#oh red and blue duo my beloved
incoure-art · 1 year
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something something sharing a heart
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niigata-division · 3 months
It was late into the day where a couple of gifts came in the mail for one Ayumu Hayami of Niigata, said birthday man was currently relaxing on the couch with his beloved daughter, Sara, as they watched a family friendly movie when the doorbell rang. Curious to see what or who it could be, though he was certain it was more gifts delivered to him from people all over the divisions, he stood up and walked over to the door, opening it, he was not surprised to have been right as there were three presents sitting pretty on the porch of his home.
Picking up all of the gifts, he shut the door as he made his way back to the living room where Sara was waiting, perking up eagerly when she caught sight of the presents in her father’s arms. Chuckling at her excitement, Ayumu sat the gifts down and paused the movie, together, the father and daughter duo proceeded to go through each present, starting with the blue one, which revealed to be…
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…A top of the line smart watch, complete with every function there needs to be, it came with a small note.
‘Happy Birthday, Ayumu-san.
Thank you for all your hard work and enjoy your day.
— Wataru S.’
The second gift, the purple one, revealed to be…
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…A porcelain coffee mug with a paramedic joke printed onto it, like the last gift, this one came with a card.
‘Happy Birthday, Sunshine Papi!
You’re a real rad guy, y’know that? Not to mention you really helped me more times than I can count (don’t ask me if getting stabbed is worse than getting shot, they both hurt as shit) so take this sacred mug as a token of my appreciation! I hope this managed to get a laugh out of you!
— Jo(ey)Jo Kurus(u)iwa’
The third and final gift, a soft red colored one, revealed to be…
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…A plate of delicious flower looking cupcakes wrapped in a protective plastic container, much like the other two gifts, this one also came with a card.
‘Happy Birthday, Hayami-san!
I bet it’s surprising for you to receive a gift from me but Shisuta told me that it was your birthday today and believe it or not, you and I have worked together on a couple of cases, we just so happened to be in different areas haha! I hope you have a very wonderful day and I wish you all the good vibes!
— Sayaka Miyuki.’
Happy Birthday Ayumu! 💛
“Seems like you’re popular today, Ayumu,” Seiji told his friend, having come over to visit after his shift. Eyeing the gifts Ayumu received today. “But you’ve always been the nicer one out of the two of us. So, no surprise there.”
“Oh, hush you” Ayumu snorted, elbowing Seiji in his side. “Just wait till your birthday, then we’ll talk.”
“Don’t remind me,” Seiji groaned. “It's going to be a circus this year with our entry into the D.R.B.”
Ayumu laughed at the face Seiji was making. “Come on, Seiji, not excited?”
“I like to spend my birthdays in peace.”
“Where’s your sense of fun?”
“Not here that’s for sure.”
“Friends for how long and this is how you treat me?”
“It's because of how long we’ve been friends that I treat you like this, you bastard.”
“Wow rude.”
“Just eat a cupcake and cry about it, Ayumu.”
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error-core-animations · 11 months
@aninternetwindow hey guess who your gifter for @rottmnt-secret-gifting was!! It's me!! I wrote the pb&j duo going ghost hunting for you >:)
"Don't worry, Dee, we'll be fiiiine." Mikey said confidently, walking in front of his big brother with a flashlight in hand. "It's not like ghosts can actually hurt us, y'know?"
"Michael. Michael dearest beloved baby brother this place has insane mystic energy readings that weren't here last time and I can't figure out where it's coming from."
"Big Mama has all kinds of mystic junk, it's probably nothing. Or it's the ghosts we're looking for! Either way, we win!"
"I'm not sure that finding the ghosts of people killed in a giant gladiator ring of doom would be considered a 'win', no matter how cool said gladiator ring is."
Mikey laughed. "C'mon, Dee, ghost hunting is fun! Plus, if they try to kill us, you can just blow em up!"
"You do realize ghosts don't work like that, right?"
"They might, you don't know." He quirked a brow.
"We talk to GramGram all the time, Michael. She's very much not physical. She can't get blown up."
"Whatever, we'll figure it out!"
A sudden crash rang in the distance.
"What was that!-" Mikey screeched, leaping a solid three feet into the air.
"I dunno. Do you wanna investigate?"
"Uh, duh, it could be a ghost!"
They crept up to the doorframe, peeking out from behind it tentatively.
A pale figure- a white turtle with light pink and yellow markings wearing dark blue pants- stood in the dimly lit room, using clawed fingers to shatter panes of glass, dancing over the shards effortlessly as they destroyed more and more. Some of the panes were hung up from the ceiling, held at an angle, or otherwise weird. The figure destroyed every single one with practiced ease, moving through a series of flips and twists to accomplish their goal. Once at the end of the course, they turned around, and the glass shards on the floor glowed a pale teal color, floating up to their frames and reassembling perfectly.
"Their eyes are red." Donnie whispered.
"Holy shit…" Mikey whispered back. "You don't think…"
"Oh they're absolutely a ghost. No idea what they're doing but holy shit."
Immediately, the figure's head snapped to them, eyes glinting in the darkness. They flicked their arm, and a blade suddenly appeared in their hand.
"OH FUCK!" Donnie screeched, grabbing Mikey's arm as he turned and ran. "I TAKE EVERYTHING BACK MICHAEL YOU WERE RIGHT GHOSTS CAN FUCK YOUR ASS UP!"
"I TOLD YOU!! I TOLD YOU!!!" Mikey screeched, running alongside his brother. "GO, GO! IT'LL KILL US IF IT GETS US!!!" He wailed.
Mikey grabbed Donnie's face, crying as well. "NO, NO, DONNIE, DON'T THINK LIKE THAT! YOU'LL SEE YOUR SON AGAIN! YOU HAVE TO!"
"And what are you doing in here?"
The duo shrieked, looking for a place to run- ah, hell, they were pinned. Literally backed into a corner, the ghost looming in front of them, blade aimed directly at them, they were doomed!
"We were- we were ghost hunting, I'm sorry, I started it, just kill me!" Mikey sobbed. "He has a son at home, you can't kill a father!" He pointed at Donnie.
The ghost paused. "A father? Aren't you two around my age? You don't look like adults…"
Donnie quickly clarified, "He's a robot, I didn't- He wasn't originally intended to be sentient, but I wouldn't trade him for the world."
"Ah." They still looked confused, but slightly less concerned. "Alright, then."
"It's a shame you died so young." Mikey lamented. "If you weren't a vengeful ghost, we could've been friends!"
"Wh- died so- Did you assume I'm a ghost?!" They spluttered. "Big Mama would never allow freeloading ghosts in her hotel! I'm alive! I'm just albino! Look." They grabbed Mikey's wrist. "Feel that? That's flesh."
"Oh." Mikey blinked. "Waitaminute… if you're alive, we really CAN be friends!" He cheered, flinging his arms around the other turtle. "I'm Mikey!"
"Venus de Milo. Yellow bellied slider, albino, she/they." She pushed him away.
"Oh! Uh, I'm a box turtle, he/they! We match, isn't that fun?" Mikey said cheerfully.
"Donatello. He/it. Apalone Spinifera. I'm Mikey's older brother. If you hurt him, I will kill you." It said cooly, placing a hand on Mikey's shoulder.
Mikey huffed. "Donnie! Threatening people isn't how you make friends!"
"You keep mentioning this 'friendship' thing." Venus said. "I don't do that. I don't have the time to form emotional connections with others. As Big Mama's adopted daughter, I have to train to take over her Nexus and Hotel after she retires."
"WHAT?!" Mikey shrilled, throwing his hands in the air dramatically.
"I said, I'm Big Mama's adopted daughter, and I am being trained to take over her business once she retires." Venus sounded vaguely annoyed.
"Holy truffle Mac and Cheese." Donnie whispered. "Does this make us… I dunno, half siblings? Since your mom was pretty serious with our dad…"
"Perhaps it does. It would be nice to have outside connections I made on my own, even if they are familial ones. Big Mama would at least have to admit I have social skills on lock if I do that." Venus glanced behind her at a giant clock on the wall. "You two need to leave. Dawn approaches rapidly."
"Fine. But we will be back, y'hear?" Donnie pointed at her menacingly.
"Whatever. Just… go." She waved a hand dismissively.
They did.
"So I guess Big Mama wasn't kidding about the Mama part." Mikey said.
Donnie nodded in agreement. "I guess not."
"We should probably tell our family about this."
"Probably. Dad definitely should know."
"Oh, Venus might be from… when he was with Big Mama… He definitely needs to know. So, did you-"
"Record it? Yes, obviously. Say, didn't her face resemble Dad's from back when he was Lou Jitsu? With the pointed chin and all."
"Oh, you're so right!" Mikey gasped. "Do you think they know? About Lou Jitsu?"
"She sure acted like it." Donnie shrugged. "If they are from when Dad was still with Big Mama, though, then they would've been much older than us. Raph included. Also, how would she be a turtle?"
"Oooh, you're right… maybe Yokai age weird? I dunno how she'd be a turtle, though."
"Guess we'll have to ask Draxum."
"YAY!" Mikey cheered, stamping his feet happily. "Let's go right now!!!"
"Sigh. Fine." He pulled out his phone, plugging in an address. "He's close enough to walk to."
"Alright!" Mikey cheered. "I've missed our evil science dad."
"I mostly missed the science part." Donnie snorted.
"I like the dad part." Mikey admitted. "He's just- I like being around him!"
"As is your right."
Oh, would you look at that. They arrived at Draxum's place.
The duo scampered up the wall, claws easily gripping into the brick wall.
Mikey knocked on the window, pressing his squishy little face onto the glass.
A tired Draxum approached, glaring at the turtles outside his apartment. He, reluctantly, opened the window. "What do you want?"
Mikey scampered in, hugging Draxum tightly. Donnie followed calmly, looking at his creator with something between admiration and contempt.
"We met a turtle girl! She's Big Mama's adopted daughter!! Do you know if she's from Dad's relationship with her?" Mikey asked, bouncing on his feet.
Draxum froze.
Donnie raised a brow. "What is it? Do you know her?"
"…Is she albino?"
"Uh-huh! She said she was a yellow bellied pond slider!"
Draxum nodded, swallowing. "She's your sister." He said softly. "I thought she had died in the explosion. If I had even an inkling of her survival, I would have torn the world apart to get her back."
Mikey and Donnie stood frozen, staring at him in shock.
"I didn't tell you because I believed it would only hurt you to know you had a dead sibling- two, technically, you were supposed to be a team of six- and now I wonder if the other turtle had survived."
Mikey stared, eyes massive. "I- we gotta find them." He whispered. "We gotta."
Donnie nodded. "It's highly likely that the other missing turtle has survived. Finding her will be incredibly important to our father, to you, and to our other siblings. I will do anything for them, as you know. I have to look for my sibling."
Draxum nodded, blinking in a way that indicated he was trying not to cry. "I will help you. They're my children as well, and now that I know they're alive I will not rest until I know they're both safe."
Mikey sniffled, and Donnie wrapped his arms around the little turtle. Reluctantly, Draxum joined the hug, holding his children close.
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j3rs3yg1rl · 1 year
On This Lovely Bella Notte
One starry evening in the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario was visiting Peach at the castle. However, Mario had been plotting something and Toad was in on it.
"I'm telling you… it will be perfect!" Mario declared confidently.
"Uh-huh… and you don't think they'll recognize you?" Peach replied somewhat skeptically.
"Trust me, this disguise is perfection!" The red plumber countered with a wave of his hand.
Mario had on traditional Italian garb from the old country. He straightened the hat and his embroidered bolero jacket then reached for his mandolin.
"Right… and you're doing this again, why exactly?"
"Just looking out for my baby brother is all!"
Mario then looked over at Toad nodding his head toward the door. "Alright Toad! Let's a go!"
Peach smirked with a shake of her head and returned to reading her book.
