#plus the weather would probably be best there
ocdhuacheng · 6 months
Spain 2026, north africa 2027. Be there 🫵
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 years
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sayrìp [ˈsaj.ɾɪp̚] adj. handsome, good looking
Anonymous Request: How about Neteyam getting jealous of his best friend calling his dad hot/attractive? friends to lovers ofc.
You jokingly admit that you find Neteyam's father attractive, and he reacts with surprising jealousy.
1,101 words
Today feels like a really good day for a long ride. The sky is clear, it's warm but not too hot, and the wind is mild. Plus, you really don't have a lot going on today; you went hunting early that morning, and that was kind of your only to-do today.
So, a long ride it is.
On your way to the forest, you spot Neteyam Sully, walking by himself. What an unusual sight! Usually the son of Taruk Makto is surrounded by people; family, friends, admirers. Even though you are what you would consider a close friend to him, maybe even his best friend, you rarely get to spend time with just Neteyam.
"Neteyam!" you jog over to him, and he glances over your shoulder. "I'm going for a ride - do you want to join?"
He shrugs. "No, not really."
You stop in your tracks, but he continues walking without another glance back towards you.
His response was cold, almost harsh, and probably the least he's ever spoken to you in one encounter.
You try to think back to your last few interactions, but there's nothing you can pinpoint that might explain such a display towards you.
Neteyam is getting further and further away, and you must decide - follow and demand an explanation, or continue on with his day and hope his tantrum is finished when you return.
But, ah, the weather is so nice - so you decide to take your ride and hope that whatever has upset Neteyam, he's over it by the time your done.
Though you left near midday for your ride, the sun is almost set when you return. You feel refreshed, maybe a little wind-burnt, and you know your hair must be a mess, but it was so nice to spend the afternoon doing something you love.
Of course, at the back of your mind the entire time was your interaction with Neteyam earlier. You can't stop wondering, what could possibly be wrong with him?
After you eat with your family, you decide to seek him out and demand an explanation for his attitude.
He isn't hard to find. He's with his family at their home - his parents and youngest sister, Tuk. Lo'ak and Kiri are nowhere to be seen.
"Y/N," Neytiri greets you with a smile. "Have you been riding all day?" She reaches out, grabbing a strand of your hair.
"I have," you reply.
"Tomorrow, I braid this," she says, patting the side of your head. "Come early, it will take a long time. Tuk will help - right, Tuk?"
Eagerly, Tuk agrees, and you're grateful for their help. Neteyam sits by his father, tearing apart his dinner.
"Neteyam, come with me," you say, walking over and extending a hand to him.
He doesn't look up.
"Neteyam Sully! You are going to stand up right now and follow me out of here."
With a nudge from his father and a big huff, Neteyam stands up and walks by you, ignoring your outstretched hand.
Jake raises an eyebrow at you, and you shrug and turn to follow Neteyam. He's already halfway to the forest, and you catch up with him just beyond the tree line.
"Neteyam, stop!" you holler, feeling very frustrated and a little angry yourself, and finally, he listens to something You have to say. Standing in front of him, you throw your hands out to the side. "You are going to tell me why you are so angry with me, right now!"
Neteyam rolls his eyes, looking anywhere but at you.
"This is mean, Neteyam. I don't even know what I did, and you are hurting me."
This seems to finally catch his attention, and he looks down at you. "Maybe you could go and talk to my dad about it."
You furrow your brow and purse your lips in confusion. "Why... would I do that?"
Neteyam crosses his arms, and stares at you silently.
Realization dawns on you, and your cheeks heat up red.
"Did you hear me teasing Kiri about your father being attractive?" you ask. "Oh, no, Neteyam, that's why you're made at me? A joke I made to embarrass Kiri?"
"It didn't sound like a joke," he replies, his tone still cool.
"Of course it didn't, I was trying to embarrass Kiri! You know all the girls her age talk about how handsome and strong Taruk Makto is! I was just teasing her. Do you think I could actually be attracted to your dad?" You throw your arms out in exasperation, but Neteyam remains unmoved. "You are being an idiot! I have grown up near your family, your father is like family to me. You all are."
"So you don't find any of us attractive?" He uncrosses his arms, and takes a step towards you.
"That's not what I'm saying." You sigh in exasperation. "I have always found you beautiful, Neteyam, and I'm sure you know that."
Though... you're not sure why he would know that. Even though, when you were sure he wasn't paying attention, you would steal glances at Neteyam to admire just how beautiful he was, you'd given him no indication that you'd ever thought of him that way.
"Beautiful?" he asks, raising his brow. His face is softened now, no longer stern, and a hint of a smile plays at his lips.
"Yes, I... well, you are." You wave your hand in front of your face. "Just tell me you are no longer mad at me. And apologize for your behavior earlier."
You hardly have the sentence out of your mouth before Neteyam wraps one arm firmly around your neck, and pulls you to him, stopping when your lips are less than an inch from his.
"I am sorry," he whispers.
You can't help but notice how quickly your heart is beating, and how weak your knees feel - has your best friend always had the ability to make you feel this way?
"I forgive you," you whisper, and close the gap, pressing your lips softly to his in a tentative kiss.
He turns your tentative kiss into something ferocious, and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him as close to you as he can possibly get - and it still isn't close enough.
Neteyam leans back against the tree behind him, pulling you with him, deepening the kiss, sighing into your mouth.
He pulls away, just for a moment, to smile down at you. You see stars dancing before your eyes.
"You're very beautiful, too," he replies, half-teasing.
"Just kiss me," you reply in a breathy voice.
He happily obliges.
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reticent-writer · 8 months
Hey! Well, actually, I really like the set of stories about Teen!Reader and Alostor where the reader is classified as an assistant, I would like a story that shows how they met and how they get to the point where they consider him an assistant and their confidence to say him dad? Thank you, I'm sorry if the request was very long. (Writing this I remembered the fight Alastor and Lucifer had over Charlie about who she calls Dad, I felt it would still be a good scenario for indignation)
An: I had a storyboard for this exact thing but its messy and if you don't know me you probably wouldn't understand how my mind works but basically i have ocs for this
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This took a bit longer because it happens before Alastor and reader dies plus I gave reader a family so...... some basic info
Y/n was born into a family that was picture perfect on the outside
father was a factory worker Mother was a dressmaker
Doll House by Melanie Martinez fits them perfectly
Y/n was the middle child of 5
When Y/n was born the eldest (Atticus boy) was 10, Second eldest 6 (Alma girl), Middle child (y/n)
when y/n turned 4 their parents had twins (Giles boy, Gideon boy)
This is a glimpse into my mind. It might not make sense.
Y/n is 10.
Your parents were perfectionists, especially when it came to the public eye. The L/n family was always the center of attention in your little town, deep in Louisiana.
You and your siblings were constantly dressed in Sunday's best.
"Kids make yourselves look presentable. A client is coming soon." Your mother called out from her 'workspace'. kids aren't allowed in there.
"Can't we just stay in our rooms." Atticus complained from his spot on the couch.
"Get. Dressed."
Atticus groaned as he got up to go to his room. On his way, he knocked on your door before opening it.
"You're supposed to wait for a response, Jackass."
"Next time you curse at me I'm poppin' you." He threatened but you knew he wouldn't do anything, "Mom said get dressed, tell Alma."
He closed the door before you could complain. You heard the shuffling of his feet as he ran to his room.
His room was at the end of the hall. the hall was short with 2 doors on each side. Alma was across from you and the twins were next to her.
Right across from your room is Alma's. She's going into her preteen years and started to spend more time in her room. Your mother says she's adjusting to becoming a woman and needs her time alone. She's also becoming very snappy.
You slowly opened your door to stare at hers. You slowly walk into the hallway and up to her door. You knock three time and wait for a responce. She didn't open the door.
"I heard Atticus." Her voice was horse and strained but you believed what your mother told you.
That was all you needed to get yourself ready.
Your mother made all (except for Alma) of you sit in the living room and wait for the client.
*knock knock knock*
"He's here. You better behave." She says before opening the door with a smile only guests see, "Alastor, It's so good to see you again."
"Good to see you to, my dear and my my look at the children. They all seem to be in good health." He greeted all of you with a smile.
"Hello sir." Atticus spoke for all of you.
"You seem to be missing one." Alastor commented, making your mother chuckle.
"She's been feeling under the weather as of late, come along I need to take your measurements. Atticus, Y/n prepare some tea." She ordered.
Alastor and your mother went to her workspace and she shut the door.
That night went smoothly until your father got home. He didn't like the fact that your mother was in her workspace with a man and the door closed, even if he was a client.
It caused fighting -well more than there normally is anyway- between your mother and father. It's always been easy to make your father mad.
It got worse when Alastor took notice of it he came by more often with the excuse of having gifts for you and your siblings.
He gave you a radio to listen to him when he went on air. Atticus was offered a job at the radio station. Alma got a set of jewelry.
This angered your father more and instead of taking it out on Alastor or your mother he took it out on you and your siblings. Atticus tried to protect all of you.
One day your father and Atticus got into a really bad fight and your brother was shot. He didn't make it.
It was around the same time when a horrid smell started coming from Alma's room. Your parents said she caught a fever and no one noticed but you didn't believe them anymore.
From then on you started distancing yourself from your family and growing closer to Alastor.
When you got older (16) you started working with alastor at the radio station. He taught you how to live life without worry.
He treats you like your a person and not just your parent's child.
Your parents treated you like a decoration. Alastor treated you like a child he didn't know he wanted.
You found out he was a murder by accident. You forgot someone at the station late at night and went back to get it to see blood spattered in the talking booth.
At first you thought it was Alastors so you took a gun that the station had in case of emergencies and followed the trail.
Opening the back door you saw Alastor dragging the body. The two of you made eye contact. Your body moved without hesitation and helped him hide the body.
Sadly, there are times a birth parent is a dud.
This is long and not what I usually write but it's been stuck in my head for a while.
A/n: I've decided to cut the twins and make y/n the youngest. I had something for them originally but it's better for just Alma, Atticus and Y/n
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Art by @ghostly-one
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furioussouls · 2 months
Yandere best friend! x plus sized reader
Tags: yandere oc male!,cursing, plus sized reader, fem! reader, soft yandere themes and behaviour (I do not condone this sort of behaviour in real life, but alas this is fictional. So enjoy)
Reader uses she/her pronouns
It is a chilly evening in the middle of December. While various people all around the globe are getting ready to celebrate different holidays with their loved ones, you’re sitting at a freezing, wet bus stop.
Exhaling hot, foggy air into your gloved hands, you try to ignore the darkness surrounding you and the station. Usually in the other seasons, staying at this bus station this late at night scared you for different reasons; whether it’s the rustling bushes, the weird sounds from animals residing in the forest or the weird dark figures that you sometimes see out of the corner of your eyes. However, right now it’s the absolute silence that frightens you.
While scanning the area for any dangers your eyes stop at the printed out timetable for the bus arrivals.
Your eyes widen as you see that the next bus that drives by this bus station is at 6 in the morning. “Oh, of fucking course”, you groaned while rubbing your temples with your plump fingers. ‘This is what I get for being a helpful citizen’ ,you thought to yourself and rolled your eyes. While Mrs. Dresley is now settled in nicely in her granddaughter’s apartment (thanks to you), you have to walk all the way home, or probably have to catch an Uber. Or maybe even-
“(Y/N)!”, somebody yelled from behind you.
Alarmed, you jumped back and spun around to see your best friend Elliot. His frame towered over you and he was dressed in a less than weather appropriate jacket, which did little to hide the tattoos that racked over his collarbones and arms. His eyes lit up when he saw your eyes shifted to him and he waved while walking towards you.
“Jesus, Elliot”, you hissed at him. “You scared the absolute shit out of me!” You started walking towards him. The snow beneath your feet crunched beautifully and your body was now pretty adjusted to the cold.
“I’m sorry”, he grinned at you and wrapped his arms around you when you got close. His comforting cologne hit your nostrils, and caused you to sniff your nose, which was already runny from the cold. His big, warm hands glided from your upper back down to your soft hips. His hands lingered and you buried your face in his chest. Before letting you go, his hands went back to your squishiest parts and he gently pat them and exhaled shakily.
