#nanny danny phantom
lav-ghost · 4 months
Danny was Bruce's Nanny
Danny used to be Bruce Wayne's nanny. He was looking for a job and found that Alfred needed somebody to look after Bruce while he did other things (Cleaning, cooking, getting groceries, etc.) He decided to take up the job, even though everyone had quit. But here's the thing, Bruce nor Alfred knows he's half-dead (Alfred would find out later, he's Alfred after all)
Later on, when Bruce grows up and adopts all his kids, non knowing that he had a nanny and was a troublemaker, he makes a comment about having one when he was younger. He was trying to convince his children that it wouldn't hurt to have one.
"Alfred can't always look after you. Dick and Jason are in their 20's and don't need a nanny and besides, Nannies aren't bad or weak, I had one myself after all." Bruce didn't know that this would lead to questions about who they were, what they were like, and where they lived(Tim and the others wanted to do a background check, even though they weren't there when he did have one.)
Alfred cuts in to say that his nanny was a miracle worker and always had Bruce asleep by the time he needed to be. "He always made breakfast and had Bruce up when he needed to go to school. He even helped around the manor."
On the other side of Gotham. Danny was visiting since he hadn't been around in a few years and wanted to see how things were going. Color him surprised when he finds out the little boy he nannied when he was younger is a grown man with children! Well, it had been a while since he had last seen Bruce and Alfred.
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salmonight · 1 year
DannyMay 2023, Day 15: Full Hazmat AU
Tittle: The Cleaner: First File
Summary: One day green glowing monsters started appearing and attacking cities all over the globe, and with them, arrived 'The Cleaner'. The Justice League has not uncovered any real information about them to this day. Meanwhile, Danny in a full hazmat suit: 'People can't even let me take a friggin nap!!'
One day,  green glowing monsters and people started to appear all along the globe. No one knew where they came from, only that they enjoyed wreaking havoc wherever they showed up. 
With the entities came 'The Cleaner' as they were titled. They always appeared no more than 10 minutes after a villain - from the ‘Green Dimension’, as they named it - showed up, and contained them in ten seconds flat,  immensely helping in keeping the damage to the minimum. 
The only saving grace was that these aliens never got anyone killed. Everyone in the Justice League found this observation extremely bizarre. But even with no casualties,  the repair costs were enormous. 
No matter how much the JL looked, there were never sightings of the figure other than during the fights, when they seemed to appear out of thin air. Internet searches came up blank as well, only filled with excited rants and candid photos taken by civilians. With these, they concluded that “The Cleaner” was either a) a brand new hero previously unknown, or b) from the same dimension the glowing entities came from. The whole League was miffed, with the Bats even more so, collectively losing their shit over having no contingency plans against the unknown figure.
Fully covered in a red and black hazmat suit nobody had a clue about their identity,  even their gender was shrouded in mystery. Somehow their outfit, even without being overly baggy managed to hide any distinguishing bodily characteristics that otherwise would have been visible. 
Until…. one day,  one of the speedsters overheard the ‘Cleaner’s’ rant. 
It went as any of their usual fights with the green monsters did. Not even a few minutes after the beast started to destroy the buildings, their mysterious hero materialized into existence in front of it. Instead of immediately throwing a punch like they expected, ‘The Cleaner’ instead stared at them with the most deadpan expression they could convey with a helmet on. For some reason, the speedster got a huge 'I’m-so-done-with-this-shit' vibe. Or that was just his overactive imagination. It was hard to tell with the headgear on. He must have gotten it right though, because then they tiredly put a palm to their face with one hand, and, without looking, flicked open the lid of a tube and sucked the entity into it with the other.
Surprisingly, The Cleaner didn’t immediately disappear once the monster was gone, so he took a few steps closer as they hung the green, metal tube ( which he could now tell was actually a soup thermos? What? ) back on his belt and pulled out an honest-to-god cellphone.
He didn't even have to strain his ears to listen in on the ensuing phone call since they were talking pretty loudly. And boy, did they sure sound pissed. 
“I swear to the Ancients, Tuck,” the ‘Cleaner’ complained, motioning with their hands aggressively to emphasize their point “If I have to come to fetch another one of these god damned brats I'm gonna treat them the same way they act and build them a time out corner in either the warden’s prison or the palace. I'm pretty sure both Walker and Frightknight would love to teach them a lesson about tact!"
There was a pause as he listened to whoever they were talking to on the other end of the line. “No, I don't care that they’re centuries older than me. If they act like spoiled children they get treated as such!” 
They let out an annoyed harrumph “I was taking a nap, Tuck. A NAP!!! You know I don't take naps! Not to mention I’m retired! What the hell am I? Their nanny? I don’t even get paid to clean up the messes they make! Can't they just keep their ecto ass sitting still in the realm for at least a few centuries to let me take my well deserved break!? But nooooo, these asshats have to make even more paperwork for me to do!" 
“When I told them not to break into Amity anymore I did not mean for them to go to another dimension and terrorize a whole-ass-planet!!!” The ‘Cleaner’ threw up their spare hand in exasperation.
 Their grumbling still could be heard as, with a wave of their hands, a portal opened, made out of a green swirling mass. Ignoring everyone else’s presence they stepped into the portal as it was the most common thing in the world. 
The speedster could only watch and gape at the now empty air. They certainly did not know they could do that. 
Now that he remembers though, they did sound like a male didn't they? He couldn’t estimate their age from the voice as it was very muffled coming through the headgear, but it was definitely not feminine.
And that's how the Justice League got their first ever info about the mysterious ‘Cleaner’.
Finally,  the first real data was entered into the vigilante’s (?) file: 
Alias: “The Cleaner” 
Gender: Male 
Origin: UNKNOWN 
Appearance: UNKNOWN
Power(s): Flight (or hovering,  unconfirmed which), Super strength(?), Teleportation(?), Portal creation (confirmed)
Weakness(es): UNKNOWN 
Costume: A full  black and red hazmat suit. The headgear has a black, unreflective screen that has green orbs (eyes?) shining behind it. Matte black gloves, combat boots and belt. There are compartments added to the belt. Content: UNKNOWN 
Weapon(s): a metal thermos(?) with green accents
Personality: UNKNOWN 
Affiliates: Tuck (?) (no file available)
Takedown plan(s): Impossible to make without further data 
Note:  The entity always deals with the threats quickly and effectively. Their moves speak of prior experience. 
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The one that helped betaing this work once again is the lovely Amateum!
My hands were itching to draw something so in a 'why the fuck not' mode i drew Danny's file.
Except as sequel of this with arts and all fellas cuz am already preparing it!
The sketch:
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tofuingho · 2 years
DP x DC/ Drop Dead Fred AU
Trigger warning for child neglect/emotional abuse
Tim Drake had a lonely, cold childhood.
When his parents were home, they hardly seemed to notice him. When they were home.
More often then not they were off on digs leaving him at boarding school.Even at the school, he was mostly ignored by adults and children alike.
