#pls i want to tell my silly little stories with my friends stop trying to murderise people for fun
unsettlingcreature · 9 months
I love seeing posts from BG3 players asking if it's accurate to d&d because they enjoyed the game. But it's like... maybe? It depends who is DMing. It depends how willing you are to actively speak up during roleplay too. I almost expect there to be something similar to the Matt Mercer effect where people start dunking on their game masters because that's not how things were in BG3.
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viburnt · 7 months
pretty pls
Wasn't sure what kind of Bakugo you wanted so...
CONTENT WARNING: Possessive and stalker behavior, bullying, rumors and gaslighting, seclusion, sexual themes, abuse. Dead dove, do not eat!
Bully! Bakugo and his outcast darling
You never quite understood why you didn't fit among your classmates, an odd look splashing their faces whenever you tried to engage with them. 'Maybe it's all my imagination,' you'd tell yourself in an effort to explain such behavior. Perhaps, you were just being dramatic.
You weren't.
People do avoid you, and not particularly because you've done something wrong. It's because of him. This bully carefully crafts an intricate web of lies and rumors, slowly but surely intoxicating people's minds; it's so easy to believe someone like him! His confidence and reputation making his word almost a truth. Doesn't take long for your classmates to form a distorted opinion of you.
Bakugo is the kind of bully that allows the roots of his obsession to go deep, his grasp creeping and filling every crack and crevice of your life. He wants to give you no option, no chances for you to escape him; Bully! Bakugo wants to be the only thing you can have, the only thing you need.
It starts with small things, whispered words into the hallways that reached the right people: slut, idiot, dumb... all kinds of names and crazy gossip stories eating your classmate's brains like worms to an apple. A new reputation for you, the sweet and stupidly unaware darling that you are.
You notice the uncomfortable ambience, the changes in the atmosphere, how people stop talking when you're around. It makes you feel scared, dreadful, and Bully! Bakugo is always there to bask on the worrisome frown your face has. He loves to play pretend, act as if your presence was bothersome and he's only pitying you, "reluctantly" giving you a shoulder to cry on.
The blond follows you around to see the results of his hard work, grinning with pride whenever you start having a mental breakdown in the bathroom or at the library. And he's always there to offer his company, in his own twisted way...
"Tch, you're so fucking annoying. Stop crying already, dammit!" "Have a fucking tissue and stop bothering me." "Fine, you can fucking cry in my shoulder..."
Bully! Bakugo loves fucking with your mind; the same hand that ruthlessly tears you bit by bit, feeds you copious amounts of sugar to keep you wrapped around his pinky finger. He enjoys making you doubt yourself, your choices, your everything... Always reminding how much of a waste of time you are, making you think you should be grarteful that he's even speaking to you.
"They don't like you," He says, "Why would they like a crybaby? I barely can stand you."
"Tch, stop crying already, I don't like that!" "S-sorry, I-I'll try to stop the tears."
Bully! Bakugo who likes pushing you around to do things you would never! If he wants you to do something (no matter the nature of the action), he'll first try to plant the idea and bother you with it over and over, and then, when you try to say no... "Tch, come on, don't be a fucking bore!" "I'm your only friend, aren't I?" "You'd be so lonely without me, can at least do this for me."
Master of guilt tripping.
Do I think he'd leave some sort of mark on you to scare others away? Yes. He already managed to wreck what little good reputation you could have, but he wants people to know that you're his property! It's very probable that he buys a piece of jewelry for your ears (earrings if you have or maybe piercings), or go for a more radical mark like a tattoo or scar. No, silly, you don't have a saying here!
He adores how desperate you look! Seriously, the fucker has a thing for making you cry, calling you the absolute worse in ways that your poor brain can't grasp. This Bakugo also enjoys baby talking to you, there's something about it that makes him feel in control (not to mention that the little leap of joy you do when he's slightly sweet to you makes his dick hard.)
Next stage for him is keeping you secluded. Trust me, he already did a fantastic murdering your social life, but now he takes it further. Oh, you wanna go to that school? Keep dreaming, you'll be by his side where he can have you at his heart's content. No, silly, you can't go anywhere without him; yes, he'll have his hand on the back of your neck everywhere. And don't think of making small talk with any friendly strangers! He'll chew you out for it.
This Bakugo doesn't normally go for his sexual desires with you, he is rather content with having a dumb little pet he can kick whenever he feels like. The topic is not exempt though, he'll have his leg between yours just to make you pathetically grind on it. If he feels particularly lustful, he'll spit on your face as he pushes you against the wall, having his way with groping and squeezing and-
"Curve your fucking back, pet! Fuck- Your stupid cunt is always ridiculously tight."
Overall a different kind of manipulator; compared to Stalker/Possessive! Izuku, this version of Bakugo has a different motto: wreck it down and build it to your fucking liking.
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sunnysaystuff · 1 month
My stance on the Jegulus-Jily-"All Death Eaters suck because canon says so" dispute (or whatever):
After receiving MULTIPLE hate asks (wtf I'm literally nobody why do you care so much) guess I have to put this out here!!
first up - stuff I think is important:
Wolfstar isn't canon and it's the backbone of the fandom, so why do we suddenly decide canon is the shit when people write Jegulus/Jegulily fics? "James would've never liked a Death Eater" fanfiction means you can make stuff up, regardless of what canon James would've liked or wanted.
"Canon-compliant Jegulus fics don't make sense" did James explicitly tell you to your face that he would never date Regulus :0 canon-compliant is a very loose term. a lot of the time it just means that canonical deaths and plot-related events occurred, moreso than relationship-related events.
Jegulus haters often say that Jegulus fans constantly villainize Lily, but the fact of the matter is that they don't. You see more Jily fans villainizing Regulus for originally being a Death Eater than you see Jegulus fans villainizing Lily. "Regulus deserves the villainization and Lily hasn't done anything wrong" - reminder that you can hate on canon Regulus all you want (despite the fact that he eventually changed) but you should know that fanfiction might present him differently. Random fanfic Regulus is not the canon Regulus you despise.
Jegulus fans who despise Snape for his actions in canon aren't being very fair. He joined the Death Eaters and then he ended up working against the Dark Lord, just as Regulus did. Yes, he spent years bullying Harry, but do you honestly think Regulus wouldn't have behaved similarly if he had been in a similar position? If Regulus had been in love with Lily, and James and his brother and their friends were constantly making fun of him, and then Lily died after marrying someone he hated, do you think Regulus would have treated the godson of his estranged brother who betrayed Lily, the identical-to-James son of his enemy, with fairness or kindness? Regulus was canonically also not a nice person at all - was literally a Voldemort fanboy, and Snape wasn't even confirmed to be that much - and in fanon he's often characterized as this petty little shit. So do you think Regulus wouldn't have been awful to Harry as well?
Adding on to that, people call Snape toxic and creepy for being "obsessed with Lily" (he loved her because she was a bright spot in his awful life, platonic or romantic. Obsessed? Maybe <- My hot take), but when Regulus does it with James, it's sexy?
"Stop romanticizing Death Eaters" if it's not your cup of tea, don't read. I think these characters are just that, characters, and fanon stuff means you can do whatever you want with them! You can rewrite someone's entire story and personality if you want (ex: THOSE Dark Harry fics, a number of Dramione fics).
my personal opinions:
Jily and Jegulus are both super fun ships. Love 'em equally, though I'd say currently I'm leaning toward Jily.
I love Jegulily. I think it's really fun and has a lot of potential :0
I'm alr with Snape bashing and no Snape bashing (it's not that deep gang, same for Peter 'cause honestly it's kinda silly how people try to sub-in other characters as the 4th Marauder. Peter existed y'all.)
I think the Black sisters deserve more attention :0
Yes sometimes the characters are ooc in fics!! What to do when you see this and don't like it is click the back button!!
I don't have a problem with Remadora, but I prefer Wolfstar :)
I don't believe in canon casanova of gryffindor tower; I think it's cute in fanon though<3
endnotes/tldr since I wrote a whole essay:
ship and let ship. every (non-proship) ship is valid. this is what fanon's for.
let people hc and do what they want omg pls stop throwing hands over little things
have your opinions they're valid! just don't try to force them on others!!
feel free to argue with me in notes if you want; just be respectful please! I'm down to hear others' opinions; you might change my mind on stuff!!
might add more if I missed anything! I just thought it was lowkey important to put my opinion out here.
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cacoetheswriting · 1 year
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pearl: may / june 1984
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader word count: 2.7k summary: eddie comes to terms with his feelings, pushing you away in the process.
content warnings: best friends to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining, suggestive & mature themes, adult language, use of pet names, oblivious idiots in love, emotional hurt / comfort, self-doubt / insecurities, mentions of recreational drug use, physical violence / blood / description of injuries (eddie gets into a fight) - if i missed anything, pls let me know!
& psa: images used in the header don’t depict readers physical attributes! these are also described vaguely, if at all, in the story.
pearl masterlist
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“Are you decent? I’ve got something very important to discuss with you,” you call through Eddie’s bedroom door, hoping he can sense the urgency in your voice, then wait patiently for him to let you in. 
There’s shuffling inside, slight thuds and clattering of random objects, followed by Eddie cursing. A smirk escapes your lips as you picture him, hair wild, scrambling through his mess of a bedroom. When he eventually opens the door, he leans against the frame quite breathless.
“Hey, princess.”
“What the hell were you doing in here?” You ask with a raised brow and squeeze past him, ignoring the nickname he swore he’d never use again.
The metalhead nervously clears his throat, running a hand through his already messy curls. He closes the door slowly as your eyes dart across the space, landing on a stack of what you can only deduct to be pornographic magazines hastily hidden under his Hellfire t-shirt. Oh, you swallow your breath.
Hovering over the edge of his bed, not really wanting to sit as the realisation for his awkward behaviour dawns on you, you glance in your best friend's direction. It’s not like you’ve never talked about sex and stuff together, Eddie was your best friend after all and no topic was off the table. But the thought of you interrupting him mid… act, was frankly a little unsettling. Especially since lately, your stupid mind has been running wild when it came to Eddie. It felt a little pervy. And now you are doing your best to stop the not-so-speculatory image of what he was doing here just seconds ago from formulating in your brain.
The boy turns on his heel, facing you, and plasters a smile on his face, also trying to act as nonchalant as possible. 
“So, what brings you to my humble abode?” Eddie wonders, “What did you want to discuss with me?”
“Graduation,” you say simply, because a) there’s no point in beating around the bush any longer, and b) it seems much easier than having an awkward conversation around Eddie masturbating before you interfered.
Your best friend sighs and walks towards his desk, slumping down in the chair with a dramatic huff. There is a rather unsettling moment of silence during which Eddie reaches for a box with his stash and begins to roll a joint as you observe him closely.
“The actual thing is next Saturday afternoon, which you already know,” you eventually continue, fidgeting with the edge of your skirt, “And my parents want you and Wayne to come to dinner after. We’re just doing it at the house, it’s not going to be anything big so no need to fret.”
He stays silent, focused on what he’s doing.
You exhale softly.
“Then our summer of fun begins. You remember that silly bucket list we made when we first got high together? I’m thinking it could be fun to cross some things off of it before… you know…”
“Before you leave,” he finishes your sentence while looking up at you, a sad expression circling his features.
“Right,” you concur, “And that’s actually why I’m here.”
“Yeah?” Eddie’s tense. He’s trying his best to hide it, but you can tell he’s on edge. Probably trying to anticipate what the next words to come out of your mouth will be. 
“Yeah. I wanted to ask if you’d be up for helping me move. We can have a little road trip, doesn’t that sound like fun?” The sound of your voice is hopeful. His response isn’t quite what you had expected though.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, princess.”
“Why?” You probe, stringing your brows together.
Eddie exhales.
He usually doesn’t think before he speaks, but this time it seems important that he does. He’s sure he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings with the way he phrases his explanation ‘cause that would be even worse than saying no to you.
And while he’s thinking, you’re borderline bouncing in your spot with anticipation.
“Because saying goodbye to you is going to be hard enough,” Eddie finally admits, “I don’t think I can handle leaving you in the place you’re going to call home for the next four years and then drive back to Hawkins all by myself.” 
Your face falls. He’s quick to notice your reaction because he drops the half-finished joint and pushes the chair in your direction. He stands and rests his hands on your shoulders, but dips his head slightly so that the two of you would be at the same eye level.
“Look, I know it’s selfish of me—”
“No, no,” you interrupt, hands reaching for where he’s holding you, “I get it. Don’t worry about it.”
You're disappointed. He’s upset. Totally not how you saw this conversation going. 
The last couple of weeks have been hard enough as the two of you navigated around the topic of your impending departure and you were foolish enough to think him being the one to see you last, help you get settled and maybe even stay with you a couple of days, would be a good idea. A way of making things a little more normal.
Eddie gently grabs your chin, essentially forcing you to meet his pretty perfect chocolate gaze. And you're desperately trying not to show how much all of this is affecting you. Honestly, you're just trying not to cry, hating the effect his doe-eyes have on you, but the metalhead makes it just that little bit tougher when he leans in, pressing his forehead to yours and sighing softly.
“I’m sorry,” he mutters, his breath hitting against your skin, “You deserve better.”
You shake your head against him and brush some of the loose brown curls behind his ear before placing the palm of your hand against his cheek. Eddie leans into your touch instinctively, feeling better if only for a split-second. He continues to stare at you, waiting for you to say whatever it is that got you to shake your head, but you stay silent. 
For the longest time, you simply look at him like you want to say something, anything to make both of you feel better, but you can’t seem to find the right words. He’s none the wiser either. The only thing that springs to mind is a sentence that is bound to make the situation worse: “Don’t leave me, princess.”.
And then you know. A timid smile circling your lips as you pull away slightly, reaching for his hands ‘cause that’s exactly how friends behave, right?
“Through all kinds of weather, through everything we done,” your voice is a mere whisper and for a split-second, you're not even sure Eddie hears you.
Then he huffs out a laugh. He knows exactly what you're quoting.
“Are you trying to say I’m your Bobby McGee?”
The metalhead chuckles. His arm makes way around your neck and he pulls you into a warm embrace. You instantly bury your face in his dark locks, inhaling the smell of his cheap shampoo. And for a moment, all is good in the world. Until Eddie does something unexpected. He places a quick yet tender kiss onto your shoulder and the feeling of his lips on your skin sends a shiver down your spine. 
Unexpectedly, a large part of you is hoping he’d do that again, perhaps do something more, but you bite the inside of your cheek, forcing the thoughts to dissipate ‘cause this wasn’t the time or place to explore the sudden tingle you felt as his lips brushed against your skin.
Although, as always, Eddie makes things difficult.
“You know the lyrics insinuate the protagonists of the song were lovers,” he teases while pulling away from your hug. He reaches for the joint he was working on moments before and continues, “Do you think of me as your lover, princess? Can’t say I wasn’t expecting this turn of events and I also can't say I’m not flattered.”
You roll your eyes, giggling. 
“The nudie magazines aren’t doin’ it for you anymore, hot shot?”
His gaze follows yours to the stack you noticed earlier and his face flushes red as you continue to laugh light-heartedly.
“Well, nothing beats human contact, princess.” Eddie tries to brush off your comment while also taking control of the conversation and extends his arm into your field of vision. “Lick this for me, why don’t ya.”
You oblige him although hesitantly. Partially because you're a little intimidated by the way he’s looking at you now, an inkling in his eyes that you haven’t seen before — the pretty brown now darker around the edges. However, mainly because recently there’s something about him asking to lick down the paper of a joint you're going to share together that makes your stomach flutter and you’re certain that’s not a good sign.
And every time you do this, you can feel Eddie watching your every move. Watching as your tongue slides along the thin card, fingers brushing against his and zapping him with such intensity he swears he could survive being electrocuted, (if that ever happened). Totally platonic behaviour.
But it’s not though. He knows that, even if unfortunately you’re currently none the wiser. And Eddie feels wrong for manipulating situations, making them end up in his favour. He just can’t help himself because at the end of the day, it’s easier than admitting how his feelings towards you have changed over the last number of weeks.
He once again thinks you deserve better, though this time, already knowing the outcome, he doesn’t say the words out loud. Instead, as you pull back and sit on the edge of his bed, eyes never leaving him for a second, he offers you a smile.
“I hope you know I’ll always be your Bobby,” Eddie says while delicately rolling over the thin paper, “Even if you make other friends in college and forget all about me, I’ll always be your Bobby.”
He means it. You can tell.
“I could never forget about you, Eds.”
You mean it. He can tell.
Unfortunately, at some point in time between that one afternoon in May and the graduation which he only got to attend as a guest, Eddie started to spiral. Even worse, he began to neglect his friendship with you, mere days after promising he was always going to be there for you.
And at some point in time between him rejecting your road trip offer and the graduation dinner he dipped from early, without saying goodbye, you stopped trying to figure out why. 
Not like Eddie could blame you. He was acting pretty lousy for someone that was supposed to be your best friend. Which, if he was being honest with himself, that was precisely the issue. Between the end of May and beginning of June, Eddie realised he perhaps didn’t want to be that anymore. Perhaps, he wanted more. He just knew he couldn’t have more. For one, saying anything to you now would be seriously bad timing and also have potentially terrible consequences. So instead, he distanced himself like a jackass. 
Days without contact. The longest of his life. And Eddie thought the pattern of avoidance would continue for the remainder of the summer. That was until he overheard some lousy jock talking about a date he went on with the girl of his dreams, jealousy ignited itself inside him and he couldn’t just stand on the sidelines anymore.
Normally, Eddie wasn’t one for physical confrontation with Hawkins’ most popular, but the dude was being all sorts of crude and misogynistic. Talking about how dope you looked in the mini skirt you apparently wore, and how he really just wanted to take you down to Lovers Lake and— Well, the rest doesn’t really matter. The guy didn’t get to utter the words anyway because Eddie's fist collided with his face in a flash. 
3 against 1. An unfair fight, if you asked for the metalhead’s opinion.
There was swelling above Eddie's right eye and his nose was most likely broken. Clothes ripped and torn in various places, knuckles bruised. His side hurt, as did his abdomen. Blood was slowly dripping down his face. In short, he was a gory mess.
“Hey,” Eddie manages to mumble as you open your front door. 
A gasp escapes your lips, undoubtedly at the sight before you, but also ‘cause the metalhead stumbles forwards, falling into your arms and you barely manage to support his body weight.
One arm made its way around the curly-haired teen and he winced in pain. You guide him to the couch and help him sit before disappearing without a single word. While you're gone, Eddie slowly takes off his vest and jacket, throwing them to the side while doing his best to contain the groans that formed at the back of his throat.
Within a few minutes, you're back by his side with a first aid kit. You remain silent, avoiding his wandering gaze. Instead, with a rather shaky hand, you proceed to wipe his face and Eddie's eyeing you from under his locks, heart hammering inside his chest since this is the first time you have seen each other in over a week and it’s clearly not under the best of circumstances.
The bleeding had slowed to barely a trickle. You disregard the cloth and finally meet his gaze.
“What the hell happened, Eddie?”
He sighs but can’t seem to come up with a coherent answer. When after a moment he doesn't say anything, you grab the distilled water. 
“This is going to sting,” you warn and begin to gently dab around his eye. Eddie could feel the swelling had only gotten worse and judging by the concerned look on your face, he knew it was an inevitable black eye. Not to mention his nose and the other parts of his body that throbbed in pain.
“I should probably take you to the hospital.”
Chewing down on your bottom lip, you lightly brush the loose strands of his hair away from his face, the pieces which aren't stuck to his skin due to the blood anyway. Eddie doesn't really think, just grabs your hands and kisses your fingers.
“I’m sorry, princess.”
“Don’t be sorry. Tell me what happened.”
“I’m not proud of it.” 
You exhale, freeing yourself from his grasp, and Eddie's frozen in place, instantly missing the feeling of your soft skin against his lips. He swears they’re on fire, not from being battered and bruised, but from the delicate sensation that were the kisses he just placed along your joints.
“Did I do something wrong?”
That’s when he’s forced to discard his current thoughts, eyes jolting from the ground to meet yours once again. You stand, flattening your top before nervously crossing and uncrossing your arms, waiting for him to answer and hoping he wasn’t going to break your heart — which was already aching from his lack of contact over the last week.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you’ve just been so distant, not acting like yourself, and the only rational explanation is that I did something to upset you.”
