#pixie plays with lego
materassassino · 9 months
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Happy Life Day, everyone!
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buttercupagere · 1 year
design your dream playroom prompts 📐
some questions to think about if you’re designing your dream playroom :)
🖊️ how big is it? small-ish, like a walk-in closet? medium, like a bedroom? large, like a living room? maybe huge, like a castle? be as creative as you want! it doesn’t matter if it’s unrealistic.
🖊️ what color are the walls? are they all the same color? are they lots of different colors? are there any decals on them, or a mural?
🖊️ what’s decorating the walls? framed pictures? mirrors? is there a sensory wall?
🖊️ what does the floor look like? hardwood, tile, carpet, foam playmat? if there’s a rug, is it shag, fluffy, or something else? what color is it? are there sensory tiles?
🖊️ describe the lighting. is it bright or dim? how many light sources are there? can they change color? are there fairy lights? ceiling lights? lamps?
🖊️ are there any windows? how many? how big are they? do they have blinds or curtains? what can you see outside the window?
🖊️ what storage is there? a toy chest? shelves? little bins? folding boxes? is there a ceiling net for stuffies?
🖊️ does the room have any fun features? a sensory swing? a fort? a play kitchen? a dollhouse? a pirate ship? a jungle gym? a mobile? a rocking horse?
🖊️ what kind of toys are there? stuffies, dolls, blocks, racecars, playmobil, fidget toys?
🖊️ is there a table? what does it look like? what do you use it for? slime, arts and crafts, legos, snacks? are there chairs at the table, or mats on the floor?
🖊️ is it a magical playroom? are there talking animals? toys that come to life? fairies that hang around and sprinkle pixie dust? is there a portal to another world? or a crystal ball that can show the future?
if you want, you can draw this playroom. or build it in minecraft, or out of legos. someday maybe it can become real!
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spiritstar477 · 1 month
I’m thinking of writing a fic where Sirius gets amnesia (unknown how as of yet) and such. Modern muggle au. I want it to be a pretty chill, happy story with probably not much plot just vibes.
Wolfstar as the main coupling.
These are my character descriptions for our marauders era peeps. Any ideas on any changes or additions to them?
See below the break ⬇️
Also, Sirius isn’t listed bc he doesn’t know who he is bc of the amnesia.
Remus: gay, five years old was attacked by Greyback and cut up, gets tremors on chronic pain now, uses a cane to walk, nerd (will read anything but mostly loves textbooks/educational books), lowkey autistic (you don’t know til you know), always spouting weird facts when he’s uncomfortable, obvi super pining for sirius
James: pansexual, dating Regulus, plays basketball, does one on one with Marlene and they gossip/vent about their day, works out all the time, super smart but a dumbass, actual sunshine with abandonment issues
Regulus: trans (formerly Lyra), bisexual, dating James, nerd (big into learning like remus, he and remus hang out to learn random shit together) plays badminton singles, autistic af, very quiet until he gets comfy then he never shuts up, likes legos (touch and you’ll die)
Peter: aroace, everyone’s bestie, chill and just living his best life, closest with Mary (both just chill but always judging everyone together)
Barty: gay af, dating Evan obvi, graffiti vandal/lowkey arsonist, besties with Pandora, intentionally does stereotypical ‘quiet kid’ stuff just to fuck with his peers, everyone’s afraid of him just how he likes,
Evan: asexual but will ruin Barty sexually (doesn’t get any sexual gratification but enjoys watching Barty squirm and have the best time), collects animal parts in jars and has a ‘bone room’, is that creepy kid, has definitely been to the psych ward before
Lily: lesbian, poly-ish, dating Mary and Pandora, huge chemistry nerd, in the debate club, very popular/friends with nearly everyone
Mary: bisexual, poly-ish, dating Lily and Pandora, very cottagecore, quiet vibes, besties with Peter, vegan/all about saving the planet (but not in a awful way), forgetful and always has a million alarms and reminders on her phone
Marlene: nonbinary they/them, so lesbian they never had to come out, obsessed with gf Dorcas, plays basketball, them and James often do one on one and vent, loves movies and will watch literally anything
Dorcas: lesbian, dating Marlene, most said words are probably “wtf Marlene”, party girl, cheerleader, legit hates men except Reggie but only because they were close before he transitioned and she’d miss him
Pandora: unknown sexuality (always just shrugs when asked), very manic pixie girl vibes, heavy on the manic, sometimes commits arson with bestie Barty, Evan’s unused dead things’ parts are made into fertilizer for her garden (which is impressive btw, mostly flowers but a hidden section of poisonous plants), always has something creepy or downright unsettling to say
-James is Indian
-Remus is technically white but he does not look it (and it always surprises people), and he’s conveniently unattractive bc I love ugly remus
-Pandora and Evan are black (with naturally white blond hair ofc) and Pandora has vitiligo
-Sirius and Regulus moved from France as children
-Mary is black
-Dorcas is black
It takes place in Canada bc I’m Canadian and I know fuck all about European anything and am too lazy to do research.
