#news creative
8pxl · 7 months
PSA: Tumblr/Wordpress is preparing to start selling our user data to Midjourney and OpenAI.
you have to MANUALLY opt out of it as well.
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to opt out on desktop, click your blog ➡️ blog settings ➡️ scroll til you see visibility options and it’ll be the last option to toggle.
to opt out on mobile, click your blog ➡️ scroll then click visibility ➡️ toggle opt out option.
if you’ve already opted out of showing up in google searches, it’s preselected for you. if you don’t have the option available, update your app or close your browser/refresh a few times. important to note you also have to opt out for each blog you own separately, so if you’d like to prevent AI scraping your blog i’d really recommend taking the time to opt out. (source)
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mysharona1987 · 9 months
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tomthefanboy · 1 month
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Today I learned about the Totally Kid Carousel in Harlem NY.
Artist Milo Mottola was inspired by the rush of winning an art contest as a child and wanted to give children in the community that feeling of pride and accomplishment in an even bigger way. Each child whose drawing was chosen for use in the carousel received a $50 savings bond (the Prize the artist won as a child) as well as free rides FOR LIFE!
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You can visit THIS SITE to see the art that inspired each creature and the sculpture that brings it to life!
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wanderer-clarisse · 10 months
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early morning sunlight at Bag End
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24hdrawinglab · 10 months
Segui il nostro esclusivo canale Whatsapp: news e tecniche sul disegno
Segui il nostro canale Whatsapp! Siamo felici di darti il benvenuto nel nostro canale WhatsApp dedicato all’affascinante mondo dell’arte e del disegno. Qui troverai un ambiente stimolante e creativo, pensato appositamente per te, dove poter esplorare, imparare e condividere la tua passione per l’arte. Cosa troverai nel nostro canale?   I nostri articoli sempre gratuiti da poter leggere quando…
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
"most allegedly haunted houses turn out to have gas leaks!"
no they don't. you are merely skimming the surface of mundane shit that can be wrong with old houses with your one puny little explanation that only fits a very small number of cases. try harder
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Silly drunk dialogue
Can also be under the influence of other stuff.
"Oh, look at the stars! Ursa Major… so beautiful!" "We're inside. Those are just ceiling lights."
"Please don't leave me!" "I'm just going to the toilette." "Can I come with you?"
"My arm is floppy. I'm like a puppet."
"Can you be my girlfriend?" "I already am." "Oh, lucky me!"
"Let’s go play baseball!" "Your shoulder is dislocated, maybe not right now."
"You look almost as pretty as this moon." "That's a street lamp." "And you're almost as pretty."
"Have you ever thought about penguins? I think we should think more about penguins."
"You have a stupid face and it's my favourite one to stare at."
"I will definitely remember this tomorrow! How could I ever forget?" *doesn't remember anything in the morning*
"Oh, I think we haven't met before." "We have been in a relationship for five years now."
"You should go, otherwise I'm doing something stupid. Like kissing you or falling asleep on the bathroom floor."
"Let's get you home." "Oh, mine or yours?" "Ours." "Oh, wow!"
"I'm totally, absolutely, not at all drunk at all. Like... at all."
"Why are you all laughing? That is not very nice. I haven't even told my joke yet."
"How many drinks did you have?" "Yes, yes I am."
"You are too beautiful for me." *starts crying*
"Why are you undressing?" "Because it's hot! And I'm hot!"
*starts singing a remix of all their favourite songs*
*then starts crying, because their own voice is too beautiful*
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opikiquu · 5 months
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iknow my comics are ugly please just hear me out
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gascreates · 9 months
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when aang doesn't explain everything
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inkskinned · 6 days
sure i find you in my hair and under my pillow and in the car. but i know in my heart you are picking me out of your teeth. i know i am burning through your sundays, sticking to your ceiling.
i hope i'm in every bitter cup of coffee and every candle wick and every bath. i hope my shadow flickers under your door so the empty hallway i have left behind is a swift dart of nothing more. i hope you find me in notebooks and stop signs and fleetwood mac - like i am marginalia on your life, i want my fingerprints burned into your days like acid.
i loved you, and you know i loved you, and for the rest of your life i will be the person you broke. for the rest of your life i hope the shame of that runs like a cattle dog, bites at your heels. i hope every time your cup is full or the moon is a toenail or a cat is purring or a laugh is in your belly or the sky turns pink while the sun is setting - i hope you remember that someone loved you, and you crushed them in your palms. you extinguished every future i lit. i hope that haunts you.
i hope you never fucking forget it.
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cursedluver · 9 months
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people are sharing this on insta again so here’s the version with the font i made 🥰💖
available as a postcard in my shop!
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stealingyourbones · 2 months
When Danny sees his family die in TUE what if he finds out then that he’s related to a DC hero then? After the timeline is fixed he goes to his cousin who just so happens to be Raven of the Teen Titans and explains that bc of time shenanigans, he found out he’s related by blood.
How does the Teen Titans react? They’ve dealt with time travelers so many times this sorta stuff is just their average Tuesday level of shenanigans. A kid with powers that fit perfectly on par with other Teen Titan members. Main issue: his blood and DNA are so scrambled that their computers can’t confirm with a definitive proof that he’s Raven’s cousin.
