#personality traits in order to be loved. and she gets to learn and grow as a person outside of pythas's shadow
spocks-kaathyra · 8 months
coming up with new and innovative ships that no one has even thought of before (nal x kelas)
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roachymochi · 3 months
Radagon get a lot of characterisation from Shadow of the Erdtree, especially for someone who is never talk about even once.
But we learn about Marika. About her origin, her motivation, and the nature of her flesh.
And we learn about Miquella, how i cast aside his love that was litterally an entire other person, that was also him.
This is actually the second time we see an empyrean discard a good part of themselves on the path to godhood. The other time is Millicent, who is implied to be Melania's honor, or courage, she left behind in Caelid.
So we can extrapolate about what part of Marika was Radagon before they were separated. And he was a good part too.
While Marika is characterized as a distant but good (long ago at least) ruler, she is also described as having committed many atrocity in the name of power, and casting aside her childrens.
Radagon may have started as a champion, but it stopped the war by falling in love with the Carian Queen. His interaction with his children seems much more loving than Marika's. He was a craftsman, and a tailor, which require a lot more finesse and patience than we ever see in Marika's reputation. He firmly believed in the golden order, but also expended his faith beyond it, merging the study of incantation and sorcery to reach a true understanding of the greater will.
Even after Marika broke the Elden Ring, hopeless that any good thing could come out of the current state of the world, Radagon reforged it because i could still see in it things worth preserving.
The most interesting part of his characterization I think his is builder aspect. He may bear traits reminiscent of the fire giants, but he add all the good aspects of their forge : the light, the warmth, the power and will to change and reshape things, to refine them and bring them to perfection.
Meanwhile, Marika's empire is eternal, unchanging, stagnating. Even her iconic poses reflect her struggle through time : in the shadow land, she is depicted has kind, arms spread in a tender embrace. In the lands between, she is depicted with her arm above her, like she is trapped in shackles, bearing an incredible weight on her shoulder's. In the Erdtree, when we actually meet her, she is straight up crucified.
I think Radagon used to be Marika's hope.
And by casting him aside, she lost any ability to move, to grow, to react and change with the world. She wanted to build an eternal unchanging kingdom, and she doomed it from the start.
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antaniilla · 2 months
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Kidd (Trolls OC)
BACKSTORY/CHILDHOOD: Kidd (also responds to Kiddo) is biologically a pop troll, but she was never raised amongst them. Her parents were eaten by the outcasted Chef (before the events of the first movie), but at the last minute, her mom managed to throw Kidd's egg far from Chef's view. Eventually, an unsuspecting Cloud Guy came across Kidd's egg. He wasn't that interested in it and disregarded the egg, throwing it behind him, only for the egg to crack upon impact and for Kidd to be born (prematurely at that). Realizing what he did, he kinda took responsibility for baby Kidd but was barely a reliable guardian. Cloud Guy never truly named her, resorting to just calling her kid/kiddo, so much so that she considered that her name. 
Growing up, Cloud Guy would tell her how there were other trolls out there, to which she started to wonder where she belonged. She craved finding out what type of troll she truly was-- sure she was technically a Pop Troll, but she wasn't entirely sure if she could just accept that without experiencing all the different genres of music. Her curiosity only grew as she grew till eventually, at the age of 12, she decided to explore the world on her own. With some encouragement and support on Cloud Guy's side, Kidd made her way into unexplored territory, letting the winds guide her journey (she didn't have a plan, so she just went with the flow-- a trait she learned from C.G.). It was rough... to say the least. Even if she had lived moving around the forest, there was only so much a 12-year-old could do on their own. She was almost eaten by some creature, barely escaping. She lost a piece of her right ear during the escape. Despite all this, and more, she never lost sight of her goal. She kept brave and optimistic throughout her journey. Kidd enjoyed her time exploring, she wrote and drew everything down in a journal she was given. She was crafty and good at using her resources (and she was extremely lucky), so traveling alone wasn't much of an issue. Her friendly personality earned her the trust of a few nonhostile critters, specifically Poof, a Glowfly that had become quite attached to Kidd.
PERSONALITY: Kidd is a very brave and optimistic troll. She is friendly and easygoing. So much so that she is usually just going with the flow of whatever is going on around her. She is very open-minded and easy to talk to. On the other hand, she can be very reckless, blunt, and indecisive. She tends to mirror the behavior of others around her, which does make her much easier to approach in most cases, however, it comes to a point where she doesn't know if she's acting on her own accord or just copying someone else (She suffers from copycat syndrome and is mildly aware of this). She sometimes lacks social cues, but that's mainly from being raised by C.G and never staying in one place long enough to understand how others might truly feel. However, she does know when she oversteps a boundary and tries to fix it once she realizes it. She has a rather dry sense of humor and tends to find herself in mischief more often than not. She loves teasing others and seeing how far she can get without getting in trouble. She doesn't scare easily but has a deep fear of being outcasted. Despite that, she does not mind traveling by herself (mainly because she's on a mission to find a true home). She loves having company and is more of a listener than a yapper. 
Funk (pre-first movie... 12-14 y.o...)
Country (pre-first movie... 14-15 y.o...)
SubGenres (pre-first movie... 15-16 y.o...Lost Map during this time)+ Latin Trolls and Folklore Trolls
Rock (post first movie... 16-18 y.o...)
Pop (pre-second movie... 18-19 y.o...)
*On her way to Symphonyville, she got there a bit late, seeing how it was in ruins, so not sure what to do, she went back to Pop Village. By the time she got there, the Rock Apocalypse had ended. She resides in the Troll Kingdom (based on the series: TrollsTopia), where she experiences all the main genres. She has yet to decide what type of troll she is.
was created more as a self-insert but eventually turned into an oc
is not part of the main cast whatsoever but reappears in the background as a minor background character (still knows/has heard of the main cast before, just doesn't stick around long enough to be considered one of them)
Despite having already seen most of the main genres of music, she continues to explore outside of the Troll Kingdom in search of other subgenres, and mainly to explore. She always goes back to the Trolls Kingdom after a few months or so. (still going through an identity crisis lol)
Calls Cloud Guy her Cloud Pa
When she dresses up to fit in, she dresses Poof up too
very touch starved, but never initiates it unless needed
Turned 20 after the events of the third movie
Due to the way she was born, she was much smaller than most trolls her age (but not as small as Smidge)
What she wore before she met the funk trolls was a makeshift top and pants from some of Cloud Guy's old socks
Carries with her Socko, which is just a sock with googly eyes that C.G made her when she was a child to keep her entertained.
Looks up to Queen Essence a lot, mainly because she was like her first mother figure
Moving around (never in one place for too long)
Dressing up
Playing the Piano/Keyboard and Harmonica
Singing and Whistling
Listening to people talk
Bad jokes (usually sarcastic jokes, puns, or dad jokes) and doing high-five variations (got that from Cloud Guy)
Collecting Memorabilia
Puffalos- (and of course her little companion, Poof)
Hug Time (again, very touch-starved)
Stotic/Serious people 
Glitter (or anything flaky and hard to get off)
Feeling left out or seeing others get left out
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imaginarylungfish · 4 months
i'm coming to terms with the fact that, as a child, I was not given a safe environment to be myself. so i learned how to be someone else in order to be loved. i learned how to repress. this showed up as repressing my physical needs because i was so used to repressing my emotional ones. to this day, i have a hard time figuring out when i'm hungry or what i emotions i'm experiencing (which is partly biological, but i can't imagine it all is). i also tend to ignore some pretty big red flags in relationships.
it's really easy to fall in the trap of blaming my parents, grandparents, and uncles for not providing me with the emotional support and guidance i needed as a child. or to hate everything that their religion (catholicism) touches. but i've done that, and while the anger was necessary to let out, it doesn't get me very far.
yes, i do recognize how my family's emotional immaturity, conservatism, and catholicism harmed me, but i now want (and need) to move past that. i can't be mad forever. at least i don't want to be. my parents and guardians did what they thought was right. they were wrong and heartless in some ways, but genuinely kind, accepting, and caring in others. i do think they think they love me, but most of them probably just love the idea of me. regardless if that's true or not, i've learned how to accept the love my family gives, realize it's not enough, and step away.
