#parents dont like it when someone is in the kitchen and they want to use any adjacent rooms
sunless-not-sinless · 3 months
its 1am so i thought people wouldnt be in the kitchen and i could cook in peace
i was wrong
there was a bloody candlelight vigil
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
Having a complicated relationship with your mum is so confusing. It's the knowledge that she taught me the best way to make gravy, how tie my shoes and how to make my bed. But she's also the one that made disparaging comments about my body growing up and is part of the reason I don't want to be a parent myself and why I moved across the country for uni. But she's still my mum and I still find myself wishing I could seek comfort from her when things get a little too hard but the mum I'm longing for doesn't really exist. And I see her in the colour of my eyes and in the way I grit my teeth when I'm angry. She taught me how to do my hair and how to cover up bruises. She's a part of me in all the good and the bad. And there's no way to say you hate someone that doesn't also acknowledge all the good because nothings as ever as black and white as that
#personal#+Extra#i dont know i was making gravy for dinner the way my mum taught me and it got me thinking about how i havent spoken to her in over a week#since she told me that my dad is threatening to kick me out again and i started thinking about the fact im currently at empty student#accommodation for the summer instead of back home like most people anf how part of me feels guilty for that and the other knows im doing#whats best for me and theres a reason i left people keep asking why im so far up north for uni if im from down south and i dont know how to#explain it they look at you a certain way when you say you dont get along with your parents like your an entitled brat that cant see that#theyre just doing whats best for you and theres no way to explain two decades of trauma to someone in a single conversation theres no way#to get them to understand that despite what my parents do and the fact i went as far as i could for uni theyre still my parents and i love#them even when i hate them for everything and although ill being carrying the scars of childhood trauma with me long after ive left them i#cant entirely blame even when i want to they made terrible choice that have shaped me for ever but theyre still people and ill always#resent them for the people they are and the fact they could do better but didnt for us and the fact they fall back into those people like#a bad habit when i spend to long at home in a way that makes feel like theres something wrong with me specifically will always sit with me#but for now im stood in my kitchen making sheppards pie thinking of the way my mum used to make it and the tension that used to hang over#the dining table while we ate and how now my parents dont even eat in the same room and im grateful my little siblings will never know#that side of our parents but it doesnt mean it doesnt hurt every time i see a reflection of my parents in myself and wish i could cut it out
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charliemwrites · 6 months
Talked about this with @ceilidho last night and it’s making me Insane,
His parents have moved to be closer to his sisters and their children, leaving him their gorgeous house to crash at during leave.
When he moves in, you bring him a batch of cookies, welcoming him to the neighborhood and telling him to stop by if he needs anything. Something in his eyes flickers as he takes you in, sundress and sneakers.
“Cookies aren’t the only sweet treat here,” he drawls, grinning.
Your neighbor Johnny who leans folds his massive arms over your fence when he catches you out by the pool. You don’t have your towel or a coverup because it’s your own backyard, but it’s fine! There’s a fence between you two and anyway he’s just coming to say hi.
Johnny who tsks when you tell him your husband went on another business trip without fixing the AC. You don’t want to call someone over while you’re home alone. Not to worry - Johnny is handy with wires and he’ll fix it for free. And while he’s here… that cabinet too, aye? And the shower drain that’s a bit clogged?
You don’t notice that a couple of your photos are missing from an album you keep in the basement with the heater. Or the lotion from your cabinet is gone - your husband probably tossed it. Definitely don’t notice the very very slight change in consistency of your body soap.
One day you’re just home from groceries and Johnny stumbles out of a taxi. He’s got a big black duffel bag, still in uniform. There’s dirt in his mohawk and streaky paint on his face.
“Bonnie,” he sighs, making a beeline for you. “Missed you. Give us a hug? It was a rough go.”
And of course you hug him - least you can do for a man risking his life to keep the rest of the world safe!! You dont notice the smudges he leaves on your cheek until your husband points it out when he gets home.
Your husband…
Johnny doesn’t let Ryan call him Johnny; he introduces himself as “Soap.” You figure it’s a guy thing, giggling about the callsign while Johnny grips bruises into your husband’s soft white-collar hands.
He doesn’t like Johnny. Says it’s weird how he’s always hanging around.
Not always, you correct, he only gets a couple weeks of leave at a time.
And he spends as much of it as he can with you. It’s nice, though, to have company while you futz with housewife chores and pretend to anticipate your husband’s return home.
Johnny’s good company! He listens with rapt attention to the rambles your husband barely even pretends to hear. He doesn’t call your crime podcasts creepy, or your tv shows noisy.
(In fact, he listens a bit too closely. If you paused while cooking or cleaning, you’d notice the feverish light in his eyes. Certain turns of your tongue make his thighs twitch).
When you’re having a bad day, venting to Johnny about it over a cup of coffee, he listens, nods, clicks his tongue.
“He best take care of that when he gets home.”
You don’t get what he means, and the next day when you’re still annoyed, he shakes his head.
“All pent up still, eh? He not taking care of you right?”
You fluster and swat at him, remind him you’re not one of this army bros he shouldn’t be so crass. He keeps making those comments. You just roll your eyes and wave him off - but never correct him because it’s true.
One day your husband is home when Johnny stops by. You got something stuck in the sink drain and need him to get it - knew Ryan wouldn’t call in a reasonable time to save it.
When he comes in, Johnny drops a kiss on your cheek before going for the kitchen. Knows exactly where it is, you two have a standing brunch date there.
Johnny listens to you talk while he works, fusses at you for trying to hand him his dirty tools. Goes into your fridge, grabs a can of soda and a peach. Reminds you that you’re running low on yogurt while he licks juice from his fingers.
When he’s done, he drops one last kiss on the corner of your mouth, big hand anchoring you by the hip. You walk him out, promising to let him look at that rattling noise your car has been making the next day.
It starts a fight. Ryan is furious that Johnny is so comfortable in “his” house. You shake your head, tell him that you’re just as comfortable at Johnny’s but that only seems to set him off more. He tells you that it’s not normal, that Johnny is being inappropriate and you’re letting him.
You scoff and roll your eyes, tell him that he’s being insecure, that you only have eyes for him. He ends up storming out, presumably to go stay at his brother’s.
Thirty minutes after he’s gone, there’s a knock at the door. You know it’s Johnny. You almost answer it. But Ryan’s accusations ring in your head and dig a guilty pit in your stomach. You go upstairs, pretending you didn’t hear it. Or any of the others for the half hour after.
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amentomensmut · 7 months
I've never asked for a request before and i dont have clout to write it myself so i thought id ask since i like some of your Mike stuff but
What about something like reader and Mike are friends and he goes to a wedding her as a favor cause i like the idea that he has like a messy suit, loose tie kind of hot mess vibe and smutty things happen lol I dont have much in mind but the idea of him in a messy suit trying to look cleaned up is just like ...drool idk
Plus One
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Mike Schmidt x fem!reader wc: 3.1k+
Summary: You invite Mike to be your plus one at your sister's wedding, but things go wrong during the reception and Mike uses you to take out his frustrations.
Warnings: 18+ CONTENT, okay so like reader and Mike are friends but also its kinda angry sex??? You’ll see. Manhandling (sorta), slight exhibitionism, degrading, praise, dirty talk, finger sucking, fingering (f receiving), unprotected sex (wrap b4 u tap pookies)
Note: oh my GOD this one got away from me and i'm NOT sure about it, I feel like i could’ve written this a bit better but i just started babbling and now we're here. to the person who requested this: THANK YOU.  i loved ur idea and him in a suit like makes me drool too omg. i also couldn’t help adding a little angst in here. also so nevry to post this?? so lmk what u guys think! enjoy :)
“Please, Mike. I swear this is the last thing you’ll ever have to do for me!” You plead, trying to reason with the very unimpressed looking man in front of you. You’ve been stuck in Mike's kitchen for the past half hour trying to convince him to be your plus one to your sister's wedding next Saturday. Clearly, your convincing hasn’t been successful so far. 
“The last time I did a favour for you was supposed to be the last time.” Mike says with a knowing smirk, and you roll your eyes. A few weeks ago, you went out to a bar with some friends and you may have had a few too many long island iced teas. The owner had forced your hand into calling someone to pick you up, and it was Mike's number you had dialled that night. As he drove you back to your apartment with an unpleasant look on his face, you swore to him that that would be the last favour you'd ever ask of him. How you wish you could take that back right about now. 
“Okay, well, I was drunk when I said that. So it doesn't count.” You say with a frown, crossing your arms against your chest like a child who was denied candy. 
You can’t really blame Mike for not wanting to go. Your family is…a lot. You love your family, you really do (most of the time). But, they can be judgemental. You were the kid in school who always got the hottest new toys for Christmas, and had big themed parties for your birthday every year. It had never really dawned on you that you were more well off than other kids until you had met Mike. You became friends with Mike when you were both 15. When you first brought Mike over to your house to hang out, you heard your parents whispering about him that night when you were supposed to be in bed. Your parents gossiped about the kidnapping of his brother, the suicide of his mother, and how Mike and his sister were essentially left to their own devices with their father paralyzed and consumed by grief. It made you sick to hear your parents nitpick and discuss Mike's life like it was a reality tv show. Your parents never really approved of your friendship with Mike, and they tend to not-so-subtly make that known whenever you make the mistake of bringing him up in a conversation. 
“I don’t think that’s how that works. Besides, when your sister offered you a plus one, I really don’t think she had me in mind.” Mike says as he reaches into his fridge for a beer. “In fact, I think she’d prefer you to invite that guy who works at the convenience store and catcalls you everytime you go in, instead of me.” He says, cracking open his beer and offering you a smile before he takes a sip. 
“Well now you’re just being dramatic.” You huff as you walk over to the couch in Mike's living room and take a seat. Mike follows you from the kitchen and sits down in his armchair, kicking his feet up on the coffee table. Mike sticks his tongue out at you and you have to restrain yourself from strangling the man. If it were any other wedding you would’ve just gone on your own. However, your family events tend to…take a turn for the worst. Your family's gatherings usually end with drama, and you know that even though it’s your sister's wedding, this will be no different. That’s why you're insistent on bringing Mike as your plus one, so you can have a little support if things go awry. 
“Very mature.” You say with a shake of your head, once again rolling your eyes at the rude gesture.
“Listen, I’ll go. But, on one condition.” Mike says, and you sit up straight at his words.
“What’s the condition?” You ask suspiciously, but at this point you think you’d agree to almost anything.
“You babysit Abby for a month,”
“And do my laundry for a month.” Mike adds.
“That’s two conditions actually, Mike.” You scoff as you get off the couch to leave.
“So you’re inviting the guy from the convenience store then?” Mike teases, knowing he's your only option.
You turn around to face Mike, squinting your eyes at him. God, you hate that cocky smirk he does when he knows he's winning. Bastard.
“Have a suit by Saturday. I’ll be over at 10am.” You sigh, flipping Mike off as you leave through his front door.
“Very mature.” You hear him mumble on your way out.
“Mike, it looks like you just came back from a bachelor party. Not like you’re going to a wedding.” You say, noting the way Mike’s tie hangs loosely around his neck and the first couple buttons on his white button up are left undone. Mike runs his hands through his hair and you quickly bat them away, scolding him for ruining the hair you had just attempted to fix in the car only moments before you arrived. You can’t deny that he looks handsome. He surely looks charming with the way his gelled hair falls messily on his forehead, and the way his dads old suit fits him almost perfectly.
“Well, hopefully your sister doesn’t mind.” Mike says sarcastically as he adjusts the cuff links on the ends of his sleeves and steps out of your car and towards the church where your sister is getting married. 
The first half of the wedding went pretty smoothly. You and your sister have never really been close, so It wasn’t a surprise to you when she didn’t ask you to be a bridesmaid. You and Mike sat a few rows down, occasionally playing footsies under the pew when you’d accidentally bump feet. A kiss was shared between the bride and groom, and everyone left to go to the reception. 
You were nervous about the reception, to be quite honest. Mike could tell, and he put his hand on your lower back, resting it there as you both walked into the banquet hall. You nearly faint when you see the sheer amount of people that fill the room. There have to be about 200 people minimum. It seemed like way less in the church, you think.
“I need a drink.” You mumble to Mike, dragging him over to the bar. 
Both you and Mike order a drink, and you want to be swallowed by the ground when you hear your mothers shrill, sing-songy voice behind you. 
“Darling! I didn’t see you during the ceremony, I thought you hadn’t come.” You turn around and she pulls you into a tight hug, pressing a kiss to both of your cheeks. She pulls away from you and you notice her eyes immediately land on Mike. “Oh, and what a surprise. Mike, how are you and your sister?” Your mother continues, and you bite the inside of your cheek. 
You watch as Mike plasters a big, albeit fake, smile on his face and shakes your mothers hand. 
“Abby and I are doing well, thank you for asking.” Mike says, and you almost laugh at his cordial tone. Mike sends you a ‘help me’ look and you mouth a ‘sorry’ to him.
“Gosh, it just devastated me to hear about your fathers passing.” Your mother says, clutching her chest like she's in pain, and you think she deserves an Oscar for the way she acts like she gives a shit. “I’m sure it must be so hard for you to provide for your sister alone.” Your mother adds and you watch the smile slowly slide off of Mike’s face.
“Why do you say that?” He asks, and you suddenly regret ever asking Mike to be your plus one. 
“Mom-,” You start to say, but she disregards your voice, raising her hand as you speak to stop you.
“Well, I know you struggle keeping a job. You know, not everyone is cut out to raise a child.” If you could see yourself, you’re sure all the colour would be drained from your face. You’re left speechless, mouth half hung open at your mothers words. How could she say that? She doesn’t know him like you do. She doesn’t know how much Mike sacrifices to provide for Abby.
You look over at Mike and his jaw is tightly clenched. You brace yourself for Mike's next words, but they don’t come. Instead, you watch as he excuses himself and walks towards the mens bathroom.
“Well, he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” Your mother jokes once Mike is out of earshot.
“Jesus Christ, mom.” You say incredulously as you turn to go find Mike. 
You walk towards the bathrooms, entering the men’s restroom with only one thing on your mind. Mike. Luckily the restroom is empty, save for Mike who is leaning over the counter. You slowly reach behind yourself, locking the bathroom door. You begin to step towards Mike, but you stop when you hear his voice.
“Do you think I'm not fit to raise Abby?” Mike asks you angrily, not even turning to look at you. You just stand there like an idiot, reaching down to fidget with the hem of your shirt.
“I-, no. Of course not.” You say, and the music that was loud in the hall, is now only a low hum in the bathroom. 
It’s silent for a moment, and you’re not really sure what to say, or how to make things better. You resume taking slow, tentative steps towards Mike and you stop once you’re behind him. You place an uncertain hand on his back, softly rubbing it up and down to comfort him. He lets you touch him and you hear him let out a breath. He turns around to face you and you look up to meet his eyes. He studies your face for a moment, and you inch even closer to him. 
“I’m sorry about my mom. That was inexcusable.” You sigh. If you were in Mike’s shoes, you probably would’ve left the reception entirely, and you’re not entirely opposed to that idea right now. 
“Your mother doesn’t think I’m good enough for you.” Mike finally says, and there’s distaste in his tone. You don’t say anything, you know it's true. Your family, especially your mother, has never approved of your friendship with Mike. 
“Do you think that?” Mike asks you, and you’re just now realising how close Mike’s face is to your own. You look up at him with furrowed brows and shake your head.
“No, Mike. I don’t think that.” You say quietly, and you swear the tension between Mike and you is so thick, it could be cut with a knife. You look down, but you feel Mike's hand grabbing your jaw and forcing you to look back up at him.
“You can’t even look at me when you say it. Pathetic.” Mike seethed. You let out a hushed whimper at his words..
“Sorry.” You say, but your voice sounds small. “I know you are.” He coos, rubbing his thumb back on fourth on your cheek.
“I need you to do something for me, okay?” Mike says, leaning down to speak in your ear. His voice is sweet and the switch in moods makes your head spin.
“Okay.” You nod and Mike pulls away from your ear to look you in the eyes.
“Be fucking quiet.” He says, and he presses his lips to yours. You softly gasp in shock, but quickly kiss him back as he turns you around to hoist you up onto the counter. He grabs both of your knees, opening them to make space for him to stand between your legs. He grips your thighs harshly, and you sigh when he sucks on your bottom lip. He puts one of his hands under your jaw, using it to hold your head in place as he kisses you. His lips are slightly chapped, but you don’t mind. He kisses you with fever, and you can’t deny that you haven’t thought about this. 
