact, he should be having drunk sex with her right about now. Not that it’s any of your business to know what your handsome coworker does after hours. None of that involves you.
“Is it because of You-know-who?” asks the duelist who voted with you. You-know-who? Like a jealous ex-lover? Sounds like drama to you.
“Yep…” Nah, it can’t be the Jeon Jungkook you know. This guy’s voice is giving you more lovesick puppy than confident fuck boy. He dies from a grenade and goes silent for the next few rounds while his buddies keep providing intel to the team. You pick up the whale shark gun over his dead body.
“Hey, CL,” the healer calls out your username. “Do you have a mic?”
Yes, you do have a mic. No, you’re not going to use it. These guys seem harmless so far, but it’s not always fun when people realize you’re the only female on the team. Men in this game try to hit on you just like the ones you pass in the short distance from the office to your car. And they’ll only stop pestering you if you’re walking next to a guy like Jungkook, which you clearly don’t have in this game with your empty friend list. So you’d rather stay on mute for now.
“my mic is broken,” you type, “cat knocked it over.”
“Ah, that’s okay.” He heals you up and saves you from an otherwise fatal headshot. “We were just wondering if you could help our buddy out.”
You? You’re not sure how you’re supposed to be of any help to a lovesick puppy when you haven’t had much luck in the love department either. But you are a curious kitten when it comes to other people’s love lives.
“maybe… can i get more context?”
Apparently, this lovesick puppy (or “Jklmnop” according to his username) has a little more in common with Jungkook than you’d originally thought. Turns out both of them are the designated fuck boys at their workplaces. Except this one has a massive crush on his “super hot” colleague. Jeon Jungkook would never.
The issue is that Jklmnop caught feelings for the one person who doesn’t seem interested in him. Worse, it feels like he’s being friendzoned. And he’s been going on dates with other people in an attempt to squash those unrequited feelings, but it’s just not doing the trick.
“i know a fuck boy too.” You are by no means an expert in the fuck boy archetype, but perhaps your time spent with Jungkook has prepared you for this opportunity to help a friend in need. And you do have some advice. “im not saying fucking all your coworkers is a bad thing but if you really want this girl you need to go all in on her and show her that you’re willing to commit to something more serious.”
Because if you knew this to be true about your own local fuck boy, you’d give him a chance, too. But as far as you know, Jungkook has never shown any romantic interest in you (or anyone else for that matter). He’s just a platonic buddy to you and a fuck buddy to everyone else.
“and it’s very possible she doesnt even realize youre interested in her,” you type, “this is a dumb question but have you tried asking her out yet?”
Your dumb question gets a few laughs from the boys. You feel like an IT person asking their client if they’ve tried turning their computer off and on again.
“Oh, our guy here doesn’t ask people out. He’s the one getting asked out all the time,” Duelist #1 explains.
“It’s been a year and You-know-who hasn’t made a move on him, so that must mean she doesn’t like him,” Duelist #2 adds in a sarcastic tone. You imagine him rolling his eyes on the other side of his screen.
“well @Jklmnop if you dont normally ask ppl out, itll hold more weight when you do.” Your fingers pause for a second. Maybe you’re just soft, but it’d mean a lot to you if you were asked out by the Jeon Jungkook. You’re sure this fuck boy could pull it off too. “you should ask her out. maybe shes waiting for you to make the move.”
You don’t get an immediate response, but he trades his pretty shark gun for your plain one. He must have seen you steal the one over his dead body a few rounds ago. What a thoughtful guy.
Then a friend request pops up. Fine. Jklmnop can be the one username on your otherwise empty friend list.
“I’ll ask her if the opportunity arises,” Jklmnop says after clutching a 1v4. “Thanks bro.”
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On Monday, you’re a lot sleepier than you should be at the beginning of the work week because you practically spent the entire weekend gaming with your new fuck boy friend and finishing the book you recommended to your office fuck boy friend.
Your dark circles must be pretty bad because Jungkook feels the need to stop by your desk and say, “Up all night reading Lauren Christina?” He taps the book on your mousepad, so he can clearly see that it’s Christina Lauren and not Lauren Christina. He’s just teasing you at this point.
“It’s Christina Lauren, you shithead. And yes, I finished it, so you can read it now,” you say, handing the book to the boy. He holds it with a soft grip as if to avoid creasing the pages. If library books were treated with the same care, they wouldn’t feel so crusty all the time. You can respect guys with gentle hands. “I expect a full book report by Friday.”
“At least give me the weekend,” he frowns. It’s the most attractive frown you’ve ever seen.
“Sure, if that’s how you want to spend your weekend,” you yawn. Wouldn’t he rather be doing anything else on his days off than read your book?
“That’s how you spent your weekend, Sleepyhead.” He makes a good point. His chuckle is quite cute too. 
As he flips through the book, you see something shimmery wedged between the pages toward the end of the story. You told yourself a million times to take your silly little bookmark out before lending him the book, but of course you forgot. Maybe he won’t notice.
Unfortunately for you, Jungkook pulls the metallic blue bookmark out to examine it. His lips curve upward when he sees it’s shaped like a whale shark. Oh great. He’s definitely gonna tease you about it. You knew you should’ve gone with one of the more sophisticated leather bookmarks.
“You really like these guys, huh.” He holds it up by the chain to let some light shine through the tiny holes mimicking the shark’s gorgeous spotty pattern. Not the reaction you were expecting, but you’ll take it.
“What makes you say that?” You don’t ever recall confiding in him about your whale shark obsession. Last time you checked, all of your nerdy and kiddish quirks were kept far away from your office. It’s just not on-brand for the professional image you’ve established here.
“Didn’t you have a cute whale shark phone case when you first started working here? Before you switched it to that cream-colored one?” He wrinkles his face, deep in thought as he tucks the bookmark back where he found it. He’s right, though. You just assumed no one had ever noticed it. As soon as you got your new work phone, you switched to something more neutral to fit your minimalist aesthetic.
“Oh, right.” You’d forgotten about the case just like you forgot about the bookmark. But Jungkook somehow notices and remembers those kinds of details about you. It’s almost endearing in a way.
You shouldn’t let yourself think like that, though. Those are dangerous thoughts.
“By the way, how was your date?” As much as you hate to admit it, you’re curious about his date with the recruiting coordinator. Besides, if he says it went well, you’ll have yet another reason to stop holding onto the tiny feelings you have for him.
“I didn’t go.”
“Oh,” you press a finger to your parted lips. That’s unheard of for Jeon Jungkook. “Did her cat die or something?”
“Why does someone’s cat need to die for the date to be canceled?”
“There must’ve been a pretty big emergency for you to forgo a date, no?”
“Is that what you really think of me, Y/N?” He cocks his head to the side because he’s a fuck boy and that’s what fuck boys do.
“That’s not what I think of you.” Another yawn slips from your mouth. “It’s just facts. You have a 99% attendance rate when it comes to dates, don’t you?”
He nods because he can’t argue with the credible gossip that goes on in your office.
“Anyway, I’m going to run to that coffee shop you won’t shut up about,” he says as he glances at the time on his phone and then at the dark abyss under your eyes. “Need anything?”
“Hmm…” You pretend to think deeply about your order. Usually when other people go on coffee runs, you request something easy to remember like an oat latte. But for Jeon Jungkook, the boy who keeps fucking up Christina Lauren’s name, you won’t go so easy. “How about an iced birthday cake latte with oat milk, an extra shot of espresso, two pumps of toffee syrup, and the crème brûlée topping? Please.”
“So… birthday cake frappuccino with oat milk?” He snickers in your sleepy face before walking off. “You’re gonna have to come with if you want all that extra stuff.”
It’s a latte, not a frappuccino. But you suppose it doesn’t matter if he knows the difference because you’re scurrying to catch up with him as he heads for the elevator.
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The “coffee shop you won’t shut up about” has been open for a few months now, and you’ve stopped by at least two times a week since the grand opening for your usual dose of caffeine. Should you be proud or embarrassed that the baristas all know your name and order? How about when they raise their eyebrows at the sight of you walking in with your handsome coworker?
“She’ll have a birthday cake frapp—”
“Don’t listen to him. I’ll get a birthday cake latte, please,” you tell the barista at the register. Jungkook chuckles as you give his arm a light shove. “With oat milk and crème brûlée today.”
“Sure thing, Y/N,” she smiles at you and then turns to the boy next to you. “Anything for you?”
“Just plain coffee, thanks,” he says after a quick glance at the menu. You hate that he orders plain coffee when the menu has all these fun options like pink donut lattes or cookies n cream cappuccinos. If he wanted black coffee, he could’ve saved time and money by brewing some in the office. He didn’t have to go all the way to the coffee shop you wouldn’t shut up about. But he did. And he invited you along for the ride.
As the two of you wait for your drinks, you pick the booth in the corner next to the window. You’ve always had this vision of sitting inside a cozy cafe to work from your laptop or read a book. It just hasn’t happened yet because you get scared off when all the other customers bring their friends or lovers to share that experience with. Your laptop and books can’t compare to that. 
You’ve always been envious. Until today.
“That doesn’t look nearly as complex as it sounded,” Jungkook says when he sees your latte with the fancy crème brûlée on it. He slides his boring coffee across the table to you. “I’ll let you try mine if you let me try yours.”
Only a weirdo would accept a pathetic offer like that.
“Deal.” You take a sip of your sugary treat before passing it off to the boy. He winces from how sweet yours is compared to the bitterness of his black coffee. You make a face for the opposite reason.
“I’m surprised you agreed to it,” he hums with a tiny bit of crème brûlée around his mouth. You want to kiss it off. He must notice you eyeing his lips because he wipes it off with his thumb a second later.
“I wanted you to try my special drink,” you say. It’s for the same reason you lent him your book—to let him know another tiny piece of you without explicitly saying it.
“I’ll have to get it myself next time we come.” He pulls up the notes app on his phone and types as he speaks. You wonder if “next time” and “we” imply that this coffee outing is going to become another routine thing between you and him, just like your walks to the parking lot. Hopefully it does. No, it definitely will. Because you’ll be the one to ask him next time. “What’s it called again? Birthday cake frappuccino… with crème brûlée?”
“Exactly,” you lie. Who knows. His mistake might taste even better. You’ll have to find a way to sneak a taste when he isn’t looking. It’s something sweet to look forward to.
As you sip your latte, the barista who took your order catches your eye from across the store, points at Jungkook, and mouths something to you. You don’t quite catch it, so she repeats it again just as your coworker turns to see what you’re staring at.
“Boyfriend?” she mouths, clear as day, before spinning around to use the espresso machine. 
When the boy turns back to you, he has such a goofy grin on his face. He points to himself and repeats, “Boyfriend?”
“Stop,” you laugh at his antics but totally dodge the question. “Anyway… may I ask why you didn’t go on that date with the recruiting coordinator?” 
His eyes are wide. Probably because it’s not like you to pry. But you just want to make sense of why he’s sitting here with you, acting all sweet and boyfriend-like, after bailing on someone else a few days ago. He’s not his usual self either.
“It was faster to reject her,” he shrugs. You didn’t realize he was in such a hurry on Friday. It certainly didn’t seem like it with how he’d blocked your way out of the conference room.
“What were you in such a hurry for?”
“Isn’t it our unspoken thing to walk to the parking lot together?” He says it like you’re silly. Like the fate of the world depends on him being able to fulfill his duty of walking you to your car each and every day. Like he’d forgo hours of good sex for a five-minute walk with you.
“It’s not unspoken if we talk about it,” you say softly. You’ve always adored the short walks with Jungkook, but maybe you weren’t the only one who felt that way. What kind of guy rejects a date just so he can keep up this year-old tradition between you and him? No guy has ever done anything close to that for you. “But yeah, it is our thing.”
The boy nods with a gentle smile as he sips his coffee. For just a split second, he gives you Jklmnop vibes. You don’t know how else to explain it. He’s a fuck boy, but there’s something so delicate about him that you want to touch without breaking.
You wonder if he’d ever let you in.
On the way out, your favorite friendly barista waves you over to the counter with a huge grin. As much as you love the girl, you’re scared of what might come out of her mouth next. She leans in as if to whisper but ends up shouting over the grinder in the background.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about him.” Her eyes flick to somewhere beyond your shoulders. “He’s such a hottie, by the way. Y’all are kinda cute together.”
A snort comes from right behind you. “Thank you,” says the hottie. Your hottie, apparently. It would’ve been perfectly fine for him to clarify that the two of you aren’t actually together, but you suppose his ego was too busy soaking in the compliment from the pretty barista.
“Really?” You raise an eyebrow at Jungkook as soon as you’re both out the door.
“What?” What’s with that playful smile of his?
“You didn’t deny what she said.”
“A compliment’s a compliment, Y/N.”
“I didn’t mean the part about you being a hottie.” You shudder at that last word. Yes, Jungkook is the hottest guy you’ve ever seen, but he doesn’t need to hear that from your mouth. “I meant the part about you being my boyfriend.”
“You didn’t deny it earlier, either,” he shrugs. True. “Besides, isn’t that also a compliment?”
Now that he’s mentioned it, it does feel pretty nice to be seen as a couple with someone as attractive as Jungkook—to give the illusion that it’s you who’s got him wrapped around your finger, you who he chose above everyone else, and you who gets to fall asleep in his arms every night. And it feels especially good considering how often other people dismiss you as someone not good enough for him. In fact, this is the first time anyone has ever acknowledged that the two of you go well together.
“Hey man, mind if I steal that fine little lady for a sec?” a sleazy voice calls out in your direction. You don’t bother turning your head to acknowledge the presence of yet another ignorant hooligan on the street, but you do step a little closer to Jungkook. You don’t know what pisses you off more: the fact that this stranger is another nonbeliever that you could be dating a guy like Jungkook or the fact that he asked for another male’s permission to talk to you instead of asking you directly. Most catcallers keep their mouths shut when you’re walking with your handsome coworker, but this one clearly can’t take a hint.
A warm hand pulls you in at the waist. It’s the same soft grip Jungkook held your book with. And you kind of never want him to let go. Because when he holds you close like that, all the shitty people become irrelevant. That doesn’t, however, stop you from getting a kick out of the death stare he gives the catcaller who finally backs off.
