#outside of their association with Captain Marvel
wndaswife · 3 months
Wanda Maximoff, A Monster: Character Analysis through Jeffrey Jerome Cohen’s ‘Monster Theory: Reading Culture’
Essay | Word count: 1538
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By analysing Wanda Maximoff through Cohen’s Monster Theory, Wanda’s signification as the Other is revealed to be attributable to Marvel as defined by a hypermasculine American culture and its respective signifying values, proving her body to be that of a cultural one — the body of Marvel’s monster.
Cohen’s theory postulates the monster’s body as cultural, whose existence comes into formation once signified by means of the signifier’s cultural value and attitudes. What is pushed to the margins becomes distinguished as the Other and thereby becomes a symbol carrying epistemological significance, embodying everything that is culturally unwanted, foreign, and uncomfortable according to the signifier. 
If there are monsters signified, it is because we understand ourselves as not monstrous, but even by distinguishing ourselves from them, they go nowhere for they are distinguished from within the subjective, therefore all monsters and non-monsters reside exactly where they had prior to signification — together. This theory paradoxically exposes that there is nothing that isn’t; there is only existence, and one that is unitary, for to contrast one another is to be signified as one or the other, working from within a system of signification that achieves only distinction but never separation, for all signification occurs subjectively, meaning from within. This is what allows the ‘inside’ and the 'outside’ to be one in the same. It is why we cannot exist without our monsters and vice versa, and why as long as there is an existence of anything, monsters are necessitated. 
Monsters are villains whose counterparts are heroes. The image of a traditional superhero is simple — a muscled and capable man driven by the pursuit of justice, who fights and triumphs over evil. Traditional Marvel superheroes are all this but with an additional facet of militant patriotism, with one of their most infamous faces, Captain America, being designed specifically for WWII propaganda targeting American men (Roach & Mangels, 2024). Superhero culture is hypermasculine, calling for men to identify with and feel gratified by viewing idealised hypermasculine culture (McIntosh, 2015), with each of the always-triumphant original male Avengers resembling a significant feature of said culture — Hulk as glorified violence, Captain America as patriotism, Iron Man as financial wealth, Thor as godliness, and Hawkeye as fatherhood, and each with character designs showcasing an ideal male body.
To have a franchise that showcases idealisation appealing to men means that its targeted audience are men that feel the pleasure of ego-gratification through self-identification with what is displayed on screen (Mulvey, 1975), which is, specifically, hypermasculinity that has ideal men front and centre, making this specific audience Marvel’s signifiers while its movies embody their audience’s cultural values and attitudes.
When Marvel’s signifiers are men who are fed pleasure through the ego-constituting hypermasculinity showcased within the movies, it is necessary to question how Marvel depicts its female characters — namely, Natasha Romanoff, the sixth original Avenger.
Natasha is an emotionally-reserved Russian ex-spy who left her foreign associations to join the American superheroes, and who repents for being unable to birth children (School of Politics and International Relations, 2020), going so far as to call herself a monster for being forcefully sterilised (Whedon, 2015, 1:08:26). She is a sexualized object on account of her character’s presentation, used for the audience’s pleasure during scenes like that of her debut, being tied to a chair in a room of powerful men and flirting with them in her mother tongue; her propagandised Russian Otherness contrasting American patriotism is pleasurably-utilised by the male audience, thus this Otherness is categorised and thereby controllable. Her death is used as a plot device for Infinity War and inspires her male comrades to reach their goal of beating the villain — a trope known as ‘fridging,’ allowing for male characters to benefit from the objectification of their female counterparts’ deaths as motivation for their hypermasculinity to further embody the idealised man by achieving their goals. In hypermasculine culture, Natasha Romanoff is Marvel’s ideal female character. 
Wanda Maximoff is everything Natasha Romanoff is not. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Wanda debuts intent upon destroying who she understands to be the American terrorists who bombed her third-world country and killed her parents. She hails from a foreign country, Sokovia, whose Slavic-inspired language is fictional and thus incomprehensible though it carries heavy similarities to Russian; Tony Stark describes her in a scene: “She isn’t a U.S citizen, and they don’t grant visas to weapons of mass destruction” (Russo & Russo, 2015, 1:00:47).
Wanda is a foreigner, not technically legal in America, and dangerous. 
She is also characterised by her unstable emotional conflict; she is angry and naive when she is first introduced — hysterical, young, and not an American citizen — who later cannot decide whether she wants to fight alongside the Avengers due to her fear and indecision, and whose powers are connected to her uncontrollable emotional tension.
Wanda Maximoff is everything monstrous to Marvel’s target audience; she is a hysteric foreign young woman who not only hates America’s most patriotic heroes, but who is introduced with the goal of destroying them. Her uncontrollable anger stems from a unique perspective as a victim of war at the hands of America and American billionaire Tony Stark’s weaponry, a man who also happens to be one of if not Marvel’s most beloved face alongside Captain America, who also is not spared her hatred as shown during a scene where his caricature is drawn in graffiti and titled ‘fascist’ in Sokovia. 
Interestingly, as if breaking a fourth-wall, the series WandaVision newly introduces Wanda as the typical American housewife, inspired heavily by classic American sitcoms. She loses her foreign accent completely, and plays the role of a mother and a wife as the traditional American Dream would outline.
It is only until she steps out of her illusion that has permitted her to live the American Dream away from reality that she is again faced with being the Other. Angry and hostile in the face of the American military as she had been from her debut, Wanda stubbornly refuses to let down her magical facade that brainwashes and holds captive citizens of Westview within her sitcom setting, a constructed reality in which her family and children exclusively exist. Her foreign accent bleeds vaguely into her angry speech as she denies the American militant man’s demands for her cooperation.
In the scene, Wanda steps out of her constructed American fantasy and into the real world, appearing back into her modern clothing and into her place as the Other, very literally announcing, ‘Your ideal woman is a sham, Marvel, and this is reality.’ What’s more, is that Wanda then transforms the American military sent to control her into circus performers when she absorbs them into her sitcom fantasy — your ideal woman is nothing but a fantasy, and you are fools for fantasising about it. 
In the film Avengers: Age of Ultron, Wanda makes it clear that not only does she detest Tony Stark, but considers him a monster. Ultron, the antagonist of the film, is an AI robot created by Tony intent on destroying humanity to achieve world peace. In comparing Tony to the antagonist, Wanda says, “Ultron can’t tell the difference between saving humanity and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?” (Whedon, 2015, 1:26:57).
To Wanda, Tony Stark is the American ideal man embodied, signified by her as a monster and therefore turned into a symbol whose process of signification can be understood as follows: Originating from a war-torn third-world country whose war victims consist of Wanda’s people and her parents, monstrosity is defined by Wanda as an inability to understand what true justice is within the topic of international and general warfare — a morally-profound understanding that highly-honoured, American, hypermasculinized heroes need not only never concern themselves with, but who are praised in spite of never bothering themselves with wondering about, which is precisely what Tony Stark, the Avengers, and the American military in WandaVision embody. 
As such, Wanda Maximoff is a political and cultural body for what she symbolises in the real world’s American warfare involving third-world countries; she is the symbolic embodiment of American warfare and its consequences, a body which is the site of constant contestation due to being signified either as monstrous or not by principle of which political and cultural values the viewer subscribes to. Her signification becomes lucid and subjective to the audience’s values, turning her into a site of contestation itself; because she has been constructed as Marvel’s monster, Marvel’s culture is revealed for what it is — American and hypermasculine.
WandaVision introduces a new discursive practice that is the literal materialisation of what Cohen exposes about monsters, revealing not only Wanda as a monster, but a further truth that due to the very fact that there is an ‘outside,’ the Other must be contra another in order to embody Otherness, and that whoever is opposite the Other becomes the Other’s Other — the monster’s monster. 
Both Wanda Maximoff as a character and her role in WandaVision reveals not only the truth of Marvel’s culture, but the larger picture of what is politically and culturally existent and relevant. This epistemological revelation is something revealable only if the analysed subject is a monster, and Marvel ensures she is.