[a caveat: my mom loves me a whole lot, unconditionally she says. she has helped me through some really tough times while becoming chronically ill in my early twenties. for that, i will see her love for me. however, i have not come out as genderfluid to her for a reason. she's still inside my family's catholic conservative echo chamber. and i don't think i'll ever be able to fully feel her unconditional love for me unless she escapes.]
i used to be so enmeshed and codependent, thinking i needed to provide my family with the daughter, granddaughter, or niece they wanted. but i am not that person.
now, i can see my family as they are: a lost bunch who are so stuck in their ways that they're strangling themselves. growing into adulthood, i've associated love with obligation. i don't want to feel that way anymore. i want love to feel freeing, expansive, light.
i've made the mistake of not wanting to be like my family so much i disregarded the good and helpful traits i was brought up with. but i don't blame myself for that. i needed a time of full rebellion and rejection of them to get to the place i am today.
it's crazy to see queerness be as accepted by people as it is today, even if there is still a long way to go. i can't help but feel such grief when i see parents celebrating their children for being who they are. i wanted that. i didn't get it.
but i'm proud of myself for sticking it out with myself. for being brave. for finding friends and community who affirm and celebrate me. and while i still slip back into repression or self-hate, i know that isn't all that i can feel anymore. i, too, can spread happiness, acceptance, and strength to others. i can experience queer joy.
each year, i become more myself. i wish i could have been me sooner, but i'm glad i'm even able to meet myself in this lifetime at all//
thank you for reading.
and remember, you are beautiful just the way you are 🌈
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mauesartetc · 1 year
While we're waiting for Millie's shine in later episodes, how would you develop Millie and how would you write her?
PFFF uhh I expect we'll be waiting indefinitely tbh. But I guess the first step would be to ask a lot of questions and figure out which pieces are missing from the puzzle. Here's a list of what's on my mind about Millie, in no particular order:
In "The Harvest Moon Festival", she hugged her dad upon seeing him, but not her mom. Was she closer to her dad growing up? Why?
What first attracted her to knives and axes, and who taught her to use them as weapons?
What was her favorite job on the farm growing up?
Who was her first love?
How did she meet Blitzo and Moxxie?
What occupations did she have before joining IMP?
Does she ever hang out with anyone other than her coworkers and her husband? What are her friends like? How did they meet?
Does she want to have kids someday?
What's her educational background? If she went to college, which subject/s did she major in?
What hobbies does she have outside of killing people?
Millie's aggressive, violent side is emblematic of Wrath ring culture, but does she have any traits that clash with it?
What's her favorite location in all of Hell, and why?
Standard job interview fare: Where does she see herself in five years?
Why doesn't she ever stand up to Blitzo when he berates her husband? (I mean, in a meta sense, we know why, but what's the reason inside the narrative?)
What does her extended family look like? Do they all live in Wrath, or are they spread out across other rings?
What does she love most about Moxxie?
What did she and Moxxie do on their first date?
What's her most prized possession?
Most of these questions are fairly surface-level, like the kind of thing you'd ask someone you just met at a party. But the thing is, we've barely been introduced to Millie through this entire series. It'd help if she spent an episode or two away from Moxxie so we can see her personality as an individual rather than part of a set. These writers seem to think true love = being attached at the hip, but that's not how strong relationships work. You need a balance of the partners spending time together and having time to themselves. If a relationship leaves no room for independence, it'll get stifling pretty damn quick.
Maybe at some point, Millie gets burnt out from work and decides she needs a solo vacation for her mental health. This would separate her from Moxxie and provide an opportunity to glimpse parts of her life that don't revolve around him and IMP, as well as delve into the fractured mental state of a character who's usually a pillar of strength. To co-opt and rephrase a meme real quick: Everyone asks "What can Millie do for me?", not "How is Millie doing?"
Ideally, the whole episode would focus on her, with no B- or C-plots. She could meet her friends for coffee, or maybe visit extended family members. Perhaps learn some things about herself she never knew before. This all sounds very low-key and lacking in spectacle for this show, but any plot can crackle with deft storytelling. It'd be preferable if the episode answered multiple questions (not too many, but multiple) about the character at its center.
But when all's said and done, it seems the most important question is: What does this character currently struggle with the most? What do they want, and what's preventing them from getting it?
One major problem Millie and the other IMP employees have is that they don't seem to want anything. There's not much driving their actions.
Blitzo presumably wants his business to succeed, but what does that look like to him? What specific goal is he trying to reach? The Goetia family has a bit more direction: Stolas wants a deeper emotional connection with Blitzo (God only knows why, but that's what's presented to us), Octavia obviously wants her parents to stop fighting (though we have no idea how she plans to achieve this), and Stella wants Stolas dead (though she didn't think the consequences through, somehow) but everyone else is a big ol' question mark.
Anyway, that's just a basic overview of how I'd approach it.
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rockyroadsmith · 5 days
What would the Searchers be like as romantic partners? You can exclude Mocchi if you want, since he's just a babe.
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I’m so sorry this is so freaking late!! Thank you so much for the ask, though! ^_^
Ooooh this is a tough one, but definitely fun to think about!
For Genki, I think he’d be a very fun romantic partner who would love to go out and do random things together, especially things that are exciting. He’s a bit dense so I think if his partner was angry with him or sad, it might take him a little longer than the average person to realize it but, once he did, he would do everything he could think of to make them happy. I think even as he grows up, Genki would retain a lot of his childish traits, but his partner would find this charming since he’d always be trying to make every day special.
For Holly, I think she would be a very nurturing romantic partner who would put her partner before herself. Holly would try to always makes sure her partner is happy and would always dote on them, since this makes her feel fulfilled. If Holly is ever sad or upset, however, she’d most likely bottle up her feelings, so her partner would have to be aware of her personality and would need to watch for any signs that something is off so they could find out what’s wrong. I can see, due to the amount of losses Holly suffered throughout her life, that Holly would have a fear of losing her partner, so she’d be the type of person who if her partner was late coming home, she would worry and would possibly go looking for them to make sure that they’re safe.
For Suezo, I think even though he comes off as snarky and a bit of a pervert, I think he’d truly love to have a romantic partner who understands him and gives him confidence. Suezo would be very proud to be in a relationship and would take every opportunity to gloat about it to his friends, which could make his partner a little uncomfortable. I think he’d also spoil his partner with gifts and praises any chance he could. Just like Holly, I think Suezo would have a fear of losing his partner after all the death he had to suffer with throughout his life, so if he felt something was wrong with his partner, he would actually get his Teleport to work so he could check in on them.
