#one day I’m gonna write an essay on this show
oasisofgalaxies · 1 year
Have I mentioned that Gravity Falls is the greatest tv show of modern day yet? Because it is. It totally is.
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panikkar · 2 months
i can’t believe ravi is finally back i missed him sm <333
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leilakisakabiri · 11 months
request: Hi can you do where the reader is wearing Gavis hoodie and she accidentally stains it and starts freaking out. Thank uuu and i love ur writing
I Got You (Gavi)
Summary: You need Gavi to come help you after you get yourself into a bad situation.
Warning(s): None
A/N: Thank you so much for the request and for your support! Requests are open. Currently working on The Promises We Keep Pt 2. Also, guys if I haven't done your request yet, don't worry, it probably means it's gonna be a long one.
Word Count: 3.1k+
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It was a Saturday night in Barcelona, and you were holed up in your room, feet tucked under you, a knitted blanket over your shoulders as you read over the words in front of you for the hundredth time.
While the city was alight with people getting drinks, dancing, and laughing, you silenced your phone, closed your blinds, and put your headphones on to quiet any outside noises. 
You had decided to stay in this weekend, caught up in writing an essay for your criminal law class that was worth 50% of your grade. Safe to say you did not take it lightly. You had been hunched over your computer for the last nine hours, brain numb and fingers aching as you had tried to come up with a thesis and strong argument for your essay. You had blocked out this weekend to finish the essay, letting everyone know ahead of time not to contact you unless it was an emergency, including Gavi. 
Gavi had been gone for the last couple of days, traveling around Europe for the last leg of La Liga, and he had been adamant about spending as much time with you as he could once he got back - before his summer schedule kicked off. However, that hope was quickly cut short when you informed him you most likely wouldn’t be able to see him at all this weekend due to you being stuck finishing your essay. 
Although he had tried to convince you to change your mind, bribing you with the idea of endless cuddles and then promising to be as silent as possible while you wrote when his first idea didn’t work, you relented, knowing that having him around would be a major distraction, one that you couldn’t afford. 
“I’m sorry Pablo I don’t think I can this weekend. What about Monday?” You asked hopefully. 
He sighed over the phone, his face pulling into a frown, “I can’t. We’re leaving Monday morning for France.”
You bit on your lip, feeling bad, “I’m sorry I just really need to focus this weekend.” 
He nodded, “I get it. It just sucks. I wanted to see you at least once before I’m gone again. But it’s fine – I’ll survive.” He replied dramatically. 
You grinned, “Well I’ll miss you Pablito.” 
“I already miss you.” 
The smile on your face only grew as your heart warmed at his words, “I’ll text you if anything changes. Have a great game, I’ll be watching.” 
He gave you a wink, “Damn gotta show off now that my girls watching.” 
You giggled at him, “Bye Pablo.” 
He mocked your tone playfully, “Bye Y/n.” 
That was last week, and now you were nose deep in your essay, textbooks scattered around you as you looked for possible quotes to strengthen your thesis. You had been so busy scanning the words on the page that you hadn’t noticed your phone buzzing non-stop next to you. 
Once you saw the glow of your phone screen curiosity got the better of you and you flipped it around seeing you had eight missed calls from your best friend. 
Your eyebrows knitted in confusion, it was almost two in the morning, she would for sure be at a club right now, happily dancing the night away with your friends, so why was she consistently calling you? 
The phone buzzed once again and this time you were quick to answer. 
“Hello, Gia, what’s going on?” 
Her voice was slurred on the other end, but you could sense the panic regardless, “Y/n? I don’t know where I am, I was with the others but then I went to the bathroom, and I then couldn’t find anyone anymore. And this guy won’t leave me alone-”
“Gia, where are you? I’ll come get you.” You cut off her rambling, already rushing to put on your shoes, essay long forgotten. 
She hiccupped, “I’m at Macarena. I’m sorry no one else answered.” 
“No, no problem at all. I’m coming right now, Gia. Don’t move. I’m glad you called.” You comforted her. 
The club was only a twenty-minute walk from your house, and seeing as you didn’t have a car or the time to wait for public transport, it was your best option. 
You cursed yourself for not answering sooner as you rushed to get your keys, grabbing a random hoodie on the way out. 
Although summer was beginning to creep into Barcelona, the nights were still chilly with cold winds rushing through the area. 
You sped through the streets, walking with purpose as you finally reached the club. You were severely underdressed for the club wearing a random hoodie and yoga pants. You saw the line for the club was still extremely long, wrapping around the corner and you knew you had no time to waste. 
You took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself, you were never one to break any rules or ask for any special favors, but now seemed like a good time to start. 
You walked up to the club bouncer, ignoring the nasty look the guy at the front of the queue was sending you, “Excuse me. I need to get in right away, my friend is inside alone, and I need to help her.” 
You heard the guy next to you scoff. 
The bouncer looked at you unimpressed. “Sorry sweetheart. You want to get to her, you have to wait in line.” 
You relented, “Sir please, just look at my outfit,” you said gesturing to yourself, “clearly, I’m not here to party, I just need to get my friend and leave. You can even come with me!” 
He gave you an apprehensive look, taking in your appearance, “I can’t leave my post.” 
You groaned, “Fine, then can someone else escort me? I can literally call her right now. She’s not in the right head space.” 
He squinted his eyes at you, “You look familiar.” 
It finally clicked. This is where you had gone with Gavi and his team, celebrating after they had won a final a few weeks ago. They had treated you like royalty, blocking off a whole section just for you, the club owner even making an appearance to congratulate the team.
You didn’t like to use the fact that you were dating a well-known athlete as a way to get special privileges but if it meant helping your friend then you would do it. 
“Yeah, I was in VIP a few weeks ago. I know the owner, so please let me in.”
“What’s his name?” 
You racked your brain trying to think of that night, “Santiago. It was Santiago!” You replied, finally remembering. 
The bouncer gave you a once over before he finally nodded begrudgingly, “Fine – but be quick.” 
You heard the other people in line begin to argue but you quickly thanked the bouncer, rushing inside, not wanting to wait long enough for him to change his mind. 
God bless Gavi.
The place was packed, bodies pressed together so closely that you had to squeeze in between heavily making out couples and groups of friends to make your way to the middle. The strobe lights were going crazy, changing every few seconds to the beat of the music. There was a DJ booth twenty feet above the crowd playing EDM Spanish music and the crowd was going insane, chanting along. 
You hit your head on your forehead as you realized you forgot to ask her where she was. 
You pulled out your phone, letting out a breath of relief when she answered, “I’m here Gia. Where are you?” 
“I’m at- I said no, stop, I’m at the bar.” She huffed. You felt your anxiety rise, who was she talking to? 
“Ok, I’m coming.” 
You pushed through the throngs of people, finally spotting the bar, seeing her leaning against the counter, hands flying as she argued with someone. 
You walked towards them hearing the tail end of their conversation, a bad feeling in your stomach.
“Gia!” You yelled, coming to stand next to her. 
She gave you a relieved look, falling into you, the effort of standing up being too much. 
You caught her, hugging her back. 
“Oh wow – two for one. I got a buddy that would love you.” 
You steadied Gia looking up to see the guy she was talking with giving you a smirk. 
You held his gaze, annoyed, “No thanks. We’re leaving now.” 
You went to turn but he caught your wrist pulling you back, the drink in his hand sloshing,
“Woah, don’t go yet, the fun’s just getting started. Look my buddies are in VIP we can hook you up.” 
You yanked your hand away, giving him a disgusted look, “First don’t touch me. Second, we’re leaving.” 
“You’re not leaving.” He persisted. 
You raised an eyebrow, “Fucking watch me.” 
He reached for you again, but you were prepared, grabbing his hand, and flinging it off you, as you weaved into the crowd, ignoring his shouts. 
You let out a breath as you stepped outside of the club, grateful for the cold air after sweating through your hoodie in the packed club. 
You adjusted your hold on Gia, holding her waist as you started the trek back to your apartment. 
She stumbled over her steps as you walked, giggling, “Oh my god Y/n your bleeding!” 
You gave her a confused look, dragging her, “What?” 
She giggled again, reaching for your hoodie, “It’s coming from your stomach, look it’s red!” She pointed at your shirt. 
You looked down and you stopped in your tracks, breath hitching as you began to panic, “Oh shit Gia I’m wearing Gavi’s hoodie!” 
She stopped as well, letting go of you as she plopped onto the ground, staring up at you,
“So? He’s going to be so mad at me. That dick spilled his drink on me. This is a white hoodie – who knows if it will come out?” You stressed.
“It’s-" she hiccupped, “fine.” 
You shook your head, “No It’s not it’s his favorite hoodie, I didn’t even realize I was wearing it. Fuck, I have to clean as soon as we get home.” 
You started walking before you realized she wasn’t following you. 
You turned around to see her slumped against the sidewalk, eyes closed. 
You rushed to her side, shaking her, “Gia? Gia, are you okay?” 
She hummed, “I don’t feel so good.” 
“Can you walk? We’re almost halfway there.” You asked, helping her sit up so she was leaning against you. 
She groaned, “I’m going to throw up.” 
You looked around anxiously, unsure of what to do. You had left the main strip of clubs and restaurants, and were now on a back road, walking in an area that was dimly lit and that you weren’t too familiar with. 
“I can call an Uber.” 
You reached into your pocket, cursing yourself as you realized you had forgotten your wallet in the rush to get to the club. 
“Shit, I don’t have my wallet. Do you have yours?” 
“Antonio.” She groaned, leaning her head against your shoulder. 
You let out a huff, contemplating what to do. You attempted to get her to stand up once again, desperate to get out of the area, but she couldn’t stand, and you weren’t strong enough to carry her the rest of the way. You chewed on your lip debating a solution, but you didn’t want to do it unless it was the absolute, last, last resort. 
You spent the next five minutes calling all your friends, but no one answered. You groaned, frustrated, knowing you had run out of options. 
You heard your friend beginning to doze off and you shook her, “Gia stay awake.” 
She moaned, “Y/n I really don’t feel good. I don’t know what’s wrong.” 
Your finger hovered over the contact, and you finally pressed it, feeling the guilt build inside. 