“Yeah, I’m sure you are”, you retorted, but your voice was all muffled from putting your face in his chest. It was enough for him to understand you though, judging by his low chuckle. His nose gently rubbed along your temple.
“What are you even doing here?”, you wondered. On Fridays, Elliot usually spends his time training further in Tae kwon do.
“Oh, Mr. Johnson said we’d stop early today. His missus has got the flu. I don’t even know why he would leave her in the first place. I wouldn’t leave my girlfriend if she felt sick. Anyway, I saw you and thought I could take you home?”, He smiled lazily and started unbuttoning his jacket.
“But the training studio is in the opposite direction?”, you raised your eyebrow at him.
His fingers stopped moving along his buttons and he looked up at you and his smile dropped slowly. He looked around and his smile widened, exposing his beautiful teeth and dimples “Wow,(Y/N). Obsessed much? How do you know so much about my whereabouts?” He wiggled his eyebrows and leaned down to put his jacket around you. Weirdly, his fingers were shaking and it doesn’t appear to be from the cold.
You rolled your eyes, but took the jacket. He draped it over your shoulders, already knowing you wouldn’t wear it normally, because you didn’t like the tightness of his jacket around your supple belly.
“Anyway, should I drive us home?”, he asked and walked beside you while matching your pace. You nodded and yawned, the exhaustion of the day catching up to you.
Elliots hands were shaking while he drove himself and his darling home.
Your beautiful round body fresh in his mind. Your jiggly thighs and big belly, the deliciously rounded hips and arms. Your soft face walking towards him and your beautiful scent, which engulfed him completely when you wrapped your arms around him. His goddess, trusting him enough to drive them home safely.
Your presence was like moonlight shining on a heavenly body of water. He could sit there forever, and bask in the ethereal light. A century wasn’t enough with her. He wishes he could spend a lifetime finding out about every single thing that you like. A lifetime of worship for his one and only. Elliot has filled Notebook upon Notebook with your hobbies, interests, facts about you and pictures he drew himself. Nothing could ever live up to the reality, of course.
He wanted to spoil you, buy you every gorgeous item of clothing and see you dress yourself up like the beautiful goddess you are, buy you the most expensive of perfumes and every expensive item that you put off because of its price range. He will reach the day where he can easily accomplish this goal as a mixed martial artist ,and will then confess his love for you. You, the person that has always been there for him and has been with him through thick and thin.
He stopped at the red light, and spared a glance at his passenger princess. Admiring your beautiful side profile, the wheels in his mind whirred trying to come up with conversations so that you wouldn’t notice how far gone he was. His addiction towards you wasn’t just a craving, you are the blood that runs through his veins, the very essence of his very being. His many tattoos of you, (of course tattoos of you expressed through double meanings so that you wouldn’t get suspicious) adorned almost every part of his body. What bliss. He was the snake and you the absolute gorgeous snake charmer.
“Is it alright if I sleep until we arrive?”, your beautiful voice broke him out of a trance.
“Of course.”, he winked at you. His hands tightened around the steering wheel when your eyes closed and his eyes closed as well. He inhaled softly, opened his eyes and continued driving you home. One day he’ll tell you about his feelings. One day he’ll tell you why he seems to know whenever you are in a dangerous situation or in a tight spot. One day he’ll be yours. One hopeful day..
Elliot as a yandere: worshiper, protective and tranquil
Authors note: Omg guys, this is my first post! What do you guys think?☺️
Do not copy, rewrite or translate my ideas please :)
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lionhanie · 3 months
han taesan ; end up here
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maybe a tad angsty (taesan is an overthinker), fluff at end!, campus crush (he's literally in love with you), college au, reader is a baddie mhm yep yep
word count: 2.2k wtf
warnings: cursing, implied insecurity (taesan), alcohol usage, alcohol + weed mention, party setting, i'm literally so cliche but idgaf
this work is part of my boynextdoor as old 5sos songs series! ↳ if you want to listen to the song, here u go!
a/n: everyone rejoice... other members are mentioned >:D ok i lied. i tried to fit everyone in but it's mainly riwoo & leehan. and it felt wrong to find a way to include woonhak in a college party where there are Drugs and Alcohol buttttt hope u enjoy mwuwhuwhuh
likes ♡ and reblogs ↺ always appreciated!
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taesan really didn’t want to go to this party, but riwoo and leehan had insisted it would be more fun than staying in his dorm room writing song lyrics the third weekend in a row. not that he doesn’t want to party, but he’d rather spend his time doing something he’s /actually/ interested in-- and right now, it doesn’t include making awkward small talk with strangers he will probably never see again in a sweaty led-lit room with mediocre music in the background. 
“taesan… come on! i understand that you love making music, but don’t you think it’s time to come out with us? just this once?” riwoo pleads with him, tugging on the sleeve of his shirt. reluctantly, taesan spins around in his chair, turning to face his friend properly. 
“ah, i knew i shouldn’t have turned around. it’s so much easier to say no to you when i’m not looking at your face. put those puppy eyes away, i’ll go change.” he gives in a bit easier than he initially intended to, unable to hide his smile at the way riwoo does a dance of celebration at his successful convincing. 
leehan, currently leaning on the doorframe, chuckles at the sight. “i don’t think it’d be bad for you to go out with us from time to time,” he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose before continuing his thought, “maybe you’ll find some more song inspiration while we're out.”
taesan rolls his eyes and ushers the two out of his room, quickly changing into one of his favorite shirts and fixing his hair in the mirror. after grabbing a couple of accessories and checking himself out in the mirror one last time, the trio make their way to the house in question. it’s only a party, it shouldn't be too bad... 
“wow, the weather’s perfect tonight.” leehan admires, hands in his pockets as they walk through campus, warmly lit by the streetlights scattered around. the crisp night air only seems to give taesan cold feet, as he feels the sudden urge to turn around and walk back to the laptop waiting for him in his dorm (despite being only a couple seconds away from their destination). almost expecting this to happen, riwoo stops in his tracks, causing taesan to bump into him.
riwoo crosses his arms, ready to give the best pep talk of his life. “i swear i can hear your thoughts. dude, don’t overthink this! it’s just another one of jaehyun’s parties, nothing crazy. we’re gonna have fun tonight!" riwoo frowns at taesan's doubtful expression. "leehan, help me out here.”
“i’m sure you’ll recognize at least half the people there. plus, you look cool.” leehan pats him on the back as a means of reassurance before putting his arm around taesan, practically dragging him through the door. 
upon entering, taesan is immediately reminded of the last time his two friends convinced him to go out with them-- it reeked of cheap weed, the music absolutely sucked, and to top it all off, someone spilled their mystery drink (?) all over his shirt. never again, he told himself that night.
but here he was, red solo cup in hand as he followed his two friends around while they greeted various people around the room. taesan actually could not recognize anyone else except his classmates, sungho and jaehyun, who were sitting on the couch against the wall. the concoction in his cup was barely touched, disgustingly sweet because of the various juices in it, and alcohol too strong to enjoy it in the slightest. maybe he should’ve stayed home.
“you walked in, everyone was asking for your name / you just smiled and told them trouble” 
“no way…is that y/n? y’know, i was convinced you’d never show up to one of my parties, but here you are!” jaehyun nearly jumps up from his place on the couch, hugging you at the entrance before shoving a cup full of who-knows-what into your hand. no way, indeed.
never did taesan think he would end up seeing his campus crush as close as he is now. this is crazy. he finds himself straightening his posture suddenly, even going as far as taking a big gulp of the drink in his hand, despite its unappealing taste. he'd noticed you early into the semester, finding you sitting with your friends out in one of the common areas outside his classes. he didn’t think much of it-- that is, until he kept seeing you. like, everywhere. he'd never admit it to himself, but he soon found himself looking forward to seeing you around. eventually, it got to the point where he started dressing a little nicer on the days he knew you’d be there, in hopes that you might notice him too. 
“i think some of your friends are here already, y/n. oh, a few of my friends from class came too, you'll love them!” jaehyun encourages you to introduce yourself on the spot. while slightly flustered, you look around the room with a smile as you wave to the various people.
“shit, how many friends do you have?” you joke, taking a sip from your cup before properly introducing yourself to a room full of, well, strangers. “nice to meet you everyone, i’m y/n!” you do a little twirl, which earns a couple whistles from around the room. taesan swore he felt the room brighten up with your arrival. your presence felt like a breath of fresh air in a stuffy room full of people. he moves to take another gulp of his drink as the two of you lock eyes briefly, making him cough before he could properly swallow. 
“y/n…who’s that? you know them?” leehan questions from next to him, pointing his cup in the direction of the front door. taesan only hums and shakes his head ‘no’ in response, his eyes glued to you as you dance along with the friends you’d just greeted. 
“my head spins / i’m pressed against the wall just watching your every move / you’re way too cool / now you’re coming this way” 
despite his sudden reluctance to drink when he first got there, taesan found himself with a freshly replenished cup planted in his hand as he leaned against the wall. the alcohol was starting to get to him; he could definitely feel the buzz with the way the room felt like it got a couple degrees hotter. or maybe it was just you being there that was making him warmer than he was ten minutes ago. he was vaguely listening to the conversation his classmates were having next to him, but his eyes always found their way back to you. he’s seeing you in a completely different light. normally, he’d be one to briefly admire from afar as he walked out of his lecture hall; now, you’re here. 
and all of a sudden it’s a little too real, because what do you mean he gets to see you laugh and dance around with your friends…? you’re just supposed to be the campus crush he never gets the chance to make a move on. wait. this is his chance to make a move, isn’t it? oh god, what if he doesn’t get another opportunity like this to talk to you without looking like some weird dude who’s been looking at you across campus-
“how did we end up talking in the first place? / you said you liked my cobain shirt”
“cool shirt. kurt cobain, yeah?” oh shit. and now you’re in front of him. riwoo elbows taesan, which was his way of telling him ‘good luck.’ the action snaps him out of his thoughts, eyes widening ever so slightly before he clears his throat.
“yeah, it is. you know nirvana then?” he scratches the back of his head, noticing his friends moving their conversation away from the two of you out of his peripheral vision. he mentally curses them out, because now this conversation feels like he needs to make sure he doesn’t make a fool out of himself, and now there’s no one there to butt in and save him. 
“obviously! you can’t say you know kurt cobain if you don’t know who nirvana is.” you beam at him as you finish the drink you were holding in your hand. his campus crush listens to one of his favorite artists, surely this isn’t real.
“taesan,” he blurts out, “i’m taesan, by the way. and you are..?” he waits for your response, as if your name wasn’t the only thing floating in his mind the second jaehyun welcomed you inside. (this is his attempt of being nonchalant btw)
“i’m y/n!” you look down at your empty cup briefly before looking around the room aimlessly. “do you want to get out of here?”
“what? you want to… leave?” with him? like this? now he’s almost sure this is some sort of prank or something. he’s taken aback at the bold request, clearly confused at what the hell is going on.
“it’s hot in here. and loud. you don’t want to step outside for a minute?” you placed your cup down on a random table, already making your way towards the door. you look at taesan, extending out your hand for him to grab so you can drag him through the crowd. 
oh, you just want to get some fresh air. okay. that makes a lot more sense. he’s glad the lighting is so bad in there, as he’s almost certain his ears are red as he looks at your waiting hand. he mimics your actions, putting his cup down on the counter before finally placing his hand in yours and letting you lead the way. 
“now we’re walking back to your place / you’re telling me how you love that song about living on a prayer” 
the two of you sit side by side on the curb outside the house, slowly getting more used to each other as you go on about random topics-- first, it was music... then clothes... eventually turning into a never-ending stream of conversation topics neither of you wanted to put an end to. he’s in awe of the situation he’s currently in: you look so beautiful under the streetlights, and you keep laughing at his jokes, and maybe the weather really is perfect tonight, just as leehan said earlier.