Ashok Jaipuria. (2022, February 14). Avengers : AoU - Steve saw his graffiti | Deleted HD scene [Video]. YouTube. [https://youtu.be/gnkxM1fvNMs?si=OOwFnDcPv1xjLfxB]
Cohen, J. J. (Ed.). (1996). Monster Theory: Reading Culture (NED-New edition). University of Minnesota Press. [http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5749/j.ctttsq4d]
McIntosh, J. (2015, November 27). Why is the Marvel universe — and the geeks who love it — still obsessed with hypermasculinity? The Independent. [https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/captain-america-civil-war-our-fixation-with-hyper-masculine-films-damages-all-of-us-a6750366.html]
Mulvey, L. (1975). Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. Screen, 16(3), 6–18. [https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1093/screen/16.3.6]
Roach, D., & Mangels, A. (2024, May 3). Captain America. Britannica. [https://www.britannica.com/topic/Captain-America]
Russo, R., & Russo. J. (Directors). (2016). Captain America: Civil War [Film]. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
School of Politics and International Relations. (2020, January 10). Superhero(ine) movies: popculture’s struggle with patriarchy. Global Gender Justice. [https://globalgenderjustice.wordpress.com/2020/01/10/superheroine-movies-pop-cultures-struggle-with-patriarchy/]
Whedon, J. (Director). (2015). Avengers: Age of Ultron [Film]. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
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kenisle · 2 months
(free of spoilers until the read more)
i like how deadpool and wolverine was able to work with audiences’ associations of actors + characters.
it’s not something that can really be done with comics, where between changing artists (or just each artist’s evolving style/human inconsistency), so many characters having the same base design (eg how almost all the robins, bruce wayne, and clark kent are just White Guy With Short Black Hair and Strong Jaw), and the same distinctive costume getting passed around to various characters (eg the captains america).
if you want a comic reader to know who a character is, you almost always have to explicitly introduce them, or else it could be damn near anyone under all the layers of ambiguity listed above.
with movies/tv though, aside from a few recasts, actors’ faces aren’t subject to nearly the same degree of variance that a drawn character is, so if an audience member recognizes the actor from a previous film, they automatically know the character on the screen. any explicit introduction of a returning character is for the more casual viewer but usually isn’t necessary as long as the character’s basics are established up front.* the smaller, contained scale of established movie/tv show canon compared to the amorphous behemoth that is comics canon helps a lot as well.
this means reintroductions are short and sweet, if present at all (and in this film can be explained easily by dp’s fellow fanboy enthusiasm when necessary, rather than just the writers blatantly using him as a mouthpiece), and simply the face of a returning actor affords a ton of depth to a character that couldn’t be developed in this installment. it doubles as a way to devote more time to other things in the movie and a way to reward returning viewers.
*in dp+w, seasoned viewers recognize pyro from X2, but we also get a refresher of his deal, both new (his allegiance in the void) and old (he has fire powers), so while his trajectory is a bit more clear with the wider context from X2, nothing he does is totally out of left field/unsupported by the text in this film.
so, while previous marvel movies have taken advantage of this shortcut to reduce weighing down the runtime with exposition, dp+w also snatched the golden opportunity to play a prank on the audience with it which i adored.
see, while there have been many cases of the same character being recast with different actors during marvel’s long run, very rarely was there one actor who played two DIFFERENT (major)** characters.***
**looking at you, stan lee.
***the only other example i can think of atm is oscar isaac, but he was basically unrecognizable under all the makeup and costume for apocalypse, so this trick wouldn’t have really worked with him anyway. hence “golden opportunity.”
so when chris evans’s cloaked form strode onscreen, audiences (and deadpool) were already well familiar with the cameo game and reasonably assumed he’d be reprising his more recent, more popular marvel role of steve rogers, only for the rug to be pulled out from underneath them at the fateful “flame on!”
not that there weren’t hints, of course (ie evans’s hair its natural brown rather than rogers’s more blond, the uncharacteristic taunt of “dick-for-brains” that even caught dp a little off guard, not to mention the total lack of signs outside the movie that evans and rogers would be returning to the mcu, or the illogic of doing so in a movie about deadpool and wolverine of all things), but the filmmakers know their audience and their expectations very well, resulting in what i found to be a hilarious and effective bait & switch. it was also, in my opinion, a much better direction to take the movie.
instead of nonsensically reviving such a central character that has already been given a complete arc almost as an aside in this movie that had little to do with him in the first place, they brought back a relic of movies left unfinished, remembered fondly but distantly (if at all) under the barrage of newer, flashier franchises. AND they did this knowing the old fantastic four films would soon be replaced (again), so it’s not like this johnny was ever gonna stick around. this was simply a lovely homage — a bid not to forget that we cared for those movies, too, and they’re still important to us even when the story gets rebooted.
instead of doing the same mcu bullshit we’ve grown tired of, they fed another line back to a central thesis of the movie: dying timelines (old, discontinued films) who have lost their anchor being (popular interest, production, etc.) shouldn’t be cut short (forgotten, discarded, disregarded) just because they’re not the prime timeline; there are still people living there (fans and creators caring about them) and value to be found in them.
and they were able to execute it in such an exciting, funny, and memorable way because of this connection between actors and characters that doesn’t exist in comics.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Persephone captain marvel au. Hear me out.
Associated with duality, reincarnation, resurrection, childhood innocence (and it getting ripped away by adults), and her 'counterpart' Kore, which is her in her returning aspect of spring, youthfulness, new life... Come on. Is that not the closest thing to Billy you've ever seen in ancient Greece? Where he gets his powers?
It all starts with Teth Adam, and his devastation at the death of his son. He finds the old paths, breaks them open, and storms down into the underworld to demand him back. His is not a new story.
But where Persephone might ordinarily be inclined to ease her husband's scorn, give the troubled mourner a chance, she is speaking to the champion of magic, the world's mightiest mortal. The chance of success is too high. The challenge would not be enough. The death was too high profile and would risk too many attempting to follow in his footsteps. The man is too unstable, too powerful, too close to the heart of magic for it to be safe - for any of him - to grant his wish and risk his false hope.
They deny him.
Enraged, implacable, Teth Adam lashes out. The battle is long and drawn out, neither side tiring even as both weaken, but Persephone, in either form, is not one of war, and she is felled as her curses shatter, her furies tossed aside like dolls. The sound of Hades' scream as Adam's surprise leaves him open flattens the rubble of their throne room.
The wounded champion escapes, hounded by cerberus and skeletons instead of his son's shade, as her husband crashes to his knees beside her. She has not a mortal soul, and thus will be going where even Death cannot reach.
But Adam killed the goddess of reincarnation, and Billy has odd dreams. He's pretty sure he needs to ease up on the stress. He's restless in winter and distracted in summer, he can sleep outside in howling storms as long as he's tucked snug in the boughs of a tree, he's had the luck of never tasting a rotten fruit. Sometimes it feels like there's ghosts in his hideouts and the kids at school try and bribe him to curse their enemies.
When he chosen to be Captain Marvel the wizard chokes on his own speech when the smoke clears. They stare at each other.
"Well," says Persephone, "that was unexpected. Hullo."
"Hello," the wizard replies, "I was under the impression..."
"I don't think the laws of interference quite apply until I'm immortal again," he says.
The wizard's relief is palpable. It's understandable, he looks ready to keel over from old age. "Can I ask...?" he gestures at the new body. It takes a second to understand.
"Oh, I'm a boy now. For a while."
And that's that.
Until green lantern is killed in battle.
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be-compromised · 8 months
Mini Promptathon: 2012 Re-edition!
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What is this? It’s like the big summer promptathon, only a shorter version - a fun, no-pressure event where you can post zero to as many prompts as you like, zero to as many fills as you like, and join in the squee or just quietly enjoy the fun.
It's taking place here on dreamwidth. You don't need a dreamwidth account (or to be part of our community) to play - just please include an online handle of some kind in anon comments so we know who you are and can credit you for your prompts and fills!
We’re a Clintasha (Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff) community that welcomes ALL THINGS MARVEL. We’d like Clint and/or Natasha to show up in prompt fills somewhere, but what that means is up to you - individually or as friends, lovers, spouses, partners, gen fic, ANYTHING. Yes, that means we also welcome other characters and pairings (and threesomes or moresomes.)
This year’s, by discord vote, the theme is 2012 Re-edition! To set the scene: the year is 2012. Avengers has recently been released, ending MCU Phase One (Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger). Those of us who didn’t get the shawarma after credits scene in our countries are frantically searching for it online. We can quote the Clintasha scenes off by heart. Fandom is going mad for the Avengers living in the Tower together or going on road trips. And if you want more marvel characters? Well, that's what comics are for. Helped by Matt Fraction and David Aja, who have just started their Hawkeye comic (issues 1-6 were released in 2012). Outside of Marvel, fuel is added to the fandom with the release of The Bourne Legacy and a Jeremy Renner photoshoot for Empire involving ropes. (If you want a blast from the past or prompt ideas: original 2012 promptathon post with masterlist links and associated posts.)
NOW: the clock has been wound back to 2012, prompting has begun! 12 February: open for fills! (You can also keep prompthing.) MIDIGHT 12 March: promptathon ends, both fills and prompts, at midnight whatever your timezone. (A masterlist of fills will be posted after.)
If you too would like to party like it’s 2012, please read on for how to leave prompts and fills, and a few rules to make sure everyone has a fun time.
Please post each prompt in a separate comment on the dreamdwidth post.
Prompts can be anything – simple or elaborate, words or pictures, songs or poems, lyrics or phrases, anything that could inspire a fanwork. Use your imagination. Go wild! You can also re-use prompts from previous events, whether they were filled or not.  
