#paleo diet lifestyle
fitnesstech · 1 year
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thesharktribe · 2 years
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Happy thanksgiving #comic #comics #comicstrip #comicstrips #manga #mangaart #animationart #storyboard #artist #artofinstagram #webcomic #webcomics #thanksgiving #holidays #meat #carnivore #paleo #lifestyle #diet #vegan #vegetarian #love #vibes #afterlife https://www.instagram.com/p/ClCGsuyPZ06/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mostlyfrommemory · 5 months
How's your diet coming?
“I’m going on a diet, starting tomorrow. By summer I’m going to have to introduce myself. I’ll be so skinny y’all won’t recognize me.” Mom. Circa 1998. My Mom was a serial dieter. My Dad was not. The first time she tried to make them go on a diet Dad would just swing by Nonna’s house and eat with them on the way home from work. When he got ready to go on home he’d say something like, “I guess I…
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healthyspaceforlife · 11 months
Living a Wholesome Life: Cultivating Healthy Habits for Success
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jtem · 1 year
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jccheapalier · 2 years
Watch "What is the best diet for humans? | Eran Segal | TEDxRuppin" on YouTube
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trophy-mind · 2 years
steady diet of Dino nuggets and Dino nuggets
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libraford · 6 months
I'm legit worried about my brother.
So mom has a history of disordered eating- was anorexic in high school and college, growing up she was orthorexic (when.youre allowed to eat, but theres strict rules to what you can eat, usually cutting out entire food groups. Fad diets.) There's been some improvement in that she does let herself eat more than she used to, but it's still there.
My brother is a gym rat. And for awhile he was on paleo, then he was on keto and I disagree with the lifestyle but he seemed to be doing okay.
So then he cut out alcohol, which I think was a good move. He didnt drink copious amounts, but a few beers a week and overall alcohol isnt great for you so I think this was smart.
He showed up to Thanksgiving today like...super thin and tired looking and he was shaky.
So now he's cutting out animal products. He like... just drinks a smoothie with chia seeds and some tofu and vitamin supplements. Hes on some like superfood that has like 1000x daily dosage of vitamin c.
He says that his inflammation has gone down and he feels great, but he looks a lot like my grandpa did when he was going through chemo.
All he could talk about was his diet and all the things hes omitting from his food and crossfit or whatever the more intense form of crossfit is.
His wife was super irritated with him because he refuses to see a doctor about a possible misaligned disc because 'the doctor's just gonna tell me to put ice on it's which he does but then he just goes back to the gym where he irritates it more. And I think hes refusing to see a doctor because a doc is gonna tell him that he needs a more varied diet.
He goes on and on about his quality of life and how he doesnt want to decline slowly, but hes only 41. And I think like yeah staying active is good but theres a difference between doing a yoga class once a week and doing an intense workout twice a day- the more you exercise, the more prone to injury you become.
And I think like... psychologically its fear driven. Because we lost our aunt (76), both grandmas (96), great uncle (92), and an aunt by marriage (79) all in the past 2 years, all of the men of the older generation died in their 70s, and his wife's mom is starting to have health problems. So I think hes getting scared of getting old, I think this is the midlife crisis everyone talks about.
But like...
When my hands are shaking it's because I'm either anemic or because I'm short on protein. If you feel great why are your hands shaking?
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honeysuckle-venom · 4 months
So. I actually started a lot of lifestyle changes about a month ago, shortly after getting my MRI results and checking in with my therapist a bit. I felt 95% sure the hepatologist would tell me I needed to lose weight, and I knew that if I hadn't started at least a little bit on that path before seeing her I would be even more triggered by being told that. Once I did, unsurprisingly, get told that on Monday I further cemented some of those changes and got a bit stricter about certain things, but in general this has been in the works for a little over a month.
