#noooo no stopping allowed
edensalphas · 2 years
cont'd from here for @fcrshame !
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arden can tell vanessa's a little nervous, and she hardly blames her. they're rolling, though, and all they can do is encourage her, keep her comfortable for her first time taking wolf cock. "ohh, i think she likes what she sees," arden chuckles lightly, after vanessa mentions already hoping this won't be the last time she gets knotted. "you like big dicks, vanessa? you can't do much better than an alpha for that…" the couch and chaise are well lit in arden's studio, and while vanessa puts herself on her back, dom prowls a little, the oversized black-furred wolf slinking back and forth. "all i can say is i hope you don't have a gag reflex," arden says in reply, smirking at the implication of how vanessa's positioned herself to suck dom's cock—or really, have the wolf fuck it into her mouth. "what do we think, dom? do we like our new little wolf slut like that?" dom did her part of putting on a show, muzzle nosing at the blonde's neck as if she was judging her—there was human intelligence lurking in those golden eyes, after all. only then did she jump her front half up onto the chaise, all but mounting vanessa's face. arden gets the action on a wide pan, capturing just how much the alpha's body dwarfs the human female, but then she's getting a tight zoom in, smiling at the screen full of filth she gets—the monstrous shaft of the wolf's fat, veined cock getting dropped right onto vanessa's face. "yeah, safe to say dom approves… go ahead and get acquainted with her."
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theriverdalereviewer · 2 months
everyone jumping to team kamala we will never experience true freedom in this country
#the democrats would vote for fucking hitler if he was a nice guy im convinced#allow me to break down this silly little “you can't focus on morals people's lives are at risk we have to vote blue to stop trump!!!” thing#first of all people's livelihoods are still at risk even when there is a democrat as president#did you forget about the immigration bill biden and harris signed? or you know a fucking genocide#and if people's livelihoods are at risk then shouldnt we vote with out morals? and you know not for the dems who are famously pro genocide#what is the point of voting if you can't vote for who you actually believe in?#and besides this what in this country was actually accomplished through voting? 99% of the progress made was done through violent resistanc#the only reason shit even made the ballot was because people showed they wouldn't accept things the way they are#which is exactly what you are doing if you vote for kamala harris AKA BIDEN'S FUCKING RIGHT HAND MAN#and you just sound like an extremely selfish person if genocide is not your red line#it just sounds like youre saying “yes they murdered palestinians in gaza :( BUT WHAT ABOUT US AMERICANS!!!!”#as if the democratic party has done anything to protect americans anyways. like my job as a voter is not to get the democrats elected#to mitigate damage caused by republicans. that is the fucking democrats job. it is their job to make me want to vote for them#and until they stop massacring men women and children in gaza they will never get my vote#the democrats could openly announce themselves as extreme bigots towards anyone that isn't a cishet rich white man (which they have before)#and you stupid asses will still tell us to vote for them. how evil do they have to be for you to finally consider another option?#and everyone else in the world gets to have other options but america noooo in america we can only have two parties or else you die#and when a democrat is elected and they send another 1 billion to israel i hope youre prepared to live with the blood on your hands#YOU WANTED THIS YOU ENABLED THIS YOU VOTED FOR THIS#the reality you won't face is that there are more options and you could vote for them but none of you are willing to take that risk#yet youre willing to risk the lives of palestinians the lives of transwoman the lives of every person that bitch threw into prison#you people are so hooked on stopping trump (the democrats meaner twin) youre willing to sacrifice everything you stand for#to elect someone who is just as bad as him but is “polite” while they do it. the democrats will never feel pressure to shift to the left#as long as you idiots continue to accept their move to the right. why should they stop the genocide in palestine when youve proven#you'd vote for them no matter what?#no one’s life improved from trump to biden and the same will be true for kamala but you can keep telling yourself they aren’t the same#i’ll be voting green bc that is what i believe in inshallah you grow a spine and do the same until we’re free from these two satanic partie#and dont tell us youll protest after she's elected what would the point be???#youve shown you'd put her in power no matter why should she respond to the pressure?
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
“I ate paint once,” Danny nonchalantly threw out in the middle of game night.
The entire table stopped. Heads whipped towards Danny.
“Yeah, me too. Cardamom yellow was my favorite. Ugly as hell but the chemicals just tasted right.” Tim replied, using the distraction to nab some of Bruce’s money. Monopoly money, that is. Everyone’s heads snapped towards Tim, only Cass and Danny (who was part of the scheme) caught him cheating.
“Really? I think mine was those spray can blue cosmos paint. But that might have been more my thing for space than the actual taste.”
“WHY WERE YOU EATING PAINT?!” Dick asked, looking like he wanted to lunge over the table and shake Danny until he puked out paint. Bruce looked like he was about to have a heart attack.
“Yeah, what the fuck, Tim?” Jason snickered.
“In my defense,” Danny grinned. “I was left unsupervised. Also, Steph, you owe me $24 in rent.”
“Ugh! I’m almost out of money! Can’t you loan me some, Alfred?”
“I am sorry, Miss Stephanie, you are not qualified for another loan. In fact, one of your properties is about to be confiscated as per the collateral agreement.”
“Noooo!” Stephanie made dramatic dying noises.
“What was your excuse, Timothy?” Damian asked, eyes glued to the board and determined to win the game.
“Hey, I was probably less supervised than Danny was.”
“Yeah,” Danny perked up. “My parents brought us down to their lab all of the time. Taught us a lot of stuff.”
“Really? Like what?” Duke asked, casually slapping away Tim’s sneaky hands.
“Oh, like what a rocket launcher sounded like up close! And how to build a laser gun! Oh! And what human organs looked like when they’re fresh!” Danny chirped, collecting his money from a stunned Stephanie’s hands. He looked up.
“Oh, don’t worry! I at least learned what not to do when it comes to lab safety. And we wore hazmat suits to protect ourselves from the radiation.” Danny smiled in a ditzy fashion as the table fell silent in a horrified manner. Cass tapped his arm amusedly, but allowed his bullshit to stand. After all, it’s not like he lied.
“Radiation?” Duck’s voice raised a couple of octaves. Oh yeah, Danny’s going to laugh about that pitch for a long while.
“Organs?!” Jason’s hands closed around the plastic house he was holding rather forcefully.
“Do you even know what basic lab safety practices are, Danny?” Damian demanded, finally looking up with brows furrowed. He rolled the dice and grabbed a mystery card. He gets $100 from Alfred.
“How old were you??” Duke asked.
“Like… 8, when they first brought me in?”
“Eight.” Bruce rumbled, slipping into a more Batman like persona. When Danny sent him a confused look, Bruce straightened back into his Bruce persona. “Wow, they must have trusted you a lot!”
“What were their names again?” Stephanie asked sweetly, Cass nodding at him.
“Jack and Maddie Fenton.” Not that they’ll find them here, considering his parents are dead and in another universe.
“Cool, cool, cool!” Stephanie blinked, beaming as her hands formed lethal fists underneath the table.
Danny blinked and tilted his head in an unassuming way, pretending like he had no idea what Stephanie was thinking of. He sneakily handed over $600 to Cass in order to complete his monopoly on his side of the board.
Danny stood up and spread his hands out, one hand clutching his new found victory.
"Well, lady and gents, you've all been floundering against the inevitable tide of capitalism. I am here, as a reminder that you can never win against the hopelessness that will be your financial ruin! I, Danny Fenton, have obtained a quarter of the board and therefore have won against even your best efforts!" He cackled, holding up his fan of properties triumphantly. He shot a mischievous grin at Cass, who held up a solemn thumbs up in support for his monetary takeover.
"... Danny, are you... planning on a career in villainy?" Bruce asked, after a brief and total wave of shocked silence. Damian looked like he was having a conniption at having been bested, unknowingly. Yeah, Danny was disarming like that.
"Yeah, that was concerning." Tim piped up, nabbing a ten from a shell-shocked Damian.
"Hey! The Riddler gives surprisingly good monologues! And he's really loud, so it's hard not to pick up on things. Duke, your turn." Danny sat back down, pouting. The villainy comment was a little too close to his fears.
"Damn it." Duke, who had rolled, landed smack middle of Danny's territory. He handed over a sheaf of bills to a grinning Danny.
"Wait a minute! You have cheated!" Damian bolted upwards from his seat, finally done running through the purchases he remembered Danny making. "You acquired that property not within the games' rules!"
"Okay, first of all, the rule book is a suggestion, like lab safety rules," Danny saw the others open their mouths to protest, but he quickly shut it down. "Second, there's totally no rules about selling and buying places from a private owner so suck on it. And thirdly? Cass sold it to me, so you all can take it up with her."
"Diabolical!" Damian muttered indignantly.
"... Dammit." Dick sighed, falling back into the chair and balancing on its two legs. He couldn't say anything, considering his current of bankruptcy.
"Danny. Danny, I'll buy a property from you." Jason said, eyeing one of Danny's other properties near his own cluster.
"What do you have that would interest me?" Danny asked, falling back into his Vlad-like imitation.
"Ew, don't do that," Steph reached over to jab him in the arm.
"Yeah, Jason, what do you have?" Duke said, the lovely subtle instigator that he is.
"Red Hood's signature."
The others blue-screen, gaping at the actual audacity Jason had to offer up something that would take him no effort. Danny, prepared with a poker face that came with lying straight to Jazz's ever perceptive eyes about whether he nabbed the last of her ice cream or not, was prepared.
