#ofc its freaking adorable
kirishwima · 1 year
almost everytime i come into my second work's night shift, i leave little notes and doodles on my friends desk for her to see the next day and. she has kept them all and has some up on the wall by her desk, i feel like a kid whose mom puts their drawings up at work for other parents to see 😭
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smtere · 6 months
-> how MHA messes up their confession to their crush (and still somehow manage to get a date..?):
includes : todoroki and bakugou
a/n: hope everyone is having a great day, this is how I imagine they fuck up their confessions to their crush - but they are adorable so ofc they get away with it.
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todoroki : oblivious to everything , even if his crush makes it super obvious he won’t realise. wasn't until he overhead a bunch of people talking about it, and he was like *wait a damn second* THEY’VE LIKED ME ALL THIS TIME?! even after that he’s a little sceptical so his friends would definitely need to convince him to get over it and just ask. would be super shy to confess even though he literally knows that they like him too .. he plans to go up to them after to school and ask directly if they wanna maybe go out and get something to eat but in the end he chickens out and slips them a note that just says "wanna go get cold soba after school". his crush is so confused because he’s just standing in a corner (attempting to hide) watching them with the most expressionless face ever (internally he is absolutely dying) waiting for them to finish reading the note.
bakugo : definitely tries to act all rough around them but when he finds out that they like him too he is like a puppy inside. cue him trying to act cool but failing miserably. for some unknown reason goes up to his poor crush and confidently decides to say "I know you like me", ends up saying it in a weirdly aggressive voice by accident so his crush is just there super freaked out, seeing their lack of reaction he just kind of does an awkward cough and says in a slightly quieter (and less aggressive) voice “umm we could like go get some food after school.. if you want... its okay if you don't.. I-". yeah, not exactly his proudest moment..
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a/n: as I edit this I realise how much shorter bakugous part is.. ooops, anyways. As always requests are always open and have a lovely morning/afternoon/night!
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menlove · 5 days
what do you think of paul’s relationship with maggie mcgivern? it’s one of the less talked about relationships he’s had
it's very interesting to me! i found myself deep diving on it for chapter one of i need you (never leave me alone)
some of the things that stand out about it to me are:
it's interesting how she talks about how most every time she hung out with paul, she was also hanging out with john. like it very much throws a wrench into the whole "they weren't even friends they didn't hang out with each other beyond business by those later years" thing some biographers parrot (& cynthia seemed to have believed)
along with THAT, she was also on the 1966 paris trip they took while john was filming how i won the war. she talks about how they laid on the grass looking at the eiffel tower together. and like. all that sort of makes me sit there and go "hmmmmmmmmmm" and ponder if they had a bit of a threeway going on lmao. i have like 0 evidence towards this beyond just the vibe i get when she talks about her relationship w john & paul while she was with paul but like.... it's super interesting bc john was so SO blatantly jealous of all of paul's other partners, but not maggie? and she also seems to be like really fond of john when she talks about him which. again. SUPER super different compared to literally every other woman in paul's life who basically goes "that guy fucking sucked, he was a menace, i don't get why paul was so into him" like..... maggie seemed to adore john right along with paul and i just look at that dynamic and go HM.
she was also one of the women paul asked to marry him (although apparently like in a very weird & vague sort of way) when he was freaking the fuck out in 1968 for No Apparent Reason
and there's a LOT of questions i have about his whole. showing up at her house the night before he married linda crying and not saying anything before leaving forever like ??????? what was THAT about? it's not like maggie was the one true love of his life or anything, i don't think he's ever talked about her, like. what the fuck was it abouttttt i'm so beyond curious
and then ofc he ghosted her and basically dropped her for linda around the summer of 68 without a proper breakup after she said no to marrying him which is super shitty. it's just interesting bc before that it seems like he treated her better than his other girlfriends & she has nicer things to say about him than like, francie or jane. but it still is very much like. he was using her in a deeply upsetting way and i wonder how she looks back on All That
edit: ope this is starting to get notes which i didn't expect it to so here's the source that i used when writing the fic that talks about her. it lists its own sources although not super thoroughly so- but i really don't think there'd be much reason to lie about a random paul gf so. take it w a grain of salt but also i'm inclined to believe it lmao
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shiny-kaibernyte · 8 months
Hi hi!!! The last request you did for me was amazing!!! 🤩🤩
This time I’m asking for Kieran with a sweet trainer that trains fire types? Maybe their ace happens to be a Delphox? 👀 (Doesn’t have to be ofc 😅)
I freaking love this idea. I do hope you don't mind I used a Chandelure as the ace instead. Its my third favourite Pokémon plus I may or may not have a personal grudge against the fox... it has wronged me in many ways. This is no where near my best work and I must admit I wasn't to happy with it. But at the end of the day I do hope you at least tolerate it
A Sweet Ember | Kieran x Reader (Fire specialist)
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
After a bug type trainer got a little to aggressive with his words, Kieran almost got physical himself. But with your convincing, Kieran stood down and got to watch his little flame burn this trainer to a crisp.
Warnings: Small argument, Minor threats. Fluff
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers for The Indigo Disk Ending
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Ever since the journey to Area Zero, Kieran had been trying his best recently to undo the mistakes of his past. Many had been understanding of his passions, sharing the same drive to be stronger. Although there were the odd few who saw Kieran’s methods too brutal and unruly to forgive. He’d been able to sway many in his favour, using gifts and apologies when possible. Though you made it especially easy; having such a calming presence and welcoming smile, you were the main reason Kieran was even able to gain anyone's favour. And he was eternally grateful to call you his. Without you, he never would have gotten to this point. But even you couldn’t sway everyone. “Don’t take it to heart, Kieran! I'm sure they still need time to come around…” You pleaded, resting your hand on Kieran’s shoulder, feeling it sink down in defeat.
“What’s the point? No matter what I say, this kid won’t listen to a word! It's hopeless…” Kieran’s voice was laced with doubt and quilt. After listening to him argue back and forth with this bug type trainer, it would seem Kieran was especially harsh to him.
“Why not let me talk to him? Maybe I can convince him to listen to you.” With a gentle smile you move to stand in front of your boyfriend, resting your hand on his cheek so he’d look at you, a light peep coming from your bag, as your Litwick popped its adorable little face out to encourage Kieran.
His doubt washed away when he saw your smile, returning it in kind as he took the hand on his cheek into his. “You're right… you always were better with words than me. But I'm coming with you… with how he was talking to me, I will not stand for him treating you that way!”
“You’re adorable, you know that.” Kissing his cheek, your smile only brightens at the sight of his flushed face. “Alright, you can come, but please stand just out of sight. I don’t think Buggy would be too keen to talk with me if he saw you there…”
“Right! I’ll stay out of sight, but if he says anything hurtful to you, I'm stepping in!” His determination was hard to ignore, so with a sweet chuckle you took his hand, dragging him off in the direction that bug trainer had run off in, your Litwick waving its tiny arms in excitement.
It didn’t take long to find your Buggy friend, he’d run off towards the School entrance. You’d spotted him battling a Doduo just outside the gate; and Kieran had spotted the perfect hiding spot too. With a quick squeak, Kieran let go of your hand and sneaked his way over to his new hiding spot, his years of hiding behind Carmen paying off. As soon as he was out of direct line of sight, you quickly made your own way over to this trainer, a warm smile on your face.
“Excuse me, I'm really sorry to disturb you but, could you spare a moment? I wanted to ask you something!” You question, tapping the trainer's shoulder lightly, making sure the fight he was having with the Doduo was over.
Spinning on his heel, Buggy stared down at you for a moment, he was a bit taller than you, so his presence was slightly looming as he stood proud, his arms crossed expectantly. “Well, ask away. Must be important if you're bothering me during my training.”
“Again, I am sorry about this, but I just wanted to ask what you thought about the Kieran news? How he’s trying to amend his mistakes. I'm sure you must have heard what everyone's been saying.” trying to be as unsuspecting as possible, you clasp your hands in front of you, continuing on your point. “I happened to notice you turning Kieran down earlier, and I was curious as to what caused you to do so? The fight seemed pretty heated.”
Raising his eyebrow, the boy only stared harder into you. “Strange thing to ask someone, what's it to ya? Is he a friend of yours? If so, I would steer clear, don’t buy into these ‘he’s changed’ rumours. He is a no good pain in my behind and after how he treated me. I'm not giving him the kind of day!”
“No, no, he isn’t a friend per say… Anyway, that's not important. Why not just hear him out? After all, these are just rumours, and you can't prove anything until you hear his side?” With an almost begging look in your eyes, you try to reason with him again, but all you got was a scowl and a judgmental gaze.
“Arceus you’re annoyingly persistent. Take a hint will ya, I ain’t interested in what that no good brat of a champion has to say. Or you for that matter. So buzz off!” He waved his hand at you, almost smacking you in the face if you hadn’t stepped back, your Litwick now cowering inside your bag now, before it had been intently watching the conversation, curiously waiting for every response.
Kieran suddenly appeared in front of you, startling the both of you. How he got to them from his hiding spot without being noticed; you’ll never know, but now wasn’t the time to think of that. Instead, your full attention was drawn to his face. Rage filled Kieran’s eyes, his Hydrapple's pokeball clutched in one of his hands, the other balled in a fist. Seems any hope he had of reasoning peacefully was gone the moment he got a bit too feisty with you. “Keep your hands away from them!”
