#reblog for exposure :)
raining-tulips · 5 months
A guide to get stains out of anything
As someone whose capsule wardrobe is 95% white and cares about ethical and sustainable fashion (so many of my pieces are investments) it’s important to keep my pieces maintained.
Over the years I’ve earned myself the title Queen of Stains by friends and family. I will be updating this list as I go on, remember, and discover more.
What to have in your arsenal:
Many of these things are so multi-useful they’re just good to have anyway!
Baking soda
Vinegar (i don't think it matters but white is best if you have lighter colored clothes)
Dawn dish soap
Rubbing alcohol
Hydrogen peroxide
Pink Stuff (linked here)
Old toothbrush for scrubbin'
Basics of stains:
Never put anything in the dryer unless you are happy with how removed the stain was. The heat will set the stain in and make it 1000% more difficult or impossible to remove. Air dry until you’re happy.
If a stain isn't lifting or removing, try another 15-30 minute sitting.
I usually add some baking soda to all loads of laundry to help brighten and freshen naturally - it also softens water and allows for less detergent to be needed.
The stains and their cure: (alphabetical)
Alcohol: I’ve tried this on Mikes Hard blueberry flavor but I assume it works for all alcohol. Dawn dish soap + vinegar. Let sit for 15 minutes then rinse. Then do dawn dish soap + rubbing alcohol and let sit for 15-30 minutes. Works on day-old stains. See wine for specific advice.
Blood: cold water. If you need more, cold water + hydrogen peroxide.
Chocolate: dawn dish soap + cold water. Do not/minimize scrubbing.
Grand Canyon Dirt (or red clay based dirt): the most difficult stain I’ve had. Many applications alternating between dawn dish soap and vinegar. Let sit for 15-30 minutes. Rinse. Will require multiple applications (took me two days to get the stains out and they are still faintly noticeable since I know where they are)
Generally Oily stains like chicken grease or food: dawn dish soap + laundry detergent
Lipstick: This was on a red liquid lipstick - dawn dish soap. Try to minimize scrubbing.
Soy sauce: dawn dish soap, a dash of laundry detergent, and hydrogen peroxide. Let sit for 15-30 minutes and rinse out. May require multiple applications.
Wine (red): I’ve used pink stuff to get rid of red wine stains from white bedsheets and cream colored apartment carpet. You have to do it ASAP and follow pink stuff instructions. If you don't have pink stuff, 3 parts Hyrogen peroixde, 1 part dish soap. After sitting for 15-30 minutes, rinse in cold water.
Yellow armpits: (Blue) Dawn dish soap, baking soda paste (mix baking soda with a lil bit of water). Scrub and let sit for 15-30 minutes. Add hydrogen peroxide after first rinse if its not gone. Works amazing on fresh stains if you can wash the armpits after a hike or workout. Old stains it will depend on the fabric and if its been washed and dried yet, but will usually lessen the stain.
I will continue this list as I go, so save for future reference.
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pixelsandpapers · 6 months
RB with a mood board of your WIP or OC
Follow for more prompts, series recommendations, and to help share the love to other creators!
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tearysunshine · 2 months
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magical-girl-enjoyer · 2 months
hello!! i am currently taking a queer studies class and i need some help with my final project!!
my topic is body horror and its relationship with the queer community, specifically trans people
if you create or enjoy horror content, please fill out this form!!
reblogs are enourmously appreciated, i would like to get as many responses as possible
i will lock this on 4/26
thank you!!
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Embarking on a journey towards top surgery, and I'm reaching out to this incredible Tumblr community for support. 🌈
I'm aiming to raise $9000 to cover hospital expenses, surgical costs, and offset lost income during recovery. Every reblog and donation, no matter the size, brings me one step closer to achieving this transformative milestone.
This isn't just about a surgery; it's about embracing authenticity and living my truth. Your support means the world to me and plays a vital role in making this journey possible.
Let's spread the word and create a ripple effect of kindness and understanding. Share, reblog, and consider contributing if you can. Together, we can make a difference and show that this community is a source of strength, compassion, and support. 🌟
Donate here: https://gofund.me/10e58c13
Thank you for being a part of this empowering journey! 💖
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stereax · 8 months
Okay so @imperatorrrrr and I have been arguing on this for a while: the Devils' bottom stripe. For context, their old uniforms had the bottom stripe. The new ones do not. She thinks (falsely) that the bottom stripe should come back. I think (correctly) it should stay in the 2000s. Left is bottom stripe, right is no bottom stripe.
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daniwib · 3 months
It’s been lounging around for about 6 months now, and I'm torn on whether to give it a makeover or not. Help me decide!
