#okay i'll stop now byee
expectiations · 1 month
Okay but there is no way in HELL River is staying away from the Doctor if she gets out in canon. So either she misses them by a (few) incarnation(s) and she'll eventually come back for good on the show. On our TV screens. OR she stumbles into the Division Doctor instead and stays with them. I really don't see another alternative here 😃
On that note, I recently read this fic that gave a new spin on how the Doctor shared their name to River. It wasn't a word. It was something complex, Time Lord-y, and more of a...neural link?(??)
I may be getting it wrong but it wasn't a spoken name but this telepathic connection that involved the fifth dimension (?). I'm conjuring this all up from a dying memory and overwrought, single brain cell.
Which then explains why River and the Doctor keep on bumping (-ish) into each other throughout time and space.
So to connect that with your ask (how am I going to connect it with your ask), would the Doctor somehow "feel" River's presence? Though as a data ghost, do neural links still work? Does it too somehow break all known laws and still supersede death?
Anyway, I am glad we got a post-Library River (coming this August on Big Finish!!) BUT I also am low-key anxious over what the box set writer said.
Maybe River would go pop in on her darling's life. Maybe she'd be in the background pulling strings and stuff (raising their Time Tots 👀 with another version of the Doctor – Doctor Moon? The Curator? "Retired" Fourteen?). Maybe she'd also gone around on adventures and what-not with Fugitive Doctor. Or maybe she's the grandmistress wreaking havoc on the universe. Who knows?
Lots of questions. No River to answer them.
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agirlwithglam · 6 days
how to stop being so obsessed with them.
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heyyy bestieees! heres a few tips to stop you from being so obsessed with them cus honeyyy its just not worth it. it doesn't just have to be romantically btw!
"she's literally perfect.. like how??" <- affirmations! More resources:
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༄ ✬ move on! ༄ ✬
numero uno. move on. okay hear me out! there are 8 billion people in the world. (8 billion freeky deeking people). do yk how much that it? a lot of 0s. and i know for a fact that SO MANY of them would be thrilled to know you, to spend time with you, to love and respect you! if that 1 person out of 8 billion people doesn't seem to recognise your worth, so what?!
"oh but they're perfect and i just love them so much!" ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... sorry, what do you love again? the fact that they don't care enough to return a text, treat you right, make you feel loved?
"i just want them to love me back and treat me the way they treat others because they are so funny and always seem to make me and other people laugh!" oh ma lawd. ur not serious r u? you are?! okokok i won't make fun of you. i can relate to how that feels. but sweetheart, 8 billion. trust me, you'll find a lot more people who are twice as funnier and caring who will love you to the moon and back and make you feel like the most specialist person ever and massage ur crusty musty toes. jk about the last one- unless u want that?
༄ ✬ not everyone will know your worth. ༄ ✬
so asking questions like "but why can't they realise how great i am? or how funny i am? or how loving i am? i would do anything for them, why can't they realise that and treat me the same way back?" im sorry honey but the world doesn't work that way. if someone doesn't feel or treat you as if you're the most glamorous girl in the world, then you need to stop giving them sm energy and importance.
heres an analogy that i got from simonesquared on youtube: in gilmore girls, Rory has this super rich boyfriend Logan right? (who has the most cutest smile ever i might add) and he buys Rory a birkin bag. now to Rory, she doesn't realise the value of a bag like that! to her, its just another bag. she's grateful of course, but she doesn't fully realise the immense value this type of bag has.
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༄ ✬ have a life outside of them.༄ ✬
lemme repeat that. have. a. fleeping. life. outside. of. them. they should NOT be the center of your life or the cause of all your actions NUH UH ABSOLUTELY NOT! its okay to do SOME things with the thought of them, but that part is separate from the rest of your life. your life is your life, not theirs!!
this can mean going to the gym, working out, finding new hobbies, educating yourself, self care, etc etc! but don't go about your life, thinking about them. you go about your life thinking about YOU.
༄ ✬ stop chasing them. ༄ ✬
"gee, thanks vanilla. thats so helpful! how did i not think about that earlier?" im assuming thats sarcasm, but whateverr. okay so if they know that you're chasing them, that you're obsessed with them, yk what they'll think? they'll think that 'oh! this person is chasing me, so she really wants me. so she'll stick around. i dont really need to try too hard to keep her cus i know she'll stay. i'll explore my options in the meantime :)'
GIRL do not so available like this! BE BUSY (which relates to the point before). once you glow up, work on your life, not taking it so seriously, and just being happy and enjoying this beautiful gift of life, they will start to think: 'oh! this person (you) is actually quite fabulous. i better try to make her feel happy/ be friends with her before i miss this awesome opportunity!'
cus girl, cmon, you've got things to do, places to be, and people to talk to. i've got goals and dreams and my bucket list. you don't have the time to sit here and be crazy obsessed. so like, if they just leave, um okay and? "yes, and?" what about it? am i meant to be bothered? likerrr okay, byee? i mean, i've got a lot of things to do so i could try to fit in a "help i need you" session between my pilates class and my cooking class? jk <3
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༄ ✬ give yourself the damn love. ༄ ✬
why are you obsessed with them? why are you head over heels for somebody who literally couldn't care less? its because they have something that you feel like you're lacking.
is it the fact that they always seem so happy and laughing-y with people around them? that they get super high marks on their test? they are attractive? they have a high status? money? what is it?? often, we can actually give these things to ourselves. some, easier than others. but not impossible. if you really wanted to, you would get up, dust yourself up, and give yourself the love you crave. What you want in others, give to yourself first.
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More resources:
How to stop comparing yourself & feel fulfilled without needing external validation.
Thewizardliz: becoming selfish was the best thing i did
Lumma Aziz’s videos
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
kay i'll take advantage of the hyperfixation bc i'm hyperfixated too 😋 this one is quite angsty? Depends on how you wanna do the end bc i'll leave it up to you
u see how in re6 chris asks leon if he will protect ada despite all the damage she did and he says yeah he is? What if instead of chris asking is leon's long term boyfriend since raccoon city?
like reader kinda knows he's still not over ada bc let's say reader went with him to rescue ashley in re4 and well, ada was there and shit.
so with that reader this time KNOWS leon is till not over ada no matter how much time has passed and he feels kinda betrayed bc they had a full ass relationship since raccoon city and it's been YEARS.
ending up to you ofc depending on how interested u are on writing this lmao. bye byee 💖
Ehe- I tried lol
Leon Kennedy x Male!Reader [Angst]
Maybe spoilers if you haven't played/watched re6?
Resident Evil 6
(M/n) almost couldn't believe how awful this vacation was turning out to be.
From shooting the president to chasing after Ada herself, Helena could look at him with an apologetic look in her hazel eyes. (M/n) hasn't explicitly told her that he and Leon were dating, just said they were together on a vacation to relax and unwind a bit from their job on the D.S.O, but the situation had become worse than they initially thought.
And now Ada was involved? Well, when wasn't she honestly, that woman seemed to have some sort of GPS on Leon because she always showed up wherever he was, it was rather odd, still, he didn't question it, coincidences were pretty common in this kind of job.
Just look at it this way, they met with Sherry a while ago and now Chris was here too.
The three of them chased after Ada, Leon in front, and (M/n) right behind him, while Helena did her best to keep up behind them, but she was injured and she was struggling to keep up the pace. (M/n) stopped and made sure she was okay, before realizing how far Leon had run already.
"(M/n), go! I'll... I'll be fine, you go after her," she said gently pushing him away, and (M/n) hesitated for a moment, but Helena's reassuring smile helped him make up his mind.
He continued running after Leon, hearing two more foreign voices echo in the building, his eyes observing how Ada was cornered by two BSAA agents and as one of them pulled the trigger, Leon hit the gun away, immediately getting involved in a fight with the man. (M/n) arrived just in time to catch a stumbling Chris and prevent him from falling when Leon kicked his stomach hard enough to make him lose his balance.
Chris groaned from the pain, even when he was kicked over his bulletproof vest, Leon has always been known for having strong legs after all.
"Here," (M/n) mumbled while standing up and helping Chris get up from the ground, hearing him grunt a small 'thank you', all the while still being pointed by Leon with his pistol, "Leon-"
"Shut up," was all the blond said, making him swallow and nod, standing back whilst Chris and Leon started arguing. About Ada, and why she needed to die. (M/n) saw Leon clench his jaw, tightening his hold on the grip of his pistol, his cold blue eyes staring into Chris', "She's a key witness, we need her."
"A witness? She's the one that did all of this!" Chris replied, angry at what Ada had done, and probably at Leon for stopping him earlier.
"No, it wasn't her, it was Simmons, the National Security Advisor," (M/n) looked at them, hearing Helena's stumbling behind them and he helped her stand up. He wasn't sure what he was expecting the outcome of this discussion would be, but something told him he wasn't gonna like it.
"I lost all of my men because of that woman!" Chris yelled as he approached Leon, who kept a firm stance, not even blinking at his outburst.
"And I lost over seventy thousand people, including the president, because of Simmons!" He replied back with the same tone, followed by a deafening silence, the light of a chopper landing on them through the window.
Chris sighed and looked down, shaking his head before staring back at Leon, "She works for Neo-Umbrella, you know what that means?"
(M/n) watched as Leon sighed, "I do."
Glancing back and forth between the two of them, (M/n) took a deep breath, and took a step forward, slightly covering Chris with his body, he doesn't know what made him do it, maintaining eye contact with Leon's blue eyes, that remained cold and serious.
"After all she did to you, to me, to us... You're still gonna protect her, Leon?" The few seconds of silence that followed made his ears ring, the fact that he had to think about it let him know his answer.
Leon's stare hardened, seemingly unfazed by (M/n)'s words, not caring about the pain in his voice.
"I am."
(M/n) released a dry chuckle, turning around and walking away, "I was scared you were gonna say that," he mumbled as he left, finding another way to go downstairs. While he waited for them, he saw a flash of white, soon followed by Ada's body gracefully flying with her grappling hook.
They made eye contact for an instant before she ran away again, like she always did, never deviating from her mission.
He unzipped his pouch, his fingers wrapping around the velvet box, gripping it tightly as tears began gathering in his eyes. (M/n) had planned this vacation perfectly, wanting to make it special and memorable, after all, he and Leon had been in a relationship for 15 years... Or so he thought, because it seemed like he was the naive one who thought that way, when Leon was clearly smitten to Ada, after everything that happened... Everything he had done to make Leon happy...