“Kieran no!” You quickly scurry your way in front of him, placing both hands on his shoulders, trying to push him away. His glare never once leaves the trainer behind you.
“Hmph, shoulda figured you were his, the way you were questionin me an all… Shame the almighty champion has fallen this far from grace he has to call in his sweet little Litten to talk to me.” The boy mocked, poking your shoulder at the Litten part.
“Well, this ‘Litten’ has claws. So please don’t touch me unless you want to get burned!” You snap, wafting his hand away from you, still trying to hold back Kieran from out right punching him.
“ OOO seems little cupcake here's got a bite after all. Alright, tell you what! If you beat me in a 4v4 battle, I'll hear pretty boy out. Sounds fair?” He questioned, leaning back expectantly.
With a bright smile, you nod, clapping slightly as you speak. “Sounds like a fair deal! I’ll meet you at the arena then”
“Oh no, we're doing it right here, right now. Heal up and meet me by that rock over there. Hurry it up, will you? I'm not a patient guy.” Buggy stated. Taking a few steps away from you, leaning on the rock he had pointed out. You had no need to heal as you rarely engaged in battles, so you simply took a few paces away so there was plenty of room to battle.
“Destroy Him will you, love!?” Kieran demanded, placing his hand on his cheek, the burning fire in his eyes returned in yours. All you did was nod before Kieran placed a gentle kiss to your lips, moving behind you to watch you destroy this Insect of a trainer.
Your opponent started out with the best case scenario, a Scizor, a Pokémon with a four times weakness to fire. So without a second thought, you send out your most trusted Pokémon. Your Chandelure, a Pokémon you had raised since you were a little kid. Seems your Chandelure was feeling the same burning drive you were as its flames burned brighter than ever before. You could see this trainer visibly gulp once he had noticed your specialty, the red tones of your clothing and the very obvious Litwick in your bag, seemingly not enough of a hint, though your sweet personality and giving nature tended to accompany the burning passions most would see from a fire specialist. 
You didn’t even need to bring the rest of your team out, as one by one, your Chandelure KO’d every single one of this trainer's team, you almost felt bad for the rest of your team missing out on this fiery display. Any sign of that cute persona you had was gone, replaced by a boiling hot drive. The flame in your eyes pushing your point across more with each attack you landed. And as soon as his final Pokémon fell, you claimed victory.
Refusing any money or BB points Buggy tried to give you, instead pushing him and Kieran closer together, demanding the pair talk this out and at least come to some form of mutual understanding. Good or bad, they were going to talk it out and your team was going to make sure that happens.
Chandelure floated behind you, eating a spicy berry you’d given it as a reward. Your Blazikin standing behind Kieran, and your Ninetales standing behind the Pest. Your little Litwick poking its eyes over the crease of your bag, watching the silent stare down unfold. Though the Pokémon swayed the pair from leaving, it didn’t exactly start them talking, the silence was burning your ears. This was going to be a long night.
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driftwooddestiel · 25 days
get to know me ‼️
thanks to @dear-space-cadet for the tag :-)
1. Do you make your bed? not really, but i do tidy up my bed a little
2. Favorite number? probably 7, i know its a popular favourite number but thog dont c aare its a good number
3. What's your job? don’t have one 💪 🔥 💯 i plan to apply to some like. shelf-stocking and similar type jobs soon when i get round to it
4. If you could back to school, would you? haven’t left it yet so i dont have much choice in the matter here lol
5. Can you parallel park? never tried but i doubt it considering i cant drive lmao
6. Do you think aliens are real? i believe theres bound to be other forms of life somewhere out there but idk if i believe in aliens in the traditional sense
7. Can you drive a manual car? once more i cannot drive any car
8. Guilty pleasure? watching true crime videos and then getting paranoid, getting into stupid arguments in youtube comment sections & getting way too invested in niche internet discourse
9. Tattoos? none atm and i dont think i plan to get any . but that could change
10. Favorite color? dull-ish blue (similar to the colour of my blog)
11. Favorite type of music? truly i cannot pick one
12. Do you like puzzles? jigsaw puzzles im ambivalent towards, logic puzzles i usually enjoy
13. Any phobias? no full-on phobias but i do kinda freak out at the idea of swimming with jellyfish
14. Favorite childhood sport? climbing!
15. Do you talk to yourself? all the time 👍
16. Tea or coffee? to be fully honest i drink neither but i’d have to say tea . ive had more tea than coffee in my life and i enjoy tea more generally
17. First thing you wanted to be growing up? when i was like 3-6 i would always say i wanted to be a dog (bc i did) and when i eventually came to terms with that not being a career option, i would usually say artist (but i also somewhat wanted to be a comedian from like ages 7 or 8 to age 10)
18. What movies do you adore? saw (2004) is my absolute fav, i also love donnie darko, american psycho, zoolander, ten inch hero & anything directed by jordan peele. + horror movies in general are my favs
im gonna actually continue a tag game for once SOOO. tags (no pressure ofc 👍): @nintendont2502 @gorillaxyz @s-ccaam-era-crepe @paranormalglass @dykesism
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scrollonso · 20 days
Scrollonso Brainrot Universe!!
Strollini Baby
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-They got together in late 2017 and by the same time in 2018 they decided they wanted to get married (kinda fast, idc.)
-Luca proposed to Lance in early 2019 and they got married in late 2021, everything being pushed back bc of covid
-In those 2 years between engagement and wedding they'd decided on adopting
-They adopted a little girl (newborn baby) after the wedding and named her Delilah
-Luca is Babbo is Lance is Papa
-From the second they got her they started trying to teach her their languages (Luca speaking Italian to her, Lance speaking French, and them speaking English when it was the three of them)
-She has crazyyyy blonde curls, for most babies the blonde turns brown by the time youre like 5 but for her it stayed super bright forever
-Her favourite uncles are Mick and Cele because they teach her all the bad words to say in front of Luca to make him freak out (Lance thinks its the funniest thing ever)
Bez/Marc/Vale Babies
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-Bp!bez is canon in this universe, ofc.
-They have little heteropaternal superfecundation babies (when you get pregnant by 2 guys at the same time)
-Vale gets him pregnant with a boy, naming him Antonio
-Marc gets him pregnant with a girl, naming her Catalina
-Rosquez dated from 2014-2018 and in 2019 Vale got with Marco then in 2020 Marc joined after Marco tried his hardest to get them to kiss and makeup
-By 2021 Marco was pregnant with their babies
-Antonio, Catalina, and Delilah all grow up together, the twins only being a month or so older than her
-Marc is Mamá, Vale is Papito and Marco is Daddy
-Obviously these babies have the craziest curls.
-Antonio has problems with his hair touching his ears so they make sure it's cut short enough that he isnt uncomfortable so his curls are less obvious
-Catalina is the complete opposite and ADORES her hair, she loves playing with her daddy's long curly hair and she loves having the same hair as him (getting sad when he trims it)
Alecco Babies
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-The dogs.
-Sitch, Shira, and Turbo are their babies
-They've been together since moto2 but have no interest in having children, babysitting Strollini and the throuples babies is already enough work as it is
The Crazy Uncles
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-No babies between them
-Sometimes they get bored and have some crazy gay sex though
-They're horrible influences on the babies
-Mick has started teaching the babies long crazy words in German for literally no reason? Yeah
-Cele lets the girls play with his hair whenever their dads are busy, he doesn't mind being the girl uncle
-Este and Antonio get on so well he loves that little baby so much, it's like a Gloria and Lily from modern family situation (If Bez, Marc, and Vale dies he gets Antonio and hes very excited)
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offical-ouroboros · 7 months
Someone pointed out the pure ease there is in yandere unknown and I absolutely approve of that oh my god
(Mostly rambling, what I feel a romantic relationship with it would be like at the bottom)
Between all the calm, normal interactions suggesting its stalked it's victims, or maybe can have more human looking forms to blend in
"Why so nervous tonight?" UGHHH THE GROWL AT THE ENDDDD 😻😻🤤🤤
"I lived in dungeons long forgotten." Could lead to it easily becoming very clingy and possessive over an interest
He's got me wondering if he's actually fully sentient COMMUNICATION WISE
Like how with SCP-939, it's up for debate if they KNOW what they're saying if they mimic voices, or if they just do it, but what they repeat is somewhat relevant to what's happening.
>calling out while in a search
>getting aggressive/defensive when alerted
>screaming when chasing
It seems like the Unknown is somewhat similar, specifically so far with mori lines referencing to pain or the one that tells you to just die.
When it's walking around, it engages like an actual human (kinda), asking questions and such to start a convo/lure people in closer to it
There's also this freaky kinda effect that goes on when you Dispel its hallucinations where it kinda brings your FOV in and the audio gets a bit. Adore that. Watching your character just like... Reach a hand out to its chest... Before the hallucination disappears.
You already KNOW I'm doing more than dispelling his form 🙏
Can just imagine this thing curling up around you with its contortionist body just doing its best to mock affection it might've seen or heard before.
Arms and legs wrapped around your body, nuzzling you, making weird off-putting purring sounds and, if you're a freak like me, maybe even trying to kiss you, but it's not really... Good at it... So it just kinda presses its face to yours.
I like the idea of it taking on forms of people or things it's killed, so go on! Pick your favorite survivor! He'll kill them and steal their appearance for you!
Hearing little distorted "Love... You."s is also so freaking cute, just having him pick up various nicknames or phrases for an interest
Ofc this is mostly romantic, but could just as easily be platonic. I'm just sick of seeing monsters not get romantic love.
