#new year's eve anxiety
notdelusionalatall · 9 months
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humans-are-tasty · 2 years
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tuuszferi · 9 months
Hogyan szoktam a korábbi években meghatározni egy szilveszteri buli "sikerességét":
ébren maradni reggel 5/6-ig
sokat inni mégis viszonylag józannak maradni
sokat táncolni/bulizni/dalszövegeket torkom szakadtából óbégatni
felhívni magamra X lány figyelmét a fentiek bármelyikével
Idén milyen céljaim vannak a szilveszteri bulira:
addig maradni a buliban amíg jólesik (az se baj ha az hajnali 1)
önazonosnak lenni, nem félni a többi ember kritikájától és főként nem alkohollal elfojtani ezt a félelmet
őszintén megélni a bulizást, nem másoknak akarni megfelelni vele
bátran beszélni nőkkel/férfiakkal, nem pedig a figyelmük/elismerésük magamra vonása
Reméljük minél több célomat el fogom érni és egy szuper élményt fog nyújtani :)
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ivy-saurs · 9 months
tempted to not go to my new year's eve plans tomorrow because i am feeling Anxious
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elisfalling · 9 months
Hey is being ‘more social’ on your New Year’s resolution list?
Even if it’s not feel, please feel free to send messages or asks (anon or not however you need for you)! I am an anxious little ‘guy’ (nonbinary) but I am trying to be more social and am always down to meet new nice people - especially fellow LGBTQ folks!!
So stop by and say hello!
No expectations except kindness and that there is no “right” ways to interact - socializing it different for everyone. Do whatever feels right for you as long as it isn’t hurting others!
If you need more encouragement then you can send me:
- Something you’d like to do in 2024
- What your favorite book or movie or both is and why
- Random fact about you
- Name of the last stuffed animal you were friends with
- Any question you wanna know
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wambsgansshoelaces · 9 months
I think I just had an anxiety attack??? idk man I just got so overwhelmed and shaky and it’s like the breath was squeezed from my lungs help is appreciated
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writerfae · 9 months
Just once. Just once in my life I want to put on some glittery clothes and spend New Year’s Eve somewhere else with friends
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fedorahead · 9 months
i used to have a gorgeous picture for my phone background
at xmas i switched it to a funny picture of my cousins looking upset (they were having a GREAT time but they both have rbf and i caught it)
since then i've been anxious on repeat about my phone looking wrong
i had to dig to find the pic again. first i couldnt remember the name of the facebook group, then i had no idea the artist or keywords, then i searched for my lockscreen which was also by him and found other art the artist had posted but it didn't show the OP, eventually i found someone commented on his art tagging him on like the fourth piece i found. i checked his profile, but he hadn't posted it on his page (i went through his entire history), so i found him in the group and went through every post he had ever made
anyway i found it and i love it and i feel so much better
this is the art:
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New Year's Eve by Dangiuz aka Leopoldo D'Angelo
he puts cats in moat of his pieces :)
some more of his art:
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my lockscreen
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i love everything he does so much
all images were found on Dangiuz's facebook page except New Year's Eve which was posted in the group Cyberpunk Culture (the specific post, if you're a member, can be found here)
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miafi · 9 months
Personal Christmas rant in the tags.
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thestarlightforge · 9 months
Don’t let your family bully you into doing things. Crossing your boundaries. Over-extending and hurting yourself.
It hurts when people who are supposed to be loving and supporting you respond to your exhaustion, to you trying to take care of yourself, with bullying and pressure. It hurts to hear their reaction when you hold your boundaries firm.
But it is important—doing so. What you need, and want, matters. Regardless of “family,” “obligation,” or anything else.
In the future, you hope to do small things to build a family that, most of all, wants you to rest, take care, feel loved and have peace. Who will understand if traveling across the country (or jumping through other hoops) is too much for you right now, and love you for trusting them enough to tell them so. Who will show up where you are, when they can, and be there without offering guilt until you can go far again without exhausting yourself.
It hurts when the family we start out with aren’t those people. It’s scary, pulling back—even when it is from those we pour out and out and out for, hoping it will be enough whether it may ever be or not.