(M/n) sighed and rubbed his temple before lowering his hand to grab his pistol, but before he could, he hit one of the pouches around his hips, his world freezing and breaking down piece by piece when he realized what he had kept safe there during this whole ordeal.
All of it had been wasted, maybe... Someone else would appreciate all his efforts?
But who? He has never loved anyone other than Leon, and it's not like he could simply move on to someone else, that wouldn't be fair to the other person.
(M/n) observed the black box in his hand, hearing the footsteps of Leon and Helena approaching his position, and he had to dry away the tears that had managed to run down his face, turning toward them with a hint of a smile, putting the box back and closing the zipper again.
"We have to keep going, let's go," he will figure out what to do when all of this is over, but right now, they had a job to do.
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 3 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 4
Summary : Disastrous Dinner with your parents leads to a small quarrel between you two.
Warning: Smoking, mention of recreational drug use, insecurities, a bit of angst, not so great parenting , 4.5 k words
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After your mom left you immediately took a shower to cool down a little bit, it was 10 am and you had plenty of time to prepare for the evening.
He went to the bathroom after you and when he came out you could feel him staring at you but he wasn't saying anything.
"What?" You looked at him so he averted his gaze and pretended to read his book. "Gotta call my boss, i don't think I can go to work today"
You mumbled as you dialed the manager's number and put it on speaker phone because you wanted to paint your toenails.
"Hiii Mark it's y/n" you said cheerfully and you heard him grumbling in response. Just great
"I just ..uhh wanted to tell you that I won't be able to make it today, sooo"
"Uhhh it's a family emergency"
"You can't just take a leave out of nowhere, you have to inform way beforehand, " he said, clearly sounding upset. Did he understand the meaning of emergency? Doofus
"Yeah I would have but it's umm I don't think you heard me right. I said that my family's car was hit by a bulldozer and some of them were still in it. And now they're in an emergency ward so I have to go see them..see you tomorrow byee" you tapped on your head in frustration as you hung up "Argggghh I hate this day already"
Also, why did you have to keep the phone on the speaker?
"So your mother seem ..a bit ahhh –" you found him to struggling to form a complete sentence which wasn't like him at all.
"That. Yes. That"
"She is like that, but she means well"
His brows furrowed as you said that. He was finding it a tad harder to believe.
"Okay, we need to make a man, asap" you said to him as you tightly closed the bottle of the nail paint after you were done using it. He laughed in response because he thought you were joking.
"Darling, I promise it can not be Asap. I mean it would take months for him to grow in your womb before he's birthed and–" he stopped talking as you gave him the look that he had learned to understand as a sign for Stop right now. You sighed as you stood up and went down on your knees in front of him, you placed your hands on his thighs and the position made him gulp.
"I want you to be my boyfriend" his eyes flickered as you said that.
"Just for the evening" you clarified it immediately. God you hoped he didn't think of you as some midgardian desperate creep.
"Will you do it for me please?"
"I uhhh–"
"Pleaseee please do it .. please I'm begging you Loki please I'll do anything you'd ask please " you joined your palms together and begged him to just help you out. You didn't really have to beg he thought, you saved his arse, he would walk right into the sun if you'd ask him to.
"I just..never have been a boyfriend before "
"You said you had relationships "
"What is the correlation here?"
"Huh?" He sighed as you failed to understand him.
"I just don't want to ruin this evening which I am sensing- is already a very stressful affair for you" he mumbled as he placed his elbows down on his thighs to rest his chin in the palms of his hand.
"You won't ruin it, oh no please. I'd love to have a friend while we eat dinner..a friend who actually likes me..you know" your eyes teared up so he cupped your cheeks and leaned forward to press a soft kiss on your forehead. That gesture made you feel so warm but you wished you had more time to relish in this feeling.
"I am very fond of you my darling" he mumbled softly. The words made the butterflies go crazy in your stomach. Okay so you were attracted to him which you had already figured by the intense feeling you kept having where you wanted to fuck him all the time, there was the bubbling scorching heat between you two and you also wanted to cuddle him all the time now, all of these things combined together looked bad when you considered how he was literally unattainable. A fucking prince, he was a god that you couldn't even dream of having. He probably wouldn't even look twice at you if you were in a crowded room full of all the beautiful women in the world, women that he probably deserved to have.
Everyone kept telling you that you had higher standards for yourself but then he must have them too right? You weren't it unfortunately.
"Is that a yes?"
"Yess" you stood up and jumped around a little in excitement.
"Oh wait butt oh no.. they can't see you..my mom will recognise you, she's obsessed with you..but in a very bad way"
"She is?"
"Yeah she hates you "
"I figured that..umm do not worry about that. I'll take care of this" he pointed towards his face so you went down on your knees again. You had to stop doing this in front of him because one of these times he'd forget to enchant his cock to not get hard in a jiffy.
"But .. I don't want anyone else there, I want you, I mean. I like this face..it's such a loki looking face that I like" he chuckled as you said that. Sometimes your words hardly made any sense and that's exactly why he adored them so much.
"How about I change my hair and the color of my eyes, maybe get a bit of facial hair, the face stays" you tilted your head as he said that.
"That could work besides there's no way she'd think that you're him with all those modifications you know..oh that's a great idea. Well I'm going to cook now..by the way can I paint your toenails afterwards? You have such pretty toes" you got up from the floor again so he looked down at his feet.
"Noooo" he yelled, making you giggle but now another thing was starting to bother you.
"Wait a second!! You don't have clothes, I need to get you earth people clothes"
"Yes I was troubled by that thought" He did have a suit he had stolen from a midgardian shop when he visited Thor a few years prior after he was banished but for some reason the idea of putting it on again disgusted him. And he couldn't have worn his famous Terrorist from Asgard terrorising Stuttgart overcoat either for obvious reasons.
"Oh no I have to go get it for you then ..it's 11 already and I have to make dinner, and dessert also and oh my god it's so dirty around here, what I'm gonna doooo??" he walked towards as you started to freak out again.
"Now let us pause for a moment here. Take a deep breath for me, can you?" He told you as he grabbed your shoulders to calm you down.
"Okayy..okay..i'm just freaking out" you took a deep breath in order to not pass out right this moment.
"You go purchase the attire for me and I will tidy up the space until then. That is alright?" He asked you so you hugged him tightly, his arms instantly wrapped around your waist as if it was the most natural state in the world, breathing in the scent of your hair he sighed deeply.
He really needed to get a grip. A woman like you deserved a man so noble and not a hideous looking frost giant like him whose moral compass has broken a long time ago. You have waited so long for the man of your dreams and he could never be it for you.
"I'll be back soon"
It took you two hours to find something decent for him to wear, you even had to buy a pair of shoes for him, you saw a bunch of cute t-shirts so you bought that as well. You heard the shower running when you came back from the mall, you couldn't even recognise your apartment. It looked beautiful. First of all it was clean, ofcourse. But he had done something with the lighting as well, it seemed fancier, like a classy restaurant, and it smelled really good too. He had also filled the space with a much needed furniture you didn't have.
There was an elegant looking table right in front of the kitchenette. Bonus point? It also had chairs, you had chairs in your apartment.
The bed was covered in a beautiful satin sheet. Asgardian sheet. He also had that sofa all cleaned up, it looked brand new.
You put the shopping bags down on the sofa as your eyes circled around again. When he entered the room you immediately ran towards him to hug him, momentarily forgetting that he was naked from the waist up and dripping wet.
"This is.. gorgeous..you're like a sorcerer" you mumbled as you pulled away from him and took a few steps back, he was freezing cold. He smiled as he walked closer and wiped the droplets of water from your cheeks, the ones you had gotten by hugging onto his naked wet chest so tightly.
"I'm a sorcerer " he giggled and it made your heart grow ten times larger.
"Thank you Loki, you have no idea what you have done for me" your eyes teared up and so did his, but then again you didn't have time to enjoy this moment, they would be here in like three hours, you also had to get ready.
He tried to help you in the kitchen as much as he could but he wasn't really helping plus the heat bothered him a lot so you made him sit down on the sofa, he had done enough already and you were very grateful for that.
After cooking and assembling the cutleries on the table which again was the courtesy of your alien friend, you put on a dress and finished your makeup. You looked good for a change, the black dress complimented your dark soul. It always did.
You looked at him as he got himself dressed too, you didn't want to go overboard with his attire, there was a dark green jacket because you remembered that to be his favorite color, a plain black t shirt underneath with a tight fitted trouser. For some reason you knew he wasn't the denim jeans type of alien god.
His tush looked extremely good in those pants but that's not what shocked you, it was the change in his appearance. He kept his face but his hair was no longer raven, it was light brown and shorter, you could finally see the back of his neck and it was as smooth as the rest of his skin, his eyes were hazel brown, light freckles adorned his nose and cheeks. The finishing touch was the golden tan on his skin and that I haven't shaved in a week stubble. Even though he had the same face he didn't look like himself. He actually reminded you of that guy from that one King Kong movie you couldn't remember the name of.
"This okay? Or do I resemble my oaf brother a little too much" He asked you so you smiled.
"You look very handsome mister" And hot, and sexy, delicious.
A nervous laughter escaped his throat at the compliment.
"And you my lady, you look–-" before he could finish his words you heard the buzzer going off so you hurriedly stepped towards the door and got them in. You felt anxious and awkward like always, having dinner with four people where you didn't really like the three of them was not your idea of fun. As you opened the door you saw your mom and her husband David first so you hugged her and your step father gave you a side hug.
"Welcome to my humble abode" you chuckled as they stepped in, then you met his daughters from hell, his perfect little princesses, the elder one was named Chelsea, she was a year younger than you and married. Ofcourse because she was just perfect like that. You weren't expecting her to bring her husband Shawn though.
"Wow i didn't know husbands were coming" you mumbled as you hugged her and your mom glared at you.
The younger sister Courtney gave you cheek kisses. Pretentious bitch. She was just 25 but obviously more accomplished and much more successful in her career according to your mother.
As they all stepped inside you noticed them looking around, they had never been here before.
"Wow, this is so tiny and adorable, you know when daddy said you were renting a studio apartment i thought it'd be bigger" Courtney said and you resisted the urge to poke her eyes out.
"It's actually bigger than most studio apartments, I'm actually not supposed to have that whole window area, default in their infrastructure, goodie goodie for me" you felt everyone's eyes on you so you stopped talking immediately, turned around and walked towards Loki, you grabbed his arm and decided to introduce him to everyone, most of them looked shocked but atleast your mother was smiling from ear to ear.
