#one of those people who actually feels calmer when i take them
13eyond13 · 2 years
Do you have favorite sweets?
Milk chocolate in general is always my favourite! Toblerone bars and stuff, I have a huge sweet tooth and can usually stomach the super sugary types of treats that some other people sometimes can't
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Lost conversations —Konig x Reader -Sfw/Some cursing/mentions of fucking.
Drunk König who's infinitely calmer than his usual.
He asks, waiting for a response. His head lolls on your shoulder, brain full and stuffy. Thinking of everything and nothing at once.
You respond, your voice filling his brain and echoing off the walls of his thick head for a moment before he actually processes it.
Well. Better now than later.
"Marry me."
A pause. Then two. Maybe kidnapping you would be quicker.
"König, you're drunk."
"Ja and?"
He knows you would, maybe someone's forcing you not to. He'd kill them if that's what it takes.
"You...you just confessed to me a week back König."
Oh, is that it?
"I have known you for years by now Schatz."
Should he get you a diamond ring? Maybe moissanite, he's heard it shines brighter.
"...What about the wedding. Do you even want one?"
Ah, you're actually considering it.
"Ja, not if you don't want to of course."
"So just what? Make me sign the papers hm?"
Oh, you're just entertaining him. He'll take that.
"And a ring, anything you'd like."
"Make it all shiny and expensive yeah?"
When did you start carrying him? Ah nevermind, his quarters were close either way. He shouldn't lean too much but his shoulders felt heavier than usual.
"Only for you."
"What about a necklace instead hm big boy? Can't really be caught out here fraternizing can we?"
What a fucking joke. Getting married to you is much more important than those people.
"I'm a fucking colonel Schatz if the higher ups knew I was trying to fuck they'd congratulate me on finding a hobby."
That earned a laugh out of you, you always liked it when he was brutal with his words. Fuck, he had to have you.
"So what? That's it? A ring and some papers, doesn't sound very romantic does it?"
Romantic, what a rip off. He'd kill himself and the whole base if you'd ask him to and you were asking about how romantic it is. fine. He'll be romantic.
He manages to groan out, women liked those right? Something about the symbol of romanticity, probably even a bouquet but who cares? His Oma always loved the flowers back home, maybe you did too.
"Ah of course flowers, a woman's dream. What says I couldn't buy myself flowers hm tough guy? Anything to counter that or are you too wrecked?"
The main event of a wedding were the promises right? And the bride of course. Mostly promises.
"Vows, I'll speak my vows. I'll sign them on paper, record them if you must but they will be. I just- marry me please Schatz I need-"
A stumble and he's grunting off the floor right infront of you, he would be much more embarrassed if he hadn't already thrown up on your feet a few years back.
"C'mon, let's get you to bed."
Is all he hears before he blacks out, a forgotten conversation yet he knows it's a memory he can feel. A memory that he can't even remember clearly but can understand. He just needs to marry you, Schatz.
××××××××××××××××××××××x x××××××××××××××××××××××
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tarotofhope · 26 days
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PAC: Self-Care Tips For Your Own Well Being
(Please Read My Pinned post *IMPORTANT NOTE* before selecting a Pile)
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Pick an Image by meditating and selecting the image you feel called to. You can be attracted towards more than 1 image. If you are not able to select maybe this reading isn't for you.
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Pile 1:
Cards: Father Of Wands, The Hermit And Politics- 7 Of Swords.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 1. Beware of snakes in your own garden. You need to stay away from people who are controlling, manipulating, taking advantage of you, those who are not grateful for you being there for them. It also seems like you're not able to tell good people from bad ones, because of this, you might also sometimes have a wrong judgement of certain people. Your self care tip would be to keep yourself away and safe from people who seem to be your friend/good towards you, but is actually a backbiter. Some may be rude towards you openly as well, people/friends/family who use you or talk to you only when they want something from you and then they leave you, people who always treat you as a second option or a bystander. So, the card 'Politics' which is the '7 of Swords' card in tarot fits well here because people might be playing politics with you, backstabbing you, tricking you and what not. I'm also hearing defame, so, for a few of you, it could be that you're a popular person, famous for your work, and some people whom you consider friends might actually be slandering you behind your back. One advice is, try to observe certain patterns in people's behaviour, try to observe closely and decide for yourself. See, I'm not trying to scare you. It's just what I felt from the cards.
So I wish you good luck. Love, Light, Peace and Hope to you.
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Pile 2:
Cards: 6 Of Wands, Ace Of Swords and Morality-Queen Of Swords.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 2.
You're someone who is in the process of awakening. Your intuition is at point, you're hunches are mostly correct. You're aware of your body needs, what it likes and what it doesn't, your mind and soul. People might perceive you as awkward, weird or they might also think that you're out of your mind, irrational even, but it is so because you have unique thoughts and ideas. Let them have their own perceptions. You just need to know that you don't need to fit in. Your ideas are gold, don't let others let you down. You just need to keep standing out and fight to remain there. You feel like executing a weird plan/business idea or project, do it. Fight for your passions. Your words, yes, your words have a lot of positive effect(either written or oral), speak them, write them, live them. Fight until you succeed, it's not going to be easy but it's going to be worth all the effort.
So I wish you good luck. Love, light, peace and hope to you.
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Pile 3:
Cards: Death, The Emperor and Awareness-The Chariot.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 3.
I can see 2 phases here. It's going to be different for everybody. 1st phase is, some beloved one of yours, someone very close to you might have passed away, so you feel like the world has come to eat you, you feel so small, like this is the end of the world but no my dear, let me tell you one thing, only if you allow the universe and open up your heart shall you receive something better. Remember that change is essential no matter how heart breaking or soul wrenching. You need to grow physically, mentally and emotionally. Your life needs a lot more organisation, de-cluttering and changes here and there. Your body is your home, if you don't try to heal yourself, if you resist change, you'll not be able to function properly in the long term. 2nd phase is, you went through a huge glow up, you took care of your body and your mental health. Somehow, you look much better, much healthier, meaning you already went through change and put the required effort. You are much calmer and serene now. If you've gone through this phase, nobody would be able to break you.
So, that was all. I wish you good luck. Love, light, peace and hope to you.
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Pile 4:
Cards: 9 Of Wands, The Moon, Breakthrough-Justice.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 4. It seems like you've got a lot of trust issues, my dear pile 4. You've build a wall around you and you don't let people in. You might be secretive and don't like to expose yourself in the fear that people might harm you or take advantage of you. You might also be very picky and have very few people that are very close to you. This all could be due to a heartbreak for some people while others are like that by nature. Someone here is also rejecting proposals and not giving love a chance. For a few of you, I'm also hearing guilt, you might also carry a guilt within you, it could be a past mistake, a wrong decision, a fault, a lie or anything which had harmed you or anybody else. Forgiveness is necessary, for yourself and others. There is a lack of balance here but you need to know that you will be fine. Not everybody is here to hurt you, so you can open up and as far as guilt is concerned, do things which bring positivity in yours and others' lives. Help people as much as you can. Fill the void. Be that hope for somebody, a helping hand for another and so on.
So, that's all.
I wish you good luck.
Love, light, peace and hope to you.
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Pile 5:
Cards: 10 Of Cups Reverse, The Moon, Stress- 7 Of Wands.
Welcome to your reading Pile 5. You seem to want to have everything under your own control, which is not healthy either for you or others. You are either over-protective or very possessive or both. There is a lack of balance. You need to calm down a bit and let go of things because the universe has not burdened only you to take all the responsibilities of yourself and others as well. So, start surrendering things to the universe/God/ whatever power you believe in. It might be like a strong urge to do things by yourself and not taking the help of others. For some of you, this could also be a toxic habit of imposing your way of doing things on others/deciding for others unnecessarily even when not asked for. This pile especially needs to meditate a lot. Looks like you guys have strong leadership qualities which is a really good thing but using authoritative power correctly is very important. Some of you also have a habit of clinging to toxic people/your own possessions, which needs to be changed. I'm getting very maternal/nurturing energy from your pile. Remember it's an energy that I'm talking about which applies to both the genders. You're like mommy/daddy of your friend group. If this is not you then this could be your parent or your guardian. Either way, this habit needs to be controlled and balanced, even if you're the victim of such issues, you need to talk to that other person and create your own healthy boundaries.
So, this was all I got.
I wish you good luck. Love, light, peace and hope to you.
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Thank you so much for being here. I post PAC readings every Tuesday and Friday. Do love and support by reblogging, liking or following.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 year
Do What I Cannot
This is based on My Graveyard Song because I was captivated by the idea of Danny’s parents burying him alive. That’s basically the only part I took though. This is about him being confronted with his parents again once freed.
This is unedited so feel free to point out mistakes. Contains graphic description of violence.
The Justice League’s newest hero has been a wonderful asset, truly! Phantom is a rather powerful hero and even though some of his methods are a little questionable he follows the ‘no killing’ rule more strictly then some of the long-term members. Even if it’s just because he doesn’t want to deal with them as ghosts it still counts. Some of the more magical people have an idea that Phantom is more powerful then he’s letting on, but they don’t push it. After all he’s still just a teenager, they don’t really want to have him dealing with universal threats either.
Honestly even if he weren’t a hero Batman at least would have kept him around for the impressively positive affects he has on Red Hood. Jason had been calmer and more reasonable then he had been since his resurrection since digging up that grave and teaming up with Danny. It was just a little unsettling sometimes honestly, sometimes his eyes would glint with the green of the Lazarus waters and everyone would tense up prepared for an aggressive outburst only for Jason to announce he needed to find Danny and leave. The more suspicious minds found it odd, but they figured it was just because Phantom could calm Jason down and didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
Really the only problem was that knowing Phantom had alerted them to a potential new source of threat that they really knew very little about. The JLD knew some but not enough and the ways they had to fight ghosts were clunky and unreliable, they needed weapons that would work on ghosts. Not Phantom obviously, though the overly cautious ones privately thought about him too, just in case you know? And there weren’t many people who specialized in such tech, so of course their search lead them to the Drs. Fenton.
The magic users thought their methods were crude and crazy but had to admit they clearly worked so maybe it would be best to invest in at least some of their tech. At least to study and see if it could be improved on. So they were invited for a meeting, and it was decided Phantom would Not be told. Mostly because they didn’t want to stress him out and also because they’d learned these two were ‘shoot first ask questions later’ types who apparently didn’t believe there was such a thing as a good ghost so they might actually try and kill Danny on sight, which would be awkward.
The presentation they gave to the Justice League was predictably unhinged and they knew well enough to take all of it with a grain of salt, especially the part about all ghosts being evil. Danny had already explained it to them, that ghosts were driven by obsessions which meant they behaved differently then humans but the majority only lashed out when something got between them and their singular passion. Some were different, some had malicious passions and some were more complicated. Diana and J’onn both looked like they were trying hard not to pick a fight but they’d all agreed to smile and nod till they got access to the tech.
There was a familiar sudden chill in the room, looking around Batman could tell a few others felt it too, though Flash was typically oblivious.
“Oh dear,” J’onn whispered before Phantom appeared.
“Hey guys what’s up?” He asked, cheerful but slightly accusatory, they should have known better then to think they could keep the meeting from him. Before they could think of anything to say Danny’s eyes caught on the Fentons and narrowed.
“GET DOWN!” Jack yelled pulling out one of those stupid blasters from somewhere.
“What a perfect chance for a demonstration,” Maddie said, sliding on a pair of gantlets.
“You-you don’t recognize me, do you?” Danny asked, and for a moment he looked hurt, then something happened none of them had ever seen before, his eyes turned red. The toxic green they were used to changed to a deep, blood red and his feet touched the ground as he stalked forward. Jack shot, Danny didn’t break stride, a green shield blocked the blast like it was nothing. Maddie tried to lung and was immediately hit in the gut by one of Phantom’s ecto-blasts, knocking her back against the glass.
Batman leapt up and tried to lung and stop Phantom only to hit a wall that rippled with green, a bubble surrounding the ghost and the two hunters, invisible until struck.
Danny grinned, shark like teeth on full display without any mirth, white hair whipping in an unfelt wind, flowing so it almost looked like flames. “I guess I look a lot different then I did when you buried me alive huh? How long did you leave me? Because you ‘couldn’t kill you son’ so you thought it would be more merciful to lock me away till everything human about me rotted.”
“No,” Maddie gasped, recognition suddenly sharp and painful on her features.
“Yes ‘mom’,” Danny snarled bitterly. Jack tried to shoot again but the blaster was knocked out of his hands so quickly no one was sure what hit him before it could fully charge. “YOU MADE ME! AND YOU ABANDONED ME! You’re lucky someone found me, I would have gotten strong enough to break out on my own eventually and if I had I would have destroyed everything.”
“Oh my god, his parents?” Diana nearly whispered. Batman understood how she felt, Danny didn’t like to talk about how he’d ended up buried ‘alive’, that his parents were the ones who had done it… that was horrific. It made sense why he had never been able to speak about it, but Damn that would have been good to know before they had invited Danny’s abusers to give a presentation on weapons that had no doubt been used to hurt him. And now.. what? They couldn’t get to Danny, it seemed like he had gotten to the point that Raven did sometimes when her emotions overwhelmed her, could they get to Danny? Could they stop him from doing something he might regret?
“You are not our son,” Maddie hissed, her breathing still coming in a harsh wheeze from the blow to her stomach. “Danny is dead! He’s gone. You’re just an acto-entity imitating him, and not even well, you’re just a parasite.”
Danny seemed to be losing some control of his form, it was stretching, getting taller, his fingers curling into dangerous claws tipped with the blackness of the star studded void. “Pathetic mortals, you act as if you will never die, but you will join my kingdom. Perhaps it will be punishment enough to become what you hate, perhaps not. Perhaps I will speed up the process so you can’t hurt anyone else,” He snarled his hands beginning to glow with familiar green of his energy blast.
“Danny stop!” Superman said, hitting the burier to try and get through but not even he could break it. Danny didn’t seem to be responding to them though he was hesitating.
Batman was resigning himself to watching Phantom kill his once parents before Jason walked by him. Batman wasn’t usually taken by surprise, but he was shocked, and worried, both because he could see the green glow of pit madness through the eyes of his helmet, which was worrying, and because he walked through the burier keeping the rest of the heroes out like it was nothing.
He walked to Danny, taking his hand, there was a soft sizzle as the gathered green energy burned Jason’s hand without him even seeming to notice. He pulled Danny down to the ground from where he was floating, pulling the young hero into his arms. Danny let himself be pulled into Jason’s arms, the green energy fizzling out as he wrapped his own arms back around Jason’s waist, hiding against his chest. As the anger faded he slumped against Jason’s chest.