Was it any wonder he had an imaginary friend?
When Phantom started showing up, everyone noticed. It was difficult not to when a quiet child like Tim started constantly talking to thin air and pulling pranks on everyone. Pranks that no one can ever catch him setting up, but he’s always there when they go off.
But he always said that it wasn’t him. It was Phantom.
Eventually, the school had enough and expelled Tim. His parents are LIVID. No only do they have to come home early from the dig, but now, they have nowhere to send him the next time they leave.
In the end, they hire a nanny to watch over Tim in the Manor. But, the pranks continue and escalate. Everything from the classic frog-in-the-bed to the disgusting filling-the-shoes-with-dog-poo to the just plain weird and unexpected covered-the-floor-in-mayo-so-the-person-slides-across-the-floor-into-a-tub-full-of-old-pumpkin-guts.
They go through nanny after nanny before their newest employee figures out how to seal Phantom away.
Tim returns to the quiet, forgotten child that he was before. His parents find him a new boarding school and everything goes back to the way it was before.
Tim grows up. He finds out the identity of Batman. He trains to be Robin. His mother dies. His dad is paralyzed. He becomes Robin. His father died.
After his father’s funeral, Tim goes back to  Drake Manor. Eventually, he finds himself in his childhood bedroom. Among the knickknacks and toys he finds a small music box all covered in tape. He cuts through the tape, but, before he can open it, out pops a black and white blob.
The blob bounces around the room and grows larger and larger. When it finally comes to a stop, floating in front of him is a girl.
She opens her mouth and says “EWWW! What happened to you, fart breath?”
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nelkcats · 2 years
Wes Weston died, which, well, is normal, everyone dies at the end.
The problem is...he came back as a ghost
His Obsession? Discover/Reveal hero identities
He found a portal to the human realm after hundreds of years, now he is in Gotham, and Bruce Wayne will not know what hit him
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vineyrose · 2 years
Sequel to:
In this AU, Sam is able to sneak out to hang with Danny and Tucker because her nanny and assistant have her back. The nanny's name is Lilian and her bodyguard's name is Matthew.
I realized that a bodyguard was more fitting. Sam's parents would likely hire male bodyguards.
Their names may or may not have unconsciously influenced Sam to nickname Tucker's flour sack baby "Lilith."
Usually, Sam is only able to sneak out for less than 4 hours, so she is very particular about time.
When Sam was younger, she was put on a vegetarian diet for health reasons, and Sam eventually decided to become a vegan.
Generally, Sam is a lot more subtle but that doesn't make her that much less passionate.
She can get very uncomfortable in fancy clothes, so she made sure her "gothic disguise" was very comfortable.
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months
Tim Drake had a lot of free time.
In between the time little Timmy was deemed old enough to not need a nanny and his ninth birthday when he got his first film camera, Tim Drake had so much time after school to explore his big, empty house. And so he did, hours upon hours were spent exploring his house.
Mansion, Tim corrects himself. His house isn’t a house. It’s an abandoned mausoleum disguised as a mansion. He intimately knows every creak of the floorboards in the out of the way galleries, every heavy weight curtain shut closed so what little sun that makes it way through Gotham’s gloom is reflected in order to protect the artifacts stored within the walls. Tim probably knows the exact amount of fleur-de-lys on the fourth sitting room’s wall paper- by extrapolation from preexisting data and personal data collection. Basically, he laid on the floor and counted.
Tim had a lot of time. He also had a lot of artifacts to pore over, making stories as he goes and double checking the actual history of the object.
Tim thinks he’s an artifact, almost. To his parents, at least. A child, a thing, they collected at one point in their lives and put on display at the galas they deem worthy to return to Gotham for. Perhaps he’s worth even less, had his parents bothered to look at him more than the lesser art pieces in their storage-mansion. The story everyone knows about him is prerecorded by people who weren’t really there.
Regardless, Tim Drake knows every single corner of his prison mansion. He’s catalogued everything, after all, on a nice spreadsheet. 
And that’s why, as he entered the fifth- and least used- guest bedroom, Tim’s attention immediately cut to the wrong bit of detail. Eyes flickering between the indent on the bed, the mussed- but not terribly dirty- state of the sheets, Tim slowly backed towards the door. His eyes fixed on the spot on the bed, he called out a soft “hello?”
He immediately cringed. He’s not an amateur, and that little “hello” was a mistake that might get him killed.
Tim trembled as the panic set in, tears pooling at his eyes. He wished Batman and Robin were here, they’d know how to-
There’s something appearing on the bed. Tim Drake stares as a glowing figure with white, wispy hair and a black hazmat suit appeared sitting cross crossed on the guest bed. His gloved hands were held out in the universal I-mean-no-harm gesture.
“Don’t- don’t panic!” The thing said, looking rather panicked itself. “I’m, uh, Phantom.”
Tim Drake’s curiosity and mystery-solving mindset slammed down on the toddler’s mind, quickly banishing the fear and panick in favor of interrogating this new, exciting thing.
“I’m Tim. Are you…” Tim frowns, wishing he had Batman’s intimidating growl. “A ghost?”
“Got it in one, kiddo. I’m, uh, not here to harm you. Or steal anything! I just wanted to rest.”
Tim blinked. He decided right then and there that he likes this person. This… Phantom. If his trust was based on the fact that the loneliness was worse than a dead person, no, it wasn’t.
“I thought you sleep when you’re dead..?”
Danny stared at the child in front of him, watching the kid- Tim- pout at something. Danny is distracted from the staples holding his ghostly guts from falling out of his non-consensual vivisection when the kid asks him if he’s a ghost.
“Got it in one, kiddo!” Oo, he should tone down the energy. Danny’s too tired right now to maintain that level when speaking to Tim. Now, gotta reassure the kid he means no harm before he reports Danny’s presence to whatever authorities around.
His parents, at best. The cops, at worst.
“I’m, uh, not here to harm you. Or steal anything!” He could tell he landed in some richie rich mansion by the opulent decorations in a seemingly impersonal room alone. “I just wanted to rest.”
Ancients, that had been more honest than he’d wanted. He really was out of it.
“I thought you sleep when you’re dead?”
Danny snorted.
“Yeah, but you can almost never have enough sleep, you know?”
The toddler looks unsure but nods anyways.
“Listen, would you… not tell anyone that I’m here? I’ll be out of your hair soon, promise.
Tim looks like a smart kid. There’s no way he’d fall for-
“Okay.” He fell for it. Danny blinked, stupefied. “My parents won’t be home for a while.”
Tim shrugged. “You can stay. The housekeeper is only around a couple of days.”
“You… are you supposed to tell me that?”
Tim sent him a derisive look, clearly bolder now that Danny made no moves to hurt him.
On his cherubic but skinny face, the effect is both adorable and absolutely devastating.
“You’re hurt.” Tim fidgeted with his hands. “I can… I can get you water…?”
His core purred.
