#rekindled my undying love for him
soranker · 1 year
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princessoflalaland · 2 months
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so y'all know the sick man from lady k and the sick man? well, i've only read that thing one time, and im not afraid to admit how unhealthily infatuated i am with lady k's man. he's literlaly my favorite flavor of man: older, kind of a deadbeat with a good heart, can and literally wil fuck you from sun up to sun down, built like a greek god, he. is. PACKIN, looks half dead, a genuine sweetheart with his lover's best interest in mind. i think his name is tostumoto yuushi, and lemme just say that i would gladly, GLADLY, take lady k's place if it means i get to breathe that man's air for even a second.
just imagine you've known tostumoto yuushi since maybe high school, having even dated him at one point. you two experimented with your bodies, tested the waters of intimacy because who better to do that with than someone you love. adversely though, life managed to drift you two apart for a few years. when you two reconnect it's a dingy casino. by that time, he's already jumped from job to job, left a recent custodian gig, and gambled most of his savings. he's on the verge of eviction and feels like he's at his lowest. the only thing he truly feels is his undying sex drive, which isn't much in the face of everything. the flame between you two rekindles as quickly as it did all those years ago, and before you know it, you're back at your apartment with his tired face nestled between your thighs.
"forgot how good you tasted, baby, fuck.." he rasps, his tongue dragging hastily over your clit, making your legs quiver and close around his head. your fingers yank at his dark hair, incoherent babbles falling from your moist lips. "yuushi," you mewl helplessly, your sensitive core constantly leaking your essence into his greedy mouth. "'m gonna cum again, s-slow down, nghhn.." he leers up at you, his eyes dark pools of lust burning holes into you. "do it, cum in my fuckin mouth."
and you do. the pressure in your gut is far more intense than what it usually is, and as you achieve your third orgasm of the night, you squirt onto yuushi's face, leaving him glistening with your release. he licks whatever landed on his lip and rises so that his large body is hovering over where yours lays sprawled on the couch, the look in his eyes makes your core pulse. "c'mon, be a good girl and clean me up."
i'm probably gonna write something abt him one of these days :')
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toowildintheseventies · 5 months
Trade Mistakes
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Chapter 4: Used To Be My Girl
A/N: oops 🫣
Pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x fem!reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Summary: You’re a woman with many vices. Smoking, drinking, spending time in shitty clubs, and your undying love and obsession with your ex-boyfriend, Bruce Wayne. You had spent your entire adolescence with each other until he had unexpectedly broken your heart and disappeared. For the last few years, you two had lived separate, mysterious lives. Until you are reintroduced under strange circumstances and fictitiously rekindle your relationship.
Warnings: none! 
Tag list: @midnightmystic @doetic @toowildintheseventies-fan @avengersgirllorianna @allgaslynobrakess @1lellykins @elliesbabygirl
You adjust quicker than expected. 
The first evening is too slow. You sleep for most of the afternoon, on an old, worn couch in a room near Bruce’s. When you wake up in the early evening, your belongings have already been brought into the East wing of Wayne Tower, which sat abandoned without guests or visitors for two decades. It’s a quick move, without many things belonging to you, and the large space seems even emptier once all of your things are thrown onto window stills and inside drawers. 
It’s painfully unfamiliar, even if your special wing of Wayne Tower is almost identical to the one you frequented years ago. The walls are darker, the floors colder. You find yourself getting lost looking for the bathroom in the bleak darkness. Without Bruce at your side, the Tower seems foreign. You hate it. 
You call Bella as the sun begins to set on your first evening back as Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend. She’s already seen the news articles online, and she’s pissed. Rightly so, you think. 
Bella tells you that you’re being “a fucking idiot”.  You don’t disagree. 
She eventually calms down, after a few, long minutes of scolding you on heartbreak and irrational decisions. You promise to visit her at least once a week, along with the promise that you’ll still be paying your half the rent. Even though she says she loves you before hanging up the phone, it takes her a few days to answer your texts in the days that follow. Her life continues, along with the hidden life of the Lounge and the dirty night that you once recognized. Now, it seems as if your life is at a total standstill. 
You don’t see Alfred on the first night of your stay. At first, he seems to be hiding away, same as Bruce, as if you’re a secret guest that cannot be disturbed. But the next morning, he’s at your door with a cup of tea and a warm smile. You sit together in the dining room, discussing simply just as you always had. He doesn’t mention Bruce, but you don’t expect him to. For years, the two of you met once a month and had a friendly conversation. Bruce’s name never once came up, an unspoken rule. Instead, the two of you pretended to be old friends. You discussed work and city life, and Alfred shared a few memories of his life before working for the Wayne’s. It was obvious that he cared deeply for you, and you returned the sentiment. You don’t think you would’ve survived without him. 
The mention of Bruce never seemed awkward during those visits. Now, though, his absence is obvious and painful. If it was just another day like before, Bruce would’ve been sitting next to you at the table, ignoring his breakfast and instead, talking to the two of you. 
You assume that Alfred had already talked to Bruce about this new arrangement, only because it seemed to be his idea in the first place. Alfred always was strict about keeping up appearances and Bruce stayed true to his family’s name. 
In the middle of breakfast, you see a quick shadow appear in the hallway, just to quickly disappear again. You know it’s him. Expertly escaping just before you see him, but just dumb enough to make it too obvious. You look at Alfred with your eyebrows raised, daring him to mention it. He doesn’t, and your simple conversation continues until the food is gone and you go back to your bedroom. 
The next morning, after breakfast with Alfred, you enroll in classes at Gotham University and take your first class that same afternoon. You take the bus to campus instead of the black SUV that’s parked in front of the building, waiting for your command. The campus is old and dark, but small enough that it’s not difficult for you to find the English building and your first class. Classes are boring, but it’s exciting to continue what you once started. It feels good to be productive again and to have a goal. It’s been a long time since you felt like you were working towards something. 
Later that night, the first agreed-upon fake date begins. While getting ready in your bathroom, there’s a loud knock at your bedroom door. You’re quick to finish getting ready, putting in your last earring and finding your shoes, and then standing in front of your door, waiting. 
Waiting for what, exactly? You aren’t sure. Another knock at the door, maybe. Or him opening the door himself, instead of leaving the hard work to you. You’re hoping he would just disappear. You’d wake up back at your apartment, and this whole situation would just be some sick, depressing nightmare. 
Your hand reaches for the doorknob, and before you can change your mind, you open the door wide to find Bruce standing before you, his hands clasped behind his back. You haven’t seen him since yesterday morning when he disappeared into his bedroom after breakfast. He had given you a meaningless, polite smile and a funny little ‘good night’ that seemed to be an attempt at a joke. You hadn’t responded. 
No though, there’s no smile. Just a quick nod at your presence and a step back, letting you step into the hallway. Once outside in the light, you let yourself get a good look at him. He’s wearing white button-down and brown pants, looking brand new, as if he bought them just for tonight. (More likely, Alfred bought them just for tonight.) His hair is styled, and all remnants of black paint are gone from under his eyes. Instead, he’s clean-shaven and surprisingly, looks well rested. Well, at least as well-rested as Bruce Wayne can be. He looks…handsome. It makes your heart ache. 
“You look nice,” you murmur, walking past him down the hall. When you back at Bruce, he’s still standing in the same spot in the hallway, eyes wide and hesitant. 
“We have reservations, Bruce,” you say, trying to keep your tone playful. 
He quickly snaps out of his daze and follows you down the hallway. Walking down to the car parked outside Wayne Tower, Bruce is careful to walk a few steps behind you, as if he’s afraid to get too close. Even with him far behind you, you can still feel his overwhelming presence and pressing gaze. 
Once inside the car, Bruce turns to you. 
“You look nice, too,” he says, “I remember that dress.” 
You look down at your outfit, confused. You don’t remember the dress. It was just the first one you pulled out of your closet this afternoon after classes. It was a simple black dress, probably bought after graduating high school. 
“You do?” you ask, looking over at Bruce. 
He nods his head briefly, “You bought it directly after we received our first invitation to a benefit gala. The night before.” 
You stared at him, stunned. What a meaningless thing to remember. You think about the first benefit gala the two of you went to, probably at Gotham City Hall. The two of you were still trying to figure out your place in Gotham, outside of your family’s shadows. Even within the uncertainty, things were simple. Galas were always the most fun, with places to hide away and plenty of Gotham’s luxurious residents to ridicule secretly. You don’t remember the dress, but you do remember that night. How the two of you had shown up late with a swarm of reporters still awaiting your arrival, the dozens of politicians and influential people lining up to shake Bruce’s hand, and how the two of you had ended the night finding your little, secret door. 
You had found it on accident that evening, in a desperate attempt to hide from the crowds of people wanting to talk to you. You had pulled Bruce away from the chaos and into a darkened hallway, laughing and pulling him closer as you walked backward down the hall. Eventually, the two of you stumbled into an abandoned coat closet, with a tiny overhead light that flickered off and on, and broken furniture that you happily made your own. You had spent the rest of the evening in your secret room. 
It had become a ritual after that night. At every gala and event held at Gotham City Hall, the two of you eventually snuck away to the little room and spent the rest of the evening in total, hazy bliss. After that night, the two of you had it all figured out, and stabilized yourselves in the world of Gotham. Friendly, obnoxious smiles walking in, firm handshakes, fake laughter. All must be done. A few romantic moments, giggles in the corner, and a slow song dance as the night begins to end. Play the game, and excite the masses. Then, finally, release. Disappear into the little secret door, and become yourselves again. 