Just as the heroes were breathing a sigh of relief and relaxing Maddie went for the dropped gun. But she wasn’t fast enough as Jason drew his own pistol, the one with live ammo, and put a bullet in her head. Diana cried out in shock and Batman froze as blood and brain matter splattered over the watchtower floor and her body slumped. Before anyone could recover Jack followed, another shot executioner style and Batman had to turn away.
The watchtower was completely silent, enough so that he could hear Phantom’s soft sniffles as he cried into Jason’s chest. When Batman looked back Jason had holstered his gun and was just holding Danny Close. The green had faded enough from his eyes that it seemed safe, Batman approached warily and wasn’t surprised to find that the invisible burier was gone now that both the Fenton’s were dead.
“I’m sorry,” Danny said softly as he heard the approach, without emerging from his hiding place in Jason’s arms where he seemed to feel safe. “I wasn’t actually going to kill them, but I guess my want to, my emotions, were strong enough to make Jason respond. I didn’t mean to call you that way.” He looked up at Jason, his eyes green again though red rimmed from tears.
“It’s alright, I would have done it anyway,” Jason growled, holding Danny even tighter. “I’ve killed people for less, they deserved it.”
Batman took a deep breath forcing himself to keep his cool about his son’s constant flouting of his no killing rule, now was not the time to make Phantom feel worse. “Jason why don’t you take him down to one of the sitting rooms so he can calm down.” No doubt Phantom was reliving trauma, and grieving because even if he wanted them dead they had been his parents.
Jason nodded and scooped Danny into his arm who let out an indignant little squawk and insisted he could walk while making no attempt to actually get down. Jason ignored Danny’s performative complaints and kept the young hero’s head hidden against his chest so he wouldn’t have to see the corpses of his parents while Jason carried him out of the room.
Now, how best to deal with the aftermath of… all this. And later on he really would have to ask Danny and Jason what he’d meant by Jason responding to his energy, because it seemed like there might be something more to their relationship then just Danny calming Jason down and that was worrying to say the least.
Part 2: here
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httpwintersoldier · 9 months
『 think I need someone older. || buggy x reader 』
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pairing: buggy x f!reader words: there's many words in here alright! like, many summary: who would've thought that the best thing you'd get out of your relationship would be the guy after it. angst; smut; fluff. ᴄᴡ: ᴛᴏxɪᴄ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘ ; ᴘᴜʙʟɪᴄ ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴀᴅᴠᴀɴᴄᴇꜱ
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"Come on, let's go!"
Buggy stared with an intense look, from the corner of the room, as this drunk looking guy grabbed your arm and dragged you across the bar.
"Stop! Let me go! I haven't finished my shift!"
The man's grip tightened on you and he pulled you close, your noses almost touching from the proximity.
"I told you I don't want you working! Much less in a fucking bar! What, you like all these men looking at you!?"
Your boyfriend spat those words at your through gritted teeth, and you swore his iris shrunk in size giving his eyes more space to express their hatred at disgust towards you.
"Not my circus, not my monkeys. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Not my circus..." Buggy repeated the quote in his head like a mantra as he sipped his beer, reminding himself that the extraneous relationship was none of his business.
And usually he would not mind, other people's predicaments were none of his concern and he didn't care to make them his concern, but you were different.
The Captain had only seen you working at the bar a couple of times and he had found you... pathetic. Smiling at the customers, apologising, actually doing your best and being polite. That showed weakness. You were weak. Weak, and innocent, and pathetic, and someone who would never survive in this world. And for that he wanted you.
Buggy refused to put two and two together, he refused to accept that for once there was someone he wanted to protect instead of hurt - because that would mean that he would have a weakness: you.
It was only when you showed him kindness and respect instead of fear and disgust that the Captain began somewhat welcoming the idea of you.
It had been a terrible day - the crew was hungover and some punks took the chance to ransack the ship - and Buggy just needed a drink. He sat alone on the corner and some pesky, useless waitress set the wrong drink in front of him.
"I should have you killed for your incompetence!" He had dramatically yelled at you.
Instead of pleas or more yelling, his threat was met with a question.
It instantly calmed him down, he had never been questioned on his threats... Sure they had been laughed at, they had been feared... But never questioned.
"Does this look like my order!?" Buggy said, a lot calmer but still showing annoyance as he didn't want you to think you somehow had the power to take away his rage.
"Can't I just replace it, Sir? I can make it on the house if you'd like!"
Buggy left after that, without another word. It effectively made you think that he now hated you and your service, but the fact was his heart beat faster. His heart beat in a way that had only beat before when he was fighting or torturing someone, and the Captain had to sit alone and wonder what it meant - and how he could shoo it away. No one had ever been able to calm him down, let alone make him feel bad for the tone he had used - until you waltzed in the Captains' life with your pretty smile and tight fabrics.
He sat on that same corner that day watching that man mistreat you in front of everyone. The look on your face was one Buggy did not recognize - he was half certain you were incapable of portraying negative emotions, but now it seemed like all of them were flowing through you.
"I-I wanted to get money t-to help you buy that ship you wanted! For your birthday, baby!" You lied, trying to stop your body from shaking.
You wanted some financial independence from that man, you wanted to be able to buy stuff for yourself without having to go by your partner first, or without having to get his approval because "it was his money after all", but you figured a lie would be best.
After that, the man roughly let go of your arm, but your faces remained at the same distance.
"We will discuss your schedules at home." He said in a threatening, low tone and promptly left the bar.
You looked around - the place was never calm, except when there was gossip and drama to pay attention to. Your eyes scanned the room and you laughed nervously.
"It's alright fellas! Apologies for disturbing your night I will get you all a round on the house!"
Cheers echoed the room and it went back to the rowdy environment you knew as you tried your best to excuse yourself to the back where you could breathe.
You left through the door and slid down the brick wall of the alleyway where the staff took their smoke breaks, thanking the gods that it was vacant. Your thighs hit the cold stone floor but you didn't care - at least you could breathe. It felt like there was a boulder on your chest that prevented you the air to leave your lungs and chemicals in your eyes that prevented you from crying up until that point.
The sound heavy boots smacking against the stone echoed in the air, getting closer and closer to you. You assumed it was your manager, and you didn't want to get fired but you couldn't get back inside just yet.
"Sorry, Sir... I will go back in in just a minute." You said, voice muffled from your head being buried in your arms.
Buggy wasn't sure what to say, - he wasn't good at comforting people, not at all - so he just stood there, looking down at you, as if the space around him would freeze to give him enough time to think of the appropriate reply.
When you obtained no reply, you got worried - was you boss that mad that he wouldn't even dignify you with a response?...
You slowly peeled your head from your arms and looked up at the person in front of you, to find the somber clown that sat on the corner of the bar every other day. You immediately stood up and violently wiped the tears from your cheeks and the dirt from your skirt as you tried your best to look presentable.
Buggy's looks towards you were always a mix of very intense emotions that you couldn't decipher, but now they were a lot softer, almost as if he felt sad for you - and honestly you much preferred angst to pity.
The Captain softly grabbed your arm, stopping it from rubbing your skin so violently and potentially damaging something so beautiful.
"I-I'm sorry I will go back in now I didn't mean to disturb the service please let me offer you-"
Your frantic, apologetic rant was cut short by Buggy's voice.
"Why are you with him?"
Your eyes, that previously wandered everywhere but his face, found his gaze.
"Him? Him who? My... boyfriend?"
Buggy just nodded, searching your face for all of the emotions he could gather - they were all negative, and those he was good at.
"I love him." You said dryly, not one ounce of emotion laced in your words.
"You don't. You fear him. People who are feared are not loved, I should know..." The Captain said the last part under a deep inhale.
You were left silent. You were angry and in disbelief that this man that didn't even know you had the gall to make such serious accusations about you and your relationship.
But he was right. And now you knew how painfully obvious it was.
At some point you did love him - your boyfriend would bring you flowers every other week, he would write often, expressing his love, when he needed to sail for work, he would cook intricate dinners and fill the bedroom with roses and gifts in every special date you shared... But once he knew he had you, the man changed completely - a tale as old as time. And your boyfriend knew you held onto the hopes and memories of the past and used it against you, pretending to be the caring man he once was from time to time to keep you around.
"So? Why are you with him?" The Captain asked once more upon being faced with your silence, slowly stepping closer.
You opened your mouth to say something, hoping your brain could scramble together an excuse for being with that man that didn't sound as pathetic as just "nostalgia".
Before you could speak, Buggy placed his index finger on your chin and tilted your head up so you could look into his beautiful, big green eyes. They were hypnotizing, really.
"Exactly." He whispered "There is no reason. So let me take you away."
You widened your eyes.
"Take me away!? Where would you even take me?..."
Buggy chuckled, approaching his face to yours.
"Anywhere, everywhere..." He whispered.
Your face grew hot and the atmosphere around you became tense, this time a completely different feeling filling the air.
"But... why? I thought you disliked me. You know, because of that day... I feel like you've been giving me the stink eye from that corner you sit on ever since."
Buggy let out a short laugh as he took his time to examine every pretty little detail of your face up close.
"Dislike you? I'm crazy about you. The way your fetching eyes twinkle when you smile, the way you sing when you wipe down the bar, the way your dresses fit you..."
Buggy allowed the hand that wasn't on your chin to trail up your body, still remaining far from any places he shouldn't (but wanted to) touch, as his eyes stole a look at your slightly exposed chest.
You were speechless. You hadn't heard someone talk about you with such admiration and love in a long time, but alas, the last time you believed it it lead you to the nightmare you lived in currently.
As you were reminded of such a fact, your eyes filled with tears once more and you stepped back, away from his touch.
"He used to tell me those things too... I've heard all of it. I'm sorry I-I can't trust this act a-and I need to go back to work."
Buggy stayed in his place, not wanting to scare you more than you already were or ruin any potential chance he might've had by being too insistant. In a last effort, he called your name, just as your hand met the cold metal of the door's handle, and you stopped.
"Y/N. You're dating a manchild, he doesn't know what to do with a good woman like you because he's a boy." Upon seeing he had piqued your interest, the Captain stepped closer and leaned to whisper in your ear from behind "Let me show you how a man is supposed to treat a woman such as yourself."
Your heart was thumping in a way you had never felt before, and althought you opened the door and ran inside to stop Buggy from seeing your blush, he knew.
He chuckled, left the alleyway and walked to his ship, letting the proposal sit on your mind.
Unbeknownst to your boyfriend (and to you), that night was crucial. The events of that night would heavily determine if you'd take the Captain up on his offer or not, even if you didn't know it at the time.
Once your shift ended you bid goodbye to the old man that owned the bar and made your way home, hands in the pockets of your heavy coat and smoke coming out of your mouth with every breath from the cold night air.
"Hey!" You greeted once you closed the door of your home.
You removed your coat and put on the best fake smile you could muster as you ealked over to your boyfriend whom sat on the dinner table drinking some sort of ale that he had brought from work.
"Good news honey!" The man said, standing up and wrapping his arms around your waist.
"What is it?" You asked with hope in your voice that, for once, the good news would benefit you as well.
"The man who handles the money down at the bar you work for is an old pal of mine, I talked to him and he can send the money directly to our house so I can keep it safe! So no need to wait for it on pay day anymore, I can just put it directly towards my ship like we wanted!"
Your boyfriend kept talking, but you had stopped listening halfway through. Your heart was beating way too fast for you to focus, and the ringing in your ears became too loud for you to hear.
He decided what you did, what you bought, what you wore, where you went... The smallest, tiniest bit of freedom you had was taken away. Everything was taken away.
There was no escape. Anywhere you went, anything you did... no escape.
Except... the Captain. He had offered you an escape. The clown had practically opened the door to freedom for you.
Or maybe not, maybe you'd just be walking into a different type of captivity, but something in your head and in your heart told you Captain Buggy was different. Maybe it was the sweet words or the twinkle in his eyes that were shining with something other than the possessiveness you had always been used to, something like care, or admiration even.
You placed your hands in your boyfriend's chest, slowly peeling yourself away from the hold he had on you as the fake smile faded into visible panic and anxiety. You had to make a decision, and you had to make it fast.
Before your head could process anything and before your mouth could protest his decision, your body turned to the door and your legs started running.
You didn't even know what Captain Buggy's ship looked like, you just ran to the docks in hopes that it would somehow work out for you.
As expected, the man you once loved ran after you, screaming, cursing and threatening all the way to the docks.
You had a considerable distance from him, and, thankfully, Buggy's flags with red-nosed skull made it easy for you to find the ship - although it wasn't needed.
When you looked behind you to make sure you kept said distance from your (ex-)boyfriend, you bumped into someone. The person didn't let you fall, however - he wrapped an arm around your waist, keeping you as steady as possible.
"Get your fucking hands off her, clown!" Your boyfriend said in a tone that made it seem like he was frothing at the mouth - he might as well have been.
When you looked up to identify your saviour, you smiled in relief to find Buggy, tears welling in your eyes from the previous anxiety and panic that finally dawned on you. His piercing green eyes stared at your boyfriend menacingly, and had you not known how much the man wanted you, you too would have been scared of the expression painted on his face.
"Watch your tone, boy, and then leave." The Captain warned.
"I won't watch-"
Buggy didn't allow your partner to finish the sentence, he detached the hand that didn't hold onto you and wrapped it around the other man's neck, throwing him against a wall with enough strenght to knock him out.
As the hand came back to its place, Buggy looked down at you adoringly.
"I take it you accept my proposal, princess?"
You tried to bite back the smile, but to no avail.
"I do accept it. But!" Buggy leaned down ever so slightly, showing the most interest in whatever condition you had decided to set "If you ever scream at me I will leave you."
Buggy's smile stretched wide, and he pressed kisses all over your face.
"Oh my dear princess, my beautiful, beautiful treasure... If I ever so much as annoy you feel free to shoot me dead."
You grinned and slapped his chest.
"Don't be dramatic!" You said and giggled, unable to contain how giddy he made you, how he made you feel a way you hadn't ever felt, not even at the peak of your ex-boyfriend's supposed love.
You yelped and wrapped your arms around Buggy's neck as he picked you up bridal style to take you to his ship.
Some wolf whistles were heard as he walked through the ship carrying you, forcing you to hide your face in the crook of his neck out of embarrassment, but they were quickly shut up by the stern, disapproving look on the Captain's face.