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bugzrc00l · 4 months
Lego Movie Rant
I can’t believe that the Lego movie came out 10 years ago. Even watching it now is a whole experience, looking back and finding things I hadn’t noticed before!
Let me start off with the animation. As a kid I remember my dad and I both being confused whether they had used real Legos or computer animated. Both ways are impressive, the stop motion would have taken 10 years by itself, but the way they made sure to include small details such as finger prints and even the little extra plastic from the mold on Emmet’s hair. The difference between The Lego Movie and any other Lego movie is astounding when you compare the way they animated the characters even moving. With the old Lego movies we got fluid movements, smooth textures, and realistic limb bending, however in The Lego Movie the characters are obviously limited in their movements realistically based on their Lego limbs.
Another amazing thing about The Lego Movie is the universal nature of all of it. Throughout the film we don’t just have a few main characters that take themselves seriously, instead we have a whole cast of characters from different media that are fun and play on their original personalities and plots. There is seriously things for everyone to enjoy, they have Legos, wizards, ghosts, pirates, cowboys, DC characters, spaceships, robots, Will Ferrell, and a whole glittery rainbow universe! All of these components in a movie and it still manages to make it work, using the creativity of a child’s mind to really make everything flow. Even better is that the movie doesn’t take itself too seriously, it plays on jokes and gags from many different medias to make the humor funny to any person who watches. This movie is very character driven and it does a super good job in that aspect.
Along with the looks and characters in the film there is obviously the storyline. I think the reason so many of the characters and different settings work is because of the story being so simple. They keep the story as: an extremely normal man tries to become creative in order to save the universe. In the start we get to see the way most movies start out, pretty basic with a not so special protagonist. This protagonist meets a woman (manic pixie dream girl) and then he becomes special. However at the end of the movie it comes out that it was all a lie, that Emmet is just some regular guy. I think this was really important to emphasize because throughout the whole first part of the movie we are thinking that Emmet is truly the chosen one and there had to be some fate attached, that he himself couldn’t have made a change without becoming special first. But this thinking is wrong, if this movie teaches anything it’s the fact that individual will and support from the people close to you is what makes a change. At the very and when all the “normal” societal members start to embrace their individuality and free will is when we see their rebellion working.
The Lego Movie feels close to the neurodivergent experience of growing up in a way. In the beginning of the movie we are shown the way Emmet quite literally follows all the rules. He keeps a booklet with him at all times, checks off the list as he goes, and tries his best. Our main character is enthusiastic about everything, he knows everyone’s names, and does as they all ask. In some parts of the film we are able to see the way that his coworkers and neighbors seem to brush him off. The only time when his coworkers really acknowledge him is when a cop asks about him, to which they all respond with the fact that he is so normal that he’s boring. It really was heartbreaking watching the scene when Emmet first realized that they really didn’t enjoy his company, after he had worked so hard to be normal like he was taught to be. Later we also see that when exposed to the seemingly “only” other option of being creative and always thinking outside the box we see that he is lost and hesitant. He soon comes into his own sort of creativity not completely starting from scratch but using what he knows and building off that, he just needed creativity to be put in a different perspective.
The filming, characters, plot, messaging, and silliness of the movie really do make it amazing. The creators were able to bring together so many different things that mesh so smoothly into one film that it was surprising at first. Not only did this film show true passion and love for its creation it also showed that things don’t have to be serious all the time. Through the storyline, jokes, and nods about such serious topics we are still given valuable messages and a fun movie with memorable characters and jokes.
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catsofemma · 1 year
if the lego friends lived in pixie hollow…
emma would definitely be an art talent fairy and travel across all the seasons and find inspiration throughout the realms for her pieces!!! i imagine she’d open a museum for fairies everywhere to visit and view her work
mia would be an animal fairy for sure, without a doubt. with her interest in running an animal sanctuary, i imagine she’d be really big on helping and healing animals. she’d probably work with injured creatures and helping them with daily life
andrea would definitely be a performing or music talent since she has a lot of musical abilities. i imagine she’d enjoy going solo, though, and probably wouldn’t wanna play in any band. she’d probably incorporate animal music in her acts!
stephanie would probably be a baking talent or fast-flying talent. fast-flying since she’s always on the go and is a very zooms gal with a lot of pep to her. baking since that’s her hobby and what she’s really good at, she’d probably be head baker!
olivia would be a tinker talent. no questions asked.