For Golem, I can see him being a total romantic and would do anything for his partner, even if it means training for years to be able to stand in a couple inches of water. Golem would always make sure his partner is happy and would be the kind of monster to love spending lots of quality time with them. He’d also show his love through his cooking and would always find the time to learn a new dish to impress his partner. Golem definitely prefers to listen instead of speak, so his partner would have to carry a lot of their conversations, but this doesn’t mean he doesn’t love to talk with them. He would just prefer to learn more about his partner and listening to their every word would be the highlight of his day!
For Tiger, I think he’d be a little bit of a tsundere in front of his friends but, when it’s just him and his partner, he’d be a complete lap dog. Tiger would be protective of his partner since he doesn’t let others into his life often, his partner must be very important to him. I can see Tiger competing with the other Searchers in order to impress his partner since he takes great pride in being the best at everything. I think Tiger comes off as rough, but if in a romantic relationship, he would be gentle and would actually be really sweet.
For Hare, I can see him being a smooth talking lover who does his best to learn all he can about his partner so he can strategize on the best ways to make them happy. Hare would be the gentleman type who would hold doors open and would walk his partner home after a date to make sure they arrive safely. I can see him being cautious at first since he doesn’t trust easy but, after some time of dating, I can see Hare letting down his guard and really opening up to his partner. Hare would definitely love to match wits with his partner, as well, and would love any chance to impress them with his intelligence. I think Hare would love close contact, such as hand holding and cuddling, so his partner would have to like this form of affection since they’d be brought in for random hugs all the time!
Just for fun, I think if we let a few years go by, I think Mocchi would be a combination of all his friends since everything he’d learn about romance would be from watching them. I think he’d take on Genki’s energy and slight denseness, Holly’s desire to please her partner, Suezo’s habit of spoiling his partner, Golem’s ability to truly listen to his partner, Tiger’s protectiveness, and Hare’s good manners. ^_^
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tezuze · 5 months
Hi I’m gonna rant about Ghost Game for a second
Not to meaning to add to the endless “What the hell happened to Ghost Game????” discourse but uh, yeah I guess I am contributing to that
I have quite a bit to say about my theories on what I think went wrong and what they could’ve done better and why I desperately do not want a season 2 (I know the irony of how that looks on me) but if I wrote all that in one space I think it would be so long that even I would start begging for me to shut up
So, I’m going to split these up into more digestible categories that I’ll write whenever I’m procrastinating
In case I never get around to anything else, I’m going to start with the biggest loss to me, how I think the Digimon were supposed to influence their tamer’s personal growth and visa-versa
I’ll put the rest below the cut before I get outta hand
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Hiro and Gammamon: Augh. These two frustrate me the most. So much lost potential in my book, but I would feel weird putting the mc anywhere but the top of the list, so I decided to put them in the order they join the cast and therefore you get my most passionate feelings first.
Almost one of the first things we learn about Hiro as a character is how self-sacrificing he is. He’s your stereotypical mc who wants to help everyone, but the narrative points out that he’s willing to be helpful at the expense of his own wellbeing, which paints his conventionally good trait as a flaw. And that’s about all they touch on in the base show, with a lot of reading between the lines. I would’ve loved to see the ramifications of his self-sacrificing nature and have the cast point out how he’s really harming himself and stretching himself thin just to appease others. I don’t think the “being helpful is good, but not at the expense of your health” moral is touched on enough so I always get excited when stories have that as one of their themes.
And then there’s his partner, Gammamon, the exact opposite of Hiro. He’s needy, dependent, wild, and selfish at the start. He doesn’t care about others (or their belongings). He’s demanding. He’s destructive. He proves to be a handful for our polite little Hiro, especially with his dad missing and this responsibility suddenly thrusted upon him.
I would’ve loved to see Gammamon teach Hiro to be a little more selfish (or at least, more self-preserving), while Hiro teaches Gammamon to be more considerate and tame. Of course, we see Gammamon grow in this way but the story doesn’t really make it clear that it was necessarily Hiro’s doing or give much of a catalyst at all for why Gammamon has personal growth other than it would be troublesome to have such a brat as the main creature. Now, I know that Guilmon’s arc was kinda similar in that they didn’t have direct events or anything that would make him mature, but it still felt more… realistic? Tended to? Idk I’m going to force myself to move on.
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Ruli and Angoramon: Honestly just kinda disappointed with the lack of attention these two got in general in comparison to the other pairs, but I digress.
We meet Ruli with the impression that she’s brash, headstrong, and charismatic. She does things her way on a whim. Especially in the first few and select episodes, but in my opinion, it seemed like they kinda pushed her to the background and her personality was very passive and mild at times (and I don’t think that was on purpose).
Similarly to Hiro and Gammamon, Angoramon has quite a few contrasting personality traits. He’s softspoken, knowledgeable, and introspective. When Hiro first meets Angoramon, he doesn’t want to reveal himself because he’s nervous and doesn’t want to be a bother.
I think these two were supposed to balance each other out. Ruli would learn to think about things more and not run in half-cocked, maybe start to appreciate the more slow and peaceful things in life like nature and reading (Yeah Ruli, don’t think I forgot about that scene where Angoramon wanted you to read one of his favorite books and you DIDN’T and never DID). Meanwhile, Angoramon would come out of his shell more from sticking around Ruli. Possibly learn not to be so overbearing? Idk, honestly I don’t think Angoramon has as much room for growth because he seems the most level-headed character in the cast.
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Kiyoshiro and Jellymon: Now, I know I have some bias toward these two so it might seem I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt but I’m going to try to come at them as objectively as I can.
They kinda half-executed what I think they were going for with these two, so they don’t offend me as much (which I think is part of the reason why I like them so much), but a full written out arc between them would’ve been a dream.
Kiyoshiro at the beginning of the series is, well, a sniveling inconsolable scaredy cat. On top of that, he’s kind of cocky and stuck up, obsessed with order and somewhat an introvert (to a lesser extent and differently than angoramon, in the “can’t relate to other humans” kinda way). Outside of his flaws, he is at least kind and pure of heart (I mean his name more or less means “pure white”) with a strong sense of justice and morals.
Jellymon, the devil creature, is so chaotic her intro episode goes right for the “everyone is going to die and it’s all Jellymon’s fault” thing. She has her moments of scheming and kinda like Gammamon, is pretty selfish and demanding with hints of Ruli’s recklessness as well.
As far as their canonic growth goes, Jellymon’s the only one that sees the bravery in her darling, which helps him nurture that courage and cast aside some of his fears (which, yay they actually kinda do in the series albeit pretty indirectly and kinda inconsistently). Also, the narrative never outright says Kiyo is lonely but he surely doesn’t have any companions, but we can see him grow on his partner and admit that it’s nice to have such a close friendship (pretty sure the whole “I like humans” thing was directed at Jellymon, even though she’s not human shhhhh it makes sense I promise)
Now for what they didn’t really touch on, I think these two were supposed to break each other’s stubbornness. I think Jellymon was supposed to show Kiyo how to relax more and not become so absorbed in studies/research and such. We meet him already knowing he has a love for anime, idols and the like so I’m not sure if he could really learn the lesson to appreciate more of the little things, but maybe she’d show him to love some more like, people-centered type things? (I mean she does love festivals). On the flip side, I think Kiyo was supposed to use not his classroom knowledge, but his personal knowledge to show Jellymon all there is to love about humanity outside of their monetary worth and give her a genuine love for the human world. Oh yeah, and teach her to stop scamming people.
