#post ;; semi
sparkleofstardust · 4 months
in light of the recent news that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has been found dead after a helicopter crash you might be wondering 'who the hell is this guy and why are so many people celebrating his death??' and i'm here to answer that!
to fully understand what's going on we need to look into Iran's history: when the Iranian revolution in 1979 happened the authoritarian king who was ruling at that time was overthrown, but the ensuing power vacuum lead to the islamic regime seizing power and establishing Iran as an islamic republic
the following years were incredibly cruel to the Iranian people; thousands of people (especially minorities) have been protesting against the strict islamic regime leading to many being jailed, tortured and executed.
and this is where Raisi played a big part: in 1988 he was part of a committee that ordered the execution of thousands of political prisoners who were protesting the islamic regime, earning himself the title of "the butcher of tehran"
do not be fooled by what the state media wants you to believe, the Iranian people are celebrating his death. he was a cruel mass murderer who has destroyed the lives of thousands of people, his death should be used as a time to mourn for all the suffering he has caused, and bring new attention to the political prisoners still being held in Iranian prisions today
because sadly the fight is far from over. many of you have probably heard of the murder of Mahsa Jina Amini back in 2022, causing a new wave of nationwide protests and establishing the "woman, life, freedom" movement. the regime has gotten increasingly cruel in their treatment of the Iranian people, especially women, but the people of Iran are not deterred and keep fighting for a free Iran.
if you want to know how you can help, please keep talking about us. the one thing the regime hates is international attention, and in the past it has been proven that international pressure has stopped the regime from executing various political prisoners. people like Toomaj Salehi are under imminent threat of execution and spreading their names could save their lives. so whether you share social media posts or talk to your family and friends about what is happening in Iran, anything helps 🙏🏼
jin, jiyan, azadi ✌🏼
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goatedgreen · 1 year
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oh shti
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dungeons-n-draw · 29 days
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Fearne Calloway, Fey Scion of the Ancient Flame
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alienssstufff · 3 months
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from that one convo they had in the 12 Hour Limited Life special
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The sprites (updated their liml designs a lil)
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four-pointed-leaf · 3 months
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happy pride month
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fanaticalthings · 4 months
Give me crime lord!Jason who's actually on good terms with the batfam. Not only would it actually be helpful when it comes to missions surrounding underground/illegal operations (Jason would be able to retrieve way more insider knowledge) but also I think having a supervillain family member that you're chill with is just untapped comedic potential that needs to be taken advantage of.
Damian gets into a petty fight with Bruce, and the next day, instead of waiting for Bruce to pick him up from school, he calls Jason, who shows up in full Red Hood regalia and just rides off with Damian.
Of course everyone at school sees that Wayne's son just got snatched by Gotham's most notorious crime lord, so ofc when Bruce gets there, sees Damian missing, and hears a series of panicked whispers about a gun slinging, criminal biker riding off with a prince of Gotham, Bruce immediately knows what's up and just sighs, already anticipating the many publication companies he's gonna have to bribe to stay silent.
Sometimes, they need Jason's help with intercepting certain illegal trades within the underworld of, not just Gotham, but just common areas where shady businesses are most prevalent. And when Bruce requests that Jason brings evidence of said illegal shipments to the cave, Jason will smugly respond with "I can, but it'll cost ya"
And Bruce is all exasperated like, "Jason, please, this mission's been going on for a month, I just want to get it over with."
And Jason's just looking down at the crate of smuggled materials, recognizes that it's highly sought after by many rogues (maybe it's machinery parts or rare chemical substances, etc) and ofc Jason's about to be petty as hell when responding to Bruce:
Jason: I don't think you have any idea how valuable the stuff I have is. If I sold this myself in my part of the underground, I'd make a fortune!
Bruce: Jason
Jason: Butttt, if you're not willing to pay me for this, y'know, despite being a billionaire, I guess I could just auction this off to another willing client
Bruce: Jason
Jason: I hear Lex Luthor's been cookin' up something new for Superman. I wonder if he'd be interested?
Bruce: Son, please.
Jason: I'll give you a family discount.
And it's just a back and forth of this EVERYTIME. And Jason only does it when he's collaborating with Bruce. None of the other bats have to deal with Jason demanding money.
There was one time, during a Wayne gala where practically ALL the kids (except Jason, dude's still legally dead), had to show up. And around halfway through, the Red Hood just crashes through the skylight and then just fucking kidnaps Bruce Wayne, in front of everyone. And of course the gala has to be cut short.