The car stopping directly outside the restaurant forces you out of your memory and back into the present, where Bruce is looking at you anxiously, awaiting instructions. 
You’re more nervous than you expected. Though, anxiety isn’t exactly right. It’s more of a feeling of absolute dread, something you hadn’t expected. Everything felt wrong as if you were expected to perform in a play you hadn’t read the lines for. You felt completely unprepared. 
You try not to let Bruce see your breathing hitch as he grabs your hand to help you outside the car, or when his hand finds the familiar spot on your back as he leads you up the steps. He’s not paying much attention to you, though. Instead, he’s busy shielding himself from the blinding lights and crowds of people waiting in front of the restaurant. 
The restaurant is quiet inside, enough to make you nervous. Underneath the dim lights, though, you find the anxieties disappearing. Sitting across from Bruce calms you in a small way, the familiarity is comforting. 
Possibly too familiar, however. Enough that you find yourself settling into your seat too quickly, and smiling at the waiter with your friendly, kind smile you haven’t used in years. Typically, your smile is used only as armor, like baring your teeth. Now, though, it’s genuine. A gesture of sweetness from Gotham’s favorite lover. 
Bruce reclaims his usual position, too. Ordering drinks and food for both of you and making friendly, common conversation as your order is taken. It’s unintentional, but the Wayne charm shines through just as it always had. A gentle smile that looks like his mother’s, and a polite handshake that represents the training from his father. He’d rarely notice it, never mention it. But it’s there, his rich-boy persona, the brilliant son skills. 
Once the waiter disappears and it’s just the two of you – the performance dissipates. You find yourself looking around the room, avoiding eye contact and instead freakishly focusing on the vintage flooring and shiny glass lights. The two of you are silent for a long time, the conversation already stalled. 
You’re distracted as two men are ushered towards a booth a few feet away from you by an anxious and jumpy hostess, who scurries away from them suspiciously quickly after dropping their menus on the table. They’re both dressed in expensive, vintage suits, with thinning hair combed neatly and a gold tooth poking through one of the man’s polite smiles at his companion. You think you recognize them, and as you continue to stare the man across from you matches your gaze, his eyes go wide with something like recognition. 
You fully recognize them now, as two frequenters of Iceberg Lounge, one of them the man who was beaten to a bloodied pulp two nights ago, who had run off with a broken nose, brought upon him by the man sitting across from you. 
      Bruce calling your name pulls you away from the images from that night, of drunken haze and bloodied hands. You look away from the table and towards Bruce, who is looking at you with intent, wild concern. 
  “What’s wrong?” 
You shake your head, trying to pretend that the man isn’t there, that he isn’t staring at you like he knows you. 
“What’s wrong?” Bruce asks again, leaning towards you. 
He’s able to read you without fault, from your eyes alone. Even after all this time, and all your change, he knows you. It’s impossible to ignore, the way just a simple glance can allow him to know every thought going through your mind. 
“That man across from us,” you whisper, finally, “He’s the man from a few nights ago. He recognizes me.” 
You watch as Bruce tries to control an almost burst of laughter as if the thought is so absurd. He quickly contains himself, but still shakes his head in disbelief. 
“He doesn't recognize you. Is he staring?” 
“Staring, yes. Uncomfortably so.” 
“He’s probably just enraptured by the fact that he's sitting across from the most beautiful girl in Gotham,” 
Bruce says the last statement with such confidence, not an ounce of irony or sarcasm. There’s a sense of humor, though, from a small little smirk as he watches for your reaction. He says in the same way he once called you princess, a joke that eventually became something of total sincerity. His small smile and amused eyes show a confidence you hadn’t been accustomed to in the last few days, a confidence that only existed when he was seventeen years old and still hopeful. The familiar disposition comforts you for just a moment, but you’re quick to roll your eyes dramatically in response. 
“Be serious. He could recognize you, too. Like I did.” 
“You recognizing me was an unavoidable fluke,” Bruce says. 
He’s interrupted for a moment by the waiter coming up to the table with plates of food. Bruce leans away from the table with a polite, kind smile of thanks and when the waiter disappears – he leans back towards you, even closer. 
“You’re too smart, and you know me too well. You would have recognized me in any way during any circumstance. But you’re the only one who can.” 
“That’s a dangerous philosophy for the line of work you’re in.” 
Bruce shrugs with the same hidden, familiar smirk – then pauses for a moment to look over at the table away from you. You follow his gaze toward the men sitting there, noticing that they’re both talking and drinking, paying no mind to you. 
“Maybe,” Bruce says, looking back toward you, “But I’ve done this for three years now. I always knew you’d be the one I needed to look out for.” 
“Why?” you ask, taking a sip of your drink to calm your nerves. 
You hate this conversation. It feels as if you’re having a conversation with a part of your psyche, able to read your mind without you even speaking. His calm words ease you slightly, but make you feel like you’re going slightly insane. Not to mention the way he’s looking at you. It’s as if he’s trying to befriend a feral cat – like you’re something he has to be kind to or you’ll bite his hand. 
“Because I’d know you blind and deaf. I assumed it would be the same for you. And I was right, wasn’t I?” 
You copy his shrug, which makes him smile. 
“I was right,” he confirms, “You know me.” 
The rest of your meal is eaten quickly in comfortable silence until the check comes, when Bruce looks at you and begins again, already soothing the anxieties that hadn’t come. 
“They may recognize you if you throw on a pink wig and catch a certain look in your eye. But not now. Now, you’re completely unknown. It’s the same way with me, separate identities – only one of them real. I know you understand.” 
And you did understand. More than you felt comfortable with, honestly. You hate floating through different forms of beings, pretending to be a thousand different things. To Bruce, it seems to come as second nature. He’s able to become someone in the spotlight and become someone completely new in the shadows. It doesn’t seem to affect him, either. If anything, it makes him a better man. 
Bruce has the unique ability to close all the darkness within him into a crowded box and open it up only when there’s a funny little light in the sky and criminals in dark alleyways. The bloodied fists and anger hadn’t only come three years ago, at the beginning of his project. He had come home to you bruised and beaten a thousand times before. But when he looked at you, there was only kindness. That part of him had gone away. 
You aren’t sure you have that special capability. Instead, you bring little pieces of all your dead lives with you, nurturing them like ancient cracks on statues. Every part of you is muddied and connected, and you sit across from Bruce a mess of a person, unable to lock certain parts of yourself away. 
But maybe parts of yourself aren’t as obvious to others as they seem to be to yourself when you look in the mirror. Instead, now, you’re only one part of yourself to everyone. Bruce Wayne’s true love, Gotham’s special sweetheart. And no one is looking for anything else. 
The men from the restaurant stay in your mind for the rest of the night, even after Bruce’s comforting words. As you’re walking out of the restaurant, closer to Bruce than ever before underneath a dark umbrella, you can’t help but look over your shoulder one last time at the window where the two men are sitting, watching the commotion out on the rainy street. You’re quick to turn back to the cameras, though, smiling a brilliant smile and holding yourself close to Bruce, who has his familiar hand at the small of your back. 
Even in the car, away from Gotham noise and cameras, you’re still thinking of them. Specifically, thinking of all the terrible things that could happen in the evening, when Bruce disappears from the tower and onto Gotham streets. They could’ve recognized him, you think. It’s not completely impossible. And they’ll find him again, this time without the fear. There aren’t many criminals and underground vermin who are afraid of a billionaire son like Bruce Wayne, anyway. You try not to imagine the worst-case scenarios. 
You let the fear take over while he’s helping you out of the car and back into the entrance of Wayne Tower. You turn towards him frantically and resist the urge to grab both shoulders and shake. 
“Don’t go out tonight. Stay here.” 
Bruce’s face falls, and you realize you’ve just asked the question that he feared most. The question that probably convinced him to stop returning your phone calls and instead devote himself fully to a project that had nothing to do with you.  
“You can’t ask me to do that,” he says softly. 
“I know,” you say, shaking your head and taking a soft step back, “I just don’t want you getting hurt. You’re paying my rent now, you know. I need you around.” 
Your pathetic attempt at a joke is a failure. Instead, you just seem crazed and neurotic. Somehow failing as a fake girlfriend, being too needy and anxious in the face of some great design. If you ask him to stay, you know he’ll just disappear. 
“I’m going to bed,” you say at the stairs, “Just be safe tonight. That’s all I’m asking.” 
You leave him there, at the beginning of the stairs – watching you silently leave. You have to imagine he’s dreaming up a plan to get out of this game, cheat on the rules and kick you out of his home, and pretend nothing ever happened. At this point, you wouldn’t mind either. It would save you some embarrassment and sleepless nights. 
Hours later, you eventually find yourself falling asleep. You had closed the curtains tight in an attempt to ignore the glowing light that was beckoning Bruce toward danger. Your room feels more welcoming now, too. After a night out in Gotham and a halfway run-in with Iceberg Lounge pests, anywhere would feel like home. 
You try not to imagine what’s happening in the streets below you. Instead, you remember Bruce’s kind, faint smile – and distract yourself by eyeing the details etched on the wall near your bed, until you fall into a restless, disappointing sleep. 
“Are you asleep?” 
You look up at Bruce with heavy eyelids, watching as he towers over you on the bed. 
You shake your head sleepily, “Not now.” 
“Do you want to go for a ride?” 
Without answering, Bruce hands you a black riding jacket, which you take without further questioning. Sitting up in bed, you wrap the jacket around your shoulders and swing your feet off the bed. 
