#please drop by whenever i miss your presence so much
tuiyla · 2 years
remember when the girls are singing ‘the first time ever i saw your face’ and santana’s thinking about that time she and brittany made eyes in the locker rooms.. they were so cruel for just slipping that in there, zero context. i’ll actually never be over it -dan (also hi i miss u)
Omg Dan hi 🥰 ngl I was hoping I'd see you around eventually. I'm still in mourning for your blog and the dash is a lot emptier without it but I get it. Miss uuu tho who's gonna shit on Bram now? smh
To the question, boy DO I. It was cruel but I'm desperate enough that I become obsessed with any all Brittana crumbs and especially that one. I mean,,,, woah. Amazing, breathtaking. I shall never get over it. How can Santana express so much through something so simple. I don't even care what the context was (I do) because it speaks for itself but also aaaaah.
Coming to think of it Santana's line breakup "i counted the number of times you'd smile at me" is context enough for me. Are you KIDDING ffs how am I supposed to go on after that. I mean, fuck. If Brittana's only two scenes in the series were this flashback and a 5 second clip of Santana saying that, I'd still be hopelessly in love with them
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What do you think? Is this towards the beginning of them knowing each other, one of the first Cheerios practices? After they first made out? After they first slept with each other? After they officially get together? My headcanon has sort of always just been that it's none of the above, simply just one of the many many moments when Santana would look at Brittany in awe and stop for a second to consider how in love she is. That mundanity somehow makes it more special for me because this moment didn't need something special, it's just how Santana looks when Brittany smiles.
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moonsaver · 2 months
I cant stop thinking about being a possible singer from the Iris Family?? Their family is usually responsible for the major "talent" productions that practically are responsible for the entertainment... also Siobhan as hints to what the Iris family would be like.
You were a singer.
Barely a singer, to be fair.
It was for the sake of your little compartment of a family. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and you scraped out every last bit of your talents. The one which seems to be lasting the longest, seems to be singing.
You did what you had to. You sang until your throat was raw and hurt, practiced day and night until your ears were sick of your own voice, passed through every elimination tests that were conducted – all so you could have a stabilized, bolted place in the Iris Family, if it meant you and your parents and siblings weren't kicked out.
And, you weren't the best. And certainly not as good as Robin – the gem of the Oak Family. It was ironic, but it didn't matter. Not to you. As long as it kept your family secure, you endured. The comparisons, the hushed, barely pleased audience as they only took your performance as stalling time for the "real stars" of the show, the side-glances all of your other relatives threw your way. It was fine. You told yourself so. It was fine as long as you, your parents and your siblings were secured.
Risks weren't an option for you. Not when you had too much to lose.
Sunday has learned to appreciate frequency over output.
Times where schedules had to be rearranged last minute, performances strained and announcements elongated to squeeze out any extra amount of coverage for a missing show, routine dismantled and put together in real time as the neverending perfect show went on.
In all of those times, Sunday kept a usual eye on everyone. Their names, roles, status, popularity, preferences. And most importantly – their reliability.
You were an average performer. But your reliability was notable to Sunday. Oftentimes he found himself looking for you first and foremost for an improvised concert, whenever things even threatened to go awry. He knew perhaps you obliged out of self-interest or a simple fear of upsetting The Head of the Oak Family, but you were reliable in your own way. A simple glance your way and a nod was enough to signal you for advance preparation for improvisation, repeated song lyrics at the tip of your tongue.
If you were lucky, sometimes Sunday would repay you by scheduling you for an opening performance for a small-time event, or letting you in on the recent trends, the general public opinion towards your show, or even drop some personal hints for you to improve.
That was all you were. A reliable stand-in for when there were a disarray of clarity, disagreements upon disagreements, confusion stagnating the scheduling.
Until, you became so much more in a simple moment of disillusion.
A break is in order, Sunday believes. He clicks his pen continuously, the sound echoing in the vast space of the room, bouncing off of the sterile, empty walls.
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.
5 times.
6 times.
Sunday's restless mind comes to a small halt when he inhales sharply, constraining his fingers. His shaking hand gently places the pen onto the flat, neatly organized desk, back where it belongs. He rests his chin on his hands. Thinking and listing everything on his agenda for the day.
A tandem of knocks resound from the smooth wooden surface of the door.
"Mr. Sunday?"
Ah. It's you.
He supposes his asisstants and servants don't realize he's noticed the recent pattern as of late. Whenever something changes in the schedule that could possibly threaten to dampen his mood or displease him, they send you in as some sort of collateral. He's gotten used to your presence enough to not mind it.
"Come in."
Short, quick clicks of your heels accompany the entering of your figure into the room. Your front is warmly illuminated by the yellow lighting of the room.
"Changes have been decided within the schedule again."
"As expected."
He gets up from the leather chair with a subtle creak, the steps of his shoes muffled by the carpet. He walks around his table, fingers trailing across the ridges of the masterfully crafted desk.
"Can I ask a favor of you, as always?"
"Of course."
His wings slightly flutter, pleased at the response. You can tell, despite his back facing you.
His fingers trail and come to a slow halt at the edge of the desk. His index finger taps on the surface.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
5 times.
Ah, you think. He's anxious.
"Mr. Sunday?"
His finger stops, you note.
"I've heard guests have taken more to berry-flavored items as of late."
He chuckles a bit, softly.
"There's an uprising trend. Berry-flavored items have been on the rise, and as such, food follows."
Sunday half theorizes it could be due to the recent intreview Robin had. Strawberry flavored lipgloss was something she mentioned in particular.
"Ah. I see. So I suppose those colors may also influence the recent fashion trends?"
Sunday hums, in thought.
The moment is interrupted by an abrupt knock at the door.
"Mr. Sunday, there's a few tasks that need your approval to go ahead."
The male asisstant's voice resounds confidently through the previously quiet room. Sunday looks over at you and nods. You turn to take your leave. You can only hope it was enough of a reprieve for him.
"It seems fashion trends are inspired, aswell."
Sunday mentions, standing beside you. His eyes are watchful, analyzing the current performance from behind the curtains.
"I see."
You respond. Making conversation was not your strongsuit. Sunday smiles slightly at your awkwardness.
He continued the conversation after a few moments, talking about color palettes, scents, and general observable trends. Your usual,basic gowns and dresses will now see a noticeable change, due to Sunday's suggestions.
He admits, even at times, he looks forward to them. Sometimes, as foolish as it sounds, he slips in a mix of his own personal opinion, thinly disguised as the "general preference", which manages to then take presidence over your usual pick of gowns. He won't admit it, but he secretly does enjoy sometimes "picking out" your outfits. It's never harmed anyone in the long run, and Sunday's personal theories of whichever color would look good on you are confirmed.
"May I ask.. what this is..?"
The artificial, blue light of the Dreamscape softly highlights Sunday's face, as he stands before you with a pleased look. The same, usual smile on his face.
"I believe incorporating a few gold accents into your palette may help."
You look at the black, velvet bag; the ends of it scrunched into a closure. Your fingers gently pry it open and meddle around a bit, before they pull out a single, gold earring. It glimmers wonderfully under the soft, blue light. There's a flower at the very top with an encrusted diamond, from which a long, elegant thread of gold dangles, ending into a small golden stalk.
You curiously examine it, slightly dangling it to inspect the weight and movement of the accessory.
Sunday walks toward you with a few, short strides, and holds out his hand.
You look at his open, gloved palm, then him.
You inhale deeply, before taking off your current earrings and placing them onto his hand, and gently replacing their former stations with the new earrings. Sunday places your previous earrings into the velvet bag, and glances at your ears, then you.
"Consider it a.. company gift."
How fanciful.
"Thank you for your generosity."
Sunday's eyes linger on your ears, then trail down to the junction of your jaw. His eyes close as his smiles widens slightly.
To be fair, he wanted more.
Sunday has been getting closer to you as of late.
Because you wouldn't imagine ever being this close in proximity to Robin of all people.
Her lips are glossy with a strawberry tint, and her eyes are a beautiful lake green, you note. You also take note of the fact she's much more warmer and approachable than she is appeared to be on digital surfaces.
Both of you engage in polite conversation, her taking the lead, noticing your awkwardness. She's sweet, and understanding. She discusses general things regarding singing and songwriting. You take her for a very warm individual. It's no wonder she's a well-liked popstar. Talent alone can take you so far.
What you also wouldn't imagine is her managing to entangle you within her daily affairs. She leads you to private rooms, asks for advice on outfits, practice, and all sorts of things, despite the contrast of your styles almost bizzare, you oblige anyway.
And it's almost brazenly obvious she's trying to get you and Sunday to spend more time alone outside of work.
It's of no coincidence that she suddenly has to leave and take care of a few things or shuffle around a bit outside whenever Sunday manages to pop in and check up on you two. It wouldn't have been so uncomfortable if for the fact, Sunday's eyes are always lingering on your ears.
Once, he'd taken note that you'd been wearing them more often to your performances and shows. It can't be helped – you've gained more popularity and as a result, keener eyes inspect your choice of practically everything. Including your earrings. Your fans aren't hesitant to point out how exquisite and specific the craftsmanship of your earrings are, and it's not long before your fans have understood it was gifted to you. By who, became the newest sensation regarding you. Petty rumors were incriminating, but you suppose if it brought you more fans, it was enough.
Sunday chuckles softly when you briefly touch on the subject.
It wasn't long before he'd gotten you another pair as a result.
You only worry about paying him back, more and more.
There are a plethora of thorns on Sunday's side. Many, of which the public, and many members of the Oak Family aren't privy to.
One of them was currently busy darkening his doorstep;
The IPC.
Or rather specifically – Aventurine.
What he wasn't expecting, was for you to be an exclusive invitee to his mischief.
You were rather in an unlucky spot. You had always considered your luck to be rusty, having struggled so much just for average recognition and a barely tangible career that's keeping your family afloat.
On top of that, you were being heavily persuaded by Aventurine, who was persistent in his offer to you. His desperation was more than obvious, like a nervous dog waiting for the bone toss, holding you in place with a firm grip on your arm. It didn't help that he'd forced his way into your hotel room aswell.
And Sunday just witnessed the pinnacle of this forsaken deal.
"Mr. Sunday."
After a beat of silence, you pathetically try to step in,
"I see you've taken to familiarizing with my employees."
Sunday's smile remains well plastered on his face. Aventurine only smiles back.
"I was actually in the middle of striking a deal. There's always opportunities in the best of places, right?" Aventurine side-eyes you. You shrink back a bit.
"My employees are unfortunately off-limits to contracts from unauthorized branches. I look for your understanding in this.. complicated form of approach."
You watch Aventurine's smile strain. Sunday continues.
"Perhaps, if you are in need of a singer, I may direct you to an appropriate employee from the Iris Family to search for someone."
"That won't be necessary. I wasn't looking for a singer. You don't think that's all they're talented at, do you?"
Sunday's eyes slightly sharpen at him. Aventurine's smile becomes more genuine.
"Oh, you've positively ruined the mood. I guess it's just not my lucky day, and it looks like I'm not getting a deal with you anytime soon."
Aventurine's eyes hone in on you. You stand stiffly, your arm tense from the uncertainty your body feels physically.
His grip loosens, languidly. You'd think he was doing it slowly on purpose if not to tick off Sunday more.
"I'll take my leave, then."
Aventurine breezes past Sunday, rounding the corner of the door. He casts one last glance to you as the turns.
His footsteps echo down the hallway. As soon as they fade, Sunday's smile drops slightly.
"Are you perhaps.. unhappy with your current circumstances?"
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hazbinwhoree · 2 months
adam is a criminal. the underwear kind, got new underwear? gone after a few uses. got regular underwear? also gone. you dont mind. but you do ask he gives each pair back about 2 weeks after kidnapping them. your poor babies, god knows what Adam does with them while they're not in your possession. actually do tell us, what does he do with them?
Panties Thief
A/N: Adam’s a perv, he’d totally do this.
Whenever (Name) goes to do her laundry, she notices she’s missing panties that she definitely remembers putting in the hamper. Two weeks later, Adam would give them back. (Name) had a pretty good idea of what he was doing with them, but Adam handed them back so casually she couldn’t call him out.
New pairs, old pairs, if they were worn, they were stolen.
It was Tuesday afternoon, one o’clock to be precise, and (Name) was headed home. She was never home around one, so Adam wouldn’t be expecting her. (Name) thought nothing of that fact until she walked up and into their room.
Adam was laying on the bed, a pair of her panties held up to his nose, jerking off. (Name)’s jaw dropped. She should be offended, disgusted even, but for some reason it was the hottest thing she’d ever seen Adam do.
“So that’s what you do with them,” she announced, making her presence known.
Adam jumped, shoving the panties under the pillows and sitting up to stare at (Name), wide-eyed. “W-what the fuck are you doing home?”
(Name) grinned. “Hiding them under the pillow? I saw you Adam.” Adam swallowed. (Name) approached him, pushing him onto his back on the bed and crawling on top of him. He wasn’t wearing his mask, to (Name)’s pleasant surprise.
“No mask?”
“Can’t fully smell with it,” Adam mumbled, embarrassed.
(Name) grinned, running her hands up his chest. “That’s fair. So often do you do this? I’m guessing quite often considering how many of my panties you take.”
Adam was looking anywhere but her. His dick was still out and half hard, and (Name) grabbed it. Adam choked. (Name) began pumping her fist and Adam moaned, quickly becoming fully hard again. (Name) smirked.
“You’ve been having all this fun without me.”
Adam scowled. “I only do it when you’re not here to fuck.”
(Name) let go of his dick, much to his dismay, but his disappointment was quickly dissipated when she began to tug down her pants and panties. When she was bare on her lower half, she climbed into Adam’s lap and straddled his dick.
Adam reached up and pulled (Name)’s shirt over her head before his hands snuck around her back and he unclipped her bra.
(Name) grinded down on his dick and Adam groaned, feeling how wet she was.
“Well I’m here for you to fuck now.”
Adam tossed the panties to the floor. He pushed (Name) off him and onto her back, covering her small frame with his large one, pinning her to the bed. He didn’t bother with foreplay, which he figured they’d technically already done.
(Name) was wet enough anyway.
He lined himself up with her opening and thrust in all at once. (Name) cried out and threw her head back. Her nails scraped down his back.
Adam began to roll his hips, his thrusts very quickly picking up in speed and intensity. (Name) moaned and whined with each thrust, one hand scratching Adam’s back and the other hand tangling in the hair at the back of his head.
The room was filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin, pants and moans. Adam grunted, hips slamming against (Name) as he pounded into her.
“I love you,” Adam panted. “I’m glad you’re home.”
(Name) giggled, out of breath. “And I’m glad I figured out what you do with all my panties.”
Adam chuckled breathily. “Whatever.” He thrust particularly hard and (Name) cried out, clenching around him. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
It didn’t take much longer for Adam’s thrusts to become sloppy and sporadic as he neared his climax. “Gonna fucking cum in you,” he mumbled against (Name)’s forehead. (Name) whimpered. “Please.”
Her neediness pushed Adam over the edge and with one final thrust he pushed all of himself into her and painted her womb white. (Name)’s tightening around him milked every drop from him as she came right after.
“Fuck,” Adam gasped, trying to catch his breath. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from (Name)’s heaving chest. He felt his dick twitch.
“Wanna go again?”
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withleeknow · 6 months
away from you.
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff, a touch of angst if you squint and then close your eyes entirely, unedited 🤷‍♀️ word count: 0.9k listen to 🎧: what i'm leaving for - lady antebellum note: yet another est. rel drabble because this is purely self-indulgent and i miss him very much lol
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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when you hear the key turn in the lock, you're up from the couch in a blink of an eye.
a pile of jittery nerves and longing, that's what you've been reduced to.
you will yourself to wait - the most patient you think you've been in a long time - until he hauls his suitcases past the threshold, until he takes off his coat and hangs it on the hook in the entryway, until he kicks off his shoes and places them neatly next to yours, until the keys are in the bowl, until he lets out a heavy but relieved sigh before shuffling further into your shared home.
you feel like you could cry the very second your eyes land on him. it's been months since you've been in the same room as him - exactly three and a half months, because you have been counting. counting down the days until he returns, until you're back in his embrace again.
not all of the lights are turned on, but there isn't a single part of you that cares about whether or not your living room is properly lit. you launch yourself at him with a force that sends him stumbling backward until his sweater-clad torso softly lands on the wall. minho gasps - a slightly alarmed oof! - but soon relaxes when he recognizes the familiar and comforting scent of your shampoo.
he greets you with a laugh, light and relieved, like a massive weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
"hi," you sniffle, feeling his arms wrap around your body, holding you tightly against his chest. god, it's not even dramatic to admit that you've been dreaming of this.
"hi," he says, voice muffled as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, his soft hair tickling your skin. "why are you still up? i told you not to wait up for me."
"it's only 1am."
"but i know you've had a long week."
"don't care."
it's true. you can't bring yourself to care about the hellish week you've had because all of those troubles seem to melt away in his presence. you wouldn't even care if his flight had landed at 5 in the morning, because you would have stayed up the whole night to wait for him anyway.
minho makes everything better for you.
"i'm all gross from the plane," he says, though he doesn't ease his hold on you at all.
"don't care."
"you missed me that much?" there's something playful in his tone as he asks you this, partly because he always wants to tease you for being down bad for him, partly because he can sense that you're about to turn into a crybaby.
you pull back just enough to look at his face, his striking features illuminated only by the dim lights. but even then, he's still stunning. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...
you pout with teary eyes as your fingers trace his cheek, his jawline, his sharp nose that you love so much. "don't make fun of me," you say, though your voice comes out a bit wobbly. "you know i missed you so fucking much."
he chuckles fondly at your language, his big eyes glimmering like a north star, before he dips his head to finally kiss you. and it's fucking liberating, the first kiss that you've shared in months.
his lips move languidly against yours, like he's trying to savor the moment, trying to commit to memory the taste of you because these instances tend to hit him the hardest even if he doesn't always tell you that.
he absolutely hates it when he has to be away from you, but whenever he returns and gets to have you again, it always makes the love burst tenfold in him. absence makes the heart grow fonder - maybe there’s some truth in that.
he kisses you until you're both out of breath, until he has to reluctantly pull away so your lungs wouldn't burn out. "i missed you too," he mumbles, his lips brushing yours with every syllable he speaks. "missed you so much i thought i was going to die."
you laugh at the theatrics of his words, and then you cry, a single tear overflowing and rolling down your cheek, which minho quickly brushes away with his thumb. "a little dramatic," you comment.
