#no one knows .
deadsetobsessions · 2 months
In Tucker's defense, he thought he was doing someone a favor. A life saving favor, in fact.
"What the fuck-!” The red helmeted guy yelped as a deceptively strong Tucker yanked him onto the bike and sped away. Before Tucker could explain, the GIW agents behind them got in a lucky shot and hit the helmeted liminal with a strong blast to the head.
Clearly, his gear wasn’t equipped with anti-ecto protections, because the guy slumped over on Tucker’s arms. This was bad, because Tucker now had to maneuver about 230 pounds of Gotham muscle while speeding away from government agents. He flicked on the jammer so they couldn’t track his and red helmets’s ecto signature.
“Ah, shit.” Tucker cursed as he somehow managed to gather up red-helmet’s body and stabilize the bike. “C’mon, Tuck, you can do this.”
Blasts of anti-ecto tech slammed into buildings around him. Luckily, Gotham was used to this kind of shit so people just moved out of the way before going back to their day. Tucker wove around traffic, trying to lure the agents into slamming face first into some signposts.
“Stop damaging the local infrastructure!” Tucker yelled back at them, speeding up.
“Over my dead body, you jerks!” Tucker took a sharp right, catching red helmet before the man could slip off. He sped up and took the ramp downwards, heart beating loudly in his ears as he strained his senses to figure out- ah, they took the ramp upwards. Good. Now, all he has to do is bring red helmet back to home base.
“Oh my god. I kidnapped him,” Tucker groaned, slapping at his face before quickly placing his hands back on the handle bar once the bike teetered over with red helmet’s weight. “I’m a criminal. Oh my god.”
Then, as he found his way back, “…Well, it’s not like I wasn’t a criminal before, with the whole resisting arrest thing.”
Tucker dumped the red helmet liminal onto the couch of their shared apartment and went to take a shower. When he got out ten minutes later, he found Danny and Sam staring at the helmet guy. Tucker pushed up his glasses (after letting them defog from the shower) and greeted them.
“Hey, guys! I found him while I was running away from Agent L and J.”
“You okay?” Danny asked, eyes immediately flicking over Tucker for injuries.
“Yeah, I’m good. They’re horrible shots.”
“I thought Danny was the one who brought home strays but you…?” Sam commented, arms crossed and a purple painted nail tapping at her arm. “Wait. Isn’t this… that crime lord? What was his name?”
“Red Hood?” Danny offered, turning back to look at the guy on their couch.
Tucker paled. “Oh, no.”
Guns? Check.
Red Helmet? Check.
Bat-Symbol? Check.
They collectively stared at the guy in silence.
“…Tucker,” Sam slowly said. “Did you accidentally kidnap a crime lord?”
“Hey, I didn’t want him to get killed! He’s liminal! Even more than us, except for Danny.” Tucker grumbled. “Man, this is why I leave the hero-ing to Danny. I do one good thing and suddenly I have a crime lord on my couch.”
“My couch,” Sam corrected, as she was the one that furnished their apartment.
“What do we do now?”
“Eat dinner,” Tucker said. “I’m famished.”
Sam nodded. “Wait for him to wake up and hope he doesn’t shoot us the moment he wakes up. Then, we explain.”
Danny grabbed all the visible guns he could see. Tucker went to start dinner. Sam supervised, because her boys were idiots and now she had a crime lord in her apartment.
Jason groaned, head swimming in a sea of dull throbbing pain as his eyes fluttered open.
Then he remembered he was abducted, and bolted up right. He paused as a series of quick observations made its way to his consciousness.
One. He’s not tied up. Weird, because everyone knows that he’s a weapon even without his weapons.
Two. His weapons were right there, just in reach.
Three. He was surrounded by teenagers and/or young adults who were all scrolling along on their phones.
“Oh, hey, he’s awake! Hi!” The Wayne bait said, electric blue eyes fixing itself on Jason. “Were you aware you died?”