Do I think that he could actually love someone?
If it happens, there's 2 ways I see it going.
option a. You engage first. For whatever ungodly reason, you decide you like this thing. You like how it acts, its voice, just think he's hot.
At first it... Would most definitely reciprocate. As best it can. You get shocked, or don't react and pursue more- Doesn't matter. It doesn't actually like you back. It just wants you dead. Needs to fill that 'insatiable hunger' it has.
But... Hm. Now it feels... Mean. Why did you act like that?
Huh? You like it? You LOVE it? You don't even know it!!
... Well, maybe it can give this affection thing a try.
Next time you see it, it goes easy on you. Awkwardly watches. Waits. If you don't do anything, or just ignore it, he goes back to hunting down and tormenting other survivors. But you still linger in the trial...
If you seem scared of it now, it comforts you. Tries to.
Things go better if you're the freeze type of scared and not the fight or flight type.
Though, it's not against chasing you down, incapacitating you, and then just holding as it struggles to say things to soothe it.
It just wants you to know it's friendly! Despite... You... Bleeding to death.
Again, it feels kinda bad about how the last time it saw you went, so this time it doesn't hurt you!
if you're still lovey after the betrayal, things go great! Mostly.
Everyone else is incredibly fucked though. He's gonna mori the hell out of them. Just for you!!!
Wait. Just for you?
Huh. It... Feels good about that.
You should thank it! Right? Everyone else is gone- Now the two of you can spend time together!
You still like it right.
option b. Youuu... Are normal. You're so totally normal. You don't engage first, you play how you're supposed to, you hopefully get out with maybe a few major injuries but so do most people.
Eventually, for some reason, it's not yet crippling but still horrible loneliness catches up, and it chooses you as it's interest.
Maybe you were nice. Maybe you looked cute. Maybe it enjoyed killing you before. Maybe you were just slightly better to it than anyone else in the games it was in, and it appreciated
Well, now you're screwed.
Everyone else is getting killed. You're getting trapped in an embrace. It's probably going to let the entity kill you as the game times or, or he's going to get impatient enough with you struggling to just mori you.
In either scenario, it gets addicted. Giving it affection, struggling- It doesn't really matter. Being near you makes it happy. It likes how you feel, smell, look, everything about you- Even your imperfections. I mean, look at it. Is that an ideal human? No!
Hey, stop fighting. Stop struggling- Did you just try to bite it?
Just calm down.
Don't make it hurt you again. It didn't like how that made it feel.
So to him, you're probably divine.
Empty husks for eyes just looklooklooklooklooking at you.
Craving your attention.
Hold it. Coddle it. Pet it. Kiss it. Love it. Hate it. Hurt it. Say whatever you want. Do anything you want.
Just stay with it. Feed it's unyielding hunger.
It's not like he's letting you escape now.
Not after being alone for so long.
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hey-its-danny · 2 months
Your lbmr art is based asf please infodump any and all opinions about it if you'd like
(also are we okay to use some of your lbmr art as face claims cause we're a system w/potty and placid as a subsystem. Ofc no pressure but we thought we'd ask :] )
hey there, absolutely go use my alfendi!! it feels like an honor to know my art was able to accurately depict him for you 🙏🙏 and for thoughts on the game im just gonna write them because my artist hand isnt working today LOL
so the game was great, super cool, in retrospect i think the adage of the layton franchise actually kind of benefited this story in the long term (provided some cool parallels, hooked the player through subversion the entire way through, also i just like any mention of layton what can i say). Lucy is adorable and while a little underbaked her tailspin in case 9 and the latter half of the ending felt really freaking good to play. i’m usually a huge bastard about any storyline set in a foreign country but this game did a good job of staying sensitive enough about its portrayals of foreign characters while still maintaining the raw edges that kind of define this game for me.
alfendi’s ambiguous multiple personality disorder is best understood by reading jekyll and hyde, go do it, im making you. also read house of leaves and the picture of dorian gray NNNNEEEOOOWWWW they’re classics for a reason and parallel kind of cooly with the profs characterization. side note that kind of ties into the unpolished quality of the game, i love how weirdly crass it is. like yeah, blood and whatever, but also so many sexy women??? it feels like this game took the ‘all of these old ladies are flirting with layton’ quality of the og trilogy and turned it up 10 notches (this is a good thing i think). i loved dolly like i’ve said, dolly and lucy definitely talk after her case- i imagine theyre not friends, but they catch up sometimes over coffee or at her concerts ^_^ i imagine any stories lucy would tell get turned into songs later, which makes her kind of weary lol
and roscoe if only because of his similarities to raymond shields, but i’m also a huge sucker for the “pull a person aside and ask if they scored it with the love interest yet” trope such a normal amount…… im so glad they did it twice..!
TLDR; great game, not even trying to be layton but succeeding at being ghost trick lite. pacing is a little bogged down by the excess cases near the middle of the story, but the characters and mysteries are cool enough that i forgive it. everybody needs to play cases 6-9 now they are unironically peak. also cant believe i got harry dubois’d by the layton protagonist (im not clarifying what that means)
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oh one more note, since im not expecting a sequel to explain it my opinion is that alfendi was either adopted as a teen or is layton’s actual biological son
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p4n1cl0v3r · 5 months
hello.. im back from reading them.. uh and HUGE spoiler warning, like spoilers for everything cuz i cant keep my mouth shut.. this is also really long so im so sorry if you actually read this 😭😭 i just wanted to yap
ok. so. chase is burnt out, thats rlly sad 😭 hope he isnt too burnt out that its effecting him way more than he can handle,
his beach boys outfit is adorable. deacon not being on the island and chase being stuck with buddy i knew was gonna be terrible from the start. when i saw chase hand buddy a water bottle to light the fire i thought it was sweet that they were getting along, same with buddy telling chase he can have the second fish.
at first, i thought buddy was hearing the whispers so i didnt really think much of it.
the “buddy being a vampire and chase freaking out” was really funny, i found that hilarious and just chase thinking buddy was cute (even if he said it was in “a jerk way”, it was still nice and i wonder how that will go down (after the most recent chapter)
buddys face when chase pulled the chocolate out looked like a dog seeing a ball, it was adorable ngl
my heart sank when chase made a comment about buddy not being treated well and then buddy shivered.. like hm i seriously wonder how he actually is being treated, yk? like all we see of him is him being a jerk and just genuinely not giving a shit about anyone or anything (until the most recent chapter in which ill get into that in a second..)
deacon was not having a fun time with the seagulls 😭😭😭 rip deacon 😔
the way chase bribed buddy with the last bar of chocolate was so funny
chase hit buddy in the face with a ball 😃👍🏼
buddy then threw chase in the ocean and called him tiny (damn bro making fun of his height, its okay chase is just fun sized ☠️)
buddy with curly wet hair felt weird but it looked nice on him
i found it sweet that chase wanted to help buddy, even if all buddy has been towards him was rude. shows what type of person chase is and it makes me love his character so much, everyone needs their own chase lol
i know buddys main goal is to get the keys, and so it would be very unlikely that he would throw that away to become friends with chase, but man. when chase called him out on it and the shattered heart image in the background… awh man.
the small fight they had was sad, but once buddy left chase was sitting on the ground crying, i may be wrong but i dont think we have seen him crying until now, right? brb lemme go check
ok i like reread the entire thing and few times we saw him cry was when we saw him visit myra for the first time in the story (that we see ofc) and it was just for a split second, and also in the same episode visiting his fathers grave, he seemed to cry a smige more but thats all.
+ while doing the research for that, i realized that in the very first episode chase got a black eye and when he went out of the book, he didnt have it anymore. so (again ill get into this when i get into the most recent chapter and what happened then) but at the same time, the second episode was more of a “hey! this is how this mess started!” sorta thing, so we dont know the timing of it.
in the morning when chase wakes up and sees buddy, from the way buddy is speaking im pretty sure he was upset about the conversation the night before too, as he’s never been that violent with anything towards chase before. im not saying buddy is a violent person, but at the same time, its concerning a bit how he took “the two characters have an argument “ and his anger took over him and make it a hostile argument instead of verbal.
“and if they do make you miserable, you deserve it” hm i get that chase is upset, i mean buddy is quite literally being a psychopath at this point in the story, but man.. when i read that i was just in amazement that that came to mind, i dont blame the guy ofc but still. didnt go over well, buddy seemed to be pretty affected by it, which brings up again, i do genuinely wonder how the ex libris is treating him to make him so easily shaken / angry when its brought up.
buddy hurt chase. now to be fair, chase sorta (i think) kicked him and made buddy land face first in the sand etc. but he didnt draw blood. buddy drew blood, now what i noticed when this happened is buddys first instinct was to drop the spear and instantly basically panic. its clear he didnt genuinely mean to hurt chase, but he still did.
now as said above, we dont know if these injuries can travel from book to real life, as we dont have solid proof that they do. but its obvious, even if its fake, that the characters still feel it, so that must have hurt a lot (ofc it did lynx you dumbass bro is literally bleeding on his face 😒) but if they do travel to the real world, how is chase going to hide it? its a slash under his eye on his cheek, decent size too. doesnt seem that easy to cover. i mean, he does have like 47 skin care products so maybe he can cover it with that somehow but im not sure
back onto the point above, buddy’s first instinct was to (first pause and stare) and then drop the spear, making it clear he didnt mean nor, even want to hurt chase maybe. buddy is usually good with his words and with what he says, it all comes out perfectly as if he is reading a script when he speaks. he was choking on his words, “trying” to explain why that happened.