Luigi and Daisy walked arm in arm into the lovely restaurant overlooking Toad Town. Luigi dressed to the nines in a very dark charcoal gray pinstripe suit and matching fedora with green felt trim, green silk tie and monogram of his L initial on his tie clip, and a midnight blue dress shirt. Daisy was stunningly dressed in a curve fitting gold evening gown, with orange puffed chiffon straps off her shoulders. Her hair was done up with daisies in a ponytail that allowed elegant waves to flow down to just above her shoulders while her bangs hugged her sweetheart face.
The blooming couple were escorted to the outdoor patio where a table gleaming with candlelight awaited. There was a gorgeous view of the night sky with Peach’s castle out on the horizon.
Ever the gentleman, Luigi pulled out the chair for Daisy. Once she was seated, he sat beside her, stealing a kiss from her hand as he did. Luigi then removed his hat and lifted the menu. After they ordered and their wine glasses were filled, they took a moment to take in the evening sights.
“Luigi, this is so perfect! You didn’t have to do any of this for me.” Daisy’s eyes filled with excitement and wonder.
“Fiore mio, I would do anything for you. This is your night principessa.” Luigi smiled tenderly, gazing into the eyes of his beloved flower princess.
The desert bloom giggled softly. “Oh Sweetie!” She nuzzled Luigi’s shoulder, sighing contentedly. The green plumber could feel his heart racing and the sound of her gentle laughter made him swoon.
As the entree, spaghetti and meatballs, was brought to their table, a rather odd pair followed behind the server. The sweethearts did not notice them at first. However, once the server left and the pair began to enjoy their shared meal, music started to reverb around them.
Appearing before the charming plumber and lovely princess was a musical duo. They seemed awfully familiar to Luigi. Upon closer inspection, he clearly saw through the disguises of Mario and Toad. He thought he might just have died right there. How could Mario do this to him? Was he trying to embarrass him in front of Daisy? The younger green twin tried to hide his face.
“Oh this is the night It’s a beautiful night And we call it-a Bella Notte”
Mario strummed his mandolin and crooned with a thicker, more exaggerated accent than he normally had to the turtle doves seated before him. Toad, wearing a fake thin handlebar mustache, accompanied on accordion. Much to Luigi’s surprise, Daisy was giggling so sweetly. She enjoyed every moment of her friends’ performance. With the grace of a delicate blossom, she lifted her fork, encouraging Luigi to join her in partaking in their meal.
“Look at the skies They have stars in their eyes On this-a lovely-a Bella Notte”
Mario continued to serenade the lovebirds, circling around their table. Daisy watched Mario in amusement as he swayed to the music. She glanced back to Luigi and saw he was still slightly on edge. She took his hand in hers, gazing warmly into his eyes. Luigi felt himself relax ever so slightly. His brother’s voice now blended to the background as if it were coming from a radio.
“Side by side with your loved one You’ll a-find enchantment a-here”
He and Daisy continued to share the plate of pasta before them. Luigi took a more audible slurp of the pasta noodle in his mouth. Daisy, in a rare display of her ladylike manner, took a quieter slurp of the pasta noodle which managed to bop her on the nose. They shared a sweet smile before taking another bite.
The noodle that the pair were eating slowly revealed itself as a single strand. Before they knew it, their lips touched ever so lightly. Both pulled away and were blushing profusely. As a loving gesture, Luigi used his fork to push a meatball towards Daisy’s side of the plate. Their eyes remain focused on each other, unconditional love emitting from their gaze.
“The night will-a weave it’s magic a-spell When the one you love is near”
Mario saw this adorable display and winked at his little brother. This seemed to have given Luigi the confidence he needed. He titled Daisy’s chin up in the most tender way, gently gazing into her eyes. He poured his own heart into the melody as he sang along, his own accent coming through as he harmonized.
“For this is the night And the Heaven’s are a-right On this lovely Bella Notte”
Princess Daisy and Luigi finished their romantic dinner and now found themselves strolling through the nearby park. Hand in hand, they walked up the pathway toward a fountain. It seemed everywhere they went tonight, they could still hear the song from earlier in their heads.
The park was not quite deserted. Some of the charming little Toads had been out for their own evening stroll either with family or their significant other. Fireflies floated around giving the pathway a warm glow.
The princess and the plumber both hummed the romantic melody, lost in the trance of each other’s presence. As Daisy hummed the melody, Luigi hummed the harmony. By the time they reached the fountain, there was no doubt that their deep friendship had blossomed into everlasting love. The green knight took his lady’s hand, raised it to his lips, and placed another tender kiss upon her dainty fingers.
“Fiore mio, thank you for allowing me to treat you to this Bella Notte. You’ve been by my side all this time. Now it’s your turn to shine. I’m more than honored and privileged to be here for you. Princess Daisy, I love you. I want us to continue adventuring together. If you’ll have me, that is…” Luigi blushed darkly, he was a deeper shade of crimson than his older brother’s attire.
“Oh Sweetie…” Daisy was speechless. Did Luigi just ask what she thought he asked? She felt her heart soar. “I love you too!” She cried and happily leapt into Luigi’s embrace, flinging her arms around his neck. “I’ve waited so long for this! Of course I’ll have you! I love you so much!!!”
The knightly green plumber and the floral desert princess shared their first kiss under the soft glow of moonlight and fireflies. The now official couple cherished the beginning of their newly bloomed relationship as the Steady Sweeties. Daisy could not help but imagine what the future held for them. Luigi proved to be quite the romantic in how he asked her to be his girlfriend. She dreamed of how amazing it would be when her charming green cutie of a boyfriend finally asks her to marry him. Tango Tanglers has a nice ring to it!
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Red time :D I’m watching Ranboo
I am so behind on vods but it’s MCC day baby!!!!!!!
This team is gonna be so good, so silly but I think they could win
THE DRESS IS STUNNING KING but why the magenta eye makeup?? it adds to the unhinged vibe lol
Ranboo doesn’t know what sequins are?????
“I don’t mean anything that I say ever, any of the time, just so everyone knows” my streamer
“Don’t be pissed at me if I don’t do well ❤️” why are they like this /pos
Ranboo’s religious side screaming for help every time he wears a dress 😭😭😭
Bad news: freedom of speech isnow behind a paywall, Good news: the money goes to charity
The M rating is exclusively so they can say death threats
“I swear to god, be funny!!! ‘Haha I said funny jokes’ I KILL YOU!! Guys it’s all jokes <3 it’s all jokes and it’s all love <333”
Shelby INSTANTLY gaslighting Ranboo into believing the audibly farted, I adore this duo with all my soul
Ran and Shelby are now pushoverduo <333 /s
I love this team so much
You can watch Ranboo but watch out, it’s a slippery slope to the “HELP HELPPPPP” vocal stim
Bingo enthusiasts my beloved
Ranboo just screaming when Shelby called them sexist 😂😂😂
Michael is a genuinely good sandkeeper, he just needs a team that will hype him up and respect him
The way I knew exactly where Ran was going lmao
Ranboo staring into the camera when they start talking about saw
Oh…. Ok……
Bingo but Fast
I missed bingo so much, it’s not even funny
He found a Michael you guys
“Wait can we take fall damage?” “I don’t think so” *falls to his death*
Gosh, I am still not used to the new caves, they’re so beautiful and scary
“I’m so smell and dumb :(” “that’s okay!!”
Holy crap the top 4 teams are all so close
“That was fun… well, it’s all downhill from here” SHELBY 😂😂😂
Parkour Tag
Them being excited to play it because they all hate it lol
Ran losing their absolute mind in parkour tag, maybe this game is fun
Shane is killing me actually
“I don’t feel strongly about anything” same!!!
This team is so funny holy
“Oh we’re in tenth right now” “No we’re not” Shane 😂😂😂
“Guys we’re better than a bunch of 40 year olds” “they’re not 40!!!!!” “They’re 50 theyre 50 theyre 50” this team oh my god
Ran calling Skeppy homophobic and Shane’s “I mean… is it-?”
“Who are we going up against? Who am I?” “You’re Ranboo” “Oh ok, that’s right” their chemistry has no right to be so good what the
I love Joel and Shane’s rivalry, neither of them know why they’re rivals but they are
I haven’t laughed this hard in absolute ages holy
“I can’t believe we have beef with the goddamn Pack”
“Are we supposed to be doing something?” THATS MY S-TIER
Tubbo threatening to tweet Ran’s address, beeduo crumbs /s /s /s
Red and pink’s beef is the funniest thing ever oh my god
Hole in the Wall
They’re so all over the place they mean everything to me
My streamer’s favorite color is 3, so true
“Skeppy’s having problems” “aren’t we all?”
The reactions to Shane saying his nose is bleeding lmao “What we’re you inhaling?” “Air”
“GUYS ITS BLUE- oh wait, it’s red” Shane 😭😭😭
“We’re all just gamers” “We’re all gay” so true
Everyone hyping her up <333
Ranboo insisting they’re not bothered by different pronunciations whilst sounding progressively more bothered
Parkour Warrior
Ranboo?? Screaming????? Noooo…. /s
Vod muted Sadge
They’re popping off!!!!!!
Ran screaming at purpled to get a job and then instantly apologizing 😂😂😂
That drop lmao, it happens to Ran’s team every time
Ranboo got prescribed adhd meds today FINALLY /lh (I’m a psychology student and have adhd lol)
They’re surviving!!!!
Ran 2nd!!!!!!
Them avenging Michael’s honor my beloved
Shelby and Shane hiding in a hole lol
I could go off about how the amount of alcohol on MCC day correlates to how chill contemporary events are, everyone’s just here for a good time and it’s so much better this way
WHY ARE WE PLAYING TGTTOS?????? I thought the final two were sands and grid :( /nm
Nothing like spontaneous karaoke over discord <333
Ran was tabbed out but I’m imagining Michael and Scar holding the door open for each other lol
I have a headache lol
Grid Runners
I’m actually entirely okay with this tbh
Shane cheating pogchamp
Ran and Shelby “no u”-ing in the stone pyramid lol
That search the house was CLEAN
Michael is so tipsy lmao
Ranboo in third, who woulda thunk
This was an amazing time, this team was wild
Oli v Ollie!!!!!!
“Everyone’s scared of Jojo and they should be” SO TRUE SHELBY SHUBBLE
“I actually have seen Sapnap miss these” lmao Shane
Them chanting Gem’s name <333
Aw rip, gg
Great times, great vibes <3
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styxhuntress · 2 years
Fanfic I wrote today
This is based off a fic I saw somewhere but cannot find. If you know it and can find it please send me the link so that I can tag it as inspiration. 
Posted on AO3.
Potential Part 2
A small child walked along with his mother, holding her hand while they walked along the road.
The boy was maybe seven years old, he was blond and blue-eyed. His parents owned a horse ranch. The boy even had his own horse. His parents had been amazed at how quickly he had picked it up. They lived in a small town in the United Kingdom. The town was beautiful. In the distance you could see large mountains. Tall enough to be capped with snow. The town itself was a combination of old and new buildings. The town had been there for a few hundred years. The boy looked towards the mountains.
He and his mother were walking leisurely towards the car, she had just picked him up from fencing lessons, a sport the boy loved and were heading home for supper. The sun was setting behind the mountains, bathing them in a red glow as it slowly moved so that the snow-capped hills blocked it's rays. The boy wasn't sure why, but he felt that there was something on the other side of them. Something important.
 “Mama?” He asked,
“Yes my darling?” the Blonde woman asked her young son,
“What’s on the other side of those mountains?” The mother paused, the duo coming to a stop as she tried to think on how to answer. For in actuality no one really knew. The other side was a vast forest. Occasionally some would go riding through but never more than a few kilometers in. There were no roads or towns. She said as much to the boy, in a way the he would understand of course.
“Really?” He asked, voice lilting up in disbelief. The woman paused again before telling him,
“Well actually there is a story about a man who lives on the other side.”