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bunnyswritings · 1 year
Saying "I love you" without saying "I love you" — some ways your otp can silently express affection
Forehead kisses, and smiling through the kiss
Resting their forehead on the other’s after a kiss
Tucking strands of loose hair behind their ears, with a thumb caressing their cheek
Interlacing their fingers with the other’s when they least expect it
Sleepy back hugs when the other person is busy whipping up breakfast in the kitchen, catching them by surprise
Just doing their own things in the same space; being so comfortable around the other even in their pyjamas
Holding both their hands while holding their gaze gently, just before leaning in for a kiss
Switching positions with the other when walking down a busy sidewalk because your feel the need to keep the other safe
Being playfully clingy in the mornings when one has an off day and the other has to rush to work
Getting them something from the store when they only mentioned it in passing
When one is overseas for a work trip and everything they see reminds them of the other person (bonus: whenever it happens, they take a picture and drop the other person a text.)
Squeezing their hand reassuringly and holding their hand throughout an intense social situation (eg. a large school reunion which the more introverted person is dreading)
Kissing away their tears
^ and letting the other cry on their shoulder even when their t-shirt gets soaked from their tears
Meeting them where they are, mentally and emotionally; never forcing them to do anything they aren’t comfortable with
Wholeheartedly supporting their dreams, and putting that into action by making concrete plans for it to happen
Dropping the other person an encouraging text before an important interview/event
Surprising the other with flowers just because; no occasion and no reason needed
Picking the other person up from work when it’s getting late, and walking them right to their doorstep after
Good morning and goodnight texts
Making the other person a Spotify playlist with songs that remind them of their relationship and growth
Remembering the littlest of things — activities they like and dislike, favourite brands of stationery, go-to ice cream flavour, choice of popcorn
Writing little notes on post-its and leaving them in random pages of their textbook, so that they will get a little endorphin boost when studying
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blueboybot · 4 months
Birds Of A Feather Fight Ghost Together
Danny is now a bird. No, he did not transform willingly and yes it did have something to do with Vlad's new weapon because creepy old men who have acess to advanced tech will try anything on unsuspecting teenagers these days. It's not all that bad though, he can still fight pretty good as a weird pigeon (the ghost learned very fast that sharp talons to the face were not worth it) and the only downside was his attraction to shiny things, which has only distracted him a few times (no Jazz he was not hording the fancy and shiny forks, he was just holding onto them incase he needed them for a bigger dinner later).
Anyways he was flying through the GZ on his way to either find more shiny things or peck out another ghost's eyes, he doesn't mind which comes first, when a glint caught his beady bird eyes.
"Shiny thing first it is."
As Danny flew closer he realized two things. One, the shiny thing was infact a shiny sword. Two, the shiny sword was being wielded by a child in the middle of fighting a ghost.
He quickly flew down opening his beak and produced a small coo wail that immediately popped the creature. Danny needed to figure out how the boy ended up– Wait! HE HAS FRIES!
He'll figure out that later but now he needs those fries.
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niinnyu · 5 months
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Jk jk jjk
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keyotosprompts · 6 months
snap a picture, bring it on
prompts for when you're utterly obsessed with someone
⇴ "who needs to look at the stars when i can look at you?"
⇴ there's tons of people crowding around person a, but they're solely focused on person b (who doesn't know person a)
⇴ "dude, what are you staring at? it's been five minutes" and person a, who turns around + is embarrassed, "um, what?"
⇴ when person a cannot take their hands off of their person b. it's like they're saying "mine mine mine" bc of how touchy they are
⇴ when person a looks EXTRA good, so person b teases them by on kissing them on the cheek, neck, jaw, and eventually lips.
⇴ ^^ "what's all of this for?" and person b hoarsely mumbles, "nothing," while pressing themselves closer into person a's neck + placing kisses all over
⇴ person a CHEERING when person b comes out in a formal outfit. like standing up and clapping in the middle of the dressing room.
⇴ "c'mere," person a says while opening their arms for person b. then person b proceeds to dive into person a.
⇴ staying up until 3am talking to each other. partially because they can't get enough of each other, and because both parties want the conversation to keep going (bonus points if they fall asleep mid convo)
⇴ "stay. i don't want you to go," person a says with a raspy, sleepy voice while grabbing onto person b's hand.
⇴ "it's scary how much i need you. sometimes, if you're not around, i genuinely believe i start losing it."
⇴ person a giving person b so much reassurance. telling b things like "you're amazing, you always have been," and "i know you're do great."
⇴ person a is rambling and drops the "am i talking too much?" and person b says "never."
⇴ literally having to resist the carnal urge to grab the other person and pull them into you
⇴ person a is unable to resist person b's teasing, so they grab their jaw and pull them into a lengthy kiss
⇴ person b looking at person a like they're one of the seven wonders, while person a is literally wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and a face mask
⇴ "what? do i look funny?" "i can't believe you just said that."
⇴ "kiss me again and again and again. i will never get tired of it–or you for that matter."
⇴ being grabby while making out. grabbing someone's ass, shoulders, jaw, waist, idc. (BONUS POINTS IF IT'S GRABBING ASS WHILE PICKING SOMEONE UP)
⇴ seeing their s/o and still having that physical reaction. like, heart racing at 124 bpm, gulping/swallowing, having to squirm around due to nervousness.
⇴ "can you come down here? i miss you."
⇴ being on someone's mind so much that they shove their face into their pillow and scream.
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