"i was miserable. ask anyone."
you roll your eyes, feeling the slight burn behind them as you hold onto him, clutching his sweater to keep him close to you.
“you’re never allowed to leave me for that long ever again.”
with an amused eyebrow raised, minho says, “then how long am i allowed to leave you for?”
“five hours.”
“five hours? that’s not even a whole work day.”
you pretend to be in thought, then pretend to compromise. “okay, fine. eight hours.”
his eyes crinkle with mirth as he looks at you, so incredibly endeared by the adorable pout on your lips and the glassy look in your eyes, by you pawing at his chest like you never want him to leave.
he doesn’t want to leave either. he just wants to stay by your side forever.
“god, i missed you so much,” minho breathes out, then leans down to rest his forehead against yours, nudging your nose with his along the way. “i’m sorry i was away for so long.”
“you’re here now. that’s all that matters.”
he kisses you again, even softer and slower this time. he adores you so much that it feels like his heart is about to give out.
“i’m home now. i love you.”
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 18.12.2023]
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justmeinadaze · 3 months
Don't Be So Hard Part 2 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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Warnings: Older Steddie (Early 30s), Dom Coach Steve Harrington/ Dom Professor Eddie Munson/ Sub (Early 20s) Plus Size Fem Y/N
SMUT! Jealousy fueled smut, mean!Steddie, punishment (spanking), degrading (whore, slut, dumb), hair pulling, semi public (in Eddie's office on campus), use of the stop light system (Yellow mentioned), aftercare of course.
ANGST! Angsty, angsty, angst (because I'm me), Steddie gets jealous when reader starts dating a boy she acts with on stage even in the beginning they push her away to "protect her". They do catch her with him after they both have particular bad day/evening.
Mentions of Chrissy and their scars again. Mentions of what happened with reader and the football player in the last chapter (brief).
Word Count: 4349
Chapter 1 Here
As your alarm went off that following Monday, you stayed completely frozen in bed. That Sunday morning prior, you awoke to an empty house and a note telling you that your car was outside and your things were by the door whenever you were ready to leave. 
You were unsure of what to do. Do you leave your number? Do you wait and confront them? Did they just want this to be a one-time thing? Were you supposed to pretend nothing happened? 
Now with the new week starting, you had brand new concerns like if Martin would be in class and what would he even say or do? 
Braving the outside world, you got dressed and headed for your first class. As you stepped inside, you were thankful Martin wasn’t there but your bliss was short lived when a hand lightly but firmly ushered you forward. 
“Find a seat Miss Y/L/N.”, Eddie commands without so much as a cursory glance your way as he heads towards his desk. As the class continues, he avoids your eyes, choosing to look anywhere else as he speaks making you feel extremely self-conscious as you hug your arms around your body. 
“Alright, you guys are free. Get out of here. Miss Y/L/N, can you stay behind please?”
“Yeah, of course.”
While you wait for the class to leave, your eyes take in his slightly agitated frame. His hair was a bit more messy than normal and his clothes were not as put together as before. The aroma of cigarettes was heavier around him and even as you slowly walked towards his desk at the front of the room, he still didn’t look your way. 
“D-D-Did I do something wrong?”
“Uh, no, Y/N; Steve and I did.” When his beautiful hues finally met yours, they seemed so hollow as if he hadn’t slept. “What happened was a mistake and can’t…WON’T…happen again. To avoid any further confusion, I would recommend you get a transfer to another literature class or drop my class entirely. I’d be more than happy to sign a form for you.”
Your eyes widen as he speaks completely thrown off guard. You could understand if they wanted it to be a one-time thing but to say it was a mistake…that hurt.
“I don’t want to drop or transfer.”, you whisper. 
“Yeah, well, this isn’t just about you, sweetheart.”, he responded curtly making you angry.
“Fuck you.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Fuck you. If you didn’t want me you should have just took me back home.”
“Forgive us for considering your feelings and shit. We wanted to make sure you were ok.”
“By fucking me like a whore!”
“Lower…your…voice.”, Eddie growled as he started to step around his desk, pausing when you backed away.
“I didn’t think it was a mistake.”, you mumble.
The professor chuckled condescendingly as he folded his arms over his chest. 
“I wouldn’t expect you to, little girl, but like I said, WE fucked up. Go back to your pathetic little life and forget about us.”
“Did you give Chrissy Cunningham the same option?”, you sass under your breath, immediately regretting your words when his chocolate irises shift your way and you see the pain behind them. 
You jump at Steve’s booming voice as he enters the classroom and promptly hang your head feeling like a small child getting caught saying a bad word. His presence towers heavily over you as he places himself just inches in front of your frame. 
“That’s your professor and MY partner. You will show him respect.”
Blinking away tears, you find the courage to meet his equally annoyed gaze.
“Or what? You’ll punish me? I’m a mistake according to your partner!”
Grabbing your arm tightly, the coach starts shoving you towards Eddie’s office in the back corner with the professor himself slamming it closed behind him. 
“Lower your goddamn voice.” Sighing, he turned to his boyfriend. “Did you tell her?”
“I emphasized that we made a mistake but she doesn’t seem to agree.”
“Why are you doing this? Did you…I thought…was I that bad?”, you ask in a small voice that shatters their hearts to pieces and falters their hardened demeanors. 
“No, Y/N—”
“I don’t understand then. I thought you were attracted me.”
“We were…are…—”
“Were you just using me? Is that why you two were gone when I woke up?”
“STOP INTERRUPTING ME! Jesus Christ! I’m trying to fucking tell you something here! You did NOTHINGwrong. Do you hear me? Nothing. Eddie was right. You’re a twenty something student who’s so fucking beautiful she deserves to be seen and live her fucking life! We’ve been hiding for 10 years, Y/N, I assure you it’s no picnic.”
“Sweetheart, we liked being with you and not just the sex the part. It was nice to feel needed for once… but like he said…It’s not just because you’re a student. There’s so much more to it. You deserve better.”
Wiping your eyes, you nod as you stand up straighter. 
“You could have just said that… Um, I’m sorry for what I said to you, Mr. Munson and giving you both attitude. I-I-I would like to stay in the class please. I promise I won’t…make trouble.”
Eddie nods as you flash them a small smile and quickly run out the door to collect your things. 
The next month went by with little to note as you floated through your days. Eddie barely looked your way during class and when you ran on the track Steve was never there. The one time you did see him was as Martin’s father was stomping out of the locker room and you got a glimpse of the coach fuming in his office.
Focusing on your production, you continued to rehearse your lines repeatedly till you had them down to a T but when it came to your scenes with the boy playing Rocky you found yourself slightly nervous and it wasn’t just because he was gorgeous to look at. 
Every time he glanced your way during any scene he was in made you blush. One day, you were doing a dress rehearsal with him wearing only gold boxers and you with your bra, panties, and a lab coat. When he walked out your eyes immediately ran over his delicious looking abs before averting your eyes so you didn’t get caught. 
“Brad. Janet. What do you think of my creation?” 
“Oh, well, I don’t like a man with too much muscle.”
The boy beamed in your direction before ducking his head like he was supposed to. As soon as you finished, you expected him to disappear to quickly put on some clothes but he lingered behind with you on stage.
“You’re really good at all this.”, he grins as he gestures around the auditorium.
“Oh, um, thank you. I haven’t seen you in any of my classes or any other productions. Are you a theater kid or did you just transfer?”
“Naw, the school said I had to have some kind of arts credit and I thought this would be fun. Mrs. Lilah comes to the arcade that I work at sometimes so I know she’s a cool, easy-going lady…kind of like you…but not as pretty.”
You giggle as you push some hair behind your ear and he smiles. 
“Can I, um, may I have your number?”
After giving it to him, his smile grows as he extends his hand out to you. 
“I’m Theodore but my friend’s call me Theo.”
As your hand connects with his, he playfully bows and kisses the back of it. 
“I’ll talk to you later.”
You grin as you watch him run off stage but it’s wiped clean off your face when you turn to grab some of your things, coming face to face with Eddie who had been watching your interaction from one of the rows in the auditorium while your teacher was talking to him. 
Throughout the week, Eddie began appearing at all the rehearsals and the last few times he brought Steve with him. You ignored them as best you could, doing your scenes and listening to what your director was telling you. 
It wasn’t until the evening you had your scene with you ‘naked’ in the container with Theo that they said a word. 
“Hey Liliah! Are you sure this play is a good idea? I mean having them getting caught being intimate and then you have two students that close together in front of an audience…like that.”, Eddie critiqued as you pretend to not be listening.
“Huh. Out of all the people in Hawkins I thought you would condone this more. Its expression and these students are consenting adults. Y/N! Theo! Do you two feel uncomfortable about the scene right now?”
“No ma’am.”, the boy responds with zero hesitation. 
“No ma’am. I feel extremely comfortable and safe next to Theo here.”, you coo as you lean your head on his shoulder and he in turn wraps his arm around you.
As the night came to a close and you gathered your things behind the curtain, you were surprised to hear both men’s voices as they continued to sit in the auditorium.
“I fucking hate this, I hope you know that.”
“I know but we both agreed this was best.”, Steve exhaled heavily. 
“Fuck, every time his hands touch her I just wanna—“, Eddie growls as his partner chuckles.
“Yeah and every time she allows it, I wish I could just throw her over my knee. You know she’s getting off on it though; making us jealous.”
“Well, it’s working because I want to fuck her so hard and make her scream my name repeatedly till she fucking remembers who she belongs to.”
A small groan leaves your lips at his words. You desperately wanted that to but they pushed you away. Theo seemed like a good man and if they insisted on not being with you there wasn’t much you could do. 
Sitting in the bleachers Friday night, you clung to Theo’s hand as you two watched the football game unfold. Since Martin was removed from the team, Steve had a new quarterback in play and everyone was talking about it. Every missed throw or tackle had him growing angrier as he paced back and forth fuming. 
People around you speculated what could have happened and parents condemned him for removing his star player from the team. If only they knew… Hell they’d probably take Martin’s side. Everyone in the town had a backwards way of thinking.
“Hey, are you alright?”, Theo asked, not realizing that you had squeezed his palm tighter. 
“Yeah, just, um…hearing people talk…”
“About what happened with Martin?”, he inquired with a low tone so no one would hear. “The game’s almost over. Do you want to go for a walk?”
He grins when you nod, leading you down the row and towards campus. 
“I’m sorry you went through that. Guy is a fucking dick.”
“Yeah, he is, but…”
“But nothing. Just because he’s king badass or whatever doesn’t mean he can hurt you like that. Have you heard anything yet from like the dean or anyone?”
“No, not yet. I haven’t even see Martin. I’m terrified what he’s going to do when we do run into each other.”
“I’ll protect you.”
“Oh, you will, huh?”, you smile as he flashes you his own.
“I will, babe. These abs just aren’t show!”, Theo chuckles. “So, um, are you like Janet? Are you not into guys with muscles?”
Biting your bottom lip, you blush as he grabs your arm to stop you two from walking down the hall. 
“Because I can get some flab if you want me to. I can gain like a sexy paunch and—”
You laugh before tilting up on your toes to tenderly kiss his lips. 
“I think you’re sexy just as you are.”
Theo’s hand slides behind your neck and brings your lips back to his, kissing you with much more passion as he walks you back into a classroom. Feeling something hard against your back, the boy doesn’t miss a beat as he lifts you onto the desk and you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you as he grinds his hips against yours. 
“I’m not…moving…too fast am I?”, he pants between kisses causing you to vigorously shake your head. “Good…your lips…taste really…really fucking good.”
You both jump apart as Eddie and Steve angrily enter the classroom. 
“The fuck do you think this is?! A bedroom!?”, your professor shouts. “Sex and making out on campus is prohibited but it’s definitely forbidden on my fucking desk.”
Glancing around the room, you realize you were in his classroom.
“I swear, Mr. Munson, we didn’t know this was your room?”
“So, that makes it better?”, Steve snaps sharply. “You disrespecting other people’s property by grinding on it?”
“No, sir.”
“Please Mr. Munson, Coach Harrington, this isn’t her fault. I brought her in here—”
“She doesn’t have a mind of her own? From what I saw she was a willing participant.”, Eddie cut him off. “Get out of my sight and be lucky we don’t tell the dean or Lilah about this.”
“Yes, sir, thank you.”
Taking your hand in his, Theo starts to lead you to the door before Steve grabs your bicep.
“No. Don’t want you both leaving together and ending up in another room on campus. You can wait a few minutes, Miss Y/L/N.”
As soon as the door shuts and your date leaves, the coach tugs you roughly towards the office before Eddie bangs the door behind him.
“I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t know—”
“Face the wall.”, the coach commanded, growling when you hesitate. “I said face the wall and place your hands against it.” 
Slowly, you do as he says, gasping when he roughly takes hold of your hips and brings them out more before lifting your skirt to expose your panty covered ass.
“I’m surprised she has panties on. Fucking little slut seemed so desperate for his cock.” Steve’s palm came down hard and you jerked forward at the feeling. “Don’t move! Keep your ass out.”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Harrington.”
In quick succession, he spanked you a couple more times, his hand grabbing at your flesh before delivering another. Fingers aggressively yank down your underwear and he spanks you again. 
“Jesus, Ed, look at her. Fucking pussy is dripping. You’re so fucking needy aren’t you, little girl.” When you didn’t respond, he hit your behind much harder than before. “Answer me!”
“Yes…yes, sir, I’m a needy girl. Ahhhh…”, you whine as he hits you again.
Hearing him back away and shuffle around behind you causes you to turn your head but he immediately forces your face forward with his palm as he smushes your cheek into the wall. 
“Don’t fucking look at me. You want to be a whore? We can treat you like a whore, Y/N.”
Running his tip through your folds, he guides himself into your entrance and sets a brutal pace allowing you no time to adjust like they had before. Out of the corner of your eye, you see one of his hands fall on the other side of your head as his other spanks you before gripping your hips.
“Is this what you—mmph—what you fucking wanted, little girl? You think that little boy can fuck you better? Huh?”
“No—mmm—no, Mr. Harrington.”
“That’s fucking right.”, Steve grunts as he slows his rhythm but not his intensity as he slams his cock deep inside you.
“Oh…Oh my god.”
“Yeah, you little slut? That’s the spot. I know, baby. I know how to please desperate, needy things like you.”
“I…I don’t…understand…”, you whine.
“What? What doesn’t your dumb little brain understand? Why you’re being punished?”
“Yeeeesss. This is what you—fuck—what you wanted.”
Pulling out, he spun you around, hooking his arm under the back of your knee to lift your leg and slides his length back inside of you.
“This is what we wanted? For you to fuck some other guy on Eddie’s desk? To…to touch him on stage while you’re practically fucking naked?”
Your hands tug on his hair forcing him to meet your lust filled gaze.
“I-I wanted you two.”
Your mouth falls open in a silent moan as you cling to the base of the neck and cum hard around him. Steve’s head falls onto your shoulder as he pounds his cock harder into your cunt chasing his release before gripping your hair tightly in his fingers and pushing you to your knees. 
“Open!” You do what he says, moaning as he forces his dick into your mouth. “Look at me! Don’t take those eyes off me.” When your irises meet his honey ones, they flutter slightly as he thrusts his cock down your throat. “Th-That’s it, baby. I want this burned into that dumb little brain of yours. MMM! That way when you’re on your knees for him, you think of me.”
Steve grunts and his grip tightens as he spills down your throat. Your eyes never leave his as you swallow every drop he gives you. 
As soon as he steps back and out of the way, Eddie’s on you, lifting you to your feet and manhandling you to the couch against the wall of his office. Spreading your legs open wide, you groan loudly as he shoves his face into your pussy, open mouth kissing between your folds as his tongue flicks your clit.
“P-Please…Please, Mr. Munson.”
Your hands try to tangle in his hair but he promptly grabs your wrist and holds it against the sofa. Tilting back, he spits into your hole before maneuvering his cock out of his jeans and guiding it into your heat. 
“No, little girl. You don’t get to fucking touch me. Your hands have been all over your new boyfriend.”, he says with disgust as he rolls his hips hard making his length slam roughly into that spongy spot inside you. “Fuck, sweetheart. Have you fucked him yet?”
When you don’t answer, his palm spanks you hard. 
“No what.”, he growls as he hits you again.
“N-No, sir.”
“Shame. I’d love to—mmph fuck—know what that little fucker says when he realizes you’re ruined.”, Eddie spits as he pumps into you a bit faster. “You begged us to, baby, remember? To split you in half a-and stretch you open. Fuck. Still so fucking tight for us but little prick like him…”
Leaning down to hover over you, the metalhead grips your throat tightly between his ringed fingers.
“You say it correctly, whore. You’re in MY office in MY classroom.”
“F-Fuck…I’m sorry, Mr. Munson…feels so…good..”
“I know, baby. I know it feels good. You know what didn’t? Watching you flirt and swoon over that asshole on stage. Watching him touch you and you not pull away. Didn’t take you long to move on from us. What did—mmm—we fucking expect. You’re meant to be a toy, Y/N. Just a fucking slut for men like us to use.”, he growls in anger, completely oblivious to the tears that had begun to fall from your eyes. 
“Yellow.” Your word comes out barely above a whisper; so small you’re surprised he heard it. Eddie lifted his head as his movements stopped, his eyes scanning your face as he blinks back his anger and worry replaces it. “I didn’t move on. I wanted you…I liked being with you. You pushed me away… Y-You said so many mean things after class…”
Your professor sighs as his forehead falls on yours.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m so fucking sorry for hurting you. Can I make you feel good? Can you say it?”, he requests when all you do is nod. 
“Yes, sir, you can keep going.”