“n-no, i-“ “i didnt mean that, i just-“ “i wasnt…”
he was obviously not prepared, nor did he want to. again, he was after the keys, he wasn’t after hurting anyone.
(which this is all quite obvious, however i love to yap and i have no friends in person that also like cinderella boy so shush let me nerd out for a sec)
it kinda felt uncomfortable seeing buddy so.. what’s the word? unsettled? upset? surprised? one of those, maybe all three. this entire episode for the most part felt off putting, buddy not being his “ha i dont care, just go away” persona and instead getting pissy (more that usual) and even upset at the end. it just didnt feel right and its so obvious that after this the next story that chase goes into (if he continues) will be so different compared to these when it comes to interactions with buddy.
“youre just a scum, you know that?” YIKES BRO 😭💀💀 chase is uh yeah i just wanted to mention that line
seeing chase with tears in his eyes, obviously looking genuinely scared and saying “all i wanted to do was help” HURT MY SOUL. again, mentioned above, we rarely see him cry, and the only times we did was when visiting his sick mom and his fathers grave. thats it. the fact that hes cried now twice because of something buddy has done is huge, dont ya think?
chase ran away crying, which ykw i dont blame him, buddy’s body language was also a huge giveaway that he genuinely felt bad because again, hes usually so confident in the way he poses, and from the moment he hurt chase to the end of the episode, he was holding himself, just standing there.
also the fact that the last panel is one of the chocolate bar wrappers blowing towards buddy’s feet was also interesting. like putting salt water into a cut yk? (haha get it cuz theyre on a beach island and chase has a cut.. haha.. okay sorry)
okay so these were a LOT to take in, and chase being already burnt out might be a reason he cried so easily, but you never know. i think buddy gaining chase’s trust without trying and KNOWING (or probably knowing) he had chases trust and just not caring and broke it without a thought kinda sucks, but as said TWICE. we dont know his situation. for example, what if he will get hurt or someone around him will if he doesnt get these keys? we dont know why he does what he does so we cant really excuse nor can we blame him.
i saw them getting along and from that second i knew it was going to end terribly.
my theory is, that when deacon comes back he will see chase hurt and upset, and buddy either will be no where in sight (very likely) or he will be very quiet and not making a single noise in the background. deacon will see chase, probably be really confused and then realize who chase was around. now, im not that great at reading characters.. unless like i study them HARD so all this next stuff just might be bs, but ima say it anyways because its tumblr.
now, i think once they get out of the book, deacon will beg chase to tell him what happened, if he didnt already in the book, even if deacon already knows without saying. deacon, being deacon, will probably panic, and either 1) try to convince chase its a bad idea to continue. 2) try to convince chase to take a break and make deacon do them for a small period of time (very unlikely). or 3) deacon will be hesitant to continue, but if they do then he will be a lot more protective of chase, and possibly look more into books completely without any sort of villain.
its obvious there could ALSO be other scenarios, but these are the ones i came up with. another is that chase could stop completely, and just give up. but thats HIGHLY unlikely as its literally part of the story and silver and bronze will probably try to support him.
now, with the chase and buddy dynamic… oh wowie. this is a slow burn enemies to lovers story, which means this wont be miserable for a long time, however it still asks the question “well how are they going to react towards one another” and my GOOD friends, who the fuck knows. (punko thats who)
however! its impossible for them to go along and pretend it never happened, because its clear they were both hurt by it. even if it wasnt completely just physically. maybe buddy will stop appearing in the books for a second? what if he’s replaced by another member? ikik unlikely. okok, well what if in the stories buddy just stays quiet and entirely follows along with his character? i feel like that wouldnt last long and i dont think buddys that much of a jerk to try and dodge it. chase? i feel like chase would try to dodge it, i mean after this he has to fear buddy a little right? they could also be a lot meaner to one another, but i also see that as very unlikely. i can see chase being more cold, but for some reason i cant imagine buddy being as rude as he was in the beginning, or even rude to being with.
all in all, i really dont know what theory to go with, MAN I WANNA NERD OUT MORE ABT THIS. 😭😭😭 (yk w someone who will actually listen cuz my friends irl dont give a shit)
holy shnizer that was a lot of words... okay well if you read all of that then we might as well be friends cuz man i talk a lot about subjects i like.. BUT YEA. WILD RIDE. WOWIE.
me when it comes to cinderella boy:
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bitchimasnake-sss · 8 months
At this point, I'm just stalking your page! Like I've said before- MASTERPIECES ~
So, if you see me spamming your notifications. I'm just coming in and liking all the posts, now you know why!
But I do have a request for you for the monster trio. Could you write one where the reader talks so much about her family to them, like they feel like they're already part of the family?
Like they already know what family members like and don't, what ticks them off, and such- like they want to meet your family! They want to meet the family that helped raise their girlfriend into the most amazing person in the world! They want to say thank you for allowing them to be part of her world.
So when they hear they'll be going to the island you're from. They get as excited as you to meet/see them, trying their best to look presentable. (Even showering!- I'm looking at you, Luffy, and Zoro👀)
When they met, not only did they welcome him into the family with welcoming arms- HE GETS TREATED BETTER THAN YOU! I can see the family telling them embarrassing stories, showing pictures of you as a kid- He ends up taking some copies of them back to the ship because they can't believe how adorable you were.
Little did he know that they'd already been accepted into the family way before you guys started dating. She would send her family letters telling them how amazing of a boyfriend they are.
I'm so sorry! I got too excited and wrote all this- if it's too much to do to it's okay! I'm close to my family and love them a lot- like I know the monster trio didn't have a great childhood, didn't know their family, etc. Being around a family where you can love each other very much moves them.
Sorry- I'm just rambling! Again! Love your work!!!
this has been in my inbox for fucking months. but im obsessed and finally motivated. lets get fucking wholesome. (idk if youd even see this but hopefully it lives out to your expectations!!)
time of my life ft. monkey d. luffy!
set-up: growing up in a small island with a tight knit community simply meant you were the closest with your parents. they had been your support system, from their grand gestures of love like being present on your important days to the small ones like just offering a shoulder to cry on when you had a rough day, they were truly everything to you. so, it's only natural that you mentioned them a little (or maybe a lot) to your boyfriend. and it may/may not have been a grave mistake.
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(going off a slight tangent here but its so funny that luffy's character design is just him having giant bug-like himbo eyes and smile. love him 🙏🏼)
♡ everyone loves luffy. that's pretty much his thing. the easiest way to describe him is by thinking of him as a baby goat. no matter how hard you try, you're probably gonna like him at some point or the other. even if you hate animals and babies. its gonna happen because its inevitable. ♡ so, it didn't take you long to figure out that he'd probably fit right in with your family (especially since he was so close with ace whenever he visited, family seemed like his kinda thing) ♡ even before you started dating, when you'd receive letters from your family, luffy was usually the one to ask how they were doing and what you were gonna write back. so, at one point, it seemed as if he knew your family like his own. ♡ he knew of your father's knee pain and your mother's distaste for drinking (she'd probably hate zoro and force him to bath). he knew of your younger sibling's favourite dishes and that they freak out when they see spiders of any size. he listened whenever you talked and for that, you were grateful. ♡ in your recent letters, you may have talked about him. how he's a bit of an idiot but has the heart of gold, how he makes you laugh when you miss your family and how within the crew, you found a new family altogether. ♡ so ofc, one day when you mentioned very briefly that your island is nearby, he and nami had to take a quick detour. ♡ ideally, if your boyfriend knows everything about your family, they'd try to be the perfect boyfriend and do everything right. but this is luffy. so he just remained the exact same and info dumped everything he knew in front of your family (neurodivergent tendencies i presume). ♡ but ofc ur family was obsessed. your mom almost wept tears of joy from how much this bitch was enjoying her food (both you and her lost count after the 17th plate tbh). your sibling almost murdered luffy because now they had to clean a significant amount of plates now. but everyones having a jolly good time (except you 👍🏼) ♡ but now you're parents are showing pictures from your childhood and WHY ARE YOU BUCK NAKED IN LIKE HALF OF THEM JESUS FUCKING CHRIST MOM STOP IT!! YOURE LIKE EMBARASSING ME!! ♡ you ended up leaving after a good three days (the crew had other stuff to get to and a detour can only be so long), but everyone left the place with good memories. sanji has now acquired ten new recipes, zoro may have stolen some alcohol concoction recipes and luffy may have stolen all of your parent's affection towards you. ♡ well whatever, its okay ♡ also, you're not supposed to know this but luffy now has three of your baby photos (all of them may/may not be embarrassing as fuck). it's okay though because it just proves to him that you were adorable then and are adorable now.
a/n: zoro's and sanji's parts will be up soon y'all im trying to write fluff 😭✋🏼
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erebusbored · 1 year
Hello! its me again. I have a kiribaku story request. Can you draw either Y/N leaving for kindergarten, with kiribaku waving, or y/n finishing kindergarten running into kiribaku's arms? Any which one is fine. (-D (You can use a blank oc base for reader, i have no specific oc design)
Heyy!! How're you doing? Ofc I can! Also just gotta say your story is freaking adorable
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Also I lil bonus
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love-anddeepression · 9 months
i was inspired by @allysunny 's fic where miguel watches snow white and i loved it so much its literally so wholesome. GO READ IT.
and after that i watched a lotr fanart reel with the evenstar theme and i began to wonder how mig would like Lord of the Rings. cuz he has to if the relationship is going to work im sorry-
So here's the product of my labour lmfao im doing the first movie only because this would be way too long if it was all three
MIGUEL WATCHES LOTR(extended edition ofc)
-I feel like he'd come across you either looking at fanart or edits of the characters and be intrigued.