“Please. Thanks… Tim?”
The kid beamed at him and left.
Crap. New fraid member it is.
Danny, naive: “Surely him trusting strangers is just a one time thing, he’s so well behaved”
Tim, staring Danny in the eyes as he jumps out of the window to go stalk his vigilantes: “I’m gonna go take a walk in Crime Alley”
Tim gets Danny water, but it’s tap water from Gotham and is infected with both an ungodly amount of toxins (that doesn’t affect either of them bc one’s dead and the other had been chugging it since they were a baby- Gothamites get bottled water or from Wayne Foundation’s Clean Water Stations) and also like trace amounts of ectoplasm.
Danny: woah this is so healthy water!
Tim, pleased because Danny ruffled his hair: yes, I’m perfect
The rest of Gotham, if they knew: making warding sigils against these two eldritch gods
Basically, Danny gets attached and stays mostly because of said attachment but also Danny could see Tim’s budding world dictator tendencies and went yeah gotta curb that
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
Master Posts Links
All the dabbles I have posted on my DC x DP account. Under a read more due to how long it is. Broken into three categories:
Multi-parts - Dabbles that have more than one part written.
One-shots- Dabbles with only one part written.
Requests- Dabbles written for the requests of readers. (Note: If a request is for a continuation of the other two categories, they will be filed in Milti-parts)
Master Post 1 Link
Master Post 2 Link
Completed AUs Master Post Link
Please read the indexes to determine which master post each au is filed in.
As of 02/10/2024: The newest stuff is inside of Master Post 2. If there are many parts from Master Post 1, they will remain on that one.
The Royal Consort,
Child Support
Alfred's Boy
The Adoptive Son
Phantom's Number 1 fan
Passion for Fashion
Danny and The Fan Blog
Congratulations! It's Triplets!:
Ghost King Summon dare
The Dauntless Matchmaker
Demon and Angel Brat
Single Dad
Jason's Doll
Alley Boyfriends
The Assistant
The Ghost Trio's Food Trip
Legal Compensation
Love Among Fans
Lex Luther's Youngest
Misplace Baby:
The Infinite Realms Hobby Store:
Obsession Runs in the Family
Farm Hand
Vague Threats
Game of Deadly Love
The Real Blood Son
The Kid of Candles
Magic Older Brother
Keep The God Kid Busy!
Dog walker
Clockwork's Cookbook
Respawn and Relive
The Summoning Conditions of the Ghost King
Finders Keeper
What's the rule again?
The Contact, the Butler and the Sly Time Lord
Big Fish in Gotham Pond:
Immunity system:
Wrong Number:
Timeline Prevention Squad
The Masters are Aliens
Ghost Zone Read
Red Hood's Snow
Jason Sees Dead People
Ghost Dad
Wayne Manor Ghost
The Siren of Iceberg Lounge
The Orginal
The Ghost King's Fibs
Red ParentHood
Woo thy Butler, My Lord
Cass the Halfa
Double Vision
Dealeyed Soulmates
Rescue Mission
Danny's Online Persona
Practice makes perfect
Cass the Halfa
Danny's Grill
Freelance Inventor
The Audit
Why Ten?
Mr. Flavor
Cluster of Cores
Demon Head Slightly to the left
Danny Fenton's Ex
New Management
Red Yummy
It's all Fun and Games Kids!
Professional Protector of Love
The Backroads
In 30 Minutes or less
One hell of a good bellhop
Mr. Flavor
Danny Fenton's Ex
Corporate Rivals
Rude Kryptonian
The Summoned Demon
New Management
Side Hustle
Love at first (club) meeting
Catnip for heroes
Old Friends
Danny the Nanny
Lights and Camera
Hot Wings
Marriage trap the Office Supplier!
Batman with a gun's lover
IRS's boogie man
Super Robin
Dear Elder Brother's mistakes
The Undead Florist
Pit's Merman
Dullahan is my roomate
Nightowl Appartement
The one with Sunset Hair
Phone a friend
Billy's Parents
The Cinnamon Roll's son
The ost In-Laws
Cassandra's Curse in Gotham
The Lady and The Dad
Big Brother does not approve
Gotham's star and Shadow
The Bakery is a Front!....right?
Cave Boy
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DPxDC prompt:  “Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead” or
Batman Has An Adoption Problem but Phantoms have a Babysitting Problem
Alicia lives in Smallville. Danny Fenton spent every summer visiting his aunt.
   And until his fourteenth birthday, Danny had no problem with hanging out with a strange child of the Kent family. After all, the Fentons were also considered freaks. He was getting good money for babysitting because he didn’t ask Martha too many questions.
   So this is what do the rest of the Justice League see when they bump into the usually newbie-friendly Superman and the Phantom in the hallway:
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Superman: "You're like my own personal brand of Kryptonite."
Phantom: ~aww~
Superman: Not in a cute way. You literally make me sick! Have you ever heard of social distance?
Phantom: No :) Tell me, ~I’m dying to know.~
Superman: I hate you!
Meanwhile in Gotham, 
Dan Phantom is dragging Robin by the neck from Killer Croc’s lair.
Dan: Look, punk, your mother won’t pay me if you don’t live to be a grown-up. Be a good assh...assassin and don't try to play with someone who’s out of your league.
Robin: Fuck off, I am not a baby to listen to a nanny. I'm 10!
Dan:...I’ll call Alfred and tell him you’re fooling around on school night.
Damian: Don't you dare!
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jaybirbie · 1 year
Introducing the Multiverses best babysitter!
Danny Phantom.
Maybe it starts off as an accident. He watches some ghost or demon kids and word gets around.
Afterall who better to watch Supernatural or super-powered kids then OP Danny.
Need a caretaker to watch your super strong 4 year old who can lift a bus. Or your 8 year old speedsters who have the zoomies.
Danny's your guy.
He'd be like Mary Poppins. Or Nanny McPhee
Perhaps Batman is bemoaning being a single dad who has to keep track of so many kids, kids who WILL NOT stop running off and getting into trouble. He has to leave for an off planet mission that will take a few months, but the absolute chaos be know his children will cause when he's gone is stressing him out.
He hears about Danny, and after a few interviews(read: interrogations) he hires him on.
The poor batkids who figure they can totally give their sitter the slip will be tucked into bed, fed and hydrated before they can even blink.
And yes I'm including the older batkids in this. (Bruce doesn't care that Dick is almost 30, that's his baby.) And Danny is ancient so they're practically all toddlers anway.
Soon, the whole JL has Danny on speed dial to watch over various super children and mentees.
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cjsmalley · 3 months
Wished Away 9
Tylers meet Phantoms:
“Christ, Mum,” Rose said as she took in how Jackie, Pete, and Tony were dressed, “we’re just meetin’—”
“Royalty!” Jackie squeaked. They were all done up like they were meeting the Queen at Buckingham Palace itself!
