#quality spirits import
sonacava · 3 months
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i rewatched spirited away recently and had to make it about rote (obviously)
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tabooi · 6 months
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swampndn · 5 months
I made a new friend today! She was a 5yo girl, the daughter of a professor. She said hello to me, said I was pretty, showed me her little rhinestones, then when she decided I was cool, we ran around the offices jumping out from behind doors trying to scare her dad. She told me I was so silly because I asked if she worked here, and she was cracking up saying no, she's too little. I said that I'm a student and I'm big, so why can't she be a little professor? That really got her going, laughing and talking to me. I told her that she is so funny that she could teach clown, and she was just howling. It was so precious. She told a really funny joke she made up about pasta, and I said that she must be so proud of herself for being such a smart and clever girl. It really was a great time.
She didn't want me to leave tho lol, and I apologized to her dad for getting her so riled up. But he thanked me because apparently she'd been so reserved lately. She just started kindergarten, and she had been struggling with learning. He appreciated me referring to her as smart and clever (and it was clear she did too). A friend I was with who has met this child told me when we were leaving that she has never seen her so talkative and energized. Usually she just hides behind her dad and doesn't engage.
I love children, and I'm never around any kids anymore. I don't work with youth very often like I had been for the past few years. I'm also so far from my family, and there's a shit ton of kids back home. So it was really nice to play with her for a little bit as I've been really missing kids. It was also nice to be an adult assuring a child that she was smart, clever, and funny especially when she needed to hear it.
Y'all. The world is so fucking rough. Kids should be having good times, and we should be supporting them.
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People shouldn't try to do straight covers of Slipknot because no other metal band in the world has that many fucking members so it'll come off sounding a little hollow, you've gotta get weird with it and put your own spin in there
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hauntingblue · 7 months
Unless they were AN IDIOT.
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techdriveplay · 27 days
Nemiroff De Luxe Vodka: A Taste of Ukrainian Heritage Now in Australia
Discover the timeless craftsmanship and vibrant flavours of Nemiroff De Luxe Vodka, the latest addition to Australia’s premium spirit selection. Nemiroff, a renowned Ukrainian vodka brand with a history dating back to 1872, has launched its premium Nemiroff De Luxe Vodka in Australia. Crafted in the historic town of Nemyriv, Ukraine, Nemiroff De Luxe Vodka is a celebration of tradition, quality,…
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
chin in me hand I just remembered my friend who can't drink wine (so probably also bandy) also can't drink mead (so probably also honey liqueur) so most of my concept for the healing potion has to be rethought if I want her to be able to have any
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ambermotta · 9 months
6 Types of Protection Magick
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There are many ways one can do protective magick. In this post I'll be going into 6 of the most common and accessible ones!
Please understand that even one "protection magick type" can be done in an infinity of ways, some of which are closed to certain practices.
Disclaimer: based on my experience and research. I don't claim to know all truth. Further study is encouraged!
#1 — Magic circle
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The magic circle consists of creating a protection and delimiting a sacred space for magic and/or ritual.
The magic circle is probably one of the most popular protection methods thanks to its encouraged use in Wicca. However, other traditions have made use of similar concepts, such as in the afro-brazillian Umbanda concept of "chain".
The circle can be physically drawn on the ground, delimited by the members inside the circle, or visualized.
Casting one is fairly simple since it can be done in different ways, either in groups or solitary practice. You can use tools such as wands, chalk or physical objects to draw it, but what matters most is intention and successful visualization.
Before casting a circle it's important to have everything you will need already within grasp and inside the circle, since once created it is advisable that no one leaves it until the work is complete.
#2 — Amulets, and Enchanted Items
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Enchanted Items are a very popular and effective form of magic, especially for personal use. These are often common objects that have been enchanted for protection.
They are often necklaces, rings and other jewelry since these are the most practical to carry around without suspicion. However, they can be any object.
Amulets can be created via enchanting, charms, or by asking deities and spirits to bless them with protective qualities.
The material and imagery used to create the talisman is also important in determining the kind of job it wants to do.
#3 — Sigils and other drawn Symbols
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Sigils and Symbols can be used both for personal protection and for warding spaces. Here I am also including Runes.
They can be carved into objects, drawn upon skin and surfaces, or even tattooed.
However, before using any sigil, symbol or rune it is of extreme importance that you know exactly what they do, and know as much about them as possible. Especially if you plan on drawing them on your skin (either temporarily or permanently).
