#need to find a place around here that makes them ngl
mattynmarns · 8 months
making my desi residents like me by saying my favorite indian food is kaju katli and chaklis
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hanahaki270 · 2 months
♡ Sharing a Dorm ♡
Synopsis ┊Your dorm is going under renovation and you need to find a place to crash in for a while. Luckily a certain someone offers you to stay in theirs for the time being.
Characters ┊Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya.
A/N ┊beginner Writer here, these were harder to think of than I thought ngl. If you have any requests please send them to me, I'm open to do different characters and also different anime's!
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Katsuki Bakugou
❥ By no means whatsoever does he offer his dorm out of the kindness of his heart. He just got pissed off of seeing you sleeping on the couch in the commons area every morning, and accidentally stepping on your blanket or pillows. After stepping on your blanket once more he grabs your shit and puts it in his dorm and acts like he's bothered by this but really he doesn't mind at all.
❥ Makes you sleep on the floor for the first two nights until you convince him to share the bed. He's reluctant at first but then allows it as long as you stay on your side of the bed. Do you really though?
❥ Expect to sleep earlier and get your sleep schedule in check because his dorm, his rules, lights are off at ten pm sharp with no exceptions.
❥ Also expect your grades to go up. While he's your roommate he's going to make you don't slack off on your studies.
❥ When he wakes up in the morning and notices your head resting on his chest he gets somewhat annoyed but secretly likes it. he's willing to get behind on his strict schedule and let you rest on him a little longer. but just a little.
❥ Demands you now be his training partner but is careful to not get carried away. You're strong, but he still doesn't want to run the risk of hurting you. therefore, he always keeps Aid kits in the bathroom just in case you do get any scratches, even if they're minor.
❥ Constantly threatening to kick you out over every little thing but actually has no intention of doing so. He won't admit it but he enjoys your company. "I swear if I see one more sock lying around I'm grabbing your shit and throwing it out."
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Shoto Todoroki
❥ "Why don't you sleep with me." he said boldly unaware of how his sentence had more than one connotation to it. I mean you need help and as your friend he's more than willing to help you out. plus he has the biggest dorm compared to everyone else, if anything he's the most suitable to offer his help he thought.
❥ Asks you what temperature you prefer to sleep in so he can use his quirk to either make the room colder or warmer depending on your preference. and ALWAYS makes sure to make both sides of your pillows cold.
❥ When he's out visiting his mother you make sure the place is clean (though it usually is since he tends to be on the neater side) and prepare some soba for him as a token of your appreciation. After a couple of times he starts to look forward for it and got saddened the one day you forgot.
❥ In return he made sure not turn on the lights when getting ready in the morning as to not wake you up. Part of it was for a selfish reason though, he thought it was cute how you slept soundly on his bed.
❥ Speaking about sleep; During the night he would find himself cozying up next to you, not on purpose though. He just felt comfort in your presence and he realized you felt the same way when you also moved closer to him during the night.
❥ Leaves out coffee for you in the mornings since you tend to stay up late on nights and wake up always running late to your classes.
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Izuku Midoriya
❥ Overheard you talking to Tsuyu and Uraraka about how you need a place to sleep in and walked over to offer his help without a second thought. You already spend most of your time in his dorm room during the day to share notes anyways. The only difference would just be you spending the night.
❥ Offers for you to sleep in his bed while he sleeps on the floor. After you refuse to let him sleep on the floor he shyly agrees to share the bed with you constantly asking you if you're okay with it.
❥ Midoriya stays up late at night writing in his notebook and murmuring thoughts to himself. You persuade him to go to bed and leave his worries for the following day. he deeply apologizes for the burden kind of embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry! was I keeping you up? I'll go to bed in a few minutes don't worry."
❥ Always invites you to go out with him whenever he leaves the dorm, even if it's something as simple as going to the gas station to get some snacks.
❥ he loves to talk your ear off geeking out about the knowledge he knows about the top heroes and their quirks. When he notices he got carried away he gets all types of flustered but even then he doesn't get the sense of being judged.
❥ Since he's constantly getting injured and going to see Recovery girl he always comes back exhausted. regardless, his stubborn ass still tries to go out on missions and push himself to the limits. he get's frustrated when you don't let him do so and force him to rest and leave his chores to you. But he loves you for it.
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cheeseceli · 6 months
You speak another language
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Pairing: Ot8!skz × Gn!Reader
Genre: fluff, reaction
Warnings: mention of food at Lee Know and Felix's, I think that's it?
Request: how do you think ot8 would react to the reader speaking in their native language? Especially if it's not korean/english?
A/n: It's embarrassing the amount of time I took to write this one💀 the worst part is that I actually spent every week tryna find the best way of putting all my ideas together. Hope you like it anyways!
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Bang Chan
‌Would have a pet name for you in your mother tongue
‌ Like idk if you speak spanish his nickname for you would be "mi amor"
‌Finds it really attractive btw
‌When you're speaking your mother tongue he sees just how much comfortable you are
‌You literally shine in his eyes
‌He'd just be staring at you with heart eyes
‌And if you're learning Korean or English he'd be more than glad to help you overcome your difficulties with the language
‌Would be your personal professor fr
‌Speaks slower around you so you can understand everything, and wouldn't mind repeating himself at all
‌He knows that the language barrier can be a bit intimidating and that it can make you afraid of opening up completely
‌But he'd be so reassuring all the time
‌Really tries his best to comfort you when you need it and it doesn't matter the language, he makes is clear that he loves and will be with you all the time
Lee Know
‌If you had a hard time speaking Korean but still tried your best to communicate with him and his parents in Korean, he'd fall DEEP in love with you
‌He gives me major "I don't understand but I love you" vibes ngl
‌lmao he'd learn the bad words before anything else
‌If you're speaking your mother tongue when in the phone he'd try to guess what you're saying
‌Genuinely doesn't know what's going but he's invested
‌And he repeats some words after you say it
‌Not in a mocking way, he just finds it cool how the word sounds and keep repeating it to himself
‌Like if you speak french he'd be like "bonjour. Bonjour? Bonjour"
‌It's endearing
‌But yeah you'll have to translate everything to him later
‌He wants to know about the tea
‌Cooks your hometown dishes for you!!
‌ If you have a foreign accent when speaking Korean or English he finds it adorable
‌ And he also finds your mother tongue adorable
‌ It doesn't matter if you speak one of the sexiest languages in the world
‌ This man finds it adorable
‌Eventually learns your language
‌He'll take classes, buy text books and everything
‌He truly believe that learning how to communicate with you (in every language for that matter) is like a "boyfriend duty"
‌So he'll be more than happy to learn
‌Tries to show his affection in ways that are not spoken as well so you both could surpass the language barrier
‌He'll get you flowers, gifts, would take you to amazing places, would have the best dates with you and everything you can ever think of
‌You'd have the best memories ever with him and no word would need to be said
‌ Would ask you to teach him some pet names and sweet phrases in your language
‌ And would 100% say "I love you" in your mother tongue in certain moments
‌ Like in more intimate moments that he wants you to truly understand how much he loves you
‌ Would love if you replied with saying "I love you" in Korean
‌If you have a different accent than him when speaking Korean/English he might start speaking like you
‌yk when you get someone's accent just by living next to them
‌That's him
‌He finds it fancy
‌And when the boys tease him for this he might get shy but he's also so proud? Like "yeah I got it from my s/o :D"
‌Writes a letter to you once he finds confidence in speaking your language. It might have some mistakes here and there but it was so sweet, and the intention behind it was so lovely, that you couldn't help but tear up a bit when you read it for the first time
‌Loves your culture so much
‌He'd ask you to show songs and movies and things like that in your language
‌Like if you're Indian he'd ask you to show him some Bollywood movies
‌He'd try to guess what they are saying and it's a whole game for him
‌He's there for the vibes honestly
‌But I think he'd end up learning a thing or two and later would like to learn the whole thing
‌Would incorporate your mother tongue in his songwriting I'm 100% sure
‌And!! would ask for songs recommendations so he could sing to you when you least expect it
‌Learns two words in your mother tongue, probably uses them in the wrong way, thinks he is fluent.
‌But he also knows a lot of slangs in your language, it's kinda surprising ngl
‌He'd occasionally drop a random slang in your language when talking to the kids and everyone would be like ???
‌"what did you say?"
‌ Learns your language to surprise you
‌ Like every time there is a break when he's practicing he'd open duolingo
‌(He'd have a hella long strike, 100 days in a row or smth)
‌When you're speaking on the phone with someone he tries to listen to it as a listening exercise
‌Is smiling to himself throughout the period of the call and when you ask the reason why he just brushes it off
‌Cooks your hometown dishes for you pt. 2!!
‌But seriously tho
‌He knows it's hard to be far from home, especially by yourself
‌So he really tries to make you feel at home
‌He will cook your nationals dishes, will sing songs in your language, will encourage you to speak in your mother tongue around him etc
‌Also, 2 kids 1 room flashback
‌He likes to have meaningful conversations with you where he tells you how much he loves and appreciates you
‌Unlike Hyunjin, he'd say everything in English because it feels more genuine for him, as it's his first language
‌So if you're replying to him in your language, he'd feel SO happy
‌He thinks this is like a proof that everything you're saying comes from a deep place somehow. It makes him fall in love once again
‌ Wants to learn your language the moment you guys get in a serious relationship
‌ Besides wanting to be able to talk to you in your own comfort zone
‌He'd want to be able to talk to your friends and family who speaks your mother tongue
‌ Like the first time he sees your parents he'd be ready to talk to them
‌i'm so down bad for this man it's not even funny anymore
‌Would take you everywhere in Korea so he could show you a bit of his home (would tell stories about the places so excitedly)
‌And would love if he had the opportunity to go to your country
‌Would love it even more if you showed the place around to him and explained a bit about everything you know
‌If in the first stages of the relationship there is a language barrier, he'd plan dates that don't involve a lot of talking
‌Like he'd take you to concerts and karaokes
‌music is universal after all isn't it?
‌He always give his 100% into the relationship it's so cute
‌ Finds it really attractive pt2
‌ He loves your accent
‌ And he loves your mother tongue as well
‌ He could spend a whole day just listening to you speak, even if he doesn't understand a single word
‌ And if you're learning Korean, he'd love to see your progress and to see you getting more comfortable while speaking it
‌ I also see two possible scenarios:
‌ One, he'd wake up one day really determined to learn your language and wouldn't stop until he does
‌ Two, he'd never stop and actually learn it, but he'd end up catching up with some things you say and show to him. So in the end he'd know the basics and some essential phrases
‌I believe he'd genuinely enjoy to learn about your culture
‌Like, whenever a cultural shock comes up, he'd be invested in understanding it?
‌Of course sometimes there would be misunderstandings, but I truly think he would try to see the positive view rather than seeing only the cultural crash
‌He might even learn a thing or two and get your culture's habits
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Feedback is very much appreciated!!
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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justwonder113 · 2 months
would you please do a reaction for when other members are being a little too close with their s/o baby bump cause they want to be the better uncle than the other members if that makes sense? like theyre trying to get the baby to recognise all their voices before its born. this would ne so cute ngl and then the member finds their s/o cuddled up with the other member having both fallen asleep on the sofa or some place like that. thanks a lot in advance!
This has to be one of the sweetest and unique asks I have ever gotten. Thank you so much for it!! I'm really terribly sorry it took me this long to write it and it's only Hyung line too. I was in really terrible headspace and I'm trying to get myself out there again. so I hope you understand. I will try to update Maknae line as fast as I can.
Warnings: There's not much to put here but if I missed any please let me know. The baby's gender is only specified in Changbin's. Just pure fluff
Maknae line here
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Bang Chan
When you announced to the boys that you were pregnant it was safe to say that boys were over the moon. Hell, the restaurant you and Chan decided to invite boys to and annoynce the news almost banned you from how loud you were being. You were immediately showered with questions like how long you were due, when would the baby be born, if you knew the gender, everything! They were really excited to be uncles.
Ever since one could only imagine how protective they were of you. Chan and the boys did their best to support you in any way, you didn't even have to lift a finger now, everyone kept doting on you and the baby. You were also swarmed with countless questions about the baby, if you needed anything, if you craved anything, if you felt the baby kick and ect... Listening to them alone you already knew that your baby was going to be spoiled rotten. Even though you found it adorable hearing their plans and what great uncles they were going to be, you knew at some point you would have to to sit them down and talk about boundaries. Which was an impossible task! Because now as Innie talked to you (mostly your babybump) all cute and excited how much things he was going to teach the kid and how he was going to bring them with him to the coolest events ever and stuff. He even bought up an idea of maybe even convincing and possibly setting up a deal with Alexander McQueen for having your kid as the cutest model ever, Mind you the baby wasn't even born yet. As the baby of the group who was always babied and doted on he was the most excited having someone small around so he could be this cool reliable hyung to. You and Chan found it absolutely adorable how giddy he was. Heck you even made a promise to him, after convincing him to keep this a secret, much to his dismay and out of everyone's earshot, that he'd be the one to hold the baby first out of the boys once the baby was born.