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deejadabbles · 1 year
hello my dear!!! I hope you get to have the best weekend with fun and relaxation 😌
here’s my description:
curvy, large chest, junk in the trunk
I rotate between pink, blue, and purple hair, and I keep it short: buzz or pixie
I sing, play guitar, ukulele, bass, and piano
I have 6 tattoos
I love doing fun makeup looks
I like building lego sets
I have a ridiculous collection of pens and notebooks
I love lemon flavored everything!
random extras: I like rain and neon
Hope that’s enough info to go on! So excited to see who you pick!
I had to think long and hard for this one but in the end I think I see you with
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Jesse was first drawn in by your bold hair and tattoos, thinks you're the hottest thing he's seen in awhile. Then he's fascinated by your musical talent, he wants to play guitar with you and sing covers of songs he hopes will woo you. Will tease you every time you pick up yet another notebook. Loves to see you lit up by the neon lights at 79s
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yurious-george · 1 year
For the internet safety thing, I think kids under 10 should be given overall limited access to the internet and shouldn’t own their own iPad or smartphone, because that breeds wildly unhealthy internet overuse habits. Believe me, I know: my dad saw no issues with constant screen time, and it upset me even as a kid how much time I spent on screens, playing pixie hollow or watching movies.
10-13 is when they should really start learning internet safety, and make a few social media accts with parental supervision. But their use of the internet shouldn’t be too monitored, especially after 13/14.
Like, unmonitored internet access wasn’t always *good,* but I had a good head on my shoulders. I knew better than to talk to people who gave me bad vibes, post my full address or name online, and avoided stuff that made me upset - or talked about what scared me with my parents. There was even a moment where I went on a website that promised a Lego castle design, then the website prompted a popup that my computer needed to download an upgrade, and I told my parents because I smelled a rat. Saved the family laptop that way.
However, having a space to talk about my parents without them looking over my shoulder and research - both to understand my mental health, and keep myself entertained and growing while in a severely isolated situation - was an absolute lifesaver. Having independence and privacy helped me unlearn some of the mistakes they made raising me, talk to people in a country that barely spoke my language, and figure out how to address my mental health.not having that privacy to mess up and make my own choices sounds like a nightmare that might’ve killed me.
Guess the tl:dr is I don’t think teens should have their internet access monitored, but they should be given the tools to curate what they see online. Young kids who can’t develop that toolset yet should be given more supervision, and more limited screen time overall.
I really don’t mind quieting a kid in public with an iPad, though. I’d much rather hear iPad game noises than a crying baby.
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rmg91 · 2 years
answer fifteen questions, then tag as many as you want XD
nickname: Pixie, Momo, Mahago height: 5'2 last thing i googled: Rufflet evolution level song stuck in my head: No One Remembers Achmed from the Starkid play; Twisted number of followers: 367 amount of sleep: Uuuhhh....depends on the day/night. Sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less dream job: Small business' owner (I can work from home!) currently wearing: Striped T-shirt and PJ shorts book / movie that summarizes me: Um....-shrugs- favorite song(s): Roundtable Rival by Lindsey Stirling, Mamma Mia by Abba, Somebody to Love (Anne Hathaway version), Far too many J-pop songs to name aesthetic: Books, Paints and paint brushes, Yarn and crochet hooks, Cats, Rain, Purple and blue, Celestial bodies/Stars/Space, Asian decor, favorite author(s): Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christopher Poalini, Brandon Mull, fun fact: I've recently turned into one of those crazy Lego people who wants to build a Lego city only I have no space for one/only one set of buildings so far. And I had to go a get a shelf to display it on so my cats don't knock it over
tagged by: @hayleysstark (Thank you!!)
tagging: @starforgedmoonglow, @phoenixfirelily, @mochitail, @undercityrezident, @honeyxmonkey
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pixy-stix-art · 3 years
Not me knowing lego Star Wars is the only game I could beat ranboo at…..