Unless specifically used only for protection purposes, inadequate use of them can lead to disaster. Even then, the type of protection they bring can vary.
For example, a protection sigil that works by hiding you from threats is different from a sigil that fights threats that come to you. It's important to set or to know how their protection work so that you do not come across unwanted results.
#4 — Prayer
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My definition of praying: focusing on sending a message to a higher spiritual power, be it an entity, deity or energy.
Prayers are a great way of manifesting protection, though since you are asking for it to a higher power you must understand that it may choose to not grant it, or not grant it in the way you expect.
Plus, it is very important to know where you stand with this energy or entity. Do you work with them already? For how long? What is the nature of the relationship? Do you truly know them well enough to ask them for this? Is it really appropriate?
Cultivating a good relationship and having manners can be decisive factors for manifesting this sort of protection. Plus, it's always good to "give back" in some way. To receive something, something must be given eventually.
#5 — Affirmations and Visualizations
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Words and the mind have innate power. Affirmations and visualizations are great ways to manifest protections because they rely only on yourself.
They are easier to do right if you use them together with other methods, or if you have physical representations of the work being done. To be successful one must focus, "feel" them happening, and maintaining that without help can be difficult. Frequent practice will help you get the hang of it.
There are also techniques that make affirmations and visualizations both more powerful and easier to accomplish.
#6 — Warding
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Warding is when you set up a semi-permanent protection in a specific place, such as your house.
It can be done in many different ways. One of the most common is to have an object or place designated as the "holder" of the ward, which should be well kept.
Warding will be more powerful if you are frequently cleansing the space and recharging the ward. Leaving it alone for too long can weaken in or make it lose its properties altogether.
Some plants are used for this kind of protection, since they (usually) stay in place, can be powerful magical allies, and you'll be checking on them often anyway. The ones usued are often those with thorns, threatening-looking leaves, or even poison.
Note: always be very careful about bringing poisonous plants home, especially if you have children or pets.
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This was an overview of the most common types of protective magick. A lot of protection spells and works fall somewhere within these categories, or are a combination of them.
Each tradition has a certain way of going about spiritual protection, so if you are exploring an specific path, I encourage you to not only research about protection in general but to also look into what unique techniques your path has to offer!
Many blessings and thank you for reading! ♡
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novy2sirius · 2 months
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₊˚⊹ astrology notes volume five
─ .✧ tuts if you need them
─ .✧ these are based on isolated placements, so take it with a grain of salt since your entire chart matters. these are mostly based on western astrology
─ .✧ this time around a lot of these are just random opinions and not based on literal facts
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˖༉ your pisces and 12h placements can show what area of life you’re spiritually protected in. an example: having a pisces mars can mean you are spiritually protected well when others hurt you or hate on you and that someone can get really bad karma for doing so
˖༉ aquarius' are so obsessed with what they can’t have or just doing the opposite of what people tell them to do. if you tell them to leave you alone, they’ll want you more. if you tell they can’t do something, they’ll wanna do it more. if you tell them they shouldn’t sky dive without a parachute, they will
˖༉ the midheaven is so important when it comes to your life’s purpose. not just the north node. for example: a capricorn midheaven is meant to work hard and become wealthy or at the very least successful in some way
˖༉ leo’s are known for being the “popular ones” of the zodiac signs, but cancer's are often very popular too. the moon is always shining bright in the sky just like the sun. it’s also why cancer placements crave lots of attention
˖༉ because of numerology capricorn and aries are an amazing pairing, even though astrologically based on their elements they aren’t. i sometimes find the letterology of the signs to have more accuracy when discussing compatibility
˖༉ the descendant can tell about the qualities you like in others. for example: an aquarius descendant can indicate you like others that are super weird/unique and are free spirits that make everyone feel like they can be themselves
˖༉ when at a lower vibration taurus placements will apologize and then continue to do the thing that they already apologized for. they may also know they’re in the wrong yet still argue their point
˖༉ pisces and 12h placements usually find it very difficult to quit bad habits. especially if they’re a pisces moon or have their moon in the 12h
˖༉ everyone says scorpios are loyal, but i’ve noticed that they won’t be if you don’t play by their rules. sometimes if you cheat, they’ll cheat
˖༉ nobody really talks about it but sags are huge flirts. sometimes they’re players though. i would go as far as to say they sometimes have better game than libras
˖༉ when discussing elements then aries and libra would technically be compatible, but numerically they’re not at all. they’re fatally attracted to one another and libra energy really admires aries energy, but they shouldn’t be together
˖༉ people with 5h stelliums enjoy being busy a lot and constantly doing things. sitting around too much will make them feel depressed. they aren’t usually huge homebody’s unless they have a lot of water in their chart
˖༉ i like cancer placements don’t get me wrong but at times they can come off really cheesy or corny with some of the things they say
˖༉ taurus and 2h placements like to act tough on the outside but often they are actually hurting on the inside. they’re very sensitive and take things to heart
˖༉ aries and aquarius’ often end up in romantic relationships together. aries are most compatible with aquarius’ compared to other signs
˖༉ your capricorn placements can tell you what area of life you will need lots of patience in. example: a capricorn venus indicates you need to be very patient with your loved ones
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obsidian-pages777 · 2 months
Bella in your Astrology Chart: Your Beauty and Grace.