It rang seven times before going to voicemail. You called back. 
On the third ring, the line finally connected, 
“Y/n? Why are you calling me so late?” Gavi’s voice was thick with sleep, his words murmured. 
Hearing his voice sent a pang of relief through you, and suddenly you didn’t feel so alone,
“Gavi I’m sorry. I really need your help.” 
He was up in an instant, wide awake, “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m stuck in the middle of the road with Gia. She got drunk and I went to get her but now I’m worried there’s something wrong. She can’t get up and we’re all alone. I don’t have any money. I called our friends, but no one answered, I-I didn’t know what to do.” You rushed out. 
You heard his breath accelerate on the other end of the line, “Ok don’t worry baby I’m coming. Send me your address, everything’s going to be okay. Just stay on the phone with me.” He reassured you. 
You nodded before realizing he couldn’t see you, “Thank you so much Gavi.”
You heard his car door open, “Anytime. If anything happens like this again you call me first, okay?” 
You stayed on the phone with him, rubbing Gia’s shoulder to comfort her, readjusting her whenever she began to doze off. 
Finally, you saw a familiar car pull onto the street, and you waved your hands, trying to get him to see you. 
The car made a quick turn and then Gavi was rushing out, a worried look on his face, 
“Oh thank god you’re okay. I was so worried.” 
“I’m so sorry for waking you. Thank you for coming.” 
“Y/n stop apologizing.” He said, helping you carry Gia to the car. 
Upon feeling that she was being lifted, her eyes shot open, “Y/n what’s going on?”
She glanced over to her left seeing Gavi before she turned to look at you, it took two seconds for her eyes to widen and then she was whipping her head back, “Gavi? The hell y-you doing here?” 
You giggled at her abruptness, “I had to call for help.” 
She turned to you, snuggling into your shoulder affectionately, “You’re the best Y/n. She was a rockstar today.” She spoke, as you both pushed her into the car. 
Gavi raised his eyebrow at you as you both got in, “A rockstar eh?” 
You rolled your eyes, “She’s just spewing nonsense.” 
Gia groaned in the back, hands clumsily coming to slap your shoulder, “Ehh don’t lie Y/n. You should have seen the way she talked to those guys – even I was scared.” 
You saw Gavi’s grip on the steering wheel tighten, his posture stiffened as he looked over at you,
“Guys? What guys?” 
You opened your mouth to reply but Gia beat you to it. 
“This one guy, he kept trying to get me to come with him, but then Y/n was like no way we’re leaving, and then he started hitting on her, but then he tried to grab her, and she karate chopped his hand! He was so embarrassed!” 
You felt yourself blushing at her recollection of events, “I did not karate chop his hand!” 
“Yes, you did. It was like in midair when he was talking about his friend that liked you, and then I blinked, and it was gone!”
“Did he try anything?” Gavi’s voice was hard, as he looked at you.
You shook your head, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, “No don’t worry. We were fine.” 
You felt his body relax under your touch, and one of his hands came to grip your own, “You should have called me sooner. I’m sorry you had to deal with that asshole.” 
You felt your heart flutter at his words, “Don’t worry I handled it. But thank you, next time I will.” 
Soon you were pulling up to your apartment and hauling Gia up your steps. 
“I really wish we had an elevator right now.” Gia groaned as she was being half pulled, half carried up the steps. 
You made eye contact with Gavi after hearing her statement, and you had to bite your cheek not to laugh out loud, 
“You and me both G.”
Finally, you reached your apartment, and all let out a sigh of relief as she fell onto your bed, passing out almost immediately. 
You cringed as you saw her head land centimeters away from the sharp edge of one of your textbooks. 
You reached over, clearing the space so she was able to sleep without the risk of a concussion. 
You looked up once the area was cleaned to see Gavi looking at you intently, a weird expression on his face almost like he was stuck in his thoughts. 
“What? Is everything okay?” You asked unsure, looking down at yourself. 
That’s when you realized. 
You were still wearing his hoodie, the one that had a massive red stain on it now thanks to the jackass at the club. 
You had completely forgotten about it. 
You quickly apologized, “Gavi I’m so sorry. Gia called and I was so worried so I grabbed the first thing I could find – and then the guy kept grabbing me and had this drink – anyways,” you let out a huff, “I’m really really sorry, I can buy you a new one.” 
Gavi stared at you in surprise, shocked by your outburst, “Y/n relax. It’s okay.”
“I’m sorry I know how much you love this sweatshirt.” 
Gavi shook his head slightly smiling, you were just so adorable, and he physically couldn’t hold back the words he’d been dying to say any longer, “I love you more though, so it’s fine.” 
“Wha-what?” You stumbled over your words, clearly not expecting such a big revelation.
“I said I love you.” He said it with so much confidence, almost like he was reciting a fact, something that couldn’t be changed, and you melted a little at how sure he sounded. 
You didn’t know what to say, your brain still playing those three words on a loop. He loved you. He had said it first. 
The silence stretched on and now it was his turn to get nervous, “Is that okay?”
Your mouth was still open in shock, but you quickly recovered, 
“Yo-you love me?” Your voice cracked. 
“Well, yeah… why would I not?” He asked, eyes locked on yours.
You shook your head, a smile gracing your features as you took a step closer to him, “I love you too, and I’m sorry-”
He cut you off with a sweet kiss, pulling you closer into him, as he slid his hands under the sweatshirt, fingers gently squeezing the soft flesh of your hips. 
Your lips moved in sync and your hands went to play with his hair, gently tugging. 
You heard him let out a groan and you bit his bottom lip instinctively. 
He pulled away out of breath, a dazed look in his eyes, “Joder, you can ruin all my hoodies if this is how you apologize.” He muttered breathlessly. 
You rolled your eyes, smiling as he brought you back into him for another kiss. 
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jamesmydeer · 7 months
Would you do a first big fight type of thing for the marauders? I love angst to fluff stuff. I also love how you write them so...
thank you so much!! i’m a sucker for angst to fluff as well, so everyones happy :)) hope you enjoy <3
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(i’ve already written one for james x, but another one won’t hurt)
- this boy is so precious
- he would never consciously do something to hurt you
- ever
- but oh boy is he dumb sometimes
- you had made plans to study in the library
- and i know what you’re thinking, but HE was the one who organized the whole thing
- he picked the exact spot, time, and material you would be studying
- and all day he had been talking about it
- remus asked if you wanted to work on the potions essay together?
- james is sprinting to tell him no
- you don’t think much about it when he doesn’t show up to walk with you
- but 30 minutes in and there’s still no sign of james?
- suspicious
- you decide to stay, you still have work to get done after all
- 1 hour, no james
- hour and a half, no james
- at the two hour mark, you’re done with your work and you are PISSED
- because you could have gotten this done in one hour had you accepted remus’ offer
- you trudge back to your dorm and head straight to the shower to distress
- once you come back, you’re startled by a very regretful looking james potter on his broom outside your window
- you walk slowly towards the window
- and you can see the hope building up on his face
- only for you to close the blinds and walk back to your bed
“y/n! please let me explain! it’s cold!”
- you begrudgingly walk back to the window and open it for him
- in true james fashion he stumbles inside and is about to start laughing about it
- until he sees your face and he straightens up real quick
- explains that there were first years who needed extra help after practice
- and he was really trying to keep track of time!
- but before he knew it it was dark and you weren’t in the library anymore
- you tell him that’s not a good excuse
- and that he really hurt your feelings
- he hesitates for a moment, then grabs your hand and leads you to your bed
- he motions for you to sit down and kneels in front of you
- he’s so so sorry
- and he lets you know that
- apologizes while holding your hands and looking into your eyes
- he looks pitiful
- you know how much the thought of you being upset with him must be bothering him
- so you remove your hand from his to run it through his hair
- but the second he feels your hand leave his, he looks at you with the saddest eyes you have ever seen
- and it breaks your heart
“aww jamie!”
- you cup his cheeks and lean down to kiss his forehead
- he wraps his arms around your middle and hugs you tight
“i’ll make it up to you baby”
“i know you will jamie”
- he gets up and sits beside you, pulling you into his lap
- he caresses your back as he tells you all the things he’s gonna do to make up for it
“i do still need help on that paper though”
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(i also already wrote one for sirius x, this one is pretty much the same but with an alternate ending :))
- sirius is flirty by nature
- blame it on his hot shit mentality
- so if there ever were any problems between you two, his flirtatious tendencies usually played a part 
- one day, when you and sirius are walking through the halls, a member of his fan club walked up to you
- and completely ignored you, as they tend to do
“hey sirius, are you free this weekend?”
- you had already had a bad day, and you just knew this would set you off
- so you just tuned out the conversation, which you expected to not last more than three seconds
- because all sirius had to say was no
- but of course he couldn’t do that
- of course he had to make a show out of it
- you were tired and just wanted to get to the common room
- so you decided to shorten the conversation yourself
“he actually has a girlfriend”
“i do?”
- and he was joking
- you knew he was joking
- but it sent you over the edge
- so you pulled your hand away from his and stormed off in the opposite direction
- he would yell after you, easily catching up and stopping in front of you
- the glare you sent him was enough for him to let you walk past him
- you stayed in the dorm during dinner
- you needed a good cry, and what better time than when no one else was in the dorm
- hours later you hear the door open and you assume it’s one of your dorm mates
- then your curtains are being pulled back
- and it is a VERY disheveled looking padfoot
- he’s holding a cute little tray of food and there’s little spills all over it and a small one on his shirt
- but he tried <3
- and you can tell by his demeanor that he knows what he did was wrong
- not very good with verbal apologies
“i’m the worst”
“you shouldn’t forgive me”
“i shouldn’t”
- he sets down the food and plops down beside you
- rests his head on your shoulder and looks up at you with puppy dog eyes
- when you smile he knows he is in the clear to hug you
- so he pulls you into him and rests his head on top of yours
- muttering apologies and reassuring you he’s gonna do better
- he’s so good at reassuring you
- he doesn’t need to be told it’s okay
- when you snuggle into him and kiss his neck lightly, he knows he’s forgiven
“is this a bad time to mention how hot you being all jealous was?”