He kisses down to your jaw and neck, sucking the skin in a way where you know there will be bruises. Jerk. You run your hands through his hair, throwing your head back at the pleasurable feeling of his lips gliding over your skin. The hand that was on your thigh is now trailing up your leg and under your skirt. You clench your legs around his hand and he softly bites your neck, wordlessly scolding you for your actions. You reopen your legs and his hand comes up to make contact with your clothed clit. He rubs slow circles and you let out a soft whimper.
“You gonna let me fuck you?” He slurs in your ear, and his fingers move from your clit to the waistband on your panties, pulling it back and slapping it against your skin. You nod and he’s pulling you off of the counter and flipping you around. Mike bends you over and your chest meets the cold granite. You look in front of you and you can see Mike behind you in the mirror on the wall. He pushes your knee length skirt up and around your hips, and groans at the sight of you bent over for him.
“You okay?” He asks genuinely, running his hands along the sides of your body in a comforting manor.
“Yeah, keep going.” You breathe out and he hooks his fingers into the sides of your panties, pulling them down. You clench around nothing as the cold air hits your cunt. You moan softly as Mike spreads your pussy open with his thumbs, groaning at how wet you are. Without warning, he inserts his pointer and middle finger inside of you, thrusting them in and out. The lewd, squelching sounds of Mike fingering you fill the bathroom and you suck in a sharp breath as his fingers curl up into your sweet spot. 
“Apparently your pussy thinks I’m good enough.” Mike says and you look up into the mirror to see his jaw slack, watching the way his fingers move in and out of you. You can feel Mike's erection brushing against the back of your thigh as he rocks his hips with every thrust of his fingers. 
“Mike, fuck me.” You whine, and Mike takes his fingers out of you. He brings them to your lips, pushing them inside your mouth, and you can hear him undoing his belt with his other hand. 
“Thought I told you to be fucking quiet.” He murmurs and you watch in the mirror as he shoves his pants and boxers down just enough to pull his hard cock out. He removes his fingers from your lips, using your spit as lube to pump his cock a few times before lining it up with your pussy. He slowly inches himself inside of you, pushing you down onto the counter. Your mouth drops open in a silent scream and you hear Mike let out a whine at the feeling of being in you. 
He starts to pump himself in and out of you, and he pulls you up by your shirt into his chest to make you watch yourself in the mirror. He fucks into you like he can’t get enough of you. Like being inside of you isn’t close enough.
“What would your mother think? Hm? About her sweet little angel getting fucked in the bathroom?” Mike says in your ear, with a sickeningly sweet tone. It's like he just knows how to push your buttons. You let out a low moan at his words. 
“Fuck, I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” Mike adds and your legs shake when he uses the hand that was holding you up to rub your clit. You drop back down on the counter and Mike grabs your hip with his free hand, using it as leverage to bottom out in you with every single thrust. He throws his head back in ecstasy and you clench around him, signalling your impending orgasm. 
“You wanna cum?” Mike asks, and his voice is raspy and fucked out. You nod your head ‘yes’. 
“No, want you to say it.” Mike says, and you can tell he’s close by his sloppy, less rhythmic thrusts.
“Please, Mike. Please, can I cum?” You beg, your voice hoarse. The filthy sounds of skin against skin echo throughout the bathroom, and if someone has tried to enter the bathroom since you’ve been in here, you’ve been too fucked out to hear it. Thank god I locked the door, you think.
“Cum, baby, Fuck.” Mike chokes out. Your legs shake as you cum around his cock, your orgasm only heightened by the feeling of him filling you up. You bite down on your hand to muffle yourself and you swear to god you hear Mike whimper, pussy drunk as he continues to ride his high thrusting in and out of your sloppy pussy.
After catching his breath, you feel Mike pull out of you and you wince at the feeling of his cum dripping down your inner thighs. You slowly tilt your head up as you watch Mike get some toilet paper to clean himself up. He tucks himself back inside his boxers and pulls his pants up. You flinch a little as you feel him come up behind you, cleaning you up with more toilet paper. 
“Sorry, was I too rough?” He asks softly, looking at you through the mirror and you shake your head.
“No, just sensitive.” You say as Mike finishes cleaning you. You pull your panties back up, letting your skirt fall back over your legs. Your knees buckle a little bit as you try to stand straight and Mike rushes over to you, lending you a hand.
“You know, I actually think you’re one of the only people who genuinely thinks I am good enough.” Mike says, and you look up at him.
“Of course I do. I always have.” You say softly, gently touching Mike’s cheek.
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jyoongim · 6 days
Alastor and married reader but instead of the whole other thing, he kills her husband and is the shoulder for her to cry on (cliche, I know) not wanting her to hate him. And you know- smut somewhere along the way
The happiest day of your life was your wedding day.
The thought of living your days in matrimonial bliss with the man of your dreams had always been your future plans.
Until it wasn’t….
Your dreams of waking up beside your soulmate, having a big family, and living out your days in love were all crushed the day you were told to come to the coroner.
To identify your husband.
You stared at the casket as the pastor read the sermon and it was lowered into the dirt. 
You felt nothing.
The heavens must of felt your sadness as there was an endless pour.
Many family members and friends gave their condolences but you didn’t even acknowledge them.
what had your husband done so terribly that someone would…
The cold of the rain disappeared as a hand grasped your shoulder, pulling your soaked body into theirs “You’ll catch a chill standing like that dear”
He held an umbrella over the two of you as you watch the diggers throw dirt onto the coffin.
You felt hot tears swell in your eyes and your body shook as sobs ran through you. You turned to Alastor, eyes glassy and lip wobbling and you sniffed
“I-I just…why? This-this…it wasnt suppose to be like this” you sobbed as Alastor gathered you in his arms and ran a soothing hand on your back.
He patted your back, letting you cry in his shoulder as he hummed “there there dear, itll be all right. Cry it out doll”
You curled into him as he held you, a hand rubbing your shoulder and back in comfort, whispering gentle words to try and ease your pain.
You and Alastor grew up together. 
He was practically your best friend.
Hes seen you at your happiest and now at your saddest.
He was always your confidant and rock….until you met your husband.
You stopped coming down to the radio station.
You wanted to include him in on outings.
You wanted the two important men in your life to get along…
To share
Alastor would be damned if he gave you up.
But for you, he bared it.
He watched you marry the man you loved.
And he might could have lived happy knowing you were happy, but there was something inside him that just wouldnt go away about you withdrawing your affections from him and redirect them to another man.
You sighed as you looked around the house. Your husband had just bought it and it was suppose to be a surprise after your wedding.
But now it just served as a reminder of what will never be.
“You should stay cher, the house is in your name” Alastor chirped, roaming around.
“I just dont feel right being here when…its just no longer what I thought it would be” you say glaring at a wedding portrait. Alastor smirked, rounding from the kitchen, wrapping his arms around you “Then redecorate! Add a bit of color. Make use of this lovely home”
You thought about it, you would hate to resell it. You didnt want to go back home to live with your parents.
You sighed again. 
“Then stay here with me…at least until” Alastor smiled, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
“You think i was gonna leave? Oh darling im hurt you even thought of me like that”
Alastor sat on top the man as he smiled cruelly down at him.
“She was never meant to be your wife.” he squeezed the man’s neck seething.
“Years. I spent years courting her. She might be a bit slow, but all I needed was a nudge. And then here you come. Bright and opinionated, always the knight in shining armor” The man gasped as Alastor’s grip tightened.
“Shes like a Doe, Shes cautious at first, feed her and be kind and shell come to you willingly. But I am the Hunter. I have calculated where and how my Doe reacts. I didnt need you messing up my plans.” the man stuttered in a choke
“Rest assure old chum, she makes a good wife” Alastor growled.
You felt bad that Alastor spent most of his time over. You had tried to encourage and reassure him that you felt better and that he should go home, but the man was stubborn and knew you well enough to decline.
”Al people will start to talk if you’re constantly here. I’m a widow now,  you’ll be  the talk of town if you linger.”
Alastor shrugged “when have i ever cared about what others think and besides…when have you known me to just let you wallow in sorrow.”
Never. Alastor always found a way to make you smile even when you were sad.
You admit that you have enjoyed having Alastor around these last few weeks.
Hes helped you decorate the house, find joy again in life, and even staying with you.
You didn’t want to admit it,  but what affections you already had for the man, had seemed to grow. You put it off as just a way that you were trying to cope from the loss of your husband.
But that wasn’t the case….
Because before your husband….it was Alastor.
But you had just chalked it up to silly childhood emotions.
The rain poured as the wind and thunder whipped around outside.
You and Alastor were cuddled on the couch looking through old photos.
You giggled as you flipped through the pages, reminiscing about your youth.
”lord what were we thinking….our mamas had a fit” you laughed shaking your head, Alastor chuckled “I think your mud pies improved”
You snort “Its the only thing I can actually cook”
The fire crackled as the storm raged outside and you leaned your head against his shoulder.
”you know…I can’t thank you enough.” You whispered, causing the man to flick his eyes to you curious
”For what my dear?”
You fiddle with the crochet blanket, burying your face in the crook of his neck, groaning in embarrassment “for always being there for me. I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there at the funeral…You’re really my saving grace Al”
Alastor’s lips curled into a smile, nuzzling into your hair, a deep rumble rakes his chest as lanky arms bound around you.
”Oh ma cherie  don’t say such things. We’ve known each other for years if anything you’re my saving grace.”
You pulled back a bit to give him a funny look, to make a snarky remark but the way Alastor was looking at you made your throat closeup.
Such affection and adoration in those deep eyes.
Your heart was pounding in your chest. 
You ducked your head “Yourejust saying that” you mumbled.
Soft lips grazed your forehead. “I would never lie to you dear”
Maybe it was because it was a storm outside and you were cozy up by the fire
Maybe it was Alastor spending most of his time here.
Maybe it was his consideration for you, the flowers he got you , his cooking (that was AMAZING), the times he sang to you or danced to whatever the radio played.
Whatever it was, you didn’t realized that he had leaned towards you until you felt his lips brush yours. 
Your brain was telling you that you should stop this.
This was your friend.
Your husband just died.
Your shouldn’t.
You closed your eyes and pressed your lips to his, angling your head to slot your lips together.
The kiss was slow, steady, soft…almost like he was testing the waters, unsure of how you would react.
You nipped at his lips and a surprised gasp left you as he pulled you into his lap, deepening the kiss.
That small noise must have possessed something in the man as the once gentle kiss turn to something carnal.
Your arms were loops around his neck and your finger s were buried in his hair as he attempted to devour you.
His lips left your lips to trail to your neck, littering it in bites and suckling.
A soft moan escaped your throat “A-Al”
He pulled back, eyes blown and low.
”Tell Me you don’t want this and ill stop”
He peppered soft kisses along the column of your neck
”Tell me you don’t want me as much as I want you and ill pretend this didn’t happened”
is that what you wanted?
Your heart was pounding.
You cupped his face and gave him a soft smile, before pressing a soft kiss to his nose
”We shouldn’t…”
His hands slipped under your shirt, fingers dancing on your skin
You twirled his hair
”But don’t please don’t stop”
That was all he needed to hear….
Your shadows danced across the walls, the fire casting a glow on your bodies as you rode his cock.
”F-fuck!”you whined as pleasure ripped through your body.
Alastor’s hands were gripping your ass as you bounced on top of him.
He swirled his tongue around a perk nipple, groaning as your gummy walls gripped him.
”you feel so good” he mumbled, teething the mound, causing you to moan.
You threw your head back, a rugged gasp leaving you.
Alastor loved the noises you made, pushing his hips up to meet yours as if to carve his cock into your cunt.
”such a pretty sight you are my dear, if  only I could engrave you into my memory”
Your thighs were burning as you chased your release
”I’m-oh! Fuck fuck Al!”
He slipped a hand between you, thumb circling your swollen clit
”You gonna cum? Cmon baby cum on my cock, let me paint those pretty walls of yours white”
You whined and with a silent cry, you cummed, body shaking as you creamed around him.
Hot sparks ran through you as he toyed your clit, riding out your orgasm as you grind your hips against him.
With a sigh, you slumped against him panting as he planted his feet to pound into you until he came with a choked grunt, cock twitching as he filled you with his cum.
You pressed kisses along his clamming skin, humming as you came down from your high.
Thee two of you sat there, breathless, until Alastor intertwined one of your hands and brought it to his lips.
”Is it a bad time to propose?”
You laughed
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blingblong55 · 3 months
Nothing -Simon "Ghost" Riley
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Photo credits: @ave661
Based on a request:
Hey kasper!! >__< i hope this request finds you in good health, i'm that anon who asked earlier if your reqs are open and dont worry! Im willing to wait <33 just take your time and no rush.. Anyways- May I request a fluff fic on konig (or ghost) where they come home from a very long mission to see that their darling is baking something delicious? (Can be any pastry dish you want WAAHH) Maybe a pastry chef reader and shes on her day off and used the time to bake something! The house smelled definitely like heaven and I bet that Konig (or ghost 😭) was immediately the taste tester for the day!! TEEEHEEEE >3< jus some domestic fluff cause i've been reading way too much angst lately BAAAHHHHAHSHAHAH -🍰 anon :3 ---- F!Reader, fluff, domestic, established!relationship, baker!reader ----
A/N: König version here
It's been hours since he left base, the drive home was long but worth it because at least you are safe and at the end of the road, you wait for him.
After the small home appears, he sighs.
As Simon pushes the door to his home, he was immediately greeted by the comforting aroma of something sweet baking in the oven. The familiar scent wraps around him like a warm embrace, easing the tension that had been coiled tight within him after a gruelling mission.
As he tosses his gear aside with a tired sigh, he makes his way further into the home, following the tantalising scent to the kitchen where he found you, his beautiful wife. You hum a familiar tune as you work diligently at the counter. A soft smile spreads on his face. How much more sweet can this quiet life of his be? "Daddy!" His sweet baby girl runs when she sees the siholette of her dad. "Hi sweet girl," he picks her up. That bright smile of hers only earning him that beautiful heartache, the one that screams, I made it.
"Behaved good?" he asks and his little girl nods. "Good," he kisses her forehead and walks to you. A knowing smile on you as you see your two loves. Simon puts his daughter down, "Welcome home, Si," you greet him, wiping your hnads on the apron before crossing the room to envelop him in a tight hug.
All he can do is melt into your embrace, your little girl giggling as she usually does when her parents hug. He lets out a content sigh as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in that familair scent mingled with the delicious aroma of whatever you were baking. "I missed you, lovie," he kisses your neck before pulling away and picking his daughter back up.
"How was it?" You ask.
"Long," he admits but doesn't let his weary soul show, not when he has his precious girls in the room. His daughter runs her small and sticky hands on his tousled hair. "But seeing you both and smelling this…" he trails off as his daughter plays with his hair. She'll definitely be a hairstylist like he predicts. "It's all worth it, you know," he adds.
You smile as you cup his face, yor touch warm and reassuring. "Well, dinner with be ready soon," you nod at the oven.
It's beautiful, isn't it? How a man like him is someone completely different out there in that cruel world and once he steps into his property his a husband and a dad. Is it magic? Maybe it's change. It's a dream.
After much begging by your daugter and him, they finally got their taste test.
The three of you laugh at the nonsense your sweet daughter says, the shit jokes he makes and even let casual teasing comments pass by.
Simon leans in to steal a kiss from you, and your daughter pushes you both away from the other. "No kisses before dinner, daddy," she reminds him of the weird negotiation they made a while ago and he groans.
If he looks around, he'll find himself in the cosy kitchen of his home…home…hm, what a poetic word must that be if it has his heart aching in a good way.
"Love you both," he kisses yours and his daughters forehead. "Love you too," his sweet girls say at the same time.