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The asteroid Bella (number 695) in astrology is associated with beauty, grace, and attraction. Its placement in the houses and signs of a natal chart can reveal how these qualities manifest in a your life and how you appreciate and express beauty.
Bella in the Signs
Bella in Aries suggests a dynamic and bold approach to beauty. There is a preference for vibrant, energetic, and pioneering styles. Confidence and a direct manner in expressing attractiveness are highlighted.
In Taurus, Bella's energy is sensual and grounded. There is a strong appreciation for natural beauty, comfort, and luxurious aesthetics. This placement often indicates a classic and earthy style.
Bella in Gemini emphasizes versatility and variety in beauty. There is a fascination with different forms of expression, often changing styles frequently. Communication and intellectual charm are attractive qualities.
With Bella in Cancer, there is a nurturing and sentimental approach to beauty. Comfort and emotional connection to aesthetics are important. Traditional and homely styles are often preferred.
Bella in Leo brings a dramatic and glamorous energy. There is a love for attention-grabbing styles and a flair for the dramatic. Confidence and creativity in self-expression are emphasized.
In Virgo, Bella's energy is modest and refined. There is an appreciation for subtle, clean, and well-organized aesthetics. Practicality and attention to detail in beauty routines are highlighted.
Bella in Libra emphasizes harmony, balance, and elegance. There is a strong attraction to aesthetically pleasing environments and relationships. Sophistication and a diplomatic approach to beauty are key themes.
With Bella in Scorpio, there is an intense and mysterious energy. There is a preference for deep, transformative, and sometimes edgy styles. Passion and magnetism are prominent qualities.
Bella in Sagittarius brings an adventurous and free-spirited approach to beauty. There is an appreciation for diverse and culturally rich aesthetics. Optimism and a love for exploration are attractive qualities.
In Capricorn, Bella's energy is disciplined and classic. There is a preference for timeless, structured, and professional styles. Practicality and a sense of responsibility in beauty choices are emphasized.
Bella in Aquarius emphasizes innovation and individuality. There is an attraction to unconventional and avant-garde aesthetics. Originality and a forward-thinking approach to beauty are key themes.
With Bella in Pisces, there is a mystical and dreamy energy. There is a preference for ethereal, romantic, and imaginative styles. Sensitivity and a connection to the spiritual in aesthetics are highlighted.
Bella in the Houses
1st House:
Bella in the 1st house suggests that beauty and grace are integral to your identity. You may be seen as attractive and charming, and these qualities are prominent in your self-expression.
2nd House:
In the 2nd house, Bella's energy focuses on values, resources, and personal security. There may be a talent for making a living through beauty-related fields, and a strong value placed on aesthetics.
3rd House:
Bella in the 3rd house emphasizes communication, learning, and local community. You may have a gift for sharing beauty knowledge or creative ideas through writing, teaching, or speaking.
4th House:
With Bella in the 4th house, there is a focus on home, family, and emotional foundations. Beauty and aesthetics may be central to your family life, and you may create a nurturing and artistic home environment.
5th House:
Bella in the 5th house highlights creativity, self-expression, and children. There is a strong emphasis on using artistic talents or beauty in a joyful and playful manner. You may also be involved in creative projects with children.
6th House:
In the 6th house, Bella's energy is directed towards daily routines, work, and health. There may be a focus on integrating beauty practices into your everyday life or using your creative talents in a work setting.