“Honestly, Mum, they don’t care,” Rose rolled her eyes, grabbing her mother’s wrist and tugging her through the console room and to the wardrobe room, “I told ya ta dress casually. Let’s just hope the Ol’ Girl has clothes fer ya.”
It took about an hour to get everyone redressed, in things much more casual but still nice, before Rose led them back to the console room.
Jackie was clearly anxious, “Are ya—”
“’m sure, Mum. Danny an’ Sam don’t do formal unless they have ta. Unless you’re an annoying subject or someone threatenin’ war, ya don’t even have ta call ‘em by their titles. They’re just Danny an’ Sam ta family.”
“Lookie what I found,” Jenny bounded from the innards of the TARDIS, holding a tiny bike helmet.
She went to her toddler uncle and put it on him, making sure it fit right, “Landings in the Realms are worse than normal ones. The TARDIS does Her best but the Realms give her…nausea? A headache? She just doesn’t do good.”
“Oh, goody,” Jackie said lowly, hugging a strut for dear life already.
“Let me protect Anthony,” Bad Wolf came out, holding out her arms; without hesitation, Pete handed his son over.
Bad Wolf settled Tony in her arms, against her chest and shoulder, and then spread her feet and crouched slightly, clearly bracing for impact; she stayed steady even as the TARDIS began Her flight.
Everyone else was thrown about the console room, the Doctor and Jenny barely holding on to work the console, but Bad Wolf and Tony did not move an inch.
The landing was rough, just as Jenny said it would be, throwing even the Time Lords to the grated floor before the TARDIS stopped quaking.
Jenny recovered first and stood up, rubbing her shoulder, to peek out the doors, “We’re in the Palace. Uncle Danny and Aunt Sam are waiting…”
Slowly, everyone picked themselves up and Rose reemerged, straightening with some popping from her knees.
Jenny led the procession out, racing to hug a man and a woman, “Uncle Danny, Aunt Sam! How’re you?”
Danny and Sam chuckled and hugged her as one, “Good, doing good. You?”
She let go of them to drag Jackie, who was hesitant, forward, “This’s my Gran, Jackie. Mum’s side, duh. Completely human. He’s my step-granddad, Pete, and Mum’s holding my uncle, Tony.”
“Yer Majesties,” Jackie tried to curtsy even though she was in trousers, “an honor ta—”
“Oh, enough,” Sam chuckled, “didn’t they tell you? We don’t do formalities with family.”
“Family?” Jackie’s eyes were wide, “I know Rose said—but—”
“We count Clockwork as family,” Danny explained, “and he’s claimed the Doctor as family. The Doctor and Jenny. Rose’s basically married in by this point. Common-law, you understand. That makes her family our family. Welcome to the Palace, your home in the Infinite Realms.”
“My god,” Pete muttered, somewhat disbelieving.
“Not a god, not yet anyways,” Danny winked.
“Where’s Dani?” Jenny burst out, “Is she still in school?”
Sam grinned, “With Anakin, in the nursery. We let her stay home today.”
“Oh, Gran! Can I introduce Tony to Anakin? Please!” Jenny nearly begged.
“Anakin’s our youngest,” Danny explained kindly, “around Tony’s age, actually. We also have a nanny looking after them, Nanny Clara. He’d be perfectly safe.”
“Well…” Jackie looked to her husband, who nodded, “if you’re sure.”
Jenny cheered and took Tony from Rose, dashing off with him deeper into the Palace.
“Jenny knows the Palace as well as anyone,” Sam assured, “and if she gets lost, she can flag down a servant for help. She’s heading directly for the nursery. It’s the most defensible part of the Palace.
Danny stood up, helping Sam, “C’mon, we can talk over food; stay close, Tylers. Doctor?”
“Rose and I can bring up the rear,” the Doctor agreed, taking Rose’s hand as they began walking.
The Palace was a gothic masterpiece, in a very literal sense, though even Sam had wearied of all the gloom and had sought artists and artwork to fill the halls, soft, plush carpets and tapestries to keep the warmth, glassworks to fill the once barred windows. Statues and busts dotted the hallways, some classical, some avant garde
Masters had given their masterpieces, their magnum opuses; they were paid handsomely of course, in either coin or material.
Oils, watercolors, acrylics, textiles, glass, all created for Her Majesty the Ghost Queen. For His Majesty the Ghost King.
It wasn’t yet a riot of color, nor would it ever be, but it was more alive.
Jackie gasped and the group stopped, turning as one to see what had captured her attention.
“When they said the family was huge…”
Ah, it was the most recent family portrait; all the children were gathered around Danny and Sam, all in formal wear.
“We…sometimes people sell the souls of children to me,” Danny started, causing her and Pete to whip around to him in horror, “I know, it’s horrible, isn’t it? But anyways, we adopt the kids. Only Dani—Danielle—isn’t adopted.”
He pointed out each child and gave their backstory.
“Good Lord, you were young!” Pete said at Damian’s story.
“Old enough to be king,” Danny shrugged helplessly, “it…it wasn’t easy, we had help, so much help, and we made mistakes…”
“All parents do,” Jackie told him softly.
“So we’ve been told,” Sam smiled just as softly, “and we’ve learned and made new ones with each kid.”
Danny coughed and continued to point out kids and tell stories, until all had been covered and then they moved on.
As they neared the dining room, Danielle and Jenny joined them with each holding a toddler.
“Oh my,” Jackie said, taking in the Anakin Skywalker; she knew who he grew up to be, or would have if he had not been adopted.
“We’re hungry, Dad,” Danielle said.
Danny waved them into the dining room where the smaller table was already set for a meal; there were two chairs with booster seats and Jenny and Danielle put Tony and Anakin in them before sitting beside them and helping them get food.
The group chatted over the meal, Jackie and Pete slowly relaxing at how easy going the Royals were, and generally had good cheer.
After the meal was done, Jenny asked, “Do we put their photo up on the family wall now? I know you’ve got me, Dad, and Mum…”
Danny chuckled, “We can, if they’re okay with it.”
“Family wall?” Pete questioned.
“We keep walls of pictures of the extended family,” Sam explained easily, “you know, like Rose, the Doctor, and Jenny. Harry’s and Neville’s parents. Damian’s paternal birth-family. The Royal Portrait is just the immediate royal family. The walls are for everyone and everything else.”
Danny and Sam led the group out of the dining room and down another hallway; the walls were plastered with photographs. Some were professional, most were candid and amateur.
A common camera sat on a small round table; a high-end camera but nothing too expensive or professional.
Danny picked it up, saying, “If Jackie, Pete, and Tony don’t mind—”
Jackie decided it would be a family photograph and dragged the Doctor in; Rose and Jenny came without complaint.
Danny took a set of pictures.
After that was done, it was decided it was time for the Tylers to leave, taking pity on the still disgruntled TARDIS.
They were, however, invited to the next family gathering.
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gildedphoenix · 1 year
SuperPhantom - White Crow
Posting this now because I'm not sure I'll ever finish it.
