#or how much they've rotted my brain
alien-bluez · 6 months
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Lark can't handle nice things, and as he says "always fucks it up."
Drew a scene from this fic here, please please go read it right now!
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headroom-moods · 1 year
Finished reading TSH and all I can summarize is that as soon as it hit book 2, it immediately turned into an IASIP episode, Charles LITERALLY turned into Dennis Reynolds, Francis got the Clive Durham treatment, and Henry and Richard became an implicative version of Hannibal and Will (*clears throat* cue Richard recalling Julian’s mention of Achilles and Patroclus, followed by his dream synopsis meeting Henry again.. Seriously never beating the Achilles and Patroclus allegations LMFAO.)
As for Camilla, she genuinely became the most normal out of all of them (thankfully). Good for her.
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I'm really thinking about that one Ghost post you wrote about him basically making himself at home at the reader's place when she found him near dead in the woods and it still is scratching my brain all right 😭 him devoting his life to her and the fact her husband is there completely upset about this all is the perfect drama.
the thing i love most about this is that i never mentioned ghost by name in that post <3 not once <3 but you're right. it is so, so ghost-coded. ghoded, if you will.
you're the hands in which he rests, a weapon; submissive in the way (as was once said) a sheep-guarding hound is submissive to the livestock it protects. 
so mismatched is his demeanor with yours--harsh and scarred--and that it frightens the townspeople around you. and your guards.
when you do get hurt, they jump at the chance to accuse Ghost of hurting you. no matter how you insist you're fine and demand the townsfolk see reason--you witnessed the attack, for god's sake! not to mention your wound is shallow and looks much worse than it is. but the guards lock him up in the small dungeon under your family's estate.
at your direction, Simon doesn't fight his captors. you both know, for all his strength, he'll be killed if the guards see their chance to take his life. they've never trusted him.
and so he's hauled off, chained up like a dog, lying in wait for his sheep. 
when you return to see him, having pushed through those who insisted you stay away, that he's dangerous, that he hurt you--only then does Simon strain against those chains. he wants to be at your side. he's driven half out of his mind with worry that the assassin who hurt you might come back and finish the job without him there to protect you. 
he'd pull the chain bolts clean out of the rotting brick to get back to you if not for the guarantee you'd be kept from him if he did. although it's not by your choice. 
he's even willing to confess to crimes he never committed, would never commit, if it meant being in your debt, imprisoned in your home, back by your side.
you stay with him as long as you can. his arms are locked behind him and he rests on his knees, more animal than man, as he presses his face against your waist. his desperation abates once you take his face in your hands to comfort him. he's lightheaded.
you assure him you'll be back, that you'll figure this out and get him home and out of those chains soon. he strains against the chains again as you pull away.
it's not until there's a second attempt on your life that he's vindicated.
the only story anyone knows is that when you screamed, by the time your guards made it up to your bedchamber, the blood from your attacker's corpse was already soaking into your rug. one of them tried and failed to coax the bloody dagger out of your shaking hands. your palms were clean. 
you tell the guards this was the man who attacked you before. you tell them to bury him and not speak of this again; to leave your chamber for you to clean.
once they're gone, Simon emerges from the shadows, hands bloody, to disentangle your hands (white knuckled) from the dagger, to usher you into the wash basin. you see the iron cuffs on his wrists, chains snapped off, and say nothing.
nobody is ever quite sure who released him. just as nobody is sure who the assassin worked for.
strangely, your husband seems to avoid you after that.
more Ghost / masterlist
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envy-of-the-apple · 6 months
The yan!stsg x reader cheating has me in a chokehold for days actually! As much as its thrilling, vindicating and flattering that these hoes come crawling back(except for gojo? Hes like the newest addition to you so hes just strolling in your 3sum 😭😂), beneath that surface is actually a heavy cesspool of angst(i love angsts!) like thats where your vision of unrequited love in yan trope comes in delicious clutch
Youve forgiven, moved on and stuff— theres no coming back to loving suguru again; but the banger is!!! Amidst your years captivity, you forgot how you started loving suguru. Yep, forgot.
You dont wonder the moot points how suguru is unrecognizable from the time youre with him nor question yourself what made you fell in love with the pos in the first place.
But youre trying to remember how you fell for him in the past because you feel nothing now; indifference, and how jarring you find yourself to be in this predicament— and so that trying to be with the two in your turbulent captivity would be freeing in companionship.
But the thing is, your feelings are like ashes that stsg is trying to ignite again, but you feel nothing; or a blind person trying to perceive colors or stuff.
JUST imagine sugurus pain in the later years, youve got hidden diary in between your cloud docs or written in little receipts thats about your regrets and your love for a person(thats after him) and that love is so full of passion and longing its borderline painful that you tried to get back to feeling any semblance of emotions for suguru but failed. Just suguru pathetically stewing in regret, how he shouldve handled both you and gojo and rage, because you loved another person thats equivalent to how you used for HIM lmaooo
I hope ive articulate my feelings for this prompt quite fine??? Im struggling with english(its my 2nd language), i hope you get the gist of it xD thanks for listening to my rant, but i had to share this brain rot 😭🙏😊
istg if you dont get outta my inbox and wRITE THIS SHIT RN-
ughhh i think its even worse that you've forgiven them, right???? lets face it, it's only cuz of you suguru and satoru were even able to get together. those two fucking suck at communication and you basically taught suguru to love and be vulnerable. maybe, even before the cheating happened, you became friends with Satoru, you talked about things together, he become softer with you and he fell for you. They both loved you, but they loved eachother too.
you forgive them, because of course you do. but it still hurts to see them, so you leave. Maybe you move cities, ignore their phone calls, block their numbers. You meet someone else. Someone who gently puts you back together, makes you learn to trust again.
You forgive Satoru and Suguru enough to send them wedding invitations. It's all water under the bridge, you think to yourself. You don't realize that they still aren't over you. That they will never feel complete without you. They've lost contact with you for years but now you've given them an exact date, time, and location.
They don't care how happy you are with your new partner. All that they care about is how happy they'll make you.
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uh-oh-its-bird · 4 months
Offshoot of my "team Ro time travels to the founders era" post because @prinzgnomeovonchaos infected me with brain rot in the notes
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So buckle in baby it's time for
Sakumo and babyKashi time traveling to the warring states ✨️
So first thing to get out of the way; Modern Hatake's and warring states era Hatake's do not hold up to the same standards.
The Hatake's during the states were a very small clan with a very big reputation. Hailing from Iron, they were an almost famous wild clan even all the way in fire country. Distantly related to the Inuzuka's but leaning more towards wolves than dogs.
They had a proper kekkei genkai and everything, unnaturally fast and strong, often born with some form of enhanced senses— be it smell, sight, taste, or even touch. Their white chakra fed into it, and they'd feed their chakra with diets of raw meat and the occasional light cannibalism during some special clan celebrations and rituals.
Unfortunatley Sakumo knows very little about the above because he was very young when his clan was pretty much all wiped out. He was raised by the only other survivor, his grandmother, who was pretty young herself when the clan got wiped, and unfortunatley was never all too concious of many of the rituals and traditions of her clan until it was too late.
Sakumo grew up to village standards and was mostly declawed because of it, and Kakashi is only doubly so. And with that dulling of all the different traditions and specific diets also came the slow fading of their bloodline limit, which was already pretty subtle if you didn't know what you're looking for.
Anyways moving on, and if you want more details for my headcanons ab warring states Hatake's vs modern standard Hatake's look at my other time travel post bc I talk ab it more there.
So Kakashi is like 6 (holy shit he's a BABY baby)
Google keeps giving me conflicting numbers for Sakumo's age at his death so we're just gonna shrug and say he's in his early 30's.
Then for the founders;
Madara (23)
Hashirama (23)
Izuna (19)
Tobirama (18)
Sakumo is staring at these guys going through it bc they are BABIES to him. And like look, he's used to working with or even occasionally under people much younger than him, but like. Oh man that's the shodai hokage. And he's like a toddler.