"Red Hood? The condom guy working out of the... um. Upper East Side?" Danny asked, pretending to hesitate. He knows where Jason operated. That doesn't mean he couldn't simply pretend otherwise. For science, of course.
The table howled with laughter, Jason's indignant spluttering unable to say anything against Danny's wide eyed look of innocence. Cass leaned against the table, chuckles falling out of her mouth and eyes crinkled in mirth. Dick had fallen out of his chair, helplessly wheezing on the floor. Duke is hiding his face in his hands, mirroring Bruce's pose as they both shake from silent laughter. Damian is smirking, wicked and sharp as he smugly stared at Jason. Stephanie and Tim are leaning against each other, repeating "the CONDOM GUY" in alternating and increasingly louder voices. Alfred had a smile on his face and a tight grip on the bills in front of him that betrayed his amusement.
"He's a crime lord!" Jason exclaimed, indignant.
"Uh, okay. Well, I mean, why would I want a crime lord's signature? I don't want to be on his radar. Or echolocation or whatever. He's... a Bat, right? That's what you guys call that group, yeah?"
"How do you know the Rogues better than the vigilantes?!" Jason glared at his unhelpful family. Those assholes better prepare for a load of rubber bullets the next time they're on patrol near Crime Alley.
"Hey, it's not my fault the vigilantes here are unsociable. Maybe if they monologued more, I'd know who they are."
"Wouldn't- wouldn't that make them more villain like?" Tim asked, stuttering from his laughter.
"I dunno?" Danny replied, enjoying his the family's unabashed joy. "I mean, they're pretty legit and they help people already so I guess they don't need to be sociable... but still I swear I haven't heard anything about Batman other than that he grunts and is mean towards criminals."
Is mean towards criminals, Duke mouthed at a recovering Dick who was in the process of heaving himself back up. It sent him careening back down to the floor with restrained giggles. Cass tapped Danny, reminding him to eat some food.
"Tt. Of course not. They're efficient at their jobs and have no need to be seen as welcoming to criminals." Damian puffed up.
"Yeah, but they've gotta feel safe, right?" Danny shrugged as he plucked a cookie from the cookie platter. "The... one with the sword, what was it?"
"Robin." Damian supplied, eyes narrowed and trained on him.
"Yeah, the baby bird. The kids think his swords are cool so they trust him. But like, the others? The flippy blue one? Not so much."
"Wait," Dick said from the floor. "They don't trust Nightwing?"
"Nah, they trust him to protect them, but he has a history of bringing the kids to the police, you know?"
"What's wrong with that?"
Danny shrugged. "ACAB. But also because everybody knows that half the guys in the GCPD and CPS are child traffickers."
"Wait, what?" Jason and Tim straightened.
Bruce piped in, the emotional whiplash of amusement to concern to amusement to concern visibly making itself known on the man's baffled face. "I thought Batman and Commissioner Gordon took care of that?"
"Sure, the obvious ones." Danny hesitated. Well, he's pretty sure they think he's a meta so... "There's... a meta trafficking ring that they're a part of. That's. That's kind of what I was running from."
Danny looked up pleadingly. Cass placed a hand on his arm in comfort, not knowing that he was fibbing about running from them.
Danny was on the streets helping his own Alley metas to run from them.
Danny is as feral as she was, and that meant he could hide just as much as she could read off of him. Cass was the best and he felt kind of bad about lying to her, successfully or not.
"Uh. Some people said you know Batman, Bruce. I know- uh, that might not be the case but if you do, could you ask him to look into it?" Danny made his eyes tear up. "And maybe he wouldn't care about me much, I mean, I know he doesn't really like metas but if he helps out, I could totally like, leave the city once the kids are safe, promise."
Ooh, Danny put a little too much sincerity into that. He could practically hear the hearts breaking in the game room as everyone glared at Bruce.
"You won't have to leave."
"... Promise?" And Danny's voice was a little too desperate, too hopeful, because Bruce's eyes tugged down in sadness.
"Promise." He rumbled, all Bruce Wayne and all Batman. Danny's core warmed. Danny also saw the rest of the family's faces darken in pure agreement. And partial wrath.
"Yeah! We'll kick Batman's ass if he even thought about kicking you out!" Stephanie proclaimed.
"He's far more proficient in combat than you are, Brown." Damian immediately leapt to Batman's defense and that was that.
Well, later, as Danny was "sleeping" and Phantom was hovering in the cave, invisible and intangible, he got confirmation that his Alley meta kids were going to be safe, soon.
After all, the entire Batclan was suiting up and baying for blood, with Oracle's all encompassing presence behind them, fingers reaching for their enemies' weak points.
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mclqren · 6 months
PAIRING ✦ charles leclerc x fem!younger sister!reader ; f1 grid x fem!leclerc!reader
SUMMARY ✦ you're the younger sister of charles leclerc, and your relationship with the rest of the f1 grid has the internet going crazy [ SMAU ]
WARNINGS ✦ cursing
NOTES ✦ reader is 22 years old, and the youngest leclerc sibling. this one is a bit shorter than my other smaus, sorry for that! the fc i've used is lexi jayde, but feel free to picture whoever you want! my requests are open so feel free to leave a request :)
SERIES ✦ the leclerc chronicles masterlist ; next part
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 776,319 others
yourusername it's tough work being the hottest leclerc 🤷‍♀️
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user2 my fav leclerc sibling!!
charles_leclerc the caption 🤔🤔
yourusername am i lying though?? 😘
arthur_leclerc i think you are!
yourusername i think it's just you (& charles) who think that!
landonorris so what's the crown for then?
yourusername because im a queen. i need no other reason 😊👑
landonorris self proclaimed queen or-?
yourusername im queen of the grid, now bow down, bitch!
alex_albon you don't even drive-???
yourusername stop it rn or i'll tell charles to ram into both of you on the track 😊❤️❤️
georgerussell who are the flowers from 🤨🤨
yourusername my man, who else?
georgerussell okay be honest now y/n...who are they from.
yourusername and if i told you ur girlfriend then what 🤷‍♀️
carmenmmundt only woman i need 😘😘
carlossainz55 loving the sunglasses, y/n! 😎😎
yourusername awww you type like such a dad but ur forgiven bc ur my fav ferrari driver 💗
charles_leclerc helloo i'm your older brother??
yourusername hey, i'm still allowed to have my favorites!
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, and 801,211 others
yourusername bahrain weekend woohooo!! TEAM LECLERC (third slide is for motivation ❤️)
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charles_leclerc the last slide??? im telling maman ☹️
maxverstappen1 maybe you can beat me with that motivation!
yourusername he speaks the truth charlie soz 🤷‍♀️ AND PLS DONT TELL MAMAN IM SORRY
francisca.cgomes ur sooo 😍😍
yourusername leave pierre for me rn. im richer i swear
pierregasly huh?
yourusername see, not a thought behind those eyes! run away w me bbg 😘
francisca.cgomes okay you've convinced me, give me ten minutes x
landonorris the coat in bahrain weather??
oscarpiastri how is she surviving??
yourusername a girl does what a girl has to do 🤷‍♀️ maybe you should both take fashion tips from me anyway xx
charles_leclerc you aren't being rude are you y/n?!
yourusername noooo!! im offering friendly advice 😊
lance_stroll i wonder who bought you the first shirt...🤨
yourusername my rich nepo baby friend, thanks again boo 😘
lance_stroll wowww you're literally a nepo baby sister idk what ur on about
yourusername im actually famous for my incredible looks & witty humor, not my fugly brothers
charles_leclerc why are you so rude to us ☹️
yourusername it comes from a place of love 💗
logansargeant i wonder whose sunglasses you're wearing?!
yourusername idk i just found them!!
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( caption one: the third wheel lifestyle is NOTTT for the weak 😔 + tags | caption two: yeah i took this photo asw. can they stop being so fucking happy please it's making me depressed 😔 )
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 781,221 others
tagged francisca.cgomes
yourusername who needs a man when you have kika 😘 ( ps no clue who the other people in the last pic were, but whatevs )
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user5 the y/n lifestyle is something i needddd
user7 outfitsss!! 😍
francisca.cgomes love you 😘
yourusername LOVE YOU MORE 💗💗
landonorris what on earth were you drinking
yourusername idk but it was fizzy and orangey and it was yum
alex_albon orangey isn't a word ❌
yourusername ACTUALLY ☝️ it is. sooo idk what ur on about mate
pierregasly are you even of age to be drinking
yourusername IM THE SAME AGE AS UR GF??? ur just jelly she prefers me to you
pierregasly ☹️☹️
logansargeant the winnie the pooh shirt 🔥
yourusername do americans even know winnie the pooh...
logansargeant clearly??
charles_leclerc how much did you have to drink
yourusername none of ur concern brother!