When he starts thrusting into you again, it’s much gentler than before. 
“We didn’t use you that night, Y/N. Fuck, you have no idea how much we still think about you.”
“We talk about you at night while we’re in bed.”, Steve adds in low, soft voice behind your head. “It almost always leads to us playing with each other as we talk about how tight you were or how much your whimpers made us hard.”
Your eyes flutter closed at their words as Eddie picks up his rhythm once again. 
“Shit. You feel so good. We-We don’t just talk about your body but we like how kind you are and so fucking smart, princess. I love reading your essays about the books I assign. You have this—oh my—this unique view of the world…”
“Why-Why did you push me away?”
Falling flat against you, he clings to you back as he rolls his hips and his cock pushes impossibly deep inside of you. 
“Because this is wrong, honey.”, Steve answers for him. “So fucking wrong but…fuck…watching you with that kid…”
“You’re ours, sweetheart. Fuck, baby, cum.” Grinding your waist, you thrust up to meet his movement till you feel your body tremble as the coil breaks. “Good girl, Y/N. Good girl.”
It doesn’t take long for Eddie to follow and his eyes squeeze shut as you feel him warm your insides. 
Nobody speaks as he pulls out of you and grabs your hand to help you sit up, petting your head as you wince slightly at the pain in your behind. Steve quickly comes between your legs and cleans you, tenderly kissing your knee when you whine at the soreness.
Both their heads hang when he comes back to take a seat beside you.
“D-Did you guys win?”, you ask, sighing when the coach shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Mr. Harrington.”
“Steve…” Your gaze shifts his way as he mumbles his name. “You can call me Steve when we aren’t out there or playing.”
“I’m sorry we made you uncomfortable, Y/N.”, Eddie exhales. “We didn’t mean to be so rough. We’re just…passionate people.”
“That’s an interesting way to say you were jealous.”, you tease as they smile. “It wasn’t the roughness. I like rough. It was the implication that…you used me solely to get off that night…After what you said to me in class, it just…hurt my feelings.”
“I understand. I’m sorry, baby.”
“We’re just trying to—”
“Protect me, I know. I just don’t understand from what. At first I thought it was because your faculty and I’m a student but then you said it was because I deserve to be seen… yet here we are… and I still feel you…pulling away. What aren’t you two telling me?”
“Did you just interrupt me again? Jesus Christ. IS it me? Am I just not as intimidating as him?”, Steve tries to joke and deflect.
“Does it involve what happened with Chrissy Cunningham?”
The metalhead grumbled as he exhaled, turning to face you with a newfound fire in his eyes. 
“We gave you rules that first night, remember? Don’t ask about our scars. Maybe that rule deserves some expansion. Don’t ask about what happened 10 years ago AT ALL. Not only do we not want to talk about it but we CAN’T talk about it. If that’s a fucking problem then we can fully end this thing now. No little games or what happened tonight. Hell, I’ll even tell the dean myself what I did so he can fire me.”
At this declaration, Steve growls and when you glance his way you’re surprised to see annoyance, not towards you but to his partner. 
“Ok, I understand, Eddie. I won’t ask any questions anymore but I need you to know…whatever happened I’m not afraid. I never thought you did anything to them and I trust you both. I know they say Hawkins is cursed but I feel like it’s more the people here that are said curse. I’ve been bullied most of my life by people like Martin. These backwards citizens condemning you for no reason and then hurting Steve because he’s your friend… it’s bullshit. I’m sorry you went through that and if anything happens again I’ll defend you.”
“We know, honey. That’s what worries us.”
“You don’t want to go through what we did, Y/N, trust me. We don’t want you to experience the pain and loss we have.”
“You’re implying my life has been devoid of pain and loss up to this point.”, you breathily laugh causing them to exchange a concerned glance. “I, uh, I should head back to my dorm. Theo’s probably calling to make sure I’m not dead. He really is a nice guy.”
“Do you want to come back to our house? You can take a bath and we can make you some dinner.”, Eddie offers nervously.
“Decide now. I can’t go back and forth with you two. If you want me to be yours I can be that. But if you’re going to push me away again or I’m going to wake up alone, I’d rather go back to my single dorm room and call the guy that seems to genuinely like me and isn’t afraid to say so.”
“We aren’t afraid, Y/N. This right here is more complicated than all that but we aren’t afraid to say we like you.”, Steve answered as he rose to his feet, reaching for your hand to help you do the same. “Can we take this one step at a time? Don’t forget, this is new for us to and a lot more is on the line. We could lose our careers and reputation.”
“And I don’t have much of one in this town to begin with.”, the metalhead joked making Steve roll his eyes. 
“You’re willing to put all that on the line for me?”
“Of course.”, they responded in unison with zero hesitation making you grin. 
“I did it for Eddie countless times and I’d do it again.”, the coach coos as he grabs the man’s cheeks and brings his lips to his own.
“Ok…one step at a time.”
@joannamuns9n @dckweed @corkadymu @lilaclazer @aol19 @nailbatanddungeon @dashingdeb16
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moonlightwonie · 9 months
Can I please request something with bang chan?
You've been trapped by his presence and he won't let you go and you're losing the spark in your eyes and chan doesn't know what to do.
So he tries to fuck his love unto you.
'Tell me how to make you happy?', 'tell me what I need to do for you to love me'
bf!bangchan x gn reader || word count: 1.3k
angst, crying, dirty talk, spit, choking, kind of toxic tbh (oops) i wrote a lot, so prepare yourself 🫣
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☆゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜★ 🔮 ☆゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜★
you and chan had been dating for a little over a year now, from the moment you two started dating, you had always spent so much time together. whenever you weren’t together it was only because of work or day to day activities, where you absolutely couldn’t be together. he’d always showed you and told you how much he loved you from the beginning, which was a little overwhelming to you at first, but you were still attracted to him and loved being around him. you could tell that he was a special guy, you just needed some time to get comfortable and let yourself fall for him.
as time went on, you just felt the spark kind of dying out, atleast on your end. you loved chan, but whenever it came down to anything intimate, you just weren’t feeling any… electricity; and that really bugged you, because how could you not be sexually attracted to him?? he’s handsome, has a big heart, a wicked sense of humor, and he treated you like a queen. he was a total sweetheart, you were his whole world. his top most priority was making you feel happy and loved. you couldn’t keep going on like this, how could you lead him on any further? you didn’t want to hurt him, you did love him after all, you just weren’t feeling that spark anymore.
once he got home from practice, you were immediately greeted with a big, bright smile and open arms, “heyy, baby!! c’mere, i missed you” he said as you walked over to him and gave him a small hug, which was nothing compared to the giant bear hug he gave you. “chris, we have to talk… it’s important” you muttered as you nervous bit on your lip, averting your gaze to the floor as you tried to calm your nerves.
the cheeriness and joy in his eyes quickly turned to worry and concern, taking your hands in his as he looked at you with a small frown. “w-what is it, y/n? is something wrong?” he’d ask you, making you shake your head and walk him over to the couch. “i don’t know how to say this… but… uh, well…” you’d start saying before looking up into his eyes, seeing the anxiety plastered on his face.
“it’s okay, it’s okay… just.. just say it, love” he muttered softly as he fought some tears in his eyes. because deep down he had a feeling of where this conversation was going. he could feel the difference in how you looked at him, the hesitation whenever he’d go to hold your hand, whenever he kissed you or when you two had sex, everything just felt off.
you sighed softly at his words and shook your head, “i.. chris, you’re such a good guy.. and you have always treated me so so well” you started to say, “but i just… i don’t think i have feelings for you anymore… i love you, just… just not like-“ you were cut off by your boyfriend, “just not what? like a boyfriend?? is that it?” he covered his mouth, tears boiling in his eyes as he tried to form proper sentences through the hurt, “how long have you felt this way? is it something i said or did? is something i didn’t do???”.
“no no no, baby, it’s nothing that you did.. it’s just-“ you went to wipe his tears, but he shook his head and gently pushed your hands away. “is it because of my schedule? i’ll drop everything if it means making you stay.. i’ll do anything for you to stay, absolutely anything for you to love me!! just tell me, y/n, what do i have to do for you to love me??” he asked as he fell to his knees infront of you. “do i not please you good enough? b-because i can do better, yeah.. i can be better for you and make you feel good, is that what you want, baby??” he asked eagerly as he bit his lip whilst looking into your eyes, tears filled in his own as he gently caressed your knees, “please?”.
fuck. you had no words. god, you hated yourself for this. you had this precious man literally crying on his knees, begging for you to love him. why couldn’t you just be normal and fall for him? fuck. you hated it whenever chan would cry, especially knowing it was because of you. “chris, it’s not that easy.. it’s not like that” you’d tell him as you wiped away his tears, “well can’t i atleast try? do you know how much this kills me? i just want you to love me” he sniffled whilst tilting his head, “please, please let me show you how much i love you? maybe i can make you love me, one way or another, i don’t care”.
you sighed heavily before nodding and caving into his words, sniffling at your own tears as you looked down into his eyes. “o-okay, channie… just please don’t cry” you said before you were interrupted by a sudden kiss to your lips. he cupped your face and pulled you in closer, kissing you deeply as he began untying his sweatpants. you had to admit, you didn’t mind having sex with him, you just didn’t feel the emotional elements of it with him… or maybe just not as deeply as him.
one thing lead to another, the two of you had been lying on the same couch you’d both been crying on, feeling him split you open with his cock and hold your hips in place. you couldn’t help but moan and mutter his name, he’d been making you feel so good, after all. “y-ya like that, baby? does.. hmm, does that feel good?” he’d asked you as he leaned down to kiss and suck on your neck, “do you see how much i love you? how much i’m willing to prove my love for you?” he muttered against your salty skin. you didn’t know what to say, you had already been feeling all fucked out AND he was making you feel good, but you still felt so guilty, because you knew this wouldn’t change anything, and yet here you were letting him use your body like this.
“tell me you love me, baby.. p-please? please just tell me once?” he begged as he looked deep into your eyes, making you sigh and throw your head back, “i… i.. i can’t” you said through your moans, feeling a pit in your stomach as you cursed yourself. “w-what?” he asked with wide eyes, slowing down his movements as he looked into your eyes. “just tell me what i have to do to make you happy… tell me what the fuck i need to do in order to make you love me, y/n?” he said as he unintentionally tightened his grip on your hips, feeling frustrated.
as strange as it may sound, you rarely ever heard him swear, so it you found it a little hot when you heard him say ‘fuck’ and hold your hips so mean. you felt a little tickle in your stomach as you bit your lip. you were so used to your boyfriend being so gentle with you and being afraid to hurt you, but right now all you wanted was him to take out his hurt and stress onto you and manhandle you. “can you.. b-be a little rougher? i can take it.. just don’t be gentle” you said softly as you felt your cheeks heat up, “i’ll use the safeword if i want you to stop”.
chan was taken a little aback by what you had asked of him. he was certainly surprised, but lord knows he’d do absolutely anything to make you happy and to love him, so he did just as you asked. he picked up the pace of his movements and began pounding in and out of you at an almost animalistic rate whilst you wore his hand around your neck like the prettiest choker you’d ever worn. “do you like being treated like a filthy whore, baby? is that all it takes for you?” he snarled at you as he forced your mouth open and spit into it. he grinned widely when he seen your eyes light up.
you couldn’t contain yourself, you were tugging at his wavy locks and screaming so loud for him, he’d never made you feel this good before- no one had. “d-don’t stop… please, daddy” you begged him desperately, the nickname you referred to him as only encouraged him to go harder, “feels so good”. not too long after, you both finally finished and rode out your highs. shit, you were seeing stars and could barely think straight. but one thing was for sure, not being treated like you were something fragile for once made you feel something, for sure. who knew all it took was for your boyfriend to treat you like a whore every now and then? <3333
☆゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜★ 🔮 ☆゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜★
i hope you enjoyed that, i apologize if that wasn’t you had in mind! i hope you guys liked it hehe<333
if you don’t like my content you can either keep scrolling or just block me, no need to send negativity ♡
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spdrvyn · 9 months
needy — miguel o'hara drabble
fluff. teensiest bit suggestive. wanted to write something nice, sweet, and sleepy before actually getting to work on the stuff i really need to do, enjoy!!!
you were selfless, it was your greatest strength and miguel's greatest weakness. he'd insisted countless times that whenever it hit midnight and he still wasn't home from work that you should just go to bed without him, but you argued that you'd wait as long as you could.
you were overly ambitious, equipped yourself with a ton of remedies to combat any sort of drowsiness. coffee, caffeine shots, sugary treats, anything that could keep you awake. to see miguel again.
you were also weaker than you'd like to admit. once miguel got home, silently sliding the windowsill up so that he wouldn't disturb you, he saw that you were absolutely knocked out on the couch. your phone was screen flat on your cheek and he had to bite his lip to suppress a small laugh from escaping.
nevertheless, he found it adorable. how you'd put in so much effort to see him every night, knowing full well of his inconsistent schedule, and you'd end up falling asleep anyway. he didn't need to think another thought before he scooped you up into his arms effortlessly, carried you into your shared bedroom, and laid you down on the bed.
he draped the blanket over your limp body, tucking the duvet into the gaps of the bed frame to make sure that you were nice and snug. he wanted to just jump in with you, but he had a few more tasks that needed completing first. also a shower. can't forget that.
however, just as he's about to walk away, a small tug on his wrist caught his attention and his head turns. looking down to meet your hazy eyes, your cheek is smooshed from pressing up against the pillow, it makes your voice a little muddled.
"stay," it was so soft, quieter than a pin drop, but it was a plea. he could hear it in your voice how much you needed this, but he couldn't blame you. all of that to see him again, to bask in his presence.
"haven't even taken off my suit yet, corazón." his lips left a tingling sensation on your forehead as he pecked the surface of it, one hand cleared your face of any stray hairs.
"please?" you tried again, miguel wasn't always the best when it came to self-control. you were a bad habit that he constantly found himself indulging in, he loved it.
"fine," he gave in, you scooched over to the other side of the bed to give miguel space and he consumed it, even through the unstable molecular fabric of his suit, you felt him. you needed more. "if i smell like shit, then that's on you."
"'s okay, mig." you rambled in your sleepiness, "it's all from protecting the city, hm? from protecting me, so brave you are."
shit. that caught him off-guard, he's so grateful to whatever deity is out there that you probably can't see the shade of red that covered his cheeks when you said that to him.
"... thank you." was all he could muster, that is until you said something that really tipped the scales.
"take off the suit, please."
the rate at which is heart raced could combat the speed of the flying cars in the city, ran faster than any bullet train in the past, present, and future. his grasp on you tightened. "i'm- i'm not—"
"i know," you shoved your face into the crook of his neck, hushed miguel's sentence with more kisses and he moaned. "but i missed you. i just want you to touch me then we can sleep, all right?"
scratch the selflessness. you alone were his greatest weakness.
"anything for you."
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ravixen · 1 year
hi hope ur doing well! i wanted to ask if you could write a reaction of when the boys forget about a date and leave you waiting for a while for them? i'd like the members to be joshua, mingyu, seungkwan, vernon, and dino if possible! thank u sm in advance!
svt + forgetting your date
➔ reaction || requested
➔ warnings: none || 1167 words ➔ notes: fluff ; i'm doing pretty well! getting a lot of things done these days :) i wish i could spend a little more writing and drawing, but it is what it is. if you enjoyed this, please reblog! also if you're interested in any writing/art commissions, check out my carrd. or visit my ko-fi just cuz!
JOSHUA: you know that this guy never checks his messages, so whenever you need him for emergencies, you always call instead. that's why, when your signal is only strong enough for a flurry of texts, he doesn't see them until an hour later. your last message reads i'll just go home. confused, he scrolls up to find a bunch of emojis and ? are you standing me up lol and ...are you seriously standing me up, and it takes a second before he finally realizes what today is. fuck. fuck. he's the one who scheduled this date, going on a spiel about how you haven't seen each other in a while, so you went out of your way to free up your schedule. and now he looks like a grade-a asshole for forgetting. scratch that, he is a grade-a asshole. he makes a few stops around town to pick up your favorite things for a night in before going to your place. it won't make up for the missed date, that much is obvious from your unimpressed stare as you open the door, but he's going to try his best to earn your forgiveness. in fact, as soon as he sees you, he gets on his knees on your steps with a dramatic declaration of, "love, i'm so, so sorry," and you have to drag him to his feet, saying that he's embarrassing you in front of your neighbors. but hey, at least you cracked a smile.
MINGYU: when seungcheol asks if he wants to continue their biking excursion to hit up a cool restaurant, mingyu says yes, even though he feels like he should have declined for some reason. that feeling continues tickling the back of his mind, up until they pay for the meal and cheol asks if they should get dessert. that's when you text him, informing your boyfriend that there's about ten minutes of trailers if he's running late, and his heart drops. he completely forgot about your movie date today. he tells you to go in first. i'll be there later, he types, i have my ticket on my phone. then he tells seungcheol what happened, and seungcheol asks how the hell he'll make it in time when they still have to bike back to their car. spoiler alert: he doesn't. by the time he makes it to the theater and pathetically slinks into his seat next to you, the movie is already in its final arc, and you're aggressively eating your snacks, ignoring his presence. he trails after you once the movie ends, waiting for your verdict and hoping that you'll take pity on his bedraggled state. you pause by your car and sigh. "well, c'mon," you say, opening the trunk for his bike rack. "i'm not so angry that i'll make you cycle all the way home." he decides during that tense car ride that he'll make the best dinner of his life tonight.
SEUNGKWAN: it's late, and you're still not home. after a while of worrying by himself, he calls and asks where you are. he almost thinks that the call dropped because you're silent for a full minute before asking him, incredulously, if he's serious. of course he's serious. he just finished an episode of a new drama, and he never makes it through one. "i've been waiting at the restaurant for the past twenty minutes," you say slowly. "and you're chilling in the living room?" no way. isn't that tomorrow? he flicks open his calendar and gasps when he realizes his mistake. "wait there for a bit, okay? i'm on my way," he says, scrambling to his feet, but you quickly stop him with a scoff. "you still need to get dressed and then get all the way here. they can't wait that long. i'll just leave." he feels awful. he slaps himself on the cheeks to get sense back into him. seungkwan, he scolds himself mentally. how could you do this? how could he forget this date? and it's not like you didn't try to reach him—he sees all the texts and phone calls now, blocked by the do not disturb that he forgot to turn off. "will they let you in by yourself? why don't you eat whatever you want and charge it to my card, hm? i'm so sorry."