(He's a 23 year old man but Sakumo is kind of having a crisis so he can't register that)
So like. All the founders have major daddy issues, right? Like we can all agree that's plausible? I'm so sorry I just think it'd be *really fucking funny* if they look at Sakumo and just kinda. Yeah.
You know what I mean.
No idea how they got there!! This is set maybe a week before Sakumo offed himself but now he can't kill himself bc that'd mean abandoning Kakashi to the fucking warring states.
Kakashi fits the warring states standards alarmingly well actually. Honestly I think even for that time period he's still scarily young to be on the field. People are giving Sakumo looks like 'it's so hard what we've been forced to do to our children, the battles we've pushed them into, the things they've seen and done all too young'
Sakumo is going *hrrg.* and having a good long look in the mirror actually. Proper crisis, lots of guilt, Kakashi should not be out in the field this young and at least before he was mostly getting baby missions but now they're stranded in time and keep running head first into trouble.
I want Izuna and Kakashi to fight and even though Kakashi absoloutley should NOT win that battle I want him to win just so that Madara and Tobirama can make fun of him for losing to an actual child
Izuna is mortified he wants that brat DEAD
Uhh I have some more but I'm at work and actually hit post too early on this post so I had to come back to rush add all these edits bc I meant for it to stay a draft I could keep adding too later. So I'll just come add more later fr
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Feel free to ignore this! I'm just v sleep deprived and having brain rot inspired by some things I saw in ur writing and thought it may be up ur alley. Also this brainrot thingy is mainly aimed at readers who have the ability to get pregnant so if that don't sit right with you feel free to ignore it or change aspects of it!
Hear me out right. A mix of the sex doll au and hybrid au (either fox or husky) for childe. But like in the doll au how he replaces components as a form of trying to live out the dad fantasy? Yeah that but in the hybrid au. Like reader is trying to rehabilitate this poor little baby fox kit/husky puppy that's really sickly and was abandoned. Childe basically looks at the reader playing nurse/mommy for this poor thing almost 24/7 (his attention is being deprived lol) and goes "oh yeah that little one is ours duh". He starts exhibiting protective dad behavior while simultaneously being like "look at how good of a job I can do".
Follow up to that the pup/kit either gets better and can be handed off to another conservationist who has other young hybrids and would do a better job at caring for them in a group environment with other hybrid kiddos so there's less of a risk of em becoming too domesticated. And reader is supper bummed out about it for a while bc all their attention was zoned in on this one really precious little one and now they've moved onto bigger pastures 🥲. Meanwhile childe sees this and is like "oh now I can both console my mate in their grief, I've proven I'm a capable partner, I can totally help them make new little ones!"
Take all of that inspo/brainstorming as u will. Also if you consider people submitting ideas as commissions I apologize for misunderstanding! Did not intend to overstep 🙇‍♀️
tw - implied violence, child neglect/abandonment, and obsessive behavior.
fjdkljdfksdj i think this would probably be more plausible with husky!childe, but something about this scenario with fox!childe is just,,,
it'd just be so sweet to watch him dote over the tiny, terrified kit one of your friends found shivering in a snowbank. you really aren't qualified to take care of such a young hybrid, but while you scramble to get a hold of a more experienced volunteer, childe picks up the slack. despite being old enough to walk, the poor thing barely leaves his arms. he handles their near-hourly feedings, modifies the ill-fitting clothes you pull out of storage to accommodate their tail and hind legs, even lets them crawl between you and him at night and violate his cardinal rule (no one else gets to so much as touch your bed except for him - an unspoken law that's resulted in more than a few bitten hands and bleeding guests). he does his best to put a dent in their never-ending energy, and when it's time for you to take over, he's never more than a few feet away, wagging his tail as you take the kit's temperature and try to convince them to swallow a few drops of medicine. and, when you finally contact a volunteer with a small shelter and a pack of orphaned kits, childe seems as happy as you are, rubbing his cheek against theirs as he tells them that they'll be home soon enough. it's sweet, even if fox-hybrid dynamics are, admittedly, a little lost on you. honestly, you're just relieved you'll be able to sleep through the night again.
at least, you're relieved until you get back from work the next day, until you find your door unlocked and your apartment wrecked, furniture overturned and rust-colored stains soaked into your carpeting. you find childe on the foot of your bed, bouncing a crying kit in his lap and gushing them quietly, but he doesn't look concerned. if anything, his posture is slack, the smile written across his face nothing short of ecstatic. he looks calm. he looks happy.
he looks like someone who only just found his way home.
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spilltheventea · 1 year
Sorry if you aren’t taking requests, I couldn’t tell 😔
but I have been having brain rot for this idea- what if the creator spoke to the traveler? Like how in game we ‘control’ them, but instead we are a guiding hand, even appearing to them in dreams.
like the traveler isn’t from teyvat originally, so at first they have NO CLUE who the creator is, so they never tell anyone. And one day they mention it in passing to like a archon. “Oh yeah, I hear a voice in my head helping me through my travels! They are super weird and know wayyy to much, but they are nice to me!” Mean while the archon in question slowly pieces things together.
bonus points if the creator gives commentary like the players do, like “girl- you can deliver that letter yourself” or “paimon dear me, I love you but shuttt up”
No worries! I'm always taking requests, although I may not always be able to answer them quickly.
A/N: This idea is utterly fantastic, and I hope you enjoy reading my take on it!
Ever since the traveler woke up in teyvat, they've been hearing this odd voice in the back of their head. The voice always seems to understand how they're feeling and see everything they see.
Every time they've tried to tell paimon, she's just brushed it off as them being crazy. Hence why they haven't really told anyone. They just assumed that anyone they told would react the same as Paimon.
But today, while they were having tea with Zhongli, the voice just wouldn't stop talking about how pretty his voice is and complaining whenever paimon interrupted him. So, they decided to tell Zhongli about the odd occurrences.
Zhongli, having always been a rather knowledgeable person he listened intently to the traveler's tales. Although still holding his composed exterior, Zhongli was rather confused, attempting to piece together his knowledge and come up with a reasonable explanation.
The traveler may be the creator's first vessel, but what are the chances of their grace residing within the traveler's mind. Zhongli kept asking questions about the traveler's experiences. Stuff like "Do they ever appear in your dreams?" And "Can you see them?"
The more the traveler explained, the more confused the archon that stood before him got. "The holy creator has been with you all throughout your journey, and this is the first that I'm hearing of it?" Zhongli interrupts the traveler beginning to get mildly fed up. Why didn't the traveler tell him sooner, do they not trust him.
'Blah, blah, blah!' The voice inside his head blabs, and the traveler swears that for a moment they saw a person standing in the corner of their vision.
"Traveler, you seem distracted... Is the voice back?" Zhongli asks, swirling his glass of tea.
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jamil-s-wifey · 1 year
Howdy~! Loved your writing! Can I request a fluff/angst scenario in which Jamil Viper suddenly had a nightmare of hurting his fem! s/o during his Overblot and when he wakes up, he quickly rushes over to Ramshackle to check on her, make sure she’s okay? Please and thank you!
Hi, hello hun! Thank you very much, I'm glad my writing brings a smile to people's faces! I love writing comfort fics, so this is right up my alley! Every comfort twst fic has been consumed by yours truly! I hope you enjoy!
WARNING: Dead bodies and mildly gruesome imagery. I kind of went overboard with the nightmare portion-
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Drip drip drip
The only sound which could reach his ears was the incessant dripping of ink, covering the ground beneath his feet.
Slithering snakes obscured his peripheral vision, red hot rage filled his veins. The school was in shambles, in every corner there were bodies littering the ground - weakened and malnourished students, who lost their lives under his fanatic dictatorship.
He was the master, but the master of what? Of ruins, of a rotting building, of a dying student body, controlled against their will, of darkened cold nothingness hidden behind lavish feasts and glittering gold. And then there was you - his jewel in the rough, his biggest treasure, kneeling before him, eyes filled with hatred, fear... and exhaustion. You dared not look him in the eyes, but your downward gaze spoke volumes - the love of his life who refused to succumb to her master's wishes.