Meanwhile, Bruce, in Jason's custody: I CANNOT believe you, son. WHY of all times would you do this? You are GROUNDED, I don't care if you don't live with me anymore, this is just UNACCEPTABLE-
Jason, completely ignoring him, holding up a tablet with news article headlines about this incident: Bruce, look at this shot they got of me crashing through the ceiling, I look fuckin' badass
And then when the fam (in costume) come to "save" Bruce, in a blink and you'll miss it moment, Bruce catches Cass and Jason whispering something to eachother in the corner and them fist bumping before Jason books it out of there. He can already feel a headache brewing.
And generally speaking, I feel like the batfam could be way more efficient with this arrangement. You got the regular team of bats, investigating from above, as well as being able to infiltrate socialite environments as Waynes. Then you got Jason, who can keep an eye on all the lesser exposed and lucrative activities whilst he keeps the underground businesses under his control. I feel like it would be a win win situation that would be hella interesting to see explored.
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avanii · 1 year
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Typhlosion is one of my favourite Pokémon and I just love drawing/painting him <3 (painted with Ecoline inks, about 5 hours’ work)
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excali8ur · 4 months
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So there's this AU,
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bloobydabloob · 3 months
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Yellow bird up high in banana treeee
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dorian-gray-bikinis · 5 months
Bikini Sexy
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cozylittleartblog · 11 months
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autism shrimp man (i love him)
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99-devilz · 8 months
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my friend called v1 lame so i made this in response. blood thirsty war robot cries like booboo idiot and is dangled like sobbing wet pathetic creature
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dragonpyre · 1 year
Dick: so wait, most of us have died at some point. How come we don’t have white streaks in our hair like Jason?
Tim: maybe it has to do with the Lazarus Pit
Damian: false. Neither Mother nor Grandfather have streaks born of unnatural causes
Steph: maybe it’s cuz he was dead longer
Cass: that doesn’t make sense
Steph: do you have a better idea!?
Jason: I have vitiligo, you fucks
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civetside · 9 months
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TLT game night
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6kuna · 2 months
Dilf! Sukuna would be one of those guys that defend women in danger+ would also be so bad at rizzing girls up that he just sounds desperate and pathetic[endearing]
“You’re the new teacher? I didn’t know they hired young girls these days. I wouldn’t even be surprised if you’d be the reason my son is getting his abc’s” he says as he looks at you up and down savoring every curve and line of your
You gave the parent a benefit of the doubt and took whatever he said as a compliment all while returning his “compliment” with an awkward chuckle.
“Thank you…”
“Say…if you come by my house and give some private lessons for him I’m more than capable to pay you more than the school does” he says smirking hiding the perversed meaning behind his shit request.
It’s the first time some weird parent tries to pull this type of behaviour on you the whole interaction leaves you in shock as you smile awkwardly trying to find the right words to respond and the patience to not punch him in the face. Your heart beats rapidly with your fists turning clammy and white from anxiety of not knowing what or how to respond to the fool of a parent.
“MISS Y/N I MISSED YOUUUUU” a familiar pink haired kid comes running as he gives you a hug. Shocked was an understatement by you were more than grateful for Yuuji to intervene.
“you know me and your teacher were having a conversation don’t your parents tell you that it’s rude to interrupt adults” The random parent says giving Yuuji a fake smile.
“Yeah? I’m the parent.” Sukuna says curtly with the most unamused expression known to man.
The male turns around to take a look at whoever the parent of the funky insolent child only to be greeted by a 6’5 fully tatted male who looked like he was more than capable to break his bones with just a simple flick. It also didn’t help the fact that Sukuna’s aura(lol) was more than threatening enough on its own without having to say a single word.
“I guess kids these days don’t learn enough manners I’ll take my leave for now” the inferior male says gulping as he puts up a front before scrunching up his face as he walks away.
Sukuna glares daggers at the stupid fool making sure he leaves the vicinity.
A huge breath of relief was let out as you kneeled down onto Yuuji’s height thanking him and his scarily hot dad for saving you from whatever the situation was.
“You guys have no idea how thankful i am, Yuuji you and your dad literally saved me”
“WE KNOWWWW, Hiro’s dad is a bit creepy” Yuuji says happily as he brings out a couple of souvenirs from his summer trip with his family to you before running into the building excitedly leaving you and his dad alone.
“Did he ask you if you for private lessons?” Sukuna asks with a smug smile
“Yes- what how did you know?!”
“He’s a douche and a weirdo he says that to every new teacher even the volunteers. I hope you’re okay after that interaction” Sukuna scoffs annoyed at the male’s behaviour. Knowing that Sukuna at his prime would’ve beaten the hell out of the weirdo for making women uncomfortable.