“”””I’m gOinG tO tRy To LiMiT mY BiAs oN KiYoSHiRo aNd jElLyMoN”””””””” *Proceeds to spend half my rant talking about Kiyoshiro and Jellymon even though I think they did them pretty well*
Anyway, would love to hear other’s opinions on this as well as if it seems like I’m reaching and there weren’t supposed to be arcs like this. I just feel like the characters are too inherently flawed and contrast too perfectly with their Digimon for them not to have intended some more character-centered personal growth arcs.
I’m sorry and thank you for reading my dumb thoughts.
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jtl07 · 1 year
like a boat
[also on ao3 - note: Spoilers for Stray Gods]
(also shoutout to @sango-blep whose fanart of Stray Gods got me to play it!)
Beatrice starts her own file on Stray Gods after Ava gushes for five days straight to her and their sisters about the “amazing music,” the “super hot characters,” and how it had “such a cool vibe.” (Beatrice agrees immediately to Ava’s first and last points, grudgingly to the second - though she stands by her opinion of Apollo needing to learn how to button his shirt.)
She finds herself terribly torn when deciding her personality traits and again at the first major decision point. ‘It’s just a game,’ she tries to remind herself. She can always redo, she can always play through it again, she has time - they all do.  
Her decisions from then on are made on her own instincts, tries not to engage her “strategy brain” (Ava’s words) too much, even though she’d figured out the killer early in the first act. But she finds herself enthralled enough with the characters, the world, with the music that she can accept that small imperfection. (‘Life isn’t about perfection,’ she repeats in her mind as she plays the game, when her eggs turn out a bit too soft, when her run takes a bit too long; as she trails her fingers along the jagged scars that cross Ava’s skin, as Ava looks up at her and grins, laughs, and tucks her head underneath Beatrice’s chin.) 
Music hadn’t played a big presence in Beatrice’s life growing up. The exception, of course, being church music, though that had been relegated to Sunday mass. There was no jazz to keep them company at home, no pop music while they were being shuttled to and fro - as a family, they’d hardly spent time together as it is, much less to develop any sort of unifying soundtrack. 
Beatrice knew the mechanics of the piano and the violin, could sightread most sheet music placed in front of her but she doesn’t have the same joy Camila has whenever she sees an instrument, doesn’t have the glee Ava has when she plays the electronic drumset she’d been gifted anonymously (they all knew it was really from Lilith). Spending time with Camila and Ava together meant becoming accustomed to conversations peppered with random bursts of song - it never took much, a mere word or phrase could get either of them going - and Beatrice learns to just smile along, fond, content with being an audience to their impromptu mini-musicals. 
And it’s because of this lack of experience, this lack of passion, that Beatrice doesn’t expect to like the game as much as she does. Finds herself answering emails quicker than usual, starting up the game whenever she has an hour to spare. Ava will sometimes perch on the arm of her chair and watch her play but is careful not to give anything away, always gives Beatrice space when it comes to decision points in the game. 
Ava’s out running errands when Beatrice gets to the end, which is just as well: She sits there, watching the credits roll by, sits there with a bittersweet feeling heavy in her chest. Finished in what seemed like no time at all - ‘The good things are always quick,’ she thinks, and she sees the image of Freddie’s hat overlaid atop Ava’s baseball cap, held tight between her hands. 
Ava finds her in the dark, notes what’s in her hands, gives a sad smile. “Finished the game, huh?” she murmurs, brushing a lock of hair behind Beatrice’s ear. Beatrice nods, leans into Ava’s palm. Ava coaxes her out into the living room, keeps the lights low as they order pizza and watch a couple TV shows that Beatrice hardly pays attention to. Ava, however, of course, is paying attention, knows to keep close for the rest of the evening, just hums into Beatrice’s hair when she clings to Ava after they make love in their bed, shuddering and mouthing silently at the space on her chest above her heart. 
Beatrice wakes up before her alarm the next morning, a dream of lost boats and ancient pillars whispering at the edges of her consciousness. She goes for her run, per usual, makes her protein shake and sets up Ava’s coffee, per usual, takes a shower, per usual. It’s still early, however, earlier than usual, and Beatrice finds herself turning on her computer, starting up Stray Gods. She opens her file and scrolls back to the beginning of act three. She hesitates briefly at the warning prompt, realizes this is the first choice: keep her saved data or attempt to save Freddie? 
‘It’s just a game’ chimes through her mind as she hovers over the ‘Cancel’ button. ‘It is,’ Beatrice thinks, ‘So just play.’ 
She clicks ‘Ok,’ and lets her decision play out. It’s strange, a part of her brain acknowledges, to make the choices that she normally wouldn’t allow herself to make. To choose selfishness, to give in to her wants. It’s not honorable, it’s not responsible - ‘It’s just a game’ repeats in her head - but Freddie comes back. And it’s not perfect, it’s not all sunshine, but they’re together and Beatrice can’t help but wonder, can’t help but be jealous, can’t help what’s already been done. 
‘It’s just a game,’ she reminds herself, numb as she watches the credits roll a second time. When it finishes, it’s well past sunrise and Beatrice knows she should get up to wake up Ava, that they need to leave for the farmers market soon so they can get that cheese Ava wanted but had run out last week, but she stays fixed to her seat, afflicted by a sense of detachment: adrift.    
Ava finds her, again, as she always does - as Beatrice never did, and her guilt spills out over her hands in the form of tears. It comes in waves, feels like an ocean, like a ship crashing against a cliff. There’s no music here, no songs, no lyrics; their game has already been played.
But they’re still here, at the end of it all. Ava had come back, against the odds. 
‘It was just a game,’ Beatrice reminds herself as she breathes Ava in.
Reminds herself two more truths: That Ava’s here, and they have time. 
They’re late to the farmers market but when they arrive at the cheesemonger, they find a wedge saved with Ava’s name on it, much to Ava’s loud delight. They find some vegetables, some fruit, they find plenty of cute dogs to pet; they walk back home hand in hand, laden with bags. 
They’re cooking up some of the vegetables when there’s a knock at the door - a package. Beatrice thinks nothing of it until they’ve cleared the dinner plates and Ava’s pulling her onto the couch, pushing the package into her hands. 
“It’s a lamp,” Ava explains, a careful, hopeful look on her face as Beatrice studies the small lighthouse. A melody, unbidden, remembered, rings from the back of her mind - lost at sea - and she lets her hand slide to the back of Ava’s neck, pulls her in; uses her lips to map a path from Ava’s mouth to her temple to her forehead.
As if to say, ‘thank you,’ as if to say, ‘yes, I know what it means,’ as if to say, ‘yes, it’s what you mean to me; yes, it’s what I wish to mean for you, if you let me; will you let me?’ 
And the answer Ava gives is the same choice Beatrice has made, will always make: “Yes,” Ava says as she pulls her in - to shore, to her arms, to her joy of life - “Always.”
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cluescorner · 6 months
Randomized Robins AU - Ages + Worst Trait Exercise:
Steph (25):
Says her worst trait is her murderous rages (she is exaggerating for dramatic/comedic effect, she’s killed 3 people tops and for very good reason)
Thinks her worst trait is her spitefulness (one of the few traits she definitely got from her father + one that prevents her from fixing her relationships and living her best possible life. She’ll refuse to interact with someone she dearly loves after an argument (happens significantly less after Tim’s death) or will say things she knows are hurtful just for the sake of having the last word. This trait will worsen in some ways as the list of people who have wronged her and those she loves grows, but will also ease up as she matures and realizes the harm it’s doing to her relationships with those she loves most.)