“Why does he live there if no one else does?” The boy asked, the mother tugged on the boy’s hand to resume their walk while she answered,
“Well according to the story, a long time ago a man lost the one he loved more than anything else in the world. His king. His king had been mortally wounded in battle, so the man journeyed with him to a lake where he would be able to save him. But his love died before they got there. The man buried his beloved king in the lake, and built a cottage on the shore so that he could watch over the lake, and his love. Apparently he was told that one day his king would return to him, so he stayed on the shore to wait for him. Some people say that he still lives there, waiting for his king to come back to him.” The boy stared at his mother wide-eyed, 
“He still lives there?”
“Oh darling, this story has been around for a long time. If he did live there, he probably doesn’t anymore.” 
“Oh.” was all the boy said, he turned back to the mountains, wanting desperately to go see if the man was still there, and comfort him the same way his mama comforted him when his puppy disappeared. A tug on his arm reminded him to keep walking.
“Come on Arthur,” the woman said to her son, “Daddy’s waiting for us.” 
 Seven year old Arthur Penn nodded, and continued to follow his mother. Thoughts of the mountains and of the man vanishing from his mind as he made his way to the car. They were having sausages for supper. He very much enjoyed sausages for supper.
 He would not think of the mountains or of the man again.
That’s it for now, I may write a part two (I already kinda know what I would do in the part two if I do write it) so if you like it let me know. Also I am open to constructive criticism so feel free to give that as well. 
You can find more one-shots and fics by me on AO3 if you’re interested (same username) but do what you like.
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minkkumaz · 1 year
really tired tbh!! i made the mistake of staying up til 4 to play games, but i found out i had to wake up early the next day to go out.. im like a blink away from falling asleep 😵
i was watching the woonmyungz asmr video that was posted a day ago,, just found out that jaehyun met woonhak when his jeans were inside out?? interesting!!
then apparently woonhak found it so cool he was like “hipster boy oh my gosh i want him to be my colleague..” (his words exact..)
almost broke down in tears when they were talking abt how whenever they fought, they’d reconcile after crying to one another.. (so many hcs popping up in my head after.)
felt like i learned so much abt the two of them LOL
unfortunately ive been really behind in bonedo content.. i never have the time to fully watch all the new shows and videos they make.. praying that one day school shuts down for like a month and i get to relax with my little bonedo imagines..
abt the photo thing im honestly not sure,, but all i know is that my storage is .6 away from being full but i dont have the heart to delete all my screen recordings of bonedo fancams..
OMI! if u ever decide to get into xikers lmk!! i have so much pent in xikers thoughts that have been just sitting in my notes app.. my beloved xikers <33 (ot10 til i die i love xikers sosososo much)(MINJAE the loml, yujun, HYUNWOO & sumin the bias wreckers of the century..)(until seeun,jinsik,yechan,junghoon,junmin & hunter appear..)
OMG WHAT GAMES DO YOU PLAY?! i'm sure you had fun though, maybe sacrificing a little sleep was worth it. JUST MAKE SURE TO SLEEP A LITTLE EARLIER TONIGHT ^_^
woonmyungz are literally just the sweetest duo to ever exist, every time they are with each other i wanna give them the fattest hug they're such cuties. i'd also cry when reconciling with someone if i got in a fight with them LOL. i'd like to think i'm very very very similar to jaehyun, i am also a very clingy emotional person ><, also we both have the biggest love for woonhak HASKHJ
but yeah i've also been behind on bonedo content :( i've been behind on so much stuff in general. the only group i've been consistently keeping up with is 8turn. and it's not like i don't have the time to, i swear recently i've just been binging dhar mann videos LIKE IT SOUNDS CORNY BUT THEY'RE SO INTERESTING TO ME, but yeah hopefully once november - december roll around ill be more consistent with my groups. i've been neglecting stray kids too LMAO they were my first group i've stanned as well as my ult, so i feel like i need to catch up a bit (even though there is so much content i still haven't watched, i kinda miss being a baby stay ^^;)
XIKERS! you mentioned them so i watched tricky house and let me just say.. it was REALLY good. it gave me a little bit of ateez vibes ngl, but that might be just me. i don't stan ateez or anything but i'm picking up something. i don't really know the members so i'll tell you who caught my eye!
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the one at the very top with the red hair and blue denim jacket caught my eye the most. i lowkey think i have a type for rappers. ALSO THE BOY LIKE RIGHT BELOW HIM WITH THE LIGHT BROWN HAIR, WHITE SHIRT, AND RED CARDIGAN!!! he's also super attractive adskjhf
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nanamisflowerfield · 3 years
It was a big day, well at least for Idia. After all it was his crush’s birthday! Scared and excited, he tried to prepare a gift for his beloved crush in secret.
@teashopwritingzz I know I don’t have to do it, but I really really really wanted to give at least one small present to you! Because you totally deserve it!🥺❤️ Happy belated Birthday! I know that yesterday was your birthday, but I wasn‘t online yesterday due the post+ demonstration! D: I still hope that you had a wonderful day yesterday and today and the whole week! Stay safe and healthy too!!
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Idia took a deep breath, staring at the list of gift ideas that you might like, but a small voice back in his head kept telling him, that you would never like any of those gifts. “I’m sure that (Y/N) (L/N) will like it!” His younger brother always said, but the tall dorm leader of Ignihyde was still pouting at his thoughts. If you would reject any of those, you would also reject his feelings. It would be like a critical hit, getting it from the most greatest SSR character ever. “If you are still unsure, you can watch them. Maybe you will figure out what (Y/N) (L/N) will like.” Ortho advised his big bro, who glanced over his shoulder to the only person he might listen to at this very important situation. “Maybe you are right…” Idia’s gaze wandered from his brother to the list he had on his phone. Headphones, phonecases, games, books and more were listed on it, but would you liked them?
“Owww! My paw!” Grim cursed the ground, after he fell down from the bed, being accidentally pushed down by you. “Sorry, Grim.” Apologizing by petting him on the head and promising to give him a can of tuna later, he halfheartly accepted your apology, walking with you to school for another mayhap exciting school day. “I will only accept it, because it’s your birthday.” The cat-like friend of yours, fummed, watching the Heartslabyul duo walk into your direction to greet you and wish you a happy birthday. “Trey-senpai even baked a cake.” Deuce told you, getting elbowed by Ace, who groaned at him that the birthday party should be a surprise, only to spoil it himself. “A surprise party…? I’m probably not invited…” Idia watched the screen, his eyes never leaving you, hopeful to get any informations of what you might wish for, while his fingers tipped on his keyboard, coding something he always had on mind.
As you wrote on paper everything important professor Crewel told the class, Ace drummed with his finger on the table, while Grim was half sleeping next to you and Deuce tried his best to be a perfect student. “Hey, can you read the list of invited students later on? Did we invite every friend of yours?” Deuce whispered to you, getting harsh words of the professor for interrupting the lesson. But every time Crewel watched away, you read all names of your friends on it, only noticing that one name was missing. The person you wanted to see not only through screen. Idia Shroud. But maybe he couldn’t come over or doesn’t want to for being such a shy and yet adorable being.
Surprisingly the day went on like every other day. You laughed, had fun, talked to your friends and went to the Heartslabyul garden, while wearing shiny bright white clothes to show the whole school that it was indeed your birthday, like many other students had to wear on theirs. It was a bit embarrassing to talk with plenty of students about your birthday, but it still made you happy nonetheless, even when you still hoped to talk on specific student of NRC on this very day. But he didn’t came, so maybe you should get your little present from him by visiting Idia. “That’s a great party, guys. Thank you all so much, but I will be gone for a short time.” You smiled at your friends, watching them having fun, eating delicious food and talking to each other.
Idia yelped as he heard a knock on the door. Wasn’t everyone gone and having fun right now? Who was knocking on the door? Arguing with Ortho with mere stares, the younger Shroud walked to the door, opening it to your delight and Idia’s dismay, as he stared at the door opening more and more and then- oh no, by the great seven, was it truly you?! You were supposed to be at your party, having the time of your life with your dear friends and not be here! Why were you here?!
Like a good child, Ortho greeted you, standing next to the door to give you some space to walk through the door to Idia’s room. While you were smiling at the Shroud brothers, Idia was sitting on his chair, turning around to hide his blushing face that got warmer by every second you stood there and talked to Ortho. The tips of his hair and ears were dusted cheek and he was sure, that some might compare to him to fresh cherries!
“Sorry to disturb you-“ You started, getting interrupted by Ortho, who dragged you into the room, telling you that you would never disturb any of those two. “Oh… Uhm… Alright.” With the same smile that Idia fell for, your eyes stared at his back. Oh, how much you had wishes to hold the introverted boy in your embrace, pat him and give him the love and affection he deserved. “I-I-It’s… alright…” Idia sputtered and stuttered, trying to avoid your gaze in fear that you might tease him for having a crush on you. He just couldn’t help himself. You were such a lovely person. So nice, helpful and that smile. He could babble around, what a great person you were in his boring shut-in life. That you were like the light in his dark life. A total ultra super duper rare card in the gacha games he keeps playing, being frustrated that he couldn’t get those cards, but at least could look at them on photos. “Am I creepy…?” Idia mumbled to himself, forgetting your presence for a second until you asked him to repeat it, after not able to hear it. “N-Nothing!”
Fortunately or mayhap even unfortunately, Ortho knew of Idia’s feelings and how much he had took a liking towards you, which is why he had asked you, why you were in the Ignihyde dorm. “Oh… I wanted to get my present.” The blue-haired tall student turned around, nearly shrieking in fear that you figured out, that he wanted to give you a gift as well like plenty of your friends, who unfortunately had gifted you many presents he had listed a couple weeks ago. “My present would be… to spend more time with you, Idia.” Your gaze wandered to the ground as your cheeks got warmer by your mere words and wish you had, not realizing that Idia’s face was mirroring yours at the same time your words had left your mouth.
That was a gift that he would love to give you every day as long as you wanted to have him by his side. His mouth opened slightly, wanting to talk, before you had asked him what he was programming right now as you took a look at the codes, ignoring the fact that a humming Ortho left the room, so he might not disturb you two love birds. “A g-game… I’m trying to make a small game I had in mind for quite some time.” He answered, staring at it once again.
“Have you finished it already?“ The bluehead nodded. “May I play it?” Mumbling a few words here and there, Idia hoped that his hair hide his flustered face, but he nonetheless let you sit next to him and play his selfmade game, even though he feared that you would reach the end of it and find out about his big secret he never wanted to reveal to you.
“Another level up. Great!~” You cheered, playing the rpg of Idia’s even though your friends might miss you during your birthday party. You should get back, but you couldn’t stop playing the game, after all you has nearly reach the endboss! “Is that a giant cat? He reminds me of Grim.” You chuckled, trying to defeat the endboss with the spells of the protagonist named Hadia. It was a cute game.
The plot of it was like plenty of other rpgs. The protagonist Hadia, a royal guy fell in love with Readi, a sweet princess who got kidnapped by the evil cat-monster Grimopy. Grimopy tried to be the strongest wizard and king and had plenty of henchmen like Dice and Acepo, which were quite strong enemies. Hadia had to train a lot and even gained the help of different wizards like Lio, a sleepy lion, Otto, a cute robot. Then there were Ralice, Tri, Phone-Addicted Rabbit, who still had no name, because Idia couldn’t find a good fitting name for the character. Marteus, Kala, Azure and many other characters and all of them reminded you of your friends. That meant that Hadis was probably Idia and the lovely princess Readi was… you. “Cute game.” You whispered to yourself, using the last spell to defeat the boss, watching the end scene of the rpg.
Hadis was rushing through the castle until he found his beloved princess. When he leaned down to kiss her awake with the kiss of true love, she woke up and they confessed their loves, swearing to each other to be together forever until they lives will end.