Feel free to contribute.
White Crow SuperPhantom
(965 words)
Dean answered his ringing flip phone. And NO Sam, he doesn't need a smart phone. The battery on this thing lasts 5 days and it survives being in Dean's pocket when he's thrown against a wall by the bad guy of the week.
"Hi Bobby. Whatcha got for us?"
"I hope you've got gas in the take because this one is going to be a bit of a chase." Bobby opened. "I've got reports coming in from all over about a white crow being linked to dozens of deaths. None of the hunters who've looked into it so far have been able to track the creature or find any connections between the victims. The issue is that some of the crimes aren't fresh. The last victim, a Tim Stillion, had been dead for weeks. Can't figure out the cause because the animals had been at his body. And unless this bird can teleport, he was on the other side the country when Stillion was kill't."
Sam, who was already clickity clacking on his laptop, spoke up. "It sounds like the crow isn't a portent of death then, but just a reporter. But how is it finding the bodies?"
"Yeah," Bobby drawled "I figured you'd come to that conclusion. That's why I called you boys. Every other hunter is out here trying to end this bird when it's solved more cold cases then all of them combined. Bunch of idgits."
Dean grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair and started towards the garage. "So where are we headed Bobby? Any word on the last sighting?"
"Last couple time it was seen, it was around central Illinois."
"Let's roll"
Sam Manson revved her vespa and continued chasing the white crow down ST-54. They'd been at this for weeks now. And despite it all, Sam was just happy that she'd found Danny at all.
/three weeks ago/
"There's no way!" leopard print blouse said. "You look like one of my son's friends."
Danny had a tendency to drop whatever he was holding if he got summoned but for once, he kept hold of his cell phone. So when he ended up disappearing in the middle of a Doom speed run, Tucker was able to track him down. And after a few minutes (and way too few reasonable security measures) Sam and Tucker were able to watch a live stream from a web connected Nanny cam.
The room was all white, leather couches pushed back against the walls. Marble and brass coffee table set with white taper candles. Starbucks cups sitting on the ledge of the kitchen counter. And in the middle of the room, Phantom. Desperately trying to convince 6 PTA, HOA, Basic Witches that he was indeed the Ghost King that they were trying to summon.
A woman in a white gauze blouse and white wash jeans stepped forward. It must be her house, because she matched the decor. "How did you highjack the summoning?!" It was the same tone every teen has heard from their parents. The tone that said they'd already decided what had happened and were just waiting for you to admit fault.
"Hey, you summoned me. What did you even want, anyway? Pumpkin spice to be available year round? For the grocery store to accept your expired coupons? How about-"
"Now you listen to me young man," A third woman, dressed in sunny yellow and a high pony tail that did nothing to help her look younger. "You need to learn manners and your parents clearly didn't care to teach you"
("Ouch" danny mumbled, "accurate, but ouch" )
Yellow started chanting and the others quickly caught on and joined in. Danny, realizing that he was running out of time to gas light, gatekeep, or girlboss his way out of a solution, tried the old reliable Plan Z. Run away.
So he turned ghostly tail to the nearest window and - BONK! - was stopped by the shielding on the summoning circle. Which was a first. People usually forgot about that. Danny was now both impressed and worried as be felt both pressure and dread building around him as the chanting volume and speed.
Danny clutched his head as the pressure grew to a screeching point until everything released with a pop. The pressure was gone. The chanting was gone. Danny felt lighter, which was saying something given how gravity was typically just a suggestion while he was in ghost mode. Opening his eyes -and when had he closed them? - he noticed one more difference. Everyone had gotten bigger. And the furniture had gotten bigger. And the room had gotten…. uh oh. He had gotten smaller.
Danny was trying to orient himself and identify where an deep thudding was coming from when he was hit from the side. Foot steps. That's what the thudding was. They were just drastically louder when he was only tall enough to stare people in the shins. And the sidelong assault? A broom. Which connected a second time before he thought to go intangible. (Why did he always forget intangibility?)
The woman in white had gotten a broom and was swatting him towards the open patio door, her strappy white sandals stopping behind him and he frantically tried to coordinate his limbs in that same direction. His limbs did not want to coordinate but he eventually got himself out the door and the broom stopped swatting at him.
Once he cleared the threshold, the door rolled closed with a slam and the lock snicked shut.
"And don't come back unless you've learned respect!" was shouted at him from a nearby window before it, too was slammed shut.
Looking back into the house, he was met by his own reflection in the sliding glass door.
In which Danny and Sam are traveling the US 90's road trip style to absorb the ecto of recent (or semi-recent) murders so Danny can get enough power to break the spell and transform back.
The general hunter community is chasing a white crow and a witch to stop them from committing all these murders.
And Sam and Dean and Bobby are trying to just figure out what's going on.
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seas-storyarchive · 10 months
Crazy au
Back when Danny and Jazz were little, Alicia's farm burns down, a forest fire that spread to her farm during the night - she got out okay. Her pride wasn't really as alright.
She moves in with Jack and Maddie, basically becoming nanny to Jazz and Danny. Look, it took her a bit to adjust. Taking care of kids, and her sister and her brother-in-law (Jack). Like, she just doesn't leave but the family is fine with it because it's family.
Breakfast, lunch and family dinners are mandatory. Alicia has shut off the power grid more than once, it's going into the high double digits, sometimes multiple times in the same day. Who let her be in charge of the house? She just took over so the kids had stability with their parents working and so Jack and Maddie didn't have to worry about their kids running wild.
Alicia put up a sturdy fence around the small yard of Fenton Works and turned some of it into a patch of garden to have tomatoes, potatoes and other plants (some on hooks, some in a greenhouse that no one put up a fuss about her having). Danny in particular, back then and to present day, helps his aunt in the garden. Jazz was more of the "wash the veggies" type of kid so that was fine
Gives the kids extra money with a wink ("hey, $20 extra for you to go pick me up some small," Jack/Maddie leaves the room "cheap chocolate, you keep the change.")