-"what's that, tesoro?" nosy mf he'd smush onto your shoulder from behind, your hair ticking his nose lightly.
"it's lord of the rings, babe. how have you-"
and you realise mans is from 2099 how tf is he going to know what lord of the rings is.
and thats how you end up sitting in front of the tv at 8am in the morning with tea and breakfast and the shire theme playing from the tv.
-"They're dwarves?" Miguel asks when he sees Frodo next to Gandalf
"No, they're Hobbits."
"But Hobbits are basically dwarves?"
"Nope, different race, honey." you kiss his cheek as his eyes squint in confusion.
=Merry and Pip remind him of ahem certain spider people
-He gasps when Bilbo disappears and is like wtf when he sees him reappear and have a meltdown over the ring.
-He gasps AGAIN when you tell him that gandalf actually left frodo in the shire for 17 years and not like a few hours or days
-gets annoyed at merry and pippin AGAIN
-fucking loves samwise but thinks he needs a bit more spine(give him a chance wait till the end of the series)
-he will raise an eyebrow at you trying to stop your squeal when looking at the first glimpse of this strider and his pipe.
-i feel like the nazgul would freak him out(just a little but its the horses)
-THE HORSES i feel like he wont give af honestly about them because he can co exist with widow on the team but since he has the phobia he wouldnt fawn over them(not me pssh i love the pretty horsies)
-absolutely thinks frodo is going to die when hes stabbed by the nazgul
-his eyes widen when arwen our queen rides in and you squeal again
-he admires arwen and her abilities, that scene with the river and the nazgul makes his jawdrop.
-"tesoro i like this movie." "slut" "im YOUR slut" *mwah*
-he loves the rivendell and the set design is honestly breathtaking he gets so into it
-arwen and aragorn are adorable and he holds you tighter when the flashback scene between them is shown
-you clap when you see legolas ride in and he sideeyes you yet AGAIN
-sees the appeal tbh
-he loves that you're so passionate about something and want to share it with him and he sees it as an honour that you're willing to do this, spend an entire day watching a movie series with him its baffling to him
-you on the other hand get worried that he finds it boring but then when he gets into it youre ecstatic that he likes it too and you both can enjoy something thats so close to your heart.
-it can be hard to relate to someone who's so different from you, like mans is spiderman, a geneticist, leads an elite strike dedicated to the multiverse-
-but you both gel in a lot of ways (which is why dude loves you and would die for you and kill for you either way what bliss)despite leading such different lives and now there's one more thing you can bond over and it fills you with happiness and you have to snuggle into him and he holds you tighter in response, smooching the top of your head
-absolutely despises boromir at first(it changes)
-thinks elrond is bossy asf(look whos talking babe)
-he gets worked up when boromir starts coveting the ring and is like he should die
-sniffs when the man actually dies in such a heroic way
-i think he has to cover his mouth when aragorn finds boromir and kisses his forehead because its such an emotional scene and this man has gone through such loss and probably similar things in his own battlefield except he wishes he could have given his teammates better goodbyes.
-when the movie ends yk the way it does he immediately puts on the next one.
-"babe wait i have to pee!" "pee fast then and come back!" *pats your ass as you walk past him and you try to swat him because that doesnt help after holding in your pee for like 3 damn hours
-he really likes it and he loved experiencing it with you, listening to your commentary sometimes, rolling his eyes lovingly when you grin at aragorn or legolas or sam or arwen, but he loved it even more because it was a piece of you that was bared to him and he accepted it and loved it too because it was YOU
-and because its a legendary piece of art.
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
Me again. And I will post the link with the Stephanie Beatriz interview in the comments section of the question I asked you. And thank you for answering, I appreciate it! And I have another question tied into the previous - what relationship obstacles do you think Chaggie will go through in S2? I think it's a combo of Charlie not always listening to Vaggie and Vaggie trying to be her own person not defined by Charlie but still trying to support her girlfriend.
Ooh!! Good question! You pretty much said everything I wanted so I'll add onto it :>
I was thinking that the two of them will be super busy with the hotel and making time for themselves to relax and jst be together! Idk I think that would be freaking adorable. It was kind of touched on in the last episode.... but a song and a kiss (which they probably scissored after that but still) wasnt really spending enough time together. They both have been so busy that the only time they get together is pretty much in bed to go to sleep? Unless in those few months they did something, but there's no evidence for that.
So yeah I think for at least one day they get an adorable date together! :3 maybe it could be an A and B plot with Chaggie being the B plot just going on a date and the A plot is the hotel gang moving the plot along! It could also go into Charlie not having to worry when she leaves the hotel because when she goes back it'll be mostly in tact. And the hotel gang would learn to be more responsible for the hotel and bond with eachother.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
haha I love the "slow-boiled stone egg" name for this au thats adorable! I have some to chew on now thank you! I will be drawing some funny moments for this au now <3
[Many foes back off just by the tired firey glare in the King's eyes.] Wukong's presence is enough to scare most off, and the most of the rest who think about still trying end up taking one look at him and just knowing it's not worth it XD
[Wukong never managed to tell Macaque about the Egg in that lifetime.] it breaks his heart. later, the fact he never knew breaks Macaque's heart too, he'd always wanted a family with his king
[he's convinced that the Egg's presence at the Samadhi Fire was what caused the Rings to Split and hit Ao Lie.] I didn't mention it in my first post but it was part of my thought process that the stone egg started "kicking" mid-ritual, and try as he might to keep control of the situation the pain from that is what causes Wukong to slip allowing the creation of the fourth ring.
[By isolating himself, he accidentally causes his body to *turn down the heat* and extend the process even longer.] awww no, nore isolation! he's gonna be so mad when he realizes he prolonged the whole thing more. but maybe it's better that way, it wouldn't be good to have the egg be born while his mental health is that bad and he doesn't have a support network. egg is like, "no troop? no family? not suitable conditions, I'm staying in here for now". [he geniunely believed that keeping MK whilst the Stone Egg was still draining life force could kill the cub. So SWK is forced to give the little toddler up to save his life.] on the same note it's also (unfortunately) for the better, he wasn't in the right mind to care for a kid, and ebven if that isn't the direct reason he acknowledges as he reason to give MK up the fact he recognizes he might not be safe for a kid right now and does things to ensure MK still gets a good life says a lot. bonus points if he still watches over MK as he grows and giving up MK leads him to trying to better his mental health for the sake of his unborn infant.
[When him and MK finally reunite, its a little awkward but MK immediately understands the reason for the Monkey King's retirement.] wait, did MK remember he was with SWK first here or was just "meeting my fav legend irl" kind of awkward? also MK assuming it's a bad break up situation is super funny when you remember that it was his break up with Macaque that led to Wukong's body finally reaching peak egg making conditions. in a way, it is a bad break up situation, just not in the way that MK is assuming.
[being "like this longer than even Lao Tzu's mother". He returns to Pigsy's that evening silent with a horrified look on his face.] SWK def brags that he now holds the record for the longest pregnancy from any immortal. when MK goes back to Pigsy's the othres notice, and MK having already told the others why SWK wasn't doing hero work himself anymore (with SWK's permission ofc) explains what Wukong told him and the whole shop is silently horrified/very sympathetic the rest of the night.
[New Years does not go smoothly. The Spider Queen can sense that there's a new life within the King, but she decides its an issue for after the takeover.] Wukong is very surprised she doesn't immediately try and exploit the obvious weakness but she's like "I hate you but I still have some honor ape" but still goes and drains him. he's very surprised to see LBD present, and her being there when he's caught is how she learns he's carrying a stone egg. her having this information freaks him out, especially when it doesn't take her long to start making passive threats. after the spider queen debacle SWK def make a really quick tri to the south sea for a check up with Kuan Yin to make sure being drained like that didn't hurt the egg.
[DBK frees himself, not only from the fear of losing his wife and his son, but also out of fury that Wukong had been hiding his condition for so long!!] LBD approaches SWK who is tied up close to DBK, so DBK hears the whole conversation, including the parts about Wukong's condition. he spends the whole time he's trying to escape grilling Wukong about keeping it secret from even him.
[Any resentment surrounding the Bull's imprisonment is forgiven due to a certain offer... + PIF demands a proper baby shower when she hears about it from her excited husband later.] it is surprisingly easy to get back into the bull family's good graces after imprisoning DBK with that single question, as well as making up for not telling them. DBK picks up red son and runs back home super excited, he busts down the doors to his family's castle and just yells "DARLING WE'RE GONNA BE GODPARENTS" to both PIF and RS's confusion until he explains everything.
[Macaque has... suspicions when he and Wukong finally meet again in S1. He makes a comment about the king being "out of shape", but becomes concerned when his Sun refuses to fight in any way that leaves his stomach exposed.] Macaque's "comprehension of all" be coming in clutch here baby! he's instantly concerned about Wukong so closely protecting a certain part of his bidy, that usually means there's a vulnrability, a big one, but it's only when he's laying in bed later that night that it occurs to him just what that vulbrability may have been. it causes many sleepless nights after that, driving himself insane trying to figure out if he;s right or not with the information he has at hand.
