#parents dont like the kitchen smelling like food
sunless-not-sinless · 3 months
its 1am so i thought people wouldnt be in the kitchen and i could cook in peace
i was wrong
there was a bloody candlelight vigil
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juiles · 1 month
Sticking Out Sucks 3
Requested: no
Summary: part 3 of the au where they find out a secret of yours they dont love.
Tags: fluff
Triggers: smoking
Masterlist here.
Requests here.
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I looked out at the field below my window as I sat on the windowsill, a cigarette between my lips taking small puffs. A calming lull of security ran around me as Queen songs played on in the background. This was something I did when I knew my new mothers were out. It was a lot easier to hide when they hated me. Well, I guess they never hated me but when they decided to ignore me for my own benefit. Something I’m still getting used to is having two parents who care about my health. If they knew I smoked, they would freak out, I would probably get grounded for life.
I heard the elevator ding meaning someone was coming on to our floor which was odd because nobody but me and my mothers ever came up here. I quickly extinguished the cigarette in my hand and stashed the whole pack and my lighter away in a small nook right outside that was kept dry by a stone I shoved over top. I quickly sprayed some body spray around my room and settled back on the windowsill, music still playing in the background.
I heard a knock and yelled come in. My door opened and Bruce was standing in my doorway. “Your moms told me to feed you while they were gone, din-“ He stopped mid sentence and sniffed the air around him. “Why does it strongly smell like vanilla with a hint of cigarette smoke in here?” My heart rate picked up slightly but, on the outside, kept a calm façade. I shrugged flipping the knife in my hand around. “Y/N?”
“Its probably someone outside smoking. I had a candle lit not too long ago.” I muttered looking over at the man in the doorway. “What did my mothers say you were to do again?” I asked placing the switchblade on the dresser beside me.
“Right. Food is on the table in the kitchen. Its pizza and wings. Sorry I can’t cook like your mom.” He said with a small sheepish look on his face. I shrugged and grabbed my phone off my bed, following him as he walks out my door and towards the elevator.
“That’s fine. I was used to less than that before.” I said as he pushed the elevator button and the doors opened with a ding. I pushed past him lightly as I got on, him following up behind me and pressing the button for the main living floor where the kitchen was. We stood in silence as I scrolled through my phone.
“If you’re smoking you need to tell me.” He said out of the blue, making me look up at him with shock. “You’re thirteen years old. Your body is not ready to handle those types of things. Those drugs.” He said looking at me strongly.
I tried to play it cool. “If I was smoking Bruce, you wouldn’t know. I’m to smart for that.” I bit my lip looking down at my feet as the doors opened. I quickly stepped out of the elevator and made my way towards the kitchen trying to get away from him.
As I sat and ate my pizza, the doors opened revealing my two mothers, dirty but otherwise not looking to bad. “Detka.” I looked up and my face broke out into a giant smile. My safe people were home. It had been a week since my breakdown and they’ve been nothing but supportive in everything I need and I knew that tomorrow we would be having the conversation with Fury about taking me off missions, something that I was ridiculously looking forward to.
“Momma!” I said, hopping off the stool and running towards the two women. “Mama! You guys are back early! I thought you wouldn’t be back until early tomorrow morning!”
“We happened to finish early so we thought we would come home and spend the night together! Movie night?” Natasha said with a small smile as I wrapped myself up into their arms. Nat sniffed my head then pulled me back with a raised eyebrow.
My smile immediately faded as I looked up at the redhead in front of me. “Hi mama.” I said sheepishly. Her smile faded as well as she looked over at Wanda then back at me. “We have pizza…?”
“Why do I smell cigarette in your hair young lady?” She asked, nervously I shrugged and went back to the counter where my pizza was sitting. “No. Why do I smell cigarette in your hair?” I shrugged again and took a bite of my pizza, knowing it was fruitless to lie to them, but I still didn’t want to admit it to her.
“Natasha what are you talking about?” Wanda said, making her way over to me and placing a kiss on my head before she stopped and sniffed my hair as well. I knew I had forgotten to spray something, my hair. “You do smell like cigarette smoke. Why?” Wanda said, making me put down my piece of pizza.
I shrugged again but stopped when I heard a cough from beside me. “No lies. Truth. Now.” Instead of taking that properly, my whole body felt like an instant reaction to Wanda’s words, and I immediately went into defense.
“Why should I tell you the truth?” I snapped standing up. I pushed past the redhead on my left and found my way up the stairs and into my room. “FRIDAY, keep my door locked, no one can enter, not even Wanda and Natasha.”  I opened my window and grabbed my cigarettes, quickly pulling one out and lighting it. I took a few puffs, tears falling down my face. “Why the fuck would they want to keep me now? You’re fucking stupid Molchalin. Why would they want to keep you now?”
My door was kicked open and, in the wake, stood my redhead mother looking at me with nothing but concern and worry. “Why did you run off detka? Why did you lock yourself in?” She said running towards me, ignoring the currently lit cigarette in my hands, and pulling me into her arms. I felt the cigarette get taken out of my hand and I instinctively wrapped my arms around Natasha, small sniffles coming out.
“I’m sorry mama! I’m sorry!” I cried out looking up at her. She shushed me, tucking a piece of red hair behind my ear and pulled me into her again. Rubbing my back to calm me down. “I’m sorry I lied, I’m sorry I smoked!”
“No more tears malyshka.” Wanda said pulling me into her arms next.
“We just want to know if you plan on continuing to smoke or if you want to stop. We would really like to help you stop. Youre so young detka.” Natasha said, sitting on my bed, prompting wanda and myself to sit next to her.
“It’s calming… it makes me feel serene… something I don’t get very often.” I mumbled, picking at my fingers, being held in my mothers arms. “It was more often from when you guys ignored me… it was easier to just feel spacey then deal with what I really felt on the inside.”
“From now on, when you feel the need to smoke, why don’t you come to one of us?” Wanda suggested, running her fingers through my hair. “You come to us and we talk about why you might be feeling that way rather than smoking and ruining your body hmm?” I looked up at her, eyes wide and full of fear.
“What if I’m not sure why I feel that way?” I mumbled looking back down at my fingers. “Sometimes I feel feelings, I don’t understand and its just easier to float away than feel them…”
“Well momma and I were talking on the flight back and we thought about maybe putting you in therapy… we all had to do it when we first got out of wherever we got out of and since your now in our care, we think it would be very helpful.” Natasha said braiding my hair in small sections. I shrugged holding the teddy they had recently gotten me, tightly in my arms.
“Its scary…”
“But it will be easier with us on your side. Now, movie and cuddles? I can go get the pizza and some snacks?” I immediately perked up when mama mentioned movie and cuddles and nodded my head quickly.
“Yes please!”
@asiangmrchk13 @boredandneedfanfics @mythixmagic @natashamaximoff-69 @grim-trans-witch
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luvfy0dor · 9 months
Henlo! I saw that requests for Fyodor are open! And I was wondering if you could write something about Fyodor as a parent if you’re comfortable with that. For some reason I can’t find enough of those and I really wanna see how you’d do it!
(Not as the reader’s parent btw, maybe having a child/children with the reader. But I just wanna see how you think he’d behave in that situation and how you think it would all go down)
"Come on, papa!" Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN!Reader 。˚♡₊
╰┈➤ Dad!Fyodor ༉‧₊˚✧
Description ; How Fyodor acts towards his child/children!
Warnings ; None
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Headcannons !! ༊*·˚
→ Dad!Fyodor who lets his kid/s play with his hair, too, messing it up and laughing at their fathers disheveled appearance.
→ Dad!Fyodor who quietly reads your kids bed time stories, letting them sit on his lap while he holds the book in front of them, pointing to the pictures with a smile.
→ Dad!Fyodor who picks out the most whack ass outfits for your kid, proudly displaying it out to you and frowning at your hesitant smile.
→ Dad!Fyodor who discouraged your children from cutting their hair and braids it or puts it up for them every morning before school.
→ Dad!Fyodor who (very frequently) helps your kid/s with their homework or projects for school, not quite giving them answers but shoving nudging them in the right direction.
→ Dad!Fyodor who teaches his kid(s) the basics of playing the cello, letting them get a feel for the strings. He would teach them how to hold the bow and would let them stand beside him and watch him play.
→ Dad!Fyodor who cooks recipes that he learned in Russia for you and your children, encouraging all of you to try foreign dishes. They give him a feeling of nostalgia and wanting to pass those special foods on to his kid(s).
→ Dad!Fyodor who absolutely tries passing on happy group counseling hour to his kid/s when they seem sad or upset.
Scenarios !! ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Your keys jingled in the keyhole of your front door as you pushed it open, revealing the living room that you had longed to sit down in all day. Work sucked, you weren't going to lie, but there was something that was allegedly important going on, so you had no choice but to attend.
Your husband volunteered to watch your daughter on her day off of school, which wasn't a totally uncommon occurrence due to Fyodors line of work. He didn't mind watching d/n, he likes it a lot, actually. Fyodor values the quality time he can spend with his kid just as much as the quality time he gets to spend with you.
The pitter patter of your daughters feet got louder the closer she got to the living room, rounding the corner and smiling. "P/t!"
"Hey, what'd I tell you about running?" You say with a quiet and amused giggle as she throws herself onto you, hugging your waist. You run your fingers over the pretty braids weaved into her hair with a smile. "Papa did your hair?" The little girl nods excitedly.
"Well, you look very, very pretty." Another set of footsteps can be heard, this time softer. Fyodor rounds the corner with a smile, pulling you into a hug.
"Mm, my dear." He says, resting his head on you shoulder for a moment before pulling away, starting back towards the kitchen. He waves at d/n to follow him. "Come on, sweetheart, come help me finish dinner." She excitedly runs after her father, earning a soft and faint giggle from him.
Upon following the two of them into the kitchen, you can smell the beef stroganoff cooking, watching your daughter step up onto the little stool she dragged in next to Fyodor. They stand at the counter, Fyodor making sure she's nowhere near anything dangerous or hot. He gently pushes over a measuring cup filled with beef broth.
"Alright, Malyshka. Just pour this into the pan, and be very careful, alright?" He says softly, his voice gentle as he measures out the whipping cream. The beef broth can be heard being poured into the pan from the spot you're standing in, smiling at your husband and daughter making dinner together. Within a couple of seconds, Fyodor is handing d/n measurements of other ingredients, such as Worcestershire sauce and dijon mustard. He lets her stir it all in, guiding her whenever he sees fit.
"Alright, we're all done. Here, why don't you go sit down, I'll bring you and P/t your dinners, yeah?" He smiles at the young girl, rubbing her back before patting it. She nods and skitters off to join you at the dinner table. She blabbers on to you about everything she did that day, even running off to bring proof of her activities.
She comes back out, proudly showing off a coloring page filled with scribbles in numerous different hues. One of them was only slightly better than the other, the lesser messy one was labeled with Fyodor's name in his sloppy handwriting to match the coloring. You grinned at both of them, taking the thin sheets of paper and studying them intently.
"Wow, they're both wonderful!" Your daughter wears a proud smile at the praise from you, excitedly placing her hands on her hips. "Are ya gonna hang them up on the fridge?" You nod and ruffle her hair a bit, just in time for Fyodor to bring the food in for all three of you. He sets the plates down on the table, listening to the conversation still taking place between you and your daughter.
"Ofcourse I will, I love them both very much." Your daughter smiles, blowing on the small piece of meat impaled by her fork. "Maybe me and papa can have a coloring contest, you can be the judge!" She says to you excitedly. Fyodor smiles. "How about another night, Malyshka? It's getting close to your bedtime." He says, continuing eating his food. "Aw, but papa-" she sadly whines, Fyodor shaking his head. "No 'but''s, d/n. We can tomorrow night though, I promise." Fyodor smiles at her while she extends her outstretched pinky to her dad.
"Pinky promise?" She quietly mumbles. He grins and interlocks his pinky with hers, reaching across the table to do so. "I promise. You know i never break my promises, Malyshka." She smiles and nods in agreement. "Yeah, right. Tomorrow night then!" She says with a grin.
"Tomorrow night. Alright, d/n, time to go get ready for bed. Go put on pajamas and we'll come say goodnight in five minutes." You say to the small girl with a smile. She nods in compliance and quickly walks back to her room to change into sleep clothing. You look over at Fyodor, who is already looking back at you with a loving gaze.