“I think I have a new ship.” You giggled, pointing at the protagonists, while you looked at Idia, the blushing mess. “I’m really glad that they are together. They are perfect and cute together. So sweet. I hope that my Hadis likes me as much as he does…” You commented, shutting his computer down, while Idia clenched his fists, knowing that you finally know about his feelings. “Come. We have to go to a party, Idia.” You smiled at the marveled dorm leader. “P-Party?!” Faster than he could expect it, you grabbed his hand in yours, pulling him away from his room towards the garden of the Heartslabyul dorm. “Oh, I like you too, my Hadis.” - “I-I like you too… my Readi.” With the other hand of his, he tried to hide his red face as you chuckled at him, happy that you finally can call him yours.
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bokutosworld · 4 years
no place like home | hq boys with their kids! 
characters: schweiden adlers boys with their kids - kageyama, ushijima, hoshiumi! 
wc: 1.2k words, pure fluff!
summary: part two of home sweet home where we now take a look at how the three men from schweiden adlers spend time with their little ones.  
a/n: a second part that no one asked but i wanted to do cos i’ve been feeling soft and having baby fever again lmfao hehe oh and i hope everyone’s enjoying a happy holidays! 
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KAGEYAMA TOBIO Unlike most parents, Kageyama's job as a professional volleyball player didn't allow him the luxury of doing what most moms and dads do with their kids. It's not as if he's neglected his parental responsibilities, he's the type to spoil his four-year-old Kaito with gifts and toys, he was just unfortunate to not have enough time to spend with him.
But on a particular day off, the stars seemed to have aligned when you asked him to pick up Kaito from daycare. Kageyama looked forward to this opportunity and he had planned an afternoon for a long overdue father-and-son bonding. However, due to his celebrity athlete status, Kageyama was mindful of being swarmed by fans so he took it to mind to wear his best disguise (see: black cap, black shades, white shirt and jeans, finished with a denim jacket).
As soon as he's parked across the daycare center, Kageyama immediately earned the attention of the moms who were also waiting for their children. It didn't help that when he stepped out of the car, they all swooned over him and recognized that he was the star setter from Schweiden Adlers. And when the bell rang and footsteps came running from the building, all the kids also stood in awe as they noticed the familiar tall person who they looked up to and only watched in the TVs. But to Kageyama, the one attention that only mattered was that of his son's.
"Kaito, over here!" He waved over the little boy, and seeing his father's presence in the crowd, Kaito sped off to where Kageyama was. He welcomed the young boy with open arms, peppering his cute face with kisses and lifting him up from the ground. The audience that have gathered were starstruck to see the usual stoic player break his facade and become a doting father to his adorable mini-me.
"You made it, Papa! I thought Mama was joking when she said you will fetch me after school," the child said through his fits of giggles.
Kageyama pressed his forehead to his son's and whispered, "I never break my promises." He put Kaito down and held his hand as they began walking to their car, saying goodbye to his classmates. "Now, let's go get some ice cream!"
USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI   It was the first summer festival that you wouldn't be attending  with your family, and your five-year-old daughter, Isuzu, was extremely heartbroken. What she didn't know was that you've made Ushijima promise that he would still bring her to the festival and catch the fireworks show.
So there they were standing at the entrance to the festival, your husband and daughter are clad in matching yukatas that you prepared. Ushijima was wearing a midnight blue yukata that was adorned with white stripes and strapped to his waist with a white sash. Meanwhile, your little girl was donning a pink yukata with blooming flower patterns. For her finishing touch, Ushijima tied her hair up in a bun and used a beautiful kanzashi that he gifted to you to tie it up. Before they left home, he sent you a photo and bragged about his hair tying skills.
The father-and-daughter duo leisurely strolled around the venue, checking out booths and trying different food stalls. The people around them gushed over how Ushijima was wrapped around his daughter's fingers, complying to her requests and winning her stuffed toys from games. And when the announcement about the fireworks show blared through the speakers, they joined the crowd to the viewing area.
Ushijma noticed how Isuzu was jittery from the spectators that have gathered in the viewing deck. He bent down and wiped the tears that were forming on her eyes, "Princess, don't cry. I'm here." Isuzu only clung tighter to her father, and it was then that he decided to offer his back to her.
"Come, wrap your arms around me and hop on. I'll lift you closer to the skies." The young girl stopped her crying and smiled a little, moving to his back and encircling her arms around her father's strong shoulders. Ushijima helped her adjust and secured her on his shoulders, making Isuzu gasp as she was now safe and towering over the crowd.
Her eyes flitted above as she heard the sounds of fireworks and enjoyed the colorful sparks that were painting the evening skies. Ushijima reveled in how his daughter was looking at the clouds in awe, clapping and laughing along with each bright explosion. But what he would treasure the most was how his precious Isuzu was glowing under the fireworks light.
HOSHIUMI KORAI The Hoshiumi household was a lively and loud one. Chaos often ensued with the twins, Mako and Kohei, and the youngest girl Nanami, as they were currently at that age where they always seemed to be full of energy and liked to run around the house. And Korai was the type of dad who would join in on the fun and play with his beloved children.
Moments of peace and quiet would be found at night when the kids are tucked in bed and getting ready to drift off to dreamland. However, they wouldn't be able to have a proper good night sleep without their father reading them a bedtime story.
It was another night when you returned home late and opened the door to dark, silent house. A sliver of light can be seen coming from the kids' door upstairs and you assume that it was bedtime for them. You tiptoed carefully and was nearing their room when you heard the gentle voice of Hoshiumi reading a passage from The Little Red Riding Hood. You leaned on the door and watched your boys and little girl enjoying a classic tale.
When Hoshiumi finished reading, he turned to the kids and saw the twins passed out and snoring. But his princess seemed to be wide awake, and terrified at the thought of the wolf eating Little Red Riding Hood. "Papa, will a wolf come and eat you and Mama?" She asked with her trembling voice.
You and Hoshiumi chuckled at her question, but your husband put the book down and scooted closer to Nanami. He hugged her, patting her head so slowly as he assured, "If you become a good girl and listen to Mama and Papa's warnings, then no wolf will come to eat us." He kissed the top of her head, "Now, go sleep. I'll be here, I'll never leave your side."
The little girl seemed to relax in his hold and Hoshiumi turned towards you at the door. He sent you a sweet smile, "I'm sorry, love. You'll have to sleep alone in bed tonight." You shaked your head but sent him a flying kiss as you closed the door to the kids' room, smiling at the thought that Hoshiumi always seemed to be the perfect father to your kids.
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An imagine for adeuce please! They hang out someplace in their hometown during vacation but awkwardly run into crewel. I think treys family bakery would be a nice location but the setting is your choice in case you want to limit the dialogue and number of characters
Ps. I personally feel like the game needs more interactions between the students and teachers. Hopefully we can get more in the new event
Teacher-student interactions are so much fun! We definitely got more from Vargas Camp (which I’m really thankful for), and I hope we keep getting more!
So far, my favorite teacher-student dynamic has been Vargas and Azul. I’d feel bad for octoboi if I wasn’t laughing so hard at his flying fails--
I really liked this prompt, so I wrote more than my usual ~1000 word imagine; please enjoy!
***Mild spoilers for chapter 4!***
Imagine this...
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The Rose Kingdom was aptly named for the flowers that bloomed in nearly every corner of its land. In the summer time, they blossomed magnificently, perfuming the warm air with their heady aroma—but in the winter, those delicate rosebuds were banished by a spell of frost. Without fail, a great cold would wash over the region every year, casting their famous red flowers in a thick layer of white.
It was a pattern that the kingdom’s residents had long since grown accustomed to. This was, after all, their beloved home—amid the roses, frozen as they were.
“Oi, Deuce! Hurry it up, will you?!” Ace called, tossing an annoyed glance over his shoulder.
His friend—wearing so many layers that he resembled a moving blueberry more than a human—lagged several paces behind.
Deuce attempted to return the sass, but his words caught in the scarf bound tightly around his mouth, coming out muffled instead. The puffball on his winter hat furiously bobbed up and down, as though communicating his frustration for him.
“If we don’t pick up the pace, they’re gonna sell out of hot chocolate and fresh pastries!” Ace rushed back, grabbed Deuce by the arm, and tugged. “C’mon!! I thought you were in Track and Field Club or something—so let’s get moving!”
Deuce loosened his scarf with his free hand and, glaring at Ace, declared, “No way am I running with the roads this icy. That’s a recipe for disaster.”
“Hah? You serious? I already got wasted enough time waiting for you to dress in your 101 layers of coats,” Ace grumped, gesturing to Deuce’s ridiculous outfit. “It can’t hurt to be a little quicker about it.”
“Mom wanted me to stay warm,” Deuce countered stiffly. “I’m gonna respect that, no matter what.”
Ace rolled his eyes and waves dismissively. “Yeah, yeah, whatever—enough talk, we really gotta get going...!! I’ll be damned if I freeze out here.”
“The Clover Bakery isn’t that far from here, so we don’t need to rush.” Deuce indicated a warm building at the end of the block, which gave off delicious fumes—spun sugar, baked bread, and spices. “Slow and steady wins the race.”
Ace groaned loudly. At this rate, it would take all day for them to waddle on over. He was about to bury his head in his hands when an idea dawned on him.
A mean, but clever, idea.
“Betcha I could make it there faster than you,” Ace chirped, his voice casual.
“It’s not a competition,” Deuce reminded him sternly.
“No one said it was, dummy! I’m just saying I could definitely beat you at your own game.”
“Tough words for someone shaking like a leaf in the cold.”
“Oh yeah?” Ace’s grin was wicked. “Prove me wrong, then.”
“I don’’t have to prove anything. It’d be dangerous to run in this weather, anyway.”
“I bet it’s way more snowy in Pyroxene—and Jack’s probably totally fine with running through it!”
“That’s Jack, and this is me. I said I wasn’t going to rush things, and I meant it.”
“Yeah? Too bad~” The redhead gave an exaggerated sigh and a shrug. “Backing out, huh...? Oh well. Guess if you snooze, you lose...!!”
“Hey, I never said...” Deuce’s voice trailed off, for Ace had shoved by him, darting off in the direction of the bakery. “H-Hey...!! Ace...!! ACE!! GET BACK HERE!!”
He tore after his friend, shouting at him all the while—and Ace, with his (cheating) head start, only laughed in return. Deuce soon caught up (no thanks to his club conditioning), and they were neck-and-neck for first place.
Windchill, knives upon their faces. The biting cold seeped into their lungs, making it hurt to breathe as they hurtled toward their destination. Yet they sailed on, determined to outdo the other.
Both boys launched themselves at the bakery entrance, grasping the handle at the same time.
“EXCUSE US!!” Ace and Deuce yelled in unison, yanking open the door (struggling to cram through the doorway at the same time) and stumbling in.
They were greeted by a blast of warmth and the smells of sweet cakes and toasted breads. The employee manning the counter glanced up, startled at the duo’s sudden appearance. When he saw who it was that had barged in, he sighed and calmly readjusted his glasses.
He looked a little different than usual, wearing a white shirt with green plaid that showed off his broad shoulders. The sleeves were rolled up to reveal thick forearms forged from years of lifting flour sacks and kneading dough. A brown apron was slung over his attire, four-leafed clovers sewn on the pockets.
“If it isn’t Ace and Deuce. How are the two troublemakers of Heartslabyul doing?” Trey asked, his smile lopsided as his underclassmen approached.
“A-Are we really troublemakers in your eyes, Clover-senpai?!”
“I’m just kidding,” he reassured Deuce. “Well, you are troublemakers, but more for Riddle than for me.”
“Geez... thanks for the vote of confidence...” Ace grumbled, casting the third year a cheeky look. “Some senpai you are, huh?”
“Now, now... I’m allowed to have some fun, aren’t I? We’re all ‘off-duty’, so to speak.” Trey said light heartedly. “Anyway, what brings you guys to the Clover Bakery? I’m assuming you’re not dropping by just to say hello.”