You follow him out of the room and down the stairs, where Bruce opens up a small closet near the entryway, rummaging through worn boxes in search of something. You take a moment to rub your eyes as they adjust to the dim light of the hallway and push your hand into the deep pockets of the riding jacket. 
You feel something inside the left side pocket, and when you pull it out towards the light, you see that it’s a magenta-colored pack of cigarettes, the same ones Bruce had given you the first morning, as a gentle peace offering. 
You extend them to Bruce with an eyebrow raised in silent questioning as he walks back over to you holding an oversized motorcycle helmet. 
He shrugs in response, taking them from you and putting them in his pocket. 
“Look around the place,” he says casually, “You’ll find a pack anywhere.” 
You’re too tired to analyze his response or to even really think about his reasonings behind keeping packs of cigarettes littered around his home. Instead, you take a moment to look at him as your eyes fully adjust. His hair is wild, and his eyes dark with smudged eye black. He has layers of clothing on, a dark hoodie underneath a heavy jacket, both dirty with late-night rain and oil stains. A completely different man than the one you left only a few hours earlier. Now, he’s a man visually stained with Gotham’s sins. 
He places the motorcycle helmet on your head, and you watch as he grins wildly at the sight, a small choke of laughter escaping him at the sight of the oversized helmet over your face. 
“I’ll take you around Gotham.” he says, “We still have time to see the sunrise.” 
“Sunrise? “Do you treat your other fake girlfriends this nice?” 
He’s still grinning at you, and as Bruce flips the visor down over your eyes with a quick swipe, he responds, “No. Just you.” 
There’s one thing that is still painfully true about Bruce Wayne – he knows his city. 
Once you are on the back of his old motorcycle, the same one he’s had since he was seventeen, Bruce takes you everywhere. Around the barely awake streets of Gotham, driving through late night traffic and broken construction sites, down old, secret alleyways, and through backstreets behind warehouses. It’s a different Gotham than you remember, one that you hadn’t seen in years. Though still dirty and damaged, the worn streets and skyscrapers are familiar. The only thing that’s ever resembled home. 
It’s nice, you realize, to spend time with him when the two of you aren’t expected to speak for a while. Instead, you’re expected to hold onto him tightly and listen to the sound of harsh wind against your face. The pressure is gone, without the cameras and onlookers watching every move. This is what you once wished for, though now it seems foreign and wrong. 
The two of you stop eventually on the outskirts of Gotham, as soon as the sun begins to rise over the city skyline. You’re in a forgotten spot, where trees still grow along boulevards and the paths are gravel and cobblestone. You can see the entire city from here, watch as it stretches awake from a long night, as cars begin to clog the streets, and lost church bells begin to chime. In this spot though, it’s quiet. 
It reminds you of the city that, for some reason, you love with your entirety. You’ve tried to run away a thousand times, ignore the city that raised you when no one else would. But it’s impossible. Especially with Bruce sitting beside you, who’s become Gotham’s prince, even within the shadows of his disappearance. 
Gotham isn’t a beautiful place. Maybe it’s only beautiful when you’re miles away from it. But you can’t ignore the way it makes you feel. 
“I’m going to sound insane,” you begin as you watch the sunlight hit the skyscrapers, “But I love this city. All of its chaos, its terrible faults – I know they’re terrible. But, there’s just something here, I think. Goodness that can’t be ignored.” 
Bruce steps off the motorcycle, keeping a firm hand on the seat to keep you steady as you swing your feet to one side and turn towards the skyline in its entirety. You watch as he grimaces against the sun for a moment, before turning back toward you. 
“Gotham’s killing itself. It’s hard to find the beauty in it.” 
You shrug, ignoring his common pessimism, “You’re Gotham’s hero. In more ways than one. You must notice something about it that keeps you going.” 
Bruce shakes his head, “Not exactly.” 
You lean forward, looking up at him with bright eyes, “Then why do it?” 
“That’s a great question. I’ll let you know when I figure it out.” 
“Is it worth it?” 
You sigh softly and lean away from him, looking back toward the skyline past Bruce standing in front of you. The both of you are silent for a long time, looking at identical skylines, but imagining two very different things. 
“I know you love this city,” Bruce finally says, breaking the silence, “For a little while, it made me love it too.” 
“I loved Gotham because it was yours.” 
It’s a confession you hadn’t known you’d be making. Yet, it falls out almost too naturally, as if it had been dying to be said. 
“I protect it because it’s yours.” 
He turns to look at you when he says it, but you don’t match his gaze. Instead, you stay focused on the skyline, watching as the sky changes from a harsh night to a softer morning. 
He says your name, quietly, after a while. You finally look back at him and watch as his tired eyes follow yours. 
“I’d like us to be friends,” he says softly, walking back toward the motorcycle and you, “When you’re ready, I’ll tell you everything you want to know. I’ll answer every question you’re afraid of asking now. Right now, I don’t want to make anything harder. So let’s try being friends.” 
You give him a faint, broken smile, “That would be nice,” you answer weakly, “I’d like to be your friend again.” 
Bruce smiles slightly as he mounts the motorcycle again, and as you hold onto him while he drives away from the little overlook, you can’t help but realize how genuine you’ve been – how much you meant every word you said.
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A maladaptive daydreaming endgame would be the most boring, dry, anticlimactic, and nonsensical endgame possible. There’s no arc. There’s no stakes. There’s nothing to look forward to. There’s no pizzaz. There’s no mystery. They have no goals. They aren’t building towards anything. Plus, there’s a giant, unanswered, blue and yellow coded, bowlcut-shaped elephant standing in the middle of their storyline.
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Like, push aside the minutiae of the shipping war for a second. Push aside the debate over Mike’s sexuality. Macy's Day Parade staying together and finally being a happy couple in Season 5 is a genuinely absurd concept because they have no momentum. And that in and of itself is so incriminating. Yes, on a surface level (boy protagonist makes grand confession love monologue to girl protagonist, wooo, romance go brr) level, I suppose one could think they do. But they do not. Where are they going, narratively? What do Mike and El like doing together for fun? Brodie made a whole monologue and that answer is still a giant question mark. What are their shared hopes for the future?
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They have none. Even without being in the same state, it’s clear why Duzie is into each other. Lumax, Jancy, Jopper, and Rockie all are building towards something. Even a hypothetical STANCY revival has more of a raison d’être. Love them or hate them, they do fall into tropes of rekindling old sparks, and Steve’s pitch was rooted in how much he’s changed and what his hopes are for his future- which he sees Nancy in (even if Nancy’s future goals don’t actually align). And for El, it’s clear that saving Max is her priority. So even Elmax has more momentum than Mlvn.
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For Migration Pattern, it’s like Mike finally did the thing, finally said ILY, finally confessed his apparently undying love for his superpowered girlfriend (in the penultimate season, I might add, which is never a good sign), only for there to be crickets. It’s like okay… and now what?
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No one knows. It doesn’t feel right. Mike finally did everything El asked of him, finally (allegedly) explained why he couldn’t say it before, and it’s narratively unsatisfying in every possible way. Not only this, but this is not your imagination playing tricks on you. These aren’t Byler shipping goggles. The show goes out of its way to emphasize that Mike and El aren’t on speaking terms, which is an odd choice for a couple entering their endgame era. And everyone has lost. Nothing is in a good place. It’s all a mess. Max is in a coma. It’s a nightmare. Yeah, it’s not looking good for Minotaur Endgame.
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“But you don’t get it, Bitcoin! They're saving her response to Mike’s monologue for Season 5. They do have something to look forward to. You just don’t like it.” Okay… and what do they expect her response to be? “Oh Mike, my darling loverboy, I love you so. l'm glad you see me as a superhero. And I’m so glad you fell in love with me in the woods. I love you too. Let’s make out and eat eggo waffles forever.” And then what?
They also expect Mike to just start saying I Love You a lot more often? They expect them to finally be on the same page and have meaningful heart-to-hearts? They expect him to suddenly show interest in what she likes instead of gritting his teeth and acting awkward?
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They expect Mlvn to glide off into the sunset as if any of their structural problems have been resolved? Despite the fact that Will’s thinly veiled love confession/ the painting lie was the whole catalyst for the monologue in the first place? That just doesn’t make sense? Like, objectively.
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But know who does have momentum? Miwi. Byler arguably has the strongest momentum going into Season 5 of any couple or would-be couple. They have romantic momentum, friendship momentum, individual character arc momentum, and narrative momentum. The cinematography makes that crystal-clear.
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elitadream · 9 months
I don't believe anyone has ask before. If they have, please correct me, but what got you into the Mario fandom? What spark your interest in it?
Extra question, what Mario games have you played or beated?😮
It all started when I played the games for the first time as a kid. It was in the late 90's, and my dad had just brought home a Super Nintendo console. With it were three games: Super Mario Kart, Mario World and Super Mario All-Stars. Then, only a couple years later, I discovered Super Mario Sunshine and Double Dash on the Gamecube.
Words could not describe the sheer nostalgia I still feel for these five games in particular today. My goodness. The memories! They were literally my childhood. ;_; 🌄
Time went by and I became engrossed in other things. I still liked this world and its characters, but I mostly observed the newest releases and developments from afar... until the first teaser for the movie came out last october.
That was what officially rekindled my full interest. Until then, Mario was a mostly silent protagonist to me. A universal figure that gamers can project themselves onto. But the movie did something different. It brought the concept of Mario living an adventure as a established, talking, written character. With his own thoughts and feelings and dreams. I had never seen him portrayed quite like this before, and it unleashed a potential I would never have envisioned otherwise.