Her worst trait really is her spitefulness
Cass (26)
Says her worst trait is her self-righteousness (she believes that her goals are righteous and, as a result, she is righteous. Cass becomes very defensive whenever someone questions the mission and often does not second-guess herself. This is a trait she only develops later in life as she grows closer to Bruce/learns to understand herself more/starts to love herself more. But she knows she isn’t perfect and when somebody she trusts criticizes something she is doing she is willing to listen. She just usually isn’t the one to START the introspection.) 
Thinks her worst trait is her self-righteousness. 
Her worst trait actually is her obsessiveness (she gets it from Bruce and, while not as bad as him, she will easily become preoccupied with her night-life and the mission if someone isn’t there to pull her back. She will do this to the point of self-destruction and it hurts her relationships with the people she loves, especially Steph.)
Tim (24)
Says his worst trait is his spitefulness (he actively rejects the idea of mending his relationships with the older members of the family and this causes him to also lack good relationships with the younger ones)
Thinks his worst trait is his obsessiveness (similar to Cass, if he gets fixated on a task or idea he will neglect everything else in his life in order to dedicate more time to it. Unlike Cass, he will almost never be dragged away from it unless Pierrot snatches control of the body and forces them to take care of themself.)
His worst trait actually is how manipulative he is (the KING of guilt-tripping and using people’s emotions against them. He’ll do whatever he needs to do to get what he wants, he’s not above crocodile tears. And he will do it to whoever he needs (or wants) to with little care for how his actions impact others.)
Pierrot (Insists: “Age doesn’t apply to me! And even if it did, I'd probably be the oldest. Or the youngest! I’d never be a middle child, though.” Mental assessments by the Bats have put him around 21, with a margin of error of 3 years. Pierrot has called this “blatant character assassination by my eternal rival!”)
Says his worst trait is that he is an irredeemable psychopath without any regard for the wellbeing of others (this is a lie and everyone who's important to him understands this). 
Thinks his worst trait is his parasitic nature (he literally would not exist had Tim not suffered the way he did. Plus he is a living reminder of one of the worst things that happened to many of his loved ones. He is a parasite injected into a functional person's body and contributes to his continued suffering. This is also a largely incorrect judgement of himself, caused by his actual worst trait.)
His worst trait actually is his limited sense of self (he doesn’t really know who he is outside of ‘inheritor to the legacy of the Joker (a man he despises yet also views as a father)’ and ‘chip in Tim’s brain that became sentient’. He slowly develops an identity over the course of his life and relationships with other people, but he lacks the foundations of identity that most people have. Pierrot will often almost become a caricature of himself and what others perceive him to be because it's the only person he knows how to be. This causes wild swings in how he behaves and relates to others, sometimes to the detriment of himself and others.)
Dick (17) 
Says his worst trait is his clinginess (he is a very extraverted person who likes to be around others, which mixed with his fear of abandonment after his parents died means that if he goes a few days without seeing/talking to a friend he will get very anxious.)
Thinks his worst trait is his anger issues (he gets ticked off very easily and will explode on people. He’s kind at his core and is usually very nice, but he has a temper that can escalate significantly. Spoiler (and later Twist) help him channel this anger into something positive.)
His worst trait actually is his anger issues.
Barbara (18)
Says her worst trait is her disability (internalized ableism, she thinks of herself as less valuable than the other Bats because she cannot be out there in the capes like they can. She will grow out of this as she matures and as she learns how invaluable her support for the team is.)  
Thinks her worst trait is her disability 
Her worst trait actually is her overly-independent nature (In an attempt to overcompensate for everything she can no longer do, she has resolved to do literally everything that she possibly can without any help from others. This results in many instances where she either takes on too much and winds up not being able to fully realize any of her tasks or where she makes her life and the lives of others significantly harder by refusing help when offered/not asking for it when she needs it.)
Damian (16)
Says his worst trait is his perfectionism (he is overly critical of both himself and others, taking any flaw or problem and amplifying it to an absurd degree. This is due in part to his life with the LoA (where even a brief misstep could lead to death), in part to how others treated him initially as Spoiler (any flaw was fixated on and used as a reason to either mistrust him or portray him as unworthy of the mantle), and in part due to the fact that he is Bruce’s son (the only person with worse perfectionism problems than Damian). Gradually, Damian has improved in this regard but it’s still a massive barrier to both his own happiness and his relationships with others.)
Thinks his worst trait is his perfectionism 
His worst trait actually is his perfectionism
Duke (16)
Says his worst trait is his definitely-real secret evil side (says this as a ‘my dad is a villain so who knows??’ joke)
Thinks his worst trait is his impulsivity in his words (Sometimes he will crack a joke or say a remark without thinking it through, leading to a LOT of hurt feelings and drama. He’ll say something without thinking it through and wind up seeming insensitive. This isn’t done because of malice, rather because Duke is someone who’s quick to act and speak. But while the mantle of Insight and his awakening powers have helped him with his actions, they do not always help with his loose tongue. As such, Duke gains an unfair reputation in the media as an instigator and will accidentally cause family drama through what he says.)
His worst trait actually is his impulsivity in his words
Jason (14)
Says his worst trait is his bad manners (he grew up on the streets and has no idea how rich-people society works, which he’s pretty insecure about considering he’s now the youngest kid of Bruce freaking Wayne). 
Thinks his worst trait is his reactiveness (Jason never got the privilege of planning ahead for various events in his life, so he instead needed to rely on being swift and harsh in how he could react to situations. It’s saved his life on multiple occasions and helps significantly in his role as Spoiler, but it can also lead to extreme overreactions (accidentally causing kidnapping scare after Jason ran away following a fight with Dick) and a struggle to plan things out ahead of time. As he grows more secure in his place in the family and in life, this trait will lessen but never fully dissipate.)
His worst trait actually is his reactiveness
#stephanie brown#cassandra cain#tim drake#dick grayson#barbara gordon#damian wayne#duke thomas#jason todd#batfamily#randomizedrobinsau#I'm debating whether I should tag this with the Joker Junior tag and those related to it for Pierrot#because like...it's not quite that. but it's also very close to that and is the direct result of that.#but Pierrot would fucking HATE to be tagged as that and sees it as an insult to his identity...which he already has problems with#so I don't think I'm gonna#anyways lmao I am totally projecting my younger self onto Barbara. How could I not? She's literally the reason I view my disability#the way that I do and she actively improved my mental health just by existing and saying some of the shit she did when I was in the#stages of accepting my own disability. So yeah I am projecting a lot onto her because I love her and see myself in her.#I'm mostly basing these characterizations on my favorite versions of them (ie Red Robin 2009 Tim and Birds of Prey Barbara).#so I'm taking the traits I like/think fit in this AU and discarding what I think either is bad or doesn't fit or if I just don't like it.#Damian's 'murder gremlin who is a meanie on purpose because he is a meanie' is entirely unappealing to me and also does not fit this AU#I prefer him when he's portrayed as a sympathetic kid (who is still an asshole) and not a demon child. So that's what I'm using.#same with Talia's 'abusive mother who is totally on-board with all of her father's bullshit and will kill someone for no reason' version#I have read enough comics to know what I like/what is most important and what I don't like/what is#BLATANT CHARACTER ASSASSINATION GRANT MORRISON YOU FUCK YOU SET TALIA BACK SO FUCKING FAR#I also decided to outline their WORST traits because I already know what I like about these characters/their best traits.#most people do. But what was a greater challenge was finding what would make their lives and those of others worse.#what would I hate about this person if I knew them IRL? What would I first suggest they get therapy for? What hurts them and why?#I found these questions really interesting in the context of this AU where some people are forced into completely different roles#the says/thinks/is was inspired by trying to answer that question for myself. I say my worst trait is my impulsiveness but when#I asked others in my life they answered 'oh so you said your weird thing where you don't ask for help right?'