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- if you could use one word to describe remus, it would be gentle
- the boy is the definition of "gentle giant"
- so its hard to imagine him getting angry in general, much less at you
- its common knowledge that werewolves get agitated around the full moon
- however, its not common knowledge that remus is a werewolf
- so not only are you not used to him getting angry, you're clueless as to why he is
- unlike the other two, it’s not one big thing that causes the fight
- for the past few days, remus had been short with you
- you would ask him how his day was and he would say “fine” instead of going into detail about how james and sirius did xyz
- or you would ask about his book and he would look at you over the top of it and point to the blurb on the back
- he’s so sassy y’all
- but he’s not doing it on purpose!
- and he actually really likes your company during that time of the month
- needs the quality time
- sure he gets snappy with you, but you bring him a lot of comfort that no one else does
- but you do not know that
- so you assume that he is trying to tell you he wants some space
- during class you only give him a soft smile of acknowledgement instead of your usual greeting
- in the common room you don’t sit as close to him as possible
- at dinner you decline his offer to make your tea
- and it’s hurting his feelings dammit!
- the last straw is when he sees you wearing one of your own sweaters instead of his
- he walks up to you and apologizes to whoever you’re talking to, then proceeds to drag you away
- when you’re alone he lets go if your hand and crosses his arms
“what’s wrong with you?”
“what’s wrong with me?!?”
- he explains how you’ve been distant lately
- and you look at him like 🤨
- because YOU’VE been distant lately???
- isn’t he supposed to be smart?
- and you convey these thoughts to him
- and it clicks
- his shoulders sink and he pinches the bridge of his nose
- you think he’s still mad so you turn to walk away
- but he comes up behind you and hugs you to his chest
- he nudged your neck with his nose and you relax against him
“i’ll explain everything, just let me hold you for a minute”
- you swear you hear him mutter “just in case”
- you turn around in his embrace and hug him back
“you know you can talk to me about anything mus”
- and he does
- but everything has been so good up to this point
- he doesn’t know what he would do if that came to an end
- you pull away just enough to look him in the eyes
- he knows what you’re thinking
- he always does
“i’m scared you’ll think of me differently”
“i might. but it could never be a bad different”
- you kiss his cheek and he visibly relaxes
“let’s go sit down. you’re gonna have to give me a minute to figure out how to tell you this”
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magolandandfriends · 7 months
Guys I wonder what movie they’re gonna watch
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
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(SURPRISE MORE COSTUMES- don’t worry this is the last one I’ll post until next Halloween (or whenever I feel extra goofy) obviously I need to answer the Halloween related ask that’s in my inbox- I forgot to finish it I’m so sorry IN 24 HOURS ILL POST IT)
(But since the last post did SUPER WELL like oh my goodness thank you so much <3333 quick little trivia for you guys regarding their costumes- Taranza bought his costume online, Susie used some of her clothes and just bought some extra accessories, Magolor mostly made his costume from scratch (just had to buy the hat) and Marxs costume is made completely from scratch (he asked for Magolors help like twice-) besides that the stitching pattern shows who did what (Marxs is mostly messy since he isn’t the best when it comes to sewing and Magolors is very neat and is done in smooth clean lines. Man I hope that isn’t important later or anythi-)
(One more thing- Marx was the one who came up with the “dressing up as the fazgang for the fnaf movie” idea, he’s trying to containing his excitement but it’s barely working since every 6 seconds he wants to explode (in a good way)
(Now that the trivia is over you guys get a little doodle based off some videos I’ve seen)
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(Ok I’m done typing for now I’m gonna skedattle- I HAVE YO GO TO WORK (aka draw my silly drawings and maybe write an essay) I hope you guys had a great Halloween and I hope that these silly drawings made your day)
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iamred-iamyellow · 20 days
Lalisa Love Me
♥ pairing: lalisa manoban x fem!rb!driver
♥ smau 
♥ content: fluff <3 
♥ notes: I’m an f1 loving american lesbian blink so when lisa wove the checkered flag in miami  I knew I had to write this. This is also my first posted fic :)
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liked by lalalalisa_m, blackpinkofficial, and 706,435 more 
Blackpink in your area - tagged blackpinkoffical 
user12 SHE’S A BLINK?! 
 yourusername 🩷🖤   user4 the crossover we never knew we needed 
landonorris where was my invite? 
yourusername must’ve got lost in the mail :/   landonorris …
user5 my worlds are colliding 
lilymhe bring me next 
yourusername I WILL DW  alex_albon I see how it is yourusername GIRLS NIGHT IDEA - us and the wags go to their LA concert francisca.cgomes I’ll be there 
roses_are_rosie hope we see you again! 
    yourusername <3 
user7 already writing fanfiction 
   user3 new character unlocked     user5 she’s gonna show up at Jackson Wang’s party just wait 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 416,587
COACHELLA ☀️ - tagged lalalalisa_m
yourusername you guys killed it btw
*liked by lalalalisa_m*
user6 the amount of lisa pictures-
user10 its almost like she was there just for her user6 she probably was ngl I'd be there just for Lisa too
user14 They are both MOTHER
user17 Lisa x y/n was NOT on my 2023 bingo card
landonorris I am once again asking for blackpink tickets
user10 PLEASE hsndnksjs user7 he's so real for that yourusername @ landonorris get your own tickets
user5 Lisa 🛐
yourusername i agree. user5 wait what user8 aaaand screenshoted user7 my new wallpaper
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by redbullracing, maxverstappen1, lalalalisa_m, and 827,942 more
Congrats World Champ <3 You drove one hell of a year.
maxverstappen1 you drove amazing yourself. p2 overall is great, especially in your second season
*liked by yourusername*
user1 lisa liked this post btw
user3 they're literally canon at this point user7 WHEN WILL OUR MOTHERS GET TOGETHER?
yourusername looking forward to a (hopefully) next season win
user5 congrats girly
user7 literally crying at lisa liking this post
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by yourusername, sooyaaa_, and 743,078
See You Soon <3
user17 ??? CONTEXT ???
user2 Don't be shy, tell us who
user7 the car pic...? liked by y/n....?
user1 I SEE THE VISION user4 *me waiting for a lisa x y/n relationship megathread*
user8 unrelated but she looks stunning
user9 posted the DAY OF f1 winter break. not a coincidence.
user3 my otp
user12 I ship so hard
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by yourusername, jennierubyjane, and 506,902 more 
Waving the flag - tagged yourusername and redbullracing 
yourusername so glad you're here
     lalalalisa_m <3 
user3 the picture in the middle hello??? 
   landonorris so @ yourusername lied about being sick last week?     yourusername yes and I’d do it again    landonorris the betrayal     yourusername you’ll live 
jennierubyjane good luck! 
   yourusername thanks jen <3
user2 NEED more lisa x y/n content 
    user7 on it 🫡
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by redbullracing, yourusername, and 650,432 more
P3! That's my girl 🍾 - tagged yourusername
lilymhe love you both
*liked by lalalalisa_m and yourusername*
user16 lets goo p3
user7 "my girl" sorry- MY GIRL?
user4 hey siri, play we fell in love in october
user12 honorary wag
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liked by roses_are_rosie, landonorris, and 1,034,607 more
Say Lalisa Love Me - tagged lalalalisa_m
landonorris FINALLY
yourusername love the enthusiasm landonorris we've been waiting for over a year alex_albon he's right
user7 our fanfics came ture
user2 Jackson Wang's parties never disappoint.
user3 "lisa I'm gay for you" same
user7 she's so real for that
user1 let's go lesbians let's go
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(end notes: I literally skipped my eng essay just for this lmao. this is for a pretty niche audience but I hope ya'll enjoyed it <3 idk if I'ma post more fics here but I might! thanks for reading.
*NONE of the pictures are mine. All were found on Pinterest. Special shoutout to whoever had that "Lisa I'm gay for you" sign because that's so real*)
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minty-mumbles · 10 months
Linked Universe Survey 2023
The long awaited results of the survey. Sorry it took me forever, making graphs is hard.
There were 452 responses to the survey as a whole, which is almost double what we got last year, so thank you to everyone who participated!
If you want to see the raw data, you can find that here. I had thoughts about the data, but compiling that into another post would be too much of a hassle. Feel free to send me asks about it though!
The rest of the post will be under a read more as it it large
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Other: Demigirl (4), Transmasc (3), Grey genderfluid, Unlabeled, Demiboy, Demiagender
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Other: Omnisexual (4), Poly (2), Trixic, Abroromantic or Bellusromantic, Demisexual
General Questions
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Other: Quotev, Discord, their own google docs
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Other: Discord, Variations of "I haven't posted yet, but I pan to" and "I haven't posted my fics in ages",
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Other: Wattpad, Deviantart, Discord
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Other: Crochet dolls, Custom dolls, Roleplay blogs (2), Fan translations, Headcanons (2), Piano music
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The purple section in the “Warriors vs Warrior” chart is supposed to read “Warrior.” I made a typo.
Favorites and Least Favorites
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Selected Free Response Answers
im sorry warriors i just can't play your game (it is very very hard. i am stuck very early on in the game)
I love cats meow meow meow
was extremely tempted to put twilight for least favorite. unfortunately he is my favorite to write from the perspective of (he has taken over most of my wips. help) and that probably counts for something. WILD on the other hand. hooo boy how the hell do i characterize this gargoyle. why is he Like That. least favorite it is
very good fandom to be in :) everybody is very nice
It's a straight up crime that Wars lost the aesthetics poll so quickly. He has such a peak Link design with the best colors. Ugh I'm getting wistful.
I will fight Hylia herself and the next person who implies Twi can't handle spice. If we're going to lean into him being southern/Midwestern, which is an alright stero type for our rancher, please keep in mind the culture you're basing him off. The south and midwest can handle their spice, I assure you. Have you ever had authentic Louisiana gumbo? It will melt you tongue off. Or some good old fashion spicy fried chicken? I promise the real stuff has quite a kick. (In all seriousness, though. It's more important that you're having fun. And even I can admit the idea of Twi being an Ordonian who can't handle his spice is more than a little funny.)