...taesan doesn’t exactly know how he finds himself sitting on your living room floor, but he vaguely remembers you complaining about how your outfit was too uncomfortable and you desperately needed to change. he instinctively offers to walk you back to your apartment to get some comfier clothes on; you even offer him one of your bigger hoodies for him to change into. it was still a little small for his liking, but he accepts your kind gesture happily.
much to his satisfaction, the conversation never dies. hours pass as you two continue talking about anything and everything. the things you miss from your hometowns, embarrassing childhood stories, outrageous things you've witnessed at past parties you've been to-- and it all flows so naturally. taesan swears he is in love, because even though he was lucky enough to find a great group of friends at uni, he’d never clicked with someone like this so fast, let alone the person he's been crushing on for weeks now. 
“my friends say i should lock you down / before you figure me out and you run away / but you don’t and you won’t / as you kiss me and you tell me that you’re here to stay” 
taesan is disappointed when he wakes up. damn it, he knew it was a dream. he blinks a couple times before reaching for his phone on his nightstand, only to be met with… carpet? and you, his campus crush, the person he spent the entire night talking to until you both eventually fell asleep on the apartment floor next to each other, laying on the carpet two feet away from him. sitting up almost immediately, he covers his mouth in disbelief as he takes in the situation, desperately looking for where his phone is without making too much noise.
→ 6 missed texts from The Boyz groupchat! riwoo: taesanieeee did u go back to the dorm without telling us :(  leehan: Wasn’t he talking to y/n? leehan: Check outside sungho: yeah, he’s still out there talking to them sungho: leave him be lmao jaehyun: actually? this isn’t really y/n’s type of crowd jaehyun: i’m surprised they haven’t gone home yet LOL keep up the good work taesan ;)
he puts his phone down on the floor, letting out a sigh as he places his head in his hands. oh god, and they’re already on him about this. he can’t help but let the last message jaehyun sent get to his head. not your crowd, huh? yeah, makes sense. after all, you shone so bright last night, it’s only reasonable for them to think that you probably wouldn’t get along with a guy who practically hugged the wall the whole time.
“he’s just trying to psych you out, you know.” you ran your hands through your hair as you stretch, taesan’s phone in hand. he shoots up immediately, in shock at the realization that you were awake and that you read the texts on his phone. “sorry for taking a peek at your groupchat, was just curious about what had you sulking so early in the morning.” you pass it back to him, his cheeks visibly flushed in embarrassment; the sunlight shining through the blinds only illuminating his current flustered state further. 
“i wasn’t planning on coming to the party last night, by the way. i only showed up because he told me you’d be there. you think i haven’t noticed you around campus too?” you smile at him from your place on the floor, moving over to give him a peck on the cheek. he thinks it’s insane how charming you can get, even if you just woke up. “stop worrying so much-- i’m here to stay, taesan. only if you treat me to breakfast though.” 
taesan doesn’t exactly know how he ended up here, but he was almost certain he'd found his new muse.
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© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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w2soneshots · 6 months
Toddler -W2S
words: 0.7k+
warnings: none.
summary: you and Harry enjoy a holiday in Dubai with your toddler.
notes: Currently got major baby fever so here's some dad bog content🤭. Enjoy!💓
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 1,017,349 others
y/username: living the dream☀️🌊 @wroetoshaw
gkbarry_: you look incredible get in my bed
-> y/username: 🛏️🏃‍♀️
faithloisak: enjoy my lovelys🫶🏼
taliamar: cutest family ever!🥹💗
y/nfanpage21: I love this sm
user2104853: the third photo is adorable🩵
Over a year and a half ago me and Harry welcomed our little boy into the world. So far it's been incredible and I've enjoyed every minute of being his mum, even through the tough parts his little smile would make the hardships completely disappear in an instant. Harry is also an amazing dad, it's like he was born for the role. A few months ago Harry surprised me with a week long trip to Dubai, and what is our first holiday as a family of three. I was extremely excited and almost immediately called Faith to get advice on what I should pack for Ollie, which is what we ended up naming him.
We arrived two days ago and are already having the best time. Yesterday we spent all day at the beach then went for a nice dinner, in which Ollie slept in his buggy the entire time. Today we're going to the Dubai aquarium, getting some lunch and going shopping. I woke up to the sound of giggling, I pried myself from Harry's grasp and reached forward to grab the smiling baby from his travel cot. I placed him between me and Harry in the bed then drifted back off to sleep. I woke up an hour later, reached over to the nightstand and grabbed my phone to see a message from Harry saying he'd gone out to grab some breakfast from downstairs. I got up and took a picture of Ollie surrounded by the white fluffy bed sheets.
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y/username just posted a new story!
I quickly got dressed while Ollie slept and Harry soon came back with breakfast. When we were all ready we left the hotel to head to the aquarium. We rented a car the first day we arrived, since Ollie has to sit in a car seat plus we'll be spending much less on Ubers. I drove (since Harry despises driving) and we were soon parked outside.
Harry pulled the exited toddler from his seat, and we headed inside. Ollie seemed to be absolutely mesmerised by the sea creatures (especially the 'big scary sharks'). When we'd walked around the entire aquarium we left to go get some lunch since we were all hungry and Ollie was getting quite restless and in desperate need of a nap. We went back to the car to grab the buggy from the boot then walked to one of the nearby restaurants.
We sat down to eat our lunch as Ollie soundly slept. As me and Harry finished up our food Ollie woke up, now full of energy and hungry. We'd ordered him some plain chips so he ate them along with some fresh fruit. Which they seem to have lots of here, probably because of the hot weather.
Then we paid and made our way to Dubai mall, which thankfully has air conditioning. I happily looked through some shops while Harry followed me with the buggy. "Almost done?" Harry asked, very clearly bored. I turned around and shook my head jokingly "almost." I said with a smile. "M- mummy?" Ollie babbled. "Yes baby?" I replied squatting down in front of him. "I wanna go- the pool." He smiled. Harry chuckled and I glanced up at him "ok, let's go." I said and a look of pure excitement spread across his face.
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 719,238 others
y/username: my toddlers new fixation: sharks😂🤍
tobjizzle: looks like so much fun! Hope you're having a great time guys❤️
-> y/username: we are ty uncle jizzle💞
faithloisak: so stinking cute🥺
y/nfanpage21: the mum fits are👌🏼
user50172932: those burgers omfg
When we arrived back at the hotel we got straight into our swimming costumes and headed down to the pool. We found some deck chairs and put our things down, then (after smothering Ollie in suncream) all three of us got into the pool.
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y/username just posted a new story!
Later... "I'm so lucky." Harry whispered, as we lay in bed and Ollie lightly snored in his cot. I smiled "you're so cute." He pulled me into a sweet kiss "I mean it, I'm so lucky to have you and Ol, I love you both so much." "And we’re so lucky to have you Haz."
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toxicanonymity · 2 years
Silence can never be bought, only rented.
pt. 2 of 6, 2.5k | dbf!Joel x fem!reader | 18+
picks up after Pt 1 . Story Master List
Joel Miller List
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“You’re right, it’s gettin’ hot." he starts unbuckling his belt and your heart skips a beat. As he pulls his tight jeans down over his bulge, his boxers start to come with them, revealing a small, circular scar, then a sliver of neatly trimmed salt and pepper hair. The glimpse makes your knees weak.
Thank you @dark-scape for the mini mood boards!
Warnings/notes: no-outbreak AU. Reader confident in string bikini, there may be more to joel than meets the eye. Legal age gap. Masturbation. cumshot. Kinda dom reader. i don't know all triggers, not used to detailed warnings in my usual fandoms sorry
Catch up on Part 1
It's June in Texas.  You packed your swimsuit this weekend.  You don't know why Joel would wear a jacket in this weather anyway.  Hopefully he doesn't fuck your stepmother while he's breaking it off.  In the big scheme of things, one more time wouldn't make much of a difference. It's more about the fact that he's your property now.  
Back at your friend's place, you plug in your phone across the room while you settle in to watch another movie.  Her new sound system is badass, so you don't hear it when your phone rings, but she does. 
She’s a lot closer to it than you are, so you tell her she can send it to voicemail.  She leans over and looks at the screen. 
“Joel." Her eyes widen. "DILF Joel??”
You scrunch your face up.  “Gross, he's like 50.”   
“Okay, what does non-DILF Joel want?”  She rightfully uses finger quotes around "non." In the back of your mind, you always knew Joel was hot.  It turns out, you had no idea.  
You sigh,  “Probably just checking on me while my Dad is away.”  You're tempted to tell her–at least the part where Joel is fucking your stepmother–but for now, you don't.  You enjoy being the only one who knows and could ruin both of them.
“So why not answer?” 
“Guess I just don’t feel like talking.” 
She looks at you sympathetically.  She knows why you came home this weekend.  You needed a change of scenery after things got messy with a guy you were seeing.  “I get it,” she says.  “But I promise you’re gonna be over him before you know it.  Then on to the next,” she smiles.  
If only it were that easy.  You really don’t feel like going back and facing life.  Technically Chad is right, you never defined your relationship or agreed to be exclusive.  But you spent so much time together, and he said he loved you.  You know he’s a chode and not at all worth your tears.  You just hate feeling so powerless.  On the plus side, you've barely thought about Chad at all since the moment you first saw Joel's truck this weekend. 
Your phone dings.  Your friend looks at it.  
“Who leaves voicemail?” she asks. It dings again and her face gets serious.  "Oh, shit.  You should really call him. He said Trouble."
"That's just what he calls me."  You suppress a smirk at the nominal determinism. 
"Oh, yeah. Ugh. I hate that I'm gonna miss the HOG barbecue this year. " 
HOG. . . Hot Old Guy.  She really tickles herself pink with that.  Your dad and Joel cook out at Joel's pool every independence day with a couple of other friends, and you normally bring her.  
Your phone dings again.  She looks at the screen and side-eyes it. 
"What?" You ask 
"You should block Chad." 
You feel a rush of satisfaction followed by shame as you eagerly go over and look at the phone.  
Chad: miss u already. 
In a way, it’s the best possible message, but seeing the dumb way he writes, your shame is replaced by anger.  
"God what an asshole," you fume. You don't respond. 
You finish watching the movie, and eventually start catching up on Joel's texts. Come out and talk to me for one minute.  A pit forms in your stomach. He was here? Are you that predictable? 
When it's time to leave and you get to your car, there's a note.  It's the same one you left on Joel's truck, the one that said You're sick. There's a response scrawled under your writing: 
You have no idea.  
Your heart races as you look around the street.   How dare he? And why are your cheeks burning?
You start driving back to your apartment. It’s well under two hours away, it's still afternoon, and you don’t know what you'll do with the day when you get back.  Laundry, you guess.  You can hardly bear the thought of being back there alone with your thoughts. 
Instead of 35 South to San Antonio, you find yourself on Joel's street.  Joel is a successful contractor and has a nice house.  Comically high-security, too.  Today, the gate is already disarmed, so you don't have to put in the code or talk to him.   You park in his big wraparound driveway, grab your bag, and head around back.  The pool gate is disarmed, too. You enter the code to the pool house door.  
When you walk in, the air conditioning blasts on and it's freezing.  Kind of obnoxious in a state with a power grid crisis.  You throw your stuff down on the big couch, not bothering to go any further.  You strip down to your underwear, ass facing the window.  Then you put your swimsuit cover-up over your underwear.  Feigning modesty, you take your underwear out from under the cover-up and replace it with your two-piece. 
When you come out, Joel is sitting in a zero gravity lounge chair across the pool in front of the big glass windows of his house.   When you see him, your heart skips a beat, even though it’s no surprise.  It’s like when you’ve been thinking about someone so much they practically become a celebrity in your mind, even if they don’t deserve it.  
You bring your bag out to the deck and sit across the pool from him. He’s wearing the same tight, blue t-shirt and jeans. Now he has on Ray Bans and flip flops instead of boots.
You slather your sunscreen on as he watches.  He doesn't bother pretending not to watch.  You slip your hands inside the cups of your bikini top, lotioning up your breasts.  He adjusts himself, which sends a tingling rush to your core.  
Once your sunscreen is dry, you wade into the pool.  You walk around aimlessly, then swim over to his side, keeping your head above water.  When you get to the edge, you rest your forearms on the deck, then put your head down on the crook of your arm and float your legs behind you.  
“Come to give me my jacket?” he asks. 
“I don’t know how you’re wearing jeans, much less a jacket." You lift your head to look at him.
