#pretty sure hes the same mbti as me (or at least close)
apoli-meow · 7 months
Kusuo social anxiety swag.. Bro literally calculates every single day how to be completely average that's like ouch you don't have to call me out like that
(Plus the introvert urge to never say you care about people or engage w anyone while still being a wet cat of a semigod is immaculate)
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coldhndss · 8 months
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──★ ˙ ̟ Blue Lock Matchup No.4 @yae-mikko
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Hello! Not gonna lie, I was kinda excited to write this since I am comically obsessed with the character I matched you with (I’ve started this straight after I finished the last one despite me being sleepy BUT here I am, and here it is!).
So unless the header hasn’t made it obvious enough, I’ve matched you with Nagi Seishiro!
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―୨୧⋆  “...dependence on the situation and people. I am someone shy and reserved, I seem like someone cold (INFJ) but I am the least cold person in the world, so if I notice that the other person is shyer, I take the initiative.”
These of aspects of someones personality can either be the make or break of a friendship. If both people in a conversation are too shy to interact with each other, the convo will fall out and it’ll overall be pretty awkward. Seeing how Reo, someone extroverted and outgoing was able to drag the unwilling Nagi out of his shell, I think you’d be able to do the same!
With your ability to take the initiative if the other party is too shy, or in Nagi’s case, too quiet and unbothered, your friendship would definitely flourish. With him coming off as typically cold due to his demotivated and listless nature, and you being someone able to adapt to this easily, he may even feel at ease knowing someone like you isn’t overbearing and loud, and how you may even share the same demeanor as him at times. Though we don’t see it much in the manga, I feel as though Nagi has some unspoken loneliness to himself that isn't really mentioned. Meeting someone like you would definitely open up his view to the different types of people that are out there that he never really took the time to notice or appreciate.
I don’t really take by MBTI that much, I usually just use it to grasp a general view of someone personality for these types of things. Though in my opinion, the ‘feeling’ aspect of your MBTI would really help you to take in the things that he would leave unsaid and help you to understand how he’s really feeling inside, seeing as he doesn't usually show any sign of his emotions most of the time (I have a lot to say about this later!).
―୨୧⋆ ˚ “Mature, affectionate, empathetic, kind, intelligent, independent and I am the mother of my group of friends (and I love to pamper them)…”
These are some of the main aspects of your personality that drew me to match you to Nagi! Seeing as he isn’t usually the type of person to act for himself (pre-Blue Lock, and partially currently), he’d thrive by the side of someone who can look over him and push him to his potential. You being the mother of your group of friends (so cute!) is another thing that enhances my thoughts that you’d be a good match for Nagi. It’s kind of obvious that he sort of needs someone to take care of him and make sure he doesn’t laze and sleep around all day, and your affectionate nature would definitely enhance this. In a setting where the two of you are close school friends, this is how I imagine you would be:
I doubt Nagi sleeps in a lot seeing as he usually gets up to his alarms as we see in his manga, though you’d ring him each morning just to make sure he hasn’t fallen asleep while getting ready or anything like that. He’d thank you, saying he probably would fall asleep if it wasn’t for your calls, and convinces you to stay on the phone with him until you walk over to his house so the two of you can head to school together, claiming he might even fall asleep while walking. As surprising as it sounds, it's believable since it's Nagi. Seeing as he makes it known how he sees so many things a bother, food is no exclusion. Because of this, he doesn’t make any lunch for himself to eat at school since apparently eating bothers him too. You make sure he doesn’t make this a habit, and make food for him alongside yours the night before. He tries to distract you from the fact that he barely took five bites of it, by thanking you before placing the lid back on top, but you stop him and tell him to finish it, hinting that you won’t call him to keep him awake in the mornings anymore (the only reason this worries him is because he has a time limited game mission to complete during the time he wakes up to get ready for school). So, he ends up finishing the food despite him not being bothered to.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ “ I also defend all my loved ones with cape and swords, and I am brave and strong”.
Although we don’t get to see it much, we know that once Nagi gets heated about something, he actually gets mad. As surprising as it sounds, not everyone is like this with their loved ones. Some people simply brush it off, or don’t respond in fear of them being verbally attacked as well. For him to know that you’re there for him just as he is would definitely add an aspect of light to his dull view on some things. Although he doesn’t show it, he’d never let anyone make fun of you or tarnish your name behind your back. Seeing as he usually acts unbothered and uncaring of most things, no one would really think that he cares about being confronting for another person until they start to talk about you in front of him, needless to say, his tall and intimidating demeanour was enough to scare them off.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ “..I'm a normal girl, 1.60 cm, black/brown hair, brown eyes. I have chubby cheeks and my friends love to squish me (sometimes it hurts).”
With you being significantly shorter than Nagi (not to say that you’re short, it’s just in comparison to him). He’d see you as a cute little person that he should protect. Given that you also have chubby cheeks, as kids, I’d imagine that he’d enjoy squeezing your cheeks, saying that they’re soft and fluffy like marshmallows. Someone like him would definitely lift your confidence and make you feel better, even when you feel like nothing special (which you definitely are not!). He’s the type of person to say something really meaningful without even realising it until he sees you tear up (to which he still doesn’t realise that what he said had that much of an impact on you).
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plasmasimagination · 10 months
Hello! I DONT KNOW IF UR REQUESTS R OPEN so feel free to ignore this if they're not.
This is a request for a romantic male matchup (from star rail, and genshin), coming from a female requester. Pls feel free to ignore this request if it makes you uncomfortable.
Gender: Female
Heterosexual (afab)
My pronouns are she/her. I am an adult. My height is 5'4. I am south asian, I have collarbone length dark brown wavy hair, my eyes are the darkest brown possible. I would say I have soft facial features.I am mostly thin, but I carry a lot of weight on my thighs, something I’m love and hate at the same time.I try my best to appear alert, but many times, I often zone out and look very clueless and blank, and have no idea what is going on. I am very shy generally, and I'm kinda awkward too. I care a lot about my close friends and would do anything for them. I am very soft spoken, and can be a doormat sometimes. It takes a long time for me to get comfortable with people, so I may seem boring at the start. I also dislike making the first move, as I’m utterly clueless on how to. I’m pretty lazy too, I can sleep for 2 days at a time. I also am a bit sensitive, if someone close to me does something, I get a little worked up over it. I tend to disassociate under tense situations. I have very few friends, as I cannot handle too many. I would also consider myself to be a hopeless romantic. I often tend to become completely block out my emotions, but sometimes, I’m extremely sensitive and will cry over anything, no in between.
I would describe my dressing sense as kinda elegant, feminine and colourful, i love wearing dresses and mary jane shoes.
I love shopping, jewellery, and perfume, though I’m broke (college is hard). I get flustered, really, really easily. 
Likes: I love making miniature things like miniature houses, buildings etc. I love watching ballet, though I could never learn ballet myself. I also love going outdoors. I also like hanging out with my friends, and sweets.
Dislikes: crowds, unhygienic surroundings are a major peeve, being left out, bland food, horror movies, really scary amusement park rides, being yelled at.
Love language:
Giving: all of them but mainly words of affirmation, quality time, and physical touch. I am pretty vocal about my love, and if I’m deep into the relationship, I tend to forget that there are people around who are being made uncomfortable by the pda.
Receiving: Anything is fine, as long as it reminds me that I’m loved.
I would like someone who will make the first move, and remind me that my love is reciprocated.
*sniff sniff* yeah I know who it is
Your matchup issss......
You can be a doormat to people? Don't worry babe you're gonna be a freaking queen to Jing yuan.
With him next to you he won't allow anyone to even try to take advantage of your kindness
Don't like making the first move? Don't worry Jing yuan already asked you out, and he's very chill about it, my man's not putting any pressure on you
Also I think Jing yuan would spoil you ROTTEN.
Like money problems? He ain't heard of em
Hes also the type of person to be quite open about his love for you
So never have to worry about feeling like he doesn't love you, because at least 5 times a day he tells you how much he loves you, how proud he is of you, how amazing you are . . . You get the jist
He's also an act of service type of guy so expect a bit help with chores/tasks here and there >:)
Flirty boyfriend x easily flustered girlfriend
The matchup may seem weird but trust I think it would be cute
Also Heizou would 1000% find his way into your heart, you got to do nothing!