"Pitiful. You keep disobeying your master. Haven't I taught you manners?"
You refused to answer him, gaze never leaving the ground.
"My treasure, have I not given you everything?" His voice lowered threateningly. "Or perhaps you'd choose to follow in your classmate's footsteps. Perhaps it was foolish of me to believe you'd be anything different than those mindless slaves."
You didn't answer.
"Or perhaps they've contaminated your brain. That must be it, why else would you refuse so adamantly the life of a goddess. Oh, my love, we must cure you."
He grabbed you by the hair, pulling you up. On instinct, you closed your eyes, refusing to catch his gaze.
"Smart little girl." He whispered in your ear. His snakes left painful bitemarks on your skin - covering older ones who'd begun to fade.
That's how it had been for a while - you'd lost track of time. He'd call upon you, lavish you in expensive jewellery, feeding you feasts made by the bloodied hands of your classmates, whisper sweet nothing in your ears. Then he'd get angry at your lack of response and throw you away, leaving you alone in your chambers.
Only this time, it was different.
"Perhaps I should turn to a more radical form of treatment?" His strong hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing.
Your breath became ragged, strained.
"You chose this. I am merely delivering."
You grasped his hand, trying to wiggle away, but it was useless. You felt the ink on his hand seep into your skin and clothes, contaminating your very being.
Your gaze slowly faltered, eyes closing, before he threw you on the ground.
As the heavy thud reached his ears he opened his eyes, frantically looking around. He was in his room, it was the middle of the night. He was sweaty, breath ragged. He'd fallen off his bed and that's what woke him up. He searched around for any indication that indeed it was all just a nightmare. With trembling hands he pushed himself up to sit on his bed. His hair was a mess, his heart was beating so loud he felt it might burst through his chest. He felt sick to the stomach, a twisted feeling of guilt, despair and disgust eating at his very core.
His gaze turned to the framed picture on his bedside table. It was you two, on your visit to the Scalding Sands, your arms are wrapped around him and a cheerful smile graced your features.
Was that smile...even real? Or were you being controlled?
Without thinking, he grabbed his shoes and sprinted out of his room, dead set on seeing you, rules be damned.
You were woken up by a hurried, frantic knocking on Ramshackle's front door. You slowly got up, cautiously making your way to the entrance. Even though you knew it couldn't be anybody threatening, besides you had the ghosts and Grim as back up, a little caution never hurt anybody.
What you didn't expect to see is your frazzled boyfriend, engulfing you in a bone-crushing hug the moment you opened the door.
"Whoah, Jamil. Are....are you okay?" You gently hugged him back, fingers gliding through his hair, untangling any knots he might have.
He didn't respond, instead pulling back to look you in the eyes. You looked at him dead in the eyes, no fear or disgust in your gaze whatsoever. All he saw was worry and perhaps curiosity. His eyes were glassy with untold emotions, gaze heavy with guilt.
"M-may I come in?" He inwardly cursed himself for stuttering.
"Of course, you can. Come in, come in." You grabbed his hand, leading him to your couch. "What happened? Here. I'll get you some water, did you sprint here?"
Before you could get up, he pulled you to him, hands gently cradling your face.
"Jamil, my love." You breathed out, reaching out to cup his face, "Did you perhaps have a nightmare?"
His guilt-ridden gaze moved to the floor. Somehow, only from you, he couldn't hide a single thing.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He wasn't sure what to answer. Now that he was with you and his head had cleared up, he realised how bizarre the situation was. Of course it was a nightmare.
But that didn't get rid of the weight on his heart.
"I... dreamed of my overblot. I saw... destruction everywhere. And I was hurting you. Constantly. And the fear in your eyes, it looked so real. I -" he sighed deeply. "You died... By my hands." He felt a lump forming in his throat.
"Oh, Jamil."
"And I know it's just a dream, I know but-" he couldn't keep talking. It all overwhelmed him so much.
"S/O, I-"
He snapped out, turning to you.
"Jamil, I have never, ever, for a single moment, felt afraid or disgusted around you. Your overblot happened, we can't change that, but you didn't hurt me. You didn't then. And you haven't since. And I know very well, that you'd never intentionally hurt me in any way. I trust you and I feel safe around you."
He let out a shaky breath. "How do you know you're not being controlled even right now?" It was stupid of him to ask, but his mind wasn't letting him rest.
"Jamil, both you and I know you can't keep using your unique magic indefinitely. So far, every single thing I've done, I've done on my own accord."
"And you don't fear me..?"
You looked at him dead in the eyes, with the most unwavering, serious gaze you could muster.
"How could I fear the man I love?"
He pulled you in for a gentle kiss, which he poured all of his emotions into.
"I promise you, I won't let any harm come your way, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and content, and free." He mumbled, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"Love, you sound like you're about to propose." You teased, trying to lighten the mood.
A small smile graced his features. "Perhaps in the future.", He thought to himself.
"How about we go back to bed, you are most certainly staying the night here, mister. I'll be right next to you when you wake up."
"I'm sorry for barging in at such an ungodly hour."
"Oh, shut up~. You know you're always welcome here, and besides, I'd always prefer to have you next to me when I sleep."
He didn't really understand what he did to deserve you, but you were his beacon of light and he swore to treasure you and keep you safe for as long as you let him.
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Hi so I was having some brainrot regarding your small-town-neglected-meta reader and I wanted to share them with you!
One thing I've been thinking about alot is the way readers powers work and what kinds of weather they're likely to create, etc. One thing I specifically thought about is that readers powers definitely have to come from her mom's side. Bruce and no else in Bruce's biological line have powers so readers mom has to have the meta gene. I was thinking that maybe readers mom also controlled the weather a bit, maybe not as strong as reader can but still had some powers.
Like creating little drizzles, maybe some dustdevils, and little snow storms. Because her powers were so weak she never really used them for much, maybe to help out her own parents on the farm but that's about it(using her rain powers to easily water the crops)
In that same line of thinking I also wondered if readers little brother also has superpowers. Maybe the way his powers work or appear are bit different than readers because of they have different dads(I imagine Bruce has really strong genetics. If Damian is any proof of that lol)
One little crank in this little headcanon though is that Nana and Gramps would also have to have superpowers. But then I reread the first chapter and thought about One of the phrases you used to describe how reader got in Bruce's hands.
"but blood is thicker than water in the eyes of the court."
That specifically makes me think that Nana and Gramps are actually readers little brother biological grandparents and not theirs.(what happened to their bio grandparents 🤔)
But anyway, one last thing I wanted mention is how badly I want to see reader using their powers more freely when they're back in small town. Like they aren't afraid to use their powers to make it super windy and have fun with their little brother up on the sky. Or causing a blizzard just so they can have a snowball fight and make snow-men with their little brother. Or even accidently cause a power outage because someone pissed them off! No more suppressed emotions just freedom. (Also reader crying in the middle of the rain they made in front of their parents graves(they wanted to be buried in their hometown) would be so tragically fantasic.)
Anyway I know this is a lot to read and I'm sorry if I seem a bit scrambled but I wanted to send this to you just cause I had so many ideas floating up in my brain I couldn't stop thinking about it all. Thank you for listening to me ramble, I hope your doing amazing🩷
Your call this bain-rot, Imma call it fertilizer. This is long as mess, but I think I addressed everything. Lots of Smalltown!Reader lore and I made a Family Tree to help explain if needed.
Smalltown!Reader's Family Tree:
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Complicated little bugger, ain't it? I didn't add Stephanie or Barbara because Bruce technically never adopted them or fostered them. This isn't an official thing, I made this and it was composed of little bits of information I found online. So some of this stuff might not be lore accurate.
Also, while I was researching I found out that Bruce's middle name was apparently Patrick, after his grandfather at one point.
Now, time for the pseudo science.