“You’re right, it’s gettin’ hot." he starts unbuckling his belt and your heart skips a beat.  
He stands up, and as he's pulling his tight jeans down over his bulge, his boxers start to come with them, revealing a small, circular scar, then a sliver of neatly trimmed salt and pepper hair.  The glimpse makes your knees weak.  He pulls the elastic waistband up and leaves the boxers on.  He sits down again and crosses his ankles.
You ask, “How’d it go?”
“Oh, about how you’d expect.”
“How long were you fucking her?”
“Does it matter?”
“You’re gonna tell me everything I ask.”
“Few months.  Look, Trouble, I’m human at best.  She came onto me.”
“Knew you’d say that.” 
“What if I could prove it?”
You don’t say anything.  He takes out his phone and scrolls for a while, then brings it to the edge of the pool.  You watch his heavy quads quake with each step but avert your eyes while he bends his knees.  You have no interest in seeing his balls or anyone else’s.  His boxers tighten around his muscular thighs as he sits down and lowers his feet into the pool right next to you.  
“There,” he says, handing you his phone.  You can barely see in the sunlight and don’t really care who initiated it anyway.
“Why don’t you just get a girlfriend?” you ask. 
“You wanna set me up?” he smiles.  “Got any single friends?”
“Why don’t you ask Sarah? She’s older than me.”
He grabs his chest like you shot him. Sweat is blotching his softwash t-shirt already.
You hand his phone back.  
"There's one inside for you," he says. "It's on the counter." He gestures through the window. 
"One what?"
"iPhone pro.  Since you can't seem to answer whatever piece of crap you're using." 
"What do I need an iphone pro for?" 
"They didn't have the regular one in blue." 
Your favorite color is a nice touch, but an iPhone isn't going to make this all go away.  
"How’s it goin’ with what’s his name?”
“Chad? It’s not.” You hate him for bringing up Chad. You harden your face, but it isn't convincing. 
Joel nods regretfully and there's a long moment of silence.  
“You’re better than him, Trouble."
You don't say anything. 
"Shit, you can have any guy you want.”  
You can't see his eyes behind his shades, but something in his voice tells you how hungrily he's looking at you.  
You still don't say anything. 
Joel stretches his leg and the top of his foot grazes your quad, then your inner thigh.  All your blood rushes to your loins.  You don't move.  He strokes your other inner thigh with the arch of his foot, getting a little higher with each pass.  A tent forms in his boxers and he adjusts himself again.  
“See what you do to guys?” The top of his foot brushes your crotch and you throb.  When he tries to slip a toe inside the fabric, you float out of reach. 
“You’re not a guy, you're a grown man.” 
"Exactly. And he's just a guy."
"A grown man and a pervert." A wave of anger hits you when you remember your stepmother. "And apparently you'll fuck anything."
If he's still listening, he ignores it.  
“God damn.  Look at you.”  He shamelessly palms himself over his boxers and suddenly his body is the only thing on your mind again:  The way his naked ass flexed while he looked at you.  The length of his cock slamming into her when he came.  And now it's right there for your taking.  Your core churns needily, slickening itself for what it desperately wants.  Too bad he doesn't deserve it. 
“Yeah. . . ” Your hands slowly reach behind your back to unfasten your top as you sink down into the water. "Look at me," you echo as you take the halter over your head. 
You lie back with your nipples above the water line, lazily floating and barely pushing yourself around in the water, watching him watch you.  
He takes a deep breath and his lips part.  He digs the heel of his palm into his boxers. You grip the deck with one hand.  You hover just far away enough that he can't touch you.  He picks up his phone, swipes it, puts it down. He exhales through pursed lips and adjusts himself again.
"Take it out," you tell him, then lean back,  jutting your tits into the air again.
 "Yes ma'am," he growls. 
He reaches into his boxers and holds his hard cock with the tip pointed toward you. 
"The whole thing." You nod at it.  
He pulls the fabric back. 
"Now take your hands away."
"God almighty," he groans as he complies. He sits back with his hands on the pool deck.  
Big mistake if your goal is to stay in control. This is going to take more restraint than you thought. 
"Take off your sunglasses," you demand. 
The sky is getting cloudy enough. He complies. 
It’s the only cock you’ve ever seen that actually makes you salivate. Thick, slightly tapered, circumcised, prominent tip.  Salt and pepper peeking out from the fabric and creeping up the base.  You recall for the hundredth time how he felt pressed up against you by your car the night before.
Your nipples harden and his cock bounces on its own.  He inhales deeply through his nose, his chest stretching his sweaty t-shirt. You wet your lips and he exhales loudly.  You approach his knees and rest your hands on his thighs, letting your nipples graze his shins. His phone buzzes and he ignores it. 
A bead of precum grows at the head of his cock.  He clenches his jaw.  
“Go ahead,” you tell him as you back away.  He gathers the precum with his thumb and begins to stroke himself slowly.  He’s proportional - His massive hand is a good fit.
“I’m gonna put this back on in two minutes,” you tell him, dangling your swimsuit top in your hand. 
He shakes his head slowly.  “Yeah, you would.” 
He looks down at himself then back up at you.  His eyes darken.  The vein on his hand makes you weak - his big, masculine hand wrapped around his thick cock. . . 
His breath becomes ragged, his eyelids get heavy. 
You disappear below the water, and when you resurface, you come to the edge of the pool between his legs.  You plant your hands just above his knees and inhale his musk from several inches away as you watch.  
“Thirsty?” he breathes. 
“Hell no.  Just wanna see what a sicko's cum looks like.” 
He smirks, then it fades. The dark, hungry look on his face makes you breathe heavier, throb harder, and twitch.
His ass clenches and he points the tip directly at your neck, then he groans as a hot, white rope meets your collarbone and the halter tie.  A few more ropes gurgle into his fist.  
“Gross,” you say.  But you ache for him so badly.  “You know, a gentleman always asks.” 
“I'm a sicko, remember?" He dips his hand in the pool, shakes it around, then wipes his hands on his boxers and puts his dick away. "Give me a minute." 
You dip your head under the halter tie of your bikini top to put it back on, but you let  it float, not covering your breasts. He pushes himself up and grabs his phone.  He looks at it and says under his breath, "gotcha, pendejo.”  Then tells you, "I've gotta make a call."  He pulls on his jeans but leaves them unbuckled.  Somehow, that’s even hotter than his pantsless look, but you’re miffed that he got dressed so quickly. 
You would've made him take off his shirt, but you love the way it stretches with every move he makes.  Half of it is dark with sweat now.  His back is a sight to behold as he walks over to the watertight, faux wicker box with the dry towels.  You squeeze your thighs together and clench around nothing.  
He pulls out two perfectly folded towels and you wonder out loud, "Are you fucking your maid, too?"
"Not this one," he says matter of factly.  He drops a towel on the deck near you, then goes into the house. 
He stands in his large window, spreads his feet as he does something on his phone, then looks at you as a water jet blasts into your thigh right at crotch level.  
How devious of him.  
You shift your hips slightly, just like he knew you would, and try to manage your best poker face as you let the jetstream carry you over the edge. You close your eyes before they roll back in your head.  Your core implodes and your whole body pulses as a much-needed orgasm is wrenched out of you.  Your mouth falls slack and you open your eyes in time to see him watching you with his phone to his ear.  He smirks as the jetstream fades, then walks away. 
You lay your head in the crook of your arm and let your bikini float near your breasts as you recover, with the occasional aftershock.  Then, you hear his truck start up and drive away.  Asshole.
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Just Flowers
Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader (Ft. Best Friend Tess)
Word Count: 1.75k
Genre: Angst, with a bit of fluff
Warnings: Arguments, Joel being Joel, slight reference to an age gap, but it’s got fluff, not proofread
A/N: Happy Valentines Day! Here’s my first Joel Fic, I’m not all that content with it, the idea I had in my head didn’t really its way onto the page but I felt I should post it anyways.
Summary: It’s Valentines Day and you just wanted to do something nice for Joel.
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It’s raining… in February. You could swear that ever since the outbreak occurred mother nature decided to switch everything up, weather included. But the rain didn’t bother you all that much especially when you had what you were looking for and you were finally home.
Or at least whatever this hobble was that you and Joel shared could be considered. The wallpaper was ugly and tattered, springs were sticking out of the couch, and you were pretty sure it was rat-infested, but it was what you had. 
You tried to be as quiet as possible when entering the confines of the apartment knowing Tess would probably be over and sleeping and Joel trying to get some semblance of it. You didn’t wish to do that to them today because the truth is the two of them deserved just a little bit of peace. And luckily for you, they might have found it because the coast was clear. 
Taking off your soaked outerwear, you took a sigh of relief. Everything had gone according to your hopes, which meant that tomorrow was going to go swimmingly. You wanted to surprise them with a few things. You had grown to care for both of these people, it was supposed to be just strictly business but eventually, they became the closest thing you had to family. With Joel, it was a bit different though. You knew he was closed off and pushed everyone in existence away, but you couldn’t help but fall for the old grump. And you thought he deserved to feel a little bit of that care you had for him.
“Shit,” you turned around to see that the lamp was turned on and Joel and Tess were on the couch, staring at you. As if your parents caught you sneaking in after curfew. Which you technically did.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Tess was the first to speak, adjusting in her seat slightly.
“Uhhhh, dark?”
“You’re damn skippy it is, where the hell were you at this time of night?” She stood up.
“Oh, nowhere and everywhere,” you responded, knowing you were being difficult, but there was no way you were spilling this secret right now. It wasn’t even Valentine's Day yet.
“That’s not a good enough answer,” Tess replied moving to grab your face and scanning you for injuries and bite marks. Tess would never admit it but she had a soft spot for you, you were like her younger annoying sibling that she could never get rid of. She was taking mental notes of your figure when she caught sight of your bandaged hand. You winced, preparing for the barrage that was about to come your way. “Where were you?” she asked again.
“Outside,” you huffed. It was a vague answer but they both knew what it meant.
“WHAT?” Joel was screaming, enough to make you physically flinch. “You went outside the walls? Alone? What the hell were you thinking?” 
“Joel, would you chill out? You’re scaring her” Tess glared at him. “Sweetie, come with me. Let’s talk where grumpy can’t bother us.” Taking your hand Tess brought you out into the hallway. 
“No, but seriously, what the hell were you thinking?” She smacked the back of your head, eliciting an obnoxious yelp from you. “Outside the walls?”
“Tess, I can handle myself just fine. Plus I didn’t go far,” you countered.
“It’s not you that I’m worried about. Joel about damn near had a heart attack. I’ve never seen him like that. And your hand? He’s going to lose it!”
“It’s not a bite,” you answered looking down at the bandage.
“I know it’s not, you wouldn’t have come in the apartment if it was. You scared us both, Y/N. Just don’t do it again.” Tess sighed.
“I’m sorry. I won’t. But I do hope this makes up for it a little bit?” You smiled reaching into your pocket and pulling out-
“Chocolate?” She gasped pulling the bar out of your hand.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” you smiled at her.
“How’d you even get your hands on it?”
“A lot of shifts shoveling shit, and putting up with one handsy smuggler,” you laughed, earning a scowl from her. “It’s dark chocolate so I hope it hasn’t gone bad, but I know it was your favorite from before all of this.” 
“Alright, you’re forgiven, and thank you.” She pulled you into a hug which was not something she did very often. “Now go back in there and talk to Joel. Hopefully, you’ve got some incredible sweet talk up your sleeves for this because he is pissed.” She smiled at you and walked off towards her place, leaving you to deal with the fallout of a very angry Joel.
You took one last deep breath before opening the door to your inevitable doom. 
“Are you stupid, dumb, or both?” So that’s how he was going to start this.
“Joel, I can take care of myself just fine. I did it long before you or Tess came along,” you sighed moving to look at him. When your eyes finally focused in the dark you realized, he was wet. His clothes and his hair. “Joel, did you go out there and look for me?”
“Of course I did! What else did you expect me to do? Sit here in our place and wait for you to possibly come back home?” He yelled. “What in the hell possessed you to do something so damn reckless?”
“I didn’t go far. Not even a mile outside the walls! I was out there maybe an hour tops,” you yelled back. 