7th House:
Bella in the 7th house emphasizes partnerships and relationships. You may seek or attract partners who are involved in beauty or creative fields. Aesthetics and charm play a significant role in your relationships.
8th House:
With Bella in the 8th house, there is a focus on transformation, shared resources, and deep psychological processes. This placement can indicate a talent for creating beauty out of intense experiences or using aesthetics as a means of transformation.
9th House:
Bella in the 9th house emphasizes philosophy, higher learning, and travel. There may be a focus on exploring beauty practices from different cultures or using creative talents to express philosophical ideas.
10th House:
In the 10th house, Bella's energy is directed towards career and public life. There may be a strong desire to achieve recognition in beauty or creative fields. Ambition and a sense of responsibility are prominent.
11th House:
Bella in the 11th house highlights friendships, groups, and aspirations. You may be involved in beauty or creative communities, and these themes are central to your long-term goals and aspirations.
12th House:
With Bella in the 12th house, there is a focus on spirituality, subconscious, and hidden aspects of life. This placement can indicate a talent for finding beauty in the unseen or using aesthetics as a means of connecting with the divine or the subconscious mind.
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rsatoru · 1 month
bbzzzz bzzzzzztttt...
your phone has been buzzing over the coffee table for two minutes. two minutes and 14 seconds.
you rise from the table—the very table overflowing with godforsaken paperwork the godforsaken higher-ups have assigned you to finish. you’re trying to focus and get everything finished as soon as possible, but the obnoxiously person trying to call you on the phone wouldn’t let you right now.
͏͏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀toruru !! ^_^ (ate ur cookies) (do not answer.)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ringing . . . ✆ ⠀⠀⠀ 1:27 pm⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀answer ၊ decline
of course, it’s no other than your idiot of a boyfriend
clicking the answer button, cause who are you to resist him anyways? . . . “satoru.” you say unimpressed. “baby!! :D” the cheerful voice on the other side exclaims.
“aren’t you supposed to be on a mission right now?”
“uhuh,” satoru scoffs, “’m on the same mission you forced me to go because you hate me so much!”
“satoru, sigh it’s your job, your responsibility. you can’t just ditch an order from principle yaga because you wanna stay at home cuddling me.” you respond
“can’t a man just have some quality time with his dearest girlfriend in peace?” satoru whines over the phone
“toru, baby,”
“fine.. :(” oh, you were so sure you could almost hear his smile turn into a frown. that being said, “why’d you call?” asking, looking back over at your unfinished paperwork, oh the higher ups might just beat your ass.
dating satoru means also having to deal with his long phone calls. you’re aware you could easily just hang up on him, but unfortunately for you, sometimes you don’t even realize you got too caught up in the moment. you love him too much, too much you can effortlessly handle his obnoxiously long phone calls—and he doesn’t even talk about anything important or necessary! and you think, maybe, you’re just as down bad as he is for you.
“oh yeah! heh, sorry babe, your voice made my mind go blank.” — “you’ll never guess what kind of technique these so called first grade cursed spirits have!” and he asks you to turn your camera on—in which you did-
revealing a bunch of cats spawning and jumping everywhere “look at the kind of domain expansion this guy has!” satoru was in an innate domain with cats just swarming the area. satoru called you to show he was in an innate domain with cats just swarming the area. because he knew.
“oh my gosh.” you say in shock. staring at whatever is happening in your screen. “toru toru! bring me one! maybe that one or or-” the cats were so cute. you absolutely loved cats. you adored them, each and every one you’ve ever seen. whether they were strays on the street or pampered pets, they were all just so adorable.
because he knew you absolutely loved cats.
these cats though, were aggressive. aggressively cute though—trying so hard to scratch your boyfriend which was impossible, all attacks were effortlessly blocked by his infinity.
“uhhh, uhhh.. no can do sweets. just look at these sly pussies trying to scratch my glorious face! i can’t let them do that to your even-more-glorious face. they’re dangerous! can’t let them hurt my baby.” he responses.
“uhm, no. you’re just rambling satoru. they’d love me.” you retort. satoru was more of a dog person—he doesn’t know such shit about cats. he doesn’t like them. but you teach him anyways; how to properly hold them, what kind food you shouldn’t feed them, etc etc,
and he actually listens.