"This is uhh.." oh god you didn't think of a name. Ofcourse you didn't. You see Perfect Chelsea over there would have thought of a name.
"Mark, this is Mark Johnson..he's an auditor for the ..uhhh Marks and Spencers" they smiled at him as you introduced him. No, that name didn't sound fake at all. Nope.
"Hello Mrs. Umm –" he looked at your mother. Wow you two really should have discussed this part a little more. Like for real.
"Used to be something else now she's Mrs Jackson" you told him so he gave your mom a hug. She looked at you as she hugged him and mumbled a wow behind his back which made you want to die from embarrassment.
You didn't want to waste much time so you all sat down for dinner. The problem was he only made six chairs, and there were 7 of you. Gee, No thanks husband Shawn.
"You sit down okay?" You made Loki sit down so he grabbed your arm and scooted a little to the side, one of his buttocks was hanging in the air but he didn't care, he didn't want you to feel left out at your own family dinner.
As you sat down next to him, well almost onto him, everyone cooed. It's not as if you weren't getting used to being squished against him.
"So i noticed the accent, are you a London boy Mr. Mark" you wanted to hurl at the way Courtney was looking at him.
"Uhh yes, England" You took a sip of the wine you had in front of you, for the god of lies, he wasn't really good at living up to that status.
"So you're here on business? How did you two meet?" Your mom asked you so this time you answered instead.
"Ohh he's a member at the gym I work for" you smiled.
"Why do I feel like I have seen you somewhere?" Your mom squinted her eyes and it made you nervous.
"Ohh he looks like that guy from that movie.. I don't remember..the one with the big burly ape" you agreed as Shawn said that. Well thanks Shawn
"Ohhhh yeah..yeah you're right"
"So auditing? You like that job, son?" David asked him. Oh!! he's not your son David. No no considering his age, David was the son, his father was the son, his grandfather was the son. Why couldn't you just stop having thoughts for once?
"No. I don't know what that is actually" he chuckled and then you heard them all laughing in unison. You did too before you glared at him,
"Wow, good looking and funny. By the way, raise your glasses everyone.. I have an announcement" Courtney grabbed her glass of wine and took a deep breath before she proceeded to speak.
"I got the job in London..ahhhh" she squealed as she celebrated herself and everyone then squealed for her, she worked for an embassy or something, you never cared to find out. Your mother did remind you now and again as how it could have been you if you'd have been a little sincere about your life.
"Ohh honey congratulations, that's amazing, I'm sooo proud of you" your mom said to her so you smiled in disbelief.
"Okay okay..i have a news too. We have a news" Chelsea said as she smiled from ear to ear and looked at her husband "So I'm not drinking wine because I'm abstaining, I lied sorry.. hint hint" She pointed towards her belly and the whole world gasped for her.
"Call Odin and ask him if he heard the gasps" you mumbled in his ear and he bit on his cheek to stop himself from smiling. She was pregnant ofcourse. They all hugged her and congratulated the lovely couple, so did you, you had no other choice.
"Both of our daughters make me so happy sweetie" David's eyes teared up as he held your mother's hand.
"I am so proud of them"
After the happiness died down a little, Courtney looked at you.
"So y/n you're a trainer at the gym right..don't they like pay very less?"
"It actually depends on my competence and how many clients I can get in a month," you said to her. No you didn't miss the snark, you just wanted to ignore it.
"Oh.. so less huh"
God you hated her.
"Shoot i am out" David said as he opened the box of his cigarettes.
"Oh honey" your mom comforted him and then she glared at you as Courtney made another comment.
"Y/n smokes, just ask her for one dad"
"It was just that one time.."
You tried to defend yourself but your mom cut you off as she shook her head in disappointment.
"Look if you have it, just be a good hostess and give one to him" she said to you so you were about to get up but Loki stopped you.
"I'll get it darling. I found it while cleaning" he said to you so you smiled, as he walked towards the closet you wondered what he meant, what did he find? As he returned he passed the lighter to David along with that fucking joint you couldn't find yesterday.
"Uhhh this is not..is this weed?"
You stood up and snatched it from his hand. Loki felt mortified now, maybe he should have asked first if your stepfather wanted to smoke weed or something else. He really should have thought a little harder about it.
"It's not mine, it's a friend's" you mumbled so your mom looked at you.
"Oh sweetie, are you in the wrong company again?" She questioned and you immediately denied. You felt overwhelmed now, you just wanted to go cry in your bathroom.
"I apologise darling, i had no clue what he wanted" he whispered in your ear so you sighed. He just wanted to help.
"It's fine..it's okay " you told him, you didn't want him to feel bad about this even though you felt completely mortified now.
"So what are your plans for marriage?" The wine came out of your nose as your mom questioned Loki.
"Mommm" you glared at her and gestured to cut it out but ofcourse she ignored the cue.
"I'm just asking, you two make a cute couple..what do you guys think?" She looked around the table for approval.
"Ohhh yess hook him in y/n before you lose this one too" Courtney cackled like a witch. Loki felt awful, these people reminded him of those bilgesnipes, all ready to pounce and attack you for no reason. He felt something grazing over his shin so he looked under the table and saw a bunch of toes rubbing against him. It belonged to one of your sisters.
"She's touching me" he whispered in your ear so you looked under the table and she stopped immediately.
"Marriage is such a beautiful thing, it just makes me sad that y/n is going to be in her thirties now and she's still..so lonely" Chelsea gave you a sad look making you scoff in response.
"But I'm happy.. and I don't really care alright?"
"Well you should care honey, when you're sixty and alone with no-one to take care of you you'll regret this attitude" your eyes teared up as your mother chimed in. You saw your step sisters smiling and passing glances to each other.
"Didn't you marry twice?" Loki asked your mother so you glared at him and asked him to cut it out.
"Excuse me?" Your mom had the typical look of disapproval now. You could just tell she didn't really like him any longer.
"You married her father and it must not have worked very well since you are married to this gentleman here now?" He asked her again so you facepalmed.
"But that's life, that happens, sometimes things don't work out between two people, there are several different reasons why people get divorced" she raised her voice a little and you could feel everything getting out of your hand now.
"Well pardon my interference but perhaps she doesn't want that to happen to her as well, maybe she wants to spend her life with someone who would be there for every reason and not only for a season" your mom gave him a death glare as he said that and so did you. The tension in the room kept on piling up.
He could tell you were upset with him for opening his big mouth today.
After the dinner and dessert ended, you were hoping for them to just leave, you had no energy to take more insults.
"Sooo we are going to be here for two days, let's go somewhere tomorrow" your mom hugged you as she spoke so you hummed in agreement "And lose this one, he's not the type of man who is going to marry you" she said to you as she pulled away.
"Yeah? Why do you think that?" You chuckled but it was because of the frustration you were feeling in the moment.
"Look at him honey. Don't be such a fool, men like him don't settle for women like us, he's just having his fun I can tell" you nodded as she said that. Once they all left you shut the main door with a force and then you turned around to glare at him.
"Y/n i –"
"You could have just kept your mouth shut you know"
"I didn't intend to disrespect her, she just--"
"What were you trying to do then huh? Do you know how hard that divorce was on her? On me?" Your eyes welled up as you questioned him. That comment your mom made was the last nail in the coffin and unfortunately she wasn't here to bear the brunt of it so you took it out on him.
"I am sorry, please don't be upset darling" he mumbled softly but you were too angry to care right now.
"I'm not your darling, giving him the roll of weed wasn't enough for you huh? God I wish you weren't here today, it's all my fault" his eyes filled with tears as you said that. A part of you knew you were misdirecting your anger and frustration on him but you still couldn't stop, you wished you would have though because the look on his face bothered you a lot, you never wanted to see him look so sad and that too because of you.
You scurried towards the bathroom and then the tears couldn't stop coming, your step sisters were younger and better than you and they were living their best lives while nothing turned your life around no matter how much you worked for it, they were accomplishing everything they had dreamt of while several of your dreams had already been shattered, you had successfully wasted half of your life so far and accomplished nothing. Your mother probably wished for a daughter like them and that's why she found love in David again.
When you came out, he looked at you with a worried look on his face, he still had the same clothes on but he was back to looking like himself. Did you really just tell him that you wished he wasn't here after everything he had done for you today? God, you felt like a selfish asshole. No wonder you didn't have anyone in life that you could actually count on.
"Do you want me to disappear?" He asked you and you suddenly felt so anxious.
"No. I'm sorry..I'm so sorry Loki" as you started to sob he walked towards you and hugged you as tightly as he could, that was it for you in that moment, you broke down and cried until you couldn't cry any more.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean it, please don't go, i ..you're the only true friend I have..the best one i have ever had, and you were so good to me today, so sweet and I'm so sorry lo" you pulled away to look at him so he cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead.
"I'm sorry I ruined the feast with my callousness" you smiled as he said that. He wasn't being callous, he just wanted to defend you. What a sweet sweet man.
"Well it's not as if it was going any better before..so I'm not really sorry about it" he kissed your forehead again and you just wanted to kiss him, it took everything to not clash your lips against his in that moment.
"You don't deserve to be treated in such a manner, you went through such pain today to make this enjoyable for them and you don't deserve anyone hurting you like that, none of the things they said hold true whatsoever" he said to you softly.
"You don't either Loki, I'm sorry it was me who hurt you today but I never want to be such a jerk to you again" he smiled at the statement.
"I understand, I have had my fair share of outbursts to comprehend that it didn't come from a place of malice but mere frustration and it wasn't intended for me" he mumbled and it made you smile. God he really was a dreamboat.
"Thank you Loki for everything you did today. You have no idea how much I appreciate you being here for me right now, i really do"
You hugged him again and took a deep breath, his hugs and sweet words really made you feel better than before. He was your friend, you loved having him as your friend. You looked up at him and the look in his eyes made you aware of the close proximity so you stepped away a little, he placed his hands inside the pocket of his pants to avoid the awkwardness but he had something in there so he took it out.
"What is it?"
"Something one of your sisters shoved into the pocket when we greeted each other" he said as he passed the slip to you. It was her phone number. What a bitch.
"Burn it down"
"Yes madam" you smiled as he said that.
"Umm..I'll go sleep, I'm tired" you mumbled as turned around and stepped towards the closet to take your pyjamas out.
"Uhh..What can I do to make you feel better?" he asked you, so you sighed.