The very thought of a movie based on this character implied the idea of Mario having a full human emotional range, which was a complete novelty in my mind. It told me that he could falter and struggle. That he could suffer and grow. Experience all the things a simple man can.
And this, added to the undying love I felt towards this franchise since I was little, got my brain buzzing with inspiration. 💗✨️ It still does to this day. ✍️😌
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
One Direction fics that are slow burn with twists and turns as requested in this ask. You can find all my other fic recs here. If you enjoy the fics, don't forget to leave kudos and comments for the writers! Happy reading!
Truth Behind Golden Eyes by MyEnglishRose / @lwtisloved
(E, 228, royal au) A Fantasy AU loosely inspired by Merlin BBC where one relationship has the power to define the destiny of the whole land.
Love After the End of the World by @mercurial-madhouse
(E, 168k, dystopian au) When staying alive is already a constant battle, the deadliest weakness is to be in love. For Harry and Louis, finding each other sits on top of the endless list of What Else Could Go Wrong.
This Multiplicity of Powers by @helloamhere
(E, 149k, X-Men au) Maybe there’s a universe where he doesn’t have to keep all his secrets on the inside. But this isn’t that universe.
Tainted Saints And Velvet Vices by Toomanytears / @toomanydreamers
(E, 126k, Potter Direction) A self-fulfilling Hogwarts AU in which Louis is new to seventh year and Harry is the resident devil-may-care Slytherin set to make his entire experience a living misery. 
ghost of you by beckywritesthings / @beckydoesthings
(E, 109k, Star Wars au) a Star Wars AU where Harry is Obi-Wan, Louis is Satine, and somehow there’s a love story between the cracks where there shouldn’t be.
For the Right Reasons by @juliusschmidt
(E, 105k, Bachelor au) Harry doesn’t agree to be the Bachelor expecting to find love.
The Rose of Whitechapel by @itsmotivatingcara
(E, 100k, historical) Jack the Ripper au - Detective Constable Harry Styles and his partner, DC Liam Payne, lead the case on the Whitechapel murders.
Black with Autumn Rain by whimsicule
(T, 93k, magical realism) Harry is a journalist, Louis has lots of secrets and the moors aren't exactly the ideal place to rekindle a lost romance.
Face Your Fears by @sadaveniren
(E, 92k, a/b/o) Harry is a single father, pretending to be a beta after his alpha mated him and left him. 
Nothing But You On My Mind by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense
(E, 83k, royal au) Louis Tomlinson is a PR manager hired to improve the image of royal bad-boy Prince Harry Styles. 
technicolor by @creamcoffeelou
(E, 81k, crime au) The slow-burn, hate-to-love, crime au where Harry is a psychic, Louis is a detective, and the world is against them.
Consequences by @allwaswell16
(E, 78k, amnesia au) Two years ago Harry let his powerful family come between him and the love of his life, something he deeply regrets. 
Let Our Hearts Collide by @crinkle-eyed-boo
(M, 76k, While You Were Sleeping au) When Harry, a lonely transit worker, saves the life of the handsome commuter he's been secretly pining for, an innocent mistake results in Liam Payne's family believing that Harry is engaged to their son.
All I Wish Not To Remember by thealmightyavocado / @avocadolouie
(E, 71k, The Count of Monte Cristo au) A tragic tale of timeless undying love, merciless revenge, and selfless sacrifice.
After Dark, After Light by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 71k, historical) Harry Styles is the laird of Clan Edwards who is just trying to keep his clan afloat when they get word that the Mackenzies have been cutting a swath through the Midlands and beyond, and their sights are set on the northern Highlands next. 
-Rare Pairs-
your crimes are quiet, my love by lightswoodmagic / @lightwoodsmagic
(E, 93k, Zayn/Liam) A darker Miss Congeniality AU that follows Zayn and Liam, MI5 agents, partners since training and best friends, as they race to stop a serial killer.
Winter Light by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
(T, 57, Zayn/Liam) After his mother's death, Liam is sent to live at his estranged uncle's manor in the North of England, where new friends, mysterious places and family secrets await him. A Secret Garden inspired Soulmate AU
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starfiretruther · 2 years
If Kory and Dick ever had a chance if rekindling. What do you think that would look like? There’s something beautifully about lovers coming back to each other after so much time has passed and now being more mature with a slice of hurt and tragedy of the past still hanging over what happened to their relationship. They were so young and had so much on their shoulders when they were introduced to each other and now they are older and wiser.
i agree it can be so beautiful !!! there’s always a bittersweet tinge to the whole thing like “what we had was good”. Kory and Dick are 100% a “right person, wrong time” case to me. They were just really young and going through a lot of changes and add the whole tumultuous superhero double-life thing and things get messy. The cards were stacked against them. But i do feel like if given the chance, years after the fact and after both have grown up and softened, they could make it work. It would need a lot of work though, especially from Dick’s side. He would need to be more understanding of Kory’s point of view and confront his control issues. For Kory, she would need to work on her self-esteem and abandonment issues. While the two can absolutely help each other with these issues, it would be better if they tried to resolve them on their own because these two can become codependent. They would also need to work on their (excessive) sense of duty. This is where I feel like both can help each other out. Dick’s always had issues regarding his undying loyalty to Bruce and often needs a third party to pull him out of it. And for Kory, i get the sense hers has something to do with her abandonment issues. Like ‘if i don’t do this then everyone will leave me’ type thing. Having someone there to remind her that no, you are loved and wanted and you don’t have to do this would help her loads. This doesn’t mean they should never help out gotham or tamaran, it just means that when things get out of hand, the other is there to support.
If i had my way, in pre-52 continuity, they would have rekindled after Dick’s batman era. He’s done the ultimate “bearing my father’s burden” duty and frankly needs to reconnect with his own ideals and identity again. We all know the big role Kory (& the titans ofc) played in helping Dick step out of Batman’s shadow and forge his own path so this could be like a callback to that. Both are older, mature and now have gained a new understanding of each other’s circumstances (Dick finally recognising Kory’s duty and devotion to Tamaran and Kory understanding more of Dick’s thought process and morals while assimilating into Earth). They’re acutely aware of the others (and their own) faults that lead to the breakdown of the relationship in the first place BUT can also recognise that what they had was good while it lasted. And they still love each other, even after all these years. It doesn’t matter where they are or what mask they wear , they’ll always be there for the other and see them for who they truly are. And you know what, why not give it another shot? They’ll figure things out as they go because they both know that when they’re together - it just feels right.
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marimosalad · 1 year
8 TV shows can say a lot about a person!
Certainly for me, I think! I’m listing here many of my personal recs which (as this is a Haladriel blog) I will be talking about them in relation to Haladriel, if applicable.
Thanks for the tag @pursuitseternal 🌟
Without further ado:
1. Needless to say, The Rings of Power.
I’m a total sucker for Hot Bad Men™️ so I never stood a chance against Saubrand.
Blorbo aside, my attachment to this show far preceded my Saurondriel obsession — I was completely enamored with it since Episode 1, the first big scenic shot of Valinor; the Two Trees; the epic soundtrack; stunning costumes. I had tears in my eyes during the boat sailing into the light of Valinor. The scale of storytelling far exceeded my admittedly meager expectations.
Let me be clear: I did not want to like this show and was set on dismissing it as an inferior fan service following The Hobbit franchise. Next thing I knew my inner child had been awakened and my love for Tolkien universe rekindled. Add to this concoction my weakness for complex villains and the epic reveal of Hot Sauron — boom, I was done. I’ll never recover from this.
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This show has such a special place in my heart. It’s sci-fi, mystery, time travel, alternate timelines, quantum physics mumbo jumbo, love story, and a father/son story all rolled into one amazing series that ended abruptly and went under the radar for so long.
In this universe, Denethor II has reincarnated into a much more gentle, sweeter Dr. Walter Bishop who actually loves his son and will put his life at risk for his son over, and over, and over again.
I also have an undying admiration for Anna Torv’s Olivia Dunham (I’m planning a separate post of all my fictional female crushes over the years). I was so giddy to see her in The Last of Us — she’s an underrated actress who deserves to be in the spotlight.
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3. LOST.
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Probably the first TV show that I actually got seriously invested in as a young adult and since then I’ve watched it so many times in every phase of my life. I’ve named our new puppy after Penelope Widmore. My computer name is Not-Pennys-Boat. I’ve been thirsting after stranded-at-sea disheveled ruffians since Sawyer, who is my favorite character who was the antagonist at the beginning (I’ve been saying that Halbrand is the perfect mix of Sawyer and Aragorn).
Sawyer/Juliet is my absolute favorite onscreen couple, pre-Haladriel. Their chemistry is fire. They just work. (Hated him with Kate.) Just tell me this doesn’t scream Haladriel (aesthetically):
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Bonus: scene look familiar? Desmond did it first 🔥
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4. Outlander.
Ok, believe it or not, I wasn’t quite watching this for the copious amount of steamy sex just because I was watching with my husband AND my mom over the pandemic when we lived together, and needless to say it was quite awkward 😂 I have a particular inexplicable love for Scotland (despite having only gone there twice), so when I discovered the series I went head over heels in love with the landscape, costumes, historic details, music (Bear McCreary), mythology, etc. Oh, and the hot Scotsman too 🫠
Jamie and Claire are the epitome of cosmically connected soulmates, their love transcending across lifetimes. Their early sex scenes are 🔥🔥🔥.