Heizou...will show his love to you very audibly and often
From physical affection to words of affirmations to gift giving...everything
Literally all the 5 love languages are his to give you
Aside from his flirty demeanour he's also very caring, he'll always make sure you're comfortable, especially around other people
He's also aware of your emotional state and will assist you no matter if you're feeling emotional or emotionless, he's really a shoulder to cry on and someone to worry about you
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
hey hon !! I saw you were doing ships so I figured to submit one ( TP and/or BoB :) )
To get appearance out of the way — I’m 5’7, with short curly dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I wear glasses, so I love being completely unable to see without them (/s)
I enjoy most if not all forms of creative expression, but writing is the main focus. I’m currently working towards getting my masters in English, so there’s that. That being said, I am also self-taught in art and music, and used to play soccer as well. I really enjoy painting and playing piano primarily :)
Personality wise my MBTI changes all the time so literally all I can put is “XNXP” truthfully — but beyond that I tend to be a pretty blunt and straightforward person. I’m pretty sarcastic and teasing especially with my friends. I’m very openminded and will try anything at least once. I know that the people in my life tend to see me as someone they can go to for advice / solutions because I don’t like to sugarcoat and they expect that sort of honesty from me.
My love languages are acts of service and physical touch especially. I don’t come across as huggy in real life but I am, in fact, very huggy and like to be useful so there’s that. I always felt that Actions speak louder than words when it comes to expressing appreciation, at least from my standing.
Yes thank you so much for your request! Btw I LOVEEE your fic Sad, Beautiful, Tragic. it’s so good omg (Also so sorry about the long wait!)🙃🧡
I ship you with…
Lewis Nixon!
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Song recommendation: Perfect - One Direction
- Okay bestie hear me out, but when I was reading your description Nix just popped into my head, Some of the things you mentioned just reminded me of him, and not just that but I think your vibe matches him a lot!
- When he first met you, he would he more calm about his feelings towards you, he’d think to himself like, “Dang, they’re hot” but then I think he would try to dismiss it, he’s seen you around the town before but hasn’t made a move on you yet, just because you’re one of the first people who actually makes him a little nervous
- and also there was another thought in his head that you might already have someone (cause i mean cmon, you’re obviously super attractive, why wouldn’t already have somebody?) and wouldn’t want to be disrespectful towards you if you did already have a partner.
- But I think talking to you would be inevitable at some point, like he can’t just walk around you with out saying something to you forever, you guys would be at a bar or something on the weekend, so you already know it’s PACKED, and you go up to the actual bar to get a drink and that’s when you accidentally bump into him
- You immediately say sorry to him, and he’s just like 😳, he did NOT expect to see you there that night and he was totally unprepared (and we already know this man hates being unprepared)“Are you okay” You would smile at him, and then he’d snap back into reality like, “Oh, yeah, i’m great” His confidence would just burst out of his chest at that point. “How bout I buy you a drink?”
- I think then you guys would be talking all night long, til the bar closes at least. he’d even make sure to not drink too much that way he wouldn’t be blackout drunk in front of you and could talk to you in a somewhat sober way
- Y’all have that fun sarcastic humor so y’all would just be laughing it up in the bar before closing time. It was probably one of the nights where he genuinely had fun talking to someone (other than Dick ofc)
- Just in general though afterwards you guys share that same type of humor, like you guys love to joke around and tease each other, almost like best friends would. Like banter is used A LOT in your guys’ relationship, you guys also know not to take it too far so when you guys do joke around it never actually does turn into a fight/argument.
- you guys are both a very smart couple, but he finds you brilliant, How you can just write up a whole page of words in a couple minutes, is a whole SKILLL to him, he always asks you to read what you’ve written to him after you’ve finished too (if you’re comfortable with reading it ofc)
- he’s almost a little jealous of how smart you are, you’re wayyyy more creative then him and he loves your open minded attitude. When he has a question about anything musical or literature he’s going straight to you to ask.
- He also loves hearing you play piano, he might even ask you to teach him some basics if you want to, it’s so soft and melodic to him he just can’t help but feel peaceful when he listens to your playing, really just any other piece of music you play.
- Both of you have this thing, where you guys aren’t super huggish in public, but when you guys are with each other, y’all are so loving and it’s so cute 🥹 like both of you can leave this adorable side of you, just for the other person to see and it’s heart MELTINGGG
- Lew usually likes to keep the pda minimal around people or in the public, only holding hands, or a hand around your waist, But when you guys are together in private, he’s so much more affectionate to you like cuddles and everything 😭 you see this side of him that he barely shows you anyone else, like this cute and giggly side of him omg.
- He’s also is big about showing you that he cares about the little things in your guys relationship. Like if he stops by a shop and sees a bouqet, with your fav flowers he’ll get them for you, or if you’ve had a bad day he will sit and talk with you and will be there for you in the best way he can.
- he can be a little awkward when it comes to expressing his feelings to you, even though he totally loves you, he feels like he doesn’t ever know what to say, but you never hold that against him, he always try his hardest to show you that he loves you in other ways then just words.
- You like painting? please show him how to paint and he will be GLAD to do it with you sometime, That would also be such a cute date idea, like you and him painting with eachother and then showing one another their finished product after. Your painting would of course look better then his but he would never admit that 🤣
- And if any of the guys need some advice? They’re going straight to you guys if they want the full and honest truth. Y’all are the “OG couple” to some of the younger guys so if it’s anything having to do with relationships and they need some real advice, then they’re going to you guys.
- date nights with this man are always so fun! He can always find things that both you and him enjoy to do and will arrange everything! Honestly for dates your job is to just be there while he does everything else 😭
- But if you try to help him with anything he will not let you at all LMAO like he just wants to treat you like full on royalty and that means you not having to move a single inch for anything the whole entire time, just in general he’s more of a romantic, like giving you his jacket if you’re cold, opening doors, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, little things like that he really enjoys doing for you.
- When he finds out you used to play soccer he is SHOCKED, like he’ll ask you how good you are at it and little questions like that, you might even play him a little bit and just show him the basics of the sport 😭 one thing that he can’t wrap his head around is the fact that you can’t use your hands at all, and if you beat him in a one on one match he will definitely blame it on the fact that he can’t use his hands, “I can’t just use my feet, I feel like i’m gonna trip over this ball!” BAHAHAHA
- But you guys would be so perfect together, like it’s almost like dating your bestfriend, the chemistry is PHENOMENAL and when you guys are together it’s just so natural, neither of you have to act any different then how you guys already are, This relationship overall would be so so nice omg.
Thank you again for your request lovely! I had so much fun making this and i hope you enjoy!! 💛💖🤭
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hello!! can i please request a matchup with the following fandoms: genshin impact, obey me and honkai star rail? i prefer to be match with a boy pls thanks ^^
i go by alex and my pronouns are they/them, my mbti is intp-t and my zodiac is virgo. my sexuality is demisexual
personality: im really shy and kind of awkward when socializing others bcos im not really good interacting with them so i just stay in the sideline where i observe people and their behavior and thats the reason why people depict me as intimidating and hard to approach and also bcos of my stoic expression too but when im with my close friends, im really bubbly and more comfortable with them. im really quite moody sometimes and i also tend to overthink things. i always listen to my friends whenever they're having a problem and just be there for them sometimes pitching in some advice now and then. im also the type of person to run away from their problems and tend to push people away bcos i dont want to burden them, i also laugh at small things, im also the type of person to read a body language very well bcos of my observant nature. i also get insecure with my appearance too. im also blunt with my words i do not sugarcoat things
my hobbies/likes: writing stories and reading books, poetry composition, learning about stars and outer space, watching horror videos on yt, staying up all night writing down my ideas about my next stories, sleeping, i also have a fascination to ocean and i tend to stare at it, dark academia, i also like abandoned places especially if its haunted, i also love matcha green tea, i really love a meadow full of lavenders.
my dislikes: loud people including loud places too, vegetables (depends on my mood), cheaters & playboys, worms, hot weather, arrogant people.
that's all and thank you! ^^
- ✝️
Hi Alex! Thanks for your request! I hope you like your matchup!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Writing buddies! He would love reading whatever your chose to show him. And he'd love it if you would read his stories and give him feedback as well!