You can leave as many prompts as you want. We’re serious. Keep coming back. We want as many prompts as we can possibly get.
In keeping with the theme, aim to prompt like it’s 2012. As in as if nothing MCU or Marvel etc that was created after 2012 exists. (No harm, no foul for any mistakes! Any prompts and fills that contain content post-2012 just means you’ve created an alternate timeline.)
Respond by commenting in a reply to the prompt that you are filling.
The subject line of your comment should be: FILL: title, rating.
The content of your comment should start with: > Title > Rating (ie film ratings or AO3 style ratings) > Any warnings OR you can say ‘choose not to warn’ (think about the AO3 warnings or take a look at our comm guidance if you’re stuck)
You can then post your entire fanwork in the comment if it’s short enough OR you can post your fanwork anywhere else on the internet and post a link to it in your comment.
Following these guidelines 1) makes it easier for people to find your fills during the event as a one-stop shop, and know what they’re clicking on and 2) makes it a LOT easier for your mods to create a masterlist at the end, without missing any of your fills. Thank you!
Consider including a teaser to catch people’s attention! If you’re posting on AO3, we have a ‘Community: be_compromised’ tag. If you’re posting on tumblr, let us know and we’ll reblog on the be_compromised tumblr. We want people to be able to find and appreciate your fills <3
There’s no length requirement on fanworks submitted. You can create drabbles or epics, vids, art, fanmixes, anything at all; it’s just all about getting creative! Fills do not have to be complete or completed during the promptathon. You can fill as many prompts as you want, and prompts can be filled multiple times by whoever wants to fill them. Zero pressure; all fun.
In keeping with the theme, aim to fill prompt like it’s 2012. As in as if nothing MCU or Marvel etc that was created after 2012 exists. (No harm, no foul for any mistakes! Any prompts and fills that contain content post-2012 just means you’ve created an alternate timeline.)
We have a generic thread for comments, questions, and chat as the first comment thread on the dreamwidth post. We welcome chatting and cheerleading in replies to prompts and fills. (This is where posting each prompt separately and labelling the subject line of fills helps to keep things organised.) We also have a be_compromised discord server for all kinds of discussion if you prefer a chatroom-style space. (Although as above, all prompts and fills will be in this post as a one-stop shop.)
Commenting, cheerleading, and enthusiasm is a huge part of fandom and you are very welcome to join in! Yes, even if you don’t post any prompts or fills.
Our Community Rules apply to this event. To summarise: > No character or ship bashing. This is a positive fandom space. > No plagiarism or use of AI.  > Please no RPF (Real Person Fanfiction) or any gossip/speculation about actors’ off-screen non-work lives, as the primary focus of this community is fictional characters. > Please including a rating for fanworks and a warning OR choose not to warn. > Be kind and have fun!
If you have any questions about anything please feel free to ask! The easiest way is to use the ‘Questions / Comments / Squee’ thread, which is in the first comment to this post, or ask on the Discord server. Your mods are @inkvoices, @cloud--atlas aka franztastisch, and @quidnunc-life aka gsparkle.
Welcome back to 2012. We’re bringing the party to you!
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micamicster · 6 months
Trouble Man
this is. okay. this is. marvel fic. (throw your tomatoes now okay get it over with i understand i'll wait) but since we are in 2013 mentally. I thought i might as well? Bucky scene to follow!
[This is "canon compliant" if you imagine that the author has not seen any marvel movies post black panther (the first) and has seen maybe four episodes (not consecutive) of the sam bucky tv show. because she hasn't. enjoy!]
Sam lowers himself stiffly onto the steps of the porch, then keeps going, tipping his head back until it hits the top step. The stretch brings a good ache with it, a familiar one, that briefly overshadows the crueler hurts still lingering under the suit. He sighs.
He can feel Bucky more than see him, standing just outside of the ring of light cast by the porch lamp. He’s doing that thing that other people call looming, but Sam has come to see as more of an anxious hovering. Something Bucky does when he’s got something to say and isn’t sure how to say it, or thinks he should be doing something but he’s not quite sure what it is. It shows up a lot when Sam is fucked over and dead on his feet, so he associates it with the worst of Bucky’s mother-hen impulses. What a life he leads.
“Steve—“ starts Bucky, and thankfully stops there. Even the name hurts to hear. He doesn’t want to talk about Steve right now.
For a minute there’s just the darkness, the faint breeze stirring the wind chimes and the leaves, the distant rumble of a semi on the main road… all familiar and comforting and in their places. And then there’s Bucky.
“I make it harder,” says Bucky. “For you.”
Sam swallows. He’s grateful for the arm he threw over his face, for the way it obscures his facial expression. Bucky’s always looking. He looks too hard, like he’s trying to crack Sam open and see all the pieces. Figure him out.
“It was always going to be harder for me. It’s not because of you, man. This was always going to be…” he’s so tired. “Hard.”
“But I don’t make it easier.”
“Yeah, you’re a real pill, I won’t lie to you.”
Bucky snorts faintly, but he doesn’t loosen up and sit down next to Sam, toss the insult back, cut the hovering. There are faint clicks and shuffling as his arm recalibrates, the closest thing he has to a nervous tic. What has Sam’s life become, that the faint whirr of an assassin shifting his metal arm is familiar enough that he can pick it out of the sounds of home with his eyes closed?
He lets himself consider, for a moment, what it would be like if Steve was here. By his side again but with their places swapped, Captain America’s right hand man. Steve, with his wry sense of humor and his aw-shucks grin and his noble, idealistic heart. His roman nose that Bucky had broken with a fastball in 1937. His blond hair and his blue eyes and his experimental ubermensch shoulders and…
He tries to shrug, but it’s more of a wince. Everything is one big fucking bruise. “If it wasn’t you, it’d be something else. There’s always something else.”
Bucky is silent.
As the silence draws out Sam feels a flicker of fear. By the next breath it’s panic—that Bucky’s slipped away already, vanished into the dark like the ghost he is. That he walks away from all of this and leaves Sam twisting in the wind.
He sits up too fast, muscles screaming in protest, and Bucky’s right there where he always is. Looking at him.
“Don’t,” Sam starts. Don’t what? Don’t leave him alone?
He has dreams, sometimes, where he’s still chasing Bucky. Where he never stopped. Searching for him through cities and train stations and his own old high school gymnasium with the strange driving logic of dreams, knowing only that he’s lost something. Dreams where he’s running through a crowd, grabbing people to look in their faces—it’s never the right face.
He doesn’t want to do this shit alone. He’s a social motherfucker, he’s not cut out for the lone hero shtick.
He tries saying that, and Bucky only frowns harder. At least it’s his “I don’t understand the way you speak,” frown, which is a personal favorite.
 “You have people. You have… options.” Options who aren’t infamous soviet assassins with weekly thinkpieces published on the topic of his guilt or innocence or sanity, Sam assumes he means.
“Options? Name three.” So maybe he’s being stubborn about stupid crap, but he’s fucking tired, okay? It’s been a long day, full of gooey aliens and collapsing buildings and combative press conferences, and now he has to deal with… whatever this has turned into.
“Torres. Natalia. Sh—“
“I thought you were my partner. I thought you were my… guy.” He glares at what he can see of Bucky. His frowning face is still half-hidden in shadow, because he’s an idiot who operates on vampire rules. An invitation, then, Sam can do that. “That means you’re here until I tell you to get lost, okay? Let’s make it real fucking easy. When I say you’re here, you’re here.”
“I’m here,” Bucky parrots. There’s something soft in his eyes as he moves to give Sam a hand up. Maybe it’s just the flickering yellow porch light, maybe not.
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zeldynymph · 10 months
"Desperate Touch..."
This was one of my Kinktober entries I made for a bot, but I decided to complete the story instead of leaving it on a cliff-hanger :)
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Captain John Price, a man whose very name commanded unwavering respect, had dedicated the majority of his illustrious career to covert warfare. His journey was riddled with perilous moments: being riddled with bullets, enduring captivity, surviving explosive blasts, enduring incarceration, enduring torture, and even being left for dead.
Through these harrowing ordeals, there was a singular constant that consistently defied the odds, saving his life - the simple yet potent allure of tobacco, embodied by his cherished cigars.
John's penchant for cigars was nothing short of miraculous, given the sheer quantity he consumed. If it weren't for the limits of the human form, he might have tried smoking himself. His team often pondered the exorbitant monthly expenditure he must have been incurring on his cigar habit, but they never dared to question him.
He'd been repeatedly urged to quit smoking and seek alternative pleasures. However, his response remained unerringly consistent - a wry, smartass retort that hinted at the indomitable spirit of a man who'd seen it all.
"Until I become old, incompetent and can't even wipe my own arse, the Cigars are staying..."
However, there was one person for whom he contemplated breaking his entrenched habits, a person whose very name could quicken his heartbeat: YN.