“no baby! anyways, you know that guy over there? yeah, him. he can create pizza with cursed energy and throw it at me! it’s surprisingly strong to be fair.. but y’know they stand no chance against me.” there goes his ego as always.
“anyways—what kind of pizza do you want? tell me which toppings and i gotchu baby.”
“so you’re telling me, you’d rather get me pizza, imbued with cursed energy, which you say is pretty strong, but not cats?” you hiss, raising a brow over the phone.
“uhhhh... yeah? ( ' ⩊ '𖦹)”
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this is so dumb tbh but i jst had pizza for dinner i couldn’t not think about my glorious king
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inbarfink · 1 year
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I have… so many little thoughts about Simon’s shift in the climax of ‘Prismo the Wishmaster’. He’s so ready to give up, to resign to Death By Interdimensional Beetle Cop. And the thing that pulls him out of it, gets him to see a purpose in his life again, is seeing Fionna cry.
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And this moment is so important for Fionna and Cake because this is their first moment to really process the Implications and Consequences of their magical adventure. You know, it’s not just a dream you can wake up from - this is actually a matter of life and death and the fate of their entire world.
And it’s actually, also kinda the same from Simon’s perspective? Even if he was already told they are real and have been real all along a while ago - I think seeing Fionna break out in tears is really the moment where he processed her not as a manifestation of Ice King’s madness, not as yet another way the universe is kicking him when he’s down, not as a cruel joke at his expense. But really actually as people, who need his help.
And, I think about this, also in context with this moment?
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Simon Petrikov is… a dad at heart. Simon’s first focus episode in F&C starts with a prologue of him and Marceline surviving in the wasteland. Showing that despite being under much more miserable circumstances
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he still seemed to hold himself together far better than present-day Simon. 
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Because the need to protect Marcy and keep her happy was giving him purpose and a motivation to hold himself together. 
And this desire to help and nurture and protect is clearly still deep within him. It’s just that now he feels incapable for doing so. In both body-
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And spirit -
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But now, suddenly, he is once again the Only Person Who Can Help this younger person in distress.
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And I think that is a huge part of his motivation to keep on going right now. I mean, just look at how quickly he goes from dismissing Fionna and Cake - into basically declaring that he has to protect them. And fully willing to sacrifice his own identity and sanity to bring magic back to their world because he knows it’ll make Fionna and Cake happy. Because the moment he saw Fionna tear up, he basically decided to Adopt her.
And that’s, you know, technically a step forward - but it is a very very imperfect step. 
Like, at the very least he’s not drinking his sorrows away while waiting for death out of pure despair and spite. At least he has a sense of purpose and a reason to open up for others again and bond. And we’ve seen how much this has been a great coping mechanism for pulling himself together through difficult times.
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My guess is that after two episodes of only seeing Simon Petrikov at his lowest and very worst - Fionna and Cake are finally going to get an understanding of Simon’s actual positive qualities as his dad-instincts are going to bring them up to the surface again. 
You know, tying your sense of self-worth and motivation entirely to how well you can Dad is not particularly healthy in the long run either. And it’s going to cause problems both for Simon and for F&C.
Looking at it from what's best of Simon, for the sake of protecting Fionna and Cake and making them happy by bringing magic and wonder back into their world - Simon is willing to throw himself right into the suffering and trauma that he’s been fearing all this time and has been trying so hard to get away from. I mean, it’s also about how Simon has started to miss being Ice King in a weird twisted way and how he resigned himself to being miserable in general. It’s also about that, but the part that he actually says out loud is that he’s doing this to protect Fionna and Cake.
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So that’s, you know, still very Not Good. Simon can’t hang his entire ability to properly function on there being Younger People who need his protection. He can't actually move forwards by trying to relive the Better Times of the Horrible Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland. That's not a sustainable coping mechanism. And it’s an incredibly unhealthy amount of self-sacrifice. 
And on Fionna’s side… she never said she wanted Simon to protect her.
She might want a useful teammate or a helping hand, she might need a friend. But I don’t think she needs a Dad. Simon is surely old enough to be her father (even just counting his age biologically and not the fact he’s 1058 years old) but Fionna’s not a Literal Child like Marcy was. Fionna Campbell is a grown-ass woman in her early 30’s (Finn is 29 years old right now and there was always kinda the implication that Fionna was a bit older than him). 