Eddie's on his feet in a flash. He rests the palms of his hands on your shoulders and dip his head, forcing you to continue holding his gaze.
“This is all on me, princess. I’ve just had a lot on my mind and I don’t really know how to talk to you about it so I—. Look, those assholes today were asking for it. That’s all.”
He half expects you to say something along the lines of: “But we talk about everything.”. You don't and he's grateful, not ready to tell you how he’s been feeling about you. Instead, you reach out to hold his face then force a weak smile.
“Blood looks good on you,” you tease to lighten the mood and Eddie's heart does a somersault. “Just do me a favour and don’t get into any more fights this summer, okay? I don’t want to spend my last few weeks with you constantly visiting the E.R.”
He chuckles. “Promise, princess.”
“Good,” you say and drop your hold on him. “Now let me grab your jacket and let’s go to the hospital. I definitely think your nose is broken and judging by the way you winced earlier, we should also ask the doctors to check if your ribs are intact.”
“At least we can listen to Pearl in the car.”
“You’re unbelievable,” you sigh, rolling your eyes at him, though unable to conceal a smile.
Eddie’s grinning now. “But you love me.”
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pearl masterlist
& tagging some cool people that expressed interest in a part two / this lil series: @cactusangie , @spenciesprincess , @capitanostella
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starsstuddedsky · 2 years
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Tip the Glass, Pour Me Out
reader x jun
summary: drunk confessions, one sided love, and late realizations
genre: fluff, pure fluff
warnings: food, alcohol, lmk if i missed any
wc: 2.4k
a/n: hello <3 i love this silly little story pls enjoy
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Your head falls onto Jun’s shoulder. “Too heavy,” you mumble. He sighs, shifting your weight on his back so that you don’t fall off. How many times has he done this now? 
Your arms tighten around his neck, loose enough so that he can still breathe, though it puts a strain on his throat. 
“What happened to no more drinking?” He asks, pulling your arm down by your hand. You catch his hand before he can hook it back under your leg. 
“Alcohol is my friend,” you say. 
Jun laughs. “Somehow I don’t think you’ll be saying that in the morning.” He doesn’t have to turn his head to know that you are pouting. He knows it won’t last, and sure enough, in a couple minutes you’re mumbling the melody to a song he doesn’t recognize. 
“Six, seven, eight, triple nine, eight, two, one, two, baby, you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you, tonight but I cannot, babygirl, and that’s the issue,” you sing, nodding your head back and forth, accidentally bumping what feels like your forehead into the back of his head. It doesn’t hurt, but you finally let go of his hand to rub the spot, mumbling apologies. He sets his arm back around your leg where it’s wrapped around his waist. 
“I’m sorry,” you say, and he feels you press a kiss to the back of his head. When he turns his head to face you, he has to fight not to smile, turning back to stare at the street because he can’t help himself. 
“Is this the part where you tell me you like me or are we still too far away from your place?” He asks. 
You slap his shoulder, though it isn’t hard. “What are you talking about?” 
“Come on, yn,” he says. “The last three parties you went to that you got drunk, I carried you home, and you told me something along the lines of ‘I’m desperately in love with you and can never tell you because I know you don’t feel the same way, so keep this secret for me and don’t break my heart,’ and then you wake up and don’t remember a thing. I figured the song was a part of it, but now I’m thinking Vernon played too much 2000s music tonight.” 
“There’s no such thing as too much 2000s throwback,” you say, indignant. 
“Very crafty way of avoiding my actual question,” Jun says. “But I’m holding you to it.” Because tonight, unlike those other nights, Jun has come to expect it. He’s waiting for it, though he can’t quite figure out why. He’s hoping when you confess (again), he’ll have a lightbulb moment that will give him a reason for the way his heart is pounding and why he can’t stop thinking about you. 
You hum against his shoulder, finally tapping him and saying, “Down please.” 
He obliges, crouching so that your feet touch the pavement and letting his arms go. He waits until you’re standing on your own before he straightens. You stumble a few steps before he catches you, linking your arms together so that you have something steady to hold on to. The orange streetlights make your eyes glow, and Jun is frozen for a moment staring at them, trying to think of a word to describe them. Ethereal doesn’t even come close. You don’t seem to notice, turning and walking down the street, pulling him along with you. 
“I do like you,” you finally say. “You are… a dream, to me.” Jun waits, watching the way you pout your lower lip just a tiny bit farther than your top lip as you think. “But I don’t want to like a dream. I want to like something real. I want to be with someone real. And I’m really not drunk enough for this conversation.” 
Jun doesn’t know why his heart sinks at the thought of you not liking him anymore. The first time you confessed he had been confused; you were an expert at hiding your feelings and he didn’t expect it at all until that night. Ever since then, he’s been hyper aware of you, trying to see if you treat him any differently than your shared friends, if you are looking at him when he isn’t watching, if what you said was real or just words spoken while drunk. You were so good at hiding it, he thought you might have been joking. Until the second confession. 
“It’s a secret, but I think I’m in love,” you said. He can still hear your whisper. 
By the third time, he knew it was coming. It didn’t scare him like the first two, and he even hugged you a little bit longer than usual when he dropped you off because he thought it might make you happy (and maybe because he wanted to imagine what it would be like if he wasn’t just a friend). 
Tonight he looks at you and he doesn’t want to imagine. He wants to see you smile and say that you are still in love. In love with him. But instead you say that you are tired of this unrequited love. 
He doesn’t say much else for the rest of the walk, wrestling with a traitorous heart that aches every time he looks at you. The walk seemed to sober you up as well; you’re able to find your key on your own for once. 
“Thank you for taking me home,” you say. “Again.” Maybe it’s his imagination, but your smile doesn’t seem to reach your eyes. 
“Always,” Jun says, and he means it. He waits until you wave from the window before he begins the lonely walk home. He barely notices the chill of the night air, so distracted by thoughts of you that he’s home before he realizes it. 
He’s alone, the rest of his roommates apparently crashing with Vernon. It gives him the privacy he needs to collapse onto bed and stare at the ceiling, the sleep that he suddenly desperately wants eluding him. 
He can’t stop thinking about your sad smile, how you said you wanted someone real. Is he not real? Why are you giving up on him so suddenly? 
Jun stares at the ceiling and can’t understand his own heart. What he wants more than anything is to see you smile, a real smile, like when he makes a joke and you’re the first to get it. 
That’s when he finally understands, and Jun realizes what an absolute idiot he is. He shoots up in bed, throwing his blankets off. He’s tempted to go to you now, heart so full of energy that he thinks it might burst if he doesn’t talk to you. But it’s so late the sun is about to come up, and while you weren’t as drunk as you have been, Jun would rather not tell you this while you’re hungover, so he forces himself to lay back in bed and wait, and somewhere along the way he drifts off into sleep. 
You walk slower than usual, enjoying the warmth of the sun on your shoulders. It’s the first truly warm day of spring, though the forecast had predicted there would be a chill this weekend. You’re glad for that, because the park isn’t nearly as crowded as it would have been. As it is, children and dogs are all over the place, and you’ve seen more than a few couples walking around, hand in hand and probably ridiculously in love. 
You push away the bitterness, trying to pretend like you are happy for them. You have to focus on the possibility of happiness instead of this ugly jealousy that has grown from your own unrequited love. It’s part of why you are finally giving up on it, what started as a silly crush turning into something you don’t recognize any more. 
Your head is still filled with what-ifs as you walk across the park, searching for the very person that has twisted your heart. Maybe it’s stupid of you to agree to a picnic with him, but you want to put this past you. The first step to that is letting go, and to do that, you have to tell him how you feel, for real. No more drunken confessions that you only half remember. 
He’s sitting near the path on a checkered blanket. He’s hardly the only one to have a picnic blanket spread out, but he’s still the only one you can see, your heart jumping at the sight of him. You wonder if you can train yourself out of it. 
He breaks out into a grin when he sees you, waving so aggressively that his whole body sways. You smile despite the swarm of angry butterflies in your stomach, walking a little bit faster to get to him quicker. 
“Hey, I’m glad you came,” he says, patting the space next to him. There’s no basket but you can see Tupperware containers stacked neatly in his bag. Jun had insisted that he bring all the food, telling you that “you just need to show up.” It was sort of strange, but you rarely truly understand Jun. It’s part of why you like him so much. 
“Well, you promise homemade food,” you say. “I’ve never had Jun-food, but Seungkwan promised me it was worth it. I think he was jealous he wasn’t invited.” You laugh, hoping your nerves don’t show. Truth be told, you weren’t sure why he invited you alone. Sure you were friends, but the only time you had ever been alone together was when he took you home while you were drunk (and one very awkward car ride when he brought you back from the beach trip because his cat was sick and you had an allergic reaction to the air freshener in the beach house and were covered in bright red hives). 
Jun has always been a friend of a friend that you fell in love with. Now you have to figure out how to drag yourself out of love, but Jun is making that impossible, just by existing. He seems more restless than usual, turning to pull the food out, then putting it back and turning back to face you as you cross your legs and sit next to him. 
“I have something to tell you,” he blurts out. He stares at his feet, the edge of the blanket, the dogs chasing each other, everything but you. 
“Yeah?” You ask when he doesn’t say anything else, eyes turning to his hands in his lap. 
“Okay, so, I’ve been thinking,” he says, looking up at the people spread across the open space. You can’t take your eyes off him, the way he seems to glow in the sunlight. “And I think I’m really dumb. It’s harsh, but it’s true, because I had these feelings and I didn’t like that you don’t like me anymore and I’m sorry that this is so late, and if you don’t feel the same way anymore, I don’t blame you, I mean, it took me too long to realize this and I’m terrible at saying stuff like this but you should know because it’s all that I think about and I just want you to know how I feel.” 
You frown, trying to understand. You think you know what he’s trying to say but you can’t let your heart go wild without hearing him say it for real. “What are you saying, Jun?” 
He blinks. “I like you.” 
You shake your head. “Don’t tease me.” 
“I wouldn’t,” he says, frowning. “Never. I’m so sorry that it took me so long to realize it, and I don’t want to hurt you anymore, so if you want, we can pretend like this never happened and I will shut up about this and nothing has to change.” 
Nothing has to change. You laugh, bitter at first, then devolving into uncontrollable giggles. 
“Are you okay?” Jun asks, worry seeping into his voice. “I didn’t mean to insult you, or— or—” 
“No, it’s not that,” you say, gasping for breath. “I— I just came here ready to finally tell you how I felt. Feel.” You take another deep breath, wiping a few tears from your eyes. “I was ready to give up loving you.” You sit up straight, meeting his gaze. “And then you say you like me.” 
“I do,” Jun says, the corners of his lips turning up into a hopeful smile. “A lot. I really like you.” And you think maybe you can believe him. He slides a little closer to you, though he stops before his leg presses against yours. He leans closer, and for a second you think he’s going to kiss you. 
“I made really good noodles,” he whispers. 
You laugh, pushing him gently away. He digs through his bag to pull out the dish. 
“Was this your back up plan?” You ask, accepting the chopsticks. “Seduce me with food?” 
He shrugs. “They’re really good.” 
More than anything you want to sit with Jun and eat his noodles, but you have to ask. “Jun?” 
He’s still digging through the food, pulling out fruits and side dishes. He stops when you rest your hand on his, turning to face you and tilting his head in question. 
“You said you like me.” He nods. “And I really like you.” 
“I hope so, or this is going to get really awkward.” 
You smile, but it fades quickly. “So where do we go from here?” 
“Like for dessert? Because I brought cake.” He isn’t even joking, pointing to an adorable little cake adorned with strawberries. 
“No,” you say. “I mean, me and you.” What are we? You can’t quite bring yourself to ask. 
“Oh, right,” he says, dropping his head. “I guess if you don’t want to date, that’s okay.” 
“What are you talking about?” You feel daring enough to catch his chin, lifting his head to look him in the eyes. “Jun, I’m trying to tell you that I want to date you.” 
“Oh.” He smiles. “Good. Me too.” 
Hearing the words out loud makes your head spin. You are about to let go of his chin but he leans closer, breath kissing your lips. 
“Is it noodle time?” You ask.
“Actually I’d like to try kissing you,” he says. You don’t trust yourself to answer so you nod. He lingers for a moment longer, flickering between your eyes and your lips before leaning closer, and you close your own eyes. He kisses you. 
And he is right: the noodles are really good. 
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marveinator · 1 year
Afraid- Ellie Williams (2)
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Afraid- Ellie Williams (Part 2)
part 1 -> part 3
Summary: In Jackson now, there are still some issues with Ellie- you can´t forgive her because of what she´s done. But when Maria sends you two on patrol and Ellie´s behavior changes weirdly, things between you and her change too...
A/N: Ik this is probably so unrealistic that Ellie and Reader are like going to have a love story bc of what happened in part 1 but lets just pretend its not that weird and enjoy :) THIS IS LONGER FINALLY!!!! (pls repost or share, IT WOULD MEAN A LOT!) -> no use of Y/N
Chapter warnings: Mention(s) of death/guns/violence, past trauma, angst, panic attack(s), overall very angsty... Mention(s) of drug use and USING THEM- YUH. also a bit flirty (I hope)... find out for yourself hehe- (don´t do drugs kids pls this is just a story)
1 year later "Stop it!" Those little annoying kids… never stopped being silly. Laughing, they threw themselves on the ground, exhausted from the snowball fight we just had.
I had been living in Jackson for some time, not knowing where to go after Liam died. Here, a few people had built a kind of village where everything worked well. I had found this place through Ellie, so- the murderer of Liam…. Ironic, isn't it? But she did owe me something. I still hadn't forgiven her, though. She had tried several times to have a fresh start with me by telling me about Joel, but I just wasn't ready for her stories yet.
Most of the time here, when I wasn't patrolling, I tried to avoid her as much as possible. Ellie didn't like that at all, because instead of talking to her, I spent time with Jesse and Dina. They are glad that I brought Ellie back to them, although that wasn't even my intention. After murdering Liam and seeing me so broken about that, she just magically figured that her revenge still didn't bring Joel back and she didn't feel any better.
It's nice here, I finally got to see a different side of the world. Tommy is like an uncle to me, but he's getting weaker and weaker…. since Joel's death, he's just not been the same anymore (according to Dina). I would really like to know how everyone was before... before Joel died. Or what Joel himself was like. Well, maybe I will pay attention to Ellie's stories someday….
"Hey!" I turned around, only to face Ellie- well, great. "Are you coming to the bar? Maria wanted to talk to us…" I just nodded and headed out, not waiting for Ellie. Sure I was disappointed in her (yes, still am) but I also kind of enjoyed making her mad. This time (to my surprise) she didn't complain but just kept walking behind me.
Arriving in the bar, I looked around and immediately spotted Maria. She was sitting at the corner of the bar and was talking to Seth. "Maria!", I called out and waved at her as I sat down next to her. "Hello- where's Ellie?" she began before the brown haired girl sat down on the other side next to Maria. Funny- is SHE keeping some distance from ME now?!
"I wanted to talk to both of you. You have to go to patrol together tomorrow. I know it's not easy for you," she stared at me, "but this is for the best of all of us. So swallow your hatred for Ellie for once and come to terms with her- what happened in the past stays in the past and it can't be undone. You AND Ellie should be aware of that."
I sighed, Maria was right. I couldn't undo what had happened, and Ellie did have a reason somewhere…. Wait... WHAT? Am I trying to defend Ellie right now? Liam was my friend. And Ellie killed him.
I shook my head to escape from my thoughts. "Alright, but no talking," I told Ellie without looking at her. The only thing that came in response from her was a deflated sigh.
the next day I was packing up my things for patrol when there was a knock on my door. Maria's voice was heard on the other side.
I was living in a cozy little room in a house with Maria and Tommy, since the only other house I could live in was Ellie's - so... out of question.
"Are you coming? Ellie is already waiting outside. Shimmer's ready." Shimmer? Didn't I get my own horse? Why would I have to share one with Ellie?! Outraged, I yanked open the door and glared at the woman in front of me. "Please calm down, there is a reason for everything. The other horses are too exhausted right now, it's just so cold outside." Well, that explained a lot, but still. Deep down, I suspected that Maria was only telling me half the truth….
Cold air burned my face as I stepped outside. It was really cold. Little snowflakes brushed my eyelashes and I had to blink. I shook my hand and slipped it into my jacket pockets, I was such an idiot for forgetting my gloves. Too lazy to turn back, I made my way to the stable… there I would wait for Ellie.
I had been standing here for ten minutes, in the cold, waiting. Where the hell was she! I was starting to get really angry. As if I didn't already hate her enough (or so I told myself), she had to be late too! I flinched when someone tapped me on the shoulder from behind and turned around. Before I could look away, I was staring into a pair of green eyes. Ellie.
"Hey- I'm sorry I'm late, Tommy wanted to talk to me-" "Yeah, whatever-" I quickly interrupted her. Like I said, I didn't feel like talking to her. Apparently the girl remembered because she didn't say anything else.
She got the horse out of her stall and jumped upon her. "Are you coming too or what are you waiting for?" said Ellie as she held out her hand to me from above. I tried to ignore her help and get on top on my own, but I fell back again. "Why don't you accept my help for once-" I snorted indignantly but then accepted the offer, we were already way too late anyway.
When she pulled me up I let go of her hand as fast as I could, not willing to give her any kind of satisfaction. The only thing I heard was a soft laugh from Ellie, for whatever reason, but there we were already riding off.
*Two hours later* We were riding past some kind of hut, hideout or cabin when Shimmer stopped. "We should go in here, the weather is getting worse", Ellie said.
Ellie Williams POV *flashback* I turned the glass in my hand, and realized what was inside. I held it under Dina's face, who responded with an "Oh, there we go". Looking at the contents again, I asked her, "You think it's still good?" Dina responded exactly as I thought she would. "Does weed go bad?" She was right. What was supposed to go bad about it, please? With all my might I tried to open the glass, but- without success. Finally, my patience ran out and Dina's too, because she threw the jar hard on the floor and it broke.
I don't know where it ended, but we smoked the stuff and told each other the silliest stories until I noticed how my eyelids slowly fell shut.
*current day* I looked around… It was all the way I remembered it from back then. I didn't know how I could go back to this place, when after the events here such bad things happened. I sat down on the sofa, which was all too familiar to me. I felt my hands start to shake. This had been a bad idea. But Shimmer was exhausted, and so was I.
Slowly tears formed in my eyes and my hands just wouldn't stop shaking. The blood was rushing through my veins and my back was freezing. No- not now- not here- not when she was in the next room-
Your POV I didn't want to be with her, which is why we immediately went into different rooms after entering the cabin. I sat on a chair in front of a workbench, but it was pretty cold here…. Maybe I should check on Ellie after all? No- this was out of question. But a little company wouldn't hurt, would it? Without thinking about it any further, I swallowed the anger built up on myself down and went to check up on Ellie. Walking into the room where I suspected she was, I suddenly felt like I was in a fucking jungle or sum. Plants. Everything full of plants. But not just any plants…
"Yo, is this fucking weed?!", I shouted into the room. No answer. "Ellie, you there?" I walked past some of the plants and saw Ellie on a sofa, curled up. She had tears in her eyes and I could see her hands and legs shaking. Sweat was running down her forehead and she was mumbling some words to herself. "Ellie- fuck- Ellie are you okay?" Which was a pretty stupid question, because I could see which condition she was in after all.
I slowly moved closer and knelt down in front of her without thinking about it. This was also the reason for my next action as I gently placed my hand on her knee. "Hey- listen to me. Look at me," I said, hoping I could convince her. Slowly, the brown-haired girl raised her head and looked at me. Those green eyes- STOP. This situation was serious. "Now breathe. Slowly, in and out, I know you can do this Ellie, just listen to my voice." She nodded gently and began to breathe. Calmly I counted with her and noticed how her body kept relaxing.
A while later, Ellie still hadn't fully calmed down and I didn't know what to do… so I looked around a bit. It was probably a stupid idea- if not the stupidest idea somebody ever had- maybe Ellie would be outraged too- but it was worth a try.
I hadn't had any experience with panic attacks myself (thankfully) so I just hoped I wouldn't look like a stupid bitch after my suggestion.