the years pass, and Jazz and Danny listen to Alicia moreso than their parents because it's always been that way - they still love and listen to their parents, don't worry, it's mainly when the parents are working
Jazz knows her home situation isn't normal, but loves and appreciates her aunt for the stability she's attempted to give her
Danny loves his aunt, she's the best! She's helped him fix his room over the years to match his interests and recently she gave him space wall-clings for his room (guys, is it manly to hang space themed wall clings on your walls? no? oh well, onto the wall it goes)
Alicia singlehandedly prevents the whole Phantom situation - Danny is given the options: be grounded for (attempting, at the time) taking people down there without hazmat suits and breaching the containment zone for doing that, or take his friends to the movies with some extra cash and curfew being extended 15 minutes (for Jazz too)
they guys all just hang out at the mall instead
Alicia likes Tucker the most out of Danny's friends. She has had many a problem with Sam - from her snide comments about her wearing overalls all the time, to her pitching a fit the first times she ate dinner there because she didn't know Sam was an ultra-recyclo-vegetarian but doesn't ban Danny from hanging out with her because aside from the comments made by a 14 year old being annoying, she's harmless and she'll grow out of it, right? Tucker's parents are at first confused when they meet Alicia ("wasn't she the aunt?" "I'm sure it's nothing too strange.") but they adjust to her and they like her company. Sam's parents HATE her (mutual, honestly)
and then Alicia met Vlad. It's a strange meeting between the two, with them being awkward around each other
but the meetings kept happening, and the Fentons began to see Vlad take an interest in Alicia - maybe he'd truly given up on chasing Maddie?? - and then it started to be reciprocated by Alicia after a bit
So yeah, Alicia/Vlad becomes a long-distance thing for a while with them going to visit each other (Alicia coming back with gifts for the family - Vlad bringing some too when he visits)
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fem-the-artist · 7 months
Since I’m putting Danny and Timmy in the same universe for this AU, where their cousins, I’m going to bend the rules a bit since fairies are a bit broken when it comes to abilities 
And we’re following more of the rules of the Danny phantom universe than the fairly odd parents one since it’s more linear and consistent in terms of world building
General things 
Tumblr media
-fairies in ghosts are not the same (obviously) things that are made to capture, weaken, or be resistant to ghosts have no effect on fairies 
-Using the explanation from a glitch in time of how ghosts are manifestations of human emotions/I have a rough idea of how fairies could be similar yet different
-essentially fairies manifest to fulfill human desire. Specifically those of children, since they’re is the most unfiltered and thus much stronger.  essentially fairies, manifest, and take the appearance of what a child desperately wants.
Ex: for Timmy, because because his relationship with his parents is less than ideal, Cosmo and Wanda manifested the way they did as pseudo parents for him
Other examples of how fairies could potentially manifest if Tootie had a fairy she would manifest to fulfill an older sister role since the one she has is nasty an awful
For Remy it’s a little more complicated because though he craves the love of his parents, he also craves to have somebody to listen to him and do what he says so Juandisimo feels more of the role of a nanny/butler,  someone who cares for him yet is also obligated to stay by his side 
-as for magic, I’m absolutely nerfing the hell out of it some of the standard rules are still in place can’t harm or kill. Can’t wish to get rid of anybody else’s fairies, can’t use them to win a competition.  no love related wishes etc.
-It’s implied that fairies can only create things and not destroy them so I’m going to just state that as fact here, and in terms of creating for this au what a fairy creates with magic is essentially like a solid illusion  which might not make sense, so let me explain it like this
If you were to wish for a roller coaster even though it’s just a solid illusion, it would feel exactly like a real roller coaster and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, but when wishing for some thing like food, you could bite into it, it just wouldn’t taste like anything and you wouldn’t feel any fuller eating it
-Fairies don’t understand how humans work. They don’t understand why food is necessary or how they need to breathe or even some social cues. 
-like ghosts fairies aren’t entirely solid so they can pass through things like walls. Very easily fairies, however cannot turn invisible, which is why they have the ability to shape shift.  tho some ghost can shape shift to it takes effort on their part for a fairy shape shifting is as natural as breathing to a human. 
-fairies are not malicious by nature quite the opposite and they thrive on whimsy and joy which is why they only reveal themselves to children (fairies have a large dislike towards adults since they’re the ones that usually pull children back reality, which can stop out there whimsy)
-fairies are extremely cautious when it comes to revealing themselves most ghosts don’t have a problem with being in broad daylight, or making themselves known, but because fairies are more docile creatures, they avoid any attention that could fall on them 
-fairies are mysterious and almost completely unheard of in terms of their actual nature. Those individuals like Crocker, who want to hunt fairies, and prove that they’re real still exist. They are much far and few between unlike ghost hunters, since ghosts have been proven to be real unlike fairies. 
Getting kind of dark for a second
-fairies can be dangerous, if a fairy deems a child’s situation to be too terrible for them to bear the fairy might just steal the child away (fairies don’t know how humans work much less how to take care of a child, though they are good companions, that can help children through difficult times, when a fairy decides to take things into their own hands, and take a child from their caretakers it’s most likely that the child will not survive considering a Fairy’s lack of knowledge when it comes to actual caregiving and human  necessities)
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best-tv-theme-song · 1 year
Polls will start to be posted within the next week or so.
Bracket list under the cut!
*Starred shows have multiple theme songs or I have combined shows in a franchise in an effort to include as much as possible. These will have preliminaries built-into their polls on the first round. This is how it works: 1. all of the songs will go into a poll together against one other show; 2. the COMBINED votes for those songs will determine which show wins that poll; 3. only the top voted song for that show/franchise will move on, if the show has won the poll. (If you are confused it will make more sense when we start, I promise!)
The 100
30 Rock
The Addams Family
Adventure Time*
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
All That
The Amazing World of Gumball
American Dragon: Jake Long
Arcane: League of Legends
Arrested Development
Assassination Classroom*
Austin & Ally
The Backyardigans
Barney & Friends
Bear in the Big Blue House
Ben 10*
Better Call Saul
Beverly Hills, 90210
The Big Bang Theory
Big Time Rush
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Black Sails
Bob the Builder
Bob's Burgers
BoJack Horseman
Boy Meets World
The Brady Bunch
Breaking Bad
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Buffy the Vampire Slayer*
Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
Choo Choo Soul
Code Lyoko
Codename: Kids Next Door
Cold Case
Cory in the House
Cowboy Bebop
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend*
Criminal Minds
Danny Phantom
Dawson's Creek
Death Note*
Desperate Housewives
Detective Conan
Dexter's Laboratory
Diff'rent Strokes
Doctor Who*
Dora the Explorer
Downton Abbey
Dragon Ball*
Dragon Tales
Drake & Josh
Ever After High
The Fairly OddParents
The Flintstones
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Fraggle Rock
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Full House
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood*
Game of Thrones
George Lopez
George of the Jungle
Gilmore Girls
The Golden Girls
Good Omens
Gravity Falls
Grey's Anatomy
H2O: Just Add Water
Hannah Montana
Happy Days
Hawaii Five-0*
His Dark Materials
Horrible Histories
House, M.D.
How I Met Your Mother
How It's Made
Hunter × Hunter
Huntik: Secrets & Seekers
I Dream of Jeannie
I Love Lucy
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
The Jeffersons
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure*
Justice League
Kim Possible
The Last of Us
Laverne & Shirley
Law & Order*
The Legend of Vox Machina
Lilo & Stitch: The Series
Little Einsteins
Lizzie McGuire
Looney Tunes & Merrie Melodies
The Love Boat
Mad Men
Madoka Magica*
The Magic School Bus
Malcolm in the Middle
The Mandalorian
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Mob Psycho 100
The Monkees
Monster High
The Muppet Show
Murder, She Wrote
Murdoch Mysteries
My Babysitter's a Vampire
My Hero Academia*
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
The Nanny
Neon Genesis Evangelion
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
New Girl
NFL (various network themes)*
The O.C.