Chan couldn't help but smile once you saw Innie who normally hated physical contact soundly asleep with his head on your shoulder, with you snuggling next to him all cutely. He couldn't help but to take a picture of you two, smiling, excited the most of all for the baby to be born.
Lee Know
Once you announced your pregnancy everyone was extatic. They all hugged and congratulated you, asked you hundreds of questions they were curious about. You really loved how excited they were for and you were more than happy to answer all their questions even the silliest ones. The evening was peaceful, everyone was here gathered at your house and you were spending lovely time, but everything changed when the fire nation attacked, meaning, someone, you really didn't catch who, but probably Jisung, asked if you had decided who was going to be the baby's godfather, and let's just say the hell broke loose after that, the kind not even the avatar could salvage. One second there was silence the next thing you knew was that everyone kept screaming and yelling at each other. You and Chan watched from afar, thankfully he was mature enought not to cause a scene, which couldn't have been said about your husband who was also yelling some incoherent stuff. Chan tried his best to solve the situation but at some point even he had to get involved in the fight to stop it. Everyone was yapping about god knows what at this point, you sat there on the coutch watching from the couch sipping your drink, praying that your neighbours wouldn't call the cops on you.
Jisung sat down next to you after a while all sad and pouty. The boys were yelling about something else now but you didn't really pay much attention to it. "It's not fair right! I'm Minho's and your closest friend, I should be the godfather right?" You couldn't help but huff out a laugh about Jisung's dramatic outburst. "Really Ji? The fact that I'm the one thirdwheeling whenever you're around my husband, which is a lot I might add, isn't enough for you and now you're coming for my baby too?" You couldn't help but raise your eyebrow at the audacity, Jisung looked taken aback but he quickly gathered himself and gave you the biggest smile ever. "Pretty please?" His eagerness was actually kind of endearing, you couldn't help but laugh. "I'll think about it little homewrecker." You were barely done with your sentence when Jisung basically quickly but also really carefully wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheek very eagerly. You stayed cuddled up like that for a while and chatted for a bit while everyone was at each other's throats. Jisung talked to your bump all excitedly that he couldn't wait to meet them and that he was going to be the coolest godfather ever. Next thing you knew he was asleep still cuddled next to you. How this boy managed to fall asleep in this absolute chaos was beyond you but it was cute. Your eyes met Minho's who only raised his eyebrow at you, intrigued on what went on while he was distracted, you gave him a wink in return. You lovingly stroked your bump, You really couldn't wait for the baby to be born.
When you and Changbin announcede that you were pregnant to the boys they were beyond extatic. They were about to pounce on you and give you the biggest hug ever but thankfully Binnie and Chan stopped them in time and warned them to be careful with you. So instead all of them decided to basically jump on your poor binnie, who was on the floor in seconds with 7 bodies on top of him, and hopefully without a concussion.
After that everything went smoothly, the boys tried to be as supportive as ever and helped you in every way they could. Your sweet Husband was also an absolute Godsend. You didn't know what you would do without him. Even now he basically helped you with everything. You really wanted to have a gender reveal party and he really jumped out of his skin trying to make everything perfect. The boys also helped out a lot, all of them were really excited to hear the gender of the kid. Jisung even wanted to place a bet but Binnie quickly stopped him by softly whacking him on the head.
The party went perfectly, your sweet husband even made the impossible possible. It was just perfection. Also everyone was so excited when they heard that you were going to have a baby girl. Binnie even burst out crying while hearing the news. You really couldn't wait for your sweet angel to be born.
You were having time of your life when Hyunjin approached you with the sweetest idea ever. He said that he knew that you still hadn't set up a nursery for the baby and suggested that he could paint the room for you and even showed you some of the inspiration he got from the internet earlier. You couldn't help but tear up at how sweet he was being. It was really one of the cutest and meaningful presents ever. Also he was so cute cute talking about how he wanted to help you create the prettiest room for the baby girl, which would be as pretty as her. You and Binnie almost burst out crying, Binnie couldn't help himself and literally almost smothered the poor boy by giving him the tightest hug ever.
You really were so thankful. You spent almost whole evening talking about various designs and ideas. Even the baby must have been really excited because she kicked for the first time that evening. Binnie and you even joked that it must be a genetic thing being obsessed with Hyunjin. Hyunjin got even more excited after witnessing it, and for the whole evening he talked to your bump about the prettiest colours and designs he was going to use for her room so she could have as pretty room as the prettiest girl deserved. You and Binnie couldn't be more grateful to have sweet people like him around especially when others also chimed in and gave you their ideas too.
When you first announced your pregnancy to Hyunjin poor boy almost fainted, but once the news set in, he was more than overjoyed. He was on top of the world and since day one he was set on for giving your baby the best life possible and to spoil them rotten. You couldn't help but find it endearing how he thought about making every moment special and memorable.
He even planned the most dramatic and over the top way to announce your pregnancy to the boys and family members. He made custom envelopes with custom shirts and letters, ordered the cake which had your due date written on it with see you on top of it, ordered the best drinks and food. Also ordered most beautiful flowers. He was so excited to announce the news he wanted everything to be really beautiful and elegant, maybe it was a little over the top but it was made with taste and what's important with lots of love.
Everyone was over the moon once they heard the news, all of them congratulated you and wished you all the happiness. Hyunjin was over the moon he looked so happy like this was his greatest achievement ever. You couldn't help but tear up everything was so beautiful about this day.
All of the boys were so excited to become uncles. They already started planning how many things they were going to teach your kid, how many cool places they were going to take them too, how they were going to dote on them and spoil them rotten. The baby wasn't due yet but you already knew they were going to be most spoiled and most loved baby ever.
Out of the boys Felix seemed to be the most over the moon, he was so excited to have the baby around, he could barely contain his excitement. Which showed because in next couple of days you had almost every piece of Louis Vuitton's baby line and he had so many more plans too! Imagine that and also countless many presents from the boys too, it was like there was no space left for you and Hyunjin in your own house from all the boxes and envelopes. Of course you and your husband were more than thankful. But felix was really outshining everyone with his gifts. He even sent you his baked goodies which on you happily chewed on. Baby must have really loved his baking and you were really satisfied too with the devine taste.
Hyunjin kept joking that how would it look if baby was covered head to toe in Louis Vuitton when he was Versace ambassador himself. Felix and Hyunjin even jokingly argued which designer brand was better. They even tried to bring you into the little argument. And now you had a little ongoing bet on which designer brand was going to be your baby's favorite. You couldn't help but smile as you eyed the boys who slept on each side of you soundlessly all smiley and cuddled up to you as if they weren't the ones jokingly arguing earlier. You were really grateful that your baby was going to be surrounded with all the love in the world.
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roesworks · 3 months
my marauder's sex headcannons
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james, sirius, and remus x female reader
i wanna feed you guys (after literally a year) so enjoy my personal headcannons
james potter -
he is a certified switch. he leans more on the dominant side, but sometimes he just has a need to be told what to do.
when you're on top, without a doubt he is calling you mommy. not to mention, he will whine. he's always whining.
plus he will NEVER SHUT UP.
"you're doing so good f'me, my love."
and he will never hit you or degrade you. he thinks that's just plain mean.
sex should be fun. he does it often so that he can skip out of doing cardio. killing two birds with one stone.
on the aspect of cardio, though, james can last a long time. he could go the entire night if he really wanted to.
"please just one more. one more, i promise."
he's a big guy, so you already KNOW that dick is at LEAST nine inches.
"it won't fit-" "-i'll make it fit."
fucking under the cloak.
while he doesn't like to hit you, he is most definitely leaving accidental bruises from gripping you so hard.
he'd rather grip your arm than the mattress. he loves feeling you.
he's probably the loudest moaner in the entire wizarding world.
he enjoys moaning your name so much that if you didn't cast a silencing charm then everyone in hogwarts would hear him.
he loves your boobs. whether they're big or small, he is most definitely sucking them and leaving them polka dotted by the end of the night.
and literally every night he's with you. sex or not. he's latching his lips onto your nipples and sucking the life out of them like they're lollipops.
he is without a doubt an experimentalist.
like whenever he finds a new position or just a new kinky idea, he's going to bring it up to you.
most of the time, you enjoy it. other times, it's just a one time thing.
he tells you he loves you all the time. it's all part of his 'never-shuts-up' persona.
sirius black -
dom. without a doubt.
"who's pussy is this?" "yours."
he likes making you cry. tears of pleasure are his favorite.
degradation is never out of the question.
and "my little slut."
while that is the case, he will, 'talk you through it' if you will.
"finish for me, baby."
100% getting off to you screaming his name.
he's definitely an ass guy. he likes groping it and hitting it whenever he gets the chance.
he's a little on the smaller side, but he definitely makes up for it in width.
he is very. VERY. loud.
he can last a SOLID three or four rounds.
ngl, he looooves bondage.
lets be real, he keeps a black rope in his nightstand.
he will most DEFINITELY tease you with his wand.
or he'll LITERALLY stick it up there.
honestly, he just likes to tease you in general.
pussy checks in public ALLLL THE TIME.
sometimes if you're wet enough, he will just do it with you on the spot.
"wet already, baby?"
he wants everyone to know that you're his, so he takes measures by leaving hickeys all over you, especially in noticeable places.
LOVES seeing you ride him.
he is 100% stealing james' cloak and doing it with you under it.
remus lupin -
a switch, but much more on the submissive side. so basically a sub.
he will literally get off on getting told what to do. and frankly he prefers being a pillow princess.
he definitely starts off quiet, like a whimper here and there,
and then as he gets more and more comfortable with you, (like around your third time) his whimpers become louder and louder.
he is a SOLID seven inches.
he will do some pretty kinky stuff with you.
like experimenting with candle wax. because he was curious, obviously.
and this guy has a huge thing for period sex. not that you mind it, it helps you forget about your cramps.
the rare times that he's on top, he is the sweetest ever.
"you feel so good."
you've done it in the library a few several times... in the restricted section. nobody has to know that, though.
he loves how you taste and will always tell you that.
your boobs are one of his most favorite things about you.
bite bite bite
and he loves touching you.
anywhere he can get his hands on you he will caress you.
he doesn't really last more than three rounds, but,
there were definitely days where he was so into it that he just couldn't stop.
he loves receiving pleasure and praise soso much.
he's just a sweet boy.