VERNON: he doesn't know what he did wrong, but apparently he did something because you just went radio silent yesterday afternoon, even though you're still posting on your story. when he wakes up in the morning, he sees that even his good night texts are ignored. he sends you a good morning text anyway and asks how you slept, asks what your plans are for the day. by the time he gets to work, there's still no reply. "hey!" seungkwan yells out, rushing to his side. vernon automatically reaches for the coffee that he knows is around somewhere—seungkwan is nothing but predictable—and hums when he finds it. "so what'd you end up getting y/n yesterday? i thought you'd ask me for gift ideas, but since you were so secretive this year, i figured it was big." vernon blinks at him. "what was yesterday?" seungkwan blinks back. "you're kidding...their birthday dinner? you wanted to celebrate a week early? hello?" he snatches back his coffee. "you're the one who insisted on it. did you forget?" seungkwan's withering look bounces off the absolute dread that vernon feels. no wonder you were ignoring him. he pushes past seungkwan, already pulling out his phone. "i need to make a call really quick. can you tell the others i'll be late?"
CHAN: this is the lamest excuse in the book, but his phone died, and while he could've borrowed a charger...what was the point? if there was an emergency, people knew to call the other members. that's why he doesn't bother plugging it in until after practice, and when it finally charges up, the belated alert for your date appears, and he swears loud enough for the others to send him a look. "sorry!" he says, throwing all of his things into his bag. "you guys eat without me. i have somewhere to be!" he flies down the stairs and books it out of the building. something about his expression makes everyone jump out of his way, wondering what the heck has him so harried. somehow, he makes it to the place in record time and scans the crowd for your face, lighting up when he sees you under an awning. then his smile falls when he sees your expression. he feels so, so bad for leaving you waiting out here. he shrugs off his jacket and puts it around your shoulders, ignoring the fact that you don't look happy to see him. "why don't we get something warm to drink?" he murmurs, clasping your cold hands. at least he didn't miss the main event—if he missed that, he doesn't know if you'll forgive him.
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willyoubemycherryy · 30 days
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𝐻𝑒𝑟𝑒’𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑠𝑘 𝐼 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡’𝑠 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑒🤍 𝐼 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑎𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼’𝑚 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠, 𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑔𝑜 𝑖𝑠 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑠 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐼 ��𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑎ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑟❄︎..
𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒♡︎
Warnings + grief, loss, crying, comfort, fluff
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“𝑩𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎, 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒎𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒐 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑. 𝑲𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕. 𝑲𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒆, 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅...“
���𖤐๋�� ໒꒱✧. • 𐙚˙⋆.˚. .
“Please, please let me in.”
The love of your life pleaded to you from outside the bathroom where you had locked yourself, the sounds of your sobs echoing out. All your repressed emotions over her, bubbling over into the mess you were now.
The first couple weeks have been….hazy. At first you thought that if you just kept up life as you normally did, it would be easier to deal with when you finally did face it but you just couldn’t do it.
In fact, your struggles started almost immediately as you battled with either trying to forget or reliving every moment you shared with your mom and trying to convince yourself that you would be fine.
The longing tore you in two. It was in the way you’d miss her.
So from there you let yourself drift hollowly.
Joe knew what had happened, who you lost and his heart broke for you, wanting nothing more than for you to let him be there for you. Yet everytime he saw you, it seemed like more pieces were missing each time. He loved you, so deeply…and it was that same love that moved him to say what he’d been swallowing down whenever he’d see you.
“It’s not your fault.”
You had been about to leave and moved to hug him before you left when his embrace turned softer as he held you close, whispering gently as he looked into eyes that had been hurting so much. He knew it hurt you for him to just put it out there like that but he needed to. For you.
Snapping your head up, the familiar hot ache in your chest started as your eyes filled with tears and you shook your head, trying to back up but Joe had already made up his mind that he was going to hold you.
“Stop. I know-“, you hushed out, trying to move past this quickly as possible.
“No. No sweetheart, you don’t.”
Quick breathing as you moved out of his strong arms, blinking furiously as tears already streamed down your face. You look at him, biting your lip to stop the wail clawing up your throat when you see the concern in his pretty baby blue’s you adored so much.
“It’s not your fault.”
And the sky falls, crumbling in your chest as you break.
Joe reaches out and you speed away, gasping wetly as tears blur your vision, chest hurting just like the day it happened and the next thing you know you’re in the first room you came across as you lock the door. Dropping to the ground as your heart shatters.
It hurt so bad, you were shaking as your arms wrap around yourself then you hear his voice.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry…but it’s not your fault.” His wounded voice rasps out, pressing his forehead against the door as he kneels.
“Please. Talk to me.” He’s there, he just prays you can feel it and you do, moving to press your forehead against the door where he is.
Shakily inhaling, you try to get it out as best you can.
“I think- i-I need help…but I don’t know what I’m supposed to do..”
“Well I-I’m here. And I’ll be here just…how can I help you if you don’t let me in?”
You hear his hand making shapes against the wood and it’s so familiar that the tears flow faster. His presence was effortlessly soothing, it matched the way he loved you perfectly.
“I-“, you get cut off by your own cries.
Joe meets you where you need him as he speaks again.
“It’s okay. I understand and I’m here, alright baby? Just hear me. Hold onto my voice okay?” He’s fighting back tears of his own, stricken by the sound of your pain.
You whisper out a broken, watery ‘okay’ but he hears you and runs with it.
“Breathe, sweetheart.”, and you do, “Picture my voice like a boat in the middle of the ocean…do you see it?” Nodding, you try to calm down.
“Then swim towards it, honey. I’ll get us to shore.”
And you do.
Getting up, you unlock and open the door.
You look at each other for a brief second before he’s lifting you into his arms, holding you soundly as you stop fighting and let it flow. Joe keeps his voice steady as he talks you through it, smoothing his warm hands over you, giving you himself as a tether so you don’t get lost in your grief.
“It’s alright. I know it hurts but it’s okay.”
“Whatever you need, let it out. I’ll be here.”
“All those emotions, everything that’s hurting, anything that’s to heavy for you to carry, give those to me, okay? I’m strong. I’ll hold it for you so just let me.”
“I love you.”
Time stops as you stay in his embrace, his low voice helping you process without immediately drowning. You’re exhausted emotionally but you don’t feel so hopeless anymore, having checked your blind spot and finding that love was still there.
Your cries eventually fade into slow breaths and occasional hiccups as you nuzzle into him. You’ll always miss her but that’s just fine.
More time passes and Joe soothes you through every second until you finally find your voice.
“…Joe? Y’still with me?” You’ve never broken down like this before, especially in front of someone you’re in love with so your a bit self conscious.
But him?
“I never left you.”
Lifting your head to look him in his face, you bend down and he meets you slowly in a soft kiss, caressing your cheek lovingly with the back of his knuckles. It’s so sweet, a faint smile spreads across your face as you look at him. Joe mirrors your expression before asking what he could do.
“I think I’ll need time. But for now, I don’t care what we do, I just want you to hold me.” Joe hums and presses another tender kiss to your face.
“Alright, then how’s about we get outta here?” And he’s right. A change of scenery would be great to you right now.
“Like where?”
“A boat ride. You, me, and the water. S’that okay, sweets?” Taking a deep breath, you remind yourself that you’re okay and if it takes a while to feel it then that’s okay too. You weren’t alone.
Kissing his cheek, you rest your head on his shoulder, nodding.
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intriq · 10 months
dc universe characters but your their ex, and they want you back
could be hurt/comfort, maybe fluff. angst? idk, unsure about how to label this one chief
if you want to see any other characters in here, lmk via comment or send me an ask! [they are always open for requests n stuff, so feel free to send them] and i'll make sure to get them in here!
Also, big thanks to my beta readers: Lilac, Void, My bestie, and bat brat apollo! they helped make sure these didn't fall too out of character.
...at first, didn't realize just how miserable he'd feel after you guys broke up. Well, after he broke up with you.
He thought that you being possibly tied in to his life as Batman would make things oh so dangerous, and that maybe you'd be better off without him. And that just maybe he'd be better off without you.
But boy was he wrong.
After day one, he missed your presence.
After day three, he started missing your touch. Hugs, kisses, cuddles, the works.
After one week he missed seeing you whenever he came back to Wayne manor after patrol or whenever he'd had a long day being out and about Gotham, whether as just his regular self or patrolling the streets, fighting crime as Batman.
By week two, not even focusing on patrolling could keep you off his thoughts. It didn't exactly help that he knew your schedule. Actually, not even just knew. He had it memorized.
So he'd find himself particularly drawn to patrolling the area around where you lived more often, sometimes even doubling back to the area. Sometimes even three times.
Of course, it took a full month [and seeing you going on your first date since the break-up] for him to take action. He'd started sending gifts at first. Small things that you liked, whether it be books or lots and lots of flowers.
Then the gifts just got more and more expensive, more grandeur. After all, he is a billionaire, so it wouldn't hurt his bank account. Plus, it was a gift for you. So why wouldn't he?
If you still didn't take him back then, he starts sending you texts. Just cute little things such as "i miss you" and whatnot.
And then the in-person confessions, gift giving, and what-not started after. He'd drop by [after making sure no one was around to see at least three times] your apartment while he was in his full Batman getup, bringing you some smaller, easier to hide away things like bracelets and necklaces.
And during the day, he'd be where ever he'd knew you'd be. Whether it was your apartment, your job, anywhere, he'd personally come deliver you yet another gift.
Takeout from your favorite place? He's brought it to you for lunch.
He saw you post about something [whether it be a stuffed animal, jewelry, etc] on social media because it's cool or cute? It's been hand delivered to you by him.
"I saw you talking about how much you wanted these, so I got them for you. Why..? Because I miss you."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...was devastated when you broke up with him. He didn't realize that all this work being a vigilante that made him miss out on oh so many dates had taken as big of a toll on your relationship as it did.
And by the time he'd realized, the cracks had already formed, and you'd broken up with him. You wanted a partner who could meet you half-way, even if he was a little busy at times.
But that didn't stop him from immediately trying to win you back. Gifts? You've got it. Whether they were bought or handmade, it didn't really matter. He'd get you something.
Not to mention the texts, phone calls, voicemails, everything. He's going the full nine yards to show you just how sorry he is, and just how badly he wants you back.
"I know I've said I was sorry so many times, but I really am! I promise I'll do everything in my power to be there for our date nights, so please take me back.."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...definitely wasn't expecting for you to break up with him. Sure, he's been in plenty of relationships before, but he'd never expected you to get the courage to tell him you wanted to break up.
He didn't even realize he missed you as much as he did until one night while patrolling, a month or two after your break-up, he saw you walking along the streets of Gotham.
And damn were you still as pretty as the first time he saw you. In fact, scratch that, as pretty as the last time he saw you. Which was when you broke up with him.
So from then on, when Gotham is just a little less quiet and he can afford to do a little slacking off, he walks with you. You had this weird routine of walking for an hour at night, anyway.
At first he made small-talk. Asked you how your day was, why you were taking a walk [he already knew why. he just wanted to hear that pretty voice of yours more!], how you'd been since the break-up, if you were seeing anyone [this was extremely important and he'd express why after a bit of prompting], as one does.
Then it ramps up to him telling you how much he missed you, how pretty and attractive you were still, the works. He then ramps up to just blatant flirting, maybe even making sure he was touching you in some way, like an arm around your shoulder. Or maybe even subtly holding your hand under the premise of him wanting to show you something that you didn't know the way to.
And after that, if you still didn't miss him enough to take him back? He's just obvious. Asking you on dates, showing up to your home with gifts, everything. He'll go the whole nine yards for you, just so you'll take him back.
"Aww, c'mon! Just one date, sweetheart. Please? I promise that if you don't want me back after just one date I won't bother you again."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...definitely didn't want to admit he wanted you back until it's been nearly six months since you broke up, and words going around that your starting to date again.
This pisses him off, for reasons he wasn't sure about.
So before you know it, he's popping up just about everywhere. Getting him to admit he missed you and regretted the breakup is no easy feat, and you'll likely not ever get him to admit it out loud.
I can't really see Jason making any grand or large gestures, just small little ones that maybe have some sort of sentimental value.
He'd probably drop by your home every now and then. If he's hurt in some way, you bet your ass he's right there on your fire escape, knocking on your window to let him in.
Even if it's just something so incredibly minor he could take care of himself, he's using it as an excuse to see you again.
While he's not totally experienced with being overly romantic, he's got his moments of being just a little bit sappy.
"Why go through the hard work and trouble of finding someone else if I'm right here?"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...wasn't expecting to miss you after you two broke things off. She figured she'd be fine on her own, but she was quickly proven wrong.
I can see her giving gifts, but she'd be more-so trying to spend as much time as she could with you. Texts, both early morning and late night phone calls, voicemails about how much she regrets breaking up, and probably more.
Lot's of "I miss you" and "I still like/love you" texts, maybe some "Can we please get back together?" texts mixed as well.
She'll make how much she misses you known.
"Please come back, I miss our little movie date nights."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...is just like Jason in a way, when it comes to realizing she misses having you around.
But she does come to terms with the fact that she misses you. She'll be a little hesitant to admit it in words, but she'll make it known in small gestures.
The breakup was definitely amicable, so you two are kind of just awkwardly still friends. But any time you two hangout, it borderlines being a date.
Movies? Only if it's something that will remind you of stuff you two liked to watch together when you were dating.
Going for a walk? She'll make sure you two just so happen to pass by a spot you guys went to for your first date.
She'll even still pretend to "accidentally" call you by the nicknames she had for you whilst you were dating.
But if even that doesn't work, she'll just start making you two "hangout" at places you've gone to for dates before.
"Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit since the last time we were here, huh? Brings back memories."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...of course, isn't really sure what to do when she notices she's missing you. You were probably one of her first relationships, which just only adds onto her confusion of what to do.
She'd probably go seek Babs and Stephanie out for advice, asking them what they think she should do. Just what she should do.
After getting advice from the two, she thinks it over for a little bit before she starts anything. She probably also tries to feel you out to check if you feel the same way she does.
And if you do, or if she finds out your unsure, she starts giving you small gifts. And I mean small. Just mostly little trinkets and knickknacks that she finds while out and about.
Buttons? Pins? Small figurines, no bigger than the palm of your hand? She's getting them for you.
Of course, this is to help her just get a little confidence before she drops the question about getting back together.
And when she does drop the question, she tries to make it sound like she's being genuine. She probably brought another small little gift, maybe one of your favorite snacks.
"I know you said you liked these when we were together, right? I know you may think I wasn't really.. paying attention, but most of the time, but I promise I was. And I'm sorry I didn't do that great of a job of showing you that I cared about you. Please take me back?"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤKate Kane..
...is both similar to Stephanie and Jason. While she'll think she's better off without you, there's almost a constant reminder of you somewhere in her world.
And it just draws her back to you.
It's very much a push and pull sort of thing with her, as some days she's fully willing to admit just how much she misses you and wants you back, while others she'd never admit to even a word of it.
She'll also bring you sentimental gifts sometimes. Mostly just leaves them somewhere she knows only you will find them with a little note attached.
Though the contents of the little notes will greatly vary from "I miss you", "I know you like these so I got them for you", to just her name sometimes.
Saw these and thought of you. -K
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤDinah Lance...
...is most definitely bold and maybe even a little bit flirty. When she realized that she definitely wasn't ready to move on from you quite yet, she put all her effort into wooing you back.
She'd probably try to play off the fact you two are suddenly running into each other at things you like, it's really just so she can see you again. Making you unintentionally [but kind of purposefully] think of her again whenever you thought about the things you like.
After a bit of this, though, she just downright starts asking you out to dates. If she knows certain places hold sentimental value because they were your favorite date spots with her, she'll ask you on a date to there again.
"Oh? Didn't know you were coming here today. Maybe it's a sign you should just let me take you on a date today."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤHelena Bertinelli...
...wasn't usually the type to dwell on her exes. But you? You were all that was on her mind after the breakup.
While she spends many a night deleting text after text, trying to come up with the right set of sentences to tell you just how much she misses you and wants you back, she does eventually send something.
And from there she just gets a little bolder.
Lingering touches, like her hand grazing against yours if you are handing her something. Staring at you for just a few seconds longer than needed, all that stuff.
It does take her a bit of time to get the confidence to just straight up asking you out on another date, though when she does, she's already got it all planned out.
"Do you still like that one restaurant we went to for our anniversary? .... Why? Oh, well, I wanted to make sure I didn't need to cancel the reservation I made."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...didn't have thoughts of missing you. At first.
She did start thinking of you again when you two were assigned on a mission together. And all it did was really get you stuck in her head.
The way you looked, whether it was the way you fight or just generally how you look in your vigilante costume? It just kept replaying in her head over and over again.
So now anytime your out and about doing your own thing, under your vigilante guise? She's found an excuse to be joining you.
Whether that excuse is "you looked like you needed help", or "my patrols been pretty quiet, so I thought I'd join you", she's always got some excuse you can't argue back about.
Eventually she starts dropping hints about wanting to get back together with you. But whether she's good at dropping these hints or not is entirely up to how oblivious you could be.
Eventually she just tires out of dropping hints and just makes you look at her when she just drops the question. Think of the classic "grabbing your chin and turning your head to look at them" kind of deal.
"How about we go out this Sunday, hmm? ... Yes, on a date. What, did you think I was going to ask you to patrol with me or something?"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...most definitely is stubborn when it comes to your break-up. He doesn't even want to entertain the thought that the reason he might be so grouchy whenever he sees you talking to someone else, or hears about how you may be crushing on someone else, is because he misses you. And is jealous, of course.
Even the sheer mention of your name around him, whether it be from his older brothers [mainly Dick because he is most certainly the teasing older brother type], he get's all grouchy and almost pouty.