(And, heck, if she IS the daughter of a gender-flipped Minerva Campbell, she is probably not in the market for a new overprotective dad. She’s fully booked out on that.)
AND while Fionna does not possess full memories of her magical-adventuring-self, she clearly retains some of her fighting and athletic abilities.
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Meanwhile Cake is clearly an adult in cat years and is just as much of an insanely powerful shapeshifter as Jake was.
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So where does this middle-aged scrawny nerd get off, acting like it’s his job to sacrifice his mind in order to protect them?
And Fionna very much wants to be the hero, she wants to be at the center of the action. It is no coincidence that her own idealized version of Ice King/Simon is a Tuxedo Mask.
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Someone who can give her a helping hand and words of encouragement when things get rough - 
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But still lets her be the main hero of the story.
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And you know, right now Fionna and Cake have not fully processed the implications of Simon choosing to become Ice King… but once they see a bit of who Simon really is at his better moments. Yeah, they’re probably gonna have some objections to the idea that he should throw his entire identity away just for their own sake. 
Back when Simon allowed the Crown to slowly consume him so he could protect Marcy, it felt like a noble sacrifice. It really seemed like he had no other options. But now he has the entire multiverse on his disposal and two serious badasses on his side. Simon has to learn to see the difference between a codependent senseless self-sacrifice and something that will actually help Fionna and Cake.
So if Simon is really going to lean too hard on his Dad aspect, it’s actually going to cause some really big problems down the line. For his own mental well-being, and for Fionna and Cake. It is in a way, a step in the right direction. And I think it’s going to lead to our main trio finally becoming closer and understanding each other - but unless Simon learns to temper himself, it’s going to cause some serious interpersonal conflicts.
At least this is my thoughts about these interactions right now. I know they’ve been really short but I think they’re really full of Meaning and Emotions. But really, we’ll just have to wait and see.
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wyllsravengard · 6 months
there's a lot of discussion and speculation about the fact john doesn't speak of arthur in rdr1. logistically it's not hard to understand that rdr1 just came out years before rdr2 and thats why but . But.
but when you think of rdr1 with the additional context two, there is something quite... in line with john trying to forget arthur. wanting to. or burying him. not just in metaphor or in soil but in his memories and in some way failing to do it but in another succeeding
you think of john and his commitment to his son and wife and you think of his willingness to do anything for them. moral or not. righteous or not. and you think of the fact that john didn't know at the time the sort of man arthur believed him to be, but he perhaps modeled himself in the image of his older brother. near incidental. he has so little in common with arthur really. john's broody and lacking remorse and at twenty-six he's inconsiderate entirely in a way arthur never was.
but time is a thief and one day, he turns 38. he's older than arthur when he dies. and john doesn't remember well what he looks like, and all he can feel when he thinks of arthur is grief. grief that never ends. thats the thing about all of it, you'll realize - is that john knows arthur best in the retroactive.
the sort of complicated, odd man arthur was revealed to him in the creases of pages and keepsakes. in the carving of his guns that john finds after arthur is gone. in the ring of the woman arthur loved long ago. in the confessionals to his son isaac and the regret in the letters he wrote to their psuedo father. you realize john knows more of arthurs stagnant ghost that can't guide john into manhood the way he so desperately needs. and it's all he has to go by to make a man of himself.
john never finds out what kind of man arthur believed him to be and he has to infer the real good man arthur was. in grief there is love. john loved arthur enough to want to be like him. and in burying the living, breathing man arthur was he's forced to cling to his spirit. has to piece together the kindness of his older brother through memories and diary entries and secondhand stories. and that's how he models himself in rdr1 to me. where arthur is moral john becomes dutiful and where arthur is kind, john is helpful. he becomes the shadow of arthurs best qualities. he can never be arthur. no one could ever be arthur, even if arthur had given them the page by page instructions of how to do so. this is all he has. all he knows. all he can do.
john misses his brother. so he tries to embody him. but he can't really in the same way he can't grieve him. so he makes a home for arthurs ghost to return to in himself. john never mentions arthur because it dregs up painful what-ifs, but they share so many mannerisms and bastardized qualities. john has fashioned himself based on those loose memories.
one day, a stranger meets john and says. "why would you remember me, friend? you've forgotten far more important people than me" and john will remember all the ghosts he's ever loved briefly. there will be a blurry face and a forgiving voice and it will sound like a memory and it will linger in johns ribcage like a moth. and john won't remember. he won't. he can't. he buried his brother without ever doing it.
