andromilos · 26 days
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not-rab · 3 months
u know how narcissa doesn’t have a star-related name like the rest of the blacks
what if her middle name began with an e
so her initials would spell out neb like the nebula
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theinvisiblemuseum · 7 months
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lilycissa hot slut ice cream date 🩷
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There is no universe where Lily and Barty didn't write smut.
There is no universe where they weren't caught by their partners. And peter.
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kathrahender · 20 days
Being a Marauders Era Multishipper is the best thing ever.
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xeniums · 1 month
being able to recover from the angst within all of the queer relationships I’ve gotten attached to is my morning wish of the day
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ramblingsfromthytruly · 2 months
lily evans oh the mother you could've been i love you
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evesaintyves · 3 months
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so in the allegedly non-homophobic spirit of this cursed genre of post (which, props to this one for at least saying the quiet part loud: that these criticisms are exclusively directed toward queer pairings), and inspired by a prompt of sorts from fandom gem @saintsenara -
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i wrote some platonic jily and i completely agree, they're better as friends.
never mind the prosecco, here's the potter-malfoy-potter-blacks
Rated M | Jily, Narlily, Jegulus, Drarry | AU - everyone lives and it's like 2010 | tw choking, pussy juice, eggs
Three things occurred to Lily, leaning back on the island of cool italian marble in the fuck-off big kitchen of this ridiculous house: one, that she had no idea where all this was coming from, as James had never given a single fuck in his life about womens' Quidditch; two, that even three decades after they'd split up he was still obviously desperate for her to think he was cool; and three, that he was burning Regulus's eggs.
"So what the Harpies have done," he patiently explained as if she was listening, "is create a turn-based system for rotating positions—so every player has experience with beating, seeking, and so on—that way everyone's aware of the weak points—" he seemed to catch on that she wasn't making eye-contact, and tossed his mop of silvering hair. "The Weasley girl was on the Wireless about it this morning. Really inspiring."
He turned back to the crispy eggs and stirred them vigourously. They made a sort of crackling noise.
"I guess I'm just not sure why you're telling me," Lily said, taking the moment to finally do what she'd come to the kitchen for: grabbing a fresh bottle of prosecco from the fridge.
"Well, it's incredible what these girls are coming up with. 'The future is female,' I saw that on someone's shirt the other day."
He glanced eagerly at her over his shoulder.
"Cool," she said.
"Never mind the prosecco," Narcissa drawled, sweeping into the kitchen in her marabou-feather gown. "Draco's popped a button on his robes, so he'll be calling any moment."
"Do you mend buttons?" James asked with genuine interest.
Narcissa made an appalled face and gathered the lapels of her robe together.
"Have you not finished?" Regulus said sourly, coming down the stairs. Looking directly at Lily, he added, "This kitchen has smelled like a crematorium ever since you let Boopsy go."
Lily - still on the defensive after all these years! - crossed her arms and replied, "I didn't 'let her go,' she was legally emancipated and got a job at Pret a Manger."
Regulus waved a hand in the air, making the slight haze of egg-smoke swirl prettily in the light. "It's political correctness gone mad," he muttered.
Inexplicably, James got one of his big simpy grins, beckoned Regulus over, and smacked a kiss on his pale brow.
Draco apparated into their midst with a pop and instantly recoiled at the sight of them.
"Potters," he spat, by way of greeting. "Er—" he nodded to Regulus, whose name he could never seem to remember. Narcissa glided over and took his face in her hands.
"Oh, darling, come here, I've been waiting all morning to see you."
Lily, concerned she might not be effectively controlling her facial expression, turned to slot the prosecco bottle back into the fridge. Narcissa had actually spent most of the morning sprawled on her back with her thighs squishing the sides of Lily's face.
Draco squirmed slightly under his mother's hands. "It's all the buttons under the third one," he said gruffly, thrusting an armful of jacquard robes at Narcissa.
"Sweet boy," Narcissa cooed, "I'll send it out to the tailor immediately. How ever did you manage to break them?"
With another pop, Harry apparated into the room.
"Hi Mum," he said. "Dad. Hi Cissa and Reg."
James disentangled his arms from Regulus's and clapped Harry on the back. "Wha gwan, son?" he roared happily, and even with his back turned Lily could see Harry's shoulders cringe.
"I told you—" Draco began through his teeth.
"You were taking forever," Harry shrugged.
"I'm glad you're here," James said, very serious furrows appearing in his brow. "I was just listening to that bird you used to go out with on the wireless—"
"Oh!" Narcissa exclaimed, still petting Draco's face. "Darling, will you show everyone the trick you taught me last week?" To the room: "You'll all want to see this, it's marvellous. Draco's enchanted a mirror to do something incredible."