You lifted your head and opened your eyes when he placed you down on the creaky wooden floor. You looked around to find a somewhat messy and dark room. There was a single, not-so-spacious bed that was unmade against the wall in front of you and under the porthole of the room, an old, tall dresser and a big desk with papers (that you assumed were maps) and random jewelry scattered across it were to your left and to your right was an worn out couch with questionable stains. A pair of boots as well as various items of clothing were by the corner of the room.
Buggy hissed and placed his hands on his hips as he looked around the mess in his bedroom.
"Yeah... I didn't acutally expect any company..." The Captain said, obvious embarrassment in his voice.
You giggled and picked up some of the clothes forgotten in the corner of the room.
"That's okay, I'm a little messy sometimes!" You tried your best to make him feel more comfortable about the state of his room as you folded his clothes.
"No, no, no! What are you doing? Don't trouble yourself!" Buggy panicked, holding your hands to stop you from doing any housework.
"Just trying to help you out a little! You know, as a thank you..." Your voice got a little shaky as the memory of the wave of emotions that had overcome you just minutes ago hit once more.
"A thank you for what? My own crew gives me a harder time than that little... sample of a man. He's a weak man, it was no trouble." The Captain assured, basically pleading you to lay down and rest.
You couldn't help but smile, a victorious smile, more than anything. Your now ex-boyfriend was prideful in his strenght and (supposed) fighting skill, no one really fought him, and when they did he'd unfortunately come out on top most times, but to hear Buggy speak of him in such a way and describe him as if he were but an annoying fly waiting to be swatted... it felt like victory. Imagining him pathetically limping back home and wallowing in his own self pity was nothing short of a dream come true.
"A thank you for rescuing me, Captain."
Buggy thought he was feeling sick, from the way his heart beat and his face heat up. He couldn't speak or think straight, for a second he thought it was a stroke or something of the sort.
The man stood in the same place, watching you fold his clothes neatly and fluff the pillows of the couch before moving to (try to) help you. He did his best to organize all the maps in the desk as he pushed the jewelry into a drawer with a detached foot.
By the time he had properly rolled up the maps and put them in their proper place, you had already finished the remaining parts of the room.
"You did well! That looks good!" You said, walking up behind him.
Buggy felt a strange wave of pride hit him. Like no other accomplishment he had previously achieved mattered, because this was the only one the Captain had complimented you on. The man did his best to wipe the stupid smile off of his face but there was no hiding how obsessed he was with you and everything you did.
Your tired yawn snapped him out of his trance, and his big green eyes looked at you in worry.
"Are you tired? You must be tired... Just..." Buggy walked to over to the dresser and took a big, warm blanket from it, handing it to you "Take the bed, you should get some sleep."
You held the thick blanket in your arms as you saw the man try his best to fluff the pillows and make the bed comfortable for you. You didn't know how to react to this much care and attention, you felt undeserving of it.
"Y/N? Shit, are you okay? Did I go overboard? Did I do too much!?" You didn't realize how fast you were breathing until Buggy brought it to your attention, and before long there were two panicked people in the room not knowing what to do for two completely different reasons.
The clown had never liked someone as much as he liked you, and you had never had anyone like you as much as he did. It was comical, really, although at the time it didn't feel like it, it was just the purest image of two fools falling in love.
"I-I don't want you to be uncomfortable because of me, that is all- I can take the floor." You said, trying to stabilize your voice as much as possible.
"Oh princess, I've been thrown around by people my whole life, I've gotten pieces of me stuck in boxes and I've been used as a punching bag, sleeping in the couch instead of the bed is no trouble at all... I didn't bring you to my ship just to have you sleep on the floor, that is an absolute no." The Captain said with a small smile, carefully cupping your cheek.
He could tell from your face that you weren't satisfied with the solution, even if the man guaranteed you he'd be comfortable.
"What if... we share the bed? If you don't mind..." You suggested, unable to look him in the eye.
Buggy's body tensed and heat up at the thought of the both of you pressed up against each other in the small bed, and he tried his very best to not seem like a creepy pervert, but the thoughts in his head seemed to have other plans.
"Uh sure... Yeah, that works." He blurted out, like an awkward teenager trying to seem cool and uninterested after a long silence.
You loosened your corset and set it neatly next to your shoes, as you removed the hairband that tried its best to keep your hair in place during your shifts at the bar.
Buggy turned his back to you, feeling like he was somehow invading your privacy even though you hadn't asked him to look away.
The man removed his jacket, boots and belt as well, trying to get more comfortable. Usually both you and him would sleep in less clothing, but for the sake of decency and modesty (which Buggy had apparently adhered to exclusively for you) you decided against it.
When you turned around, Buggy was removing his bandana, and your eyes widened as his blue hair extended down to his lower back.
Buggy turned around to face you, confused, as you softly grabbed a strand of his hair.
Once he saw your eyes shining as you looked at his long blue locks he smiled - a mix of confidence about his hair, and shyness about the way you looked at him.
"You like it? I kinda forget people don't really know how long my hair is."
"It's beautiful..." Your voice was soft as you ran your hand along his (surprisingly) soft and shiny hair, almost as if you were afraid to scare him away.
"Not nearly as beautiful as you. Not even close. Nothing has even been or will ever be as beautiful as you are." The words were caught in Buggy's throat, more than anything, he was afraid that his feelings and constant thoughts of your alluringness would scare your off, so those words were replaced by the suggestion of going to sleep.
Buggy let you lay first, closer to the wall so you wouldn't fall off the bed if you happened to move as you slept. The Captain then laid next to you, very happy about the lack of space the bed offered.
You both had to lay on your side, your back pressed against his chest. You'd be lying if you said you'd disliked the proximity - his body was warm and you felt protected as his toned chest heaved up and down against you and his muscly arm draped mindlessly over your waist.
You didn't want to move, but your leg became numb after some time. You shifted in your place slightly to make it more comfortable, only to feel a strong hand grip your hips in place almost instantly.
"Careful." Buggy's low and raspy voice whispered, almost as if warning you about some danger.
And there was a danger indeed. Having your body so close to his was torture enough, but if you so much as shifted in place you'd be rubbing yourself against him - and the clown wasn't sure how far this newfound restraint could go.
"Sorry..." You apologised, thinking your movements had woken him up.
"Don't be..." He mumbled and buried his face in the crook of your neck, taking in your perfume.
Weeks went by from that day, and the two of you got to know each other intimately, but Buggy was hard to read. There were times where it seemed you were the light of his day and the reason for him to breathe, but there were others where your image seemed to be the Captain's worst nightmare.
It all came to a climax on a day where Buggy was having a particular hard time coming face to face with his feelings.
"Buggy!? What is wrong with you!?"
"Stop fucking following me around!"
You didn't understand the sudden shift in behaviour, but quite honestly neither did he.
The Captain was obviously not used to having feelings, nevermind dealing with them. He didn't know what to do or how to behave, all he knew was that he wanted you in an obsessive, animalistic way. Everything Buggy did, every step he took... You were on his mind. You were a constant. He couldn't stop thinking of your smile, of your voice, of your smell, of your body...
It was driving him insane, and most of all, it was driving him insane the fact that he didn't know what to do, so he just did what he knew how to do best: get angry and lash out.
Buggy was a master of self-sabotage, and as he yelled at you he knew very well that he was making a mistake, almost as if the real Captain was inside, screaming, banging and begging his body to stop betraying him, but he couldn't.
"Don't raise your voice at me!" You yelled with tears in your eyes.
"Or what!?" Buggy challenged, his voice raspy from yelling, as he finally turned around to face you.
His face showed anger and disgust, but his eyes conveyed a completely different message, one of sorrow and regret.
You looked at the desk next to the man, where his gun was. You grabbed it and, pulling the safety trigger, placed the barrel between his eyes.
"If I ever so much as annoy you, feel free to shoot me dead." You said, repeating Buggy's speech the night he had brought you to the ship "You're annoying me. You're making me angry, actually, which is arguably worse."
"Then shoot me."
If there was something you'd learned in your previous relationship, was to read emotions beyond words. You could see it in Buggy's eyes, it was obvious... He didn't mean what he was saying, he didn't mean to act this way. It didn't hurt any less to know he didn't mean it, but you at least wanted to know...
"Shoot me." Buggy repeated, his voice shaking every so slightly as your question had caused him to face everything he had been avoiding.
"Why." You asked once more, adamantly this time.
Buggy threw his hands up in frustration and groaned, taking a violent step closer to you.
"Because you're all I think about! Day and night, I can't stop thinking about you. There isn't a single thing that occupies my mind other than you. You are all that I've ever needed and all that I've ever wanted and you change me I-I'm different around you and I'm vulnerable and I'm scared!" The Captain was screaming like a madman getting tortured, fighting the side that wanted to shut you out and walk away and the side that wanted him to fall to his knees, beg for mercy and confess his love for you. He knew what he felt, even though he desperately tried to ignore it, but saying it out loud made it... real.
The gun made a loud sound that echoed in the room when you let it fall by your feet, so you could cup both his cheeks.
"Buggy... Why would you be scared? Have I done something to you that made you feel like you can't trust me?"
The man slowly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close. He dipped his head, resting his forehead on your shoulder. You wrapped your arms around him tightly - you knew, after the short time you had spent together, that that was how he seeked some sort of comfort, Buggy turned into a little kid sometimes, that needed support and reassurance, and that was his way of asking for it.
"I don't want to leave you, Buggy, you've been good to me. But you can't treat me like this..."
"I'm... I'm sorry." His voice was shaky, a couple sobs here and there, and muffled from his head being buried in your shoulder "I trusted one person, once and he... betrayed me. And I didn't like him as much as I like you, not even close. I'm scared... Please don't leave me, I'm sorry for what I said, I'm sorry for yelling at you, I'm-"
You shut him up by lifting his head and giving him a kiss. It was simple and no longer than five seconds, but you'd both swear the world was spinning and fireworks were going off.
Buggy's big, green, teary eyes were staring at you when you pulled away. Once he processed what happened, the Captain grabbed your face and brought it close for another kiss. And then another, and another, and another - until he was out of breath from kissing and you were out of breath from giggling.
"I'm forgiven?" The man asked, still holding your face.
"You are forgiven, Buggy. I'd never, ever hurt you. And if I do, you can shoot me dead." You said, mimicking his speech.
He laughed and kissed you once more, a slower, deeper kiss.
"You're crazy, you know that?" Buggy asked, running his hand through your hair.
"We can be crazy together..." You replied, your eyes looking between his eyes and lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"That sounds like a plan I can get behind..." His voice trailed into a whisper as his head leaned to the side, the space between their lips slowly closing.
What started out as another innocent kiss gradually developed into a heated mess of tongues and saliva. Surprisingly, Buggy was very vocal, and there was no telling if it was the thigh between your legs or his needy whimpers that turned you on more, but you were sure feeling a different type of heat spread through your body.
You two pulled away from the kiss. His makeup was messy, some of it smeared on your face, his lips were red and plump from the biting and his hungry eyes searched your face.
"Please... can I fuck you?" His needy, whimpery and hushed voice nearly made your knees falter.
It was pathetic how he could ask you anything in that tone and you'd fall to your knees and you'd comply.
"Do it. Please do it Buggy, fuck me."
His hands trailed down to grip your ass with force, bringing your crotch to press against his. You felt his very hard cock press against you as he laughed in a raspy voice.
Those words were familiar... When you two slept together the first night... He wasn't angry you'd woken him up! He was warning you because he was horny.
You playfully traced his jawline with your nail.
"Do you worst." You whispered in his ear, teasing him.
Buggy pushed you to lay down on the bed. One of his knees pushed your legs open as his hand found your clothed pussy under your skirt. The Captain's lips paid attention to your neck as you slowly pulled his shirt up and over his head to claw at his back.
You were used to being the one doing all the work, so the amount of attention he gave you felt overwhelming - a very good type of overwhelming.
"Buggy- that feels good... So good..." You moaned.
Buggy chuckled as he kissed the red spots of skin on your neck he had kissed and sucked. His lips approached your ear and he softly bit your earlobe.
"I'm going to show you how a real man fucks."
The Captain's index finger hooked on the front of your panties and slowly brought them down. Two of his fingers ran along your exposed folds and his eyes widened. He brought them up to his face and separated them, showing you how they glistened with your juices.
"Already?" He paused and chuckled "I'm going to have fun."
Buggy placed his hands on your hips and flipped you two around, sitting you on his waist.
"Take it all off." The man said, gesturing to your clothes "And then sit on my face."
You had began to unbutton your blouse, but you stopped and blushed.
"I- I don't want to hurt you, maybe we could-"
You yelped as one of his hands came into contact with your ass harshly.
"I don't care if you suffocate me. Sit. On. My. Face."
You bit your lip and nodded, obeying his orders.
Buggy groaned and cursed under his breath as your pieces of clothing slowly came off one by one, and as your pussy hovered over his face, he swore he could've cum from the sight alone.
When you didn't fully lay your body weight on him, Buggy wrapped his arms around your thighs and pulled your cunt down onto his face.
"Shit!" You shrieked and gripped his hair in your hands as your hips started moving along to the movements of his tongue.
"So this is what it's supposed to feel like-" You tought, too intoxicated in pleasure to blurt out anything that wasn't a moan.
Buggy's groans sent a different (yet very good) feeling through your body, and it only left you craving for more. You wanted him to keep going, but you wanted more, you needed more - as much as he could give you.
"More- please- I need more Buggy- I need you to fuck me." You begged between whimpers and sighs.
Buggy took his sweet time finishing his business, too pussy drunk to give it up immediately as you asked. Once he managed to peel himself away from between your legs, one of his strong arms wrapped around you and flipped you both.
His lips were quick to attatch to yours, and you could taste yourself in the Captain's tongue.
One of your hands cupped his face as the other worked on the zipper of his pants. Once you were able to slide your hand inside, you weren't surprised to find he was a fan of going commando.
Buggy pulled away and whined when you gripped his hard cock and swiped your thumb along the slit. His eyebrows were furrowed in pleasure and he was breathing hard.
"Do you want me to suck your cock, baby?" You asked, your voice dripping in fake innocence which caused him to chuckle.
Buggy kissed you softly.
"I'd love to princess, but I won't last. And I really want to fuck you."
"Then fuck me, Captain."
In one swift and quick move, Buggy placed the tip of his cock in your entrance and pushed inside of you, filling you up to the brim with his shaft.
His movements were smooth and proficient - it was almost as if his cock was made for you.
Your fingernails dug into Buggy's biceps, making him whine a little louder as his hips snapped against yours and his lips left small bites and open-mouth kisses wherever they could reach.