"Do you want to smoke something? You know- so for the nerves," I said, trying to sound as cool as possible. Ellie nodded softly, staring at me with her eyes still full of tears. I bent down and picked up a small white cigarette from a table next to us, and dug in my pocket for a lighter. When I found it, I lit the tip of the cigarette.
I had never done this before. I only knew what it was, based on the stories Liam had always told me.
Carefully, I held the cigarette out to Ellie, unsure if I should take a drag myself. She took the white stub in her trembling hands and pulled hard on the tip.
Ellie Williams POV I felt my muscles slowly relax more with each pull and my body stopped shaking. "Fuck me, I'm so high right now-" I said with a smile on my face. The girl who had this stupid idea to smoke some weed was now sitting next to me and smiling as well. "Yeah me too…" I could listen to her all day. I just wish we could have normal conversations too. But mostly (always) we just argued. I was glad that the influence of some weed made her forget her worries and hatred towards me. This may sound crazy, but I wish she could be high all the time. Then she would be unconcerned and not think about what I did. I sighed, my thoughts were almost sick.
your POV I couldn't stop grinning. Fuck, this stuff was crazy. It only made me think about the girl next to me. Ellie, Ellie, Ellie, Ellie, Ellie and El- "We should spend the night here, it'll be too dark to ride back otherwise," she said then. I nodded, but wondered if the others wouldn't worry? As if she could read my mind, Ellie said, "The others won't die of worry, it's happened before that I didn't come back at night." Would her argument make me forget my worries? No. But that weed did. It was bad. A thousand thoughts buzzed in my head, all about her. No, not negative, POSITIVE thoughts. Interesting ones. I thought about her lips. How they would feel on mine. Her hands. Her beautiful hands… and her long fingers-
"Hey are you okay? You sorta zoned out right there," Ellie suddenly mentioned. As if on cue, she pulled me out of my trance and I looked deep into her green eyes. How beautiful she was. I hadn't realized it until now, how beautifully her brown hair fell into her face, how her chest moved calmly, how she fiddled nervously with her fingernails. Without a doubt, she was beautiful.
"You gotta stop looking at me like that babe, or we both won't get any sleep tonight-"
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astridlaufeydottir02 · 8 months
A Great Idea💞
Character's: Mcu Aunt May × Reader
Notes: For the sake of this story May Parker & Peter Live in The Avengers Tower, Also this is My First Fanfic so please be nice. if there are any spelling eres or other Warnings I need to add Pls Let me know💗
Warnings: Fluff, Sad Reader
Requsts: Open
Summary:  Reader is Having a Bad Weekend due to a unexpected test. May hate's to see you up set so she set out to cheer you up and make your day better.
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You have had a Long not so great day, sure it's normal to have bad days But your whole weekend seemed bad, you had a unexpected test and didn't study for it, so you didn't get to do what you had planned out and now, you have to go back to School tomorrow. 
You pull your duvet cover over your arms and snuggle deeper into the warmth of your bed. You hear someone gently knock on your Bedroom door. “Who is it?”
"Y/n Darling, it's me May!”
Not moving you Call Out. “Come in May doors unlocked!” May opens the door and Smiles
Hey Y/n, Peter and his friend's are going to the Arcade, want to join them?”
“Hey May, thanks for the offer but I'll stay behind this time”
May shuts the door and walks over to your spot on the bed and takes a set next to you. “Y/n are you sure, you love going to the Arcade?” 
“I know, but I'm just not feeling it today." you shrug rolling over to face Away from her.
“Oh love, are you not feeling well?” May gently lays her hand on your forehead starting to worry you might be sick.
You let out a small laugh. “May. I'm not sick, I just had a long Day, that's all!” 
“I understand having a Stressful day, You know what I have a Great Idea on how to make it better!”
You chuckle at her excitement. “Oh no May Parker has an Idea where doomed!” You tease.
May Acts Offended and Gasps in Shock. “Oh you little rat you're going to pay for that!” And with that May jumps over and Starts Trickling your sides Making you squeal and giggle
“May, Mercy please!” You laugh uncontrollably trying to wiggle out of her grip
“ Let's see I'll stop once you take it back!” May shoots back. Continue to trickle you showing no mercy.
Okay, okay You're ideas are always the Best!” May pulls away letting you catch your breath
“See that wasn't so hard was it?” May Smirks
You Glare at her, making her laugh.
“So May What's this Grand idea of yours?”
“Well, I'm going to text Pete and tell him you don't feel like going, and to go on.  And then if you're up to it we can get some snacks, watch a Movie and Cuddle?”
You smile, not just a sad little grin, a full on smile making your whole face light up!
“You know you're right, that's a Great idea. May, I'd love to have a movie night!”
“Awesome you pick a Movie and I'll text Pete and get some snacks!” May gets up and heads for the door “ I'll be back in a Sec!” 
“Okay!” You smile to yourself as you get up and fix your sheets and duvet, thay were a bit of a mess after May's tickle Attack.
You switch off your overhead light and turn on your fairy lights that run along the headboard of your bed, you then light a few candles to make a calming setting.
“Ooo I love what you've done with the place sweetheart!” May smiles as she walks over to you carrying bags of Chips, Candy, Chocolate and Cookies
“Whoa I think you got some of everything May!” Your eyes widen as she keeps placing bags of snacks on the bedside table. 
“Hahaha Don't be silly I only got a few thing's Y/n!” You roll your eyes as you grab the TV Remote and Crawl under the covers. May soon Cuddling in next to you.
After a While you find a movie to Watch. And as the movie starts playing, You lay your back on May's Chest, head resting on her shoulder. May then wraps her arms tightly around your waist holding you as close as possible.
“May?” May hums to let you know she heard you before you continue to speak
“Thank you for everything, Thank you for being here and cuddling with me!”
“Oh Sweetheart of course I love spending time with you, and I'll cuddle with you whenever you want.”
You smile up at her, before letting your tired eyes close.
“Y/n?” You hum in response
“I larb you” You look up at May to See her Smiling, You Chuckle “I Larb you to May”
Well Loves That's all, let me know what you think💗 and Thank so much For Reading. (Reblogs are welcome)
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cringetownusa · 7 months
KH ANON HERE AGAIN!! i have continued my silly AU (it’s a bit long but )
max pretty much just coughs and sputters and asks where the siblings are trying to go. “ever heard of a, uh.. disney castle?” yakko says, and max immediately explodes. he starts to reconsider his adventuring for a moment. he tells the siblings to follow him, and he heads backwards to his town. along the way, he explains his story, and they explain theirs’; they’re looking for information about their parents, and he’s looking for an adventure. yakko comes up with an idea. they end up setting camp late at night, the other two sibs asleep before he playfully elbows max. “why don’t me and you form a partnership, maxxy? you want an adventure, and i’m definitely going on one, eh?” . max agrees, and the gang are now going to be on their own quest. yakko is a bit of a worrywort when it comes to his siblings, so he tells them to stay in town while him and max go on a little walk to map out what’s around disneytown. (think of how caring he was in wakkos wish. also this will not stop them by the way do you think dot would simply let this slide.. NO WAY) due to max’s role in the kingdom, he’s able to get them a place to stay in the castle (they cause havoc once or twice but queen minnie thinks they’re silly). when yakko finds out that the king is missing and queen minnie doesn’t know about the warners’ parents (they have somewhat of an idea that they were well known, but haven’t figured out they were royalty.) the quest continues, dot and wakko swearing up and down to stay on their best behavior and not move an inch (LIES!)
dot and wakko plan to sneakily follow their brother on that little walk until they run into a certain trio of ducks.. none other than HUEY DEWEY AND LOUIE (in KH canon theyre their classic selves but this is an AU so i say they are their dt2017 counterparts..) dewey LOVES adventure and you know who has a history with lost family adventures? exactly. the boys feel for the warners in that sense, and they don’t have much on their plate besides running the shop.. so what’s a little adventure… (oh no guys pls stop being reckless WHERES UNCLE SCROOGE)
meanwhile yakko and max are getting along GREAT. they find out they have quite a lot in common. yakko realizes outside of his sibs, he really doesn’t have any friends, but thinks this is a really good chance to get to know someone and make a friend as well (cough… or more…) and although he may think he’s super smooth and suave he hasn’t really ever actually FELT what it’s like to have a crush, so he is completely taken aback by why he’s sweating so much and fiddling with his hands around this guy he just met a day ago. max is in the same boat, and he’s more obvious about it, but yakko thinks he just is a awkward person (affectionately speaking of course). max opens up to yakko about his current situation, and how even though he loves his dad, he wants to feel like more of a max goof and less of goofy’s son. yakko opens up to max about how he loves his sibs but can’t help but feel worried about letting down his sibs (caring big brother moment </3) all at the same time, yet he doesn’t want to show them a side of him that isn’t silly and collected. max is just like .. oh man i know what that’s like, feeling like you have to be something you can’t always be, but you’ll realize that the people who love you will love you for you. and yakko hugs him. which is unexpected for BOTH of them but it is gladly returned, and then the two cough and turn away from eachother. “uh.. thanks, max. thank you.” “NO PR-*hyuck*oblem” “is that your laugh? oh maxie ol’ pal, no wonder you’re a goof. i like it. *wink* *taps him on the nose*” (cue max exploding inside moment.)
*wakko and dot inside a nearby bush with a pair of binoculars shared by both of them*
“is he crushing?”
“Oh yeah. BIG time.”
(also i love the HC that yakko’s eyes turn into hearts and his tail wags around max that is so cute. i cant.) i picture him looking around and walking into Huey dewey and louie’s store and being like.. hey you guys have sunglasses by any chance?
“uh isn’t it winter?”
“Don’t ask.”
(i have more about this AU i’ll send next time, MORE ADVENTURE !! this was more about them in the beginning stage HAHA)
Ok Hi I literally got to this months late I'm not great at staying on top of my askbox. This is SO cute I love Yakko and Max's bonding, I love the little nose boop, I love Yakko still being a worrywart for his siblings. I LOVE that Yakko catches on REAL fast that he's going to have to start hiding his eyes, he knows right away this is a big time crush, even if he's going to deny everything lol. I share the eye headcanon, although if you're familiar with me and my fics you knew that already. Do you have any of this written somewhere?
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king-litchi · 3 years
Hey bestie pls can I request some argument hcs for Mikey and Draken (separately) ? Thank you !!
Hi AnonBestie-chan ! I’m so sorry for taking so long to write this :3 I have a busy schedule and I rarely have time for myself (I wrote this in my notes at work during my breaks like a little rat <.<)
I also want to apologize for my (bad) English ! It’s not my mother tongue and I’m still struggling but promise you I'm trying to improve !
Anyway I stop telling my life story and I really hope you enjoy it ! (if not, let me know seriously)
warning : nothing :) just a very bad grammar
🜲 Argument Headcanons with Mikey and Draken 🜲
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There are always two possible types of arguments with Mikey. Especially with Mikey.
There are the small arguments: they never last long and can start from nothing at all
And of course the serious arguments that take a little longer to repair
Concerning the frequency of the small arguments, you have at least once a day a small argument with Mikey
Usually these fights don't last more than a couple of minutes and they are quickly forgotten.
It's like « Did you eat all my cookies WITHOUT ME ? But there where 24 of them »
It's a classic with him. 
So you're going to eat the Taiyaki that he reserved for himself to avenge you. Bad decision.
And now...you did something wrong...you can be sure that Draken and even Takemichi will know about this because he will be so upset. The lion is awake.
But it's never anything mean. The little arguments are more like teasing and it's also Mikey's way of asking for your attention.
And of course you give it to him willingly by playing along because you like it too.
It's your little bickering. You're like best friends with (a lot of) extra love.
But unlike little fights, big fights with Mikey are not at all common
It can happen that you argue about little silly things (it's more like little disagreements) or little whims (often HIS whims)
But usually after a pout and a kiss it's quickly forgotten
Mikey is not the kind of person who wants to get into a fight with you because when you are together he just wants to spend some quiet time with you or have fun (it doesn't matter as long as he is with you) in fact he just wants to have a good time with his favorite human
However, very big fights can happen! And they are so rare that when it happens you really don't pretend (it's explosive)
Usually the cause of these fights are either related to the Toman or to your safety
The Toman is an integral part of Mikey's life, of course you have accepted it: he is a gang leader and you knew it before you started dating him
But that doesn't stop you from constantly worrying (and you are right to do so)
There are certain things that you have difficulty accepting and he has difficulty understanding your position (in concrete terms, he has a lot of difficulty putting himself in your shoes)
Following these arguments (on serious subjects) it can happen that you do not speak for 2 or 3 days depending on the argument but never more, he will always come back to you
He just needs so much time to get his thoughts together
It takes him a while to calm down but once he is calm he will come back to you gently
Mikey really takes what you say into consideration but sometimes he just has a hard time applying it or he thinks he's not wrong
Let's imagine : if he tells you about a Toman member he wants to help even if it means taking very BIG risks and you don't agree because you think it's not the right thing to do (sometimes it's also a moral issue) or you don't want him to get into trouble (you worry, it's normal) then it can go far away because he won't accept it. (*shrug* Pachin...👀) 
He knows you care about him but he is very stubborn and will not change his mind (at least not right away)
But he might change his mind if he sees that he is hurting you with his decisions
He knows that you really care about him but so does he. Mikey cares about you more than he cares about himself
But if the argument is about your safety then he will be unanimous in his decision and you can be sure that you won't get the last word (you have to make up your mind)
Mikey likes it when you tell him when he's wrong, he may not accept it right away but after thinking about it he'll come back to you and thank you for always being honest with him
Sometimes he doesn't know right from wrong and he likes you to be there to remind him
Even though he may use harsh words (if the argument gets out of hand) he will never disrespect you but he may hurt you with harsh words before he realizes it and regrets it
During a serious argument he is not the type to raise his voice at you (at least with you) but his words are firm and authoritarian, if he thinks he is right then he will not make any concessions and will stick to his guns
On the other hand, a little argument, which often turns into teasing, can make him raise his voice and outbid you (you're totally playing into his hands) and he'll end up sulking in his corner in the end, pouting
Honestly it makes you laugh more than anything else
And the little arguments never last long
The bottom line is that you and Mikey are not the type to have a huge conflict and even if it happens (it will) you'll deal with it by trying to find a solution.
You and Mikey are a communicative couple and you're not the type to stay unspoken
You never let the problem fester
On the other hand, small arguments are part of your daily life! (it's never serious, more to make you laugh)
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Arguments with Draken are not common.
In fact, it’s very rare that you argue. Not at all
Draken is mature enough to always avoid conflict
When he feels that he is getting seriously upset he honestly prefers to walk away from you
He’s not running away from the problem but he just wants to take a little time to calm down and avoid saying things to you that might regret
He knows that when both of you are upset the dialogue will go nowhere
He will only want to continue the discussion when you are calm or when he is calm
He takes arguments very seriously so expect him to come back before the end of the evening to speak frankly (he’ll be a bit solemn… )
If you want to pick a fight with him to tease him...well...he's not going to play along at all
Draken acts like he doesn't have time to get into it (honestly, he really doesn't)
He's so used to dealing with babyMikey that he's reached a point of extreme patience
Besides if you try to annoy him it will automatically backfire because he will ignore you...and of course it will annoy you
In short, trying to intentionally piss off Draken will never work and it will always end in a big failure
He knows you by heart so he knows when, how and why you do this
He'll give you an annoyed look like « seriously why are you doing this ? » but the truth is he's really amused by your antics
But if you try to make him jealous...then he'll really get annoyed BUT you'll never know because he acts like nothing bothers him (well, at first)
After a while you start to notice when he starts to get annoyed and sometimes in spite of himself he might say something like « Y/n what the hell was that ? » that might cause a little argument (but nothing serious)
But even when he's upset he's not the type to yell at you
However if during an argument you get a little too carried away and your emotions get out of control he might yell your name just to calm you down « Y/n ! »
He will never hide what's on his mind but he always manages to keep his cool against you
Honestly he takes a lot on himself and is a great listener
If he is wrong he will admit it but this man is as stubborn as Mikey ! (they are not best friends for nothing)
Besides, just like Mikey, what could create a real argument between you and him is anything that concerns you directly (like your safety) or anything that concerns Toman
He has a real sense of morality so if something is bothering him or he doesn't like it he won't hesitate to tell you because he thinks there are no taboos between you
And if he really thinks he's right then he'll take the time to explain why but he won't ask you to understand him
He knows that it may take time for you to accept or calm down, he is patient but he will not do anything to make things worse (on the contrary)
He knows when you're about to have a real fight because you don't call him « Draken »anymore but just « Ken »
At this point he knows it's serious and that you're both going to have a bad time
Reconciling with him when you are angry is not so complicated when it comes to you
If you and Draken had a fight because it was about your safety, then he will come back
It will be very subtle
He'll never actually say "I screwed up" but he'll hug you from behind and place a kiss on your neck
He'll whisper that he was only worried about you and that he's sorry for being so harsh
Also, Draken is not an easy person to get into a fight with, so if you have a fight, there's a real reason
That's why reconciliations with Draken are the best! He will never reject you and he is willing to make the first move. 
All couples argue but the most important thing is to always forgive each other.
End note : thank you very much for the request I hope you liked it and do not hesitate to make other requests :D
🜲 Litchi
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clonecaptains · 3 years
kept promises
a fives x f!reader fic~ 
word count: 4k
rating: m - for mild smut 
summary: fives aims to keep his promise to marry you when the war is over. but things get complicated when he’s been shot. this is my fix it fic where fives doesn’t die :) pls enjoy
a/n: fives is the loml and ive been wanting to write about him for so long~~ i hope yall like this!! comments are appreciated!! 
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A loud knock on your apartment door stirs you from your sleep. You weren’t resting well anyways, but the bang on the door startles you. You push the covers back and feeling disoriented you rush for the front door. You fear something is wrong because who would be banging on your door at this hour. If Fives was coming home, he wouldn’t knock. He knows the entry code, it’s his place too.
You push the button, and the door opens with a hiss. You’re greeted with the sight of Rex and Jesse standing in your doorway. It’s always nice to see them, but from the looks on their faces it’s not going to be a pleasant visit.
Your face falls and you feel ill.
“Is he alive?” you feel tears well up in your eyes and you reach for Rex. His eyes are sad, he carries a weight on him, and you know it.
“For now,” Rex winces to tell you the truth. “He’s been shot.”
Your hand flies to your mouth and Jesse reaches out to touch a hand to your arm.
“We came to get you to take you to him,” Jesse tries to speak as gently as possible.
“You need to pack a bag,” Rex puts his hand on your shoulder. “I can’t tell you why, but you need to hurry. There’s more to this than we can say right now.”
You nod and move aside so the boys can come in.
“Rex? Can you get some things you think Fives might need?” you ask him, you’re not entirely sure of the situation and he nods disappearing back into the bedroom you share with Fives. You yourself grab a bag and begin to stuff random clothing items in it, unsure of what you’ll even need.
This is more your place than Fives, he’s working constantly and only comes once in awhile when he has rare time off. But you have nothing here that really matters to you. What matters is him.
Your bag is stuffed full, and you’re flustered bringing it into the living area. A thin lacy pair of underwear hangs from the top, and Jesse quirks a brow.
“Packing the essentials?” he teases. “Has he seen you in that?”
“No, as a matter of fact he hasn’t,” your face warms and you shove it deeper into your bag and zip it tight.
“Jesse,” Rex’s voice is stern. He might have smiled before, but not now. “We need to go.”
Rex shoulders the bag packed for Fives, and Jesse takes your bag and slings it over his shoulder casually. You follow the boys, and your door closes behind you for the last time.
“Where are we going?” you ask, keeping up with their long strides.
“Can’t tell you,” Rex nods in the direction of a small ship outside your place. You follow them on board and Jesse is quick to get the ship into the atmosphere. He punches in the coordinates and before you know it, you’re off Coruscant headed out into space.
Rex sits down in front of you, and you feel queasy. You know he’s about to tell you something difficult and you’re not ready to hear it.
“You know when Fives sets his mind to something he won’t stop,” Rex smiles softly at that, knowing his brother’s determination. You smile too but a tear falls down your cheek. “He got into something he shouldn’t have, and he was shot for it. We took him off Coruscant for his own protection, and our own. If anyone were to find out about this, we could be in serious trouble.”
You nod. You won’t say a word.
“Besides Jesse and I, Kix is the only one who knows. He’s with Fives now. Get some rest, it’ll be hard to see him when we arrive,” he nods.
