#really this is the hill you want to die on when you have a trans son whose gender and name you refuse to use
jfkisonthemoon · 4 months
i really dont know how you people do it but every single day i swear i see some post that boils down to "oh misogyny and feminism are both about men"
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saunteringdownward · 5 months
Yknow considering my mum was a self proclaimed socialist feminist who did work with the campaign for nuclear disarmament in the 80s and other related causes, you sure wouldn't guess it now. She loves keir starmer, casual transphobia and denial that trans people face anh issus ever, being vocally racist, especially against black and Asian folks, being pro Israel and devil's advocate when there's a GENOCIDE HAPPENING, she doesn't think disabled people including herself should have lives (my granddad who was in a powered wheelchair most of his life would hate her now I hate to say it but) she thinks black people are reverse racist when they call her out on her yt privilege instead of just yknow listening to what they have to say nd to top it all off she said the other day that the cass report is right, and earlier today said that she was probably going tk vote reform because 'we need to look after our own'
Like babe
You're a populist nationalist tiptoeing dangerously into fascist territory. No wonder none of your friends talk to you anymore
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who-knows73 · 1 year
Ok I just watched Nimona (which is really good by the way) and I don't really have any major critiques or anything but I do want to praise the movie for being so openly queer. Its not just a throwaway line or a quick less then ten second scene of queerness. I don't want to really spoil anything so I'll keep it vague but the fact that one of the characters is gay and him and his partner kiss and say I love you multiple times on screen, in the forefront of the shot is so important to me. Them being in love actually adds to the plot and gives it more depth than just playing them off as friends ever could have.
Also Nimona in my eyes is an allegory for being trans and I will die on that hill, when you watch the movie through a queer lens its literally so queer. Plus at the end of the movie in the credits there's a shot where she spits rainbow fire and it turns into a heart shaped tunnel kinda thing out of the progress flag colours.
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There's also this in the credits which if you look at all the crossed out words, the one right on top of the word 'lot' at the bottom is boy which also leads me to believe that Nimona is kinda intended to be interpreted as a trans character but maybe I'm reading into things.
Bonus: This is the very last line of the movie and I just think it's really funny that they end it with a cut off curse word.
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Double bonus: Throughout the movie, there are multiple of these anarchy symbols inside hearts instead of circles and at the end of the credits right before the Netflix logo pops up she draws one. So to conclude things, not only is Nimona a metalhead but she's also an anarchist and I love her for that.
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willalove75 · 7 months
stop simping over women and pay attention to your husband. You clearly made your choice to be with a man and have his child rather than choose a woman. You bisexual women don’t get to exist in lesbian spaces when you lean towards men. Unless your husband lets to you step out on your marriage or lets you have delusional thoughts that any lesbian would want a woman knocked up by a man. You bisexual women who lean more towards men or are with men have no right to be in sapphic or lesbian spaces. And lady d is a lesbian so as if she would be with someone who let a man touch them let alone knock them up.
Oh, I'm sorry, did my husband tell you that I'm not giving him enough attention? Didn't think so.
Yes, I made a choice to be with him, because I fell in love with him. Because he's my best friend and my biggest supporter in everything I do (yes, he even supports my writing and fics and he tells me often how proud he is of me). I did not chose him because he's a man. Truthfully, his gender had absolutely nothing to do with why I married him. I just happened to fall in love with and marry a man, but that does NOT make me any less of a bisexual woman.
"You bisexual women..." and people question whether or not bi-erasure is a thing, meanwhile, this entire ask is such a great example of just that😒
"delusional thoughts that any lesbian would want a woman knocked up by a man." is truly offensive to not only every bi woman who has been with a man, but any woman who has. What about the lesbians that got pregnant by men?? Because this may come as a shock to you, but it does happen. It may not happen a lot or often, but it does. Does that mean that those women are "tainted" or "ruined" also??? No it fucking doesn't, you idiot.
It really makes me laugh when people try and use a fictional character to make a real life argument. You want to know why? BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT FUCKING REAL!!! So honestly, you have absolutely no idea if that's true or not because she's a fake fucking character from a video game. Are you also this upset at the fic writers who make her trans??? Or what about fic writers that make Alcina's partner trans??? Or are you just that much of biphobic person and this is the hill you're choosing to die on?? Either way, you're an actual bigot.
This post just SCREAMS biphobia and bi-erasure and it's fucking gross. You are so very obviously projecting your own issues and insecurities in this and honestly I would be embarrassed if I were you. Because not a single thing you said is true AT ALL or holds any merit.
Bisexual women who lean towards men or who are with men ABSOLUTELY do belong in those spaces. Just because a bisexual woman is married/with a man or leans towards men does not discredit or change their sexuality. No bi person automatically becomes straight if they date/marry the opposite gender or become gay/lesbian if they date/marry the same gender. It's called BIsexual. More than one gender. You do not get to invalidate every bi person with this shitty (and inherently wrong) opinion.
I know you wrote this trying to get a rise out of me, and congratulations because you succeeded. But I also know that people like you leave messages like this because they feel so broken and hurt and shitty that they want others to feel like that too. Unfortunately for you, I grew up in the era that birthed anonymous hate messages so you'll have to try harder next time. Not only that, but I am proud and confident in who I am and no pathetic anonymous (especially anonymous, you pussy) message is going to shake me.
I am a proud bisexual woman. I am proud to be married to my husband. I am proud that I will soon be the mother of a little boy who I will raise to be a much better person than you'll ever be. I am proud of what I've written and no, I will not stop.
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writingriver001 · 3 months
Obey me character hc 💙
🤍 Brothers and side characters 🤍
General hc of mine, a mixture of things I thought of, things my friends have thought of, and things I've seen online. Just move on if you don't agree, there is no reason to hate. ((Possible ooc? I haven't gotten too far in the game))
Requests are open 🩷
Lucifer ❤
- He and Satan have the exact same birthmark on the back of their neck.
- The first to tell Satan a few stories about Lilith
- Has scared Mammon a lot because he has a tendency to stand in a room and zone out while thinking, but the room is pitch black and he is silent.
- He went with Levi to his first cosplay con because Levi was too scared to go alone
- Likes cooking, a lot. Makes brilliant soups.
- His desk has many scratch marks from digging his nails into it when stressed.
- He has a matching ring with Mammon and a matching anklet with Asmo (He begged, Lucifer pretended to be annoyed but actually thinks it's really sweet.)
- He is attracted to all genders but has a preference for men.
- Has a lingering smell of coffee and ink, it's oddly comforting
- He always has a bowl of mints on his desk that he eats when he is sitting there
- Enjoys wearing Victorian style clothing
- Asexual and Non-binary I will die on this hill
Mammon 💛 (On mobile and I can't do yellow, sorry guys <3)
- Very cuddly. Like, extremely.
- He randomly leaves notes in his brothers' rooms, reminding them to eat, or drink water. Most of the time he shoves the note under the door, knocks and runs away. He tries to disguise his handwriting but everyone knows it's him (They pretend not to know.)