The Captain tried to be gentle with his touch, but he was so desperate for your body... it was nearly impossible. His fingers squeezed your sides, your ass and your thighs - he was in love with every curve of your body.
"You feel good... So good..." You admitted, breathlessly.
"Do I? Say my name."
"Buggy-" You moaned.
"Louder! I want them all to hear you."
"Buggy!" You yell-whimpered, as his cock hit a particular spot inside of you.
"That's right princess..." The clown bent over to bite your neck "This is what real cock feels like, from someone who knows how to fuck."
His whimpers and moans were sent straight to your pussy, who seemed to pulsate harder whenever his mouth hung open and the sinful sounds left past his lips.
Buggy seemed to read your mind: as you felt a nice feeling bubble up inside of you, one of his fingers sneaked between your bodies and rubbed your clit - a firm yet soft touch.
"I'm gonna need you to cum for me pretty, 'cause I can't last much longer with you squeezing me like that." Buggy confessed, looking down at his cock disappearing inside of you.
"Almost... I'm almost..." You breathlessly told him.
Buggy mantained his movements, working his hips and fingers until your back arched and your toes curled. The Captain had seen many places, many views and many people, but nothing came close to the beauty of your face when you climaxed, yelling his name.
The clown's mouth hung open, his brows furrowed and he moaned as he pulled out and came on your stomach, the hot cum splattering in different places.
"Guess I gotta clean up..." You said with a giggle.
Buggy looked up at you, with the mischiveous grin you'd learned to love and bent down. His tongue swiped across your abdomen, collecting every last drop of cum. He then pressed his lips against yours, dumping his cum into your mouth.
"There," The Captain said, stroking your red cheek "all cleaned up."
You could only giggle and press another kiss to his lips, as you shifted your positions so you could drape your leg over him and lay your head on his chest.
The two of you closed your eyes, his hand playing with your hair as you listened to his heartbeat.
"If you ever raise your voice at me again I will actually shoot you."
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hetalimagines · 7 months
General headcanons for Alfred as a boyfriend (SFW)
Here's my first actual post on this blog, hehe... I can't find the ask but someone requested some Alfred headcanons, so here are my rambles about what I think he's like as a boyfriend!
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He’s honestly not the most traditionally romantic person. Your relationship is more like friends who make out sometimes. But he does have his own little ways of showing you he loves you!
He’ll put together playlists of songs that remind him of you. They’re mostly loose connections, like maybe a song mentions your eye color, or the lyrics remind him of a date you went on together, or it just sounds romantic and makes him wanna kiss you. He likes to sit with you while you listen (to every single song), and he interrupts the songs a bit to explain why he chose them.
“This one had me thinking what if we were dancing in a ballroom together, and out of nowhere, bam! Zombies bust in. The door crashes to the ground! Our dance turns into one of those cool fighting scenes with the—oh, this part reminded me of the time I woke up early and you were about to fall off the bed. You had a cute bedhead.”
(You have no idea what the lyrics are at this point.)
Dates with him are pretty casual, more like “hanging out” than anything fancy. Maybe you stay at home and watch movies/play games, or you go out for dinner at a local diner, or you go do awful karaoke together, or you go and prank a friend together.
He’s happy as long as he’s with you. Bonus if there’s food and/or drink.
He occasionally takes you out to a more traditional restaurant and dresses for the occasion. They’re usually expensive, too. The food isn’t his preference (too complicated for his palate), but if it makes you happy, he’s all for dealing with it for just one night.
His primary love languages are acts of service and quality time. He’s always doing what he can to help you out (and feel proud of himself in the process). Whether he helps you run errands, runs a bath for you ahead of time, or fluffs your pillow before you get in bed, it’s all because he wants to make your life easier!
He gets a little jealous if you ever spend time with your shared friends without him, or if you spend more time with others than him.
He’s so excited if you take interest in any of his hobbies. Movies? He’ll ask if you want to co-write a script with him. (He’s very relaxed about what exactly ends up in the script.) Archaeology? He has so many random facts to dump on you, and he’ll be super impressed by any knowledge you have on it. Conspiracy theories? Time to watch a bunch of documentaries! He enjoys them despite their flaws, but lets you know exactly when something is false and what actually happened.
He tries to take interest in your hobbies, too, even if he doesn’t understand what you’re talking about. It could be the most boring thing and he’d still listen and ask you questions about it. If it makes you happy, he wants to know all about it.
Pet names from him consist of things like babe, dude (💀), honey, occasionally sweetie, (jokingly… mostly) prince or princess. It’s all over the place. He’ll call you honey and dude back-to-back sometimes.
He loves debating if you’re comfortable with it! But be warned, he gets very heated about certain topics. His sense of justice is important to him. Otherwise, he’s usually not serious about these debates and doesn’t care who wins.
He tries to keep things light and doesn’t usually let people see his more serious side. He’ll open up to you more over time, however. It’s really him letting a wall down and allowing himself to get closer to you.
Every now and then, he has days where he’s a lot quieter and calmer than usual. He just wants to relax, stay on the couch with you and watch movies or simply chat. Maybe a movie chattering in the background as he tells you about his childhood. He doesn’t try so hard to keep up this energetic, heroic persona.
He’s right back to normal the next day like nothing happened.
Likes to annoy you for fun. Not in a mean-spirited way. He just thinks your responses are cute and has poor impulse control. Poking your cheeks or ruffling your hair or playing an obnoxious song loudly on the stereo while he dances. But he’ll back off if you’re genuinely upset with him. He means no harm.
He loves if you’re willing to play along with whatever he gets up to. Maybe he’s decided he’s going to try and vacuum the whole house while doing a handstand on the vacuum. You can hold onto his legs to help him stay balanced.
This man is very impulsive and has a tendency to get himself hurt. Random bruises all over his body or a cut along his forearm. He bounces back easily, and doesn’t want to fuss over it, but he lowkey likes if you baby him about it. He’ll always say how it’s not a big deal and he can take it, but his heart does this little flutter when you show concern, and even more if you force him to take better care of himself.
He burns himself in the kitchen and you force him to run it under cold water. He’s swooning inside.
He likes to gossip about others, especially over breakfast. He can’t help it; he’s just nosy, and he always has an idea of what’s going on and how he can help out. Huge bonus if you gossip with him!
He loves to feed you, but the majority of the food he brings for you is burgers or tubs of ice cream. He likes to experiment with the burgers’ toppings and seasonings, but they’re all burgers nonetheless.
Every now and then, he does plan some big romantic endeavor. It’s like a surprise. You never know when it’s coming… You wake up one morning and find out he’s booked a week long cruise, your bedroom is filled with balloons, and there’s enough breakfast food on the table to feed an army.
He does this thing sometimes (often) where he swoops in and has to save you. A puddle on the ground? No need to fear! He picks you up and swiftly carries you over it. The safest place for you is in his arms. He’ll even lay down and let you use him as a bridge if you want.
A suspicious penny on the sidewalk? LOOK OUT, IT MIGHT BE A BOMB! Let HIM step on it before you get blown up!
He steps on it. Nothing happens. Better safe than sorry!
If you’re the more independent type, that won’t stop him from trying. He just wants to keep you safe and have you appreciate his efforts. Being disinterested or resistant will just make him try harder.
Says cheesy stuff like “happy wife, happy life” unironically. He’s also the type to use terrible pickup lines to flirt with you. Totally unaware of how bad they are until you start laughing.
He also doesn’t care that they’re bad. He’s just having fun.
Loves to give you his clothes to wear. Seriously. You want one of his hoodies? Try six of them.
You complain when one stops smelling like him so he puts it on, works out, then gives it back to you like :D! Fixed the problem!
He takes so many pictures of you guys. Videos, too. His phone storage is eaten up by it. His favorite thing is to take selfies together. Usually with some silly filter. Or an even sillier caption.
“me and the babe out shopping” and it’s a picture of you, holding a piece of fruit with the dog ears filter
He’s not the most physically affectionate, but he always gives you morning kisses and especially kisses before leaving the house. He also loves carrying you around (mostly bridal style) in his arms for no reason other than he can. A hand on your back, another on your thighs, your head pressed against his chest. He loves it.
He loves knowing you find him physically attractive! He worries sometimes about being too overweight, so any reassurance that you like his body helps. If you think he’s hot, and you’re hot yourself, that must mean he definitely is.
Has a tendency to call you hot, but he’ll call you other things if it makes you uncomfortable.
Occasionally brags about you and how lucky he is. Not as often as you might think. Though he gets oddly competitive if anyone acts like their partner is better than you and starts spouting whatever he can so everyone knows you’re the absolute best. No competition.
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wishluc · 1 year
Hello! May I request yandere Adeuce duo who knows reader trust them the most among the other students and will believe everything they say.
Because why would they lie to you? They’ve been through life and death together with all of this overblot. So of course you trust them!
Adeuce manipulating reader into rejecting all of the dorm leaders after finding out their romantic feelings for the prefect.
They don’t want to lose their best friend. But hey! If you want to date so badly, you have two candidate right in front of you!
Thank you and have a great day!<3
I have a soft spot for Adeuce haha. Sticking to only Malleus instead of all the dorm leaders ♡
✧ CW: yandere characters, manipulation, jealousy
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An awkward silence has been hanging over your head since bumping into Malleus earlier, with Ace and Deuce being uncharacteristically pensive. The two of them have been sharing unreadable looks, but haven't said a single word to you. You want to break the growing tension with a clumsy joke to snap them out of their thoughts or change the subject into something lighthearted, but deep down you really don't want to face their line of questions about Malleus.
But when the three of you finally find some space to yourself, the dam breaks and the questions come gushing out.
"You're seriously friends with that guy? Malleus Draconia, of all people?!"
You stare at the scuffed tip of your shoe, pretending like Ace's intense reaction hardly bothered you.
"Yes?" You lift your head, eyes flitting between Ace's prominent scowl and Deuce's startled gaze, "Why's that so surprising?"
"He's known for being pretty unapproachable, right?" Deuce awkwardly chimes in, "It's just strange that you managed to get close to him."
"I didn't really know who he was when we first met," you admit, and you have to force yourself not to shrink away under Ace's sharp glare, "and it doesn't change anything for me, anyway. He's a really nice person to be around, even if he does take some getting used to."
"How'd you even meet him? I don't think I've ever caught a glimpse of him around all this time," Ace asks, his voice a little calmer now, "do you see him often?"
"He was walking around Ramshackle one night, and we just started talking about magic and some other things. He didn't even tell me his name," you explain, "I really had no clue that it was him. Besides, he doesn't come by very regularly, maybe about once a month...? I'm not sure."
"So he loiters around Ramshackle at night, and didn't tell you his name at all, right? That just sounds really creepy," Ace says, suspicion clear in his tone, "And, I mean, if you two are friends, or close enough for him to be using all sorts of weird names for you, why didn't he ever try to help you out with the overblots anyway? He knew it was all happening, and he obviously heard you were involved, and it's clearly in his ability to help you, so..."
"Ace," Deuce hisses, nudging him harshly, "we can't expect the upperclassmen to meddle in things that aren’t their responsibilities."
Ace rolls his eyes, "I'm just saying," he mutters, "it's not like it was any of our issues to deal with either. We did everything we could, right? It wouldn't be so difficult for him to make sure we didn't go through hell and back tryin' to defeat all those crazy guys. Honestly, with how things are going, I won't be surprised if the guy's next to overblot."
Deuce opens his mouth to protest, but your sigh stops him, "I don't think he cares all that much.”
Ace freezes for a moment, the frown slipping off his face as his eyes dart towards Deuce. But just as quickly as he's caught off guard, he quickly regains his composure, looking at you with just a hint of sympathy, "well, that figures. You can't expect all those arrogant—" Deuce's protests go unheard "—seniors to actually want to be around us. They all probably think they're too good for us, 'cause we aren't as powerful."
You like Malleus, but you know better than to expect his help in any of the troubles you face in NRC. Maybe he would help, if you pleaded with him, but the likeliness of that is so close to non-existent that you’d rather not ask at all. You would rather keep your friendship how it’s always been, pretending to be unaware of the other’s troubles outside of the current conversation, never delving too deep with the questions. You’ve always known that it's a possibility Malleus was only coming to see you out of boredom, and not because of genuine interest, but hearing your innermost doubts be declared so boldly as an obvious fact makes your heart shatter. Deuce catches onto your crestfallen expression first, always far too observant, and places a tentative hand on your arm.
"It's alright," you've always liked the way Deuce says your name, in a low, soft voice. It sounds like he's gentle with the letters, stringing them together in a deliberate manner that fits you. You've also noticed, internally filled with pride, that it's only your name he says with such care, "I'm sure he cares about you too..."
He meets Ace's sharp glare and stumbles over his next words, sounding more and more unsure by the end of it, "...even if his...way of showing it is a little…unusual. He’s probably just got a strange idea of how friends are."
"Friends?" Ace scoffs, "he's treating them like a pet. Did you even see how he looked at them? All amused like he didn't expect to see them still doing alright. He probably thought it was funny that they hadn't figured out who he was!"
A pet. What a miserable label, but how fitting. Suddenly the insightful discussions and meaningful moments feel painfully one-sided. He must have thought your wonder and awe to be cute, in an awfully condescending way. And perhaps the thing that hurts the most is knowing that despite how much you look forward to seeing him and how much you think of him, soon, you would only be a small moment from his past, likely forgotten.
“I can’t believe I fell for him, too,” you groan, unaware of how Ace and Deuce immediately go still, “I feel so stupid.”
“You like him?!” Ace’s head whips back to stare at your crouched figure with wide eyes, “like…that?”
A hesitant nod is the only answer you can spare.
“But you barely knew anything about him! How—”
“Are you sure?” At your bewildered look, Deuce scrambles to elaborate, “I thought I—we—would be able to tell when you liked someone, since we’ve been around you for so long. But there was nothing to give it away.”
“I’m sure,” you sigh, but when you think of telling them how Malleus makes you forget all the things you wanted to say or how you find yourself thinking of him all the time, you decide it’s too embarrassing to say out loud, “listen, it’s not something I can explain. But I really do like him—or did, I guess.”
“Huh,” Ace slumps down beside you, “never would’a thought you’d have such terrible taste. I mean, seriously? He’s boring and a total creep.” He manages to dodge your incoming elbow jab just in time, “What? It’s the truth!”
“It’s not your fault that he turned out to be a jerk,” Deuce consoles you, “don’t worry about it. You can’t help how you feel.”
“It doesn’t matter now,” you grumble, “I’ll get over it, eventually.”
“You will,” You can’t help the smile that appears on your face after seeing Deuce’s reassuring one, “we’ll make sure of it.”