Another one who doesn't particularly like vegetable (carrots in particular). Please make sure you eat them occasionally though! Or at least have the necessary vitamins!
Xingqiu also likes siting by and watching people more than socializing. It helps him with characterization for his stories.
He'd love sitting beside you watching the water in Liyue Harbor. He finds it relaxing and slightly hypnotizing as well. He might have to write that into his next novel...
Appreciates how honest you are. So many people always treat him carefully because of his family's status. It's nice having a change of pace.
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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Levi loves that you listen to him. He's so used to being ignored by his brothers whenever he rambles about games or anime so having someone listen means a lot to him.
The person who's most critical about himself but the minute you display the same tendencies regarding yourself, he's hyping you up! You're pretty cool for a normie you know!
Levi also isn't too fond of loud people or places. Sometimes he can get a little rowdy while playing games but he always apologizes afterwards.
As the General of the Devildom's Navy, he's in prime position to show you all the best places to watch the ocean. He can tell you lots of cool facts about it too if you're interested!
You two will never have a good sleep schedule. Levi stays up late gaming or watching anime/DevilTube. You stay up late writing down ideas for stories. Oh well, at least you can be tired together...
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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The most supportive person in your life! The minute he suspects you might be feeling insecure about yourself, he's swooping to remind you of all the wonderful things he sees in you.
Gepard will try to make sure you get to sleep at a reasonable hour but he also won't stop you from writing down your ideas. He knows they're important to you and the last thing he wants to do is interrupt your train of thought.
He doesn't get a whole lot of free time but when he does get a rare day off, he'd love to spend it with you going around town, gathering everything needed for a picnic and star gazing later in the day.
He'll bring along a book that lists all of the visible stars in the sky and will try his best to point them out to you. He just wants to make sure you're happy.
Gepard is also pretty used to listening to people. So he knows that sometimes you need to vent as well. If you feel like you need to talk about anything, he's there for you.
He also hopes you'll listen to him when he needs to vent about his work.
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lemonthepotato · 9 months
Thinking about that time MatPat made a video saying “if you don’t like my theories, ummm, you’re just a sensor.” I was gonna attach a debunking but I’ll just let you watch it for yourself.
Misinformation overload. MBTI section starts at 15:20. Oh I can’t resist it!
Here’s my debunking:
• The first problem is asking people to take the “Myer Briggs Test.” Which one? 16personalities? That is not a Myer Briggs test. It uses the same letters as MBTI, but on the website they admit they use a NERIS model, not MBTI. In fact, their model matches up 100% with the big5 test. Extroversion/introversion (social/reserved), intuition/sensing (openness/cautiousness), thinking/feeling (egocentric/accommodating), perceiving/judging (unorganised/well it’s pretty obvious what judging would be). Even turbulent/assertive is neuroticism, which by the way… we’ll get into that shortly.
• Even if it WAS a “reliable” test, there is no such thing. Most websites are either biased or don’t have clear questions. People might not answer 100% accurately, or many other things could go wrong. I.E Cognitive dissonance.
• Yeah, he explains every dichotomy wrong. Doesn’t go into the cognitive functions. Explains introversion vs extroversion in a pop-science way, as opposed to how those terms were actually originally coined to be used. Judging/perceiving doesn’t have much to do with being organised. It *kinda* does but it’s more complicated than that and related to functions again. Apparently, it means your most used extroverted functions is perceiving/judging. That makes some sense. For example, ESFJ uses the stack Si-Fe. And ISTP uses the stack Se-Ti.
• Feelings isn’t just gut, and Thinking isn’t just logic. Ti is logic, Fi is values. Fe is collective values, Te is external data.
• That’s not what S is. S stands for Se/Si. He’s only describing how Se works.
• His explanation of N isn’t that bad; but certainly leaning more Ni over Ne. But either works.
• “You can’t actively screen for something like that.” Then why… ask… your audience… to… take… the… test… but… not… your… team?
• 25%?! Where did he pull that statistic from? I mean, sure, you could argue being an intuitive is rarer than sensing, that makes sense, but going by that logic, 2 billion people are intuitives. 2 billion is the number of people that use the site, so let’s say that 25% of those 2 billion people are iNtuitives. 500,000,000 iNtuitives. Matpat has 20~ Million (not true, but close enough). So let’s say of those 20 million, 65% are iNtuitives, being REALLY generous. That means MatPat still has 9,000,000 sensors as fans. Assuming this statistic wasn’t pulled out of his ass.
• UGH FNAF MADE ME GO FROM AN S TO AN N. lmao. that’s not how cognitive functions work.
I don’t have anything against MatPat but this is so funny I love it.
I actually enjoy some of his content but man. He needs to stop the Myer Briggs shit or at least research it.
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brattata · 2 years
Can i have a matchup plz with c d and w the fandom doesn’t matter i just want whoever matches me best out of all of them
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Age: 18
Positive: kind smart funny responsible motherly
Negative: anxious emotional/moody perfectionist
Mbti: infj
Sun and moon: Capricorn
Rising: Sagittarius
Venus: Aquarius
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime cartoons music video games friends alone time helping learning sweets bread online personality quizzes
Thank you
Hello, thanks for joining my event!
I'm going to assume you wanted C, D, and W from the Fluff Alphabet. Hope that's okay!
You gave me a lot of choices, but overall I think the best guy for you is...
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Thoma! The #1 Malewife in all of Teyvat! Please take good care of him. 🙏 He's probably the most patient, supportive, and loving partner an anxious perfectionist could hope to find, and he could really use someone caring and responsible to look after him the same way he looks after everyone else. I've seen him typed as an ESFJ, but I think he's actually an ENFJ - either way, a pretty good match for INFJ imo. You're both Capricorns, which has the risk of making the relationship cold and dry, but since you're also both kind people who like to have fun, I think it means you're Inazuma's cutest low-key power couple.
C is for Comfort:
When you’re struggling with anxiety or otherwise having a rough day, Thoma’s natural inclination is to dote on you in a way that you might find a little…smothering, since alone time is important to you. But of course he’s a respectful partner who will happily give you space instead if you want it. Whether you’re in the mood for him to cuddle you while you talk things out or leave you alone with your thoughts (after bringing you some freshly brewed tea and sweets ofc, you have to let him do that for you, at least), he’s got you.
D is for Dreams:
Thoma’s position as a retainer of the Kamisato Clan is really important to him, so I think he would definitely imagine his future partner joining him in that. Thinking about you becoming close friends with Ayaka, or you smiling so prettily when Ayato congratulates you both on your wedding day. 🥰 Yeah, it makes him really happy.
W is for Wild Card:
For your first date he takes you on a picnic (with all the food personally made by him) and then to feed the stray cats and dogs outside Inazuma City. He remembers that you’re not necessarily big on crowds, and that you love animals as much as he does. He’s also for sure trying to impress you, and it works. He’s a great cook, and seeing how much all the kitties and puppies love him, how could you not love him too? 😽
Thanks for joining the event, and I hope you liked the matchup!
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hi there! Could I request a twst wonderland matchup? Congrats on 100+ followers as well :) I'm a bit late but I still wanted to congratulate you heh
I'm AFAB, pronouns are she/they and I'm bisexual
Personality: I'm an ambivert person, leaning more on the extrovert side! I'd describe myself as a sweet and fun person to be around, very talkative and always hoping to help those who I'm close to. I'm also a person who tends to be very active daily and nightly, I think everyday should be lived up to its best! I'm also kind of an overthinker, and it tends to bring me down sometimes but I always do my best to think positively and see the good side of things, this is also a little bit of a weakness, I'm a bit naive, not ignorant, but I do tend to brush off negative or bad stuff in change for seeing the good stuff.
Hobbies: drawing(digital/traditional), writing, singing, reading and I've been meaning to get into baking recently
Likes: anything sweet, strawberries, milk, mythological animals/creatures, most tones of pink, plushies, videogames, horror movies, dark academia and soft aesthetics, sheeps!