“Hehe. Obviously we’re hungry, so we came by for some grub!” Ace held up his index finger. “One large hot chocolate, and a plate of assorted butter cookies for me!”
“I’m okay with a small spiced apple cider,” Deuce chimed in, “please and thank you.”
“Gotcha. I’ll get you your drinks in a bit,” Trey nodded, “but as for the butter cookies, I’m afraid I won’t be able to sell those to you.”
“Huh?” Ace’s face collapsed. “Why not?”
“We’ve only got a few dozen left, and they’re reserved for a client that preordered them. Sorry.” Trey pointed to a neatly wrapped box already set upon the counter, done up in a bright green bow.
Through the plastic window in the box, Ace could see that the cookies had been converted into little sandwiches. Each pair housed a generous dollop of cream, caramelized raisins threaded throughout it.
“What? Who needs that many butter cookies? And why are there gross raisins in them--“
The door to the bakery flung open, summoning a gale of cold once more. A bell suspended above jingled, ringing in a new customer.
“Ah, speak of deville the devil,” Trey said—while his underclassmen balked in terror.
There, in the doorway, was a tall man in black faux leather gloves and a voluminous fur coat—striped, black and white. Beneath that, he boasted a crimson turtle neck and a blazer, half solid white, the other half a black , checkerboard pattern. This, paired with his slicked back hair, steely eyes, and regal face, made him appear as though he had just strutted off the runway, were it not for the leashes he gripped.
Two Dalmatians—one in a blue coat, the other in a red one—stood alert by his feet. They caught Ace and Deuce’s eyes and barked in greeting, but the two boys were far too fixated on the Dalmatians’ owner to gush over dogs.
“... Sensei?”
Ace and Deuce glanced to one another, then back at their Alchemy teacher.
“Wh-What’re you doing here?!” Ace demanded, pointing an accusatory finger. “School’s out for winter break...!! You... You didn’t hunt us down to make us do our homework, did you?!”
Crewel snorted. “Spare me your theatrics, Trappola. Your instructors are granted a vacation for the duration of winter break as well. Were you not aware?”
“I-I knew that! I just didn’t know you lived in the Rose Kingdom, too!”
“I thought teachers lived at school...”
“... Seriously, Deuce?!”
“The more you know.” Crewel narrowed his eyes at Ace. “But speaking of homework, I trust you pups are keeping on top of your assignments? Being on break is no excuse to slack on your studies.”
“D-Duh! Of course I haven’t been slacking!” A lie, Ace grimaced, thinking to the piles of homework he had abandoned in his bedroom in favor of hanging out with friends. Whatever, he could just pester his brother for help later. “Right, Deuce? Back me up here!”
“I’ve been diligently studying and working on my homework bit by bit every day, Crewel-sensei!”
“... But have you done it accurately?” Crewel asked, raising an eyebrow. “Simply writing down an answer does not guarantee full marks, Spade.”
“... Errrrrr, okay, maybe I need to work on it a little more.”
“You’ve got your notes and a reliable Science Club member to count on for assistance,” Crewel quipped, gesturing to Trey with a gloved hand. “There is no excuse for why you should not do well. That goes for you as well, Trappola.”
“Crewel-sensei, I think that’s enough interrogation,” Trey called, waving for him to come to the counter. Outwardly, he wore a smile, but inwardly, he sighed. For the love of the Great Seven, don’t offer my help for me. “Here, I have your order prepared--oh, but be sure to keep your dogs at the doorway. No pets allowed beyond a certain threshold for health and safety reasons.”
“I am aware, yes.” Crewel’s eyes passed over to the two scared stiff underclassmen. “... Trappola, Spade--come here. Do your professor a favor and tend to my Dalmatians for me.”
“What? You want us to watch your dogs?”
“I’ll do my best, Sensei!!”
“Don’t just blindly agree to it, Deuce!”
“It will only be for a moment,” Crewel insisted, shoving his leashes into Ace and Deuce’s hands. The boys fumbled, but held firm--the Dalmatians eagerly staring up at them.
“... Oi, don’t give me those looks,” Ace grumbled. “You’re... You’re too cute looking and innocent to be Crewel-sensei’s pets.”
The dog in the red coat gave a happy bark, as if pleased with the compliment. Its partner, in the blue coat, panted with delight as Deuce gave it a firm head pat.
Crewel received the box of raisin butter cookies--but allowed his eyes to quickly a scan the glass display case as he strode up. “Do you have dog treats in stock as well?”
“We do.”
“Then add two to my total, please--peanut butter flavor.”
“Alright, you’ve got it.” Trey ducked, retrieved a pair of tongs, and fished out two bone-shaped biscuits. He dropped them into a paper bag and handed them over to his teacher. “That’ll be--”
He was cut off by several bills being fanned out on the counter.
“I’ve ordered enough from your bakery to know the general prices,” Crewel smirked, tucking his wallet away into his massive fur coat. “If there is a discrepancy, you may keep the change.”
“Ah, thanks for that. Hope you and the dogs enjoy--” Trey paused, cut off this time by the sound of several small footsteps from the back room of the bakery. He groaned, already knowing what was coming. “Oh no...”
“Trey-nii!!” A chorus of high-pitched voices piped up, startling Ace and Deuce. “We heard bark-barks!! Did Mr. Fluffy Coat bring back his doggies?”
Three heads of green hair poked above the counter--just barely. One girl and two boys, probably elementary school age, all of them sharing Trey’s mustard yellow eyes.
“Guys, not now. Big bro’s busy with the customers,” Trey warned. He passed an apologetic look to his underclassmen and teacher. “Sorry, my siblings are excitable sometimes.”
“I wanna pet the doggies!”
“I wanna feed’m snackies!”
“I wanna dress them up!”
To the boys’ surprise, Crewel merely chuckled. “No worries. Fellow canine lovers are always welcome.”
“Mr. Fluffy Coat!! Can we feed your doggies?”
“Pretty please with candied violets on top!”
“Please, please, please!!”
Crewel barked with laughter. “Perhaps I can allow it, little ones--permitted that your brother grants his permission.”
All three Clover siblings looked expectantly at their eldest sibling.
Trey heaved a sigh. “... I guess I’ve got no choice. Go ahead.”
Excited squeals filled the interior of the bakery. The Clover siblings nearly tripped over themselves racing over to Crewel’s dogs (they nearly trampled Ace and Deuce’s feet, too).
“Hey, watch it! We’re the ones babysitting these dogs, not you!” Ace cried as the kids descended on the Dalmatians. I’ve only had these dogs for five minutes but if anything happened to them, I’d kill everyone here and then--
“We can share, Ace!”
“Spade is correct. There is plenty of the pups to go around,” Crewel interjected. He produced two dog treats and broke them into smaller pieces, offering them to Ace, Deuce, and the Clover siblings. “Go on, then. One for each of you to feed them.”
The Clovers cheered and eagerly claimed their pieces, holding them out and allowing each Dalmatian to sniff and lick the treats straight out of their palms. As soon as the food was slurped up, the Clovers proceeded to vigorously pet the pups. But the first years hesitated.
“You’re... being awfully nice,” Ace noted, eying him suspiciously. “Are you gonna spring a pop quiz on us as soon as I take the treat?”
“Keep biting the hand that feeds you, and I just might consider it,” Crewel warned with a dark smirk.
“W-We’ll take the treats!” Deuce snatched up two pieces, shoving one into Ace’s hands. “Come on, let’s not worry too much. We’re on winter break, after all. Let’s just relax while we still can.”
“You’re right, you’re right! Let’s not sweat it!”
They exchanged a brief laugh before kneeling and offering up their own dog treat pieces to the Dalmatians. Just as the dogs’ sloppy, wet tongues connected with the boys’ hands, their cell phones went off.
“... Huh? Did you just get a text, Deuce?”
“I think I did. I heard your phone ping too, though. Did you get a text too?”
“I can check. One sec...” With his free hand, Ace fished his phone out of his coat pocket and consulted it. He immediately paled. “Oh, shit.”
(“Hey, language!” Trey shouted--but his protest seemingly went ignored.)
“What’s wrong?” Deuce asked, frowning.
“Check your phone. Check it right now.”
“Is it something seri...” Deuce’s face dropped as soon as he looked at his messages. “Fuck.”
(“I said, language!” Trey tried again, only to be snubbed a second time.)
The distressing text they had received?
Ace and Deuce abruptly stood and bolted toward the exit, much to everyone’s surprise. They paid no mind to the concerned shouts of Trey, nor Crewel, or to the excited barks of Dalmatians no longer held by leashes.
All that remained of where the duo once stood were soggy, half-finished peanut butter dog treats.
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torilovestowrite · 4 years
Dabi x Reader; Try Again pt. 9
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Synopsis: Years ago, (Y/n) was left by her villain boyfriend, Dabi after discovering an unexpected news. Ever since then, she never had a lover— focusing on her only son, Yuta. Later on, she meets Todoroki Touya— a new co-worker who seem to be persistent towards winning her heart and attention.
Ship: Dabi x Fem! Reader
❗❗❗Content Warning: Mentions of Abortion, Unplanned Pregnancy, Manga spoilers, Dabi is a Todoroki theory
🖤 chapter navigation 🖤
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It's been... what, 3 weeks? 3 weeks since that incident wherein Y/n has blown Touya's cover. A huge fight between them happened after that night— the day she returned his belongings. The young woman didn't even waste her time confronting him. It wasn't the most delightful reunion; but a tragic and hurtful one for the both of them— especially to Y/n.
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"Here's your stuff." Y/n spoke while she was trying to hand out Touya's black leather wallet. He grabbed it from her hands and stared at her face— meeting her emotionless eyes; still in-shock from what she discovered. It was something that's hard to swallow for her.
"Thanks." Touya attempted to leave, immediately going towards the door after she gave his things.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she began to become shady, sneering at him with her words. "You're so used to running away as if nothing happened, aren't you? Then tomorrow, you'd come back as if nothing happened again."
Touya closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh as he was stopped from his tracks. Yes, he knew that this moment would come— the day she discovers the truth behind his identity. But still, he never knew that it would come too soon— and that it would be this tragic. He felt his guts tightening from stress and pressure; until small flames began to appear on his skin. Ah, it's been a long time ever since his quirk was used; the sensation that the blue fire left on his skin was purely nostalgic to him.
He turned to Y/n and began to face her direction. The young woman's eyes slightly widened but a stoic expression was still displayed on her face. Isn't he used to running away? What is he doing?
"I'm sorry." Touya apologized, coming towards her and attempting to hold both of her hands. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed at his gestures as she began to look away. "I-I know I couldn't come back as someone who I used to be. That's why I did everything so—"
"And you think you can come back just like that?" Y/n's voice was shaking as hot tears began to dwell on her eyes— falling and staining both of her cheeks. "Dabi, you really have no idea how hard it was for me, don't you? You have no idea how difficult it is to find happiness after what you did to me, right?"
He couldn't cry— despite going through a massive surgery, his tear ducts were still burnt. And so, blood came out from his eyes; which caused a bit of panic to Y/n. But they were both crying now— and she didn't know what to do.
"P-Please." Y/n pleaded, removing his hands from her skin. "Stop seeing me and Yuta. Just leave, Dabi."
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After that fight, Touya couldn't be seen anywhere. He stopped appearing from work and he also stopped visiting Y/n and Yuta from time to time. It was painful for the both of them— but Y/n knows that she needed time to think; to absorb everything that has unfolded right before her eyes. And as for Touya, he needs to reflect on what he did— and to ask for Y/n's forgiveness. It was bittersweet— but shouldn't it be like that?
Y/n could still remember the disappointment in Yuta's face when she said that he'll never come back. The young boy would always look at the windows to see if his beloved Uncle Touya was there— but of no avail, no one came. She felt bad for her son. Perhaps, it was too harsh for her to decide on her own without even asking her son? Y/n didn't know. But what she knows is what she did— would be the best for all of them right now.