["The Shadow Play" becomes more a plan to trap the Monkie Kid gang for answers. MK spills the beans. Macaque stares blankly for a minute before yelling in frustration. It's too much emotional baggage to process right now!] the endless speculation becomes too much and he just needs answers, now. but with that question out of the way there's a couple more lined right up. how far a long is he? who;s the other parent? when did it happen? but ofc he ends up not having the chance to answer those questions before LBD decides to shake things up some more.
[now with the additional threat that she will harm the Stone Egg if Macaque fails her again...] even without all the answers he wants about the stone egg Macaque knows he can't let that happen, he may have hated Wukong for a while and they have yet to even begin reconciling but he would never do anything to harm Wukong's baby if he ever had one. he wasn't going to bring an infant into their conflict. but Wukong doesn't know that. he knows Wukong doesn't know that from the way he hunches in on himself to protect his stomach the second Macaque's voice is heard above the airship. Wukong is at first terrified when Macaque gets involved, he hates the idea of having to choose between him or his unborn infant again, but Wukong already knows what he'll choose if he has to. but Macaque barely even acknowledges him, specifically doesn't target him, a noteworthy thing since Macaque's quarrel is most personal with the sage. SWK doesn't complain, he doesn't want to have to choose again.
[She tries to offer protection for the Stone Egg in exchange for the world - but Wukong refuses to answer and gets the drop on him.] clever considering his love for children in general let alone his own, but what good is having his little one alone when he so desperately wants to share that love with his family? [Macaque breaks the King from his possession by casually placing a curious hand on his swollen stomach, smiling in a way Wukong hadn't seen in centuries. "I know," is all that is said as the two monkeys allow their foreheads to touch.] Macaque is very mindful not to do anything that would risk the stone egg's life during the fight because LBD doesn't care to protect SWK's stomach the way he himself did back in s1. still, Wukong was so stressed by what was happening while he was possessed that Macaque's gentleness+pregnancy hormones causes him to ust start bawling his eyes out. loud, ugly crying tears of joy and relief.
[She did not count upon the Egg recognising her as a yummy source of spirtual energy as she was possessing it's parent. LBD soul is literally devoured as the Stone Egg responds to Wukong and Macaque's reconcillation.] the mental image of the stone egg's magic just chomping down on LBD's soul is super funny, stone egg be like "you hurt bama and then try and leave like nothing? i think not! nom". SWK sensing the egg absorbing some powerful magic and is just like "oh gods".
[Until the newly unpossessed Monkey King doubles over in pain and cries for the Bodhisattva to help him. Guanyin is on the scene in seconds, glaring at her little brother angrily. Half the gang stare jaws dropped at what is happening while the rest are panicking.] the stone egg go the last of the magic it needed and later during the celebrations felt that SWK finally had his whole family present and didn't feel isolated anymore and was like "huh, guess it's time, is it? okay" and that's that. with how close he was to popping these days Wukong had Guanyin on speed dial in case of labor finally occuring, comes in handy now with how quick they shows up but they're not happy with Wukong for putting himself and the egg in so much danger with what was happening with LBD. he shouldn't have been fighting her! he shouldn't have been fighting at all! and the smadhi fire again? they're gonna skin Wukong.
[After many hours of painful labor with Macaque clutching his hand for support, Wukong *finally* greets his baby for the first time.] Macaque is def worried on a few occasions that his hand is gonna break, but he ends up only losing feeling in his hand for a while. it's also bruised and sore for a while but it's the price he's willing to pay to be present for the stone egg's arrival. Wukong, holding his new born infant after the egg hatches def joke that she "kept him waiting".
[Her dark fur is hard to ignore. As well as the ice-blue eyes that stare between the two monkeys with wonder.] ice blue eyes as a side affect of LBD's soul getting devoured at the end there, but what if the dark fur is actually because of SWK constantly yearning for Macaque to come back after their fight during the early stages of his pregnancy, SWK's desire and longing worsened by hormones causing her to shift in appearance to fit not just her parent but his wants. [And the little excited chirps she makes that sing the tune of Wukong's favorite songs. Everyone in the Monkie Kid gang, the Demon Bull family, and any present celestials are crying with joy.] I headcanon Wukong hums a lot, so his infant picking up on the sounds of the tunes he hummed in the later stages of his pregnancy is very cute, but he probably thinks every sound she makes is like music even when not trying to mimic him. he bursts into tears the first time she chirps. Macaque def cries at her having dark fur like him cause it makes him feel more like a bio parent. DBK tries to hold it together but starts crying when she can fit into his cupped palm with ease. Kuanyin cries and gives Wukong a hug when he holds her for the first time.
[Gold Star comes down from Heaven in person to bless her arrival.] he is thanked for his blessing and also thanked for being to busy to read the specifics of Wukong's imprisonment, seeing as if he had Wukong wouldn't be holding the most precious little furball in the universe right now.
[Her eye lazers come in a little later than expected... singeing Azure Lion's fur as he goes to take the Jade Emperor's throne. All present, including members of the Brotherhood, laugh at the coincidence.] it's hard not to laugh given the context, there ends up being a joke mad that every new Jade Emperor will have stone monkey lazer eyes shot at them when they try and sit on the throne for the first time. Wukong is insanely proud.
[Yuebei's whole family are willing to *destroy* the divine animals if even dare touch a single hair on her little head.] Azure would likely try deluding himself into believing that he, Wukong, and Yuebei could be a perfect family once justice is brought to Heaven, or try to blackmail the MKrew. or both. you can imagine that won't go over with anyone too well.
[The retrieve Yuebei after they enter the palace and see the three usurpers beaten to a pulp. The infant monkey rolling around on her butt as she giggles. Azure begs the crew to "please take her back".] Azure was so busy fantasizing he didn't notice Yuebei starting to get playful, and playful+super power do not mix. she starts tugging at him to play and the rest is history.
[Wukong and Macaque are so proud of their super-delayed baby girl. :3] they will always be super proud ;)
sorta mirror post to this one.
[it breaks his heart. later, the fact he never knew breaks Macaque's heart too, he'd always wanted a family with his king]
Macaque having the mega-regret when he finds out all those years later about the Stone Egg, feeling like a dad who wasn't around for their (ex)partner and unborn baby and barely having enough time to adjust when baby arrives.
[I didn't mention it in my first post but it was part of my thought process that the stone egg started "kicking" mid-ritual, and try as he might to keep control of the situation the pain from that is what causes Wukong to slip allowing the creation of the fourth ring.]
Ooh he'd feel so bad for allowing the slip-up to happen cus of being distracted by the Egg moving (likely responding to the Samadhi fire like it would consumable dao like; "Hey, can I eat that- OOO NO SPICY!!!"). Whats worse is that his slip-up indirectly hurt his baby's godfather, and nearly killed his master :(
Wukong's mental health was not good after the ritual, no matter how greatful the Ironbull couple were for the safety of their son. Wukong risked his own baby for them, and the couple don't learn this until centuries later.
[on the same note it's also (unfortunately) for the better, he wasn't in the right mind to care for a kid, and ebven if that isn't the direct reason he acknowledges as he reason to give MK up the fact he recognizes he might not be safe for a kid right now and does things to ensure MK still gets a good life says a lot. bonus points if he still watches over MK as he grows and giving up MK leads him to trying to better his mental health for the sake of his unborn infant.]
Bonus sad detail: Wukong probably didn't need to give up MK. The Stone Egg would have sensed MK as a fellow baby monkey, and hence "troop/sibling, no eat". But Wukong could not take that chance with the limited knowledge he had. He'd rather silently watch over MK being raised by other parents, than risk the Egg's magic killing the older cub. And ofc he was in a mental health pit and just *couldn't* raise MK on his own in that state.
[Wukong is very surprised she doesn't immediately try and exploit the obvious weakness but she's like "I hate you but I still have some honor ape" but still goes and drains him.] + [after the spider queen debacle SWK def make a really quick tri to the south sea for a check up with Kuan Yin to make sure being drained like that didn't hurt the egg.]
Ohhhh, imagine post-New Years the Spider gang hears some furious knocking at the entrance to the sewer-cave. Spider Queen turns, only to see Guanyin/Kuan Yin glaring her down like the vengeful goddess she is.
Quanyin: "You hurt my little brother and his unborn baby."
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[even without all the answers he wants about the stone egg Macaque knows he can't let that happen, he may have hated Wukong for a while and they have yet to even begin reconciling but he would never do anything to harm Wukong's baby if he ever had one. he wasn't going to bring an infant into their conflict. but Wukong doesn't know that.he knows Wukong doesn't know that from the way he hunches in on himself to protect his stomach the second Macaque's voice is heard above the airship. Wukong is at first terrified when Macaque gets involved, he hates the idea of having to choose between him or his unborn infant again, but Wukong already knows what he'll choose if he has to.]
Ohohoho the spicy conflict. Wukong not wanting to choose his baby's safety over Macaque again, not knowing that this time Macaque knows about the Egg and is trying his damn best to ignore Wukong so he won't have to.
Instead of the infamous "OH WUKONG!" while flying overhead at the end of S2, Macaque instead announces hos presence to MK specifically. Wukong and the gang are confused when Mac is actively trying to pretend Wukong isn't there until it clicks that he knows.