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bellasparker · 3 years
💙 Skyler Bradshaw
Series 1 Headcanons
4/6 Tallest, shorter than Violet
she’s literally a Cancer
ashamed of her small hands & feet
a (closeted) bisexual
has a collection of random pug photos
a fan of Taylor Swift for sure
sad past has led to many insecurities
watches music videos of her fav artists for inspiration
loves cafe dates
preferred EAH over MH
spring & winter lover
loved the pixie hollow online game
plays Animal Crossing every day
loves long car rides!!
huge nail polish collection
close w/ her little sister
an early bird also she hates being late to things so she always tries to come early
collects fashion magazines
she grew up thinking she couldn’t do sports but she ended up finding out she was good at swimming & cheering
cotton candy is life
hates conflict, loves peace
sometimes embarrassed to directly obsess over her interests to others
collected Lego Friends as a kid and still has all of her collection back at home
would totally be a support character in danganronpa
natural dark brown hair
tea > coffee but she likes both!
also she collected LPS as a kid... she loves collecting things
chicken nuggets and tenders are a go-to meal at restaurants shes not fully familiar with
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materassassino · 1 year
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Clan of Three beach adventures!
A charming little day out.
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cloudbear · 3 years
thank u for tagging me @officialglenntilbrook <3 <3 I'm a bit dead to the world rn with classes starting up but I will always find an excuse to do a tag game 💃
rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better
nickname: my name is kind of a nickname in and of itself because no one ever uses my full name! sometimes my mom calls me caitie-cat :)
zodiac: libra ♎
height: 5'1
last movie i watched: the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society ... comfort film
last thing i googled: shirley manson
favourite musician: radiohead, arcade fire, hall and oates, the police, a tribe called quest, belle and sebastian, sufjan stevens, ben folds, the decemberists, pj harvey, pixies, arctic monkeys, prefab sprout, i could go on ...
song stuck in my head: shut up kiss me :^)
other blogs: @lego-star-wars which is just movie/music spam, i'm thinking of deleting it 😳
blogs following: 419
amount of sleep: I try for 8 most nights
lucky number: 2
what am i wearing: squidward-chic brown polo crop top
dream job: museum curator or gyno PA. yes i know those are completely unrelated.
dream trip: New zealand!!
favourite food: anything Mexican
play an instrument: I played drumset in high school because the band was desperate, but I can't read music so I would just memorize everything 💀
languages: only english :( I might manage conversational French if I dedicated myself to brushing up, but I've forgotten a lot in the past year.
favourite songs: town called malice (the jam), king of pain (the police), there there (radiohead), stomp (the brothers johnson), ta mo chleamhnas deanta, just fine (mary j blige)
random fact: i have slight heterochromia 👁
describe yourself in aesthetic things: orange peels, dangly earrings, chunky sandals, ginger tea, a handwritten letter, a perfectly fried egg
My dears @toouptocare @airsignss @sgt-peppers-lonelyheart @lesbian-toddhoward @lasnachos @w0rmie @hoffthechain idk tumblr people anymore
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agentnico · 5 years
Onward (2020) Review
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There’s a Simpsons short that plays before this movie at the cinema, and I have no problem with the short itself as it is actually fairly amusing, however, it does remind me that with the purchase of 20th Century Fox, Disney is slowly buying out Hollywood bit by bit, which means eventually Disney will own everything and the unique artistic voice of each creative individual will be tarnished by business rather than quality. Now, on that positive note, onward (get it?) with the review!...
Plot: Set in a suburban fantasy world, two teenage elf brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot, go on a journey to discover if there is still a little magic left out there in order to spend one last day with their father, who died when they were too young to remember him.
As always, I remind people that I prefer live-action films to animated ones, partially due to me enjoying more serious subjects (and a Seth Rogen stoner comedy here and there), so it is rare that I do watch, let alone appreciate an animated film. The last one to do so was last year’s Klaus which was a nice callback to 2D animation, and before that Kubo & the Two Strings and Moana left a positive impression on me. Now we have ourselves a new Pixar film in the shape of Onward, bringing us a fantasy world that has become civilized. In other words, like in Zootopia where the animals acted like human beings by having every-day jobs and living in cities, Onward does the same treatment for fantasy creatures (i.e. elves, goblins, pixies, unicorns etc.). In the middle of it, we have the relationship of these two brothers (played by popular members from the Marvel films) and their quest (but more-so a road trip) in reconnecting with the ghost of their father. So, is this another hit for Pixar, or is this a Cars 2? I have no problem with Cars 2, it’s just that it’s a pile of garbage.