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fiddlepot · 9 months
You know guys, I really don't like some fanon interpretations all that much when it comes to kokushibo in specific
ive noticed a lot of the time he's deemed possessive, which is cool and all but the way it's executed will either seem rapey, codependent, or straight up abusive in a "romantic he means well" way. And that's the case for most kny men and i've seen it especially with self inserts in mind, lmfao.
That's not to say that canon-divergent interpretations are invalid. My say isn't the end all be all and it would be straight up ignorant/arrogant to say otherwise, for I am 1. only an adult on paper, and 2. one of billions of people on this big oxygen rock bubble we call planet earth. So.. to whom this may concern, If I don't like it, I don't finish reading it. I'm only complaining because there is a very small amount of content that caters to my tastes on this platform and nothing else.
anyway I'm gonna get rambley now so idk brace yourselves.
When it comes to the topic of possessiveness, especially with Kokushibo, I don't see a lot of people look too deeply into the why. It's just the what, and then behaviors that I personally find confusing. There are a few reasons why the trait "possessive" could work based off of his upbringing at the cost of concerning undertones.
becoming used to or accustomed to humanity again (a lot of ships/x reader works start and end with cracking that shell or finding a catalyst, and so are out of character/canon by default if not handled with that aspect in mind) and not wanting that to be taken away
His inferiority complex stemming from his past with yoriichi, or his childhood being based in who is powerful and most likely to succeed and who isn't
A sense of control and wanting to control (see, wanting to control his fate by becoming a demon or his assertiveness in sustaining the hierarchy)
With this in mind, his behaviors would proooobably, give or take be quite different from stalking since all of these factors are a stretch on their own. Like a lot of other traits he has, this aspect would be multifaceted and multi-layered as well because different factors constitute different lessons to be learned, and therefore different reactions.
Let's start with this: A lot of people forget that Kokushibo didn't grow up around love. We misconstrue Yoriichi's relationship with their mother for Kokushibo going through the same, but it was quite the opposite.
Their father was solely focused on the rate of success and nothing else. If you weren't strong or weren't interested in fighting, you were neglected while your brother received proper training, food, education, and overall treatment. Yoriichi might have been able to better develop emotional intelligence and empathy because he grew up with his mother, who very apparently seemed to care for him a great deal if she gave him a good luck charm while he was thought to be deaf. Kokushibo was never taught this. He saw how his brother was treated and was instead given the message that love and favor was conditional—which is why he was able to make the choice so easily to leave his wife and children when he learned Yori became a demon slayer.
Now factor in him becoming a demon and easily killing thousands in his 400+ year lifespan, and his humanity and capacity for reflection is close to none.
To him, based off of his upbringing alone, hierarchy is order, and control is the path to it. Centuries of serving muzan only adds to that mindset. So it makes sense as to why, as upper 1, he would have the least humanity left—he wasn't looking for love, he was looking for greatness because there was favor to be found in greatness, and power as well. That's why him and Yoriichi butt heads. When yoriichi says fighting to him is pointless and he'd rather play games, Michikatsu finds games stupid because he most likely never had the time for them. Not to mention, having a power as great as his brothers and casting it to the side/deeming it pointless would've pissed him off because strength meant everything if there were rewards to come out of it. It's like seeing someone with extreme wealth go "actually money doesn't buy happiness."
So.. With that part of his psychology in mind, how does it affect his behaviors? I believe he would be "possessive" in a more unconventional way. The message to be received is that sufficient power breeds respect and order. So if we crack the shell of his callousness and allow him room for humanity (much like sanemi did when allowing him to see what a monster he became), what do we have? He won't instantly become healthy. he's been conditioned for centuries to have the mindset he does—what will one moment do to untangle that mess? He's internalized what he's been taught over and over again. No doubt that should be applied to his love life.
Essentially, I think it would take a long ass time for him to "learn" and develop but I've found many people arent willing to explore that side of him. so i will with an upcoming project I'll (for the time being) call "Virtue"
happy new year by the way.
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ashxketchum · 3 months
OTP questions for Pokeshipping & Tyhil
Thank you for the ask! I did a few of TyHil already: 1, 2 so I will pcik the questions I liked from the list and do Pokeshipping.
1.Who initiates hugs?
Ash, and only because Delia normalised it for him so much that he doesn't really think of it as a romantic gesture but just a standard way to show appreciation which leaves Misty flustered even before they start dating.
5.Who’s better with money?
Misty for sure, like I love Ash but if someone in a makeshift booth made out of cardboard wearing suspicious sunglasses told him that the registration fee for a pokemon battle tournament is 1000000 in pokemon currency, he would sign up without hesitation.
6.Who tried to hide the relationship from their parents?
Not parents, but I think Misty would hide it from her sisters for a while, or try to at least, in order to not get teased about it relentlessly.
7.Who’s better in the kitchen?
I think neither but Ash gets a bit better with practice when they're older, something Misty refuses to admit out loud.
12.Who is more outgoing?
I think both Ash and Misty would be equally outgoing, but Misty's social battery would definitely be the first one to run out.
13.What is their love language?
For Misty it would be Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service. Growing up she learned to take herself and love herself alone, so at first her idea of love is completely centered around how one person can be of help to another. Until of course meeting Ash and then subsequently all her other friends, she realises that it's possible to love people unconditionally, and she doesn't always have to be "useful" to receive affection. For Ash it would be Quality Time and Words of Affirmation. Since Delia never shied away from letting Ash know how much she loves him, he carries that trait with him and is always vocal with support whenever he sees Misty struggling. He would also not hesitate to whisk her away for a romantic vacation or dates when he sees her working too hard and too long.
Send me a OTP + Number.
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appvritions · 10 days
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( hande erçel, 28, cis woman, she / her ) — Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, you’ll find that REYHAN ULUSOY is a CYBERNETICS SPECIALIST that works in SECTOR 7. According to the file, they’re a mutant with the power of GRAVITY MANIPULATION. That must be why they’re ADROIT and GUARDED. If you ask me, they remind me of a ball made of crystal you can't see, setting yourself on fire to keep others warm, and thick fog approaching within twilight. They are affiliated with THE MUTANTS' SOCIETY.
basic information:
character name: reyhan emine ulusoy
nickname (s): rey
face claim: hande erçel
mutation status: gen ii
birthday: february 28th
sexuality: lesbian
moral alignment: true neutral
occupation: cybernetics specialist
work sector: sector 7
affiliation: the mutants society
3 positive traits: adroit, solicitous, charismatic
3 negative traits: guarded, melancholic, pedantic
biography (optional):
trigger warning for: parental death.
born & raised in sol city, to a researcher mother and weapons specialist father. if the fact that both safiye and volkan were mutants themselves wasn't precursor enough to the fact their children would likely be, the unusual symptoms of her mother's pregnancy was enough of a giveaway. there were days the woman seemed to drift around instead of walk, and other when she felt so heavy she couldn't even get out of bed. though this was in fact, due to reyhan's own abilities manifesting themselves already.
growing up their home had to be... retrofitted with padding or other forms of child proofing, because before rey could fully get control over her power, there were moments she'd randomly float towards the ceiling or cause things fly around involuntarily.