You nod back and take his advice. You try and sleep but to no avail. You do lie still and try to prepare yourself for what you’re about to see.
The ship exiting hyperspace stirs you before Rex comes to get you. He’s quiet and patient while you sigh heavily, knowing you’re about to see him.
The planet you land on is one you’re unfamiliar with but it’s beautiful. Trees and mountains fill your sight. The boys take your bags and lead you to a humble little house nestled in some trees near a small pond.
Rex goes in first, and Jesse waits outside with you. Just in case something has happened. They don’t say that, but you know that’s why.
Rex opens the door back up and gives you both a small nod that it’s ok. Jesse puts his hand on your lower back and walks with you into the little house.
It’s a comfortable space, and you’re greeted with Kix as soon as you walk in. He gives you a soft smile and a nod, telling you that it’s ok.
“He’s in the back,” Kix tells you and the boys let you walk into the bedroom alone to see Fives.
In a cozy bedroom, Fives is laying out on the bed on his back. He’s hooked up to a number of machines. You’d seen a medical droid in the living area with Kix, so you know he’s in good hands. But it still breaks your heart to see him like this.
His head has been shaved, and there’s a cut on the right side of his head. It’s been patched up, but you can still see some old blood that seeped through the bandage. He’s shirtless and there’s a bandage wrapped around his chest from where you can only assume is the blaster injury.
You reach for him and touch his shoulder. Then you stroke his cheek with the back of your finger. You place a tender kiss on his forehead before you lay down on the bed next to him. Careful of everything he’s hooked up to, you rest your head on his shoulder.
You fall asleep there and you don’t know how long you stay there with him. It’s Fives who wakes you. His body stirs and you gasp softly sitting up. His eyes open, you can tell he’s exhausted. Even the rich tones of his skin seem paler. But he smiles when he sees you. His hand reaches up to cup your face and he mumbles a mando’a pet name.
He falls back asleep, and you feel tears well up in your eyes again. Just a brief glimmer of the life in his eyes is enough to bring you joy and sorrow.
You think about when you first knew him. How you and your friends would go to 79’s and they would try to push you in Fives’ direction. How if he ever looked your way you’d look away and avoid his gaze. You did this for weeks. Then he’d leave for a mission, and you wouldn’t see him for months.
Before too long, he approached you. And it was his brothers teasing him. Daring him to talk to you and howling when you agreed to go out with him.
You sniffle softly with a smile at the memory of when you kissed him on the cheek, and he was quick to put his helmet on to hide his flustered face.
The boys would tell you later that you were the first person Fives was interested in that made him act like this. Usually he was smoother, more charismatic with charm. But with you? Brain dead. Just as flustered as you.
That was months ago. But it feels like a lifetime ago. He made a promise to you before his last mission that when the war was over, he’d settle down and marry you. He said this a few weeks back before he left. And now here he is, laying on a bed recovering from being shot.
You sit up and press a kiss to his lips before you climb off the bed. You’re hurting and you need some air. And you think it’s wise to tell Kix that Fives woke for a moment.
“Rex?” you whisper, and he’s quick to stand when you speak his name. “Will you walk with me while I get some air?”
You don’t want to be alone right now. Especially not on this strange new planet. And you trust Rex with your life. You don’t know this, but Fives made Rex promise to keep an eye on you if something ever happened.
Rex is right behind you when you step outside. You breathe deeply and he does too. You can’t imagine it’s ever easy seeing one of your brothers hurt like this.
The two of you begin to explore and walk quietly together.
“Fives is a good man. One of the best I know. He’ll make a good husband I think,” Rex smiles offering you his blessing.
“He told you?” your face warms at the thought of him talking about you.
Rex chuckles, “we always knew in the barracks that night if he had a date with you. He wouldn’t shut up. He told me months ago he wanted to marry you.”
You cover your smile with your hand, and Rex smiles seeing the affection on your face.
“Seeing our brothers find joy in this war is a gift. And you have been a true joy to him.”
You spend the rest of the walk in silence. Enjoying the sound of the wind in the trees. It’s peaceful. You see a few animals and some homes nearby. It’s good to know you aren’t truly alone out here.
You can only assume the boys will pack up and leave- no matter the outcome.
But then Rex gets an unexpected message that they are needed. They have to pack up that night. Kix runs you through everything you need to know about what you can do to help. He’ll leave the medical droid there with you to help as best it can.
You can’t help the tears that fall when the boys get ready to leave.
You give each one a hug and a kiss on his cheek. Thanking them for what they’ve done for you and for Fives.
Rex hugs you a little tighter than the rest, and you know he hates to leave you here alone. Kix feels a pang of guilt leaving Fives too, but none of them are even supposed to be here. Kix has already reported Fives as KIA to keep the both of you safe, but it’s hard to leave.
Then it’s quiet. It’s just you and Fives and a droid. Fives is still resting, and the droid is checking his vitals. Based on what Kix told you, Fives sustained a couple broken ribs from the shot. He should be fine, but it will take time to fully heal, and he will be sore.
That’s how you spend the next couple weeks. Fives slowly starts to heal and he’s able to get on his feet. You take walks when he feels like it, and you learn about each other. For the first time in a long time, you have time to spend together. Getting to share meals and stories and watching silly videos on the holonet.
You even find out about the end of the war when you’re here. The turn of the tide. That there’s an empire now. Fives has a hard time that day. Feeling betrayed, knowing he was right. Pain eating him up inside knowing many of his brothers are out there fighting something in their head they can’t stop. The lives that have been lost. Even the Jedi.
He’s quiet for a few days then. Trying to rationalize what it all means. And where he fits in in this galaxy.
When he comes to bed that night, you know he’s haunted.
“Take it easy my love,” you kiss his temple. His hair is starting to grow back and it’s soft to the touch. You smile at being so close to him. You’ve shared a bed with him for the last few weeks, and even before when you lived on Coruscant. But you’d yet to be intimate with him.
You’d never been intimate with anyone at all. And you know the day will soon come that Fives will be your first. And hopefully your only.
“I can’t believe the war is over,” he says gently pulling you into his arms. It’s less and less painful now to hold you. He kisses your stern brow. “And I made you a promise,” he grins.
You’ve thought about that promise every day. Especially when you thought you might lose him. But now it’s even stronger sharing a bed and all your time with him. He’s so close to you. You can feel his warmth and smell his skin. The soft touch of his lips on yours before bed.
When your relationship was new you told him you wanted him. And he told you the same. But you made an agreement to wait until after the war. You can’t really remember why now. Because when you thought you lost him, all you could think about was the moments that might have been lost. Or the regret.
But now that he’s safe, and the war for him is over – you’re glad you chose this. There’s no urgency. And you both know that once he heals, you’ll take that final step together.
And it’s getting closer. A growing feeling in the pit of your belly tells you. Fives is able to do most things now. He had difficulty staying in bed. Staying still. He wanted to get up and move. He thrives off the day-to-day chores around the house and taking care of their land that you’re not sure how Rex even got ahold of.
You woke yesterday morning in Fives arms and his hard length pressing against you. He was just as flustered as you were, but you saw the flame of desire in his eyes. And that flame licked your body all over. You were tired of waiting, but now you had to for him to heal. You would feel terrible if something happened to him for the sake of pleasure. But you could only imagine his wry chuckle in saying he wouldn’t mind at all.
“Fives?” you call to your lover this afternoon out the window. He’s in the back tending to the garden that has begun to grow. He perks his head up at the sound of your voice and he smiles warmly. With his forearm, he wipes sweat off his brow and joins you inside. “How are you feeling my love?” you ask him after he gives you a kiss. You taste the salt from his sweat and you’re aching. You need him. Now.
He knows you, and your looks. He knows what this means.
“Good enough to keep my promise,” he gives a little wink and pulls off his sweaty shirt. He only grunts a little from the movement, but it’s nothing major. You giggle at his eagerness but then feel your knees buckle at the sight of his sweaty chest. Dark hair is dusted lightly over his pecs and lead down to his waistband.
“Fives,” you moan and touch his skin. This isn’t the first time you’ve seen him shirtless or touched him like this. But it feels different now. There’s a scar and a slight yellowing from his bruise almost done healing.
He reaches for the hem of your shirt when there’s a quiet knock on the door.
Fives laughs because you’ve been alone for weeks and now there’s a knock at this moment.
“Who is it?” Fives calls and Rex answers. You both light up at the sound of his voice, and Fives runs to open the front door for him.
Rex looks exhausted. He has a cut on his head in the same place Fives does. And he wears a tan poncho over his armor. Any humor about the moment has gone when Rex sees Fives and hugs him tight.
Something in you tells you that Rex has lost too many brothers over the last few weeks. And seeing Fives alive is a peace he needed.
“I came to check on the two of you,” he tells you finally. “But I seemed to have interrupted you,” he almost looks shy.
“Actually,” Fives stops and looks at you for a moment with a smile. “You might be just the man we need.”
Fives disappears into the bedroom. You and Rex exchange looks as you hear Fives clattering around. He emerges moments later in full armor. There’s a blast mark on his chest plate and you try not to look at it but it’s the thing on everyone’s mind.
“Why did you put this on?” you ask him touching his shoulder. You love how broad he looks in his armor, and you lean up to give him a kiss on the cheek. You love him so much and it’s hitting you hard seeing him in this armor. Just how you could have lost him and yet here he stands.
“Rex? Wanna marry us? Can you do that?”
Rex smiles bigger than you’ve ever seen, and no one really cares if he can legally or not. You’ve been married to Fives for a long time as far as you’re concerned.
“Well wait, I want to look nice too,” you stop and head to your room to put something else on. You choose one of the nicer things you brought with you when you were scrambling to pack all those weeks ago. You put it on and feel giddy with love.
Fives offers you his arm when you come out, and he leads you outside into the quiet of the woods. He takes your hands in his and Rex stands with the two of you.
“You know, I’ve never actually been to a wedding before,” Rex chuckles, getting a loud laugh from Fives. “Fives,” Rex speaks his brother’s name, and Fives stands at attention. “The Republic has fallen. We live in the times of the Empire now. You’ll always be a soldier but this time – your duty is to this one in front of you. Promise me, yourself, but most importantly to your riduur  that you will protect and love with all that you have. I know you will. But it’s an order Fives.”
Rex smiles, and Fives gives a nod. He squeezes your hands, and you know he will keep his promise.
Then Rex looks to you. His eyes are gentle.
“You have been given a gift. And that’s the love of my brother. I know him better than anyone, and I know how much he loves you. I know he would do anything for you. Because I know I would if I were in his shoes. I’m trusting you to look out for him. Protect his heart. I know you have, and I trust you with him.”
By now you have tears in your eyes. But it’s more than just from love- it’s knowing that you have Rex’s trust. He’s one of the best men that you know.
Rex pauses, and steps back a moment. And Fives takes that opportunity to cup your face in his hands and kiss you deeply. Then he presses his forehead to yours and if only you knew then what the gesture meant to him and Rex.
When you part, you reach for Rex and give him another hug and kiss on his cheek.
“I owe you everything,” you tell him, and his brow is stern even with his small smile.
Fives then grabs Rex in an even bigger hug and kisses him loudly on the cheek. They touch foreheads and then Fives laughs shoving Rex on the shoulder telling him to get lost.
“We have things to do,” Fives laughs again, and Rex can only roll his eyes with amusement.
“Stay safe, I’ll contact you if I need you again,” Rex tells you both and with that he’s gone.
The moment Rex is out of sight, Fives grabs you. His hands are on your hips digging into your skin and his lips are on yours. He’s already moaning into you as he backs you into the house.
He knows that you’ve never been with anyone, and it makes him even more hungry to touch you. He’s eager and excited and between his kisses and tugging off your clothes, he makes sure every action is alright.
He’s so excited that he forgets to undress himself, and he has you naked in front of him while he stands in full armor.
“Fives,” you feel shy and tempted to cover yourself while he stands proud in his armor.
“Oh, right,” he chuckles and begins to take off his armor piece by piece. You help him in between kisses, and he sneaks little butt grabs and smacks while he can. He gets distracted easily by the sway of your breasts as you move, and he squeezes them until you squeak.
When he’s free of his armor and blacks and everything else, he tips you back onto the bed and kisses you all over. Every bit of you that he can kiss, he does. His goatee tickles and you tug on his hair even though it’s still really short.
He finds himself between your legs and he takes his time. Going back and forth between his mouth and his hands until you’re crying out his name. He’s almost too rough in his eagerness and you gasp and giggle pushing him off you. You could cry, you’ve never been wanted so much in your life.
“Sorry,” he presses a kiss to your thigh. “You taste so good,” he murmurs against your skin.
“Don’t be,” you feel warm, “I just want more from other parts of you,” you giggle when he raises an eyebrow.
He slides up your body and delves his tongue into your mouth and squeezes your breast again as he lines up with your entrance. He’s slow moving inside and you cry out in his kiss. Your hands are on his shoulders, and you tell him to wait.
He’s patient and kisses you while you adjust to him. But you can tell he’s ready to move. He grunts and his abs tighten, and he can’t help the wince that escapes his lips.
“Do we need to stop?” you ask him, your voice full of concern.
“No,” he shudders when he pushes in a little deeper. “I need you mesh’la.”
He focuses on feeling the pleasure of it and making sure you feel your pleasure. When you arch your back and press your chest to his, something about the action sends him over and he cries out in your ear as he spills inside of you.
He whispers another apology but you’re moaning and gasp when you feel his thumb press where you need him most. You find your release with a whine.
He pulls out of you but stays on you. He slides down a little and rests his head on your chest. His face nestled between your breasts and his ear can hear your heartbeat pound.
“Happy?” you giggle scratching his head as he nuzzles your breast.
“Happier than I’ve ever been. Are you?” he looks up at you, resting his chin on your sternum.
You nod and scratch his back then his scalp. “I’ve never been so happy in my life. I love you baby,” you tell him.
“I love you cyare,” he mumbles kissing your sternum before laying back down.
You don’t know if he’s thinking the same thing, you are. But all you can think about is how a few weeks ago you were laying in this bed with him hoping he would get up. Hoping he would move. Praying he was alive.
Now that you have him in your arms, you’ve never been more thankful he’s alive. But in this case, you don’t want him to move. He feels too good.
He can feel your heartbeat, and you can feel his warmth. The life is in him again and you truly have never been happier to have him alive. Heart pounding and life in his veins, and that fire of love in his eyes.
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biisexualemma · 4 years
second best. cesar diaz
word count: 1642
warnings: alcohol abuse and lots of tears
requested: uh no another one from the archives
plot: cesar always picks monse over you
a/n: wow am i actually posting an imagine for an omb character that isn’t oscar???? pls note **all characters are of age** thank u hope u like
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you stumbled forward, tripping over your own feet on the way to the bathroom. jasmine, grabbed your arm, stopping your from falling flat on your face. you were such a mess. you didn't think you'd ever been that drunk before. but once you'd started you couldn't slow down.
jasmine had been keeping an eye on you all night, making sure you didn't get into any trouble but it was hard. you were all over the place. dancing. drinking. sitting. talking. you moved around quicker than she could keep up with. you were trying to forget about him, she knew that, so she let you drink yourself silly. but she didn't want you to get hurt in the process. you were pretty emotionally unstable.
he'd chosen her over you again. story of your life. you loved monse, which made it even harder for you to be mad at her. cesar on the other hand, you were ready to throw hands in you saw him again tonight. he played around with you so much it hurt. you'd been crushing on him for so long and he showed signs too. but he always chose monse over you. you could never compete. it broke your heart.
hence the alcohol.
but it was catching up with you. you entered the bathroom, jasmine quickly pulling your hair out of your face and tying it back. you were now kneeling on the bathroom floor with your head in the toilet as you threw up everything that was in your system.
tears formed in your eyes when you slumped back against the bath, wiping the sides of your mouth. you were a mess. "i just don't understand," you cried softly. jasmine wrapped her arm around you, letting you rest your head on her shoulder. she was a good friend, no matter what anyone said. "why doesn't he want me?"
she shushed you, tightening her grip on you as you cried into her shoulder. "he doesn't deserve you. mami, you deserve so much better than him," she tried to reassure you. you knew she was right. but this was cesar, he'd been your friend for years, there was no one better than him. he was the nicest guy you knew. he always walked you home, helped you study, hung out with you when you were sad. he did all of this and more but he would never choose you over monse. you didn't want him to pick anyone over anyone. you just wanted him to pick you.
he'd always made it seem that he felt more for you than just a friend, he treated you different to how he treated his other friends. it made no sense. you cried out of frustration. you felt pretty battered and weak at this point, you just wanted to go home.
you sniffled, composing yourself after you'd let yourself have a good cry. you needed that. you needed to get it all out.
"hey—" your head snapped to the unlocked bathroom door, where ruby and jamal now stood after barging in. they must have seen you and jasmine come in here earlier. "woah— what happened?" their demeanours both changed quickly when they saw your sad face and jasmine glaring at them to watch what they said.
"nothing," you wiped under your eyes, though it was hard to disguise what had happened. you stood up and looked at yourself in the mirror. your mascara had smudged under your puffy eyes and your cheeks were pink and wet. you sighed. "i'm gonna go home."
jasmine handed you a wipe, and you began cleaning yourself up. you suddenly felt incredibly sober. you wiped under your eyes, and took off the little makeup you had on. you splashed your face with cold water and downed some mouthwash. you didn't think ruby would mind since this was his house.
"y'sure you don't wanna talk about it?" jamal piped up. they had all stood outside while you got yourself together. you nodded upon exiting the bathroom. "we can walk you home."
you shook your head. "it's ok. i need to be by myself."
"ok. i get it. but you can be by yourself with us, girl, 'cause you're not walking yourself home. it's late,” jasmine chimed in. ruby and jamal agreed, and soon enough they were all walking you back to your house. they all chattered, trying to take your mind off things but you remained in a quiet little bubble, drowning out any noise they were making. you appreciated them doing this but you weren't up to talking. you just wanted to get home and climb into bed.
"hey—" you'd been so in a daze you hadn't noticed cesar walking towards you guys. he was puffed out, like he'd been running here. he glanced at you quickly, his eyebrows furrowing slightly when he saw your face. but he quickly averted his attention back to the group. "did i miss the party already?" he joked.
ruby explained that they were walking you home, not giving any further details. "you can go to the house. we'll be back soon."
"uh— no— i'll come with," you all continued walking to your house. you remained silent. you couldn't look at him again. you could already feel yourself getting worked up.
you felt a hand touch your arm, pulling you back from the group who carried on walking. jasmine gave you a quick glance to make sure you were good. you gave her a reassuring nod before turning to see cesar in front of you.
"are you ok?" he furrowed his eyebrows again. his concern becoming immediate now he'd pulled you from the rest of the group. as best as you had tried to clean yourself up, you couldn't control your pink cheeks and puffy eyes. but you really didn't wanna talk about it, especially with him.
"fine," you nodded. you carried on walking with him beside you now. your voice was a little groggy but you cleared your throat hoping he wouldn't notice. "how's monse?"
"you sure?" he was watching you as you walked next to him, trying not to look at him for too long. "you're quiet."
you just nodded. "you didn't answer my question."
he was confused. "she's— she's fine. something came up with her mom— but i don't understand— have you been crying?" he grabbed your arm, stopping you from walking. you ducked your head.
"i don't wanna talk about it—"
you tried to walk on but he grabbed your hand quickly pulling you back. "no— wait— tell me what happened— please,” he squeezed your hand tight, still holding on. he looked you over, not seeing any obvious signs that you were hurt. something must of happened, he thought, it hurt to see you like this. you were pretty strong person usually, you didn't cry very often and never in front of anyone.
"i said i don't wanna talk about it, cesar."
"hey," he used his free hand to touch your chin, tilting your head up so you would look at him. "you can tell me anything."
you shook your head, taking a step backwards. you pulled your hand away from his, you felt tears brimming your eyes. you wanted to hate him so badly for making you this demented. he doesn't deserve you, you repeated to yourself. but it made no difference, it still hurt.
"it's not fair," you whimpered. cesar's face contorted from a look of confusion, to hurt. he just wanted to help. "you know i love you, cesar— you know it," your eyebrows knitted, trying to stop yourself from crying again. he really hurt you. nothing mattered at this point. none of the secrecy. "and i can't hang around waiting for you to pick me."