I consider the meta gene to be a genetic trait carried down by a parent. That would be Momma/Adeline, in this case. She carries the gene. Now, the meta gene does not always activate even if one has it. So, no, Momma was not making mini storms for us. She was, however, very encouraging of Reader using their abilities. It takes an event, usually a traumatic one, to activate the gene. (Little Brother could be getting power's in the next chapter, though.)
As for Nana and Grand Daddy we have this:
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They don't have the gene, so they don't have abilities. (Which doesn't me their harmless.) They are Reader's Step-Grandparents, but they've grown to love them all the same. Now, in court, it is preferred for a child to go to the nearest blood relative after their parents die. Or, at least, that's what I roughly know from what the court in my state is like. I'm not from Louisiana or New Jersey, where Gotham's located, so maybe it's different. But, this is fiction. This is why Nana and Grand Daddy didn't get custody of Reader, though. Plus Bruce is rich with a bunch of adopted kids, on paper he looks like the best option.
I really love the thought of Reader using their abilities for silly little things while back in Smalltown, at least before things absolutely go to hell in a hand basket. So I'll probably include a bit. (They used to do things like that before moving to Gotham, definitely.) Something I want to mention is that Reader likes to make it rain when their happy. It's their favorite weather, they love it. So a grave scene might be a bit different. (I have to include that now. Thank you for that idea! Frick, Part Eight about to be long af.)
If your curious about Reader's other grandparents, they just died from old age and health problems. I like to think that Reader had a close relationship with them. Calling them MawMaw and Gab for their nicknames and having spent a lot of time with Reader and their Little Brother before they died. (I'm sorely tempted to just commit to rewriting this with the OC I based Reader off of so I can include all this backstory to highlight how different their life in Gotham is compared to what it used to be, but I best finish what I started first.)
(Side Note: It's very common in the American south for people to give their grandparents nicknames. I have some for my southern grandparents, while I call my northern grandparents just plain Grandma and Grandpa. The nickname can vary and is usually what ever the first grandchild comes up with.)
Thank you for sending me this ask! Stuff like this actually inspires me so this was wonderful. Hopefully this helps. (Now to get back to work on my writing, I've been draggin' my feet again.)
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fatuismooches · 2 months
Just imagine with me for a moment... Insinuating that they have a crush on reader or like... that they want to kiss
Like the "Oh my god... You have a crush on me, that's so embarrassing of you!!" Or the whole "You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid."
And both times it's funny because you're already together.
Reader says to Dottore he has a crush on them. Every single segment just turns to face them and their faces get red simultaneously. Over a dozen blushing Dottores just hiding it in various different ways as they go back to what they were doing but one thing is the same. All of their ears are bright red.
Or with Pantalone. "You have a crush on me, that's embarrassing." And be just... smiles. Tilts his head to the side. "I can assure you, I'm not embarrassed. Must I buy you another gift to prove that?" And Reader immediately has to explain, no, it was a joke, please stop spending ao much money on me. And yet, the next day they open their door to an entire basket full of their favorite things.
CAPITANO OML. Even insinuate he has a crush and he's even more silent than usual. He is a little embarrassed about it. Later, comes to Reader all worried that he was being too affectionate and it was too obvious when literally all he did was place a hand on their waist when he had to pass by.
The teasing isn't really anything new for Dottore and the segments, they've dealt with it for so long, dating back all the way to the Akademiya! You'd think they'd be immune to it by now, and well, they probably are for the most part, but you are the person who they can never always accurately predict for a reason. They love you for that but... it can be not in their favor sometimes. This would arise when Dottore tells you something along the lines of taking care of yourself better... something very much only ever afforded to you. This is TOTAL crush behavior, and you would instantly get giddy and inform him of his oh-so-embarrassing crush. The lab has never been so silent... save for your cackling, as the younger, more defensive segments deny it (for some odd reason) as the older ones stay silent ignoring the rising heat in their systems, while the original stands there, bracing for the oncoming headache.
And then Pantalone is just one irritatingly smooth man. You hate it and love it at the same time. Every single time you try to tease him he just brushes it off and returns it ten times harder. It stems from the fact Pantalone is very much aware of his love for you and proud of it - how could he not fall for a person as wonderful as you? Why would he ever be embarrassed? He accepts it wholly and he's more than willing to flaunt it. So declaring his crush on you just makes him double down more. In fact, he's very glad you're conscious of his crush on you. It makes it easier to justify the amount of money he spends on you without a second thought. Meanwhile, you're slightly regretting giving him another excuse to dish out more Mora but in the end, you just can't be mad at this man.
Oh, poor, poor Capitano... this little guy can't understand the joke at first. Are you making fun of him? Should he... not have a crush on you? Was that a bad thing? But you were laughing... he's happy to see you smile but at the same time, he is confused. He spends the whole day thinking about the encounter and what you could have meant by that. When he comes home all serious, you're initially worried for the worst but then he's concerned over him showing you affection. You vehemently apologize to him because you felt bad. After that, you always make sure to let him know how much you love him and how affectionate he is for you! You also always let him know it's okay to tease you back but... um, he is terrible at that.
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astervoidtheartist · 2 months
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yapper and listener duo!!
I've been so obsessed with TWDG for months and months and months on end. It's rotting my brain more than the walker corpses. I've been doodling the characters a lot lately so here's a big collection of drawings! (I love Louis so much it's indescribable oml)
(Same goes for Kenny, he's my bae)
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Click read more to hear my ramblings about the art and TWDG in general lol (SPOILERS)
I genuinely am so heartbroken that Telltale isn't making anymore of these wonderful games. TWDG series is the first to ever make me sob, anytime Lee appears I do in fact cry my eyes out and it's such a beautiful story they've created here.
This may be an unpopular opinion: I do not hate Lilly. She is awful, don't get me wrong. But I love her as a villain, and I do feel sympathy for her. (Will never forgive her for Carley though, can forgive her for James because I'd rather him be dead than hate me lmao)
I went with Louis' "route" (if that's what you'd call it) because I love him but I also love Vi so I'm gonna replay the whole game to do her's. The piece where I drew them was inspired by that one scene where Louis asks you why you saved him over her and then goes on about how he loved annoying Violet and making her do that one eye roll lol
Also I love Kenny :( At the end of season 2 I had Clem and AJ go without him so I wouldn't have to see him die but I think I might replay it where we go with him so I can get just a smidge more content of him lmao.
Anyways thank you for reading my rambles, I don't have anyone to talk about this game with please suggest me to draw more people from it and yap about it to me ;(
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cossmoluck · 2 months
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FINALLY finished this
turns out soon means one week+ in my little lizard brain, that's cool
anyways!!! meg
megalo don content,,, food
also, as a treat for making myself take so much to finish this, some of my AU lore rambling thing under the cut (warning, pretty long)
in my design, most of his exterior Nitro armor is removable, being an extension of the augument inside his body, which pumps Nitro both through his lungs and bloodstream, crossing from front to back through his torso. His tubes would be attached to certain openings around his body, which could also have 'lids' put on for safe closing. Every area where the Nitro pumps directly into his body would have 'Nitro burn'- a less proeminent glow than the one in his fueled up form. I, as many others also do, like to think that his mask actually comes off (I haven't drawn him unmaksed yet, but I'll get to that too eventually). One headcanon I have is that when you take his medallion in game, what you take is actually his mask and use it.