I'm basically dieting, I guess, except I'm trying to be healthy about it and make "lifestyle changes" instead of like going on paleo or whatever. The thing is, I don't believe in dieting. I detest diet culture, I hate moralizing about food and fatphobia and all of that bullshit. I love the anti-diet and fat liberation movements, and while I never fully recovered from my eating disorder, that lense helped me more than any other form of treatment ever has. I am, generally speaking, morally opposed to a lot of what I'm doing right now. But I also need to do it, because I don't want to risk tumor growth and complications or surgery. And I know going into it with this specific motivation and attitude is different than just deciding to diet because I think I need to be skinny to be pretty or whatever, that I'm doing something medically necessary and not actually betraying my values, but it doesn't always feel that way, and that struggle is very hard.
I also don't know how to talk about what I'm doing without using diet culture terms and concepts at times. But I need to be able to talk about this whole experience on my blog, because it's kind of taking over my life atm. So I will do my best to warn for things and I will ALWAYS at the very least use the tag "weight loss cw" on all posts related to this, because I don't want to be irresponsible or trigger people, but I also need to be able to talk about my life.
So. Below this is where I really start talking about what I'm doing and how it feels. Warning for some diet culture language, discussion of restricting certain foods, exercise, food journaling, nutritionists, intentional weight loss, and other related topics. No numbers, but this is potentially more triggering than posts related to my food issues have been in the past because I do discuss specific behaviors.
So. For the past month I've been attempting to lose weight. The current strategies I've employed include: exercising every day, keeping track of what I eat in a food journal, and cutting out a lot of "unhealthy" foods. I hate even saying that, I believe that all foods have a place in a healthy diet (and also that health isn't a moral obligation but that's a separate though related issue). But! I am doing a specific thing and don't have better language to talk about it! Saying "less nutritionally dense foods" just sounds stupid so, whatever. "Unhealthy" or "less healthy" it is for now. The biggest change is I'm not eating refined carbs 90% of the time. There's room for a little bit of them but not much. I'm trying to get a lot of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Lots of vegetables and legumes and whole grains and whatnot. The good news for me is that I actually already really like a lot of those foods. Lentils are one of my favorite foods of all time, I like all beans, I like most vegetables, I like farro and brown rice, I like carrots and hummus, I like all fruits except grapefruits, etc. I enjoy the foods I do get to eat. So that's nice. But even though I ate all of those things before, these days it's all I eat pretty much. I used to also eat potato chips and m&m's and things like that. But I got rid of all of that stuff and haven't had it in over a month.
I'm also exercising every day. So far it's been primarily on my exercise bike that I have at home, because it has a desk attached and I can distract myself on my computer while I bike, because I HATE exercise. I just hate it. I hate being gross and sweaty and feeling like my heart's pounding and I can't breathe, but that's the fucking point lol. My muscles hurt and sweat drips down my face and it's just miserable. But as of today my dad and I have joined the local community center, which has a pool. Swimming is the one form of exercise I like. You don't feel how sweaty you are because you're in the water, your joints don't hurt, you can pretend to be a mermaid. It's so much better. So that's really good news. Hopefully I'll swim a few times a week and use the bike on the other days, and that will make everything more pleasant and also use more muscles than just my legs on the bike.
The thing is, it's actually not that hard to eat this way? My brain is obsessed with food rules, and has been since I was literally in preschool. I have always had various rules around food. Adjusting those rules to be more permissive is incredibly difficult, but adjusting them to be stricter? Not hard. I'm not tempted to "fall off the wagon" or whatever, because those foods have entered a space in my brain called "forbidden" and so I can't even imagine eating them without an alarm blaring in my head. And that's dangerous. The thing that is hard about what I'm doing is I know I'm in relapse zone, but I don't know how to not fucking be there when I'm trying to lose weight. I'm spending hours and hours each day obsessing about food and exercise, planning what to eat next, researching nutrition information and vegan recipes, etc etc etc. It sucks. I get trapped in these awful spirals and it's just all-encompassing. I've managed to avoid the worst behaviors: I haven't looked up fitspo even though I've had strong urges to do so, I mostly manage to avoid counting calories, and I don't let myself look at the scale. My therapist takes my weight once a week but I don't look. I'm trying to keep things on the healthier side, to not just full on relapse. But it's really, really fucking difficult to do both at the same time. I don't know how to find the balance yet.