"Ah, I forgot to apologize for the late dinner earlier, dear. I was quite busy being dressed up in tiaras and what not." Your heart warms at the thought of your husband bonding with your daughter. "It's alright, don't worry about it." You gently caress his shoulders before taking all the plates away from the dining table, washing them in the kitchen and sticking them in the dishwasher. Placing your hands on your hips, you nod in approval of your quick work. Fyodor waits for you in the doorway, nodding in the direction of d/n's room with a gentle smile.
You both approach the room, knocking to make sure she was finished getting ready for bed before you both entered. You said goodnight to her and kissed her cheek while Fyodor said goodnight and kissed her forehead. Before Fyodor could stand straight up again, d/n giggled and whispered to him.
"I'm gonna beat you tomorrow, so prepare yourself, papa. It's gonna be the best coloring you've ever seen!" She proudly claims, clearly confident in her coloring skills. Fyodor chuckles. "I believe it whole heartedly. Get some sleep, or you may wake up without that skill." He says, making sure she's 100% tucked in. She nods in understanding and snuggles into her blanket.
"Goodnight, Malyshka." Fyodor whispers, gently pulling her door closed a bit, leaving a crack between the door and the frame.
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A/N (#2); I'm super sorry if any mistakes were made, I didn't proofread because I'm suuuuper tired lol, but I just wanna put it out there that I am absolutely willing to do more dad!Fyodor. Dad!Fyodor and soft!Fyodor literally give me life u don't even get it (recipe I referenced was from Natasha Kitchen)
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dontexpectmuch · 5 months
part 4 - [Lost in Madrid]
author note; btw for those who dont know me. im a whore for angsty fics w no happy ending 🤭 just for ur information hehehehe,, hope you enjoy this part, mwah mwah
- did not proofread!
shit, you should have gone to the toilet one last time before leaving, your nerves messing with your stomach in an uncomfortable way. your hands feel clammy, getting warmer the longer you hold the bouquet of flowers.
you don’t even know why you feel so nervous, it’s not like you’re meeting a friends [yuck] parent for the first time. you try to reason with it by telling yourself that you simply do not want to be annoyed by judes presence in front of his mother [yeah sure], you actually want to meet her.
taking one last breath, trying to stay calm, you knock on the door and put on your best smile you could muster, not wanting to come off as rude.
you hear plates cling and metallic utensils fall down, before the door is opened abruptly by none other than jude himself. he looks out of breath, chest heaving up and down, you note, but he also looks good [too good, yes you admit].
black baggy pants, an oversized grey shirt and a necklace in the middle of his chest on top of it, his face adoring a smile.
“already in love with me?” he greets you, smirking as he leans against the door frame.
you roll your eyes, turning around to just leave. you can’t even take one step as you feel judes hand closing around your upper arm, [unfortunately] halting you movements.
he laughs, pulling you inside and telling you where to put your shoes, “mum’s been cooking all day.” he tells you, making you follow him to the kitchen.
your eyes look around, the apartment is beautiful, you think, nice view over the city from the living room, high ceilings and a homey feeling greeting you as you step into the living room slash kitchen area, the smell of fresh food finding its way to your nose.
denise calls your name as she sees you walk in, drying her hands on her apron to invite you to a hug which you gladly accept.
“these are for you.” you take a step back to get the flowers from judes hands, handing them to his mother who smiles at you widely.
“you didn’t have to, honey!” she lifts them up to her nose, smelling them. “they are wonderful, thank you.”
“just as wonderful as you are, denise.” you genuinely say back, watching her chuckle as she moves back to the kitchen to find a vase.
“just as wonderful as you are.” jude mocks you, his face near your ear to keep it between you guys.
without looking at him, you hit his chest [should’ve been his face], making him choke on his spit.
he coughs roughly, hand on your shoulder to stabilize himself, “dude, that’s mean!”
“you’re mean!” you draw your eyebrows together and decide to move to the kitchen to see if you could help.
however it seems like denise already prepared everything for dinner, the only thing left is to sit down and enjoy it together, which you do.
the room is filled with laughter and conversations about various topics, creating a warm atmosphere. even though you haven’t noticed it so far, the feeling of eating together as a family is truly one thing that you have missed since you’ve been in madrid, filling your heart with a sense of peace. you wouldn’t tell jude about [he would never live that down], but you are quite thankful for meeting him, him granting you this opportunity of feeling familiarity in a foreign country.
“how long until you finish university?” denise asks, taking a sip of her drink.
you swallow your food, “well, after my internship it might take around eight weeks to get the results.” you hum, organizing your thoughts, “afterwards everything goes pretty fast, i would have to hold a presentation, explain and defend my results and own theories. after that i will hopefully graduate.”
her eyes widen, “that’s a lot, no?”
jude speaks up as well, body leaning back against his chair, “that takes so long, no wonder you’ve become a grandma-“
he suddenly yells, almost jumping out of his seat, “ow! guys no need to attack me from both sides!”
“deserved.” you roll your eyes, sweetly smiling at denise who returns the gesture, asking you if you would like to eat some more food.
“yes, please! everything tastes amazing, denise. thank you so much.” you hand her your plate, watching her get up to move to the kitchen.
“my legs hurt.” jude whines from beside you, making you scoff.
“shouldn’t have been so rude, then.”
“how am i supposed to know that i would get attacked from both sides! my legs are very important, y’know!” his voice gets louder, body leaning towards you.
denise comes back, hand your plate back to, “doesn’t mean that you can say rubbish to our guest.” she comes to your aid, smiling at you.
“wow, you two really work against me, eh?”
“yes.” denise and you say at the same time, focusing on the food in front of you.
judes whining is heard every now and then throughout the dinner, however the two of you decide to ignore him and focus on your pleasant conversation. you help her with the dishes afterwards, while jude takes out the trash. [obviously complaining about how he always has to do the hatd work, you continue to ignore him.]
“i heard that you live close-by.” denise continues your conversation as you sit down on the couch in the living room, half empty cup of tea in your hand.
you nod, [wishing wouldn’t have to] “jude told me that you guys live down the street after we met at the grocery store.”
“best thing to ever happen to you.” you hear judes [attra-, annoying!] voice from behind you, his hands now resting on the couchs back behind you.
“mh, sure.”
denise laughs at you two, getting up to put her cup back. you follow suit, also getting ready to leave as you have seen that it has been already two hours since you came. you hug denise, thanking her for the food and kind hospitality, and also telling her to visit you sometime.
jude walks to the front door with you, watching you put on your shoes, “why are you leaving already?”
you pause, looking up, “eh, it’s getting late?”
you finish putting on your shoes, grab your bag and move to open the door. jude does the same, your hands now meeting on the doorknob, making you pause your actions. you quickly pull back, clearing your throat as you watch him open the door for you.
“want me to walk you home?” his voice is low, making the hair on your neck stand up. [because it’s annoying, nothing more.]
you shake your head, stepping outside, “‘m meeting a friend.”
“this late?” he crosses his arms in front of his chest, once again leaning against the doorframe.
frowning, you stem your hands on your hips, “pardon? who are you again?”
“your bestest best friend?” jude copies your attitude, smirking as he sees your eyes roll.
“‘m going.” your start to walk away, putting an end to this [ridiculous] conversation.
“text me when you’re home! and don’t stay out for too long!” he calls after you.
“yes, mom!” you call back, not bothering to turn around to look at his [handso-, no, stupid] face.
“but what is so wrong of being friends with him?” amanda asks, setting her glass of wine down.
music is heard through the box that was standing on the coffee table, filling the room quietly. the moon shines through the windows, amandas chain led-lights dimmed down, a comfortable vibe hovering within the room.
you sigh, leaning your head back with your eyes closed. fuck, you don’t even know why you’re so against it.
“i just,” you try to gather your thoughts, taking a sip from the glass, “i won’t be here for long, y’know? i don’t want to bond with someone like that only to never see them ever again.”
amanda chuckles, patting your knee softly, “mija, why wouldn’t you guys see each other again? that doesn’t make sense.”
“it does!” you try to defend yourself, sitting up, “i have to focus on my studies, afterwards get a job. i won’t be able to meet him in madrid whenever i miss him.”
“so you admit that you like him?” she teases you, nudging your foot with hers.
you groan, [sadly] admitting that you actually grew to enjoy his presence in the past month.
“i mean, he is annoying, loud, rude and calls me grandma, pushes me away to cheat when we race, throws his sweaty towel at me, and water too, and he-“
amanda cuts you off, telling you to get to the point.
“he, i don’t even know, he is actually fun to be around. being friends with him, getting used to his presence isn’t hard, it almost came naturally.” you explain, pulling your knees to your chest to rest your chin on them.
“but why be so upset about something that hasn’t happened yet?” amanda asks, sipping on her wine. her eyes are on you, and even though it’s the rooms lights are dimmed, you can still see the warmth seep through them, a sense of comfort washing over you.
“but it will happen, ‘manda.” you know that you are being unnecessarily pessimistic, but you can’t help it. “i don’t want to get attached only for it to break my heart into pieces.”
she sighs, “what will you do then?”
you shrug, not so sure yourself. you could create a certain distance between you and him, trying to lose some attachment that you [unfortunately, you would never tell him] have. but that wouldn’t be fair to jude, either. he didn’t to anything wrong. how would you explain that to him?
‘hey, i actually quite like being around you and being friends with you, but i don’t want to get used to you because i know that it will break my heart, yeah, so, bye!’? you scoff at this thought, head starting to hurt as you try to come up with different explanations.
amada gets up to go to the bathroom, hand on your shoulder as a sign of comfort as she passes by.
now that you are alone, you put your forehead against your knees, deeply exhaling. the music in the background helps as a distraction from your thoughts, though this sound of it gets interrupted by your phone. a new notification. you don’t bother to check who it is - your heart starts to beat fast as you think of someone who it might be. but you don’t lift your head, wanting to be left alone during your [pitiful] situation.
you have never had this problem before. you loved to meet people whenever you travel, creating memories with them and cherishing those whenever you think about it. this situation, everything about jude is just weird, you don’t know [or do you?] why he is such a big concern of yours, as if you actually are the moon, turning i orbits around its sun, in this case, jude. you should be friends with him, enjoy the time the two of you have left and then leave madrid, letting him be a new, nice memory.
“still thinking ’bout it?” amandas voice pulls you out of your thoughts, eyes now focusing on her.
you nod, sighing. it seems like it is the only thing left to do for you, sighing and hopelessly waiting around, though you are not sure for what exactly.
“do you like him?” she asks, filling her glass with some more wine before taking a sip.
“well, yeah. i think we’re friends.” you reply, feeling weird [like betraying yourself] when actually admitting that you think of jude as a friend.
she laughs, shaking her head, “no, no, i meant like, do you like like him?”
“no!” you tell her [yeah sure], quite offended that she would think that you would fall for someone like jude [you would].
“then why are you so sad about it?”
“don’t know, don’t wanna talk about it, please.” you lay down on the couch, looking up the ceiling.
your phone rings again, this time thrice in a row. you sigh while rolling your eyes, lazily lifting it up to look at who has been bothering you for the last few minutes.
[from; Jude Bellingham]: four new messages.
you immediately sit up, eyes wide. fuck, why is he texting you right now? you don’t have the nerve to talk to him right now [you always do].
“is it him?” amanda asks, looking up from her won phones display, smirking.
“yeah.” you mumble, unsure of what to do. you shouldn’t let him wait, should you? that’s not very nice, maybe it’s an emergency?
amanda speaks up again, “well, answer him, chica! why the hesitation?”
“don’t know.” you shrug, laying down again.
you hear amanda sigh, but she doesn’t comment on anything anymore, seemingly giving up on the situation. you take a deep breath while unlocking your phone, heart beating against your chest.
[from; Jude Bellingham]: r u home yet?
[from; Jude Bellingham]: dk what u did but mum still talks abt u
[from; Jude Bellingham]: u ok?? wya?
[from; Jude Bellingham]: txt me when ur home
putting your phone back down, you sigh, head between your hands. you don’t understand why his texts make you feel so, how should you describe it, anxious? he doesn’t do anything wrong, he is just trying to be a good friend, you should appreciate it instead of panicking.
groaning, you get up, taking your now empty glass to put it into the dishwasher in amandas kitchen.