I am an OoT Link edgelord and have been since early 2017. So, in September of that year, when an artist by the name of jojo56830 puts out a lineup of nine different Links and the Hero of Time is there – the oldest, no eye, Hero’s Shade armor? I saw that one sketch and just thought “oh this is gonna be bad.” Yeah of course he has the coolest design. By the way, it’s only a matter of time until Fierce Deity shows up in the comic and I have reason to believe it could be this current Dawn arc. Dawn … Dawn of a New Day … and who brought about the Dawn of a New Day? Fierce Deity. Twilight is recovering but still injured and what will happen if he falls again? Fierce Deity is coming and we need to be prepared. In this essay I will—
Remember that time when someone put the whole script of the bee movie in here? I’m not that dedicated, and I don’t have that time, but let us remember and hope someone else does it again this time. Cause someone is bound too. We’re all crazy enough to do it. Alright, love you and stay hydrated pls!
Hi! I joined this fandom really recent but i’ve always seen LU stuff on pinterest and elsewhere. Only recently have i actually took the time to understand the fandom and get back into LOZ stuff and i adore the characters and story! The more and more fanart, fanfics, and comics i see about the different Links the more i love them all. It’s such a pain to pick just one i like or one i don’t like because they’re all so unique. I love this fandom and hope to get more involved!! Have a wonderful rest of your day :]
Epona is an underrated queen
your mom
I really don't get why Zelda is called Artemis. Athena makes more sense???? It perplexes me
Anyone seeing this should check out Breanna’s E!Wild AU
Something something queer every Link into oblivion!
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Hi, my name is June (she/her) and I’m a writer! This blog is an 18+ space and minors will be blocked. All works are original and written by me and I do not give my consent for my work to be copied and shared elsewhere or being fed to AI or used to make AI chat bots. Enjoy 🫶
Requests: Open! 📥
What is June writing?
🍓= fluff/comfort
🥀= angst
🎸= rockstar!joel
🪩 = more than 1k notes
❤️‍🩹= personal favorites
Joel Miller:
When You’re Lost in the Darkness: Look for the Light prequel
Look For the Light: fix-it happy ending with a family :-)
One for the Money, Two for the Show: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader 🎸
Hippies & Cowboys: no outbreak! au
Everything Leads to You: Who says grief and braiding hair can’t go hand-in-hand? [2.1k] 🍓
Crazy Love: Ellie wakes up from a nightmare and you and Joel help calm her down [1.3k]🍓🪩❤️‍🩹
Joel as your study buddy head canon 🍓
Joel as a girl dad headcanons 1 & 2 & 3 🍓🪩
NFWMB: What was it Bill said about protecting the ones we love? [1.5k] 🍓❤️‍🩹
Dramatic (request) 🍓
Eat Your Young: You and Ellie work together to get away from David [4.1k] 🥀
She’s A Gun: Someone didn’t give the new guy a warning about not talking about Joel Miller’s family [1.6k] 🍓👑❤️‍🩹
Going to The Chapel: Joel proposes [2.2k] 🍓
And We’re Gonna Get Married: You and Joel get married [4.4k] 🍓
Snowqueen of Texas (Request) 🍓
Everyone I’ve Never Met: You tell Ellie the truth [2k]🥀
If I Ever Were to Lose You: Joel Miller comes home for the last time [1.1k] 🥀
To Be Alone: You and Joel realize how different your lives are in Jackson [1.1k] 🍓🪩
Good Heart: Joel patches you up even though you’re trying to push him away [1.9k] 🥀❤️‍🩹
Alone and Forsaken: You and Joel meet for the first time [3.0k] 🥀❤️‍🩹 pt. 2 coming soon!!
Ladybird [1.2k]: (request) 🍓🎸❤️‍🩹
Rockstar!joel headcanons 🍓
Like Real People Do: movie night doesn’t go to plan [~800] ❤️‍🩹
Name of the Game: When work separates you and Joel to opposite coasts, it’s nice to know that nothing’s changed 🍓🎸❤️‍🩹
Sunset Canyon: Date night with pre-outbreak!joel 🍓
cardigan: You and Joel talk about scars [1.6k] 🥀❤️‍🩹
Piano Man: college!joel does karaoke 🍓
She’s got a book for every situation: helping college!joel with an essay 🍓
Surprise (Request)*
Getting Older: Tommy and Joel have a talk [1.5k] 🥀🍓
Sam: Joel and Ellie adopt a dog [1.2k] 🍓
You’re So Good When You’re Bad: Date night with cowboy!Joel [1.8k] 🍓
Don’t Let This Darkness Fool You: Joel’s journey to sobriety [1.1k] 🥀
I’m Still Glad I Met You: Ellie and her ghosts 🥀
Roll The Bones: A bad pain day with Joel [1.5k] ❤️‍🩹
Javier Peña
Wanted: Javier Peña x CIA!agent
Strangers: Javi struggles to assimilate back into civilian life in Texas until an old friend returns [1.5k] 🍓
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sunsetsharkblog · 9 months
Another Caitlyn character bit I love is her friendship with Jayce and what that tells us about her. There’s a lot of plaintext and context clues that Caitlyn is pretty socially isolated, struggles finding common grounds with her peers because of her social status, and we see her trying really hard with forced smiles and “I don’t know how else to contribute to the conversation so I’ll divulge trivia” with the other enforcers. And with Vi and in the undercity we see the focused mission future-sheriff side of her, and the kind and thoughtful altruistic human that she is and one day I’ll write that essay about both of their How It Started How It’s Going arcs but original point:
With Jayce we get the glimpse of what Caitlyn is like when she’s affectionately relaxed, because she knows the other person well enough to act like this around them. There’s no caution or awkwardness, just the straight forward genuine. And what I love about what it shows of her character?
Like, yes, the twisting his arm because of the hat tap is textbook sibling teasing back and forth, but afterwards when Jayce tells her he gets to give the speech, something important to him, what’s her reaction?
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“Lol. Lmao, even.”
This is how Caitlyn shows affection with someone she considers a close friend! She doesn’t say “congrats” upon hearing what for Jayce is big news, that she must certainly know is big news, she says “fr? are they nuts?”
And she does this again when he tells her he became a councillor, immediately laughs and insults the idea of it. Oh they made you a councillor? Of what, the Idiots With Hammers division?
And Jayce just brushes it off because that’s just their thing. He knows that Caitlyn doesn’t find joy in politics and that the big news happening to him sounds absolutely dreadful for her, and that she’s not actually insulting him or his news; this is just how Caitlyn shows her affection. Her love language is negging the shit out of you.
I’m certain season2 is gonna be a whole lot of tragedy, but I do hope we get to see this side of Caitlyn again.
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bunni-v1 · 9 months
Hii! If you request are open can I ask you a headcanon of Vil Schoenheit, from Twisted wonderland, in a romantic relationship with the reader who is a Kpop idol (not a soloist but in a group)?? Preferibly a fem reader. Thank you. Byeee!!
Vil with a K-pop idol partner
Tw: N/A (I think lol)
Info: Headcannons; Fem!Reader; Vil x Reader; Fluff
🍓Hi. This one is short and sweet, I didn’t want to drain myself of motivation to write. Especially since so many people are wanting more parts to my most recent post. Plus, I’m writing two essays for my classes this week, so it’s gonna be a bit rough to keep up that motivation. I really hope everyone enjoys this one, though. It’s always fun to do fluffy Vil content.
Vil Schoenheit
-You likely meet through an acting gig when you’re both freshmen in college. The two of you are cast as lovers, and everyone can feel the chemistry you have.
-Something between you two just clicks! You both lead similar lives and have similar interests. 
-And with the press on the movie and all the time you spend on set, it's inevitable that the two of you become close. 
-You don’t start dating immediately, though. In the world of acting and music, you have to be careful of who you’re dating and when you make that public.
-However, Vil always makes it to any shows you have anywhere near him. He adamantly promotes you and your group's music everywhere and praises any modeling and acting you do on the side.
-Fans speculate you’re together FAR before the two of you actually decide to become an official couple.
-Speaking of, the two of you keep your relationship very private at the start. You each have access to the other schedule and plan dates at least once a week, and they’re always in private places.
-It’s both to protect your reputation and to ensure that your relationship won’t be warped by fans.
-Neither of you announce that you’re a couple until at least four months in, and before that, you don’t even give hints that you two may be together.
-The press has an absolute blast with you two. Finding every thread of evidence of your relationship until the day you both announce it publicly. 
-When you do announce it, your fans gobble it up like crazy. I’m talking edits, fan art, fan accounts, the whole nine yards. 
-But all that aside, what’s your relationship like?
-Simply put: Complex.
-It’s not unhealthy by any means, it’s just very different from a typical relationship you see in day-to-day life.
-Both of you are very busy. You with performing and all that comes with it, and Vil will his college courses at Nightraven.
-It takes a lot more work than the typical relationship, but with Vil’s dedication, it all works out in the end.
-Vil always ensures that he has free time for you. Whether that be visiting you off campus, having private dates in his dorm room, or video calling after a long day of classes.
-He makes the time for you. He has your schedule memorized, and always has a workaround so the two of you can stay in contact as much as possible.
-If and when he is able to, he visits you at your shows.
-His favorite thing to do is surprise you before you go on stage, take over your makeup and dressing team jobs, and pretty you up for the crowd.
-He always says you shine more when he’s the one doing it.
-He’s always in the front row, singing along to the lyrics — even if he can’t understand what they mean.
-He knows every line to every one of your songs, and he listens to and sings them proudly when he’s alone.
-Furthermore, after the two of you go public, he’s even more intense with his promotion of your music.
-He posts himself listening/singing along to your music, buying and wearing your merchandise, and attending the concerts.
-You’d think he might be a little jealous of your popularity, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
-He always says that you’re one of his greatest inspirations, and how proud he is to call himself your partner.
-In fact, your performances were actually a huge inspiration for the VDC, and he asked you and your group for help with the choreography and lyrics.
-Speaking of your group, he makes sure he has a great relationship with each and every one of your group members. 
-If one of them is bothering you, he’ll be sure to say something, but for the most part, all of your friends really like him.
