#physically ill!!!!
thebirdandhersong · 11 months
the problemmmm is that he's such a good person. the problem is that my friends all like him. my family likes. him. y'all would like him, too.
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wishful-seeker · 12 days
I would like to see more people talk about how jobs treat disabled employees.
I used to prep, wash dishes, and cook at mellow mushroom. I had chronic pain that wasn't NEARLY as bad as it is today, but it was still very debilitating. I told my employer "i cannot stand more than 4 to 6 hours. I CANNOT do shifts longer than this due to my illness." And even though i made my boundaries VERY clear, everyday i worked it was 8 hours at the least and 10 or 12 at the most. I would go up to my manager and say "look i really need to leave, my shift is over, my chronic pain is killing me." And he'd say "we really need to here, you HAVE to push through." And so i did, and after one, ONE month of that job my crps got incredibly worse to the point where i could no longer walk my dog around the block which was .5 miles. I quit, and that was FOUR years ago, and ever since that day I HAVE BEEN BEDRIDDEN AND HAVE TO USE A WHEELCHAIR. It is my biggest regret in life.
My best friend who has seen my whole journey has recently developed undiagnosed chronic pain, and she is in the EXACT same scenario i was 4 years ago. Busting her ass at a pizza place with extreme pain that hurts her so much she tells me "im in so much pain i don't even feel like a person." She doesn't feel LUCID. And her manager and coworkers are saying the same thing "if you don't help us you will let us down, we'll be in the shit."
That job thats hurting you isn't fucking worth it. I promise you no money is worth losing all your physical abilities and never getting them back. Your coworkers and boss do not give a shit about you, so don't you dare suffer for them. They will never understand your struggle and they will never try. They truly think being understaffed is worse than whatever pain you experience. They would rather you permanently damage yourself than inconvenience them. FUCK THEM. DON'T FUCKING DO IT!
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aliendeity · 11 months
the man who owns and runs the thai restaurant in my town knows me by name. he is one of the kindest and most thoughtful men i know. i started ordering from his place back in january, which was when i got my fibromyalgia diagnosis. back then i was using a walker, had limited mobility in my entire body but especially my hands, and was very visibly in pain. i always ordered the same thing: yellow curry with no meat, potatoes and carrots only (i have texture and other dietary issues). he always made it a point to make sure i could get out the door and carry the food safely. he had his workers package the food so that it was easier for me to open. as i kept coming back and i told him a little bit about my health status, he would always encourage me to keep going. he told me about how the spices he used were good for inflammation and began to edit the recipe just for me so that spices that were even better for fighting inflammation were used. he’d give me extra portions and despite the fact that i would tip every time, i realized later that he never charged my card for them. as time went on and my condition began to get better, especially with the help of a physical therapist, he would make encouraging remarks and tell me how happy he was for me. the day i came in without my walker, he practically jumped for joy, and despite my insistence, he gave me my meal for free that day. i continue to make progress with my conditions and i continue to go to the thai place. this man who does not know me personally and who i hardly know anything about is one of my favorite people. it’s interactions with humans like these that make loving life easier. and his curry really does help my chronic condition. it’s comfort food taken to the next level.
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thedisablednaturalist · 2 months
Kinda fucked up that we all coo and sympathize with "former gifted kids" but never talk about the students who had to stay late after school or over the summer for remedial classes/clubs, who struggled to get above a C, who were given up on or punished. Who tried so hard to understand or just couldn't. Who were grouped with the "stupid kids" (a classmate called us that in remedial math btw)
Autistic kids and adhders who can't relate to their gifted peers and are constantly alienated by them. Kids who struggled in school due to dealing with a chronic or mental illness or physical/learning/developmental disability. Those of us who have had to drop out of highschool or college. Kids who worked so hard and wanted to be seen as smart, but never were. Who watched as their peers seem to fly by them in school, while they were left behind. Who were bullied and put down by those in the gifted and honors classes. Whose confidence was absolutely destroyed by education.