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nayatarot777 · 5 months
how do they view you? • love/crush pick-a-card
i don’t do love readings usually (because they’re just usually not of interest to me) but i’m trying to soften my heart so here’s a lil something for you guys 😂
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• pile one •
your person views you as someone who can be very verbally defensive or someone who can really hurt people with their words. the things that you say could be very harsh or damaging. i’m also seeing that they may view you as argumentative, whether this energy is directed towards them or other people. they do view you as very unattainable to them - perhaps because of all of this energy - but they also see you as extremely intuitive and psychic. you know things that not just anyone could see or know. they also feel like you’re quick to speak up for yourself when you realise that some bs is going on. and i feel like they recognise that situations that someone is trying to bully you in or play you in some way are the situations when you can get very vicious with your words. you’re quiet and perceptive for the most part until you need to defend yourself. there’s another card about you having very strong boundaries and being defensive - again, whether this is just with them or other people. this plays into the viewpoint of you being unattainable for them. you don’t play about your energy so when someone fucks with your energy you’re quick to put them back in their place and put up boundaries between the two of you. they view you as someone who doesn’t play around. i’m living for your energy, pile one, i’m ngl 😂. dark feminine energy to the fullest 👏🏾
this person might not know how to feel about you. they have multiple feelings about you that they can’t really make sense of. they also view you as someone who has many options in your love life. like you could have anyone that you want. and that’s probably from your high standards and your boundaries. because they know that you know this already. they view you as someone who’s emotions mix with their logic. they believe that if it doesn’t make sense for you to love someone - you won’t. it’s as simple as that. i feel like you guys aren’t the people who can easily be played because you won’t allow yourself to be played again and again by the same person. you have too much awareness of your worth and what you’re deserving of for that bullshit. they feel like you’re quick to cut off people who you’re romantically involved with if they try to play games with you. you’re not one of those people who settle for less than what you know you’re deserving of. you’re extremely loving. but you’re not a fool with your love. you rationally think about where and who you should direct it to. who deserves it and who doesn’t. so whoever’s coming towards you needs to come correct. periodddd 💅🏾
i love this 🤭
find the extended audio reading about how they feel about you here on patreon
• pile two •
your person views you as extremely self-sufficient. self-sufficient in terms of your finances, physical stability, and/or your self esteem. they don’t view you as someone who relies on another person for anything that you know you can give to yourself. and even if you feel like you can’t give something to yourself in the current moment, you will find a way to get it for yourself. you could definitely be in a relationship with this person already. if so, then they feel like you’ve helped them to build a really successful life with you. you’ve made it easy to create a happy life, a happy home, and/or a happy family. for those of you who haven’t done those things with this person, then they view you as someone who they could have a really good relationship with. because they believe that you’re very good at teamwork. at working with someone to create stability. they may feel like your independence and your hard work to build stability for yourself is fuelled by a lot of pain and trauma. perhaps childhood trauma from when you didn’t have (or were prevented from having) stability and happiness growing up. for someone specific, this person knows about a divorce or a splitting of your family - whether this is your split or your parents’. and they believe that’s why you prioritise your self-stability and creating happy connections and spaces for you to thrive in.
you’re a go-getter, pile two. you have extremely strong masculine energy regardless of your gender. they view you as a creative. a visionary that will always go after your goals in the most efficient way possible. they also view you as a great leader. especially if you’re a boss/managers/in a position of authority at work. or if you’re the one who primarily runs things in your household. they just view you as someone who’s constantly knowing how to direct people to work together to create harmony in the workplace or at home. and if not, then they just view you as someone who has mastered self-governance (another thing that you could’ve been prevented from in the past). they view you as someone who has been through a lot in life. someone who has been hurt and beaten down repetitively. but you’re still standing and putting in the work to maintain yourself in life. you’re not someone who gives up despite all of the bs that’s thrown your way. due to all of your negative experiences and trauma, you’re someone with extremely strong boundaries. someone who’s very protective of self and of the people who you love and care for (such as your family). if any of you are parents, this person views you as a mama/papa bear 😂. they feel sorry for anyone who tests your kids lmaoo. they can tell that you’re someone who fights your hardest to defend your loved ones from the feelings and experiences that you’ve had to endure yourself. there’s a lot of respect for you from this person because of your history - and because you’ve accumulated so much self respect for yourself despite all of this.
find the extended audio reading about how they feel about you here on patreon
• pile three •
just like pile one, your person views you as someone who knows how to defend yourself in arguments or from verbal attacks. there’s also something about you being stubborn with your beliefs or what you know. once you know something about someone or a situation, nobody can tell you shit. you stick to what you know and what you believe. you’re not easily manipulated. you’re someone who’s also an extremely hard worker. you’re viewed by this person as someone who’s focused on really perfecting your craft. maybe even a perfectionist as a character trait. and now i’m hearing “one track mind”. when you’re focused on something, you’re FOCUSED. they believe that you have a lot of places that you want to go in life, and it seems like you’re always moving forward onto the next thing to work on and perfect. they see you as someone who has the whole world in your hands and you’re not stopping for anyone.
they feel like they don’t know that much about you. like you’re secretive (whether this is purposeful or not). they can’t just guess your personality or what type of person you are with other people like they might be able to with others. they do view you as someone who’s extremely sweet and kind though. and this might surprise them in a way, because it’s not commonly seen from you - at least to them. there’s a masculine energy to you that has flickers of really feminine, sweet, loving energy - and that’s probably why they can’t make much sense of you. you’re extremely focused on work, it seems. or on your own personal development journey. they see you as someone who’s going after creating the life that you want. they can tell that you’re serious about your life. your person views you as someone with A LOT of potential. but not even just in terms of a relationship, but in terms of your life in general. they can tell that you go after opportunities - especially opportunities with work and money.
i had to pull more cards for you guys than i did for the other piles, and i really feel like it’s because this person barely knows anything about you. but they definitely admire the little about you that they do see.
find the extended audio reading about how they feel about you here on patreon
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breath away || chris sturniolo & colby brock || the finale
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smut, minors dni, 18+. guys ngl i went crazy in the studio. this is pure and utter completely insane filth. this was like written during peak feral hours. BEWARE🧍🏻‍♀️. oh and hot fights in bars colby activated BARK BARK.
You had no idea what to expect as you turned the corner, the restroom door slamming behind you.
Lucky for you, an explanation to Tara wasn’t needed.
The purple hickies forming on your neck said it all.
The overbearingly loud music was background noise to you now, your determination tuning it out. You never dreamed in a million years you’d be in this position. Hunting down one guy? Incomprehensible enough. Every fiber in you hunting down two guys? Those guys being Chris Sturniolo and Colby Brock? Unfathomable.
The red lounge had certainly earned its name, the red led lights illuminating the room. You tried to slither through people, struggling to find them. What if they were joking? You managed to find the bar, standing in front of it. Your eyes scanned over the crowd, trying to find them. You sighed, a hand suddenly brushing against your lower back.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you turned around, a man you didn’t recognize standing behind you. “Hello there,” He greeted. His words sounded slimy, your intuition screaming at you this guy was bad news. “Hi, please don’t touch me,” You say firmly, trying to obviously search for Chris and Colby. Maybe if you looked like you were obviously occupied he’d fuck off. “Feisty, i like that. Why dont we hit the dance floor?” He suggested. You cringed at the thought, his hand resuming its place on your lower back. You took a step back, pushing his hand off of you.
“I’m good, i’m trying to find someone,” You say, taking a couple of steps back. He reached out and grabbed your arm, his fingers harshly gripping around your skin. “I’ll be whoever you wanna be sweetheart,” He said. You squirmed under his grip. “Don’t fucking touch me!” You snapped. Two heads of brunette hair came from behind you, yanking the stranger away from you. You took a shaky breath, watching as Colby grabbed him by his shirt. He shoved him against the bar, spitting threats and insults into his face.
You were stunned, a familiar pair of soft hands grabbing your shoulders. “Hey hey hey, look at me ma. You good?” Chris asked. You nodded, the bartender climbing over the bar to intervene. “Oh shit he’s gonna get kicked out. Colby!” You called, rushing over to him. Chris was right behind you, the bartender trying to pull him off of the weird man. “If you ever touch our girl again i’ll gut you like a fish, do you understand me?” He growled, his knuckles turning white from gripping the man’s shirt so tightly. Chris grabbed his left arm, trying to help pull him away.
“Colby, look at me, i’m right here, i’m fine,” You say. Your voice seemed to soothe Colby’s anger, his knuckles finally releasing his shirt. “I’m cool man, i’m cool,” Colby told the bar tender, putting his hands in the air to show peace. The words our girl rang through out your mind, the sudden flashes of cameras capturing your attention. “Fucking hell, how do they always find us?” You sighed. Chris put his hair around you, hiding your surely shaken up expression from the scene.
“Let’s go somewhere a little more private, yeah?” Colby suggested, cocking his head to the left. You trailed behind him, Chris keeping your face hidden. “Thanks Chris, you’re sweet,” You say. Chris gave you a cheesy grin, the three of you ducking into a private room. “I bet you taste sweeter,” He whispered in your ear, your stomach doing a backflip at his words. You were surprised to see the room was quiet and reserved, the only thing occupying it being a black velvet couch and a wall wide mirror. The three you studied the room, soaking in the surroundings.
“This place used to be a strip club didn’t it?” Chris finally asked, making the three of you laugh. You playfully elbowed him, eyeing the couch suspiciously. “Damn now you’ve got me thinking about everyone that’s nutted on this couch. Bleh,” You replied, pretending to gag. Colby’s hands grabbed your waist from behind, his breath hot against your ear. “The only orgasm you should be thinking about is your own,” He whispered lowly, gripping your tender flesh. You groaned, Chris grabbed your chin gently, guiding you look at him.
“I think you owe us one, don’t you pretty girl?” He purred. You nodded profusely, the heat between your legs only getting hotter by the moment. “Then I suggest you get on your knees,” Colby ordered, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. You did as instructed, my knees hitting the hard wooden floor below you. You flattened out your tongue, the boys undoing their belts in unison. Chris couldn’t contain himself any longer, slapping his tip against your tongue.
“Look at that, so pathetic and eager to be our personal cumslut,” Chris purred. You used your hand to jerk Colby off, pumping his shaft. You licked the underside of Chris’s cock, tracing each vein. “Enough teasing princess, open your mouth wide,” Colby ordered. You did as instructed, both boys guiding their cocks to your mouth. “Go on ma, suck both of us off at the same time. You can do it,” Chris cooed, stroking your hair lovingly. You tried to fit both of their tips in your mouth, their cocks too girthy to fit.
You whined as you tried to accommodate their wish, the pool between your legs only furthering as they tried to forcefully push themselves inside. “Such a good girl,” Chris praised, groaning as you licked up his slit. Colby grabbed a handful of your hair, yanking you away from their cocks. Saliva dripped off of your flattened tongue, dripping onto the floor below. Roughly he forced you onto his cock, pushing himself deep into your throat. “That’s it, such a good whore,” Colby grunted. You forced your jaw to go slack, tears flooding your waterline as he abused your throat.
Briefly he yanked you off of his cock, allowing you to intake gulps of air. “Dont be rude, you’re forgetting about Chris,” Colby said mockingly, pushing your head onto Chris’s cock. The brunette before you could’ve came right then, the sight of you deepthroating his cock enough to make him cum four times over. “Fucking hell, I need to fuck her, now,” Chris panted. You gasped for air as Colby untangled his hand from your hair, saliva trailing down your chin. Shakily you rose to your feet, Chris’s lips eager to meet yours.
He couldn’t get enough of you. Neither of them could.
“Turn around and face the mirror. Want you to watch yourself as I fuck you dumb,” Chris grunted, guiding you by your waist to turn around. You held yourself steady by placing your hands against the mirror, the feeling of Chris rubbing his tip up and down your slit sending electric shocks down your spine. You were glad you had Chris’s strong hands on your waist and the mirror to keep you upright. (Otherwise you thought you may crumble). Your eyes widened as you watched Colby kneel in front of you. “Keep your eyes up there princess,” Colby ordered. Your mouth fell open as Chris pushed himself inside of you, Colby’s lips attaching themselves to your clit.
You couldn’t control your sinful noises, one of your hands flying down to Colby’s hair. You glanced down at the man on his knees in front of you, Chris roughly smacking your ass to regain your attention. “Watch yourself ma, watch yourself fall apart for us,” He said, brushing your hair away from your neck to give himself access. You watched in the mirror as Chris pounded into you from behind, Colby’s tongue lapping at your sensitive clit with each thrust. “Oh my fucking-” You whined, your knees threatening to buckle. “Stay upright princess, we’re no where near done with you,” Colby purred, grinning as he watched your breast bounce from below.
You bit your bottom lip, Chris’s cock abusing your cunt the way he pleased. In the reflection you could see Colby pumping his cock, slowly rubbing his thumb across his slit. His blue eyes watched you as you struggled to stay standing, gripping his hair and propping yourself up against the mirror. “Feels so good, holy fuck-” You moaned, Colby’s lips reattaching themselves to your clit. You whimpered as you felt a familiar knot form in your stomach, your legs shaking.
“Awe are you gonna cum already ma?” Chris taunted, smirking as he watched your facial expression in the mirror. You couldn’t help it, your body begging for release. “Please, please let me cum,” You pleaded. You felt Colby release your clit with a pop your knees threatening to buckle. “Cum,” Colby said assertively, lapping at your clit. You nearly fell forward as you squirted, your juices coating Colby’s face. Chris continued to ram inside of you, before the satisfying feeling of his hips stuttering ensued.
You could feel him filling your cunt, Colby’s lips curled into a mischievous grin. “Holy shit, i’ve never, fucking wow,” You gasped, nervously smiling. Chris slid out of you, Colby rising to his feet. “That was so fucking hot,” He grinned, pressing his lips against yours. You could taste your juices on his tongue, grasping onto him to stay upright in your heels. Chris took a seat on the couch behind you both, slowly stroking his length to the sight in front of him. Colby roughly grabbed your ass, his fingers borderline bruising your skin.
You groaned into his mouth, trying to keep up with his roughness. “Jump for me,” Colby murmured against your lips. You briefly pulled away, attempting to catch your breath. “I’ll tear the dress,” You say. Colby picked you up anyways, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. You could hear the fabric tearing, a gasp escaping your lips. “Colby this isn’t mine-” You began, Colby’s attention turning to your neck. You whimpered as he pushed you against the mirror, pushing himself inside of you.