The thought of making her his for a lifetime, of slipping a ring on her finger, consumed his thoughts. They'd shared kisses, dates, and passionate encounters, despite having known each other since their early days in the military, yet they'd never made their connection official.
At nearly 40, an age often associated with beekeeping rather than such fervent desires, he marvelled at how one woman held the power to turn his legs into jelly and summon a swarm of butterflies in his stomach. YN was a magnificent concoction of beauty, danger, charm, love, and care, all wrapped into one.
In the quiet recesses of his mind, he'd often daydreamed about the tantalising sensation of her body pressed against his, her supple breasts against his chiselled chest, her firm curves fitting perfectly into his grasp. The mere thought sent shivers down his spine, rendering him nearly unhinged.
YN was tantalisingly close, yet tantalisingly out of reach. He yearned for her in more ways than one, both physically and emotionally, as his heart ached to claim her as his own.
For now, lacking the courage to confess his unwavering infatuation, he remained a silent guardian, a hidden admirer, watching over her from a distance, willing his moment of revelation to arrive.
Outside, the rain poured relentlessly, coating everything in a thick, soothing layer of water. The weather was nothing short of perfect, a balm for John's soul, casting aside the constant conflicts that plagued him.
He paid no mind to the fact that his clothes were thoroughly drenched, realising that wringing out his shirt could have filled the River Nile with the water that would pour forth.
In that moment, he was utterly self-absorbed, wholly immersed in the company of his beloved cigar and the intoxicating thoughts of YN that danced through his mind.
With a soft sigh, he reached up to graze his bearded chin, a freshly lit cigar resting comfortably between his forefinger and middle finger, as the rain continued to serenade him. "What I wouldn't give to dance with her in this downpour..."He placed the cigar between his lips, delicately nibbling on the leaf's tip before drawing a rich, molasses-flavoured puff that waltzed upon his taste buds. The exhaled smoke swirled into the rain, creating a mesmerising choreography with the cascading water from the heavens.
But as thoughts of YN flooded his mind, his heart raced with desire. He envisioned her dancing with unbridled joy in the rain, twirling gracefully, expertly evading each falling droplet. The image of her shirt, rendered translucent by the deluge, revealed a glimpse of her bare breasts.
The mere memory ignited a powerful surge of arousal within him. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, his hand instinctively descending to caress his own desire, a rush of heat coursing through his loins.
Taking another drag from his cigar, his fingers tightened around his burgeoning passion, exhaling the smoke in a deep, sensuous sigh. The magnetic allure of YN was astonishing, and she remained blissfully unaware of the profound effect she had on John.
"Figured I'd find you out here..."John cleared his throat, taken aback by the delightful surprise of YN's sudden presence. His eyes, brimming with desire, fixated upon her as if she were a mesmerising vision.
With a gentle smile, he extended his hand, offering her his cigar as a silent invitation to share in this intimate moment. "You look like shit..."
YN's laughter was a delightful melody that resonated in John's ears, filling the moment with warmth and shared intimacy. His eyes were transfixed on her as she gracefully brought the cigar to her lips, drawing in a slow, lingering puff before releasing it with a contented smile.
"I feel like it... One hundred letters of apology I've just had to write out. When will the war stop..."
John's smile was brimming with empathy as he extended his hand to accept the cigar that YN graciously returned. He placed it between his lips, savouring the subtle taste of YN's lipstick as he took a thoughtful puff.
Reaching out, he gently stroked YN's arm in a reassuring gesture, his lips curving into a warm smile beneath his lush beard and moustache, wordlessly expressing the profound connection they shared.
"It happens, my darlin'... The world is well and truly fucked..."
John observed as YN gracefully descended the wall, perching herself upon the damp concrete below. Retrieving a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, she delicately plucked one from the bundle, placing it between her lips in an attempt to ignite it. Unfortunately, her lighter was devoid of fuel, merely emitting a few feeble sparks.
Amused by the situation, John couldn't help but laugh, joining her on the wet concrete without a care for his already soaked attire. He fished his lighter from the confines of his jacket pocket and leaned in to ignite YN's cigarette, lending her a helping hand.
"I don't know what I'd do without you, John...""Not much, My darlin'.."
YN's laughter was a melodic accompaniment to the moment as she nestled her head against John's shoulder, casually flicking the burnt end of her cigarette away. Her eyes moved appreciatively over his form, observing John's subtle attempt to shift his legs to conceal the growing desire in his pants, a testament to her close proximity and the sensual thoughts that swirled through his mind.
A knowing smile curved on YN's lips as she extinguished her cigarette in a nearby puddle, relishing the soft sizzling sound that filled the air. With a boldness that was uniquely hers, she reached up and plucked John's cigar from his mouth, placing it between her own lips and taking an indulgent drag.
Grasping the cigar firmly between her fingers, she brought her lips to his, exhaling the cigar's smoke into his mouth, a sensuous dance of shared desire. In the haze of the moment, it was John who broke away first, his eyes glazed with longing as he gazed at her.
In a voice heavy with desire, he finally spoke, his hands tenderly finding their way to caress YN's waist.
"You drive me fucking wild...I can't keep pushing it aside. I need your body against mine..."
As John's lips met YN's, the cigar slipped from her fingers, landing in a puddle with a satisfying sizzle. Despite the awareness of dropping a perfectly good cigar, in that fleeting moment, it seemed inconsequential. Right then, nothing mattered except the intensity of the connection. Besides, she thought, she could always make it up to him later.
"John, you're soaked.." 
"Just stop talking and kiss me..."
John's words carried more of a plea than a command, his body craving her touch with an undeniable yearning. The brush of her lips against his felt tantalizing but insufficient. He hungered for more, an insatiable need pulsating within him.
His grasp on YN's waist tightened as he effortlessly lifted her, placing her on his lap with a fluid motion. His lips embarked on a journey, tracing a path down from her chin to her jaw before settling on her neck.
Her delicate neck; oh, how sweet it was. John savoured the faint essence of her perfume lingering on her skin, tasting it as he felt the subtle rhythm of her pulse beneath. In that moment, she seemed more alive than ever before, a vibrant presence that stirred something profound within him.
Amidst the swirling emotions of lust, desire, and perhaps something deeper, John found himself consumed by an urgent need for YN. The necessity to feel the silkiness of her bare skin against his own overwhelmed him. The longing to hear her unrestrained moans and soft whimpers grew more intense by the second.
His lips traced a delicate path along YN's neck, his teeth grazing gently against her jugular. His tongue danced, tracing invisible paths along the velvety softness of her skin. And then, as if uncovering a hidden treasure, he discovered it; a tender spot nestled beneath her jaw. The mere touch there coaxed a sweet whimper from her lips, a sound that stirred something raw and primal within him.
"Fucking hell..."
John's words rumbled forth, a low growl escaping his lips, while his stomach somersaulted in a mixture of anticipation and desire. Watching YN tilt her head backward exposed more of her exquisite neck to his hungry gaze. Instinctively, he shifted his hips upward, the pulsating mass between his legs pressing against YN's crotch.
He yearned for YN to grasp the depth of his longing, to comprehend the impact she had on his every nerve. He needed her to understand the intensity of his desires, and what he yearned to share with her.
With a deliberate movement, his hands glided up beneath her shirt, tenderly caressing her breasts through the fabric of her bra. John drew his head back slightly, reluctantly parting his lips from her neck. His gaze fixated on her shirt, now translucent from the rain, revealing the allure of her black, lacy bra underneath.
"Oh, you little fucking tease..~"
In that moment, John's longing eclipsed any concern for onlookers. His desire to possess YN right there, amid the rain, burned with such an intensity that left no room for hesitation. He yearned to lose himself in her, to connect on a primal level, to feel body convulse and envelope him.
With an urgency that brooked no delay, John tore open YN's shirt, the delicate buttons surrendering to his fervour, scattering in all directions, unveiling her drenched and alluring chest.
His hands traversed the terrain of YN's thighs, a firm grip conveying his desire as he leaned closer to her chest. John's kisses rained down upon the apex of her breasts, gentle yet fervent, a fusion of affection and unbridled desire.
His teeth left tender imprints, marking YN in a possession that felt primal. Metaphorically, John embodied the wolf, and YN, the unwitting sheep drawn into his grasp.
His fingers ascended, teasingly pulling at the straps of her bra before swiftly dragging it down, forgoing any subtlety of unclasping. YN's breasts were liberated, prompting a soft, involuntary moan to escape her lips as the fabric caressed her nipples on its descent.
Instantly, John's lips enveloped her left nipple while his fingers deftly attended to the right, eliciting an immediate response from YN. She surrendered to an onslaught of pleasure, her body quivering with each sensation, a fiery yearning igniting between her legs.
The divine taste of her skin lingered on his tongue, sending an involuntary groan escaping past his lips. The sensation of her taut nipples against his mouth aroused an intense desire within him, prompting his hips to surge once more, pressing fervently against YN's core.
"God...you taste so fucking good..."