“You really showed him,” you tease. His face loosens up after you let out a tiny snicker. Still, he studies your every expression to make sure you’re alright.
“Does that happen to you wherever you go?” he asks as he moves his arm up from your waist to your shoulder, something slightly more appropriate for two friendly colleagues. Suddenly your waist feels cold.
“Usually when I’m out by myself.” Whether it’s the supermarket, the park, the office, you’ve felt objectified pretty much everywhere. Even online. The sad thing about it is that you know you’re not the only one. ”But I’m used to it at this point.”
“Well, men are kind of shitty,” he huffs, looking rather frustrated on your behalf. You’ve never seen him so irritated. For the most part, he knows how to keep a calm composure, even during busy season. It’s oddly satisfying that an inconvenience for you is what brought that emotion out of him.
“I used to think that,” you admit as the two of you enter the office building. “But all it takes is one good guy to outweigh the shitty ones.”
For you, Jungkook has always been that one good guy.
“True. I suppose that hottie boyfriend of yours isn’t that bad, huh.” He gives you a soft shoulder squeeze in the elevator before dropping his arm back to his side. It’s a subtle taste of what he could be doing to other places on your body if he were actually your boyfriend. He’d handle you with so much care.
“You won’t let that go, will you?” you pout, pointing your thumb back in the general direction of the coffee shop. “Those baristas really think we’re dating now, you know.”
He pinches your pouty cheek and leaves you at your desk with a not-so-innocent remark. 
“I wonder why they think that about us.”
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The second half of your day feels painfully long. It’s kind of hard to focus on designing wholesome character models when you’ve got Jeon Jungkook stuck in your head. At this rate, your cute little characters are going to turn into bad boys who steal your books and lattes along with your heart. You can’t help it when he’s been extra sweet to you lately. Sweeter than a birthday cake frappuccino could ever be. And just like your favorite sugary beverages, there’s something so addicting about his company.
As you’re finishing up some designs, you spot the boy chatting with his buddies from the other departments. It’s unfair that an entire friend group can be so goodlooking. And it’s even more unfair that Jungkook is still the one you can’t take your eyes off of in the handsome bunch. Great, now you’re even more distracted.
“Hey, I saw you were online again last night,” says the guy from accounting. He has long pretty eyelashes. “Where was my invite?”
“Ah, yeah. Remember that girl on our team the other night?” Jungkook has a cheeky grin. Why does he have such a cheeky grin while talking about some e-girl, and why does your tummy hurt all of a sudden? “She helped me climb out of plat. She’s diamond.”
So what? That’s the same rank as you. Nothing special. Hmph. You hope she gets demoted before the act ends. You’re not a jealous person, but you are petty.
“How do you know she’s a she?” asks the engineer with plump lips.
“That’s what she told me,” Jungkook continues. “And it fits with the fact that she doesn’t use a mic. You guys know how fucked up people can be in that game.”
You nod along to that.
“What’s her username again? I wanna add her now,” the other engineer jumps in. This one has broad shoulders. Very broad.
“You just want to hit on her,” Engineer #1 shakes his head at Engineer #2. You agree with that too.
“Is she single? Or at least around our age?” asks the accountant.
“You guys are monsters,” Jungkook laughs. “I’ll give you her username only if you promise not to simp.”
“Fine,” they all agree reluctantly.
You convince yourself that you’re only eavesdropping because they’re talking too loud, but you’re actually just curious to search up the username and see how this e-girl’s game stats stack up against yours. You’re quite confident your headshot percentage will outrank hers.
“It’s CL, remember?”
“Oh right.”
No, not right. That’s definitely not the username you picked as a subtle nod to your favorite author, and Jungkook is definitely not the lovesick fuck boy you’ve been giving advice to through some wack ass shooter game. Definitely not.
Because if it were true, that would mean Jungkook has a crush on somebody in your office. And who the heck would that be?
“Ready to head out?” Jungkook pops out of nowhere and scares the shit out of you. You nearly leap out of your seat with a tight fist around your tablet pen like you’re about to knife the boy in-game. He holds your book up as a shield. “Whoa there.”
“My bad, I thought you were the enemy.” You snap the pen back onto your tablet and say it with a straight face as if he knows you play the same violent game as him.
He plays along, scanning the office for anyone suspicious. “Who’s the enemy?”
“Marketing?” You only say that because everyone in the office knows the marketing director Kim Namjoon was your college nemesis back when you were even pettier than you are now.
“Ah,” he nods as you pack up and roll your chair in. You’ve always wondered why he just accepts the weird things you do without question. “Glad I’m not your enemy. Wouldn’t want to be stabbed by your tablet pen. Or your nails.”
He points to your pretty manicure. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he’s subtly asking to hold your hand. But you do know better. He has an intense crush on someone else in the building, so there’s really no reason why he’d want to hold your hand.
So instead of misreading the situation and making a fool of yourself by entwining your fingers with his, you poke your favorite of his tattoos (the silly face on his middle finger) with your acrylic. “Consider yourself stabbed.”
You try not to look at the boy’s wrinkly smile. But it’s incredibly hard. Instead, you redirect your eyes anywhere else. Of course they fall on the “it couple” of the office passing by. They don’t do a whole lot of PDA, but the way they look at each other says it all, and they have this glow about them that seems so unobtainable. You feel the envy creeping up again.
On the elevator ride down, you try not to think about the happy couple or Jungkook’s wrinkly smile. It’s making you sad.
“Can I ask you something?” he turns to you. Maybe his question will take your mind off everything bringing your mood down. You nod for him to proceed. “How do you feel about dating a coworker?”
Shitty. You feel shitty. He could probably sense that from your silence upon seeing the couple.
“You mean like Hyuna and Dawn?” You don’t have a problem with it, or with them. If you could pull off a perfect office romance like them, you’d do it too. But it doesn’t seem likely for you, and that’s what sucks.
“Just in general. Like, do you think it’s fine, or is it crossing the line?” he asks. Aha, you get it now. He’s asking for your opinion because he doesn’t want to make you, his totally platonic friend, feel uncomfortable when he starts dating whoever he has a crush on here.
“HR allows it, so I don’t really see a problem with it,” you answer honestly. Sure, you’d be hurt if you had to work in an environment where Jungkook is doing lovey-dovey things with someone else, but you’re not going to be the one to ruin it for him.
“I’ve never seen you date anyone here, though.”
“Well I don’t get asked out all the time like you, Jungkook.”
“What about Mark from accounting? Or my guy Jooheon before he moved overseas? And don’t get me started on Kim Namjoon.” He has his fingers out and ready to list all the other guys in the office who’ve expressed some sort of interest in you, but he decides against it when he sees you glaring back at him. Wise man.
You’d love to know why he’s so familiar with your nonexistent office dating history.
“Okay, I get it. I’ve been asked out a fair amount,” you sigh. “But it doesn’t really count if they aren’t the right person.”
That earns you a soft head tilt from the boy. You swear he’s a puppy. “Oh? Miss Y/N has a type?”
When you think about it, a few of the guys who’ve asked out were your type—smart, funny, hardworking—and yet you still said no. They’ve never hand-delivered meeting notes and chamomile tea when you were out sick, never walked you to your car, never given you something to look forward to at work, and never known your favorite animal. They’ve never made you want them the way you want a certain someone else.
“I wouldn’t exactly call it a type.” It’s a person. The person who makes you feel so safe and cared for. The person who has feelings for another girl. “It’s a little more complicated than that.”
You don’t like being vague, but saying any more than that would only set you up for heartbreak. He can’t hurt you if you stay silent.
As the elevator continues to count down, Jungkook leans against the railing, arms crossed and head down. He’s awfully quiet for someone who always feels the need to say something silly until you laugh.
“What if I told you there’s one more person in the office who’s interested in you?” he asks just before the elevator arrives on the first floor.
The door slides open but neither of you steps out, so it closes back up.
You blink at the boy. First you learn Jungkook has a crush on someone, and now someone suddenly has a crush on you? Your brain genuinely doesn’t know what to do with all this information.
You’d ask who your secret admirer is, but it doesn’t matter. You’d only say yes to one person in this office, and his feelings lie elsewhere. Maybe he’s just trying to set you up with another guy who can walk you to your car. It’s not like the two of you would be able to keep up that tradition once he’s committed to someone else.
You’d rather walk alone at that point.
“A workplace romance sounds cool and all.” You point at the book in Jungkook’s hand while trying to keep a light tone. “But it’s just not for me. You know what I mean?”
He nods with a chuckle as the two of you finally clear out of the elevator. “Based on my history here, it’s probably not for me either.”
You know he’s poking fun at himself, but you hope he doesn’t actually feel that way about himself. He still needs to ask his girl out, and he can’t chicken out now. As the person he’s confided in about his feelings, it’s your job to shower him with encouragement and support. You’ll have to wait until you’re back online, though.
On the way to your car, the office romance conversation has been completely dropped. You ramble on about your sudden craving for tacos, and he claims he makes a “mean taco salad” before sending you a screenshot of the recipe no one asked for. You’ll try it when you get home.
Like always, he leans against your car door as you buckle yourself in. This time, he even tugs on the seatbelt like amusement park workers do before sending you off on a roller coaster. As gentle as he is, it stings where the tips of his fingers graze your shoulder. That feeling lingers even after the door closes.
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Jungkook wasn’t lying, you think to yourself as you munch away at his definition of a “mean taco salad.” Your first instinct is to text him about it, but your second one is to silence your phone and cozy up for the night. After your shower, you have another staredown with the pretty lingerie set. At this rate, no one’s going to see you in it, so you might as well wear it and look cute for yourself. 
It’s a little more see-through than you’re normally comfortable with, but the soft silky champagne accents make your body glow. To complete the look, you throw on a short skimpy robe with a baby pink floral pattern. Perhaps you’re being extra for a quiet night in with your cat and a cup of chamomile tea. But it’s what you need right now because you’re desperately searching for something to comfort and distract you from that dang feeling Jungkook left you with. 
It also couldn’t hurt to play a few games without Jklmnop. Maybe you’ll get lucky with the whale shark gun today.
Unfortunately, there’s still no whale shark gun in your shop, but at least Jungkook isn’t online yet. The four games you play without him go really well stat-wise. You’re the team MVP for half those games—something you hadn’t achieved all weekend with Jklmnop on your team. He’s a great friend but the kind of ally who will intentionally blind you so he can make you quake in your boots and steal your kill in the process. He’s lucky he hasn’t let you die while fucking around like that. Still, you can’t remember the last time you had that much fun in your matches.
As you review the summary of game #4, a notification pops up in the top corner of your screen.
[Jklmnop is online!]
“wanna carry me to radiant?” he DMs you right away and sends you an invite.
“no,” you type as you join his party.
“what if i trade you my whale shark gun?”
The first thing you do when you spawn into the match is demand the whale shark gun. You put your baseball bat to his head, waiting for him to keep his end of the bargain. The boy drops the gun in front of you and backs away slowly.
“It’s cute that you like that skin so much,” he chuckles into his mic. When you hear his voice, you feel like an idiot for convincing yourself that Jklmnop and Jeon Jungkook weren’t the same person. There’s no mistaking that that’s the calm and flirty voice that has haunted you every day at work for the past year. Does it make you an asshole for wholeheartedly believing your local fuck boy friend wasn’t capable of developing real feelings for someone in the office? Probably, but you intend on redeeming yourself by sending him your full support in the love department. You’re just waiting for him to bring it up.
Twenty kills and one stolen ace later, Jungkook still hasn’t said anything about the mysterious You-know-who—which is weird, considering he wouldn’t shut up all weekend about how she’s “soft like a kitten” but “one that won’t hesitate to bring the claws out.” Who is this girl, and what has she done to Jungkook? He’s become a total cheeseball. And you can’t think of a single person in the office who fits his cheesy description.
“any update on youknowwho about youknowwhat?” you type between rounds.
Jungkook’s character paces back and forth in the snow even after the round begins. The three other members of your team starts following him like ducklings without knowing the context. You watch from afar as they get sniped down one by one until you’re the last one alive.
Usually in 1v5 situations like this, you’re great at keeping your cool and isolating your duels so you aren’t overwhelmed by an ambush. But instead of listening for footsteps and directional cues, you’re listening hard for the boy’s response to your question.
“Clutch this and I’ll give you an update on You-know-who,” he says after you cut the enemy team’s numbers down to one. All you have to do now is plant the bomb and wait for the last person to come out to start defusing. That’s when you’ll swoop in and—
Your character falls face first into the snow. You’ve been knifed from behind, which loses you the round but earns you an evil snicker from Jungkook.
At the start of the next round, you wait once more for the boy to trade his gun with you. But instead, he just stands there, clutching onto the weapon while the rest of the team rushes onto the site to plant the bomb.
“I’ve decided not to ask her out,” he says out of nowhere. “We have this wholesome thing between us, and it’s best if we keep it that way.”
“what makes you say that?” you type before joining up with the others on site. As far as you know, Jungkook isn’t wholesome with any coworker. Except you, maybe. He must have some other strange definition of wholesome.
“Let’s just say I read a whole ass book tonight about a workplace romance and realized I’m not cut out for it.” He really read your book. No. He devoured it. Why does that mean the absolute world to you? “She’s seen me going on date after date, and now I’m pretty sure I’ve scared her away from wanting any part of that.”
He’s not wrong. You used to feel the same way about him, so you understand why he has his reservations. But if that girl knew how much he’d cherish their relationship the way he cherishes your friendship with him, you know she’d fall for him too. There’s no doubt in your mind about that. It’s just a matter of him vocalizing it.
“i still think you should be upfront with her about your feelings,” you type away as you get headshot from who knows where. 
“She can’t hurt me if I stay silent,” Jungkook hums as he runs toward the ticking bomb and crouches in front of it. It looks like he’s trying to defuse the bomb that your own team planted, but it explodes in his face before you have time to correct him.
“gj,” one of your teammates puts in the chat even though everyone watching knows it was not a “good job.” The only silver lining is that he secured the win for your team. You don’t feel like playing anymore, anyway.