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liked by yourusername, georgerussell63, and 1,002,665 others
tagged yourusername
landonorris y/n's signature pose: hands under the chin (she forced me to post this please come save me guys)
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yourusername live laugh love me!!
alex_albon is it now...
yourusername SHUT UP ALBONNN IT IS
yourusername guys the caption is a liee i swear he just loves me 💗
landonorris urm who told you that mate
yourusername shut up or i'll send you back to the basement 😁 no one cares enough to save you
georgerussell63 carmen's looking over my shoulder and says y/n's a cutie
pierregasly are you just after everyone's girlfriend then?
yourusername yup! single life = hoe life, @/alex_albon lily's next 😘
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liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri, and 800,219 others
yourusername hey alexa, play art deco by lana del rey ( 📸 @/arthur_leclerc )
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user12 the dress wooowwww
charles_leclerc when did you take these 🤨
yourusername don't worry about it 💗
arthur_leclerc we had tons of fun without you ❤️❤️
yourusername ARTHUR DON'T BE MEAN (it's true)
charles_leclerc ☹️☹️☹️
lilymhe 😍😍
yourusername LOVE YOU LILS 💗
yourusername but also ops on leaving alex for me...just for research purposes
alex_albon Y/N STOP IT SHE'S MY GF
yourusername leave me alone im single and sad :(
lance_stroll did i not buy you that dress for christmas
yourusername yes you did!! thanks again lance it was a LOVELY investment 😘
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( caption one: guess where i am!! 🇦🇺 | caption two: yeah yeah the flag gave it away whatever look at my new best friends 🦒 )
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 833,331 others
yourusername aussie aussie aussie... (australians finish the chant)
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user13 she's so perfect
user14 wait is she charles' sister??
user15 yup!! she's the youngest of the leclerc siblings
oscarpiastri coming from an australian...no 🧡
yourusername lucky for me ur not the only australian i know...so!
danielricciardo OI OI OI 🇦🇺🇦🇺
yourusername @/oscarpiastri LOOLLLL POINT MADE
charles_leclerc FORZA FERRARI
carlossainz55 ❤️❤️❤️
yourusername idk red's not really my color...might have to step into the mclaren paddock next time to see if orange suits me better
charles_leclerc as my sister you can't fraternise with the enemy
yourusername yeah but y/n leclerc does whatever she pleases and right now she wants to wear an orange jacket 🤷‍♀️
landonorris *papaya, not orange
yourusername yeah yeah pls give me a vip paddock pass for japan thank you lan 😘🫶
georgerussell63 the first picture??
yourusername i dropped my ice cream and my WONDERFUL brother decided to capture the moment instead of comforting me ☹️
charles_leclerc it was so funny you just had to be there
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 872,339 others
tagged charles_leclerc, carlossainz55
yourusername FERRARI 1-2 I KNOW THAT'S RIGHTTT!! PROUD OF MY BROTHER(S) (and little lando norris congrats on 3rd 😘)
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user17 the way she said in a podcast once that carlos being in her life was like having ANOTHER older brother makes me cry its so sweet
charles_leclerc rare post of you being proud of me?
yourusername it's mainly for carlos...but i'm proud of you too i guess!
charles_leclerc but i'm your brother??
yourusername idk ur both my brothers in my eyes 💗💗
carlossainz55 te amo y/n! ❤️
logansargeant embracing your inner cowboy, i see! very american of you 🤠
yourusername RAHHH WHAT IS A KILOMETRE 🦅🦅🦅
lance_stroll nurse, she got out again
yourusername SHUT UP LANCELOT ur just jealous that i prefer america to canada!! ❤️
landonorris thanks for the caption y/n, but are you not looking for a way out of the ferrari paddock...🤨🤨
yourusername unfortunately mr norris i have to be a supportive big sister on days like today, where my dear brother has done an exceptional job at racing. i hope you understand, and i offer you my deepest condolences ❤️
might make a p2 to this idk :)
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natlovesls2 · 8 months
Hand Warmers
Lando x Fem!Reader
*ੈ✩‧₊˚warnings: swearing, mentions of boobs and touching them, super short, no use of y/n, I'm American (I think that should be a warning 🤷‍♀️ ), images used are not mine as are from pinterest, possible grammatical errors (its late and I have brain rot from little sleep)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚word count: 0.6k
*ੈ✩‧₊˚summary: its cold and Landos hands need to be warmed
.ೃ࿐request: Can you do a lando x reader
where reader doesn’t want to let go of his hand but she need to open something with both (or whatever you can think of) and she put his hand on top of her boob and something like that ??
Please if you have the time
*ੈ✩‧₊˚Note: Feel free to let me know if something is wrong or weird. Also feel free to request something
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Lando had been holding your hand hostage the whole day, refusing to let go despite the inconvenience. As the day progressed, his hold on your hand tightened. It was impossible to escape his hold, even as you ate your lunch, having to beg to be let go to use the bathroom. His only excuse was the freezing temperature, claiming that your hands were warmer than his and you had to help him warm up.
The cold winter weather had taken over your apartment despite having closed the door immediately after waking in. It was more frigid than the average year, and the abundance of layers did nothing to keep you warm as you lay on the couch cuddled with your boyfriend. “I think we should turn the heater on.”
“I don’t want to get up; this is comfortable, plus your hands are warm,” Lando grumbled into the side of your neck, pulling you closer to himself to prevent you from leaving. 
“What? I’m not doing anything. We can warm each other up. I don’t want to let you go,” his hold on your hands tightened, placing a few kisses on your neck, snuggling closer to you.
While Lando had always been clingy, more so during the cold winter days, this was a new extreme. His cold hands firmly gripped your own, a continued desperate attempt to keep you from leaving his side. "I promise to come back once the heater is turned on."
"Pinky promise," you reassure him, feeling his grip loosen, and finally, you break free. You could feel his eyes on you, closely watching as you walked to the heater and turned it on. He was skeptical about the promise you had made. The way his eyes followed your every move proved that. 
"You're taking too long," he complained, voice whiny as he sat up in his spot, grabby hands reaching out in your direction. The slower you walked back to him, the more childlike he became. His pout only increased as he realized you were purposefully taking your time.
"You're being mean," he continued to whine, only stopping when you finally sat next to him again, hands immediately grabbing your own. He briefly let go of your hand to turn on the television, quickly grabbing and kissing them. 
"Don't you think you've held my hand enough?"
"No, I think I've held your hand for too little," he says, slightly pouting again, leaning forward to press a light kiss to your lips. This was always his tactic for getting what he wanted. The constant pouting and occasional kisses were well-known to you. It was almost expected from him, especially when things weren't going exactly the way he wanted them to. 
"Let go, Lando," you said, refusing to fall victim to his ploy– knowing that if you allowed him to get away with this, he would only use it against you. 
"Noooo," he said, voice high and whiny, squeezing your hand tighter, peppering your face with kisses, gently stroking your hands. 
"It's getting warmer in here," you struggle against him, letting out a sigh of relief as he finally lets go of your hands. This was a victory in your eyes, though you knew it would be a short-lived victory– Lando being a very persistent person. 
"I'm still cold," he says after a few minutes, resting his hand on your waist. 
“You’re annoying,” you say, moving his hands under your shirt and placing them on your breasts, shivering at the freezing touch, “You're fucking freezing.”
“Yeah, but I'm definitely getting warmer,” he gently squeezes your boobs, stealing their warmth for himself. 
"At my expense," you say, your body beginning to relax as Lando's hands warmed themselves between your breasts and bra. 
"You're the one who offered," he continues to softly but firmly massage and squeeze them, "I think these might be the best hand warmers."
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littlemelaninfics · 6 months
Just One More
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WARNING: Overstimulation, crying reader, language, fingering
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“No, no, no, no!”
There you are, 4 orgasms in and writhing wildly in Bucky’s arms as he continues to rub circles around your clit. You're trembling with tears streaming down your face while you desperately try to get away from the torturous manipulation of his hands. All he could do was smile as he keeps the cold, heavy metal of his left arm tight around you middle.
He kept pulling you back into his chest when you couldn't help but buck your hips and gasps for breath, “Bucky… please… no more, I can’t-”. He puts two fingers in your abused opening,
“Yes, you can,” he says sternly, mouth pressed to your ear. The bass in his voice vibrates the wires in your brain. He's all you crave.
He lets out a deep breath when he slides a third finger into your hole. You were helpless and at his mercy. Your hands are trapped behind your back, between your torsos with a red Christmas ribbon he found. Your legs were trapped between his so when you tried to close them, he just had to spread his wider. There was absolutely nothing you could do to stop him from playing with your sensitive pussy.
“Ohhh, I’m not done yet, Baby. Not yet.” He pulled his fingers out and went back to the same speed on your clit.
“Oh my god, Sir… fuck, please, don’t stop,” you moan loudly, trashing in his grip when the tight coil in your abdomen comes undone. Wave after wave of pleasure crashing through you. You're full on sobbing in blissful agony before going tractable in his arms. All your body could do was tremble from head to toe when he pressed his nose into your slick neck and finally slips his fingers out of you. He loosens his hold on your torso, allowing your legs to close a bit to give you a well deserved moment. You go to close them more when he cups his hand possessively around your pussy. He’s still not done.
You start to cry again; the combination of the tears and your whining making you sound so pathetic and helpless. He just eats it up.
“Noooo… Bucky, please, no more… stop, I- I can’t… please, no…”
“Shhh. You're doing so well for me,” he says, pressing his lips against your temple. "What do you say to get me to stop?"
He laid a light tap to your swollen petals, "tell, y/n. Stay with me."
"Brooklyn," you said in the faintest whisper.
"It's where we met...FUCK!"
He doesn’t wait another moment before slipping two fingers back inside your sopping pussy, making you cry out when they graze your ultra sensitive walls.
“James-FUCKKK!,” You drag out as you sit your head up to watch his attack on you,
"You want me to stop? Say it and I'll stop." He knew you wouldn't and he reveled at the fact that he had complete control over you. The fact that he didn't reprimand you for using his legal name meant that he was having way too much fun in this torture session to even care.