has forever been a precocious little thing, especially for the world around her and what once was centuries ago, any time anything 'new' is uncovered about humanities past she wants to learn about it.
at the age of 16 her mother ended up passing after an incident involving one research subject, unfortunately the circumstances surrounding it remain fuzzy till even this day, orders from above to keep certain information omitted. a tragic accident and restraint failures, is what her father's explained many times, but nothing more, though she always felt he was hiding the full story — whether to keep her from hearing something grisly or because he was told to keep tight lipped. who can say.
regardless, it would be understated to say part of her life crumbled after that, causing her once bubbly personality to be muffled, smiles becoming more reticent, secluding herself into her studies and anemoia for the most part. as time went on, she regained some of who she used to be, however there will of course always be a hole in her life of the woman she truly looked up to the most.
one of the reason's she ended up joining the mutants' society, safiye always voiced for the equality of mutants ( and even humans ) alike, after all the former were once upon a time humans themselves, they deserve to be treated no differently regardless of abilities or appearances, and rey will advocate for such with every fiber of her being.
how do they feel about living in sol city? have they always lived there or did they travel from another settlement? sol city has been home her entire life, and even with it's own flaws, she loves it there. now that being said, doesn't mean there isn't a strong desire to venture outside the cities limits, even knowing the wasteland can be harsh and unforgiving. to her, there's simply still a vastness worth exploring and learning about.
do they trust the council's leadership? why or why not? for the most part, and at surface level, she does. they haven't necessarily given her reason to not trust them. however, rey does hold her own reservations, mostly stemming from the fact that, she feels as though they may have had a hand in the secrecy surrounding her mother's death. even if indirect, they would be ones to hold the power for things to remain hushed.
if they chose their sector and profession, why did they make that choice? if they didn't, why not? were they happy with their assignment or not? she did choose both , and is extremely happy with that decision even still now. technology was high on the list of things she loved to learn about and tinker with. it helped her father being a weapons specialist, showed her how to take things apart and put them back together. currently she's always looking for ways to further advance the cybernetics department, and help create tools to better the citizens of sol city as well.
what's one object that they always keep on their person? a bracelet her mother gifted her, fitted with varying gem stones.
(mutant only section)
what is your character's ability (or abilities)? gravity manipulation.
are they gen i or gen ii? gen ii
what can your character do? what are their strengths? presently reyhan can exploit the gravity of herself, other and objects. in essence; she's able to decrease gravity to cause people and most things around her to float or even go flailing helplessly. and on the flipside she can increase it instead, which will immobilize and/or crush whatever she's focusing on. at times she's able to make gravity tangible, in the form of a forcefield. she can also more or less fly, at least often enough you might see her levitating around instead of walking.
what can't they do? what are their weaknesses? she cannot defy the laws of gravity, just control/manipulate what already is around herself. and it's certainly not to the level of having any exploitation of the gravity of earth or space. she has the MOST control of herself, second to that being other people and objects as large as possibly the building around sol city. even then it would require a lot of concentration on her part. her powers can also be linked to her emotional level, such as if she were to get upset/angry enough things around her may start to slam down and become crushed.
is there anything else you'd like to specify about them? reyhan always appears to have a very translucent aura around her, but it's really just light that continues to bend around her body due to her powers. similar to when she actually uses them, like there's orbs of light emitting from her hands. the iris' of her eyes also give off more of a purple hue.
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akirameta84 · 1 year
Okay I could be entirely off mark when it comes to this but I need to share this anyways-
I just had this mental image of WoF Kuusuke just, worrying about his missing twin. Like, the Skywing Queen probably told him about her founding him, alone and abandoned. She probably told him that he was probably dumped in favor for a twin with more venom.
But he has access to maps. He has access to books on the various cultures of the other Dragon Races because to be an effective spy he would have to know this stuff. So he would know that no Rainwing would go that far to get rid of an unwanted child with no venom.
So that means his egg was stolen, and his missing twin is probably with their kidnappers.
Then he finally meets his twin. His twin who acts like he's never sun bathed before, and probably did. Who's grumpy and reserved and acts the opposite of attention grabbing, instead trying to hide. Who's with the Dragonets of Destiny, who also act atypical of their kind.
And Kuusuke is smart. He's smart and he's a spy. He knows how to read people.
And if that doesn't blare the alarm bells that his brother was abused, alongside his fellow Dragonets, I don't know what does.
below the cut cause its long and has spoilers for future parts of the fic
yeah kuusuke was sent on a long trip to study rainwings pretty early (with large threats should he fail to return to the sky kingdom) in order to let queen ake be more knowledgeable on a tribe shes just realizing shes lacking info on, and now that she has a rainwing under her care/command, she wants that info, and the knowledge of that venom...when he tould the queen about it in confusion, she placed easily that he must have been a rainwing twin and told him that explains why she found him abandoned, for he is venomless when he shouldnt be.
it took awhile for that to happen because kuusuke had to grow up, and until he learned that from spying on rainwings (with skywing guards also studying them, of course), him and the queen had no clue about rainwing venom. but once they did that idea is accurate
its quite fitting, considering he plays the role of a fireless skywing twin.
and so when the dragonets of destiny are discovered not too far away from the ravine he was found by, and theres a rainwing with them who has the same purple accenting patterns on his body as kuusuke when hes not disguised...kuusuke puts it together quickly, even if kusuo doesnt because kuusuke is disguised as a skywing and kusuo has no reason to believe this guard thats oddly fascinated with him isnt a skywing, let alone his supposedly dead twin
but yeah, none of the DoD act like their species...except for aren. hes prickly and prone to violence like many sandwings. the nightwing is anxious and cowardly. the mudwing cares far too much about other tribes. the seawing is scared to get her claws dirty in even the slightest manner. the rainwing is the second most violent member of the group, and falls asleep so often its obvious hes never had a sun time in his life. even the skywing queen realized that her best spy couldnt be left permanently sleep and provided him a few hours a day to sunbathe.
not to mention the fact that kusuo has been subsisting on the wrong diet his whole life (technically. but eating purely meat isnt good for rainwings, even if theyll live). again, even the skywing queen realized that she should probably let kuusuke eat what his diet requires if hes going to be in best shape
kuusuke actually decided to bring food personally to kusuo when the DoD were prisoners (much to the queens suspicion), and he was honestly downright sad that his probably maybe twin rainwing didn't even know what a watermelon was or how to eat it
love this ask. hit the mark for the au for the most part and i love talking about my aus. tysm for the ask!!
also rip kuusuke btw, he didnt get venom AND he didnt get animus magic, which is a genetic trait
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miraxselwyn · 23 days
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FULL NAME: Mira Afet Selwyn AGE: 27 BIRTH DATE: 13th of July BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood AFFILIATION: Order (Under cover Death Eater) GENDER/PRONOUNS: Female, She/Her SEXUALITY: Heterosexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single OCCUPATION: Healer at St. Mungos WAND: 9”, Blackthorn wood, dragon core PATRONUS: Black Mamba BOGGART: Her own dead body
SCHOOL: Hogwarts HOUSE: Ravenclaw EXTRACURRICULARS: Herbology, Dueling, Potions
POSITIVE TRAITS: Clever, Ambitious, and Charismatic NEGATIVE TRAITS: Vain, Ruthless, and Guarded MBTI: ISTJ
Mira was born the second child of three to her parents in Anatalya, Turkey. She was nine years old when the family decided to make the move to London where her father could further his career with the Ministry. While she was happy for her parents, it had been difficult for Mira to say goodbye to a city she had loved so much. It was difficult for her to transition to such a gloomy new home, while she dreamed of the beautiful blue waters, beaches, and mountains that had been her childhood. 