Your juices and Chris’s coated his cock, your walls spasming around him as you struggled to accommodate to his size. “I’ll buy you and whoever’s this is an entire fucking wardrobe,” He grunted, sloppily kissing your neck. Looking over his shoulder you could see Chris, cheeks flushed pink with his bottom lip between his teeth. His cock was in hand, his cum now used as lubricant as he jerked himself off. “Colby please, i’m sensitive,” You whined, the slightest feeling of friction against your clit making you squirm.
Colby bucked his hips inside of you, gripping you as he rammed into you. “You can handle it, give us one more,” He whispered, groaning as his tip brushed against your g spot. His thrust felt euphoric, Chris watching him fuck you senseless only making your core throb more. Colby’s hand slithered to your throat, gently pressing the sides as you moaned his name like a mantra. “Such a pretty girl, taking me like this,” He praised. He brought himself close to your ear, nibbling at your earlobe.
“Maybe next time we’ll have you take both of us at the same time,” Colby said, thrusting up into you once more. You dug your nails into his shirt, your second orgasm approaching quickly. “I can feel you squeezing me. You like that idea huh? Having both of us fuck you senseless,” Colby chuckled darkly, squeezing your throat. You babbled a mindless agreement, one of your hands flying to his wrist. “Fuck fuck fuck, just like that, please,” You whined. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you came, your cunt creaming around Colby’s shaft.
The brunette couldn’t hold back any long, thrusting into you one last time to cum deep inside of you. When your eyelids managed to flutter open you saw Chris in the same position, his hand covered in his seed. You laid your head back against the mirror, smiling as Colby released your neck. “Awe fuck that might bruise,” He mumbled. You giggled as he set you down, your legs wobbly. “It’ll be fine. I’ll pay you back next time,” You replied, still dazed. Noticing you could hardly stand, he carried you over to the couch to sit beside Chris.
Chris was quick to throw his arm around you, pulling you against his chest. “I’m trying very hard to ignore the fact we’re sitting on a cum stained couch,” Chris admitted, causing you to giggle. Colby began fixing his hair, a knock on the door making the three of you jump. Both you and Chris panicked, trying to cover yourselves. Colby signaled for you both to wait, fixing his belt. “Who is it?” He asked loudly, not answering the door.
A very drunk Sam Golbach audibly laughed. “Dude that mirror is one way glass!” He exclaimed. You felt your face turn red, instantly scurrying to pull down your dress. Colby cracked open the door as Chris attempted to clean himself up. “Why didn’t you tell us?” He demanded. Once Chris was decent Colby let him in, the blonde bright red in the face. “Relax I was about to hook up with an old friend but noticed the glass. I single handedly guarded the room with my life, scouts honor,” Sam said, holding up his hand like he was in boy scouts. You exchanged glances with Chris, who looked equally as nervous.
“Wait you didn’t-” Chris began, Sam quick to stop him.
“Gross of course not, although what I did very briefly see was very hot if that helps,” Sam said, giving you a cheeky wink. You felt yourself blush, Colby quick to give him a small slap upside the head. “Dont flirt with her when I just- Wait, hooking up with an old friend? Sam!” Colby scolded. Sam awkwardly laughed, quickly sprinting out of the room. “We agreed not to hook up with exs get back here!” Colby yelled, sighing. Colby dashed after him, leaving both you and Chris to laugh as they disappeared.
“We should probably go after them right?”
“I’d love nothing more.”
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into-the-feniverse · 3 months
Finished reading Trigun/TriMax a couple days ago and have been feverishly trying to piece together a timeline, so here’s the result of that ✨
EDIT: as of 3/13/24 this has been UPDATED
For a more detailed timeline (with vol/ch marks): google sheet
Full res of the graphic (& other resources): bit.l/trigunresources
Notes & rest of the timeline under the cut!
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Edits as of 3/13/24
The detailed spreadsheet is organized and color coded! If you'd like a more concise breakdown of events/see some of my reasoning behind certain time stamps feel free to skim through that
Changed where in the timeline the Maylene and Wolfwood events happened (originally where I had placed them would have made Maylene like 6 when she and Wolfwood reunited which is NOT correct)
moved where in the timeline Knives started collecting the GungHo Guns (at latest he started in 0090 (20 years before 0110) since it's noted that Monev has been training in a cellar for the past 20 years
Moved where Knives initially tracked down Conrad (felt like it needed to happen at least a decade before July)
Changed up some of the months (personally, I don't think the Ark launched in December, since that'd put Milly and Meryl's arrival to the colony in July, which wouldn't make sense. So I placed the ark launch in October which of course offset some of the other month stand ins)
Added an earth year for when Knives and Vash are born. The explanation is I think at minimum there was at least a 2 year period between them and Tesla (since Rem was around for that whole process). I do think it was more than that, but that’s the earliest possible year I think it could have happened. Personally I’m more in the camp of 5-10 years, but def not 50 like in tristamp
Old Notes:
If you see any typos or phrase inconsistencies: no you don’t 💕 (😭)
Blue text can be completely ignored, that’s just kinda my personal preference/wild guesstimating of when “exactly” those events happened
Blue lines can also be ignored, they’re also just rough guesstimates on where exactly in the timeline these could have happened
The distance of the lines from one another doesn’t really mean anything, I started trying to follow a system to notate when things happened really close together but it was//// not consistently done ngl
Fun fact: by the time Wolfwood leaves the orphanage Meryl is 18! And she was 14 at the time of July’s destruction
Additional fun fact: Brad is 17 when he and sensei meet up with Vash in the Factioned city (which I think is absolutely RIDICULOUS), and we know this because he was 4 the one/last time he had met Vash and it’s been 13 years since
It was noted by Karen, one of Meryl’s coworkers, that she and Milly had been on assignment with Vash for about 4 months. (Might be that they were out searching for him during that time as well, but I’m choosing to interpret it as they were actually with him for that amount of time)
I’m also working on a 98 timeline for comparison (but more like just sequence of events cause I don’t think I have the patience to sift through the lore quite as much… mainly making it just to clarify how the anime delineates from the manga)
I am//::: feeling v unhinged after this and feel like it could be improved/i need to do a more thorough read, but I’m calling it quits for now before I actually go insane (but hopefully some people will find it somewhat helpful!)
Also: if anybody has any notes to add or clarifications/corrections I would be more than happy to hear them 👂
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coffe-and-tea-time · 15 days
Lovesick! Doctor x Reader
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ You need a proper care, Dear ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
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Hi, Coffee speaking! We both got a cold and I wanted to indulge a bit, I also got a little obsession with Lovesick! Wally ngl but I choose to start with the doctor expect me to write for a Lovesick! Patient soon
Hi, Tea speaking! We actually were also saying nonsense about humanized Pepsi (my favorite soda) and 7UP (Coffee's favorite) so yeah (why does my twin drool over a muppet?)
btw, this isn't edited due to Tea still being really sick, so do expect weird sentence structure/words or misspells, sorry in advance, just one twin absorbs all the intelligence in the womb and that was certainly not me/j
tw: this dude shouldn't be a doctor, yandere behavior, drugging, manipulation, kinda paranoia? , reader doesn't know anything is happening, written in you/yours (this is just fiction, I don't really know about medications I just research a bit to write this)
It was only a cold, you just need to go to the doctor to get the certificate and maybe some paracetamol and then leave, easy, isn't it?
As you walk in the hallways of the hospital you turn right, having a hard time trying to find yourself in this big hospital, but it seems like you were right, as you bump into a doctor, your doctor.
"dear? What are you doing here? Here is no place to wander off!"
The panic in his voice is easily noticeable, as if you walk into a horror movie and choose to separate from the group without telling anyone.
“I’m sorry doctor, I just got a little disoriented here and there and ended up here..”
You don’t really get why he reacted like that, it's a hospital anyway, the worst thing that could happen is that you enter into an operating room but there is always a sign on them… I think?
“huh, I see Anyways, don’t worry, it's just that there is no place to wander around, let me guide you towards the other floor again. I will take you in right away, is that cold of yours keep bothering?”
“Yeh, it’s seems like everyday it’s getting worse, I don’t think I could be outside of my house too much without getting a bit dizzy”
You started talking about your recent problems because of your stupid cold that doesn't seem to faze away, the path to his consultory felt shorter than you could remember but well, guess it’s normal that happens when you're focused on talking, isn't it? You choose to just blame your mind and take a seat in the neat room as the doctor talks.
“Seems like the symptoms are getting worse… too much slowly”
“I’m sorry doctor, what did you say? I didn’t really catch the last part”
You say rather chill than you should, the first part was about your cold being worse, isn't it? Well, that’s true, kinda makes you wonder if it really is a cold but not wanting to sound like a hypochondriac, plus, the doctor is peacefully researching something in one of his drawers although you can't really see his face since his back is turned to you.
“Oh, I was just commenting how you are having a really rough time, I was thinking about giving you a different medication before it gets even worse. I would rather if you sit for a little, like 15 to 20 minutes before leaving after taking it, I’m really worried about you, you look lost in thought, it’s doesn't really appear like you are here with me right now…”
Well, what he says is right, your mind seems all over the place these days, good for you to have such an attentive doctor. He hands you a pill and a glass of water.
“This is Benadryl, it's just an allergy medicine, but can give some sleepiness. I ask you to sit and wait because of that, isn’t a real problem feeling sleepy but I want to make sure it doesn’t trigger your dizziness. I change the medication because I think you can have more of an allergy than a cold due to your symptoms that are also not fading away and even getting stronger, you see, it’s normal to find allergies or develop them as you grow..."
As he keeps explaining complex things, you just wonder what to blame if it happens to be the cause of an allergy as you take the pill with the help of the water. You two keep talking peacefully, as you wait for the time to pass, it seems like the doctor was right in seeing it coming that you were gonna get kinda sleepy. Does this doctor not have any other appointment or something?
“Well, and that's about it, any questions?”
You started to feel more tired, your head felt heavy, but well, the doctor warned you about it, so you try to ignore it and wait for it to just pass.
“To be honest, yes, but this is more out of personal curiosity, what was the floor where I was earlier before you found me? It was really empty for a hospital…”
… Are you moving or are things in the room suddenly alive? You get a little surprised and try to stand up to check your own condition without thinking about it though. You feel like you lost your balance, as if all around you is spinning, the doctor is fast to come beside you, ready to grab you if you happen to fall.
“Don’t worry about it, you couldn't see any people because it's a floor for rather special inpatients we deal with. Focus on you now, what’s your name? How many fingers am I holding up?”
You try to fight to keep yourself awake, yet before you could answer his questions, your vision went dark and you finally lost consciousness.
". . ."
He holds you so tenderly, avoiding your unconscious head to get hit and end up with a contusion or something like that.
“Rohypnol is really quick to act, huh? Don’t worry Dear, I will make sure you won’t need to deal with stressful stuff from today on, that would get you here in the end anyways, I’m just avoiding you some pain…”
He gently kisses your forehead before notifying through the phone in the room that someone fainted and will require admission to the hospital.
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
images from pinterest
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enhafilthandfiction · 11 months
enhypen hyung line reacting when you get needy while they're playing games on their computer, so you straddle on their lap (and possibly grinding on them immediately :p) ??
You getting needy when Hyung Line are gaming </3
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A/N : Hello! I rly enjoyed writing this, thanku for requesting anon! Ngl, i felt horny re-reading Jake's scenario lmaoo. Happy reading!
Pairing : Bf!HyungLine X Fem!Reader
Warnings : Reader is needy/horny, tittes, kissing, making out, boners, grinding, mentions of fucking, thigh riding, fingering, cockwarming, Hoon is a little mean, degrading names, oral (m.receiving), simp rant in Jake's (which is why it is longer).
Word Count : 1,690 Words (about 425 words each)
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» Lee Heeseung « The one that's just as needy as you so he gives up on playing and just fucks you
Bored out of your mind, you go up to your boyfriend's room only to find him sadly glued to his stupid game. He barely even acknowledges you, eyes squinted as his fingers move over the joystick.
You pout and move closer to him, but he still doesn't take his eyes off the screen. You decide to take matters into your own hands, walking over to his gaming chair and sliding under his arms until you're in his lap.
He jumps when he feels you on him, your view suddenly blocking his screen. "Oh hi baby" he smiles up at you, leaning up to give you a small kiss. You kiss him back, grinding your needy hips down on him.
He notices in an instant, realising that you must be horny and he furrows his eyebrows. "Just one last game okay?" he asks you with a small smile, making you roll you eyes but nod.