“An hour is plenty enough time for you to end up dead or worse.” Bit. “Knowing you that ain’t too far off an option!”
“Are you saying that I’m stupid enough to not watch my own fucking back? I know how to survive out there! You’re not the only person in the world who can do it!” You couldn’t understand why he was so angry at you. He had no reason to be, no ulterior motive. He didn’t have to take care of you. You just worked together and were roommates essentially. And like he told you all those years ago, he won’t get attached. 
“Yes, I am. Considering you went outside the QZ, at night, past curfew, in the rain, and alone! If that ain’t stupid I don’t know what is.” He huffed.
“And would you look at that, I came out unharmed!”
“Then what the hell is this?” He grabbed your bandaged hand and held it up like it was the final clue in a murder mystery movie.
“It’s fine,” you started unwrapping it, “the bleeding stopped a while ago so I should probably take this thing off.” There it was, just a bunch of superficial cuts littered across your palm. Some as faint as a paper cut others deep enough to leave a faint scar.
“How did you possibly do that?” Joel sighed inspecting your injury. He had calmed down considerably seeing how unharmed you really were. 
“What time is it?” You asked gently pulling your arm back to you.
“2 am. Don’t avoid the question,” he nearly growled. You just ignored it, walking towards the backpack you had long since discarded on the table. Reaching in you pulled out what you had caused this argument over.
“Close your eyes and hold out your hands,” you said facing away from him.
“Are you fucking shitting me right now? Answer my damn question, Y/N,” he grumbled, starting to get himself angry again.
“Just do it Joel, Jesus Christ.” You took his disgruntled sigh as a sign that he gave in to your ridiculous request. Being as subtle as possible you put the gift in his hands, delighting in the confused look that graced his features. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
You smiled a little watching him inspect what you gave him, but then you watched as he frowned and your heart broke a little. “Flowers? You did all that just for some fucking flowers?”
“Well, I’m sorry you don’t like them,” you scowled. 
“It’s ridiculous! All that danger for a couple of fucking wildflowers. It’s not important!”
“It is to me, Joel!” You snapped.
“They’re just flowers, for fuck sake.” 
“I know I was young when this all started, but every year on Valentine’s Day, my mother and I would go out into the yard and pick flowers to bring to my father as his gift,” you paused gathering your breath in hopes to prevent your voice from breaking, and you wore you could’ve heard him mutter ‘shit’ under his breath. “My mom used to tell me that giving someone flowers was a way to show you care and that Valentine’s Day was the perfect day to do so. So I wanted to do it for you. I don’t expect anything out of you, I never have, and I know you don’t let anyone in. I just wanted to show you my appreciation for you. Give you something beautiful in this shithole of a world.”
Joel was frozen gazing over the flowers, stuck in whatever thought process he was in. It was agony for you, floating in limbo while Joel fought a war with his thoughts. You don’t know how long it was until you heard him release the breath you didn’t even notice he was holding in. “God, don’t you ever do that again, you understand me?” He relented, pulling you into a hug, a hand placed on the back of your neck and the other on your lower back. “I thought you were gone.” 
“I don’t ever plan on leaving you, Joel,” you nuzzled into his chest, content to just live within his warmth like this.
“Now, seriously, how did you hurt your hand?” he sighed.
“Oh, I guess I forgot that a lot of these things have thorns in them. It was worth it though,” You smiled looking up at him. 
“That’s because you got me weeds,” the lightest chuckle escaped him, which made your heart burst at the seams. 
“You asshole,” you lightly shoved him through your giggles, breaking away from the hug. “They are beautiful flowers!”
“You risked your life to get me weeds because that’s what these are.” You just huffed at his commentary and tried to stomp away from him. That didn’t fly with him because he pulled you back into his embrace, holding you even tighter this time. “But thank you,” he whispered into the crown of your head, leaving a ghost of a kiss there.
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
I’m Gonna Be Your Number One
Yip notes: It’s getting hot and audios came back on TikTok so now I remember songs. Ah
Pairing: Rain (MK1) x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: SWIM
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It seems magic can’t solve everything.
Everyone knows Rain has an amazing grasp on water magic. He can cause geysers to burst from the ground, shield himself with a wall of water, and hold an orb of water in the palm of his hands. Yet even the greatest who have mastered water cannot master it all. The waves will crash wherever they like. The pools will submerge whoever they want. Once the water has a grip on you, you lose your grip on it. That’s the last thing Rain wants to happen.
So in short, Rain doesn’t trust the water fully. Meaning he never liked going into bodies of water resulting in him being unable to…swim?
What? What do you mean Zeffeero can’t swim? He’s a water mage, how could he not know how to swim? That makes no sense! What do you mean it’s the same with me being a drummer? It is not! Just because I’m a musician doesn’t mean I need to learn scales. IT’S HARD OKAY! I DIDN’T START WITH THE PIANO IT’S NOT MY FAULT I WANTED TO BE AWESOME! HIM NOT KNOWING HOW TO SWIM IS NOT THE SAME AS ME NOT KNOWING BASS CLEF YOU DI-
As the seasons changed and the weather began to blister in Outworld it grew unbearable. You were visiting Rain more often just to find a way to cool off. He told you his magic was not supposed to be used to cool people off but you ignored that. Plus, he always gave in and created a cloud to drizzle over you to help you out. You are his dearest friend after all. He’d do anything for you.
Remember that for later.
Those little showers were not cutting it. Everyone else in Outworld were going to lakes and beaches to cool off. You wanted and needed to do the same, not alone of course. You want to go with your friend. It felt right to invite Rain to come with you to the beach. He could probably do some cool stuff with the ocean water. But when you suggested that to him he immediately said no. Actually, he raised his voice when he said that which caught the attention of others. He quickly apologized for raising his voice before saying he couldn’t. You asked him why and the excuses came. It’s not like Empress Sindel wouldn’t allow it, she wanted a beach day as badly as anyone else. Finally, he budged after you wouldn’t stop interrogating him. He whispered the truth to you. The truth is that he never learned to swim.
He was worried you would make fun of him or think he was a loser but you were more shocked in reality. How could your best friend not know how to swim? Well that won’t do. You’re gonna change that. You told him you would take the initiative to teach him yourself. He was very hesitant to do it, saying there was no reason for him to start learning now. You reminded him that he would do anything for you and this was something you wanted him to do. Fine, you win, but it needs to be in private. You promised him it would stay between you two and that you know the perfect spot to practice.
Better buy the man a pair of swimming trunks, he's gonna need them.
“Where are we going?” Rain asked while following you through a forest he had never been in.
“You’ll find out when we get there.” You replied with a smile on your face.
 You walked through a forest you frequently visit. It’s hidden from the eyes of others. The trees grow high into the sky, leaving the forest ground in a cooling shade while letting the sunlight peek through to allow the flora to bloom. In the distance, the sound of running water is heard. It’s a calming sound. Rain has no idea how you found this place but it does seem neat. He wished you would tell him what this visit was all about. Maybe he should take in the fact that you told him to wear the swim trunks that you bought him. Soon enough, both of you came across an opening that led to a pond. The water was clear enough to show the smooth stones that lay at the bottom of the pond.
Rain wanted to back out but you gestured for him to come closer to the water. The water was so calm that he could see his reflection without any distortion. No ripples or tiny waves. He wanted to tell you that he didn’t want to do this today but you were already taking your clothes off. He immediately looked away out of respect.
“Don’t be shy. I’m wearing a bathing suit.” The tone you used with him made him feel silly.
When Rain looked back at you he was stunned by your beauty. He has never seen you in a bathing suit before. He has never seen you like this. In all honesty, you were working that bathing suit like a model. He didn’t realize he was staring at you for so long that you caught him in the act. That’s perfectly fine. You wanted his attention. You took his hand to guide him to the water but he yanked you back.
“It’s…cold.” He was making excuses now.
“And it’s horribly hot right now. I rather be cold than burning up.” You were determined to get Rain into the water. You need to take it slow.
You held Rain’s hand tightly as you moved further into the pond. The water cooled your skin and splashed against your leg every time you stepped forward. It’s the sensation you have been desiring for days. But for Rain, it was like walking through a pile of needles. But he had to do this for you. If he backed out now he would disappoint you. As much as he hated failing himself, he would hate to fail you.
He marched forward, closing his eyes and holding your hand tightly. You guys went further into the pond until the water reached your chest. Only then did Rain open his eyes. You gave him a smile, happy to see him get this far into the pond. And…well…it wasn’t all that bad. The water did feel refreshing and helped cool his body down after the long walk. He was even brave enough to create an orb using the water in front of him. Your eyes sparkled seeing him use his magic. That was until he made the orb pop on top of your head, completely soaking you.
Rain couldn’t help but let out an amused chuckle. Though you always enjoyed his laughter and found it to be a moment of peace, this was different. This meant war. You used your arm to create a wave of water that splashed onto Rain. His hair suddenly lost its volume and was now covering his eyes. You let out a triumphant laugh before feeling something wrap around your waist. There was nothing there, or so you thought. You got picked up from the water and you could then see that Rain was using water tentacles to mess with you.
“Hey! No fair! You’re using magic!” You yelled out.
“All is fair in love and war.” He shot back.
“That doesn’t make any sense!”
Whether or not it did make sense, it doesn’t matter now. You were telling Rain to let you down. He let you down all right. Right into his arms. Instead of water tentacles being wrapped around your waist it was his arms this time. This was all in good fun plus he was loving this moment with you. You saw that he was getting comfortable with the water which was a good sign to you. It might be time to push it. It might be time to push a lot of things since this moment was getting pretty intimate.
“Come on, let’s go deeper.” You suggested.
“Are you sure? Are you certain that you want to teach me?”
“I’m not the kind of girl who gives up just like that. I promise I’ll be holding on to you.” You were very certain. Your tone was confident which made Rain feel a little better.
He put you down into the water and you took his hand once more. Slowly but surely you made your way deeper into the pond. The shade of the water was becoming darker. You thought it would be best to see how long Rain could actually hold his breath. You told him to take a big breath and that you will be doing the same thing with him. Big breath in…and…dive!
You and Rain submerged yourselves under the water. You held hands as you looked at each other. So far so good. He wasn’t panicking which helped a lot. It might have been because you were right there with him. But the first breath might not be the best. You could already tell he was struggling as little air bubbles left his lips. You could signal for him to breach the surface to gain more air but at the same time you had an idea. You always wanted to do this little trick. You didn’t think it would actually worked but it doesn’t hurt to experiment. Plus it will be a great excuse to put your lips against Rain’s lips.
You pulled Rain in. He thought you would try to help him up to the surface but no. Instead, he felt your lips against his. He didn’t feel any air being pushed past. All he could feel was you. His eyes were wide while you stayed as calm as you could. Your heart was going crazy which really wasn’t the best when underwater. But it’s okay you’ll get more air soon. You pulled back from Rain and looked at him to see if that did anything. It certainly did something but it wasn’t what you expected.
Rain was so shocked his mouth went agape. All of his air came out in one big air bubble. You immediately panicked and grabbed hold of him. For someone who wasn’t a fighter you sure were strong. You brought Rain up to the surface in seconds. He took a huge breath, feeling the burning from his lungs become dull. He wanted to ask you why you kissed him but he had to catch his breath first.
“You know you were supposed to keep the air in, right?” You tried to lighten the mood with a joke.
“You…You kissed me!?” Rain pointed out.
“What!? No! I didn’t!” You tried to defend yourself.
Yeah it wasn’t really a kiss but you did want it to be. Why else would you try something that you knew wouldn’t one hundred percent work. You wouldn’t try that move with any other guy. You would never even dream of it. Except with Rain. You would do it to him. You DID do it to him.
“You and I both know that what you did doesn’t work. It’s a myth.” He called you out.
Now you felt like the silly one. You were wondering if Rain would be upset with you now and think you were a loser. You pulled a risky stunt and though it didn’t kill him he might want to kill you now. You were about to apologize before you heard him say something that surprised you.
“If you so badly wanted a kiss you could have asked. You didn’t need to do all of this to gain my attention.”
Well, you didn’t actually plan this whole thing just to get a kiss but it’s a win I guess.
“It wasn’t like that but okay. I’m sorry if I upset you.” Don’t go pulling that cute voice out when you apologize. You know he falls for it.