For his body I went for a slightly leaner strongman build, as he doesn't seem way too bulky in his non-fueled form, but he's still considerably bigger than most others. I tried to give him a 'scarred shark' look, and gave him burn scars on one arm from a misfiring Nitro Fist hit accident
also his hair look so so fluffy in game and for WHAT
(note, this is all to be taken as an AU. i am by no means well versed enough in Fortnite lore to make something close to canon or actual on point headcanons lol,,, tl;dr at the bottom!!)
i feel like the whole theory with Meg and big chuggus being somehow related is true, but not necessarily in the way others present it usually i don't think they're snapshots of each other in any way, i just think that they've been basically created 'for the same purpose', maybe in the different 'realities?' I'm not 100% sure how the zero point reset worked considering Midas was technically the same and all
so let's say Chaos had created the Slurp legends and Slurp creatures back during the GHOST/SHADOW conflict i like to think that Meg might have been created sometime during then too- a more refined variant of the technology used on big chuggus, enough for him not to end up as brain dead as big chuggus himself (sorry big chuggus)
Megalo Don could have been a fleet leader for the naval forces, as he has an overall very reoccurring military theme with his insignia and stuff. Maybe he was hired by Chaos to aid him and willingly allowing Chaos to modify him into the 'perfect leader', boosted by slurp into near perfection I believe his Oasis style would be what his 'original' look was, with Slurp coursing through his pumps instead of Nitro
so how did he turn into the Meg we know? during the GHOST/SHADOW conflict, his crew got destroyed, probably, and they somehow ended up punished to the Pandora's Box, but not dead like Midas, just punished there I like to think that there is not only one Pandora's Box, technically, and that they're basically some sort of even higher security 'prison' for things deemed disasters under certain circumstances, putting mortal beings into their own personal hell. The ones imprisoned in the Pandora's Box arent necessarily 'dead', like shade Midas in the Underworld, but they're not alive in the full sense either. This particular Nitro filled Pandora's Box sprouted there, leaving behind veins of pure Nitro in the depths of the earth through which the Box had erupted.
in the Pandora's Box, stuck in an infinite purgatory loop of fighting and dying, the slurp that fueled his crew quite literally rotted into Nitro, and Megalo Don himself basically 'rusted' from the rot. The Nitro, essence of death, in a way, compared to Slurp, slowly and surely altered Meg's brain, turning him from a calculated leader into a terrifying tyrant, with nihilistic views regarding his crew and conquest, as he saw them all die over and over again… Another case of 'rotten' slurp beings being Sludge, maybe, as he could perhaps be read as a Slurp creature gone 'bad' (slurp to nitro)
Meg's mind got clouded with the only thing he could comprehend anymore- Nitro coursing through his veins, through his ship, through anything in the living hell he experienced in the Pandora's Box. (Ultrakill flesh prison sounding aah) Obtained by conquest or murder, with destruction being the only method he could even comprehend using to get it, his very life seeming to depend on Nitro at that point, and being released into the world again brought him bo purpose than to seize back all of his Nitro and keep fighting more and more
after he and his crew escaped from the Pandora's Box, Meg had intercepted a boat droning the Island from SHADOW, which had went to scout out Helios after Midas' escape from The Underworld, unaware of the Pandora's Box opening right then, and getting caught in the sandstorm. Meg had just the luck to capture Chaos (or a snapshot), the very man who had taken away his humanity and turned him into a (now) Nitro-fueled beast. From them he also took the island plans, which helped his crew settle in as fast as they did, the Redline Rig digging for Nitro the very moment they got there and the Nitrodrome building itself over the abandoned Fencing Fields, repurposing the fizz machinery there into the dome's car destruction traps
i also like to think that Meg has a father/daughters bond with Scarr and the Machinist, with the Machinist maybe being one of the original scientists on Chaos' team, whom had helped him stabilize his new equipment at the time, and Scarr being a dedicated member of his fleet since before getting banished into the Pandora's Box. Initially, both Scarr and the Machinist would have admired him for his courageous leadership and respected him as a leader, but through their decline in the Pandora's Box, their found family bond only strengthened, with the two of them being probably his only subordinates he actually cares about
i also like to imagine that he had made most of the transmissions particularly silly in hopes of having them tune in on either patrol or at the Nitrodrome and make them laugh with the over the top commentary
tl;dr: i headcanon megalo don as an ex-slurp legend made by Chaos who had rotted to nitro in the Pandora's Box. His Oasis style is what he looked like pre-Box. Also the Mechanist and Ringmaster Scarr are his found family daughters
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2af-afterdark · 10 months
Would you believe me if I said I have some more ✨thots✨ on Omega MC in WHB?
Like how Beel/Bael is a two for one deal because MC’s sweet sweet heat pheromones are driving them crazy?
Or how everyone in Abbadon (idk if it’s one or two B’s) just are eagerly waiting to help (and by eagerly I mean fighting each other to have a chance)
Or how Naberius and Buer are just at each other because they should be helping the sweet “innocent” omega? (Dogs man /j)
I do wonder if you have any other thots on this, go as rabid and feral as you want for this, I live for Chaos
I saved this ask. I saved it for a rainy day. Today is my rainy day. fun fact: omegaverse is one of my comfort genres. I read it whenever I need a pick-me-up
First part
Bell would pop up in Avisos unexpectedly the moment MC enters their heat (he smelled it across all of Hell); walking into the sight of Bael already peeling open their shirt and groping them while his nose is buried against their neck to sniff at their sweet scent. They are both turned on by smell and a human omega is a new experience; a surprisingly sweet treat. Cut to MC in Bael's lap, his hands all over them, and Bell eating away at their wet entrance. MC will walk away covered it bite marks... if they could walk afterward, that is.
Abbadon is a complete toss up. I have the feeling a few members would be more than happy to work together (see Phenix and Ronove) but some may want MC along because they don't think the poor human could handle the session if they had to handle more than one devil all on their own. RIP to the cute omega, because those devils will still go back-to-back without giving them a proper break. Good thing Paradise Lost is always ready to lend a helping hand. Speaking of which....
Imagine Paradise Lost! The healers are no joke. If anyone knows how to be extra rough with a desperate omega, it has to be them. They have the terrifying ability of healing people to the point that it's like they were never injured at all. They can go pretty far as long as MC doesn't die or lose a limb... And considering how rotted an omega's brain could be during a heat, they may not even notice how rough the boys are being. All they know is that everything feels good.
But, yes, I think Naberius would be the worst™. Dog smells bitch in heat (affectionate) and loses his fucking mind. He would be humping MC so fast that they wouldn't be able to do much else than beg him for more. God save you if you try to come near his omega. He will bite you will all three of his mouths (I like to believe he turns into his Cerberus form when MC is sleeping so they can cuddle against the big puppy).
Glasyalabolas would be a jerk about it though. He lives for chaos. He would tease and torment MC without a hint of relief just so they keep spreading all those sweet omega pheromones and drive everyone else crazy. He'd watch the entirety of Hell turn into fistfights over MC... then he'd finally steal MC away and give them what they've been craving from him just so all the fighting was pointless and everyone else is left blue balled.
LEVIATHAN THOUGH! Just imagine him finding out MC is in heat! Imagine how quickly he grabs MC from wherever the fuck in Hell they are at that moment and stealing them away to his room so that he's the only one enjoying their sweet scent. Imagine how many days he spends with them completely drunk on their heat, loving on him and only him. Then imagine how envious he is after MC's heat passes because "do you only feel that way about me when your mind is addled?" so he makes them prove that's how they always feel about him for a few more days on top of it.
And what about Mammon?!?!?!?!?! Man owns the world and would gladly give it to MC in a heartbeat. He also has zero hang ups about sexual acts in public, so I can see him going about his day despite MC's heat and just letting them climb on top of him whenever they need it. Fuck! I wouldn't be surprised if the entirety of Tartaros is as their disposal and that they don't have someone waiting on them hand and foot between the the high points of their heat. I'm sure Bimet would jump at the chance, just saying.
And Satan... Dear sweet Satan would let them cling to him all day and they could have sex and roughly or as gently as they want. He's there for them as long as they need him. If anyone else comes sniffing, he will kick them across Gehenna. MC doesn't need anyone else coming around right now when they're so vulnerable.
Meanwhile, poor Minhyeok has to deal with getting back all their use panties that smell like heat and slick. Man may go into a rut and have enough cum to fill more than one jar. I'm sure MC will need all that extra love during and after their heat.
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realcube · 3 months
the haikyuu brain rot is BACK in full swing omg and i just had another idea BYE
April… stop sending me shit -you… maybe. Jkjk. Anyway.