Before you log off for the night, you start typing out some long motivational speech along with your top ten reasons as to why Jungkook would make an excellent boyfriend. He’d try new things with you, share some of his favorite things with you, make sure you’re safe, and tease you until the end of time while making you feel so so loved. You know this because it’s what he’s done with you for the past year. But the more you think about it, the more you realize it’s not your place to say all of that from behind a screen with your mic on mute.
You end up deleting your whole spiel and settle for a simple “good night😴” to the boy from your gaming account. Then you get back on your phone.
Y/N🦈 [11:47PM] “It was indeed a mean taco salad”
Y/N🦈 [11:47PM] “Btw did you finish the book?👀”
Jungkook🥴 [11:48PM] “Finished it in 4 hours😌”
Y/N🦈 [11:49PM] “Wanna drop it off to me now?”
Jungkook🥴 [11:49PM] “Now?”
Jungkook🥴 [11:50PM] “Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
Y/N🦈 [11:51PM] “Yes but my cat can’t fall asleep without his bedtime story”
Y/N🦈 [11:51PM] “🥺”
Y/N🦈 [11:51PM] “^^^My cat”
Jungkook🥴 [11:54PM] “omw”
The boy knocks on your door a few minutes later and does a horrible job of keeping his eyes above shoulder level. It doesn’t occur to you that your chest and ass are hanging out of your robe until the chilly air hits those spots.
“All dressed up for your night with Lauren Christina?” he says casually, handing the book back to you in mint condition.
“I thought you said Christina Lauren doesn’t care about my lingerie.” You cross your arms over your chest like it was totally intentional to answer the door in the bare minimum. Jungkook’s sleepwear, on the other hand, looks super cozy. And of fucking course he’s hot as hell in something as simple as sweats and a hoodie. A boy like him doesn’t have to put in any thought or effort to look cute.
“I stand by what I said.” He stares at your exposed skin in an almost lustful manner. Almost. “It’s cold out. You should go crawl back in bed and read your cat his bedtime story. Or do you need me to tuck him in, too?”
“He is quite needy,” you play along. Too bad he’s already fast asleep, all curled up on the couch. You wouldn’t mind if Jungkook tucked you in, though.
“Well tell your needy cat I said goodnight.” He takes a step back toward his car, but you know he must realize you didn’t call him all the way over here just for your cat’s sake.
“Jungkook,” you call out while flipping through the book. Once you find the bookmark wedged in the middle, you extend it to him like a peace offering.
He accepts the bookmark albeit with a puzzled expression. “Is this gratuity for delivering your book at this late hour?”
You shake your head. “It’s gratuity for lending me your whale shark gun all the time.”
“Whale shark gun?” He grips the bookmark by the dorsal fin and holds it like a pistol. It’s aimed at your left breast (or heart) (but breast sounds more accurate).
“The one from the Gentle Giants collection,” you say softly as you rub your arms because holy shit is it cold out. “In Valoranch.”
The wheels in his head start to turn as you pull him inside and toward your “work from home” setup in the living room. Your desk is pretty empty aside from the pastel headset, the cute dolphin Pokémon on your desktop wallpaper, and a cold cup of tea. 
Then he spots the little Valoranch shortcut on the far left corner of your screen. “Wait, you really play Valoranch? What’s your username?”
Instead of telling him, you show him with the help of your book. Your index finger slides across the bookcover from the C in Christina to the L in Lauren.
His eyes widen like a naughty cat caught doing something it shouldn’t be doing.
“Then that means you know about…” He pauses because he dare not repeat his feelings for another coworker in front of you.
You nod. “But I didn’t realize it was you until I overheard you talking about it with the guys earlier today.”
“My voice and backstory didn’t give it away?” 
“It definitely sounded like you.” You plop into your chair and start spinning around so he can’t get a clear view of your face. “But how was I supposed to know you had feelings for someone in our office? I still don’t know who she is, by the way.”
“You don’t?” Your childlike spins are interrupted by a steady hand. From the corner of your eye, you can see the boy’s face transition from doomed to amused. Good. He shouldn’t beat himself up over the bizarre situation.
“Nope.” At least you don’t have a specific face to imagine being next to Jungkook’s on those corny holiday cards that couples and families love to hand out around the office this time of year. “Regardless, you need to stop chickening out and just tell her how you feel already. If she knows you the way I know you, I promise you have nothing to worry about.”
The thing is, you don’t know if anyone else has been on the receiving end of the kinds of things Jungkook does for you. Does he show that side to anyone else but you?
“Fine, you’ve convinced me. I’ll do it.” He sits himself down beside the cat on the couch. “But only if you can figure out who it is.”
You give him a tiny nod for him to drop some hints. Of course you’ll lend an ear and play along if that’s what it takes for him to be more open about his feelings. Besides, you can’t say no when his voice is so soft and fragile like that. 
“She’s on the design team.” Your team is fairly small, so that narrows it down to names and faces you’d actually recognize.
“She has the most complex coffee order I’ve ever seen.” More complex than yours?
“I impulse-bought that whale shark gun because it reminds me of her.” Someone else has good taste in endangered marine life.
“My second job includes walking her to her car after work and pretending to be her hottie boyfriend.” Wait.
“And lastly, in case all of those other hints weren’t obvious enough, she has a needy cat who’s obsessed with Christina Lauren.” He strokes between your needy kitty’s ears and tucks the little guy in under a blanket. What a lucky cat. 
Jungkook only stops with the wholesome shit when you climb into his lap and press your lips into his jawline. On instinct, he slips beneath your robe and grabs you at the waist with those gentle hands of his. He smells of cardamom and cedarwood, like the candle you burn on cold nights when fluffy blankets aren’t enough. And like a moth, you’re attracted to the light and warmth he radiates in the dimness of your home. Even if it means you might get burned.
“Congratulations, you finally got the name right.” You stick your tongue out while your nails comb their way through the locks of hair at the back of his neck. He locks eyes with you, leaning ever so slightly into the massage the way cats do when they need more attention.
And then your lips meet his. You expect the guy who’s locked lips with everyone in the office to get straight to the point and not hold back, but that isn’t the case. What he gives you instead is a soft graze, an affectionate tease. When you try to go in for another taste, he pulls back and lets you chase him. You’d love nothing more than to wipe that smirk off his face with another kiss.
“I thought you said you weren’t down to date a coworker?” Smartass. You wouldn’t be sitting on top of his cock if you weren’t down to be more intimate with him.
“That only applies to everyone except you.” Your robe slides off your shoulder as you poke him in the chest. Funny how you aren’t cold anymore.
“What makes me so special?” he asks while getting a sneak peek of the pretty lingerie you’d secretly hoped he’d see on you.
You think about all the little things he does—he walks with you, reads your book recommendations, takes note of your favorite animals and coffee shops. And he never expects anything in return, including your feelings apparently. He just wants to make sure you feel seen and know he always has your back. When he’s too chicken to be upfront about his feelings, you’ve come to realize this is his love language. 
“You might be open about all the sleeping around you do with other people, but the subtle thoughtful things you do just for me don’t go unnoticed.” You run your fingers along his cheek and bring your lips within striking distance from his. This time, he doesn’t initiate another chase and allows you to press your words into his mouth. “Plus I think it’s really cute that you use the whale shark skin in-game because of me.”
“That’s when I knew I was down bad.” The sound he makes is somewhere between a chuckle and an embarrassed sigh. “I didn’t even know you played that game and yet my mind was still finding ways to connect everything back to you and your little quirks.”
“I knew I was down bad when I installed that game after hearing you raging about it with the boys,” you blurt out of nowhere.
“You did what, Y/N?”
“I started playing that headache of a game because of you, okay? I wholeheartedly believed I was taking that secret to the grave, but now it stays between you and me. Got it?” Your face feels hot, but you aren’t complaining.
“Yes, ma’am.” His teasing grin will never get old, and you love that about him.
In the heat of another kiss, you feel Jungkook tug on the silky sash at your waist. Your robe opens up like curtains being drawn for a grand reveal. Exposed as you are, there’s no need to hide anymore. In fact, you’d be more than down to have sex out in the open on the couch, but you also have to consider the innocent kitten sleeping next to you.
Like the considerate boy he is, Jungkook scoops you up without disturbing the cat and makes his way to your bedroom.
He lays you down on the bed and eyes your body from head to toe. If he wasn’t giving you horny eyes when you greeted him at the door, he definitely is now.
“Am I gonna get you in trouble for keeping you up past your bedtime?” He saves time by tearing his hoodie and t-shirt off in one go. Based on those abs, you suppose working out is another one of his favorite pastimes alongside sex, gaming, and fucking around with you.
“No.” You reach for his body and pull him on top of you. The large bulge tucked away in his sweatpants catches your attention. “But I might be a little sore for tomorrow.”
“Oh? Is that how you like it?” He rubs two fingers against the thin fabric between your legs to test the waters. Your body shudders and tenses up from the tiniest of touches. Given the dry spell you’ve suffered through this year, you know it won’t take much for you to lose it. “Sure you can handle it?”
“Try me.” You push back with your tongue in his mouth and help him out of his sweats. You’re one swipe away from clawing his boxers off, but he grabs ahold of your wrists and pins you against the pillows.
“Someone’s awfully eager,” he says as he leaves a trail of kisses from your neck to your breasts. You squirm under his hot breath, asking for more contact—anywhere on your body will do.
“Yeah, well, we do have another meeting bright and early tomorrow morning, and it’d look bad if we both fell asleep during it because we were up all night having—” Your rambling is interrupted by the boy’s cock staring you down. He tears open a square packet, but you swipe it away and slide it down his length. You don’t mind a bit of rubber if it gives you an excuse to get your paws on him.
In return, he helps you wiggle out of your teeny tiny thong and bra. His hands waste no time in squeezing your breasts and fingering you down below to make sure you’re wet enough. (Spoiler alert: You most definitely are.)
As big as he is, he slides in with relative ease thanks to how desperately you need him inside you. He fills you in perfectly, too, reaffirming the fact that you and him are perfect for one another. Fuck everyone who thinks otherwise.
You dig your long nails into his arms as he moves in and out of you. If he keeps going harder with every thrust, you’re gonna have a difficult time holding on.
“I swear your nails are like cat claws,” he grunts into your ear but makes no actual effort to extract your nails from his arms.
“If I recall correctly, you did refer to me as a soft kitten who isn’t afraid to bring her claws out,” you hum up at him.
“Hey, let’s not talk about all the sappy things I said in-game right now.” There’s a hint of poutiness in his otherwise raspy bedroom voice. As punishment for teasing him, he flips you over onto your knees to give him the best view of your ass. “You weren’t supposed to hear that stuff.”
“Tell me something I’m supposed to hear,” you challenge him as he gives your ass a good squeeze. His fingers dip back between your legs and circle your clit a few times. You body rubs back on instinct like a horny pup against a toy.
“I would like to formally ask you out,” he says with his hands at your hips and his cock back inside you. "Will you go out with me?"
“You're a little late, buddy, but yes, I’ll go out with you,” you chuckle until your orgasm sneaks up on you and hits you like a truck. The moans you let out are probably loud enough to wake the cat, but that just means the two of you will have to relocate the next time you have sex. Perhaps his place or the office breakroom might be worth considering. 
Your arms give out as you tighten around him, so you lower your face to the pillow and let the boy do as he pleases to your body to get his release. After a few more strong thrusts, he gasps your name out in pleasure and pulls out of you. You give him a good ten seconds to catch his breath before you smother him with a million kisses.
You take a glance at the time on your phone. It’s getting awfully late, and you do have that meeting in the morning, but the two of you have a few options:
A) Cuddle in bed and go to sleep like normal 9-5ers.
B) Hop online and play a few games together because your computer’s still on.
C) Go another round and make a special coffee run before the meeting.
None of those options sound like a bad idea when you’ve got Jeon Jungkook to do them with. All he has to do is say the word and you're down.
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piastree · 9 months
Take a Chance with Me | OP81
oscar piastri x reader (fc: huh yunjin)
— Part 1
Next Part
Summary : Y/n's mistakenly takes someone's drink at a party. Despite the initial embarrassment, they engage in light chit-chat and discover a sense of familiarity. Oscar introduces himself, and they exchange greetings, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their story.
Notes: hiii! this is my first writing, if there are any grammatical errors or some other mistakes i wanna apologize in advance. I hope you like it and have fun while reading this<3 lemme know if you like it thankyouuuu
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Y/n chuckled when she remembered how embrassed it was when she took the wrong glass and sipped it like nothing was wrong. But she could feel the confused look from someone beside her. "I'm thinking you might have grabbed mine by mistake." She glanced to her side, wondering if the words she had just heard were indeed meant for her.
"Huh?" She finally turned to fully face that man. He chuckled at her puzzled expression, but eventually, with a raised eyebrow, he pointed to the glass she was holding. "Oh my goodness! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to take your drink." Her eyes widened in shock, and her heart raced as embarrassment flooded over her. He held back his laughter. "No worries. I can take another one," as he said, he cracked a grin like a friendly cat. His eyes squinted playfully, giving off a vibe that was both laid-back and amused. "Let me grab you another one." "No need for that, I-" Ignoring him, she sauntered away to fetch a new drink, intending to replace the one she had mistakenly taken from him earlier. It didn't take long for y/n to return. Once she returned, they engaged in light chit-chat, chatting about who invited them to the party. It wasn't until later that she realized the guy she'd been talking to looked kind of familiar. "So, which friend brought you here tonight?" she asked. "Oh, just through some mates, racing circles and all. What about you?" "Just here with a friend. By the way, you seem oddly familiar. Have we met before?" "I get that a lot. Maybe you've seen me on the street or something."
She just laughed, shrugged it off, and took another sip of her drink. At the same time, he shot her a cheeky smile, sneaking a few glances while she checked out the scene around her. After a bit, he decided to break the ice, "I'm Oscar, by the way."
"I'm y/n. Nice to meet you, Oscar."
With a cheerful smile, they exchanged a warm handshake. It marked the beginning of a new chapter in their story.