john says a lot of things. feels a lot of things. he shoots his gun to the stranger who calls his memory into question and the thing jams and the bastard roams free. john will taste blood in his mouth. he'll feel a cough in his lungs and well, he won't remember his brother still. buried men must stay buried.
of course. of course john never mentions arthur. he can't remember him, even though he's inherited so much of his manner. to speak it of him would be admitting to his existence. its admitting: i miss you. im sorry. it was my fault.
of course john never mentions arthur. he's made all this effort in forgetting him that even when his body and his gesture and his character betray the fact he's forgotten - his mind will soothe the pain and blur out his face.
and instead of remembering in life even once, he'll die the same way arthur did. alone. protective. contented. redeemed. john loves arthur like most brothers do - with muscle memory.
even if john cuts the necrosis of arthurs memory off of him, his body will twitch at the phantom feeling of his existence. john remembers even when he can't. arthur his only brother. the most important man he's ever forgotten.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Healthy Habits To Look & Feel Your Best Without Restriction or Unrealistic Routines
Realistic ways to maintain a healthy life/body/appearance (size and weight are all personal, not the most important metric – for certain). No diet culture or delulu-land tips here.
What I've done to maintain my 30-pound weight loss for over a decade, glowing clear skin (no pimples or discoloration, etc.), and super healthy, full & shiny hair, still living life and enjoying it – the mindful way.
Eat home-cooked meals & (plant-based) whole foods – 90-95% of the time
Incorporate at least 1 salad into my daily routine (either a large, hearty lunch salad or a simple green salad as a starter with dinner)
Include at least 1 fruit/vegetable in every meal or snack
Never restrict food groups – whole grains/potatoes, healthy fats, protein-rich plant foods, and produce are all essential to consume every day
Focus on meals, but have whole food snack options on hand to enjoy if genuinely hungry (mainly fruit, lupini beans, edamame, carrots/celery/cucumber with hummus, plain popcorn, handful of almonds/cashews)
Have breakfast after one coffee (before a second) and have dinner late enough (8-9:30 pm) to curb late-night hunger
Only have fruit and tea after dinner; Always stop consuming food at least 3 hours before bed for better sleep/digestion
Order whatever I want when going out to eat, but split dessert
Have at least one indulgent meal/dessert per week
No sugary cocktails – wine, champagne/prosecco, martinis, gin & tonic, margarita, French Connection, Sambuca, Grappa, tequila on the rocks, etc. are great options. Bellinis/fruit plus wine/spirits cocktails are a good middle ground. Sugary drinks worsen the hangover – big-time
Perceive healthy eating as a form of enjoyment, creativity, and nourishment, not restriction or deprivation (it's not if done liberally enough)
Consume a vitamin B12 and vitamin D supplement daily. Keep digestive enzymes on hand for when they're necessary
Always have a large glass of water first thing in the morning (before coffee) and by my side all day long
No soda, juices, sugary drinks, etc. Black coffee, tea, and water only on the daily – wine and no-sugar alcoholic drinks on rare occasions. Smoothies can be a great snack or breakfast, though!
Incorporate an (almost) daily walk into my schedule as a form of exercise and a mental health reset (I aim for 4-5 miles/10Kish steps per day on average)
Do short, low-impact strengthen training exercises 3x a week (15-30 mins each usually) for bone health & toning
Never forcing myself to do strenuous exercise/workout formally in a gym – it's not for me; it doesn't make me feel/look better and throws my hunger & energy levels way off. To each their own, though
Have a variety of playlists ready to go for waking up, working, dancing, walking/workouts, doing chores, and reading/relaxing
Internalizing that sexual health is a core aspect of your health & well-being – on all counts
Maintaining a simple skincare routine 2x per week with high-quality products and a couple of weekly treatments
Prioritizing my body care routine with as much as my facial skincare routine
Wearing at least SPF 30 daily
Exfoliating 2-3x per week
Learning what hair products work for my hair type; Using a deep conditioning mask and a scalp mask weekly
Using only cold water when washing my hair
Incorporating face & body massages into my weekly at-home routine
Using Uriage lip balm, hand cream, and deodorant religiously
Flossing 1-2 times a day/using an electric toothbrush
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mintsuwu · 6 months
MORE SMILING CRITTERS FAMILY HEADCANONS WAHOO!! I do apologize in advance as this post will be shorter BUT THERE ARE MORE PICTURES!!!