“you leavin’?” amanda asks you, still seated on the couch, her head turned towards you.
you nod, tiredly rubbing your eyes as you walk back to kiss her cheek as a goodbye, “thank you for today.”
she smiles, her hand resting in your cheek in a comforting manner, “text me when you’re home, ‘kay?”
you put on your shoes, tell her goodbye one last tome before leaving her home, the soft breeze of the night welcoming you. it isn’t cold, you don’t have to wear a jacket, but somehow you can’t help but cross your arms as you begin to walk home. the night is still young, you hear people shouting and talking amongst themselves down the street, music accompanying their conversations.
the walk back doesn’t take long, you arrive just about fifteen minutes later as you open the door to the building, sighing as you see the stairs in front of you.
[to; Jude Bellingham]: just arrived home
[to; Jude Bellingham]: what can i say, moms like me :)
you lay down in your bed, night routine done and ready to sleep. you try to concentrate on your breathing, laying still on your back as a contrast to the chaos going on in your head, not letting you rest properly.
“tsk,” you try to lay on your left side, back now facing your phone on the nightstand, “stupid stuff.”
as soon as you hear your phone vibrate you immediately turn around, the brightness of your display hurting your eyes.
[from; Jude Bellingham]: cool cool
you move to type an answer, though a new message from him comes in,
[from; Jude Bellingham]: were u w dk what his name was?
rolling your eyes, you can’t help but smile at his [cu-, stupid] text.
[to; Jude Bellingham]: his name is lorenzo
[from; Jude Bellingham]: basic ass name
[to; Jude Bellingham]: no i was at amandas
[from; Jude Bellingham]: shouldn’t u be at sleep rn? grandmas should go to bed early
oh you can practically hear jude giggling at his own text, him finding joy in reminding you that you are older than him. you catch yourself stupidly smiling at his text and clear your throat, sitting up properly before texting back.
[to; Jude Bellingham]: was abt to but u texted me
[from; Jude Bellingham]: okok sry
[from; Jude Bellingham]: good night
[from; Jude Bellingham]: sweet dreams (of me)
[to; Jude Bellingham]: id rather choke
[to; Jude Bellingham]: good night :)
“guys, please don’t forget to finish writing your team report for next week, ask for help if you need to, please.” you remind your students as they walk out of the room, smiling your way as they tell you goodbye.
you turn around to pack your own things, a knock on the door catching your attention.
“hola, señorita.” lorenzo greets you, smile wide and cheeks rosy, probably from the heat outside.
he walks up to you, kissing your cheek as a greeting before leaning against your desk, watching you as you continue to pack your bag.
“how can i help you, señor?” you say, happy to see your friend.
it has been a while since you last saw him, getting caught up in work and writing your thesis, and well, other people.
“are we walking home today?” he asks, tilting his head to the side, his eyes staring at yours.
“you see-“
“ah! there you are!” judes voice appears by the door, cutting you off.
you roll your eyes, trying to fight of a smile. he always greets you loudly when he picks you up to walk to the open field together, comfortable banter hovering between you two on tour walk there.
“i have a practical session afterwards, sorry.” you point towards jude, who is still standing by the door, eyes focusing on the guy next to you.
poor lorenzo, you think, he didn’t do anything wrong, yet jude always finds way to hate on him, comparing the two of them. [he somehow is always the better one]
“i see.” lorenzo looks at jude, then he turns back to you, kissing you on the cheek as a goodbye before leaving the room.
jude walks inside, rolling his eyes as he points at the direction lorenzo went, “what is his problem?”
your eyebrows pull together, “eh, nothing?”
you sling your bag on your shoulder, walking out of the room with jude following you, “think you gonna score today?”
jude laughs, scratching his cheek, “i will, if you stop directing your negativity towards me.”
offended, you look up at him, walking through the tunnel that leads to the field, “what’s that supposed to mean? i don’t even have the time to look at you.” [that’s a lie, you catch yourself following him around the field more than you’d like to admit]
“you should, though, i am very exciting to watch.” jude blinks - in his case winks - down at you, putting his bag down next to your seat.
you hum, not wanting to ket him now that he’s right, taking a seat on the bench as you pull out your writing block and pencil from your bag.
señor lagarde yells at jude from the field, telling him to get moving. jude shouts out that he is coming and gets moving, hitting your foot with his one last time as he leaves.
the suns heat makes you feel dizzy, and you wish that you would have taken your water bottle with you, instead of relying on the water bottles at the center. your shoes feel tight, your dress makes you want to throw yourself off a bridge and your hair isn’t looking as good as you wish it did.
“we should definitely cook together like, at least once.” jude throws in as the two of you walk past a restaurant.
you don’t register what jude says, “yeah, sure.”
“wait, really?” his voice sounds surprised at your agreement, and suddenly you feel awake, the feeling of having said something that you might regret sinking in.
“uh, wait, what did you say?”
“nah,” jude shakes his head, mischievously smiling at you, “can’t take it back now.”
“jude,” you whine, hating yourself for giving him such power, “c’mon dude, i’m tired.”
“don’t care.”
you come to a halt in front of the apartment building, getting ready to say goodbye to him, but he speaks up again, sounding too excited for your liking.
“let’s do it now, i’m ready.”
fuck, did you actually agree to sleep with him? is this why he won’t tell you?
nervously, you back off, “listen jude, i didn’t mean it, i mean yeah, you’re nice, but i really don’t want to-“
“c’mon, cooking together is actually really cool, i’m not that bad, ask mum.”
you feel relief wash over you, like a ton has been lifted up from your shoulders. suddenly, the grass looks greener, the birds chirp sweeter, the sky looks cleaner, today is such a nice day, you note, everything is just amazing-
“hello?” jude flicks your forehead, pulling you out of your daydreams as you cover your forehead with your hand, offended by his actions.
“let’s go, c’mon!” he tells you once more. you decide to give him, otherwise he won’t stop annoying you.
you open the door and the two of you walk up, jude tries to make you trip once, you alap the back of his head, but you safely arrive at your apartment door. opening it, you take of your shoes, you move to the kitchen while jude goes to the bathroom. looking through your fridge, you take out a few ingredients to cook some pasta with vegetables, simple but tasty.
you wait for jude to come back before you also go to the bathroom to freshen up, then you quickly get changed into something more comfortable.
“where’s your-“ jude walks into your room as you are in the middle of putting on your shirt, stopping mid sentence. “oh, fuck.” he shuts the door fast, an awkward apology leaving his mouth.
quickly putting on the shirt and taking a deep breath, you walk out the room to find jude awkwardly standing next to your door, his hands placed in front of him.
“‘m genuinely sorry, dude, like, i should have knocked.” he apologizes once more, his behavior making you smile. [because he looks stupid, not cute.]
“it’s fine, nothing to worry about.” you try to lift the mood by bumping your hips against his, winning a smile.
you walk back to the kitchen and start to give him the instructions to prepare the vegetables, yourself focusing on the sauce and the pasta.
it is like athletes getting in ‘the zone’, jude and you entirely focusing on your tasks at hand. you wanted to put on some music, but somehow the thought falls short, now the sound of you two working and moving around the kitchen filling the room. it’s nice, you don’t have the need to fill in the silence with small talk, since it doesn’t make you feel awkward. you hear jude hum the melody of a song and decide to listen to that, though it sounds rough.
“this big enough?” judes voice us soft, he moves next to you to show you the size of the tomato he cut, his body’s heat closing around you, relaxing at his closeness.
“yeah, just make sure that it doesn’t get too small.” you tell him, still stirring the sauce.
“yes, chef.” he salutes, continuing to cut up the vegetables.
everything goes on really well, the pasta looks great, the sauce tastes good and the vegetables are done. you plate the food and ask jude to take them to the table, which he does. as he comes back to put a dirty knife into the sink, you feel his big hand on the small of your back.
only when he moves back to the table you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, your heart threatening to jump out of your chest.
without further ado, you sit down around the table, “buen provecho.”
“you too.” jude immediately puts some of it into his mouth, groaning [literally moaning] at its taste.
though you agree with him that it tastes good, you don’t moan, but laugh at jude for shoving the food in to his mouth.
“the food won’t run away, y’know.” your teasing makes him look up from his plate, like a deer caught in the middle of the road.
“it’s so good.” his cheeks are full of food, however his sentence comes out clear.
a laugh escapes from your lips, somehow this entire situation is just funny to you. if someone would’ve told you two months ago that you would cook and eat dinner with jude bellingham during your internship, you’d pay their therapy from your own money. but now, look after you. here you are, eating some delicious pasta, the sun setting in the background and jude calling your name over and over again because you won’t listen to him. [you leaned how to ignore him]
“yes, jude?” you decide to answer him, his voice starting to irritate your ears.
“what are we gonna eat first dessert?”
“you leaving will be my dessert.” you sarcastically smile at him.
jude slumps back against his chair, exaggerated sigh leaving his mouth, “you were supposed to say ‘you’”
“tsk, you? where are you a dessert?” you can already feel your eye start to twitch, knowing that he will annoy you until you do as he says.
clapping his hands once, jude laughs, leaning forward, “people on the internet have other opinions, though.”
you get up to clean your plate, not bothering to continue this [stupid] conversation.
jude appears next to you as you rinse your glass, plate at hand, “soo, ice cream?”
“don’t you miss your family?” judes side profile is highlighted by the moonshine, the many stars in his eyes now present in the deep blue sky.
though it is still warm outside, you have a thin blanket draped over your shoulders, ice cream bowl sits empty on the little table between jude and yourself.
“don’t you miss leaving me alone.” you respond, bith of you aware that you don’t actually mean it. [you do, you’re really tired and want to sleep].
“answer me, jalapeño.”
you scoff, turning your head to look at him, “that’s a stupid name.”
he turns to look at you as well, sleepy smile on his lips, “suits you, though.”
“answer my question.”
you take a second to think, “well, yeah, i guess.”
“you guess?” judes eyes follow you as you get up to lean against the rail on the small balcony, eyes looking down at the street.
you hear him get up as well, his body now next to yours, its heat slowly coming your way. you have to fight the urge to lean against him, not wanting to cross any boundaries.
“i do, i really miss my mum and my nephew,” you begin, the thought of your two year old nephew making you smile, “but i also love it here. i think i’ll even sadder to leave madrid than i was when i left home.”
jude hums in understanding, softly bumping his body against yours, “it’s because of me, right? i’m just so amazing, i’d miss me too.”
“tsk, yeah sure.” [it’s a lie]
the sound of a car passing by fills the silence between you, and you feel judes body slowly lean against yours, staying there. you don’t bother telling him to move away [you don’t want to], your body starts to tingle, warmth spreading through it. even though the night is calm, your mind is anything but that, different scenarios passing through your mind as you try to concentrate on anything but judes body. you feel his finger touching yours, slowly moving up your arm. you feel the hair on your neck stand up, heart rate picking up and each breath like its fueling the fire inside of you. you know he feels it, too, his finger is shaking as it moves up to your back, hand now caressing your neck.
you turn to look at jude, he does the same, it feels oh so slow as you two near each other, his eyes moving from your eyes down to your lips and back up, you feel it down to your feet, the tingling now numbing all of your senses. jude leans down, your faces now centimeters apart as he closes his eyes. you tilt your head to the side, feeling his breath on your skin as you also close your eyes.
the moon slowly disappears between you two, and you move to close the gap until -
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layuhsblog · 2 months
winwin x reader angst? :3
Hii thankyou for requesting, i hope you like it! Lemme know if you want a part 2.
The Surprise- Winwin X Reader
warnings: swearing, angst, mentions fire, no animal was hurt, a cat named Panko, reader is clumsy, winwin being a meanie.
also please dispose broken glass in a safe box or anything so that incase wild animals search through it they dont get hurt
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You were in the kitchen, making Sicheng's favourite food for dinner, humming to yourself. You were in a great mood today considering how it was Sicheng and your 1 year anniversary. He was coming over in an hour.
You hadn't wished him yet, hoping to surprise him.
Sicheng always took care of you well and the past year had been the best year of your life. You wanted to return the favour and make today special for him. Stirring the pot, you took some broth in a small spoon and blew on it to taste it. Everything had to be perfect today.
Half an hour later you were done preparing for dinner, you set the table. Lit up the scented candles you bought together and went to take a bath.
Just before you could take your robe off and step into the bath you heard a crash sound and you immediately ran towards it.