I’m Anemic and my hands and feet r always cold lol so the idea goes like this: <insert character here> is working/relaxing and then all of a sudden their anemic SO just like assults them with cold hands on their neck or like down their shirt? i think it’d be really funny. If you wanna do this idea u can pick the boys but Haikyuu (obviously bc we share a braincell and it’s almost always haikyuu) and Tendo has to be involved.
thanks for putting up with me 😍 -April
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♡ ok well the first challenge with tendo is actually trying to find him relaxed.. like ever
♡ mans in the embodiment of hyperactivity and hyperawareness
♡ he is the guess monster after all
♡ like the only time you'll ever find him unsuspecting and vulnerable is when he is asleep or trying to sleep
♡ thankfully wtih all the running about he does and all the adventures he takes you on, that is quite frequently
♡ oh and whenever you try to subject him to anything academic or mentally stimulating he falls asleep LMAO
♡ you're like "tendo i found this really good documentary we should watch. it's about climate change and it'll just say it's really interesting and educational because i don't wanna spoil too much. wanna watch with me?"
♡ "only if we can watch together!"
♡ you smile and grab the remote in order to put it on. "you're going to love it, i've heard from all my friends it's really informative. and i've seen trailers for it and they've got hundreds of environmental scientists that have been researching th— tendo?" you look back over at him to see him fast asleep and snoring
♡ as revenge for that level of disrespect of course you need to deploy your ultra secret weapon of mass destruction final attack: cold hands.
♡ you snake them under his shirt then suddenly press your hands firmly against his chest and he SCREAMS
♡ like his eyes shoot open and he yelps while jumping up from the couch
♡ all while you are just laughing your fecken ass off
♡ "(y/n)?! what was that?" he asks, despite the fact he knows exactly what it was because you've done this to him several times before
♡ "that's what you get for falling asleep after you said you'd watch a movie with me! how would you feel if i fell asleep during one of your volleyball games?"
♡ he rolls his eyes as he reluctantly sits back down on the couch, "that would hurt but that's different. you're actually watching me — your atheletic and impossibly hot boyfriend — play."
♡ you roll your eyes but he continues to explain himself, "but it's not like i'm watching you in this movie."
♡ "i am in this movie!" you argue, just for the fun of it.
♡ "really? who do you play?"
♡ "an icicle." you declare proudly.
♡ "are you sure you don't mean an iceberg— AH! STOP!"
♡ he screams while you chase him around the room, trying to capture his arms and his face in your hands, "never!"
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♡ okay so i firmly believe ushijima is so ice cold on the inside your hands genuinely don't affect him
♡ which is such a shame because you so badly wanted to hear him squeal
♡ but no.. sigh..
♡ it honestly frustrates you to no end up you still don't give up, you know someday you'll get the perfect balance of warm room + element of surprise that you'll get some reaction out of him
♡ but whenever you touch him and he just looks at you like '😐 can i help you?' you get sooo disheartened you can't even be bothered to explain what you're doing so literally he has no idea whats going on
♡ kinda like this:
♡ you see him sitting on the couch, engrossed in this month's issue of Gardening Monthly that you just left on the table as a distraction (he doesn't know anything about gardening)
♡ and you start to creep up to him from behind, holding your breath, each movement perfectly calculated so you don't step on any creaky floorboards. you approach in completely silence and then...
♡ BOOM! cold hands to the face!!
♡ your hands are squishing his cheeks and instead of screaming or even gasping, he just turns to look at you his resting blank expression. "what is this?"
♡ "ughh" you groan, tossing your head back in frustration. everything was so spot on but still nothing. "hmph.. nevermind.." you grunt, storming away.
♡ and because you just randomly touch him so often and refuse to explain it, he just thinks its one of those things couples are supposed to do
♡ so randomly when you are together he'll sneak up behind you and place both his hands on your shoulders, giving YOU a heart attack
♡ or when you're sleeping you'll suddenly feel two hands squish your cheeks and at first your blood will run cold until you realise it's toshi
♡ it's all fun and games and cutesy couple stuff until he does it to you in the hallways of your school/college while you are on your way to class
♡ he'll creep up behind you and place his hands on your waist and because you're in a public place you automatically assume its a stranger and spin around to roundhouse him in the face
♡ he's okay though. your hands made a good temporary ice pack while the nurse got him a real one
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♡ 1000000% screams like a little girl and tries to play it off cool
♡ and because of that you love him too much to ever use your cold hands on him in public or in front of his teammates
♡ (bc you both know tsukishima and yamaguchi would never let him hear the end of it and tell EVERYONE they know and one thing leads to another, now everyone has lost any respect for him they may have had formerly.)
♡ (ok that's an exaggeration but it would still be very embarrassing for him)
♡ so you only do it in private and titter to yourself about it
♡ however you do have it as a form of blackmail if he ever disrespects you which is good
♡ jkjk ofc you'd never blackmail
♡ but you do like to tease him because you both know you have that power
♡ like if you ask him to grab you an extra milk from the vending machine and he says no (idk why he would say no though , he's too whipped to ever do that, but just as an example) you could just raise your hands up menacingly
♡ and the way he would DART towards the vending machine
♡ unreal
♡ if he could pull out that speed on the court, he'd send wakatoshi ushijima home CRYING that's for certain
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marchsfreakshow · 5 months
A Little Piece Of Heaven [James Patrick March]
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Angst / smut implications/ fluff all wrapped up in a confusing bow.
You were just a victim all those years ago, now a rotting ghost stuck in a boarded up hallway. Wasting your ghostly days away, until the wall, suddenly gets knocked down.
Absolutely NOT inspired by an a7x song /sarc. I was listening to it and just thought of something I could write with it. :)
Warnings: small reference to necro (it's in the song too don't worry) misgendering Liz a few times I'm sorry. James touching your wounds. Fem!reader.
No one's perspective
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
How long had it been since you saw day?
Since you saw a nick of sleep?
The faint burst of hunger in your stomach explode?
It was all unwelcome. The last you remember? Sleeping. Peacefully in your hotel bed. It was, a bit scratchy, but any sleep was sleep. The early dawn reaching you, just for your breath to hitch. Eyes widened as a gentlemanly figure stood tall over your tired body. Who was this person? Wasn't your hotel room locked? Nerves as your heart raced, locking eyes with your perpetrator. "If I hadn't sworn my heart to my darling Elizabeth, why, I would've courted you instead." The man sighed happily, a silky, transcendental voice. Confusion ran over your furrowed eyebrows. A dry throat as an answer was being racked in your brain. But his voice, my that could've sung you to sleep again if you weren't careful.
Being in your nightgown for so long...it was cold. Everything, all the time was cold. Why on earth? But, somehow always in the presence of...Ruldoph Valentino, and Natacha Rombav. It was always intimidating. The way they stared at your stature, and how you held your arms over your chest always; it was hunger. They've tried. They had tried for the past.... something years. Always tried to take a bite, and have some food, but nothing appeared. It infuriating to the pair. Stuck in here with you, since...since...whenever! Time didn't have a meaning anymore. The three of you begged, squealed, screamed and wailed in front of the uninviting wall. Just needing someone to bring you out of it. It was only as the angry years rolled by you realised you were probably dead. A ghost silently and angrily roaming. Such a soul, unable to leave a place like The Hotel Cortez. Was that why you were so cold? Unable to feel anything if the two nicked at your arms?
Questions just ran through your head always. Who was Elizabeth? Was she as beautiful as you thought? The mystery man only spoke of her and, how she felt, as he walked you down this hallway. His big hand on the small of your back, and a sinning smile plastered on his face. A smile almost resembling the devil's wicked smile. How he felt, similar to the sinners being condemned to nothing but pain for the rest of their lives. Sure what he wanted was wrong, but he didn't find anyone else as pretty, and never brought harm to his wonderful wife. She was too gorgeous to touch.