"Nothing i– " Well actually "There's something you can do" you gave him a mischievous smile and he sighed as he understood what you wanted from him.
That's how he ended up on the sofa with you sitting on the floor with his feet resting on your thighs while you painted his toenails the same colour as yours.
"So pretty" you giggled as you finished the one leg and it warmed his heart. It was unbearable for him to see that hurt look on your face throughout the evening, knowing that there were people in the world who hurt you like that made his heart clench, he just wanted you to not feel that way like ever. He wanted to keep you protected.
"Maybe tomorrow we can do your makeup" you said nonchalantly making him tilt his head in response.
"How about no?" He responded and you feigned a look of disappointment.
At night he slept in that bed of yours, his sad brows were faster than your resistance today. You couldn't sleep though. You kept wondering if he'd come cuddle you but it has been an hour and he seemed asleep now. Wow this really bothered you, him not cuddling you by force like he had done in the last two days really really bothered you.
You sat up and got off from his princely bed then you took a few steps towards yours, you thought about what you were going to do for a moment. When he cuddled you, it was circumstancial, he had a nightmare the first night and then his body ached the other, you had no choice in that matter, you could have always pretended that you didn't love his cuddles but getting in the bed now would affirm that you indeed enjoyed sleeping with him like that and wanted it as much as he did.
Fuck it your cursed in your head before crawling into the bed. He was asleep but he did feel your body next to him, maybe he'd think that he was dreaming. Goddss he smelled divine.
He was lying on his side facing towards you so you sneaked your hand in the space between his neck and the pillow, he felt the invasion and instead of opening his eyes and calling you out for it he scooted closer to you instead and pressed his head down on your chest like he had done before. One of his arms went under your waist to pull you even closer while the other wrapped around you.
He embraced you as intimately as he could without it turning too sexual, this was the most intimate you had ever been with a man. Sure you had sex but even then you had several inches of distance between your bodies somehow. You hooked your legs around his waist in the usual position.
"Thank you" you mumbled softly in his ears and he hummed in response. You were thankful for him, you had known him for mere few weeks but you had never felt so strongly understood by someone.
"I'm overjoyed that you came. I just figured you needed your personal space tonight, perhaps I was mistaken " you smiled as he mumbled against your chest.
You knew it won't take you long enough to fall asleep now, you wondered if this was appropriate or not but you no longer cared for it. You also knew that you were only digging a deeper hole for yourself. Getting addicted to the feeling of cuddling him like this will only hurt you later when he won't be here with you. Your mother wasn't wrong, men like him didn't choose women like you for life but then you knew that already, didn't you?
Nothing so good could ever last forever, nothing so sweet and gentle could ever be wholly yours. Maybe you can press the stop button on this tomorrow but tonight you just wanted to indulge a little. Tonight you just wanted to live a little. Something that you haven't done for as long as you could remember.
Tag list (if you want to be tagged or removed let me know.. also I’m not able to tag some of you, please check your settings)
@annoyingsweetsstranger @mcufan72
@nixymarvelkins @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @huntress-artemiss @eleniblue @violethaze @anukulee @ladymischief11 @12-pm-510 @wolfsmom1 @whylokiissocute @hyperlokilover @vickie5446 @pics-and-fanfics @daddylokisqueen @tallseaweed @olivertwistrabbit @blog-the-lilly @prettylittlepluviophile @flashhxn-lights @vanilla-daydreaming @somewiseguy @yaaamadaa-blog @dragonmurray @nyxxharmonia @elthreetimes @grufteila
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p4rallel-universe · 2 years
hello helloo
there's literally no ian x male reader in here so let me request something for him rq :]
I saw this prompts on pinterest earlier and i thought they would fit ian so i was wondering if you could do smth with them
"Please don't cry, i can't stand seeing you cry"
"Just talk to me."
"Don't pretend you're okay because i know you're not"
bye byee!
tears are in your eyes
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A/N - can i just say thank u to this anon for getting me back into the writing spirit frrrrr
this request was exactly what i needed bc i LOVE ian gallagher i literally dream about him
plssss let me know who u are anon bc ur right the lack of male reader ian fics is madness 🙏🙏
summary: you love Ian, but he's sick. and he loves you, but you're crying.
it all started in the morning.
you came round the Gallagher house at 11, looking for Ian. he hadn't taken your calls all morning, it wasn't like you were worried or anything. maybe a little. but worrying about Ian felt like more of a constant feeling recently. when you got there, Fiona was the only person around and she told you to check upstairs, saying she hadn't seen him since she's been up.
when you went up there, Ian was laying in bed, wrapped up in covers. you smile to yourself. he's an angel, he is, and you always think this. even just from the back of his head when he's half asleep. you love him.
"heya," you call to him, "you still asleep?", you shake his shoulder gently and he shrugs you away. you furrow your brow and sit on the edge of the bed.
"c'mon," you ruffle the back of his hair and he groans, pulling the covers further up his face.
" 'm just...'m tired," he mumbles, you shift yourself closer to him, your hand on his arm,
"hey, Ian, you gotta get up. it's past 11." you stroke his arm gently,
"just...just- leave me alone." his tone is harsh and it stings. you remind yourself he doesn't really mean it.
"Ian, c'mon, what's wrong?" you ask and he doesn't reply. the room is silent and uncomfortable, but your hand stays on his arm. you love him.
"just talk to me." you're almost begging now, and he grunts in response.
and that's how it's been all day. it's 4 PM now, and Ian's barely moved. you've stayed next to him the whole time. your hand has moved from his hair, to his hands, to his arm. you've spoken to him softly, you've shouted. he's only replied in grunts or mumbled words, or just stayed silent.
it's hard, to see him like this. but you can't leave him, not like this. you love him.
it's 5 PM and nothings changed. you're lying behind Ian, arms wrapped around him, holding tight. he's holding your hands, loosely, but he is.
"Ian-" you start, whispering right next to his ear,
"no- no, don't," he stops you, "i'm fine- it's fine, i'm just...i'm tired." his voice is barely a whisper, and you hold him tighter.
you pause. there's a depressive intimacy happening, that you don't want to break.
"don't pretend you're okay because i know you're not." you wait for his reply. it never comes. you kiss his cheek and try to hold back tears. you love him
"he's still not up?" Fiona's in the doorway, holding two plates. she looks at you sympathetically, she knows how it feels.
"uh, no." you pull yourself away from Ian, he doesn't try and and hold you there. you sit up, taking the plates from Fiona. "thanks." you say, out of politeness, because you know you both won't eat.
"y'know you don't need to stay here, i can take care of-" she doesn't get to finish before you interrupt her,
"no. i'll stay. i'm staying with him." Fiona tries to smile at you, but she knows, more than anyone, you're just fighting a losing battle.
"right, well, uh, try eat something. get him to eat something." you smile at her as she leaves the room. moving the plates to the floor, you lay back in the bed, staring at the ceiling.
7 PM now, and Ian is laying on his back, looking up. it's the most he's moved all day. you're sat up next to him, staring down at your hands. you pick at your nails.
you're thinking about Ian, who's right next to you but not really there. you think about how the top of his head smells. and his voice in the morning. his arms when he holds you. his smile and his laugh and how his jaw hardens when he's angry. and most of all, you think of how you love him even when he feels like nothing. when it's as if he's just air. you love him.
and then you start to cry. it's slow at first. tears that trickle from your cheeks and land on your shirt. then you can't stop. you rub your eyes harshly to punish them, because you don't want to upset Ian. the tears don't stop, they can't stop. Ian looks at you, his blank face showing concern. and it isn't that he doesn't care, because he does. he's kicking himself seeing you cry. but he just can't. not right now.
"please- don't cry. y'know, i, uh, can't stand seeing you cry." he mumbles, rubbing his eyes. you look at him, face twisted in emotion, your hands in your lap. he reaches out and takes them, kissing them. and you can't help but smile so wide you wouldn't believe it was because of something so small. he pulls you down into a hug, holding you to his chest.
"i love you." he whispers, breathing you in deeply, his nose pressed to your neck.
this time you don't say anything, you just smile. and it's not a lot, but it's perfect.
and you love him.
A/N: the day i stop writing shameless angst is the day i die - stay tuned for many fluff posts from now onnnn (title is inspired by the yo la tengo song ofc)
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elsa-fogen · 2 years
Question for the HiC AU: how was the scene when Hunter got control? Because I can't stop thinking abaut Hunter finally getting control of his body only for moments later to get bonked in the head by a very angry Camila
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Translation from Elsa to english, if you can't understand handwriting
Ph: Your "family"?
Ph: Silly, I'M your only family, Caleb.
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H: First of all, I'm NOT Caleb
Ph: You are, stop deny-
W: Be careful with him!
L: Hunter! Hunter, are you there?
C: Luz, step back.
Ph: Oh, I think, we were saved. I have to go now, it's been fun.
H: Oh, no, Belos, you are not going anywhere.
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Ph: What the-
Ph: HOW-
H: You're staying with me. Under MY control. I'll make sure you will never hurt anyone!
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H: Oh, you see...
H: Well, I won' tell you, cuz you probably will use this knowlege against me somehow.
*actually super scared*
Ph: Son of a-
H: Shut.
H: And now I'm going to wake up and tell everybody that you stuck with me forever and i'm controlling you, BYEE~
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W: He's not waking up!
L: Hunter! Hunter, can you hear me?
A: Maybe, it's for good.
A: I mean, he's still possessed.
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L: We have to find a way to-
W: Guys, he's waking up!
H: Uh... huh... Are you guys okay?
L: Amity!
A: It might be still Belos!
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H: No, no! That's me, I'm not Belos!
Ph: Ha-ha, they don't trust you anymore~
A: That's what Belos would say.
H: ...
H: Flap...
tell me if you couldn't read the handwriting
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r1ya4aa · 1 month
Sultan e Qalbam
ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . 𝟏 ᵘⁿˡᵒᶜᵏᵉᵈ.
Who did you add again bachira..
Chill it's raichui
now who in the right mind would name there child raichui.
You are so real for that
Who are you
I should be the one asking that..
Oh okay
N U?????
l/n y/n
who else is in this gc?
All our friends from blue lock
I think..
nagi changed xxx-xxx-xxx to y/n!
shithoe is online!
Bitch 😒
Alright y'all that's enough
Stfu wannabe hero
Thats embarrassing...☺️
Even she agreed 😜
Girl I was talking to u..☠️
Anyway gotta go I have training 🙁
Training? Do you play any sports?
