#rich minds
empire-of-the-words · 2 months
so I read son of the demon straight through today (tbh maybe not my best idea I'm still sad 😓), and came to the realization that Bruce and Talia's marriage never actually ends. like, Talia just tells Bruce to leave and Ra's last line is literally calling Bruce his son. sure, it's implied, but, also. consider:
Random lawyer or finance guy or something: Have you ever been divorced or widowed? Bruce: Y- Bruce: Bruce: Bruce: actually I think I'm still married. Dick: I'm sorry, WHAT?
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inkedberries · 10 months
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don't look at me i dont know what happened
this is DEFINITELY inspired from that one world's finest issue with clark posing as bruce's bodyguard so they can catch some kidnappers or whatever dfkgjlsd
these set of scans in particular
ref pic for brucie's pose in the first image
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fangrurin · 4 months
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Fashion of the Great Houses of Westeros: House Tully of Riverrun
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oceanreveuse · 2 months
maybe… maybe it’s a little controversial but as an aventurine kisser i gotta bring this up… but i don’t think aventurine would necessarily love bomb his partners with his money. treat you well? sure thing, he’ll spoil you now and then but i think aventurine himself would be very against sugar daddying the crap out of you as a love language like some people write him as :c
the ipc has essentially showered him in riches and expenses to dull out his trauma and his past, like hush-money and i think the last thing aventurine would do is use gift-giving completely as a love language. i think he might be more physical touch because he misses having that contact with his family and when he meets you, he’s suddenly reminded of the warmth he’d longed for and almost forgotten ♡
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blossoms-phan · 1 month
many people are afraid to be real lovers. dan and phil are not
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sayhoneysiren · 3 days
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Which 48th Law of Power, should you apply to your situation for success?
{Collab with @lavendergoddesstarot}
Pile 1 is on the left side. Pile 2 is on the right side.
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Welcome Sirens! This reading is for entertainment purposes only based on the downloads I receive. Do not attack me if the message doesn’t resonate. Keep in mind this is a collective reading, not a individual one. With that being said, enjoy!
Honey $iren🍒
>Join for weekly Tarot Readings here<
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⸻⊱༺  🩸 ༻⊰⸻
Pile I
(1st part of your reading here)
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When it come to success, you may have the habit of oversharing your ideas with others. Spirit is saying, learn to keep your goals private. You have ideas that are absolutely GOLDEN, but unfortunately, there are bitter and jealous people around you, who want to sink your boat. Your success is a threat to them and when you yap to them about all your ideas, you give them your blueprint to destroy you. The Wheel of Fortune came out for you last, which shows me that when you learn to reserve your ideas or share only fractions of information, luck will be on your side and the wheels will turn in your favor.
(The numbers 24, 2, 4, or 6. may be significant to you. It could be your birth date number, current age or a significant number to you).
Quote from the book 48 Laws of Power, "The perfect courtier thrives in a world where everything revolves around power and political dexterity. He has mastered the art of indirection; he flatters, yields to superiors, and asserts power over others in the most oblique and graceful manner. Learn to apply the law of courtier-ship and there will be no limit to how far you can rise in the court." - Robert Greene
There's an old saying coming to mind, "Never let anyone see you with your head to the ground." We all have weaknesses and our weaknesses should always be kept to ourselves, until we overcome them. The message for you is to Master you Emotions. Handle your messy business privately. Don’t rant to people about your problems, even if they’re friends. Show a professional, strong face to the world, even when you feel worried. Stay motivated on the end goal, even when you feel defeated.
You may also have difficulties with wanting to prove yourself as worthy or intelligent to others (which causes you to debate, argue, overshare or overextend yourself). Learn to hold back. There's no need to cast your pearls to swine.
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Master your emotions. Don't allow insults and threats to pierce you.
Find creative outlets to release your energy into. (If you’re a writer, write to release your thoughts and feelings or to creative stories.)
Learn social protocol, discreetness and etiquette with others.
Trust no one.
Let your actions and results speak louder than the need to prove people wrong or right.
⸻⊱༺  🩸 ༻⊰⸻
Pile II
(1st part of your reading here).
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There was something said to you, that made you feel insecure about your self image or your abilities to succeed. You are hanging on to this, and because of this you are not allowing yourself to move forwards and become your greatest. For many of you, it was a person close to you, that you deeply trusted, who hurt you with their words or actions. Here’s what to do. Cry about it, journal about it, meditate on it, THEN LET IT GO. (And if it's better, let them go too).