“No! Please don't stop…” His fingers reached the spot that undoes it all and your eyes roll back as you place your head back on him, completely quiet.
"Jesus fucking Christ," Bucky watches, mesmerized that it's him who's making you cum like this.
You whimper in his arms, gulping in large breaths that pass right by his ear from where my head is resting on his shoulder. Your entire body is trembling. Your sweaty skin sliding along his own when you try to wiggle away from his touch.
You stay like that for a moment before he presses another kiss to your temple. By this time, your eyes are closed and you're starting to come down. Your breathing stables until you feel a heavy, icy sensation start to travel back to your overused cunt.
"You've been such a good girl for me. I know you can give me another, Baby.”
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ORYM AND FEARNE?!?!??!?!?!?
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corollaservant · 5 months
oh noooo kinks post is gone 😭😭
buddy, you lurkin? this was up for an hour 😳 jk jk—this was filthy, made me feel like i was too disgusting on the internet or shadowbanned. anyways yk what? here you go (cause it was fun to write) <3
(18+) MHA kinks (shiggy, overhaul, dabi)
cw: coercion/gaslighting, edging (lol?), s/m, asphyxiation(implied), kai's mysophobia (the correct term is microphobia but anyways)
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Shigaraki: i think he’s into gaslighting and coercion and ik the latter doesn’t classify as a kink (more like an offense) but hear me out:
he brought you to that miserable bar the LoV hangs out in and can’t stop touching you, while you’re forced to sit on his lap. you love public, right? well, no and he knows. whether the LoV watches or not doesn't matter, he wants to see your attitude change, once you can't hide the fact he's fucking you over fabric anymore. his cock twitches, when he stops and you silently beg with your eyes. he'll tell you that he thought you didn't like this while you’ll apologize for even thinking that.
when alone, he’ll have you sprawled on the bed, parting your legs and asking you which you prefer, his fingers or tongue. you’ll brokenly breathe out a “fingers, please” as he’ll sneer and..oblige. he’s clearly skilled, his fingertips tease your cunt as if he’s strumming close chords on a guitar and fuck—you look pretty as shit watching him push them inside. ‘’so you’re saying that you don't like my tongue, yeah?’’ he’ll feign sorrow, you never said that but he makes you reflect on it. ‘’you know what i think? i think you’ll like my tongue just fine’’ he’ll tell you and start sucking on the swelled nub as you tremble. ‘’actually.. you’ll like it more’’
once you shamelessly cum on his tongue exhausted, he’ll continue. ‘’ready for the main event?’’ he’ll ask as you beg him to at least wait a second, you ache down there but he obviously doesn’t care. ‘’there’s no time to wait..come on baby, you know it feels better the second time around.’’ he’ll tell you as his tip splits your folds. you ultimately consider that he might be right after all. actually, he’s never wrong.
Overhaul: this man has an edging kink.. before you say anything, it’s not what you think.
he’ll have you on that examination table (not too heavy on his medical kink tho), mask and gloves on, of course what did you think? that he’d make an exception? the fact he’s even touching you is enough boundaries crossed for him. his gloved hand will spread your juices across your pussy, as he winces behind the bird mask. he hates dirt, bodily fluids, liquids, any bodily emission/discharge, call it whatever you want. the moment he senses your pulse and legs jerking, he’ll remove his hand in fear you might cum on his gloves. you’ll whimper upset but he doesn’t really care, you should thank him for allowing you this proximity in the first place.
same with sex. condoms with him is like the concept of gravity — self fucking explanatory. sometimes he’ll even use two. don’t get him wrong, it’s not like you are the problem, it’s more like your body, he feels like he purifies you each time he thrusts calculated in your cunt (he's delusional). he likes you being vocal as long as you don’t accidentally spit on him, which will earn you a slap.
to prove that the issue is not you, the man will not allow himself to cum inside you, even with the (2) condoms on. he just prefers transmitting the ‘filth’ directly onto you, which means he’ll have you pump his cock and receive all his load (wherever it lands, he makes sure it's angled towards you). 
he's a weirdo of course, but he makes up for it in aftercare. he sterilizes you like there’s no tomorrow. if you’re lucky and you make him cum quick and clean, he might offer a cup of tea and your favorite snack. 
Dabi: sadomasochism. i’ve seen both variations separately done for him before — i just think he’s both.
obviously he’s more into the first (sadism). will treat you like a potato sack, lifting you up without asking, throwing (literally throwing) you to the bed, not caring about where you’ll land and ripping/burning the fabric that clings onto you. assaults your cunt—spits on it and slaps the clit with his hands (sometimes too hard, it makes you cry).
facefucks you the minute you get a hold of his cock, he doesn’t even give you a second, he will grab your head and move it to an unforgiving pace. definitely a cheek slapper — needs to feel his dick in your gums from outside. he might pinch your nose shut and leave you with no airway to..survive. but it’s ok, you make it out alive.
has ropes and recently bought a leash and a collar. it’s red with a black handle and he uses it each time you talk too much. might get bored just holding the handle as he needs to touch (bruise) you, so he’ll hang it to the bed’s end and just pull at the steel. shoots his cum inside only when you're loud enough to make his ears ring. (rip neighbors, they're already considering moving out after they called the cops on him and he almost fried them)
the thing is.. Dabi lives in the past, he doesn’t share his life with anyone so how is he supposed to not dwell on it by himself? has a lot of inflicted pain he can’t share but subconsciously craves. the first time you take liberty in causing him pain ever so little is accidental. you are on top, he’s setting the pace, sure, but your weight falls on his face as your arms enclose his neck. you’re not trying, hell, you don’t even know how to choke someone properly (why would you?) but you need to hold on to something and you think you’re imagining it when you hear a very soft moan. no, you’re definitely imagining it. it will cross your mind later on.
after that, you try to experiment in the territory, you’re in missionary and he thrusts inside you while you bring his neck close and squeeze again. this time you deliberately apply pressure as he hisses a fuck so.. you slap him. it’s a light, small smack on his cheek, again, you don’t want to piss him off but he groans, this time louder and you grin. you might end up slapping him harder the more the sex progresses, the staples hurt your knuckles but he’s making desperate (sexy) sounds.
he’s not gonna be descriptive since he is waay too embarrassed (you will never hear a ‘’shit, i love it when you cause me pain, babe’’) but you don’t care, his expressions tell you everything you need to know.
the next time you’re on top and test the waters, you grab the leash and collar from the nightstand and raise a brow. that’s how most of the communication flows, with mute understanding. he’ll huff in annoyance while his hips involuntarily buck up and he’ll mutter: ‘’shit, whatever.. get this over with.’’ (i hc he calls you bro when embarrassed lol) breath already hitched as you adjust the buckle to his neck. safe to say you’re more than proud to see him fall apart, even if tears never spill from his eyes. 
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6esiree · 3 months
Tying Pink Bows On Their Ears, Wings, & Tails
Imagine convincing Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Vox, Adam, Sir Pentious, and Saint Peter to let you tie a bow on some part of them?
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How did you manage to convince Alastor to allow you to tie pink bows on his ears, or better yet, his tail? You didn’t, you simply took advantage of the fact he decided to pass out on his stomach, his snores muffled by your pillow. ‘It’ll only be a quick nap,’ Alastor told you, and you believed him, his slender legs dangling off the edge of the bed. Unfortunately for him, your nimble fingers worked amazingly under pressure, his shadow watching on with a wicked smile on its face.
“Oh, I feel much better now, rejuvenated even!” Alastor sighed as he stirred awake, blinking in confusion at the feeling of some sort of tendril caressing his brow. “What is this?” He asked, reaching up to assess it between his thumb and his forefinger, his ear twitching sensitively upon experimentally tugging at it. “A—is this a ribbon?”
“Noooo, why’d you have to do that?” You whined, watching him undo your handiwork in a matter of seconds as he stared back at you, seemingly unimpressed. “I didn’t get to take a picture!” Alastor seized your chin, leaning in to place a fleeting kiss on the corner of your mouth. “Oh, sweetness,” He whispered against your skin, “I cannot be seen in such frivolous things.”
You pouted at him, but when he turned around, you had to stifle your laughter as your eyes trailed down to his backside. Poor, unsuspecting Alastor, you thought—until he grabbed his coat and peered down at you from over his shoulder, a knowing smile playing on his lips. ‘Ah! I almost forgot,’ He started, ‘Help me with this last bow, won’t you?’ The worst part was that he had the audacity to teasingly wag his tail. The bastard. But you complied anyway, albeit begrudgingly.
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You didn’t have to convince Lucifer to tie some pink bows on him, nope. So long as you did it in the privacy of your shared bedroom, he told you, you could do whatever your heart desired. However, as he sat with his back facing you, mentally prepared to have his hair braided and entwined with ribbons, you whispered against his neck, ‘Luci, baby, can I see your tail?’ He blinked before eventually stuttering, ‘Oh, sure!’ curious to find out what you had in store for him.
“I’ve always wanted to do this,” You admitted, eliciting a squeak from Lucifer as you wrapped your hand around the base of his tail, squeezing it ever so slightly. “Look, honey, I don’t mind you doing that,” He started, subtly rubbing his thighs together, “But, uhh, ya know! My tail’s very—and I mean very—sensitive.”
“Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself,” You said, placing an apologetic kiss on his nape, making him shiver. “Oh, I know you did that on purpose,” Lucifer chuckled, shooting you a grin from over his shoulder, the end of his tail affectionately caressing your jaw. “Now, do what you asked of me before I change my mind.”
While you would have loved to tease Lucifer just a bit more, you desperately wanted to know how his tail looked in pink bows. So, you got to work, a smile growing on your face as you observed the way his body relaxed. It took you a while, but your fingers never ceased their movements, tying bow after bow on the vast expanse of his tail. ‘Done!’ You excitedly announced, clasping your hands together in delight. Lucifer could only stare at you in utter adoration, his tail swishing back and forth.
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Oh, you practically had to beg Husk to allow you to tie pink bows on him, whether it was on his ears, wings, or tail. The concept was just so embarrassing to him, but as you fell down onto your knees, your cheek pressed up against his crotch while you fluttered your lashes at him in promise, he acquiesced. ‘Christ, fine! Do whateva ya want,’ Husk huffed, bringing you up from the ground before the situation could escalate, an excited squeal seeping past your lips.
“Huskkk, can you stop, like, moving so much?” You asked, trying to tie a bow on the base of his wings, but he kept jumping, the fur on his spine raising every time the soft satin fell. “Ya can’t expect me not to move—it feels funny, alright?” Husk admitted, so you mumbled ‘Fine,’ and moved onto his tail. “What about here?”
“Still sensitive, but not as much,” Husk shrugged, but the way he rolled his shoulders as you ran your enclosed hands from the base of his tail down to his feathers said otherwise. “Hm, okay,” You said, grabbing the ribbon from earlier and getting to work, your eyes darting between your hands and his back, gauging his reaction.
A smile graced your lips as you stared down at your handiwork, the pink standing out against his dark fur. ‘Oh my goodness,’ You sighed, placing a hand over your heart, ‘You look so fucking cute.’ Instead of responding, Husk suddenly pounced on you, pinning you to the bed. ‘Ya gonna come through on ya promise?’ He asked, his tail swishing back and forth behind him, but how could you take him seriously with a giant pink bow tied to him? He growled as you laughed at him.
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At first, Vox said no to you when you asked if you could tie a pink bow on him. But then you straddled his lap and wrapped your arms around his waist, dropping your head onto his shoulder with a pout—how could he say no to that? ‘Fine, but I’m going to take it off afterwards, understood?’ Vox made it clear to you. He rolled his eyes, but he also couldn’t help but chuckle as you hopped off of his lap, telling him you’d be back before you ran out of his office.
“This is ridiculous,” Vox sighed, watching you remove his hat and place it on the desk behind you. “To you? Yes. But to me? Nah,” You said, grabbing a pink satin ribbon, fixing to tie it to his crooked antenna. “Woah, woah! Slow down there, sweetheart,” He reached up and grabbed your wrist, your fingers anxiously twitching.
“What? Did I do something wrong?” You asked, but then he moved your hand to his other antenna. “No, I just recommend you try this one instead, that’s all,” Vox simply said, releasing your wrist when you shrugged, his hands falling onto your thighs. “Oh, alright.”
As you tied the soft satin around Vox’s straight antenna, you felt his body sink into the chair, peering down to see his eyes shut and his claws flexing mindlessly against your skin. You smiled at that, purposely drawing out your ministrations so he could relax just a little bit longer. ‘All done,’ You whispered, fluffing out the bow, but you were met with silence instead of a response. Vox had fallen asleep, you realized, and oh, he made for such an adorable sight.
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You brought your head up from Adam’s lap, wiping your mouth clean with the back of your hand as you blinked away your tears. ‘Satisfied?’ You arched a brow at him, receiving a lazy nod and a wonky smile in response. Under no circumstance could you tie pink bows on him—that’s what Adam told you when you first asked, but you knew that was a lie. You felt triumphant as you crawled onto the bed and sat behind him, caging him with your thighs.
“I can’t believe this is fucking happening,” Adam groaned, feeling utterly embarrassed even though nobody but you would get to see him. “You’re such a baby, I swear,” You said, quickly adding the next part when he shot you a warning look over his shoulder, “My baby, though.” You leaned in and stole a kiss from his lips.
“Stop, that’s so cheesy—just get it over with, alright?” Adam huffed, turning around before you could see the blush growing on his face. “Well, if you sit still, I’ll be done in no time,” You hummed, trying not to giggle as his wings slightly fluttered, clearly affected by the sensation of the soft satin ribbon. “Hey, don’t you fly away from me just yet.”
Somehow, you managed to decorate Adam’s wings with many bows, but they were mostly loose and ready to fall off at any given moment. You also ended up taking longer than you should have because of all his movement; still, he looked cute, and you couldn’t help but let him know that. ‘Never thought I’d say this but, damn, do you look cute,’ You sighed, wrapping your arms around his stomach. ‘Yeah, yeah, whatever,’ Adam mumbled, his heart feeling full.
Sir Pentious:
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How could Sir Pentious say no to you when you asked him if you could tie a pink bow on him? Much like Lucifer, he would allow you to do whatever your heart desired, so long as it was reasonable. There was no harm in something as innocent as a simple accessory, your only issue being what to tie. You tried his tail at first, but when he experimentally slithered away, it came off in a matter of seconds. So, you decided to focus on something else instead.
“Ohhh, that feels rather funny,” Sir Pentious shivered as your hands felt down his hood. “Do you think if I tied a bow in the middle that it would look like you have a ponytail?” You asked, receiving a contemplative hum in response from him.
“Perhapsss it would,” Pentious said, feeling the soft satin ribbon caress him. He couldn’t help but close his eyes, sighing in relaxation at your ministrations. “Oh my goodness, it does,” You giggled, being careful not to make the bow too tight. “Oh, that’s…wonderful.”
You rounded the serpent, staring at him and admiring him more than your handiwork. ‘How do I look?’ Pentious expectantly clasped his hands in front of his chest, his face growing warm as you approached him, your lips mere centimeters away from his. ‘Breathtaking,’ You said, reaching out to cradle his jaw. ‘Oh! Well, I, uh, thank you very much,’ Pentious nervously chuckled. ‘Shall we show the others your fine work?’ You gave him a quick kiss before nodding, making him melt.
Saint Peter:
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When you asked Saint Peter if you could tie pink bows on his wings, he blinked, wondering why you’d want to do that. ‘Well, why not?’ You said, a coy smile playing on your lips. Fair enough. He turned his back to you, his wings fluttering in anticipation as you delicately ran your fingers down the expanse of them. They were so soft and a beautiful shade of blue, and you could already imagine how ethereal Peter would look with delicate satin ribbons clinging onto his feathers.
“If they’re too sensitive then I can just stop, you know,” You hummed against Peter’s neck, but he quickly shook his head. “No, no, that’s not necessary,” He chuckled nervously, doing his best to steady his wings as you tried to tie a bow on the base for starters. “I’m simply not used to having them touched, that’s all.”
“I should touch them more often, then,” You said, leaning away from him so you could focus on the task at hand, and oh, he was thankful for that. His face flushed, already having a general idea about what you meant. “Ah, well, I’m not entirely opposed to that,” Peter coughed, trying to sound nonchalant. “Maybe after we’re done?” You whispered, “The night is still young.”
You tried not to chuckle as you felt him shift in front of you, tying bow after bow wherever you could. ‘There, all done!’ You announced, admiring how beautiful his wings looked in the pink satin. ‘Oh, well, won’t you look at that!’ Peter said, getting up and approaching the nearest mirror, carefully spreading his wings so as to not ruin your handiwork. You sighed at that, craning your neck and squinting at him affectionately. He’s such an angel, you thought as he smiled at you.
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littlemelanintales · 5 months
Just One More
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WARNING: Overstimulation, crying reader, language, fingering
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“No, no, no, no!”
There you are, 4 orgasms in and writhing wildly in Bucky’s arms as he continues to rub circles around your clit. You’re trembling with tears streaming down your face while you desperately try to get away from the torturous manipulation of his hands. All he could do was smile as he keeps the cold, heavy metal of his left arm tight around you middle.
He kept pulling you back into his chest when you couldn’t help but buck your hips and gasps for breath, “Bucky… please… no more, I can’t-”. He puts two fingers in your abused opening,
“Yes, you can,” he says sternly, mouth pressed to your ear. The bass in his voice vibrates the wires in your brain. He’s all you crave.
He lets out a deep breath when he slides a third finger into your hole. You were helpless and at his mercy. Your hands are trapped behind your back, between your torsos with a red Christmas ribbon he found. Your legs were trapped between his so when you tried to close them, he just had to spread his wider. There was absolutely nothing you could do to stop him from playing with your sensitive pussy.
“Ohhh, I’m not done yet, Baby. Not yet.” He pulled his fingers out and went back to the same speed on your clit.
“Oh my god, Sir… fuck, please, don’t stop,” you moan loudly, trashing in his grip when the tight coil in your abdomen comes undone. Wave after wave of pleasure crashing through you. You’re full on sobbing in blissful agony before going tractable in his arms. All your body could do was tremble from head to toe when he pressed his nose into your slick neck and finally slips his fingers out of you. He loosens his hold on your torso, allowing your legs to close a bit to give you a well deserved moment. You go to close them more when he cups his hand possessively around your pussy. He’s still not done.
You start to cry again; the combination of the tears and your whining making you sound so pathetic and helpless. He just eats it up.