-It’s honestly not all that different from a normal relationship with him, just a little more work to keep in touch with him.
-He’s honestly your biggest fan, and he adores you and every single thing you do wholeheartedly.
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gaymurdersalad · 2 months
[in tune to "It's Been So Long" by the living tombstone] Its been so long......since Chribs has posted on gaymurdersalaaaad.....we miss the colored weirdoooos...... 😔
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You’re right, Dear Asker, it has been so long! I took a little trip into the winding void of liminal hell and had to fight for my very soul, and yes, I do have a slideshow of the sights prepared, but I’m sure you all don’t want to see that. It’s fine. I’m fine.
On a real note my friends, I got hit with the worst workload I have ever had in my entire life. School is a bitch right now. End of the year coming up. Exams. GPA. All the fun stuff of which I’m sure is triggering many an unpleasant sensory experience in your fellow struggling brains. Long story short, I got so busy I could barely draw, then got hyper fixated on a TV show, picked up three others, then stardew valley got an update and I’ve been gnawing the meat off of that poor game’s bones for like the past week now. I’ve been so exhausted that all I can do is play game and watch show when I get home. I’m not promising that this will improve either, but I am on spring break finally, so who knows how that will shape up.
Thank you all for being patient with me. I still check my notifications and I still smile every time one of you reblogs or shoots an ask into the void mailbox. It’s keepin’ me going! When I’m writing essay after essay I think about the blog and everything I’m gonna do once I spare an ounce of motivation and free time and I get all giddy and excited and shit! It’s awesome! I love this place and I love you all very much!
I haven’t got much else to say now. I have indeed spent all day {first completing an essay} watching Wendigoon and playing stardew… So I guess I’m a boygirl of my word in that regard. I hope you all will like what’s coming next! I’ve got some concrete stuff planned and I’ve been playing around with a couple fun things to throw in for. Fun. Possibly. Phone Related. You didn’t hear that from me though.
Goodbye y’all! Thank you all for your patience! Your regularly scheduled programming will resume, uh… Un-Regularly! Alas it shall resume!
Yours Chribsfully,
~ Mod Chribs ]
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starlitangels · 6 months
That’s Mine
Another Guy/Honey ficlet for the girl who can’t seem to write a full fic for these two to save her life
I glanced up from my laptop upon hearing the apartment door open. “I’m home!” Guy called at the same time I heard the thumping of him literally kicking his shoes off at the door.
“Welcome back,” I said flatly, going back to my report.
I could hear him groan with the several popping noises that came with him cracking his back. “I’m gonna shower,” he announced as the front door shut.
“Careful. Kayla left a makeup bomb in the bathroom,” I warned.
“How does she even do that? Like we should not be finding powdered foundation in the bathtub of all places. A little falling off the palette or brush into the sink is one thing but like the bathtub?” He appeared in the doorway of my room and leaned against the frame on one shoulder. “I don’t get it. I’ve worn some makeup in my day but I’ve never been that messy with it.”
I grunted and shrugged.
Guy sighed dramatically. “Not in the mood to talk, honey?”
I shot him a withering glare. “Go get in the shower before I punt your ass into the bathroom and bar the door. I’m trying to work.”
He smirked lasciviously. “If you bar a door that locks from the inside and swings inward, you’d have to be in the bathroom with me.”
I raised a brow. “I’d figure it out. Go away.”
He winked with a click of his cheek and pushed off the doorframe, vanishing down the hall.
I went back to my paper.
Apparently I got really sucked into it because I didn’t even process that I heard the shower start and stop a few minutes later. Hell, I barely even processed Guy singing showtunes while he was in it.
I vaguely heard the bathroom door creak open on that ungodly loud hinge I still needed to oil (the landlords had promised to do it months ago and never had and I was getting sick of it), while Guy continued his one-man-show of Phantom of the Opera. But I ignored all of it. Guy’s singing was a constant in the apartment and I’d just learned to tune it out.
When the essay was done, I submitted it and finally stood up, wincing as my knees popped.
With a heavy sigh, I left my room.
Guy spun around in the kitchen almost instantly. In his favorite hot pink “Kiss the Cook” apron that had been a gag gift from his siblings that he’d actually loved. “There’s my favorite person!”
I grunted. Then froze. “Hang on a second here,” I said, folding my arms. “Hm. Black T-shirt way too long and wide in the arms, logo for a band you don’t listen to poking out from under the top of the apron. Coincidentally matching the one that went missing from my things after a load of laundry a few weeks ago…” As I spoke, I undid the neck loop of the apron and let the top fall away from his torso.
He chuckled nervously, ears and neck turning blotchy and red. “Heh-heh… uh…”
“Guy Erikson, that’s my shirt,” I snapped.
“Whaaat? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Obviously this is mine. See how it just fits me perfectly—ow, ow! Okay okay you don’t have to pinch I get it I get it—damn!” He pouted as I let go of his shoulder. “Can’t I just borrow it for the rest of tonight though? It’s so soft. It’s not my fault that you have the comfiest shirts on the planet!”
“Give it back. Now.”
He sighed dramatically and stripped it off, hurling it at me with all the grace and power of a newly-hatched bird. “Fiiine. You loveless, joyless buzzkill.”
“Thieving parasite,” I retorted, taking the shirt back to my room and chucking it into my hamper.
“Just for that, I’m not including you in my dinner plans.” He whipped the apron back up over his torso and started fixing the neck loop.
“I never asked you to. And I’m going out tonight anyway.”
His head snapped up to look at me. “What?! With who?”
I raised a brow. “Does it matter?”
Guy spluttered. “Oh. Well. I, uh—no, obviously. It’s just—you know what? Never mind.” He turned back to the stove and went back to preparing his pasta.
I snorted. “It’s my stupid reading group for my upper level class. There’s gonna be like five people there. It’s not a date. Don’t wait up for me, honey,” I said sarcastically before ducking back into my bedroom and slamming the door.
I picked the band shirt out of the hamper and held it up to my nose. Curious.
It definitely smelled like Guy.
A small grin tugged at the corners of my mouth. I folded the shirt and set it on my desk. “You know what? I’ll wash it later,” I muttered to myself.
Tag list: @pinksparkl @darlin-collins
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hello i have Some Thoughts about the newest magp episode
spoilers under the cut 👁️
statement was good :). didn’t give me the same spooks as the others so far but horror is so personal there’s gonna be some that don’t sit with you
i will only give up the tma fear system if jonathan sims himself pries it from my cold dead hands so for this one i feel like it was a blend of like
spiral lonely flesh stranger (maybe some vast)
also girl. that is NOT how u write an essay lmao. she rly was like ☺️ i don’t have any research 😌 but (tells the most horrifying thing that has happened in her life) 😊 i think this will be valuable to study
another norris episode-nothing specifically “martin” abt this one for the theory that they put em in the puter
oh MAN they are not shying away from TMA in this one. gerard keay is a PAINTER who lives with his GRANDMA GERTRUDE ROBINSON whom he refers to as GG! Celia is on a PODCAST with someone named GEORGIE! speaking of celia-alternate realities? time travel? i’m picking up what they are putting down i believe
sam is so in love with celia it’s sickening. rusty quill and starkid rly know how to get me invested in straight ppl
also gwen and alice had BETTER kiss one of these days. like at first i wasn’t rly feeling it. but you can only hate someone so much before it’s just a passionate relationship (eg: batman and joker)
also noooo colin 😔 10£ say he’s trapped in his flat by worms (i love tma season one with all my heart)
also klaus is an anagram for ‘lukas’ and since gerry keay is living with gertrude in london im not taking ANY chances with this show. if peter lukas shows up not only will i close the tab i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the sole purpose of being able to skip all the parts where he is amentioned or alive
also i love the sound design in this - rly captures the feeling that we are listening to something we are not supposed to. like..security cameras and phones have replaced tape recorders and that makes it feel a lot scarier bc i do not have a tape recorder but i am surrounded by tech 24/7
so excited to see where this goes, especially w what we know from the arg
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mamirhodessxox · 26 days
Too Sweet (Part 1)
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Stalker Professor!Cody Rhodes Stalker fem!OC
Desc- Zoe is a 23 year old enrolled into University who is well known across campus fr participating in Ballet & even auditioning for one of the most important roles of the year, but she seems to be quite infatuated with her professor without realizing he is 100x more infatuated and obsessed with her, the two grow a bond and soon realize they would do whatever it takes just to be happily together forever.
Contents- Fluff, Angst, Smut in some chapters, Use of Alcohol & Marijuana, Arguments, Soft/hard Dom x Bimbo like pairing, Mutual Stalking, Murder, Violence, Gore Details, Kidnapping, inspired of off the show ‘You’ & ‘Black Swan’
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa @kabloswrld @claymoresofinfamy23 @cococodysleevlesshoodie
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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She was all he could ever think about, she was his perfect girl, she could do no wrong, she was always on time for lessons & homework, her essays were phenomenal, she was gorgeous, her dark brown eyes, her brunette hair that laid across her shoulders or flowed against her skin whenever she took a single step. Her voice smooth like honey, her smile as bright as the stars within the night sky, she was a ballet dancer & a perfect one at that. He was obsessed with her.
Zoe Caterina was the full of epitome of perfection to him, everything she did had such grace & class tied into it, she was his A+ girl, and he wouldn’t let anybody get in the way of that. No matter what.
Zoe was just obsessed with him as he was with her, His voice spoke in a delicate yet deep manner anytime he was teaching, his hand gliding over her arm sometimes when he went to her desk to examine her notes or whatever it was when she was enthralled into her homework.
The way he left sweet notes on the corner of her papers involve “I’m proud of you” “Good job sweetheart” “You did so good for me on this assignment.” She knew it wasn’t how he normally treated students, but that meant she was special, he found her special. She didn’t just want him, she needed him.
The way he entertained her flirting & even flirted back with her a little bit made her feel like she was melting slowly into a puddle, She needed him.
6:30 AM October 1st 2023, Connecticut
Zoe laid in her dorm that was shared with her bestfriend Alice who was staring down the T.V as the news repeated words of a murder scene that was being investigated on campus, Zoe huffed as she sat up on her bed “You think they’re gonna call today off?” Alice scoffed and ran her hand down her face before grabbing her coat “Fuck no. CTU Couldn’t give a single shit about this, I’m off to class anyways so that should answer your question.”