Draco sighed defeatedly. To Harry, he said, "Let me see your phone."
Harry pulled a slim black piece of glass out of his pocket, and, with a sideways glance at Lily, tapped and swiped at it with his fingers a few times before handing it to Draco.
"This mirror," Narcissa was saying, "quite remarkable, really—all you do is push a button on it, and a horrible little muggle comes to your door and brings you a prawn fettucine. Draco, please—" she scrabbled at the glass in his hand. "—will you push the fettucine button for mummy?"
"It's called Seamless, Mother," Draco mumbled, and just as he did Narcissa pulled a face and slid her finger round the collar of her son's shirt.
"Draco," she said, with a kind of horror rising in her voice, "What's happened to your neck? Is it dirt—?"
A flush instantly came to Draco's face and Harry twisted round from his one-sided conversation with James to give Draco a rather pointed look.
"Mother, stop, it's nothing," he said, pulling away. And on Harry's face was a look Lily had seen on James a thousand times, back in their day: like he was trying, but not particularly hard, not to look smug.
James's eyes shifted between Harry and Draco and he seemed, bless him, to finally clock what was going on. He pulled Harry by the shoulder to the other side of the kitchen and began to speak to him in hushed tones.
"You want to put all the pressure on the sides, not the front," he was saying.
Regulus went and scraped his ruined eggs into the bin, obviously eavesdropping, then put the pan back on the stove without shutting off the flame. The tang of hot metal began to compete with the crematorium smell and Lily wondered if anyone would notice if she got the prosecco back out and necked it.
"Regulus," she sighed. "Anything new with you?"
Regulus looked startled to be spoken to.
"Not really," he said, eyes shifting round the room. "I don't actually have all that much going on, canonically."
"Do you know how to make eggs?" he said hopefully.
"I think I've a salve for that," Narcissa was telling Draco, leading him by the hand into the suite she shared with Lily. "Well, it's more of an eye cream, but it's done absolute wonders for me—"
"You can do real damage to the trachea that way," James was explaining to Harry, demonstrating with a cupped hand to his neck.
"I work in Magical Law Enforcement," Harry deadpanned. "I think I know how to fucking choke someone."
Regulus emitted the strangely high-pitched giggle Lily was always hearing from inside the cup-strewn, bleach-smelling lair he shared with James.
"Why does it smell like—" Draco stopped in Lily and Narcissa's doorway. With narrowed eyes, he hissed to his mother, "I thought you were all in some sort of... like, queerplatonic... situation...?"
James's brow got those furrows again.
"What's queerplatonic?" he whispered to Lily.
"It means nobody fucks," she whispered back.
James squared his shoulders and took a step forward as if he might try to fight Draco.
"We raised a good kid," James would tell Lily later, after they'd put out the fire on the stove, slightly misty-eyed with nostalgia and the acrid smoke. "All of us," he'd add, with a nod toward Lily and Narcissa's side of the house, which was now perfumed rather pleasantly with a melange of prosecco, wet pussy and prawn fettucine.
"Yeah," Lily would say wistfully. "Shit taste in men, though."
"Well, it runs in the family." James would ruffle his hair, the way he tended to. After a pause, he'd venture: "And I daresay you and I had a pretty good run, didn't we?"
Lily would tip the bottle up and drain the last of the prosecco at that. James would hold out his hand, and she'd pass him the empty bottle. He'd try to take a drink, then bin it with a disgruntled look.
"It was all right," she'd say.
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valoale · 1 month
the fact that u now ship jegulus is making me view it more positively. like i never disliked them and like why would i hate a ship that leaves lily open for narcissa. but i was neutral. but VEE? from TUMBLR???? ships them???? ok they must be good
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blackpatrxnum · 2 years
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andromilos · 6 days
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miss-morgans-lover · 5 months
Sirius: All the Blacks are dominant in bed
Regulus, turning to Remus: Is he?
James, oblivious: How would he know?
Remus: No, he isn't, he is incredibly submissive
Sirius: How da-
Lily: Narcissa is a dominant though
Sirius and James: What the fuck!?
Narcissa: It's true, and she loves it
Lily: I do, and Sirius loves it from Remus too
(@spookyblazecoffee )
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not-rab · 1 year
[after organising an event]
lily: why isn’t everyone having a good time?
lily: i specifically requested it!