A/N: look I don't want kids but a life with him...I might let it slip
Tags: @liyanahelena @goldenmclaren @ghostslillady @moonsua1 @rvivienner @Krinoid24 @iruzias @night-mare-owl-79 @saoirse06 @vampsquerade @alxexhearts @Juneonhoth @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @strangepuppynightmare @defnotlpuluvyou @enarien @Simonssweetgirl @luvecarson @nellsbobells @willowaftxn83-87 @ikohniik @nobodys-coffee @strawberrychita @sae1kie @queen-ilmaree @pbcartii @Llelannie @Macnches2 @bbyfimmie @avidreadee123 @talooolaaloolla @skelletonwitch @bittermajesties @Nyx_Flower @1234beeandpuppycat @sparky--bunny @honestlyhiswife @who-can-appease-me @ghostwifeyy @konigssultwithghost @pinkblossomsworld @kaoyamamegami @the_royal_bee @beansproutmafia @soapybutt17 @asianbutnotjapanese @a-goose-with-a-knife @foxface013 @anonxasian @born4biriyani @thegreyjoyed @mychemichalimalance @marshiely @sleepyycatt
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f4irydaydreams · 2 years
mike and dustin find out about eddies secret girlfriend
a/n oops it went longer than i thought it would. not proof read at all </3 kind of bad but a cute idea i had. we could all use a little fluff right now:) i also really wanna bake cookies soo
no one would’ve thought that eddie ‘the freak’ munson would be dating someone as sweet as y/n l/n.
she wasn’t popular like the crissy and the other cheerleaders but everyone knew her, since she was one of the nicest people at hawkins high. she wasn’t particularly outgoing or chatty but the minute she found someone she felt comfortable around, her thoughts would spill out of her mouth.
it wasn’t likely for her to cross paths with eddie munson. y/n always had an eye out for him. something about his big doe eyes and silly smile stood out to her from a distance. she was always too shy to approach him.
when eddie saw y/n walking home in the pouring rain one afternoon he couldnt just leave her there. one thing led to another and their unexpected friendship turned into secret romance. 
its not that she was embarrassed around him or that they went out of the way to hide things, he just wanted to keep her to himself for as long as he could. 
and he knew hellfire would lost their minds over someone like her.
y/n spent a lot of time in eddies trailer since his uncle was barely around and her parents werent exactly present. his place had changed a but since she was practically living there. everything was cleaner and so much more organized. 
a few of her little trinkets started to make their way into eddies room. of course he never noticed. bottle of pink nail polish standing out beside his black ones. a couple hair ribbons lying around. a small teddy that looked extremely out of place in eddies chaotic room. some stuff even made it’s way around the trailer, like a vase of tulips sitting by the front door.
just because eddie didnt pay mind to these things dosent mean it wasnt starting to become obvious that there was a girl in his life. 
dustin and mike felt something was off sitting on the living room couch in eddies trailer waiting for him to bring out a hellfire shirt, that mike accidentally burnt. the place was a little nicer that they last saw and the kitchen area smelled strongly of cookies.
they were too scared to question eddie who was already upset, considering this is the third time one of the these munchkins have ‘disrespected’ the hellfire shirt. 
“you two, dont move. dont snoop. and dont touch anything” 
mike an dustin gave each other the same look the minute eddie was out of sight. 
dustin breaks the silence, “are we sure this is eddies trailer?” 
before mike could get a word out he was interrupted by the sound of keys being jammed into the lock. the boys were ready to run out thinking mr munson was back home.
neither of them were prepared to see a pretty girl walk in wearing what seemed to be a pink hellfire shirt? their jaws were practically on the floor. 
“sorry i took so long my love, i think the cookies are almost— uhm wheres eddie?”
she froze in front of the two boys who looked like they had a hundred questions to ask. 
 “hes uh we were just” “eddies in his room”
the boys clearly stumbling over their words stared mindlessly. wondering why there was a girl in eddies trailer baking cookies out of everything. 
“eddie!”, the girls eyes lit up as he walked into the room to see his girl standing in front of two very puzzled teenage boys. 
“eddie who is this?” “why is she wearing a hellfire shirt?” “no why is she baking cookies for you?” “did you give her your keys?”
the boys panicked rambling was amusing to y/n who was now smiling at their outburst.
“alright can it dipshits!” he wrapped his arm around the her waist tugging her close to him. “this is my girlfriend, y/n. no i will not be answering any questions”
she shly waved at the boys and placed a small kiss on eddies cheek before going to the back to pull the cookies off the cooling rack. 
“here have some! i just baked them its a new recipe. you kids must be hungry and i know eddie dosent feed you at hellfire” she smiled brightly at the boys handing them the freshly backed, slightly crooked looking chocolate chip cookies. 
“uhm thank you. but first can i ask you something?” 
“sure! mike wheeler right? im friends with your sister”
“yeah uhm you’re dating eddie? i mean eddies great but youre so sweet and hes so.....you know”
eddie smacked the boys head lightly, “whats that supposed to mean?” 
y/n bit her lip to keep her from laughing, their little secret was out but they didn’t mind it at all.
“hes quite the charmer and secretly a big softie”, y/n pulled his face down and booped his nose giggling, “arent you baby”
eddie groaned at her cheesiness knowing she was messing with him in front of his friends.  
its safe to say his friends never saw eddie the same way again. he wanted to keep your sweet soul to himself for a bit longer but he loved that he could show everyone how much he loved you <33
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xxrengokusimp · 1 year
|| Arrival || Rengoku x Fem!Reader
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Note: The day has finally come, Rengoku's pregnant wife was ready for labor. now, lets just fucking get too it-
. . .
It was a dark night, just you and Rengoku sleeping well in bed. The sound of the wind outside, the crickets chirping, and the sound of your husband snoring next to you.
You were okay at first like, you weren't worried that the baby would come too soon. You thought "just a couple more weeks..." till the baby would arrive. I mean, thats what the doctor thought...
Rengoku couldn't wait any longer for the baby's deliver. Everyday he would talk to the baby in your belly shouting "Come out very soon!!! I want to see your adorable face!!!!" And everytime he does that, you laugh. It's funny that He's just talking to your stomach. Rengoku is just rlly excited.
. . .
"mm... damnit... this is the third time..." you silently groan. You get up from bed and walk over to the bathroom. Man... was the baby giving you a hard time...
You then feel sudden cramping... a lot... of sudden cramping. You moan in pain, placing your hand on your swollen belly. You try to suck it up and just stay up for a bit. You walk into the kitchen making yourself some tea to soothe the pain.
You sit down on the mat and take a long sip. The warmth of the tea seemed to settle the pain, which was good. But ... what was not good... was that you felt like you just peed yourself...
You look down on the floor to see a wet mat... then, you suddenly realized....
"Kyojuro!!!!!!????? KYOJURO!!!??" You screamed. Rengoku heard your sudden screaming, quickly got up from bed and ran straight to you. "What??!! Whats wrong?!?!!" He asked. "I... Kyo... Ngh!! I think.. It's Time...!!!" You studder. "HUH!!?? REALLY?!??! IS IT TIME!!????!!!!" Rengoku shouted. "YES!!! NOW HURRY AND GET SOMEONE!!!"
Rengoku panicked, "UH...??" he studdered. "Do you want me to carry you to the Butterfly Mansion?? So Kocho can help????!!!!!" "YES JUST... NGH!!" You scream in pain. "Okay!!! Okay!!! Up We GO!!!" Rengoku picks you up into his arms and rushes to Lady Kocho's Mansion.
"MISS KOCHO??? ARE YOU HERE??? IT'S A SERIOUS EMERGANCY!!!!" Rengoku shouts. "Huh???!! What???!!!" Shinobu ran over. "Whats Wrong???!!!" She questioned. "Y/N IS READY FOR LABOR... WILL YOU HELP US??!?!?!!!!??!" "Oh my!!! Yes Of Course!!!! Take her to the infermery!!! I'll be there in just a sec!!! I'll go call for more help!!!" Shinobu then rushes to find Aoi and Kanao. (she didn't want to call Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo cause they seem to young-)
"Its going to be alright Little Flame! Just breathe!! Take deep breaths!!! Everything is alright!!" "Kyojuro... I'm scared..." You weeped. "No, don't be!! I'm here!! I'll be standing right here the whole way through!!! ...Take my hand.. It's going to be okay... Little Flame.... just calm down... and breathe.. in... and out..." Rengoku cups the back of your head and touches foreheads together. "We're here!! And we have some of the stuff!!! AOI!! KANAO!! Go get more towels!!" Shinobu shouted. Aoi and Kanao then rush to get more.
"Shhh, Just breathe Y/N, breeeathe. steady your breath.. shh, its going to okay, just relax... relax.." Shinobu gently puts her hand on your cheek. "We Got More Towels!!!" Aoi shouted. "Good! Now... Y/N? Are you ready??" Shinobu asked. You nod weakly. "Alright. Now, I'm going to remove your pants okay??" Shinobu said while slowly removing your pants. Kanao places a towel under your legs so all that blood and liquid would be caught in it. (dont want no bloody bed) "Now... Y/N, I'm going to count okay. When I say 3, you push. And keep pushing till I count to 10. Alright? . . . 1 . . . 2 . . .3"
"PUUUUSSSHHH!!!!" Everyone in the room shouted.
. . .
"oh, my..." Shinobu grabs the baby. You hear the first cry of your child... Rengoku looks at his baby, tears falling down his cheeks, Joy growing more and more in him. "you did it Little Flame... We're parents now..." He sobbed with a smile. You give him a faint smile.. you were so exhausted... sweat rolling down from your forhead and cheeks... you face red from all the pushing. "Rengoku!! Please come in here!!" Shinobu called from the next room cleaning up the baby. "Oh! Alright Kocho! I'm coming!! I'll be right back..." Rengoku lets go of your hand and walks over to the next room.
"heh... congratulations Rengoku... here's your new baby boy..." Shinobu says giving him his child. Rengoku grabs his baby and holds it in his arms. Rengoku's smile slowly faded as he looked deeply into his son's eyes. His eyes widen in happiness. Tears falling out of his eyes like waterfalls. "go show her!" Aoi told him. Rengoku looks up at the three girls... "thank you..."
Rengoku walks back to the infermery, "Little Flame!! Look!! It's a boy!! We have a son!!" He said excitedly. You sit up and ask him if you could hold him. Rengoku gives you the baby, and you stare right into his small beautiful eyes. "heh, he has your eyes kyo..." Rengoku silently laughs, looking down to his child.
" . . . he looks just like you . . . Kyojuro. . .❤️‍🔥"
DAMN, THIS TOOK AWHILE- Hope ya'll enjoyed!!!
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justmeinadaze · 11 months
Head Filled With Demons Part 3 (Steddie X You)
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A/N with Warnings: Demon Steddie and Human Fem Reader.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Read my warning and heed what I'm telling you. This chapter (kind of like the others) deals a lot with grief. With Eddie in part 2 it was grief of a partner and in this one its the grief of a parent. The guys do give her memories of her and her parents and reader does talk about her pain of losing her father. Yes he dad passes. I dont want you going in blind to that.
A lot of her feelings in the beginning are based off of my own when my dad passed away.
If this triggers you (which I completely understand) DO NOT read further. It is only in the beginning but still.
SMUT (DP, Steddie gets intimate, dom qualities seep through especially between them, choking, scolding, I think that's it), Angst, I am me so there is all the angst, Besides the mentions above there is talk about the grief of losing their realm (their home) , Steve talks a lot about feeling lonely and his guilt over not being able to protect his friends, Eddie talks about feeling their predicament is his fault. A war from their world is talked about and a vision is shown about how Steve saved Eddie <3, there is a cliffhanger ending so enjoy that :)
Fluff of course, they care about her and vise versa. There is also a lot of love mentioned and expanding on between these two demons.
Word Count: 7976
“Y/N. Y/N, sweetie. Wake up.”
You grumble at the sound of your father’s voice before fully sitting up. “Dad. Oh my goodness. Are you ok?”
“Yes, baby. I’m fine. I haven’t felt this good in a long time actually.”, he chuckles as his finger brushes your hair behind your ear like he always did when you were little. “Come here. I want to show you something.”
Without waiting, he exits your room as you throw off your blankets. Suddenly remembering where you were the night prior, your hands flew down expecting to feel the silky red fabric but you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw your pajama shorts and tank top.
When you entered the living room, you found your dad staring out the front window. Once again, Hawkins was engulfed in flames but this time it didn’t frighten you. You had come to see this sight so many times that you were beginning to feel numb to it. 
“I asked them to look after you for me; your friends.”
“Dad, they aren’t going to be here for too long.”
He smiles as he turns away from the glass and takes your hand in his. “Your mom used to say that about you. ‘Honey, you have to enjoy the kid years because they aren’t here for too long. Soon she’ll be off to college and married.’” 
When his gaze shifted, you reached to bring it back to yours. 
“Dad, I don’t blame you for how my life is. This isn’t your fault. I love seeing you every day and spending time with you.”
He nods, grasping your other hand. “I guess this task you have to complete is the last time you’ll be taking care of someone. Funny it would be the whole world.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Promise me, Y/N, when this is over that you’ll finally live your life for you and be happy.”
“When what is over? Dad? Wait…”
After kissing your forehead, he released you from his hold and started heading for the kitchen where your mother was waiting with a smile of her own. 
“Don’t be too hard on them, Y/N. This isn’t their fault.”
“What isn’t?! No! Come back! Don’t leave me here alone!”
As they walk down the hallway, sunlight blinds you as you fall to your knees.”
Your eyes shoot open and you promptly jump out of bed to run to your father’s room. 
“Honey, hang on a minute—” Steve tries to stop you as you push him out of the way. His head hangs as Eddie glares towards the opposite end of the house. He closes his eyes as they hear you scream and listen to you sob.
“Miss Y/L/N?”, Detective Hopper said your name with so much delicacy as he kneeled in front of you from your place on the couch. “I…I know how hard this is for you right now but I want you to know if you need anything, of course, feel free to come by the station. We have, uh, services that can help you and you’re not alone.”
You nodded without saying a word causing him to sigh as he stood up and headed out the door. Once everyone was gone, you headed for your father’s bedroom and laid down on his mattress, inhaling his smell. Steve’s hand caressed your leg but you barely felt it; you couldn’t feel anything.
Eddie sits in front of you and music suddenly fills the area. Glancing his way, you notice a guitar in his hands as he gently began plucking the strings. His soothing voice began to sing and you feel your body practically melt into the mattress as your soul calmed and your eyes closed. 
“You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes off of you You'd be like Heaven to touch I wanna hold you so much.”
Your mother gathers her things and jacket as she heads out of the dressing room door.
“Um excuse me. I…”, your fathers words trailed off as she stopped to face him. “I just, um, I… oh shit!”, the man cursed as he tripped over his feet and fell onto the ground right in front of the beautiful ballerina. 
“Oh no. Are you alright?”, she giggles as she helps him up.
“Yeah, um, I guess I’m not as graceful as you are with your feet.” Her grin grows as a happy sigh leaves his lips at the sight. “I just wanted to tell you that I think you did great out there. You dance very, uh, very well.”
“Thank you.” Her eyes scan his as he nervously nods, scolding himself as he turns to walk the other way and leave her alone to hide from the shame. “Hey, I was going to grab some food. Would you like to join me?”
“At long last, love has arrived And I thank God I'm alive You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes off of you.”
Your father sings those lyrics to your mother as they dance together in their wedding wardrobe. 
“You’re such a goofball.”
“Yeah, but I’m YOUR goofball.”, he smiles wide as he spins her and her dress twirls. 
“Till death do us part.” She leans forward to kiss him, giggling when he lifts her off the ground.
Guests clap as they join them on the dance floor and begin swaying to the music. 
“When do you think we should spring the news on them about the baby?”
“I love you, baby And if it's quite alright I need you, baby To warm the lonely night I love you, baby Trust in me when I say.”
“Daddy!”, six-year-old you cries as you run into the house. 
“Oh no, sweetheart. What happened?” Your father meets you halfway lifting you up onto the counter. 
“I fell.” He makes a small hm noise as he inspects your bloody knee. 
“That’s ok, my love. We can make it all better.” Reaching above you, your dad grabs the band aids and rag that he quickly wets before coming back to you to clean you up. 
“You know, mommy falls all the time when she’s practicing.” He poses like a ballerina, making you giggle. “But she gets right back up and keeps dancing.” After placing the bandage over your cut, he leans in to kiss the top before kissing your forehead. “Alright, go get back out there and keep playing!”
“Oh, pretty baby Don't bring me down, I pray Oh, pretty baby Now that I've found you, stay And let me love you, baby Let me love you.”
“My daughter; the high school graduate. I’m so proud!” 
You roll your eyes playfully as your dad snaps another picture.  
“Dad, it’s not a big deal.”
“It is! You worked hard to get here and I know your mom is smiling down from heaven agreeing with me. I heard our song on the radio this morning so I know. ‘I love you, baby. Trust in me when I say.’” You grin as he sings and tries to dance with you before he begins to cough. “No, no. I’m fine. It’s fine.”, he shoos as you rub his back.
“This is your day, honey. Come on. Let this old man take you to dinner and then I’ll set you free to hang out with your friends.”
The music stopped as your eyes opened to both demon’s looking down at you tenderly. Eddie’s hand reached out to touch your cheek and you immediately broke as you sobbed. Falling to his back, he pulled you to his side and held you tightly to him as Steve laid behind you, wrapping his arms around you to do the same.