It was a typical Sunday morning for the mother and son duo— Y/n was cooking lunch for the both of them while Yuta was in the backyard playing alone. While the young woman was cooking, loads of questions began to float in her mind.
How did Dabi survive? How did he change his name to Touya? Why did he decide to come back? Just... how did everything turn out to be as it is right now?
It wasn't too long until her thoughts were interrupted after hearing a child-like scream from the area where Yuta was playing. She immediately turned off the stove and rushed towards the scene with her mind filled with panic. Her eyes met her unconscious son who was laying on the ground with light blue flames appearing on his frail-looking body. His skin was bruised— and it was quite obvious that he was trying to catch his breath. Did Yuta perhaps... try to train himself?
Despite the high temperature surrounding his body, Y/n's maternal instincts didn't care. She carried the young child in her arms and rushed him towards the nearest hospital.
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"I know I was the one who told you to never come back. But I really need your help this time, Dabi." Y/n guiltily looked at her toes as she spoke to the red-haired man right before her eyes; meeting his blue unreadable orbs.
It's been two days since Y/n and Yuta returned from the hospital. He was unconscious for at least 5 hours— but Y/n decided to confine him in order to assure that his body is in the right track before they could be released.
"Just call me by my real name, Touya." He spoke as he took a sip from the cup of tea that Y/n prepared for him when he visited. The young woman rolled her eyes in return and said, "Whatever, Touya."
"Anyway, I know we're not okay right now... but you have to stick around. At least not for me, but for Yuta." Y/n swallowed before speaking— just like how she'd swallow her pride just for her son to feel more better about his quirk.
"Apparently, Yuta's body was too frail for his quirk— which is why he was left unconscious while trying to train himself on how to control it." She explained, showing him papers in order to prove her point— which Touya immediately read once he received it.
A small smirk appeared on his face as he began to look at the records. "Guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, huh?"
"Train him please." Y/n spoke in a soft tone as she pleaded. "Y-you're the only person I could ask about this. You have the same quirk as him."
A moment of silence wrapped around the room. It was uncomfortable for Y/n, considering that she can't really determine what Touya was thinking.
Meanwhile, the young man was drowning in his thoughts too. His hands were shaking— that old trauma once again came back. What if he becomes like the older man who raised him? What if he ends up hurting Yuta? What if Yuta ends up becoming a young man who claimed the innocent lives of 30 people? What if he ends up becoming like Dabi? But suddenly, these negative ideas began to disappear as he felt a pair of warm hands hold his'. It was Y/n— oh god, did he miss the feeling of those hands.
"Once everything becomes fine, I'll introduce you as his father." Y/n claimed as she squeezed his both hands tightly. "Compensate for your loss now, Touya."
And eventually, without even having any second thought, these words came out from his lips— almost like a slip.
"I will do it." He spoke in a deep tone, "I will not be like my father."
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Taglist [OPEN]: @babayaga67 @marydragneell @xxtrash-kingxx @paranoiac-666 @velvet-kissesss @orenjineki @mermaid-starlet @ikita454 @yo-girl-lunar @pansexual-booknerd @daimiyu @marvelousbakugou @peculiarinsomniac @cutesnakemum @sam-i-am-1025 @lawlesshedgehog @sonderkook @miss-buttersworth @threbony @noonewouldlisten25 @missalicebaskerville
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macaronnya · 2 years
Fresh(?) Impressions (1)
Other parts: |Trickstar| |UNDEAD| |2wink| |Ra*bits| |Akatsuki| |fine| |Ryuseitai| |Knights| |Valkyrie| |Switch| |MaM/Double Face/Crazy:B| |Eden| |Alkaloid|
Hello Enstarries~☆ I'm a newbie and wanted to share my kinda-first impressions of our maybe beloved idols bc the fandom (on tumblr) seems pretty 🤏 and so this might....idk serve as another entertaining post or smth. A viewpoint from a newcomer. I'll do each unit per post bc holy moly are there many and we'll start with Trickstar here. For a little structure, I'll begin with an overall impression (vibe, songs etc.) and then continue with indivdual members (appearance, personality etc.).
|Next| <- I'll put the next post here, when I'm done (assuming I'm dedicated and committed enough to really do everyone) See above ⬆️
Before we start, you may wonder why it's a fresh? and kinda-first impression. Well, I've been listening to their songs for about 2 years (Eden & Crazy:B fan here) and so know a bit about them (mainly their banger songs), be it through memes, iceberg explanation, memes and wiki pages. But I only really got into it since the global release. So even if I have all these random out-of-context info, I still basically know nothing. I only read their Episode 1 in the game for this bc want to start with the ! era first before jumping into !!. Now, one last thing...
DISCLAIMER!: Everything said here is for entertainment purposes only and not meant to attack anyone. This is not an accurate description of any characters but my subjective rambling for fun, so please don't take it too seriously. (Just to be safe, I'm kinda scared of elite idol fans) Also, you will hear me mention other games a bunch of times bc I'm that bad and uncreative at explaining and I'm still grieving A3!EN's shutdown. Eng is my 2nd (or 3rd?) language and it's 4am, do with that what you want.
Without further ado....Let's Ensemble!☆
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Typical first unit in idol games. Cheerful, innocent, ambitious and leading a revolution.....? That took me off at first, but, uh, good for them. Ngl their songs are boring. They remind me of Love Live's earliest songs and general idol songs. Pop, cheerful and encouraging messages, it's not bad. I just wouldn't listen to it if could. I do appreciate their preppier approach to the standard military inspired idol uniforms, though. Oh, the VA line-up is also 👁👁, like, damn.
5/10 - average, I don't have a strong opinion of them
Hokuto Hidaka
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I love his voice. Tomoaki Maeno's voice is just melting butter~🧈 At first, I thought he'd be the boring, serious, smart blue coded character out of the red-blue duo but I learnt my lesson with Deuce (Twisted Wonderland). He's earnest, honest, responsible and doesn't suffer from trauma with his famous parents, which is pretty good and possibly rare. I haven't heard a lot from him. He actually looks boring🧍‍♂️but this card is really pretty for some reason?? Apparently comes off as cold often as well, which is very relatable 😓
5.5/10 - average guy (the irony)
Subaru Akehoshi
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The 6th redhead, who's the poster character for their game. He looks like the standard first boy you meet and help to achive whatever the goal of the game and his dream is as his manager/producer/director/master/etc idk. Cheerful, naive, energetic. I don't really expect a lot from him but Sakuya (A3!), another redhead poster boy, became my most beloved baby sunshine 🥰, so...I'll just wait and see. His smile is pretty cute. And he likes money and sparkling things??? Random but not a bad thing.
6/10 - average but positive, slightly adorable
Makoto Yuuki
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Funky guy with glasses 👓 The only other character I reacall rn with colored rims is 707 (Mystic messenger). I haven't seen a lot of blondes with glasses, I think. He's kinda cute. If you haven't noticed yet, glasses are a tiny soft spot of mine. He seems to be the token clumsy dumdum but is self-aware and a bit self-conscious of that. His chibi has :3!!! A worried one even. Also, one of the grey haired ones or so is a really big fan or so of him and chases him? My condolences 😔
6/10 - still a bit boring but glasses and :3, he's trying his best
Mao Isara
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Initially, when I first listened to their songs, I thought Subaru's VA was his. It just seemed to fit better. He looks like a chatterbox and a social butterfly. Trendy and always up to date online. Maybe it's due to Cater (Twisted Wonderland), who looks similiar. But he's the student council president??? Looks truly decieve. I like his enthusiasm to have a just and actual working school. Well, he's still pretty friendly and so it seems.
6/10 - big role he carries but he's got the spirit, also cute
Honorary mention:
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Our dear MC, who has a lot of fans as well despite: 1. being a self-insert, 2. not having any real lines?, and 3. being a girl in a joseimuke game. Through A3!'s Izumi Tachibana, I learnt just how amazing self-insert MCs could be if they weren't self-inserts and had actual personality. I'm looking a bit forward to seeing more of her but I'll stay cautiously optimistic. Girl failed a revolution at her old school and attempts the next one right after her transfer, what an unyielding will. A bit miffed, that everyone seems to have a good relationship with her but is forced to stay ~professional~. Like, what is the use of names if you don't use them?! Let them call her Anzu or so >:( She also overworks quite often? You're not even 20....pls REST!
8/10 - I trust in my fellow Enstarries, maybe there will come a day when she gets her own card (perhaps as an anniversary gift?) (I really wanted one for Izumi (A3!), April fools has every side character except her. The audacity?!)
It's a bit weird how everyones' individual impression scores higher than the overall one. I suppose, it's like how mixing everything you like won't necessarily make an even better thing.
Now, if you reached the end, first off, congratulations! 🎊🎉 Idk if it's bc I was actually entertaining or bc you're that determined but thanks~♡ As you can see, I write a lot. I don't mean to do that but I always just somehow end up writing way too much bc I want to deliver my thoughts precisely. It's nearing 6am rn and I accidentally deleted my first draft. If there are any grammatical errors or so...have mercy. Feel free to comment whatever. It would give me more motivation to continue, though ofc I want to do everyone anyways. Just keep in mind, it's all just for fun and games and we're all here for a good time.
See you in my next impression post! (Hopefully)
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condorclaw · 3 years
TW: derealization
“-ommy? You with us?”
Tommy opened his eye, blinking to see as the harsh sunlight glared down from above. It was snowing, despite the blazing star, and Tommy let out a sigh at the feeling of snowflakes landing on his heated skin, cooling down his body. The wind was chilly, and though it sent a shiver through his form, it was a familiar feeling. One that seemed to say, “don’t worry, you’re here now”, and Tommy could feel it surge through his body from where he sat in the white flakes. Though the sunlight was irritating on his eye, Tommy could see enough to spy two figures standing a couple of feet away from him, picking out details.
One was shorter, with many pairs of twisted thorn-like horns emerging from the figure’s head. He was wrapped in a bulky coat laced with wool, which gave off the appearance of him being a muscular ram. A singular eye was gazing over Tommy’s own body, concern visible in the way it squinted, which Tommy could only guess the other eye was doing as well, if it weren’t hidden underneath a mop of brown hair.
The other was much taller than Tommy, with a lanky frame and disproportionately large hands matching as well as oil and water did. Though he had horns like the other, there weren’t as many, with the most noticeable one being a single horn protruding from his forehead like some kind of mutant unicorn. His eyes were laced with concern as well, both red and green irises focused closely on Tommy, while occasionally darting back to glance at the other figure.
While Tommy was focused on trying to make out who approached him, the shorter figure leaned down slowly, only a foot away from Tommy, before quickly snapping his fingers in front of Tommy’s face. The sudden contrast of speed made Tommy yelp, but that appeared to be the goal the figures were going for.
Now snapped out of a daze, Tommy rubbed at his eye, letting out a hiss when he tried to open it as wide as he could, the sunlight still strong. The taller figure moved over to block the intruding light, his feet crunching into the snow on the ground as he shifted, though Tommy wasn’t able to see it happening clearly. Though the crunch of the snow was comforting, it stirred up a few past memories relating to the fear of hearing somebody stomping through the snow, searching for him.
It was all in the past though, and in just a few seconds, Tommy’s vision came into focus, a smile spreading across his face when he realized who exactly was with him.
“Tommy? You okay?” Tubbo asked, his goat ears twitching slightly when he saw the blonde smile. “We didn’t even know you were out here. Hell, I don’t think I would’ve known if Ranboo hadn’t seen you from the window. His sneaky enderman eyes are like that. Always watching. Never blinking.”
“Tub-“ Tommy’s grin grew as he tried not to laugh, his hand coming up to cover his mouth, cutting off his words.