So Onward starts off a little slow. It’s not really until the actual quest begins that I actually became engaged with what was going on. From then on out it’s the typical fantasy-adventure you’d expect from the folks at Pixar, and it’s perfectly enjoyable with some funny gags here and there and the emotions hit when necessary. There are some neat references to Dungeons & Dragons but overall the film only really hits its stride right at the end. The ending of this movie is a tear-jerker, and though I myself didn’t cry, even my cold heart ended up getting the feels. The movie presents an old message that we all already know, but it is done in such a way that it doesn’t diminish its effect. Also, typical to a Pixar film, the animation is gorgeous with so many little details shown in the background of each scene, however, that comes as a given at this point.
In terms of the voice cast, besides our two leads, no one particularly stands out. But the two brothers are great. Tom Holland, having the experience of playing Peter Parker in the Spider-Man movies perfectly fits the bill as the silent awkward teen, whilst Chris Pratt continues his streak of impressions (previously he found his inner Kurt Russell in The Lego Movie 2) by doing his best Jack Black voice. Honestly makes me think the producers had originally Jack Black in mind for the role but through the Disney connection managed to cast a bigger star. Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Octavia Spencer also have their moments but are unfortunately confined in the severely dull side-plot of the movie.
Overall Onward is a solid family adventure for the kids that is not Pixar’s best, however, is very much akin to their style and there is a lot to enjoy here, particularly the voice work of the two leads and one hell of an emotional gut-punch at the end of the film that strikes a few chords.
Overall score: 7/10
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horseyfuture · 4 years
Lockdown Horrorscopes
Welcome, horrendous mortal, to your mind-rending Lockdown Horrorscopes. It has been some time since you last graced my tent with your questioning buttocks. No, do not cross my palm with silver, we use contactless now. Just press it on that bit of the window there. Excellent. Your payment has been accepted. Let us discover what the universe needs you to hear...
Aries: After many weeks of lockdown, you are beginning to have conversations with inanimate objects around the house. In the middle of a one-sided argument with the toaster, a small, flint-hard piece of green-tinged pitta bread joins the debate, taking the toaster’s side and calling you a “scruffy tossbag”. You may be hallucinating, though also, that pitta bread has been there QUITE A WHILE. The pitta is chewy, but stops talking after a while. A little time later the room becomes a little sloshy, like gravy in a bowl. The fruit bowl pipes up as you walk past. It calls you a wanker.
Taurus: To fend off the tedium, you decide to play a joyful round of “how many chairs can you put on a chair”, to which the answer turns out to be “six, before getting a face full of chair”. While bleeding gently onto a chair, you consider that future sources of entertainment might be more wisely centred around (say) pillows, or kittens, or candyfloss. You do not own any of these things, sadly, as you sold what you did have to get more chairs, very much failing to anticipate the sorts of items commonly found to be of use in a lockdown. Oh well. You sigh resignedly and begin to put a chair precariously on top of some other chairs.
Gemini: Having had more Skype calls with family than anybody can healthily defend, you decide to take a long, relaxing bath. Unfortunately, you are running low on soap. Also, you forgot to stock up on bubblebath last time you went to the shop. And water. Additionally, you do not own any towels. Or a bath. Or the room for a bath. A bathroom, if you will. Still, not to be held back by trifling inconveniences, you diligently strip off and scrub yourself vigorously all over, while sat naked on the kitchen floor. Eventually, the people who own the house return and a Series of Exciting Conversations follow.
Cancer: Because you are so wildly creative and unique, you decide that among your already proven range of wondrous skills, such as writing crap poetry, making crap fan art for mawkish period dramas and attaching small pieces of technical lego to a crap hat, you will blow the minds of your friends by becoming... a baker! Yes. This will mark you out as a trend setter. You carefully go to the shop, observing social distancing except when you aren’t which is always and buy ALLLLL the ingredients for bread making. Literally all of them. So nobody else can make bread. Returning home, you valiantly point your wild intellect at the problem and, with a little help from a BBC recipe guide: YOU MAKE BREAD. It is crap.
Leo: You receive an unexpected parcel. The parcel contains mostly lizards. As well as the lizards, there is a bright red jewel which sparkles enticingly. You discover that the jewel allows you to control the lizards. And also, to see through their eyes. You, furthermore, hear their lizardy thoughts, although to be fair, their minds are fairly quiet and their thoughts are mostly “Woohaar! I’m a lizard!” With your newfound powers, you decide you will finally be freed from your virus-laden lockdown. No longer will you be caged by a mere four walls. You send your lizard army forth to bring you new sights, sounds and experiences. Unfortunately, almost everything is shut and the outside world is pretty dull. After a bit, one of the lizards politely asks if they might have their minds back, to which you accede. They agree to pop round on Thursdays. They’re good lizards.