“Y/N, sweetheart.” Eddie tries to pet your head but you shuffle away from him as you roll over in bed. 
“Honey, we don’t want to push you but we’re on week two here. You have to kill another person.” 
They both sigh aggressively as you pull the blankets over your head. Abruptly the covers disappear and you find yourself standing in the bathroom in front of the mirror with them on either side of you. 
“Maybe we can go for a walk outside, get some sun, find a victim. You know, fun stuff.”
“Stop it.”, you scold Steve as you try and leave but he blocks you with his body. 
“Y/N, you have to do this.”
“Fuck off, Steven.”, you sneered. It took all of his energy to hold down his temper as his eyes met your own. 
“I know you’re in an immense amount of pain, Y/N. I’m really fucking sorry about that. If there was anything we could have done, I swear we would have. That being said, you still have a responsibility to save the world.”
“Why?” His eyebrows furrowed together at your question. “My world is gone. Why should I help all these fucking assholes especially the assholes in this stupid, greedy fucking town! Fuck them! Let them suffer.”
“That’s not what your parents would have wanted.”
“Oh, fuck you, Eddie! You both didn’t know my mom and you met my dad once! You have no idea what the fuck they wanted!”
“How quick you forget, little one. We can see into your soul. We may not have been there but we saw and felt everything because you did.” His ring lace palm lands on your chest. “They were both good people like you and wanted what’s best for you. They would not have wanted you to die burning with the world.”
You exhale heavily as you push down the urge to cry again. “Fine. I’ll go for a fucking walk.”
You stroll with your head down in no particular direction and since they succeeded in at least getting you out of the house your demons don’t pester you but remain close behind. It isn’t until you hear the gravel under your feet that one of them finally speaks. 
“What is the point of a high school?” Pausing you turn to glance at them, finding their eyes looking at the building behind you as Steve continues. “I mean, you guys have the little kid school and a middle one but then you have a high one? It feels excessive.” 
“Demons don’t have schools?”
“Uh, not exactly. I mean, we have training or Steve and I did rather. It kind of depends on what you plan to do.”
“So you’re telling me you two planned to be killers?”
They blinked as their gaze shifted back to you. “Again…not exactly.”
You walked over to one of the side doors, huffing when you find it locked. With a quick snap, they open and the three of you wonder inside. 
“My father wasn’t royalty like the king but he was respected. He was kind of like humans version of a general or captain. The princess’s father told him where he wanted us and he made sure things got done. He wanted me to be just like him.”
“Which is ironic because I don’t think your dad ever killed one thing a day in his long miserable life.”, Eddie muses as he touches some of the assignments hanging along the school walls. “Who needs this stuff? Fucking quadratic formula?” He grins when he notices you smile. 
“You didn’t want that, Steve?”
“I don’t know what I wanted. Honestly, I don’t really think I had a choice.”
“What about you, Eddie?”
“I like singing and playing my instrument. That’s what I wanted to do with my existence but… I mean you do what you have to do.”
“Why did you have to hurt people?”
“Demons and creatures. Not people, sweetheart. We don’t usually play here in this realm, not our kind anyway. Um, so my father was I guess what you would call a deserter. There was a big war in our realm a LONG time ago and he, uh, he ran. Demons like Steve found him and brought him back. He, as far as I know, is still being tortured in a king’s cell. I offered to take his place in the army; youngest demon to do so.”
“That must have been hard. Your mom didn’t protest?”
“Kind of like yours, princess, mine died awhile back.”
You turn to Steve who softly smiles. “Mine did everything and anything my dad wanted so what I did or wanted didn’t really matter.”
You guys enter the cafeteria and they marvel at the simplicity of it.
“When did you two meet?”
“When he volunteered, I kept an eye on him. No offense, buddy, but in the beginning, you weren’t the fighter type.”
“That’s fair.”, Eddie giggles as he hops onto a table and walks along it. 
“Out on the field he sacrificed himself to protect one of the younger ones and was about to die before I saved him.”
The metalhead looking demon clasped his hands together dramatically. “My hero.”
Steve playfully scrunches his nose at him as they both grin.
“Can I see it?”
“Are you sure you want to? There’s some violence. You hated that last time.”
“It’s ok. I want to see.”
He nods at your request and as soon as he snaps his fingers you find yourself on a red stained battlefield. Something screeched above your head and you ducked down nearly missing the winged creature that soared by. Off in the distance, you saw a young boy with a sword fighting a demon twice his size. He was doing alright until you noticed someone sneaking up behind him. 
“Kid, look out!”, you screamed but you voice had an echo. Someone else had shouted the same thing at the same time. Before you could fully register what was happening Eddie swished past you and his sword blocked the other demon’s from hurting the young boy. 
The kid continued to fight the being in front of him as Eddie fell backwards, his weapon keeping the other from penetrating his body. 
“Eddie! Hang on, man. I’m coming.”
“No…rush…Dustin. Take your time.”, he hissed through gritted teeth. Suddenly, the demon above him grunted before collapsing to the side. Steve spit on the ground beside him before tugging his weapon out of the thing’s skull and extending his hand to his new friend. 
“That was brave. Stupid but brave.”
“Thank you? You always have a way with words, Steven.” Eddie points towards the boy who finally slays his monster and beams over at them with pride. “Aren’t you their protector?”
“Yes, but this one keeps ignoring my advice.”
“Oh, come on. You’re not that mad at me.”
“I miss that little fucker.”, Eddie sighs as you guys head towards the hallway.
“What happened to him?”
“He’s still there in our realm. When we left, he was just starting a little family of his own.”, Steve smiled but you could see the pain behind it.
“So, it really has just been you two for all this time.” They nod but notice you make a thinking face as you enter the front office.
“What was that there? What are you thinking about, sweetheart?” 
“I’ve been meaning to ask you guys something but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Their eyes narrow in your direction as they take a seat in the chairs in front of the principal’s desk and cross their legs. 
“Well, have at it, little one.”
“You won’t disappear?”
“Scouts honor.”, Steve chuckles as he crosses his heart. 
You grin as you sit in the comfy chair across from them. “When we were together last time, I, um, I thought I saw you two kissing and touching each other.”
Neither moves nor do they take their eyes off you.
“What’s your question, honey?”
“Is what I saw…real?”
Their heads tilt at the same time and you cross your own legs to suffocate the ache the sight gives you. 
“When you spend…a millennia alone with one other being…things happen.” You can tell Eddie is choosing his words carefully but so were you so you couldn’t be annoyed about it. This past week had been one of the worst weeks of your life. You felt so numb and was desperate to feel something, anything. Even if that was them getting angry with you.
“Do you two fuck each other?”, you ask bluntly. 
“Yes.” You’d be lying if you said you weren’t surprised by Steve’s equally blunt honesty. 
“Do you enjoy it?”
“Yes.”, Eddie answers. 
“Were you always intimate? Even in your realm.”
“Answer me.”
“We did.”, Steve growls but it wasn’t exactly an angry growl. You had heard that before from them. This was protective; like with Eddie’s memories of his princess, for them this was personal. 
“Do you trust me?”, you ask and they shift their gaze to each other. 
“You don’t understand, Y/N.”
“Help me to, Ed.” 
“Honey, do you know the last time we were out like this? 1932. Before that? 1885.”
“Maybe you can use some of that math you learned from high school to find out how much time Steve and I spend alone.”
“Even then, we meet you people and it’s never for long. Eddie and I are each other’s constant. We understand each other and what we’ve been through…what we are STILL going through.”
“What can you show me?”
Steve snickers at your question. “Nothing because it’s none of your damn business, little girl.”
“Why?”, Eddie asks causing his friend to whip his head in his direction. “Why do you want to see it? To get off?”
Without hesitation you shake your head. “I want to understand. I want to help if I can.”
Both their eyes soften at your confession. “We’re here for you, sweetheart, you don’t need to help us.”
“Ok. No, I understand. I just want you to know that if…if you two want to be together when you…when we…I don’t mind.” You smile at them as you stand up and exit the principal’s office. As soon as you walk through the doorway, however, you look around to realize you’re in the hall of your home. 
Two hands grip your shoulders as fingers snap and images flash in front of your eyes. Since they can’t show you within the stone and where they stay, all you are able to see are flashes of small intimate moments like the one you experienced with them but with other beings who had summoned them. 
“Fuck…” This was different than the other visions they gave you. This was like when they fucked you and you felt your soul leave your body before your climax brought you back to earth. “Why…oh… oh my…feel…”
You felt the feelings heighten as your core warmed between your legs. Steve’s voice cut through your euphoria but he sounded so far away. 
“Because this is us. The way we feel about each other…is the way we feel about you, baby. Can you see it? The love we have for each other?”
A woman in a long fancy thirties style gown drops to her knees, taking his cock into her mouth. Eddie removes the demon’s jacket, throwing it to the side before leaning his forehead on Steve’s back and wraps his arms around to his chest. 
“Fuck, yes, honey.”, he groans as the demon places tender kisses along his back. 
Eddie pushes the man over the end of the bed and roughly thrusts into him. As his eyes close, Steve turns his friend’s head and kisses his lips as their tongues mingle together. Their hands caress each other’s face before pulling away as he pumps into him harder.
The pressure builds in your stomach as you feel the coil beginning to wind. 
As you sleep, they lay on either side of you, gently caressing you before Steve reaches out to touch Eddie’s cheek. 
“Are you ok? I know it’s been a while since you’ve talked about her.”
“Yeah, I’m okay. I’m just thinking about Y/N. I don’t want to leave her, Steve. She actually fucking cares about us. It’s been so long since I felt that.”
The demon leans over and places a kiss on his lips. 
“I know. I don’t want to either but…no matter what happens…you’ll have me.”
The ball in your belly explodes as you begin to scream but it’s muffled by a palm as you blink back into reality. They were both standing in front of you with Steve’s hand in your jeans as his fingers continued to thrust you through your climax. 
“Atta girl. Come back, sweetheart. Come back to us.”, Eddie cooed as he removed his own hand from your mouth. 
Your panicked eyes began to look around as you pushed them both out of the way and ran to the living room. The metalhead looking demon appeared suddenly in front of you and captured you in his arms. 
“Y/N, it’s ok, baby. You’re ok. Calm down.”
You turned around and smacked him, startling him as he dropped you to the ground. Your hair blocked your face as you pushed up on your hands and knees, heaving as you tried to catch your breath. 
“Y/N, baby girl. Breathe. Talk to me. What’s happening?”, Steve asked in a stern protector filled voice. “I know this may be a bit of a shock but you’re scaring us.”
The room suddenly goes silent before your exasperated laugh fills the area. Falling to your side, he pushed your hair out of the way. 
“Yeah? That’s funny?”, the demon smiles. “We’ve never shown anyone that before. What happened? Was it too much?”
“Do you two…recognize that it’s more…than love?”
Eddie slides down the to the floor, handing you a glass of water that you thanked him for. 
“What do you mean, princess?”
You shakily sat up, their hands shooting out to help you. “I didn’t just feel the affection. I felt…the pain of being lonely…missing home. Of no one understanding you and what you went through. As…as I saw the later years, I felt the need and wanting to be left alone. I felt Steve’s anger at feeling out of control and your guilt, Eddie, over feeling like him being here was your fault.”
You started to cry again as you continued. “Then I felt how you feel about me. Please…please don’t love me. I don’t want you to hurt like that again.”
Steve almost aggressively pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly to his chest. All Eddie could do was stare as he watched you shake in his friend’s embrace. A week ago, you had just lost someone who meant the world to you. Someone you had cared for most of your adult life. Within under 2 weeks, you needed to kill two more people, something you never meant to do or become to save humanity. You had been used for your kindness by so many people, yet you were still so empathetic and willing to help. 
You had every reason to become bitter and angry, yet even now you weren’t thinking about how after the timer ends, they would disappear from your life to. You were worried about how that was going to destroy them. They had never met demons or creatures from what you humans referred to as hell but looking at you now he was pretty sure he was in love with an angel from heaven. 
“Thank you.”
Both their eyes shifted up to from their place at the dining room table to look at you. After they calmed you down, they were finally able to get you to sit and eat something even though you protested the entire time insisting you weren’t hungry. 
“Thank you for trusting me enough to show me that. Like I said, I don’t mind if you two—”
“You’re welcome.”, Steve cut you off with a tight smile.
You understood without him needing to explain. You felt how important that bond with his friend was. Their current lives revolved around serving people and this was something that was theirs; something no one could take from them. 
“Can I ask you one more question and I promise to leave you alone for tonight?”
They nod, preparing themselves for whatever was about to come. 
“Did my dad ask you to watch over me?” Eddie heavily sighed as Steve nodded again. “C-can I…?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. You’ve been through so much tonight already.”
“Please, Edward. Please.”, you beg. His eyes lock with yours at the sound of his name. He blinks as a tear escapes them and you notice his irises are no longer brown but his red demon eyes. “I’m sorry. Are you…are you angry?”
He adamantly shakes his head. “No, baby, I’m not angry. I just don’t want to see you hurt anymore.” 
You rise from your seat and find home in his lap as you keen into his neck, wrapping your arms around him. 
His hand tenderly pets your head, running his fingers through your hair as he holds you close. 
The sound of him snapping echoes from behind you and as you look up towards the other end of the table, you see your father coughing as you run towards the bedroom to get his medicine. 
His palm reaches out to grip Steve’s arm and the demon covers it with his own hand comfortingly. 
“My daughter must…like you two if she…brought you home. Since I got sick, people stopped… coming by.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. You two are amazing people.”
He grins at Eddie’s compliment. “Look after her for me…please. She deserves to be loved and cared for the way she does with everyone else.”
Steve nods as he leans closer to him. “Everything’s going to be alright, sir. I promise.”
Your father starts to cough again as you reappear with his medication. 
“Ok, let’s get you to bed and then tomorrow we can go back out to look for lucky person number 2.”
“I have to go back to work tomorrow.”
“Even better. Definitely likely to find someone in that shitty environment.”, Eddie softly smiles down at you as he lifts you up and brings you to your bedroom.
“Can we—”
“No. Not tonight.”, Steve cuts you off again, this time with a bit more anger.
“I don’t care if it’s my way or the demon way. I just want you both. Please Steven. Please…”
An aggressively angry growl came up from his stomach making you jump as you hid behind Eddie’s shoulder. They both exchanged a look that seemed to make the other demon angrier. 
“No, Eddie.”
“Steve, it’s ok.”
“It’s not fucking ok!” He abruptly disappeared until you heard frustrated grunts in the kitchen. “Goddamn it, Edward! Fucking stop!”
Eddie sighed as he calmly grabbed your hand and walked with you back out towards the area.
“She’s not even asking for that! Didn’t we show her enough?!” Steve tries to leave again and you watch as he blips from the kitchen into the living room. The demon turns around to face his friend, stalking towards him, and grabbing his throat as he shoves him against the nearby wall. 
“Steve, Eddie stop! It’s ok.”
Eddie raises his palm in your direction, silencing you as he stares at the other demon. 
“What are afraid of, Steve? Hm?” His nose brushes against the tip of his. “Come on, baby, tell me.”
“Y/N…you felt it…you’ve seen it. EVERYTHING we’ve been through.”, he shakily exhales. “What you didn’t see were the angry nights when the cabin fever sets in. The nightmares of home and memories of things we no longer have. Those nights where I just feel so out of fucking control. This demon, my friend, he keeps me sane. He holds me on those days I can’t stop shaking from just wanting to tear our fucking environment to the ground. The first time we were together…it was the first time in a long while I felt safe.” Steve chuckles as he leans back and lets Eddie go. 
“It’s kind of funny, huh? A demon being scared and lonely.” He glances your way before shifting to his feet. “I’m afraid of that changing. I don’t want that safe feeling he gives me to go away.”
You tackle him into your arms, squeezing him tightly to you. “I would never do that. I would never change what you two have. You’re safe with me to, Steven. I promise.” 
The two demon’s eyes meet, continuing to stare at each other as Eddie takes your hand and places it on his groin. 
“Go ahead, sweetheart. Get us started and we’ll do the rest.”
As you sink to your knees, their clothes disappear as their cocks come into view in front of your face. 
“Y/N.”, Eddie says your name sternly as he quickly grips your wrist. “We may lose control here in the sense of keeping up our appearances. If you get scared or you feel unsafe, I want you to say ‘red’, okay?” Their eyes remain focused on one another but you notice Steve’s chest deflate as he exhales. 
“Yes, sir. Say red if I get scared or feel unsafe.”
“Good girl, princess.” With that the demon releases his hold on you, capturing his friend’s cheeks and bringing his lips to his own. 