“Noooo… Bucky, please, no more… stop, I- I can’t… please, no…”
“Shhh. You’re doing so well for me,” he says, pressing his lips against your temple. “What do you say to get me to stop?”
He laid a light tap to your swollen petals, “tell, y/n. Stay with me.”
“Brooklyn,” you said in the faintest whisper.
“It’s where we met…FUCK!”
He doesn’t wait another moment before slipping two fingers back inside your sopping pussy, making you cry out when they graze your ultra sensitive walls.
“James-FUCKKK!,” You drag out as you sit your head up to watch his attack on you,
“You want me to stop? Say it and I’ll stop.” He knew you wouldn’t and he reveled at the fact that he had complete control over you. The fact that he didn’t reprimand you for using his legal name meant that he was having way too much fun in this torture session to even care.
“No! Please don’t stop…” His fingers reached the spot that undoes it all and your eyes roll back as you place your head back on him, completely quiet.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Bucky watches, mesmerized that it’s him who’s making you cum like this.
You whimper in his arms, gulping in large breaths that pass right by his ear from where my head is resting on his shoulder. Your entire body is trembling. Your sweaty skin sliding along his own when you try to wiggle away from his touch.
You stay like that for a moment before he presses another kiss to your temple. By this time, your eyes are closed and you’re starting to come down. Your breathing stables until you feel a heavy, icy sensation start to travel back to your overused cunt.
“You’ve been such a good girl for me. I know you can give me another, Baby.”
seen this before? tumblr deleted my other account so i have to rebuild :/
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ilylovelyz · 3 months
Please do literally anything with Kenma I’m obsessed with him rn
⍣ ೋ how they fell in love
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˚ · . kenma kozume & oikawa torū
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kenma kozume — because you made him an apple pie. it seems silly, yeah–but that's truly what made him began developing feelings with you. not because of the many hours you spent playing with him in silence, talking to basically yourself as he was too shy to respond to a female. not because you gave him your very detailed and simplfied notes you made specifically for him because you knew that he's be too tired out of his mind from the winning-streak he did last night to pay attention today. no, it was because you made him an apple pie, something he only mentioned once in passing.
"hey ken.." you cheekily say, a large grin written across your face. kenma looks up from his nitendo, eyes greeting you silently before they move back to his screen. "wow! such a greeting!" you tease, despite being ignored so blatantly, you couldn't help but giggle at his intense expression that he sports while playing.
you feign a sigh, your hand coming up to tap at his wrist, earning a surprised flinch from the blonde. his hand quickly pulls away, allowing you to take advantage of the opening he gave you and snatch his nitendo from his other hand. "y/l/n-san.. what are you doing..?" he groans out, his hands trying to reach over the desk to steal back his game.
to anyone else, it looks like he hates you. maybe he does–, but to you, that's just the way he speaks. "oh please, you can spare a minute or two." with that, you're smiling greatly at him and suddenly pulling out a black container, setting it on top of his desk. "ta da~!" you laugh, your hands laying on top of your knees anxiously.
his cat-like eyes glance up at your own, confused, he just sits there. you dart your eyes back up to him and to the container, hoping that he'll get the message to open it. it seems to work, "...you wan't me to open it?" you roll your eyes at his response, "noooo, it's just gonna stay on your desk for all eternity.. jeez—just open it already!" kenma jumps at your raised tone, rushing to open the container in hopes of settling you down.
he blinks down at the contents inside the container, his hands resting on the edges. "this is.. apple pie..? for me?" he asks, his tone more soft onces he realizes. "i made it, for you." you smile, urging him on to taste it. "here," you lift a the pink fork on the inside, slicing the apple pie and lifting it up, only stopping in front of kenma's mouth.
he glances up at you once more, his eyes training onto the piece of apple pie. it does look yummy... finally, he moves forward and takes the bite into his mouth, chewing it slowly to inspect it. you watch him closely, watching for any reactions.
with a swallow, he sits there, his eyes looking elsewhere. "it was good," he admits, earning a content laugh from you. before you could ask him anything else, you heard the call of your name. you follow the voice, seeing that it's your friend standing in the doorway. she calls for you, wanting you to come with her.
"enjoy it, kenma-chan," you say, giving him back his console and walking away. kenma stares at you blankly, still holding the fork in his hand as he watches you leave the classroom. his eyes glance back at the miniature apple pie, sighing softly. he digs his fork in for another piece. he's glad you left, that you didn't see him blush so much when he took the first bite of the best apple pie he's had in awhile.
oikawa torū — because you stood out from the others and stood your ground. despite the two of you not dating or talking, you were still running the "relationship". he thought because of his looks, you'd easily give in like the rest of them, fall to your knees and end up heartbroken when he'd leave. but no, you made him work for it–for you. hell, he couldn't even tell if you liked him back. he didn't even realize it, but he was chasing you around like some lovesick puppy, following your orders and looking up at you like you were some goddess. he finally realized it when you called him out for it, and even then, it made his heart pound in his chest for you.
oikawa watches with those pretty brown eyes of his, they reflect of his target, you. he chews on his pretty lips, ripping the skin of their delicate flesh. his features, oh his pretty features, once so relaxed and perfect, are now scrunched up into a face of worry and fear.
he watches you, his eyes occasionally darting to the random guy next to you whenever he talks to you once more. in this moment, oikawa wishes so bad he was in your proximity, he wants to hear what the stranger is saying to you. is he flirting with you? is he asking for your number? maybe he's a family member. no, wait, no family member would move close to you like that.. no, no family member would wrap their arm around your shoulder!?
oikawa leaves the court, running hurriedly to where you sit. he ignores that the game is about to start, and that he hasn't even stretched yet. he makes his way up the bleachers, hastely walking towards you. but it seems your attention isn't even on him, it's on the guy next to you instead. or is it? from what he sees, it is. but really, you're just letting the scene in front of you play, it's cute to see oikawa this way about you.
"y/n-chan." he says, trying to make his voice sound as stern as possible. you feign a giggle at the guy next to you, pretending to not hear oikawa to bait him even further. it works, as before you can react he's wrapping his hand around your wrist and pulling you up from your seat and down the bleachers, practically dragging you out of the gym.
you hold back a menacing laugh as oikawa pushes you against the wall of the gym, seeing the hurt and fear on his handsome face. "y/n-chan, who was that? why'd you ignore me?" he asks, his lips pulled downwards into a frown. he cups both of your hands into his own, holding them tightly. "huh? what are you talkin' about? i didn't even know you were there." you say, acting dumb about the whole situation.
"yes you–, y/n-chan who was that guy?!" he whines, desperate to know the answer. his whining is cut short when you snap back your hands from him, lightly pushing him away from you. "why do you care? we aren't even dating." your voice is feigned with annoyance, your arms crossed upon your chest.
his heart drops at the realization. right.. the two of you aren't even a thing. his eyebrows furrow at the thought, he thought, just like the rest, you'd be the one to ask him out, not the other way around. if the two of you aren't even a thing, then why does he care? much to his own expectations, he doesn't even know.
he sighs deeply in defeat, his hand subconsciously moving towards yours. his eyes are glued to the ground, lips stuck into a thin line. you try not to let it show, but it breaks through, your laugh just escapes through your throat, confusing the already upset oikawa. "what's so funny?" he asks, his eyes wide at your sudden outburst. "haha–it's–it's, really nothing, heh–, you're so cute, toru," you struggle to say, emphasizing the use of his first name, he's begged you to call him by his first name, but you've just never done that.
his heart fluters at the use of his name, blush coating his cheeks so nicely. cute? "oh.. oh, were you messing with me?" he asks timidly, his hand coming up to scratch at his nape. oikawa lightly scoffs when you nod, still laughing at your own cruel joke.
finally, with a last chuckle, you nod your head, smiling mischievously at him. "so then.. who was that guy?" he asks, feeling more confident within himself. you shrug your shoulders, "a friend i paid $5 to act like he was flirting with me."
oh. oikawa sheepishly backs away, his face painted a light color of pink. he feels his phone vibrate, probably a text from iwaizumi calling to see where he's at. just as he takes out his phone and is about to open it, you're pushing yourself forward, your hands planting themselves flat on his chest as you get onto your tippy toes to give a longing kiss onto the apples of his cheeks.
"good luck," you say cheekily, returning flat onto your feet and walking away from the dazed oikawa. he can only turn his head to watch as you walk back into the gym, his cheek tingling in the spot where you kissed him. god, you just have him wrapped around your finger.
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threepandas · 3 months
Your Biggest Fan: Villian/Yandere Izuku
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You Ruined His Plan.
No one was supposed to CARE. They NEVER care. NEVER ask questions. They look, at the red shoes, the note, then shrug it all off. Just another statistic. One more gone, of an already "dying breed".
The Quirkless had been a "dying breed" for a while now.
He bet they didn't even know where that phase came from. It was WAR propaganda. Quirkless population numbers were supposed to level out a decade ago, according to estimates. But noooo! They kept DROPPING!
Dropping, Dropping, DROPPING!
Like notebooks and little boys off roof tops.
No Heroes coming to save them. Smiles for everyone ELSE. Just burns and bad grades they didn't earn, ruined lunches and funeral flowers on desks. Kicking and kicking and PUNCHS until they break! Until they fight back. Until THEY are the problem. THEY are the monsters!
Dreams destroyed and online friends who go silent.
Funerals. Mothers who cry but don't protect you.