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saintsenara · 5 months
More ships! Severus Snape/Charity Burbage, Severus Snape/Petunia Dursley, Narcissa Black/Lily Evans, Narcissa Black/Remus Lupin
thank you very much for the ask, anon! lots of delicious ships here to get into...
charity burbage/severus snape
i'm going to start this one by pointing out something which features a lot in discussions of snape's relationship with dear old chazza b, and which i have elected to find annoying even though it's spectacularly minor:
in the book [or - certainly - in the original edition, which is what i have] of deathly hallows, charity does not say that she and snape are friends while pleading for her life. this is an invention of the films, which are rather more heavy-handed at hinting that snape isn't really a loyal death eater with blood-supremacist views than the text is.
but, nonetheless, she does still beg him to spare her... and so she must retain some belief in snape's capacity for goodness even though she must be aware, as a hogwarts teacher, that he murdered dumbledore only days beforehand...
which is to say that i love the idea of a bit of snarity [snurbage? burbape?] in a story which didn't deviate from the canon timeline. it is just exquisitely nasty to imagine the two coming together during the goblet of fire to half-blood prince period, initially just for something casual - since snape knows he can't commit to anything given his role as a spy - which then turned into something deeper he was occasionally driven to allow himself to imagine might be able to become a real relationship after the war...
...and then him having to look a woman he's fallen in love with in the eyes and arrange his features into a malevolent smirk while this is happening:
Voldemort raised Lucius Malfoy’s wand, pointed it directly at the slowly revolving figure suspended over the table, and gave it a tiny flick. The figure came to life with a groan and began to struggle against invisible bonds.   “Do you recognize our guest, Severus?” asked Voldemort.  Snape raised his eyes to the upside-down face. All of the Death Eaters were looking up at the captive now, as though they had been given permission to show curiosity. As she revolved to face the firelight, the woman said in a cracked and terrified voice, “Severus! Help me!” “Ah, yes,” said Snape as the prisoner turned slowly away again.
and then to have to pretend to be completely unruffled as voldemort kills her in front of him.
petunia dursley/severus snape
this is one i really, really back.
i’m fond of petunia, who i think is one of the most interesting characters in the series because of how full of contradictions she is.
and who i think is also a victim in fandom spaces of how the adult cast was aged up for the films [in canon, she’s only in her early twenties when lily dies, and the implication is that vernon is a good deal older than her]. her inadequacies, such as her inability to truly care for either child in the household, seem much more nuanced in a woman of twenty-three, who has a toddler and whose entire family is dead, than they do if she’s pictured as a middle-aged woman with considerable life experience.
and like snape, petunia teeters on a knife edge between various chasms: she's a working-class girl from the midlands made good in middle-class surrey, he's a working-class half-blood boy who spends most of his life in pureblood circles; she ends up with her whole life wrapped up in a square little house when she’s barely out of her teens, he ends up with his whole life wrapped up in spying at the same age; she hates the wizarding world and yet covets it, he hates the muggle world and yet cannot escape it; she loves lily and she hates her and she loathes her for dying, he… well, you know the rest.
all of these similarities - especially when combined with the long history of resentment between snape and petunia [she thinks he stole lily from her! he thinks she was the first person to try and keep lily from him!] - makes snetunia just so compelling.
and if you're convinced and desperate to really get into the mess, you're in luck - because you can read the magnificent regretfully, yours by @maria-de-salinas, which takes snape and petunia's bitterness and awkwardness and grief and guilt and remorse and turns it into something really quite beautiful...
narcissa black/lily evans
ok, so i'm afraid to say that narlily is one of those marauders-era ships which i don't fully get the increasingly popularity of - and so, if you do ship it i would be thrilled to get your recs and manifestos as to why.
my objection doesn't actually have anything to do with narcissa being a blood-supremacist [although i don't think i'd vibe with a story which didn't address this at all - and i'm not compelled by a common version of fanon!narcissa which has her as not sincerely holding these beliefs: she is just as much of a bigot as lucius] - i think something quite interesting could be done with narlily [as in all death-eater-with-a-non-pureblood ships] as a vehicle for an examination of the hypocrisy of blood-supremacy; and with narlily as a femslash ship specifically as a vehicle for an examination of how sex with a non-pureblood which has no chance of resulting in pregnancy would be more acceptable in a culture which is so obsessed with heritage and lineage than sex which could.
why i don't really think it would slap for me, though, is that narcissa always comes across in canon as someone who is conformist and a bit staid - largely, as i've written about elsewhere, because she feels a desire to perform according to the gendered conventions expected of a woman of her class background as a way of deflecting the shame brought upon her family's standing in polite society by bellatrix and andromeda's behaviour. lily - on the other hand - is famously a bit bolshy - cheeky and adventurous and argumentative and stubborn.
and so i simply do not imagine their personalities either working well together in any meaningful way or clashing spicily [they'd clearly both regard the other as not worth their time popping off at].
please change my mind!
narcissa black/remus lupin
this, on the other hand... yes. hook it into my veins.
they both live behind masks - hers of gendered social convention, his of self-loathing - which have, at their core, the idea that a proper witch and wizard must be "civilised". and while they both seem to prefer to embrace these masks, there is the potential lurking beneath them for both of them to break free and be wild and raw in the realities of themselves.
plus... imagine if you've also got the post-1981 context of lupin trying desperately to understand how sirius could have become the death eater who would betray james to voldemort and narcissa and lucius trying to establish the fiction that he was under the imperius curse during the first war with the ministry, well before they feel comfortable becoming as complacent in their conviction that voldemort's not about to return as they are at the start of the canon narrative.
lovely misery.