Bonus fact: Sam Heughan was named after Samwise Gamgee by his Tolkien hippie parents. He’s been casually broadcasting that he wants a role in TROP. Could we help him? If enough of us use the tag #SamHeughanForCeleborn, will they give Galadriel the husband she deserves?
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5. DARK.
Did I mention I’m a big fan of quantum physics, philosophy, time travel, and parallel universes? No? Well, this brooding German show just about represents everything I love. The perfectly planned 3-season show is everything you could ever hope for in a good TV series. It’s moody, intelligent, mind-bending, and heart-wrenching. Watch the first episode, and by the end of it, you’ll be hooked, I promise you. Oh and for the love of god, do not watch it dubbed.
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6. Norsemen.
Ok, I don’t typically watch too much comedy. But I do like The Office. I also like medieval movies/shows. What if I said Norsemen was basically a medieval version of The Office? Oh, it’s so dumb. It’s so dumb I almost didn’t finish the first episode. But once you get in the groove, it’s hilarious as fuck. On Netflix.
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7. True Detective.
I don’t know how many times I’ve rewatched this show — it’s my comfort show I watch by myself on my laptop on rainy evenings. I don’t know what that says about me, and I don’t want to know 😂
Aside from the intrigue of the creepy Southern Gothic and unsettling cult themes, I mainly attribute my obsession with the show to Matthew McConaughey’s brooding Rust Cohle. He’s tall and lanky, a total weirdo, a lone wolf, has commitment issues, single-minded about his job, and (a bit more than) slightly unhinged. Also known as my kind of dude.
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8. Better Call Saul.
Greatest of all spin-offs, who knew that the show about the sleazy lawyer who represented the world’s greatest meth kingpin was actually a love story in disguise?
Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn as Jimmy and Kim are the perfect embodiment of a modern couple who are equals and opposites, bring out each other’s best and worst, and have an undying respect for one another which serves as the backbone for their relationship. They even take turns towing on opposite sides of the law, pushing and pulling each other’s inclinations towards Good & Bad, only to find each other drowning in the dense grey area that is all too real. They are the *could have beens* for Galadriel and Sauron in the best case scenario (I could go on with the similarities but I don’t want to spoil the show).
Bonus fact: Gennifer Hutchison was the writer for both BCS and TROP. This fact should speak volumes about the kinds of discussions that would have occurred in the writer’s room regarding the nature of Galadriel and Sauron’s relationship. Watch the show and you’ll understand.
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I’ve got many more recommended shows, but I think these 8 have been my primary emotional support shows over the past few years. I debated including Raised By Wolves, but as it was prematurely canceled there isn’t a whole lot I could say about it, despite having a fantastic premise (and which I still recommend people watch).
No pressure tags (but also curious to know): @starlady66 @maironiiel @demonscantgothere @scriberated @wyrd-syster @formerlyir @nenyabusiness @thegreatzombieartisan and any others who want to join.
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sleekervae · 1 year
Past Lives [0.4]
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A/N: Ooooh. I have such a love/hate thing with romantic tension! There's so much to write and yet I don't wanna' give ya'll a text wall!!
Warnings: none
Jade had changed her outfit about four or five times, fully undoing whatever packing she had already accomplished. Eventually, she was able to settle on a red long sleeve and black skirt with her leather jacket thrown on top. She face-timed Florence for her opinion.
"You look fine," she answered.
"Fine? C'mon!" Jade huffed, "I need better than fine!"
"Why's it so important? You told me this wasn't a date," Florence asked, biting back her smirk.
Jade rolled her eyes, "Its not a date! I just like looking nice," she reasoned back.
Florence groaned, "Oh my God, Jade, please! You look gorgeous! You always look gorgeous! You and your fucking five-foot-eight legs,"
"I still can't reach the hot peas on the top shelf at Tesco," Jade grumbled. She set the phone against the line of books on the shelf and did a spin in the camera, "You sure it doesn't look sloppy?"
"You ask me again, I'll tear your self-esteem for a new one," Florence threatened, "Just relax, you look beautiful. Now, what shoes?"
"Mmm, no. Too clunky. Try your trainers,"
"Isn't that too casual?"
"You're the one who said this wasn't a date,"
"Fuck sakes. Alright, I'm going with the converse," Jade yanked her chucks out of her closet and tied them on.
"Now we're cooking!" Florence cried when Jade showed her, "What about the undies?"
Jade glowered at her friend, "Florence --!"
"Tell me the bra is black at least!" she whined back.
Jade took the phone off the shelf, "Don't wait up for me," and she hung up the call before Florence could protest.
As the minutes rolled by, her fingers were shaking with more vivacity. She couldn't put into words what she feeling, how she was feeling, how he made her feel. Part of her was excited just to be surrounded by his energy again, his bottomless excitement and curiosity about everything bringing out smiles so intense her jaw ached. However, she was also terrified of being vulnerable, she feared she may loose the control she practiced every second he was near her, scared she'd do something to jeopardize their rekindled friendship and he'd pull away from her. She picked through the wine fridge for an appropriate bottle, feeling somehow both over and underdressed, and pondering how he'd look and just how she was going to keep herself together.
Austin's approach was much less frantic, though the anxious feeling instilled in him was very much the same. He stood under the shower spray for almost twenty minutes, just reminding himself of all the ways he was bound to fuck this up.
After washing his hair and scrubbing himself down, he patted himself down in the mirror and observed himself long enough to make himself uncomfortable. He was frustrated by the natural nonchalance in his face when he stared back at himself, worried that maybe he appeared as though he didn't care enough. He twitched the corners of his lips, shaved his chin and ruffled his hands through his hair. He picked out a simple pair of slacks and an indigo button down shirt, not wanting to overdress but he also wanted Jade to know that he tried for her.
He now pointed at his reflection, pushing his trembling hands through his hair for the fifth time in ten minutes. This was important and he had to look good, had to feel right about himself. He had dinner simmering in the next room, the smell mouth watering and he felt fairly confident in himself. He checked how much time he'd have to scrape together before her arrival, reassuring himself in the mirror that everything was going to be okay.
Not fifteen minutes later, Jade's cab had pulled up to a gorgeous, old style brownstone. Austin had given her the number to ring for and she waited outside patiently, trying to drown out the sound of her own heart pounding in her ears with the distant traffic. She clutched the bottle of wine in her hand so tightly, she wondered for a moment if the neck may smash.
However, the gate buzzed to let her in and the vinyl wood door swung open. And Austin stood in the threshold, the light from behind glowing a soft, warm orange around his silhouette. The air in her throat hitched.
Austin paused as soon as he opened the door, it took everything he had within him not to choke on the breath he was holding in. His eyes softened instantly at her, weak beyond explanation, and there was something so irresistible about the way she looked, "Hi," he greeted, finally having found his voice.
" -- Hi," Jade stammered out, hopping up the stairs to meet him.
Austin smiled, a tinge of bashfulness colouring his cheeks, "You look fantastic!"
Jade cocked a brow, her cheeks flushing despite her makeup, "You're not just saying that?"
"C'mon," he scoffed back, his grin turning coy, "Like I would lie to the Jade Theodore?"
Jade rolled her eyes, nonetheless trying not to laugh as she held up the wine bottle, "I brought some poison,"
"Ooh, my favourite!" her heart skipped a beat as he read the label, "The slow-working kind! C'mon in," and he brought her inside.
The space smelled wonderful, distinctive of tomatoes, hearty spices, and bacon, all delectable scents that made Jade's stomach turn for an altogether different reason. She paused however when she entered his kitchen and found...
"And here we go!" he presented her with the set up for making peanut butter sandwiches and a plate of freshly cooked bacon. Jade eyed him skeptically.
"Austin, not to be ungrateful -- because you know I love peanut butter... but when you told me you wanted to cook dinner, this isn't quite what I had in mind..." she said.
Austin chuckled, "Yeah I know, this is just the starter. The chilli will be ready in a little bit. And you have never tried a peanut butter, banana-bacon sandwich before,"
"Yeah," she nodded, "'Cause I'd like to keep my organs pumping,"
Austin simpered, remaining collected on the outside, though on the inside he was sweating a little, "I know it's kind of weird, and if you don't want to try, it's no problem. And look --!" he held up a fruit jam jar, "I remembered your favourite jam is cherry! Not the fake, sugary jelly, the real cooked down fruit,"
Jade began to laugh, she wasn't sure if it was out absurdity or the dopey, confident grin he wore. He had told her about these sandwiches before; an Elvis classic that he'd indulged in to help him gain some weight for filming. Nevertheless, the set up was cute and he meant well. And after all, who was she to deny a peanut butter and jam sandwich?
"Alright, what the hell?" she shrugged, "I'll try anything once,"
Austin set out on making their sweet and salty sandwiches while Jade corked and poured the wine. And while it certainly wasn't the strangest food item she'd eaten, Jade was conflicted on whether to love or hate the super rich, super salty and creamy confection.
"It's different," she noted when he'd asked what she thought, "Like, it just screams the 70s but in a weird, comforting way? Does that make sense?"
"Yes, I know what you mean," Austin replied, wiping the crumbs from his lip with his napkin, "Elvis used to pan fry these too, you know?"