The good news is that I found a nutritionist who I think shares a lot of my values and is willing to support me with weight loss, which I was worried wouldn't be possible. Bc all the anti-diet folks don't do weight loss at all, and all the weight loss people are...evil? Yeah, evil. But I really feel the need for professional support, even more than just my therapist, and so I didn't know what to do. But I think I found someone. I haven't met with her yet, but I've gotten in touch and hopefully we'll find a time for next week and I'll be able to update with how she is. Because this is really hard, and trying to balance the physical and mental without falling off a cliff is proving impossible without a lot of help. I have good help from my therapist, but if I could have some additional support it would be a good thing. So fingers crossed for that.
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scolop98 · 1 year
​Berthasaura is just *barely* losing @a-dinosaur-a-day​‘s DMM poll and if the only remaining Noasaur loses to a friggin Spinosaur I might actually riot
A vote for Berthasaura is a vote for all Noasaurs, arguably the weirdest collection of non-avian theropods to ever exist. A vote for Berthasaura is, by extension, a vote for:
- Masiakasaurus “why are your teeth like that“ knopfleri of Prehistoric Planet fame, a genuíne Madagascan weirdo
-  Vespersaurus “only dinosaur that walks on one toe” paranaensis (yes that includes all birds), tragic second place of the previous round
- Limusaurus “are you sure that’s even a theropod” inextricabilis, which started out like normal little baby theropods before losing their teeth and becoming quasi-ornithomimid beaked herbivores, and its fellow Elaphrosaurines
- Noasaurids are also the closest relatives of Abelisaurs, which should be worth extra brownie points
And Berthasaura itself was no slouch either! In addition to being arguably The Most Ornithopod of any theropod (vote for wacky convergent evolution!), it evolved its toothlessness independently of the Elaphrosaurines, and was toothless its entire life! Friggin Noasaurs don’t even do toothlesness the same way twice apparently. Berthasaura also holds the distinction of being the second ever toothless non-ceolosaurian theropod to be described, and it had a nearly complete skeleton! Berthasaura was an ornithomimid before ornithomimids became cool (or even existed), an early-cretaceous throwback to Shuvosaurids, the first of a long line of weirdo theropods. Peak dinosaur, 9/10.
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Meanwhile Ceratosuchops is what, a Baryonychine with a horn on its head? Boo, unoriginal, 4/10. The horn ain’t even that big. It’s only known from some fragments of a skull (again: compare to Berthasaura’s remarkably complete skeleton) and in all honesty I’m just tired of Spinosaurs at this point. I couldn’t even keep track of whatever Spinosaurus drama was happening back when I was deep in my early Covid paleo hyperfixation and I'm kinda scared to check in on it. Apologies to Darren Naish, but I’ve had a petty grudge against spotlight-stealing Spinosaurs since like the third post-2014 Spinosaurus paper and it sure as hell-herons ain’t going away now. Sure, Ceratosuchops was a heron-analogue with a cool name, but it’s not even a proper heron mimic. If you want some real convergent evolution, vote for Berthasaura. 
Am I deliberately skimping on Baryonychine facts due to a petty grudge against the most famous member of the family? Yes definitely absolutely. They get enough attention as is. And what do they have that Noasaurs don’t? Weird teeth and an aquatic diet? See Masiakasaurus. Big fore-claws? See Noasaurus. Large size? Overrated, and Deltadromeus might be a Noasaur so they even have that covered. Sail-backs and a semiaquatic lifestyle? That’s Spinosaurus bias talking, vote for Bajadasaurus or Annakacygna instead. Spinosaurs may be fan-favorite weirdo dinosaurs, but I think that Noasaurs were objectively weirder and deserve to advance in the polls. Vote Berthasaura for a weirder, wackier theropod (and a way to unload that pent-up anti-Spinosaurus grudge, if you like)
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healthy-liiviing · 2 months
The Best Diet for Weight Loss: What You Need to Know
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When it comes to weight loss, finding the right diet can be overwhelming amidst the plethora of options available. Here's a breakdown of some popular diets and their effectiveness:
1. Low-Carb Diet:
Focuses on reducing carbohydrate intake, leading to a decrease in insulin levels and an increase in fat burning.