Ye I do actually
Y/n is offline
Y/n is online
Mb what happened
reo is online!
It's been a while since a last played
Which school are you playing for?
Y'all are playing for nations  this year right?
We have a few more matches to win before we get to the nations
Matter of fact we unfortunately have a match tmr
Why 'unfortunately'?
1. We have two matches scheduled in ONE DAY.
2. The second team is hella strong n there secretary AND coach is mad annoying
Sounds like a hassle.
I hope u lose your match and get depression and become emo for the rest of ur life
Bye y/n!
Good luck and Byee!
Y/n went offline
Nagi went offline
Chigiri went offline
Reo went offline
Bacteria went offline
Isagi went offline
Kunigami went offline
Shithoe went offline
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Yeah I was wondering the same thing
I bet u lost😹😹
We won
But like that aomine guy was hella strong
Not strong enough tho😈
He's the reason I quit actually
It can't be THAT bad..
You don't wanna know...☺️
Thank you!
Who are u btw ?
I don't think you've ever texted since I've been here
Ye some of us had training yesterday
and omg
They seem normal unlike you
At least ma man wants me🥺
who tf.
Your brother ofc😜
Didn't he block you multiple times?
Imagine being so desperate
Stfu eyelashes jr.
I bet his eyelashes r beyond gorgeous
Aryu ✨:
His eyelashes really are glamorous✨
Eyelashes reveal when
I got u pookie
Pinterest coded
Art deco coded
You remind me of my cat
Thank u I guess @Y/n
At least I don't look like a fucking cockroach 😐
*picture of a cat*
I'll kidnap ur cat y/n ☺️
Fuck off☺️
Tysm pookie wookie
What's ur idea bachira?
Ye I'm down
ILL START batchira meguru 😋
Aww you're so cute
I wanna bite ur cheeks 🙁
Aw Tysm pookie 🙁
IM NEXT shodou ryusei baby 😈
2/10 ig (im being generous 😒)
(Eyeliner tut when??)
Aryu✨ (jyubei 🤕)
Aaoshi tttttttakkenmixysi
I got u takemitsu
Aoshi takemitsu
I guess I'll go next :)
Isagi yoichi
u look smart
Thank you!
Eita is online!
Karasu is online!
Barou is online!
Nanase is online!
Hori is online!
Kurona is online!
What are we doing
Face reveal
For who?
Read the chat fucking dumbass
Hello y/n! I'm Hiori yo
I Like girls who play basketball
Didn't you tell me a few minutes ago that you're into shy girls?
I Like em both😼
I feel like your a cheater
He is.
Y/n changed 'Eita' to 'Cheitar'
Karasu tabito
Fix yo Hair old man ☠️
I thought we where good y/n 😒
You thought wrong 😜
Reo mikage
Thank you! I'll do nagis one too since he's asleep
Nagi seishiro
He reminds me of a snowman
I'm so sorry y/n we have to go training 😔
Oh that's okay!
bye y/n!
goodbye Isagi 🫶
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989 WORDS!
[🥟]— hi…I’m still trying to figure out how to use and write on this app🙏 and can anyone explain to me how to add pictures without like the text disappearing or smth like that, TYSM!!
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geeminz · 2 months
ᯓ A CHANGE OF HEART // giselle x oc ; smau
02 | stay
↳ in which: mihye has been secretly dating giselle, her best friend’s older sister, for four months. what happens when their relationship turns toxic, and their secrets become public?
taglist: @thefckghost @emphobics @jisooftme @xszn
a.n i am SOOOO so so sorry for the late update T^T school was super demanding last week (and the week before that) and i really had to focus on finishing some student council duties first because we had one of our massive events last week! i'll make sure to make up to those who really waited a long time for an update by giving you guys a double update! anyway yeah, that's all! hope you enjoy this next one. comments would be appreciated too, if it's not too much of a hassle! :D okay byee
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“hey.” mihye opens the door for taro, revealing her puffy red eyes and similarly red nose to one of her bestest friends, shotaro. 
“damn, mihye. what the hell did giselle do to you this time?” taro asked, his eyebrows crunched up in concern as he gently placed the bags full of soju on the floor. his arms reached out to mihye to wrap her around his embrace. mihye wails out on shotaro’s chest.
“she got mad at me… i don’t exactly know why, but she’s not replying to me and i don’t know what to —” mihye chokes as she sobs, and taro couldn’t help but to click his tongue at the state of his friend. his hands rub the back of mihye’s back as he tried his best to provide comfort to her.
“it’s okay, hye… breathe. let’s go in first and then let’s talk about it, okay?"
“so let me get this straight… she got mad at you because you hung out with your best friend, which is… her sister?” taro asked, genuine confusion and disgust painted on his face. the two were currently positioned on the bar of mihye’s apartment — taro was mixing the drinks together in a pitcher while mihye sat on one of the bar stools.
mihye nods, and taro shakes his head. “dude, she’s crazy.”
“i really don’t understand her taro. so i texted her earlier to try and get her to come over so we could talk and make up, but she’s not replying. and then i saw her posts and she’s out drinking with her friends.”
taro sighs in disapproval. “y’know what hye? let her drink with god knows who. who even cares?”
“me, taro. i care.” mihye tries to reason.
“so what? if she drinks, then you drink too.” taro said, and hands mihye a shot of his mix. “here you go. taste test.”
mihye sniffles before taking the shot and downing it. “it’s really good, taro.”
the guy smirks. “i know right? now we’re ready for the rest of the evening.”
mihye watches taro as he pours himself a shot of his own mix and then hers, smiling sadly as shotaro raises the glass towards her. mihye clinks the brims of their glasses together before downing another shot.
“holy shit, this is good.”
“for real. i can’t even taste the alcohol.”
“okay! let’s get fucking drunk hye.” taro encourages the girl, but mihye just gives him a look — one that shotaro knows all too well.
“many have tried, taro. but i never get drunk.”
“that’s why i’m gonna try my fucking best to be the first guy to get you drunk.”
“that sounds really horrible if you take the context away, taro.”
“just drink, hye. stop thinking so much.”
15 shots later, and shotaro had already shut down on mihye’s couch. mihye purses her lips as she watched her drunken friend mumble out some slightly comprehensible phrases.
“how come… you’re not drunk?” taro slurs as he pulls one of mihye’s throw pillows near his chest.
mihye shrugs as she gets up. “dunno. but you are. so go to sleep.”
“mmmph! no!” taro wails like a kid not getting what he wanted, and mihye smiles to herself at how ridiculous her friend looks.
“i’m grabbing a blanket for you.”
mihye shakes her head at shotaro’s antics — the guy was sooo going to get a horrible hangover tomorrow. shotaro rarely drinks — hence his horrible tolerance, but whenever he gets unbelievably drunk, he doesn’t really cause a mess or a scene, so mihye was okay with taking care of him. although it would tire her out considering how heavy she felt right now — literally, with the amount of alcohol she drank. 
mihye turns down the volume of shotaro’s music — he said that it’d help the alcohol hit mihye stronger (fun fact: it didn’t do a thing to mihye) — and leaves the living room to go grab a blanket from her closet.
when she returned, taro’s already snoring softly on her couch. mihye helps him get more comfortable — she places a pillow underneath his head, and covers his limp body with her thick blanket. the girl quietly cleaned up the place — picking up the used glasses, the pitcher and the chips they couldn’t finish, and placed them all on the counter of the bar. mihye washed the glasses, placed the pitcher in her fridge, and put the chips in a sealed container to maintain their crispiness. after, she sweeps the floor, and turned her diffuser on.
after finishing her impromptu chores, mihye started to get ready for bed, taking a shower and changing into her pajamas. picking up her unchecked phone to scroll through twitter for a bit, mihye’s eyes widened as an unexpected notification pops up from the top of her phone.
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“shit, shit!” mihye panics at giselle’s text. she hurriedly slips on her slippers and sprints out her room and towards the door.
why is she here? she’s not supposed to be here!
in her mind, mihye could already count the many ways that giselle would scold her for having a guy over. giselle wouldn’t care if shotaro was mihye’s friend, or that he was aro-ace — giselle would only be able to think that despite everything, shotaro was still a guy. and guys… well. guys can do a lot of wrong things.
even so, mihye was not mentally ready for the anger that giselle would unleash upon her when she sees a drunken shotaro on mihye’s couch. she’d already gotten shit for hanging out with kazuha, how much more if giselle sees a drunk shotaro in her house?
despite fearing giselle’s anger, mihye takes a deep breath and opens the door for her.
and boy, was giselle drunk.
“hey.” giselle says, leaning on the frame of mihye’s door. she reeks of alcohol, and her bangs were sticking to her forehead — a small testament of just how sweaty she was. mihye ignores the faint shade of lipstick on giselle’s cheek (probably washed out by her sweat) and pulls giselle in as quickly as she could.
but once mihye does, giselle’s legs fail her and the older girl falls on mihye, her entire weight collapsing on mihye. the two fall harshly on the floor, with giselle’s sweat sticking on mihye’s freshly showered skin.
“gi! ow…” mihye groans, whisper-shouting at her drunk girlfriend. giselle only hums some incoherent words at her.
“hmm… don’t…”
“gi, please — get up.” mihye tried to push giselle off of her, and managed to get her to roll over after a few weak and unsuccessful attempts.
“hye…” giselle mumbles with her eyes closed. mihye gets up to try and bring giselle towards her room, where the younger girl could properly clean her up, but giselle’s heavy body made it difficult for her.
“gi, please… cooperate with me here.” mihye is frustrated with how heavy her girlfriend was when she was blackout drunk. mihye wraps giselle’s limp arm around her neck, and grabs giselle’s body with her other arm to get her up. it was difficult, but mihye was eventually met with success when she finally managed to support giselle’s entire limp body upright.
“mm…” giselle kept mumbling, and even though mihye could feel that giselle was trying to talk to her, the younger girl felt that it was more important to get giselle out of her sweaty clothes and dress her up into something more comfortable for sleep.
the younger girl dragged her girlfriend all the way towards her room, and once more into her bathroom. mihye’s battle with giselle’s unconscious body was even more difficult though, as there was less room for her to wiggle around without unintentionally hurting her girlfriend.