"Oh no," Jade chuckled, "I can already feel my arteries squeezing,"
"I thought that was a step too far, too," he admitted, "The first couple days it was fun, but by the end of the week you just feel so awful, you're not sure whether to hibernate or check yourself in to one of those fancy health clinics. Call me annoying, but I felt so much better when I just got to eat salads and chia seeds,"
Jade nodded, "Yeah, that sounds pretty annoying," she smirked back, "And now you get to tone up and look all dashing and commanding for the army pilot who's probably never even heard of bananas,"
Austin leaned forward across the counter, raising his eyebrows at her, "You think I'm dashing?" he asked, his lips teasing her with a playful smirk.
Jade chewed thoughtfully on her sandwich, smiling back coyly as she reached for her wine glass, "The whole internet thinks you're dashing. Especially when you had the full black hair,"
Austin chuckled, "Yeah well -- there's the whole internet's opinion, and then there's your opinion,"
She laughed nervously, a sound he found heavenly, "You want my honest opinion?" she asked.
"Always," he nodded.
"Okay," she mumbled, obviously suppressing a laugh, "You're a very handsome young man, however, you look fucking ridiculous with that jam on your lip," she smiled smugly, pointing to her own lips to indicate the sweetness.
Austin's smile dropped as he reached for a napkin, "Fuck, that's embarrassing," And yet despite her indication, he patted at the wrong side.
"C'mere," she giggled, lifting her hand to his face and swiping at the jam with her own napkin. She lingered there for a moment, staring her his chapped pink lips, wondering whether he'd taste more of cherry, peanut butter, or wine?
"Thanks," he replied softly, swallowing hard as she reluctantly pulled away.
Austin's chilli had finished cooking about ten minutes later, and it went without saying that he was pretty anxious. He'd tasted it over and over to make sure he'd balanced out the flavours, the meat was cooked enough, and that he'd remembered to add salt. Nevertheless, he sighed subtly with relief when Jade took the first bite and she didn't spit it out.
"I remember we had one of our days off set, and you wanted to make sandwiches," she started.
Austin stopped mid-sip of his wine, already knowing where she was going, "Oh God. I remember: I forgot to take the plastic off the cheese slices," he laughed sheepishly.
"I mean, it was a surprise, but it was cute!" she giggled, "I appreciated the intention,"
"And from then on I left the cooking to the craft table," he deduced, "I remember you baked us those cookies once; with the powdered sugar. What did you call them?"
"... Kourabiedes!" she recalled, "I haven't made those in a while, actually. Maybe when I go home?"
"Speaking of, how's the packing been?" he asked.
Jade shrugged sheepishly, "Meh,"
Austin chuckled back, "Meh? You leave -- what? The day after tomorrow, right?"
"Yeah. And I got all the important stuff done," she replied, "But... I kind tore open my suitcase to find an outfit so now I have to repack that again,"
His smirk only grew from there, "You undid your packing job just to find an outfit for this? God, I feel honoured!" he held up his wine glass and took another sip, "I would've made you something better if I knew beforehand,"
Jade scoffed, "The chilli's delicious, you outdid yourself," she assured him, "I still feel that banana sandwich decomposing in my gut, though,"
Austin simpered, "I told you that you didn't have to try it," he said.
"I know, but you had the puppy dog eyes on and I am also a doormat!" she laughed nervously.
"So... you're a doormat because I wanted you to eat a banana-bacon-peanut butter sandwich?" he asked.
"No! I mean -- I -- hold on. What am I trying to say here?" she rested her chin in her hand as she tried to reboot her thought process. He tried his best not to laugh, but he was close to breaking. She was just so cute when she became flustered; her cheeks grew red and she always became so tongue tied. He wanted to collect those moments, store them away mentally and remind him of how sweet she was when he couldn't have her this close again.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Yes. Okay! I -- what I mean is that I trust you enough that you could talk me into being confident about anything -- within reason!" she explained, "Like jump off a high rise? Mm, nope. Skinny dipping? I'm down for it,"
Austin bit on the inside of his lip, "Jade, if you wanted to go --"
"Austin!" she scolded, picking up and pointing her spoon at him, "I'll kill you with this spoon!"
He had a shit-eating grin spread across his face, he just couldn't resist, "If you wanted to go skinny dipping you could've asked," he said quickly.
Jade dropped her spoon in defeat and put her face in her hands to hide her flushing cheeks. Austin couldn't help it, he began to laugh; a tiny satisfaction in making her blush swirled happily in his chest.
"I hate you," she muttered once she looked up.
"You're so red," he giggled.
"So are you!" she countered, pouting playfully, "You're so mean to me," and he laughed harder, "Ten years later and you're still so mean,"
"I'm sorry," he sputtered, "Really, I'm sorry,"
"Yeah, yeah, you're sorry," she rolled eyes, picked up her spoon, and tried to continue to eat. His eyes were crinkled as he smiled and his shoulders had a little bounce to them, his overall demeanour shone as brightly as a ray from the sun.
They cleared away the dishes before settling on the couch, the half-depleted bottle of wine came with them. They settled on watching Reality Bites, though it did little to empty their heads given the subject matter. Jade had always loved Winona Ryder -- what 90s kid didn't? -- and Austin still remembered that her favourite movie had always been Mermaids. He thought about the first time he'd watched it with her, having very little expectations of what he considered to be some "chick flick" that had actually turned out to be a provocative and charming coming of age story.
Jade kept pressing her nails into her palm, just barely keeping up with the deliciously tumultuous push and pull between Lelaina and Troy. She found it hard to keep focus when she was sitting so close to Austin. Her wine glass sat empty, and given how loose she felt she figured it best to stop before she did something foolish. That didn't keep her however from saying something foolish -- in her mind, anyway.
"Can I ask you something?" she suddenly blurted.
Austin. turned to meet her gaze, "Anything," he replied.
Jade licked her lips, her lips moved to speak, though the more sober side of her told her to know better, " -- Never mind,"
Austin didn't buy it, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah," she nodded quickly.
His eyes flitted down to her clenched fist, her knuckles almost white, "You're about to poke a hole in your hand with those nails, Jade," he pointed out.
Jade opened her hand, sure enough finding the blaring red nail marks threatening to puncture her skin, "Oops," she simpered nervously, "Can I ask you a drunk question?"
He cocked a brow, "A drunk question?"
"Yeah. Something I'd never dream about asking if we hadn't decimated three-quarters of a bottle of wine," she said.
"You're not that drunk, Jade," he smirked back, "Ask your question,"
She opened her mouth to speak again, her tongue tingling and her brain scrambling for a semblance of rational thought. And then, finally willing to courage to speak, she asked, "Who's your celebrity crush?"
Austin was a little taken aback, to say the least. His celebrity crush? Ten years later, Jade had remembered his coffee order, his favourite book, his favourite sandwich, and she could probably recall the time he and his mom tried to lay a brick pathway in their backyard. And yet, she didn't remember his celebrity crush was --
"Danielle Fishel," he answered.
She nodded promptly, "Right, right. I remember now," she replied.
"You do?" he asked, bordering on skeptical, "Your celebrity crush was -- Shane West, right?"
"Yep," she replied quickly. Her chest rose and fell in soft rhythm, her legs crossed beneath her skirt, and much like the rest of the week, Austin wondered what gears were turning in that beautiful mind of hers. He cursed himself out for his half-witted attempts at flirting with her, trying to figure out not just his own feelings for her, but hers too. She had had moments like this, seemingly about to put herself out there, and then she'd chicken out last minute and change the subject. He wished that she wouldn't, he also wished that he wasn't as afraid either.
"It's kinda cold in here," Jade mumbled, wrapping her arms around her body.
"That's the only downside of this place: the thermostat's broken," Austin replied, "The super called a tech but he won't be getting here until Friday,"
She hummed her understanding. He shifted closer and he watched her carefully, clenching his fist at his side to keep from touching her. She could feel his body heat through the sleeve of her shirt, his cologne spicy and comfortable. His lips parted as though to speak, though he clamped them shut again, inhaling sharply through his nose.
His eyes trailed to her lips, and he wondered if she'd ever thought about it; if the curiosity had outweighed rationality and if she thought about kissing him. It then dawned on him that he had been thinking about it too, staring at her rosy pink lips and it certainly hadn't been for the first time in that week. His cheeks flushed at the realization and he shifted in his seat, he leaned in closer to her with the confidence of the wine on his tongue, and Jade brought her gaze to meet his, the intensity rippling down her spine.
His hair had fallen over his eyes, curly and cool and she raised her hand to brush the locks from his face.
"Whatcha' thinking about?" she asked.
Austin opened his mouth again, his attention however turned to the movie when Fools Like Me began to play over the scene. Jade swallowed back the growing lump in her throat as he turned back to her. The low lighting from the lamp casted a beautiful golden glow against her bouncy hair, he drank in the deep flush in her cheeks and at the tip of her nose, and her green eyes sparkled like vibrant prasiolites.
"Wanna' dance?" he asked, cocking head to the side.
She laughed softly, though when he sat up and smoothed down his indigo button down, she realized he was serious, "Austin..." she muttered breathlessly, shaking her head slightly.
"Indulge me," he whispered.
Lisa Loeb's first chorus had barely begun as Austin stood up and extended his hand to her. She took a deep breath, unable to deny the twinkle in his eyes or that charming, unpredictable smile, then placed her hand into his and allowed him to pull her up.
Austin shoved the coffee table over with his shin, making a spot big enough for the two of them. He laced his fingers with hers and she took a tentative step forward, her lips twitching with nervous laughter at how awkward they were. Austin clenched his teeth down as he brought his other hand to her waist and stepped into him again until her chest was pressed to his.