Your cat, Panko had knocked over the candle; setting fire to the tablecloth. The cutlery you put down were all on the floor, plates shattered everywhere.
You ran towards your cat, picking her up in your arms, first checking if she was hurt anywhere. The fire alarm was now beeping rapidly. Panicked you ran outside your apartment and took the emergency extinguisher to put the fire out.
Thankfully both your cat and your apartment was alright. You reacted quickly and put her inside your room and closed the door so she doesnt get hurt 'cus of the broken plates.
When you sat on the floor to pick up the big pieces of glass into an empty cardboard box and you finally broke down. The adrenaline rush subsiding. You didn't even realise your hand got a little burn in the whole process. You quickly calmed yourself down and reassured yourself that you were quick enough that nothing went wrong.
Just then Winwin came home tired from practice. He was in a fowl mood as he got scolded by Kun for being distracted while practicing. He was also upset because you did not remember your anniversary.
When you texted him to come home early, he had hopes. Maybe you'll surprise him or something. Even if you forgot he was expecting to atleast have a nice dinner with you and go to sleep but this was far from what expected.
The house smelt like smoke, broken plates on the floor, you kneeling beside it, eyes swollen like you had been crying
"Babe, w-what happened, why does the house smell like smoke?!" he ran towards you
"I went to take a bath and Panko knocked over the candle that was on the table. I should've been more careful. she's not h-"
Sicheng couldn't help it, in his poor defence he was tired. Before he could think about what he wanted to say, before he could check up on you or Panko, his mouth moved faster than he could help it,
"What the fuck is wrong with you?! How can you be so fucking irresponsible? You can't even remember our anniversary or take care of a fucking cat. What if she got hurt? Would you come crying to me for that too? I'm tired of cleaning up your messes ___. Can you even handle a relationship? You can't even look after yourself."
You couldn't believe the words coming out of him right now.
You stood up in anger,
"I didn't know you felt that way Sicheng. I'm sorry you've had to parent me this whole time. I'll set you free if its really that big of a problem. Happy fucking anniversary. I'll get Panko and the rest of my stuff in the morning, yknow considering how if I take her right now I "might end up not taking care of her properly." By the way, we're okay. Thanks for asking." You spat out. Taking your car keys and without sparing him a second glance, you left. You cannot let anyone disrespect you this way.
He heard the door shut behind him. It finally dawned upon him what he had done. Too ashamed to follow after you, he started cleaning up the room. When he went to the kitchen he saw the pot that had his favourite dish and a bunch of side dishes on the counter. There was a half written letter by the side in broken Chinese characters;
'I will always love you Sicheng, thankyou for everything you do for me. I wanted to pay you back with a surprise. I'm taking Mandarin and Wenzhounese lessons so you can speak comfortably with me. Happy anniver-'
He took a sharp breath after reading that letter as he realised how badly he messed up.
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im-yn-suckers · 10 months
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they dont match butttttt, I. DO. NOT. CARE. PERIODT.
pairing- bf choi yeonjun x mexican female reader
warnings- hugs, kisses, food, not proofread, uhhhhh idk what else lol
yes, i did it. coming from a mexican female, i think i have a say in this. where all my mexicanas at? i love yall🫶🏻
christmas with your parents was an exciting topic for yeonjun. he always wanted to meet your parents and was extremely excited to meet them on christmas.
you arrive at you parents house and yeonjun was flowing with excitement and joy. he was excited to stay the night and he wanted to see how you lived growing up. you werent nervous about him meeting your parents at all because you knew theyd get along. you were a bit worried about the food.
what if he didnt like it? would it make your parents feel guilty? no, hes going to love it.
"mija! your here! oh i missed you!" your mom greeted you at the door as soon as she saw you. you hugged your dad next.
"mija! how are you?" "im ok, papi" yea, you called him papi, and? he your father, you love him.
"mijo! its so nice to finally meet you! how are you?" "yes it is! im alright, mrs.-" "oh, dont start that nonsense, call me mama." you heart melted at the sight of your mom and your boyfriend getting along so well.
"mijo, how are you?" "im good, mr.-" "call me suegro" (it means father in law in spanish). "alright" your dad shook yeonjuns hand and smiled very fondly at him.
"so! shall we have some dinner!" "lets eat!"
the table was decorated with pozole, tamales, pico de gallo, enchiladas and mole. yeonjun was left amazed at all the dishes on the table.
you two ere standing as your mom brought out the bowls, spices, and anything you could imagine.
"sit down mijo, get whatever you'd like, i made pozole and tamales. if you dont like that theres pico de gallo, enchiladas, mole, and theres desserts."
"thank you" he served himself some pozole and you grabbed the bowl of tortilla chips to eat with the pozole. (thats how i eat it lmao, if you eat it differently, adjust it as you wish)
"uh, y/n how do i eat it?" he nervously giggled and stared at his bowl in confusion.
"you can use your spoon to drink the soup, you can roll up the tortilla to dip it in the soup and use the spoon to eat the chicken and the corn. and you can also put lime, lettuce, raddish, and chile in it."
"ok, thank you" he did as you told him to and his face lit up with delight when he took the first spoonful. "wow, this so good!'
"im glad you liked it, mijo!''
he served himself one enchilada, a small spoonful of mole, and some pico de gallo, you cant forget the tamal he put on his plate.
he ate some of everything and he loved every bite of it. you mom served him a glass of horchata and he had two cups of it!
"i'll clean up you guys go and wait in the living room, and when im done we can eat dessert!" your mom obviously could not wait until a certain dessert that ill leave to your imagination for now.
"i'll help you pick up!" yeonjun immediately refused to sit down and went to go help you mom.
in the living room, you and your dad were chatting. "so, yeonjun, really liked the food, huh, mija?" "yea, he loved it. i think he liked moms pozole best though. the chiltipin helped a lot too." "well, your mom made a lot for your could take leftovers home." "i'd love that. also, mami never made this much food for christmas when i was a little girl. we only had pozole and we bought the horchata, did she make it?' ' she did, and she was going to make birria but it takes too long." "aww, i love her birria" "come get desserts guys!!" your mom poked out of the kitchen and called you in.
when you walked in, the table had a big rosca de reyes in the middle and buñuelos and conchas, and mugs of champurrado. oh, how you missed the nostalgic smell.
"ok, who wants the first piece of it?" "be careful, if you get the baby, you need to make the tamales for everybody" "oh, uh. should i get the first piece?" "if you want" "papi, did you get the baby?" " no thankfully" "mami, give me this piece" "no baby!!!" "yeonjun, here you go!" she gave him a random slice and she bought the rosca de reyes so, she couldnt cheat. "did you get it baby?" "uh, yea." your family burst into laughter at the fact that yeonjun, who had tasted tamales for the first time today, was stuck making them!" "ay, mijo! i'll give you guys the recipe dont worry."
all the dessert was delicious and so was the champurrado. you and yeonjun cleaned up as your parents set up the living room for gifts and maybe some mistletoe. but shhhh. they may be mexican but, they still follow the trends duh.
"so, we gotta make tamales for the boys huh"
"i guess, but i dont know how to make them. and your lucky, mami never made this much food on christmas."
"im her favorite i guess" "when i was a kid, i always dreamed of getting the baby. when i turned fifteen, me and my sister got it and we were stuck with making tamales. never wanted the baby ever again."
yeonjun laughed as you walked into the living room with your mom and dad waiting. a big present marked yeonjun and y/n was waiting in your seat.
"open this one first!" you opened it and a big ol pot was wrapped up. your mom and dad were laughing and you and yeonjun were smiling. you mostly wanted to cry, you cant make tamales like girl.
everyone opened up their gifts and they gave you guys some to give to the boys back home. "alright, its really late lets go to sleep." you and yeonjun got ready for bed and went into your parents guest room. it was filled with pictures of your childhood an teen years and stuff you wouldnt really display yourself.
"good night mijo! buenas noches mija! te amo! (i love you)" your mom told you both as you were walking into your room. "buenas noches mami. te amo!" "good night mama!" you wouldve definitely melted into putty right there and then if you could.
you plopped into the bed and waited for yeonjun to finish changing. "your moms so sweet. y/n!" "i know, she was texting me nonstop in the morning asking what time we were heading over." "aww," he laid down and kissed you softly. "goodnight baby" "goodnight my love"
in the morning you were woken up with a torta that smelled like heaven. you needed to leave soon so you ate then went to your room to clean up your things. "we only ate beans and tortilas for breakfast when i was a kid. you must really be the favorite." "she loves me''
"alright, mami. the cars loaded, we're gunna get going."
"oh, wait!" she brought out three(BIG) full bags of containers of food.
"wow, this is alot. " "good, now no one will have to cook for at least a day." "with five men in the house, itll be gone in an hour"
"bye mijo, it was nice having you over and meeting you." "thank you suegro. it was nice meeting you too" yep, melted again.
"mija, bye, i love you." "bye papi, i love you too"
"mija, bye, i'll miss you. thank you for coming over. i love you" "i'll miss you too, thanks for having us. i love you too mami"
"ay mijo. i dont want you to leave." "i dont want to leave either"
"bye mijo, thank you so much for coming. i'll miss you." ''bye, mama. thank you for having us. i'll miss you too."
you two walked out the front door and got into the car.
"love you guys! say hi to the boys for me!" "we will mami! love you too!"
"bye mama! love you!!!"
and with that, you were driving back to your house. yeonjun intertwined your hands and kissed it. man he was hot driving with one hand.
the end
um so why am i posting a christmas fic in august, bc i thought abt it while eating mole sooooooooo. yall, before you come at me for having the rosca de reyes in december, i know its eaten in january but, yall arent gunna visit them until then soooo. uh LATINAS FOR YEONJUN
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borathae · 11 days
Chapter 22
oc definitely needs a wheelchair after her flabbers were gasted ♿♿
I didn’t even know that he could cook.” HE PUT THE KOOK IN COOKING I’ve seriously never seen him that productive before.” sex so good, boi got enough energy to complete his missions/side quests
“that dude’s so happy today.  Very suspicious when the emo is happy👀
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“Le food is served”, he says in a fake French accent. DOES HE KNOW FRENCH??? what languages do they all know??
“No we didn’t!” you and Jungkook exclaim at the same time, haha they are so annoying like your besties and they just announced they did xd
“Was it fun?” Seokjin teases, making weird sex noises afterwards.FUCK OFF I LOVE U TOO MUCH
“I. Hate. You. Guys”, Jungkook whines, hitting them with the kitchen towel repeatedly. HES PROTECTING HER *sorry not sorry kook
“JK come back, we were only teasing!” oh no he went away, jack come back
He is carrying the biggest pout on his lips, kicking the air with his feet in a constant rhythm. FUCK GO KISS HIS POUT AWAY
punching whoever pressed you against the wall straight across their face. this is a cool way to show she is learning from yoongi
FUK JIN TALKING WITH HER, IM SOOO WUWU OVER THEIR FRIENDSHIP AND BANTER i just love this whole thing you know?? the plot the writing, smut, description, smell, banter, emotions FUCK RVERYTHING AAAAH
woah whats going on? is it his weak arm? right arm hmm WOAH WTF huh did he run to his room?