“gi… can you just try to sit up for me?” mihye pushed down the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes now. 
you can’t cry now, mihye. giselle needs you.
giselle is unresponsive, as mihye expected it. so she tries to comfortably place giselle on the surface of her bathtub, before taking a breather.
she’s so drunk. how the hell did she drive all the way here if she was this drunk?
mihye pushes down the thought of giselle’s vehicle back to the depths of her mind in order to focus on taking off the sweaty clothes from giselle’s body. she makes sure to keep the giselle’s car keys somewhere safe and dry, before proceeding to give giselle a shower.
it took mihye at least an hour to get everything done — giving giselle a shower, dressing her up in sleep clothes, and placing her on mihye’s bed. afterwards, mihye grabs her jacket and runs to the nearest elevator to check on giselle’s car in the basement of their condo building.
giselle’s gonna be so mad if her car got scratched or something.
once she gets there, she meets the security guard in charge for tonight, and he gives her a lengthy lecture about how a car should never be parked in the middle of the lot.
“it’s a huge inconvenience for all the other tenants here, young lady!”
“i know — i’m really sorry sir. it won’t happen again. i promise.”
“tell that girl who parked here to never do that again. i get that she’s drunk, but if she’s that drunk, she should’ve taken a cab or something. don’t let her do this again, and especially not in this building!”
“... yes sir, i understand. i’m really sorry. i’ll remind her.”
mihye reparks the car — properly this time, and not in the state that giselle left it in. she sees the scratch on the car, and anxiety bubbles in her stomach.
giselle’s going to be so mad. sure, she did this to herself by driving all the way here while drunk, but still.
i don’t like it when she’s mad.
mihye gets back to her apartment, spent from all the things she had to do in the span of a single night. at this point, she was so fucking tired, but she knew she couldn’t rest yet. she showers again and changes her clothes, as giselle’s sweat from earlier had rubbed off on her clothes.
“mi… hye?” she hears giselle call out from their bed. mihye closes the door of her closet, and approaches giselle.
“mihye…” giselle mumbles out once more, and mihye feels a pinch somewhere in her heart as she takes a closer look at giselle’s serenely sleeping body.
how can she still make me feel this way despite everything…?
mihye lays down in front of giselle, and she sees giselle’s hands moving, inching — she was probably reaching out for something. or maybe someone.
sighing, mihye takes giselle’s hands into her own, and rubs circles on top of giselle’s palm.
“mmm… don’t… leave… me…”
tears threaten to spill from mihye’s eyes upon hearing those words from giselle’s lips.
“s… stay…” giselle says once more, and just like that, mihye’s heart decides to beat for giselle again.
mihye presses a gentle, chaste kiss on giselle’s forehead before wrapping her girlfriend’s body around her arms. mihye falls asleep, with a single tear escaping and running down her cheek the moment she closes her eyes.
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gunthermunch · 1 year
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[Transcript under the cut]
Lucas: do you think he's okay? Pierce: can you stop worrying? we're talking about Max he always turns out okay Lucas: always landing on his feet like a- Pierce: like a fucked up cat yeah Lucas: okay but you saw it, 24 messages non-stop that meant nothing at all Pierce: ''Lucas. Lucas. hey. heyyy. please. a.aa.a.a.aa.a look at your phone dickface'' it looked like he was trying to morse code you at some point Lucas: and now he's just. ''yeah'' ''sure'' ''okay'' ugh- Pierce: yeah we know he's at Elsa's. probably busy Lucas: you don't get it, i know him and i know there's something fishy going on. maybe he was trying to tell me something important and i completely missed it Lucas: when will this stop… Pierce: when you stop acting all paranoid and he stops being devilish and strange. Lucas: he's got issues, Pierce. i need to be there for him Pierce: i'm just saying you need to try and think about something else dude Lucas: it's not that easy… Mila: Lucas dear Lucas: mom? Mila: we are off to Henford. listen, we'll be out for the weekend so, you can bring the rest over Lucas: Max and Elsa? Mila: yes, that's ''the rest'' Marcus: no parties tho, this cottage isn't party friendly Lucas: ahaa! don't even mention parties. Pierce: hey say hi to my friend Lola the cow please Mila Mila: of course, Pierce Marcus: no shenanigans, got it? Lucas: i wish! Mila: have fun kids Lucas: byee Pierce: i'll text Elsa Lucas: …do you think Max sent more cryptic stuff. Pierce: Lucas. Lucas: i'll just reread the ones from last night 'til he's here.
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shallyne · 2 months
The Diary of Feyre Archeron Ch. 2
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Chapter two of Feyre's diary! I hope you enjoy,! Things might pick up in the next chapter
Words: 1.4k
February 7th
Dear Diary,
I feel like death on two legs. These past fews were SO hectic.
I've got the job I applied for and they agreed fairly quick for me to work the night shifts, and now I know WHY! Who would have thought so many people went to a seedy diner at the outside of town in the middle of the night? It's weird and I also need to act like nothing is different because mom knows nothing! She doesn't suspect a single thing! I guess being ignored by her has its perks?
Anyway, I'm not going down that route. Point is, I'm trying to juggle work and school and somehow get sleep at some point of the day, which worked until today when I fell asleep in Mr. Suriel’s class. And guess who woke me up? Rhysand!! He was very sweet about it but I felt so embarrassed, I basically bolted away from him and almost walked into a door. Yeah, I can't look at him anytime soon.
Also, dad is acting very weird lately. He's always in his office and barely talks to any of us if he bothers to show up for dinner, even mom and Elain.
Okay, that's it I think.
February 15th
Dear Diary,
The moon is so pretty. It's like 11pm right now and I'm not at work, I got this Saturday off to work on Sunday which even gives me a little Sunday bonus! Amazing, isn't it?
Back to the moon, it's beautiful! I've never paid much attention to it but now that I did, I never want to look at anything else again. Sitting in the moonlight and writing in my diary? That's so aesthetically pleasing, Pinterest would eat this up!
I'm also not the only one still awake, I can hear dad’s TV, he's watching the news again, as every evening although he's working much later than usual, mom is super grumpy about this. I think they even argued yesterday, I heard weird noises coming from their room.
I also have good news! Rhysand and I have to make a project together for history!! ME and RHYSAND. It's going to be so fun, as long as I keep him far away from my house. He already asked if we wanted to start the project at his house or mine, of course I said his even though I'm super nervous! We're meeting tomorrow. Should I wear the blue sweater? Maybe I can steal some of Elain’s mascara. Or I could ask her. We'll see, I guess.
I also don't know if I should leave my notebook at home. It's full of scribbles of Rhys's eyes. That's very specific but I just can't get them right! How can a person have such unique eyes? If anyone comes close to having literal starry eyes, it's him. So, what would be more embarrassing, if mom found the notebook or Rhys??
I think I'll leave it here, hide it in my closet. If mom still finds it I can lie and say it's just practice! Hopefully she won't find the R+F scribbled in the back.
I'm getting sleepy now, big day tomorrow.
March 9th
Dear Diary,
Rhys and I got an A on our project! It was so easy working with him, it didn't even feel like working. He's not just the most beautiful guy I have ever seen, he's also so nice and incredibly smart! I think he also plays sports, what can't he do? Like, leave some talent for us!
I also got into an argument with Nesta if it's acceptable to use sus as a word. It's way too hard and time consuming to always fully spell suspiceus ous, same with saying it. Shortening it saves lots of time! She says it's stupid and to not use it in front of her friends because it's humiliating. To quote her, verbatim, “Stop trying to make sus happen, Feyre! It's not going to happen!” Rude. It's totally going to happen someday and I'm going to tell her “I told you so.” (She hates that)
Also, after weeks of acting sus, dad finally joined us at dinner and actually talked. Mostly to mom and the topic was the airplane that had just disappeared but nonetheless, he talked and his mood seemed better! He also doesn't look like a caveman anymore for the first time since he locked himself in the office, so that's good.
Mom also almost caught me eating chocolate, which would have been a total disaster. She's always making sure that we, mostly Elain and Nesta, aren't overweight. She's weighing them weekly! It's so insane. Sometimes I bring back some leftovers after my shift and sneak them to Elain and Nesta's room. They accept them and mom hasn't kicked me out of the house yet, so I assume they haven't told her. They also don't ask question when I bring the snacks, they just accept it. Good, that means they don't have to lie for me. Or I don't have to lie to them.
Okay, I guess that's it for the day.
PS: is it normal to constantly have a feeling of impending doom? Is it just PMS?
April 29th
Dear Diary,
Since Rhys and I did our project we've spent much more time together! He's so funny, he always makes me laugh. I think we've even become friends. We shared our lunch today, he got a half of my sandwich and I got a half of his! He even gave me his coke zero because he was shocked when I told him I never had any. It was amazing. (the coke, the company and the lunch)
Rhys told me he's super into astronomy, he's a nerd about it and it's so cute. I never saw him so animated about a topic! I mean, when he talks about himself. For some reason he also looks super interested when I talk about painting, he must be a good actor because I can't imagine him really being interested in art but I appreciate it anyway! No one ever really tried to listen to me about my hobbies.
I think I'm talking nonsense again, I don't know why that always happens. Sometimes my thoughts feel like a big heap of muddled words and everything is going on at once.
Oh, right, I almost forgot the most important thing! Rhys and I planned a sleepover during the summer holidays! I told him that I'd like to have a WiiU someday and he suggested a game night, because he has a WiiU, I'm so excited! I hope the time goes by fast, I can't wait. I need a break, my schedule is so tight these days, it's almost suffocating but I can't tell anyone.
It's going to be worth it, though. I'm saving my money, for what, I don't know yet. Maybe my driver's license? I have time to figure it out.
Mom is out for tea with her friends right now, so I'm using the time to listen to Taylor Swift without headphones!
May 31st
Dear Diary,
I could cut the tension here with a knife but either no one tells me what's up or they don't know. I tried to get some infos from our cook, Alis. She's always nice and she gets wind of all the gossip but she couldn't tell me what's going on.
Something isn't right and I need to know what it is, although something tells me I shouldn't. But can I just leave this mystery unsolved? Of course I can't!
It might be quiet right now, mom amd dad are in dad’s office upstairs, Elain and Nesta are in the garden and all the house staff seem to be huddled somewhere around the kitchen, whispering among themselves. Maybe I could eavesdrop? But there isn't really a way to hide without them seeing me. We definitely need more secret nooks in this house, I can't get information like this.
Nesta always says I'm nosy but that's such a negative way to look at it, I'm just curious. How is she not? How is Elain not? Is it wrong to be curious?
Especially if your parents are super jumpy for, like, the whole last week! It's super sus. Last night I knocked over the salt shaker and they flinched! Mom didn't even shout or reprimand me, she just glowered and went back to her dinner, it was sca–
Oh, hold on, the doorbell just rang, be back in a sec.