"what?" was all he said. he tried to reach out but you flinched away. you didn't want him to reel you in again, this was his last chance. "pick you?"
"i can't be second best to monse for the rest of my life," his face softened. he understood. "if you want to be with her, please just tell me instead of stringing me along like this," it hurt watching you talk like this. a couple stray tears had slipped from your eyes but you quickly wiped them away.
he just stared at you for a moment, careful as to what he was going to say. "it's always been you," he shook his head, stepping closer to you. you didn't move. "monse and i are just friends. we've been through a lot together— but y/n— you're it. you're before anyone else. i promise."
you took a deep shaky breath in. it was everything you'd ever wanted to hear from him but you couldn't ignore the facts. "tonight— i wanted you here but you chose monse over me."
he frowned. "she needed me—"
"i needed you, cesar."
he was quiet. he couldn't ignore the tears in your eyes that were falling frequently now.
"hey— please— don't cry—" he gulped. he thought if you cried anymore that he might start crying. he wrapped an arm over your shoulder and pulled you into his chest before you could pull away. you sunk into his chest, letting him wrap both arms around you tightly. "i'm sorry— i didn't realise you needed me tonight— i really— i'm sorry."
"i don't wanna hurt you, y/n," he tucked his face into your neck. "i care about you."
you sniffled, pulling away slightly to look up at him. "then don't make me feel like this again— i hate it." you wiped under your eyes again, sniffling as you calmed down a bit.
"never again," he tightened his grip on you. "promise,” he meant it too. nothing hurt more than seeing you so upset over something he'd done to you unknowingly. "love you," he mumbled, pressing his lips atop your head.
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lvlyhao · 4 years
『you’re dating him but he’s not your bias』
reaction fic; NCT Dream
A/N: this is nct dream’s reaction to realizing your bias is not him (and you’re a couple). gender neutral, got way too deep at some points and was NOT meant to be this long. enjoy.
note that english is my second language and i speak mixing slang, accents and spellings from 3283928 places so i did notice there’s practice written with both s and c down there so
just dont mind it pls
also, today’s photo theme is dream looking cute in low quality shots.
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓼: fluff (♡), angst (❆), comedy (☼), crack (⍢).
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: lots of swearing, my tough love for the neos, one mention of cheating that doesn’t actually happen, a couple of mentions of alcohol and drinking, some violence hidden in metaphors, me being chaotic, it got a bit more angsty and darker than i intended, but we do have all happy endings.
word count: 6.8K
pairing: nct dream members x reader ( includes mark, renjun, jeno, haechan, jaemin, chenle, jisung)
disclaimer: the characters in the story below do not reflect real people or present real facts. this is purely fictional, and you may not copy, change, translate or repost my work in any way. all rights reserved © cherry-hyejin 2021.
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oh, poor baby
i feel like he would be a little heartbroken 
just a little
not so much if it’s someone from dream, because they’re his little brothers, but if it’s one of his hyungs from 127 or wayv,,,,,
boy might cry
he’s not super dramatic about it or anything but i don’t see him as being super confident about himself
so he might think like
“do they think he’s cooler than me?”
and it’s silly, yes, he knows
but it’s just something that pops up in his mind sometimes when you bring him up
so for the sake of this fanfic let’s pretend you’re johnny biased
because gods know i am
at least when it comes to 127
mark would be divided into fanboying with you and being like “YO, HE’S THE COOLEST GUY ON EARTH OH MY GOD I’M SO GLAD YOU AGREE”
“a h”
<gives you a little tiny smile to cover up the sound of his heart breaking>
would constantly try to get closer to you when johnny is around, and just
showing off in little (kinda dumb) ways
complimenting you
being even more whipped than usual
like yes he’ll give you all of his watermelon slices just please don’t look at johnny like that again
i think johnny would kind of play into it with the whole “imma steal your s/o” thing
and he doesn’t do it to make mark jealous or hurt
we know he’d rather get hit by a train than ever actually upsetting his son on purpose
but we also know he’s johnny
so yeah he might call you lil pet names (beautiful, cutie, you get it)
just to see you giggle 
(and see your soul leave your body)
might say he’s taking you out for dinner when he’s just driving you to get more ice cream for a movie night with the gang lol
and winks
expect a lot of winks
anywhere and anytime
which makes mark sometimes feel like he’s intruding???
and that you appreciate johnny more than him???
he genuinely doesn’t understand how you can date him and still not have him as your bias
don’t you like, love him above everyone else or smth lol
his “showing off” phase eventually fades tho
now every time you hang you with the boys and johnny is around, he’ll be a bit more distant 
he thinks he’s giving you space to interact with his friends but he’s just shying away from competing with one of his favourite people ever
and it’s a competition that Does Not Exist™
but he’s not 100% aware of that
and you’re not that dense 
so ofc you notice
and you wait till you two are alone to talk to him, and he BEGRUDGINGLY admits that you being johnny biased makes him feel kinda small and unimportant
he’d never try to make you change your bias or anything
he just needs reminders that he’s your #1 boy sometimes
which is fine by you
and by him
cus now it’s you calling him pet names all the time
and hugging him
and kissing his cheek
and praising his work
and blowing kisses from across the room
and just telling him straight up that no matter what, you’ll always go to him
(not that you ever had any chance with johnny lmao)
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wym donghyuck is your bias lol
literally are you fucking kidding him
don’t get me wrong ok
everyone knows renjun loves haechan
they’re bffs and could not live without each other
but at the same time,,,
what is wrong with you
who did he choose as his s/o gods help him
if it was jeno, or mark, or jaehyun, or winwin, or kun, or lucas, or yuta, or taeyong, or ten, or,,,,
literally ANY of his other members
he’d understand your point and be like “ok fine”
but haechan???? hmmm bestie no
he’s not gonna throw a fit
not after the first time you told him anyways
and he just whined very loudly after having laughed for 5 minutes thinking it was a joke
<flashbacks of that one time he had to sing the ottoke song with haechan on weekly idol>
if you don’t know that iconic scene, renjun had a whole ass meltdown in 3 seconds while yelling “aAAAAAH JINJJAAAAA” and getting ready to punch the living shit out of hyuck
for no reason other than the fact that it’s haechan we’re talking about and injun’s little body is filled with rage
would probably try to act all cool about it and be like “i don’t mind” but bruh does he mind
and it doesn’t help that haechan is such a little shit about it
he doesn’t even flirt with you
he just
constantly reminds renjun that he’s your bias—not him—and then constantly praises himself over you
“ah, y/n~ did you choose me as your bias because i’m the best vocalist? or was it because i’m the best dancer? mAYBE IT WAS BECAUSE OF MY OH SO BROAD SHOULDERS—”
(pause for injun to punch him)
and ok in the beginning it was funny seeing him all worked up but now it’s just annoying to be in the same room as these two
haechan won’t let either of you live
and renjun just wants to
so it eventually gets to the point where you’ll talk to renjun and jeno will talk to hyuck cus even the other dreamies are tired of it
except maybe for chenle, he always laughs his ass off when they start bickering
your conversation goes something like “oh my god renjun i’m literally dating you, i don’t like haechan better or anything you little pile of fury”
while jeno sits hyuck down in front of him and jaemin and just
“bro why are you like this”
no but renjun would apologize for going overboard with his protectiveness and jealous energy because he’s not generally like that
he’s angry all the time but never about something involving you, you know
he tries his best to treat you like the royalty you are
but something about hyuck being your bias makes him feel a bit like a castaway???
he’s very creative and as an artsy kid myself i know we’re very prone to feeling left out because we’re just different from the others
so he’d think maybe haechan really has a better voice
or better dancing skills
or he looks better
he is taller than injun after all, and has broader shoulders, and his hair is all fluffy and—
the whole thing just made him insecure about things he had settled with himself long ago
he was fine with being him
but not so much when it came to that
i don’t think you two would fight over it cus tbh i think renjun would really only get with someone who can be very understanding of him
and i think hyuck would actually apologize to renjun too
not when everyone’s around but like, maybe after dinner or something and he just needs to feel like they’re besties again
hyuck never meant for things to get out of control
he just really likes both injun and you as his friends, and aside from skinship his most prominent love language is,,,
he was really just trying (very poorly) to grow closer to the person his best friend loves so much—you—because renjun is SUCH a big part of his life it would just feel wrong to not be good friends with you as well
don’t tell them i said this but they hug it out
injun strikes me as someone that could take a bit of time to bounce back from something that hurt his pride or his sense of belonging
and his way of healing and bonding is just,,,
sure, keep being haechan biased, but also please read with him
and talk about his fantastic animal creations
and watch those buzzfeed unsolved alien theory videos because he really wants to discuss it and maybe even draw what he thinks the aliens look like
hyuck tones it down, you make sure renjun knows you like him for him, renjun starts to (secretly) appreciate hyuck’s talent along with you...
and now let’s take a moment to imagine the minute you watch their latest mv with injun by your side
and yes okay the first thing you see is CLEARLY how good renjun looks because holy fucking shit he’s an angel (and i’m clearly not renjun biased)
but then,,,,,,
(there’s always a haechan high note, just look for it)
and ok maybe he did scream a bit with you because of how good it all sounded
and you know what, it works out perfectly bc you two are my new otp and you were meant for each other
but we do have to mention the eventual happening of chenle saying like “oOoOoOoH y/N wErE yOu dRoOliNg oVeR hAeChAn AgAiN” after a special stage
and then you, injun and hyuck all attempt to choke him
i’m kidding
or not
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ah, lee jeno
aka samoyed boi
yes i do call him that no i will not stop
everyone is always writing jeno as being super protective and literally about to burst a lung if someone else ever does as much as look at you
but i just 
don’t see him that way
he’s a taurus and from what i know about taurus they can be v v jealous, yes, but they mainly seek comfort
so he’s fine with you biasing jaemin
as long as you’re not ditching him or anything lol
and ok, imma be 100% honest here even if it sounds like literal no fun (jenojaem wink wonk)
jaemin doesn’t flirt with you
not any more than he flirts with
every other breathing creature
he’s really only platonically interested in you, never remotely romantic or anything lol
on the other side, he is in love with jeno
basically, if jaemin is your bias, jeno is his
so nothing really changes
we know how nomin are, okay
they hold hands, they stare deeply into each other eyes, they nearly kiss at least once every time they go live
it's just them
you gotta respect it bruh
i know this is the most boring reaction ever so let’s create the one (1) instance where jeno would actually dislike that you bias someone else
i think he would feel a bit hurt if you seemed to be more supportive of jaemin’s work than his
and it’s not something big or on purpose
it’s just something like going with him to a recording session but not going with jeno because you have homework
or after a very busy practise day going to praise jaemin first
even if it’s just three words
“you did good”
and then you’re going towards him, he’s gonna feel like maybe he doesn’t deserve your praise as much as nana????
i actually feel like, among the dreamies, jeno is the least confident one when it comes to his performance
he knows he’s not an awful rapper or anything but i think it can be a bit too much, being around such bright and huge presences like the others while his nickname literally means “no fun”
his members are just so loud and full of energy most of the time
and sometimes he just really needs to be quiet and observe in silence 
(yes i do know he’s chaotic and a crackhead, i’m just saying as we know he can be a bit introspective)
so what if you just
stopped seeing him?
did he become invisible to you?
did you finally fall for jaemin’s beautiful smile and stupid pick-up lines?
he’s not gonna let it show that he’s affected, though
earth signs are nearly always the ones to “stay strong” because we have this image that people are relying on us???
so we do what we do
bottle everything up and overwork ourselves bc we only got two modes
1. chill, super balanced and down to earth (ay for the pun)
2. please make us take a break we’re literally about to cry if we work for one more minute but we can’t allow ourselves to fucking take it easy
so yes you’ve guessed correctly, we’re going with 2
jeno is going to go so, SO hard on everything he does 
literally every single activity you can think of from dance practice to photoshoots to cooking for the dreamies
he stays up later than usual to get that one tricky move in the choreo just right
he works out more because he thinks he has to look absolutely perfect for when they shoot the mv
jisung asked for ramen? he’s making it but you bet your ass he’s spending over 40 minutes just chopping so
but he’s doing it anyway for the reason being that it just has to be the Best™
and it’s not like he’s competing with anyone else to be diligent
this is just about being better than he was and showing himself—and maybe you—how painstakingly hardworking and driven he can be
maybe then you’re gonna acknowledge him as much as you acknowledge nana :((
writing this is making me downright sad, jeno is so underrated and unaware of his power UGH
and i need to point out this is NOT about making you change your bias from jaemin to him, this is solely about having you recognize his efforts, even if you already do
if you just thought jeno was like going off in work because it was asked of him to, jaemin would DEF notice and talk to you about it
turns out it’s a habit of jeno to go extra hard sometimes and he needs someone to make him take a break
so it goes down like you breaking into the practice room when jeno and jisung were practising
the first reaction is confusion
the second is oh hey babe how are you
third is
a-are you dragging jeno and his bag out of the door while screeching at jisung to order pizza and doughnuts for everyone??
yes you are and i’m proud of you
so jeno is still confused and making those cute “hUh” noises he does omg i love him so much
and you’re just rambling about how much of an amazing artist he is, and you love his voice, and he’s a fantastic dancer, and his expressions and gestures are on point, and he takes such good care of the dreamies and
he’s perfect
and he knows jaemin must have talked to you, and he feels so vulnerable to have you know how on edge he’s been
baby boy just needs some rest
and that’s exactly what you give him, with a bath full of those fancy bath bombs and flower petals and candles at your house/apt
then a quick sheet mask while you massage his shoulders and keep saying how much you genuinely admire him
the mask might be ruined cus he started crying out of exhaustion
after that’s been done and you’ve hugged for at least like 5 min nonstop, you head over to the dorms, where hyuck was in charge of setting up a blanket fort while mork and nana gather board games, jisung gets the food and chenle
well chenle just had to make sure jisung doesn’t forget to order for someone and doesn’t break like 10 plates trying to set the table lol
this is way longer than the others so imma wrap it up
make it obvious and loud that you see and respect jeno’s hard work and he’ll be alright again
and maybe make those game nights a weekly thing when possible, it would make him very happy
he’ll never again feel sad when you praise jaemin cus now he’s sure he does enough, and above all, he is enough
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haechan = full sun
why would you ever bias someone when you’re dating the goddamned sun
does not understand
but also does not care that much
actually, one out of two really depending on who your bias is
if it’s one of the members he has that tom/jerry relationship with, prepare for so
and clinging
donghyuck please stop screaming about doyoung not deserving to be your baby’s bias, it’s 2 am
on the other hand, if it’s one of the (few) members he,,,
adores with all of his heart and is not afraid to show it
ex: sungchan, jaehyun, taeil and yang2x
then you can bet he’s going to be right beside you whenever you feel like throwing a fit because he’s just so handsome and talented
i’m going to write you as being mark biased ok? ok
i honestly don’t know if he’d feel more jealous of mark or of you
he loves you both
a lot,,,,
and he really doesn’t like it when mark blushes when you compliment him
and he doesn’t like it when mark literally just walks past you and you trip over your feet because bro tf u doing, that’s some embarrassing shit
lowkey done with you two
or don’t, he’s fine either way (cue crossed arms and staring at you from across the room until you come give him a kiss)
“he’s pretty cute but i’m cuter right baby”
pouty pouty pouty if he ever feels neglected
will be so fucking annoying lmao i can’t write haechan, i love him but i do understand why renjun is always trying to beat him up
he’d be a show-off in a different way than mark because he can be so petty
will take every chance he gets to pull a one-liner
will sing everything he has to say just so you know he can hit those high notes
what do you mean dream doesn’t have a schedule today
oh man, he could swear they did
because that is the sole reason why he’s wearing his most expensive clothes and shoes + makeup to walk around the dorms, yes
no he doesn’t want to impress you
shut up
will text you like every single fancam he sees on twitter
and are they mark’s?
lol no, they’re his
he is so genuinely trying to make you a member of his sunflower cult 
<whispers> “tell me i’m your bias” 
“donghyuck what the actual hell why are you standing at the end of my bed in the middle of the night like a fucking demon child”
he really wants to act all cool and composed but he wants to be your bias so fucking bad
he’s a bad bitch all around and just does whatever
cus haechan privilege
and he tends to not care about what people say and think???
bc he knows he’s lee donghyuck
he’s fully aware of the effect he has on people
but you
not biasing him
naw, he can’t take it
will do anything and everything he can to make you say, JUST ONE TIME, he’s your bias
then you can go back to loving (his) mark
so for your sake, for his sake, for mark’s sake
just give donghyuck what he wants
i can promise he’ll keep being an ass no matter what you do
like yeah did you just buy him coffee and his favourite cake? well that’s sweet but iS HE YOUR BIAS YET
“aw babe thanks so much for taking a bullet for me but now please say i’m your bias”
if you still don’t do it, it’s time to be extra petty
will actually drop you for mark
his logic is something like: he can’t be your bias? pity, so he’s just gonna date him instead
and mark is mark so he has no idea what’s going on
everyone in 127 and dream finds this absolutely hilarious cus suddenly donghyuck seems to be doing his best to win over mark’s heart and i mean more than usual???? and he’s treating you like his bro????
<you leaving the dorms to go to uni or smth so you go to hyuck for a goodbye kiss> “no can do, i’m committed”
“i’m your partner”
“no that’s mark”
it’s not 100% a joke when i say i can see him getting down in one knee to propose to mark while making eye contact with you to
assert his dominance
and mark is just
what HAHAHA”
and you are so done, i’m so sorry you have to go through that bby
i don’t think there’s another way to fix haechan other than just admitting he was your bias for an era, or a comeback or something
like yeah with the other dreamies before him it’s bonding + healing time bc i wrote it all kinda angsty (lol sorry) but with donghyuck
“will you stop this if i say you were my bias during reload era”
“mark wasn’t in dream that era tho”
“yes i know”
i say he’s gonna take what he can get and now things can finally go back to normal
with the exception that something else comes along with hyuck being satisfied with you biasing him
he just has a full pass to fanboy over mark now too
what am i talking about?
new 127 mv is out
you: watching it beside haechan and going off about how pretty mark looks
him: going off even harder bc he’s whipped too
this is what a happy couple looks like 
but now i pity mark because he has you two idiots fanboying over him irl
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nana is just such a chill and fun guy
i can’t see him being actually jealous or anything if he finds out you bias someone else
and so the two of you become insufferable together
bitch, i’m telling you
he (ur bias) is not gonna have one peaceful day ever again in his entire life
cus you know the thing jaemin does where he just looks at someone doing some random shit and goes “oOoOoH sExY”
yes that thing
he’s doing it to your bias 
and you’re doing it too
and your bias probably wants to run away to some very far away land
i’m not gonna write this whole thing as if you bias him but let’s just imagine
two fully grown people
pilling on top of poor, poor park jisung playing games on his phone
i genuinely think he would avoid being around you two at the same time
cus individually he can handle it
like yes y/n please let me go this hug has lasted for about 4 minutes now
or oh hi jaemin hyung my cheeks hurt when you pinch them that hard
but when you two are together
a power couple not bc you two are v confident or some shit but bc you can and will be extremely affectionate towards anyone that comes too close
and now let’s talk about how it would be if you biased jaehyun
jaemin loves jaehyun
they’re 2jae
2jae are soulmates
therefore,,,, it’s also kinda hellish but in a different way???
bc 2jae are on the end of that spectrum about the neos that know how in love the entire world is with them
they’re too powerful
they’re aware of their charm and they do everything they can to rub it in our faces
so the flirting between 2jae and you would be insane
and i mean insane
insane as in even johnny is kinda disgusted tbh bc
they’re doing a photo shoot with the 23 of them for some shit, idk don’t ask me
and of course, you had to tag along
but oh my god you three, please stop calling each other sexy/hot in weird voices now, the staff is staring
there are def rumours the 3 of you are a poly couple lmao
jaehyun denies everything on social media (throwback to saying “no way lol” when we asked if he REALLY slept in the same bed as jungwoo)
but every piece of content there is of you and jaemin or you and jaehyun or just them is so ridiculously flirty
you can bet there are compilations on youtube like 
“y/n being in love with 2jae for 8 minutes heterosexual”
ok i was having way too much fun with that, moving on
i don’t think he’d ever be actually upset about you biasing someone else
he trusts you and treasures you a lot so he doesn’t see the problem in you also appreciating another one of his members
bc gods know he does
he’s a bit in love with everyone so why shouldn’t you be too lol
one time he would feel a bit blue because of it???