Jason went rigid, hundreds of way to-
“Danny!” A scolding tone cut of Jason’s immediate panic. Two couch pillows slammed into Danny’s face, courtesy of goth girl and nerdy but strong.
“Dude, why do you start with that? Why are you like this?” His… possible kidnapper? asked, exasperatedly flinging his hands into the air as he rolled his eyes.
Goth girl scowled. “Boys. Crime lord, couch, remember?”
“Hey, in my defense, I died too!”
And that- as Jason remained dumbfounded in this circle of tomfoolery- was what snapped Jason out of his daze.
“You what?” He rasped out.
And when he saw them open their mouths at the same time, Jason just knew his headache was going worse.
Tucker, effortlessly plucking the actual red hood from the streets: and I whoop-
Jason, whose type is strong, nerdy, and tall: *heart eyes* *but not really because he’s unconscious*
Sam: “this is my boyfriend Danny and our other boyfriend Tucker.”
Jason enters chat:
Sam: “this is my boyfriend Danny and our other boyfriend Tucker and his boyfriend, the Red Hood.”
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buggachat · 5 months
“I like the way you write the characters, it’s sooo much better than that shit way the writers of the show write them” is a compliment that’s very confusing to receive as someone who likes the way the characters are written in the show and is trying to mimic it
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minty364 · 8 months
DPXDC Prompt #85
When the Justice League hears about a new branch of government that believes ghosts are not sapient or sentient they of course decide that they want to evaluate this themselves so they go to Amity Park. Unfortunately ghosts can’t speak normally to humans it sounds like a fork in a garbage disposal to a human.
Danny’s friends weren’t around for the accident as they both had family emergencies at the time. No one knows and more troubling for him is the Justice league keeps stepping on his territory with different sets of hero’s trying to talk to him, he doesn’t because he knows they won’t be able to understand him. That changes when they start sending bats and a one Red Hood can understand him.
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collophora · 1 month
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"Let's fix this drawing" *redraw the whole thing*
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eggieeggman · 18 days
DannyMay finale!
Let's pretend I'm not two days late and a free day short ;D
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Shoes... Uhh not the most inspiring prompt so I did some lighting practice.
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Zombie Apocalypse Jazz! She is actually kicking ass. This has gotta be one of my favorites from this whole thing.
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Baby Ellie got a scratch :/ Good thing bandaids from the Ghost King are magic.
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Not my best work lol... But it's still fun!
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(corpse au, no one knows au) Imagine having to bury your own dead body...
(insert free day here) (I am so tired)
Hooray! 🎉🎉🎉 All done and now I can sleep.
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nelkcats · 10 months
Jason Todd is an empath, something that probably no one would believe if they were told the story of Red Hood. It's not an ability he likes to brag about either, honestly, Jason hates it, as much as he hates being back from the dead, it makes him feel different, it makes him feel like he doesn't fit in.
It starts small, with a boy who feels his mother's pain and his father's rage. With a child who sees Batman and instead of a big scary bat feels layers and layers of sadness. It starts with Robin, feeling too much and wanting to change everything for the better.
He never tells Bruce, what good would it do? It's not a useful skill, sensing the Joker's madness didn't help to prevent his death. Feeling Bruce's despair wasn't enough to keep his eyes open.
It ends too quickly, too soon. Maybe for that reason he was given a second chance. One that Jason didn't want. Pit madness feels a thousand times stronger than it should, it pollutes his mind, it seeps into his heart and Jason hates it a little more every day.
Then, he meets Danny in a bar, full of smiles and biting comments but so so scared. He hears his silent pleas, his regrets, his desire to belong, to not be hated. And for the first time in a long time, Jason's heart breaks a little.
For the first time in a long time, the pits fall silent and give way to the confused feelings of the boy beside him.
Danny becomes part of the routine, Jason doesn't quite know how but the boy refuses to leave. He never asks about Red Hood, though the small flicker of doubt every time Jason leaves the apartment confirms that he knows. He never stops him, he just smiles and waits for him with a first aid kit under his arm, bandages his wounds and sleeps beside him.