2seok pls 😭😭 them completely ignoring her, like parents talking about their kid
“I was hoping you’d forget about it” hobi pls💀 jin is a menace for giving him the uncomfortable talk
yay guessed it was his uniform he was a pretty popular guy in his unit. He feared nothing, was well known for his strength and stamina on the battlefield and from what I heard he had perfect aim too.” damn soo cool oh shit being that good must have hurt when he got turned and felt all worthless/guilt
fuck thats so sad wtf, ok now did he for real lose all of the comrades or is there someone still left 👀👀()oh that would make sense why vampires would be there
wait i think im confused?? so enemies killed everyone, a ripper came and saved kook by feeding him blood and he would have survived as a human BUT THEN SNAPPED HIS NECK? WTF
yeah he definitely got the saddest origin story idk even know what to say, he would definitely get your ass if he knows he is a character written by you 😭
They won’t even notice it. You just need to be quiet i doubt that but ok
The curtains dance in the wind. It is not a beautiful dance, almost as if they wanted to escape the cold. But you can’t escape it, you have to face it in order to get to Jungkook.  yeah im marrying this paragraph
I still didn’t return to my parents, I still couldn’t kiss my darling goodbye, or pat my dog’s head one last time. No, for my family I died on that battlefield” shit he never saw them afterwards and now they are dead 😭😭😭
yall now dont fall from the rooftop. imagine dying cuz u kissed so hard u fell off the roof😭😭😭 DAMN HE TOOK US INSIDE THE ROOM WHILE KISSING SETTING NEXT LEVEL STANDARDS OOF
he knew how impossible such a request for a monster like him is, but now that he can hug you and kiss you he realises how stupid he was.  😭GIVE HIM ALL THE HUGS
SHIT THAT TOOK A TURN that we all xpected but still got scared
“Don’t move away from me”, he orders, controlling your mind on instinct. fuck, all the progress just went down the drain (it didnt, but thats what he is going to think and go back to his shell😭)
It is not an unbearable burn, almost as if a little droplet of hot oil landed on your skin when you grill bacon. is her skin sensitive from horny and scared or is it actually "vampire saliva heat magic"?
fuck im so sad alexa play truth untold
oc definitely needs a wheelchair after her flabbers were gasted ♿♿
hahahah there are no lies in this statement ajfjdsf
I didn’t even know that he could cook.” HE PUT THE KOOK IN COOKING I’ve seriously never seen him that productive before.” sex so good, boi got enough energy to complete his missions/side quests
HE IS SO CUTE!! GOSH I love how he is so happy that he is just doing lil house stuff <3
“that dude’s so happy today.  Very suspicious when the emo is happy👀
no but I love the memes cause this was definitely them at Kook ahahha (in a fond way)
“Le food is served”, he says in a fake French accent. DOES HE KNOW FRENCH??? what languages do they all know??
OKAY I WANNA TELL YOU but it will be revealed. actually fuck it jfsadjf
Jungkook can speak Korean & English fluently
Hoseok can speak Korean & English fluently, he can speak German with a heavy accent and he knows a decent amount of Japanese
Seokjin can speak Korean, English & French fluently and knows enough German & Italian to get around
Yoongi can speak Korean & English like a native speaker, he knows almost every European language to different levels and knows a secret language I can't reveal yet for spoilers reasons
the others I won't reveal right now because of spoilers JFAJDSFJ
“No we didn’t!” you and Jungkook exclaim at the same time, haha they are so annoying like your besties and they just announced they did xd
“Was it fun?” Seokjin teases, making weird sex noises afterwards.FUCK OFF I LOVE U TOO MUCH
“I. Hate. You. Guys”, Jungkook whines, hitting them with the kitchen towel repeatedly. HES PROTECTING HER *sorry not sorry kook
like it's so cute goshhshshsh :(
GAAH I forgot this part :( omfg I'm so SOFT for him 😭
punching whoever pressed you against the wall straight across their face. this is a cool way to show she is learning from yoongi
like she is actually so hot
FUK JIN TALKING WITH HER, IM SOOO WUWU OVER THEIR FRIENDSHIP AND BANTER i just love this whole thing you know?? the plot the writing, smut, description, smell, banter, emotions FUCK RVERYTHING AAAAH
gaah this is so great to hear thank youu 💜
woah whats going on? is it his weak arm? right arm hmm WOAH WTF huh did he run to his room?
yay guessed it was his uniform he was a pretty popular guy in his unit. He feared nothing, was well known for his strength and stamina on the battlefield and from what I heard he had perfect aim too.” damn soo cool oh shit being that good must have hurt when he got turned and felt all worthless/guilt
I'm actually crying 😭😭😭
wait i think im confused?? so enemies killed everyone, a ripper came and saved kook by feeding him blood and he would have survived as a human BUT THEN SNAPPED HIS NECK? WTF
YES that is exactly what happened. like that Ripper was evil cause why did you do all that???
yeah he definitely got the saddest origin story idk even know what to say, he would definitely get your ass if he knows he is a character written by you 😭
yes yes 100% 😭😭 no but the more shit I put my characters through the dearer they are to me JFJADSJF I am evil like that apparentLY FJADSJF
The curtains dance in the wind. It is not a beautiful dance, almost as if they wanted to escape the cold. But you can’t escape it, you have to face it in order to get to Jungkook.  yeah im marrying this paragraph
heheheh thank youu 💜💜
I still didn’t return to my parents, I still couldn’t kiss my darling goodbye, or pat my dog’s head one last time. No, for my family I died on that battlefield” shit he never saw them afterwards and now they are dead 😭😭😭
yall now dont fall from the rooftop. imagine dying cuz u kissed so hard u fell off the roof😭😭😭 DAMN HE TOOK US INSIDE THE ROOM WHILE KISSING SETTING NEXT LEVEL STANDARDS OOF
he is so hot and romatnic and sweet and hto andnasf and nfads
he knew how impossible such a request for a monster like him is, but now that he can hug you and kiss you he realises how stupid he was.  😭GIVE HIM ALL THE HUGS
It is not an unbearable burn, almost as if a little droplet of hot oil landed on your skin when you grill bacon. is her skin sensitive from horny and scared or is it actually "vampire saliva heat magic"?
oooh good questionnn 👀
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kcrossvine-art · 1 year
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Good morn/noon/evening/after-you-woke-up! Now, I want you to imagine we are in a beige and light oak dressed kitchen, theres a plastic bowl artfully place on the island you bump your toes and hips on, and in that plastic bowl is plastic fruit, and on that plastic fruit is a decades worth of dead skin dust built up. It smells like vanilla perfume from the dollar store. On the 32-inch TV screen PBS is playing episodes of the coming of age drama 'Arthur'. We're cooking 'Stones Inna Swamp' from the Redwall Cookbook- And now a word from us kids…
(You can find the original recipe at the bottom if you’d like to follow along)-
SO, “what goes in to a Stones Inna Swamp?” YOU MIGHT ASKWELL for ya soup base-
White beans
Kidney beans
Vegetable oil
Celery stalks
Sliced mushrooms
Green bell peppers
Vegetable stock
Chopped tomatoes
Salt and pepper
Canned beans might work well if you dont want to soak overnight, just thoroughly rinse and dry them first. And for ya dumplin's-
Rolled oats
Breadcrumbs (preferably whole wheat)
Cheddar Cheese
Do be careful making these, the dish caked to the pan like ive never seen anything before.
AND, “what does Stones Inna Swamp taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASK
Its a, it feels like adult babyfood, almost?
The 'dumplings'- they taste like meatballs??
This recipe would probably taste better with Regular Meatballs but these are mice so its understandable
Theres less liquid at the end than the 'swamp' name would imply
Texture similar to a mash
Most flavor comes from the aromatic ingredients
Could deal with a bit more spice
The vegetables could also go for a nice sear or roast beforehand
Pairs well with a gelatin desert and sparkly water
The dish your white parent makes when they do something 'experimental'
. The dumplings dont have a measurement for the salt, I did what felt right and I'd say it came out to maybe ¼ cup salt? . Water measurement for dumplings is way way too little, do the tablespoons and then also half cup. . Where margarine called for, used butter
It gives off the air of when your children complain about taco tuesdays, but they cant cook for themselves and your partner refuses to learn, so you pick something out from pinterest that says "Healthy Veggie Sunday Dinner Done in 10 Minutes!". Its not bad in the traditional sense, its bad in the sense that it brings not much good. This may partially be a neurodivergent thing but the amount of soft textures just fucks with my brain.
I feel like I'm eating joker mush. The cheese is a nice touch though!
From start time to serving time, it took about 2 hours, but that could be cut down with experience. I would highly recommend either cooking the parsley dumplings separately and then adding per serving, or serving and eating immediately, because they Will get soggy and they Will fall apart over time.
 The flavor itself is very nice and savory, the more salt  you add the more itd taste like meat I think! As usual, please do feel free to add more spices than listed. I could see smoked paprika, cumin, and sautéd spinach going enhancing this a fair bit. I think if I were to make this in the future i would fry the dumplings before adding them in with the soup, to give it more texture and 'body'.
I give this recipe a wham-bam-ghost-you-ma'am of 3/10 (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) And now back to our show...
Bean Soup Ingredients:
1/2 cup dried white beans
1/2 cup dried kidney beans
4 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 1/2 cups (1 large) sliced onion
2 celery stalks, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 1/2 cups (4 ounces) sliced mushrooms
2 green bell peppers, seeded and chopped
1 cup vegetable stock (or 1 cup water and 1/2 cube vegetable bouillon)
1 can (14 ounces) chopped tomatoes
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 teaspoon paprika
Salt and pepper, to taste
Parsley Dumpling Ingredients:
1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup breadcrumbs (preferably whole wheat)
2 teaspoons chopped parsley
1/4 cup margarine
1/2 cup grated Cheddar cheese
Soup Method:
To make the soup, soak the dried beans in water overnight.
Drain the soaked beans and transfer them to a large pot. Add water to cover and bring to a boil. Boil the beans for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat and simmer until the beans are completely cooked, 40 to 50 minutes more. Drain.
In a large, preferably nonstick frying pan over medium heat, warm the oil. Add the onion, celery and garlic and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms and peppers and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 more minutes.
Add the beans, stock, tomatoes, parsley and paprika. Season with salt and pepper.
Bring to a boil, cover partially, and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Dumplings Method:
To make the dumplings, stir together the oats, breadcrumbs, parsley and salt in a bowl. Add the margarine and rub it into the dry ingredients with your fingers until evenly distributed. Stir in 2 to 3 tablespoons of cold water, until the mixture just forms a dough.
Form the dough into twelve 1 '/2-inch round dumplings. Add the dumplings to the bean mixture and reduce the heat to low. Simmer, covered, turning the dumplings after 10 minutes, until they are cooked through, another 20 to 25 minutes.
Sprinkle with the grated cheese and serve.
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borzoilover69 · 4 months
unsure of this would be of any use to you, but you still have tenancy rights without a contract if you had paid them Anything for housing. it varies based on location but ik that us/uk/aus all have laws in place to buy you some time to remediate or get out. specifically in aus a paying tenant cant be evicted because of a personal dispute.
Ah, thankyou for the tip! I live in aus and ive moved out by now but sadly i dint think the laws wouldve held up. Like i said before it was an unofficial statement between my parents and the family friend. Also all things given i dont think it wouldve been good for me to stick around. 😅 My housemate had a variety of strict and strange rules that made living hard, such as:
• Shoes and socks off when entering the house because she believed they carried germs
• in terms of cooking and eating situation it was CRAZY. I had to keep my food in a fridge outside, in very specific compartments i was not allowed to sit at the kitchen table because she thought i was inherently dirty (carries over for a lot of these crazy rules)
• If i wanted to cook i would be lucky to have the kitchen for 30 minutes MAX, if i used anything like garlic or onion or other smells i had to cook outside, then it was restricted even further so that i wasnt allowed to cook or be downstairs in the living room if she was in the living room (which was almost always excepting early morning hours so i usually had to cook my dinner along with my small breakfast)
• along with that she banned me from using the washing and dryer after one time where i used the dryer on a rainy day, took a nap and left my drying for an hour longer 💀 . She took out all my clothes and yelled at me. I had to walk 25 min to the nearest washer and pay even more money to get my clothes washed.
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laffy-taffy-creations · 8 months
This fic was cross-posted on AO3 here
Family Forged in Fire
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Recording | Made to Watch | "It should've been me"
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Words: 1,163
Warnings: house fire, PTSD, childhood trauma, character death
The first thing I saw was smoke. The room got all hazy. It looked like dark fog. And the smell was bad.
Something’s wrong, this isn’t normal.
I went down stairs. “Mommy! Daddy! Something’s wrong with the air!”
But the downstairs was worse. I looked for one of them, either of them, but all I found was…
“MAMA!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. She was on the floor, still, not moving. Her face was wrong. It wasn’t her. “Mama! Mama wake up! MAMA! PAPA SOMETHING’S WRONG WITH MOMMY!”
I heard something behind me. I looked over. Whatever was wrong with mommy is wrong with daddy too. I crawled over to him. “Papa? PAPA! WHY AREN’T EITHER OF YOU ANSWERING?!”
I started crying. Mommy told me the best thing for me to do when I was hurting, on the inside or out, was cry and it’d feel better. But it didnt stop hurting. Nothing stopped hurting.
The air started getting hot. I saw something orange starting to spread from the kitchen to where I was. A big man dressed in primary colors walked up to me and picked me up. “Your parents aren’t coming back kid. I’m sorry. Let’s get you out of here.”