ANGER and where are the HEROES?
Here... apparently.
She is... she is standing HERE. Arms crossed. Mouth in a furious line as she listens to the principal spew his excuses. She does not look like she believes a single one. Does not look sympathetic or dismissive in the least.
The disgusting trash around her isn't used to it. Are slowly beginning to sweat. Panic. It is beginning to dawn on them... that there could be CONSEQUENCES for their actions. Their criminal neglect and cruel allowances.
She looks disgusted. Furious. And... when she glances at the supposed last words of Hanako-chan? Utterly heartbroken. She stands, feet planted, shoulders back, as she argues and pulls rank. Threatening to ARREST even the police officers THEMSELVES unless they DO THEIR JOBS.
As is her RIGHT. Because this is not JUSTICE. Nor Vengance. But can bring, at least, closure to the soul of a little girl wronged. Prevent others from harm. And she stands as a shield against that harm. It is her JOB, her DUTY, and so help her, if she must hunt each and every one of them down and HAND DELIVER them to a cell? She WILL.
She stands there, in the cold afternoon light, like...
Like A Hero!
He has to slap both his hands over his mouth. To stop his dreadful muttering habit from escaping again. He... he hasn't found anything INTERESTING enough to mutter about in so LONG. Gotten out of the habit of controlling it. His control is shot. And... and OH~!
Ever since Kacc-... Since All Mi... THEM. He hasn't... hasn't BELIEVED in Heros like he used too. He WANTED too! He did! But...? It was like it just... died inside him. Slowly. Painfully. Screaming.
It hurt so, so much. Everything was angry and grey and TERRIBLE. B...But? But! BUT NOW? It's like a giddy spark of light has struck a match inside the empty cavern inside him, lighting up the massive caves where his belief once lived. I..It's so small and fragile. So WARM.
He scrambles back. Hands pressed to his mouth, eyes shut tight, uncaring of the rough brick he's pressed too as he slides to the wet ground. It scrapes him up. But what's a few more scrapes amongst the rest? He's always hurt. It's his life. It's ALL their lives.
He breathes. Savors the fragile warmth in his chest.
"Hey, are you okay?" That voice. No, no it can't be... his eyes shoot open. Startled he looks up. Directly... into... a.. mask.. "You're looking pretty banged up. My Quirk doesn't have many medical uses, so unless you think you've cracked a bone or something, I hope you're good with band-aids. Fair warning though. All the Froppy one's are already gone. Kid's LOVE frogs."
It IS. His Hero. THE Hero. She must have finished up. Noticed him somehow. Sloppy...
Already kneeling, she gently takes his hand. Is already pulling out a medical kit from her thigh pouch. He spots "good job!" Stickers and a few lollipops. He... he has QUESTIONS. For the first time in YEARS. Who is she? What school did she go too? What Quirk does she have? Where does she work out off?
Why did she CARE?
Is it a one off? Would she care AGAIN? Her hands are firm but gentle. She keeps him "distracted". Asking him inane questions to take his mind off his pain. Kind. So KIND~! He manages to get her Hero name before she goes. Sends her off with a smile that hurts his face. Reminds him how many years it's BEEN since he's truely grinned.
He races home. Fingers flying on his phone. His lieutenant can deal with Hanako. Get her settled with her new family. He... he NEEDS too... TOO-!
He SLAMS his shoebox of an apartment open, ignoring the bellowed demands and insults of the filth that live around him. It's only muscle memory that has him locking the dozen locks behind him, to keep out the scum that would attempt to prey upon him.
He... he NEEDS-!
His "work" laptop. So bleeding edge I-island will be cursing their own bigotry for centuries. If only out of GREED. They don't know what they've lost by turning down those engineers and applicants. But Izuku does. He collects them ALL.
And now it pays off once again.
It take less then a moment. Easier then breathing. And he has EVERYTHING.
Her arrests records. Her case load. Her school records and medical files. Social media. Current audio book. Hero ranking, media presence, the chatter about Her online. EVERYTHING.
It's... it's beautiful.
A "troublemaker" who wouldn't shut up about the injustice she saw around her. Wouldn't stand for it. Got into fights to protect the weak and defenseless. Helped where she could. It put her on the wrong side of the narrative. When she wouldn't shut up about how everything WASN'T fine and what those in power were doing was WRONG.
She was a child, they were not. She HAD the option to shut up and pick her own future over the well being of those around her.
She chose to be a HERO instead.
Like... Like HIM. She was robbed of her DREAM. Of going to UA. The future she wanted, she fought for, needed like AIR.
But... but Aaah~♡ she was so COOL! Didn't give up! She sued. Made a RACKET. And when it got her record wiped but not her chance to enter any Japanese Hero school reinstated? She took the winnings from her lawsuit, her parents reluctant consent, and WENT ABROAD.
Came BACK with a hero license that the Japanese government had to recognize as per international accords. Let her take the final test HERE.
They BURIED her in the rankings. Must HATE her. A real hero, come to SHAME THEM for all they've become~♡ Or, well, HE thinks she will. How can she NOT? When she is so much BETTER?
He needs everything. Bedspread, pillows, posters, sweaters, slippers, MERCH! There's not enough. He should commission some. Where are his notebooks? Ah, no. He needs a NEW one! A better notebook! Oh! Oh! He could COMMISSION a notebook! Oh that's PERFECT!
He may have just met her today?
But he can already TELL~ He's gonna be her NUMBER 1 fan!
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am-i-interrupting · 2 months
Connected Stars
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Summary: A moment between Aaravos, his daughter, and his wife.
Tags: Season 6 spoilers, autistic!reader, autistic!Leola
Once Aaravos thought he was living a life that was perfect. Oh, how wrong he was.
It took him time to realize but time was something he found himself having much of. He thought that life was pondering the mysteries of the cosmos but those mysteries paled in comparison to what he had now.
He looked up from one of his many books and out the window. On fields of green grass he saw you and his precious unicorn. Neither of you had a care for the rain that was dripping down onto your horns and hair.
In fact, it was rather the opposite. The two of you relished in it.
Leola had her head down but a bright, shining smile on her face. Her arms were tucked near her. Her hands flapped back and forth, shaking the water off her hands.
Your head was tilted backwards with a soft, content smile on your face. Your arms were stretched upward. Your hands clenched and unclenched like you were grasping at the rain.
Both of you jumped up and down.
Leola’s height was big. She moved up high. Her knees curled close to her body. Her legs bumped against her arms. He could hear her shrieking laughter from inside.
You didn’t jump as heigh. Your feet barely left the ground. When they reconnected with the earth, they were in a different spot than the last though. You spun in small, tight circles.
Aaravos stood from his desk. His work was something he could continue another time. This joy you shared with your daughter? That was precious. No tomb could ever hope to capture it.
For a moment, he watched the two of you. Leola’s laughter a more calming sound than the rain could ever hope to be. It soothed aches in his soul he never even knew existed.
With all the noise, it took no effort for him to sneak up behind his daughter and stop the rain from touching her skin with his upper body. It didn’t take but a moment for her laughter to stop.
Her head slowly tilted up before she shrieked.
Your relaxed posture snapped away. In less than an instant, your hands were poised to cast a spell. It was only when you saw your husband that your hand fell and the tension left. What replaced it was a flat expression that caused his smile to grow.
Leola ran from her father and he darted after her. It took no time for Aaravos to scoop her up within her arms. He shifted her to his hip as she reared her head back with a final shriek before her hands reached up, mimicking your own movements moments before.
Aaravos’s eyes softened as he looked from her to you. With his eyes on you, you began to spin once more. Your arms spread like a bird by your sides before they moved to the sky like your daughter’s.
Even with your eyes closed, it did not surprise you when Aaravos’s free hand grabbed your waist. Your hands swayed to the tune you hummed as they descended down. It was memory that allowed your hands to find his horns. They moved down into his hair and then to his neck.
His hand traveled up your side, past your shoulder and to your chin. He led you and you followed blindly into a kiss.
“Let us go inside,” Aaravos said.
Leola’s eyes shot open as she groaned. “Noooo,” she dragged out.
“Daddy’s right,” you said. “We wouldn’t want our precious unicorn to become ill, would we?”
You poked the tip of Leola’s horn.
“No,” she said softly.
Her finger curled around a section of Aaravos’s hair. The wet strands latched to her fingers. His hand moved back to your side as he led the two of you back inside.
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skipper19 · 2 months
Imagine this...
Geto Suguru knew of the prison joke: "Don't drop the soap." Everyone knows it. It's a funny little bit that goes around social media. He would have never expected to have to worry about this. And especially not with his own girlfriend.
Suguru can't stop the gasp that leaves his mouth when a small hand slaps the fat on his ass. He ignores the water that temporarily blinds him as he stands straight up. He shakes his head like a dog, his wet hair slapping him in the face as he turns around. His shocked, wide, judgemental eyes lock onto you. The giggle you try to hide behind your hand aids Sugurus judgment.
His hand reaches back to rub his sore ass, and he can only imagine the red handprint that encased his left cheek. Suguru was left speechless, and you couldn't help the laughter that bubbled out of your chest. "I'm sorry, I'm actually sorry, it was just so tempting." You say between giggles, obviously not truly guilty.
Suguru wasn't mad, but he felt betrayed. It was completely fine for him to slap your butt. He's your boyfriend! But for you to reciprocate his signature move is..dirty. Suguru truly can't help the blush from creeping up his cheeks and settling onto the tips of his ears.