Your value is never determined by anyone else, it is determined by you. To become your successful self, own all that you are, in body, spirit, emotion and mentality. You are not a mistake. Don’t be fooled by the people who cannot see your value yet.
You are a very grounded and practical person, who holds immense wisdom within'. Your intuitive powers are off the charts! 
These toxic people around you, don't see your power or how your ideas can come into fruition but don't let that stop you from carrying on. You have the ability to manifest like a God or Goddess on Earth and you will be a wealthy person very soon.
(The numbers 28, 0, 1, 2, 8, or 10. may be significant to you. It could be your birth date number, current age or a significant number to you).
Quote from the book 48 Laws of Power, "If you are unsure of a course of action, do not attempt it. Your doubts and hesitations will infect your execution. Timidity is dangerous. Better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity. Everyone admirers the bold; no one honors the timid. - Robert Greene
Don't be the victim, be the successor. Push through all negativity until you are successful. Learn to stand up for yourself with boldness and walk your path audaciously. When you speak, speak with firmness and a assured tone. When you have ideas, create and pursue them with confidence. The cards are telling you, that your ideas are brilliant and that they are going to be greatly received by the world (fame is highly likely for you), so don’t feel insecure about yourself. Just trust the process.
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Learn not to take criticism personally.
Work on your self value and self esteem.
Work with the Lion totem or the Goddess SEKHMET to be more courageous.
Cut toxic people out of your life.
Create boundaries and stand up for yourself.
Do Solar Plexus practices. Sunbathe. Get an Aura Reading.
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courtesanofdeath · 3 months
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 85
Dan is very grumpy. He’s not pouting, despite what the others would claim, he’s brooding. How many times were they going to get de-aged?! And this time they were all clones! He did not sign up for reincarnation, nor for getting turned into a literal baby. 
He doesn’t care if this world has heroes or villains or whatever, he’s going to bite the next person to pick him up. Happily if it’s one of the scientists currently scrambling around as alarms go off. 
Though he’ll happily do the same to the new colorful people too. Honestly he’s just feeling particularly violent, and it’s not like he can murder with his tiny baby hands. At least his so-called siblings look just as ready to attack as he does. 
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months
8 Thing You Need to Know About Autistic People
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Pete Wharmby, Autistic Author
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you guys ever notice how in his dialogue when he's in bertie's presence, jeeves uses quotations and references constantly, but in his THOUGHTS during "bertie changes his mind," he doesn't use any? this is obviously because he doesn't care if we the audience know he knows shakespeare, but he will languish and die if he doesn't get to dazzle bertie with his wit and knowledge every five seconds
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thegurlwhoisntthere · 2 months
I’ve seen a lot of posts about the Waynes being the dc equivalent of the Kardashians, and while I can see that, I think it’s very important to remember the reason we all know so much about the kardashians is because they have a reality tv show about them that’s been running for, like, ten years, or something.
I feel like with the lack of a reality show, most of America and maybe beyond would know Brucie Wayne and that he has a lot of kids. Maybe some people would call them the Gotham Version of the Kardashians, but maybe most people wouldn’t know a lot about the kids (names, faces, how many of them there are, etc.) because other than maybe Dick and Tim, I don’t see any of them doing something that anyone outside of Gotham would care to report on (they don’t leave Gotham publicly often and people outside Gotham don’t want to think about what goes on in that hellhole).
Inside of Gotham, however, is an entirely different story. Inside Gotham, everyone can name the Waynes and point them out on sight, even Steph gets recognized sometimes, though less than the officially adopted kids. Inside Gotham, there’s an article for literally everything they do, even if some of them try so incredibly hard to be private people (and they kinda succeed, but Gotham thinks they don’t). Every paper in Gotham has some mention of them, even if it’s just a name drop, because they are just so involved in the city and there are just so many of them. Most people have seen a Wayne in person, if not personally interacted with them. Unlike other cities with their rich people, Gotham loves them. They defend their rich people and they Gatekeep the hell out of them.
Thank you for coming to my dc talk
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crystallizsch · 8 months
Prefect… Would you like me to teach you how to dance?
Oh, wow. Offering a private lesson, Jamil?