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, mclaren and 365,288 others
oscarpiastri Wowee… that was a cool weekend 🧡
view all 3,637 comments
user just calm down bro, it's your first season💀
user our starboy!! so proud🧡🧡
user what an incredible talent boyyy!
yourusername such a fake rookie
oscarpiastri i like to keep things low-key🤭
yourusername can't wait for another surprise then
user lmaooo
user your pace and overtakes are 1000/10 🔥👏🏻
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff and 1,288 others
yourusername camera crumbs
view all 101 comments
yourbff MYY GIRLLLL<3
user cutiesssss
oscarpiastri those flowers have nothing compared to u
yourusername lol you're making the flowers jealous, i'll let the garden know it needs an upgrade😂
user what oscar is doing here????
user did i miss something??
user OSCAR?!!?????? FLIRTING TO A GIRL???
yourusername chill guys he likes to joke around😂😂
user new wag alert!!
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yourusername added a story
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bring it home, boy!
yourbff uhhh i can smell something fishy yourusername care to elaborate, sherlock?
user wow??? what is this now??
landonorris where is the cheer for me??? i thought we were friends yourusername lol we are! yourusername goodluck lando! i'd love to see both of you on the podium<3
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tagged: oscarpiastri, landonorris
liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, yourbff and 14,555 others
yourusername P2 and P3, boys!! Enjoy your moments. What a day to remember 🧡
view all 957 comments
user and now lando also here? who's she
user wow oscar put earmuffs on her??
user at this point i won't believe if they're just friends
landonorris oh now i'm your friend?? cool thanks
oscarpiastri stop overacting💀
yourusername should i post a whole photo dedication for you?😉
landonorris i'm not looking for trouble
user what is that mean landooo?? bcoz someone must be jealous?😂
user look at how oscar defending her lol
oscarpiastri you owe me a drawing of a four-leaf clover on my helmet
yourusername stay tuned for some top-notch artistry<3
user oscar indirectly said that y/n was his lucky charm!!
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"Can't you stay for one more night?" Oscar asked. He walks over to y/n who is arranging her luggage a little hurriedly.
Y/n smiled before saying, "work can't wait. But I promise I'll come another day."
"Okay, i'll counting the days until you return."
She laughs, then stands up and pulls Oscar into her arms. "You're doing a good job. Keep going!"
"I'll miss you." He hugs her tighter, as if he's not willing to let her go.
"Me too."
They fall into a moment of silence, soaking in each other's warmth before having to go back to being apart for a period of time they don't know how long.
She never expect the party that night to lead her into a complicated situation, where she has to love someone who is out of her reach. Remembering how stupid she was that night for not recognizing Oscar right away when his face looked so familiar, and how Oscar didn't say anything until she finally realized.
"Oh! I have something for you."
She opens her bag and takes something out. A bracelet with a four-leaf clover. "I don't have the skill to draw, and I wouldn't risk making your helmet look ugly."
Oscar takes the bracelet and immediately puts it on. "I can't agree more. But it's more than enough," he replies mischievously while laughing. He is so happy to see the bracelet now neatly wrapped around his wrist. "Thank you."
"Your lucky charm when I'm not around."
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, yourbff and 16,581 others
yourusername life lately😴
view all 1004 comments
user syntax error babe my brain stopped working when i saw u 
user i just can’t get enough of this hair omg
user me too! so gorgeous😭
yourbff red y/n is too legendary
comment liked by oscarpiastri
yourusername is this genuinely a compliment or a subtle jab?
yourbff lmaoo babe😭
oscarpiastri wish u were here
yourusername me too</3
user oh you are not with oscar rn :(
user man is so clingy what should i DO
user was it a chat with oscar?? bcoz YES SHE IS ON FIREEE
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liked by yourusername, lewishamilton, charles_leclerc and 221,681 others
oscarpiastri A second reason to smile 😁🏆
view all 2564 comments
mclaren what a weekend!
user this man’s gonna be world champion one day🙌
comment liked by yourusername
user i refuse to believe you’re a rookie man
yourusername me too
user y/n camping on oscar's comment section
yourusername my driver of the day!❤️
oscarpiastri ❤️
user what's with the red heart???
user is it the soft launch? OMGGG
yourusername also congrats to lando!! proud of both of you🔥👏
landonorris thankyou, y/n! btw come to the race, someone is missing you
user man is so wHIPPED
yourusername p.s hope oscar recovered well after lying on the floor
comment liked by oscarpiastri
yourusername added a story
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someone is smiling ear to ear @/oscarpiastri
yourbff lmaooo he looks so happy yourbff he's completely in love with you yourusername grateful is an understatement<3
landonorris his eyes speak love lol yourusername shut upp lando landonorris glad both of you finally opened up about your feelings yourusername thankyou 2 u❤️
user his emotions are written all over his face
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liked by yourusername, logansargent, landonorris and 540,188 others
oscarpiastri thanks for mistakenly grabbing my drink. Grateful for every twist of fate that brought you into my life🍻❤️
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user spill the tea we want to know more about the storyy!!
user my oscar and yn cutie<3
user hope for your happiness, oscar and y/n!❤️
landonorris how long did it take you, mate?
yourusername felt like forever
oscarpiastri you have no idea
yourusername but it was worth the wait
user awww y/n🥺
oscarpiastri ❤️
yourusername thankyou for never telling me you are oscar piastri the mclaren driver of formula 1😒
logansargent he is the worst
oscarpiastri u know i didn't mean to keep it a secret, babe
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liked by oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, georgerussell63 and 85,128 others
yourusername love you always, Oz! May the four-leaf clovers always on us🍀❤️
view all 6514 comments
oscarpiastri love you too, always🍀❤️
comment liked by yourusername
thankyou for reading! don't hesitate to give me a feedback❤️
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aronkiepronkie · 3 months
hi guys um tsukishima is growing on me do u think he would be jealous and then he confesses to u....ahahahaha........help
noya slaps your back lightly while encouraging you loudly, his hand resting on your lower back. suga rubs your shoulder blades in acknowledgment, a reassuring smile plastered on his face, daichi ruffles your hair with a chuckle. "you'll get it next time yn, i believe in you!" hinata exclaims with starry eyes as he skips towards you, the noise of his squeaky shoes bounces off the gym walls and before his hands get to slap against your shoulders he gets cut off, a volleyball bouncing off the back of his fluffy tangerine hair. "YEOWWWWW!!!!" he yells out, grabbing his head dramatically. "lay off pipsqueak." tsukishimas voice echos through everyones ears as he walks over to you with the same volleyball he threw at hinata. "hey what was tha-" hinata starts but quickly cut off by tsukishimas quiet voice that was aimed toward you. his gaze lingers for a bit, glasses shining when his eyes meet with your seemingly longing ones. "...can i talk to you real quick?" tsukishima says slowly while looking down at sugas comforting hand on your shoulder, that same shoulder losing the warmth of his hand when he lets go. "you can't just take them! they're practicing with us!" noyas booming voice causes tsukishima to roll his eyes. "let it go bro! he looks mad!" tanaka butts in and noya mumbles a sassy "whatever" and shrugs his hand off your back. "yeah...'course you can talk to-" "privately."
you follow tsukishima outside the gym, not without a few "ooooo"s and you could've sworn you heard yamaguchi cheering on with a, "you got this tsukki!". maybe you misheard? tsukishimas back is faced towards you but you can almost make out the expression he has, the usual nonchalant and confident aura from him has been replaced with...nervousness, it almost feels like. his shoulders are slightly raised like a startled cat and he glances back at you, the crusty white light attached to the gym building glowing against tsukishimas pale porcelain skin and his glasses show a faint reflection of your figure, he looks away from you swiftly. your heart skips a beat. the only thing keeping this situation from being awkwardly quiet is the distant sound of crickets chirping and an eventual sigh escapes his chest. "soooo," you break the painful silence. "why'd you n-" you start, trying to strike a conversation with the blonde boy but he cuts you off. "why do you let them touch you all the time?" he asks harshly turning around to look down at you. your face twists into confusion, your eyebrows scrunching together. tsukishima scoffs and rolls his eyes. "is it not annoying?" he cocks his head mockingly, taking a step closer to you. you huff, "so you brought me out of practice to shit talk your teammates?" you cross your arms, "those are my friends y'know?" "do you need such touchy friends?" he asks, his golden eyes narrowing at you, his body leaning downward to get closer to you. "why do you care so much?" you question him and he goes silent. "what? you like me or something?" you joke, a proud smile creeping onto your face at his surprised expression, he quickly furrows his brows and stands up straight. "maybe i do yn! maybe i do like you. maybe i can't stand seeing any other boys filthy hands on you because i like you, i should be with you! not your childish little 'friends'!" tsukishima exclaims and he rubs his face in frustration, running his hands through his short blonde locks, refusing to look at your face.
you're beyond shocked, dumbfounded even. his rushed, loud confession which is nothing like him, and the fact he was confessing because he was jealous? you'd think it was cute if you weren't blown away. "kei..." you mutter his first name, sending gentle shivers down his spine that he tries his best to hide from you. "shut up shut up shutupshutupshutup." he grumbles into his hands. "you're really gonna confess like that?" you giggle before full on laughing, clutching your stomach and even wiping a tear or two from laughter. "yeah okay, laugh it up." tsukishima groans and you let out a long sigh while looking down. "you are such an idiot." you say and look up at him with a smile, he can't help the pink tint that coats his warm cheeks and he looks away from your eyes. "look who's talking, you moron." he grunts in annoyance, rolling his eyes once again. you reach for his trembling hand and step closer to him, the shakiness of his hand was quite surprising but it was a nice reassurance that he wasn't just playing a stupid prank on you. your hand reaches for his warm neck and rest your palm on the curve of it, pulling his face closer to yours and finally, finally pressing a gentle, loving kiss to his soft lips. tsukishima hesitates for a split second, his raised shoulders relaxing as he kisses you back, both of his large, bandaged hands grabbing your hips. "i like you too, silly."
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norrizzandpia · 11 months
Hii love your work first of all! I kinda wanted to request something.
So i wanted to request them massaging your boobs. Like you know that feeling and the end of the day where you take your bra off and your boobs hurt? And the notice and massage your boobs for you. You know what I mean :)).
Not really in a sexual way but more like a comforting way ya know.
Doesn't matter if its for Lando or Oscar...
Alright after CAREFUL CONSIDERATION I’ve decided to write this for Oscar i hope you’ll like it!!!! <3
I Know What You Need (OP81)
Summary: She’s had a stressful day, he knows just what she needs.
Warnings: massaging boobs? Two sexual references but its very cute and fluffy
Note: bro why tf have i never found a man like this im so bitter
During summer break, Oscar got a little taste of what it was like for Y/n while he was away working. The constant longing for her presence as she spent the majority of the day at her office nagged at him, causing his mind to go crazy as he awaited her arrival in their shared apartment. He would mope around for the first few hours, texting her and asking when she would be home, before deciding to “man up” by cleaning the house, then he’d watch a movie or two before taking a nap. His last few hours were wasted making paper airplanes and entertaining the stray cat on the fire escape. He was desperate for anything to hold his attention long enough so that the feelings of desperation for his girlfriend would, at least, slightly subside.
Nonetheless, the entire day, without fail, was spent with only her on his mind. Because of this, when she got home, he was on her in an instant. However, this time, as she walked the door with sunken shoulders and her heels in hand, he thought that being as overbearing as he usually was might overwhelm her more. So, with this in mind, he slowly walked over to her, smiling down at her when she turned around, feeling his hand on her waist, and shoved herself into his warm chest.
“Hi, my love. How was your day?” He whispered to her, rubbing a hand up and down her back soothingly.
Her groan was muffled, but her exasperation was clear, “Rough.”
He nodded and kissed her temple, “Sorry to hear, baby. What can I do?”
She pulled herself from his embrace, arms winding around her back and picking at the clothing hugging too tight for comfort, “I don’t know yet, just let me get out of these clothes.”
She began to walk away from him, but when he caught sight of what she was trying to reach on her back, he stopped her.
“I can take your bra off for you?” He tried, watching her body stop any kind of movement before slowly turning around.
“Osc, I’m sorry, but I’m not in the mood to have sex right now.” She looked down at her feet.
He shook his head, taking big strides over to her before taking her face in his hands, “No, no, no, my love. It’s just to help you. You looked like you were struggling with it.”
Her eyes softened and her arm fell limply at her side, “Okay.”
Her grateful smile mirrored his as he winded his arms down her back and grabbed ahold of the hem of her shirt. Pulling it slowly over her head, he tried to make the moment as gentle as possible, knowing how stressed she must be when everyone at her job consistently looks to her when they run into the most minor convenience. When her torso was bare to him, nothing but her bra being left, he trailed his hands back up her body and latched onto the clip of the material. Being experienced with the bra she was wearing, he had it off quick, her boobs falling as he pulled it off of her. Her small groans had Oscar feeling triumphant, but, when her small hands came up to palm at the two, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Why are you doing that?” It didn’t sound judgmental, just curious.
Her eyes opened, having previously fallen closed when her hands came in contact with her boobs, “It feels nice. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s just… soothing.”
He stared at for a moment before his mind made itself up, “Can I try?”
Her eyes lit up, suddenly very interested in the line of question, “Yeah!”
He nodded, hands timidly coming up to rest on her boobs, a gesture he had done multiple times before, but in much more inappropriate situations. His fingers squeezed softly before they began to rub the skin, Y/n’s eyes falling closed once more at the feeling. He started doing a certain movement, incredibly indescribable, that had Y/n gasping.
“Oscar! You’re good at this!” Her chuckling made his heart warm.
His face lit up, happy to make his girlfriend feel good in another way, “Yeah?”
Her hands came to cover his that still rested on his boobs, moving them slightly to signal his continuation of the previous movements. When he gave in to the request, she went back to groaning, letting out small sounds that communicated her relief.
“So good, Osc.”
“I never thought I’d be massaging your boobs, have you groaning, telling me how good it feels, and not have both of us naked, doing the dirty.”
Her jaw dropped and she smacked his shoulder, but she laughed at his comment, no real harm done. The only harm, if you really wanted to call it harm, was that Y/n made a promise to herself to always ask Oscar for boob massages at the end of the day rather than have her own self do it.
That promise was fulfilled many, many times in the coming future.