- Demi aroace.
- Has a minor fear of the dark
- Matching keychains with everyone (Including Diavolo, and surprisingly Barbatos. His favourite is matching with Luke.)
- Has awful eyesight and has to use contacts
- Adores wearing heels (Icon)
Leviathan 💙
- He wants to spend more time with his brothers but doesn't know how to ask so he paints Asmo's nails whenever he can, and often has random colours of nail polish under his fingernails or on his fingertips
- Really enjoys love songs
- Will randomly "boop" his younger brothers noses.
- Smells like the ocean/perfume (Asmo buys him different perfumes he thinks would suit him.)
- He doesn't really care what pronouns are used for him
- Non-binary
- Snake bites (piercing)
- ADHD + Autism
- Has a split tongue
- Has a small collection of feminine clothes in a drawer. Anxious about wearing them, but his brothers hype him up enough to get him to wear them around the house
- Hates showing his legs unless he is wearing shorts
- Has fangs
- He has pointy ears that are purple at the top
- HATES wearing matching socks for no reason
- Literally allergic to grass.
- Loves centipedes so much (They were a special interest of his for a while.)
- Tan skin, scale skin pattern across his body, it even goes up the side of his neck and ends on his right cheek, next to his nose
Satan 💚
- He has a cat plushie that sits on his lap when he reads
- When somebody he knows is wearing glasses while he is walking past, he will just grab them and run. They usually have to tackle him to get them back
- Smells like lavender and occasionally old books
- Trans guy (proof? The thing in my wardrobe said so)
- Part of his phone case matches with Asmo's
- Has a bar piercing in his ear, idk what its called
- Part of his hair is naturally black. He always dyes it but as his relationship with Lucifer improves, he lets is grow out and doesn't dye it
- Wears hairclips
Asmodeus 🩷
- Once convinced Lucifer to let him do his makeup. Lucifer let him do his eyeliner a couple of times after that.
- He genuinely loves onesies, specifically ones that have a hood
- Genderfluid, Can and will shapeshift to change his body depending on how he feels that day. Literally doesn't care about pronouns, say whatever
- Autism, Goes nonverbal when really upset
- Helps Levi with cosplays
- Used to beg Satan to read him bedtime stories occasionally to help him feel like he was part of the family like he was asmos older brother. It's become a routine for them at least once a week
- When he goes nonverbal he will go to Satan or Lucifer for comfort, and will cling onto them
- His special interest is snowglobes.
Beelzebub 🧡
- Loves cooking, but often eats it before he can show people what he made
- If he loves somebody he will randomly bite their hand/arm.
- He has matching T-shirts with Belphie and Asmo. Once a month they have a sleepover (Asmo will do their nails, they will watch films and eat snacks.)
- Chews his shirt sleeves when working
- Has an undercut
- Dark tan skin, freckles
Belphegor 💜
- He only wears socks with patterns
- He hates bugs. Absolutely hates them.
- He likes drawing patterns on his arm, or little farm animals.
- Loves strawberry milk for no reason.
- He hates the fact that pigeons can sit down.
- He has a bad habit of falling down the stairs, and he will just lie there for 10-15 minutes before getting up.
- Snake bites piercing
- Loves audio books (managed to get Satan to record one for him, and he listens to it often.)
- Autism
- Smells like fabric softener, general floral scent but a very specific brand
- Demiromantic
- They/He pronouns, but doesn't correct people or really tell them
- He won't admit it but human men were his bisexual awakening
- Dark skin, braids (What braids? No clue, my friends hc not mine personally.)
Diavolo ❤
- Has matching bracelets with mc
- He has this one mug that he will always use for tea/coffee/hot drinks and it's bright yellow. He loves it.
- Pointy ears + ear piercings
Barbatos 💚 (Another character I know little about)
- He has fangs
- He wears glasses to read
- He really struggles to show affection with words, he is better with actions
- Split tongue
Simeon 💙
- I actually have none for him... I don't really know anything about him actually 😭
Solomon 🩷
- He can only make sausage rolls. It's the only thing he can make, but nobody trusts his cooking
- Asmo is jealous, Solomon has really long eyelashes
- Likes to crochet
Luke 💜💜
- He teaches Solomon how to cook (Tries)
- He has accidentally called Simeon AND Lucifer dad before but denies it (They have no proof)
- Levi is his favourite brother, and he really looks up to him. He tried to bake Ruri-chan gingerbread people, but when it came to the decoration it didn't go the way he wanted it too so he got really upset. Levi absolutely loved them, thanked Luke and ate them all happily regardless. (I say all... I think we all know Beel got to a few)
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phantomram-b00 · 6 months
Why is Harry Potter trending (or was)? Can it not? Like deadass I’m being fr can it plz not. Especially that J.K Rowling is a massive TERF, a raging antisemite, and disgustingly try to deny that trans people were not affected by the Holocaust (which she was ratio’d by George Takei).
Way ahead of you: (Tw: transphobia, racism, antisemitism, holocaust, Harry Potter)
Oh and don’t get me started how Hogwart Legacy, you know that game that was sworn Jk Rowling wasn’t apart of (yeah sure-) is blood libel story. Not to mention that trans people have told you not to especially since there is a canonical transgender character named Sirona. (People said Sirona is a Celtic goddess for healing. but- come on. You can’t bullshit out of this one. There are OTHER NAMES TO NAME A TRANSGENDER CHARACTER— it make those joke with how Jk Rowling naming not far off. Because it like naming a nonbinary character “NoGendora” or smth (before you say, I’m nonbinary myself—) so idc if it already have a meaning, it still is tone deaf to name a transgender women Sirona).
“But but- you can separate the art from the artist?”
Yes. You can separate art from the artist. HOWEVER before you celebrate thinking you had a gotcha moment. You can only separate if the art itself isn’t problematic or is bigotry itself. Harry Potter is as mention in the links. Not to mention, Harry Potter himself become a cop despite the cop in that world didn’t do jack shit. And don’t get me started on how they handle the whole elf slavery. Also there is heavy fatphobia in this story, proof, look at how they would talk about Harry’s abusive aunt and uncle from his mother’s side. Don’t get me started how she would describe Rita Skeeter. There even a black character who’s last names is Shacklebolt— do I need to say more (if I’m missing any other examples please tell me)
Not to mention she benefits off of it and uses her money to donate to transphobia and just don’t give a flying fuck if she offend people (which seem to usually be the case for trans/homophobia but moving on). like, this is who you wanna support? You still want to read this wizard book when there are other that don’t have transphobia, racist, antisemitic, or any problematic rhetoric and are objectively better than Harry Potter? Really? You wanna die on this hill?