Zoe watched as Alice left the dorm leaving her by herself “Shit..” the brunette climbed her way out of bed and decided to wear something warm since fall had arrived & it was beginning to be a tad bit chilly.
Her only schedule for the day was to attend Mr Rhodes’ lesson for the day in Psychology which is what she was majoring in. After that she would then go to her daily ballet lesson she grew up taking per parents request. Zoe was a straight A student & made it clear to everyone that she would graduate and be a successful woman.
Zoe’s boots pattered against the semi damp concrete ground as a light rain came through, she inhaled the refreshing scent of rain & the fall weather all together and felt a wave of relaxation rush through her body before entering the lecture hall & making her way to class. She was always on time before everyone else so she could get the best seat in class for her comfortability, Mr Rhodes looked up from the assignments he was grading and watched as the young lady gently sat her bag down next to her seat as she unpacked everything she would need for today’s notes. He loved her organization.
“Aren’t you all snuggled up today” he called out towards her in a teasing manner as he examined the leggings she wore underneath her plaid skirt, she wore a fluffy brown sweater followed by her scarf & boots clearly showing she was quite cozy & warm, Zoe looked over at him & smiled shortly “Well It seemed chilly out, And I wanted to be as warm as possible.” She added before walking down the short steps to approach his desk “You seem dapper as usual” she stated while examining the suit he wore followed by reading glasses that sat perfectly against his black hair “Yeah well you know me sweetheart, I like to keep things classy.” He let a faint smirk appear on his face before watching her hum in response “Well you look good Mr Rhodes, I always thought the suits looked rather dashing on you.” He chuckled lightly at her compliment before nodding in agreement “Thank you doll, now go take a seat, get comfortable.”
She smiled politely and went back to sit down as other students scattered into the classroom, Zoe liked sitting alone, she liked having personal space & being able to listen thoroughly to what he was teaching without any distractions. However it was slowly becoming difficult for her despite the personal space.
She was currently auditioning for the main role within swan lake for a Ballet show & one of her classmates Nina was also auditioning for the tole, Nina was a competitive girl and this meant she would be making Zoe’s life hell for as long as she possibly could, whether it was in Ballet or for Mr Rhodes attention.
Zoe scrabbled down notes into her notebook as she listened and soaked in every word he spat out. Nina sat 3 rows behind her snickering into one of her friends’ ear “teachers pet.” The group all giggled and whispered causing Mr Rhodes to turn around in their direction and pull of his glasses “Nina is there something you’d like to share?” The girl froze “I- Wel- I was just-“ He raised an eyebrow and looked over at Zoe who was watching everything unfold before crossing his arms “You were just disrupting the lesson? Picking on another student for actually paying attention? I suggest you quiet down a bit before you make yourself seem more ignorant than you already are.”
Zoe smirked to herself before looking back down at her notes as she listened to him embarrass Nina in-front of everyone. After class she put everything away & was the last one to leave the room, Mr Rhodes placed a hand on her lower back & sighed “I’m sorry about that doll, Don’t let her distract you she’s just..bored” the girl smiled up at him & nodded her head in understanding “Y’know I never get distracted. I’m one of your top passing students.” She chirped back proudly as he chuckled and pat her lower back “you know, If you having nothing going on you can join me at Ballet, not actually join, join, but just..observe” she suggested softly while her hands lightly gripped at the ends of her skirt as he stood in silence for a bit & tried thinking, usually after this period he had 2 hours of free time, “I don’t see why not, I’d like to see your talents.” She smiled widely from ear to ear as she quickly started walking and had him follow behind her. As the two walked down the hallway laughing talking about whatever Nina stood in a corner grasping onto a pillar as she stared them down and glared directly at Zoe..
After a solid 20 minutes of walking the pair ended up in the Ballet Studio, Mr Rhodes sat in the observation section while Zoe adjusted her pointe shoes to her liking as she sat in her black leotard with her hair up, he watched as a guy approached her in completely slum like clothes clearly high out of his mind, “yooo, Mae’s been calling you, we’re all planning to sleepover at her place tonight since that whole murder scene shit from this morning is worrying her.” Zoe looked up at the guy causing Mr Rhodes to raise his eyebrow & watch the scene unfold as a wave of jealousy soured through him.
“Shit, I uh- I don’t know if I can Keith, I have to finish an essay by tonight, but tell her I’ll be safe yeah?” Keith..who the fuck names their kid Keith? Mr Rhodes thought before paying more attention “got it, man this shit is crazy you better be careful getting home, you never know who’s out there.” Zoe smiled as she nodded at his words, once he walked off her instructor made her and other girls get up and start stretching before the woman announced who would be the Prima Ballerina for Swan Lake. Nina walked into practice fashionably late & shoved her bag onto the ground while glaring down Zoe, she lined up with everyone and started stretching & noticed Mr Rhodes sitting & watching.
A surge of embarrassment drowned her for her current actions making her focus & act more properly and professional in hopes of impressing him the way Zoe does, but his eyes weren’t focused on Nina. They were focused on Zoe, the way he stared at her made Nina feel jealous & even angry. Something in her snapped, as the girls stood still for the announcement Mr Rhodes became slightly alarmed with the way Nina glared down at Zoe, The ballet instructor cleared her throat as she spoke out to her students “Since Satia is sick she will not be the Prima Ballerina of this Years Swan Lake, as some of you know we just finished auditions for this role but we have decided that our Prima Ballerina will be Zoe. She has shown great determi-“ Nina screamed out in frustration and turned towards Zoe and showed her so hard to the point where her ankle was sprained once she hit the floor “SHE DOESN’T EVEN DESERVE THAT FUCKING ROLE! SHE CAN’T EVE-“ The instructor turned and glared at the red head who was shouting in pure rage and envy “ENOUGH Nina!”
Everyone rushed towards Zoe as she held her ankle the instructor called out for anyone who was with Zoe to please come get her, Mr Rhodes sprinted out of the observation room & quickly came to her saving “I’m with her-“ Zoe stared up at her instructor with a stern look “I’m not giving up this role Mrs Venn, It’s only a swollen ankle I can do i-“ “Alright fine. Just be careful alright?” The instructor sighed as Keith also ran in the room to help the other man pick up Zoe “Nice suit man” Mr Rhodes furrowed his eyebrows & shook his head “Yeah thanks.” He held Zoe close to him bridal style as his free hand grabbed her bag that sat in a corner “let’s get you home yeah?” Nina sat as she was hysterical crying and shoving away her classmates as she watched him carry off Zoe.
The brunette gave him her address & eventually after walking with her in his arms they finally got to her dorm, he crouched lower so she could be able to unlock her door & come inside, He sat her down on the bed she pointed towards and sighed “You alright doll? Hows your ankle?” She sighed shrugging as she sat in her bed “I’m fine Mr Rho-“ “Cody. You can call me Cody outside of class.” Noted. “i’m fine Cody. It’s nothing but a small sprain, I’ll be better by tomorrow.” He smiled at her positivity “I don’t know how you do it sweetheart, keep things positive. I’ll handle Nina in class tomorrow morning.” Zoe smiled and suddenly got a thought “Hey un- I hope I’m not overstepping but I was wondering since you here..Can I get your number incase of an emergency? Y’know since all of this murder scene stuff & Nina going psycho..?” Cody smiled “It would be no problem at all sweetheart.” He dug in the back pocket of his pants and had her type in her phone number & sent her a quick test text. The girl smiled widely.
She needed him.
“I better start heading out beautiful, rest easy alright? If you can’t come to class tomorrow don’t even worry about it. I’ll mark you down as present for your perfect track record.” Zoe smiled at his kindness and nodded her head “Thank you Mr Rh-Cody, I appreciate it.” And with that Cody left her alone in the dorm room, the door shut behind him & she sat there thinking about what all happened today. Her mind surfaced back towards to Cody, His black hair, His voice, His strength proving carrying her was lighter than a feather. The way he spoke to her in a sweet manner ‘Sweetheart’ ‘Doll’, the way his fingers grazed her skin, the way he rushed over to her in a panic, she needed him. Zoe sighed out softly as she ran her fingers down her leotard down towards the depths of her thighs.
She needed him.
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Manirhodessxox’s Masterlist
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symptomsofdeceit · 1 month
hihi!! :3 this is my first ever time sending someone an ask AND IM REAAALLY NERVOUS. gonna stay anonymous, because i'm a bit shy. also sorry if my grammar and spelling gonna be goofy, english isn't my first language :")
i found out about your game a couple of days ago and these crazy boys won't leave my mind ever since. i looove pathetic loser men and yanderes ❤️. demo is great!! your art style is soo pretty and i really like your character writing!!!! forgot that description said that there's two yanderes, so Nalis ending got me like 😳😳😳 OKAY THAT'S UNEXPECTED BUT SO DAMN HOT. Thaumo is so adorable! THAT MOMENT WITH FORK THO 😭😭😭 don't know which one of them is my fav so far. guess they have to fight for my heart so i could find out >:3 Tremo is so pretty!! ah, tired mysterious women are my weakness ❤️ also i feel sorry for Johnsoni, poor guy! #justice for Johnsoni, hope to see his sprite in future :"D i'm so eager to see what's awaits MC in next update. i know that game development isn't that easy, especially when you have to work irl. don't forget to take breaks from time to time, make an update at your own comfortable pace aand stay hydrated!!! your tumblr page and answer for other ppl asks about these weirdos is my food for now ❤️❤️❤️
SORRY THAT'S A WHOLE ESSAY LOL. just wanted to show how much i love your visual novel and characters! have some ideas for asks too, hope i will find the courage to write here again :"3 watch out Nalis and Thaumo, my future asks might be… veery silly >:D
Hello, & I apologize for this reply being late! I appreciate the ask very much, & no worries on your English!! I think you’ve done perfect here :)
I’m so so happy that you’ve enjoyed my demo!!!!This entire message has me grinning at my phone so so hard. If you eventually do decide on a favorite between the two I’d love to know which one it is!! I hope you’re taking breaks + staying hydrated in your life as well, and thank you so much for all of your kind words (。ŏ﹏ŏ)💕💕💕💕
You have no idea how much I appreciate your words, this means a lot to me!! I would really love to have you in my inbox again, so I’m mentally sending you all the courage I can ✨💪😤 silly asks are some of my favorites, I’m excited to see what you’d throw at the boys!