"I.. feel violated." He mumbled, blinking out of his initial shock. "I just -" He shook his head. "I'm sorry, honey -" You reached out to cup his elbow, but he stepped back, the water running down his neck to his bare behind. "No, no, enough touching for you, ma'am." He said, glaring at your hand. The laugh that erupted from your throat was genuine and pure. "Sugu, you're being dramatic!" But he wasn't listening.
"Can't believe my own girl would do this to me." He mumbled more to himself than you. He rubbed the palm of his hand over his tingling cheek. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." The tone of your voice wasn't sincere, and the giddy smile on your face gave you away. This definitely wouldn't be the last time.
"You're right, no more for you. No more showering together. And I will never bend over around you -" He sounded oh so serious, but you knew your boyfriend. You knew that look in his eyes. But you decided to plead for mercy, despite knowing damn well he couldn't resist you.
"Noo, Sugu, please." You whined, wrapping your arms around his waist. Suguru ignored the urge to laugh and instead allowed his lips to upturn slightly. He raises his arms in a surrendering position, not letting you have the satisfaction of a proper hug. "Nope, all of your touching privileges are gone. Un-hand me, you scoundrel." He said, turning his chin up as if you were a peasant he looked down upon.
A huff, along with a pout, adorned your face as you rolled your eyes. "Nu-Uh. You're just dramatic. I will never let go, Jack." You mumbled, pressing your cheek against his chest, right above his heart. "I won't slap your butt anymore.." You said, looking up at him through your lashes. He paused, silently looking down at your smaller figure.
"..fine," He wrapped his arms around the middle of your back. "I'll forgive you this time, and not because of your puppy dog eyes, but because I feel bad for you." His voice was muffled as he pressed his lips into the top of your head. A smile graced your lips as you cheesed. "Thank you, Sugu~" You sang out. The moment was peaceful as you both stood there, pressed together under the shower head. Your bodies warm and molded perfectly to one another.
"..hEy! No squeezing my butt either, you pervert!-"
"Noooo, I'm sorry, come back!"
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truetogaia · 1 year
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mihihi hes so prettyboy
# pairing: bill kaulitz x gn!reader
# genre: fluff
# notes: back in my th era... watch out.. Anyway, this is just a fluff drabble of reader taking care of Bill before a show!! not proofread
# wc: ab 600
“Please, Bill, stop moving. I’m being so serious I am literally about to stab your eye out.” You carefully blew some eyeshadow residue from his cheekbones, pulling away from his face with a deep sigh. “I don’t think your crazy fangirls would appreciate a `pirate Bill era´ all too much” 
His hands rested on your hips as you straddled his lap, rubbing gentle circles with the pads of his thumbs as you worked restlessly to apply his eye makeup for the upcoming show. His black hair was disheveled, looking like he had been struck by lightning multiple times. But oh, how charming it was. 
“It tickles though..” Your tense features relaxed into a soft smile as he spoke, your heart swelling with love at his German accent. His face, however, wore a puzzled expression as you gazed into his brown eyes. They glimmered and swirled like honey in the warm light seeping in through the windows of the dressing room. “Was? Did you mess up the eyeliner?” He questioned, quirking his eyebrow. 
“Nono! It looks great!” You snapped back into reality, shaking your head and bringing a hand up to tuck some loose strands away. You could sense his nervousness, the way his hands fiddled restlessly with the fabric of your jeans, the way his eyes darted across your features and the furniture simultaneously, the way he subconsciously gnawed at his bottom lip, “Oh, don’t worry Bill, you’ll do great. You always do.” You offered him a reassuring smile. It was genuine, he could tell. 
“But last time, I almost fell off the stage! AND I had a voice crack halfway through a song!” He whined, eyebrows furrowing as he suddenly rested his head against your chest. 
“Would you stop whining and look at me so I can finish the makeup?” You sighed, placing the palm of your hands against his forehead, which was still lodged into your sternum, to give it a gentle push. He finally sat up straight again, a pout adorning his soft lips until his gaze locked on your shirt.
“Hey, wait a minute… isn't this my shirt?” He quirked a brow, looking up at you with a curious expression. 
“Noooo.. I have no clue what you’re talking about Bill. I guess your memory.. or sight.. or something, must’ve been all scrambled from all the stress!” You gently twirled a strand of his hair around your finger, placing it behind his ear before hopping off his lap to place a kiss to his cheek. “Anyway, I’m gonna go now. I’m actually not even allowed in here, the staff was just so considerate and cooperative.” 
“Did you threaten to sue them for emotional abuse?” 
“That was one time! Plus, I didn’t need to, nobody can resist my charm.” He chuckled at your antics, smiling lovingly at you as you made your merry way to the door of his dressing room, leaning against it as your hand held the knob. “You’ll do great, I promise. Just take some deep breaths, yeah?” You were halfway out the door already when he spoke up.
“Wait baby, you didn’t finish my makeup..” You didn’t bother to turn around, only waving your hand in the air. 
“You were getting too distracted, Bill. I saw the way you were staring at my neck, I’m going to get one of your stylists just stay put.” 
He groaned as your figure disappeared out the door, turning around in his chair. A deep sigh escaped him before he whispered, to himself.
“Whatever, there’s nothing wrong with admiring your own work.” 
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linphd · 2 years
Hey so I've never sent a request before, but could you do a Bakugou x reader where Mitsuki and Masaru catch them in Katsuki's room? I really enjoyed your oneshot where Kirishima caught them, but you can write NSFW or fluff, it doesn't matter to me, I just love your pieces!
Getting caught cuddling | Headcanons
gender neutral
-> While spending some time cuddling with your boyfriend, someone catches the both of you by surprise.
-> Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari.
Katsuki Bakugou
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Sure, it was Mitsuki’s mistake to enter her son’s room like that. But why didn’t he even tell them he had their partner coming over ? You were so lucky being asleep when this happened. « Ahah, you can’t yell at us, or they’ll wake up ! » she giggled at her son, who was fuming with anger.
Katsuki had invited you over for a presentation you had to work on, and you had gladly accepted. « Stop cheering, you won’t meet my parents, they won’t be there. » he had told you. Indeed, as his partner, you had always wanted to finally meet them.
At some point, you ordered a little break as you were going insane -you being super annoying when overworking helped you. As soon as he agreed, you laid on Katsuki, who made tiny explosions to warm you up a bit… which made you fall asleep rather quickly.
He had allowed you to take a little nap, as you had been training a lot nowadays, and here come his parents barging in his room ! « Sorry, we thought you weren’t home. » his father apologized. « Who is that ? Your partner ? » he had asked immediately after his son nod at his apology.
« Shut up ! Don’t wake them up ! It’ll be embarrassing for all of us ! » Too late. You were awake, and he was a liar ; you immediately gasped, happy to finally meet them. And maybe (un)luckily for the blonde, it ended up with you eating dinner at his place and a sleepover.
Shoto Todoroki
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It was at the dorms. After a tiring training, you had decided to go to his room instead, so he could cool you down a bit. So tiring actually that you fell asleep without even noticing, and Shoto didn’t have the heart to wake you up. Hence your situation.
It was Denki who had burst in his room, excited to call him for a boys game night. Obviously, he caught everyone’s attention with his super loud gasps and his several « it makes sense ! it makes so much sense ! ». You woke up, and you both replied to your friends’ interrogations.
« How long have you been dating ? », « Hm, only like a few weeks, we were waiting a bit to be sure before telling you guys. », « So that’s why Todoroki caught fire when he saw you at the hot springs ! Because he had a crush on you ! », « … Yes, that’s why, actually. » you barely awake.
Well, it was now official. « So… for the boys night… » Shoto started, but got interrupted by the blonde. « Oh noooooo, no no noooo, stay with your partner man, don’t worry about us ! » he said, before shooing everyone away and leaving the room. « …. I actually wanted to go. » Shoto confessed, making you laugh.
« You can go, you know. » you said. « It was cute, you were overheating a bit at their reaction. » you said, stretching a bit. « Didn’t expect to get caught. » he replied. « Are you coming with me ? » he asked, but you said no. « Still tired from training. » So, Shoto kissed your forehead and let you fall back asleep in his room.
Denki Kaminari
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The thing with Denki and you is that you were a somewhat Bakugou person. Yelled a lot, terrifying to your classmates, already intimidating quirk to begin with. So even for you, how you ended up with Denki was a mystery. Well, even he found it surprising, enough to agree not to tell others -at least not yet.
After a long day of training with Aizawa, full of failed attempts at a new skill you were supposed to have learned, you had decided to find some comfort in his room. He was so excited that he forgot to actually lock his room, and only jumped on his bed to cuddle with you.
And here you were, Kirishima and Sero gasping at the sight of the boy laying on top of you, his head against your chest while you played with his hair. He immediately straightened up, gasping as well. « Close the door ! Don’t tell ! No- » he panicked.
He decided to act like he had turned dumb, and you could only laugh at his attempt to save whatever situation you were in. « It’s okay, Denki. I thought you would have accidentally told everyone weeks ago. » you confessed.
The boy only gasped loudly at this statement. « You don’t trust me, (Y/N) ?! » making his friends laugh as well. « But I’m happy you don’t want to hide it anymore. Now I can grab you whenever I want. » he said, wiggling -maybe doing a little dance ? « … Sure, you can do that. » you replied, a bit scared of what he meant by « grab ».
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