He does try to help you out around school, though. He may act all mean and cold towards you, he'll act like he's "reluctantly" helping you out.
"you can't be trusted to carry this stuff," he'll try and say as he takes that stack of chairs, books, whatever it is in your hands away to do it himself. His hidden little agenda is that he's hoping you'll miss him because of him helping you out.
His "compliments" aren't always easily understood as such, though. "You didn't do terrible, for once" he might say as he hands you your graded test.
In order for him to get the courage to ask you out again, though, will definitely take some coaxing. [And maybe some teasing from Dick, too]
But when he does, it's a 50/50 chance of him saying it in a sweet way, or in his usual cold and almost brat-like demeanor.
"If I take you out on a date, will that get you to shut up for at least five minutes?"
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shady-tavern · 10 months
A Dash of Villainy within a Hero, Part Two
Part One can be found here. Warnings ahead for murder and mentioned/implied though not graphic torture, mind manipulation and human experiments. Please take care of yourselves.
'I know a place' Madness had said after Song had landed, dropping him first and keeping her wings slightly flared after touching down with you, keeping a wary eye on him. You knew the only reason she didn't protest his presence was her trust in you. She trusted that you had a reason for this.
So you had followed Madness with careful caution, for there was no way either of you would lead him to your little hideout for the conversation you all wanted to have.
And, well, considering the glimpses of what you had gotten this night, it looked like you would need allies. You had no idea if villain allies were the way to go, but in this instance it might be something to consider.
Madness led you through a complicated route after sending a text and receiving one in return. The old house he ended up stopping in front was most likely a safehouse that he was going to burn after bringing Song and you here.
To your surprise, there was already someone waiting inside. A kid, sixteen at most and once they opened their mouth and said, "Hey!" you immediately recognized Doctor.
You felt Song tense at your back, heard the ruffle of her wings. Song had always had a massive soft spot for kids and even you had to admit that it unsettled you whenever underage villains or heroes showed up. The latter at least were put into training and were sent out with mentors until they were eighteen, but villain kids seemed to have fewer protections.
You glanced at Madness and noticed the way he watched you and Song from the corner of his eye, the angle of his body. He was ready to protect the kid, no matter what and somehow that made you feel a little bit better.
You were suddenly glad that Doctor was largely known for breaking in and stealing or destroying things and less for going up against heroes the way Madness did. The thought of having attacked a kid made you feel vaguely ill.
"So, I heard you know about Phoenix Project now," Doctor said, casting a quick glance at Madness, their shoulders relaxing a tad at whatever they saw on his face.
"Someone tried to kidnap me last night," Song answered. "Do you know anything about that?"
Doctor glanced at Madness again, a silent conversation taking place that ended with Madness sighing and Doctor looking smugly happy.
"Possibly," Doctor said and reached over the counter of the kitchen island and produced a laptop. They opened it, tapping away with quick fingers and then held it out.
Song and you stepped forward, you taking the laptop while Song leaned a bit onto your back, one wing coming up to curl against you as she looked over your shoulder.
"We don't know a whole lot yet," Doctor said, voice quieter than before and you still tracked Madness from the corner of your eye as he came to stand beside the kid. 
His eyes were a slightly darker violet when you glanced up. He was trusting you around Doctor about as much as you trusted him around Song, it seemed.
Then you focused on what was on the laptop and the more you read, the grimmer you grew. Doctor and Madness had created a chart, heroes retiring without ever being seen again, or dying with no proper proof of their death. They had even dug up a few caskets, only to find them empty.
And then they had stumbled across the term Phoenix Project and had traced it back to The Defenders. Where you had most likely run into Madness after he had broken in.
And now you had the name of someone involved in whatever the project was, one of your higher ups.
"Why do you care?" Song asked, looking up while you studied the chart again. There were more heroes they considered 'missing' rather than dead than you had thought.
Doctor was silent for a long moment, then sighed heavily. "My older brother," they said quietly. "He was a hero and one day a year ago we got a call, that he died in the field. It was a closed casket funeral because of how mangled and burnt he supposedly was."
You glanced up and the kid looked angry and grieving and mulish. "I believed it at first," they continued. "But I kept thinking that something was off. When I asked his teammate, Quake, he was super evasive. And, uh, maybe one night I got super drunk and decided to dig him up. To see for myself that he was really gone. But his casket was empty."
Quake. It seemed he was another person you should chat with. You pulled out your phone after handing the laptop to a very quiet Song, showing Doctor and Madness the photos you had taken, catching them up on what you and Song knew.
Song glanced at you. "Guess who knows where Quake lives," she said and you found yourself grinning. It was not a nice grin.
"How about we extend our truce?" Madness offered and when you looked up, he had a smile on his face that looked the way your grin must have. "I bet my powers come in handy for interrogations."
As would yours. Song glanced between you and Madness and you could tell that she was imagining the sort of 'questioning' you two would create. She knew that you would not hesitate to hurt Quake in order to get your answers. 
You weren't as much of a good person as Song was. After what he had intended to do, what he had already done to Song, you absolutely were vindictive. A part of you hoped he would resist interrogation.
"If we do this," Song said quietly, "We may never be able to be heroes again."
"And if we do nothing and they catch up with us, I am dead and you will get dragged off to whatever and wherever this Phoenix Project is," you answered and she grimaced but didn't argue.
"Alright," Song said after a moment of silence, her voice grim. "I'll lead the way."
Quake was visibly agitated. He was pacing and continuously calling someone. Dawn was only just starting to break and despite this being a very long night, you were too wired to feel tired.
Whoever Quake wanted to contact, he clearly wasn't getting through.
Crouching side by side with Madness was...quite frankly, it was very weird. There was no way you trusted him, nor did you stop tracking his movements from the corner of your eye. It was best to be cautious, especially with someone who could mess with your mind at the drop of a hat.
"I can send him to sleep," Madness whispered and when you glanced at him, one brow raised, he shrugged. "My powers can do more than drive people to temporary insanity."
"Never would have guessed," you muttered and at his unimpressed look, you gestured for him to go ahead.
Madness moved cat-quiet, lowering himself from the ledge of the building to set down on the balcony across from Quake's home. You felt the hum of his power in the air, as did Quake, but he reacted too late. Most people reacted too late, and even then all one could do was try to run to escape from Madness' range.
Quake's eyes rolled back and he dropped limp to the floor. You felt Song's hand grip the back of your jacket and a moment later you were airborne. She dropped you onto Quake's balcony and landed, shifting her wing to the side to make space for Madness to leap across.
Breaking into the apartment was easy and it looked exactly like the sort of place a hero like Quake could afford. Until you looked closer and you saw that everything around you was expensive and new. 
From his fridge to his dishwasher, shiny marble countertops and solid wood furniture, things had been paid for with the sort of money Quake shouldn't have.
Little rat.
You dragged Quake away from the windows to his bedroom, where Madness pulled the curtain closed beforehand and Song took up a sentinel position.
"Alright, ready?" Madness asked as soon as Quake was tied to a chair and you gave him a nod. A moment later, Quake woke with a ragged gasp. He was, unsurprisingly, not pleased.
"Traitor," he hissed at you and you couldn't help but bark out a sharp, incredulous laugh.
"Pot, meet kettle," you said with a grin that was more a baring of teeth. "Tell me, how soon after Nightingale's disappearance would you have found a way to murder me?"
Quake grit his teeth but mulishly kept his mouth shut. "Madness," you said with such artificial sweetness your voice rivaled overly sweet, artificially colorful candy. "Would you like the honors?"
"My, I thought you would never ask," Madness answered with that same sort of over-the-top sugary sweet voice. "With pleasure."
He reached out a hand and you felt dark satisfaction at seeing Quake's eyes grow wide in fear. You shoved some of his balled up socks into his mouth just in time to muffle his howling.
Madness eased up after a moment and Quake was panting, his face having rapidly grown damp with sweat. He spat out his socks, shivering and gasping and his eyes were darting from side to side wildly.
From witness accounts you knew, while people didn't remember whatever Madness had put into their heads, the intense fear lingered. It faded within a half an hour, leaving them confused and vaguely unsettled, but nothing else.
"Now," you said and snapped your fingers together, creating brief sparks. "Wanna talk or do I get to play too?"
Quake swallowed harshly and audibly and you saw the exact moment he caved, the panicked hopelessness that gave way to grim resignation. Pity, you really would have loved to hurt him a bit for what he had done to Song.
"I'll tell you what I know," he grit out and you clapped your hands together, smiling brightly.
"How lovely, but do be truthful or my new friend here is going to have another jaunt in your gray matter."
Madness shifted his stance to something smugly satisfied, looking for all the world like a relaxed big cat after a successful hunt. "Indeed. Now, what do you know about the Phoenix Project?"
Quake swallowed again and seemed to want to resist just a little anyway – hero pride, you didn't blame him for that – before he caved, "I know they want heroes for it. The occasional villain too." He shrugged. "It's not really like the public can check the prison records."
You hadn't even thought about how unexpectedly...vulnerable captured villains could be. Considering the way a muscle in Madness's cheek jumped, neither had he.
"Who is involved?" Madness asked and Quake wet his lips.
"I don't know." He saw you lift your hand and Madness' eyes grew dark and hurriedly added, "I'm serious. I get a burner phone and laptop when I'm supposed to get them a hero or a villain."
"Who introduced you to them?" you asked and Quake looked away.
"I...might have done some illegal things," he said, shoulders hunching a bit. "And whoever 'they' are, they found out. I had a package delivered home, with copies of their evidence and demands to do what they wanted or I could kiss my job and reputation goodbye."
"And people like you dare to call themselves heroes," Madness sneered and you couldn't help but agree. What a selfish coward.
Quake gave up the rest of the information willingly. He told you which devices the information was on, that he had tried to gather as much blackmail as he could in return. He told you the passwords for all of his things and at last, Madness reached out and touched his forehead.
Quake went limp, staring dully into nothing, his breathing slow and even.
"Don't ask what I did," Madness said without looking at you. "And don't say he didn't deserve it."
You could take an educated guess on what he might have done, considering Quake's catatonic, empty eyed state. You shrugged. "I won't complain." Madness looked at you, surprise openly visible on his face.
You held his gaze. "Don't think you're the only vindictive one, Madness. He hurt my friend and tried to kill me and he has done so to other heroes in the past. Leave him trapped in nightmares for eternity for all I care."
As you left to join Song in the living room and start collecting Quake's things, you felt Madness' gaze on your back. Weirdly enough, the hostile air from before was gone.
Instead, he seemed almost...thoughtful.
Madness was infuriating and maddening and brilliant and you had to admit, after weeks of working together to uncover more about Phoenix Project, he was, maybe, possibly, perhaps growing on you. Like stinky fungus.
You could admit that you were grateful to him and Doctor. Thanks to the two villains Song and you had an actually safe place to hide in without going mad in the process. They offered protection as well, more than Song and you would have had on your own.
And tonight, at long last, you had a chance to get your hands at your former superior. Both Song and you had been declared rogues and to be captured upon sight for questioning. 
Song, sadly, had a hard time going anywhere incognito, her wings were a dead giveaway, so she was staying in the hideout a lot. It wasn't easy on her, but Doctor had found an old factory, a place with incredibly high ceilings so she could at least fly around and train.
Which meant you were teaming up with Madness in the meantime.
You once again crouched at the ledge of a building and watched the woman you were after leave her car, her butler opening the door to her mansion for her. The very same mansion you were already crouching on, ready to strike.
"Pretentious," you muttered, just as Madness whispered, "Tacky."
You didn't look at him, but you felt a smile tug at the corners of your mouth. It was perhaps softer than the usual sharp, toothy smiles that you aimed his way.
"Let's go," you whispered and got up, Madness following you.
With your powers it was easy enough to disable the lock on the rooftop door and slip inside. Madness took care of all the guards, though he was far gentler with the maid and butler, who he caught after putting them into a dreamless sleep for the next hour or so.
And then you were back to the fun part: questioning assholes.
The woman, a hero who had retired early and had made a ridiculous amount of money by taking a top-notch position in The Defenders, blustered and threatened but caved almost just as quickly as Quake head.
One of these days you'd have to ask Madness what exactly he was putting into people's heads.
This time, at least, you got some zaps in before the former hero, Paralytica, gave up. She had far, far more information than Quake and while it took some more persuading in-between the questions, you at last got names. You got names and you got a place.
"You won't get away with this," Paralytica snarled, sweating and panting and trembling slightly in the chair she was tied to. 
You sent all the information on her computer to Doctor, who would make sure nothing could be traced back to them. Her gaze burned into your side. "I will have you hunted down like the mangy dog you are."
Before you could so much as roll your eyes, Madness had gripped her head, making her flinch and go very still, her eyes wide. "And yet, somehow, this 'mangy dog' is worth more than all of you combined." Madness' eyes were a dark violet when they met your surprised gaze. "I might even start believing in heroes again."
You looked away, a near overwhelming mixture of emotions rising within you at his words. You felt touched and all soft and gooey-sweet inside and at the same time, you wanted to bluster and curse at him. Stupid asshole, what was his deal, saying nice things out of nowhere? That wasn't what you did, you sniped and argued and verbally elbow-checked each other. Not whatever...whatever this was.
"We're done here," you said just as the door was kicked down and previously silent heroes rushed in.
Paralytica had just one second of smirking in ugly triumph, before Madness' eyes turned almost black, his grip on her head tightening. She went limp, staring into nothing like Quake had, while the two of you sprung into hurried movement.
Madness wanted to fight, but when you hauled ass for the window, to your surprise, he followed instead of going on the offense. You jumped first, arms raised to protect your face, while he tossed out his powers, sending the all but one of the heroes to their knees with screeching, blood curdling screams.
You landed on soft grass, surrounded by glass shards and looking up just as Madness was forced to topple backwards out the window by a powerful, telekinetic wave. Huh. The Defenders had dug out one of ten people capable of withstanding Madness' powers it seemed. 
You didn't even think about it as you took a step forward, arms rising and you grunted as you caught him. He wasn't too heavy thankfully, especially since you were used to lugging Song's weight around in training.
His eyes were wide in surprise and the next moment you tightened your grip and zipped away with him. You were faster than Madness, even with his added weight. You were among the top ten fastest heroes currently employed in The Defenders and it really came in handy right now. 
Or well, formerly employed, you were pretty sure after today at the latest your fellow heroes would no longer consider you one of them.
The moment you were far enough from the mansion, you set Madness down, clapping him on the shoulder, "Let's scram."
You felt his gaze on your back again, staring and strangely heated.
You winced when you heard something break, exchanging a look with Song. Doctor wanted to come to the location where the Phoenix Project was supposedly taking place, while Madness was very much not in agreement. They were arguing very loudly and intensely.
"I'm not letting you risk your life!" Madness shouted.
"That is not your decision!" Doctor screamed back. "This is about my brother, you fucking asshole. I know you don't care, but I sure as shit do -"
"I care about you," Madness snapped back, Doctor falling silent. In a forcibly calmer voice, Madness continued, "I want you to have a life, to actually get to enjoy having your brother back. He'll need you. Whatever they've done to him in that hellhole, he's not going to be alright."
"If he's alive at all." You could barely heard Doctor's voice now. "And he'll be so disappointed in me. He always said I could do so much good with my brain."
"And you will," Madness said, voice as unyielding as the ocean tide. "Look at all your inventions, at all the good you will do for the medical field once you are ready. He can't blame you for taking what routes you had available in order to find him. Just let me go in and help me from the outside, like usual. Alright?"
"But what if something happens to you?" Doctor's voice was unexpectedly small. "I don't have anyone else, you know? No one else listened to some scrawny kid, especially not a dead hero's sibling."
"I'm not alone," Madness said and you felt a jolt at surprise at his words. You hadn't expected that he'd believe Song and you would watch his back. And you would protect him, you owed the infuriating man that much at least. "I'll have someone at my side and you for backup."
Doctor huffed a soft sound that was almost a laugh. "I thought heroes were pretentious bullshit people selling a long dead dream?"
"Most of them are. But...maybe there are one or two that are alright," Madness said and his voice had gone a little softer around the edges in a way that did funny things to your insides. 
Oh. ...oh fuck no.
When you glanced at Song, feeling slightly panicky, she blinked, then snorted. "Finally figured it out, huh?"
You made a face at her, she made one right back and you gladly hopped upon the distraction. That was how Doctor and Madness found you, with your tongue sticking out at Song, who was wriggling her fingers at you beside her temples.
"Children," Madness said with a mock-heavy voice. "I am surrounded by children."
"And I am surrounded by idiots, but what else is new," Doctor shot back and before you knew it, you were laughing.
It was a mixture of stress release, nervous realization about feelings and giddy anticipation for the upcoming infiltration. Along with the simple fact that Doctor was right, they were incredibly smart. 
It had also been a while since you had last laughed like this and Song's smile turned warm, one of her wings extending to curl around your shoulders.
To your surprise, even Madness seemed to soften, a little smile playing in the corners of his mouth that had no right to look this cute. You forcibly shook the thought away. You had no reason to look at a villain and consider him cute. That would only end in disaster. Any of these newly realized, far too soft and squishy feelings would only end in disaster.
Heroes and villains didn't work out, that was a song as old as time.
"So," Song said, removing her wing to shake them both out. "What's the plan?"
The plan wasn't overly complicated. None of you were under any illusions about this. You didn't have the forces to storm the old prison the Phoenix Project was in, but you could infiltrate the place, set as many if not all of the captives free and gather enough information to present a case to fellow villains and heroes respectively.
The Defenders itself wasn't involved in the whole thing, but enough people in high positions along with a good handful of heroes were corrupt to cause problems. You would need a lot of good, hard evidence to convince everyone else of the truth. To make them fight back and clean the rot out of their ranks.
Villains didn't care about the troubles of heroes, but they would not like the thought of getting kidnapped once heroes defeated and imprisoned them either. Most villains were solo fighters and crusaders, but Madness had mentioned that there was a sort of unspoken codex. 