i think it’s possible he’d turn pouty or whiny or just kinda needy (not in a bad way, he just misses you) when he’s like
done with people
and needs some time away from everything
we know he’s an introvert, even if he acts very, very loud around the boys and it’s honestly just a matter of time until an introvert grows tired of being around humans
it depends on each person, of course, but there’s a 99% chance every once in a while he’ll start to feel too drained
and he’ll need a break to get his energy back
jaemin would probably want you around even when he feels like that, though
i see you being such a big source of comfort for him in a relationship
he enjoys taking care of people so please take care of him too
and for just this one day don’t talk about your bias that much, or don’t leave nana to go over to him to chat
and just cuddle him a lot
that will make him a smiley baby again
and then things are back to how they normally are
and by that i mean most neos hiding from you because they’re scared 
i don’t have a lot to say aside from that so let’s think about the neos that would be the most intimidated by your shared thot aura
dotae would be confused in different ways lol
taeyong would be just ????????????blush/awkward smile/hahaha??????
and doyoung might actually ask what is wrong with you
<points to jeno and his s/o> “why can’t you be like them”
mark would laugh-scream and slap his knee into oblivion whenever you two are cornering him
but then go super shy and be like “dUDE DON’T DO THAT”
resident confident gay jungwoo would rejoice in the attention and make so many goddamned jokes
a literal comedian i love him
i think sicheng and renjun would be on the same wavelength of repugnance towards you lol
chenle would deadass call you weird and tell you to leave him alone
shotaro and kun might faint (or kun will panic-scold you)
taeil is as confused by affection as usual (have you seen the face he makes when haechan kisses him LMFAO he’s smiling but like wondering wtf happened on the inside)
ten is not very amused but might play into it
yangyang: that’s disgusting, man (cue flashbacks to that live with renjun after the from home stage where renjun pretended to lick his hand and slick his hair back,,, catboy injun,,, you know the one)
xiaojun and hendery are such panicked gays they just turn to stare at whoever else is around and make that “help” expression like they’re on the office
haechan is haechan, kinda doesn’t mind it
jeno is used to dealing with this at this point
lucas and yuta love the attention but while yuta will flirt right back lucas is just gonna smile and try to jop his way out of there while screaming
sungchan will go hide behind haechan and say “hyung they’re being dumbasses again”
this turned into ‘how would nct react to you and jaemin being super flirty together’ and i’m not sorry
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chenle is so fun to write i love him lmao
okay so
he doesn’t strike me as the possessive type with anyone other than jisung (bc i swear he can be a bit jelly towards his bestie but i think it comes with sungie being the sweetest bean ever, he’s just protective)
he’s such a ray of sunshine and witty jokes and dolphin laughter i love him
back to the plot
he literally couldn’t care less about you biasing someone else
b u t
i will say there’s an exception
this exception is tall, kinda lanky, very awkward and born on the 5th of february
you’ve guessed it, it’s jisung
i think most of the time he’d tease THE SHIT out of you for it because c’mon
you had 22 chances not to mess up
and you still somehow ended up biasing jisung? lol do better next time
and this is not me and chenle hating on jisung, please—
he’d just find it funny that your bias is his best friend and
hold the fuck up
your bias is his best friend
i think after realizing that he would lowkey try to keep you two apart because he’s somehow jealous of both????
and if he can’t help it then you can bet your ass he will be screaming all along
it’s his sweet, dummy jisung
with his sweeter and dummier y/n
what is he going to do
probably has a mini-breakdown with kun because like he’s always wanted you two to get along bUT NOT LIKE THAT
kun will just sigh like the tired father he is and pet his back while saying “there, there”
and a genius idea is going to come to chenle’s mind
you know the teasing thing?
well it’s upgrade time
he’s gonna turn into such a try-hard with tmi and embarrassing shit you two have done
and he’s not trying to stop you from being friends
he just wants you to like
know who you’re befriending
bc i think since he’s really really close to jisung, he doesn’t want you getting closer to him bc you like his idol side alone
and he doesn’t want jisung getting close to you just because you’re his partner either
if you had high hopes for each other and ended up kinda falling face-first into the ground bc it was nothing like you had imagined—
he’d be so broken
because he loves you so much :((((
so like, if you can get past the teasing and annoying barrier he’s putting up, he’ll be more than happy to have two of the most important people in his life being buddies
so get ready for it
if you’re the type of person to go batshit crazy when you drink, oh boy, oh boy
so you and the dreamies are just having dinner when lele feels like it’s the perfect time to disclose some of your drunken adventures
“hey y/n”
“yeah babe?”
“remember that time you got really really drunk on vodka and candy and wanted to call your mom”
“chenle the hell don’t talk ab—”
“but then you tried using the microwave as a phone”
“or that other time you were equally as drunk and watched the make a wish mv and cried because you noticed the height difference between xiaojun hyung and lucas hyung”
yeah so now’s the part you get up to chase him around the dorms and try to land a kick
he likes doing that when it’s just the three of you though
so picture this
movie night the girls boys
chenle would 100% pick the most terrifying horror movie he can find so that he could see jisung clinging to whoever’s closest to him
and then right before a jumpscare, he’d whisper like
“why don’t you do that thing you were doing while you slept last night”
(honestly, i’d be mildly scared if i heard lele say this with no context at all)
and then the jumpscare happens and jisung is nearly fainting and crying at the same time
but chenle is laughing
and trying to get out what he wants to tell you between wheezes
“he-he” <dolphin wheeze> “hE WAS SINGING CHEER UP BY TWICE WHILE SLEEPING” <more wheezes>
and look this is just gonna go on for weeks until you and jisung are over it
and stop being weird and awkward around each other
lele needs you two to be bros ok
so be bros
once you do adapt to being pals with your bias i think chenle would take the teasing down a notch just to make you more comfortable
and like he’s so happy now the three of you can hang out and there’s just no tension
happy chenle is the thing i love the most i swear to gods
and if you don’t adapt to it?
i honestly think he’d be pretty disappointed, cus it means to him one of you isn’t ready to fully embrace the weirdness within????
and like what u scared of
jisung is a weirdo, what about it, so are you
either that or he’d think you’re maybe being judgemental
so yeah please accept jisungie and your dumbass boyfriend
then everyone can be besties
i love thinking about the three of you as just this hellbound chaotic trio
because chenji already wreak havoc wherever they go as the two of them
but now that you’re coming along,,,,
no neo would escape from your pranks ever again (and even members of other groups lmfao watch out sehun, i’m talking to you)
and it’s so incredible infuriating in a good way that it just turns to be endearing
you’re cute as fuck so no one gets actually mad with the shit you pull????
which is dangerous, someone should really keep an eye out on the three of you 
we don’t need sm to be on fire
well we kinda do cus they’re pretty bad but not my point
i said somewhere above that chenle would tone the teasing down but i don’t mean he’d stop
bc c’mon guys
he’s chenle
no limits here
but sorry, i really cannot write jealous!chenle cus his heart is just too pure and filled with joy for him to be jealous for real
last scenario?
chenle after a comeback stage: ya y/n, i was gonna ask how was my performance today but you were probably more focused on jisung’s arms right
jisung is choking on water somewhere behind you
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it’s maknae time <plays i.n’s maknae on top>
i don’t mean to picture jisung as being like
ridiculously innocent or just downright naive because i really dislike it when people do that
he’s a literal 19 yo and jaemin himself has said he’s not as innocent as we think lol
i do see him as being quite new to all things love 
i think you’d probably be his first partner and with first relationships comes a lot of other firsts
first kiss maybe, first time holding hands, first time being jealous….
first time being jealous, yes, focus on that
i don’t think jisung would be aware that like
you not biasing him is even a possibility
cuz you’re dating
doesn’t that come along????
ah poor baby i love him
if you biased chenle i think he’d be just
disgusted and weirded out but okay?? you do you i guess???
he’s comfortable enough with lele to not feel intimidated
but if it’s another member
ESPECIALLY one of the oldest ones
i think it would be a blow straight to his confidence 
you biasing ten, kun, taeil, taeyong, doyoung or johnny and maybe yuta would make him feel a bit hesitant and concerned
his first thought would probably be that you don’t like being with someone as young as him
and who knows, maybe you’re even younger than him, maybe you’re the same age, but what if you actually like older guys??
what about him then???
and jisung doesn’t mean to feel so worried and insecure, ok, pls understand where i’m coming from
first relationships normally take like a very long time to build trust and acceptance of the other person’s feelings bc it’s literally a whole new world for you
and that goes extra hard for jisung because he is so fucking whipped for you it’s still hard to believe you like him as much
and it absolutely does not cross his mind that you’d cheat on him with your bias, GODS NO
he really respects you and his hyungs 
so no, never
that’s not a thing that can happen
but you realize you’re too good for him and maybe see he doesn’t fit your ideal type?
well, yes, that’s what he’s thinking
probably goes straight to chenle or renjun (he talks about renjun so much asjahj) to vent and ask for advice
i think they’d be surprised to see what’s going on inside his pretty little head because it’s so obvious for everyone that you just adore jisung
and they do tell him that
however, i don’t think it would completely calm his nerves, and again, this has nothing to do with not trusting you
it’s just that
his hyungs are so cool…
would probably try to mirror your bias (i’m saying it’s taeyong for the sake of what i’ve imagined ok) and like
grasp onto some of his qualities?
so in his mind taeyong is: nice, sweet, caring, amazing, perfect, smart, perfect, sexy, mature and did i mention perfect
i can see him trying some new rap styles that mimic tyong’s a bit???
like would lowkey learn his raps from cherry bomb and superm’s one and listen to recordings frequently to pick up on how taeyong does it
i think he’d also just change the way he acts in general to dodge a bit from his maknae image
so now he tries to speak with a more formal-ish language and learns random facts about things you like to seem more intelligent???
“good morning y/n, you look as beautiful as one of voiello’s paintings today :]”
“wait i thought that was a pasta brand”
he’s just trying to show you he can be mature and serious if you want him to
long story short, he’s not acting like himself (not that he’s childish, he’s just out of it) and you don’t like it, so you ask about it and wait for him to feel comfortable with sharing
when he does talk about it breaks your heart so much :((
you’re going to need some patience to try and show him you’d choose him, and not your bias, even if you had the chance
they’re completely different people and you love him BECAUSE he’s jisung, not for any other reason
please reassure him so he can go back to acting like his authentic self, i think it would be such a relief for him too
your words and affection are obviously enough for him, but if it ever happens that he feels especially low and insecure again, it would help if your bias talks to him too
and taeyong wouldn’t have a problem with it
actually, scratch that, taeyong probably knew what was going on all along
he just has that motherly 7th sense (ay) that is even more acute with the dreamies cus like 
127 has him, wayv has kun, but dream has…
the dreamies
and that, my friend, is terrifying
anyway he’d come to talk to jisung asking like “what’s wrong buddy :(“ and sungie would be a bit ashamed because it sounds so silly when you say it out loud
of course tyong wouldn’t judge him, and he just really has to tell jisung what is it you and he are always talking about
it’s him
“when they come around to talk and hang out here it all goes back to you, jisungie. they can’t spend one second without mentioning your name
it’s so cute; it’s always like ‘oh jisung would love this’ or ‘jisung likes it that way’
so please be kinder to yourself and let yourself see that they’re in love with you, not with me and not with any other member they ever mention”
jisung would feel 10000000% better
and smiley
and giggly
and oh my god do you really talk about him that much
would just go over to your house immediately and hug you, burying his face on your neck from behind you
and not let go
ever again
the whole situation just teaches him a lot about accepting your love for him and not questioning it 
shut up i’m not crying
final notes: this was my first work after the humanity series and it was so fun lol i think next up is probs gonna be an ideal type scenario for ot23 (but if i really write it i’m gonna post it by subunit and its gonna be way shorter than this, don’t expect 23K words at once lmao)
if you’ve enjoyed this fic please consider reading my humanity series, which is a zombie apocalypse au with kun <3
333 notes · View notes
taeyongdoyoung · 3 years
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summary: you have a crush on college student renjun so you make use of your best lamest flirting attempts and surprisingly they work?!
pairing: renjun x gn!reader
genre: college!au, romance, pure fluff
warnings: very lame jokes, mentions of a cruel prank in the past (someone asking out renjun as a joke, pls never do that to people!), lots of awkwardness & sweetness, a bit of swearing, reader has an obsession with renjun’s pretty hands
word count: 4.7k
It had been a while since you had a crush so strong you even had a hard time focusing in class. Usually, you were a very good student, diligently taking notes and participating when the professor asked questions. But that was until you saw Renjun for the first time. 
It was like something possessed you and suddenly you couldn't think about anything else but his pretty, gentle face, his angelic voice and his lovely hands always drawing something in his notebook. It certainly didn't help much that you were seated right next to him during your shared lectures. It most certainly didn't help that you forgot all your vocabulary when you were in his immediate vicinity. Usually, your teachers and friends described you as well-spoken and eloquent, always knowing the right thing to say. 
But that was, of course, until Renjun. All words disappeared from your poor brain whenever he was around. And it's not like you didn't want to talk to him, get to know him better. But you physically couldn't bring yourself to form a coherent sentence. You kept telling yourself it was just a silly crush and it would pass in time. But the more time passed, the stronger you felt the need to do something about your feelings. Naturally, you couldn't speak, but there was still something you could do. Something you probably did best. Write.
So one day, after what felt like an eternity of yearning, you finally gathered the courage to act on your emotions. Taking a small sheet of paper out of your notebook, you wrote a little something. It was probably super lame but apparently, even your writing skills were affected by your crush on him. As soon as your "masterpiece" was done, you slid it towards Renjun before you could chicken out and change your mind about this whole thing. The note had the following text:
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your drawings are almost As pretty as you. P.S. Key word: almost ;)
The second he spotted the little note which was folded in a hurry, he opened it curiously. Once he read its insides, you could hear him snort under his breath. Was it that bad? You couldn't help but worry. Then, he took his own pen and started writing something under it. That was a good sign, right? You were feeling hopeful. Once he was done, he slid the paper towards you. You opened it in a rush. His response was:
Hey! Are you bullying my art?!?
You looked at him in confusion. How could he have possibly misunderstood? However, he was too focused on multitasking (drawing most of the time and occasionally taking notes based on the lecture) to spot your reaction. You decided you had no choice but to be as explicit as possible and wrote another note:
Nooo, I meant to compliment both you and your art, sorry if it came off wrong and lame :(
When he received it, you could swear you saw him smiling a little, which made your heart melt. How was he so beautiful? Soon enough, his reply came:
That's alright, I'm just teasing...Also, it worked.
You couldn't believe it. It worked? You'd successfully grabbed his attention by using this first-grade flirting method in college? You were suddenly feeling brave and kept writing. It was too late to turn back time.
I just think you're really pretty and cool especially when you draw but I was too hesitant to talk to you directly...
When he read your most recent note, he even gave you a look of disbelief, which you couldn't interpret until you saw his response:
Cool? Wow, that's a first...And it's ok, I don't bite.
You chuckled quietly and suddenly noticed that class was ending soon. You couldn't wait until tomorrow so you hurriedly wrote the content of your next note:
What do I have to do to get your number?
Renjun shook his head in amusement and this time, his reply came quicker than before:
*number enclosed* Here, that wasn't so hard, was it?
You could hear the lecturer saying his words of conclusion and you hurried to respond via another note, because you couldn't trust your voice to actually speak to Renjun. Not yet, at least. So, you wrote:
Thank you!!! Here is mine: *number enclosed*
And just as he received your final note, the students around you started gathering their things. You simply looked at Renjun and you still couldn't believe he'd actually replied to your silly flirting and even gave you his number! You waved him goodbye like a lovesick fool and practically ran outside of the lecture hall. Stage fright whomst? Try having a crush on the prettiest boy in the world.
After you went back home, you debated calling Renjun. Eventually, you talked yourself out of it. What if you said something stupid and embarrassing? With texting, you could at least have more time to think things through before sending them. Actually speaking to him seemed too terrifying a task to accomplish. So, you texted him excitedly and your heart did a back-flip when he replied. Was it strange that you already missed him, even though it had only been a couple of hours since you last saw him? Naturally, you couldn't tell him that, it would probably freak him out. So, you settled for texting (for the time being).
Renjun: Why did you run away after class?
You: I was too nervous to speak to you, I'm sorry!!!
Renjun: That's strange, I see you talking to your friends all the time...Am I so scary?!?
You: Nooo, you're not scary, I'm just being an idiot 😔
Renjun: Top of the class does not equal idiot but I'll let it slide this time
You: Thank you for your generosity!
Renjun: What are you up to?
You: Probably gonna work on that assignment for next week
You: Sorry, I'm so boring 😔
Renjun: First of all, you don't have to apologize so much, you did nothing wrong
Renjun: Second of all, saaame. We can brainstorm together if you want?
You: Sorry, I'll stop. Oops, I did it again. Pretend you didn't see it.
You: Also omg, yes pls, that would be great!
And that is how your friendship with Renjun started. Texting on your phones and exchanging notes during class lasted a week until you finally decided to ask him out. Again, via text, because you were feeling too shy to speak to him. The only other contact you'd had was waving at each other. And it's not like he spoke to you, either. There were two explanations for that: 1) he chose to respect your decision or 2) he was possibly just as shy as you were. Whatever the reason, you thought this could not go on forever so you managed to find the bravery to propose a date.
You: Do you wanna go out with me? 👉🥺👈 
Renjun: Sure, where do you wanna go?
You: Oh, wow, I didn't think I'd get this far lol
You: Where do YOU wanna go?
Renjun: Hmm, there's this new art gallery I've been meaning to visit...if that's okay with you
You: Anything is good with me as long as I get to see your pretty face
Renjun: What
You: I said you're pretty
Renjun: Shut up, oh my God...
You: Do you want me to stop?
Renjun: Say that again
You: You're pretty
Renjun: 😳😳😳
Renjun: I can't wait to see you again
You: Same here
Once you got to the front of the art gallery, it struck you how strange it was that you would speak to Renjun for the first time ever. You mentally braced yourself as you awaited his arrival anxiously. Your nails were digging into the inside of your hands and you were terrified you'd pierce holes through your own skin. You told yourself this was silly, you had no reason to be so nervous. Renjun was a total sweetheart and he obviously liked talking...well, writing to you. You needn't worry that much, you kept repeating in your mind. You were too busy hyping yourself up to notice him approaching behind you. Too busy to be prepared for what came next.
"Hiii," Renjun greeted you with a surprise back hug.
"Oh dear," you jumped in shock as you turned around.
"Did I scare you, angel?"
Shit. Already with the pet names? How were you supposed to survive?
"No, it's fine," you waved him off, trying to play it cool. "Isn't it weird this is the first time we're actually speaking to each other?"
"Um...kinda," Renjun scratched the back of his head. "But I like it, it's what makes this so special."
"Wow, you sure do have a way with words," you chuckled.
"Shall we go inside?" he suggested.
"Yes, please."
As you looked around the art gallery, you kept pointing excitedly at the paintings, while Renjun was quietly evaluating them and telling you interesting stories about the artists. You couldn't help but be amazed by how attractive he was as he exhibited his knowledge. And of course, you couldn't help but wonder at how he was so much more beautiful than all the art you've ever seen. Naturally, you wouldn't tell him that. First of all, because it was too lame to speak aloud. Second of all, because your voice would undoubtedly betray you and crack or something even more embarrassing. As time passed, you were surprised at how easy it was to talk to him, despite your previous concerns. Renjun was very polite and soft-mannered and he made you feel comfortable, while the two of you looked at the paintings and discussed them. Once you'd seen everything, you were starting to feel a bit bummed out that your lovely date was coming to an end. When you were outside the art gallery, you impulsively asked:
"Can I walk you home?"
"I mean...sure. On one condition."
"I get to walk you home next time."
"There'll be a next time?" you whispered hopefully.
"I hope I don't sound presumptuous if I share my observation we both had a wonderful time."
"That's perfectly alright. Your observation is correct," you admitted.
"I live just around the corner, though. You really don't have to-"
"But I want to."
"So do I," Renjun said and the two of you began walking towards his home.