The Office
One Day at a Time*
One Piece
Only Murders in the Building
Orange Is the New Black
Ouran High School Host Club
The Owl House
Parks and Recreation
The Partridge Family
Phil of the Future
Phineas and Ferb
Pinky and the Brain
Pippi Longstocking
Power Rangers
The Powerpuff Girls
Pretty Little Liars
The Price Is Right
The Proud Family
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
Reading Rainbow
Red Dwarf
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat
Sailor Moon
Sanford and Son
Saturday Night Live
Schitt's Creek
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Sesame Street
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
The Simpsons
Sofia the First
Sonny with a Chance
The Sopranos
SpongeBob SquarePants
Star Trek (instrumental themes)*
Star Trek: Enterprise
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Steven Universe
Stranger Things
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody*
Ted Lasso
Teen Titans
Teen Wolf
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
That '70s Show
That's So Raven
Theory of Love
Thomas & Friends
Tokyo Ghoul
Total Drama
Totally Spies!
True Blood
The Twilight Zone
Twin Peaks
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Veronica Mars
Voltron: Legendary Defender
The Walking Dead
Welcome Back, Kotter
The West Wing
What We Do in the Shadows
The White Lotus
Wild Kratts
Winx Club
The Wire*
The Witcher
Wizards of Waverly Place
Wonder Pets!
Wonder Woman
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!
The X-Files
Xena: Warrior Princess
Yuri on Ice
Zoey 101
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captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
Razzmatazz by xylophones
Izuku has plans for everything.
He plans out what to say to the cashier when ordering coffee, he plans out his homework before even opening his textbook. He has a whole ten-year plan for how he’s going to get into UA’s hero course and get his hero license fully quirkless. He plans for every wild, unlikely scenario he can think of because his anxiety gets so bad if he doesn’t go through every possible outcome, every way his life could landslide into disaster–– but Izuku never planned for this.
For once, he doesn’t have a plan and he doesn’t have time to think of one. All he can see is Yagi-san’s lined, kind face looking resigned as he stares down the villain in his shop. Yagi-san, who is the closest thing to a father figure Izuku has ever had.
Izuku doesn’t think. He just moves.
(Or: Izuku saves the number one hero, gets a hero license way earlier than anyone wanted, realizes that maybe hero society isn’t as great as he thought it was, and everything just kind of falls apart from there.)
DC/Danny Phantom
Speed Dial by apotheosis_avaritia
"Please don't tell me you have the fucking King of Ghosts on speed dial."
close enough to be whole again by hailsatanacab
“If you ever find yourself in danger, go to Bruce Wayne. He will help you.” His mother had loved him, in her own way. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have helped him escape. If she hadn’t, she would have dragged him back to the League of Assassins, to Grandfather. If she hadn’t, he’d be dead. She loved him, but she loved the League more. Jack and Maddie Fenton loved him too, they did, but they loved their work more. They loved their work more. -- After his parents react poorly to his reveal, Danny escapes to the only person he thinks can help him - Bruce Wayne. He doesn't know what to expect when he gets there, but it has to be better than where he is, surely? He certainly doesn't expect to be reunited with his long lost twin brother Damian. It's funny how things work out that way. Danny is 16 years old, not Phantom Planet compliant
DC (Batfamily)
Warm My Heart in the Sun by SilverSkiesAtMidnight
The valet opens the door as he places a ticket under the windshield, a hot breeze lazily snaking its way into the backseat. Then, he climbs out and shuts the door behind him, and the air falls as still as a crumpled quilt. He doesn’t so much as glance at the backseat window as he walks away, leaving Tim alone to wait. And that’s… that’s probably fine! His parents did say that going to a gala with them was something for big kids to do, and he already knows big kids are supposed to be able to be able to be apart from their parents without throwing a fit, so maybe this is why. Maybe waiting like this is part of every grown-up event, and that’s why he needed to be a big boy before he could come with them. So yes. He can be a big boy. He can wait, alone. It’s even kind of exciting! He’s not sure he’s ever been completely alone, without even a nanny nearby. He just… well, he wishes they could have left the AC on while he waits.
- Day 15 - FEED A COLD, STARVE A FEVER delirium | fever dreams | bees
wrong number by adelfie
There’s a few rings, then the phone picks up. “Wayne Residence.” That’s funny, Tim thinks, Mrs. Mac doesn’t sound like herself. -- On a hot July evening while home alone, eight-year-old Tim gets a fever. He means to ask Mrs. Mac for help — but ends up accidentally calling Alfred Pennyworth. Somehow, even in sickness, he wins all the hearts of the Wayne family in one fell swoop. Stranger things
Harrington’s Upside Down Training by PrettyRacing
Welcome to Harrington's Upside Down Training!
Look, Eddie has had a crush on Steve Harrington for, like, four years.  Steve Harrington is the only reason Eddie passed gym last year, because the grade was for participation and Eddie showed up every day that semester to watch Steve Harrington get all sweaty and all that glorious hair flop around.  Eddie is but a man.  Who is he to pass up another chance to watch Steve get all sweaty, perhaps shirtless this time?  And maybe proving to his freshman pupils that Steve Harrington is truly an asshole would be the cherry on top. 
Eddie is just here to ogle Steve Harrington and hopefully expose him as an asshole to his impressionable Hellfire freshmen. Things do not go according to plan.
Holding out for a Hero by ReginaNocis
“He was acting like an entitled jerk,” Will said quietly, looking at the ground. “Like he didn’t do anything wrong. Like there’s no reason you wouldn’t want to talk to him.” “Who was?” Steve pressed gently, frowning. He couldn’t really think of anyone he wouldn’t speak to. Not anyone who might be calling here. Will’s answer was too quiet to be heard. “... Who?” “Your father,” he repeated a little louder, starting to look miserable. “I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have hung up the phone like that, but… he really hurt you, Steve! He shouldn’t get whatever he wants just because he thinks he’s some big important person. You’re important, not him. I know I should have given you the phone, but I don’t want him to be able to hurt you anymore!” “Oh…” ~ AKA: 5 times the party defended Steve from his parents, and 1 time Steve defended himself.
Star Wars three rules (back straight, head forward) by queen_rowenas
Senator Almen continues on as though nothing is wrong. “Mand’alor, may I introduce you to Senator Organa’s brother, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker.” Leia can feel all of her hard work crumbling, whatever trust she had formed with the Mandalorians shattering before her as the Mand’alor slowly stands to his feet. Great, she thinks numbly, Another galactic war on my hands. (Leia Organa has never been one to back down from a challenge. Although advising the new Mand’alor in his introduction to the Senate and also trying to keep her Jedi brother from causing an intergalactic incident could prove to be a bigger challenge than expected.)