Bubba Bubbaphant
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Bubba Bubbaphant comes from a family deeply rooted in love, passion, and a sense of responsibility towards others. His mother was a botanist, brimming with a profound affection for plants, while his father embarked on adventurous explorations as a researcher. Despite their differing pursuits, they formed a tight-knit family unit where love and care flourished.
Sadly, his mother's life was cut short by a debilitating disease that drained her vitality, leaving an indelible mark on Bubba's heart. Witnessing her struggle ignited in him a fervent desire to become a doctor in the future, driven by the aspiration to alleviate suffering and potentially save lives, just as he had hoped to do for his mother.
But even after the profound loss, the relationship with his father remained strong, as the latter balances his adventurous spirit with unwavering dedication to his family. Despite the demands of his work, he cherishes every moment spent with Bubba, recognizing the importance of being present in his son's life. He carves out moments to spend quality time with him, sharing experiences and imparting valuable knowledge gained from his explorations as the young one shares information about the adventures he has with his friends
Mr. Bubbaphant embodies the essence of a true gentleman, extending kindness and assistance to those in need without hesitation. His demeanor and wisdom reflected the refinement and kindness instilled in his son, earning him a reputation as an absolute gentleman.
Their familial circle extends to Kickin'Chicken´s family, as he is friends with his mother, Clucketta, forging a close friendship between families. Recognizing the demands of parenthood, Mr. Bubbaphant would occasionally assist Clucketta by taking on babysitting duties, providing her with much-needed respite while her husband Rockin´ Rooster is away on his own endeavors.
Through their shared experiences and mutual respect, Bubba learns the value of compassion, friendship, and the importance of standing by those they care about.
BONUS: Kickin´ was the only one of the Smiling Critters who got to know Bubba´s mother before she passed away. And after her loss he made sure to be there to support his friend all the way just like the young elephant had done for him in the past.
Kickin'Chicken (Part ||)
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Rockin'Rooster is a renowned singer in the Smiling Critters universe and the father of Kickin' Chicken. Despite his fame, Rockin' spends little time with his family, prioritizing his career over them.
Kickin' idolizes his father, despite his older sister Pecky harboring resentment towards him for his selfishness. Though Rockin' favors Pecky, hoping she'll continue his musical legacy, but she rejects his expectations. Instead, she enjoys music with her friends for fun as she even plays in a band with them, but she doesn't seek for fame or fortune. Rockin' later shifts his attention to Kickin', who adores his father but longs for more family connection. The young boy feels overwhelmed by his many younger siblings, as his father's absence is often filled with new additions to the family. But despite this, Kickin' loves his family deeply.
Clucketta, Kickin's mother, once shared Rockin's passion for music, but she now focuses on supporting her family. She sacrificed her own career as a dancer before moving to Jolly Valley (I still have to think of a name for the town though) in order to live a happy and peaceful life... Despite the family's imperfections. And though she no longer wears her Merry Charm, when she does, she keeps her pendant hidden as it makes her feel nostalgic of the times where she could pursue her passion for dancing.
BONUS: Adult Kickin' design! I like to imagine that he becomes some sort of dancing teacher in the future.
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Interesting that Stephanie Brown reminds Dick of a young Barbara Gordon but reminds Bruce of a young Dick Grayson. So much to read into there.
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Batgirl (2009) #7 & Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Batgirl
They’re both projecting. They’re impressed by what they see in Steph so they liken her to the person they hold in the highest of regards; for Dick that’s Babs and for Bruce that’s Dick.
On the other hand, Stephanie, current Batgirl and former Robin, does in fact draw parallels to both Babs and Dick; the first Batgirl and Robin!! And Dick and Bruce recognise this. Her spirit is relentless and fucking unbreakable and she’s independent to a fault; qualities associated with Babs’ strong character. More technically, she’s light-footed, agile and always pinging around the battlefield, and she’s also cunning, always using her words to throw off her opponents; skills and techniques particularly associated with how Dick operates.
Another important thing to note is that that Dick, now Batman, has come to know Stephanie as the Batgirl, and so likens her to the original Batgirl, while Bruce still remembers Stephanie as his Robin, and so likens her to the original Robin.
Nevertheless, despite what a lot of the bat fandom may tell you, people can be more than just one thing.
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