One or two open rooms, so he brought you into a random room, setting your hazy self onto the lonely bed. "Such a beauty.." the man whispered. Blurry eyes found his face again, eyes almost made to look friendly, a thin moustache adding to his look. What a feeling stuck to your heart. A feeling of want and belonging with this man, but knowing he was a married man. You weren't a harlot! Certainly not a tired one. Despite the blurry face, finding you beautiful, it was always certain that he adored his wife so much more. The way he spoke of her, it was like Lucifer had found another fallen angel...one just as similar as him, desperate for some odd chaos in the perfect chaos of heaven. if only you could find the odd in perfect.
But no, you were laid lazily, blinking back any tiredness. He was kneeled by a small heater. Putting some fuel in it. Your-
"HEY! I've been calling you for the past few minutes." Natacha's voice bringing your head up to meet hers. The dust and grey from her, falling onto you. You just nodded and stood, going to follow her. Leaving the room where your corpse had rotted away, and into the lonely hallway once again.
Light? Was it real? Two men walked into the hall nervously, shining torches? Down the walls. They only took a few steps before the desperate couple practically devoured them. Leaving no blood to waste. Nearly 100 years of hunger would drive anyone insane, you understood that even if you were just a ghost. Watching them feed scared you, but you thanked the gods you were dead. You were dead. That realisation you made years ago only rang true now. Now you were stepping outside of that trapped hallway.
It was only wonder that filled your 'innocent' mind. Taking steps like a fawn for the first time. Shaky, nervous, and feeling like falling. It was just, so bright outside the hallway. Unnaturally bright. It hurt. Why did it hurt so much? Feeling like a zombie despite only being a walking soul. A shell of someone once living. A shell of an unwanted, unloved human, living lonely in the background of others.
Other souls were amongst you, it seemed. Plenty of them. They were all just as bad as the blood-sucking actors you loved so much when you were alive. All craving to cause such chaos. Cause a little bloodshed when bored of living in their own heads. These living halls and walls were, identical. It would've maddened you, if not for the fact you followed the room numbers. This was a hotel, wasn't it? It most likely still was. But every wallpaper, every carpet and door were identical to the 20s. Almost like they weren't allowed to change anything about it.
legs at the edge of the bed, hanging over a little. Was the man putting the heater on? How kind of him. But he didn't fully put it on. Once stood up straight, he looked back at you. Blurry eyes now looking up at him normally. No ounce of softening in his heart. His eyes hardening on your torso. Blush settling on your face. This was absolutely wrong. However, there was an idea that running wasn't your best idea right now. Whatever was about to happen. Then, a small unsheathing. Heart rate quickening as the silver metal met your eyes. That was a knife. A knife?! No, no no...
The man noticed your eyes, your heartbeat, and gave a sadistic little chuckle. What on earth was he planning? Whatever you thought was pushed away as the cold metal pressed against your neck. The feeling made you shiver, your instinct to fight him large. The instinct to give him and let him murder you; larger. Your life felt useless, this would be the perfect way to go. Despite that, you placed a hand over his, to push him away. Such worked hands, such scars. A finger ran over his knuckles, without notice. But he raised an eyebrow at you, almost disgustingly taking your hand off his and placing it back on your chest. What had gotten into you? Whore... It made mystery man cut you quicker. Your chest, then your neck.
Death. It consumed you quick. Sweet, dark warmth, eating you. It wasn't like you expected. No purgatory, deciding heaven or hell. No. A few minutes of nothing before your eyes awoke to a scene you never thought you'd see. This mystery man, experimenting with your body. Using the heater against your, tempting thighs to warm you up. What would this Elizabeth think?! Nothing else crossed you, as you stood quietly, attempting to not pay attention to whatever it was he was doing.
"You seem new, but old at the same time." A person's voice rang out. It stopped you in your steps and looking up, you were met with a woman? He looked like a woman and spoke effeminately. He must have been a transvestite or something.
In light of your manners returning to you, you cleared your throat, but the voice that came out was still scratchy and throaty. "um. I have been in a hallway, the wall, has been destroyed." Looking down at yourself, you dusted down your nightgown. Then you remembered you were in your nightgown. How embarrassing...the worst thing you could have died in!
The person didn't respond, and instead, you heard his heels click as he walked behind you, probably towards where you had come from. Gulping nervously, you looked and then just swished your head away, carrying on. Now with the embarrassing fact that everyone will see you in your sleeping gown. Something meant for only you. Walking seemed fun now though. You weren't sure about the year, but everything truly was the same.
Ah, an elevator. Just waiting after you pressed the up button, and stepping into it. Oh, what floor were you going to? Uh, this one! You randomly pressed a floor button out of nerves, accepting that you would just get to explore for ages, meeting other freaks and surprises around. It was still such an interesting hotel, and there must have been some changes right? Well, you exited the elevator and started to walk. Walking this direction, this way, over here instead. Muffled noises went past you. Talking, screaming, moaning. Such a lively hotel.
Oh. An open door. 64 the number plate read. Even if the door was open, you knocked and heard a "come in." The voice was so familiar to you. But you couldn't place it. Like a faint memory, you could blurrily place together. It was smooth, sweet and transcendental. You stepped through your cloud of thoughts into the room and looked around.
"I truly am sorry for my appearance, I um, I'm unaware of this place and don't have any other clothes on me." You admitted sheepishly, eyes meeting the man's back. That suit. It was... something else about it. The voice, this, pinned suit, why was it so close but distant to your memory?
As soon as you spoke, the man spun on his heel, and almost dropped his drink when his eyes met yours. Oh. Oh! This was...your murderer. No. It couldn't've been. He would've died years and years ago. But, my he looked so similar to the one who took your last breath. "...you got out?" That was all he said. Shakily, you nodded and stepped back, barefoot on the uncomfortable frame of the door. The way he met your eyes after roaming your body, it was almost animalistic. An urge he'd never have again if he lost you.
Both of you snapped and you ran. You ran through the hallways. Mystery man chasing you slowly. But with every long step he took, and every look back, he seemed closer and closer. How was this real? No, dreaming. The both of you circled back to room 64. Rushing in, you shut the door and slammed yourself into the bathroom. Mystery man was just as fast. Entering the room a few minutes later with an almost sadistic chuckle. Oh, you shouldn't be feeling this pit of warmth right now. What was wrong with you? This chase, still unknowing of his name after this long... "You cannot hide for long my bird. I know you have questions."
It was true. Your brain was rattled with questions. Who was he? Why did he kill you? Why were you feeling this pit at his laugh? Why was he so- Absolutely not. He was your murderer. When did he die? So silent minutes passed quickly before you opened the door with a deep inhale and exhale.
Nervous eyes meeting dead ones. Practically soulless despite his soul standing in front of yours. He smiled a fake smile at you, taking your hand like a gentleman. Leading you to a chair and sitting you in it, placing a small drink of whiskey in front of you. "Ask me my bird."
"Who are you." It was a statement more than a question, but it was the one looming at the forefront.
"James Patrick March. I built this hotel, I ghost it." Your eyes flickered with a burn. Nearly all your questions were answered already. He was the creator of this building, it was something you had heard of, but you didn't take too much interest.
"Okay. Well then..who was Elizabeth?" Your heart tugged at the question. Always compared to such a lady before your death. A useful death, but with a comparison, you had to know. But, he told you. Everything. James told you every single little detail. She was still here but didn't care for him. A little bit of relief washed over you. A bit. Whatever this feeling was in your...stomach? was, it was annoying, and you despised it. Pushing it down with the mention that he still cares for her. Meeting with her every month for dinner, catering to any want to ask she asks of her. A pathetic puppy whining at its master's leg for some attention. James was so...proper...and neutral.
"...if that's the case, why did you say that if you weren't courting her, you would court me instead? All those years ago." He hasn't thought about your death in years. He's murdered dozens as time went on and on. He's experimented, failed some and won others. You remembered his words to you?