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raepritewrites · 4 months
Y'all... this is not me begging for notes on my post, this is me trying to keep tumblr alive. Every post i make, i ask myself "what is that reblog to like ratio?" You do know the only way posts spread on this site is with reblogs right? dgm i appreciate the likes, but they don't do shit, if you enjoyed a post and want others to see it, reblog it
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pikmin-applebloom-art · 5 months
anyone else only draw those angular guitars/bass guitars over the ones that have a more organic shape because they’re easier to draw?
this is what I’m referring to
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it’s DIFFICULT to get the Organic shaped ones right. But the angular ones can be achieved with a ruler.
Btw feel free to mention if you actually play guitar alongside drawing
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raining-tulips · 1 year
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pixelsandpapers · 6 months
Personal update from Pixels (guy who runs the blog and replies to all your posts)
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Currently still struggling with the back-end of burnout and trying to manage my TWO OTHER PROJECTS. I had a lot on my plate to begin with (again, two comics), but this blog was something I knew deep down that I wanted to do. So I took on the workload anyway. I am taking the bulk of the labor right now, as this is our first production on this blog and I wanted to get a feel for how things would go before handing off more of the work to Papers.
This of course means I am absolutely swamped.
But if anything, I'm so, SO grateful for the love and support we have received so far. It truly does give me hope for what's coming next, and hope that this project will work and ease the struggles of other artists.
I'm on vacation right now and trying to get [more enjoyable] work done through it all and take a break when needed (and all posts and prompts are scheduled for the next month so don't worry I AM taking a break). So I'll be fine in that respect.
But it's mean the whole damn world to me right now if you shared the blog, picked an artist or two to promote for no reason, recommend some webcomics to your followers, something like that. I can't, and won't, ask you to support me or my comics, so I'd like for you to go support someone else. It takes more than one blog to make the internet a little more positive. So please, pay it forward! Make someone's day :))
~ Pixels
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valeriapryanikova · 6 months
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This season, on Hermitcraft...
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jnoll · 2 years
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serethespider · 3 months
hello everyone! today (march 30) is land day, and a perfect opportunity to do something i've been meaning to do for a while - create a tag chain with resources to help the palestinian people. this is in an effort to get around tumblr's suppressing of the general tags and to inspire action by tagging other people directly
so, the main thrust is: if you're tagged in this post, please reblog with proof of donation for one of the charities/fundraisers below, proof of contact to a representative for the one of the email scripts, or a link to another material resource! then tag some people to continue the chain!
if you can't do any of the above, or see this post on your dash without being tagged, that's ok - go ahead and tag so that you can give others the opportunity to help!
if you don't want to post proof, that's also fine! it's mostly an effort to ensure people actually take action instead of just reblogging. go ahead and donate or contact your reps - that's the important part.
e-sims for gaza
palestinian's children relief fund (pcrf)
donate to urnwa
care for gaza
humanitarian aid (anera)
help ahmed leave gaza
help yousef beat cancer and escape gaza
spreadsheet of families to help in gaza
masterpost of vetted fundraisers
other actions:
arab.org (daily clicks, good option for people who can't otherwise contribute monetarily)
petition for ceasefire (amnesty international)
petition to end the crisis in gaza (oxfam)
stop gaza genocide (world beyond war)
demand a ceasefire now! (ceasefiretoday)
stop arming israel (uspcr)
stop the genocidal bombing of gaza (actionnetwork)
stop the ethnic cleansing of palestinians (actionnetwork, us)
these are only a few resources, and focused on the usa, so please add any you know that aren't on this list! you can also dm me if you want them added to the main post in an edit
tagging my mutuals @laurenbrightwing, @miloe, @agentfawkes, @stellarfoam, @duskdragon39, @thefoxdurpy, @boughkeeper-dainsleif, @esoclectic, and @wormonastringtheory
also tagging @ibtisams, @fairuzfan, @huzni, and @decolonize-the-left for spread since i follow you and this seems relevant to your interests. please let me know if you want me to delete your tag or anything ^^
also, any of my followers and anyone who sees this!
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mybigfatgaylife · 4 months
Quick poll:
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housecow · 24 days
Hiiiiii… so for a while I’ve been deeply considering posting content gaining/feederism stuff of myself on here , but like I’m so nervous 😭 I can handle it if ppl say mean things 98% of the time but I’m jus worried abt my stuff like not getting to the right community online yk? Like I can take mean shit but only if I also get at least one preferable comment,, sooo I guess what I’m asking here is any tips for someone who wants to start posting feederism/gaining stuff on here? 🙏
my biggest tip is to use tags to your advantage!! the first 5 tags are the only ones that will actually count for your post. tumblr has also unfortunately blocked certain words, so adding a period “.” at the end of each tag is recommended.
other than that, don’t be afraid to interact with people in the community!! if you have a feedist URL it’s very likely other feedists will see your username and check out your blog just for that fact. i know i do it. be in people’s notifications but don’t like. spam, you know? some don’t like that and will block. i don’t particularly understand it but to each their own fr!!
but also, dm me when you post and i may reblog some stuff. it’s scary to not be sure where your posts are going or who’s seeing them, i understand completely 🥺
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