Dislikes: tomatoes, confrontation, very small places, being alone, people being extremely mean to me or other people, being ignored
Appearance: I'm 5'6ft (1.68cm), have light brown(yellowish under the sunlight) hair and blue eyes, white skin, I have more of a round figure me thinks, not chubby but not skinny, pear-shaped to put it more clearly¿? Lol
Extra info: I'm Italian/American, my mbti is ENFP, zodiac is Scorpio, enneagram is 2w1 and temperament is sanguine! And if it helps, the official page assigned me diasomnia as my dorm lmao
Have a great day/afternoon/night! <3 Hope you have a great time this year 🤍🐑
Hello, thank you for the request! Sorry this is so late! I think that the best twst matchup for you would be...
Look, it's Diasomnia!
At first this might look like an "opposites attract" moment, but there's a lot of things that I'm sure he can relate with you. First of all (excluding the fact that the two of you are in the same dorm), he completely understands what it means to not like being alone. He's grown up like that for a long time, and getting to Night Raven College definitely made him feel a lot better getting to know more people. He's glad he got to meet you too! Since he's pretty big on not being alone, expect him to show up randomly with you a lot, or at least expect him to not wander off without you on strolls. Malleus wants to be with you most times, he might even seem clingy tbh. Just know that you'll never feel ignored by this prince, and if anything he'll do his best to make sure you feel comfortable around him.
Speaking of which, I think he would absolutely love to see the kinds of things you write and draw. He loves learning and experiencing new things, and seeing your works is definitely intriguing to him. Not to mention I'm sure he would find them amazing, maybe you should draw him once! He can probably sing, but he's known to be able to play a bunch of different instruments. Maybe you guys can do a duet? It'll be super cute!
Malleus is also interested in the things you like, and he might try some of them himself. If you like horror movies, you should show them to him on a date for example. I don't think he'll get scared, but it will definitely be fun to watch for him. I feel like he would try to get himself into video games because of you and Lilia, but no matter what he's always really bad at it ;-;. He might find your love of a softer aesthetic really cute, definitely contrasting the usual color palette of what he's used to, and he'll definitely understand your intrigue in dark academia.
This is really small, but he might tease you a bit about the height difference (he's like a whopping 202cm tall), but it's just because he thinks you're cute!
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Hello, Charity! I was wondering if you would be willing to help me find my type? I’ve narrowed it down to the ISJ types, but from there I’m having a hard time determining if I use Te/Fi or Fe/Ti. I haven’t even started looking into enneagram yet, since I want to make sure I understand one system before moving on to another...
This is tricky, because I see a lot of faux-emotions happening -- but I think you might be an ISTJ 9w1, and that could account for the 'fake' Fe. You seem less comfortable with feelings, but the mirroring might just be 9 related, along with the calmness, people finding you quite pleasant and non-intimidating, going along with things you don't want to do, ignoring people being impolite or late, etc. You said seeing your feelings in writing makes you realize how immature they are -- that is very much a Fi thing. Fi's can't always talk about how they feel, but they can WRITE about it, and seeing it written down gives them the ability to judge it by Te standards (and they will sometimes, yes, in a higher Te user, go "wow... lame").
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nexyra · 3 years
for the rwby character asks, whatcha got about Nora? :)
Ooooh Nora !! Thank you for the ask, I wasn't expecting her but this is great, this is gonna be interesting, I'll be organizing my thoughts & realizing how I fel as I go
My fav ship(s) for the character
Basic but I'm obviously very soft for Renora 🥺 The show has given me too much for me to not like it y'know ??? The companionship, the shared past, their easy bond & complicity, how well they complete each other... Nora with her determination and enthusiasm and emotionnal intelligence. Ren who is more level-headed, peaceful but also insightful. MHMMM I dunno if I'm making my case well but yea; I care them ! There's like... only one detail I dislike about their shipping interaction (the unexpected/kind of unasked for kissing at Robyn's rally if anyone is wondering) but otherwise they're very good
Next up is the poly Renorarc, I dunno I just think they're soft. Like; on one hand Ren & Nora are sooo close but at the same time I feel like the show striked a great balance and managed to still really make them a trio and I love their team-moments where they are all grieving or touching or caring for each other. They're neat !! And Nora has the biggest emotionnal intelligence I think, and she takes care of them both so well... She's also a pillar of enthusiasm. I love the scene they have at Pyrrha's statue !
If I have to think of a less common ship, I'll prob go with Gingersnaps, I think Penny & Nora had cute moments in V8; they're both lovely enthusiastic cuties, and thematically they both had an ongoing arc about finding themselves so they're nice together.
My least favorite ship(s) for the character
Mhmmm the least fav is harder already. So; like for pretty much all the kiddos I'll start out by saying that all the ships with adults are a No from the get go. Now to elaborate on the more "feasible" ships...
Candy Cane (Nora x Oscar) is a No from me. They are family, brother & sister strictly, I can't see them any other way ! Nora is the cuddly & overbearing big sister, nothing more >:0 Please let them beee ;;
Other than that, Heavy Metal (Mercury) & ThunderCat (Blake) are both ships that don't really interest me, I don't remember any interesting interaction to bring them together so meh x)
My fav & least fav platonic relationship(s) for the character
Good question ! I'm not sure so let me mull on it for a bit...
I like the Renorarc team both romantically AND platonically they have their spot here...
I really like Nora & Oscar ! She's such a big sister to him it's adorable. In V4 to V6 she's one of the characters who tried to include Oscar the most. Teasing him, hugging him & including him in the convo and the chaos. She's very earnest and open about her appreciation and he really needs that. At the same time, she can bit a tad too much but she recognized that and I liked that. How slowly and softly she hugged him at the start of V8 ;; So yea.
I'm not sure what my least fav platonic relationship would be... I can't think of anyone right now honestly !
My favorite thing about the character
Mhmmm I think I like her emotional intelligence ! Like, we all know Nora is funny and excited and enthusiastic... But I like the calmer & more vulnerable moments; when she recognize Ren's trauma & takes off with him, when she takes his hands and say "I won't let you kill yourself like this." When she tells Jaune "You're not being fair to yourself. We love you, just like we loved Pyrrha.". When she comforts Penny "It's just a part of you, don't forget about the rest."
I just think it's nice when Nora gets to comfort those she cares about, along with protecting them =)
My biggest criticism for the character
Mmmmh good Q too. I don't think I have much to criticize about how they handle Nora's character in general ? Soo maybe more like... how things were presented maybe ? If anything, I guess there are some details that could have been handled better about her relationship with Ren in V7-8. For example, I wish the faults had not been presented as so one-sided. Ren struggles with communication and it was shown clearly. However Nora's "Screw talking then !" and subsequent kissing wasn't any better in term of communication, even though it was taken as a great milestone because "first kiss !!". I personally feel that they both were at faults during this arc ? Ren for bottling up & not sharing his struggles, but Nora as well because she lacked patience and was more concerned by their relationship/where they stood than how Ren was actually handling everything. Does that make sense ? I looooved the second part of their convo in Risk, it was adorable really. But I wish the first part hadn't be so unilateraly accusing toward Ren ? Sorry if I'm like... branching out from Nora it goes together in my head ?? Tell me what y'all think !
When was their writing at the peak according to me
To be honest, I think Nora is peaking right now so I have high hopes for her character in the next season ! As for the why I like Nora right now... I think V7 was good at putting her a bit in the spotlight, with the times she confronted Ironwood about Mantle's situation. It was reminiscent of the harsh times she lived herself, and how she could relate to Mantle as a consequence. As someone who liked V7 Ironwood, I sometimes found her to be a bit harsh but you know what ? It was still a GREAT thing. She can be harsh and go too far. It makes sense for her. Let her be a not 'big picture' kind of character who focus on the little person. It let her fight for what she believed in & what she knew. So I really liked that !
V8 was good too because it acknowledged what some people disliked about her, aka the fact that it was Renora instead of Ren & Nora. Nora needs the room to breathe as her own person, and V8 acknowledged that, it brought to life some of her insecurities and all of it was nice. Who am I if not the overexcited "be strong hit stuff" girl ? That's the question I'm eager to see her solve. There is of course already MORE to her, that she fails to see, but it should still be interesting to delve into.