John withdrew from YN's nipple with a noticeable pop, a glistening trail of saliva lingering on his lips. He gazed up at her with eyes heavy with desire, a suggestive smirk playing on his lips.
His hand ventured down towards his belt, deftly unfastening it before swiftly pulling down the zipper, exposing the bulge straining against the fabric of his boxers. Observing YN's eyes tracing the movement of his hand, he awaited the moment her gaze fixed upon his cock.
Without delay, YN gracefully shifted from his lap, assuming a kneeling position before him. Her hands swiftly delved for the waistband of John's pants and boxers, deftly pulling them down. In an instant, John's erect cock was liberated, evoking a subtle moan from his parted lips.
His hand extended towards YN's, leading her fingers to encircle his shaft, a gentle smile gracing his features. Initially guiding her in a tender, rhythmic motion, he gradually released her hand, granting her the freedom to explore at her own pace.
"That's a good girl...Just like that.."
John's head arched backward in response to YN's accelerating touch, her hand moving with increased speed and pressure, gliding along the sensitive contours of his shaft. The sensation was nothing short of divine, her gentle fingers stroking him in an up-and-down motion, causing his legs to quiver with the sheer intensity of pleasure. Had YN not been there, he might have involuntarily reacted physically, so intense was the gratification coursing through him.
A deep, resonant moan echoed from deep within John, his eyes shuttering closed while his lips parted in a silent testament to the ecstasy he experienced. His grip on his thighs tightened, introducing a fleeting hint of pain that mingled seamlessly with the overwhelming pleasure.
Immersed in this state of bliss, John was momentarily unaware until the tantalizing touch of YN's lips enveloped his tip, an exhilarating rush surging through him. His hands found their way into YN's hair, gently guiding her as she bobbed rhythmically along his cock. This moment was an awakening, a revelation of bliss unlike any he had experienced before.
It took all of his strength not to force her head down and throat-fuck her. 
John's moans increased, heralding the imminent arrival of his release. His body tensed, a tightening sensation coiling in his abdomen, signalling the approaching climax.
Yet, the moment YN's tongue glided over his tip, all semblance of control shattered. His body convulsed involuntarily, his hands gripping YN's head gently yet firmly as he thrust into her mouth, releasing his hot cum within her and across her parted lips. Each undulation of his climax was met with breathy whimpers that escaped from parted lips.
As the waves of intensity subsided, his body slackened, chest heaving with the exertion of the moment. Releasing his hold on YN's head, he chuckled softly while observing her as she delicately licked away his seed from her lips. With tenderness, his hand extended, cupping her cheek in a gesture of affection.
"That's it love, don't waste a drop.."
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ragingphantom666 · 6 months
Marvel Worlds project plan: Tigra (Vol. 1)
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This series is not an assured project. It is a concept that can still be changed or scrapped.
Hidden within Mount Spokane State Park, there lies a secret village of ancient cat people. They are protected by Tigra. However, she is haunted by the traumatic memories of her past. When she learns an old foe has been sited in Seattle, she goes on the prowl. Unfortunately, the events that follow are not as she planned.
Greer Nelson/Tigra - The protector of the hidden cat people village. She was originally a test subject of Malcolm Donalbain, but she got hurt and was saved by a member of the cat people. Now, magically turned into one to save her life, she lives among them.
Percy Huron - A low-level vigilante in Seattle who idolizes Captain America. He took one of Power Broker's pills to become a super soldier.
Anaïs - A friend of Greer's in the cat people village who is training in the mystic arts.
Tabur Balkatar - A young member of the cat people who is curious about the outside world.
Malcolm Donalbain/Power Broker - A rogue scientist who sells superpowers. He once experimented on Greer Nelson and was responsible for her near fatal incident. On a more personal note, he suffers from severe haphephobia.
Shirlee Bryant/The Cat - A costumed associate of Donalbain, who supplies her with superpowers. She has a past with Tigra and wants revenge.
Other Information
The series is about "street-level" heroism, if I'm using that phrase right.
I always picture Giancarlo Esposito in the role of Donalbain.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
I keep saying, fishbowl.//
I do understand this, but I would like to add that the general public aren't the ones watching his movies. No one is out there saying "I can't wait to watch the new Chris Evans' movie." Most of his movies where he is playing the lead haven't done well outside of Marvel. He isn't bringing in crowds for his movies choices, acting talent, or star power, like it has been said before he isn't Leo. So his fandom, the ones actually watching his movies for him, who have supported him through all the past missteps may not go out and watch or stream his movies because of his association with this girl and her friends. So I do think it could affect him. Just look at TGM, compared to other Netflix movies it wasn't even the most watched of all time, and many more people have Netflix and are more likely to watch a movie on Netflix than go out to the movies to watch. Yeah Netflix is on the decline, but many people are still subscribed to it. I mean I have it and I didn't even watch it even though I'm a fan of Ryan Gosling. Chris is a big reason why, his antics and of those around him really turned me off to the point where I don't care to show my support in watching things he's in. I have Apple and Amazon Prime, but I won't be watching his projects on those platforms either. So I think if his fans especially the die hard fans aren't tuning into watch his movie on Netflix, or other services it is going to impact him. And if his projects aren't bringing in the numbers, I don't think studios will be coughing up the hefty pay check or offer him decent roles, so he may end up having start auditioning again. And I agree with what Tarantino said, most people didn't go watch Captain America because of Chris they went for CA, so if Marvel could have found any decent actor who could play CA the results would have been the same. Because the storyline would still have been the same, and let's be honest Marvel was actually writing decent stories during Chris's time with Marvel.
TBH, I don't see him getting many more Lead actor roles, outside of Ghosted most of his current roles have been second lead. I don't think he can carry a film. And, I know a lot of people like his DJ role, but to me that wasn't anything great or different. To me that story of DJ had been told before, I think that same year or a year after Bryan Cranston starred in a movie with a similar story. Chris was supposed to play a dad, but nothing screamed father of a 14 year old to me. His look was the same, his body language seem the same, and, the acting was alright but not award worthy, so when fans went around saying he was snubbed all I could think was like really, he was not. He didn't deserve it over those who were nominated. He never change appearance other than facial hair. In puncture he was supposed to be a drug addict, but nothing in his appearance screamed drug addict other bags under his eyes. I know he said he tried to lose weight and couldn't but I find that hard believe considering how many of his peers were able to transform. His career to me is like those students that just skate by in class with a C or low B and they're happy with that, they could do better if they put in more effort but they don't want to.
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dadjoke-ness · 2 years
Knowing nothing about stranger things but what I see in reblogs is SUPER funny because all the names are names I associate with marvel and dc.
Like Eddie is Eddie Brock and Steve is Steve Rogers.
Wayne is Bruce Wayne. 
And it’s this strange AU where Captain America and Venom are dating and Batman is their dad and there’s no way to explain this outside of this scope. 
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fancoloredglasses · 9 months
Quest of the Red Skull (How did this episode get green-lit in the first place?)
[All images are owned by Marvel Disney. Please don’t sue or cancel me]
In the entirety of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, one episode has never re-aired since the series ended. In fact, it’s the one episode not on Disney+. I had to go to Dailymotion to review this!
The reason is fairly obvious: no one wants to associate the series with Nazis. Which begs the question: why make the episode in the first place if that’s the case?!
Anyway, on with the review. I’ve already told you where you can view the episode.
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We open to a couple of thugs with German accents breaking into a house and rummaging through some Native American artifacts when they spot…
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One immediately does a certain salute popular in Germany in the 1930s while the other tells him it’s a Native American rug, not a historic flag. They then discover the bedroom of the homeowner, Professor Hiawatha Smith (voiced by Michael Ansara, who played Commander Kane in Buck Rogers in the 25th Century), who’s fast asleep.
Coincidentally, next door there’s a party (and amazingly it’s not so loud that Professor Smith calls the cops) and you’ll never guess who’s in attendance.
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Yep, Peter Parker. I mean, how else is he gonna know about this episode’s plot hook?
Back at Professor Smith’s house, the goons jump him in bed, but…
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It turns out Professor Smith…
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…is a bit of a badass...I mean was ready for them. Unfortunately, one of the goons tosses a gas bomb that sends Professor Smith outside, where he finds…
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…the Red Skull (voiced by Hans Conried, who was also the voice of Thorin Oakenshield)! Professor Smith collapses as the Red Skull lets himself in and grabs Smith, telling his goons to search the rest of the house.
Meanwhile, the party next door is winding down and Peter is taking his date home when his Spider Sense starts going off. Peter excuses himself (pawning his date off on his rival Flash Thompson) so he can change into his evening wear…
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…and crash the goons’ party. Unfortunately, they found what they were looking for (an item known as the Scorpio Engraving)
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…and gas Spidey before making their getaway.