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bookishgalaxies · 2 months
Hellooooo I saw that ur requests are opened so I tried to make my head work and think about something interesting
What about Wanderer x Reader (I know you don't like writing a male reader, but still I'd like to request it <3 if u don't feel comfortable doing it you can just go by gn reader) But the reader has a scarameow plush and he always hug his plush when he wants attention. LIKE he doesn't hug Wanderer to not bother him or something (bros so insecure ew (jk)
WELL AGAIN if you don't want to write a male reader you can go by gn <3 tysm if u write that request. Have a good day/night!!
(I actually tried to think about something to request cause I can't take trying to read smt with him and this app having mostly smut fics with him <//3 LIKE WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SMUT FICS...)
Hug Me Instead, Idiot
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summary: you just want some cuddles but are too scared to ask, so you hug your plushie instead. Not realizing that Wanderer had caught on to this habit of your’s.
type: oneshot, not proofread
character: wanderer x gn!reader
warnings: reader being insecure, wanderer being wanderer (affectionately ofc)
a/n: thank you bunches for this request! I’m sorry I couldn’t do a make reader for you. I just always feel more comfortable writing for a gender neutral reader. That said, always let me know if there are any pronoun slips or mistakes. I really enjoyed this request even though I’m not much of a Wanderer fan myself.
The day had been long and seemed to have taken a lot out of you. You enjoyed your job and found great pleasure in what you did but right now you were exhausted. Halfway between sitting and lying on the comfy sofa.
You heard the sound of pencil scratching on paper as Wanderer made revisions to one of his colleague’s essays. He sat in a chair across the room next to a lamp emitting warm light and a small table.
You admired his features, even if they were scrunched up in annoyance at what he was reading. His indigo eyes may have possessed a sharp glare but they were mesmerizing all the same. The way his lip quirked up slightly in a devious smirk as he marked on the essay. Indicating he was obviously looking forward to badgering the scholar about the error later. His navy hair fell over his forehead and right now looked like it would be quite soft to the touch.
You two had been together for a while now much to both of your liking. Sure Wanderer could be a bit….rough around the edges sometimes, but he cared. You could see it in his actions even if he wasn’t a fan of always saying that he cared for you.
Admittedly, you hugged your cat plush closer. The stuffed animal gifted to you by Wanderer after he saw you admiring it in a shop window. You had told him that you weee admiring it because reminded you of him. Of course he was quick to scoff, telling you that your idea of similarity was ridiculous.
He regretted to inform you about the warm feeling that had spread throughout him when you mentioned thinking of him.
You didn’t notice how tightly you were holding the plush. Hugging it as if it were a real thing. You could tell you were getting tired and right now in particular wanted to cuddle with someone. That someone being Wanderer.
He was busy though, engrossed in editing the essays. You didn’t want to bother him over something so silly. He would probably find the request bothersome or annoying and you were already too scared of being perceived that way.
Fidgeting with the plush cat’s ears you started to spiral a bit. Thinking of all the times you had asked for a hug or a kiss and cringing at yourself for doing so. Honestly, you didn’t know why Wanderer stayed with you this long.
Looking out of the window next to the couch, you hear a voice from behind you.
“Move over.” Wanderer said, now standing by the sofa with a hardcover book and his now smaller stack of essays.
“Don’t you want to stay in the chair where there’s more light?”
“If I did I’d still be over there.” He replied, motioning again for you to scoot over.
He sat beside you, continuing to write vigilantly on the papers. It only took a few minutes before his sharp glare drifted over to you and he said.
“You’re lucky I’m not an idiot.” He’d say, setting the book and papers aside as he pulled you into a warm embrace.
You were stunned for a moment at how he knew that was exactly what you had wanted from him. Yes he was intelligent but….
“How did you-“
“I’m not an idiot.”
He’d look at you with pretty indigo eyes, his expression stoic as always.
“You could always just ask me.”
You knew he was right.
“I didn’t want to bother you.”
He’d scoff and roll his eyes.
“The scholars at the Akademiya bother me, not you. “
You’d smile warmly at him knowing that this was as sappy as he was going to get. It felt nice breathing in his clean and airy scent as you slowly drifted off into sleep. Finally able to let your brain drift into unconsciousness.
thank you so much for reading !!
stay hydrated and have a nice day/night !!
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januaryrabbit · 1 year
how seventeen would act around their s/o while drunk heheee
pairing: seventeen x gn reader, established relationship, fluff
word count: 1.8k
warnings: alcohol, cursing, mentions of sleeping over and physical affection w/ the boys but it’s meant in a fluffy context, not a suggestive/mature one!
other disclaimers: lowercase intended, probably typos, setting is hanging out with all the boys and with you!!!!!
a/n: i just realized in my wip post i said "crush" instead of "s/o"........WOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT ANYWAY hello everyone, i’m finally back with another post! i;m sorry for the very long hiatus, i p much always have something going on in my life lol @-@ but i have time now to actually write!!! i hope you enjoy this one hehe -mina
✩‧₊˚clingy drunks:
mingyu: this man will not leave you alone. he is in love with you. and he’s cheesy! in a sweet way :) will kiss your hand every few mins, lean on you, or put his arm around you so you lean on him hehe. i think he would also want you to reciprocate the clinginess too hehe,,,it makes him feel loved :3 i can see him moving your hand to his hair to ask you to play with it, and if you stopped, he would just take your hand and put it back in his hair LOl. he strikes me as someone who would take care of you (kinda like how he takes care of drunk hoshi hehe) and makes sure you're ok, even if he's drunk himself :]
seungcheol: omg omg HES GOING TO DOTE ON YOU SO MUCH!!! “jagi are you ok” “jagi do you need water” “jagi i’ll walk you to the bathroom, be careful”...he doesn’t realize that he himself is wobbling around and spilling water, LMAO. he just wants to help his baby!!! would def ask where you’re going if you get up, ask you to stay over with him, etcetc. would always have an arm around you and constantly LOL. would also go on a random rant about how protective he is of you HAHAHA!! like “Y/N . IF ANYONE MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. TELL ME RIGHT AWAY . I WILL DEFEND YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH  EVEN IF IT’S MY OWN FRIENDS I DONT CARE WHO I HAVE TO BEAT UP (svt: BRO WTF?????) . GOD I LOVE U SOMUCH .” pls give him some water and a kiss!!!
junhui: i don’t think he’d necessarily be like talkative or doting, but i think he’s the type to just want to be around you and would sit really close to you :3 he almost gives me like Protective Bf vibes in the way that he’d just wanna be by your side to make sure you’re feeling ok too. plus, junnie just likes your company! i can picture him sending a lot of smiles toward you every few minutes because he’s so happy you;re his partner and he feels so comfy with you next to him :) also he likes leaning his head on your shoulder and he WILL show you cat pics the entire night…..pls comment on all of them or he’ll get sad. he also gives me the vibes of someone who has lazy days with his s/o after a night of drinking hehe…napping, hotpot and movies :)))
✩‧₊˚loud/emotional/(verbally) affectionate drunks:
soonyoung: MESSY U WILL HAVE TO CARE HIM !!!! did you see him on lee youngji’s show?? so cuteeee :( he would just shower you w/ affection heheh. im picturing him hugging you from behind like how he hugged the ice in the youngji ep and he would nestle his head into the crook of your neck and reach over to kiss your cheek :3c he would announce like every 20min how much he loves you to the whole room like "THIS IS MY PARTNER I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH THANKS!!!" and would post blurry pics of the two of you on his story with typos "i lvoe tehfm sonmchch" HAHA!! youll definitely have to sober up to take care of him hehe. would definitely start crying bc he loves you so much and YOU have to comfort him……you and mingyu get him to the car that night because he can’t walk by himself. the next morning hes like babe that was so fun round 2 of drinking tonight???????????? (horanghae pose)
seungkwan: BRUH KWAN GETS INTO (JOKE) ARGUMENTS WHILE HE’S DRUNK I HAVE NO DOUBTS!!! 90% of the time he’s trying to pick a fight with mingyu or chan i just know it I KNOW IT TO BE TRUE!! but with his s/o, i think he’s the type to be like HONEY THIS ONE IS FOR YOU and he starts belting a love ballad and singing directly to you HAHA!!! (vernon: why are u always trying to outsing everyone. no one else is singing.) seungkwan ignores vern’s comment and keeps going tho. he almost moves himself to tears by how much he loves you and how much love he’s pouring into his performance LOL. you tell him you love him too and that he doesnt have to sing VERY LOUDLY IN PUBLIC to profess his love !!! its not that serious pls sit down!!! and hes like MY LOVE FOR YOU IS SERIOUS . and that’s how you end up with a pouty and drunk kwan!!!!!!!!!
chan: oh my sweet chan,,he would just shower you with affection LMAO like “i love you. you’re amazing. you look so beautiful right now, you know that?” type of thing. he’s just the biggest simp hehe. i think hes also the type to just wanna have fun, he'd prob cheer you on if you took a shot like FUCK YEAH BABE GO OFF!!!! but i also think that he would be doing EVERYTHING for you. "i'll pour your shot!!!!! don't lift a finger SERIOUSLY!!!!!" asks you every 30min if youve had water. (you: yes. i had some 30min ago. when you GAVE ME SOME.) gets you snacks. if you needed to throw up he WILL hold your hair with a drink in the other hand (for him)!!!! he also helps you put your jacket on at the end of the night. it doesn't matter how drunk he is, he's firm on taking care of YOU!!! <3
✩‧₊˚(physically) affectionate drunks:
wonwoo: he’s all smiles for you hehe. clings onto your arm whenever you’re near him. he wouldn't be too loud or anything, but i think he'd shyly whisper compliments to you now and then about how you look nice or how much he loves you. i think he’d be one of the more chill people, he just feels happier than usual bc of the alcohol hehehhe. usually, wonu is pretty good at keeping himself composed when you show him affection. but when he’s drunk, i think he’d react a little more…he strikes me as someone who’s more verbally/physically affectionate when it’s just you two, but around friends/family he tones it down. but when he’s drunk i think he would be comfortable having you sit on his lap or having an arm around you <3
jihoon: i am convinced lee jihoon is a different man when he’s drunk!!!!!!!!!  i have a hot-ish take when it comes to drunk uji…omg woozi would SOOOO open up physically and emotionally to you..and he’d be the type to always, Always have an arm around your waist and constantly hold your hand, looking at you with a smile that leads all the way up to his eyes. he’s someone who has dealt with a lot in his life, but in this moment, he’s so grateful to be here with his friends, and someone he loves that also loves him for who he is. the reason i think he’d be like this is juts because like. he doesn’t drink much, but when he does, feelings he’s been keeping to himself finally come up to the surface. also his face, neck and ears are constantly bright red because of the alcohol LOL. but ALSO they'd be red the next day when he realizes how he behaved in front of you hehe…. don't tease him too much about it or he'll die of embarrassment!
seokmin: dont ask me why bc idk but i think he would ruffle your hair constantly because youre so cute. then he would get distracted and talk to the bros for a bit, look at you again and remember how cute you are and ruffle it again sorry i dont make the rules!!!!!!! dk is definitely the loud/funny drunk hehe…hes the type to be giggly/try to make everyone laugh :) but i think he’d definitely try to make you laugh the most !! mostly in terms of physical affection though, i think he’d just dote on you a lot…like you know in the dingo video how he kept kissing woozi??? yeah he does that to you. along with the hair ruffles. and the attempts to get you to laugh. good luck. you’re going to drown in affection from this man LOL. 
✩‧₊˚happy/chill drunks:
vernon: HE WILL CARE YOU this man is all vibes. he’s just here to have a good time lol. you’ll probably be the drunk one who needs to be taken care of :3 but if he was somehow convinced to get really drunk, i think he would still just be vibes. but happier vibes. i think he would just laugh at everything and keep a hand constantly on your knee heheh. also i think he would encourage seungkwan’s antics more when he’s drunk i’m just saying .
minghao: minghao is just relishing in the moment of enjoying his time with his friends and partner~ he doesn't strike me as someone who drinks much, kinda like vernon. he'd be more focused on having a good time with everyone! i think he's the type to have hangover remedies ready for you at home for the next day. i think he would also be the type of bf to know when to cut you off LMAO like “y/n’s had 4 shots….hyung STOP pouring them another one!!!!!!!!” he just seems like he'd be prepared to take care of his partner :) you're so lucky!! he’s also the type to observe you and take pictures/videos if you’re doing something funny while you’re drunk LMAO!!!!
joshua: josh is a giggly drunk i have no doubts. also in the dingo video that man was RED af!!! would probably be like “im fine im SO SOBER RIGHT NOW…BABE TELL THEM HOW SOBER I AM!!!” he is not sober. i also think he would be the type to compare hands with you LMAO. you’re just like ???? you know how big both our hands are???? you’re literally my bf???? and hes like I JUST WANTED TO CHECK OK!!! tbh he seems so fun to be around LMAO like he on the way to the hangout hes like “babe lets match each other if u drink i drink” and ur like HELLO SIR???????? WHO IS DRIVING US HOME?????? (jeonghan does and he sleeps over.)  he just wants to have FUN and let loose with the homies and his partner!!!! consequences are for TOMORROW, y/n!!!!!! (he might start sulking if you don’t agree to match him but it’s fine you both know your limits hehe)
jeonghan: i see him as someone who doesn’t go too wild when drinking. kinda like vernon and minghao, i think he’s more there for vibes than getting fucked up lol. if anything, he’s doting on you because he finds you so cute, especially when you’re drunk hehehe. HE would be the one to ask you to do aegyo or something and when you do he just dies of cuteness lmao. i think he would also tease you in silly ways, like convincing you that he and s.coups are actually long lost brothers who found each other in college, or that seungkwan is a natural blonde. and of course you believe him which is the funniest shit ever to him!!!! LMAO!!!!! your shock and wonder at his blatant lies is the cutest thing to him. don’t worry tho he’ll tell you the next day nothing he said was true, except for when he said he loves you :)
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linkuei-scum-without-s · 10 months
First time posting a headcanon so I'm kinda nervous but I'm give it a shot ( BTW ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE )
So I got a random headcanon about the lin kuei bros ! But Cats AU :D
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Okay okay imagine living in a house with a three Cats you just found them homeless on the street and feel sorry for them so you took them in ... Orange cat, Gray cat and a black cat in your house
And if you're going to ask me how did all turn into a cats... Then the answer is Shang Tsung... Don't ask how ... It's just Shang Tsung that mf turned them into a cats ... Maybe just to laugh at them....