A song I think fits them & why
Line without a Hook (Ricky Montgomery) for Renora + Walk me Home (P!nk) + I wouldn't mind (He is We) + Would you be so kind (Dodie) + I dare you (Bea Miller) ? (might edit to add more, i want a non-romantic song but it's late & i'm lacking in ideas rn)
A headcanon to make up about them
Nora has a big appetite and doesn't hesitate at the table because she knows what it's like to go hungry. She takes full advantage of Ren's cooking ;)
She's still able to share with her closed ones though
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
MHMMM, apart from what I've said in the criticism section maybe just... mhm... OH YEA ! I'm... well I kind of understand why they did it ig, because they wanted Nora apart from Ren in V8; and I liked Ren's side too much to change it but... I feel like it would have made more sense for Nora to help Mantle instead of Amity in V8 ? Because in V7, Nora was very much in opposition to Ironwood. It was "the little guy" vs "the bigger picture" and it fitted Nora well... But then she chose Amity over Mantle and like. I wouldn't go as far as to call it JARRING but if you mull on it, it's definitely kind of weird.
My guess for their MBTI/Enneagram
ENFP 6w7 9w8 3w2 so/sx
One aspect that I think would be nice to delve deeper into ? (optional)
Give us her backstory ! I mean I know we got the Renora village backstory but I wanna know what happened to her before. What is it with her mom ?
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Hello and thanks for doing this event. I'm a sucker for match-ups / seeing the opinions of different writers. That said, I've had three done by others so if you are feeling overwhelmed by requests (or simply don't feel like doing it) absolutely no hard feelings if you toss mine.
I'm 31/f and I'm interested in a male match up please. I'm petite/short with blue eyes, kinda pale skin, and ashy brown hair.
I'm INFP-T, though the thinking vs feeling aspect I'm split almost 50/50. I think things through a lot but my emotions interfere with logical decision making at times. It lists me as 100% introverted and it's spot on. I need a lot of alone time/time in my head or I get irritable/stressed. I have very few close relationships and I struggle to open up; I can come across as a jerk because I'm detached but in truth I'm sensitive and empathetic. I appreciate deep conversation on topics I'm passionate about. Those that are close to me I love a lot, though I might not show it well.
As far as Enneagram, I'm a 5w6 and the description of 5 here is on point in its entirety to the point that I'm not sure what else to add.  As for the 6 aspect, I believe that is thanks to my anxiety; unlike it says, I do not find myself "looking for something to believe in" but I am distrustful or at least questioning of most things.
Aside from that, I'm a pretty melancholic individual, but I've come to accept it to the point that it's become my (sometimes exhausting) comfort zone. I don't have the energy or desire to keep up any façade to hide my demeanor, which exacerbates my struggle to connect to others.
On a lighter note, my passions include creative outlets (music, art, writing), video games, nature, and animals. I enjoy learning new things, going for walks, rainy days, and fantasy.
I dislike crowds, excitement, physical contact, hot weather, and wet socks.
(Sorry this is so long 😬 I always feel like I'm using writers as therapists when I request match-ups but I want to be thorough. Thank you for reading.)
Honestly same! We need to join some sort of addictions group- But don't you worry! I need to write, it's a nice relaxer for me, gets me out of my head lol! (and also don’t worry, I am going to school to be a therapist, so use me lol-)
As usual, I'm adding two babes. I did one which is your ideal type based off the MBTI and I did an introvert-type who I think you would match well with!
So Crocodile is described as an ENTJ (I find it really funny because Boa Hancock is one as well, and the difference is amazing-), based off the MBTI he is your ideal match and I also think personally he would be a good match for you!
Despite his extroverted behavior, Crocodile isn’t your typical extrovert stereotype; he mostly uses it to motivate people and have them do his bidding. He has that ability to gather people with his words, and that’s where his extrovertism really lies. 
He doesn’t mind your melancholy behavior, in face he sometimes relishes in it with you. And he also doesn’t care if you don’t want to put up some kind of front, he rather you be yourself, at least to him.
He’s not much of a romantic type or one to get sentimental, so he doesn’t mind your detached demeanor. He’s the type to read people very well, so he can tell how you really feel without words needed. I also feel he is one for philosophical discussions! He’s the type to live on the edge so he finds it interesting to see how others think about his choices.
He’s also not the type to enjoy crowds, he rather watch from the sidelines after giving some grand speech. He’s also happy you are not a fan of physical contact, he doesn’t need a lover who can’t read the room and wants his attention 24/7. 
Is offended you don’t like hot weather lol-
Basil Hawkins
North Blue represent! Okay, but in all seriousness, he’s a good match for you! He’s an INTP, he likes to think things through fully (or relies on his cards-), rather than go with his heart. So it’s nice having someone who can help balance him out and maybe help him start to use his heart more!
He’s also very melancholic in nature, he gives off these European gothic vibes, so he would be a great person to understand your personality (just try not to sit in that feeling for too long-). 
An art lover himself, he finds your creative outlet to be relaxing and will sometimes help you find a muse if you so desire. He also tends to tell you how well your artistic passion will do based on his cards, so stop him if you don’t want to know. 
Peace and calmness is his comfort, rainy days, sitting by the window in a turtleneck sweater while drinking tea is his ideal day! He likes the idea of spending the day with you during those times, rather than do something fun or exciting. 
He’s also not a fan of physical touch and values your agreement in that. It’s not that you two won’t ever have intimate moments, you just express your love for one another in your own unique ways that only you understand. 
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Matchup ♥
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Naruto, One Piece, and Free Match-Up Request
May I request another match-up but for Free, One Piece, and Naruto this time? :) Here’s all my info once more!
Name: Corethra (or Corey for short)
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Hand Packer at an ice cream factory. I work 12 hours (5:30pm to 6am) on a rotating schedule.
Birthplace: Memphis, TN, USA. I was raised in the neighborhood called Frayser which is the most impoverished area in Memphis and has a high crime rate as expected.
Zodiac Sign: Pisces (born March 2) My full birth chart can be found here
Enneagram: 5w6
Chinese Zodiac: Year Of The Pig
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Love Language: Acts Of Service
Race/Ethnicity: African-American
Height: 4'11 (Call me short and I’ll kick your butt!)
Body Type/Shape: Average but well developed figure at best. I weigh about 158 lbs and am pretty insecure about my body. I also have really bad scars on my left arm from being bitten by a dog.
Hair Color/Style: Black and naturally curly but I keep it flat-ironed so it’s straight. It’s long and goes down to just below my shoulder blades. There are times when I will have braids put in of various lengths.
Glasses or No?: Yes I wear glasses
Eye Color: Brown
Dress Style: I usually dress up in a casual way, just throwing on whatever looks good at the time but I will sometimes put in the effort when the time calls for it or when I’m in a good mood. I have an affinity for the punk, emo, and goth styles and I rarely wear feminine clothes but I will wear something risky every once in a while.
Hobbies/Interests: Video games, reading, writing, anime, internet surfing, listening to music, politics (sometimes), watching movies/TV shows, basically being an overall nerd. I’m usually either on my laptop or one of my many video game consoles if I’m not on my phone or reading one of my books.
Dislikes: Ignorance, stupidity, restriction, manipulation/gas-lighting, bullying, humanity, not being understood, corruption/injustice, close-mindedness
Personality: At first glance, I seem quiet and keep to myself, only speaking when I need to or when I’m spoken to. I’m an anti-social introvert to the fullest and don’t care much for small talk or going out. I prefer to have deeper conversations. When I get comfortable enough in whatever environment I’m in, I start to open up bit by bit. I’m a tomboy and pretty rough-minded as well as stubborn. I’m very sassy, have a smart, sarcastic, and witty mouth if not humorous and outrageous at times, can be borderline rude and mean, and I’m more sensitive than I care to be. I can literally cry at someone’s suffering especially if it’s someone I’m close to or even a total stranger. I’m very empathetic and my heart is bigger than what most people would expect. Most people describe me as quiet, intelligent, creative, dorky, a smartass, and really sweet. I love a good laugh and have an open sense of humor to boot.
Many of my friends say that I’m very sweet and kind which I usually am if I’m in a good mood as well as affectionate as hell. Hugs and pet names galore with me! However only my friends and family see that side of me. My language is often unfiltered, harsh, foul, and blunt which shocks people because they think I’m a pure angel. I say what I want when I want and no one tells me otherwise. If they do, they can expect a mouthful from me. I’m an escapist and very imaginative, can be a bit scatterbrained at times, and I’m methodical and detailed to the point of perfectionism. I’m usually a walking contradiction in terms of personality in so many ways to the point where the real me is almost impossible to decipher. To make matters more complicated, I’m not very good at expressing myself verbally and prefer to let my actions do the talking. I also express myself better through written form.