Look. I used to like Harry Potter. but that was before I knew what a dirtbag of a fucking human she is (I didn’t really have social media at the time), and I cringe as I wish I learn sooner that she was a deplorable person who hates trans people like myself (nonbinary respectfully). But, I can happily say Fuck Harry Potter that series can burn in a trash for all I care and I hope the hbo series flops on its ass. And also fuck Jk Rowling, she can fuck off for all I care. That being said, If you support Harry Potter/Jk Rowling, unfollow me. Block me. Because I do not support Harry Potter/Jk Rowling. Because Trans rights/Gender Equality, Human rights are infinitely more important than a basic ass wizard book/movie with a even basic ass magic system when there are objectively better wizard/magic books that are respectful.
Anyway, that being said, Trans and basic human rights matter 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 🤭
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 11 months
I am a mutual but i am embarrassed about self shipping so we go anon
If you are comfortable with it could i request the mercs with a trans man/nonbinary on their period? Like if they comfort you and how, what their reaction is (if they find it gross, if their confused as hell)
Thank youu
TF2 Mercs Comforting A Trans Man/Nonbinary Person On Their Period!
Hello Secret Mutual! Of course you can ask this, it's really cute! You asked the right guy, too, because I am a transgender. Anyways, would you believe this is my second x reader ask? Uh, I hope you don't mind that I used my lgbtq+ headcanons for this! Also, I assumed by comfort you meant general comfort but also dysphoria, I hope I didn't go off ask with that assumption
————————————————————In case you were wondering, none of these guys would be embarrassed or refuse to buy pads/tampons/any other period products for you. And even if they were embarrassed, they'd do it anyway. I will die on this hill. There's also a myriad of period products in the base already, probably all old, but they're still there. Also, none of them will find it or you gross! Some of them might not really understand what a period is, but when they figure it out, they will never make you feel like it or you are gross. Periods are natural, and at the base, no one needs to feel ashamed!
Um, light TW for gender dysphoria mentions? Nothing serious, just what the title implies. Lots of comfort and validation, though! Also uses of the words pussy and uterus!
Demo is probably confused for like five minutes and then has a lightbulb moment,
"Oh, yeah, I remember being on the rag, hurt like hell. Medic can fix that if ya want. He took mine years ago." He had follicular cysts and good god was he thrilled to never have that pain again. (He's just like me fr!) Assuming you don't trust Medic, hate surgeries, can't get it removed, or just don't want it removed, he's understanding of your choice to keep it, and will try his best to be comforting. Anything you'll need, he'll manage to find. Heating pads? He's got them somewhere, he's sure. PMS pills? He's on his way to the lab to get them from Medic for you. If you have dysphoria from your period, he's also really good at providing comfort for that. If you're a trans man, he'll tell you you're plenty masculine and one of the strongest men he knows. If you're nonbinary he'll assure you that a little bit of blood every month doesn't change anything and that your identity is still valid as hell. He would fist fight your dysphoria if he could.
Engie is more surprised than anything. Not in a bad way! Here's the thing, he straight up forgets about periods once he got his uterus taken out. My man had PCOS, and once he no longer had to deal with unbearable cramps and sickness every month, he just never thought about it again. He's super quick to comfort you, though. In a similar vein to Demo, he'll tell you about Medic removing his. Again, I am very respectful of your choice. He will do his best to make you super comfortable and keep you happy. He'll make you special heating pads! He'll also bring you anything you need. I cannot stress this enough. When it comes to dysphoria, you will get called an insane amount of pet names. All validating your identity, of course. He understands the feeling of dysphoria and will do anything to ease the pain and sadness that comes with it. Lots of cuddles from him too btw.
Heavy is confused. Not by periods. This man grew up with three sisters. He knows what a period is by now. No, he's confused by you getting a period. He's not mean, of course! He's just going to ask you a lot of questions because he's probably just interested. He'll do whatever you need him to do to make it easier for you. He knows his sisters were miserable during their time, and he can't imagine how bad it is for you to have to deal with a period and dysphoria. Speaking of dysphoria, he doesn't really know what to say but also manages to say everything you need to hear at the same time? Like he assures you in no uncertain terms that you are super valid and no less of a man or person and that you are you and you're valid. He hugs you a lot! If you seem even the slightest bit sad, he's giving you a hug.
Medic is probably the best when it comes to dealing with periods. He understands dysphoria and knows how to ease your pain. The second you feel pain, he's handing you hot tea and pain medication. He keeps you in his lab while he works to keep an eye on you and sends Archimedes and his other doves over to comfort you whenever he can't. He tracks your period purely to make sure he can have anything you might need on hand day of. He's always willing to remind you of how scientifically you're gender has nothing to do with those pesky organs. Lots of compliments on your body if you're a trans man, commenting on how masculine you are. If you're nonbinary he's complimenting your resilience and strength. Honestly, he's great. Points taken off, though, because he wants your uterus for his ever growing organ collection, but he will respect your choices with minimal pestering.
Scout is confused all around. He doesn't get it. So you have to explain periods to him, then you have to explain being trans to him, and then you have to explain both together before it finally clicks in his mind. He's immediately supportive. Maybe to supportive. If you ask him to get period products you'll get hit with the "Alright babe, I'm in the pad isle, what's ur pussy size?" And if you make the mistake of not answering in the first five minutes he buys so many boxes of pads and tampons. You're sitting in bed clutching your stomach, and he comes in the room to dump at least seven boxes of pads and tampons on you. Hey, what he lacks for in understanding, he makes up for by being able to make you laugh so hard you forget the period cramps. You'll never feel dysphoria if he has any say in it. He will do anything to distract you from bad thoughts and will validate you until his voice wears out.
Sniper doesn't care that you have a period and doesn't care that you're trans. That sounds really mean, but I swear it's not like that. Periods are normal, and you shouldn't feel weird about them, so when it's your time of the month, he'll support you in whatever way you need, but he'll act very nonchalant about it all. With you being trans he reassures you that he doesn't care about how you were born and that you shouldn't either because your body doesn't define the person you are. Basically, this man is so supportive but in a really calm kind of way. But just because he acts all chill and nonchalant doesn't mean he isn't worried. Oh no, this man appears to be calm and collected, but he's really upset that you have to go through this. You might find yourself on the receiving end of hugs and kisses whenever you look particularly sad.
Considering his ass is on the support team, Spy is not very supportive. Well, not supportive emotionally. Physically, he'll bring you the best of whatever you need or want. He's more than happy to kill someone to get you something nice, just to see you light up or (happy) cry out of appreciation. Emotionally, however, he's not mean, but he thinks you're being ridiculous with the things you say. He wants to provide you comfort, but he really doesn't understand why you feel so dysphoric and doesn't even know where to start. He'll just reassure you he loves and cares for you. Speaks softly to you and talks more than he normally does if you prod him. Who knows, he might even sing for you or tell you stories while you lay in bed with cramps if that would make you feel better.