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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denied-enby-fuckbot · 6 months
"Isn't this nice, D3M0? Isn't it fun to get out of the apartment for a while and get some fresh air? I just know you're gonna make all sorts of new friends here at the streamer convention. Nod your head. Good toy. See? You're enjoying it already. Ah-ah, don't pull at your leash. I brought the fucking taser in my purse, and I know just how much you hate that before you've been broken in. Nod your head. Good toy, glad you agree. See? Just a bot and its' owner, having a fun time togeth - Oh hi, Sally! Yes, I know, isn't it cute? Drinks later? Oh, you are on! Chat soon, good luck with your panel! Byee~!"
"...Look behind us, toy. Is she gone? Good. Stupid bitch. Thinks just because she has more followers than us 'cause she panders to cis people that she's some sort of primadonna. Fucking chaser-chaser. Even her dress was tacky. Dumb whore. Hope she trips and falls on a fucking - you know what? Toy, I think it's time to reveal the little suprise Veronica whipped up for you last week. Stupid as you are, I assume you've worked out by now that we put a plug in your ass while you were charging - it's the one that starts inflating when i click the remote. Now, I know you know we've already used it before to squeeze your prostate like an industrial press, and I know you're thinking inside that stupid little head of yours that you're safe today because I put that useless little cunt between your legs before we left. But what you don't know is that Veronica figured out how to connect this one to one of your spare prostates, and so now when I click-"
"Oh dear, is someone making a mess down its' legs? Having trouble, toy? Now we can make that useless cunt of yours cream itself on command, without having to even touch it. Haha, look at you go! It's splattering all down your legs and on the ground! Damn, this is fun. I gotta give Vonnie a handjob or something for this, it's amazing. Okay, okay, that's enough - I don't want you emptying your entire tank here. We have a LOT more people to see, and I don't want them to miss out! Come on, toy. Don't make me keep tugging your leash or I'll get the taser out. You can walk it off. Good toy."
remote control orgasms are a personal fave and it's criminal how little robofucking media/porn I see about it! especially to embarass the toy about it, god that's so fucking hot
never thought to do it through a prostate though and maybe also never stopped thinking about how if you take T long enough you can grow prostate tissue from scratch and will definitely not be obsessed with this concept for the foreseeable future, nope, no way at all
UPDATE: T doesn't do that irl, there's sensitivity changes that can happen and prostatic cells develop in other places
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slvt4tom · 5 months
Bill x Reader (midnight date)
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Hey guys sorry I haven't posted like at all🧍‍♀️I just didn't know what to do because ur all DRY and I need request 🤦‍♀️ but it's okay because I I finally though of something so I hope u enjoy 🫶
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It was around 11:30 and you were just sitting down on ur couch when u get a call from bill curious u pick up the phone.
"Hey bill what's up?"
"Hiii sweet heart could u out side I have a surprise for you also bring and can u also bring a bag"
"Umm alright I'll see u in a second then love you bye"
"Byeee! Love you too!"
After a while you come outside with a just toat or like a grocery bag idk just a bag of some sort and u walk to bills car getting in the passenger seat
Bill: "hiii loveee"
Y/n: "hi babyyy so what did u need?"
Bill: "well I wanted to take u somewhere for a little date night since we never really get to hangout"
Y/n: "awww bill ur so sweet"
You said that and kissed his cheek softly and he turned his head giving you a small peck on ur lips
Bill: "oh my! I almost forgot!"
He reaches into the back seat pulling out some matching pj's handing you one and keeping the other for him self
Bill: "okay so i was thinking we can just change in the back and then we can go a whole bunch of places! Also I got us movie tickets and I got us these matching bracelets too WE CAN GO GET SOME TATTOOS AND WE CAN-"
Bill was basically rambling on and on about all the stuff u guys can do together while changing in the back u guys putting ur guys other clothes in the bag he had u bring out and then he kept talking all the way to the restaurant (fast food since its like 12:00 now) once u guys got there he opened his door and SPRINTED to your side before u could get out
Bill: "m'lady welcome to worlds best fast food!"
he took ur hand in his as you guys walked into the restaurant he also got the door for u with a "after u princess" and u chuckled walking in up to the counter it was really just you 2 in there so u got ur food fairly quickly and u guys stayed in the restaurant to eat ur food
Y/n: "okay bill I don't think we can do EVERYTHING u wanted but we definitely can stop at the gas station and grab some drinks and snacks and then go back to mine for a movie night how does that sounds love?"
Bill: "yeahh maybe we can do that other stuff a different time"
After a while u guys had finished ur food and gone to the gas stationand everything u guys went back to ur house and put on a random movie and got all cuddled up and eventually fell asleep together 💕
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Awww sooo cuteee 😋
Anyway sorry this is v bad I just felt like I needed to get something out since people keep putting this in like folders n stuff soo 🧍‍♀️ I'll try posting more but PLS PLS PLS SEND REQUEST I ACTUALLY DK WHAT TO DOOOOO also sorry this is bad and rushed 😭
Love yalll byee 😋💕
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starlight-channie · 2 years
♡ episode eleven: high (📝...written chapter)
summary: When Hongjoong developed a crush on y/n, he thought confessing wasn't going to be so hard.....until life started throwing curve balls at him. Will she ever get to know how he feels?
polaroid love : masterlist
previous ─ ughhh...
next ─ threatened
a/n ─ this is my first ever written chapter and for those who are still keeping up with this I hope you guys enjoy it. I tried my best and trust me this smau is truly a slow burn. I love y'all bye<33
Dm or send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist
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You get out of your room and make your way to the kitchen where you were greeted by Hana making herself some ramen. "I am going out for a bit, I'll come back soon bye" was all you said before putting on your shoes and getting out of the apartment unit. You walk out of your building and make your way to the gate where you saw Hongjoong standing near his car with one of his hands in his pocket and the other one holding a paper bag.
As soon as Hongjoong saw you his eyes lit up and the softest smile appeared on his face, you looked so adorable in your oversized hoodie and your pyjamas running in tiny towards him that he could literally disintegrate in that very second. He waved his hands and greeted you.
"So why did you ask me to come out in this cold ass weather?" you questioned him with both your hands inside your hoodie pockets.
He chuckled a bit at your question and answered "Just wanted to see you". He said it in a teasing tone and manner but he also actually meant it. You side eyed him and responded "Then you could've just asked me to send you a selfie or something", you teased him back which made him laugh a little. You were now getting curious as to why he exactly called you out so you pouted a little in frustration and said "Come on, stop teasing me"
He then gave you the sincerest smile, let out a sigh and responded "Fine, here you go", holding up the paper bag. You tilted your head and gave him a confused look. Wondering what exactly is in that brown paper bag that he was holding up to your face.
"I was getting coffee for my hyungs at the studio and I saw four waffles left at the store and they reminded me of you so I thought I'd get them for you" he answered and happiness took over you and you gave him the biggest smile. You took the paper bag out of his hands and peeked inside it a little bit as you got really excited about the food that Hongjoong just brought you.
"Oh my God this is so sweet of you. Joong, how did you know I've been craving for waffles for such a long time now??" you asked him. He couldn't help but smile at your words since he really didn't know that you were craving them. He felt content and proud that he was able to bring you something that you wanted without even knowing that you wanted them.
"I actually didn't know that but I am glad I could satisfy your cravings", he answered proudly. You gave him the biggest smile and hugged him as a form of thank you and you couldn't see it but Hongjoong was a blushing mess and he could feel fireworks going off above his head and a swarm of butterflies in his stomach because of your actions. When you broke out of the hug Hongjoong's phone rang to which he checked and said "Oh shit it's my hyung's I guess they must be wondering where the heck I am, so I guess i'll just scram out of here since I have accomplished what I came here for".
You gave him a sad look and questioned "Can't you stay a little bit longer? We could take a walk around the neighborhood?" As much as Hongjoong wanted to do all those with you and spend time with you he just gives you an apologetic look and says "I am so sorry y/n but I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow for sure okay! Enjoy your waffles, byee"
"Oh okay then bye see you tomorrow. Thank you so much for the food once again" was all you said before he gets into his car. He rolls down his window and smiles at you waving goodbye before driving off.
You turn around to go back into your apartment building when in the corner of your eyes you saw a shadowy figure behind the gate lamppost. You should be running back inside your building as fast as you can when you see that but the shadowy figure looked similar to you so you stepped a little closer and called out "Hey". Again, you should be running away at the fastest speed but you knew who that shadowy figure was. "Yeosang, what are you doing there??" you asked and Yeosang indeed came out of the shadows.
"Hmm nothing I was just taking a walk around the neighborhood anyways I should get going it's getting late" he said all that in one breath. And before you could answer or ask anymore questions he grabbed your shoulders and turned you towards your apartment building telling you to go inside since it's already late.
You were confused at what was happening so you tried to turn towards him to ask what the heck was going on but he stopped you and pushed you gently towards the entrance of your apartment building saying "It's late and cold, go on, get inside". You couldn't debate with him since he didn't give you a chance so you just obeyed him and walked towards your apartment building.
Yeosang watched you as you made your way towards your apartment building because he always had to watch you enter any building or house safely before he walked away. That was his habit and also a way for him to make sure you were safe. Before entering the building you looked back to see Yeosang still watching you. He waved his hands and gave you a smile and mouthed a 'Good night see you tomorrow bye' to which you just smiled and waved back in return.
Yeosang's smile dropped as soon as you were out of his sight. He looked towards the thrash can near the building lamppost where he just threw a box of waffles.
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[tags] @at1nys-blog @dogsongy @erodemyedges @randomness7198 @yunhowooyo @jaycheoluwu @grim-adventures58 @john-joong
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khaleesiofalicante · 11 months
god, I've been in and out of this fandom for a while but I got the email and was being way too expressive reading Shades Of Gray and thought oh I haven't liveblogged anything in a bit so here we are!
girl your one shots are genuinely a blessing for all of us! I have read till the "wear your favourite colour" day part so we gotta recap first
The last time I laughed so much reading a fic was your malec fake dating au. It is getting harder to see the screen because of how much I am laughing. Not Clary with the sage 😭😭. I gotta agree with Alec here though. Working at Edom sounds like a headache, literally a headache. But also fun? Idk I think this place would make me want to kill myself but also have the best time of my life. Yes, I make so much sense! What is this voice app thing though...sounds creepy...