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all works © wishluc. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms. (including translations)
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welldonebeca · 11 months
about offices and feelings (3)
Summary: When Steve is stuck in an elevator with his office crush, he is forced to face his feelings about her. Pairing: Steve Rogers x F!Reader WC: 3.5k words Warning: Smut. Dirty talking. D/s dynamics. Unprotected sex. Body worship.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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There was almost a little angel and a little devil on each of Steve's shoulders as he followed you with his car.
His mother had raised him so much better than that. She would have smacked you right over the head if she even heard that he was going to have premarital sex with a woman who wasn't even his girlfriend yet, what kind of catholic was he supposed to be?!
On the other hand - and shoulder - Bucky would kill him if he found out he even thought of walking away from this chance, especially after he heard him speaking of you the way he did since you two had met.
And Steve really, really wanted you.
He could take you on a date tomorrow. If you let him stay over, he could get up early and make you two some nice breakfast, and then take you out to lunch.
There, now he had solved the "not dating" problem.
Did he have condoms?
Fuck, he didn't have condoms.
To be fair, he didn't even have reasons to carry around condoms.
Maybe you had them?
But fuck, the idea of fucking you raw and stuffing you with his seed...
It would be so irresponsible and he couldn't ever suggest it to you. What kind of man would do that?
He followed you into your building, parking right behind your car, and you looked way calmer than him when you met in the garage.
"I want to take you to lunch," he told you the moment you even looked at him. "Tomorrow."
You stopped, a bit surprised.
"Okay," you agreed. "Tomorrow?"
"Or dinner," he added. "Maybe both, and the two days in a row. I don't mind."
You smiled, surprised, almost laughing.
"I'd go anywhere with you."
Steve chuckled, relaxing.
"Lead the way," he asked you.
You took his hand, guiding him to the stairs, and he couldn't help the laugh that left his lips as you climbed up.
"No chance of another elevator breaking with us inside today," he joked.
You laughed with him.
"I don't think I'll ever get into an elevator without fearing it'll break again," you confessed, leaving his hand and digging for something in your bag.  "Can I have your licence?"
He frowned, a bit confused, but grabbed his wallet and took it, offering it to you.
When you two stopped at the top, you took a picture and gave it back to him, typing something on your phone.
"If I end up dead or hurt, you got two lawyers and a very good tech dude who know where you work and your full name," you told him playfully. "Hope you don't mind."
He put it back in his wallet and pocket.
"Whatever keeps you alive," Steve shrugged.
You put your phone back and finally took your keys, and he stood quietly as you unlocked the door, waiting for an invitation to come in.
Your place wasn't big. He could see a small corridor, a kitchen that shared its space with the living room without making it too small, and two doors that he supposed were your bedroom and your bathroom. It was cozy, and it did have some personality.
He could see a few paintings hanging around and surrounded with pictures of you with other people, on occasions that seemed very important to you.
And he would love to ask you about them, the story behind them and who those people were, but he was there for a reason.
"Do you want to eat or drink anything?" you offered. "I have fruit snacks, tea, some actually really nice little-"
"You," he turned around quickly.
You looked at him, wide eyes and confused, and at least five inches shorter.
"I want to eat you," he decided simply.
You grinned loudly, and you simply dropped your shirt down.
Steve took one big step and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close and kissing your lips, and this time it wasn't calm or sweet. Instead, Steve kissed you hungrily, the way he'd been wanting to do it for a long, long time.
He moved his hand to your hips, holding you and sighing into your lips at the soft feeling of your flesh in your hands.
Fuck, he wanted to kiss you all over, bite and worship your whole body.
He angled himself, and you pulled back from his lips.
"You don't have-" you tried to protest.
Steve didn't let you completely, and picked you right up.
He wished he could burn the way you gasped and held onto him right in his brain so that every time he did it he could remember how cute it sounded.
"Steve!" you squeezed his shoulders.
"The day I can't carry my woman to bed will be the day I know I'm not doing things right in the gym," he said simply.
And it wasn't even a struggle. Carrying you was way nicer than the weights he had to place around in the gym.
You let out a little giggle, hiding your face in his neck and clenching his middle with your delicious thighs, and he didn't even realise his slip-up - and maybe you hadn't either.
He walked the two of you over to your bedroom, holding you with a single hand on your back to open the door, and moved his lips receptively when you went back into kissing him, fingers reaching up to tangle themselves into his hair.
Steve sat down with you right over him, not even embarrassed by how hard his cock was already, using his hands to pull your clothes and push your skirt up at the same time, although frustrated when instead of finding your soft thighs under it, he was met with more fabric.
"Off," he mumbled, trying to tug on it, and you giggled into his lips.
He didn't want to let you go but did, and you stood up, adjusting your shirt as he watched you.
"Off," you parroted, moving your hand back and unzipping it.
Steve watched rather hungrily as it fell around your legs, he could see that you were wearing some kind of shorts underneath, which kept your undershirt tucked, and he waited patiently as you pushed it down, finally revealing your thighs, and they were jsut as beautiful as every bit of skin he had seen of you.
Impatience filled him as he watched you go, and he stood up on his feet, taking off his shirt and undershirt already, and when he got to look at you again, he stopped.
There you stood in front of him, in bra and panties.
They didn't quite match, the bra just looked very basic - black, fitting, with thick straps - and the panties were blue with flowers.
"Not that sexy," you giggled, looking a bit nervous. "I wasn't expecting anyone to see it."
Somehow, that made him even hornier.
Steve pushed his pants down without much patience, stepping out of them and pulling you again.
"You're so beautiful," he exhaled as you spread your thighs around him, caressing your warm skin from your knees to the roundness of your hips, and you gasped a little when his hand traced the line of your panties over your belly. "Wanna know what made me mad today?"
You shook your head, and he sought your lips again, kissing you as he moved down and down and down, until he found the gusset.
They were so modest, so professional, just like you. He wanted to make them drenched and messy.
He bit your lower lips when you gasped, and smirked as he looked for your clit.
"Steve" you panted, rubbing your nose over his.
Oh, you were all breathless already.
So pretty.
"That tight little skirt," he told you. "Could see lower your belly on it, all pretty... wanted to touch it, kiss it."
You closed your eyes, and he pushed his fingers a little, finding your entrance and circling it.
"I just wanted to spread you on the table and bite it," he hissed. "Almost couldn't concentrate on the meeting, could barely stop looking at you."
You whined in response, moving your hips, and he moved up to your clit, rubbing it in circles.
"Didn't know you even looked at me like that," you fell into his neck.
He chuckled, moving back, giving your lower lip a little lick.
"Would you let me, little miss?" he teased you. "Bite and kiss that belly that has been tempting me for days?"
The way you looked at him... oh, he wanted to take a picture to hang it.
"Yeah," you whispered. "I would."
Steve smiled, lifting you up and putting you on the bed.
He took one long look at your body ont he bed. Your big tits, the rolls of your belly, the thickness of your thighs.
Steve wished he could touch everything at once, kiss everything at once, bite everything at once. He could spend hours and hours worshipping even inch of delicious soft skin, exposed just for him.
But if he had his way, then he would have time.
You moved to the centre of the bed and he knelt in front of you, kissing your lips again before moving down. He kissed and bit and suck on your neck and jaw, moving his nose over your breasts, promising himself he would come back to them soon.
At last, he reached your belly, and was happy to move his hands to it, caressing your sides as he moved down and down, kissing the soft flesh.
Oh, he loved the idea of painting it with his cum, marking you. It would be beautiful.
Steve followed his objective, settling between your legs and slowly, very teasingly, pulling your panties down to the curve of your hips, uncovering your belly.
He kissed along the line it made on your skin, very carefully, so he was sure it wouldn't hurt you, still slow to try and pace himself, to savour everything.
Slowly, he ran his teeth over your skin, earning a little whimper, and ran his knuckle over the gusset of your panties, playing with you.
"Please," you pleaded breathlessly. "Steve. You said you were going to bite."
He laughed a little, lips still on your skin.
"Impatient much?" he teased you.
But you pouted.
"You said you'd been thinking about it the whole day," you retorted. "And now you got me thinking about it."
He laughed a little, and moved his lips down, down and down, and bit you right down your belly button, earning a gasp.
"Like this?" he hummed, moving his hands to hook his finger on the side of your panties, pulling just enough to ease a finger into your cunt.
He kissed along the line it made on your skin, very carefully so he was sure it wouldn't hurt you, still slow to try and pace himself, to savour everything.
Slowly, he ran his teeth over your skin, earning a little whimper, and ran his knuckle over the gusset of your panties, playing with you.
"Please," you pleaded breathlessly. "Steve. You said you were going to bite."
He laughed a little, lips still on your skin.
"Impatient much?" he teased you.
But you pouted.
"You said you'd been thinking about it the whole day," you retorted. "And now you got me thinking about it."
He laughed a little, and moved his lips down, down and down, and bit you right down your belly button, earning a gasp.
"Like this?" he hummed, moving his hands to hook his finger on the side of your panties, pulling just enough to ease a finger into your cunt.
And you were drenched.
Steve moaned into your skin as he bit you again, enjoying the feeling against his teeth, the softness and plushiness.
Yes. That, that was what he needed.
You moaned in a long exhale when he started fucking you with his finger, kissing, biting and sucking you. He wanted to mark, for you to remember him every time you looked at yourself in the mirror.
Your walls squeezed around his finger when he caressed a special spot, and Steve looked up at your face, finding your lips parted and your eyes closed.
God, what a beauty.
He pushed a second finger as he left suck-and-bite love marks on your skin, licking whichever stretch mark he found from start to fish, every little skin mark, every little patch.
"Steve," you pleaded, sounding needy. "Please."
Steve kissed your skin gently.
"What do you need?"
You shuddered.
"Inside me," you spread your legs. "Want you to fill me up."
His cock throbbed as he pulled away, taking his finger from inside you, and sucked onto it happily before taking your panties and pulling them down your legs, moving away from the bed to take off what was left of his clothes - including his socks.
You sat up to watch him, taking off your bra, and Steve had the pleasure of seeing you licking your lips as the sight of him.
Oh, but he would fuck that smirk right off that beautiful face of yours.
He climbed back to the bed, kissing your lips briefly and moving right to your tits, his hands aching to squeeze them and see how much spilling from his hands there would be.
His thumbs caressed your nipples, finding them already hard and pointy, your tits spilling from the grip of his fingers as you whined adorably.
"Steve," you pushed your fingers into his hair. "Need you."
He spread your legs, taking his cock in his hand and stroking himself before setting himself in place, rubbing the head up and down your pussy, letting your wetness coat him.
The moment he pushed into you, both of you moaned.
Fuck, yes.
"Gonna take all of my cock, won't you, pretty miss?" he grunted. "All of that big cock in your wet cunt."
"Yes," you moaned, tossing your head back. "Give it to me, Steve. Want it all."
He reached up, pinching your nipple and twisting it, earning another beautiful sound from you.
He didn't know if he would be able to ever look at you and not think of those beautiful little sounds, little moans and mewls as he pushed into you, patience and nice, and you cunt swallowed him down.
Steve pulled back a little bit, careful, and pushed in again, fucking you slowly.
You were having none of it, though.
"Harder," you pleaded. "Steve!"
But he clicked his tongue.
"I don't want to hurt you," he insisted.
Still, you raised your legs, trying to wrap them around his waist, and he held them down firmly.
"No, little miss," he scowled, taking his sweet time. "You're gonna be good and take what you're given."
You whimpered beautifully, squeezing his cock a little more and he raised his eyebrows.
"Do you like it, little miss," he moved a little more, fucking you slowly. "When I'm all bossy with you?"
You nodded, covering your face a little bit, and he pulled your hands away.
"Don't ever be ashamed of how I make you feel," he whispered. "I want to hear everything."
You nodded, looking all soft on the face, and Steve pushed the last inch of his cock right into you, burying himself in your dripping cunt.
"Steve," you moaned.
"Feels good?" he panted, caressing the way down your belly before moving to your cunt, searching for your clit and finding it stiff.
He gave it a circular rub, testing to see how you liked it, and you let out the hottest of sounds, gasping, cunt squeezing around his cock deliciously.
"Yes," you cried. "Feel good, please. Please, Steve."
So, so impatient.
Steve clicked his tongue, fucking you ever so patiently, controlling himself as he rubbed you, focusing on your pleasure.
He wanted you to cum on his cock, wanted to watch you cry and feel you cream.
"What kind of gentleman do you think I am, little miss?" he teased you. "To just use you without making sure I've given you pleasure?"
Fuck, you felt so good. Warm and wet and slicky, welcoming him so nicely.
"What kind of good man would I be if I didn't make you cum before I even thought of myself?" he asked.
You moaned more, arching your hips as his finger picked up the pace on your clit.
"Yes," you panted. "Gonna cum, Steve, just like that."
He continued with his pace, hand on your hip and fingers on your swollen bud, his eyes trained on your tits for a moment. Fuck, he could make them bounce so beautifully.
But he moved his eyes up, focusing on your face.
"Look at me," Steve whispered. "Wanna see you cum for me, wanna see your eyes."
You opened them, giving him the sultriest look he'd ever seen, the sexiest expression on your face. Your sounds filled the room as you came and he had to hold himself back for a moment, your spasms on his sensitive cock, the sight of you and the sounds from you making him feel nearly inebriated.
You were still coming down when he finally, fucking finally, let himself move faster.
He slammed his hips against yours, and you fucking loved it.
So he did again, grunting as your tits bounced, as your moans came out in little staccato breaths, your cunt never ceasing to milk him.
With each moan of his, you seemed to adore everything, and he was glad to oblige.
"Yes," you tossed your head back when he rutted into you, hipbone brushing your clit each time he slammed into you, and he didn't know if he would rather drag your pleasure and make you mad and needy or overflow you with it. "Steve."
He leaned down, sucking on your nipple, groping your breasts, squeezing and playing with them eagerly.
You crossed your legs behind his back like you'd tried to do before, and Steve focused even more on your pleasure when your sounds grew.
"You're going to cum again, baby?" he pulled on your nipples, playing with both with his hands. "Hm? Gonna cum on my cock?"
"Yes," you cried. "Yes, Steve."
Your cunt fluttered deliciously around him, closer and closer, wetter and wetter.
"You want me to rub your clit?" he offered. "Play with you, hm?"
But your shook your head.
"Your... hip-" you moaned. "Fuck, just don't stop, don't stop, please, please, please-"
He didn't. Steve fucked you, trying to keep doing exactly what he had been doing before, and watched with pleasure as you came, feeling himself too close.