Soldier is confused, but he's got the right spirit. In a similar vein to Scout, has asked what your pussy size is at least once, and has at least bought nine boxes of period products. He really just wants to be helpful and make you feel better. He'll gladly get anything you need, from heating pads to chocolate he's already getting it the second you even thought about it. I'd you feel dysphoric, he'll remind you that you're an American!! (even if you aren't 😭) And you're an amazing person. So, who cares how you were born? What matters is the person you are today! Less screaming than normal, especially if you get migraines or just headaches in general. He's still really loud, and your head will still probably throb, but he's trying. It takes him a while to go from his normal 100% volume to a normal speaking volume but the effort really shows. Most of the time though, he might just lay with you and listen to you talk, if you're in any mood to. Or just take a nap with you. Literally anything you want to do, he'll do, as long as he can do it with you.
Pyro knows. Like 100% knows. They experience it every month and deal with pain and gender dysphoria. (They're the only merc who has a uterus and period, actually! They're MTF and underwent the surgeries only to realize their agender, they now have a complicated relationship with their gender where they love their body but dislike their uterus and want it removed but at the same time value their uterus) Anyways, this isn't a Pyro post so moving on! So, you two would probably sync up and deal with it together. Pyro would most likely focus on you to help them ignore their symptoms and dysphoria. They love helping you and caring for you. They have a big heated blanket that you can share to help ease pain, and they have as much chocolate as you need to make you feel better. Lots of hugs and cuddles, too! They'll talk to you for hours about their issues with gender dysphoria if you let them, always returning the favor to let you rant back at them. Finding their own way to assure you the feel the same and that you both need to realize that a blood cycle can't and won't ever define you or your gender.
I love these guys so much. It's insane. Also, I love this ask, I want to shake it around in my teeth like a dog. Anyways! I swear I'm normal. I hope you like this Anon :)
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indiegowrites · 2 months
i'm asking between 28-31 in that ask game I WANNA KNOWWW
28.) What is one thing you would like to see explored more in TMNT art/fics?
So often April just gets completely sidelined—or, if she is involved, it's to a much lesser extent than the main four are. I feel like a lot of people forget that April is, for all intents and purposes—outside of 2012—their sister. She has as much a role in their family dynamic as the guys do.
Let's look at Rise, which is the iteration where she has the biggest role as an active family member IMO. In the final episode alone, she's all but verbally confirmed to be a member of the Hamato clan.
For instance, look at the usage of "it's us" here—they are a group. You either take all of them, or you get none of them.
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Note the fact that her sequence in the battle against Shredder takes place in the very middle, between Raph and Mikey's sequences. Moreso, think about the way she appears from behind Raph's copy. It's a move that's VERY reminiscent of what Raph just previously did with Leo hardly 15 seconds prior.
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She then has an entire battle sequence against him, which is, by the way, SO sick. This little move she and Karai do is topped only by Leo and Raph's teleport segment.
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She's with the entire family (plus Casey, my beloved!!!!!!!) when they launch their final attack on him!!!!
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Hell, SHE'S the one who holds the spear with Karai! You know, the guys biological great-great-great however many greats grandmother?
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I could talk for HOURS about April's connection with Karai, the guys, and the Hamato clan in general, and its usage of cementing her role as their sister in all but blood—but this is only the first question and I've already rambled for too long HAHAHA.
I want more April! Outside of Rise, inside of Rise, wherever, however, I don't care. Give me more April O'Neil. Stop sidelining her. She is a Hamato, just as much as the guys are.
29.) What is one headcanon that you have?
I see a lot of transfem 2012!Leo passed around, and I genuinely do subscribe to that—but my main headcanon is that 2012!Donnie is also genderqueer (whether that be transfem, nonbinary, or whatever else). Their relationship with April and their whole dynamic takes on an entirely different light when you view it through that lense, and becomes a lot more fascinating than...whatever is going on in canon.
(Sidebar, but Rise!Leo is transmasc. That's not even a headcanon, I fully believe that to be a genuine part of his character.)
30.) What is one common headcanon that you reject?
Not really rejecting, per se, as I believe that any headcanon can be true if you do enough mental gymnastics (#transfem12!donnie WOOOO), but my own take on Rise!Leo's sexuality is a lot more ambiguous than I know a lot of people go for. He's a pretty large kin of mine, and my own sexuality is hardly cut and dry (all I know is that I am queer, and that I don't like putting labels on myself beyond that), so I perceive him kind of in the same boat HAHAHA.
I don't know if this really counts, however, as Rise Leo being queer is hardly a headcanon. That's just...canon. Subtext canon, but canon all the same LMAOOO
Also. Again. That is a trans man. Rise!Leo is transmasculine. I will die on this hill. Argue with the wall.
31.) What is one piece of TMNT canon that you dislike/ignore?
I don't know that I really have any canon that I ignore, to be honest. I think that every TMNT canon is enjoyable in its own way, and that includes the more...let's go with controversial media, like the Bayverse, or Next Mutation,
There are some comics that I just couldn't really get into, but that's more of an ADHD thing than an active dislike.
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foxglovepng · 4 months
Pride Headcannons + ships🌼🥀
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Characters: Riddle, Cater, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Kalim, Vil, Epel, Idia, Malleus, Lilia. + Ship mentions Trey, Floyd, Azul Literally everyone.
CW: Mentions of internalized homophobia, ship mentions, probably incorrect dragon biology. Book 7 spoilers Lilia!!!!!! (Please don't come for my Idia and Cater ship name its a JOKE) I went a little unhinged with some of the ship names
A/N: Happy pride month since you gay and shit. When I was writing this I legit forgot Savanaclaw existed and accidentally left them out (OOPSIE). By the end of pride month, I am going to figure out if I am a lesbian or not.
(Just a disclaimer these headcanons don't change who I will write them for I just have these specific headcanons)
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
Riddle (Closeted Gay man)
Riddle has internalized homophobia. For gender, he's questioning/experimenting, but because of his mother he very much has internalized homophobia.
Cater (Bi preference Men + Non Binary)
So if you look at Cater's guitar straps in his club card it's BASICALLY the Non-binary flag (He/They)
Like?? It's basically it maybe just missing a color but like?? You can't tell me I'm wrong.
He also gives off Bisexual with a preference for men. Like just looking at him he would date women however men are usually his preference.
Ace (Trans FTM + BI preference woman )
We all know about my FTM Ace headcannons and I will die on that hill for them, BUT Bi preference woman headcannon Ace.
Also because of Adeuceyuu, I will include that he's Polyamorous.
Deuce (Pansexual)
He's comfortable in his gender however he is Pan.
I know people are like "But but he gets nervous around women" fun fact I don't give a shit he's PAN
Also adding because of Adeuceyuu he's poly
Ruggie (Bisexual)
He gives off Bi vibes idk why.
Like you can totally catch him checking out guys and girls you can't tell me otherwise??
Jack (Pansexual)
Another Pansexual. I can see him not caring about gender he would date anyone.
(Insert Epel and Jack ship)
I think he prefers rather or not they are a good person and would workout with him.