Anyways living with the Lin Kuei cats it's the best thing!! If you manage to gain their trust ..... Only with Tomas and Kuai tho.. You don't wanna get near Bi-han... Trust me... This bitch would give you a new scrach everyday... He's the kind of the bratty cat
Hiss 24/7 when every you get closer to him
Sometimes attack you and you'll have either Tomas or Kuai trying to stop him... Or both of them by pulling him from his tail....
Man he's a cat with trust issues so it's gonna take a while until you gain his trust
But to be honest... I believe Tomas would be the first one would Trust you... After seeing you how you're so caring to all of them... Even his brat older brother
He will be the type to be a clingy cat that's how I imagine him
When ever you sit down expect him in less then a second to be on your lap.... (HE'S SO ADORABLE KWHWKWJEJ)
Also whenever Bi-han give you a new scratch Tomas would be the one treating it... By licking it.... He's trying to apologizing instead of his bro
Like "I Apologize for my brother action.... He's just like this all the time... Here let me treat your wounds! " but in cats language...
Tomas is loves cuddles as well whenever you go to bed he'll climb up next to you and sleep
He's so wholesome
As for Kuai Liang... He's a calm cat... When you first let them in... He won't do anything just watching you around...
He's believe in 'Action speaks Louder then words' so he'll only trust you by you're action... And since you are so caring about them... And can take his Older brother's behavior he can tell you're a nice person so he will trust you a little... Still calm tho
Likes to sit besides you if you were watching TV or reading a book whatever you're doing he'll sit next to you... Either sleep or watching what are you doing
Btw when you go to bed he will be sleeping next to your head... He loves your hair... He think it's soft so sometimes when you woke up you'll find him sleeping on it like a pillow .... If you have a short hair he will be leaning on your head
He will try to convince his brother that you're harmless and never meant to hurt them but it's not working... Bi-han thinks if he give you a little cance you might going to stop him on his back or betrayed him...
Man the last time you were trying to wash them all.... It went well with Kuai and Tomas they both let you wash them peaceful.. Somehow Tomas was playful in the water and it got you confused actually for both of them... Them were so calm for cats begin in the water.... You didn't think about you just that's they might have got used to water somehow... Or they are a special cat who would give no pain in the ass to their owner when they are washing them
Anyways after finish the and dry them off you turn you're head to the last target .. Bi-Han ... man if you Know anime JJBA you will know what I mean when I say the fight you just had with bi-Han is the same fight between Jotaro and Dio trust Man and all of this happens while trying to get him into the bath top... You got.. A lot of scratches A few were on your face as well not only a just scars you have got but you had too chase him around the whole house whenever you get closer to him will attack you and hiss so good luck with washing him...
But if you manage to gain his trust (and it's a hard challenge trust me) he will be less aggressive ... Might even let you pet him (he will try so hard not to purr) doesn't attack you anymore... But he will always be cold with you...it's just his way of showing he trust you btw at rare times you'll find him sleeping next to you on the bed.... All the time he prefers to sleep alone
This is so random I just wanted to make some headcanons but always so nervous to post it but right now I decided to give it a shot.... Plz don't hate me of you don't like it ;-;
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cheapshrimpysheep · 5 months
Hello OP! Hope u don’t mind this request for the demon bros
So just earlier i saw the “raising a pet together” game on tiktok, and i was on a freenzy, IT’S JUST TOO CUTE 🥹 and i’m too single to have anybody to do it with me lol.
What would be their reaction when the MC got them to downloaded the app and raise the virtual pet together?
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COMMENTS: Well, I didn't know about this game, so I asked Gemini (Bard) about it to find out a little more about this type of game. Long story short: I told some of my friends about this game and now we are taking care of a virtual kitten together 😊 Thank you so much for the request 😉
What I wrote is based on my little experience playing the game called Pokipet. I hope you and all enjoy 🐶🐱
CHARACTERS: Demon Brothers (Lucifer; Mammon; Leviathan; Satan; Asmodeus; Beelzebub & Belphegor)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Bullet Points
WORD COUNT: An average of 390 words per character.
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CONTEXT - According to Gemini (formerly "Bard"): The "Raising a Pet Together" game is a concept where you and someone else, like a friend, family member, or significant other, work together to raise a virtual pet.
The core idea is to work together to raise a virtual pet, which can be a fun way to: Simulate pet ownership and its responsibilities. Test your teamwork and communication skills. Have a cute and engaging way to interact with someone else.
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“Why would we take care of a virtual pet together if we can already do it with Cerberus?” He will ask you.
Well, maybe you just want to try it out and see how it goes.
“Of course everything would be fine. The two of us would be its caretakers. How could anything go if not perfectly?” he sighs and chuckles “Fine. If you really want to do this, then I can accommodate your whims.”
According to Lucifer's traditional Devildom profile, when asked "Cats or Dogs" he answers "Cerberus". So he would choose to take care of a dog and name it Cerberus.
Whenever you open the app to take care of the little virtual Cerberus, Lucifer has already taken care of everything. Feed it? He already did. Give it a bath? He already did it. Pet it? The happiness bar is already maxed out, but you can still do it.
You would probably do more of the decorating of the room and give it clothes and accessories. He'll probably be stupidly good at the minigames and earn a lot of money so you can spend it freely on those things.
Whenever he has a lot of work and opens the app as if it were another of his responsibilities and sees that the virtual Cerebrus is fed and well taken care of by you, he will smile in relief. It's so wonderful to have another person he can rely on and share responsibilities with. You're so good at taking the weight off his shoulders and making him feel at ease.
He will definitely try to use this game to convince you to take care of the real Cerebrus with him instead of a virtual pet.
If the app has a chat and, at night, you both open the app at the same time to put your pet to bed:
Lucifer: Good evening (Y/N)
Lucifer: Are you here to put Cerberus to bed too?
Lucifer: What a pleasant coincidence.
The two of you cuddle your pet until it falls asleep.
Lucifer: Now, you should go to sleep too.
Lucifer: The same applies to me.
Lucifer: But now I want to fall asleep with you by my side.
Lucifer: Come to my room.
Lucifer: I can cuddle you until you fall asleep too.
Lucifer: If what you want is to sleep, of course.
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“Raising a pet together?! Do you think I have money to support a pet? I can barely stay out of debt!” Mammon panics and speaks as if you were talking about a child.
But then you explain that it's a virtual pet, on your D.D.D.s.
“Oh...” He blushes a lot. “W-why didn't you say that from the beginning, you dummy?” He thinks for a second and then smiles widely. “Well, if it's free, I guess we can try it.”
According to Mammon's traditional Devildom profile, when asked "Cats or Dogs"  he answers "Cats". If you were surprised, so was I. For a name? Maybe Goldie, like his credit card. A yellow kitten named Goldie.
He'll blush a little when he thinks that you're taking care of a pet together, like a real close couple.
You are the one who will take care of Goldie the most. Giving it food and bath. And there will be many times when you almost don't have the money for it because Mammon will spend it all on toys, clothes and decoration. Even though it's a virtual pet, he will spoil it.
In terms of the pet's needs, he will probably just play with it. And give it treats. He will try to do the minigames to earn more money, but regardless of whether he is good at these minigames or not, he will continue to spend more money than he can earn.
But despite everything, he will try to be as helpful as possible and genuinely try to take care of Goldie so you don't have to do all the work. Sometimes he will even surprise you by taking really ood care of it.
If the app has a chat and, at night, you both open the app at the same time to put your pet to bed:
Mammoney: Oi! What are ya doin' here?
Mammoney: Oh. Ya here to put Goldie to bed too?
Mammoney: Ok. You can do it tonight
You cuddle your pet until it falls asleep.
Mammoney: Aww look at our baby~
Mammoney: PET! I MEAN PET!
Mammoney: hey... if you're still not sleepy either
Mammoney: why don't ya come to my room?
Mammoney: I always feel more relaxed with you by my side
Mammoney: Maybe we can help each other sleep?
Mammoney: Or... do something else if ya want...
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“A VIRTUAL PET TO TAKE CARE OF TOGETHER?!?!” Levi is overjoyed with the idea! His eyes were sparkling! You don't need to say anything else, he's already downloading the app. Could this be a test to find out if you would be good parents to a real pet? Or maybe... No! NO LEVI! TOO EARLY!! One step at a time.
According to Levi's traditional Devildom profile, when asked "Cats or Dogs"  he answers "Henry". But since he could only choose between dog and cat, he would probably choose dog, because cats are known to eat fish.
For a name? “Maybe Henry 3.0?” He starts to suggest “Hum... no... Ah! Can I try something?” he writes a name that is accepted and shows it to you so you can confirm or deny the suggestion, with his cheeks slightly flushed. Henry <3 When he sees you smile in confirmation, his smile and enthusiasm only increase.
He's a dedicated gamer, so you don't have to worry about anything at all! He will get so many coins that you will practically be rich in that game. And he will buy everything. EVERYTHING! Decoration, food, toys, clothes, accessories, literally everything that is possible to buy in the game. And you can do whatever you want.
If you show that you would like to contribute more to your pet's care, he will apologize and promise to play less so you can have the opportunity to take care of Henry <3 too. But of course he will continue to open the app almost constantly, even if it's just to see you taking care of Henry <3.
Don't be surprised if he one day shows up with a Henry <3 plush so that the two of you can cuddle your baby whenever you want.
If the app has a chat and, at night, you both open the app at the same time to put your pet to bed:
L3V1: Are you here to put Henry <3 to bed too?
L3V1: Let’s do it together!
The two of you cuddle your pet until it falls asleep.
L3V1: Hey... um... are you sleepy?
L3V1: The thing is I'm not sleepy yet
L3V1: Actually I'm now wide awake
L3V1: Could you keep me company for a little while?
L3V1: You know, I always feel sleepier when I'm with you
L3V1: I feel safe and calm
L3V1: If by chance you also feel this way about me
L3V1: Would you like to keep each other company in my room?
L3V1: But it could also be in yours
L3V1: Or not. It's okay if you don't want to
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Take care of a virtual pet together? Where one of the options is a cat? Sign him up! And since he can't have a real pet cat, this is the best thing you could have propose to him! (*cough* besides marriage *cough*)
We don't even need the Devildom profile for this one, do we?
For a name? Probably the name of one of his favorite writers. Or... how about the name of one of your (you two) favorite writers? Christopher from Christopher Peugeot ;)
He's not that much into games, but since we're talking about taking care of a kitten, he can reach your level of experience. Or at least he will try. And to do this, he will do two things: 1st - Ask you for help. Which will make you two learn together how the game works. And 2nd - Do a lot of research on the internet about the best ways to play and the best strategies to get lots of coins so that your cat doesn't lack any care.
That game will be one of the main apps on his D.D.D. In addition to apps about books and the chat where he talks to you and the others.
Maybe he'll even find a way to change the background on his phone to a screen shot of your virtual pet.
If the app has a chat and, at night, you both open the app at the same time to put your pet to bed:
stn: Hello.
stn: I see you're here to put Christopher to bed as well.
stn: Why don't we do the honors together?
The two of you cuddle your pet until it falls asleep.
stn: Now we both should go to sleep too.
stn: If you are having trouble falling asleep, you can come to my room.
stn: I will be happy to read with you until you fall asleep.
stn: Your company will also help me rest.
stn: So feel free to come see me.
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“Take care of a virtual pet together? That sounds so cute! Oh, but it's not as demanding as taking care of a real pet, is it? I'm not ready for that kind of commitment. I still need my ME time.~”
According to Asmo's traditional Devildom profile, when asked "Cats or Dogs" he answers "Me <3". But you need to choose between a dog and a cat. So you suggest a cat.In real life, cats are generally not as dependent as dogs. And, lets say that they are more likely to take "beauty more seriously" than a dog.
For a name? “OH! Can it be Asmodeus II? Pretty pleeeeease~”
You will be Asmodeus II's main caretaker. Since Asmo will be more interested in spoiling it with toys, clothes and affection. And if he wants to buy something and doesn't have coins for it, he'll try to convince you to play more mini-games to get more coins for him to spend. “Ow, don't be mad at me hon. It's for our little baby. What if I spoil you in real life as a thanks~?”
When he tells his followers about this new virtual pet, eventually, more and more fans will ask him to tell them more and more about how it's going. Which mean that your pet will end up becoming part of his content. But it also ends up making Asmo pay more attention and care for it more.
And don't be surprised if, for a person who didn't want to commit to a pet, he ends up being the one trying to convince you to get a real pet. After all, if a virtual pet is already so good, imagine how much better a real pet would be! How cute would that be! And how much more engagement and new followers his social media would have! But despite this last one, what he really wants is to share a new love with you.
If the app has a chat and, at night, you both open the app at the same time to put your pet to bed:
AsmoBaby: Hey hon~ <3
AsmoBaby: I just wanted to come put our baby to bed~
AsmoBaby: Sorry for always being you the one to do this
AsmoBaby: What if you let me do this tonight? ;)
He cuddles your pet until it falls asleep.
AsmoBaby: Awwww! IT’S SO CUTE!
AsmoBaby: I have to take a screenshot to show my followers!
AsmoBaby: Give me a second~
AsmoBaby: I could see this cute little thing sleeping for hours~
AsmoBaby: But we both need our beauty sleep
AsmoBaby: Oh, that gives me an idea!
AsmoBaby: Why don't you come to my room?
AsmoBaby: We can do our nighttime beauty routines together
AsmoBaby: And we can sleep together if you want to stay with me
AsmoBaby: You deserve some spoiling for taking such good care of our baby <3
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“A virtual pet?” Beel wouldn't understand the proposal well at first. “Isn't the point of having a pet to have a true companion by your side? You know, to take care of each other and play together?”
You tell him yes, but that it's just a little experience for you to share. Seeing how much you really want to do that with him, he will smile. “Okay, if you really want it that much, I'll take care of a pet with you. It'll be fun. Anything with you is.”
According to Beel's traditional Devildom profile, when asked "Cats or Dogs" he answers "Dogs". So, a dog will be.