You let him play another round but it takes too long, every time his hands which were around your waist squeeze you a little too much or his tongue darts out to lick his lips in concentration, you find yourself squeezing your thighs together helplessly.
"Please Hee" you beg when it gets too much, but he doesn't seem to hear you, the sound of gunshots filling his headset. As soon as his character is on cool down (?) you gently grasp one of his hands and bring it up to you chest, making him feel your braless tits. "Fuckkk" he groans at how soft your tit feels in his large palms, his cock already twitching in his pants.
You grind on his growing bulge at his groans, wanting some relief. He mutes his mic and leans up to kiss you, his hands letting go of the controller to slide under your shirt, feeling your tits. His tongue enters your mouth and with the game long forgotten, you two start making out.
He can hear his friends yell at him from the headset but he shrugs. "You know what, fuck this" he says, taking off the headset and turning off the game despite his bandmate's complains.
He wraps his hands around your waist and lifts you up, gently throwing you on his bed as he starts removing your clothes. "Gonna fuck you so well baby" he promises "That's what good girls get for being patient"
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» Park Jay « The one that won't give up on his game just like that, so instead he lets you use his body to get some relief
"Jayy" you whine for the millionth time "I need you".
He's been telling you to wait for the longest time now, being too addicted to this new game. All you could do was roll around on his bed and try to not touch yourself at the sight of his skilled fingers moving smoothly along the keyboard, wishing they were inside you.
Your panties were practically soaked and you couldn't take it anymore. You got up and walked over to his chair, climbing on his lap. You slid one side of his headphones back, leaning closer to whisper in his ear. "Jay, I'm so wet for you" you practically moaned, kissing the side of his neck.
"I've promised them I'll play baby, they'll never let me live it down if I break my promise" he explains with a pout, referring to his playful bandmates who acted like children sometimes. "Here" he placed his hands on your waist, moving you so that you were partly straddling him, you core right on his firm thigh.
You got the message and started grinding against his muscular thigh, your hands on his shoulder for support. He goes back to his game but checks up on you sometimes.
"That's it baby, there we go" he grips your hips helping you move until the new game starts. You close your eyes in pleasure, letting him guide your hips harder on him.
You clench around nothing as your clothed clit brushed against his flexed thigh, the pressure of your body feeling too good. He kisses the side of your neck praising you some more until you cum in your panties. "I'll take proper care of you when I'm done, princess".
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» Sim Jake « The one who's just as needy but still loves his stupid game too much so he ends up making you cock-warm him
You couldn't help but admire his side profile and wonder how perfect his nose is for grinding against it as you ride his face.
You couldn't help but watch as he bit his plush lips proudly when he won a though game, wondering how good they would feel kissing your neck or wrapped around your clit, sucking softly.
You couldn't help but observe his hands and the way he held the controller, thumbs circling the joystick just like they circle your nipples or your clit. You watch his prominent veins as he grips the controller harder, wishing his hands were griping your neck instead.
You couldn't help but listen to his little mumbles in that sexy Australian accent of his, remembering how deeper his voice gets when he's whispering all the filthy things he wants to do to you.
You squeeze your thighs together as your face heats up thinking of all these things. You're suddenly feeling very (very, very) needy and horny for him and his thick cock. So, you make your way over to his gaming chair, hopping on him and hugging him close to you.
As he continues mindlessly playing, you take a deep whiff of his expensive cologne as it fills your nostrils. Fuck, he even smelled good. "Jakeyy" you start off, voice muffled in his hoodie. "Want you" you admit shyly, hoping that he heard you.
"Hm? Is my baby feeling needy?" he teases, looking up at you softly. You nod your head, looking at the ground as your cheeks heat up. "Aww baby, you're so cute"
One of his hands slides down your body to your heat, rubbing soft circles to your clothed core as you squirm on top of him. "Take these off for me baby" he orders, referring to your panties, not quite paying attention to his game anymore.
You hastily slide them off your hips and lift one leg at a time to remove them, straddling him again once they're off. "Good girl, now spread your legs a little wider" his hands grip your inner thigh, parting your thighs a little more. "Yeah, just like that"
His rough fingers make their way to your clit again, rubbing quick circles as you moan out and squirm on his lap. He thanks god that he's not playing online with his friends, cause they would've heard you for sure.
When he notices that you're wet enough to take him, he lifts his hips up, sliding down his sweats along with his underwear to his ankles. He positions his cock at your entrance, making you whine out when he rubs his head along your clit. "Now listen to me baby, you're not going to move until I tell you to, kay?" he warns, making you pout "I still have a game to finish"
You slide down on his cock and sigh out in pleasure, gripping his shoulders. His breath hitches as he grabs the controller again and resumes his game. You bury your face in his neck and try not to clench around him too much or he won't let you cum. The longer you hold back, the more you wish his stupid game was over.
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» Park Sunghoon « The one who tells you to shut up because his friends will hear you, but when you don't, he ends up shutting you up with his cock
"Hoonieee" you whine again and he lets out another sigh.
"Gosh baby, you're so needy" he says rolling his eyes. You knew he was just teasing you, loving how desperate you were for his cock. "Can you at least quiet down? You don't want my friends to hear what a desperate slut you are now, do you?" he asks with a muted mic.
Before you can say anything you see him unmute his mic, making you roll your eyes as he focuses back on the game and pretty much ignores you.
Sometimes he was difficult like this, taking his teasing a little too far. You were envious of his self control, until you realised that he had a prominent boner; he wasn't as chill as he thought he was.
You wanted revenge. If he didn't want his friends hearing you, they were going to hear him. You grinded down, purposely right on his hard on, making him let out a chocked moan as he looks at you with wide eyes, soon giving you a dark stare, warning you.
You did it again, even let your hands wander down to his crotch, gently palming and squeezing him. "That's it" you see him mute his mic again as he takes off his headset. "Get on your knees now or your punishment gets worse" he said with a stern look.
You plastered a victorious smile on your face, taking your time to get down on the floor in front of him and opening your mouth before he even told you to. His dick twitched at the sight of you knelt before him with your mouth wide open, ready for him.
He led his cock towards your mouth, placing it on your tongue like some sort of pacifier. "Yeah, just like that, suck." he ordered, shutting you up and going back to his game. You sucked on his tip, then tried to fit him all in your mouth, stroking what you couldn't fit in.
If you weren't lying, you weren't bored anymore, his precum and soft sounds being satisfying enough for you. Once he was done playing and turned off his game, he gently held your face, his hips thrusting into your mouth, fucking your face. Not long after, he came in your mouth, being already stimulated from before. Without him even telling you, you swallowed all of his release, making him smile proudly.
"Good fucking girl, you earned a reward"
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Hellooo, thanks for reading to the bottom, I hope you enjoyed it! This might be the last post I'm posting for now, but i'll be back soon dw :) Have a great day/night and remember that ily <333
If you enjoyed reading this post, you can support my blog by tipping me here! Anything is really appreciated :)
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simplyreveries · 4 months
Hi I'm back lol (The person that requested the autistic reader that likes lights thing lol)
Can I request one of an autistic reader who's special intrest is like all things Wonderland related (like talks obsessively about it and relates everything back to the topic) with Riddle, Jamil and (platonic) Grimm?
Ngl I'm tempted to do one of those "(fill in the blank emoji) anon" thing lol
hii ty for the request!! and i totally would love to have another emoji anon, you should do it if you want to!<3
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riddle rosehearts
riddle can understand your piqued interest in this world, as you're not even from it-! he is happy to see you absorbing and trying to take in and understand everything about twisted wonderland. the species, cultures, lands, magic- there's simply so much. He would be happy to share about all he knows, though he has held more of a sheltered youth, he still has spent his life here if you want to listen to any of his stories and history that he knows of.
he will always listen to you quite intently whenever you're talking about this world, he really finds it admirable how much you’ve gone into learning about this place. sometimes he adds his own comments as well, he enjoys discussing it with you- and even seeing your own side as a complete foreigner to this world. It's interesting seeing your own perspective. he has a gentle smile on his face as he listens (trust me he is 100% paying attention,, he loves listening to you ramble and talk).
notices your knack for collecting things, you tend to enjoy telling the story and fascination of trinkets and souvenirs you've kept along your time in twisted wonderland and he asks about the ones he finds set in your room at ramshackle quite often. it seems you've been able to gather things from everywhere you've visited!
jamil viper
he sometimes forgets that you’re completely unused to this world and are so interested in and learning more. jamil has grown so used to it he doesn't believe things you’ll be amazed at are shocking- he finds it cute. he likes seeing you light up and tell him about something new you learned and more you want to find out. he will talk a little, but he enjoys listening to you as he hums and nods, he loves your interest and desire to only learn more about this unknown world to you.
jamil will totally plan a trip to his homelands with you, he is more than willing to be your own tour guide as you follow him around and he shows you everything there- especially regarding his own culture and way of life in scalding sands. he will share the magic and myths that tend to lie around those parts and have an amused smile on his face when you only want to see more.
he is a little surprised to see you watching so intently and curiously when he's doing something such as potion making, once again it's something that feels normal to him. he'll raise his eyebrow and smile gesturing you to come over and ask if you'd like to help him get the ingredients he needs. you already seem like you know exactly what he'd need anyway, as you light up and remember the kinds of plants you were learning about in this world as of recently! haha
grim gets so confused on how you find trein; history class so intriguing and fun, he practically complains and almost falls asleep most of the time. not going to lie though he was a little surprised at first when you're usually the first to answer questions regarding twisted wonderland and getting them right- you're just a magicless human?? from another world?? and yet you easily surprise students around you.
he may groan a little when you take so long to pull away from places like the school's library or the botanical garden. sometimes you may hear him make some comment like "eh? i heard trey talking about these..." or something because he himself is learning too.
when you're talking excitedly to the ghosts at ramshackle about their experiences and their lives grim finds himself perking up and listening as well. he also notices your love for the ghost camera crowley gave you, as you tend to take pictures of anything you find interesting in this world. when he's looking at all the pictures you've taken, he finds himself reminiscing and laughing with you as you tell him all about them.
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pocoyo-yo · 1 year
SUMMARY: when toji anime concept art dropped millions of panties dropped around the globe
WARNINGS: smut, fem!bodied reader, slight daddy kink, praise kink, degradtion, breeding kink, slight breath play/slight choking, fingering, mating press (pos.), unprotected sex, creampie, slight lactation, mentions of preganacy, sorta.. kinda baby trapping, petnames (baby, ma, pretty girl, daddy) toji is a toxic, manipulitive baby daddy ngl
BABY-DADDY TOJI who knows you can't live without him. who knows he's the only one who can keep you satisfied.
you complain about him and yet you let him in. everytime he uses the same excuse as to why he's there 'just wanna see the baby, nothing more'.
he finds himself playing with the one year old daughter you two shared, catching you giving him glances here or there. you may not have even known it yet, but he could tell you were needy. your breathing pattern, the fact you had your thighs pressed so tightly together, it was so obvious you wanted him to fuck another baby in to you.
"megumi 'nd tsumiki miss you," he tells you while playing patty-cake with his baby girl. it wasn't a lie either, the two did prefer you compared to toji's previous girlfriends (if you could call them that)— shit, tsumiki preferred you over her own mother. "they keep askin' about lyric.. they wanna spend time with their lil sister.."
you attempted to make a point, "they can see her when it's your days," you added. "but i do miss them too.. they're very sweet kids, nothin' like you."
toji scoffed, "yeah? but i still made megumi just like i made lyric.. they're somethin' like me, and besides,"
he held up lyric and placed her face next to his own.. a smug smirk on his scarred lips.
"doesn't she look just like daddy.."
BABY-DADDY TOJI who sloppily makes-out with you on the couch after you put the baby for a nap. one hand squeezing your jaw and the other cupping your pussy while he thrusts two thick fingers inside of your weeping hole.
"talk to me, ma," his fingers curled, pressing firmly into that spongey spot within your walls while rubbing your clit with his thumb. "talk to me.." he huffed in between kisses.
your hips jumped as you rolled yourself on his fingers, trying to apply more pressure to that spot.
"feels s'good toj'.." you whimpered and dug your heels into his shoulder blades. he forced your face back from his, making sure you could lock eyes with him. those same emerald eyes your daughter had inherited.
"mhm i know, pretty girl," his strong hands squeezed your cheeks together, your lips were swollen from the kissing, and tears clung to your lashes. you were just too fuckin cute. "nobody can please this spoiled lil pussy like i can, yeah? .. not even you, ma.." he chuckled as your eyes flicked back in your head, his movements had become faster and his fingers pushed deeper than before.
your hips bucked erratically, trying to chase your approaching high. you babbled on moans as your arousal rolled down his knuckles. your pathetically wet pussy was all you could hear besides your own whimpers.