“I’m fine honestly I wish I could return the favour i don’t even know what i would’ve done if you and Yuuji didn’t come by” you say in a appreciative tone
Sukuna upon hearing this immediately takes the opportunity to ask you on something that has been on the back of his mind from the moment he laid eyes on you.
“You can return the favour by coming by my place for dinner I’ll cook, I can even pick you up just let me know when you’re free” he says in the spur of the moment not noticing he sounds like a desperate, desperate man.
You were so shocked at Sukuna’s abrupt response to the point you could literally feel the heat rising onto your cheeks making you smile sheepishly before bursting out in laughter.
“I didn’t think you would ask me that, but im free anytime on Saturday is it fine with you?”
“Saturday? Perfect” he says grinning as he sees you walking away he came to his senses realising he forgot to ask for your number
“You didn’t give me your number” he says from afar
It was your turn to leave him into the flustering mess. You smirked looking back at the giant of a male waiting for your response.
“I have yours don’t worry i’ll text you later” you say playfully.
It was true you do have his number. You’ve saved it from the moment he sent Yuuji on the first day.
Sukuna was lucky enough he didn’t have whatever his dad had cause frankly Sukuna would’ve probably gone into cardiac arrest with that statement alone. With that it is settled Yuuji will be sent off to Toji’s house for a sleepover while his dad gets straight to business.
Edit:not proofread was done when im literally ten secons awya from asleep i appoliguse for shit writing
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bluewolfangel01 · 3 months
How the brothers make sure you're safe in the Devildom: Older Bros edition
Papa Luci mode activated
He has to know where you are or where you're going if you want to go out
It doesn't matter to him that you have 7 of the most powerful demons under your command or that you're training under humanity's most power sorcerer
You are required to have someone with you when traveling anywhere in the Devildom
If he doesn't know where you are, for some reason, he while be doing everything he can just to figure out your location
Of course he isn't going to panic just yet mind you, he'll first ask his brothers if they know where you are
Ex. he makes Levi track your phone or asks Mammon to locate you via crow familiar
If none of them know, then he's going to ask the dateables and side characters
And if they don't know?
He (and the everybody else of course) are going to tear the Devildom apart to make sure that you're okay
And if you are not? May Father have mercy on whoever dared to lay a finger on you cause Lucifer won't
If he starts getting on your nerves about always having to know a general area of where you are, don't hold it against him to much
He just doesn't want you to get hurt, cause if you were you'd have a very said and pissed off Luci on your hands
Two words: Crow familiar
Around when you made a pact with him, he gave you a crow familiar
He claimed that it was to make sure he didn't have to deal with Lucifer's punishment if you ever died or even got hurt
Don't let him fool you, that man just wants to make sure you're safe cause he cares about you so much
He has so many crows he sadly can't keep track of ALL their names, so he let's you name yours
The crow will of course love you to bits and do things for you because of his connection to Mammon and cause you treat them so nice
Pls have some seeds on you, the crow will adore you even more if you do
Whenever your out the crow will follow and watch you from a distance or maybe even close by depending on how big the crowds are
If you're ever in trouble and can't handle it (or even if you can) the crow network is put into use to alert Mammon
The second he is told he drops whatever it is that he's doing and he's rushing to get to you no matter what
He'd take out the threat so fast, you blink and it's gone and in its place is Mammon
He's smiling at you and saying how he just so happened to be in the neighborhood
Whatever the threat was seems to have disappeared and Mammon leads you away saying how he wants to show you something he wants to buy nearby
But if you listen closely, you can hear a series of loud caws coming around the area you were just at
Although he doesn't go out of his room much, that doesn't mean that he can't protect you from the outside
Like previously mentioned, there's a tracker on your phone (all the brothers have the same on theirs, don't feel bad)
The only reason he checks it is either because Lucifer asked him or it's been a bit since he's seen or talked to you and wants to know that you're okay
The other way he protects you is checking online and keeping a lookout for any potential threats or nefarious plans against you
He won't intervene unless said people seem to be very serious or actually putting their plan into motion
If such a plan is in motion, he warns the rest of his brothers
No matter what arises if he either ends up stopping or warning the others about there's always the same result
Anything they want online, somehow they can't find it anywhere
They want to simply look about the internet? They best be prepared for all the pop up adds and bugs imaginable
Levi is making sure they never even think about hurting you ever again
This turned out longer then I originally thought it would be.... I promise to write about the other brothers!
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