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kathrahender · 19 days
My opinion about Harry Potter Ships (2/2)
Wolfstar (Sirius Black/Remus Lupin): Beautiful. Just beautiful. They're THE Marauders Era couple. 😆
Remadora (Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks): I have to see the development in a canon couple to like it- and in the movie they were suddenly like "We're a couple now :D". So no, not my ship. 😕
Jilly (James Potter/Lily Evans): Why not. After all, they both did bad things. "But Severus also did bad things" Yeah, he did. But James bullying him was also bad. So was Lily laughing when his "best friend" was being sexually assaulted.
Snilly (Severus Snape/Lily Evans): Before their bond broke they were good friends so I'm okay with it. Although sometimes I think they both deserve someone else.
Sirily (Sirius Black/Lily Evans): I didn't know the existence of this ship until now- but you know- it's nice. I like it.
Regulily (Regulus Black/Lily Evans): Wouldn't they also be called something like Starflower? Even the name of the ship is nice.
Remily (Remus Lupin/Lily Evans): I will only say the ship name ✨Moonflower✨ is beautiful as well as the ship.
Rosekiller (Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier): Fics made me ship them 😅
Bartylus (Barty Crouch Jr./Regulus Black): The fics also made me ship them ngl
Moonwater (Remus Lupin/Regulus Black): I prefer Sirius with Remus/Severus/James and Regulus with Barty but they're okay 🌸
Jegulus (James Potter/Regulus Black): I know it's popular, but I'm neutral about it. I don't hate it, neither I love it. I like some fics of them tho.
Jeverus (James Potter/Severus Snape): I LOVE IT! But just because I read fics where James changes before bullying gets too far and Severus turns into a Death Eater. And fics with them having a healthy relationship. If they were toxic in the fics I wouldn't like it.
Snirius (Sirius Black/Severus Snape): They're kinda like Jeverus and they are Slytherin/Gryffindor. I will only say that.
Reverus (Regulus Black/Severus Snape): Ooooh they're cute 💖
Snucius (Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape): Two Slytherins? One of them is a brunette and the other is blond? I LOVE IT.
Arthucius (Lucius Malfoy/Arthur Weasley): Dron 2.0 but in the previous generation. 👌
Wolfdragon (Lucius Malfoy/Remus Lupin): I don't know what made me ship them, but I love this ship ❤️
Stardragon (Lucius Malfoy/Sirius Black): They're- kinda interesting 🧐
Lucissa (Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy): They're literally the best "partners in crime" relationship of Harry Potter.
Jamcissa (James Potter/Narcissa Malfoy): If the ship is between a Malfoy/Black and a Potter, I'm in 😉
Jucius (Lucius Malfoy/James Potter): I think the same thing as I said in the previous ship 🎶🎶
Prongsfoot (Sirius Black/James Potter): Two Gryffindors? Friends to lovers? Gay wizards? Yesyesyesyes-
Moonbucks (James Potter/Remus Lupin): It's similar to Prongsfoot so yes 👌
Narlily (Narcissa Malfoy/Lily Evans): The fanarts made me ship them ⭐⭐
Bellamort (Tom Riddle | Voldemort/Bellatrix Lestrange): I have the feeling they would be toxic so no. The only way I could accept it is if they were both sane enough to have a healthy relationship.
Belladolphus (Rodolphus Lestrange/Bellatrix Lestrange): Yes. they have to be together. Although I only like them if they're not toxic.
Quirrelmort (Tom Riddle | Voldemort/Quirinus Quirrell): I mean they could be a good couple if both of them (again) were sane enough to have a healthy relationship. Unless we're talking about AVPM- which would be a big YES.
Snarry (Severus Snape/Harry Potter): Nope. I see Severus as his father figure and nothing else.
Tomarry (Tom Riddle | Voldemort/Harry Potter): I headcanon them as platonic soulmates. Besides I ship Tom with Abraxas and Harry with Draco 🤣
Bellamione (Bellatrix Lestrange/Hermione Granger): For me they're like the previous two ships. They would just have a platonic relationship.
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narcissablackmylove · 11 months
Lily: I'm trying to juggle family life and work life but I can't seem to find a balance. What do you suggest I do to keep everyone happy?
Narcissa, *deadpan*: Quit your job, kill your family.
Lily: Cissy....
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