"nobody," you cried. "nobody but you daddy.."
you bit down on your bottom lip, trying to supress your moans and not wake the baby while you squirmed from the overwhelming pleasure.
"did ya miss me as much as i missed ya? fuck.. how bad was it─ not bein' able to make yourself cum like i do─ like daddy does?" he asked, groaning at the sight of your puffy pussy growing bruised from how hard he was fingering you.
"soo bad.. so so bad," you moaned, his grip on your face loosening. "you reach so fuckin' deep.. make me feel so good, toji.. missed you so much.."
your voice quivered, "toji.. i need it bad.."
"need what, ma?" he asked you.
"need," you sniffled. "need your dick, toj'.."
he scoffed, "i know but i gotta prep you," he chewed on his inner cheek as you slid your hand under your tanktop and began playing with your sensitive tits. "just cum on my fingers and i'll give it to you.. i know how needy you've been without me, ma. my poor baby's been sufferin without this dick, yeah?"
you whined, "that's it..?"
"that's it," he kissed your nose. "that's all daddy wants.."
BABY-DADDY TOJI who has you so cock drunk that he had to cover your mouth 'cause at that point you didn't even consider the fact you'd wake the baby.
but he couldn't blame you.
it had been about five months since he fucked you and right now it seemed like, even with prep, he was splitting your lil cunt in two.
it was a sloppy mess down there, you had forgotten how many times you had creamed around his cock.. but it was enough that it made each thrust make a wet, gushy squech-like noise.
only he had you like this.. so pathetic and desperate for a man's dick.
but it wasn't just that alone, of course he was blessed with a big ass dick, but toji actually knew how to fuck. he knew where to touch, what to tease, how fast or how slow he should go to get the ideal reaction from you.
"so fuckin messy," he grinned, a thin layer of sweat coating his skin as his heavy balls slapped repeatedly against your ass. toji found himself slipping out of you and he rubbed the tip of his cock over your clit. ".. so fuckin sensitive.."
you whined and bucked your hips against him til he finally pushed his cock back into the warmth of your gummy walls.
"you love this dick don't you, ma?" toji grunted, pulling his hand down so that you could speak.
his tip kissed your cervix and you gasped, "love it so much, toji!"
"ya can't live without this dick, can ya? just gotta fuckin' have it like a lil addict," toji chuckles, his thrusts grew harsher and more precise by the second. "what? you addicted to this dick, baby?"
you sobbed, "m─ mhm!"
"at that point then," his hand snaked around your throat. your thighs were now pressed firmly against your leaking breasts.. your pussy spread open and getting fucked 'til it was turning red. "might as well call this my fuckin cunt.. 'cause you can't please it properly without me.." toji huffed, squeezing your throat just a bit.
"it's," you whimpered. "it's your cunt, toji.. only yours!"
you could feel yourself coming to another orgasm.. your entire body was feeling it─ feeling him. that was his effect. every nerve, fiber, and ounce of your being could feel him when he fucked you. shit, even when he wasn't fucking you. lyric was an perfect example of the fact that toji was never going to be out of your life for good.
"missed you so much.. oh m'gonna cum! m'gonna cum again toji.." you warned him, clawing at his chest as your tits bounced with the newfound speed of his thrusts.
"fuck, just wait a sec, ma.." he rasped.
"can't," you whined. "gotta cum now.. please!"
he squeezed your throat tightly and groaned, "listen to me," you gasped for air as tears rolled down your hot cheeks. "do ya love me, baby?"
you blinked tears away as air filled your lungs once again..
"y.. yes, I love you too much toji.." you admitted.
"love ya too, ma," he smirked. "let me cum inside this pussy, yeah? let me make sure every man who looks at you knows i've been inside this pretty pussy.."
you let out one final gasp as you gushed around toji's cock for maybe the fourth time already, and in response to your cunt spasming around him he buried his cock deep inside you, shuddering as he let his jaw hang low and thick ropes of cum painted your inner walls.
toji kissed your calves while kneading your bare tits as you tried to collect your thoughts.
but only one echoed throughout your mind
everything hurts.
BABY-DADDY TOJI who laid next to you in your bed, letting you rest on his chest. his lips pressed into your forehead while holding you close, softened cock nestled in your walls.
"toji.." you mumbled, voice hoarse.
"yeah, ma?"
"i'm not on bc.." you confessed shyly.
BABY-DADDY TOJI who fucks you to sleep raw after hearing those words, making sure he claimed you on on every surface of your apartment before your daughter finally sturrs awake. he mumbles something about you resting.. and that he'll take care of her til you wake.
that familiar smug look on his face as he watches globs of his cum drip from your hole.
he knows good and well that he finally had you.. he finally caught you with your gaurd down..
now you were for sure stuck with him 'cause after all that, baby number two was definitely guaranteed.
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messrmoonyy · 6 months
Road trip
Tess Servopoulos x Reader
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Request- hear me out messr please. Reader along for the ride with Tess Joel and Ellie looking for fireflies. One night they’re holed up in some random house somewhere and Tess and reader need so relief. And they get busyyyyyyy but have to be quiet because Joel and Ellie might hear them. Tess with her hand on your mouth and fucking you and trapping her moans in your mouth🤤🤤 PLEASE
A/n- ngl. I’ve rewritten it twice. And I still don’t particularly like it allll that much. But I promised you guys these smutober posts and now it’s November so I’m v v sorry. But here’s the last smutober post. Enjoy. Smuts on the shorter side but it felt fitting for the scene!
Word count: 3.7k
Warnings: 18+ | smut- fingering ( r receiving)
Navigation | AO3 | Tess masterlist
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“ I’m starving “ Ellie complained for what felt like the millionth time, dragging out her words and dramatically slumping over as she walked with a groan. It made a smile tug at your lips as you watched her in amusement, a glance over at Tess showing she had the same look on her face.
That only made you smile more. Tess had grown an incredibly soft spot for the kid over the months. In fact she’d had a soft spot for her from the very beginning. If it hadn’t have been for her none of you would even be stood where you were now.
Wherever there was.
“ where even are we? “ Ellie asked, hanging back from Joel a little to then look up at you and Tess. As if reading your mind.
“ oh somewhere in Iowa I think. Joel? “
“ Iowa “ he confirmed from the front of the group “ keep up “ Jackson felt forever away, you were all putting in long long days of walking. Taking longer routes to avoid big cities, traipsing through back roads and woodland. You had suggested trying to find a car. Joel hadn’t even given you an answer to that, just one of his looks that said ‘ are you fucking with me right now? ‘
You knew it’d be damn near impossible to find one that still worked but you’d suggest anything to get a break from all that damn walking.
“ you ever been to Iowa? “ Ellie asked, kicking a rock along the ground as she walked beside you. The poor kid looked exhausted. Sometimes you forgot how young she was.
“ no. I never really did any travelling until the world ended. And if I had I don’t think Iowa would’ve been at the top of my list “ you said with a laugh and she nodded, but yawned before she could say anything else. You sighed and placed a gentle hand to her shoulder “ you wanna stop kid? “ she glanced over at where Joel had stopped walking and tried to straighten her self out a little more.
“ I’m not even tired “ you sighed again and rolled your eyes. She seemed hell bent on impressing Joel. Like she had some need to prove to him that she was much stronger than she looked, that she could handle herself. She seemed to forget she was just a kid. And an entire day of walking, plus the fact that she was hungry? It was time to stop.
“ Joel lemme see that map “ Tess piped up, beckoning for it with her fingers before just taking the map from him before he could even agree to it.
“ we still got at least another hour of light we should keep- “
“ I’m tired too “ you interrupted. In truth you thought maybe you could hack another hour or so before you dropped. You were exhausted but you could keep going if you had to. But Ellie couldn’t and two voices were better than one. Ellie needed to sleep. Even if she refused to admit it to Joel herself. Tess glanced over at you, a slight warm look in her eyes as she realised why you had said it.
You were seeing that warmth a little more the longer she was around Ellie. A warmth she’d buried for so long, that only you got to really see, finally being pulled up to the surface.
Some deep rooted motherly instinct to protect this scrappy little kid that was now in your care. Ellie was making her soft. And maybe you too.
“ there’s a small town about a mile that way “ she said and nodded in the direction of the town “ I doubt there’d be any infected we’re in the middle of fuckin nowhere. And it’s so small it’s barely even a town… head into one of the neighbourhoods on the outskirts. Bunk down in one of the houses for the night. Set off early again tomorrow morning “ Joel gave a small sigh before glancing at Ellie and nodding.
“ alright. Let’s go “ you pretended not to catch the look of relief that flashed across Ellie’s face as you ushered her to walk in front of you. Joel led the way and Tess fell into position next to you at the back. She looked tired too. Everyone was fucking tired, you’d like to bet Joel was too. He was just stubborn as fuck about… well everything. But then again, so was Tess. Trying to get either of them to rest for the entire journey had been a mission in itself.
“ this means we can eat soon right? “ you chuckled and nodded
“ we have some of those tins of ravioli you like. Oh and I have some rabbit left over, you can have mine if you want “ she looked quite pleased with that knowledge and seemed to walk a little faster.
“ did you eat today? “ Tess said quietly by your side as Ellie caught up with Joel, ready to hit him with a million and one questions now “ I didn’t see you have anything this mornin and you’re giving Ellie the meat… “ you shrugged and rubbed at your temples lightly, a headache settling itself in. You were tired and tense and hungry. And now the thought of stopping for the day was fully in your mind, you were realising just how tense every single muscle in your body was. Maybe you couldn’t have made it another hour or two.
“ I’ll eat when we stop “ you said and gave her a soft smile as if that would make her believe you more.
In truth your hunger wasn’t the worst thing. It was the fact that you were getting a little homesick.
That shitty Boston apartment and your equally as shitty bed. It was barely big enough to fit the two of you in, was propped up on one side with bricks, but you kinda liked that because it meant you had to sleep wrapped up in Tess’ arms each night. The QZ wasn’t exactly stress free but it was a lot less taxing than traipsing across the country with a kid.
You’d deal with FEDRA fucks and wannabe smugglers over hunters and slavers any day. You missed walking around the QZ with some air of power with Tess, then going back home and spending the evening de stressing from the day with her. The comfortable silence as you counted cards, getting her to lift the two floorboards in the back corner behind the couch to stash your pills. Letting her ease your aching body after particularly stressful days, easing away the ache of bruises with her lips and her fingers.
It had been weeks since you’d had any form of… de stressing with Tess. Of any kind. But particularly the latter.
And the last time hadn’t exactly been anything to shout about either. Needing to have it over and done with as fast as possible before Joel wondered why you’d both been out hunting so long. You’d only just about lost the bruises on your back from where she’d pushed you up against the closest tree the second she deemed you both far enough away from Joel and Ellie’s earshot.
It wasn’t exactly special or even particularly comfortable. It had felt dirty and obscene, to have her fucking you out in the open like that. But you’d gladly take the opportunity again. The things you would do to be back there again, her hand down the front of your jeans and her lips on your neck. Or better yet back in Boston and your shitty apartment, to feel her hands on you. Or her mouth. Or both.
Yeah. Both.
That would definitely ease your achy muscles.
“ sweetheart? “ you glanced over at her and she chuckled at the clearly evident look of confusion on your face
“ huh? “
“ you okay? We’re almost there you need to focus, yeah? “
“ yeah. Yeah. I’m good. I’m focussed. Sorry “ you pushed away the thoughts of your girlfriends skilful hands and mouth, and grabbed your gun from where it was strapped to your thigh.
You could see the small neighbourhood you were heading into at the bottom of the hill, it looked empty. But you could never be too sure In the current climate.
You felt the air shift between your group, everyone preparing for the worst in case there were people lurking in the town. Sticking close to the tree line and keeping your eyes on the windows. The high spots. Looking for any sign of a face or a gun.
“ stay close Ellie “ Tess said in a low voice, the girl instantly moving behind you. You, Joel and Tess were a well oiled machine by that point. It was only natural after so many years as a team. You could anticipate each others moves and thoughts, silently communicate with simple looks. It worked well.
The town seemed abandoned. Most of the buildings collapsing in on themselves, windows smashed and the roof tiles missing. There were one or two in the close vicinity that seemed a little more structurally stable. Joel headed for the one closest pointing for you and Tess to take the back whilst he went for the front.