[clever considering his love for children in general let alone his own, but what good is having his little one alone when he so desperately wants to share that love with his family?]
Wukong gets the drop on him cus it's such a paradoxial offer. If he agrees, his baby will be a lonely little cub in the world like he was + he'll lose all his found family and the world at large. If he refuses, LBD might just decide to aim for the Egg directly, taking away something Wukong has been incubating/nuturing for centuries away from him and using the energy accumilated within to fuel her mech.
It gives him enough pause that LBD manages to target her possession onto him.
LBD does not think about feeding Wukong in this timeframe ofc, since in her mind he's an immortal self-sustaining puppet now. It's ultimately what leads to her demise...
[the mental image of the stone egg's magic just chompingdown on LBD's soul is super funny, stone egg be like "you hurt bama and then try and leave like nothing? i think not! nom". SWK sensing the egg absorbing some powerful magic and is just like "oh gods".]
Oh gosh I'm trying to think of how terrfying that would be to witness.
You know when the Mayor gets un-possessed by LBD? Think that, but the soul energy is getting eaten like a string of noodles and slurped into Wukong's body.
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Yuebei, from deep within Wukong's body: *burp!* Everyone present: 0_o Wukong, very concerned/proud(?): "Uh... I guess the Egg... ate her???"
[the stone egg go the last of the magic it needed and later during the celebrations felt that SWK finally had his whole family present and didn't feel isolated anymore and was like "huh, guess it's time, is it? okay" and that's that.]
The Egg needed Wukong to gain a couple few more family members before it could "hatch" into Baby. XD
[I headcanon Wukong hums a lot, so his infant picking up on the sounds of the tunes he hummed in the later stages of his pregnancy is very cute, but he probably thinks every sound she makes is like music even when not trying to mimic him. he bursts into tears the first time she chirps. Macaque def cries at her having dark fur like him cause it makes him feel more like a bio parent. DBK tries to hold it together but starts crying when she can fit into his cupped palm with ease. Kuanyin cries and gives Wukong a hug when he holds her for the first time.]
The whole squad is crying.
The baby does a little series of chirps that Wukong swears sound like a piece of music he hummed to himself when alone. He can barely explain it until he just buries his face into his (!!!) baby's dark fluffy hair. She smells like new beginnings and Wukong has to constantly wipe his eyes to prevent his tears from wetting her little face.
Mac's crying cus he's finally coming to terms with why Wukong hurt him all those years ago + he's meeting his former mate's little cub who looks like him!! He makes a sound akin to a dying squeaky toy when he's asked how he thinks of little Yuebei.
DBK holds it together until he has Yuebei in his palm. Smaller than even Red Son was as a baby. DBK does one deep breath... and quickly has to pass the baby to PIF cus his eyes have turned into waterfalls. She's so small!!
Quanyin has cried many times in their life as a goddess... but holding Yuebei is the first time in a long time she makes a joyful snotty sob. The baby monkey is confused by the bodhisattva's reaction, and tries kissing her tears away. This only makes her honorary aunt/grandmother cry even harder with pride and joy.
Not to mention how hard MK cries when Wukong introduces him to Yuebei as "your honorary big brother". Mei has hundreds of timelapsed photos of MK as his face contorts into an ugly cry as he holds Yuebei for the first time.
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[he is thanked for his blessing and also thanked for being to busy to read the specifics of Wukong's imprisonment, seeing as if he had Wukong wouldn't be holding the most precious little furball in the universe right now.]
When Gold Star arrives to deliver his blessing, he finally gets a good look at the baby and is like "Oh!!" His previous divine demeanor immediately drops like an old coat, cus this is the first Stone Monkey infant he's seen in thousands of years!! And she's so beautiful!! He reminds himself to say sorry to Wukong for not checking if the Buddha's punishment was Stone Monkey friendly. Wukong and Mac laugh him off cus the Gold Star of Venus is currently having his beard nearly yanked off by the playful newborn cub.
[it's hard not to laugh given the context, there ends up being a joke mad that every new Jade Emperor will have stone monkey lazer eyes shot at them when they try and sit on the throne for the first time. Wukong is insanely proud.]
Wukong most certainly is proud!! His little girl is already developing ways to defend herself! She's supposed to be kidnapped after all.
[Azure would likely try deluding himself into believing that he, Wukong, and Yuebei could be a perfect family once justice is brought to Heaven, or try to blackmail the MKrew. or both. you can imagine that won't go over with anyone too well.]
Azure: "What do you think little cub? Am I not a fine Emperor and guardian? Do you think your mother will warm to being at my side?" Yuebei, hungry, frustrated, and bored: *glares and makes a distinctly "Macaque"-sound as her ears glow* The Brotherhood: "..." Peng: "She must be hard to impress. As any princess ought to be." Azure: *feels a little better* :'3 Yellowtusk the Wise, internally: "I'm telling Guanyin. I am not going to be held responsible for what nonsense Azure gets up to regarding Wukong and the infant."
[Azure was so busy fantasizing he didn't notice Yuebei starting to get playful, and playful+super power do not mix. she starts tugging at him to play and the rest is history.] + [they will always be super proud ;)]
If Azure still had a tail, Yuebei would have taken it as a chew toy long before the MKrew (love that name) got there. And Wukong would have let her keep it as a trophy.
Hope you enjoy this slightly different version of the other ask! I hope I managed to get to some details I forgot/overlooked in the other one!
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dilucsfav · 2 years
saw ur masturbation headcanons and was sad as hell that there wasnt itto included :c pls write for itto too!
ofc i'll do itto!! i havent done general hcs w itto, so that'll be what this kinda is!! except the nsfw will be your request bc we can forget about our grand arataki itto <3
Itto hcs and scenarios!!
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warning(s): nsfw!!
favorite places to kiss you are your wrists, ears, thighs, and omg your back idk he would absolutely kiss your shoulders down your spine and AHDJKkjasjfkaw
^^ after youve had a long day or just need to relax in general, he'd totally totally give you a massage and trace his kisses all over your back in doing so
^^^^ ORRR OR when you two are taking a bubble bath together, youre laying in between his legs and leaning against him, his fingers tracing your back and running the bubble suds down your body... god god and he just will occasionally kiss spots on your back and UGDGSHd
he is so perfect. protect baby at all costs <3
this ones random but but when he cooks for you he would totally wear the dumbass "kiss the cook" apron EXCEPT it would say "kiss the oni" and he'd make you kiss him LDAMSKDK
when you hang out with him and his arataki gang, yall would just all do dumb shit together and god it would be so so much fun i wanna hang out with the arataki gang too
i can imagine him constantly taking you to inazuma in late nights to take you on ramen dates. ahh itto baby❤️❤️
HE SNORES SO DAMN LOUD LMAO he could wake up a whole damn castle with his loud ass snoring
this is so random but he'd totally play dress-up and run around with the kids in inazuma for their and your entertainment (thats canon bc i said so)
with aratki duties comes not-so fun times,,, when he gets hurt, youre usually the one to tend to his wounds
"You're dazzling, (Y/N). Did you know that, lovely?"
this is kinda gross,, but you'd always find nasty shit in his hair (bugs, dirt, etc) 😭
^^ then you proceed to yell at him for being gross and helping clean him up constantly
he adores you so much oh my god
i feel like itto would yell at you a lot, but like playfully yk? he knows when and when not to raise his voice jokingly depending on the situation
he'd constantly bring you brownies ?? LMAO LIKE ODDLY SPECIFIC DESSERT, I COULD JUST SEE HIM BRINGING YOU EITHER BROWNIES (fudge brownies only, they are superior) OR RAW COOKIE DOUGH😭
i always see people saying like "oh kazuha could break the bed" or "oh childe would totally break the bed" and i kindly disagree,,,, CUZ ITTO?? TOTALLY WOULD???
one of the fucking bed legs on the frame would just snap and homeboy would just stop and laugh about it with you (and then do absolutely nothing about it and continue)
as i said in the ceo itto hcs, there's a good balance of rough sex, gentle, etc etc
its never fucking vanilla sex though...
^^kinky, hot, sweaty...... good god im going straight to hell for writing this
he'd throw your legs on his shoulders and would just go absolutely mad on your-
sorry. god hes so hes so so so
when he masturbates and thinks of you stop stop he’d be so rough on himself and would just wish you were there to help him
hes ABSOLUTELY into face sitting. he loves it so much, he could let you sit on his face for hours if you wanted tbh (me next pls)
this is random, but i think in a way he'd kinda be into roleplaying?? but like within that when he's more dominant he'd wanna see you with a blindfold on.
^^ i think he just finds pleasure in your expression, knowing that youre not sure what hes gonna do next? and you'd find thrill in the unknown cuz itto is so random so you wouldnt know what to prepare yourself for? you know what i mean? hes so baby girl
"Oh? You like it when I run my fingers right there, hm? Tell me."
oh my god when you two are in the moment he'd have one hand gripping your hip, and the other would be in your hair jerking it everytime he goes in,,, FJIAHFJKASBFUKASHFIK
hes so kinky help- i couldnt say like his FAVORITE thing but i think ONE of his favorite things to do to you would be choking
yall yall hes such a heavy breather and grunter its so hot
i think afterwards hes such a big baby. loves sleeping with his face nuzzled in your chest, ear against your chest to feel your heartbeats bc it relaxes him so much
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dragonagitator · 11 months
Smutty BG3 fanfic prompt / scene / ficlet:
I wrote this scene with my own "Modern Girl in Faerun" author self-insert WIP in mind, but who knows when or if that fic will ever actually see the light of day. So if someone who can actually write smut wants to use this scene as a prompt for a lengthier fic, please do, and please also feel free to make any changes necessary to make it fit your own story or just generally improve the writing.