Now you’re giving him those puppy dog eyes as you pull him in closer. You’re truly killing Rain at this point. Just drown him while you’re at it.
“It’s not like you had competition. You should have been formal.”
“Ah well, actually every girl wants you to be her man. I had a lot of competition.” You corrected him.
He was surprised. Do women actually want him? You were telling the truth. The ladies love him. They love a man with power and magic. That’s why you needed to strike. But this wasn’t the strike you were planning on taking.
“It doesn’t matter now. You clearly feel the same since you told me I could have just asked.”
Rain wanted to protest but you were right. He did tell you that you could have asked him for a kiss and he would have given it to you. Shoot maybe you could have asked him to be your boyfriend and he would have accepted since you were so formal about it.
Might as well call this pond Awkward Lovers Lake cause that’s all that seems to be in it. Yes, it says lake when it’s actually a pond, this is not new. Things are misnamed all the time.
There was an awkwardness between you two that had to be broken. Luckily you still had some bravery in you to do it.
“Would you like to keep on playing in the water?” You asked.
You heard him sigh before he said, “Of course. Just don’t make me swim or hold my breath.”
Yap notes: No I don't actually think he can't swim. I think he could swim fine I just thought it would be ironic 💀. I just really wanted to do more for Rain cause he was the first one I tried when it came to fanfics. I love my snookie pookie. Plus it's the first day of June meaning summer is getting hot, hot, hot. AND it's my birthday month so of course I had to involve him. He's just so handsome I love him. I would give him a kiss if he wasn't washing me away all the time. Adiós!
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goodnessgraves · 2 months
Old farmhouse I love.
Part 1!
Warnings: DBF!Graves, pining, suggestive language, sexy graves, i am drunk and refuse to proofread, age gap, i write funny jokes into these, somebody match my freak 😔
18+ MDNI
You drive up onto the old ranch you love more than life itself, having grown up there with nobody but your Ma and Pa, but as you pull into your old parking spot, a white Ford F-360, sits there. Okay, whatever. You park on the right of it.
It looks extremely out of place on the old ranch, but maybe your old man got a new truck? (You highly doubt it. That stubborn bastard would drive his truck until it exploded with him inside.)
You hop out of your old yellow Volkswagen Beetle and step onto the dirt, taking in the smell. Something is a little off.
Walking to the front door you knock three times before your dad greets you with a big hug and you mom joins in. The familiar comfort reminding you of how you used to come home from school Nostalgia flooding your senses, but it’s different. There’s a spectator.
Phillip Graves. The gorgeous bastard he is. Too beautiful to be a hardened soldier, his eyes are too sweet and mesmerizing, his shirt slightly unbuttoned and his blue jeans held up with a belt, a ridiculous buckle on it, is boots are weathered- oh shit. You were staring.
Eventually he chuckles, looking you dead in your eyes. Theres that fucking smirk again, the things you wouldn’t do to slap it off his stupid, smug, sexy, defined face.
“You look… different.” You say, justifying your staring, but it just makes his smirk turn into a smile. Son of a bitch.
“It’s been what? 5 years? It’s been too long, darlin’.” He pulls you into a welcoming hug, he smells like leather and cigarettes, you could drool. At this point, your brain is melted. All it takes is a hot southern man who smells good saying something he would say to literally anyone else to get you wet? You are doomed.
After a while of chatting amongst him and your parents, he helps you bring your stuff in from you car. There’s not much, just a few suitcases and a few bags. He places them neatly on the bed and shoots you that smile that makes you weak in the knees before leaving and running down the stairs to go bother your father in the kitchen.
God damn it. Now you’re stuck between a rock and a wet place. Yeah, he’s your dad’s best friend, but also, you’re 25, you’re a grown woman, plus he’s only in his 30’s. (Probably)
The dinner bell rings and your Ma calls you to wash your hands and eat your dinner. You happily oblige, nearly tumbling down the stairs before sitting down and gobbling up your food.
His eyes never left you.
You sipped your wine? Eyes on you.
Took a bite of the best Brisket you’ve ever had in your life? Watching.
He was watching, and you loved every second of it.
After dinner, you help clean up and go out to the porch, hopping up on the old wooden chair swing, nuzzling into it with your glass of wine. After about 10 minutes, Phillip steps out into the porch, sitting next to you.
He’s spread out and grabs a cigarette and lighter out from his jeans pockets, lighting it up.
This felt… right.
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your-favblondie · 8 months
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'*•.¸♡ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬♡¸.•*'
(This is one of my first times writing in the past few years and my first time writing in this way so please give me any criticism and any tips you guys may have!! Now on to the story :3)
Word Count: 625
Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll. Our winner was everyone's favorite emo, Choso!! I hope you enjoy the story and if you did leave a like or a comment down below!
Choso is soo sweet but also soooo sooo inexperienced in his relationships.
He probably has only dated one or two people before you if you aren't his first relationship.
He texts like a Victorian gentleman, uses no slang, and has perfect punctuation.
"Hello Sweetheart, I hope this message finds you well. Tell me how your day has been? Love, Choso"
His room is like a teenager's room, with posters and little collections of his favorite things, and on a shelf above his desk, he has pictures of you and his brothers, plus any gifts you've ever given him! (super sentimental) Has a matching couple's bracelets sitting on his desk for you two. ( Shhh he's gonna surprise you)
He's a very clean person! ( no dust shall cover his room) The type to always offer to help with dishes if he eats at another person's house.
Gives you little flowers he found and if you're going on a trip and he won't see you for a while he'll dry some flowers inside a book and give them to you! (he'd also do this on the regular for you and make bookmarks for you if you're an avid reader)
his love language is def gift-giving and touch!! holds your pinky with his, lets you hold onto his arm when you're out in public, and holds you from behind while you're talking with other people.
When he's sick he'll try and hide it because he feels like getting sick makes him weak and useless. ( Once you realize this you'll have to persuade him to let you take care of him. )
At the start of the relationship, I'd feel like he wouldn't be very into PDA mostly because he isn't all too used to it and hasn't been exposed to other couples doing PDA in front of him. But after a few years, it'll be the exact opposite problem will cling to you like a koala bear. Hugs from behind, sweet neck kisses, arm hung loosely around your waist, etc... He can't be away from his darling for too long or he might die!!
uses dramatization for humor, it started off as his version of trying to be sarcastic after you explained to him sarcasm. But he didn't quite catch on...
" Be careful Choso!" you called out to him as he pushed off to the ice skating rink. Recently the icey weather has made it possible to open up a skating rink so you and Choso decided to go and give it a try. Choso says he's great at skating since he and his brothers skated all the time at their non-ice skating rink. You tried to explain to him that they weren't exactly the same but didn't have the heart to break his confidence. Now you rush to put your skate on as your boyfriend waits patiently, well about as patient as a puppy, for you to join him. " let's go," he says holding your hand gently as you both step onto the rink, and for a second you think he might be okay. For a second only though... CRASH Now you stare at your boyfriend whose face planted right onto the ice and was still lying on the rink not being able to get up. as he keeps slipping back down your laughter only grows, you reach your hand out to him to help him steady himself, "I think you may be the greatest skater I've ever seen hunny" You tease. As he rises his face is full of confusion and he turns to look at you. "Baby I think to be a good skater you have to be able to stand?" He corrects you. "I'm being sarcastic chos- " "What is sarcastic?"
now every time he sucks at something he quickly jokes that he is the absolute best at it
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. I plan on continuing writing when I have the chance so please leave suggestions in the comments down below! I would greatly appreciate it! I may even do an NSFW ver. of Choso headcannons.
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ellejos · 1 year
Previously I announced that I will begin the 75 Days Hard Challenge at the first of July. For anyone unfamiliar, the Challenge takes 75 Days and follows these daily rules:
Choose a diet and follow it (without cheat meals or alcohol)
Complete two 45-minute workouts daily (one needs to be outside no matter the weather)
Drink a gallon of water every day
Read 10 pages of nonfiction
Take progress pictures
If you skip or miss a task you must start over
Things you should know:
I decided to try this challenge because I want to improve my mental toughness and physical fitness (also I want to prove to myself that I am consistent). It's probably not for everyone, so there is also a soft version of this challenge called 75 Days Soft Challenge.
I prepared for this challenge a month in advance. I tried out what diet suits me the most without craving cheat meals, decided on what books I want to read and what kind of workouts are the best for me.
I don't want to bother you with a daily follow up of my challenge, but please consider I'll try to do an update every 1-2 weeks.
"All great things have small beginnings."
My current routine on this challenge varies from day to day because I do work shifts but there are a few things that stay consistent during this challenge:
I decided to do IF with a 16:8 ratio. I start eating at 10am and have my last meal at 6pm. Mostly low carb, high protein. No meat, no sugar, limited dairy. Please consider that every human is different and what may work for me, won't do it for you. I decided to become vegetarian a month ago and I don't regret it yet.
2. Workouts:
I am not an athlete. Therefore two heavy workouts a day would cause me injuries. I'm taking a 45 minutes outdoor walk everyday and the second workout is whatever suits my day the most. For example on Mondays I'm going to a yoga class, therefore this will be my second workout.
3. Hydration:
To be honest, I had to change this one a bit. I'm drinking one black coffee every morning and I'm also having a tea before I go to sleep. This intake plus a gallon of water would be too much for my body. I decided to drink 3 Liters of water everyday and the missing 0,7 liters will be tea and black coffee. I'm not drinking anything else for the duration of this challenge. No soft drinks, no alcohol, no milk (except for coconut milk for my overnight oats).
4. my non-fiction reading list:
Patrick Lencioni - The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People
Yuval Harari - Homo Deus
Yuval Harari - 21 Lessons for the 21 Century
Daniel Kahneman - Thinking Fast and Slow
James Clear - Atomic Habits
Robert Greene - The 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene - The Art of Seduction
Erich Fromm - The Art of Loving
Oliver Burkeman - Four Thousands Weeks
James Carse - Finite and Infinite Games
Seneca - Letters from a Stoic
Plato - Allegory of the Cave
5. last but not least - the progress picture:
I hate taking pictures, so I won't really share them but I made a folder on my phone and taking the photo is the first thing I'm doing in the morning to get it off my list.
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turbulentscrawl · 3 months
Since the topic of body hcs and body hair hcs overall...may I ask what do you think survivors smell like? I've seen some people differ and I just wanna know your thoughts ;w;
Also, we've gotta be honest. They *will* stink at times, specially after matches. But hey that's only but natural so *shrugs*.
They definitely smell more distinct than I think we'd be used to in general, yeah. And I DON'T think most of them smell unique enough to say how they're different from others, specifically, but there are a few things to consider, if we're looking at it a little more realistically:
More regular cleanliness was becoming normal in the 1800s, when most of the survivors were from, but the actual frequency of bathing varied by class and career. Showering daily still was not common until the 1900s, though. Even without any concerns about water supply in the manor, I would imagine most of them average a full clean-up maybe twice a week? A little more for those who get into actual filth on their days off. (looking at Emma, since she digs in the dirt and spend a lot of time outside.)
Deodorent was not invented until 1888, and didn't become popular until the 1930s or so. And most early deodorents didn't come with much in the way of additional scents, rather they just killed bacteria that caused excess body odors. Most of the people in the manor would not have used this, except perhaps the latest arrivals like Frederick and Alice. Instead, before deodorant, people took steps like shaving their underarms to prevent more sweat and bad scents, and used products like perfume and talcum powder to freshen up and get rid of odors.
Fancier soaps were around in the 1800s, but were used sparingly and economically. The lower class especially would have made their own ashen lye soap to bathe and wash their clothes. (Which, if you've never smelled unscented lye soap, is not pleasant to the nose imo. It's a bit of a pungent chemical smell, mixed with the scent of whatever the soap base was, which was usually lard and olive oil.) More expensive soaps could have been made from things like almond oil, coconut oil, or goat's milk, plus herbs or extracts for something much better smelling.