Don’t call it that-
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they just kinda sorta lost track of time
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dearestgentlereaders · 2 months
I just know colin is so smug at every bridgerton bros catch up and when he’s down at club cause he knows he bagged the richest woman in london
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succulentsiren · 6 months
The Siren archetype is the perfect example of utilizing a Winners Mindset and believing that "Everything I Touch Turns To Gold."
No matter what the Siren moves with the mindset of {I've already won}. The Siren doesn't rush nor compare themselves self to others. They are in a relaxed and steady lane of their own.
Read the Siren Poem.
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1. An Abundant Mindset
Having an abundance mindset is being able to see the world through eyes of abundance. Majority of people move through the chaos of the world with a defeated attitude but the Winner glides through life seeing opportunity in all things. Unfortunate events are bound to happen but the Winner stays positive regardless of these temporary circumstances. They are able to see themselves winning before it even happens.
These are the types of people that could be going through the worst experience of their life but remain relaxed and carefree. Others are often complexed at how unbothered they are. But as mentioned above, the Winner knows they've ALREADY WON. They continue to celebrate life and don't take a moment for granted.
2. Capability
Winners know that they are capable of manifesting their desired results. They visualize their goal and take consistent action to get there.
When manifesting they speak, think and move as if they already have their desired result. Instead of thinking how they're going to get there, they think from the end because they are certain of their success.
3. A Worthy Attitude.
Winners Know Their Worth.
Instead of running from the spotlight and shrinking, Winners allow themselves to be seen.
They feel fear, but act anyways.
Instead of letting guilt get in the way, Winners are opening to receiving gifts, rewards and praise.
They have mastered the Art of Receiving.
Instead of begging and pleading for results, Winners make commands.
Ex: DON'T SAY "Please let me get approved to have this car. I hope it works"
SAY "I'm so grateful that this is my car."
DON'T SAY "I can't." "It's Hard."
SAY "It's too easy!" "I have what it takes."
Don't engage in negative talk. If you think and speak negatively that's what will manifest in your life. When you speak in abundance and opportunity that's what will manifest into your life.
Winners have a heightened sense of confidence and have activated their IT Factor.
4. Speak Highly to Self and of Self.
The tongue holds power and your words are the spells you cast.
Many people are too reckless in their word choices and use their craft to hurt themselves. This careless behavior brings more unfortune into their lives. The Winner however, never uses their power of spell-casting to hurt themselves.
Winners use their power to uplift their spirits and create their dream reality. They give themselves compliments and are good at receiving them as well. They can motivate themselves to achieve goals or get themselves out of a rot. They don't make self deprecating remarks. They know that their faults are also their strengths.
5. Make Plans and Be Disciplined.
Chess not checkers.
Achieving things in life requires patience, persistence and effort. Winners create schedules and plans and stay true to the commitment. This allows them to build self respect and character.
Instead of doing everything all at once, set aside time each day, even if it's 10 minutes, to put effort towards your goals. No more no less.
When you're filled with doubt do not let that get in the way of getting to your goal. Train yourself to put your emotions aside for awhile and focus. Remind yourself that you are indeed capable and the perfect person to make your dreams happen.
6. Calm and Assured.
Winners have low anxiety because they are able to control it with a assured and calm outlook. There's is no need for them to rush, panic, worry or compete with others. Instead of thinking of the worst scenario think of the best outcome that can occur.
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syrianna-blackstone · 7 months
Will is the golden Retriever boyfriend and Nico is the owner that is an actual simp for said golden retriever boyfriend.
I am fully convinced that Nico spoils Will and he has no idea that it’s not that normal anymore (cause back when Nico was a kid, being a gentleman was expected and nothing else.)
When Percy decided to tell Nico that getting rare and expensive flowers for your lover every morning wasn’t normal, and neither was getting expensive jewelry and going and expensive dates to France every month wasn’t normal, Nico called society weird and continued to do so.
Will probably had a mental breakdown about every two days when they first started dating.
( I just love the head cannon that Nico being in relationship means like, 1900s gentleman relationship, cause that’s how he was raised.)
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crazycatsiren · 2 months
If you're on vacation in a country where tipping is a thing, please, tip the hotel maids who clean your room.
Their job is thankless, dirty, back breaking. They get paid so little for so much hard work. They're treated like low class citizens, even though no hotel can operate without them. It's absolutely criminal, when a maid's monthly wage is that of a luxury suite's nightly rate.
And more often than not, people don't even think about the maids' existence, much less giving them tips. Their work is so important and necessary, yet they're invisible most of the time.
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