Virgo: The Gods smile upon you today. The Gods wink at you, also. The Gods send you a direct message asking you how you’re doing today and mention that you’re looking great in that recent profile photo. The Gods say they’re doing alright, you know, but feeling kinda lonely since Karen left, so hey, did you ever get back together with Steve? No? That’s a real shame, you were a sweet couple. The Gods ask if that means you’re still single, then? You are? Oh, baby, there ain’t no justice. What you need’s a real man. You sure do. You deserve one. Or maybe even better. The Gods wonder if you’ve ever made it with a deity. The Gods wonder how come you went so quiet. The Gods say aw, come on, don’t be like that. The Gods themselves go quiet for a while. The Gods send you unsolicited photographs of their genitalia. You block the Gods.
Libra: As you open your kitchen cupboard, a wizard appears before you and tells you that of the two remaining cans of soup, one of them contains not just soup but truly endless riches: the meaning of the universe and an infinite lifespan granted to the opener, with which to explore and enjoy the myriad beauties to be found in a boundless cosmos. In the other can: SUFFERING. Problematically, though, one of the cans is tomato soup from a fairly reputable brand and the other is leek and celeriac, which your weird aunt sent you about four years ago and seems to have been manufactured by ancient Welsh hippies. You go to open the tomato and the wizard winces and whistles through his teeth. You reach toward the leek and celeriac. The wizard smiles and waggles his eyebrows. Bugger this, you open the tomato, the wizard disappears and your arse immediately falls off. You have no regrets and the soup’s pretty good.
Scorpio: You are the twat that took all the toilet roll. Helpful. Aren’t you a good little pandemic pixie? Getting up at shithead o’clock in the morning and nicking all the stuff that your neighbours might have wanted. They suspect you. They saw you carrying your many, many bags past their windows and into your flat. But what they don’t know is that you’re not using it the way they imagine. You haven’t done a poo in over five weeks now. Not since you superglued your bum together. They’d think you were crazy, but you had to. To save the toilet roll for Greater Things. The pains come again, as your tummy heaves and you try to poop through a blocked up bum, but you breathe deeply and in time this passes. Now you are free to return to your great work. Your 20ft high pornographic sculpture of the Queen, made entirely from papier mache. Your Majesty looks down on you in erotic approval.
Sagittarius: Carnival tiiiiime! It’s carnival time! CARNIVAL TIME! Oh boy, oh boy, you can’t wait! You LOVE carnival time! You’ve been waiting so long, and they said you weren’t going to have carnival time because of the virus, but you weren’t gonna miss out! CARNIVAL TIIIME! There’s a strange knocking sound. That’s not usually part of carnival time. You follow the sound to the door, which you open gingerly. Who? Ah. OK. Right you are. I see. Yup. Yup. I will. No, you’re right. I’ll do that. I will. I’ll put it back. I thought you wouldn’t mind. It’s not a real one, it’s just a, no, OK, I’ll get rid of it. And the fish. I got it online. I’ll look after. OK, no, I understand. I know. I will. I’ll wipe it off. Yep. I will. Right away. Sorry. OK. Bye mom. So. Uhhh. Yep. Yeeeep yep. It is definitely not carnival time.
Capricorn: You begin to suspect that there is something going on with your neighbours next door. There are animal sounds late at night and you’re certain they have no pets. Sometimes you hear a tapping, it seems rhythmical. Almost like Morse code. How you wish you’d remembered the symbols they taught you for that when you were at school. One morning, you wake up and sit bolt upright as the sounds of a plaintive, strangled scream are quickly drowned out by a guttural groan of ecstasy, as if something huge and ancient had been satisfied in a way that only demons would commend. Sullen red illumination fades from the windows and all becomes silent once more. You resolve to ask the vicar if he’d consider wearing headphones on his Zoom calls in future.
Aquarius: You decide that you will spend the week not wearing a bra. Why not? Why shouldn’t you at least enjoy some of the more free and easy aspects of long term self-isolation. After the week, though, you sort of miss the bra, so you start wearing it again for a few days. Yeah, actually, this is kind of better. And if this is better, how good would two bras be? You try it out. Feels amazing. Why didn’t you try this before? How could you not have realised that the problem wasn’t tight bras or ill-fitting bras, or always having to wear a bra, the problem was: Not ENOUGH bras. You immediately add a third bra. Holy crap, this is the life. Five or six bras in, you’re starting to slow down a bit, not least because of the underwiring, but you feel incredible, and the SUPPORT is off the chart! The door bell rings. You clatter to answer it, now a somewhat difficult proposition given all the bras. Delivery guy leaves a large parcel on the floor to maintain social distancing, which makes picking it up a little tricky. Again. All the bras. You hobble inside and manage to pop open the parcel. Ah yes. More bras. Perfect.