Gripping both of them you stroke and suck their lengths as they groan above you. When your eyes glance at them, their tongues mingle together as Eddie takes hold of the other demon’s throat. Their cocks get harder in your hands at the action.
“Since when do you shove me against a wall and tell me what to do? Huh, little boy?”, Eddie murmurs roughly against his lips. “I may have given you too much control up here.”
“Fuck-- I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”
Eddie whispered something in his ear that you couldn’t hear but whatever it was made Steve growl like he did before in the forest. He nodded before abruptly leaning down to lift you into his arms and carry you to the couch. After tearing off your clothes, he places you vertically before sinking down on his knees and pushing your legs wide open as his tongue licked a few stripes between your folds. 
“Oh, Steve!”
The demon promptly sat up straight as his palm shot out to slap you before roughly grabbing your cheeks. 
“You’ve been saying my name properly all fucking day with an attitude or with that pathetic little pout. Now when I’m between your legs making you feel good you suddenly don’t feel the need?!”
“I’m sorry, Steven. I won’t do it again. Please, don’t stop.”
Without a word, his lips wrap around your clit as he sucks and flicks at the little bud. Eddie lowers himself behind him, pulling his hips flush with his own as he kisses up Steve’s back. His arms wrap around to his chest as he trusts forward making the other demon moan loudly into your cunt. 
You tried to keep your eyes open as you watched Eddie pump into him, your fingers threading through his hair as his head pushed up into the feeling. 
“Come on, Steven. Make our pretty girl—mmm—make her cum. Make her cum and I’ll allow you to, my good boy.”
Steve pushed his mouth deeper into you like a man possessed. With every grunt and flick, he had you coming undone. 
“Yes, Steven! I’m gonna…” Your body trembled as you came. As the aftershocks coursed through you, you opened your eyes noticing his head was hung as Eddie thrust into him harder. Sliding to the floor between his arms, you placed his head in the nook of your neck as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
You felt it as soon as his forehead touched your flesh, his demon skin mixed with sweat. Your nails ran down his back as the other demon leaned back on his knees, holding his waist as he groaned. His eyes locked with yours as he felt Steve tighten around him as he came, you pressing his face into your throat as he panted.
Eddie carefully pulled out and collapsed on top of him as he reached beneath him to massage his chest. 
“Good boy, Steven. Very good. You feel so fucking good when you cum. Come on. We aren’t done yet.”
Without looking at you, Steve got up to sit on the couch beside you and lift you onto his lap. “Hold-hold open your ass for me, honey, and lean forward a bit.”
“You promise you’ll go slow?”
One of his palms lightly wrap around your throat as he tugs you against him where his lips are waiting. “I promise.”, he whispers and you nod before doing what he asked.
Gripping the base of his cock, he gradually pushes the tip into you causing you both to hiss; him more than you.
“It’s ok, Y/N. You’re doing good, sweetheart. Look at me.” A loud, deep snarl from behind startles you and on instinct you try to turn around but Eddie quickly cups your face in his hands. “No, no. I said look at me not him.”
“Fuck. Is he ok?”
“Yeah, baby girl. He’s fine. Maybe a little overstimulated but…”, he grins. “How does he feel?”
“You’re not wrong.”, Eddie chuckles as he caresses your face, watching you carefully as his friend finally bottoms out. You whine at the fullness as he bends towards you to kiss your lips. “I know, princess. I know. Let me know when you’re ready for me, okay?”
“Don’t move her to much, Eddie. She’s—mmm—she’s so fucking tight.”
“Lean back, little one, but keep your eyes on me.”, he murmurs in a gentle tone as you do what he says. His arm forcefully shoots out to grab the boys face. “What’s my name, Steven?”
“And who’s in charge right now, little boy?”
Eddie had leaned past you to scold the other demon but you kept your eyes in front of you for fear of that wrath being turned on you. At that moment, his palm was holding your head as you keened into his touch. You wanted him to keep gently praising you whether it be with his words or his hands. 
“You are, Edward.”, he responded through clenched teeth. 
When he came back to face you, his eyes were that red color you were beginning to get used to. Being in control again, having you both submit and beg reminded him of the glory days back home. Ironically, however, having this kind of control was making him lose control of his mask as the demon side of him was pushing through. It was the same for Steve. He may be vulnerable for Eddie but in moments like this it reminded him he was safe. 
The protector just needed someone to take care of him for once and he found that in moments like this. 
Your thumb ran under his eyes, giving him pause. 
“Is this okay? It’s not frightening you, is it?” When you shook your head, he softly smiled. “Good. Full disclosure, Steve’s having a harder time than me so just keep those beautiful eyes on me.”
“Yes, sir.”
Eddie’s palm took hold of your thigh as he scooted closer to you both between your legs. Even with just his tip, you felt full of them both. The demon’s fingers continued to caress your cheek and lips as he slowly pushed forward. 
“Good girl, sweetheart. Fuck, you feel so fucking good.”
His last couple of words came out deeper than what you were used to causing your pussy to flutter around him. His growl was low at the feeling, almost like a warning that just turned you on more. Steve’s palms looped around to firmly knead your tits as his fingers played with your nipples. 
“Steven, ca-can I—mmm—can I kiss you?”
Tenderly, he tilted your head and placed his lips on yours. When his tongue slid into your mouth, a tiny gasp escapes you at how different it felt. The many times he had kissed you previously, he had a normal tongue, a human tongue. This time it felt longer, thicker, and tasted different…better. It tasted like Steve. When he tried to pull away, your hand shot out to the back of his neck holding him where he was.
The grunt that left him was guttural, coming straight from his stomach making you whimper at the sound. Fingers roughly grabbed your cheek and forced you to face forward. 
“Y/N…”, Eddie warned. “You’re playing with fire, little one.”
With him being fully sheathed inside of you now, he was a lot closer to your face than he was previously. 
“Can I taste you to?” He started to bring his lips to your own but you pulled back slightly before he could reach you. “I want to taste you, Edward.”
Slowly, he tilted his head to kiss you and you willingly opened your mouth to invite him in. When his tongue caressed your own, your whole body came alive and you relished the feeling. Sensing the change, he began to lean away but you hastily grabbed his chin.
“No, no, please. It’s not you. I just…all week I’ve been…having trouble feeling anything. It’s nice feeling this.”
Eddie heavily sighed, his breath warming your face as his forehead landed on your own. Hesitantly, you tried kissing him again and he allow it, tangling his fingers in your hair as they both thrust their hips. You mewled as he held your head to his, Steve groaning and whimpering behind you.
Guiding you back, Eddie laid your head on his friend’s shoulder as they both gripped your hips and slammed into you. You wanted to keep your eyes open but the euphoria of them working together this way was too much. You felt the sudden shifts against your skin as they struggled to keep up their appearances. Rough material grazed you every now and then and the sounds they made were deep like a predator asserting dominance.
You wanted to become accustomed to them…who they really were underneath the illusion they displayed for you. You tried your best to cling to the demon skin but it was too harsh on your sensitive human tissue. A ringed palm grabbed your throat as another came from behind to circle your clit.
“F-fuck… cum, pretty girl. You deserve it. Come on, baby.”, Eddie chanted as they both thrust into you harder. 
In that moment, you opened your eyes to find his red ones watching you intently.
“You’re both…both so beautiful.”
He chuckled as he leaned closer to you. “Not as beautiful as you, princess.”
“Don’t take…your eyes…off me.” The demon nodded and your eyes remained locked with his as your body shook, screaming as you came.
The sight was almost too much for Eddie as his hips pounded into your own, growling as he released his seed inside of your cunt. 
“I know. I know. It feels so fucking good. Thank you. Thank you.”, you cooed as your thumb ran along his bottom lip. Leaning back, you met Steve’s own red eyes as your arm circle around his neck to run your fingers through his hair. “Cum Steven. Fill me up to. Please. I need it.”
His limbs wrapped around you tightly and he thrust up into you roughly a few more times before you felt his seed warm your insides. Nobody moved as they panted against you. 
“Eddie. Steve. Something is hurting me.”
Your protector’s head immediately comes to attention as he quickly scans you over. “Shit. Shit, shit, shit, honey. I’m sorry.” Both demons carefully pull out of you and you wince as Eddie lifts you his arms as they head for the bathroom. 
Looking into the mirror, you notice some cuts along your back that were bleeding.
After turning on your shower, they guide you in as Steve begins to take care of you. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think when I held you to me. My skin is a lot tougher than yours.”
“Why is that?”, you ask trying to distract yourself from the slight pain.
“I mean…different realm, different environment and climate, constant fighting and war…take your pick.”, Eddie laughs. “Your skin protects you against the sun and your earths elements, right? Same thing essentially.”
“Thank you…for this past week…for being there.” You don’t see but they both exchange a look. 
“I wish we could do more.”, Steve sighs as he turns off the water and they dry you off before leading you back to your bedroom. “These aren’t deep. They should heal in a few days.”
As you wonder around your room getting ready for bed, you notice they are both now fully clothed again as they sit on your mattress waiting for you. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Eddie rub his back before he tenderly kisses his shoulder. 
“I wish I could do more for you.” They blink in confusion as their gaze shifts to you. “I know you said it’s not a prison but you both don’t seem happy. I wish I could set you free or something.”
They both look away as you turn off the light and crawl into bed between them, resting your head on your pillow. Eddie’s fingers play with your hair as they watch you close your eyes and scoot as close to them as possible. 
“Princess, can we ask you something?” You responded with a small hm as you waited. “You said you felt the love we have for you?”
“Did you feel that it’s real? How much we genuinely care about you?”
“Hmm…mhmm…”, you respond sleepily.
Steve laid flat on his side as his eyes scanned your face before reaching over to hold your hand which you immediately snuggled to your chest.
“I love you, Y/N.”, he whispered.
Eddie’s arm reached out to lay across both your hips as he kissed the back of your head. 
“I love you to, sweetheart.”
Assuming you had fallen asleep, they laid silently thinking about everything that had transpired. They had tried so many times before to stay in this realm but everything they did failed. As soon as the task was completed, no matter where they were or what they did they were put back into their area until the stone summoned them again. 
The worst part about going back was the silence which was ironically deafening. Coming from a loud world full of energy to nothing but them was its own kind of torture. There were so many times they considered running to Oblivion thinking it couldn’t be much worse. When they were alone, like you had mentioned, Eddie did constantly blame himself. Even though he didn’t kill Chrissy, he had still been on the run and it was Steve’s job to find him. If he had stayed where he was and took the punishment at least his friend would still be in their realm and happy.
What he didn’t know was that Steve wouldn’t have been happy. The princess was his friend to and if he had gotten taken in Steve would have no one he felt close to. Once again, he would be alone to fight endless battles day in and day out until really did become like his father. Running with Eddie was a no brainer for him but what he hated was that they had to run at all. He couldn’t convince the king to hear his friend out and just like Eddie felt that he failed to protect them both. He couldn’t even convince the other solider not to kill him, having to murder him so they could get away. 
Steve desperately wanted them to have a new home but every place they settled into they ended up running again, hiding in a new realm to start over. When they found that stone and spoke to the woman that put them there, he begged her to take him instead of them both but she refused. 
One night, Eddie watched as his once strong friend broke screaming and breakdown as he broke things in their makeshift house. That was the night he kissed him, passionately pushing him against the wall and giving Steve everything he had.
“I’m sorry, Edward. I keep failing you.”, he cried as he fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around his waist. 
Eddie sighed, trying to keep his own emotions in check as he lightly tugged on Steve’s hair, forcing him to look up at him. 
“Listen to me. You didn’t fail me, okay? If anything, this is my fault. No. Don’t talk.”, he shooshed the demon as he began to open his mouth to fight back. “At least here we’re safe and I know no one is going to take you away from me. It’s just us now.”
“I love you to.”, you mumble causing their heads to snap in your direction. Their hopeful eyes glance at each other as they pull you in closer, clinging to you and the moment. 
“I still think you should kill Carol.”  You smirk to yourself at Eddie’s comment as you continue to fold the inventory in front of you at work. 
“Or Dick, your boss. Just a lovely man that one.”, Steve follows grinning at you from his spot on the counter. 
Off to the side you notice a tall, blond-haired gentleman glancing at things against the wall as if they were amusing. Disconnecting from your pestering defenders, you head towards the man and flash him your best customer service smile. 
“Do you think if I steal these rings, the stone will let me keep them?”, the demon inquires to his friend as they wait for you to come back. 
“Something’s wrong.” Eddie’s head turns to look at Steve who is now fully alert. “Something’s wrong. Something’s off.”
“What is?”
“Someone doesn’t belong here.”
“Can I help you find something, sir?”
When his piercing blue eyes meet yours, it takes your breath away as he grins back. 
“What are these things for?”, he picks up a hat and places it on his head. “Are they just for style or do they serve a purpose?”
“A little bit of both, I think. It doesn’t hurt to look good while doing your day to day.”
The man’s head tilts as he chuckles, placing it back on the rack in front of him. “I swear, humans are so creative especially when they are trying to hide how miserable they actually are under falsities like a new hat.”
Your eyes widen at the word “human” as you slowly back away.
His grin grows as he extends his hand for you to shake. “Where are my manners? I’m Henry.”
You know that name. Where do you know that name?
Strong hands tug you back as both your demons place themselves protectively in front of you. 
“How did you get here, Henry?”
The demon cackled as he leaned against the wall behind him. 
“You weren’t the only one who knew how to hop realms, Steven. Truth be told I’ve been doing it for a while. I got myself a gig of my own that just so happened to lead me here.”
“Hm. Prince like you doesn’t have anything better to do?”
“Not after my princess was murdered.”
Eddie didn’t even try to hide his anger as his eyes glowed and he stepped forward before being stopped by his friend. 
“Y/N?” You quickly turned your head, meeting your co workers concerned gaze. “Are you alright? You look…scared.”
The observation made Henry smile wider. 
“Um, no. I’m alright…just not feeling well. I’ll be ok. Thank you.”
She hesitates for a moment before nodding and heading back to her section. 
“Let’s go somewhere we can all talk without being interrupted.” The evil demon snapped his fingers as the four of you disappeared. 
@tlclick73 @iaminlovewithdilfs @tiannamortis @steeldaisies
@goodhappyfriday @paleidiot @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@strangerthings64 @howlingco @hellfire--cult @unfocused81
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yelshin · 1 year
Tw: 3.3 SCARAMOUCHE LORE SPOILERS, used pronouns in 3rd POV: they/them/you, cursing , another day another ginger slander/J DONT ATTACK ME PLS一
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"ma'am are you sure you want a room this large-" "Did i stutter?" You send a threatening glare to the man while he nervously gulp "I-it cost 5,4000 (i def did not guess frfr) along with the items" You look over ur bank acc; feeling hesitant but still its for you best kitten right?
"fine, I'll take it." Just like that they start working on Kuni's new room which is pretty large for his size.. buy its okay atleast he got WAY TOO MUCH space to explore
"[Name] can you be fr right now?" Yoimiya sweatdrop while you're at the couch being proud parent that Kuni learned how to stand in 3 second "Yes Yoimiya I am being for real" you smiled before showering Kuni with your affection
"A LARGE ROOM JUST FOR A 3 SECOND STAND?? sigh this cat is very special yeah?" She also sat down beside you before noticing the amount of changes in your house
Before your house dont have toys around, a bowl at the floor, a sack of cat foods etc. 'thats a different breed there..'
Yoimiya looks over you who was busy pampering your kitten before asking the same question again "Are you sure you wanna pay that high just for...yk Kuni"
"He deserve everything in the world. If he got hurt i wont hesitate to hunt them^^"
"oh my fucking god."
"Kuni! Where are you, its time for bath!" You called out playing as if you dont see him at the very corner of your house; sulking
"there you are!" You pick him up before heading towards the bathroom and give him the most relaxing bath that no kitten could ever have(/j). Making a bubble bath you scoop some before putting it to his forehead as a hat... (ITS CUTE. FIGHT IF DISAGREE 👿)
You giggled before taking a picture of him having a bubble hat and grumpy looks and finish his bath and drying him up.
"Can i PLEASE bring him? I'll make sure he won't hurt anyone" You plead at your(girlfriends) friends to let them bring your kitten to your hangout "Cmon [Name]! We only hangout for like 3 times a week and we rarely spend time with each other!" Hu tao frowned but even you guys hangout yesterday it felt like a month to them
You frowned before looking at Kuni who's sleeping peacefully at his cat tree wiping small tears in the corner of your eyes "but look at him! He look so lonely if i left him alone yk.."