That sometimes, if necessary, all the different people and factions worked together to protect their collective future. And considering that goal of the Phoenix Project was to create synthetic powers or transplant powers, this would be of interest to many.
Who knew what other goals the Phoenix Project had, Paralytica hadn't known everything after all. She had just been interested in making more money.
"Song and I will create chaos," Madness said. "While Doctor's robot and you will infiltrate the building."
"I insulated my little helper well enough that he should be able to withstand your powers to a certain degree," Doctor said when you glanced at them. "And I can make it explode if necessary. It packs quite the punch."
Which was how you found yourself squished into a box in the back of a truck. Doctor had been the one to figure out the deliver routes to the old prison and now you were going to infiltrate the place through the backdoor. With a robot squished in beside you, all hard metal edges that were going to leave some weird looking bruises.
You were meant to wait until chaos broke out and sneak your way further in, hopefully encountering less resistance. No one would look at the delivery ramp when Song and Madness were attacking one of the side entrances. The main entrance would have made it too obvious that they were just the diversion.
The moment the box was set down with a grunt and people complaining how heavy it was, alarm sirens rang out shrilly and shouts were heard muffled through doors.
You waited until you couldn't hear rushing footsteps anymore, before you cracked the top of the crate open and slipped outside. Doctor's robot followed you silently and with surprising smoothness. The kid was really going to revolutionize so many fields once they went public with their inventions.
You had a comparatively easy time slipping inside, knocking out distracted guards as you went. Doctor's sleeping darts helped a lot too, if you couldn't sneak up on people to touch them.
You got a brief glance out the window once to see Song and Madness fighting in tandem, people littering the ground around them. Some were clutching their heads, screaming, others just grew slow and sluggish and then fell asleep the moment they heard Song's lullaby.
They were a nasty team, you had to admit. If Song had turned to villainy instead of heroism and those two had ended up working together, the world of heroics might just have been thoroughly fucked. 
"This way," Doctor hissed through the speaker on the robot, which looked more like some kind of alien dog than humanoid. They had mentioned it had made balancing easier at the time of its creation.
Doctor and you made it up to the main control room, which doubled as an office for the big boss, with relative ease. You cracked open windows along the way to let Song's song in, your special ear plugs – made back when Song and you first started heroing – the only thing currently keeping you safe. 
People inside the building grew ever more sluggish and sleepy, which made it easier to take them out. If they weren't already asleep by the time you snuck past them.
"I'll get the data," Doctor said the moment you knocked out the big boss of the place – a tall, muscular man with a shaved head that had turned a startling, angry red when he had spotted you too late. "You go free the prisoners."
You went to the control panel at the side of the room and started flicking switches. On the monitors cell doors opened with metallic screeching and the first person stepped outside. 
You were horrified to recognize her as Supernova, a famous hero celebrity that had been widely mourned after her death. Even on the slightly grainy feed she looked half skeletal and very, very desperately determined.
You bit back a wince when she immediately tossed out her powers, shredding guards that rushed towards her with a miniature black hole. Supernova had never killed before, if anything she had been so very careful to never hurt anyone with her destructive powers. She staggered and sagged, only to be caught by a villain who had rushed out of the neighboring cell. 
You recognized that one too. Their name was Sun and they pulled one of Supernova's arms over their shoulders, slamming a foot against the ground and making it erupt with intense enough fire and heat that you heard people scream somewhere outside the camera focus.
More and more heroes and villains left their cells, all working together to break out. To help each other escape. Not a single one was left behind. It seemed you wouldn't have to tear the place down later after all, not much would be left standing in the aftermath of their escape. Good.
"My brother?" Doctor asked, sounding half focused and half desperate.
"I haven't seen him in the cells," you answered and you heard the click-clack of the keyboard grow faster.
"Found him!" Doctor half shouted. "He's currently in one of the examination rooms."
"I'll go get him," you said. "You focus on downloading everything."
"Understood," Doctor's robot looked up briefly, the single camera lens visibly focusing on you. "Please, be careful."
You threw him a quick salute before you slipped out of the room. The old prison was in such brutal chaos, people running and rushing about, the smart ones even running away, that you had it laughably easy.
The examination rooms were half filled with doctors and a handful of heroes and villains when you arrived. The electronic doors were locked and the doctors looked tense but vaguely, grimly victorious at the same time. They considered themselves safe, behind these thick, reinforced doors that could withstand a lot of superpowers.
But this was where your powers really came in handy, because they could not keep you out if you fried their pretty little mechanical doors to death.
Those doors always clicked open when they were overloaded, a safety mechanism to avoid locking people in, in case of emergencies. They had to be able to leave if they wanted to after all. You made quick work of the doctors, most which had no powers at all.
The second you had knocked out the first set of doctors and freed two of the people on the tables, they threw themselves into the fight alongside you. They didn't have much stamina anymore, but they were fierce, bringing with them a brutality born out of a soul-deep desperation to finally make it out. They knew this might very well be their only chance to escape.
You found Doctor's brother last, he was unconscious and looked rather awful. Scarred and thin and visibly exhausted even as he laid there limply. You pulled the needle out of his arm – it was most likely feeding him sedatives – and threw him over your shoulder.
"Everyone out," you shouted just as the last doctor fell after a big, burly woman had grabbed his head and slammed it hard enough against the wall that you knew this man was never going to get up again.
In all honesty, you did not care, there was even a part of you that felt quietly and darkly vindictive. If anyone asked you, those people had gotten their just desserts – if anything, they deserved worse.
As you led the group of limping, swaying people up the stairs, most of them supporting each other to keep going, acrid and thick smells filled the air. Smoke and acid and ozone, along with something that tasted metallic on your tongue.
You made it past people half dissolved in acid, past scorch marks and walls that looked like they had turned liquid and pierced inward, impaling guards, before turning solid again.
Doctor's robot slid up to your side as you rushed towards the delivery hangar and you heard his audible gasp as he saw his brother across your shoulder.
You heard more gasps and even a sob as you broke out the door and into sunlight. There was an audible fight still going on elsewhere, so you entrusted Doctor's brother to his robot and told the group to follow them. They'd be led to safety.
When you joined the main fight, it was a brutal showdown between the fighting forces of the old prison, along with some suit and ties that had shown up and the banded together heroes and villains.
Most of them were no longer capable of battle however, swaying in place and some were already crumpled on the floor. Song had stopped her lullaby and was now swooping in and out of the rows of enemies, knocking people over, while Madness extended his powers further.
When you reached his side, he was out of breath and sweat was rolling down his chin.
"We're ready to leave," you told him and he grinned briefly, an expression of such fierce, relieved victory that you could only grin back. "Don't hit me with your shit."
With those words you threw yourself into the fray, dodging around the guards to square up with the three suit and ties, for they had brought rather strong powers with them. If you could take them out, everyone could get away with little trouble.
They were nasty pieces of work, forcing you to duck below blades thrown by telekinesis – and the bodies of some of the guards – as well as dodge conjured vines that wanted to tie you down.
One vine snapped around your arm, ready to fling you back and you grit your teeth against the pain as you threw yourself forward. You heard a bone crunch before you felt the pain, a dagger slicing past your cheek, another finding the meat of your thigh.
But now you were right in front of them and they clearly had no idea who you were outside of your hero costume, for they did not dodge back. Their eyes grew wide in realization when the one with the vine powers crumbled at a single touch and now they were hurriedly trying to get away.
Which was when Song swooped in from overhead, dropping her full weight on the suit and tie to the left, arching her wings up high to ensure she would not block your path.
Her rapid descending and distraction was all the chance you needed. You slammed the bare palm of your good hand against the woman's nose, who fell like a sack of bricks, daggers clattering to the ground as her limbs twitched slightly.
"Are you alright?" Song asked, wings snapping out to topple two guards that tried to rush in.
"I'll be fine," you said, her gaze already spotting the knife in your leg and your awkwardly held arm. A heavy wave of power in the air caused the rest of the guards to scream, all of them dropping their weapons, half of them running away, the other half clawing at their own skin.
You'd really have to ask Madness about the details on his powers one of these days. Song gripped you around the waist and with a quick hop and flap of her wings, brought you back to Madness and the rescued heroes and villains.
Madness' face grew tense and pinched when he saw you, eyes briefly turning black, before he exhaled roughly and focused on getting everyone up and moving.
At least the escape part was easy enough with the old prison utterly disabled. It was in a remote location, so no one had to worry about outside help arriving. Not that anyone in that cursed place would have called The Defenders for help, they wouldn't want the scrutiny after all.
You got first aid treatment by none other than Madness. His hands were surprisingly gentle, while Song pointed out all the cars around the place, getting the rescued heroes and villains organized. 
They were soon ready to head to a pre-prepared place to group up and decide what they wanted to do. They would need proper medical treatment soon though, that was for sure.
You drove back with Madness and Supernova and Sun, the two considered-dead people conked out on the backseat, while Song flew overhead to watch for danger. She wouldn't have fit in the car anyway, not with passengers and her large wings.
"Get some rest," Madness said after a couple of minutes of silence. "If you think you can sleep around a villain."
You snorted and closed your eyes. The pain meds you had gotten were really starting to kick in. "I let you at my injuries, didn't I? And I think our truce can extend until we're all ready to go home."
Madness just hummed quietly. "Could be more than a truce," he muttered, but by then you were already slipping off to sleep, so you weren't sure if you imagined it or not.
The Phoenix Project made headlines everywhere. Doctor had made sure this horror story could not and would not be kept secret by anyone who wanted to keep heroes from looking bad.
The Defenders had a lot of hard work ahead of them, convincing the public that they were still trustworthy, that arrested people would not disappear without a trace again. That the heroes they employed could not be bribed too.
Song and you, meanwhile, were lauded as heroes. As in, a different kind of heroes. The kind that, well, that heroes were meant to be. Saviors, defenders of the weak. People who did the right thing, no matter who else was against them.
It was weird, was what it was. Song and you picked a new apartment with the help of Doctor, who made sure no word of its location got out. The kid had contacted you a couple of days after everything started blowing up, letting you know that they were hanging up the villain mantle.
They wanted to go back to school instead and take care of their brother. Though, they had mentioned that Madness was helping them get allies so that, when they did decide to present their inventions to the public in a year or two, no one would take advantage of them.
Madness had gone quiet and you were absolutely not thinking about that one frigging bit. He was a villain, you were a hero and your truce was over. You'd go back to the regularly scheduled program soon enough.
"Don't look so sour," Song said as she fixed her dress, turning once to show off the way it swirled and sparkled. Her wings were freshly groomed and shone beautifully in the overhead light. "How do I look?"
"Drop dead gorgeous," you answered honestly. "If people don't lay themselves at your feet so you can step on them, I will be sorely disappointed."
She laughed, reaching over to haul you into a tight hug, her wings encircling you. You hugged her back, some tension leeching out of you.
"Let's have a good night, alright?" Song said. "We deserve that much after all that we've been through."
"It's a party in our honor, it's going to be weird," you said and Song snorted.
"It's a party to celebrate the survivors. And maybe us, a little bit." She pulled back to grin down at you. "But what this really means is that we get to eat all the cute little fingerfood and if anyone looks at us weirdly, we just remind them that we were the ones to save the day."
You couldn't help but laugh, giving her arms a pat. "Alright, you win. But if I get tired, I'll just go home."
"Let me know and I'll go with you," Song offered. "We can put in one of the movies that came out while we were in hiding. I'll go make drinks and you make popcorn and we kick back for the rest of the night."
That actually sounded preferable to the party, but you had already agreed to show up. And, as Song said, the fingerfood was amazing. To die for, really.
The party was, indeed, a little bit of a stiff affair. Or rather, it was meant to present a united front to the press, show forgiveness on the side of the survivors and it allowed people to network.
You spoke with a couple of the rescued heroes that had shown up, Supernova frowning heavily and looking ready to bolt. You didn't mention the sun necklace she was wearing and fiddling with like it was a good luck pendant.
"Hey," a familiar, cheerful voice chirped behind you, just as you gathered as much fingerfood as your plate could hold. The server meanwhile looked on in horrified awe.
Surprised you turned around to see Doctor with their older brother. The brother looked miles better since you had last seen him. While he was still a bit gaunt, he had lost much of his thinness and his smile was sweet and charming, if a bit tired. 
His scars had faded a bit too, clearly the work of some great medical care. You wouldn't be surprised if Doctor played a part in that.
"My little sibling said I have you to thank for freeing me," he said and held out his hand. You quickly handed your heavily laden plate to the poor server, shaking his hand and then taking the plate back before any of the precariously stacked fingerfood could tumble to a sad little floor-death.
"No thanks necessary, but I am glad to see you're doing better," you answered, while Doctor stood beside you grinning and swaying back and forth a bit on their feet.
"Oh, I doubt you are as glad as I am," the brother answered, only for the smile to slip and crack like fragile glass. "I thought I was going to die in there," he said quietly and Doctor's cheer vanished instantly. "We all did. And then you guys showed up. You have no idea how grateful we are."
This was making you uncomfortable. "Are you still in contact with the others?"
He gave you a surprisingly sharp look, before relaxing a bit. "Yeah, we meet once a month to talk about things. In there...being a hero or a villain stopped meaning anything." He smiled a sad, shy little smile. "Can't count the amount of times a villain held me while I cried."
He cleared his throat, quickly moving on before you could respond. "But that doesn't matter anymore. Now all that matters is healing and making sure my sibling doesn't drop out of school. Again." The last word was said with a bit of reprimand.
You couldn't help but glance at Doctor, wondering if they had told their brother what they had been up to during his presumed death. Considering the stiff, warning smile Doctor gave you, they had said nothing. Fair enough.
"Are you going to eat all that?" Doctor asked instead, nodding at your full plate. 
"Double if no one stops me," you said, which made both of them chuckle.
"Don't let us keep you, then," the brother said. "And, again, thank you. You're my hero." Well, now you felt too touched for words.
Mumbling something incoherent but vaguely nice sounding, you shuffled off to one of the open balconies to eat your fingerfood in peace. Your position gave you a good look across the large ballroom, where Song was dazzling a group of people with an adoring shine in their eyes. 
She deserved it and considering the brief wink she threw your way, she was making sure to hog all the limelight to give you some peace and quiet. If Song ever wanted the world, you'd damn well fetch it for her.
Your gaze wandered and you nearly choked on a piece of food when you saw Madness of all people brazenly striding towards you.
"How?" you said when he leaned against the balcony railing at your side. "are you here?"
He tapped his temple. "People think I'm Doctor's uncle, they don't see me when they look at me."
...you really had to ask him about his powers in detail one of these days. Well, if he ever properly talked with you instead of going radio silent.
"The brother must know you're no uncle of theirs," you pointed out, instead of asking him why he was talking to you now when he hadn't reached out once since the prison breakout. Since bandaging your leg and putting your arm into a temporary sling.
"He knows who I am," Madness answered. "Doctor said I was the one they reached out to for help. They are hiding what they've been up to, though I think their brother is going to find out soon enough." 
Doctor's little jaunt into villainy was hard to ignore, that was true. You hummed in agreement and you half expected Madness to move on. That he had just come here to say hello and keep you from making a scene.
"Why come talk to me?" you asked when he just...remained. Quiet and steady at your side. "I haven't heard from you in a while."
Madness was silent for a long second, then he took a deep breath and straightened. His shoulders rolled back like he was ready to fight, but he didn't feel dangerous. You were still ready to toss your plate of fingerfood at him as a distraction.
"I tried to forget you," Madness said, his words surprising you enough that you paused. "I thought it was for the best. But I couldn't and when I saw you here today...well, I'm a villain. Taking every chance I can to get the things I want is what I do, isn't it?"
You stared at him, befuddled and you allowed him to, ever so gently, take the plate of food from your hands and put it onto the wide railing of the balcony beside you.
"If I overstep let me know and you'll never hear another word from me," he said and his fingertips brushed your hands, leaving warm tingles behind. "But if there is a chance you are interested in me the way I am in you..."
He trailed off, his pale eyes searching yours, hopeful and hesitant in a way you hadn't really seen him before. He was...he was actually showing vulnerability right now. It made you swallow.
"It would never work," you said, because that was the first thing that always came to your mind when you thought about kissing him or holding his hand. About reaching out to him. "We're on two opposite sides of the law. Maybe it's fun at first, but what afterwards? When we have to keep hiding things, have to clash out there in battle?"
Madness didn't brush you off, growing more serious instead, while the hope in his eyes sparked brighter. "You and I are going to retire one day," he said. "Maybe even soon, our lot rarely grows old in this field of work. And I would refrain from attacking you, no matter what."
"It would be hard to make this work," you pointed out, gesturing between you and him, but considering how his eyes sparked with a challenge accepted, that wasn't a problem. "Are you sure? I thought you didn't like heroes."
"I don't," he agreed easily. "But you're different." He tipped his head slightly to the side. "There is a dash of villain in you, isn't there?"
You could admit that he was right and maybe, there was sometimes a bit more than just a dash. You knew that if Song turned to villainy for some reason – it would be a good reason, knowing her – you'd ultimately end up following her.
"My morals are...flexible, sometimes," you admitted. There was a reason why Song was your anchor and compass, your lodestone. Why her light guided your way and you knew, if someone ever took her from you, you would not stop until that person was dead.
Madness smiled and you liked it. A lot. You liked the way he looked at you, as if you were something amazing. As if he never wanted to look away.
He reached into the pocket of his suit and pulled out a beautiful bracelet. "Doctor made this for me, it blocks my powers." And, just like that, he held it out to you.
"Why trust me like this?" you couldn't help but ask and his answering, crooked smile had no right to be this charming and sweet.
"Because you never used a situation against me," he answered, with an earnest shine in his eyes that made you want to look away, your heart going all soft and vulnerable. "Not when the building collapsed and you had the upper hand, nor any time later when you could have just knocked me out with a touch."
"I don't even know your name," you said. 
When you didn't move to take the bracelet, he took your hand carefully, turning it palm up to press the cold metal against your skin, curling your fingers closed around it. Once you put this on, he wouldn't be able to use his powers against you, not even in defense should you decide to turn on him.