I knew his voice. I cried even harder. This is the man that mama and papa were shouting at earlier. What happened to them was caused by him.
He held me around the chest tighter, my breathing got more difficult. “Shut up kid, you’re gonna act like nothing happened, am I clear? I’m saving you from a housefire. I did not kill your parents, they burned to death. I didn’t start the fire, it came from burning food. Now be quiet or I’ll throw you in the flames too.”
I cried and cired. It was all I could do.
He killed them. I dont want to die. I dont wanna die I dont wanna die I dont wanna die-
----《 ¤ 》----
“Hey nii-san.”
“Hey. Whatcha watching?” I asked as I walked down the stairs to get a snack.
I actually need to catch up on the news. “You mind if I join you?”
“Do whatever you want. There’s nothing about him so I think we’ll be fine.”
I got myself some strawberries and sat down next to the figuratively and literally explosive blonde that was my brother.
My phone buzzed with a message and I opened it up while I listened to the newscaster in the background.
Charging Port: [Hey, watcha doin?]
Me: [Hanging out with my brother]
Charging Port: [...you mean your adoptive brother?]
Me: [Details, details…]
Me: [Also yes literally who else would I be talking about]
Charging Port: [I’m just making sure]
Me: [What do you think I have a secret brother that survived the fire and has been living in Japan, completely unknown for 13 years?]
Charging Port: [lol]
Me: [Anyways, what did you need?]
Charging Port: [uhhhh dont watch the news]
Charging Port: [especially not FNN]
“...hey Kat, what channel is this?”
“Fuji? Why?”
“Okay good, Kaminari said I needed to stay away from this channel right now. Our TV has what, a 1 minute delay compared to his on this channel?”
He smirked. “Well, let’s see what he didnt want you to see.”
The scene changed. A fire. A house fire.
I only saw it for a few seconds before I was four again, unable to wake up my parents, not knowing what was going on, the only thing I was sure of being the hero that ‘saved me’ killing them and covering it up with a fire.
They shouldn’t have died, it should’ve been me, they shouldn’t have died, it should’ve been me, they shouldn’t-
“CLO!” nii-san was shaking me now.
“Wha- huh?”
“...Pikachu was right, we shouldn’t have watched the news, holy fuck thank the gods you’re normal again.”
I looked back to the screen. That fire was at Mina’s house.
“<...we dont believe anybody is in the house, but this can be used as a good example of…>”
Mina said she was home alone tonight and wouldn’t be leaving the house.
Both my body and my brain suddenly kicked it into high gear and I dashed back up to my room, changing as quickly as I could into my fireproof suit. C’mon, c’mon, there isn’t much time…
I put on a jacket and put one of my high-grade filter mechanical filter masks in the pocket.
I grabbed a second one for me and went back downstairs, going to the bathroom and rummaging through some of Mom’s things for a hair tie and bobby pins, putting my long hair up into a messy bun so none of it would catch fire.
I put on my mask and travelled through the shadows right outside the house. I could feel my phone buzzing relentlessly in my pocket but I didnt care.
I drew the Ancient Geldyrn symbol for goodluck on my chest and kicked in the backdoor.
Where are you.
I ran up the stairs to her room and pounded on it. “MINA! MINA CAN YOU HEAR ME?!?!” The door was locked from inside.
Please answer please answer please answer…
Nothing. I took a step back and slammed my body against the door, enough to break the latch.
I saw her passed out on the floor. I kneeled down and pput my filter mask on her as quick as I could. You’re gonna survive, You will survive, I will not let you die.
I secured it around her head, grabbed her phone and threw her over my shoulder before running downstairs, through the livingroom-
Dont think about it, dont think about it.
As soon as we were out I was able to find a substantial enough shadow to travel back through and I dropped her on the couch before letting out a sigh of exhaustion.
“Good gods Clo, you need to not do that,”
“Do what?” I asked, sprawling myself out on the floor.
“Suddenly running around and fucking teleporting to her! All I saw was you rushing around like a madman then a slight figure in the background of the broadcast! You could’ve atleast given me a warning.”
“Too little time, my rushing around was your warning.”
“You could’ve called the pros or something! Or I dont know, at least shown yourself a bit more to the news so they knew they were wrong???”
I looked at my brother and smiled slyly. “You know damn well why I dont trust either of them.”
He facepalmed.
Izuku had appeared in the time I was gone apparently. “Why dont you trust them?”
Both me and Kat said in unison, “We dont talk to cops here.”
I laughed while he groaned. He knew what was coming.
“Oh boy, do I have a lot to fill you in on~”
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nyx-vibes · 2 years
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you Mrs. Lefty eyebag Dark chocolate, Naan bread and rice dishes eater lover of pine tree smells and mother of a spoiled but probably amazing child. 😅
Yes, I had to take a deep breath to say all that, so it can make sense hahaha
That's cute, you're getting your dream house haha does it even snow in Oklahoma? Or get really cold? I bet the fire was beautiful to watch. I enjoy watching fire and hearing the crackling of the wood.
Also that's a great tradition you guys are doing, especially collecting Christmas ornaments from places. Would you ever start like a little Christmas village thing? I love the picture with the train under the tree! It is so pretty and magical looking.
Hopefully when you guys travel it won't be hectic since it is the holiday season. Imagine you guys get to CA and you bump into Elizabeth Olsen..😌
I am jealous of Emily. She gets a drum set and a bike! Hahaha are you ready for the music making she will do with the drums. One year I gave my niece a mini piano, her parents didn't want to take it home with them cause apparently it will be too noisy. I told them, that she needs it to learn how to play so she can be a famous pianist and support me when I retire hahahaha.
Hm no royal blue is a bit darker than the dodger blue I think 🤔
Reading all about indian food and sandwiches is making me hungry. I might go out to get a good sandwich from somewhere hahaha
Ok ok. What do you call a potato with gas? A tater toot. Ahahahaha🤣🤣🤣
Same same, I would fly too. After seeing pictures of what could be in the ocean, I noped myself out of being in the water.
Would you rather have an annoying high pitched voice or a deep manly voice?
Hello hello youuu! Hahaha. Oh geez, im glad u caught ur breath back after u call my long nickname.hahaha.
Sorry i was writing then i got tired n fell asleep. I woke up n went to the store so Em can make toll house cookies from scratch after i make dinner.. n i had dinner, then baked the cookie and i just sat.
Hows ur day?
Guess what? I'm allergic to pine tree😅 i just noticed it last night n today. I never cough n sneeze that bad but last night n today i cough and wheezing pretty bad, eyes were watery. It sucks.
Well, this is really not my dream house. I want a simple house with a few extra rooms but mainly hugeee kitchen with full bar and backyard or acres of property that's big enough to have a shooting range or archery range and batting cage to hit some baseball and i want it to be located with no neighbors or a few neighbors thats not too close to my house hahaha. But not too far in country side n not too far from the downtown or the city. So it will be quite but not too much in the middle of nowhere. N i dont have to struggle to break the ice or small talk with the neighbors. 😅🤣 i told u im weird.
Sometimes it snows here. It was snowing last week but not too much but yeah it gets really cold here.. It has tornado seasons too.haha.
Yeah we like to collect them. Maybe when we have more space n em is older i will start buying the village..haha. oh i also like to collect fridge magnet from whereever we travel.
Hahha i wish.. i dont know what i would do or how i would be if i see her. I froze n speechless when i met sally and jack from nightmare before christmas in disneyland, imagine how i would be if i see her 😅🤣
One of my friend sometimes go to the fancy supermarket Lizzie always go,, so he has a chance to see her but he doesnt even know her..he thought she is one of the designer twins. I was like dude?🤦‍♀️ hahahhaha.
Haha im not ready for the noise of the drum when em gets it, but i have to tolerate that. I was in 2 bands in junior high . I played drum n guitar. I want her gets used to musical instrument, i actually hope she plays cello someday. It's one of my favorite instrument.😅 or at least classical piano.
Haha thats very sweet n nice of u to give the piano for ur niece. Imagine someday she becomes a professional pianist.
Ah okay i think i kinda know how royal blue is. Its good color.
Omg, thats sooo funny.. tater toot 🤣🤣🤣🤣 more more more!
Yeah, thats why im not really a big fan of swimming, it scares me even sometimes in swimming pool scares me.haha. i still couldnt believe that i actually snorkled a few times 😅🤣
Oh also here is the picture of my favorite chocolates. Coincidencely all 5 of them are in one same row.haha.
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Also, here is another of my favorites
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The lindt lindor was the one was telling u.
I would choose deep manly voice.. high pitch voice annoys me, im kinda sensitive with noise, so it will be bad if i hv a voice that bothers me.🤣
Next question?
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victoriayak · 2 years
I am...
Here are some things I know to be true of myself and the world around me today;
- I am at a coffee shop, it smells of roasted beans and caffeinated drinks. 
- This shop has accidentally played “DJ got us fallin in love again” 100x
- I am a good recruiter, someone who cares about the impact her role makes on others
- I am a good RL, I do my best to lead others the best I know how in that moment and try to meet them where they are.
- I am funny, I mean I laugh at most of my own jokes even when no one else does
- I am hella scrappy, and a fighter, I am the kind of person who doubles down at a poker table because I don’t back down or walk away
- I am a damn good friend, almost too good sometimes. I give so much of myself to others and their needs and it gets to the point of being a fault because I choose others and their needs and opinions over my own because I never had friends growing up, so I don’t want to lose them and feel like I have to sacrifice myself in the process - but maybe I need to reframe what a good friend looks like and what it means for me to be one without feeling like I have to kill myself for everyone around me all of the time
- I am a caring wife, this is fairly new but I love my husband so much and care so much about him and our relationship and the life we are building together, sometimes I care too much the speed at which we are moving. I need to slow myself down and smell the roses, let the newly wed bliss wash over me like the waves on the shore and just let it be and let it last and enjoy it
- I am a reader. Someone who loves books and cant help myself if I am in the same parking lot as a book store I have to go in and find at least one gem for myself. I learn and immerse myself in the worlds and the characters in the books and let it sweep me off to another place.
  - I love true crime, obviously I hate that bad things happen to people. But I love justice, and mystery and care about finding out what happened to these people, because I can’t imagine a world where I don’t know where my loved one is or what happened to them or who the person is who did something terrible to them. But as much as I hate it, I want justice, vengeance and payment - an eye for an eye. Not exactly my best feature, but its true. I love true crime because its the closest thing to making the world a more fair place that I can be apart of hoping that monsters get brought to justice and pay for what they did.
- I am a good cook. I could watch the food network till the cows come home. I love learning new recipes and cooking at the holidays for my family and friends. Food is the one constant. Something that brings people together. Every time something big is happening there is always food (celebrations, funerals, weddings, etc.) and thats how I show I care being able to cook with and for the people I love. There is nothing more joyful to me than standing in my parents kitchen with our family and friends with a glass of wine after working my ass off on a big meal on christmas eve. 
- I love the holidays. Its my literal favorite time of the year. A time when the world slows down. We talk about the moments we with the world could stop and this time of year is as close as it gets. Its a time where tradition endures and every family has their own. I love the glow of the christmas lights and the warmth of a fire and the endless number of feel-good movies to watch. I love the food and the laughter and the people who come home to spend time with all of us. 
- I am encouraging of others, I am a damn good hype woman. I want to make sure others dont feel the world pull them down. I want to lift them. If I can make someone smile I have done my job. I want everyone to feel like they are walking out of the tunnel at the Superbowl to their home team crowd. 
- I am a Guy Fieri fan. A person who does so much and though he makes money and knows how to run a business, he is a good dad, husband, and he gives back so much to the community and to others without recognition behind the scenes. Maybe thats how I feel sometimes. I put on a fun, outgoing exterior, something people see, but do a lot under the radar that I want to shine independently from all the flames on the outside. 
Okay - I think that is good for now. A good start to some self- reflection and to some things I know to be true, but also some discovery too. So lets start there and see where things go next time. 
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maizumis · 3 years
Hey!! I saw that you request are open and I hope you dont mind if I have one hehehe
Can you maybe do how the reader and their Husband/dad hq boys ( maybe Ushi,Iwa and Tendou ?and you can also choose some :D) are making out but suddenly their child is coming in to the room?