"I was wondering about something...You already know I didn't speak to you because I was feeling shy, but why didn't you? I have two theories, but I'm curious which one is more on point."
"Do tell and I'll try my best to enlighten you," he joked.
"Okay, so theory number one is you were being respectful of my wish not to talk yet. Theory number two is that you're just as shy as I am."
Renjun laughed and you could swear this was the sweetest sound in the entire universe.
"Am I so transparent? Honestly, it's a little bit of both. But there's another part you didn't guess. But it's too embarrassing."
"Come on, tell meee! It can't be more embarrassing than my lame attempts to flirt with you."
Renjun smiled gently.
"Well, to be honest, I couldn't believe you thought I was cool and pretty...I even feared this was some sort of prank. It wouldn't be the first time someone decided to mess with me like that."
"Renjun, are you serious? I don't understand why anyone would...Scratch that, whoever messed with you didn't deserve even a fraction of your attention. I meant every word I said. I really like you...and your paintings. And I'm sorry I couldn't say it aloud earlier. You genuinely deserve to hear nice things more."
"Thank you. I appreciate it," he blinked cutely. "But enough about me. I never told you...how beautiful you are. How kind and smart."
"I know," you waved him off teasingly. "But coming from you, this means a lot."
Renjun shook his head, amused by your words.
"We should go somewhere you like next time. Maybe a bookshop?" he suggested.
"Am I so transparent?" you repeated his words. "But sure, yeah. That sounds nice."
"Well, this is me," he said, pointing towards his home.
"Already? Aw, time sure flies by when you're having fun."
"I'll see you tomorrow in class, right?"
"Of course," you promised and before you could talk yourself out of it, gave him a quick but heartfelt hug. "Bye, Renjun."
"Bye, angel."
After your first date with Renjun, things were going quite smoothly. You finally got over your nervousness when it came to talking to him and the two of you would occasionally whisper things to each other during class. The first time he held your hand under the desk your cheeks filled with colour. Despite your embarrassment, you held his hand right back and granted him with a grateful smile. After that, holding hands in class (whenever you weren't busy taking notes) became like second nature to you two. It just felt so sweet and comfortable to be close to him. You couldn't wait till the next weekend for your second date. Even though you were just going to a bookshop and had nothing that special planned out, you enjoyed being around him so much that you were more than excited for spending time with him one-on-one. No professors or other students to distract you.
When the day finally arrived, you were surprised to find out your anxious self had made a comeback. Even though you were around him everyday and had grown accustomed to holding a conversation, it had been an entire week since your first date when it was just the two of you and you couldn't help but get cold feet as you were waiting in front of the bookshop. This time Renjun didn't surprise you from behind, you could see him approaching from a distance. Mentally bracing yourself for his inevitable arrival, you knew you'd be an awkward mess no matter how hard you tried.
"Hey, angel," he greeted you with the usual hug.
"It's nice to see you again, Renjun," you replied dumbly, briefly melting into his arms.
"You saw me yesterday, remember?" he teased you.
"Um, yeah, but still," you chuckled.
"Is everything okay? You don't seem like yourself," Renjun immediately noticed the change in your behaviour.
"Why wouldn't it be? Everything's peachy," you lied, but he didn't seem to believe you.
"Be honest with me, please," Renjun asked. You suddenly remembered what he'd confided in you during your first date. It was no wonder he had a hard time trusting you after someone in his past had had the nerve to pull such a cruel prank on a soul as sweet as his. You felt guilty for lying rightaway and began explaining yourself.
"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous. I don't want to fuck anything up. Like I just did by lying and swearing. Fuck. I did it again, didn't I? I'll shut up now," you were rambling anxiously.
"Relax, Y/N, I totally get it. I was just worried maybe you didn't want to be here...with me."
"What? Nonsense. There's nowhere else I'd rather be. No one else I'd rather be with."
"Well, the feeling's mutual so there's no need for concern. Let's look at those books, yeah?"
"Yeah, sounds good, Renjun."
As the two of you went inside and started exploring the hundreds of shelves together, you felt yourself relaxing a little. Being surrounded by so many familiar titles, so many gorgeous covers was comforting. And as you kept showing Renjun some of your favourite books and telling him about your most beloved characters, he realized you were back to your usual self in no time. Attentively listening and occasionally sharing his opinions on certain authors, you didn't notice how quickly time passed by and how much you had enjoyed yourself and each other's company. Once you had looked through the bookshop in its entirety, you felt like it was too early to put an end to your date, but you didn't want to come off as too clingy or something. So, you simply looked at Renjun, expecting him to say what he wanted to do next.
"I promised you I'll walk you home this time, didn't I?" he smoothly said.
"I believe you did," you giggled. It was so sweet of him to remember such a detail.
"I'm a man of my word so lead the way," Renjun replied, offering you his arm.
"It will be my pleasure," you eagerly took his arm and the two of you began walking. You were deliberately moving at a slow place, simply because you didn't want this to end and felt like prolonging the time around him.
"Your hands are so pretty," you blurted out at one point.
"You like my hands, huh?" Renjun smirked.
"Did I say that out loud?" you were undoubtedly blushing really hard.
"I'm afraid so."
You felt completely mortified as you covered your face with your own hands.
"Hey, hey, it's fine. You can tell me anything. Chances are I'll take it as a compliment."
"Really?" you sneaked a peak. "You don't think I'm weird?"
"Maybe a little bit, but it's one of the things I like about you."
"One?" you blinked curiously.
"You're really fun to be around and you've been nothing but sweet to me. And of course, you're stunning, but that goes without saying."
"Without saying? I don't mind hearing it, though."
"I'll have that in mind," Renjun smiled gently.
"Can you hold my hand?" you almost begged.
"I don't know, can I?" he tormented you with a joke.
"Will you hold my hand?" you corrected yourself.
"All you had to do was ask," Renjun acquiesced and intertwined your fingers.
Walking hand in hand, you eventually reached your place. As you two stared at one another, you refusing to go inside, him refusing to go, both of you refusing to let go of the other's hand, you thought to yourself how badly you wanted to kiss him. You had no idea if it was too early for that but you knew that the longer you tried to postpone it, the more you'd crave him. And you were an impatient person. So you quickly kissed him without thinking much. It was a bit awkward and rushed but at least, you had finally done as you wanted. Renjun looked taken aback and blinked at you a couple of times.
"I'm sorry," you apologized again. "I just..."
He silenced you softly with another kiss, this time more slowly and putting your mind and heart at ease. You lost yourself in the feeling of his plush lips against yours, finally letting go of his hand so that you could wrap yours around his neck. Hesitant at first but growing bolder by the second, you could sense Renjun's tongue testing the waters. You slightly parted your lips, letting him in. As the kiss intensified, you could feel him becoming more eager to touch you, his arms wrapped around your lower back. When you were seconds away from losing your breath, you finally broke the kiss. Opening your eyes to look at him, you couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He'd kissed you back.
"I thought I told you to stop apologizing so much. Especially, when you haven't done anything wrong," Renjun scolded you politely.
You opened your mouth to argue, but when you realized your immediate response would have been another 'I'm sorry', you closed it. A second later, you came up with a different reply.
"I guess you'll have to discipline me, then," you huffed in a challenge.
"Dumbass," Renjun flicked your forehead.
"Hey!" you complained with a pout. "That hurts."
"What do you want me to do? Kiss it better?" Renjun gave an unamused look.
"That doesn't sound like such a bad idea," you mumbled, not expecting him to actually...kiss your forehead. But he did. And damn your knees for threatening to give out.
"Feel better yet?"
You nodded enthusiastically.
"Get inside already," Renjun tickled your sides, nudging you in the direction of your door.
"You want to get rid of me so badly?"
"No, but we can stand here forever if you don't," he rolled his eyes.
"Do you want me to invite you in?"
"Don't tempt me and go," he was impossible to sway.
"Okay, okay," you relented. "See you tomorrow, Renjun!"
For your third date Renjun suggested something different. While your first and second date had all taken place in public locations, this time he offered going to his place. And maybe the shock on your face was too obvious, because Renjun was quick to keep talking and almost take it back.
"We don't have to if you don't want to! We can just watch something at the cinema or whatever. Forget I mentioned it if you're uncomfortable."
You quickly shook your head.
"No, no, I do want to come over! I was just...not expecting it."
"Yeah? You sure?"
"A hundred per cent," you nodded excitedly.
"Sorry to break it to you, but I'm at two hundred per cent," Renjun teased.
"It's not a competition," you reminded him.
"It's not if I'm winning," he kept playing around.
You rolled your eyes.
"So what are we watching?" you asked.
"You can't go wrong with Harry Potter, am I right?"
"You are so right," you squealed. "Which house are you in?"
"Don't get me started. Sometimes I get Ravenclaw, sometimes Slytherin, it's a mess."
"That's pretty cool, though," you were practically staring at him with heart eyes at this point.
"You're a Hufflepuff, aren't you?"
"Am I so transparent?" you complained, this line becoming something of a running gag between the two of you.
"Cute," he mumbled under his breath and you blushed, not managing to maintain eye contact.
When the time arrived for you to go to Renjun's place, you were more excited rather than nervous. He was so easy to talk to and you were genuinely making so many wonderful memories that you had made it your mission to not waste any second worrying needlessly.
"I have arrived," you announced the obvious as you stood at his door.
"I can see that," Renjun chuckled. "Come on in."
"I wasn't sure if I should bring something so I bought some pizza on the way. It's still hot, so I hope you're hungry," you said as you followed him inside like a puppy.
"Oh, that's very thoughtful. And I always have enough space left for pizza."
You grinned and the minute you put the box on the table and your arms were free, you wrapped them around Renjun in a hug.
"You're so warm," you murmured against his skin.
He kissed the top of your head swiftly. Soon after, the two of you were too busy re-watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, eating pizza and holding hands to talk much. Once the movie was over, you realized how badly you didn't want to go home and how cozy leaning your head on Renjun's shoulder felt. And how much you liked him and couldn't stop thinking about his hands, his smile and his overall existence.
"Do you want to go home already?" Renjun asked the dreaded question.
"I mean, not really, but I don't wanna impose myself on you," you whispered.
"Don't be so formal," Renjun replied. "Just stay a little longer."
"Yayyy!" you were quite overjoyed and kissed his cheek. "What do you want to do?"
"Hm, I don't know. I could give you a tour around the place."
"Sure, that sounds fun," you immediately agreed.
"Don't get your hopes up, it's just a regular college guy's apartment."
"I'm sure I'll be amazed by every little detail."
"Even my socks?"
"Especially your socks," you joked.
As he showed you around his apartment, you couldn't help but be amazed by how Renjun-like everything was. From the snug kitchen to his art supplies scattered around. Every corner made the atmosphere feel extremely homey. Until you saw something that you hadn't expected, something that hadn't come up in conversation before. A stunning grand piano. You looked at the instrument and then at Renjun and finally, back at the piano.
"Do you play?"
"No, I just keep things like that as an accessory," he responded sarcastically. "Of course, I play."
"Can you...no, wait," you stopped yourself before making a similar mistake to the one you made a while ago. "Will you play something for me?"
"Right now?"
"If it's not too much trouble," you gave him the very best pleading look you were capable of.
Renjun sighed reluctantly and sat down on the bench in front of the piano.
"Don't just stand there awkwardly, sit next to me," he urged you courteously. 
You followed his advice and took the free spot. However, nothing could have possibly prepared you for witnessing Renjun's skills up-close. Watching him play was like magic. You were simply in awe and couldn't help but stare at his pretty fingers hitting the keys in just the right ways. When he was finished performing the piece, you were too frozen to do anything. Couldn't even manage to clap, even though he deserved it so much. But you were too transfixed by his playing and those damn hands of his you couldn't possibly move.
"Earth to Y/N?" Renjun went as far as snapping his fingers right in front of your face.
"Huh?" you let out.
"Did I enchant you or what?"
"I think you did," you chuckled. "Just...wow. You're insanely good."
He looked away bashfully.
"Thanks. It just takes practice."
"Nah, I've heard people play before but what you have is different. So pure and genuine. Like a blessing. And I'm not just saying that because I think I'm falling in love with you. I really mean every word."
"Care to repeat that?"
"I really mean..." you started, still not registering what exactly you'd said. How far you'd gone. What you couldn't take back.
"Before that," Renjun reminded you gently. "You know. The part about falling in love with me."
"Shit. I was thinking out loud again, wasn't I?" you asked dumbly. "It's too early for that, I know. I'm really sorry. Let's just pretend I said nothing and forget about it, yeah?"
In your panic, you jumped up from the bench and were about to escape like a coward but Renjun grabbed your hand before you could take another step.
"I think I'm falling in love with you, too," he said.
"W-what?" you stammered.
"And I don't care about whether it's too early or not. And I'm not going to pretend I didn't hear it. So the question is...what are you going to do about that?"
"Me? What...am I supposed to do?"
"What you want to do," Renjun clarified.
"Um...I want to keep falling in love with you, Renjun. And holding your pretty hands. Spending time with you. Listening to your angelic voice. What I want...is for you to be my boyfriend."
"I thought I already was."
"You were?"
"We went on a couple of dates...we kissed...Haven't I made it obvious enough?"
"Oh, right," you chuckled. "Sorry."
"Say that word one more time, I dare you," Renjun slowly ran a finger down your lips.
"S-sorry?" you had to test his patience. Before you could argue, he kissed you fiercely, wrapping his palms around your cheeks. You were drowning beneath his touch, which was ridiculous, considering he was also setting your lips on fire. You figured if saying sorry too much was going to end up like this, you would be a fool not to take advantage of it.
"Pretty angel," Renjun whispered against your mouth. "My pretty angel."
You were practically melting and the only thing holding you together were Renjun's arms.
"For fear of sounding lame, I'm inclined to say your pretty angel's almost as pretty as you. Key word: almost," you giggled, recalling your earliest attempts at flirting with him.
"Lies," Renjun shook his head.
"Hey, it worked the first time!" you pouted.
"It only worked because you're the pretty one," Renjun ruffled your hair playfully.
"Oh my God, shut up," you covered your face to hide how red it was.
The End
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Sorry for the late request but I just saw the Bakugo headcannons for when he was a little kid and I was wondering if I could request something similar for Kirishima
pls i would love to- full warning tho i don’t write kiri pretty much at all so sorry if its a teeny bit ooc!!!! but still,, hope u enjoy ty for the request lovely !!!
okay,, so tiny bb kirishima right- first here’s some general hcs for him bc i couldnt stop myself
-he learns how to tie his shoes first. i cant tell u why he learns first, i just know he wants to be a big kid so he figures it out super early,,, n then he’ll just go around either tying everyone’s shoes for them or teaching them how
-probably has a lot of action figures. makes full in-depth plots for them when he plays. super intense stories with betrayal and romance and high-stakes,, acts out different voices too
-okay, i adore kiri but,,,, he chugs his juice without breathing, gasps super heavily for oxygen afterwards, n then leaves with a constant juice stain around his mouth. he just has too many friends to play with,, he can’t slow down to get a drink of all things
-connects markers together n swings them like a sword. makes ?explosion? noises for some reason when he does it
-probably jabs pencils into his skin. his quirk is developing n he’s a curious little bb,, pls stop him before he stabs himself on a whim
-is incredibly gullible. he believes everyone is his best friend and everyone has only best intentions. this means he frequently gets in trouble for doing something dangerous after being dared to
-very much the kid who will memorize his alphabet backwards, n then repeat it to other people unprompted. not for any particular reason he just thinks its cool
now for the real stuff,,,, hcs about being bby kiri’s childhood crush/best friend
-firstly, kiri introduces u to everyone new as not only his best friend, but also tells them the coolest thing about u. so, for example, he’ll be like “hi i’m kirishima n this is Y/N. they’re my best friend and they can whistle!” ,,, this is how introductions go every single time without fail, no exceptions
-he asks u to draw tattoos on him with markers. pls u just scribble all over his skin n then he’ll show them to his horrified parents like “oh, hey guys, look! so manly right?”
-probably wants to build forts for you guys in the woods. out of like sticks n rocks and stuff. he doesn’t like to build by himself tho,, so he’ll beg u to help
-he’ll probably try to eat gross things to impress u. so like, y’all will watch a movie n he sees a cool, ‘manly’ guy in it drinking black coffee,,,, cue 7 yr old kiri begging his parents for black coffee, just to drink it and immeadiately spit it out in front of u
-creates a million different handshakes. just so many, n teaches u all of them
-crashes so hard every time his parents bring him over for a playdate. like he’ll be 100% enthusiam for 40 mins n then completely collapse into u, dead asleep when ur in the middle of a board game
-u can’t tell me he wouldnt be the clingiest little guy. not necessarily in a possessive way, but just, ur his favorite friend and so if anything good happens he wants u to be there for it with him
-tiny kiri would probably hug and kiss and hold hands. just rlly affectionate towards everybody but especially his close friends
-saves his snacks for when u can eat with him. like, he’d rather wait, even if he has to share the food with u, than eat by himself
-he is v desperate for ur approval/attention tho,, n often does little things to get you to laugh. these include
1.) if someone with glasses is talking to you, he’ll stand behind their back and put his fingers into little ‘o’s around his eyes. not even to make fun of them or anything,, he just thinks it’s silly to pretend to have glasses when he doesnt
2.) tells other kids that it’s ur birthday when it’s not. both of u find it very funny when other people keep mistakenly wishing u a happy birthday
3.) intentionally hardens his skin when u high-five him,,, just so he can hear u laugh and recoil back
-bb eijiro tells you ‘secrets’,,, there has literally not once ever been an actual secret, he just tells u there is so u lean in. then he just smiles n whispers a little ‘spspspsps’ in ur ear while giggling
-when he has to draw his family in school he’ll draw u in. n the teacher will come over like “no, the assignment was just the family that you live with at home’ n he’ll just smile and refuse to change it. says no politely tho,, he’s still a sweet boy
-will follow u in hide and seek. like,, if y’all are both hiding he’s just going to go hide close to where u are. then he’ll make noise so he’s found first and intentionally lead the seeker away from u
-challenges himself to ridiculous feats to impress u. just like, he’ll see a bee and intentionally go bother it so he can prove how ‘tough’ he is to you by not crying when it stings him. spoiler alert- he cries. that doesn’t stop him from trying again tho
-so in conclusion,, bb kiri is the cutest little guy on earth. just a total sweetheart
hope u enjoyed @lazyfiresuitcasehero ,, ty once again for the request babes!!!
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helnjk · 4 years
Sixth Year - D.M.
Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
Platonic!Blaise Zabini x fem!reader
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Requested: yes
Hey if requests are open could you do a prompt#21&50 for Draco.. Could it be a bit of angst and end with fluff? Thanks!
“all you do is make empty promises” “i’m tired of your lies”
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: angst, swearing
Summary: 6th year with Draco isn’t turning out how you expected it to be.
A/N: ok 1, i wanted to try writing angst (pls give comments/reviews!! i wanna know how i did) & 2, other than the request, i kind of based this off of one of my fav tiktok acct’s shifting stories aksjdhsadh you can find her here ! i love her tiktoks and she’s what got me into shifting LMAO but anyway ! let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist ! enjoy xx
Prompts are in bold
Eighth. This was the eighth night you had stayed up until god knows what hour waiting for Draco to show up.
The moon was high in the sky by the time you realized he wasn’t coming yet again. The biting wind rushed past you as you tried to gather as much warmth as possible from the jacket you brought up to the Astronomy tower. Your breath came out in short puffs, white wisps trailing from your mouth out into the chilly night.
With one last glance at the midnight stained grounds, the only light emanating from the moon above, you wrapped your jacket tighter around your body and turned to make it down the stairs. It was a long trek to the Slytherin dorms, which gave your mind more time to spiral. This meant fighting back the prick of tears at the back of your eyes by the time you had reached the dungeons.
The next morning, you found yourself at the Slytherin table barely able to keep your eyes open. You hadn’t gotten much sleep, your mind refusing to stop running the different scenarios with which you imagined Draco must have gotten into causing him to forget your rescheduled plans.
“Y/N?” Blaise’s voice startled you into opening your eyes, having nodded off, leant against your palm.
“Huh?” You murmured, trying to blink the sleep from your eyes, “Sorry did you say something?”