I have many pet peeves and I get annoyed easily in general. I’m also slowly embracing misanthropy and nihilism but I can be pretty idealistic so it balances out. I’m practically zero tolerance when it comes to bullshit. I hate confrontation and conflict but I’m starting to work on it so I can be less passive-aggressive and more assertive. I also wish to stand up for myself more often than I should so people won’t think that I’m weak and an easy target. I’m pretty cynical which is to be expected and usually expect the worst from people. When someone angers me, I will either just withdraw altogether and completely cut them off (slam the door basically) or get in their face and go off before doing the former. I’m the “hold my anger in and release it all at once” type but I hope to change that one day and stop letting things fester before they get out of hand. I can be quite petty and even cold as well and if someone wrongs me, they will have to make the first move to mend fences. I refuse to apologize if I’m not in the wrong and I will not accept gaslighting/guilt tripping. I also refuse to change for others and will admit to having quite a lot of pride but that’s mostly due to me not wanting to be hurt and manipulated, mistreated, or used.
I have issues with trust and a wild imagination to boot. I usually trust my instincts and can see right through bullshit. I don’t like taking risks and I have to know all the details when I do something so I don’t mess up and look like an idiot. I am indeed a perfectionist and introverted to a fault which often prevents me from trying new things and going outside my comfort zone. I haven’t been in a relationship yet and am still a virgin due to my issues with trust and not wanting to be hurt or humiliated as well as being quite picky/perfectionistic with the people I allow in my life. I have high standards for both people and myself although I’m pretty laid-back and my dislike of conflict allows me to also take a lot of shit from people too before I eventually say “fuck it” and slam the door or go off on them. I don’t think very highly of myself and can sometimes fall into a period of self-hatred and self-pity.
Many people praise me for my intelligence which is fitting since I’m an intellectual. My ideals and beliefs are rather odd to say the least (I’m a classical liberal/independent and despise most ideologies/ideas. This includes religion, feminism, social justice, traditionalism, statism, big government, nationalism, socialism/communism, etc.) and I feel misunderstood because of it (mostly because of the black community ostracizing me). I am indeed a rebel, open-minded, and a free thinker. No one tells me how to think or feel or else they face my wrath. I highly value power over myself and I think it’s the most important thing that a person needs in order to survive. I am definitely an outcast at heart and I often distance myself from others and don’t like talking about my feelings or beliefs because I think most people lack the ability/capacity to understand me. Before I give my opinion on something, I like to do as much research as possible as well as look at things from all perspectives before coming to my own conclusion. I don’t mind discussing things but I prefer logic over emotion when doing so which makes it damn near impossible these days for me to have an real conversation without insults and threats being thrown (usually towards me). Chances are I’m gonna find something wrong with damn near anything someone believes in or says and I’m not afraid to call it out when I see it. Once I do open up and express how I feel, the gates of passion will open up and never close. I also have high morals and values and stick to my guns no matter what which can make me pretty stubborn at times.
I’m currently battling depression and often experience many symptoms of it including suicidal thoughts and depression spells. I also suffer from iron-deficiency anemia as well as irregular, prolonged periods. These things are pretty annoying for me to deal with whenever they flare up. 
Overall, I’m pretty crazy and a handful to deal with. Good luck matching me up with someone :P
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Hello @sacredwarrior88 and thank you so much for requesting with us! I am so sorry that this came out so late, but I do hope you enjoy this!
>Admin 𝕋
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𝐼 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽…
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Ace! I feel that you and ace would be such a great couple! He is open minded and kind to others whereas you are the same way! You are passionate like he is, caring like he is, loyal to the bone like he is! He would see you and see your personality and just instantly fall in love you and your personality! Like, I can’t even imagine how much he will want you on his crew, so they he can keep on you and protect you at all times-- though he will soon figure out that you don’t need help, you can take care yourself--which he will find extremely attractive, no doubt about that! 
He will love that fact that you are independent, because he really values individualism and independency, he sees it as a great traits to have. But he will also love the fact that you are sensitive, and can sometimes get into your own  head. He understands that, knows it all too well, so he will try with all his might to try and make sure that you are happy and always smiling! But he will love how fierce you can be to other people, never bowing down to their expectations! 
All in all, I feel like Ace would be a great man for you in the one piece universe! He would be attentive to you, would love your attitude and personality, and would absolutely adore how loyal and strong you are! make sure to love him thoroughly!
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Ah, Sai! He is much like Ace, just a little less emotional, which is fine! I feel like you and Sai would make a couple for a couple reasons! He would love how mature you are, and how logical you can be, and-- like ace-- he loves the fact that you are extremely loyal to your friends! That is a true factor in the way he will see you, and it is for the better! He will se how strong you are, emotionally and will be envious and at the same time fascinated! I Feel like Sai will look at you with wide eyes, his breath caught in his throat, his heart beating wildly in his ribcage because he will love you that much! All the things you are interested he will want to hear with enthusiasm, everything you love he will want to learn and hear from you, to get to know you better!
Another thing is that if you were to go to him with your insecurities and how you are battling depression, he will try to understand, and once he does he will try to everything and anything to make sure you feel better! You need a massage? He’s on it! You need cuddles? oh yeah he will give you some! You need chocolate or sweets or anything of the like? He’ll run to the store, and be back 5 minutes tops! 
All in all, I feel like the cool, mature Sai, with a heart of pure gold will be such a good match for you! He will make sure that you uncomfortable with him, he will never want to make you unhappy, and he will definitely do anything i his power to make sure that you will keep on loving him as much as you can!
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Rei! Now, with Rei, I wanted to go a more cute route. I feel that Rei would be equal parts and scared and in love with you! He sees how strong you are against people that oppose, he sees how strong you are for your friends, and how you have such a different personality to everybody else around him, and he will immediately fall in with you. Like instantly! To him, you’d be like a beautiful butterfly blooming right in front of him, and he will want to have you all tot himself! Of course, he won’t force you, but he will definitely watch you at a distance longingly!
He is very much an introvert and your calm but strong aura would definitely help with his anxiety! I just see him melting next you, into your lap or shoulder whenever you are around him because he is so comfortable around you. He doesn’t do this with just anybody so it would be a real honor! And when it it comes to your insecurities, he would want to make sure that you know he loves you the way are, and if you were to want to change something about yourself, then he will support you all the way, as long as you are happy! He will just love that you are such a freethinker and so openminded about things, so unlike him!
All in all, I feel like Rei would love you and (somewhat) idolize because you have all these traits that he would love to have. This perfectionist will understand how it feels to be such a perfectionist and will want to help you with that too! He will love to the moon and back(stroke)!
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tacticaldiary · 3 years
for your 1k event! (CONGRATS BTW🤩)
preferred fandom: bungou stray dogs
day to day life: i’m pretty laid back for the most part, i find my way into conversations whether i’m talking or just listening, i’m usually surrounded by at least one or two other ppl
trait i love about myself: that i can get along w pretty much anyone
trait i’d rather not have: talkative :/
likes: reading, playing w my dog, writing
dislikes: closed minded people, hangnails, when socks don’t fit, TOMATOES
fun fact: i’ve sprained my ankle 5 times
hobby: playing basketball!
star sign: cancer sun, sag moon and rising
mbti: entp
enneagram: 3w4
other facts: idk i mean im fairly smart academically? sure, let’s go with that. also my dogs name is thor 🥰
You Probably Kin: Edogawa Ranpo
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You’re tendencies are similar to Ranpo’s, in my opinion.
The both of you share the same chill, laid back aura, with Ranpo preferring to listen and observe, and you being happy to converse and be in the presence of others. 
Along with being smart academically, you also hold the similarity of keeping all your options open. You don’t consider one path to be the ‘end all be all’, instead looking for all possible paths.
Just like you are talkative, which builds your presence in a social setting, you’re similar to Ranpo in the way that he isn’t afraid to talk either, letting the truth hit the light. 
You spraining you’re ankle so many times reminds me of how Ranpo, although smart in logical, theoretical ways, is still susceptible to being preyed on by the world, say him not knowing how to use a train. 