"You are indeed beautiful bird, and I would have. At that time, I loved The Countess dearly. I still do. She is my one. While I have not had any idea to court anyone else within the time of our agreement, it is occasionally a lingering thought." That raised more questions. More interrogating, what did he mean by that? Wouldn't she also have died plenty of years ago? Your eyes watched the table in front of you as you scanned your mind for plenty of reasons and questions.
"is...is she like the two that were trapped with me?" Eventually, you spoke again, hands clasped together and nerves boiling over.
Words merged together as the both of you spoke about everything and nothing. So, vampires were real. Technically...what an odd time for you to be un-living in. At least you would not be a victim. Dead for almost a century, and not the prettiest ghost here. The more modern deaths were certainly beautiful, knowing it, and flaunting it so happily. Just to murder...
The word rang through your head as James talked about your death. About why he used your rotting body. About why he had that heater between those intimate thighs of yours always. He needed a body to experiment with. One he couldn't just dare put more slashes on. An open neck and open chest was good enough. You were bewildered. Dumbfounded and confused as he explained his reasoning. Simply because he could. He murdered and used bodies simply because he could. How deranged.
Oh. There was that pit again. Damnit. Whatever it is, you needed to be rid of it. Rubbing the part of your body where your womb was, you stared at the undrunk whiskey hard. Furrowed eyebrows and unmoving eyes. The murderer took notice and leaned towards you. "Are you feeling okay my dear?" His dead breath so close to you. Why, oh why was this pit in your womb so obvious to you? He killed you! Obviously, no feelings should be felt for him apart from hatred. Was it hatred in your womb? No. James probably knew what you were feeling and wanted to tease you with it.
Tease you? But of course. Such an untouched woman was easy to please and make fun of. A simple kiss on your cheek and a hand lingering on your jaw. The pit, it felt like it had just spilled. Like it had spilt and flowed from your womb to the chair you were sat on. Even more embarrassing than being in your nightgown only. You wouldn't mention it. You couldn't. You weren't shameless, and he was a gentleman. Still a gentleman even though his words said otherwise.
It was only when you stared blankly up at the ceiling and James had left the room that you realised what happened. Left on the bed, with the remembrance of those scratchy, desperately uncomfortable bed sheets. But this time you felt frozen, and...naked. Every single little fibre of the duvet on your skin, and feeling it move on top of you when you adjusted yourself. Still as uncomfortable as it was those years ago. Your feet met the ground as you sat up, and picked up the nightgown again. What a thing to die in... something meant for only you. Now everyone you would pass would see it, and judge you harshly.
It was put back on as soon as you stood. The pit in your womb just felt better once James finished. Like you just needed him to, make you feel warm despite the both of you being cold always. He walked in and was holding up some clothes. "My dear I have brought you a dress. You do not need to wear that anymore." The folded fabric was spread out on the bed, and it was a simple black one, floor length and full sleeves down to the wrist. Such a gorgeous dress, unsure of wether or not it would even fit you.
After just looking at James with worry in your eyes, he sighed softly and took your nightgown off you again, thumbs grazing the wound under your breasts. It was grotesque, but god it was such a sweet feeling on his fingers. Feeling his work, and admiring it. Romantic touches, with nothing but admiration for his murder behind it. It was like he was obsessed with it, unable to hide how much he loved his kill. He gave the same touches to your neck. Hearing the small whimpers leaving you as his fingers traced the edge of your neck. The way you were touched wasn't like anything before. Intimate and dangerous parts of you explored more than you were explored a few minutes ago. "So sweet.." He sighed quietly, before slipping the dress on you.
A perfect fit, and James admired it. He looked at you like you were...well like you were The Countess. Being stared at nicely was weird, but something you figured you had to get used to. He had claimed you, not like you knew that though. Such a beautiful victim, at the time unclaimable. Now as claimable as any other person in the god-forsaken hotel you were stuck in.
"you will be a beautiful accessory to murder my darling."
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
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Tag: @babygorewhore @taintandviolent @slvt4jamesmarch @slutforgarlogan @fear-is-truth / @coentinim @bluerthanvelvet444 @nahoyasboyfriend @carniv0reev @yandereunsolved / @briaroftheroses @doll3tt33
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
Smg4: smg4 doesn't meme for 1 second
Mostly Gay Boys talk / and well lil bit of crew talk
The crew convinced three to take four in for a therapy session. Tho that didnt solve his problems on complete brain rot with all of the memes.
Three did try his best to make him stay a bit focused on the topic they were meant to discuss with four's own meme problems.
And that didn't work-
- after smg4 was sent to meme rehab -
Everyone in the crew were sitting in the gaming room watching some tv, they were seen bored as ever without smg4.
Even just a small glimpse with each memeber entirely they've missed smg4 as well. He was their friend, their leader.
Shroomy came in with the mention of "among us" everyone- as in EVERYONE looked at where smg4 is supposed to be sitting at- reminded them the times when he would laugh at couple of meme jokes.
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It is pretty much saddened by the crew how worse it could be in a day without smg4 is by at their side could make them feel miserable.
Then Meggy mentioned about missing smg4...
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You know who responded to that?
Three himself...
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"Yeah...like, if... er... smg4's stupid humor... like actually... made our lives more exciting...and we didn't like... realize it or something?"
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"We're going over to that facility... to get SMG4 back!"
Smg3 was the one who knocked the door, he wanted him to come back. Even the crew also needs smg4 back because he wasn't just any other leader. He was already part of them as well.
They could all tell so, even for smg3 too.
Smg3's character development has taken him way more better to where he'd come far off being the evil villain he used to be before then coming to how much important he chose his own path.
"Hi, how are you" gave them the shock on their faces. Like they felt it was already too late to take back the treatment he was given while he was away.
"Woah smg4! Look at the phone! Wow, sk---di! Yeah you like this! Wooh! Sk---di t--l-t! Hehe. Stinky, woaaaaahh!" ★(I had to censor this because I hate reading nor hearing [REDACTED])
Smg3 attempted to try and brighten out his mood. Gave it a chance who mightve thought would work, giving him those meme moments that definitely would make him laugh.
But three didnt even know he wasnt even sure- if he even liked sk---di t--l-t.
Last time we know is that four almost lost his sh-t during that one cintent farm episode, he cringed to the part of mentioning this kind of brain rot.
But now that his mind is not any other that he'd act at all, smg4 became the normal. The person he wasnt supposed to be. Who SHOULDNT be.
"What is... a meme..."
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Everyone didnt want to lose smg4's senses, they didnt want his own person to disappear SO. they went inside the lab to get back his uhh... meme... thing-
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Then- yeah he did-
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Some of their eyes were relaxed but still worrying for him, while tari and smg3's eyes were a bit widened in shock. (Three was more widened than tari btw)
This indicates that three may have grew tons of roots being there for smg4 as well. That their friendship they both have planted is far beyond than just "sticking" to the sides.
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Now that Four is back in his senses, everyone joined in including smg3 to do the... t pose? Whatever it's called.
Three was so happy- to finally get him back- speaking of having the role as a tritagonist, he really mustve took way more care and tells how important he already is to him. Even as a friend.
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Honestly the hosts here who've completely have done much was Meggy and Three. Well- mostly three since he'd been convincing the crew to not give up or regret the choices made.
He LITERALLY told them that they need to get him BACK.
And everyone did understood.
Mark my words they have to be- (if they dont become canon in wotfi 2024 i will cry and die)
There is literally no way you guys look at each other like that. Stare for atleast SIX MORE SECONDS. (/referring to Puzzlevision movie when FOUR HAD BEEN STARING AT THREE)
and then caring for one another so emotionally like- mate- THATS FRUITY ALREADY- ENOUGH- WITH THE "FRIENDS" WHERE IS THE "BOY" AND "FRIEND"??????
I cant- I cannot- thats how badly they both need each other and slow burn is just- literally... uuuuuurugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
They both mightve had the longest slowburn i have EVER seen in the sun and moon shipping history/silly
This mostly takes alot of time (judging by like lumity or catradora)
But i wouldnt mind with this also- its- well- kind of almost there but not yet...?
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