"Why not hire someone to babysit him?" You grinned at Ayaka's idea before contacting someone to take care of your little (demon) angel Kuni while you we're gone
"WHY ME?! OUT OF ALL PEOPLE WHY." Childe sobbed at the fact his life is gonna be in danger for the next 20 hrs of his life "Don't worry this is your chance to befriend with him! Im sure he wouldn't hurt you unlike last time^^" and just like that you left with your girlfriends while Childe look at Kuni who's now awake and preparing his evil plans to make Childe living in hell.
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Childe was chilling at the living room watching some movies on the TV until he heard a glass getting shattered on the floor. He look at the counter to see Kuni glaring at him before signaling him to put food at his container. Childe only rolls his eyes as he continues watching..which made your cat wanna scratch him again
"why should i give you food when you scratch me last time 😒"
It didn't take that long for Kuni to jump high and landed on Childe's stomach and Childe felt like his organs are getting destroyed.
"YOU LITTLE一" Kuni showed him his sharp nails meaning if Childe continue his words he wont hesitate to scratch him; damaging his face.
Childe gulp before going to the kitchen and put some cat food at Kuni's container "I wanna go home..." The ginger walked to the door and tried to open it but...
It was locked.
Childe felt the whole world is against him. He wanna get out of the house and leave Kuni alone! "What did i do to deserve this.."
"You not giving me food."
Childe flinch at the voice and look around to see a small person; with indigo hair and eyes. Childe was completely confused.
First Kuni is a little demon cat(for him) AND NOW HE'S HUMAN??
"the demon under your bed." Kuni answered grinning at the poor ginger "I KNEW IT! YOU LITTLE DEMON MAKING MY LIFE GO HELL!"
Kuni rolled his eyes and walk to the kitchen grabbing some sweets at the shelf ignoring Childe's presence. Childe grab his phone and instantly contacting you to tell that your kitten is officially now a human!
You felt your phone ring so you picked it up
"hello childe?"
"Can you PLEASE speak slower?"
and after that the call ended, you just shrugged before continuing to eat your food
It took 30 mins to Childe to calm down before talking to Kuni who introduced himself as Scaramouche. "So like you can be a cat around [Name]...?" "Dumbhead i can turn into cat whenever i want, but for now ill stay hidden because I don't wanna be ended up on the streets again" Scaramouche frowned while Childe look at him with pure confusion
"You're lucky [Name] loves you so much that they bought you your OWN room" he sigh for the 69th time while Scaramouche sat back "i told you they're secretly Kylie Jenner"
"if your previous owners are kylie jenner then why did you ended up on a box?💀"
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Taglist: @thetwinkims @sunsethw4 @etherisy @kunikuzushicandegrademefr @Heiijoxz @eliciana @naritecs @kkazuyass @itztaki @makilovescofi
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Hellooo, it's my first time asking for something, I don't even know the rules of this so you can ignore me whilst I learn the tumblr etiquette 🤭 I want something with a badass reader could be a CEO or a mafia leader or a queen or a sugar mommy but something with a powerful reader for a change, don't get me wrong I love seeing bucky or his characters all high and mighty but we can be all of that too 🙆🏻‍♀️
Could be a CEO sugar mommy reader x struggling college nerdy bucky 🤭 hahaha you know college is expensive and his parents help him but there's Becca too and he's working but only part time. They cross paths when he delivers her food or something hahaha I'm bad at this. Sorry.
Anywaysss, I love your writing and your stories. You're amazing and I'm glad you were one of the first blogs I came across when I open my account. Thank you for sharing your talent with us 🙆🏻‍♀️
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College Bucky x CEO Sugar mommy reader
I swear I run this blog lawless, I don’t think I even added rules yet. Baby THIS IS FUCKING DELICIOUSSSSS YES PLEASE, bless your brain. I imagined this with Bucky in his 20′s and reader in her 30′s but go a head and imagine your own age gaps if you’re feeling something else. 
Sugar drabbleish
Bucky's barely able to afford college plus rent when he's living paycheck to paycheck, his part time job doesn't pay enough at all. He works at a local diner; he started off as a bus boy but now he occasionally works in the kitchen or delivers food. It tires him out but he has to do it because between him and his sister, his parents can only help so much.
The first time he has to deliver food to your company, its late and his last order before going home. Its your go to place for when your stressed out and feel like indulging. Bucky’s boss tells him to handle the order carefully; he finds it strange because he’d never been careless with food before. Once he gets to the address, it makes sense. He stares up at the tall glass building before pushing the heavy doors to go inside. 
Your secretary sees the take out bag and just waves him the elevator, telling him to go to your office, while she continues to respond to emails. He swallows thickly because he usually just leaves food at a door step and runs off; he feels so out of place in this building. He makes it to the top floor and has to ask for directions to your office; he’s directed to the large wooden doors down the hall. He isn’t sure if he should just walk in or knock first, but he decides to knock just to be safe. He hears a firm come in and he hesitantly pushes the door open.  
“I-um, I have your food?” 
You nodded, still looking at your laptop before looking up at him. Oh. You’d had people deliver food to you before but none of them looked like that. You can’t help but let your eyes wander up and down; he was adorable. Handsome. Definitely younger, but you internally shrugged, you didn’t mind. 
Bucky froze looking at you, he didn’t know who he was expecting but he wasn’t expecting someone like you. You were gorgeous. Attractive. Sure you were older but that just made you sexier. Your hair still neatly in place. You cocked your head while he stayed rooted on the spot, his cheeks tainted pink. He blinked, forcing some blood back to his head before walking over, placing the bag on your desk. 
“Thank you” You smiled, handing him a $100, before digging into your food, moaning at the first bite. 
Fuck, that pretty sound. 
“I-I dont think I have that much change-
“Don’t worry about it” You shrugged, insisting he keep it as a tip, sending him on his way before getting back to your work. He can’t help but look back at you as he leaves, something about you being the CEO, so pretty, powerful, leaves him smitten. 
Obviously he knows he has no chance with you. You’d never go for someone like him anyway; you were older and in a different place in your life. He was struggling with college but he allows himself to dream. 
After the first time, every time Bucky sees an order from your company, he insists on grabbing the order. If he’s the one making the food, he most definitely makes it the best thing you ever tasted. You found yourself ordering from there more, even when you weren’t particularly hungry. You adore his presence when he comes by, a blushing shy mess, always politely knocking before entering and always flustered when you tip him more than what he makes in his paycheck. 
Sometimes he lingers around a little longer, wanting to see if you liked what he made; he doesn’t say anything but when your eyes roll back, moaning at how good the food is, he bites his lip, proud of himself for making you sound like that. 
Eventually you both start talking. 
He’s like a giddy school boy when you ask him how he’s doing; you can’t help but smile at the way he rambles on about school, assignments, his job. You casually ask about what he does outside of all that and the poor baby doesn’t have much else going on. No dates. No girlfriend. No way to release all that stress- ok stop. You mentally scold yourself, but your mind is in the gutter and it isn’t going anywhere else. 
You can’t help but miss him when he leaves. He was sweet. Innocent. He always preened at your praise like a puppy, wanting to be so good for you. You actually enjoyed the conversations you had with him; he was so attentive when you spoke and he made you laugh. You felt less lonely when he was around. You realized you didn’t have time for dates, just like him. It wasn’t something you thought about often but it would have been nice to have someone to spend time with. Someone you could vent to when you were stressed. Someone to fuck you till you were thoughtless. Someone to hold you when everything was overwhelming. 
Just like tonight. 
You were stressed.
You’d managed to take care of a few clients and settle some deals but you still had a pile of things to get to. You had 0 appetite yet you found yourself placing an order for waffles and ice cream, your go to comfort food. You impatiently waited for your order, knowing damn well it wasn’t the food you were looking forward to. You ordered often enough that Bucky had pieced together what mood you were in depending on what you got. 
You were happy when you ordered a sandwich. 
Probably a little grumpy when you ordered pasta.
There was a specific time in the month where you ordered a large slice of chocolate cake twice a day. 
You always looked a little pouty and sad when you ordered waffles. 
He was out the door as soon as he saw your number pop up. Bucky scolded himself as he made his way over, his heart shouldn’t be fluttering and he shouldn’t be this excited. He couldn’t hep the little crush he had on you, it was getting worse and harder to ignore. He nearly came in his pants the day he walked in on you leading a meeting, the firm tone of your voice made his cock jump. He watched you in awe, effortlessly closing a deal, taking long strides across the room in your heels. No matter how stressed or tired you were, fuck you were always so nice to him and if you gave him a chance he’d be such a good boy-
You would laugh in his face. 
He had no business thinking of you like that. 
You deserved so much more. 
You smiled hearing the soft knock at the door, instantly feeling a little better when Bucky walked in, his cheeks dusted pink as always, handing you your order. 
“Thank you- You paused realizing you still didn’t know his name even though you’d spoken many times before “I see you so often, I might as well know your name” 
“Bucky- um James but most people call me Bucky” 
“That’s adorable” 
Bucky blushed again, his heart jumping every so often as he glanced at you. It didn’t matter how the day was going, you always looked so gorgeous in your blazers and blouses. You always had the prettiest heels, nails perfectly painted. He loved the sound of your voice, the way it would switch up from soft and sweet with him and firm when you answered the phone. 
He wasn’t sure when you shifted to sit on the desk, in front of him in your office, letting him sit down for a while as well, but he suddenly became aware of the scent of your perfume. The soft curve of your jaw. He found himself inching a little closer each time, his heart fluttering because you didn’t pull away. He got lost in talking to you, hardly noticing the time pass by until his eyes glanced at the clock, cursing under his breath when he realized he’d be late for work. 
“You don’t have to rush back, y’know” You laughed, while Bucky scrambled to grab his things when he noticed the time. Just when you thought he couldn’t be sweeter, you saw how he sat closer and closer to you, his eyes sparkling every time you spoke. Sweet baby boy. 
“I have another shift” He genuinely wanted to stay longer until he remembered his student loans and up coming rent. 
“Just tell them you don’t feel well, here” You slid over a few bills, selfishly wanting him all to yourself, especially tonight. “Call in sick for tonight” 
You knew it was probably wrong, but you couldn’t help it, you didn’t want him to leave just yet. Bucky’s eyes grew wide at the money you handed to him while you continued to poke at your waffle. 
“I-this is more than I make in a month, I can’t-
“You can, honestly, its nothing. Please?” You gave him a sweet pout and he was ready to fold on the spot.  He wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to hide his crush for, if he stayed any longer he’d do something stupid. “Unless you don’t want to, its okay”
“No! I want to!” He moved even closer, scared to disappoint you, he’d never want to do that, which is exactly why he let his little secret slip out. 
“I-I think you’re so pretty, I really really like you-” he blurted out, his eyes growing wide when he realized what he said. You couldn’t help but giggle at his confession, leaning a little so your legs brushed against his. You melted at his softness as he bit his lip nervously, still unsure if he should stay. 
“Hmm, why are you nervous baby” You cooed, your thumb tracing over his bottom lip, red and swollen. He nearly whimpered at your words, he wanted to be your baby so bad but could he? “I like your company, that’s why I’m asking you to stay” 
“I-I can’t give you what you deserve” Bucky shrugged, his shoulders slumped a little. He already couldn’t pay for college, there would be no way he’d be able to meet your standards. He’d never be able to take you out on a proper date or treat you like the queen you were. He looked down at his hands, fidgeting with his fingers; you wanted to take care of him so badly. 
“I don’t need you to do that for me” You tilted his chin up to make him look at you again, his breaths shuddered. “I just..need..you” 
Bucky’s eyes grew wide before he hesitantly leaned in, too scared to kiss you even though he wanted to so badly. You smirked, closing the gap between you both, softly pressing your lips against his. He whimpered, parting his lips, suddenly desperate for more. He carefully cupped your face, slowly pushing his tongue in, moaning when he felt your hands on his waist. You let him take control, his lips sucking and nipping on yours, his tongue tasting every bit of you. 
He kissed you until he had to  pull away for oxygen panting and dizzy, no blood in his head anymore, a thick outline of his cock straining against his sweats. Your hands trail down his chest, ghosting over his boner making him whimper. 
“I’ll take care of you baby” You smiled, your fingers tracing the outline of his cock. His breath shudders, his cock throbs as you tease him, part of him is worried he’ll cum in his pants. He wants you to play with his cock, he really does but he just got a taste of your lips and now he wants more.
So much more. 
“Can I taste you?” He whispers, dropping to his knees, desperate to feel your juices on his tongue “Please?”
“Shh I told you I’ll take care of you” 
“P-please?” He shakes his head, his glassy eyes pleading with you. 
How could you say no to such a sweet puppy. 
“You want to baby?” You cup his cheek, your thumb caressing his skin softly. He nods, quickly pulling your skirt up and tossing off your panties. He parts your thighs, throwing them on his shoulders. He dives in immediately, sucking and licking up your arousal, his eyes rolling back at your slick on his tongue. 
“F-fuck you taste good” His lips are glistening with your juices, his moans muffled as he drank as much as he could, savoring every bit of you. You gasped at the feeling of his mouth, his tongue deep in your entrance, greedy for more of your taste. His nose nudges your clit making it throb. 
“S’good Bucky, fuck don’t stop” You moaned out and that’s all he needed to hear. He wasn’t planning on stopping. He started to flick his tongue on your clit, gazing up and you, loving the way you had your head thrown back, so fucking gorgeous spread out on your desk. Your hands carded through his soft locks making him whine, his lips sealing around your clit.  “Oh fuck baby, just like that, doing so good for me baby, s’fucking good, m’so close” 
He loved the way your clit felt on his tongue, suckling at it softly, while he pulled his pants down just enough to free his cock. You notice his moans are getting louder as he sucks on your clit, he’s overwhelmed with pleasure, fisting his cock while eating you like you’re his last meal. 
“Fuck I’m cumming” You cried out, your thighs squeezing around his head while he played with your clit, groaning at the way your arousal poured out of you making a mess all over his face. His breaths are heavy, moaning while he keeps stroking himself. 
“What is it baby?” You smirk when you see how desperate he looks, his shirt pulled up, the pink tip of his cock swollen and wet with precum. 
“M’gonna cum” he whines out, stroking his cock on his knees, his chest heaving, eyes locked with yours. “Can I? Please?” 
“Cum for me baby boy, show me how good boys cum” 
That throws him off the edge as he cries out, ropes of cum splattering onto his abs, and dripping onto his hand. He’s shaky when he stands up, still panting, he’s never cummed that hard before. 
“Come here, let me clean you up” You tug on his hand, grabbing a tissue, wiping his tummy, and the rest of him down. He’s never had anyone be so soft with him and he wants to curl up with you and cuddle so badly. He nuzzles himself against you and you coo at how soft he becomes. His body jolts as he tucks his cock back in, and you can’t help but pull him in, playing with his hair for a while. It starts to get late and you give him a quick kiss on his temple. He reluctantly pulls away, pouting a little. 
“I’ll see you again soon?” You smile softly and he instantly lights up, already excited, nodding instantly. “I told you I’ll take care of you, okay?” 
“Are-are you sure?” He doesn’t meet your eyes, playing with your fingers instead. “You don’t have to-
“Bucky look at me baby. I want to”  You cup his cheek making him look at you. “I’m happy to as long as I get to see you” That makes him blush, unable to wrap his head around the fact that you want to see him and spend time with him. 
“I’ll cover your shift for this month by the way” You give him a peck on his lips before he leaves, more flustered than ever. He nods vigorously, his heart beating out of his chest. 
It’s a convenient arrangement. You take care of his needs while he takes care of yours. He loves spending his time with his face buried between your legs pulling the prettiest sounds out of you. You love the way he pours his heart and soul into pleasuring you, relieving your stress every single time. 
Eventually he starts to come over to  your place instead of coming by your office. At first, your both in the living room, making out like horny teenagers and you’ve waited long enough, you need more from him. His eyes grow wide when you pull him off the couch and drag him to your room.
Bucky is NOT inexperienced but something about being with you makes him feel like its his first time. He’s naked and spread out on the bed for you, his senses heightening to 100 seeing you naked for the first time. His cock is leaking against his tummy, throbbing as he hesitantly parts your legs, nudging against your entrance. 
“Shh, just relax for me baby boy” You peck his lips softly, feeling his muscles tense under your touch. He moans to himself, rubbing the head of his cock through your folds, circling around your clit before pressing it against your entrance. 
“You ready Jamie?” He nods, inching himself inside you closer, moaning as he feels your cunt suck his cock in. 
“Oh-fuck-”  His face is inches away from yours, cock already throbbing, the sounds leaving your mouth are not helping at all. 