"I think over is over I'm right back where I started when it comes to wanting you I can't have what I wanted"
He was so handsome and she knew she was testing her own self control by being this close. She watched his lashes fluttered over and over, how his tongue skimmed nervously at his bottom lip, never allowing herself the luxury of relaxing into his touch as she did now.
He was hot to the touch, goosebumps rippling under her shirt sleeves as he began to sway with her, both of them socked and clumsy. Jade rested her chin on his shoulder, trying to come to terms with the reality she was living in. She was really dancing with Austin.
His fingers danced at the base of her spine until his hand was flat against her back, their hips pressed together. He closed his eyes and inhaled her citrus perfume, exhaling peacefully with his cheek against hers, close enough so that if they both turned now, they would meet in a kiss.
"But I did, I can, I was, I am only human, living, dying Just like any fool who ever breathed If love is blind, if love's a drug, it always is, it always was And love was surely made for fools like me"
Her breath fanned over the skin of his neck, her free handing stroking at the back of his hair. He pulled back to count the freckles on her face, admired her fluttering lashes, then he spun her away and back to him again. She laughed as she bumped into his chest and without thinking, her hand came to smooth down his front, the muscles in his chest tightened beneath her palm. Her heart thudded against her ribcage and she was sure he could feel it because she could feel his; the awareness of their mutual weakness further breaking down their barriers.
They swayed slowly, cheek-to-cheek; his lips twitched and accidentally brushed against her neck, and his chest tightened as he felt her shudder against him. He could get used to this, especially with the weight of the alcohol they'd consumed, both of them evidently desperate to hang on to the other's touch.
"Maybe it's the sanest thing Or just the sweetest kind of dream But love was surely made for fools Love was surely made for fools, love was surely made for fools Love was surely made for fools, love was surely made for fools like me"
The movie kept playing even as the montage ended, though Austin and Jade stood in place. He exhaled slowly, his forehead was just a centimetre away from touching hers.
"Can I ask a drunk question?" he drawled, his lips twitching into a smile.
"Sure," she simpered with amusement, her eyes tracing the lines beneath his eyes.
"Do you have to leave?" he chuckled, "To America?"
Jade giggled anxiously, "You don't want me to leave?" she quipped back.
"No. I fucking don't," he admitted quickly. He brought his fingers to her hair, smoothing his thumb over her temple and he spoke before he could stop himself, "Don't go, Jade," he quietly pleaded.
Jade swallowed hard, almost in disbelief that his words were nearly mirroring her thoughts, "I wish I didn't have to," she muttered, "But you're gonna leave, too,"
Austin nodded, blinking and frowning, his brow furrowed with discomfort. They shared a look, both of them hung up on the closeness of the other how that would soon be gone again. Dissatisfied with the melancholic expression on his face, Jade pushed up on her toes and brushed her lips across his cheek, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug.
"I'm gonna' miss you," she whispered, "But this isn't goodbye,"
There was this abundant softness about him that Jade had never witnessed before, a gentility within him that made her feel as though she'd damage him just from her touch. Nevertheless, his ember was vibrant and he laughed softly as he pulled back to meet her eyes again; his heart thundered against his ribcage just from the bravery in the way she held his gaze.
There was this niggling voice in the back of both of their minds, curiosity peeking at whether they could take this opportunity, as there may never be another like it. They weren't desperate twenty-somethings anymore, they were high functioning, busy professionals. Only heaven knew when they'd be together like this again.
"I have a drunk question," she muttered.
"Another one?" he simpered, feigning surprise.
"Yes," she bit her lip, considered the consequences, loudly screamed FUCK in her head, then nodded as she spoke.
"... Can I kiss you?"
Austin was silent, and in being so, Jade panicked internally. She felt as though she was in the middle of a hurricane, everything around her moving about and she was teetering the line of being safe or being hit. She noticed the dimples in his cheeks for the hundredth time tonight, counted the shades of blue in his eyes, wondered how she could ever write them into a song.
And then, he was kissing her.
He was soft and warm, his lips a little chapped but it fit him so well; he was everything she'd expected. She kissed him back softly, but without hesitation, could taste the wine, the spices from the chilli, so overwhelmed by him and yet so unafraid. Austin couldn't get enough, couldn't believe where they'd wound up, couldn't think about anything other than how sweet she tasted, how she gasped softly against his mouth, the way her body was curving into his. It was though something had clicked perfectly within him because he needed more of her, simply insatiable now that he knew what kissing her was like. His hand cupped the side of her face as they finally broke away, neither of them ready for the moment to be gone before it had even begun.
Jade sighed breathlessly, staring at him through her thick and heavy lashes, trying desperately to collect herself. Just as quickly as it had consumed her, the euphoria was replaced with a strong sensation of guilt, "Did we just do something stupid?"
"Do you feel like this is stupid?" he asked, his forehead pressing against hers. His stomach was uneasy as he awaited her answer.
She breathed slowly, trying to process an onslaught of heavy emotions in so little time. She had been so drunk on the moment, trying to discern how wrong and right this was, and still giddy on the fact that he was holding her, touching her, the sensation was so strange and so safe at once.
"Jade?" Austin tenderly stroked her cheek. His mind was racing just as quickly as hers. She had awakened something within him he'd feared he lost long ago, needing her like he'd never needed her before. He was well and truly triggered by the way she was looking at him; but Austin didn't want to make a mistake. He didn't want to put either of them in an uncomfortable situation, he feared pushing her away when he'd just gotten her back.
She would't look at him, a gambit of emotions flickered over her face as Jade tried to decide what she'd done. On the one hand, she'd done the thing she'd fantasized about since she'd been seventeen. On the other hand, she wondered if her risk had really paid off on the course of where their relationship was going.
Nonetheless, she couldn't deny how felt it had good in the moment.
"No," she answered finally, finally meeting his gaze. Her tongue tingled as the next sentence rolled out, "But... I think I should go,"
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julybloom · 5 months
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matthew couldn't believe his eyes as he swiped through tinder profiles. there, among the sea of faces, was a familiar one that brought back a flood of memories—memories of late-night adventures, forbidden treats, and broken ceramics. it was them—the babysitter from his childhood, the one who had been both the best and the worst influence. a mischievous grin played on his lips as he swiped right, wondering if she would recognize him after all these years. the match notification flashed on his screen, and he hesitated for a moment before sending a message. "hey there, long time no see! recognize me, or do o need to jog your memory about the cake-for-dinner and rated-r movie nights?" the homme anxiously awaited her response, wondering if they would remember the carefree days of their shared mischief. as he tapped his fingers on his phone screen, memories flooded his mind—the laughter, the secret adventures, and the innocent declaration of being their future boyfriend. "guess who," he teased in his message, trying to keep it light-hearted. "hint: we used to break all the rules together, and i may have declared my undying love for you back in the day. ring any bells?" he chuckled to himself, nervously anticipating her reaction. as he sent the message, he couldn't shake the mix of excitement and nostalgia that coursed through him. the years had passed, and now he found himself hoping that the connection they once shared could be rekindled in this unexpected way. / @popcultr
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oracleofmadness · 11 months
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This Romeo and Juliette retelling travels through time, rekindling this love over and over again across centuries.
Helene(Juliette) is divorcing her husband and has moved to Alaska to start her writing career with a clear head. When she goes to the local pub, she is shocked to see her imaginary love interest in the flesh, Sebastian Montague(Romeo). However, when she approaches him, he seems not too pleased to see her.
This book is all about undying love, which I adore. But it did miss a few marks for me. The characters and conversations did not feel genuine to me, so I wouldn't say this is my favorite read. However, that's just my opinion!
Out August 1, 2023!
Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!
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mittch22 · 2 years
Cars Headcanon 6
Darrell Cartrip wasn’t always the bubbly, excitable persona that he is today. Although he was always disposed to be this way, it was heavily suppressed during a rather traumatic childhood. Trauma that was perpetrated by the person he now point blankly refuses to call his father. He was deliberately none too gentle or kind with Darrell, causing him a considerable amount of suffering over a lot of years. 
But with a lot of work and more strength than he knew he had, he got himself away from the situation and made his way out into the world. But his trials and tribulations were far from over. He had lots to work through and a lot of fighting to do to get to where he knew he wanted to be. And my, what a crazy ride it was. But with the undying support of his mother and an incredible level of grit and strength, he made it. 
Years after his glorious racing career had been and gone, and he was thrust into the world of racing commentary, he formed an incredible friendship with Bob Cutlass. He never thought he could ever truly trust anyone with his experience of his young life, but Bob proved that he was always there to listen without an ounce of judgement. He helped him through his darkest days and stayed with him until he was ready to face the world again.
The pair became completely inseparable, supporting each other through every hard time and celebrating each success, no matter how small. It was both Bob and Darrell’s mother that helped him rekindle the spark that set the fire for Darrell's now well known and beloved effervescent temperament. 
Darrell's mother has pretty much adopted Bob as her son and treats him as such whenever she sees him. She loves her boys very much.
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nohrianseneschal · 1 year
Let the Ashes Crumble (WIP)
DS3 fanfic with Eygon/Irina
excerpted wip below the cut
He did not reply, but she could tell he was listening. After traveling together for so long, one could sense these things — the slight shift in his weight, or the attentive grip of his gaze. Irina wished he would show her his wound and let her heal it with her palm, imbued with the lost souls of ages past.
In the face of his stubbornness, she inched closer. “What if,” she began, but before she could continue, she bit down on her lower lip. Irina averted her face, letting the loose strands of her silver hair billow over her eyes.