Jason knows he is dangerous but can't help but love him as much as he can't help but feel the pain that accompanies the boy.
Then, his little home life is invaded by Bruce (worried, always worried, overly cautious), he warns him that Danny is a dangerous creature, warns him that he will hurt him. Jason can't help but snort.
Jason knows Danny isn't human, it's not something his ability tells him, it's just easy to deduce. But when Danny confesses it to him (scared, so so scared), he downplays it, tells him it's okay and he can go back to sleep. Danny doesn't fit into what's normal, but that's okay, he doesn't either.
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dorkybooktrash · 24 days
Jackles just restored every single helpless hope I have had in my heart since the end of 15x18
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littlebitofdnd · 1 year
I actually love the weird little queerplatonic-flavoured polycule dynamic of Deli and his skalds so much, and the LEAST interesting part of it to me is Deli.
Colin and Karna are, fundamentally, the same. Lost, abandoned smallfolk who have all the trappings of power but almost none of the control, both attaching themselves to Deli. The way they are put in direct competition with each other through Deli but would work the best together out of anyone in the group on a combat level.
Like, I am specifically thinking so hard about the way Karna casts silvery barbs to help Colin, but gives the advantage to Deli. She knows that Colin is her equal, and that they can help each other, but she just preens under Deli's minimal affection.
Also, especially pre-Five Years, Karna is particularly sensitive to everything Colin does. They both are slightly terrifying to the other. Karna also keeps him in mind, maybe subconsciously, by not using telepathy on him after he said he didn't like magic. She respects his mental privacy in a way that seems almost foreign for her character.
Karna envies and admires Colin, even subconsciously. She wants to be like him. She wants to be better than him. She wants to hold Deli's attention like he does.
And!! It should be noted, Colin does not reciprocate that envy. He doesn't mention his knighthood to Deli to say that he's better than Karna, he does it because he wants Deli to know that Colin made the right choice by leaving. Colin respects Karna. He fears her a little bit, but he respects her and the power she commands. He just doesn't like the way that she operates with Deli. He's upset that she can't see what he did.
AND DELI at the apex of this is giving them both what the other person wants!! Colin wants Deli to listen to him the way that he listens to Karna. Karna wants to consume Deli's mind the way that Colin does. They're stuck in this really toxic, tension driven circle where no one's needs are getting met, but the passion doesn't let them stop chasing each other.
Also, on a less serious note. Imagine with me a Pastrami sandwich that has peppers and cheese on it. Fucking delicious.
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p0ssym1lker · 10 months
Danny and thalia are each other's biggest enemie
They hate, no, despise each other
Constantly shit talking and oh don't even mention their name in their presence it will set them of
Everyone knows
So when they finally meet? Their friends, family and just general spectator are terrified and intrigued
They both stare at each other, glares making their eyes practically glow
They raise one hand and
"Rock, paper, scissors!"
Both chose rock, an agonized scream accompanies them as they fall to the ground, defeated once again
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sans-guy · 6 months
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conflict of interest
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k-martins · 5 months
So, I found these perfumes inspired by JJK characters and it's very very funny to me that Megumi has "fruity" notes in its composition (Megumi Fushiguro I know what you are), plus woody and leather go well with it.
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Another thing is that I've read Yuji being described with citrus scents in several fanfics and seeing this confirmed by this brand makes me very excited. Citrus fruits suit it, I think.
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jarpadandjensens · 7 months
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J2 || honcon 2023
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ruija · 9 months
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April beloved <3
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marvel-lous-guy · 1 year
Peter: *sends a voice message*
Tony: I'm stuck in a board meeting and I'm not supposed to be on my phone, is it urgent?
Peter: Oh, no worries then!