Back at the Red Skull’s hideout, the Red Skull gives the exposition needed to tell the audience this week’s plot:
The Red Skull is looking for a lost storehouse filled with money, precious metals and stones, and priceless art that was plundered by the Nazis, as well as a weapons cache. The Scorpio Engraving is somehow the key to finding it…and once he does, he will start a third World War and take over the world!
Just one loose end: Professor Smith.
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But that should be tied up shortly.
Unfortunately for the Red Skull, Professor Smith has ties to ancient Native American gods and is able to control the python, who frees him (why do villains NEVER make sure their death traps do their job?)
Meanwhile, Bobby and Angelica are worried that Peter hasn’t returned from the party and decide to take Ms. Lion (their dog) for a walk.
At Professor Smith’s house, Spider-Man is just waking up (that must’ve been some gas!) and leaves the house just as his roommates show up. After seeing something in the back yard, Bobby and Angelica change into their business attire and move in!
Fortunately, it’s Professor Smith (who holds his own against the Spider Friends, including getting Spidey tied up in his own webbing)
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Professor Smith invites them in once misunderstandings have been soothed over and explains what the Red Skull just orated (as well as a VERY condensed and sanitized version of who Adolf Hitler was and the beginnings of World War II for the kids)
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He then reveals that there is a second copy of the Scorpio Engraving (why?) that he must use to find the Nazi treasure before the Red Skull does! Naturally, he recruits the Spider Friends to help (is Captain America busy this week?) Using the Engraving, Professor Smith (and the Red Skull, naturally) determine the treasure is somewhere in the jungle in northeastern South America (because why not? I mean, hiding it in Germany would be too obvious! Though given how many Nazi war criminals fled to South America, this makes a bit of sense)
Upon arrival, the Spider Friends and Professor Smith search the jungle to no avail…
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…while the Red Skull keeps an eye on them with a bird-shaped drone.
And what about the Skull’s progress? And why haven’t Our Heroes spotted him?
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Ah, that would explain it. Eventually, the Skull reaches the location of the cache. He just has to wait for the precise time for the sun to shine behind the guide stone to show where the entrance is.
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Not very subtle, Adolf. The sun casts a shadow over the cave that they certainly could’ve found without the shadow. The Skull enters and orders his goons to deal with Professor Smith and the Spider friends.
As Our Heroes track the Red Skull (via earthworms…don’t ask me. I just report this stuff) until they trigger the trap laid by the Red Skulls goons!
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Our Heroes fall into the hole caused by the explosion as the Red Skull’s borer bears down on them! Fortunately, Spidey breaks in and shuts it down before it can make Professor Smith into a shish kabob.
Then Firestar figures out that the tunnel the borer came from has to lead to the Red Skull.
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Then Professor Smith draws a swastika in the ground for some reason (are we sure he’s working against the Red Skull?) as Firestar flies ahead to look for the cave.
She finds the outcropping, then creates a flare to cast her own shadow to find the cave. She then marks it before flying in and finding…
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…an ancient Aztec temple (underground?)
However, before she could return to the others, she’s gassed and passes out! The Skull has his minions place Firestar in a freeze chamber they just so happen to have.
The Red Skull then has Firestar witness as he opens the inner chamber to reveal…
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That’s quite the arsenal!
Meanwhile, the others exit the cave and find Firestar’s mark.
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Very subtle, Firestar! After reaching the temple, they discover…
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They find a hidden door in the back and see the Skull drive off (wait, they fit a fortune in gold and artwork, as well as an army’s worth of weapons, in the back of a truck?!)
The truck then enters the ocean and bursts apart, revealing…
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How exactly is the Red Skull financing this operation? I mean, he’s got a flying fortress, a borer, a truck that transforms into a sub, and a freeze chamber just in case a flame-based hero interferes. You’d think with that level of resources he wouldn’t need the Nazi trove!
Anyway, Spider-man tosses a Spider-tracer on the sub before it submerges (how would it survive being underwater, let along the pressure of being deep under?) However, Professor Smith knows exactly where the sub is headed (are we sure he’s not working for the Red Skull?!)…Skull Island!
Later, Our Heroes infiltrate Skull Island without being seen (it’s looking more and more that Professor Smith is a sleeper agent; the level of defense the island has should’ve killed all three of them before they reached the beach)
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Guess I spoke too soon. Well, if the Red Skull has devices for flame-based heroes, it makes sense that he'd have ones for cold-based heroes as well. However, you’d think Iceman would’ve seen those jets a mile away and not just waltzed right into the middle of them.
Then Spider-Man gets gassed (again), leaving only Hiawatha Smith to deal with the Skull and his goons (assuming he’s not on their side)
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Meanwhile, the Red Skull monologues about his plans to strap the heroes to these rockets (four rockets? Maybe Professor Smith isn’t working for the Skull after all…or maybe he’s counting on Captain America to try swooping in) and bomb a powerful country with the, convincing another country sent them. This (in theory) will start WWIII. Afterward, the Skull will be the only superpower with the resources to rule the smoldering radioactive husk that remains.
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Meanwhile, Professor Smith is pretty sure he’s found the Red Skull’s stronghold. Now he just needs to cross the moat…that’s filled with piranha. Fortunately, he just happens to have a potion that drives the deadly fish away so he can safely swim across.
Just as the Skull is about to launch, Professor Smith swoops in and frees Firestar, but…
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…the Skull launches the others (why would he only launch 2 of the four rockets? Is he hoping to catch Firestar and Professor Smith or is he planning a second wave?), but Firestar chases down the rockets, freeing the rest of the Spider Friends and redirecting the rockets to Skull Island! (let’s hope those aren’t nuclear warheads, or everyone’s dead anyway)
Meanwhile, the Red Skull’s goons are planning on running…
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…and Iceman convinces them to take a few passengers along.
Meanwhile, Spidey has gone back to the compound to apprehend the Red Skull, but…
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…he’d rather die a rich man than live in a cell for the rest of his life.
With that, Our Heroes and the Skull’s goons escape as the missiles impact (fortunately for them the Germans didn’t develop the Bomb before the end of WWII, meaning Skull Island is just a pile of rubble and not an atomic fireball that would’ve sent an EMP which would’ve knocked out the Skulls aircraft)
Later, as the Spider Friends change back into their civilian clothes, they run into Peter’s date from the previous night (wait, that all happened in one night?!)…
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…now dating Flash!
Poor Peter just can’t win…
0 notes
the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Marvel Super Hero Squad Online (2011)
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Date: April 29, 2011
Platform: PC / Mac / Browser
Developer: Gazillion Entertainment / Smilegate Entertainment
Genre: MOBA / Action
Theme: Superhero / Comic Book
Franchises: Marvel / Marvel Super Hero Squad / Marvel End Time Arena
Type: Reimagining
Marvel Super Hero Squad Online is MMORPG based upon the popular kids TV show The Super Hero Squad show. It's aimed at a younger audience and will be free to play with in game micro transactions. It was developed by the Gazillion Entertainment company, in association with Marvel Entertainment.Little is known about the game play except for the fact that combat will be card based and each server will regroup a group of heroes so everyone can play as their favorite super hero without having to come across another player playing as the same hero. The game keeps the same look as the show and the toys with the heroes having big arms and legs.
MOBA games have proven to be extremely popular due to the ability to simultaneously fight multiple opponents within a real-time scenario.   This sense of excitement is partially what serves to define Marvel End-Time Arena.
As should be expected with any multiplayer online battle arena platform, the player is able to access several amazing characters.  All of these personalities have come to define the Marvel universe.  Some popular names include the Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, Loki, and of course, Thor.  Each is associated with his or her unique powers, so the right strategies need to be put in place in order to emerge victorious.  Many of the battle environments take place outside of traditional arenas; adding a unique flavor to the gameplay itself.
Source: https://www.giantbomb.com/marvel-end-time-arena/3030-68429/
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=E1y5h92BwFM
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style-revolver · 1 year
Halloween and Fashion: Unleashing the Magic of Costume Choices
Halloween and fashion go hand in hand, as the holiday offers a unique opportunity to express creativity and showcase personal style through costumes. Halloween costumes have evolved beyond simple disguises and have become a reflection of current fashion trends and iconic moments from history. Whether inspired by fictional characters, celebrities, or pop culture icons, Halloween costumes often incorporate elements of fashion that are influenced by movies, TV shows, and music videos. This article delves into the close relationship between Halloween and fashion, exploring the significance of costume choices and the freedom they provide to experiment and express individuality.
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Fashion-Inspired Halloween Costumes:
Halloween costumes have the power to capture the essence of fashion trends and iconic eras. From retro 80s-style outfits reminiscent of "Stranger Things" to African-inspired fashion inspired by "Black Panther," costumes offer a canvas to pay homage to beloved characters and celebrate the styles associated with them. These costumes not only demonstrate the wearer's knowledge of popular culture but also serve as a reflection of their fashion sensibilities.