Pisces: Day 37. You miss your partner. It’s been weeks now and while the occasional saucy video call has kept some semblance of intimacy together, you have needs and an itch you cannot truly scratch. Your hamster runs noisily in its catch, the wheel squeaking. The hamster gets more exercise than you these days. If only you hadn’t sold that treadmill. You feel a kinship to the hamster, tinged with guilt. Now you yourself are confined in your house, you feel bad for locking up little Hammy. In fact, you decide to let Hammy out. You share a strange kinship with Hammy now, fellow prisoners in life’s lonely cage. So lonely. Just you and Hammy. All alone. Nobody else around. Poor little Hammy. All alone, just like you. Day 38. You look at Hammy. Hammy looks at you. Tired, but loving, Hammy’s eyes seem to say a lot of things to you and you feel a different kind of guilt now, looking into them, albeit mixed with gratitude. You put an extra helping of food in the cage, fill up the water bottle and think about where you find yourself in these strange times. You glance back up at the cage and think. “They’re going to make me marry that hamster”.
YES! The vision is complete. The skies briefly whirl, the oceans dance then subside and the stars cease their jagged oscillations abruptly and settle down with some snacks to watch Netflix. You have heard the universe’s dark narrative and your brain structures are indelibly marked with what must come. Now go. And tell nobody you visited me today. The police regretfully do not consider this to be classed as an essential journey.
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algor-mo4tis · 5 years
Fem!Peter Parker Hcs
Because my mom left me in the car and I’m listening to no doubt
Infinity War Never Happens
•Is still our dorky lovable nerd.
•Full name is Penelope Marylin Parker, Marylin after her mother.
•since her old *suit* was a baggy jacket and sweats people couldn’t tell if She was a she or he so ppl just started calling her Spider-Man and she just rolls with it. If they think she’s a man it’s less of a chance she’ll get found out.
•is a soft lesbian™️
•before she became Spider-Man her hair was at a pretty decent length but when she started going out n stuff her hair became ragged and was too hard to take care off. So naturally she went to May and made up a semi-believable reason for suddenly wanting a pixie cut. May used to be a barber back in her young adult years so she didn’t have to pay for anything.
•Still went to homecoming for one second with Liz Allan/Toomes Liz put one and two together after Penny had to leave so suddenly and her dad getting arrested. She wasn’t mad or furious and suddenly hate Penny she was just... sad.
•still she went up to Penny the day after, her wounds confirming what she already knew. Penny looked at her scared and nervous but she just sat down next to her at the bleachers.
•”I know what you did, I don’t blame you I knew he wasn’t up to anything good these past few years... I just didn’t think it would be this”
•after Penny’s shock wore off they sat there and quietly chatted for a while before Liz let Penny know she would be moving soon.
•Penny was a little heartbroken. She apologized profusely but Liz never took any stateing she was glad it all happened.
•even saying Spider-Man might be her new favorite superhero with a wink and chuckle that made Penny’s breath get caught in her throat. Before Liz left she did give Penny a soft kiss. Penny’s first kiss.
• they remain in touch and are good friends, Penny Doesn’t have feelings for her anymore neither does Liz but she’s glad to have her as a friend and even more glad to have her first kiss with someone as kind and smart as Liz.
•still turns down the offer of being an Avenger and such. Happy tries his best to make up for not answering his phone during homecoming. They’re slowly getting closer and he’s doing that he likes her stories and awful jokes.
•her, shuri and Harley are all bros and give Tony and T’challa gray hairs and heart attacks.
•MJ is like a to do makeup and try out nail art on her, mostly nail art and enjoys painting avenges theme on her nails. Tony teased her about the Ironman theme for a month when he saw them.
•punched Steve Rogers in the face for Tony the second day he and his crew were back from being on the run
•I love Steve I swear
•had a crush and still kind of does on black widow up until she was thirteen
•Nat found out because of course she did and Penny had never wanted to do so much until that moment
• Ned is still her bro ofc and they hang out and build legos while MJ calls them losers and nerds and plays Call of duty n stuff. Is also low key good buddies with Flash but neither will admit it
•Has a big fat crush on MJ and MJ knows and Penny knows she knows because she’s awful at hiding feelings.