Jade (Unlabeled)
I feel like Jade experiments with Gender stuff and pronouns. I also feel like when it comes to sexuality he doesn't really care and chooses not to label himself. Who cares if his s/o is a male Why does that matter?
Jamil (Agender + Unlabeled)
He gives off agender vibes tbh like no straight man has hair that gorgeously long NO STRAIGHT MAN HAS A GORGEOUS SILK PRESS SMH (drop the hair routine or Kalim gets it)
When to comes to his sexuality I feel like he's unlabeled as he also probably doesn't care like Jade. He also isn't actively seeking out a relationship because of his position as a retainer.
Kalim (Pansexual + experimenting)
He'd date anyone for sure doesn't matter the gender.
Are they trans? sure are they a woman? sure are they am eldritch horror? sure why not.
I feel like he also experiments with his gender and plays around with pronouns. Like maybe one day he wants to dress in drag and he next he just wants to vibe.
Vil (Genderqueer + Pan)
Vil is literally referred to with both masc and fem pronouns so it's giving very much genderqueer.
They would date literally anyone all that matters is their beauty n shit.
Epel (Bisexual)
He's bi because I said so
I could see him dating a girl, but I could also see him dating a guy..
Idia (Aro/Ace)
I could see this man being Aroace. Like he really does not go out and if you have seen his Phantom Bride card you'd see it too.
Malleus (Genderfluid + Pan)
According to my sources if I am correct Dragons are genderfluid (Source: Cafae latte)
Malleus is a dragon (DRAGON DEEZ NUTS-) so that makes them Genderfluid in my book.
And I also feel like they would be Pan because they would definitely date anyone and since being genderfluid I feel like gender wouldn't matter as He can make it work.
Lilia (Agender + Bi + Poly)
So because Peepaw is 700 years old I feel like he just messes around with gender and would use any pronouns.
For the Bi and poly headcannons
According to my sources in book 7 he tried to wife up Malleus's mom and Levan (Idk who Levan is he's just there)
Bi Lilia cannon fr
My favorite ships
AdeuceYuu (Ace + Deuce + Yuu)
Dumb and Dumber (Or Adhd + Autism) (Ace + Deuce)
Aceyuu (Ace + Yuu)
Deuceyuu (Deuce + Yuu)
Beauty + Fuckass Shining Armor (Vil + Rook)
Twink and a redhead (Idia + Cater)
Magicam freak + SFW Donut Daddy (Cater + Trey)
Octopus + Chef that would cook Octopus (Azul + Jamil)
Applejuice (Epel + Deuce)
Gym Rat + Small enough Gym Rat crush with his bicep (Jack + Epel)
Ships I can get behind but aren't my favorite
You aren't enemies you are just gay (Malleus + Leona)
You're honor they're gay (Azul + Riddle)
Terrorizer + Terrorizer's favorite person (Floyd + Riddle)
Beauty + Beast (Vil + Leona)
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piffany666 · 8 months
New Jersey rats intern headcanons!
(Also thank you to @astralbulldragon13 for making the "book of destiny" it kinda inspired me to make this. I'm finally over my "making highly detailed ocs is cringe" phase!)
My intern oc uses they/he pronouns and their name is Jim!
They are Irish Italian
Their mum is from derry and eloped to new Jersey with Jim's dad whos Italian
They both very quickly regretted this decision but they were both kinda stuck
And having kids made it even worse
And I said kids plural cos the intern is giving major chaotic middle child energy
They have autism and one reason they wanted to join the mob was because its their special interest
They made friends by telling people random hyperspecific facts about their intrests
If you knew them chances are you knew about the mob!
Their parents both where really shitty about them being who they where eg. Trans, autistic ect
They are a recovering theater kid
They generally wanted to go into theater as a carer but their parents scared them off that idea
So they went into accounting!
They have THE BEST singing voice
They used to sing for money
They don't as much anymore cos they don't wanna upstage badaboom
Intern and jean are giving MAJOR bi for bi energy
(For those who know) the intern also dated stacy I will die on this hill
I like to think that they met cos they were both singers for the same club at one point
And the intern was the one to brake up with her but stacy wasn't used to being the one who got broken up with
Shes like godzilla she comes into your life ruins everything and gose back into the ocean - escaped audios
So when the intern broke up with her she just straight up broke their arm
Intern and jean both smoke
They have definitely done shit like
Sharing a lighter
Sharing a cigarette
That thing where you use one cigarette to light the other
whenever this would happen badabing would just look at them like -__-
They have tattoos but only on their back so they arnt very visible
(I probably have more but that's all I got for now lol)
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koi-pond-tears · 7 months
Headcanons I love even tho they go against my main beliefs for these characters
Ace/Aro bakugou. Idk why but I just. Love it. So much. Like yes lil dude be free!!! Fuck nobody!!! You never needed bitches!!!
And especially the headcanons where he's like. Absolutely clueless about love. Like Mina will ask "so bakugou what's your type?" And he just looks confused n goes "?? You mean my blood type???"
Izuku and Katsuki being brothers. Like not literal brothers by blood but they have that brotherly bond. I actually do ship dekubaku but this headcanon is still very dear to me and I think in another universe it could work.
Like it's so funny imagining them fighting the way brothers do or being mean to each other but also having each other's backs and protecting/defending the other. I love that for them
Idk why but asexual todoroki just. Wow. I love him
I feel like he would still want a romantic relationship just without the sex part. Like he's totally cool with kissing or cuddling bc cmon there is no way in HELL this boy is not absolutely touch starved.
I feel like while Ace bakugou thinks sex is gross and is repulsed by it, ace todoroki is just indifferent to it. He doesn't rlly care or have any feelings towards it. Like ok bestie go smush your peepees together while I watch the entire Beverly Hills Chihuahua franchise
As much as I love my blorbos bakudeku together I have to admit the idea of izuku being the token straight friend in a class full of the ell gee bee tees is so fucking funny to me. Like he doesn't understand the lingo and is absolutely sweating his balls off trying not to say something offensive and it's just hilarious. He accidentally uses she/her instead of they/them once and almost commits seppuku ( a japanese style of suicide which includes disembowelment)
I'm sure he includes everyone's pronouns in their description in his notebook to make sure he remembers what to use
Nonbinary jirou just. Fits. Like idk what anyone has to say about that but look me in the eye and tell me that bitch doesn't put on a binder
They're an enby and also bisexual bc I am correct about everything.
Trans kiri just works.
If deku doesn't grow up to be tall as fuck then I will literally have a meltdown
does he not look like the tall lanky nice friend that can't even say fuck??? Look me in the eye and tell me that. Do it.
Eri grows up to be really tall
Like idk where this comes from but to me she's just. Tall. Girly doesn't get you things from the top shelf she IS the top shelf
Also I personally don't like the eri x kota ship, I think it's kinda weird to be wanting these whole ass 6 year Olds to date, idk but it makes me uncomfortable
I saw a post once that said that Ochaco would be an active memelord (back when that term wasn't cringe) and oh my god. No. This bitch wouldn't know anything.