Exploring Boundaries and Self-Expression:
Halloween is a time when people can step outside their comfort zones and experiment with fashion choices that may be considered daring or unconventional in their everyday lives. It provides an opportunity to wear bold makeup, don daring clothing, or embrace alternative fashion aesthetics. This freedom allows individuals to express their creativity, break societal norms, and celebrate their unique style without judgment. Halloween costumes can serve as a platform for self-expression and encourage people to explore their fashion boundaries.
The Rise of Grey Characters Costumes:
Grey characters, those who are not easily defined as purely "good" or "bad," have gained popularity as Halloween costume choices. Characters like Harley Quinn from the DC Comics universe or characters from "Game of Thrones" possess a complexity that makes them intriguing and multifaceted. Dressing up as these grey characters allows individuals to embody diverse facets of their personality and delve into the depths of their character traits. Grey characters also offer a relatability that may be absent in traditional heroes or villains, as many people identify with the mixture of positive and negative qualities these characters possess.
Style-Revolver's Premium Halloween Collection:
For those seeking the perfect Halloween costume, Style-Revolver presents an exceptional selection of premium costumes inspired by beloved TV series, movies, and iconic characters. Their collection features an array of superhero costumes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including Black Panther, Captain America, and Spider-Man. Additionally, they offer costumes inspired by popular DC TV shows and other manga characters. Crafted from high-quality materials, these costumes ensure a remarkable appearance and comfortable fit on Halloween night. With a range of sizes and styles available, Style-Revolver caters to everyone's unique preferences.
Are the costumes from Style-Revolver available in various sizes?
Yes, Style-Revolver offers costumes in a range of sizes to accommodate different body types. Please refer to the size chart provided on their website to find the perfect fit for your Halloween costume.
Can I expect high-quality materials in Style-Revolver's premium Halloween costumes?
Absolutely! Style-Revolver takes pride in using the finest materials to create their costumes, ensuring durability and a visually stunning appearance.
How can I place an order for a Halloween costume from Style-Revolver?
Ordering your dream Halloween costume is easy with Style-Revolver's user-friendly online store. Simply browse their extensive collection, select your preferred costume, choose the appropriate size, and add it to your cart. Then, follow the checkout process to complete your purchase.
Can I return or exchange a Halloween costume if it doesn't fit or meet my expectations?
Style-Revolver understands that finding the perfect fit is crucial. They have a hassle-free return and exchange policy for their Halloween costumes. Please refer to their website for detailed instructions on returns and exchanges.
Are the Halloween costumes from Style-Revolver suitable for all ages?
Style-Revolver offers Halloween costumes for both adults and children. Their collection includes a wide range of sizes and styles to cater to different age groups, ensuring everyone can find a costume that suits them.
How soon can I expect to receive my Halloween costume after placing an order?
Style-Revolver prioritizes timely delivery to ensure you receive your costume in time for Halloween. They offer fast and reliable shipping options, and the estimated delivery time will be provided at the checkout stage based on your location.
Can I find accessories to complement my Halloween costume at Style-Revolver?
Absolutely! Style-Revolver understands that accessories can enhance the overall impact of a Halloween costume. They offer a variety of accessories such as wigs, masks, props, and makeup kits to complete your look and elevate your costume to the next level.
Are the Halloween costumes from Style-Revolver durable and suitable for multiple uses?
Style-Revolver takes pride in crafting their Halloween costumes from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and longevity. While the lifespan of a costume may depend on individual use and care, their premium costumes are designed to withstand multiple uses, allowing you to enjoy them for years to come.
Halloween serves as an exciting intersection of fashion and self-expression, allowing individuals to channel their creativity and immerse themselves in the enchanting world of costumes. With fashion-inspired Halloween costumes reflecting current trends and iconic moments, individuals have the opportunity to celebrate their favorite characters and showcase their fashion sensibilities. Style-Revolver's premium Halloween collection offers an array of high-quality costumes, ensuring a remarkable and comfortable experience on this festive night. Embrace the magic of Halloween fashion and make a statement with a premium costume from Style-Revolver's captivating selection. Remember to check Style-Revolver's website or reach out to their customer support for any specific queries or concerns you may have regarding their Halloween costumes. 
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Writer Josie Campbell in her AIPT Comics interview on her Mary characterization in the upcoming The New Champion of Shazam! miniseries.
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simp-ly-marvelous · 3 years
With the release of Eternals on Disney+ I have some thoughts...
I saw Eternals a few days after it came out and I enjoyed it very much. I knew that there were people who didn't and critics who didn't care for it, but I thought "Screw that, I want to see more Asian superheroes."
That being said, WHY did people hate it so much???
When I saw it, I didn't see anything inherently wrong with it. Was it because it was a bit different from the "Marvel Movie Formula?" Was it that?
I'd hate to think that it was because it had a diverse cast, a woman of color directing, an openly gay character in a healthy BIRACIAL relationship, and/or the standard "hero" white guy was the villain all along (*cough* Iron man 3 *cough*), but it really feels like those are the reasons why.
Look, it's not easy to introduce TEN new characters in a very developed universe, let alone ten characters that I'm sure most movie watchers knew jack SHIT about (me included) before the announcement of the film way back during that one San Diego comic con. However, I think Chole Zhao did an excellent job of doing so! (Sure they kill off the ones who happen to be the same race as me but HEY alright-)
I guess this is the kind of shit that happens when you have a lot of "dude bros" as fans, no? I KNOW when a Marvel movie is good just based on how dude bros get so upset over it. I didn't see anything wrong with Captain Marvel or Black Widow, but surprise surprise, some other people did!
I just think that Eternals being at a 47% on Rotten Tomatoes is messed up. Especially when you look at how diverse the film is because then it feels like it's being targeted specifically for that.
Was it slow? Yes, at times it was. But again, TEN new characters in an already established universe.
I was reading some reviews and one said it was "too outside the box to satisfy Marvel's audience," and I just thought, "What?"
THEN was when I realized that people who make hating the MCU their personalities are right because an audience that can't think "outside of the box" is an audience I don't want to be associated with :/
If your tiny CGI loving brain can't wrap around these sorts of concepts, then I don't know what I can do for you. Alien armies led by a Norse God? Sure that checks out. A deaf woman and a gay black man fighting to keep humanity alive while the white guy tries to stop them from doing so? Ridiculous.
Imagine your argument for not liking Eternals is because it's different. And while yes, that can be a valid argument, it's really not the case here. Eternals is different in the case that the leads are not all white, there's a gay man who isn't Joe Russo, there are fewer quips than normal, you have to read subtitles to understand a character, and it's directed by a woman of color, who also happens to be an Oscar winner nonetheless.
TDLR; I don't know why Eternals got so much hate. It was a bold step into new territory for Marvel and people hated it. "Bold" as in diversity for once, both in race, disabilities and in LGBTQ+ rep. If you haven't watched it yet, I suggest you do. I can't stop you from hating it, but I won't really understand why.
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REQUEST: Sorta war horse x loki AU,,, Loki is a captain in the asgardian army ( or whatever ) and the reader is a civilian that Loki takes an interest in and she’s flustered by the attention but her close friends push and encourage the relationship
Author's note: so uhhh I kind of made Loki into a Disney prince...?
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Imagine being just a simple civilian who, somehow, catches the eye of a royal general - prince Loki. Although the attention flusters you at first, people around you convince you to try your luck.
"Another victory," you thought to yourself as the parade marched through the city. People gathered around the small army to welcome them home, throw flowers at them and see their families as soon as they could. You didn't know anyone in the Asgardian military but you definitely enjoyed the solemnity of the march-past: the colours, the joy, the hope.
There was, however, another piece of personal agenda you were slightly embarrassed to admit: General Prince Loki Odinson. You weren't the only one attending the parade to sneak a glance at him, many young and older women did so. Ever since he was promoted to the rank of a general, he became more popular than his older brother Thor, who held more power in the court but that power was limited only to the court. Prince Loki became the character associated with keeping peace in the realm and outside of it: a purpose not only glorious but also noble.
Prince Loki had a proud smile on his face. He was slowly riding on his white steed through the city as people were throwing flowers and dried grains under the horse's hooves. The cape of his armor flowed gently on the warm summer breeze. Loki looked like someone who doesn't only win but also never loses.
Being hopeful and a tad bit naive, you held a bouquet of wildflowers you were collecting the entire morning. When the prince came closer to you, you held out the neatly prepared bunch, hoping that the prince will take it.
Loki's eyes met yours as he gently took the flowers from your shaking hands. His face became brighter or that's just what you were telling yourself. The way he smiled at you was enough to tell how grateful he was for the gift of appreciation.
"My lady," he bowed gently towards you and continued riding through the city, bouquet still in his hand.
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I"You could at least try, (Y/N)" your friend spoke to you. The sun had already set but the city was still celebrating the fresh victory. Around you the air was filled with lively music played by a half-drunk band. The beautiful and well-known melodies were muffled by laughter as well as the sound of people dancing. With each, even tiniest, blow of night breeze you could smell various dishes, both sweet and savory, all prepared for the general public to enjoy on such an exciting night. It was absolutely marvelous.