"Then I'll tell you," he said quietly, his free hand coming up, slowly enough for you to pull back. When you didn't, he cupped the side of your face, this thumb brushing gently over your cheek. "And anything else you want to know."
"We'll need as safeword," you blurted out, because this was already getting too important to mess up needlessly. "When we do encounter ourselves or just in general, to make this work." To not hurt each other by being heroes and villains.
"What do you propose?" he asked and you almost said tic-tac-toe, but that was kind of long, wasn't it? Before you could say something, his eye brightened with mirth. "How about checkers?"
You huffed. "I did have you beat in checkers."
He laughed, low and amused and very fond. You were fonder of him yourself than you liked to admit on your good days. "Keep telling yourself that, my villainous hero. Checkers it is. So, what do you say? Want to give me, us, a chance?"
You tightened your grip around the bracelet and leaned your cheek into his palm. His eyes darkened with want and something soft as you allowed him to cradle you. As you allowed him so close to your mind that he could ruin you, could destroy you forever, before you could ever hope to stop him.
"Touch civilians or Nightingale and I will end you," you said, a steel-solid promise uttered in a low, dangerous voice that made a darkly pleased grin appear on his face. He liked you sharp, he liked it when you showed that villainous streak that lurked below the surface. "Alright. Tell me your name, Madness, and then kiss me."
And so he did.
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mistywaves98 · 2 years
HIHIHI IDK IF YOU REMEMBER ME BUT YOUR ALBEDO THEME IS SO !!!! ME TOO EEE <333 that being said !! can i ask for mean dom!albedo w aphrodisiacs on like an assistant reader maybe,,, TYTY I LOVE UR WRITING
OMG PEARLL IT'S SO NICE TO SEE YOU OFC I REMEMBER YOUU!!! And thanks, when I made the theme I was so proud of it lmao and forgive me for taking soo long with this request😭😭
Mean! Dom! Albedo x Assistant! Fem! Reader
¡Warnings!: Aphrodisiacs, Sub! Reader, Dubcon/Noncon, Dumbification, Chocking, Degradation, Albedo calls you princess, Thigh Riding, Reader cums easily, Implied Virgin! Reader, I feel like I missed something!
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It was an honor to be the personal assistant of the best alchemist in Mondstadt. You were proud of your position and always did your best to hold up your image, even if you did slip up every now and then.
You were always with him wherever he went, sometimes it was by choice and other times he demanded your presence. Whenever the latter happened it would leave you confused but proud that he wants you around.
Now just happened to be one of those times and this time you were in Dragonspine once again.
You were supposed to just 'relax' but now you were growing quite impatient since you had nothing to do and whenever you asked Albedo if there was anything you could assist with, he sent you to do something boring, like dusting the shelves or rearranging the books. You wanted to be assigned to something exciting, maybe collecting some slime secretions, or helping him mix up a new chemical, or....oh! Perhaps even something related to the cryo hypostasis!
As much as you didn't want to be a nuisance, you felt your brain cells deteriorating the more you stood around doing nothing, even observing the alchemist paint the wonderful scenery of the mountains outside had lost it's entertainment. So once more you tried to get Albedo to let you do more than sit around,"Sir, are you sure there's nothing else that needs to be done? No experiments needed to be conducted, no hypotheses to test?" You tried dropping some hints that would tell him to let you actually go out of the confinements of his laboratory but Albedo only sighed.
He personally thought it was nice to watch you when you weren't looking. So beautiful.... like a dainty little doll.... !!
Oops, he must've zoned out for a bit. Shaking his head slightly, he pondered your question. You had been bugging him non stop since you got here, but he couldn't really blame you. You were always an energetic one, always looking for something to do, or more specifically, something that'll please him. So just existing in his lab probably wasn't the best thing for you, besides, there is something he did want to try....
"Well, if you want to do something that badly, there is one thing I have in mind...." "Oh? What is it? Can I help you with it? What do you need me to do? Should I go—" "It's rather, dangerous, are you sure about this?" "The more dangerous, the better!" "Wait right here."
He put down his brushes and paint and left the room. When he came back he was holding something in his hand, a little vial containing a curiously pink liquid. Upon closer inspection you saw that it was filled with carbonated bubbles fizzing around. "I want you to drink this." "What is it?" "....I can't tell you." "..."
That was an odd response. Albedo never kept secrets from you before and it made you rather uneasy about what you were going to put in your body. But you trust him, he would never poison you, not on purpose anyway. So you just took his word for it and drank the liquid in one gulp.
It tasted very sweet, like a dozen sweet flowers had been mixed in, the texture was nice too, the way the liquid ran down your oesophagus felt satisfying. "So...I drank it. What now?" "We wait."
Albedo watched your face contort in confusion and held back a smile. Oh you were so soo clueless.
You stood there for a while, feeling kind of awkward as Albedo's eyes bore into the side of your head. You were thinking of something to say that would break the tension, not really paying any mind to the heat building up between your legs.
You may not have noticed the way your thighs were rubbing together, or the way you started tugging at your shirt collar, or the way your breathing became heavy and deep but Albedo saw it all. You couldn't hide anything from him. This was no exception.
Walking up to you he asked,"Are you feeling any different now?" "Uh... n-not really....just a bit h-hot–"
You find it hard to form a proper sentence without stuttering and jumbling up your words. The fact Albedo's standing right in front of you doesn't help either. You can't help but stare, goodness. Has he always been this attractive? The way he's looking at you...you can feel your underwear getting wetter.
"Hmm... are you sure? It seems you have a little issue down here." His hand cups your heat, making you gasp and immediately try to close your legs which he forces apart with his other hand. "I—" You cut yourself off as a surprised moan leaves your mouth when Albedo presses two fingers deeper against your clothes cunt and begins dragging them back and forth.
"S-sir, what are you—haah!— doing?" "Why helping you of course, unless, you don't want it?" You whine as he removes his hand from between your legs. You were so close! Oh, why did he stop?
"That's not what I meant! I— uh..." Your already red face burned even more as you struggled to find a way to tell Albedo that you actually want him to fuck you. Your boss simply sat down on a nearby chair and, patting his lap, he said,"Well, if you want to cum, you have to work for it princess. Ride my thigh and make a good show out of it. If you succeed, I will reward you with release, don't and you will face the consequences." A mean, smile was plastered across his face as he spoke, after all, what other option did you have?
You walk over and as you straddle his thigh, you avoid his burning gaze. However, Albedo doesn't like that and reaching up a hand to grab your face he pulls it close so you are forced to make eye contact with him. "Don't just sit there, if you want me to touch you, start moving." Letting your face go, he leans back in the chair with his hands crossed against his chest, smirking at you.
You're brought out of your dazed state as your pussy needing throbs. Hesitantly putting your hand on his shoulders, you use the leverage to move yourself. Suddenly you flinch and gasp at the feeling of your clothed clit dragging against the rough fabric of his pants.
A few more weak attempts to get yourself off has you in tears, it's humiliating and you hardly have any clue to what you're doing. You look at Albedo, silently begging him for help, but he just returns it with a cruel smile. It takes a moment for you to realize what he (probably) wants and although you don't really want to, you're so desperate right now you don't really care.
"Please...." "Hm?" "Please help me! Please help me cum, sir!" "Well, since you asked so nicely, I'll help you, but you better not complain when I give you what you want." You don't understand what he could possibly mean by that, but you don't have much time to think about it when Albedo grabs your hips, pushes you down and grinds you against his thigh. It's too fast and hard for you but nothing you say makes him slow or soften his pace. It's barely a minute before you feel the knot in your stomach burst. You collapse into his neck, tears streaming down your face, soaking his coat but suddenly you feel him yank you up by your throat. "Did you cum just by rubbing yourself against my thigh? Fully clothed no less, such a sensitive little whore aren't you? But I'm afraid you haven't satisfied me, so I think a punishment is due, don't you?"
Without warning, he suddenly squeezes your throat, stopping any air from making its way to your lungs. Your hands immediately try grasp his arm, but Albedo manages to catch them, leaving you to slowly asphyxiate. Fortunately, he let's go after a while, chuckling at the way you choke and sputter. "You have any idea how adorable it is to see you struggle," he sighs,"I've wanted this for so long and finally, I have you at my mercy. Now, for your punishment."
Cold air brushes your cunt as your cum-soaked pants and panties are ripped off. As soon as they're off, your juices gush out, messing his thigh up even more. You shut your eyes in embarrassment, not daring to meet his gaze, "Look at that. Who would've thought someone like you would cum so much untouched? You must like this more than you'd ever admit, no?" "No, I—" "Don't lie to me." "But—" Your sentence is cut short by a hard slap. "I don't want to hear any excuses. In fact, maybe it's better if you just shut up." You make a gagging noise as two fingers are shoved so far into your mouth, they hit the back of your throat. That was so hot, Albedo thinks, imagine if that was his cock.
Bringing his attention back to your pussy, he rubs his free hand against it, making you squirm as he collects your arousal and cum on his fingers. So wet, surely it would be enough for you to take his cock. Unbuckling his belt, he takes it out. Your eyes widen in slight fear, how were you going to take that inside of you?
Albedo laughs at the anxious look on your face, what are you worried about? Of course it's going to fit and if it doesn't, he'll make it fit.
Taking his hand out of your mouth, he lifts you up by your thighs and positions your entrance over the leaky tip of his cock. He then slams you down, giving you no time to adjust, a twisted, sadistic look is on his face as you scream and begin to cry once more. After giving you a few seconds, he lifts you up and impales you on his cock over and over again. It's fast, hard and painful, each thrust causing you to let out something that sounded like a mixture of a cry and a moan.
You beg him to stop, but in the back of your mind you think, do you really want him to? Yes it hurts, you are a virgin after all, but it also feels really good at the same time, in fact, it nearly feels too good. You didn't really have much time to recover from your first orgasm and now you feel another one coming. You're unsure if to say anything, but the uncertainty is short lived when fresh tears fall from your eyes as you cream around his cock.
"Came again? Ahh... and I've barely felt even close the cumming." "P-please sir, n-no more..." "Sorry princess, but like I said, you've failed to satisfy me, now you must accept your punishment."
You were exhausted and looked like a mess. Hair disheveled and sticking to your sweaty skin and clothes stained with cum while Albedo on the other hand, seemed perfectly normal aside from his dilated pupils, red tint across his face and small beads of perspiration rolling down his forehead.
Suddenly, you feel your stomach make contact with the cold Marble of the table as Albedo effortlessly puts you on it and turns you over. "I think this would be a more efficient position."
Before you know it, his cock is drilling into you once more. His pace is as fast as ever and you find your self grabbing at the tables edge while you moan in ecstasy. It's uncontrollable, the way a third orgasm washes over you at his continuous pounding.
It goes on like that for a while. You've cum about eight times before Albedo cums once. When he does, he cums inside you and you squirm at the foreign feeling. When he pulls out he can't help but feel mesmerized by the way his thick seed trickles out of your abused hole, running down your trembling thighs and falling into the puddle of cum from all your previous orgasms.
"You did so well for me princess, now wait here while I go get something to clean ourselves up." He sounds so unbothered, how much stamina does he have? While you lay there, brain reduced to mush and unable the form a coherent sentence or think of anything but the feeling of his cock in your walls. If there's one good thing about this whole situation, it's the fact that the uncomfortable fire in your stomach and nether regions is gone now :)
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starleska · 1 year
Okok I've been sorta stalking your Wally writings for a bit and I WAS WONDERING- could I maybe get a Wally Darling x a person who stutters a lot when they're excited? I've been pretty insecure and in need of wally fluff if you're not too busy -w- remember to drink some water!! Thank you and have a wonderful day!
hello sweetie!!! haha, thank you very much for the stalkings, they're greatly appreciated - and for reminding me to stay hydrated! 🥰 ohhh this one is lovely!! 😭🙏 please don't worry, you needn't be insecure - stutters for any reason are just a natural part of human speech, and they're part of you, which is perfect 💖 i hope you enjoy :3c
Wally Darling x Reader with a Stutter headcanons
💖 the first time you meet Wally Darling, you're completely overwhelmed and can barely get a word out. on the best of days you're self-conscious about your stutter, but Wally is so drop-dead gorgeous he would've made anyone struggle to speak!! you flush, drop your eyes and fumble with your hands, feeling that familiar embarrassment welling up over you; it's so frustrating not being able to say what you mean. but you feel a reassuring hand on your shoulder, and look up to see Wally smiling and nodding at you. "Take your time," he says gently. "Sometimes speaking is hard for me too. You can say a lot with just your eyes." his warm demeanour is like slipping into a hot bath, and you let that comfort wash over you. although you're still bubbling with excitement and have trouble holding his gaze, you don't feel quite so self-conscious in Wally's presence.
💖 sometimes other people get impatient with your stutter, and try to talk over you - but Wally is having none of that. whenever someone tries to interrupt you or rush you along, Wally will confront them both reasonably, and in a way which shames them at the same time. "Isn't that quite rude of you, not letting them finish?" he asks, tilting his head on the side. "I sure am interested in what they have to say." whenever he does this, you feel a guilty rush of pleasure you're not used to: a sort of power reclamation, thanks to Wally reminding people that you deserve to be heard. you wonder if this has anything to do with Wally's unnerving stare...those who are on the receiving end of Wally's sweet passive-aggression never make the same mistake twice.
💖 it's common for you to have days where you feel down on yourself for your stutter, and Wally is always there to comfort you when this happens. even when everyone around you is perfectly kind and understanding, some days you figure it's best that you don't talk at all, and refuse to speak even to your closest friends. Wally notices when you're feeling this way, and likes to play a little 'zip-mouth' game with you, where he mimes locking his lips and throwing away the key. it becomes a contest to see who can go without speaking the longest, and Wally is very good at presenting interesting situations or funny gestures to try and make you talk and laugh. Wally never loses this game, and when you do finally break and speak to him - often giggling so much that you forget feeling bad about your stutter - Wally likes to lift your confidence. "There's that lovely voice," he says. "I missed it a lot. Let's not do this again soon, okay?"
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xoxodiluc · 2 years
i love you | kamisato ayato x female! reader
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genre romance, angst, hurt / comfort
cw arranged marriage, ayato tries to win you back but he's scared of messing things up again, ayato breaking down (so kinda ooc) | not proofread.
notes if u don't like flowers...... PRETEND U LIKE THEM PLSLSJHDGHSJKHD FOR THE SAKE OF THE STORY LOL / also i actually don't think this is . good ugh but shit oh well ... i'm probably gonna edit this when i have free time 💔
sequel to in my dreams, you love me back
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Kamisato Ayato thought the first few months of you not living with him anymore was fine.
But why... Why was he missing your presence? Whenever he comes home, he has the urge to call out your name, only to remember that you were gone.
He knew he had no right to miss you. He got what he wanted, right? He should be grateful for it.
"My lord, could you repeat what you said again?" Thoma was stunned.
"...Bring these flowers to Y/N's home."
Thoma stared at the flowers in Ayato's hands, then cleared his throat, taking them from him. "O-Okay, my lord."
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"Flowers?" Your cheeks warmed, accepting the flowers Thoma gave to you. "From whom?"
He was noticeably nervous, "Uh... From Lord Ayato..."
You involuntarily dropped the flowers as soon as you heard his name. "Oh. Tell him that I do not accept these." Thoma gulped, nodding as he picked up the flowers.
"I will."
Sighing, you crouched down and helped him. "I'm sorry for suddenly dropping it, I—"
"It's okay, milady! I understand."
You gave him a small smile as you both stood up. "Thank you. Um... Have you eaten dinner? I still have some." You pointed to your back, where you cooked yourself some food for dinner, not knowing it was too much for one person.
Because you got used to cooking food for Ayato.
"Oh, I appreciate it, milady." And you invited him to your home for dinner, forgetting about Ayato for a while.
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Ayato knew you wouldn't accept the flowers he offered, especially when he wasn't even the one who gave them to you personally. He called himself a coward.
He sighed, sitting on his chair. If Ayato showed up instead of Thoma and offered you the flowers, would it still make any difference?
Well, take the risk or lose the chance. Ayato was determined to let you know he was sorry.
Thankfully, your house wasn't that far away from his.
Your mood immediately became sour when you saw your husband at your doorstep. "What do you want, Ayato?"
For the first time in years, he felt nervous. "You didn't accept the flowers."
"I see no reason why I should."
He agreed. "I... I apologize."
"Okay. I don't forgive you." Your words hurt more than Ayato had expected, though he knew you would never forgive him.
Ayato nodded and gave you the flowers, "At least accept these." About to shake your head, he whispered, "Please."
Once you hesitantly took it, he turned around and walked away. You feel your heart breaking as you watch his figure disappear further.
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The next day, you got ready to buy some groceries. You reminded yourself to stroll around Inazuma City for a while afterward, but you disregarded that thought once you saw Ayato again in front of your house. Now, you wanted nothing more than to sulk in your home. What does he want?
"I don't mean to disturb you, Y/N." You almost rolled your eyes because he did disturb you.
"What are you doing here?"
He sighed, "Please, let me make it up to you."
"And you think I'd still forgive you?" You scoffed, walking past him as Ayato closed the door for you. You get that you were being a little harsh, but you wouldn't forget what he did to you back then.
"No, I know you won't."
"So why are you still bothering?"
"Because you didn't deserve the way I treated you. So from now on, I'll treat and respect you as my wife, even if you ignore me, even if you don't talk to me. If I could, I'll do anything to take back the things I said and did to hurt you."
You felt your heart beating quickly. You won't forgive Ayato, but he could still make it up, though you didn't trust that he wouldn't hurt you again.
With a little hesitation, you nodded. "Fine."
A hopeful look flashed on his face, "All right. May I accompany you wherever you go?"
"Sure, do whatever you want."
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Days, weeks, and months passed by, and Ayato would accompany you every day. You wondered, how could he have so much time for a busy person?
It seemed that he kept up with what he said, though. Even when you ignored him like how he ignored you back then, he treated you like you were his wife, like... the love of his life.
He walks you back to your home every time you go out and sends you your favorite flowers and other things you showed interest in when you walked around Inazuma City. Funny how you were once putting an effort into your relationship, and now it was the other way around.