“If you think that’s weird already, try sleeping in the same room as him. He has no eyelids, Tommy.” Tubbo whispered, pretending Ranboo wasn’t a few feet away, rolling his dual-colored gaze in amusement. Tommy snorted when Tubbo emphasized Ranboo’s biology, trying to playfully bat the older boy away from him. “Stop that, stop that-“
“There’ve been so many nights when I went to get a drink. I turn the corner. Boom! I see him watching me with that lizard gaze and I have to resist the urge to wack him with a shoe.”
“You did that once, actually.” Ranboo pointed out, his eyes narrowed in amusement. “And I can tell when you get scared in the night, because the next morning you’ll unplug the toaster without me knowing.”
“It’s called vengeance for my decreasing sanity.”
Now failing to hold his enthusiasm in, Tommy began to cackle in the same loud, genuine way he always did. Despite him finding quite a large number of stupid jokes funny, Tommy couldn’t remember the last time he was able to just express all his positive emotion outwards in a healthy manner. Normally it was accompanied by somebody letting out a scream of surprise, but Tommy could get used to laughing without the sounds of poor souls getting stuck in deep holes accompanying it.
He was always told his laughter was contagious, and that appeared to be true, because as soon as he began to laugh, Tubbo and Ranboo joined in, Tubbo letting out little cries of “sorry!” as Ranboo pretended to kick him in the side. The sound of laughter was soon joined by distant oinks coming from the top floor of Tubbo’s house, Tommy seeing a curious eye watching the three mess around. With a soft smile, he waved to Michael, letting out a piglin snort. The piglin wagging his hoof as fast as he could in response, the oinks becoming more rapid.
“Aw, dang. I’ll get him.” Ranboo’s fake assault on Tubbo was halted, the enderman hybrid beginning to walk towards the little cottage at a moderate pace. Before Ranboo was too far away, however, Tubbo lunged forward and grabbed his husband’s leg, causing Ranboo to jolt, surprised. The taller gazed down at the smaller, and Tommy knew if Ranboo had eyelids, he’d be blinking them rapidly in confusion.
“Carry me, bossman,” Tubbo gave a cheeky grin, gripping to Ranboo’s thigh tighter.
There was silence as the two husbands stared at each other in silence, a silent battle being waged between the duo without words needing to be exchanged. If Tommy listened closely, he could hear the cogs in their heads turning as they tried to quietly protest with each other. Though he couldn’t hear their internal dialogue, Tommy knew Tubbo well enough to know what they were “saying”.
“Carry me.”
“I need to get Michael.”
“Carry me.”
“This is very counterproductive to the task at hand.”
“Carry me.”
“Tommy’s right there. He’s strong enough to carry you.”
“Carry me.”
If Tommy didn’t know Ranboo well enough, he’d think that Ranboo would try and throw Tubbo into the nearest snowdrift.
Tommy did know Ranboo well enough however, to know that Ranboo was absolutely considering that idea.
Thankfully the most intense battle of marriage mind chess was halted immediately once Michael cried out in impatience, Ranboo rushing off as soon as he heard his son’s displeasure. Yeah, Tubbo was still attached to Ranboo’s leg, being too startled by Michael’s sudden outburst to remember that he should probably let go before he got dragged across the hardwood floor. Based on the hoof scrapes and the stab marks littering the cottage’s wooden surface, the two had probably engaged in a telepathic battle of wills before, resulting in the same conclusion.
Letting out an amused snort, Tommy hoisted himself off the ground, brushing the snow off of his shorts. While others would be concerned over if he caught a cold, Tommy didn’t mind it if it meant he could relax in the mounds of white. Future Tommy, who was likely sick, would have something to say to current Tommy about it, but that was future Tommy’s problem. He’d cross that bridge when he got there. Feeling his feet on the ground, Tommy allowed his senses to be filled with the sensation of a feeling he longed for. Something at the back of his mind called it “home”, but he wouldn’t pay attention to that right now. It was the Beloved-Underscore’s home, and he couldn’t intrude on that name.
The weight of the coat slinged over Tommy’s shoulders was comfortable, the weight being light enough to ground him, but not heavy enough to make him feel restricted. Tubbo had made it for him, modelling it after the coats of Snowchester, even if Tommy didn’t live there. Instead of soft, white wool like Tubbo’s coat had, though, the wool was a gentle blue, being sewn together with the wool of Ghostbur’s treasured sheep. Ranboo was the one who had suggested it to Tubbo while the coat was being constructed, and Tommy didn’t mind the wool being used. It was a good way to remember Friend, and Tommy hoped that wherever he was, he was with Ghostbur now.
Huh, that was odd. It was almost like Tommy could hear h-
“Tommy. Tommy.”
Okay, that couldn’t be his imagination. It sounded too real for Tommy’s mind to conjure it up. Was it one of the nagging voices at the back of his mind? Or the moths? The moths had scattered for the day, maybe there were a few stragglers? He could let them hang around him, although he wasn’t doing mu-
A loud bang started Tommy, causing him to rocket upwards where he sat. Sat? When did he sit back down? He couldn’t feel the snow on his skin anymore, did it stop? Taking a deep breath, Tommy’s eye focused on where he was. Did Tubbo and Ranboo bring him inside?
The sound of a snowstorm outside echoed in Tommy’s thoughts as he remembered where he was: the Las Nevadas tower.
Across from Tommy, sat Wilbur, his piercing gray eyes narrowed in Tommy’s direction. The wings on his back were folded against his body, yet Tommy could see the ruffled feathers of irritation. It wasn’t only Wilbur though, as next to him, sat Quackity, who was watching Tommy closely. He didn’t look as mad as Wilbur, but there was a feeling of annoyance that lingered around him. Quackity’s feathers were ruffled as well, though Tommy now guessed their wings’ states had less to do with him, and more to do with each other. With two sets of eyes on him now, Tommy gulped, head bowing a little in shame.
“Ah, this is awkward, huh?”
Wilbur sighed, his clawed hand moving from the table to push up his glasses, rubbing at his eyes in an exhausted manner. “Tommy, did you hear a word of what we just said?”
While Tommy could be honest about this, since the worst thing he could get from not paying attention was being called a “child”, he was fairly sure he knew what the two men had been saying to each other.
“We’re trying to work out what’s best for you, you know that, right?” Quackity’s own claws drummed against the table surface, his eyes focused on Wilbur, despite Tommy being the one addressed.
How many times had Tommy heard that already? He knew it wasn’t a lie though. Wilbur and Quackity both cared, though they had weird ways of showing it. Tommy just really couldn’t understand why they couldn’t all stay together in Quackity’s awesome country. Yeah, Wilbur’s unpredictable, and he did lie about the TNT stuff, but he seemed excited about starting a new life in Las Nevadas? He knows Wilbur’s trying to build a new structure right next to Las Nevadas, but it doesn’t feel like a home, a headquarters, or whatever he wants to call it. It feels like it’s being built out of spite.
“Is he going to hurt you?”
Wilbur’s message rings loud in Tommy’s ears, causing him to shift in his seat uncomfortably. Even if the headquarters or whatever was built out of spite, Wilbur made it for safety reasons, right? He wanted to keep Tommy safe, and Tommy knows that sometimes safety can be uncomfortable.
“Tommy? You okay?” Daydream Tubbo’s words of concern cut in through Wilbur’s own, and for a moment, Tommy thinks he can feel Ranboo’s hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner.
Would he be safe in Snowchester? With his family?
Wilbur’s your family too, a voice slips out from the back of his mind, nestling into the forefronts of Tommy’s thoughts. They weren’t wrong though. Wilbur was family. Not just Wilbur though, but Quackity too. The two of them were trying their bests right now to make sure Tommy was safe and happy, but he wasn’t even paying attention!
Tommy didn’t even realize he was starting to tear up until Quackity placed a hand on Tommy’s own. Wilbur was watching as well, his eyes no longer narrowed, being replaced with concern for the blonde. Wilbur and Quackity glanced at each other, the two seeming to come to an understanding, despite not speaking.
Kind of like how Tubbo and Ranboo were, huh?
Wordlessly, the men got up from their chairs, Quackity helping Tommy stand up, despite the teen’s shaky legs. It was a long process to get Tommy over to the waterway in the center of the tower, Wilbur holding onto him tightly, yet protective, as they descended through the cold, blue tunnel leading to the entrance of the pillar, but Tommy managed to make it to the ground safely, and by then, he had mostly recovered from his latest internal turmoil.
Wilbur and Quackity both breathed sighs of relief, their attention shifting away from Tommy to each other. Even while tommy’s senses were still dulled, he could hear them speaking, though it was more like softly arguing. He didn’t even know if he was supposed to hear them or not.
“I’m taking him back now. You’re not to go anywhere near him unless I’m there.”
“Oh, and I don’t get to say that you’re not allowed to be near him if I’m not there?”
“Of course not. I’m the one who’ll protect him.”
“Well guess what, you’re also the one who admires the man who killed him. I’m sure he feels so comfortable after hearing you say those things.”
“Oh really? Sounds like you’re the one who tried to kill his “best friend” while he was exiled. I’m certain he feels even more at ease with you!”
“You weren’t there!”
“I was there in spirit! Quite literally, in fact!”
They weren’t going to stop unless Tommy tried to insert himself between them. Even then, though, sometimes that caused them to get even more enraged with each other, with some of that anger being aimed towards Tommy himself. Right now, however, Tommy was tired. He’d have to wait it out.
The sounds of fury from behind him began to fade away as Tommy gazed upwards at the sky, feeling his tension ebb away. A snowflake landed on the tip of his nose, melting almost instantly due to Tommy’s body heat. Snow caused a familiar feeling. One that seemed to say, “don’t worry, you’re here now”.
But where was here?
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dinmadness · 4 years
Mando fic request/prompt
Din has to break it too Mayfeld that they are married now. Because Mayfeld saw his face and is still alive, so by creed they are married.
This goes significantly better then you would expect because Migs went from massively impressed and turned on with Mando’s skill while he was in prison to being in love when he saw how far he would go for his son, and those scared brown eyes.
So they go to save their little green son together.
Okay I’m super nervous about this one. I’ve wanted to write about these two since the episode aired and you blessed me with a gift. I hope I’ve done them justice!
Pairing: Din Djarin x Migs Mayfeld
Tags: lots of cursing, kissing, Mayfeld is in love.
I hope you enjoy this, it was so fun to write!
Fic under the cut!
Mayfeld scans the entrance to the mess hall, casually standing guard as to not raise any alarm. He can hear the machine Mando is standing at counting down, 10 9 8 7.... Panic creeps up his esophagus, threatening his airways, claws digging in.
6 5 4...
Mayfeld turns to look at Mando and he feels the passage finally close when he sees tousled brown curls. He has to look away, shaking his head gently. Fuck, why’s it s’hot in here? Shifting to lessen his unease, Mayfeld looks back at Mando. It’s like he can’t resist. From the corner of his eye he catches Valin Hess stand and address Mando.
Fuck, fuck!
Panic is replaced with heavy dread in his stomach as Mayfeld watches the Mandalorian turn to Hess. Even from his place at the door he can see the fear Mando is struggling to contain. It’s a stark difference between the Mando back on the prison ship and now.
This man, who has never shown his face to anyone since he swore the Creed, is now standing bare faced in the presence of Imperial scum, all the while Mayfeld cowers in fear of being recognized. He has to do something. If Mando can sacrifice everything to save his child, Mayfeld can stand up to this fucking Imp jerk.
Quickly and smoothly as he can, Mayfeld shimmies up and inserts himself into the conversation, easing the attention off the Mandalorian. One look from the mans surprised face and Mayfeld is hooked. He gets swallowed instantly in the deep abyss of Mandos eyes, dark and warm like storm clouds rolling in on a summer evening.
In that moment, Mayfeld was prepared to do anything to help this man get his son back.