“Oh my god!” Your eyes roll back at the feeling of his thick length stretching you, gasping as he buries himself inside you. Your pussy clenches around him, your thighs squeezing around his waist, you’ve never felt so full “Yes, fuck yes” 
“You’re-you’re so tight” He stutters as he starts to move, he can feel every inch of your silky walls hugging him. His body weight falls onto you, his cock feels so good he’s scared he’s going to cum in two strokes. 
“You’re so big Jamie” You love the burn and pain with each thrust grazing his back as he starts to move faster. “Fuck your cock is so thick baby” The more you talk, the harder it is for him to control himself, he whimpering, snapping his hips into you, his balls hitting your ass. “Just like that baby boy, fuck me with your fat cock” 
“Mommy” He whines out, not even registering what he just called you. All he knows is that he’s your baby boy, you take care of him, he’d do anything to make you feel good. You cry out for him as he hits your gspot. His hands come to move your hair away from your forehead, kissing your softly. “Is my cock too big mommy?”
“It’s perfect Jamie, hurts so good baby” You pull him in and kiss him deeply making his cock throb. He buries his face in your neck, his hands gripping your waist tightly because he doesn’t want to cum yet but it’s getting harder for him not to cum. “God I needed this so bad baby, stretch mommy’s pussy baby” 
“I-I can’t hold it, it feels good” He pants, his pace starting to grow sloppy. He pulls away slightly, doing his best to focus on hitting your gspot, his body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. “Rub your clit mommy” 
Your hand snakes down to play with your clit, the neediness of your sweet baby has you coming undone within seconds. 
“F-fuck” The sounds you made already made him unable to focus but the sight of you touching yourself under him makes him lose control. “Oh fuck, play with it mommy, rub your clit hard for me” 
You moan loudly, your pussy fluttering and sucking him in deeper and his body falls on you again.
“Mommy m’gonna cum” He groans, already dripping and making a mess in you with his precum. “Can I cum in you?” He wants to be greedy and give his perfect mommy his cum.
“Cum in me baby boy, be a good boy and cum in mommy” You coo, and he nearly sobs, cum shooting out of his cock, thick white streams filling your sopping cunt. 
“Fuck m’your good boy” He cries out, he has no idea how he got so lucky getting to pump his thick load into you but he’s not going to waste a drop. He stays deep in your pussy until he’s emptied his balls. “Cumming so hard for you mommy” 
He whines and whimpers, his hips rutting in you for as long as possible. He doesn’t even realize he falls asleep just like that, his face buried in your boobs, clinging onto you like a child. Your hands come down to caress his skin, letting him sleep for a while. You know he needs his release as badly as you do. 
You spoil him. You spoil him because he deserves it. You spoil him because he’s so special to you. He’s too scared to tell you when he really does need something. He knows the rules, he has to tell you if there's something he needs, you told him that very clearly. 
You huff when you get his voice mail again, all of your text messages unanswered. When he comes by to your place, he knows hes in trouble because your frowning; mommy only frowns when he’s done something wrong. 
“Baby, how come you didn’t answer your phone”
He’s too scared to tell you he couldn't pay his bill on time and he didn’t want to trouble you. Now he’s even more upset with himself because you were trying to call him and he didn’t even know. 
“I-I couldn't pay my bill” He mumbles, looking down, not meeting your eyes. You soften a little, cupping his face, making him look at you. 
“You should have just told me Bucky, I would have taken care of it. Just let me cover your phone bill bubba” 
“No!- I can pay for it, it’s too much-” You already do so much for him, he doesn’t want to be greedy. 
“I want to be able to call you when I want. It’s not a big deal. I want to take care of you, okay?” You pull him up to your room, giving him a soft kiss before looking at him sternly. 
“Now...” You grasp his cheeks making his lips pout “I should punish you baby” His heart jumps at the thought, his cock already hard. “I was worried about you bubba, not answering your phone all day” You take him apart over and over again, your tongue toying and licking his cock up and down leaving him a whining and whimpering mess. 
Your arrangement with him continues. He hardly has to work because you’ve covered that for him. You’ve gotten him a better phone, a better laptop, you’ve paid for his semesters in school. Bucky loves all that you do for him but he wishes he could tell you he likes you for more than how you take care of him. 
He makes his way over to your place, excited as always, ignoring his feelings.  He’s happy to make you come apart and destress you but he’s ready to be there for everything else too. It makes his stomach churn because he knows you probably don’t feel the same way.
When he knocks on your door, he’s greeted by one of your house keepers which surprises him because you normally answer. He’s told your still working upstairs; he makes his way up to your room. 
You looked tired. Your blazer was thrown on the side of your desk, a few buttons opened at the top, your glasses tossed aside. You have bags under your eyes, papers scattered around. 
“Hi baby” You smiled as Bucky walked into your office room, his heart sinking seeing you so overworked. 
“Are you okay” He frowns as he nears you, coming by your desk, tucking some hair away from your face. You lean into his touch, all your energy drained. He cocks his head as you close your laptop, his hand still gently grazing against your scalp. 
“I’m just tired tonight Bucky” You close your eyes while sitting in your chair and he doesn’t like it. You always look after him and he wants to do the same. 
“Can-can I take care of you?” He whispered, his heart beating out of his chest. He was so used to you telling him what he had to do but you looked so tired and he wanted to do something for you instead. He knew what you needed. You nodded, squealing when he effortlessly lifted you into his arms, carrying you over to your bedroom. 
He set you down onto your bed, carefully taking all your clothes before stripping all of his off. Before you could say anything, he pulled the covers back, crawling into bed and pulling you to lay with him. Bucky held you to his chest, gently stroking your spine with firm fingers, his other hand carding through your hair. He massaged your scalp, smiling when he felt your muscles relax, melting into his touch. 
You can’t help but feel your eyes sting a little. No one had ever been so soft and gentle with you. Bucky always made sure he took care of your body, your soul. Your heart craved him more, his sweetness, his kindness, his affection. You then reminded yourself that he still probably wanted to experience things and being tied down to you was not part of his plans.
You just had to enjoy the time you had with him for what it was. 
“Are you feeling okay?” He hugs you tighter, his lips brushing against your forehead.  
“M’sorry bubba, so tired” You mumbled against his skin, sighing contently when he continued to massage your body, hesitantly pressing a kiss onto your forehead. He cuddled and massaged your body, loving the way you felt in his arms. His beautiful pretty mommy cuddled up with him. 
He realizes he wants this all the time, the feeling of your soft skin with his, the sweetness of your vice. Your wrapped up with him under the blankets and you can feel his heart beating out of his chest as he stutters. 
“I-I like you” You look at him while he bites his lip nervously; fuck what if you kicked him out. 
“I like you too Bucky” you smiled, kissing the dimple on his chin. He relaxes slightly but it’s not good enough. He wanted more. More with you. To have you. Just for him. 
“I want to be yours...always” He whispers the last part, peeking at you through his lashes, worried he might have just ruined everything. 
Of course he hasn’t.
You can’t help the way your heart flutters, melting against him letting your arms wrap around his body. You adored him with your entire being the same way he adored you. 
“You already are baby” You smile against his skin, kissing his chest. “You’re always going to me mine” 
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WIBTA if I made my housemates sign a cleaning chart/rota/contract thing?
So I (20F) am a student and while it's currently the summer, I am going to be living with most of the same people I lived with last year when school starts again in Sept. These are friend A (20M), friend B (20M) and friend C (23M). Friend B's girlfriend (21F) lived with us last year, but in the coming year she will be living in the same building as us but not the same flat. She will probably be an unofficial 5th housemate.
Last year there were some issues, particularly in the cleaning department. The only two people who actually clean with any kind of regularity and competency are me and A. I've been a paid cleaner before and A works in a kitchen. The problem has been that B and C will be like "I'll do it later" then forget about it. I'm not a neat freak, I'm not bothered about carpets being hoovered at a particular time or dusting being done at a particular time. I do care about having kitchens and bathrooms that aren't biohazards. B and C will leave the kitchen and bathrooms until they start growing their own microbiomes before they'll do anything without prompting. I don't want to be some helicopter housemate standing over adult men being like "time to wash the dishes" but I am running out of options.
A and I both didn't stay in our uni town over the Easter break, and when we returned there was a sink full of orange mould waiting for us. This pissed me off more than usual because I had given the kitchen a very deep clean before I left and they just let it get to that state again, and their excuse was "Well we didn't really use the kitchen we had takeaways" but the evidence spoke for itself. I ended up deep cleaning the kitchen again, and A ended up deep cleaning the bathroom.
We tried a normal rota last year, but B and C half assed their stuff. Bins (in a house that had 7 people in it, so filled very quickly) would be left to pile out of the bin into some leaning tower of trash before they would take them out, but it was "in the deadline" so we couldnt complain without looking unreasonable. Neither of them seem to understand that you need to pick things up and clean under them too to have a clean space (wiping around cups left in the kitchen instead of like...washing them), and B's girlfriend tried to argue we didn't need to replace our broken hoover because we "didn't need one" and like I'm not that particular about carpets but come on? (This also wasn't a money thing, she's got rich parents who she has a good relationship with). A and I ended up having to do the same chore after them so that it was done to a competent standard where we wouldn't get ill.
A thinks they've both never had to clean up after themselves before and genuinely don't understand what it takes to live in a hygienic environment. I think it's weaponised incompetence. B's girlfriend had the nerve to say last term "going home really puts into perspective how gross this house is in comparison" and it took all my strength not to snap that if certain people got of their arses and did something we might actually have a sanitary house.
Anyway, my idea I might be the asshole about it that I think a good motivating factor might be money. My idea is if you dont do your chore/do it poorly, and someone else has to do it again after you, you have to pay them national minimum wage for their time you wasted. Currently NMW is £10.42 an hour. I don't actually want them to pay me and A, I want them to be motivated enough in not wanting to spend that money to be a competent housemate and clean the fucking kitchen. I sense though, that it might be too aggressive an action to take with people I'm going to be living with till next July.
Would that make me an asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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like-rain-or-confetti · 2 months
Aight now hear me out- (And I at least just want Jervis Tetch)
Gotham Villains x Reader
Okay idk if you know what the Widgetable app is- but it’s basically an app where you and your partner(or friend) can take care of a baby animal. You gotta feed it, bathe, etc. I would just love to see reader going this with their Gotham villain lover plz LOLOL
Never heard of it but I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this prompt. 😂 AHAAA! FINALLY! CONTENT! FS! I FINALLY COMPLETED SOMETHING!
Request: Feed the Baby.
'FEED CHEDDAR.' The text rolled in. Then another. 'DONT IGNORE ME. FEED CHEDDAR.' Then another. 'YOUR SILENCE BETTER BE BECAUSE YOURE BEING A GREAT DAD TO CHEDDAR.' A few seconds and another text. 'As if I trust you to feed our sweet baby boy on your own. I'm calling if you don't answer in five seconds.' Four seconds passed and the phone began to ring.
Scarecrow: Jonathan had been working in his office working on his patient files when the call came through, and he sighed, exhaling harshly through his nose before answering. "What do you want?" He asked. "Are you joking? What do you mean what I what!? For you to feed our son!" You exclaimed. "(Y/N), I'm working, and you're calling me about a game. A cluster of pixels?" Jonathan gritted out. "Don't call him that! I have him a bath, I entertained him! The least you can do is feed him! I'm not a single parent!" You exclaimed. "Let's not get into that again." He gritted out again through his teeth. "Jonathan." Sarah's tone changed, challenging him. "Fine." He said with a false pleasantness. He exhaled harshly through his nose again, minimising the call to open the app and spammed the feeding mechanic. "Done. Happy now? The thing is fed." Jonathan existed the app and put the phone back to his ear. "Much better." "I told you, I wouldn't do this with you dear." Jonathan said coldly. "And I told you that you didn't have a choice." You countered. "I'm hanging up." Jonathan said. "Oh fine." You hung up. Jonathan exhaled and put down the phone. A twinge of spite hit him and he scowled at his phone that you hung up on him before he could hang up. He would have at least said goodbye.
Mad Hatter: Jervis answered the phone but shrieked. "I'm trying!" He cried out. That was unexpected even for Jervis, enough to make someone worry. "Well...its not that har- Jervis, why do you sound so panicked? What's wrong?" "Nothing! Im feeding the cheddar like you said! Or im trying to!" Jervis said hurriedly. "Well, did you find it okay?" Jervis often got confused by his own phone, more often than not, forgetting that he had one. Nevermind how to use it. Jervis retorted. "Yes, I'm looking at it in the fridge right now! How do I feed it!?" For a second you thought he was saying he tried to feed the fridge. More confusion stuck. "Wait...what? The fridge? What does the fridge have to do with anythi- Jervis. Where are you right now?" He was quick to reply but didn't sound so hysterical. "In the kitchen! In front of the fridge, my love!" There was silence. "Right...?" "You told me to feed the cheddar! I'm asking how you want me to feed cheese!?" He said. "Jer...Jervis...not the literally cheddar cheese in the fridge. I mean the app. You know the little pet thing we have on our phones? You gave it attention last night?" "Ah yes, that little fellow!" Jervis giggled to himself. "Feed that. We named it Cheddar." Sometimes he really did put the mad in Mad Hatter.
The Riddler: "No, I'm busy!" He huffed to himself as he heard the phone ring once, twice, three times, four times, five- "(Y/N), im in the middle of my latest creation yet that will bring the dark Knight to his knees! What could you possibly want!?" "Feed Cheddar." You said blankly. "...not this again." Edward grumbled. "Now, now, youre a dad now, of course our baby needs to be fed repeatedly." You responded. "You put thay thing on my phone!? I told you no!" He exclaimed. "All i heard banging, clanking and then a 'okay?' And decided to interpret that into my favour." You said flatly. "When!? When did you put that brain cell killing muck on my phone!?" "When you were asleep." "You de-" He sighed. "This...no, this is my fault. It's my fault for falling asleep and leaving my phone in the open! Rookie mistake! No one with a partner would dare!" "You also made your pass code my name backwards." You added. "I have to make it obvious enough for you in case of emergencies...obviously! Idiot!" "So suffer and do your solemn duty." You replied. "will you stop pestering me if I do this for you?" "Absolutely I will." He sighed and hung up but complied by going into the app immediately.
Two-Face: "if they call, im gonna lose my shit, harvey." Harv' said. Then the phone began to buzz. "Harvey. Harvey. Harvey." Harv, gritted out his fists clenching and Harvey groaned out. "(Y/N), im busy." "Feed Cheddar and that'll be one less thing to do." You retorted. "I'm gonna lose my fuckin' shit." Harv' muttered. "oh come on, it's like sharing a tamagochi." You replied. "We fuckin' hated tamagochis and we were teenagers when those even came out. The little bitches died no matter how well you looked after them!" Harv' argued. "If my sweet baby boy Cheddar starved because of you, ill hold it against you two forever." "We told you not to add us to your shit!" Harv' huffed as Harvey went onto the app. "Since when have I ever listened to either of you!?" You exclaimed. "I'm never letting you near my phone again." Harvey murmured. "But you'll do it?" You pressed. Suddenly only Harv' could be heard. "Don't you dare, Harvey. They can't have us whipped like this! H-hey! Harvey! Get that shit off our screen! You're actually feeding it!? You're pathetic!"
Penguin: He stopped counting mid-stack of money to answer the phone. "Sweetheart, I'm working. Can't this wait?" "It's your turn to feed him! Come on! It'll take two seconds!" You whined. "It's not like you've told me I couldn't remind you when you're not here!" Oswald found that a little annoying but also cute. "I didn't think I'd have to ask that I wasn't bombarded with this whilst in the lounge. I'm workin', baby." He sighed. "Please? Come on, this is fun! Play along?" You pleaded. Oswald sighed again. "Alright, alright. Fine, just relax, baby. After a lot of talking him through where to find the app on his own phone, he found it. "It's a penguin." He said. "Yes, that's cheddar." You replied. "Why did you name a penguin cheddar?" "It's a reference, you won't get it." You dismissed the question. "Why won't I get it? You callin' me old, sweetheart?" Oswald's tone suggested he was half joking and also possibly offended before you even confirmed or denied anything. "It's not your thing, don't worry about it." You assured him. "Whatever, so what do I do with this?" He asked. "Feed him." "How?" He pressed. You sighed but talked him through that. After a while, he spoke again. "Alright...done." There was a long pause. "That it? All that fuss for that?" You couldn't help but smile. "You bet. This is our baby." "Hmm..." He couldn't decide if he was pleased with that or not. "Imma get back to work, sweetheart."
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emmie-tt · 1 year
hello writer,
hope you're having a good day, can I request you a Harry Potter X reader post war where they both are raising ted together as friends but then Harry falls for the reader and reader doesn't know it.