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
Hi Spencer!! Ahhh I hope you’ve reached 200 by the time you get this! It’s been so amazing watching you grow and your works have brought lots of comfiness into my life 🥰 thank you so much for creating and writing and making one of the most aesthetic blogs I’ve ever seen (hehe love the constellation aesthetic) sending lots of positive vibes and appreciation your way 💕
For the matchup event (ahh it’s my first time ever doing one and I hope I didn’t put too much 😱) thank you in advance 💖
Name: eggu
Pronouns: she/her
Preferred partner: open to anyone
Horoscope: Aquarius
Aesthetic: light academia, soft, oversized sweaters, korean street wear, fandom merch, white and pastels, 4:00 am talks about life, stars and clouds
Some things about me:
I took piano, dance and martial arts lessons growing up and I still enjoy playing piano a lot
I enjoy playing video games on my spare time (I’m currently selling my soul to genshin impact)
I really love music of all genres but I’m currently really into kpop and khiphop (my favourite artists are seventeen and stray kids)
I really like naps and sleeping in general and prefer it over eating — I would say I have pretty low energy in general
I like desserts, pastries and dim sum
I recently got into watching art streams, journaling and collecting cute stationery
I’ve pretty much been a huge geek/fangirl all my life and have loved reading and animation since I can remember
I just finished watching jujutsu kaisen and am currently watching fruits basket (lol I enjoy both extreme shounen and fluffy shoujo)
I’m human and have lots of insecurities but I’m learning
Ideal traits in a partner:
Able to appreciate the quiet moments
I’m not a super physical person, but it would be nice to be physically close to someone I trust and that respects my boundaries
Trustworthy — didn’t have a great past relationship 😞
Isn’t afraid to keep up with banter and has witty remarks... someone that can keep me on my toes
Is driven in something they love
willing to learn and grow alongside me
Thank you so so so much!! 💕💕💕 i worked really hard on the aesthetic so I’m glad you like it and I’m glad you like what I write! If you ever have ideas, don’t be afraid to share!
Anyway, onto the notes & matchup (I was really proud of this one 😁😁😁)
WHEN I TELL YOU I IMMEDIATELY HAD AN IDEA, I I M M E D I A T E L Y HAD AN IDEA. I was so proud of myself when i got this lol cause I saw your entry when I woke up, barely skimmed it, and said…
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✧ 𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑀𝑒𝑡 ✧
Okay okay hear me out
Hot topic (or something similar but I’m American so hot topic)
He was looking to get something for Yamaguchi’s birthday & maybe something for himself because don’t tell me Tsukishima Kei isn’t into anime I know he is
Probably shonen but still
You were both reaching for the same thing (yes I’m using THAT trope)
Fortunately for you, there was more than one keychain but still
He was about to get low key defensive like “hey watch it” y’know like
Was in a v short mood
But the second he got the word “hey” out he turned to look at you and just
And got all embarrassed because look at this beautiful girl he’s standing net to shit he was just cursing you out in his brain
So he’s staring at you with wide eyes and you’re like “oh I’m sorry--you like JJK too? That’s cool”
And he’s stuttering Tsukishima Kei is flustered, everybody
So he’s like “uh yeah kinda I guess I don’t really talk about it a lot cause my friend isn’t into it”
“Well I mean if you ever wanna talk about it we can”
“Yeah, gimme your phone I’ll give you my number. If that’s chill”
“Sure, I guess, yeah”
Akiteru was home that day and hadn’t seen his brother smile this much since he was a kid
Any time he asked though Kei just got all huffy and went to his room
✧ 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠 ✧
U two make playlists for each other on a regular basis (Spotify playlists w collaboration turned on are your best friend)
They're always killer and hit a little too hard
When you tell him you have a new favorite song, he listens to it on repeat until he knows all the lyrics and can pick on you for saying the wrong lyrics if you ever do
Also because it reminds him of you
He loves that he can be himself around you
Really he does
Like that’s one of his favorite things
He doesn’t have to hide any of his hobbies or really anything about him really and he appreciates it so much
It took a while to get there with him, but once he trusted you 100%, he realized he was in love with you
Love and trust are the same things to him (or at least similar) so he knew he loved you when he realized he really could be himself with you around and probably told you as such
He’s not one to push your boundaries, but just had to tell you so it was probably a text like
“Look I don’t expect you to say this back if you’re not ready for that yet, but you’re so amazing--I need to be honest. I’ve done nothing but stare at the ceiling for an hour and think and just realized how in love with you I am. I really am. Take that as you will.”
And then just straight up DIDN’T ANSWER UNTIL 2 AM THAT NIGHT LIKE “sorry I was at Yamaguchi's” LIKE BRO JUST DROP A BOMB LIKE THAT DAMN
Needless to say, he WAS at Yamaguchi's and left his phone at home but it was because he was too afraid of what you’d say
He got home at 11
He just procrastinated for three hours until he finally answered you back
And when you told him you loved him too, his heart SOARED he proceeded to call yams and squeal like a seven-year-old girl for a half hour
If ur shorter than him he uses your head as an armrest, no exceptions
He does it if you're taller than him too he just goes up on his toes to do it
Can and will pick on you for everything
It’s the way he shows his love alright
Cute stationery? It’s tacky and “why do you have this it’s irritatingly adorable”
“You’re irritatingly adorable”
“I’m not adorable”
“Yes you are Tsukki"
Lets you call him Tsukki until you can call him Kei
You have to have a thick skin with him because sometimes it’s hard to tell when he’s being sarcastic or not
If he ever did make you cry or genuinely upset though, he’d tear himself to pieces about it for hours and be completely unresponsive to his phone if you text him because he thinks you hate him
When he finally texts you back he’ll never admit how upset he is, but he will apologize for making you upset
It’s really hard to do emotions with this dude but you try to manage
If you can figure out how to make him talk about his problems “let’s talk about Akiteru” “no”? Yamaguchi will love you forever
You get the best friend approval anyway but you get an extra gold star if you can get him to open up more
Oh and you totally like to show up at games or practice and everyone including Ukai and Takeda love you for it because he tries a little harder so he doesn’t look bad in front of you
It’s like a switch he goes from like 5% to 70% effort but that’s the best he’s giving until it’s game time then he’ll crank it to 100%
✧ 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎 ✧
Okay okay but but but but but
Anime dates
Like once a week you two sit and watch anime over discord or smth
You don’t usually talk much but it’s nice to be in each others’ presence
Or close to that
When you can get together it’s that much better
You trade off whose house you’re at every other week, and whoever's visiting picks up snacks on the way
You’ll watch tv, make fun of the characters together, roll your eyes at the sappy moments but lean over to kiss Tsukki anyway
It’s overall a very wholesome scene
But there will be times when he is stressed and tired for whatever reason and he’ll fall asleep
Sometimes he’ll be curled into a little ball on his side of the couch
Sometimes he’ll slouch his head against your shoulder with his arm around your waist
Sometimes he’ll pause the show and pull you down against him and just lay with you for a while
Not even watch tv just
Be happy in each others’ presence
He’ll fall asleep from time to time and you take his glasses off for him
He looks so soft when he’s sleeping and not glaring at people
✧ 𝑍𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑐 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ✧
Libras, while they may not exactly say it, are romantics. They enjoy little things about romance, however modern, like spontaneous dates and flowers. They initiate clever ideas and Aquariuses are good at adding a different perspective, so prepare for in-depth conversations. On the other hand, Aquariuses tend to be trendsetters, which Libras support wholeheartedly.
✧ 𝐴𝑒𝑠𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐 ✧
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✧ 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ✧
my boy - Billie Eilish
King of the Clouds - Panic! At The Disco
She’s In The Rain - The Rose
I Can’t Handle Change - Roar
Runners up: Sugawara Koushi, Akaashi Keiji
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
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the retrospective: alice’s 1k special || lover masterlist
matchup requests: CLOSED
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@renaxwrites​ asked: Congrats on 1k bby 🥳💞 can I request a matchup 👉🏼👈🏼 my mbti type is ENFP-T. My Hogwarts house is Slytherin/my Patronus is a rattlesnake! 5 words to describe me: ambitious, imaginative, passionate, loyal and sincere. I'm an art major so my hobbies are drawing, reading & playing instruments. My style depends on my mood, so it can be classy fit one day, street style the next. Fav beverage is tied between iced tea and coke. Lastly my fav team is Nekoma/Karasuno (sorry can’t choose 🥺) ty ily
AN: Rena!!! awwwwww thank you sm!!!! Lolol i have trouble choosing a favorite team too! Have a wonderful day bby! 