My friends and I discussed about it because one of my friends happened to her when she was little ( but her parents did the deed😭)
Also can I be an emoji anon? I would love to interact with you more but eh to shy upsi💀
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ft. timeskip!ushijima wakatoshi, iwaizumi hajime, tendou satori, suna rintaro, osamu miya
note: suggestive and female reader ❗ hottie let me kith that brain! I loved this request so much, hope you enjoy it!
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❦ USHIJIMA just arrived home after practice, your child in his room, taking his afternoon nap, the sound of the door opening made you stand from the couch and go great your husband "welcome home ‘toshi, missed you" he drops his bag on the floor and cups your face with both his hands so he could give a little kiss "love you too" one kiss turned to two, then three, midway the fourth one he picked you up, placing both your legs around his waist, mouths didn't stop moving with each other even when he was walking to the couch, grunts could be heated and the room what getting hot "what's daddy doing?" for sure, that wasn't a sight for a four year old boy "haha nothing baby! mommy just have him a little kiss when he got home ‘cos we missed him! right ‘toshi?" even if his face was serious, you could tell he was a little embarrassed by the pinknof his cheeks and ears; he got up of the couch to hug his son, bending to his height so they could see each other eyes, his arms going around and tightening around his little body "your mom is right, it was a welcome home kiss, totally welcome home kiss"
❦IWAIZUMI quietly closed the bedroom door after putting his daughter to sleep, making his way toward the bed, where he grabbed you by your hips and put you on his lap "finally some alone time, baby" giggling, grabbing his face with both hand while looking with so much love to his eyes "finally" you told him with a deep kiss, you could feel his smirk thru it while one of his hands flew toy the back of your neck to kiss you harder,the other one placed in your lower back; tongues dancing with each other, both of you so into it that neither of you noticed the small figure opening the door "what's this, daddy?" he pulled out from you but still kept you in his lap, now both his hand in your lower back— almost your ass "um— daddy was teaching mommy a stretch she needs to do so her back doesn't hurt" standing up, you kissed your husbands temple while walking to your child so she could go to sleep again "yeah, that sweetie, daddy was showing me something" as if his tongue down your throat was a stretch "now say goodnight to papa and we go to sleep" she made grabby hands so you could pick her up, obligating you did it, now her chubby cheeks smashes to your arms while going to her room "good night dada, luv you"
❦TENDOU saw you cooking in the kitchen after his nap, his son fortunately still in a deep sleep "this seems good" a toothy smile came to you face, pride flowing thru your body "does it? I think it does" he quietly made his way to you, wrapping his arms around your torso while placing open mouth kisses toy your neck "it does, but you seem better right now" you threw your head back to gave her more access to your neck "kiss me, ‘tori" he didn't need to be told twice, he made you face him while placing you in the kitchen counter, standing between your legs and going directly to your mouth, your arms around his neck playing with the tiny hairs he had while his hands gripped your waist "mommy, it smells like something is burning" there was the child, standing in front of the two of you with a straight face as if he didn't saw his parents make out like teenagers in school "satori you little fuc— ducker! you made me burn the food" he laughed and made you stand, kissing lovingly your cheek "we can make it again bubbles, I love you"
❦SUNA came home late, around 11pm, static to see his family, he already knew the two of you were usually sleep at that time, so the happiness that flowed thru his body when he saw you on the couch was inmense "pretty girl, why are you up?" the sound of his voice made you jump of the couch and go to him, jumping and securing your legs around his waist " ‘cause I missed you, wan’ some time with you" "I'm all yours then" he carefully made his way towards the dinner table, placing you on top of it while kissing you. the kiss was lazy, slow, mouths moving in synchrony with each other 'i love you’s' and smilies thru it "mom? is that daddy?" what a lovely moment for your child to wake up "hey darling, why are you not sleep?" after she heard her fathers voice, she walked towards him to give him a hug, suna bending over to pick her up "missed daddy, wanna sleep with Daddy" with an apologetic look, he pecked your lips before going to the bedroom " ‘s okay then, we can sleep all together today then"
❦OSAMU loved the feeling of lazy mornings together, swaying together to the calm music that blasted from the tv while making breakfast for the family, his hands were on your hipswhile your were wrapped around his torso, head leaning on his chest hearing is breathing "love you ‘samu" he didn't reply, instead he lifted your chin and started kissing you, it was a loving kiss first until you ended on the kitchen counter gasping the air he was taking for you, open mouth kisses, hand roaming all over each other's body "fuck sweetheart, love ya, lova yer body, love ya" he told with a few grunts between before going into the kiss again "is that daddy and mommy kissing" "I think it is" why were the twins up? it was to early for them since they usually wake up and hour after "hiiiiii! mommy and daddy were making breakfast!" osamu standing behind you, you could see, feel his embarrassment— "it looks yummy! wanna eat" the sigh of relief that came out both your bodies after the twins didn't ask about the kiss was huge "okay, we can eat now, right ‘samu?" "yeah, sure, of course we can" sitting on the table, coffees and chocolates milks ready along the freshly made food, the four of you were having a nice conversation until one of the kids decide to speak "oh! I almost forgot, why was daddy being so harsh with Mommy back then" well, fuck
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smoochkooks · 3 years
—christmas cream(pie) ; (m.)
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⟶ pairing: jeon jungkook/reader
⟶ genre: established relationship, smut, fluff
⟶ word count: 3.6k
⟶ summary:  a day before christmas dinner with your boyfriend's parents, you discover another alternative way to use the chocolate cream you’re making. jungkook is more than willing to indulge in your little fantasy.
⟶ warnings: explicit sexual content, food play, finger-sucking, spit kink, dirty talk, oral (f) receiving, slight choking but nothing too extreme, unprotected sex, creampie, jungkook being the sweetest boyfriend on the earth and your emotional support, tooth-rooting domestic fluff:(
a/n: hi!! this is my little christmas present for you. hope you enjoy what my brain came up with yesterday<3 ps. i also dont know what kind of fic title this is.
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Christmas secure a top spot on your own self-made list of holidays. You enjoy practically every aspect of it. The food, decorating your house, songs, movies, the whole magical aura of warmth and love – you name it.
But this year though, you're fiddled with anxiety because it's the first time you're going to celebrate with your boyfriend Jungkook and his parents.  
You've been dating for two lovely years, living in a shared apartment for almost six months but somehow you've never spent any major holiday together. Until now, it actually felt like a step bigger than moving in. Choosing to be with your families and celebrate separately was never an issue for both of you.
And foolishly, you thought this year would be no like the other, that you'll kiss your sweet boyfriend goodbye before Christmas Eve and reunite after the whole shenanigans would end. But to your surprise, Jungkook had different plans for you.  
“Y-your parents did what?”  
“They invited us for a Christmas dinner.” he repeated calmy, completely unfazed by the pure shock marring your features.
He was sprawled on the couch, hair messy and falling onto his forehead because he had been avoiding barbershops lately (it wasn’t like you minded it–if anything, it made him look even sexier). He was wearing your favorite pair of sweats that had a soy sauce stain on the left knee and a simple black t-shirt, yet for you he looked like an angel sent from the above and devil reincarnated at the same time. So deliciously domestic and soft it almost made you wanna jump him right here and there, if it wasn't for the more nagging matters that you had yet to discuss with him.  
“But,” you stuttered, brain too consumed by nerves to help you formulate coherent sentences. “I was visiting your parents in Busan over summer.”  
“Yeah, but it's been a while and they really want to see you again,” he said, raising from his spot. He came up to you, his tall, lean body towering over your form. The moment you saw his sparkly doe eyes boring holes into yours, you knew you were approximately twenty seconds from giving in. “Pretty please.” he tried again, palms cupping your flushed cheeks until you had no choice but to agree.  
Jungkook grinned in response and leaned to press a chaste kiss onto your lips. “Love you, baby.” He tasted like spicy noodles and soda but you ignored it, mustering a small smile.  
“Love you too.” you said, always meaning those three little words because truly, you could never resist Jeon Jungkook and his charms. He had you wrapped around his finger more than you'd ever admit and you'd simply do anything to make him happy, even if that meant stressing over a Christmas dinner with his parents.  
“They really like you, ___. You have nothing to worry about.” Jungkook murmured upon kissing your nose, and then forehead. “My mom is already so excited to see you. She said she would make an apple pie because you once mentioned you liked it.”
You leaned into his touch, slightly less angry you had been surprised with a revelation like that but at the same time still apprehensive and filled with nerves. “You aren't making this easier, you know?” you asked.  
Jungkook sent you an apologetic smile. “You're amazing, baby. You don't need to convince my parents again that you're the right person for me,” he said, hands finding purchase on your waist and pulling you closer to him. “All you have to do is smile and compliment my mom's cooking skills. And maybe ask dad about fishing. You know he's been crazy about it lately.”
Easier said than done, you thought to yourself. Jungkook was a natural when it came to bewitching people. Your parents adored him because he knew all the right words to make them fall for his charms. He didn’t have to try hard or pretend to be someone else in order to be accepted as their daughter’s partner.  
You, on the other hand, were on a different side of the spectrum. No matter how many times Jungkook reassured you of your worth, you still had a lot of insecurities to deal with. That was just who you were as a person. Maybe it was why you clicked so well together. You needed someone to be your second Sun.
“You got his.” With a final kiss onto the crown of your head, Jungkook left you standing in the middle of the living room, and all you could think about was a fricking apple pie and finding new ways to impress your boyfriend's parents. 
Hence way you're currently in the kitchen, blender in your right hand as you mix the ingredients for the most extra chocolate cake you've ever made, determination written all over your features like you’re competing in the final Bake Off episode.
And why is that? Because your brain couldn't let you sleep peacefully at night if you didn't decide to bake your own cake for Jungkook's mother. It started innocently, slowly getting information out of your boyfriend about his parents' favorite food. Of course, you had to be clever about it, so he wouldn't suspect anything too early into the game. That's why after asking a round of rather specific questions you lured him into a blowjob because you know he usually loses his goddman mind after a good dick sucking.  
Content with your plan, you're now a day before the Christmas dinner, Jungkook's mother's beloved cake almost ready to be put into the oven.
“Babe, I'm home!” you hear Jungkook calling from the corridor. You sent him to do some (un)necessary grocery shopping so you could have a time for yourself to prepare the cake without him looking over your shoulder and analyzing your every move. You really hate when people do that because you’re more likely to screw something when you’re being watched.
“Let me taste it then,” he says, grabby hands reaching for the bowl but you quickly swat them away.  
“I'm here!” you shout back, unplugging the blender once you're satisfied with your chocolate cream.  
“What is the smell?” Jungkook asks, entering the kitchen. “Oh,” he quips, placing grocery bags on the floor. “You made this?”  
“Mhmm,” you hum, dipping a finger into the bowl and then putting it into your mouth. It tastes good, not too sweet but at the same time it still has a strong chocolate flavor. Perfect.
“Wash your hands first.”  
“Wait,” You can almost hear the gears shifting in his brain. His grip on your waist tightens as you desperately try to stifle the laugh babbling in your throat. “This is my mom's favorite cake.” 
Jungkook dramatically salutes you, even though you see him smirking under his breath. Once his hands are all clean and dry, you feel his arms encircling your body from the back. “Is this for me?” he murmurs, obviously referring to the cake.
“Nope. It's for tomorrow's Christmas dinner.” 
That’s why you break into a smile, pulling him for a quick peck. “You can taste my cream now.” you say.  
“Great observation.”
“And you said you were making it for the Christmas dinner,” Jungkook continues, “Which means you did this purposely.” he finishes, twirling your body so you're now facing him.  
“You said she would make me an apple pie so I thought I could reciprocate the kindness and do the same,” An innocent smile tugs at your lips. “Besides, the more food the better.” 
Jungkook snorts. “So here's why you were asking me all those weird questions lately.”
Your eyes widen. “You paid attention to that?”
“Babe, I might be a simple man who enjoys seeing his girlfriend sucking his dick but it doesn't mean I don't listen to you,” he says, sounding slightly offended but you know that deep down he's amused by the whole situation. “You didn't have to do that, you know?”  
You let out a long sigh. “I know but... I just felt so weird. Your parents are so happy to see us, they are doing all those preparations and I couldn't stop thinking about doing something to impress them in return,” you murmur. “So they wouldn't think it preparing a whole celebratory dinner for their son and his girlfriend was actually pointless.” you add in a smaller voice, dropping your head down.   