Just Friends...
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Description: Raising a child with your best friend is all fun and games until feelings start forming
WARNINGS: death, yelling
This was not supposed to be happening..I look down at the people I called my parents for the past year as they lay dead on the ground. I look at Harry, my best friends, as his arms wrap around me. I hug him back as we cry together.
After a few minutes I remember something- more like someone. I pull back and look at Harry with wide eyes. "harry...teddy.."
His eyes widen as he stares back at me, after a minute of what looks to be a staring contest he grabs my hand and takes off running out of the great hall straight to where Ted was staying with one of Tonks friends house.
As we arrived I look at him and take a deep breath "what- who's gonna care for him? I mean- they didn't have any family did they?"
Harry shakes his head then looks at me "no...but they had us, they cared for us so the least we could do is care for their son."
My eyes widen at what he was saying. He noticed and sighed before continuing "y-you dont have to...I didn't mean to throw that on you.."
I shake my head "no- no I want to help...just didn't expect you to say that"
He chuckles softly and grabs my hand "we've got this...let's go get him.."
I nod and start walking into the house, we explain the situation then pick up baby Teddy...
Tears fill my eyes as I stare down at the small baby in my arms..the baby that didn't even get a chance to know his parents, the baby that was born into a world full of hate...
Harry gently wrapped his arms around me and Teddy attempting to comfort me
My body leans back against him as I attempt to keep my tears from falling, Teddy slowly stirs in my arms and looks up at me. A small smile takes over my face and Harry slowly leads me outside after grabbing Teddy's bags.
After a few hours we make it to the burrow. When we walk in all eyes land on us, Molly makes her way over to us and wraps her arms around us in a warm hug.
After a minute she pulls back and Ginny walks over and gently takes Teddy from my arms, after she walks away to take him to bed I turn around to face Harry as my arms wrap around his body.
We stand in the burrow kitchen hugging, crying and comforting each other for the next few hours before we finally head to bed deciding to sleep together since neither of us wanted to be alone.
-6 months later-
It's been a long 6 months, Teddy has officially started crawling. Me and Harry made the decision to buy a small house together so we weren't staying at the burrow anymore.
Since living with Harry I've slowly started falling for him...how could I not? Watching him with Teddy makes my heart explode with happiness.
A few weeks ago Teddy started calling Harry Dada..We knew it would happen but it still surprised us to say the least. It made me realize that we aren't just Teddy's older siblings that have to care for him...were his parents...at least the closest thing to them now...
As I stand at the kitchen in the window lost in thought I feel a small hand touch my leg causing me to jump, then I hear a laugh coming from the kitchen doorway.
I look down and see Teddy sitting next to my leg staring up at me with his adorable smile..I pick him up and hold him close, my smile grows as he nuzzles his face into my neck
I wake up to a small cry, I reach over and grab my glasses and put them on before turning to see if y/n was still asleep, I had came into her room last night after another nightmare.
I frown slightly when I see the bed is empty. My gaze snaps over to the crib in the corner of the room that has a whining baby in it. I get up and walk over to him and pick him up.
As we make our way out of the room and downstairs to make him his morning bottle I see y/n in the kitchen zoned out. I stand and admire her for a moment before snapping out of it.
I smile and set Teddy down when he starts squirming, he crawls his way over to her and grabs onto her leg causing her to jump. A laugh escapes my lips as she looks down at him before picking him up. I continue watching them as Teddy snuggles closer to her, watching her with Teddy is my favorite thing...She's so gorgou- wait. no she's my best friend...
A small sigh leaves my lips as I shake my head to try and get rid of the thoughts
I turn around to face Harry only to find him leaning against the doorway with only his sleep pants on..
I look away from him to hide my blush, he makes his way towards us and kisses my forehead softly whispering a "good morning..."
I nod and say a small good morning back before busying myself with making Teddy his morning bottle, after it's made I take him into the living room and lay him down in his bouncer seat (were gonna say they have those things-) and give him his bottle before heading back to the kitchen
When I get there the kitchen is empty so I start with the dishes from last night before making some breakfast. As I flip the pancakes I feel arms wrap around my waist causing a gasp to fall from my lips.
I turn around and look at Harry who has a smirk on his lips, I gently smack his chest "you scared me!"
He laughs "your very jumpy this morning, everything okay?"
I nod and turn back around "just...another nightmare last night is all" I finish the food and set it onto plates before moving myself out of his arms and handing him his plate
He nods and rests his head on my back before huffing in annoyance when I move away. He takes the plate while looking at me with a playful glare. A giggle erupts from me as I kiss his cheek and walk off to the living room, I sit on the couch and start eating.
After y/n took Teddy to the living room to give him his bottle I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I finish with that I walk back to the kitchen to find her finishing up the dishes, a smile forms on my face.
I know I shouldn't be feeling like this, she probably doesn't feel the same way but...the heart wants what the heart wants right?
After a few minutes of just admiring her I walk over as finishes up breakfast and wrap my arms around her waist, she jumps again causing me to laugh softly.
She turns around in my arms and I stare down at her pretty face laughing harder when she gently smacks my chest and says "you scared me!"
"your very jumpy this morning, everything okay?'
She nods and turns back around which allows me to rest my head on her back and hold her close, a frown overtakes my face when she says "just...another nightmare last night is all"
An annoyed huff leaves my lips when she moves out of my arms. When she hands me my plate I playfully glare at her causing adorable giggles to leave her pretty lips.
I watch as she walks out of the kitchen and into the living room, she takes a seat on the couch so I walk in and sit down next to her and start eating.
As I finish getting Teddy ready for dinner, just into some comfier clothes. I sigh and head back to the kitchen somewhat glad when I find it empty.
Harry has been extremely touchy all day..It's driving me crazy. Also making it very hard to ignore my feelings for him. I set Teddy in his highchair and start getting stuff out for dinner when Harry comes inside.
He walks into the kitchen and over to Teddy kissing his forehead and nodding along to the small babbled that Teddy says. I watch them for a minute but quickly look away when he looks over at me.
As I finish dinner I make me and Harry's plates before giving Teddy things he can eat.
We sit down at the table and start eating. A very thick tension settles over us only letting up when we focus on the small boy who is making a mess..again
After we finish dinner Harry takes Teddy to give him a bath, I stay downstairs and clean up everything from dinner. Just as i'm about to finish up cleaning I hear someone clear their throat.
My head turns and I see Harry standing the doorway. He makes his way over to me and leans against the counter "you okay?"
I nod and go back to washing the dishes only to have my arm grabbed, my head snapped up to look at him "your not- what's wrong? did i do something?"
I sigh and set the plate down that I was washing "nothing is wrong. i'm fine."
He scoffs and pulls me close to him "right. you done lying to me yet?"
I groan and and push myself away from him. "this! this is what's wrong!"
He stares at me confused "what are you talking about?"
I sigh and motion back and forth between us "this. you. you and your touchiness! i-it's driving me insane! i'm trying so hard to not fall for you- well to ignore the feelings I have for you but you make it so hard! with the constant touching and helping and being an amazing dad! a-and the no shirts, and the sleeping in my bed! i'm in love with you but i'm trying to not be but your making it so damn har-"
He cuts me off with a kiss, a very passionate yet sloppy kiss. I gasp softly and kiss back while wrapping my arms around his neck as I deepen it slightly only to be interrupted by a small voice "Dada! Dada!"
We pull back and look over at Teddy who's crawling his way over to us with a smile. Harry smiles and leans down and picks him up before looking at me with a smile "you are supposed to be in bed little man"
I smile and kiss his cheek when Teddy laughs " awe did Dada try and put you to bed hm?" I take him from Harry's arms and hold him closely.
Harry smiles and kisses my forehead and chuckles "let's get you both to bed hm?"
I nod and start walking towards my room with Harry behind me following us. I set Teddy down in his crib and give him his pacifier.
We both stand and watch over Teddy as he falls asleep. Once he falls asleep I turn and look at Harry who's already looking at me. I smile as he leans in and kisses me softly.
We make our way to my bed and lay down facing each other. As we stare at each other I finally speak up "what does this mean..?"
He smiles and cups my face gently "I'm hoping you'll be my girl.."
I smile and nod kissing him again. He kisses back and pulls me close to him. After awhile we finally settle down and rest my head against his chest and relax.
He holds me close while rubbing my back gently. "goodnight my love.."
I smile cuddling close to him "goodnight..."
I love this so much!! I'm so sorry it took so dang long o write but I hop you like it!!
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Got an idea
So i had this idea and i understand if you dont do it
so you know how farmer erases memories of people at the shrine?
What if a character (you can choose or do every character if you like) suddenly rememberd some of the past? Will they think it was a dream? Will they hate the farmer ?
I want to hear your opinion
Thank you regardless if you do it or not
Bye bye
Hello-hello! 👋
I decided to write about SDV bachelorette in this ask, hope it's ok. Thank you, and enjoy 😊❤️
Emily can't understand why she has the same weird dream. First a stranger stands in some dark place with a stone as beautiful as the heavens, and then two unfamiliar children transform into beautiful doves and fly away from her. No matter how much the blue-haired girl tried to find the meaning in the dreambooks - to no avail. A strange sense of déjà vu occurs when the local Farmer gives her sister a prismatic shard for her birthday. The girl doesn't understand why her sister Haley hates this gift so much. This is a very beautiful stone!
A stone as beautiful as the sky, a stone... The same kind of stone the Farmer gave her when they.... got married?? But it must have been a dream. Wasn't it?
Emily had never felt a strong sense of protecting her sister before. It's... very strange.
It's been so long since Maru turned on MarILDA and let her creation go free. And she's so glad her robot didn't forget about her - MarILDA sent a message by fax! Maru no longer remembers if she had set this feature originally or if the robot was able to set itself up, but still. Impatiently, the young inventor pulled a piece of paper from the fax machine and began to read quickly.
"Greetings, creator Maru. I hope your life with your partner Farmer is satisfying you..."
Wait, with who?
What MarILDA is writing about? Farmer's not her partner, she's..... She's.... Why can't she get rid of the idea that she didn't turn on the robot alone? Maru wanted to show it to someone, right? Someone special.
No, that's impossible. She can't have memory lapses like that... Why is Marilda convinced she's married to Farmer? It doesn't make any sense.
"You hit Farmer because you dreamed they were your spouse and betrayed you? Are you serious right now!" Abigail can understand her father's sarcastic tone: hitting people because she was the one who dreamed something there is utter nonsense and unjustified violence. But she knows it wasn't a dream, she knows for sure. Like broken pieces that slowly but surely became part of the whole again - her and Farmer's date, the Mermaid pendant, the wedding, the fight in the house, divorce... Their hidden smirk when they told her they didn't know what Abigail was talking about.
Since her parents wouldn't be able to help her... Well, that just leaves that strange bearded man in the tower. She has to make sure it's not all a sick fantasy.
Penny was so happy and truly grateful to the Farmer - they decided to donate her many interesting books, which will definitely be useful for teaching the children. When they invited the young teacher into the house, she couldn't tear herself away from the cozy and beautiful kitchen design. Everything is so cute and comfortable! Not like her trailer room.... That beautiful rug, those lovely flowers, that cozy strawberry decal.
The decal... Strawberries.... That's the...
"A 'Strawberry House' theme? Something warm and inviting, right? I like that too! What a wonderful choice, my love!"
Penny dropped the books from the hands the Farmer handed her. They looked confused at the red-haired girl, whose face was overflowing with horror and tears streaming down her eyes. Without having time to ask her anything, she ran away.
"Huh, what's gotten into her?"
"Do you have ponies on the farm?"
Haley felt paralyzed by her own question, addressed to the Farmer. She couldn't explain what it was, but snippets from either a dream or from the past flashed before her eyes:
"So you don't have a pony? Eh, boring..." "Wow! You're not as weak as I thought." "Thanks for finding Grandma's bracelet. I'll never forget that..." "You know, I'm starting to like the smell of green for some reason." "Buy a pony for our farm? Oh, thank you so much, honey! Let me give you a kiss!"
"D o y o u h a v e a p o n y o n y o u r f a r m ?"
The girl doesn't want to ask them about ponies ever again.
"Hey-hey, neighbor! Are you home? Can I borrow a glass of hazelnut from you?"
Leah had been standing on the doorstep of the farmhouse for about five minutes now, banging on the door, waiting for the owner. While she was gazing out of boredom at the beautiful fields full of delicious crops, her gaze now stopped at the overflowing trash can. Smashed CDs, old newspaper, soda cans....
A broken wooden toy sticking out of there... with Leah's signature on it. But she didn't make any toys for Farmer, so what does that mea-
"Darling, look what wonderful toys I've made for our future baby. Isn't it wonderful?"
One insignificant detail, her broken toy. A few seconds was enough for the shocked girl to quickly recover...
.....and fly into a pure rage.
With all her might, she threw the cup at the window of their house. When a disgruntled Farmer quickly jumped out at the sound of shattering glass, they were quickly taken aback by the girl's stare. A look full of hatred, anger.
"We need to talk, dear neighbor."
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noctilucous-sunni · 2 years
more reversed sagau brainrot!! | a lot more under the cut
- when scara sorta just ✨materializes✨ in your apartment and you’re like excuse me wtf is happening, so u pinch yourself to see if its a dream and its not apparently so you must be going insane BECAUSE WHAT OTHER EXPLANATION WOULD THERE BE FOR ONE OF YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTERS EXISTING IN YOUR APARTMENT
- i’d feel like in the sagau or reversed sagau he wouldn’t be too fond of the all-creator bc if thats the all-creator wouldn’t that mean that you’re the one responsible for his existence and his suffering?? but when he just sees you being so genuinely nice and caring and yet strong and doesn’t take his shit he kinda lets down the guard a little
- plus he literally has nowhere else to stay so when you threatened to kick him out he realized it was either live with you or out on the streets. and he kinda hated the streets, so he ended up trying to find your place all dirty and stuff from tripping in way too many godforsaken random holes in the ground. poor gremlin.
- he is just super bratty and still has that air of “i think im better than you” but it never works on you bc you dont take his shit and you make him do half of your chores when your pissed at him (and you make sure there are no complaints)
- he wouldn't call you your grace after a while and just uses your name, you however come up with a million nicknames for him and you think its funny that it annoys him on occasion
- you argue. A lot. like so much that your neighbour and the apartment below you complained several times and also kinda tried to make the landlord kick u out so you made scara apologize to them bc hes mainly the reason its so noisy
- he will actually follow you everywhere, sorta like a guard dog. everyone around you is pretty intimidated by him but they are even more scared of you when they see that you basically keep him in check
- he can’t fucking cook dear lord. you told him to stay in the fucking apartment bc you had an important meeting today and he couldnt come with you and he was like “i didnt want to come anyway” and you just said “fuck you” (affectionate) in return (note: wrote this before his signature dish came out and he’s actually a really good cook don’t judge me ahaha)
- but when you come back your apartment and kitchen especially is a mess. you forgot to teach him how to use online delivery. and hes just like chilling out watching tv with mild interest, acting like half of your apartment isnt covered in eggs and flour and who knows what else
“scara what the fuck happened here”
“the stupid stove of yours doesnt work and neither does that beeping machine”
“clean it up”
“well i guess we wont have any food today or tomorrow, until you clean. it. UP." *glare*
he then leaves it but by the next afternoon he's actually getting hungry and grumpy and eventually starts cleaning it up the next day when he can't take it anymore and you finally come home to a clean kitchen bc thank god, you didn't know how much longer you could live on your co-worker's lunches
- you're both just so stubborn. he's stubborn and so are you and that leaves the apartment just with a tense silence AND when someone sees u at that time they feel so uncomfortable bc the atmosphere is just so tense between the two of you since neither of you agree
- silent treatment happens a lot and its really fucking stupid bc you both wanna talk to each other after like a few days but neither of you want to be the first one to admit that
- omg you absolutely hate having guests now BECAUSE HOW ARE YOU MEANT TO EXPLAIN HIM??? also he has to have normal clothes now and he looked at all your clothing choices in disgust
- everyone thinks he's just a friend until they realize he actually lives with you and then they're like "oohhhh are you together??" and think that he's your boyfriend/partner. and honestly you dont even deny it bc there is no feasible way to explain who he really is (without sounding crazy) + you get your parents off your back abt getting a boyfriend bc they kept trying to make you go on blind dates and now you're free from that phew
- but some of your friends/co-workers are all like "really? this lil guy? and they often say this around him and it just annoys and offends him to no end. but also you're surprisingly defensive of him, like yes he's a bitchy emo gremlin but he's your bitchy emo gremlin
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