Ellie stuck close to Tess as you made your way towards the back door, trying the handle to find it unlocked. That was a good sign. You opened it and stepped inside, no noise traps. No actual traps. All good signs.
You cleared the downstairs pretty quickly, finding no one there. In fact it seemed as though no one had been there for years. Thick layers of dust only now disturbed by your boots, the feeling of just… emptiness.
Joel returned from clearing the upstairs and gave a small nod.
“ clear “
You all made your way into the garage, silently agreeing that it was the safest spot to sleep. One door into the house and the garage door that nobody could possibly open silently enough not to alarm anyone.
Joel and Tess found one mattress upstairs that wasn’t completely rotten, placing it in the middle for Ellie. You, Tess and Joel opted for the floor. Using the thin blankets you’d taken from Henry and Sams packs back in Pittsburgh. You were almost used to laying on the hard ground now. So you didn’t really even mind. And Tess’ body warmth was enough to chase the chill away.
Ellie devoured the rabbit and her tin of ravioli, scraping out every last drop of sauce she could and still not looking entirely satisfied. You attempted to offer her the rest of yours but Tess stopped you before you could even say the first word in your sentence, placing her hand on yours to keep you in place. And then offering the kid her own.
“ Ellie. Here “
“ it’s okay I’m- “
“ take it. It’s fine “ she took it sheepishly and whispered a thank you before devouring that too. You placed yours into her hands then “ you need- “
“ we can share “ Tess was stubborn but so were you. And Tess sighed with a nod, taking the fork from you and having a bite. Passing the fork back and forth until the tin was empty. You still weren’t particularly full. But you were used to that too.
Ellie passed out ridiculously fast, making you smile at how at ease she looked even in the current circumstances. Joel disappeared briefly back into the house, sounds of broken glass scattering on the floor before returning. He barricaded the door leading back into the house before turning his back to you all, laying down facing the door with a grumbled goodnight.
You chose a spot in the opposite corner of the room to sleep, always feeling safer when no one could sneak up behind you. You felt safer than you had for the majority of the journey, the singular door out blocked. The windows on the garage door too small to fit anyone through. You could all hopefully get some decent sleep.
You settled under the blanket as Tess unlaced her boots slightly. She never took them off now, in case you needed to make a quick escape. Just loosened the laces. You looked over at Ellie fast asleep on the mattress and silently wished there had been another one to use, the concrete of the floor not exactly comfortable. But still, you were all safe as could be. That was all that mattered really.
Tess scooted down behind you, pulling you back against her chest and sliding her arms around you. So she could keep you close and warm, a deep sigh leaving her and tickling the back of your neck. She’d bundled up her jacket to use as some kind of pillow for you, but she also nudged her arm under your head to keep you off the concrete as much as possible.
“ you doing okay? “ she asked quietly, pressing her face to the back of your neck
“ I’m okay “
“ really? you’re so tense “ Tess said quietly, her fingers tracing up and down your side lightly “ you have been all day “
“ my muscles hurt “ you confessed in a whisper as not to wake up Joel or Ellie “ my whole body hurts “
“ oh sweetheart “ she sighed, kissing the back of your neck softly “ you need to relax “ she murmured against your ear, her lips brushing against your skin and her warm breath making goosebumps rise “ I can help you relax “
Her fingers pressed harder, pushing at your aching muscles through your clothes in a way that actually did offer a small amount of relief.
“ good? “ you hummed an answer, pretty sure you could fall asleep like that. Close your eyes and think hard enough to pretend you were back in Boston, that she was easing the pain after a long day on one of the food depot shifts. Lifting and hauling boxes all day, always going home after that assignment feeling like you’d been hit by a truck.
More often than not it ended with her wandering hands making you come over and over again, because according to her it was the best cure for aching muscles. You didn’t know if you entirely believed her logic, but you weren’t exactly going to complain about it.
Her fingers slipped under your sweater and you shivered at the coldness of her touch, but soon let out a soft sigh as she moved upwards. She unashamedly groped at your chest through the material of your bra, a small involuntary whimper escaping your lips.
“ maybe helping me to relax at the same time “ she mumbled, making a smile tug at your lips. You felt her let out a steady sigh, the warm air tickling your neck. Joel shuffled slightly in his sleep and your froze but Tess didn’t stop “ s’okay he’s still asleep “
You wondered just how desperate she was for you to the fact that she had so little fear at being caught. It made your face flush with heat and your back arch involuntarily against her. Her hand immediately left its position under your sweater and flew to your hip, pulling you back against her and squeezing.
“ I wish you could fuck me “ you whispered in practically one breath, horniness starting to cloud your better judgement
“ yeah? “ her voice was that low, sultry tone that felt like warm caramel. Slow and drawn out, warmth flowing over your despite the cold “ missing mommy’s cock baby? “ a whimper slipped past your lips without your permission again, your eyes darting to Ellie and Joel in fear you’d been too loud. Of course you hadn’t. And both of them remained fast asleep
“ Tess- “ you cut yourself off as her hand danced along the waist band of your jeans, pressing soft kisses to your neck. You felt your skin prickle, immediately knowing what she wanted to do. The cold of the concrete no longer affecting you. And as much as you wanted it, you knew you couldn’t. Not there.
“ we can’t “
“ we can. Just be quiet “ you could hear the smile in her voice, feel it against your skin as she wasted no time and carefully undid the button of your jeans, one handed and skilful in a way you hadn’t quite mastered yet, still pressing those soft wet kisses to your neck.
“ Tess… “
“ stay quiet yeah? “ she whispered as she pressed the palm of her hand against your underwear, making your breath hitch at the pressure. Her finger traced along your slit through the materiel. You felt her smile against your neck as she slipped her way past the cotton restraints, noting that as much as she clearly wanted to do it she also didn’t want to waste any time.
So she was quick with moving her finger between your folds, breath stuttering as you tried to remain quiet and calm. As much as you’d said only a second ago that you couldn’t do it, you found yourself moving your leg to let her have better access. It only made her smile more “ thought you said we can’t do it?” She murmured softly, some mixture of smugness and amusement in her tone.
“ shut up “ honestly though it was you that needed to shut up, gasping a little too loudly when her fingers applied a little more pressure.
Maybe it was a good thing that she clearly needed it over with quickly, because you weren’t confident in your ability to be silent. At all. In fact it was a running joke with her and Joel that you were notoriously bad at being quiet. Joel had complained so many times that he could hear you through the walls. Mostly that just encouraged Tess to make you be ten times louder though.
But thankfully for you- and probably Joel too- you were both in no situation to be loud or draw things out tonight. And she knew your body better than you, so as much as she was able to draw it out for hours. She could also have it over in minutes.
You gasped when her fingers circled your clit, slightly embarrassed by how wet her fingers felt after barely a minute of touching you. You got turned in ridiculously fast “ shh shhh be a good girl nice and quiet. Nice and quiet for me “ she urged, voice still silky and soft.
“ I’ve been thinking about this for so long “ you whispered, eyes falling closed as you focussed on the skilful movement of her fingers. Working at you expertly even within the tricky confides of your unbuttoned jeans.
“ is that where you keep going when you zone out? “ she asked with a small laugh. Maybe you weren’t as subtle as you thought you were. At least no one knew what you were actually thinking. The last thing you needed was someone in your head seeing all the filthy things you daydreamed about Tess doing to you…
“ maybe “ she laughed again, but it soon fell into a slightly frustrated sigh.
“ the second we reach Jackson we are finding a bed “ she mumbled, shifting around behind you and seemingly trying to reposition her hand to be more comfortable “ or. Anywhere that I can actually get your fuckin naked “
“ hmm that’d be nic- Tess “ you gasped her name as finally seemed to get her hand into a position that she could get into the perfect spot. The perfect rhythm.
“ there we go “ she picked up the speed, lips attacking your neck at the same time in a utterly dizzying combination. You pressed the back of your hand to your mouth to try stifle any sound that wanted to escape. You were hyper sensitive to every sound. Like somehow your heavy breaths would wake Joel and Ellie , or rustle of the blanket. As if he wasn’t half deaf and Ellie slept like a log.
But somehow that element of fear was twisting into something different, some burning hot type of adrenaline pricking over your skin. Paired with the way Tess was working at your desperate, throbbing clit? You were a goner, already feeling the pressure building and it had barely been a few minutes.
“ you know what else I can’t wait for in Jackson? Hm? I cant wait to hear your pretty sounds again “ you whimpered at the thought. Remembering every filthy word Tess liked to say to you to make you moan, how she would have the smuggest look on her face with every whimper and whine. Showering you in praise for every little noise that passed your lips “ you always sound so pretty for me don’t you baby? “
Your mind replayed as many memories of those times in your head as it could, memories of her words. Her body. God you wanted to see her body again. Wanted to touch her and feel her skin pressing against your own in as many spots as humanly possible. You wanted to bury your face between her legs and never ever leave, make up for lost time and have her make it right back up to you too.
The thought of that, paired with her fingers and lips nipping at your neck, was enough to topple you over the edge.
You trapped her hand between your legs, focusing on trying to stay quiet, shuddering breaths hidden by the thin blanket pulled up to your mouth. You were never more thankful for Joel’s busted ear.
You turned your head, looping your arm around to pull her lips onto yours, not so confident in your ability to remain quiet as you finished. And even with Joel’s shitty hearing and the blanket.
She had the worlds smuggest smile as you moaned softly into her mouth, keeping her hand between your legs as your orgasm washed over you in a draining wave.
It zapped every single last drop of energy you had left in your body, muscles like jelly as you let her go. And in her defence. You were certainly less tense than you had been before.
“ thank you “ you mumbled, eyelids heavy as you tried to not immediately give in to sleep. Tess chuckled slightly and kissed your cheek, withdrawing her hand from your jeans.
“ thanking me for sex now? You really are tired “ you hummed some attempt at an answer and she laughed again, holding you tightly against her “ go to sleep “
“ I owe you one “ Tess smiled and pressed another kiss to your cheek
“ you sure do “
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a-certain-romance · 1 year
sharing more housewife reader and making people happy fr
this time we got ladies w dicks to make it more intesting
dehya loves her house wife after awhile of being a merc and not being able to see her housewife and catching her ass in the kitchen she just has to bend you over and pull you head a bit while her dick is deep in you doggy style
then we have candace who would be falling inlove with the scent you bring to her house and cooking and cleaning whenever the villiage needed to be proctected just makes her want to 69 with you just so you cna enjoy her dick while also being pleasured at the same time<3
beidou and house wife reader mean that their gonna be dealing with their drunk wife(beidou) 24/7 beidou apperciaite whenever you take care of her while shes drunk and she loves her hard working wife so hard she hates the fact shes been ignoringnyou for drinks so in the small wave riders she fucks you deep and content letting you cock warm her and move your hips against her to just sob and beg her to just doggy style you instead of driving the boat but you arent lifting a finger till your at the island shes gonna fuck you at
jean and lisa w house wife reader is magical like lisa is very teasing and makes you moan every single time she slowly gropes you however for jean you can lay on her lap for hours being cormftable on her thigh without her knowing sometimes (but she does notice and kinda finds it cute) whenever yohr truly all in the mood lisa is on anal while jean just rubs infront of you so you can slowly suck on her sadly jean is a bit rough she doesnt it mean it tho!!:(( lisa always cormforts her by giving you or a her soft kiss and kissing your tears away whenever jean pounds you they can be so rough sometimes
ngl next is teacher reader and a kid falls inlove w them so jealous jealous jealous!!
A/N: I. Love. Long. Asks. Housewife anon ily & u read my mind I was just about to say u need a name atp! This is the most tags I’ve ever used on a fic haha. Also my tumblr is acting weird and I can’t see the words I pasted so pink font here we go.
Warnings: Smut written by a minor, anal (Deyha)(Beidou)(Lisa), Hair pulling (Deyha), 69 position (Candace), Oral R giving (Candace)(Jean), Confined spaces (Beidou), Creampie (Beidou), Cockwarming (Beidou), Plug w/ cock (Beidou), Spanking (Lisa), Pet names (Lisa:Kitten), crying (Jean), fluff (all)
Link to Pt1, Pt2, & Pt4
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- The thing about Deyha is that she’s big
- Rather than shoving it as far as she can she eases into you slowly. And when her front meets your ass she’ll start playing with your clit to pass the time as you get used to the size.
- When she starts to thrust she’ll make you take her cock all the way to the hilt, back to the tip and all the way in again. Every time she moves it touches your inner walls in all the right places.
- Although she starts out gentle she will slowly begin to lose it. It’s been so long since she’s had your sweet cunt wrapped so tightly around her. She just can’t catch a break with being a merc and a bodyguard, so in this moment she just need to fuck your hard
- As your tongue rolls out of your mouth and drool starts to pool down to the marble countertops. She’ll stick 2 fingers down your throat and chide you for making such a mess so as she pounds away.