The pair (read: Mayfeld) was able to schmooze their way through the conversation. Unfortunately, it took a dark turn when Mayfeld brought up Burning Kann, despite Mando quietly urging him away from the subject. All his past anger began festering and festering the longer Hess spoke. How could Mayfeld be so stupid, how could he think this man would recognize him when all he and all the other stormtroopers were just numbers. He let Mando reveal his face because Mayfeld was a coward. Tears began stinging his eyes. Not anymore he isn’t.
Fucking scum.
Mayfeld shoots Hess. Then shoots every bastard in the room.
Slowing his breathing he looks at Mando and hands his helmet back. He did what he had to and if it helped the Mandalorian get the little green guy back, so be it. Mayfeld can play it off and forget what he saw.
Never mind the jaw he wants to cut himself on or the stubble he wants to feel scrape his thig...
Mayfeld is jerked from his inner yearning by blaster fire ringing in his ears. Working together, the pair escaped and boarded Fetts ship. The older Mandalorian landed the vessel and left the two alone to get out of those hideous clothes, promising to monitor the perimeter.
The duo changed with their backs to each other in silence. Tension thick in the air.
Unbearably quiet, if Mayfeld was honest. He had to say something.
He stops removing the flight suit, stinky as it may be and spins on his heels. The words die in his throat when he finds Mando is already staring at him, most of his beskar back where it should be. Brown eyes burrowing into his own blue.
Quick to look away, Mayfeld drops his eyes to the metal floor. “Hey man, I’m sorry.” He doesn’t know what to say. He wants to touch and feel and see everything that is this Mandalorian.
“There are rules.”
Mayfeld flinches. The Mandalorians voice is level and so soft. “You’ve seen my face.”
Mayfeld brings up his arms, a little worried. “I ain’t never seen your face, Mando. I swear it.”
“Din.” Is all he says in return.
Mayfeld looks up a little further in question, now looking at the others chest plate. The armor shining in the light coming through the large panes of glass. From this distance Mayfeld can see his warped reflection. If he wasn’t so uncomfortable he’d crack a wise-ass joke. But nows not the time.
“My name is Din, Din Djarin. Look at me.” He demands.
Fuck, Mayfeld is weak. Doing as he is told he raises his head up meeting Dins eyes. Warm, warm, warm.
Din steps closer. “By seeing my face you are bound to me by Mandalorian law.”
Mayfeld quirks a brow, hackles raising, his pale cheeks flush with embarrassment. “What, like a fucking servant?”
Mando shakes his head, a small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “More like a riduur.” Mayfeld is silent, Din takes it as a hint the other doesn’t understand. “Partner, cyar'ika, beloved.”
A lightbulb clicks on above Mayfelds head. His face burns now, as red as his beard.
Mayfeld lowers the walls he was quickly building. The fear that was starting to claw again gets swept away in the relief that washes over him.
“Well damn, Mando, I thought you’d never say.” Mayfeld closes the gap between them and drags Din down by his curls into a hot, slow kiss. Quiet moans swirl around them in the silence of the ship, just Mayfeld and Din.
Finally pulling back for air, Mayfeld smiles at the other before he leans over to grab the silver helmet to place back on, stopping just above his nose to steal one more gentle kiss.
“Now, let’s go get your kid back, shall we?”
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Green time :D I’m watching Sniff
Sniff’s doing a fundraiser yall, be sure to stop by and show support
I love aers hat and makeup and outfit and everything so much you guys
She’s so stimmy today, love that for him <333
Sniff taking their adhd meds, winners pov time!!!
Nonbinary truthing Kirby, so real
Purple team dressing as purpled 😂😂😂
Lowkey overstimulated by Sniff’s overlay but we power through it
Noooo I need a PayPal account to donate :((
They wanna be Purpled so bad lol
Late sands my beloved
Rocket Spleef Rush
Gotg3 references in chat <333
I love rocket spleef
Sniff popping off :))
SNIFF 34th!!! Fist in air /pos!!
Early meltdown my beloved
Purpled and Walli yelling are so roommates, I only learned they were roommates yesterday but it’s just so obvious /pos
Aww Sniff not finishing cliff was so rough
She’s popping off tho
Purpled and Walli dynamic duo fr
Gonna be honest I’m really missing bubbles because I haven’t watched Red or Walli before so I have no idea if Red’s just really quiet or if I can’t tell them apart or both
Purpled cheering on Scar as! he! should!!
These first two games went so fast, I swear
“We’re 36 points off of first” “Oh. We’re a’ight”
Team vocal stimming session my beloved <333
Walli calling Purpled “Purp” :((
Parkour Warrior
In case I haven’t said it yet, Purpled is a freaking superb igl
Oh Shadoune going through it :(
Purpled and Sniff teams are always such high school art class vibe and Walli being there just turns it up to 11
I know “Wallibear” is his name but it just sounds like a pet name when Purpled says it to me
I’m gonna need sniff to stop being so hard on themself, you’re doing great king <33
1ST!!! $100 to Asian American legal fund!!!
Them getting dunked and clumping in a corner and saying they’re an octopus my beloved
Parkour Tag
This event has gone so fast 😭😭😭
“I pledge allegiance… to the green geckos” so true
That fakeout lmao
“Watch out watch out” Red I’m sorry but that is the least helpful comm possible 😂
We love the assigned decisive person in the friend group (aka Red)
Purpled just freaking toying with RyGuy oh my god
Purpled hyping Sniff up <333
Sniff dub!! And their team hyping xem up <333
Don’t underestimate red team!! I’m calling some combination of green, red, and yellow in db
Purpled motivational speech based!!!
Grid Runners
Best game time :))
“You didn’t wanna participate in the group piss, you hate us” Sniff and Purpled are so funny together
Purpled’s comms on that sculpture we’re so good holy crap
“Uppies” is so… /pos
Uppies my beloved!!!
They KILLED that bridge!!!
Purpled is such a good team leader/hypeman ;-;
Yes!!! Hype yourself up too, my man!!!
Oh no H….
“Who else uppies?” REAL
Oh blue’s chances are gone, not completing grid is a death sentence :(
Another $100 to Asian people!!! We win these!!! (I’m not Asian but we stan charity :))
The coin differential is terrifying
“What are we throwing?” “Not the game, I’ll tell you that much” so true Purpled!!
Red is an absolute clown /pos
They’re so busted you guys
“It melts down real fast, heh, meltdown” real
Sniff is too powerful when he remembers to take her meds
Purpled running around screaming his head off my beloved
“I don’t wanna shoot Scott, he’ll say I’m homophobic” “I’ll vouch for you, I’ll say you aren’t” Sniff and Purpled <333
That was so freaking surreal
Gonna write an apology letter for my predictions placing them so low, I thought they were a 4th place team but all these teams are so balanced I ended up bumping them down
Red and Sniff whispering encouragement to each other when they’re in the same call
The queerness leaving Sniff’s body as they send their gayness to purpled so he can destroy in pride 23
Survival Games
They’re wild
How does Purpled have a stack of arrows????
That airdrop was rigged lmao
That was so chaotic but they handled it so well
Red popping off!!
Nah man, sands is the way to go
Sands of Time
Hell yeah :))
They’re so chill I love them <333
Sniff is such a good sandkeeper, they’re sweeping the room and killing all the mobs, it’s so satisfying
It looked right at the green vault 😭😭😭
First out, rip
3k is plenty good, they might lose first but I think they still got it
They’re safe :))
Don’t look at my prediction post, I was a different man five hours ago, I called red and green in the first half :))
Lowkey rooting for red because diversity win but also gay people and charity so I’m happy whatever happens :D
CAP 1v3!!!
Ah this is so nerve wracking
Sniff gotem!!
Nooooooo Ollie 😭😭😭
Jojo v Purpled this is a nail-biter
Congrats red!!! Massive L to English speakers everywhere!!!
Purpled saying it’s sick that the Spanish team won and he hopes to see more multilingual teams in the future <333
This was such a good team, it was so freaking great
Walli might have the best opening score since season one actually, lemme check that
“Doesn’t it suck when you’re the best” Sniff 😂
This event went so fast, this was an amazing team :))
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fullbusterfantasmic · 4 years
Love Potion ♋️
🛑 Rated M 🔞
Gray Fullbuster x Reader
”Amorteia, also known as Love Potion 69, highly illegal, but incredibly effective! A single dose will compel an individual to not only reveal a hidden infatuation, but also renders them incapable of not acting out all those desires they’ve kept locked away within the heart”.
Summary: Juvia’s desperation, in combination with a chance encounter, “blesses” her with a little vile that’s supposed to make all of her wildest dreams come true....But what on earth does that possibly have to do with you? 🤔😏
~ Most people would invision a “Rain Woman” as a dreary, slow, or depressing female. This description could not be more incorrect when it came to the “Rain Woman” of Fairy Tail; Juvia Lockser. She’s currently speed walking with a skip in her step, the birds are singing, and the sun is shining down on her smiling face. “Juvia has finally found the solution to her problem!” the blue haired woman squeals with excitement as she recounts events from the previous hour. ✨ Flash Back✨ It’s with a sigh of relief that Juvia begins her trek home from the job she begrudgingly took was finally finished. She only agreed to it as a favor to Gajeel, who ended up FLAKING on her; Thus adding two extra days to the job she didn’t want to do in the first place. “Juvia has been away from her beloved for far too long” she laments with a far away look in her eyes, “When will Gray-Sama come to his senses and realize that Team Natsu will never compare to the duo that is Ice and Water!”. Fortunately she internalized the rest of her fantasy, sparing passerby from hearing her delusions. The Rain woman continues forward, losing herself within her imagination as she does so. Thirty minutes outside Magnolia she stumbles upon a rag tag camp site with a beat up old caravan parked in the center. “Gray-Sama tonight is the night that Juvia will finally make you come to your senses!” the bluenette declares as she dramatically points a finger towards the sky. A bemused chuckle draws her attention to her immediate right; Where she finds a scantly clad woman puffing on a pipe surveying the new comer with interest. “Oh..haha.. Juvia is sorry for her intrusion and sudden outburst, she didn’t mean to disturb you” muttering an apology, Juvia bows her head in slight embarrassment. Releasing a jet of smoke the mystery woman gives her a wide grin, “No apology necessary, On the contrary you have piqued my interest mistress Juvia...Just who is this “Gray-Sama” and what exactly do you intend to make him realize hmmm?”. Any excuse to gush about Gray, Juvia is willing to take and before she knows it, she’s seated inside the caravan explaining her unrequited love to this mysterious woman. As her story draws to a close, the mystery woman gives her a comforting pat on the shoulder. “It seems you’re having boy problems, I feel bad for you hun, but luckily for you...you’ve come to the right one” tossing her curtain of red hair over her shoulder the woman gets up from the table. “I am an enchantress that specializes in magics having to do with seduction and all things sensual, I can help you ensnare this man by captivating his mind and all of his senses, making it only your touch he craves” the self-proclaimed enchantress explains. Immediately beginning to search through her many jam packed shelves and cabinets. “Gray-Sama will crave Juvia’s touch?” the love struck female whispers as steam begins emmiting from her body as her mind begins to wander. “Found ittttt” sings the red head as she twirls back towards Juvia, “This right here is all you need”. Holding up a small heart shaped vial she explains; “Amorteia, also known as Love Potion 69 is incredibly potent and always successful, but also highly illegal”. Juvia eyes the vial curiously, struggling with her morality “What do you want for it?”. The woman smirks at her sitting back in her chair, “Whatever you think is fair”. The rain woman sets the entire reward she just received on the rickety old table. A sly grin replaces the smirk on the face of the enchantress, “Deal, but I also expect an invite to your wedding, now all you have to do is....”. ✨Flash Back & Prologue END✨
❤️ A/N: Chapter One will immediately follow this post! I’m praying the formatting doesn’t come out looking like complete shit 🙏🏽 I’m pretty sure I’ve done everything I could possibly do. I am happy I’ve finally figured out the “Read More” option on mobile though.
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