And just then, it dawned on him that he hadn't put on a condom, that you two hadn't even talked about it.
"Fuck," he grunted, raising himself.
But your cunt was so good, so slick, so delicious.
He was just going to fuck you a little more, just a bit more, he could hold it, he could-
Steve pulled himself from inside you quickly, taking his hand to his slick-covered cock for what felt like a second before he came, his cum coming out in quick spurts painting your beautiful torso over his teeth marks, pearly white against flushed skin.
You panted as you watched him, looking down at your body and where he had painted you, and Steve outrightly whimpered when you ran a finger over some of his cum and straight up tasted it before sitting up and kissing him hungrily.
Slowly, it became softer, sweeter, and Steve manoeuvred the two of you, laying down on your bed.
"I guess we should have talked about that part before we fucked," you chuckled, looking at his face.
Steve smiled, moving his hand to your face, pushing your hair back.
"I'm sorry," he told you. "I should have stopped, and we should have talked about it."
You gave him a cheeky look.
"I didn't hate it, though," you told him. "I mean, I have recent tests. I always want to make sure. And I have an IUD, so if you wanted to cum inside..."
He tossed his head back. Fuck, if he was a few years younger, he would certainly give you that later tonight.
"First we rest," he told you anyway, taking your hand. "We have an awful long night."
That made you chuckle.
"We did," you agreed. "And I distinctly remember being offered a lunch and a dinner date."
Steve's heart leapt a beat. So you still wanted him.
You played with his fingers a little bit.
"As long as you don't make me ear liver," you added emphatically. "I think I want to cash on one of those dinners tonight."
He grinned.
"We can share a relaxing shower," he offered you. "And I'll make you something great with whatever you have in your fridge."
You looked at him, smiling beautifully.
"I like that," you decided, and lowered your eyes a bit, looking suddenly shy. "And you can... you know. Spend the night. If you want to."
"I do," he said quickly. "Very much so."
You seemed to relax, smile still as beautiful and sweet.
"Okay," you whispered. "That is very nice."
“about offices and feelings” was posted on my Patreon in June. To have early access to my works, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month, and I post 6x a week.
If you liked "this "about offices and feelings", you might enjoy IT'S A BAD IDEA, RIGHT? Summary: The worst idea a waitress in Mama Stefka can have is to fall in love with a man in Hydra. They aren’t supposed to even talk! It doesn’t stop Betty, though. BRATTY BABY Summary: When you act out, Steve and Bucky teach you, their bratty baby, a lesson.   (It’s just porn. There is barely a plot holding this together.)
. . .
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Do you have any saiki k headcanons? Like how he would be before kidnapping and after?
Probably, yeah, he's honestly not too bad. Aged up but you're still in school (Y'know, 18 and all)
Yandere! Saiki K Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Stalking, Brainwashing mention, Reading minds, Invasive behavior, Kidnapping mentioned.
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Saiki, if I'm being honest, is really passive with his darling.
He hasn't really been a big one for attention.
He'd also probably deny his feelings towards you at first.
It starts really small for him.
He notices the new student in class and doesn't think much of them.
Saiki picks up little things he likes ahout you but his obsession is rather slow in nature.
He's not the best socially so he mostly uses telepathy to hone in on your thoughts.
He doesn't mean to do it on purpose at first.
Subconsciously he hones in on your thoughts like white noise.
Something about his darling puts him at ease but he isn't sure what.
Determined to figure out why he likes you, that's what starts his obsession.
He wants to interact with you but he does it subtly.
Full conversations, even with telepathy, aren't something that comes naturally to him.
Instead, he decides to show his care for you in little ways.
Stuff like altering your grades or just making your life slightly easier.
Sort of like him thanking you for making him feel... nice.
It starts as a nuisance, if people see he likes someone he's going to be disturbed.
Kokomi would make his life hell.
He makes his growing attraction hard to detect.
He prefers to keep an eye on you from a distance for the first part of his obsession.
Saiki usually keeps his feelings very subtle.
Soon he may try and talk to you on private, but that's rare.
He doesn't need anyone knowing he likes you...
He'll never hear the end of it, both in thought and voice.
Stalking comes easy to Saiki, in fact he can do it without meaning to.
Hearing your thoughts tell him a lot about you.
Saiki also has a ton of powers, so luckily he is a tame yandere.
He knows better and is very careful when it comes to you.
He carefully learns about you with curiosity, picking the brains of you and those around you to know more.
Saiki befriends you at some point and he actually feels pleasant about it.
He is definitely a yandere who takes his obsession slower and calmer than the others.
Jealousy is easily dealt with.
Saiki just needs to manipulate the people around you if he feels he wishes to isolate you to himself.
Which is why there really is no need for him to kidnap you?
He's powerful, he know brainwashing, he can change your thoughts-
He doesn't need to keep you in a dark room-
He prefers not to, anyways.
Although, if I have to say how he'd act then...
He could probably manipulate his parents and keep you in his house.
That or some other secluded location-
Saiki would also find no use in murder.
He's a yandere that could easily have you without needing to resort to illegal means to have you.
He's that powerful, luckily he knows to be careful.
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epickiya722 · 8 months
Do you think that when Gojo first heard that Itadori ate a cursed object he was instantly reminded of Geto? Do you think that somewhere in his heart he knew what was going to happen because nothing good came to the person, his Suguru, who ate curses. Do you think that's why Gojo was so insistent on helping out Itadori, because in some cruel way every time he looked at the teen he was reminded of Geto? Of Geto and how he didn't notice his best friend lover spiralling until it was too late already? Do you think--?
I mention a few spoilers later in this answer!
I don't doubt that he did! Satoru did become a teacher to help guide the new generation and to make sure their youth isn't stolen from them.
I'm sure Satoru was reminded of Suguru because Yuji ate a cursed object, but even more so later down the line when he starts interacting with him more.
I do feel like Satoru may have always wondered how Suguru was feeling about swallowing curses, but given how he was at a teenager (a little less sympathetic), he didn't bother to ask. But probably didn't want to trouble Suguru with questions because he wasn't sure how he would react, but at the same time kept close to at least shine some of his silliness into Suguru's life to at least get some smiles out of him. It works given all those scenes we see of Suguru smiling at him.
It's like "I can't do this, but I can at least do this for him".
So, yeah, Satoru probably doesn't intend to repeat the past. With Yuji, he's taking that second chance.
Personally, I don't think Satoru was completely at fault with what happened with Suguru, but Satoru probably feels he is.
When I think about it right at this moment, it's interesting to me how kind of similar Satoru and Suguru interact comparing to how Satoru and Yuji do.
As I said before in other posts, Suguru and Yuji share common traits. Other than the obvious one of swallowing curses, they both cater to helping (weaker) people.
Satoru probably caught that when Yuji says he'll consume Sukuna's fingers if it means less lives are lost. Suguru also consumed curses, doing so to save lives.
Peep also how Suguru and Yuji act towards Satoru compared to everyone else.
They match his energy. While everyone else tends to come back at Satoru in a more annoyed manner, they tend to play along with his antics. Suguru is just more on the line of banter and sass, but still retaining that familiarity of being his best friend. With Yuji, they really are two peas in a pod. Yuji also tends to make remarks towards Satoru that even he sometimes is like "oh". Like when Yuji recalls to how Satoru said he was the strongest. There's that brief silence before Satoru continues on about cursed energy. (Episode 6)
I think back to the Juppon audio dramas (you can find them on YouTube). Yuji is quick to participate in the game whenever Satoru brings it up while everyone else is like "ugh".
What makes this even funnier is that when Yaga was a teacher, he would propose the Juppon game. Satoru actually wasn't for it. Meanwhile, it's Suguru who doesn't mind playing the game. (That audio drama I can't find anymore. I think the poster has to re-upload it.)
There's also Satoru's reactions to anything involving Suguru and Yuji.
When Suguru deflected and Satoru heard about it, Satoru was yelling, getting aggressive, clenching his fists. Man was downright distraught.
The only other time I can recall him having a reaction similar to that is when Yuji first dies by Sukuna's hand.
While he wasn't screaming and just a bit more calmer, he indeed was clenching his fists and visibly just as angry as he was about Suguru the time before. It's telling that as Shoko walks into the room, she comments how Satoru isn't that emotional usually.
Even later in the manga when Satoru returns, Satoru is composed when he faces Sukuna possessing Megumi. Of course, he's still upset, but the way he reacts kinda throws me off whenever I reread that part.
I say that because I would have thought he would have a screaming episode like he did before because it is Megumi, the kid he took care of for years. But I suppose he didn't want to act that way in front of Sukuna, someone I guess he wouldn't want to show a "weakness" in front of anyways.
Although, it still just a little odd to me that when he does meet Sukuna again for their fight, Satoru taunts Sukuna about how did the other expect for him to hold back because he has Megumi's face and notes how he can go all out because it's Megumi, so he'll worry about him after he has killed Sukuna.
It even gotten to the point others questioned if Satoru remembered saving Megumi.
There's even a point during that fight Satoru has a thought of Yuji, vowing he'll bring Sukuna closer to death more than Yuji was back when Sukuna ripped his heart out. Satoru really wanted to not just crush Sukuna's heart. He wanted his liver and lungs, too.
Makes me wonder if Sukuna was still possessing Yuji, would have it been the same? (As in his behavior and words. Of course, the fight would be different.)
Now, I don't think Satoru has a favorite student and I do think he does care about Megumi. With every one of them, he has a different relationship, but equally he cares about them, sees their potential.
When it comes to Yuji, it's like having Suguru around again because who else treats Satoru the way Suguru did? Again, everyone else sees Satoru as "the strongest", an annoyance or even if they're on more friendly terms with him, they don't give back the same vibes.
Yuji does. He treats Satoru as a friend who just also happens to be his teacher. Think of that scene when just before Satoru fights Sukuna, everyone was unsure how to approach, but Yuji comes out and tells him to move his Infinity out the way so he can pat him on the back and Satoru obliges.
Think of it this way! If SatoSugu would have raised a child, Yuji would have been the result. A child that thinks like Suguru but acts like Satoru.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Anon who asked about the mpost/the one who had sent the tadc x wolf reader request here... Here's my new and improved version of the request!! And not on anon so I get the notification for it being completed :3
Okay so, tadc characters of your choosing (if you need specific characters then Jax, Ragatha, Caine, and Gangle) x a wolf!reader who is really shy, tends to be self deprecating, is a people pleaser, and underestimates their skills. Preferably platonic but romantic is fine!!
Caine, Ragatha, Jax and Gangle x wolf!reader who is shy w/ low confidence !
writing this then imma go work on my silly art eheheheheh unironically listening to hit my spot by ur pretty (do NOT listen to it without headphones if youre not alone it is literally gay sex song) on loop it has no reason to be so catchy gawd DAMN admins yapping aside i hope you enjoy this !! written more leaning towards platonic !!
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i think he would try to hype you up and make you more confident in yourself! i think he would be a little confused on why you arent too.. self assured, i mean he thinks youre cool and talented and skilled and-
he could go on for hours.. i think sometimes you might cave into him and what he wants due to you being a people pleaser and it might take caine a while to catch on to that and try to pay attention to those smaller things, especially if theres something making you uncomfortable... the good thing about being a wolf is that you have ears and a tail, which do a lot in conveying how youre feeling in the moment! usually he pays attention to those things if youre the type to not like.. vocalizing your discomfort. hypes you up to everyone who will listen, stops just short of picking you up and showing you off to everyone/hj
similar to caine she uses your ears and tail as a means to gauge your internal feelings about things. ragatha is a lot more low energy and calmer compared to some of the other characters on this list... has the least issues of reading you. pulls you away if youre getting uncomfortable in any situation, and oftentimes stands up for you if someone is trying to push you something you dont actually want to do... a lot of the times those people tend to be jax.. but we'll talk about that in his part. I like to think she would try to give you little pep talks when she notices you're a little down.. makes frequent compliments to you and the things you do (skills, hobbies, ect). her room is always open to you whenever you need an escape!
really a lot of his "coercing" is just him teasing you and, in a somewhat mean way, trying to subtly push you to get a backbone and find your limit. he wont say it or really express it, but you guys are friends and he does want to see you be able to speak for yourself... its just how he goes about it can be a little... erlrkgkh.... you know? since HES the one trying to test your boundaries and get you to snap at him. i dont think he would go as far as make fun of your hobbies and interests to make you stand up for yourself.. thats just. a smidge to mean, since youre his friend. definitely calls you wolf/dog-based nicknames, most of them dont fall into the "im trying to make you stand up for yourself" thing and more so "haha i think its funny and genuinely lighthearted"
its a little odd but there are good intentions in there
she gets it, she really does... you two probably talk to one another about your problems to one another... you both find comfort in it and in a way it makes you both feel better. seeing you uncomfortable or anxious kind of empowers gangle to come and help you out, regardless of which mask shes wearing. i like to think it would to the same for you if the roles were reversed... its kind of like how you stop being anxious momentarily when you see your friend struggling and being anxious themselves and you back them up or speak for them, you know? or maybe thats just a me thing... shrugs. probably gives you bows and ribbons to put on your tail to accessorize it
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fr3sh-tragedies · 7 months
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[BATIM/BATDR] Allison Angel x Female Reader x Alice Angel
Summary: General and romantic headcanons I have about the two main angels in the franchise.
Word Count: 3.54k Content Warnings: Soft mentions of insecurity Category: Fluff + Slight angst
[A/N]: Only a few more characters left, then I'll post my master list and rules for requests. Thank you to everyone who has sent in a request so far!