Clone Wars
in those quiet ways by lux_arcana
Day 1: adverse effects / wiping the others tears away
Obi-Wan, after a long moment, finally managed to strangle his vocal cords and force them back under his control. “Cody,” he said again. “Cody, I’m not - I’m fine. It’s a side effect. I really am -“ he took a breath, and sobbed on the exhale, emotions tangling up and threatening to choke him once again. “I know this does seem like I’m lying, but I really am fine.”
Cody’s eyebrows twitched.
“Sir, avoiding your emotions isn’t healthy.”
 Obi-Wan just barely resisted the urge to slam his head against the wall.
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childhood90snostalgia · 11 months
90s/00s TV (Personal Memories)
Kids Cartoons
6teen 101 Dalmatians Aaaah!!! Real Monsters Ace Ventura Pet Detective Aladdin TAS All Grown Up Angela Anaconda Angry Beavers Animal Crackers (Telethon) Animaniacs Arthur Babar The Batman (The WB) Batman Beyond (The WB) Batman TAS Beast Wars/Beast Machines Beetlejuice Big Teeth, Bad Breath (YTV) Birdz Bobby’s World (Fox) Bonkers Braceface The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show Butt-Ugly Martians Bump in the Night CatDog (Nickelodeon) Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers Cow and Chicken Danny Phantom Darkwing Duck Dexter’s Laboratory Dog City Donkey Kong Country Doug DuckTales Earthworm Jim Fairly Odd Parents Fly Tales (Teletoon) For Better or For Worse (Telethon) Freakazoid (The WB) Freaky Stories Free Willy (ABC) Garfield and Friends Gargoyles Goof Troop Hey Arnold I Am Weasel Johnny Bravo Katie and Orbie (CTV) Kim Possible The Legend of White Fang Life with Louie Little Lulu (HBO) The Little Mermaid TAS The Mask TAS Mega Babies Mona the Vampire (YTV) Monster By Mistake (YTV) Neds Newt The New Addams Family The New Batman Adventures (The WB) The New Woody Woodpecker Show PB&J Otter (Disney Channel) Pepper Ann The Pink Panther Pinky and the Brain Pippi Longstocking Powerpuff Girls The Proud Family The Raccoons (CBC) Recess Reboot The Ripping Friends Rocko’s Modern Life Rugrats Rupert (CBS) Sabrina TAS (ABC) Samurai Jack Short Circutz (YTV) Silverling (Teletoon) Sonic (Adventures of) Sonic SATAM Sonic Underground Stickin’ Around Tales From the Cryptkeeper TaleSpin Taz-Mania Teen Titans Timon & Pumba Tiny Toon Adventures (Fox) Tom and Jerry Kids Total Drama Island Totally Spies Voltron the Third Dimension The Weekenders What’s With Andy The Wild Thornberrys (Nickelodeon) The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends X-Men Evolution (The WB) X-Men TAS Yvon of the Yukon (YTV)
Batman Fireball XL5 The Flintstones The Incredible Hulk Looney Toons Spiderman Tom and Jerry Yogi Bear
Adult Cartoons
Aeon Flux Beavis and Butthead Captain Star Celebrity Death Match Clone High The Critic Cybersix Daria Delta State Futurama The Head (MTV) John Callahan’s Quads (Teletoon) King of the Hill Mission Hill The Oblongs The Simpsons Space Ghost Coast to Coast (Cartoon Network) Spawn Spider-Man the New Animated Series South Park The Tick Undergrads
Beyblade Digimon Adventures 01 & 02 Cardcaptors Gundam SEED InuYasha Mon Colle Knights Monster Rancher Pokemon Sailor Moon Samurai Pizza Cats Shaman King Sonic X YuGiOh Zoids New Century
Television Series
7th Heaven (The WB) Alf (NBC) Animorphs (Nickelodeon) Are you Afraid of the Dark? Baywatch (NBC) Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (Fox) Big Wolf on Campus Boy Meets World Breaker High (YTV) Buffy the Vampire Slayer Canded Camera (CBS) Charmed (The WB) Clueless (ABC) Dawson’s Creek (The WB) Degrassi Junior High (CBC) Degrassi High (CBC) Degrassi the Next Generation (CTV) Dinosaurs The Drew Carey Show (ABC) ER (NBC) Even Stevens Family Matters (ABC) Fresh Prince of Bel Air Full House Gilmore Girls (The WB) The Golden Girls (CBC) Goosebumps Home Improvement Lassie (1997) Little House on the Prairie (NBC) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Nanny (CBC) The OC (Fox) Radio Active Sabrina the Teenage Witch Saved by the Bell (NBC) Sex and the City (HBO) Sister, Sister (ABC) Smallville (The WB) Smart Guy Student Bodies System Crash (YTV) Teen Angel (ABC) That’s so Raven The Twilight Zone (CBS) White Fang (1993) (CTV) You Wish (ABC)
Educational Programming / Children’s shows
Adventures in Wonderland Art Attack Babar (CBC) Banana’s in Pajama’s Barney and Friends Between the Lions The Big Comfy Couch The Big Friendly Giant Bill Nye the Science Guy Blue’s Clues Caillou (PBS) Camp Caribou Captain Planet Care Bears (ABC) Franklin (CBS) The Friendly Giant (CBC) Hammy the Hamster Iris the Happy Professor Kratt’s Creatures (PBS) Lamb Chop’s Play Along The Magic School Bus Mister Roger’s Neighbourhood (PBS) Mr Dressup (CBC) PJ Katie’s Farm (YTV) Reading Rainbow (PBS) Sesame Street School House Rock Sharon, Lois & Bram’s Elephant Show (CBC) Telefrancais Teletubbies Theodore Tugboat Thomas the Tank Engine Under the Umbrella Tree (CBC) Welcome to Pooh Corner Wishbone (PBS) Zaboomafoo (PBS)
Game Shows/Sketch Comedies
All That America’s Funniest Home Videos (With Bob Saget) American Idol The Amanda Show Battlebots (Comedy Central) Canadian Idol (CTV) Crank Yankers (Comedy Central) The Crocodile Hunter Fear Factor (NBC) The Hit List Jackass (MTV) Just For Laughs Gags (Comedy Central) Kids in the Hall Making the Band (MTV) Much Countdown (Much Music) Much in your Space (Much Music) MuchOnDemand (Much Music) Much Mega Hits (Much Music) Much Spotlight (Much Music) Much Top Tens (Much Music) Newlyweds Nick and Jessica (MTV) Playlist (Much Music) Pop-Up Video (Much Music) Price is Right Punk’d (MTV) The Simple Life (Fox) Supermarket Sweep Uh Oh Unsolved Mysteries (NBC) Video and Arcade top 10 (YTV) Video On Trial (Much Music) Where in the world/time is Carmen Sandiego Whose Line is it Anyway? Win Ben Stein’s Money (Comedy Central)
Television Networks/Programming
Fox Kids Much Music One Saturday Morning PSA’s Teletoon TGIF YTV - The Zone / Snit Station / Short Circuitz
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