•their first date is Them going to a movie and later swinging up top of a huge building to watch the sunset.
•she is worthy and you know what I mean
•Irondad & Spiderdaughter
•Tony is a low key Protective dad when it comes to her dating but he knows MJ and knows she’s good and is more afraid of her than he lets on.
•her and Tony have full blown conversations in Italian it furstraite others and shit talk them, especially Steve and Sam and sometimes May Joins in if she’s there
•Tony signed a deal with May so now they’re co parents and share custody
•Pepper pots would also kill for Penny and you can’t change my mind
•Tony, Pepper, Natasha, Clint And Rhodey all adore her to bits and Pieces
•Clint gets her a pit bull and she names him soup
•Harley And her have a Big Brother Little Sister Relationship And it’s cute as fuck.
•and das it I might do a part two
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thatdisneydame · 5 years
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Well firstly I’ve been so excited for this streaming service since it was announced. 
My unbiased review hereto follows.
Disney+ really is nothing more than a Disney Netflix or Amazon Prime Video. For that matter it lacks a certain sparkle or “plus.” This is not to say that the streaming service itself is bad, on the contrary, not even in my own video library do I have the Disney collection that Disney+ offers, and I have almost all of the Disney Vault. What I do mean to say is that currently at this point in time I fail to see something that makes it plus.
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The home page is lacking in color, and wile that might be intentional to not deter the Marvel, Star Wars and Nat Geo fans, the fact remains that it is almost too neutral. Nothing pops. Netflix has clips and trailers playing so you don’t have to go into the show or movie to read the description, Amazon Prime Video offers the same. Disney+ does not. 
In turn however, Disney+ offers many things you would not be able to see on Netflix, Amazon, or even Apple. Disney+ offers almost the entire library of Buena Vista Pictures who have historically distributed Disney movies since Peter Pan. It also offers almost the entire Skywalker Saga, (Disney+ currently does not have episode VIII The Last Jedi but will be available Dec. 26, 2019, Solo: A Star Wars Story will be available July 9, 2020) Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, various Star Wars spinoffs such as Lego Star Wars shorts, The Clone Wars, Rebels, Resistance and other shorts. Disney+ original The Mandalorian is also available and takes place roughly five years after the fall of the Empire. It also includes a large portion of the Infinity Saga, Marvel series such as Agent Carter, Inhumans and other animated Marvel stories.
Like many streaming services, Disney+ has Disney+ originals including 
The Mandalorian, Encore!, High School Musical The Musical: The Series, Forky Asks  A Question, The Imagineering Story, The World According To Jeff Goldblum, Marvel: Hero Project, Pixar In Real Life, Sparkshorts Collection, Family Sundays, Lady and the Tramp, and Noelle. 
Currently these are the only originals available, but Disney has announced in the past that there are MANY plans for other original content including Marvel’s What if? Marvel’s Loki, an unnamed Cassian and K-2SO Star Wars series, an unnamed Obi-One Kenobi Star Wars series. While I do not know the full reason, Disney+ has only released one episode a week of its original series such as The Mandalorian, Encore!, and High School Musical The Musical: The Series. I can speculate a business reason may be to keep people after their free trial ends. On the other hand in terms of original content, quantity speaking, Disney+ does not have a large selection and to make up for a lack of content they are releasing episodes weekly. It is possible in the future that Disney+ will release whole series once more content is available. This is a BIG if, and may or may not happen. It would be silly not to. When talking about why Netflix releases whole seasons at once in an article from the tech and entertainment website BGR written in February of 2016, Netflix content boss (yes that is his real title), Ted Sarandos says “The move away from appointment television is enormous. So why are you going to drag people back to something they’re abandoning in huge numbers?” In summary of the article in general people have moved to binged watch TV in droves. People prefer to binge watch whole shows and move on to the next show instead of watching one episode of multiple shows a week. I asked myself the same question when Apple TV+ originals such as The Morning Show was released, but even Apple had the first three episodes available to watch.
With Disney’s acquisition of Fox I expected more than Avatar and the Simpsons to be available, but maybe in the coming years we will see more. For everything Fox Disney did and did not acquire click the link to a screenrant article. 
All in all I am pleased with this service. With their original content, and with past content available from Walt Disney Studios, Disney Animation Studios, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and Nat Geo I have no problem with what I am paying. While I do not currently see a “Plus” I know that in the coming years Tinker Bell will use some Pixie Dust to add the magic it needs, and that potential is what I am sure will keep pushing Disney to make a truly fantastic streaming service.
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