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Generally one of the kindest, most patient people you’re ever going to meet, especially down in the studio
Her temper hardly ever flares up, but there are moments where she’ll act out of pure fear or anger
Even so, it’ll still be hard to tell how furious she is, considering she hardly ever raises her voice outside of battle
It’s just much harder to see the impatient side of her
She tends to be more logical, wanting to think things all the way through, and she is sure to get others to share their perspective of a situation before she makes a plan
After all she’s witnessed throughout her time at the studio, it’s understandable that she’s cautious of every lurking shadow and newcomer
She’ll welcome others if she feels they aren’t a threat, but still tends to keep an escape route pinned in the back of her mind in case things take a turn (as they have in the past)
She and Tom will both head out together most of the time to gather supplies that they can bring to their safehouse
While together, she feels a bit calmer knowing they have each other’s backs
Whenever she’s wandering around alone, however, she constantly feels on edge about whether or not the Ink Demon will come stampeding toward her
On top of this, she worries that Tom won’t be there when she gets back, or that he won’t be in one piece if he is
Helps whoever she can, even if that means putting herself at risk to save them from the cruelty of the studio, such as the Ink Demon, Alice, and the Projectionist
She’ll only put herself at risk for others if she deems them more important than herself, meaning a loved one (such as Tom or someone she took under her wing)
In the darker spaces of the studio, she’ll find blank spaces on the walls or floors and write messages for the Lost Ones who roam around, hoping to provide some sense of hope for them
Tinkers around with any gadget or scraps she can find, typically to create artificial limbs for those she trusts–an example being the animatronic arm she repurposed for Tom to use after he lost his own
Plays off any injury she gets as minor, no matter how severe it actually is, because she doesn’t want to worry others
She doesn’t mind getting help for what she’s endured, but she wants to ensure everyone else is safe first before she tries to scavenge for what she needs
On constant alert when outside of the safehouse, even if she has reinforcements
Sleep doesn’t come easy in the studio, especially to those who know what dangers threaten each wrong turn, so when she isn’t able to rest, Allison will try to find a way to make herself useful
Generally uses this time to count the stock in their storage, feed the fish, scribble out quick lists of plans she has for material, etc.
Always makes sure to let Tom know where she’s headed before she leaves
Actively searches out Lost Ones who need some sort of aid, making sure to keep a can of bacon soup nearby at all times in case it’s needed
Although there are more people in the studio that she trusts aside from Tom, she still is very strict about who she’ll let into the safehouse
The last thing she wants is to be responsible for the death of Tom or herself simply because she was too trusting toward a stranger
Overall, she’s a patient, kindhearted woman who wants to help others in any way she can, but her years in the studio have hardened her into a survivor, leaving her wary of every deadly possibility that may come her way
It takes a while for Allison to trust you, considering all that she’s been through. However, the moment she sees you helping someone escape a situation, or she sees you patching a stranger up and handing them provisions, the tension in her body starts to ease up
Once she trusts you enough, she’ll start noticing your interests and hobbies, and she’ll partake in some of them herself if she can
After a while of growing closer to you and learning that she can trust you fully, she’ll either find that she fancies you, or she’ll notice that you like her first with ease
Either way, she’ll most likely take initiative when it comes to confessing and asking the other out
She likes being upfront and honest, especially with those she loves, so she’ll be relatively blunt about how she feels
She’ll take you somewhere that’s special to the both of you, reveal a small setup she made beforehand, and spend time talking with you before she finally confesses
Compared to most, she’s alright with being rejected–things don’t come easy (or at all), and she’s willing to accept that
As she expresses how she feels, there’s a small sense of anxiety creeping in through her words. She hadn’t confessed to anyone since being rebirthed. She stays calm and confident however, so it’s hard to even pick up on the fact that her hands are trembling and there are small beads of sweat forming on the back of her neck
When you tell her you feel the same way and agree to be her girlfriend, she’s relieved more than anything
She’ll spend more time with you in that space for a while before she walks you back to the safehouse to crash for the night
After the relationship had been established, Allison finally got more bold with a few of her motions
With a little bit of patience, she starts growing more comfortable and confident with being your partner, often finding herself resorting to coming to you for comfort and advice instead of Tom
She’ll, of course, be there for you in all of those ways as well
Dates are sometimes hard to initiate in the studio due to the danger, so she’ll make do with what she has
By this, it means she’ll wait until she knows Tom will be out of the safehouse for a while on a supply run. When he’s gone, she’ll bring out a couple of candles, a radio, and gather a few plates with food she had found–thankful that she managed to find something other than bacon soup
You’ll spend the day together at the table, eating what she prepared, playing cards, and just chatting away about whatever comes to mind
After peace finally settled over the studio (after Audrey helped rewrite what happens during the cycle), dates become more frequent and are out in better spaces in the studio, no longer having to worry about the Ink Demon appearing and ruining everything
Although the small city in the middle of the studio is abandoned, Allison will take you there often, carrying a radio with her to set up
She had–with the help of Tom–pushed a few of the cars to the sides of the street, providing an open space in the middle
There, she’ll place down the radio she brings and tune it to a slower song. She’ll then pull you into the large opening and slow dance with you for a while, complimenting you left and right as she leads
She enjoys doing anything and everything with you that she can
Any hobbies that you’ve shown interest in become a pair-hobby
She’ll sit / stand beside you as you paint, sculpt, read, play an instrument, etc., and she’ll be doing the same, essentially mirroring you peacefully at your side
If she can’t participate in your hobbies somehow, she’ll at least show that she takes interest in it, never making you feel dumb for what you enjoy
When settling down for the night, she’s not opposed to bundling up together in bed, surprised at herself for finding any cuddling position comfortable
Regardless of how you sleep, she’ll ensure that she’s holding you in some way
This stems from trauma and experience before the Ink Demon was tamed, though now it’s more of a comfort thing than a protection thing
If you don’t feel like being touched too much, she’ll hold your hand or keep her hand on your shoulder as you sleep
If you’re the opposite, she’ll let you latch onto her like a koala, or she’ll even do it herself if the day had been particularly demanding for her
She just wants to be close to you, regardless of the fact the studio is much safer now
A way for her to be close to you is by giving you some sort of jewelry
After a while of her experimenting with necklaces and bracelets made of scraps she polished and welded, she finally takes a few measurements and brings you to the place she confessed to you at
There, you’ll find a similar setup to before, and things will run smoothly
After a while of dancing together and talking about what the future will look like, she’ll segway into her speech and drop onto her knee, pulling out a ring from her satchel
When you say yes to marrying her, she doesn’t hesitate to slip the ring on your finger and pull you in for a kiss, overjoyed of the outcome
A small wedding, if you’re comfortable with it, is held shortly after, and her vows are heartwarming: she expresses her constant admiration and appreciation for you walking into her life, promising to always be there for you no matter what, slightly whispering by the time she gets to her statement of how she hopes she’s been half the girlfriend to you that you’ve been to her. Her voice manages to crack slightly at the end, and she’s fighting back the tears, wanting to save them for after the kiss
After the wedding, she somehow finds herself growing even closer to you than before, and things finally seem to fall into place for her
Overall, she’s a loving, understanding, patient partner who wants to be there for you in every possible way. She’ll show interest in your own hobbies, partaking in them herself most of the time, and she’s constantly trying to find a way to make time spent alone together more special. Dates, even before the Ink Demon has been disposed of as a threat, are heartfelt and meaningful, each small act one of intimacy and adoration. She makes time for you, and she always takes your opinions into consideration before making a final decision. With her, you’ll feel safe, understood, and never judged for who you are
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Contrary to Allison, Malice–or Susie–tends to be more hotheaded
It’s not hard to upset her, though if she trusts you enough, it’ll sort of be easier to calm her back down
Extremely paranoid of newcomers, and even of those she’s known for decades
Terrified of stumbling across the Ink Demon, so she’ll end up sending any poor soul she’s fortunate to come across on an errand run, promising to send them home as a thank you when they’re done
It’s hard to gain her trust. In her mind, everyone in the studio is out to get her, and she’ll do whatever she can to keep herself safe
When she does have to scavenge for supplies on her own, she keeps a weapon handy at all times, whether it be her tommy gun or a Gent pipe
In what she calls her sanctuary, any mirror that can be found has either been shattered or covered with a thick cloth
The only place a still in-tact mirror can be found is her workshop, where she uses her twisted devices to torture and experiment on the corrupted members of the Butcher Gang
She keeps the mirror there to check how the experiments of harvesting and digesting organs is affecting her physical form
Each time she sees the tattered side of her face, still ripped open and taunting her, she has to will everything in herself not to smash everything in her sight, instead trying to focus on repairing her equipment and scanning across the monitors for the cameras she has set up around the studio
Tends to target creatures that come out “perfect,” meaning she’ll spare the Lost Ones and Searchers if they don’t get in her way
In her room, she keeps a record of her experiments and studies on the anatomy of whatever she can get her hands on
Emptied out the bookshelf closest to the sofa she sleeps on to store her journals and notes
Selfish beyond belief–she refuses to actively help others on her own volition, even if they’re at her feet begging
In order to keep herself safe, she went on a rampage during her first few years after being rebirthed, making a point to others that she’s one to be feared
This worked well, allowing her to isolate herself and focus on perfecting her injections, though it also caused issues with her sanity
Can often be heard shrieking at herself, almost like she’s arguing with herself about whatever has crawled under her skin in the moment
Although she appreciates feeling safe in her solitude, she aches for someone to help her with her dream of one day becoming beautiful again–someone who won’t look at her with terror or hatred
Self-sabotages any kind of trust she has with someone, too worried they’ll double-cross her and she’ll wind up at the mercy of the Ink Demon again
Ultimately, a very paranoid, insecure woman who longs to find herself again. She buries herself in work to distract herself from the reality of what would haunt her mind if she acknowledged it, specifically the abominations that meander through the levels of the studio
It takes forever to fully gain her trust enough for her to actually fall for you
After all she had bared witness to in her time down in the studio, it’s hard to blame her for being paranoid about new people around the area
If you somehow manage to stay on her good side and gain her trust, however, she’ll cling to you
In her eyes, you’re the only light left in her dull life down in the inky depths of the very place that made her the way she is
For a while, she’ll keep you hidden in the furthest corner of her safety zone on Level Nine, terrified she’s going to lose the one good thing still left in her life
With a lot of convincing (and the promise made to always carry around a weapon), Malice will finally let you wander around more and more. It’ll start off with her attached at your hip and walking with you everywhere, then slowly shift to her watching you from her cameras
Even when she knows you’ll be safe out in the places you choose to go, she’ll still keep an eye on her monitors here and there to make sure there isn’t anything weird lurking nearby
One way to make her trust you is to promise to help her on her journey to recover her beauty (and sanity)
More often than not, you’ll find her hidden away somewhere in her sanctuary, sobbing and curled up on the ground as she desperately tries to hide her face from you
You’ll have to comfort her when she gets that way
One thing that makes her melt during her swings of insecurity is when you hold her close and caress her face, especially if you cup the tattered side just as tenderly as the part that’s still in-tact
Gaze at her without any sense of fear or discomfort, and she’ll break, weeping against you after she drops her head against one of your shoulders, her hands clutching at your shirt to try and pull you closer
If you work with her enough, she’ll start to grow a little more comfortable with how she looks. She’ll still have breakdowns and moments where she wants to be alone, but she’ll come around to you sooner or later
Will absolutely gawk at you with hearts in her eyes if you protect her from the creatures threatening to attack when you both go out to scavenge for supplies. Bonus points if you help her in her lab with dissecting the Butcher Gang’s organs
Since she’s managed to keep Level Nine relatively safe from the Ink Demon, there’s a wider amount of space for her to bring you for dates
During these moments alone in random parts of her sanctuary, she’ll feel safe enough to show her vulnerabilities, showing you the torn part of her face without trying to hide behind her hair or turn away
She’ll express that she’s worried about the future, wondering if she’ll ever manage to perfect her experiments and fix her face
Comfort her when she talks about those insecurities, and she’ll practically swoon, melting under your touch and leaning into it as she scoots closer
One of the main things about being with her is she needs constant reassurance that you love her and aren’t afraid of her
It’s hard for her to trust anyone, and when she finally fully trusts you, she wants to do everything she can to keep you in her life, even if it means resorting to selfish means. It’s not necessarily her fault for being so possessive, but you’ll eventually have to convince her to work on it when it gets to be too much
Even after things settle down when Audrey shows up, she’s still be worried about you leaving certain parts of the studio that she can’t access with her cameras, and she’ll come with you for a while
Eventually, she’ll realize she isn’t in constant danger anymore and will let you wander off on your own, so long as you promise you’ll be back soon
She may not participate in your hobbies the way Allison would, but she’ll certainly show curiosity and interest in them. If they’re more on the scientific side, she may join you here and there to learn more about them
At home at night, she almost always needs to be holding you when asleep. More likely than not, she’ll spoon you from behind or just hold you against her chest, keeping one hand next to yours at all times
It’s hard for her to sleep half of the time, so even if you manage to get her to crash for a bit, it won’t be long before you feel her toying with your hair or shirt to keep herself distracted after waking up
She doesn’t want to wake you up just because she’s getting antsy, which is why she does this
When she does manage to sleep throughout a whole night, it’s ridiculously hard to get her out of bed until the early evening. She’ll cling to you and keep you in the bed with her until she’s ready to wake up and get ready for the day, so make sure you have a book or something nearby to keep yourself occupied
Marriage with her is a strange subject, considering she hardly ever speaks to anyone else aside from you (meaning she has no one but you to go to for advice on it). By the time she proposes with a ring she made using the metal from a few of her older tools, you’re already aware of what she has planned, but manage to pretend to be surprised anyway
She’s overwhelmed after you say yes, already worrying about how she’s going to make the wedding perfect, frantically asking you what you want to add to the ceremony and the decorations by the time you head back to the sanctuary
During the wedding, which is held in the Heavenly Toys lobby, her vows start off a little rocky, but just as quickly grow as meaningful as you’ve learned she can secretly be. She talks about how odd she found it that you trusted her so quickly at the beginning of the relationship, but adds that, after looking back on it, she’s grateful you did. She expresses how inspired you’ve made her over the years, and how you always help her work through any issue she has, never looking at her as a burden. She stresses the fact that she loves you more than anything or anyone else, and how she wants to always protect you and keep you happy.
After the wedding, she finally starts to let herself relax. She starts to open up more, and if you strike the right chord with her, she’ll start studying more humane ways to run her experiments
Ultimately, she starts off as a very paranoid partner, terrified you’re going to leave her or be mercilessly slaughtered out in the halls out of her reach. She keeps you close, essentially growing possessive over you within a short amount of time. However, after a while of gaining her trust and promising you’re there to stay, she’ll loosen up and provide more freedom. She wants to keep you safe, even if it means she comes across as selfish, but she knows you can hold your own in most situations, and she’ll learn to have more faith in you. After all, you’re now her wife. There’s nothing her wife can’t handle
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
Hiii idk if ur still taking request but if so could u write more Yandere Jake and neytiri plsss
Okay, I’ll write some headcannons for how would Yandere Jake and Neytiri (separately and in a poly) react to the RDA taking you with them.
Not proofread yet
Yandere Jake Sully
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He has been human before and he knows how that place works.
He will plan a way to save you right away.
Until that day he is destroying everything that comes into his path, no one can relax him.
Is like he is having a panic attack but instead of loosing his breath he is murdering, hurting, throwing things and every destructive idea you can get.
He is a nerve reck.