There's not a ton of hard labor to do in the manor, which would keep some people from working up so much of a sweat, but there's not likely an AC there. On the plus side, I don't imagine there's too much weather fluctuation in the manor for the sake of keeping the passage of time as confusing as possible, which also means it's not getting too hot. Most of the temperature changes you experience would be on the maps. I also don't think a lot of the Hunters would sweat! Any of those who have been dead and were brought back probably don't perspire anymore, though they may have the slightest hint of something off about them.
In short...yeah there's definitely more BO than we're used to in most modern settings. Most of the people in the manor are going to smell pretty natural--which won't always be offensive to the nose, mind you, since they say the smell of someone who's right for you will smell GOOD--plus some talcum/baby power or perfume scents to 'soften the blow' a bit. (Though it wasn't really in fashion to DROWN yourself in perfume by most of these peoples' time, so I think only a few people might lay it on too thick. Mary or Vera, for instance.)
And some people probably maintain very small scent hints about their professions or lives before the manor, just to distinguish them up close. Luchino has a touch of carbolic acid on his clothes, from sterilizing tools in the lab. Norton still smells of coal and minerals, just a touch. Victor smells a bit like sun-heated dog due to walking around outside all day with Wick, and Ithaqua like snowy pine trees from his years wandering and guarding winter woods. You get the idea.
I won't say who I think smells the worst or the best because that;s just too subjective--especially since I've revealed I don't like the smell of lye which is probably what most of them would have used LOL. But I'm definitely not one to say 'let's fully suspend our disbelief and say Naib smells freshly showered and uses Old Spice 😜'.
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Bubz's Slasher Fictober Apple Crumble NSFW Alphabets Day 15: Bo Sinclair
The third week is here! I am so excited to share with you all the fun things I have planned for the next two weeks of Fictober. First and foremost this week plus an extra day so for the next 8 days there will be NSFW Alphabets.
Notes: Minors DNI, Smut and Smutty themes, NSFW.
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A is for Aftercare (What they're like after sex):
Bo is well, Bo. He's not the softest person in the world but the last thing he wants you to get is any kind of infection or anything so he'll help you to the bathroom and get you cleaned up and maybe just maybe give a cuddle or two when it's all said and done.
B is for Body Part (Favorite on them and their partner):
Bo likes his hands best, I mean he works with them everyday whether it's for show at the gas station or not. His hands have been weathered by the years of working and he's very proud of that.
His favorite part of you are your hips or thighs, don't try to make him choose though. He loves running his hands over them or just staring at them as you walk. They're his favorite thing to mark up with hickies even if your shorts are long enough to cover them up.
C is for Cum (Anything to do with cum):
Bo's cum is really thick and boy is there a lot of it when he cums. Don't even think about wasting it though. If he cums inside you he makes you position yourself so it doesn't drip out and if your able to get pregnant well that's a plus too. If neither of those things though he makes you swallow every last drop and then open your mouth to make sure you've swallowed it. Bo doesn't like to waste.
D is for Dirty Secret:
Bo will never ever tell you this but sometimes every so often he has a thought of what if you went down to his room under the station and he watched you get off with one of the people he ties up. He's almost positive if he ever brought it up that you would shoot him down and he doesn't really want you to get involved like that anyway. Never the less he still pictures it from time to time.
E is for Experience (How experienced are they?):
Are you kidding? Bo has all the experience in the world. Even before he tied up girls underneath the station back before him and his brothers even took over Ambrose. His high school years even if they weren't always spent at school served him good in the experience category.
F is for Favorite Position:
Bo likes just about anything where he doesn't actually have to put any work in. He has long days at the station and dealing with his brothers, don't make him work here too. His personal favorite is probably cowgirl or something along those lines though. He likes putting his hands behind his head being the cocky bastard he is and watching you do all the work.
G is for Goofy (How serious are they?):
You can laugh and giggle all you want he doesn't really give a fuck but him? nah. If for some reason he wants to put in work instead of just letting you service him he's going to take it as serious as any other job he does on the day to day.
H is for Hair (How well groomed are they?):
He keeps it trimmed and neat, but don't expect anything special just for you when the two of you start sleeping together.
I is for Intimacy (How are they during the act, romantic etc):
As previously stated multiple times Bo is Bo. Most of the time he's going to want to just fuck and not much else, however if you catch him in a good mood or on a special occasion he tends to ease up for you. Whether it's holding you a little tighter or making more of an effort to be gentler with you, He'll at least try.
J is for Jackoff (Do they masturbate and how often?):
Bo masturbates oftenish. I mean have you seen all the photos he keeps, Although when you come around most of the photos in his basement and that he keeps for personal use will start to turn into pictures of you. So when he does jerkoff it's always to his honey.
K is for Kink (Their kinks):
Bo is big into roleplay, you as a victim lost in the Ambrose and him as well, himself, but he lives for this. Don't be afraid to run and give him a good chase too.
Bondage is also a big one for Bo. He'll tie you up and then just sit and watch as you devolve into cries at him pleading him to touch you. He's already mean as fuck so this is perfect to him.
L is for Location (Favorite places to have sex):
Bo is classic so he'll mostly want it in your shared bedroom at the house, however if he's feeling adventurous he'll call you down to the station so you can do it in the chair he has in the basement. Just maybe try not to think about how many people have been tied their before you.
M is for Motivation (What turns them on?):
Literally everything about you turns Bo on, but if you really wanna get him going. Let him find you in the kitchen in the mornings in one of his shirts, wearing only his shirt and nothing else. THAT is what makes Bo go absolutely feral.
N is for No (Something they won't do):
Bo won't share you at all. Oh it's been awhile since his brothers have had sex? well that's too fucking bad they can tie someone up like he used to do.
O is for Oral (Oral Preferences):
Receiving is Bo summed up in one word. Again, He works long days at the station and keeping Ambrose up and running. He might become a REALLY good giver but he needs to be in a REALLY good mood to do so.
P is for Pace (How fast or slow? Are they rough?):
I honestly think Bo can do both slow and fast, as I've been saying a lot of Bo's sexual escapades depend on his mood and this is no different. If he's angry he's fast and rough but he also will never turn down sleepy slow morning sex.
Q is for Quickie ( Do they like quickies?):
Bo's down for really anything. Sure he prefers to take you in his home in his bed but if he needs to get a quick one off at the station in between victims then so be it.
R is for Risk (Are they down to experiment?):
If you bring things up to Bo he'll do them for you and if likes them well enough he'll start doing it more often but he's not really the one to bring up anything new to try as he's satisfied with things the way they are.
S if for Stamina (How long can they go for?):
Bo can go for a few hardcore rounds. If you wanna continue after that if you've got the stamina then feel free to ride him but don't expect him to do much work.
T is for Toys (Do they use toys and do they like them?):
Bo won't use toys or anything like that on himself, but if you have them and wanna try them out on yourself or wanna look into getting some he'll gladly help you out. He especially likes the remote control ones he can tease you with the best.
U if for Unfair (Do they like to tease?):
Bo is the king of teasing, don't be surprised if he brings you to almost tears some times begging for him to give you some kind of release. He's Bo Sinclair, he can be mean as all hell if he feels like it.
V is for Volume (How loud can they get?):
A few grunts and groans is all your really ever going to get out of Bo. He's not one to be loud himself even if his brothers are out of the house and there's no one else in Ambrose anyways. He wants to and likes to hear you scream though so don't be afraid to make enough noise for the both of you.
W is for Wild Card (Random things):
Sometimes Bo has nightmares about what happened during his childhood. Those are some of the only nights he'll seek you out for cuddles. He'll let you hold him as he falls back to sleep knowing that he's safe and not there anymore.
X is for X-Ray (What are they packing):
Bo is big, about 6 to 7 inches at least but he's also thick. Like REALLY thick, Bo aims to fill you up and that's exactly what he does.
Y is for Yearning (How high is their sex drive?):
Bo is mean, sure but he's also absolutely all about you so his sex drive sky rockets. If you think it was a lot before you came along you haven't seen anything yet.
Z is for ZZZ (How fast do they fall asleep?):
Like I said in Aftercare, He won't fall asleep right away cause he at least wants you to be cleaned up and all before he does. After that though it's pretty much lights out for him. He's got early mornings no matter how late he stays up and needs to get to bed.
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Don't know if you're taking requests, but how about Espeon? It's my favorite Pokemon :)
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Good news! An espeon would make a pretty great pet!
While they’re on the larger size of A rank pokémon, espeons aren’t much bigger than a large dog. Personality-wise, they’re sweethearts that have extreme loyalty to any owner that they consider worthy (Ruby/Sapphire). Now, I’m not sure how exactly espeons determine if someone is worthy or not, but I trust you, readers. I think you’re probably worthy. Only worthy people read this blog. Also, I bet treats would help.
Espeons have a strong protective instinct, and will do everything in their power to protect beloved humans (Ruby/Sapphire). This species had evolved some impressive precognitive powers specifically to protect themselves and their trainers (Ultra Sun, Ruby/Sapphire), but these powers aren’t all psychic. Espeons are covered in fine, velvety fur that is sensitive enough to read air currents and predict the actions of any perceived threats (Gold, Diamond/Pearl) or even the weather (FireRed). Their predictive abilities, based on this physical sensitivity, is said to be so advanced that espeons can even predict what their enemies are thinking (Black2/White2)! They use this power to keep the ones they care about out of harms way, which is. A huge plus. Unfortunately, it also means that they will be able to tell when you are planning to give them a bath or take them in to the vet for a check-up, so some extra coaxing might be needed.
Given their predisposition to protect humans, espeons are pretty unlikely to attack a human. This is good, since beyond their sensitive fur they do possess some pretty formidable psychic powers. Espeons built up energy in the orb on their forehead by bathing in sunshine (Ultra Moon), which they can unleash in powerful attacks (Moon). Espeons can use moves like Confusion to not only hurt targets but send them into a daze, or use other moves like Psybeam, Psychic, and Future Sight to batter enemies with telekinetic power. Espeons can also attack physically with bites and scratches, though these are not quite as dangerous. All things considered, given their protective instincts, these abilities aren’t too much to worry about so long as you have your espeon’s best interests in mind. If something does go wrong, however, you’ll be able to tell when a psychic attack is coming if the orb on their head begins to glow (Diamond/Pearl). I would strongly consider training as well, just to ensure your espeon doesn’t attack someone on the street because they assume they’re a threat to your safety.
Overall, given their loyal personalities, espeons would make great pets. So long as they are properly socialized so as to not be overly paranoid about other people in your life (and so long as you are worthy), they aren’t too much of a threat, which is an added bonus. Also, as I always much point out even though it doesn’t really impact their score: they are very cute.
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unconventional-user · 1 month
I'm crawling out the sewers to re-introduce myself. Plus new blog yay!
Anyways, as you can tell I know nothing about the military nor COD, only what I've read and seen. Shoot me. Reader is intended to be gn overall but correct me in case.
pairing: könig x tall!reader 
• warning(s): uhhhh idk, kinda sucks? (I tried)
• word count: 2.7k
* This work was created by @unconventional-user, no re-post(s), you may, however, re-blog. Thank you. *
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'How tall are you?'
'Are you a basketball player?'
'Do you wear heels?'
'How's the weather up there?'
These questions were a constant occurrence whenever leave took place. It was a reminder how annoying and entitled people were at times.
Luckily, deployment had come quickly most times, so you wouldn't have to deal with them often.
It's not like there was anything to head back to when 'off duty' anyway.
Parents were several countries overseas as well as other family, friends, and folk. So being called back often wasn't a rare occurrence nor was it annoying...
After joining the Air Force, it was expected of your squadron to work alongside certain groups. You happened to be the lucky few that helped aid the Special Air Services pretty often. It was mainly with transports as well as to help fly troops on missions.
It was nice. Some of the best times honestly.
Britain was a really cool place too.
But the constant travelling back and fourth, US to UK kind of left this uncertainty of which place was your 'true' home.
Almost like an identity crisis sort of.
So after some thinking and request of separation, you moved countries alongside joining the British Army.
Many more years later you're a part of the Special Air Services.
You could say the years in the Air Force might've helped a bit by leaving such positive feedback to them when SAS asked about their new soldier.
Judging from their background, they described as if the "golden child" for helicopter pilots was amongst them:
A once in a lifetime.
A relic of some sorts.
A phenomen.