*3 hours later*
Tony: *Presses play*
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arbiterlexultionis · 11 months
Danny and the Spooks
So first things first, my initial idea is that this prompt takes place in a no one knows AU, and Danny somehow gets his ice powers earlier than he otherwise would, though really this could work without those two if need be.
So Danny got his ice powers pretty early in his ghost fighting career, and because he doesn’t have the support from his friends or raw power he would gather up later on he relies far more on Fenton tech to get by. That reliance on weapons means that, upon realizing that his ghost ice 1) doesn’t melt and 2) is Ghost Ice, and therefore can’t really be phased through by most ghost that arn’t him, immediately begins thinking of ways to make long term weapons out of the stuff.
A little while into his experiments with that he’s fighting Skulker and gets thrown into the house of some poor civilian, and while taking cover behind the kitchen counter looks over to see the (slightly disgruntled) homeowner doing the same while holding a 12 gauge.
“You think you can land a shot with that thing?”
“You think it’ll matter if I can?”
To which Danny replies something along the lines of “it will with this” before handing over his latest creation, a 12 gauge slug that’s had some of the material removed and replaced with his ice. Danny distracts Skulker, and his new friend pops up and puts a hole through the spine of Skulkers suit, allowing Danny to capture him. Danny thanks Mr. Civilian, who is apparently a retired Navy Seal or something, and they wind up staying in contact with each other, sometimes helping each other out with stuff and Mr. Seal testing out new weapons for Danny. Then some punk kid(yes a punk kid, doesn’t matter that he’s older than Danny, Danny still refers to him as a punk kid) decided that he wants to help defend the town and starts following Danny around, trying to help him in fights, and just refuses to stop putting himself in danger. Eventually Danny “relents” and says that he’ll let the kid help out, but only after he gets proper training from Mr. Seal, with the real plan being for the training to be way to intense for the kid to make him give up.
One problem though, the kid just doesn’t give up. Like, at all. One day Mr. Seal pulls Danny aside and tells him that Punk has finished his training and Danny gets all exited that the kid finally gave up, only for his bubble to be burst. “No no, he hasn’t given up, he just finished my training. He’s ready for combat.” And well, a deals a deal. So both Punk and Mr. Seal start taking more of an active roll in ghost fighting.
And then another idiot with more selflessness than sense shows up. And another. And, whoops three more just showed up. Eventually, Danny wound up as the accidental leader of a vigilante/ghost fighting organization dubbed the spooks by the local news. Comprised mostly of volunteers, with the best and brightest getting a rank all their own and proper pay, comprised of donations from both normal people and members and “donations” from criminals they stop because it’s not like they need the money now that they’re in prison.
I’m just imagining Danny with this rag tag group of humans doing what they can to help people.
After Danny finally manages to get some time with his friends for a movie marathon, he decides to form a new branch of the group called the R.I.P.D., the Rest In Peace Department, which is basically meant to help ghost fulfill their Obsessions and stuff in a safe, peaceful manner.
Boxy gets a abandoned warehouse full of boxes that’s been covered and insulative materials to keep ghost hunters from tracking him there.
Lunch Lady gets a great big soup kitchen which promptly morphs into a whole ass shelter for anyone and everyone that needs it so long as they’re okay with having Lunch Lady seemingly appear out of nowhere worrying about how skinny they look and shoving food into their arms.
They also have an absurd number of homemade gadgets and weapons. Think like, the entirety of the slingshot channel, ZnA productions, hacksmith and all those other types of channels combined, but their arsenal is hopped up on ghostly BS, as well as stealing equipment from Vlad and the GIW.
Fredrick “Dakka” Stevenson, flying the ancient crop-duster they got from old man Elijah and strapped every weapon they could to: I’m gonna do what’s called a pro gamer move.
Every other spooks member on the coms: groans
Dakka: if you want me to stop making lame meme references stop using a lame meme reference as my nickname.
Pt 2
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socialbutterfly19 · 22 days
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Keep going! Keep reaching for that final straw!!
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