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sukunasstomachtongue · 7 months
The Race: Lap Two
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Pairing: Sukuna x Bunny (black fem OC)
Rating: Mature | Minors leave me alone
Warning: Cursing, houseless character, light smut that I couldn’t follow through on, OOC Sukuna (don’t say anything I need comfort), my brand of humor, barely edited
Series Masterlist | Previously
“Well, if it isn’t little bunbun. Why are you here? Got fired for being a bad role model to the youth?” Gojo shifted his weight to rest his elbows on the counter. The harsh fluorescent lighting all government-funded buildings had washed out his complexion, yet he still managed to look nothing short of ethereal to Bunny.
She tsk’d, a habit of her boyfriend that she unfortunately picked up. How she managed to quietly slam the book in her possession closed would be a mystery to Gojo.
“If you’re not here to clear your debt, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave, Gojo. Technically you’re not even ‘sposed to be allowed within 20 meters of our doors.”
Both individuals refused to break eye contact, waiting for the other to chicken out and avert their gaze. Bunny had to fight off her signature sinister grin, the one she displays in the backstreets while riding shotgun in a barely street-legal car. No, she had to save that smile for the right time and place. The local public library barely surviving and on its last two legs hardly fit the criteria.
She gave him what Shoko called her ‘librarian smile.’ Kind and sickeningly sweet, giving the impression that she had all the time in the world to help a patron in need.
Gojo conceded after a few seconds of being on the receiving end of that smile. Her brown eyes glinted with victory.
“What if I did come to pay off my debt, hm? I can stay?” Bunny said nothing but went to work on her computer, lazily tapping the tablet on the patron side of the counter, prompting the man to move and look at the information displayed.
Gojo, Satoru
Amount Paid: $3.86
Amount Due: $834.98
Will you be paying: Cash, Credit/Debit Card, or Check?
“Fuck me, Bunbun! This is insane! What type of operation are you running?” Gojo groaned into his hands, ignoring the harsh glares aimed his way for his loud voice. Long nails tapped rhythmically against the keyboard, before clutching the side of the monitor and swinging it around to show more of his account.
“You have a bad habit of renting movies and never returning them. You rented ‘Return of the Mask’ and ‘Belly’ five years ago. Should I ask why those two movies were rented at the same time?”
Her taunts only drew more groans from his throat. Quickly slapping his face, Gojo reaches into his pocket, grumbling about unsuccessful hookups and drunken mistakes. The slam of his plastic card made no impact on Bunny. As quickly as he presented it, the librarian ran it through the system, clearing his debt.
“You know, now that you’re clear we can take down your mugshot on the bulletin board. Wanna take it home?”
The wide grin was all the answer she needed.
“Bunny, we need to restock our hygiene packs tonight. Glen said we’re down to five and it's only getting hotter out there.”
“I’ll get on it after I take my break.” She replied, busy logging books back into the system. After Gojo left, the library returned to its usual hushed business. Citizens came and went through the automatic door, focused on their own tasks.
Filling out job applications, playing computer games, writing an essay, meeting up for study sessions, and inquiring about citizenship classes, the library serves as a vital organ in the community. Its value is what made Bunny want to work there in the first place. All her tasks served a purpose for the greater good.
That’s what she had to tell herself to not lose her mind and go ballistic on the inconsiderate patrons and lazy coworkers.
Those hygiene packs were a task given to Glen, who passed it to Asano, who decided to drop it in Bunny’s lap before leaving for the day. Granted, at this location, Bunny didn’t have the authority or sway to go against an order.
Still, Bunny gritted her teeth and got to it like she said she would. The supply room had a table and old worn-out chair that could have been from the 70s, providing a workstation to build the packs. They were nothing lavish. A few water bottles, dental care, deodorant, a towel, new socks, and other necessities to ease the constant dingy feeling of being unhoused and exposed to the elements and the city’s unpleasant side.
She got into a grove after the first two packs were done, head bopping to city pop that fought the static out of the old radio in the corner to be audible. Every few packs, her neck would tilt to the side to lightly stretch the stiff muscles there. When she reached for the last pair of socks, her stomach grumbled. The few snacks she stole from the vending machine were not enough to tie her over until dinner.
Would Sukuna make his rendition of her grandmother’s red beans and rice tonight?
Thoughts now focused on food and related topics, she unchecked the box next to ‘socks’ on the supply list on their worn board. Hands full with the large bin they used to transport the packs outside, Bunny made her way outdoors.
In his earlier years, Glen had old lockers from a high school repurposed to look presentable along the inside of the exterior wall. They stood under the protruding concrete covering, shielded from harh weather conditions, visible from the central help desk inside where someone could keep an eye out. Opposite of the lockers was a poster from the early 70s, faded but still legible, inviting everyone inside to access resources everyone needed in the modern age.
For the last few hours of her shift, Bunny led story time in the children’s section, several coming from the school she worked at which led to many tears of joy and anger directed at her by children who were not happy to see her absent that day. Ending the story time with a nice group hug and a promise to return to her rightful post had her back in their good graces.
From there, she remained stationed at the help desk, offering book suggestions and recommendations to classes the library offered to the colorful clientel. The short hand on the clock had begun nearing 5, signaling the end of her time here. Making her rounds, Bunny waved her goodbye to the others as she walked to the back to retrieve her purse.
Stepping outside the automatic doors, the sight infront of her made her pause to confirm the person digging a pack out of the outdoor lockers was who she thought it was.
Dropping her bag on the table, Bunny released a loud sigh. Her shoulders ached after hours of shelving new and returned books all day. The local library had a much larger stock than the one at the schoolhouse, with more genres outside of children and young adult. It had been her first challenging shift in a long time, not including the last hour.
The smell of garlic invaded her nose, making the muscles flex as the button of her nose scrunched up. There was no reason for something out of season to smell so pungent.
“Come here and taste this broth, I’m not sure if I added enough paste.” There, with one hand tucked into the tie of his apron with the other clutching the ladle above the pot, stood her boyfriend, hard at work trying to feed them. The sight warmed her heart.
The onions brought tears to her eyes.
The surprise she had in store for Sukuna sent shivers down her spine.
“Suki…” He grunted and twisted at his waist to look back. Before she could open her mouth to continue, the hot ladle was at her lips waiting for entry. The tip of her pink tongue dipped in the liquid, coating her tastebuds with flavor.
“Good. Could use some lemon or citrus for some tang.” Sukuna eyed her with thought, taking her suggestion as he slurped the remaining broth, smacking his mouth to extract any hidden flavor.
“No. That’ll mess up the balance. This is why we can’t cook together.”
“We can’t cook together because you like to hog the front right burner.”
“It’s the best one.”
“It’s the biggest one and is supposed to be used for big pots, not frying a single egg.” Bunny grimaced as her shoulder tinged in pain, the already tired nerves becoming more agitated as she danced around her surprise. Just like a bandaid, Bunny coached herself. “ Suki-”
“Agree to disagree. Why are you wincing? Got into another fight with that old hag?”
“Fortunately no. She learned her lesson the last time.” Or maybe not like a bandaid at all, maybe like removing shrapnel from a wound. Nice and slow, and gently to not lacerate any nearby blood vessels.
“Good. I know you want to be a lady of leisure but right now we still need your income. Unless you wanna end up on the streets like that brat.” Or maybe not like a bandaid or like shrapnel. Instead, just like a rug being ripped from under her orthopedic loafers.
“Come on Yuji, he knows.” At her beckon, the pink-haired kid slid into the kitchen, back against the nearest wall. His arm was in a dingy cast and he looked weary. “How’d you know?”
An exasperated sigh came from the stove, followed by a slurp, hum, and finally, the click of the burner being switched from high to medium.
“My sweet stupid Bunny, did you already forget that we installed cameras last month? Set the table. And you, brat. Sit down and get ready to tell us everything.”
As she followed his demand, Bunny fell even more in love with her boyfriend.
Sukuna, Yuji decided after smelling the first decent meal he’s been given in three months, was not as bad as everyone on the scene said he was. Sure he had a temper and really didn't care for the community of street racing like most did - like Yuji did after losing his grandfather- but it didn’t make him a horrible person. In a way, Sukuna was on the other side of the same coin as Nanami. They both were serious about their chosen illegal interest but also had a life outside of it. Nanami with his day job, and Sukuna with-
“Fucking Martha decided she wanted to flirt with Geshin instead of completing her tasks. So guess who had to cover her thirsty ass instead of making the itinerary for the career workshop that’s happening in a week?”
“Me. I wanted to cuss the bitch out for pulling that shit but I’m scared she might have a degradation kink or something. Y’know last employee evaluation I swear to god that hoe had stars in her eyes when Boss yelled at her about her performance.” Bunny ranted as her hands set the table, paying no mind to the opening notes of pork being cooked.
“Geshin… that's the guy who just had a baby, right?”
“Yep, and that’s his fifth baby this year. Man needs to get locked up at this point. He’s trying to become the next Genghis Khan. I don’t know why Martha would want his ass when she was just at his last baby shower. Eating that dry-ass cake like Betty Crocker made it.”
“Damn, that’s crazy.” At his commentary, she cut her eyes to look at the back of his head.
“What did you do today?” The roar of the pork being seared and fat popping against the heat of the pan set the ambiance in their kitchen.
“Nothing. Worked on my jobs, bought some shit online, got a call from the old man for the next race.”
“Oh yeah? When and where?”
“Next Weekend. It's a collab with some other organizers in the outskirts. The track is legit.” Calloused hands worked swiftly to cut the pork into manageable pieces while Bunny opened the kitchen window to air out the smoky atmosphere building up. Sukuna scoffed at the action, he thought Bunny was overdramatic for opening the window every time he cooked using fire.