“You alright? You look like you could just drop dead any second,” His eyes scanned yours worriedly, shifting closer to you so that you could have something to lean on.
“Gee thanks Blaise,” A sarcastic drawl came out of your lips, “Just tired. I was up late last night at the Astronomy tower waiting for Draco.”
His brows furrowed at your statement, “Draco? He got to the dorms pretty early last night. Didn’t say he had anything planned with you last night.” Eyes widened at the realization of what he said and he quickly tried to back track, “I mean-That’s not-”
Despite the distinct crack you felt in your chest, you mustered up the faintest of smiles (which probably looked more like a lopsided grimace), “It’s alright, Blaise. Thanks for letting me know.”
The rest of the day passed by you in a blur.
Everyone seemed to notice the melancholy mood that you were in, everyone except for the only person you wished would pay attention.
Being in your sixth year at Hogwarts, you were excited to spend a good chunk of it with your boyfriend. After all, there were no OWLs or NEWTs to worry about (yet), so you assumed that this year would bring more time for you to spend together.
You were wrong. Clearly.
The moment you had stepped off the Hogwarts Express in September, Draco started to spend less and less time with you. It was November now and the less time you found yourself spending with him, the more you noticed that he began to keep things from you. His eyes would shift whenever you would ask him what his plans for the day were or when you questioned who he would be with all day. He never gave you straight answers either.
“Why? What do you have planned for us today?”
“Just off brainstorming for our next date.”
“Obsessed with me, are you? You’re too cute darling.”
No matter how charming he had tried to be with his answers, you could tell something was off with him. None of the so-called plans he came up with ever came to full fruition. Often, you would find yourself waiting for him to arrive, either at the common room to take you to wherever he planned your date to be, or up in the Astronomy tower since that was where you went when you wanted to spend time, just the two of you.
Some nasty rumors had also been circulating Slytherin house. It started when someone overheard Harry Potter speaking to his friends about running into Draco right before a quidditch match, but the catch was that he was in the company of two other girls. Of course, you tried not to let these kinds of things get to you, they were just silly little rumors after all.
Still, these kinds of thoughts plagued you at night when you would go to bed not wrapped in the arms of the person you loved most.  
When you brought up these feelings with him, it had only started an argument.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Y/N.” Draco said rather harshly after you asked him about the rumors, “Are you implying that I’m cheating on you?”
“No!” You replied immediately, “I just want to know where these rumors are coming from. You’re my boyfriend, I should know what to say when people ask me about it.”
“Then tell them they should be minding their own damn business.”
You didn’t bring it up after that, afraid that if you did, it would cause an even bigger rift between you two.
By the time you had made it back to the common room, it was mostly empty. There were a couple of seventh years trying to get in some extra revising time in the corner, but they mostly left you alone. Not wanting to go up to your dorm yet, you settled on the couch next to the blazing fire instead. By some stroke of luck, Draco came stumbling inside the room as you sunk into the cushions.
“Draco!” You called out, his name slipping from your lips before you even knew you were saying anything.
His eyes registered that you were in the practically empty common room a second slower than usual, “Y/N. Hi love.”
“I missed you last night,” You admitted as he reached you.
A furrow in his brows told you that he didn’t know what you were talking about, “Come again, love?”
For the nth time, his words struck a chord deep in you. You didn’t think it was physically possible, but they added yet another crack to your already broken heart. You cleared your throat in an attempt to push down the lump that had formed, “Uh, I was waiting for you in the Astronomy tower? Because we had plans?”
As if a bucket of cold water dropped on him, his demeanour changed completely in the blink of an eye.
“Oh darling I’m so sorry,” He muttered softly, taking your face in his hands and pressing kisses all around, “I was completely knackered yesterday, I didn’t even think about anything after dinner except sleep. I’m so sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?”
Instead of the calm you usually felt being around Draco, you felt like you were at your breaking point. You couldn’t do this to yourself anymore. It was surprising to realize, that even with the added comfort of being at the receiving end of his kisses, there was still a large part of you that was tired. You couldn’t fall back into his arms after more than a dozen attempts at trying to keep the relationship afloat.
Gently, you pried his hands away from his face and took a deep breath. You could already feel the sting of unshed tears in your eyes as they locked with his, “I don’t think you can do anything to fix this.”
“What-Love, what are you talking about?”
“All you do is make empty promises, Dray.” You whispered, “And I’m tired of setting myself up for disappointment.”  
The love of your life was speechless, so you took the opportunity to stand up quickly. “I don’t understand what you’re doing or why you’re being so secretive about it, but find me when you’ve figured out if it’s worth it or not.”
Without waiting for his response, you hurriedly made your way to your dorm room and sparing no glances back in his direction.
A few days after your heartbreaking conversation with Draco, you still weren’t one hundred percent. It didn’t feel like you were ever going to be one hundred percent again. Your only solace was your friendship with Blaise.
For all intents and purposes, he was your best friend. Even before you had started dating Draco, the two of you were thick as thieves.
Oftentimes over the next few days, you found yourselves huddled in a corner of the common room. He would remind you to eat and to do your schoolwork as you went about your days mindlessly.
“C’mon,” He said one night, holding his hand out to you as you were cuddled up against a cushion. You merely raised your eyebrow at him, “Get up, I’ve got somewhere to take you.”
With a sigh, you pushed yourself off the couch and took his hand. It was well past curfew, but it never really bothered the pair of you. Being Slytherins made you resourceful with how you navigated the castle, the easy dynamic between the two of you enabled you to sneak through the shadows unnoticed by anyone who might have been nearby.
“Why are we going to the Astronomy tower?” You whispered as you climbed the seemingly endless staircase.
“Just thought you could use some fresh air.” He answered nonchalantly, “Feels like you’ve kept yourself cooped up in the castle this whole week.”
“That’s awful sweet of you, Zabini,” You teased, the shadow of a smile on your lips.
He shrugged as you got to the top of the tower, “Just don’t like seeing you so sad.”
Few words were exchanged between you two as you leant against the railing of the turret, taking in the view of the grounds in the dim light. The moon was full and high in the sky, and the breeze wasn’t as biting as it was the last time you were here.
Something about being up there in the clear night with Blaise was doing wonders for your aching heart. It might’ve been the fresh, crisp air, it might have been the calming presence of your best friend. You were grateful either way.
As the wind picked up, you huddled closer to Blaise’s warm body. What was it about boys being basically walking furnaces all the damn time?
“Draco’s a prat,” He murmured as he wrapped his arms around you, “I just wanted you to hear that.”
“He’s not though,” You defended weakly, “Something’s up with him, definitely, but I don’t think he’s being a dick on purpose.”
“Yeah but he’s still made you feel like shit.”
You shrugged, “And I let him.”
After a few minutes of silence, you heard the distinct sound of a door swinging open behind you. You craned your neck to see who would be up here at such a late hour when your heart stopped in your chest.
“What’s going on here?” Draco sneered, taking in the sight of you cuddled up at Blaise’s side, “Replaced me already, Y/N? Reckon he’s the reason why we’ve broken up?”
You felt Blaise tense up beside you but paid no mind when your focus was solely on the rage brewing in your chest.
“How dare you,” You seethed, “You have no right to accuse me, we weren’t even doing anything!”
He had the audacity to scoff at your retort, “Sneaking off at nearly midnight, to share a romantic night under the stars? Seems like more than just ‘nothing.’”
Before you could respond, you felt Blaise’s warm hands on your shoulders, “I’m gonna let you handle this one, love.” Blaise whispered in your ear, “He doesn’t deserve anything from you, but I feel like I’ll only make it worse if I stay.”
You nodded slightly.
“Hurt her even more than you have, Malfoy, and you’ll see just what kinds of curses I know how to cast.”
With Blaise making a quick exit and taking away your source of warmth, you crossed your arms in front of your chest and clutched the jacket you had on closer to you.
“You never had a problem with my friendship with Blaise before,” You muttered.
“Because he wasn’t all over you then!” He argued.
“We’ve always been like that and you know it.” You rolled your eyes, “Why are you even up here Draco?”
“So you own the Astronomy tower now?” He huffed, stepping next to you to lean on the railings, “I needed somewhere to think and clear my head.”
Almost as if there was no gaping chasm between the two of you, your bodies slowly inched towards each other until you were shoulder to shoulder. Almost as if the boy standing next to you hadn’t broken your heart with his secrets and his deflection tactics, his presence seemed to calm your elevated heart rate. Almost.
“Are you finally going to tell me what’s been going on with you recently?” The words that escape your mouth are no more than a whisper. You hold your breath in anticipation.
“Nothing’s been going on,” Is all he says in reply.
“Stop lying through your teeth, Draco!” You burst out, your frustrations finally getting the better of you, “I’m tired of your lies. Do you not trust me? Is that it? Because I can help you, you just have to let me in!”
“Of course I trust you! I love you for Merlin’s sake, Y/N!”
You sucked in a breath, all of your resentment seeming to escape your body, “I love you too, Draco,” You whisper, taking his warm hand in your cold ones, “But all of this sneaking around, this hiding, I don’t think I can handle not knowing what you’re up to especially when it’s affecting you this way.”
Draco took a deep shuddering breath, you could practically see the gears turning in his head. “I don’t want to lose you.”
That wasn’t what you expected him to say, “You won’t, you just need to be honest with me.”
He turned to face you, thumbs rubbing gentle circles on your hands, “I can’t tell you exactly what I’m doing,” You opened your mouth to argue but he cut you off with a look, “All I can say is that I love you and I want to protect you. What I’m doing has nothing to do with how much you mean to me, but it’s something I have to do. I just need you to be here, be with me.”
“I don’t understand,” Came your reply.
“I’m saying that I have an important job to do, and I want to be with you, but that means you’ll have to be okay with not knowing everything.”
“You’ll tell me if you need any help though, right?” You all but whispered.
“I’ll tell you if you absolutely need to know,” He nodded slightly.
“Okay,” You were still trying to wrap your head around everything that he said. It wasn’t exactly what you wanted, but it was a good compromise, “And you can’t keep blowing me off. If you want me to be here for you, then you have to do the same for me.”
“I can work with that.” A slow smile graced his pale features and you felt your heart stutter at the sight, you hadn’t seen him look so calm and at ease in a long time.
“Good.” You pressed your cheek against his chest and reveled at the comfort it brought you. He wrapped his arms around you and you could feel yourself melting into his touch.
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nct-lian · 4 years
nct 127’s relation to lian
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taeil used to wake her up for school when she was still a teenager :((
such a soft but overlooked duo
will appreciate each other forever and ever
lian teaches him roasts in english that he can say to johnny
remain each other’s hype man and woman
taeil was the first to suggest he and the other nct members react to the trailers of her dramas on video so they can boost them in popularity
promotes the HELL out of lian’s solo career over twitter
lian loves coming up behind him and just giving him hugs because he’s soft (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
they watch movies together a lot! but taeil has to come down to the fifth floor because lian hates it up on the tenth one
he was once able to grab her hand in an airport and they held hands the entire time :(( a few pictures went a little viral
they share hoodies NSHDHSHCJA
lian keeps bugging him to get an instagram
taeil will ALWAYS take her side in silly arguments she and the other members have sometimes
he makes fun of her height because she’s shorter than him-
he also used to help her with her homework :(
cried when lian went on her first date
“my child is growing up (´∩`。)”
had to do a background check on the guy before he even allowed him to come in contact with her again, though
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johnny is her dad, period
no questions asked he is her father
will give her piggyback rides all the time
he was once woken up by her jumping on his bed and asking if they could go shopping
at 6:00 am
he actually got up, got ready and took her shopping but since it was so early, the stores were all closed
he took her out for japanese fluffy pancakes, though!
whenever lian is sick, johnny makes her his mom’s homemade chicken noodle soup recipe :((
speaking of johnny’s mom, she loves lian to death and always asks johnny if he’s taking good care of her
if they’re not being asked any questions or having to translate anything during interviews, they always whisper jokes in each other’s ears to try and make the other one laugh
because of how lian dies during the trailer of her new drama, johnny cried in front of twenty-two other men while they reacted to it
he was NOT embarrassed
“how are you guys not crying? this is so sad. what a cruel world we live in ໒( ˵ •̀ □ •́ ˵ )७”
kept screaming at lian’s “dream of you” performance video
he once effortlessly picked up lian and moved her somewhere else because she wasn’t standing where she was supposed to be
everyone says that their ship name is something a white, suburban mom would be named. now nctzens pronounce joann like “joanne” ・x・
it was said on the zach sang show that johnny used to measure her height every month to see if she grows or not, and that’s the only reason why he has her height memorized
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has lost lian in so many airports it’s not even funny
“hyung, what happened to lian?” “oh, you have GOT to be kidding me-“
whenever he doesn’t see her he goes into panic mode and starts asking if anyone has seen his little sister
“about this tall with really shiny hair? her cheekbones are insane, i swear. OH OH OH SHE WAS WEARING JOHNNY’S HOODIE- you don’t know what johnny’s hoodie looks like.. okay, well thank you for your help.”
one of the first members that she was comfortable with
lian said that he was her role model :’(
as the leader, he’s always taking care of her and will not sleep until he knows for sure she’s eaten
because of how lian never participated in any of nct’s first bit of promotions due to being too uncomfortable around them, she was allowed to skip out on the viewings of their relay video letters
but she was still required to make one for somebody and that somebody was taeyong ˵ ຈ ︿ ຈ ˵
she said that she was glad he was her leader and that she hoped to become closer one day
he cried
declares that he will take care of lian till the day he dies
taeyong had yelled at lian’s former manager until he voluntarily quit working for her- he had found out that lian was being overworked to the point where she collapsed during their dance practice and he wasn’t okay with it
always cheering her on backstage when she performs solo
he always tries to include her in guiding the members for their dances because he knows how happy it makes her
instead of having her carry her glasses around with her, he does it instead :D
“nana, do you have to wear your glasses now?”
taeyong tucks her into bed every night he can ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ
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totally doesn’t have feeling for her, yeah
yuta is obsessed and when i tell you he’s obsessed, he’s obsessed
did i mention obsessed?
he’s jealous of everyone :(
yun stans insist that the only reason yuta is so touchy with winwin and mark is because he’s trying to cover up his feelings for lian
bye if that’s true-
hyuck wanted to give her a hug (a rare occurrence) and yuta straight up just said,
“mine. go away”
i have proof guys :// johnny recorded it and literally posted it on instagram
lian died internally when yuta cut his long hair because she couldn’t put it into ponytails anymore :((
but his hair is growing back now so she’s able to do it again :)
yuta teaches her japanese every tuesday and thursday!
we don’t bring this up because it’s pretty embarrassing but,, when nct 127 were backstage before performing kick it, yuta asked doyoung (who was in a direction where he could get a clear view of lian’s face) if lian was staring at him
how do we know this, you may ask?
it was caught on camera and everyone made fun of him for a solid week straight
he’s caught staring at her from afar way too often for comfort
lian says that he’s very pretty
much like the other memebers that have instagram, he makes story countdowns that he posts about a week before lian plans to release her solo music
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another member of the lian protection squad
doyoung was the first to start calling her cupcake
it all started when doyoung was sick and lian made him cupcakes to make him feel better
will slap anyone who makes a flirty remark towards lian
was embarrassed for yuta when he asked if she was staring at him
said “no” and walked away
lian is the only one who ever shows him any mercy :’)
they have very similar taste in decor so they often go shopping together for things to put around the dorm
doyoung said that he spends the most time in lian’s room because it smells like vanilla all the time
he spoils her SO MUCH
like so much
half the plushies she owns at the moment were gifts from doyoung
has a tendency to watch over her and make sure she’s content at all times
“cupcake, are you hungry? i can make you some food if you’d like” “oppa, it’s 3:00am-“ “and?”
they take such pretty instagram pictures :((
at one point in time, doyoung was jealous of his older brother because lian used to crush on him a tiny bit :0
not because doyoung likes her or anything, she just couldn’t stop talking about how nice he looked in revolutionary love
disapproves of the staff giving lian such short clothing sometimes
“um, excuse me, she can’t wear that. are you crazy? go get her a new outfit, please”
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not many people bring this up because we know it’s honestly a sensitive topic :|
but he lowkey has deep feelings for her (he makes it so obvious sometimes it’s kinda disappointing to see how oblivious lian really is to it)
jaeli + yun love triangle anyways
jokes aside, though, jaehyun loves lian so so much
once cried to johnny about how he doesn’t know what to do and that he didn’t want to make anything awkward by confessing to her
makes sure to be near her as often as possible
once scared away a whole kim taehyung from talking to her during isac ╰[ ⁰﹏⁰ ]╯ (let’s pretend bts were there for 2019 pls)
“jungkook, keep your friend away, please :D”
didn’t work, though, because they ended up having a conversation later in the day either way
*in the 97’ liner groupchat* “HYUNG IM SORRY HE RAN AWAY I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DOl
it was uncalled for but what can you do amirite ┐(´~`)┌
lian pokes his dimples a lot and squishes his cheeks
just randomly hugs him but he’s not complaining
johnny isn’t picking sides but he became team jaeli after jaehyun broke into tears in front of him for the first time since they were trainees about how much he loves lian
sad,, i know
lian judges jaehyun for not sleeping with sheets
continues to believe he is not a human being, but a robot created in a lab
jaehyun smiles at her for no reason
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an instant bond formed between them when they first met!
jungwoo learned a lot about her and has developed so many ways to deal with her anxiety :(
gave the staff a guide on how to keep her calm when he went on hiatus because he couldn’t be there with her
buys her colouring books because he knows that they calm her down well!
liwoo went viral and become a popular ship when lian accidentally changed the nct 127 instagram profile picture to a jungwoo icon
she got scolded but it was iconic orange haired jungwoo with a chain-
an untouchable duo when they do double aegyo
nctzens think jungwoo is her favourite member
maybe because lian said he was
“ “who’s your favourite member?” hmm i’ll have to say woo-oppa!”
*cue jungwoo laughing at yuta’s face because he was that shocked*
they share secrets with each other so now they probably know the other like the palm of their hand
even though he’s off his hiatus, he still has to guide the staff members through lian’s little moments because sm staff suck at their job sometimes
they’re the two members who go grocery shopping together
more like jungwoo dragging lian to the grocery store with him but okay
jungwoo loves kissing her cheeks (〃▽〃)
their vocals mixed together are confirmed to be noises from heaven
lian misses his blonde bowl cut :/
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leader of lian’s natural length hair committee
like when i tell you mark hates her extensions-
mark was the first friend lian was able to make in nct!
they bonded over canada and it was very rare to see them speaking in korean
mark goes into straight panic when he’s with her sometimes
has to remind himself they’re like siblings
lian ans mark covered “your eyes” by hoody and jay park during a vlive!
it was adorable :((
lian had him saved in her phone as “android user” but now she doesn’t know what to change it to
they had a fight in 2019
mark let’s her call him the weirdest freaking nicknames ヽ ( ꒪д꒪ )ノ
mars bar, markie, mork, marko
he says it’s because czennies consider her to be addicting and since marijuana is addicting as well he thought it’d be a good fit
someone on twitter absolutely ENDED HIM though and wouldn’t stop making fun of him (;⌣̀_⌣́)
they can read each other’s mind just by looking at each other
“dude i hate this shit why does she keep asking us who we wanna collab with?” *cue lian laughing hysterically*
“what’s so funny (゜-゜)” — interviewer
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haechan makes fun of her kissing scenes in dramas
calls her short all the time
“lian give me a high five- oh haha nevermind it’s too bad you’re so short”
they’ve actually been so close to fighting each other and i’m not even joking
they’re the two members who fight the most out of all of them
but despite this, they love each other very much
hyuck says he’s the only one who’s allowed to make her mad
and if anyone else makes her mad he’d kill them
limark 2019 fight flashbacks where haechan kept threatening mark
there are actually moments when they’re clingy with each other-
haechan loves her hugs :((
like ??????? one minute they’re at each other’s throats and the next, they’re all lovey dovey hugging each other make it make sense ?????
lian could be speaking english and he’d say, “korean, please. i can’t understand canadian”
“shut up <3”
hello haechan cried and wouldn’t let go of her during her and mark’s graduation ceremony in 2018
she makes fun of him for it but never takes it too far
he goes to her for dance advice
during their nct 2018 weekly idol appearance when they were doing the random kpop dance thing, they beat everyone أ‿أ
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