Examples include Atkins, Keto, and Paleo diets.
Can result in rapid weight loss, especially during the initial stages.
However, long-term sustainability may be challenging for some individuals.
2. Mediterranean Diet:
Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive oil and nuts.
Includes moderate consumption of fish, poultry, and dairy, with limited red meat.
Rich in antioxidants and heart-healthy nutrients, promoting overall well-being.
Known for its sustainability and long-term health benefits.
3. Intermittent Fasting:
Involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting.
Common methods include the 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8-hour window.
May lead to improved metabolic health, reduced inflammation, and weight loss.
Requires careful planning to ensure adequate nutrient intake during eating periods.
4. Plant-Based Diet:
Centers around whole, minimally processed plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains.
Naturally low in calories and high in fiber, promoting satiety and weight loss.
Linked to lower risks of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.
Offers environmental sustainability benefits as well.
5. Flexible Dieting (IIFYM):
Focuses on tracking macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat) to meet specific dietary goals.
Allows for a more flexible approach to eating, incorporating a wide variety of foods.
Emphasizes overall calorie intake rather than specific food restrictions.
Can be tailored to individual preferences and lifestyle.
In conclusion, the best diet for weight loss varies depending on personal preferences, health goals, and lifestyle factors. It's essential to choose a sustainable approach that aligns with your needs and preferences while focusing on overall health and well-being.
thank you for reading if you want
I will be your nutritionist for weight loss diet plan and meal plan
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cvt2dvm · 3 months
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Studyblr Intro
Hello Hello!
I'm currently studying for my Veterinary Technician Associates Degree & License and Certified Canine Athlete Specialist (CCAS) certification. I grew up in Vet Med, and am working towards my DVM through a non-traditional path to take over the family practice with minimal student debt.
About Me
Name: Elizabeth (She/Her)
Country: USA
Age: 23
Education: Starting my First Year of CVT Studies after getting my first Associate of Applied Science in Cabinetmaking and Wood Technology
Path: I'm studying for a Veterinary Technology Associates Degree, which will then be followed by a Veterinary Technologist Bachelor's Degree and 6 further night courses at my local community college to meet the criteria to apply to Vet School.
Pets: Olive (Bombay Cat, 9.5 Years, found in the garden, her grandmother is now the clinic reception cat that her breeder had turned loose after a divorce), Chewbacca (Terrier Mix, 7 Years, Born in Rescue and adopted, Addison's Disease, retired service dog and groundhog hunter), Roland (Marshall's Ferret, 3 years, Dumped on my Porch), and Phobos (Belgian Malinois, 18 Months, Rehomed from a bomb dog program at 7 months, Current Multi-Purpose Working Dog in Service, SAR, and Protection Sports)*
Post Schedule: Monday (Original Work and Study Posts), Wednesday (Reblogs), and Friday (Lifestyle) mornings at 07:00 EST, Case Studies on Wednesday Nights at 19:00 EST, Bite Club Content on Saturday at 12:00 EST, and Religious content Sunday Evenings at 20:00 EST.
I am also studying my 4th Language, Japanese currently. English is my first language. I'm conversational in both; Irish (Gaeilge) and Polish (Polski), and my working dog is trained in Greek, which I'll study more in-depth after Japanese fluency.
Disabled: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome & Hemiplegic Migraines resulting from Post Concussive Syndrome
Balance my 60hr work weeks with Church, Sport, Fitness, and Educational commitments
Maintain an average of at least 90% in all courses.
Dog sports, particularly PSA (Protection Sports Association), Nose Work, Mondio Ring, and Dock Diving. I also used to Barn hunt, and hunt small game with my terrier until his retirement.
Fox Hunting, Eventing, & Dressage, but currently away from Equestrian pursuits after the death of my heart horse in January 2023.
Carnivorous Exotics medicine, especially falcons and ferrets, nutrition, and Canine rehabilitation and sports medicine.
Fiber arts, especially knitting, drop-spindle spinning, and hand quilting.