For a name? You're asking a lot of him. Could you choose one for him? But try to keep it from being a food-related name, this will make Beel hungry. (And in the worst possible scenario, he wanting to bite your virtual pet. This is before he becomes attached to it)
He won't care much about aesthetics, you can take care of that if you want. You are free to dress your pet and get it as many toys as you want. Beel will be more interested in feeding it well and exercising.
In terms of playing mini-games to get coins, it would be very balanced, none of you would get many more coins than the other. Unless you're crazy about those mini-games. In that case, you would get more coins than Beel.
You also shouldn't be surprised when he starts talking about the two of you getting a real dog as a pet. Yes, it's true that Lucifer has Cerberus and that he would let you take care of him from time to time, but Beel wants a puppy of both of you. He wants to have a little furry baby with you.
If the app has a chat and, at night, you both open the app at the same time to put your pet to bed:
Beelzeburger: Hey
Beelzeburger: You're also here to put our dog to bed?
Beelzeburger: Being here with you makes me very happy
Beelzeburger: We can do this together
The two of you cuddle your pet until it falls asleep.
Beelzeburger: I'm going to get a snack before going to bed
Beelzeburger: Do you want one too?
Beelzeburger: We can have a midnight snack together
Beelzeburger: I'm going to the kitchen now
Beelzeburger: Do you want to meet me there?
Beelzeburger: Or do you want me to bring a snack to your room?
Beelzeburger: Oh wait!
Beelzeburger: I can eat your snack on the way
Beelzeburger: Sorry, it would be better if you come meet me in the kitchen
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“A virtual pet? Well, it's not as demanding as having a real pet. And it would be fun to take care of a pet with you. Okay, we can do it.”
According to Belphie's traditional Devildom profile, when asked "Cats or Dogs" he answers "Dogs". So, a dog will be.
For a name? Well, Belphie would have a little idea. “You know, Beel has always reminded me of a happy dog, especially when he smiles. Ha ha. What do you think about calling it Beel?” That and when you two talk about your pet without giving context, the reactions of the brothers would be fun to watch.
You'll probably realize that taking care of that pet with Belphie is a rollercoaster. One moment he takes care of all the pet's needs and even buys one or two little things for it. And the next, the pet has all its needs at a minimum and needs a lot of care. Those last one usually happens because Belphie has fallen asleep and has been sleeping for a long time. But apart from those times, your care would be quite balanced.
You would probably be more in charge of playing the mini-games to earn coins. That's because Belphie doesn't really like to have that much work, although he tries to do it from time to time so it doesn't always have to be you.
He wouldn't start trying to convince you to get a real pet. Especially a dog. Because he knows it would be a responsibility he's not prepared for and he knows it would end up giving you more work and he doesn't want that. That virtual pet is perfect. At least for now.
If the app has a chat and, at night, you both open the app at the same time to put your pet to bed:
Belphie: Hi
Belphie: You're here too
Belphie: Do you want to put it to sleep?
Belphie: Be my guest :)
You cuddle your pet until it falls asleep.
Belphie: Thanks <3
Belphie: Hey, since you're still awake too
Belphie: Come join me
Belphie: Let's cuddle until we fall asleep
Belphie: I always sleep better when I'm with you
Belphie: I also have the best dreams
Belphie: Come sleep with me~
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If you dropped in here out of the blue and want to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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mariclerc · 5 months
Predestined (pt.2) | cl16
Summary: Where you have had mixed feelings for years with your brother's best friend... And finally those feelings see the light.
Warning: some swearing, aggressive mother, mentions of physical assault towards y/n (not Charles), fluff as usual and Charles being a sweetheart like always.
a/n: here we have part 2!! Let me know if you like it and if you want another part of this!!
Part 1
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liked by lilymhe, yourbff, landonorris and others.
ynusername pookie and i against the world 4eva and eva!!🧸🎀✨ and yupp, i like to put cute pink bows on his clothes it makes him look so adorable 🥺🎀
tagged charles_leclerc
see 53.765 comments
user1 hm... THE SECOND PIC 👀🫣 girl can you explain??!?
georgerussell63 I never thought I would see Charles' pen*s with a pink bow on Instagram, but here we are
ynusername In fact 😀☝🏻 It's not his pen*s, it's his pants with a cute pink bow 😋 I think carmenmmundt should try that on you tbh, just saying 👀👀
carmenmmundt omw 🫡
yourbff a cat mug i see there
ynusername i love cats and i'm now a cat mama, you know the drill
yourbff I'm sorry... A cat mom you said!?!?!?!? 👀
ynusername surprise‼️‼️✨✨✨
lucayln stop being so horny with my best friend, thank you
ynusername nope 😋 we're here to stay horny 24/7 sir
charles_leclerc only if we could stay horny 24/7 hours a day 😩 that would be a blast
user2 CHARLES????? 🫣👀👀👀
user3 Charles has bde?
ynusername maybe 😋🥰
charles_leclerc i love you pookie 🥰💗 that pink bow looked good the whole day in my pants 🎀
ynusername i love you too much much kisses for my boy😘 💋💋 you looked so coquette and cute babyyy 🥺🎀💗
ynusername I TOLD YOU‼️‼️ georgerussell63
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liked by lorenzotl, olliebearman, alex_albon and others.
charles_leclerc my little girl always wants hugs on my lap 'cause she says it feels warm there🤍 by the way, let's welcome minnie leclerc to the family 🐈🫶🏻
tagged ynusername
see 864.243 comments
landonorris congrats bro 🫂
charles_leclerc thanks bro 🤝🏻 I appreciate it
user4 omg they're so cute and adorable 🥺🥺
user5 they scream old money/cuteness couple and I'm here for it🥺😭
lucayln excuse me? That second pic it's not appropriate‼️‼️
ynusername it's just my back dumbass 🙄😒 how annoying you are
charles_leclerc why not? She so looks cute reading 🥰🥰
lucayln and why "minnie leclerc", you guys are not married.
ynusername shh 🤫😉
user1 he's so lovey dovey with yn 🥺🥺 we love to see a happy Charles 🫶🏻
user6 oh good minnie leclerc 🥺🥺 that's so sweet and adorable
arthur_leclerc I thought you were more of a dog person... 🤔
charles_leclerc yeah... people change bro
ynusername i'm the changee 😋😋😋
maxverstappen1 so Jimmy and Sassy now have a little playmate
ynusername yup sir
ynusername so... you say i'm your little girl? 🥺🥺🎀
charles_leclerc yes baby, you are my little girl... such a princess, so pretty 🥹🥹 it's the two of us against everyone, kay? 💗💗
“A cat? Did you seriously adopted a cat?” Your mother asked when she saw you with little minnie in your arms.
You nodded and smiled. “Yep! Well, Charles and I thought about moving together to his place and taking care of...” You didn't even finish talking because your mother slammed the table, making you flinch.
“It's incredible that you are so childish... Moving in together? Please, you are just studying in uni and he is traveling around the world, that shit only happens in fairy tales and movies y/n.” your mother said in a sarcastic voice.
Things with Charles are going very well, quite well, you have been together for almost four months and everything has been wonderful, the distance has not been an impediment for you... Although your mother, who at first were very happy for the two of you, lately she don't agree with the idea of you moving in with Charles, the trust between the two of you is already there for years and it's silly that she don't like their relationship now just because he constantly travels to the races.
“But mom... I love him very much and he loves me! I don't understand what the problem is with us moving in together.” You whispered while petting minnie and that apparently made her even angrier.
“You are very innocent and stupid! Do you really think he's not going to get someone better than you? Please, if you don't even have experience in couples or dating stuff.” she said and you felt your heart break little by little. “You're not even pretty enough to be with someone like him, please, there are more prettier girls out there than you.”
Your mother has always had a facade in front of everyone, that facade of "I have the perfect family", but not everything is like that. Luca is applauded and glorified for having decided to be a driver, while she humiliate you because you didn't want to study economics, that never really caught your attention, so you decided to study literature and appreciate life from a more poetic point of view if you could say that. For your mother you were always the black sheep of the family, the disappointment and the dreamy girl, always imagining impossible things.
“I'm not... I'm not stupid.” you whispered timidly. “I... I don't understand... I just...” You whispered again, feeling like you were losing your voice in the process.
“And there you are again, babbling, like a baby” She said approaching you as if you were a prey. “And what will you do? Call your prince charming to save you? You know that's a bullshit.”
And sooner than expected, a punch hit your face, and then another and another, minnie began to meow and climb your leg while you did your best to stay upright. You had never seen your mother be so aggressive with you, never, she only hit you a few times but when you were younger and you didn't want to do chores, but this? It was already another level, it was like she was letting out all the frustration she feels with you. And the worst thing about it? It's just that not even your father or Luca were at home to defend you from her.
You tried to talk while you whimper. “Please... stop hurting me.” you begged, but she didn't stop, so with the little strength and endurance you had left you let go. “Stop fucking hurting me, I'm not your damned personal punch bag!” You screamed at her with the guts you never thought you had inside of you and then you ran with minnie in your arms to your bedroom and locked the door.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back, with blurred vision you collected some essential things in a bag, the decision was made, you were going to move in with Charles whether she likes it or not. With trembling hands you took your cell phone and you dialed Charles's number.
“Babe? Is everything okay?” he spoke on the other line and a sob left your lips. “Honey, why are you crying?”
“Bubba, could you... Could you... Could you look for me and minnie at home, please? I do not want to be here.” you said in a small whisper.
“It's okay honey, did something happen with your mom?” he said in a calm voice. “I'll put you on speakerphone, I'm with Luca, okay?”
You sigh. “Mom... she almost... hit.” you said with a broken voice and that was enough for them to understand.
“Don't worry bubbles, we're on our way. I'll deal with her.” You heard Luca say as he took Charles' cell phone.
You hung up and sighed, you didn't want to look in the mirror, you probably had something broken in your face, or a broken bone in your nose, a bleeding nose or something like that. You also collected minnie's things and some of your plushies, you were still a young woman with a little girl's soul.
The ride to Charles's —now your, apartment was a bit difficult, after the encounter between your mother and Luca, he yelled at her while she pretended to be innocent, she had never been like that to you. While Luca confronted your mother, Charles helped you collect more of your things and put them in suitcases, there were also some things left but they were not so necessary.
When you went up the elevator to the apartment you felt a sensation of perhaps peace and calm... You don't know how to decipher it exactly, but it's like a kind of release and maybe a new beginning.
“Welcome home princess.” Charles said with his soft voice opening the door to the apartment, it was a fairly spacious and minimalist place, you didn't remember it like that since a year ago you and Luca spent a lot of time here in the afternoons doing anything silly the three of you, like the old times.
It had windows that illuminated the space, a lot of F1 memorabilia, trophies and family photos and of the three of you as children. It felt cozy, maybe it was the sunlight coming through the window, the presence of minnie nestled in your arms, or the presence of Charles himself, but it felt like a cozy and comfy space where you will not be judged. You left Minnie on the floor and she began to walk around the place with big eyes.
“Charles... I do not know how...” you said between babbling and he just smiled softly.
“You don't have to thank me or anything chérie. It is the least I can do for you.” he kissed the tip of your nose softly. “What do you think we go to heal that ugly bump, you can change into comfy clothes and then we take care of unpacking, okay?” He asked and you nodded, he guided you through the apartment until you both reached the room, which will be your room.
He started looking for some things to heal the wounds left by your mother's punches, you sat on the bed and he began to heal your wounds with some alcohol and ointments, he healed your wounds with such care and delicacy.
“Ouch... By chance do I have a broken nose or something like that?” you asked.
He denied several times. “Nope darling, just a couple of hits that now turn a little bit purple... But it will heal soon love, don't worry.” He whispered and looked for a band-aid to put on the bumps. “For now we will put this nice and cute pink band-aid on and that is enough!” He whispered again and gave you a kiss on the nose.
“Thank you Charlie” you whispered shyly and he smiled softly.
“It's nothing honey, now why don't you get comfortable and take a shower?” He said softly as he gave you a hug and caressed your back.
“Okay babe.” you say softly and separate yourself from his embrace to go to the bathroom and take a shower... which is necessary after all that emotional and physical exhaustion on the part of your mother.
When you entered the bathroom you let everything flow; the emotions, the frustration and also the peace that not being there again gives you... Now being with Charles in his apartment was a change that was going to happen sooner or later for whatever reasons, what happened with your mother today was the time bomb that was needed to explode to finally make that decision.
“Hey, there you are, sweet candy!” Charles said with a soft voice and a smile on his face when he saw you enter the living room in sweatpants and one of his big t-shirts, apparently he had already arranged Minnie's things in the living room... To be honest it looked like a small playground with all the cat toys and cat trees scattered around, but you didn't care at all, it gave the place some personality. “I made you some tea! Maybe it will help you calm down, It's a red fruit tea, it's delicious!” He said and you couldn't help but let out a shy giggle as you blushed a little, he had these little gestures towards you that made your heart bigger little by little.
You smiled a little. “Have you already tried it charlie bear?” you asked while giggling.
“Well... Yes, I made some for myself too! It's very good, and I don't know, it reminded me of you.” he giggled. “Remember that time we went to the cat cafe and you found out they had tea?”
You nodded with a smile. “Yeah... That's where we tried this tea and we discovered that we wanted a cat.” You took a small sip trying not to burn yourself and you felt the heat of the liquid expand inside your body. “The difference is that the one in that cafe was not that hot.” you said looking at him with a serious face and he muttered a "sorry ma chérie" while smiling (my darling). “And the other thing is that... That tea might have had a little cat hair, but we'll ignore that.” You said and he laughed, you also laughed along with him as Minnie approached you to climb onto your lap.
Both of you continued sipping your teas while talking about anything, with Charles you could talk about any topic at all and you were never going to get bored, there was always something interesting to talk about. Suddenly he cleared his throat, assuming that here comes the important question of the day.
“Honey bear... What happened with your mother today?” he asked in a sweet voice.
You sighed heavily. “Well... She just asked me if we had actually adopted Minnie and then I told her that we wanted to move in together and well... She exploded, I guess, maybe she had a lot of anger built up towards me and well, it was her time to explode.” you said ironically. “But hey, I guess that's life after all, right?” You whispered and shrugged.