“What if I failed?”
Again, silence.
Irina understood silence. She could read in it the tumultuous churn of his emotions. Confusion, astonishment, and, unexpectedly, wonder. Eygon wasn’t entirely displeased by this question, but she knew he resisted the temptation to push it further; to stoke the fire she had unwittingly lit.
“You can’t fail,” he eventually answered. “Besides, I don’t see how. One more step, and we’re almost at the kindling.”
Irina smiled. Of course, it wasn’t a matter of whether or not she could. It was a question of volition. What if, in the end, Irina no longer wanted to bind herself to sacrifice? To be a firekeeper meant to conclude her journey. By extension, it would be the end of Eygon’s, and Irina was well aware of what happened to knights who have fulfilled their duty. 
Nothing but an end. The finality of death. Freedom from the undying curse, and an eternity where they must be parted, their souls divided through the many cycles of rekindling.
She wished she could relay these fears, these nightmares which plagued her with each passing day. They had left Carim together on a mission, but now Irina no longer knew if it mattered. Carim must have become ruins since they left, and the people they once loved might be long dead. They had no one else left. She had no one else left, and once Eygon is gone, there will only be darkness, and the writhing souls that nip and bite at the sanctuary of her mind.
With a sigh, Irina sat on a boulder next to Eygon. She sensed his discomfort, his body growing rigid now that she drew closer. 
“What if,” she tried again, “I want to fail?”
To her surprise, his answer came quickly.
“Then it is my sworn duty,” he said, “to put you to rest.”
Irina expected as much. She felt neither dread nor fear. Only relief. If she had to die, let it be by his hand; let it be by his side. Better than to wait, forever alone for a Chosen Unkindled, trapped in the memories of countless Firekeepers before her. 
“I’m glad, dear friend,” she said, her breath light and airy. “If it’s by your hand, I don’t mind. Only,” she hesitated, tilting her head so it rested on his pauldron, “touch me one last time before you fulfill your oath.”
Next to her, Eygon is unmoved. Beneath his helm, he seemed to mull it over. What turmoil must he be going through? She wondered. She would never know, of course. He would never remove his helm or his armor. They would never know each other beyond the roles they failed to play.
“So this is it, then?” Eygon muttered under his breath. His tone was churlish, as if she had asked him to complete a tedious chore. “You’ll give up, just like that? This knight wasn’t sworn to protect a failure.”
Irina chuckled at that. “I know. You deserve a better maiden — one who would not fail you.”
He scoffed at that, as if her sentiments were a nuisance to him. Then, just as suddenly, his shoulders went slack. Only then did Irina notice that he had not moved her hand away from his pauldron. 
“You did not fail me,” he said, a little more pensively. “Perhaps it is I— no, no use arguing about that now.”
Irina nodded. She understood. They both failed, in the end. They both found devotion in something other than their quest, and in Carim, that was the most profane act of all.
“Then let us stay here,” she said, moving her hand so that her palm rested atop his knuckles. “Let us wait and keep our lonely watch. So long as you’re with me, I won’t mind the dark.”
His heavy armor clinked raucously as he turned and rose abruptly. “I will agree to no such thing,” he solemnly declared. Without another word, he marched right off. 
Irina called out to him. She shot her hand out, hoping it would graze his figure.
There was nothing. Eventually, the sound of his footsteps faded. He left her alone. Unable to perform his duty as a knight, he had abandoned her. Perhaps, she thought with great comfort, he would make the return journey home. 
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stocky2016 · 4 months
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"Best of Friends"
My monkey smiles brighten up my duller days,
laughing cheerfully they help me play...
The happiness of that peacefully puckered face,
fills my heart up, with definitive grace.
The friendship of this monkey I value so dear,
it rekindles my happiness year by year.
He stays near and with me, even when i feel blue,
my love for him now is so unmistakably true.
The cuddles I give my monkey every day,
make him the happiest creature in every way.
The hugs are all but eternal, like an undying flame,
It's never wasted , a single hug in his name.
The joy of a monkey's companionship,
brings laughter and fun like a drink you just sip
Filling me with a most tremendous glee,
makes me feel totally loved happy, and carefree..
He's my "bestie" our friendship now so sweet,
just being together is a truly a treat...
.If I ever were in trouble, knowing he'd be there,
he'd have my back a true friend, and so rare.
A special bond exists between me and him
that's totally fulfilled with love within...
We go hand in hand, just such a friendly pair
building the strongest bond that could ever be there.
(c) G.P.S. 6th December 2023
(Graphic picture prompt courtesy of Google Images)
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adventurepaige · 1 year
Rekindling our Faith: 2 Timothy
2 Timothy 1:7-8
"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline. So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel by the power of God."
Every Christian I know has struggled in maintaining their relationship with God. As for me, I know I have personally struggled with some of his truth that contradict what is popular in society. Molding my mind to think more Christ-like has been a primary goal of mine since the beginning of October 2022. I have been gifted quite a few notebooks from my relatives in the last year or so that have not gone to efficient use, so I found one that didn't have much writing in it and started jotting down sermon notes, prayers, and other things I found interesting or inspiring. I graduated in December of 2022 and have been struggling to find a job that needs temporary work since I plan on moving in the spring. With this I have been experiencing anxiety and feelings of self-doubt. I have quite a bit of free time, so I figured it's the perfect time to really dive into rekindling my faith.
In the book of 2 Timothy the Apostle Paul is imprisoned, causing him great discouragement. Paul writes to Timothy advising him to revive his God-given talents of leadership and ministry. In this, Paul is inspired by Timothy's faith and reminds him to not only focus on what he has taught him, but to also remember the grace and love Christ provides. In the Youversion study plan I am completing, the author notes in their devotional that discouragement may lead to you towards neglecting the things that are there to help you most. If we feel discouraged on our walk of faith, it is critical to remember that wandering further from Jesus is blocking the blessings he has in store for you. I often have to remind myself that this is indeed not a sprint, it is a walk of faith. Nothing will resolve itself without time and faith in our Lord that His path is right.
Through all of our hardships and seasons of unknowns, we can remember that Jesus died on the Cross so the Holy Spirit can provide us with the ultimate power of living for Christ. Not only this, we are called to faithfully serve Him through his undying love and grace with the goal of bringing yourself and others closer to Jesus.
A final thought that struck me in the author's devotional noted that we should let His grace be the primary motivation that fuels your faith, regardless of your current circumstances. The world moves at a high-speed pace that we often feel that we cannot keep up with. Good news though - with our faith in Jesus we are able to slow down and remind ourselves that God sets the pace for us, not the other way around. There is no comparison to His divine plan for us, and in most cases earthly desires deter us from it. As a reminder to myself in this time where I am unemployed and starting my new life outside of college, God's plan will carry out the way should as long as I remain faithful. So for now, I will continue praying for guidance and hope that I find God's true calling for me.
To close, one of the biggest lessons I took from 2 Timothy 1 and 2 is that we can all take after Timothy and Paul in our daily lives. We have days where we crave inspiration, and we have those where we give that inspiration to others. Jesus works within you and the His children every single minute we spend trying to know Him more. I pray that He calls me to wherever I am needed to serve Him most in this world, and I pray that He blesses those crave his presence.
Paige Martin, February 3rd, 2023
Verse Notes:
2 Timothy 1:3-4
2 Timothy 1:7-8
2 Timothy 2:14
2 Timothy 2:22
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Verse Highlight: 2 Timothy 2:11-13
"Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself."
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takalzuoom · 2 years
I’m kinda interested to see what happens if mc got engaged to Vil instead of Riddle although I believe that they still get kidnapped because of Ace and get toss from pirate to pirate
okay. i kept this in the inbox cause i honestly was extremely intrigued with this.
cause no, how would the story differ if vil got to mc first
and honestly- now that i think about it… the story wouldn’t really change that drastically
but there’s be a LOT more interactions with vil. and he would then turn into a MAJOR villian. cause mc would see him with this mask of perfection. always perfect and posed. always kind and helping, basically controlling mc, who wouldn’t have a problem with it cause they were raised with that kind of behavior from crewel, and by extension vil cause of how they were childhood friends.
but mc would remind me of one of those wattpad protagonists?? almost helpless and innocent cause of being so EXTREMELY sheltered. cause let’s be honest, it’s vil we’re talking about here. with his rivalry with neige he would do anything to get you- and the crown.
so ofc he likes to keep his eye on you, hence ace and deuce…. or maybe epel? who then takes ace’s place in the betrayal as he wants to show everyone how manly he is…
oh… oh dear…
anon. what. have. you. done.
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and just imagining vil sabotaging azul and y/n’s relationship???? VIL BEING RACIST AGAINST MERPEOPLE????? LIKE LOOKING DOWN ON THEM BECAUSE THEYRE NOT HUMANS OR SMTHN.
epel who is your personal attendant who couldn’t help but notice how kind you were to the staff, how fun you were to hang around from all the prying eyes. who can’t help but both look up and envy vil. wanting to seek his and your approval.
living in a fantasy of getting you, becoming king, and being called manly- so he gets the pirate you spared and makes a deal with him. only for things to turn wrong when you’re suddenly out cold in the pirates arms.
oh god. imagining vil going absolutely APE SHIT once he hears what happens. him and rook immediately springing into action to save you. only to find leona - his long time enemy holding you up by the waist, body limp expect for the hand that’s waving mockingly.
vil trying to kill y/n and say they were claimed by the sea??
vil making deals with pirate captains???
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