Summary: Post-game, Dom!Gale/sub!OFC, established relationship (but one that's about to change in a big way), discussion of consensual mind control, touches on bondage, breeding kink, and worship kink, implied impending fellatio. Features the aforementioned Book of Erotic Fantasy and teases the side of Gale revealed in his origin playthrough line about how he "always liked the idea of being worshipped. Adored. Obeyed..."
I apologize in advance for it not being very good and for cutting off right before the actual smut should begin. I'm not putting this out there because I'm proud of it, I'm putting this out there because I sincerely hope that writers who are actually good at this sort of thing might find it, take it away from me, and do it better.
If you're still interested then there's about 1,800 words of unhinged brainrot below the cut. Criticism welcome!
We’d been home in Waterdeep for less than a week when I found Gale sitting on the balcony loveseat, frowning at a book that sat closed in his lap.
“Did the book do something to offend you?” I teased as I bent over for a kiss.
“Ah, no,” he replied, “it’s just I find myself with a bit of an ethical dilemma.”
‘An ethical dilemma?’ I wondered, raising my eyebrow and taking a closer look at the book.
It was a rather thick book, with a velvet cover and tied closed with a silk ribbon. The cover imagery was extremely suggestive.
“The Book of Erotic Fantasy,” I sounded out carefully. “And exactly what sort of ‘ethical dilemmas’ does a smutty book provoke?”
“It’s not just erotic literature,” Gale explained, “It’s more of a manual.”
“A Faerun sex manual? This I gotta see,” I said and made grabby hands at him. He hesitated for a moment, then somewhat reluctantly handed it over. I sat beside him and snuggled into him as he put his arm around me, positioning us so that we could look at its pages together.
I untied the ribbon and opened the book, and laughed when the book itself moaned in my hands. Reading anything written in the Thorass alphabet was still a challenge for me so I flipped through the pages simply looking at the illustrations. There were a LOT of illustrations depicting various sexual positions and techniques. It appeared to be something like an illustrated Karma Sutra.
“Whenever did you have the time to go buy this?” I asked him with delight. “Are these things you’d like to try with me? Because that–” I pointed at a particularly intriguing illustration of a woman in bondage in some sort of complicated contraption I’d never seen before “–looks like it could be fun, if you know a good smith we could commission it from.”
“No, I, uh, that is, this volume has been in my library for some time,” Gale stammered and I smirked. I’d always loved how he could somehow still be so bashful sometimes despite being such a freak in the sheets.
“And it’s more than just a manual of… activities,” he continued. “The book is magical in nature–”
“Yeah, I got that part when it moaned,” I interjected.
“Yes, and when studied at length it can confer certain… abilities and… enhancements to the person who reads it,” he continued.
“Oooh, tell me more about these ‘abilities’ and ‘enhancements,’” I purred, setting the book aside so I could turn and straddle him, throwing my arms around his neck. He blushed so prettily.
“Well, studying the book makes one more charming and increases their endurance,” he began listing the effects while lazily stroking my sides. “And it ensures that one’s partners are never left… wanting.”
“Oh, so that’s your secret,” I teased, thinking back to all the mind-blowing nights we’d shared since he’d finally gotten over his hangups about bedding me.
“Ah, no, while I’d studied the book once years ago, the effects wear off after a tenday of celibacy. So after the year of isolation in my tower, I had only my… native talent… to rely upon,” he confessed.
His “native talent” had been more than enough, but now my curiosity was piqued.
“So you’re saying this book could make you an even better lover than you already are?” I started to grind against him lightly and his hands settled on my hips. “While I’ve been perfectly satisfied so far, I have to admit that I’m intrigued… although if you got any better, I might not walk quite right ever again.”
“It also conveys mastery over one’s own reproductive system, and that of one’s partner,” he continued. “It acts as a perfect contraceptive. Or, if one so desires, it can… guarantee that conception takes place.” He looked me directly in the eyes as he said that last part, seemed to search my face for clues as to how I felt about that.
Just the idea of it sent a jolt of desire straight to my core.
“Are you saying,” I responded, my mouth suddenly dry as the urge to spread my legs even wider for him overwhelmed me, “that this book would allow you to breed me whenever you want?”
He tightened his grip on my hips and shuttered slightly, his eyes fluttering closed for just a moment before he looked back up at me with determination. His pupils were blown so wide that I could barely see the brown of his irises anymore. It felt like he was looking directly into my soul.
“Yes,” he confirmed firmly.
‘So, my fiance has a breeding kink too,’ I mused. ‘That’s convenient.’
I was so aroused from our conversation that my hips took on a mind of their own, and I found myself grinding in his lap against the rapidly hardening bulge in his breeches that revealed just how much he enjoyed the idea of using his magic book to impregnate me at will.
“So,” I said breathily, continuing to grind – we were basically dry-humping at this point, and I was so aroused at this point that I suspected that I might be able to get off just from this, “what’s the ethical dilemma?”
“The book does have one minor detrimental property,” he explained, “in that satisfying one’s partner then places that partner under the effects of a Charm Person spell. Of course I’d never do that to someone without their consent,” he said hurriedly, “and with Mystra it was never a concern because as a Goddess, she’s immune to Charm spells,” I scowled at the mention of her name, “but with you, my love…” his right hand left my hip to gently stroke my face, soothing away my frown, “...you have no such immunity.”
I threw my head back and laughed. “Oh, sweetheart, is THAT what you’re worried about? I don’t think I could be any more ‘Charmed’ than I already have been by just your – what did you call them? – ‘native talents.’ And it’s not like a Charm Person spell can make someone do something that they’re completely unwilling to do.”
“That’s actually the problem,” he said, tone turning serious. “I’ve heard rumor that when the book’s gifts are used on a partner who is already as enamored as you so inexplicably are with me, it can have… other effects. Change them.”
“Change them how?” I prodded him.
“You could find yourself consumed by desperation to please me. The book could make you more pliant, much more… submissive,” he continued, his voice low with a hint of darkness creeping in as he gently thumbed my lower lip.
My brain short-circuited and I heard myself blurt, “I want you to read the book.”
“Oh, darling, you have no idea what you’re saying,” he sighed and leaned his forehead against mine. “It would be far beyond the games we’ve played. You’d still have your safeword, but the book could strip you of your desire to ever use it.”
“I want you to read the book,” I repeated, gently cupping his face in my hands, my entire body on fire at the idea of giving up that much control to him. It was terrifying, and thrilling, and deeply erotic.
“It doesn’t wear off as fast as a regular Charm Person spell,” he warned me, “The effects last for a year and a day,” my core pulsed with need at the thought of being under his spell for so long, “and that hourglass would reset every time I brought you to ecstasy. You could fall deeper and deeper under my control until you could no longer dream of wanting to escape it.” I trembled at the idea that it could effectively become permanent.
“I want you to read the book,” I said again, and kissed him deeply.
As I pulled back from the kiss, I could tell that he was as affected by the idea of it as I was. His skin was flushed, his pupils blown wide, he trembled slightly, there was a slight hitch in his breath, I could feel his heart hammering where our chests had pressed together, and he now had an erection so hard that I could feel every inch of it through the layers of our clothing.
“I don’t understand,” he protested half-heartedly, sounding almost broken with desire and longing. “How could you want something like that? Why would you give yourself so completely to someone like me?”
“Gale,” I said firmly, and began punctuating my statements with more kisses. “I love you.” Kiss. “I trust you completely.” Kiss. “I love submitting to you.” Kiss. “And I’ve wished for a while now that it could be more than just a game we play in bed.” Kiss. “I know how hard it was for you to give up the Crown of Karsus, because you’ve ‘always liked the idea of being worshiped. Adored. Obeyed,’” I quoted. He looked away in slight embarrassment, but didn’t deny it.
“If you think you could be content with a single worshiper,” I continued, giving his face one last gentle caress as I slid off his lap and onto the balcony floor, “then I would love to spend the rest of my life getting on my knees for you.”
I posed myself carefully before him. Knees spread, hands clasp behind my back, back slightly arched to thrust my tits forward, head bowed submissively. I silently trembled with desire and anticipation as I waited for his answer.
“I will read the book,” he declared as he stood up. “But it will require weeks of study to acquire its powers.” I could hear him unfastening the ties on his breeches. “You will use that time to prove to me just how much you want this, and if I’m not convinced by the time I reach the final page then I will not complete it,” he warned. 
My mind began whirling with all the delightfully degrading things I could do for him to prove my devotion. Through the lashes of my downcast gaze I could see his pants falling to his ankles, confirming that we were of like minds of what sort of “proof” he had in mind.
He gripped my jaw firmly and titled my head upward, forcing me to look him in the eyes.
“Do you understand?” he demanded. 
I’d never seen such an expression on his face before – perhaps I’d caught glimpses of something like it on the battlefield, or seen a ghost of it flicker across his face the first time I’d asked him to dominate me in bed – but nothing like this. He radiated power, desire, command, and more than just a hint of darkness.
“Yes, sir,” I agreed enthusiastically.
“Good girl,” he said approvingly. 
His praise washed over me like a blessing as he guided my mouth to the weeping head of his erect cock.
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