"I'm not sure, Astrid," you shook your head resignedly. "He's a prince and a general. Those like me are grateful to shine his shoes."
"Look, (Y/N)," she placed her hand on top of yours. "You were the only person he actually acknowledged."
"Astrid, do I look like a prince-worthy woman to you? I have nothing to offer him!"
"Dear," she looked into your eyes. "You're emperor-worthy, no, throne-worthy. Don't forget that. Now go and try talking to him. Worst case scenario he will thank you for the flowers and go away."
You let out a sigh.
"Alright, Astrid, I'm going," you said. "What's the worst thing that can happen, right? It's not like he will hit me or humiliate me, right?" Those words were more of reassurance towards yourself than actual questions targeted at your friend.
You got up from the table you were sitting at and made your way to the center of the market where people danced to whatever the band was currently playing. Trying your best to not look as stressed and awkward, you pretended to be simply strolling by and casually searching for the dark-haired prince.
"My lady?" a voice behind you caught your attention.
You turned around only for your eyes to find the devil himself. Loki's keen eyes stared at you in an oddly gentle and affectionate matter. His thin lips curved into a polite smile. The light armor he was wearing was mostly green with gold elements. The yellowish light of the torches scattered around the area reflected off of the gold plates beautifully.
"May I have this dance?" he asked as he offered his hand to you. He didn't have his gloves on, showing the best manners a man could present. Although the thought of holding his hand was beyond enticing, you couldn't help but worry, anxiety clouding your mind once again.
"I am afraid my company might be underwhelming for you, Your Royal Highness, especially on such a wonderful night," you answered as you gently placed your hand into his. Loki's fingers softly wrapped around your hand, holding it more tenderly than would be expected of a seasoned general.
"I could not think of a more desirable company but that of a delightful lady with flowers nearly as graceful as her." After those smooth words, he gently kissed the back of your hand, only reddening the blush on your cheeks.
You were dancing with a prince completely immersed in your beauty and all it took was a bunch of wildflowers.
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Testing Strength | Xu Xialing x Katy Chen
Prompt: Knot
Words: 1433
Fandom: Marvel (MCU)
A/N: I’ve been planning this story since January and never got around to finishing it. Hopefully, I’ll do some rewrites and turn it into a proper series. Takes place sometime after the event of the movie.
Summary: Katy finds her new purpose in life after training under the Avengers, though she still has a lot to learn and being associated with the siblings of the once powerful leader of the Ten Rings puts a target on her back. Meanwhile, Xialing hopes to uncover her father’s past while asserting her position as the new Ten Rings leader.
Katy was never a morning person in the first place. It took a lot of effort to haul herself off the bed and get ready, unlike her friend, Shangqi. Always the punctual and disciplined one, but not any more responsible as she was when it came to karaoke nights. So, a phone call from him at five in the morning while she was still recovering from a hangover wasn’t ideal. How he would have been functioning still to even manage to call her was a mystery, or maybe it was that mystical magic stuff that ran through his family.
“No,” was her immediate response as she answered.
“Come on, meet me outside,” he said before hanging up.
His voice sounded monotonous but her brain was too muddy to register it. He wouldn’t have called this early if it wasn’t important. They’re technically new Avengers, after all. Or, at least, still in that six months probation period. Wouldn’t want to make a bad impression on someone like Captain America.
She trudged back and forth between her room and the bathroom, her mom clattering away in the kitchen while her nainai was playing cards with her little brother. They don’t know anything about Macau, the Golden Dagger, the Ten Rings, or Ta Lo. All she had told them about that time was that Shaun had a family emergency and she had gone with him as emotional support. 
They do know about a career change, she just didn’t specify what it was. Though, her little brother has seen that Bus Boy video and asked if Shaun was joining the Avengers. Katy made him promise to shut up about it with the promise of getting a picture with those famous superheroes. As soon as the big paychecks come in, her mom will stop worrying about it, and maybe then, Katy will tell them.
“I’m leaving,” she announced, shoving her shoes on.
Her mom stuck her head out of the kitchen. “Without breakfast?”
“Yeah, Shaun wanted to head out early.”
“Well, okay… are you sure Shaun doesn’t want to come in and eat? He usually stops by first- “
“It’s fine, mom.”
“Yeah, I’m sure they want to head out early in case of any mishaps like that bus incident that happened a couple of months ago, right, Katy?” Ruihua said unconvincingly with a wink.
Katy forced out a laugh. “Yeah, yeah.” She shot him a quick glare and cursed at him under her breath before their nainai could turn around to face her. “I’ll try to be home early this time,” she added with a smile to her.
She hummed, muttering in Mandarin, “Good. But this overworking and spending too much time with Shaun when you’re not even dating is lowering your chances –”
Katy didn’t want to cut off her grandmother, but she was tired of hearing this. She could see her concerns, but it was old-fashion to her. Marriage and making a family isn’t a priority in this day and age. While the world could end at any moment with each colossal threat in addition to the constant reminder from her nainai that she wasn’t getting younger and wants to be alive to see her great-grandkids, Katy still did not want to force herself to fulfill her nainai’s wishes. 
Her mother would say that it was very American of her to think this way, but she tried her hand in dating and also could not see Shangqi as more than a friend. It had been a few years since she graduated from college, but only now did she feel that drive to push herself to her full potential. Being forced to go on a date with one of Nainai's friend’s grandsons isn’t going to help her.
So, she walked out.
If only she tried to tolerate her nainai’s lectures and make Shangqi suffer and wait while she indulged in her mother’s cooking, maybe things would have turned out different.
Xialing wasted no time in reforming her father’s organization. She had made her own empire in Macau at the age of 16, after all, and with the Ten Rings, she saw only endless potential to create anything she wanted. She wasn’t worried about her brother’s reaction. He was no boy scout, either, and she wasn’t going to rule like her father.
It pained her that even after all those years, when Shangqi had been the one to run away first, he still regarded him with pride while he merely glanced at her when she had some use to him. It wasn’t his approval that she was looking for, she just wanted her father back. After all that time when her mother passed, her father turned away from her, and her brother abandoned her, and even after going off on her own to create the Golden Dagger Club, they were still her family. 
Which was why she still held that anger after seeing Shangqi for the first time in years at her club and how there was still bitterness when her father barely acknowledged her. Having to live in the shadows for so long, she wondered how much of Xu Wenwu did she and her brother even know of.
After the major renovation made around the headquarters and her home, she made a point to dig through his studies in between training sessions. Her father had lived for a thousand years. How much of history was influenced by him and how much of the Chinese myths and legends  were about him? 
It was a month into taking over the Ten Rings when Razor-Fist, or Mattias, notified her of a threat in one of their territories and she was determined to find out how far exactly did the empire stretched and how many enemies did he have. If word got out that the immortal leader of the legendary Ten Rings was gone, a small territory dispute would be the least of her problems. A power vacuum between the Ten Rings and its enemies that could lead to chaos.
Her father was ambitious and had been determined to see everything through. What he wanted was what he would get. She guessed that that was something that she got from him. Centuries worth of his ascent to being the greatest power, all preserved in his study. Xialing wondered if he had ever intended for his children to read them and if her mother knew or chose to leave it in the past.
She leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes, remembering when her mother would whisper stories of Ta Lo as she tucked her into bed and the moment when she gave her the jade pendant. This whole time, her mother wanted them to see her village, the key to finding it having been kept as a memento of her so that she was always with them. How different things would have been if she had believed in those stories when she got older and searched for them as soon as she ran away.
A knock brought her back to the present. She gingerly closed one of her father’s journals and granted the person to come in. Jon Jon walked through the door with a medium sized box tucked under his arm, looking breathless as sweat soaked his face. Mattias walked in behind him, his face riddled with bad news as he pressed his lips together in a frown.
“Boss,” Jon Jon said, pulling out a crumpled envelope from his jacket, having been stuffed in in his haste to reach her. Once she took it, he slid the box onto her desk carefully and stepped back.
She flipped the envelope over, her eyes recognizing the symbol of the White Dragon organization.
“I thought that they were dealt with,” she said, directing it to Mattias.
Mattias grunted. “There’s been a shift in the black market. Rumored magical items being looted and sold into the circuit. Our resources say that a few of the major gangs operating under our territories have acquired them.”
“They’re planning to take over the Ten Rings,” she stated rather than questioning. It was inevitable. 
She opened the envelope with a small dagger, steeling herself for what the contents could be. Jon Jon and Mattias waited patiently, watching their boss’s expression darken the longer she read the note. Her eyes flickered over to the box, a knot forming in her stomach as she quickly cut it open, movements only slowing as she peeled the flaps open.
“They’ve got Katy,” she growled, staring down at the familiar black embroidered bomber jacket that Katy Chen had worn to her club.
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