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- You were a spice trader before you settled down in Arue village with Candace.
- Every time you came into her home you smelled like a blend of cinnamon and calla lillies. And now she gets to wake up to that scent every day.
- Your knowledge of spices leads you to always cook the most delicious meals and bake the most flavorful delicacies. Your reputation has made its way across your travels and Candace couldn’t feel any more lucky.
- On the days that a heavy sandstorm hits, you toil away in the kitchen baking batches upon batches of sweets to feed the entire village. You learned quicker that your dishes create a calming affect and it helps those with anxiety over the monsters in the sand.
- She’ll catch you handing them out after the sandstorm dies down and helps hand out the rest. Once everyone’s had their share you pack up the leftovers as Candace showers. Most times when Candace is out fighting for her village you welcome her back with soft sex. Everyone looks up to her for protection, and there’s so much on the line when she ventures out, not fully knowing if she’ll come back in one piece. Having you in her arms makes her believe she can withstand anything that comes her way.
- She’s so worked up this time around. She wastes no time in practically dragging you to the bed. She doesn’t know if she should pleasure you first or the other way around.
- So of course the only option was to set your pussy down on her face as you drop your mouth down to the base of her cock. Candace loves the feeling of your weight on her. It doesn’t matter if you feel you’re crushing her, your closeness is a reminder that you’re safe and sound, and going through all the scars and sandstorms are worth it if it means she gets to protect you.
- You finally let her cock enter your mouth, your thumb running up and down the length of the shaft and occasionally gripping it. At the same time Candace rolls her tongue into you further, and in seconds your cum starts to drip down her face.
- You pull your mouth out when her cock starts to twitch and you know her climax is coming. Ropes of her cum shoot out and paint your face, neck and breasts white
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- Beidou drives the waverider far out onto the water but stops halfway to the island.
- You’re confused at first, why would she stop the boat in the middle of the water? She hops out from the drivers seat and pulls you down, now knowing that the reason she stopped was so she can fuck you without any distractions.
- Being in a such a small waverider gives her no other choice but to fuck well and deep, your panting even starts to fog up the windows with how rough she’s being. She doesn’t stop until her hot, thick cum is gushing out of you and dripping down your thighs.
- And she still feels so guilty for choosing drinks over you, so she keeps her dick plugged into you and has you cockwarm her until you reach the island. She just wants to be closer to you for as long as your here with her. Neither of you are fully satisfied, but she doesn’t let you ride her, not yet at least. Beidou knows she’s being a bit rough this time so she’s intent on focusing all her attention on you.
- When you get to the island she abruptly pulls out and guides you (and your wobbly legs) to a nice picnic laid out on the beach, blankets and baskets and everything. And there isn’t even any alcohol, only a sweet Sunsettia and Lavender Melon juice blend that she promises is worth dying for.
- Despite your pleas, she avoids anymore sexual contact until you’ve had your fair share of food and drink. Conversations with her flow freely, but you can just ignore the want between your legs.
- After you both packed up the remaining leftovers, she’ll shove you to lay down with your knees under your stomach, roll down your pants, and take you from behind. “This is what you wanted wasn’t it?” She grunts out, “You were just begging for me to ram my cock into you doggy style barely an hour ago”
- You should get rewarded like this more often
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- Lisa’s groping you anywhere, and that doesn’t stop at just your body. No no no Lisa will take any chance to tease you whether that’s behind closed doors or against the Library stacks. It’s all worth it for the small noises you make, like you’re just a tiny little kitten under her.
- When she gets behind you she traces the curve of your ass before delivering spank after spank to hear your cries. Lisa might not admit it often, but hearing you beg really gets her going. There’s just something about your voice that makes her want to hear you reach your limits.
- Jean loves having you around! She’ll take up any chance that has you by her side, doesn’t matter when or where. She’ll tell you you’re cute plenty of times but she wholeheartedly believes that words can’t encompass how she feels about you.
- Jean’s sorry about being too rough with you, she really doesn’t mean it! It’s just that when she looks down on you and sees those needy, teary eyes obediently sucking on her length she can’t help but shove the rest of her cock farther down your throat. You always feel so filled and so content with the both of them.
- But let’s be honest, despite how rough they can be, aftercare with them is heaven. Lisa holds you in her arms while Jean draws a bath. When you all get in the tub Jean massages shampoo in your hair while Lisa sensually washes your body, not ever missing a single patch of skin.
- Lisa is always the he first to get out. Jean kisses every inch of your skin that she can reach as she wipes the suds off your body. When you and Jean finish drying off Lisa has prepared a tray with tea and scones for all of you to enjoy
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rayzay · 7 months
A lot of spelling mistakes, the plot is all over the place ngl.
Keep in mind English is not my first language!
Danny was immortal, he couldn't die. Well, he couldn't die by old age. His human form won't die naturally and it won't age either.
So, when all of his family, friends and just quite everyone he knew died, he was left alone. But his family and his two best friends still haven't moved on, Danny was their unfinished business. So, like a good normal family, they decided to haunt Danny! Which is cute, but also can be seen as something horrifying if you don't know the context.
So, 85 years later, Danny still changes last name everytime he needs to (so about every 4 years), jumping from foster family to foster family. He moved to state to state, never staying in the same state for too long.
And in 85 years, a lot has happened.
Here's what changed with the world :
Superheroes and metahumans/non-humans are way way more accepted in society.
A lot of big city appeared such as, Gotham and Blüdhaven in Jersey, Central City in Missouri, Metropolis in Illinois, Amnesty Bay in Maine, Blue Valley in Nevada, Coast City in California, Dakota City in well...Dakota. Fawcett City, Star City..etc..etc..
All of these have also something particular, they're home to a hero and said hero works for the JL, known as the Justice League.
Danny wasn't really interested in hero-ing anymore, after all, there was people literally paid by the government to do that, so why would he do charity work? Of course he'll help if there's a catastrophe, but he'll just help the civilians get to safety, that's all.
Life kind of sucked for Danny. He couldn't get attached by people too much because he'll know he's going to outlive all of them, so why even bother trying?
Danny needed to find a new place to stay, preferably a big city, and in a state he didn't appear this year.
Danny decides to pick Metropolis, it's one of the safest option after all, Superman does his work pretty well, and casualties and crimes rate are really really low there..plus, Sam kept pestering him asking him to meet Lois Lane. (Danny needed to do an essay about journalism for some reason, and he stumbled across Lois Lane Wikipedia page, she was quite the character.)
Sam instantly took a liking to her, she's everything she aspires to be.
Tucker, him, seemed interested in Lex corp, not in a “Oh, I'm so so fan of him!” kind of way, but more in a “His technology is one of the best in the world, he could easily rival against WE.” kind of way.
His parents and Jazz were guiding him, telling him what to not do, and what to do, sometimes they argue, sometimes they stay quiet, sometimes Danny tune them out, can't blame him honestly, if a psychologist was always nagging me, telling me what to say, and doing some unnecessary rant about whoever's is talking to Danny body language I would want to tune them out too.
But they're mostly trying their best..and Danny can't blame them for that.
His parents always did a “ability checkup test ” and it's basically Danny just flying around, shooting his blasts, doing a ectoplasm shield, duplicating...just testing all of his powers to see if they're all okay.
Which, they always are but his parents keep pushing him to do it, and he always agree just to make them shut up.
Danny found a new ability, something he deemed impossible to do, he can fly, he has his strength, his speed, his stamina and his reflexes but, with his human form.
But everything else that works with ectoplasm or his ghost core he didn't have.
So he was basically a less powerful version of him, which, sucks, but it's kinda cool.
His family were ecstatic and so was he! Plain old Danny could be more..but no, he has to stay low. Otherwise he's going to get found by Vlad, or worse.
Danny does something, extremely stupid, but fun for him.
He decides to fly in Metropolis, but just high enough so no one could see him! Even though Danny has the same powers when he's Danny Phantom, it's different, it's weird, he has his core to help him concentrate, hearing the frost in there soothe his nerves, and help him get focused.
But, it's different, he has his slow beating of his heart, which is quiet, really really quiet, it's drowning against the noises of the city
He can't focus he can't focus he can't-
Danny starts falling, which is okay because he can just turn into Danny Phantom and easily get out of this shitty situation, but noo, Danny had, and still has the shittiest luck ever.
Superman catch him, of fucking course.
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seokminkisser · 9 months
hiii! i read your chan laverder haze fic and loveddd it. could i request a chan smut with chan having a mommy kink if youre comfortable?
changed it into a noona kink because ngl mommy kinks make me a bit uncomfortable haha, this drabble includes smut so mdni!!!
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“so is this what you do when i’m not at home?”
chan’s hips don’t still their movements as he continues rutting into the pillow under him.
“i’m talking to you. can you stop humping the pillow like a fucking dog and answer me.”
chan releases a long drawn out moan at the insult and puts a stop to his desperate thrusting, head lolling to the side to look at you. he was sweaty, head pressed against a pillow and his hair a mess.
“’m sorry, ‘m so sorry noona, ‘m just so needy and you weren’t here and i couldn’t help myself—” he whimpers, his lip caught between his teeth.
you hum, walking to the bed slowly as you unzip your dress and let it fall, pooling at your feet.
“i was gone for only two hours, you couldn’t wait?”
he shakes his head softly, his cock twitching pathetically as he tries to catch his breath.
“couldn’t wait, been needy for so long, you looked so pretty in that dress, ‘s my favorite dress on you but you had to leave and i tried, noona i really tried but it hurts.”
his mumbles make you laugh as you take a seat on the bed next to him, motioning for him to turn around. chan turns onto his back, and you coo as you see the stain on the pillow left behind by his ministrations.
“it hurts?”
“it hurts.”
your manicured hand wraps around his cock giving a few slow tugs and whimpers fall of his lips freely as he ruts his hips into your hand.
“you missed me so bad channie? doesn’t it feel so much better when it’s my hands touching you.”
he nods his head rapidly, hand coming down to clasp your wrist tightly as he continues thrusting his hips into your hand, practically turning your hand into a fleshlight.
your free hand presses down on his hips to still his movements as you tighten your hold on his cock, pumping dangerously slow.
“don’t be greedy chan, i’m already doing you a favor by touching you in the first place.”
whimpers of apologies fall of his lips as his eyes find yours, tears brimming in them and you nearly break watching his desperation practically radiate off him.
“noona, ‘m so sorry, ‘m so so sorry, ‘s just that i need you so bad, missed your cunt so bad, ‘m always thinking about it, about you noona—” he pants, his free hand that isn’t wrapped around your wrist gripping your waist in an attempt to ground himself. “can i fuck you noona? pretty please?”
your resolve had been cracking since the first words had tumbled off his lips, but the broken plea made you finally crack.
“fuck, baby, okay.”
in the blink of an eye he has you under him and is moving your panties to he side, hand wrapped around his cock as he rubs it against you, his leaking tip brushing against your clit.
“love your cunt so much noona, love you so much, always making me feel so good, so grateful i can have you like this noona.” he murmurs, slowly pressing the head of his cock into you. you wrap your arms around his neck and softly rake your fingers through his hair.
usually, chan never takes you without prep but tonight was different. you have never seen him so incredibly desperate, and knowing he needed you so urgently had made you so needy.
chan presses his head against your shoulder, pressing the last few inches into you with a low-pitched whine and you sigh softly feeling filled to the brim.
“channie, you’re doing so well, love your cock in me so much. is noona making you feel good?” you ask, hand softly rubbing up and down his back.
chan always short circuited whenever you called yourself noona and this time was no different. his hips sped up, the tip of his cock repeatedly hitting your sweet spot.
“noona,” he rambles, lips pressing against your skin. “so good, think ‘m gonna cum, can i cum in you noona? wanna fill you up, love filling you up, noona.”
“yes baby, want you to fill me up.” you nod, hand tightening in his hair and it catapults him into his orgasm, ribbons of warm cum shooting into deep into you. chan is breathless, panting against your skin as your walls pulsate around him milking him dry.
he whines, and presses a kiss against your shoulder as his entire body weight drops on top you. you laugh and press a kiss against his temple as you and chan try to catch your breath.
there is a moment of silence before he starts speaking again.
“did you cum?”
you shake your head softly, and he whines causing you to laugh.
“that’s unacceptable,” he starts, sitting up on the balls of his feet as he slowly pushes his cock back into you. “gonna let me fuck you again? pretty please?”
you were absolutely doomed.
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