Growing up Mira was always the quiet one, head in a book more often than not and found studying for no reason other than she could. She quickly took interest in her mother’s healing as well, wanting to learn all her secrets and how she could do it herself. When she was accepted to Hogwarts it was no surprise when she was announced as a Ravenclaw, a perfect place for the girl who loved to study and learn. She continued to flourish while there, educating herself and spending more time in the library than anywhere else. 
Some may have considered her to be far too serious, more often than not it was because her thoughts were elsewhere. She was more the type to sit quietly, observing those around her and taking in everything. It was rare to catch her laughing or having fun with friends, those moments were usually reserved for her siblings. Mira isn’t the greatest at making friends, it takes a lot to get her to open up to others and she trusts very few. Though those that she does consider friends and allies, she is incredibly protective of. Those that don’t know her claim you’re more likely to receive an annoyed look and a snide comment from her. While those that know her would claim to know that softer side that on occasion does come out. 
When school ended she followed her mothers footsteps and became a healer at St. Mungos. She quickly picked up on the job and excelled at everything she was taught. Soon after school she found herself in the company of Death Eaters, including her brother, and it wasn’t long before she was one herself. While she doesn’t bear the mark, she is a loyal follower and found herself becoming the healer for the other Death Eaters. Once the Dark Lord and others came to trust her, it was decided that she would be a spy sent to infiltrate the Order. It came easier than she had expected, a fortuitous run in with an Order Member at St. Mungos and well placed words and she found herself brought into the fold. 
She currently finds herself in a precarious position, as she has led the Order to believe that she is infiltrating the Death Eaters for them. It has become a balance of feeding the Death Eaters information regarding the Order, and feeding the Order just enough correct but unimportant information along with various lies and falsities to keep the balance. She knows it’s risky, but she likes knowing that she is a valuable asset. Mira is clever and knows when to be softer, more charming to keep the role and keep herself out of trouble.
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alexxcarrasco · 9 months
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NAME: Alex Carrasco NICKNAMES: N/A FACECLAIM: Adria Arjona AGE: April 4, 1996. 27 GENDER & SEXUALITY: Cisfemale. Heterosexual HOMETOWN: Queens, NYC AFFILIATION: Law Enforcement JOB POSITION: Criminal Profiler Intern EDUCATION: Political Science Degree RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single and ready to mingle. CHILDREN: None.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Sociable, observant, decisive, intuitive, adaptable, ambitious NEGATIVE TRAITS: Fiery, impatient, competitive, dominating, outspoken
Alex was, on the outside, the perfect little girl any parent could ask for. She was sweet, thoughtful, are rarely complained. However, she craved attention from both her mother and father almost every minute of every day. Her mother was very loving and devoted to her children. She was always there for her and her brothers when they needed her.
Her father, however, was a workaholic. Alex didn’t see this as a bad thing. He tended to be around when she did need him, and that was all that mattered to her. That, and as she grew older, she began to admire his work ethic. In fact, she had asked him several times if she could tag along with him. Alex wanted to know what his work life was like. She wanted to have the same passion and commitment to his work as he did. Alex also wanted to make him proud. This is what led her to get her degree in political science, and then, internship in law enforcement.
The middle Carrasco child is much different than her brothers. She wants to follow in her fathers footsteps. She wants to be strong, independent, and good. But being given attention is like a drug to her. She wants to be in the middle of it. She wants eyes on her, just so she can show people just how great she really is. She wants to succeed and be just as high up, if not more, than her own father.
Alex is her fathers daughter, and nobody should forget that.
THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY - Whether they met in high school, college, or somewhere in between, this person was the first person that Alex fell hard for. She imagined her life with this person and while they didn't talk about it a lot, she truly thought that this would be it. But then, she wouldn't prioritize that person. She focused more on work than anything else and that, along with her outspoken and sometimes self centered attitude, drove this person away.
FAMILY FRIEND - This person has watched Alex grow up. They've seen her start as a little princess, a wannabe spoiled girl, to an independent, hardworking woman. They see her potential to do well and thrive in law enforcement. However, they also see how close she is with her older brother, and wonder if she's truly as good as she claims she is.
I WILL CORRUPT YOU - You know who Alex is. You know who her father is and who her brothers are. You know that she is good, or maybe, in your mind, she just acts like she's good. Underneath, you wonder, if there's more? If you can get under her skin, plant a small seed of doubt, and watch it bloom into something else. You want to try to drive her away from the life she worked hard to get, and bring her into something more exciting and dark. But is she as susceptible to your influence as you believe she is?
ENEMY OF MY FATHER/BROTHER - You despise her father, who is Deputy. Whether you had your own argument with him, or he's made your life hell, you want to repay him for everything he's done to ruin your life. You learn that not only does he have three children, but one of them is a girl who also works in Law Enforcement. You decide that this is your chance to get back at him, by using her. OR You despise her brother. Whether he betrayed you, or harmed you in some way, you want to repay him for everything he's done to you. You learn that he has a little sister, whom he loves and is very protective of. You decide that this is your chance to use her in order to get what you want from him.
I'll add more later or if you have any other plots or connection ideas, just let me know!
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im-gonna-draw · 4 months
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Name: Eilonwy (Ee-lawn-wee)
Affiliation: Moon Court
Alignment: Lawful Good
Key Personality Traits: generous, cheerful, hopeless romantic, dreamer
Likes: alchemy, singing, helping humans, romance, daydreaming, learning
Dislikes: prejudice, anyone threatening her family/village, arrogance, bloodshed
Strengths: eagerness to learn, generous heart, alchemic knowledge
Weaknesses: no fighting skills, naive, unrealistic with expectations
Bio: Eilonwy is a full-blood fae living among humans in the village of Woodburrow. She was discovered by a kind couple and raised as their daughter. While she’s obviously aware that she’s not human, she knows nothing about her fae culture. Her magic is very limited, used only to make the lives of her fellow villagers easier. She does this willingly and with joy, as she loves them all deeply, just as they love her. She’s the pride and joy of Woodburrow, and she would do anything for them.
Despite this, she agrees to join the Moon Court in order to get in touch with her roots. She’s eager to learn everything she can about the world of magic and fae. And hey, maybe get a little closer to that handsome Eclipse leader… 😉
• “Wait, you’re saying it’s impossible for me to lie? I thought I was just painfully honest!”
• “Ma, Pa, you’ll always be my parents. My family will always be in this village. I just…need to know where I came from.”
• “This castle…these plants…those ravens! It’s just like in the fairy tales!”
• “Is it just because I was raised as a human, or do our ancestors sound like a bunch of…assess?”
• “My potions are like my babies. My little treasures. Why don’t I make something that could temporarily blind our enemies?”
• “I shall now cast a spell that’ll make you fall in love with me.” [throws flour at Jack] “Did it work?”
• “Hello Sun Court! We’re going to be the best of friends! I hope you don’t mind I prepared a song for you all!”
• “Promise me you’ll consider growing those antlers again. You’re already so handsome but stick a couple of horns up there…..yes please.”
• “Those ‘pathetic mortals’ found an orphaned fae child and took her in as of their own! How DARE you call them weak?”
• “Well Jack, you know what they say about singers: they know how to make you hit the high notes~!”
Link to Picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/17569
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