“Baby,” Jungkook coos, fingers grasping your chin so you could look him in the eye again. “You're an amazing person. My parents know that too. You don't have to prove them your worth. Ever.”  
His words make you relax visibly. You don’t know what you would do if you didn’t have Jungkook by your side. He’s just being himself, showing you his extremely caring side as he usually does when you feel down but somehow you’re more thankful for this now.
You dip your index finger into the cream. Then, making sure his eyes are trained on your face, you bring your finger up and envelop with your lips, purposely sucking on it obscenely. “Mmm,” you nothing but moan. “It’s really good.”
“That sounded awfully sexual.”  
“No, it did not! You're just perverted.” 
“But you love me anyway, don't you?” 
You snort at his stupid remark. Suddenly, a not-so-innocent idea pops in your mind and you wonder who’s actually the one with more inappropriate thoughts running through their head. Jungkook might enjoy teasing you on daily basis, but a girl can have her fun too, right?  
Jungkook's eyes darken seeing your little stunt you’ve decided to pull today. He bites the inside of his cheek, before saying,”’I know what game you’re playing.”  
“I’m not doing anything.” you respond, feigning innocence. Before you can dive for more cream, Jungkook grabs your wrist and stops you.  
When he takes his two fingers and plunges them into the cream, you know exactly what’s coming next, the adrenaline and excitement pumping through your veins. He brings his fingers up towards your face and you have to fight an urge to stay still, waiting for his instructions like the good girl you obviously are. “Open up, baby.”  
You oblige immediately, mouth falling open and tongue out. He pushes his fingers inside, sweet, chocolate cream filling your taste buds. “Suck.” he says simply, eyes fixated on your lips. You do it without a second thought, swirling your tongue around his digits and making sure to lick every last drop of the substance.  
When he decides he can't take it anymore, he pulls his fingers out of your mouth and before you can even blink, he crashes his lips onto yours; fast, messy and unforgiving, thrusting his tongue inside to play with yours. His motives are clear: you aren’t leaving the kitchen without getting properly fucked.  
“So sweet,” he murmurs against your lips, the hand around your waist pulling you flush against him. “My cute girlfriend thought she could tease me and get away with it.”  
He bites onto your lower lip as to prove his point and you whimper. “It’s not like that,” you manage to say, grinding yourself against the evident bulge in his pants. “I didn’t expect to get away with it.”  
Jungkook's hands travel to the backs of your thighs and he lifts you up effortlessly, placing you on the counter. You’re sure there are traces of flour still on it but you couldn’t care less right now, not when a pair of hands roughly nudges your legs apart so he could stand in between them.
“So you did it purposely,” Jungkook leaves your mouth in favor of tracing kisses down your neck. Careful not to marry your skin with hickeys because you would beat the shit out of him if he did bruise your neck a day before the dinner with his parents. “Naughty girl.” He punctuates his statement with a bite to your earlobe, his next words being whispered directly into your ear. “What should I do with you, then?”  
You whimper, your thighs pressing together just hearing the tone of his voice. You lace your fingers through the locks at the back of his hair and place a kiss against his lips. “Fuck me?” you ask in a saccharine-sweet tone.  
He chuckles in response, fingers grasping your t-shirt and pulling it off you, revealing your bare chest to his hungry eyes. He wastes no time and latches his mouth onto a nipple but as soon as his tongue meets your hardened bud, he retreats. Confused, you watch as he reaches for the bowl once again and dips his fingers into the cream. He then smears it all over your nipples, a proud smirk caught on his lips when he leans back to admire his art work.  
“Kook,” you mewl, too pathetically for your liking and you know how much it’ll stroke his ego. “Please, touch me.” you plea, one of your hands reaching to pull him closer to you.
“Yeah?” His chuckle is almost sinister. “Look at you, all dirty and begging me so nicely. Not that smart with your mouth now, are you?”  
All you manage is a nod and meek “Please,” that quickly morphs into a drawn out moan when he finally dips his head to suck your nipple into his hot mouth. You never could have guessed that the idea of food play would be so arousing to you but here you are, pussy clenching around nothing when your sweet boyfriend licks chocolate cream off your boobs.
When he’s done and satisfied with the result, he grabs your sweatpants and pulls them down along with your underwear in one go, your bare ass meeting with the cold marble of your kitchen counter. Jungkook wastes no time and spreads your legs apart, not giving you a second to shy away from his burning gaze before he dives in to lick a stripe up your slit.  
You cry out in pleasure when his tongue finds your clit and gives it a sharp suck, his hands grabbing your ankles and bending your knees so he could have a full access to your glistening core. You’re absolutely drenched, dripping down your thighs and making a mess on Jungkook's face but he doesn’t mind it a bit, eating you out like a champ you know he is.  
“So wet,” he rasps against your cunt. “Messy girl.”
To make matters worse (or better) he takes his sweet time and lets a glob of his spit mix with your arousal because Jungkook, much like you, enjoys giving a head more than anything in the world and makes it his priority to see you lose it on his tongue. You’re positive you will come like this if he keeps continuing abusing your clit just right. He knows your pussy like the back of his hand. Knows what makes you keen, how to make you eyes roll to the back of your head. It fuels his ego to see you like this; helpless and utterly devoted to the pleasure and you don’t even mind when he brags about it later. How could you if you benefit so much from it?  
Suddenly, he grunts into your cunt and your brows furrow because it’s not the sound you’re used to hearing during sex. You look down to check what’s wrong but he’s already up and in level with your eyes, a sheepish smile adoring his features.  
“Neck cramp,” he explains, his palm massaging the back of his neck. “Eating pussy is easier on the bed.” You can’t help but giggle, replacing his hand with yours and providing him a temporary relief. “I’m sorry. Were you close?” he asks. 
There he is. Your sweet, caring boyfriend who never forgets to ask for consent before railing you into the mattress and always putting your pleasure before his own.  
“Mhmm,” you hum, grasping his t-shirt and lifting it off his body. It should be considered a sin to look like this, you think to yourself. “But I want to come on your cock instead.”  
Jungkook grins, quickly pulling down his pants and underwear. His cock slaps against his stomach, pride swelling in your chest because you know you can make him this hard without your touch. “How do you want it?” he asks, guaranteeing himself a moment of relief when he gives his cock a few pumps, spreading precum all over his length.
“Like that,” you answer, gesturing at your current position on the counter. “Wanna see you.”  
“Anything for my pretty girl.”  
If you weren't already red, you would have blushed at his cute words. The sentiment doesn’t last long though, your face twisting in ecstasy when he lines himself up with your entrance and starts pushing inside, the stretch deliciously burning. “Oh my god, Kook,” you whimper, hand clutching onto his biceps for support. “So big. You feel so good.” He groans, slithering himself deeper. His forehead rests onto yours, few ragged breaths before you murmur, “You can move.”
He sets a punishing pace from the beginning, fucking you hard and fast; wet, slapping noises filling the kitchen. You’re a blubbering mess, moaning incoherently as he splits your pussy open, thrust after thrust. “Yeah, fucking take it,” Jungkook rasps, grabbing your hips even harder, no doubt leaving there marks. “Cream my cock like a good girl.”  
You mewl in response, your eyes focusing on his parted lips. “J-jungkook,” you stutter, head completely deprived of rational thoughts. “Spit in my mouth.” It’s almost a breathless plea on your tongue.  
He curses, his right hand squeezing your cheeks. “Open.” You do it right away, nearly moaning when he purses his lips and spits, eyes almost bulging out of his head when he sees you swallow it greedily. “Dirty fucking girl.” he growls.
“B-but you love it, right?” you whimper, eyes glossy because he's hitting that spot inside your pussy that makes your toes curl. “L-love when I’m like this just for you.”  
“Fuck, yeah I do,” Jungkook says, placing his hand around your throat. He doesn’t apply pressure and simply rests it there, urging you to look directly at him. “I love when my pretty baby becomes a dirty slut for me.” He punctuates his words with a harsh buck of his hips that makes you cry out.
You can't take it anymore. “K-kook,” you whine, grabbing his wrist and urging him to squeeze your throat. “I love you.”  
Despite his hand around your neck and cock abusing your cunt, he breaks into a smile. He leans down to kiss you on your putty lips. You try to keep up with him but there’s no use for that, so you just open your mouth and let him slither his tongue inside. When he pulls away, your lips are wet with saliva. Messy, but you wouldn’t exchange it for anything less. “Love you too, baby.” he groans in a strained voice, dragging his cock fast through your walls.
As if reading your mind, his thumb reaches to rub fast circles on your clit. “’m so close,” you mumble, thighs shaking.
“C'mon, pretty. Wanna see you come around me.” Jungkook murmurs, gone is his dominant aura, it’s now only his gentle voice coaxing you into an earth-shattering orgasm.  
When you come down from your high, you’re swatting his fingers away from your core. Normally you would probably indulge into it more, but oversensitivity seems to be too much to handle for you today. Jungkook thrusts his hips a few more times and follows right after you, groaning your name and spilling himself inside.  
“That was nice.” he comments breathlessly  and you can’t help but chuckle, widing your arms around his neck and pulling him for a well-deserved kiss.  
“I’m too tired to move my legs and somebody needs to finish the cake,” you pout, not an ounce of exaggeration in your statement because that’s utterly true–you’re always too spent after a round of fucking with Jungkook to even go to the bathroom on your own. He gladly carries you there in his arms bridal-style every, single time.
“It's okay, sweetheart. I’ll do it.” he says, making you giggle under your breath triumphantly.  
You might be willing to do everything for you boyfriend but if anything, you’re equal in that department.  
“I’m also pretty sure there’s flour on my ass.”  
Jungkook raises his brow at you. “That I’m not going to clean.”  
“Fine. But next time I'm putting whipped cream on your dick.” you decide.  
When he pulls out of you, his cum spills out of your hole but he's quick to catch the droplets and push them back inside you with his fingers. “You’re a little minx, you know that, right?” he says and then licks his digits clean.  
“You love me anyway.” He grins, leaning to kiss you but he stops mid-way. “What is it?” you ask, raising your brows.
“Since I came inside you, we can call it a creampie, right?”  
Still slightly dazed after sex, you’re not quick enough to realise what he implies before it’s too late. “I mean yes but–oh my god. No, no, no! Stop!”  
“I hate you!”  
“And I love you too.”  
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After all, you were worrying about the dinner too much, as always.  
Everybody complimented your cake. Jungkook's mother was delighted. His father talked about fishing for almost an hour.
But your sweet boyfriend's smirking face as he ate the cake was telling you were in for a long night of sinning in your bed as soon as you went back home.  
And he obviously didn’t disappoint.  
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leossmoonn · 2 years
you know those stories that your parents ALWAYS tell to the point where you can practically tell it yourself?
the story of when matt knew he was gonna marry you is one of those stories.
and the kids hang onto EVERY WORD no matter how many times he tells it <3
dude he tells is so much that you get sick of hearing it 😭
I just imagine this story going like
“She helped me clean my wounds after she found me at the back of her restaurant in a dumpster. She didn’t have any medical degree, but she stitched me up pretty well. I ended up passing out due to the loss of blood and I woke up the most amazing smelling steak and chocolate cake. Apparently, your mother had made me food, and I didn’t even ask her to. She did it out of the kindness of her heart. And let me tell you, it was amazing.
We ate lunch together that day and i dont think i was ever that full in my life. We spent the whole time talking. There was no awkward silence. She was so kind and warm, cute and funny. And one hell of a cook. Bu after that we didn’t stay friends. I don’t know why. I think I just assumed we would, but I forgot you needed to put work into a relationship. So I went to her restaurant every Friday and ordered the same thing she made me the night she helped me.
One night I ended up a little too drunk for my own good. She was closing up the restaurant and allowed me into the kitchen. I was sitting on a table while she was cleaning the floor. She ended up slipping and i swooped in and caught her. I will always remember that night. Even though I couldn’t see her, I knew she was beautiful. She clung onto me for dear life and thanked me. “Thank you” were the last words she spoke before kissing me.
We went back to my apartment and hung out for a while. I woke up to the smell of pancakes, bacon, omelets, coffee. I was so surprised. It was the first time my kitchen had ever been used. She walked over to me and hugged me and kissed me good morning. And in that moment I just knew I was going to marry her. I just knew I had to have her in my life forever.”
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