She has a fucking flip phone I doubt she has access to motherfucking twitter
I think she'd be like Izuku where she's just absolutely clueless on the lingo and slang and feels left out when her friends reference memes she's never seen before
And even if they do take the time to send her one or two she wouldn't understand it
I also saw this in a different post but tsuyu listens to asmr
Tokoyami too
I love the black Mina headcanons but I'm filipino and so starved of representation so I'll just pretend she's half pinoy but grew up in japan so she doesn't really know much of the language (you'd be surprised how many of us don't speak our native language despite living here all our lives)
Himikos eyebags come from the many long nights she spent as a villain doing literally anything else but getting a good night's sleep. Like I know in the backstory episodes we see her with the eyebags as a child, but when I first watched the show I just assumed that that was the reason she had them, and I'll stick to that till I die
Mirio is autistic. Do not argue with me I am right.
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splendidbadger · 8 months
I read the tags on the ROTTMNT villains reblog, do you have more any scenarios and ideas for the villians? ANYTHING will do, they’re so fun and intriguing but the fandom overlooks them constantly.
Oh, I'm so glad you asked!!! I love the villains sooo much that I'm making an Ask blog revolving around them opening a bar lmao. I'm happy to see others who are invested.
Repo Mantis
I feel he was the first to be mutated with normal he acts like he gives no shit he's a mutant and we see him deal with humans. In my AU it's due to the fact he was mutated years before ROTTMNTs start. I mean he is not weirded out by the boys, he clearly knows Yokai exists. I have it set so he started doing work in the Hidden City and Draxum saw a nice unmutated human to experiment on and bam mantis man.
Repos trans too, idk man he's my favorite outside of Todd and you know? He's like me frfr. Repo def doesn't strike me as a top surgery guy, but also I feel his mutation helped his dysphoria a LOT because like I mean I've felt that.
Man is also very obsessed with his hair, and uses a lot of products. Doesn't care he's greying but he DOES care how healthy it is.
Repo can and will do drag. (Warren helps with his makeup and wig due to his claws getting in the way)
Here's a lil angst one.
Hypno doesn't realize he fused with Doug. I can't remember the episode name, but it's the one in the botanical gardens where we get the flower mutant. We see that humans can literally be fused with plant life and possibly animal life. Also since we know Hypno wants to bring Doug back to life, hes passed away. Given that Doug was Hypnos hippo, and was most likely with him when he was bit, he doesn't realize he's been fused with his buddy.
He just knows his buddy is gone and he'll never see him again. That or he fully knows but is in denial. Warren buys him merch based on Doug as a way to make him feel better, since he's not the greatest at comforting people.
and some non angst headcanons
Hypno doesn't really have a label. He knows he's queer but doesn't care to label himself. He likes who he likes, and that's all that matters.
Hypno does drag a lot!!!! He LOVES doing drag! It's fun for him, and how he expresses himself!
A lil senario thing
Imagine that Repo was actually a fan of Warren Stone as an anchorman, imagine he enjoyed his jokes and commentary. Repos devastated he went missing, and genuinely invested in keeping up with anyone trying to find him. When he discovers his favorite anchors alive and not dead he's thrilled.
Due to the fact we know everyone Warren knew pre-mutation abandoned him he doesn't trust Repo, not at first. After all Hypnos is the only one who takes him seriously or seems to give a shit about him especially after he bungled everything with April. (He feels guilty about that gauntlet situation I will die on this hill.) So naturally he doesn't believe Repo at first. Repos pretty hurt, but man he gets it. These changes are big but he promises he's a fan and even knows other fans too.
Repo ends up taking Warren and Hypno to meet the others, sure they met when Draxum "hired" them but it was just a job and they didn't really to much time to talk after they got into action. I like to think Warrens was genuinely touched to see he has a fan base. I'm fully convinced post Warren and Hypno Sitting in a Tree Todd got Warrent a job as a Hidden City news anchor. Sure it's not what he had, but it IS something, and these yokai? They love him even if he's a worm-
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whoiwanttoday · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
It is June, in case you didn't notice, and June is Pride Month. This one has a darker tone than last years because the world is lashing out at our queer friends and that is awful. I don't tend to speak in absolutes very often because I am of the belief that the internet is a machine that is designed to strip everything of context and nuance and boil things down to worthless, easily digestible little bites, but I will speak in absolutes here. If you have a problem with anyone on the LGBTQ+ spectrum because they are LGBTQ+ you are a bad person. It is not a problem with them, it is a problem with you, and you can go straight to hell. I don't care what your reasons are because what you take issue with is an immutable characteristic of a person, it is who they are thus you are awful. I don't think I'll get a lot of blow back here because this is tumblr but I just want to make that clear. And I know about the only community that will take issue with this that has any sort of purchase on tumblr are the TERFs so I want to be 100% clear I mean you too, you hateful fuckheads. I will stand by the trans people on this site and elsewhere and I promise you I am more than willing to die on that hill. There are a lot of ideas and thoughts I will entertain and engage with you on but I will not tolerate or even discuss the degradation, dehumanization, and intimidation of my friends. So because this is Pride I thought why not do some posts for my queer friends. People who are important to me who need to know they are loved and valued. Thus I am starting with my friend Kat, who has to my knowledge been lucky and not faced a ton of blowback in her life based on her sexuality. Still, there are forces in the world that want her to know they think she is less than so it is important to provide a voice that says the opposite. I don’t think her gayness is acceptable, or passable, or something I am fine with, I think it is a fantastic part of her. Is it all she is? Of course not. But it is something she is and makes up a part of the whole that is Kat and it is a thing she has always been and thus is inseparable from the being that is Kat and Kat is wonderful, so it is a part of her I love because she wouldn’t be her without it. So I am posting Jessica Nigri because @kat-eleven luuuuuuuuuuuvs Jessica Nigri. She sorta tries to deny it sometimes but here is the true history of Kat and Jessica Nigri. She once told me she wasn't that into Jessica Nigri, Jessica Nigri didn't really do it for her. She told me this quite a few times which is a weird thing to keep bringing up but is actually a thing a lot of people do with their crushes. Then a pattern emerged where she would send me a reblog of mine and go, "Whoa, this girl is super hot". I would then inform her that said hot person was Jessica Nigri, who Kat claimed to not be into. This kept happening again and again until finally Kat admitted that Jessica Nigri dressed as Tracer was one of her favorite things ever. So I have included that pic in here. As well as one where Jessica Nigri is cosplaying as a male character because the other thing I noticed is all the times Kat would note, "Wow, she looks so good here," it was when Jessica Nigri was cosplaying as a male character. Because she is really into it when Jessica Nigri looks like a boy, so I made sure there is one here where she looks just like a boy and to steal a friend's joke, I will say, "And what a boy. Look at the size of those pecs!" So there you go, happy pride, today I want to fuck Jessica Nigri.  