Homesteading/Off-Grid Living
Eco-Conscious Living with a Paleo-Based diet (although I still consume raw & fermented dairy, and I'll post what my version of dirty paleo looks like later)
Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, etc
Fitness for both canine and human athletes
Reverted Episcopalian with universalist leanings, and I thoroughly enjoy liturgical, scriptural, and world religion knowledge sharing, conversation, and debate.
Women's Rights and Women's Gun Rights, & DV Victim Advocacy
Harm Reduction and Addiction Recovery Support
Assisting in developing Girl's, Women's, Youth, Young Adult, and Recovery ministries with my Church community, and Serving on the breakfast ministry.
That's all folks! I look forward to connecting with you all.
*Not All Dogs are suited for multi-purpose work, especially Service and Protection work, it is of utmost importance to consult your veterinarian, trainer, and decoy about your dog's suitability to do both, and it is important to understand that by having a dog that does both you risk loss of function in one or both of these working disciplines with your K9.
As an aside, all images have Alt Text available, all images are my original work, Adobe Lightroom Preset is Pretty In Pink by Addie Overla nee Woost, and additional editing of Photos is Original and unassisted by A.I. Captured On Samsung Galaxy Devices.
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dietandfitnessplan · 6 months
Navigating Paleo Diet
The Paleo diet, rooted in our ancestors' eating habits, offers a compelling approach to modern nutrition. Embracing whole, unprocessed foods, this dietary strategy aims to optimize health and well-being. Navigating the Paleo landscape involves prioritizing lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats while avoiding processed foods, grains, and dairy.
Click here to get your Customise Plan-
Start your journey by crafting meals around grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish, and an abundance of colorful vegetables. Incorporate nuts, seeds, and good fats like olive oil for added nutritional benefits. Ditching refined sugars and processed snacks is key to unlocking the full potential of the Paleo lifestyle.
Remember, the key to success lies in balance and variety. Experiment with recipes, listen to your body, and savor the delicious simplicity of whole, nutrient-dense foods. By embracing the Paleo principles, you pave the way for a healthier, more vibrant you."
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plutosring · 6 months
omg thank u eli I love ur enthusiasm on it tysm 😭
""Find a synonym for denounce in the fourth paragraph of the article (Fans of the paleo diet...). Identify the synonym below. Then, identify the connotation of the synonym and explain how it compares to the original phrase, mental hospital."
I'm gonna put in both paragraph 3 and 4 so it'll make sense!!
"But then the agricultural revolution came. The advent of farming changed the diet of the average human away from meat and the occasional berries or grasses to a diet that leaned more heavily on grains like rice or corn. With this change in diet also came a change in lifestyle. Instead of living nomadic lives chasing animal migrations, humans were able to settle down in one location and began building cities. The more stable food source of farmed grains also gave humans more free time to invent and innovate, leading to the development of written languages, new art forms, and scientific discoveries. But was this change in diet and lifestyle actually healthy for humans?
Fans of the paleo dirt would argue no. In recent years, some have promoted a return to the eating habits of our earlier ancestors. They claim modern illness comes from a diet that is too different from the diet of the cavemen. They blame the reliance on grains, dairy, and beans for a variety of health problems that humans develop today. To follow the paleo diet, people must eat only meat, eggs, vegetables, fruit, completely, eliminating all other foods from their lives. People who love the paleo diet say that this eating style helps them lose weight, build strength, and eat healthy."
blame is !!! "They blame the reliance on grains, dairy, and beans for a variety of health problems that humans develop today."
i dont know what the 'mental hospital' part of the directions mean but... the connotation of the synonym blame makes someone else the spotlight (in a negative sense). this is similar to the word condemn because each word is shunning a person/group.
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healthyspaceforlife · 11 months
Living Well: Secrets to a Vibrant and Fulfilling Life
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hobbinch · 11 months
Im soooo glad I quit chipotle when I did because the weight loss/food restriction talk was already horiffic during breaks, and that was just a few months before they rolled out all the "lifestyle" meals that aligned with popular diets like paleo and shit like that.
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