He had a house, a business, someone to come home and compare days to, Yuji watched. It was a shock to him and anyone on the scene if they found out, except Gojo he assumed. Gojo poked and prodded at Sukuna like an old zookeeper who’s been tending to the same wild animal for decades.
“Next week?” Bunny pouted, the table was finally set with everything but the protein. She sat next to Yuji, still facing her significant other as they rambled on. Briefly, Yuji wondered if he took the older man’s seat, but made no move to relocate when Bunny began pouring water for three cups and opening a bottle of wine to pour into two glasses.
“I know, you have that convention.” For the first time all night, Sukuna looked at the kid at his dinner table. He looked hungry and noticeably thinner than the last time he was seen before that race. His arm had been set in a cast that took on a reddish-earthy brown. Their hair had the same disheveled look, but for two different reasons.
Briefly, the two males shared a thought.
Are we related, they thought to each other, with Bunny none the wiser as she placed portions on their plates.
“Thanks for the food.”
Yuji had not finished closing his mouth around the first bite before the older man probed him.
“Alright brat, start talking.”
Shifting the hot pork to the side of his mouth, Yuji spoke. “Got pulled out the car and an ambulance took me to the hospital. The doctors said it was a miracle I survived without any serious injuries. The only thing I really injured was my wallet.”
“They say we’re all one emergency from being homeless,” Sukuna muttered. Yuji took a stab at another piece of greasy steaming pork. Bunny quietly placed more food on the kid’s plate.
“They were right. I don’t have a dollar to my name. My car got compounded. No family. This is the first meal I’ve had this week.”
“Oh Yuji…” At her sorrowed tone, Sukuna’s lip pulled in one direction. Good thing they never threw out her old futon.
“What a day,” followed by a long yawn was how Bunny started her night routine. Stepping into the shower to wash away the past eighteen hours, she let out another loud yawn to emphasize her energy levels to Sukuna who stood at the vanity, completing his skincare routine.
No funny business tonight.
“I bet. On top of your job, now you want to become a mother.”
“Not a mother. A helping hand, that’s all. A fun auntie at most. Yuji is only 16, too young to be on the streets.” the shower door slid down its track, wide enough to allow another body to slip in behind her. Rough hands sheltered her shoulders from the water, radiating heat through the layers of melanin-rich skin.
“You and your bleeding heart. I can’t even begin to understand how you end up in these situations. He better not steal shit out of my office.” Sukuna talked, hands massaging along the muscles of her neck. Bunny sighed in relief, her lazy bun hitting the top of his pectorals as she relaxed.
“He’s a good kid. On the train, he basically sat between me and everyone else like a guard dog.” Her body wash added the mellow scent of cucumber melon to the humid air. As her sudsy cloth scrubbed her skin, her ass nudged the lazy weight of Sukuna’s dick.
“Oh, so thats what this is? You wanna take in a stray, huh? Thats it. Is this about the cat from last week? I know you were sad when it went back to its owner but you-”
A sharp about face interrupted his ribbing. Sukuna suddenly found it hard to concentrate with a steaming soapy woman clouding his retinas. Fuck Martha and Geishin and every single person at the stupid library for tiring his girlfriend out with their bullshit. She probably wouldn’t even take a simple cockwarming session with her energy so low.
“C’mon, Kuna. Be serious. Tell me you would have left him on the street looking like that?”
“I could have.” A glare had Sukuna retract his statement. Lifting a hand from her frame to wipe the droplets from his face, he ceded. “I get it. Fine, lets take the kid in for a bit, until he’s back on his feet.”
A downpour of water thudded at their feet as Bunny wrong out her cloth. Adding his soap, unscented for sensitive skin, she began working a lather on his abs. “He can help you in the shop.”
“Mmm, no. Sorry Bunny. This is your stray, your responsibility. Ask ‘im if he ever finished school. Get him a GED or some shit.”
“Like trade school.”
“Fuck, go ahead and adopt the kid.” The couple fell quiet after that. Sukana placed a few kisses on her temple when they took turns standing underwater to rinse. His hands slid down her skin and rested for a beat on the sides of her asscheeks. This was intimacy. Pulling her cheeks apart to let the water wash any trapped soap was the most intimate shit he’s ever down.
A ding from the towel warmer signaled the end of their shower. Before she could reach to turn the water off, Sukuna had pressed her against his body, their flesh conforming to each other. His dick twitched awake as he inhaled her scent. Cucumber melon, warmth, and smell that was purely her. He couldn't help but land a few kisses and nips along her neck as the water continued to spray.
The water bill would definitely be in the triple digits this month, much to Bunny’s chagrin.
“Y’so tense, Bunny. I think you need a massage.” He huffed into her ear, finally ready to turn off the water. The sudden cold goaded her into pressing herself tighter against her significant other, seeking more external warmth.
“Mm, that sounds nice.”
“C’mon pet, lets get you dry, huh?” Together, they exited the shower, steam spilling at their feet. Bunny detached from him and lazily bounced over the warm towels, wrapping one around herself and bringing the other to Sukuna to wrap around his hips.
“Go lay on the bed, pet. I’ll get the body oil.”
“Oh fuck, Kuna. Thank you, baby!” She moaned into the cotton sheets, her breath caught on the last syllable and making her high-pitched at the end. Sukuna’s hands were strong from his day job, and all the strength was being used on her, working knots and stagnant energy out her muscles. He had her belly down, with his thick thighs trapping her torso under his straddle. His fingers dug into the flesh of her upper back, bullying the blood up towards her neck and down her arms.
“Welcome baby. I gotta take care of you since you insist on taking care of that brat. You were already tired before. You gotta stop that bleeding heart of yours.” Sukuna let his drool drip freely on her oiled back, making the trip every few minutes to collect the saliva and massage it into her pores.
His dick was no better, beading at the tip and collecting in the small of her back. Bunny could feel it. He knew she could feel. She knew he knew she could feel it. Though her libido was rising to the occasion, her body yearned for rest. True rest. But she was too tired to dissuade Sukuna. Hell, as long as she didn’t have to ride she wouldn’t protest all that much.
His hands moved from her upper back back to her hips and the swell of her ass. Her skin gleaned under the big light. Under his touch, the oil, saliva, and cum mixed to create a new concoction.
“Oh fuck, bunny. I know you feel me.” He groaned as he bucked his hips, his dick sliding along the crack of her ass.
“I do but- I’m so tired, Kunabear.” the shake of her hips contradicted her words. Soft lips planted scorching kisses on her tattooed shoulder and warm hands moved from her ass to slide under her hips. “And, Yuji might hear us.”
“So just spread those pretty legs, toot that ass up for me, and bite down on a pillow so the kid doesn’t hear his savior getting fucked.” His fingers ran up her slit, collecting the escaped slick to rub against her clit. “Shit,” his hips bucked again, mindlessly rutting his dick against her oiled flesh. “Always wet for me, no matter what your mouth says, that pussy will always listen to me.”
“I-ah, fuck me. Here, damn.” Her hip rose as she arched her back perfectly. With more space to move, Sukuna trailed to her opening, keeping his thumb on her aching nub. A whine escaped her throat. He fingered her frantically, barely prepping her hole to take his heavy cock. “Gimma a kiss at least”
“How about ten?”
Bunny stared at the fresh coffee dripping down into the pot. Her body was enveloped in the robe Gojo got her from his last trip overseas. It was nice and fluffy and the cause of Sukuna’s hairy eyeball from across the room. It took everything in her to not laugh at him angrily stabbing his breakfast quiche.
“Don’t give me that look.” She scoffed. Her boyfriend rolled his eyes, too tired to start shit with a sleep deprived Bunny.
“Just make me a cup too. Gotta finish a couple projects today so I need to head out in a few. You going anywhere today?”
“No. I’ll be doing laundry and picking up after your mess.”
“That’s you hair in the drain baby. Don’t put that shit on me.” As they went back and forth, the stairs creaked under the weight of a body coming downstairs.
“Morning. Coffee?” Bunny offered him before yuji stepped foot into the kitchen. His eyes pingponged between the two adults before nodding, giving a grunted hello as he sat down at the same chair as last night.
Bunny busied herself with pouring three mugs, concocting hers and Sukuna with their usual cream and sugars. At the sight of Yuji’s eyebags, her hands reached out for the pot again to pour a little more into his mug.
She dispersed the mugs, keeping hers in one hand and digging the other in Sukuna’s wild hair. Wordlessly, he offered her a piece of his quiche.
“Sleep okay? I know the futon is old and seen better days?” She asked her ward. Yuji gave a brief shake of his head. He barely let the coffee cool before tilting half of the liquid down his throat.
“Futon’s fine. You guys were loud.”
Sukuna had to place his mug back on the table to avoid spilling it at the brat’s words. Red eyes attempted to meet his girlfriend’s but she had her head turned down to avoid any contact.
Yuji wanted to apologize for his comment, which was actually an understatement. From Yuji’s perspective last night, he’s surprised Bunny was fully functional today.
He could see why Gojo talked so much perverted shit about the woman. Megumi let it slip once that Gojo had a chance to get with the sassy librarian but Sukuna swooped in at the last second.
“Close your ears next time.” Bunny choked out, swooping down to take another piece of the quiche before leaving the kitchen, fluffy robe flouncing in the air.
The two males sat in silence, the sound of Sukuna scrapping the last of his breakfast up filling the void.
“I don’t give a rat's ass if you hear.” Sukuna replied, collecting his dishes and sipping the last of his coffee. “We do fuck loud and often. So if that’s a problem you should probably leave now.”
Yuji grimaced. He and Sukuna both knew putting up with a little noise was infinitely better than sleeping outside again.
“Bunny, I’m out!” Sukuna yelled, his rough voice reverberating through the room to wherever his girlfriend ran too. His keys were in his pocket and he was almost out the door before she responded.
“Take ‘im with you!” The men looked at each other again. Sukuna scanned the kid up and down, eyeing Yuji’s build and hands before grunting.
“You ever worked on cars?”
“Yeah. I can do the basics.” Yuji offered, hurriedly stuffing his feet into his shoes by the door.
“Yeah, well you’ll be doing filter changes and refilling wiper fluid. Let’s go.”
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