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girlhare · 4 months
You Make Me Warm And Fuzzy Inside
A fic I have written set in, but not featuring any characters from (they are deeply compelling characters, but I feel the text itself has explored them enough that all I'd be writing would be more and worse scenes) the world of In The World Of Monsters, an excellent G/T safe vore fic written by @toast-tales that made me deeply enjoy both of those things, despite them not typically being what I'm into.
Technically, this could be part of a larger narrative, but... I sorta just wanted to write this scene instead of getting wrapped up and burnt out? I might post a follow-up or prequel to this at some point, but for now I like it where it is.
F/F safe vore, g/t, oral vore, both characters are trans women
Sienna gingerly picked up Annette from the desk between two fingers, staring at her with a nervous grin. This close to the giant- in her grasp- Annette could notice even more differences than she could before. Her skin was softer than she remembered, colder, and her body hairs were thinner. Hopefully her stomach would still have the balmy, comforting temperature she loved from being within Sienna before. Even if she was doing this for Sienna, Annette still wanted to have a calm, comforting time within her oldest friend. 
“So… you know that I haven’t had a human since our last time… but what about you, Annette? Any rebounds after me?” 
It was clear that she was still new to voice training- though all giant voices sounded more resonant to a human. It was unrefined- inconsistent compared to Annette’s voice. Sometimes she slipped into a deeper, more familiar register.
“Y’know, I haven’t. It’s hard to make time for it. Your schedules have to line up with the giant's, you have to know them well enough to trust them- and plus, I haven’t felt the same… spark with anyone but you, M-” She corrected herself, instead of finishing the deadname. Old habits die hard. ”Sienna. Glad I made time for this with you.”
The experience of being held by a giant was always strange. In the stomach, they were everything. Now, it wasn’t that overwhelming- but they still had total control over you. Control you had to trust them with. Sienna cupped her other hand under Annette, gingerly releasing her into her palm. 
“...Well, I’m glad you did too.”
They were in silence for a moment as Sienna brought Annette over to the bed. She brought her other hand over, cupping them over Annette so she wouldn’t be jostled and fall. A few beams of light shone through the gaps between Sienna’s fingers. A little prelude to the main event, in a way.
When Sienna’s hands opened, Annette was sitting on her bare stomach, staring up at her face beyond the low hill of her sports bra. She was honestly kind of jealous- with a trans woman’s frame, it’s hard to find clothes that fit well. As a giant, she wouldn’t have to go through two layers of specialty goods- just one. Behind her, the folds of Sienna’s sweatpants seemed like the dunes of some vast desert. 
Sienna’s stomach rumbled below her. Annette rose and fell with the slow, sonorous sounds of Sienna’s breathing.
“It really wants to see you! I’ll let you get there at your own pace, though.”
Honestly, Sienna… did not have that much time. She needed to study, she needed to prep for her finals tomorrow- but she just couldn’t. She was too stressed. This was going to help relieve it. It’s why she called Annette in the first place.
Annette, sensing Sienna’s impatience, started to walk up her body- quickly arriving at her chest with just a few steps. The ‘ground’ of Sienna’s body was a bit more unsteady here; walking on her sports bra, she had to lean over and rest a hand on one of Sienna’s breasts- at which point the entire body around her shook, and Annette lost her balance. 
“Ow! Ow-”
Sienna cupped a hand under Annette, raising her up. Annette was confused for a moment, then-
“Oh! Right, sorry, you’re freshly on estrogen and they’ll be really sensitive, right?”
Sienna’s blush would’ve been apparent to a giant, but to a human, it was overwhelming. The giant’s entire focus was on her- and she’d managed to make her blush, by accident. Annette knew how to make Sienna squirm back in the day, but she wasn’t sure if she still had it until now. There was a long moment of silence before Sienna spoke.
“...I- uh- sorry. I should’ve remembered that. If I had moved wrong, or-”
Annette raised a hand and pinched Sienna’s skin. It didn’t hurt, but it got her attention, interrupting  her. It was how she used to get her attention when Sienna got lost in thought, or was too busy with her own words to realize Annette wanted to talk.
“Well- if you want to keep me safe, you know the best way to do it, right? It’s what we’re here for.”
“...yeah, you’re right.” Sienna cupped her hands, as if she was about to drink water from them. She adjusted so she was sitting up, her back against the head of the bed, a pillow supporting her. Best not to eat lying  down, after all.
She brought Annette closer. This near to the mouth as it opened to consume her she could smell Sienna’s breath; she had swapped toothpaste in the years they hadn’t seen each other. Her saliva had a slightly different consistency, and under her tongue was a bright teal blue smear; the remains of sublingual estrogen, each pill the size of her hand.
Sienna’s tongue extended out of her mouth, receiving Annette from her hands. She took a few moments to taste her, completely and utterly; her taste had changed. Was she on a different hormone regimen now? She’d have to ask her next morning, when she could actually answer. 
Annette started to say something, but Sienna wasn’t focused on that. She swallowed, enjoying the pleasant weight of her prey in her throat as it travelled downwards.
For Annette the experience was much different. Sienna had been her focus before, but there had been other sensory input; the sound of the AC slowly humming in the window, Sienna’s computer fan, traffic outside. Now, everything was Sienna. The throat was incredibly tight around her, drawing her downwards, downwards, downwards. She’s glad her breasts weren’t nearly as sensitive as they had been when she started estrogen, even if it still did hurt a bit to be getting so tight a digestive hug. 
Eventually, she was deposited in the stomach. Sienna’s breathing, her heart, the automatic actions of her body; those were Annette’s world now, and this tight little chamber. She wanted to give Sienna a little massage; she wanted to listen to her talk; to listen to her study. She wanted to enjoy this… but… she was so tired. She hadn’t realized how tired she’d been today; she had work on Monday- though that was so far away, and couldn’t reach her in here, so protected by Sienna. She falls asleep, breathing in time with the body around her. 
Sienna feels the anxiety of her upcoming finals disappear as Annette takes the edge off of her. She should… study. Right? Yeah, she should study. She was going to stay up late and study, she drank coffee before this to do so… but she feels Annette go still inside her, and the steady rise and fall of breathing in the stomach, synchronized with her.
Maybe she can nap… for just a bit… set an alarm…… she’s asleep before she can finish the thought, in the uncomfortable position she had swallowed Sienna in.
She’ll curse herself for it tomorrow, but for now, Annette and Sienna have their first good nights of sleep in a very, very long time. When Sienna dreams, she dreams of finishing up college, getting a job, and asking Annette to move in with her.