I love you all and I'm so sorry the school system failed you. I'm sorry you weren't properly accommodated and given the education you deserved. I'm sorry people put you down for something that they never had to fight for.
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bebsi-cola · 2 months
this obviously doesn't apply to every disabled person but one of the things you don't really hear about for being disabled or chronically ill is the boredom. being stuck in bed and like. not having the ability to do anything meaningfully intensive with your hands, not being able to sit up, not having the concentration to read or watch things (from pain or brain fog or something else) and just kinda. lingering around online and hoping for something to happen or someone to talk to even if you have nothing good to say bc nothing has been going on for like the last day, week, month anyway
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cripplemetal · 7 months
notes for my impostor syndrome:
• no, it's not painful to walk for abled-bodied people
• no, healthy people don't usually use every chance they get to lean against walls or sit down
• no, ableds don't dream about shower stool
• no, ableds don't celebrate days when they're not in pain. because usually they're not in pain
• no, ableds don't want to stop walking mid-way, lay down on the ground, curl up and cry and whine from pain
• no, ableds aren't exhausted by their own bodies 24/7
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tumble-tv · 1 year
"kill them with kindness" WRONG run them over in your wheelchair 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽
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wheelie-sick · 3 months
happy disability pride month to everyone who will not be seeing a positivity post for their condition this month because their condition is too rare
you deserve to have pride in your disability. you deserve to be supported for your disability. I see you and I love you. you are never too rare
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desultory-suggestions · 2 months
Sending love to everyone who has health issues or chronic pain in parts of your body that aren’t usually socially acceptable to talk about. It’s frustrating to feel like you can never explain your pain to someone because it’s TMI and to feel like you have to hide it. Your pain is nothing to be ashamed of. I see you, and I’m sending you support and strength.
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I will make no excuses. This is the biggest example of self indulgent art ive done since my birthday last year. I have no fucking clue what au this is. I jsut wanted to draw Sabo as a sheep, Ace as slutty and greasy as i could with him still being hot in my eyes, and luffy with adorable little bear ears. Also that shading on luffy’s pic was really fun to make.
I had a physical reaction to drawing the little animals. Theyre. Everything. To me.
Why luffy is bear- bears are so food motivated i love them.
Why sabo is sheep- rebelling against fate’s design, breaking from herd mentality, etc etc
Why ace is coyote- it’s really funny how people keep thinking theyre cats or dogs and take them in but theyre just feral creatures. Very similar to Ace me thinks.
I wanted to make luffy and ace typical predators of sheep. Something something them born to destroy the system of all that has ever been (harking back to that herd mentality) something something also breaking that promise too to be brothers with someone from that system
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anotherpapercut · 2 years
"summer is the worst" "no winter is!!!" actually both are. down with Big Temperature. spring and autumn for the win
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housenp · 2 months
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on house and wilson
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a-sassy-bench · 10 months
do able-bodied people not understand that if disabled people call out of work every time they don't feel good that we would call out of work every fucking day?
like honestly. what do you think being disabled means?
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wishful-seeker · 2 months
Me and my disabled friends always say "people say im strong but i don't WANT to be strong." If you feel this way right now i wish for you to reach a point in your life that easy and smooth, where you can have proper rest, peace, and happiness, whatever that may look like. I'm sorry you have to fight tooth and nail everyday right now, and i hope it ends soon.
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bebsi-cola · 2 months
shout out to everyone with a sleep disorder or condition that affects the quality and quantity of sleep. i think it's incredibly unfair to be denied even the comfort of rest
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chronically-mars · 2 months
I never truly knew the meaning of friendship until I became chronically ill and disabled. When my health declined I had people leaving left and right because I couldn’t keep up with other teenagers. I stopped having people check on me, I stopped getting invited to stuff, stopped being included, until I just got left behind. Now as an adult I found friends who check up on me, make sure whatever we do is accessible to me, always making me feel included, they are my support system.
Check up on your chronically ill and disabled friends, keep including them in stuff even if they have to end up canceling it. Being excluded for something you have no control over is horrible and no one should go through that.
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