According to them, you knew how to maneuver the damn chopper 'as if you built it yourself'.
Thus becoming a well recognized name amongst the special forces more specifically.
You'd like to thank the impeccable flying skills for landing you on such a radar.
Still, most of your work went unnoticed the first couple of years in SAS til' they eventually caught someone's eye later on:
"That's some amazing skills there—hello, we haven't met. My name is Kate."
The communication analyst would keep in touch with you after that. She claimed a specific task force officer asked for your wings.
"You know how to maneuver a helicopter better than anyone I've seen in a while. And I'm not the only one who's seen you in action."
Years pass after that, you're still on par with transporting soldiers and the Task Force 141, means you must be doing something right…right?
Shaking off the commotion of thoughts, you drove till the view of a familiar, bordered gateway appeared.
Upon entry, it was time to head over to your station.
Some inspections and loadings later, a shout was heard from afar. Turning towards the culprit, it was none other than Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish.
"Long time no see, aye bonnie?"
Leaning against the rails of the helicopter, he gave a smile. In return you gave one back as you finished clearing the aircraft as: PASS.
"Good afternoon, Sergeant," you chuckled, "I believe I saw you yesterday."
Ignoring the matter-of-fact, he continued on, "Call me Soap. Remember, yer one of us."
Smiling awkwardly, you pretend to re-inspect one of the throttles once again.
To be 'considered' a part of task 141 was…a weird feat or way to put it overall. You were in their squadron as their pilot, but you weren't necessarily with them. You weren't a part of their briefings or any of that.
You were separate from them.
The only one who really 'considered' you as part was Sergeant MacTavish.
Not to say the others were assholes or something. Lieutenant Ghost often would brief a 'good job' or 'nice maneuvering' to you once in a while.
Sergeant Garrick and Captain Price also acknowledged you from time to time, always greeting when deemed necessary.
To put it into simple words…they like your flying skills. You're like a designated pilot for them sort of.
'Way to make it sound like you're just a chauffeur-'
Shaking the thoughts aside once more, you focused on what Johnny said.
"Come again, Sergeant?"
The man chuckled, shaking his head but repeated himself once more. He always found you cute yet attractive. A true bonnie. These small actions never ceased to add to his attraction towards you.
Plus, he liked them tall. He could only imagine you in heels now…
"Wait…so you guys are gonna team up with a whole 'nother group for the mission?" You asked.
Great. Now he had to shake his thoughts aside. Clearing his throat, Johnny nodded.
"Price got told he needed backup for this one. Apparently it's too risky to go alone."
"Sounds rough."
"Aye, Ghost ain't too fond of the idea either."
Didn't look like he was too happy about the situation as well.
Nodding, you understood the lieutenant's 'worry' about being aided by a private contractor unit. Another responsibility and potential liability overall.
Trying to look on the bright side of things, at least they'll be more careful.
"Well…better safe than sorry, right? Plus you guys won't be so bored on the ride there!" You internally cringed at your feeble attempt to cheer the man up.
Hey, at least it made him laugh though.
"Ye ready to deal wit' another crew of dafties 'en, bonnie?"
Laughing, you closed the door to the aircraft.
"I'll see you in a bit, las."
The briefing ends; said Austrian begins heading towards the designated lockers.
Kortac had been called back by the SAS, unsurprisingly. They’d worked alongside the particular military service before (more than a few times).
The report claimed a certain special ops unit would need some assistance on an important mission. The team was ordered to help aid as a “battering ram” of sorts, both pre and post mission.
Of course they knew just who to send alongside for additional aid to the team.
König rolled his eyes, slamming the locker in frustration. He really didn’t want to be here at all. In his eyes, he was assisting a potential enemy. The SAS wasn’t necessarily a foe to KorTac, but it’s not like they were allies either.
So case in point (to König), he was being forced to help the potential enemy.
There were other soldiers sent alongside König. One of them looked over at him, an eyebrow raised, “Alles gut?”
König looked over at the soldier and said nothing, hood completely concealing his annoyed face. He’d rather be anywhere else than here if he’s being honest.
Heading towards the helipad, where he’d meet the rest of his ‘team’ mates, König tripled checked his tactical gear on him before stepping onto the designated helicopter.
His eyes narrowed onto a familiar face—or rather a mask—he had met before. Ghost simply responded back to König’s hostile stare vice versa. Neither said anything, but sat on opposite sides of one another.
No mind was paid to the rest that got onto the helicopter, except for Sergeant MacTavish, who made his entrance known with a hearty laugh followed by an annoyed looking Sergeant Garrick.
After the rest got settled in, Captain Price stood center and went over some key details again, mainly about KorTac’s assistance on the mission. König felt someone’s eyes on him as a chill ran along his neck. He turned his head and saw the same soldier from earlier at the lockers move to sit next to him. Said soldier looked away nervously to avoid the blue eyes.
Komisch. König narrowed his eyes in confusion, but remained silent overall. He felt the soldier lean in, “Is this your first time working with them?” They then gestured their head towards Task force 141. König didn’t acknowledge them and remained quiet. Looking away, he ignored the huff of the—now annoyed— soldier.
“Ist mir doch...”
König ignored the subliminal guilt he felt by acting like he didn’t hear the soldier’s mutterings. Trying to distract himself, he re-checked his tactical gear.
Knife is attached to his side. His tourniquet was in place, perfectly positioned if needed. He had 2 extra stocks on his left thigh—
Thoughts were interrupted as 2 pairs of feet stepped onto the helicopter and the doors were closed. König looked up and he swore he heard himself swallow back a gulp. Thank whatever is up there that he had his hood concealing his face. König could feel his face becoming warm.
Completely ignoring the other pilot officer greeting the team, his eyes focused on you.
Who were you?
You seemed to be standing at almost—if not the same—height as König,
He absolutely loved that.
Eyes fell onto your hands, noticing the lack of a band surrounding it, which he also seemed to love.
He was unsure if he had a visceral reaction to your presence but it felt like when people saw color for the first time. He felt the need to hide his flustered face (even though the hood already does that for him).
Du siehst bezaubernd aus.
He thought, eyes not leaving your form.
As you and the other pilot head towards the cockpit, he couldn't help but ponder.
Was that what many consider ‘love at first sight'? Him? In love?
The idea seemed almost laughable, mainly because he didn't think he could ever imagine him even having the courage to even attempt to pursue someone. Let alone have someone finding him worth being with.
König (sadly) broke his stare by looking at the soldier who jabbed his shoulder. Bothered, he turned towards them with narrowed eyes.
Grinning, the soldier commented, "As they say in America; statuesque."
Stepping towards the helicopter, you could feel your mind calm down. You knew exactly what to do. Tis the moment. You're in the zone.
Ew. That’s literally so cheesy.
You thought as you covered your hand to hide the growing smile.
Your co-pilot turned over at you, “Everything ok?” he asked, confused.
Putting a hand down, you nodded, “Yep. Just…thinking of something.”
He gave you an odd look but didn't perpetuate any further, simply muttering under his breath, “...How’d I get stuck with the tall weirdo?”
You pretend not to hear that, letting out a sigh and stepping onto the helicopter.
The co-pilot flashed everyone a tight-lipped smile as eyes fell onto him first, “Proud to be working with everyone here.” But eyes quickly fell onto the person looming over him.
That person being you.
With a flashed smile and wave, you greeted them, “I’m going to be your eyes in the skies today.”
The assisting team nodded a ‘Yes Officer’ your way. Nodding to the group, you observed them until one of them caught your eye.
The moment your eyes landed on the gentleman in the hood suddenly time had stopped, not noticing when he looked back either. His eyes widened whilst looking like he had choked on the air or something.
He looked a little bit taller than you—only a little—which almost never happens.
He was also oddly cute (considering he had a full on sack over his head).
Suddenly self conscious about appearance, you straighten up and try to hide the blush apparent on your face. If it's obvious, nobody dares say anything.
It probably didn't help that he was staring back at you as well. Interlocked, neither breaking eye-contact till the soldier next to him nudged his shoulder.
Luckily, you were able to gather yourself and head into the cockpit. It seemed like the others had disappeared, leaving only you and him. But you surged on, unaware of eyes following your direction.
Finally out of sight, you were able to find your footing and headed towards the left.
Your co-pilot sat to your right.
Alright, it’s go time.
Snorting, you muttered, “...still so cheesy.”
“Huh?” the co-pilot turned.
It was finally over. The mission was done. You could feel the relief washing over as you were able to land on the helipad again.
No casualties (thankfully), except for 2 soldiers who were grazed by bullets. One of them being Ghost, who had apparently saved one of the other soldiers who were shot.
You still remembered upon landing to reach them on the field, Ghost was angrily dragging the other wounded soldier by the vest, holding his shoulder in the process.
One soldier yanked out a med kit as another snatched them away from the lieutenant.
The shouting could be heard from the cockpit as you flew away. You and your co-pilot ignored it and continued to flee the warzone.
As you were able to land, you slowly started feeling at ease.
Even though you’ve been flying for years, the adrenaline and anxiety was still the same every time.
The difficulty was always trying to shake the feeling of nerves off. A good cigarette always seems to ease them away. Speaking of which…
You reached into your lower back pocket; you cursed when you didn’t feel any familiar shaped boxed. Must’ve left the pack in your locker. Luckily, it wasn’t too far.
Headed towards said lockers, someone had walked next to you. Upon looking, no words were exchanged as you were side-to-side with the extremely tall soldier.
You expected him to say something. He didn’t. Simply continue to walk.
You decided to do so instead.
The hooded man faced you this time with flat eyes. You stopped walking, so did he. Gulping down the nervousness, you took a good look at him.
He was taller than you, even if it was by a couple inches only. He was still taller than you.
“Sorry for bothering but…” chewing on your lip (which he definitely looked at), you confessed, “...I've never seen someone as tall—hell—taller than me. So I just wanted to introduce myself.”
You tell him your name, trying not to seem so upfront about it. He continues to look on for a while, in which you think maybe he didn’t want to talk to you at all.
“König.” is all he (manages to) says and continues to walk (although appearing dull looking towards you, he was internally sweating bullets as well).
“...Well König…I was wondering…if you would like to…maybe hangout, tonight. I'm actually going out to head for some drinks tonight and I thought…” you chuckled nervously while trying not to mumble, he however, cut you off.
“What?” König asked in what seemed an annoyed tone.
Not to him though, he just seemed weary about strangers, plus he didn't really know how to act around someone he seemed to have a crush on. He didn't even think he sounded rude about it.
Which was the problem.
You quickly explained to him, “Well…we don't have to. I swear I just wanted to offer maybe I thought you'd be interested-”
He cut you off again, “Why would I want to spend my time with you?” 
Oh god König. If only he knew just how bad he was fucking this up.
Swallowing, you looked away from said man, “Um…nevermind I didn't mean to disturb you, please, forget I ever bothered you haha…” you slowly drifted off, trying to hide the wobble in your lip.
Forcing a smile you began to walk away from him.
König’s eyes widened as you began to walk away.
No. No. No. Nein. Nein-
Was tust du?! He thought as he saw your lips wobble.
Do something before they leave!
“Wait!” He blurted out. This time he didn't seem to care that the surrounding soldiers looked at him.
But when you turned around however, he felt his stomach flutter.
Oh shit now what-
He didn’t know what to say now. So he simply just walked up, grabbed both of your shoulders and explained how he’d love to go out for drinks.
Motivated, you just looked up at him, the genuine smile creeping back onto your face, “Really?”
König felt himself freeze, but nodded regardless:
“Okay, great…Amazing!” Giving him the details, you headed towards the lockers, the–now–lovestruck smile on your face. König waved until he realized what he just did.
He agreed to go out for drinks. With you.
With you. 
What was his issue then? Nothing was wrong with you.
But you wanna go out with him. Him.…now that's a different story.
He was freaking out–not that anyone could tell–König stood still in one spot, till the hand on his shoulder broke him out of it. It was the previous soldier from before:
“Gut?” they tried asking König again, who narrowed his eyes back at them. 
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Can you tell this was rushed and kinda a little self indulgent? Yeah, now I feel kinda cringe. Also didn't mean to cut it off so suddenly, maybe to be continued? Maybe.
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