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windypuddle · 1 year
enstars headcanons
ok im going in order but i dont have headcanons for a few characters for sure. so. whatever on we go . just saying in advance these are mostly gender and Autism
eichi tenshouin: look i cant say anythinf about this guy hes already canonically terminally ill and gay. like what do you want me to do
wataru hibiki: genderfluid. whatever gender fits the performance. shes the moment hes the star theyre the epitome of an actor
tori: boy you are so gnc. princess but not a girl you know
yuzuru: has definitely had impulse thoughts about dying his hair and having a scene phase at 3 am
hokuto: bigender. sooooo queer . also autistic
mao: um ritsu braided his hair sometimes when they were younger
chiaki: trans guy i have many feelings about this but he leans into the hero thing because its gender affirming. also autism
kanata: no gender only blublublub. likes wearing long skirts. filipino. has like 1 million fish earrings. also autism
tetora: TRANSMASC ‼️💥💪
midori: transfem... also autistic.. she is so important
shinobu: Autism Autism Autism. bonus the detachment from gender that sometimes comes with the autism but he hasnt really thought about it. hes just some guy
hiiro: transmasc autistic i will die on this hill
aira: my lovely mutuals have convinced me with blasian aira its canon to me now. white french? no. cowards happyele are cowards i tell you. theres such a vast portion of the francophone world that is not white . also transmasc
mayoi: scaredgirl weirdboy core. whatever gender is easier at the moment. she likes being pretty
tatsumi: ok yknow what. fuck it. aroace tatsumi
nagisa: so much autism. nonbinary guy. religious trauma
ibara: lesbian. not going to elaborate bc thats not my problem ibara is just a lesbian
hiyori: hes just gay idk what to tell you. cisboy gay who is so annoying. when people complain about "gay isn't a personality trait" theyre complaining about him. also chubby
jun: also gay but fans love him for being normal about it. one of his main motivations for working out is being able to princess carry hiyori. hes so polite usually its insane but with eden he doesnt care because he loves them so hes a bit of a bitch
shu: god is a woman and her name is shu itsuki. transfem and autistic i will Also die on this hill.
mika: transmasc and autistic
hinata: men liker but dont ask me about her gender idk
yuuta: i see those slipups in twin peaks girl u are transfem nonbinary i think
rinne: bigender [wild cheering] also demi aka down bad for niki specifically
niki: tboy swag but hes not really bothered too much about medically transitioning. arospec i think
himeru: Sooooo nonbinary. so so so nonbinary. i like to hc afab nonbinary himeru and mainly got top surgery to more easily pass as kaname but like gahdamn of course you have blue hair and pronouns (they/it/no pronouns)
kohaku: tboy swag . the gender in crazy:b is off the charts
rei: 1 million genderqueer and SO gay. has all the problems of an older sister but also the hotness that comes with issues u know.
kaoru: ok. bear with me. aussie. also transfem... like what do you mean you hate men and only hang out with girls. definitely arospec
koga: AUTISM!! weirdgirl to autism boy wonder transmasc swag pipeline
adonis: also autism. he can be gnc. as a treat
keito: come on man we all know youre gay and insufferable about it
kuro: he should get to have piercings i think
souma: autism boy wonder. while you were busy learning social cues he was studying the blade. also applies to gender norms
nazuna: boy there is something gender going on with you. weirdboy or maybe a gender cis people have never heard of.
tomoya: That Is The Normalest Girl I've Ever Seen
mitsuru: autism
hajime: girl what is your gender. hes like the narrator of the arch nemesis cynthia post. so poor they cant afford a gender
tsukasa: autistic and please please please let him be chubby. staring at happyele with my biggest saddest eyes Please let tsukasa be chubby. while you're at it can he wear a skirt. please
leo: ok i give a lot of characters autism because i have autism and i get it but i think leo has adhd
izumi: agender. any pronouns. idk what to tell you he said in next door that he doesnt care about gender only beauty
arashi: only normal one in knights. i love aranee she should get 1 million hours to stress bake if she wants to
ritsu: ah i understand why vampires are gay. occasionally a girl if its funny
natsume: Diversity win!! the angry witch is transmasc!!! neurodivergent but i think its funnier if i dont specify.
tsumugi: new gender unlocked its pathetic wifeguy. hes every spirit in the fields of punishment and he does it willingly for natsume
sora: wahoo autism ^_^ yippee!!
madara: is cowboy a gender?
feel free to reblog and throw in ur own headcanons i love hearing other fans hcs it is so awesome!!
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thedreadvampy · 4 months
Had a really valuable conversation with a friend today about like. the difference between dying on every hill and deciding in yourself what hills you're genuinely prepared to die on.
It is not a pleasant or self-flattering reflection to make. There are causes that I think are incredibly, earth-shatteringly important, even things which have saved my life personally, like abortion rights, which I would have to admit I would struggle to choose to burn my life for.
But if you're willing to give everything for every righteous cause - to lay your entire life on the line and risk blowing your whole shit up - then there comes a point where it was never really about the cause itself as about your own martyr complex. cause there will always be opportunities to blow your life up, but to be part of a sustainable movement it's got to be strategic and it's got to be focused.
there are things worth getting arrested for. there are things worth losing everything for. there are things worth dying for. but if you're putting yourself at risk of that you have to know what you're getting into and you have to have made a positive decision that that's a price worth paying.
and personally I don't think its feasible to fully take on the weight of that decision without it just being an urge to self destruction for more than a very small number of causes per person.
for me, I think it's easy to say what those are. Palestine, trans rights, migrant rights, and the abusive benefits system. those are not the only causes that matter to me, or even necessarily the ones which matter most, but those are the only ones I can say, hand in heart, I think I could cope with losing everything if it moved those forwards.
and so I was wondering why those things. and both the hills to die on and the reasoning will be different for everyone, and the reason isn't that those are the only ones that matter, or the ones that matter intrinsically most. for me though I am thinking about it and I think it's like. I cannot burn my life down in the name of abortion rights or rape redress or accountability for abuse because like. those things already took my fucking life and everything I have to lose, I built up to spite those systems of violence.
things like Palestinian liberation, trans rights and migrants rights - I have seen some of the depth and breadth of that impact but i haven't lost anything to those struggles that I don't choose to lose. austerity and the abusive systems of poverty have impacted my life severely but fundamentally I've never been in them with no safety line.
it would feel counterproductive to burn my life down for the things that I've worked so hard to build my life up after. Someone like me having the chance to live well is part of the point of fighting abuse or unwanted pregnancy. but there are things that are just as important and just as destructive, and where me living well is complicity not rebellion. and that's part of why those are the hills I'm willing to die on I think.
like fundamentally what we were talking about was kind of that a lot of people think they're willing to lay down their life for every vital cause. but when the metal meets the meat, they haven't actually prepared for the possibility that might happen. it's easy to say you'd give your freedom for every cause that matters, but you can't die a thousand times over.
And that's ok! We can have each other's backs. We may agree on all our political outline but have a different couple of hills we're willing to die on. I can't give everything for abortion but my friend can. He can't give everything for male survivors of rape but his friend can. His friend can't give everything for trans rights but I can. You know? I think it's better to acknowledge what we can and can't bring ourselves to risk sacrificing than it is to pretend we're infinitely capable of sacrifice, even if we want to be and even if we feel like we should be.
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