You were confused as well... about Ayato and your feelings for him. Were you actually thinking of forgiving him? You had to know if he was being genuine. How would you know he wouldn't hurt you again?
So when you were walking back home along with Ayato, you asked, "What do you want from me?" The question came out to be harsher than you intended.
He stopped in his tracks, and he couldn't answer. You turned to look at him with furrowed eyebrows and see him clenching his fist as the tears threatened to fall from his eyes...
"I..." He gulped, "I don't know what you're—"
"Why do you care?"
"I don't—"
"That's what I thought. I won't be living here anymore."
Ayato remembered the day you left his home. "No, I didn't mean— Please, don't leave..."
Your eyes widened, "Ayato, I won't leave." The man in front of you who is usually composed sobbed and got on his knees. The sight cracked your heart, and you crouched down to soothe his shoulder. "Hey..."
Because even after everything, you still loved him. You were just scared of getting hurt again.
Soon after Ayato calmed down, he couldn't look at you, so he stared at his hands instead as he started speaking. "I wanted to win you back. I want your love, even though I know I don't deserve that… So for as long as it takes, I'll wait. And if you don't have the heart to take me back, I understand and I'll leave you alone."
"You idiot... Don't you think you've waited for too long?" He looked at you with wide eyes, "It's okay, Ayato. I forgive you."
"I still love you. I guess I just was just scared of getting hurt again."
He hugged you, finally saying, "I love you. Archons, I love you very much."
You buried your face into his neck, "You mean that?"
"Of course, yes." He pulled away to caress your cheeks with his hands. "Let's try again. Let's get married."
"Aren't we married, though?" You said, hiding the smile on your face.
Ayato shook his head, "I meant that we should get married as a real couple. I really want to, Y/N. Please?"
He got your answer when you kissed him on the lips.
Not only in your dreams, but in reality, he loves you back.
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xoxodiluc © 2022 | all rights reserved. do not claim as your own, modify, copy or repost.
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wandaromanova · 1 year
never did.
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader
Warnings: cussing, that’s about it
A/N: hello! i’m extremely rusty in the angst department, so i’m sorry if this isn’t up to par. hope i did the request justice. not proofread. happy reading <3
anon requested: Wednesday and reader are in a relationship but wednesday keeps not talking to reader and over all just being bad at relationships on multiple occasions, so reader breaks up with her even though it hurts them to do it.
Summary: Did Wednesday Addams ever truly love you?
Word Count: 2.7K words | wednesday masterlist
please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work. reblogs, likes, and comments are always welcome. <3
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There are many factors that are essential to the longevity of a relationship. 
Time, effort, communication, attention, affection, patience, care; the list of necessities goes on and on.
Relationships are of the utmost delicacy. The weight of devoting yourself to another is heavy, but that’s where the beauty lies. 
Getting to spend time with your partner, learning them inside and out is a gift. The most tedious of tasks hold the most value when done with the one you love.
Each conversation turns out more enlightening than the last. Each minuscule gesture becomes the arsonist who set your heart ablaze. With each second that passes, your love grows.
However, this was not the case for your relationship with Wednesday Addams.
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You had been dating the raven-haired girl for well over eight months. In the beginning, things were wonderful.
You spent all of your spare time with her and missed your girlfriend the second she was gone. You were attached to your other half and assumed she felt the same way. 
She made you feel special. 
Allowing you in her personal space, revealing little facts about her upbringing, letting you use her sweaters whenever the nights were particularly cold, asking for your opinion on a section of her novel, and occasionally sleeping beside her as the day came to a close. 
You were under the impression that your relationship was sailing steadily, but that all changed.
She had gone cold, essentially shutting you out. Gone was the quality time you spent together, let alone the conversations which clued you in on what made your girlfriend the person she is today. She was distancing herself, leaving you alone and confused.
Of course, you knew dating Wednesday would come with its trials and tribulations. She was twenty-four karat gold in a sea of sterling silver. There was no one like her, one of many reasons why you loved the girl.
The girl had been independent her entire life, insisting on being alone, and would ignite fear in everyone around her.
She made sure to keep people away and hated anyone who so much as breathed in her presence. And yet, you were the exception. 
Well… you used to be.
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Every day after your third period, Wednesday would meet you in the quad. Like clockwork, the second you enter the area, your girlfriend wasted no time in getting to your side. 
She was never one for public displays of affection or affection in general. So, she would simply walk closer to you than she would others, her shoulder lightly bumping against yours as the two of you made your way to your friends. 
But one day, you arrived at the quad, your girlfriend nowhere to be found. Your eyes scanned over the crowded space, hoping to spot the cloud of darkness which stormed her way through your heart, but she was nowhere to be found.
Dejectedly, you made your way to your friends who sat at their normal spot, toward the center of the quad.
A sigh escaped your lips as you dropped your backpack on the ground, practically flinging yourself into the seat beside Enid.
“What’s got you so sour today?” Bianca spoke up as she took notice of your slumped form, one of your hands propping your head up on the table, elbow perched on the table.
“Have any of you guys seen Wednesday?” You asked, indirectly answering the siren’s question.
You tried to not seem upset, speaking normally despite your body language and behavior proving otherwise. Everyone shook their heads, confirming that no one had seen her.
You visibly deflated, and the blonde beside you took notice of this.
“Don’t worry Y/N. I’m sure she just got caught up with something. She’ll be here soon.” Enid, ever the optimistic, said as she sent you a reassuring smile.
All you could do was nod before the attention was diverted from you, everyone returning to their conversations once more. 
Sure, Wednesday could have gotten wrapped up in something she couldn’t get out of, but you knew your girlfriend.
She was extremely prompt, especially when it came to spending time with you. Maybe you were overreacting, but you had a gut feeling that you couldn’t quite shake. 
You sat there for the rest of lunch, not touching the sandwich that Enid had so graciously given you. All you could do was let your eyes wander, hoping that your girlfriend would show.
She never did.
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It was a Saturday, meaning you were free from the confines of teachers and education. 
Normally, you would spend the day with Wednesday, but she had informed you she would be busy with “hummer duties.”
This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, knowing all too well how seriously Eugene takes the little club.
So, in the absence of your girlfriend, you decided to stay in for the day. You had an ever-growing list of movies you’d planned to watch, and just never had the time to. But before your plan could roll into action, you would need snacks to have a proper movie marathon. 
Begrudgingly, you crawl out of bed and quickly throw some clothes on before making your way to Jericho. Considering the fact that you were a fast walker, it wasn’t too long before you were in the local supermarket, flinging chips and candy into your cart. 
You received some stares but were unfazed. It was well-known that some Jericho residents still have a distaste for outcasts, despite the mayor’s efforts of inclusivity.
You simply ignored the judgmental glances, swiftly paying for your items and walking out with a bag in each hand. 
On your way back to Nevermore, you passed by the Weathervane. However, you stopped in your tracks when you caught sight of your girlfriend.
She was sitting across from Tyler, the normie boy she had mentioned a few times in the past who harbored feelings for her.
Sadness and irritation filled you, the latter winning by a long run. Without thinking twice, you walked into the coffee shop, stopping right in front of their table.
Both parties turned to face you, their conversation coming to a pause. 
“Hi, can I help you?” The curly-haired boy asked in confusion. You didn’t even spare him a glance, eyes trained on Wednesday who stared right back at you. 
“No, you can’t, but she can.” You spoke calmly despite the waves of negative emotion consuming you.
Even though you were standing there, visibly distraught, Wednesday’s expression never faltered.
“What do you want?” There was a bite to the raven-haired girl’s tone as she spoke, and it stung.
She had never talked to you in this way, at least not since the two of you began dating. 
“I didn’t realize normies were welcome to join the Hummers.” You said through gritted teeth, your patience slowly leaving you.
It was incredibly hard to keep your emotions in check, but that was thrown out the window the second your girlfriend responded.
“We’re a comprising club that encourages diversity.” 
“Jesus, Wednesday you have an answer for everything, don’t you? It’s fucking amazing.”
You were fed up, exasperated, and embarrassed by the lack of remorse from Wednesday. You didn’t care about the boy sitting across from her who fiddled with his hands awkwardly. You didn’t care about the sudden attention you gained from the coffee shop’s patrons. 
All you cared about was your girlfriend sitting here, unapologetic in lying to you. 
You shook your head in disbelief before storming out of the shop, the door loudly slamming shut. Your pace quickened when you heard footsteps approaching from behind you.
Before you knew it, a slender hand wrapped around your wrist, forcing you to stop. You turned to face the person, and as expected, it was Wednesday.
“What do you want?” You pettily reiterated the girl’s question back at her, venom laced in your voice. Her dark brown eyes bored into your own.
“I don’t understand why you’re so upset. I was just discussing my Hyde theories with Tyler. It’s not a cause for jealousy and publicly humiliating yourself like a moron.”
Her monotonous tone met your ears and somehow, you were even more pissed than you were before. You didn’t even think that was possible.
“I’m not jealous of your little normie boyfriend. And I don’t give a damn about those other people. I’m furious because my girlfriend straight up lied to me. You lied to me! And you’re acting like you did nothing wrong! That’s why I’m fucking upset, Wednesday.”
You were yelling at the girl at this point, harshly yanking your wrist out of her grip before continuing in the direction you were originally going in.
You were hurt. Wednesday used to go out of her way to spend time with you, but now she was making up excuses to get away. And with each heavy step you took, you hoped your girlfriend would chase after you once more and apologize for what she had done.
She never did.
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The following weeks after that fight with Wednesday, you contemplated the state of your relationship. It was abundantly clear that your girlfriend was no longer content with the bond you had built. And if you were being completely honest, neither were you.
You understood that spending every second with Wednesday was unhealthy and unrealistic, you knew that. But all you wanted was to see the effort she had shown before, the interest in you she had before. And yet, it never came.
Was this worth fighting for? Or had the battle already been lost?
Those questions swarmed your mind, unable to figure out what was the best decision for not only yourself but for Wednesday too. You hated that you were still keeping her feelings in mind after she blatantly disregarded yours. You loved her, after all.
So, you desperately tried to bring back the spark that was once as bright as a flame in the dead of night, but the winds of change were stronger than the dim light could withstand.
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Each night, you would wander into Wednesday and Enid’s dorm. Your girlfriend insisted on this routine, claiming that your presence made her writing easier and that you were the source of her creativity. You were her muse, well at least that’s what she had told you. 
This practice stopped after your argument, but you decided to take a leap of faith and show up tonight. So, here you were, standing outside the door unsure if you should knock or simply barge in unannounced like you usually did. 
You didn’t have to wait too long before the door swung open on its own accord, revealing Enid who was all dressed up. 
“Oh! Hey, Y/N! You haven’t come around in awhile.” The werewolf smiled at you, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug.
“Enid, you’re acting like you don’t see me in class every day.” You laughed, quickly returning the gesture as your arms wrapped around her form.
“I know, but I’m just really glad you’re here. Wednesday has been… moodier than usual. Hopefully, you can fix that. It’s not fun fearing for your life in your own room.”
Enid pulled back, releasing you from her death grip.
“Yeah, hopefully.” You chuckled, awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck. The blonde opened the door wider, allowing you to step inside the all-familiar dorm that had become your second home. 
“Anyways, I’m gonna dip. Yoko wants to watch that new zombie-alien movie. I’m just going for the popcorn. So, have fun!”
Enid said excitedly, mouthing a noiseless ‘good luck’ to you before exiting the room, closing the door shut behind her.
Now, the silence was all that could be heard, and even then it was deafening. If you hadn’t turned around to see Wednesday sitting at her desk, you would’ve thought you were in the room alone.
“What are you doing here?” Wednesday was surprisingly the first one to speak, not even bothering to turn around to face you.
“I wanted to see you. I miss you…” You spoke sadly, looking at the back of your girlfriend’s head before she responded harshly.
“Well, you’ve seen me. Now you can go.”
“I’m sorry… what?”
“It’s my writing hour and I don’t need any distractions.”
You were at a loss for words. You were rendered silent as you processed the shock and hurt. She thought of you as a distraction. You were no longer the flint that sparked her creativity, you were now a hindrance. Wednesday didn’t want you there.
Neither of you moved a muscle, the tension so thick it could be cut with a knife. You didn’t even realize you were crying the teardrops slid down your cheeks. This was the moment you accepted the fate of your relationship, and you hated that it had come to this.
“What did I do, Wednesday? Why am I not good enough for you anymore?”
Your voice was shaking as you spoke, lips quivering as you suppressed your sobs. Your questions had Wednesday turning around, finally taking a look at you. 
“What are you talking about?” The raven-haired girl furrowed her eyebrows, looking at you in curiosity and a bit of confusion.
“You’ve been avoiding me at all costs. You don’t want me around anymore. You used to always be there for me and now you’re nowhere to be found. We rarely talk. N-no matter how hard I try to get you back to me, you refuse and see no p-problem with it.”
You were sobbing at this point, stuttering towards the end of your sentence as the tears fell down harder. At this point, you couldn’t even look at the girl in front of you, your hands becoming very interesting to look at.
“Don’t take it personally. The Hyde situation is important. I need to crack the code on this before the prophecy is fulfilled.” Wednesday said smoothly, expression deadpan as you broke down in front of her.
“Don’t take it personally? Are you kidding me? I get that the investigation is important, but am I not important too?”
You gathered the courage to look back up at the raven-haired girl, tears blurring your vision. And yet, she still looked stunning.
“The investigation takes precedence, Y/N.”
All you could do was stand there crying. It was actually pretty embarrassing. You felt pathetic, crying before a girl who you loved as she was completely unbothered. After a few minutes, you gathered your composure, sniffles filling the silence of the room.
“Well… now you have one less thing to worry about. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to be your second or third priority. I deserve better than this.”
You were surprised by how strong your words came out as you turned towards the door to leave. It was as if Wednesday hadn’t fully registered what you’d said until she saw you reach for the door.
“Wait.” The Addams said, hastily standing from her chair and rushing toward you. You turned around, hand still on the handle.
And for the first time ever, Wednesday looked afraid.
“Don’t leave me. I promise I’ll do better. I will spend more time with you, we can talk all you want, and I will dial down on the Hyde.”
Wednesday was begging you to stay in her own way, but you weren’t going to give in as much as your heart and soul were screaming at you to do so.
“You shouldn’t have given me reasons to leave in the first place.” 
And with that, you opened the door and left without another word, leaving Wednesday in her dorm all alone.
You were proud of yourself for finally standing your ground, but the heartbreak outweighed it all.
The second you got back to your own room, you collapsed onto your bed, crying your heart out as you mourned your relationship.
Were you nothing but a game to her? Were you just something to keep her busy until something else piqued her interest? Were you just a person to ease the loneliness? Did Wednesday ever truly love you?
She never did.
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pathetic-sapphic · 11 months
Could I please request headcanons/imagines/anything for Arcane milfs + a makeout session with fem!reader? How spicy they get is totally up to you. If you're uncomfortable w this then please ignore. I am simply a thirsty girl 😌
How the Arcane milfs kiss you
a/n: you were so real for this one anon. enjoy!
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SEVIKA's kisses are passionate and messy. She kisses you so strongly that it feels like she's trying to eat you alive (and, really, she is). Barely lets you breathe as her tongue is sliding over the entire expanse of your mouth, making you breathless and drooling. Loves it when you have that hazy look in your eye and chuckles as she wipes of a bit of drool from the corner of your puffy lips. Will also nip at them, hard enough to draw blood if you made her feel jealous in any way but will soothe the wound with her tongue immediately after. Making out with Sevika is intense, wiping your mind clear of any thoughts and turning you into her cute, dumb sweetheart. Loves to have you sit on her lap or thigh while you're going at it, especially while you're at the Last Drop. She will grip your face with her big hand and devour you so that everyone knows you're hers.
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GRAYSON's kisses you fondly and longingly. She misses you so much when she's away for work and worries about you all the time. She tries to convey all her feelings and affection towards you through her kisses. Grayson's job is tiring, to say the least, and she's not as young as she used to be. So when she comes home after a long day at work, there's nothing she loves more than having you sit in her lap and enjoying a lazy, relaxing make-out session with you. She gently caresses your cheek with her thumb, her other hand wrapped protectively around your waist. She'll stop to breathe every now and then and use that opportunity to admire your beautiful features and the way your chest lightly heaves from how breathless her kisses left you. Whenever you visit her while she's working, Grayson makes sure to ask for kisses in order to re-charge her batteries and more often than not it escalates into something more. She has a lot of pent up energy so your little visits come in handy. Don't worry, she won't leave you hanging, her office door has a lock for a reason.
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Make-out sessions with CASSANDRA are a treat that the two of you can rarely afford to enjoy due to her duties. Most of the time, the two of you indulge in passing pecks as you're both going through your day. At night, she is entirely devoted to you and your needs. Will have you sit next to her on a luxurious couch in the lounge area after dinner and have the door locked to ensure your privacy. Her kisses are tense at first, but she quickly relaxes with the feeling of your warmth and softness against her body. Loves running her de-gloved hands through your hair while kissing you, muttering praises in-between kisses. It's often lazy and tender, with both of you being tuckered out after a long day and just enjoying each other's presence before going to bed. If you tease her during the day, she will drag you into her office and kiss you silly. This is when her kisses get more forceful and passionate, with both of you pent up and looking to satisfy your need for the other's closeness.
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AMBESSA's kisses are rough and demanding. It's hard to keep up with her stamina and force, but she doesn't mind. In fact, she prides herself in seeing you so hot and bothered only after a mere kiss. Make-out sessions with Ambessa happen all the time and in any location. She has no shame whatsoever, why should she have to hide her affection for her precious pet? Engulfs your body with her buff arms and will often hold you up against the wall while pressing her full lips to yours. Loves nipping on your lower lip and hearing you whine. Tugs on your hair harshly after she learned how it makes you moan and arch your body into hers. She relishes in the way her presence and actions affect you and make you squirm. Ambessa thinks you're absolutely adorable and never lets you leave her side. Besides, it's not like you need anyone else now that you have her, right?
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