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Your matchup is: Yaku Morisuke
How you met: You were in Russia for an art fellowship for the year, and happened to meet him through Alisa (who is a model for one of the portraits you’re creating). She introduced the two of you at a small party at her place, and two of you hit it off right away. Both of you are very ambitious and passionate about your respective careers and vibe off of having that same ambitious energy. He probably says that he’ll spot your ticket if you ever want to go to one of his games. The two of you text on and off for a while after meeting, and you take him up on his offer to watch a game every now and then.
Your first date: For one of the private new year’s galas/charity events that the Russian league holds, Yaku gets an invite to a famous art museum, with the option of bringing a plus one. He looks into what exhibits the museum has and he finds out that one of the galleries is dedicated to impressionist art, and features several pieces by an artist you’ve mentioned to him. He asks if you’d like to be his date for the night and you accept. Honestly his jaw almost hits the ground when he sees you in your outfit for the night and he honestly doesn’t pay much attention to the gala itself since he’s more than content to listen to you ramble and point out all the different paintings you love. 
Your first kiss: At the end of the gala, there are several toasts and a countdown until the start of the new year. He grabs two flutes of champagne and the two of you share a small toast and clink your glasses before taking a sip. Of course, it’s a bit cheesy but he waits until the countdown reaches zero before kissing you. The two of you start the new year surrounded by cheering, and honestly the kiss is just perfect. It’s firm yet sweet, and just the slightest bit of tongue that leaves you wanting more. When he drops you off at your door, he makes sure to kiss you a few more times before heading home. 
Anniversary: You have to return home after your fellowship ends, but the two of you, out of sheer stubbornness and devotion make long distance work (although not without a few bumps in the road.) Your first anniversary happens to fall on a night where Yaku has to play for his team - and he lets you know that he won’t be there in person. However, the night before the two of you enjoy a very long video call, and he makes it a point to ship you a beautiful Russian egg as a present +  a very sweet and heartfelt love letter. Admittedly you’re a bit mopey on the day of your actual anniversary - so you decide to be a couch potato for the day, bundling up in blankets on your couch to watch the re-run of your boyfriend’s match. You’re at the match point for the second set when you hear a knock at your door. At first you think it’s probably just a package, but when you open your door Yaku is standing there with a giant bouquet of flowers. You basically tackle him and are a complete sobbing mess bc this is the best surprise ever???? He hauled ass to get to where you were on time but it was totally worth seeing how happy you are.
How they propose: A few years down the road, you’re visiting Yaku in Russia and are in the VIP section/front row during the finals of the league tournament. You’re on the edge of your seat, they’re down to a deuce in the fifth set and you can just feel the tension as both teams struggle to score two points in a row. Finally, after making an extraordinary save, Yaku’s team manages to score that second point, sending the entire stadium into cheers. You’re jumping up and down in the stands, and the entire team is bundled up in a group hug. After the medal ceremony, Yaku’s walking around waving to fans, and his teammates all keep patting him on the back. By the time he gets to you pretty much all his teammates are casting not so subtle glances at him (much to his annoyance). The adrenaline hasn’t worn off quite yet, so before he gets too nervous he kneels down in front of you and the audience collectively gasps. He has the whole speech prepared when he proposes and you’re in tears by the time he finishes. When you nod yes he tears up before grabbing you for the tightest hug ever. 
What your wedding looks like: Decides to do two small ceremonies - one in his home country of Japan and another in your home country. It’s the perfect compromise and ensure that none of your friends have to spend exorbitant amounts of money to attend a destination wedding. The ceremonies are both intimate and small - it’s mostly close friends and family. The Nekoma alum are all there in Japan, and yoru classmates from art school are present for the ceremony that takes place in your hometown. Takes a few months off to enjoy newlywed life with you - he spends the first two months living with you in your apartment, and the months travelling around Japan with you. 
Newlywed/domestic hc: now that you’re married Yaku has zero qualms about helping you set up a studio in St. Petersburg (if you’re willing to move your career to the same country as his, if not he’ll still buy the two of you a larger apartment for when you visit). Also sugar daddy Yaku ahem n e ways even if his team isn’t based in St. Petersburg, at least he can spend his weekends and most of his off season with you. Of course, you still have to fly back and forth between continents because of all your different clients, but at the end of the day nothing beats coming home to Yaku cooking a nice pot of nabe in the kitchen. The two of you revel in your newly found domestic bliss - it’s just wonderful to finally have a shared place you both call home.
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HELLO!! how are you? I’m here to request for (PLATONICALLY) sk8 the infinity, mystic messenger and obey me please! now let me introduce my fabulous self
My name is Joey, im 14 years old, i use He/Him pronouns, im transgender, aromatic and unlabeled, im a Extrovert, my MBTI is ENTP
Appearance: I have shoulder-length brown hair (will be cut into more boyish hair soon), brown eyes, im 5’6, I wear glasses! but I also use contacts, i dress in a lot of different styles such as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth and nu goth) gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, kogal and tsuyome), scenemo/emo and vkei, ouji and lolita but I also drsss pretty normal when I’m not in those styles such as hoodies, T-Shirts, anime stuff, jeans, sweats and other comfy stuff also this is what I look like atm
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Personality: We’ll I am Extroverted and my MBTI is ENTP but firstly I am pretty awkward at first so it may take me time to adjust to a new person or more, i love to ramble about my interests(forgot to add I have adhdism), i love to talk online the most through iPhone, computer, anything electronic, i like to use “hai” as a joke and I say “I’m homophobic” as a joke as well (DONT TAKW TAHT SERIOUSLY), i also make sexual jokes as well.
Hobbies: Anime/manga, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), music, fashion, gaming, writing, editing, learning new languages (Japanese and Spanish), cooking, cosplaying, social media, volleyball and more ^^
Likes: cats, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), hotels, and my friends!
Dislikes: negative mentions of my voice, people comparing me to people like “you remind me of ____”, spiders I hate them with all my life, hate talk about my interests and that’s rlly it
Hi Joey! Ooh, a platonic matchup! That's a nice change of pace!
In Sk8 the Infinity, I match you with...
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Miya is your platonic soulmate. You share so many interests!
You both loves cats, video games, social media, and (at least I think) cosplay.
And, let's be real, if Miya was allowed to in the show, he would be making the most inappropriate jokes imaginable. He's a 13 year old. What did you expect?
He enjoys listening to your rambling but he will act like it annoys him. Just say you can stop though and he'll make up some excuse like "it's better to blabber to me, rather than annoy someone else". Don't listen to him. He loves listening to you.
I also see Miya as an arachnophobe (me too Joey and Miya, me too). He's calling up Joe anytime there's a spider near either of you. He's not dealing with it and he's not making you deal with it either.
In Mystic Messenger, I match you with...
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LOLOL buddies! Yoosung gets pretty competitive though so keep that in mind when you're playing with him. Nothing that will break your friendship though.
LOLOL lobbies can be pretty rough places. If someone starts trash talking you about your voice or your rambling, Yoosung's jumping to your defense. No one talks to his best friend like that!
Another one who hates spiders! He probably just panics and forgets he can use his phone to call someone for help though, so that duty will have to fall to you. In the meantime, he's closing the door to the room where the spider is and locking the door. You don't need to go in there right?
Yoosung definitely watches anime. His favourites are comedy action shows like One Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100. He's willing to watch pretty much anything, though he's not a huge fan of anything too scary or sad.
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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I'm not sure why Beel stood out to me as the right choice but he did, so this will be a journey of discovery for both of us.
Beel is so used to Levi rambling about his hobbies that listening to you is basically second nature to him.
He also enjoys playing video games (though not to the same extent as Levi) so I can see the three of you setting weekly gaming nights.
He loves trying your cooking! Beel will eat pretty much anything but he assures you that your cooking is up there with some of the better tasting things he's put in his mouth.
Takes care of spiders with no issues! He won't kill them though. He's associated with bugs after all. He's finding a bowl and a piece of firm paper and taking the spider outside.
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