But those aren’t your people. Your people are those who understand. And once you build that support network, your people—you will never find peace until you find a way to trust them, set your boundaries, and let go of the people who lash out in anger about it.
(Building a support network takes time, and if your blood relatives are it right now—most of us have been there, we get it, and I’m not saying to cut yourself off. Just advocating putting in the effort to build your own support systems, whatever little-at-a-time things you can do, and then trusting them. Once you have, taking care of yourself—especially your health—should be the primary concern. Even if people get mad. The people who respond kindly are the people who are worth it anyway.)
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emily84 · 2 years
just saw EO (IO, Poland, 2022) and came out of the movie theater traumatized. thanks V for suggesting I spend the last day of the year holed up in a cinema watching animals being abused. thank god my sis was with me, or i would have walked out like 15 minutes in.
i mean, i get what the movie wanted to be about, and the message was admirable, and i'm sure that's why it won big at cannes, but still... it was sold to me as a "movie about a donkey walking around doing things" and while technically true... i did not.... expect this. :((((((
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saskiaxblog · 2 years
Seeing happy pictures of my friends on Instagram today, who look beautiful and have a great time, I will be so damn sad and I will feel even worse mentally and I will look worse at my own appearance, so I want it to be after New Year's Eve
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dougie-anderson · 2 years
closed starter, nye party with @nehirxdemirci​
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When he sees Nehir, the first thing DJ does is pause and turn the other way in hopes she hasn’t seen him. The second thing he does is purposely replay how the invitation to the event transpired, working out any hidden clues that might allude to them being on a date. “Got any Christmas plans?” “Not much what about New Years?” “There’s a party, if you wanna come?” That’s not a date. He’s certain. The third thing he does is scrutinize how he greets her. “Hey you made it!” No, that’s enthusiastic. “You look great!” Creepy. “Thanks for coming.” Is he hosting the Squid Games? All of his potential greetings cease when he feels someone tap his shoulder, turning around and yelling into Nehir’s face. “Great you look made!” He stops, stares to the ceiling of the room and wondering why God chose him to suffer like this.
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modernmonkeymind · 2 years
Hello, MMM! In your opinion, how would a Buddhist wisely navigate suicidal ideation?
I’ve never experienced such a thing to a degree that it is life threatening thankfully. If it’s simply a passing thought, treat it like any other thought form. Watch it appear, move and do it’s thing, and watch it pass, without engaging with it. If you or anyone else is experiencing suicidal ideation to the degree of seriously considering taking your own life, please seek help.
As someone whose experienced the Marianas Trench of Depression and Anxiety, I know that mental illness can SUCK, especially when many people still don’t take it as seriously as other types of illness. Even if it feels like no one in the entire world gives a shit about you or knows you even exist, know that I love you. And this goes for anyone out there who feels like shit right now.
If you are in crisis or know someone who is, I urge you to call 988 if you live in the US. You can also text 988 if you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone on the phone.
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kit10phish · 2 years
Taylor Swift’s Gay Moments: Reputation ~ New Year’s Day
The songs on Reputation are packed with meaning, and there are many rabbit holes to go down. As such, this post would be too long if I included each song as I did with Debut, Fearless, Speak Now, Red, and 1989. I’ll release these song by song. New Year’s Day There’s glitter on the floor after the party/Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby…/…You and me from the night before but/Don’t…
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theduckvase · 2 years
I doubt anyone is gonna see this, lol. But I need somewhere to share this, just cause its New Years eve and I am still feeling depressed, even tho its been a good day and a good week.
2022 was an absolute shock for me. In good ways and bad. I was diagnosed with both anxiety and depression, which are both hard to deal with some days and nonexistent others. It absolutely baffles me.
But, in good news, I also started T shots. And my top surgery date is just weeks away, which is exciting because I have been dreaming about this since 2017.
I just wanna cry right now. Out of happiness and the sense of melancholy I'm feeling.
Last year, I honestly did not see myself making it to the end of the year, that's how bad myental health was at the time, and one year later, here I am! Stilll having trouble with my mental health, but almost mostly living my best life.
Happy New Years, tumblr!
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