Not Alec saying he wants to eat Magnus' voice WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT but also yes same me too.
what...what concerning shit have you said...?
HJFHDJKIF MAGNUS TELLING ALEC ABOUT THE WORK EVENT THEY ARE ABOUT TO MEET STOP I'M LOSING IT. Or maybe not meet idk but this work event is definitely the Christmas party because y'know "Edom" and the Asmodeus tag
dear god this entire fic is just gonna be Alec thirsting, isn't it? I love it. Oh, I read a fic like that for another fandom recently!! painting on the other person's back. You should definitely do it
It makes him want to punch Magnus’ dad in the face.
Me too dude...me too
I think I'm gonna put on music. Okay found a playlist!
Seriously. What’s with this need to eat and drink all things related to Magnus? Is Alec not eating well? Should he just drink more water?
Okay their voice messages to each other are now the highlight of my night this is so cute actually
ayyy Halloween time!
my god these people really go all out-
Noo Magnus didn't message him :( I wonder if everything's okay on that end
Clary would look nice as Scarlet Witch
I'll take the Batman costume!
Why can’t they just accept him for the cunt he is, huh?
Okay, this made me snort. I like his energy
I'm the same with a cute girl so understandable
wait no come back I wanna see the slutty satan
Okay Magnus do I need to kill your father? Because I will if you want me to
Alec screams into a pillow.
THE MESSAGE HE JUST SENT??? ALEC??? I have never seen a more chaotic gay
“Hello, Alexander. If you don’t stop being cute, I swear I’m going to fall in love with you.” Alec listens to it only 87 times.
GREAT JACE IS JUST AS CHAOTIC ABOUT THE PERSON HE LIKES. Izzy has all the brain cells in the fic and she does not share
I am listening to a character playlist so I am absolutely losing my shit while You're On Your Own Kid plays in the background 😭😭
so...lesson learned...don't drink water while reading this fic because now my comforter is wet...
Alec swallows. “I like talking to you, Magnus.” “Alexander,” Magnus says when he replies not a minute later. “I like talking to you too.”
"summoning spirits" BYEE-
oh this is actually really nice
okay, I understand he wouldn't want to talk about his brother with a bunch of people who are practically strangers to him but like...that was rude. I am with Maia on this one
bestie we cannot only be with the people in our phones!
god I need tea it is 2am I should most definitely not make tea
bitch how much are they paying you and how do I get the job?
no no he has a point. HOW is she so optimistic in the corporate environment??
Alec wouldn’t mind being a sugar baby and forsaking his career. He likes working. But not that much.
He wonders if he should ask Magnus whether he’d like for Alec to do his taxes for him.
I- 😭😭
I... they're falling in love I am gonna go cry now
Where the hell did Jace get the "four arms" from???
Realistically, Clary has a point
I wanna hug Magnus YOU'RE NOT TOO MUCH!
“Baby, if we meet in person, there ain’t gonna be any talking.”
True dat
honey you ARE very pretty and I am certain Magnus will feel that too
It’s not like he can kidnap Magnus and force him to like Alec. He really hopes it won’t come to that.
Uh- let's just start with a date :D
We can just like throw Asmodeus off a cliff?
WAIT SHIT MAGNUS IS GONNA BE AT THE PARTY WON'T HE?? but there is still half the fic left...
wait omg is Magnus the one coming up with these themes?? Jace said that they maybe come from the boss' children or smth
“We’re not circus monkeys!” Alec grumbles. “Honestly. Light Up the World. What the actual fuck? I’m gonna buy a tube light and shove it up this person’s ass. That’ll light up their world.”
damn that is...very bright
IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my Spotify won't work this is very annoying let me listen to the taylor swift carlos reyes playlist the nice person on Twitter made!
this is why there's still half the fic left, isn't it?
I am gonna start crying now wtf. we fucked up Alec...
my Spotify is still being shit okay gimme a sec
Okay I'm back
my god how are we fixing this
you know plastic surgery may not be that bad of an option...
I haven't laughed so hard in a while. Thank you.
is it too late for plastic surgery?
oh ouch.
okay the break room is fucking amazing where do I sign up-
this is making me cry while Fearless plays in the background so not ideal
Ugh, it's that bitch again. Can I punch him instead of Alec?
wait before I scroll further I need water
okay I got water
and thus begins the fall of Edom! Because Magnus is right, Edom is nothing without creativity
yes bitch you are awesome!!
I am gonna stab Asmodeus to death :)
Magnus is so SO good
Y'all good for each other. Now get married
We're painting together!!
okay I like where this is going
“You are neither boring nor empty,” Magnus whispers to him. “You have so much inside you. You feel so much, Alexander. When people have a lot of feelings, this is what it looks like. Not like a rainbow but like a storm cloud.”
Magnus laughs at that. Alec falls in love all over again. “I’m saying, sometimes you don’t have to participate to enjoy something. You can just watch. It’s still fun.” “Like porn,” Alec says.
Alec took the puppy with him??? I LOVE HIM
"say fuck in every sentence day" is actually the greatest thing ever yes I love it where do I join?
“Alec, for the hundredth time, we can’t use the home theatre at the office just so you can watch Magnus’ insta reels on a big screen.”
And why the hell not?
okay wow yes that was fucking amazing. and chaotic. and the funniest thing I have read in a long time. Dani this was seriously so good and I loved reading it SO MUCH!! THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME LAUGH SO MUCH
Okay it i past 3am I need to sleep. Byee <33 Also I am not proof reading this I am too tired so if this is like some fucked up mess I apologize. Okay good night
I was laughing the entire time lmaooooo.
God bless you, good human ♥️
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ollieinoue · 7 months
Time & Location: The Commencement Gala later in the night Featuring: Ollie Inoue & Sam Jiménez Also Featuring: Gabriel Jiménez, Ren Inoue, and Faye Inoue
"See! It looks so pretty!" Sam said, holding her phone above her head and giving a 360 view of the theater, and the commencement gala around them. Showing her grandfather, and Ollie's parents over face time what was going on. She pulled her phone back down smiling widely into the front camera as she spoke, "everyone looks like movie. It's crazy."
"I wish we had been able to make it!" Gabriel replied, slightly faint and fairly hard to hear
Ollie slid his arm around Sam's shoulder from behind her, leaning his chin against her other one, and tilting his head towards hers as he looked at their families on the screen. "Next year we'll get you guys all up here for my graduation," he said, nodding his head, chin digging into Sam's shoulder making her squirm away as he did. He glanced at her with a small laugh, and pulled her back hugging his arms around her waist.
"Are you hitting the road straight after you guys leave?" Ren asked.
"Uhm, I think we are probably going to drop my stuff, and Sam off first, and then we'll be heading out," Ollie said. Maybe Monty will stop in and say hello to his sister or something as well. He let Sam go, rocking up onto the balls of his feet to look around, attempting to find find Monty, but grew impatient and gave up about two seconds in, turning back and shrugging his shoulders. "I'm pretty sure we're doing that first. So, we'll see you in a few days."
"Alright, you two behave until then," Gabriel said, and pointed at Ollie, "especially you."
"Me?" Ollie scoffed, holding a hand to his chest. Like he wasn't the one between the two of them who was known to be a troublemaker. In some certain circles…
"No going missing either! We don't have the money to get a bunch of news organizations on your case so you'll be shit out of luck!" Faye called from somewhere in the background off screen.
"Oh my god fuck off," Ollie snorted, before Sam pulled the phone away from him with a click of her tongue.
She sent Ollie a look, before turning back to the screen. "Okay, we're going to go now. I'll see you in a few days! Byee! Love you guys! Miss you so much. Mwah mwah mwah." Sam held the phone back out to Ollie the both of them blowing kisses at their family members before she disconnected the call. "So!" Sam's eyes scanned across her phone, before she dropped it into her bag, and looked over at Ollie, "do you want to go get breakfast tomorrow morning? All this food is so so fancy, and it makes me want like… I don't know, hashbrowns or something." Ollie made an ooohhh sound, nodding his head. "Do you think Jacqui and Monty will want to come. It could be fun! We'll all go to the Diner or something."
"Hashbrowns do sound good. And bacon, and pancakes. I can get Jacqui out of bed," Ollie nodded his head, "maybe for Monty. I might have to get him a to-go box or something, but I'll try to get him up." If anything could coax Monty into getting up early (earlier than he usually did) it was probably food. His eyes followed Sam as she made to pull away from the table, blinking a few times. "Wait. Are you leaving me already?" 
"Yeeeeah," she said in a faux regretful tone, with a grimace. "I'm probably going to head back to my room and get all my packing done early. Plus it'll be super quiet and cozy while everyone is here." 
"Alright," Ollie said, a dramatic groan, before wrapping his arms around Sam hugging her obnoxiously tightly. "Love you. See you tomorrow. Text me when you get to your room!" 
"Okayyy let me breathe," Sam said as she pushed Ollie off of her, the two of them laughing. "Have a fun rest of the Gala. Let me know if anything weird happens! I'll call you before I come over tomorrow!" She dodged Ollie reaching over in attempts to ruffle her hair, and waved over her shoulder as she headed through the crowd to make her way out of Tate Theater.
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Part 3 - Chapter 40 - Line Them Up...
Blank Canvas Part 3
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Salutations, dear readers! It's official. Kamino has begun. Still in the setup but it's happenin', captain. ;) Let's go!!
Linktree to all the things!
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
The dominos are being set! Every piece put into place. This is their design.
Izuku got his knife back! It had to happen, right? And I just can't help with Toga being all over Izuku. Touch starved and all that on top of Izuku not hating her for her quirk. Friendsies! -not a word but who cares!-
More of the press conference and I'm sorry, Izuku, truly I am. But my brain is cruel and demands drama. Also give Shiggy some fuel to back his offer. He really really wants Izuku to join them.
Things are tense in the rescue kiddo group. Hitoshi and Tenya are still butting heads in a clash of personalities. They're friends but still. Like Mei said, now is not the time and to focus. Though that's gonna be hard with noumu in the mix now. Stay safe, ya crazy kids!
That's it for now. Get ready for us to get into it next chapter. Dominos are going to start falling. ;) Anyone up for pizza? -not intended as a pun because canon shenanigans but my brain went 'yeah'- Alrighty. I had a nice three day weekend off and now it's back to Christmas time retail madness. A glittery mess that Aoyama would both love and hate. -whines...i don't wanna!!!- Okay, I'll stop. Byee!!
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