He remained silent listening to you until he then spoke. “Oh honey... She shouldn't have reacted that way and, if you look at it, it was a harmless thing, you were just making a comment.” He whispered as he brushed a strand of hair out of your face and brought you closer to his body.
“I know but... She just got angry and well, she had never hit me before.” You whispered against his chest. “And she also said things about... About us.”
He frowned worriedly. “What kind of things did she say amore?” he asked.
“Well, she said... She said I'm not pretty enough to be with you.” You paused briefly. “And that you wouldn't hesitate to get someone else and... She made me feel really bad about myself, you know?” you whispered and he held you even closer.
He snapped his tongue. “You do know she's wrong, right?” He asked and you nodded. “Perfect then... Because I want you to know that you are the most beautiful girl, okay? It doesn't matter if I repeat it to you every day or how many times, I just want you to know it.” He said and gave you a kiss on the cheek, then one on the tip of your nose, then another on your jaw and so on.
You gave a small giggle. “Charlie stop” you giggled again. “your stubble gives me tickles!” You say, breathless from laughing so much. “Okay no problem. I don't mind you telling me I'm pretty all the time, I actually appreciate it.”
He smiled when he heard your words and gave you several kisses on your lips, you felt your heart flutter at his sweet and cute action towards you, you let out a few giggles. You two smiled in the middle of the kiss, it was something so genuine and precious that it was practically impossible to describe. Minnie meowed into your lap and you moved a little away from Charles with a smile on your face.
“Apparently someone wants some attention.” you said smiling and he giggled. “I think we should share our love, don't you think?” you said giggling and he nodded.
“But of course, the little one in the house requires a lot of attention.” He said teasing you a little bit.
You acted offended. “I thought I was the little one in the house!” You put a hand on your chest. “I'm just kidding love, obviously Minnie is the little one here.”
He nodded as he stroked Minnie's fur. “You both are, you are my princesses.” He said and placed a kiss on your cheek, making you blush.
Maybe not everything is perfect or rosy all the time, maybe the problems with your mother will not be solved overnight, but with him and minnie, in some way, it's enough for you and it's going to be okay in the long run.
ynusername posted a story
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caption 1: I think they found the perfect place to lay their head 🤷🏻‍♀️
caption 2: my safe and comfy place is with them around ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
tagged charles_leclerc
lucayln I finally have signs of life from you!!
ynusername Dumbass, I wrote you a message yesterday and you left me on read‼️‼️
lucayln i'm just joking bubbles! I'm glad you're okay and safe
yourbff When can I meet my niece? 🥺
ynusername come whenever you want to visit us <3 our apartment is always open 🫶🏻🫶🏻
yourbff wdym "our"⁉️⁉️⁉️
ynusername hehe 😋😋☝🏻
charles_leclerc i love you babes, you make me so so happy and fluffy inside 🥺🥺💗
ynusername oh my babyyyyyy 🥺🥺🥺, you make me happy too, thank you so much for giving me your unconditionally love 💗💗 and minnie says she loves you too (she said "meow" but you get it)
charles_leclerc i get it baby, don't worry 😋 you're the cutest girl ever 💗💗🥺
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wisteriagoesvroom · 7 months
how each driver would respond to “would you love me if i was a worm” 🪱
(and you actually get turned into a worm)
charles leclerc: gets the whole ferrari team to take turns looking after the worm. there’s a care roster and a motivational talk and everything. you become not charles’s worm but the ferrari worm. he posts a really cool social media story about “my journey looking after the worm.” you are loved, if a bit haphazardly.
max verstappen: “do i have time to keep a worm? probably not. but i will get someone to get you a decent box i guess. sorry if my cats eat you.”
oscar piastri: “no. you’re a worm.”
lando norris: professes his love and says “of course i would, babe”. only to be away so much on holiday or busy on track that you eventually perish in your enclosure
lewis hamilton: yes and will get you the most beautiful box with all sorts of fronds and ferns. he will build you the cutest little jungle gym of mind-enriching worm activities. you will see him about once a year but he will make sure you’re always fed and happy. he will help raise awareness of worms in their ecosystems all over the planet
carlos sainz: actually is very good at keeping the worm/you alive but is thrown for a loop because charles and lewis are all doing exceptionally with their worms. he flushes you down the toilet in a moment of emotional distress
alex albon: doesn’t tell anybody about the worm but will eventually have the longest living worm although everyone will forget this fact.
george russell: holds a drivers meeting about whether it is ethical to keep worms and should they in fact be considered emotional support animals. the vote is split and the outcome is undecided
fernando alonso: makes a tiktok with you “day in a life with my worm”. then leaves you on the side of the road and you roast to death under the sun
lance stroll: begrudgingly looks after you for about a week after which he pawns you off to his sister who is now stuck with his random worm
kevin magnussen: gives the worm to his daughter who uses it for a school project. it’s very cute
nico hulkenburg: people forgot about him so he didn’t even get a worm. he’s not that sad about it.
zhou guanyu: would seem totally neutral about it but end up incorporating a worm design into his track fits and his helmets. his worm helmet goes super viral on weibo.
valtteri bottas: will use you for fishing bait and might be a bit sorry about it.
pierre gasly and esteban ocon: constantly fighting over the same worm. nobody knows that the other has the exact same one. it ends with the alpine TP stepping in and confiscating the worm. the worm somehow gets acquired by mclaren.
yuki tsunoda: he keeps you in a box that is structurally very questionable but yuki somehow finds time on the road to get you the highest quality worm feed and vegetables. you thrive under his gourmand care although he shakes the box way too hard sometimes
daniel ricciardo: changes you immediately for a caterpillar and hopes nobody notices. the caterpillar takes ages to turn into a butterfly and then people are asking bro i thought you got a worm. he gets a caterpillar tattoo.
sergio perez: couldn’t care less. thought you were roadkill stuck on his windshield and squishes you with the windscreen wiper by accident
logan sargeant: WHAT DA FUK IS A WORMMMMM? your worm life ends prematurely when logan accidentally drops your box on the floor. james vowles gets him a new worm and it remains to be seen whether the second worm is better (hopefully it is).
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weirdsht · 2 months
HAHAHAHA imagine Cale with someone weaker than him + a troublemaker and oftentimes think crazier than him, but they're useful so that's what tied them together with the gang💀 bro might feel the stress his hyungs felt whenever he throws himself into danger lol and would start reflecting. Have u done this b4? :D
Is This My Karma? - Cale/Reader
notes: anon... did you take a look inside my mind? or maybe my docs? because the series i'm going to publish later has a similar prompt. i was gonna make it a surprise but since the cat is out of the bag imma announce it here lol. i'll be making a cale/reader slowburn series or at least try but while waiting for that you guys enjoy this small drabble from anon's ask first
tags: fluff, sickfic, reader is an idiot, cale is also an idiot, idiots in love basically, choi han is in charge of their single braincell, established relationship
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
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“For the last time, you will not pass your cold to the White Star. How are you even going to achieve that? Also what merit would it bring if that punk catches your sickness?”
Cale glanced over at the sick person in his bed speaking nonsense. Well, it’s not completely nonsense as it was possible.
…If that said person wasn’t on the verge of dying because of a fever.
“We both cough know it’s cough possible. Plus you’re not looking at the bigger picture of cough White Star getting a fever.”
“No you’re just thinking irrationally-”
“Ah ah, I’m still cough speaking. Let the cough sick cough speak.”
“...I think the sick should shut the hell up and sleep.”
The person who is Cale’s significant other only glared at the commander before drinking the water Choi Han handed to them. When arguments like this first happened the swordmaster would interject to create peace.
But that was before he learned just how unhinge this person was.
_____, Cale’s headache and significant other, was a naturally weak person. Even weaker than Cale without ancient powers. However, despite their physical prowess being on the weaker side they have a very useful ancient power.
They have a wood attribute power that can conjure flowers, grass, and trees with either poison or healing powers. Its downside is that the abilities do not work on _____. However, they can make flowers that can spread whatever sickness they have at the moment.
“We all know you just need to fling me at cough a good distance near Mr. Steal-My-Cale’s-Looks and I can pass him my cold with the flowers. Easy peasy Ron’s lemon squeezy.”
Cale remembers _____’s explanation being that the flowers' pollen would contain the same bacteria and virus as their body. Or something along those lines.
“Hear me cough out, okay? Imagine this, White Star with his plate on the verge of breaking, coughing out so much blood, armless in every sense of the cough as well. Imagine a cough nasty fever and cough combo on top of that.”
_____ looked at the silent Cale expectantly.
“Sometimes I really wonder why I got together with a punk like you”
“But you love me!”
Cale couldn’t refute so he just sighed.
At first, he let _____ join their group because they were useful. Not only is their ability useful but they are also intelligent. They have the see the faults in Cale’s plan and think of a counter-measure. They can also conjure up great plans.
Well, most of the time at least.
Other times look like this…
“No, we are not doing your absurd plan. Just go to sleep and get better, I’ll take care of things.”
Cale kissed the top of _____’s head.
“And don’t even try to think of sneaking out like you did last time. Alberu and Tasha almost had a heart attack.”
The previously smiling _____ because of Cale’s kiss was now pouting because of the reminder. 
Meanwhile, Cale let them be as he went out of their bedroom.
He let out another sigh as he did. Behind him was Choi Han struggling to suppress a smile, wait no a laugh.
“What’s up with you?”
“No, it’s just that Cale-nim you and _____-nim are really similar.”
Choi Han added after seeing Cale glare at him.
“Sometimes that’s how your plans look to us.”
Cale couldn’t help but notice how his acting like his sworn brother right now.
‘Is this how the crown prince feels about me?’
Not just the crown prince but everyone else as well.
‘Was this why team leader-nim and Choi Jung Soo insisted that I should farm with them even after retirement?’
There was no way, right?
‘There’s no way me and _____ are similar. I’m not self-sacrificial like that. I always make sure that I will live.’
Looks like he finally got all my warnings.
Cale ignored Super Rock’s voice.
But still, he can’t deny that he caused his group some headaches.
“...I will reflect on myself.”
Choi Han only nodded and smiled at the dazed young master.
Meanwhile, Cale’s mind is a bit chaotic right now.
‘Did my karma come in the form of my significant other?’
There’s no way that’s the case… right?
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yourfatherlucifer · 7 months
MDNI - Incubus!Wooyoung
Bunny Hybrid!Reader
Background poly mafia!teez
Connected with Yunho one, more to come.
(Still on hiatus)
please REBLOG
Tags: @mjyungi @potatomountain @bro-atz @ja3hwa @justhere4kpop @luvt0kki @khjcs
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Wooyoung stood behind her, his arm wrapping around her tiny waist, “You smell like a good aroused bunny.” His nose buried in her scent gland. The incubus continued to tease her with his fingertips, slowly guiding them to flip up her skirt, “You gonna be a good girl?”
She whined in protest as his fingers glided to her soaked underwear, “A hybrid in heat is the best thing.” Wooyoung chuckled in her ear.
He pushed aside the fabric and teased her swollen clit with the tip of his finger.
“Yeah? You just want to be used, pretty bunny?” His mocking tone went straight to her core, heating her more.
“Wooyoung, please.” She jutted out her lip, ears flat against her head. She tried not to stomp her foot against the floor, frustrated from his teasing.
“Awe, bunny, that’s so cute.” He reached in between their bodies and grabbed at her poof of a tail, yanking it, “but I’m in control.”
She yelped as he pushed her forward into the wall, her hands saving her from the impact, “Wooyoung!”
He threw his head back in a cackle, “You’ll be fine. Spread your legs for me.”
She could hear the sound of him fumbling with his belt and his pants being pushed down to his ankles.
His body pressed against hers once more, his cock pushing against her ass when he flipped up her skirt, “I want to drain you of everything,” he leans down to whisper in her ear, “but I can’t, because then I can’t have my favorite plaything.”
He ran his cock against her folds through her underwear, her sopping wet underwear.
“Fuck I need to be inside of you.” Wooyoung lets out a demonic growl and rips open her underwear from the middle so his cock could easily slide in.
“Please, I need your cum Wooyoungie.” The hybrid whimpered and shook her ass against his pelvis.
Wooyoung quickly turned her around to face him, “Then you’ll get it.” He picks her up and tosses her over his shoulder, taking her out of the room.
He passed by several of his fellow mafia members with a smirk, which one of them frowned in response, “Hey no fair! You got the bunny!” It was San, the cat hybrid who noticed her bare cunt from her being on his shoulder with her skirt folded upwards.
“Get over it.” Wooyoung left him behind and entered his room.
He set her down on the bed, rather gently, “I’m gonna undress you now, pretty.” Wooyoung smiled with his pointed devilish tail swaying behind him.
He climbed on top of her and dragged off her shirt, she immediately covered her breasts, for some reason shy in front of him.
She has had sex with every male in the facility, which was only eight, yet for some reason being bare in front of Wooyoung always got her. Maybe it was because he was incubus. She never knows.
Wooyoung smiled and pried her arms away, "It's okay, I'll only bite if you ask."
She nodded and spread open her legs to wrap around his waist, pulling him closer.
Wooyoung slowly pushed his cock in, eyes squeezing his eyes shut at the bliss of her being wrapped around him, "Careful, don't squeeze me so tight, I would love to make this last with you."
Her nails dug into his shoulder blades with each snap of his hips. Wooyoung set a gentle pace with her, because if he went too hard he knew he'd like break her. He didn't want to do that just yet.
She let out little squeaks with each thrust and hip roll, he always knew how to fuck her just right. It came naturally with his demon type.
His fist grabbed her ears, gripping them tight as he began pounding harder and faster into her. His hips practically jackhammering into her. Moan after moan filled his ears, they were filling his ego and energy.
"Come on, little bunny, cum for me." He growled into her ears and continued his relentless abuse on her cunt.
"Wooyoung!" She cried out, ears sensitive from his grip and her cunt squeezing tightly around him.
After minutes of him fucking his cock deep inside, she came around him and left a ring of cum around his cock.
With a final harsh thrust, he also came, and it was a lot, so much that it spilled out past his base.
"Oh, yeah, bunny." He smashed his lips against hers, "I'm gonna invite kitty in here for a round two, sound good?"
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