Once the day of the attack and rescue has come, he will kill mercilessly everything in his way. He will cause as much pain and trouble as he can. They must feel what he has felt this days.
Once he gets to you his whole body feels weightless. He hugs you tightly and whispers sweet nothings in your ear while continuously killing.
He cries, but I can’t tell you if it is his manipulative yandere side and he is acting to guilt trip you into being near him all the time. Or if he was so scared of loosing his darling that he was actually crying. Either way, he cried.
Yandere Neytiri
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The moment she knows that you have been trapped she goes feral.
She won’t stop until she finds you. She will kill and destroy everything and everyone in her path.
She will go alone, maybe followers by those who have seen it happen, but she won’t wait for anyone.
She will rescue you, leaving a trail of dead people behind.
She will hiss at you and she will scream at you for not being careful and scaring her to death. Then she will hug you and let you know how scared she was of loosing you.
Poly!Yandere Jake Sully and Neytiri
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Jake seems calmer than her, even though he is also scared to death. He will tell her they need a plan before acting. She will be hissing at him.
They might argue about it, and not “discuss” but argue. Like, the whole Pandora knows they are arguing.
Once they have a plan, which was difficulty settled, they’ll go for you. They do not hesitate in killing for their darling’s safety.
Jake will be the first to get to you, protecting your body with his. He can’t help but purr at the feeling of your body once again in his arms.
Neytiri will also hug you, pulling Jake aside. Even in your poly relationship, when you are in danger they get full yandere mode and forget that they are also each other’s darlings.
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the-daily-dreamer · 1 year
A lot of people say that Aemond not wanting to kill Luke doesn't make any sense.
I would like to know what you think about it since you always have good arguments. 💚
Aww thank you so much!
Ok. So I’ve seen the argument that it makes no sense that Aemond wouldn’t want to kill Lucerys and also that Aemond should have known better when pursuing him so he must’ve been ok with the death.
Personally, I really don’t think Aemond wanted to kill Luc. I mean look at this reaction.
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That is an OH SHIT look. It’s clearly unintentional and not what he wanted to do.
However, I also don’t think it’s a bad writing choice that Aemond didn’t want to kill Luc. I think that it’s actually very in character for Aemond based on his characterization this far in the series and also his history.
See, we need to recognize a few main facets about Aemond in order to attempt to understand his motivations and intentions. 1) He is usually the calmer, more rational, and more reliable of the two brothers. 2) He underwent a serious trauma as a child and was bullied (by Lucerys no less). 3) He has a habit of doing ballsy and poorly thought out things as a way to feel superior, more specifically when he’s in an environment where he feels inferior or his trauma is brought up.
And it’s these three points interconnected that all play into why I think it’s perfectly in character for Aemond to not want to have killed Luc.
Aemond’s behavior in normal circumstances is to not create problems like his brother. He doesn’t sneak out or sleep around. He studies and trains. And his mother clearly sees him as the most reliable of all her children. Taking this into account, I don’t think Aemond would want to murder Luc because it would DEFINITELY create problems, especially with a potential war brewing. It just doesn’t fit the character motivations we’ve seen this far to intentionally murder Luc. And that’s why I genuinely don’t think he would.
However, there have been scenes where Aemond does act out. And those scenes are what people use as proof that he would want to kill Luc and why the writing choice is bad. For example, the fight scene when he loses his eye, the toast scene, and most especially, the storm’s end scene before the murder.
All these scenes show a harsher, though rare, side to Aemond. A side of him that is willing to push buttons and intimidate others. But where does this behavior come from?
That’s where the bullying and trauma comes in. Every scene that we see Aemond lash out in has some relation to his mistreatment in the past. The fight scene is his first time feeling powerful in comparison his bullies (the strong boys), and then he only reacts harshly and violently when he his first provoked by them. The toast scene is in direct response to Luc laughing at the pig (a callback to the bullying Aemond faced from the Strongs and Aegon). And the scene at Storm’s End is him seeing Luc again after the dinner.
In all these instances, Aemond is confronted by traumas he has experienced or one of the abusers who did them. He clearly hasn’t handled his trauma the best because he lashes out when confronted with his past. And thus, his reactions tend to aim for making him feel stronger and more powerful than the people who hurt him and made him feel small and inferior.
When he is in the fight scene, he finally has confidence and feels powerful. So when attacked by his bullies, he calls them bastards and threatens them. It makes him feel better to finally overpower them after years of torment. In the toast scene, he has a direct callback to his bullying and clearly no remorse from the boy who stabbed his eye out. He can’t be violent because of the company at the table, so he implies the bastard status of the boys. A subtle way to bring them down and make himself feel big again. In Storm’s End, he finally doesn’t have his mother or any family to stop him, so when Luc appears and he feels that inferiority creep in again, he lashes out and tries to scare and intimidate Luc so he feels better again.
What I’m trying to get at is that after years of torment and being made to feel small and unimportant, Aemond reacts to being confronted with his trauma by trying to reassert himself as better and more powerful and bring his bullies down.
This all culminates in the scene where Luc dies. When Aemond is riding Vhagar, chasing Luc down he’s on top of the world.
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He’s laughing and smiling and taunting. He feels powerful and dangerous and is reveling in the fact that the boy who mutilated him is scared shitless of him.
Would he have taken Luc’s eye? Possibly. I wouldn’t be shocked if he genuinely had that intent. But I think his main goal was to scare Luc. To shrink him down and make him feel small, the way he felt as a child being bullied and losing an eye. I don’t think murder is on his mind. It’s superiority. Fighting away the pain he had as a kid.
Genuinely, I don’t think that Aemond not wanting to kill Luc is poorly written. It’s perfectly in character (as far as I’m concerned) for it to be an accident. Aemond is not the type to plan on murdering Luc, based on his usually rational behavior. But, Aemond is also a traumatized kid on the inside and he lashes out. When confronted with his trauma and having Luc there, he responded the way he always does and tried to scare Luc to feel powerful and better about himself. Unfortunately, he didn’t think through that his actions could have far deadlier consequences than he intended. And that’s why he’s so shocked.
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Hear me out-
The X-Men with a reader who can cancel out mutations, like when they're near someone, let's say Cyclops for example, he can take off his glasses and his eyes don't shoot out lasers.
I think it'd be funny to have it so the reader isn't even aware of their mutation, like one day one of them slips up or tries to use their powers around the reader but nothing happens 💀
Having a mutation that stops their powers (X-Men and The Brotherhood)
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I LOVE THIS I'm actually going to do this with the X-Men and the Brotherhood because there's so many possibilities.
TODD (I'm just putting him first because he's my fav):
• You and Todd hang out a lot. For some reason, he just feels calmer around you (little does he know, you actually take away the stressful parts of his mutation, like the sensitive skin and everything)
• I feel like he still eats flies because he's used to it, so he doesn't notice that you took away the frog part of his brain that actually needs them for nourishment
• He doesn't actually realize that you have that mutation until he goes to jump and just.. falls on his face.
• He freaks out at first, but he does appreciate not being so slimy and all of that
• Sometimes if he wants to shower (check out my headcanons on why he can't use soap), he'll call you over
• He. Hates. You.
• Not actually, because I don't write angst very often, but he doesn't appreciate the power you hold over him.
• You're like a more annoying Wanda in his eyes.
• He always gets on your nerves (because he obviously will, I don't care how cute he is), and you always end each argument by taking away his powers.
• "Very funny! Now stop."
• You think she can't kill you without powers?
• Just kidding, ofc. She loves you.
• But, she's very used to being controlled and her powers being held back, so I actually think she wouldn't appreciate you using it against her.
• If you don't know about your powers yet, then she's obviously not going to get mad at you.
• Actually, she's very sympathetic. She knows what it's like to have uncontrollable powers.
• Would he really notice? I don't think his body would change. Maybe he'd lose some strength though, but he'd probably just think he's getting sick or something
• Or he would freak out and feel useless without his powers, leading to a breakdown (think Luisa from Encanto idk)
• (I don't know if anyone else noticed this in the show, but HE MAKES THE STUPIDEST FACES WHEN USING HIS POWER ITS SO FUNNY)
• I imagine he goes to use his power and nothing happens so he just stands there like 🧍
• She'd probably be really chill about it, but after a minute she'd really miss using her powers.
• So she freaks out a little, but she plays it cool in front of everyone.
• Hey, she's a complex person!
• He's so confused, he just stares blankly at everyone and no one knows what's happening
• like this: 😨
• After everyone found out about what happened, he actually kind of loves it.
• Imagine always having to wear sunglasses, I would get so sick of those powers. So, he enjoys the little break
• Just make sure to tell him when you leave the room, because he's used to keeping his eyes open when you're around
• Yeah, we all know she needs this.
• She would get really excited, going around and poking people's shoulders
• Getting surprised when nothing happens and just being like "okay, just checking!"
• She finally gets to hug her friends and high five people and all of that fun loving stuff
• A bit disappointed when it ends, but she doesn't blame you
• Yes, she's a bit closed off. But deep down, all she really wants is to be able to live her life without fear.
• As much as he would like it to, I don't think the mutation would take any physical traits.
• So the beautiful blue boy would have to stay looking like the dude from Avatar </3
• Which obviously isn't a bad thing, because he's perfect just the way he is, but Kurt is severely disappointed.
• The teleportation was the only good thing about his powers! And that's all that went away.
• He's not angry at you, just angry at himself for.. existing, I guess.
• Your powers don't really do much, expect keeping him from running away during arguments. Which could be very helpful.
• Another one that I believe would appreciate your powers
• Jean has to deal with a lot of things, including the involuntary mind reading (which I'm guessing absolutely sucks, because who would ever want that power!?)
• So, until she controls that, it can be a bit overwhelming.
• Then, you come along. And it's silent. For once in her life, the only voice in Jeans head is her own.
• She obviously goes into protective mother mode during the chaos, making sure no one else is panicking while they try to figure out what's happening
• But she's honestly really relieved the entire time.
• Unfortunately, she finds out right when she's running into a wall (because I think that's funny comedic timing)
• I think she'd be a little relieved too, since we learned her worst fear is her powers trapping her underground and things like that
• So sometimes I think using her powers makes her really nervous, thinking she'd accidentally get trapped and suffocate or something.
• So, whenever she needs a break from that anxiety, she knows exactly who to turn to
All in all, I think this is a really cute idea and I loved writing about it. Thank you for the request, I had so much fun with this!!
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Heyaaaa! I think your writing is pretty cool, can i request some Rz! Michael Myers with a huntress! Reader? Like a big, kinda scary girl covered with scars because of her hunting?
I'm sorry if your request were closed.
Have a nice Day!
RZ!Michael Myers x Huntress!Reader
Notes: ooooooh, this is new. I've never gotten a DBD ask yet, so congrats! You're the first! I hope this is what you meant in your ask, sorry if it's not.
It was made pretty clear that RZ Michael is more in touch with his emotions than OG, and is, in fact, huge
So, when he spots you, another killer, who was almost as tall as him if not as tall, he feels that tiniest bit of irritation (Who do they think they are, being tall? That’s my job.)
He had heard something sweet as you passed by, and being in such a dull place as the Entity's Realm, where even the crows only make sound to bring death and pain, he grew curious
Since this is Michael, he did the only thing he would do when somebody interests him, he stalks them
When he first saw you, he had only had a glance from some ways away and your voice was just barely picked up by his keen sense of hearing, so he was surprised to see that you were actually a woman
It’s no surprise that Michael had not met many people in his life, being stuck in an asylum most of his life, and when getting out, only focusing on those he plans to kill and tuning out the rest of the world.
So 'meeting' a person at practically his same height, let alone a woman, for the first time, he quickly goes from mildly curious to interested
He decides to follow you around some more, watching you sharpen your ax and practicing throwing your weapon
The first time he sees you without the mask, without your knowledge of course, he had to admit that you were beautiful. 
The moment that thought had crossed his brain, he dismissed it. The Shape does not see people as beautiful, he sees them as prey
Even with that mentality, he did not stop stalking you, and as time passed, his obsession with you grew much more than he thought it would
You weren’t dumb, you knew someone was following you around (though there were times you didn’t notice him. He is an expert stalker), you just didn’t expect it to be Michael
You had thought that it was most likely Danny, with his annoying camera and knack of wanting to take pictures, and it had taken you a while to figure out who it truly was
When you did figure it out, finding the silhouette of your stalker much larger than that of Danny’s and with only one other killer quiet enough to stalk, being surprised was an understatement
Although creepy and odd, you let Michael be, figuring that approaching him would most likely start a fight between the two of you and the Entity did not take kindly to that
Although that’s what you’d like to think to be the reason of not approaching him, the truth was that you had a lot of respect for him as a killer, and you were even flattered that he had acknowledged you 
At one point, Michael had begun to follow you into your trials, which absolutely horrified the survivors (Two Killers? Two?! Is one not enough?!)
Michael found it kind of funny how a lot of the other killers were scared of you, with the imposing presence you had. You tended to be so much quieter and calmer when you were ‘alone’ (He was with you), humming tunes and cleaning your mask
He also found your hunting skills admirable. He had never really cared much about what animals to hunt, settling for caged dogs instead of roaming rabbits and deer.
The fact that you were putting effort reminded him of his hobby of making masks before being dragged into the Entity’s realm, and he found the fact that you can continue with your hobby somewhat pleasing
He knew that you knew you were being followed around, and he knew that you knew it was him (He let you see him, obviously. He actually didn’t.)
By this point, he had acknowledged his feelings, but would never be the one to initiate any type of interaction
You had figured that out, so you finally decided to approach him
Surprisingly, he didn’t walk away once you had greeted him, but, as expected, he did not respond
You had admired and respected him, yes, but a crush on him had always existed buried deep inside of you. You had refused to accept it in fear of doing something embarrassing or regrettable
But since you had begun to converse with him (you would talk and he would sometimes nod or grunt), your crush had begun to grow 
Michael noticed that you had liked him, not necessarily romantically (he hoped you did), and he had felt at the very least content
Even as you began to interact, he never let up his stalking. He did, though, begin to get closer to you.
He noticed the scars littering the skin visible to him, and it had reminded him of his own
Did you get those scars from the animals you hunt? Or maybe from the forest you lived in. I like to think it’s from your victims.
Getting into a relationship with Michael is extremely difficult, if not impossible. One reason being the Entity, another is Michaels muteness, and the unwanted attention you would get
Though, you and Michael did fall into somewhat of a routine.
You would sharpen your ax, and he would sit next to you and listen to your humming.
Or, you would hunt, and Michael would watch from the sidelines.
Although you may never be in a ‘official’ relationship, what have with Michael is enough
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